Last updated: 2023-06-16

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: Cardiotoxicity/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.7.0). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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The command set.seed(20230109) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

Great job! Recording the operating system, R version, and package versions is critical for reproducibility.

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Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.

The results in this page were generated with repository version eab6c68. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .RData
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    data/41588_2018_171_MOESM3_ESMeQTL_ST2_for paper.csv
    Ignored:    data/Arr_GWAS.txt
    Ignored:    data/Arr_geneset.RDS
    Ignored:    data/BC_cell_lines.csv
    Ignored:    data/CADGWASgene_table.csv
    Ignored:    data/CAD_geneset.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Clamp_Summary.csv
    Ignored:    data/Cormotif_24_k1-5_raw.RDS
    Ignored:    data/DAgostres24.RDS
    Ignored:    data/DAtable1.csv
    Ignored:    data/DDEMresp_list.csv
    Ignored:    data/DDE_reQTL.txt
    Ignored:    data/DDEresp_list.csv
    Ignored:    data/DEG-GO/
    Ignored:    data/DEG_cormotif.RDS
    Ignored:    data/DF_Plate_Peak.csv
    Ignored:    data/DRC48hoursdata.csv
    Ignored:    data/Da24counts.txt
    Ignored:    data/Dx24counts.txt
    Ignored:    data/Dx_reQTL_specific.txt
    Ignored:    data/Ep24counts.txt
    Ignored:    data/GOIsig.csv
    Ignored:    data/GOplots.R
    Ignored:    data/GTEX_setsimple.csv
    Ignored:    data/GTEx_gene_list.csv
    Ignored:    data/HFGWASgene_table.csv
    Ignored:    data/HF_geneset.RDS
    Ignored:    data/Heart_Left_Ventricle.v8.egenes.txt
    Ignored:    data/Hf_GWAS.txt
    Ignored:    data/K_cluster
    Ignored:    data/K_cluster_kisthree.csv
    Ignored:    data/K_cluster_kistwo.csv
    Ignored:    data/LDH48hoursdata.csv
    Ignored:    data/Mt24counts.txt
    Ignored:    data/RINsamplelist.txt
    Ignored:    data/Seonane2019supp1.txt
    Ignored:    data/TOP2Bi-24hoursGO_analysis.csv
    Ignored:    data/TR24counts.txt
    Ignored:    data/Top2biresp_cluster24h.csv
    Ignored:    data/Viabilitylistfull.csv
    Ignored:    data/allexpressedgenes.txt
    Ignored:    data/allgenes.txt
    Ignored:    data/allmatrix.RDS
    Ignored:    data/avgLD50.RDS
    Ignored:    data/backGL.txt
    Ignored:    data/cormotif_3hk1-8.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cormotif_initalK5.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cormotif_initialK5.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cormotif_initialall.RDS
    Ignored:    data/counts24hours.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cpmcount.RDS
    Ignored:    data/cpmnorm_counts.csv
    Ignored:    data/crispr_genes.csv
    Ignored:    data/cvd_GWAS.txt
    Ignored:    data/dat_cpm.RDS
    Ignored:    data/data_outline.txt
    Ignored:    data/efit2.RDS
    Ignored:    data/efit2results.RDS
    Ignored:    data/ensembl_backup.RDS
    Ignored:    data/ensgtotal.txt
    Ignored:    data/filenameonly.txt
    Ignored:    data/filtered_cpm_counts.csv
    Ignored:    data/filtered_raw_counts.csv
    Ignored:    data/filtermatrix_x.RDS
    Ignored:    data/folder_05top/
    Ignored:    data/geneDoxonlyQTL.csv
    Ignored:    data/gene_corr_frame.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gene_prob_tran3h.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gene_probabilityk5.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gostresTop2bi_ER.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gostresTop2bi_LR
    Ignored:    data/gostresTop2bi_LR.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gostresTop2bi_TI.RDS
    Ignored:    data/gostrescoNR
    Ignored:    data/gtex/
    Ignored:    data/heartgenes.csv
    Ignored:    data/individualDRCfile.RDS
    Ignored:    data/individual_DRC48.RDS
    Ignored:    data/individual_LDH48.RDS
    Ignored:    data/knowfig4.csv
    Ignored:    data/knowfig5.csv
    Ignored:    data/mymatrix.RDS
    Ignored:    data/nonresponse_cluster24h.csv
    Ignored:    data/norm_LDH.csv
    Ignored:    data/norm_counts.csv
    Ignored:    data/old_sets/
    Ignored:    data/plan2plot.png
    Ignored:    data/raw_counts.csv
    Ignored:    data/response_cluster24h.csv
    Ignored:    data/sigVDA24.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVDA3.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVDX24.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVDX3.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVEP24.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVEP3.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVMT24.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVMT3.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVTR24.txt
    Ignored:    data/sigVTR3.txt
    Ignored:    data/siglist.RDS
    Ignored:    data/slope_table.csv
    Ignored:    data/table3a.omar
    Ignored:    data/toplistall.RDS
    Ignored:    data/tvl24hour.txt
    Ignored:    data/tvl24hourw.txt
    Ignored:    data/venn_code.R

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  .RDataTmp
    Untracked:  .RDataTmp1
    Untracked:  .RDataTmp2
    Untracked:  OmicNavigator_learn.R
    Untracked:  code/DRC_plotfigure1.png
    Untracked:  code/cpm_boxplot.R
    Untracked:  code/fig1plot.png
    Untracked:  code/figurelegeddrc.png
    Untracked:  cormotif_probability_genelist.csv
    Untracked:  individual-legenddark2.png
    Untracked:  installed_old.rda
    Untracked:  motif_ER.txt
    Untracked:  motif_LR.txt
    Untracked:  motif_NR.txt
    Untracked:  motif_TI.txt
    Untracked:  output/daplot.RDS
    Untracked:  output/dxplot.RDS
    Untracked:  output/epplot.RDS
    Untracked:  output/mtplot.RDS
    Untracked:  output/output-old/
    Untracked:  output/trplot.RDS
    Untracked:  output/veplot.RDS
    Untracked:  reneebasecode.R

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/Seoane_chrom.Rmd) and HTML (docs/Seoane_chrom.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd eab6c68 reneeisnowhere 2023-06-16 update on code moving
Rmd 3d4ca64 reneeisnowhere 2023-06-16 updates on Friday

## R Markdown
##DEG list sig and not sig
toplistall <- read.csv("output/toplistall.csv", row.names = 1) 
col_fun = circlize::colorRamp2(c(0, 2), c("white", "purple"))
col_fun1 = circlize::colorRamp2(c(-1, 3), c("white", "purple"))
col_fun5 = circlize::colorRamp2(c(0, 5), c("white", "purple"))
col_fun4= circlize::colorRamp2(c(-1, 4), c("white", "purple"))
toplist24hr <-   toplistall %>%
  mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
  mutate(time=factor(time, levels=c("3_hours","24_hours"))) %>%

toplist3hr <-   toplistall %>%
  mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
  mutate(time=factor(time, levels=c("3_hours","24_hours"))) %>%

siglist <- readRDS("data/siglist.RDS")
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
DEG_cormotif <- readRDS("data/DEG_cormotif.RDS")
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
backGL <- read_csv("data/backGL.txt", 
    col_types = cols(...1 = col_skip()))
cpmcounts <- read.csv("data/filtered_cpm_counts.csv", row.names = 1)
chrom_reg_Seoane <- read_csv(file = "data/Seonane2019supp1.txt",col_types = cols(...1 = col_skip()))
Seoane_2019 <- chrom_reg_Seoane[,2]
names(Seoane_2019) <- "ENTREZID"
chrom_genes <- (unique(Seoane_2019$ENTREZID))

## sup4

backGL <- read.csv("data/backGL.txt",     row.names =1)
drug_palNoVeh <- c("#8B006D","#DF707E","#F1B72B", "#3386DD","#707031")
drug_palc <- c("#8B006D","#DF707E","#F1B72B", "#3386DD","#707031","#41B333")

Seoane 2019

Seoane, Jose Chromatin gene comparison: comes from supp data NAT. MED 2019 #### 24 hours in Pairwise with supplemental data 1

toplist24hr %>% 
  mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
  mutate(sigcount = if_else(adj.P.Val <0.05,'sig','notsig'))%>%
  mutate(chrom=if_else(ENTREZID %in%chrom_genes,"y","no")) %>% 
  group_by(id,sigcount,chrom) %>% 
  summarize(chromcount=n()) %>% 
    pivot_wider(id_cols = c(id,sigcount), names_from=c(chrom), values_from=chromcount) %>% 
   mutate(chromprop=(y/(y+no)*100)) %>% 
       ggplot(., aes(x=id, y=chromprop)) +
       geom_text(aes(x=id, label = sprintf("%.2f",chromprop), vjust=-.2))+
       #geom_text(aes(label = expression(paste0("number"~a,"out of",~b))))+
       ggtitle("non-significant and significant enrichment proportions of chromatin gene set ")

dataframchrom <- toplist24hr %>% 
  mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
  mutate(sigcount = if_else(adj.P.Val <0.05,'sig','notsig'))%>%
  mutate(chrom=if_else(ENTREZID %in%chrom_genes,"y","no")) %>% 
  group_by(id,sigcount,chrom) %>% 
  summarize(chromcount=n()) %>%

dataframchrom %>%
  pivot_wider(., names_from=c('sigcount','chrom'), values_from = 'chromcount') %>% 
  kable(., caption= "Significant (adj. P value of <0.05) and non-sig gene counts in Seoane geneset") %>% 
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%  
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "left",bootstrap_options = c("striped"),font_size = 18) %>% 
  scroll_box(width = "60%", height = "400px")
Significant (adj. P value of <0.05) and non-sig gene counts in Seoane geneset
id notsig_no notsig_y sig_no sig_y
Daunorubicin 7065 155 6689 175
Doxorubicin 7407 161 6347 169
Epirubicin 7717 165 6037 165
Mitoxantrone 12483 274 1271 56
Trastuzumab 13754 330 NA NA
toplist24hr %>% 
  mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
   dplyr::filter(id!="Trastuzumab") %>% 
  mutate(sigcount = if_else(adj.P.Val <0.05,'sig','notsig'))%>%
  mutate(chrom=if_else(ENTREZID %in%chrom_genes,"y","no")) %>% 
  group_by(id) %>% 
 summarise(pvalue= chisq.test(chrom, sigcount)$p.value) 
# A tibble: 4 × 2
  id               pvalue
  <fct>             <dbl>
1 Daunorubicin 0.128     
2 Doxorubicin  0.0771    
3 Epirubicin   0.0314    
4 Mitoxantrone 0.00000326

3 hours data Pairwise

Significant (adj. P value of <0.05) and non-sig gene counts in 3 hours Seoane geneset
id notsig_no notsig_y sig_no sig_y
Daunorubicin 13227 302 527 28
Doxorubicin 13738 330 16 NA
Epirubicin 13551 313 203 17
Mitoxantrone 13698 328 56 2
Trastuzumab 13754 330 NA NA

chi square test Seaone

##remove Trastuzumab in order to perform chi square tests by time and drug between  DE and non DE enrichment
chi_fun <-  toplistall %>% 
  mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
  dplyr::filter(id!="Trastuzumab") %>% 
  mutate(sigcount = if_else(adj.P.Val <0.05,'sig','notsig'))%>%
  mutate(chrom=if_else(ENTREZID %in%chrom_genes,"y","no")) %>% 
  group_by(id,time) %>% 
  summarise(pvalue= chisq.test(chrom, sigcount)$p.value) 

  kable(., caption= "after performing chi square test between DEgenes, and non DE genes") %>% 
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%  
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE,font_size = 18) %>% 
  scroll_box(width = "60%", height = "400px")
after performing chi square test between DEgenes, and non DE genes
id time pvalue
Daunorubicin 24_hours 0.1276264
Daunorubicin 3_hours 0.0000332
Doxorubicin 24_hours 0.0770694
Doxorubicin 3_hours 1.0000000
Epirubicin 24_hours 0.0313650
Epirubicin 3_hours 0.0000003
Mitoxantrone 24_hours 0.0000033
Mitoxantrone 3_hours 0.9023793

Supplemental 4 Seoane 3 hours followed by 24 hours

Sup4seoane <- read.csv("output/Sup4seoane.csv", row.names = 1)
Sup4genes <- Sup4seoane  %>% 
  filter(pval.expAnth<0.05) %>% 
  distinct(entrez, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% 

Sup4seoane  %>% 
  filter(pval.expAnth<0.05) %>% 
  distinct(entrez, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% 
  dplyr::select(entrez,gene,pval.exp,pval.anthr,pval.expAnth,adjpval) %>% 
  kable(., caption = "List of Seoane Supplemental 4 genes") %>% 
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%  
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "left",bootstrap_options = c("striped","hover")) %>% 
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "400px")
List of Seoane Supplemental 4 genes
entrez gene pval.exp pval.anthr pval.expAnth adjpval
11176 BAZ2A 0.0020064 0.0000768 0.0004553 0.1299006
10284 SAP18 0.0013141 0.0000648 0.0006081 0.1299006
8819 SAP30 0.0023742 0.0000576 0.0007455 0.1299006
23522 KAT6B 0.0050327 0.0001601 0.0012776 0.1343691
7786 MAP3K12 0.0062822 0.0001296 0.0014816 0.1343691
2146 EZH2 0.0075650 0.0001626 0.0020478 0.1343691
4297 KMT2A 0.0096126 0.0001301 0.0023292 0.1343691
79913 ACTR5 0.0087568 0.0001883 0.0035210 0.1373866
8242 KDM5C 0.0139853 0.0001783 0.0036176 0.1373866
51780 KDM3B 0.0155602 0.0001675 0.0039239 0.1373866
6872 TAF1 0.0105527 0.0001952 0.0043619 0.1447734
23135 KDM6B 0.0074796 0.0001950 0.0047811 0.1514738
6877 TAF5 0.0233826 0.0002047 0.0067329 0.1624738
23030 KDM4B 0.0239951 0.0004270 0.0069023 0.1624738
64324 NSD1 0.0164702 0.0003839 0.0069286 0.1624738
79885 HDAC11 0.0256039 0.0002383 0.0071964 0.1624738
10847 SRCAP 0.0174738 0.0003660 0.0077132 0.1624738
7404 UTY 0.0114041 0.0002112 0.0078450 0.1624738
51773 RSF1 0.0283587 0.0001948 0.0080182 0.1624738
5253 PHF2 0.0119978 0.0002989 0.0093089 0.1624738
9126 SMC3 0.0347884 0.0002127 0.0095907 0.1624738
3054 HCFC1 0.0317868 0.0003159 0.0097354 0.1624738
9734 HDAC9 0.0353794 0.0001985 0.0103307 0.1649465
53335 BCL11A 0.0063102 0.0004723 0.0105391 0.1649465
83444 INO80B 0.0255912 0.0003477 0.0112276 0.1701220
27350 APOBEC3C 0.0051330 0.0004220 0.0122160 0.1745980
6601 SMARCC2 0.0336512 0.0003435 0.0122745 0.1745980
1108 CHD4 0.0238388 0.0003994 0.0127656 0.1778779
8289 ARID1A 0.0492112 0.0004149 0.0146053 0.1870798
890 CCNA2 0.0444477 0.0004539 0.0147624 0.1870798
64151 NCAPG 0.0003946 0.0003956 0.0154184 0.1919043
10445 MCRS1 0.0185317 0.0003143 0.0162352 0.1977683
7150 TOP1 0.0468031 0.0003256 0.0175446 0.2072644
8110 DPF3 0.0612773 0.0004235 0.0182917 0.2124890
54531 MIER2 0.0244962 0.0004771 0.0198964 0.2273412
51409 HEMK1 0.0718548 0.0004890 0.0223436 0.2395917
27097 TAF5L 0.0450661 0.0003586 0.0237889 0.2512251
9739 SETD1A 0.0590016 0.0005136 0.0245980 0.2558930
6595 SMARCA2 0.0491644 0.0005485 0.0267793 0.2645703
9555 H2AFY 0.0852250 0.0004323 0.0277200 0.2645703
22823 MTF2 0.0823105 0.0005160 0.0278843 0.2645703
54556 ING3 0.0701823 0.0004542 0.0280892 0.2645703
10592 SMC2 0.0788583 0.0006366 0.0286097 0.2658792
8360 HIST1H4D 0.0801302 0.0004891 0.0300157 0.2715200
7528 YY1 0.1017709 0.0005254 0.0342873 0.2836505
9031 BAZ1B 0.1069563 0.0005045 0.0354054 0.2836505
51377 UCHL5 0.1048249 0.0005627 0.0372967 0.2954064
7799 PRDM2 0.0130131 0.0006154 0.0382200 0.2993182
6602 SMARCD1 0.1110653 0.0006993 0.0446426 0.3241241
8202 NCOA3 0.1179716 0.0006899 0.0454845 0.3251323
51564 HDAC7 0.1331938 0.0007507 0.0463305 0.3251323
26038 CHD5 0.0624026 0.0005717 0.0477023 0.3265622
79858 NEK11 0.1358428 0.0006363 0.0490482 0.3265622
10856 RUVBL2 0.1277997 0.0007652 0.0498579 0.3278390
toplist3hr %>% 
  mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
  mutate(sigcount = if_else(adj.P.Val <0.05,'sig','notsig'))%>%
  mutate(chrom=if_else(ENTREZID %in%Sup4genes$entrez,"y","no")) %>% 
  group_by(id,sigcount,chrom) %>% 
  summarize(chromcount=n()) %>% 
    pivot_wider(id_cols = c(id,sigcount), names_from=c(chrom), values_from=chromcount) %>% 
   mutate(chromprop=(y/(y+no)*100)) %>% 
       ggplot(., aes(x=id, y=chromprop)) +
       geom_text(aes(x=id, label = sprintf("%.2f",chromprop), vjust=-.2))+
       #geom_text(aes(label = expression(paste0("number"~a,"out of",~b))))+
       ggtitle("Seoane supp 4 enrichment proportions found in my pairwise 3 hour data")

toplist24hr %>% 
  mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
  mutate(sigcount = if_else(adj.P.Val <0.05,'sig','notsig'))%>%
  mutate(chrom=if_else(ENTREZID %in%Sup4genes$entrez,"y","no")) %>% 
  group_by(id,sigcount,chrom) %>% 
  summarize(chromcount=n()) %>% 
    pivot_wider(id_cols = c(id,sigcount), names_from=c(chrom), values_from=chromcount) %>% 
   mutate(chromprop=(y/(y+no)*100)) %>% 
       ggplot(., aes(x=id, y=chromprop)) +
       geom_text(aes(x=id, label = sprintf("%.2f",chromprop), vjust=-.2))+
       #geom_text(aes(label = expression(paste0("number"~a,"out of",~b))))+
       ggtitle("Seoane supp 4 enrichment proportions found in my pairwise 24 hour data")

 chi_fun2 <-  
  toplistall %>% 
  mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
  dplyr::filter(id!="Trastuzumab") %>% 
  mutate(sigcount = if_else(adj.P.Val <0.05,'sig','notsig'))%>%
 mutate(chrom=if_else(ENTREZID %in%Sup4genes$entrez,"y","no")) %>% 
  group_by(id,time) %>% 
  summarise(pvalue= chisq.test(chrom, sigcount)$p.value) 
print("These are the chisquare values from the 54 genes")
[1] "These are the chisquare values from the 54 genes"
# A tibble: 8 × 3
# Groups:   id [4]
  id           time     pvalue
  <fct>        <chr>     <dbl>
1 Daunorubicin 24_hours 0.546 
2 Daunorubicin 3_hours  0.732 
3 Doxorubicin  24_hours 0.501 
4 Doxorubicin  3_hours  1.00  
5 Epirubicin   24_hours 0.320 
6 Epirubicin   3_hours  0.748 
7 Mitoxantrone 24_hours 0.0202
8 Mitoxantrone 3_hours  1.00  
pairS14_mat <- chi_fun2 %>% 
  full_join(chi_fun,by=c("id","time")) %>% 
  mutate("n = 54"=-log(pvalue.x), "n = 408"=-log(pvalue.y)) %>% 
  mutate(time= case_match(time, 
                          '24_hours'~'24_hrs',.default = id)) %>% 
  mutate(id =case_match( id, 
                         'Doxorubicin'~'DOX' ,
                         'Epirubicin'~'EPI' , 
                         'Mitoxantrone' ~ 'MTX',.default = id)) %>% 
  unite('pairset',time,id ) %>% 
  dplyr::select(!c(pvalue.x,pvalue.y)) %>% 
  column_to_rownames('pairset') %>% 

Heatmap( pairS14_mat,
         column_title="Pairwise version of Chromatin gene sets \nchi square -log p values", row_order = c(2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7),
         name = "-log p values", 
         cluster_rows = FALSE, 
         cluster_columns = FALSE, 
         column_names_rot = 0,
         col = col_fun5, 
         cell_fun = function(j, i, x, y, width, height, fill) {
        if(pairS14_mat[i, j] > -log(0.05))
            grid.text("*", x, y, gp = gpar(fontsize = 20))

Stars indicate a chi square pvalue < 0.05

Using Baysian gene sets to look at enrichment of Seoane data

Seoane Supplemental 4

DEG_cormotif <- readRDS("data/DEG_cormotif.RDS")
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>
backGL <- read.csv("data/backGL.txt")
##data sets to compare   Sup4genes$entrez,"y","no"

motifSeoanesummary4 <- toplist24hr %>% 
  distinct(ENTREZID) %>% 
  mutate(ER=if_else(ENTREZID %in% motif_ER,"y","no")) %>% 
  mutate(LR=if_else(ENTREZID %in% motif_LR,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(TI=if_else(ENTREZID %in% motif_TI,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(NR=if_else(ENTREZID %in% motif_NR,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(chrom = if_else(ENTREZID %in% Sup4genes$entrez, "y", "no")) %>% 
  group_by(chrom,ER,TI,LR,NR) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(n=n()) %>% 
  as.tibble  %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c(chrom), names_from = c('ER', 'TI', 'LR', 'NR'), values_from= n) %>% 
  rename(.,c("chrom"=chrom,"none"= 2 , "ER" = 3 , "TI" = 4 , "LR" = 5 ,"NR" = 6))
motifSeoanesummary4 %>% kable(., caption= "Summary of genes from Cormotif that are also in Seoane Supp4" )%>% 
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%  
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "left",bootstrap_options = c("striped"),font_size = 18) %>% 
  scroll_box(width = "60%", height = "400px")
Summary of genes from Cormotif that are also in Seoane Supp4
chrom none ER TI LR NR
no 63 7482 5525 525 439
y NA 22 20 3 5
    # chisqS4 <- 
##making the matrix

chi_list4 <- toplist24hr %>% 
  distinct(ENTREZID) %>% 
  mutate(ER=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_ER,"y","no")) %>% 
  mutate(LR=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_LR,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(TI=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_TI,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(NR=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_NR,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(chrom=if_else(ENTREZID %in%Sup4genes$entrez,"y","no")) %>% 
  group_by(chrom,ER,TI,LR,NR) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(n=n()) %>% 
  as.tibble  %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c(chrom), names_from = c('ER', 'TI', 'LR', 'NR'), values_from= n) %>% 
  rename(.,c("chrom"=chrom,"none"= 2 , "ER" = 3 , "TI" = 4 , "LR" = 5 ,"NR" = 6))

chisup4LR <- chisq.test(chi_list4[,c('NR','LR')])

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list4[, c("NR", "LR")]
X-squared = 0.36327, df = 1, p-value = 0.5467
chisup4ER <- chisq.test(chi_list4[,c('NR','ER')])

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list4[, c("NR", "ER")]
X-squared = 6.3065, df = 1, p-value = 0.01203
chisup4TI <- chisq.test(chi_list4[,c('NR','TI')])

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list4[, c("NR", "TI")]
X-squared = 4.099, df = 1, p-value = 0.04291

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list4[, c("ER", "TI")]
X-squared = 0.26698, df = 1, p-value = 0.6054

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list4[, c("ER", "LR")]
X-squared = 0.47936, df = 1, p-value = 0.4887

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list4[, c("TI", "LR")]
X-squared = 0.13763, df = 1, p-value = 0.7107

Seoane Supplemental 1

 motifSeoanesummary1 <- toplist24hr %>% 
  distinct(ENTREZID) %>% 
  mutate(ER=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_ER,"y","no")) %>% 
  mutate(LR=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_LR,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(TI=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_TI,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(NR=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_NR,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(chrom = if_else(ENTREZID %in% chrom_genes, "y", "no")) %>% 
  group_by(chrom,ER,TI,LR,NR) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(n=n()) %>% 
  as.tibble  %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c(chrom), names_from = c('ER', 'TI', 'LR', 'NR'), values_from= n) %>% 
  rename(.,c("chrom"=chrom,"none"= 2 , "ER" = 3 , "TI" = 4 , "LR" = 5 ,"NR" = 6))
motifSeoanesummary1 %>% kable(., caption= "Summary of genes from Cormotif that are also in Seoane Supp1" )%>% 
  kable_paper("striped", full_width = FALSE) %>%  
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "left",bootstrap_options = c("striped"),font_size = 18) %>% 
  scroll_box(width = "60%", height = "400px")
Summary of genes from Cormotif that are also in Seoane Supp1
chrom none ER TI LR NR
no 61 7363 5406 514 410
y 2 141 139 14 34
    # chisqS4 <- 
##making the matrix

chi_list1 <- toplist24hr %>% 
  distinct(ENTREZID) %>% 
  mutate(ER=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_ER,"y","no")) %>% 
  mutate(LR=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_LR,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(TI=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_TI,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(NR=if_else(ENTREZID %in%motif_NR,"y","no")) %>%
  mutate(chrom=if_else(ENTREZID %in% chrom_genes,"y","no")) %>% 
  group_by(chrom,ER,TI,LR,NR) %>% 
  dplyr::summarize(n=n()) %>% 
  as.tibble  %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c(chrom), names_from = c('ER', 'TI', 'LR', 'NR'), values_from= n) %>% 
  rename(.,c("chrom"=chrom,"none"= 2 , "ER" = 3 , "TI" = 4 , "LR" = 5 ,"NR" = 6))

chisup1LR <- chisq.test(chi_list1[,c('NR','LR')])

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list1[, c("NR", "LR")]
X-squared = 11.832, df = 1, p-value = 0.0005824
chisup1ER <- chisq.test(chi_list1[,c('NR','ER')])

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list1[, c("NR", "ER")]
X-squared = 62.351, df = 1, p-value = 2.873e-15
chisup1TI <- chisq.test(chi_list1[,c('NR','TI')])

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list1[, c("NR", "TI")]
X-squared = 37.066, df = 1, p-value = 1.142e-09

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list1[, c("ER", "TI")]
X-squared = 5.6896, df = 1, p-value = 0.01707

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list1[, c("ER", "LR")]
X-squared = 1.1741, df = 1, p-value = 0.2786

    Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction

data:  chi_list1[, c("TI", "LR")]
X-squared = 0.003306, df = 1, p-value = 0.9541

chi square heatmap

supp45X <- NULL
motif <- c('ER','TI','LR')
pval4=c(chisup4ER$p.value ,chisup4TI$p.value ,chisup4LR$p.value)
supp45X <- tibble("motif"=motif,"pval1"=pval1,"pval4"=pval4)
supp45Xmat <- supp45X %>% 
  mutate(pval1=(-1*log(pval1))) %>% 
  mutate(pval4=(-1*log(pval4))) %>% 
  column_to_rownames('motif') %>% 
  rename(c("n = 408"= pval1, "n = 54"=pval4)) %>% 

         column_title="Chromatin gene sets \nchi square -log p values", 
         name = "-log (p value)", 
         cluster_rows = FALSE, 
         cluster_columns = FALSE, 
         column_names_rot = 0,
         col = col_fun5,
         cell_fun = function(j, i, x, y, width, height, fill) {
        if(supp45Xmat[i, j] > -log(0.05))
            grid.text("*", x, y, gp = gpar(fontsize = 20))

Stars represent chi square p values of < 0.05

R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.utf8   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.utf8
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8    

attached base packages:
[1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
 [1] ggstats_0.3.0         broom_1.0.5           kableExtra_1.3.4     
 [4] sjmisc_2.8.9          scales_1.2.1          ggpubr_0.6.0         
 [7] cowplot_1.1.1         RColorBrewer_1.1-3    biomaRt_2.52.0       
[10] ggsignif_0.6.4        lubridate_1.9.2       forcats_1.0.0        
[13] stringr_1.5.0         dplyr_1.1.2           purrr_1.0.1          
[16] readr_2.1.4           tidyr_1.3.0           tibble_3.2.1         
[19] ggplot2_3.4.2         tidyverse_2.0.0       ComplexHeatmap_2.12.1
[22] workflowr_1.7.0      

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] colorspace_2.1-0       rjson_0.2.21           sjlabelled_1.2.0      
  [4] rprojroot_2.0.3        circlize_0.4.15        XVector_0.36.0        
  [7] GlobalOptions_0.1.2    fs_1.6.2               clue_0.3-64           
 [10] rstudioapi_0.14        farver_2.1.1           bit64_4.0.5           
 [13] AnnotationDbi_1.58.0   fansi_1.0.4            xml2_1.3.4            
 [16] codetools_0.2-19       doParallel_1.0.17      cachem_1.0.8          
 [19] knitr_1.43             jsonlite_1.8.5         cluster_2.1.4         
 [22] dbplyr_2.3.2           png_0.1-8              compiler_4.2.2        
 [25] httr_1.4.6             backports_1.4.1        fastmap_1.1.1         
 [28] cli_3.6.1              later_1.3.1            htmltools_0.5.5       
 [31] prettyunits_1.1.1      tools_4.2.2            gtable_0.3.3          
 [34] glue_1.6.2             GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.8 rappdirs_0.3.3        
 [37] Rcpp_1.0.10            carData_3.0-5          Biobase_2.56.0        
 [40] jquerylib_0.1.4        vctrs_0.6.3            Biostrings_2.64.1     
 [43] svglite_2.1.1          iterators_1.0.14       insight_0.19.2        
 [46] xfun_0.39              ps_1.7.5               rvest_1.0.3           
 [49] timechange_0.2.0       lifecycle_1.0.3        rstatix_0.7.2         
 [52] XML_3.99-0.14          getPass_0.2-2          zlibbioc_1.42.0       
 [55] vroom_1.6.3            hms_1.1.3              promises_1.2.0.1      
 [58] parallel_4.2.2         yaml_2.3.7             curl_5.0.1            
 [61] memoise_2.0.1          sass_0.4.6             stringi_1.7.12        
 [64] RSQLite_2.3.1          highr_0.10             S4Vectors_0.34.0      
 [67] foreach_1.5.2          BiocGenerics_0.42.0    filelock_1.0.2        
 [70] shape_1.4.6            GenomeInfoDb_1.32.4    systemfonts_1.0.4     
 [73] rlang_1.1.1            pkgconfig_2.0.3        matrixStats_1.0.0     
 [76] bitops_1.0-7           evaluate_0.21          labeling_0.4.2        
 [79] bit_4.0.5              processx_3.8.1         tidyselect_1.2.0      
 [82] magrittr_2.0.3         R6_2.5.1               IRanges_2.30.1        
 [85] generics_0.1.3         DBI_1.1.3              pillar_1.9.0          
 [88] whisker_0.4.1          withr_2.5.0            KEGGREST_1.36.3       
 [91] abind_1.4-5            RCurl_1.98-1.12        crayon_1.5.2          
 [94] car_3.1-2              utf8_1.2.3             BiocFileCache_2.4.0   
 [97] tzdb_0.4.0             rmarkdown_2.22         GetoptLong_1.0.5      
[100] progress_1.2.2         blob_1.2.4             callr_3.7.3           
[103] git2r_0.32.0           webshot_0.5.4          digest_0.6.31         
[106] httpuv_1.6.11          stats4_4.2.2           munsell_0.5.0         
[109] viridisLite_0.4.2      bslib_0.5.0