Last updated: 2021-06-17

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Knit directory: VSA_altitude_hold/

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html efc80b8 Ross Gayler 2021-06-17 WIP


This notebook records the thinking behind implementing altitude hold in VSA.


  • Limit the initial problem to altitude hold because this is one-dimensional (as opposed to fully general flight control). This is done to simplify the problem as much as possible.

  • Treat the VSA components as drop-in replacements for standard control circuitry.

This reduces the probability that we will hit an obstacle requiring us to completely reconceptualise how altitude hold is done. On the other hand, it means that we will parallel the classical altitude hold computation, so we may miss seeing some (hypothetical) VSA-centric solution that has no classical analogue.

Data Flow Diagram

  • The data floww diagram represents the desired calculation for altitude hold.

  • The data flow diagram is derived from AltitudeHoldPidController.

  • Each vertex in the diagram represents a value and the computation that calculates the value.

  • Each directed edge in the diagram represents a value flow from one vertex to another

Think of the data flow diagram as specifying an electronic analog computer where the vertices correspond to function blocks and the edges correspond to wires.

Data flow diagram goes here

Data flow table goes here

There is a very minor technical question of whether it is better to represent the external signal sources and sinks by vertices in the data flow diagram or whether those data flows should be represented by edges with only one vertex.


  • VSA values are very high dimensional vectors.

  • The values in the classical implementation of the data flow diagram are very low dimensional vectors (typically scalars).

  • The surrounding machinery of the multicopter simulation assumes that the inputs to and outputs from the altitude hold are classical values. Therefore interfaces are need to convert between the classical and VSA representations.

  • The interfaces between the classical and VSA are essentially projections between low and high dimensional vector spaces.

Minimal Collapse Scenario

  • Replace all the edges in the data flow diagram with VSA equivalents.

  • Leave all the vertices in classical form.

The edges are equivalent to wires. A value is inserted at one end and retrieved at the other end. This would require a classical to VSA interface at the input of the edge and a VSA to classical interface at the output end.

This would seem to be an almost pointless thing to do. However, the classical values are assumed to absolutely accurate as mathematical idealisations. Different physical realisations will be inaccurate to some extent. A software implementation would likely represent the values as double-precision floating-point. A very constrained computer might represent the values with 8-bit integers. An analog computer might represent the values as voltages in some constrained range and with noise present in the signal.

Analogously, there can be range, distortion, and noise effects present in VSA representations. There can also be implementation noise, for example if VSA representations are implemented with simulated spiking neurons.

  • The minimal collapse scenario would be useful for investigating the effects of VSA representation inaccuracy on the behaviour of the otherwise unaltered altitude hold circuit. This could indicate which values require high fidelity representations.

Maximal Collapse Scenario

  • Replace the entire set of vertices of the data flow diagram (with the exception of external sources and sinks) with a single vertex. That is, altitude hold is treated as a single, complicated function with no discernible internal data flows. For example, it might be possible to implement the altitude hold as effectively an interpolating lookup table.

Such a model might have advantages depending on the implementation technology.

Option 1 -

Option 2 -
