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  • Pre-requisites
  • Caveat on code
  • Example 1: sampling from an exponential distribution using MCMC
    • Exercise
  • Example 2: Estimating an allele frequency
    • Exercise
  • Example 3: Estimating an allele frequency and inbreeding coefficient
    • Exercise:
  • Addendum: Gibbs Sampling
    • Exercise:

Last updated: 2019-03-31

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Knit directory: fiveMinuteStats/analysis/

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Caveat on code

Note: the code here is designed to be readable by a beginner, rather than “efficient”. The idea is that you can use this code to learn about the basics of MCMC, but not as a model for how to program well in R!

Example 1: sampling from an exponential distribution using MCMC

Any MCMC scheme aims to produce (dependent) samples from a ``target" distribution. In this case we are going to use the exponential distribution with mean 1 as our target distribution. So we start by defining our target density:

target = function(x){
  else {
    return( exp(-x))

Having defined the function, we can now use it to compute a couple of values (just to illustrate the idea of a function):

[1] 0.3678794
[1] 0

Next, we will program a Metropolis–Hastings scheme to sample from a distribution proportional to the target

x = rep(0,1000)
x[1] = 3     #this is just a starting value, which I've set arbitrarily to 3
for(i in 2:1000){
  currentx = x[i-1]
  proposedx = currentx + rnorm(1,mean=0,sd=1)
  A = target(proposedx)/target(currentx) 
    x[i] = proposedx       # accept move with probabily min(1,A)
  } else {
    x[i] = currentx        # otherwise "reject" move, and stay where we are

Note that x is a realization of a Markov Chain. We can make a few plots of x:


Version Author Date
34bcc51 John Blischak 2017-03-06
a0309bf stephens999 2017-02-17
d54f326 stephens999 2017-02-16
ad91ca8 stephens999 2017-01-25
ea1f50e stephens999 2017-01-25
86ebaed stephens999 2017-01-24

Version Author Date
34bcc51 John Blischak 2017-03-06
a0309bf stephens999 2017-02-17
d54f326 stephens999 2017-02-16
ad91ca8 stephens999 2017-01-25
ea1f50e stephens999 2017-01-25
86ebaed stephens999 2017-01-24

We can wrap this up in a function to make things a bit neater, and make it easy to try changing starting values and proposal distributions

easyMCMC = function(niter, startval, proposalsd){
  x = rep(0,niter)
  x[1] = startval     
  for(i in 2:niter){
    currentx = x[i-1]
    proposedx = rnorm(1,mean=currentx,sd=proposalsd) 
    A = target(proposedx)/target(currentx)
      x[i] = proposedx       # accept move with probabily min(1,A)
    } else {
      x[i] = currentx        # otherwise "reject" move, and stay where we are

Now we’ll run the MCMC scheme 3 times, and look to see how similar the results are:



Version Author Date
34bcc51 John Blischak 2017-03-06
a0309bf stephens999 2017-02-17
d54f326 stephens999 2017-02-16
ad91ca8 stephens999 2017-01-25
ea1f50e stephens999 2017-01-25
86ebaed stephens999 2017-01-24
par(mfcol=c(3,1)) #rather odd command tells R to put 3 graphs on a single page

Version Author Date
34bcc51 John Blischak 2017-03-06
a0309bf stephens999 2017-02-17
d54f326 stephens999 2017-02-16
ad91ca8 stephens999 2017-01-25
ea1f50e stephens999 2017-01-25
86ebaed stephens999 2017-01-24


Use the function easyMCMC to explore the following:

  1. how do different starting values affect the MCMC scheme?
  2. what is the effect of having a bigger/smaller proposal standard deviation?
  3. try changing the target function to the following
target = function(x){
  return((x>0 & x <1) + (x>2 & x<3))

What does this target look like? What happens if the proposal sd is too small here? (try e.g. 1 and 0.1)

Example 2: Estimating an allele frequency

A standard assumption when modelling genotypes of bi-allelic loci (e.g. loci with alleles A and a) is that the population is “randomly mating”. From this assumption it follows that the population will be in “Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium” (HWE), which means that if p is the frequency of the allele A then the genotypes AA, Aa and aa will have frequencies p2,2p(1p) and (1p)2 respectively.

A simple prior for p is to assume it is uniform on [0,1]. Suppose that we sample n individuals, and observe nAA with genotype AA, nAa with genotype Aa and naa with genotype aa.

The following R code gives a short MCMC routine to sample from the posterior distribution of p. Try to go through the code to see how it works.

prior = function(p){
  if((p<0) || (p>1)){  # || here means "or"

likelihood = function(p, nAA, nAa, naa){
  return(p^(2*nAA) * (2*p*(1-p))^nAa * (1-p)^(2*naa))

psampler = function(nAA, nAa, naa, niter, pstartval, pproposalsd){
  p = rep(0,niter)
  p[1] = pstartval
  for(i in 2:niter){
    currentp = p[i-1]
    newp = currentp + rnorm(1,0,pproposalsd)
    A = prior(newp)*likelihood(newp,nAA,nAa,naa)/(prior(currentp) * likelihood(currentp,nAA,nAa,naa))
      p[i] = newp       # accept move with probabily min(1,A)
    } else {
      p[i] = currentp        # otherwise "reject" move, and stay where we are

Running this sample for nAA = 50, nAa = 21, naa=29.


Now some R code to compare the sample from the posterior with the theoretical posterior (which in this case is available analytically; since we observed 121 As, and 79 as, out of 200, the posterior for p is Beta(121+1,79+1).

lines(x,dbeta(x,122, 80))  # overlays beta density on histogram

Version Author Date
34bcc51 John Blischak 2017-03-06
a0309bf stephens999 2017-02-17
d54f326 stephens999 2017-02-16
ad91ca8 stephens999 2017-01-25
ea1f50e stephens999 2017-01-25
86ebaed stephens999 2017-01-24

You might also like to discard the first 5000 z’s as “burnin”. Here’s one way in R to select only the last 5000 z’s


Version Author Date
34bcc51 John Blischak 2017-03-06
a0309bf stephens999 2017-02-17
d54f326 stephens999 2017-02-16
ad91ca8 stephens999 2017-01-25
ea1f50e stephens999 2017-01-25
86ebaed stephens999 2017-01-24


Investigate how the starting point and proposal standard deviation affect the convergence of the algorithm.

Example 3: Estimating an allele frequency and inbreeding coefficient

A slightly more complex alternative than HWE is to assume that there is a tendency for people to mate with others who are slightly more closely-related than “random” (as might happen in a geographically-structured population, for example). This will result in an excess of homozygotes compared with HWE. A simple way to capture this is to introduce an extra parameter, the “inbreeding coefficient” f, and assume that the genotypes AA, Aa and aa have frequencies fp+(1f)pp,(1f)2p(1p), and f(1p)+(1f)(1p)(1p).

In most cases it would be natural to treat f as a feature of the population, and therefore assume f is constant across loci. For simplicity we will consider just a single locus.

Note that both f and p are constrained to lie between 0 and 1 (inclusive). A simple prior for each of these two parameters is to assume that they are independent, uniform on [0,1]. Suppose that we sample n individuals, and observe nAA with genotype AA, nAa with genotype Aa and naa with genotype aa.


  • Write a short MCMC routine to sample from the joint distribution of f and p.

Hint: here is a start; you’ll need to fill in the …

fpsampler = function(nAA, nAa, naa, niter, fstartval, pstartval, fproposalsd, pproposalsd){
  f = rep(0,niter)
  p = rep(0,niter)
  f[1] = fstartval
  p[1] = pstartval
  for(i in 2:niter){
    currentf = f[i-1]
    currentp = p[i-1]
    newf = currentf + ...
    newp = currentp + ...
  return(list(f=f,p=p)) # return a "list" with two elements named f and p
  • Use this sample to obtain point estimates for f and p (e.g. using posterior means) and interval estimates for both f and p (e.g. 90% posterior credible intervals), when the data are nAA=50,nAa=21,naa=29.

Addendum: Gibbs Sampling

You could also tackle this problem with a Gibbs Sampler (see vignettes here and here).

To do so you will want to use the following “latent variable” representation of the model: ziBernoulli(f) p(gi=AA|zi=1)=p;p(gi=AA|zi=0)=p2 p(gi=Aa|zi=1)=0;p(gi=Aa|zi=0)=2p(1p) p(gi=aa|zi=1)=(1p);p(gi=aa|zi=0)=(1p)2

Summing over zi gives the same model as above: p(gi=AA)=fp+(1f)p2


Using the above, implement a Gibbs Sampler to sample from the joint distribution of z,f, and p given genotype data g.

Hint: this requires iterating the following steps

  1. sample z from p(z|g,f,p)
  2. sample f,p from p(f,p|g,z)

R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.1

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] workflowr_1.2.0 Rcpp_1.0.0      digest_0.6.18   rprojroot_1.3-2
 [5] backports_1.1.3 git2r_0.24.0    magrittr_1.5    evaluate_0.12  
 [9] stringi_1.2.4   fs_1.2.6        whisker_0.3-2   rmarkdown_1.11 
[13] tools_3.5.2     stringr_1.3.1   glue_1.3.0      xfun_0.4       
[17] yaml_2.2.0      compiler_3.5.2  htmltools_0.3.6 knitr_1.21     

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