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Last updated: 2017-01-02

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You should know what a Bayes Factor is and what a p value is.


Sellke et al (The American Statistician; Volume 55, Issue 1, 2001) study the following question (paraphrased and shortened here).

Consider the situation in which experimental drugs D1; D2; D3; etc are to be tested. Each test will be thought of as completely independent; we simply have a series of tests so that we can explore the frequentist properties of p values. In each test, the following hypotheses are to be tested: H0:Di has negligible effect versus H1:Di has a non-negligible effect.

Suppose that one of these tests results in a p value p. The question we consider is: How strong is the evidence that the drug in question has a non-negligible effect?

The answer to this question has to depend on the distribution of effects under H1. However, Sellke et al derive a bound for the Bayes Factor. Specifically they show that, provided p<1/e, the BF in favor of H1 is not larger than 1/B(p)=[eplog(p)]1. (Note: the inverse comes from the fact that here we consider the BF in favor of H1, whereas Sellke et al consider the BF in favor of H_0).

Here we illustrate this result using Bayes Theorem to do calculations under a simple scenario.


Let θi denote the effect of drug Di. We will translate the null H0 above to mean θi=0. We will also make an assumption that the effects of the non-null drugs are normally distributed N(0,σ2), where the value of σ determines how different the typical effect is from 0.

Thus we have: H0i:θi=0 H1i:θiN(0,σ2).

In addition we will assume that we have data (e.g. the results of a drug trial) that give us imperfect information about θ. Specifically we assume Xi|θiN(θi,1). This implies that: Xi|H0iN(0,1) Xi|H1iN(0,1+σ2)

Consequently the Bayes Factor (BF) comparing H1 vs H0 can be computed as follows:

BF= function(x,s){dnorm(x,0,sqrt(s^2+1))/dnorm(x,0,1)}

Of course the BF depends both on the data x and the choice of σ (here s in the code).

We can plot this BF for x=1.96 (which is the value for which p=0.05):

s = seq(0,10,length=100)
plot(s,BF(1.96,s),xlab="sigma",ylab="BF at p=0.05",type="l",ylim=c(0,4))

Here the horizontal line shows the bound on the Bayes Factor computed by Sellke et al.

And here is the same plot for x=2.58 (p=0.01):

plot(s,BF(2.58,s),xlab="sigma",ylab="BF at p=0.01",type="l",ylim=c(0,10))

Note some key features:

  • In both cases the BF is below the bound given by Sellke et al, as expected.
  • As σ increases from 0 the BF is initially 1, rises to a maximum, and then gradually decays. This behavior, which occurs for any x, perhaps helps provide intuition into why it is even possible to derive an upper bound.
  • In the limit as σ it is easy to show that (for any x) the BF 0. This is an example of “Bartlett’s paradox”, and illustrates why you should not just use a “very flat” prior for θ under H1: the Bayes Factor will depend on how flat you mean by “very flat”, and in the limit will always favor H0.

Session information

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