Last updated: 2017-06-15

Code version: 9a49441


I was interested in whether we can try to differentiate the flash likelihood at the “null” (\(g_l=g_f=0\)).

Let n=p=1. And Y (1 by 1 matrix) be given by factor model \[Y = lf + e\] where \(l,f \sim N(0,s^2)\) and \(e \sim N(0,1)\).

Integrating out \(l\) and \(f\) yields a likelihood for \(s\): \[L(s) = \int p(Y| l, f) p(l) p(f) dl df \]

My question is what is the derivative of the likelihood (or log likelihood) with respect to \(s\). Particularly what is it at \(s=0\) (which is the 0-factor model)?

If we define \(h\) to be the log-likelihood for \(l,f\) \[h(l,f) = \log p(Y|l,f)\] then is easy to show that

\[d^2h/dl^2 = f^2/s^2\] and \[d^2h/dldf = -(Y-2lf)\]

so at \(l=f=0\) the hessian is the matrix with 0 on diagonal and \(-Y\) on off-diagonal. This matrix has eigenvalues \(\pm Y\).

This suggests that the posterior distribution of \((l,f)\) will be approximated by a multivariate normal with inverse covariance matrix with \(1/s^2\) on diagonal and \(Y\) on off-diagonal. Let’s try with s=0.1.

l = rnorm(100000,0,0.1)
f = rnorm(100000,0,0.1)
y = 2
Lik = dnorm((y-l*f),0,1)
ss = sample(1:100000,prob=Lik,replace=TRUE)

So we see the problem - indeed the posterior is approximated by this, but it looks just like the prior… So the ratio of the posterior to the prior will be 1.

Session information

R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

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[10] lattice_0.20-35   foreach_1.4.3     ashr_2.1-19      
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