Last updated: 2020-08-10

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: misc/analysis/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.2). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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Great job! The global environment was empty. Objects defined in the global environment can affect the analysis in your R Markdown file in unknown ways. For reproduciblity it’s best to always run the code in an empty environment.

The command set.seed(1) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

Great job! Recording the operating system, R version, and package versions is critical for reproducibility.

Nice! There were no cached chunks for this analysis, so you can be confident that you successfully produced the results during this run.

Great job! Using relative paths to the files within your workflowr project makes it easier to run your code on other machines.

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.

The results in this page were generated with repository version 7f008b7. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .DS_Store
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    Untracked:  .dropbox
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Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/ash_delta_operator.Rmd
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    Modified:   analysis/ridge_admm.Rmd

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/tree_pca_03.Rmd) and HTML (docs/tree_pca_03.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 7f008b7 Matthew Stephens 2020-08-10 workflowr::wflow_publish(“tree_pca_03.Rmd”)


The idea here is to look at behaviour of sparse PCA algorithms on a simple tree.

It is a tree with four tips and equal branch lengths. (Also no noise for now.)

p = 1000
n = 20
f = list()
for(i in 1:6){ 
  f[[i]] = rnorm(p)
X =matrix(0,ncol=4*n, nrow=p)
X[,1:(2*n)] = f[[1]]
X[,(2*n+1):(4*n)] = f[[2]]

X[,1:n] = X[,1:n]+f[[3]]
X[,(n+1):(2*n)] = X[,(n+1):(2*n)]+f[[4]]
X[,(2*n+1):(3*n)] = X[,(2*n+1):(3*n)] + f[[5]]
X[,(3*n+1):(4*n)] = X[,(3*n+1):(4*n)] + f[[6]]

Regular SVD

Regular SVD does not reproduce the tree here. Indeed we should not expect it to, because the third and fourth eigenvectors have very similar eigenvalues which makes them non-identifiable without sparsity:

X.svd = svd(X)
[1] 255.5150 237.0327 140.2663 134.5016

sparse PCA in sparsepca package

Try sparse PCA with default settings. It does pretty well. Maybe not as sparse as one would like.

X.spca = spca(X,10)
[1] "Iteration:    1, Objective: 3.50720e+02, Relative improvement Inf"
[1] "Iteration:   11, Objective: 3.48231e+02, Relative improvement 6.06872e-04"
[1] "Iteration:   21, Objective: 3.46219e+02, Relative improvement 5.12042e-04"
[1] "Iteration:   31, Objective: 3.44437e+02, Relative improvement 5.19981e-04"
[1] "Iteration:   41, Objective: 3.42754e+02, Relative improvement 4.89517e-04"
[1] "Iteration:   51, Objective: 3.41072e+02, Relative improvement 4.95160e-04"
[1] "Iteration:   61, Objective: 3.39374e+02, Relative improvement 5.02866e-04"
[1] "Iteration:   71, Objective: 3.37657e+02, Relative improvement 5.10738e-04"
[1] "Iteration:   81, Objective: 3.35927e+02, Relative improvement 5.16759e-04"
[1] "Iteration:   91, Objective: 3.34181e+02, Relative improvement 5.24954e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  101, Objective: 3.32420e+02, Relative improvement 5.31325e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  111, Objective: 3.30657e+02, Relative improvement 5.02626e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  121, Objective: 3.29017e+02, Relative improvement 5.00601e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  131, Objective: 3.27360e+02, Relative improvement 5.08424e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  141, Objective: 3.25828e+02, Relative improvement 4.20379e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  151, Objective: 3.24450e+02, Relative improvement 4.26393e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  161, Objective: 3.23059e+02, Relative improvement 4.32524e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  171, Objective: 3.21660e+02, Relative improvement 4.36754e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  181, Objective: 3.20247e+02, Relative improvement 4.43118e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  191, Objective: 3.18820e+02, Relative improvement 4.49609e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  201, Objective: 3.17379e+02, Relative improvement 4.56229e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  211, Objective: 3.15923e+02, Relative improvement 4.62982e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  221, Objective: 3.14452e+02, Relative improvement 4.69870e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  231, Objective: 3.12966e+02, Relative improvement 4.76895e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  241, Objective: 3.11465e+02, Relative improvement 4.84061e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  251, Objective: 3.09949e+02, Relative improvement 4.91370e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  261, Objective: 3.08418e+02, Relative improvement 4.98825e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  271, Objective: 3.06872e+02, Relative improvement 5.04296e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  281, Objective: 3.05316e+02, Relative improvement 5.12032e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  291, Objective: 3.03744e+02, Relative improvement 5.19922e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  301, Objective: 3.02160e+02, Relative improvement 5.25784e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  311, Objective: 3.00563e+02, Relative improvement 5.33977e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  321, Objective: 2.98949e+02, Relative improvement 5.42333e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  331, Objective: 2.97319e+02, Relative improvement 5.50857e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  341, Objective: 2.95672e+02, Relative improvement 5.59550e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  351, Objective: 2.94008e+02, Relative improvement 5.68418e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  361, Objective: 2.92328e+02, Relative improvement 5.77463e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  371, Objective: 2.90632e+02, Relative improvement 5.84455e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  381, Objective: 2.88924e+02, Relative improvement 5.93843e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  391, Objective: 2.87199e+02, Relative improvement 6.03420e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  401, Objective: 2.85456e+02, Relative improvement 6.13190e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  411, Objective: 2.84112e+02, Relative improvement 3.47491e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  421, Objective: 2.83224e+02, Relative improvement 3.14645e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  431, Objective: 2.82403e+02, Relative improvement 2.35151e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  441, Objective: 2.81736e+02, Relative improvement 2.37779e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  451, Objective: 2.81062e+02, Relative improvement 2.40701e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  461, Objective: 2.80382e+02, Relative improvement 2.43672e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  471, Objective: 2.79695e+02, Relative improvement 2.46696e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  481, Objective: 2.79006e+02, Relative improvement 2.47413e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  491, Objective: 2.78312e+02, Relative improvement 2.50534e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  501, Objective: 2.77614e+02, Relative improvement 2.51213e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  511, Objective: 2.76913e+02, Relative improvement 2.54437e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  521, Objective: 2.76204e+02, Relative improvement 2.57719e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  531, Objective: 2.75493e+02, Relative improvement 2.56531e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  541, Objective: 2.74889e+02, Relative improvement 1.98765e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  551, Objective: 2.74347e+02, Relative improvement 1.96491e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  561, Objective: 2.73805e+02, Relative improvement 1.99089e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  571, Objective: 2.73256e+02, Relative improvement 2.01732e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  581, Objective: 2.72702e+02, Relative improvement 2.04424e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  591, Objective: 2.72141e+02, Relative improvement 2.07165e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  601, Objective: 2.71574e+02, Relative improvement 2.07510e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  611, Objective: 2.71007e+02, Relative improvement 2.10356e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  621, Objective: 2.70434e+02, Relative improvement 2.13241e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  631, Objective: 2.69853e+02, Relative improvement 2.16178e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  641, Objective: 2.69266e+02, Relative improvement 2.19168e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  651, Objective: 2.68672e+02, Relative improvement 2.22213e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  661, Objective: 2.68071e+02, Relative improvement 2.25313e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  671, Objective: 2.67463e+02, Relative improvement 2.28468e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  681, Objective: 2.66848e+02, Relative improvement 2.31681e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  691, Objective: 2.66226e+02, Relative improvement 2.34951e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  701, Objective: 2.65597e+02, Relative improvement 2.38281e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  711, Objective: 2.64960e+02, Relative improvement 2.41670e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  721, Objective: 2.64315e+02, Relative improvement 2.45120e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  731, Objective: 2.63663e+02, Relative improvement 2.48632e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  741, Objective: 2.63003e+02, Relative improvement 2.52208e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  751, Objective: 2.62336e+02, Relative improvement 2.55847e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  761, Objective: 2.61660e+02, Relative improvement 2.59552e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  771, Objective: 2.60977e+02, Relative improvement 2.63323e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  781, Objective: 2.60285e+02, Relative improvement 2.67161e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  791, Objective: 2.59585e+02, Relative improvement 2.71068e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  801, Objective: 2.58877e+02, Relative improvement 2.75045e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  811, Objective: 2.58160e+02, Relative improvement 2.79093e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  821, Objective: 2.57435e+02, Relative improvement 2.83213e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  831, Objective: 2.56701e+02, Relative improvement 2.87406e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  841, Objective: 2.55958e+02, Relative improvement 2.91674e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  851, Objective: 2.55207e+02, Relative improvement 2.96018e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  861, Objective: 2.54447e+02, Relative improvement 3.00440e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  871, Objective: 2.53677e+02, Relative improvement 3.04939e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  881, Objective: 2.52898e+02, Relative improvement 3.09519e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  891, Objective: 2.52112e+02, Relative improvement 3.11713e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  901, Objective: 2.51321e+02, Relative improvement 3.16440e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  911, Objective: 2.50521e+02, Relative improvement 3.21256e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  921, Objective: 2.49711e+02, Relative improvement 3.26157e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  931, Objective: 2.48891e+02, Relative improvement 3.31145e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  941, Objective: 2.48061e+02, Relative improvement 3.36221e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  951, Objective: 2.47222e+02, Relative improvement 3.41387e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  961, Objective: 2.46372e+02, Relative improvement 3.46644e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  971, Objective: 2.45514e+02, Relative improvement 3.49127e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  981, Objective: 2.44735e+02, Relative improvement 2.68392e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  991, Objective: 2.44094e+02, Relative improvement 2.61922e-04"

Try increasing sparsity by increasing alpha. That lost the tree… too sparse!

X.spca = spca(X,10,alpha=0.01)
[1] "Iteration:    1, Objective: 2.93409e+04, Relative improvement Inf"
[1] "Iteration:   11, Objective: 2.00661e+04, Relative improvement 1.81365e-02"
[1] "Iteration:   21, Objective: 1.77272e+04, Relative improvement 6.79263e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   31, Objective: 1.59354e+04, Relative improvement 1.43948e-02"
[1] "Iteration:   41, Objective: 1.51195e+04, Relative improvement 4.97303e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   51, Objective: 1.37303e+04, Relative improvement 1.55392e-02"
[1] "Iteration:   61, Objective: 1.29725e+04, Relative improvement 2.38115e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   71, Objective: 1.26555e+04, Relative improvement 2.55998e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   81, Objective: 1.23228e+04, Relative improvement 2.75820e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   91, Objective: 1.19739e+04, Relative improvement 2.97609e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  101, Objective: 1.16085e+04, Relative improvement 3.19317e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  111, Objective: 1.13358e+04, Relative improvement 1.32116e-03"

Try again.. .also not what I was hoping for.

X.spca = spca(X,10,alpha=0.001)
[1] "Iteration:    1, Objective: 3.18733e+03, Relative improvement Inf"
[1] "Iteration:   11, Objective: 3.02096e+03, Relative improvement 5.21372e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   21, Objective: 2.89002e+03, Relative improvement 4.41432e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   31, Objective: 2.75381e+03, Relative improvement 5.18506e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   41, Objective: 2.60149e+03, Relative improvement 6.15317e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   51, Objective: 2.52474e+03, Relative improvement 2.44057e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   61, Objective: 2.46924e+03, Relative improvement 2.01406e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   71, Objective: 2.41617e+03, Relative improvement 2.33568e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   81, Objective: 2.35522e+03, Relative improvement 2.75216e-03"
[1] "Iteration:   91, Objective: 2.28529e+03, Relative improvement 3.24973e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  101, Objective: 2.21687e+03, Relative improvement 2.74952e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  111, Objective: 2.15670e+03, Relative improvement 2.61468e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  121, Objective: 2.11070e+03, Relative improvement 2.07298e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  131, Objective: 2.06407e+03, Relative improvement 2.38195e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  141, Objective: 2.01160e+03, Relative improvement 2.74547e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  151, Objective: 1.96577e+03, Relative improvement 4.98195e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  161, Objective: 1.95595e+03, Relative improvement 4.86109e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  171, Objective: 1.94621e+03, Relative improvement 5.10503e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  181, Objective: 1.93601e+03, Relative improvement 5.37983e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  191, Objective: 1.92530e+03, Relative improvement 5.68969e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  201, Objective: 1.91402e+03, Relative improvement 6.03914e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  211, Objective: 1.90210e+03, Relative improvement 6.43330e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  221, Objective: 1.88945e+03, Relative improvement 6.87782e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  231, Objective: 1.87600e+03, Relative improvement 7.37744e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  241, Objective: 1.86227e+03, Relative improvement 7.60054e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  251, Objective: 1.84755e+03, Relative improvement 8.22672e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  261, Objective: 1.83230e+03, Relative improvement 8.56512e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  271, Objective: 1.81591e+03, Relative improvement 9.35226e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  281, Objective: 1.79870e+03, Relative improvement 9.68806e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  291, Objective: 1.78103e+03, Relative improvement 9.93763e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  301, Objective: 1.76240e+03, Relative improvement 1.10205e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  311, Objective: 1.74195e+03, Relative improvement 1.22279e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  321, Objective: 1.71955e+03, Relative improvement 1.35709e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  331, Objective: 1.69502e+03, Relative improvement 1.50609e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  341, Objective: 1.66860e+03, Relative improvement 1.64479e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  351, Objective: 1.64029e+03, Relative improvement 1.52872e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  361, Objective: 1.63408e+03, Relative improvement 2.69523e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  371, Objective: 1.62957e+03, Relative improvement 2.83067e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  381, Objective: 1.62483e+03, Relative improvement 2.98352e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  391, Objective: 1.61983e+03, Relative improvement 3.15609e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  401, Objective: 1.61456e+03, Relative improvement 3.35101e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  411, Objective: 1.60897e+03, Relative improvement 3.57128e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  421, Objective: 1.60302e+03, Relative improvement 3.82028e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  431, Objective: 1.59667e+03, Relative improvement 4.10181e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  441, Objective: 1.58986e+03, Relative improvement 4.42013e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  451, Objective: 1.58254e+03, Relative improvement 4.78002e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  461, Objective: 1.57465e+03, Relative improvement 5.18683e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  471, Objective: 1.56612e+03, Relative improvement 5.64652e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  481, Objective: 1.55687e+03, Relative improvement 6.16571e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  491, Objective: 1.54681e+03, Relative improvement 6.75174e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  501, Objective: 1.53586e+03, Relative improvement 7.41272e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  511, Objective: 1.52391e+03, Relative improvement 8.15755e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  521, Objective: 1.51085e+03, Relative improvement 8.99596e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  531, Objective: 1.49656e+03, Relative improvement 9.93852e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  541, Objective: 1.48092e+03, Relative improvement 1.09967e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  551, Objective: 1.46380e+03, Relative improvement 1.21826e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  561, Objective: 1.44505e+03, Relative improvement 1.35094e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  571, Objective: 1.42453e+03, Relative improvement 1.49908e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  581, Objective: 1.40210e+03, Relative improvement 1.66409e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  591, Objective: 1.37761e+03, Relative improvement 1.84746e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  601, Objective: 1.35093e+03, Relative improvement 2.05065e-03"
[1] "Iteration:  611, Objective: 1.33012e+03, Relative improvement 4.00772e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  621, Objective: 1.32659e+03, Relative improvement 2.64651e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  631, Objective: 1.32307e+03, Relative improvement 2.66086e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  641, Objective: 1.31955e+03, Relative improvement 2.67531e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  651, Objective: 1.31601e+03, Relative improvement 2.68987e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  661, Objective: 1.31247e+03, Relative improvement 2.70453e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  671, Objective: 1.30891e+03, Relative improvement 2.71930e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  681, Objective: 1.30535e+03, Relative improvement 2.73417e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  691, Objective: 1.30177e+03, Relative improvement 2.74914e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  701, Objective: 1.29819e+03, Relative improvement 2.76423e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  711, Objective: 1.29460e+03, Relative improvement 2.77942e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  721, Objective: 1.29099e+03, Relative improvement 2.79473e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  731, Objective: 1.28738e+03, Relative improvement 2.81015e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  741, Objective: 1.28376e+03, Relative improvement 2.82569e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  751, Objective: 1.28012e+03, Relative improvement 2.84134e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  761, Objective: 1.27648e+03, Relative improvement 2.85711e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  771, Objective: 1.27283e+03, Relative improvement 2.87300e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  781, Objective: 1.26917e+03, Relative improvement 2.88901e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  791, Objective: 1.26549e+03, Relative improvement 2.90514e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  801, Objective: 1.26181e+03, Relative improvement 2.92141e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  811, Objective: 1.25812e+03, Relative improvement 2.93779e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  821, Objective: 1.25442e+03, Relative improvement 2.95431e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  831, Objective: 1.25071e+03, Relative improvement 2.97096e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  841, Objective: 1.24699e+03, Relative improvement 2.98774e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  851, Objective: 1.24325e+03, Relative improvement 3.00465e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  861, Objective: 1.23951e+03, Relative improvement 3.02170e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  871, Objective: 1.23576e+03, Relative improvement 3.03890e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  881, Objective: 1.23200e+03, Relative improvement 3.05623e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  891, Objective: 1.22823e+03, Relative improvement 3.07370e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  901, Objective: 1.22445e+03, Relative improvement 3.09132e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  911, Objective: 1.22066e+03, Relative improvement 3.10909e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  921, Objective: 1.21686e+03, Relative improvement 3.12701e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  931, Objective: 1.21305e+03, Relative improvement 3.14508e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  941, Objective: 1.20924e+03, Relative improvement 3.07394e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  951, Objective: 1.20606e+03, Relative improvement 2.63773e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  961, Objective: 1.20287e+03, Relative improvement 2.65165e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  971, Objective: 1.19968e+03, Relative improvement 2.66568e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  981, Objective: 1.19648e+03, Relative improvement 2.67981e-04"
[1] "Iteration:  991, Objective: 1.19327e+03, Relative improvement 2.69406e-04"


Here I try flash. (Note that setting var_type has an effect; may want to look into that more, but for now i set it constant…).

The way I have the matrix set up, the columns (not the rows) are the individuals, so for a drift model the “loadings” here should be normal; for simplicity I just set them to point normal and hope it learns them to be normal.

X.flash = flash(X,10,ebnm_fn = list(l="ebnm_pn", f="ebnm_pn"),var_type = "constant")
Fitting factor/loading 1 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -122755.15        Inf
          2     -122751.31   3.83e+00
          3     -122751.19   1.23e-01
          4     -122751.10   9.04e-02
          5     -122751.03   6.70e-02
          6     -122750.98   4.96e-02
          7     -122750.95   3.67e-02
          8     -122750.92   2.72e-02
          9     -122750.90   2.01e-02
         10     -122750.88   1.49e-02
         11     -122750.87   1.10e-02
         12     -122750.86   8.18e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 1 decreases objective by 1.83e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -122750.86
Fitting factor/loading 2 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1      -90295.93        Inf
          2      -90292.27   3.67e+00
          3      -90292.26   1.02e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 2 decreases objective by 3.25e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -90292.26
Fitting factor/loading 3 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1      -65808.49        Inf
          2      -65804.56   3.93e+00
          3      -65804.33   2.28e-01
          4      -65804.14   1.92e-01
          5      -65803.97   1.62e-01
          6      -65803.84   1.37e-01
          7      -65803.72   1.16e-01
          8      -65803.62   9.82e-02
          9      -65803.54   8.30e-02
         10      -65803.47   7.02e-02
         11      -65803.41   5.93e-02
         12      -65803.36   5.02e-02
         13      -65803.32   4.24e-02
         14      -65803.28   3.59e-02
         15      -65803.25   3.03e-02
         16      -65803.23   2.56e-02
         17      -65803.20   2.17e-02
         18      -65803.19   1.83e-02
         19      -65803.17   1.55e-02
         20      -65803.16   1.31e-02
         21      -65803.15   1.11e-02
         22      -65803.14   9.36e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 3 decreases objective by 2.45e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -65803.14
Fitting factor/loading 4 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1       20643.25        Inf
          2       20646.91   3.66e+00
          3       20646.91   6.64e-04
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 4 decreases objective by 8.65e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: 20646.91
Fitting factor/loading 5 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1       20644.01        Inf
          2       20646.91   2.90e+00
          3       20646.91   0.00e+00
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 5 does not change objective. Factor zeroed out.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: 20646.91

See if point laplace prior makes a difference. But it is basically indistinguishable.

X.flash = flash(X,10,ebnm_fn = list(l="ebnm_pn", f="ebnm_pl"),var_type = "constant")
Fitting factor/loading 1 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -122775.18        Inf
          2     -122771.29   3.89e+00
          3     -122771.13   1.65e-01
          4     -122771.00   1.22e-01
          5     -122770.91   9.08e-02
          6     -122770.85   6.75e-02
          7     -122770.80   5.01e-02
          8     -122770.76   3.72e-02
          9     -122770.73   2.77e-02
         10     -122770.71   2.06e-02
         11     -122770.70   1.53e-02
         12     -122770.68   1.13e-02
         13     -122770.68   8.43e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 1 decreases objective by 1.83e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -122770.68
Fitting factor/loading 2 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1      -90335.83        Inf
          2      -90332.16   3.67e+00
          3      -90332.16   1.01e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 2 decreases objective by 3.24e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -90332.16
Fitting factor/loading 3 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1      -65866.77        Inf
          2      -65862.74   4.03e+00
          3      -65862.44   3.08e-01
          4      -65862.18   2.60e-01
          5      -65861.96   2.20e-01
          6      -65861.77   1.87e-01
          7      -65861.61   1.58e-01
          8      -65861.48   1.34e-01
          9      -65861.36   1.14e-01
         10      -65861.27   9.63e-02
         11      -65861.18   8.16e-02
         12      -65861.12   6.92e-02
         13      -65861.06   5.86e-02
         14      -65861.01   4.97e-02
         15      -65860.96   4.21e-02
         16      -65860.93   3.57e-02
         17      -65860.90   3.02e-02
         18      -65860.87   2.56e-02
         19      -65860.85   2.17e-02
         20      -65860.83   1.84e-02
         21      -65860.82   1.56e-02
         22      -65860.80   1.32e-02
         23      -65860.79   1.12e-02
         24      -65860.78   9.49e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 3 decreases objective by 2.45e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -65860.78
Fitting factor/loading 4 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1       20564.43        Inf
          2       20568.09   3.66e+00
          3       20568.09   6.65e-04
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 4 decreases objective by 8.64e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: 20568.09
Fitting factor/loading 5 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1       20565.18        Inf
          2       20568.09   2.91e+00
          3       20568.09   0.00e+00
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 5 increases objective by 7.28e-12. Factor zeroed out.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: 20568.09

Try ash prior…but it looks about the same.

X.flash = flash(X,10,ebnm_fn = list(l="ebnm_pn", f="ebnm_ash"),var_type = "constant")
Fitting factor/loading 1 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -122756.12        Inf
          2     -122752.26   3.86e+00
          3     -122752.12   1.40e-01
          4     -122752.02   1.05e-01
          5     -122751.94   7.95e-02
          6     -122751.88   6.03e-02
          7     -122751.83   4.58e-02
          8     -122751.80   3.50e-02
          9     -122751.77   2.68e-02
         10     -122751.75   2.06e-02
         11     -122751.73   1.59e-02
         12     -122751.72   1.24e-02
         13     -122751.71   9.65e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 1 decreases objective by 1.83e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -122751.71
Fitting factor/loading 2 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1      -90298.98        Inf
          2      -90295.31   3.67e+00
          3      -90295.30   1.90e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 2 decreases objective by 3.25e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -90295.3
Fitting factor/loading 3 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1      -65811.86        Inf
          2      -65807.92   3.94e+00
          3      -65807.69   2.35e-01
          4      -65807.49   1.99e-01
          5      -65807.32   1.69e-01
          6      -65807.18   1.43e-01
          7      -65807.05   1.21e-01
          8      -65806.95   1.03e-01
          9      -65806.86   8.74e-02
         10      -65806.79   7.42e-02
         11      -65806.73   6.30e-02
         12      -65806.67   5.35e-02
         13      -65806.63   4.55e-02
         14      -65806.59   3.87e-02
         15      -65806.56   3.29e-02
         16      -65806.53   2.80e-02
         17      -65806.50   2.39e-02
         18      -65806.48   2.03e-02
         19      -65806.47   1.73e-02
         20      -65806.45   1.48e-02
         21      -65806.44   1.26e-02
         22      -65806.43   1.08e-02
         23      -65806.42   9.22e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 3 decreases objective by 2.45e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -65806.42
Fitting factor/loading 4 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1       20638.36        Inf
          2       20642.02   3.66e+00
          3       20642.02   6.64e-04
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 4 decreases objective by 8.64e+04. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: 20642.02
Fitting factor/loading 5 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1       20637.96        Inf
          2       20642.01   4.05e+00
          3       20642.01   7.37e-06
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 5 increases objective by 1.11e-02. Factor zeroed out.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: 20642.02

In fact these all look essentially the same as the svd solution…





I guess maybe at the initialization the prior gets estimated close to normal, which results in no change….

Add noise

I tried adding some noise as I thought low noise could exacerbate convergence issues. I found sometimes it would help, depending on the seed.

Here’s an example where it does not help;

Xn = X + rnorm(4*n*p,sd=3)
Xn.flash = flash(Xn,10,ebnm_fn = list(l="ebnm_pn", f="ebnm_ash"),var_type = "constant")
Fitting factor/loading 1 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -207544.30        Inf
          2     -207540.51   3.79e+00
          3     -207540.50   7.39e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 1 decreases objective by 1.88e+03. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -207540.5
Fitting factor/loading 2 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -205717.08        Inf
          2     -205713.30   3.78e+00
          3     -205713.30   9.41e-04
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 2 decreases objective by 1.83e+03. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -205713.3
Fitting factor/loading 3 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -205424.77        Inf
          2     -205420.29   4.47e+00
          3     -205420.21   8.19e-02
          4     -205420.16   5.67e-02
          5     -205420.10   5.16e-02
          6     -205420.05   4.86e-02
          7     -205420.01   4.63e-02
          8     -205419.96   4.43e-02
          9     -205419.92   4.26e-02
         10     -205419.88   4.12e-02
         11     -205419.84   4.00e-02
         12     -205419.80   3.90e-02
         13     -205419.76   3.81e-02
         14     -205419.73   3.74e-02
         15     -205419.69   3.68e-02
         16     -205419.65   3.64e-02
         17     -205419.62   3.61e-02
         18     -205419.58   3.59e-02
         19     -205419.55   3.57e-02
         20     -205419.51   3.57e-02
         21     -205419.47   3.57e-02
         22     -205419.44   3.57e-02
         23     -205419.40   3.59e-02
         24     -205419.37   3.60e-02
         25     -205419.33   3.63e-02
         26     -205419.29   3.65e-02
         27     -205419.26   3.68e-02
         28     -205419.22   3.63e-02
         29     -205419.19   3.31e-02
         30     -205419.16   3.08e-02
         31     -205419.13   2.88e-02
         32     -205419.10   2.70e-02
         33     -205419.08   2.54e-02
         34     -205419.05   2.39e-02
         35     -205419.03   2.24e-02
         36     -205419.01   2.11e-02
         37     -205418.99   1.98e-02
         38     -205418.97   1.87e-02
         39     -205418.95   1.76e-02
         40     -205418.94   1.65e-02
         41     -205418.92   1.56e-02
         42     -205418.90   1.47e-02
         43     -205418.89   1.38e-02
         44     -205418.88   1.30e-02
         45     -205418.87   1.23e-02
         46     -205418.85   1.16e-02
         47     -205418.84   1.09e-02
         48     -205418.83   1.03e-02
         49     -205418.82   9.73e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 3 decreases objective by 2.94e+02. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -205418.82
Fitting factor/loading 4 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -205146.63        Inf
          2     -205142.29   4.34e+00
          3     -205142.28   1.27e-02
          4     -205142.28   2.37e-04
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 4 decreases objective by 2.77e+02. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -205142.28
Fitting factor/loading 5 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -205206.57        Inf
          2     -205193.36   1.32e+01
          3     -205189.31   4.04e+00
          4     -205186.34   2.97e+00
          5     -205184.02   2.32e+00
          6     -205182.31   1.70e+00
          7     -205180.72   1.59e+00
          8     -205179.03   1.69e+00
          9     -205175.89   3.14e+00
         10     -205172.29   3.59e+00
         11     -205170.36   1.93e+00
         12     -205169.73   6.31e-01
         13     -205169.53   1.99e-01
         14     -205169.42   1.17e-01
         15     -205169.21   2.10e-01
         16     -205169.13   7.60e-02
         17     -205169.02   1.15e-01
         18     -205168.70   3.20e-01
         19     -205167.67   1.03e+00
         20     -205166.82   8.43e-01
         21     -205166.77   5.29e-02
         22     -205166.76   6.25e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 5 increases objective by 2.45e+01. Factor zeroed out.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -205142.28

Here is an example where it did help. (i had to search through several seeds to find one)

Xn = X + rnorm(4*n*p,sd=3)
Xn.flash = flash(Xn,10,ebnm_fn = list(l="ebnm_pn", f="ebnm_ash"),var_type = "constant")
Fitting factor/loading 1 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -207818.46        Inf
          2     -207814.67   3.79e+00
          3     -207814.66   6.45e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 1 decreases objective by 1.84e+03. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -207814.66
Fitting factor/loading 2 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -206245.15        Inf
          2     -206241.34   3.81e+00
          3     -206241.34   3.20e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 2 decreases objective by 1.57e+03. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -206241.34
Fitting factor/loading 3 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -205926.28        Inf
          2     -205919.49   6.78e+00
          3     -205919.10   3.94e-01
          4     -205919.04   6.22e-02
          5     -205919.03   1.28e-02
          6     -205919.02   3.65e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 3 decreases objective by 3.22e+02. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -205919.02
Fitting factor/loading 4 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -205661.05        Inf
          2     -205655.22   5.84e+00
          3     -205654.78   4.32e-01
          4     -205654.67   1.16e-01
          5     -205654.64   3.25e-02
          6     -205654.63   1.00e-02
          7     -205654.62   3.45e-03
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 4 decreases objective by 2.64e+02. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -205654.62
Fitting factor/loading 5 (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1     -205713.11        Inf
          2     -205702.77   1.03e+01
          3     -205701.59   1.18e+00
          4     -205701.08   5.16e-01
          5     -205700.64   4.37e-01
          6     -205700.06   5.79e-01
          7     -205698.99   1.06e+00
          8     -205696.53   2.47e+00
          9     -205691.37   5.16e+00
         10     -205684.14   7.22e+00
         11     -205678.13   6.02e+00
         12     -205678.11   1.79e-02
         13     -205678.11   0.00e+00
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 5 increases objective by 2.35e+01. Factor zeroed out.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: -205654.62

Is this because the svd happens to be sparse… looks like it. (That is, it is likely not really the noise per se that is helping here, but the initialization.)

Xn.svd = svd(Xn)
[1] 274.4662 252.4827 171.4019 164.3220

Using this fit to initialize on the non-noisy data leads to a much better solution:

X.flash.warmstart = flash(X,K=4,f_init=Xn.flash,ebnm_fn = list(l="ebnm_pn", f="ebnm_ash"),var_type = "constant",backfit = TRUE,greedy = FALSE)
Backfitting 4 factor/loading(s) (stop when difference in obj. is < 1.00e-02):
  Iteration      Objective   Obj Diff
          1      -22561.50        Inf
          2      127675.68   1.50e+05
          3      277187.43   1.50e+05
          4      424502.25   1.47e+05
          5      570868.91   1.46e+05
          6      716984.12   1.46e+05
          7      863101.91   1.46e+05
          8     1003104.16   1.40e+05
          9     1055225.60   5.21e+04
         10     1055916.90   6.91e+02
         11     1056004.19   8.73e+01
         12     1056015.01   1.08e+01
Warning in verbose_obj_decrease_warning(): An iteration decreased the objective.
This happens occasionally, perhaps due to numeric reasons. You could ignore this
warning, but you might like to check out
issues/26 for more details.
         13     1056000.70  -1.43e+01
Performing nullcheck...
  Deleting factor 1 decreases objective by 1.22e+06. Factor retained.
  Deleting factor 2 decreases objective by 1.21e+06. Factor retained.
  Deleting factor 3 decreases objective by 1.17e+06. Factor retained.
  Deleting factor 4 decreases objective by 1.17e+06. Factor retained.
  Nullcheck complete. Objective: 1056000.7

And the objective with warmstart is much larger, demonstrating this is a convergence problem rather than a fundamental problem with the objective function:

[1] 20642.02
[1] 1056001

R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] flashr_0.6-7    sparsepca_0.1.2

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.5       plyr_1.8.6       pillar_1.4.6     compiler_3.6.0  
 [5] later_1.1.0.1    git2r_0.27.1     workflowr_1.6.2  tools_3.6.0     
 [9] digest_0.6.25    gtable_0.3.0     evaluate_0.14    lifecycle_0.2.0 
[13] tibble_3.0.3     lattice_0.20-41  pkgconfig_2.0.3  rlang_0.4.7     
[17] Matrix_1.2-18    rstudioapi_0.11  yaml_2.2.1       ebnm_0.1-24     
[21] xfun_0.16        invgamma_1.1     dplyr_1.0.1      stringr_1.4.0   
[25] knitr_1.29       generics_0.0.2   fs_1.4.2         vctrs_0.3.2     
[29] tidyselect_1.1.0 rprojroot_1.3-2  grid_3.6.0       glue_1.4.1      
[33] R6_2.4.1         rmarkdown_2.3    mixsqp_0.3-43    irlba_2.3.3     
[37] reshape2_1.4.4   purrr_0.3.4      ggplot2_3.3.2    ashr_2.2-51     
[41] magrittr_1.5     whisker_0.4      scales_1.1.1     backports_1.1.8 
[45] promises_1.1.1   ellipsis_0.3.1   htmltools_0.5.0  rsvd_1.0.3      
[49] softImpute_1.4   colorspace_1.4-1 httpuv_1.5.4     stringi_1.4.6   
[53] munsell_0.5.0    truncnorm_1.0-8  SQUAREM_2020.3   crayon_1.3.4