Processing math: 100%
  • Introduction
  • Idea
  • Code
  • Applying to Poisson data
  • Other issues
    • Session information

Last updated: 2018-07-14

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Motivated by the desire to apply SVD and related methods to non-gaussian data (eg single cell data), I want to suggest investigating “weighted” versions of SVD that allows each observation to have its own measurement-error variance (in addition to any common variance). We already have this kind of idea in flash and mash, but methods like softImpute and svd are potentially more scalable, and so it would be nice to implement fast general versions of these.

The working model “rank k” model is X=UDV+Z+E where X, Z and E are all n×p matrices, and D is a k×k diagonal matrix. The elements of E are iid EijN(0,σ2=1/τ) and ZijN(0,s2ij) where sij are known.

Note: in softImpute (alternating least squares; ALS version) they replace UDV by AB, but the basic idea is the same. Also in softImpute they introduce an L2 penalty, which is a nice feature to have, and which I think may not complicate things much here. (to be checked!)

Given Z we note that the mle for U,D,V is given by the SVD of (XZ). Following the usual EM idea, each iteration we can replace Z with its expectation ˉZ=E(Z|U,D,V) where U,D,V are the current values of these parameters. Then the M step becomes running SVD on XˉZ.

Given U,D,V define residuals R=XUDV. Then from the model Rij|ZN(Zij,σ2). Then from standard Bayesian analysis of Gaussians we have: Zij|RN(μ1,1/τ1) where μ1=τ/τ1Rij τ1=τ+1/s2ij.

In particular the conditional mean of Z needed for EM is: ˉZij=τ/τ1Rij.

Note that in the special case sij=\Inf, which is like Xij is “missing”, this gives ˉZij=Rij, and when we plug that in to get a “new” value of R we get Rij=XijˉZij=(UDV)ij. That is, each iteration

If we look in the softImpute code this is exactly what they use to deal with missing data. For example, line 49 of simpute.als.R is
xfill[xnas] = (U %*% (Dsq * t(V)))[xnas].


Basically my idea is that we should be able to modify the softImpute code by replacing this line (and similar lines involving xfill) with something based on the above derivation…One advantage of this is that softImpute already deals with ridge penalty, and is well documented and fast…

Alternatively we could just implement it ourselves as below without the ridge penalty…


I started coding an EM algorithm that imputes Z each iteration. I haven’t tested it, so there may be bugs … but the objective seems to increase. This code may or may not be useful to build on.

wSVD = function(x,s,k,niter=100,tau=NULL){
  if(is.null(tau)){ #for now just estimate tau by residual variance from fit of first k svd
    x.svd = svd(x,k,k)
    tau = 1/mean((x - x.svd$u %*% diag(x.svd$d[1:k]) %*% t(x.svd$v))^2) 
  n = nrow(x)
  p = ncol(x)
  z = matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=p)
  sigma2 = rep(0,niter)
  obj = rep(0,niter)
  for(i in 1:niter){
    x.svd = svd(x-z,k,k) # could maybe replace this with a faster method to get top k pcs?
    R = x - x.svd$u %*% diag(x.svd$d[1:k]) %*% t(x.svd$v)
    tau1 = tau + 1/s^2 
    z =  (tau/tau1)*R
    sigma2[i] = 1/tau
    obj[i] = sum(dnorm(R, 0, sqrt(s^2+(1/tau)), log=TRUE))
  return(list(svd = x.svd,sigma2=sigma2,obj=obj))

This example just runs it on constant s, so it should match regular svd. I ran it with two different values of τ, but I don’t think τ affects the mle here…

n = 100
p = 1000
s = matrix(1,nrow=n,ncol=p)
x = matrix(rnorm(n*p,0,s),nrow=n,ncol=p)
x.wsvd = wSVD(x,s,3,10,1)

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Version Author Date
695703e stephens999 2018-07-14

x.wsvd2 = wSVD(x,s,3,10,1e6)

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Version Author Date
695703e stephens999 2018-07-14


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Version Author Date
695703e stephens999 2018-07-14

Now this version is non-constant variance. At least the objective is increasing…

s = matrix(rgamma(n*p,1,1),nrow=n,ncol=p)
x = matrix(rnorm(n*p,0,s),nrow=n,ncol=p)
x.wsvd = wSVD(x,s,30,100)

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Version Author Date
695703e stephens999 2018-07-14

Applying to Poisson data

Here is outline of how we might apply this to Poisson data.

Let YijPoi(μij) be observations. Let mij be a “current fitted value” for μij, for example it could be the current value of YijZij if Zij where Zij is the estimated “measurement error” in the above. Or for initialization mij could be the mean of Xi if j indexes genes.

Basically the idea is to do a Taylor series expansion of the Poisson likelihood about mij. This leads to - set Xij=log(mij)+(Yijmij)/mij - set s2ij=1/mij which we could apply wSVD to. And then repeat…

Other issues

  • I think there is something of a literature on wSVD, but not much implemented. Would be good to look further.

  • We would want to estimate the residual precision τ too. I believe there is a EM update for that based on computing expected squared residuals (which will involve second moment of Zij, which is available).

  • It would be nice if we could estimate the ridge penalty in softImpute by maximum likelihood/variational approximation (as in flash/PEER) rather than having to do cross-validation.

Session information

R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

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attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

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