Last updated: 2018-10-09
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The command set.seed(12345)
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Modified: analysis/wSVD.Rmd
Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes. I’m going to try to do a version of Poisson low rank approximation in R so I can play with it, based on Abhishek Sarkar’s python code (here)[].
# return truncated svd (truncated to rank principal components)
lra = function(x, rank){
x.svd = svd(x,nu=rank,nv=rank)
return(x.svd$u %*% diag(x.svd$d[1:rank],nrow=rank) %*% t(x.svd$v))
# Return the weighted low rank approximation of x
# Minimize the weighted Frobenius norm between x and the approximation z using EM [SJ03].
#' @param x input data (n, p)
#' @param w input weights (n, p)
#' @param rank rank of the approximation (non-negative)
#' @param max_iters - maximum number of EM iterations
#' @param atol - minimum absolute difference in objective function for convergence
#' @param verbose - print objective function updates
#' @return an n by p matrix
wlra = function(x, w, rank, max_iters=1000, atol=1e-3,verbose=FALSE){
n = nrow(x)
p = ncol(x)
# Important: WLRA requires weights 0 <= w <= 1
w = w/max(w)
# Important: the procedure is deterministic, so initialization
# matters.
# Srebro and Jaakkola suggest the best strategy is to initialize
# from zero, but go from a full rank down to a rank k approximation in
# the first iterations
# For now, take the simpler strategy of just initializing to zero. Srebro and
# Jaakkola suggest this can underfit.
z = matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=p)
obj = mean(w * x^2)
print(paste0("wsvd [0]=",obj))
for(i in 0:max_iters){
z1 = lra(w * x + (1 - w) * z, rank)
update = mean(w * (x - z1)^2)
if(verbose){print(paste0("wsvd [",i+1,"]=",update))}
if(update > obj){
stop("objective increased")
} else if(max(abs(update-obj))<atol){
} else {
z = z1
obj = update
stop("failed to converge")
# return log(p(Y|lambda=exp(eta))) for Y \sim Poi(lambda)
pois_llik= function(y, eta){
#' @details Assume x_ij ~ Poisson(exp(eta_ij)), eta_ij = L_ik F_kj
#' Maximize the log likelihood by using Taylor approximation to rewrite the problem as WLRA.
#' @param x: input data (n, p)
#' @param rank: rank of the approximation
#' @param max_outer_iters: maximum number of calls to WLRA
#' @param max_iters: maximum number of EM iterations in WLRA
#' @param verbose: print objective function updates
#' @return low rank approximation (n, p) matrix
pois_lra= function(x, rank, max_outer_iters=50, max_iters=1000, atol=1e-3, verbose=FALSE){
n = nrow(x)
p = ncol(x)
nmf = NNLM::nnmf(x, rank)
eta = log(nmf$W %*% nmf$H)
obj = mean(pois_llik(x, eta))
print(paste0("pois_lra [0]:",obj))
for(i in 0:max_outer_iters){
lam = exp(eta)
w = lam
target = eta + x / lam - 1
w[]=0 # Mark missing data with weight 0
# Now we can go ahead and fill in the missing values with something
# computationally convenient, because the WLRA EM update will ignore the
# value for weight zero.
target[] = 0
eta1 = wlra(target, w, rank, max_iters=max_iters, atol=atol, verbose=verbose)
update = mean(pois_llik(x, eta1))
print(paste0("pois_lra [",i + 1,"]:",update))
} else {
eta = eta1
obj = update
stop("failed to converge")
# this just does a simple TSE about lam and runs wSVD once without any iteration
pois_lra1 = function(x, rank, lam = ifelse(x>0,x,0.5), max_iters=1000, atol=1e-3, verbose=FALSE){
target = log(lam) + x / lam - 1
w = lam
w[]=0 # Mark missing data with weight 0
# Now we can go ahead and fill in the missing values with something
# computationally convenient, because the WLRA EM update will ignore the
# value for weight zero.
target[] = 0
eta1 = wlra(target, w, rank, max_iters=max_iters, atol=atol, verbose=verbose)
First simulate some data:
l = rnorm(100)
f = rnorm(100)
eta = outer(l,f)
lambda = exp(eta)
x = matrix(rpois(length(lambda),lambda),nrow=nrow(lambda))
Now fit various models: the plra, plra1 with the “naive” expansion (around x, or 0.5 for x=0) and around the true value of lambda:
[1] "pois_lra [0]:-56393.8383721883"
[1] "wsvd [0]=9.11187664142563"
[1] "wsvd [1]=9.09767330084035"
[1] "wsvd [2]=9.0942294282996"
[1] "wsvd [3]=9.09252076154906"
[1] "wsvd [4]=9.09146781601123"
[1] "wsvd [5]=9.09073663864168"
[1] "pois_lra [1]:-20730.5265718132"
[1] "wsvd [0]=0.0254032600526617"
[1] "wsvd [1]=0.018730302153258"
[1] "wsvd [2]=0.0173472213350827"
[1] "wsvd [3]=0.0166205649043371"
[1] "pois_lra [2]:-24476.2310334721"
[1] "wsvd [0]=0.0342958650072393"
[1] "wsvd [1]=0.0302492341697698"
[1] "wsvd [2]=0.0295946545829222"
[1] "pois_lra [3]:-26631.5708456328"
[1] "wsvd [0]=0.0594742391599983"
[1] "wsvd [1]=0.0558114666026009"
[1] "wsvd [2]=0.0551636349735505"
[1] "pois_lra [4]:-26775.5968189102"
[1] "wsvd [0]=0.0654476543467692"
[1] "wsvd [1]=0.0617080003798833"
[1] "wsvd [2]=0.0609634116407461"
[1] "pois_lra [5]:-26663.0720352895"
[1] "wsvd [0]=0.0639419959608682"
[1] "wsvd [1]=0.0601941802731442"
[1] "wsvd [2]=0.0594430040900086"
[1] "pois_lra [6]:-26653.5190878185"
[1] "wsvd [0]=0.0637737656022713"
[1] "wsvd [1]=0.0600262104698666"
[1] "wsvd [2]=0.0592754713652051"
[1] "pois_lra [7]:-26653.9093042342"
[1] "wsvd [0]=0.063778632660418"
[1] "wsvd [1]=0.0600311044827268"
[1] "wsvd [2]=0.0592803862918574"
[1] "pois_lra [8]:-26653.9404182592"
[1] "wsvd [0]=0.0637791754208205"
[1] "wsvd [1]=0.0600316465363189"
[1] "wsvd [2]=0.0592809270276872"
[1] "pois_lra [9]:-26653.9393089239"
[1] "wsvd [0]=0.0637791618254631"
[1] "wsvd [1]=0.0600316328646063"
[1] "wsvd [2]=0.0592809132945037"
[1] "pois_lra [10]:-26653.9392199259"
[1] "wsvd [0]=0.0357370934894206"
[1] "wsvd [1]=0.0216973393395743"
[1] "wsvd [2]=0.0183559836838193"
[1] "wsvd [3]=0.0166671902679346"
[1] "wsvd [4]=0.0156058206162763"
[1] "wsvd [5]=0.0148556454379835"
x.plra1.true = pois_lra1(x,1,lam=lambda)
pois_llik(x,eta) #log likelihood at true value of eta
[1] -13269.62
[1] -26653.94
[1] -20770.27
[1] -20830.33
This was weird that expansion around the truth was so bad. So I tried more stringent convergence:
x.plra1.true2 = pois_lra1(x,1,lam=lambda,max_iters = 10000,atol=1e-9)
x.plra1.naive2 = pois_lra1(x,1,max_iters = 10000,atol=1e-9)
[1] -13163.59
[1] -13145.19
R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] workflowr_1.1.1 Rcpp_0.12.19 NNLM_0.4.2
[4] digest_0.6.17 rprojroot_1.3-2 R.methodsS3_1.7.1
[7] backports_1.1.2 git2r_0.23.0 magrittr_1.5
[10] evaluate_0.11 stringi_1.2.4 whisker_0.3-2
[13] R.oo_1.22.0 R.utils_2.7.0 rmarkdown_1.10
[16] tools_3.5.1 stringr_1.3.1 yaml_2.2.0
[19] compiler_3.5.1 htmltools_0.3.6 knitr_1.20
This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr 1.1.1