Last updated: 2021-01-15
Checks: 7 0
Knit directory: misc/analysis/
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Modified: analysis/ridge_admm.Rmd
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) and HTML (docs/mr_ash_vs_lasso.html
) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote
), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.
File | Version | Author | Date | Message |
Rmd | 1134186 | Matthew Stephens | 2021-01-15 | workflowr::wflow_publish(“analysis/mr_ash_vs_lasso.Rmd”) |
html | d7157a8 | Matthew Stephens | 2020-06-19 | Build site. |
Rmd | f8037eb | Matthew Stephens | 2020-06-19 | workflowr::wflow_publish(“mr_ash_vs_lasso.Rmd”) |
html | c94d7bf | Matthew Stephens | 2020-06-12 | Build site. |
Rmd | 94bd508 | Matthew Stephens | 2020-06-12 | workflowr::wflow_publish(“mr_ash_vs_lasso.Rmd”) |
Warning: package 'glmnet' was built under R version 3.6.2
Loading required package: Matrix
Loaded glmnet 4.1
This is to illustrate a setting where Fabio Morgante found lasso to work better than mr.ash. The simulation is based on his set-up, and then simplified. (Note that I have set the columns of X to have norm approximately 1 to make connections with the mr.ash paper easier.)
I ran mr.ash with both estimating the prior and fixing the prior (and residual variance) to the true value. I initialized from the solution obtained by lasso from glmnet. I compare the mean squared errors. With estimated prior mr ash is consistently worse than lasso. With the correct prior the performance is closer, but still usually worse.
n <- 500
p <- 1000
p_causal <- 500 # number of causal variables (simulated effects N(0,1))
pve <- 0.95
nrep = 10
rmse_mrash = rep(0,nrep)
rmse_glmnet = rep(0,nrep)
rmse_ridge = rep(0,nrep)
rmse_mrash_fixprior = rep(0,nrep)
for(i in 1:nrep){
sim$X = matrix(rnorm(n*p,sd=1),nrow=n)
B <- rep(0,p)
causal_variables <- sample(x=(1:p), size=p_causal)
B[causal_variables] <- rnorm(n=p_causal, mean=0, sd=1)
sim$B = B
sim$Y = sim$X %*% sim$B
sigma2 = ((1-pve)/(pve))*sd(sim$Y)^2
E = rnorm(n,sd = sqrt(sigma2))
sim$Y = sim$Y + E
fit_glmnet <- cv.glmnet(x=sim$X, y=sim$Y, family="gaussian", alpha=1, standardize=FALSE)
fit_mrash <- mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y,standardize = FALSE,beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)[-1], max.iter = 10000)
fit_mrash_fixprior <- mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)[-1], standardize = FALSE, sa2 = c(0,1/sigma2), pi = c(0.5,0.5), update.pi=FALSE, update.sigma2 = FALSE, sigma2 = sigma2, max.iter = 10000)
#fit_ridge <- cv.glmnet(x=sim$X, y=sim$Y, family="gaussian", alpha=0, standardize=FALSE)
rmse_mrash[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-fit_mrash$beta)^2))
rmse_mrash_fixprior[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-fit_mrash_fixprior$beta)^2))
rmse_glmnet[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-coef(fit_glmnet)[-1])^2))
#rmse_ridge[i] = sqrt(mean((sim$B-coef(fit_ridge)[-1])^2))
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 2956.
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 425.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)
[-1], : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 1303.
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 546.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)
[-1], : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 867.
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 229.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)
[-1], : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 537.
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 243.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)
[-1], : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 2171.
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 413.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)
[-1], : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 393.
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 452.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)
[-1], : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 7006.
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 568.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)
[-1], : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 869.
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 417.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)
[-1], : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 2112.
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 453.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)
[-1], : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 451.
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 351.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, beta.init = coef(fit_glmnet)
[-1], : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
plot(rmse_mrash,rmse_glmnet, xlim=c(0.5,0.7), ylim=c(0.5,0.7), main="red=true prior; black=estimated prior")
Since the result is so consistently that mr.ash is worse than lasso here, I’ll initially just focus on the last of the simulations above.
The first thing I wanted to try was fixing the prior to the “true” value. I was suprised to find I actually needed to use the true beta to initialize in order to get good error. And the initialization really changes things, even with true fixed prior.
s2 = (sqrt((1-pve)/(pve))*sd(sim$Y))^2
fit_trueg <- mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y,standardize = FALSE, sa2 = c(0,1/s2), pi=c(0.5,0.5), sigma2 = s2, update.pi=FALSE, update.sigma2 = FALSE, intercept=FALSE,min.iter=100)
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 920.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, standardize = FALSE, sa2 = c(0, :
The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is greater
than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using a larger
setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the variances
fit_trueg.inittrueb <- mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y,standardize = FALSE, sa2 = c(0,1/s2), beta.init=sim$B, pi=c(0.5,0.5), sigma2 = s2, update.pi=FALSE, update.sigma2 = FALSE, intercept = FALSE)
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 422.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, standardize = FALSE, sa2 = c(0, :
The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is greater
than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using a larger
setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the variances
[1] 0.5794779
[1] 0.4648451
plot(fit_trueg$beta, fit_trueg.inittrueb$beta)
Version | Author | Date |
d7157a8 | Matthew Stephens | 2020-06-19 |
Reassuringly, the better solution also has better objective (but only slightly).
[1] 2375.551
[1] 2385.549
Here I investigate some ideas to try to get the mr.ash prior to fit the lasso prior.
First I will compute the values of ˜b, which, algorithmically, are the values of b before shrinkage (soft-thresholding) is applied to them. I’m going to look at the shrinkage factors, which I define to be f:=b/˜b.
y = sim$Y
X = sim$X
d = colSums(X^2)
b = coef(fit_glmnet)[-1]
r = y-sim$X %*% b - coef(fit_glmnet)[1]
btilde = drop((t(X) %*% r)/d) + b
plot(btilde,b, main="btilde vs b from lasso")
hist(b/btilde,nclass=100, main = "histogram of shrinkage factors from lasso fit")
We want to try to select a prior such that the mr ash shrinkage operator is similar to the lasso. Intuitively that will ensure that the first mr ash update step does not change the solution “very much”. Ideally one might select g to minimize b−Sg(btilde).
THe mr ash shrinkage operator is the average of many ridge regression shrinkage operators. In ridge regression, with prior sa2 s2 the shrinkage factor for a variable j is fj=sa2/(sa2+1/dj), where dj=x′jxj.
Rearranging, and writing the shrinkage factor as f, (dsa2+1)fj=djsa2 or sa2=fj/[dj(1−f)]
To get a quick approximation of what g might be we take the empirical values for sa2 computed in this way from the shrinkage factors. To give a grid I then cluster these empirical values into quantiles and give them equal weights in the prior. I deal separately with shrinkage factor 0.
f = b/btilde
sa2 = f/(d*(1-f))
Version | Author | Date |
d7157a8 | Matthew Stephens | 2020-06-19 |
pi0 = mean(sa2==0)
sa2 = sa2[sa2!=0] # deal with zeros separately
sa2 = as.vector(quantile(sa2,seq(0,1,length=20)))
sa2 = c(0,sa2)
w = c(pi0, (1-pi0)*rep(1/20,20))
Here I write code to compute posterior mean under normal means model with given prior variances and data variances. (Note the prior variances here not scaled by data variances.)
softmax = function(x){
x = x- max(x)
y = exp(x)
postmean = function(b, w, prior_variances, data_variance){
total_var = prior_variances + data_variance
loglik = -0.5* log(total_var) + dnorm(outer(sqrt(1/total_var),b,FUN="*"),log=TRUE) # K by p matrix
log_post = loglik + log(w)
phi = apply(log_post, 2, softmax)
mu = outer(prior_variances/total_var,b)
Now check if our prior reproduces the lasso shrinkage approximately. It does!
plot(btilde,b, main="comparison of mr.ash shrinkage (red) with soft thresholding")
lines(sort(btilde),postmean(sort(btilde), w, prior_variances = s2*sa2, data_variance = s2/median(d)),col=2,lwd=2)
Somewhat unexpectedly though, initializing here has no effect
fit_mrash = mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y,standardize = FALSE)
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 414.
fit_mrash_lassoinit <- mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y,standardize = FALSE, beta.init = b, sa2 = sa2, pi=w, sigma2=s2)
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 1000.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, standardize = FALSE, beta.init
= b, : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
Version | Author | Date |
d7157a8 | Matthew Stephens | 2020-06-19 |
[1] 0.6073579
[1] 0.6096696
[1] 2210.826
[1] 2210.982
Plot the learned mr.mash shrinkage operators:
plot(btilde,b, main="comparison of mr.ash shrinkage (red) with soft thresholding")
lines(sort(btilde),postmean(sort(btilde), as.vector(fit_mrash$pi), prior_variances = fit_mrash$sigma2*fit_mrash$data$sa2, data_variance = fit_mrash$sigma2/median(d)),col=2,lwd=2)
lines(sort(btilde),postmean(sort(btilde), as.vector(fit_mrash_lassoinit$pi), prior_variances = fit_mrash_lassoinit$sigma2*fit_mrash_lassoinit$data$sa2, data_variance = fit_mrash_lassoinit$sigma2/median(d)),col=3,lwd=2)
Version | Author | Date |
d7157a8 | Matthew Stephens | 2020-06-19 |
Interestingly the fitted pi from lasso initialization is almost identical to the one used in lasso. So actually the prior is the same! It is the sigma2 that must be different….
Version | Author | Date |
d7157a8 | Matthew Stephens | 2020-06-19 |
So here I fix sigma2:
fit_mrash_lassoinit_fixs2 <- mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y,standardize = FALSE, beta.init = b, sa2 = sa2, pi=w, sigma2=s2, update.sigma2 = FALSE)
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 247.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, standardize = FALSE, beta.init
= b, : The mixture proportion associated with the largest prior variance is
greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit could be improved by using
a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider increasing the range of the
variances "sa2".
[1] 0.4895231
And now initialize from that fit:
fit_mrash_lassoinit_relaxs2 <- mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y,standardize = FALSE, beta.init = fit_mrash_lassoinit_fixs2$beta, sa2 = fit_mrash_lassoinit_fixs2$data$sa2, pi=fit_mrash_lassoinit_fixs2$pi, sigma2=fit_mrash_lassoinit_fixs2$sigma2)
Mr.ASH terminated at iteration 352.
Warning in mr.ash.alpha::mr.ash(sim$X, sim$Y, standardize = FALSE, beta.init
= fit_mrash_lassoinit_fixs2$beta, : The mixture proportion associated with the
largest prior variance is greater than zero; this indicates that the model fit
could be improved by using a larger setting of the prior variance. Consider
increasing the range of the variances "sa2".
[1] 0.5878811
[1] 2215.352
[1] 2464.858
One of the challenges is that the mr ash shrinkage operator is not a special case of lasso. In contrast, the ridge shrinkage operator is a special case. So it is easier to initialize from that.
Here i wanted to try this.
fit_ridge <- cv.glmnet(x=sim$X, y=sim$Y, family="gaussian", alpha=0, standardize=FALSE)
b = coef(fit_ridge)[-1]
r = y-sim$X %*% b - coef(fit_ridge)[1]
btilde = drop((t(X) %*% r)/d) + b
plot(btilde,b, main="btilde vs b from ridge")
hist(b/btilde,nclass=100, main = "histogram of shrinkage factors from ridge fit")
[1] 0.5908821
R version 3.6.0 (2019-04-26)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS 10.16
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] glmnet_4.1 Matrix_1.2-18 mr.ash.alpha_0.1-36
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_1.0.6 pillar_1.4.6 compiler_3.6.0 later_1.1.0.1
[5] git2r_0.27.1 workflowr_1.6.2 iterators_1.0.12 tools_3.6.0
[9] digest_0.6.27 evaluate_0.14 lifecycle_0.2.0 tibble_3.0.4
[13] lattice_0.20-41 pkgconfig_2.0.3 rlang_0.4.8 foreach_1.5.0
[17] rstudioapi_0.11 yaml_2.2.1 xfun_0.16 stringr_1.4.0
[21] knitr_1.29 fs_1.5.0 vctrs_0.3.4 rprojroot_1.3-2
[25] grid_3.6.0 glue_1.4.2 R6_2.4.1 survival_3.2-3
[29] rmarkdown_2.3 magrittr_1.5 whisker_0.4 splines_3.6.0
[33] backports_1.1.10 promises_1.1.1 codetools_0.2-16 ellipsis_0.3.1
[37] htmltools_0.5.0 shape_1.4.4 httpuv_1.5.4 stringi_1.4.6
[41] crayon_1.3.4