Last updated: 2020-03-13

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: mmbr-rss-dsc/

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Untracked files:
    Untracked:  output/mnm_rss_lite_output.20200227.rds
    Untracked:  output/mnm_rss_lite_output.20200310.rds

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 0de6e05 zouyuxin 2020-03-13 wflow_publish(“analysis/mmbr_rss_simulation_2.Rmd”)

This is result from our second M&M RSS simulation.

There are 300 data sets using GTEx genotypes. The number of conditions are 5 and 10. The model are fitted with oracle prior and residual variance.

out = readRDS('output/mnm_rss_lite_output.20200310.rds')
res = out[,-1]
colnames(res) = c('n_traits', 'simulate', 'method', 'resid_method', 'L', 'total', 'valid', 'size', 'purity', 'top_hit', 'total_true', 'total_true_included', 'overlap_var', 'overlap_cs', 'false_positive_cross_cond', 'false_negative_cross_cond', 'true_positive_cross_cond', 'converged', 'filename')
res = res %>% filter(resid_method == 'oracle')
res.shared = res %>% filter(simulate == 'shared', grepl('shared', res$method))
res.singleton = res %>% filter(simulate == 'singleton', grepl('singleton', res$method))
res.mid_het = res %>% filter(simulate == 'mid_het', grepl('mid_het', res$method))
res.mix = res %>% filter(simulate == 'mixture01', grepl('mixture01', res$method))



purity = aggregate(purity~n_traits + method + L, res.shared, mean)
purity = purity[order(purity$n_traits, purity$L),]
rownames(purity) = NULL
knitr::kable(purity) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L purity
5 mnm_rss_shared 1 0.9898494
5 mnm_shared 1 0.9895356
5 mnm_rss_shared 2 0.9846422
5 mnm_shared 2 0.9853774
5 mnm_rss_shared 10 0.9838465
5 mnm_shared 10 0.9838652
10 mnm_rss_shared 1 0.9972510
10 mnm_shared 1 0.9972127
10 mnm_rss_shared 2 0.9941276
10 mnm_shared 2 0.9948094
10 mnm_rss_shared 10 0.9935605
10 mnm_shared 10 0.9938060


total_true_included = aggregate(total_true_included ~ n_traits + method + L, res.shared, sum)
total_true = aggregate(total_true ~  n_traits + method + L, res.shared, sum)
cs_overlap = aggregate(overlap_cs ~  n_traits + method + L, res.shared, sum)
snp_overlap = aggregate(overlap_var ~  n_traits + method + L, res.shared, sum)
power = merge(total_true_included, total_true, by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power = merge(power, cs_overlap,  by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power = merge(power, snp_overlap,  by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power$power = round(power$total_true_included/power$total_true,3)
power$overlap_cs = round(power$overlap_cs, 3)
power$overlap_var = round(power$overlap_var, 3)
power = power[order(power$n_traits, power$L, power$method),]
rownames(power) = NULL
knitr::kable(power) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L total_true_included total_true overlap_cs overlap_var power
5 mnm_rss_shared 1 291 527 0 0 0.552
5 mnm_shared 1 298 527 0 0 0.565
5 mnm_rss_shared 2 410 527 0 0 0.778
5 mnm_shared 2 416 527 0 0 0.789
5 mnm_rss_shared 10 422 527 13 80 0.801
5 mnm_shared 10 429 527 10 74 0.814
10 mnm_rss_shared 1 273 501 0 0 0.545
10 mnm_shared 1 284 501 0 0 0.567
10 mnm_rss_shared 2 373 501 0 0 0.745
10 mnm_shared 2 385 501 0 0 0.768
10 mnm_rss_shared 10 405 501 17 73 0.808
10 mnm_shared 10 415 501 11 51 0.828


valid = aggregate(valid ~ n_traits + method + L, res.shared, sum)
total = aggregate(total ~ n_traits + method + L, res.shared, sum)
fdr = merge(valid, total, by = c( 'n_traits', 'method', 'L'))
fdr$fdr = round((fdr$total - fdr$valid)/fdr$total,3)
fdr = fdr[order(fdr$n_traits, fdr$L, fdr$method),]
rownames(fdr) = NULL
knitr::kable(fdr) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L valid total fdr
5 mnm_rss_shared 1 280 299 0.064
5 mnm_shared 1 287 299 0.040
5 mnm_rss_shared 2 395 417 0.053
5 mnm_shared 2 403 413 0.024
5 mnm_rss_shared 10 419 449 0.067
5 mnm_shared 10 426 442 0.036
10 mnm_rss_shared 1 271 300 0.097
10 mnm_shared 1 281 300 0.063
10 mnm_rss_shared 2 371 411 0.097
10 mnm_shared 2 381 411 0.073
10 mnm_rss_shared 10 415 466 0.109
10 mnm_shared 10 419 458 0.085


elbo_converged = aggregate(converged~n_traits + method + L, res.shared, mean)
elbo_converged = elbo_converged[which(elbo_converged$L!=1),]
elbo_converged = elbo_converged[order(elbo_converged$n_traits),]
rownames(elbo_converged) = NULL
knitr::kable(elbo_converged) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:4), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L converged
5 mnm_rss_shared 2 0.9933333
5 mnm_shared 2 0.9533333
5 mnm_rss_shared 10 0.7066667
5 mnm_shared 10 0.6966667
10 mnm_rss_shared 2 0.9900000
10 mnm_shared 2 0.9766667
10 mnm_rss_shared 10 0.7266667
10 mnm_shared 10 0.7200000



purity = aggregate(purity~n_traits + method + L, res.singleton, mean)
purity = purity[order(purity$n_traits, purity$L),]
rownames(purity) = NULL
knitr::kable(purity) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L purity
5 mnm_rss_singleton 1 0.8778953
5 mnm_singleton 1 0.8673773
5 mnm_rss_singleton 2 0.9201027
5 mnm_singleton 2 0.9172359
5 mnm_rss_singleton 10 0.9125635
5 mnm_singleton 10 0.9127821
10 mnm_rss_singleton 1 0.8480943
10 mnm_singleton 1 0.8288053
10 mnm_rss_singleton 2 0.9344460
10 mnm_singleton 2 0.9203271
10 mnm_rss_singleton 10 0.9302034
10 mnm_singleton 10 0.9156067


total_true_included = aggregate(total_true_included ~ n_traits + method + L, res.singleton, sum)
total_true = aggregate(total_true ~  n_traits + method + L, res.singleton, sum)
cs_overlap = aggregate(overlap_cs ~  n_traits + method + L, res.singleton, sum)
snp_overlap = aggregate(overlap_var ~  n_traits + method + L, res.singleton, sum)
power = merge(total_true_included, total_true, by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power = merge(power, cs_overlap,  by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power = merge(power, snp_overlap,  by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power$power = round(power$total_true_included/power$total_true,3)
power$overlap_cs = round(power$overlap_cs, 3)
power$overlap_var = round(power$overlap_var, 3)
power = power[order(power$n_traits, power$L, power$method),]
rownames(power) = NULL
knitr::kable(power) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L total_true_included total_true overlap_cs overlap_var power
5 mnm_rss_singleton 1 273 487 0 0 0.561
5 mnm_singleton 1 275 487 0 0 0.565
5 mnm_rss_singleton 2 381 487 10 184 0.782
5 mnm_singleton 2 385 487 11 218 0.791
5 mnm_rss_singleton 10 395 487 14 232 0.811
5 mnm_singleton 10 401 487 15 276 0.823
10 mnm_rss_singleton 1 279 498 0 0 0.560
10 mnm_singleton 1 276 498 0 0 0.554
10 mnm_rss_singleton 2 415 498 14 195 0.833
10 mnm_singleton 2 410 498 14 211 0.823
10 mnm_rss_singleton 10 424 498 20 290 0.851
10 mnm_singleton 10 418 498 20 315 0.839


valid = aggregate(valid ~ n_traits + method + L, res.singleton, sum)
total = aggregate(total ~ n_traits + method + L, res.singleton, sum)
fdr = merge(valid, total, by = c( 'n_traits', 'method', 'L'))
fdr$fdr = round((fdr$total - fdr$valid)/fdr$total,3)
fdr = fdr[order(fdr$n_traits, fdr$L, fdr$method),]
rownames(fdr) = NULL
knitr::kable(fdr) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L valid total fdr
5 mnm_rss_singleton 1 263 277 0.051
5 mnm_singleton 1 264 275 0.040
5 mnm_rss_singleton 2 376 394 0.046
5 mnm_singleton 2 380 393 0.033
5 mnm_rss_singleton 10 391 411 0.049
5 mnm_singleton 10 397 411 0.034
10 mnm_rss_singleton 1 261 268 0.026
10 mnm_singleton 1 258 264 0.023
10 mnm_rss_singleton 2 408 421 0.031
10 mnm_singleton 2 404 415 0.027
10 mnm_rss_singleton 10 421 434 0.030
10 mnm_singleton 10 416 427 0.026


elbo_converged = aggregate(converged~n_traits + method + L, res.singleton, mean)
elbo_converged = elbo_converged[which(elbo_converged$L!=1),]
elbo_converged = elbo_converged[order(elbo_converged$n_traits),]
rownames(elbo_converged) = NULL
knitr::kable(elbo_converged) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:4), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L converged
5 mnm_rss_singleton 2 0.9800000
5 mnm_singleton 2 0.9733333
5 mnm_rss_singleton 10 0.7733333
5 mnm_singleton 10 0.7533333
10 mnm_rss_singleton 2 0.9833333
10 mnm_singleton 2 0.9566667
10 mnm_rss_singleton 10 0.7633333
10 mnm_singleton 10 0.7333333

Mid heterogeneity


purity = aggregate(purity~n_traits + method + L, res.mid_het, mean)
purity = purity[order(purity$n_traits, purity$L),]
rownames(purity) = NULL
knitr::kable(purity) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L purity
5 mnm_mid_het 1 0.9872006
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 1 0.9881342
5 mnm_mid_het 2 0.9904160
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 2 0.9913746
5 mnm_mid_het 10 0.9906158
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 10 0.9917301
10 mnm_mid_het 1 0.9965997
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 1 0.9975002
10 mnm_mid_het 2 0.9956400
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 2 0.9961010
10 mnm_mid_het 10 0.9958651
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 10 0.9961145


total_true_included = aggregate(total_true_included ~ n_traits + method + L, res.mid_het, sum)
total_true = aggregate(total_true ~  n_traits + method + L, res.mid_het, sum)
cs_overlap = aggregate(overlap_cs ~  n_traits  + method + L, res.mid_het, sum)
snp_overlap = aggregate(overlap_var ~  n_traits  + method + L, res.mid_het, sum)
power = merge(total_true_included, total_true, by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power = merge(power, cs_overlap,  by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power = merge(power, snp_overlap,  by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power$power = round(power$total_true_included/power$total_true,3)
power$overlap_cs = round(power$overlap_cs, 3)
power$overlap_var = round(power$overlap_var, 3)
power = power[order(power$n_traits, power$L, power$method),]
rownames(power) = NULL
knitr::kable(power) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L total_true_included total_true overlap_cs overlap_var power
5 mnm_mid_het 1 292 513 0 0 0.569
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 1 283 513 0 0 0.552
5 mnm_mid_het 2 415 513 0 0 0.809
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 2 410 513 0 0 0.799
5 mnm_mid_het 10 443 513 3 33 0.864
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 10 439 513 3 31 0.856
10 mnm_mid_het 1 297 510 0 0 0.582
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 1 289 510 0 0 0.567
10 mnm_mid_het 2 424 510 0 0 0.831
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 2 418 510 0 0 0.820
10 mnm_mid_het 10 454 510 5 21 0.890
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 10 448 510 8 42 0.878


valid = aggregate(valid ~ n_traits + method + L, res.mid_het, sum)
total = aggregate(total ~ n_traits + method + L, res.mid_het, sum)
fdr = merge(valid, total, by = c( 'n_traits', 'method', 'L'))
fdr$fdr = round((fdr$total - fdr$valid)/fdr$total,3)
fdr = fdr[order(fdr$n_traits, fdr$L, fdr$method),]
rownames(fdr) = NULL
knitr::kable(fdr) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L valid total fdr
5 mnm_mid_het 1 285 298 0.044
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 1 277 298 0.070
5 mnm_mid_het 2 406 427 0.049
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 2 402 430 0.065
5 mnm_mid_het 10 437 459 0.048
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 10 434 464 0.065
10 mnm_mid_het 1 290 300 0.033
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 1 282 300 0.060
10 mnm_mid_het 2 417 435 0.041
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 2 410 436 0.060
10 mnm_mid_het 10 452 473 0.044
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 10 445 478 0.069


elbo_converged = aggregate(converged~n_traits + method + L, res.mid_het, mean)
elbo_converged = elbo_converged[which(elbo_converged$L!=1),]
elbo_converged = elbo_converged[order(elbo_converged$n_traits),]
rownames(elbo_converged) = NULL
knitr::kable(elbo_converged) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:4), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L converged
5 mnm_mid_het 2 0.9600000
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 2 0.9900000
5 mnm_mid_het 10 0.6600000
5 mnm_rss_mid_het 10 0.6766667
10 mnm_mid_het 2 0.9400000
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 2 0.9933333
10 mnm_mid_het 10 0.6066667
10 mnm_rss_mid_het 10 0.6633333



purity = aggregate(purity~n_traits + method + L, res.mix, mean)
purity = purity[order(purity$n_traits, purity$L),]
rownames(purity) = NULL
knitr::kable(purity) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L purity
5 mnm_mixture01 1 0.9783740
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 1 0.9750908
5 mnm_mixture01 2 0.9825720
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 2 0.9846230
5 mnm_mixture01 10 0.9827268
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 10 0.9846824
10 mnm_mixture01 1 0.9865030
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 1 0.9877358
10 mnm_mixture01 2 0.9891677
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 2 0.9908808
10 mnm_mixture01 10 0.9889556
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 10 0.9907812


total_true_included = aggregate(total_true_included ~ n_traits + method + L, res.mix, sum)
total_true = aggregate(total_true ~  n_traits + method + L, res.mix, sum)
cs_overlap = aggregate(overlap_cs ~  n_traits  + method + L, res.mix, sum)
snp_overlap = aggregate(overlap_var ~  n_traits  + method + L, res.mix, sum)
power = merge(total_true_included, total_true, by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power = merge(power, cs_overlap,  by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power = merge(power, snp_overlap,  by = c( 'n_traits', 'method' , 'L'))
power$power = round(power$total_true_included/power$total_true,3)
power$overlap_cs = round(power$overlap_cs, 3)
power$overlap_var = round(power$overlap_var, 3)
power = power[order(power$n_traits, power$L, power$method),]
rownames(power) = NULL
knitr::kable(power) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L total_true_included total_true overlap_cs overlap_var power
5 mnm_mixture01 1 303 510 0 0 0.594
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 1 294 510 0 0 0.576
5 mnm_mixture01 2 401 510 0 0 0.786
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 2 392 510 0 0 0.769
5 mnm_mixture01 10 417 510 3 16 0.818
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 10 407 510 4 20 0.798
10 mnm_mixture01 1 295 511 0 0 0.577
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 1 287 511 0 0 0.562
10 mnm_mixture01 2 407 511 0 0 0.796
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 2 398 511 0 0 0.779
10 mnm_mixture01 10 433 511 2 7 0.847
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 10 424 511 4 27 0.830


valid = aggregate(valid ~ n_traits + method + L, res.mix, sum)
total = aggregate(total ~ n_traits + method + L, res.mix, sum)
fdr = merge(valid, total, by = c( 'n_traits', 'method', 'L'))
fdr$fdr = round((fdr$total - fdr$valid)/fdr$total,3)
fdr = fdr[order(fdr$n_traits, fdr$L, fdr$method),]
rownames(fdr) = NULL
knitr::kable(fdr) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:6), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L valid total fdr
5 mnm_mixture01 1 287 298 0.037
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 1 280 297 0.057
5 mnm_mixture01 2 384 400 0.040
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 2 378 401 0.057
5 mnm_mixture01 10 403 421 0.043
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 10 397 424 0.064
10 mnm_mixture01 1 290 299 0.030
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 1 282 298 0.054
10 mnm_mixture01 2 401 416 0.036
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 2 392 416 0.058
10 mnm_mixture01 10 428 447 0.043
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 10 421 450 0.064


elbo_converged = aggregate(converged~n_traits + method + L, res.mix, mean)
elbo_converged = elbo_converged[which(elbo_converged$L!=1),]
elbo_converged = elbo_converged[order(elbo_converged$n_traits),]
rownames(elbo_converged) = NULL
knitr::kable(elbo_converged) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  row_spec(c(1:4), background = "wheat")
n_traits method L converged
5 mnm_mixture01 2 0.9700000
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 2 0.9866667
5 mnm_mixture01 10 0.7600000
5 mnm_rss_mixture01 10 0.7700000
10 mnm_mixture01 2 0.9833333
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 2 0.9700000
10 mnm_mixture01 10 0.7533333
10 mnm_rss_mixture01 10 0.7533333

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] knitr_1.20       kableExtra_1.1.0 dplyr_0.8.0.1   

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.3        highr_0.7         pillar_1.4.3     
 [4] compiler_3.5.1    later_0.7.5       git2r_0.26.1     
 [7] workflowr_1.6.0   tools_3.5.1       digest_0.6.25    
[10] viridisLite_0.3.0 evaluate_0.12     tibble_2.1.3     
[13] lifecycle_0.1.0   pkgconfig_2.0.3   rlang_0.4.4      
[16] rstudioapi_0.10   yaml_2.2.0        stringr_1.4.0    
[19] httr_1.3.1        xml2_1.2.0        fs_1.3.1         
[22] vctrs_0.2.3       hms_0.5.3         webshot_0.5.1    
[25] rprojroot_1.3-2   tidyselect_0.2.5  glue_1.3.1       
[28] R6_2.4.1          rmarkdown_1.10    purrr_0.3.2      
[31] readr_1.3.1       magrittr_1.5      whisker_0.3-2    
[34] backports_1.1.5   scales_1.1.0      promises_1.0.1   
[37] htmltools_0.3.6   assertthat_0.2.1  rvest_0.3.2      
[40] colorspace_1.4-1  httpuv_1.4.5      stringi_1.4.3    
[43] munsell_0.5.0     crayon_1.3.4