Last updated: 2020-09-10

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Knit directory: scATACseq-topics/

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Untracked files:
    Untracked:  code/plots.R

Unstaged changes:
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    Modified:   scripts/

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 658edd6 kevinlkx 2020-09-10 update structure plots
html 4a4005a kevinlkx 2020-09-10 Build site.
Rmd f684ae9 kevinlkx 2020-09-10 initial structure plots

Here we examine and compare the topic modeling results for the bone marrow scATAC-seq dataset from Lareau et al (2019)

The goal of this analysis is to illustrate how the topic models fitted to these data sets can be used to learn about structure in the data.

In particular, we would like to identify clusters, and interpret clusters and topics as “cell types” or “regulatory programs”.

Load the packages used in the analysis below, as well as additional functions that will be used to generate some of the plots.


Lareau 2019 bone marrow scATAC-seq dataset

Load the data and Poisson NMF model fit

Load the data

data.dir <- "/project2/mstephens/kevinluo/scATACseq-topics/data/Lareau_2019/bone_marrow/processed_data/"
load(file.path(data.dir, "Lareau_2019_bonemarrow.RData"))
cat(sprintf("%d x %d counts matrix.\n",nrow(counts),ncol(counts)))
# 136463 x 146860 counts matrix.

About the samples: The study used dsciATAC-seq to profile bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMCs) from two human donors before (untreated controls) and after stimulation, producing chromatin accessibility profiles for a total of 136,463 cells that passed quality filters.

Conditions: 1) Resting 2) Stimulated

samples$Condition <- as.factor(samples$Condition)
#    Resting Stimulated 
#      60495      75968

15 de novo-defined clusters covering known hematopoietic cell types:

samples$Cluster <- as.factor(samples$Cluster)
#         B       CD4       CD8       CLP Collision Ery-early  Ery-late      HSPC 
#      4732     38420     15951       627      3506      4629      2269      5569 
#  HSPC-ery    Mono-1    Mono-2        NK       pDC      preB      proB 
#      2253     13933     12699     14127      2154     12612      2982

Load the results of running fit_poisson_nmf on the Lareau2019 data, with different algorithms, and for various choices of \(k\) (the number of “topics”).

out.dir <- "/project2/mstephens/kevinluo/scATACseq-topics/output/Lareau_2019"
load(file.path(out.dir, "/compiled.fits.Lareau2019_bonemarrow.RData"))

Explore the structure of the single-cell data as inferred by the topic model.

Structure plot

The structure plots summarize the topic proportions in the resting (control) and stimulated conditions.

Resting condition

Structure plot for cells in the resting condition, grouped by different cell labels (15 de novo-defined clusters):

\(k = 2\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=2"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Resting"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 3\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=3"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Resting"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 4\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=4"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Resting"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 5\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=5"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Resting"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 6\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=6"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Resting"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 7\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=7"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Resting"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 8\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=8"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Resting"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 9\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=9"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Resting"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

Stimulated condition

Structure plot for cells in the stimulated condition, grouped by different cell labels:

\(k = 2\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=2"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Stimulated"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 3\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=3"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Stimulated"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 4\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=4"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Stimulated"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 5\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=5"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Stimulated"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 6\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=6"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Stimulated"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 7\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=7"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Stimulated"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 8\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=8"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Stimulated"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

\(k = 9\):

fit_poisson_nmf <- fits[["fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow-scd-ex-k=9"]]

rows <- sort(which(samples$Condition == "Stimulated"))
p.structure_plot <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit_poisson_nmf), loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows,"Cluster"],
                     n = 2000,gap = 40,num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

# R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
# Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
# Running under: Scientific Linux 7.4 (Nitrogen)
# Matrix products: default
# BLAS/LAPACK: /software/openblas-0.2.19-el7-x86_64/lib/
# locale:
#  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
#  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
#  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
#  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
#  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
# attached base packages:
# [1] tools     stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
# [8] base     
# other attached packages:
# [1] cowplot_1.0.0      ggplot2_3.3.0      fastTopics_0.3-163 dplyr_0.8.5       
# [5] workflowr_1.6.2   
# loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#  [1] progress_1.2.2     tidyselect_0.2.5   xfun_0.14          purrr_0.3.4       
#  [5] lattice_0.20-38    colorspace_1.4-1   vctrs_0.3.0        viridisLite_0.3.0 
#  [9] htmltools_0.4.0    yaml_2.2.0         MCMCpack_1.4-4     plotly_4.8.0      
# [13] rlang_0.4.6        later_1.0.0        pillar_1.4.4       withr_2.1.2       
# [17] glue_1.4.1         lifecycle_0.2.0    stringr_1.4.0      MatrixModels_0.4-1
# [21] munsell_0.5.0      gtable_0.3.0       htmlwidgets_1.5.1  coda_0.19-2       
# [25] evaluate_0.14      labeling_0.3       knitr_1.28         SparseM_1.77      
# [29] httpuv_1.5.3.1     quantreg_5.36      irlba_2.3.3        Rcpp_1.0.4.6      
# [33] promises_1.1.0     backports_1.1.7    scales_1.1.1       RcppParallel_4.4.3
# [37] jsonlite_1.6       farver_2.0.3       fs_1.3.1           mcmc_0.9-7        
# [41] hms_0.4.2          digest_0.6.25      stringi_1.4.6      Rtsne_0.15        
# [45] ggrepel_0.8.2      grid_3.5.1         rprojroot_1.3-2    quadprog_1.5-5    
# [49] magrittr_1.5       lazyeval_0.2.2     tibble_3.0.1       tidyr_0.8.3       
# [53] crayon_1.3.4       whisker_0.4        pkgconfig_2.0.3    MASS_7.3-51.6     
# [57] ellipsis_0.3.1     Matrix_1.2-15      prettyunits_1.1.1  data.table_1.12.8 
# [61] assertthat_0.2.1   rmarkdown_2.1      httr_1.4.1         R6_2.4.1          
# [65] git2r_0.27.1       compiler_3.5.1