Last updated: 2021-02-24

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: single-cell-topics/analysis/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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The command set.seed(1) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

Great job! Recording the operating system, R version, and package versions is critical for reproducibility.

The following chunks had caches available:
  • diff-count-analysis-clusters
  • diff-count-analysis-subpop
  • diff-count-analysis-topics

To ensure reproducibility of the results, delete the cache directory plots_purified_pbmc_cache and re-run the analysis. To have workflowr automatically delete the cache directory prior to building the file, set delete_cache = TRUE when running wflow_build() or wflow_publish().

Great job! Using relative paths to the files within your workflowr project makes it easier to run your code on other machines.

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.

The results in this page were generated with repository version 3d7de41. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    analysis/figure/
    Ignored:    data/droplet.RData
    Ignored:    data/pbmc_68k.RData
    Ignored:    data/pbmc_purified.RData
    Ignored:    data/pulseseq.RData
    Ignored:    output/droplet/diff-count-droplet.RData
    Ignored:    output/droplet/fits-droplet.RData
    Ignored:    output/droplet/rds/
    Ignored:    output/pbmc-68k/fits-pbmc-68k.RData
    Ignored:    output/pbmc-68k/rds/
    Ignored:    output/pbmc-purified/fits-pbmc-purified.RData
    Ignored:    output/pbmc-purified/rds/
    Ignored:    output/pulseseq/diff-count-pulseseq.RData
    Ignored:    output/pulseseq/fits-pulseseq.RData
    Ignored:    output/pulseseq/rds/

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  analysis/plots_purified_pbmc_cache/
    Untracked:  analysis/volcano_plot_purified_pbmc_bcells.html
    Untracked:  analysis/volcano_plot_purified_pbmc_cd14.html
    Untracked:  analysis/volcano_plot_purified_pbmc_cd34.html
    Untracked:  analysis/volcano_plot_purified_pbmc_cd8.html
    Untracked:  analysis/volcano_plot_purified_pbmc_dendritic.html
    Untracked:  analysis/volcano_plot_purified_pbmc_nk.html
    Untracked:  analysis/volcano_plot_purified_pbmc_ribosomal_proteins.html
    Untracked:  analysis/volcano_plot_purified_pbmc_tcells.html
    Untracked:  plots/

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd) and HTML (docs/plots_purified_pbmc.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 3d7de41 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-24 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE)
Rmd 0163047 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-24 Updated volcano plots using K=6 topic model in plots_purified_pbmc analysis.
Rmd a5c70b4 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-24 Revised the FACS-based and cluster-based volcano plots in the plots_pbmc_purified analysis.
Rmd 0748309 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-19 Revised volcano plots in plots_purified_pbmc analysis; working on examine_de_calculations.R.
Rmd 65dbb1e Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-17 Made improvements to volcano plots in plots_purified_pbmc analysis after fixing DE calculations.
Rmd 14401d5 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 Working on GSEA in plots_purified_pbmc analysis.
html 6e2b53a Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 Adjusted dimensions of scatterplots in plots_purified_pbmc analysis.
Rmd 81c6f10 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE)
Rmd d6340b7 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 Updated the volcano plots for GitHub Pages.
html 9afb462 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 Updated volcano plots and added ribosomal gene scatterplots to
Rmd 13fedd9 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE)
html f8e1d99 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 Re-built plots_purified_pbmc page.
Rmd 3e298d4 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE)
html d1d4185 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 Re-built plots_purified_pbmc with interactive volcano plots.
Rmd 676e053 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE)
Rmd 52d16f3 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10 Created topic volcano plots for paper in plots_purified_pbmc analysis.
html f596d8a Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09 Made further refinements to the volcano plots in the
Rmd cf1e3d2 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09 Added script purified_pbmc_k7.R.
Rmd dd1d2ca Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09 Working on volcano plots in plots_purified_pbmc analysis.
html d0775d2 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09 Re-built plots_purified_pbmc page after making improvements to the
Rmd aecd700 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE)
Rmd 1f0eb8c Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-08 More improvements to volcano plots in plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd.
Rmd be27738 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-08 Improved volcano plots for FACS cell populations in plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd.
html ab3eeb8 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-29 Build site.
Rmd 0b73397 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-29 Added more volcano plots to plots_purified_pbmc analysis.
html 42ebc62 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-29 Added volcano plots for FACS populations in plots_purified_pbmc
Rmd 4edefd0 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-29 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”)
Rmd 01c1139 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-29 Adding new code for volcano plots in plots_purified_pbmc analysis.
html a4bc59b Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06 Re-built plots_purified_pbmc page after removing cache.
Rmd b92d4db Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”)
html a0b6c2b Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06 Build site.
Rmd ed8a595 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE)
html 0411340 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06 Added scatterplots to plots_purified_pbmc analysis.
Rmd e16bf80 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”)
Rmd a12c42a Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-05 Implemented function lfc_scatterplot in functions_for_plots_purified_pbmc.R.
Rmd 9fd0455 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-05 Added steps to save volcano plots in plots_purified_pbmc analysis.
html fad8e3d Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-05 First build of plots_purified_pbmc page.
Rmd bf07930 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-05 workflowr::wflow_publish(“plots_purified_pbmc.Rmd”, verbose = TRUE)
Rmd 40c2d84 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-04 Working on log-fold change scatterplots in plots_purified_pbmc analysis.
Rmd e437ddf Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-04 Working on volcano plots in plots_purified_pbmc analysis.

Here we perform a differential expression analysis using the topic model fit to the mixture of FACS-purified data, as well as the clusters identified from this topic model.

Load the packages used in the analysis below, as well as additional functions that we will use to generate some of the plots.


Load the count data, the \(K = 6\) topic model fit, and the 7 clusters identified in the clustering analysis.

fit <- readRDS(file.path("../output/pbmc-purified/rds",
fit <- poisson2multinom(fit)
samples <- readRDS("../output/pbmc-purified/clustering-pbmc-purified.rds")

Load the gene set data.

rownames(gene_sets) <- gene_info$Ensembl

Perform differential expression analysis using the FACS labeling:

celltype <- as.character(samples$celltype)
celltype[celltype == "CD4+/CD45RA+/CD25- Naive T" |
         celltype == "CD4+/CD45RO+ Memory" |
         celltype == "CD8+/CD45RA+ Naive Cytotoxic" |
         celltype == "CD4+ T Helper2" |
         celltype == "CD4+/CD25 T Reg"] <- "T cell"
celltype <- factor(celltype)
diff_count_facs <- diff_count_clusters(celltype,counts)
# celltype
#   CD14+ Monocyte          CD19+ B            CD34+         CD56+ NK 
#             2612            10085             9232             8385 
# CD8+ Cytotoxic T           T cell 
#            10209            54132 
# Fitting 21952 x 6 = 131712 univariate Poisson models.
# Computing log-fold change statistics.
# Stabilizing log-fold change estimates using adaptive shrinkage.

Warning: The above code chunk cached its results, but it won’t be re-run if previous chunks it depends on are updated. If you need to use caching, it is highly recommended to also set knitr::opts_chunk$set(autodep = TRUE) at the top of the file (in a chunk that is not cached). Alternatively, you can customize the option dependson for each individual chunk that is cached. Using either autodep or dependson will remove this warning. See the knitr cache options for more details.

These volcano plots summarize the results of the differential expression analysis using the FACS labeling:

p1 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_facs,"CD19+ B",genes$symbol,
                   betamax = 10,label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                   subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("B cells")
p2 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_facs,"CD14+ Monocyte",genes$symbol,
                   betamax = 10,label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                   subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("CD14+ cells")
p3 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_facs,"CD34+",genes$symbol,
                   betamax = 10,label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                   subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("CD34+ cells")
p4 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_facs,"CD56+ NK",genes$symbol,
                   betamax = 10,label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                   subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("NK cells")
p5 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_facs,"CD8+ Cytotoxic T",genes$symbol,
                   betamax = 10,label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                   subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("CD8+ T cells")
p6 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_facs,"T cell",genes$symbol,
                   betamax = 10,label_above_quantile = 0.998,
                   subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("T cells")
plot_grid(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,nrow = 2,ncol = 3)

Version Author Date
6e2b53a Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
9afb462 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
f8e1d99 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
d1d4185 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
f596d8a Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09
d0775d2 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09
ab3eeb8 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-29
42ebc62 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-29
a4bc59b Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06
a0b6c2b Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06
0411340 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06
fad8e3d Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-05

Perform differential expression analysis using the clusters:

diff_count_clusters <- diff_count_clusters(samples$cluster,counts)
#         B     CD14+     CD34+      CD8+ dendritic        NK         T 
#     10439      2956      8237      3757       308      8380     60578 
# Fitting 21952 x 7 = 153664 univariate Poisson models.
# Computing log-fold change statistics.
# Stabilizing log-fold change estimates using adaptive shrinkage.

Warning: The above code chunk cached its results, but it won’t be re-run if previous chunks it depends on are updated. If you need to use caching, it is highly recommended to also set knitr::opts_chunk$set(autodep = TRUE) at the top of the file (in a chunk that is not cached). Alternatively, you can customize the option dependson for each individual chunk that is cached. Using either autodep or dependson will remove this warning. See the knitr cache options for more details.

These volcano plots summarize the results of the differential expression analysis using the clusters:

p7 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_clusters,"B",genes$symbol,betamax = 10,
                   label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                   subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("B cells")
# 12074 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
p8 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_clusters,"CD14+",genes$symbol,betamax = 10,
                   label_above_quantile = 0.993,
                   subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("CD14+ cells")
# 12074 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
p9 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_clusters,"CD34+",genes$symbol,betamax = 10,
                   label_above_lfc = 4,label_above_quantile = 0.98,
                   subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("CD34+ cells")
# 12074 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
p10 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_clusters,"dendritic",genes$symbol,
                    label_above_lfc = 4,label_above_quantile = 0.95,
                    subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("dendritic cells")
# 12074 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
p11 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_clusters,"NK",genes$symbol,
                    label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                    subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("NK cells")
# 12074 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
p12 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_clusters,"CD8+",genes$symbol,
                    label_above_lfc = 2,label_above_quantile = 0.98,
                    subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("CD8+ T cells")
# 12091 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
p13 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_clusters,"T",genes$symbol,
                    label_above_lfc = 2,label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                    subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("T cells")
# 12074 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
plot_grid(p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,nrow = 3,ncol = 3)

Version Author Date
6e2b53a Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
9afb462 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
f8e1d99 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
d1d4185 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
f596d8a Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09
d0775d2 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09
ab3eeb8 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-29
42ebc62 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-29
a4bc59b Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06
a0b6c2b Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06
0411340 Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-06
fad8e3d Peter Carbonetto 2021-01-05

Perform differential expression analysis using the multinomial topic model, after removing the dendritic cells cluster:

rows <- which(samples$cluster != "dendritic")
fit_no_dendritic <- select_loadings(fit,loadings = rows)
diff_count_topics <- diff_count_analysis(fit_no_dendritic,counts[rows,])
# Fitting 21952 x 6 = 131712 univariate Poisson models.
# Computing log-fold change statistics.
# Stabilizing log-fold change estimates using adaptive shrinkage.

Warning: The above code chunk cached its results, but it won’t be re-run if previous chunks it depends on are updated. If you need to use caching, it is highly recommended to also set knitr::opts_chunk$set(autodep = TRUE) at the top of the file (in a chunk that is not cached). Alternatively, you can customize the option dependson for each individual chunk that is cached. Using either autodep or dependson will remove this warning. See the knitr cache options for more details.

These volcano plots summarize the results of the differential expression analysis using the topic model:

p14 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_topics,"k3",genes$symbol,
                    label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                    subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("topic 3 (B cells)")
p15 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_topics,"k2",genes$symbol,
                    label_above_quantile = 0.994,
                    subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("topic 2 (CD14+ cells)")
p16 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_topics,"k5",genes$symbol,
                    label_above_lfc = 2,label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                    subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("topic 5 (CD34+ cells)")
p17 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_topics,"k4",genes$symbol,
                    label_above_quantile = 0.995,
                    subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("topic 4 (NK cells)")
p18 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_topics,"k1",genes$symbol,
                    label_above_quantile = 0.998,
                    subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("topic 1 (T cells)")
p19 <- volcano_plot(diff_count_topics,"k6",genes$symbol,
                    label_above_quantile = 0.998,
                    subsample_below_quantile = 0.5) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  ggtitle("topic 6 (ribosomal proteins)")
plot_grid(p14,p15,p16,p17,p18,p19,nrow = 2,ncol = 3)

Version Author Date
6e2b53a Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
9afb462 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
f8e1d99 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
d1d4185 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
f596d8a Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09
d0775d2 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-09

The results of the differential expression analysis can also be browsed in interactive volcano plots:

               genes$symbol,title = "topic 3 (B cells)",
               subsample_below_quantile = 0.5,
               width = 450,height = 500)
# 12049 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
               genes$symbol,title = "topic 2 (CD14+)",
               subsample_below_quantile = 0.5,
               width = 450,height = 500)
# 12049 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
               genes$symbol,title = "topic 5 (CD34+)",
               subsample_below_quantile = 0.5,
               width = 450,height = 500)
# 12049 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
               genes$symbol,title = "topic 4 (NK cells)",
               subsample_below_quantile = 0.5,
               width = 450,height = 500)
# 12049 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
               genes$symbol,title = "topic 1 (T cells)",
               subsample_below_quantile = 0.5,
               width = 450,height = 500)
# 12049 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
               genes$symbol,title = "topic 6 (ribosomal proteins)",
               subsample_below_quantile = 0.5,
               width = 450,height = 500)
# 12049 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
               genes$symbol,title = "CD8+ cluster",
               subsample_below_quantile = 0.5,
               width = 450,height = 500)
# 12091 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot
               genes$symbol,title = "dendritic cells cluster",
               subsample_below_quantile = 0.5,
               width = 450,height = 500)
# 12074 out of 21952 data points will be included in plot

The interactive volcano plots may also be viewed by clicking these links: topic 3 (B cells), topic 4 (NK cells), topic 2 (CD14+), topic 5 (CD34+), topics 1 (T cells), topics 6 (T cells), CD8+ cluster and dendritic cells cluster.

The volcano plot for topic 6 suggests an enrichment of ribosomal protein genes. Indeed, there is a very strong correlation between the topic 6 mixture proportion and the fraction of total expression attributed to ribosomal genes:

rpgenes <- c("RPS2","RPS3","RPS3A","RPS4X","RPS6","RPS7","RPS8","RPS9",
rgscatterplot <- function (i, title = NULL) {
  j    <- which(is.element(genes$symbol,rpgenes))
  pdat <- data.frame(x = fit$L[i,6],
                     y = rowSums(counts[i,j])/rowSums(counts[i,]))
  return(ggplot(pdat,aes(x = x,y = y)) +
         geom_point() +
         geom_smooth(method = "lm",se = FALSE,color = "dodgerblue",
                     size = 0.5,linetype = "dashed") +
         ylim(0,0.6) +
         labs(x     = "topic 6 proportion",
              y     = "ribosomal expression",
              title = title) + 
         theme_cowplot(font_size = 10) +
         theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 10,face = "plain")))
p20 <- rgscatterplot(which(celltype == "CD19+ B"),"B cells")
p21 <- rgscatterplot(which(celltype == "CD34+"),"CD34+ cells")
p22 <- rgscatterplot(which(!(celltype == "CD19+ B" | celltype == "CD34+")),
                     "all other cells")
plot_grid(p20,p21,p22,nrow = 1,ncol = 3)

Version Author Date
6e2b53a Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10
9afb462 Peter Carbonetto 2021-02-10

The list of ribosomal protein genes comes from Yoshihama et al (2002).

p10 <- lfc_scatterplot(diff_count_facs,diff_count_topics,"CD19+ B","k3",
                       genes$symbol,label_above_quantile = 0.998,
                       xlab = "B cells FACS subpopulation",ylab = "topic 3")
p11 <- lfc_scatterplot(diff_count_facs,diff_count_topics,"CD56+ NK","k4",
                       genes$symbol,label_above_quantile = 0.998,
                       xlab = "NK cells FACS subpopulation",ylab = "topic 4")
p12 <- lfc_scatterplot(diff_count_facs,diff_count_topics,"CD14+ Monocyte","k2",
                       genes$symbol,label_above_quantile = 0.998,
                       xlab = "CD14+ FACS subpopulation",ylab = "topic 2")
p13 <- lfc_scatterplot(diff_count_facs,diff_count_topics,"CD34+","k5",
                       genes$symbol,label_above_quantile = 0.998,
                       xlab = "CD34+ FACS subpopulation",ylab = "topic 4")
p14 <- lfc_scatterplot(diff_count_facs,diff_count_topics,"T cell","k1+k6",
                       genes$symbol,label_above_quantile = 0.998,
                       xlab = "T cells FACS subpopulation",
                       ylab = "topics 1 + 6")
plot_grid(p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,nrow = 3,ncol = 2)

Prepare the gene set data and differential expression results for the gene set enrichment analysis. First, align the gene-set data with the gene-wise statistics.

de        <- diff_count_topics
out       <- align_gene_data(gene_sets,de)
gene_sets <- out$gene_sets
de        <- out$diff_count_res
ids       <- rownames(gene_sets)
gene_info <- gene_info[match(ids,gene_info$Ensembl),]
genes     <- genes[match(ids,genes$ensembl),]

Next, remove gene sets with fewer than 4 genes, and with more than 400 genes.

i <- which(colSums(gene_sets) >= 4 & colSums(gene_sets) <= 400)
gene_set_info <- gene_set_info[i,]
gene_sets     <- gene_sets[,i]

For each topic, perform a gene-set enrichment analysis using fgsea.

gsea_res <- perform_gsea_all_topics(gene_sets,de,nproc = 4)

Warning: The above code chunk cached its results, but it won’t be re-run if previous chunks it depends on are updated. If you need to use caching, it is highly recommended to also set knitr::opts_chunk$set(autodep = TRUE) at the top of the file (in a chunk that is not cached). Alternatively, you can customize the option dependson for each individual chunk that is cached. Using either autodep or dependson will remove this warning. See the knitr cache options for more details.

Add text here.

gsea_res$ES[$ES)] <- 0
p <- create_gsea_plotly(gene_set_info,gsea_res,1,title = "")
saveWidget(p,"gsea_plot.html",selfcontained = TRUE)

# R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
# Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
# Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7
# Matrix products: default
# BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
# LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
# locale:
# [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
# attached base packages:
# [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
# other attached packages:
# [1] htmlwidgets_1.5.1 plotly_4.9.2      cowplot_1.0.0     ggrepel_0.9.0    
# [5] ggplot2_3.3.0     fgsea_1.15.1      fastTopics_0.5-18 Matrix_1.2-18    
# loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#  [1] httr_1.4.2           tidyr_1.0.0          splines_3.6.2       
#  [4] jsonlite_1.6         viridisLite_0.3.0    RcppParallel_4.4.2  
#  [7] shiny_1.4.0          assertthat_0.2.1     mixsqp_0.3-44       
# [10] yaml_2.2.0           progress_1.2.2       pillar_1.4.3        
# [13] backports_1.1.5      lattice_0.20-38      quantreg_5.54       
# [16] glue_1.3.1           quadprog_1.5-8       digest_0.6.23       
# [19] promises_1.1.0       colorspace_1.4-1     htmltools_0.4.0     
# [22] httpuv_1.5.2         pkgconfig_2.0.3      invgamma_1.1        
# [25] SparseM_1.78         xtable_1.8-4         purrr_0.3.3         
# [28] scales_1.1.0         whisker_0.4          later_1.0.0         
# [31] Rtsne_0.15           BiocParallel_1.18.1  MatrixModels_0.4-1  
# [34] git2r_0.26.1         tibble_2.1.3         mgcv_1.8-31         
# [37] farver_2.0.1         withr_2.1.2          ashr_2.2-51         
# [40] lazyeval_0.2.2       mime_0.8             magrittr_1.5        
# [43] crayon_1.3.4         mcmc_0.9-6           evaluate_0.14       
# [46] fs_1.3.1             nlme_3.1-142         MASS_7.3-51.4       
# [49] truncnorm_1.0-8      tools_3.6.2          data.table_1.12.8   
# [52] prettyunits_1.1.1    hms_0.5.2            lifecycle_0.1.0     
# [55] stringr_1.4.0        MCMCpack_1.4-5       munsell_0.5.0       
# [58] irlba_2.3.3          compiler_3.6.2       rlang_0.4.5         
# [61] grid_3.6.2           crosstalk_1.0.0      labeling_0.3        
# [64] rmarkdown_2.3        gtable_0.3.0         R6_2.4.1            
# [67] gridExtra_2.3        knitr_1.26           dplyr_0.8.3         
# [70] fastmap_1.0.1        zeallot_0.1.0        fastmatch_1.1-0     
# [73] workflowr_1.6.2.9000 rprojroot_1.3-2      stringi_1.4.3       
# [76] parallel_3.6.2       SQUAREM_2017.10-1    Rcpp_1.0.5          
# [79] vctrs_0.2.1          tidyselect_0.2.5     xfun_0.11           
# [82] coda_0.19-3