
Steve Desmond

Ithaca Web People

May 2, 2017

Load Testing
and Benchmarking
Web Applications

Steve Desmond

Ithaca Web People

May 2, 2017

Steve Desmond Software Development Charmander


  • What is it?
  • Why do it?
  • How to do it?
  • "Live" demos

< Disclaimer />

What are you talking about, Steve?

  • Load Testing
  • Putting demand on a software system or computing device and measuring its response under both normal and anticipated peak load conditions -Wikipedia
  • Benchmarking
  • Load testing a component or system to determine its performance characteristics -Testing Performance Ltd

Browser Request Breakdown

  1. DNS resolution
  2. Connect
  3. Send request
  4. Receive response
  5. Parse
  6. Render


  • Throughput
    requests per second (or minute)
  • Latency
    response time in ms (or μs)

But why?

  • Page views and conversions [1]
  • Hosting costs
  • Complexity
  • Go green, save the world

Pop Quiz

What is Google's recommended maximum server response time?

  1. 10 ms
  2. 200 ms
  3. 500 ms
  4. 2 s



Pop Quiz

How well do you know your web apps' latency and/or throughput?

  1. No idea
  2. General good/bad range
  3. Numbers for some actions
  4. Very well


  • What?
  • Why?
  • How?
  • Demos

Set a performance budget

  1. How many concurrent users do we have most of the time?
  2. What is the maximum number of concurrent users we expect?
  3. How fast should (or conversely, how slow can) the site be under each of these conditions?

Creating a PerfLab

Pretend it's a science experiment

  • Consistent, dedicated environment
  • As similar as possible to production
  • Minimize variables (network, CPU, etc.)
  • Like unit tests, isolate what you're testing

Microsoft's ASP.NET "SmurfLab"

Name OS Role CPU RAM NIC Notes
perfsvr Windows Server 2012 R2 Web Server Xeon E5-1650 32 GB Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T1 10GbE
perfsvr2 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Web Server & Load Generator Xeon E5-1650 32 GB Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T1 10GbE
perf02 Windows Server 2012 R2 Load Generator Xeon W3550 24 GB Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T1 10GbE
perf03 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Load Generator Xeon W3550 12 GB Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T1 10GbE

8-port Netgear XS708E 10-Gigabit switch


Microsoft's ASP.NET "SmurfLab"

Entity Framework "SmurfLab"

Steve's PerfLab

  • Chromebook
    Remote / terminal / console

  • Raspberry Pi 2
    Load generator

  • i7-4770K + 32GB RAM
    Web server

Software Tools

  • wrk
  • Apache JMeter
  • LoadTestToolbox


  • multi-threaded cross-platform CLI
  • written in C = minimal overhead
  • HTTP GET via URL arg
  • other actions, cookies, etc. via lua scripts
							~$ wrk {url}

Multi-threading side-note

1 thread

reqres reqres reqres reqres reqres

2 threads

reqres reqres reqres reqres req
reqres reqres reqres reqres

(juggling metaphor)

8 threads

reqres reqres req
reqres reqres req
reqres reqres req
reqres reqres
reqres req
reqres req
reqres req
reqres req
Response Time vs Threads

wrk options

  • --latency: show distribution
  • -t{n}: threads (default: 2)
  • -c{n}: connections (default: 10)
  • -d{n}: duration (default: 10s)
  • -s: use lua script
							wrk.method = "POST"
							wrk.body   = "foo=bar&baz=quux"
							wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
							~$ wrk -t1 -c1 -d10 -s post.lua

wrk demo

							Running 10s test @
							  2 threads and 10 connections
							  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
								Latency   229.35us  125.26us   6.34ms   96.25%
								Req/Sec    14.53k   596.05    15.33k    94.06%
							  Latency Distribution
							  	 50%  215.00us
								 75%  280.00us
								 90%  322.00us
								 99%  397.00us
							  292028 requests in 10.10s, 34.26MB read
							Requests/sec:  28915.24
							Transfer/sec:      3.39MB

Apache JMeter

  • Java app with "Enterprise" UI + headless runner
  • Better simulation of human interaction
  • Visual output, flat file exports


JMeter Demo

Load Test Toolbox

  • multi-threaded cross-platform CLI
  • .NET Core w/ChartJS+Node for graph output
  • Focused on latency, throughput is a variable

2 tools

  • Drill
    									~$ ./drill.sh 100 10 drill-chart.png
  • Hammer
    									~$ ./hammer.sh 1 500 hammer-chart.png

Load Test Toolbox demo

						1: 0.71 ms
						2: 0.69 ms
						3: 0.69 ms
						4: 0.65 ms
							5: 0.66 ms


  • What?
  • Why?
  • How?
  • Demos

Now what?

Make it fast

But how?

Steve Desmond Software Development

Thanks for images