This flexdashboard, was designed to practice web scraping, geocoding, and interactive mapping. It was developed by Toyin L. Ola.
The data were scraped from a March 28, 2022 Richmond Magazine article written by Eileen Mellon.
This project was inspired by Silvia Canelón’s excellent R-Ladies Philly workshop on webscraping, geocoding, and interactive mapping. See all materials, including presentation slides and a RStudio Cloud project, in this GitHub repository. The workshop recording is available on YouTube.
The rvest chapter of the companion ebook for Stanford’s Data Challenge Lab provided invaluable tips for easily determining the desired CCS selector(s) to scrape the webpage of interest.
Shannon Pigelli’s June 2022 tutorial on purrr on her website Piping Hot Data greatly assisted in wrangling the scraped bakery data.
Matt Dray has awesome examples of flexdashboard development using the crosstalk package in this GH repo.
Meghan Harris (The Tidy Trekker) has a terrific tutorial on customizing and styling flexdashboards.
title: "Richmond, Virginia Metropolitan Area Bakeries"
date: "October 2022"
source_code: embed
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
usingPackages("here", "tidyverse", "robotstxt", "crosstalk", "tidygeocoder", "leaflet", "leaflet.extras", "reactable", "flexdashboard")
```{r scrape-web, include = FALSE, eval = FALSE}
# Change chunk option to eval = TRUE in order to source a R script to scrape the web for the bakeries' data in lieu of loading # data that has already been scraped.
```{r clean-data, include = FALSE, eval = FALSE}
# Change chunk option to eval = TRUE in order to source a R script to clean data instead of loading data that has already been
# cleaned.
```{r geocode-data, include = FALSE, eval = FALSE}
# Change chunk option to eval = TRUE in order to source script to geocode data instead of loading data in next chunk.
```{r load-clean-and-geocoded-data, include = FALSE}
path <- here()
bakery_table <- read.csv( paste0(path,"/output/geocoded_bakery_table.csv") )
bakery_table <- bakery_table %>% select( -c("X") ) %>% # remove "X" column from reading in csv
rename( `Bakery Name` = Bakery.Name, # fix column names from reading in csv
`Gluten-Free` = Gluten.Free,
`Appointment Only` = Appointment.Only,
`Dairy-Free` = Dairy.Free,
`Multiple Locations` = Multiple.Locations,
`Farmer's Market` = Farmer.s.Market,
```{r shared-data, include = FALSE}
# Add generic lat, long since leaflet cannot handle NA and SharedData cannot be filtered
bakery_table$Latitude <- ifelse($Latitude), "37.541290", bakery_table$Latitude )
bakery_table$Longitude <- ifelse($Longitude), "-77.434769", bakery_table$Longitude )
# Ensure lat and long are numeric
bakery_table$Latitude <- as.numeric(bakery_table$Latitude)
bakery_table$Longitude <- as.numeric(bakery_table$Longitude)
# Make a crosstalk shared dataset
shared <- bakery_table %>% crosstalk::SharedData$new()
```{css, include = FALSE}
@import url(',wght@0,300;0,400;1,300;1,400&display=swap');
Column {data-width=175}
### Filters
```{r filters}
id = "appt-only",
label = "Appointment Only",
sharedData = shared,
group = ~`Appointment Only`,
inline = TRUE # display options horizontally instead of vertically
id = "dairy-free",
label = "Dairy-Free",
sharedData = shared,
group = ~`Dairy-Free`,
inline = TRUE
id = "delivery",
label = "Delivery",
sharedData = shared,
group = ~Delivery,
inline = TRUE
id = "market",
label = "Farmer's Market",
sharedData = shared,
group = ~`Farmer's Market`,
inline = TRUE
id = "gluten-free",
label = "Gluten-Free",
sharedData = shared,
group = ~`Gluten-Free`,
inline = TRUE
id = "online",
label = "Online",
sharedData = shared,
group = ~Online,
inline = TRUE
id = "vegan",
label = "Vegan",
sharedData = shared,
group = ~Vegan,
inline = TRUE
Column {data-width=825}
### Map
```{r map}
# Design custom popup
popInfoCircles <- paste(
"<h2 style='font-family: Karla, sans-serif; font-size: 1.6em; color:#43464C;'>",bakery_table$`Bakery Name`, "</h2>",
"<p style='font-family: Karla, sans-serif; font-style: italic; font-size: 1.5em; color:#9197A6;'>",
bakery_table$Description, "</p>",
"<p style='font-family: Karla, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; font-size: 1em;
color:#9197A6;'>", bakery_table$Address, "</p>"
## to include a hyperlink to each bakery's website, use "<h2 style='font-family: Karla, sans-serif; font-size: 1.6em; color:#43464C;'>", "<a href=", bakery_table$Hyperlink, ">", bakery_table$`Bakery Name`, "</a></h2>"
# Make leaflet map
leaflet( data = shared, options = tileOptions(minZoom = 9, maxZoom = 19) ) %>%
addCircles( lat = ~Latitude, # add marker
lng = ~Longitude,
fillColor = "#009E91", # customize marker
popup = popInfoCircles, # customize popup
label = ~`Bakery Name`,
labelOptions = labelOptions( style = list("font-family" = "Karla, sans-serif","font-size" = "1.2em") )
) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% # add background map
zoom = 9) %>%
### Reactable *(Columns can be resized.)*
```{r searchable-reactable}
reactable(data = shared, searchable = TRUE, resizable = TRUE, wrap = TRUE )
### Overview {data-height=125}
- This flexdashboard, was designed to practice web scraping, geocoding, and interactive mapping. It was developed by Toyin L. Ola.
- The data were scraped from a March 28, 2022 *Richmond Magazine* [article]( written by Eileen Mellon.
### Navigation Tips
- Use the filters in the left-hand sidebar to filter the map and table.
- There are filters for bakeries that offer baked goods that are dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegan. There are also filters for bakeries that deliver or are appointment-only. Filters for online and farmer's market bakeries without physical locations are also included. The special category filters are based on the narrative provided in *Richmond Magazine* as of March 2022, so the bakeries' offerings may have changed. Contact the bakeries for the latest information.
- Hover over a map marker to see the name of the bakery.
- Click on a map marker to open a popup displaying the bakery name, description, and address.
- There is an option to view the map in fullscreen.
- For bakeries without physical addresses, generic latitude and longitude for Richmond VA (37.541290, -77.434769) were used.
- The reactable is searchable. See the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the table.
- The reactable columns can be resized. Hover over a column header until the cursor changes, and, then, click and drag to resize.
- The reactable columns can be sorted in descending or ascending order. Click the column header of interest.
### Resources {data-height=250}
- This project was inspired by Silvia Canelón's excellent R-Ladies Philly workshop on webscraping, geocoding,
and interactive mapping. See all materials, including presentation slides and a RStudio Cloud project, in [this GitHub repository]( The workshop recording is available on [YouTube](
- The rvest [chapter]( of the companion ebook for Stanford's Data Challenge Lab provided invaluable tips for easily determining the desired CCS selector(s) to scrape the webpage of interest.
- Shannon Pigelli's June 2022 [tutorial on purrr]( on her website Piping Hot Data greatly assisted in wrangling the scraped bakery data.
- Matt Dray has awesome examples of flexdashboard development using the crosstalk package in [this GH repo](
- Meghan Harris (The Tidy Trekker) has a terrific [tutorial]( on customizing and styling flexdashboards.