Last updated: 2018-07-20

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    File Version Author Date Message
    Rmd 032edd6 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-07-20 wflow_publish(c(“analysis/index.Rmd”, “analysis/flash_em.Rmd”,
    html f995dbb Jason Willwerscheid 2018-07-20 manual commits to remove licence
    html c9f10b0 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-07-20 Build site.
    Rmd 4fc94bd Jason Willwerscheid 2018-07-20 wflow_publish(c(“analysis/index.Rmd”, “analysis/flash_em.Rmd”))
    html 5487b70 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-07-20 Build site.
    Rmd 8911eb8 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-07-20 wflow_publish(c(“analysis/obj_notes.Rmd”,
    html da82b48 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-07-19 Build site.
    Rmd fb3eab9 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-07-19 wflow_publish(“analysis/flash_em.Rmd”)
    html 1a7bb47 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-07-19 Build site.
    Rmd 962e216 Jason Willwerscheid 2018-07-19 wflow_publish(“analysis/flash_em.Rmd”)


If the expression for the KL divergence derived in the previous note is correct, then it seems likely that the FLASH objective could be optimized in a more direct fashion.


I parametrize the posteriors for, respectively, the \(i\)th element of the \(k\)th loading and the \(j\)th element of the \(k\)th factor as \[ q_{l_i} \sim (1 - w_i^{(l)}) \delta_0 + w_i^{(l)} N(\mu_i^{(l)}, \sigma_i^{2(l)}) \] and \[ q_{f_j} \sim (1 - w_j^{(f)}) \delta_0 + w_j^{(f)} N(\mu_j^{(f)}, \sigma_j^{2(f)}) \] I parametrize the priors as \[ g_{l_i} \sim \pi_0^{(l)} \delta_0 + (1 - \pi_0^{(l)}) N(0, 1/a_l) \] and \[ g_{f_j} \sim \pi_0^{(f)} \delta_0 + (1 - \pi_0^{(f)}) N(0, 1/a_f) \]


Using the expression for KL divergence derived in the previous note, the objective can be written: \[\begin{aligned} \sum_{i, j} \left[ \frac{1}{2} \log \frac{\tau_{ij}}{2 \pi} - \frac{\tau_{ij}}{2} \left( (R_{ij}^{-k})^2 - 2 R_{ij}^{-k} w_i^{(l)} \mu_i^{(l)} w_j^{(f)} \mu_j^{(f)} + w_i^{(l)} (\mu_i^{(l)2} + \sigma_i^{2(l)}) w_j^{(f)} (\mu_j^{(f)2} + \sigma_j^{2(f)}) \right) \right] \\ +\sum_i \left[ (1 - w_i^{(l)}) \log \frac{\pi_0^{(l)}}{1 - w_i^{(l)}} + w_i^{(l)} \log \frac{1 - \pi_0^{(l)}}{w_i^{(l)}} + \frac{w_i^{(l)}}{2} \left( \log(a_l \sigma_i^{2(l)}) - a_l (\mu_i^{(l)2} + \sigma_i^{2(l)}) + 1 \right) \right] \\ + \sum_j \left[ (1 - w_j^{(f)}) \log \frac{\pi_0^{(f)}}{1 - w_j^{(f)}} + w_j^{(f)} \log \frac{1 - \pi_0^{(f)}}{w_j^{(f)}} + \frac{w_j^{(f)}}{2} \left( \log(a_f \sigma_j^{2(f)}) - a_f (\mu_j^{(f)2} + \sigma_j^{2(f)})+ 1 \right) \right], \end{aligned} \]

where \(R_{ij}^{-k}\) denotes the matrix of residuals obtained by using all factor/loading pairs but the \(k\)th.

Prior parameter updates

I derive an algorithm for loadings updates by differentiating with respect to each variable \(a_l\), \(\pi_0^{(l)}\), \(\mu_1^{(l)}, \ldots, \mu_n^{(l)}\), \(\sigma_1^{2(l)}, \ldots, \sigma_n^{2(l)}\), and \(w_1^{(l)}, \ldots, w_n^{(l)}\), and setting each result equal to zero.

The updates for the prior parameters \(a_l\) and \(\pi_0^{(l)}\) turn out to be very simple. First, differentiating with respect to \(a_l\) gives \[ \sum_i \left[ \frac{w_i^{(l)}}{2} \left( \frac{1}{a_l} - (\mu_i^{(l)2} + \sigma_i^{2(l)}) \right) \right] \] Setting this equal to zero gives \[ a_l = \frac{\sum_i w_i^{(l)}}{\sum_i w_i^{(l)} (\mu_i^{(l)2} + \sigma_i^{2(l)})} = \frac{\sum_i w_i^{(l)}}{\sum_i E_ql_i^2} \]

Next, differentiating with respect to \(\pi_0^{(l)}\) gives \[ \sum_i \left[ \frac{1 - w_i^{(l)}}{\pi_0^{(l)}} - \frac{w_i^{(l)}}{1 - \pi_0^{(l)}} \right] \] Setting this equal to zero gives \[\begin{aligned} \pi_0^{(l)} \sum_i w_i^{(l)} &= (1 - \pi_0^{(l)}) \sum_i (1 - w_i^{(l)}) \\ \pi_0^{(l)} &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_i (1 - w_i^{(l)}) \end{aligned}\]

Posterior parameter updates

The updates for the posterior parameters \(\mu_i^{(l)}\) and \(\sigma_i^{2(l)}\) also turn out to be quite manageable. Differentiating with respect to \(\mu_i^{(l)}\) gives \[ \sum_j \tau_{ij} \left[ R_{ij}^{-k} w_i^{(l)} w_j^{(f)} \mu_j^{(f)} - w_i^{(l)} \mu_i^{(l)} w_j^{(f)} (\mu_j^{(f)2} + \sigma_j^{2(f)}) \right] - w_i^{(l)} a_l \mu_i^{(l)} \] Setting this equal to zero gives \[ \mu_i^{(l)} = \frac{\sum_j \tau_{ij} R_{ij}^{-k} w_j^{(f)} \mu_j^{(f)}} {a_l + \sum_j \tau_{ij} w_j^{(f)} (\mu_j^{(f)2} + \sigma_j^{2(f)})} = \frac{\sum_j \tau_{ij} R_{ij}^{-k} Ef_j} {a_l + \sum_j \tau_{ij} Ef_j^{2}} \]

Next, differentiating with respect to \(\sigma_i^{2(l)}\) gives \[ -\frac{1}{2} \sum_j \tau_{ij} w_i^{(l)} w_j^{(f)} (\mu_j^{(f)2} + \sigma_j^{2(f)}) + \frac{w_i^{(l)}}{2\sigma_i^{2(l)}} - \frac{w_i^{(l)} a_l}{2} \] Setting this equal to zero gives \[ \sigma_i^{2(l)} = \frac{1}{a_l + \sum_j \tau_{ij} w_j^{(f)} (\mu_j^{(f)2} + \sigma_j^{2(f)})} = \frac{1}{a_l + \sum_j \tau_{ij} Ef_j^2} \]

It remains to derive the update for \(w_i^{(l)}\). Differentiating gives \[ \begin{aligned} \sum_j \tau_{ij} \left[ R_{ij}^{-k} \mu_i^{(l)} w_j^{(f)} \mu_j^{(f)} - \frac{1}{2}(\mu_i^{(l)2} + \sigma_i^{2(l)}) w_j^{(f)} (\mu_j^{(f)2} + \sigma_j^{2(f)}) \right] \\ - \log \frac{\pi_0^{(l)}}{1 - w_i^{(l)}} + \log \frac{1 - \pi_0^{(l)}}{w_i^{(l)}} + \frac{1}{2} \left( \log (a_l \sigma_i^{2(l)}) - a_l (\mu_i^{(l)2} + \sigma_i^{2(l)}) + 1 \right) \end{aligned}\] Setting this equal to zero gives \[ \begin{aligned} \log \frac{w_i^{(l)}}{1 - w_i^{(l)}} &= \log \frac{1 - \pi_0^{(l)}}{\pi_0^{(l)}} + \frac{1}{2} \left( \log (a_l \sigma_i^{2(l)}) - a_l (\mu_i^{(l)2} + \sigma_i^{2(l)}) + 1 \right) \\ &+ \sum_j \tau_{ij} \left[R_{ij}^{-k} \mu_i^{(l)} w_j^{(f)} \mu_j^{(f)} - \frac{1}{2}(\mu_i^{(l)2} + \sigma_i^{2(l)}) w_j^{(f)} (\mu_j^{(f)2} + \sigma_j^{2(f)}) \right], \end{aligned}\] where the last sum can also be written \[\sum_j \tau_{ij} \left[R_{ij}^{-k} \mu_i^{(l)} Ef_j - \frac{1}{2}(\mu_i^{(l)2} + \sigma_i^{2(l)}) Ef_j^2 \right]\]


I suggest that the loadings could be updated by

  1. Choosing starting values for \(a_l\), \(\pi_0^{(l)}\), and \(w_1^{(l)}, \ldots, w_n^{(l)}\),

and then repeating the following two steps until convergence:

  1. Update \(\mu_1^{(l)}, \ldots, \mu_n^{(l)}\) and \(\sigma_1^{2(l)}, \ldots, \sigma_n^{2(l)}\), and then update \(w_1^{(l)}, \ldots, w_n^{(l)}\).

  2. Update \(a_l\) and \(\pi_0^{(l)}\).

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr 1.0.1