
Lecture: Jan Zilinsky

Summer Institute in Computational Social Science in Munich, 2023

What is screen-scraping?

Retrieving information and processing it to make it human-readable

What we will do today

  1. Scrape a messy table from Wikipedia
  2. Scrape a set of URLs from a blog
  3. Scrape and store text of blog posts


Verify whether site-owners allow scraping:

  • check robots.txt file
  • check terms of service
  • communicate with responsible persons

Screen-scraping as a last resort?

  • Modern web designs scraping difficult
  • What you care about are often elements deeply nested in html structure
  • Websites change all the time (or disappear)

Screen-scraping with R

Install and load R packages

Ensure that you have tidyverse for data manipulation and rvest for reading websites into R:

Afterwards, you can load all tidyverse core packages and rvest:


First example - scraping a wikipedia page

We are going to scrape this table from Wikipedia:

# Election results: 

Human-readable vs machine-readable

Store the full page

Passing the url as character (string) using the rvest function read_html():

svk2020_URL <- ""

svk2020_html <- read_html(svk2020_URL)

Returns an html_document containing the content of:

  • <head> tag (page metadata, mostly invisible to the user)
  • <body>tag (the content of the page that is visible to the user)

View the content of the object

<html class="client-nojs vector-feature-language-in-header-enabled vector-feature-language-in-main-page-header-disabled vector-feature-sticky-header-disabled vector-feature-page-tools-pinned-disabled vector-feature-toc-pinned-enabled vector-feature-main-menu-pinned-disabled vector-feature-limited-width-enabled vector-feature-limited-width-content-enabled vector-feature-zebra-design-disabled" lang="en" dir="ltr">
[1] <head>\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8 ...
[2] <body class="skin-vector skin-vector-search-vue mediawiki ltr sitedir-ltr ...

Parsing HTML

Think of HTML as a tree

Finding the relevant table

  1. Open the page in your browser.
  2. Right click on the page, select Inspect (may be called something else in your browser, e.g., display source code) or use CTRL+I shortcut. This should display the HTML structure of the webpage
  3. Explore the structure of the file.
  4. Find the element(s) you want to scrape.
  5. Assuming you already have an html_document stored in your environment, try extracting the element with html_elements().
  6. Extract the text (html_text()) or data (html_table()) or attribute (html_attr()) you are interested in.

Note on step 5

html_element(x, …)

  • x = either a document, a node set or a single node
  • Then supply one of CSS or xpath depending on whether you want to use a CSS selector or XPath 1.0 expression

Parsing HTML

Inspect tool:

swk_wiki_section <- html_element(svk2020_html, 
           xpath = '//*[@id="mw-content-text"]/div[1]/table[3]')
<pointer: 0x7f866d81fa10>

<pointer: 0x7f866df0c670>
elect_tib <- html_table(swk_wiki_section)
# A tibble: 32 × 7
   ``      ``                                      ``    ``    ``    ``    ``   
   <chr>   <chr>                                   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1 "Party" Party                                   Votes %     +/–   Seats +/–  
 2 ""      Ordinary People and Independent Person… 721,… 25.03 +14.… 53    +34  
 3 ""      Direction – Social Democracy            527,… 18.29 –9.99 38    –11  
 4 ""      We Are Family                           237,… 8.24  +1.61 17    +6   
 5 ""      Kotlebists – People's Party Our Slovak… 229,… 7.97  –0.07 17    +3   
 6 ""      Coalition of Progressive Slovakia and … 200,… 6.97  New   0     New  
 7 ""      Freedom and Solidarity[f]               179,… 6.22  –5.88 13    –8   
 8 ""      For the People                          166,… 5.77  New   12    New  
 9 ""      Christian Democratic Movement           134,… 4.65  –0.29 0     0    
10 ""      Hungarian Community Togetherness        112,… 3.91  –0.14 0     0    
# ℹ 22 more rows


Let’s extract only the relevant rows and columns

ET <- elect_tib[2:25,2:4]
# A tibble: 24 × 3
   ``                                                                ``    ``   
   <chr>                                                             <chr> <chr>
 1 Ordinary People and Independent Personalities–NOVA–Christian Uni… 721,… 25.03
 2 Direction – Social Democracy                                      527,… 18.29
 3 We Are Family                                                     237,… 8.24 
 4 Kotlebists – People's Party Our Slovakia[e]                       229,… 7.97 
 5 Coalition of Progressive Slovakia and Together – Civic Democracy  200,… 6.97 
 6 Freedom and Solidarity[f]                                         179,… 6.22 
 7 For the People                                                    166,… 5.77 
 8 Christian Democratic Movement                                     134,… 4.65 
 9 Hungarian Community Togetherness                                  112,… 3.91 
10 Slovak National Party                                             91,1… 3.16 
# ℹ 14 more rows

Issue: missing column names

Add variable names

names(ET) <- c("Party","Votes","Percent")
# A tibble: 24 × 3
   Party                                                           Votes Percent
   <chr>                                                           <chr> <chr>  
 1 Ordinary People and Independent Personalities–NOVA–Christian U… 721,… 25.03  
 2 Direction – Social Democracy                                    527,… 18.29  
 3 We Are Family                                                   237,… 8.24   
 4 Kotlebists – People's Party Our Slovakia[e]                     229,… 7.97   
 5 Coalition of Progressive Slovakia and Together – Civic Democra… 200,… 6.97   
 6 Freedom and Solidarity[f]                                       179,… 6.22   
 7 For the People                                                  166,… 5.77   
 8 Christian Democratic Movement                                   134,… 4.65   
 9 Hungarian Community Togetherness                                112,… 3.91   
10 Slovak National Party                                           91,1… 3.16   
# ℹ 14 more rows

Fix variable type

 chr [1:24] "25.03" "18.29" "8.24" "7.97" "6.97" "6.22" "5.77" "4.65" ...
# Make it numeric:
ET$Percent <- as.numeric(ET$Percent)

ET %>% 
            y=Party)) +

ET %>% 
            y=fct_reorder(Party,Percent))) +

ET %>%
 mutate(Party=ifelse(stringr::str_detect(Party,"Ordinary People"),"OLANO",Party)) %>%
            y=fct_reorder(Party,Percent))) +
 geom_col() +
 labs(y="",title = "Election Results, 2020 Slovak Election") +

CSS selectors as alternative to XPath

  • One alternative for XPath is the use of CSS selectors
  • Selector Gadget is an interactive tool for finding CSS selectors
  • The idea of selector gadget is to select elements that you want to scrape and to copy the corresponding css selector


Using the CSS selector in R


  • parse web page
  • choose nodes by css selector
  • extract links via attribute (href)

MR <- ""
MR_html <- read_html(MR)
elements <- html_elements(MR_html, css = 'h2.entry-title') # this used to be html_node()
nodes <- html_node(elements,"a")
urls <-  html_attr(nodes, "href")
[1] ""
[2] ""       
[3] ""                

Same result, less code

MR %>% 
  read_html() %>% 
  html_elements('h2.entry-title a') %>%
 [1] ""                            
 [2] ""                                   
 [3] ""                                            
 [4] ""                                
 [5] ""                                       
 [6] ""                  
 [7] ""                    
 [8] ""                                
 [9] ""                              
[10] ""                                    
[11] ""
[12] ""                                           
[13] ""                             
[14] ""                             
[15] ""     

Extracting texts from articles

The following code takes an url as an input and returns the corresponding text:

"" %>%
 read_html() %>%
 html_nodes('div.entry-content') %>%
[1] "\n    First of all, and most of all, read them when you are young (teens and 20s) so they can still influence the longer trajectory of your life!\nBut let’s say you are past that point.  It seems to me an optimal amount of waiting is in order.  You want at least one of your rereads to come at the near-peak of your knowledge, understanding, and emotional development.  So age 60 might be better than age 47, if only to maximize appreciation?\nI suspect that at age 80 you have lost a bit too much emotional energy to appreciate them as much as possible?  But that is debatable, and perhaps for some people that point sets in before age 60.\nMost generally, another reread is usually a good idea, no matter what your age.\nShould you spread those rereads out over time, or is there a case for bunching at a single mini-era in your life?\nIn London and Siena I have been rereading Thomas Hardy’s 1878 Return of the Native, Hardy of course being one of the all-time greats.\n\n  "

Use the variable we have stored earlier and select one element

urls[3] %>%
 read_html() %>%
 html_nodes('div.entry-content') %>%
[1] "\n    \nNo, reported suicide rates are not rising everywhere – they are falling in many countries, but rising in the US.\nAnd no, there is no big rise in teenage suicide rates in the US, the increase is concentrated in people over 19.\nThis makes global social media an unlikely cause.\n— Dina D. Pomeranz (@DinaPomeranz) July 25, 2023\n\n\n  "

Looping over news articles

We could further automate the process of visiting each url and extracting the texts of articles.

If everything else fails: browser automation

  • If you cannot process HTML, an alternative solution could be browser automation
  • Read about RSelenium:

When should you use screen-scraping?

  • Typically, APIs would be preferred
  • But screen-scraping can be useful in some situations