crack demo
curve calculator
curve demo
bitcoin transaction
Author: Willem Hengeveld,,
Source: on github.
Enter any kind of expression to do elliptic curve calculations. one expression per line. You can assign expressions to variables, which will be remembered.
You can also save a link to the calculation.
Calculations on numbers are done modulo the grouporder, Calculations on points are done in the secp256k1 curve.
Predefined constants:
- G - the generator.
- n - the group order.
- p - the curve prime order.
- sqrt(value, flag) - the square root, a number and a flag 0 or 1
- cubert(value, flag) - the cube root, takes two params, a number and a flag 0, 1 or 2
- coord(value) - force a value to be a coordinate, in the galois field of order p
- scalar(value) - force a value to be a coordinate, in the galois field of order n
- fromx(xcoord, flag) - 'decompress' a point from a x coord and a flag{0,1}.
- fromy(ycoord, flag) - 'decompress' a point from a y coord and a flag{0,1,2}.
- generate(point, count, type) - generate a sequence of curve points, type must be "inc" ( increment point ) or "dbl" (double point)
- (x,y) - a curve point.
- 1234 - a scalar value.
- 0xabcd - a hexadecimal scalar value.
- + - addition: Point+Point, Scalar+Scalar
- - - subtraction: Point-Point, Scalar-Scalar
- * - multiplication: Point*Scalar, Scalar*Point, Scalar*Scalar
- / - division: Point/Scalar, Scalar/Scalar
- ^ - exponentiation: Scalar^Scalar
Free form expressions.