Click or drag to resize

BionicCode.Utilities.Net.Core.Wpf.Dialog Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:BionicCode.Utilities.Net.Core.Wpf.Dialog"]

Public classDialog
Attached behavior. Displays a Window based on an implementation of IDialogViewModel assigned to the attached property DialogDataContextProperty and a custom DataTemplate.
Public classDialogViewModel
Implementation of IDialogViewModel. This abstract class implements the dialog data handling logic and is therefore preferred over a custom implementation of IDialogViewModel.
Public interfaceIDialogViewModel
The DataContext and binding source for the dialog Window. Implement this interface or the derived abstract DialogViewModel to transport data from the view to the view model via binding. The IDialogViewModel will be the content of the dialog window. This means the corresponding DataTemplate can define e.g. an input form that can bind to the IDialogViewModel. Register a callback with the ResponseCallbackAsync property to process the DialogResult and the data of the IDialogViewModel.
Public interfaceIDialogViewModelProvider
The binding source for the current dialog view and the attached property DialogDataContextProperty.
Public interfaceIDialogViewModelProviderSource
Interface that supports notification of observers to request display of a dialog. The event args is the view model of IDialogViewModel which serves as the DataContext and binding source of the dialog.
Public enumerationDialogResult
An enumeration to represent the dialog' status after it was closed.