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HelperExtensions Class

Collection of extension methods e.g. visual tree traversal
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  BionicCode.Utilities.Net.Framework.Wpf.Extensions
Assembly:  BionicCode.Utilities.Net.Framework.Wpf (in BionicCode.Utilities.Net.Framework.Wpf.dll) Version: (
public static class HelperExtensions

The HelperExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberEnumerateVisualChildElementsTChildren
Traverses the visual tree towards the leafs until all elements with a matching element type is found. Returns an IEnumerableT to enable deferred traversal.
Public methodStatic memberFindVisualChildElementsTChildren Obsolete.
Traverses the visual tree towards the leafs until all elements with a matching element type is found. Returns an IEnumerableT to enable deferred traversal.
Public methodStatic memberToDictionary
Public methodStatic memberTryFindVisualChildElementTChild
Traverses the visual tree towards the leafs until an element with a matching element type is found.
Public methodStatic memberTryFindVisualChildElementByName
Traverses the visual tree towards the leafs until an element with a matching element name is found.
Public methodStatic memberTryFindVisualParentElementTParent
Traverses the visual tree towards the root until an element with a matching element name is found.
Public methodStatic memberTryFindVisualParentElementByName
Traverses the visual tree towards the root until an element with a matching element type is found.
See Also