Last updated: 2022-02-22
Checks: 7 0
Knit directory: MelanomaIMC/
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The results in this page were generated with repository version 1affd7b. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.
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Ignored files:
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Ignored: Table_S4.csv
Ignored: code/.DS_Store
Ignored: code/._.DS_Store
Ignored: data/.DS_Store
Ignored: data/._.DS_Store
Ignored: data/data_for_analysis/
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Unstaged changes:
Modified: .gitignore
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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/Supp-Figure_7.rmd
) and HTML (docs/Supp-Figure_7.html
) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote
), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.
File | Version | Author | Date | Message |
Rmd | 64e5fde | toobiwankenobi | 2022-02-16 | change order and naming of supp fig files |
Rmd | b20b6fb | toobiwankenobi | 2022-02-02 | update code for Supp Figures |
Rmd | 3da15db | toobiwankenobi | 2021-11-24 | changes for revision |
This script generates plots for Supplementary Figure 7.
In this script we will sequentially load all melanoma datasets from
we will then calculate the proportions of each cell type expressing individual chemokines. under the hypothesis that the scRNAseq data is the ground truth. We will then compare these proportions to the observed proportions in IMC and thereby estimate whether we likely observe spatial spill over in IMC.
sapply(list.files("code/helper_functions/", full.names = TRUE), source)
value ?
visible FALSE
value ?
visible FALSE
value ?
visible FALSE
value ?
visible FALSE
code/helper_functions//findMilieu.R code/helper_functions//findPatch.R
value ? ?
value ?
visible FALSE
value ?
visible FALSE
value ?
visible FALSE
value ?
visible FALSE
code/helper_functions//plotDist.R code/helper_functions//read_Data.R
value ? ?
value ?
visible FALSE
value ?
visible FALSE
value ?
visible FALSE
sce_rna <- readRDS(file = "data/data_for_analysis/sce_RNA.rds")
SKCM_GSE115978 <- read_Data(data = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/SKCM_GSE115978_aPD1_expression.h5",
metadata_file = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/SKCM_GSE115978_aPD1_CellMetainfo_table.tsv",
name = "SKCM_GSE115978",
sorting = "all")
Warning in sparseMatrix(i = indices[] + 1, p = indptr[], x = as.numeric(x =
counts[]), : 'giveCsparse' has been deprecated; setting 'repr = "T"' for you
Note: Using an external vector in selections is ambiguous.
ℹ Use `all_of(targets)` instead of `targets` to silence this message.
ℹ See <>.
This message is displayed once per session.
HNSC_GSE139324 <- read_Data(data = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/HNSC_GSE139324_expression.h5",
metadata_file = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/HNSC_GSE139324_CellMetainfo_table.tsv",
name = "HNSC_GSE139324",
sorting = "immune")
Warning in sparseMatrix(i = indices[] + 1, p = indptr[], x = as.numeric(x =
counts[]), : 'giveCsparse' has been deprecated; setting 'repr = "T"' for you
NSCLC_GSE131907 <- read_Data(data = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/NSCLC_GSE131907_expression.h5",
metadata_file = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/NSCLC_GSE131907_CellMetainfo_table.tsv",
name = "NSCLC_GSE131907",
sorting = "all")
Warning in sparseMatrix(i = indices[] + 1, p = indptr[], x = as.numeric(x =
counts[]), : 'giveCsparse' has been deprecated; setting 'repr = "T"' for you
PAAD_CRA001160 <- read_Data(data = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/PAAD_CRA001160_expression.h5",
metadata_file = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/PAAD_CRA001160_CellMetainfo_table.tsv",
name = "PAAD_CRA001160",
sorting = "all")
Warning in sparseMatrix(i = indices[] + 1, p = indptr[], x = as.numeric(x =
counts[]), : 'giveCsparse' has been deprecated; setting 'repr = "T"' for you
UVM_GSE139829 <- read_Data(data = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/UVM_GSE139829_expression.h5",
metadata_file = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/UVM_GSE139829_CellMetainfo_table.tsv",
name = "UVM_GSE139829",
sorting = "all")
Warning in sparseMatrix(i = indices[] + 1, p = indptr[], x = as.numeric(x =
counts[]), : 'giveCsparse' has been deprecated; setting 'repr = "T"' for you
SKCM_GSE72056 <- read_Data(data = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/SKCM_GSE72056_expression.h5",
metadata_file = "data/data_for_analysis/scRNAseq/SKCM_GSE72056_CellMetainfo_table.tsv",
name = "SKCM_GSE72056",
sorting = "all")
Warning in sparseMatrix(i = indices[] + 1, p = indptr[], x = as.numeric(x =
counts[]), : 'giveCsparse' has been deprecated; setting 'repr = "T"' for you
# merge the datasets
sc_dat <- rbind(HNSC_GSE139324, NSCLC_GSE131907, PAAD_CRA001160,SKCM_GSE115978, SKCM_GSE72056, UVM_GSE139829)
comp_dataset <- c("HNSC_GSE139324","NSCLC_GSE131907","PAAD_CRA001160","SKCM_GSE115978","SKCM_GSE72056","UVM_GSE139829")
cur_dat <- as_tibble(colData(sce_rna))
cur_dat <- cur_dat %>%
group_by(celltype,.drop = FALSE) %>%
mutate(total_celltype_count = n()) %>%
select(celltype,total_celltype_count,cellID, CCL2,CCL4,CCL8,CCL18,CCL19,CCL22,CXCL8,CXCL9,CXCL10,CXCL12,CXCL13)
imc_long <- cur_dat %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(CCL2,CCL4,CCL8,CCL18,CCL19,CCL22,CXCL8,CXCL9,CXCL10,CXCL12,CXCL13),names_to = "chemokine")
imc_long <- imc_long %>%
group_by(chemokine,.drop = FALSE) %>%
mutate(total_chem_count = sum(value)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(celltype,chemokine,.drop = FALSE) %>%
mutate(celltype_chemokine_sum=sum(value)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(celltype,celltype_chemokine_sum,chemokine,total_celltype_count,total_chem_count) %>%
distinct() %>%
mutate(frac_of_chemokine_pos = celltype_chemokine_sum/total_chem_count,
frac_of_celltype = celltype_chemokine_sum/total_celltype_count) %>%
imc_long$sorting <- "all"
imc_long$dataset <- "IMC"
here we will unify the naming of cell types that are available in both datasets.
[1] "B" "CD8- T cell" "CD8+ T cell" "DC"
[5] "Mast" "Mono/Macro" "NK" "Plasma"
[9] "Tprolif" "Endothelial" "Epithelial" "Fibroblasts"
[13] "Oligodendrocyte" "Acinar" "Ductal" "Endocrine"
[17] "Malignant" "Stellate"
#sc_dat[which(sc_dat$celltype == "B"),]$celltype <- "HLA-DR"
#sc_dat[which(sc_dat$celltype == "CD4Tconv"),]$celltype <- "CD8- T cell"
#sc_dat[which(sc_dat$celltype == "CD8Tex"),]$celltype <- "CD8+ T cell"
#sc_dat[which(sc_dat$celltype == "CD8T"),]$celltype <- "CD8+ T cell"
sc_dat[which(sc_dat$celltype == "Endothelial"),]$celltype <- "Vasculature"
sc_dat[which(sc_dat$celltype == "Fibroblasts"),]$celltype <- "Stroma"
sc_dat[which(sc_dat$celltype == "Malignant"),]$celltype <- "Tumor"
sc_dat[which(sc_dat$celltype == "Mono/Macro"),]$celltype <- "Macrophage"
#sc_dat[which(sc_dat$celltype == "Treg"),]$celltype <- "CD8- T cell"
#sc_dat[which(sc_dat$celltype == "Plasma"),]$celltype <- "CD38"
[1] "B" "CD8- T cell" "CD8+ T cell" "DC"
[5] "Mast" "Macrophage" "NK" "Plasma"
[9] "Tprolif" "Vasculature" "Epithelial" "Stroma"
[13] "Oligodendrocyte" "Acinar" "Ductal" "Endocrine"
[17] "Tumor" "Stellate"
celltypes <- c("CD8- T cell","CD8+ T cell","Vasculature", "Stroma","Macrophage","Tumor")
we will also unify the cell type names wherever possible
plot_dat <- sc_dat %>%
filter(celltype %in% celltypes, dataset %in% comp_dataset)
# order IMC data correct for merging
imc_long <- imc_long[,colnames(plot_dat)]
all_dat <- rbind(plot_dat,imc_long)
all_dat$datatype <- "scRNAseq"
all_dat[which(all_dat$dataset == "IMC"),]$datatype <- "IMC"
test_dat <- all_dat %>%
group_by(chemokine, celltype) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(n = map_dbl(data, ~ nrow(.x)), # number of entries
G = map(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$frac_of_chemokine_pos)$statistic[[1]]), # G statistic
U = map(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$frac_of_chemokine_pos)$statistic[[2]]), # U statistic
grubbs = map(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$frac_of_chemokine_pos)$alternative), # Alternative hypotesis
p_grubbs = map_dbl(data, ~ grubbs.test(.x$frac_of_chemokine_pos)$p.value)) %>% # p-value
mutate(G = signif(unlist(G), 3),
U = signif(unlist(U), 3),
grubbs = unlist(grubbs),
p_grubbs = signif(p_grubbs, 3)) %>%
select(-data) %>%
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
Warning in pt(t, n - 2): NaNs produced
# merge the test_dat data with the IMC data
test_dat <- left_join(test_dat,imc_long[,c("celltype","chemokine","frac_of_chemokine_pos")],by=c("celltype","chemokine"))
# define whether a detected outlier is an IMC datapoint and apply 0.05 significant value cut-off
sig_dat <- test_dat %>%
mutate(value = gsub("[^0-9.]", "", grubbs),
is_IMC = value == frac_of_chemokine_pos,
sig = p_grubbs <= 0.05) %>%
filter(sig == TRUE,is_IMC == TRUE)
geom_boxplot(data = all_dat,aes(x=celltype,y=frac_of_chemokine_pos))+
geom_point(data = all_dat[which(all_dat$dataset != "IMC"),],aes(x=celltype,y=frac_of_chemokine_pos,col=as.factor(dataset)))+
geom_point(data = all_dat[which(all_dat$datatype == "IMC"),],aes(x=celltype,y=frac_of_chemokine_pos),col="red",shape=18, size=5)+
geom_text(data = sig_dat,aes(x=celltype,y=0.75,label = p_grubbs), color= "red", angle=90) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5),
text = element_text(size=14)) +
ylab("Fraction of chemokine+ cells") +
guides(col=guide_legend(title="Dataset")) +