Last updated: 2021-04-29

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: esoph-micro-cancer-workflow/

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    Ignored:    data/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/picrust-analyses.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/picrust-campy.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/picrust-fuso.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/picrust-prevo.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/picrust-strepto.Rmd
    Modified:   output/picrust_ec_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ec_stratefied_campy_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ec_stratefied_fuso_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ec_stratefied_prevo_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ec_stratefied_strepto_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ko_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ko_stratefied_campy_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ko_stratefied_fuso_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ko_stratefied_prevo_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ko_stratefied_strepto_data_results.csv

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 2072df5 noah-padgett 2021-04-22 fixed the issue picrust analysis code
html 2072df5 noah-padgett 2021-04-22 fixed the issue picrust analysis code
Rmd ea63e54 noah-padgett 2021-04-15 updated picrust results
html ea63e54 noah-padgett 2021-04-15 updated picrust results
Rmd b11a4b5 noah-padgett 2021-03-25 updated picrust analyses and results figures
html b11a4b5 noah-padgett 2021-03-25 updated picrust analyses and results figures
Rmd 9315cce noah-padgett 2021-03-18 updated picrust results
html 9315cce noah-padgett 2021-03-18 updated picrust results
Rmd cb5f6e8 noah-padgett 2021-03-14 picrust analyses updated
html cb5f6e8 noah-padgett 2021-03-14 picrust analyses updated
Rmd cb97ca6 noah-padgett 2021-02-25 updated figures violin

For PICRUSt analysis: 

Use file KO_metagenome_out > pred_metagenome_unstrat_descrip.tsv to conduct the following tests/measures: 

Mean relative abundance in Tumors 

Standard error of mean in Tumors 

Mean relative abundance in Non-tumors 

Standard error of mean in Non-tumors 

GLM differential abundance analysis between Tumor vs Non-tumor (Patient=Fixed effect) 

- P-value 

- DR corrected q-value 

Use file EC_metagenome_out > pred_metagenome_unstrat_descrip to conduct the same analyses as described for A. 

Use file pathways_out > path_abun_unstrat_descrip to conduct the same analyses as in A.  

Part 1 EC Data

pi.dat <- readr::read_tsv("data/PICRUST/ec_pred_metagenome_unstrat_descrip.tsv")

-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
  .default = col_double(),
  `function` = col_character(),
  description = col_character()
i Use `spec()` for the full column specifications.
# aggregate descriptions to get 1 description per row - unique;y defined.
pi.dat<- pi.dat %>%
  group_by(description) %>%
  summarise(across(`1.S37.Jun172016`:`99.D01.S37.Jun232016`,.fns = sum))
# long format
pi.dat <- pi.dat %>%
    names_to = "ID",
    values_to = "Abundance"
d <-
mydata <- full_join(pi.dat, d)
Joining, by = "ID"
Warning in class(x) <- c(setdiff(subclass, tibble_class), tibble_class): Setting
class(x) to multiple strings ("tbl_df", "tbl", ...); result will no longer be an
S4 object
mydata <- mydata %>%
    ID.n = as.numeric(as.factor(ID)),
    description.n = as.numeric(as.factor(description))
  ) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
    dem = ifelse(sum(Abundance)==0, 1, sum(Abundance)),
    RelAbundance = Abundance/dem*100) %>%
  mutate(avgRA = mean(RelAbundance))

Relative Abundance

d <- mydata %>%
  filter(description=="DNA-directed DNA polymerase")

t.test(d$RelAbundance ~ d$

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  d$RelAbundance by d$
t = -1.5, df = 147, p-value = 0.13
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.137544  0.018669
sample estimates:
mean in group Non-Tumor     mean in group Tumor 
                 1.3784                  1.4378 
# Run on all descriptions
tb.ra1 <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description) %>%
  summarise(ng = n(),
            Overall.M = mean(RelAbundance),
            Overall.SE = sd(RelAbundance)/sqrt(ng))
tb.ra2m <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(M = mean(RelAbundance)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = M)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2se <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n(),SE = sd(RelAbundance)/sqrt(ng)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = SE)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2var <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n(), VAR = var(RelAbundance)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = VAR)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2ng <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n()) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = ng)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra <- left_join(tb.ra1, tb.ra2m)
Joining, by = "description"
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2se[,-1])
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2var[,-1])
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2ng[,-1]) 

colnames(tb.ra) <- c("description", "ng", "Overall Mean", "Overall SE", "Non-Tumor Mean", "Tumor Mean", "Non-Tumor SE", "Tumor SE","Non-Tumor Var", "Tumor Var", "Non-Tumor Ng", "Tumor Ng")
tb.ra <- tb.ra %>%
  arrange(desc(`Overall Mean`))
tb.ra <- tb.ra[, c("description", "Overall Mean", "Overall SE","Tumor Mean","Tumor Var", "Tumor SE","Tumor Ng", "Non-Tumor Mean","Non-Tumor Var", "Non-Tumor SE", "Non-Tumor Ng")]

# compute t-test
tb.ra <- tb.ra %>%
    SEpooled = sqrt(`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng` + `Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`),
    t = (`Tumor Mean` - `Non-Tumor Mean`)/(SEpooled),
    df = ((`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng` + `Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`)**2)/(((`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng`)**2)/(`Tumor Ng`-1) + ((`Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`)**2)/(`Non-Tumor Ng`-1)),
    p = pt(q = abs(t), df=df, lower.tail = F)*2,
    fdr_p = p.adjust(p, method="fdr")

kable(tb.ra, format="html", digits=5, caption="EC Data Average Relative Abundance of Each Description (sorted in descending order)") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height="600px")
EC Data Average Relative Abundance of Each Description (sorted in descending order)
description Overall Mean Overall SE Tumor Mean Tumor Var Tumor SE Tumor Ng Non-Tumor Mean Non-Tumor Var Non-Tumor SE Non-Tumor Ng SEpooled t df p fdr_p
DNA-directed DNA polymerase 1.40285 0.01990 1.43784 0.05430 0.02890 65 1.37840 0.06757 0.02695 93 0.03952 1.50391 146.594 0.13476 0.70632
DNA helicase 1.35380 0.02046 1.39396 0.06314 0.03117 65 1.32573 0.06699 0.02684 93 0.04113 1.65890 140.402 0.09937 0.70632
Histidine kinase 0.85520 0.01720 0.83011 0.04863 0.02735 65 0.87273 0.04519 0.02204 93 0.03513 -1.21317 134.628 0.22719 0.70632
Peptidylprolyl isomerase 0.69459 0.01303 0.69696 0.02777 0.02067 65 0.69294 0.02646 0.01687 93 0.02668 0.15065 135.749 0.88048 0.96590
Protein-N(pi)-phosphohistidine–sugar phosphotransferase 0.66839 0.02883 0.70639 0.12814 0.04440 65 0.64183 0.13320 0.03785 93 0.05834 1.10661 139.539 0.27037 0.70632
DNA-directed RNA polymerase 0.58448 0.00817 0.60065 0.00947 0.01207 65 0.57318 0.01108 0.01092 93 0.01627 1.68809 144.335 0.09355 0.70632
NADH:ubiquinone reductase (H(+)-translocating) 0.50907 0.02256 0.46077 0.07585 0.03416 65 0.54283 0.08164 0.02963 93 0.04522 -1.81459 141.000 0.07171 0.70632
Site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific) 0.41749 0.01228 0.41812 0.01753 0.01642 65 0.41705 0.02849 0.01750 93 0.02400 0.04458 153.864 0.96450 0.99193
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase 0.39404 0.01105 0.37447 0.01988 0.01749 65 0.40772 0.01864 0.01416 93 0.02250 -1.47742 135.026 0.14189 0.70632
H(+)-transporting two-sector ATPase 0.38226 0.00446 0.38992 0.00282 0.00659 65 0.37691 0.00332 0.00597 93 0.00890 1.46290 144.511 0.14566 0.70632
Iron-chelate-transporting ATPase 0.36934 0.01075 0.39130 0.02565 0.01987 65 0.35400 0.01274 0.01170 93 0.02306 1.61789 107.154 0.10863 0.70632
8-oxo-dGTP diphosphatase 0.36658 0.01443 0.36312 0.02895 0.02111 65 0.36899 0.03602 0.01968 93 0.02886 -0.20358 146.583 0.83897 0.95674
Glutaminyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.36556 0.00849 0.36636 0.01166 0.01339 65 0.36500 0.01133 0.01104 93 0.01735 0.07823 136.614 0.93776 0.99049
Asparaginyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.36556 0.00849 0.36636 0.01166 0.01339 65 0.36499 0.01132 0.01104 93 0.01735 0.07896 136.606 0.93718 0.99049
RNA helicase 0.35964 0.00817 0.36207 0.01211 0.01365 65 0.35794 0.00957 0.01014 93 0.01701 0.24279 127.238 0.80856 0.94436
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 0.34683 0.00744 0.34790 0.00748 0.01073 65 0.34608 0.00973 0.01023 93 0.01482 0.12246 148.118 0.90270 0.97462
Serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase 0.34488 0.00795 0.33720 0.00785 0.01099 65 0.35025 0.01152 0.01113 93 0.01564 -0.83410 151.643 0.40554 0.75734
23S rRNA pseudouridine(1911/1915/1917) synthase 0.34241 0.01063 0.35084 0.01849 0.01687 65 0.33652 0.01751 0.01372 93 0.02174 0.65867 135.472 0.51122 0.81548
Phosphoglycerate mutase (2,3-diphosphoglycerate-independent) 0.34040 0.01162 0.34666 0.02387 0.01916 65 0.33603 0.01973 0.01457 93 0.02407 0.44141 129.292 0.65966 0.88943
DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing) 0.33352 0.00617 0.34192 0.00596 0.00958 65 0.32764 0.00605 0.00806 93 0.01252 1.14057 138.486 0.25602 0.70632
Polar-amino-acid-transporting ATPase 0.33051 0.01151 0.33536 0.01691 0.01613 65 0.32712 0.02391 0.01604 93 0.02274 0.36236 150.652 0.71759 0.92120
Type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease 0.33035 0.01390 0.32919 0.02556 0.01983 65 0.33116 0.03433 0.01921 93 0.02761 -0.07126 149.141 0.94328 0.99049
Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.32347 0.00786 0.32687 0.01189 0.01352 65 0.32110 0.00838 0.00949 93 0.01652 0.34925 121.993 0.72750 0.92120
Ribonuclease H 0.32044 0.00573 0.32154 0.00560 0.00928 65 0.31967 0.00497 0.00731 93 0.01181 0.15869 132.533 0.87416 0.96378
Cysteine desulfurase 0.31992 0.00821 0.32021 0.01093 0.01297 65 0.31972 0.01057 0.01066 93 0.01679 0.02895 136.373 0.97695 0.99435
Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 0.31803 0.00560 0.31832 0.00673 0.01018 65 0.31782 0.00376 0.00636 93 0.01200 0.04174 111.839 0.96678 0.99193
Acetolactate synthase 0.31196 0.00610 0.31167 0.00728 0.01058 65 0.31216 0.00498 0.00731 93 0.01287 -0.03827 120.595 0.96953 0.99263
Phenylalanine–tRNA ligase 0.30482 0.00401 0.31142 0.00234 0.00600 65 0.30021 0.00267 0.00535 93 0.00804 1.39369 143.331 0.16557 0.70632
Exodeoxyribonuclease VII 0.30206 0.00480 0.31293 0.00385 0.00770 65 0.29447 0.00340 0.00605 93 0.00979 1.88548 132.344 0.06156 0.70632
DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase 0.29656 0.00451 0.30520 0.00281 0.00657 65 0.29052 0.00345 0.00609 93 0.00896 1.63878 146.098 0.10341 0.70632
Undecaprenyl-diphosphate phosphatase 0.29175 0.00463 0.28580 0.00276 0.00651 65 0.29591 0.00382 0.00641 93 0.00914 -1.10584 150.037 0.27056 0.70632
DNA topoisomerase 0.28866 0.00739 0.28711 0.00662 0.01009 65 0.28975 0.01013 0.01043 93 0.01452 -0.18181 152.634 0.85597 0.96186
Peroxiredoxin 0.28834 0.00433 0.28918 0.00310 0.00691 65 0.28775 0.00288 0.00557 93 0.00887 0.16154 134.626 0.87191 0.96378
Tryptophan synthase 0.27600 0.00691 0.26814 0.00806 0.01113 65 0.28149 0.00719 0.00879 93 0.01419 -0.94154 132.798 0.34814 0.72019
Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase 0.27068 0.00844 0.26691 0.00988 0.01233 65 0.27332 0.01233 0.01151 93 0.01687 -0.37974 146.680 0.70469 0.91393
[Formate-C-acetyltransferase]-activating enzyme 0.26762 0.01144 0.28195 0.02038 0.01771 65 0.25760 0.02083 0.01497 93 0.02319 1.05011 138.814 0.29549 0.70632
Thioredoxin-disulfide reductase 0.26523 0.00584 0.26674 0.00471 0.00851 65 0.26417 0.00593 0.00798 93 0.01167 0.21975 147.000 0.82637 0.95262
Protein-tyrosine-phosphatase 0.26095 0.00981 0.25955 0.01959 0.01736 65 0.26192 0.01232 0.01151 93 0.02083 -0.11381 116.916 0.90959 0.97756
Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase 0.25837 0.00534 0.26836 0.00431 0.00814 65 0.25139 0.00456 0.00700 93 0.01074 1.57986 140.306 0.11639 0.70632
Ribosomal-protein-alanine N-acetyltransferase 0.25763 0.00951 0.26541 0.01161 0.01336 65 0.25220 0.01623 0.01321 93 0.01879 0.70268 150.329 0.48334 0.80031
Alcohol dehydrogenase 0.25583 0.00818 0.24408 0.01128 0.01317 65 0.26405 0.01002 0.01038 93 0.01677 -1.19055 132.580 0.23596 0.70632
Glycine–tRNA ligase 0.25521 0.00414 0.26721 0.00224 0.00588 65 0.24683 0.00288 0.00557 93 0.00810 2.51725 147.724 0.01289 0.64530
Glycerol-3-phosphate 1-O-acyltransferase 0.25432 0.00500 0.26553 0.00336 0.00719 65 0.24649 0.00426 0.00677 93 0.00987 1.92802 147.311 0.05578 0.70632
GTP diphosphokinase 0.24922 0.00601 0.25425 0.00591 0.00954 65 0.24570 0.00558 0.00775 93 0.01229 0.69551 135.338 0.48793 0.80164
UDP-glucose 4-epimerase 0.24634 0.00526 0.24714 0.00446 0.00829 65 0.24578 0.00435 0.00684 93 0.01074 0.12677 136.686 0.89931 0.97344
Coproporphyrinogen dehydrogenase 0.24295 0.00598 0.25331 0.00779 0.01094 65 0.23571 0.00411 0.00665 93 0.01280 1.37475 109.534 0.17202 0.70632
Glutamate–ammonia ligase 0.24191 0.00815 0.23879 0.01141 0.01325 65 0.24410 0.00995 0.01035 93 0.01681 -0.31543 131.769 0.75294 0.92944
Pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring) 0.23873 0.00867 0.22797 0.01175 0.01345 65 0.24626 0.01195 0.01133 93 0.01759 -1.04032 138.593 0.30000 0.70632
Transketolase 0.22806 0.00546 0.22924 0.00508 0.00884 65 0.22723 0.00449 0.00695 93 0.01125 0.17937 132.367 0.85792 0.96186
Peptide deformylase 0.22635 0.00491 0.22801 0.00430 0.00813 65 0.22519 0.00351 0.00614 93 0.01019 0.27744 128.784 0.78189 0.93675
3-isopropylmalate dehydratase 0.22481 0.00579 0.21562 0.00648 0.00998 65 0.23124 0.00443 0.00690 93 0.01214 -1.28675 120.682 0.20064 0.70632
(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase 0.22477 0.00579 0.21559 0.00647 0.00998 65 0.23118 0.00444 0.00691 93 0.01214 -1.28460 120.708 0.20139 0.70632
Anthranilate synthase 0.22397 0.00556 0.21346 0.00595 0.00956 65 0.23131 0.00407 0.00662 93 0.01163 -1.53476 120.721 0.12746 0.70632
L-serine ammonia-lyase 0.22167 0.00503 0.22499 0.00430 0.00813 65 0.21935 0.00381 0.00640 93 0.01035 0.54513 132.506 0.58658 0.85579
Signal peptidase I 0.22025 0.00447 0.22050 0.00373 0.00758 65 0.22008 0.00280 0.00549 93 0.00936 0.04495 124.803 0.96422 0.99193
Peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase 0.21753 0.00494 0.22395 0.00358 0.00743 65 0.21305 0.00403 0.00658 93 0.00992 1.09820 142.767 0.27397 0.70632
Fumarate reductase (quinol) 0.21549 0.00596 0.21577 0.00397 0.00781 65 0.21530 0.00682 0.00856 93 0.01159 0.04078 154.769 0.96753 0.99193
Phosphoglycolate phosphatase 0.21287 0.00605 0.20665 0.00703 0.01040 65 0.21721 0.00492 0.00727 93 0.01269 -0.83245 121.668 0.40679 0.75900
N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase 0.20735 0.00771 0.20448 0.00738 0.01066 65 0.20936 0.01089 0.01082 93 0.01519 -0.32135 151.784 0.74839 0.92904
Ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase 0.20604 0.00515 0.21258 0.00430 0.00813 65 0.20148 0.00411 0.00665 93 0.01050 1.05720 135.884 0.29230 0.70632
Monosaccharide-transporting ATPase 0.20526 0.00992 0.20694 0.02296 0.01879 65 0.20409 0.01056 0.01066 93 0.02161 0.13188 104.278 0.89534 0.97163
Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase 0.20418 0.00500 0.20688 0.00508 0.00884 65 0.20229 0.00320 0.00587 93 0.01061 0.43195 117.009 0.66657 0.89299
4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate synthase 0.20303 0.00291 0.19802 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.20653 0.00150 0.00401 93 0.00572 -1.48796 150.046 0.13886 0.70632
3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase 0.20294 0.00454 0.20678 0.00333 0.00716 65 0.20026 0.00322 0.00589 93 0.00927 0.70336 136.376 0.48303 0.80031
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 0.20277 0.00471 0.20662 0.00361 0.00745 65 0.20007 0.00344 0.00608 93 0.00962 0.68083 135.774 0.49714 0.80780
Long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase 0.20123 0.00844 0.19108 0.00977 0.01226 65 0.20832 0.01229 0.01150 93 0.01681 -1.02584 146.984 0.30665 0.70632
Peptide-methionine (R)-S-oxide reductase 0.19561 0.00471 0.20474 0.00310 0.00690 65 0.18923 0.00373 0.00633 93 0.00937 1.65521 145.388 0.10004 0.70632
Methionyl aminopeptidase 0.19385 0.00229 0.19255 0.00075 0.00340 65 0.19475 0.00089 0.00309 93 0.00459 -0.47944 144.487 0.63235 0.88317
Shikimate dehydrogenase 0.19275 0.00560 0.20332 0.00786 0.01100 65 0.18537 0.00284 0.00553 93 0.01231 1.45800 96.164 0.14810 0.70632
Dihydrofolate synthase 0.19214 0.00475 0.19631 0.00323 0.00705 65 0.18923 0.00382 0.00641 93 0.00953 0.74303 144.667 0.45867 0.78637
Tetrahydrofolate synthase 0.19214 0.00475 0.19631 0.00323 0.00705 65 0.18923 0.00382 0.00641 93 0.00953 0.74303 144.667 0.45867 0.78637
Exodeoxyribonuclease III 0.19136 0.00300 0.19610 0.00165 0.00503 65 0.18805 0.00126 0.00368 93 0.00624 1.29037 125.864 0.19929 0.70632
Glutathione transferase 0.19043 0.01837 0.17271 0.05273 0.02848 65 0.20282 0.05389 0.02407 93 0.03729 -0.80730 138.816 0.42087 0.76494
Protein-serine/threonine phosphatase 0.18941 0.00570 0.18533 0.00507 0.00883 65 0.19226 0.00520 0.00748 93 0.01157 -0.59884 138.979 0.55026 0.84415
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (phosphorylating) 0.18840 0.00257 0.18962 0.00088 0.00368 65 0.18755 0.00116 0.00354 93 0.00510 0.40555 148.697 0.68565 0.90745
Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase 0.18802 0.00507 0.17855 0.00444 0.00827 65 0.19464 0.00374 0.00634 93 0.01042 -1.54424 130.148 0.12496 0.70632
1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 0.18713 0.00336 0.18527 0.00223 0.00585 65 0.18844 0.00149 0.00401 93 0.00709 -0.44575 119.787 0.65658 0.88943
Inorganic diphosphatase 0.18661 0.00447 0.19450 0.00442 0.00825 65 0.18109 0.00224 0.00490 93 0.00959 1.39778 107.899 0.16505 0.70632
Aspartate kinase 0.18582 0.00354 0.18143 0.00190 0.00540 65 0.18888 0.00204 0.00469 93 0.00715 -1.04270 141.099 0.29887 0.70632
Fumarate hydratase 0.18550 0.00626 0.18130 0.00612 0.00970 65 0.18843 0.00629 0.00822 93 0.01272 -0.56058 139.063 0.57598 0.85190
Arsenate reductase (glutaredoxin) 0.18265 0.00373 0.18628 0.00199 0.00553 65 0.18011 0.00236 0.00504 93 0.00748 0.82610 144.875 0.41010 0.76070
Chorismate mutase 0.18095 0.00397 0.17999 0.00329 0.00712 65 0.18162 0.00196 0.00459 93 0.00847 -0.19356 114.509 0.84686 0.95939
Acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase 0.18062 0.01010 0.16447 0.01234 0.01378 65 0.19190 0.01862 0.01415 93 0.01975 -1.38856 152.309 0.16699 0.70632
Cysteine synthase 0.18016 0.00244 0.18247 0.00099 0.00391 65 0.17854 0.00091 0.00313 93 0.00501 0.78351 134.003 0.43471 0.77079
GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.18005 0.00293 0.18098 0.00110 0.00411 65 0.17941 0.00155 0.00408 93 0.00579 0.27072 150.497 0.78698 0.93675
Exodeoxyribonuclease V 0.17957 0.00547 0.18273 0.00484 0.00863 65 0.17736 0.00469 0.00710 93 0.01117 0.48013 136.485 0.63190 0.88317
Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 0.17937 0.00254 0.18771 0.00113 0.00417 65 0.17353 0.00087 0.00306 93 0.00517 2.74146 126.239 0.00701 0.62334
Lysine–tRNA ligase 0.17902 0.00263 0.18190 0.00109 0.00409 65 0.17700 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00535 0.91604 138.399 0.36124 0.72316
Superoxide dismutase 0.17870 0.00640 0.17039 0.00757 0.01079 65 0.18451 0.00570 0.00783 93 0.01333 -1.05893 125.037 0.29167 0.70632
Phosphate-transporting ATPase 0.17713 0.00678 0.17322 0.00729 0.01059 65 0.17987 0.00731 0.00887 93 0.01381 -0.48156 137.987 0.63088 0.88317
N(6)-L-threonylcarbamoyladenine synthase 0.17695 0.00376 0.18344 0.00230 0.00594 65 0.17240 0.00216 0.00482 93 0.00765 1.44297 135.187 0.15134 0.70632
Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase 0.17694 0.00253 0.18372 0.00140 0.00464 65 0.17220 0.00069 0.00273 93 0.00538 2.13881 107.022 0.03473 0.67652
Alanine racemase 0.17522 0.00314 0.18274 0.00163 0.00501 65 0.16996 0.00145 0.00394 93 0.00638 2.00347 132.438 0.04717 0.69348
Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase 0.17501 0.00336 0.17959 0.00202 0.00557 65 0.17180 0.00162 0.00417 93 0.00696 1.11912 127.984 0.26519 0.70632
D-alanine–D-alanine ligase 0.17450 0.00271 0.17553 0.00086 0.00363 65 0.17378 0.00138 0.00386 93 0.00530 0.33038 153.729 0.74157 0.92652
Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase 0.17352 0.00358 0.17820 0.00246 0.00615 65 0.17024 0.00172 0.00430 93 0.00750 1.06177 121.622 0.29044 0.70632
Methylated-DNA–[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase 0.17195 0.00238 0.16932 0.00074 0.00337 65 0.17379 0.00100 0.00328 93 0.00470 -0.95128 149.433 0.34300 0.72019
3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase 0.17172 0.00279 0.17559 0.00150 0.00480 65 0.16902 0.00104 0.00334 93 0.00585 1.12309 121.272 0.26362 0.70632
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III 0.17167 0.00340 0.17825 0.00224 0.00588 65 0.16707 0.00150 0.00402 93 0.00712 1.57067 119.726 0.11890 0.70632
Endopeptidase Clp 0.17114 0.00331 0.17314 0.00188 0.00538 65 0.16974 0.00163 0.00419 93 0.00682 0.49860 131.549 0.61889 0.87573
Dihydroorotase 0.17000 0.00225 0.16886 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.17080 0.00091 0.00313 93 0.00446 -0.43570 150.322 0.66368 0.89024
XTP/dITP diphosphatase 0.16979 0.00417 0.16859 0.00289 0.00667 65 0.17062 0.00268 0.00536 93 0.00856 -0.23780 134.482 0.81240 0.94519
Cystathionine beta-lyase 0.16881 0.00640 0.17926 0.00903 0.01178 65 0.16151 0.00463 0.00706 93 0.01374 1.29238 108.435 0.19897 0.70632
Aspartate–tRNA ligase 0.16843 0.00342 0.17302 0.00166 0.00506 65 0.16523 0.00197 0.00460 93 0.00684 1.13967 144.825 0.25631 0.70632
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II 0.16699 0.00276 0.16759 0.00082 0.00355 65 0.16657 0.00148 0.00399 93 0.00534 0.18979 155.353 0.84972 0.96036
Beta-galactosidase 0.16681 0.00870 0.16762 0.01043 0.01267 65 0.16625 0.01316 0.01190 93 0.01738 0.07874 147.074 0.93734 0.99049
Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase 0.16558 0.00332 0.16999 0.00180 0.00527 65 0.16249 0.00170 0.00427 93 0.00678 1.10445 135.178 0.27136 0.70632
IMP dehydrogenase 0.16497 0.00261 0.16761 0.00102 0.00396 65 0.16313 0.00112 0.00347 93 0.00527 0.85012 141.747 0.39669 0.74876
Alanine–tRNA ligase 0.16473 0.00295 0.17007 0.00172 0.00514 65 0.16099 0.00111 0.00345 93 0.00620 1.46579 118.039 0.14537 0.70632
Triose-phosphate isomerase 0.16404 0.00372 0.17236 0.00321 0.00703 65 0.15823 0.00141 0.00389 93 0.00803 1.75890 102.634 0.08157 0.70632
tRNA dimethylallyltransferase 0.16381 0.00329 0.16531 0.00141 0.00466 65 0.16276 0.00193 0.00456 93 0.00652 0.39100 149.756 0.69636 0.91007
Glycine hydroxymethyltransferase 0.16264 0.00279 0.16456 0.00151 0.00482 65 0.16130 0.00104 0.00334 93 0.00586 0.55690 120.925 0.57863 0.85190
Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase 0.16261 0.00505 0.16522 0.00424 0.00807 65 0.16079 0.00393 0.00650 93 0.01036 0.42667 134.551 0.67030 0.89503
Cysteine–tRNA ligase 0.16260 0.00397 0.17383 0.00389 0.00774 65 0.15474 0.00139 0.00386 93 0.00865 2.20776 95.706 0.02965 0.67652
Guanylate kinase 0.16215 0.00377 0.16963 0.00292 0.00670 65 0.15692 0.00174 0.00432 93 0.00797 1.59391 114.592 0.11371 0.70632
IMP cyclohydrolase 0.16175 0.00336 0.16548 0.00153 0.00485 65 0.15914 0.00196 0.00459 93 0.00667 0.95028 147.612 0.34352 0.72019
Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase 0.16175 0.00336 0.16548 0.00153 0.00485 65 0.15914 0.00196 0.00459 93 0.00667 0.95028 147.612 0.34352 0.72019
Phosphopyruvate hydratase 0.16140 0.00428 0.16537 0.00301 0.00680 65 0.15863 0.00283 0.00551 93 0.00876 0.77055 135.117 0.44232 0.77520
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate–2,6-diaminopimelate ligase 0.16103 0.00426 0.16791 0.00328 0.00710 65 0.15621 0.00255 0.00524 93 0.00882 1.32573 126.575 0.18732 0.70632
Glutamine–fructose-6-phosphate transaminase (isomerizing) 0.16035 0.00197 0.16080 0.00058 0.00298 65 0.16004 0.00065 0.00264 93 0.00398 0.19144 142.632 0.84846 0.96012
16S rRNA (cytidine(1402)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.16020 0.00253 0.16249 0.00088 0.00369 65 0.15859 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00504 0.77149 146.729 0.44165 0.77520
[Acyl-carrier-protein] S-malonyltransferase 0.15983 0.00186 0.16248 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.15798 0.00061 0.00257 93 0.00366 1.22949 150.185 0.22081 0.70632
Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADH) 0.15979 0.00330 0.16063 0.00213 0.00572 65 0.15921 0.00146 0.00396 93 0.00696 0.20426 120.774 0.83849 0.95674
3-dehydroquinate dehydratase 0.15940 0.00181 0.16007 0.00057 0.00297 65 0.15893 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00374 0.30373 129.968 0.76182 0.93350
2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase 0.15930 0.00271 0.15714 0.00135 0.00455 65 0.16081 0.00104 0.00334 93 0.00565 -0.65021 126.046 0.51674 0.81889
DNA ligase (NAD(+)) 0.15835 0.00159 0.16217 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.15568 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00305 2.13028 155.344 0.03472 0.67652
Dephospho-CoA kinase 0.15822 0.00302 0.16155 0.00122 0.00433 65 0.15589 0.00160 0.00415 93 0.00600 0.94405 148.394 0.34668 0.72019
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide–D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase 0.15814 0.00310 0.16110 0.00124 0.00437 65 0.15608 0.00171 0.00429 93 0.00612 0.82118 149.978 0.41285 0.76224
Pyruvate kinase 0.15814 0.00207 0.16371 0.00047 0.00268 65 0.15424 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00396 2.38761 154.505 0.01817 0.64530
Leucine–tRNA ligase 0.15805 0.00258 0.16076 0.00094 0.00380 65 0.15616 0.00113 0.00349 93 0.00516 0.89113 145.508 0.37433 0.73204
Thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase 0.15785 0.00398 0.16127 0.00261 0.00633 65 0.15546 0.00244 0.00512 93 0.00814 0.71328 134.917 0.47690 0.79541
Methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase 0.15722 0.00207 0.15830 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.15648 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00410 0.44410 150.671 0.65761 0.88943
Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.15722 0.00207 0.15830 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.15648 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00410 0.44410 150.671 0.65761 0.88943
Purine-nucleoside phosphorylase 0.15679 0.00693 0.15817 0.00703 0.01040 65 0.15583 0.00806 0.00931 93 0.01396 0.16824 143.563 0.86663 0.96221
Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase 0.15603 0.00212 0.15928 0.00072 0.00333 65 0.15376 0.00070 0.00273 93 0.00431 1.27964 136.228 0.20285 0.70632
16S rRNA pseudouridine(516) synthase 0.15544 0.00537 0.16446 0.00412 0.00796 65 0.14913 0.00481 0.00719 93 0.01073 1.42936 144.305 0.15506 0.70632
Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase 0.15529 0.00318 0.15867 0.00160 0.00497 65 0.15292 0.00160 0.00414 93 0.00647 0.88966 137.642 0.37520 0.73229
(2E,6E)-farnesyl diphosphate synthase 0.15507 0.00194 0.15791 0.00052 0.00283 65 0.15308 0.00064 0.00262 93 0.00386 1.25201 146.049 0.21257 0.70632
Dimethylallyltranstransferase 0.15507 0.00194 0.15791 0.00052 0.00283 65 0.15308 0.00064 0.00262 93 0.00386 1.25201 146.049 0.21257 0.70632
Shikimate kinase 0.15485 0.00342 0.15876 0.00226 0.00590 65 0.15212 0.00156 0.00410 93 0.00719 0.92349 121.123 0.35759 0.72131
Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase 0.15480 0.00409 0.15233 0.00306 0.00686 65 0.15654 0.00238 0.00506 93 0.00852 -0.49376 126.562 0.62233 0.87883
Signal peptidase II 0.15460 0.00255 0.15891 0.00111 0.00413 65 0.15160 0.00096 0.00321 93 0.00523 1.39735 131.326 0.16467 0.70632
UDP-N-acetylmuramate–L-alanine ligase 0.15403 0.00256 0.15807 0.00096 0.00384 65 0.15120 0.00108 0.00341 93 0.00513 1.33869 142.915 0.18280 0.70632
Methionine–tRNA ligase 0.15394 0.00247 0.15793 0.00093 0.00378 65 0.15114 0.00098 0.00325 93 0.00498 1.36242 140.461 0.17525 0.70632
Tryptophan–tRNA ligase 0.15375 0.00215 0.15768 0.00052 0.00283 65 0.15100 0.00086 0.00305 93 0.00416 1.60640 154.225 0.11023 0.70632
Pantothenate kinase 0.15352 0.00230 0.15517 0.00070 0.00327 65 0.15237 0.00094 0.00317 93 0.00456 0.61478 149.252 0.53964 0.83754
Peptide chain release factor N(5)-glutamine methyltransferase 0.15349 0.00208 0.15498 0.00067 0.00321 65 0.15244 0.00070 0.00275 93 0.00423 0.60023 139.803 0.54932 0.84333
Succinate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.15329 0.00528 0.14332 0.00419 0.00803 65 0.16027 0.00449 0.00695 93 0.01062 -1.59677 140.805 0.11256 0.70632
Valine–tRNA ligase 0.15317 0.00193 0.15578 0.00056 0.00294 65 0.15136 0.00060 0.00255 93 0.00389 1.13680 140.906 0.25755 0.70632
Threonine–tRNA ligase 0.15308 0.00203 0.15558 0.00062 0.00308 65 0.15134 0.00067 0.00269 93 0.00409 1.03626 141.454 0.30185 0.70632
Isoleucine–tRNA ligase 0.15308 0.00210 0.15597 0.00064 0.00315 65 0.15106 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00421 1.16528 143.048 0.24585 0.70632
Proline–tRNA ligase 0.15283 0.00207 0.15555 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.15093 0.00072 0.00277 93 0.00415 1.11388 143.852 0.26719 0.70632
Homoserine dehydrogenase 0.15258 0.00258 0.15032 0.00138 0.00461 65 0.15417 0.00082 0.00297 93 0.00549 -0.70004 114.439 0.48532 0.80111
Threonine ammonia-lyase 0.15255 0.00406 0.14833 0.00262 0.00635 65 0.15549 0.00260 0.00528 93 0.00826 -0.86787 137.455 0.38698 0.73966
Orotidine-5’-phosphate decarboxylase 0.15241 0.00246 0.15680 0.00088 0.00367 65 0.14935 0.00100 0.00327 93 0.00492 1.51499 143.229 0.13198 0.70632
Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 0.15229 0.00347 0.15987 0.00211 0.00570 65 0.14700 0.00171 0.00428 93 0.00713 1.80526 128.274 0.07338 0.70632
tRNA pseudouridine(38-40) synthase 0.15220 0.00243 0.15558 0.00086 0.00364 65 0.14984 0.00098 0.00325 93 0.00488 1.17704 143.284 0.24113 0.70632
Phosphoribosylamine–glycine ligase 0.15202 0.00278 0.15528 0.00115 0.00421 65 0.14974 0.00126 0.00369 93 0.00560 0.99000 141.865 0.32386 0.70874
Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.15190 0.00241 0.15495 0.00084 0.00359 65 0.14978 0.00097 0.00323 93 0.00483 1.07082 144.039 0.28604 0.70632
Arginine–tRNA ligase 0.15189 0.00234 0.15434 0.00077 0.00343 65 0.15018 0.00094 0.00318 93 0.00468 0.88987 146.072 0.37500 0.73229
Adenylate kinase 0.15172 0.00210 0.15414 0.00069 0.00325 65 0.15002 0.00071 0.00276 93 0.00426 0.96717 139.273 0.33514 0.71823
Tyrosine–tRNA ligase 0.15167 0.00229 0.15420 0.00073 0.00335 65 0.14990 0.00090 0.00312 93 0.00458 0.93790 146.419 0.34984 0.72019
acetylglucosaminyltransferase 0.15164 0.00208 0.15471 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.14949 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00417 1.25355 144.350 0.21203 0.70632
16S rRNA (cytosine(1402)-N(4))-methyltransferase 0.15159 0.00241 0.15500 0.00084 0.00360 65 0.14921 0.00097 0.00323 93 0.00483 1.19922 143.590 0.23242 0.70632
Dihydrofolate reductase 0.15157 0.00201 0.15635 0.00059 0.00301 65 0.14824 0.00065 0.00265 93 0.00401 2.02326 142.233 0.04492 0.69348
Adenylosuccinate synthase 0.15133 0.00205 0.15439 0.00065 0.00315 65 0.14920 0.00068 0.00270 93 0.00415 1.25010 139.760 0.21335 0.70632
Histidine–tRNA ligase 0.15126 0.00233 0.15409 0.00073 0.00335 65 0.14928 0.00094 0.00319 93 0.00462 1.04162 148.028 0.29928 0.70632
Aminoacyl-tRNA hydrolase 0.15126 0.00234 0.15477 0.00074 0.00337 65 0.14880 0.00095 0.00319 93 0.00464 1.28753 147.801 0.19992 0.70632
C-terminal processing peptidase 0.15105 0.00483 0.14736 0.00292 0.00670 65 0.15362 0.00424 0.00676 93 0.00952 -0.65765 151.380 0.51176 0.81548
Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase 0.15104 0.00236 0.15500 0.00080 0.00350 65 0.14827 0.00093 0.00317 93 0.00472 1.42390 144.321 0.15663 0.70632
Ribonuclease III 0.15099 0.00208 0.15464 0.00063 0.00311 65 0.14844 0.00072 0.00278 93 0.00417 1.48724 143.412 0.13915 0.70632
UDP-N-acetylmuramate dehydrogenase 0.15087 0.00237 0.15415 0.00076 0.00343 65 0.14857 0.00097 0.00324 93 0.00471 1.18418 147.497 0.23825 0.70632
NAD(+) kinase 0.15087 0.00232 0.15371 0.00071 0.00331 65 0.14888 0.00094 0.00319 93 0.00459 1.05006 148.745 0.29539 0.70632
GTP cyclohydrolase I 0.15073 0.00271 0.15265 0.00158 0.00493 65 0.14939 0.00088 0.00307 93 0.00581 0.56027 111.564 0.57642 0.85190
Phosphoglycerate kinase 0.15070 0.00237 0.15409 0.00077 0.00345 65 0.14834 0.00097 0.00323 93 0.00472 1.21623 146.760 0.22585 0.70632
16S rRNA (adenine(1518)-N(6)/adenine(1519)-N(6))-dimethyltransferase 0.15069 0.00236 0.15438 0.00079 0.00348 65 0.14811 0.00094 0.00318 93 0.00471 1.33016 145.203 0.18555 0.70632
tRNA (guanine(37)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.15039 0.00235 0.15437 0.00079 0.00350 65 0.14762 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00470 1.43490 143.923 0.15348 0.70632
23S rRNA pseudouridine(2605) synthase 0.15038 0.00244 0.15254 0.00099 0.00390 65 0.14887 0.00092 0.00314 93 0.00501 0.73258 134.644 0.46509 0.78908
Methionine adenosyltransferase 0.15033 0.00232 0.15354 0.00075 0.00339 65 0.14809 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00463 1.17750 146.369 0.24091 0.70632
Cu(+) exporting ATPase 0.15029 0.00262 0.15307 0.00075 0.00339 65 0.14835 0.00132 0.00377 93 0.00507 0.93160 155.145 0.35299 0.72019
4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase 0.15029 0.00325 0.14763 0.00175 0.00519 65 0.15214 0.00162 0.00418 93 0.00666 -0.67701 134.421 0.49956 0.80830
tRNA (guanine(46)-N(7))-methyltransferase 0.15024 0.00247 0.15450 0.00090 0.00372 65 0.14726 0.00100 0.00327 93 0.00495 1.46220 142.174 0.14589 0.70632
Phosphoglucomutase (alpha-D-glucose-1,6-bisphosphate-dependent) 0.15020 0.00258 0.15199 0.00086 0.00363 65 0.14895 0.00120 0.00359 93 0.00511 0.59677 150.292 0.55156 0.84431
UMP/CMP kinase 0.15018 0.00296 0.15503 0.00130 0.00447 65 0.14678 0.00143 0.00392 93 0.00595 1.38720 141.993 0.16755 0.70632
Pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0.15011 0.00230 0.15339 0.00073 0.00336 65 0.14782 0.00091 0.00312 93 0.00458 1.21405 146.420 0.22668 0.70632
Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.15009 0.00229 0.15343 0.00074 0.00337 65 0.14775 0.00089 0.00310 93 0.00457 1.24179 145.587 0.21631 0.70632
Phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase 0.15006 0.00227 0.15327 0.00074 0.00337 65 0.14782 0.00087 0.00306 93 0.00455 1.19782 144.528 0.23295 0.70632
23S rRNA (uracil(1939)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.15002 0.00330 0.15161 0.00159 0.00494 65 0.14890 0.00184 0.00445 93 0.00665 0.40842 143.972 0.68357 0.90657
tRNA pseudouridine(55) synthase 0.15001 0.00210 0.15416 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.14710 0.00075 0.00284 93 0.00418 1.69015 145.963 0.09313 0.70632
ADP-ribose diphosphatase 0.14989 0.00371 0.16190 0.00206 0.00563 65 0.14149 0.00211 0.00477 93 0.00737 2.76853 139.001 0.00640 0.62334
UMP kinase 0.14984 0.00231 0.15315 0.00075 0.00339 65 0.14753 0.00091 0.00313 93 0.00462 1.21795 145.899 0.22521 0.70632
Serine–tRNA ligase 0.14982 0.00231 0.15324 0.00075 0.00339 65 0.14744 0.00091 0.00313 93 0.00461 1.25692 145.823 0.21079 0.70632
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine–D-glutamate ligase 0.14975 0.00230 0.15328 0.00073 0.00336 65 0.14727 0.00090 0.00312 93 0.00458 1.31079 146.264 0.19198 0.70632
diphosphate specific) 0.14973 0.00234 0.15391 0.00079 0.00350 65 0.14681 0.00090 0.00312 93 0.00468 1.51692 143.308 0.13149 0.70632
Phosphopantothenate–cysteine ligase 0.14971 0.00203 0.15305 0.00059 0.00303 65 0.14737 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00407 1.39549 143.779 0.16502 0.70632
Adenylosuccinate lyase 0.14967 0.00233 0.15319 0.00076 0.00342 65 0.14721 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00465 1.28741 145.765 0.19999 0.70632
Phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase 0.14963 0.00203 0.15302 0.00060 0.00303 65 0.14726 0.00068 0.00271 93 0.00406 1.41935 143.567 0.15796 0.70632
16S rRNA (guanine(527)-N(7))-methyltransferase 0.14954 0.00231 0.15333 0.00072 0.00334 65 0.14689 0.00092 0.00314 93 0.00458 1.40503 147.176 0.16212 0.70632
FAD synthetase 0.14952 0.00231 0.15310 0.00075 0.00339 65 0.14702 0.00090 0.00311 93 0.00460 1.32367 145.534 0.18769 0.70632
Riboflavin kinase 0.14952 0.00231 0.15310 0.00075 0.00339 65 0.14702 0.00090 0.00311 93 0.00460 1.32367 145.534 0.18769 0.70632
tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase 0.14915 0.00231 0.15320 0.00071 0.00332 65 0.14631 0.00092 0.00314 93 0.00457 1.50784 147.664 0.13373 0.70632
2-oxoglutarate synthase 0.14892 0.01178 0.13250 0.01687 0.01611 65 0.16039 0.02534 0.01651 93 0.02306 -1.20896 152.213 0.22855 0.70632
6-phosphofructokinase 0.14884 0.00566 0.15387 0.00562 0.00930 65 0.14533 0.00470 0.00711 93 0.01171 0.72928 129.801 0.46714 0.79096
Glucokinase 0.14841 0.00343 0.14815 0.00204 0.00561 65 0.14859 0.00176 0.00435 93 0.00709 -0.06213 131.069 0.95055 0.99049
Asparaginase 0.14801 0.00294 0.15198 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.14524 0.00156 0.00410 93 0.00578 1.16475 151.297 0.24595 0.70632
Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase 0.14788 0.00247 0.15139 0.00083 0.00357 65 0.14543 0.00106 0.00337 93 0.00491 1.21339 147.517 0.22692 0.70632
Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.14775 0.00258 0.15088 0.00114 0.00418 65 0.14556 0.00099 0.00327 93 0.00531 1.00348 131.783 0.31747 0.70632
CDP-diacylglycerol–glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase 0.14735 0.00329 0.15567 0.00201 0.00556 65 0.14153 0.00144 0.00393 93 0.00681 2.07664 122.759 0.03992 0.67652
Amidophosphoribosyltransferase 0.14714 0.00241 0.14903 0.00089 0.00370 65 0.14582 0.00094 0.00318 93 0.00488 0.65885 140.351 0.51107 0.81548
Biotin–[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase 0.14679 0.00243 0.15071 0.00084 0.00360 65 0.14404 0.00098 0.00325 93 0.00485 1.37503 144.193 0.17126 0.70632
S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase 0.14678 0.00379 0.14619 0.00226 0.00589 65 0.14719 0.00230 0.00497 93 0.00771 -0.12947 138.579 0.89717 0.97163
Ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase 0.14647 0.00647 0.15283 0.00642 0.00994 65 0.14203 0.00676 0.00852 93 0.01309 0.82427 140.053 0.41119 0.76116
Serine O-acetyltransferase 0.14621 0.00328 0.14438 0.00216 0.00576 65 0.14749 0.00139 0.00386 93 0.00694 -0.44879 117.851 0.65441 0.88943
Ribonuclease P 0.14620 0.00264 0.15124 0.00083 0.00358 65 0.14268 0.00127 0.00369 93 0.00514 1.66496 152.473 0.09797 0.70632
Aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.14591 0.00247 0.14595 0.00114 0.00419 65 0.14589 0.00085 0.00302 93 0.00516 0.01220 124.416 0.99028 0.99736
5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase 0.14534 0.00285 0.15174 0.00115 0.00421 65 0.14086 0.00134 0.00379 93 0.00566 1.92118 143.965 0.05669 0.70632
Glutamate synthase (NADH) 0.14512 0.00600 0.13052 0.00525 0.00898 65 0.15532 0.00581 0.00790 93 0.01197 -2.07264 142.181 0.04001 0.67652
Glutamate synthase (NADPH) 0.14512 0.00600 0.13052 0.00525 0.00898 65 0.15532 0.00581 0.00790 93 0.01197 -2.07264 142.181 0.04001 0.67652
6-phospho-beta-glucosidase 0.14498 0.00842 0.15074 0.01105 0.01304 65 0.14096 0.01139 0.01107 93 0.01710 0.57189 139.171 0.56832 0.85024
Glutamate racemase 0.14452 0.00299 0.14780 0.00148 0.00477 65 0.14222 0.00137 0.00384 93 0.00613 0.90937 134.465 0.36478 0.72472
tRNA-guanine(34) transglycosylase 0.14449 0.00249 0.14606 0.00091 0.00373 65 0.14340 0.00104 0.00334 93 0.00501 0.53158 143.425 0.59584 0.86170
3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 0.14403 0.00238 0.14511 0.00103 0.00398 65 0.14328 0.00081 0.00295 93 0.00496 0.36962 126.870 0.71228 0.92039
23S rRNA (adenine(2503)-C(2))-methyltransferase 0.14402 0.00270 0.14593 0.00121 0.00432 65 0.14269 0.00112 0.00347 93 0.00554 0.58487 134.456 0.55961 0.85024
5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase 0.14393 0.00237 0.14805 0.00076 0.00341 65 0.14105 0.00097 0.00323 93 0.00470 1.48959 147.770 0.13846 0.70632
Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase 0.14342 0.00250 0.14618 0.00095 0.00382 65 0.14150 0.00102 0.00331 93 0.00505 0.92603 140.867 0.35601 0.72019
16S rRNA (uracil(1498)-N(3))-methyltransferase 0.14313 0.00237 0.14628 0.00080 0.00352 65 0.14093 0.00094 0.00318 93 0.00474 1.12941 144.209 0.26060 0.70632
Succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase 0.14263 0.00575 0.15236 0.00725 0.01056 65 0.13584 0.00374 0.00635 93 0.01232 1.34062 108.700 0.18284 0.70632
Aspartate carbamoyltransferase 0.14255 0.00241 0.14547 0.00088 0.00367 65 0.14051 0.00095 0.00320 93 0.00487 1.01950 141.453 0.30971 0.70632
Chorismate synthase 0.14251 0.00256 0.14408 0.00111 0.00414 65 0.14140 0.00098 0.00325 93 0.00526 0.50907 132.401 0.61155 0.87289
16S rRNA (cytosine(967)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.14228 0.00220 0.14637 0.00065 0.00315 65 0.13942 0.00084 0.00301 93 0.00436 1.59687 148.114 0.11243 0.70632
Uracil-DNA glycosylase 0.14227 0.00299 0.14743 0.00113 0.00417 65 0.13867 0.00160 0.00415 93 0.00588 1.48910 150.677 0.13855 0.70632
Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 0.14202 0.00344 0.15003 0.00229 0.00594 65 0.13642 0.00151 0.00403 93 0.00718 1.89621 119.053 0.06036 0.70632
Polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase 0.14177 0.00282 0.14368 0.00136 0.00458 65 0.14044 0.00119 0.00358 93 0.00581 0.55669 132.011 0.57868 0.85190
Glutathione peroxidase 0.14176 0.00483 0.14202 0.00378 0.00762 65 0.14158 0.00367 0.00628 93 0.00988 0.04443 136.592 0.96463 0.99193
Prepilin peptidase 0.14124 0.00275 0.14709 0.00098 0.00389 65 0.13716 0.00131 0.00375 93 0.00540 1.83865 148.899 0.06796 0.70632
Phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase 0.14092 0.00433 0.13383 0.00300 0.00680 65 0.14587 0.00290 0.00559 93 0.00880 -1.36866 136.358 0.17336 0.70632
Nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 0.14058 0.00274 0.14309 0.00098 0.00388 65 0.13882 0.00133 0.00378 93 0.00542 0.78906 149.609 0.43133 0.76880
23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.14054 0.00204 0.14507 0.00055 0.00292 65 0.13737 0.00071 0.00276 93 0.00402 1.91788 147.438 0.05706 0.70632
5’-nucleotidase 0.14028 0.00418 0.13302 0.00276 0.00651 65 0.14535 0.00272 0.00541 93 0.00846 -1.45571 137.322 0.14776 0.70632
23S rRNA (pseudouridine(1915)-N(3))-methyltransferase 0.13995 0.00236 0.14295 0.00084 0.00359 65 0.13785 0.00091 0.00312 93 0.00476 1.07104 141.151 0.28598 0.70632
Diaminopimelate decarboxylase 0.13991 0.00255 0.13838 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.14098 0.00099 0.00327 93 0.00523 -0.49652 134.025 0.62034 0.87719
Cyclic pyranopterin phosphate synthase 0.13987 0.00474 0.14019 0.00374 0.00759 65 0.13965 0.00347 0.00611 93 0.00974 0.05606 134.500 0.95538 0.99147
Acetate kinase 0.13959 0.00439 0.14606 0.00316 0.00697 65 0.13507 0.00296 0.00564 93 0.00897 1.22583 134.918 0.22240 0.70632
Thymidylate synthase 0.13950 0.00261 0.14121 0.00119 0.00427 65 0.13830 0.00100 0.00328 93 0.00539 0.54028 130.296 0.58993 0.85771
3-dehydroquinate synthase 0.13932 0.00260 0.13626 0.00140 0.00464 65 0.14146 0.00084 0.00301 93 0.00553 -0.93977 114.890 0.34931 0.72019
Phosphate acetyltransferase 0.13928 0.00315 0.14145 0.00169 0.00510 65 0.13775 0.00150 0.00401 93 0.00649 0.57020 132.538 0.56951 0.85024
Threonine synthase 0.13909 0.00278 0.13821 0.00140 0.00465 65 0.13971 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00578 -0.25933 126.767 0.79580 0.94089
GTP cyclohydrolase II 0.13899 0.00441 0.14001 0.00298 0.00677 65 0.13828 0.00317 0.00584 93 0.00894 0.19365 140.551 0.84673 0.95939
CTP synthase (glutamine hydrolyzing) 0.13895 0.00235 0.13530 0.00119 0.00428 65 0.14150 0.00065 0.00264 93 0.00503 -1.23299 110.841 0.22019 0.70632
3’(2’),5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase 0.13874 0.00272 0.14112 0.00103 0.00398 65 0.13708 0.00127 0.00369 93 0.00543 0.74363 146.135 0.45830 0.78637
dUTP diphosphatase 0.13847 0.00228 0.14352 0.00077 0.00345 65 0.13495 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00457 1.87873 140.980 0.06235 0.70632
Glycogen phosphorylase 0.13823 0.00523 0.14449 0.00462 0.00843 65 0.13386 0.00412 0.00666 93 0.01074 0.98924 132.736 0.32435 0.70906
L-threonylcarbamoyladenylate synthase 0.13815 0.00253 0.14149 0.00091 0.00374 65 0.13582 0.00108 0.00340 93 0.00506 1.12287 144.780 0.26335 0.70632
Carbonate dehydratase 0.13746 0.00393 0.13274 0.00248 0.00618 65 0.14076 0.00241 0.00510 93 0.00801 -1.00149 136.703 0.31836 0.70632
Sortase A 0.13684 0.00748 0.14165 0.01001 0.01241 65 0.13347 0.00810 0.00933 93 0.01553 0.52656 128.314 0.59941 0.86318
Homoserine kinase 0.13676 0.00225 0.14085 0.00079 0.00348 65 0.13390 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00454 1.53122 138.126 0.12800 0.70632
Glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0.13663 0.00693 0.14279 0.00752 0.01076 65 0.13232 0.00768 0.00909 93 0.01408 0.74311 138.763 0.45867 0.78637
Phosphoenolpyruvate–protein phosphotransferase 0.13612 0.00284 0.14342 0.00142 0.00467 65 0.13102 0.00113 0.00349 93 0.00583 2.12606 127.677 0.03542 0.67652
Mannose-6-phosphate isomerase 0.13603 0.00336 0.13253 0.00169 0.00509 65 0.13847 0.00186 0.00447 93 0.00678 -0.87631 141.968 0.38234 0.73815
Branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase 0.13603 0.00292 0.13296 0.00161 0.00497 65 0.13817 0.00117 0.00355 93 0.00611 -0.85283 123.528 0.39541 0.74766
UTP–glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase 0.13551 0.00258 0.13800 0.00101 0.00395 65 0.13378 0.00108 0.00341 93 0.00521 0.81081 140.554 0.41884 0.76408
Aldose 1-epimerase 0.13474 0.00413 0.13503 0.00242 0.00610 65 0.13454 0.00292 0.00560 93 0.00828 0.05903 145.464 0.95301 0.99049
Nicotinamide-nucleotide amidase 0.13452 0.00256 0.13710 0.00090 0.00371 65 0.13272 0.00113 0.00349 93 0.00509 0.85952 147.095 0.39145 0.74318
Dihydroneopterin aldolase 0.13444 0.00271 0.13464 0.00143 0.00469 65 0.13429 0.00099 0.00327 93 0.00571 0.06144 121.389 0.95111 0.99049
Dihydropteroate synthase 0.13435 0.00257 0.13352 0.00119 0.00428 65 0.13493 0.00095 0.00319 93 0.00534 -0.26306 127.524 0.79293 0.93908
Cytochrome-c oxidase 0.13396 0.01164 0.11092 0.02086 0.01792 65 0.15007 0.02141 0.01517 93 0.02348 -1.66757 138.984 0.09765 0.70632
Nitrate reductase 0.13394 0.00698 0.13706 0.00828 0.01129 65 0.13176 0.00736 0.00890 93 0.01437 0.36900 132.605 0.71272 0.92039
Prephenate dehydratase 0.13361 0.00276 0.13251 0.00164 0.00502 65 0.13438 0.00091 0.00314 93 0.00592 -0.31670 111.875 0.75206 0.92944
Phosphoglucosamine mutase 0.13336 0.00230 0.13883 0.00064 0.00313 65 0.12953 0.00095 0.00320 93 0.00448 2.07694 151.997 0.03949 0.67652
Lactoylglutathione lyase 0.13322 0.00360 0.14087 0.00239 0.00607 65 0.12788 0.00176 0.00435 93 0.00747 1.73995 124.041 0.08435 0.70632
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase 0.13275 0.00230 0.13630 0.00083 0.00357 65 0.13027 0.00084 0.00300 93 0.00466 1.29076 138.481 0.19894 0.70632
tRNA (cytidine(34)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.13190 0.00218 0.13786 0.00060 0.00304 65 0.12774 0.00082 0.00297 93 0.00425 2.38250 149.701 0.01845 0.64530
Biotin carboxylase 0.13190 0.00312 0.12840 0.00171 0.00513 65 0.13434 0.00142 0.00391 93 0.00645 -0.92102 129.588 0.35875 0.72286
dTMP kinase 0.13182 0.00229 0.13594 0.00082 0.00354 65 0.12894 0.00082 0.00298 93 0.00463 1.51298 138.274 0.13257 0.70632
Glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase 0.13171 0.00231 0.13598 0.00082 0.00356 65 0.12873 0.00085 0.00302 93 0.00466 1.55589 139.090 0.12201 0.70632
Pyridoxal kinase 0.13115 0.00373 0.13051 0.00193 0.00545 65 0.13159 0.00241 0.00509 93 0.00746 -0.14501 146.663 0.88490 0.96726
Histidinol-phosphate transaminase 0.13065 0.00372 0.12172 0.00247 0.00616 65 0.13688 0.00193 0.00455 93 0.00766 -1.97971 126.703 0.04990 0.70331
Fructose-bisphosphatase 0.13045 0.00371 0.13531 0.00284 0.00661 65 0.12706 0.00170 0.00428 93 0.00787 1.04904 114.851 0.29636 0.70632
Formate C-acetyltransferase 0.12933 0.00609 0.13579 0.00547 0.00918 65 0.12482 0.00614 0.00812 93 0.01226 0.89499 142.684 0.37230 0.73139
Dihydroxy-acid dehydratase 0.12925 0.00376 0.11878 0.00208 0.00565 65 0.13658 0.00223 0.00490 93 0.00748 -2.38079 140.920 0.01861 0.64530
Cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase 0.12888 0.00629 0.13981 0.00816 0.01120 65 0.12124 0.00487 0.00723 93 0.01334 1.39233 114.616 0.16652 0.70632
L-lactate dehydrogenase 0.12846 0.00982 0.14448 0.02348 0.01900 65 0.11727 0.00936 0.01003 93 0.02149 1.26646 99.287 0.20831 0.70632
Aconitate hydratase 0.12843 0.00651 0.12046 0.00690 0.01030 65 0.13400 0.00656 0.00840 93 0.01329 -1.01837 135.631 0.31031 0.70632
2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase 0.12817 0.00328 0.12565 0.00163 0.00501 65 0.12993 0.00176 0.00435 93 0.00664 -0.64414 141.096 0.52053 0.82181
Geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase 0.12810 0.00347 0.13314 0.00180 0.00526 65 0.12457 0.00196 0.00459 93 0.00698 1.22724 141.424 0.22177 0.70632
Beta-lactamase 0.12782 0.00429 0.12576 0.00289 0.00666 65 0.12926 0.00296 0.00564 93 0.00873 -0.40064 138.963 0.68930 0.90847
Hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase 0.12766 0.00300 0.13198 0.00165 0.00503 65 0.12464 0.00125 0.00367 93 0.00623 1.17772 125.511 0.24113 0.70632
Phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase 0.12766 0.00300 0.13198 0.00165 0.00503 65 0.12464 0.00125 0.00367 93 0.00623 1.17772 125.511 0.24113 0.70632
DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 0.12755 0.00579 0.12324 0.00353 0.00737 65 0.13056 0.00656 0.00840 93 0.01117 -0.65546 155.605 0.51314 0.81548
Succinate–CoA ligase (ADP-forming) 0.12754 0.00515 0.12044 0.00449 0.00831 65 0.13250 0.00396 0.00653 93 0.01057 -1.14097 132.233 0.25595 0.70632
Tripeptide aminopeptidase 0.12744 0.00553 0.13155 0.00541 0.00912 65 0.12457 0.00447 0.00693 93 0.01146 0.60904 129.295 0.54356 0.84121
Pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 0.12728 0.00273 0.12669 0.00130 0.00447 65 0.12769 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00564 -0.17773 130.253 0.85921 0.96186
Exopolyphosphatase 0.12507 0.00481 0.13599 0.00446 0.00828 65 0.11744 0.00300 0.00568 93 0.01004 1.84676 119.922 0.06725 0.70632
Guanosine-5’-triphosphate,3’-diphosphate diphosphatase 0.12507 0.00481 0.13599 0.00446 0.00828 65 0.11744 0.00300 0.00568 93 0.01004 1.84676 119.922 0.06725 0.70632
Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase 0.12504 0.00437 0.12168 0.00293 0.00671 65 0.12738 0.00309 0.00577 93 0.00885 -0.64472 140.236 0.52016 0.82181
Formate–tetrahydrofolate ligase 0.12490 0.00504 0.12972 0.00404 0.00788 65 0.12153 0.00402 0.00657 93 0.01026 0.79805 137.621 0.42622 0.76494
DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase I 0.12478 0.00270 0.12635 0.00120 0.00430 65 0.12369 0.00113 0.00349 93 0.00553 0.48055 135.233 0.63161 0.88317
O-acetylhomoserine aminocarboxypropyltransferase 0.12453 0.00454 0.11695 0.00314 0.00695 65 0.12983 0.00331 0.00597 93 0.00916 -1.40685 140.126 0.16169 0.70632
Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase 0.12398 0.00448 0.11761 0.00272 0.00647 65 0.12843 0.00347 0.00611 93 0.00890 -1.21621 147.422 0.22585 0.70632
DNA-formamidopyrimidine glycosylase 0.12394 0.00349 0.12443 0.00220 0.00582 65 0.12360 0.00176 0.00435 93 0.00727 0.11406 127.643 0.90937 0.97756
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.12387 0.00374 0.12308 0.00247 0.00616 65 0.12442 0.00206 0.00471 93 0.00775 -0.17368 129.849 0.86239 0.96186
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.12387 0.00374 0.12308 0.00247 0.00616 65 0.12442 0.00206 0.00471 93 0.00775 -0.17368 129.849 0.86239 0.96186
Aminodeoxychorismate synthase 0.12364 0.00440 0.12336 0.00380 0.00765 65 0.12384 0.00258 0.00527 93 0.00928 -0.05193 120.331 0.95867 0.99187
Adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase 0.12237 0.00367 0.12424 0.00210 0.00568 65 0.12106 0.00217 0.00483 93 0.00746 0.42654 139.287 0.67037 0.89503
Phosphoglycerate mutase (2,3-diphosphoglycerate-dependent) 0.12167 0.00529 0.12989 0.00553 0.00923 65 0.11593 0.00362 0.00624 93 0.01114 1.25324 118.649 0.21258 0.70632
Enoyl-CoA hydratase 0.12147 0.00871 0.11100 0.01157 0.01334 65 0.12879 0.01225 0.01148 93 0.01760 -1.01071 140.322 0.31390 0.70632
Peptidase Do 0.12147 0.00323 0.11840 0.00153 0.00485 65 0.12361 0.00174 0.00433 93 0.00650 -0.80152 143.277 0.42416 0.76494
dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase 0.12139 0.00350 0.13328 0.00248 0.00618 65 0.11308 0.00141 0.00390 93 0.00731 2.76447 112.681 0.00666 0.62334
Glycerol kinase 0.12137 0.00206 0.12217 0.00053 0.00285 65 0.12081 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00406 0.33580 151.824 0.73749 0.92470
2-isopropylmalate synthase 0.12086 0.00322 0.11628 0.00192 0.00543 65 0.12406 0.00144 0.00394 93 0.00671 -1.16081 124.966 0.24793 0.70632
1-phosphofructokinase 0.12067 0.00397 0.12736 0.00205 0.00562 65 0.11599 0.00278 0.00546 93 0.00784 1.44989 149.392 0.14919 0.70632
5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate–homocysteine S-methyltransferase 0.11885 0.00378 0.12240 0.00237 0.00604 65 0.11636 0.00219 0.00485 93 0.00775 0.77918 134.339 0.43724 0.77235
Fructokinase 0.11875 0.00319 0.11850 0.00172 0.00515 65 0.11893 0.00155 0.00408 93 0.00657 -0.06615 133.051 0.94735 0.99049
Uridine kinase 0.11858 0.00517 0.11835 0.00429 0.00812 65 0.11875 0.00423 0.00675 93 0.01056 -0.03744 137.273 0.97019 0.99273
Endopeptidase La 0.11857 0.00498 0.12601 0.00569 0.00935 65 0.11338 0.00267 0.00536 93 0.01078 1.17202 105.007 0.24384 0.70632
1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase 0.11839 0.00396 0.12388 0.00310 0.00691 65 0.11456 0.00204 0.00468 93 0.00835 1.11744 118.893 0.26606 0.70632
3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase 0.11632 0.00342 0.11852 0.00188 0.00538 65 0.11479 0.00183 0.00444 93 0.00697 0.53500 136.668 0.59352 0.86115
Selenocysteine lyase 0.11596 0.00365 0.11448 0.00221 0.00583 65 0.11700 0.00205 0.00470 93 0.00749 -0.33736 134.613 0.73637 0.92385
Glutamate 5-kinase 0.11481 0.00253 0.11586 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.11408 0.00097 0.00322 93 0.00520 0.34187 132.722 0.73299 0.92120
Uroporphyrinogen-III C-methyltransferase 0.11393 0.00474 0.11719 0.00362 0.00746 65 0.11164 0.00352 0.00616 93 0.00967 0.57388 136.749 0.56699 0.85024
Glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.11391 0.00444 0.10974 0.00315 0.00696 65 0.11683 0.00310 0.00577 93 0.00904 -0.78463 137.246 0.43403 0.77079
6-phosphogluconolactonase 0.11382 0.00360 0.11582 0.00228 0.00593 65 0.11242 0.00191 0.00453 93 0.00746 0.45590 129.787 0.64922 0.88832
Galactokinase 0.11360 0.00439 0.12051 0.00290 0.00668 65 0.10877 0.00311 0.00579 93 0.00883 1.32930 140.913 0.18590 0.70632
Glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 0.11352 0.00479 0.11568 0.00329 0.00712 65 0.11201 0.00388 0.00646 93 0.00961 0.38195 144.648 0.70306 0.91393
Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)-dependent, decarboxylating) 0.11325 0.00333 0.11216 0.00195 0.00547 65 0.11401 0.00163 0.00419 93 0.00689 -0.26848 129.916 0.78875 0.93676
Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)-dependent, decarboxylating) 0.11325 0.00333 0.11216 0.00195 0.00547 65 0.11401 0.00163 0.00419 93 0.00689 -0.26848 129.916 0.78875 0.93676
Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (NADP(+)) 0.11300 0.00279 0.10918 0.00154 0.00487 65 0.11567 0.00101 0.00330 93 0.00589 -1.10168 118.838 0.27283 0.70632
Kdo(2)-lipid IV(A) lauroyltransferase 0.11280 0.00455 0.11806 0.00326 0.00709 65 0.10913 0.00328 0.00594 93 0.00925 0.96607 138.084 0.33570 0.71823
23S rRNA (cytosine(1962)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.11268 0.00314 0.11279 0.00179 0.00525 65 0.11260 0.00141 0.00390 93 0.00654 0.02957 127.179 0.97645 0.99435
Glutamate-5-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.11244 0.00266 0.11337 0.00118 0.00426 65 0.11179 0.00108 0.00341 93 0.00546 0.29076 133.987 0.77168 0.93540
Deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase 0.11205 0.00412 0.11317 0.00291 0.00669 65 0.11127 0.00255 0.00524 93 0.00850 0.22376 131.956 0.82329 0.95060
Prephenate dehydrogenase 0.11194 0.00342 0.10926 0.00212 0.00572 65 0.11382 0.00166 0.00422 93 0.00711 -0.64036 126.705 0.52309 0.82182
Glycerate 3-kinase 0.11180 0.00305 0.11238 0.00151 0.00482 65 0.11139 0.00146 0.00396 93 0.00624 0.15910 136.367 0.87383 0.96378
Xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 0.11082 0.00332 0.11080 0.00196 0.00549 65 0.11083 0.00161 0.00416 93 0.00688 -0.00340 129.072 0.99729 0.99921
Phosphoserine phosphatase 0.11080 0.00350 0.10582 0.00198 0.00553 65 0.11429 0.00190 0.00451 93 0.00714 -1.18667 135.865 0.23743 0.70632
tRNA(adenine(34)) deaminase 0.11036 0.00392 0.10965 0.00256 0.00628 65 0.11086 0.00237 0.00505 93 0.00806 -0.15010 134.379 0.88091 0.96590
D-alanine–poly(phosphoribitol) ligase 0.10949 0.00745 0.11157 0.00943 0.01205 65 0.10804 0.00839 0.00950 93 0.01534 0.23017 132.654 0.81832 0.94790
2-oxoacid oxidoreductase (ferredoxin) 0.10896 0.00785 0.09545 0.00767 0.01086 65 0.11841 0.01104 0.01090 93 0.01539 -1.49229 151.152 0.13771 0.70632
CCA tRNA nucleotidyltransferase 0.10891 0.00276 0.11621 0.00107 0.00406 65 0.10381 0.00124 0.00366 93 0.00546 2.26947 143.991 0.02473 0.67652
1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme 0.10886 0.00366 0.11093 0.00223 0.00585 65 0.10741 0.00206 0.00470 93 0.00751 0.46852 134.375 0.64017 0.88568
3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase 0.10874 0.00284 0.10578 0.00159 0.00495 65 0.11082 0.00106 0.00338 93 0.00599 -0.84171 119.413 0.40163 0.75271
Holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 0.10858 0.00383 0.11342 0.00232 0.00597 65 0.10519 0.00231 0.00499 93 0.00778 1.05715 137.772 0.29229 0.70632
N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase 0.10855 0.00355 0.10874 0.00173 0.00517 65 0.10841 0.00219 0.00486 93 0.00709 0.04625 147.174 0.96317 0.99193
Inositol-phosphate phosphatase 0.10845 0.00380 0.10242 0.00216 0.00576 65 0.11266 0.00235 0.00503 93 0.00765 -1.33993 141.574 0.18241 0.70632
Glutamate–tRNA ligase 0.10832 0.00371 0.10893 0.00198 0.00552 65 0.10789 0.00233 0.00501 93 0.00746 0.13980 144.572 0.88901 0.96887
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NAD(P)H) 0.10800 0.00320 0.10608 0.00194 0.00546 65 0.10935 0.00141 0.00389 93 0.00671 -0.48723 123.336 0.62696 0.88183
Beta-glucosidase 0.10752 0.00718 0.09650 0.00492 0.00870 65 0.11522 0.01032 0.01054 93 0.01366 -1.36977 155.985 0.17273 0.70632
Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 0.10666 0.00422 0.10623 0.00263 0.00636 65 0.10696 0.00296 0.00565 93 0.00851 -0.08516 142.852 0.93225 0.98985
4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase 0.10653 0.00333 0.10802 0.00217 0.00577 65 0.10549 0.00148 0.00399 93 0.00702 0.36069 120.549 0.71897 0.92120
4-(cytidine 5’-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase 0.10600 0.00242 0.10873 0.00088 0.00367 65 0.10410 0.00096 0.00321 93 0.00488 0.94922 141.677 0.34413 0.72019
Cytidine deaminase 0.10586 0.00416 0.10466 0.00288 0.00666 65 0.10670 0.00267 0.00536 93 0.00854 -0.23940 134.488 0.81116 0.94519
5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide synthase 0.10580 0.00347 0.10600 0.00237 0.00604 65 0.10567 0.00159 0.00414 93 0.00732 0.04422 119.795 0.96481 0.99193
Indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase 0.10555 0.00277 0.10056 0.00124 0.00437 65 0.10904 0.00117 0.00355 93 0.00563 -1.50631 135.340 0.13432 0.70632
Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.10537 0.00276 0.10116 0.00142 0.00468 65 0.10832 0.00104 0.00334 93 0.00575 -1.24369 123.577 0.21597 0.70632
Oligonucleotidase 0.10480 0.00432 0.10888 0.00305 0.00685 65 0.10195 0.00288 0.00557 93 0.00883 0.78397 135.289 0.43443 0.77079
Starch synthase 0.10451 0.00351 0.10637 0.00203 0.00559 65 0.10321 0.00191 0.00453 93 0.00719 0.43906 134.996 0.66132 0.88968
Galactose-6-phosphate isomerase 0.10451 0.00795 0.10101 0.00767 0.01086 65 0.10695 0.01167 0.01120 93 0.01560 -0.38013 152.523 0.70438 0.91393
Ferrochelatase 0.10372 0.00349 0.09842 0.00189 0.00539 65 0.10742 0.00194 0.00457 93 0.00707 -1.27324 139.086 0.20506 0.70632
dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase 0.10306 0.00373 0.11256 0.00310 0.00691 65 0.09642 0.00148 0.00399 93 0.00798 2.02133 105.692 0.04577 0.69348
Asparagine–tRNA ligase 0.10295 0.00385 0.10736 0.00234 0.00600 65 0.09987 0.00235 0.00503 93 0.00783 0.95608 137.997 0.34070 0.72019
NAD(P)(+) transhydrogenase (Re/Si-specific) 0.10185 0.00719 0.09609 0.00850 0.01143 65 0.10588 0.00800 0.00928 93 0.01472 -0.66458 135.213 0.50745 0.81454
16S rRNA (guanine(1207)-N(2))-methyltransferase 0.10145 0.00354 0.10540 0.00173 0.00516 65 0.09869 0.00217 0.00483 93 0.00706 0.95021 146.853 0.34357 0.72019
4-alpha-glucanotransferase 0.10145 0.00419 0.10633 0.00290 0.00667 65 0.09804 0.00270 0.00539 93 0.00858 0.96657 134.802 0.33549 0.71823
NAD(+) synthase 0.10141 0.00329 0.10563 0.00169 0.00510 65 0.09847 0.00172 0.00430 93 0.00667 1.07361 138.634 0.28486 0.70632
dCMP deaminase 0.10114 0.00435 0.10568 0.00309 0.00689 65 0.09797 0.00294 0.00562 93 0.00889 0.86716 135.658 0.38739 0.73978
2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase 0.10099 0.00306 0.10132 0.00167 0.00507 65 0.10077 0.00136 0.00383 93 0.00635 0.08617 128.745 0.93147 0.98985
6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase 0.10095 0.00283 0.09926 0.00120 0.00430 65 0.10212 0.00132 0.00377 93 0.00572 -0.49986 141.886 0.61795 0.87497
16S rRNA (cytidine(1409)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.10046 0.00381 0.10535 0.00239 0.00606 65 0.09704 0.00222 0.00488 93 0.00778 1.06683 134.674 0.28796 0.70632
23S rRNA (cytidine(1920)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.10046 0.00381 0.10535 0.00239 0.00606 65 0.09704 0.00222 0.00488 93 0.00778 1.06683 134.674 0.28796 0.70632
Argininosuccinate lyase 0.10025 0.00249 0.09764 0.00097 0.00387 65 0.10208 0.00099 0.00327 93 0.00506 -0.87709 138.706 0.38196 0.73808
NADH dehydrogenase 0.09999 0.00352 0.09221 0.00176 0.00521 65 0.10542 0.00204 0.00468 93 0.00700 -1.88539 143.941 0.06139 0.70632
Diacylglycerol kinase (ATP) 0.09985 0.00303 0.10153 0.00149 0.00479 65 0.09868 0.00144 0.00393 93 0.00620 0.46004 136.335 0.64622 0.88749
Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate synthase (glutamine hydrolyzing) 0.09974 0.00528 0.09146 0.00361 0.00746 65 0.10552 0.00491 0.00727 93 0.01041 -1.35092 149.493 0.17876 0.70632
Beta-fructofuranosidase 0.09904 0.00509 0.10731 0.00512 0.00888 65 0.09327 0.00334 0.00600 93 0.01071 1.31147 118.542 0.19223 0.70632
Membrane alanyl aminopeptidase 0.09870 0.00400 0.09859 0.00292 0.00670 65 0.09878 0.00228 0.00495 93 0.00833 -0.02282 126.710 0.98183 0.99457
Ornithine carbamoyltransferase 0.09870 0.00318 0.10369 0.00164 0.00502 65 0.09521 0.00155 0.00408 93 0.00647 1.31099 135.465 0.19208 0.70632
S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase 0.09849 0.00417 0.10026 0.00283 0.00660 65 0.09725 0.00273 0.00542 93 0.00853 0.35279 136.299 0.72479 0.92120
Maltose O-acetyltransferase 0.09846 0.00594 0.10145 0.00752 0.01076 65 0.09637 0.00426 0.00677 93 0.01271 0.39952 112.438 0.69027 0.90855
tRNA-2-methylthio-N(6)-dimethylallyladenosine synthase 0.09845 0.00304 0.09804 0.00162 0.00500 65 0.09873 0.00137 0.00383 93 0.00630 -0.10911 130.137 0.91329 0.97955
(E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase (ferredoxin) 0.09805 0.00273 0.09785 0.00130 0.00447 65 0.09819 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00564 -0.06118 130.412 0.95131 0.99049
(E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase (flavodoxin) 0.09805 0.00273 0.09785 0.00130 0.00447 65 0.09819 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00564 -0.06118 130.412 0.95131 0.99049
Repressor LexA 0.09804 0.00288 0.10315 0.00136 0.00458 65 0.09447 0.00126 0.00368 93 0.00587 1.47676 134.285 0.14208 0.70632
dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase 0.09802 0.00299 0.10319 0.00150 0.00481 65 0.09440 0.00134 0.00379 93 0.00612 1.43565 132.602 0.15346 0.70632
2-iminobutanoate/2-iminopropanoate deaminase 0.09794 0.00420 0.09835 0.00285 0.00662 65 0.09765 0.00277 0.00546 93 0.00858 0.08231 136.670 0.93452 0.98985
Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase 0.09791 0.00263 0.09582 0.00133 0.00452 65 0.09938 0.00093 0.00317 93 0.00552 -0.64483 121.888 0.52025 0.82181
CDP-diacylglycerol–serine O-phosphatidyltransferase 0.09783 0.00307 0.09656 0.00159 0.00495 65 0.09871 0.00144 0.00393 93 0.00632 -0.34076 133.396 0.73382 0.92120
Glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase 0.09714 0.00282 0.09921 0.00141 0.00465 65 0.09570 0.00117 0.00354 93 0.00585 0.60116 129.329 0.54879 0.84333
Diadenylate cyclase 0.09690 0.00412 0.10292 0.00282 0.00659 65 0.09269 0.00256 0.00525 93 0.00842 1.21375 133.547 0.22699 0.70632
Cystathionine gamma-synthase 0.09668 0.00359 0.10125 0.00257 0.00629 65 0.09349 0.00166 0.00423 93 0.00758 1.02389 118.055 0.30798 0.70632
NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.09661 0.00505 0.09646 0.00415 0.00799 65 0.09672 0.00398 0.00654 93 0.01033 -0.02498 135.975 0.98011 0.99457
1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase 0.09646 0.00274 0.09656 0.00126 0.00441 65 0.09639 0.00115 0.00352 93 0.00564 0.03061 133.789 0.97563 0.99435
Formate dehydrogenase 0.09633 0.00609 0.09778 0.00621 0.00977 65 0.09532 0.00567 0.00781 93 0.01251 0.19663 133.799 0.84441 0.95939
Uroporphyrinogen-III synthase 0.09597 0.00319 0.09553 0.00134 0.00455 65 0.09627 0.00181 0.00441 93 0.00634 -0.11675 149.262 0.90721 0.97700
Thymidine kinase 0.09564 0.00355 0.09415 0.00206 0.00563 65 0.09669 0.00196 0.00459 93 0.00726 -0.34987 135.765 0.72698 0.92120
5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase 0.09517 0.00269 0.09497 0.00122 0.00433 65 0.09531 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00553 -0.06131 133.354 0.95120 0.99049
23S rRNA pseudouridine(746) synthase 0.09515 0.00449 0.09221 0.00315 0.00696 65 0.09721 0.00323 0.00589 93 0.00912 -0.54794 138.997 0.58461 0.85509
tRNA pseudouridine(32) synthase 0.09515 0.00449 0.09221 0.00315 0.00696 65 0.09721 0.00323 0.00589 93 0.00912 -0.54794 138.997 0.58461 0.85509
Diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase 0.09458 0.00267 0.09463 0.00122 0.00433 65 0.09455 0.00108 0.00341 93 0.00551 0.01556 132.535 0.98761 0.99660
Cadmium-exporting ATPase 0.09445 0.00421 0.10084 0.00358 0.00742 65 0.08998 0.00224 0.00491 93 0.00889 1.22187 116.746 0.22422 0.70632
Zinc-exporting ATPase 0.09445 0.00421 0.10084 0.00358 0.00742 65 0.08998 0.00224 0.00491 93 0.00889 1.22187 116.746 0.22422 0.70632
Nucleoside-diphosphate kinase 0.09431 0.00227 0.09494 0.00107 0.00406 65 0.09387 0.00064 0.00262 93 0.00484 0.22006 114.639 0.82621 0.95262
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.09384 0.00432 0.09815 0.00290 0.00668 65 0.09083 0.00300 0.00568 93 0.00877 0.83439 139.349 0.40549 0.75734
Argininosuccinate synthase 0.09362 0.00236 0.09365 0.00101 0.00394 65 0.09360 0.00080 0.00294 93 0.00491 0.00946 127.507 0.99246 0.99860
Thiamine diphosphokinase 0.09307 0.00419 0.09599 0.00293 0.00671 65 0.09103 0.00268 0.00537 93 0.00859 0.57698 133.944 0.56492 0.85024
Peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase 0.09295 0.00308 0.09682 0.00164 0.00502 65 0.09024 0.00140 0.00388 93 0.00635 1.03604 130.846 0.30209 0.70632
2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase 0.09261 0.00416 0.09531 0.00344 0.00727 65 0.09072 0.00226 0.00494 93 0.00879 0.52292 118.981 0.60201 0.86633
2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase 0.09249 0.00328 0.09118 0.00172 0.00514 65 0.09340 0.00170 0.00427 93 0.00669 -0.33194 137.353 0.74044 0.92600
Histidine ammonia-lyase 0.09233 0.00467 0.09129 0.00374 0.00759 65 0.09306 0.00328 0.00594 93 0.00964 -0.18359 131.970 0.85462 0.96150
Ribonuclease Z 0.09233 0.00359 0.09168 0.00219 0.00580 65 0.09278 0.00195 0.00458 93 0.00739 -0.14913 132.647 0.88167 0.96591
Amino-acid N-acetyltransferase 0.09193 0.00467 0.08831 0.00376 0.00760 65 0.09445 0.00325 0.00591 93 0.00963 -0.63744 131.363 0.52495 0.82264
Alpha-amylase 0.09132 0.00394 0.08653 0.00233 0.00599 65 0.09467 0.00254 0.00523 93 0.00795 -1.02396 141.487 0.30760 0.70632
UDP-glucose–hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase 0.09028 0.00381 0.09961 0.00236 0.00603 65 0.08376 0.00216 0.00482 93 0.00772 2.05437 133.920 0.04188 0.68639
Riboflavin synthase 0.09022 0.00283 0.09103 0.00138 0.00461 65 0.08965 0.00119 0.00358 93 0.00584 0.23799 131.251 0.81226 0.94519
D-lactate dehydrogenase 0.09011 0.00635 0.10350 0.00866 0.01155 65 0.08075 0.00461 0.00704 93 0.01352 1.68247 109.916 0.09532 0.70632
Calcium-transporting ATPase 0.08979 0.00501 0.09196 0.00433 0.00816 65 0.08826 0.00375 0.00635 93 0.01034 0.35780 131.412 0.72107 0.92120
Diaminopimelate epimerase 0.08973 0.00254 0.09080 0.00111 0.00414 65 0.08898 0.00097 0.00322 93 0.00525 0.34692 131.585 0.72921 0.92120
Pyruvate synthase 0.08959 0.01013 0.11141 0.02661 0.02023 65 0.07434 0.00856 0.00959 93 0.02239 1.65540 92.747 0.10122 0.70632
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase (non-hydrolyzing) 0.08958 0.00326 0.08798 0.00194 0.00546 65 0.09070 0.00151 0.00402 93 0.00678 -0.40108 126.402 0.68904 0.90847
Biotin synthase 0.08946 0.00352 0.09241 0.00222 0.00585 65 0.08739 0.00178 0.00437 93 0.00730 0.68657 127.770 0.49360 0.80568
2-methoxy-6-polyprenyl-1,4-benzoquinol methylase 0.08942 0.00281 0.08857 0.00129 0.00446 65 0.09002 0.00123 0.00364 93 0.00576 -0.25095 135.835 0.80223 0.94263
Demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase 0.08942 0.00281 0.08857 0.00129 0.00446 65 0.09002 0.00123 0.00364 93 0.00576 -0.25095 135.835 0.80223 0.94263
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase 0.08911 0.00324 0.08319 0.00157 0.00492 65 0.09325 0.00169 0.00427 93 0.00651 -1.54595 141.017 0.12436 0.70632
Glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase 0.08831 0.00325 0.09091 0.00141 0.00465 65 0.08649 0.00186 0.00447 93 0.00645 0.68516 148.573 0.49431 0.80568
Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 0.08821 0.00258 0.08816 0.00123 0.00435 65 0.08824 0.00094 0.00319 93 0.00539 -0.01527 125.919 0.98784 0.99660
Aminodeoxychorismate lyase 0.08778 0.00297 0.08651 0.00141 0.00465 65 0.08867 0.00140 0.00388 93 0.00606 -0.35660 137.535 0.72194 0.92120
Transaldolase 0.08752 0.00275 0.08331 0.00123 0.00434 65 0.09046 0.00117 0.00354 93 0.00561 -1.27625 135.719 0.20405 0.70632
Crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease 0.08742 0.00298 0.08950 0.00151 0.00481 65 0.08596 0.00135 0.00381 93 0.00614 0.57597 132.991 0.56561 0.85024
Potassium-transporting ATPase 0.08672 0.00743 0.07590 0.00862 0.01151 65 0.09428 0.00876 0.00971 93 0.01506 -1.22059 138.594 0.22431 0.70632
Alpha-L-fucosidase 0.08597 0.00594 0.07774 0.00373 0.00758 65 0.09172 0.00685 0.00858 93 0.01145 -1.22111 155.507 0.22389 0.70632
Acetylornithine transaminase 0.08589 0.00284 0.08181 0.00135 0.00455 65 0.08874 0.00121 0.00361 93 0.00581 -1.19188 133.242 0.23543 0.70632
Phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase 0.08580 0.00241 0.08158 0.00106 0.00403 65 0.08876 0.00080 0.00294 93 0.00499 -1.43913 125.391 0.15261 0.70632
Xaa-Pro dipeptidase 0.08559 0.00371 0.08566 0.00220 0.00581 65 0.08555 0.00218 0.00484 93 0.00757 0.01389 137.587 0.98893 0.99660
isomerase 0.08540 0.00233 0.08255 0.00095 0.00382 65 0.08739 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00480 -1.00681 129.848 0.31590 0.70632
Fe(3+)-transporting ATPase 0.08531 0.00416 0.08816 0.00332 0.00715 65 0.08333 0.00235 0.00503 93 0.00874 0.55220 122.182 0.58182 0.85342
Phosphoribosyl-ATP diphosphatase 0.08495 0.00236 0.08134 0.00106 0.00403 65 0.08746 0.00076 0.00285 93 0.00494 -1.23944 122.666 0.21755 0.70632
Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase 0.08473 0.00652 0.07974 0.00775 0.01092 65 0.08822 0.00603 0.00805 93 0.01357 -0.62551 126.520 0.53276 0.83089
N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase 0.08470 0.00267 0.08140 0.00135 0.00455 65 0.08700 0.00098 0.00325 93 0.00559 -1.00228 123.506 0.31817 0.70632
7-cyano-7-deazaguanine synthase 0.08463 0.00256 0.07954 0.00112 0.00416 65 0.08819 0.00096 0.00321 93 0.00525 -1.64618 130.696 0.10213 0.70632
Acetate–CoA ligase 0.08450 0.00563 0.07138 0.00450 0.00832 65 0.09367 0.00520 0.00748 93 0.01119 -1.99209 143.821 0.04825 0.69870
PreQ(1) synthase 0.08449 0.00255 0.07884 0.00111 0.00413 65 0.08845 0.00095 0.00319 93 0.00522 -1.84088 130.802 0.06791 0.70632
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.08428 0.00636 0.06689 0.00469 0.00849 65 0.09644 0.00729 0.00885 93 0.01226 -2.40962 152.995 0.01716 0.64530
tRNA (adenine(22)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.08413 0.00350 0.08652 0.00215 0.00575 65 0.08247 0.00179 0.00439 93 0.00723 0.55927 129.769 0.57694 0.85190
Polyamine-transporting ATPase 0.08399 0.00386 0.08833 0.00272 0.00646 65 0.08095 0.00211 0.00477 93 0.00803 0.91784 126.526 0.36045 0.72316
Methionine synthase 0.08384 0.00374 0.08256 0.00222 0.00584 65 0.08473 0.00223 0.00490 93 0.00762 -0.28365 138.233 0.77711 0.93675
Catalase 0.08377 0.00664 0.07514 0.00630 0.00984 65 0.08979 0.00741 0.00893 93 0.01329 -1.10223 144.540 0.27220 0.70632
Phosphoserine transaminase 0.08368 0.00244 0.08009 0.00112 0.00415 65 0.08620 0.00081 0.00296 93 0.00510 -1.19707 123.300 0.23358 0.70632
Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.08341 0.00553 0.08108 0.00494 0.00872 65 0.08505 0.00482 0.00720 93 0.01130 -0.35073 136.808 0.72633 0.92120
Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]–UDP-N-acetylglucosamine O-acyltransferase 0.08239 0.00393 0.08339 0.00229 0.00593 65 0.08168 0.00257 0.00526 93 0.00792 0.21617 142.750 0.82917 0.95262
Homoserine O-succinyltransferase 0.08204 0.00409 0.08201 0.00291 0.00669 65 0.08206 0.00248 0.00516 93 0.00845 -0.00616 130.591 0.99509 0.99921
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP) 0.08191 0.00308 0.08493 0.00176 0.00521 65 0.07980 0.00132 0.00376 93 0.00642 0.79916 124.612 0.42572 0.76494
Molybdopterin molybdotransferase 0.08175 0.00348 0.07945 0.00200 0.00555 65 0.08336 0.00187 0.00449 93 0.00714 -0.54751 134.932 0.58493 0.85509
Imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase 0.08164 0.00237 0.07729 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.08467 0.00074 0.00283 93 0.00496 -1.48864 120.936 0.13919 0.70632
Mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase 0.08151 0.00420 0.07341 0.00209 0.00567 65 0.08718 0.00323 0.00589 93 0.00818 -1.68290 152.806 0.09444 0.70632
ATP phosphoribosyltransferase 0.08141 0.00234 0.07736 0.00109 0.00410 65 0.08424 0.00070 0.00274 93 0.00493 -1.39440 117.513 0.16583 0.70632
Phosphomannomutase 0.08136 0.00361 0.07631 0.00209 0.00567 65 0.08488 0.00203 0.00467 93 0.00735 -1.16624 136.460 0.24555 0.70632
Amidase 0.08112 0.00644 0.07323 0.00468 0.00849 65 0.08663 0.00787 0.00920 93 0.01251 -1.07021 154.420 0.28619 0.70632
Acylphosphatase 0.08101 0.00351 0.08426 0.00214 0.00574 65 0.07874 0.00182 0.00442 93 0.00724 0.76216 130.468 0.44734 0.77823
Acetylglutamate kinase 0.08089 0.00222 0.07760 0.00102 0.00395 65 0.08319 0.00061 0.00257 93 0.00472 -1.18574 115.154 0.23817 0.70632
Citrate (Si)-synthase 0.08086 0.00331 0.07020 0.00163 0.00500 65 0.08831 0.00169 0.00427 93 0.00657 -2.75465 139.652 0.00666 0.62334
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 0.08082 0.00284 0.08170 0.00135 0.00455 65 0.08021 0.00124 0.00365 93 0.00583 0.25588 134.142 0.79843 0.94138
Lipoate–protein ligase 0.08081 0.00493 0.08076 0.00515 0.00890 65 0.08084 0.00297 0.00565 93 0.01054 -0.00707 113.251 0.99437 0.99921
Histidinol-phosphatase 0.08064 0.00412 0.08724 0.00371 0.00755 65 0.07604 0.00195 0.00458 93 0.00884 1.26776 109.443 0.20757 0.70632
Hydroxymethylbilane synthase 0.08046 0.00264 0.08387 0.00109 0.00410 65 0.07809 0.00111 0.00346 93 0.00536 1.07772 138.564 0.28303 0.70632
Porphobilinogen synthase 0.08046 0.00268 0.08352 0.00110 0.00412 65 0.07832 0.00116 0.00353 93 0.00543 0.95882 139.863 0.33931 0.72019
Histidinol dehydrogenase 0.08040 0.00249 0.07603 0.00115 0.00421 65 0.08346 0.00084 0.00300 93 0.00517 -1.43680 123.452 0.15331 0.70632
Oxaloacetate decarboxylase 0.07994 0.00601 0.09135 0.00699 0.01037 65 0.07197 0.00473 0.00713 93 0.01259 1.54022 120.115 0.12614 0.70632
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.07946 0.00369 0.07323 0.00230 0.00595 65 0.08382 0.00203 0.00467 93 0.00756 -1.40035 132.157 0.16375 0.70632
Assimilatory sulfite reductase (NADPH) 0.07940 0.00565 0.07626 0.00521 0.00895 65 0.08159 0.00497 0.00731 93 0.01156 -0.46134 135.789 0.64529 0.88749
3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase 0.07909 0.00502 0.07151 0.00354 0.00738 65 0.08438 0.00426 0.00677 93 0.01001 -1.28600 145.473 0.20049 0.70632
6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase 0.07908 0.00253 0.07393 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.08268 0.00094 0.00317 93 0.00517 -1.69562 131.525 0.09232 0.70632
6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase 0.07908 0.00253 0.07393 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.08268 0.00094 0.00317 93 0.00517 -1.69562 131.525 0.09232 0.70632
Pullulanase 0.07906 0.00534 0.07409 0.00411 0.00795 65 0.08254 0.00479 0.00718 93 0.01071 -0.78878 144.222 0.43154 0.76880
Ribonuclease M5 0.07895 0.00383 0.08487 0.00250 0.00620 65 0.07482 0.00217 0.00483 93 0.00786 1.27832 131.553 0.20339 0.70632
Bleomycin hydrolase 0.07879 0.00436 0.07878 0.00292 0.00670 65 0.07879 0.00310 0.00577 93 0.00884 -0.00117 140.496 0.99907 0.99947
Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) 0.07858 0.00374 0.08211 0.00213 0.00573 65 0.07612 0.00227 0.00494 93 0.00756 0.79233 140.562 0.42951 0.76781
Leucyl aminopeptidase 0.07853 0.00376 0.07505 0.00227 0.00591 65 0.08097 0.00222 0.00489 93 0.00767 -0.77165 136.964 0.44165 0.77520
Glutathione-disulfide reductase 0.07847 0.00366 0.08365 0.00274 0.00649 65 0.07484 0.00167 0.00423 93 0.00775 1.13655 115.517 0.25808 0.70632
Glycine dehydrogenase (aminomethyl-transferring) 0.07796 0.00384 0.06962 0.00217 0.00578 65 0.08378 0.00238 0.00506 93 0.00768 -1.84315 141.765 0.06740 0.70632
Asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.07793 0.00596 0.07096 0.00620 0.00977 65 0.08279 0.00522 0.00749 93 0.01231 -0.96178 130.108 0.33795 0.72019
UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl)glucosamine N-acyltransferase 0.07783 0.00394 0.08428 0.00326 0.00708 65 0.07332 0.00186 0.00447 93 0.00837 1.30853 112.683 0.19336 0.70632
Valine–pyruvate transaminase 0.07728 0.00323 0.07746 0.00173 0.00516 65 0.07716 0.00161 0.00416 93 0.00663 0.04550 134.684 0.96377 0.99193
2-hydroxymuconate tautomerase 0.07721 0.00359 0.07603 0.00197 0.00550 65 0.07804 0.00211 0.00476 93 0.00727 -0.27680 140.786 0.78234 0.93675
16S rRNA (guanine(966)-N(2))-methyltransferase 0.07719 0.00270 0.07596 0.00113 0.00416 65 0.07804 0.00119 0.00357 93 0.00548 -0.37871 140.102 0.70548 0.91416
Thiosulfate sulfurtransferase 0.07712 0.00471 0.07259 0.00396 0.00780 65 0.08029 0.00321 0.00587 93 0.00977 -0.78881 128.436 0.43168 0.76880
(FADH(2)-oxidizing) 0.07669 0.00355 0.07857 0.00200 0.00554 65 0.07538 0.00201 0.00465 93 0.00723 0.44201 138.118 0.65917 0.88943
Ribokinase 0.07642 0.00419 0.07785 0.00356 0.00740 65 0.07542 0.00224 0.00491 93 0.00888 0.27313 116.985 0.78524 0.93675
Pantoate–beta-alanine ligase (AMP-forming) 0.07627 0.00262 0.07123 0.00111 0.00412 65 0.07980 0.00105 0.00337 93 0.00532 -1.60941 135.824 0.10985 0.70632
Glutamyl-tRNA reductase 0.07609 0.00267 0.08192 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.07202 0.00113 0.00349 93 0.00537 1.84356 139.670 0.06737 0.70632
UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase 0.07497 0.00368 0.06856 0.00180 0.00526 65 0.07946 0.00234 0.00502 93 0.00727 -1.49875 148.144 0.13607 0.70632
Aspartate transaminase 0.07497 0.00411 0.07104 0.00254 0.00625 65 0.07771 0.00278 0.00546 93 0.00830 -0.80350 141.660 0.42303 0.76494
UDP-3-O-acyl-N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase 0.07474 0.00361 0.07868 0.00222 0.00585 65 0.07199 0.00195 0.00458 93 0.00743 0.89943 132.030 0.37006 0.73093
Cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase 0.07395 0.00504 0.07234 0.00420 0.00804 65 0.07507 0.00393 0.00650 93 0.01034 -0.26327 134.962 0.79275 0.93908
Heptaprenyl diphosphate synthase 0.07354 0.00477 0.08613 0.00528 0.00901 65 0.06474 0.00226 0.00493 93 0.01027 2.08269 101.643 0.03979 0.67652
Alanine transaminase 0.07343 0.00308 0.07283 0.00151 0.00483 65 0.07385 0.00151 0.00403 93 0.00629 -0.16215 137.720 0.87142 0.96378
Dolichyl-phosphate beta-D-mannosyltransferase 0.07328 0.00300 0.07390 0.00146 0.00474 65 0.07284 0.00141 0.00390 93 0.00614 0.17273 136.395 0.86312 0.96186
Succinyldiaminopimelate transaminase 0.07327 0.00429 0.07362 0.00280 0.00657 65 0.07302 0.00302 0.00570 93 0.00870 0.06850 141.114 0.94548 0.99049
Phosphopentomutase 0.07324 0.00374 0.07361 0.00221 0.00584 65 0.07299 0.00223 0.00490 93 0.00762 0.08162 138.243 0.93506 0.98985
Xanthine dehydrogenase 0.07302 0.00774 0.06700 0.00850 0.01144 65 0.07722 0.01022 0.01048 93 0.01551 -0.65890 145.339 0.51100 0.81548
Glutamate–cysteine ligase 0.07298 0.00409 0.07878 0.00359 0.00744 65 0.06892 0.00196 0.00459 93 0.00874 1.12795 110.902 0.26178 0.70632
Urocanate hydratase 0.07292 0.00321 0.07522 0.00248 0.00618 65 0.07131 0.00105 0.00335 93 0.00703 0.55651 101.150 0.57909 0.85191
Hydroxyethylthiazole kinase 0.07248 0.00369 0.06985 0.00193 0.00544 65 0.07431 0.00233 0.00501 93 0.00740 -0.60351 145.601 0.54711 0.84303
N-acylglucosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase 0.07218 0.00358 0.07806 0.00198 0.00552 65 0.06807 0.00204 0.00468 93 0.00724 1.38178 139.214 0.16925 0.70632
Nicotinate-nucleotide–dimethylbenzimidazole phosphoribosyltransferase 0.07192 0.00386 0.07530 0.00278 0.00654 65 0.06955 0.00206 0.00471 93 0.00806 0.71412 124.280 0.47649 0.79541
dGTPase 0.07176 0.00293 0.07115 0.00149 0.00480 65 0.07219 0.00128 0.00371 93 0.00606 -0.17100 130.816 0.86449 0.96186
Gamma-glutamyltransferase 0.07175 0.00583 0.06954 0.00548 0.00918 65 0.07329 0.00534 0.00758 93 0.01190 -0.31559 136.723 0.75279 0.92944
Glutathione hydrolase 0.07175 0.00583 0.06954 0.00548 0.00918 65 0.07329 0.00534 0.00758 93 0.01190 -0.31559 136.723 0.75279 0.92944
DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase II 0.07163 0.00456 0.07055 0.00363 0.00748 65 0.07238 0.00307 0.00575 93 0.00943 -0.19409 130.303 0.84641 0.95939
Imidazolonepropionase 0.07122 0.00316 0.07350 0.00245 0.00614 65 0.06963 0.00098 0.00324 93 0.00694 0.55864 99.265 0.57767 0.85190
Arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase 0.07113 0.00304 0.07472 0.00153 0.00485 65 0.06862 0.00142 0.00391 93 0.00623 0.98056 134.691 0.32857 0.71151
1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate polyprenyltransferase 0.07094 0.00355 0.07454 0.00236 0.00602 65 0.06841 0.00175 0.00434 93 0.00742 0.82567 124.323 0.41058 0.76070
Protein-glutamate methylesterase 0.07068 0.00734 0.06662 0.00806 0.01113 65 0.07351 0.00889 0.00978 93 0.01482 -0.46482 142.030 0.64277 0.88749
3-deoxy-8-phosphooctulonate synthase 0.07061 0.00308 0.07411 0.00158 0.00493 65 0.06816 0.00144 0.00393 93 0.00630 0.94481 133.812 0.34646 0.72019
3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase 0.07054 0.00306 0.07359 0.00156 0.00489 65 0.06840 0.00144 0.00393 93 0.00627 0.82767 134.327 0.40932 0.76070
Polyphosphate kinase 0.07023 0.00265 0.06931 0.00107 0.00406 65 0.07087 0.00114 0.00351 93 0.00537 -0.29125 140.617 0.77129 0.93540
Lipid-A-disaccharide synthase 0.07006 0.00304 0.07335 0.00154 0.00487 65 0.06776 0.00140 0.00388 93 0.00623 0.89897 133.711 0.37029 0.73093
Glutarate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.07002 0.00475 0.06751 0.00357 0.00741 65 0.07177 0.00358 0.00621 93 0.00967 -0.44127 137.979 0.65971 0.88943
Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.07002 0.00475 0.06751 0.00357 0.00741 65 0.07177 0.00358 0.00621 93 0.00967 -0.44127 137.979 0.65971 0.88943
Thiamine-phosphate kinase 0.06990 0.00271 0.06904 0.00132 0.00450 65 0.07049 0.00107 0.00339 93 0.00563 -0.25733 128.339 0.79734 0.94100
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.06957 0.00823 0.05071 0.00615 0.00973 65 0.08275 0.01354 0.01207 93 0.01550 -2.06703 155.831 0.04039 0.67652
Pyrimidine-nucleoside phosphorylase 0.06922 0.00370 0.07053 0.00225 0.00589 65 0.06830 0.00213 0.00478 93 0.00759 0.29463 135.361 0.76873 0.93519
Trans-2-decenoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] isomerase 0.06881 0.00300 0.06860 0.00132 0.00451 65 0.06896 0.00150 0.00402 93 0.00604 -0.05917 143.299 0.95290 0.99049
Protein-disulfide reductase 0.06865 0.00409 0.06785 0.00282 0.00659 65 0.06921 0.00254 0.00523 93 0.00841 -0.16164 133.194 0.87184 0.96378
Alpha-glucosidase 0.06837 0.00438 0.06740 0.00300 0.00679 65 0.06906 0.00310 0.00577 93 0.00891 -0.18610 139.247 0.85264 0.96065
Glutamate–tRNA(Gln) ligase 0.06820 0.00392 0.06883 0.00255 0.00626 65 0.06775 0.00236 0.00504 93 0.00804 0.13402 134.519 0.89358 0.97093
Sarcosine oxidase 0.06814 0.00962 0.06022 0.01219 0.01369 65 0.07367 0.01638 0.01327 93 0.01907 -0.70506 149.139 0.48187 0.79962
Isopentenyl-diphosphate Delta-isomerase 0.06802 0.00361 0.06905 0.00216 0.00576 65 0.06730 0.00201 0.00465 93 0.00740 0.23556 134.737 0.81413 0.94567
Nitronate monooxygenase 0.06794 0.00539 0.05995 0.00347 0.00731 65 0.07352 0.00533 0.00757 93 0.01052 -1.28903 152.725 0.19934 0.70632
N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase 0.06791 0.00316 0.06979 0.00173 0.00516 65 0.06660 0.00149 0.00400 93 0.00653 0.48826 131.215 0.62618 0.88183
Ferredoxin–NADP(+) reductase 0.06775 0.00384 0.06740 0.00231 0.00596 65 0.06799 0.00237 0.00504 93 0.00781 -0.07458 138.913 0.94065 0.99049
Dethiobiotin synthase 0.06734 0.00318 0.07002 0.00176 0.00520 65 0.06546 0.00150 0.00402 93 0.00657 0.69329 130.724 0.48936 0.80257
3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphatase 0.06733 0.00312 0.07187 0.00159 0.00494 65 0.06416 0.00149 0.00400 93 0.00636 1.21350 135.122 0.22705 0.70632
Pyruvate, water dikinase 0.06709 0.00292 0.06802 0.00157 0.00491 65 0.06643 0.00121 0.00360 93 0.00609 0.26178 126.018 0.79392 0.93972
Protein-glutamate O-methyltransferase 0.06697 0.00649 0.06327 0.00651 0.01001 65 0.06956 0.00682 0.00856 93 0.01317 -0.47770 139.832 0.63361 0.88317
Tetraacyldisaccharide 4’-kinase 0.06696 0.00295 0.06924 0.00150 0.00480 65 0.06537 0.00130 0.00373 93 0.00608 0.63613 131.436 0.52580 0.82336
Malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) 0.06675 0.00397 0.07442 0.00385 0.00769 65 0.06140 0.00151 0.00403 93 0.00869 1.49907 98.822 0.13704 0.70632
23S rRNA (guanine(745)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.06658 0.00323 0.06794 0.00172 0.00514 65 0.06563 0.00161 0.00416 93 0.00661 0.34822 135.126 0.72821 0.92120
[Ribosomal protein S12] (aspartate(89)-C(3))-methylthiotransferase 0.06633 0.00284 0.06573 0.00124 0.00437 65 0.06674 0.00130 0.00375 93 0.00576 -0.17562 140.024 0.86084 0.96186
2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide 2’-phosphodiesterase 0.06605 0.00417 0.06150 0.00219 0.00580 65 0.06924 0.00315 0.00582 93 0.00822 -0.94223 151.177 0.34758 0.72019
3’-nucleotidase 0.06605 0.00417 0.06150 0.00219 0.00580 65 0.06924 0.00315 0.00582 93 0.00822 -0.94223 151.177 0.34758 0.72019
NADPH:quinone reductase 0.06595 0.00556 0.05570 0.00391 0.00776 65 0.07312 0.00547 0.00767 93 0.01091 -1.59622 150.344 0.11254 0.70632
Lipoyl synthase 0.06590 0.00272 0.06147 0.00132 0.00450 65 0.06899 0.00106 0.00338 93 0.00563 -1.33704 128.216 0.18358 0.70632
Alpha-galactosidase 0.06579 0.00435 0.06750 0.00353 0.00737 65 0.06459 0.00265 0.00534 93 0.00910 0.32028 124.953 0.74929 0.92904
Sulfate adenylyltransferase 0.06565 0.00478 0.05699 0.00263 0.00636 65 0.07170 0.00425 0.00676 93 0.00928 -1.58568 153.758 0.11487 0.70632
Phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase 0.06514 0.00269 0.06673 0.00116 0.00423 65 0.06404 0.00114 0.00350 93 0.00549 0.48934 136.966 0.62538 0.88154
Glutamine–tRNA ligase 0.06508 0.00279 0.06608 0.00117 0.00423 65 0.06439 0.00129 0.00373 93 0.00564 0.29939 142.186 0.76508 0.93350
Aminomethyltransferase 0.06480 0.00360 0.05876 0.00195 0.00548 65 0.06902 0.00209 0.00474 93 0.00725 -1.41570 140.735 0.15907 0.70632
Thiazole synthase 0.06374 0.00246 0.06532 0.00115 0.00421 65 0.06264 0.00082 0.00298 93 0.00515 0.51953 122.760 0.60432 0.86814
Malate dehydrogenase 0.06369 0.00288 0.05875 0.00112 0.00415 65 0.06714 0.00143 0.00392 93 0.00571 -1.47090 147.486 0.14345 0.70632
(Kdo)-lipid IV(A) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.06360 0.00273 0.06263 0.00111 0.00413 65 0.06428 0.00124 0.00365 93 0.00552 -0.29915 142.583 0.76526 0.93350
(Kdo)(2)-lipid IV(A) (2-8) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.06360 0.00273 0.06263 0.00111 0.00413 65 0.06428 0.00124 0.00365 93 0.00552 -0.29915 142.583 0.76526 0.93350
(Kdo)(3)-lipid IV(A) (2-4) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.06360 0.00273 0.06263 0.00111 0.00413 65 0.06428 0.00124 0.00365 93 0.00552 -0.29915 142.583 0.76526 0.93350
Lipid IV(A) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.06360 0.00273 0.06263 0.00111 0.00413 65 0.06428 0.00124 0.00365 93 0.00552 -0.29915 142.583 0.76526 0.93350
S-adenosylhomocysteine deaminase 0.06312 0.00286 0.06215 0.00121 0.00431 65 0.06380 0.00137 0.00384 93 0.00577 -0.28549 143.084 0.77568 0.93675
S-methyl-5’-thioadenosine deaminase 0.06312 0.00286 0.06215 0.00121 0.00431 65 0.06380 0.00137 0.00384 93 0.00577 -0.28549 143.084 0.77568 0.93675
Magnesium-importing ATPase 0.06305 0.00333 0.06228 0.00168 0.00509 65 0.06359 0.00182 0.00443 93 0.00674 -0.19413 141.234 0.84636 0.95939
N-acetylneuraminate lyase 0.06279 0.00355 0.06629 0.00216 0.00576 65 0.06035 0.00189 0.00451 93 0.00732 0.81108 131.839 0.41878 0.76408
Ferroxidase 0.06263 0.00591 0.06163 0.00617 0.00974 65 0.06332 0.00514 0.00743 93 0.01225 -0.13820 129.615 0.89029 0.96887
Adenylate cyclase 0.06249 0.00381 0.05565 0.00137 0.00458 65 0.06728 0.00292 0.00560 93 0.00724 -1.60815 155.949 0.10983 0.70632
Cu(2+)-exporting ATPase 0.06231 0.00289 0.06271 0.00123 0.00434 65 0.06202 0.00141 0.00389 93 0.00583 0.11858 143.532 0.90577 0.97700
3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase 0.06228 0.00251 0.05559 0.00093 0.00379 65 0.06696 0.00100 0.00327 93 0.00501 -2.27022 140.614 0.02471 0.67652
Adenosylmethionine–8-amino-7-oxononanoate transaminase 0.06206 0.00273 0.06257 0.00126 0.00441 65 0.06170 0.00113 0.00349 93 0.00562 0.15499 132.920 0.87707 0.96548
Alkaline phosphatase 0.06183 0.00557 0.05157 0.00491 0.00869 65 0.06901 0.00481 0.00719 93 0.01128 -1.54594 137.026 0.12442 0.70632
Epoxyqueuosine reductase 0.06161 0.00235 0.05676 0.00093 0.00378 65 0.06501 0.00081 0.00295 93 0.00480 -1.71949 131.663 0.08788 0.70632
Arginine decarboxylase 0.06148 0.00317 0.05894 0.00180 0.00526 65 0.06325 0.00146 0.00396 93 0.00658 -0.65532 128.462 0.51343 0.81548
NAD(+) diphosphatase 0.06135 0.00262 0.06215 0.00114 0.00419 65 0.06079 0.00105 0.00337 93 0.00537 0.25309 134.440 0.80058 0.94263
Urease 0.06124 0.00627 0.04704 0.00430 0.00813 65 0.07117 0.00738 0.00891 93 0.01206 -2.00073 154.748 0.04717 0.69348
GMP reductase 0.06095 0.00358 0.06156 0.00224 0.00588 65 0.06053 0.00189 0.00451 93 0.00741 0.13987 130.156 0.88898 0.96887
Pyruvate carboxylase 0.06083 0.00380 0.05970 0.00233 0.00599 65 0.06162 0.00228 0.00495 93 0.00777 -0.24775 136.867 0.80470 0.94350
3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase 0.06073 0.00377 0.05427 0.00227 0.00591 65 0.06524 0.00220 0.00486 93 0.00765 -1.43525 136.505 0.15350 0.70632
Glutamate N-acetyltransferase 0.06059 0.00321 0.05637 0.00167 0.00507 65 0.06355 0.00160 0.00415 93 0.00655 -1.09702 135.957 0.27457 0.70632
Prolyl aminopeptidase 0.06057 0.00441 0.06036 0.00341 0.00725 65 0.06071 0.00288 0.00556 93 0.00914 -0.03816 130.226 0.96962 0.99263
All-trans-octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase 0.06021 0.00263 0.05758 0.00113 0.00418 65 0.06205 0.00108 0.00340 93 0.00539 -0.82975 135.537 0.40814 0.76070
3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.06003 0.00468 0.05307 0.00350 0.00733 65 0.06489 0.00341 0.00606 93 0.00951 -1.24301 136.839 0.21599 0.70632
L-glutamate gamma-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.05974 0.00383 0.05511 0.00194 0.00546 65 0.06297 0.00259 0.00528 93 0.00759 -1.03548 149.010 0.30212 0.70632
Aspartate ammonia-lyase 0.05956 0.00297 0.05813 0.00116 0.00422 65 0.06055 0.00156 0.00410 93 0.00589 -0.41054 149.286 0.68200 0.90520
Phosphatidylglycerol–membrane-oligosaccharide glycerophosphotransferase 0.05955 0.00499 0.06539 0.00572 0.00938 65 0.05546 0.00270 0.00539 93 0.01082 0.91748 105.258 0.36099 0.72316
Sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase 0.05931 0.00281 0.06233 0.00136 0.00458 65 0.05719 0.00118 0.00356 93 0.00580 0.88617 131.338 0.37715 0.73348
Aspartate–ammonia ligase 0.05876 0.00351 0.06387 0.00224 0.00587 65 0.05518 0.00174 0.00432 93 0.00729 1.19324 126.451 0.23501 0.70632
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I 0.05874 0.00404 0.05495 0.00260 0.00633 65 0.06138 0.00257 0.00526 93 0.00823 -0.78095 137.345 0.43617 0.77161
D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate isomerase 0.05860 0.00353 0.06904 0.00246 0.00616 65 0.05131 0.00152 0.00404 93 0.00737 2.40696 116.098 0.01766 0.64530
Glutamate dehydrogenase 0.05850 0.00295 0.05850 0.00153 0.00486 65 0.05850 0.00129 0.00372 93 0.00611 0.00066 129.959 0.99947 0.99947
3-oxoacid CoA-transferase 0.05814 0.00526 0.05037 0.00394 0.00778 65 0.06358 0.00466 0.00708 93 0.01052 -1.25536 144.753 0.21137 0.70632
HslU–HslV peptidase 0.05800 0.00261 0.05870 0.00127 0.00442 65 0.05751 0.00096 0.00320 93 0.00546 0.21760 124.979 0.82810 0.95262
Homoserine O-acetyltransferase 0.05795 0.00375 0.05502 0.00227 0.00591 65 0.06000 0.00220 0.00486 93 0.00765 -0.65058 136.467 0.51641 0.81889
Nicotinate-nucleotide diphosphorylase (carboxylating) 0.05790 0.00275 0.05558 0.00125 0.00438 65 0.05952 0.00116 0.00354 93 0.00563 -0.69951 134.782 0.48544 0.80111
NAD(P)H-hydrate epimerase 0.05748 0.00286 0.05791 0.00119 0.00428 65 0.05718 0.00139 0.00386 93 0.00576 0.12611 144.188 0.89982 0.97349
Isochorismate synthase 0.05727 0.00288 0.05571 0.00146 0.00474 65 0.05836 0.00121 0.00361 93 0.00596 -0.44450 129.342 0.65742 0.88943
Precorrin-2 dehydrogenase 0.05691 0.00261 0.06157 0.00131 0.00449 65 0.05366 0.00090 0.00311 93 0.00546 1.44804 120.942 0.15019 0.70632
Tagatose-bisphosphate aldolase 0.05652 0.00370 0.05972 0.00232 0.00598 65 0.05428 0.00207 0.00472 93 0.00762 0.71365 132.836 0.47669 0.79541
2-dehydro-3-deoxy-phosphogluconate aldolase 0.05645 0.00316 0.05694 0.00201 0.00557 65 0.05610 0.00128 0.00371 93 0.00669 0.12442 117.472 0.90119 0.97349
Molybdate-transporting ATPase 0.05631 0.00260 0.05575 0.00110 0.00412 65 0.05671 0.00106 0.00338 93 0.00533 -0.17965 136.286 0.85770 0.96186
tRNA nucleotidyltransferase 0.05628 0.00256 0.05505 0.00121 0.00431 65 0.05714 0.00093 0.00315 93 0.00534 -0.39136 125.703 0.69619 0.91007
4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase 0.05620 0.00253 0.05586 0.00112 0.00416 65 0.05644 0.00095 0.00320 93 0.00524 -0.11026 130.445 0.91237 0.97907
4-hydroxy-3-polyprenylbenzoate decarboxylase 0.05611 0.00412 0.05804 0.00281 0.00657 65 0.05475 0.00263 0.00531 93 0.00845 0.38907 134.944 0.69784 0.91007
(4S)-4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 0.05609 0.00315 0.05656 0.00202 0.00557 65 0.05577 0.00127 0.00370 93 0.00669 0.11839 117.126 0.90596 0.97700
DNA ligase (ATP) 0.05544 0.00455 0.04964 0.00313 0.00694 65 0.05949 0.00337 0.00602 93 0.00919 -1.07295 141.104 0.28512 0.70632
tRNA (N(6)-L-threonylcarbamoyladenosine(37)-C(2))-methylthiotransferase 0.05529 0.00347 0.05424 0.00214 0.00574 65 0.05602 0.00175 0.00434 93 0.00719 -0.24643 128.686 0.80574 0.94351
Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase 0.05521 0.00387 0.04871 0.00197 0.00551 65 0.05976 0.00261 0.00530 93 0.00764 -1.44571 148.717 0.15036 0.70632
Pyroglutamyl-peptidase I 0.05482 0.00283 0.05692 0.00150 0.00481 65 0.05336 0.00111 0.00346 93 0.00593 0.60141 124.318 0.54866 0.84333
Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH, Si-specific) 0.05452 0.00277 0.05046 0.00116 0.00422 65 0.05736 0.00124 0.00366 93 0.00559 -1.23608 140.817 0.21849 0.70632
Adenosylcobalamin/alpha-ribazole phosphatase 0.05439 0.00282 0.05620 0.00137 0.00460 65 0.05313 0.00119 0.00357 93 0.00582 0.52738 131.294 0.59882 0.86318
Diamine N-acetyltransferase 0.05425 0.00328 0.05197 0.00139 0.00463 65 0.05585 0.00193 0.00455 93 0.00649 -0.59739 150.027 0.55115 0.84429
4-nitrophenylphosphatase 0.05403 0.00351 0.05884 0.00219 0.00581 65 0.05068 0.00177 0.00437 93 0.00727 1.12355 128.297 0.26330 0.70632
Xaa-Pro dipeptidyl-peptidase 0.05388 0.00418 0.05352 0.00264 0.00637 65 0.05413 0.00288 0.00556 93 0.00846 -0.07239 141.585 0.94239 0.99049
Dihydroorotate oxidase (fumarate) 0.05382 0.00336 0.05538 0.00180 0.00526 65 0.05274 0.00180 0.00439 93 0.00685 0.38492 137.823 0.70089 0.91306
Acetolactate decarboxylase 0.05362 0.00358 0.05597 0.00217 0.00578 65 0.05198 0.00193 0.00455 93 0.00736 0.54259 132.520 0.58833 0.85698
Spermidine synthase 0.05361 0.00251 0.05050 0.00096 0.00384 65 0.05578 0.00102 0.00331 93 0.00507 -1.04131 140.479 0.29952 0.70632
Nitrite reductase (NADH) 0.05355 0.00443 0.04822 0.00310 0.00691 65 0.05728 0.00310 0.00577 93 0.00900 -1.00584 137.826 0.31626 0.70632
Polynucleotide adenylyltransferase 0.05351 0.00287 0.05196 0.00145 0.00473 65 0.05459 0.00121 0.00360 93 0.00595 -0.44190 129.541 0.65930 0.88943
3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.05339 0.00418 0.05194 0.00259 0.00631 65 0.05439 0.00290 0.00559 93 0.00843 -0.29087 142.738 0.77157 0.93540
Malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) (NADP(+)) 0.05338 0.00276 0.04834 0.00108 0.00407 65 0.05690 0.00127 0.00370 93 0.00550 -1.55558 144.626 0.12199 0.70632
Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue succinyltransferase 0.05336 0.00285 0.04970 0.00131 0.00449 65 0.05591 0.00127 0.00369 93 0.00581 -1.06863 136.362 0.28713 0.70632
Pyruvate, phosphate dikinase 0.05325 0.00325 0.05265 0.00188 0.00537 65 0.05366 0.00154 0.00407 93 0.00674 -0.15109 128.960 0.88014 0.96590
Adenosylcobinamide-GDP ribazoletransferase 0.05284 0.00271 0.05475 0.00134 0.00455 65 0.05151 0.00105 0.00336 93 0.00565 0.57213 126.683 0.56825 0.85024
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase 0.05282 0.00346 0.05601 0.00203 0.00559 65 0.05060 0.00180 0.00440 93 0.00712 0.76146 132.473 0.44773 0.77823
1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA synthase 0.05281 0.00279 0.05358 0.00144 0.00471 65 0.05227 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00583 0.22552 125.660 0.82194 0.95060
Adenosylcobinamide-phosphate guanylyltransferase 0.05259 0.00281 0.05422 0.00136 0.00457 65 0.05145 0.00118 0.00356 93 0.00579 0.47784 131.373 0.63356 0.88317
Adenosylcobinamide kinase 0.05258 0.00281 0.05422 0.00136 0.00457 65 0.05144 0.00118 0.00356 93 0.00579 0.47891 131.388 0.63280 0.88317
23S rRNA pseudouridine(955/2504/2580) synthase 0.05249 0.00290 0.05592 0.00145 0.00472 65 0.05009 0.00125 0.00367 93 0.00598 0.97465 131.276 0.33153 0.71442
Formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase 0.05232 0.00450 0.04850 0.00292 0.00670 65 0.05499 0.00342 0.00606 93 0.00903 -0.71844 144.377 0.47365 0.79541
Adenosylcobyric acid synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.05215 0.00359 0.05973 0.00309 0.00690 65 0.04686 0.00125 0.00367 93 0.00781 1.64656 99.808 0.10279 0.70632
Diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase 0.05211 0.00348 0.05586 0.00205 0.00561 65 0.04949 0.00182 0.00442 93 0.00715 0.89198 132.649 0.37402 0.73204
Mevalonate kinase 0.05208 0.00348 0.05578 0.00205 0.00561 65 0.04949 0.00182 0.00443 93 0.00715 0.88004 132.638 0.38043 0.73587
4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase 0.05200 0.00410 0.04521 0.00245 0.00614 65 0.05675 0.00276 0.00545 93 0.00821 -1.40594 142.933 0.16191 0.70632
Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (succinyl-transferring) 0.05196 0.00290 0.04929 0.00136 0.00458 65 0.05382 0.00131 0.00375 93 0.00592 -0.76453 136.028 0.44588 0.77823
7-carboxy-7-deazaguanine synthase 0.05156 0.00236 0.04825 0.00082 0.00354 65 0.05388 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00474 -1.18741 142.950 0.23704 0.70632
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase 0.05148 0.00346 0.05490 0.00202 0.00557 65 0.04910 0.00181 0.00441 93 0.00710 0.81705 133.050 0.41536 0.76374
Methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase 0.05139 0.00554 0.04527 0.00451 0.00833 65 0.05566 0.00510 0.00741 93 0.01115 -0.93150 142.985 0.35316 0.72019
o-succinylbenzoate–CoA ligase 0.05131 0.00275 0.05223 0.00143 0.00469 65 0.05067 0.00104 0.00335 93 0.00577 0.27102 123.556 0.78682 0.93675
Glycerate dehydrogenase 0.05115 0.00297 0.05680 0.00152 0.00484 65 0.04720 0.00127 0.00370 93 0.00609 1.57528 129.850 0.11763 0.70632
4-hydroxythreonine-4-phosphate dehydrogenase 0.05097 0.00247 0.04791 0.00087 0.00365 65 0.05310 0.00104 0.00334 93 0.00495 -1.04865 145.074 0.29608 0.70632
Molybdenum cofactor guanylyltransferase 0.05092 0.00245 0.04980 0.00094 0.00380 65 0.05170 0.00097 0.00323 93 0.00499 -0.38042 139.307 0.70422 0.91393
Phosphomevalonate kinase 0.05068 0.00349 0.05407 0.00206 0.00563 65 0.04830 0.00184 0.00445 93 0.00718 0.80325 132.862 0.42327 0.76494
Aromatic-amino-acid transaminase 0.05067 0.00304 0.05619 0.00163 0.00501 65 0.04681 0.00132 0.00377 93 0.00627 1.49623 128.473 0.13705 0.70632
8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase 0.05052 0.00298 0.04959 0.00152 0.00483 65 0.05117 0.00134 0.00380 93 0.00614 -0.25699 132.456 0.79758 0.94100
L-threonine aldolase 0.05030 0.00308 0.05127 0.00172 0.00515 65 0.04962 0.00136 0.00383 93 0.00641 0.25690 127.342 0.79767 0.94100
Quinolinate synthase 0.05010 0.00256 0.04853 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.05120 0.00101 0.00330 93 0.00525 -0.50741 135.081 0.61269 0.87289
Bacterial non-heme ferritin 0.04971 0.00355 0.04954 0.00205 0.00562 65 0.04982 0.00198 0.00461 93 0.00727 -0.03864 136.295 0.96923 0.99263
Phosphatidylglycerophosphatase 0.04952 0.00338 0.05458 0.00186 0.00534 65 0.04599 0.00177 0.00436 93 0.00689 1.24609 135.715 0.21488 0.70632
L-aspartate oxidase 0.04947 0.00258 0.04864 0.00110 0.00411 65 0.05006 0.00103 0.00333 93 0.00529 -0.26918 135.069 0.78820 0.93676
Malonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) 0.04932 0.00519 0.04196 0.00341 0.00725 65 0.05447 0.00484 0.00721 93 0.01022 -1.22349 150.705 0.22305 0.70632
Methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (CoA acylating) 0.04932 0.00519 0.04196 0.00341 0.00725 65 0.05447 0.00484 0.00721 93 0.01022 -1.22349 150.705 0.22305 0.70632
synthase 0.04927 0.00283 0.04897 0.00148 0.00477 65 0.04948 0.00112 0.00348 93 0.00590 -0.08671 125.393 0.93104 0.98985
Molybdopterin synthase 0.04927 0.00272 0.04506 0.00110 0.00411 65 0.05221 0.00121 0.00360 93 0.00546 -1.30735 141.838 0.19321 0.70632
Gluconokinase 0.04925 0.00308 0.05137 0.00211 0.00570 65 0.04777 0.00108 0.00341 93 0.00664 0.54187 108.423 0.58902 0.85698
dCTP deaminase 0.04922 0.00267 0.04779 0.00122 0.00434 65 0.05022 0.00106 0.00338 93 0.00550 -0.44220 131.662 0.65907 0.88943
Peptidyl-dipeptidase Dcp 0.04914 0.00373 0.04277 0.00173 0.00516 65 0.05359 0.00250 0.00519 93 0.00732 -1.47859 151.212 0.14133 0.70632
Purine nucleosidase 0.04896 0.00450 0.04820 0.00347 0.00731 65 0.04949 0.00305 0.00572 93 0.00929 -0.13954 132.004 0.88924 0.96887
Adenosylcobinamide-phosphate synthase 0.04890 0.00271 0.05194 0.00130 0.00447 65 0.04678 0.00106 0.00337 93 0.00560 0.92050 128.686 0.35904 0.72286
Carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase (acceptor) 0.04887 0.00457 0.04378 0.00264 0.00637 65 0.05242 0.00376 0.00636 93 0.00900 -0.95882 150.906 0.33918 0.72019
Undecaprenol kinase 0.04875 0.00330 0.05012 0.00183 0.00531 65 0.04780 0.00166 0.00423 93 0.00678 0.34251 133.554 0.73251 0.92120
Alanine dehydrogenase 0.04836 0.00256 0.04012 0.00084 0.00360 65 0.05412 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00498 -2.81112 148.375 0.00560 0.62334
Dodecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] hydrolase 0.04826 0.00352 0.05206 0.00213 0.00572 65 0.04560 0.00185 0.00445 93 0.00725 0.89143 131.531 0.37433 0.73204
Proline dehydrogenase 0.04788 0.00345 0.04675 0.00183 0.00531 65 0.04867 0.00194 0.00456 93 0.00700 -0.27349 140.265 0.78488 0.93675
Carbamate kinase 0.04777 0.00277 0.05124 0.00130 0.00447 65 0.04534 0.00115 0.00352 93 0.00569 1.03811 132.572 0.30111 0.70632
Acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase 0.04750 0.00389 0.04241 0.00222 0.00585 65 0.05107 0.00251 0.00520 93 0.00782 -1.10658 142.967 0.27033 0.70632
Glutamyl aminopeptidase 0.04733 0.00356 0.04763 0.00187 0.00537 65 0.04712 0.00212 0.00477 93 0.00718 0.07034 143.004 0.94402 0.99049
UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine diphosphatase 0.04731 0.00250 0.04612 0.00095 0.00383 65 0.04814 0.00103 0.00332 93 0.00507 -0.40000 141.037 0.68976 0.90851
FMN reductase (NADPH) 0.04714 0.00385 0.03849 0.00187 0.00537 65 0.05319 0.00260 0.00529 93 0.00754 -1.95075 150.149 0.05295 0.70632
Aspartate 1-decarboxylase 0.04707 0.00251 0.04094 0.00076 0.00343 65 0.05135 0.00113 0.00348 93 0.00489 -2.13100 151.812 0.03470 0.67652
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.04683 0.00270 0.04534 0.00119 0.00427 65 0.04787 0.00114 0.00350 93 0.00552 -0.45674 135.994 0.64859 0.88803
Ribonuclease E 0.04628 0.00275 0.04587 0.00130 0.00448 65 0.04658 0.00113 0.00349 93 0.00568 -0.12481 131.487 0.90086 0.97349
Lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase 0.04616 0.00270 0.04496 0.00127 0.00442 65 0.04699 0.00108 0.00341 93 0.00559 -0.36406 130.735 0.71640 0.92120
NAD(+) synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.04600 0.00273 0.04362 0.00109 0.00410 65 0.04766 0.00124 0.00365 93 0.00549 -0.73571 143.208 0.46311 0.78699
[Glutamate–ammonia-ligase] adenylyltransferase 0.04492 0.00261 0.04433 0.00119 0.00428 65 0.04533 0.00101 0.00330 93 0.00540 -0.18610 130.468 0.85265 0.96065
Cobyrinate a,c-diamide synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.04483 0.00257 0.04847 0.00133 0.00452 65 0.04229 0.00084 0.00300 93 0.00543 1.13977 116.893 0.25671 0.70632
Hydrogenobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.04483 0.00257 0.04847 0.00133 0.00452 65 0.04229 0.00084 0.00300 93 0.00543 1.13977 116.893 0.25671 0.70632
Acetylornithine deacetylase 0.04473 0.00351 0.04362 0.00184 0.00532 65 0.04550 0.00204 0.00469 93 0.00709 -0.26543 142.302 0.79106 0.93897
Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 0.04472 0.00300 0.04613 0.00175 0.00519 65 0.04373 0.00121 0.00361 93 0.00632 0.37849 121.088 0.70573 0.91416
N-acetyldiaminopimelate deacetylase 0.04465 0.00320 0.04609 0.00167 0.00507 65 0.04365 0.00160 0.00414 93 0.00655 0.37265 135.832 0.70999 0.91799
Alpha,alpha-phosphotrehalase 0.04465 0.00274 0.04736 0.00154 0.00487 65 0.04276 0.00094 0.00318 93 0.00582 0.79128 115.618 0.43040 0.76847
Aspartyl aminopeptidase 0.04434 0.00271 0.05214 0.00146 0.00475 65 0.03889 0.00088 0.00308 93 0.00566 2.34225 115.167 0.02089 0.64928
Cobaltochelatase 0.04422 0.00340 0.03923 0.00135 0.00456 65 0.04771 0.00215 0.00481 93 0.00663 -1.27932 153.420 0.20272 0.70632
Deoxyribonuclease IV 0.04414 0.00264 0.04510 0.00127 0.00442 65 0.04347 0.00100 0.00328 93 0.00550 0.29549 126.968 0.76810 0.93519
Cobalt-precorrin 5A hydrolase 0.04408 0.00299 0.05086 0.00172 0.00514 65 0.03934 0.00116 0.00353 93 0.00624 1.84719 119.883 0.06719 0.70632
Maltose 6’-phosphate phosphatase 0.04390 0.00330 0.04573 0.00161 0.00498 65 0.04263 0.00181 0.00441 93 0.00666 0.46556 142.741 0.64224 0.88744
Formimidoylglutamase 0.04384 0.00255 0.04322 0.00104 0.00399 65 0.04428 0.00103 0.00332 93 0.00520 -0.20381 137.480 0.83880 0.95674
Sirohydrochlorin cobaltochelatase 0.04371 0.00365 0.04989 0.00276 0.00652 65 0.03939 0.00163 0.00419 93 0.00775 1.35548 114.310 0.17794 0.70632
Protein disulfide-isomerase 0.04362 0.00372 0.04449 0.00227 0.00591 65 0.04301 0.00216 0.00482 93 0.00763 0.19510 135.595 0.84561 0.95939
Adenosylhomocysteinase 0.04362 0.00263 0.04208 0.00113 0.00416 65 0.04469 0.00107 0.00340 93 0.00537 -0.48414 135.718 0.62906 0.88303
Malate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.04359 0.00367 0.04153 0.00213 0.00572 65 0.04503 0.00215 0.00481 93 0.00747 -0.46876 138.447 0.63998 0.88568
2-dehydro-3-deoxygluconokinase 0.04335 0.00290 0.04107 0.00189 0.00540 65 0.04495 0.00095 0.00320 93 0.00627 -0.61813 107.559 0.53779 0.83586
Ribonuclease D 0.04334 0.00266 0.04115 0.00105 0.00403 65 0.04487 0.00116 0.00353 93 0.00536 -0.69372 141.971 0.48899 0.80257
L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase 0.04322 0.00267 0.04702 0.00146 0.00475 65 0.04055 0.00088 0.00308 93 0.00566 1.14328 115.053 0.25530 0.70632
Carboxynorspermidine decarboxylase 0.04318 0.00246 0.03771 0.00076 0.00341 65 0.04700 0.00107 0.00339 93 0.00481 -1.93207 150.707 0.05523 0.70632
Citryl-CoA lyase 0.04312 0.00290 0.04372 0.00118 0.00426 65 0.04271 0.00144 0.00394 93 0.00580 0.17555 146.038 0.86089 0.96186
Hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase 0.04304 0.00269 0.04529 0.00139 0.00463 65 0.04147 0.00098 0.00324 93 0.00565 0.67702 121.786 0.49968 0.80830
6-phospho-beta-galactosidase 0.04282 0.00324 0.04223 0.00156 0.00490 65 0.04323 0.00175 0.00434 93 0.00655 -0.15252 142.627 0.87899 0.96579
Tagatose-6-phosphate kinase 0.04266 0.00317 0.04435 0.00157 0.00492 65 0.04148 0.00162 0.00417 93 0.00645 0.44593 139.034 0.65634 0.88943
Xylulokinase 0.04248 0.00319 0.03820 0.00122 0.00432 65 0.04547 0.00188 0.00449 93 0.00624 -1.16692 152.859 0.24506 0.70632
D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose-1,7-bisphosphate 7-phosphatase 0.04243 0.00228 0.04455 0.00088 0.00367 65 0.04096 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00469 0.76680 133.277 0.44456 0.77733
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate 7-phosphatase 0.04243 0.00228 0.04455 0.00088 0.00367 65 0.04096 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00469 0.76680 133.277 0.44456 0.77733
Hydroxylamine reductase 0.04241 0.00352 0.04706 0.00238 0.00605 65 0.03916 0.00166 0.00423 93 0.00738 1.07053 121.716 0.28650 0.70632
Propionyl-CoA carboxylase 0.04237 0.00410 0.03348 0.00159 0.00495 65 0.04857 0.00334 0.00599 93 0.00777 -1.94189 155.983 0.05395 0.70632
Selenide, water dikinase 0.04210 0.00235 0.04670 0.00113 0.00417 65 0.03889 0.00067 0.00269 93 0.00496 1.57479 114.348 0.11807 0.70632
Glutamate formimidoyltransferase 0.04204 0.00358 0.04844 0.00307 0.00687 65 0.03756 0.00127 0.00369 93 0.00780 1.39437 100.396 0.16628 0.70632
Tellurite methyltransferase 0.04173 0.00330 0.04102 0.00147 0.00475 65 0.04223 0.00192 0.00455 93 0.00657 -0.18528 148.362 0.85326 0.96065
Exo-alpha-sialidase 0.04169 0.00317 0.03910 0.00134 0.00453 65 0.04350 0.00178 0.00437 93 0.00630 -0.69755 148.856 0.48655 0.80150
Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase 0.04136 0.00349 0.03794 0.00197 0.00550 65 0.04374 0.00191 0.00453 93 0.00713 -0.81382 136.457 0.41717 0.76408
Aminopyrimidine aminohydrolase 0.04133 0.00251 0.03683 0.00071 0.00330 65 0.04448 0.00118 0.00357 93 0.00486 -1.57384 154.373 0.11757 0.70632
Nicotinamidase 0.04133 0.00221 0.03916 0.00065 0.00315 65 0.04284 0.00086 0.00304 93 0.00438 -0.84114 148.747 0.40162 0.75271
Glycerol dehydrogenase 0.04103 0.00254 0.04537 0.00129 0.00445 65 0.03800 0.00083 0.00298 93 0.00536 1.37690 117.874 0.17115 0.70632
Precorrin-2 C(20)-methyltransferase 0.04103 0.00273 0.04654 0.00150 0.00480 65 0.03717 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00575 1.63082 116.050 0.10564 0.70632
Cobalt-precorrin-4 methyltransferase 0.04097 0.00272 0.04662 0.00148 0.00477 65 0.03702 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00572 1.67937 116.380 0.09576 0.70632
Precorrin-4 C(11)-methyltransferase 0.04097 0.00272 0.04662 0.00148 0.00477 65 0.03702 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00572 1.67937 116.380 0.09576 0.70632
N-acetylmuramic acid 6-phosphate etherase 0.04090 0.00246 0.04058 0.00117 0.00424 65 0.04113 0.00082 0.00296 93 0.00517 -0.10696 121.427 0.91499 0.98088
Cobalt-precorrin-8 methylmutase 0.04082 0.00271 0.04640 0.00149 0.00478 65 0.03692 0.00091 0.00313 93 0.00571 1.65919 115.879 0.09978 0.70632
Precorrin-8X methylmutase 0.04082 0.00271 0.04640 0.00149 0.00478 65 0.03692 0.00091 0.00313 93 0.00571 1.65919 115.879 0.09978 0.70632
2-iminoacetate synthase 0.04077 0.00345 0.04687 0.00208 0.00566 65 0.03650 0.00172 0.00430 93 0.00711 1.45885 129.176 0.14703 0.70632
Choline dehydrogenase 0.04075 0.00403 0.03716 0.00249 0.00618 65 0.04326 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.00816 -0.74734 140.271 0.45611 0.78637
Glycine C-acetyltransferase 0.04053 0.00267 0.03658 0.00087 0.00366 65 0.04329 0.00130 0.00373 93 0.00523 -1.28345 152.024 0.20129 0.70632
Lysyltransferase 0.04045 0.00277 0.04386 0.00148 0.00477 65 0.03807 0.00103 0.00332 93 0.00581 0.99728 121.350 0.32061 0.70632
Malonyl-[acyl-carrier protein] O-methyltransferase 0.04045 0.00278 0.04435 0.00143 0.00469 65 0.03772 0.00106 0.00338 93 0.00579 1.14542 124.416 0.25424 0.70632
Membrane dipeptidase 0.04037 0.00244 0.03887 0.00100 0.00392 65 0.04141 0.00091 0.00312 93 0.00501 -0.50750 133.713 0.61264 0.87289
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase 0.03998 0.00369 0.03773 0.00199 0.00553 65 0.04155 0.00228 0.00496 93 0.00742 -0.51427 143.694 0.60786 0.87001
o-succinylbenzoate synthase 0.03993 0.00289 0.03999 0.00144 0.00471 65 0.03989 0.00125 0.00367 93 0.00597 0.01749 131.619 0.98607 0.99660
Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV 0.03993 0.00325 0.03539 0.00113 0.00418 65 0.04310 0.00203 0.00467 93 0.00627 -1.22982 155.265 0.22063 0.70632
Aspartate racemase 0.03993 0.00345 0.04355 0.00273 0.00648 65 0.03739 0.00129 0.00373 93 0.00748 0.82357 105.386 0.41205 0.76209
Glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase 0.03990 0.00412 0.04827 0.00355 0.00739 65 0.03406 0.00203 0.00468 93 0.00874 1.62601 112.976 0.10673 0.70632
Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate synthase 0.03980 0.00270 0.03842 0.00126 0.00440 65 0.04076 0.00108 0.00341 93 0.00557 -0.42052 131.154 0.67479 0.89887
N-carbamoylputrescine amidase 0.03977 0.00222 0.03524 0.00060 0.00305 65 0.04294 0.00089 0.00309 93 0.00434 -1.77136 151.672 0.07851 0.70632
Cobalt-factor II C(20)-methyltransferase 0.03972 0.00273 0.04561 0.00150 0.00481 65 0.03560 0.00093 0.00316 93 0.00575 1.73932 116.241 0.08463 0.70632
2-polyprenyl-6-hydroxyphenol methylase 0.03929 0.00332 0.03820 0.00188 0.00538 65 0.04005 0.00166 0.00423 93 0.00685 -0.27085 132.312 0.78693 0.93675
3-demethylubiquinol 3-O-methyltransferase 0.03929 0.00332 0.03820 0.00188 0.00538 65 0.04005 0.00166 0.00423 93 0.00685 -0.27085 132.312 0.78693 0.93675
3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate dehydrogenase (2-methylpropanoyl-transferring) 0.03900 0.00378 0.02960 0.00145 0.00472 65 0.04557 0.00275 0.00543 93 0.00720 -2.21894 155.755 0.02794 0.67652
Precorrin-3B C(17)-methyltransferase 0.03889 0.00270 0.04434 0.00146 0.00474 65 0.03508 0.00092 0.00314 93 0.00568 1.62838 116.844 0.10614 0.70632
Formimidoyltetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase 0.03872 0.00351 0.04528 0.00301 0.00680 65 0.03414 0.00117 0.00355 93 0.00767 1.45209 98.543 0.14965 0.70632
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate–L-lysine ligase 0.03862 0.00304 0.03764 0.00132 0.00450 65 0.03930 0.00157 0.00411 93 0.00610 -0.27304 145.192 0.78521 0.93675
S-methyl-5-thioribose-1-phosphate isomerase 0.03859 0.00247 0.04413 0.00121 0.00432 65 0.03471 0.00077 0.00287 93 0.00518 1.81742 117.142 0.07171 0.70632
[Protein-PII] uridylyltransferase 0.03839 0.00265 0.03713 0.00114 0.00419 65 0.03927 0.00109 0.00343 93 0.00541 -0.39570 135.994 0.69295 0.90946
Glutaminase 0.03812 0.00302 0.04301 0.00229 0.00594 65 0.03471 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00665 1.24835 96.233 0.21493 0.70632
Cobalt-precorrin-6A reductase 0.03796 0.00255 0.04435 0.00140 0.00463 65 0.03349 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00542 2.00683 109.230 0.04724 0.69348
Precorrin-6A reductase 0.03796 0.00255 0.04435 0.00140 0.00463 65 0.03349 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00542 2.00683 109.230 0.04724 0.69348
Arginine deiminase 0.03770 0.00204 0.04082 0.00079 0.00350 65 0.03552 0.00056 0.00245 93 0.00427 1.24117 121.660 0.21693 0.70632
L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) 0.03767 0.00283 0.03481 0.00124 0.00437 65 0.03967 0.00129 0.00372 93 0.00574 -0.84604 139.449 0.39898 0.74973
Ornithine decarboxylase 0.03706 0.00258 0.03958 0.00119 0.00427 65 0.03530 0.00096 0.00321 93 0.00535 0.80011 128.238 0.42513 0.76494
4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase 0.03700 0.00385 0.03492 0.00235 0.00601 65 0.03845 0.00236 0.00504 93 0.00785 -0.45036 138.159 0.65315 0.88943
3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA epimerase 0.03697 0.00309 0.03496 0.00139 0.00462 65 0.03838 0.00160 0.00415 93 0.00621 -0.55186 143.811 0.58190 0.85342
Adenosine deaminase 0.03694 0.00252 0.03788 0.00103 0.00397 65 0.03629 0.00100 0.00328 93 0.00515 0.30994 136.887 0.75707 0.93065
Protoporphyrinogen oxidase 0.03664 0.00266 0.03366 0.00095 0.00382 65 0.03873 0.00123 0.00364 93 0.00528 -0.96122 148.052 0.33801 0.72019
2,5-didehydrogluconate reductase (2-dehydro-L-gulonate-forming) 0.03660 0.00274 0.03602 0.00126 0.00441 65 0.03701 0.00114 0.00350 93 0.00563 -0.17508 133.324 0.86128 0.96186
Acid phosphatase 0.03631 0.00302 0.03584 0.00137 0.00459 65 0.03663 0.00151 0.00402 93 0.00610 -0.13100 141.915 0.89596 0.97163
Pimeloyl-[acyl-carrier protein] methyl ester esterase 0.03610 0.00258 0.04072 0.00126 0.00440 65 0.03287 0.00089 0.00309 93 0.00538 1.46129 122.235 0.14650 0.70632
Lysophospholipase 0.03593 0.00283 0.03105 0.00111 0.00413 65 0.03934 0.00136 0.00382 93 0.00563 -1.47409 146.121 0.14261 0.70632
Saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD(+), L-lysine-forming) 0.03582 0.00262 0.03126 0.00086 0.00363 65 0.03900 0.00124 0.00365 93 0.00514 -1.50333 151.262 0.13484 0.70632
Ethanolamine ammonia-lyase 0.03581 0.00422 0.04305 0.00397 0.00781 65 0.03074 0.00198 0.00462 93 0.00908 1.35635 107.432 0.17783 0.70632
Pyruvate oxidase 0.03578 0.00281 0.03488 0.00120 0.00429 65 0.03641 0.00130 0.00373 93 0.00569 -0.26872 141.178 0.78854 0.93676
Succinyl-CoA:acetate CoA-transferase 0.03555 0.00251 0.03515 0.00093 0.00378 65 0.03583 0.00106 0.00337 93 0.00506 -0.13608 143.263 0.89195 0.96995
UDP-N-acetylmuramoylpentapeptide-lysine N(6)-alanyltransferase 0.03555 0.00299 0.03495 0.00122 0.00433 65 0.03596 0.00157 0.00410 93 0.00597 -0.17007 147.642 0.86519 0.96213
Molybdenum cofactor cytidylyltransferase 0.03554 0.00226 0.03414 0.00092 0.00376 65 0.03652 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00469 -0.50764 127.707 0.61258 0.87289
(R,R)-butanediol dehydrogenase 0.03553 0.00270 0.03431 0.00088 0.00368 65 0.03638 0.00135 0.00381 93 0.00530 -0.38965 152.755 0.69734 0.91007
Diacetyl reductase ((R)-acetoin forming) 0.03553 0.00270 0.03431 0.00088 0.00368 65 0.03638 0.00135 0.00381 93 0.00530 -0.38965 152.755 0.69734 0.91007
Ornithine cyclodeaminase 0.03552 0.00284 0.03016 0.00096 0.00384 65 0.03926 0.00148 0.00399 93 0.00554 -1.64272 152.893 0.10250 0.70632
Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.03534 0.00460 0.04606 0.00605 0.00965 65 0.02784 0.00135 0.00380 93 0.01037 1.75607 84.018 0.08272 0.70632
Magnesium chelatase 0.03518 0.00291 0.03760 0.00166 0.00506 65 0.03349 0.00111 0.00346 93 0.00613 0.67176 119.621 0.50303 0.81115
Diguanylate cyclase 0.03516 0.00448 0.03258 0.00278 0.00654 65 0.03696 0.00347 0.00611 93 0.00895 -0.48955 146.756 0.62519 0.88154
UDP-galactopyranose mutase 0.03497 0.00288 0.03696 0.00149 0.00479 65 0.03357 0.00119 0.00357 93 0.00598 0.56691 127.503 0.57177 0.85122
Malate synthase 0.03497 0.00300 0.03148 0.00164 0.00502 65 0.03740 0.00128 0.00370 93 0.00624 -0.94947 126.597 0.34419 0.72019
23S rRNA pseudouridine(2604) synthase 0.03465 0.00319 0.03586 0.00179 0.00525 65 0.03380 0.00149 0.00401 93 0.00660 0.31196 129.714 0.75558 0.93065
S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase 0.03450 0.00323 0.02828 0.00114 0.00419 65 0.03885 0.00198 0.00461 93 0.00623 -1.69626 154.883 0.09185 0.70632
mannosaminyltransferase 0.03448 0.00222 0.03199 0.00077 0.00344 65 0.03622 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00451 -0.93954 139.323 0.34908 0.72019
Cobalt-precorrin-5B (C(1))-methyltransferase 0.03445 0.00254 0.04054 0.00140 0.00464 65 0.03020 0.00072 0.00277 93 0.00541 1.91172 108.322 0.05855 0.70632
Guanosine-3’,5’-bis(diphosphate) 3’-diphosphatase 0.03433 0.00244 0.03843 0.00116 0.00423 65 0.03147 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00513 1.35711 119.727 0.17730 0.70632
Pyridoxine 5’-phosphate synthase 0.03401 0.00236 0.03097 0.00082 0.00355 65 0.03614 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00475 -1.09044 142.676 0.27736 0.70632
23S rRNA (uridine(2552)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.03366 0.00243 0.03280 0.00100 0.00392 65 0.03426 0.00090 0.00310 93 0.00500 -0.29254 133.088 0.77033 0.93537
Anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinase 0.03361 0.00246 0.03277 0.00104 0.00401 65 0.03419 0.00091 0.00313 93 0.00508 -0.27941 131.714 0.78037 0.93675
Triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthase 0.03351 0.00301 0.04150 0.00189 0.00539 65 0.02792 0.00106 0.00337 93 0.00636 2.13434 112.045 0.03499 0.67652
Oligopeptidase A 0.03349 0.00268 0.03398 0.00115 0.00420 65 0.03315 0.00115 0.00351 93 0.00547 0.15171 137.816 0.87963 0.96590
Choloylglycine hydrolase 0.03348 0.00424 0.03493 0.00349 0.00733 65 0.03247 0.00243 0.00511 93 0.00893 0.27526 121.365 0.78359 0.93675
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose-7-phosphate kinase 0.03339 0.00213 0.03554 0.00075 0.00339 65 0.03189 0.00070 0.00275 93 0.00436 0.83622 135.167 0.40450 0.75675
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0.03339 0.00213 0.03554 0.00075 0.00339 65 0.03189 0.00070 0.00275 93 0.00436 0.83622 135.167 0.40450 0.75675
Betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase 0.03333 0.00307 0.02981 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.03578 0.00159 0.00413 93 0.00614 -0.97214 144.754 0.33260 0.71544
4-aminobutyrate–2-oxoglutarate transaminase 0.03332 0.00316 0.03083 0.00152 0.00483 65 0.03506 0.00163 0.00419 93 0.00639 -0.66082 141.055 0.50980 0.81548
(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase 0.03319 0.00300 0.03348 0.00116 0.00422 65 0.03299 0.00162 0.00417 93 0.00593 0.08264 150.262 0.93425 0.98985
Glutaconate CoA-transferase 0.03318 0.00418 0.04128 0.00364 0.00748 65 0.02752 0.00211 0.00476 93 0.00887 1.55071 113.399 0.12376 0.70632
Hydroxypyruvate isomerase 0.03312 0.00341 0.02846 0.00178 0.00523 65 0.03639 0.00187 0.00449 93 0.00689 -1.15013 140.013 0.25205 0.70632
Isoquinoline 1-oxidoreductase 0.03293 0.00490 0.02718 0.00242 0.00610 65 0.03695 0.00475 0.00715 93 0.00940 -1.04026 155.923 0.29983 0.70632
Carboxylesterase 0.03283 0.00329 0.03159 0.00161 0.00498 65 0.03370 0.00179 0.00439 93 0.00664 -0.31741 142.274 0.75140 0.92944
Deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase 0.03279 0.00282 0.03024 0.00124 0.00437 65 0.03458 0.00127 0.00370 93 0.00572 -0.75758 139.122 0.44998 0.78036
GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase 0.03275 0.00229 0.02759 0.00050 0.00277 65 0.03635 0.00103 0.00333 93 0.00434 -2.01867 155.998 0.04523 0.69348
Triacylglycerol lipase 0.03263 0.00323 0.03157 0.00152 0.00483 65 0.03338 0.00175 0.00434 93 0.00650 -0.27746 143.749 0.78183 0.93675
Muramoyltetrapeptide carboxypeptidase 0.03262 0.00220 0.03356 0.00069 0.00327 65 0.03195 0.00082 0.00298 93 0.00442 0.36429 144.918 0.71617 0.92120
Neopullulanase 0.03242 0.00263 0.03163 0.00089 0.00371 65 0.03298 0.00125 0.00366 93 0.00521 -0.25942 150.302 0.79567 0.94089
Threonine-phosphate decarboxylase 0.03220 0.00281 0.03777 0.00167 0.00507 65 0.02832 0.00093 0.00316 93 0.00597 1.58192 111.825 0.11649 0.70632
D-ribose pyranase 0.03200 0.00264 0.03530 0.00147 0.00476 65 0.02970 0.00084 0.00301 93 0.00563 0.99334 112.957 0.32267 0.70833
Diaminopimelate dehydrogenase 0.03199 0.00278 0.03224 0.00133 0.00453 65 0.03182 0.00116 0.00353 93 0.00574 0.07248 131.733 0.94233 0.99049
ADP-glyceromanno-heptose 6-epimerase 0.03196 0.00242 0.03741 0.00117 0.00425 65 0.02815 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00509 1.81934 116.451 0.07143 0.70632
Malonyl-S-ACP decarboxylase 0.03192 0.00442 0.03293 0.00299 0.00678 65 0.03122 0.00320 0.00587 93 0.00896 0.19094 140.832 0.84885 0.96012
Arginase 0.03182 0.00273 0.02720 0.00120 0.00429 65 0.03504 0.00115 0.00352 93 0.00555 -1.41391 136.116 0.15967 0.70632
N-carbamoyl-L-amino-acid hydrolase 0.03178 0.00269 0.02799 0.00083 0.00358 65 0.03442 0.00135 0.00381 93 0.00523 -1.23063 153.812 0.22034 0.70632
Dipeptidase E 0.03173 0.00248 0.03563 0.00130 0.00447 65 0.02900 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00528 1.25603 112.353 0.21171 0.70632
Phosphonate-transporting ATPase 0.03169 0.00265 0.03467 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.02962 0.00096 0.00321 93 0.00556 0.90841 122.450 0.36545 0.72472
Isocitrate lyase 0.03162 0.00269 0.02708 0.00109 0.00409 65 0.03479 0.00116 0.00353 93 0.00541 -1.42602 140.625 0.15608 0.70632
Homocysteine S-methyltransferase 0.03155 0.00230 0.02976 0.00085 0.00362 65 0.03280 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00470 -0.64512 136.902 0.51993 0.82181
23S rRNA (adenine(2030)-N(6))-methyltransferase 0.03136 0.00235 0.03103 0.00096 0.00383 65 0.03158 0.00082 0.00298 93 0.00485 -0.11458 131.242 0.90895 0.97756
Agmatine deiminase 0.03117 0.00214 0.02916 0.00074 0.00338 65 0.03258 0.00071 0.00277 93 0.00437 -0.78231 136.164 0.43539 0.77087
3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 0.03113 0.00314 0.02586 0.00142 0.00467 65 0.03482 0.00164 0.00421 93 0.00628 -1.42607 144.048 0.15601 0.70632
Oligo-1,6-glucosidase 0.03106 0.00343 0.03389 0.00248 0.00618 65 0.02908 0.00143 0.00393 93 0.00732 0.65638 113.272 0.51291 0.81548
Glucose-6-phosphate 1-epimerase 0.03105 0.00292 0.03309 0.00147 0.00476 65 0.02963 0.00128 0.00371 93 0.00603 0.57261 131.651 0.56788 0.85024
Dextransucrase 0.03087 0.00529 0.03102 0.00262 0.00635 65 0.03076 0.00571 0.00784 93 0.01009 0.02488 155.879 0.98018 0.99457
Leucyltransferase 0.03057 0.00232 0.02877 0.00091 0.00374 65 0.03183 0.00082 0.00297 93 0.00477 -0.64179 133.220 0.52211 0.82182
Oligopeptidase B 0.03052 0.00225 0.03034 0.00094 0.00380 65 0.03065 0.00071 0.00277 93 0.00471 -0.06539 125.392 0.94796 0.99049
Ribosomal protein L3 N(5)-glutamine methyltransferase 0.03047 0.00237 0.03148 0.00095 0.00382 65 0.02976 0.00085 0.00303 93 0.00487 0.35336 133.224 0.72438 0.92120
L-fuculose-phosphate aldolase 0.03046 0.00249 0.03589 0.00152 0.00484 65 0.02667 0.00058 0.00249 93 0.00544 1.69418 97.584 0.09342 0.70632
Methylglyoxal synthase 0.03046 0.00289 0.03325 0.00204 0.00560 65 0.02851 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00635 0.74596 100.058 0.45744 0.78637
23S rRNA pseudouridine(2457) synthase 0.03024 0.00238 0.03139 0.00095 0.00382 65 0.02944 0.00086 0.00305 93 0.00489 0.39883 133.599 0.69065 0.90855
Bis(5’-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (symmetrical) 0.03022 0.00237 0.03142 0.00096 0.00383 65 0.02938 0.00085 0.00302 93 0.00488 0.41718 132.575 0.67722 0.90040
Phosphoadenylyl-sulfate reductase (thioredoxin) 0.03020 0.00223 0.02570 0.00069 0.00326 65 0.03335 0.00084 0.00300 93 0.00443 -1.72664 145.741 0.08635 0.70632
Glycine oxidase 0.03011 0.00247 0.02720 0.00086 0.00364 65 0.03215 0.00103 0.00334 93 0.00494 -1.00274 145.235 0.31765 0.70632
Acetate CoA-transferase 0.03004 0.00610 0.04477 0.01132 0.01319 65 0.01974 0.00189 0.00451 93 0.01394 1.79539 79.060 0.07641 0.70632
Uridine phosphorylase 0.02990 0.00247 0.02977 0.00091 0.00374 65 0.02998 0.00101 0.00330 93 0.00499 -0.04168 142.413 0.96682 0.99193
Taurine dioxygenase 0.02978 0.00400 0.02721 0.00205 0.00562 65 0.03157 0.00288 0.00557 93 0.00791 -0.55146 150.502 0.58213 0.85342
(S,S)-butanediol dehydrogenase 0.02976 0.00300 0.02924 0.00197 0.00550 65 0.03013 0.00106 0.00338 93 0.00645 -0.13886 110.451 0.88981 0.96887
Diacetyl reductase ((S)-acetoin forming) 0.02976 0.00300 0.02924 0.00197 0.00550 65 0.03013 0.00106 0.00338 93 0.00645 -0.13886 110.451 0.88981 0.96887
Butyrate–acetoacetate CoA-transferase 0.02964 0.00608 0.04451 0.01131 0.01319 65 0.01926 0.00184 0.00445 93 0.01392 1.81376 78.694 0.07353 0.70632
2-methylisocitrate dehydratase 0.02950 0.00288 0.02932 0.00123 0.00435 65 0.02963 0.00138 0.00386 93 0.00581 -0.05369 142.869 0.95726 0.99147
Alkanesulfonate monooxygenase 0.02932 0.00373 0.02409 0.00144 0.00470 65 0.03297 0.00271 0.00540 93 0.00716 -1.23963 155.715 0.21698 0.70632
Nitric oxide dioxygenase 0.02929 0.00248 0.02675 0.00105 0.00401 65 0.03107 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00510 -0.84767 132.146 0.39815 0.74887
Heme-transporting ATPase 0.02923 0.00218 0.02914 0.00085 0.00362 65 0.02928 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00453 -0.03092 128.236 0.97539 0.99435
S-formylglutathione hydrolase 0.02913 0.00248 0.02732 0.00092 0.00376 65 0.03039 0.00101 0.00330 93 0.00500 -0.61429 141.978 0.54000 0.83754
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.02895 0.00204 0.02970 0.00061 0.00305 65 0.02842 0.00070 0.00275 93 0.00411 0.30975 144.059 0.75720 0.93065
Coproporphyrinogen oxidase 0.02865 0.00257 0.02741 0.00102 0.00397 65 0.02952 0.00106 0.00338 93 0.00521 -0.40603 139.463 0.68534 0.90745
Glucan 1,6-alpha-glucosidase 0.02826 0.00237 0.02897 0.00078 0.00346 65 0.02777 0.00097 0.00324 93 0.00474 0.25393 146.784 0.79991 0.94259
L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) selenium transferase 0.02817 0.00240 0.03095 0.00103 0.00397 65 0.02623 0.00082 0.00298 93 0.00497 0.95048 127.923 0.34366 0.72019
Propanediol dehydratase 0.02809 0.00350 0.03272 0.00248 0.00618 65 0.02485 0.00155 0.00408 93 0.00740 1.06357 116.551 0.28972 0.70632
Hydrogenase (acceptor) 0.02807 0.00306 0.03008 0.00177 0.00521 65 0.02667 0.00129 0.00373 93 0.00641 0.53287 123.706 0.59508 0.86170
Sulfate-transporting ATPase 0.02803 0.00237 0.02594 0.00079 0.00348 65 0.02950 0.00096 0.00322 93 0.00474 -0.75069 145.883 0.45405 0.78548
Carboxymethylenebutenolidase 0.02802 0.00295 0.02239 0.00105 0.00402 65 0.03195 0.00158 0.00412 93 0.00576 -1.65857 152.185 0.09926 0.70632
Quaternary-amine-transporting ATPase 0.02796 0.00340 0.02949 0.00206 0.00563 65 0.02689 0.00169 0.00426 93 0.00706 0.36771 128.753 0.71369 0.92057
50S ribosomal protein L16 3-hydroxylase 0.02790 0.00230 0.02917 0.00087 0.00366 65 0.02701 0.00082 0.00297 93 0.00471 0.45833 135.258 0.64745 0.88762
Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (ETF) 0.02776 0.00273 0.02347 0.00107 0.00406 65 0.03076 0.00124 0.00365 93 0.00546 -1.33598 143.889 0.18366 0.70632
Fumarylacetoacetase 0.02770 0.00284 0.02544 0.00125 0.00439 65 0.02929 0.00130 0.00373 93 0.00576 -0.66746 139.302 0.50558 0.81278
Kanamycin kinase 0.02767 0.00191 0.02807 0.00057 0.00296 65 0.02740 0.00058 0.00251 93 0.00388 0.17193 138.969 0.86374 0.96186
DNA ligase (ATP or NAD(+)) 0.02755 0.00225 0.02710 0.00086 0.00365 65 0.02786 0.00076 0.00285 93 0.00463 -0.16506 131.936 0.86915 0.96353
DNA ligase (ATP, ADP or GTP) 0.02755 0.00225 0.02710 0.00086 0.00365 65 0.02786 0.00076 0.00285 93 0.00463 -0.16506 131.936 0.86915 0.96353
Hippurate hydrolase 0.02738 0.00307 0.02190 0.00093 0.00378 65 0.03122 0.00186 0.00447 93 0.00585 -1.59215 155.971 0.11337 0.70632
Electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase 0.02738 0.00253 0.02492 0.00096 0.00384 65 0.02910 0.00106 0.00337 93 0.00511 -0.81670 141.853 0.41547 0.76374
ATP diphosphatase 0.02737 0.00240 0.02705 0.00089 0.00371 65 0.02760 0.00093 0.00317 93 0.00488 -0.11296 139.743 0.91022 0.97775
Guanine deaminase 0.02711 0.00258 0.02522 0.00096 0.00385 65 0.02844 0.00111 0.00346 93 0.00518 -0.62052 143.756 0.53590 0.83395
Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase 0.02706 0.00336 0.02597 0.00177 0.00522 65 0.02783 0.00181 0.00442 93 0.00684 -0.27156 138.977 0.78637 0.93675
Oleate hydratase 0.02703 0.00327 0.02931 0.00220 0.00582 65 0.02544 0.00135 0.00381 93 0.00695 0.55727 115.716 0.57842 0.85190
23S rRNA (guanine(2069)-N(7))-methyltransferase 0.02696 0.00240 0.02825 0.00088 0.00367 65 0.02607 0.00094 0.00319 93 0.00486 0.44823 140.992 0.65468 0.88943
23S rRNA (guanine(2445)-N(2))-methyltransferase 0.02696 0.00240 0.02825 0.00088 0.00367 65 0.02607 0.00094 0.00319 93 0.00486 0.44823 140.992 0.65468 0.88943
Phosphogluconate dehydratase 0.02683 0.00287 0.02525 0.00120 0.00429 65 0.02794 0.00139 0.00386 93 0.00578 -0.46549 143.942 0.64228 0.88744
Glutathione synthase 0.02683 0.00231 0.02570 0.00088 0.00368 65 0.02761 0.00082 0.00298 93 0.00473 -0.40464 134.996 0.68638 0.90745
Gamma-glutamyl hercynylcysteine S-oxide hydrolase 0.02681 0.00228 0.02657 0.00077 0.00345 65 0.02699 0.00086 0.00305 93 0.00460 -0.09100 142.446 0.92762 0.98985
GDP-L-fucose synthase 0.02679 0.00236 0.02146 0.00061 0.00306 65 0.03051 0.00105 0.00336 93 0.00454 -1.99244 154.791 0.04808 0.69870
tRNA (5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferase 0.02679 0.00266 0.02758 0.00106 0.00404 65 0.02623 0.00118 0.00356 93 0.00538 0.25082 142.300 0.80231 0.94263
Adenylyl-sulfate kinase 0.02663 0.00280 0.02035 0.00077 0.00345 65 0.03103 0.00154 0.00406 93 0.00533 -2.00392 155.956 0.04681 0.69348
Superoxide reductase 0.02662 0.00255 0.02852 0.00124 0.00436 65 0.02530 0.00088 0.00308 93 0.00534 0.60368 122.625 0.54717 0.84303
Lactaldehyde reductase 0.02657 0.00347 0.03467 0.00314 0.00695 65 0.02091 0.00098 0.00325 93 0.00767 1.79273 91.924 0.07631 0.70632
Sialate O-acetylesterase 0.02640 0.00278 0.02083 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.03030 0.00162 0.00418 93 0.00519 -1.82655 153.733 0.06971 0.70632
(S)-2-haloacid dehalogenase 0.02639 0.00208 0.02101 0.00074 0.00337 65 0.03014 0.00062 0.00259 93 0.00425 -2.14897 130.105 0.03349 0.67652
2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) 0.02626 0.00273 0.02512 0.00106 0.00404 65 0.02705 0.00127 0.00370 93 0.00548 -0.35184 145.233 0.72547 0.92120
Glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase 0.02601 0.00250 0.02367 0.00075 0.00339 65 0.02764 0.00116 0.00352 93 0.00489 -0.81248 152.832 0.41778 0.76408
Fructan beta-fructosidase 0.02576 0.00199 0.02288 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.02776 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00388 -1.25928 153.382 0.20984 0.70632
2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase 0.02564 0.00233 0.02681 0.00114 0.00418 65 0.02482 0.00067 0.00268 93 0.00497 0.40114 113.941 0.68907 0.90847
D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase 0.02546 0.00197 0.02149 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.02824 0.00072 0.00278 93 0.00380 -1.77709 154.280 0.07752 0.70632
Type III site-specific deoxyribonuclease 0.02538 0.00254 0.02669 0.00091 0.00373 65 0.02446 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00508 0.43812 145.784 0.66195 0.88968
Methionine gamma-lyase 0.02515 0.00190 0.02695 0.00080 0.00352 65 0.02389 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00410 0.74670 108.357 0.45686 0.78637
Prolyl oligopeptidase 0.02514 0.00197 0.02332 0.00048 0.00271 65 0.02641 0.00071 0.00277 93 0.00387 -0.79776 152.201 0.42625 0.76494
3-dehydro-L-gulonate-6-phosphate decarboxylase 0.02511 0.00214 0.02756 0.00096 0.00383 65 0.02339 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00456 0.91387 114.459 0.36271 0.72448
tRNA(1)(Val) (adenine(37)-N(6))-methyltransferase 0.02496 0.00217 0.02419 0.00066 0.00318 65 0.02549 0.00081 0.00296 93 0.00434 -0.30050 146.429 0.76422 0.93350
Cytosine deaminase 0.02493 0.00240 0.02381 0.00089 0.00370 65 0.02572 0.00093 0.00316 93 0.00486 -0.39258 139.549 0.69523 0.91004
Gluconate 5-dehydrogenase 0.02492 0.00248 0.02652 0.00140 0.00465 65 0.02380 0.00068 0.00271 93 0.00538 0.50494 106.482 0.61465 0.87323
Quinol–cytochrome-c reductase 0.02482 0.00223 0.02323 0.00083 0.00358 65 0.02594 0.00076 0.00287 93 0.00458 -0.59168 134.054 0.55506 0.84600
L(+)-tartrate dehydratase 0.02477 0.00289 0.02726 0.00191 0.00542 65 0.02304 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00627 0.67341 105.993 0.50215 0.81035
tRNA (cytidine(32)/uridine(32)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.02465 0.00216 0.02618 0.00074 0.00337 65 0.02358 0.00074 0.00282 93 0.00440 0.59164 138.028 0.55506 0.84600
tRNA (uracil(54)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.02464 0.00197 0.02547 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.02407 0.00062 0.00257 93 0.00401 0.34951 138.087 0.72724 0.92120
AMP nucleosidase 0.02449 0.00233 0.02219 0.00087 0.00366 65 0.02609 0.00085 0.00302 93 0.00475 -0.82145 136.661 0.41282 0.76224
Chloride peroxidase 0.02441 0.00313 0.02271 0.00157 0.00491 65 0.02560 0.00155 0.00409 93 0.00639 -0.45310 137.550 0.65119 0.88943
Exodeoxyribonuclease I 0.02426 0.00217 0.02548 0.00078 0.00346 65 0.02342 0.00072 0.00279 93 0.00445 0.46306 134.650 0.64407 0.88749
Methylisocitrate lyase 0.02422 0.00225 0.02357 0.00084 0.00360 65 0.02467 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00462 -0.23879 134.295 0.81163 0.94519
tRNA pseudouridine(13) synthase 0.02416 0.00218 0.02550 0.00073 0.00335 65 0.02322 0.00077 0.00287 93 0.00441 0.51623 140.001 0.60651 0.86933
Methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase 0.02411 0.00181 0.02039 0.00049 0.00273 65 0.02671 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00362 -1.74549 141.344 0.08307 0.70632
Diglucosyl diacylglycerol synthase (1,2-linking) 0.02410 0.00204 0.02657 0.00068 0.00322 65 0.02237 0.00065 0.00264 93 0.00417 1.00913 136.066 0.31470 0.70632
Arginine N-succinyltransferase 0.02401 0.00324 0.02496 0.00173 0.00516 65 0.02334 0.00163 0.00419 93 0.00665 0.24341 135.182 0.80806 0.94429
Carboxypeptidase Taq 0.02391 0.00233 0.02724 0.00137 0.00460 65 0.02159 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00514 1.09870 95.841 0.27465 0.70632
Precorrin-6B C(5,15)-methyltransferase (decarboxylating) 0.02389 0.00232 0.02331 0.00125 0.00439 65 0.02429 0.00058 0.00249 93 0.00504 -0.19612 104.402 0.84489 0.95939
Vanillate monooxygenase 0.02383 0.00334 0.02225 0.00175 0.00519 65 0.02493 0.00178 0.00438 93 0.00679 -0.39493 138.575 0.69350 0.90946
5’ to 3’ exodeoxyribonuclease (nucleoside 3’-phosphate-forming) 0.02381 0.00214 0.02655 0.00099 0.00390 65 0.02191 0.00054 0.00240 93 0.00458 1.01361 110.803 0.31298 0.70632
Arginyltransferase 0.02375 0.00232 0.02218 0.00091 0.00375 65 0.02485 0.00081 0.00295 93 0.00477 -0.55872 132.518 0.57729 0.85190
Coniferyl-aldehyde dehydrogenase 0.02369 0.00257 0.02198 0.00097 0.00386 65 0.02489 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00517 -0.56442 143.108 0.57335 0.85190
4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin dehydratase 0.02366 0.00226 0.02050 0.00085 0.00361 65 0.02588 0.00077 0.00288 93 0.00462 -1.16340 133.778 0.24674 0.70632
Quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase (PQQ, quinone) 0.02343 0.00277 0.02234 0.00114 0.00418 65 0.02419 0.00128 0.00371 93 0.00559 -0.33155 142.960 0.74071 0.92600
3-oxoadipate enol-lactonase 0.02338 0.00262 0.02050 0.00097 0.00385 65 0.02540 0.00117 0.00354 93 0.00524 -0.93611 145.587 0.35077 0.72019
Chlorite O(2)-lyase 0.02331 0.00199 0.02087 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.02502 0.00063 0.00260 93 0.00403 -1.03019 138.410 0.30472 0.70632
Protein-glutamine glutaminase 0.02323 0.00217 0.02058 0.00072 0.00332 65 0.02508 0.00077 0.00287 93 0.00439 -1.02513 140.928 0.30706 0.70632
Diaminobutyrate–2-oxoglutarate transaminase 0.02313 0.00298 0.02194 0.00119 0.00428 65 0.02396 0.00157 0.00410 93 0.00593 -0.34086 148.512 0.73369 0.92120
Menaquinol oxidase (H(+)-transporting) 0.02301 0.00615 0.01290 0.00243 0.00611 65 0.03009 0.00840 0.00950 93 0.01130 -1.52151 147.537 0.13027 0.70632
Poly(glycerol-phosphate) alpha-glucosyltransferase 0.02294 0.00279 0.02410 0.00180 0.00527 65 0.02214 0.00085 0.00302 93 0.00607 0.32261 105.057 0.74763 0.92904
Hydroxypyruvate reductase 0.02280 0.00261 0.01784 0.00069 0.00327 65 0.02627 0.00132 0.00377 93 0.00499 -1.68690 155.774 0.09362 0.70632
16S rRNA (guanine(1516)-N(2))-methyltransferase 0.02262 0.00200 0.02435 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.02141 0.00062 0.00258 93 0.00409 0.71851 135.570 0.47368 0.79541
Rhomboid protease 0.02251 0.00302 0.02636 0.00229 0.00594 65 0.01982 0.00085 0.00303 93 0.00667 0.98141 97.072 0.32883 0.71151
Methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase 0.02236 0.00221 0.02095 0.00081 0.00354 65 0.02335 0.00075 0.00283 93 0.00453 -0.52848 133.974 0.59804 0.86297
2-methylcitrate synthase 0.02234 0.00223 0.02265 0.00082 0.00356 65 0.02212 0.00076 0.00286 93 0.00457 0.11549 134.460 0.90823 0.97756
Glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase 0.02233 0.00220 0.02610 0.00107 0.00405 65 0.01969 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00472 1.35710 108.545 0.17756 0.70632
Protein arginine kinase 0.02227 0.00210 0.02320 0.00091 0.00375 65 0.02161 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00447 0.35488 115.371 0.72333 0.92120
D-amino-acid transaminase 0.02226 0.00188 0.01995 0.00058 0.00299 65 0.02388 0.00054 0.00241 93 0.00384 -1.02569 134.632 0.30688 0.70632
3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate cycloisomerase 0.02224 0.00387 0.01986 0.00188 0.00537 65 0.02389 0.00273 0.00542 93 0.00763 -0.52839 151.463 0.59800 0.86297
Indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase 0.02216 0.00227 0.01899 0.00071 0.00330 65 0.02437 0.00089 0.00309 93 0.00452 -1.18946 146.878 0.23618 0.70632
Nitrite reductase (cytochrome; ammonia-forming) 0.02212 0.00221 0.02293 0.00071 0.00330 65 0.02155 0.00082 0.00297 93 0.00444 0.31122 144.124 0.75608 0.93065
LL-diaminopimelate aminotransferase 0.02205 0.00223 0.02204 0.00089 0.00370 65 0.02206 0.00072 0.00279 93 0.00463 -0.00448 128.550 0.99643 0.99921
Altronate dehydratase 0.02203 0.00182 0.02266 0.00066 0.00319 65 0.02159 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00385 0.27929 119.188 0.78051 0.93675
23S rRNA (cytidine(2498)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.02197 0.00207 0.02383 0.00071 0.00330 65 0.02066 0.00065 0.00265 93 0.00423 0.74760 134.302 0.45601 0.78637
Agmatinase 0.02177 0.00191 0.02072 0.00055 0.00291 65 0.02250 0.00060 0.00254 93 0.00386 -0.45846 141.330 0.64733 0.88762
Citrate CoA-transferase 0.02174 0.00215 0.02823 0.00112 0.00416 65 0.01720 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00466 2.36543 96.575 0.02001 0.64530
Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.02174 0.00225 0.01953 0.00082 0.00355 65 0.02328 0.00079 0.00291 93 0.00459 -0.81726 136.217 0.41521 0.76374
Hydroxyisourate hydrolase 0.02173 0.00251 0.01908 0.00082 0.00356 65 0.02358 0.00111 0.00346 93 0.00496 -0.90786 149.394 0.36542 0.72472
Mannosyl-glycoprotein endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase 0.02135 0.00236 0.02316 0.00145 0.00473 65 0.02008 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00525 0.58515 94.046 0.55985 0.85024
Leucine dehydrogenase 0.02111 0.00216 0.01874 0.00072 0.00334 65 0.02276 0.00074 0.00283 93 0.00438 -0.91927 139.085 0.35955 0.72286
Penicillin amidase 0.02094 0.00238 0.01913 0.00084 0.00361 65 0.02220 0.00094 0.00318 93 0.00481 -0.64002 142.377 0.52319 0.82182
Cytochrome-c peroxidase 0.02091 0.00202 0.02142 0.00062 0.00308 65 0.02056 0.00067 0.00268 93 0.00408 0.21144 141.301 0.83285 0.95544
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.02089 0.00315 0.02032 0.00141 0.00465 65 0.02129 0.00170 0.00427 93 0.00632 -0.15342 145.499 0.87828 0.96551
Formyl-CoA transferase 0.02089 0.00262 0.01791 0.00112 0.00415 65 0.02297 0.00106 0.00338 93 0.00536 -0.94512 135.471 0.34628 0.72019
Phenylacetate–CoA ligase 0.02086 0.00217 0.01644 0.00045 0.00264 65 0.02394 0.00093 0.00316 93 0.00412 -1.82042 155.999 0.07061 0.70632
Phosphoribosyl 1,2-cyclic phosphate phosphodiesterase 0.02057 0.00163 0.01634 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.02352 0.00050 0.00233 93 0.00310 -2.31436 155.519 0.02196 0.65070
Cephalosporin-C deacetylase 0.02047 0.00195 0.02031 0.00053 0.00286 65 0.02058 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00390 -0.07001 146.600 0.94428 0.99049
Stearoyl-CoA 9-desaturase 0.02042 0.00292 0.01839 0.00130 0.00446 65 0.02183 0.00140 0.00388 93 0.00591 -0.58081 141.121 0.56230 0.85024
Cystathionine gamma-lyase 0.02035 0.00217 0.01807 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.02195 0.00082 0.00296 93 0.00432 -0.89865 147.297 0.37031 0.73093
Lysine decarboxylase 0.02029 0.00173 0.01623 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.02313 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00327 -2.11193 155.975 0.03629 0.67652
Cobalt-precorrin-7 (C(5))-methyltransferase 0.02027 0.00226 0.02699 0.00122 0.00433 65 0.01558 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00489 2.33517 98.412 0.02157 0.65070
Glutamate carboxypeptidase 0.02012 0.00179 0.01699 0.00038 0.00240 65 0.02230 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00348 -1.52891 153.180 0.12835 0.70632
Cobalt-precorrin-6B (C(15))-methyltransferase (decarboxylating) 0.01999 0.00226 0.02690 0.00122 0.00433 65 0.01516 0.00047 0.00225 93 0.00488 2.40476 98.190 0.01806 0.64530
Alpha-mannosidase 0.01997 0.00180 0.02041 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.01966 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00378 0.19846 121.967 0.84302 0.95939
Maleylacetoacetate isomerase 0.01994 0.00214 0.01884 0.00076 0.00342 65 0.02072 0.00070 0.00275 93 0.00439 -0.42777 134.495 0.66950 0.89503
3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase 0.01992 0.00345 0.01671 0.00083 0.00356 65 0.02217 0.00262 0.00530 93 0.00639 -0.85519 149.907 0.39381 0.74598
Pyruvate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.01987 0.00225 0.01887 0.00075 0.00340 65 0.02057 0.00084 0.00301 93 0.00454 -0.37308 142.748 0.70964 0.91799
Tetrahydrodipicolinate N-acetyltransferase 0.01983 0.00197 0.01999 0.00088 0.00368 65 0.01973 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00426 0.06103 106.516 0.95145 0.99049
Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase 0.01932 0.00206 0.01828 0.00074 0.00337 65 0.02005 0.00063 0.00260 93 0.00426 -0.41560 130.764 0.67839 0.90139
D-serine ammonia-lyase 0.01931 0.00254 0.02336 0.00137 0.00459 65 0.01649 0.00077 0.00287 93 0.00542 1.26762 112.034 0.20756 0.70632
Gluconate 2-dehydrogenase 0.01920 0.00222 0.01886 0.00076 0.00342 65 0.01944 0.00081 0.00294 93 0.00451 -0.13010 140.457 0.89667 0.97163
Diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase 0.01918 0.00193 0.02115 0.00075 0.00340 65 0.01781 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00409 0.81827 117.342 0.41486 0.76374
Mannonate dehydratase 0.01896 0.00202 0.01902 0.00093 0.00378 65 0.01892 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00438 0.02327 106.832 0.98148 0.99457
Glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.01882 0.00164 0.01818 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.01926 0.00045 0.00221 93 0.00331 -0.32784 143.482 0.74351 0.92676
S-methyl-5’-thioadenosine phosphorylase 0.01881 0.00165 0.01878 0.00047 0.00269 65 0.01883 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00340 -0.01526 131.288 0.98784 0.99660
Nitrite reductase (NO-forming) 0.01870 0.00188 0.01902 0.00054 0.00289 65 0.01848 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00381 0.14150 140.256 0.88768 0.96887
Sucrose phosphorylase 0.01863 0.00168 0.01951 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.01802 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00362 0.41067 110.411 0.68211 0.90520
Beta-alanine–pyruvate transaminase 0.01856 0.00209 0.01737 0.00072 0.00332 65 0.01940 0.00067 0.00269 93 0.00428 -0.47566 135.143 0.63509 0.88317
2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase 0.01840 0.00186 0.01530 0.00044 0.00260 65 0.02057 0.00061 0.00257 93 0.00365 -1.44052 150.191 0.15180 0.70632
Gluconate 2-dehydrogenase (acceptor) 0.01837 0.00387 0.01667 0.00178 0.00523 65 0.01956 0.00280 0.00549 93 0.00758 -0.38084 153.231 0.70385 0.91393
Mannitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase 0.01830 0.00190 0.01908 0.00082 0.00356 65 0.01776 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00412 0.32078 106.234 0.74901 0.92904
2-(1,2-epoxy-1,2-dihydrophenyl)acetyl-CoA isomerase 0.01828 0.00213 0.01281 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.02210 0.00095 0.00320 93 0.00392 -2.37032 152.500 0.01902 0.64530
RNA ligase (ATP) 0.01826 0.00175 0.01651 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.01949 0.00052 0.00236 93 0.00352 -0.84488 144.222 0.39958 0.75019
Poly(beta-D-mannuronate) lyase 0.01821 0.00284 0.01896 0.00141 0.00465 65 0.01768 0.00120 0.00359 93 0.00588 0.21804 130.727 0.82774 0.95262
Sulfur carrier protein ThiS adenylyltransferase 0.01811 0.00198 0.02359 0.00093 0.00378 65 0.01427 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00428 2.17766 99.218 0.03180 0.67652
tRNA pseudouridine(65) synthase 0.01802 0.00196 0.01917 0.00076 0.00343 65 0.01721 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00414 0.47307 118.850 0.63703 0.88482
Nickel-transporting ATPase 0.01796 0.00349 0.02391 0.00309 0.00689 65 0.01380 0.00108 0.00341 93 0.00769 1.31407 95.231 0.19198 0.70632
Maltose alpha-D-glucosyltransferase 0.01795 0.00246 0.01735 0.00087 0.00365 65 0.01837 0.00103 0.00333 93 0.00494 -0.20680 145.078 0.83645 0.95674
Adenine deaminase 0.01790 0.00227 0.01532 0.00084 0.00360 65 0.01971 0.00080 0.00292 93 0.00464 -0.94504 135.332 0.34632 0.72019
Diglucosyl diacylglycerol synthase (1,6-linking) 0.01790 0.00170 0.01864 0.00061 0.00306 65 0.01739 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00364 0.34495 114.293 0.73076 0.92120
Arylsulfatase 0.01780 0.00203 0.01321 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.02100 0.00097 0.00324 93 0.00359 -2.17011 129.410 0.03182 0.67652
Fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase 0.01765 0.00250 0.02001 0.00144 0.00471 65 0.01600 0.00067 0.00269 93 0.00542 0.73972 104.693 0.46113 0.78637
Phosphoketolase 0.01765 0.00250 0.02001 0.00144 0.00471 65 0.01600 0.00067 0.00269 93 0.00542 0.73972 104.693 0.46113 0.78637
Alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase 0.01730 0.00338 0.00886 0.00060 0.00304 65 0.02320 0.00257 0.00525 93 0.00607 -2.36179 141.233 0.01955 0.64530
Acyl-homoserine-lactone acylase 0.01727 0.00298 0.01699 0.00113 0.00416 65 0.01747 0.00161 0.00416 93 0.00588 -0.08192 150.933 0.93482 0.98985
Beta-phosphoglucomutase 0.01710 0.00256 0.02170 0.00161 0.00498 65 0.01388 0.00062 0.00258 93 0.00561 1.39321 97.906 0.16671 0.70632
Acetoacetyl-CoA reductase 0.01700 0.00273 0.01500 0.00128 0.00444 65 0.01840 0.00112 0.00347 93 0.00563 -0.60302 131.864 0.54753 0.84303
UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase 0.01693 0.00171 0.01515 0.00044 0.00262 65 0.01818 0.00047 0.00225 93 0.00345 -0.87991 140.367 0.38041 0.73587
Phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase 0.01684 0.00198 0.01617 0.00069 0.00326 65 0.01730 0.00057 0.00249 93 0.00410 -0.27568 129.727 0.78323 0.93675
4-phosphoerythronate dehydrogenase 0.01673 0.00162 0.01678 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.01670 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00327 0.02388 141.551 0.98098 0.99457
Lactocepin 0.01671 0.00148 0.01714 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.01640 0.00032 0.00184 93 0.00308 0.24125 127.855 0.80975 0.94519
Glycerone kinase 0.01663 0.00159 0.01428 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.01828 0.00047 0.00225 93 0.00311 -1.28626 153.121 0.20029 0.70632
Diphosphate–fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase 0.01642 0.00167 0.01440 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.01784 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00324 -1.06178 154.727 0.28999 0.70632
Phospholipase A(1) 0.01640 0.00178 0.01547 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.01705 0.00056 0.00245 93 0.00355 -0.44518 147.959 0.65684 0.88943
Phospholipase A(2) 0.01640 0.00178 0.01547 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.01705 0.00056 0.00245 93 0.00355 -0.44518 147.959 0.65684 0.88943
5-dehydro-4-deoxyglucarate dehydratase 0.01631 0.00287 0.01461 0.00098 0.00388 65 0.01750 0.00153 0.00405 93 0.00562 -0.51481 153.043 0.60743 0.86999
[Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+))] kinase 0.01625 0.00183 0.01735 0.00063 0.00311 65 0.01549 0.00046 0.00223 93 0.00383 0.48781 123.873 0.62654 0.88183
Nitric-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) 0.01621 0.00167 0.01594 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.01640 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00345 -0.13192 131.694 0.89525 0.97163
L-iditol 2-dehydrogenase 0.01615 0.00203 0.01418 0.00068 0.00323 65 0.01752 0.00063 0.00261 93 0.00416 -0.80258 134.700 0.42363 0.76494
Chorismate lyase 0.01607 0.00174 0.01789 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.01479 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00359 0.86345 131.085 0.38947 0.74308
Rubredoxin–NAD(+) reductase 0.01606 0.00212 0.01771 0.00078 0.00347 65 0.01491 0.00066 0.00267 93 0.00438 0.63907 130.508 0.52390 0.82182
Cellulase 0.01605 0.00165 0.01137 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.01932 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00318 -2.50220 153.184 0.01339 0.64530
Ribitol-5-phosphate 2-dehydrogenase 0.01603 0.00168 0.01351 0.00029 0.00213 65 0.01780 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00323 -1.32629 155.635 0.18669 0.70632
Catalase peroxidase 0.01599 0.00179 0.01444 0.00053 0.00286 65 0.01707 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00367 -0.71719 134.464 0.47450 0.79541
Acireductone dioxygenase (Fe(2+)-requiring) 0.01598 0.00195 0.01578 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.01612 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00401 -0.08516 133.462 0.93226 0.98985
Acireductone dioxygenase (Ni(2+)-requiring) 0.01598 0.00195 0.01578 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.01612 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00401 -0.08516 133.462 0.93226 0.98985
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) 0.01587 0.00161 0.01454 0.00036 0.00237 65 0.01681 0.00044 0.00219 93 0.00322 -0.70507 145.919 0.48189 0.79962
5’-deoxynucleotidase 0.01581 0.00156 0.01819 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.01414 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00329 1.22845 115.899 0.22177 0.70632
Starch synthase (maltosyl-transferring) 0.01578 0.00196 0.01613 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.01554 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00401 0.14891 137.058 0.88184 0.96591
D-aspartate ligase 0.01560 0.00286 0.01663 0.00126 0.00440 65 0.01488 0.00133 0.00378 93 0.00580 0.30188 140.327 0.76319 0.93350
Methylaspartate mutase 0.01560 0.00341 0.02297 0.00306 0.00686 65 0.01045 0.00095 0.00320 93 0.00757 1.65493 91.772 0.10135 0.70632
Succinylglutamate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.01559 0.00205 0.01570 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.01552 0.00069 0.00273 93 0.00415 0.04466 141.713 0.96444 0.99193
Chitinase 0.01549 0.00271 0.01376 0.00114 0.00418 65 0.01669 0.00118 0.00356 93 0.00549 -0.53400 139.474 0.59419 0.86154
CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase 0.01538 0.00175 0.01608 0.00050 0.00279 65 0.01489 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00359 0.33321 135.447 0.73949 0.92595
Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue (2-methylpropanoyl)transferase 0.01530 0.00193 0.01144 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.01800 0.00071 0.00277 93 0.00371 -1.76778 155.344 0.07906 0.70632
Nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 0.01530 0.00159 0.01698 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.01413 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00328 0.86901 129.896 0.38644 0.73961
15-cis-phytoene synthase 0.01528 0.00162 0.01156 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.01787 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00309 -2.04362 155.800 0.04268 0.69348
Ribonuclease T(2) 0.01525 0.00153 0.01277 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.01698 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00298 -1.41408 152.906 0.15937 0.70632
Dihydropyrimidinase 0.01515 0.00168 0.01233 0.00037 0.00238 65 0.01712 0.00050 0.00231 93 0.00331 -1.44551 149.223 0.15041 0.70632
Rhamnulokinase 0.01505 0.00174 0.01688 0.00078 0.00347 65 0.01377 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00386 0.80552 94.476 0.42254 0.76494
Teichoic-acid-transporting ATPase 0.01504 0.00237 0.01761 0.00121 0.00432 65 0.01325 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00507 0.85940 110.697 0.39198 0.74318
Alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase (UDP-forming) 0.01502 0.00173 0.01139 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.01756 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00338 -1.82225 150.702 0.07040 0.70632
Propionate–CoA ligase 0.01498 0.00195 0.01270 0.00052 0.00282 65 0.01657 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00388 -0.99944 147.412 0.31922 0.70632
Monoamine oxidase 0.01497 0.00205 0.01242 0.00054 0.00289 65 0.01676 0.00075 0.00284 93 0.00405 -1.07178 149.834 0.28554 0.70632
23S rRNA (uracil(747)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.01488 0.00160 0.01644 0.00045 0.00262 65 0.01378 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00330 0.80748 129.650 0.42087 0.76494
Benzoate 1,2-dioxygenase 0.01483 0.00236 0.01652 0.00117 0.00424 65 0.01364 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00504 0.57127 113.856 0.56894 0.85024
Lysozyme 0.01482 0.00174 0.01463 0.00052 0.00282 65 0.01494 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00358 -0.08681 131.632 0.93096 0.98985
Octanoyl-[GcvH]:protein N-octanoyltransferase 0.01479 0.00183 0.01369 0.00070 0.00328 65 0.01555 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00390 -0.47573 114.239 0.63517 0.88317
Arsenite-transporting ATPase 0.01477 0.00322 0.02022 0.00264 0.00637 65 0.01095 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00711 1.30485 95.089 0.19509 0.70632
Thiosulfate dehydrogenase 0.01461 0.00203 0.01376 0.00056 0.00294 65 0.01521 0.00072 0.00278 93 0.00405 -0.35781 147.572 0.72100 0.92120
Glyoxylate reductase 0.01456 0.00143 0.01214 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01625 0.00033 0.00187 93 0.00287 -1.43087 140.473 0.15469 0.70632
Exoribonuclease II 0.01451 0.00170 0.01450 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.01452 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00341 -0.00457 144.817 0.99636 0.99921
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine kinase 0.01447 0.00155 0.01345 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.01518 0.00047 0.00224 93 0.00300 -0.57680 155.289 0.56491 0.85024
Trehalose-phosphatase 0.01438 0.00165 0.01093 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.01679 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00326 -1.79471 146.410 0.07476 0.70632
Tryptophanase 0.01437 0.00208 0.01912 0.00105 0.00401 65 0.01105 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00453 1.77973 98.858 0.07819 0.70632
Levansucrase 0.01436 0.00304 0.01601 0.00210 0.00569 65 0.01321 0.00103 0.00333 93 0.00659 0.42455 106.600 0.67202 0.89609
2-methylcitrate dehydratase 0.01427 0.00181 0.01325 0.00053 0.00286 65 0.01498 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00370 -0.46872 135.767 0.64002 0.88568
Maltose phosphorylase 0.01419 0.00245 0.01767 0.00147 0.00476 65 0.01175 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00538 1.09928 98.970 0.27431 0.70632
Cystathionine beta-synthase 0.01417 0.00158 0.01269 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.01520 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00315 -0.79793 146.761 0.42620 0.76494
Nitrogenase 0.01413 0.00252 0.01927 0.00164 0.00503 65 0.01055 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00557 1.56544 92.927 0.12088 0.70632
Citrate lyase holo-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase 0.01406 0.00241 0.02008 0.00146 0.00475 65 0.00985 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00528 1.93752 94.481 0.05567 0.70632
Glucarate dehydratase 0.01403 0.00200 0.01343 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.01444 0.00065 0.00265 93 0.00406 -0.25044 140.530 0.80261 0.94263
Mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase 0.01403 0.00179 0.01107 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01609 0.00070 0.00274 93 0.00329 -1.52183 149.741 0.13016 0.70632
Acetyl-S-ACP:malonate ACP transferase 0.01402 0.00184 0.01446 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.01371 0.00053 0.00240 93 0.00376 0.19833 137.032 0.84308 0.95939
Trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (NAD(+)) 0.01401 0.00167 0.01471 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.01352 0.00046 0.00221 93 0.00338 0.35292 141.033 0.72468 0.92120
Micrococcal nuclease 0.01400 0.00193 0.01134 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.01586 0.00077 0.00287 93 0.00364 -1.24108 155.338 0.21645 0.70632
(2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl)adenylate synthase 0.01394 0.00175 0.01315 0.00053 0.00286 65 0.01448 0.00045 0.00221 93 0.00361 -0.36765 130.673 0.71373 0.92057
N-succinylarginine dihydrolase 0.01392 0.00167 0.01431 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.01364 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00343 0.19548 134.910 0.84531 0.95939
Glycine reductase 0.01390 0.00189 0.01791 0.00094 0.00380 65 0.01109 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00420 1.62578 92.224 0.10741 0.70632
4-hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase 0.01382 0.00181 0.01210 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.01502 0.00059 0.00251 93 0.00357 -0.81752 150.138 0.41492 0.76374
Beta-glucuronidase 0.01378 0.00153 0.01461 0.00042 0.00253 65 0.01321 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00318 0.43892 129.111 0.66145 0.88968
NAD(P)(+) transhydrogenase (Si-specific) 0.01378 0.00164 0.01413 0.00044 0.00259 65 0.01354 0.00042 0.00212 93 0.00335 0.17623 136.016 0.86038 0.96186
Dipeptidyl-peptidase III 0.01375 0.00159 0.01183 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.01509 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00307 -1.06082 155.494 0.29042 0.70632
Carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase (ferredoxin) 0.01373 0.00168 0.01634 0.00066 0.00318 65 0.01190 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00364 1.21908 103.257 0.22559 0.70632
Butyrate kinase 0.01372 0.00154 0.01188 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.01501 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00303 -1.03248 151.428 0.30349 0.70632
Phosphate butyryltransferase 0.01369 0.00153 0.01214 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.01477 0.00043 0.00214 93 0.00301 -0.87365 151.384 0.38369 0.73873
Isochorismatase 0.01368 0.00182 0.01256 0.00052 0.00283 65 0.01446 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00370 -0.51345 138.221 0.60845 0.87028
N-acetylglucosamine kinase 0.01368 0.00168 0.01412 0.00045 0.00262 65 0.01337 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00342 0.21824 138.176 0.82756 0.95262
Glutamate synthase (ferredoxin) 0.01363 0.00141 0.01183 0.00027 0.00206 65 0.01490 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00281 -1.09004 146.731 0.27748 0.70632
N-acetylneuraminate synthase 0.01356 0.00156 0.01376 0.00047 0.00268 65 0.01342 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00328 0.10363 122.300 0.91763 0.98197
Geranoyl-CoA carboxylase 0.01352 0.00218 0.01139 0.00057 0.00297 65 0.01501 0.00087 0.00306 93 0.00427 -0.84749 152.512 0.39805 0.74887
5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate Delta-isomerase 0.01346 0.00222 0.00940 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.01630 0.00102 0.00332 93 0.00415 -1.66354 154.414 0.09823 0.70632
Inositol-3-phosphate synthase 0.01342 0.00134 0.01195 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01445 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00267 -0.93602 148.391 0.35079 0.72019
2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate dehydrogenase 0.01332 0.00175 0.01250 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.01390 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00360 -0.38929 132.032 0.69769 0.91007
L-arabinose isomerase 0.01332 0.00188 0.01450 0.00072 0.00332 65 0.01250 0.00045 0.00221 93 0.00399 0.50159 117.091 0.61689 0.87407
FMN reductase (NAD(P)H) 0.01328 0.00157 0.01240 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.01390 0.00045 0.00221 93 0.00308 -0.48477 152.191 0.62854 0.88303
Xylose isomerase 0.01328 0.00128 0.01153 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.01450 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00261 -1.13538 134.910 0.25823 0.70632
Ureidoglycolate lyase 0.01317 0.00174 0.01191 0.00047 0.00270 65 0.01405 0.00049 0.00228 93 0.00353 -0.60630 139.009 0.54530 0.84290
5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole synthase 0.01305 0.00167 0.01191 0.00041 0.00253 65 0.01385 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00336 -0.57518 142.116 0.56608 0.85024
Beta-lysine 5,6-aminomutase 0.01301 0.00308 0.02057 0.00281 0.00657 65 0.00773 0.00054 0.00240 93 0.00700 1.83488 81.277 0.07018 0.70632
Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.01301 0.00171 0.01302 0.00045 0.00263 65 0.01301 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00347 0.00218 140.105 0.99827 0.99921
D-chiro-inositol 1-dehydrogenase 0.01300 0.00208 0.01003 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.01508 0.00088 0.00307 93 0.00396 -1.27501 155.896 0.20420 0.70632
Inositol 2-dehydrogenase 0.01300 0.00208 0.01003 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.01508 0.00088 0.00307 93 0.00396 -1.27501 155.896 0.20420 0.70632
Polyphosphate–glucose phosphotransferase 0.01298 0.00158 0.01328 0.00036 0.00237 65 0.01277 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00318 0.15854 143.850 0.87425 0.96378
Molybdopterin adenylyltransferase 0.01297 0.00153 0.01234 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.01340 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00299 -0.35356 153.315 0.72416 0.92120
Catechol 1,2-dioxygenase 0.01285 0.00162 0.01225 0.00048 0.00273 65 0.01327 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00338 -0.30044 125.648 0.76434 0.93350
ATP adenylyltransferase 0.01277 0.00140 0.01310 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.01254 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00290 0.19303 131.450 0.84724 0.95939
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.01277 0.00196 0.01676 0.00095 0.00383 65 0.00998 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00430 1.57742 97.077 0.11795 0.70632
Deoxyribonuclease I 0.01274 0.00197 0.01528 0.00081 0.00352 65 0.01096 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00419 1.02928 114.456 0.30552 0.70632
Dihydrouracil dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.01271 0.00187 0.01188 0.00072 0.00332 65 0.01330 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00397 -0.35589 116.520 0.72256 0.92120
5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucuronate isomerase 0.01271 0.00170 0.01368 0.00075 0.00340 65 0.01203 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00378 0.43748 94.375 0.66276 0.88968
Beta-ketodecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 0.01260 0.00164 0.01292 0.00046 0.00265 65 0.01238 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00337 0.15940 132.489 0.87360 0.96378
Dodecenoyl-CoA isomerase 0.01256 0.00160 0.01332 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.01203 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00327 0.39490 134.774 0.69354 0.90946
3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid kinase 0.01256 0.00165 0.01352 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.01188 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00340 0.48232 133.291 0.63037 0.88317
Phospholipase C 0.01253 0.00174 0.01094 0.00047 0.00269 65 0.01364 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00354 -0.76376 139.476 0.44630 0.77823
Type II site-specific deoxyribonuclease 0.01252 0.00234 0.00944 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.01467 0.00133 0.00379 93 0.00415 -1.26058 125.210 0.20980 0.70632
Succinylglutamate desuccinylase 0.01246 0.00161 0.01310 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.01202 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00330 0.32639 134.395 0.74464 0.92762
Precorrin-3B synthase 0.01245 0.00183 0.01185 0.00052 0.00282 65 0.01288 0.00055 0.00242 93 0.00372 -0.27657 140.314 0.78252 0.93675
Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase 0.01241 0.00165 0.00950 0.00038 0.00241 65 0.01445 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00328 -1.51222 145.462 0.13265 0.70632
(1->4)-alpha-D-glucan 1-alpha-D-glucosylmutase 0.01241 0.00159 0.01172 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.01290 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00327 -0.36153 133.688 0.71827 0.92120
Kynureninase 0.01236 0.00166 0.01020 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.01387 0.00044 0.00216 93 0.00336 -1.08962 138.353 0.27777 0.70632
[Citrate (pro-3S)-lyase] ligase 0.01230 0.00193 0.01798 0.00102 0.00395 65 0.00833 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00429 2.24846 86.859 0.02708 0.67652
Malonate decarboxylase holo-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase 0.01229 0.00166 0.01290 0.00047 0.00270 65 0.01186 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00342 0.30475 131.553 0.76104 0.93350
4-alpha-D-((1->4)-alpha-D-glucano)trehalose trehalohydrolase 0.01226 0.00157 0.01151 0.00043 0.00256 65 0.01279 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00325 -0.39440 131.524 0.69393 0.90946
Glucose-1-phosphatase 0.01225 0.00140 0.01278 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.01188 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00285 0.31522 137.209 0.75307 0.92944
Gluconolactonase 0.01221 0.00172 0.00769 0.00023 0.00186 65 0.01537 0.00061 0.00257 93 0.00317 -2.41875 153.264 0.01675 0.64530
L-threonine kinase 0.01221 0.00146 0.01369 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.01118 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00311 0.80886 115.037 0.42026 0.76494
Haloacetate dehalogenase 0.01212 0.00132 0.01131 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.01269 0.00028 0.00172 93 0.00269 -0.51190 137.851 0.60954 0.87124
Alpha-D-xyloside xylohydrolase 0.01203 0.00187 0.00862 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.01441 0.00077 0.00289 93 0.00342 -1.69104 147.208 0.09295 0.70632
Phenylacetyl-CoA 1,2-epoxidase 0.01200 0.00160 0.01041 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01311 0.00048 0.00226 93 0.00314 -0.86171 152.861 0.39020 0.74318
N-methylhydantoinase (ATP-hydrolyzing) 0.01199 0.00224 0.00833 0.00035 0.00230 65 0.01454 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00414 -1.49834 149.754 0.13615 0.70632
4-hydroxy-2-oxoheptanedioate aldolase 0.01198 0.00180 0.00732 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01524 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00323 -2.45032 140.045 0.01551 0.64530
3-oxoadipyl-CoA thiolase 0.01195 0.00192 0.01226 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.01173 0.00062 0.00258 93 0.00388 0.13792 142.982 0.89050 0.96887
Ferredoxin–NAD(+) reductase 0.01189 0.00156 0.00677 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.01547 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00279 -3.11780 144.788 0.00220 0.62334
D-malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) 0.01186 0.00207 0.00719 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01513 0.00099 0.00327 93 0.00371 -2.14118 136.786 0.03403 0.67652
Tartrate decarboxylase 0.01186 0.00207 0.00719 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01513 0.00099 0.00327 93 0.00371 -2.14118 136.786 0.03403 0.67652
Tartrate dehydrogenase 0.01186 0.00207 0.00719 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01513 0.00099 0.00327 93 0.00371 -2.14118 136.786 0.03403 0.67652
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase 0.01178 0.00162 0.01268 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.01115 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00335 0.45690 129.934 0.64851 0.88803
N-acylglucosamine 2-epimerase 0.01173 0.00128 0.00971 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.01314 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00240 -1.42812 153.740 0.15529 0.70632
Galactarate dehydratase 0.01173 0.00161 0.01097 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.01226 0.00043 0.00216 93 0.00325 -0.39592 142.729 0.69276 0.90946
Glucuronate isomerase 0.01172 0.00146 0.01060 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.01250 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00304 -0.62519 127.005 0.53297 0.83089
N-hydroxyarylamine O-acetyltransferase 0.01160 0.00171 0.00907 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.01337 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00336 -1.28054 151.377 0.20231 0.70632
Xenobiotic-transporting ATPase 0.01158 0.00192 0.01022 0.00067 0.00322 65 0.01254 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00400 -0.58083 126.724 0.56238 0.85024
Acyl-CoA 6-desaturase 0.01154 0.00175 0.00957 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01292 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00336 -0.99982 155.940 0.31894 0.70632
Nitrilase 0.01144 0.00139 0.00999 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01245 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00270 -0.91048 154.492 0.36399 0.72472
Pyrroloquinoline-quinone synthase 0.01142 0.00160 0.01160 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.01129 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00330 0.09273 131.366 0.92626 0.98985
Erythrose-4-phosphate dehydrogenase 0.01135 0.00154 0.01206 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.01085 0.00037 0.00198 93 0.00317 0.38363 134.328 0.70186 0.91306
Ferredoxin–nitrite reductase 0.01119 0.00127 0.01157 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.01092 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00264 0.24878 129.448 0.80393 0.94350
Formaldehyde dehydrogenase 0.01101 0.00193 0.01194 0.00059 0.00302 65 0.01036 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00393 0.40261 137.676 0.68786 0.90827
Beta-mannosidase 0.01099 0.00150 0.00860 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01266 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00303 -1.34303 141.595 0.18141 0.70632
Cellulose synthase (UDP-forming) 0.01095 0.00146 0.01023 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.01144 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00284 -0.42608 154.431 0.67064 0.89503
1,4-beta-mannosyl-N-acetylglucosamine phosphorylase 0.01094 0.00121 0.00893 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.01235 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00228 -1.49604 155.178 0.13667 0.70632
Beta-1,4-mannooligosaccharide phosphorylase 0.01094 0.00121 0.00893 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.01235 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00228 -1.49604 155.178 0.13667 0.70632
tRNA (adenine(57)-N(1)/adenine(58)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.01094 0.00131 0.01144 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.01059 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00271 0.31402 129.035 0.75402 0.92944
tRNA (adenine(58)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.01094 0.00131 0.01144 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.01059 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00271 0.31402 129.035 0.75402 0.92944
Trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) 0.01092 0.00205 0.00856 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.01256 0.00084 0.00301 93 0.00390 -1.02480 155.984 0.30704 0.70632
Propanal dehydrogenase (CoA-propanoylating) 0.01090 0.00118 0.01235 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.00989 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00249 0.98445 116.191 0.32694 0.71125
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase 0.01088 0.00158 0.00903 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.01217 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00319 -0.98183 139.455 0.32788 0.71151
Thymidylate synthase (FAD) 0.01084 0.00152 0.01021 0.00032 0.00220 65 0.01127 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00303 -0.34867 147.403 0.72784 0.92120
Alkane 1-monooxygenase 0.01082 0.00224 0.00795 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01282 0.00119 0.00357 93 0.00402 -1.21284 133.431 0.22734 0.70632
Hyaluronoglucosaminidase 0.01079 0.00172 0.01092 0.00077 0.00344 65 0.01069 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00382 0.05922 94.471 0.95290 0.99049
Ribosylnicotinamide kinase 0.01070 0.00135 0.01291 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.00917 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00282 1.32434 123.216 0.18784 0.70632
6,7-dihydropteridine reductase 0.01068 0.00124 0.01165 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.01000 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00255 0.64467 134.309 0.52024 0.82181
Ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase 0.01065 0.00123 0.01033 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.01088 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00253 -0.21891 135.669 0.82705 0.95262
Adenosine kinase 0.01065 0.00155 0.00902 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01180 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00310 -0.89518 146.202 0.37216 0.73139
Diacylglycerol diphosphate phosphatase 0.01065 0.00134 0.01097 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.01042 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00269 0.20345 144.349 0.83907 0.95674
Phosphatidate phosphatase 0.01065 0.00134 0.01097 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.01042 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00269 0.20345 144.349 0.83907 0.95674
Lysine 2,3-aminomutase 0.01064 0.00174 0.01224 0.00073 0.00336 65 0.00952 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00381 0.71546 99.889 0.47599 0.79541
Tartronate-semialdehyde synthase 0.01064 0.00174 0.01043 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.01079 0.00050 0.00231 93 0.00352 -0.10349 141.239 0.91772 0.98197
DNA oxidative demethylase 0.01059 0.00137 0.00851 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01204 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00264 -1.33781 155.294 0.18291 0.70632
Quinate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.01055 0.00166 0.01001 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01092 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00327 -0.27838 152.393 0.78110 0.93675
D-lactate dehydratase 0.01049 0.00153 0.00886 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.01163 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00305 -0.90972 147.178 0.36446 0.72472
4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thioesterase 0.01040 0.00149 0.01032 0.00038 0.00241 65 0.01046 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00307 -0.04784 132.804 0.96191 0.99193
Trans-aconitate 2-methyltransferase 0.01037 0.00136 0.00960 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.01091 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00278 -0.46906 137.013 0.63977 0.88568
Non-reducing end alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase 0.01034 0.00170 0.00587 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.01346 0.00068 0.00271 93 0.00300 -2.53146 128.565 0.01256 0.64530
Cardiolipin synthase (CMP-forming) 0.01025 0.00123 0.00687 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.01262 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00225 -2.55854 151.156 0.01149 0.64530
Mannitol 2-dehydrogenase 0.01024 0.00173 0.00905 0.00038 0.00241 65 0.01108 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00342 -0.59310 151.462 0.55400 0.84560
8-oxoguanine deaminase 0.01024 0.00219 0.00969 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.01062 0.00086 0.00305 93 0.00435 -0.21580 150.114 0.82943 0.95262
Beta-aspartyl-peptidase 0.01023 0.00149 0.00857 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.01140 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00303 -0.92997 137.914 0.35401 0.72019
Ornithine aminotransferase 0.01022 0.00143 0.00608 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.01311 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00258 -2.72802 144.354 0.00716 0.62334
Muconolactone Delta-isomerase 0.01020 0.00139 0.01055 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.00995 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00292 0.20506 122.084 0.83786 0.95674
Ribose 1,5-bisphosphate phosphokinase 0.01020 0.00139 0.00942 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.01074 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00281 -0.47071 143.291 0.63857 0.88568
Galactoside O-acetyltransferase 0.01018 0.00126 0.00949 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.01066 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00260 -0.45160 133.533 0.65229 0.88943
All-trans-zeta-carotene desaturase 0.01016 0.00193 0.00912 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.01089 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00385 -0.45955 148.116 0.64652 0.88749
Phytoene desaturase (lycopene-forming) 0.01016 0.00193 0.00912 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.01089 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00385 -0.45955 148.116 0.64652 0.88749
Phytoene desaturase (neurosporene-forming) 0.01016 0.00193 0.00912 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.01089 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00385 -0.45955 148.116 0.64652 0.88749
Phytoene desaturase (zeta-carotene-forming) 0.01016 0.00193 0.00912 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.01089 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00385 -0.45955 148.116 0.64652 0.88749
2-oxopent-4-enoate hydratase 0.01012 0.00131 0.00879 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.01105 0.00029 0.00175 93 0.00263 -0.85942 143.633 0.39154 0.74318
UDP-N-acetyl-D-mannosamine dehydrogenase 0.01011 0.00119 0.00952 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.01052 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00239 -0.41894 143.196 0.67589 0.89920
Taurine-transporting ATPase 0.01004 0.00129 0.00881 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.01089 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00251 -0.82623 153.539 0.40995 0.76070
23S rRNA (adenine(1618)-N(6))-methyltransferase 0.01000 0.00149 0.01155 0.00037 0.00238 65 0.00892 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00305 0.86141 133.739 0.39055 0.74318
Uronate dehydrogenase 0.00996 0.00162 0.00896 0.00037 0.00237 65 0.01065 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00324 -0.52062 146.708 0.60342 0.86777
Muconate cycloisomerase 0.00995 0.00135 0.01017 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.00979 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00280 0.13381 126.667 0.89377 0.97093
Methylthioribulose 1-phosphate dehydratase 0.00993 0.00148 0.00996 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.00992 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00310 0.01376 123.911 0.98904 0.99660
Acetoacetate–CoA ligase 0.00993 0.00135 0.00836 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.01103 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00280 -0.95465 127.575 0.34156 0.72019
(2Z,6E)-farnesyl diphosphate synthase 0.00989 0.00138 0.00995 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.00986 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00280 0.03195 141.320 0.97456 0.99435
Hydrogen dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.00986 0.00205 0.00904 0.00045 0.00264 65 0.01043 0.00082 0.00297 93 0.00397 -0.35056 155.379 0.72640 0.92120
Carnitine 3-dehydrogenase 0.00985 0.00175 0.01028 0.00046 0.00265 65 0.00955 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00354 0.20562 142.372 0.83738 0.95674
Protoporphyrinogen IX dehydrogenase (menaquinone) 0.00985 0.00127 0.01074 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.00922 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00265 0.57293 126.114 0.56771 0.85024
Tryptophan 7-halogenase 0.00973 0.00230 0.00606 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.01230 0.00117 0.00355 93 0.00424 -1.47297 148.491 0.14288 0.70632
Aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase 0.00967 0.00160 0.01010 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.00937 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00335 0.21567 123.666 0.82960 0.95262
L-fucose mutarotase 0.00966 0.00117 0.00973 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.00962 0.00018 0.00137 93 0.00248 0.04212 117.285 0.96647 0.99193
Fructuronate reductase 0.00962 0.00126 0.00959 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.00963 0.00016 0.00129 93 0.00276 -0.01478 99.470 0.98824 0.99660
Gamma-guanidinobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase 0.00958 0.00155 0.01070 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.00879 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00319 0.60055 131.665 0.54917 0.84333
N-acylneuraminate cytidylyltransferase 0.00956 0.00128 0.00884 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.01007 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00260 -0.47055 136.684 0.63871 0.88568
Tryptophan 2-monooxygenase 0.00945 0.00206 0.00852 0.00045 0.00262 65 0.01010 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00398 -0.39520 155.618 0.69324 0.90946
D-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) 0.00944 0.00134 0.00399 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.01325 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00233 -3.97599 133.416 0.00011 0.13911
Thiopurine S-methyltransferase 0.00944 0.00147 0.01050 0.00038 0.00241 65 0.00869 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00304 0.59501 131.126 0.55286 0.84479
Deoxyadenosine kinase 0.00943 0.00153 0.00753 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.01076 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00299 -1.07908 153.701 0.28224 0.70632
6-carboxyhexanoate–CoA ligase 0.00936 0.00115 0.00971 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.00912 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00241 0.24394 123.050 0.80768 0.94429
S-methyl-5-thioribose kinase 0.00934 0.00169 0.01292 0.00083 0.00357 65 0.00683 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00383 1.59369 83.353 0.11479 0.70632
3-(3-hydroxy-phenyl)propanoic acid hydroxylase 0.00932 0.00160 0.00557 0.00017 0.00161 65 0.01194 0.00056 0.00245 93 0.00293 -2.17046 148.835 0.03156 0.67652
Glyoxylate reductase (NADP(+)) 0.00928 0.00123 0.00677 0.00017 0.00161 65 0.01103 0.00029 0.00175 93 0.00238 -1.78864 154.566 0.07563 0.70632
3-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase 0.00927 0.00128 0.01042 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.00847 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00263 0.73861 132.921 0.46144 0.78637
Benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.00926 0.00153 0.00807 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.01010 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00308 -0.65700 143.987 0.51223 0.81548
Myo-inosose-2 dehydratase 0.00921 0.00124 0.00763 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01032 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00238 -1.12922 155.567 0.26054 0.70632
4-hydroxyproline epimerase 0.00920 0.00136 0.00782 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01016 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00262 -0.89116 155.711 0.37422 0.73204
Thymidine phosphorylase 0.00915 0.00112 0.00706 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.01062 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00210 -1.69340 155.466 0.09238 0.70632
3-phytase 0.00915 0.00145 0.00735 0.00032 0.00220 65 0.01040 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00292 -1.04156 141.330 0.29940 0.70632
Spore photoproduct lyase 0.00906 0.00170 0.01147 0.00073 0.00335 65 0.00738 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00375 1.08863 95.996 0.27904 0.70632
Phenylacetaldehyde dehydrogenase 0.00901 0.00162 0.00905 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.00898 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00329 0.02042 139.351 0.98373 0.99598
Allophanate hydrolase 0.00894 0.00127 0.00851 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.00924 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00256 -0.28637 143.159 0.77501 0.93675
Maleylpyruvate isomerase 0.00891 0.00148 0.00591 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.01100 0.00051 0.00233 93 0.00265 -1.92177 136.309 0.05672 0.70632
Chloramphenicol O-acetyltransferase 0.00891 0.00137 0.00655 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.01055 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00250 -1.60043 144.347 0.11169 0.70632
L-threonine 3-dehydrogenase 0.00885 0.00140 0.00826 0.00029 0.00213 65 0.00927 0.00033 0.00187 93 0.00283 -0.35359 142.222 0.72417 0.92120
(S)-ureidoglycine aminohydrolase 0.00880 0.00155 0.00850 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.00901 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00311 -0.16414 143.953 0.86985 0.96353
Phosphate propanoyltransferase 0.00877 0.00116 0.01014 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.00781 0.00017 0.00133 93 0.00246 0.94562 114.539 0.34633 0.72019
Choline-sulfatase 0.00876 0.00143 0.00925 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.00842 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00293 0.28374 135.609 0.77704 0.93675
Glycine dehydrogenase (cyanide-forming) 0.00868 0.00256 0.00798 0.00089 0.00370 65 0.00918 0.00115 0.00351 93 0.00510 -0.23550 147.876 0.81414 0.94567
Aminodeoxyfutalosine synthase 0.00868 0.00202 0.00979 0.00093 0.00379 65 0.00790 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00438 0.43107 105.708 0.66730 0.89333
Deoxyribonuclease V 0.00866 0.00138 0.00831 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.00891 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00282 -0.21131 136.895 0.83296 0.95544
Acireductone synthase 0.00864 0.00142 0.00964 0.00039 0.00245 65 0.00794 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00299 0.57039 121.224 0.56947 0.85024
UDP-sugar diphosphatase 0.00861 0.00135 0.00906 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.00829 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00264 0.29501 153.975 0.76839 0.93519
Glucose-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase 0.00851 0.00112 0.00840 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.00859 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00249 -0.07538 94.703 0.94007 0.99049
Precorrin-6A synthase (deacetylating) 0.00850 0.00122 0.00755 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.00917 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00242 -0.66594 149.869 0.50648 0.81359
Putrescine aminotransferase 0.00843 0.00246 0.00738 0.00079 0.00349 65 0.00916 0.00108 0.00340 93 0.00488 -0.36451 149.424 0.71599 0.92120
2-aminoethylphosphonate–pyruvate transaminase 0.00840 0.00126 0.00679 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.00953 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00240 -1.14403 155.859 0.25437 0.70632
3-fumarylpyruvate hydrolase 0.00839 0.00137 0.00465 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.01100 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00243 -2.61252 135.419 0.01000 0.64530
Arylformamidase 0.00833 0.00135 0.00413 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.01126 0.00042 0.00214 93 0.00237 -3.01829 128.756 0.00307 0.62334
5-aminovalerate transaminase 0.00830 0.00143 0.00935 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.00756 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00295 0.60595 132.057 0.54559 0.84290
Beta-carotene 3-hydroxylase 0.00824 0.00139 0.00850 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.00807 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00281 0.15404 142.618 0.87779 0.96548
Nitrile hydratase 0.00823 0.00174 0.00517 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.01037 0.00065 0.00264 93 0.00323 -1.60830 152.052 0.10984 0.70632
Glutamin-(asparagin-)ase 0.00816 0.00134 0.00661 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.00925 0.00036 0.00195 93 0.00256 -1.03068 155.947 0.30429 0.70632
Tagaturonate reductase 0.00815 0.00122 0.00763 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.00851 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00264 -0.33389 105.633 0.73912 0.92595
Creatininase 0.00811 0.00133 0.00445 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.01067 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00237 -2.62118 139.327 0.00974 0.64530
Aminoglycoside N(3’)-acetyltransferase 0.00809 0.00144 0.00890 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.00752 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00305 0.45243 116.437 0.65180 0.88943
Phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase 0.00806 0.00127 0.00694 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00884 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00245 -0.77683 155.783 0.43844 0.77367
PepB aminopeptidase 0.00796 0.00121 0.00908 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.00718 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00250 0.76104 129.893 0.44801 0.77823
Formimidoylglutamate deiminase 0.00796 0.00129 0.00715 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.00852 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00252 -0.54422 152.826 0.58709 0.85593
CDP-diacylglycerol diphosphatase 0.00796 0.00147 0.00753 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.00825 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00294 -0.24500 144.735 0.80681 0.94388
tRNA(Met) cytidine acetyltransferase 0.00794 0.00121 0.00899 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.00721 0.00022 0.00152 93 0.00250 0.71213 130.093 0.47766 0.79572
Lauroyl-Kdo(2)-lipid IV(A) myristoyltransferase 0.00792 0.00121 0.00899 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.00718 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00250 0.72373 129.848 0.47054 0.79541
Nicotinate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) 0.00790 0.00171 0.00606 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00919 0.00062 0.00258 93 0.00322 -0.97179 154.449 0.33267 0.71544
3D-(3,5/4)-trihydroxycyclohexane-1,2-dione acylhydrolase (decyclizing) 0.00787 0.00103 0.00646 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00885 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00202 -1.18524 151.435 0.23778 0.70632
decaprenol beta-1,5/1,6-galactofuranosyltransferase 0.00785 0.00129 0.00809 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.00768 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00265 0.15455 134.705 0.87741 0.96548
S-methyl-5’-thioinosine phosphorylase 0.00784 0.00139 0.00889 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.00711 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00292 0.60915 122.069 0.54356 0.84121
Guanidinobutyrase 0.00784 0.00133 0.00877 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.00719 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00274 0.57492 132.500 0.56632 0.85024
L-fucose isomerase 0.00779 0.00111 0.00861 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.00721 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00240 0.58452 108.976 0.56008 0.85024
Acylaminoacyl-peptidase 0.00777 0.00159 0.01075 0.00070 0.00329 65 0.00568 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00358 1.41652 87.806 0.16016 0.70632
Unsaturated chondroitin disaccharide hydrolase 0.00774 0.00150 0.00789 0.00042 0.00253 65 0.00764 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00313 0.08217 125.923 0.93465 0.98985
5-deoxy-glucuronate isomerase 0.00773 0.00100 0.00618 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00882 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00196 -1.34313 152.484 0.18123 0.70632
(S)-citramalyl-CoA lyase 0.00773 0.00135 0.00766 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.00777 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00272 -0.04122 143.555 0.96718 0.99193
Rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase 0.00768 0.00136 0.00812 0.00053 0.00285 65 0.00737 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00309 0.24069 87.032 0.81036 0.94519
(S)-3-amino-2-methylpropionate transaminase 0.00767 0.00122 0.00453 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00986 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00220 -2.42403 143.719 0.01659 0.64530
NADH peroxidase 0.00767 0.00160 0.01003 0.00068 0.00323 65 0.00601 0.00022 0.00152 93 0.00357 1.12430 92.452 0.26380 0.70632
5-dehydro-2-deoxygluconokinase 0.00766 0.00099 0.00619 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00868 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00195 -1.27858 152.056 0.20299 0.70632
Aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase 0.00764 0.00149 0.00666 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.00832 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00284 -0.58746 155.923 0.55774 0.84948
ligase 0.00761 0.00115 0.00752 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00767 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00239 -0.06105 125.282 0.95141 0.99049
Trans-feruloyl-CoA synthase 0.00760 0.00149 0.00381 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.01025 0.00052 0.00236 93 0.00265 -2.43270 133.127 0.01631 0.64530
N-acylmannosamine kinase 0.00760 0.00121 0.00763 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.00757 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00245 0.02428 139.598 0.98067 0.99457
Allantoin racemase 0.00759 0.00130 0.00613 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.00861 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00248 -1.00059 155.965 0.31858 0.70632
Oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase 0.00758 0.00276 0.00966 0.00245 0.00614 65 0.00612 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00644 0.54971 76.791 0.58412 0.85509
D-inositol-3-phosphate glycosyltransferase 0.00758 0.00114 0.00750 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.00763 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00239 -0.05401 125.435 0.95701 0.99147
Mycothiol S-conjugate amidase 0.00757 0.00115 0.00752 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00760 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00240 -0.03066 125.445 0.97559 0.99435
Mycothiol synthase 0.00757 0.00115 0.00752 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00760 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00240 -0.03066 125.445 0.97559 0.99435
Diaminobutyrate decarboxylase 0.00747 0.00115 0.00635 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00825 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00220 -0.85850 155.912 0.39193 0.74318
1,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylate dehydrogenase 0.00741 0.00116 0.00851 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.00664 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00247 0.75676 113.277 0.45076 0.78108
Sugar-phosphatase 0.00741 0.00116 0.00651 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.00803 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00224 -0.67884 155.338 0.49825 0.80830
Allantoate deiminase 0.00733 0.00156 0.00494 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.00900 0.00054 0.00241 93 0.00288 -1.41028 148.397 0.16055 0.70632
2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3-dehydrogenase 0.00732 0.00112 0.00566 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.00847 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00228 -1.23479 138.350 0.21900 0.70632
D-cysteine desulfhydrase 0.00728 0.00112 0.00706 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.00744 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00228 -0.16384 141.061 0.87009 0.96353
Levanase 0.00727 0.00105 0.00647 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00783 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00202 -0.67291 155.995 0.50200 0.81035
deacetylase 0.00725 0.00123 0.00725 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.00726 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00252 -0.00603 137.627 0.99520 0.99921
IgA-specific serine endopeptidase 0.00724 0.00130 0.00834 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.00646 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00274 0.68726 118.541 0.49326 0.80568
Mycothione reductase 0.00723 0.00114 0.00701 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.00738 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00239 -0.15837 125.548 0.87442 0.96378
S-(hydroxymethyl)mycothiol dehydrogenase 0.00720 0.00116 0.00699 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.00735 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00242 -0.14618 125.333 0.88401 0.96726
N-acetylglucosaminyl-diphospho-decaprenol L-rhamnosyltransferase 0.00719 0.00118 0.00753 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00696 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00245 0.23217 130.515 0.81677 0.94663
Glycerol-3-phosphate-transporting ATPase 0.00719 0.00112 0.00368 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00964 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00198 -3.00576 139.068 0.00314 0.62334
3-aminobutyryl-CoA ammonia-lyase 0.00712 0.00161 0.01093 0.00073 0.00335 65 0.00447 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00362 1.78739 84.749 0.07745 0.70632
N(4)-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase 0.00712 0.00132 0.00667 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.00744 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00274 -0.27852 128.608 0.78106 0.93675
Phosphatidylcholine synthase 0.00705 0.00102 0.00682 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.00721 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00210 -0.18589 134.537 0.85281 0.96065
Formamidase 0.00704 0.00134 0.00495 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00851 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00256 -1.39322 155.978 0.16553 0.70632
CDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase 0.00704 0.00109 0.00777 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.00653 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00245 0.50663 88.059 0.61368 0.87303
Serralysin 0.00703 0.00168 0.00480 0.00021 0.00178 65 0.00859 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00312 -1.21340 151.541 0.22686 0.70632
Peptidyl-dipeptidase A 0.00702 0.00136 0.00623 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.00757 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00279 -0.48186 134.265 0.63069 0.88317
Haloalkane dehalogenase 0.00701 0.00134 0.00659 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.00730 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00276 -0.25874 131.597 0.79624 0.94089
Long-chain-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.00696 0.00138 0.00528 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00813 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00256 -1.11205 149.113 0.26790 0.70632
Cyclohexanone monooxygenase 0.00695 0.00155 0.00400 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00902 0.00060 0.00255 93 0.00269 -1.86676 112.310 0.06454 0.70632
Aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase 0.00694 0.00118 0.00618 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.00748 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00232 -0.55663 152.284 0.57860 0.85190
Salicylate 1-monooxygenase 0.00694 0.00166 0.00323 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00953 0.00069 0.00273 93 0.00284 -2.21455 106.860 0.02891 0.67652
Isochorismate lyase 0.00692 0.00096 0.00606 0.00011 0.00133 65 0.00751 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00189 -0.76982 151.488 0.44261 0.77520
D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose-7-phosphate kinase 0.00690 0.00178 0.00950 0.00104 0.00399 65 0.00508 0.00012 0.00116 93 0.00416 1.06358 74.827 0.29094 0.70632
Caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase 0.00678 0.00156 0.01065 0.00071 0.00329 65 0.00407 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00353 1.86551 82.820 0.06565 0.70632
L-rhamnose mutarotase 0.00676 0.00095 0.00448 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00836 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00175 -2.21593 152.188 0.02818 0.67652
6-aminohexanoate-oligomer exohydrolase 0.00674 0.00134 0.00350 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00901 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00241 -2.28415 142.279 0.02384 0.67652
Long-chain-fatty-acid–[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase 0.00672 0.00087 0.00849 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00548 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00188 1.60637 105.428 0.11118 0.70632
Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase 0.00667 0.00135 0.00355 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00884 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00237 -2.23311 124.443 0.02733 0.67652
Pitrilysin 0.00664 0.00113 0.00747 0.00021 0.00178 65 0.00606 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00230 0.61358 136.047 0.54052 0.83772
Ceramidase 0.00660 0.00114 0.00693 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.00637 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00240 0.23413 122.392 0.81527 0.94645
L-erythro-3,5-diaminohexanoate dehydrogenase 0.00659 0.00154 0.01037 0.00070 0.00329 65 0.00395 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00351 1.82942 81.516 0.07099 0.70632
Glutamate decarboxylase 0.00658 0.00141 0.00629 0.00039 0.00245 65 0.00678 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00298 -0.16439 120.891 0.86970 0.96353
Ste24 endopeptidase 0.00657 0.00111 0.00590 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00704 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00212 -0.53883 155.997 0.59077 0.85791
Arabinogalactan endo-beta-1,4-galactanase 0.00650 0.00102 0.00451 0.00005 0.00089 65 0.00789 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00184 -1.84036 138.827 0.06785 0.70632
2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactonokinase 0.00650 0.00102 0.00355 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00856 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00184 -2.73244 142.452 0.00708 0.62334
5-oxopent-3-ene-1,2,5-tricarboxylate decarboxylase 0.00649 0.00144 0.00487 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.00763 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00273 -1.01110 155.787 0.31354 0.70632
Streptomycin 6-kinase 0.00645 0.00130 0.00598 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.00678 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00267 -0.30219 132.556 0.76298 0.93350
Gamma-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelate peptidase 0.00642 0.00128 0.00598 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.00674 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00271 -0.27990 118.123 0.78005 0.93675
Serine 3-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.00642 0.00132 0.00580 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.00685 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00273 -0.38399 130.238 0.70162 0.91306
Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]–phospholipid O-acyltransferase 0.00639 0.00087 0.00847 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00494 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00187 1.89007 103.708 0.06154 0.70632
Allantoinase 0.00636 0.00102 0.00505 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00727 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00201 -1.10697 151.083 0.27007 0.70632
Pteridine reductase 0.00632 0.00130 0.00641 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.00626 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00269 0.05650 129.606 0.95503 0.99147
Alcohol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) 0.00630 0.00114 0.00805 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.00508 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00253 1.17693 93.911 0.24220 0.70632
Urea carboxylase 0.00627 0.00095 0.00552 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.00680 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00186 -0.68562 153.638 0.49399 0.80568
Lycopene beta-cyclase 0.00626 0.00132 0.00485 0.00021 0.00182 65 0.00725 0.00032 0.00184 93 0.00259 -0.92593 151.726 0.35595 0.72019
Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 0.00624 0.00131 0.00345 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00819 0.00043 0.00214 93 0.00228 -2.08053 115.501 0.03969 0.67652
2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase 0.00623 0.00099 0.00337 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00823 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00178 -2.72063 142.862 0.00733 0.62334
D-stereospecific aminopeptidase 0.00623 0.00120 0.00315 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00838 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00213 -2.45477 135.406 0.01537 0.64530
Thiosulfate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.00622 0.00115 0.00331 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00826 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00210 -2.36316 149.672 0.01941 0.64530
GDP-mannose 6-dehydrogenase 0.00621 0.00112 0.00724 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.00548 0.00016 0.00129 93 0.00238 0.74177 115.072 0.45974 0.78637
Nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase 0.00618 0.00170 0.00764 0.00071 0.00330 65 0.00516 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00374 0.66315 99.493 0.50877 0.81548
Glucose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.00611 0.00110 0.00438 0.00012 0.00133 65 0.00733 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00209 -1.41152 155.991 0.16008 0.70632
Lipid IV(A) 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinosyltransferase 0.00607 0.00156 0.00466 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.00706 0.00052 0.00235 93 0.00294 -0.81552 154.403 0.41603 0.76408
3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase 0.00606 0.00132 0.00560 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.00638 0.00028 0.00172 93 0.00270 -0.28999 136.983 0.77227 0.93557
Tyrosine phenol-lyase 0.00598 0.00153 0.00955 0.00068 0.00324 65 0.00349 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00347 1.74660 82.665 0.08442 0.70632
Acylpyruvate hydrolase 0.00587 0.00108 0.00662 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.00535 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00230 0.55231 115.844 0.58180 0.85342
Nitric-oxide synthase (NAD(P)H) 0.00583 0.00116 0.00300 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00781 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00213 -2.25449 149.397 0.02562 0.67652
Itaconyl-CoA hydratase 0.00582 0.00118 0.00605 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.00565 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00237 0.16907 144.226 0.86598 0.96221
Isohexenylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase 0.00582 0.00105 0.00527 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00620 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00206 -0.45264 153.297 0.65145 0.88943
Chorismate dehydratase 0.00581 0.00122 0.00592 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.00574 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00253 0.07042 130.185 0.94396 0.99049
4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolase 0.00580 0.00097 0.00493 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00641 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00186 -0.80042 155.986 0.42469 0.76494
Dihydrokaempferol 4-reductase 0.00580 0.00094 0.00440 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00678 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00177 -1.34695 154.263 0.17997 0.70632
2-phosphosulfolactate phosphatase 0.00579 0.00091 0.00410 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00697 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00173 -1.65462 156.000 0.10001 0.70632
Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase 0.00572 0.00128 0.00564 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.00577 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00264 -0.04624 131.728 0.96319 0.99193
L-rhamnonate dehydratase 0.00570 0.00146 0.00881 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.00352 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00335 1.57868 78.291 0.11844 0.70632
Pectinesterase 0.00569 0.00105 0.00317 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00744 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00183 -2.33400 116.168 0.02131 0.65070
SpoIVB peptidase 0.00561 0.00117 0.00282 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00756 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00213 -2.23107 143.722 0.02723 0.67652
Alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate diphosphatase 0.00561 0.00098 0.00264 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00768 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00173 -2.91451 132.290 0.00418 0.62334
N-acetylornithine carbamoyltransferase 0.00557 0.00128 0.00532 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.00574 0.00025 0.00162 93 0.00264 -0.15917 131.571 0.87378 0.96378
5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.00552 0.00095 0.00294 0.00005 0.00089 65 0.00733 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00172 -2.55918 144.073 0.01152 0.64530
Cyanophycin synthase (L-arginine-adding) 0.00552 0.00136 0.00479 0.00017 0.00161 65 0.00602 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00258 -0.47649 155.671 0.63439 0.88317
Cyanophycin synthase (L-aspartate-adding) 0.00552 0.00136 0.00479 0.00017 0.00161 65 0.00602 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00258 -0.47649 155.671 0.63439 0.88317
Cyclic dehypoxanthinyl futalosine synthase 0.00548 0.00120 0.00589 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.00520 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00250 0.27741 127.217 0.78192 0.93675
Undecaprenyl-phosphate 4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose transferase 0.00547 0.00106 0.00486 0.00012 0.00133 65 0.00589 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00204 -0.50349 155.837 0.61533 0.87356
GPR endopeptidase 0.00546 0.00117 0.00282 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00730 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00212 -2.11186 143.869 0.03643 0.67652
N-acyl-D-amino-acid deacylase 0.00542 0.00083 0.00454 0.00007 0.00100 65 0.00604 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00158 -0.95234 155.980 0.34240 0.72019
Tropinone reductase I 0.00540 0.00128 0.00531 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.00547 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00264 -0.06135 131.463 0.95117 0.99049
Sorbitol-6-phosphate 2-dehydrogenase 0.00538 0.00097 0.00648 0.00023 0.00190 65 0.00462 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00213 0.86970 97.500 0.38660 0.73961
D-arginine dehydrogenase 0.00537 0.00096 0.00590 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.00500 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00206 0.43766 111.172 0.66248 0.88968
1-piperideine-2-carboxylate/1-pyrroline-2-carboxylate reductase (NADPH) 0.00533 0.00109 0.00511 0.00014 0.00145 65 0.00548 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00212 -0.17519 153.938 0.86116 0.96186
L-rhamnose isomerase 0.00530 0.00076 0.00342 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00661 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00138 -2.31287 142.450 0.02216 0.65070
Heme oxygenase (staphylobilin-producing) 0.00526 0.00154 0.00332 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.00661 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00285 -1.15404 148.935 0.25033 0.70632 and 0.00518 0.00149 0.00895 0.00068 0.00324 65 0.00254 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00341 1.87832 77.671 0.06409 0.70632
NADPH dehydrogenase 0.00517 0.00101 0.00259 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00698 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00183 -2.39768 142.663 0.01779 0.64530
Ceramide glucosyltransferase 0.00517 0.00146 0.00897 0.00066 0.00318 65 0.00251 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00335 1.93305 77.674 0.05687 0.70632
Anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase (deaminating, decarboxylating) 0.00516 0.00138 0.00324 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.00650 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00256 -1.27265 151.353 0.20510 0.70632
Hyaluronate lyase 0.00516 0.00128 0.00681 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.00401 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00301 0.93095 74.126 0.35490 0.72019
Endo-1,4-beta-xylanase 0.00511 0.00085 0.00332 0.00006 0.00092 65 0.00636 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00158 -1.92464 153.037 0.05613 0.70632
Galactonate dehydratase 0.00510 0.00089 0.00317 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00645 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00165 -1.98764 151.747 0.04865 0.69964
Homocysteine desulfhydrase 0.00509 0.00099 0.00333 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00632 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00191 -1.56458 154.182 0.11973 0.70632
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 6-dehydrogenase 0.00509 0.00094 0.00415 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00574 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00181 -0.88180 155.510 0.37925 0.73587
Arabinan endo-1,5-alpha-L-arabinosidase 0.00506 0.00111 0.00325 0.00003 0.00073 65 0.00633 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00195 -1.58423 120.165 0.11577 0.70632
Formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase 0.00504 0.00145 0.00878 0.00066 0.00318 65 0.00242 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00333 1.90754 76.915 0.06018 0.70632
Dehydrogluconokinase 0.00501 0.00108 0.00497 0.00014 0.00145 65 0.00503 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00211 -0.02599 153.861 0.97930 0.99457
Allantoicase 0.00497 0.00091 0.00309 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00628 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00168 -1.89796 150.193 0.05962 0.70632
Phosphogluconate 2-dehydrogenase 0.00496 0.00108 0.00486 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00502 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00210 -0.07569 154.314 0.93976 0.99049
Deoxycytidine kinase 0.00491 0.00109 0.00296 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00628 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00203 -1.63470 153.407 0.10416 0.70632
3-oxo-5,6-dehydrosuberyl-CoA semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.00490 0.00076 0.00467 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00506 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00149 -0.26305 153.896 0.79286 0.93908
Oxepin-CoA hydrolase 0.00490 0.00076 0.00467 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00506 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00149 -0.26305 153.896 0.79286 0.93908
D-threo-aldose 1-dehydrogenase 0.00488 0.00084 0.00309 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00614 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00161 -1.89633 155.934 0.05977 0.70632
Nitrous-oxide reductase 0.00481 0.00074 0.00374 0.00004 0.00075 65 0.00556 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00136 -1.34146 149.445 0.18181 0.70632
2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase 0.00480 0.00146 0.00843 0.00066 0.00319 65 0.00227 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00335 1.83681 77.558 0.07007 0.70632
1,3-beta-galactosyl-N-acetylhexosamine phosphorylase 0.00476 0.00104 0.00557 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.00420 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00230 0.59826 99.396 0.55103 0.84429
Deoxyguanosine kinase 0.00475 0.00109 0.00292 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00603 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00203 -1.53170 153.424 0.12766 0.70632
Sulfoacetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acylating) 0.00472 0.00145 0.00828 0.00066 0.00319 65 0.00223 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00334 1.80882 76.903 0.07439 0.70632
Cyanase 0.00468 0.00083 0.00414 0.00013 0.00144 65 0.00506 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00175 -0.52893 120.311 0.59783 0.86297
Propionate CoA-transferase 0.00464 0.00074 0.00396 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00513 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00148 -0.79336 145.772 0.42886 0.76781
All-trans-retinol 13,14-reductase 0.00460 0.00094 0.00318 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00560 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00166 -1.46270 125.496 0.14605 0.70632
UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose formyltransferase 0.00455 0.00104 0.00389 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00500 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00200 -0.55841 155.859 0.57737 0.85190
UDP-glucuronic acid oxidase (UDP-4-keto-hexauronic acid decarboxylating) 0.00455 0.00104 0.00389 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00500 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00200 -0.55841 155.859 0.57737 0.85190
Indolepyruvate decarboxylase 0.00451 0.00089 0.00344 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00526 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00171 -1.06387 155.333 0.28904 0.70632
Cytosol alanyl aminopeptidase 0.00451 0.00116 0.00450 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.00452 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00233 -0.01013 143.299 0.99193 0.99855
Maleate isomerase 0.00451 0.00091 0.00488 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00425 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00194 0.32089 114.218 0.74888 0.92904
1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase 0.00450 0.00123 0.00540 0.00037 0.00237 65 0.00388 0.00015 0.00129 93 0.00270 0.56410 101.048 0.57394 0.85190
dTDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxygalactose transaminase 0.00445 0.00084 0.00357 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00506 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00160 -0.93412 156.000 0.35169 0.72019
3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase 0.00445 0.00092 0.00371 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00496 0.00018 0.00137 93 0.00176 -0.71270 155.720 0.47710 0.79541
Aspartate 4-decarboxylase 0.00445 0.00098 0.00525 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.00388 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00222 0.61809 87.275 0.53813 0.83586
UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase 0.00443 0.00066 0.00184 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00623 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00111 -3.97069 104.829 0.00013 0.13911
23S rRNA (adenine(2085)-N(6))-dimethyltransferase 0.00442 0.00072 0.00504 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00398 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00156 0.67770 103.742 0.49947 0.80830
Cholesterol oxidase 0.00441 0.00169 0.00217 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00597 0.00074 0.00282 93 0.00290 -1.31129 101.969 0.19270 0.70632
Maltose-6’-phosphate glucosidase 0.00433 0.00066 0.00477 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00402 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00131 0.57532 149.466 0.56594 0.85024
Alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-phosphate C-P-lyase 0.00432 0.00084 0.00220 0.00004 0.00076 65 0.00580 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00152 -2.37113 141.232 0.01908 0.64530
3-ketosteroid 9-alpha-monooxygenase 0.00431 0.00169 0.00184 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00604 0.00074 0.00282 93 0.00291 -1.44645 103.043 0.15109 0.70632
CoA:oxalate CoA-transferase 0.00430 0.00108 0.00446 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.00418 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00221 0.12963 134.680 0.89705 0.97163
Selenate reductase 0.00427 0.00100 0.00471 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.00396 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00217 0.34539 105.137 0.73049 0.92120
Succinylornithine transaminase 0.00424 0.00081 0.00342 0.00004 0.00082 65 0.00482 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00150 -0.93252 148.274 0.35258 0.72019
Pseudouridine kinase 0.00421 0.00071 0.00391 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00442 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00140 -0.36456 150.953 0.71595 0.92120
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase 0.00421 0.00076 0.00411 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00428 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00149 -0.11780 152.594 0.90638 0.97700
Mercury(II) reductase 0.00417 0.00086 0.00437 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.00403 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00181 0.18816 120.721 0.85106 0.96065
Assimilatory sulfite reductase (ferredoxin) 0.00417 0.00063 0.00337 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00473 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00118 -1.15400 154.233 0.25029 0.70632
Chitin disaccharide deacetylase 0.00416 0.00074 0.00349 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00463 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00146 -0.78622 150.940 0.43297 0.77045
Succinyl-CoA–L-malate CoA-transferase 0.00415 0.00091 0.00452 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.00389 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00188 0.33284 130.106 0.73979 0.92595
Unsaturated rhamnogalacturonyl hydrolase 0.00415 0.00101 0.00189 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00573 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00173 -2.21569 107.748 0.02882 0.67652
Urocanate reductase 0.00413 0.00190 0.00275 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00509 0.00089 0.00310 93 0.00336 -0.69726 121.529 0.48697 0.80150
Dextranase 0.00413 0.00098 0.00419 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00408 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00181 0.06269 148.886 0.95010 0.99049
2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline decarboxylase 0.00412 0.00072 0.00253 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00523 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00130 -2.07167 140.765 0.04012 0.67652
Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase 0.00409 0.00066 0.00401 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00414 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00127 -0.10589 155.931 0.91581 0.98126
glycyltransferase 0.00407 0.00158 0.00355 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.00443 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00306 -0.28557 154.886 0.77559 0.93675
4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase 0.00406 0.00098 0.00238 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00524 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00175 -1.63395 132.392 0.10465 0.70632
Arogenate dehydratase 0.00404 0.00086 0.00218 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00534 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00156 -2.02706 142.325 0.04452 0.69348
Phosphatidylinositol alpha-mannosyltransferase 0.00401 0.00054 0.00397 0.00004 0.00075 65 0.00404 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00107 -0.06567 150.817 0.94773 0.99049
L-fuculokinase 0.00396 0.00094 0.00507 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.00319 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00216 0.87480 82.445 0.38423 0.73901
Rhamnogalacturonan endolyase 0.00396 0.00100 0.00172 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00552 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00176 -2.15883 124.756 0.03278 0.67652
UDP-2-acetamido-2,6-beta-L-arabino-hexul-4-ose reductase 0.00395 0.00077 0.00246 0.00005 0.00085 65 0.00499 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00144 -1.75178 153.528 0.08181 0.70632
Cyanophycinase 0.00395 0.00116 0.00307 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00456 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00214 -0.69753 149.377 0.48656 0.80150
tRNA (guanosine(18)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.00395 0.00063 0.00328 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00442 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00119 -0.95705 153.722 0.34004 0.72019
7-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 0.00394 0.00085 0.00288 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00469 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00161 -1.12368 154.854 0.26289 0.70632
Aryl-sulfate sulfotransferase 0.00394 0.00170 0.00207 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00524 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00298 -1.06611 114.152 0.28863 0.70632
Hyaluronan synthase 0.00393 0.00111 0.00443 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.00358 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00234 0.36509 120.798 0.71569 0.92120
5-aminolevulinate synthase 0.00390 0.00074 0.00164 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00548 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00128 -3.00745 113.121 0.00325 0.62334
Chondroitin AC lyase 0.00389 0.00123 0.00325 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.00433 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00244 -0.44311 149.985 0.65832 0.88943
Hexokinase 0.00385 0.00095 0.00458 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.00333 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00209 0.59676 97.080 0.55206 0.84446
Dimethylargininase 0.00384 0.00107 0.00384 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.00384 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00221 -0.00253 133.655 0.99798 0.99921
Undecaprenyl-phosphate galactose phosphotransferase 0.00383 0.00097 0.00502 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00300 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00216 0.93369 94.076 0.35286 0.72019
Procollagen-proline dioxygenase 0.00383 0.00074 0.00227 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00492 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00137 -1.93514 151.445 0.05484 0.70632
Glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase 0.00379 0.00070 0.00315 0.00005 0.00092 65 0.00424 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00135 -0.80487 154.360 0.42213 0.76494
Amylosucrase 0.00376 0.00061 0.00318 0.00003 0.00072 65 0.00417 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00116 -0.84771 155.364 0.39790 0.74887
Hydrogen:quinone oxidoreductase 0.00372 0.00144 0.00296 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00425 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00257 -0.50257 129.568 0.61612 0.87356
Choline monooxygenase 0.00371 0.00086 0.00413 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.00342 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00181 0.39354 120.005 0.69462 0.90981
Zeaxanthin glucosyltransferase 0.00371 0.00122 0.00340 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.00392 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00243 -0.21672 148.989 0.82872 0.95262
Glutathionylspermidine amidase 0.00369 0.00073 0.00538 0.00013 0.00144 65 0.00251 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00161 1.79028 96.252 0.07655 0.70632
Glutathionylspermidine synthase 0.00369 0.00073 0.00538 0.00013 0.00144 65 0.00251 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00161 1.79028 96.252 0.07655 0.70632
Acyl-CoA oxidase 0.00369 0.00080 0.00224 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00470 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00148 -1.66676 152.565 0.09761 0.70632
Methylmalonyl-CoA carboxytransferase 0.00366 0.00097 0.00450 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.00308 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00213 0.66977 99.285 0.50456 0.81236
L-fuconate dehydratase 0.00366 0.00060 0.00342 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00383 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00120 -0.34149 147.533 0.73322 0.92120
Xylan 1,4-beta-xylosidase 0.00365 0.00105 0.00185 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00491 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00182 -1.67993 111.783 0.09576 0.70632
Deoxyhypusine synthase 0.00360 0.00056 0.00315 0.00003 0.00072 65 0.00392 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00109 -0.70978 155.379 0.47891 0.79654
Ribulokinase 0.00357 0.00059 0.00283 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00409 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00119 -1.06249 144.587 0.28979 0.70632
Sulfoquinovose isomerase 0.00357 0.00057 0.00382 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00339 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00118 0.36213 135.683 0.71782 0.92120
3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase 0.00354 0.00055 0.00268 0.00004 0.00074 65 0.00415 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00107 -1.37902 153.218 0.16990 0.70632
CDP-glycerol glycerophosphotransferase 0.00352 0.00067 0.00252 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00422 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00131 -1.30053 154.652 0.19535 0.70632
Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase 0.00346 0.00090 0.00181 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00462 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00157 -1.79164 118.689 0.07574 0.70632
Glycolaldehyde dehydrogenase 0.00344 0.00066 0.00362 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00331 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00138 0.22370 127.930 0.82334 0.95060
Lactaldehyde dehydrogenase 0.00344 0.00066 0.00362 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00331 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00138 0.22370 127.930 0.82334 0.95060
Protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase 0.00343 0.00158 0.00082 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00525 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00269 -1.64642 95.712 0.10296 0.70632
2,6-beta-fructan 6-levanbiohydrolase 0.00342 0.00097 0.00366 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00326 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00182 0.22421 150.771 0.82290 0.95060
Thiazole tautomerase 0.00342 0.00086 0.00190 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00449 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00163 -1.58811 155.683 0.11429 0.70632
Feruloyl esterase 0.00339 0.00119 0.00161 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00464 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00203 -1.49095 99.202 0.13915 0.70632
Glutamate–putrescine ligase 0.00338 0.00064 0.00317 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00353 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00122 -0.29367 155.989 0.76940 0.93519
Flavin reductase (NADH) 0.00337 0.00067 0.00430 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00272 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00142 1.11265 114.299 0.26820 0.70632
N-formylglutamate deformylase 0.00336 0.00101 0.00211 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00424 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00178 -1.19729 119.239 0.23357 0.70632
RNA-directed DNA polymerase 0.00335 0.00091 0.00400 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.00290 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00205 0.53954 87.849 0.59088 0.85791
5-oxoprolinase (ATP-hydrolyzing) 0.00335 0.00099 0.00120 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00486 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00171 -2.14278 106.846 0.03440 0.67652
Anthraniloyl-CoA monooxygenase 0.00333 0.00074 0.00211 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00418 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00138 -1.49425 153.151 0.13717 0.70632
Lipopolysaccharide glucosyltransferase I 0.00332 0.00140 0.00208 0.00004 0.00074 65 0.00419 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00243 -0.86951 110.083 0.38646 0.73961
Alpha-glucuronidase 0.00332 0.00061 0.00216 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00413 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00110 -1.79297 144.346 0.07507 0.70632
Acyl-homoserine-lactone synthase 0.00331 0.00068 0.00316 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00342 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00137 -0.19291 146.508 0.84730 0.95939
Sedoheptulose-bisphosphatase 0.00325 0.00062 0.00129 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00462 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00106 -3.15110 113.699 0.00208 0.62334
4-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 0.00325 0.00066 0.00317 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00330 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00135 -0.09790 134.199 0.92215 0.98606
Glutamyl endopeptidase 0.00318 0.00131 0.00090 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00477 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00226 -1.71704 104.653 0.08893 0.70632
Cyclohexyl-isocyanide hydratase 0.00317 0.00071 0.00151 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00433 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00130 -2.16878 146.701 0.03171 0.67652
Phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine N-methyltransferase 0.00317 0.00086 0.00126 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00450 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00147 -2.20976 105.864 0.02928 0.67652
Phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase 0.00317 0.00086 0.00126 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00450 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00147 -2.20976 105.864 0.02928 0.67652
Glucosamine kinase 0.00316 0.00080 0.00121 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00452 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00138 -2.40411 113.040 0.01784 0.64530
Ribitol 2-dehydrogenase 0.00313 0.00079 0.00187 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00402 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00148 -1.44819 153.163 0.14961 0.70632
Pectin lyase 0.00313 0.00124 0.00177 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00408 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00231 -1.00346 150.326 0.31725 0.70632
3-oxosteroid 1-dehydrogenase 0.00313 0.00116 0.00166 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00416 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00203 -1.22928 114.357 0.22149 0.70632
4-O-beta-D-mannosyl-D-glucose phosphorylase 0.00311 0.00060 0.00161 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00416 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00106 -2.41723 130.507 0.01702 0.64530
Thimet oligopeptidase 0.00310 0.00062 0.00248 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00354 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00115 -0.91666 153.695 0.36076 0.72316
D-galactose 1-dehydrogenase 0.00306 0.00059 0.00150 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00415 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00105 -2.51972 138.773 0.01288 0.64530
L-lysine N(6)-monooxygenase (NADPH) 0.00303 0.00060 0.00249 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00341 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00112 -0.82666 154.189 0.40971 0.76070
4-hydroxybutanoyl-CoA dehydratase 0.00301 0.00061 0.00213 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00362 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00114 -1.30479 154.549 0.19390 0.70632
Vinylacetyl-CoA Delta-isomerase 0.00301 0.00061 0.00213 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00362 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00114 -1.30479 154.549 0.19390 0.70632
Lipid II:glycine glycyltransferase 0.00301 0.00090 0.00275 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00318 0.00014 0.00125 93 0.00179 -0.23981 149.105 0.81081 0.94519
UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose aminotransferase 0.00299 0.00070 0.00311 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00290 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00140 0.14535 142.847 0.88464 0.96726
ADP-dependent NAD(P)H-hydrate dehydratase 0.00297 0.00070 0.00362 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00251 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00143 0.77904 134.376 0.43732 0.77235
Opine dehydrogenase 0.00295 0.00085 0.00242 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00333 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00164 -0.55769 155.996 0.57785 0.85190
Pectate lyase 0.00291 0.00087 0.00170 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00376 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00156 -1.32396 130.918 0.18782 0.70632
3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate 2,3-dioxygenase 0.00290 0.00077 0.00177 0.00004 0.00076 65 0.00370 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00141 -1.37444 147.195 0.17140 0.70632
Choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase 0.00290 0.00059 0.00245 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00321 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00111 -0.68640 155.528 0.49348 0.80568
Arogenate dehydrogenase 0.00289 0.00058 0.00108 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00416 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00099 -3.09015 109.316 0.00254 0.62334
Streptomycin 3’’-adenylyltransferase 0.00289 0.00059 0.00237 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00325 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00111 -0.79483 153.754 0.42794 0.76731
6-phospho-3-hexuloisomerase 0.00288 0.00055 0.00127 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00401 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00096 -2.85402 119.211 0.00509 0.62334
Primary-amine oxidase 0.00286 0.00057 0.00246 0.00005 0.00092 65 0.00314 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00117 -0.57937 133.471 0.56332 0.85024
Trans-feruloyl-CoA hydratase 0.00284 0.00072 0.00213 0.00005 0.00084 65 0.00334 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00136 -0.88749 155.354 0.37619 0.73229
Vanillin synthase 0.00284 0.00072 0.00213 0.00005 0.00084 65 0.00334 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00136 -0.88749 155.354 0.37619 0.73229
Glucosylceramidase 0.00282 0.00044 0.00275 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00287 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00085 -0.14298 154.637 0.88649 0.96849
3-dehydro-L-gulonate 2-dehydrogenase 0.00280 0.00083 0.00365 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.00220 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00192 0.75164 78.138 0.45452 0.78566
Trehalose O-mycolyltransferase 0.00277 0.00106 0.00074 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00419 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00180 -1.91163 97.614 0.05886 0.70632
Alpha-L-rhamnosidase 0.00275 0.00053 0.00174 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00346 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00096 -1.79612 135.939 0.07470 0.70632
Anthranilate–CoA ligase 0.00275 0.00073 0.00143 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00367 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00130 -1.71551 130.513 0.08862 0.70632
4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 0.00262 0.00059 0.00146 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00344 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00106 -1.87425 138.884 0.06300 0.70632
dTDP-6-deoxy-L-talose 4-dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.00262 0.00037 0.00320 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00221 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00075 1.32070 134.950 0.18884 0.70632
Methylaspartate ammonia-lyase 0.00259 0.00060 0.00261 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00258 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00115 0.02992 155.437 0.97617 0.99435
Dimethylglycine dehydrogenase 0.00259 0.00080 0.00077 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00386 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00142 -2.17028 132.595 0.03177 0.67652
Adenylyl-sulfate reductase 0.00259 0.00064 0.00261 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00257 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00135 0.02921 120.828 0.97675 0.99435
Proline racemase 0.00258 0.00070 0.00222 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00283 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00133 -0.46325 154.685 0.64384 0.88749
4-oxalmesaconate hydratase 0.00256 0.00058 0.00101 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00365 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00100 -2.63703 116.641 0.00950 0.64530
Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase 0.00256 0.00081 0.00056 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00396 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00137 -2.48770 97.985 0.01455 0.64530
D-proline reductase (dithiol) 0.00255 0.00042 0.00234 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00270 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00084 -0.43020 149.814 0.66767 0.89333
Aureolysin 0.00254 0.00080 0.00187 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00301 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00154 -0.73799 155.367 0.46163 0.78637
2-keto-myo-inositol isomerase 0.00254 0.00069 0.00179 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00306 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00129 -0.97727 154.624 0.32996 0.71250
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase (inverting) 0.00247 0.00073 0.00162 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00306 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00128 -1.13377 114.921 0.25925 0.70632
Phosphoenolpyruvate mutase 0.00246 0.00062 0.00223 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00262 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00123 -0.31400 149.867 0.75396 0.92944
Microbial collagenase 0.00245 0.00087 0.00174 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00296 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00163 -0.74604 154.115 0.45678 0.78637
Alpha,alpha-trehalase 0.00243 0.00052 0.00193 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00278 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00098 -0.87196 153.217 0.38459 0.73901
Trans-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxyanthranilate isomerase 0.00242 0.00051 0.00102 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00340 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00088 -2.71514 115.731 0.00764 0.62334
4-methylaminobutanoate oxidase (formaldehyde-forming) 0.00239 0.00069 0.00087 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00346 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00125 -2.06585 143.420 0.04064 0.67652
CoB–CoM heterodisulfide reductase 0.00239 0.00056 0.00238 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00240 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00112 -0.01373 147.697 0.98906 0.99660
5’-phosphate synthase 0.00238 0.00054 0.00211 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00257 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00113 -0.40543 127.856 0.68584 0.90745
Arginine–pyruvate transaminase 0.00238 0.00051 0.00235 0.00004 0.00082 65 0.00241 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00106 -0.05961 135.036 0.95255 0.99049
3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase 0.00235 0.00054 0.00075 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00348 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00092 -2.97162 111.372 0.00363 0.62334
Ferredoxin hydrogenase 0.00233 0.00117 0.00261 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.00213 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00265 0.18230 86.783 0.85577 0.96186
RNA 3’-terminal-phosphate cyclase (ATP) 0.00231 0.00048 0.00225 0.00003 0.00062 65 0.00234 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00093 -0.09163 155.238 0.92711 0.98985
Alanine–glyoxylate transaminase 0.00230 0.00064 0.00103 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00319 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00110 -1.97382 107.369 0.05097 0.70632
Serine–glyoxylate transaminase 0.00230 0.00064 0.00103 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00319 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00110 -1.96839 107.366 0.05160 0.70632
Serine–pyruvate transaminase 0.00230 0.00064 0.00103 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00319 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00110 -1.96839 107.366 0.05160 0.70632
L-proline amide hydrolase 0.00225 0.00069 0.00157 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00273 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00129 -0.89921 154.481 0.36994 0.73093
Gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase 0.00225 0.00064 0.00092 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00318 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00110 -2.06099 101.688 0.04186 0.68639
N-succinylornithine carbamoyltransferase 0.00224 0.00043 0.00153 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00274 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00078 -1.54759 139.396 0.12399 0.70632
Trimethylamine monooxygenase 0.00223 0.00065 0.00137 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00283 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00121 -1.19841 152.862 0.23261 0.70632
Alpha,alpha-trehalose phosphorylase 0.00219 0.00057 0.00278 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00178 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00122 0.81442 107.321 0.41721 0.76408
Aspartate dehydrogenase 0.00219 0.00042 0.00150 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00267 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00080 -1.46981 155.944 0.14363 0.70632
2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate phosphatase 0.00219 0.00076 0.00076 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00319 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00135 -1.79240 131.368 0.07537 0.70632
Proteasome endopeptidase complex 0.00219 0.00071 0.00169 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00254 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00128 -0.66128 137.041 0.50954 0.81548
Aminocarboxymuconate-semialdehyde decarboxylase 0.00218 0.00056 0.00092 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00305 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00097 -2.19478 114.898 0.03019 0.67652
sn-glycerol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase 0.00217 0.00036 0.00194 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00233 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00068 -0.57108 155.968 0.56877 0.85024
CMP-N,N’-diacetyllegionaminic acid synthase 0.00216 0.00069 0.00161 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00255 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00128 -0.73615 148.770 0.46280 0.78699
FAD-dependent urate hydroxylase 0.00216 0.00052 0.00142 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00268 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00095 -1.32996 137.631 0.18573 0.70632
Proton-exporting ATPase 0.00215 0.00090 0.00213 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.00217 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00190 -0.02278 117.949 0.98187 0.99457
Stearoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] 9-desaturase 0.00215 0.00054 0.00060 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00323 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00092 -2.85515 103.480 0.00520 0.62334
3-methylfumaryl-CoA hydratase 0.00212 0.00052 0.00101 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00289 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00091 -2.07418 113.863 0.04032 0.67652
Cinnamoyl-CoA:phenyllactate CoA-transferase 0.00212 0.00081 0.00329 0.00021 0.00182 65 0.00130 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00189 1.05148 74.078 0.29646 0.70632
Kojibiose phosphorylase 0.00212 0.00081 0.00328 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.00130 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00190 1.03621 73.878 0.30349 0.70632
3-hydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione monooxygenase 0.00208 0.00070 0.00108 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00277 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00122 -1.38231 109.462 0.16969 0.70632
Tungstate-importing ATPase 0.00207 0.00054 0.00203 0.00003 0.00062 65 0.00209 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00102 -0.06073 155.128 0.95165 0.99049
Phosphoribulokinase 0.00204 0.00042 0.00180 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00222 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00083 -0.50249 152.085 0.61605 0.87356
Unspecific monooxygenase 0.00204 0.00056 0.00082 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00289 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00096 -2.14831 109.716 0.03389 0.67652
Dimethylsulfoxide reductase 0.00203 0.00070 0.00108 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00270 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00121 -1.33978 105.178 0.18321 0.70632
Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase 0.00203 0.00057 0.00089 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00283 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00098 -1.98675 105.611 0.04954 0.70331
Cholest-4-en-3-one 26-monooxygenase 0.00203 0.00099 0.00043 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00315 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00169 -1.61749 95.422 0.10907 0.70632
Betaine reductase 0.00202 0.00045 0.00218 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00191 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00090 0.29332 147.073 0.76969 0.93519
Ectoine synthase 0.00202 0.00044 0.00133 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00250 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00080 -1.46095 144.764 0.14620 0.70632
Acetoacetate decarboxylase 0.00199 0.00064 0.00080 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00282 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00109 -1.84694 99.763 0.06772 0.70632
6-hydroxynicotinate 3-monooxygenase 0.00198 0.00065 0.00097 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00269 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00119 -1.45194 147.895 0.14864 0.70632
CoA-disulfide reductase 0.00197 0.00079 0.00175 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00213 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00153 -0.25178 154.885 0.80155 0.94263
Aliphatic aldoxime dehydratase 0.00197 0.00070 0.00090 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00272 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00127 -1.43174 143.190 0.15440 0.70632
Benzoylformate decarboxylase 0.00197 0.00064 0.00103 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00262 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00111 -1.43744 108.569 0.15347 0.70632
N-acetylneuraminate epimerase 0.00196 0.00054 0.00161 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00222 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00103 -0.59446 155.999 0.55307 0.84479
Limonene-1,2-epoxide hydrolase 0.00196 0.00128 0.00042 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00304 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00218 -1.19991 95.069 0.23316 0.70632
UDP-N-acetyl-2-amino-2-deoxyglucuronate dehydrogenase 0.00196 0.00071 0.00149 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00229 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00127 -0.62254 126.829 0.53470 0.83299
Steroid Delta-isomerase 0.00195 0.00098 0.00060 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00289 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00168 -1.36312 96.638 0.17601 0.70632
Dye decolorizing peroxidase 0.00193 0.00047 0.00119 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00245 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00085 -1.48456 142.706 0.13987 0.70632
Lysine 6-dehydrogenase 0.00192 0.00073 0.00071 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00278 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00131 -1.57636 133.530 0.11731 0.70632
Alkylglycerone-phosphate synthase 0.00192 0.00054 0.00098 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00257 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00096 -1.66394 122.067 0.09869 0.70632
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase (acceptor) 0.00190 0.00098 0.00091 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00259 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00169 -0.99714 100.765 0.32109 0.70632
Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) 0.00190 0.00054 0.00160 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00210 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00104 -0.48142 155.995 0.63089 0.88317
1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA hydrolase 0.00187 0.00038 0.00170 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00199 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00076 -0.38378 152.545 0.70167 0.91306
Peroxyureidoacrylate/ureidoacrylate amidohydrolase 0.00187 0.00039 0.00175 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00195 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00083 -0.24700 121.664 0.80532 0.94351
Mycoredoxin 0.00187 0.00044 0.00141 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00219 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00083 -0.93276 154.558 0.35240 0.72019
ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] hydrolase 0.00186 0.00044 0.00225 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00159 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00090 0.73672 134.684 0.46257 0.78699
CDP-ribitol ribitolphosphotransferase 0.00185 0.00065 0.00086 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00255 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00114 -1.48271 113.718 0.14092 0.70632
Diaminobutyrate acetyltransferase 0.00183 0.00042 0.00115 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00230 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00077 -1.50017 142.420 0.13578 0.70632
Aminodeoxyfutalosine nucleosidase 0.00182 0.00072 0.00139 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00213 0.00012 0.00116 93 0.00129 -0.57498 129.395 0.56631 0.85024
Spermidine dehydrogenase 0.00182 0.00065 0.00111 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00232 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00122 -0.98998 151.962 0.32376 0.70874
Maleamate amidohydrolase 0.00181 0.00063 0.00107 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00234 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00118 -1.07683 152.402 0.28326 0.70632
Chondroitin-sulfate-ABC endolyase 0.00181 0.00043 0.00118 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00225 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00077 -1.39943 122.470 0.16421 0.70632
Chondroitin-sulfate-ABC exolyase 0.00181 0.00043 0.00118 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00225 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00077 -1.39943 122.470 0.16421 0.70632
Xaa-Xaa-Pro tripeptidyl-peptidase 0.00181 0.00054 0.00160 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00196 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00104 -0.34330 155.987 0.73184 0.92120
Tetraprenyl-beta-curcumene synthase 0.00181 0.00049 0.00034 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00283 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00082 -3.02902 98.528 0.00313 0.62334
UDP-N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolyzing) 0.00180 0.00067 0.00129 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00215 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00124 -0.69520 145.150 0.48804 0.80164
Pseudaminic acid synthase 0.00178 0.00071 0.00098 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00234 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00124 -1.10798 112.198 0.27024 0.70632
Oxalate decarboxylase 0.00177 0.00070 0.00107 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00226 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00126 -0.94149 134.390 0.34814 0.72019
Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase 0.00175 0.00046 0.00282 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00101 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00105 1.72384 81.503 0.08853 0.70632
GDP-perosamine synthase 0.00174 0.00071 0.00088 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00234 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00127 -1.15456 131.620 0.25036 0.70632
Putrescine oxidase 0.00174 0.00048 0.00107 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00220 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00087 -1.30176 137.776 0.19517 0.70632
Isonocardicin synthase 0.00172 0.00061 0.00155 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00184 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00121 -0.23549 149.284 0.81415 0.94567
HycI peptidase 0.00172 0.00038 0.00203 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00150 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00082 0.65058 104.851 0.51674 0.81889
Coenzyme F420-0:L-glutamate ligase 0.00171 0.00042 0.00135 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00197 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00080 -0.77340 155.823 0.44045 0.77520
Coenzyme F420-1:gamma-L-glutamate ligase 0.00171 0.00042 0.00135 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00197 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00080 -0.77340 155.823 0.44045 0.77520
2,5-dihydroxypyridine 5,6-dioxygenase 0.00169 0.00062 0.00085 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00227 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00115 -1.24056 150.212 0.21670 0.70632
Ureidoglycolate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.00168 0.00069 0.00079 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00229 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00123 -1.21651 132.568 0.22595 0.70632
Oligogalacturonide lyase 0.00167 0.00058 0.00084 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00226 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00102 -1.38997 120.699 0.16709 0.70632
N-formylmaleamate deformylase 0.00165 0.00062 0.00088 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00220 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00115 -1.13952 150.528 0.25630 0.70632
L-xylulokinase 0.00165 0.00030 0.00139 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00184 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00060 -0.76115 147.428 0.44778 0.77823
Glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase 0.00164 0.00044 0.00140 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00181 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00086 -0.47505 153.072 0.63543 0.88317
Mannosylglycerate hydrolase 0.00163 0.00049 0.00168 0.00005 0.00084 65 0.00160 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00103 0.08259 124.385 0.93431 0.98985
5-dehydro-2-deoxyphosphogluconate aldolase 0.00162 0.00061 0.00169 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.00157 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00138 0.08361 90.467 0.93355 0.98985
UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine N-acetyltransferase 0.00162 0.00070 0.00096 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00208 0.00012 0.00116 93 0.00122 -0.91286 112.592 0.36327 0.72448
UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine transaminase 0.00162 0.00070 0.00096 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00208 0.00012 0.00116 93 0.00122 -0.91286 112.592 0.36327 0.72448
Homospermidine synthase 0.00161 0.00046 0.00037 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00249 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00078 -2.71274 95.692 0.00791 0.62334
Glycogen(starch) synthase 0.00161 0.00038 0.00096 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00207 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00066 -1.67723 109.439 0.09635 0.70632
Ribonuclease T(1) 0.00161 0.00052 0.00096 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00207 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00091 -1.21341 117.440 0.22741 0.70632
L-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase 0.00160 0.00032 0.00201 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00132 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00071 0.96914 94.064 0.33496 0.71823
o-pyrocatechuate decarboxylase 0.00159 0.00062 0.00078 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00216 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00115 -1.19702 150.043 0.23319 0.70632
(R)-citramalate synthase 0.00159 0.00041 0.00107 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00196 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00078 -1.14134 154.283 0.25550 0.70632
Cutinase 0.00157 0.00061 0.00017 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00254 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00103 -2.30881 94.803 0.02313 0.66972
2-phospho-L-lactate guanylyltransferase 0.00155 0.00039 0.00097 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00196 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00070 -1.41411 134.956 0.15963 0.70632
3-carboxyethylcatechol 2,3-dioxygenase 0.00155 0.00045 0.00093 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00199 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00080 -1.31639 132.080 0.19032 0.70632
Sarcosine/dimethylglycine N-methyltransferase 0.00155 0.00062 0.00075 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00211 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00115 -1.17974 149.995 0.23997 0.70632
Cyclic-guanylate-specific phosphodiesterase 0.00153 0.00051 0.00107 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00186 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00090 -0.88281 116.197 0.37916 0.73587
Glycine/sarcosine N-methyltransferase 0.00151 0.00062 0.00078 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00203 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00115 -1.08659 150.083 0.27896 0.70632
Aldehyde oxygenase (deformylating) 0.00150 0.00062 0.00075 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00203 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00115 -1.11161 150.073 0.26808 0.70632
Exo-poly-alpha-galacturonosidase 0.00150 0.00062 0.00075 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00203 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00115 -1.11161 150.073 0.26808 0.70632
2-hydroxyhexa-2,4-dienoate hydratase 0.00149 0.00035 0.00211 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00107 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00075 1.38042 106.643 0.17034 0.70632
Protein-histidine pros-kinase 0.00149 0.00053 0.00070 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00204 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00094 -1.43149 121.430 0.15486 0.70632
Decaprenylphospho-beta-D-erythro-pentofuranosid-2-ulose 2-reductase 0.00149 0.00039 0.00124 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00166 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00074 -0.56686 154.421 0.57164 0.85122
Decaprenyl-phosphate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.00146 0.00039 0.00117 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00166 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00074 -0.65633 154.279 0.51259 0.81548
Decaprenylphospho-beta-D-ribofuranose 2-dehydrogenase 0.00146 0.00039 0.00117 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00166 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00074 -0.65633 154.279 0.51259 0.81548
Factor independent urate hydroxylase 0.00146 0.00044 0.00075 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00196 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00079 -1.52895 126.664 0.12877 0.70632
galactofuranosyltransferase 0.00145 0.00040 0.00120 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00163 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00076 -0.55774 155.788 0.57782 0.85190
4-hydroxy-2-oxohexanoate aldolase 0.00143 0.00036 0.00141 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00145 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00071 -0.05405 151.671 0.95697 0.99147
IgA-specific metalloendopeptidase 0.00143 0.00048 0.00140 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00145 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00096 -0.04452 149.004 0.96455 0.99193
Inosine kinase 0.00143 0.00037 0.00176 0.00002 0.00062 65 0.00119 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00077 0.74167 126.011 0.45967 0.78637
Bacterial leucyl aminopeptidase 0.00142 0.00042 0.00077 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00188 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00075 -1.47569 130.362 0.14244 0.70632
Crotonobetainyl-CoA hydratase 0.00142 0.00031 0.00039 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00214 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00051 -3.40450 99.348 0.00096 0.62334
Pyrimidine monooxygenase 0.00142 0.00034 0.00143 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00141 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00071 0.02728 132.970 0.97828 0.99457
Aquacobalamin reductase 0.00142 0.00037 0.00174 0.00002 0.00062 65 0.00119 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00077 0.71402 126.037 0.47653 0.79541
Riboflavin reductase (NAD(P)H) 0.00142 0.00037 0.00174 0.00002 0.00062 65 0.00119 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00077 0.71402 126.037 0.47653 0.79541
Limonene 1,2-monooxygenase 0.00142 0.00040 0.00081 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00184 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00072 -1.44085 129.446 0.15204 0.70632
Creatinase 0.00141 0.00039 0.00190 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00107 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00083 0.99994 115.581 0.31943 0.70632
2-phospho-L-lactate transferase 0.00141 0.00039 0.00089 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00178 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00070 -1.26882 134.955 0.20669 0.70632
2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase 0.00141 0.00039 0.00116 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00159 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00074 -0.58143 154.520 0.56180 0.85024
Aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.00141 0.00040 0.00061 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00196 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00069 -1.96159 101.393 0.05255 0.70632
Triphosphatase 0.00138 0.00036 0.00165 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00119 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00076 0.60561 127.836 0.54585 0.84290
2-oxo-3-hexenedioate decarboxylase 0.00134 0.00041 0.00070 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00178 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00071 -1.51198 113.576 0.13332 0.70632
[Acyl-carrier-protein] phosphodiesterase 0.00133 0.00036 0.00152 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00119 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00075 0.43701 128.062 0.66284 0.88968
4-phytase 0.00133 0.00034 0.00124 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00139 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00070 -0.20636 136.196 0.83682 0.95674
hydrolase 0.00131 0.00041 0.00076 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00170 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00072 -1.30342 128.019 0.19477 0.70632
Formate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.00131 0.00030 0.00114 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00143 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00059 -0.48906 152.403 0.62550 0.88154
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.00130 0.00037 0.00060 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00179 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00065 -1.82488 127.577 0.07036 0.70632
Galactan 5-O-arabinofuranosyltransferase 0.00130 0.00039 0.00078 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00166 0.00004 0.00061 93 0.00072 -1.22547 145.097 0.22238 0.70632
Maltokinase 0.00129 0.00024 0.00114 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00140 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00047 -0.54681 155.885 0.58529 0.85509
3-alpha(or 20-beta)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 0.00128 0.00039 0.00026 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00198 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00066 -2.58928 96.751 0.01110 0.64530
L-idonate 5-dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.00127 0.00029 0.00088 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00155 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00054 -1.24131 149.655 0.21643 0.70632
Arabinofuranan 3-O-arabinosyltransferase 0.00127 0.00038 0.00077 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00161 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00070 -1.19818 147.157 0.23277 0.70632
4-hydroxymandelate oxidase 0.00126 0.00049 0.00103 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00142 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00089 -0.43698 133.879 0.66283 0.88968
3-phenylpropanoate dioxygenase 0.00126 0.00054 0.00066 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00167 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00093 -1.08569 102.254 0.28017 0.70632
Salicylate 5-hydroxylase 0.00125 0.00079 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00206 0.00017 0.00133 93 0.00134 -1.46329 92.453 0.14678 0.70632
Endothelin-converting enzyme 1 0.00125 0.00033 0.00096 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00145 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00064 -0.77559 154.937 0.43917 0.77432
dioxygenase 0.00125 0.00040 0.00074 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00160 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00071 -1.20653 129.503 0.22981 0.70632
4-coumaroyl-homoserine lactone synthase 0.00124 0.00035 0.00087 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00149 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00077 -0.80401 104.030 0.42322 0.76494
Isovaleryl-homoserine lactone synthase 0.00124 0.00035 0.00087 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00149 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00077 -0.80401 104.030 0.42322 0.76494
Formate dehydrogenase-N 0.00124 0.00039 0.00126 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00122 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00075 0.05312 155.555 0.95770 0.99147
Glycerol dehydratase 0.00124 0.00102 0.00263 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00247 0.95669 64.812 0.34228 0.72019
Benzoyl-CoA-dihydrodiol lyase 0.00123 0.00044 0.00034 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00186 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00075 -2.02242 96.987 0.04589 0.69348
Hydroxybutyrate-dimer hydrolase 0.00123 0.00055 0.00032 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00187 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00094 -1.64242 96.337 0.10376 0.70632
Aspartate–tRNA(Asn) ligase 0.00122 0.00043 0.00095 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00141 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00088 -0.51860 129.483 0.60493 0.86817
Benzoate–CoA ligase 0.00122 0.00044 0.00031 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00186 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00075 -2.07641 96.141 0.04052 0.67652
L-lysine 6-transaminase 0.00119 0.00038 0.00069 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00154 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00067 -1.27327 117.779 0.20543 0.70632
2-hydroxymuconate-6-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.00117 0.00038 0.00090 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00136 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00068 -0.68583 137.534 0.49398 0.80568
Aminomuconate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.00117 0.00038 0.00090 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00136 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00068 -0.68583 137.534 0.49398 0.80568
2’-hydroxybiphenyl-2-sulfinate desulfinase 0.00117 0.00054 0.00057 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00158 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00092 -1.09315 100.010 0.27695 0.70632
L-histidine N(alpha)-methyltransferase 0.00116 0.00038 0.00064 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00153 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00067 -1.32914 126.611 0.18619 0.70632
Vitamin B12-transporting ATPase 0.00116 0.00033 0.00130 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00106 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00067 0.35501 139.795 0.72312 0.92120
Sulfofructose kinase 0.00116 0.00043 0.00035 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00173 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00073 -1.89647 97.134 0.06087 0.70632
2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-1-phosphate enolase 0.00115 0.00042 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00187 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00070 -2.50212 93.704 0.01408 0.64530
Lipopolysaccharide N-acetylmannosaminouronosyltransferase 0.00115 0.00033 0.00118 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00113 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00068 0.07287 141.835 0.94202 0.99049
Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 0.00115 0.00042 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00187 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00070 -2.50477 93.706 0.01398 0.64530
L-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.00115 0.00040 0.00021 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00180 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00067 -2.35800 93.740 0.02045 0.64530
UDP-2-acetamido-3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-glucuronate N-acetyltransferase 0.00114 0.00025 0.00108 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00118 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00051 -0.19377 137.392 0.84664 0.95939
Taurine–2-oxoglutarate transaminase 0.00113 0.00025 0.00105 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00119 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00053 -0.27431 116.085 0.78434 0.93675
N-acyl-D-glutamate deacylase 0.00113 0.00042 0.00091 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00128 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00080 -0.46242 155.543 0.64443 0.88749
Squalene synthase 0.00113 0.00064 0.00067 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00144 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00116 -0.66083 143.720 0.50978 0.81548
Thiamine kinase 0.00112 0.00033 0.00119 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00106 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00067 0.18626 140.365 0.85251 0.96065
4-aminobutyrate–pyruvate transaminase 0.00112 0.00037 0.00042 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00160 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00063 -1.86087 107.607 0.06549 0.70632
Methylamine dehydrogenase (amicyanin) 0.00111 0.00040 0.00127 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00100 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00077 0.35436 155.347 0.72355 0.92120
Arsenate-mycothiol transferase 0.00111 0.00038 0.00081 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00132 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00071 -0.72868 151.883 0.46732 0.79096
dTDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-D-galactose acyltransferase 0.00111 0.00033 0.00118 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00106 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00067 0.17131 140.326 0.86423 0.96186
Kdo(2)-lipid IV(A) palmitoleoyltransferase 0.00111 0.00033 0.00118 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00106 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00067 0.17131 140.326 0.86423 0.96186
TDP-N-acetylfucosamine:lipid II N-acetylfucosaminyltransferase 0.00111 0.00033 0.00118 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00106 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00067 0.17131 140.326 0.86423 0.96186
2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-dienedioate hydrolase 0.00110 0.00037 0.00051 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00151 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00064 -1.56470 110.285 0.12052 0.70632
[Trimethylamine–corrinoid protein] Co-methyltransferase 0.00109 0.00052 0.00021 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00171 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00089 -1.68339 99.319 0.09544 0.70632
Scyllo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.00109 0.00033 0.00072 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00135 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00062 -1.01572 152.429 0.31137 0.70632
Phosphatidylinositol diacylglycerol-lyase 0.00108 0.00034 0.00035 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00159 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00059 -2.09705 107.493 0.03833 0.67652
UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid 2-epimerase 0.00108 0.00035 0.00046 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00150 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00061 -1.71248 104.361 0.08978 0.70632
Gamma-glutamyl hercynylcysteine S-oxide synthase 0.00107 0.00037 0.00058 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00141 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00065 -1.27392 125.839 0.20504 0.70632
N-acetylhexosamine 1-kinase 0.00105 0.00023 0.00100 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00109 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00045 -0.18509 150.717 0.85341 0.96065
Acetone carboxylase 0.00104 0.00067 0.00037 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00151 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00116 -0.98355 100.049 0.32771 0.71151
Squalene–hopanol cyclase 0.00104 0.00029 0.00093 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00112 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00057 -0.32445 151.609 0.74604 0.92773
Squalene–hopene cyclase 0.00104 0.00029 0.00093 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00112 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00057 -0.32445 151.609 0.74604 0.92773
GDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-mannose reductase 0.00104 0.00028 0.00071 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00127 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00051 -1.09727 147.652 0.27431 0.70632
16S rRNA (cytosine(1407)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.00102 0.00028 0.00127 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00085 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00060 0.69055 112.342 0.49128 0.80508
1,4-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyltransferase 0.00102 0.00027 0.00130 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00083 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00060 0.79380 101.344 0.42917 0.76781
Cyanuric acid amidohydrolase 0.00102 0.00039 0.00054 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00135 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00068 -1.19840 119.656 0.23313 0.70632
UDP-sulfoquinovose synthase 0.00101 0.00028 0.00048 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00139 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00049 -1.84060 113.976 0.06828 0.70632
5-guanidino-2-oxopentanoate decarboxylase 0.00101 0.00030 0.00150 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00067 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00065 1.28316 108.364 0.20217 0.70632
D-sorbitol dehydrogenase (acceptor) 0.00101 0.00031 0.00083 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00113 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00061 -0.48455 150.455 0.62870 0.88303
UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine diphosphorylase 0.00100 0.00035 0.00031 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00148 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00060 -1.95330 105.118 0.05344 0.70632
Enamidase 0.00099 0.00043 0.00019 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00154 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00073 -1.86405 93.497 0.06545 0.70632
D-psicose 3-epimerase 0.00099 0.00024 0.00030 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00147 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00043 -2.73839 122.183 0.00710 0.62334
D-tagatose 3-epimerase 0.00099 0.00024 0.00030 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00147 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00043 -2.73839 122.183 0.00710 0.62334
Undecaprenyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycotransferase 0.00098 0.00027 0.00128 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00078 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00059 0.84858 98.484 0.39817 0.74887
L-gulonate 5-dehydrogenase 0.00098 0.00028 0.00108 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00059 0.28143 126.553 0.77884 0.93675
Sulfoacetaldehyde reductase 0.00098 0.00037 0.00097 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00098 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00076 -0.00261 131.315 0.99792 0.99921
2-pyrone-4,6-dicarboxylate lactonase 0.00098 0.00047 0.00017 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00153 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00079 -1.71238 93.886 0.09013 0.70632
6-aminohexanoate-cyclic-dimer hydrolase 0.00095 0.00041 0.00030 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00140 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00069 -1.59908 96.943 0.11306 0.70632
L-arabinonate dehydratase 0.00095 0.00050 0.00033 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00138 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00086 -1.22195 103.409 0.22450 0.70632
2-dehydro-3-deoxyglucarate aldolase 0.00092 0.00025 0.00113 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00078 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00054 0.64133 118.573 0.52255 0.82182
Maleylacetate reductase 0.00091 0.00040 0.00032 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00132 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00068 -1.45026 98.281 0.15017 0.70632
Cellobiose phosphorylase 0.00090 0.00029 0.00068 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00105 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00055 -0.66829 155.508 0.50494 0.81236
N,N’-diacetyllegionaminate synthase 0.00090 0.00029 0.00071 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00103 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00055 -0.58298 155.940 0.56075 0.85024
Alpha,alpha-trehalose synthase 0.00090 0.00022 0.00064 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00107 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00039 -1.09888 137.837 0.27374 0.70632
Erythritol kinase 0.00089 0.00038 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00146 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00065 -2.11877 92.725 0.03678 0.67652
Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (acceptor) 0.00089 0.00030 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00144 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00050 -2.71230 92.940 0.00796 0.62334
4-hydroxyacetophenone monooxygenase 0.00089 0.00026 0.00020 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00136 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00043 -2.67094 96.208 0.00888 0.64530
2-methylfumaryl-CoA isomerase 0.00087 0.00034 0.00038 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00121 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -1.42972 101.951 0.15585 0.70632
Sulfopropanediol 3-dehydrogenase 0.00086 0.00030 0.00047 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00113 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00059 -1.12519 152.138 0.26228 0.70632
Gamma-butyrobetaine dioxygenase 0.00086 0.00027 0.00086 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00086 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00052 0.00798 152.871 0.99364 0.99921
3-oxo-5,6-didehydrosuberyl-CoA thiolase 0.00085 0.00024 0.00081 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00088 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00050 -0.14573 136.470 0.88435 0.96726
Aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase 0.00085 0.00031 0.00096 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00077 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00066 0.29583 108.878 0.76793 0.93519
Non-specific protein-tyrosine kinase 0.00085 0.00042 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00134 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00071 -1.68004 93.112 0.09630 0.70632
Phenol 2-monooxygenase 0.00085 0.00031 0.00084 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00085 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00063 -0.01858 138.945 0.98520 0.99660
Ribosylpyrimidine nucleosidase 0.00084 0.00019 0.00085 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00083 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00035 0.05500 155.900 0.95621 0.99147
4-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 0.00083 0.00025 0.00109 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00056 0.78402 94.855 0.43498 0.77079
Alcohol dehydrogenase (azurin) 0.00082 0.00024 0.00035 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00116 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00041 -1.98537 107.191 0.04966 0.70331
dTDP-L-rhamnose 4-epimerase 0.00082 0.00021 0.00054 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00102 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00038 -1.26263 141.738 0.20880 0.70632
Endoglycosylceramidase 0.00082 0.00064 0.00020 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00125 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00109 -0.96217 94.991 0.33841 0.72019
3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase 0.00082 0.00036 0.00044 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00108 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00064 -1.00737 129.182 0.31564 0.70632
Sulfite dehydrogenase 0.00081 0.00046 0.00014 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00129 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00078 -1.46307 94.062 0.14678 0.70632
Sporulenol synthase 0.00081 0.00031 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00127 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00052 -2.16921 95.395 0.03255 0.67652
UDP-arabinose 4-epimerase 0.00081 0.00035 0.00033 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00114 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00061 -1.34793 101.347 0.18069 0.70632
Thermolysin 0.00080 0.00035 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00134 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00060 -2.18611 92.343 0.03134 0.67652
1,5-anhydro-D-fructose reductase (1,5-anhydro-D-mannitol-forming) 0.00079 0.00035 0.00032 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00112 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00062 -1.29291 120.317 0.19852 0.70632
Glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase 0.00079 0.00028 0.00077 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00080 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00054 -0.04567 153.299 0.96364 0.99193
Histidine decarboxylase 0.00079 0.00043 0.00108 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00059 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00092 0.53301 105.343 0.59515 0.86170
Pseudaminic acid cytidylyltransferase 0.00078 0.00020 0.00079 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00078 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00041 0.02582 139.055 0.97944 0.99457
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (coenzyme-F420) 0.00078 0.00034 0.00041 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00105 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00059 -1.07803 115.672 0.28326 0.70632
(d)CTP diphosphatase 0.00078 0.00024 0.00088 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00071 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00049 0.34398 129.545 0.73142 0.92120
2-hydroxy-4-carboxymuconate semialdehyde hemiacetal dehydrogenase 0.00078 0.00040 0.00015 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00122 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00068 -1.57829 94.416 0.11784 0.70632
transferase 0.00078 0.00025 0.00101 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00062 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00056 0.70809 95.306 0.48062 0.79876
6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin 2’-reductase 0.00078 0.00025 0.00101 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00056 0.71452 95.323 0.47665 0.79541
acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 0.00078 0.00025 0.00101 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00056 0.71452 95.323 0.47665 0.79541
UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine N-acetyltransferase 0.00078 0.00025 0.00101 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00056 0.71452 95.323 0.47665 0.79541
UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine transaminase 0.00078 0.00025 0.00101 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00056 0.71452 95.323 0.47665 0.79541
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase (configuration-retaining) 0.00078 0.00025 0.00101 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00056 0.71452 95.323 0.47665 0.79541
4,4’-diapophytoene desaturase (4,4’-diapolycopene-forming) 0.00077 0.00033 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00114 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00058 -1.56248 104.650 0.12119 0.70632
Diapolycopene oxygenase 0.00077 0.00033 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00114 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00058 -1.56248 104.650 0.12119 0.70632
Lysostaphin 0.00077 0.00033 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00114 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00058 -1.56248 104.650 0.12119 0.70632
Staphopain 0.00077 0.00033 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00114 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00058 -1.56248 104.650 0.12119 0.70632
L-gulonolactone oxidase 0.00077 0.00035 0.00037 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00105 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00061 -1.12148 102.940 0.26469 0.70632
S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione synthase 0.00077 0.00024 0.00039 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00104 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00042 -1.52977 123.885 0.12862 0.70632
UDP-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-ribo-hexuluronate aminotransferase 0.00077 0.00024 0.00084 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00071 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00052 0.24813 109.267 0.80450 0.94350
Fatty-acid peroxygenase 0.00077 0.00025 0.00105 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00057 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00056 0.87318 88.647 0.38493 0.73901
NADPH–hemoprotein reductase 0.00076 0.00024 0.00055 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00044 -0.81068 152.422 0.41881 0.76408
Hydrogen dehydrogenase 0.00076 0.00029 0.00064 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00084 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00055 -0.35457 155.986 0.72339 0.92120
Nicotine blue oxidoreductase 0.00074 0.00018 0.00072 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00075 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00037 -0.06784 125.819 0.94602 0.99049
Gamma-glutamyl-gamma-aminobutyrate hydrolase 0.00073 0.00023 0.00077 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00070 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00048 0.15493 130.476 0.87711 0.96548
Phosphonopyruvate decarboxylase 0.00072 0.00017 0.00057 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00083 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00032 -0.82615 144.535 0.41008 0.76070
specific) 0.00072 0.00040 0.00025 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00104 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00070 -1.14389 103.960 0.25530 0.70632
D-ornithine 4,5-aminomutase 0.00071 0.00018 0.00114 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00040 1.80016 87.052 0.07530 0.70632
Formaldehyde dismutase 0.00071 0.00035 0.00035 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00096 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00062 -0.98879 122.667 0.32471 0.70914
Co-methyltransferase 0.00071 0.00035 0.00042 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00091 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00064 -0.75813 148.497 0.44958 0.78030
Aminopeptidase B 0.00070 0.00028 0.00027 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00100 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00051 -1.43262 143.735 0.15414 0.70632
Malyl-CoA lyase 0.00070 0.00025 0.00026 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00100 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00044 -1.69839 104.740 0.09240 0.70632
L-rhamnose 1-dehydrogenase 0.00068 0.00019 0.00036 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00033 -1.64306 137.238 0.10266 0.70632
L-rhamnose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.00068 0.00019 0.00036 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00033 -1.64306 137.238 0.10266 0.70632
L-rhamnose 1-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.00068 0.00019 0.00036 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00033 -1.64306 137.238 0.10266 0.70632
Hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase 0.00068 0.00023 0.00055 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00077 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00043 -0.52653 154.063 0.59928 0.86318
Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase 0.00067 0.00018 0.00024 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00097 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00031 -2.35296 108.084 0.02043 0.64530
(2S)-methylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.00066 0.00022 0.00030 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00092 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00038 -1.62229 113.950 0.10751 0.70632
Sterol 14-alpha-demethylase 0.00066 0.00033 0.00013 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00102 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00056 -1.59038 95.464 0.11506 0.70632
Acyl-CoA hydrolase 0.00064 0.00018 0.00058 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00068 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00036 -0.28083 148.176 0.77924 0.93675
Endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase 0.00063 0.00034 0.00099 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00080 0.76394 67.821 0.44755 0.77823
3-(cis-5,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-1,3-dien-1-yl)propanoate dehydrogenase 0.00063 0.00027 0.00033 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00084 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00047 -1.08569 102.254 0.28017 0.70632
D-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase 0.00063 0.00039 0.00014 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00096 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00066 -1.24323 93.504 0.21689 0.70632
Aliphatic nitrilase 0.00062 0.00021 0.00042 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00076 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00038 -0.89590 129.300 0.37197 0.73139
Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase 0.00061 0.00034 0.00051 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00069 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00062 -0.28532 143.800 0.77581 0.93675
D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate guanylyltransferase 0.00060 0.00015 0.00040 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00028 -1.16928 145.446 0.24420 0.70632
Valine dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.00059 0.00034 0.00040 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00073 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00060 -0.54627 125.569 0.58585 0.85531
Propionate kinase 0.00058 0.00020 0.00049 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00038 -0.41960 151.472 0.67537 0.89908
Receptor protein-tyrosine kinase 0.00058 0.00020 0.00025 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00080 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00036 -1.53891 125.303 0.12635 0.70632
3-phospho-methyltransferase 0.00058 0.00027 0.00129 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00064 1.89621 64.867 0.06239 0.70632
Polymannosyl GlcNAc-diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol kinase 0.00058 0.00027 0.00129 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00064 1.89621 64.867 0.06239 0.70632
3(or 17)-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 0.00057 0.00022 0.00059 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00043 0.06734 153.310 0.94640 0.99049
Neprilysin 0.00057 0.00033 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00090 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00056 -1.42312 94.887 0.15798 0.70632
GalNAc(5)-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase 0.00057 0.00019 0.00058 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00039 0.05089 133.670 0.95949 0.99187
UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-beta-L-altropyranose hydrolase 0.00057 0.00019 0.00058 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00039 0.05089 133.670 0.95949 0.99187
Mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase 0.00057 0.00020 0.00042 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00067 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00036 -0.70129 136.364 0.48431 0.80111
23S rRNA (guanine(1835)-N(2))-methyltransferase 0.00056 0.00018 0.00055 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00034 -0.06569 152.316 0.94771 0.99049
Lactate 2-monooxygenase 0.00056 0.00021 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00087 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00036 -2.11626 97.090 0.03688 0.67652
Phenylalanine dehydrogenase 0.00056 0.00025 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00088 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -1.84251 95.373 0.06851 0.70632
Enterobacter ribonuclease 0.00056 0.00019 0.00043 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00034 -0.63867 145.621 0.52404 0.82182
Gingipain R 0.00054 0.00025 0.00047 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00059 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00052 -0.22700 131.514 0.82077 0.95023
Methanogen homoaconitase 0.00054 0.00038 0.00024 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00075 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00066 -0.77118 107.434 0.44230 0.77520
Homocitrate synthase 0.00054 0.00020 0.00027 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00035 -1.32558 106.234 0.18782 0.70632
D-ribulokinase 0.00054 0.00032 0.00017 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00080 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00055 -1.14353 94.971 0.25569 0.70632
Putrescine carbamoyltransferase 0.00054 0.00019 0.00059 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00051 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00038 0.21014 150.142 0.83384 0.95593
Benzil reductase ((S)-benzoin forming) 0.00053 0.00022 0.00028 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00070 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00039 -1.09881 134.496 0.27381 0.70632
2’-hydroxyisoflavone reductase 0.00052 0.00025 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00084 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -1.83379 94.231 0.06984 0.70632
Phosphosulfolactate synthase 0.00052 0.00018 0.00024 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00031 -1.51978 124.737 0.13110 0.70632
3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.00052 0.00038 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00086 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00065 -1.28204 92.292 0.20304 0.70632
5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural oxidase 0.00052 0.00020 0.00037 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00062 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00036 -0.67692 121.996 0.49974 0.80830
L-cysteate sulfo-lyase 0.00052 0.00020 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00060 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00036 -0.55206 143.114 0.58177 0.85342
Ferric-chelate reductase (NADPH) 0.00052 0.00018 0.00044 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00033 -0.40477 148.107 0.68623 0.90745
L-arabinonolactonase 0.00052 0.00032 0.00031 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00066 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00057 -0.63223 118.550 0.52845 0.82630
N-carbamoyl-D-amino-acid hydrolase 0.00051 0.00021 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00035 -1.54007 100.868 0.12667 0.70632
2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate dehydratase 0.00051 0.00039 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00081 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00066 -1.13063 92.851 0.26112 0.70632
2-hydroxymuconate-6-semialdehyde hydrolase 0.00051 0.00023 0.00033 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00063 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00040 -0.75261 116.654 0.45320 0.78466
Crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase 0.00051 0.00021 0.00023 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00070 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00037 -1.27284 110.082 0.20576 0.70632
2-alkenal reductase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.00050 0.00021 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00035 -1.68304 96.856 0.09559 0.70632
CDP-paratose 2-epimerase 0.00050 0.00016 0.00014 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -2.20575 105.555 0.02957 0.67652
Cellobionic acid phosphorylase 0.00050 0.00032 0.00030 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00064 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00057 -0.60431 118.707 0.54679 0.84303
4,5-dihydroxyphthalate decarboxylase 0.00049 0.00021 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00036 -1.61468 96.712 0.10964 0.70632
Histone acetyltransferase 0.00049 0.00016 0.00038 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00028 -0.68404 116.164 0.49531 0.80655
Trans-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase 0.00048 0.00020 0.00048 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00048 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00039 -0.01523 145.855 0.98787 0.99660
2-methylfumaryl-CoA hydratase 0.00047 0.00021 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00070 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00036 -1.56132 100.069 0.12160 0.70632
Mandelamide amidase 0.00047 0.00022 0.00034 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00039 -0.56835 110.890 0.57095 0.85122
[Lysine-biosynthesis-protein LysW]–L-2-aminoadipate ligase 0.00047 0.00023 0.00023 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00064 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00042 -1.00607 127.125 0.31629 0.70632
(+)-trans-carveol dehydrogenase 0.00047 0.00021 0.00050 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00045 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00050 0.10344 80.934 0.91787 0.98197
D-xylulose reductase 0.00047 0.00016 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00074 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -2.45999 97.546 0.01565 0.64530
3’,5’-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 0.00047 0.00015 0.00047 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00046 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00032 0.03164 116.243 0.97481 0.99435
Oligosaccharide reducing-end xylanase 0.00045 0.00021 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00077 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00036 -2.11287 92.052 0.03732 0.67652
NAD(+) ADP-ribosyltransferase 0.00044 0.00021 0.00038 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00049 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00040 -0.28393 155.839 0.77684 0.93675
Alditol oxidase 0.00044 0.00018 0.00064 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00041 0.85247 75.651 0.39665 0.74876
2-aminomuconate deaminase 0.00044 0.00032 0.00017 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00062 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00055 -0.82700 99.397 0.41022 0.76070
Futalosine hydrolase 0.00042 0.00020 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00066 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00035 -1.67700 98.418 0.09672 0.70632
Acetate–CoA ligase (ADP-forming) 0.00042 0.00031 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00069 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00053 -1.24419 92.331 0.21658 0.70632
N(6)-hydroxylysine O-acetyltransferase 0.00042 0.00013 0.00061 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00029 1.09878 91.334 0.27475 0.70632
(S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine transaminase 0.00042 0.00020 0.00038 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00044 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00037 -0.17439 153.476 0.86179 0.96186
Pyridoxine 4-dehydrogenase 0.00042 0.00020 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00060 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00034 -1.33571 97.339 0.18476 0.70632
Guanylate cyclase 0.00042 0.00020 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00060 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00034 -1.35454 96.965 0.17871 0.70632
Heparin-sulfate lyase 0.00041 0.00020 0.00026 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00035 -0.74276 118.705 0.45909 0.78637
4-hydroxybenzoate–CoA ligase 0.00041 0.00020 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00059 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00034 -1.30855 97.338 0.19377 0.70632
Hygromycin-B 7’’-O-kinase 0.00041 0.00020 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00059 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00034 -1.30855 97.338 0.19377 0.70632
Mandelate racemase 0.00041 0.00020 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00059 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00034 -1.30855 97.338 0.19377 0.70632
GDP-mannose:cellobiosyl-diphosphopolyprenol alpha-mannosyltransferase 0.00041 0.00014 0.00039 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00030 -0.08504 128.778 0.93236 0.98985
Coenzyme gamma-F420-2:alpha-L-glutamate ligase 0.00041 0.00022 0.00026 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00051 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00041 -0.62579 142.161 0.53246 0.83089
Acetyl-CoA hydrolase 0.00041 0.00032 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00060 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00054 -0.85545 95.448 0.39445 0.74652
Anthranilate 3-monooxygenase (FAD) 0.00040 0.00020 0.00037 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00043 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00041 -0.12542 124.334 0.90040 0.97349
L-galactose 1-dehydrogenase 0.00040 0.00020 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00058 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00034 -1.29661 96.971 0.19784 0.70632
Aspartate–prephenate aminotransferase 0.00040 0.00022 0.00023 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00051 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00038 -0.74041 102.789 0.46074 0.78637
Glutamate–prephenate aminotransferase 0.00040 0.00022 0.00023 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00051 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00038 -0.74041 102.789 0.46074 0.78637
4-oxalomesaconate tautomerase 0.00039 0.00011 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00059 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00019 -2.57931 101.179 0.01134 0.64530
Oligosaccharide 4-alpha-D-glucosyltransferase 0.00039 0.00031 0.00017 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00053 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00053 -0.68016 99.312 0.49798 0.80830
D-amino-acid oxidase 0.00038 0.00015 0.00036 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00030 -0.08859 126.098 0.92955 0.98985
L-carnitine CoA-transferase 0.00037 0.00016 0.00031 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00042 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -0.42408 118.246 0.67228 0.89609
Peptide-aspartate beta-dioxygenase 0.00036 0.00027 0.00011 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00054 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00047 -0.93130 96.942 0.35401 0.72019
Crotonyl-CoA reductase 0.00035 0.00013 0.00058 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00030 1.28291 74.428 0.20350 0.70632
Sulfolactaldehyde 3-reductase 0.00035 0.00016 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00046 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00028 -0.96589 110.091 0.33622 0.71823
Galactitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase 0.00034 0.00017 0.00022 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00042 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00030 -0.69681 126.892 0.48720 0.80150
Tyrosinase 0.00033 0.00012 0.00039 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00027 0.32952 97.032 0.74248 0.92676
Clostripain 0.00033 0.00033 0.00079 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00079 0.99891 64.000 0.32160 0.70672
Gentamicin 2’-N-acetyltransferase 0.00033 0.00012 0.00032 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00027 -0.03125 96.367 0.97513 0.99435
2-keto-3-deoxy-L-rhamnonate aldolase 0.00032 0.00016 0.00017 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00042 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -0.91603 107.179 0.36171 0.72341
Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase 0.00031 0.00012 0.00011 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00046 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00021 -1.66991 103.777 0.09795 0.70632
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (FAD-independent) 0.00031 0.00017 0.00035 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00038 0.17933 93.937 0.85806 0.96186
Sulfofructosephosphate aldolase 0.00030 0.00016 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00043 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.15604 101.484 0.25038 0.70632
Glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase 0.00030 0.00019 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00049 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00033 -1.44326 92.276 0.15233 0.70632
Peptidyl-Lys metalloendopeptidase 0.00029 0.00014 0.00046 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00032 0.88201 78.399 0.38047 0.73587
Chitin deacetylase 0.00029 0.00014 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00049 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00024 -2.02812 92.000 0.04544 0.69348
Taurine–pyruvate aminotransferase 0.00029 0.00014 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00049 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00024 -2.02812 92.000 0.04544 0.69348
Cob(II)yrinic acid a,c-diamide reductase 0.00029 0.00013 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00046 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00023 -1.87196 94.907 0.06429 0.70632
D-alanine–D-serine ligase 0.00028 0.00017 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00048 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00028 -1.71551 92.000 0.08962 0.70632
N(5)-(carboxyethyl)ornithine synthase 0.00028 0.00013 0.00033 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00028 0.29350 101.847 0.76974 0.93519
Glycine amidinotransferase 0.00028 0.00007 0.00032 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00013 0.49467 154.474 0.62154 0.87830
Polygalacturonase 0.00028 0.00014 0.00022 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00026 -0.40336 150.992 0.68726 0.90804
(S)-sulfolactate dehydrogenase 0.00028 0.00009 0.00031 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00019 0.31624 126.709 0.75234 0.92944
Ubiquinol oxidase (non-electrogenic) 0.00027 0.00016 0.00034 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00037 0.32888 85.596 0.74305 0.92676
(2R)-3-sulfolactate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.00027 0.00012 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00021 -1.54908 105.966 0.12435 0.70632
2,6-dihydroxypyridine 3-monooxygenase 0.00027 0.00012 0.00023 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00027 -0.20576 102.362 0.83739 0.95674
Ferredoxin:protochlorophyllide reductase (ATP-dependent) 0.00026 0.00014 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00042 0.00001 0.00023 93 0.00023 -1.68431 93.535 0.09546 0.70632
Omptin 0.00026 0.00015 0.00015 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00033 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00026 -0.66967 109.447 0.50448 0.81236
Glutamate carboxypeptidase II 0.00026 0.00013 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00023 -1.61863 94.341 0.10887 0.70632
Vancomycin aglycone glucosyltransferase 0.00026 0.00012 0.00031 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00026 0.34602 90.849 0.73013 0.92120
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (NADPH) 0.00026 0.00009 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.96456 147.561 0.33634 0.71823
Methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase 0.00025 0.00015 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00035 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00026 -0.92828 102.094 0.35545 0.72019
Quinate/shikimate dehydrogenase 0.00025 0.00015 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00035 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00026 -0.92828 102.094 0.35545 0.72019
Pentachlorophenol monooxygenase 0.00025 0.00012 0.00037 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00027 0.71658 87.042 0.47555 0.79541
4-methylphenol dehydrogenase (hydroxylating) 0.00025 0.00017 0.00058 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00042 1.34500 64.082 0.18337 0.70632
Quorum-quenching N-acyl-homoserine lactonase 0.00025 0.00015 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00040 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00026 -1.39137 93.815 0.16741 0.70632
Homoisocitrate dehydrogenase 0.00025 0.00019 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00032 -0.98195 98.627 0.32853 0.71151
Azobenzene reductase 0.00024 0.00015 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00026 -1.24188 96.911 0.21728 0.70632
Exo-1,4-beta-D-glucosaminidase 0.00024 0.00009 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00015 -2.25828 96.708 0.02618 0.67652
2-enoate reductase 0.00024 0.00010 0.00010 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00018 -1.30624 127.600 0.19382 0.70632
2,3-dihydroxybenzoate 3,4-dioxygenase 0.00024 0.00012 0.00033 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00028 0.57990 93.504 0.56337 0.85024
L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase 0.00023 0.00014 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00025 -0.98799 116.043 0.32521 0.70949
Sulfite oxidase 0.00023 0.00008 0.00023 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00017 0.04126 126.054 0.96716 0.99193
Carboxynorspermidine synthase 0.00023 0.00016 0.00037 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00037 0.64035 82.275 0.52373 0.82182
CO-methylating acetyl-CoA synthase 0.00023 0.00012 0.00014 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00021 -0.69997 148.544 0.48504 0.80111
Phosphonoacetate hydrolase 0.00023 0.00010 0.00016 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.57119 154.396 0.56870 0.85024
Delta(7)-sterol 5(6)-desaturase 0.00022 0.00013 0.00037 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00030 0.87733 73.476 0.38317 0.73839
5,10-methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase 0.00022 0.00019 0.00047 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00047 0.91320 64.327 0.36455 0.72472
Heparin lyase 0.00021 0.00010 0.00014 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00017 -0.70297 119.585 0.48344 0.80031
Thermitase 0.00021 0.00007 0.00020 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00014 -0.18948 153.303 0.84997 0.96036
Nucleoside-triphosphate phosphatase 0.00021 0.00011 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00021 -0.78459 148.378 0.43395 0.77079
Diadenosine hexaphosphate hydrolase (ATP-forming) 0.00021 0.00019 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00031 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00032 -0.79302 98.745 0.42967 0.76781
2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.00021 0.00011 0.00034 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00024 0.89735 79.963 0.37223 0.73139
3-hydroxybenzoate synthase 0.00020 0.00008 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00016 0.17312 131.527 0.86282 0.96186
Catechol O-methyltransferase 0.00019 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -2.39889 96.168 0.01837 0.64530
3-beta-hydroxy-Delta(5)-steroid dehydrogenase 0.00019 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -2.41830 96.327 0.01747 0.64530
Trans,polycis-decaprenyl diphosphate synthase 0.00019 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -2.41830 96.327 0.01747 0.64530
Phospholipase D 0.00019 0.00008 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -2.04259 99.807 0.04373 0.69348
Chlorophyllide a reductase 0.00019 0.00012 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00021 -1.40637 92.596 0.16296 0.70632
Saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP(+), L-glutamate-forming) 0.00019 0.00015 0.00035 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00035 0.76444 70.099 0.44717 0.77823
Citrate–CoA ligase 0.00019 0.00013 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00024 -0.71950 118.079 0.47325 0.79541
GTP cyclohydrolase IV 0.00019 0.00013 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00024 -0.71950 118.079 0.47325 0.79541
3-deoxy-alpha-D-manno-octulosonate 8-oxidase 0.00018 0.00012 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00023 -0.06896 143.631 0.94511 0.99049
Aerobactin synthase 0.00018 0.00007 0.00026 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00016 0.81179 96.785 0.41890 0.76408
N(2)-citryl-N(6)-acetyl-N(6)-hydroxylysine synthase 0.00018 0.00007 0.00026 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00016 0.81179 96.785 0.41890 0.76408
4-coumarate–CoA ligase 0.00018 0.00008 0.00011 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00015 -0.80277 155.142 0.42333 0.76494
Microsomal epoxide hydrolase 0.00018 0.00010 0.00036 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00025 1.21632 66.329 0.22818 0.70632
3-dehydro-glucose-6-phosphate–glutamate transaminase 0.00018 0.00013 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00022 -1.13792 93.906 0.25805 0.70632
Kanosamine-6-phosphate phosphatase 0.00018 0.00013 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00022 -1.13792 93.906 0.25805 0.70632
Arylamine N-acetyltransferase 0.00018 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -2.21187 96.413 0.02934 0.67652
Guanidinopropionase 0.00018 0.00009 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00016 -1.69355 93.585 0.09368 0.70632
Sedoheptulokinase 0.00017 0.00010 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -1.70207 92.267 0.09211 0.70632
2-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase 0.00017 0.00007 0.00018 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00015 0.08743 142.652 0.93045 0.98985
(R)-amidase 0.00017 0.00009 0.00024 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00019 0.62099 94.059 0.53611 0.83395
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolyzing) 0.00017 0.00010 0.00034 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00024 1.13956 68.836 0.25842 0.70632
Insulysin 0.00017 0.00013 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00022 -1.22149 92.151 0.22502 0.70632
3-hydroxy-D-aspartate aldolase 0.00017 0.00010 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00017 -0.73346 131.307 0.46459 0.78886
Carnitine O-acetyltransferase 0.00017 0.00008 0.00014 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00015 -0.32783 155.976 0.74348 0.92676
Cyclopentanol dehydrogenase 0.00016 0.00008 0.00026 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00018 0.96771 73.816 0.33635 0.71823
(3S)-malyl-CoA thioesterase 0.00016 0.00011 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00019 -1.43183 92.000 0.15558 0.70632
Non-reducing end beta-L-arabinofuranosidase 0.00016 0.00010 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00020 0.09191 113.565 0.92693 0.98985
D-glucosaminate-6-phosphate ammonia lyase 0.00015 0.00010 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.33021 93.636 0.18668 0.70632
Fluoroacetyl-CoA thioesterase 0.00015 0.00009 0.00031 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00022 1.25693 69.326 0.21300 0.70632
Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 0.00015 0.00008 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.62893 96.175 0.10660 0.70632
Sulfoacetaldehyde acetyltransferase 0.00015 0.00009 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00016 -1.59017 92.187 0.11522 0.70632
Coenzyme F420 hydrogenase 0.00015 0.00006 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00010 -1.66518 112.594 0.09866 0.70632
(2R)-sulfolactate sulfo-lyase 0.00015 0.00007 0.00015 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00014 0.07264 125.973 0.94221 0.99049
Transferred entry: and 0.00015 0.00008 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00014 -1.82495 92.000 0.07125 0.70632
N,N-dimethylformamidase 0.00015 0.00007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -2.04511 92.330 0.04369 0.69348
2-methylacyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.00014 0.00008 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00014 -1.57814 93.207 0.11792 0.70632
2-beta-glucuronyltransferase 0.00014 0.00006 0.00018 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00014 0.53187 105.176 0.59594 0.86170
Dolichyl-phosphate-mannose–protein mannosyltransferase 0.00014 0.00005 0.00014 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00009 -0.05759 154.441 0.95415 0.99119
2,2-dialkylglycine decarboxylase (pyruvate) 0.00014 0.00007 0.00012 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00013 -0.23253 150.596 0.81644 0.94663
8-amino-3,8-dideoxy-alpha-D-manno-octulosonate transaminase 0.00014 0.00009 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00019 0.30819 94.208 0.75862 0.93185
Pseudolysin 0.00014 0.00007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.86942 92.000 0.06475 0.70632
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.00014 0.00006 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00010 -1.06657 124.741 0.28823 0.70632
5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin hydro-lyase 0.00013 0.00006 0.00020 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00012 0.88996 95.075 0.37573 0.73229
Geranyl diphosphate 2-C-methyltransferase 0.00013 0.00008 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00014 -1.30652 97.667 0.19444 0.70632
Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 0.00013 0.00007 0.00018 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00017 0.52016 74.588 0.60449 0.86814
CDP-diacylglycerol–inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase 0.00012 0.00006 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.62047 98.749 0.10832 0.70632
Site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (cytosine-N(4)-specific) 0.00012 0.00010 0.00027 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00025 0.95824 64.216 0.34153 0.72019
6-methylsalicylic acid synthase 0.00012 0.00006 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.90072 92.000 0.06047 0.70632
Abequosyltransferase 0.00012 0.00007 0.00018 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00017 0.64211 73.735 0.52279 0.82182
Cis-3,4-dihydrophenanthrene-3,4-diol dehydrogenase 0.00012 0.00007 0.00018 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00017 0.64211 73.735 0.52279 0.82182
4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 0.00012 0.00007 0.00022 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00018 0.98900 67.274 0.32621 0.71093
Serine racemase 0.00011 0.00007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.54952 92.000 0.12469 0.70632
Sucrose-phosphate synthase 0.00011 0.00006 0.00018 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00013 0.88230 85.446 0.38009 0.73587
Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 0.00011 0.00010 0.00023 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00023 0.87417 65.163 0.38524 0.73901
Fumarate reductase (CoM/CoB) 0.00011 0.00008 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00018 0.58787 81.909 0.55824 0.84961
ADP-specific glucokinase 0.00011 0.00004 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00009 0.50674 134.179 0.61317 0.87289
ADP-specific phosphofructokinase 0.00011 0.00004 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00009 0.50674 134.179 0.61317 0.87289
Hydroxydechloroatrazine ethylaminohydrolase 0.00011 0.00006 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00011 -1.27819 105.058 0.20400 0.70632
Formylmethanofuran–tetrahydromethanopterin N-formyltransferase 0.00010 0.00005 0.00019 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00012 1.23457 74.657 0.22086 0.70632
Methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase 0.00010 0.00005 0.00019 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00012 1.23457 74.657 0.22086 0.70632
NADH oxidase (H(2)O(2)-forming) 0.00010 0.00005 0.00016 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00011 0.92701 79.309 0.35674 0.72028
2,4-dichlorophenol 6-monooxygenase 0.00010 0.00010 0.00023 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00023 0.96004 64.197 0.34064 0.72019
Glycerate 2-kinase 0.00010 0.00007 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00018 0.71275 71.039 0.47834 0.79622
Sedolisin 0.00010 0.00010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Xanthomonalisin 0.00010 0.00010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Aclacinomycin methylesterase 0.00010 0.00010 0.00023 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00023 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Carboxypeptidase T 0.00010 0.00010 0.00023 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00023 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Monoterpene epsilon-lactone hydrolase 0.00010 0.00010 0.00023 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00023 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Ethanolaminephosphotransferase 0.00010 0.00008 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.16117 92.447 0.24856 0.70632
Vibriolysin 0.00009 0.00006 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.47511 94.070 0.14352 0.70632
Glucuronoarabinoxylan endo-1,4-beta-xylanase 0.00009 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00008 -0.11085 155.766 0.91188 0.97903
Beta-glucoside kinase 0.00009 0.00004 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00008 -0.24597 148.307 0.80604 0.94351
Choline oxidase 0.00009 0.00005 0.00015 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00011 0.92762 81.322 0.35635 0.72019
(Ara-f)(3)-Hyp beta-L-arabinobiosidase 0.00009 0.00006 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.34888 92.000 0.18069 0.70632
Gallate dioxygenase 0.00009 0.00004 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00008 -0.35900 145.983 0.72011 0.92120
Aminopeptidase S 0.00009 0.00004 0.00012 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00010 0.58171 86.448 0.56227 0.85024
L-iduronidase 0.00008 0.00005 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.02744 110.120 0.30646 0.70632
Succinyl-CoA–D-citramalate CoA-transferase 0.00008 0.00005 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.39362 93.942 0.16672 0.70632
4,4’-diapophytoene synthase 0.00008 0.00003 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -0.89437 144.183 0.37262 0.73139
Aspergillus nuclease S(1) 0.00008 0.00005 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00009 -1.27338 96.519 0.20594 0.70632
Bilirubin oxidase 0.00008 0.00006 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.30612 92.509 0.19475 0.70632
Plasminogen activator Pla 0.00008 0.00004 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00009 1.59875 67.113 0.11457 0.70632
(NAD(P)H) 0.00008 0.00005 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00010 -0.56776 133.600 0.57115 0.85122
Alkanal monooxygenase (FMN-linked) 0.00008 0.00006 0.00019 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00015 1.21723 64.000 0.22799 0.70632
Ferredoxin–nitrate reductase 0.00008 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.51819 92.000 0.13239 0.70632
(S)-mandelate dehydrogenase 0.00008 0.00004 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00009 1.59099 65.390 0.11644 0.70632
Terephthalate 1,2-dioxygenase 0.00007 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00012 0.56503 83.895 0.57356 0.85190
Chitosanase 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.40016 92.000 0.16483 0.70632
(R)-citramalyl-CoA lyase 0.00007 0.00005 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00010 0.37384 107.832 0.70926 0.91799
Sulfide-cytochrome-c reductase (flavocytochrome c) 0.00007 0.00007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Cysteate synthase 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.32140 92.000 0.18964 0.70632
Cysteine dioxygenase 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.32847 92.000 0.18731 0.70632
4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase 0.00007 0.00007 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00017 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Phosphonate dehydrogenase 0.00007 0.00004 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00008 -0.23253 145.233 0.81646 0.94663
2-furoate–CoA ligase 0.00007 0.00004 0.00011 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00008 0.89735 79.963 0.37223 0.73139
2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabinonate dehydratase 0.00007 0.00004 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00008 0.32517 113.924 0.74565 0.92773
Magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester (oxidative) cyclase 0.00007 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.54722 92.592 0.12522 0.70632
Lipopolysaccharide 3-alpha-galactosyltransferase 0.00007 0.00005 0.00013 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00011 0.93838 64.668 0.35154 0.72019
Alkylmercury lyase 0.00007 0.00003 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00008 0.77257 85.142 0.44192 0.77520
5-exo-hydroxycamphor dehydrogenase 0.00007 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.30652 97.667 0.19444 0.70632
6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine dehydrogenase 0.00007 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.30652 97.667 0.19444 0.70632
Carboxymethylproline synthase 0.00007 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.30652 97.667 0.19444 0.70632
Polyvinyl alcohol dehydrogenase (cytochrome) 0.00007 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -1.29247 121.066 0.19865 0.70632
Inulin fructotransferase (DFA-I-forming) 0.00006 0.00005 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -0.73056 112.972 0.46656 0.79095
Demethylspheroidene O-methyltransferase 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.40637 92.596 0.16296 0.70632
Malate–CoA ligase 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00009 0.51663 99.803 0.60656 0.86933
Lipoyl amidotransferase 0.00006 0.00006 0.00014 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00013 0.98766 64.140 0.32703 0.71125
3-dehydroquinate synthase II 0.00006 0.00006 0.00014 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00013 0.99428 64.286 0.32381 0.70874
1-hydroxycarotenoid 3,4-desaturase 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.46558 92.000 0.14617 0.70632
Chlorophyll synthase 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.46558 92.000 0.14617 0.70632
Geranylgeranyl diphosphate reductase 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.46558 92.000 0.14617 0.70632
Alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.00006 0.00003 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00007 1.13039 69.440 0.26220 0.70632
Plastoquinol–plastocyanin reductase 0.00006 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -1.30556 107.582 0.19449 0.70632
3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratase 0.00006 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00006 0.63428 91.871 0.52748 0.82538
All-trans-retinol dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00009 0.50573 89.552 0.61429 0.87323
Allose kinase 0.00006 0.00004 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00007 0.00319 144.184 0.99746 0.99921
Fucokinase 0.00006 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.77623 92.000 0.07900 0.70632
Isopenicillin-N epimerase 0.00005 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.06113 92.000 0.29141 0.70632
Inositol oxygenase 0.00005 0.00005 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -0.67470 107.670 0.50131 0.81022
Glycoprotein endo-alpha-1,2-mannosidase 0.00005 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.22359 101.684 0.22393 0.70632
Aminodeoxyfutalosine deaminase 0.00005 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.30351 155.087 0.76191 0.93350
(3S,4R)-3,4-dihydroxycyclohexa-1,5-diene-1,4-dicarboxylate dehydrogenase 0.00005 0.00004 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00007 0.16840 132.342 0.86653 0.96221
1-alkyl-2-acetylglycerophosphocholine esterase 0.00005 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol 4-beta-mannosyltransferase 0.00005 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.55912 92.000 0.12240 0.70632
Scyllo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.00005 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 0.87705 86.424 0.38289 0.73839
N,N’-diacetylchitobiose phosphorylase 0.00005 0.00003 0.00011 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00008 1.44840 64.000 0.15239 0.70632
tRNA (pseudouridine(54)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.00005 0.00003 0.00011 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00008 1.44840 64.000 0.15239 0.70632
1L-myo-inositol 1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase 0.00005 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -0.43234 130.932 0.66620 0.89299
Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase 0.00004 0.00002 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00005 1.21816 74.469 0.22701 0.70632
Aclacinomycin-A oxidase 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Aclacinomycin-N oxidase 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Methane monooxygenase (soluble) 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Protein-S-isoprenylcysteine O-methyltransferase 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.39740 92.000 0.16565 0.70632
Undecaprenyl-phosphate glucose phosphotransferase 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.39740 92.000 0.16565 0.70632
Hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.03489 92.000 0.30343 0.70632
Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase (non-reducing end) 0.00004 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00005 0.54208 121.506 0.58876 0.85698
Peptidylglycine monooxygenase 0.00004 0.00002 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 1.03913 74.758 0.30210 0.70632
NADH oxidase (H(2)O-forming) 0.00004 0.00002 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 1.66315 67.747 0.10090 0.70632
Arabinonate dehydratase 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -0.92044 93.085 0.35972 0.72286
NAD(+)–dinitrogen-reductase ADP-D-ribosyltransferase 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Aspartoacylase 0.00004 0.00003 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00008 1.21723 64.000 0.22799 0.70632
Deoxynucleoside kinase 0.00004 0.00003 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00008 1.21723 64.000 0.22799 0.70632
Long-chain-fatty-acid–luciferin-component ligase 0.00004 0.00003 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00008 1.21723 64.000 0.22799 0.70632
Long-chain-fatty-acyl-CoA reductase 0.00004 0.00003 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00008 1.21723 64.000 0.22799 0.70632
N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase 0.00004 0.00003 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00008 1.21723 64.000 0.22799 0.70632
Cerebroside-sulfatase 0.00004 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00006 0.63157 71.032 0.52969 0.82762
Butyrate–CoA ligase 0.00004 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -0.93069 97.517 0.35431 0.72019
D-alanine–(R)-lactate ligase 0.00004 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00009 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene synthase 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Carotenoid 1,2-hydratase 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -0.97934 93.106 0.32995 0.71250
Methanol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) 0.00003 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00008 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Magnesium protoporphyrin IX methyltransferase 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -0.97768 93.259 0.33076 0.71350
Fucosylgalactoside 3-alpha-galactosyltransferase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.24384 93.644 0.21666 0.70632
Glycoprotein-fucosylgalactoside alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.24384 93.644 0.21666 0.70632
N-acylneuraminate-9-phosphate synthase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.24384 93.644 0.21666 0.70632
Streptomycin 3’’-kinase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00006 0.80259 67.198 0.42504 0.76494
Gentamicin 3’-N-acetyltransferase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.45040 81.374 0.65362 0.88943
Protein geranylgeranyltransferase type II 0.00003 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00006 0.92976 64.594 0.35596 0.72019
N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase 0.00003 0.00001 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 1.12739 70.336 0.26341 0.70632
Subtilisin 0.00003 0.00002 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.57181 64.000 0.12093 0.70632
4-hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase 0.00003 0.00001 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 1.34735 72.680 0.18205 0.70632
Dissimilatory sulfite reductase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.08243 93.740 0.28184 0.70632
Hydrogensulfite reductase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.08243 93.740 0.28184 0.70632
Pulcherriminic acid synthase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.35604 142.089 0.72234 0.92120
Mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00005 0.86246 66.177 0.39155 0.74318
Bis(5’-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (asymmetrical) 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00005 0.90701 65.024 0.36775 0.72861
Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Arsenate reductase (azurin) 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00005 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Dimethyl sulfide:cytochrome c2 reductase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Dimethylamine dehydrogenase 0.00002 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.68329 101.027 0.49599 0.80655
Trimethylamine dehydrogenase 0.00002 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.68329 101.027 0.49599 0.80655
Tetracenomycin A2 monooxygenase-diooxygenase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.94514 100.161 0.34686 0.72019
Lipopolysaccharide N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 0.00002 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.49433 148.871 0.13721 0.70632
CDP-L-myo-inositol myo-inositolphosphotransferase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
(-)-germacrene D synthase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Cyclo(L-tyrosyl-L-tyrosyl) synthase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Geosmin synthase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Germacradienol synthase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
L-asparagine oxygenase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Pentalenene oxygenase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Pentalenic acid synthase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Snapalysin 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Streptogrisin B 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Dihydromethanopterin reductase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.00002 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Glucosylglycerol-phosphate synthase 0.00002 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.14643 64.336 0.25586 0.70632
C5a peptidase 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.06200 131.407 0.95066 0.99049
N-acetylphosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D 0.00002 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Aklaviketone reductase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 -1.12672 103.818 0.26246 0.70632
Enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.33963 70.098 0.18469 0.70632
Pentalenolactone synthase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Vesicle-fusing ATPase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.08243 93.740 0.28184 0.70632
Phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
[Histone H3]-lysine-36 demethylase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
All-trans-8’-apo-beta-carotenal 15,15’-oxygenase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2-aminophenyl)hexa-2,4-dienoate hydrolase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 0.93204 72.770 0.35440 0.72019
2,6-dioxo-6-phenylhexa-3-enoate hydrolase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 0.93204 72.770 0.35440 0.72019
Carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 0.93204 72.770 0.35440 0.72019
hydratase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 0.93204 72.770 0.35440 0.72019
L-serine 3-dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 0.93204 72.770 0.35440 0.72019
Glucuronokinase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
9,9’-di-cis-zeta-carotene desaturase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
3-dehydrosphinganine reductase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -0.34155 155.569 0.73315 0.92120
Prolycopene isomerase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -0.34155 155.569 0.73315 0.92120
Ammonia monooxygenase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.41779 92.000 0.15963 0.70632
Methane monooxygenase (particulate) 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.41779 92.000 0.15963 0.70632
Ureidoglycolate amidohydrolase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 0.31023 112.931 0.75696 0.93065
Formate–phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide ligase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Transferred entry: 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Cyclo(L-leucyl-L-leucyl) synthase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Glucose-6-phosphate 3-dehydrogenase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Lysine–8-amino-7-oxononanoate transaminase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Pimeloyl-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Rhamnogalacturonan exolyase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Tyrosine ammonia-lyase 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.85153 92.000 0.06730 0.70632
Bacillolysin 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.18801 92.000 0.23789 0.70632
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 3-dehydrogenase 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.47052 92.000 0.14483 0.70632
Cyclomaltodextrinase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
O-ureido-D-serine cyclo-ligase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) (phosphorylating) 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.29111 92.000 0.19990 0.70632
Succinyl-CoA:(R)-benzylsuccinate CoA-transferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 -0.11686 155.965 0.90712 0.97700
L-ascorbate oxidase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
2-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)histidine synthase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
2-amino-3,7-dideoxy-D-threo-hept-6-ulosonate synthase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
2,3-bis-O-geranylgeranyl-sn-glycero-phospholipid reductase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
2,3-bis-O-geranylgeranyl-sn-glycerol 1-phosphate reductase (NAD(P)H) 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
2,5-diamino-6-(ribosylamino)-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5’-phosphate reductase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
4-phosphopantoate–beta-alanine ligase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin synthase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Archaetidylinositol phosphate synthase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
CTP-dependent riboflavin kinase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Deoxyhypusine monooxygenase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Diphthine synthase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycotransferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Geranylgeranylglycerol-phosphate geranylgeranyltransferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Glucosamine-phosphate N-acetyltransferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
GTP cyclohydrolase IIa 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Isopentenyl phosphate kinase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Pantoate kinase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Phosphoglycerol geranylgeranyltransferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
rRNA small subunit pseudouridine methyltransferase Nep1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Tetrahydromethanopterin S-methyltransferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
tRNA-guanine(15) transglycosylase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
tRNA (cytidine(56)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
tRNA (guanine(26)-N(2))-dimethyltransferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
tRNA (guanine(26)-N(2)/guanine(27)-N(2))-dimethyltransferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
tRNA 4-demethylwyosine synthase (AdoMet-dependent) 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
tRNA(Ile)(2)-agmatinylcytidine synthase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
2-amino-5-chlorophenol 1,6-dioxygenase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
2-aminophenol 1,6-dioxygenase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Betaine–homocysteine S-methyltransferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
NAD(+) glycohydrolase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
Bontoxilysin 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.41680 92.000 0.15992 0.70632
Iduronate-2-sulfatase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
2-(acetamidomethylene)succinate hydrolase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridine-4,5-dicarboxylate 4-decarboxylase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridinecarboxylate dioxygenase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
4-pyridoxolactonase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Dihydroanticapsin 7-dehydrogenase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Hygromycin B 4-O-kinase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Pyridoxal 4-dehydrogenase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Pyridoxamine–pyruvate transaminase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Pyridoxine 4-oxidase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Succinate–hydroxymethylglutarate CoA-transferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Dimethylpropiothetin dethiomethylase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.38377 92.000 0.16978 0.70632
Divinyl chlorophyllide a 8-vinyl-reductase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.38377 92.000 0.16978 0.70632
Spheroidene monooxygenase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.38377 92.000 0.16978 0.70632
Licheninase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Ribose 1,5-bisphosphate isomerase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.70632
Pyruvate decarboxylase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.70632
plot.dat <- tb.ra %>%
  arrange(desc(`Overall Mean`)) %>%
    description = fct_reorder(description, `Overall Mean`),
    description = factor(description, levels = levels(description), ordered=T)
  ) %>%
  arrange(description) %>%
    id = 1:n(),
    step = ifelse(id%%2 == 0, 1, 0),
    Mean_diff = `Tumor Mean` - `Non-Tumor Mean`,
    diff_se = SEpooled,
    Mean_diff_ll = Mean_diff - qt(0.975, df)*diff_se,
    Mean_diff_ul = Mean_diff + qt(0.975, df)*diff_se
  ) %>%
    names_to = "group",
    values_to = "mean"

p1.d <- plot.dat %>%
  filter(group %in% c("Tumor Mean","Non-Tumor Mean")) %>%
    group = ifelse(group == "Tumor Mean", "Tumor", "Non-Tumor"),
    col = ifelse(step == 1, "grey90", "white"),
    h=1, w=Inf
p1 <- ggplot()+
  geom_tile(data = p1.d,
              aes(y = description, x=0,
                  height=h, width=w),
              fill = p1.d$col, color=p1.d$col)+
             aes(x=mean, y=description,
                 group=group, color=group,
             stat="identity",position = "dodge",
             alpha = 1)+
    labs(x="Mean Proportion (%)")+
      legend.position = "bottom",
      plot.margin = unit(c(1,0,1,1), "lines")

p2.d <- plot.dat %>%
  filter(group %in% c("Mean_diff", "Mean_diff_ll", "Mean_diff_ul")) %>%
    names_from = group,
    values_from = mean
  ) %>%
    group = ifelse(Mean_diff > 0, "Tumor", "Non-Tumor"),
    p = sprintf("%.3f", round(p,3)),
    ll = min(Mean_diff_ll)-0.01,
    ul = max(Mean_diff_ul)+0.01
p2<-ggplot(p2.d, aes(x=Mean_diff, y=description))+
    geom_tile(data = p1.d,
              aes(y = description, x=0,
                  height=h, width=w),
              fill = p1.d$col, color=p1.d$col)+
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.5)+
    geom_segment(aes(x=Mean_diff_ll, y=description, xend=Mean_diff_ul, yend=description))+
    geom_point(aes(fill=group, color=group))+
    geom_text(aes(label=p, x=unique(ul)+0.1))+
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(unique(p2.d$ll), unique(p2.d$ul)),
                    clip = 'off') +
    annotate("text", x=unique(p2.d$ul)+0.2,y = 25,
             label="p-value (uncorrected)")+
    labs(x="Mean Difference in Proportions")+
      legend.position = "bottom",
      axis.title.y = element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = element_blank(),
      axis.line.y = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
      plot.margin = unit(c(1,4,1,0), "lines")

# plot
p1 + p2 +
  plot_annotation(title="EC Data: 50 most abundant descriptions")

Modeling Difference between Tumor and Non-Tumor

For the modeling, we used a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM).

First, we looked at the biserial correlation between the abundance of each description and the tumor status.

tb <- mydata %>%
    r = cor(tumor, Abundance)
  ) %>%

ggplot(tb, aes(x=r))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = M))+
  labs(x="Biserial Correlation",title="Relationship between description abundance and tumor (tumor vs. non-tumor)")+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

Next, we need the data to be on an interpretable scale. First, let’s use the raw abundance like scale.

p <- ggplot(mydata, aes(x=Abundance))+

mydata <- mydata %>%
  mutate(Abundance.dich=ifelse(Abundance==0, 0, 1))

     0      1 
126115 207897 

Let’s first run models by description so that we can avoid the nesting issue initially. We will come back to this to conduct the final model (it will be more powerful).

DESCRIPTIONS <- unique(mydata$description)
dat0 <- mydata %>% filter(description==DESCRIPTIONS[i])

# quasipossion (approximately negative binom) give an approx. answer.
fit0 <- glm(
  Abundance ~ 1 + tumor,
  data= dat0,
  family=quasipoisson(link = "log")

glm(formula = Abundance ~ 1 + tumor, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"), 
    data = dat0)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-0.415  -0.415  -0.415   0.000   7.530  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)   -2.453      0.768   -3.19   0.0017 **
tumor        -17.849   4187.194    0.00   0.9966   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for quasipoisson family taken to be 4.7179)

    Null deviance: 81.002  on 157  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 72.522  on 156  degrees of freedom

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 18

NExt, let’s model the percent relative abundance. This will allow us to make inference about the difference average relative abundance. Which is a simpler interpretation than trying to model differences in the log relative abundance which will need to be interpreted as the multiplicative relative change.

results.out <-, nrow=length(DESCRIPTIONS)))
colnames(results.out) <- c("description", "Est", "SE", "p")
#results.out$description <-DESCRIPTIONS

i <- 1
for(i in 1:length(DESCRIPTIONS)){
#for(i in 1:5){ 
  dat0 <- mydata %>%
    filter(description == DESCRIPTIONS[i])%>%
    mutate(RelAbundance= RelAbundance*100)
  fit0 <- glm(
  RelAbundance ~ 1 + tumor,
  data= dat0,
  family=quasipoisson(link = "log")
  fit.sum <- summary(fit0)
  results.out[i, 1] <- DESCRIPTIONS[i]
  results.out[i, 2:4] <- fit.sum$coefficients[2, c(1,2,4)]

results.out$fdr_p <- p.adjust(results.out$p, method="fdr")

kable(results.out, format="html", digits=3) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T)%>%
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="600px")
description Est SE p fdr_p
(-)-germacrene D synthase -17.486 3491.164 0.996 0.999
(+)-trans-carveol dehydrogenase 0.108 0.903 0.905 0.999
(1->4)-alpha-D-glucan 1-alpha-D-glucosylmutase -0.096 0.264 0.717 0.999
(2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl)adenylate synthase -0.096 0.259 0.711 0.999
(2E,6E)-farnesyl diphosphate synthase 0.031 0.025 0.221 0.806
(2R)-3-sulfolactate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -1.601 1.182 0.178 0.806
(2R)-sulfolactate sulfo-lyase 0.068 0.913 0.941 0.999
(2S)-methylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase -1.104 0.748 0.142 0.806
(2Z,6E)-farnesyl diphosphate synthase 0.009 0.285 0.975 0.999
(3S)-malyl-CoA thioesterase -17.709 2725.574 0.995 0.999
(3S,4R)-3,4-dihydroxycyclohexa-1,5-diene-1,4-dicarboxylate dehydrogenase 0.241 1.424 0.866 0.999
(4S)-4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 0.014 0.114 0.902 0.999
(Ara-f)(3)-Hyp beta-L-arabinobiosidase -18.092 3503.766 0.996 0.999
(d)CTP diphosphatase 0.212 0.607 0.728 0.999
(E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase (ferredoxin) -0.004 0.057 0.951 0.999
(E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase (flavodoxin) -0.004 0.057 0.951 0.999
(FADH(2)-oxidizing) 0.042 0.094 0.659 0.975
(Kdo)-lipid IV(A) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase -0.026 0.088 0.767 0.999
(Kdo)(2)-lipid IV(A) (2-8) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase -0.026 0.088 0.767 0.999
(Kdo)(3)-lipid IV(A) (2-4) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase -0.026 0.088 0.767 0.999
(NAD(P)H) -0.808 1.552 0.604 0.957
(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase -0.070 0.053 0.188 0.806
(R)-amidase 0.678 0.985 0.492 0.905
(R)-citramalate synthase -0.607 0.571 0.290 0.820
(R)-citramalyl-CoA lyase 0.503 1.269 0.692 0.995
(R,R)-butanediol dehydrogenase -0.058 0.155 0.707 0.999
(S)-2-haloacid dehalogenase -0.361 0.170 0.036 0.780
(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase 0.015 0.184 0.936 0.999
(S)-3-amino-2-methylpropionate transaminase -0.777 0.350 0.028 0.780
(S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine transaminase -0.159 0.975 0.871 0.999
(S)-citramalyl-CoA lyase -0.015 0.357 0.968 0.999
(S)-mandelate dehydrogenase 2.169 1.034 0.038 0.780
(S)-sulfolactate dehydrogenase 0.214 0.663 0.747 0.999
(S)-ureidoglycine aminohydrolase -0.058 0.360 0.871 0.999
(S,S)-butanediol dehydrogenase -0.030 0.207 0.884 0.999
[Acyl-carrier-protein] phosphodiesterase 0.244 0.549 0.658 0.974
[Acyl-carrier-protein] S-malonyltransferase 0.028 0.024 0.235 0.806
[Citrate (pro-3S)-lyase] ligase 0.769 0.298 0.011 0.780
[Formate-C-acetyltransferase]-activating enzyme 0.090 0.086 0.297 0.820
[Glutamate–ammonia-ligase] adenylyltransferase -0.022 0.119 0.851 0.999
[Histone H3]-lysine-36 demethylase -17.083 2854.434 0.995 0.999
[Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+))] kinase 0.114 0.227 0.616 0.963
[Lysine-biosynthesis-protein LysW]–L-2-aminoadipate ligase -1.048 1.155 0.365 0.845
[Protein-PII] uridylyltransferase -0.056 0.141 0.692 0.995
[Ribosomal protein S12] (aspartate(89)-C(3))-methylthiotransferase -0.015 0.087 0.861 0.999
[Trimethylamine–corrinoid protein] Co-methyltransferase -2.110 1.516 0.166 0.806
1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase -0.017 0.037 0.645 0.973
1-alkyl-2-acetylglycerophosphocholine esterase -17.513 3538.142 0.996 0.999
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase 0.129 0.277 0.643 0.973
1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase 0.002 0.058 0.975 0.999
1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase 0.078 0.067 0.247 0.806
1-hydroxycarotenoid 3,4-desaturase -17.728 2688.993 0.995 0.999
1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase 18.195 2901.073 0.995 0.999
1-phosphofructokinase 0.093 0.067 0.162 0.806
1-piperideine-2-carboxylate/1-pyrroline-2-carboxylate reductase (NADPH) -0.070 0.417 0.867 0.999
1,3-beta-galactosyl-N-acetylhexosamine phosphorylase 0.283 0.430 0.511 0.913
1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase 0.331 0.537 0.538 0.924
1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene synthase -17.179 2994.595 0.995 0.999
1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme 0.032 0.068 0.638 0.973
1,4-beta-mannosyl-N-acetylglucosamine phosphorylase -0.324 0.229 0.160 0.806
1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate polyprenyltransferase 0.086 0.101 0.397 0.862
1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA hydrolase -0.157 0.423 0.711 0.999
1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA synthase 0.025 0.107 0.818 0.999
1,4-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyltransferase 0.454 0.524 0.388 0.853
1,5-anhydro-D-fructose reductase (1,5-anhydro-D-mannitol-forming) -1.260 1.098 0.253 0.811
1,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylate dehydrogenase 0.248 0.311 0.425 0.865
15-cis-phytoene synthase -0.435 0.225 0.054 0.780
16S rRNA (adenine(1518)-N(6)/adenine(1519)-N(6))-dimethyltransferase 0.041 0.032 0.193 0.806
16S rRNA (cytidine(1402)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.024 0.032 0.451 0.878
16S rRNA (cytidine(1409)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.082 0.076 0.285 0.820
16S rRNA (cytosine(1402)-N(4))-methyltransferase 0.038 0.032 0.238 0.806
16S rRNA (cytosine(1407)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.397 0.546 0.468 0.885
16S rRNA (cytosine(967)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.049 0.031 0.121 0.806
16S rRNA (guanine(1207)-N(2))-methyltransferase 0.066 0.071 0.354 0.844
16S rRNA (guanine(1516)-N(2))-methyltransferase 0.129 0.179 0.472 0.888
16S rRNA (guanine(527)-N(7))-methyltransferase 0.043 0.031 0.171 0.806
16S rRNA (guanine(966)-N(2))-methyltransferase -0.027 0.072 0.707 0.999
16S rRNA (uracil(1498)-N(3))-methyltransferase 0.037 0.034 0.267 0.820
16S rRNA pseudouridine(516) synthase 0.098 0.070 0.162 0.806
1L-myo-inositol 1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase -0.620 1.555 0.691 0.995
2’-hydroxybiphenyl-2-sulfinate desulfinase -1.012 1.000 0.313 0.820
2’-hydroxyisoflavone reductase -2.529 1.728 0.145 0.806
2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide 2’-phosphodiesterase -0.119 0.130 0.362 0.844
2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase 1.312 0.617 0.035 0.780
2-(1,2-epoxy-1,2-dihydrophenyl)acetyl-CoA isomerase -0.546 0.247 0.029 0.780
2-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)histidine synthase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
2-(acetamidomethylene)succinate hydrolase 17.690 2253.589 0.994 0.999
2-alkenal reductase (NAD(P)(+)) -1.599 1.054 0.131 0.806
2-amino-3,7-dideoxy-D-threo-hept-6-ulosonate synthase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
2-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase 0.074 0.852 0.931 0.999
2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase -0.023 0.035 0.507 0.913
2-amino-5-chlorophenol 1,6-dioxygenase -17.840 4168.155 0.997 0.999
2-aminoethylphosphonate–pyruvate transaminase -0.339 0.313 0.280 0.820
2-aminomuconate deaminase -1.308 1.726 0.450 0.877
2-aminophenol 1,6-dioxygenase -17.840 4168.155 0.997 0.999
2-beta-glucuronyltransferase 0.512 0.899 0.570 0.938
2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase 0.005 0.062 0.930 0.999
2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase -0.033 0.052 0.523 0.915
2-dehydro-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase -0.891 0.361 0.015 0.780
2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabinonate dehydratase 0.356 1.044 0.733 0.999
2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate dehydratase -2.435 2.607 0.352 0.842
2-dehydro-3-deoxy-phosphogluconate aldolase 0.015 0.114 0.897 0.999
2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactonokinase -0.882 0.355 0.014 0.780
2-dehydro-3-deoxyglucarate aldolase 0.364 0.548 0.508 0.913
2-dehydro-3-deoxygluconokinase -0.090 0.139 0.517 0.913
2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase 0.049 0.091 0.587 0.950
2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3-dehydrogenase -0.403 0.335 0.231 0.806
2-enoate reductase -1.219 1.057 0.250 0.808
2-furoate–CoA ligase 1.044 0.990 0.293 0.820
2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase 1.044 0.990 0.293 0.820
2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate phosphatase -1.431 0.945 0.132 0.806
2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase -0.296 0.212 0.165 0.806
2-hydroxy-4-carboxymuconate semialdehyde hemiacetal dehydrogenase -2.081 1.531 0.176 0.806
2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2-aminophenyl)hexa-2,4-dienoate hydrolase 1.546 1.393 0.269 0.820
2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-dienedioate hydrolase -1.092 0.764 0.155 0.806
2-hydroxyhexa-2,4-dienoate hydratase 0.679 0.471 0.151 0.806
2-hydroxymuconate-6-semialdehyde dehydrogenase -0.420 0.663 0.528 0.918
2-hydroxymuconate-6-semialdehyde hydrolase -0.647 0.934 0.490 0.902
2-hydroxymuconate tautomerase -0.026 0.095 0.784 0.999
2-iminoacetate synthase 0.250 0.169 0.142 0.806
2-iminobutanoate/2-iminopropanoate deaminase 0.007 0.087 0.934 0.999
2-isopropylmalate synthase -0.065 0.055 0.237 0.806
2-keto-3-deoxy-L-rhamnonate aldolase -0.936 1.108 0.400 0.863
2-keto-myo-inositol isomerase -0.533 0.583 0.362 0.844
2-methoxy-6-polyprenyl-1,4-benzoquinol methylase -0.016 0.064 0.801 0.999
2-methylacyl-CoA dehydrogenase -3.022 2.625 0.251 0.809
2-methylcitrate dehydratase -0.123 0.262 0.640 0.973
2-methylcitrate synthase 0.024 0.203 0.908 0.999
2-methylfumaryl-CoA hydratase -1.570 1.124 0.164 0.806
2-methylfumaryl-CoA isomerase -1.156 0.879 0.190 0.806
2-methylisocitrate dehydratase -0.011 0.199 0.958 0.999
2-oxo-3-hexenedioate decarboxylase -0.930 0.670 0.167 0.806
2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline decarboxylase -0.726 0.381 0.058 0.780
2-oxoacid oxidoreductase (ferredoxin) -0.216 0.149 0.150 0.806
2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase -0.316 0.577 0.585 0.948
2-oxoglutarate synthase -0.191 0.163 0.244 0.806
2-oxopent-4-enoate hydratase -0.229 0.271 0.399 0.863
2-phospho-L-lactate guanylyltransferase -0.703 0.540 0.195 0.806
2-phospho-L-lactate transferase -0.691 0.591 0.244 0.806
2-phosphosulfolactate phosphatase -0.530 0.341 0.122 0.806
2-polyprenyl-6-hydroxyphenol methylase -0.047 0.173 0.785 0.999
2-pyrone-4,6-dicarboxylate lactonase -2.177 1.492 0.146 0.806
2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase 0.077 0.183 0.674 0.984
2,2-dialkylglycine decarboxylase (pyruvate) -0.228 1.011 0.822 0.999
2,3-bis-O-geranylgeranyl-sn-glycero-phospholipid reductase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
2,3-bis-O-geranylgeranyl-sn-glycerol 1-phosphate reductase (NAD(P)H) -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate dehydrogenase -0.106 0.271 0.695 0.995
2,3-dihydroxybenzoate 3,4-dioxygenase 0.662 1.026 0.519 0.913
2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-1-phosphate enolase -2.714 1.401 0.055 0.780
2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase -0.024 0.072 0.740 0.999
2,4-dichlorophenol 6-monooxygenase 3.239 2.889 0.264 0.820
2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) -0.074 0.213 0.729 0.999
2,5-diamino-6-(ribosylamino)-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5’-phosphate reductase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
2,5-didehydrogluconate reductase (2-dehydro-L-gulonate-forming) -0.027 0.153 0.860 0.999
2,5-dihydroxypyridine 5,6-dioxygenase -0.989 0.896 0.271 0.820
2,6-beta-fructan 6-levanbiohydrolase 0.118 0.584 0.840 0.999
2,6-dihydroxypyridine 3-monooxygenase -0.211 0.984 0.830 0.999
2,6-dioxo-6-phenylhexa-3-enoate hydrolase 1.546 1.393 0.269 0.820 and 1.258 0.574 0.030 0.780
23S rRNA (adenine(1618)-N(6))-methyltransferase 0.258 0.300 0.390 0.857
23S rRNA (adenine(2030)-N(6))-methyltransferase -0.018 0.153 0.908 0.999
23S rRNA (adenine(2085)-N(6))-dimethyltransferase 0.236 0.321 0.464 0.884
23S rRNA (adenine(2503)-C(2))-methyltransferase 0.022 0.038 0.557 0.936
23S rRNA (cytidine(1920)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.082 0.076 0.285 0.820
23S rRNA (cytidine(2498)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.142 0.190 0.453 0.881
23S rRNA (cytosine(1962)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.002 0.057 0.976 0.999
23S rRNA (guanine(1835)-N(2))-methyltransferase -0.040 0.663 0.952 0.999
23S rRNA (guanine(2069)-N(7))-methyltransferase 0.080 0.181 0.657 0.974
23S rRNA (guanine(2445)-N(2))-methyltransferase 0.080 0.181 0.657 0.974
23S rRNA (guanine(745)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.034 0.098 0.727 0.999
23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.055 0.029 0.063 0.780
23S rRNA (pseudouridine(1915)-N(3))-methyltransferase 0.036 0.034 0.289 0.820
23S rRNA (uracil(1939)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.018 0.045 0.688 0.995
23S rRNA (uracil(747)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.177 0.216 0.414 0.865
23S rRNA (uridine(2552)-2’-O)-methyltransferase -0.044 0.148 0.768 0.999
23S rRNA pseudouridine(1911/1915/1917) synthase 0.042 0.063 0.509 0.913
23S rRNA pseudouridine(2457) synthase 0.064 0.159 0.688 0.995
23S rRNA pseudouridine(2604) synthase 0.059 0.186 0.751 0.999
23S rRNA pseudouridine(2605) synthase 0.024 0.033 0.462 0.884
23S rRNA pseudouridine(746) synthase -0.053 0.097 0.585 0.948
23S rRNA pseudouridine(955/2504/2580) synthase 0.110 0.111 0.325 0.827
3’-nucleotidase -0.119 0.130 0.362 0.844
3’(2’),5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase 0.029 0.040 0.467 0.884
3’,5’-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase 0.021 0.650 0.974 0.999
3-(3-hydroxy-phenyl)propanoic acid hydroxylase -0.763 0.383 0.048 0.780
3-(cis-5,6-dihydroxycyclohexa-1,3-dien-1-yl)propanoate dehydrogenase -0.931 0.928 0.317 0.823
3-alpha(or 20-beta)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase -2.016 0.910 0.028 0.780
3-aminobutyryl-CoA ammonia-lyase 0.895 0.436 0.042 0.780
3-beta-hydroxy-Delta(5)-steroid dehydrogenase -2.559 1.370 0.064 0.780
3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate cycloisomerase -0.185 0.361 0.609 0.960
3-carboxyethylcatechol 2,3-dioxygenase -0.762 0.630 0.228 0.806
3-dehydro-glucose-6-phosphate–glutamate transaminase -2.363 2.511 0.348 0.840
3-dehydro-L-gulonate-6-phosphate decarboxylase 0.164 0.170 0.337 0.833
3-dehydro-L-gulonate 2-dehydrogenase 0.505 0.552 0.362 0.844
3-dehydroquinate dehydratase 0.007 0.023 0.758 0.999
3-dehydroquinate synthase -0.037 0.038 0.329 0.829
3-dehydroquinate synthase II 3.093 2.611 0.238 0.806
3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase -0.291 0.432 0.501 0.911
3-dehydrosphinganine reductase -0.417 1.284 0.746 0.999
3-demethylubiquinol 3-O-methyltransferase -0.047 0.173 0.785 0.999
3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase 0.032 0.045 0.482 0.897
3-deoxy-8-phosphooctulonate synthase 0.084 0.088 0.342 0.837
3-deoxy-alpha-D-manno-octulosonate 8-oxidase -0.089 1.300 0.946 0.999
3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid kinase 0.129 0.266 0.628 0.971
3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphatase 0.114 0.093 0.225 0.806
3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase 0.073 0.088 0.406 0.865
3-fumarylpyruvate hydrolase -0.861 0.361 0.018 0.780
3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase -1.540 0.596 0.011 0.780
3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridine-4,5-dicarboxylate 4-decarboxylase 17.690 2253.589 0.994 0.999
3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridinecarboxylate dioxygenase 17.690 2253.589 0.994 0.999
3-hydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione monooxygenase -0.940 0.739 0.205 0.806
3-hydroxy-D-aspartate aldolase -0.858 1.279 0.503 0.913
3-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase 0.207 0.278 0.459 0.884
3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase 0.038 0.033 0.247 0.806
3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase -0.201 0.163 0.218 0.806
3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase -0.131 0.452 0.772 0.999
3-hydroxybenzoate synthase 0.141 0.803 0.861 0.999
3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase -0.297 0.213 0.165 0.806
3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase -0.438 0.333 0.190 0.806
3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase -0.046 0.160 0.774 0.999
3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA epimerase -0.093 0.171 0.587 0.949
3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase -0.166 0.131 0.208 0.806
3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase -0.910 0.991 0.360 0.844
3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA dehydratase 0.656 0.920 0.477 0.893
3-isopropylmalate dehydratase -0.070 0.053 0.187 0.806
3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase -0.047 0.054 0.386 0.852
3-ketosteroid 9-alpha-monooxygenase -1.190 0.897 0.187 0.806
3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase -0.184 0.129 0.155 0.806
3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate dehydrogenase (2-methylpropanoyl-transferring) -0.431 0.205 0.037 0.780
3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase -0.186 0.083 0.026 0.780
3-methylfumaryl-CoA hydratase -1.049 0.554 0.060 0.780
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase (acceptor) -1.049 1.138 0.358 0.844
3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -1.091 0.666 0.103 0.806
3-oxo-5,6-dehydrosuberyl-CoA semialdehyde dehydrogenase -0.081 0.318 0.801 0.999
3-oxo-5,6-didehydrosuberyl-CoA thiolase -0.086 0.588 0.884 0.999
3-oxoacid CoA-transferase -0.233 0.189 0.220 0.806
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase -0.085 0.057 0.140 0.806
3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase -0.283 0.355 0.427 0.865
3-oxoadipate enol-lactonase -0.214 0.234 0.360 0.844
3-oxoadipyl-CoA thiolase 0.045 0.327 0.892 0.999
3-oxosteroid 1-dehydrogenase -0.919 0.814 0.261 0.820
3-phenylpropanoate dioxygenase -0.931 0.928 0.317 0.823
3-phospho-methyltransferase 2.793 1.233 0.025 0.780
3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 0.013 0.034 0.706 0.999
3-phytase -0.346 0.340 0.310 0.820
3(or 17)-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 0.051 0.785 0.949 0.999
3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -3.225 3.528 0.362 0.844
3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase 0.032 0.060 0.593 0.951
3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate 2,3-dioxygenase -0.740 0.585 0.208 0.806
3D-(3,5/4)-trihydroxycyclohexane-1,2-dione acylhydrolase (decyclizing) -0.315 0.275 0.254 0.813
4-(cytidine 5’-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase 0.043 0.046 0.348 0.840
4-alpha-D-((1->4)-alpha-D-glucano)trehalose trehalohydrolase -0.106 0.265 0.691 0.995
4-alpha-glucanotransferase 0.081 0.084 0.332 0.831
4-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 0.519 0.593 0.383 0.852
4-aminobutyrate–2-oxoglutarate transaminase -0.128 0.196 0.513 0.913
4-aminobutyrate–pyruvate transaminase -1.332 0.795 0.096 0.806
4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase -0.227 0.164 0.168 0.806
4-coumarate–CoA ligase -0.715 0.966 0.461 0.884
4-coumaroyl-homoserine lactone synthase -0.536 0.687 0.436 0.869
4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 1.593 1.203 0.188 0.806
4-hydroxy-2-oxoheptanedioate aldolase -0.733 0.325 0.026 0.780
4-hydroxy-2-oxohexanoate aldolase -0.027 0.516 0.958 0.999
4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate aldolase -0.264 0.346 0.448 0.875
4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase 0.024 0.063 0.709 0.999
4-hydroxy-3-polyprenylbenzoate decarboxylase 0.058 0.149 0.696 0.995
4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxoglutarate aldolase -0.859 0.503 0.090 0.806
4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase -0.030 0.044 0.497 0.905
4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate synthase -0.042 0.029 0.150 0.806
4-hydroxyacetophenone monooxygenase -1.901 0.815 0.021 0.780
4-hydroxybenzoate–CoA ligase -1.369 1.141 0.232 0.806
4-hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase -0.216 0.272 0.428 0.866
4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase -0.010 0.092 0.911 0.999
4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase 18.243 2971.595 0.995 0.999
4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thioesterase -0.014 0.292 0.962 0.999
4-hydroxybutanoyl-CoA dehydratase -0.529 0.433 0.224 0.806
4-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase -0.041 0.415 0.922 0.999
4-hydroxymandelate oxidase -0.320 0.799 0.690 0.995
4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase -0.791 0.527 0.136 0.806
4-hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase 1.578 0.989 0.112 0.806
4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase -0.096 0.214 0.654 0.973
4-hydroxyproline epimerase -0.261 0.307 0.396 0.861
4-hydroxythreonine-4-phosphate dehydrogenase -0.103 0.100 0.303 0.820
4-methylaminobutanoate oxidase (formaldehyde-forming) -1.381 0.804 0.088 0.806
4-methylphenol dehydrogenase (hydroxylating) 3.700 2.578 0.153 0.806
4-nitrophenylphosphatase 0.149 0.130 0.254 0.813
4-O-beta-D-mannosyl-D-glucose phosphorylase -0.952 0.434 0.030 0.780
4-oxalmesaconate hydratase -1.282 0.546 0.020 0.780
4-oxalomesaconate tautomerase -1.878 0.853 0.029 0.780
4-phosphoerythronate dehydrogenase 0.005 0.197 0.981 0.999
4-phosphopantoate–beta-alanine ligase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
4-phytase -0.109 0.528 0.837 0.999
4-pyridoxolactonase 17.690 2253.589 0.994 0.999
4,4’-diapophytoene desaturase (4,4’-diapolycopene-forming) -1.552 1.123 0.169 0.806
4,4’-diapophytoene synthase -0.812 0.993 0.415 0.865
4,5-dihydroxyphthalate decarboxylase -1.578 1.081 0.146 0.806
4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin dehydratase -0.233 0.201 0.248 0.808
5’-deoxynucleotidase 0.252 0.195 0.200 0.806
5’-nucleotidase -0.089 0.061 0.148 0.806
5’-phosphate synthase -0.196 0.480 0.683 0.992
5’ to 3’ exodeoxyribonuclease (nucleoside 3’-phosphate-forming) 0.192 0.178 0.283 0.820
5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase 0.048 0.033 0.148 0.806
5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide synthase 0.003 0.067 0.964 0.999
5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural oxidase -0.505 0.813 0.536 0.924
5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase -0.004 0.058 0.951 0.999
5-aminolevulinate synthase -1.208 0.445 0.007 0.780
5-aminovalerate transaminase 0.212 0.348 0.542 0.927
5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate Delta-isomerase -0.551 0.354 0.122 0.806
5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic-semialdehyde dehydrogenase -0.914 0.395 0.022 0.780
5-dehydro-2-deoxygluconokinase -0.338 0.274 0.220 0.806
5-dehydro-2-deoxyphosphogluconate aldolase 0.071 0.761 0.926 0.999
5-dehydro-4-deoxy-D-glucuronate isomerase 0.129 0.266 0.629 0.971
5-dehydro-4-deoxyglucarate dehydratase -0.181 0.363 0.620 0.965
5-deoxy-glucuronate isomerase -0.355 0.275 0.198 0.806
5-exo-hydroxycamphor dehydrogenase -2.143 1.972 0.279 0.820
5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase 0.074 0.039 0.060 0.780
5-guanidino-2-oxopentanoate decarboxylase 0.806 0.618 0.194 0.806
5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate–homocysteine S-methyltransferase 0.051 0.064 0.434 0.869
5-oxopent-3-ene-1,2,5-tricarboxylate decarboxylase -0.449 0.471 0.342 0.837
5-oxoprolinase (ATP-hydrolyzing) -1.400 0.730 0.057 0.780
5,10-methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase 2.458 1.997 0.220 0.806
5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole synthase -0.150 0.264 0.570 0.938
5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin hydro-lyase 0.805 0.832 0.335 0.833
50S ribosomal protein L16 3-hydroxylase 0.077 0.167 0.646 0.973
6-aminohexanoate-cyclic-dimer hydrolase -1.553 1.072 0.150 0.806
6-aminohexanoate-oligomer exohydrolase -0.946 0.459 0.041 0.780
6-carboxyhexanoate–CoA ligase 0.062 0.248 0.802 0.999
6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase -0.112 0.065 0.089 0.806
6-hydroxynicotinate 3-monooxygenase -1.023 0.794 0.200 0.806
6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine dehydrogenase -2.143 1.972 0.279 0.820
6-methylsalicylic acid synthase -18.427 2940.855 0.995 0.999
6-phospho-3-hexuloisomerase -1.149 0.447 0.011 0.780
6-phospho-beta-galactosidase -0.023 0.155 0.880 0.999
6-phospho-beta-glucosidase 0.067 0.118 0.570 0.938
6-phosphofructokinase 0.057 0.077 0.459 0.884
6-phosphogluconolactonase 0.030 0.064 0.644 0.973
6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin 2’-reductase 0.500 0.628 0.427 0.865
6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase -0.112 0.065 0.089 0.806
6,7-dihydropteridine reductase 0.152 0.235 0.518 0.913
6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase -0.028 0.057 0.621 0.966
7-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase -0.487 0.462 0.293 0.820
7-carboxy-7-deazaguanine synthase -0.110 0.094 0.242 0.806
7-cyano-7-deazaguanine synthase -0.103 0.062 0.098 0.806
7,8-didemethyl-8-hydroxy-5-deazariboflavin synthase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
8-amino-3,8-dideoxy-alpha-D-manno-octulosonate transaminase 0.420 1.214 0.730 0.999
8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase -0.031 0.121 0.795 0.999
8-oxo-dGTP diphosphatase -0.016 0.080 0.842 0.999
8-oxoguanine deaminase -0.092 0.440 0.834 0.999
9,9’-di-cis-zeta-carotene desaturase 18.195 2901.073 0.995 0.999
Abequosyltransferase 0.936 1.152 0.418 0.865
Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) 0.076 0.096 0.433 0.869
Acetate–CoA ligase -0.272 0.139 0.053 0.780
Acetate–CoA ligase (ADP-forming) -2.906 3.063 0.344 0.838
Acetate CoA-transferase 0.819 0.377 0.031 0.780
Acetate kinase 0.078 0.063 0.220 0.806
Acetoacetate–CoA ligase -0.278 0.291 0.341 0.837
Acetoacetate decarboxylase -1.256 0.740 0.092 0.806
Acetoacetyl-CoA reductase -0.204 0.338 0.547 0.930
Acetolactate decarboxylase 0.074 0.135 0.584 0.948
Acetolactate synthase -0.002 0.040 0.968 0.999
Acetone carboxylase -1.396 1.560 0.372 0.852
Acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase -0.154 0.115 0.181 0.806
Acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase -0.186 0.170 0.277 0.820
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 0.005 0.044 0.905 0.999
Acetyl-CoA hydrolase -1.517 1.943 0.436 0.869
Acetyl-S-ACP:malonate ACP transferase 0.053 0.267 0.843 0.999
acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 0.500 0.628 0.427 0.865
acetylglucosaminyltransferase 0.034 0.028 0.219 0.806
Acetylglutamate kinase -0.070 0.056 0.219 0.806
Acetylornithine deacetylase -0.042 0.161 0.793 0.999
Acetylornithine transaminase -0.081 0.068 0.232 0.806
Acid phosphatase -0.022 0.170 0.897 0.999
Acireductone dioxygenase (Fe(2+)-requiring) -0.021 0.249 0.932 0.999
Acireductone dioxygenase (Ni(2+)-requiring) -0.021 0.249 0.932 0.999
Acireductone synthase 0.195 0.330 0.556 0.936
Aclacinomycin-A oxidase -17.411 3363.343 0.996 0.999
Aclacinomycin-N oxidase -17.411 3363.343 0.996 0.999
Aclacinomycin methylesterase 18.543 3451.904 0.996 0.999
Aconitate hydratase -0.106 0.104 0.309 0.820
Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]–phospholipid O-acyltransferase 0.540 0.266 0.044 0.780
Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]–UDP-N-acetylglucosamine O-acyltransferase 0.021 0.097 0.831 0.999
Acyl-CoA 6-desaturase -0.301 0.316 0.343 0.837
Acyl-CoA hydrolase -0.160 0.581 0.784 0.999
Acyl-CoA oxidase -0.742 0.485 0.128 0.806
Acyl-homoserine-lactone acylase -0.028 0.352 0.937 0.999
Acyl-homoserine-lactone synthase -0.080 0.423 0.850 0.999
Acylaminoacyl-peptidase 0.638 0.391 0.105 0.806
Acylphosphatase 0.068 0.088 0.440 0.869
Acylpyruvate hydrolase 0.213 0.367 0.563 0.936
Adenine deaminase -0.252 0.268 0.349 0.840
Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 0.095 0.048 0.050 0.780
Adenosine deaminase 0.043 0.139 0.757 0.999
Adenosine kinase -0.269 0.307 0.383 0.852
Adenosylcobalamin/alpha-ribazole phosphatase 0.056 0.105 0.594 0.951
Adenosylcobinamide-GDP ribazoletransferase 0.061 0.104 0.559 0.936
Adenosylcobinamide-phosphate guanylyltransferase 0.052 0.108 0.629 0.971
Adenosylcobinamide-phosphate synthase 0.105 0.111 0.350 0.840
Adenosylcobinamide kinase 0.053 0.108 0.628 0.971
Adenosylcobyric acid synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.243 0.134 0.073 0.787
Adenosylhomocysteinase -0.060 0.123 0.628 0.971
Adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase 0.026 0.061 0.671 0.982
Adenosylmethionine–8-amino-7-oxononanoate transaminase 0.014 0.090 0.876 0.999
Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 0.053 0.136 0.696 0.995
Adenylate cyclase -0.190 0.125 0.130 0.806
Adenylate kinase 0.027 0.028 0.336 0.833
Adenylosuccinate lyase 0.040 0.032 0.208 0.806
Adenylosuccinate synthase 0.034 0.027 0.215 0.806
Adenylyl-sulfate kinase -0.422 0.222 0.059 0.780
Adenylyl-sulfate reductase 0.015 0.503 0.976 0.999
ADP-dependent NAD(P)H-hydrate dehydratase 0.366 0.476 0.442 0.870
ADP-glyceromanno-heptose 6-epimerase 0.284 0.149 0.059 0.780
ADP-ribose diphosphatase 0.135 0.049 0.007 0.780
ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] hydrolase 0.349 0.478 0.467 0.884
ADP-specific glucokinase 0.413 0.829 0.619 0.965
ADP-specific phosphofructokinase 0.413 0.829 0.619 0.965
Aerobactin synthase 0.697 0.786 0.377 0.852
Agmatinase -0.082 0.180 0.650 0.973
Agmatine deiminase -0.111 0.142 0.435 0.869
Aklaviketone reductase -1.712 1.754 0.330 0.829
Alanine–glyoxylate transaminase -1.131 0.626 0.073 0.787
Alanine–tRNA ligase 0.055 0.036 0.129 0.806
Alanine dehydrogenase -0.299 0.110 0.007 0.780
Alanine racemase 0.073 0.036 0.045 0.780
Alanine transaminase -0.014 0.086 0.871 0.999
Alcohol dehydrogenase -0.079 0.065 0.232 0.806
Alcohol dehydrogenase (azurin) -1.210 0.669 0.073 0.787
Alcohol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) 0.461 0.349 0.188 0.806
Alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 1.256 0.843 0.138 0.806
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (FAD-independent) 0.221 1.104 0.842 0.999
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) -0.366 0.158 0.022 0.780
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) -0.933 0.959 0.332 0.831
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -0.047 0.309 0.880 0.999
Aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase 0.227 0.717 0.752 0.999
Aldehyde oxygenase (deformylating) -0.995 1.007 0.325 0.827
Alditol oxidase 0.782 0.736 0.290 0.820
Aldose 1-epimerase 0.004 0.062 0.954 0.999
Aliphatic aldoxime dehydratase -1.102 0.874 0.209 0.806
Aliphatic nitrilase -0.592 0.716 0.410 0.865
Alkaline phosphatase -0.291 0.191 0.129 0.806
Alkanal monooxygenase (FMN-linked) 18.315 2531.149 0.994 0.999
Alkane 1-monooxygenase -0.478 0.428 0.265 0.820
Alkanesulfonate monooxygenase -0.314 0.265 0.239 0.806
Alkylglycerone-phosphate synthase -0.968 0.638 0.131 0.806
Alkylmercury lyase 0.896 1.012 0.377 0.852
All-trans-8’-apo-beta-carotenal 15,15’-oxygenase -17.083 2854.434 0.995 0.999
All-trans-octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase -0.075 0.090 0.406 0.865
All-trans-retinol 13,14-reductase -0.567 0.421 0.180 0.806
All-trans-retinol dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.807 1.421 0.571 0.938
All-trans-zeta-carotene desaturase -0.177 0.395 0.654 0.973
Allantoate deiminase -0.599 0.458 0.193 0.806
Allantoicase -0.708 0.405 0.082 0.806
Allantoin racemase -0.340 0.358 0.344 0.838
Allantoinase -0.364 0.342 0.288 0.820
Allophanate hydrolase -0.083 0.292 0.777 0.999
Allose kinase 0.004 1.317 0.997 0.999
Alpha-amylase -0.090 0.088 0.311 0.820
Alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-phosphate C-P-lyase -0.967 0.453 0.034 0.780
Alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate diphosphatase -1.068 0.409 0.010 0.780
Alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase -0.963 0.453 0.035 0.780
Alpha-D-xyloside xylohydrolase -0.514 0.327 0.118 0.806
Alpha-galactosidase 0.044 0.134 0.743 0.999
Alpha-glucosidase -0.024 0.131 0.853 0.999
Alpha-glucuronidase -0.650 0.392 0.100 0.806
Alpha-L-fucosidase -0.165 0.142 0.245 0.806
Alpha-L-rhamnosidase -0.688 0.416 0.100 0.806
Alpha-mannosidase 0.037 0.182 0.838 0.999
Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase -0.912 0.447 0.043 0.780
Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase -0.939 0.572 0.103 0.806
Alpha,alpha-phosphotrehalase 0.102 0.123 0.408 0.865
Alpha,alpha-trehalase -0.366 0.447 0.415 0.865
Alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase (UDP-forming) -0.432 0.248 0.083 0.806
Alpha,alpha-trehalose phosphorylase 0.444 0.511 0.386 0.852
Alpha,alpha-trehalose synthase -0.511 0.503 0.311 0.820
Altronate dehydratase 0.049 0.168 0.772 0.999
Amidase -0.168 0.163 0.305 0.820
Amidophosphoribosyltransferase 0.022 0.033 0.513 0.913
Amino-acid N-acetyltransferase -0.067 0.104 0.520 0.913
Aminoacyl-tRNA hydrolase 0.039 0.031 0.211 0.806
Aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase -0.224 0.402 0.579 0.946
Aminocarboxymuconate-semialdehyde decarboxylase -1.199 0.606 0.050 0.780
Aminodeoxychorismate lyase -0.025 0.069 0.722 0.999
Aminodeoxychorismate synthase -0.004 0.073 0.957 0.999
Aminodeoxyfutalosine deaminase -0.276 0.951 0.772 0.999
Aminodeoxyfutalosine nucleosidase -0.427 0.810 0.599 0.953
Aminodeoxyfutalosine synthase 0.214 0.461 0.643 0.973
Aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase -0.190 0.353 0.591 0.951
Aminoglycoside N(3’)-acetyltransferase 0.168 0.355 0.636 0.973
Aminomethyltransferase -0.161 0.115 0.163 0.806
Aminomuconate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase -0.420 0.663 0.528 0.918
Aminopeptidase B -1.300 1.072 0.227 0.806
Aminopeptidase S 0.679 1.010 0.502 0.912
Aminopyrimidine aminohydrolase -0.189 0.125 0.132 0.806
Ammonia monooxygenase -17.712 2757.136 0.995 0.999
AMP nucleosidase -0.162 0.198 0.414 0.865
Amylosucrase -0.270 0.337 0.425 0.865
Anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinase -0.042 0.150 0.778 0.999
Anthranilate–CoA ligase -0.942 0.604 0.121 0.806
Anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase (deaminating, decarboxylating) -0.697 0.594 0.242 0.806
Anthranilate 3-monooxygenase (FAD) -0.129 1.009 0.898 0.999
Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase -0.068 0.054 0.204 0.806
Anthranilate synthase -0.080 0.051 0.116 0.806
Anthraniloyl-CoA monooxygenase -0.683 0.495 0.169 0.806
Aquacobalamin reductase 0.377 0.522 0.471 0.888
Arabinan endo-1,5-alpha-L-arabinosidase -0.668 0.458 0.147 0.806
Arabinofuranan 3-O-arabinosyltransferase -0.735 0.667 0.272 0.820
Arabinogalactan endo-beta-1,4-galactanase -0.559 0.328 0.091 0.806
Arabinonate dehydratase -2.566 3.464 0.460 0.884
Arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase 0.085 0.086 0.325 0.827
Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase 18.299 3055.837 0.995 0.999
Archaetidylinositol phosphate synthase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Arginase -0.253 0.181 0.163 0.806
Arginine–pyruvate transaminase -0.026 0.442 0.952 0.999
Arginine–tRNA ligase 0.027 0.031 0.384 0.852
Arginine decarboxylase -0.071 0.106 0.506 0.913
Arginine deiminase 0.139 0.108 0.201 0.806
Arginine N-succinyltransferase 0.067 0.274 0.807 0.999
Argininosuccinate lyase -0.044 0.051 0.383 0.852
Argininosuccinate synthase 0.000 0.051 0.992 0.999
Arginyltransferase -0.113 0.202 0.574 0.941
Arogenate dehydratase -0.894 0.486 0.068 0.780
Arogenate dehydrogenase -1.345 0.486 0.006 0.780
Aromatic-amino-acid transaminase 0.183 0.120 0.130 0.806
Aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase 1.029 0.514 0.047 0.780
Arsenate-mycothiol transferase -0.494 0.726 0.497 0.905
Arsenate reductase (azurin) 17.978 2602.989 0.994 0.999
Arsenate reductase (glutaredoxin) 0.034 0.041 0.418 0.865
Arsenite-transporting ATPase 0.613 0.424 0.150 0.806
Aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase 0.074 0.334 0.824 0.999
Aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -1.167 0.646 0.073 0.787
Aryl-sulfate sulfotransferase -0.931 0.951 0.329 0.829
Arylamine N-acetyltransferase -2.468 1.417 0.083 0.806
Arylformamidase -1.004 0.368 0.007 0.780
Arylsulfatase -0.463 0.232 0.048 0.780
Asparaginase 0.045 0.040 0.262 0.820
Asparagine–tRNA ligase 0.072 0.076 0.341 0.837
Asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) -0.154 0.159 0.334 0.832
Asparaginyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.004 0.047 0.937 0.999
Aspartate–ammonia ligase 0.146 0.120 0.224 0.806
Aspartate–prephenate aminotransferase -0.787 1.153 0.496 0.905
Aspartate–tRNA ligase 0.046 0.041 0.264 0.820
Aspartate–tRNA(Asn) ligase -0.393 0.772 0.611 0.960
Aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.000 0.034 0.990 0.999
Aspartate 1-decarboxylase -0.227 0.110 0.041 0.780
Aspartate 4-decarboxylase 0.302 0.425 0.478 0.895
Aspartate ammonia-lyase -0.041 0.102 0.690 0.995
Aspartate carbamoyltransferase 0.035 0.034 0.313 0.820
Aspartate dehydrogenase -0.578 0.420 0.171 0.806
Aspartate kinase -0.040 0.039 0.302 0.820
Aspartate racemase 0.152 0.172 0.377 0.852
Aspartate transaminase -0.090 0.113 0.427 0.865
Aspartoacylase 18.622 2950.870 0.995 0.999
Aspartyl aminopeptidase 0.293 0.119 0.015 0.780
Aspergillus nuclease S(1) -2.219 2.106 0.294 0.820
Assimilatory sulfite reductase (ferredoxin) -0.340 0.314 0.280 0.820
Assimilatory sulfite reductase (NADPH) -0.068 0.146 0.644 0.973
ATP adenylyltransferase 0.044 0.223 0.845 0.999
ATP diphosphatase -0.020 0.179 0.911 0.999
ATP phosphoribosyltransferase -0.085 0.059 0.151 0.806
Aureolysin -0.476 0.680 0.486 0.899
Azobenzene reductase -1.989 1.867 0.288 0.820
Bacillolysin -17.434 2863.190 0.995 0.999
Bacterial leucyl aminopeptidase -0.885 0.657 0.180 0.806
Bacterial non-heme ferritin -0.006 0.146 0.969 0.999
Benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) -0.224 0.346 0.519 0.913
Benzil reductase ((S)-benzoin forming) -0.935 0.938 0.320 0.826
Benzoate–CoA ligase -1.805 0.983 0.068 0.780
Benzoate 1,2-dioxygenase 0.191 0.318 0.548 0.930
Benzoyl-CoA-dihydrodiol lyase -1.691 0.937 0.073 0.787
Benzoylformate decarboxylase -0.935 0.706 0.188 0.806
Beta-1,4-mannooligosaccharide phosphorylase -0.324 0.229 0.160 0.806
Beta-alanine–pyruvate transaminase -0.111 0.232 0.634 0.973
Beta-aspartyl-peptidase -0.285 0.310 0.360 0.844
Beta-carotene 3-hydroxylase 0.052 0.344 0.879 0.999
Beta-fructofuranosidase 0.140 0.103 0.174 0.806
Beta-galactosidase 0.008 0.106 0.939 0.999
Beta-glucosidase -0.177 0.137 0.196 0.806
Beta-glucoside kinase -0.225 0.990 0.820 0.999
Beta-glucuronidase 0.100 0.225 0.656 0.974
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I -0.111 0.142 0.436 0.869
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II 0.006 0.034 0.857 0.999
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III 0.065 0.040 0.105 0.806
Beta-ketodecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 0.042 0.264 0.872 0.999
Beta-lactamase -0.027 0.069 0.690 0.995
Beta-lysine 5,6-aminomutase 0.979 0.456 0.033 0.780
Beta-mannosidase -0.387 0.296 0.193 0.806
Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase -0.088 0.074 0.235 0.806
Beta-phosphoglucomutase 0.446 0.290 0.126 0.806
Betaine–homocysteine S-methyltransferase -17.840 4168.155 0.997 0.999
Betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase -0.183 0.191 0.340 0.837
Betaine reductase 0.130 0.456 0.776 0.999
Bilirubin oxidase -3.253 3.540 0.360 0.844
Biotin–[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase 0.045 0.033 0.177 0.806
Biotin carboxylase -0.045 0.048 0.351 0.842
Biotin synthase 0.056 0.080 0.484 0.899
Bis(5’-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (asymmetrical) 2.415 2.069 0.245 0.806
Bis(5’-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (symmetrical) 0.067 0.159 0.674 0.984
Bleomycin hydrolase 0.000 0.113 0.999 0.999
Bontoxilysin -17.546 2539.415 0.994 0.999
Branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase -0.038 0.044 0.383 0.852
Butyrate–acetoacetate CoA-transferase 0.838 0.381 0.029 0.780
Butyrate–CoA ligase -1.862 2.295 0.418 0.865
Butyrate kinase -0.234 0.234 0.319 0.824
C-terminal processing peptidase -0.042 0.065 0.525 0.916
C5a peptidase 0.064 1.026 0.950 0.999
Cadmium-exporting ATPase 0.114 0.089 0.203 0.806
Caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase 0.962 0.445 0.032 0.780
Calcium-transporting ATPase 0.041 0.113 0.717 0.999
Carbamate kinase 0.122 0.117 0.296 0.820
Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.018 0.049 0.719 0.999
Carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase 1.546 1.393 0.269 0.820
Carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase (acceptor) -0.180 0.193 0.353 0.843
Carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase (ferredoxin) 0.317 0.239 0.187 0.806
Carbonate dehydratase -0.059 0.058 0.317 0.823
Carboxylesterase -0.065 0.205 0.754 0.999
Carboxymethylenebutenolidase -0.355 0.223 0.113 0.806
Carboxymethylproline synthase -2.143 1.972 0.279 0.820
Carboxynorspermidine decarboxylase -0.220 0.117 0.063 0.780
Carboxynorspermidine synthase 1.036 1.404 0.462 0.884
Carboxypeptidase T 18.543 3451.904 0.996 0.999
Carboxypeptidase Taq 0.232 0.190 0.224 0.806
Cardiolipin synthase (CMP-forming) -0.608 0.256 0.019 0.780
Carnitine 3-dehydrogenase 0.073 0.361 0.839 0.999
Carnitine O-acetyltransferase -0.301 0.965 0.756 0.999
Carotenoid 1,2-hydratase -2.615 3.349 0.436 0.869
Catalase -0.178 0.164 0.280 0.820
Catalase peroxidase -0.167 0.233 0.474 0.889
Catechol 1,2-dioxygenase -0.080 0.260 0.760 0.999
Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase -0.204 0.145 0.160 0.806
Catechol O-methyltransferase -2.569 1.387 0.066 0.780
CCA tRNA nucleotidyltransferase 0.113 0.051 0.027 0.780
CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase 0.077 0.231 0.738 0.999
CDP-diacylglycerol–glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase 0.095 0.044 0.034 0.780
CDP-diacylglycerol–inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase -2.259 1.730 0.194 0.806
CDP-diacylglycerol–serine O-phosphatidyltransferase -0.022 0.064 0.732 0.999
CDP-diacylglycerol diphosphatase -0.091 0.379 0.809 0.999
CDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase 0.174 0.303 0.566 0.936
CDP-glycerol glycerophosphotransferase -0.514 0.418 0.221 0.806
CDP-L-myo-inositol myo-inositolphosphotransferase -17.501 3517.810 0.996 0.999
CDP-paratose 2-epimerase -1.712 0.902 0.059 0.780
CDP-ribitol ribitolphosphotransferase -1.091 0.808 0.179 0.806
Cellobionic acid phosphorylase -0.770 1.385 0.579 0.946
Cellobiose phosphorylase -0.428 0.679 0.530 0.920
Cellulase -0.530 0.224 0.019 0.780
Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase (non-reducing end) 0.652 1.214 0.592 0.951
Cellulose synthase (UDP-forming) -0.112 0.273 0.683 0.992
Cephalosporin-C deacetylase -0.013 0.195 0.945 0.999
Ceramidase 0.084 0.349 0.809 0.999
Ceramide glucosyltransferase 1.275 0.567 0.026 0.780
Cerebroside-sulfatase 1.046 1.272 0.412 0.865
Chitin deacetylase -18.294 2578.334 0.994 0.999
Chitin disaccharide deacetylase -0.284 0.373 0.448 0.875
Chitinase -0.193 0.365 0.597 0.952
Chitosanase -17.909 3081.137 0.995 0.999
Chloramphenicol O-acetyltransferase -0.476 0.320 0.139 0.806
Chloride peroxidase -0.120 0.265 0.652 0.973
Chlorite O(2)-lyase -0.182 0.177 0.307 0.820
Chlorophyll synthase -17.728 2688.993 0.995 0.999
Chlorophyllide a reductase -3.248 3.287 0.325 0.827
Cholest-4-en-3-one 26-monooxygenase -2.002 1.431 0.164 0.806
Cholesterol oxidase -1.014 0.837 0.228 0.806
Choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase -0.271 0.419 0.518 0.913
Choline-sulfatase 0.094 0.331 0.776 0.999
Choline dehydrogenase -0.152 0.205 0.459 0.884
Choline monooxygenase 0.189 0.462 0.683 0.992
Choline oxidase 1.209 1.153 0.296 0.820
Choloylglycine hydrolase 0.073 0.256 0.776 0.999
Chondroitin-sulfate-ABC endolyase -0.644 0.500 0.200 0.806
Chondroitin-sulfate-ABC exolyase -0.644 0.500 0.200 0.806
Chondroitin AC lyase -0.286 0.667 0.668 0.979
Chorismate dehydratase 0.031 0.427 0.943 0.999
Chorismate lyase 0.190 0.218 0.384 0.852
Chorismate mutase -0.009 0.045 0.840 0.999
Chorismate synthase 0.019 0.036 0.607 0.960
Cinnamoyl-CoA:phenyllactate CoA-transferase 0.927 0.699 0.187 0.806
Cis-3,4-dihydrophenanthrene-3,4-diol dehydrogenase 0.936 1.152 0.418 0.865
Citrate–CoA ligase -1.093 1.677 0.515 0.913
Citrate (Si)-synthase -0.229 0.084 0.007 0.780
Citrate CoA-transferase 0.495 0.189 0.010 0.780
Citrate lyase holo-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase 0.713 0.334 0.034 0.780
Citryl-CoA lyase 0.024 0.137 0.863 0.999
Clostripain 6.303 12.523 0.615 0.963
CMP-N,N’-diacetyllegionaminic acid synthase -0.462 0.673 0.494 0.905
CO-methylating acetyl-CoA synthase -0.728 1.131 0.521 0.913
Co-methyltransferase -0.766 1.103 0.488 0.901
CoA-disulfide reductase -0.200 0.826 0.809 0.999
CoA:oxalate CoA-transferase 0.066 0.507 0.896 0.999
CoB–CoM heterodisulfide reductase -0.006 0.480 0.989 0.999
Cob(I)yrinic acid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase 0.142 0.097 0.145 0.806
Cob(II)yrinic acid a,c-diamide reductase -2.491 1.668 0.137 0.806
Cobalt-factor II C(20)-methyltransferase 0.248 0.136 0.070 0.787
Cobalt-precorrin-4 methyltransferase 0.231 0.131 0.081 0.806
Cobalt-precorrin-5B (C(1))-methyltransferase 0.294 0.144 0.042 0.780
Cobalt-precorrin-6A reductase 0.281 0.131 0.034 0.780
Cobalt-precorrin-6B (C(15))-methyltransferase (decarboxylating) 0.573 0.217 0.009 0.780
Cobalt-precorrin-7 (C(5))-methyltransferase 0.550 0.214 0.011 0.780
Cobalt-precorrin-8 methylmutase 0.229 0.131 0.084 0.806
Cobalt-precorrin 5A hydrolase 0.257 0.134 0.057 0.780
Cobaltochelatase -0.196 0.159 0.219 0.806
Cobyrinate a,c-diamide synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.136 0.114 0.235 0.806
Coenzyme F420-0:L-glutamate ligase -0.378 0.517 0.466 0.884
Coenzyme F420-1:gamma-L-glutamate ligase -0.378 0.517 0.466 0.884
Coenzyme F420 hydrogenase -1.432 0.977 0.145 0.806
Coenzyme gamma-F420-2:alpha-L-glutamate ligase -0.691 1.197 0.565 0.936
Coniferyl-aldehyde dehydrogenase -0.125 0.223 0.578 0.945
Coproporphyrinogen dehydrogenase 0.072 0.049 0.146 0.806
Coproporphyrinogen oxidase -0.074 0.184 0.686 0.995
Creatinase 0.572 0.559 0.307 0.820
Creatininase -0.875 0.367 0.018 0.780
Crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease 0.040 0.069 0.562 0.936
Crotonobetainyl-CoA hydratase -1.693 0.563 0.003 0.780
Crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase -1.100 0.946 0.247 0.806
Crotonyl-CoA reductase 1.111 0.698 0.114 0.806
CTP-dependent riboflavin kinase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
CTP synthase (glutamine hydrolyzing) -0.045 0.035 0.197 0.806
Cu(+) exporting ATPase 0.031 0.035 0.378 0.852
Cu(2+)-exporting ATPase 0.011 0.095 0.907 0.999
Cutinase -2.715 1.546 0.081 0.806
Cyanase -0.202 0.375 0.591 0.951
Cyanophycin synthase (L-arginine-adding) -0.229 0.508 0.653 0.973
Cyanophycin synthase (L-aspartate-adding) -0.229 0.508 0.653 0.973
Cyanophycinase -0.397 0.610 0.516 0.913
Cyanuric acid amidohydrolase -0.921 0.840 0.274 0.820
Cyclic-guanylate-specific phosphodiesterase -0.558 0.690 0.420 0.865
Cyclic dehypoxanthinyl futalosine synthase 0.125 0.442 0.777 0.999
Cyclic pyranopterin phosphate synthase 0.004 0.069 0.955 0.999
Cyclo(L-leucyl-L-leucyl) synthase 17.953 2571.043 0.994 0.999
Cyclo(L-tyrosyl-L-tyrosyl) synthase -17.486 3491.164 0.996 0.999
Cyclohexanone monooxygenase -0.813 0.473 0.088 0.806
Cyclohexyl-isocyanide hydratase -1.053 0.549 0.057 0.780
Cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase 18.682 3701.820 0.996 0.999
Cyclomaltodextrinase -17.352 3264.645 0.996 0.999
Cyclopentanol dehydrogenase 1.065 0.877 0.227 0.806
Cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase -0.037 0.140 0.792 0.999
Cystathionine beta-lyase 0.104 0.076 0.170 0.806
Cystathionine beta-synthase -0.181 0.231 0.435 0.869
Cystathionine gamma-lyase -0.195 0.221 0.381 0.852
Cystathionine gamma-synthase 0.080 0.075 0.287 0.820
Cysteate synthase -17.886 3227.774 0.996 0.999
Cysteine–tRNA ligase 0.116 0.048 0.016 0.780
Cysteine desulfurase 0.002 0.052 0.977 0.999
Cysteine dioxygenase -17.885 3209.069 0.996 0.999
Cysteine synthase 0.022 0.028 0.431 0.869
Cytidine deaminase -0.019 0.080 0.810 0.999
Cytochrome-c oxidase -0.302 0.184 0.103 0.806
Cytochrome-c peroxidase 0.041 0.196 0.834 0.999
Cytosine deaminase -0.077 0.197 0.696 0.995
Cytosol alanyl aminopeptidase -0.005 0.522 0.992 0.999
D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase -0.273 0.160 0.090 0.806
D-alanine–(R)-lactate ligase 18.542 3451.607 0.996 0.999
D-alanine–D-alanine ligase 0.010 0.032 0.752 0.999
D-alanine–D-serine ligase -18.269 3009.878 0.995 0.999
D-alanine–poly(phosphoribitol) ligase 0.032 0.138 0.816 0.999
D-amino-acid oxidase -0.072 0.797 0.928 0.999
D-amino-acid transaminase -0.180 0.176 0.307 0.820
D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
D-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase -1.922 1.748 0.273 0.820
D-arginine dehydrogenase 0.166 0.357 0.643 0.973
D-aspartate ligase 0.111 0.371 0.765 0.999
D-chiro-inositol 1-dehydrogenase -0.408 0.338 0.230 0.806
D-cysteine desulfhydrase -0.051 0.316 0.871 0.999
D-galactose 1-dehydrogenase -1.017 0.451 0.025 0.780
D-glucosaminate-6-phosphate ammonia lyase -2.675 2.574 0.300 0.820
D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose-1,7-bisphosphate 7-phosphatase 0.084 0.109 0.440 0.869
D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose-7-phosphate kinase 0.627 0.471 0.185 0.806
D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate guanylyltransferase -0.589 0.543 0.280 0.820
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose-7-phosphate kinase 0.108 0.129 0.402 0.863
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0.108 0.129 0.402 0.863
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate 7-phosphatase 0.084 0.109 0.440 0.869
D-inositol-3-phosphate glycosyltransferase -0.017 0.308 0.956 0.999
D-lactate dehydratase -0.272 0.307 0.376 0.852
D-lactate dehydrogenase 0.248 0.138 0.075 0.791
D-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) -1.202 0.344 0.001 0.663
D-malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) -0.745 0.378 0.051 0.780
D-ornithine 4,5-aminomutase 1.007 0.503 0.047 0.780
D-proline reductase (dithiol) -0.143 0.342 0.676 0.984
D-psicose 3-epimerase -1.585 0.692 0.023 0.780
D-ribose pyranase 0.173 0.164 0.295 0.820
D-ribulokinase -1.526 1.461 0.298 0.820
D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate isomerase 0.297 0.118 0.013 0.780
D-serine ammonia-lyase 0.348 0.260 0.182 0.806
D-sorbitol dehydrogenase (acceptor) -0.304 0.649 0.640 0.973
D-stereospecific aminopeptidase -0.978 0.441 0.028 0.780
D-tagatose 3-epimerase -1.585 0.692 0.023 0.780
D-threo-aldose 1-dehydrogenase -0.686 0.391 0.081 0.806
D-xylulose reductase -2.180 1.072 0.044 0.780
dCMP deaminase 0.076 0.087 0.385 0.852
dCTP deaminase -0.050 0.111 0.655 0.974
deacetylase -0.002 0.347 0.995 0.999
decaprenol beta-1,5/1,6-galactofuranosyltransferase 0.052 0.334 0.877 0.999
Decaprenyl-phosphate phosphoribosyltransferase -0.347 0.562 0.538 0.924
Decaprenylphospho-beta-D-erythro-pentofuranosid-2-ulose 2-reductase -0.293 0.549 0.595 0.951
Decaprenylphospho-beta-D-ribofuranose 2-dehydrogenase -0.347 0.562 0.538 0.924
Dehydrogluconokinase -0.011 0.440 0.980 0.999
Delta(7)-sterol 5(6)-desaturase 1.212 1.112 0.277 0.820
Demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase -0.016 0.064 0.801 0.999
Demethylspheroidene O-methyltransferase -3.248 3.287 0.325 0.827
Deoxyadenosine kinase -0.356 0.344 0.302 0.820
Deoxycytidine kinase -0.752 0.501 0.136 0.806
Deoxyguanosine kinase -0.725 0.514 0.161 0.806
Deoxyhypusine monooxygenase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Deoxyhypusine synthase -0.220 0.323 0.498 0.906
Deoxynucleoside kinase 18.622 2950.870 0.995 0.999
Deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase -0.134 0.178 0.452 0.879
Deoxyribonuclease I 0.332 0.307 0.282 0.820
Deoxyribonuclease IV 0.037 0.121 0.763 0.999
Deoxyribonuclease V -0.069 0.327 0.833 0.999
Deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase 0.017 0.075 0.821 0.999
Dephospho-CoA kinase 0.036 0.039 0.359 0.844
Dethiobiotin synthase 0.067 0.096 0.483 0.897
Dextranase 0.027 0.483 0.955 0.999
Dextransucrase 0.008 0.349 0.981 0.999
dGTPase -0.014 0.083 0.863 0.999
Diacetyl reductase ((R)-acetoin forming) -0.058 0.155 0.707 0.999
Diacetyl reductase ((S)-acetoin forming) -0.030 0.207 0.884 0.999
Diacylglycerol diphosphate phosphatase 0.051 0.256 0.841 0.999
Diacylglycerol kinase (ATP) 0.028 0.062 0.645 0.973
Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase -0.864 0.452 0.058 0.780
Diadenosine hexaphosphate hydrolase (ATP-forming) -1.648 2.332 0.481 0.897
Diadenylate cyclase 0.105 0.086 0.223 0.806
Diamine N-acetyltransferase -0.072 0.124 0.562 0.936
Diaminobutyrate–2-oxoglutarate transaminase -0.088 0.264 0.739 0.999
Diaminobutyrate acetyltransferase -0.691 0.499 0.169 0.806
Diaminobutyrate decarboxylase -0.261 0.319 0.415 0.865
Diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase 0.001 0.058 0.987 0.999
Diaminopimelate decarboxylase -0.019 0.037 0.618 0.964
Diaminopimelate dehydrogenase 0.013 0.177 0.942 0.999
Diaminopimelate epimerase 0.020 0.058 0.726 0.999
Diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase 0.172 0.201 0.394 0.861
Diapolycopene oxygenase -1.552 1.123 0.169 0.806
Diglucosyl diacylglycerol synthase (1,2-linking) 0.172 0.171 0.315 0.822
Diglucosyl diacylglycerol synthase (1,6-linking) 0.070 0.192 0.718 0.999
Diguanylate cyclase -0.126 0.263 0.632 0.972
Dihydroanticapsin 7-dehydrogenase 17.690 2253.589 0.994 0.999
Dihydrofolate reductase 0.053 0.027 0.047 0.780
Dihydrofolate synthase 0.037 0.050 0.466 0.884
Dihydrokaempferol 4-reductase -0.432 0.342 0.208 0.806
Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase -0.086 0.055 0.120 0.806
Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue (2-methylpropanoyl)transferase -0.453 0.270 0.095 0.806
Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue acetyltransferase -0.046 0.071 0.522 0.914
Dihydrolipoyllysine-residue succinyltransferase -0.118 0.110 0.287 0.820
Dihydromethanopterin reductase (NAD(P)(+)) 18.780 3887.052 0.996 0.999
Dihydroneopterin aldolase 0.003 0.041 0.949 0.999
Dihydroorotase -0.011 0.027 0.673 0.984
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.077 0.093 0.407 0.865
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone) -0.054 0.118 0.647 0.973
Dihydroorotate oxidase (fumarate) 0.049 0.127 0.701 0.999
Dihydropteroate synthase -0.010 0.039 0.789 0.999
Dihydropyrimidinase -0.328 0.234 0.163 0.806
Dihydrouracil dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) -0.112 0.306 0.714 0.999
Dihydroxy-acid dehydratase -0.140 0.059 0.019 0.780
Dimethyl sulfide:cytochrome c2 reductase -17.618 3729.235 0.996 0.999
Dimethylallyltranstransferase 0.031 0.025 0.221 0.806
Dimethylamine dehydrogenase 0.672 0.917 0.465 0.884
Dimethylargininase -0.001 0.570 0.998 0.999
Dimethylglycine dehydrogenase -1.613 0.921 0.082 0.806
Dimethylpropiothetin dethiomethylase -17.226 2215.245 0.994 0.999
Dimethylsulfoxide reductase -0.914 0.739 0.218 0.806
dioxygenase -0.765 0.690 0.269 0.820
Dipeptidase E 0.206 0.155 0.186 0.806
Dipeptidyl-peptidase III -0.243 0.240 0.312 0.820
Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV -0.197 0.167 0.241 0.806
Diphosphate–fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase -0.214 0.210 0.310 0.820
diphosphate specific) 0.047 0.032 0.136 0.806
diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol 4-beta-mannosyltransferase -17.505 2261.205 0.994 0.999
Diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase 0.121 0.135 0.369 0.849
Diphthine synthase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Dissimilatory sulfite reductase -2.499 2.858 0.383 0.852
Divinyl chlorophyllide a 8-vinyl-reductase -17.226 2215.245 0.994 0.999
DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase 0.049 0.031 0.110 0.806
DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase I 0.021 0.044 0.630 0.971
DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase II -0.026 0.130 0.844 0.999
DNA-directed DNA polymerase 0.042 0.029 0.143 0.806
DNA-directed RNA polymerase 0.047 0.028 0.098 0.806
DNA-formamidopyrimidine glycosylase 0.007 0.057 0.907 0.999
DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase -0.058 0.093 0.534 0.924
DNA helicase 0.050 0.030 0.101 0.806
DNA ligase (ATP or NAD(+)) -0.028 0.167 0.868 0.999
DNA ligase (ATP) -0.181 0.171 0.290 0.820
DNA ligase (ATP, ADP or GTP) -0.028 0.167 0.868 0.999
DNA ligase (NAD(+)) 0.041 0.020 0.045 0.780
DNA oxidative demethylase -0.347 0.272 0.203 0.806
DNA topoisomerase -0.009 0.052 0.861 0.999
DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing) 0.043 0.037 0.257 0.817
Dodecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] hydrolase 0.133 0.147 0.368 0.848
Dodecenoyl-CoA isomerase 0.102 0.257 0.692 0.995
Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycotransferase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Dolichyl-phosphate-mannose–protein mannosyltransferase -0.036 0.668 0.957 0.999
Dolichyl-phosphate beta-D-mannosyltransferase 0.014 0.083 0.863 0.999
dTDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-D-galactose acyltransferase 0.102 0.603 0.865 0.999
dTDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxygalactose transaminase -0.350 0.395 0.377 0.852
dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase 0.155 0.071 0.031 0.780
dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase 0.089 0.061 0.149 0.806
dTDP-6-deoxy-L-talose 4-dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.371 0.285 0.195 0.806
dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase 0.164 0.056 0.004 0.780
dTDP-L-rhamnose 4-epimerase -0.634 0.543 0.245 0.806
dTMP kinase 0.053 0.035 0.133 0.806
dUTP diphosphatase 0.062 0.033 0.064 0.780
Dye decolorizing peroxidase -0.725 0.531 0.174 0.806
Ectoine synthase -0.628 0.465 0.178 0.806
Electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase -0.155 0.192 0.420 0.865
Enamidase -2.093 1.297 0.109 0.806
Endo-1,4-beta-xylanase -0.650 0.364 0.076 0.796
Endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase 0.963 0.926 0.300 0.820
Endoglycosylceramidase -1.824 2.136 0.394 0.861
Endopeptidase Clp 0.020 0.039 0.614 0.963
Endopeptidase La 0.106 0.084 0.209 0.806
Endothelin-converting enzyme 1 -0.416 0.563 0.461 0.884
Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase -1.963 0.921 0.035 0.780
Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADH) 0.009 0.042 0.833 0.999
Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH, Si-specific) -0.128 0.105 0.222 0.806
Enoyl-CoA hydratase -0.149 0.148 0.317 0.823
Enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 1.988 1.303 0.129 0.806
Enterobacter ribonuclease -0.415 0.699 0.554 0.934
Epoxyqueuosine reductase -0.136 0.078 0.085 0.806
Erythritol kinase -2.828 1.735 0.105 0.806
Erythrose-4-phosphate dehydrogenase 0.106 0.275 0.700 0.999
Ethanolamine ammonia-lyase 0.337 0.232 0.148 0.806
Ethanolaminephosphotransferase -3.202 3.867 0.409 0.865
Exo-1,4-beta-D-glucosaminidase -2.289 1.243 0.067 0.780
Exo-alpha-sialidase -0.107 0.156 0.497 0.905
Exo-poly-alpha-galacturonosidase -0.995 1.007 0.325 0.827
Exodeoxyribonuclease I 0.084 0.181 0.642 0.973
Exodeoxyribonuclease III 0.042 0.032 0.188 0.806
Exodeoxyribonuclease V 0.030 0.062 0.631 0.971
Exodeoxyribonuclease VII 0.061 0.032 0.058 0.780
Exopolyphosphatase 0.147 0.076 0.057 0.780
Exoribonuclease II -0.001 0.239 0.996 0.999
Factor independent urate hydroxylase -0.958 0.688 0.166 0.806
FAD-dependent urate hydroxylase -0.635 0.517 0.221 0.806
FAD synthetase 0.041 0.031 0.196 0.806
Fatty-acid peroxygenase 0.620 0.620 0.319 0.824
Fe(3+)-transporting ATPase 0.056 0.099 0.569 0.938
Ferredoxin–NAD(+) reductase -0.827 0.291 0.005 0.780
Ferredoxin–NADP(+) reductase -0.009 0.116 0.941 0.999
Ferredoxin–nitrate reductase -17.955 2907.409 0.995 0.999
Ferredoxin–nitrite reductase 0.058 0.231 0.800 0.999
Ferredoxin hydrogenase 0.204 0.981 0.835 0.999
Ferredoxin:protochlorophyllide reductase (ATP-dependent) -2.655 2.006 0.188 0.806
Ferric-chelate reductase (NADPH) -0.269 0.717 0.708 0.999
Ferrochelatase -0.088 0.069 0.206 0.806
Ferroxidase -0.027 0.193 0.889 0.999
Feruloyl esterase -1.060 0.768 0.170 0.806
Flavin reductase (NADH) 0.457 0.394 0.248 0.808
Fluoroacetyl-CoA thioesterase 1.988 1.356 0.145 0.806
FMN reductase (NAD(P)H) -0.114 0.242 0.639 0.973
FMN reductase (NADPH) -0.323 0.171 0.061 0.780
Formaldehyde dehydrogenase 0.142 0.354 0.689 0.995
Formaldehyde dismutase -1.005 1.118 0.370 0.850
Formamidase -0.542 0.415 0.193 0.806
Formate–phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide ligase -17.633 3757.583 0.996 0.999
Formate–tetrahydrofolate ligase 0.065 0.082 0.426 0.865
Formate C-acetyltransferase 0.084 0.095 0.378 0.852
Formate dehydrogenase 0.025 0.128 0.843 0.999
Formate dehydrogenase-N 0.032 0.641 0.960 0.999
Formate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -0.226 0.478 0.637 0.973
Formimidoylglutamase -0.024 0.119 0.839 0.999
Formimidoylglutamate deiminase -0.176 0.334 0.600 0.954
Formimidoyltetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase 0.282 0.176 0.111 0.806
Formyl-CoA transferase -0.249 0.265 0.349 0.840
Formylmethanofuran–tetrahydromethanopterin N-formyltransferase 1.444 0.995 0.149 0.806
Formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase 1.287 0.576 0.027 0.780
Formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase -0.126 0.177 0.480 0.896
Fructan beta-fructosidase -0.193 0.159 0.226 0.806
Fructokinase -0.004 0.055 0.947 0.999
Fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase 0.224 0.280 0.425 0.865
Fructose-bisphosphatase 0.063 0.057 0.273 0.820
Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase 0.046 0.042 0.274 0.820
Fructuronate reductase -0.004 0.266 0.987 0.999
Fucokinase -17.672 2157.420 0.993 0.999
Fucosylgalactoside 3-alpha-galactosyltransferase -2.654 2.718 0.330 0.829
Fumarate hydratase -0.039 0.069 0.577 0.945
Fumarate reductase (CoM/CoB) 0.987 1.444 0.495 0.905
Fumarate reductase (quinol) 0.002 0.056 0.969 0.999
Fumarylacetoacetase -0.141 0.212 0.508 0.913
Futalosine hydrolase -2.087 1.489 0.163 0.806
Galactan 5-O-arabinofuranosyltransferase -0.759 0.675 0.262 0.820
Galactarate dehydratase -0.111 0.283 0.696 0.995
Galactitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase -0.667 1.039 0.522 0.914
galactofuranosyltransferase -0.304 0.575 0.598 0.953
Galactokinase 0.103 0.078 0.190 0.806
Galactonate dehydratase -0.711 0.388 0.069 0.781
Galactose-6-phosphate isomerase -0.057 0.155 0.714 0.999
Galactoside O-acetyltransferase -0.117 0.257 0.651 0.973
Gallate dioxygenase -0.333 0.999 0.740 0.999
GalNAc(5)-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase 0.035 0.673 0.959 0.999
Gamma-butyrobetaine dioxygenase 0.005 0.633 0.994 0.999
Gamma-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelate peptidase -0.120 0.415 0.773 0.999
Gamma-glutamyl-gamma-aminobutyrate hydrolase 0.102 0.647 0.875 0.999
Gamma-glutamyl hercynylcysteine S-oxide hydrolase -0.016 0.174 0.928 0.999
Gamma-glutamyl hercynylcysteine S-oxide synthase -0.895 0.768 0.246 0.806
Gamma-glutamyltransferase -0.053 0.166 0.752 0.999
Gamma-guanidinobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase 0.197 0.325 0.545 0.928
GDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-mannose reductase -0.579 0.569 0.310 0.820
GDP-L-fucose synthase -0.352 0.185 0.059 0.780
GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase -0.276 0.144 0.057 0.780
GDP-mannose 6-dehydrogenase 0.279 0.358 0.437 0.869
GDP-mannose:cellobiosyl-diphosphopolyprenol alpha-mannosyltransferase -0.063 0.724 0.931 0.999
GDP-perosamine synthase -0.976 0.933 0.297 0.820
Gentamicin 2’-N-acetyltransferase -0.026 0.763 0.973 0.999
Gentamicin 3’-N-acetyltransferase 0.653 1.214 0.591 0.951
Gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase -1.240 0.657 0.061 0.780
Geosmin synthase -17.486 3491.164 0.996 0.999
Geranoyl-CoA carboxylase -0.276 0.337 0.415 0.865
Geranyl diphosphate 2-C-methyltransferase -2.143 1.973 0.279 0.820
Geranylgeranyl diphosphate reductase -17.728 2688.993 0.995 0.999
Geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase 0.067 0.055 0.226 0.806
Geranylgeranylglycerol-phosphate geranylgeranyltransferase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Germacradienol synthase -17.486 3491.164 0.996 0.999
Gingipain R -0.224 0.984 0.821 0.999
Glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase -0.297 0.385 0.441 0.869
Glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase -0.032 0.717 0.965 0.999
Glucan 1,6-alpha-glucosidase 0.042 0.171 0.804 0.999
Glucarate dehydratase -0.073 0.293 0.804 0.999
Glucokinase -0.003 0.047 0.950 0.999
Gluconate 2-dehydrogenase -0.031 0.237 0.897 0.999
Gluconate 2-dehydrogenase (acceptor) -0.160 0.435 0.714 0.999
Gluconate 5-dehydrogenase 0.108 0.200 0.589 0.951
Gluconokinase 0.073 0.126 0.565 0.936
Gluconolactonase -0.692 0.310 0.027 0.780
Glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase 0.055 0.035 0.123 0.806
Glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 0.032 0.086 0.707 0.999
Glucosamine-phosphate N-acetyltransferase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Glucosamine kinase -1.319 0.615 0.034 0.780
Glucose-1-phosphatase 0.073 0.231 0.753 0.999
Glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0.076 0.103 0.460 0.884
Glucose-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase -0.022 0.270 0.935 0.999
Glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase 0.036 0.059 0.542 0.926
Glucose-6-phosphate 1-epimerase 0.110 0.190 0.563 0.936
Glucose-6-phosphate 3-dehydrogenase 17.953 2571.043 0.994 0.999
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (coenzyme-F420) -0.944 0.955 0.325 0.827
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) -0.011 0.062 0.860 0.999
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -0.011 0.062 0.860 0.999
Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase 0.037 0.042 0.375 0.852
Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase -1.400 0.667 0.037 0.780
Glucose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) -0.515 0.388 0.186 0.806
Glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase -0.255 0.557 0.647 0.973
Glucosylceramidase -0.043 0.316 0.891 0.999
Glucosylglycerol-phosphate synthase 3.153 2.362 0.184 0.806
Glucuronate isomerase -0.165 0.261 0.528 0.918
Glucuronoarabinoxylan endo-1,4-beta-xylanase -0.095 0.907 0.917 0.999
Glucuronokinase -17.862 4214.639 0.997 0.999
Glutaconate CoA-transferase 0.405 0.249 0.106 0.806
Glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase 0.349 0.204 0.089 0.806
Glutamate–ammonia ligase -0.022 0.069 0.750 0.999
Glutamate–cysteine ligase 0.134 0.112 0.233 0.806
Glutamate–prephenate aminotransferase -0.787 1.153 0.496 0.905
Glutamate–putrescine ligase -0.107 0.385 0.781 0.999
Glutamate–tRNA ligase 0.010 0.070 0.891 0.999
Glutamate–tRNA(Gln) ligase 0.016 0.117 0.893 0.999
Glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase 0.050 0.075 0.506 0.913
Glutamate-5-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.014 0.048 0.770 0.999
Glutamate 5-kinase 0.015 0.045 0.730 0.999
Glutamate carboxypeptidase -0.272 0.185 0.143 0.806
Glutamate carboxypeptidase II -2.266 1.673 0.178 0.806
Glutamate decarboxylase -0.075 0.443 0.866 0.999
Glutamate dehydrogenase 0.000 0.103 0.999 0.999
Glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) -0.058 0.179 0.746 0.999
Glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -0.063 0.080 0.434 0.869
Glutamate formimidoyltransferase 0.254 0.166 0.129 0.806
Glutamate N-acetyltransferase -0.120 0.109 0.274 0.820
Glutamate racemase 0.038 0.042 0.361 0.844
Glutamate synthase (ferredoxin) -0.231 0.216 0.288 0.820
Glutamate synthase (NADH) -0.174 0.085 0.042 0.780
Glutamate synthase (NADPH) -0.174 0.085 0.042 0.780
Glutamin-(asparagin-)ase -0.337 0.343 0.329 0.829
Glutaminase 0.214 0.155 0.169 0.806
Glutamine–fructose-6-phosphate transaminase (isomerizing) 0.005 0.025 0.850 0.999
Glutamine–tRNA ligase 0.026 0.087 0.767 0.999
Glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase -3.240 3.159 0.307 0.820
Glutaminyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.004 0.047 0.938 0.999
Glutamyl-tRNA reductase 0.129 0.070 0.069 0.781
Glutamyl aminopeptidase 0.011 0.153 0.945 0.999
Glutamyl endopeptidase -1.669 1.118 0.137 0.806
Glutarate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase -0.061 0.139 0.660 0.975
Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (acceptor) -2.764 1.313 0.037 0.780
Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (ETF) -0.271 0.207 0.192 0.806
Glutathione-disulfide reductase 0.111 0.093 0.235 0.806
Glutathione hydrolase -0.053 0.166 0.752 0.999
Glutathione peroxidase 0.003 0.069 0.965 0.999
Glutathione synthase -0.072 0.177 0.685 0.994
Glutathione transferase -0.161 0.200 0.423 0.865
Glutathionylspermidine amidase 0.765 0.393 0.054 0.780
Glutathionylspermidine synthase 0.765 0.393 0.054 0.780
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) (phosphorylating) -17.257 2411.517 0.994 0.999
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.044 0.144 0.761 0.999
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (phosphorylating) 0.011 0.028 0.693 0.995
Glycerate 2-kinase 1.317 1.449 0.365 0.845
Glycerate 3-kinase 0.009 0.056 0.873 0.999
Glycerate dehydrogenase 0.185 0.116 0.112 0.806
Glycerol-3-phosphate-transporting ATPase -0.963 0.355 0.007 0.780
Glycerol-3-phosphate 1-O-acyltransferase 0.074 0.040 0.062 0.780
Glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase 0.282 0.194 0.149 0.806
Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase -0.007 0.081 0.933 0.999
Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.038 0.031 0.224 0.806
Glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase -0.155 0.198 0.433 0.869
Glycerol dehydratase 2.303 1.806 0.204 0.806
Glycerol dehydrogenase 0.177 0.123 0.153 0.806
Glycerol kinase 0.011 0.035 0.746 0.999
Glycerone kinase -0.247 0.199 0.217 0.806
Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase 0.027 0.063 0.668 0.979
Glycine–tRNA ligase 0.079 0.032 0.015 0.780
Glycine amidinotransferase 0.227 0.491 0.644 0.973
Glycine C-acetyltransferase -0.168 0.135 0.216 0.806
Glycine dehydrogenase (aminomethyl-transferring) -0.185 0.102 0.070 0.787
Glycine dehydrogenase (cyanide-forming) -0.140 0.609 0.818 0.999
Glycine hydroxymethyltransferase 0.020 0.035 0.565 0.936
Glycine oxidase -0.167 0.170 0.326 0.827
Glycine reductase 0.480 0.261 0.068 0.780
Glycine/sarcosine N-methyltransferase -0.957 0.985 0.333 0.831
Glycogen phosphorylase 0.076 0.076 0.319 0.824
Glycogen(starch) synthase -0.765 0.495 0.124 0.806
Glycolaldehyde dehydrogenase 0.089 0.390 0.820 0.999
Glycoprotein-fucosylgalactoside alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase -2.654 2.718 0.330 0.829
Glycoprotein endo-alpha-1,2-mannosidase -1.861 1.782 0.298 0.820
glycyltransferase -0.220 0.803 0.785 0.999
Glyoxylate reductase -0.291 0.207 0.161 0.806
Glyoxylate reductase (NADP(+)) -0.487 0.287 0.092 0.806
GMP reductase 0.017 0.119 0.887 0.999
GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.009 0.033 0.793 0.999
GPR endopeptidase -0.952 0.501 0.059 0.780
GTP cyclohydrolase I 0.022 0.037 0.556 0.936
GTP cyclohydrolase II 0.012 0.065 0.848 0.999
GTP cyclohydrolase IIa -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
GTP cyclohydrolase IV -1.093 1.677 0.515 0.913
GTP diphosphokinase 0.034 0.049 0.486 0.899
Guanidinobutyrase 0.198 0.342 0.563 0.936
Guanidinopropionase -2.770 2.134 0.196 0.806
Guanine deaminase -0.120 0.196 0.541 0.926
Guanosine-3’,5’-bis(diphosphate) 3’-diphosphatase 0.200 0.142 0.160 0.806
Guanosine-5’-triphosphate,3’-diphosphate diphosphatase 0.147 0.076 0.057 0.780
Guanylate cyclase -1.425 1.151 0.217 0.806
Guanylate kinase 0.078 0.047 0.096 0.806
H(+)-transporting two-sector ATPase 0.034 0.024 0.152 0.806
Haloacetate dehalogenase -0.115 0.225 0.610 0.960
Haloalkane dehalogenase -0.103 0.394 0.794 0.999
Heme-transporting ATPase -0.005 0.152 0.975 0.999
Heme oxygenase (staphylobilin-producing) -0.688 0.646 0.289 0.820
Heparin-sulfate lyase -0.688 1.006 0.495 0.905
Heparin lyase -0.628 0.972 0.519 0.913
Heptaprenyl diphosphate synthase 0.286 0.126 0.024 0.780
Hexokinase 0.318 0.481 0.509 0.913
Hippurate hydrolase -0.355 0.234 0.132 0.806
Histidine–tRNA ligase 0.032 0.031 0.311 0.820
Histidine ammonia-lyase -0.019 0.103 0.853 0.999
Histidine decarboxylase 0.610 1.080 0.573 0.941
Histidine kinase -0.050 0.041 0.224 0.806
Histidinol-phosphatase 0.137 0.102 0.179 0.806
Histidinol-phosphate transaminase -0.117 0.058 0.046 0.780
Histidinol dehydrogenase -0.093 0.063 0.143 0.806
Histone acetyltransferase -0.411 0.661 0.535 0.924
Holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 0.075 0.071 0.292 0.820
Homocitrate synthase -0.984 0.806 0.224 0.806
Homocysteine desulfhydrase -0.640 0.439 0.147 0.806
Homocysteine S-methyltransferase -0.097 0.150 0.520 0.913
Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase -0.092 0.220 0.675 0.984
Homoisocitrate dehydrogenase -1.831 2.142 0.394 0.861
Homoserine dehydrogenase -0.025 0.035 0.466 0.884
Homoserine kinase 0.051 0.033 0.128 0.806
Homoserine O-acetyltransferase -0.087 0.133 0.516 0.913
Homoserine O-succinyltransferase -0.001 0.102 0.995 0.999
Homospermidine synthase -1.912 0.806 0.019 0.780
HslU–HslV peptidase 0.020 0.092 0.824 0.999
Hyaluronan synthase 0.214 0.566 0.706 0.999
Hyaluronate lyase 0.530 0.455 0.246 0.806
Hyaluronoglucosaminidase 0.021 0.323 0.948 0.999
HycI peptidase 0.304 0.432 0.483 0.897
hydratase 1.546 1.393 0.269 0.820
Hydrogen dehydrogenase -0.267 0.792 0.737 0.999
Hydrogen dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -0.143 0.428 0.738 0.999
Hydrogen:quinone oxidoreductase -0.362 0.789 0.646 0.973
Hydrogenase (acceptor) 0.121 0.220 0.584 0.948
Hydrogenobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.136 0.114 0.235 0.806
Hydrogensulfite reductase -2.499 2.858 0.383 0.852
hydrolase -0.809 0.676 0.233 0.806
Hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase -17.379 3197.270 0.996 0.999
Hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase 0.088 0.126 0.485 0.899
Hydroxybutyrate-dimer hydrolase -1.764 1.210 0.147 0.806
Hydroxydechloroatrazine ethylaminohydrolase -1.777 1.630 0.277 0.820
Hydroxyethylthiazole kinase -0.062 0.104 0.553 0.934
Hydroxyisourate hydrolase -0.212 0.240 0.378 0.852
Hydroxylamine reductase 0.184 0.166 0.270 0.820
Hydroxymethylbilane synthase 0.071 0.066 0.284 0.820
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase -0.096 0.190 0.612 0.961
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase 0.102 0.132 0.443 0.870
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (NADPH) -0.719 0.810 0.376 0.852
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase 0.112 0.136 0.411 0.865
Hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase 0.057 0.047 0.229 0.806
Hydroxypyruvate isomerase -0.246 0.216 0.258 0.818
Hydroxypyruvate reductase -0.387 0.241 0.111 0.806
Hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase -0.345 0.697 0.621 0.966
Hygromycin-B 7’’-O-kinase -1.369 1.141 0.232 0.806
Hygromycin B 4-O-kinase 17.690 2253.589 0.994 0.999
Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 0.084 0.046 0.067 0.780
Iduronate-2-sulfatase -17.519 3549.753 0.996 0.999
IgA-specific metalloendopeptidase -0.030 0.688 0.965 0.999
IgA-specific serine endopeptidase 0.256 0.358 0.475 0.891
Imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase -0.091 0.060 0.128 0.806
Imidazolonepropionase 0.054 0.089 0.545 0.928
IMP cyclohydrolase 0.039 0.042 0.355 0.844
IMP dehydrogenase 0.027 0.032 0.401 0.863
Indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase -0.081 0.054 0.133 0.806
Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 0.681 1.042 0.514 0.913
Indolepyruvate decarboxylase -0.425 0.420 0.313 0.820
Indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase -0.249 0.214 0.247 0.806
Inorganic diphosphatase 0.071 0.048 0.138 0.806
Inosine kinase 0.389 0.519 0.455 0.883
Inositol-3-phosphate synthase -0.190 0.208 0.362 0.844
Inositol-phosphate phosphatase -0.095 0.072 0.186 0.806
Inositol 2-dehydrogenase -0.408 0.338 0.230 0.806
Inositol oxygenase -1.216 1.983 0.541 0.926
Insulysin -3.435 4.121 0.406 0.865
Inulin fructotransferase (DFA-I-forming) -1.175 1.776 0.509 0.913
Iron-chelate-transporting ATPase 0.100 0.058 0.086 0.806
Isochorismatase -0.141 0.275 0.610 0.960
Isochorismate lyase -0.215 0.288 0.457 0.884
Isochorismate synthase -0.046 0.103 0.652 0.973
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.518 0.297 0.083 0.806
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -0.135 0.096 0.161 0.806
Isocitrate lyase -0.251 0.178 0.162 0.806
Isohexenylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase -0.163 0.374 0.663 0.977
Isoleucine–tRNA ligase 0.032 0.028 0.251 0.809
isomerase -0.057 0.056 0.309 0.820
Isonocardicin synthase -0.169 0.734 0.819 0.999
Isopenicillin-N epimerase -17.612 3503.932 0.996 0.999
Isopentenyl-diphosphate Delta-isomerase 0.026 0.108 0.813 0.999
Isopentenyl phosphate kinase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Isoquinoline 1-oxidoreductase -0.307 0.310 0.324 0.827
Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase -0.176 0.215 0.416 0.865
Isovaleryl-homoserine lactone synthase -0.536 0.687 0.436 0.869
Itaconyl-CoA hydratase 0.068 0.411 0.868 0.999
Kanamycin kinase 0.024 0.140 0.864 0.999
Kanosamine-6-phosphate phosphatase -2.363 2.511 0.348 0.840
Kdo(2)-lipid IV(A) lauroyltransferase 0.079 0.082 0.336 0.833
Kdo(2)-lipid IV(A) palmitoleoyltransferase 0.102 0.603 0.865 0.999
Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (NADP(+)) -0.058 0.051 0.256 0.817
Kojibiose phosphorylase 0.921 0.703 0.192 0.806
Kynureninase -0.307 0.286 0.285 0.820
Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase -0.021 0.458 0.963 0.999
L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase -1.344 1.538 0.384 0.852
L-arabinonate dehydratase -1.431 1.302 0.273 0.820
L-arabinonolactonase -0.778 1.338 0.562 0.936
L-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) -2.133 1.053 0.045 0.780
L-arabinose isomerase 0.148 0.283 0.601 0.954
L-ascorbate oxidase -16.946 2665.572 0.995 0.999
L-asparagine oxygenase -17.486 3491.164 0.996 0.999
L-aspartate oxidase -0.029 0.107 0.787 0.999
L-carnitine CoA-transferase -0.324 0.845 0.702 0.999
L-cysteate sulfo-lyase -0.405 0.792 0.610 0.960
L-erythro-3,5-diaminohexanoate dehydrogenase 0.964 0.450 0.034 0.780
L-fuconate dehydratase -0.114 0.339 0.738 0.999
L-fucose isomerase 0.178 0.285 0.533 0.924
L-fucose mutarotase 0.011 0.246 0.965 0.999
L-fuculokinase 0.465 0.449 0.301 0.820
L-fuculose-phosphate aldolase 0.297 0.158 0.063 0.780
L-galactose 1-dehydrogenase -1.392 1.171 0.236 0.806
L-glutamate gamma-semialdehyde dehydrogenase -0.133 0.132 0.314 0.820
L-gulonate 5-dehydrogenase 0.167 0.579 0.774 0.999
L-gulonolactone oxidase -1.056 1.021 0.303 0.820
L-histidine N(alpha)-methyltransferase -0.869 0.714 0.226 0.806
L-iditol 2-dehydrogenase -0.211 0.264 0.425 0.865
L-idonate 5-dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) -0.567 0.491 0.250 0.808
L-iduronidase -1.476 1.632 0.367 0.847
L-lactate dehydrogenase 0.209 0.150 0.166 0.806
L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) -0.131 0.155 0.401 0.863
L-lysine 6-transaminase -0.804 0.687 0.243 0.806
L-lysine N(6)-monooxygenase (NADPH) -0.317 0.408 0.438 0.869
L-proline amide hydrolase -0.553 0.659 0.402 0.863
L-rhamnonate dehydratase 0.916 0.479 0.058 0.780
L-rhamnose 1-dehydrogenase -0.931 0.626 0.139 0.806
L-rhamnose 1-dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) -0.931 0.626 0.139 0.806
L-rhamnose 1-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -0.931 0.626 0.139 0.806
L-rhamnose isomerase -0.659 0.308 0.034 0.780
L-rhamnose mutarotase -0.623 0.303 0.041 0.780
L-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase 0.420 0.386 0.278 0.820
L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase 0.148 0.123 0.231 0.806
L-serine 3-dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 1.546 1.393 0.269 0.820
L-serine ammonia-lyase 0.025 0.046 0.582 0.948
L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) selenium transferase 0.165 0.171 0.334 0.832
L-threonine 3-dehydrogenase -0.114 0.327 0.727 0.999
L-threonine aldolase 0.033 0.124 0.793 0.999
L-threonine kinase 0.203 0.239 0.396 0.861
L-threonylcarbamoyladenylate synthase 0.041 0.037 0.271 0.820
L-xylulokinase -0.284 0.383 0.459 0.884
L(+)-tartrate dehydratase 0.168 0.232 0.470 0.887
Lactaldehyde dehydrogenase 0.089 0.390 0.820 0.999
Lactaldehyde reductase 0.505 0.249 0.044 0.780
Lactate 2-monooxygenase -2.010 1.112 0.072 0.787
Lactocepin 0.044 0.180 0.806 0.999
Lactoylglutathione lyase 0.097 0.054 0.075 0.791
Lauroyl-Kdo(2)-lipid IV(A) myristoyltransferase 0.225 0.307 0.465 0.884
Leucine–tRNA ligase 0.029 0.033 0.383 0.852
Leucine dehydrogenase -0.194 0.213 0.363 0.844
Leucyl aminopeptidase -0.076 0.098 0.441 0.869
Leucyltransferase -0.101 0.157 0.519 0.913
Levanase -0.190 0.298 0.524 0.916
Levansucrase 0.192 0.421 0.649 0.973
Licheninase 18.480 3345.951 0.996 0.999
ligase -0.019 0.308 0.950 0.999
Limonene-1,2-epoxide hydrolase -1.981 1.899 0.298 0.820
Limonene 1,2-monooxygenase -0.828 0.627 0.189 0.806
Lipid-A-disaccharide synthase 0.079 0.088 0.366 0.846
Lipid II:glycine glycyltransferase -0.145 0.620 0.815 0.999
Lipid IV(A) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase -0.026 0.088 0.767 0.999
Lipid IV(A) 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinosyltransferase -0.416 0.542 0.445 0.871
Lipoate–protein ligase -0.001 0.124 0.994 0.999
Lipopolysaccharide 3-alpha-galactosyltransferase 1.652 1.219 0.177 0.806
Lipopolysaccharide glucosyltransferase I -0.703 0.879 0.425 0.865
Lipopolysaccharide N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase -0.866 0.639 0.177 0.806
Lipopolysaccharide N-acetylmannosaminouronosyltransferase 0.043 0.589 0.943 0.999
Lipoyl amidotransferase 2.952 2.379 0.216 0.806
Lipoyl synthase -0.115 0.085 0.177 0.806
Lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase -0.044 0.120 0.713 0.999
LL-diaminopimelate aminotransferase -0.001 0.206 0.996 0.999
Long-chain-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase -0.431 0.416 0.301 0.820
Long-chain-fatty-acid–[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase 0.439 0.254 0.086 0.806
Long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase -0.086 0.086 0.316 0.823
Long-chain-fatty-acid–luciferin-component ligase 18.622 2950.870 0.995 0.999
Long-chain-fatty-acyl-CoA reductase 18.622 2950.870 0.995 0.999
Lycopene beta-cyclase -0.402 0.452 0.376 0.852
Lysine–8-amino-7-oxononanoate transaminase 17.953 2571.043 0.994 0.999
Lysine–tRNA ligase 0.027 0.030 0.362 0.844
Lysine 2,3-aminomutase 0.252 0.321 0.434 0.869
Lysine 6-dehydrogenase -1.370 1.021 0.182 0.806
Lysine decarboxylase -0.354 0.177 0.047 0.780
Lysophospholipase -0.237 0.164 0.151 0.806
Lysostaphin -1.552 1.123 0.169 0.806
Lysozyme -0.021 0.239 0.930 0.999
Lysyltransferase 0.142 0.137 0.303 0.820
Magnesium-importing ATPase -0.021 0.108 0.847 0.999
Magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester (oxidative) cyclase -3.343 3.146 0.290 0.820
Magnesium chelatase 0.116 0.166 0.486 0.899
Magnesium protoporphyrin IX methyltransferase -2.553 3.245 0.433 0.869
Malate–CoA ligase 0.742 1.343 0.581 0.948
Malate dehydrogenase -0.134 0.093 0.152 0.806
Malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) 0.192 0.117 0.102 0.806
Malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) (NADP(+)) -0.163 0.106 0.128 0.806
Malate dehydrogenase (quinone) -0.081 0.173 0.641 0.973
Malate synthase -0.172 0.179 0.338 0.834
Maleamate amidohydrolase -0.782 0.795 0.326 0.827
Maleate isomerase 0.137 0.405 0.736 0.999
Maleylacetate reductase -1.402 1.059 0.187 0.806
Maleylacetoacetate isomerase -0.095 0.221 0.668 0.979
Maleylpyruvate isomerase -0.621 0.350 0.078 0.806
Malonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) -0.261 0.220 0.237 0.806
Malonate decarboxylase holo-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase 0.084 0.273 0.758 0.999
Malonyl-[acyl-carrier protein] O-methyltransferase 0.162 0.137 0.241 0.806
Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase -1.159 0.638 0.071 0.787
Malonyl-S-ACP decarboxylase 0.053 0.282 0.850 0.999
Maltokinase -0.203 0.390 0.603 0.957
Maltose-6’-phosphate glucosidase 0.172 0.310 0.580 0.947
Maltose 6’-phosphate phosphatase 0.070 0.153 0.646 0.973
Maltose alpha-D-glucosyltransferase -0.057 0.281 0.839 0.999
Maltose O-acetyltransferase 0.051 0.122 0.674 0.984
Maltose phosphorylase 0.408 0.337 0.228 0.806
Malyl-CoA lyase -1.353 0.882 0.127 0.806
Mandelamide amidase -0.492 0.950 0.605 0.959
Mandelate racemase -1.369 1.141 0.232 0.806
Mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase -0.373 0.263 0.158 0.806
Mannitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase 0.072 0.209 0.732 0.999
Mannitol 2-dehydrogenase -0.202 0.351 0.566 0.936
Mannonate dehydratase 0.005 0.217 0.980 0.999
mannosaminyltransferase -0.124 0.133 0.351 0.842
Mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase -0.172 0.106 0.106 0.806
Mannose-6-phosphate isomerase -0.044 0.050 0.386 0.852
Mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase -0.466 0.720 0.518 0.913
Mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase 2.038 1.820 0.264 0.820
Mannosyl-glycoprotein endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase 0.142 0.219 0.517 0.913
Mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase -17.136 2931.202 0.995 0.999
Mannosylglycerate hydrolase 0.052 0.614 0.932 0.999
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase -0.490 0.252 0.054 0.780
Membrane alanyl aminopeptidase -0.002 0.083 0.981 0.999
Membrane dipeptidase -0.063 0.124 0.610 0.960
Menaquinol oxidase (H(+)-transporting) -0.847 0.612 0.168 0.806
Mercury(II) reductase 0.081 0.415 0.846 0.999
Methane monooxygenase (particulate) -17.712 2757.136 0.995 0.999
Methane monooxygenase (soluble) -17.395 3335.511 0.996 0.999
Methanogen homoaconitase -1.125 1.594 0.482 0.897
Methanol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) 18.473 3334.173 0.996 0.999
Methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase 0.012 0.027 0.667 0.979
Methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase 1.444 0.995 0.149 0.806
Methionine–tRNA ligase 0.044 0.032 0.178 0.806
Methionine adenosyltransferase 0.036 0.031 0.250 0.808
Methionine gamma-lyase 0.120 0.151 0.427 0.865
Methionine synthase -0.026 0.091 0.777 0.999
Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase 0.035 0.027 0.201 0.806
Methionyl aminopeptidase -0.011 0.024 0.637 0.973
Methylamine dehydrogenase (amicyanin) 0.242 0.738 0.743 0.999
Methylaspartate ammonia-lyase 0.013 0.469 0.977 0.999
Methylaspartate mutase 0.788 0.429 0.068 0.780
Methylated-DNA–[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase -0.026 0.028 0.355 0.844
Methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase -0.207 0.225 0.360 0.844
Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.012 0.027 0.667 0.979
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NAD(P)H) -0.030 0.061 0.617 0.964
Methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase -0.108 0.204 0.596 0.952
Methylglyoxal synthase 0.154 0.189 0.416 0.865
Methylisocitrate lyase -0.046 0.190 0.810 0.999
Methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (CoA acylating) -0.261 0.220 0.237 0.806
Methylmalonyl-CoA carboxytransferase 0.382 0.518 0.462 0.884
Methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase -1.179 1.383 0.395 0.861
Methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase -0.270 0.157 0.088 0.806
Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase -0.101 0.159 0.525 0.916
Methylthioribulose 1-phosphate dehydratase 0.004 0.303 0.989 0.999
Mevalonate kinase 0.120 0.135 0.376 0.852
Microbial collagenase -0.531 0.761 0.486 0.899
Micrococcal nuclease -0.336 0.287 0.243 0.806
Microsomal epoxide hydrolase 1.900 1.182 0.110 0.806
Molybdate-transporting ATPase -0.017 0.094 0.857 0.999
Molybdenum cofactor cytidylyltransferase -0.067 0.131 0.606 0.960
Molybdenum cofactor guanylyltransferase -0.037 0.099 0.705 0.999
Molybdopterin adenylyltransferase -0.082 0.241 0.734 0.999
Molybdopterin molybdotransferase -0.048 0.087 0.583 0.948
Molybdopterin synthase -0.147 0.114 0.198 0.806
Monoamine oxidase -0.300 0.289 0.300 0.820
Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase -1.464 0.979 0.137 0.806
Monosaccharide-transporting ATPase 0.014 0.098 0.888 0.999
Monoterpene epsilon-lactone hydrolase 18.543 3451.904 0.996 0.999
Muconate cycloisomerase 0.038 0.275 0.891 0.999
Muconolactone Delta-isomerase 0.058 0.275 0.832 0.999
Muramoyltetrapeptide carboxypeptidase 0.049 0.137 0.721 0.999
Mycoredoxin -0.439 0.501 0.382 0.852
Mycothiol S-conjugate amidase -0.010 0.309 0.975 0.999
Mycothiol synthase -0.010 0.309 0.975 0.999
Mycothione reductase -0.053 0.325 0.872 0.999
Myo-inosose-2 dehydratase -0.302 0.280 0.283 0.820
N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase -0.067 0.065 0.306 0.820
N-acetyldiaminopimelate deacetylase 0.054 0.145 0.709 0.999
N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase 1.384 0.959 0.151 0.806
N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase 0.003 0.067 0.964 0.999
N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase 18.622 2950.870 0.995 0.999
N-acetylglucosamine kinase 0.054 0.249 0.828 0.999
N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase 0.047 0.094 0.621 0.966
N-acetylglucosaminyl-diphospho-decaprenol L-rhamnosyltransferase 0.078 0.333 0.814 0.999
N-acetylhexosamine 1-kinase -0.080 0.446 0.857 0.999
N-acetylmuramic acid 6-phosphate etherase -0.014 0.123 0.912 0.999
N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase -0.024 0.076 0.756 0.999
N-acetylneuraminate epimerase -0.322 0.570 0.573 0.941
N-acetylneuraminate lyase 0.094 0.114 0.413 0.865
N-acetylneuraminate synthase 0.025 0.234 0.915 0.999
N-acetylornithine carbamoyltransferase -0.076 0.473 0.872 0.999
N-acetylphosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D 18.701 3735.802 0.996 0.999
N-acyl-D-amino-acid deacylase -0.286 0.317 0.368 0.847
N-acyl-D-glutamate deacylase -0.343 0.785 0.663 0.977
N-acylglucosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase 0.137 0.100 0.172 0.806
N-acylglucosamine 2-epimerase -0.302 0.226 0.182 0.806
N-acylmannosamine kinase 0.008 0.324 0.981 0.999
N-acylneuraminate-9-phosphate synthase -2.654 2.718 0.330 0.829
N-acylneuraminate cytidylyltransferase -0.130 0.276 0.639 0.973
N-carbamoyl-D-amino-acid hydrolase -1.349 0.961 0.163 0.806
N-carbamoyl-L-amino-acid hydrolase -0.207 0.174 0.238 0.806
N-carbamoylputrescine amidase -0.197 0.115 0.088 0.806
N-formylglutamate deformylase -0.699 0.634 0.272 0.820
N-formylmaleamate deformylase -0.914 0.892 0.307 0.820
N-hydroxyarylamine O-acetyltransferase -0.388 0.315 0.220 0.806
N-methylhydantoinase (ATP-hydrolyzing) -0.556 0.399 0.165 0.806
N-succinylarginine dihydrolase 0.048 0.244 0.844 0.999
N-succinylornithine carbamoyltransferase -0.584 0.408 0.154 0.806
N(2)-citryl-N(6)-acetyl-N(6)-hydroxylysine synthase 0.697 0.786 0.377 0.852
N(4)-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase -0.108 0.383 0.778 0.999
N(5)-(carboxyethyl)ornithine synthase 0.291 0.909 0.749 0.999
N(6)-hydroxylysine O-acetyltransferase 0.749 0.609 0.221 0.806
N(6)-L-threonylcarbamoyladenine synthase 0.062 0.043 0.149 0.806
N,N’-diacetylchitobiose phosphorylase 18.828 2749.550 0.995 0.999
N,N’-diacetyllegionaminate synthase -0.371 0.671 0.581 0.947
N,N-dimethylformamidase -3.899 3.176 0.221 0.806
NAD(+)–dinitrogen-reductase ADP-D-ribosyltransferase -17.305 3190.000 0.996 0.999
NAD(+) ADP-ribosyltransferase -0.261 0.973 0.788 0.999
NAD(+) diphosphatase 0.022 0.087 0.799 0.999
NAD(+) glycohydrolase -17.563 3628.687 0.996 0.999
NAD(+) kinase 0.032 0.031 0.308 0.820
NAD(+) synthase 0.070 0.066 0.286 0.820
NAD(+) synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) -0.089 0.122 0.468 0.885
NAD(P)(+) transhydrogenase (Re/Si-specific) -0.097 0.145 0.506 0.913
NAD(P)(+) transhydrogenase (Si-specific) 0.043 0.241 0.860 0.999
NAD(P)H-hydrate epimerase 0.013 0.101 0.901 0.999
NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) -0.003 0.107 0.980 0.999
NADH dehydrogenase -0.134 0.072 0.065 0.780
NADH oxidase (H(2)O-forming) 2.090 1.045 0.047 0.780
NADH oxidase (H(2)O(2)-forming) 0.993 0.900 0.272 0.820
NADH peroxidase 0.511 0.403 0.206 0.806
NADH:ubiquinone reductase (H(+)-translocating) -0.164 0.091 0.074 0.788
NADPH–hemoprotein reductase -0.501 0.661 0.450 0.877
NADPH dehydrogenase -0.989 0.460 0.033 0.780
NADPH:quinone reductase -0.272 0.176 0.124 0.806
Neopullulanase -0.042 0.166 0.801 0.999
Neprilysin -2.153 1.783 0.229 0.806
Nickel-transporting ATPase 0.549 0.376 0.146 0.806
Nicotinamidase -0.090 0.109 0.412 0.865
Nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 0.184 0.209 0.379 0.852
Nicotinamide-nucleotide amidase 0.032 0.039 0.402 0.863
Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase -0.033 0.331 0.921 0.999
Nicotinate-nucleotide–dimethylbenzimidazole phosphoribosyltransferase 0.079 0.108 0.464 0.884
Nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 0.030 0.040 0.444 0.871
Nicotinate-nucleotide diphosphorylase (carboxylating) -0.068 0.097 0.483 0.897
Nicotinate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) -0.417 0.456 0.362 0.844
Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.036 0.035 0.311 0.820
Nicotine blue oxidoreductase -0.034 0.493 0.945 0.999
Nitrate reductase 0.039 0.106 0.710 0.999
Nitric-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) -0.028 0.211 0.894 0.999
Nitric-oxide synthase (NAD(P)H) -0.955 0.473 0.045 0.780
Nitric oxide dioxygenase -0.150 0.176 0.395 0.861
Nitrilase -0.220 0.251 0.383 0.852
Nitrile hydratase -0.696 0.469 0.140 0.806
Nitrite reductase (cytochrome; ammonia-forming) 0.062 0.203 0.760 0.999
Nitrite reductase (NADH) -0.172 0.172 0.318 0.824
Nitrite reductase (NO-forming) 0.029 0.204 0.888 0.999
Nitrogenase 0.602 0.343 0.081 0.806
Nitronate monooxygenase -0.204 0.164 0.215 0.806
Nitrous-oxide reductase -0.398 0.318 0.213 0.806
Non-reducing end alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase -0.830 0.358 0.022 0.780
Non-reducing end beta-L-arabinofuranosidase 0.115 1.191 0.923 0.999
Non-specific protein-tyrosine kinase -2.221 1.551 0.154 0.806
Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase -0.024 0.064 0.710 0.999
Nucleoside-diphosphate kinase 0.011 0.049 0.818 0.999
Nucleoside-triphosphate phosphatase -0.890 1.255 0.479 0.896
Nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase 0.392 0.538 0.467 0.884
O-acetylhomoserine aminocarboxypropyltransferase -0.105 0.075 0.164 0.806
o-pyrocatechuate decarboxylase -1.016 0.958 0.291 0.820
o-succinylbenzoate–CoA ligase 0.030 0.109 0.781 0.999
o-succinylbenzoate synthase 0.003 0.148 0.986 0.999
O-ureido-D-serine cyclo-ligase 18.682 3701.820 0.996 0.999
Octanoyl-[GcvH]:protein N-octanoyltransferase -0.127 0.258 0.623 0.967
Oleate hydratase 0.142 0.242 0.560 0.936
Oligo-1,6-glucosidase 0.153 0.221 0.489 0.902
Oligogalacturonide lyase -0.984 0.777 0.207 0.806
Oligonucleotidase 0.066 0.083 0.432 0.869
Oligopeptidase A 0.025 0.163 0.880 0.999
Oligopeptidase B -0.010 0.151 0.947 0.999
Oligosaccharide 4-alpha-D-glucosyltransferase -1.129 1.797 0.531 0.920
Oligosaccharide reducing-end xylanase -4.839 4.902 0.325 0.827
Omptin -0.768 1.245 0.538 0.924
Opine dehydrogenase -0.320 0.605 0.597 0.952
Ornithine aminotransferase -0.769 0.307 0.013 0.780
Ornithine carbamoyltransferase 0.085 0.065 0.190 0.806
Ornithine cyclodeaminase -0.264 0.166 0.115 0.806
Ornithine decarboxylase 0.114 0.140 0.416 0.865
Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.034 0.032 0.293 0.820
Orotidine-5’-phosphate decarboxylase 0.049 0.033 0.137 0.806
Oxalate decarboxylase -0.744 0.859 0.388 0.853
Oxaloacetate decarboxylase 0.239 0.149 0.112 0.806
Oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase 0.456 0.679 0.502 0.912
Oxepin-CoA hydrolase -0.081 0.318 0.801 0.999
Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (succinyl-transferring) -0.088 0.115 0.445 0.871
Pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0.037 0.031 0.236 0.806
Pantoate–beta-alanine ligase (AMP-forming) -0.114 0.070 0.109 0.806
Pantoate kinase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Pantothenate kinase 0.018 0.030 0.550 0.932
Pectate lyase -0.797 0.656 0.226 0.806
Pectin lyase -0.838 0.918 0.363 0.844
Pectinesterase -0.852 0.397 0.033 0.780
Penicillin amidase -0.149 0.236 0.528 0.918
Pentachlorophenol monooxygenase 0.758 0.923 0.413 0.865
Pentalenene oxygenase -17.486 3491.164 0.996 0.999
Pentalenic acid synthase -17.486 3491.164 0.996 0.999
Pentalenolactone synthase 18.521 3415.516 0.996 0.999
PepB aminopeptidase 0.235 0.305 0.442 0.870
Peptidase Do -0.043 0.054 0.429 0.867
Peptide-aspartate beta-dioxygenase -1.625 1.941 0.404 0.864
Peptide-methionine (R)-S-oxide reductase 0.079 0.049 0.106 0.806
Peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase 0.050 0.046 0.279 0.820
Peptide chain release factor N(5)-glutamine methyltransferase 0.016 0.028 0.551 0.932
Peptide deformylase 0.012 0.044 0.778 0.999
Peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase 0.070 0.067 0.295 0.820
Peptidyl-dipeptidase A -0.196 0.406 0.631 0.971
Peptidyl-dipeptidase Dcp -0.225 0.157 0.154 0.806
Peptidyl-Lys metalloendopeptidase 0.968 0.912 0.290 0.820
Peptidylglycine monooxygenase 1.557 1.308 0.236 0.806
Peptidylprolyl isomerase 0.006 0.038 0.880 0.999
Peroxiredoxin 0.005 0.031 0.871 0.999
Peroxyureidoacrylate/ureidoacrylate amidohydrolase -0.110 0.436 0.800 0.999
Phenol 2-monooxygenase -0.014 0.744 0.985 0.999
Phenylacetaldehyde dehydrogenase 0.007 0.366 0.984 0.999
Phenylacetate–CoA ligase -0.376 0.218 0.086 0.806
Phenylacetyl-CoA 1,2-epoxidase -0.231 0.277 0.407 0.865
Phenylalanine–tRNA ligase 0.037 0.027 0.171 0.806
Phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase -0.067 0.241 0.780 0.999
Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase 1.433 0.995 0.152 0.806
Phenylalanine dehydrogenase -2.184 1.410 0.123 0.806
Phosphate-transporting ATPase -0.038 0.078 0.631 0.971
Phosphate acetyltransferase 0.026 0.046 0.565 0.936
Phosphate butyryltransferase -0.196 0.232 0.398 0.863
Phosphate propanoyltransferase 0.261 0.262 0.321 0.827
Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase 0.065 0.028 0.024 0.780
Phosphatidate phosphatase 0.051 0.256 0.841 0.999
Phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine N-methyltransferase -1.278 0.637 0.047 0.780
Phosphatidylcholine synthase -0.056 0.298 0.852 0.999
Phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase -1.278 0.637 0.047 0.780
Phosphatidylglycerol–membrane-oligosaccharide glycerophosphotransferase 0.165 0.167 0.324 0.827
Phosphatidylglycerophosphatase 0.171 0.137 0.214 0.806
Phosphatidylinositol alpha-mannosyltransferase -0.017 0.274 0.949 0.999
Phosphatidylinositol diacylglycerol-lyase -1.512 0.818 0.066 0.780
Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase -0.001 0.060 0.988 0.999
Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase -0.036 0.055 0.508 0.913
Phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase 0.036 0.031 0.240 0.806
Phosphoadenylyl-sulfate reductase (thioredoxin) -0.261 0.154 0.093 0.806
Phosphoenolpyruvate–protein phosphotransferase 0.090 0.042 0.031 0.780
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP) 0.062 0.076 0.413 0.865
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) -0.145 0.210 0.489 0.902
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 0.018 0.071 0.797 0.999
Phosphoenolpyruvate mutase -0.159 0.520 0.760 0.999
Phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase -17.155 2958.490 0.995 0.999
Phosphoglucomutase (alpha-D-glucose-1,6-bisphosphate-dependent) 0.020 0.035 0.563 0.936
Phosphogluconate 2-dehydrogenase -0.032 0.443 0.942 0.999
Phosphogluconate dehydratase -0.101 0.220 0.646 0.973
Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)-dependent, decarboxylating) -0.016 0.060 0.785 0.999
Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)-dependent, decarboxylating) -0.016 0.060 0.785 0.999
Phosphoglucosamine mutase 0.069 0.035 0.048 0.780
Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase -0.027 0.054 0.615 0.963
Phosphoglycerate kinase 0.038 0.032 0.236 0.806
Phosphoglycerate mutase (2,3-diphosphoglycerate-dependent) 0.114 0.087 0.194 0.806
Phosphoglycerate mutase (2,3-diphosphoglycerate-independent) 0.031 0.069 0.654 0.973
Phosphoglycerol geranylgeranyltransferase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Phosphoglycolate phosphatase -0.050 0.058 0.393 0.861
Phosphoketolase 0.224 0.280 0.425 0.865
Phospholipase A(1) -0.097 0.223 0.664 0.977
Phospholipase A(2) -0.097 0.223 0.664 0.977
Phospholipase C -0.221 0.292 0.451 0.878
Phospholipase D -2.404 1.524 0.117 0.806
Phosphomannomutase -0.106 0.091 0.245 0.806
Phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase 0.057 0.047 0.229 0.806
Phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase 0.041 0.084 0.625 0.969
Phosphomevalonate kinase 0.113 0.139 0.419 0.865
Phosphonate-transporting ATPase 0.157 0.168 0.350 0.840
Phosphonate dehydrogenase -0.263 1.225 0.830 0.999
Phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase -0.242 0.326 0.460 0.884
Phosphonoacetate hydrolase -0.503 0.940 0.593 0.951
Phosphonopyruvate decarboxylase -0.379 0.494 0.445 0.871
Phosphopantothenate–cysteine ligase 0.038 0.027 0.171 0.806
Phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase 0.038 0.027 0.163 0.806
Phosphopentomutase 0.008 0.104 0.935 0.999
Phosphopyruvate hydratase 0.042 0.054 0.440 0.869
Phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase -0.084 0.057 0.144 0.806
Phosphoribosyl-ATP diphosphatase -0.073 0.057 0.205 0.806
Phosphoribosyl 1,2-cyclic phosphate phosphodiesterase -0.364 0.165 0.029 0.780
Phosphoribosylamine–glycine ligase 0.036 0.037 0.328 0.829
Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase 0.039 0.042 0.355 0.844
Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase 0.040 0.034 0.238 0.806
Phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase -0.086 0.063 0.172 0.806
Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase 0.033 0.035 0.359 0.844
Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase 0.022 0.050 0.653 0.973
Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 0.079 0.028 0.006 0.780
Phosphoribulokinase -0.210 0.431 0.627 0.971
Phosphoserine phosphatase -0.077 0.065 0.236 0.806
Phosphoserine transaminase -0.073 0.060 0.222 0.806
Phosphosulfolactate synthase -1.091 0.797 0.173 0.806
Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase -0.297 1.127 0.792 0.999
Phytoene desaturase (lycopene-forming) -0.177 0.395 0.654 0.973
Phytoene desaturase (neurosporene-forming) -0.177 0.395 0.654 0.973
Phytoene desaturase (zeta-carotene-forming) -0.177 0.395 0.654 0.973
Pimeloyl-[acyl-carrier protein] methyl ester esterase 0.214 0.142 0.133 0.806
Pimeloyl-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase 17.953 2571.043 0.994 0.999
Pitrilysin 0.210 0.343 0.541 0.926
Plasminogen activator Pla 2.057 1.035 0.049 0.780
Plastoquinol–plastocyanin reductase -1.724 1.549 0.267 0.820
Polar-amino-acid-transporting ATPase 0.025 0.071 0.726 0.999
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase -0.298 0.309 0.335 0.833
Poly(beta-D-mannuronate) lyase 0.070 0.316 0.825 0.999
Poly(glycerol-phosphate) alpha-glucosyltransferase 0.085 0.245 0.730 0.999
Polyamine-transporting ATPase 0.087 0.093 0.349 0.840
Polygalacturonase -0.395 1.048 0.707 0.999
Polymannosyl GlcNAc-diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol kinase 2.793 1.233 0.025 0.780
Polynucleotide adenylyltransferase -0.049 0.110 0.654 0.973
Polyphosphate–glucose phosphotransferase 0.039 0.248 0.876 0.999
Polyphosphate kinase -0.022 0.077 0.772 0.999
Polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase 0.023 0.040 0.574 0.941
Polyvinyl alcohol dehydrogenase (cytochrome) -1.478 1.335 0.270 0.820
Porphobilinogen synthase 0.064 0.067 0.342 0.837
Potassium-transporting ATPase -0.217 0.179 0.228 0.806
Precorrin-2 C(20)-methyltransferase 0.225 0.131 0.089 0.806
Precorrin-2 dehydrogenase 0.137 0.092 0.135 0.806
Precorrin-3B C(17)-methyltransferase 0.234 0.137 0.090 0.806
Precorrin-3B synthase -0.083 0.302 0.784 0.999
Precorrin-4 C(11)-methyltransferase 0.231 0.131 0.081 0.806
Precorrin-6A reductase 0.281 0.131 0.034 0.780
Precorrin-6A synthase (deacetylating) -0.193 0.298 0.518 0.913
Precorrin-6B C(5,15)-methyltransferase (decarboxylating) -0.042 0.199 0.835 0.999
Precorrin-8X methylmutase 0.229 0.131 0.084 0.806
Prephenate dehydratase -0.014 0.042 0.740 0.999
Prephenate dehydrogenase -0.041 0.062 0.514 0.913
Prepilin peptidase 0.070 0.039 0.076 0.795
PreQ(1) synthase -0.115 0.062 0.065 0.780
Primary-amine oxidase -0.244 0.423 0.565 0.936
Procollagen-proline dioxygenase -0.775 0.438 0.078 0.806
Proline–tRNA ligase 0.030 0.027 0.274 0.820
Proline dehydrogenase -0.040 0.147 0.786 0.999
Proline racemase -0.245 0.561 0.664 0.977
Prolycopene isomerase -0.417 1.284 0.746 0.999
Prolyl aminopeptidase -0.006 0.149 0.969 0.999
Prolyl oligopeptidase -0.124 0.161 0.441 0.869
Propanal dehydrogenase (CoA-propanoylating) 0.222 0.215 0.304 0.820
Propanediol dehydratase 0.275 0.248 0.268 0.820
Propionate–CoA ligase -0.266 0.273 0.331 0.831
Propionate CoA-transferase -0.259 0.334 0.439 0.869
Propionate kinase -0.280 0.716 0.696 0.995
Propionyl-CoA carboxylase -0.372 0.202 0.068 0.780
Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2.105 1.785 0.240 0.806
Proteasome endopeptidase complex -0.407 0.668 0.543 0.927
Protein-disulfide reductase -0.020 0.122 0.871 0.999
Protein-glutamate methylesterase -0.098 0.214 0.646 0.973
Protein-glutamate O-methyltransferase -0.095 0.199 0.635 0.973
Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase -2.730 1.413 0.055 0.780
Protein-glutamine glutaminase -0.198 0.195 0.312 0.820
Protein-histidine pros-kinase -1.079 0.833 0.197 0.806
Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase -0.142 0.175 0.417 0.865
Protein-N(pi)-phosphohistidine–sugar phosphotransferase 0.096 0.087 0.273 0.820
Protein-S-isoprenylcysteine O-methyltransferase -17.382 2371.984 0.994 0.999
Protein-serine/threonine phosphatase -0.037 0.061 0.551 0.932
Protein-tyrosine-phosphatase -0.009 0.077 0.906 0.999
Protein arginine kinase 0.071 0.191 0.710 0.999
Protein disulfide-isomerase 0.034 0.174 0.845 0.999
Protein geranylgeranyltransferase type II 2.687 2.295 0.243 0.806
Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase -0.069 0.255 0.787 0.999
Protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase -1.853 1.277 0.149 0.806
Proton-exporting ATPase -0.020 0.853 0.981 0.999
Protoporphyrinogen IX dehydrogenase (menaquinone) 0.152 0.260 0.558 0.936
Protoporphyrinogen oxidase -0.140 0.149 0.348 0.840
Pseudaminic acid cytidylyltransferase 0.014 0.526 0.979 0.999
Pseudaminic acid synthase -0.876 0.860 0.310 0.820
Pseudolysin -17.542 1920.349 0.993 0.999
Pseudouridine kinase -0.123 0.346 0.724 0.999
Pteridine reductase 0.024 0.418 0.954 0.999
Pulcherriminic acid synthase -0.533 1.614 0.742 0.999
Pullulanase -0.108 0.139 0.438 0.869
Purine-nucleoside phosphorylase 0.015 0.090 0.868 0.999
Purine nucleosidase -0.027 0.188 0.888 0.999
Putrescine aminotransferase -0.216 0.608 0.723 0.999
Putrescine carbamoyltransferase 0.147 0.727 0.840 0.999
Putrescine oxidase -0.721 0.602 0.233 0.806
Pyridoxal 4-dehydrogenase 17.690 2253.589 0.994 0.999
Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate synthase -0.059 0.139 0.671 0.982
Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate synthase (glutamine hydrolyzing) -0.143 0.109 0.190 0.806
Pyridoxal kinase -0.008 0.058 0.887 0.999
Pyridoxamine–pyruvate transaminase 17.690 2253.589 0.994 0.999
Pyridoxine 4-dehydrogenase -1.384 1.131 0.223 0.806
Pyridoxine 4-oxidase 17.690 2253.589 0.994 0.999
Pyridoxine 5’-phosphate synthase -0.155 0.143 0.283 0.820
Pyrimidine-nucleoside phosphorylase 0.032 0.109 0.768 0.999
Pyrimidine monooxygenase 0.014 0.492 0.978 0.999
Pyroglutamyl-peptidase I 0.065 0.105 0.537 0.924
Pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase -0.008 0.044 0.857 0.999
Pyrroloquinoline-quinone synthase 0.027 0.285 0.925 0.999
Pyruvate carboxylase -0.032 0.128 0.804 0.999
Pyruvate decarboxylase -16.954 2676.034 0.995 0.999
Pyruvate dehydrogenase (acetyl-transferring) -0.077 0.074 0.301 0.820
Pyruvate dehydrogenase (quinone) -0.086 0.233 0.712 0.999
Pyruvate kinase 0.060 0.026 0.024 0.780
Pyruvate oxidase -0.043 0.161 0.790 0.999
Pyruvate synthase 0.405 0.217 0.064 0.780
Pyruvate, phosphate dikinase -0.019 0.125 0.878 0.999
Pyruvate, water dikinase 0.024 0.088 0.789 0.999
Quaternary-amine-transporting ATPase 0.092 0.246 0.708 0.999
Quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase -17.352 3264.645 0.996 0.999
Quinate dehydrogenase (quinone) -0.087 0.323 0.788 0.999
Quinate/shikimate dehydrogenase -1.179 1.383 0.395 0.861
Quinol–cytochrome-c reductase -0.110 0.186 0.553 0.934
Quinolinate synthase -0.053 0.105 0.611 0.960
Quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase (PQQ, quinone) -0.080 0.243 0.743 0.999
Quorum-quenching N-acyl-homoserine lactonase -2.454 2.167 0.259 0.820
Receptor protein-tyrosine kinase -1.146 0.833 0.171 0.806
Repressor LexA 0.088 0.059 0.139 0.806
Rhamnogalacturonan endolyase -1.164 0.604 0.056 0.780
Rhamnogalacturonan exolyase 17.953 2571.043 0.994 0.999
Rhamnulokinase 0.204 0.227 0.371 0.850
Rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase 0.096 0.354 0.786 0.999
Rhomboid protease 0.285 0.262 0.278 0.820
Ribitol-5-phosphate 2-dehydrogenase -0.275 0.217 0.207 0.806
Ribitol 2-dehydrogenase -0.765 0.576 0.187 0.806
Riboflavin kinase 0.041 0.031 0.196 0.806
Riboflavin reductase (NAD(P)H) 0.377 0.522 0.471 0.888
Riboflavin synthase 0.015 0.064 0.810 0.999
Ribokinase 0.032 0.111 0.776 0.999
Ribonuclease D -0.086 0.126 0.493 0.905
Ribonuclease E -0.015 0.121 0.900 0.999
Ribonuclease H 0.006 0.036 0.873 0.999
Ribonuclease III 0.041 0.028 0.144 0.806
Ribonuclease M5 0.126 0.097 0.198 0.806
Ribonuclease P 0.058 0.036 0.112 0.806
Ribonuclease T(1) -0.766 0.686 0.266 0.820
Ribonuclease T(2) -0.285 0.209 0.175 0.806
Ribonuclease Z -0.012 0.079 0.880 0.999
Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 0.002 0.036 0.965 0.999
Ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase 0.073 0.089 0.414 0.865
Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase 0.045 0.041 0.269 0.820
Ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase 0.054 0.051 0.290 0.820
Ribose 1,5-bisphosphate isomerase 18.464 3319.693 0.996 0.999
Ribose 1,5-bisphosphate phosphokinase -0.131 0.282 0.643 0.973
Ribosomal-protein-alanine N-acetyltransferase 0.051 0.075 0.497 0.905
Ribosomal protein L3 N(5)-glutamine methyltransferase 0.056 0.158 0.722 0.999
Ribosylnicotinamide kinase 0.342 0.253 0.177 0.806
Ribosylpyrimidine nucleosidase 0.023 0.452 0.959 0.999
Ribulokinase -0.369 0.357 0.304 0.820
Ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase -0.052 0.238 0.826 0.999
Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase 0.044 0.032 0.163 0.806
RNA-directed DNA polymerase 0.323 0.521 0.536 0.924
RNA 3’-terminal-phosphate cyclase (ATP) -0.037 0.425 0.931 0.999
RNA helicase 0.011 0.046 0.804 0.999
RNA ligase (ATP) -0.166 0.199 0.407 0.865
rRNA small subunit pseudouridine methyltransferase Nep1 -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Rubredoxin–NAD(+) reductase 0.172 0.266 0.518 0.913
S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase -0.317 0.195 0.106 0.806
S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione synthase -0.984 0.707 0.166 0.806
S-(hydroxymethyl)mycothiol dehydrogenase -0.049 0.330 0.881 0.999
S-adenosylhomocysteine deaminase -0.026 0.093 0.778 0.999
S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase -0.007 0.053 0.897 0.999
S-formylglutathione hydrolase -0.107 0.175 0.544 0.928
S-methyl-5’-thioadenosine deaminase -0.026 0.093 0.778 0.999
S-methyl-5’-thioadenosine phosphorylase -0.003 0.179 0.988 0.999
S-methyl-5’-thioinosine phosphorylase 0.224 0.355 0.530 0.920
S-methyl-5-thioribose-1-phosphate isomerase 0.240 0.126 0.059 0.780
S-methyl-5-thioribose kinase 0.638 0.339 0.062 0.780
S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase 0.030 0.086 0.724 0.999
Saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD(+), L-lysine-forming) -0.221 0.152 0.147 0.806
Saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP(+), L-glutamate-forming) 1.525 1.581 0.336 0.833
Salicylate 1-monooxygenase -1.081 0.532 0.044 0.780
Salicylate 5-hydroxylase -3.009 2.762 0.278 0.820
Sarcosine oxidase -0.202 0.293 0.493 0.905
Sarcosine/dimethylglycine N-methyltransferase -1.033 0.992 0.299 0.820
Scyllo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 1.187 1.252 0.345 0.838
Scyllo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -0.628 0.666 0.347 0.840
Sedoheptulokinase -3.822 3.651 0.297 0.820
Sedoheptulose-bisphosphatase -1.279 0.453 0.005 0.780
Sedolisin -17.206 3034.891 0.995 0.999
Selenate reductase 0.174 0.466 0.710 0.999
Selenide, water dikinase 0.183 0.110 0.099 0.806
Selenocysteine lyase -0.022 0.064 0.735 0.999
Serine–glyoxylate transaminase -1.129 0.627 0.074 0.787
Serine–pyruvate transaminase -1.129 0.627 0.074 0.787
Serine–tRNA ligase 0.039 0.031 0.219 0.806
Serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase -0.038 0.047 0.421 0.865
Serine 3-dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -0.166 0.429 0.699 0.998
Serine O-acetyltransferase -0.021 0.046 0.642 0.973
Serine racemase -17.363 2119.006 0.993 0.999
Serralysin -0.581 0.515 0.261 0.820
Shikimate dehydrogenase 0.092 0.058 0.111 0.806
Shikimate kinase 0.043 0.045 0.341 0.837
Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.503 0.244 0.040 0.780
Sialate O-acetylesterase -0.375 0.219 0.088 0.806
Signal peptidase I 0.002 0.041 0.963 0.999
Signal peptidase II 0.047 0.033 0.159 0.806
Sirohydrochlorin cobaltochelatase 0.236 0.166 0.155 0.806
Sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase 0.086 0.096 0.371 0.850
Site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific) 0.003 0.060 0.966 0.999
Site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (cytosine-N(4)-specific) 2.347 1.772 0.187 0.806
sn-glycerol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase -0.184 0.339 0.589 0.951
Snapalysin -17.486 3491.164 0.996 0.999
Sorbitol-6-phosphate 2-dehydrogenase 0.338 0.351 0.337 0.833
Sortase A 0.059 0.111 0.592 0.951
specific) -1.442 1.406 0.306 0.820
Spermidine dehydrogenase -0.733 0.806 0.364 0.844
Spermidine synthase -0.099 0.096 0.302 0.820
Spheroidene monooxygenase -17.226 2215.245 0.994 0.999
Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase -2.262 1.686 0.182 0.806
SpoIVB peptidase -0.987 0.494 0.047 0.780
Spore photoproduct lyase 0.440 0.363 0.227 0.806
Sporulenol synthase -2.135 1.162 0.068 0.780
Squalene–hopanol cyclase -0.181 0.576 0.753 0.999
Squalene–hopene cyclase -0.181 0.576 0.753 0.999
Squalene synthase -0.761 1.255 0.545 0.928
Staphopain -1.552 1.123 0.169 0.806
Starch synthase 0.030 0.068 0.659 0.975
Starch synthase (maltosyl-transferring) 0.038 0.253 0.882 0.999
Ste24 endopeptidase -0.177 0.346 0.610 0.960
Stearoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] 9-desaturase -1.679 0.674 0.014 0.780
Stearoyl-CoA 9-desaturase -0.171 0.298 0.566 0.936
Steroid Delta-isomerase -1.567 1.270 0.219 0.806
Sterol 14-alpha-demethylase -2.061 1.512 0.175 0.806
Streptogrisin B -17.486 3491.164 0.996 0.999
Streptomycin 3’’-adenylyltransferase -0.315 0.422 0.457 0.884
Streptomycin 3’’-kinase 1.674 1.572 0.288 0.820
Streptomycin 6-kinase -0.127 0.416 0.761 0.999
Subtilisin 18.282 1927.540 0.992 0.999
Succinate–CoA ligase (ADP-forming) -0.095 0.083 0.252 0.809
Succinate–hydroxymethylglutarate CoA-transferase 17.690 2253.589 0.994 0.999
Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) -0.272 0.595 0.648 0.973
Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) 0.001 0.268 0.998 0.999
Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) -0.048 0.136 0.726 0.999
Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) -0.061 0.139 0.660 0.975
Succinate dehydrogenase (quinone) -0.112 0.071 0.115 0.806
Succinyl-CoA–D-citramalate CoA-transferase -2.682 2.479 0.281 0.820
Succinyl-CoA–L-malate CoA-transferase 0.149 0.441 0.736 0.999
Succinyl-CoA:(R)-benzylsuccinate CoA-transferase -0.166 1.496 0.912 0.999
Succinyl-CoA:acetate CoA-transferase -0.019 0.144 0.893 0.999
Succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase 0.115 0.080 0.155 0.806
Succinyldiaminopimelate transaminase 0.008 0.119 0.946 0.999
Succinylglutamate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.012 0.268 0.965 0.999
Succinylglutamate desuccinylase 0.086 0.262 0.743 0.999
Succinylornithine transaminase -0.342 0.394 0.387 0.852
Sucrose-phosphate synthase 0.995 1.000 0.321 0.827
Sucrose phosphorylase 0.079 0.182 0.664 0.977
Sugar-phosphatase -0.210 0.323 0.517 0.913
Sulfate-transporting ATPase -0.129 0.174 0.462 0.884
Sulfate adenylyltransferase -0.230 0.150 0.129 0.806
Sulfide-cytochrome-c reductase (flavocytochrome c) -17.895 4282.949 0.997 0.999
Sulfite dehydrogenase -2.212 1.786 0.217 0.806
Sulfite oxidase 0.030 0.713 0.966 0.999
Sulfoacetaldehyde acetyltransferase -3.930 4.117 0.341 0.837
Sulfoacetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acylating) 1.310 0.620 0.036 0.780
Sulfoacetaldehyde reductase -0.002 0.770 0.998 0.999
Sulfofructose kinase -1.604 0.940 0.090 0.806
Sulfofructosephosphate aldolase -1.309 1.241 0.293 0.820
Sulfolactaldehyde 3-reductase -0.872 0.980 0.375 0.852
Sulfopropanediol 3-dehydrogenase -0.875 0.871 0.317 0.823
Sulfoquinovose isomerase 0.118 0.326 0.717 0.999
Sulfur carrier protein ThiS adenylyltransferase 0.502 0.210 0.018 0.780
Superoxide dismutase -0.080 0.074 0.281 0.820
Superoxide reductase 0.120 0.192 0.534 0.924
synthase -0.010 0.117 0.929 0.999
Tagatose-6-phosphate kinase 0.067 0.151 0.657 0.974
Tagatose-bisphosphate aldolase 0.095 0.132 0.472 0.888
Tagaturonate reductase -0.109 0.311 0.726 0.999
Tartrate decarboxylase -0.745 0.378 0.051 0.780
Tartrate dehydrogenase -0.745 0.378 0.051 0.780
Tartronate-semialdehyde synthase -0.034 0.334 0.918 0.999
Taurine–2-oxoglutarate transaminase -0.129 0.457 0.777 0.999
Taurine–pyruvate aminotransferase -18.294 2578.334 0.994 0.999
Taurine-transporting ATPase -0.211 0.265 0.427 0.865
Taurine dioxygenase -0.149 0.277 0.592 0.951
TDP-N-acetylfucosamine:lipid II N-acetylfucosaminyltransferase 0.102 0.603 0.865 0.999
Teichoic-acid-transporting ATPase 0.284 0.311 0.362 0.844
Tellurite methyltransferase -0.029 0.162 0.857 0.999
Terephthalate 1,2-dioxygenase 0.934 1.436 0.516 0.913
Tetraacyldisaccharide 4’-kinase 0.057 0.089 0.520 0.913
Tetracenomycin A2 monooxygenase-diooxygenase -1.715 2.065 0.408 0.865
Tetrahydrodipicolinate N-acetyltransferase 0.013 0.202 0.948 0.999
Tetrahydrofolate synthase 0.037 0.050 0.466 0.884
Tetrahydromethanopterin S-methyltransferase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
Tetraprenyl-beta-curcumene synthase -2.107 0.836 0.013 0.780
Thermitase -0.130 0.711 0.855 0.999
Thermolysin -3.672 2.634 0.165 0.806
Thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase 0.037 0.051 0.474 0.889
Thiamine-phosphate kinase -0.021 0.079 0.794 0.999
Thiamine diphosphokinase 0.053 0.091 0.562 0.936
Thiamine kinase 0.111 0.600 0.854 0.999
Thiazole synthase 0.042 0.078 0.593 0.951
Thiazole tautomerase -0.861 0.601 0.154 0.806
Thimet oligopeptidase -0.355 0.413 0.391 0.857
Thiopurine S-methyltransferase 0.189 0.315 0.548 0.930
Thioredoxin-disulfide reductase 0.010 0.045 0.830 0.999
Thiosulfate dehydrogenase -0.100 0.286 0.726 0.999
Thiosulfate dehydrogenase (quinone) -0.915 0.430 0.035 0.780
Thiosulfate sulfurtransferase -0.101 0.126 0.425 0.865
Threonine–tRNA ligase 0.028 0.027 0.306 0.820
Threonine-phosphate decarboxylase 0.288 0.172 0.096 0.806
Threonine ammonia-lyase -0.047 0.054 0.387 0.852
Threonine synthase -0.011 0.041 0.791 0.999
Thymidine kinase -0.027 0.076 0.726 0.999
Thymidine phosphorylase -0.409 0.256 0.112 0.806
Thymidylate synthase 0.021 0.038 0.584 0.948
Thymidylate synthase (FAD) -0.098 0.288 0.733 0.999
Trans-2-decenoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] isomerase -0.005 0.089 0.953 0.999
Trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (NAD(+)) 0.084 0.241 0.727 0.999
Trans-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxyanthranilate isomerase -1.206 0.494 0.016 0.780
Trans-aconitate 2-methyltransferase -0.128 0.272 0.640 0.973
Trans-feruloyl-CoA hydratase -0.448 0.537 0.405 0.865
Trans-feruloyl-CoA synthase -0.990 0.451 0.029 0.780
Trans-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase -0.012 0.831 0.988 0.999
Trans,polycis-decaprenyl diphosphate synthase -2.559 1.370 0.064 0.780
Transaldolase -0.082 0.064 0.202 0.806
transferase 0.494 0.626 0.431 0.869
Transferred entry: and -17.603 2028.355 0.993 0.999
Transferred entry: -17.633 3757.583 0.996 0.999
Transketolase 0.009 0.049 0.856 0.999
Trehalose-phosphatase -0.429 0.248 0.086 0.806
Trehalose O-mycolyltransferase -1.730 1.021 0.092 0.806
Triacylglycerol lipase -0.056 0.203 0.784 0.999
Trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) -0.383 0.395 0.333 0.832
Trimethylamine dehydrogenase 0.672 0.917 0.465 0.884
Trimethylamine monooxygenase -0.723 0.655 0.272 0.820
Triose-phosphate isomerase 0.086 0.045 0.059 0.780
Tripeptide aminopeptidase 0.055 0.088 0.536 0.924
Triphosphatase 0.324 0.530 0.541 0.926
Triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthase 0.396 0.176 0.026 0.780
tRNA-2-methylthio-N(6)-dimethylallyladenosine synthase -0.007 0.063 0.912 0.999
tRNA-guanine(15) transglycosylase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
tRNA-guanine(34) transglycosylase 0.018 0.035 0.600 0.954
tRNA (5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferase 0.050 0.202 0.804 0.999
tRNA (adenine(22)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.048 0.084 0.570 0.938
tRNA (adenine(57)-N(1)/adenine(58)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.077 0.242 0.750 0.999
tRNA (adenine(58)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.077 0.242 0.750 0.999
tRNA (cytidine(32)/uridine(32)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.105 0.177 0.556 0.936
tRNA (cytidine(34)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.076 0.033 0.022 0.780
tRNA (cytidine(56)-2’-O)-methyltransferase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
tRNA (guanine(26)-N(2))-dimethyltransferase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
tRNA (guanine(26)-N(2)/guanine(27)-N(2))-dimethyltransferase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
tRNA (guanine(37)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.045 0.032 0.159 0.806
tRNA (guanine(46)-N(7))-methyltransferase 0.048 0.033 0.150 0.806
tRNA (guanosine(18)-2’-O)-methyltransferase -0.298 0.332 0.370 0.850
tRNA (N(6)-L-threonylcarbamoyladenosine(37)-C(2))-methylthiotransferase -0.032 0.128 0.802 0.999
tRNA (pseudouridine(54)-N(1))-methyltransferase 18.828 2749.550 0.995 0.999
tRNA (uracil(54)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.057 0.162 0.727 0.999
tRNA 4-demethylwyosine synthase (AdoMet-dependent) -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
tRNA dimethylallyltransferase 0.016 0.041 0.704 0.999
tRNA nucleotidyltransferase -0.037 0.093 0.690 0.995
tRNA pseudouridine(13) synthase 0.094 0.183 0.609 0.960
tRNA pseudouridine(32) synthase -0.053 0.097 0.585 0.948
tRNA pseudouridine(38-40) synthase 0.038 0.032 0.247 0.806
tRNA pseudouridine(55) synthase 0.047 0.028 0.099 0.806
tRNA pseudouridine(65) synthase 0.108 0.219 0.623 0.967
tRNA(1)(Val) (adenine(37)-N(6))-methyltransferase -0.053 0.178 0.768 0.999
tRNA(adenine(34)) deaminase -0.011 0.073 0.880 0.999
tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase 0.046 0.031 0.143 0.806
tRNA(Ile)(2)-agmatinylcytidine synthase -16.940 2657.012 0.995 0.999
tRNA(Met) cytidine acetyltransferase 0.221 0.306 0.472 0.888
Tropinone reductase I -0.030 0.484 0.951 0.999
Tryptophan–tRNA ligase 0.043 0.028 0.127 0.806
Tryptophan 2-monooxygenase -0.169 0.449 0.706 0.999
Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase -0.420 0.288 0.146 0.806
Tryptophan 7-halogenase -0.708 0.522 0.177 0.806
Tryptophan synthase -0.049 0.051 0.344 0.838
Tryptophanase 0.548 0.281 0.053 0.780
Tungstate-importing ATPase -0.030 0.531 0.955 0.999
Type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease -0.006 0.086 0.945 0.999
Type II site-specific deoxyribonuclease -0.441 0.382 0.250 0.808
Type III site-specific deoxyribonuclease 0.087 0.203 0.668 0.979
Tyrosinase 0.264 0.723 0.716 0.999
Tyrosine–tRNA ligase 0.028 0.031 0.359 0.844
Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase -17.718 3921.059 0.996 0.999
Tyrosine ammonia-lyase -17.488 1887.792 0.993 0.999
Tyrosine phenol-lyase 1.007 0.500 0.046 0.780
Ubiquinol oxidase (non-electrogenic) 0.439 1.146 0.702 0.999
UDP-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-ribo-hexuluronate aminotransferase 0.165 0.625 0.792 0.999
UDP-2-acetamido-2,6-beta-L-arabino-hexul-4-ose reductase -0.706 0.437 0.108 0.806
UDP-2-acetamido-3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-glucuronate N-acetyltransferase -0.087 0.448 0.847 0.999
UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxyglucuronic acid 2-epimerase -1.175 0.749 0.119 0.806
UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine diphosphatase -0.043 0.108 0.692 0.995
UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-beta-L-altropyranose hydrolase 0.035 0.673 0.959 0.999
UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl)glucosamine N-acyltransferase 0.139 0.101 0.169 0.806
UDP-3-O-acyl-N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase 0.089 0.098 0.364 0.844
UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose aminotransferase 0.068 0.473 0.886 0.999
UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose formyltransferase -0.252 0.473 0.595 0.951
UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine N-acetyltransferase -0.774 0.921 0.402 0.863
UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine transaminase -0.774 0.921 0.402 0.863
UDP-arabinose 4-epimerase -1.254 1.016 0.219 0.806
UDP-galactopyranose mutase 0.096 0.166 0.563 0.936
UDP-glucose–hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase 0.173 0.084 0.041 0.780
UDP-glucose 4-epimerase 0.006 0.043 0.899 0.999
UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase -0.148 0.101 0.145 0.806
UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase -0.183 0.210 0.385 0.852
UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase -1.219 0.336 0.000 0.663
UDP-glucuronic acid oxidase (UDP-4-keto-hexauronic acid decarboxylating) -0.252 0.473 0.595 0.951
UDP-N-acetyl-2-amino-2-deoxyglucuronate dehydrogenase -0.425 0.745 0.569 0.938
UDP-N-acetyl-D-mannosamine dehydrogenase -0.100 0.242 0.679 0.989
UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine N-acetyltransferase 0.500 0.628 0.427 0.865
UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine transaminase 0.500 0.628 0.427 0.865
UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine diphosphorylase -1.560 0.906 0.087 0.806
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 0.032 0.047 0.495 0.905
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolyzing) 1.766 1.243 0.157 0.806
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase (non-hydrolyzing) -0.030 0.074 0.683 0.992
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 3-dehydrogenase -17.399 2273.679 0.994 0.999
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase -0.042 0.368 0.910 0.999
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase (configuration-retaining) 0.500 0.628 0.427 0.865
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase (inverting) -0.639 0.614 0.299 0.820
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 6-dehydrogenase -0.325 0.386 0.401 0.863
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase 0.045 0.035 0.199 0.806
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine kinase -0.121 0.220 0.582 0.948
UDP-N-acetylmuramate–L-alanine ligase 0.044 0.034 0.188 0.806
UDP-N-acetylmuramate dehydrogenase 0.037 0.032 0.249 0.808
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine–D-glutamate ligase 0.040 0.031 0.201 0.806
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate–2,6-diaminopimelate ligase 0.072 0.053 0.177 0.806
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate–L-lysine ligase -0.043 0.161 0.788 0.999
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide–D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase 0.032 0.040 0.427 0.865
UDP-N-acetylmuramoylpentapeptide-lysine N(6)-alanyltransferase -0.029 0.172 0.868 0.999
UDP-N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolyzing) -0.511 0.792 0.520 0.913
UDP-sugar diphosphatase 0.090 0.319 0.779 0.999
UDP-sulfoquinovose synthase -1.065 0.635 0.095 0.806
UMP kinase 0.037 0.031 0.234 0.806
UMP/CMP kinase 0.055 0.040 0.172 0.806
Undecaprenol kinase 0.047 0.137 0.730 0.999
Undecaprenyl-diphosphate phosphatase -0.035 0.032 0.284 0.820
Undecaprenyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycotransferase 0.498 0.534 0.352 0.842
Undecaprenyl-phosphate 4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose transferase -0.192 0.399 0.632 0.972
Undecaprenyl-phosphate galactose phosphotransferase 0.513 0.490 0.297 0.820
Undecaprenyl-phosphate glucose phosphotransferase -17.382 2371.984 0.994 0.999
Unsaturated chondroitin disaccharide hydrolase 0.033 0.394 0.933 0.999
Unsaturated rhamnogalacturonyl hydrolase -1.107 0.546 0.044 0.780
Unspecific monooxygenase -1.262 0.651 0.054 0.780
Uracil-DNA glycosylase 0.061 0.043 0.152 0.806
Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase 0.065 0.042 0.118 0.806
Urea carboxylase -0.208 0.314 0.510 0.913
Urease -0.414 0.217 0.058 0.780
Ureidoglycolate amidohydrolase 0.457 1.410 0.746 0.999
Ureidoglycolate dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) -1.059 0.971 0.277 0.820
Ureidoglycolate lyase -0.165 0.275 0.548 0.930
Uridine kinase -0.003 0.089 0.970 0.999
Uridine phosphorylase -0.007 0.169 0.967 0.999
Urocanate hydratase 0.053 0.089 0.548 0.930
Urocanate reductase -0.615 0.960 0.522 0.914
Uronate dehydrogenase -0.173 0.338 0.610 0.960
Uroporphyrinogen-III C-methyltransferase 0.049 0.084 0.566 0.936
Uroporphyrinogen-III synthase -0.008 0.068 0.910 0.999
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase -0.114 0.074 0.127 0.806
UTP–glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase 0.031 0.039 0.421 0.865
Valine–pyruvate transaminase 0.004 0.085 0.964 0.999
Valine–tRNA ligase 0.029 0.025 0.261 0.820
Valine dehydrogenase (NAD(+)) -0.596 1.185 0.616 0.963
Vancomycin aglycone glucosyltransferase 0.347 0.882 0.695 0.995
Vanillate monooxygenase -0.114 0.289 0.694 0.995
Vanillin synthase -0.448 0.537 0.405 0.865
Vesicle-fusing ATPase -2.499 2.858 0.383 0.852
Vibriolysin -2.706 2.378 0.257 0.817
Vinylacetyl-CoA Delta-isomerase -0.529 0.433 0.224 0.806
Vitamin B12-transporting ATPase 0.202 0.577 0.726 0.999
Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase 0.044 0.039 0.255 0.815
Xaa-Pro dipeptidase 0.001 0.088 0.989 0.999
Xaa-Pro dipeptidyl-peptidase -0.011 0.158 0.943 0.999
Xaa-Xaa-Pro tripeptidyl-peptidase -0.201 0.617 0.745 0.999
Xanthine dehydrogenase -0.142 0.219 0.518 0.913
Xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 0.000 0.061 0.997 0.999
Xanthomonalisin -17.206 3034.891 0.995 0.999
Xenobiotic-transporting ATPase -0.205 0.350 0.559 0.936
XTP/dITP diphosphatase -0.012 0.050 0.811 0.999
Xylan 1,4-beta-xylosidase -0.978 0.635 0.125 0.806
Xylose isomerase -0.229 0.203 0.260 0.820
Xylulokinase -0.174 0.155 0.261 0.820
Zeaxanthin glucosyltransferase -0.144 0.682 0.833 0.999
Zinc-exporting ATPase 0.114 0.089 0.203 0.806
# merge with tb.ra for full results table
full.res <- left_join(tb.ra, results.out, by = "description")

write.csv(full.res, "output/picrust_ec_data_results.csv", row.names = F)

Part 2 KO Data

pi.dat <- readr::read_tsv("data/PICRUST/ko_pred_metagenome_unstrat_descrip.tsv")

-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
  .default = col_double(),
  `function` = col_character(),
  description = col_character()
i Use `spec()` for the full column specifications.
# aggregate descriptions to get 1 description per row - unique;y defined.
pi.dat <- pi.dat %>%
  group_by(description) %>%
  summarise(across(`1.S37.Jun172016`:`99.D01.S37.Jun232016`,.fns = sum))
# transform to long format
pi.dat <- pi.dat %>%
    names_to = "ID",
    values_to = "Abundance"
d <-
mydata <- full_join(pi.dat, d)
Joining, by = "ID"
Warning in class(x) <- c(setdiff(subclass, tibble_class), tibble_class): Setting
class(x) to multiple strings ("tbl_df", "tbl", ...); result will no longer be an
S4 object
mydata <- mydata %>%
    ID.n = as.numeric(as.factor(ID)),
    description.n = as.numeric(as.factor(description))
  ) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
    dem = ifelse(sum(Abundance)==0, 1, sum(Abundance)),
    RelAbundance = Abundance/dem*100) %>%
  mutate(avgRA = mean(RelAbundance))

Relative Abundance

tb.ra1 <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description) %>%
  summarise(ng = n(),
            Overall.M = mean(RelAbundance),
            Overall.SE = sd(RelAbundance)/sqrt(ng))
tb.ra2m <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(M = mean(RelAbundance)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = M)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2se <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n(),SE = sd(RelAbundance)/sqrt(ng)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = SE)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2var <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n(), VAR = var(RelAbundance)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = VAR)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2ng <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n()) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = ng)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra <- left_join(tb.ra1, tb.ra2m)
Joining, by = "description"
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2se[,-1])
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2var[,-1])
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2ng[,-1]) 

colnames(tb.ra) <- c("description", "ng", "Overall Mean", "Overall SE", "Non-Tumor Mean", "Tumor Mean", "Non-Tumor SE", "Tumor SE","Non-Tumor Var", "Tumor Var", "Non-Tumor Ng", "Tumor Ng")
tb.ra <- tb.ra %>%
  arrange(desc(`Overall Mean`))
tb.ra <- tb.ra[, c("description", "Overall Mean", "Overall SE","Tumor Mean","Tumor Var", "Tumor SE","Tumor Ng", "Non-Tumor Mean","Non-Tumor Var", "Non-Tumor SE", "Non-Tumor Ng")]

# compute t-test
tb.ra <- tb.ra %>%
    SEpooled = sqrt(`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng` + `Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`),
    t = (`Tumor Mean` - `Non-Tumor Mean`)/(SEpooled),
    df = ((`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng` + `Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`)**2)/(((`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng`)**2)/(`Tumor Ng`-1) + ((`Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`)**2)/(`Non-Tumor Ng`-1)),
    p = pt(q = abs(t), df=df, lower.tail = F)*2,
    fdr_p = p.adjust(p, method="fdr")

kable(tb.ra, format="html", digits=5, caption="KO Data Average Relative Abundance of Each Description (sorted in descending order)") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height="600px")
KO Data Average Relative Abundance of Each Description (sorted in descending order)
description Overall Mean Overall SE Tumor Mean Tumor Var Tumor SE Tumor Ng Non-Tumor Mean Non-Tumor Var Non-Tumor SE Non-Tumor Ng SEpooled t df p fdr_p
ABC-2.A; ABC-2 type transport system ATP-binding protein 0.43629 0.01518 0.42850 0.03308 0.02256 65 0.44173 0.03904 0.02049 93 0.03048 -0.43414 144.660 0.66484 0.91100
ABC-2.P; ABC-2 type transport system permease protein 0.41765 0.01276 0.40461 0.02271 0.01869 65 0.42676 0.02789 0.01732 93 0.02548 -0.86903 146.116 0.38626 0.80262
ABCB-BAC; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial 0.35364 0.01235 0.36484 0.02514 0.01967 65 0.34581 0.02347 0.01589 93 0.02528 0.75282 134.836 0.45287 0.83438
SPP; sucrose-6-phosphatase [EC:] 0.34403 0.01528 0.35668 0.03599 0.02353 65 0.33520 0.03769 0.02013 93 0.03097 0.69378 139.852 0.48897 0.84788
ABC.CD.P; putative ABC transport system permease protein 0.31124 0.00935 0.31596 0.01112 0.01308 65 0.30795 0.01581 0.01304 93 0.01847 0.43374 150.800 0.66510 0.91117
ABC.CD.A; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein 0.30766 0.01039 0.30801 0.01322 0.01426 65 0.30742 0.01993 0.01464 93 0.02044 0.02857 152.293 0.97725 0.99626
ABC.PA.S; polar amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.23066 0.00638 0.23917 0.00495 0.00873 65 0.22471 0.00744 0.00894 93 0.01250 1.15697 152.200 0.24910 0.77376
rpoE; RNA polymerase sigma-70 factor, ECF subfamily 0.22266 0.00926 0.19849 0.01000 0.01240 65 0.23954 0.01545 0.01289 93 0.01789 -2.29492 152.852 0.02310 0.59764
ABC.FEV.P; iron complex transport system permease protein 0.21291 0.00616 0.22260 0.00770 0.01088 65 0.20613 0.00478 0.00717 93 0.01303 1.26319 116.313 0.20905 0.77376
TC.FEV.OM; iron complex outermembrane recepter protein 0.19827 0.00962 0.19974 0.01458 0.01498 65 0.19723 0.01482 0.01262 93 0.01959 0.12807 138.567 0.89828 0.97377
fabG; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase [EC:] 0.19694 0.00490 0.18640 0.00373 0.00758 65 0.20431 0.00375 0.00635 93 0.00988 -1.81163 138.031 0.07222 0.74128
lacI, galR; LacI family transcriptional regulator 0.19070 0.00643 0.19100 0.00942 0.01204 65 0.19049 0.00459 0.00702 93 0.01394 0.03627 106.384 0.97113 0.99386
ABC.PE.S; peptide/nickel transport system substrate-binding protein 0.18855 0.00758 0.19652 0.01187 0.01351 65 0.18297 0.00718 0.00879 93 0.01612 0.84039 115.222 0.40243 0.80926
ABC.FEV.A; iron complex transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.18807 0.00562 0.19896 0.00695 0.01034 65 0.18046 0.00354 0.00617 93 0.01204 1.53614 108.138 0.12742 0.77376
mutT, NUDT15, MTH2; 8-oxo-dGTP diphosphatase [EC:] 0.18701 0.00750 0.18505 0.00795 0.01106 65 0.18838 0.00964 0.01018 93 0.01503 -0.22161 145.691 0.82493 0.95506
K07052; uncharacterized protein 0.18483 0.00957 0.18356 0.01225 0.01373 65 0.18572 0.01619 0.01320 93 0.01904 -0.11375 148.632 0.90959 0.97664
ABC.FEV.S; iron complex transport system substrate-binding protein 0.17980 0.00582 0.18878 0.00717 0.01051 65 0.17353 0.00405 0.00660 93 0.01241 1.22945 112.308 0.22147 0.77376
ABC.PA.P; polar amino acid transport system permease protein 0.17814 0.00565 0.18314 0.00410 0.00794 65 0.17465 0.00573 0.00785 93 0.01117 0.76090 150.348 0.44791 0.83372
rluD; 23S rRNA pseudouridine1911/1915/1917 synthase [EC:] 0.17554 0.00570 0.17956 0.00535 0.00907 65 0.17273 0.00502 0.00734 93 0.01167 0.58556 134.990 0.55915 0.86813
ABC.PA.A; polar amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.16598 0.00572 0.16859 0.00433 0.00816 65 0.16416 0.00581 0.00791 93 0.01137 0.38929 149.102 0.69761 0.91825
gpmB; probable phosphoglycerate mutase [EC:] 0.13908 0.00645 0.14409 0.00748 0.01073 65 0.13559 0.00599 0.00802 93 0.01340 0.63467 127.791 0.52678 0.85844
trxB, TRR; thioredoxin reductase (NADPH) [EC:] 0.13487 0.00304 0.13537 0.00135 0.00456 65 0.13453 0.00154 0.00408 93 0.00611 0.13813 143.449 0.89033 0.97064
K07090; uncharacterized protein 0.13458 0.00548 0.12804 0.00454 0.00836 65 0.13914 0.00487 0.00724 93 0.01106 -1.00356 140.857 0.31731 0.77376
E3.1.3.48; protein-tyrosine phosphatase [EC:] 0.13266 0.00518 0.13169 0.00543 0.00914 65 0.13333 0.00346 0.00610 93 0.01099 -0.14855 117.491 0.88217 0.96944
uvrD, pcrA; DNA helicase II / ATP-dependent DNA helicase PcrA [EC:] 0.12897 0.00326 0.13175 0.00181 0.00527 65 0.12703 0.00160 0.00415 93 0.00671 0.70353 132.432 0.48296 0.84354
acpP; acyl carrier protein 0.12629 0.00217 0.12649 0.00080 0.00351 65 0.12615 0.00071 0.00277 93 0.00447 0.07572 132.688 0.93976 0.98527
ssb; single-strand DNA-binding protein 0.12524 0.00284 0.12792 0.00119 0.00429 65 0.12337 0.00133 0.00378 93 0.00572 0.79630 142.442 0.42718 0.82661
hemN, hemZ; oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase [EC:] 0.12357 0.00325 0.12856 0.00223 0.00586 65 0.12009 0.00127 0.00369 93 0.00692 1.22261 112.634 0.22403 0.77376
ecfT; energy-coupling factor transport system permease protein 0.12326 0.00592 0.12841 0.00523 0.00897 65 0.11967 0.00576 0.00787 93 0.01194 0.73237 141.931 0.46515 0.83786
ecfA2; energy-coupling factor transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.12218 0.00552 0.13211 0.00527 0.00900 65 0.11523 0.00445 0.00692 93 0.01135 1.48719 130.276 0.13938 0.77376
mcp; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein 0.12206 0.00983 0.11505 0.01801 0.01665 65 0.12696 0.01344 0.01202 93 0.02053 -0.58018 124.593 0.56284 0.86813
galE, GALE; UDP-glucose 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.12148 0.00294 0.12262 0.00133 0.00452 65 0.12069 0.00140 0.00389 93 0.00596 0.32442 140.255 0.74611 0.93202
glnA, GLUL; glutamine synthetase [EC:] 0.12122 0.00364 0.11922 0.00228 0.00593 65 0.12262 0.00198 0.00462 93 0.00751 -0.45125 131.531 0.65255 0.90537
E2.2.1.1, tktA, tktB; transketolase [EC:] 0.11633 0.00296 0.11672 0.00148 0.00478 65 0.11605 0.00133 0.00379 93 0.00610 0.10918 133.158 0.91322 0.97664
PDF, def; peptide deformylase [EC:] 0.11528 0.00264 0.11596 0.00125 0.00439 65 0.11480 0.00100 0.00328 93 0.00548 0.21051 127.669 0.83361 0.95506
metQ; D-methionine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.11454 0.00319 0.12333 0.00212 0.00570 65 0.10839 0.00118 0.00357 93 0.00673 2.22068 111.898 0.02839 0.61334
K07025; putative hydrolase of the HAD superfamily 0.11290 0.00258 0.10653 0.00109 0.00409 65 0.11735 0.00099 0.00326 93 0.00523 -2.07033 133.558 0.04035 0.63822
recG; ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG [EC:] 0.11275 0.00356 0.11627 0.00212 0.00571 65 0.11029 0.00193 0.00456 93 0.00731 0.81729 133.701 0.41522 0.81730
lepB; signal peptidase I [EC:] 0.11207 0.00241 0.11199 0.00107 0.00407 65 0.11212 0.00082 0.00297 93 0.00503 -0.02671 125.599 0.97874 0.99657
trkA, ktrA; trk system potassium uptake protein 0.11140 0.00362 0.11576 0.00215 0.00575 65 0.10835 0.00202 0.00466 93 0.00740 1.00118 135.083 0.31853 0.77376
E4.3.1.17, sdaA, sdaB, tdcG; L-serine dehydratase [EC:] 0.11084 0.00272 0.11217 0.00129 0.00446 65 0.10990 0.00109 0.00343 93 0.00562 0.40449 130.436 0.68652 0.91567
ABC.PE.A1; peptide/nickel transport system ATP-binding protein 0.10821 0.00686 0.11364 0.01064 0.01279 65 0.10441 0.00525 0.00752 93 0.01484 0.62184 106.957 0.53537 0.86207
trxA; thioredoxin 1 0.10802 0.00212 0.10924 0.00084 0.00360 65 0.10716 0.00062 0.00258 93 0.00443 0.47006 123.955 0.63914 0.89853
gph; phosphoglycolate phosphatase [EC:] 0.10726 0.00297 0.10378 0.00167 0.00506 65 0.10970 0.00120 0.00359 93 0.00620 -0.95474 122.920 0.34158 0.78559
cspA; cold shock protein (beta-ribbon, CspA family) 0.10717 0.00437 0.10781 0.00296 0.00674 65 0.10672 0.00308 0.00576 93 0.00887 0.12332 139.685 0.90203 0.97641
oppA, mppA; oligopeptide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.10669 0.00677 0.10225 0.00569 0.00935 65 0.10979 0.00839 0.00950 93 0.01333 -0.56567 151.761 0.57245 0.87292
PRPS, prsA; ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.10510 0.00274 0.10824 0.00124 0.00437 65 0.10291 0.00115 0.00352 93 0.00561 0.95058 134.540 0.34352 0.78597
parA, soj; chromosome partitioning protein 0.10491 0.00360 0.10055 0.00189 0.00539 65 0.10796 0.00217 0.00483 93 0.00724 -1.02410 143.612 0.30751 0.77376
yidC, spoIIIJ, OXA1, ccfA; YidC/Oxa1 family membrane protein insertase 0.10458 0.00277 0.10686 0.00125 0.00438 65 0.10298 0.00120 0.00359 93 0.00566 0.68596 136.039 0.49391 0.84797
purL, PFAS; phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase [EC:] 0.10408 0.00271 0.10511 0.00143 0.00469 65 0.10335 0.00099 0.00326 93 0.00571 0.30803 121.197 0.75859 0.93719
pbuG; putative MFS transporter, AGZA family, xanthine/uracil permease 0.10358 0.00311 0.11359 0.00214 0.00573 65 0.09658 0.00100 0.00327 93 0.00660 2.57661 104.768 0.01137 0.59095
murA; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase [EC:] 0.10333 0.00252 0.10513 0.00105 0.00402 65 0.10207 0.00098 0.00325 93 0.00517 0.59196 134.826 0.55487 0.86806
fusA, GFM, EFG; elongation factor G 0.10325 0.00260 0.10664 0.00106 0.00405 65 0.10088 0.00107 0.00339 93 0.00528 1.09066 138.118 0.27732 0.77376
iscS, NFS1; cysteine desulfurase [EC:] 0.10314 0.00309 0.10430 0.00153 0.00486 65 0.10232 0.00151 0.00403 93 0.00631 0.31384 137.233 0.75412 0.93665
ftsK, spoIIIE; DNA segregation ATPase FtsK/SpoIIIE, S-DNA-T family 0.10312 0.00267 0.10118 0.00134 0.00455 65 0.10449 0.00099 0.00326 93 0.00559 -0.59193 123.793 0.55498 0.86806
dapA; 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate synthase [EC:] 0.10272 0.00149 0.09994 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.10467 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00294 -1.61125 149.883 0.10923 0.77376
ACSL, fadD; long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] 0.10247 0.00446 0.09663 0.00258 0.00629 65 0.10655 0.00354 0.00617 93 0.00881 -1.12517 149.846 0.26232 0.77376
tatD; TatD DNase family protein [EC:3.1.21.-] 0.10226 0.00108 0.10444 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.10074 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00210 1.76551 152.245 0.07948 0.75920
ABC.PE.P1; peptide/nickel transport system permease protein 0.09981 0.00603 0.10268 0.00787 0.01100 65 0.09781 0.00431 0.00681 93 0.01294 0.37672 111.109 0.70710 0.92004
ABC.PE.P; peptide/nickel transport system permease protein 0.09877 0.00606 0.10174 0.00785 0.01099 65 0.09670 0.00442 0.00689 93 0.01298 0.38805 112.187 0.69871 0.91844
tuf, TUFM; elongation factor Tu 0.09863 0.00167 0.10049 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.09733 0.00050 0.00233 93 0.00328 0.96448 151.361 0.33634 0.78254
map; methionyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.09856 0.00139 0.09753 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.09927 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00278 -0.62720 147.403 0.53150 0.86136
folC; dihydrofolate synthase / folylpolyglutamate synthase [EC:] 0.09800 0.00254 0.10000 0.00096 0.00384 65 0.09660 0.00106 0.00338 93 0.00512 0.66331 142.288 0.50821 0.84956
ABC.SS.P; simple sugar transport system permease protein 0.09748 0.00414 0.09805 0.00298 0.00678 65 0.09709 0.00254 0.00523 93 0.00856 0.11272 130.719 0.91043 0.97664
aroE; shikimate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.09737 0.00290 0.10227 0.00206 0.00563 65 0.09395 0.00080 0.00294 93 0.00635 1.31041 98.633 0.19310 0.77376
uvrA; excinuclease ABC subunit A 0.09718 0.00163 0.09722 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.09716 0.00044 0.00216 93 0.00331 0.01688 140.812 0.98656 0.99745
E3.1.11.2, xthA; exodeoxyribonuclease III [EC:] 0.09699 0.00159 0.09901 0.00043 0.00259 65 0.09558 0.00038 0.00201 93 0.00328 1.04748 131.488 0.29680 0.77376
E2.2.1.6L, ilvB, ilvG, ilvI; acetolactate synthase I/II/III large subunit [EC:] 0.09641 0.00191 0.09639 0.00056 0.00292 65 0.09643 0.00060 0.00254 93 0.00388 -0.01029 141.169 0.99180 0.99884
TC.AGCS; alanine or glycine:cation symporter, AGCS family 0.09640 0.00470 0.10770 0.00560 0.00928 65 0.08850 0.00191 0.00454 93 0.01033 1.85765 94.465 0.06633 0.73334
K08303; putative protease [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.09635 0.00333 0.09901 0.00196 0.00549 65 0.09450 0.00162 0.00417 93 0.00689 0.65351 129.250 0.51459 0.85216
GAPDH, gapA; glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.09565 0.00144 0.09596 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.09543 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00285 0.18446 149.404 0.85390 0.95848
rpoD; RNA polymerase primary sigma factor 0.09544 0.00267 0.09677 0.00103 0.00398 65 0.09450 0.00121 0.00361 93 0.00537 0.42350 144.581 0.67256 0.91184
hupB; DNA-binding protein HU-beta 0.09531 0.00244 0.09398 0.00065 0.00316 65 0.09624 0.00116 0.00352 93 0.00473 -0.47607 155.218 0.63469 0.89696
hsdS; type I restriction enzyme, S subunit [EC:] 0.09523 0.00423 0.09428 0.00239 0.00607 65 0.09589 0.00315 0.00582 93 0.00841 -0.19078 148.560 0.84896 0.95712
DLD, lpd, pdhD; dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.09510 0.00259 0.08993 0.00112 0.00416 65 0.09871 0.00099 0.00327 93 0.00529 -1.65939 132.377 0.09940 0.76942
secA; preprotein translocase subunit SecA 0.09505 0.00208 0.09441 0.00059 0.00301 65 0.09549 0.00076 0.00285 93 0.00415 -0.26129 147.552 0.79423 0.94783
tonB; periplasmic protein TonB 0.09487 0.00569 0.09430 0.00543 0.00914 65 0.09528 0.00495 0.00730 93 0.01169 -0.08382 133.791 0.93333 0.98428
plsC; 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase [EC:] 0.09425 0.00162 0.09332 0.00053 0.00285 65 0.09490 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00343 -0.46174 117.983 0.64512 0.90290
parB, spo0J; chromosome partitioning protein, ParB family 0.09357 0.00294 0.08917 0.00139 0.00462 65 0.09664 0.00135 0.00381 93 0.00598 -1.24781 136.652 0.21423 0.77376
K07729; putative transcriptional regulator 0.09344 0.00592 0.08893 0.00457 0.00839 65 0.09659 0.00625 0.00820 93 0.01173 -0.65273 149.671 0.51493 0.85216
GST, gst; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] 0.09234 0.00861 0.08280 0.01133 0.01320 65 0.09901 0.01199 0.01135 93 0.01741 -0.93089 140.293 0.35351 0.79231
clsA_B; cardiolipin synthase A/B [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.09212 0.00229 0.09430 0.00092 0.00375 65 0.09059 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00473 0.78498 130.427 0.43389 0.82874
secY; preprotein translocase subunit SecY 0.09167 0.00227 0.09189 0.00066 0.00320 65 0.09152 0.00092 0.00315 93 0.00449 0.08351 150.110 0.93356 0.98428
trkH, trkG, ktrB; trk system potassium uptake protein 0.09152 0.00340 0.09717 0.00203 0.00559 65 0.08757 0.00166 0.00423 93 0.00701 1.36911 128.830 0.17335 0.77376
guaA, GMPS; GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.09129 0.00148 0.09152 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.09113 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00292 0.13479 150.418 0.89296 0.97159
RP-L33, MRPL33, rpmG; large subunit ribosomal protein L33 0.09114 0.00224 0.09336 0.00096 0.00385 65 0.08959 0.00067 0.00269 93 0.00469 0.80446 121.705 0.42270 0.82322
ybgC; acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.09072 0.00344 0.08406 0.00184 0.00532 65 0.09537 0.00187 0.00448 93 0.00695 -1.62656 138.542 0.10610 0.77376
crcB, FEX; fluoride exporter 0.09042 0.00292 0.08770 0.00152 0.00483 65 0.09232 0.00123 0.00364 93 0.00605 -0.76313 128.559 0.44679 0.83371
KAE1, tsaD, QRI7; N6-L-threonylcarbamoyladenine synthase [EC:] 0.09037 0.00209 0.09348 0.00072 0.00332 65 0.08820 0.00067 0.00268 93 0.00427 1.23675 134.707 0.21833 0.77376
E2.3.1.9, atoB; acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.09001 0.00492 0.08122 0.00265 0.00639 65 0.09615 0.00459 0.00702 93 0.00949 -1.57263 154.832 0.11784 0.77376
E2.7.7.41, CDS1, CDS2, cdsA; phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.08966 0.00133 0.09292 0.00038 0.00242 65 0.08737 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00282 1.96669 108.750 0.05177 0.68802
pstB; phosphate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.08965 0.00347 0.08772 0.00194 0.00546 65 0.09100 0.00190 0.00452 93 0.00709 -0.46344 137.025 0.64379 0.90196
trpB; tryptophan synthase beta chain [EC:] 0.08936 0.00260 0.08720 0.00112 0.00416 65 0.09087 0.00104 0.00335 93 0.00534 -0.68889 134.542 0.49208 0.84797
relA; GTP pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.08920 0.00213 0.09205 0.00071 0.00331 65 0.08721 0.00072 0.00278 93 0.00432 1.11935 138.212 0.26493 0.77376
pepP; Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.08916 0.00190 0.09131 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.08766 0.00054 0.00241 93 0.00392 0.93224 131.843 0.35291 0.79194
argR, ahrC; transcriptional regulator of arginine metabolism 0.08911 0.00454 0.09118 0.00323 0.00705 65 0.08766 0.00330 0.00596 93 0.00923 0.38058 138.894 0.70409 0.92004
ddl; D-alanine-D-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.08867 0.00148 0.08904 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.08840 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00293 0.21880 151.019 0.82710 0.95506
clpP, CLPP; ATP-dependent Clp protease, protease subunit [EC:] 0.08736 0.00187 0.08811 0.00059 0.00301 65 0.08684 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00385 0.33067 133.455 0.74141 0.93032
dnaQ; DNA polymerase III subunit epsilon [EC:] 0.08721 0.00193 0.08589 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.08813 0.00057 0.00249 93 0.00395 -0.56665 134.955 0.57189 0.87284
rdgB; XTP/dITP diphosphohydrolase [EC:] 0.08697 0.00233 0.08607 0.00089 0.00370 65 0.08760 0.00085 0.00302 93 0.00478 -0.31870 135.782 0.75044 0.93465
alr; alanine racemase [EC:] 0.08662 0.00163 0.09079 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.08371 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00333 2.12246 128.141 0.03572 0.62411
metI; D-methionine transport system permease protein 0.08660 0.00194 0.09019 0.00056 0.00294 65 0.08409 0.00061 0.00255 93 0.00389 1.56697 141.092 0.11936 0.77376
dnaJ; molecular chaperone DnaJ 0.08627 0.00156 0.08751 0.00039 0.00245 65 0.08540 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00318 0.66472 137.208 0.50734 0.84956
fabH; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III [EC:] 0.08625 0.00193 0.08876 0.00074 0.00337 65 0.08449 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00407 1.05215 118.893 0.29487 0.77376
URA4, pyrC; dihydroorotase [EC:] 0.08606 0.00114 0.08528 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.08661 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00225 -0.59259 149.143 0.55435 0.86806
aspS; aspartyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.08595 0.00190 0.08811 0.00054 0.00287 65 0.08444 0.00060 0.00253 93 0.00383 0.95893 142.214 0.33922 0.78433
gyrA; DNA gyrase subunit A [EC:] 0.08512 0.00171 0.08709 0.00047 0.00268 65 0.08375 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00349 0.95630 137.100 0.34060 0.78491
gyrB; DNA gyrase subunit B [EC:] 0.08502 0.00185 0.08697 0.00053 0.00285 65 0.08366 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00375 0.88311 139.694 0.37870 0.79852
carB, CPA2; carbamoyl-phosphate synthase large subunit [EC:] 0.08483 0.00221 0.08573 0.00093 0.00378 65 0.08419 0.00067 0.00268 93 0.00463 0.33250 123.032 0.74008 0.92969
RP-L31, rpmE; large subunit ribosomal protein L31 0.08474 0.00136 0.08637 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.08361 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00279 0.98640 132.476 0.32573 0.77376
rnj; ribonuclease J [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.08472 0.00373 0.08691 0.00224 0.00587 65 0.08319 0.00219 0.00486 93 0.00761 0.48860 137.014 0.62591 0.89255
mrcA; penicillin-binding protein 1A [EC:] 0.08448 0.00210 0.08335 0.00059 0.00301 65 0.08526 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00417 -0.45984 148.542 0.64630 0.90314
mnmA, trmU; tRNA-uridine 2-sulfurtransferase [EC:] 0.08437 0.00240 0.08924 0.00123 0.00436 65 0.08096 0.00067 0.00268 93 0.00511 1.61796 110.681 0.10852 0.77376
ftsH, hflB; cell division protease FtsH [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.08431 0.00180 0.08582 0.00058 0.00298 65 0.08325 0.00047 0.00225 93 0.00373 0.68741 128.453 0.49306 0.84797
fabF; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II [EC:] 0.08420 0.00126 0.08441 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.08406 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00245 0.14374 155.050 0.88589 0.97012
IMPDH, guaB; IMP dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.08415 0.00155 0.08524 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.08338 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00313 0.59588 141.292 0.55221 0.86788
E1.17.4.1A, nrdA, nrdE; ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase alpha chain [EC:] 0.08401 0.00168 0.08330 0.00054 0.00289 65 0.08451 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00354 -0.34135 122.305 0.73343 0.92674
AARS, alaS; alanyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.08393 0.00165 0.08643 0.00051 0.00281 65 0.08218 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00344 1.23434 122.540 0.21944 0.77376
miaA, TRIT1; tRNA dimethylallyltransferase [EC:] 0.08375 0.00190 0.08425 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.08340 0.00064 0.00262 93 0.00378 0.22585 148.737 0.82163 0.95506
TPI, tpiA; triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) [EC:] 0.08369 0.00203 0.08774 0.00093 0.00377 65 0.08086 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00436 1.57666 105.913 0.11786 0.77376
K06889; uncharacterized protein 0.08365 0.00361 0.08527 0.00272 0.00647 65 0.08252 0.00161 0.00416 93 0.00769 0.35759 114.414 0.72131 0.92156
topA; DNA topoisomerase I [EC:] 0.08325 0.00114 0.08475 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.08221 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00214 1.18789 155.001 0.23669 0.77376
RP-S14, MRPS14, rpsN; small subunit ribosomal protein S14 0.08279 0.00195 0.08540 0.00071 0.00331 65 0.08097 0.00052 0.00237 93 0.00407 1.08603 123.777 0.27958 0.77376
cysK; cysteine synthase A [EC:] 0.08277 0.00132 0.08391 0.00037 0.00237 65 0.08198 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00281 0.68615 113.195 0.49402 0.84797
purH; phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase / IMP cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.08268 0.00196 0.08433 0.00053 0.00284 65 0.08152 0.00066 0.00267 93 0.00390 0.72026 147.037 0.47251 0.84050
E2.7.4.8, gmk; guanylate kinase [EC:] 0.08265 0.00203 0.08627 0.00083 0.00358 65 0.08013 0.00052 0.00236 93 0.00429 1.42927 116.397 0.15560 0.77376
comEC; competence protein ComEC 0.08251 0.00185 0.08612 0.00057 0.00295 65 0.07998 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00377 1.62846 133.461 0.10579 0.77376
glyA, SHMT; glycine hydroxymethyltransferase [EC:] 0.08235 0.00138 0.08311 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.08182 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00292 0.43920 120.482 0.66130 0.90968
ENO, eno; enolase [EC:] 0.08227 0.00228 0.08412 0.00086 0.00364 65 0.08097 0.00080 0.00292 93 0.00467 0.67428 134.335 0.50129 0.84942
E3.1.4.46, glpQ, ugpQ; glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.08213 0.00255 0.08325 0.00110 0.00411 65 0.08135 0.00099 0.00326 93 0.00524 0.36125 133.112 0.71848 0.92092
hsdM; type I restriction enzyme M protein [EC:] 0.08199 0.00287 0.08152 0.00110 0.00412 65 0.08232 0.00145 0.00395 93 0.00571 -0.13867 148.383 0.88990 0.97048
efp; elongation factor P 0.08195 0.00154 0.08360 0.00036 0.00234 65 0.08080 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00310 0.90144 141.523 0.36888 0.79587
dacC, dacA, dacD; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 5/6) [EC:] 0.08194 0.00272 0.08296 0.00132 0.00451 65 0.08123 0.00107 0.00340 93 0.00565 0.30533 128.527 0.76061 0.93791
metN; D-methionine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.08169 0.00162 0.08605 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.07865 0.00034 0.00193 93 0.00336 2.20524 121.886 0.02931 0.61334
rnhB; ribonuclease HII [EC:] 0.08169 0.00169 0.08255 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.08109 0.00052 0.00237 93 0.00331 0.44048 152.317 0.66022 0.90939
rsmI; 16S rRNA (cytidine1402-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.08168 0.00146 0.08261 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.08103 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00293 0.53833 145.060 0.59117 0.87896
dnaB; replicative DNA helicase [EC:] 0.08163 0.00116 0.08264 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.08094 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00230 0.73859 147.867 0.46133 0.83584
polA; DNA polymerase I [EC:] 0.08148 0.00147 0.08268 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.08065 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00297 0.68158 139.945 0.49663 0.84797
glmS, GFPT; glucosamine—fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (isomerizing) [EC:] 0.08141 0.00110 0.08149 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.08136 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00224 0.06150 139.847 0.95105 0.98792
groEL, HSPD1; chaperonin GroEL 0.08103 0.00152 0.08225 0.00037 0.00237 65 0.08017 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00310 0.67273 138.194 0.50224 0.84944
coaE; dephospho-CoA kinase [EC:] 0.08083 0.00175 0.08229 0.00042 0.00254 65 0.07980 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00349 0.71322 147.226 0.47684 0.84209
ABC.MS.S; multiple sugar transport system substrate-binding protein 0.08072 0.00442 0.07831 0.00378 0.00763 65 0.08241 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.00930 -0.44122 121.368 0.65984 0.90939
LARS, leuS; leucyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.08064 0.00153 0.08181 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.07981 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00308 0.64976 143.857 0.51688 0.85216
murE; UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate–2,6-diaminopimelate ligase [EC:] 0.08059 0.00221 0.08349 0.00090 0.00372 65 0.07857 0.00068 0.00271 93 0.00460 1.07000 125.555 0.28667 0.77376
E6.5.1.2, ligA, ligB; DNA ligase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.08043 0.00097 0.08219 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.07919 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00191 1.57040 150.095 0.11843 0.77376
PK, pyk; pyruvate kinase [EC:] 0.08031 0.00118 0.08294 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.07847 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00230 1.94083 151.812 0.05413 0.70115
ftsZ; cell division protein FtsZ 0.08029 0.00171 0.08298 0.00052 0.00282 65 0.07841 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00353 1.29508 128.986 0.19761 0.77376
KARS, lysS; lysyl-tRNA synthetase, class II [EC:] 0.08019 0.00158 0.08277 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.07839 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00323 1.35610 134.270 0.17734 0.77376
carA, CPA1; carbamoyl-phosphate synthase small subunit [EC:] 0.07996 0.00211 0.08043 0.00089 0.00370 65 0.07964 0.00058 0.00251 93 0.00447 0.17808 118.724 0.85896 0.96086
folD; methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+) / methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.07990 0.00116 0.08033 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.07959 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00234 0.31443 143.684 0.75365 0.93643
thiE; thiamine-phosphate pyrophosphorylase [EC:] 0.07989 0.00224 0.08137 0.00081 0.00353 65 0.07886 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00457 0.54839 136.068 0.58433 0.87720
smf; DNA processing protein 0.07983 0.00167 0.08330 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.07741 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00345 1.70839 126.136 0.09002 0.76567
ycaJ; putative ATPase 0.07978 0.00177 0.08151 0.00049 0.00276 65 0.07857 0.00050 0.00231 93 0.00360 0.81731 137.988 0.41516 0.81730
exbB; biopolymer transport protein ExbB 0.07953 0.00369 0.08064 0.00220 0.00582 65 0.07875 0.00213 0.00479 93 0.00753 0.25026 136.528 0.80276 0.94869
greA; transcription elongation factor GreA 0.07951 0.00215 0.08011 0.00095 0.00383 65 0.07909 0.00058 0.00251 93 0.00458 0.22407 115.788 0.82310 0.95506
dnaK, HSPA9; molecular chaperone DnaK 0.07948 0.00139 0.08142 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.07813 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00278 1.18375 144.203 0.23846 0.77376
MTFMT, fmt; methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase [EC:] 0.07947 0.00126 0.08092 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.07846 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00257 0.95827 136.536 0.33962 0.78448
dnaN; DNA polymerase III subunit beta [EC:] 0.07944 0.00167 0.08296 0.00051 0.00280 65 0.07697 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00346 1.73337 124.962 0.08550 0.76567
clpX, CLPX; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpX 0.07943 0.00162 0.08178 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.07778 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00333 1.20149 132.569 0.23170 0.77376
xseA; exodeoxyribonuclease VII large subunit [EC:] 0.07919 0.00154 0.08261 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.07681 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00322 1.80167 119.534 0.07412 0.74128
K08884; serine/threonine protein kinase, bacterial [EC:] 0.07910 0.00349 0.08033 0.00186 0.00535 65 0.07824 0.00199 0.00463 93 0.00708 0.29508 140.702 0.76836 0.93958
tig; trigger factor 0.07905 0.00154 0.08104 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.07767 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00316 1.06693 134.411 0.28792 0.77376
K07007; uncharacterized protein 0.07901 0.00191 0.07766 0.00071 0.00330 65 0.07995 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00402 -0.57060 121.318 0.56933 0.87135
rsuA; 16S rRNA pseudouridine516 synthase [EC:] 0.07897 0.00277 0.08349 0.00111 0.00414 65 0.07582 0.00128 0.00371 93 0.00555 1.38030 143.604 0.16964 0.77376
lspA; signal peptidase II [EC:] 0.07887 0.00147 0.08083 0.00037 0.00237 65 0.07750 0.00033 0.00187 93 0.00302 1.10228 132.867 0.27233 0.77376
lysC; aspartate kinase [EC:] 0.07881 0.00195 0.07700 0.00062 0.00308 65 0.08008 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00398 -0.77288 135.964 0.44093 0.83186
FARSB, pheT; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain [EC:] 0.07874 0.00120 0.08018 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.07774 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00243 1.00496 139.058 0.31666 0.77376
ftsW, spoVE; cell division protein FtsW 0.07873 0.00134 0.07880 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.07868 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00270 0.04706 144.662 0.96253 0.99023
murF; UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide–D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.07870 0.00158 0.07974 0.00033 0.00227 65 0.07797 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00315 0.56361 148.721 0.57387 0.87294
PTS-Man-EIIB, manX; PTS system, mannose-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.07868 0.00465 0.08104 0.00304 0.00684 65 0.07703 0.00372 0.00632 93 0.00931 0.43111 145.994 0.66702 0.91145
murC; UDP-N-acetylmuramate–alanine ligase [EC:] 0.07859 0.00149 0.08044 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.07730 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00301 1.04245 141.221 0.29898 0.77376
MARS, metG; methionyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07849 0.00143 0.08034 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.07719 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00290 1.08611 138.267 0.27932 0.77376
serA, PHGDH; D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase / 2-oxoglutarate reductase [EC:] 0.07836 0.00210 0.07689 0.00081 0.00353 65 0.07938 0.00062 0.00259 93 0.00437 -0.56941 125.975 0.57009 0.87135
WARS, trpS; tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07831 0.00126 0.08007 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.07708 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00248 1.20534 151.330 0.22995 0.77376
hemK, prmC, HEMK; release factor glutamine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07821 0.00126 0.07878 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.07781 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00255 0.37897 139.277 0.70529 0.92004
GPI, pgi; glucose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.07821 0.00178 0.08013 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.07687 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00364 0.89460 134.629 0.37260 0.79809
ATPF0B, atpF; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit b 0.07806 0.00141 0.07825 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.07792 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00280 0.11500 149.895 0.90860 0.97664
TARS, thrS; threonyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07796 0.00121 0.07906 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.07720 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00246 0.75559 139.128 0.45117 0.83438
IARS, ileS; isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07795 0.00124 0.07927 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.07703 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00252 0.88910 139.740 0.37548 0.79810
VARS, valS; valyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07794 0.00116 0.07913 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.07711 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00236 0.85783 137.762 0.39247 0.80459
dnaE; DNA polymerase III subunit alpha [EC:] 0.07792 0.00124 0.07948 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.07682 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00251 1.05744 137.925 0.29216 0.77376
uvrC; excinuclease ABC subunit C 0.07790 0.00119 0.07936 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.07688 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00241 1.02906 139.102 0.30524 0.77376
E2.5.1.54, aroF, aroG, aroH; 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase [EC:] 0.07789 0.00290 0.07694 0.00139 0.00462 65 0.07855 0.00129 0.00373 93 0.00594 -0.27075 134.709 0.78700 0.94470
priA; primosomal protein N’ (replication factor Y) (superfamily II helicase) [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.07787 0.00119 0.07934 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.07684 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00241 1.03693 139.143 0.30157 0.77376
PARS, proS; prolyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07782 0.00123 0.07905 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.07696 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00249 0.83797 140.693 0.40347 0.81012
recA; recombination protein RecA 0.07779 0.00123 0.07896 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.07697 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00248 0.80547 143.074 0.42189 0.82295
dnaX; DNA polymerase III subunit gamma/tau [EC:] 0.07769 0.00123 0.07923 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.07661 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00247 1.06512 143.592 0.28861 0.77376
E2.7.1.71, aroK, aroL; shikimate kinase [EC:] 0.07764 0.00189 0.07940 0.00067 0.00322 65 0.07640 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00395 0.75882 123.569 0.44941 0.83438
truA, PUS1; tRNA pseudouridine38-40 synthase [EC:] 0.07762 0.00141 0.07914 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.07655 0.00033 0.00187 93 0.00285 0.90852 141.340 0.36515 0.79587
pyrF; orotidine-5’-phosphate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.07748 0.00145 0.07961 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.07598 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00292 1.24077 140.462 0.21676 0.77376
RARS, argS; arginyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07743 0.00136 0.07850 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.07667 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00274 0.66771 142.779 0.50539 0.84956
RP-L28, MRPL28, rpmB; large subunit ribosomal protein L28 0.07737 0.00135 0.07855 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.07655 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00271 0.73820 142.167 0.46161 0.83596
uvrB; excinuclease ABC subunit B 0.07732 0.00125 0.07884 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.07626 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00251 1.03127 142.837 0.30416 0.77376
mraW, rsmH; 16S rRNA (cytosine1402-N4)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07731 0.00140 0.07886 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.07623 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00283 0.92524 141.415 0.35642 0.79399
YARS, tyrS; tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07730 0.00133 0.07841 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.07652 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00268 0.70414 143.097 0.48249 0.84354
adk, AK; adenylate kinase [EC:] 0.07727 0.00125 0.07837 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.07651 0.00025 0.00162 93 0.00255 0.72885 137.155 0.46733 0.83837
CARS, cysS; cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07725 0.00123 0.07885 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.07613 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00248 1.09707 142.623 0.27446 0.77376
murG; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine–N-acetylmuramyl-(pentapeptide) pyrophosphoryl-undecaprenol N-acetylglucosamine transferase [EC:] 0.07724 0.00124 0.07863 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.07627 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00251 0.93926 141.855 0.34920 0.79120
pyrE; orotate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.07723 0.00142 0.07864 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.07624 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00286 0.83829 141.471 0.40328 0.81012
rpoB; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta [EC:] 0.07719 0.00120 0.07900 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.07592 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00241 1.27851 141.816 0.20316 0.77376
obgE, cgtA; GTPase [EC:3.6.5.-] 0.07715 0.00124 0.07872 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.07605 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00250 1.07021 141.770 0.28634 0.77376
groES, HSPE1; chaperonin GroES 0.07712 0.00133 0.07850 0.00025 0.00197 65 0.07616 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00267 0.87919 144.642 0.38076 0.79887
mfd; transcription-repair coupling factor (superfamily II helicase) [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.07711 0.00132 0.07850 0.00025 0.00197 65 0.07614 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00265 0.88743 144.608 0.37632 0.79810
purA, ADSS; adenylosuccinate synthase [EC:] 0.07711 0.00123 0.07846 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.07616 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00251 0.92175 138.814 0.35826 0.79496
infA; translation initiation factor IF-1 0.07709 0.00131 0.07878 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.07591 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00261 1.09623 146.601 0.27477 0.77376
HARS, hisS; histidyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07709 0.00135 0.07836 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.07621 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00270 0.79598 144.542 0.42735 0.82664
infB, MTIF2; translation initiation factor IF-2 0.07703 0.00139 0.07874 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.07584 0.00033 0.00187 93 0.00278 1.04592 145.043 0.29734 0.77376
rpe, RPE; ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase [EC:] 0.07702 0.00138 0.07884 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.07576 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00278 1.10908 142.018 0.26927 0.77376
fabD; [acyl-carrier-protein] S-malonyltransferase [EC:] 0.07695 0.00122 0.07767 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.07644 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00246 0.49811 142.902 0.61917 0.88981
murB; UDP-N-acetylmuramate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.07694 0.00138 0.07841 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.07591 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00277 0.90233 144.817 0.36838 0.79587
ppnK, NADK; NAD+ kinase [EC:] 0.07693 0.00136 0.07816 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.07606 0.00032 0.00184 93 0.00271 0.77661 146.106 0.43865 0.83152
rnc, DROSHA, RNT1; ribonuclease III [EC:] 0.07690 0.00124 0.07859 0.00023 0.00190 65 0.07572 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00250 1.14761 140.611 0.25308 0.77376
PGK, pgk; phosphoglycerate kinase [EC:] 0.07687 0.00139 0.07838 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.07581 0.00033 0.00187 93 0.00278 0.92520 144.549 0.35641 0.79399
ksgA; 16S rRNA (adenine1518-N6/adenine1519-N6)-dimethyltransferase [EC:] 0.07685 0.00138 0.07854 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.07567 0.00032 0.00184 93 0.00278 1.03329 142.557 0.30322 0.77376
hprT, hpt, HPRT1; hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.07682 0.00187 0.08039 0.00060 0.00303 65 0.07433 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00383 1.58276 131.204 0.11588 0.77376
TC.LIVCS; branched-chain amino acid:cation transporter, LIVCS family 0.07680 0.00308 0.08472 0.00171 0.00513 65 0.07127 0.00129 0.00372 93 0.00634 2.11969 124.969 0.03601 0.62411
rpoA; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.07676 0.00138 0.07835 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.07565 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00277 0.97530 142.569 0.33106 0.77780
E1.17.4.1B, nrdB, nrdF; ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase beta chain [EC:] 0.07673 0.00172 0.07732 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.07632 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00359 0.27692 125.079 0.78230 0.94310
purD; phosphoribosylamine—glycine ligase [EC:] 0.07672 0.00160 0.07855 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.07544 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00324 0.95859 138.484 0.33944 0.78433
trmD; tRNA (guanine37-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07669 0.00137 0.07853 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.07541 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00277 1.12468 141.548 0.26263 0.77376
smpB; SsrA-binding protein 0.07669 0.00136 0.07823 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.07561 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00273 0.96007 143.069 0.33864 0.78407
RP-S18, MRPS18, rpsR; small subunit ribosomal protein S18 0.07667 0.00134 0.07802 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07572 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00269 0.85425 142.772 0.39440 0.80459
metK; S-adenosylmethionine synthetase [EC:] 0.07666 0.00136 0.07809 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07566 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00273 0.89146 143.932 0.37417 0.79810
radA, sms; DNA repair protein RadA/Sms 0.07666 0.00142 0.07816 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.07561 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00283 0.90300 146.336 0.36801 0.79587
dapB; 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase [EC:] 0.07666 0.00179 0.07516 0.00053 0.00287 65 0.07771 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00367 -0.69528 133.994 0.48809 0.84678
RP-L17, MRPL17, rplQ; large subunit ribosomal protein L17 0.07664 0.00136 0.07838 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07543 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00273 1.08066 143.967 0.28165 0.77376
trmB, METTL1; tRNA (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07663 0.00143 0.07862 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.07524 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00289 1.16908 140.070 0.24436 0.77376
nusG; transcriptional antiterminator NusG 0.07663 0.00135 0.07795 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07570 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00272 0.82637 143.497 0.40996 0.81416
rsgA, engC; ribosome biogenesis GTPase / thiamine phosphate phosphatase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.07661 0.00160 0.07930 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.07472 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00323 1.41851 140.651 0.15825 0.77376
cmk; CMP/dCMP kinase [EC:] 0.07660 0.00165 0.07887 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.07501 0.00044 0.00219 93 0.00333 1.16197 141.487 0.24720 0.77376
ruvB; holliday junction DNA helicase RuvB [EC:] 0.07659 0.00133 0.07828 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.07541 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00267 1.07228 144.174 0.28539 0.77376
RP-S4, rpsD; small subunit ribosomal protein S4 0.07659 0.00136 0.07838 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.07534 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00273 1.11439 141.723 0.26700 0.77376
E3.4.21.102, prc, ctpA; carboxyl-terminal processing protease [EC:] 0.07657 0.00255 0.07437 0.00078 0.00347 65 0.07811 0.00121 0.00360 93 0.00500 -0.74723 152.862 0.45607 0.83438
gpsA; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) [EC:] 0.07654 0.00135 0.07803 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.07550 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00270 0.93698 143.422 0.35035 0.79120
PTH1, pth, spoVC; peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase, PTH1 family [EC:] 0.07654 0.00135 0.07824 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07535 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00271 1.06785 143.896 0.28737 0.77376
mraY; phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase [EC:] 0.07653 0.00134 0.07795 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.07554 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00269 0.89554 142.570 0.37201 0.79738
pflA, pflC, pflE; pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme [EC:] 0.07653 0.00364 0.08030 0.00215 0.00575 65 0.07390 0.00207 0.00472 93 0.00744 0.86060 136.116 0.39097 0.80384
E2.7.7.3A, coaD, kdtB; pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.07652 0.00134 0.07801 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07549 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00270 0.93581 143.432 0.35094 0.79120
RP-L24, MRPL24, rplX; large subunit ribosomal protein L24 0.07652 0.00134 0.07794 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07553 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00270 0.89259 142.845 0.37358 0.79810
dnaG; DNA primase [EC:2.7.7.-] 0.07650 0.00134 0.07808 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07540 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00269 0.99370 143.237 0.32204 0.77376
rumA; 23S rRNA (uracil1939-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07647 0.00181 0.07709 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.07603 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00365 0.29187 143.516 0.77081 0.94023
GRPE; molecular chaperone GrpE 0.07646 0.00134 0.07809 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07532 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00270 1.02490 143.725 0.30713 0.77376
rluB; 23S rRNA pseudouridine2605 synthase [EC:] 0.07644 0.00133 0.07734 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.07582 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00272 0.55685 134.873 0.57855 0.87532
era, ERAL1; GTPase 0.07641 0.00124 0.07811 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.07522 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00250 1.15822 142.324 0.24871 0.77376
truB, PUS4, TRUB1; tRNA pseudouridine55 synthase [EC:] 0.07641 0.00125 0.07835 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.07505 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00251 1.31370 143.023 0.19105 0.77376
pyrH; uridylate kinase [EC:] 0.07640 0.00135 0.07789 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07536 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00272 0.93140 143.395 0.35321 0.79206
SARS, serS; seryl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.07640 0.00135 0.07794 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07532 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00272 0.96553 143.237 0.33591 0.78225
FARSA, pheS; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain [EC:] 0.07637 0.00134 0.07802 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.07522 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00269 1.04053 143.659 0.29984 0.77376
ATPF1B, atpD; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit beta [EC:] 0.07636 0.00125 0.07768 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.07544 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00251 0.89185 143.684 0.37397 0.79810
murD; UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanine–D-glutamate ligase [EC:] 0.07635 0.00135 0.07796 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07523 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00270 1.00805 143.681 0.31512 0.77376
ychF; ribosome-binding ATPase 0.07635 0.00135 0.07799 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07521 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00270 1.02761 143.732 0.30586 0.77376
SRP54, ffh; signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 [EC:] 0.07635 0.00135 0.07794 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07524 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00271 0.99772 143.543 0.32010 0.77376
rbfA; ribosome-binding factor A 0.07635 0.00135 0.07799 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07520 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00270 1.02971 143.733 0.30487 0.77376
uppS; undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.07634 0.00136 0.07829 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.07497 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00274 1.20816 140.846 0.22901 0.77376
purB, ADSL; adenylosuccinate lyase [EC:] 0.07631 0.00136 0.07790 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07520 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00272 0.98962 143.617 0.32403 0.77376
RP-L1, MRPL1, rplA; large subunit ribosomal protein L1 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00669 143.227 0.31578 0.77376
RP-L10, MRPL10, rplJ; large subunit ribosomal protein L10 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00669 143.227 0.31578 0.77376
RP-L13, MRPL13, rplM; large subunit ribosomal protein L13 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00669 143.227 0.31578 0.77376
RP-L3, MRPL3, rplC; large subunit ribosomal protein L3 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00669 143.227 0.31578 0.77376
RP-L6, MRPL6, rplF; large subunit ribosomal protein L6 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00669 143.227 0.31578 0.77376
RP-S12, MRPS12, rpsL; small subunit ribosomal protein S12 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00669 143.227 0.31578 0.77376
RP-S3, rpsC; small subunit ribosomal protein S3 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00669 143.227 0.31578 0.77376
RP-S5, MRPS5, rpsE; small subunit ribosomal protein S5 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00669 143.227 0.31578 0.77376
RP-S8, rpsH; small subunit ribosomal protein S8 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00669 143.227 0.31578 0.77376
RP-L7, MRPL12, rplL; large subunit ribosomal protein L7/L12 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00898 143.223 0.31468 0.77376
nusA; N utilization substance protein A 0.07629 0.00135 0.07789 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00326 143.177 0.31743 0.77376
frr, MRRF, RRF; ribosome recycling factor 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00786 143.225 0.31522 0.77376
prfB; peptide chain release factor 2 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00786 143.225 0.31522 0.77376
RP-L20, MRPL20, rplT; large subunit ribosomal protein L20 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00786 143.225 0.31522 0.77376
RP-L27, MRPL27, rpmA; large subunit ribosomal protein L27 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00786 143.225 0.31522 0.77376
RP-L4, MRPL4, rplD; large subunit ribosomal protein L4 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00786 143.225 0.31522 0.77376
tsf, TSFM; elongation factor Ts 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00786 143.225 0.31522 0.77376
RP-L21, MRPL21, rplU; large subunit ribosomal protein L21 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07516 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00842 143.222 0.31495 0.77376
holA; DNA polymerase III subunit delta [EC:] 0.07629 0.00136 0.07787 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.07518 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00273 0.98539 142.844 0.32610 0.77376
ftsY; fused signal recognition particle receptor 0.07629 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07516 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.01140 143.218 0.31353 0.77376
RP-L2, MRPL2, rplB; large subunit ribosomal protein L2 0.07628 0.00135 0.07788 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 0.99705 143.084 0.32042 0.77376
RP-S2, MRPS2, rpsB; small subunit ribosomal protein S2 0.07628 0.00135 0.07788 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 0.99705 143.084 0.32042 0.77376
engA, der; GTPase 0.07628 0.00135 0.07788 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 0.99821 143.082 0.31986 0.77376
prfA, MTRF1, MRF1; peptide chain release factor 1 0.07628 0.00135 0.07788 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07517 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 0.99821 143.082 0.31986 0.77376
RP-S16, MRPS16, rpsP; small subunit ribosomal protein S16 0.07628 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07515 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00271 1.01080 143.245 0.31381 0.77376
recR; recombination protein RecR 0.07627 0.00135 0.07790 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07513 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00271 1.02112 143.390 0.30892 0.77376
RP-L29, rpmC; large subunit ribosomal protein L29 0.07627 0.00135 0.07787 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07516 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 0.99917 143.068 0.31940 0.77376
RP-L5, MRPL5, rplE; large subunit ribosomal protein L5 0.07627 0.00135 0.07787 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07516 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 0.99917 143.068 0.31940 0.77376
RP-S9, MRPS9, rpsI; small subunit ribosomal protein S9 0.07627 0.00135 0.07787 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07516 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 0.99917 143.068 0.31940 0.77376
infC, MTIF3; translation initiation factor IF-3 0.07627 0.00135 0.07787 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07515 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00271 1.00290 143.345 0.31760 0.77376
ruvA; holliday junction DNA helicase RuvA [EC:] 0.07626 0.00135 0.07785 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07515 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00272 0.99062 142.910 0.32354 0.77376
recN; DNA repair protein RecN (Recombination protein N) 0.07626 0.00135 0.07789 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07512 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00271 1.02224 143.368 0.30839 0.77376
nudF; ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.07626 0.00196 0.08224 0.00058 0.00299 65 0.07207 0.00058 0.00251 93 0.00390 2.60540 138.036 0.01018 0.58284
RP-L23, MRPL23, rplW; large subunit ribosomal protein L23 0.07625 0.00135 0.07782 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.07516 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00272 0.97377 142.639 0.33182 0.77825
RP-S10, MRPS10, rpsJ; small subunit ribosomal protein S10 0.07625 0.00135 0.07782 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.07516 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00272 0.97377 142.639 0.33182 0.77825
RP-L35, MRPL35, rpmI; large subunit ribosomal protein L35 0.07625 0.00135 0.07786 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07513 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.00640 143.162 0.31592 0.77376
gidB, rsmG; 16S rRNA (guanine527-N7)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07625 0.00135 0.07798 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.07504 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00270 1.08967 144.415 0.27767 0.77376
RP-L19, MRPL19, rplS; large subunit ribosomal protein L19 0.07624 0.00135 0.07788 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07510 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.02606 143.035 0.30659 0.77376
RP-S20, rpsT; small subunit ribosomal protein S20 0.07624 0.00135 0.07784 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07512 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00272 1.00218 143.234 0.31795 0.77376
ribF; riboflavin kinase / FMN adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.07624 0.00135 0.07787 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07509 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.02522 142.945 0.30699 0.77376
RP-S7, MRPS7, rpsG; small subunit ribosomal protein S7 0.07623 0.00135 0.07779 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.07515 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00273 0.96632 142.480 0.33552 0.78186
RP-L11, MRPL11, rplK; large subunit ribosomal protein L11 0.07623 0.00135 0.07789 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07507 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.03928 143.095 0.30043 0.77376
RP-L14, MRPL14, rplN; large subunit ribosomal protein L14 0.07623 0.00135 0.07789 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07507 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.03928 143.095 0.30043 0.77376
RP-L15, MRPL15, rplO; large subunit ribosomal protein L15 0.07623 0.00135 0.07789 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07507 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.04008 143.097 0.30006 0.77376
RP-L18, MRPL18, rplR; large subunit ribosomal protein L18 0.07623 0.00135 0.07788 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07507 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.03740 143.084 0.30130 0.77376
RP-S13, rpsM; small subunit ribosomal protein S13 0.07623 0.00135 0.07789 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07507 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.04082 143.118 0.29972 0.77376
RP-S19, rpsS; small subunit ribosomal protein S19 0.07621 0.00135 0.07785 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07507 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.02336 142.898 0.30787 0.77376
rimM; 16S rRNA processing protein RimM 0.07621 0.00135 0.07788 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07504 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00271 1.04489 143.663 0.29783 0.77376
RP-L22, MRPL22, rplV; large subunit ribosomal protein L22 0.07620 0.00135 0.07784 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07506 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.02863 143.221 0.30539 0.77376
RP-S17, MRPS17, rpsQ; small subunit ribosomal protein S17 0.07620 0.00135 0.07786 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07504 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.03830 143.047 0.30088 0.77376
RP-S6, MRPS6, rpsF; small subunit ribosomal protein S6 0.07619 0.00136 0.07782 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.07506 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00273 1.00915 142.884 0.31461 0.77376
typA, bipA; GTP-binding protein 0.07619 0.00135 0.07783 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07504 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00271 1.03029 142.909 0.30461 0.77376
ruvX; putative holliday junction resolvase [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.07614 0.00135 0.07785 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07494 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00271 1.07441 143.340 0.28444 0.77376
rimI; [ribosomal protein S18]-alanine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.07611 0.00188 0.07963 0.00048 0.00273 65 0.07365 0.00061 0.00255 93 0.00374 1.60258 146.840 0.11118 0.77376
lepA; GTP-binding protein LepA 0.07610 0.00134 0.07773 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07496 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00269 1.02913 143.226 0.30516 0.77376
RP-S11, MRPS11, rpsK; small subunit ribosomal protein S11 0.07610 0.00135 0.07773 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07496 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00272 1.02015 143.342 0.30938 0.77376
RP-L32, MRPL32, rpmF; large subunit ribosomal protein L32 0.07606 0.00136 0.07786 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.07480 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00272 1.12632 144.148 0.26190 0.77376
RP-S15, MRPS15, rpsO; small subunit ribosomal protein S15 0.07606 0.00136 0.07747 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07507 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00272 0.88064 143.392 0.37999 0.79852
RP-L16, MRPL16, rplP; large subunit ribosomal protein L16 0.07604 0.00134 0.07772 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07486 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00269 1.06299 143.088 0.28958 0.77376
tilS, mesJ; tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthase [EC:] 0.07599 0.00134 0.07786 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.07468 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00268 1.18603 144.726 0.23756 0.77376
copA, ATP7; Cu+-exporting ATPase [EC:] 0.07597 0.00129 0.07729 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.07504 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00250 0.90382 154.496 0.36750 0.79587
holB; DNA polymerase III subunit delta’ [EC:] 0.07594 0.00135 0.07775 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.07467 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00270 1.13800 142.671 0.25703 0.77376
rpoC; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta’ [EC:] 0.07588 0.00136 0.07789 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.07448 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00271 1.25592 145.772 0.21115 0.77376
yggS, PROSC; PLP dependent protein 0.07588 0.00139 0.07665 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.07534 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00284 0.45965 137.135 0.64650 0.90318
nusB; N utilization substance protein B 0.07586 0.00137 0.07715 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.07495 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00277 0.79627 141.522 0.42721 0.82661
FBA, fbaA; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class II [EC:] 0.07585 0.00203 0.07718 0.00084 0.00359 65 0.07492 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00431 0.52435 116.719 0.60103 0.88272
yajC; preprotein translocase subunit YajC 0.07584 0.00139 0.07808 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.07428 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00281 1.35348 140.731 0.17807 0.77376
K07088; uncharacterized protein 0.07578 0.00278 0.08186 0.00120 0.00429 65 0.07154 0.00121 0.00360 93 0.00560 1.84196 138.201 0.06762 0.73437
RP-L9, MRPL9, rplI; large subunit ribosomal protein L9 0.07563 0.00134 0.07725 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.07450 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00268 1.02777 142.907 0.30579 0.77376
ATPF1A, atpA; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.07562 0.00136 0.07701 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.07465 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00271 0.87083 145.639 0.38528 0.80258
ATPF0C, atpE; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit c 0.07559 0.00135 0.07696 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.07463 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00271 0.86146 145.445 0.39040 0.80384
ATPF0A, atpB; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit a 0.07558 0.00135 0.07699 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.07460 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00271 0.88153 145.400 0.37949 0.79852
ATPF1G, atpG; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit gamma 0.07556 0.00135 0.07695 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.07459 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00271 0.86864 145.283 0.38647 0.80262
ATPF1E, atpC; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit epsilon 0.07554 0.00135 0.07695 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.07456 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00271 0.88127 145.276 0.37962 0.79852
tsaE; tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine biosynthesis protein TsaE 0.07547 0.00142 0.07783 0.00027 0.00206 65 0.07382 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00282 1.42426 146.931 0.15649 0.77376
E3.5.1.1, ansA, ansB; L-asparaginase [EC:] 0.07543 0.00164 0.07721 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.07418 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00324 0.93651 150.357 0.35051 0.79120
ABCC-BAC; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial 0.07539 0.00371 0.07649 0.00179 0.00525 65 0.07462 0.00246 0.00514 93 0.00735 0.25540 149.698 0.79877 0.94822
pstS; phosphate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.07531 0.00177 0.07301 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.07691 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00373 -1.04717 119.989 0.29713 0.77376
NTH; endonuclease III [EC:] 0.07526 0.00140 0.07631 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.07452 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00284 0.63327 139.876 0.52759 0.85909
rtpR; ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (thioredoxin) [EC:] 0.07521 0.00335 0.07838 0.00173 0.00516 65 0.07299 0.00181 0.00441 93 0.00679 0.79271 139.667 0.42929 0.82749
pncB, NAPRT1; nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.07516 0.00144 0.07664 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.07412 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00298 0.84756 130.521 0.39823 0.80598
radC; DNA repair protein RadC 0.07514 0.00123 0.07686 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.07393 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00237 1.23411 154.988 0.21903 0.77376
znuA; zinc transport system substrate-binding protein 0.07512 0.00267 0.08066 0.00106 0.00404 65 0.07125 0.00115 0.00351 93 0.00535 1.75945 141.229 0.08067 0.75920
pfkA, PFK; 6-phosphofructokinase 1 [EC:] 0.07500 0.00305 0.07795 0.00161 0.00497 65 0.07294 0.00137 0.00384 93 0.00628 0.79689 130.746 0.42696 0.82661
purF, PPAT; amidophosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.07498 0.00139 0.07574 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.07444 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00283 0.46043 139.907 0.64592 0.90314
E4.3.1.19, ilvA, tdcB; threonine dehydratase [EC:] 0.07497 0.00181 0.07236 0.00048 0.00271 65 0.07680 0.00054 0.00242 93 0.00363 -1.22523 143.391 0.22250 0.77376
glk; glucokinase [EC:] 0.07497 0.00166 0.07456 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.07526 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00342 -0.20459 133.667 0.83820 0.95506
queA; S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase [EC:] 0.07491 0.00211 0.07438 0.00068 0.00324 65 0.07528 0.00072 0.00278 93 0.00427 -0.21098 140.114 0.83321 0.95506
purC; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthase [EC:] 0.07485 0.00139 0.07653 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.07367 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00279 1.02331 144.117 0.30788 0.77376
recJ; single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.07484 0.00184 0.07844 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.07232 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00383 1.59832 123.173 0.11253 0.77376
rimP; ribosome maturation factor RimP 0.07481 0.00135 0.07645 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07367 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00271 1.02837 142.620 0.30552 0.77376
secG; preprotein translocase subunit SecG 0.07475 0.00157 0.07635 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.07363 0.00042 0.00212 93 0.00315 0.86215 144.817 0.39003 0.80359
xseB; exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [EC:] 0.07475 0.00134 0.07649 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07353 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00270 1.09252 142.112 0.27645 0.77376
RP-L30, MRPL30, rpmD; large subunit ribosomal protein L30 0.07464 0.00136 0.07664 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.07324 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00273 1.24677 143.071 0.21452 0.77376
rnpA; ribonuclease P protein component [EC:] 0.07458 0.00148 0.07690 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.07296 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00292 1.34594 149.513 0.18036 0.77376
PTS-Man-EIIC, manY; PTS system, mannose-specific IIC component 0.07455 0.00465 0.07610 0.00300 0.00679 65 0.07347 0.00375 0.00635 93 0.00930 0.28260 146.783 0.77788 0.94269
upp, UPRT; uracil phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.07449 0.00139 0.07642 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.07314 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00277 1.18022 144.240 0.23985 0.77376
asd; aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.07439 0.00141 0.07424 0.00037 0.00237 65 0.07450 0.00029 0.00175 93 0.00295 -0.08884 126.634 0.92935 0.98183
pgsA, PGS1; CDP-diacylglycerol—glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] 0.07432 0.00162 0.07839 0.00049 0.00274 65 0.07148 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00336 2.05732 122.436 0.04178 0.64661
gidA, mnmG, MTO1; tRNA uridine 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl modification enzyme 0.07425 0.00177 0.07806 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.07159 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00371 1.74278 119.324 0.08395 0.76567
cysE; serine O-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.07421 0.00169 0.07315 0.00058 0.00298 65 0.07495 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00359 -0.50335 117.680 0.61566 0.88878
dnaA; chromosomal replication initiator protein 0.07416 0.00133 0.07385 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.07437 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00280 -0.18448 122.510 0.85394 0.95848
MTHFS; 5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.07413 0.00159 0.07721 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.07198 0.00042 0.00212 93 0.00319 1.63790 142.663 0.10365 0.77376
corA; magnesium transporter 0.07398 0.00140 0.07265 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.07491 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00286 -0.79188 137.136 0.42980 0.82749
murI; glutamate racemase [EC:] 0.07391 0.00167 0.07541 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.07286 0.00043 0.00214 93 0.00342 0.74594 134.348 0.45701 0.83438
ATPF1D, atpH; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit delta 0.07387 0.00136 0.07552 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.07272 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00274 1.02053 142.965 0.30920 0.77376
K07058; membrane protein 0.07384 0.00147 0.07290 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.07451 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00303 -0.53066 130.640 0.59656 0.88059
tgt, QTRT1; queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.07369 0.00143 0.07431 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.07326 0.00033 0.00190 93 0.00289 0.36503 141.311 0.71563 0.92004
birA; BirA family transcriptional regulator, biotin operon repressor / biotin—[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase [EC:] 0.07364 0.00142 0.07523 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.07253 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00286 0.94733 141.248 0.34509 0.78739
deaD, cshA; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DeaD [EC:] 0.07364 0.00181 0.07453 0.00056 0.00292 65 0.07302 0.00050 0.00231 93 0.00373 0.40649 132.745 0.68504 0.91533
PPIB, ppiB; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B (cyclophilin B) [EC:] 0.07360 0.00165 0.07563 0.00038 0.00241 65 0.07218 0.00046 0.00223 93 0.00328 1.05151 145.938 0.29476 0.77376
ARSC1, arsC; arsenate reductase [EC:] 0.07348 0.00146 0.07554 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.07204 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00279 1.25803 155.985 0.21026 0.77376
purE; 5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase [EC:] 0.07341 0.00138 0.07530 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.07209 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00275 1.16799 145.563 0.24472 0.77376
rlmN; 23S rRNA (adenine2503-C2)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07337 0.00152 0.07406 0.00038 0.00240 65 0.07289 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00311 0.37742 136.012 0.70645 0.92004
aroA; 3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase [EC:] 0.07336 0.00136 0.07375 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.07309 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00283 0.23308 128.270 0.81607 0.95487
mscL; large conductance mechanosensitive channel 0.07321 0.00130 0.07512 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.07188 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00265 1.22200 136.179 0.22382 0.77376
dtd, DTD1; D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.07315 0.00150 0.07581 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.07129 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00297 1.52419 146.381 0.12962 0.77376
K07010; putative glutamine amidotransferase 0.07306 0.00276 0.07907 0.00107 0.00406 65 0.06886 0.00127 0.00369 93 0.00549 1.86197 144.631 0.06464 0.73334
RP-L34, MRPL34, rpmH; large subunit ribosomal protein L34 0.07302 0.00160 0.07627 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.07075 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00312 1.76903 151.564 0.07890 0.75800
rsmE; 16S rRNA (uracil1498-N3)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07299 0.00137 0.07440 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.07200 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00276 0.86839 142.394 0.38664 0.80262
recO; DNA repair protein RecO (recombination protein O) 0.07285 0.00160 0.07604 0.00050 0.00277 65 0.07062 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00335 1.61857 119.234 0.10818 0.77376
pncC; nicotinamide-nucleotide amidase [EC:] 0.07282 0.00182 0.07460 0.00053 0.00287 65 0.07158 0.00052 0.00236 93 0.00371 0.81407 136.571 0.41702 0.81866
aroC; chorismate synthase [EC:] 0.07268 0.00146 0.07328 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.07226 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00300 0.34046 133.274 0.73405 0.92701
HINT1, hinT, hit; histidine triad (HIT) family protein 0.07266 0.00162 0.07405 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.07169 0.00042 0.00212 93 0.00328 0.71843 138.964 0.47370 0.84050
pyrB, PYR2; aspartate carbamoyltransferase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.07264 0.00139 0.07398 0.00029 0.00213 65 0.07171 0.00032 0.00184 93 0.00282 0.80429 140.756 0.42258 0.82322
recF; DNA replication and repair protein RecF 0.07261 0.00149 0.07463 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.07120 0.00038 0.00201 93 0.00296 1.15611 146.067 0.24952 0.77376
DHFR, folA; dihydrofolate reductase [EC:] 0.07260 0.00141 0.07429 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.07142 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00288 0.99702 136.560 0.32052 0.77376
purM; phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.07260 0.00144 0.07409 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.07155 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00292 0.86996 139.196 0.38582 0.80258
UNG, UDG; uracil-DNA glycosylase [EC:] 0.07250 0.00166 0.07494 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.07079 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00328 1.26497 149.458 0.20785 0.77376
bcrC; undecaprenyl-diphosphatase [EC:] 0.07246 0.00170 0.06854 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.07520 0.00046 0.00221 93 0.00342 -1.94431 139.157 0.05388 0.70048
exbD; biopolymer transport protein ExbD 0.07237 0.00421 0.07324 0.00297 0.00676 65 0.07176 0.00272 0.00541 93 0.00865 0.17068 134.026 0.86474 0.96263
APRT, apt; adenine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.07231 0.00184 0.07617 0.00064 0.00313 65 0.06962 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00382 1.71176 121.699 0.08949 0.76567
pnp, PNPT1; polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase [EC:] 0.07230 0.00158 0.07305 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.07177 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00325 0.39129 132.899 0.69621 0.91772
dapE; succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase [EC:] 0.07224 0.00294 0.07713 0.00194 0.00546 65 0.06883 0.00096 0.00321 93 0.00634 1.31008 106.825 0.19298 0.77376
amiABC; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] 0.07220 0.00260 0.07184 0.00114 0.00418 65 0.07245 0.00103 0.00333 93 0.00535 -0.11508 133.572 0.90856 0.97664
rsmB, sun; 16S rRNA (cytosine967-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07216 0.00118 0.07411 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.07079 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00235 1.41372 145.361 0.15958 0.77376
K07082; UPF0755 protein 0.07209 0.00140 0.07326 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.07127 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00282 0.70397 143.913 0.48259 0.84354
E3.2.1.86B, bglA; 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase [EC:] 0.07198 0.00429 0.07547 0.00288 0.00665 65 0.06954 0.00294 0.00562 93 0.00871 0.68094 138.755 0.49704 0.84797
ABCF3; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily F, member 3 0.07188 0.00147 0.07282 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.07122 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00298 0.53608 141.243 0.59274 0.87944
ybeB; ribosome-associated protein 0.07180 0.00142 0.07138 0.00037 0.00238 65 0.07210 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00295 -0.24423 125.961 0.80745 0.94987
nadD; nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.07166 0.00152 0.07277 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.07088 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00304 0.62348 147.103 0.53393 0.86207
ogt, MGMT; methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07155 0.00149 0.07227 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.07105 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00301 0.40581 141.177 0.68549 0.91564
ackA; acetate kinase [EC:] 0.07155 0.00231 0.07465 0.00089 0.00370 65 0.06938 0.00081 0.00295 93 0.00474 1.11360 133.717 0.26745 0.77376
recX; regulatory protein 0.07149 0.00140 0.07369 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.06995 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00280 1.33644 145.271 0.18349 0.77376
bacA; undecaprenyl-diphosphatase [EC:] 0.07144 0.00155 0.07146 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.07142 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00317 0.01400 137.182 0.98885 0.99801
rlmB; 23S rRNA (guanosine2251-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07138 0.00113 0.07357 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.06986 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00227 1.63657 143.537 0.10391 0.77376
livK; branched-chain amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.07126 0.00420 0.06336 0.00149 0.00479 65 0.07678 0.00363 0.00625 93 0.00788 -1.70372 154.991 0.09044 0.76567
rodA, mrdB; rod shape determining protein RodA 0.07120 0.00146 0.07397 0.00027 0.00206 65 0.06925 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00287 1.64341 149.437 0.10240 0.77376
rlmH; 23S rRNA (pseudouridine1915-N3)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.07116 0.00132 0.07257 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.07017 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00268 0.89589 139.522 0.37185 0.79738
pdtaS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase PdtaS [EC:] 0.07111 0.00472 0.07892 0.00582 0.00946 65 0.06565 0.00189 0.00451 93 0.01048 1.26708 92.993 0.20829 0.77376
phoH, phoL; phosphate starvation-inducible protein PhoH and related proteins 0.07111 0.00146 0.07076 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.07135 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00305 -0.19617 127.525 0.84479 0.95575
gpx; glutathione peroxidase [EC:] 0.07111 0.00231 0.07089 0.00083 0.00357 65 0.07126 0.00086 0.00304 93 0.00469 -0.07827 139.498 0.93772 0.98459
purN; phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 1 [EC:] 0.07097 0.00154 0.07510 0.00043 0.00259 65 0.06808 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00318 2.20485 123.802 0.02931 0.61334
RP-S1, rpsA; small subunit ribosomal protein S1 0.07090 0.00152 0.07089 0.00047 0.00268 65 0.07091 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00322 -0.00788 117.086 0.99372 0.99919
mreB; rod shape-determining protein MreB and related proteins 0.07088 0.00302 0.07632 0.00169 0.00509 65 0.06708 0.00125 0.00367 93 0.00627 1.47171 124.291 0.14363 0.77376
thrC; threonine synthase [EC:] 0.07080 0.00153 0.07019 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.07122 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00318 -0.32255 127.919 0.74756 0.93207
rseP; regulator of sigma E protease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.07069 0.00142 0.07217 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.06966 0.00033 0.00190 93 0.00287 0.87549 142.419 0.38278 0.80064
pyrG, CTPS; CTP synthase [EC:] 0.07064 0.00130 0.06867 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.07201 0.00021 0.00148 93 0.00276 -1.20988 113.563 0.22884 0.77376
dut, DUT; dUTP pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.07053 0.00130 0.07293 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.06885 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00261 1.56353 139.890 0.12019 0.77376
dinB; DNA polymerase IV [EC:] 0.07049 0.00140 0.06995 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.07086 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00286 -0.31829 136.276 0.75075 0.93483
mnmE, trmE, MSS1; tRNA modification GTPase [EC:3.6.-.-] 0.07045 0.00144 0.07214 0.00032 0.00220 65 0.06927 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00291 0.98314 140.896 0.32722 0.77376
K07133; uncharacterized protein 0.07043 0.00554 0.07735 0.00609 0.00968 65 0.06559 0.00398 0.00655 93 0.01169 1.00655 118.619 0.31620 0.77376
mutS; DNA mismatch repair protein MutS 0.07041 0.00132 0.07214 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.06919 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00267 1.10584 140.595 0.27069 0.77376
thyA, TYMS; thymidylate synthase [EC:] 0.07036 0.00140 0.07119 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.06977 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00290 0.48918 128.406 0.62555 0.89228
tsaC, rimN, SUA5; L-threonylcarbamoyladenylate synthase [EC:] 0.07034 0.00141 0.07189 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.06926 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00283 0.92581 143.453 0.35610 0.79399
PYG, glgP; glycogen phosphorylase [EC:] 0.07030 0.00272 0.07344 0.00125 0.00439 65 0.06811 0.00112 0.00346 93 0.00559 0.95209 132.731 0.34278 0.78567
SOD2; superoxide dismutase, Fe-Mn family [EC:] 0.07026 0.00207 0.06699 0.00077 0.00345 65 0.07254 0.00060 0.00254 93 0.00428 -1.29675 126.240 0.19708 0.77376
glgC; glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.07010 0.00356 0.07311 0.00199 0.00553 65 0.06800 0.00202 0.00466 93 0.00723 0.70652 138.610 0.48105 0.84354
hsdR; type I restriction enzyme, R subunit [EC:] 0.07004 0.00290 0.07138 0.00111 0.00414 65 0.06911 0.00149 0.00401 93 0.00576 0.39507 149.057 0.69335 0.91677
rnr, vacB; ribonuclease R [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.06979 0.00140 0.07155 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.06856 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00282 1.06264 142.149 0.28975 0.77376
msrAB; peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase msrA/msrB [EC:] 0.06972 0.00372 0.07396 0.00238 0.00605 65 0.06675 0.00206 0.00471 93 0.00767 0.94021 131.425 0.34884 0.79120
engB; GTP-binding protein 0.06970 0.00144 0.07154 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.06841 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00289 1.08055 144.437 0.28170 0.77376
prmA; ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.06967 0.00140 0.07149 0.00030 0.00213 65 0.06840 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00283 1.09285 141.074 0.27632 0.77376
hflX; GTPase 0.06940 0.00126 0.07059 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.06858 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00256 0.78306 139.485 0.43492 0.82874
GLPF; glycerol uptake facilitator protein 0.06937 0.00309 0.07281 0.00148 0.00477 65 0.06696 0.00153 0.00405 93 0.00626 0.93430 139.238 0.35177 0.79120
mutL; DNA mismatch repair protein MutL 0.06936 0.00141 0.07108 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.06816 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00285 1.02598 141.000 0.30666 0.77376
E2.6.1.42, ilvE; branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase [EC:] 0.06929 0.00159 0.06750 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.07055 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00330 -0.92407 126.502 0.35721 0.79437
mreC; rod shape-determining protein MreC 0.06916 0.00151 0.07161 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.06744 0.00040 0.00206 93 0.00298 1.39943 148.504 0.16377 0.77376
galM, GALM; aldose 1-epimerase [EC:] 0.06901 0.00224 0.06901 0.00071 0.00331 65 0.06901 0.00085 0.00303 93 0.00449 -0.00102 145.121 0.99919 0.99957
aroB; 3-dehydroquinate synthase [EC:] 0.06896 0.00155 0.06736 0.00047 0.00268 65 0.07008 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00326 -0.83356 121.242 0.40617 0.81189
TC.APA; basic amino acid/polyamine antiporter, APA family 0.06896 0.00435 0.07162 0.00440 0.00823 65 0.06710 0.00203 0.00467 93 0.00946 0.47828 104.363 0.63345 0.89696
UGP2, galU, galF; UTP–glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase [EC:] 0.06873 0.00135 0.06990 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.06791 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00275 0.72618 137.380 0.46897 0.83862
opuBD; osmoprotectant transport system permease protein 0.06869 0.00260 0.07085 0.00120 0.00430 65 0.06717 0.00099 0.00326 93 0.00540 0.68216 128.841 0.49636 0.84797
lysA; diaminopimelate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.06868 0.00165 0.06777 0.00045 0.00262 65 0.06932 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00338 -0.45755 135.537 0.64801 0.90350
gatA, QRSL1; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit A [EC:] 0.06853 0.00179 0.06608 0.00037 0.00238 65 0.07025 0.00060 0.00255 93 0.00349 -1.19253 153.958 0.23489 0.77376
folP; dihydropteroate synthase [EC:] 0.06838 0.00143 0.06775 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.06883 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00296 -0.36320 129.931 0.71704 0.92035
comEA; competence protein ComEA 0.06800 0.00151 0.07284 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.06461 0.00039 0.00205 93 0.00292 2.81395 150.062 0.00555 0.54022
tex; protein Tex 0.06780 0.00126 0.07025 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.06610 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00255 1.62564 138.602 0.10630 0.77376
glmM; phosphoglucosamine mutase [EC:] 0.06775 0.00125 0.07043 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.06588 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00246 1.85261 148.495 0.06592 0.73334
GLO1, gloA; lactoylglutathione lyase [EC:] 0.06761 0.00187 0.07129 0.00064 0.00313 65 0.06504 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00387 1.61411 125.224 0.10902 0.77376
arsR; ArsR family transcriptional regulator, arsenate/arsenite/antimonite-responsive transcriptional repressor 0.06745 0.00254 0.06778 0.00095 0.00383 65 0.06722 0.00108 0.00341 93 0.00513 0.10914 143.218 0.91324 0.97664
ybeY, yqfG; probable rRNA maturation factor 0.06739 0.00138 0.07008 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.06551 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00274 1.66897 147.073 0.09725 0.76673
PTS-HPR; phosphocarrier protein 0.06735 0.00155 0.06882 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.06633 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00316 0.78580 137.777 0.43333 0.82874
fur, zur, furB; Fur family transcriptional regulator, ferric uptake regulator 0.06714 0.00221 0.06640 0.00072 0.00334 65 0.06766 0.00081 0.00295 93 0.00445 -0.28364 142.401 0.77710 0.94269
trmL, cspR; tRNA (cytidine/uridine-2’-O-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.06694 0.00118 0.06989 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.06487 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00233 2.15420 145.442 0.03287 0.62130
xerD; integrase/recombinase XerD 0.06694 0.00242 0.06824 0.00140 0.00465 65 0.06603 0.00059 0.00253 93 0.00529 0.41683 101.303 0.67768 0.91311
tmk, DTYMK; dTMP kinase [EC:] 0.06687 0.00123 0.06888 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.06547 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00249 1.36451 135.779 0.17466 0.77376
ABC.MS.P1; multiple sugar transport system permease protein 0.06685 0.00404 0.06338 0.00331 0.00713 65 0.06927 0.00208 0.00473 93 0.00856 -0.68787 117.005 0.49290 0.84797
pdxK, pdxY; pyridoxine kinase [EC:] 0.06682 0.00197 0.06645 0.00056 0.00293 65 0.06708 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00396 -0.15900 144.553 0.87389 0.96576
glmU; bifunctional UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase / Glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.06682 0.00124 0.06891 0.00025 0.00194 65 0.06536 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00251 1.41087 136.305 0.16056 0.77376
E2.3.1.54, pflD; formate C-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.06656 0.00317 0.06979 0.00150 0.00480 65 0.06430 0.00166 0.00422 93 0.00640 0.85821 142.111 0.39222 0.80459
recQ; ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ [EC:] 0.06640 0.00226 0.06750 0.00066 0.00319 65 0.06563 0.00091 0.00313 93 0.00447 0.41860 149.986 0.67611 0.91266
livM; branched-chain amino acid transport system permease protein 0.06628 0.00380 0.05921 0.00124 0.00437 65 0.07121 0.00296 0.00564 93 0.00714 -1.68156 155.196 0.09467 0.76609
fabZ; 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase [EC:] 0.06627 0.00154 0.06915 0.00051 0.00279 65 0.06426 0.00027 0.00172 93 0.00328 1.49046 110.612 0.13895 0.77376
rpoZ; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit omega [EC:] 0.06621 0.00125 0.06922 0.00021 0.00178 65 0.06411 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00245 2.08539 147.614 0.03876 0.63196
secE; preprotein translocase subunit SecE 0.06620 0.00143 0.06944 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.06394 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00284 1.93513 146.000 0.05491 0.70519
ftsQ; cell division protein FtsQ 0.06612 0.00122 0.06835 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.06456 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00247 1.53360 136.767 0.12744 0.77376
ABC.MS.P; multiple sugar transport system permease protein 0.06611 0.00368 0.06050 0.00210 0.00569 65 0.07002 0.00215 0.00481 93 0.00745 -1.27748 138.828 0.20357 0.77376
livF; branched-chain amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein 0.06608 0.00380 0.05904 0.00123 0.00435 65 0.07101 0.00299 0.00567 93 0.00714 -1.67640 154.986 0.09568 0.76609
RP-S21, MRPS21, rpsU; small subunit ribosomal protein S21 0.06604 0.00147 0.06556 0.00038 0.00240 65 0.06637 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00304 -0.26714 130.913 0.78978 0.94606
K08998; uncharacterized protein 0.06603 0.00192 0.06756 0.00057 0.00295 65 0.06496 0.00060 0.00254 93 0.00389 0.66843 140.479 0.50496 0.84956
PTS-Fru-EIIC, fruA; PTS system, fructose-specific IIC component 0.06594 0.00239 0.07078 0.00122 0.00433 65 0.06256 0.00066 0.00267 93 0.00509 1.61575 110.891 0.10899 0.77376
hisC; histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.06593 0.00185 0.06117 0.00059 0.00300 65 0.06925 0.00049 0.00228 93 0.00377 -2.14093 129.298 0.03416 0.62130
LDH, ldh; L-lactate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.06589 0.00504 0.07407 0.00621 0.00977 65 0.06018 0.00244 0.00512 93 0.01103 1.25940 98.781 0.21085 0.77376
mutY; A/G-specific adenine glycosylase [EC:] 0.06585 0.00161 0.06373 0.00052 0.00283 65 0.06733 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00340 -1.05844 117.784 0.29202 0.77376
lemA; LemA protein 0.06573 0.00175 0.06761 0.00044 0.00260 65 0.06441 0.00052 0.00236 93 0.00351 0.91144 144.461 0.36358 0.79515
TC.MATE, SLC47A, norM, mdtK, dinF; multidrug resistance protein, MATE family 0.06560 0.00199 0.06290 0.00070 0.00328 65 0.06749 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00411 -1.11578 128.750 0.26659 0.77376
DNMT1, dcm; DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1 [EC:] 0.06554 0.00307 0.06306 0.00103 0.00397 65 0.06727 0.00182 0.00443 93 0.00595 -0.70805 155.179 0.47998 0.84324
pepT; tripeptide aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.06552 0.00289 0.06755 0.00148 0.00477 65 0.06411 0.00122 0.00362 93 0.00599 0.57427 129.271 0.56679 0.87051
ilvD; dihydroxy-acid dehydratase [EC:] 0.06546 0.00192 0.05999 0.00054 0.00288 65 0.06928 0.00058 0.00251 93 0.00382 -2.43302 141.184 0.01622 0.59095
rapZ; RNase adapter protein RapZ 0.06538 0.00130 0.06884 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.06297 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00254 2.31477 148.566 0.02199 0.59447
dps; starvation-inducible DNA-binding protein 0.06520 0.00142 0.06596 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.06466 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00287 0.44978 142.734 0.65355 0.90621
smc; chromosome segregation protein 0.06491 0.00131 0.06697 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.06347 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00263 1.33264 143.097 0.18477 0.77376
spoU; RNA methyltransferase, TrmH family 0.06491 0.00211 0.06639 0.00071 0.00331 65 0.06386 0.00070 0.00275 93 0.00430 0.58796 137.369 0.55752 0.86813
prfC; peptide chain release factor 3 0.06476 0.00139 0.06464 0.00036 0.00234 65 0.06484 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00289 -0.06840 125.485 0.94558 0.98674
proC; pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase [EC:] 0.06466 0.00145 0.06426 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.06494 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00301 -0.22524 129.764 0.82215 0.95506
GCH1, folE; GTP cyclohydrolase IA [EC:] 0.06441 0.00133 0.06495 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.06404 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00276 0.33213 130.511 0.74032 0.92969
E1.1.1.3; homoserine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.06431 0.00158 0.06331 0.00049 0.00273 65 0.06501 0.00033 0.00190 93 0.00333 -0.50913 120.982 0.61159 0.88722
fhs; formate–tetrahydrofolate ligase [EC:] 0.06430 0.00265 0.06669 0.00112 0.00415 65 0.06263 0.00111 0.00345 93 0.00540 0.75237 137.243 0.45312 0.83438
thiD; hydroxymethylpyrimidine/phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase [EC:] 0.06426 0.00164 0.06607 0.00048 0.00273 65 0.06299 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00340 0.90446 127.438 0.36746 0.79587
nrdR; transcriptional repressor NrdR 0.06409 0.00117 0.06729 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.06186 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00232 2.34286 142.189 0.02052 0.59095
scpB; segregation and condensation protein B 0.06403 0.00130 0.06618 0.00025 0.00198 65 0.06252 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00261 1.39719 140.892 0.16455 0.77376
livH; branched-chain amino acid transport system permease protein 0.06396 0.00364 0.05690 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.06890 0.00276 0.00545 93 0.00681 -1.76298 154.336 0.07988 0.75920
ppx-gppA; exopolyphosphatase / guanosine-5’-triphosphate,3’-diphosphate pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.06386 0.00258 0.06933 0.00129 0.00446 65 0.06004 0.00086 0.00304 93 0.00540 1.71983 119.451 0.08805 0.76567
K09747; uncharacterized protein 0.06373 0.00123 0.06609 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.06209 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00244 1.64015 144.346 0.10315 0.77376
metY; O-acetylhomoserine (thiol)-lyase [EC:] 0.06373 0.00242 0.05967 0.00089 0.00371 65 0.06657 0.00094 0.00318 93 0.00488 -1.41184 139.944 0.16022 0.77376
tag; DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase I [EC:] 0.06344 0.00147 0.06420 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.06291 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00301 0.42927 133.739 0.66842 0.91165
livG; branched-chain amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein 0.06331 0.00360 0.05664 0.00107 0.00406 65 0.06797 0.00270 0.00539 93 0.00675 -1.67929 154.523 0.09512 0.76609
scpA; segregation and condensation protein A 0.06325 0.00136 0.06545 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.06172 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00273 1.36355 141.987 0.17487 0.77376
ftsX; cell division transport system permease protein 0.06309 0.00168 0.06367 0.00044 0.00260 65 0.06268 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00342 0.29054 139.628 0.77183 0.94083
RP-L36, MRPL36, rpmJ; large subunit ribosomal protein L36 0.06300 0.00179 0.06652 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.06054 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00360 1.66186 140.544 0.09877 0.76942
sufB; Fe-S cluster assembly protein SufB 0.06296 0.00232 0.06185 0.00082 0.00355 65 0.06373 0.00088 0.00307 93 0.00469 -0.40168 140.652 0.68853 0.91567
mutM, fpg; formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase [EC:] 0.06295 0.00185 0.06306 0.00061 0.00306 65 0.06287 0.00049 0.00231 93 0.00384 0.04976 128.420 0.96039 0.98903
DLAT, aceF, pdhC; pyruvate dehydrogenase E2 component (dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase) [EC:] 0.06285 0.00216 0.06092 0.00070 0.00328 65 0.06419 0.00076 0.00287 93 0.00435 -0.75191 141.764 0.45335 0.83438
ybaK, ebsC; Cys-tRNA(Pro)/Cys-tRNA(Cys) deacylase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.06269 0.00150 0.06678 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.05983 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00297 2.34117 144.670 0.02059 0.59095
topB; DNA topoisomerase III [EC:] 0.06266 0.00369 0.06056 0.00170 0.00511 65 0.06412 0.00249 0.00517 93 0.00727 -0.49040 151.618 0.62456 0.89208
cynT, can; carbonic anhydrase [EC:] 0.06245 0.00181 0.05902 0.00059 0.00302 65 0.06485 0.00045 0.00221 93 0.00374 -1.55563 125.536 0.12231 0.77376
G6PD, zwf; glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.06238 0.00183 0.06186 0.00060 0.00303 65 0.06274 0.00049 0.00228 93 0.00379 -0.23201 128.544 0.81690 0.95487
ABC.X4.S; putative ABC transport system substrate-binding protein 0.06237 0.00288 0.06630 0.00145 0.00472 65 0.05963 0.00121 0.00361 93 0.00594 1.12307 129.925 0.26348 0.77376
iscU, nifU; nitrogen fixation protein NifU and related proteins 0.06219 0.00150 0.06567 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.05976 0.00037 0.00198 93 0.00298 1.98156 143.062 0.04944 0.67483
trpF; phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase [EC:] 0.06218 0.00223 0.05812 0.00074 0.00338 65 0.06503 0.00080 0.00293 93 0.00448 -1.54304 141.074 0.12506 0.77376
apbE; FAD:protein FMN transferase [EC:] 0.06216 0.00187 0.06636 0.00049 0.00274 65 0.05923 0.00058 0.00249 93 0.00370 1.92395 144.833 0.05632 0.70577
K07095; uncharacterized protein 0.06201 0.00283 0.06460 0.00123 0.00435 65 0.06020 0.00130 0.00374 93 0.00573 0.76765 140.294 0.44398 0.83186
PGAM, gpmA; 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-dependent phosphoglycerate mutase [EC:] 0.06197 0.00271 0.06608 0.00145 0.00473 65 0.05911 0.00094 0.00318 93 0.00570 1.22327 118.340 0.22366 0.77376
lgt, umpA; phosphatidylglycerol:prolipoprotein diacylglycerol transferase [EC:2.-.-.-] 0.06192 0.00123 0.06464 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.06002 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00246 1.87696 142.498 0.06257 0.73012
patB, malY; cystathione beta-lyase [EC:] 0.06188 0.00288 0.06542 0.00149 0.00480 65 0.05940 0.00118 0.00356 93 0.00597 1.00837 127.190 0.31519 0.77376
E4.2.1.46, rfbB, rffG; dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.06176 0.00185 0.06756 0.00067 0.00320 65 0.05771 0.00042 0.00212 93 0.00384 2.56421 116.854 0.01161 0.59095
mtnN, mtn, pfs; adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase [EC:] 0.06160 0.00190 0.06265 0.00059 0.00300 65 0.06086 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00389 0.45931 136.528 0.64674 0.90333
pgm; phosphoglucomutase [EC:] 0.06156 0.00180 0.06285 0.00051 0.00280 65 0.06066 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00366 0.59840 138.117 0.55055 0.86727
msmX, msmK, malK, sugC, ggtA, msiK; multiple sugar transport system ATP-binding protein 0.06150 0.00226 0.05737 0.00080 0.00350 65 0.06438 0.00080 0.00293 93 0.00456 -1.53627 138.070 0.12676 0.77376
acrA, mexA, adeI, smeD, mtrC, cmeA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.06148 0.00358 0.05775 0.00202 0.00557 65 0.06408 0.00204 0.00468 93 0.00728 -0.87021 138.309 0.38569 0.80258
glpK, GK; glycerol kinase [EC:] 0.06143 0.00106 0.06174 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.06121 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00210 0.25266 149.937 0.80087 0.94855
htpX; heat shock protein HtpX [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.06142 0.00164 0.06507 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.05887 0.00042 0.00214 93 0.00330 1.88230 139.436 0.06188 0.73001
fruK; 1-phosphofructokinase [EC:] 0.06142 0.00205 0.06481 0.00056 0.00294 65 0.05905 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00406 1.41769 147.914 0.15838 0.77376
degP, htrA; serine protease Do [EC:] 0.06141 0.00162 0.05978 0.00039 0.00243 65 0.06256 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00327 -0.85153 143.435 0.39590 0.80459
PTS-EI.PTSI, ptsI; phosphotransferase system, enzyme I, PtsI [EC:] 0.06141 0.00208 0.06550 0.00075 0.00339 65 0.05854 0.00062 0.00259 93 0.00427 1.63172 129.684 0.10516 0.77376
K09861; uncharacterized protein 0.06140 0.00191 0.06501 0.00057 0.00295 65 0.05888 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00385 1.58918 138.150 0.11430 0.77376
leuA, IMS; 2-isopropylmalate synthase [EC:] 0.06126 0.00167 0.05876 0.00051 0.00279 65 0.06301 0.00040 0.00206 93 0.00347 -1.22389 126.574 0.22327 0.77376
ftsA; cell division protein FtsA 0.06126 0.00142 0.06130 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.06123 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00294 0.02425 128.498 0.98069 0.99661
udk, UCK; uridine kinase [EC:] 0.06104 0.00272 0.06083 0.00118 0.00426 65 0.06118 0.00118 0.00356 93 0.00555 -0.06342 137.731 0.94952 0.98774
pepO; putative endopeptidase [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.06085 0.00306 0.05970 0.00158 0.00494 65 0.06166 0.00142 0.00391 93 0.00629 -0.31244 132.978 0.75520 0.93665
uup; ABC transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.06082 0.00146 0.05966 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.06163 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00306 -0.64453 123.379 0.52043 0.85574
PTS-Man-EIID, manZ; PTS system, mannose-specific IID component 0.06078 0.00375 0.06322 0.00215 0.00575 65 0.05907 0.00229 0.00496 93 0.00760 0.54668 140.439 0.58547 0.87720
hslO; molecular chaperone Hsp33 0.06048 0.00127 0.06324 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.05854 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00253 1.85554 142.661 0.06558 0.73334
E2.7.1.4, scrK; fructokinase [EC:] 0.06047 0.00171 0.06024 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.06062 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00352 -0.10859 133.699 0.91369 0.97664
dxs; 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.06030 0.00210 0.06290 0.00084 0.00360 65 0.05848 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00439 1.00488 121.888 0.31695 0.77376
ftsE; cell division transport system ATP-binding protein 0.06020 0.00174 0.05899 0.00052 0.00283 65 0.06104 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00358 -0.57420 131.487 0.56681 0.87051
ppnN; pyrimidine/purine-5’-nucleotide nucleosidase [EC: 3.2.2.-] 0.06014 0.00202 0.06107 0.00074 0.00337 65 0.05949 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00420 0.37636 126.842 0.70728 0.92004
metE; 5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate–homocysteine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.06013 0.00193 0.06190 0.00063 0.00311 65 0.05889 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00397 0.75735 133.339 0.45018 0.83438
lon; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] 0.06009 0.00258 0.06360 0.00150 0.00481 65 0.05763 0.00074 0.00281 93 0.00557 1.07218 106.598 0.28606 0.77376
folK; 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase [EC:] 0.05998 0.00171 0.05780 0.00044 0.00262 65 0.06150 0.00047 0.00225 93 0.00345 -1.07046 140.286 0.28625 0.77376
pstA; phosphate transport system permease protein 0.05990 0.00172 0.05765 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.06146 0.00044 0.00219 93 0.00353 -1.07707 132.483 0.28341 0.77376
mbtN, fadE14; acyl-ACP dehydrogenase [EC:1.3.99.-] 0.05963 0.00536 0.05023 0.00353 0.00737 65 0.06620 0.00520 0.00747 93 0.01050 -1.52184 151.714 0.13013 0.77376
K07040; uncharacterized protein 0.05961 0.00159 0.06051 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.05899 0.00036 0.00195 93 0.00331 0.45876 125.735 0.64720 0.90344
sufS; cysteine desulfurase / selenocysteine lyase [EC:] 0.05949 0.00195 0.05863 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.06008 0.00058 0.00251 93 0.00402 -0.36000 133.814 0.71941 0.92108
mscS; small conductance mechanosensitive channel 0.05924 0.00165 0.06262 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.05687 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00331 1.73741 140.914 0.08450 0.76567
TC.AAT; amino acid transporter, AAT family 0.05912 0.00465 0.06220 0.00458 0.00840 65 0.05697 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.00994 0.52582 113.012 0.60005 0.88240
gatC, GATC; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit C [EC:] 0.05904 0.00156 0.06028 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.05818 0.00037 0.00201 93 0.00319 0.65655 134.908 0.51259 0.85122
plsY; glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsY [EC:] 0.05882 0.00165 0.06118 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.05718 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00331 1.20861 142.855 0.22881 0.77376
sufC; Fe-S cluster assembly ATP-binding protein 0.05873 0.00200 0.05774 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.05942 0.00064 0.00261 93 0.00409 -0.41248 137.454 0.68063 0.91355
GGPS; geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase, type II [EC:] 0.05864 0.00188 0.06135 0.00054 0.00289 65 0.05675 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00380 1.20894 139.957 0.22872 0.77376
galK; galactokinase [EC:] 0.05850 0.00231 0.06190 0.00081 0.00353 65 0.05611 0.00086 0.00304 93 0.00465 1.24372 140.299 0.21568 0.77376
gatB, PET112; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit B [EC:] 0.05850 0.00153 0.05976 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.05761 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00315 0.68472 133.387 0.49471 0.84797
nagB, GNPDA; glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase [EC:] 0.05842 0.00251 0.05936 0.00090 0.00372 65 0.05777 0.00108 0.00340 93 0.00504 0.31630 145.295 0.75223 0.93565
pyrP, uraA; uracil permease 0.05827 0.00197 0.06164 0.00055 0.00292 65 0.05591 0.00065 0.00264 93 0.00393 1.45790 144.315 0.14704 0.77376
pstC; phosphate transport system permease protein 0.05826 0.00172 0.05629 0.00056 0.00295 65 0.05964 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00361 -0.92938 122.478 0.35452 0.79354
E1.4.1.4, gdhA; glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.05823 0.00233 0.05602 0.00086 0.00365 65 0.05978 0.00086 0.00303 93 0.00474 -0.79291 137.401 0.42920 0.82749
proB; glutamate 5-kinase [EC:] 0.05820 0.00132 0.05868 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.05786 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00273 0.29816 131.457 0.76605 0.93900
coaBC, dfp; phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase / phosphopantothenate—cysteine ligase [EC:] 0.05815 0.00141 0.05990 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.05693 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00286 1.03620 140.410 0.30189 0.77376
deoC, DERA; deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.05760 0.00216 0.05814 0.00081 0.00353 65 0.05722 0.00070 0.00274 93 0.00447 0.20604 131.263 0.83708 0.95506
PGD, gnd, gntZ; 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.05752 0.00173 0.05694 0.00053 0.00286 65 0.05792 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00359 -0.27303 129.361 0.78527 0.94445
ilvC; ketol-acid reductoisomerase [EC:] 0.05732 0.00147 0.05528 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.05874 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00309 -1.12168 119.490 0.26425 0.77376
pyrR; pyrimidine operon attenuation protein / uracil phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.05725 0.00190 0.06022 0.00057 0.00296 65 0.05518 0.00056 0.00246 93 0.00385 1.30777 137.601 0.19313 0.77376
leuD, IPMI-S; 3-isopropylmalate/(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase small subunit [EC:] 0.05713 0.00149 0.05483 0.00044 0.00260 65 0.05874 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00314 -1.24410 118.871 0.21591 0.77376
afuA, fbpA; iron(III) transport system substrate-binding protein 0.05706 0.00232 0.05945 0.00108 0.00407 65 0.05540 0.00070 0.00274 93 0.00491 0.82589 118.058 0.41053 0.81416
proA; glutamate-5-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.05706 0.00140 0.05746 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.05678 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00288 0.23661 133.150 0.81333 0.95343
ispD; 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.05703 0.00175 0.05659 0.00043 0.00256 65 0.05734 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00351 -0.21456 146.705 0.83040 0.95506
ABC.X4.P; putative ABC transport system permease protein 0.05703 0.00275 0.05982 0.00116 0.00422 65 0.05508 0.00123 0.00363 93 0.00557 0.85124 140.467 0.39608 0.80459
bioY; biotin transport system substrate-specific component 0.05700 0.00245 0.05921 0.00105 0.00402 65 0.05545 0.00088 0.00307 93 0.00506 0.74391 129.915 0.45828 0.83438
K03710; GntR family transcriptional regulator 0.05695 0.00304 0.05448 0.00165 0.00504 65 0.05868 0.00134 0.00379 93 0.00631 -0.66650 128.236 0.50629 0.84956
lpxL, htrB; Kdo2-lipid IVA lauroyltransferase [EC:] 0.05694 0.00229 0.05937 0.00082 0.00356 65 0.05524 0.00084 0.00300 93 0.00466 0.88777 138.607 0.37620 0.79810
accC; acetyl-CoA carboxylase, biotin carboxylase subunit [EC:] 0.05691 0.00158 0.05575 0.00044 0.00259 65 0.05772 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00326 -0.60625 129.570 0.54541 0.86444
TC.NSS; neurotransmitter:Na+ symporter, NSS family 0.05673 0.00293 0.05981 0.00153 0.00485 65 0.05458 0.00123 0.00364 93 0.00607 0.86053 128.050 0.39111 0.80388
rlmI; 23S rRNA (cytosine1962-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.05672 0.00153 0.05659 0.00042 0.00256 65 0.05682 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00318 -0.07367 126.842 0.94139 0.98528
tadA; tRNA(adenine34) deaminase [EC:] 0.05670 0.00206 0.05619 0.00070 0.00329 65 0.05706 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00423 -0.20564 134.832 0.83739 0.95506
znuB; zinc transport system permease protein 0.05665 0.00164 0.05940 0.00042 0.00254 65 0.05473 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00331 1.41157 138.285 0.16032 0.77376
leuC, IPMI-L; 3-isopropylmalate/(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase large subunit [EC:] 0.05661 0.00154 0.05406 0.00044 0.00260 65 0.05839 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00320 -1.35502 123.914 0.17788 0.77376
plsX; glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX [EC:] 0.05659 0.00152 0.05951 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.05455 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00306 1.62062 140.765 0.10734 0.77376
ABC.X4.A; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein 0.05640 0.00269 0.05922 0.00112 0.00415 65 0.05442 0.00117 0.00355 93 0.00546 0.88066 139.860 0.38001 0.79852
parC; topoisomerase IV subunit A [EC:5.99.1.-] 0.05639 0.00149 0.05487 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.05745 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00312 -0.82666 122.208 0.41004 0.81416
dinG; ATP-dependent DNA helicase DinG [EC:] 0.05625 0.00156 0.05853 0.00043 0.00256 65 0.05465 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00321 1.20837 128.976 0.22912 0.77376
trpE; anthranilate synthase component I [EC:] 0.05619 0.00152 0.05372 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.05792 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00317 -1.32148 123.871 0.18878 0.77376
npdA; NAD-dependent deacetylase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.05616 0.00201 0.05883 0.00064 0.00313 65 0.05430 0.00064 0.00262 93 0.00408 1.10906 137.735 0.26934 0.77376
clpC; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpC 0.05615 0.00227 0.05630 0.00086 0.00364 65 0.05605 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00466 0.05537 134.239 0.95593 0.98792
PTS-Cel-EIIC, celB, chbC; PTS system, cellobiose-specific IIC component 0.05611 0.00498 0.06339 0.00475 0.00855 65 0.05102 0.00332 0.00598 93 0.01043 1.18598 121.594 0.23794 0.77376
rnhA, RNASEH1; ribonuclease HI [EC:] 0.05608 0.00170 0.05609 0.00056 0.00293 65 0.05608 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00358 0.00415 121.911 0.99670 0.99951
nrdG; anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase activating protein [EC:] 0.05598 0.00235 0.05937 0.00085 0.00361 65 0.05361 0.00088 0.00308 93 0.00474 1.21384 139.645 0.22686 0.77376
manA, MPI; mannose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.05591 0.00197 0.05520 0.00063 0.00311 65 0.05640 0.00061 0.00255 93 0.00403 -0.29727 136.250 0.76672 0.93900
hlyIII; hemolysin III 0.05577 0.00142 0.05716 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.05480 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00290 0.81218 134.740 0.41812 0.81941
accD; acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit beta [EC:] 0.05577 0.00139 0.05730 0.00030 0.00213 65 0.05470 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00281 0.92692 140.019 0.35556 0.79399
acpS; holo-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase [EC:] 0.05572 0.00201 0.05809 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.05406 0.00063 0.00261 93 0.00408 0.98720 137.373 0.32528 0.77376
parE; topoisomerase IV subunit B [EC:5.99.1.-] 0.05566 0.00147 0.05424 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.05665 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00308 -0.78150 122.929 0.43601 0.83006
E2.2.1.6S, ilvH, ilvN; acetolactate synthase I/III small subunit [EC:] 0.05558 0.00183 0.05474 0.00066 0.00319 65 0.05616 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00386 -0.36756 119.233 0.71385 0.92004
accB, bccP; acetyl-CoA carboxylase biotin carboxyl carrier protein 0.05549 0.00162 0.05444 0.00042 0.00254 65 0.05622 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00330 -0.53826 136.961 0.59127 0.87896
yhbY; RNA-binding protein 0.05540 0.00142 0.05992 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.05225 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00273 2.80488 151.245 0.00569 0.54022
opuA; osmoprotectant transport system ATP-binding protein 0.05540 0.00211 0.05796 0.00082 0.00355 65 0.05361 0.00062 0.00259 93 0.00439 0.99103 125.519 0.32358 0.77376
znuC; zinc transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.05538 0.00161 0.05839 0.00042 0.00253 65 0.05328 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00327 1.56403 136.134 0.12013 0.77376
hlpA, ompH; outer membrane protein 0.05535 0.00385 0.05533 0.00189 0.00539 65 0.05536 0.00268 0.00537 93 0.00761 -0.00465 150.725 0.99630 0.99944
recD; exodeoxyribonuclease V alpha subunit [EC:] 0.05535 0.00151 0.05698 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.05421 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00310 0.89430 132.931 0.37278 0.79810
E3.1.3.16; protein phosphatase [EC:] 0.05532 0.00226 0.05397 0.00086 0.00363 65 0.05627 0.00078 0.00290 93 0.00464 -0.49379 133.914 0.62227 0.89150
ABC.SN.S; NitT/TauT family transport system substrate-binding protein 0.05532 0.00354 0.04804 0.00171 0.00513 65 0.06040 0.00213 0.00479 93 0.00702 -1.76246 146.659 0.08008 0.75920
chrA; chromate transporter 0.05522 0.00315 0.05386 0.00154 0.00487 65 0.05618 0.00160 0.00414 93 0.00639 -0.36274 139.420 0.71735 0.92035
leuB, IMDH; 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.05521 0.00150 0.05357 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.05635 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00315 -0.88621 121.010 0.37726 0.79815
EARS, gltX; glutamyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.05521 0.00199 0.05526 0.00056 0.00293 65 0.05517 0.00068 0.00270 93 0.00398 0.02101 145.503 0.98326 0.99706
lacZ; beta-galactosidase [EC:] 0.05510 0.00365 0.05436 0.00165 0.00504 65 0.05562 0.00245 0.00514 93 0.00719 -0.17484 152.003 0.86144 0.96206
cca; tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (CCA-adding enzyme) [EC: 3.1.3.- 3.1.4.-] 0.05507 0.00141 0.05871 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.05253 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00280 2.20782 142.382 0.02886 0.61334
nagA, AMDHD2; N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase [EC:] 0.05476 0.00174 0.05483 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.05471 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00349 0.03688 144.815 0.97063 0.99349
E3.1.3.25, IMPA, suhB; myo-inositol-1(or 4)-monophosphatase [EC:] 0.05459 0.00190 0.05134 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.05687 0.00059 0.00253 93 0.00380 -1.45397 143.049 0.14814 0.77376
K07461; putative endonuclease 0.05456 0.00155 0.05800 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.05215 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00301 1.94367 152.146 0.05378 0.70048
metF, MTHFR; methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NADPH) [EC:] 0.05450 0.00158 0.05334 0.00047 0.00269 65 0.05532 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00330 -0.59826 123.789 0.55076 0.86739
cdd, CDA; cytidine deaminase [EC:] 0.05445 0.00219 0.05377 0.00080 0.00352 65 0.05492 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00450 -0.25621 133.703 0.79818 0.94822
hrcA; heat-inducible transcriptional repressor 0.05437 0.00180 0.05597 0.00051 0.00280 65 0.05326 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00365 0.74352 138.369 0.45843 0.83438
ispH, lytB; 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate reductase [EC:] 0.05427 0.00179 0.05480 0.00060 0.00305 65 0.05389 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00376 0.24284 124.239 0.80853 0.95002
K15977; putative oxidoreductase 0.05423 0.00379 0.05122 0.00243 0.00612 65 0.05634 0.00217 0.00483 93 0.00779 -0.65684 132.677 0.51242 0.85122
sepF; cell division inhibitor SepF 0.05409 0.00248 0.06021 0.00119 0.00428 65 0.04982 0.00079 0.00291 93 0.00517 2.00967 119.015 0.04673 0.66255
rny; ribonucrease Y [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.05408 0.00234 0.05613 0.00087 0.00366 65 0.05265 0.00086 0.00304 93 0.00476 0.73167 137.383 0.46562 0.83786
nrnA; bifunctional oligoribonuclease and PAP phosphatase NrnA [EC:] 0.05400 0.00228 0.05596 0.00084 0.00360 65 0.05263 0.00080 0.00294 93 0.00465 0.71748 135.841 0.47431 0.84073
ispE; 4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase [EC:] 0.05400 0.00133 0.05516 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.05319 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00268 0.73632 144.296 0.46273 0.83654
PRDX2_4, ahpC; peroxiredoxin (alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit C) [EC:] 0.05392 0.00147 0.05621 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.05231 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00296 1.31532 141.979 0.19052 0.77376
K02483; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator 0.05389 0.00445 0.04750 0.00349 0.00732 65 0.05836 0.00286 0.00555 93 0.00919 -1.18293 128.970 0.23901 0.77376
glxK, garK; glycerate 2-kinase [EC:] 0.05386 0.00178 0.05418 0.00054 0.00287 65 0.05365 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00367 0.14536 133.388 0.88464 0.96984
ribBA; 3,4-dihydroxy 2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase / GTP cyclohydrolase II [EC:] 0.05386 0.00181 0.05392 0.00054 0.00289 65 0.05382 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00372 0.02769 134.952 0.97795 0.99657
K07001; NTE family protein 0.05382 0.00298 0.04959 0.00127 0.00441 65 0.05678 0.00149 0.00400 93 0.00596 -1.20641 144.556 0.22963 0.77376
ABC.SS.A; simple sugar transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.05382 0.00224 0.05315 0.00090 0.00372 65 0.05429 0.00072 0.00279 93 0.00465 -0.24450 128.000 0.80724 0.94987
yggT; YggT family protein 0.05352 0.00167 0.05536 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.05224 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00339 0.92010 139.724 0.35911 0.79496
oppF; oligopeptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.05349 0.00340 0.05352 0.00150 0.00480 65 0.05347 0.00207 0.00472 93 0.00673 0.00712 149.996 0.99433 0.99919
glyS; glycyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain [EC:] 0.05349 0.00137 0.05770 0.00025 0.00194 65 0.05054 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00267 2.68205 147.466 0.00815 0.56121
E5.3.1.26, lacA, lacB; galactose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.05342 0.00405 0.05172 0.00200 0.00554 65 0.05461 0.00304 0.00572 93 0.00796 -0.36388 152.544 0.71645 0.92004
purK; 5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide synthase [EC:] 0.05341 0.00177 0.05343 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.05339 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00374 0.01023 119.621 0.99185 0.99884
mutS2; DNA mismatch repair protein MutS2 0.05340 0.00231 0.05553 0.00087 0.00367 65 0.05190 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00473 0.76617 135.512 0.44491 0.83274
K00243; uncharacterized protein 0.05328 0.00193 0.05670 0.00054 0.00287 65 0.05089 0.00062 0.00258 93 0.00386 1.50664 143.674 0.13410 0.77376
GBE1, glgB; 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme [EC:] 0.05324 0.00186 0.05425 0.00055 0.00291 65 0.05253 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00380 0.45211 137.713 0.65190 0.90504
gltD; glutamate synthase (NADPH/NADH) small chain [EC:] 0.05298 0.00225 0.04848 0.00080 0.00351 65 0.05613 0.00078 0.00290 93 0.00455 -1.68173 136.968 0.09490 0.76609
trpG; anthranilate synthase component II [EC:] 0.05288 0.00151 0.05089 0.00045 0.00264 65 0.05426 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00318 -1.06108 118.323 0.29082 0.77376
ABC.PE.A; peptide/nickel transport system ATP-binding protein 0.05287 0.00402 0.05493 0.00316 0.00697 65 0.05144 0.00216 0.00482 93 0.00847 0.41238 120.658 0.68079 0.91355
glyQ; glycyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain [EC:] 0.05279 0.00140 0.05705 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.04981 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00274 2.64666 147.410 0.00901 0.58112
cydB; cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit II [EC:] 0.05268 0.00169 0.05163 0.00045 0.00264 65 0.05342 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00345 -0.51907 138.168 0.60454 0.88434
K06950; uncharacterized protein 0.05266 0.00232 0.05401 0.00109 0.00410 65 0.05172 0.00069 0.00273 93 0.00492 0.46546 117.092 0.64247 0.90098
yfbK; Ca-activated chloride channel homolog 0.05259 0.00290 0.05053 0.00121 0.00432 65 0.05404 0.00142 0.00390 93 0.00582 -0.60340 144.160 0.54719 0.86509
NARS, asnS; asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.05259 0.00199 0.05473 0.00063 0.00310 65 0.05110 0.00063 0.00260 93 0.00405 0.89827 137.975 0.37060 0.79606
hemH, FECH; protoporphyrin/coproporphyrin ferrochelatase [EC:] 0.05252 0.00180 0.04977 0.00051 0.00280 65 0.05444 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00365 -1.27901 138.205 0.20304 0.77376
rfbC, rmlC; dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase [EC:] 0.05245 0.00195 0.05703 0.00082 0.00355 65 0.04925 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00415 1.87532 109.439 0.06341 0.73289
yhbH; putative sigma-54 modulation protein 0.05239 0.00169 0.05451 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.05090 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00344 1.04990 136.043 0.29563 0.77376
yesM; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase YesM [EC:] 0.05233 0.00395 0.05595 0.00315 0.00697 65 0.04979 0.00199 0.00463 93 0.00836 0.73672 117.167 0.46277 0.83654
accA; acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.05218 0.00142 0.05326 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.05143 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00287 0.63810 142.240 0.52444 0.85728
rbsB; ribose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.05213 0.00363 0.05043 0.00323 0.00705 65 0.05332 0.00130 0.00374 93 0.00798 -0.36114 99.575 0.71876 0.92092
K07483; transposase 0.05210 0.00229 0.05702 0.00102 0.00395 65 0.04866 0.00067 0.00269 93 0.00478 1.74722 119.222 0.08317 0.76567
comEB; dCMP deaminase [EC:] 0.05207 0.00229 0.05433 0.00085 0.00361 65 0.05050 0.00081 0.00296 93 0.00467 0.82043 136.048 0.41341 0.81655
thrB1; homoserine kinase [EC:] 0.05203 0.00199 0.05252 0.00068 0.00323 65 0.05169 0.00060 0.00254 93 0.00411 0.20279 132.288 0.83961 0.95506
trpA; tryptophan synthase alpha chain [EC:] 0.05203 0.00141 0.04984 0.00036 0.00234 65 0.05357 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00291 -1.28116 126.743 0.20248 0.77376
fecR; transmembrane sensor 0.05201 0.00682 0.05064 0.00718 0.01051 65 0.05298 0.00754 0.00900 93 0.01384 -0.16883 139.972 0.86617 0.96296
mreD; rod shape-determining protein MreD 0.05201 0.00139 0.05437 0.00033 0.00227 65 0.05036 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00286 1.40156 130.549 0.16342 0.77376
malQ; 4-alpha-glucanotransferase [EC:] 0.05189 0.00220 0.05424 0.00079 0.00349 65 0.05026 0.00075 0.00284 93 0.00450 0.88480 135.721 0.37783 0.79852
cydA; cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit I [EC:] 0.05187 0.00171 0.05168 0.00048 0.00271 65 0.05200 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00350 -0.09118 135.841 0.92749 0.98137
clpB; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpB 0.05167 0.00147 0.05195 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.05149 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00302 0.15280 136.250 0.87878 0.96759
tlyA; 23S rRNA (cytidine1920-2’-O)/16S rRNA (cytidine1409-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.05160 0.00199 0.05402 0.00066 0.00319 65 0.04991 0.00060 0.00255 93 0.00408 1.00659 133.950 0.31594 0.77376
E2.1.1.72; site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific) [EC:] 0.05157 0.00319 0.04807 0.00115 0.00421 65 0.05402 0.00193 0.00456 93 0.00620 -0.95956 154.407 0.33878 0.78412
nadE; NAD+ synthase [EC:] 0.05150 0.00170 0.05364 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.05001 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00345 1.05258 136.864 0.29439 0.77376
trpD; anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.05143 0.00142 0.04894 0.00038 0.00242 65 0.05318 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00297 -1.42809 122.590 0.15581 0.77376
fixA, etfB; electron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit 0.05135 0.00237 0.05407 0.00118 0.00426 65 0.04945 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00505 0.91527 113.662 0.36199 0.79496
K06911; uncharacterized protein 0.05133 0.00370 0.04808 0.00211 0.00569 65 0.05361 0.00221 0.00488 93 0.00749 -0.73819 139.964 0.46164 0.83596
K07124; uncharacterized protein 0.05132 0.00165 0.05320 0.00045 0.00262 65 0.05000 0.00042 0.00212 93 0.00337 0.94834 134.718 0.34466 0.78711
ribH, RIB4; 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase [EC:] 0.05126 0.00149 0.05022 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.05198 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00300 -0.58560 143.677 0.55907 0.86813
rimJ; [ribosomal protein S5]-alanine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.05102 0.00344 0.05078 0.00143 0.00469 65 0.05119 0.00219 0.00485 93 0.00675 -0.06004 152.662 0.95220 0.98792
ABC.CD.TX; HlyD family secretion protein 0.05101 0.00229 0.04780 0.00077 0.00344 65 0.05326 0.00087 0.00305 93 0.00460 -1.18609 142.852 0.23756 0.77376
INV, sacA; beta-fructofuranosidase [EC:] 0.05085 0.00263 0.05505 0.00137 0.00459 65 0.04792 0.00090 0.00311 93 0.00554 1.28777 118.861 0.20033 0.77376
tyrA2; prephenate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.05083 0.00188 0.05000 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.05141 0.00052 0.00236 93 0.00389 -0.36109 129.720 0.71862 0.92092
fixB, etfA; electron transfer flavoprotein alpha subunit 0.05083 0.00235 0.05367 0.00117 0.00425 65 0.04884 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00501 0.96348 112.088 0.33738 0.78354
czcD, zitB; cobalt-zinc-cadmium efflux system protein 0.05077 0.00191 0.04822 0.00058 0.00300 65 0.05256 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00389 -1.11249 137.075 0.26787 0.77376
rsmC; 16S rRNA (guanine1207-N2)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.05071 0.00166 0.05267 0.00038 0.00240 65 0.04934 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00330 1.00826 147.167 0.31499 0.77376
K07491; putative transposase 0.05064 0.00343 0.05273 0.00231 0.00596 65 0.04917 0.00156 0.00409 93 0.00723 0.49183 120.055 0.62374 0.89159
thiJ; protein deglycase [EC:] 0.05058 0.00271 0.05366 0.00127 0.00442 65 0.04842 0.00108 0.00341 93 0.00559 0.93712 130.646 0.35043 0.79120
luxS; S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase [EC:] 0.05056 0.00217 0.05143 0.00077 0.00344 65 0.04995 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00444 0.33263 135.775 0.73992 0.92969
argH, ASL; argininosuccinate lyase [EC:] 0.05055 0.00126 0.04908 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.05157 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00255 -0.97828 138.177 0.32965 0.77554
xpt; xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.05043 0.00180 0.05090 0.00058 0.00299 65 0.05011 0.00046 0.00224 93 0.00373 0.21368 127.703 0.83114 0.95506
maf; septum formation protein 0.05043 0.00177 0.04875 0.00049 0.00273 65 0.05160 0.00050 0.00233 93 0.00359 -0.79416 139.472 0.42845 0.82737
E2.3.1.8, pta; phosphate acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.05041 0.00219 0.05183 0.00081 0.00352 65 0.04942 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00450 0.53527 133.470 0.59335 0.87985
ridA, tdcF, RIDA; 2-iminobutanoate/2-iminopropanoate deaminase [EC:] 0.05041 0.00220 0.05051 0.00078 0.00347 65 0.05034 0.00076 0.00287 93 0.00450 0.03832 136.778 0.96949 0.99292
K06890; uncharacterized protein 0.05039 0.00251 0.05171 0.00120 0.00429 65 0.04947 0.00086 0.00304 93 0.00526 0.42472 122.726 0.67179 0.91184
cidA; holin-like protein 0.05033 0.00197 0.05238 0.00060 0.00305 65 0.04889 0.00062 0.00259 93 0.00400 0.87253 139.236 0.38442 0.80197
comM; magnesium chelatase family protein 0.05032 0.00202 0.05295 0.00082 0.00354 65 0.04848 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00427 1.04878 117.986 0.29642 0.77376
miaB; tRNA-2-methylthio-N6-dimethylallyladenosine synthase [EC:] 0.05029 0.00164 0.04986 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.05059 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00338 -0.21510 132.782 0.83002 0.95506
maa; maltose O-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.05029 0.00307 0.05181 0.00203 0.00559 65 0.04923 0.00113 0.00348 93 0.00658 0.39221 111.589 0.69565 0.91769
polC; DNA polymerase III subunit alpha, Gram-positive type [EC:] 0.05029 0.00251 0.05561 0.00117 0.00424 65 0.04656 0.00086 0.00304 93 0.00522 1.73419 123.855 0.08537 0.76567
tatA; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatA 0.05003 0.00153 0.04686 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.05225 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00318 -1.69561 124.651 0.09246 0.76567
glgA; starch synthase [EC:] 0.05000 0.00186 0.05097 0.00055 0.00292 65 0.04932 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00380 0.43535 137.349 0.66399 0.91038
gcpE, ispG; (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.04995 0.00148 0.04963 0.00037 0.00238 65 0.05018 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00304 -0.18172 133.905 0.85608 0.95933
pepN; aminopeptidase N [EC:] 0.04994 0.00204 0.04983 0.00077 0.00344 65 0.05002 0.00059 0.00251 93 0.00426 -0.04302 125.633 0.96575 0.99101
OTC, argF, argI; ornithine carbamoyltransferase [EC:] 0.04981 0.00152 0.05232 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.04805 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00311 1.37217 132.477 0.17233 0.77376
K07497; putative transposase 0.04979 0.00321 0.05125 0.00171 0.00512 65 0.04876 0.00158 0.00412 93 0.00658 0.37926 134.521 0.70510 0.92004
phoU; phosphate transport system protein 0.04972 0.00168 0.04744 0.00049 0.00274 65 0.05132 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00346 -1.12101 130.105 0.26435 0.77376
PTS-Scr-EIIC, scrA, sacP, sacX, ptsS; PTS system, sucrose-specific IIC component 0.04963 0.00269 0.05376 0.00131 0.00448 65 0.04674 0.00102 0.00332 93 0.00558 1.26026 126.829 0.20989 0.77376
K09762; uncharacterized protein 0.04958 0.00211 0.05324 0.00073 0.00336 65 0.04703 0.00067 0.00269 93 0.00430 1.44251 133.806 0.15150 0.77376
lexA; repressor LexA [EC:] 0.04954 0.00145 0.05200 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.04781 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00297 1.41237 133.916 0.16016 0.77376
rfbD, rmlD; dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase [EC:] 0.04946 0.00150 0.05187 0.00036 0.00237 65 0.04777 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00305 1.34456 135.218 0.18102 0.77376
E2.7.7.24, rfbA, rffH; glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.04938 0.00150 0.05023 0.00038 0.00242 65 0.04879 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00309 0.46827 132.557 0.64036 0.89936
ACO, acnA; aconitate hydratase [EC:] 0.04935 0.00191 0.04536 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.05214 0.00054 0.00242 93 0.00390 -1.73706 132.685 0.08470 0.76567
pat; phosphinothricin acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.04932 0.00129 0.04827 0.00033 0.00227 65 0.05006 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00273 -0.65691 117.566 0.51252 0.85122
yfiH; polyphenol oxidase [EC:1.10.3.-] 0.04924 0.00144 0.04959 0.00038 0.00242 65 0.04900 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00301 0.19850 126.008 0.84297 0.95519
dxr; 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase [EC:] 0.04915 0.00149 0.04897 0.00036 0.00234 65 0.04927 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00303 -0.09916 136.871 0.92116 0.97905
ylxR; uncharacterized protein 0.04912 0.00205 0.05163 0.00072 0.00332 65 0.04737 0.00063 0.00260 93 0.00422 1.01126 131.892 0.31375 0.77376
metB; cystathionine gamma-synthase [EC:] 0.04904 0.00183 0.05135 0.00067 0.00320 65 0.04742 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00386 1.01608 118.738 0.31166 0.77376
spxA; regulatory protein spx 0.04904 0.00330 0.04868 0.00159 0.00494 65 0.04929 0.00183 0.00444 93 0.00664 -0.09134 143.742 0.92735 0.98137
lrp; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, leucine-responsive regulatory protein 0.04885 0.00318 0.04562 0.00146 0.00474 65 0.05111 0.00170 0.00427 93 0.00638 -0.86164 144.055 0.39032 0.80384
tdk, TK; thymidine kinase [EC:] 0.04878 0.00183 0.04796 0.00055 0.00291 65 0.04936 0.00052 0.00236 93 0.00374 -0.37478 135.031 0.70841 0.92004
umuC; DNA polymerase V 0.04876 0.00201 0.04861 0.00069 0.00325 65 0.04886 0.00061 0.00255 93 0.00414 -0.06110 132.157 0.95137 0.98792
tpx; thiol peroxidase, atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin [EC:] 0.04873 0.00195 0.04959 0.00063 0.00310 65 0.04813 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00400 0.36720 135.100 0.71405 0.92004
rpiA; ribose 5-phosphate isomerase A [EC:] 0.04852 0.00212 0.04907 0.00081 0.00352 65 0.04813 0.00065 0.00264 93 0.00440 0.21320 127.929 0.83151 0.95506
pnuC; nicotinamide mononucleotide transporter 0.04844 0.00186 0.04817 0.00067 0.00321 65 0.04862 0.00047 0.00224 93 0.00392 -0.11557 121.623 0.90819 0.97664
pyrDI; dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (NAD+) catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.04840 0.00228 0.05049 0.00080 0.00351 65 0.04693 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00461 0.77206 139.557 0.44138 0.83186
ccdA; cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein 0.04828 0.00292 0.04754 0.00128 0.00444 65 0.04879 0.00141 0.00390 93 0.00591 -0.21070 142.010 0.83342 0.95506
moxR; MoxR-like ATPase [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.04815 0.00276 0.04424 0.00138 0.00462 65 0.05089 0.00107 0.00340 93 0.00573 -1.16046 126.307 0.24805 0.77376
ABC.SN.A; NitT/TauT family transport system ATP-binding protein 0.04811 0.00295 0.04130 0.00105 0.00402 65 0.05287 0.00156 0.00409 93 0.00574 -2.01721 151.947 0.04543 0.65981
zntA; Cd2+/Zn2+-exporting ATPase [EC:] 0.04811 0.00217 0.05116 0.00094 0.00380 65 0.04598 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00458 1.12943 118.357 0.26100 0.77376
TC.CPA1; monovalent cation:H+ antiporter, CPA1 family 0.04804 0.00226 0.04889 0.00115 0.00420 65 0.04745 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00489 0.29391 108.005 0.76939 0.93993
ribD; diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase / 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase [EC:] 0.04803 0.00141 0.04787 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.04815 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00289 -0.09676 135.819 0.92306 0.97947
mraZ; MraZ protein 0.04801 0.00145 0.04839 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.04775 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00298 0.21381 135.181 0.83102 0.95506
sufD; Fe-S cluster assembly protein SufD 0.04800 0.00190 0.04595 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.04944 0.00054 0.00240 93 0.00392 -0.89040 131.231 0.37488 0.79810
K06960; uncharacterized protein 0.04791 0.00206 0.05120 0.00066 0.00317 65 0.04560 0.00068 0.00270 93 0.00417 1.34325 139.492 0.18137 0.77376
jag; spoIIIJ-associated protein 0.04785 0.00206 0.05124 0.00065 0.00316 65 0.04548 0.00068 0.00271 93 0.00416 1.38416 140.004 0.16851 0.77376
thiN, TPK1, THI80; thiamine pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.04783 0.00218 0.04924 0.00079 0.00348 65 0.04684 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00447 0.53656 134.541 0.59246 0.87921
ndk, NME; nucleoside-diphosphate kinase [EC:] 0.04772 0.00116 0.04796 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.04756 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00248 0.16228 114.769 0.87137 0.96576
yjbB; phosphate:Na+ symporter 0.04771 0.00188 0.04673 0.00054 0.00288 65 0.04839 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00381 -0.43628 141.020 0.66330 0.91006
aroQ, qutE; 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase II [EC:] 0.04769 0.00163 0.04817 0.00045 0.00264 65 0.04735 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00336 0.24608 132.190 0.80600 0.94958
srtA; sortase A [EC:] 0.04764 0.00261 0.04798 0.00125 0.00438 65 0.04740 0.00096 0.00322 93 0.00544 0.10720 126.146 0.91480 0.97664
bdhAB; butanol dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.04756 0.00286 0.04706 0.00111 0.00414 65 0.04791 0.00143 0.00392 93 0.00570 -0.14809 147.620 0.88248 0.96962
fabK; enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase II [EC:] 0.04753 0.00232 0.05120 0.00099 0.00391 65 0.04496 0.00075 0.00283 93 0.00483 1.29126 124.828 0.19900 0.77376
rluA; tRNA pseudouridine32 synthase / 23S rRNA pseudouridine746 synthase [EC:] 0.04750 0.00215 0.04579 0.00070 0.00329 65 0.04869 0.00075 0.00285 93 0.00435 -0.66705 140.742 0.50583 0.84956
argG, ASS1; argininosuccinate synthase [EC:] 0.04750 0.00122 0.04742 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.04756 0.00022 0.00152 93 0.00255 -0.05545 127.523 0.95587 0.98792
rho; transcription termination factor Rho 0.04744 0.00140 0.04800 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.04705 0.00028 0.00172 93 0.00292 0.32562 125.985 0.74525 0.93189
folB; 7,8-dihydroneopterin aldolase/epimerase/oxygenase [EC:] 0.04741 0.00138 0.04626 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.04821 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00287 -0.68172 126.490 0.49666 0.84797
K07126; uncharacterized protein 0.04730 0.00380 0.04539 0.00105 0.00402 65 0.04864 0.00316 0.00583 93 0.00708 -0.45977 151.203 0.64634 0.90314
acm; lysozyme 0.04727 0.00323 0.04428 0.00131 0.00448 65 0.04936 0.00190 0.00452 93 0.00636 -0.79810 151.384 0.42606 0.82652
pyrDII; dihydroorotate dehydrogenase electron transfer subunit 0.04723 0.00231 0.04844 0.00085 0.00362 65 0.04638 0.00084 0.00301 93 0.00471 0.43698 137.541 0.66281 0.91006
rnz; ribonuclease Z [EC:] 0.04723 0.00187 0.04683 0.00059 0.00302 65 0.04751 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00385 -0.17663 132.957 0.86007 0.96137
ytmI; uncharacterized N-acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.04708 0.00650 0.06207 0.01278 0.01402 65 0.03660 0.00225 0.00491 93 0.01486 1.71411 79.847 0.09039 0.76567
BCP, PRXQ, DOT5; peroxiredoxin Q/BCP [EC:] 0.04693 0.00151 0.04351 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.04932 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00307 -1.89249 134.569 0.06057 0.73001
K07098; uncharacterized protein 0.04689 0.00240 0.04391 0.00081 0.00352 65 0.04897 0.00097 0.00324 93 0.00479 -1.05650 145.507 0.29249 0.77376
TC.FEV.OM3, tbpA, hemR, lbpA, hpuB, bhuR, hugA, hmbR; hemoglobin/transferrin/lactoferrin receptor protein 0.04677 0.00427 0.04820 0.00344 0.00728 65 0.04577 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.00895 0.27107 123.734 0.78679 0.94461
dapD; 2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase [EC:] 0.04669 0.00167 0.04595 0.00044 0.00262 65 0.04721 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00340 -0.37117 137.132 0.71108 0.92004
mrdA; penicillin-binding protein 2 [EC:] 0.04658 0.00203 0.04832 0.00059 0.00302 65 0.04536 0.00070 0.00274 93 0.00408 0.72663 144.452 0.46863 0.83837
panE, apbA; 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase [EC:] 0.04654 0.00206 0.04776 0.00085 0.00361 65 0.04568 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00436 0.47623 118.413 0.63479 0.89696
tatC; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC 0.04647 0.00138 0.04332 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.04866 0.00027 0.00172 93 0.00283 -1.88333 129.665 0.06190 0.73001
bglX; beta-glucosidase [EC:] 0.04641 0.00327 0.04118 0.00103 0.00398 65 0.05006 0.00214 0.00479 93 0.00623 -1.42580 155.997 0.15592 0.77376
galT, GALT; UDPglucose–hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase [EC:] 0.04631 0.00196 0.05102 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.04302 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00398 2.00890 133.291 0.04657 0.66255
ecfA1; energy-coupling factor transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.04626 0.00222 0.04966 0.00078 0.00346 65 0.04389 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00451 1.28088 137.815 0.20239 0.77376
yraN; putative endonuclease 0.04624 0.00162 0.04795 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.04503 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00331 0.88096 135.483 0.37990 0.79852
potD; spermidine/putrescine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.04622 0.00211 0.04932 0.00079 0.00348 65 0.04405 0.00064 0.00263 93 0.00436 1.20691 128.873 0.22968 0.77376
bcr, tcaB; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.04621 0.00220 0.04393 0.00072 0.00334 65 0.04780 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00443 -0.87237 141.727 0.38448 0.80197
padR; PadR family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein PadR 0.04616 0.00266 0.04371 0.00083 0.00356 65 0.04787 0.00132 0.00377 93 0.00519 -0.80060 153.586 0.42460 0.82505
rbgA; ribosome biogenesis GTPase A 0.04603 0.00199 0.04968 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.04348 0.00060 0.00254 93 0.00406 1.52755 134.042 0.12898 0.77376
PDHB, pdhB; pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component beta subunit [EC:] 0.04603 0.00206 0.04411 0.00059 0.00301 65 0.04737 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00412 -0.79121 146.380 0.43010 0.82749
hutH, HAL; histidine ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.04603 0.00219 0.04551 0.00086 0.00364 65 0.04639 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00455 -0.19324 127.835 0.84708 0.95682
E3.6.3.8; Ca2+-transporting ATPase [EC:] 0.04603 0.00257 0.04705 0.00113 0.00418 65 0.04531 0.00099 0.00326 93 0.00530 0.32845 131.588 0.74309 0.93090
PDHA, pdhA; pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component alpha subunit [EC:] 0.04602 0.00207 0.04400 0.00059 0.00302 65 0.04743 0.00074 0.00281 93 0.00413 -0.83312 146.548 0.40614 0.81189
ribE, RIB5; riboflavin synthase [EC:] 0.04571 0.00147 0.04593 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.04555 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00302 0.12683 133.745 0.89927 0.97435
lolC_E; lipoprotein-releasing system permease protein 0.04569 0.00231 0.04588 0.00082 0.00354 65 0.04556 0.00087 0.00307 93 0.00469 0.06823 140.768 0.94570 0.98674
wecB; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase (non-hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.04554 0.00168 0.04477 0.00053 0.00285 65 0.04608 0.00039 0.00205 93 0.00351 -0.37363 124.457 0.70932 0.92004
bioB; biotin synthase [EC:] 0.04545 0.00185 0.04684 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.04449 0.00050 0.00231 93 0.00385 0.61165 128.353 0.54185 0.86207
dapF; diaminopimelate epimerase [EC:] 0.04544 0.00130 0.04587 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.04514 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00269 0.27159 131.765 0.78636 0.94458
mlaE, linK; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system permease protein 0.04535 0.00256 0.04063 0.00056 0.00293 65 0.04865 0.00135 0.00381 93 0.00480 -1.66978 155.086 0.09698 0.76673
oppD; oligopeptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.04532 0.00218 0.04556 0.00072 0.00332 65 0.04515 0.00079 0.00291 93 0.00441 0.09359 141.805 0.92557 0.98041
ubiE; demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase / 2-methoxy-6-polyprenyl-1,4-benzoquinol methylase [EC:] 0.04532 0.00146 0.04471 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.04574 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00297 -0.34488 137.286 0.73071 0.92479
fklB; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FklB [EC:] 0.04528 0.00321 0.04353 0.00120 0.00429 65 0.04651 0.00194 0.00457 93 0.00627 -0.47466 153.849 0.63570 0.89696
phnA; protein PhnA 0.04528 0.00181 0.04525 0.00054 0.00288 65 0.04530 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00371 -0.01341 135.086 0.98932 0.99801
K09790; uncharacterized protein 0.04526 0.00160 0.04704 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.04402 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00323 0.93526 140.409 0.35126 0.79120
rmuC; DNA recombination protein RmuC 0.04516 0.00145 0.04378 0.00038 0.00241 65 0.04613 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00301 -0.77697 127.645 0.43861 0.83152
hemE, UROD; uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase [EC:] 0.04512 0.00166 0.04196 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.04734 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00332 -1.61775 141.941 0.10794 0.77376
hisH; glutamine amidotransferase [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.04503 0.00135 0.04291 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.04651 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00284 -1.26489 118.437 0.20839 0.77376
TC.HAE1; hydrophobic/amphiphilic exporter-1 (mainly G- bacteria), HAE1 family 0.04501 0.00221 0.04013 0.00066 0.00318 65 0.04843 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00437 -1.90030 147.097 0.05935 0.72498
afuB, fbpB; iron(III) transport system permease protein 0.04498 0.00235 0.04725 0.00105 0.00402 65 0.04339 0.00075 0.00283 93 0.00492 0.78526 122.335 0.43382 0.82874
fnr; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, anaerobic regulatory protein 0.04497 0.00248 0.04674 0.00113 0.00417 65 0.04373 0.00087 0.00306 93 0.00518 0.58068 126.061 0.56250 0.86813
yesN; two-component system, response regulator YesN 0.04491 0.00328 0.04834 0.00235 0.00602 65 0.04252 0.00124 0.00366 93 0.00704 0.82739 109.622 0.40981 0.81416
ypsC; putative N6-adenine-specific DNA methylase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.04490 0.00195 0.04424 0.00065 0.00316 65 0.04536 0.00058 0.00249 93 0.00402 -0.28027 132.668 0.77971 0.94269
K07112; uncharacterized protein 0.04487 0.00262 0.04297 0.00109 0.00409 65 0.04619 0.00109 0.00343 93 0.00533 -0.60396 138.157 0.54686 0.86503
potC; spermidine/putrescine transport system permease protein 0.04486 0.00220 0.04813 0.00101 0.00394 65 0.04257 0.00059 0.00253 93 0.00468 1.18902 114.161 0.23690 0.77376
psd, PISD; phosphatidylserine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.04478 0.00137 0.04459 0.00033 0.00227 65 0.04491 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00284 -0.11486 128.509 0.90874 0.97664
mlaD, linM; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system substrate-binding protein 0.04476 0.00261 0.04055 0.00058 0.00299 65 0.04770 0.00141 0.00389 93 0.00490 -1.45891 155.026 0.14661 0.77376
xerC; integrase/recombinase XerC 0.04475 0.00152 0.04261 0.00036 0.00234 65 0.04625 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00308 -1.18106 139.656 0.23959 0.77376
K00666; fatty-acyl-CoA synthase [EC:6.2.1.-] 0.04460 0.00417 0.03465 0.00175 0.00519 65 0.05156 0.00335 0.00601 93 0.00794 -2.12987 155.812 0.03475 0.62130
tlyC; putative hemolysin 0.04456 0.00177 0.04783 0.00047 0.00269 65 0.04227 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00355 1.56476 140.599 0.11989 0.77376
fruR2, fruR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, fructose operon transcriptional repressor 0.04454 0.00216 0.04595 0.00070 0.00328 65 0.04356 0.00077 0.00288 93 0.00436 0.54810 142.015 0.58448 0.87720
hemL; glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase [EC:] 0.04452 0.00162 0.04570 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.04369 0.00047 0.00225 93 0.00322 0.62512 149.661 0.53285 0.86207
K07139; uncharacterized protein 0.04437 0.00219 0.04555 0.00081 0.00353 65 0.04355 0.00072 0.00279 93 0.00450 0.44647 132.622 0.65599 0.90679
agrA, blpR, fsrA; two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator AgrA 0.04434 0.00422 0.04117 0.00181 0.00528 65 0.04656 0.00352 0.00615 93 0.00811 -0.66552 155.875 0.50670 0.84956
pqqL; zinc protease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.04426 0.00295 0.04150 0.00113 0.00417 65 0.04619 0.00155 0.00409 93 0.00584 -0.80254 149.878 0.42351 0.82432
K07030; uncharacterized protein 0.04420 0.00204 0.04712 0.00069 0.00327 65 0.04216 0.00063 0.00260 93 0.00418 1.18723 133.476 0.23724 0.77376
feoB; ferrous iron transport protein B 0.04413 0.00236 0.04422 0.00069 0.00327 65 0.04407 0.00102 0.00331 93 0.00465 0.03173 151.588 0.97473 0.99546
ABC.GLN1.P; putative glutamine transport system permease protein 0.04413 0.00353 0.04526 0.00199 0.00554 65 0.04333 0.00197 0.00460 93 0.00720 0.26824 137.300 0.78892 0.94606
thiI; tRNA uracil 4-sulfurtransferase [EC:] 0.04409 0.00177 0.04569 0.00050 0.00276 65 0.04297 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00360 0.75787 137.534 0.44983 0.83438
ppaC; manganese-dependent inorganic pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.04408 0.00204 0.04765 0.00070 0.00329 65 0.04158 0.00062 0.00258 93 0.00418 1.45087 132.184 0.14919 0.77376
trpC; indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.04400 0.00136 0.04098 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.04611 0.00027 0.00172 93 0.00278 -1.84411 132.195 0.06741 0.73334
ruvC; crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease RuvC [EC:] 0.04393 0.00158 0.04488 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.04326 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00323 0.49950 134.159 0.61824 0.88903
ndh; NADH dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.04382 0.00158 0.04156 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.04539 0.00040 0.00209 93 0.00318 -1.20651 141.310 0.22964 0.77376
ABC.SN.P; NitT/TauT family transport system permease protein 0.04371 0.00297 0.03857 0.00135 0.00456 65 0.04731 0.00140 0.00388 93 0.00599 -1.46015 139.236 0.14650 0.77376
K09787; uncharacterized protein 0.04367 0.00206 0.04746 0.00072 0.00333 65 0.04102 0.00063 0.00260 93 0.00422 1.52522 131.625 0.12960 0.77376
CHO1, pssA; CDP-diacylglycerol—serine O-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] 0.04366 0.00151 0.04237 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.04456 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00311 -0.70360 130.897 0.48293 0.84354
pepQ; Xaa-Pro dipeptidase [EC:] 0.04356 0.00188 0.04357 0.00058 0.00298 65 0.04355 0.00056 0.00245 93 0.00385 0.00586 136.310 0.99533 0.99944
vanY; zinc D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase [EC:] 0.04356 0.00270 0.04245 0.00105 0.00401 65 0.04433 0.00123 0.00364 93 0.00542 -0.34613 144.605 0.72975 0.92426
E2.2.1.2, talA, talB; transaldolase [EC:] 0.04351 0.00134 0.04150 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.04492 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00275 -1.24236 133.477 0.21628 0.77376
nrdI; protein involved in ribonucleotide reduction 0.04322 0.00257 0.04399 0.00116 0.00423 65 0.04267 0.00097 0.00322 93 0.00532 0.24789 129.489 0.80461 0.94931
hisA; phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide isomerase [EC:] 0.04319 0.00119 0.04167 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.04426 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00246 -1.05137 130.978 0.29503 0.77376
potB; spermidine/putrescine transport system permease protein 0.04313 0.00197 0.04587 0.00071 0.00331 65 0.04121 0.00055 0.00242 93 0.00410 1.13711 125.963 0.25765 0.77376
TC.POT; proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter, POT family 0.04308 0.00221 0.04123 0.00091 0.00373 65 0.04438 0.00068 0.00271 93 0.00461 -0.68330 124.927 0.49568 0.84797
cutC; copper homeostasis protein 0.04293 0.00182 0.04418 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.04206 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00368 0.57794 142.775 0.56422 0.86944
trmK; tRNA (adenine22-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.04293 0.00181 0.04422 0.00058 0.00300 65 0.04202 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00376 0.58335 128.964 0.56068 0.86813
afuC, fbpC; iron(III) transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.04290 0.00205 0.04435 0.00083 0.00358 65 0.04189 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00433 0.56895 119.461 0.57046 0.87143
queC; 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine synthase [EC:] 0.04289 0.00134 0.04021 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.04477 0.00026 0.00169 93 0.00274 -1.66983 132.159 0.09732 0.76673
potA; spermidine/putrescine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.04288 0.00196 0.04506 0.00070 0.00328 65 0.04137 0.00054 0.00242 93 0.00407 0.90566 126.570 0.36683 0.79587
cas2; CRISPR-associated protein Cas2 0.04279 0.00214 0.04701 0.00083 0.00357 65 0.03983 0.00064 0.00263 93 0.00443 1.61939 126.383 0.10786 0.77376
sigH; RNA polymerase sporulation-specific sigma factor 0.04278 0.00348 0.04264 0.00167 0.00507 65 0.04288 0.00211 0.00476 93 0.00696 -0.03370 147.041 0.97316 0.99509
queF; 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine reductase [EC:] 0.04271 0.00133 0.03969 0.00029 0.00213 65 0.04482 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00271 -1.89508 132.394 0.06026 0.73001
K11145; ribonuclease III family protein [EC:3.1.26.-] 0.04271 0.00203 0.04585 0.00069 0.00325 65 0.04051 0.00062 0.00257 93 0.00415 1.28981 133.016 0.19936 0.77376
argC; N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase [EC:] 0.04257 0.00129 0.04081 0.00032 0.00220 65 0.04381 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00269 -1.11505 122.187 0.26702 0.77376
ftsI; cell division protein FtsI (penicillin-binding protein 3) [EC:] 0.04256 0.00164 0.04317 0.00044 0.00259 65 0.04214 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00335 0.30778 136.388 0.75872 0.93719
hisF; cyclase [EC:4.1.3.-] 0.04243 0.00135 0.04011 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.04405 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00284 -1.38888 117.895 0.16749 0.77376
serC, PSAT1; phosphoserine aminotransferase [EC:] 0.04237 0.00126 0.04037 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.04376 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00261 -1.29712 126.485 0.19695 0.77376
metH, MTR; 5-methyltetrahydrofolate–homocysteine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.04232 0.00188 0.04144 0.00054 0.00289 65 0.04293 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00381 -0.39038 140.114 0.69685 0.91823
metA; homoserine O-succinyltransferase/O-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.04229 0.00214 0.04233 0.00081 0.00352 65 0.04226 0.00068 0.00270 93 0.00444 0.01540 130.113 0.98773 0.99801
addA; ATP-dependent helicase/nuclease subunit A [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.04220 0.00196 0.04196 0.00067 0.00321 65 0.04236 0.00056 0.00246 93 0.00405 -0.09910 130.003 0.92121 0.97905
hprK, ptsK; HPr kinase/phosphorylase [EC:2.7.11.- 2.7.4.-] 0.04215 0.00181 0.04422 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.04070 0.00050 0.00231 93 0.00371 0.94874 133.585 0.34447 0.78711
fdoG, fdhF, fdwA; formate dehydrogenase major subunit [EC:] 0.04213 0.00250 0.04319 0.00106 0.00404 65 0.04139 0.00094 0.00319 93 0.00515 0.34818 132.596 0.72826 0.92350
serB, PSPH; phosphoserine phosphatase [EC:] 0.04210 0.00159 0.03984 0.00045 0.00264 65 0.04368 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00329 -1.16695 127.695 0.24540 0.77376
K09155; uncharacterized protein 0.04209 0.00237 0.04626 0.00099 0.00391 65 0.03917 0.00081 0.00295 93 0.00490 1.44933 128.591 0.14968 0.77376
lpxA; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acyltransferase [EC:] 0.04203 0.00210 0.04232 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.04183 0.00075 0.00284 93 0.00422 0.11591 144.799 0.90789 0.97664
pepD; dipeptidase D [EC:3.4.13.-] 0.04199 0.00350 0.04800 0.00246 0.00616 65 0.03780 0.00154 0.00407 93 0.00738 1.38324 116.567 0.16924 0.77376
ACSS, acs; acetyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] 0.04195 0.00271 0.03502 0.00100 0.00392 65 0.04678 0.00123 0.00363 93 0.00534 -2.20154 146.128 0.02927 0.61334
fhaB; filamentous hemagglutinin 0.04181 0.00620 0.05479 0.00898 0.01176 65 0.03273 0.00391 0.00648 93 0.01342 1.64331 102.272 0.10339 0.77376
oppC; oligopeptide transport system permease protein 0.04180 0.00206 0.04114 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.04227 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00417 -0.27144 140.203 0.78645 0.94458
E4.1.1.49, pckA; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP) [EC:] 0.04176 0.00162 0.04326 0.00049 0.00273 65 0.04071 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00338 0.75368 125.300 0.45246 0.83438
ALDH; aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.04175 0.00310 0.03274 0.00107 0.00406 65 0.04805 0.00175 0.00434 93 0.00594 -2.57581 154.032 0.01094 0.58284
deoD; purine-nucleoside phosphorylase [EC:] 0.04156 0.00196 0.04363 0.00056 0.00295 65 0.04011 0.00064 0.00262 93 0.00394 0.89305 143.027 0.37333 0.79810
ispF; 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.04152 0.00141 0.04240 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.04091 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00288 0.51603 136.616 0.60666 0.88555
oppB; oligopeptide transport system permease protein 0.04150 0.00205 0.04096 0.00065 0.00316 65 0.04188 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00417 -0.21966 140.217 0.82646 0.95506
por, nifJ; pyruvate-ferredoxin/flavodoxin oxidoreductase [EC: 1.2.7.-] 0.04145 0.00507 0.05369 0.00676 0.01020 65 0.03289 0.00203 0.00467 93 0.01122 1.85388 90.913 0.06700 0.73334
mgtC; putative Mg2+ transporter-C (MgtC) family protein 0.04144 0.00211 0.04319 0.00079 0.00349 65 0.04022 0.00064 0.00263 93 0.00437 0.68057 128.497 0.49737 0.84814
moeA; molybdopterin molybdotransferase [EC:] 0.04138 0.00180 0.04007 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.04230 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00368 -0.60482 136.601 0.54630 0.86444
acyP; acylphosphatase [EC:] 0.04137 0.00181 0.04293 0.00057 0.00297 65 0.04028 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00374 0.70974 129.933 0.47914 0.84314
dinJ; DNA-damage-inducible protein J 0.04136 0.00380 0.04908 0.00398 0.00783 65 0.03596 0.00104 0.00335 93 0.00851 1.54146 87.546 0.12681 0.77376
lplA, lplJ; lipoate—protein ligase [EC:] 0.04131 0.00252 0.04129 0.00135 0.00455 65 0.04133 0.00077 0.00289 93 0.00539 -0.00613 113.079 0.99512 0.99944
MFS.CP; MFS transporter, CP family, cyanate transporter 0.04118 0.00206 0.03960 0.00058 0.00299 65 0.04228 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00410 -0.65279 147.154 0.51491 0.85216
hisG; ATP phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.04112 0.00118 0.03899 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.04262 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00249 -1.45730 117.330 0.14770 0.77376
argB; acetylglutamate kinase [EC:] 0.04086 0.00112 0.03908 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.04210 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00237 -1.27189 115.717 0.20596 0.77376
katE, CAT, catB, srpA; catalase [EC:] 0.04079 0.00308 0.03637 0.00135 0.00456 65 0.04388 0.00159 0.00414 93 0.00616 -1.22052 144.637 0.22425 0.77376
msrA; peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase [EC:] 0.04078 0.00224 0.03843 0.00079 0.00348 65 0.04243 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00455 -0.88027 138.245 0.38024 0.79852
PPIA; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (cyclophilin A) [EC:] 0.04077 0.00164 0.04126 0.00048 0.00270 65 0.04042 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00340 0.24529 129.787 0.80662 0.94982
mlaF, linL, mkl; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system ATP-binding protein 0.04076 0.00181 0.03915 0.00054 0.00287 65 0.04189 0.00050 0.00233 93 0.00370 -0.74388 135.121 0.45824 0.83438
amt, AMT, MEP; ammonium transporter, Amt family 0.04076 0.00212 0.03794 0.00063 0.00311 65 0.04272 0.00076 0.00286 93 0.00423 -1.13046 145.485 0.26014 0.77376
pepF, pepB; oligoendopeptidase F [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.04075 0.00184 0.04045 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.04097 0.00056 0.00245 93 0.00371 -0.14074 142.578 0.88827 0.97039
TC.SULP; sulfate permease, SulP family 0.04070 0.00220 0.03912 0.00080 0.00351 65 0.04181 0.00075 0.00284 93 0.00452 -0.59532 134.860 0.55263 0.86788
hisD; histidinol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.04069 0.00126 0.03837 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.04232 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00263 -1.50537 123.793 0.13478 0.77376
CS, gltA; citrate synthase [EC:] 0.04068 0.00166 0.03509 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.04459 0.00043 0.00216 93 0.00326 -2.91629 142.524 0.00412 0.52172
BLMH, pepC; bleomycin hydrolase [EC:] 0.04065 0.00229 0.04056 0.00079 0.00350 65 0.04072 0.00087 0.00305 93 0.00464 -0.03448 141.472 0.97254 0.99471
hemC, HMBS; hydroxymethylbilane synthase [EC:] 0.04065 0.00134 0.04224 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.03953 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00271 0.99957 139.825 0.31924 0.77376
hemB, ALAD; porphobilinogen synthase [EC:] 0.04063 0.00135 0.04207 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.03961 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00273 0.89892 140.395 0.37023 0.79587
perR; Fur family transcriptional regulator, peroxide stress response regulator 0.04062 0.00199 0.04427 0.00070 0.00329 65 0.03807 0.00056 0.00246 93 0.00410 1.51225 127.935 0.13294 0.77376
ppc; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase [EC:] 0.04061 0.00140 0.04098 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.04036 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00287 0.21578 134.006 0.82949 0.95506
pulA; pullulanase [EC:] 0.04061 0.00273 0.03809 0.00108 0.00408 65 0.04237 0.00125 0.00367 93 0.00549 -0.78125 143.850 0.43594 0.83006
lctP; lactate permease 0.04061 0.00244 0.04082 0.00111 0.00413 65 0.04046 0.00084 0.00300 93 0.00510 0.07132 125.093 0.94326 0.98634
rnmV; ribonuclease M5 [EC:] 0.04052 0.00197 0.04356 0.00067 0.00321 65 0.03839 0.00057 0.00249 93 0.00406 1.27389 131.121 0.20495 0.77376
yhgE; putative membrane protein 0.04045 0.00223 0.03896 0.00075 0.00341 65 0.04150 0.00082 0.00297 93 0.00452 -0.56143 141.399 0.57540 0.87389
K07043; uncharacterized protein 0.04035 0.00167 0.04063 0.00047 0.00270 65 0.04015 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00344 0.14076 132.485 0.88828 0.97039
cas1; CRISP-associated protein Cas1 0.04032 0.00192 0.04292 0.00062 0.00308 65 0.03850 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00393 1.12486 133.108 0.26267 0.77376
K09157; uncharacterized protein 0.04019 0.00201 0.04277 0.00068 0.00323 65 0.03839 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00412 1.06488 133.057 0.28886 0.77376
E3.5.1.4, amiE; amidase [EC:] 0.04011 0.00318 0.03590 0.00105 0.00402 65 0.04305 0.00197 0.00460 93 0.00611 -1.17051 155.675 0.24359 0.77376
E4.2.1.2B, fumC, FH; fumarate hydratase, class II [EC:] 0.04002 0.00203 0.03957 0.00061 0.00305 65 0.04033 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00409 -0.18673 143.087 0.85214 0.95838
K06940; uncharacterized protein 0.03999 0.00238 0.03884 0.00092 0.00376 65 0.04080 0.00088 0.00308 93 0.00486 -0.40343 136.178 0.68726 0.91567
queD, ptpS, PTS; 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin/6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase [EC:] 0.03999 0.00129 0.03728 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.04188 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00264 -1.74740 132.433 0.08289 0.76567
dacA; diadenylate cyclase [EC:] 0.03996 0.00201 0.04112 0.00071 0.00330 65 0.03915 0.00060 0.00254 93 0.00416 0.47405 130.413 0.63626 0.89696
pheA2; prephenate dehydratase [EC:] 0.03992 0.00196 0.03828 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.04106 0.00059 0.00253 93 0.00401 -0.69141 135.029 0.49049 0.84797
agrC, blpH, fsrC; two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase AgrC [EC:] 0.03979 0.00409 0.03716 0.00168 0.00508 65 0.04163 0.00332 0.00598 93 0.00785 -0.56903 155.943 0.57015 0.87135
sdhA, frdA; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, flavoprotein subunit [EC:] 0.03977 0.00142 0.03689 0.00029 0.00213 65 0.04178 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00284 -1.72316 142.499 0.08703 0.76567
sppA; protease IV [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.03975 0.00199 0.04145 0.00090 0.00373 65 0.03856 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00432 0.66955 106.333 0.50459 0.84956
IDH1, IDH2, icd; isocitrate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.03952 0.00175 0.03622 0.00051 0.00279 65 0.04182 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00357 -1.57037 133.312 0.11870 0.77376
lpxD; UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase [EC:] 0.03941 0.00202 0.04251 0.00084 0.00359 65 0.03724 0.00050 0.00233 93 0.00428 1.23260 114.879 0.22024 0.77376
gcvH, GCSH; glycine cleavage system H protein 0.03941 0.00151 0.03853 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.04001 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00320 -0.46254 116.305 0.64456 0.90243
GSR, gor; glutathione reductase (NADPH) [EC:] 0.03939 0.00183 0.04197 0.00069 0.00325 65 0.03758 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00387 1.13343 114.902 0.25939 0.77376
mmsB, HIBADH; 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.03936 0.00246 0.03531 0.00083 0.00358 65 0.04218 0.00103 0.00333 93 0.00488 -1.40696 146.431 0.16156 0.77376
trmFO, gid; methylenetetrahydrofolate–tRNA-(uracil-5-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.03935 0.00183 0.04029 0.00053 0.00287 65 0.03868 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00373 0.43154 137.696 0.66675 0.91126
punA, PNP; purine-nucleoside phosphorylase [EC:] 0.03927 0.00199 0.03777 0.00060 0.00303 65 0.04033 0.00065 0.00264 93 0.00402 -0.63581 141.377 0.52593 0.85821
praC, xylH; 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase [EC:] 0.03927 0.00183 0.03866 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.03970 0.00054 0.00240 93 0.00372 -0.28139 139.060 0.77883 0.94269
addB; ATP-dependent helicase/nuclease subunit B [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.03922 0.00185 0.03997 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.03869 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00386 0.33257 127.109 0.74001 0.92969
msbA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial MsbA [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.03918 0.00157 0.03944 0.00040 0.00250 65 0.03900 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00322 0.13575 135.861 0.89222 0.97147
rex; redox-sensing transcriptional repressor 0.03918 0.00194 0.03956 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.03891 0.00057 0.00249 93 0.00399 0.16299 133.585 0.87077 0.96546
CARP, pepA; leucyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.03907 0.00178 0.03717 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.04040 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00362 -0.89276 137.637 0.37354 0.79810
K06915; uncharacterized protein 0.03905 0.00216 0.04200 0.00126 0.00441 65 0.03699 0.00037 0.00201 93 0.00484 1.03614 90.576 0.30290 0.77376
kch, trkA, mthK, pch; voltage-gated potassium channel 0.03905 0.00158 0.03716 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.04037 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00327 -0.98119 128.890 0.32834 0.77376
ysxB; uncharacterized protein 0.03903 0.00190 0.04251 0.00060 0.00304 65 0.03660 0.00054 0.00242 93 0.00389 1.52320 133.371 0.13008 0.77376
rsmD; 16S rRNA (guanine966-N2)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.03892 0.00137 0.03823 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.03941 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00277 -0.42683 140.490 0.67015 0.91184
E5.2.1.8; peptidylprolyl isomerase [EC:] 0.03876 0.00242 0.03969 0.00099 0.00390 65 0.03811 0.00090 0.00310 93 0.00498 0.31906 133.489 0.75018 0.93449
panC; pantoate–beta-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.03866 0.00136 0.03594 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.04057 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00274 -1.69076 138.572 0.09313 0.76567
rbsK, RBKS; ribokinase [EC:] 0.03866 0.00214 0.03942 0.00095 0.00383 65 0.03813 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00456 0.28231 114.534 0.77822 0.94269
RP-L25, rplY; large subunit ribosomal protein L25 0.03865 0.00143 0.03676 0.00037 0.00237 65 0.03998 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00296 -1.08599 127.506 0.27953 0.77376
glpA, glpD; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.03850 0.00155 0.03782 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.03897 0.00037 0.00201 93 0.00316 -0.36467 136.194 0.71593 0.92004
hemA; glutamyl-tRNA reductase [EC:] 0.03842 0.00135 0.04126 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.03643 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00271 1.78341 140.392 0.07668 0.75063
asnB, ASNS; asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.03836 0.00280 0.03471 0.00138 0.00461 65 0.04092 0.00114 0.00350 93 0.00579 -1.07137 129.123 0.28600 0.77376
phoR; two-component system, OmpR family, phosphate regulon sensor histidine kinase PhoR [EC:] 0.03833 0.00160 0.03412 0.00027 0.00206 65 0.04127 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00306 -2.33536 154.994 0.02081 0.59147
K08987; putative membrane protein 0.03833 0.00178 0.03964 0.00057 0.00295 65 0.03742 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00369 0.60085 128.364 0.54900 0.86621
rpiB; ribose 5-phosphate isomerase B [EC:] 0.03823 0.00213 0.03920 0.00085 0.00361 65 0.03756 0.00064 0.00262 93 0.00446 0.36714 125.184 0.71413 0.92004
moaA, CNX2; GTP 3’,8-cyclase [EC:] 0.03822 0.00139 0.03815 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.03826 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00290 -0.03689 127.932 0.97063 0.99349
modA; molybdate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.03819 0.00161 0.03591 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.03979 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00319 -1.21753 148.433 0.22534 0.77376
hepST; heptaprenyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.03784 0.00245 0.04412 0.00138 0.00460 65 0.03345 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00527 2.02561 102.984 0.04539 0.65981
scrR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, sucrose operon repressor 0.03784 0.00252 0.03929 0.00130 0.00446 65 0.03683 0.00081 0.00295 93 0.00535 0.46020 116.669 0.64623 0.90314
UGDH, ugd; UDPglucose 6-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.03773 0.00180 0.03429 0.00042 0.00254 65 0.04013 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00354 -1.65039 149.407 0.10096 0.77376
sdhB, frdB; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.03763 0.00139 0.03485 0.00027 0.00206 65 0.03957 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00277 -1.70417 144.022 0.09051 0.76567
DPM1; dolichol-phosphate mannosyltransferase [EC:] 0.03763 0.00160 0.03771 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.03757 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00327 0.04365 137.841 0.96525 0.99101
K06885; uncharacterized protein 0.03760 0.00200 0.03856 0.00067 0.00321 65 0.03693 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00411 0.39791 133.797 0.69133 0.91676
deoB; phosphopentomutase [EC:] 0.03759 0.00193 0.03781 0.00060 0.00303 65 0.03743 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00394 0.09517 137.297 0.92432 0.97984
rarD; chloramphenicol-sensitive protein RarD 0.03758 0.00170 0.03710 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.03792 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00353 -0.23420 126.899 0.81521 0.95409
troR; DtxR family transcriptional regulator, Mn-dependent transcriptional regulator 0.03738 0.00219 0.03890 0.00079 0.00348 65 0.03633 0.00074 0.00282 93 0.00448 0.57303 135.014 0.56758 0.87063
SAM50, TOB55, bamA; outer membrane protein insertion porin family 0.03732 0.00160 0.03821 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.03671 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00329 0.45700 135.463 0.64841 0.90350
HEXA_B; hexosaminidase [EC:] 0.03729 0.00233 0.03505 0.00060 0.00304 65 0.03885 0.00105 0.00335 93 0.00452 -0.83792 154.953 0.40337 0.81012
K07146; UPF0176 protein 0.03728 0.00177 0.03586 0.00052 0.00283 65 0.03827 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00363 -0.66399 134.493 0.50784 0.84956
ampS, pepS, ampT; aminopeptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] 0.03716 0.00197 0.03595 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.03801 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00402 -0.51149 137.006 0.60983 0.88693
thiM; hydroxyethylthiazole kinase [EC:] 0.03713 0.00190 0.03577 0.00051 0.00281 65 0.03809 0.00061 0.00257 93 0.00381 -0.60908 145.057 0.54342 0.86313
E2.7.6.5X; putative GTP pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.03710 0.00213 0.03685 0.00077 0.00345 65 0.03728 0.00068 0.00271 93 0.00439 -0.09670 132.344 0.92311 0.97947
gltS; glutamate:Na+ symporter, ESS family 0.03701 0.00299 0.04484 0.00212 0.00571 65 0.03154 0.00086 0.00305 93 0.00647 2.05426 100.039 0.04256 0.65361
alaA; alanine-synthesizing transaminase [EC:] 0.03697 0.00155 0.03660 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.03723 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00317 -0.20005 137.841 0.84174 0.95506
lptB; lipopolysaccharide export system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.03697 0.00158 0.03807 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.03621 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00323 0.57503 134.503 0.56623 0.87051
hutU, UROC1; urocanate hydratase [EC:] 0.03682 0.00162 0.03788 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.03608 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00355 0.50731 101.744 0.61304 0.88788
E2.4.2.21, cobU, cobT; nicotinate-nucleotide–dimethylbenzimidazole phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.03677 0.00204 0.03843 0.00078 0.00346 65 0.03560 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00426 0.66455 123.826 0.50757 0.84956
bmpA, bmpB, tmpC; basic membrane protein A and related proteins 0.03674 0.00179 0.03581 0.00045 0.00264 65 0.03738 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00359 -0.43841 145.849 0.66174 0.90968
nanE; N-acylglucosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase [EC:] 0.03672 0.00184 0.03986 0.00051 0.00281 65 0.03452 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00371 1.43835 140.576 0.15256 0.77376
dgt; dGTPase [EC:] 0.03666 0.00156 0.03620 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.03699 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00320 -0.24688 132.418 0.80538 0.94958
cfa; cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase [EC:] 0.03665 0.00241 0.03561 0.00094 0.00379 65 0.03738 0.00091 0.00313 93 0.00492 -0.35942 136.795 0.71983 0.92108
gshA; glutamate–cysteine ligase [EC:] 0.03663 0.00207 0.03956 0.00095 0.00382 65 0.03459 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00445 1.11794 108.283 0.26607 0.77376
xdhC; xanthine dehydrogenase accessory factor 0.03659 0.00225 0.03660 0.00101 0.00394 65 0.03658 0.00067 0.00267 93 0.00476 0.00312 118.977 0.99752 0.99955
menA; 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate octaprenyltransferase [EC: 2.5.1.-] 0.03657 0.00187 0.03831 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.03536 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00389 0.76083 125.581 0.44818 0.83372
adhE; acetaldehyde dehydrogenase / alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.03651 0.00198 0.03885 0.00064 0.00315 65 0.03488 0.00060 0.00255 93 0.00405 0.98112 134.983 0.32829 0.77376
ABC-2.TX; HlyD family secretion protein 0.03649 0.00210 0.03334 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.03870 0.00081 0.00295 93 0.00410 -1.30964 152.949 0.19228 0.77376
mrp, NUBPL; ATP-binding protein involved in chromosome partitioning 0.03637 0.00135 0.03342 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.03843 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00269 -1.86220 142.594 0.06463 0.73334
TC.PIT; inorganic phosphate transporter, PiT family 0.03626 0.00172 0.03419 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.03771 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00352 -0.99958 133.956 0.31932 0.77376
lptG; lipopolysaccharide export system permease protein 0.03624 0.00156 0.03718 0.00041 0.00253 65 0.03559 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00321 0.49177 132.554 0.62369 0.89159
K07166; ACT domain-containing protein 0.03623 0.00194 0.03810 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.03493 0.00056 0.00246 93 0.00401 0.78972 131.208 0.43112 0.82763
gspE; general secretion pathway protein E 0.03622 0.00253 0.03756 0.00098 0.00389 65 0.03527 0.00105 0.00335 93 0.00513 0.44563 140.524 0.65655 0.90679
sdhC, frdC; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, cytochrome b subunit 0.03615 0.00135 0.03363 0.00025 0.00197 65 0.03791 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00268 -1.59406 146.278 0.11308 0.77376
TC.FEV.OM1, fhuE, fpvA, fptA; outer-membrane receptor for ferric coprogen and ferric-rhodotorulic acid 0.03614 0.00443 0.03460 0.00291 0.00669 65 0.03721 0.00327 0.00593 93 0.00893 -0.29212 142.777 0.77062 0.94017
hutI, AMDHD1; imidazolonepropionase [EC:] 0.03604 0.00161 0.03707 0.00063 0.00311 65 0.03532 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00353 0.49457 100.823 0.62198 0.89150
ppsR; [pyruvate, water dikinase]-phosphate phosphotransferase / [pyruvate, water dikinase] kinase [EC:] 0.03597 0.00116 0.03480 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.03680 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00243 -0.82601 122.514 0.41040 0.81416
K06975; uncharacterized protein 0.03596 0.00144 0.03794 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.03458 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00294 1.14224 135.547 0.25537 0.77376
kdsA; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase (KDO 8-P synthase) [EC:] 0.03578 0.00159 0.03739 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.03465 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00325 0.84366 135.916 0.40034 0.80762
kdsB; 3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase (CMP-KDO synthetase) [EC:] 0.03577 0.00159 0.03717 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.03479 0.00040 0.00206 93 0.00325 0.73093 136.160 0.46608 0.83830
kdsD, kpsF; arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.03568 0.00158 0.03732 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.03453 0.00039 0.00205 93 0.00322 0.86708 136.346 0.38742 0.80262
acrB, mexB, adeJ, smeE, mtrD, cmeB; multidrug efflux pump 0.03563 0.00320 0.03404 0.00172 0.00514 65 0.03673 0.00157 0.00411 93 0.00658 -0.40938 133.844 0.68291 0.91495
pdp; pyrimidine-nucleoside phosphorylase [EC:] 0.03556 0.00191 0.03627 0.00061 0.00305 65 0.03507 0.00056 0.00246 93 0.00392 0.30595 134.583 0.76012 0.93791
lpxB; lipid-A-disaccharide synthase [EC:] 0.03553 0.00158 0.03705 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.03447 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00323 0.79936 135.675 0.42548 0.82605
ppk; polyphosphate kinase [EC:] 0.03549 0.00135 0.03490 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.03590 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00272 -0.36662 142.213 0.71445 0.92004
thiL; thiamine-monophosphate kinase [EC:] 0.03547 0.00141 0.03484 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.03591 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00291 -0.36709 130.419 0.71414 0.92004
msrB; peptide-methionine (R)-S-oxide reductase [EC:] 0.03543 0.00182 0.03540 0.00064 0.00313 65 0.03546 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00382 -0.01491 121.915 0.98813 0.99801
TC.FEV.OM2, cirA, cfrA, hmuR; outer membrane receptor for ferrienterochelin and colicins 0.03542 0.00290 0.03275 0.00117 0.00425 65 0.03729 0.00144 0.00393 93 0.00579 -0.78304 146.051 0.43487 0.82874
TC.GNTP; gluconate:H+ symporter, GntP family 0.03535 0.00223 0.04097 0.00091 0.00374 65 0.03141 0.00067 0.00268 93 0.00460 2.07721 123.848 0.03985 0.63577
sstT; serine/threonine transporter 0.03533 0.00159 0.03615 0.00042 0.00254 65 0.03475 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00326 0.42759 134.289 0.66963 0.91175
rng, cafA; ribonuclease G [EC:3.1.26.-] 0.03527 0.00153 0.03695 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.03410 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00311 0.91513 137.772 0.36172 0.79496
mgtE; magnesium transporter 0.03525 0.00182 0.03821 0.00060 0.00304 65 0.03319 0.00046 0.00223 93 0.00377 1.33377 126.078 0.18468 0.77376
ggt; gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase / glutathione hydrolase [EC:] 0.03514 0.00277 0.03385 0.00125 0.00438 65 0.03604 0.00120 0.00359 93 0.00567 -0.38730 136.226 0.69914 0.91867
coaX; type III pantothenate kinase [EC:] 0.03512 0.00142 0.03532 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.03498 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00294 0.11796 130.168 0.90628 0.97664
gltX; nondiscriminating glutamyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.03494 0.00202 0.03533 0.00068 0.00324 65 0.03466 0.00062 0.00259 93 0.00414 0.15949 133.821 0.87352 0.96576
K06871; uncharacterized protein 0.03491 0.00265 0.03454 0.00124 0.00437 65 0.03517 0.00103 0.00332 93 0.00549 -0.11448 129.225 0.90904 0.97664
sbcC, rad50; DNA repair protein SbcC/Rad50 0.03491 0.00147 0.03922 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.03190 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00298 2.45775 130.279 0.01529 0.59095
wecA, tagO, rfe; UDP-GlcNAc:undecaprenyl-phosphate/decaprenyl-phosphate GlcNAc-1-phosphate transferase [EC:] 0.03483 0.00163 0.03581 0.00047 0.00268 65 0.03414 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00337 0.49611 129.640 0.62066 0.89082
gabD; succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase / glutarate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.03482 0.00234 0.03325 0.00084 0.00359 65 0.03591 0.00090 0.00311 93 0.00475 -0.56193 140.950 0.57506 0.87389
patA; aminotransferase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.03477 0.00288 0.03741 0.00197 0.00551 65 0.03292 0.00086 0.00304 93 0.00629 0.71443 102.278 0.47659 0.84209
motB; chemotaxis protein MotB 0.03473 0.00200 0.03425 0.00077 0.00344 65 0.03506 0.00054 0.00241 93 0.00420 -0.19279 121.724 0.84745 0.95682
K07105; uncharacterized protein 0.03472 0.00190 0.03588 0.00058 0.00297 65 0.03391 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00387 0.51013 137.465 0.61078 0.88722
idi, IDI; isopentenyl-diphosphate Delta-isomerase [EC:] 0.03457 0.00184 0.03513 0.00056 0.00294 65 0.03418 0.00052 0.00237 93 0.00377 0.25047 134.412 0.80261 0.94869
nhaC; Na+:H+ antiporter, NhaC family 0.03455 0.00400 0.04658 0.00438 0.00821 65 0.02615 0.00109 0.00342 93 0.00889 2.29904 86.332 0.02392 0.59764
purR; purine operon repressor 0.03452 0.00201 0.03519 0.00069 0.00325 65 0.03406 0.00061 0.00255 93 0.00413 0.27369 132.447 0.78475 0.94445
divIVA; cell division initiation protein 0.03451 0.00189 0.03568 0.00065 0.00316 65 0.03369 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00394 0.50732 127.426 0.61281 0.88788
ACADM, acd; acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.03441 0.00412 0.02441 0.00136 0.00458 65 0.04140 0.00352 0.00615 93 0.00767 -2.21527 154.144 0.02821 0.61334
ctsR; transcriptional regulator of stress and heat shock response 0.03440 0.00190 0.03542 0.00059 0.00302 65 0.03369 0.00056 0.00245 93 0.00389 0.44576 135.408 0.65648 0.90679
licD; lipopolysaccharide cholinephosphotransferase [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.03437 0.00223 0.03539 0.00078 0.00347 65 0.03366 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00454 0.38277 138.301 0.70248 0.92004
ME2, sfcA, maeA; malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) [EC:] 0.03433 0.00205 0.03817 0.00101 0.00395 65 0.03165 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00447 1.45671 100.095 0.14833 0.77376
coaA; type I pantothenate kinase [EC:] 0.03424 0.00192 0.03612 0.00064 0.00313 65 0.03292 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00396 0.81013 131.144 0.41933 0.81991
TC.ZIP, zupT, ZRT3, ZIP2; zinc transporter, ZIP family 0.03417 0.00139 0.03257 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.03528 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00281 -0.96421 138.882 0.33662 0.78282
PTS-Bgl-EIIC, bglF, bglP; PTS system, beta-glucoside-specific IIC component 0.03416 0.00297 0.04048 0.00192 0.00543 65 0.02974 0.00099 0.00326 93 0.00634 1.69375 108.630 0.09318 0.76567
K07009; uncharacterized protein 0.03415 0.00208 0.03481 0.00075 0.00340 65 0.03369 0.00064 0.00263 93 0.00430 0.26128 131.019 0.79428 0.94783
kdsC; 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate phosphatase (KDO 8-P phosphatase) [EC:] 0.03415 0.00162 0.03632 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.03263 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00330 1.11819 136.723 0.26545 0.77376
ctpE; cation-transporting P-type ATPase E [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.03415 0.00217 0.03498 0.00077 0.00345 65 0.03357 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00444 0.31709 135.255 0.75166 0.93532
modB; molybdate transport system permease protein 0.03412 0.00132 0.03342 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.03461 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00271 -0.43949 136.099 0.66100 0.90968
malZ; alpha-glucosidase [EC:] 0.03412 0.00214 0.03364 0.00073 0.00335 65 0.03445 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00436 -0.18434 138.055 0.85402 0.95848
secD; preprotein translocase subunit SecD 0.03403 0.00132 0.03687 0.00032 0.00224 65 0.03204 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00274 1.76210 122.725 0.08054 0.75920
secF; preprotein translocase subunit SecF 0.03399 0.00131 0.03685 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.03199 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00273 1.77897 122.600 0.07772 0.75469
lpxK; tetraacyldisaccharide 4’-kinase [EC:] 0.03389 0.00152 0.03489 0.00039 0.00245 65 0.03318 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00312 0.54797 133.070 0.58463 0.87720
bioD; dethiobiotin synthetase [EC:] 0.03386 0.00160 0.03515 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.03296 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00330 0.66286 130.923 0.50859 0.84956
fpr; ferredoxin/flavodoxin—NADP+ reductase [EC:] 0.03385 0.00189 0.03342 0.00053 0.00286 65 0.03415 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00381 -0.19317 142.379 0.84710 0.95682
murJ, mviN; putative peptidoglycan lipid II flippase 0.03379 0.00182 0.03664 0.00073 0.00335 65 0.03180 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00391 1.23674 109.079 0.21884 0.77376
queH; epoxyqueuosine reductase [EC:] 0.03376 0.00168 0.03620 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.03206 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00343 1.20889 134.781 0.22882 0.77376
pps, ppsA; pyruvate, water dikinase [EC:] 0.03371 0.00144 0.03416 0.00039 0.00245 65 0.03340 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00302 0.25119 124.694 0.80208 0.94855
rimO; ribosomal protein S12 methylthiotransferase [EC:] 0.03367 0.00148 0.03322 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.03398 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00300 -0.25196 141.490 0.80144 0.94855
gcvA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, glycine cleavage system transcriptional activator 0.03362 0.00316 0.03178 0.00153 0.00486 65 0.03490 0.00162 0.00418 93 0.00641 -0.48702 140.242 0.62700 0.89265
pilD, pppA; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] 0.03362 0.00141 0.03689 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.03133 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00293 1.89626 122.354 0.06028 0.73001
yqeH; 30S ribosome assembly GTPase 0.03361 0.00196 0.03581 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.03208 0.00059 0.00251 93 0.00402 0.92881 133.915 0.35466 0.79359
K06878; tRNA-binding protein 0.03361 0.00191 0.03313 0.00056 0.00294 65 0.03394 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00387 -0.21157 140.198 0.83275 0.95506
rlmA1; 23S rRNA (guanine745-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.03357 0.00162 0.03427 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.03308 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00331 0.35928 134.958 0.71994 0.92108
ncd2, npd; nitronate monooxygenase [EC:] 0.03354 0.00262 0.02925 0.00077 0.00343 65 0.03654 0.00130 0.00373 93 0.00507 -1.43658 154.547 0.15286 0.77376
feoA; ferrous iron transport protein A 0.03350 0.00222 0.03545 0.00075 0.00340 65 0.03214 0.00080 0.00293 93 0.00449 0.73732 140.530 0.46216 0.83654
FUCA; alpha-L-fucosidase [EC:] 0.03346 0.00242 0.02967 0.00056 0.00294 65 0.03612 0.00117 0.00354 93 0.00460 -1.40217 155.994 0.16285 0.77376
TC.BASS; bile acid:Na+ symporter, BASS family 0.03345 0.00148 0.03127 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.03497 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00294 -1.25968 146.182 0.20979 0.77376
divIC, divA; cell division protein DivIC 0.03327 0.00195 0.03440 0.00066 0.00318 65 0.03248 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00403 0.47540 131.314 0.63529 0.89696
lipA; lipoyl synthase [EC:] 0.03322 0.00137 0.03078 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.03493 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00282 -1.47280 131.485 0.14319 0.77376
K00375; GntR family transcriptional regulator / MocR family aminotransferase 0.03322 0.00209 0.03224 0.00066 0.00319 65 0.03390 0.00071 0.00277 93 0.00423 -0.39268 140.830 0.69515 0.91738
adhP; alcohol dehydrogenase, propanol-preferring [EC:] 0.03318 0.00174 0.03281 0.00052 0.00282 65 0.03343 0.00046 0.00221 93 0.00358 -0.17185 132.187 0.86382 0.96263
sbcD, mre11; DNA repair protein SbcD/Mre11 0.03317 0.00131 0.03508 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.03184 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00275 1.17471 121.349 0.24241 0.77376
hisB; imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase [EC:] 0.03308 0.00119 0.03083 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.03466 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00247 -1.55427 124.055 0.12267 0.77376
ampG; MFS transporter, PAT family, beta-lactamase induction signal transducer AmpG 0.03305 0.00200 0.03079 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.03463 0.00075 0.00284 93 0.00390 -0.98439 153.811 0.32647 0.77376
ganP; arabinogalactan oligomer / maltooligosaccharide transport system permease protein 0.03304 0.00216 0.03176 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.03393 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00428 -0.50670 149.455 0.61311 0.88788
rpoN; RNA polymerase sigma-54 factor 0.03302 0.00155 0.03132 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.03422 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00319 -0.90965 132.480 0.36466 0.79587
QARS, glnS; glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.03302 0.00146 0.03339 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.03276 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00293 0.21612 143.432 0.82920 0.95506
K07137; uncharacterized protein 0.03297 0.00235 0.03574 0.00101 0.00393 65 0.03104 0.00078 0.00290 93 0.00488 0.96244 126.306 0.33767 0.78354
K07015; uncharacterized protein 0.03296 0.00194 0.03303 0.00065 0.00316 65 0.03291 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00401 0.03032 131.657 0.97586 0.99571
MMAB, pduO; cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase [EC:] 0.03292 0.00147 0.03372 0.00038 0.00240 65 0.03236 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00304 0.44566 131.202 0.65657 0.90679
thiC; phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase [EC:] 0.03285 0.00135 0.03353 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.03238 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00276 0.41461 137.872 0.67907 0.91311
hemD, UROS; uroporphyrinogen-III synthase [EC:] 0.03275 0.00140 0.02906 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.03533 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00276 -2.27588 147.104 0.02430 0.59764
qor, CRYZ; NADPH2:quinone reductase [EC:] 0.03275 0.00280 0.02723 0.00091 0.00375 65 0.03661 0.00144 0.00394 93 0.00544 -1.72629 153.281 0.08631 0.76567
moaC, CNX3; cyclic pyranopterin monophosphate synthase [EC:] 0.03274 0.00123 0.03296 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.03259 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00250 0.15070 138.827 0.88043 0.96815
HSP90A, htpG; molecular chaperone HtpG 0.03271 0.00173 0.03315 0.00052 0.00282 65 0.03240 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00357 0.21199 131.030 0.83244 0.95506
cpdB; 2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide 2’-phosphodiesterase / 3’-nucleotidase [EC:] 0.03268 0.00189 0.03082 0.00052 0.00283 65 0.03397 0.00060 0.00253 93 0.00380 -0.83117 143.587 0.40726 0.81200
K07089; uncharacterized protein 0.03265 0.00178 0.03228 0.00051 0.00280 65 0.03290 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00363 -0.17064 137.145 0.86476 0.96263
tsaB; tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine biosynthesis protein TsaB 0.03264 0.00137 0.03155 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.03340 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00281 -0.65777 132.234 0.51183 0.85122
recU; recombination protein U 0.03262 0.00197 0.03293 0.00065 0.00315 65 0.03239 0.00060 0.00254 93 0.00405 0.13237 134.579 0.89489 0.97195
PTS-Cel-EIIB, celA, chbB; PTS system, cellobiose-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.03261 0.00290 0.03786 0.00240 0.00608 65 0.02894 0.00056 0.00246 93 0.00656 1.36030 85.050 0.17733 0.77376
rpoE; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit delta 0.03256 0.00193 0.03351 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.03190 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00396 0.40766 134.303 0.68417 0.91533
ldhA; D-lactate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.03254 0.00298 0.03928 0.00213 0.00572 65 0.02783 0.00085 0.00303 93 0.00647 1.76812 99.385 0.08011 0.75920
sucC; succinyl-CoA synthetase beta subunit [EC:] 0.03252 0.00131 0.03053 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.03391 0.00026 0.00169 93 0.00268 -1.26000 135.217 0.20984 0.77376
mdh; malate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.03249 0.00148 0.02979 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.03438 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00293 -1.56621 148.393 0.11943 0.77376
surE; 5’-nucleotidase [EC:] 0.03247 0.00139 0.03145 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.03319 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00282 -0.61932 138.886 0.53672 0.86207
proX; glycine betaine/proline transport system substrate-binding protein 0.03246 0.00442 0.03417 0.00309 0.00689 65 0.03127 0.00312 0.00580 93 0.00901 0.32278 138.357 0.74735 0.93207
prsA; foldase protein PrsA [EC:] 0.03244 0.00197 0.03180 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.03288 0.00062 0.00258 93 0.00402 -0.26770 138.015 0.78933 0.94606
gcvT, AMT; aminomethyltransferase [EC:] 0.03229 0.00170 0.02909 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.03454 0.00047 0.00224 93 0.00342 -1.59470 141.258 0.11301 0.77376
E4.1.3.3, nanA, NPL; N-acetylneuraminate lyase [EC:] 0.03225 0.00183 0.03396 0.00056 0.00295 65 0.03105 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00375 0.77373 132.652 0.44047 0.83186
kdtA, waaA; 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic-acid transferase [EC:] 0.03222 0.00142 0.03161 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.03265 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00285 -0.36630 143.812 0.71468 0.92004
thiG; thiazole synthase [EC:] 0.03219 0.00124 0.03282 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.03174 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00258 0.41928 124.371 0.67573 0.91266
ppa; inorganic pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.03213 0.00161 0.03344 0.00048 0.00270 65 0.03121 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00336 0.66239 126.306 0.50893 0.84956
E3.1.3.5; 5’-nucleotidase [EC:] 0.03204 0.00138 0.02896 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.03419 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00277 -1.88420 138.642 0.06163 0.73001
mtaD; 5-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine deaminase [EC:] 0.03191 0.00145 0.03143 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.03225 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00293 -0.28000 142.068 0.77989 0.94269
paaI; acyl-CoA thioesterase [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.03188 0.00152 0.03222 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.03163 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00315 0.18839 131.813 0.85086 0.95754
K17318, lplA; putative aldouronate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.03181 0.00244 0.03383 0.00112 0.00415 65 0.03039 0.00082 0.00297 93 0.00510 0.67511 123.617 0.50087 0.84900
sucD; succinyl-CoA synthetase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.03174 0.00128 0.02980 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.03310 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00261 -1.26414 135.376 0.20835 0.77376
mgtA, mgtB; Mg2+-importing ATPase [EC:] 0.03172 0.00167 0.03141 0.00043 0.00256 65 0.03194 0.00045 0.00221 93 0.00338 -0.15724 140.442 0.87528 0.96693
zapA; cell division protein ZapA 0.03160 0.00132 0.03072 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.03222 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00273 -0.54673 129.657 0.58550 0.87720
copB; Cu2+-exporting ATPase [EC:] 0.03155 0.00145 0.03156 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.03155 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00290 0.00459 145.078 0.99634 0.99944
cbf, cbf1; 3’-5’ exoribonuclease [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.03152 0.00186 0.03156 0.00054 0.00288 65 0.03149 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00378 0.01859 139.117 0.98519 0.99718
thiS; sulfur carrier protein 0.03152 0.00126 0.03199 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.03119 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00259 0.31159 134.101 0.75583 0.93669
ABC.SP.S; putative spermidine/putrescine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.03146 0.00409 0.02913 0.00211 0.00570 65 0.03308 0.00303 0.00571 93 0.00806 -0.48943 151.103 0.62525 0.89228
panB; 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase [EC:] 0.03143 0.00127 0.02782 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.03395 0.00026 0.00169 93 0.00250 -2.44997 145.017 0.01548 0.59095
lplC; putative aldouronate transport system permease protein 0.03142 0.00231 0.03254 0.00092 0.00377 65 0.03063 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00477 0.39985 131.137 0.68991 0.91567
desK; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase DesK [EC:] 0.03140 0.00194 0.02909 0.00052 0.00283 65 0.03302 0.00064 0.00263 93 0.00386 -1.01963 146.383 0.30959 0.77376
surA; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase SurA [EC:] 0.03138 0.00164 0.02915 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.03294 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00322 -1.17876 151.029 0.24035 0.77376
K09125; uncharacterized protein 0.03136 0.00158 0.03192 0.00047 0.00268 65 0.03097 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00331 0.28594 124.896 0.77539 0.94269
pgl; 6-phosphogluconolactonase [EC:] 0.03136 0.00205 0.03290 0.00080 0.00352 65 0.03028 0.00058 0.00249 93 0.00431 0.60752 122.695 0.54463 0.86388
comFC; competence protein ComFC 0.03124 0.00185 0.03379 0.00058 0.00300 65 0.02945 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00381 1.13806 132.081 0.25716 0.77376
endA; DNA-entry nuclease 0.03119 0.00250 0.03326 0.00106 0.00403 65 0.02974 0.00095 0.00319 93 0.00514 0.68437 133.003 0.49493 0.84797
K01436; amidohydrolase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.03118 0.00179 0.03224 0.00077 0.00345 65 0.03044 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00392 0.45865 100.494 0.64748 0.90344
E1.7.1.7, guaC; GMP reductase [EC:] 0.03117 0.00184 0.03153 0.00060 0.00303 65 0.03092 0.00050 0.00231 93 0.00381 0.16063 129.378 0.87263 0.96576
K07177; Lon-like protease 0.03117 0.00190 0.03176 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.03075 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00393 0.25597 130.199 0.79837 0.94822
bioA; adenosylmethionine—8-amino-7-oxononanoate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.03113 0.00134 0.03131 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.03099 0.00027 0.00172 93 0.00277 0.11458 132.899 0.90895 0.97664
pphA; serine/threonine protein phosphatase 1 [EC:] 0.03105 0.00168 0.03192 0.00047 0.00269 65 0.03044 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00346 0.42985 134.643 0.66799 0.91150
E3.6.1.22, NUDT12, nudC; NAD+ diphosphatase [EC:] 0.03105 0.00135 0.03130 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.03088 0.00029 0.00175 93 0.00275 0.15287 137.209 0.87873 0.96759
gpmI; 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase [EC:] 0.03102 0.00149 0.02932 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.03221 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00302 -0.95780 140.484 0.33981 0.78466
lplB; putative aldouronate transport system permease protein 0.03101 0.00231 0.03217 0.00093 0.00378 65 0.03021 0.00079 0.00292 93 0.00477 0.41121 130.736 0.68159 0.91425
queG; epoxyqueuosine reductase [EC:] 0.03099 0.00116 0.02838 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.03282 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00236 -1.87733 134.279 0.06264 0.73012
E3.2.1.22B, galA, rafA; alpha-galactosidase [EC:] 0.03097 0.00223 0.03137 0.00093 0.00379 65 0.03068 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00466 0.14712 123.994 0.88328 0.96974
dadA; D-amino-acid dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.03093 0.00282 0.02658 0.00107 0.00406 65 0.03396 0.00137 0.00384 93 0.00559 -1.31894 147.544 0.18923 0.77376
cheY; two-component system, chemotaxis family, chemotaxis protein CheY 0.03090 0.00223 0.02765 0.00080 0.00350 65 0.03317 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00454 -1.21487 136.768 0.22651 0.77376
waaF, rfaF; heptosyltransferase II [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.03082 0.00204 0.03645 0.00088 0.00367 65 0.02689 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00431 2.21603 110.558 0.02874 0.61334
rbsC; ribose transport system permease protein 0.03057 0.00323 0.02940 0.00246 0.00615 65 0.03139 0.00110 0.00343 93 0.00704 -0.28227 103.167 0.77830 0.94269
E3.1.3.97; 3’,5’-nucleoside bisphosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.03048 0.00148 0.03192 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.02948 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00303 0.80462 134.995 0.42245 0.82321
K07027; glycosyltransferase 2 family protein 0.03046 0.00164 0.02969 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.03100 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00332 -0.39493 142.151 0.69349 0.91677
mecA1_2; adapter protein MecA 1/2 0.03043 0.00184 0.03061 0.00060 0.00304 65 0.03030 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00382 0.08070 129.439 0.93581 0.98459
lysE, argO; L-lysine exporter family protein LysE/ArgO 0.03042 0.00154 0.03197 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.02933 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00316 0.83426 134.134 0.40562 0.81189
ispB; octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.03041 0.00134 0.02894 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.03144 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00273 -0.91622 137.122 0.36116 0.79496
aspA; aspartate ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.03040 0.00157 0.02959 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.03097 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00311 -0.44520 149.803 0.65682 0.90689
vicR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VicR 0.03037 0.00194 0.03005 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.03058 0.00059 0.00251 93 0.00399 -0.13319 135.087 0.89424 0.97180
AMY, amyA, malS; alpha-amylase [EC:] 0.03036 0.00179 0.02913 0.00045 0.00264 65 0.03121 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00358 -0.58048 145.546 0.56249 0.86813
argJ; glutamate N-acetyltransferase / amino-acid N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.03035 0.00153 0.02815 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.03188 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00313 -1.19263 134.121 0.23512 0.77376
bfr; bacterioferritin [EC:] 0.03025 0.00274 0.02954 0.00132 0.00451 65 0.03074 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00567 -0.21194 129.688 0.83249 0.95506
TST, MPST, sseA; thiosulfate/3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase [EC:] 0.03019 0.00183 0.02672 0.00051 0.00279 65 0.03263 0.00054 0.00241 93 0.00369 -1.60349 140.749 0.11107 0.77376
asnA; aspartate–ammonia ligase [EC:] 0.03014 0.00180 0.03271 0.00058 0.00300 65 0.02834 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00373 1.16903 127.012 0.24458 0.77376
pip; proline iminopeptidase [EC:] 0.03009 0.00217 0.02988 0.00083 0.00357 65 0.03023 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00449 -0.07967 129.741 0.93662 0.98459
nfdA; N-substituted formamide deformylase [EC:] 0.03007 0.00204 0.03071 0.00074 0.00338 65 0.02963 0.00060 0.00255 93 0.00423 0.25492 128.428 0.79920 0.94840
potF; putrescine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.03005 0.00387 0.03330 0.00259 0.00631 65 0.02778 0.00221 0.00488 93 0.00798 0.69208 130.823 0.49011 0.84797
K13653; AraC family transcriptional regulator 0.03001 0.00160 0.03199 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.02863 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00330 1.02047 131.012 0.30939 0.77376
vicK; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VicK [EC:] 0.03001 0.00194 0.02991 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.03008 0.00058 0.00249 93 0.00397 -0.04101 134.799 0.96735 0.99206
TC.KEF; monovalent cation:H+ antiporter-2, CPA2 family 0.02995 0.00162 0.02704 0.00038 0.00242 65 0.03198 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00324 -1.52763 142.935 0.12881 0.77376
putP; sodium/proline symporter 0.02990 0.00126 0.03129 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.02894 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00259 0.90471 131.351 0.36728 0.79587
pntA; NAD(P) transhydrogenase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.02987 0.00208 0.02775 0.00071 0.00331 65 0.03136 0.00066 0.00267 93 0.00425 -0.84843 134.649 0.39771 0.80562
ABC-2.OM, wza; polysaccharide biosynthesis/export protein 0.02983 0.00162 0.02782 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.03123 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00316 -1.08158 153.809 0.28113 0.77376
dnaI; primosomal protein DnaI 0.02982 0.00194 0.02984 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.02982 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00398 0.00477 134.742 0.99620 0.99944
K09976; uncharacterized protein 0.02981 0.00194 0.02981 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.02980 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00398 0.00274 134.697 0.99782 0.99955
comFA; competence protein ComFA 0.02980 0.00194 0.02980 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.02980 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00398 0.00083 134.687 0.99934 0.99957
comGA; competence protein ComGA 0.02980 0.00194 0.02980 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.02980 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00398 0.00083 134.687 0.99934 0.99957
comGC; competence protein ComGC 0.02980 0.00194 0.02980 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.02980 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00398 0.00083 134.687 0.99934 0.99957
cshB; ATP-dependent RNA helicase CshB [EC:] 0.02980 0.00194 0.02980 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.02980 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00398 0.00083 134.687 0.99934 0.99957
gmhA, lpcA; D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.02975 0.00181 0.03499 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.02609 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00377 2.36308 116.452 0.01978 0.59095
rlpA; rare lipoprotein A 0.02973 0.00153 0.02823 0.00037 0.00237 65 0.03078 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00310 -0.82212 138.443 0.41242 0.81593
TC.OOP; OmpA-OmpF porin, OOP family 0.02973 0.00182 0.03304 0.00057 0.00295 65 0.02742 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00373 1.50533 131.060 0.13465 0.77376
lptF; lipopolysaccharide export system permease protein 0.02973 0.00145 0.02990 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.02961 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00300 0.09421 129.360 0.92509 0.98041
codY; transcriptional pleiotropic repressor 0.02969 0.00182 0.03016 0.00054 0.00287 65 0.02936 0.00052 0.00237 93 0.00373 0.21684 136.774 0.82866 0.95506
lolD; lipoprotein-releasing system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.02966 0.00145 0.02988 0.00036 0.00237 65 0.02951 0.00032 0.00184 93 0.00300 0.12299 131.433 0.90230 0.97641
dnaD; DNA replication protein 0.02962 0.00194 0.02964 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.02960 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00398 0.01060 134.715 0.99156 0.99884
comGB; competence protein ComGB 0.02958 0.00194 0.02963 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.02954 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00398 0.02077 134.796 0.98346 0.99706
fucP; MFS transporter, FHS family, L-fucose permease 0.02956 0.00176 0.02836 0.00044 0.00260 65 0.03041 0.00052 0.00237 93 0.00352 -0.58170 145.070 0.56167 0.86813
ppiD; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase D [EC:] 0.02955 0.00145 0.03001 0.00037 0.00238 65 0.02923 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00300 0.25970 130.174 0.79550 0.94791
dnaB; replication initiation and membrane attachment protein 0.02952 0.00194 0.02956 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.02949 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00397 0.01858 135.061 0.98520 0.99718
cobA, btuR; cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase [EC:] 0.02949 0.00176 0.03175 0.00063 0.00311 65 0.02792 0.00040 0.00206 93 0.00373 1.02697 116.967 0.30655 0.77376
emrA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.02948 0.00253 0.02852 0.00091 0.00375 65 0.03016 0.00109 0.00342 93 0.00507 -0.32396 145.003 0.74643 0.93202
K09117; uncharacterized protein 0.02945 0.00152 0.02894 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.02980 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00313 -0.27362 130.794 0.78481 0.94445
dltA; D-alanine–poly(phosphoribitol) ligase subunit 1 [EC:] 0.02942 0.00197 0.02983 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.02914 0.00060 0.00255 93 0.00404 0.17135 135.134 0.86420 0.96263
fliC; flagellin 0.02939 0.00251 0.02700 0.00122 0.00433 65 0.03106 0.00085 0.00302 93 0.00528 -0.76869 121.344 0.44357 0.83186
FTR, FTH1, efeU; high-affinity iron transporter 0.02939 0.00128 0.03137 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.02800 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00261 1.28966 135.659 0.19936 0.77376
AIBP, nnrE; NAD(P)H-hydrate epimerase [EC:] 0.02939 0.00152 0.02949 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.02931 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00305 0.05883 144.970 0.95317 0.98792
hslR; ribosome-associated heat shock protein Hsp15 0.02936 0.00125 0.02796 0.00025 0.00197 65 0.03033 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00255 -0.93061 137.164 0.35369 0.79236
nrdH; glutaredoxin-like protein NrdH 0.02932 0.00177 0.03051 0.00052 0.00283 65 0.02848 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00363 0.55946 134.359 0.57678 0.87389
cheW; purine-binding chemotaxis protein CheW 0.02921 0.00245 0.02655 0.00095 0.00383 65 0.03106 0.00095 0.00319 93 0.00498 -0.90449 137.663 0.36732 0.79587
K06867; uncharacterized protein 0.02920 0.00336 0.03346 0.00275 0.00651 65 0.02623 0.00110 0.00344 93 0.00736 0.98275 99.361 0.32812 0.77376
hslU; ATP-dependent HslUV protease ATP-binding subunit HslU 0.02917 0.00130 0.02952 0.00032 0.00220 65 0.02894 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00271 0.21427 124.371 0.83068 0.95506
penP; beta-lactamase class A [EC:] 0.02916 0.00212 0.02950 0.00074 0.00338 65 0.02892 0.00070 0.00274 93 0.00434 0.13247 135.129 0.89481 0.97195
hslV, clpQ; ATP-dependent HslUV protease, peptidase subunit HslV [EC:] 0.02913 0.00129 0.02943 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.02892 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00270 0.18875 124.995 0.85059 0.95754
K06929; uncharacterized protein 0.02909 0.00178 0.02850 0.00050 0.00277 65 0.02951 0.00051 0.00233 93 0.00362 -0.27898 138.625 0.78067 0.94288
capA, pgsA; gamma-polyglutamate biosynthesis protein CapA 0.02900 0.00168 0.02774 0.00046 0.00265 65 0.02988 0.00044 0.00219 93 0.00343 -0.62369 136.732 0.53387 0.86207
nadC, QPRT; nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase (carboxylating) [EC:] 0.02899 0.00135 0.02765 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.02992 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00275 -0.82395 136.537 0.41141 0.81492
dhaL; phosphoenolpyruvate—glycerone phosphotransferase subunit DhaL [EC:] 0.02899 0.00166 0.03139 0.00044 0.00259 65 0.02731 0.00043 0.00216 93 0.00337 1.21227 137.394 0.22749 0.77376
paaF, echA; enoyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 0.02892 0.00332 0.02267 0.00120 0.00429 65 0.03329 0.00210 0.00475 93 0.00640 -1.65855 155.029 0.09923 0.76942
fabB; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I [EC:] 0.02891 0.00189 0.02689 0.00057 0.00297 65 0.03032 0.00056 0.00246 93 0.00386 -0.88778 137.254 0.37621 0.79810
dltB; membrane protein involved in D-alanine export 0.02873 0.00196 0.02911 0.00064 0.00313 65 0.02847 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00402 0.16145 134.700 0.87198 0.96576
NRT, narK, nrtP, nasA; MFS transporter, NNP family, nitrate/nitrite transporter 0.02872 0.00175 0.02842 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.02892 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00357 -0.13986 136.883 0.88898 0.97039
metX; homoserine O-acetyltransferase/O-succinyltransferase [EC:] 0.02870 0.00179 0.02707 0.00051 0.00279 65 0.02984 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00364 -0.76050 138.241 0.44825 0.83372
cybB; cytochrome b561 0.02868 0.00291 0.02768 0.00132 0.00451 65 0.02937 0.00135 0.00382 93 0.00591 -0.28475 138.912 0.77626 0.94269
mtaB; threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase MtaB [EC:] 0.02865 0.00184 0.02802 0.00059 0.00301 65 0.02908 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00380 -0.27979 130.492 0.78008 0.94269
aroD; 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase I [EC:] 0.02855 0.00153 0.02760 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.02922 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00309 -0.52381 142.434 0.60123 0.88272
cheR; chemotaxis protein methyltransferase CheR [EC:] 0.02853 0.00252 0.02693 0.00103 0.00399 65 0.02965 0.00099 0.00326 93 0.00515 -0.52723 135.834 0.59889 0.88240
korB, oorB, oforB; 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit beta [EC:] 0.02850 0.00211 0.02488 0.00055 0.00292 65 0.03103 0.00080 0.00294 93 0.00414 -1.48558 151.347 0.13947 0.77376
ubiB, aarF; ubiquinone biosynthesis protein 0.02844 0.00160 0.02762 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.02901 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00327 -0.42503 136.708 0.67148 0.91184
pepDA, pepDB; dipeptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.02835 0.00437 0.03268 0.00448 0.00830 65 0.02532 0.00200 0.00464 93 0.00951 0.77296 103.241 0.44131 0.83186
korA, oorA, oforA; 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.02833 0.00212 0.02483 0.00055 0.00291 65 0.03078 0.00081 0.00295 93 0.00415 -1.43336 151.676 0.15381 0.77376
modC; molybdate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.02832 0.00130 0.02795 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.02858 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00265 -0.23597 136.872 0.81381 0.95371
rph; ribonuclease PH [EC:] 0.02825 0.00127 0.02750 0.00030 0.00213 65 0.02877 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00265 -0.47881 126.709 0.63290 0.89696
pbuX; xanthine permease 0.02820 0.00179 0.02898 0.00059 0.00300 65 0.02765 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00373 0.35674 126.649 0.72188 0.92156
betT, betS; choline/glycine/proline betaine transport protein 0.02814 0.00244 0.02892 0.00093 0.00379 65 0.02760 0.00095 0.00320 93 0.00496 0.26701 138.715 0.78986 0.94606
emrB; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.02813 0.00275 0.02617 0.00105 0.00402 65 0.02950 0.00131 0.00375 93 0.00550 -0.60502 146.658 0.54610 0.86444
cycB, ganO; arabinogalactan oligomer / maltooligosaccharide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.02813 0.00162 0.02867 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.02775 0.00043 0.00214 93 0.00329 0.27977 140.100 0.78007 0.94269
manC, cpsB; mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC:] 0.02808 0.00175 0.02480 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.03036 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00339 -1.63891 153.667 0.10328 0.77376
ubiA; 4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase [EC:] 0.02806 0.00122 0.02781 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.02824 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00253 -0.16800 129.413 0.86684 0.96327
dpo; DNA polymerase bacteriophage-type [EC:] 0.02804 0.00179 0.02819 0.00061 0.00307 65 0.02794 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00376 0.06627 122.933 0.94727 0.98674
rbsA; ribose transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.02802 0.00277 0.02741 0.00180 0.00526 65 0.02845 0.00081 0.00296 93 0.00603 -0.17248 103.644 0.86340 0.96263
AROA1, aroA; chorismate mutase [EC:] 0.02801 0.00172 0.02743 0.00046 0.00265 65 0.02842 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00349 -0.28578 140.316 0.77547 0.94269
dacB; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase/endopeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 4) [EC: 3.4.21.-] 0.02799 0.00140 0.02638 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.02911 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00278 -0.98299 148.698 0.32721 0.77376
pcp; pyroglutamyl-peptidase [EC:] 0.02795 0.00145 0.02901 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.02721 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00302 0.59620 125.337 0.55212 0.86788
PTS-Man-EIIA, manX; PTS system, mannose-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.02793 0.00181 0.02795 0.00053 0.00286 65 0.02791 0.00052 0.00236 93 0.00371 0.01142 136.904 0.99091 0.99847
ygaC; uncharacterized protein 0.02792 0.00178 0.02733 0.00047 0.00269 65 0.02834 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00359 -0.28012 142.794 0.77979 0.94269
mntH; manganese transport protein 0.02792 0.00127 0.02639 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.02899 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00266 -0.97751 122.880 0.33024 0.77640
eda; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphogluconate aldolase / (4S)-4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase [EC:] 0.02790 0.00149 0.02799 0.00046 0.00265 65 0.02785 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00317 0.04395 115.880 0.96502 0.99101
hisZ; ATP phosphoribosyltransferase regulatory subunit 0.02789 0.00119 0.02601 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.02920 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00246 -1.29285 126.111 0.19843 0.77376
nuoG; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit G [EC:] 0.02784 0.00135 0.02771 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.02793 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00280 -0.07790 130.804 0.93802 0.98459
fabI; enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase I [EC:] 0.02775 0.00142 0.02551 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.02931 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00284 -1.33657 142.020 0.18350 0.77376
pilT; twitching motility protein PilT 0.02774 0.00133 0.02890 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.02693 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00271 0.72688 135.045 0.46856 0.83837
speG, SAT; diamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.02760 0.00165 0.02637 0.00035 0.00234 65 0.02846 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00327 -0.63865 149.604 0.52403 0.85711
aceE; pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component [EC:] 0.02759 0.00209 0.02642 0.00060 0.00303 65 0.02841 0.00076 0.00286 93 0.00417 -0.47588 147.506 0.63486 0.89696
E3.1.3.41; 4-nitrophenyl phosphatase [EC:] 0.02755 0.00178 0.02998 0.00057 0.00295 65 0.02586 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00369 1.11634 128.112 0.26636 0.77376
E3.1.3.15B; histidinol-phosphatase (PHP family) [EC:] 0.02754 0.00215 0.03078 0.00104 0.00400 65 0.02527 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00463 1.18785 106.574 0.23753 0.77376
pepX; X-Pro dipeptidyl-peptidase [EC:] 0.02753 0.00213 0.02742 0.00069 0.00326 65 0.02761 0.00074 0.00283 93 0.00431 -0.04477 141.088 0.96435 0.99101
aspB; aspartate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.02753 0.00188 0.02417 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.02988 0.00060 0.00255 93 0.00372 -1.53427 147.028 0.12711 0.77376
fer; ferredoxin 0.02751 0.00164 0.02614 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.02847 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00330 -0.70723 143.136 0.48057 0.84354
pyrD; dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (fumarate) [EC:] 0.02751 0.00172 0.02832 0.00047 0.00269 65 0.02694 0.00047 0.00224 93 0.00350 0.39417 137.411 0.69407 0.91701
ppdK; pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase [EC:] 0.02750 0.00170 0.02707 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.02779 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00352 -0.20590 130.717 0.83719 0.95506
fadL; long-chain fatty acid transport protein 0.02746 0.00191 0.02836 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.02682 0.00062 0.00258 93 0.00384 0.39969 144.757 0.68997 0.91567
PTS-Cel-EIIA, celC, chbA; PTS system, cellobiose-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.02745 0.00230 0.03143 0.00147 0.00475 65 0.02466 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00517 1.31042 87.670 0.19348 0.77376
cobC, phpB; alpha-ribazole phosphatase [EC:] 0.02744 0.00143 0.02826 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.02686 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00294 0.47310 132.539 0.63692 0.89696
alsD, budA, aldC; acetolactate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.02744 0.00183 0.02864 0.00057 0.00297 65 0.02659 0.00051 0.00233 93 0.00378 0.54363 132.276 0.58761 0.87732
lpxC; UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase [EC:] 0.02736 0.00127 0.02991 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.02557 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00264 1.64510 124.855 0.10247 0.77376
pdxS, pdx1; pyridoxal 5’-phosphate synthase pdxS subunit [EC:] 0.02731 0.00151 0.02608 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.02817 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00306 -0.68166 139.441 0.49658 0.84797
menB; naphthoate synthase [EC:] 0.02727 0.00148 0.02761 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.02704 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00308 0.18329 126.752 0.85486 0.95861
K06872; uncharacterized protein 0.02723 0.00153 0.02522 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.02863 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00311 -1.09722 136.763 0.27447 0.77376
clpE; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpE 0.02718 0.00208 0.02854 0.00076 0.00343 65 0.02622 0.00063 0.00261 93 0.00431 0.53913 129.430 0.59072 0.87896
speE, SRM; spermidine synthase [EC:] 0.02713 0.00127 0.02544 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.02831 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00256 -1.12217 140.742 0.26370 0.77376
slyD; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase SlyD [EC:] 0.02709 0.00145 0.02785 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.02656 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00297 0.43589 134.415 0.66362 0.91006
cstA; carbon starvation protein 0.02701 0.00151 0.02585 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.02783 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00309 -0.63916 135.962 0.52379 0.85711
gspG; general secretion pathway protein G 0.02700 0.00212 0.02882 0.00081 0.00353 65 0.02573 0.00064 0.00263 93 0.00441 0.70011 127.388 0.48514 0.84422
paaH, hbd, fadB, mmgB; 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.02699 0.00212 0.02603 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.02766 0.00076 0.00285 93 0.00426 -0.38346 143.969 0.70195 0.92004
mvaA; hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase [EC:] 0.02697 0.00176 0.02862 0.00053 0.00286 65 0.02581 0.00047 0.00224 93 0.00363 0.77412 131.989 0.44024 0.83186
dltD; D-alanine transfer protein 0.02695 0.00191 0.02783 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.02633 0.00054 0.00242 93 0.00395 0.37931 130.886 0.70507 0.92004
lacD; tagatose 1,6-diphosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.02689 0.00190 0.02866 0.00063 0.00310 65 0.02565 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00392 0.77055 130.522 0.44237 0.83186
E2.7.8.26, cobS, cobV; adenosylcobinamide-GDP ribazoletransferase [EC:] 0.02688 0.00140 0.02772 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.02629 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00291 0.49167 128.853 0.62379 0.89159
yghU, yfcG; GSH-dependent disulfide-bond oxidoreductase [EC:1.8.4.-] 0.02683 0.00182 0.02361 0.00043 0.00256 65 0.02909 0.00059 0.00251 93 0.00359 -1.52901 149.918 0.12837 0.77376
fbp3; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase III [EC:] 0.02678 0.00181 0.02771 0.00058 0.00300 65 0.02613 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00375 0.42222 128.562 0.67357 0.91184
gspD; general secretion pathway protein D 0.02676 0.00190 0.02775 0.00055 0.00292 65 0.02606 0.00059 0.00251 93 0.00385 0.43898 140.319 0.66135 0.90968
E1.1.1.40, maeB; malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating)(NADP+) [EC:] 0.02675 0.00136 0.02403 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.02866 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00269 -1.72237 146.965 0.08711 0.76567
cobP, cobU; adenosylcobinamide kinase / adenosylcobinamide-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC:] 0.02674 0.00145 0.02744 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.02625 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00298 0.39977 133.701 0.68996 0.91567
PTS-Glc-EIIC, ptsG; PTS system, glucose-specific IIC component 0.02674 0.00171 0.02883 0.00047 0.00270 65 0.02528 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00349 1.01620 136.309 0.31133 0.77376
pcnB; poly(A) polymerase [EC:] 0.02671 0.00141 0.02581 0.00035 0.00230 65 0.02735 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00291 -0.52982 130.348 0.59714 0.88102
ampC; beta-lactamase class C [EC:] 0.02666 0.00145 0.02658 0.00030 0.00213 65 0.02672 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00290 -0.04678 145.874 0.96275 0.99031
DLST, sucB; 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E2 component (dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase) [EC:] 0.02665 0.00142 0.02463 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.02806 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00286 -1.19521 139.352 0.23404 0.77376
frdA; fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit [EC:] 0.02664 0.00301 0.03146 0.00160 0.00497 65 0.02327 0.00130 0.00374 93 0.00622 1.31746 128.441 0.19003 0.77376
nhaA; Na+:H+ antiporter, NhaA family 0.02662 0.00134 0.02674 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.02654 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00278 0.07355 130.978 0.94148 0.98528
MVD, mvaD; diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.02661 0.00178 0.02855 0.00054 0.00287 65 0.02526 0.00047 0.00225 93 0.00365 0.90095 132.291 0.36925 0.79587
ezrA; septation ring formation regulator 0.02661 0.00184 0.02708 0.00060 0.00303 65 0.02628 0.00049 0.00231 93 0.00380 0.21094 129.505 0.83327 0.95506
E2.7.1.36, MVK, mvaK1; mevalonate kinase [EC:] 0.02660 0.00178 0.02851 0.00054 0.00287 65 0.02526 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00365 0.88854 132.289 0.37587 0.79810
PTS-Ula-EIIC, ulaA, sgaT; PTS system, ascorbate-specific IIC component 0.02657 0.00181 0.02824 0.00072 0.00333 65 0.02541 0.00038 0.00201 93 0.00389 0.72816 109.111 0.46807 0.83837
cobQ, cbiP; adenosylcobyric acid synthase [EC:] 0.02650 0.00183 0.03024 0.00079 0.00349 65 0.02389 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00398 1.59672 101.382 0.11344 0.77376
ltaS; lipoteichoic acid synthase [EC:] 0.02650 0.00257 0.02968 0.00155 0.00488 65 0.02427 0.00069 0.00272 93 0.00559 0.96634 103.017 0.33614 0.78250
menE; O-succinylbenzoic acid—CoA ligase [EC:] 0.02649 0.00145 0.02690 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.02621 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00304 0.22905 124.621 0.81921 0.95506
slt; soluble lytic murein transglycosylase [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.02649 0.00123 0.02613 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.02674 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00253 -0.23860 136.208 0.81177 0.95229
macA; membrane fusion protein, macrolide-specific efflux system 0.02649 0.00192 0.02746 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.02580 0.00056 0.00245 93 0.00394 0.42120 132.996 0.67429 0.91194
dltC; D-alanine–poly(phosphoribitol) ligase subunit 2 [EC:] 0.02645 0.00185 0.02721 0.00060 0.00304 65 0.02592 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00382 0.33936 129.929 0.73489 0.92721
dsbD; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbD [EC:] 0.02644 0.00141 0.02576 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.02692 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00286 -0.40843 139.046 0.68359 0.91514
rnhC; ribonuclease HIII [EC:] 0.02643 0.00183 0.02551 0.00051 0.00279 65 0.02708 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00371 -0.42222 141.338 0.67350 0.91184
GSP13; general stress protein 13 0.02642 0.00173 0.02629 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.02651 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00348 -0.06115 144.323 0.95133 0.98792
virD4, lvhD4; type IV secretion system protein VirD4 0.02635 0.00293 0.02815 0.00156 0.00489 65 0.02509 0.00123 0.00364 93 0.00610 0.50141 127.244 0.61695 0.88903
cheB; two-component system, chemotaxis family, protein-glutamate methylesterase/glutaminase [EC:] 0.02632 0.00235 0.02468 0.00090 0.00372 65 0.02747 0.00086 0.00304 93 0.00481 -0.58023 135.964 0.56272 0.86813
lldG; L-lactate dehydrogenase complex protein LldG 0.02631 0.00154 0.02787 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.02522 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00317 0.83485 131.861 0.40531 0.81189
E2.3.3.10; hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase [EC:] 0.02628 0.00177 0.02804 0.00053 0.00285 65 0.02505 0.00047 0.00225 93 0.00363 0.82583 132.653 0.41038 0.81416
comGD; competence protein ComGD 0.02624 0.00181 0.02662 0.00057 0.00297 65 0.02597 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00375 0.17269 130.433 0.86317 0.96263
tamB; translocation and assembly module TamB 0.02623 0.00170 0.02669 0.00044 0.00260 65 0.02591 0.00048 0.00226 93 0.00344 0.22720 141.323 0.82059 0.95506
coiA; competence protein CoiA 0.02621 0.00184 0.02747 0.00059 0.00301 65 0.02533 0.00050 0.00231 93 0.00379 0.56431 130.204 0.57351 0.87292
ganQ; arabinogalactan oligomer / maltooligosaccharide transport system permease protein 0.02619 0.00157 0.02581 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.02645 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00315 -0.20521 143.431 0.83770 0.95506
vgrG; type VI secretion system secreted protein VgrG 0.02616 0.00284 0.02845 0.00137 0.00459 65 0.02456 0.00121 0.00361 93 0.00584 0.66585 132.380 0.50666 0.84956
pabC; 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase [EC:] 0.02612 0.00134 0.02708 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.02545 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00276 0.59030 134.245 0.55598 0.86813
rluC; 23S rRNA pseudouridine955/2504/2580 synthase [EC:] 0.02610 0.00141 0.02775 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.02495 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00291 0.96373 131.066 0.33696 0.78334
hprA; glycerate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.02609 0.00155 0.02887 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.02414 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00318 1.48868 130.972 0.13898 0.77376
comC; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] 0.02607 0.00173 0.02662 0.00052 0.00282 65 0.02569 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00357 0.25951 130.701 0.79565 0.94791
TC.DASS; divalent anion:Na+ symporter, DASS family 0.02600 0.00221 0.02862 0.00096 0.00384 65 0.02417 0.00064 0.00263 93 0.00466 0.95399 119.668 0.34201 0.78567
pbp1b; penicillin-binding protein 1B 0.02599 0.00173 0.02589 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.02606 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00348 -0.04985 144.636 0.96031 0.98903
PGLS, pgl, devB; 6-phosphogluconolactonase [EC:] 0.02596 0.00134 0.02530 0.00030 0.00213 65 0.02642 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00275 -0.40811 135.250 0.68384 0.91529
oxyR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, hydrogen peroxide-inducible genes activator 0.02591 0.00124 0.02403 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.02722 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00250 -1.27610 141.949 0.20400 0.77376
E2.7.4.2, mvaK2; phosphomevalonate kinase [EC:] 0.02589 0.00178 0.02764 0.00054 0.00288 65 0.02466 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00367 0.81476 132.490 0.41667 0.81842
licT, bglG; beta-glucoside operon transcriptional antiterminator 0.02585 0.00170 0.02687 0.00053 0.00286 65 0.02514 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00355 0.48720 126.492 0.62696 0.89265
queE; 7-carboxy-7-deazaguanine synthase [EC:] 0.02582 0.00116 0.02414 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.02700 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00233 -1.22733 142.792 0.22172 0.77376
OGDH, sucA; 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E1 component [EC:] 0.02581 0.00141 0.02438 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.02682 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00287 -0.85089 137.233 0.39631 0.80459
lacR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, lactose phosphotransferase system repressor 0.02578 0.00192 0.02503 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.02631 0.00065 0.00265 93 0.00382 -0.33712 148.805 0.73650 0.92721
TC.SSS; solute:Na+ symporter, SSS family 0.02576 0.00166 0.02546 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.02598 0.00042 0.00212 93 0.00341 -0.15233 133.400 0.87916 0.96779
ybcJ; ribosome-associated protein 0.02574 0.00150 0.02892 0.00045 0.00262 65 0.02352 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00315 1.71132 117.389 0.08966 0.76567
pilC; type IV pilus assembly protein PilC 0.02570 0.00125 0.02742 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.02449 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00260 1.12501 125.247 0.26274 0.77376
pdxA; 4-hydroxythreonine-4-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.02565 0.00124 0.02392 0.00021 0.00178 65 0.02686 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00246 -1.19750 148.303 0.23302 0.77376
ATOX1, ATX1, copZ, golB; copper chaperone 0.02563 0.00139 0.02361 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.02703 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00281 -1.21719 138.322 0.22560 0.77376
bamD; outer membrane protein assembly factor BamD 0.02562 0.00125 0.02401 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.02674 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00253 -1.07665 140.410 0.28348 0.77376
ftnA, ftn; ferritin [EC:] 0.02559 0.00184 0.02549 0.00055 0.00291 65 0.02566 0.00053 0.00239 93 0.00377 -0.04367 136.306 0.96523 0.99101
purU; formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase [EC:] 0.02554 0.00209 0.02356 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.02692 0.00072 0.00279 93 0.00420 -0.80001 142.800 0.42503 0.82542
argD; acetylornithine/N-succinyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.02552 0.00135 0.02625 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.02501 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00275 0.44986 137.927 0.65351 0.90621
ssuA; sulfonate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.02551 0.00282 0.02349 0.00099 0.00391 65 0.02692 0.00145 0.00395 93 0.00556 -0.61803 151.532 0.53748 0.86207
mgs, bgsB; 1,2-diacylglycerol 3-alpha-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.02549 0.00178 0.02760 0.00053 0.00287 65 0.02401 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00365 0.98470 132.499 0.32657 0.77376
ENDOG; endonuclease G, mitochondrial 0.02548 0.00206 0.02377 0.00058 0.00299 65 0.02668 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00410 -0.70979 147.166 0.47896 0.84314
menD; 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylate synthase [EC:] 0.02547 0.00149 0.02524 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.02563 0.00032 0.00184 93 0.00311 -0.12799 126.404 0.89836 0.97377
mobA; molybdenum cofactor guanylyltransferase [EC:] 0.02545 0.00120 0.02486 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.02587 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00244 -0.41380 139.282 0.67966 0.91311
fdhD; FdhD protein 0.02544 0.00118 0.02398 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.02646 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00242 -1.02627 132.227 0.30664 0.77376
K07220; uncharacterized protein 0.02542 0.00135 0.02443 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.02612 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00277 -0.61185 136.422 0.54166 0.86207
comGF; competence protein ComGF 0.02539 0.00177 0.02636 0.00053 0.00286 65 0.02471 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00364 0.45484 132.710 0.64997 0.90409
acpD, azoR; FMN-dependent NADH-azoreductase [EC:] 0.02536 0.00175 0.02409 0.00054 0.00288 65 0.02625 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00362 -0.59412 129.749 0.55347 0.86788
glnR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, glutamine synthetase repressor 0.02536 0.00181 0.02440 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.02603 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00365 -0.44577 143.304 0.65644 0.90679
nadA; quinolinate synthase [EC:] 0.02530 0.00130 0.02434 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.02597 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00264 -0.61724 137.550 0.53810 0.86207
E3.4.16.4; D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase [EC:] 0.02527 0.00210 0.02339 0.00059 0.00302 65 0.02659 0.00077 0.00287 93 0.00417 -0.76906 147.824 0.44308 0.83186
catE; catechol 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.02527 0.00181 0.02330 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.02665 0.00056 0.00245 93 0.00361 -0.92820 145.612 0.35484 0.79373
ltaE; threonine aldolase [EC:] 0.02527 0.00152 0.02562 0.00042 0.00253 65 0.02502 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00316 0.19022 128.125 0.84943 0.95712
bioF; 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase [EC:] 0.02517 0.00147 0.02455 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.02559 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00302 -0.34394 134.012 0.73143 0.92524
cheA; two-component system, chemotaxis family, sensor kinase CheA [EC:] 0.02517 0.00214 0.02278 0.00070 0.00328 65 0.02683 0.00074 0.00281 93 0.00432 -0.93715 140.025 0.35030 0.79120
dedA; membrane-associated protein 0.02515 0.00190 0.02654 0.00073 0.00335 65 0.02418 0.00046 0.00223 93 0.00403 0.58438 117.251 0.56009 0.86813
tyrB; aromatic-amino-acid transaminase [EC:] 0.02515 0.00143 0.02786 0.00037 0.00237 65 0.02326 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00296 1.55382 127.457 0.12271 0.77376
NQO1; NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.02512 0.00145 0.02538 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.02495 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00294 0.14726 139.687 0.88314 0.96974
htsT; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component 0.02512 0.00179 0.02568 0.00057 0.00297 65 0.02473 0.00046 0.00223 93 0.00371 0.25724 127.953 0.79741 0.94810
K07005; uncharacterized protein 0.02506 0.00246 0.02868 0.00123 0.00436 65 0.02253 0.00076 0.00285 93 0.00521 1.18118 115.723 0.23995 0.77376
pbp2A; penicillin-binding protein 2A [EC:] 0.02506 0.00179 0.02637 0.00055 0.00292 65 0.02415 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00369 0.60268 131.417 0.54776 0.86549
minD; septum site-determining protein MinD 0.02505 0.00117 0.02580 0.00025 0.00197 65 0.02453 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00244 0.51868 126.512 0.60489 0.88465
czcA; cobalt-zinc-cadmium resistance protein CzcA 0.02505 0.00317 0.02358 0.00179 0.00525 65 0.02607 0.00146 0.00397 93 0.00658 -0.37867 128.790 0.70556 0.92004
dcp; peptidyl-dipeptidase Dcp [EC:] 0.02504 0.00191 0.02160 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.02744 0.00067 0.00268 93 0.00372 -1.57175 152.940 0.11808 0.77376
ccmH; cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmH 0.02503 0.00210 0.02450 0.00073 0.00335 65 0.02541 0.00068 0.00271 93 0.00431 -0.21158 134.751 0.83275 0.95506
K06962; uncharacterized protein 0.02502 0.00149 0.02605 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.02430 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00312 0.56019 125.368 0.57635 0.87389
MOCS3, UBA4; adenylyltransferase and sulfurtransferase [EC:] 0.02501 0.00151 0.02296 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.02644 0.00039 0.00205 93 0.00300 -1.15930 147.024 0.24821 0.77376
pcaC; 4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase [EC:] 0.02500 0.00195 0.02172 0.00054 0.00289 65 0.02729 0.00064 0.00261 93 0.00390 -1.43155 144.393 0.15443 0.77376
nadB; L-aspartate oxidase [EC:] 0.02497 0.00130 0.02438 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.02538 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00266 -0.37672 137.242 0.70697 0.92004
cysJ; sulfite reductase (NADPH) flavoprotein alpha-component [EC:] 0.02495 0.00202 0.02428 0.00066 0.00318 65 0.02543 0.00064 0.00262 93 0.00412 -0.27828 136.784 0.78122 0.94304
dgkA; undecaprenol kinase [EC:] 0.02490 0.00168 0.02561 0.00048 0.00271 65 0.02440 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00346 0.35143 133.318 0.72582 0.92177
E2.7.1.12, gntK, idnK; gluconokinase [EC:] 0.02488 0.00156 0.02590 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.02417 0.00027 0.00172 93 0.00337 0.51188 107.746 0.60978 0.88693
dgkA, DGK; diacylglycerol kinase (ATP) [EC:] 0.02487 0.00149 0.02486 0.00036 0.00234 65 0.02487 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00304 -0.00555 137.101 0.99558 0.99944
cbiB, cobD; adenosylcobinamide-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.02481 0.00138 0.02626 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.02379 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00285 0.86757 129.240 0.38724 0.80262
manB; phosphomannomutase [EC:] 0.02478 0.00141 0.02282 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.02615 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00281 -1.18644 147.637 0.23735 0.77376
ABC.SP.A; putative spermidine/putrescine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.02475 0.00321 0.02203 0.00126 0.00441 65 0.02666 0.00189 0.00451 93 0.00631 -0.73440 152.196 0.46383 0.83699
glnB; nitrogen regulatory protein P-II 1 0.02472 0.00153 0.02331 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.02570 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00314 -0.76238 132.725 0.44719 0.83372
yajQ; cyclic-di-GMP-binding protein 0.02471 0.00125 0.02460 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.02479 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00259 -0.07349 130.343 0.94153 0.98528
ABC.SP.P; putative spermidine/putrescine transport system permease protein 0.02468 0.00334 0.02148 0.00133 0.00452 65 0.02691 0.00207 0.00471 93 0.00653 -0.83189 152.959 0.40677 0.81189
MCH; medium-chain acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] hydrolase [EC:] 0.02465 0.00180 0.02662 0.00056 0.00292 65 0.02328 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00370 0.90240 131.194 0.36850 0.79587
ABC.GLN1.S; putative glutamine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.02463 0.00208 0.02555 0.00071 0.00330 65 0.02399 0.00068 0.00270 93 0.00426 0.36705 136.114 0.71415 0.92004
tldD; TldD protein 0.02461 0.00206 0.02332 0.00073 0.00336 65 0.02550 0.00063 0.00261 93 0.00425 -0.51294 131.385 0.60885 0.88667
dcd; dCTP deaminase [EC:] 0.02458 0.00131 0.02371 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.02519 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00269 -0.54895 133.921 0.58395 0.87720
fliY; cystine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.02458 0.00155 0.02789 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.02227 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00326 1.72284 116.306 0.08758 0.76567
MOCS2B, moaE; molybdopterin synthase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.02456 0.00134 0.02234 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.02612 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00268 -1.40783 143.649 0.16134 0.77376
phnE; phosphonate transport system permease protein 0.02456 0.00197 0.02619 0.00064 0.00314 65 0.02342 0.00059 0.00253 93 0.00403 0.68860 134.433 0.49226 0.84797
yafQ; mRNA interferase YafQ [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.02454 0.00209 0.02504 0.00085 0.00361 65 0.02419 0.00059 0.00252 93 0.00440 0.19304 121.343 0.84725 0.95682
nagZ; beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase [EC:] 0.02453 0.00125 0.02332 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.02537 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00260 -0.78607 126.390 0.43330 0.82874
mlaA, vacJ; phospholipid-binding lipoprotein MlaA 0.02446 0.00175 0.02712 0.00051 0.00280 65 0.02260 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00357 1.26351 133.069 0.20862 0.77376
PTS-Ntr-EIIA, ptsN; PTS system, nitrogen regulatory IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.02441 0.00185 0.02936 0.00085 0.00362 65 0.02094 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00404 2.08267 95.156 0.03996 0.63577
zapE; cell division protein ZapE 0.02440 0.00214 0.02396 0.00077 0.00343 65 0.02471 0.00070 0.00274 93 0.00439 -0.17009 133.748 0.86520 0.96270
lysX2; putative lysine transport system permease protein 0.02440 0.00160 0.02488 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.02406 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00322 0.25332 143.642 0.80038 0.94855
nuoA; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit A [EC:] 0.02430 0.00119 0.02149 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.02627 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00235 -2.03211 145.000 0.04397 0.65981
motA; chemotaxis protein MotA 0.02429 0.00199 0.02317 0.00077 0.00344 65 0.02507 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00419 -0.45382 120.716 0.65077 0.90423
iunH; purine nucleosidase [EC:] 0.02423 0.00221 0.02384 0.00085 0.00362 65 0.02451 0.00072 0.00278 93 0.00457 -0.14612 130.266 0.88405 0.96974
nuoL; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit L [EC:] 0.02423 0.00119 0.02121 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.02635 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00234 -2.19446 147.947 0.02976 0.61356
pepA; glutamyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.02420 0.00182 0.02436 0.00049 0.00274 65 0.02409 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00367 0.07312 143.118 0.94181 0.98528
nuoM; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit M [EC:] 0.02418 0.00118 0.02124 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.02623 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00233 -2.14197 146.472 0.03385 0.62130
nuoH; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit H [EC:] 0.02417 0.00118 0.02121 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.02624 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00233 -2.16257 146.669 0.03220 0.62130
nasT; two-component system, response regulator / RNA-binding antiterminator 0.02413 0.00132 0.02620 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.02268 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00277 1.27179 118.811 0.20593 0.77376
pdxT, pdx2; 5’-phosphate synthase pdxT subunit [EC:] 0.02411 0.00137 0.02088 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.02637 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00268 -2.05270 151.745 0.04182 0.64661
nuoN; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit N [EC:] 0.02411 0.00117 0.02121 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.02613 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00231 -2.13162 145.544 0.03472 0.62130
arcC; carbamate kinase [EC:] 0.02409 0.00139 0.02595 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.02279 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00287 1.10339 129.042 0.27191 0.77376
nuoB; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit B [EC:] 0.02409 0.00116 0.02110 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.02617 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00229 -2.21398 145.139 0.02839 0.61334
panD; aspartate 1-decarboxylase [EC:] 0.02403 0.00130 0.02076 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.02631 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00252 -2.20512 152.867 0.02894 0.61334
nuoI; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit I [EC:] 0.02402 0.00116 0.02137 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.02587 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00231 -1.95008 143.054 0.05312 0.69853
nuoJ; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit J [EC:] 0.02394 0.00115 0.02108 0.00018 0.00169 65 0.02595 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00228 -2.13643 144.720 0.03433 0.62130
ahpF; alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit F [EC:1.6.4.-] 0.02392 0.00121 0.02335 0.00021 0.00178 65 0.02431 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00243 -0.39564 146.110 0.69295 0.91677
lptD, imp, ostA; LPS-assembly protein 0.02391 0.00119 0.02395 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.02389 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00243 0.02454 135.661 0.98046 0.99657
mmsA, iolA, ALDH6A1; malonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) / methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.02387 0.00242 0.02013 0.00074 0.00337 65 0.02649 0.00105 0.00336 93 0.00475 -1.33714 150.749 0.18319 0.77376
mtsC; iron/zinc/manganese/copper transport system permease protein 0.02387 0.00182 0.02370 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.02398 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00368 -0.07800 142.806 0.93794 0.98459
mtsA; iron/zinc/manganese/copper transport system substrate-binding protein 0.02386 0.00182 0.02369 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.02398 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00368 -0.07881 142.781 0.93729 0.98459
agaS; tagatose-6-phosphate ketose/aldose isomerase [EC:5.-.-.-] 0.02386 0.00149 0.02476 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.02322 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00301 0.51062 141.215 0.61041 0.88722
bgaB, lacA; beta-galactosidase [EC:] 0.02385 0.00162 0.02161 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.02542 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00319 -1.19405 151.173 0.23433 0.77376
SCO1_2; protein SCO1/2 0.02384 0.00203 0.02095 0.00066 0.00319 65 0.02586 0.00064 0.00263 93 0.00413 -1.18784 136.820 0.23695 0.77376
lptA; lipopolysaccharide export system protein LptA 0.02379 0.00118 0.02384 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.02376 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00243 0.03062 135.093 0.97562 0.99571
mtsB; iron/zinc/manganese/copper transport system ATP-binding protein 0.02379 0.00182 0.02362 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.02391 0.00055 0.00244 93 0.00367 -0.07961 142.701 0.93666 0.98459
lpxH; UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine hydrolase [EC:] 0.02372 0.00124 0.02298 0.00023 0.00186 65 0.02424 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00250 -0.50409 143.517 0.61497 0.88842
K08974; putative membrane protein 0.02369 0.00152 0.02512 0.00036 0.00237 65 0.02269 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00309 0.78328 138.288 0.43480 0.82874
msmE; raffinose/stachyose/melibiose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.02369 0.00235 0.02286 0.00120 0.00429 65 0.02426 0.00065 0.00264 93 0.00504 -0.27767 110.663 0.78178 0.94310
yuiF; putative amino acid transporter 0.02368 0.00167 0.02824 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.02050 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00360 2.15093 100.600 0.03388 0.62130
K07160; UPF0271 protein 0.02368 0.00150 0.02375 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.02363 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00307 0.03937 137.206 0.96865 0.99265
dhaK; phosphoenolpyruvate—glycerone phosphotransferase subunit DhaK [EC:] 0.02367 0.00148 0.02699 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.02134 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00309 1.83231 119.938 0.06939 0.73522
putA; RHH-type transcriptional regulator, proline utilization regulon repressor / proline dehydrogenase / delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.02360 0.00163 0.02300 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.02403 0.00043 0.00214 93 0.00331 -0.31112 139.432 0.75618 0.93669
pabB; para-aminobenzoate synthetase component I [EC:] 0.02359 0.00137 0.02391 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.02336 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00281 0.19691 135.047 0.84419 0.95539
E6.3.5.1, NADSYN1, QNS1, nadE; NAD+ synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.02355 0.00143 0.02216 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.02453 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00286 -0.82726 145.508 0.40945 0.81416
dksA; DnaK suppressor protein 0.02355 0.00188 0.02300 0.00055 0.00291 65 0.02394 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00382 -0.24710 139.629 0.80519 0.94958
K17076, lysY; putative lysine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.02352 0.00155 0.02408 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.02313 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00312 0.30373 142.935 0.76177 0.93813
PTS-Ula-EIIB, ulaB, sgaB; PTS system, ascorbate-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.02351 0.00173 0.02470 0.00067 0.00320 65 0.02267 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00373 0.54407 107.822 0.58752 0.87732
metC; cystathionine beta-lyase [EC:] 0.02350 0.00148 0.02540 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.02218 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00316 1.02019 113.168 0.30981 0.77376
pheA; chorismate mutase / prephenate dehydratase [EC:] 0.02350 0.00131 0.02560 0.00037 0.00238 65 0.02203 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00281 1.27153 111.230 0.20619 0.77376
cmoA; tRNA (cmo5U34)-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.02347 0.00143 0.02471 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.02260 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00284 0.74206 147.535 0.45923 0.83438
treR2, treR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, trehalose operon transcriptional repressor 0.02343 0.00137 0.02495 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.02236 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00287 0.90066 121.066 0.36956 0.79587
fadA, fadI; acetyl-CoA acyltransferase [EC:] 0.02342 0.00195 0.02061 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.02539 0.00066 0.00267 93 0.00386 -1.23833 148.422 0.21755 0.77376
GARS, glyS1; glycyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.02339 0.00141 0.02078 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.02521 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00279 -1.58742 147.124 0.11456 0.77376
flA; adenosyl-fluoride synthase [EC:] 0.02338 0.00167 0.02284 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.02376 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00334 -0.27342 147.406 0.78492 0.94445
ABC.CYST.P; cystine transport system permease protein 0.02338 0.00158 0.02577 0.00049 0.00275 65 0.02171 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00332 1.22395 119.197 0.22338 0.77376
ald; alanine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.02333 0.00130 0.01904 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.02633 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00249 -2.92719 152.298 0.00395 0.52084
DHODH, pyrD; dihydroorotate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.02333 0.00133 0.02244 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.02395 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00270 -0.55635 138.271 0.57887 0.87532
nuoK; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit K [EC:] 0.02327 0.00116 0.02066 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.02510 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00231 -1.92052 143.496 0.05678 0.70711
MUT; methylmalonyl-CoA mutase [EC:] 0.02323 0.00185 0.02031 0.00054 0.00289 65 0.02527 0.00054 0.00241 93 0.00376 -1.32131 137.803 0.18859 0.77376
lldF; L-lactate dehydrogenase complex protein LldF 0.02322 0.00135 0.02283 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.02350 0.00028 0.00172 93 0.00279 -0.23912 132.243 0.81138 0.95214
mtgA; monofunctional glycosyltransferase [EC:] 0.02322 0.00115 0.02208 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.02401 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00234 -0.82597 136.923 0.41026 0.81416
hipA; serine/threonine-protein kinase HipA [EC:] 0.02320 0.00166 0.02218 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.02391 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00330 -0.52499 148.035 0.60038 0.88240
E1.1.1.1, adh; alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.02319 0.00154 0.02023 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.02526 0.00039 0.00205 93 0.00308 -1.63354 143.409 0.10455 0.77376
lldE; L-lactate dehydrogenase complex protein LldE 0.02311 0.00135 0.02278 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.02334 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00279 -0.20059 132.623 0.84133 0.95506
comX1_2; competence protein ComX 0.02310 0.00207 0.02197 0.00051 0.00280 65 0.02390 0.00080 0.00293 93 0.00405 -0.47714 153.175 0.63394 0.89696
K06999; phospholipase/carboxylesterase 0.02309 0.00172 0.02254 0.00056 0.00293 65 0.02348 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00360 -0.26026 124.041 0.79509 0.94791
lipB; lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase [EC:] 0.02309 0.00134 0.02232 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.02363 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00276 -0.47486 133.116 0.63566 0.89696
pilB; type IV pilus assembly protein PilB 0.02308 0.00127 0.02543 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.02143 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00267 1.49871 119.636 0.13658 0.77376
phnB; PhnB protein 0.02307 0.00143 0.02213 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.02373 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00290 -0.55119 137.806 0.58240 0.87718
rne; ribonuclease E [EC:] 0.02297 0.00133 0.02266 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.02319 0.00026 0.00169 93 0.00274 -0.19170 131.835 0.84827 0.95712
dagK; diacylglycerol kinase (ATP) [EC:] 0.02292 0.00158 0.02416 0.00048 0.00271 65 0.02206 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00331 0.63449 121.724 0.52695 0.85845
dapL; N-acetyldiaminopimelate deacetylase [EC:] 0.02282 0.00163 0.02356 0.00043 0.00259 65 0.02231 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00334 0.37490 135.748 0.70832 0.92004
tadB; tight adherence protein B 0.02282 0.00173 0.02270 0.00057 0.00297 65 0.02291 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00363 -0.05750 122.339 0.95424 0.98792
speD, AMD1; S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.02280 0.00157 0.02349 0.00049 0.00273 65 0.02232 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00332 0.35091 120.464 0.72627 0.92177
ABC.GLN1.A; putative glutamine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.02280 0.00189 0.02350 0.00054 0.00289 65 0.02232 0.00059 0.00251 93 0.00383 0.30800 141.291 0.75853 0.93719
cobB-cbiA; cobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase [EC:] 0.02277 0.00132 0.02454 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.02153 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00278 1.08320 117.981 0.28093 0.77376
treC; trehalose-6-phosphate hydrolase [EC:] 0.02276 0.00141 0.02419 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.02176 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00300 0.81080 114.977 0.41915 0.81980
msmF; raffinose/stachyose/melibiose transport system permease protein 0.02275 0.00218 0.02211 0.00112 0.00415 65 0.02320 0.00051 0.00233 93 0.00476 -0.22798 103.526 0.82011 0.95506
nfo; deoxyribonuclease IV [EC:] 0.02272 0.00137 0.02320 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.02239 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00286 0.28221 127.230 0.77824 0.94269
cpaF, tadA; pilus assembly protein CpaF 0.02269 0.00171 0.02239 0.00059 0.00300 65 0.02291 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00362 -0.14287 118.702 0.88663 0.97020
dsbA; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbA 0.02266 0.00183 0.02331 0.00056 0.00293 65 0.02221 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00376 0.29331 134.131 0.76974 0.93993
DNPEP; aspartyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.02262 0.00140 0.02651 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.01990 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00292 2.26181 116.143 0.02557 0.59941
PTS-Ula-EIIA, ulaC, sgaA; PTS system, ascorbate-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.02261 0.00123 0.02376 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.02181 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00259 0.75111 121.396 0.45404 0.83438
iscA; iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein 0.02258 0.00124 0.01999 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.02440 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00248 -1.77755 142.865 0.07760 0.75461
liaS; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase LiaS [EC:] 0.02258 0.00171 0.02263 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.02255 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00345 0.02245 141.207 0.98212 0.99680
mltD, dniR; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase D [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.02253 0.00145 0.02157 0.00033 0.00227 65 0.02320 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00296 -0.55132 138.078 0.58231 0.87718
cycA; D-serine/D-alanine/glycine transporter 0.02252 0.00159 0.02139 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.02331 0.00039 0.00205 93 0.00325 -0.58936 135.606 0.55660 0.86813
E4.2.1.2A, fumA, fumB; fumarate hydratase, class I [EC:] 0.02252 0.00118 0.02014 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.02418 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00234 -1.72749 147.260 0.08618 0.76567
mapP; maltose 6’-phosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.02250 0.00169 0.02346 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.02183 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00342 0.47572 142.064 0.63500 0.89696
csrA; carbon storage regulator 0.02250 0.00185 0.02208 0.00049 0.00274 65 0.02280 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00371 -0.19301 145.203 0.84722 0.95682
cvpA; membrane protein required for colicin V production 0.02248 0.00131 0.02368 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.02164 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00274 0.74564 125.087 0.45728 0.83438
tatB; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatB 0.02243 0.00131 0.02154 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.02305 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00268 -0.56528 133.752 0.57283 0.87292
mtsT; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component 0.02241 0.00154 0.02240 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.02242 0.00042 0.00211 93 0.00308 -0.00704 147.357 0.99439 0.99919
K02484; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor kinase [EC:] 0.02241 0.00171 0.02101 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.02339 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00346 -0.68617 141.281 0.49373 0.84797
msmG; raffinose/stachyose/melibiose transport system permease protein 0.02236 0.00223 0.02187 0.00115 0.00421 65 0.02270 0.00053 0.00240 93 0.00484 -0.17091 104.665 0.86463 0.96263
glnE; [glutamine synthetase] adenylyltransferase / [glutamine synthetase]-adenylyl-L-tyrosine phosphorylase [EC:] 0.02236 0.00128 0.02194 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.02265 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00264 -0.27172 132.080 0.78626 0.94458
czcB; membrane fusion protein, cobalt-zinc-cadmium efflux system 0.02233 0.00312 0.02120 0.00173 0.00516 65 0.02311 0.00143 0.00392 93 0.00648 -0.29470 129.312 0.76870 0.93982
liaR; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator LiaR 0.02232 0.00164 0.02226 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.02236 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00331 -0.03192 141.704 0.97458 0.99546
K07727; putative transcriptional regulator 0.02226 0.00145 0.02032 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.02362 0.00037 0.00201 93 0.00285 -1.15898 150.668 0.24830 0.77376
fabM; trans-2-decenoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] isomerase [EC:] 0.02225 0.00166 0.02236 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.02218 0.00045 0.00221 93 0.00335 0.05277 141.779 0.95799 0.98896
hrpA; ATP-dependent helicase HrpA [EC:] 0.02224 0.00136 0.02311 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.02163 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00283 0.52389 129.030 0.60126 0.88272
phnD; phosphonate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.02223 0.00172 0.02347 0.00049 0.00273 65 0.02136 0.00045 0.00221 93 0.00352 0.60021 134.970 0.54937 0.86645
comE; two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator ComE 0.02220 0.00201 0.02106 0.00047 0.00270 65 0.02299 0.00076 0.00285 93 0.00393 -0.49196 153.500 0.62345 0.89159
relE, stbE; mRNA interferase RelE/StbE 0.02218 0.00254 0.02713 0.00165 0.00504 65 0.01873 0.00056 0.00245 93 0.00560 1.49912 94.276 0.13718 0.77376
nuoF; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit F [EC:] 0.02217 0.00139 0.02092 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.02304 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00283 -0.75040 136.003 0.45431 0.83438
K07270; glycosyl transferase, family 25 0.02217 0.00279 0.02197 0.00073 0.00336 65 0.02230 0.00158 0.00413 93 0.00532 -0.06257 155.914 0.95019 0.98774
citE; citrate lyase subunit beta / citryl-CoA lyase [EC:] 0.02214 0.00152 0.02231 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.02203 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00303 0.09182 148.524 0.92696 0.98128
K07481; transposase, IS5 family 0.02214 0.00233 0.02092 0.00051 0.00279 65 0.02298 0.00111 0.00346 93 0.00444 -0.46399 155.836 0.64330 0.90146
cas3; CRISPR-associated endonuclease/helicase Cas3 [EC:3.1.-.- 3.6.4.-] 0.02207 0.00147 0.02537 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.01977 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00305 1.83540 123.300 0.06886 0.73514
macB; macrolide transport system ATP-binding/permease protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.02205 0.00199 0.02193 0.00068 0.00324 65 0.02214 0.00060 0.00254 93 0.00411 -0.04976 132.083 0.96039 0.98903
nspC; carboxynorspermidine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.02205 0.00129 0.01925 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.02400 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00252 -1.88533 150.659 0.06131 0.73001
ppiC; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase C [EC:] 0.02204 0.00192 0.02237 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.02181 0.00054 0.00240 93 0.00398 0.14017 128.874 0.88874 0.97039
ABC.SP.P1; putative spermidine/putrescine transport system permease protein 0.02201 0.00297 0.01940 0.00106 0.00404 65 0.02383 0.00164 0.00420 93 0.00583 -0.76002 152.821 0.44841 0.83379
lhr; ATP-dependent helicase Lhr and Lhr-like helicase [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.02201 0.00190 0.02113 0.00052 0.00282 65 0.02262 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00381 -0.38922 144.652 0.69769 0.91825
argE; acetylornithine deacetylase [EC:] 0.02195 0.00165 0.02130 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.02240 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00332 -0.33015 142.517 0.74177 0.93043
dctA; aerobic C4-dicarboxylate transport protein 0.02195 0.00214 0.01864 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.02425 0.00078 0.00289 93 0.00425 -1.31903 146.025 0.18922 0.77376
HSP20; HSP20 family protein 0.02193 0.00188 0.02062 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.02284 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00382 -0.58397 139.712 0.56018 0.86813
kdgK; 2-dehydro-3-deoxygluconokinase [EC:] 0.02192 0.00147 0.02066 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.02280 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00317 -0.67377 108.912 0.50188 0.84942
E3.2.1.85, lacG; 6-phospho-beta-galactosidase [EC:] 0.02190 0.00166 0.02164 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.02207 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00335 -0.12920 142.428 0.89738 0.97338
tolR; biopolymer transport protein TolR 0.02189 0.00180 0.02018 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.02308 0.00052 0.00236 93 0.00365 -0.79494 139.347 0.42800 0.82733
ygfZ; tRNA-modifying protein YgfZ 0.02186 0.00130 0.02129 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.02227 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00267 -0.36576 133.643 0.71512 0.92004
PTS-Lac-EIIC, lacE; PTS system, lactose-specific IIC component 0.02186 0.00166 0.02161 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.02204 0.00046 0.00221 93 0.00335 -0.12807 142.434 0.89827 0.97377
acuB; acetoin utilization protein AcuB 0.02183 0.00155 0.02116 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.02231 0.00040 0.00206 93 0.00313 -0.36654 141.776 0.71451 0.92004
lacC; tagatose 6-phosphate kinase [EC:] 0.02181 0.00162 0.02268 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.02119 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00329 0.45375 139.207 0.65072 0.90423
PTS-Lac-EIIA, lacF; PTS system, lactose-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.02180 0.00165 0.02154 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.02197 0.00045 0.00221 93 0.00334 -0.12968 142.369 0.89701 0.97318
E3.3.1.1, ahcY; adenosylhomocysteinase [EC:] 0.02178 0.00127 0.02091 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.02238 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00260 -0.56197 135.532 0.57506 0.87389
hutG; formiminoglutamase [EC:] 0.02176 0.00122 0.02139 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.02201 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00249 -0.25118 136.376 0.80206 0.94855
glgX; glycogen debranching enzyme [EC:] 0.02164 0.00132 0.02366 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.02022 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00274 1.25327 123.564 0.21247 0.77376
hfq; host factor-I protein 0.02163 0.00122 0.02044 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.02247 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00249 -0.81258 133.991 0.41790 0.81941
sufE; cysteine desulfuration protein SufE 0.02161 0.00114 0.02002 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.02273 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00228 -1.19107 146.077 0.23556 0.77376
rnd; ribonuclease D [EC:] 0.02159 0.00130 0.02037 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.02245 0.00029 0.00175 93 0.00262 -0.79187 143.755 0.42974 0.82749
K07150; uncharacterized protein 0.02157 0.00159 0.02301 0.00050 0.00279 65 0.02056 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00336 0.72978 118.628 0.46696 0.83837
gspF; general secretion pathway protein F 0.02154 0.00184 0.02248 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.02087 0.00053 0.00240 93 0.00376 0.42786 136.886 0.66943 0.91165
NEU1; sialidase-1 [EC:] 0.02146 0.00163 0.02008 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.02243 0.00047 0.00225 93 0.00324 -0.72431 149.113 0.47001 0.83870
gmhB; D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.02145 0.00116 0.02252 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.02071 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00238 0.75720 131.979 0.45028 0.83438
APOD; apolipoprotein D and lipocalin family protein 0.02139 0.00261 0.02068 0.00113 0.00418 65 0.02188 0.00104 0.00335 93 0.00535 -0.22526 134.182 0.82212 0.95506
mqo; malate dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.02136 0.00175 0.02024 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.02215 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00356 -0.53652 139.047 0.59245 0.87921
xylB, XYLB; xylulokinase [EC:] 0.02134 0.00156 0.01915 0.00030 0.00213 65 0.02287 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00305 -1.21972 152.087 0.22446 0.77376
hcp; hydroxylamine reductase [EC:] 0.02134 0.00188 0.02402 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.01946 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00391 1.16603 124.642 0.24583 0.77376
rhtA; inner membrane transporter RhtA 0.02132 0.00199 0.02154 0.00072 0.00333 65 0.02116 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00414 0.09102 127.128 0.92762 0.98137
gloB, HAGH; hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase [EC:] 0.02130 0.00130 0.02233 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.02058 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00274 0.63803 121.199 0.52466 0.85728
ybaZ; methylated-DNA-protein-cysteine methyltransferase related protein 0.02129 0.00099 0.02094 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.02153 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00202 -0.29054 136.610 0.77185 0.94083
tehB; tellurite methyltransferase [EC:] 0.02127 0.00168 0.02093 0.00038 0.00242 65 0.02151 0.00049 0.00231 93 0.00334 -0.17245 148.020 0.86332 0.96263
kup; KUP system potassium uptake protein 0.02121 0.00138 0.02006 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.02201 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00280 -0.69730 140.633 0.48676 0.84553
PTS-Gat-EIIC, gatC, sgcC; PTS system, galactitol-specific IIC component 0.02121 0.00221 0.02240 0.00099 0.00391 65 0.02037 0.00062 0.00259 93 0.00469 0.43329 116.894 0.66561 0.91126
clpS; ATP-dependent Clp protease adaptor protein ClpS 0.02117 0.00131 0.01941 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.02240 0.00028 0.00172 93 0.00264 -1.13281 140.297 0.25923 0.77376
cydC; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial CydC 0.02117 0.00143 0.02218 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.02046 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00306 0.56028 114.083 0.57639 0.87389
gldA; glycerol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.02117 0.00132 0.02343 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.01959 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00279 1.37729 117.327 0.17105 0.77376
K09780; uncharacterized protein 0.02117 0.00123 0.02335 0.00027 0.00206 65 0.01964 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00254 1.46196 125.172 0.14626 0.77376
selD, SEPHS; selenide, water dikinase [EC:] 0.02115 0.00116 0.02338 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.01959 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00246 1.54157 113.917 0.12595 0.77376
thiH; 2-iminoacetate synthase [EC:] 0.02115 0.00181 0.02423 0.00057 0.00296 65 0.01899 0.00048 0.00226 93 0.00372 1.40934 129.845 0.16113 0.77376
cydD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial CydD 0.02113 0.00143 0.02216 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.02040 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00306 0.57488 113.988 0.56650 0.87051
tenA; thiaminase (transcriptional activator TenA) [EC:] 0.02112 0.00130 0.01874 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.02278 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00251 -1.61308 154.282 0.10877 0.77376
ykoE; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component 0.02112 0.00169 0.02226 0.00059 0.00302 65 0.02033 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00360 0.53540 115.558 0.59341 0.87985
murQ; N-acetylmuramic acid 6-phosphate etherase [EC:] 0.02095 0.00126 0.02070 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.02113 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00265 -0.15931 123.225 0.87369 0.96576
flgG; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG 0.02095 0.00163 0.01765 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.02326 0.00042 0.00211 93 0.00329 -1.70596 138.150 0.09026 0.76567
ytfE, scdA; regulator of cell morphogenesis and NO signaling 0.02093 0.00155 0.01913 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.02220 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00306 -1.00178 149.339 0.31807 0.77376
gcdA; glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase [EC:] 0.02088 0.00218 0.02519 0.00100 0.00392 65 0.01786 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00464 1.58055 112.773 0.11678 0.77376
cheV; two-component system, chemotaxis family, chemotaxis protein CheV 0.02086 0.00234 0.02059 0.00074 0.00338 65 0.02105 0.00096 0.00321 93 0.00466 -0.09962 147.686 0.92078 0.97905
pncA; nicotinamidase/pyrazinamidase [EC: 3.5.1.-] 0.02085 0.00111 0.01967 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.02167 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00220 -0.91278 150.066 0.36282 0.79496
sulD; dihydroneopterin aldolase / 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase [EC:] 0.02084 0.00145 0.02185 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.02012 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00294 0.58871 140.988 0.55700 0.86813
fimD, fimC, mrkC, htrE, cssD; outer membrane usher protein 0.02083 0.00239 0.01950 0.00081 0.00353 65 0.02176 0.00098 0.00325 93 0.00479 -0.47085 145.667 0.63845 0.89822
sprL; SprT-like protein 0.02074 0.00158 0.02226 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.01968 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00334 0.77155 117.713 0.44193 0.83186
niaX; niacin transporter 0.02074 0.00161 0.02146 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.02023 0.00042 0.00212 93 0.00327 0.37466 139.484 0.70848 0.92004
cobM, cbiF; precorrin-4/cobalt-precorrin-4 C11-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.02072 0.00136 0.02356 0.00038 0.00241 65 0.01873 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00287 1.68167 114.859 0.09535 0.76609
kbl, GCAT; glycine C-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.02071 0.00139 0.01866 0.00023 0.00190 65 0.02214 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00272 -1.28472 152.016 0.20084 0.77376
prdX, proX; Ala-tRNA(Pro) deacylase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.02069 0.00120 0.02303 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.01906 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00257 1.54197 108.485 0.12599 0.77376
pilA; type IV pilus assembly protein PilA 0.02066 0.00201 0.02048 0.00069 0.00327 65 0.02079 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00415 -0.07478 132.124 0.94051 0.98528
cobH-cbiC; precorrin-8X/cobalt-precorrin-8 methylmutase [EC:] 0.02064 0.00136 0.02345 0.00038 0.00242 65 0.01867 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00287 1.66197 114.324 0.09926 0.76942
lptC; lipopolysaccharide export system protein LptC 0.02061 0.00117 0.02083 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.02046 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00241 0.15204 134.033 0.87939 0.96779
DPP4, CD26; dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 [EC:] 0.02057 0.00173 0.01808 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.02231 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00332 -1.27412 155.711 0.20452 0.77376
menC; O-succinylbenzoate synthase [EC:] 0.02052 0.00150 0.02053 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.02052 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00309 0.00315 131.986 0.99749 0.99955
pntB; NAD(P) transhydrogenase subunit beta [EC:] 0.02048 0.00151 0.01935 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.02127 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00305 -0.62833 140.252 0.53081 0.86136
K07003; uncharacterized protein 0.02046 0.00182 0.02069 0.00051 0.00280 65 0.02030 0.00054 0.00241 93 0.00370 0.10560 140.493 0.91605 0.97681
dsbB; disulfide bond formation protein DsbB 0.02041 0.00144 0.01952 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.02104 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00291 -0.52501 142.092 0.60039 0.88240
ydhP; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, inner membrane transport protein 0.02038 0.00216 0.01897 0.00067 0.00321 65 0.02136 0.00079 0.00291 93 0.00434 -0.55057 144.536 0.58278 0.87720
czcC; outer membrane protein, cobalt-zinc-cadmium efflux system 0.02038 0.00310 0.01946 0.00170 0.00511 65 0.02102 0.00141 0.00389 93 0.00643 -0.24285 129.416 0.80851 0.95002
minC; septum site-determining protein MinC 0.02034 0.00124 0.02150 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.01954 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00261 0.75419 119.409 0.45222 0.83438
gltB; glutamate synthase (NADPH/NADH) large chain [EC:] 0.02034 0.00145 0.01737 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.02241 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00290 -1.73542 141.217 0.08485 0.76567
purT; phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 2 [EC:] 0.02033 0.00104 0.02007 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.02051 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00210 -0.20843 141.949 0.83519 0.95506
orn, REX2, REXO2; oligoribonuclease [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.02032 0.00120 0.02102 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.01984 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00250 0.47092 127.951 0.63850 0.89822
lnt; apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.02029 0.00135 0.01910 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.02112 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00273 -0.73879 138.982 0.46128 0.83584
E2.1.1.77, pcm; protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.02028 0.00166 0.01840 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.02160 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00336 -0.95094 138.564 0.34329 0.78583
fldA, nifF, isiB; flavodoxin I 0.02027 0.00217 0.02338 0.00103 0.00398 65 0.01811 0.00054 0.00241 93 0.00465 1.13270 109.359 0.25982 0.77376
aguB; N-carbamoylputrescine amidase [EC:] 0.02024 0.00114 0.01774 0.00015 0.00152 65 0.02199 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00221 -1.92375 153.425 0.05624 0.70577
tolA; colicin import membrane protein 0.02023 0.00115 0.02103 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.01967 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00240 0.56517 124.027 0.57298 0.87292
nuoE; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit E [EC:] 0.02021 0.00116 0.01873 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.02125 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00238 -1.05985 131.322 0.29116 0.77376
PTS-Glc-EIIA, crr; PTS system, sugar-specific IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.02018 0.00144 0.02266 0.00050 0.00276 65 0.01845 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00314 1.34110 100.904 0.18290 0.77376
K09962; uncharacterized protein 0.02014 0.00135 0.01874 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.02111 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00267 -0.88944 149.090 0.37520 0.79810
clpL; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpL 0.02013 0.00158 0.02036 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.01997 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00320 0.11887 140.557 0.90555 0.97664
tcyM; L-cystine transport system permease protein 0.02012 0.00195 0.01792 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.02166 0.00074 0.00282 93 0.00377 -0.99354 155.458 0.32199 0.77376
DPEP; membrane dipeptidase [EC:] 0.02011 0.00118 0.01927 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.02070 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00241 -0.59116 134.467 0.55540 0.86813
racD; aspartate racemase [EC:] 0.02008 0.00173 0.02195 0.00070 0.00329 65 0.01877 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00377 0.84410 103.252 0.40056 0.80783
cobI-cbiL; precorrin-2/cobalt-factor-2 C20-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.02006 0.00137 0.02306 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.01797 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00289 1.76330 114.347 0.08052 0.75920
mprF, fmtC; phosphatidylglycerol lysyltransferase [EC:] 0.02003 0.00134 0.02176 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.01882 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00283 1.03718 118.368 0.30176 0.77376
bioC; malonyl-CoA O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.02002 0.00136 0.02191 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.01871 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00283 1.13166 124.264 0.25996 0.77376
K09858; SEC-C motif domain protein 0.02001 0.00124 0.02064 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.01956 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00256 0.42189 132.331 0.67379 0.91184
cysP, sbp; sulfate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01992 0.00199 0.01862 0.00056 0.00295 65 0.02083 0.00067 0.00269 93 0.00399 -0.55466 145.031 0.57998 0.87573
hisI; phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.01991 0.00116 0.01807 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.02120 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00234 -1.33388 138.713 0.18443 0.77376
cbiK; sirohydrochlorin cobaltochelatase [EC:] 0.01984 0.00190 0.02422 0.00075 0.00340 65 0.01679 0.00043 0.00214 93 0.00402 1.84779 112.408 0.06726 0.73334
zmpB; zinc metalloprotease ZmpB [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.01981 0.00196 0.01769 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.02128 0.00075 0.00283 93 0.00377 -0.95243 155.582 0.34236 0.78567
SLC13A2_3_5; solute carrier family 13 (sodium-dependent dicarboxylate transporter), member 2/3/5 0.01977 0.00165 0.02051 0.00043 0.00256 65 0.01926 0.00044 0.00217 93 0.00336 0.37414 138.916 0.70887 0.92004
lysP; lysine-specific permease 0.01975 0.00143 0.01966 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.01982 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00305 -0.05096 113.659 0.95944 0.98903
betA, CHDH; choline dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01972 0.00189 0.01782 0.00053 0.00287 65 0.02105 0.00058 0.00251 93 0.00381 -0.84788 141.614 0.39794 0.80577
fsr; MFS transporter, FSR family, fosmidomycin resistance protein 0.01971 0.00124 0.01906 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.02017 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00261 -0.42833 123.498 0.66916 0.91165
murE; UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate-L-lysine ligase [EC:] 0.01971 0.00155 0.01926 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.02003 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00311 -0.24486 144.939 0.80691 0.94987
pdxH, PNPO; pyridoxamine 5’-phosphate oxidase [EC:] 0.01969 0.00131 0.01884 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.02029 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00269 -0.53544 133.353 0.59324 0.87985
K07038; inner membrane protein 0.01969 0.00171 0.01954 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.01980 0.00049 0.00230 93 0.00343 -0.07581 144.221 0.93967 0.98527
arcD, lysl, lysP; arginine:ornithine antiporter / lysine permease 0.01968 0.00182 0.02164 0.00072 0.00333 65 0.01831 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00391 0.85198 110.229 0.39607 0.80459
lacT; transcriptional antiterminator 0.01963 0.00160 0.01969 0.00038 0.00241 65 0.01959 0.00043 0.00216 93 0.00323 0.03019 143.492 0.97596 0.99571
K07085; putative transport protein 0.01959 0.00156 0.02074 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.01879 0.00039 0.00205 93 0.00318 0.61337 138.806 0.54064 0.86207
E4.1.3.4, HMGCL, hmgL; hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase [EC:] 0.01958 0.00178 0.01828 0.00044 0.00262 65 0.02049 0.00054 0.00241 93 0.00356 -0.62312 145.718 0.53418 0.86207
K06910; uncharacterized protein 0.01958 0.00119 0.02016 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.01918 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00246 0.40022 132.021 0.68964 0.91567
TC.DCUC, dcuC, dcuD; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DcuC family 0.01951 0.00231 0.02075 0.00082 0.00356 65 0.01865 0.00086 0.00305 93 0.00469 0.44785 139.855 0.65495 0.90679
vcaM; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.01951 0.00206 0.01925 0.00060 0.00305 65 0.01969 0.00073 0.00280 93 0.00414 -0.10688 145.506 0.91503 0.97664
K07496; putative transposase 0.01944 0.00397 0.01956 0.00371 0.00755 65 0.01935 0.00168 0.00425 93 0.00866 0.02407 103.665 0.98084 0.99661
rnfG; electron transport complex protein RnfG 0.01943 0.00148 0.02216 0.00039 0.00245 65 0.01753 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00305 1.51799 127.177 0.13150 0.77376
K07054; uncharacterized protein 0.01941 0.00111 0.01916 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.01959 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00231 -0.18444 127.720 0.85396 0.95848
hisE; phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase [EC:] 0.01937 0.00108 0.01788 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.02041 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00221 -1.14171 133.844 0.25561 0.77376
TC.CITMHS; citrate-Mg2+:H+ or citrate-Ca2+:H+ symporter, CitMHS family 0.01937 0.00142 0.02083 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.01835 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00289 0.85665 136.134 0.39314 0.80459
mtnA; methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.01935 0.00122 0.02207 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.01745 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00257 1.79836 116.476 0.07471 0.74200
sixA; phosphohistidine phosphatase [EC:3.1.3.-] 0.01931 0.00115 0.01895 0.00022 0.00182 65 0.01956 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00236 -0.25961 135.787 0.79556 0.94791
mazF, ndoA, chpA; mRNA interferase MazF [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01930 0.00179 0.01852 0.00059 0.00301 65 0.01984 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00374 -0.35263 126.369 0.72495 0.92177
cobK-cbiJ; precorrin-6A/cobalt-precorrin-6A reductase [EC:] 0.01926 0.00130 0.02247 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.01702 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00276 1.97680 109.095 0.05059 0.68163
pqiA; paraquat-inducible protein A 0.01923 0.00235 0.01966 0.00071 0.00331 65 0.01893 0.00099 0.00327 93 0.00465 0.15690 150.284 0.87553 0.96694
atpI; ATP synthase protein I 0.01922 0.00121 0.01966 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.01891 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00250 0.29889 129.025 0.76551 0.93900
ubiG; 2-polyprenyl-6-hydroxyphenyl methylase / 3-demethylubiquinone-9 3-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01919 0.00156 0.01851 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.01967 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00321 -0.36036 132.978 0.71915 0.92108
sugE; quaternary ammonium compound-resistance protein SugE 0.01919 0.00160 0.01856 0.00047 0.00269 65 0.01962 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00334 -0.31820 125.673 0.75086 0.93483
glsA, GLS; glutaminase [EC:] 0.01913 0.00151 0.02157 0.00059 0.00300 65 0.01743 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00335 1.23660 95.081 0.21928 0.77376
eptC; heptose-I-phosphate ethanolaminephosphotransferase [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.01912 0.00166 0.01941 0.00045 0.00264 65 0.01893 0.00042 0.00214 93 0.00339 0.14163 135.147 0.88759 0.97039
aqpZ; aquaporin Z 0.01910 0.00099 0.01652 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.02091 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00195 -2.25427 148.778 0.02564 0.59941
TC.NCS2; nucleobase:cation symporter-2, NCS2 family 0.01904 0.00141 0.01983 0.00044 0.00260 65 0.01849 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00304 0.43905 108.932 0.66149 0.90968
yaeR; glyoxylase I family protein 0.01903 0.00116 0.01794 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01979 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00233 -0.79422 142.451 0.42839 0.82737
PPOX, hemY; protoporphyrinogen/coproporphyrinogen III oxidase [EC:] 0.01902 0.00140 0.01743 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.02013 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00278 -0.96955 146.769 0.33387 0.77992
arcA; arginine deiminase [EC:] 0.01900 0.00102 0.02061 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01788 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00214 1.27225 120.379 0.20573 0.77376
cusR, copR, silR; two-component system, OmpR family, copper resistance phosphate regulon response regulator CusR 0.01898 0.00239 0.01912 0.00087 0.00366 65 0.01888 0.00093 0.00316 93 0.00484 0.04990 140.656 0.96027 0.98903
malY, malT; maltose/moltooligosaccharide transporter 0.01893 0.00201 0.01974 0.00095 0.00383 65 0.01837 0.00043 0.00214 93 0.00438 0.31138 103.218 0.75614 0.93669
tolC; outer membrane protein 0.01893 0.00130 0.01646 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.02066 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00261 -1.60777 139.969 0.11014 0.77376
hisIE; phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase / phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.01892 0.00126 0.01800 0.00023 0.00190 65 0.01957 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00254 -0.62144 142.719 0.53530 0.86207
patA, rscA, lmrC, satA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.01891 0.00150 0.01932 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01862 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00303 0.23427 141.753 0.81511 0.95409
patB, rscB, lmrC, satB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.01891 0.00150 0.01932 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01861 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00303 0.23488 141.760 0.81464 0.95409
moaD, cysO; sulfur-carrier protein 0.01889 0.00117 0.01710 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.02013 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00234 -1.29345 144.243 0.19792 0.77376
glnD; [protein-PII] uridylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01888 0.00126 0.01816 0.00025 0.00198 65 0.01938 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00256 -0.47864 136.723 0.63296 0.89696
opuC; osmoprotectant transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01885 0.00159 0.01947 0.00045 0.00263 65 0.01842 0.00037 0.00198 93 0.00330 0.31762 128.508 0.75129 0.93519
grxD, GLRX5; monothiol glutaredoxin 0.01884 0.00150 0.01840 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.01915 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00310 -0.24242 132.067 0.80883 0.95002
eta; exfoliative toxin A/B 0.01880 0.00155 0.01862 0.00035 0.00230 65 0.01892 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00311 -0.09699 144.694 0.92287 0.97947
mltB; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase B [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.01877 0.00157 0.01947 0.00042 0.00254 65 0.01828 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00323 0.36912 131.731 0.71263 0.92004
LYSN; 2-aminoadipate transaminase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.01875 0.00190 0.01952 0.00070 0.00328 65 0.01822 0.00048 0.00228 93 0.00400 0.32751 121.103 0.74385 0.93099
ytrA; GntR family transcriptional regulator 0.01875 0.00196 0.01517 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.02125 0.00081 0.00295 93 0.00365 -1.66503 153.267 0.09795 0.76722
K07011; uncharacterized protein 0.01875 0.00131 0.01676 0.00018 0.00168 65 0.02013 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00253 -1.33399 155.400 0.18416 0.77376
murN; alanine adding enzyme [EC:2.3.2.-] 0.01874 0.00156 0.01797 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.01928 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00310 -0.42270 148.547 0.67313 0.91184
dsbC; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbC [EC:] 0.01873 0.00148 0.01919 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.01842 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00300 0.25606 141.338 0.79828 0.94822
ARSC2, arsC; arsenate reductase [EC:] 0.01870 0.00113 0.01814 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.01908 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00233 -0.40421 130.597 0.68672 0.91567
fliL; flagellar FliL protein 0.01868 0.00157 0.01792 0.00044 0.00260 65 0.01920 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00326 -0.39379 129.191 0.69439 0.91715
ybbN; putative thioredoxin 0.01867 0.00113 0.01852 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01878 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00235 -0.10823 128.575 0.91398 0.97664
aadK; aminoglycoside 6-adenylyltransferase [EC:2.7.7.-] 0.01864 0.00153 0.01815 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.01899 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00305 -0.27310 146.185 0.78516 0.94445
ribA, RIB1; GTP cyclohydrolase II [EC:] 0.01864 0.00125 0.01923 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.01822 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00260 0.38809 129.647 0.69859 0.91844
PTS-Tre-EIIC, treB; PTS system, trehalose-specific IIC component 0.01863 0.00135 0.02061 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.01724 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00289 1.16789 109.296 0.24539 0.77376
asnC; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, regulator for asnA, asnC and gidA 0.01859 0.00168 0.01728 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.01952 0.00054 0.00240 93 0.00328 -0.68256 154.196 0.49591 0.84797
fdx; ferredoxin, 2Fe-2S 0.01859 0.00120 0.01796 0.00023 0.00190 65 0.01903 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00245 -0.43619 136.553 0.66339 0.91006
E4.1.1.17, ODC1, speC, speF; ornithine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01858 0.00126 0.01982 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.01772 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00262 0.80271 127.238 0.42364 0.82432
narH, narY, nxrB; nitrate reductase / nitrite oxidoreductase, beta subunit [EC: 1.7.99.-] 0.01856 0.00115 0.01944 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01794 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00239 0.62755 125.324 0.53144 0.86136
ATPVD, ntpD, atpD; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit D 0.01855 0.00143 0.02210 0.00043 0.00258 65 0.01608 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00303 1.98829 110.344 0.04926 0.67429
LYS1; saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD+, L-lysine forming) [EC:] 0.01855 0.00138 0.01617 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.02021 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00271 -1.48978 151.163 0.13836 0.77376
K01163; uncharacterized protein 0.01855 0.00159 0.02116 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.01672 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00332 1.33892 121.616 0.18310 0.77376
lldD; L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) [EC:] 0.01852 0.00135 0.01697 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.01960 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00274 -0.96125 140.331 0.33808 0.78383
btuB; vitamin B12 transporter 0.01852 0.00115 0.01864 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01843 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00236 0.08744 135.149 0.93045 0.98255
ycgQ; putative membrane protein 0.01851 0.00148 0.01783 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.01899 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00296 -0.39306 147.682 0.69484 0.91715
secDF; SecD/SecF fusion protein 0.01847 0.00131 0.01520 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.02076 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00256 -2.17033 148.943 0.03157 0.61842
algH; putative transcriptional regulator 0.01847 0.00121 0.01749 0.00025 0.00198 65 0.01915 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00250 -0.66399 130.558 0.50787 0.84956
GLDC, gcvP; glycine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01847 0.00131 0.01795 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.01882 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00269 -0.32301 135.847 0.74719 0.93207
cbiG; cobalt-precorrin 5A hydrolase [EC:] 0.01845 0.00128 0.02173 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.01616 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00270 2.06985 111.717 0.04077 0.64345
narI, narV; nitrate reductase gamma subunit [EC: 1.7.99.-] 0.01844 0.00115 0.01931 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.01783 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00240 0.61939 125.546 0.53678 0.86207
pbp2B, penA; penicillin-binding protein 2B 0.01842 0.00153 0.01798 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.01873 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00306 -0.24436 147.659 0.80729 0.94987
ATPVB, ntpB, atpB; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit B 0.01841 0.00141 0.02185 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.01601 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00300 1.94929 110.759 0.05379 0.70048
add, ADA; adenosine deaminase [EC:] 0.01841 0.00124 0.01881 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01813 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00253 0.26711 138.334 0.78978 0.94606
ATPVK, ntpK, atpK; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit K 0.01841 0.00141 0.02185 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.01600 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00299 1.95408 110.580 0.05322 0.69853
dusB; tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase B [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01840 0.00125 0.01830 0.00025 0.00194 65 0.01847 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00254 -0.06982 138.168 0.94444 0.98674
glpX; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase II [EC:] 0.01840 0.00127 0.01998 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.01730 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00267 1.00130 118.751 0.31872 0.77376
yhfA; putative redox protein 0.01840 0.00164 0.01729 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.01918 0.00048 0.00226 93 0.00324 -0.58300 149.560 0.56077 0.86813
ATPVI, ntpI, atpI; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit I 0.01840 0.00141 0.02183 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.01600 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00299 1.94535 110.527 0.05427 0.70167
argK; LAO/AO transport system kinase [EC:2.7.-.-] 0.01838 0.00160 0.01750 0.00050 0.00277 65 0.01900 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00338 -0.44345 121.133 0.65823 0.90829
narG, narZ, nxrA; nitrate reductase / nitrite oxidoreductase, alpha subunit [EC: 1.7.99.-] 0.01838 0.00115 0.01925 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.01777 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00240 0.61541 125.355 0.53940 0.86207
ATPVA, ntpA, atpA; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit A [EC:] 0.01836 0.00141 0.02182 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.01594 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00299 1.96594 109.921 0.05183 0.68802
oadB; oxaloacetate decarboxylase, beta subunit [EC:] 0.01830 0.00172 0.02111 0.00059 0.00302 65 0.01634 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00363 1.31553 117.515 0.19089 0.77376
yrbG; cation:H+ antiporter 0.01827 0.00115 0.01780 0.00018 0.00168 65 0.01860 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00230 -0.34667 146.462 0.72933 0.92412
ABC.ZM.S; zinc/manganese transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01826 0.00186 0.02057 0.00070 0.00329 65 0.01665 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00393 0.99697 115.785 0.32086 0.77376
E1.2.3.3, poxL; pyruvate oxidase [EC:] 0.01825 0.00143 0.01778 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01858 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00289 -0.27861 141.598 0.78095 0.94296
pabBC; para-aminobenzoate synthetase / 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase [EC:] 0.01822 0.00149 0.01638 0.00025 0.00198 65 0.01950 0.00042 0.00212 93 0.00290 -1.07661 153.979 0.28334 0.77376
ciaR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator CiaR 0.01819 0.00153 0.01800 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.01832 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00304 -0.10827 147.901 0.91393 0.97664
dam; DNA adenine methylase [EC:] 0.01818 0.00140 0.01887 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.01770 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00288 0.40330 132.571 0.68738 0.91567
murM; serine/alanine adding enzyme [EC:] 0.01818 0.00152 0.01790 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.01837 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00304 -0.15445 147.560 0.87746 0.96737
ABC-2.CYL.P, cylB; multidrug/hemolysin transport system permease protein 0.01818 0.00149 0.01803 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.01828 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00298 -0.08379 147.066 0.93334 0.98428
pta; phosphate acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.01816 0.00122 0.01871 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01778 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00245 0.37757 144.580 0.70630 0.92004
K09807; uncharacterized protein 0.01816 0.00142 0.01655 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01928 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00292 -0.93539 133.861 0.35127 0.79120
marC; multiple antibiotic resistance protein 0.01814 0.00122 0.01728 0.00022 0.00182 65 0.01874 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00246 -0.59463 144.378 0.55302 0.86788
secB; preprotein translocase subunit SecB 0.01814 0.00125 0.01774 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.01843 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00257 -0.26900 135.554 0.78834 0.94581
ABC-2.CYL.A, cylA; multidrug/hemolysin transport system ATP-binding protein 0.01812 0.00149 0.01798 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.01822 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00298 -0.07945 147.029 0.93678 0.98459
ciaH; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CiaH [EC:] 0.01812 0.00153 0.01796 0.00032 0.00220 65 0.01823 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00304 -0.09056 147.966 0.92796 0.98143
MPG; DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase [EC:] 0.01811 0.00139 0.01934 0.00036 0.00234 65 0.01725 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00289 0.72451 124.773 0.47011 0.83870
PPCS, COAB; phosphopantothenate—cysteine ligase (ATP) [EC:] 0.01810 0.00152 0.01789 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.01824 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00303 -0.11639 147.877 0.90750 0.97664
fic; cell filamentation protein 0.01808 0.00138 0.01720 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.01870 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00279 -0.53788 141.640 0.59150 0.87896
PPCDC, coaC; phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01808 0.00152 0.01788 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.01822 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00304 -0.11326 147.866 0.90998 0.97664
cobN; cobaltochelatase CobN [EC:] 0.01805 0.00146 0.01740 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.01850 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00293 -0.37608 145.985 0.70740 0.92004
estA; putative tributyrin esterase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.01804 0.00153 0.01785 0.00032 0.00220 65 0.01818 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00304 -0.10990 147.873 0.91263 0.97664
pbp2X; penicillin-binding protein 2X 0.01804 0.00153 0.01785 0.00032 0.00220 65 0.01818 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00304 -0.10990 147.873 0.91263 0.97664
BDH, butB; (R,R)-butanediol dehydrogenase / meso-butanediol dehydrogenase / diacetyl reductase [EC: 1.1.1.-] 0.01804 0.00134 0.01747 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01844 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00265 -0.36477 149.685 0.71580 0.92004
ssuE; FMN reductase [EC:] 0.01801 0.00178 0.01537 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.01985 0.00054 0.00242 93 0.00353 -1.26982 147.085 0.20615 0.77376
glf; UDP-galactopyranose mutase [EC:] 0.01800 0.00149 0.01894 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.01735 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00309 0.51420 127.899 0.60800 0.88637
spoVB; stage V sporulation protein B 0.01791 0.00180 0.01917 0.00069 0.00327 65 0.01703 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00385 0.55402 111.731 0.58067 0.87573
HPD, hppD; 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase [EC:] 0.01788 0.00180 0.01670 0.00051 0.00279 65 0.01870 0.00052 0.00237 93 0.00366 -0.54634 139.364 0.58571 0.87720
phbC, phaC; polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.01784 0.00178 0.01656 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.01874 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00368 -0.59298 131.440 0.55422 0.86806
flhA; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA 0.01779 0.00129 0.01550 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.01939 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00261 -1.48899 138.118 0.13877 0.77376
tagA, tarA; N-acetylglucosaminyldiphosphoundecaprenol N-acetyl-beta-D-mannosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.01778 0.00116 0.01652 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.01867 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00235 -0.91526 138.239 0.36165 0.79496
ihfA, himA; integration host factor subunit alpha 0.01778 0.00114 0.01705 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01830 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00234 -0.53319 136.189 0.59477 0.88005
aroP; aromatic amino acid transport protein AroP 0.01777 0.00156 0.01805 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.01758 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00311 0.15179 148.368 0.87956 0.96779
E4.3.1.12, ocd; ornithine cyclodeaminase [EC:] 0.01774 0.00139 0.01501 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01964 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00271 -1.70958 152.811 0.08937 0.76567
mocA; molybdenum cofactor cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01774 0.00110 0.01694 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01829 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00228 -0.59072 127.852 0.55575 0.86813
ACADS, bcd; butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01773 0.00231 0.02300 0.00152 0.00484 65 0.01404 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00521 1.71889 84.640 0.08929 0.76567
K07035; uncharacterized protein 0.01771 0.00157 0.02126 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.01524 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00334 1.80265 111.437 0.07415 0.74128
minE; cell division topological specificity factor 0.01770 0.00120 0.01953 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.01642 0.00018 0.00137 93 0.00256 1.21371 113.400 0.22738 0.77376
qseC; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase QseC [EC:] 0.01770 0.00185 0.01721 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.01804 0.00063 0.00260 93 0.00362 -0.22653 152.569 0.82109 0.95506
waaC, rfaC; heptosyltransferase I [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.01767 0.00118 0.01912 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01666 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00236 1.04025 143.227 0.29998 0.77376
cbiD; cobalt-precorrin-5B (C1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01766 0.00132 0.02074 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.01551 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00280 1.86500 109.499 0.06486 0.73334
aarC, cat1; succinyl-CoA:acetate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.01765 0.00120 0.01747 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01778 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00243 -0.13065 141.315 0.89624 0.97276
nudH; putative (di)nucleoside polyphosphate hydrolase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.01765 0.00121 0.01700 0.00023 0.00190 65 0.01809 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00247 -0.43994 137.456 0.66067 0.90968
dppA; dipeptide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01762 0.00211 0.01726 0.00058 0.00298 65 0.01787 0.00080 0.00293 93 0.00417 -0.14609 150.026 0.88405 0.96974
phoB1, phoP; two-component system, OmpR family, alkaline phosphatase synthesis response regulator PhoP 0.01761 0.00125 0.01672 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.01824 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00260 -0.58744 128.578 0.55794 0.86813
pheB; chorismate mutase [EC:] 0.01761 0.00134 0.01911 0.00039 0.00245 65 0.01655 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00287 0.89052 110.487 0.37512 0.79810
rnfD; electron transport complex protein RnfD 0.01761 0.00152 0.02183 0.00048 0.00271 65 0.01465 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00320 2.24257 112.551 0.02688 0.61112
fliNY, fliN; flagellar motor switch protein FliN/FliY 0.01760 0.00131 0.01500 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01943 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00261 -1.69414 145.102 0.09238 0.76567
cusS, copS, silS; two-component system, OmpR family, heavy metal sensor histidine kinase CusS [EC:] 0.01758 0.00221 0.01758 0.00075 0.00341 65 0.01758 0.00079 0.00291 93 0.00448 -0.00059 139.711 0.99953 0.99957
yejA; microcin C transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01756 0.00224 0.01643 0.00066 0.00320 65 0.01835 0.00089 0.00310 93 0.00445 -0.43046 149.127 0.66749 0.91150
K07071; uncharacterized protein 0.01749 0.00131 0.01582 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.01866 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00262 -1.08338 143.216 0.28046 0.77376
narJ, narW; nitrate reductase molybdenum cofactor assembly chaperone NarJ/NarW 0.01743 0.00111 0.01826 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01685 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00231 0.61098 124.267 0.54233 0.86262
fliR; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliR 0.01743 0.00126 0.01555 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.01874 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00257 -1.23856 136.380 0.21763 0.77376
flhB; flagellar biosynthetic protein FlhB 0.01741 0.00127 0.01549 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.01875 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00258 -1.26679 136.363 0.20739 0.77376
fliP; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliP 0.01740 0.00127 0.01542 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.01879 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00259 -1.30029 136.009 0.19570 0.77376
pfpI; protease I [EC:] 0.01739 0.00151 0.01555 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.01868 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00308 -1.01751 134.795 0.31073 0.77376
iscR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, iron-sulfur cluster assembly transcription factor 0.01738 0.00115 0.01783 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01707 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00233 0.32679 139.945 0.74432 0.93142
pal; peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein 0.01738 0.00123 0.01647 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01801 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00251 -0.61397 137.458 0.54025 0.86207
tesB; acyl-CoA thioesterase II [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.01736 0.00150 0.01627 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01812 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00289 -0.64133 155.936 0.52225 0.85628
TC.NCS1; nucleobase:cation symporter-1, NCS1 family 0.01735 0.00259 0.01593 0.00086 0.00363 65 0.01834 0.00120 0.00360 93 0.00511 -0.47037 150.516 0.63878 0.89824
mdtG; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.01733 0.00250 0.02001 0.00127 0.00441 65 0.01546 0.00080 0.00293 93 0.00529 0.85957 116.953 0.39179 0.80459
E2.6.1.11, argD; acetylornithine aminotransferase [EC:] 0.01732 0.00103 0.01459 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.01924 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00202 -2.30391 147.864 0.02262 0.59764
PTS-Aga-EIIA, agaF; PTS system, N-acetylgalactosamine-specific IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.01732 0.00136 0.01697 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.01757 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00271 -0.22112 148.888 0.82530 0.95506
SOD1; superoxide dismutase, Cu-Zn family [EC:] 0.01731 0.00149 0.01593 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.01828 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00304 -0.77330 135.897 0.44069 0.83186
rpoH; RNA polymerase sigma-32 factor 0.01731 0.00123 0.01621 0.00023 0.00190 65 0.01807 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00250 -0.74301 140.137 0.45872 0.83438
ACR3, arsB; arsenite transporter 0.01730 0.00144 0.01680 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.01765 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00293 -0.29260 138.253 0.77027 0.94009
flgK; flagellar hook-associated protein 1 FlgK 0.01729 0.00138 0.01547 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01856 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00281 -1.10107 135.554 0.27282 0.77376
tamA; translocation and assembly module TamA 0.01729 0.00127 0.01696 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.01752 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00261 -0.21661 134.932 0.82884 0.95506
kdpD; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase KdpD [EC:] 0.01727 0.00160 0.01411 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.01948 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00315 -1.70357 149.335 0.09054 0.76567
FBP, fbp; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase I [EC:] 0.01722 0.00119 0.01709 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01731 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00243 -0.09147 137.517 0.92725 0.98137
nemR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor for nem operon 0.01721 0.00195 0.01352 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.01979 0.00076 0.00285 93 0.00369 -1.70096 155.939 0.09094 0.76567
bshA; L-malate glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.01721 0.00195 0.02118 0.00108 0.00407 65 0.01444 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00440 1.53076 85.661 0.12951 0.77376
K06996; uncharacterized protein 0.01719 0.00203 0.01546 0.00066 0.00319 65 0.01841 0.00065 0.00264 93 0.00414 -0.71291 137.136 0.47711 0.84209
csn1, cas9; CRISPR-associated endonuclease Csn1 [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01716 0.00113 0.01717 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01716 0.00019 0.00145 93 0.00233 0.00361 132.704 0.99712 0.99951
K09781; uncharacterized protein 0.01713 0.00117 0.01690 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01729 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00242 -0.16122 131.472 0.87217 0.96576
AROA2, aroA; 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase [EC:] 0.01713 0.00167 0.02098 0.00062 0.00309 65 0.01443 0.00031 0.00181 93 0.00359 1.82681 106.759 0.07052 0.73788
frmA, ADH5, adhC; S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase / alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01706 0.00165 0.01366 0.00025 0.00197 65 0.01943 0.00054 0.00242 93 0.00312 -1.84666 155.936 0.06669 0.73334
flgE; flagellar hook protein FlgE 0.01705 0.00129 0.01497 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01850 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00258 -1.36435 144.460 0.17458 0.77376
aceB, glcB; malate synthase [EC:] 0.01704 0.00142 0.01511 0.00036 0.00234 65 0.01839 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00293 -1.11655 128.825 0.26627 0.77376
ydjE; MFS transporter, putative metabolite:H+ symporter 0.01698 0.00117 0.01576 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01784 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00235 -0.88412 141.956 0.37813 0.79852
elaA; ElaA protein 0.01697 0.00116 0.01839 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.01597 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00256 0.94846 97.722 0.34523 0.78739
spoT; GTP diphosphokinase / guanosine-3’,5’-bis(diphosphate) 3’-diphosphatase [EC:] 0.01694 0.00118 0.01895 0.00027 0.00206 65 0.01553 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00248 1.37856 118.646 0.17063 0.77376
glcD; glycolate oxidase [EC:] 0.01694 0.00159 0.01674 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.01708 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00310 -0.10664 154.529 0.91521 0.97664
dusA; tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase A [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01692 0.00113 0.01688 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.01694 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00231 -0.02345 135.692 0.98133 0.99661
oprM, emhC, ttgC, cusC, adeK, smeF, mtrE, cmeC, gesC; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.01691 0.00171 0.01600 0.00042 0.00254 65 0.01754 0.00050 0.00232 93 0.00344 -0.44842 145.093 0.65452 0.90679
DOPA; 4,5-DOPA dioxygenase extradiol [EC:1.13.11.-] 0.01690 0.00109 0.01691 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.01689 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00220 0.01254 143.973 0.99001 0.99801
gmhC, hldE, waaE, rfaE; D-beta-D-heptose 7-phosphate kinase / D-beta-D-heptose 1-phosphate adenosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01689 0.00108 0.01797 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.01613 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00221 0.82763 134.132 0.40935 0.81416
K09153; uncharacterized protein 0.01687 0.00123 0.01802 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.01607 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00254 0.76956 130.204 0.44296 0.83186
E3.5.1.24; choloylglycine hydrolase [EC:] 0.01687 0.00216 0.01757 0.00091 0.00375 65 0.01638 0.00062 0.00258 93 0.00455 0.26269 120.191 0.79324 0.94783
ihfB, himD; integration host factor subunit beta 0.01687 0.00119 0.01638 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01721 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00244 -0.33737 133.516 0.73636 0.92721
cbpA; curved DNA-binding protein 0.01687 0.00107 0.01554 0.00015 0.00152 65 0.01779 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00212 -1.06268 149.317 0.28964 0.77376
rluF; 23S rRNA pseudouridine2604 synthase [EC:] 0.01686 0.00148 0.01741 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.01648 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00308 0.30262 128.265 0.76267 0.93813
fliQ; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliQ 0.01685 0.00118 0.01489 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01821 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00242 -1.37375 134.738 0.17180 0.77376
K09768; uncharacterized protein 0.01681 0.00126 0.01592 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.01742 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00265 -0.56636 123.035 0.57218 0.87289
K07571; S1 RNA binding domain protein 0.01680 0.00122 0.01771 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.01617 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00262 0.58883 110.098 0.55718 0.86813
K07017; uncharacterized protein 0.01680 0.00193 0.01719 0.00062 0.00308 65 0.01654 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00396 0.16401 134.512 0.86997 0.96495
sdhD, frdD; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, membrane anchor subunit 0.01679 0.00124 0.01577 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.01749 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00252 -0.68315 137.267 0.49567 0.84797
fkpA; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FkpA [EC:] 0.01676 0.00163 0.01619 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.01716 0.00044 0.00216 93 0.00329 -0.29380 141.651 0.76934 0.93993
pdxJ; pyridoxine 5-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01675 0.00113 0.01510 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.01790 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00225 -1.24635 145.415 0.21464 0.77376
tolQ; biopolymer transport protein TolQ 0.01675 0.00129 0.01572 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.01747 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00262 -0.66833 140.431 0.50502 0.84956
K09930; uncharacterized protein 0.01674 0.00158 0.01676 0.00045 0.00264 65 0.01673 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00329 0.00938 126.927 0.99253 0.99908
kefB; glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system protein KefB 0.01673 0.00152 0.01624 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.01708 0.00038 0.00201 93 0.00307 -0.27146 141.173 0.78644 0.94458
dapdh; diaminopimelate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01673 0.00149 0.01682 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.01666 0.00033 0.00190 93 0.00306 0.05133 132.948 0.95914 0.98903
K06994; putative drug exporter of the RND superfamily 0.01673 0.00225 0.01208 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01997 0.00118 0.00355 93 0.00403 -1.95519 136.409 0.05261 0.69316
flgC; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgC 0.01671 0.00120 0.01466 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01815 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00243 -1.43481 137.970 0.15361 0.77376
mglB; methyl-galactoside transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01670 0.00158 0.02068 0.00059 0.00302 65 0.01392 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00343 1.97358 100.424 0.05118 0.68675
PTS-Gat-EIIA, gatA, sgcA; PTS system, galactitol-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.01669 0.00139 0.01721 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.01633 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00288 0.30362 129.219 0.76191 0.93813
K06926; uncharacterized protein 0.01669 0.00267 0.02199 0.00199 0.00553 65 0.01299 0.00051 0.00233 93 0.00600 1.50043 86.846 0.13713 0.77376
cysQ, MET22, BPNT1; 3’(2’), 5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase [EC:] 0.01668 0.00112 0.01566 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.01739 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00228 -0.75813 139.119 0.44965 0.83438
hppA; K(+)-stimulated pyrophosphate-energized sodium pump [EC:] 0.01667 0.00124 0.01636 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.01689 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00258 -0.20722 125.077 0.83617 0.95506
cobD; threonine-phosphate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01667 0.00146 0.01949 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.01469 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00309 1.55205 113.108 0.12344 0.77376
gmd, GMDS; GDPmannose 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.01666 0.00117 0.01395 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.01855 0.00027 0.00172 93 0.00221 -2.07754 155.905 0.03939 0.63577
pmbA; PmbA protein 0.01665 0.00119 0.01615 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01700 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00243 -0.34891 135.293 0.72770 0.92341
pdhR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor for pyruvate dehydrogenase complex 0.01664 0.00165 0.01583 0.00039 0.00243 65 0.01720 0.00046 0.00223 93 0.00330 -0.41514 145.202 0.67865 0.91311
lolA; outer membrane lipoprotein carrier protein 0.01664 0.00116 0.01670 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.01659 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00236 0.04961 139.651 0.96050 0.98903
ybdG, mscM; miniconductance mechanosensitive channel 0.01661 0.00116 0.01539 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.01746 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00229 -0.90475 151.226 0.36704 0.79587
fliI; flagellum-specific ATP synthase [EC:] 0.01655 0.00118 0.01457 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01792 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00240 -1.39436 135.063 0.16550 0.77376
terC; tellurite resistance protein TerC 0.01653 0.00118 0.01630 0.00024 0.00190 65 0.01669 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00243 -0.16127 133.418 0.87212 0.96576
anmK; anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinase [EC:] 0.01652 0.00118 0.01600 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01689 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00243 -0.36962 132.939 0.71226 0.92004
rlmE, rrmJ, ftsJ; 23S rRNA (uridine2552-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01652 0.00116 0.01601 0.00023 0.00186 65 0.01688 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00238 -0.36277 133.861 0.71735 0.92035
tolB; TolB protein 0.01652 0.00119 0.01576 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01704 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00242 -0.52763 136.959 0.59861 0.88240
yvaK; carboxylesterase [EC:] 0.01649 0.00163 0.01589 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.01691 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00331 -0.30740 139.944 0.75900 0.93719
gmhD, rfaD; ADP-L-glycero-D-manno-heptose 6-epimerase [EC:] 0.01645 0.00125 0.01919 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01453 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00262 1.77661 117.082 0.07823 0.75550
lptE, rlpB; LPS-assembly lipoprotein 0.01640 0.00117 0.01599 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01669 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00240 -0.29219 134.305 0.77059 0.94017
ssuB; sulfonate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.01638 0.00138 0.01548 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.01701 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00276 -0.55581 146.527 0.57919 0.87546
mlaC; phospholipid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01637 0.00123 0.01700 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.01594 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00254 0.41797 129.256 0.67666 0.91266
emrE, qac, mmr, smr; small multidrug resistance pump 0.01636 0.00121 0.01564 0.00023 0.00186 65 0.01687 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00245 -0.49795 139.983 0.61930 0.88981
ldcA; muramoyltetrapeptide carboxypeptidase [EC:] 0.01636 0.00108 0.01686 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.01601 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00218 0.38952 142.556 0.69747 0.91825
prlC; oligopeptidase A [EC:] 0.01634 0.00127 0.01655 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.01619 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00259 0.14004 137.256 0.88884 0.97039
ssuC; sulfonate transport system permease protein 0.01632 0.00151 0.01538 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01697 0.00038 0.00201 93 0.00304 -0.52570 142.215 0.59991 0.88240
pepE; dipeptidase E [EC:] 0.01632 0.00127 0.01824 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01497 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00270 1.20758 113.851 0.22971 0.77376
holC; DNA polymerase III subunit chi [EC:] 0.01631 0.00116 0.01588 0.00023 0.00186 65 0.01661 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00239 -0.30565 133.828 0.76035 0.93791
cptB; antitoxin CptB 0.01629 0.00116 0.01598 0.00023 0.00186 65 0.01651 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00239 -0.22480 133.895 0.82248 0.95506
betB, gbsA; betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01629 0.00148 0.01442 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.01760 0.00037 0.00201 93 0.00294 -1.08128 146.663 0.28135 0.77376
ATPVF, ntpF, atpF; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit F 0.01629 0.00134 0.01994 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.01374 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00287 2.16174 104.014 0.03293 0.62130
dnaC; DNA replication protein DnaC 0.01629 0.00173 0.01746 0.00057 0.00297 65 0.01547 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00364 0.54762 122.446 0.58495 0.87720
tctE; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase TctE [EC:] 0.01628 0.00223 0.01505 0.00072 0.00334 65 0.01714 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00448 -0.46689 143.673 0.64129 0.90011
bolA; BolA family transcriptional regulator, general stress-responsive regulator 0.01628 0.00116 0.01600 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01648 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00239 -0.20019 133.881 0.84163 0.95506
fliE; flagellar hook-basal body complex protein FliE 0.01628 0.00119 0.01411 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01779 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00242 -1.51807 136.170 0.13131 0.77376
moaB; molybdopterin adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01627 0.00111 0.01596 0.00022 0.00182 65 0.01649 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00229 -0.22766 129.933 0.82027 0.95506
pgpA; phosphatidylglycerophosphatase A [EC:] 0.01626 0.00120 0.01864 0.00027 0.00202 65 0.01460 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00249 1.62508 124.336 0.10668 0.77376
cobA-hemD; uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase / synthase [EC:] 0.01625 0.00133 0.01906 0.00037 0.00238 65 0.01429 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00282 1.69230 112.695 0.09335 0.76567
gltP, gltT; proton glutamate symport protein 0.01624 0.00131 0.01462 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01737 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00258 -1.06885 151.758 0.28683 0.77376
ttcA; tRNA 2-thiocytidine biosynthesis protein TtcA 0.01622 0.00122 0.01554 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01670 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00245 -0.47449 145.355 0.63586 0.89696
fdoI, fdsG; formate dehydrogenase subunit gamma 0.01622 0.00126 0.01757 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.01528 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00265 0.86390 118.513 0.38939 0.80347
saeS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase SaeS [EC:] 0.01622 0.00140 0.01488 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01715 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00276 -0.82529 152.104 0.41050 0.81416
K07118; uncharacterized protein 0.01621 0.00137 0.01746 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.01533 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00293 0.72503 111.548 0.46995 0.83870
K10907; aminotransferase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.01621 0.00159 0.01719 0.00047 0.00269 65 0.01552 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00332 0.50067 124.558 0.61748 0.88903
lip, TGL2; triacylglycerol lipase [EC:] 0.01620 0.00161 0.01557 0.00037 0.00238 65 0.01663 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00322 -0.32921 145.333 0.74247 0.93050
pccA; periplasmic copper chaperone A 0.01618 0.00154 0.01497 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.01702 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00309 -0.66475 143.737 0.50727 0.84956
rbsD; D-ribose pyranase [EC:] 0.01615 0.00133 0.01788 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.01494 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00286 1.03049 110.975 0.30502 0.77376
ccmG, dsbE; cytochrome c biogenesis protein CcmG, thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbE 0.01614 0.00136 0.01603 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.01622 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00281 -0.06616 131.356 0.94735 0.98674
fctD; glutamate formiminotransferase [EC:] 0.01611 0.00159 0.01954 0.00068 0.00324 65 0.01372 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00354 1.64352 89.027 0.10380 0.77376
mmuM, BHMT2; homocysteine S-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01611 0.00117 0.01524 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.01672 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00239 -0.61688 135.707 0.53835 0.86207
recB; exodeoxyribonuclease V beta subunit [EC:] 0.01609 0.00123 0.01668 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.01568 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00251 0.39617 136.334 0.69260 0.91677
K06956; uncharacterized protein 0.01609 0.00102 0.01679 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.01560 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00212 0.55969 126.629 0.57668 0.87389
LYS5, acpT; 4’-phosphopantetheinyl transferase [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.01604 0.00122 0.01604 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01604 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00249 0.00201 139.706 0.99840 0.99957
hyi, gip; hydroxypyruvate isomerase [EC:] 0.01604 0.00160 0.01358 0.00039 0.00243 65 0.01775 0.00042 0.00211 93 0.00322 -1.29396 141.121 0.19779 0.77376
rnfC; electron transport complex protein RnfC 0.01603 0.00150 0.01946 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.01364 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00314 1.85463 117.848 0.06615 0.73334
hflK; membrane protease subunit HflK [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.01602 0.00132 0.01508 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.01668 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00268 -0.59863 139.280 0.55039 0.86721
flgB; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgB 0.01601 0.00117 0.01426 0.00024 0.00190 65 0.01723 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00241 -1.23560 130.854 0.21882 0.77376
phrB; deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase [EC:] 0.01601 0.00134 0.01458 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.01700 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00270 -0.89333 140.875 0.37321 0.79810
coxB, ctaC; cytochrome c oxidase subunit II [EC:] 0.01600 0.00151 0.01173 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.01899 0.00041 0.00211 93 0.00290 -2.50829 153.763 0.01317 0.59095
sfsA; sugar fermentation stimulation protein A 0.01600 0.00100 0.01736 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.01505 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00206 1.11810 132.001 0.26555 0.77376
E3.5.3.1, rocF, arg; arginase [EC:] 0.01600 0.00136 0.01373 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01759 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00279 -1.38317 132.973 0.16893 0.77376
IMA, malL; oligo-1,6-glucosidase [EC:] 0.01600 0.00178 0.01741 0.00066 0.00319 65 0.01501 0.00039 0.00205 93 0.00379 0.63487 114.316 0.52678 0.85844
oadA; oxaloacetate decarboxylase, alpha subunit [EC:] 0.01598 0.00140 0.01887 0.00042 0.00255 65 0.01395 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00298 1.64830 109.743 0.10215 0.77376
speA; arginine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01592 0.00103 0.01533 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.01634 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00206 -0.49133 147.409 0.62393 0.89160
whiB1_2_3_4; WhiB family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensing transcriptional regulator 0.01592 0.00214 0.01516 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.01645 0.00091 0.00313 93 0.00411 -0.31253 155.934 0.75506 0.93665
ATPVC, ntpC, atpC; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit C 0.01591 0.00132 0.01971 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.01325 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00283 2.28566 101.588 0.02435 0.59764
pydC; beta-ureidopropionase / N-carbamoyl-L-amino-acid hydrolase [EC:] 0.01590 0.00131 0.01404 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01720 0.00032 0.00184 93 0.00256 -1.23451 152.892 0.21891 0.77376
proP; MFS transporter, MHS family, proline/betaine transporter 0.01590 0.00182 0.01455 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.01684 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00357 -0.63961 152.310 0.52338 0.85708
MET8; precorrin-2 dehydrogenase / sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase [EC:] 0.01586 0.00131 0.01794 0.00039 0.00245 65 0.01440 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00283 1.25230 104.904 0.21325 0.77376
K07485; transposase 0.01576 0.00232 0.02118 0.00153 0.00485 65 0.01198 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00523 1.75929 84.935 0.08213 0.76567
hns; DNA-binding protein H-NS 0.01576 0.00189 0.01478 0.00057 0.00296 65 0.01644 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00386 -0.43069 137.735 0.66737 0.91150
K07037; uncharacterized protein 0.01575 0.00145 0.01693 0.00042 0.00254 65 0.01493 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00307 0.64988 118.356 0.51703 0.85220
ompW; outer membrane protein 0.01574 0.00161 0.01471 0.00041 0.00251 65 0.01645 0.00042 0.00211 93 0.00328 -0.53053 138.657 0.59659 0.88059
fliG; flagellar motor switch protein FliG 0.01574 0.00114 0.01397 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.01697 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00234 -1.28229 130.915 0.20201 0.77376
yabN; tetrapyrrole methylase family protein / MazG family protein 0.01573 0.00111 0.01468 0.00022 0.00182 65 0.01647 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00230 -0.77891 130.053 0.43745 0.83071
K07023; putative hydrolases of HD superfamily 0.01571 0.00132 0.01425 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.01673 0.00025 0.00162 93 0.00275 -0.90583 125.833 0.36676 0.79587
fliA; RNA polymerase sigma factor for flagellar operon FliA 0.01570 0.00120 0.01477 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01636 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00244 -0.64991 137.622 0.51683 0.85216
E2.4.1.5; dextransucrase [EC:] 0.01570 0.00265 0.01586 0.00068 0.00324 65 0.01559 0.00142 0.00391 93 0.00507 0.05281 155.995 0.95795 0.98896
coxA, ctaD; cytochrome c oxidase subunit I [EC:] 0.01570 0.00156 0.01156 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.01858 0.00046 0.00223 93 0.00296 -2.36781 155.599 0.01912 0.59095
phnC; phosphonate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.01569 0.00129 0.01716 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.01466 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00270 0.92582 120.959 0.35638 0.79399
K09963; uncharacterized protein 0.01567 0.00180 0.01775 0.00080 0.00350 65 0.01423 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00395 0.89093 98.692 0.37514 0.79810
fliF; flagellar M-ring protein FliF 0.01567 0.00115 0.01414 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01674 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00238 -1.08968 129.619 0.27787 0.77376
clpA; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpA 0.01567 0.00121 0.01412 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.01675 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00245 -1.07109 140.149 0.28597 0.77376
flgD; flagellar basal-body rod modification protein FlgD 0.01564 0.00116 0.01397 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01680 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00239 -1.18458 130.812 0.23833 0.77376
ftsB; cell division protein FtsB 0.01563 0.00111 0.01678 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01483 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00226 0.86530 134.986 0.38841 0.80262
glnG, ntrC; two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation response regulator GlnG 0.01560 0.00130 0.01652 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.01496 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00272 0.57130 123.588 0.56884 0.87135
saeR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator SaeR 0.01558 0.00137 0.01475 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01616 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00271 -0.52061 151.083 0.60340 0.88434
fliM; flagellar motor switch protein FliM 0.01557 0.00113 0.01381 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.01680 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00233 -1.27925 130.395 0.20308 0.77376
pilU; twitching motility protein PilU 0.01555 0.00178 0.01538 0.00044 0.00260 65 0.01567 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00356 -0.08260 146.719 0.93428 0.98428
mgsA; methylglyoxal synthase [EC:] 0.01554 0.00147 0.01693 0.00052 0.00284 65 0.01457 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00323 0.73110 100.490 0.46642 0.83837
thiT; thiamine transporter 0.01553 0.00118 0.01668 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.01473 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00248 0.78137 119.391 0.43613 0.83006
acrR, smeT; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, acrAB operon repressor 0.01552 0.00093 0.01550 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.01554 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00194 -0.02276 127.943 0.98188 0.99680
K06938; uncharacterized protein 0.01552 0.00168 0.01490 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.01595 0.00046 0.00223 93 0.00340 -0.30976 141.043 0.75720 0.93719
mod; adenine-specific DNA-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01551 0.00230 0.01393 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.01661 0.00128 0.00370 93 0.00411 -0.65041 129.976 0.51657 0.85216
fucA; L-fuculose-phosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.01549 0.00127 0.01814 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.01363 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00277 1.63066 98.261 0.10616 0.77376
udp, UPP; uridine phosphorylase [EC:] 0.01546 0.00129 0.01532 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01556 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00260 -0.09244 143.966 0.92648 0.98122
rnfE; electron transport complex protein RnfE 0.01545 0.00131 0.01840 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.01339 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00271 1.84744 125.733 0.06703 0.73334
rnfA; electron transport complex protein RnfA 0.01544 0.00131 0.01838 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.01338 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00271 1.84511 125.785 0.06737 0.73334
rlmJ; 23S rRNA (adenine2030-N6)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01543 0.00113 0.01518 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01561 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00233 -0.18394 132.220 0.85434 0.95858
mrr; restriction system protein 0.01543 0.00118 0.01521 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.01557 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00249 -0.14410 117.777 0.88567 0.97002
E4.1.3.1, aceA; isocitrate lyase [EC:] 0.01542 0.00127 0.01303 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.01708 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00255 -1.59083 141.800 0.11388 0.77376
K06894; uncharacterized protein 0.01541 0.00146 0.01652 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.01464 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00298 0.63031 135.585 0.52955 0.86094
iciA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, chromosome initiation inhibitor 0.01541 0.00150 0.01480 0.00037 0.00237 65 0.01583 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00307 -0.33438 136.164 0.73860 0.92914
lolB; outer membrane lipoprotein LolB 0.01540 0.00122 0.01600 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.01498 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00249 0.41045 136.481 0.68212 0.91478
K09769; uncharacterized protein 0.01540 0.00133 0.01632 0.00041 0.00252 65 0.01475 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00289 0.54514 103.432 0.58683 0.87731
aguA; agmatine deiminase [EC:] 0.01537 0.00101 0.01424 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01616 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00206 -0.93138 138.046 0.35328 0.79206
hflC; membrane protease subunit HflC [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.01536 0.00118 0.01421 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01617 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00239 -0.81958 140.283 0.41385 0.81663
E2.1.1.131, cobJ, cbiH; precorrin-3B C17-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01534 0.00142 0.01810 0.00044 0.00259 65 0.01341 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00303 1.54743 110.021 0.12463 0.77376
hcaT; MFS transporter, PPP family, 3-phenylpropionic acid transporter 0.01534 0.00107 0.01552 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.01520 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00220 0.14589 131.854 0.88423 0.96974
E4.3.1.4; formiminotetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase [EC:] 0.01532 0.00157 0.01876 0.00067 0.00321 65 0.01291 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00350 1.67004 88.876 0.09843 0.76942
K06995; uncharacterized protein 0.01530 0.00221 0.01517 0.00071 0.00331 65 0.01539 0.00082 0.00297 93 0.00445 -0.05008 143.690 0.96012 0.98903
K09158; uncharacterized protein 0.01530 0.00115 0.01596 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.01484 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00235 0.47721 133.604 0.63399 0.89696
glbN; hemoglobin 0.01529 0.00136 0.01129 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01809 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00259 -2.62425 154.473 0.00956 0.58112
asp2; accessory secretory protein Asp2 0.01526 0.00138 0.01397 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01616 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00271 -0.80787 152.959 0.42042 0.82181
ccoP; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit III 0.01525 0.00176 0.01488 0.00045 0.00263 65 0.01551 0.00052 0.00238 93 0.00355 -0.17817 144.156 0.85884 0.96086
asp1; accessory secretory protein Asp1 0.01525 0.00138 0.01395 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01615 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00271 -0.81233 152.946 0.41786 0.81941
pilE; type IV pilus assembly protein PilE 0.01523 0.00142 0.01533 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01516 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00288 0.05908 140.464 0.95297 0.98792
K07044; uncharacterized protein 0.01521 0.00288 0.01149 0.00056 0.00293 65 0.01782 0.00184 0.00445 93 0.00532 -1.18853 148.805 0.23652 0.77376
E4.6.1.1; adenylate cyclase [EC:] 0.01520 0.00189 0.01104 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01810 0.00082 0.00296 93 0.00339 -2.08092 138.806 0.03928 0.63577
fdoH, fdsB; formate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit 0.01519 0.00121 0.01621 0.00030 0.00213 65 0.01448 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00256 0.67391 117.267 0.50170 0.84942
gspL; general secretion pathway protein L 0.01518 0.00176 0.01387 0.00043 0.00256 65 0.01610 0.00054 0.00241 93 0.00351 -0.63491 147.314 0.52647 0.85844
cggR; central glycolytic genes regulator 0.01518 0.00118 0.01525 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.01513 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00249 0.04896 119.335 0.96103 0.98943
K07006; uncharacterized protein 0.01518 0.00152 0.01440 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.01572 0.00043 0.00214 93 0.00299 -0.44091 152.317 0.65990 0.90939
slyX; SlyX protein 0.01518 0.00113 0.01516 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.01519 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00231 -0.01506 136.111 0.98800 0.99801
rutR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator 0.01515 0.00206 0.01534 0.00071 0.00330 65 0.01502 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00424 0.07402 134.520 0.94110 0.98528
K07018; uncharacterized protein 0.01515 0.00117 0.01462 0.00025 0.00194 65 0.01552 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00242 -0.37132 127.683 0.71101 0.92004
ABC.CYST.A; cystine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.01514 0.00113 0.01645 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01422 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00235 0.94990 127.169 0.34397 0.78632
greB; transcription elongation factor GreB 0.01512 0.00114 0.01551 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.01484 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00234 0.28449 132.656 0.77648 0.94269
E1.1.1.30, bdh; 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01509 0.00148 0.01233 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.01702 0.00037 0.00199 93 0.00294 -1.59411 145.624 0.11308 0.77376
E5.1.3.15; glucose-6-phosphate 1-epimerase [EC:] 0.01509 0.00135 0.01608 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.01440 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00279 0.60173 130.616 0.54839 0.86565
ccoN; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit I [EC:] 0.01509 0.00196 0.01455 0.00053 0.00285 65 0.01546 0.00066 0.00267 93 0.00390 -0.23175 146.995 0.81705 0.95487
ptrB; oligopeptidase B [EC:] 0.01506 0.00108 0.01489 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01518 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00226 -0.13127 124.794 0.89577 0.97255
kdpB; K+-transporting ATPase ATPase B chain [EC:] 0.01506 0.00134 0.01312 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.01641 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00269 -1.22298 141.750 0.22337 0.77376
higB-1; toxin HigB-1 0.01506 0.00134 0.01494 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.01514 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00281 -0.07015 124.102 0.94418 0.98673
asp3; accessory secretory protein Asp3 0.01504 0.00137 0.01345 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.01615 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00266 -1.01468 154.387 0.31185 0.77376
fimT; type IV fimbrial biogenesis protein FimT 0.01502 0.00153 0.01526 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.01486 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00315 0.12733 132.359 0.89888 0.97408
erpA; iron-sulfur cluster insertion protein 0.01501 0.00112 0.01531 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01481 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00231 0.21875 133.512 0.82718 0.95506
K09940; uncharacterized protein 0.01500 0.00149 0.01481 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.01513 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00308 -0.10436 130.681 0.91704 0.97692
nirB; nitrite reductase (NADH) large subunit [EC:] 0.01499 0.00126 0.01339 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01612 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00253 -1.08155 142.760 0.28128 0.77376
pabA; para-aminobenzoate synthetase component II [EC:] 0.01499 0.00119 0.01661 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.01385 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00253 1.09068 116.143 0.27767 0.77376
recC; exodeoxyribonuclease V gamma subunit [EC:] 0.01498 0.00119 0.01556 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.01457 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00243 0.40936 138.111 0.68291 0.91495
benE; benzoate membrane transport protein 0.01498 0.00147 0.01390 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.01572 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00294 -0.61823 146.086 0.53738 0.86207
cysH; phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate reductase [EC:] 0.01497 0.00109 0.01261 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.01663 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00215 -1.87281 147.655 0.06307 0.73016
thiO; glycine oxidase [EC:] 0.01497 0.00121 0.01340 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01607 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00241 -1.10788 146.223 0.26973 0.77376
aat; leucyl/phenylalanyl-tRNA—protein transferase [EC:] 0.01496 0.00110 0.01395 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01567 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00224 -0.76811 134.771 0.44377 0.83186
E3.1.3.1, phoA, phoB; alkaline phosphatase [EC:] 0.01496 0.00138 0.01151 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01737 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00269 -2.18083 150.152 0.03075 0.61611
prpF; 2-methylaconitate isomerase [EC:5.3.3.-] 0.01495 0.00157 0.01462 0.00041 0.00250 65 0.01519 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00321 -0.17542 135.139 0.86101 0.96180
K06973; uncharacterized protein 0.01495 0.00117 0.01446 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.01529 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00246 -0.33765 123.648 0.73620 0.92721
fliD; flagellar hook-associated protein 2 0.01493 0.00124 0.01456 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.01518 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00259 -0.24223 126.323 0.80900 0.95002
TC.CIC; chloride channel protein, CIC family 0.01493 0.00101 0.01364 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.01583 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00200 -1.09158 149.773 0.27677 0.77376
ubiH; 2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase [EC:1.14.13.-] 0.01492 0.00118 0.01389 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01564 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00236 -0.74077 144.650 0.46004 0.83438
prmB; ribosomal protein L3 glutamine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01491 0.00113 0.01537 0.00021 0.00182 65 0.01459 0.00019 0.00145 93 0.00232 0.33316 133.615 0.73954 0.92969
K07032; uncharacterized protein 0.01490 0.00142 0.01460 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01510 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00292 -0.16907 133.889 0.86600 0.96292
phoD; alkaline phosphatase D [EC:] 0.01488 0.00152 0.01324 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.01603 0.00037 0.00198 93 0.00309 -0.90119 138.230 0.36905 0.79587
puuB, ordL; gamma-glutamylputrescine oxidase [EC:1.4.3.-] 0.01487 0.00150 0.01461 0.00030 0.00217 65 0.01506 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00299 -0.14947 147.781 0.88139 0.96901
fliS; flagellar protein FliS 0.01487 0.00116 0.01341 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.01589 0.00022 0.00152 93 0.00235 -1.05494 139.026 0.29328 0.77376
sspB; stringent starvation protein B 0.01486 0.00114 0.01537 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01450 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00234 0.37460 135.347 0.70855 0.92004
K07223; putative iron-dependent peroxidase 0.01485 0.00108 0.01541 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01447 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00221 0.42817 134.569 0.66921 0.91165
pmm-pgm; phosphomannomutase / phosphoglucomutase [EC:] 0.01484 0.00145 0.01433 0.00036 0.00236 65 0.01519 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00300 -0.28491 132.100 0.77616 0.94269
hemY; HemY protein 0.01483 0.00118 0.01491 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01478 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00242 0.05420 134.418 0.95686 0.98854
slo; thiol-activated cytolysin 0.01483 0.00144 0.01328 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.01592 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00282 -0.93662 153.465 0.35043 0.79120
mltA; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase A [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.01483 0.00124 0.01396 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.01544 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00252 -0.58356 139.558 0.56046 0.86813
flgL; flagellar hook-associated protein 3 FlgL 0.01480 0.00111 0.01355 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01566 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00230 -0.91725 129.358 0.36072 0.79496
rluE; 23S rRNA pseudouridine2457 synthase [EC:] 0.01479 0.00113 0.01532 0.00021 0.00182 65 0.01442 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00233 0.38500 133.738 0.70085 0.91978
corC; magnesium and cobalt transporter 0.01479 0.00112 0.01519 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.01451 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00230 0.29356 134.020 0.76955 0.93993
apaH; bis(5’-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (symmetrical) [EC:] 0.01478 0.00113 0.01533 0.00022 0.00182 65 0.01440 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00232 0.40057 132.976 0.68938 0.91567
nlpD; lipoprotein NlpD 0.01478 0.00112 0.01534 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01439 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00231 0.40954 133.792 0.68280 0.91495
gudB, rocG; glutamate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01478 0.00121 0.01545 0.00029 0.00212 65 0.01431 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00255 0.44260 118.381 0.65886 0.90880
menF; menaquinone-specific isochorismate synthase [EC:] 0.01476 0.00122 0.01553 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01422 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00259 0.50907 114.430 0.61169 0.88722
efeO; iron uptake system component EfeO 0.01475 0.00101 0.01357 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.01558 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00199 -1.00825 149.880 0.31496 0.77376
mpl; UDP-N-acetylmuramate: L-alanyl-gamma-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelate ligase [EC:] 0.01475 0.00113 0.01542 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.01428 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00234 0.48924 131.332 0.62549 0.89228
metR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for metE and metH 0.01473 0.00112 0.01526 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01435 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00231 0.39694 133.217 0.69204 0.91676
K07002; uncharacterized protein 0.01471 0.00145 0.01271 0.00021 0.00178 65 0.01612 0.00042 0.00211 93 0.00276 -1.23352 155.988 0.21924 0.77376
TC.BAT2; bacterial/archaeal transporter family-2 protein 0.01468 0.00133 0.01308 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01580 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00259 -1.05130 154.175 0.29476 0.77376
sspA, mglA; stringent starvation protein A 0.01468 0.00113 0.01521 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.01431 0.00019 0.00145 93 0.00231 0.38839 134.301 0.69835 0.91844
cysD; sulfate adenylyltransferase subunit 2 [EC:] 0.01468 0.00120 0.01276 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.01602 0.00029 0.00175 93 0.00229 -1.42316 155.996 0.15669 0.77376
yjgA; ribosome-associated protein 0.01467 0.00113 0.01525 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01427 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00231 0.42386 133.852 0.67235 0.91184
PTS-Gat-EIIB, gatB, sgcB; PTS system, galactitol-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.01467 0.00110 0.01500 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01444 0.00017 0.00133 93 0.00231 0.24306 122.828 0.80837 0.95002
hda; DnaA-homolog protein 0.01466 0.00113 0.01521 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01427 0.00019 0.00145 93 0.00231 0.40545 133.980 0.68580 0.91567
bamE, smpA; outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE 0.01465 0.00113 0.01527 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01422 0.00019 0.00145 93 0.00232 0.45142 133.895 0.65242 0.90536
djlA; DnaJ like chaperone protein 0.01463 0.00107 0.01460 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01466 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00216 -0.02567 143.747 0.97956 0.99657
ccmF; cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmF 0.01460 0.00105 0.01431 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01480 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00218 -0.22255 127.616 0.82424 0.95506
CYC; cytochrome c 0.01458 0.00161 0.01097 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01711 0.00052 0.00236 93 0.00303 -2.02530 155.833 0.04454 0.65981
fis; Fis family transcriptional regulator, factor for inversion stimulation protein 0.01456 0.00112 0.01527 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01407 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00231 0.51939 133.221 0.60435 0.88434
rep; ATP-dependent DNA helicase Rep [EC:] 0.01456 0.00112 0.01527 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01407 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00231 0.51939 133.221 0.60435 0.88434
ubiD; 4-hydroxy-3-polyprenylbenzoate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01454 0.00111 0.01492 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.01428 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00226 0.27954 138.781 0.78024 0.94269
gspJ; general secretion pathway protein J 0.01453 0.00167 0.01331 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.01538 0.00048 0.00226 93 0.00335 -0.61722 145.408 0.53805 0.86207
gapN; glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.01453 0.00102 0.01496 0.00015 0.00153 65 0.01423 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00205 0.35782 143.068 0.72101 0.92156
TC.SMR3; small multidrug resistance family-3 protein 0.01453 0.00103 0.01469 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.01441 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00210 0.13232 134.786 0.89493 0.97195
ccmB; heme exporter protein B 0.01451 0.00104 0.01443 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01457 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00218 -0.06411 124.894 0.94898 0.98754
hmp, YHB1; nitric oxide dioxygenase [EC:] 0.01451 0.00121 0.01320 0.00025 0.00197 65 0.01543 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00249 -0.89647 130.537 0.37165 0.79738
virK; uncharacterized protein 0.01451 0.00142 0.01609 0.00035 0.00234 65 0.01340 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00294 0.91216 129.654 0.36338 0.79496
PTS-Nag-EIIC, nagE; PTS system, N-acetylglucosamine-specific IIC component 0.01450 0.00107 0.01569 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.01367 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00230 0.87809 110.168 0.38181 0.80009
fliH; flagellar assembly protein FliH 0.01449 0.00112 0.01348 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.01520 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00232 -0.74207 129.056 0.45939 0.83438
gspK; general secretion pathway protein K 0.01448 0.00167 0.01326 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.01533 0.00047 0.00226 93 0.00334 -0.62018 145.387 0.53611 0.86207
K06923; uncharacterized protein 0.01448 0.00112 0.01459 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01439 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00236 0.08500 122.523 0.93240 0.98400
ccmE; cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE 0.01447 0.00104 0.01432 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01457 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00217 -0.11407 126.096 0.90936 0.97664
ccmC; heme exporter protein C 0.01446 0.00104 0.01433 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01456 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00217 -0.10372 125.929 0.91756 0.97705
xlyAB; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] 0.01446 0.00155 0.01396 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.01480 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00317 -0.26799 137.465 0.78911 0.94606
tadC; tight adherence protein C 0.01445 0.00110 0.01373 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01495 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00226 -0.54227 133.768 0.58853 0.87736
tauD; taurine dioxygenase [EC:] 0.01443 0.00195 0.01300 0.00044 0.00261 65 0.01542 0.00071 0.00276 93 0.00380 -0.63862 153.607 0.52402 0.85711
dexB; glucan 1,6-alpha-glucosidase [EC:] 0.01442 0.00121 0.01479 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01416 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00241 0.26296 146.630 0.79295 0.94783
mglC; methyl-galactoside transport system permease protein 0.01442 0.00126 0.01781 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.01205 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00268 2.15030 108.645 0.03375 0.62130
oprO_P; phosphate-selective porin OprO and OprP 0.01442 0.00179 0.01443 0.00055 0.00291 65 0.01441 0.00049 0.00229 93 0.00370 0.00509 132.410 0.99594 0.99944
fdxA; ferredoxin 0.01441 0.00119 0.01321 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01526 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00243 -0.84228 135.427 0.40111 0.80823
mglA; methyl-galactoside transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.01441 0.00126 0.01781 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.01204 0.00018 0.00137 93 0.00268 2.15710 108.295 0.03321 0.62130
gspI; general secretion pathway protein I 0.01441 0.00166 0.01306 0.00039 0.00244 65 0.01536 0.00048 0.00226 93 0.00333 -0.68946 146.171 0.49163 0.84797
ccmA; heme exporter protein A [EC:] 0.01441 0.00105 0.01431 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01448 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00218 -0.07783 127.278 0.93809 0.98459
glpR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, glycerol-3-phosphate regulon repressor 0.01440 0.00098 0.01507 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.01393 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00205 0.55487 124.187 0.57998 0.87573
srtB; sortase B [EC:] 0.01436 0.00136 0.01405 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.01457 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00288 -0.18186 118.131 0.85600 0.95933
K09704; uncharacterized protein 0.01434 0.00101 0.01354 0.00014 0.00145 65 0.01490 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00200 -0.68028 147.935 0.49739 0.84814
cyoC; cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit III 0.01433 0.00147 0.01318 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.01514 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00299 -0.65766 137.592 0.51185 0.85122
yagU; putative membrane protein 0.01431 0.00170 0.01603 0.00057 0.00297 65 0.01310 0.00038 0.00201 93 0.00359 0.81486 118.855 0.41678 0.81842
ssuD; alkanesulfonate monooxygenase [EC:] 0.01428 0.00181 0.01155 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.01619 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00345 -1.34496 155.969 0.18059 0.77376
acnB; aconitate hydratase 2 / 2-methylisocitrate dehydratase [EC:] 0.01428 0.00134 0.01415 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.01437 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00270 -0.08105 142.916 0.93552 0.98459
entC; isochorismate synthase [EC:] 0.01427 0.00106 0.01274 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.01535 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00208 -1.25079 149.896 0.21296 0.77376
impL, vasK, icmF; type VI secretion system protein ImpL 0.01427 0.00214 0.01566 0.00065 0.00317 65 0.01329 0.00077 0.00288 93 0.00429 0.55169 144.709 0.58201 0.87698
kdpE; two-component system, OmpR family, KDP operon response regulator KdpE 0.01421 0.00119 0.01218 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01562 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00238 -1.44947 144.283 0.14938 0.77376
frmB, ESD, fghA; S-formylglutathione hydrolase [EC:] 0.01419 0.00118 0.01321 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01488 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00236 -0.70542 143.718 0.48169 0.84354
E2.8.3.5B, scoB; 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase subunit B [EC:] 0.01413 0.00128 0.01206 0.00021 0.00182 65 0.01559 0.00029 0.00175 93 0.00253 -1.39870 148.877 0.16398 0.77376
pilF; type IV pilus assembly protein PilF 0.01413 0.00112 0.01485 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.01364 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00231 0.52432 134.340 0.60092 0.88272
E2.8.3.5A, scoA; 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase subunit A [EC:] 0.01413 0.00128 0.01204 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01559 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00253 -1.40112 148.648 0.16326 0.77376
wrbA; NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.01412 0.00124 0.01299 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01491 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00250 -0.77086 142.670 0.44207 0.83186
cobA; uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01411 0.00128 0.01149 0.00020 0.00173 65 0.01594 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00249 -1.79029 152.396 0.07539 0.74536
efeB; deferrochelatase/peroxidase EfeB [EC:1.11.1.-] 0.01410 0.00098 0.01297 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.01489 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00192 -1.00154 151.531 0.31816 0.77376
ABC.X2.P; putative ABC transport system permease protein 0.01408 0.00118 0.01312 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01475 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00242 -0.67119 135.676 0.50324 0.84956
SLC10A7, P7; solute carrier family 10 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter), member 7 0.01406 0.00110 0.01417 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01399 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00230 0.08071 123.877 0.93580 0.98459
GDH2; glutamate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01406 0.00142 0.01337 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.01454 0.00033 0.00190 93 0.00288 -0.40675 141.762 0.68480 0.91533
ABC.SS.S; simple sugar transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01405 0.00140 0.01203 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01546 0.00036 0.00198 93 0.00274 -1.25266 153.168 0.21224 0.77376
bacA; vitamin B12/bleomycin/antimicrobial peptide transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.01402 0.00128 0.01302 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01472 0.00028 0.00172 93 0.00256 -0.66417 144.751 0.50764 0.84956
yciA; acyl-CoA thioesterase YciA [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.01400 0.00103 0.01388 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.01409 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00211 -0.09803 136.683 0.92205 0.97910
cysG; uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase / precorrin-2 dehydrogenase / sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase [EC:] 0.01399 0.00116 0.01451 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.01362 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00238 0.37203 134.736 0.71046 0.92004
K07119; uncharacterized protein 0.01397 0.00139 0.01158 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01564 0.00036 0.00195 93 0.00271 -1.49704 153.009 0.13644 0.77376
dfx; superoxide reductase [EC:] 0.01395 0.00136 0.01490 0.00035 0.00231 65 0.01328 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00284 0.56926 123.847 0.57021 0.87135
ubiJ; ubiquinone biosynthesis protein UbiJ 0.01390 0.00111 0.01457 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01344 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00227 0.50101 135.115 0.61718 0.88903
CPOX, hemF; coproporphyrinogen III oxidase [EC:] 0.01390 0.00120 0.01321 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.01438 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00244 -0.48209 140.156 0.63049 0.89558
K08973; putative membrane protein 0.01388 0.00111 0.01273 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.01469 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00226 -0.86483 138.415 0.38863 0.80262
selA; L-seryl-tRNA(Ser) seleniumtransferase [EC:] 0.01385 0.00114 0.01520 0.00024 0.00190 65 0.01291 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00237 0.96727 126.996 0.33525 0.78186
E3.1.1.45; carboxymethylenebutenolidase [EC:] 0.01385 0.00147 0.01082 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01597 0.00040 0.00208 93 0.00283 -1.82357 154.576 0.07015 0.73522
rnfB; electron transport complex protein RnfB 0.01384 0.00105 0.01436 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.01348 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00217 0.40319 132.705 0.68746 0.91567
pilQ; type IV pilus assembly protein PilQ 0.01383 0.00114 0.01408 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.01365 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00235 0.17932 132.148 0.85796 0.96050
SIAE; sialate O-acetylesterase [EC:] 0.01382 0.00149 0.01084 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.01590 0.00047 0.00224 93 0.00278 -1.81988 153.521 0.07072 0.73788
K07120; uncharacterized protein 0.01382 0.00134 0.01391 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.01375 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00278 0.05974 130.606 0.95245 0.98792
K07000; uncharacterized protein 0.01382 0.00098 0.01361 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.01396 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00195 -0.17861 148.583 0.85849 0.96064
TSTA3, fcl; GDP-L-fucose synthase [EC:] 0.01380 0.00123 0.01107 0.00017 0.00159 65 0.01571 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00236 -1.96330 154.738 0.05140 0.68789
tcyK; L-cystine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01379 0.00131 0.01269 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01456 0.00033 0.00187 93 0.00254 -0.73406 154.666 0.46402 0.83699
cyoA; cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit II [EC:] 0.01379 0.00149 0.01294 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.01438 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00304 -0.47360 136.070 0.63654 0.89696
doc; death on curing protein 0.01378 0.00099 0.01344 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01401 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00202 -0.28326 135.008 0.77741 0.94269
ada; AraC family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein of adaptative response / methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01378 0.00109 0.01206 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.01498 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00217 -1.34782 146.111 0.17980 0.77376
ispZ; intracellular septation protein 0.01376 0.00105 0.01351 0.00018 0.00168 65 0.01394 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00216 -0.19750 135.373 0.84374 0.95519
tusA, sirA; tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein A [EC:2.8.1.-] 0.01375 0.00117 0.01313 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01418 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00234 -0.44715 145.867 0.65543 0.90679
pbpC; penicillin-binding protein 1C [EC:] 0.01374 0.00121 0.01479 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.01301 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00252 0.70625 125.301 0.48134 0.84354
ftsL; cell division protein FtsL 0.01373 0.00109 0.01450 0.00021 0.00178 65 0.01319 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00226 0.58315 131.272 0.56079 0.86813
rodZ; cytoskeleton protein RodZ 0.01372 0.00117 0.01454 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01314 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00240 0.58024 134.147 0.56272 0.86813
fucO; lactaldehyde reductase [EC:] 0.01372 0.00177 0.01780 0.00080 0.00351 65 0.01086 0.00026 0.00169 93 0.00390 1.78069 93.460 0.07821 0.75550
E4.2.1.2AB, fumB; fumarate hydratase subunit beta [EC:] 0.01372 0.00138 0.01443 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.01321 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00288 0.42208 125.536 0.67369 0.91184
nqrE; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit E [EC:] 0.01371 0.00111 0.01369 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01373 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00221 -0.01764 147.639 0.98595 0.99729
nqrC; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C [EC:] 0.01371 0.00111 0.01369 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01373 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00221 -0.02056 147.663 0.98363 0.99706
nqrB; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B [EC:] 0.01371 0.00111 0.01369 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01373 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00221 -0.01985 147.659 0.98419 0.99706
nqrD; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit D [EC:] 0.01371 0.00111 0.01369 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01373 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00221 -0.01985 147.659 0.98419 0.99706
nqrF; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit F [EC:] 0.01371 0.00111 0.01369 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01373 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00221 -0.01912 147.646 0.98477 0.99718
nqrA; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A [EC:] 0.01371 0.00111 0.01368 0.00017 0.00161 65 0.01373 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00221 -0.02145 147.636 0.98291 0.99706
E4.2.1.2AA, fumA; fumarate hydratase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.01370 0.00138 0.01441 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.01320 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00288 0.41977 125.517 0.67537 0.91264
grxC, GLRX, GLRX2; glutaredoxin 3 0.01370 0.00116 0.01244 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01457 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00232 -0.92137 144.459 0.35839 0.79496
hipO; hippurate hydrolase [EC:] 0.01365 0.00154 0.01064 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.01575 0.00048 0.00227 93 0.00290 -1.76239 155.613 0.07997 0.75920
rhlE; ATP-dependent RNA helicase RhlE [EC:] 0.01364 0.00120 0.01218 0.00021 0.00178 65 0.01467 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00240 -1.03390 144.663 0.30291 0.77376
flgA; flagella basal body P-ring formation protein FlgA 0.01364 0.00120 0.01307 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01404 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00246 -0.39499 134.799 0.69348 0.91677
kdpA; K+-transporting ATPase ATPase A chain [EC:] 0.01364 0.00113 0.01175 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01496 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00229 -1.39918 138.118 0.16400 0.77376
coxC, ctaE; cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [EC:] 0.01364 0.00123 0.01086 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01558 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00245 -1.92706 143.136 0.05595 0.70577
K09862; uncharacterized protein 0.01363 0.00106 0.01324 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.01390 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00215 -0.30844 139.146 0.75821 0.93719
ycfD; 50S ribosomal protein L16 3-hydroxylase [EC:] 0.01360 0.00109 0.01420 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.01318 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00223 0.45532 135.592 0.64961 0.90402
cysI; sulfite reductase (NADPH) hemoprotein beta-component [EC:] 0.01357 0.00106 0.01249 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01433 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00214 -0.86287 143.104 0.38965 0.80353
tctA; putative tricarboxylic transport membrane protein 0.01356 0.00128 0.01331 0.00027 0.00206 65 0.01373 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00262 -0.15967 133.201 0.87338 0.96576
ispA; farnesyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01356 0.00110 0.01232 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01442 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00221 -0.94992 143.093 0.34375 0.78610
pyrI; aspartate carbamoyltransferase regulatory subunit 0.01356 0.00117 0.01364 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.01350 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00236 0.05992 140.740 0.95231 0.98792
GCDH, gcdH; glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01355 0.00131 0.01126 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01516 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00261 -1.49502 145.982 0.13707 0.77376
COX15, ctaA; cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein subunit 15 0.01354 0.00116 0.01066 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01556 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00231 -2.11538 141.012 0.03616 0.62411
ligD; bifunctional non-homologous end joining protein LigD [EC:] 0.01353 0.00143 0.01073 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01549 0.00039 0.00206 93 0.00274 -1.73792 155.557 0.08420 0.76567
ohyA, sph; oleate hydratase [EC:] 0.01353 0.00164 0.01465 0.00056 0.00293 65 0.01274 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00349 0.54694 115.106 0.58548 0.87720
LIG1; DNA ligase 1 [EC:] 0.01353 0.00107 0.01321 0.00020 0.00173 65 0.01375 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00221 -0.24415 132.871 0.80749 0.94987
proV; glycine betaine/proline transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.01348 0.00159 0.01422 0.00046 0.00266 65 0.01297 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00331 0.37866 126.422 0.70557 0.92004
fxsA; UPF0716 protein FxsA 0.01347 0.00101 0.01345 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01348 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00206 -0.01540 137.250 0.98774 0.99801
spoIID; stage II sporulation protein D 0.01346 0.00123 0.01420 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.01294 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00259 0.48815 119.190 0.62634 0.89255
K09806; uncharacterized protein 0.01345 0.00107 0.01415 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.01295 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00219 0.54699 134.321 0.58529 0.87720
abgT; aminobenzoyl-glutamate transport protein 0.01344 0.00180 0.01671 0.00081 0.00353 65 0.01116 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00395 1.40509 96.259 0.16321 0.77376
kdpC; K+-transporting ATPase ATPase C chain [EC:] 0.01344 0.00112 0.01157 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.01475 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00225 -1.41286 139.800 0.15992 0.77376
mlaB; phospholipid transport system transporter-binding protein 0.01341 0.00108 0.01418 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01286 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00223 0.59408 132.837 0.55347 0.86788
modE; molybdate transport system regulatory protein 0.01340 0.00093 0.01408 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.01292 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00197 0.58624 118.650 0.55883 0.86813
ubiX, bsdB, PAD1; flavin prenyltransferase [EC:] 0.01340 0.00099 0.01390 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.01305 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00205 0.41477 131.036 0.67899 0.91311
K14645; serine protease [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.01339 0.00204 0.01411 0.00083 0.00357 65 0.01290 0.00055 0.00243 93 0.00432 0.28095 119.444 0.77923 0.94269
rgpA; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.01338 0.00137 0.01425 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.01277 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00273 0.54310 149.216 0.58787 0.87732
K09801; uncharacterized protein 0.01338 0.00107 0.01365 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01318 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00220 0.21423 133.122 0.83069 0.95506
qseB; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator QseB 0.01337 0.00145 0.01296 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.01367 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00286 -0.24839 151.492 0.80417 0.94931
cyoD; cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit IV 0.01337 0.00144 0.01232 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.01411 0.00033 0.00187 93 0.00295 -0.60661 136.558 0.54512 0.86426
E3.5.4.3, guaD; guanine deaminase [EC:] 0.01334 0.00123 0.01238 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.01401 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00248 -0.66002 142.304 0.51031 0.85013
phoB; two-component system, OmpR family, phosphate regulon response regulator PhoB 0.01334 0.00115 0.01194 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01431 0.00022 0.00152 93 0.00232 -1.02089 141.387 0.30905 0.77376
cyoB; cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit I [EC:] 0.01333 0.00144 0.01230 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.01405 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00295 -0.59666 136.751 0.55172 0.86788
fruA; fructan beta-fructosidase [EC:] 0.01333 0.00104 0.01183 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.01437 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00203 -1.25595 153.364 0.21104 0.77376
plsB; glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase [EC:] 0.01332 0.00113 0.01365 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.01309 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00230 0.24654 140.484 0.80562 0.94958
mazG; nucleoside triphosphate diphosphatase [EC:] 0.01331 0.00112 0.01312 0.00020 0.00173 65 0.01344 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00228 -0.14326 139.777 0.88629 0.97020
E3.8.1.2; 2-haloacid dehalogenase [EC:] 0.01331 0.00105 0.01055 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.01523 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00213 -2.18981 129.710 0.03033 0.61413
ETFDH; electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01328 0.00119 0.01198 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.01418 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00239 -0.91985 142.216 0.35921 0.79496
E1.1.3.21; alpha-glycerophosphate oxidase [EC:] 0.01327 0.00127 0.01209 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01409 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00249 -0.80513 152.875 0.42199 0.82295
actP; cation/acetate symporter 0.01326 0.00136 0.01146 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01452 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00267 -1.14245 150.736 0.25508 0.77376
egtC; gamma-glutamyl hercynylcysteine S-oxide hydrolase [EC:] 0.01325 0.00112 0.01307 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.01338 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00225 -0.13781 144.137 0.89058 0.97076
dppD; dipeptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.01323 0.00100 0.01345 0.00015 0.00152 65 0.01307 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00202 0.18348 141.688 0.85469 0.95858
gluQ; glutamyl-Q tRNA(Asp) synthetase [EC:6.1.1.-] 0.01323 0.00108 0.01242 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.01379 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00221 -0.61977 136.788 0.53644 0.86207
flgH; flagellar L-ring protein precursor FlgH 0.01321 0.00111 0.01250 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.01371 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00229 -0.52605 132.498 0.59973 0.88240
flgI; flagellar P-ring protein precursor FlgI 0.01321 0.00111 0.01255 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01368 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00229 -0.49321 131.931 0.62268 0.89150
dnaE2; error-prone DNA polymerase [EC:] 0.01320 0.00121 0.01188 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.01412 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00253 -0.88758 123.025 0.37650 0.79810
licR; lichenan operon transcriptional antiterminator 0.01319 0.00104 0.01224 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.01385 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00206 -0.78561 149.986 0.43333 0.82874
mrcB; penicillin-binding protein 1B [EC:] 0.01318 0.00116 0.01405 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.01258 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00236 0.62274 138.975 0.53448 0.86207
menH; 2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase [EC:] 0.01314 0.00119 0.01376 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.01270 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00254 0.41715 113.931 0.67735 0.91302
ybbJ; inner membrane protein 0.01311 0.00105 0.01302 0.00018 0.00164 65 0.01317 0.00018 0.00137 93 0.00214 -0.07107 137.901 0.94344 0.98634
rlmL, rlmK; 23S rRNA (guanine2445-N2)-methyltransferase / 23S rRNA (guanine2069-N7)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01309 0.00112 0.01373 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01265 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00227 0.47360 141.032 0.63652 0.89696
mnmC; tRNA 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine biosynthesis bifunctional protein [EC: 1.5.-.-] 0.01309 0.00125 0.01349 0.00024 0.00190 65 0.01281 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00252 0.26954 141.549 0.78791 0.94546
ATPVE, ntpE, atpE; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit E 0.01308 0.00113 0.01474 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.01191 0.00015 0.00129 93 0.00241 1.17546 113.036 0.24228 0.77376
coxS; aerobic carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase small subunit [EC:] 0.01306 0.00133 0.01150 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01415 0.00033 0.00190 93 0.00259 -1.02126 154.120 0.30873 0.77376
gshB; glutathione synthase [EC:] 0.01305 0.00109 0.01240 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01350 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00223 -0.49701 136.081 0.61998 0.89023
K09950; uncharacterized protein 0.01304 0.00173 0.01373 0.00051 0.00281 65 0.01255 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00357 0.32877 131.546 0.74286 0.93077
res; type III restriction enzyme [EC:] 0.01301 0.00130 0.01365 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01256 0.00029 0.00175 93 0.00260 0.41644 144.852 0.67770 0.91311
tcyN; L-cystine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.01300 0.00120 0.01172 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01390 0.00028 0.00172 93 0.00233 -0.93727 154.689 0.35008 0.79120
wbpO; UDP-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.01300 0.00111 0.01448 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.01197 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00238 1.05546 109.566 0.29354 0.77376
E6.4.1.4B; 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit [EC:] 0.01299 0.00138 0.01137 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.01412 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00277 -0.99305 142.763 0.32237 0.77376
rdgC; recombination associated protein RdgC 0.01299 0.00106 0.01391 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01235 0.00017 0.00133 93 0.00220 0.70925 129.519 0.47944 0.84314
K08972; putative membrane protein 0.01299 0.00111 0.01312 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.01290 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00234 0.09197 121.465 0.92688 0.98128
E3.4.13.-; D-alanyl-D-alanine dipeptidase [EC:3.4.13.-] 0.01299 0.00126 0.01140 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.01410 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00246 -1.10022 153.230 0.27296 0.77376
nudB, ntpA; dihydroneopterin triphosphate diphosphatase [EC:] 0.01296 0.00100 0.01312 0.00015 0.00153 65 0.01285 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00202 0.13381 141.282 0.89374 0.97159
pbpG; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala endopeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 7) [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.01295 0.00118 0.01346 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01260 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00239 0.35922 138.792 0.71998 0.92108
vanX; zinc D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase [EC:] 0.01294 0.00100 0.01086 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.01439 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00191 -1.84607 155.118 0.06679 0.73334
gspM; general secretion pathway protein M 0.01294 0.00159 0.01138 0.00035 0.00234 65 0.01402 0.00043 0.00215 93 0.00318 -0.83053 145.718 0.40760 0.81200
yfiC, trmX; tRNA1Val (adenine37-N6)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01293 0.00114 0.01247 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01326 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00227 -0.34562 147.636 0.73012 0.92426
edd; phosphogluconate dehydratase [EC:] 0.01291 0.00133 0.01209 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.01348 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00267 -0.51918 144.081 0.60443 0.88434
butA, budC; meso-butanediol dehydrogenase / (S,S)-butanediol dehydrogenase / diacetyl reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.01290 0.00120 0.01202 0.00024 0.00190 65 0.01351 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00245 -0.60485 135.133 0.54629 0.86444
rhlB; ATP-dependent RNA helicase RhlB [EC:] 0.01288 0.00114 0.01359 0.00020 0.00173 65 0.01238 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00230 0.52524 141.168 0.60024 0.88240
E2.7.13.3; histidine kinase [EC:] 0.01288 0.00107 0.01141 0.00014 0.00148 65 0.01391 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00211 -1.18582 151.947 0.23754 0.77376
thrB2; homoserine kinase type II [EC:] 0.01283 0.00108 0.01450 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.01166 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00231 1.22935 111.985 0.22152 0.77376
aer; aerotaxis receptor 0.01283 0.00170 0.01299 0.00045 0.00263 65 0.01272 0.00047 0.00224 93 0.00346 0.07861 139.229 0.93746 0.98459
ABC.ZM.P; zinc/manganese transport system permease protein 0.01282 0.00128 0.01317 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.01258 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00272 0.21851 116.523 0.82742 0.95506
nuoCD; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit C/D [EC:] 0.01282 0.00095 0.01193 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.01343 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00185 -0.81081 153.154 0.41873 0.81980
ycaO; ribosomal protein S12 methylthiotransferase accessory factor 0.01278 0.00127 0.01279 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01278 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00257 0.00354 141.747 0.99718 0.99951
ulaG; L-ascorbate 6-phosphate lactonase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.01277 0.00107 0.01410 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.01184 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00227 0.99207 112.961 0.32328 0.77376
xanP; xanthine permease XanP 0.01274 0.00101 0.01268 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.01278 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00199 -0.05110 150.736 0.95932 0.98903
E4.4.1.11; methionine-gamma-lyase [EC:] 0.01274 0.00096 0.01365 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.01210 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00207 0.75026 107.040 0.45474 0.83438
PREP; prolyl oligopeptidase [EC:] 0.01274 0.00099 0.01170 0.00011 0.00132 65 0.01347 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00193 -0.91601 153.811 0.36109 0.79496
pycB; pyruvate carboxylase subunit B [EC:] 0.01274 0.00109 0.01200 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.01325 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00214 -0.57980 152.858 0.56290 0.86813
idnO; gluconate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01273 0.00126 0.01339 0.00036 0.00234 65 0.01227 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00273 0.41382 108.145 0.67983 0.91311
hflD; high frequency lysogenization protein 0.01272 0.00113 0.01344 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.01222 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00229 0.53357 140.952 0.59448 0.88005
K09794; uncharacterized protein 0.01270 0.00124 0.01398 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.01182 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00257 0.84152 128.531 0.40162 0.80850
cdaR; carbohydrate diacid regulator 0.01270 0.00145 0.01417 0.00046 0.00267 65 0.01168 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00312 0.79974 109.179 0.42560 0.82605
fadH; 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH2) [EC:] 0.01270 0.00130 0.01206 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01315 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00260 -0.41949 147.186 0.67547 0.91264
K02477; two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator 0.01269 0.00136 0.01295 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.01251 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00273 0.16095 143.340 0.87236 0.96576
tcyL; L-cystine transport system permease protein 0.01269 0.00128 0.01108 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01381 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00246 -1.10786 155.850 0.26963 0.77376
amgK; N-acetylmuramate 1-kinase [EC:] 0.01268 0.00110 0.01173 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.01334 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00224 -0.71863 136.505 0.47360 0.84050
gspH; general secretion pathway protein H 0.01266 0.00161 0.01157 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.01342 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00324 -0.57089 144.631 0.56896 0.87135
cpoA; 1,2-diacylglycerol-3-alpha-glucose alpha-1,2-galactosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.01265 0.00137 0.01358 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.01200 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00293 0.53963 111.786 0.59052 0.87896
zur; Fur family transcriptional regulator, zinc uptake regulator 0.01264 0.00106 0.01217 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01296 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00215 -0.37036 138.382 0.71168 0.92004
K09791; uncharacterized protein 0.01262 0.00101 0.01287 0.00018 0.00169 65 0.01245 0.00014 0.00125 93 0.00210 0.19973 126.844 0.84201 0.95506
spoVD; stage V sporulation protein D (sporulation-specific penicillin-binding protein) 0.01262 0.00130 0.01295 0.00032 0.00224 65 0.01238 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00274 0.20507 122.623 0.83786 0.95506
K07004; uncharacterized protein 0.01260 0.00089 0.01181 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.01316 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00181 -0.74947 141.356 0.45482 0.83438
ccoO; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit II 0.01260 0.00138 0.01255 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.01264 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00283 -0.02984 136.275 0.97624 0.99582
hcp; type VI secretion system secreted protein Hcp 0.01255 0.00155 0.01429 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.01134 0.00038 0.00201 93 0.00316 0.93353 137.100 0.35219 0.79159
comD; two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase ComD [EC:] 0.01254 0.00124 0.01115 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.01351 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00243 -0.97037 153.592 0.33339 0.77957
flgJ; flagellar protein FlgJ 0.01252 0.00119 0.01273 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01238 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00245 0.14450 134.412 0.88532 0.97001
yejB; microcin C transport system permease protein 0.01252 0.00144 0.01174 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.01307 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00285 -0.46714 151.093 0.64107 0.89999
flgM; negative regulator of flagellin synthesis FlgM 0.01249 0.00107 0.01215 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01273 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00222 -0.26195 129.204 0.79378 0.94783
pcoB, copB; copper resistance protein B 0.01248 0.00152 0.01260 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.01240 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00313 0.06168 132.394 0.95091 0.98792
MCEE, epi; methylmalonyl-CoA/ethylmalonyl-CoA epimerase [EC:] 0.01248 0.00096 0.01055 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.01383 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00192 -1.70308 140.372 0.09077 0.76567
fabA; 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] dehydratase / trans-2-decenoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] isomerase [EC:] 0.01245 0.00100 0.01225 0.00017 0.00161 65 0.01259 0.00016 0.00129 93 0.00206 -0.16413 134.478 0.86987 0.96495
rraA, menG; regulator of ribonuclease activity A 0.01244 0.00105 0.01208 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.01269 0.00018 0.00137 93 0.00213 -0.28591 138.786 0.77537 0.94269
thrA; bifunctional aspartokinase / homoserine dehydrogenase 1 [EC:] 0.01243 0.00093 0.01209 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.01267 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00186 -0.30908 145.097 0.75771 0.93719
murU; N-acetyl-alpha-D-muramate 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01243 0.00109 0.01145 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01312 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00222 -0.75270 136.053 0.45293 0.83438
larC; pyridinium-3,5-bisthiocarboxylic acid mononucleotide nickel chelatase [EC:] 0.01243 0.00131 0.01351 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.01167 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00275 0.66879 122.159 0.50489 0.84956
fliOZ, fliO; flagellar protein FliO/FliZ 0.01242 0.00105 0.01206 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01268 0.00015 0.00129 93 0.00219 -0.28681 125.366 0.77473 0.94269
PC, pyc; pyruvate carboxylase [EC:] 0.01242 0.00105 0.01198 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01273 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00226 -0.33222 109.482 0.74036 0.92969
evgS, bvgS; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase EvgS [EC:] 0.01240 0.00186 0.01216 0.00050 0.00278 65 0.01258 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00374 -0.11246 144.044 0.91062 0.97664
pilM; type IV pilus assembly protein PilM 0.01240 0.00104 0.01191 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.01274 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00214 -0.38476 134.774 0.70103 0.91983
K07045; uncharacterized protein 0.01239 0.00156 0.01011 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.01398 0.00046 0.00222 93 0.00301 -1.28218 154.693 0.20170 0.77376
glnL, ntrB; two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation sensor histidine kinase GlnL [EC:] 0.01237 0.00119 0.01131 0.00021 0.00182 65 0.01312 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00241 -0.75229 140.904 0.45313 0.83438
dgs, bgsA; 1,2-diacylglycerol-3-alpha-glucose alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01234 0.00104 0.01363 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01144 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00213 1.02969 135.477 0.30499 0.77376
cas4; CRISPR-associated exonuclease Cas4 [EC:] 0.01233 0.00111 0.01365 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.01140 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00237 0.95229 113.375 0.34297 0.78567
mltF; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase F [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.01233 0.00106 0.01245 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01224 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00214 0.09553 143.264 0.92403 0.97981
yejE; microcin C transport system permease protein 0.01231 0.00143 0.01131 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.01301 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00280 -0.60885 152.751 0.54353 0.86313
E3.4.17.19; carboxypeptidase Taq [EC:] 0.01225 0.00118 0.01386 0.00035 0.00232 65 0.01113 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00260 1.04938 96.870 0.29661 0.77376
tesA; acyl-CoA thioesterase I [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.01225 0.00118 0.01121 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.01298 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00238 -0.74222 141.570 0.45918 0.83438
crp; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, cyclic AMP receptor protein 0.01224 0.00101 0.01301 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01170 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00206 0.63618 137.478 0.52572 0.85808
lpxO; beta-hydroxylase [EC:1.14.11.-] 0.01223 0.00145 0.01138 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.01282 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00285 -0.50412 151.663 0.61491 0.88842
dld; D-lactate dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.01222 0.00137 0.01221 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.01223 0.00029 0.00178 93 0.00281 -0.00915 135.900 0.99271 0.99912
eptA, pmrC; lipid A ethanolaminephosphotransferase [EC:] 0.01219 0.00140 0.01124 0.00029 0.00213 65 0.01285 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00282 -0.57312 141.513 0.56748 0.87063
trmA; tRNA (uracil-5-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01218 0.00096 0.01256 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.01192 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00195 0.33035 138.885 0.74163 0.93043
K09975; uncharacterized protein 0.01218 0.00098 0.01149 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.01266 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00196 -0.59922 144.011 0.54997 0.86680
rnt; ribonuclease T [EC:3.1.13.-] 0.01215 0.00102 0.01282 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01168 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00208 0.54645 137.804 0.58564 0.87720
codA; cytosine deaminase [EC:] 0.01213 0.00114 0.01154 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01253 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00232 -0.42804 138.705 0.66928 0.91165
gabP; GABA permease 0.01212 0.00192 0.01210 0.00053 0.00287 65 0.01214 0.00062 0.00259 93 0.00386 -0.01094 144.275 0.99129 0.99871
hemX; uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01211 0.00102 0.01303 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.01146 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00211 0.74147 131.619 0.45973 0.83438
flhF; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhF 0.01210 0.00106 0.01140 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.01259 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00218 -0.54457 133.041 0.58696 0.87731
ccoQ; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit IV 0.01210 0.00135 0.01217 0.00030 0.00213 65 0.01206 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00276 0.03957 136.530 0.96849 0.99264
hscB, HSCB, HSC20; molecular chaperone HscB 0.01208 0.00102 0.01272 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.01163 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00209 0.52091 135.146 0.60328 0.88434
rgpB; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.01208 0.00107 0.01327 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01124 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00221 0.91763 129.867 0.36051 0.79496
UQCRFS1, RIP1, petA; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.01207 0.00105 0.01119 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.01269 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00215 -0.70105 135.333 0.48448 0.84354
hscA; molecular chaperone HscA 0.01206 0.00102 0.01270 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.01162 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00208 0.52106 135.273 0.60318 0.88434
cld; chlorite dismutase [EC:] 0.01206 0.00104 0.01080 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.01294 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00212 -1.00426 137.609 0.31702 0.77376
K07487; transposase 0.01206 0.00364 0.02022 0.00411 0.00796 65 0.00635 0.00063 0.00260 93 0.00837 1.65701 77.781 0.10155 0.77376
fadJ; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase / enoyl-CoA hydratase / 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA epimerase [EC:] 0.01205 0.00102 0.01057 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.01309 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00200 -1.25709 152.000 0.21065 0.77376
K09895; uncharacterized protein 0.01205 0.00102 0.01282 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01151 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00209 0.62740 138.010 0.53143 0.86136
pcoD; copper resistance protein D 0.01204 0.00144 0.00982 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.01360 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00286 -1.32388 147.596 0.18759 0.77376
nfuA; Fe/S biogenesis protein NfuA 0.01204 0.00103 0.01280 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01151 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00209 0.61951 138.183 0.53660 0.86207
cvrA, nhaP2; cell volume regulation protein A 0.01203 0.00107 0.01439 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.01039 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00230 1.73729 106.616 0.08522 0.76567
zipA; cell division protein ZipA 0.01203 0.00102 0.01280 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01149 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00208 0.62764 138.079 0.53128 0.86136
K09902; uncharacterized protein 0.01202 0.00102 0.01280 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01148 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00208 0.63358 138.095 0.52740 0.85898
K07121; uncharacterized protein 0.01202 0.00103 0.01281 0.00017 0.00159 65 0.01146 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00209 0.64709 138.831 0.51864 0.85403
PTS-Dgl-EIIC, gamP; PTS system, D-glucosamine-specific IIC component 0.01200 0.00104 0.01125 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.01253 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00214 -0.59662 131.325 0.55179 0.86788
K07039; uncharacterized protein 0.01200 0.00137 0.01215 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01188 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00281 0.09622 134.706 0.92349 0.97972
chrR, NQR; chromate reductase, NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.01199 0.00136 0.01157 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.01229 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00281 -0.25719 132.435 0.79743 0.94810
trmJ; tRNA (cytidine32/uridine32-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01199 0.00102 0.01274 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.01146 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00208 0.61238 138.568 0.54129 0.86207
ampD; N-acetyl-anhydromuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] 0.01198 0.00101 0.01256 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01158 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00207 0.47382 136.296 0.63639 0.89696
K07164; uncharacterized protein 0.01197 0.00100 0.01025 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.01318 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00191 -1.53385 155.787 0.12710 0.77376
ABC.ZM.A; zinc/manganese transport system ATP-binding protein 0.01196 0.00128 0.01230 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01172 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00272 0.21278 115.375 0.83188 0.95506
ABC.X2.A; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein 0.01195 0.00117 0.01152 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.01225 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00239 -0.30559 135.131 0.76039 0.93791
K07506; AraC family transcriptional regulator 0.01193 0.00143 0.01182 0.00034 0.00230 65 0.01200 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00294 -0.06161 133.431 0.95097 0.98792
cobL; precorrin-6Y C5,15-methyltransferase (decarboxylating) [EC:] 0.01192 0.00115 0.01154 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.01219 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00250 -0.26086 104.288 0.79471 0.94783
CYTB, petB; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b subunit 0.01188 0.00104 0.01110 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.01242 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00213 -0.61936 134.055 0.53673 0.86207
adh2; alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.01187 0.00105 0.01085 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01257 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00210 -0.82062 143.344 0.41323 0.81655
chpA; chemosensory pili system protein ChpA (sensor histidine kinase/response regulator) 0.01186 0.00172 0.01139 0.00042 0.00254 65 0.01219 0.00051 0.00234 93 0.00345 -0.23274 145.560 0.81629 0.95487
amn; AMP nucleosidase [EC:] 0.01185 0.00108 0.01064 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.01270 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00219 -0.93911 136.605 0.34933 0.79120
fliJ; flagellar FliJ protein 0.01184 0.00101 0.01156 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.01203 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00211 -0.22175 126.235 0.82486 0.95506
TC.CNT; concentrative nucleoside transporter, CNT family 0.01181 0.00107 0.01217 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01155 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00217 0.28475 139.393 0.77626 0.94269
cpo; non-heme chloroperoxidase [EC:] 0.01181 0.00145 0.01078 0.00033 0.00227 65 0.01252 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00296 -0.58829 138.343 0.55730 0.86813
nirD; nitrite reductase (NADH) small subunit [EC:] 0.01181 0.00102 0.01054 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01269 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00206 -1.04425 138.624 0.29819 0.77376
E6.4.1.4A; 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.01181 0.00124 0.01018 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01294 0.00026 0.00169 93 0.00247 -1.11616 146.406 0.26618 0.77376
sbcB, exoI; exodeoxyribonuclease I [EC:] 0.01178 0.00102 0.01236 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.01137 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00209 0.47306 134.500 0.63694 0.89696
truD, PUS7; tRNA pseudouridine13 synthase [EC:] 0.01176 0.00103 0.01241 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01131 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00208 0.52612 140.883 0.59963 0.88240
yoeB; toxin YoeB [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01174 0.00122 0.01450 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.00981 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00265 1.77246 100.502 0.07935 0.75920
pilH; twitching motility two-component system response regulator PilH 0.01174 0.00141 0.01155 0.00034 0.00228 65 0.01187 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00290 -0.10854 132.070 0.91373 0.97664
PITRM1, PreP, CYM1; presequence protease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.01174 0.00105 0.01272 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.01104 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00226 0.74444 108.012 0.45823 0.83438
prpB; methylisocitrate lyase [EC:] 0.01173 0.00106 0.01135 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.01200 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00217 -0.30159 134.564 0.76343 0.93836
tagE; poly(glycerol-phosphate) alpha-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01170 0.00143 0.01236 0.00048 0.00271 65 0.01125 0.00022 0.00152 93 0.00311 0.35657 103.449 0.72214 0.92156
nuoD; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit D [EC:] 0.01167 0.00101 0.00934 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.01330 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00198 -2.00085 149.732 0.04722 0.66255
selB, EEFSEC; selenocysteine-specific elongation factor 0.01167 0.00098 0.01366 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01028 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00209 1.61849 111.870 0.10837 0.77376
yccA; modulator of FtsH protease 0.01165 0.00103 0.01236 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01116 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00209 0.57694 140.336 0.56490 0.86988
K09167; uncharacterized protein 0.01165 0.00114 0.01099 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.01211 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00233 -0.48121 136.056 0.63114 0.89595
K07019; uncharacterized protein 0.01164 0.00100 0.01164 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01165 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00206 -0.00454 135.054 0.99638 0.99944
yneE, BEST; ion channel-forming bestrophin family protein 0.01161 0.00130 0.01096 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.01207 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00259 -0.43183 149.011 0.66649 0.91126
bfd; bacterioferritin-associated ferredoxin 0.01161 0.00101 0.01171 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.01154 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00207 0.08004 132.260 0.93633 0.98459
ku; DNA end-binding protein Ku 0.01159 0.00114 0.00986 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.01280 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00229 -1.28273 142.911 0.20166 0.77376
arsH; arsenical resistance protein ArsH 0.01157 0.00139 0.01079 0.00033 0.00226 65 0.01212 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00287 -0.46562 132.042 0.64226 0.90098
K09949; uncharacterized protein 0.01157 0.00116 0.01365 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.01012 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00252 1.39869 102.723 0.16492 0.77376
kgtP; MFS transporter, MHS family, alpha-ketoglutarate permease 0.01157 0.00124 0.01004 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01264 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00245 -1.06148 149.391 0.29018 0.77376
algI; alginate O-acetyltransferase complex protein AlgI 0.01157 0.00137 0.01270 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.01078 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00279 0.68840 137.760 0.49236 0.84797
mcsB; protein arginine kinase [EC:] 0.01155 0.00109 0.01205 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.01120 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00233 0.36526 114.868 0.71559 0.92004
CYC1, CYT1, petC; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c1 subunit 0.01154 0.00103 0.01094 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.01196 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00212 -0.48097 133.207 0.63132 0.89602
nrfA; nitrite reductase (cytochrome c-552) [EC:] 0.01153 0.00117 0.01189 0.00020 0.00173 65 0.01127 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00235 0.26611 145.451 0.79053 0.94658
E2.6.1.83; LL-diaminopimelate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.01152 0.00118 0.01150 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.01154 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00244 -0.01297 129.019 0.98967 0.99801
PCBD, phhB; 4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin dehydratase [EC:] 0.01152 0.00107 0.00980 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.01272 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00218 -1.34033 135.813 0.18237 0.77376
dat; D-alanine transaminase [EC:] 0.01152 0.00098 0.01035 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01234 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00201 -0.99283 132.883 0.32260 0.77376
ATE1; arginyl-tRNA—protein transferase [EC:] 0.01151 0.00109 0.01064 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01212 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00224 -0.66458 133.605 0.50747 0.84956
EIF1, SUI1; translation initiation factor 1 0.01151 0.00098 0.01175 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.01134 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00200 0.20547 136.254 0.83751 0.95506
dld; D-lactate dehydrogenase 0.01151 0.00096 0.01227 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.01097 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00199 0.65229 129.193 0.51537 0.85216
fadE; acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:1.3.99.-] 0.01151 0.00138 0.01095 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.01190 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00275 -0.34580 147.552 0.72998 0.92426
pilN; type IV pilus assembly protein PilN 0.01151 0.00106 0.01163 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.01142 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00219 0.09395 130.663 0.92529 0.98041
gluP; rhomboid protease GluP [EC:] 0.01148 0.00154 0.01342 0.00060 0.00303 65 0.01013 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00340 0.96828 96.943 0.33532 0.78186
E1.2.1.68; coniferyl-aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01148 0.00123 0.01052 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01215 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00245 -0.66800 145.514 0.50519 0.84956
PTS-Fru1-EIID, levG; PTS system, fructose-specific IID component 0.01148 0.00116 0.01005 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.01248 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00225 -1.07971 155.209 0.28195 0.77376
copC, pcoC; copper resistance protein C 0.01147 0.00138 0.00967 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.01273 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00278 -1.10369 142.235 0.27159 0.77376
astA; arginine N-succinyltransferase [EC:] 0.01146 0.00150 0.01192 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.01114 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00308 0.25224 134.812 0.80124 0.94855
tagD; glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01145 0.00113 0.01332 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.01014 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00241 1.31998 110.117 0.18958 0.77376
TC.BAT1; bacterial/archaeal transporter family protein 0.01144 0.00096 0.01133 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.01152 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00204 -0.09707 118.180 0.92283 0.97947
pilO; type IV pilus assembly protein PilO 0.01143 0.00099 0.01143 0.00018 0.00164 65 0.01143 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00205 0.00258 128.057 0.99794 0.99955
K07138; uncharacterized protein 0.01142 0.00131 0.01206 0.00032 0.00220 65 0.01098 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00273 0.39588 125.405 0.69286 0.91677
efrA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.01142 0.00104 0.01212 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01093 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00213 0.56060 135.737 0.57600 0.87389
efrB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.01142 0.00104 0.01212 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01093 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00213 0.56060 135.737 0.57600 0.87389
cysU; sulfate transport system permease protein 0.01141 0.00096 0.01025 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.01222 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00190 -1.03734 149.750 0.30125 0.77376
cysW; sulfate transport system permease protein 0.01141 0.00096 0.01025 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.01222 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00190 -1.03734 149.750 0.30125 0.77376
hrpB; ATP-dependent helicase HrpB [EC:] 0.01141 0.00105 0.01080 0.00018 0.00164 65 0.01183 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00213 -0.48052 137.302 0.63162 0.89607
dusC; tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase C [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01140 0.00100 0.01205 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01095 0.00015 0.00129 93 0.00204 0.53814 135.957 0.59136 0.87896
arsB; arsenical pump membrane protein 0.01140 0.00109 0.00996 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.01240 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00216 -1.13234 149.899 0.25930 0.77376
cheD; chemotaxis protein CheD [EC:] 0.01138 0.00103 0.01003 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01233 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00209 -1.09748 139.062 0.27433 0.77376
argAB; amino-acid N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.01136 0.00099 0.01210 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.01085 0.00015 0.00129 93 0.00202 0.61765 136.758 0.53784 0.86207
chlD, bchD; magnesium chelatase subunit D [EC:] 0.01136 0.00126 0.01221 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.01076 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00267 0.54287 117.402 0.58825 0.87732
yefM; antitoxin YefM 0.01135 0.00091 0.01032 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.01207 0.00017 0.00133 93 0.00174 -1.00865 155.999 0.31471 0.77376
aldB; aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:1.2.1.-] 0.01135 0.00118 0.00985 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.01240 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00236 -1.07454 144.773 0.28437 0.77376
flgF; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgF 0.01135 0.00116 0.01065 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.01183 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00237 -0.49965 136.649 0.61813 0.88903
imuB; protein ImuB 0.01134 0.00104 0.01039 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01201 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00217 -0.74363 122.633 0.45852 0.83438
mcsA; protein arginine kinase activator 0.01132 0.00104 0.01161 0.00022 0.00182 65 0.01112 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00220 0.21924 118.883 0.82684 0.95506
glpT; MFS transporter, OPA family, glycerol-3-phosphate transporter 0.01132 0.00092 0.01146 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.01122 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00192 0.12598 124.266 0.89995 0.97494
fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) 0.01131 0.00160 0.00975 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01241 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00295 -0.90355 147.536 0.36771 0.79587
algA, xanB, rfbA, wbpW, pslB; mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase / mannose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.01128 0.00141 0.01034 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.01193 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00282 -0.56462 145.798 0.57320 0.87292
fliK; flagellar hook-length control protein FliK 0.01128 0.00104 0.01139 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.01120 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00216 0.08867 130.207 0.92948 0.98183
flhG, fleN; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhG 0.01127 0.00101 0.01050 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01181 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00209 -0.62808 131.319 0.53104 0.86136
ccmD; heme exporter protein D 0.01127 0.00099 0.01165 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.01100 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00204 0.31616 133.835 0.75237 0.93565
rgpF; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.01126 0.00103 0.01198 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01076 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00209 0.58650 138.342 0.55850 0.86813
impG, vasA; type VI secretion system protein ImpG 0.01126 0.00142 0.01223 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.01057 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00284 0.58437 146.248 0.55987 0.86813
K07078; uncharacterized protein 0.01124 0.00119 0.01247 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.01037 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00255 0.82349 109.975 0.41201 0.81559
tctB; putative tricarboxylic transport membrane protein 0.01122 0.00115 0.01138 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01111 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00240 0.11294 126.906 0.91026 0.97664
nuoC; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit C [EC:] 0.01122 0.00099 0.00915 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.01266 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00195 -1.79813 147.660 0.07420 0.74128
K09160; uncharacterized protein 0.01122 0.00095 0.01104 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.01134 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00193 -0.15739 139.677 0.87517 0.96693
alkA; DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase II [EC:] 0.01122 0.00111 0.00877 0.00015 0.00149 65 0.01292 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00216 -1.92138 152.969 0.05654 0.70577
gcd; quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01121 0.00128 0.01064 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01161 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00257 -0.38001 142.702 0.70451 0.92004
citF; citrate lyase subunit alpha / citrate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.01121 0.00110 0.01454 0.00030 0.00213 65 0.00888 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00239 2.36468 97.019 0.02004 0.59095
yahK; uncharacterized zinc-type alcohol dehydrogenase-like protein [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01121 0.00125 0.00977 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.01221 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00243 -0.99845 153.470 0.31963 0.77376
ectB, dat; diaminobutyrate-2-oxoglutarate transaminase [EC:] 0.01119 0.00139 0.01061 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.01160 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00276 -0.35628 147.714 0.72214 0.92156
apaG; ApaG protein 0.01119 0.00100 0.01044 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01171 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00208 -0.60955 130.447 0.54322 0.86313
cysA; sulfate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.01119 0.00092 0.01027 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.01183 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00184 -0.84551 145.013 0.39922 0.80678
hutC; GntR family transcriptional regulator, histidine utilization repressor 0.01118 0.00115 0.01021 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.01186 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00231 -0.71749 143.351 0.47424 0.84073
phoH2; PhoH-like ATPase 0.01118 0.00101 0.01023 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.01184 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00208 -0.77528 131.857 0.43956 0.83156
rseC; sigma-E factor negative regulatory protein RseC 0.01118 0.00107 0.01342 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.00960 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00228 1.67747 109.800 0.09630 0.76667
crt; enoyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 0.01116 0.00111 0.01302 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.00985 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00243 1.30735 98.468 0.19414 0.77376
algR; two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator AlgR 0.01115 0.00113 0.01105 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.01122 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00229 -0.07452 140.154 0.94070 0.98528
rsmJ; 16S rRNA (guanine1516-N2)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01114 0.00097 0.01200 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.01054 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00199 0.73611 135.904 0.46293 0.83654
alpA; prophage regulatory protein 0.01112 0.00118 0.01194 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.01055 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00249 0.56050 119.869 0.57619 0.87389
mdaB; modulator of drug activity B 0.01110 0.00091 0.01194 0.00015 0.00153 65 0.01052 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00190 0.74356 126.438 0.45852 0.83438
aes; acetyl esterase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.01110 0.00116 0.00902 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.01255 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00225 -1.57037 154.849 0.11837 0.77376
atoE; short-chain fatty acids transporter 0.01110 0.00111 0.01263 0.00025 0.00197 65 0.01003 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00235 1.10669 115.575 0.27073 0.77376
citD; citrate lyase subunit gamma (acyl carrier protein) 0.01108 0.00110 0.01441 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.00876 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00237 2.37968 98.025 0.01926 0.59095
yaeJ; ribosome-associated protein 0.01108 0.00105 0.01033 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.01161 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00215 -0.59485 132.478 0.55296 0.86788
aphA; kanamycin kinase [EC:] 0.01108 0.00088 0.01162 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.01070 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00181 0.51041 136.489 0.61059 0.88722
slyB; outer membrane lipoprotein SlyB 0.01108 0.00097 0.01202 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01042 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00200 0.79748 130.914 0.42662 0.82661
PTS-HPR.FRUB, fruB, fpr; phosphocarrier protein FPr 0.01106 0.00134 0.01128 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01091 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00267 0.13678 149.260 0.89139 0.97141
speB; agmatinase [EC:] 0.01104 0.00097 0.01040 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.01150 0.00016 0.00129 93 0.00196 -0.55952 142.109 0.57669 0.87389
oprB; porin 0.01099 0.00145 0.01021 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.01154 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00286 -0.46283 151.457 0.64415 0.90228
dctD; two-component system, NtrC family, C4-dicarboxylate transport response regulator DctD 0.01096 0.00177 0.01115 0.00048 0.00271 65 0.01082 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00359 0.09197 140.690 0.92685 0.98128
chlI, bchI; magnesium chelatase subunit I [EC:] 0.01093 0.00090 0.01168 0.00015 0.00152 65 0.01041 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00187 0.67774 124.200 0.49920 0.84856
fimV; pilus assembly protein FimV 0.01092 0.00130 0.01172 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.01037 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00269 0.50206 129.229 0.61648 0.88903
K09929; uncharacterized protein 0.01088 0.00136 0.01182 0.00032 0.00222 65 0.01023 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00281 0.56405 131.584 0.57368 0.87292
ompR; two-component system, OmpR family, phosphate regulon response regulator OmpR 0.01088 0.00130 0.00974 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01168 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00259 -0.74795 147.950 0.45567 0.83438
ybdL; methionine transaminase [EC:] 0.01082 0.00113 0.01068 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01091 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00231 -0.09880 137.618 0.92144 0.97905
mexK; multidrug efflux pump 0.01081 0.00123 0.01122 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.01053 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00250 0.27702 136.418 0.78219 0.94310
oxlT; MFS transporter, OFA family, oxalate/formate antiporter 0.01081 0.00099 0.01046 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01105 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00203 -0.29132 134.712 0.77126 0.94061
pafA; proteasome accessory factor A [EC:] 0.01081 0.00137 0.01080 0.00032 0.00221 65 0.01082 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00283 -0.00723 133.521 0.99424 0.99919
rcsC; two-component system, NarL family, capsular synthesis sensor histidine kinase RcsC [EC:] 0.01080 0.00222 0.00991 0.00062 0.00308 65 0.01142 0.00090 0.00312 93 0.00438 -0.34449 151.642 0.73095 0.92481
liuC; methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 0.01079 0.00103 0.01002 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01133 0.00017 0.00133 93 0.00212 -0.61992 135.165 0.53636 0.86207
K07093; uncharacterized protein 0.01079 0.00130 0.00987 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.01143 0.00028 0.00175 93 0.00261 -0.59525 144.147 0.55261 0.86788
proW; glycine betaine/proline transport system permease protein 0.01079 0.00139 0.01068 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.01086 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00285 -0.06319 133.528 0.94971 0.98774
prpC; 2-methylcitrate synthase [EC:] 0.01077 0.00104 0.01088 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.01070 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00214 0.08280 134.871 0.93413 0.98428
clsC; cardiolipin synthase C [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.01077 0.00105 0.01122 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.01046 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00216 0.35493 135.914 0.72319 0.92156
hexR; RpiR family transcriptional regulator, carbohydrate utilization regulator 0.01075 0.00137 0.01190 0.00031 0.00219 65 0.00996 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00281 0.69026 134.118 0.49123 0.84797
paiB; transcriptional regulator 0.01075 0.00106 0.00933 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.01174 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00216 -1.11382 133.575 0.26736 0.77376
rimK; ribosomal protein S6–L-glutamate ligase [EC:6.3.2.-] 0.01073 0.00098 0.01167 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01008 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00202 0.78719 131.006 0.43260 0.82862
K06978; uncharacterized protein 0.01073 0.00136 0.00819 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.01251 0.00030 0.00178 93 0.00273 -1.57953 140.293 0.11647 0.77376
slyA; MarR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional regulator for hemolysin 0.01072 0.00128 0.01041 0.00024 0.00190 65 0.01093 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00257 -0.20161 144.713 0.84050 0.95506
exuT; MFS transporter, ACS family, hexuronate transporter 0.01072 0.00112 0.00964 0.00020 0.00173 65 0.01147 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00227 -0.80546 138.885 0.42193 0.82295
soxB; sarcosine oxidase, subunit beta [EC:] 0.01071 0.00172 0.00906 0.00033 0.00224 65 0.01186 0.00057 0.00247 93 0.00333 -0.84086 154.968 0.40172 0.80850
impK, ompA, vasF, dotU; type VI secretion system protein ImpK 0.01070 0.00127 0.01158 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.01009 0.00027 0.00172 93 0.00254 0.58736 145.653 0.55787 0.86813
rcsB; two-component system, NarL family, captular synthesis response regulator RcsB 0.01070 0.00183 0.00973 0.00055 0.00291 65 0.01137 0.00052 0.00237 93 0.00375 -0.43617 135.493 0.66341 0.91006
pbpB; penicillin-binding protein 2B 0.01068 0.00131 0.01103 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.01043 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00285 0.20896 105.634 0.83488 0.95506
hypC; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypC 0.01067 0.00099 0.01029 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.01094 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00199 -0.32809 144.199 0.74332 0.93099
lpxC-fabZ; UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase / 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase [EC:] 0.01067 0.00115 0.01001 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01113 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00227 -0.49655 151.107 0.62023 0.89039
kptA; putative RNA 2’-phosphotransferase [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.01066 0.00181 0.01564 0.00101 0.00395 65 0.00718 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00415 2.04053 77.510 0.04470 0.65981
lapC; membrane fusion protein, adhesin transport system 0.01066 0.00157 0.01129 0.00036 0.00237 65 0.01021 0.00041 0.00209 93 0.00316 0.34168 142.639 0.73310 0.92649
rlmM; 23S rRNA (cytidine2498-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01064 0.00097 0.01156 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.01000 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00199 0.78549 133.932 0.43356 0.82874
pcaB; 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate cycloisomerase [EC:] 0.01060 0.00178 0.00946 0.00040 0.00248 65 0.01140 0.00057 0.00248 93 0.00351 -0.55369 150.965 0.58061 0.87573
dcuB; anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter DcuB 0.01060 0.00121 0.01091 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.01038 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00249 0.21136 133.270 0.83293 0.95506
uraH, pucM, hiuH; 5-hydroxyisourate hydrolase [EC:] 0.01059 0.00120 0.00920 0.00018 0.00168 65 0.01157 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00237 -0.99886 150.474 0.31947 0.77376
impJ, vasE; type VI secretion system protein ImpJ 0.01059 0.00137 0.01142 0.00025 0.00197 65 0.01001 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00273 0.51425 148.251 0.60784 0.88637
fitB; toxin FitB [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01058 0.00108 0.00898 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01170 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00215 -1.26157 146.042 0.20912 0.77376
phnP; phosphoribosyl 1,2-cyclic phosphate phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.01058 0.00086 0.00839 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.01211 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00163 -2.27500 155.637 0.02427 0.59764
cbiE; cobalt-precorrin-7 (C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01055 0.00117 0.01398 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.00815 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00253 2.30159 99.939 0.02343 0.59764
zapB; cell division protein ZapB 0.01053 0.00097 0.01153 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00983 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00199 0.85632 134.850 0.39334 0.80459
cyaY; CyaY protein 0.01053 0.00095 0.01138 0.00015 0.00153 65 0.00993 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00195 0.74819 132.369 0.45567 0.83438
cas6; CRISPR-associated endoribonuclease Cas6 [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01051 0.00103 0.01186 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.00957 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00223 1.02558 103.224 0.30749 0.77376
IVD, ivd; isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01049 0.00106 0.00929 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.01133 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00215 -0.94719 137.676 0.34520 0.78739
paaK; phenylacetate-CoA ligase [EC:] 0.01048 0.00108 0.00823 0.00011 0.00133 65 0.01205 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00205 -1.86155 155.941 0.06455 0.73334
cah; cephalosporin-C deacetylase [EC:] 0.01048 0.00100 0.01038 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.01054 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00199 -0.07819 146.925 0.93779 0.98459
dcuA; anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter DcuA 0.01047 0.00102 0.00943 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.01120 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00200 -0.88715 152.899 0.37639 0.79810
cysB; LysR family transcriptional regulator, cys regulon transcriptional activator 0.01047 0.00095 0.01147 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.00976 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00195 0.87717 130.829 0.38200 0.80026
fadN; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01046 0.00129 0.00774 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01237 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00251 -1.84545 151.723 0.06692 0.73334
nfeD; membrane-bound serine protease (ClpP class) 0.01046 0.00093 0.01123 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.00992 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00201 0.64926 106.153 0.51757 0.85268
K08981; putative membrane protein 0.01046 0.00103 0.00965 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.01102 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00211 -0.64630 137.061 0.51917 0.85449
nemA; N-ethylmaleimide reductase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01045 0.00127 0.00838 0.00018 0.00168 65 0.01190 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00246 -1.43054 153.917 0.15459 0.77376
korD, oorD; 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit delta [EC:] 0.01045 0.00116 0.00957 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01106 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00228 -0.65113 152.958 0.51594 0.85216
gcvPA; glycine dehydrogenase subunit 1 [EC:] 0.01044 0.00100 0.00848 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.01181 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00195 -1.70285 151.046 0.09065 0.76567
fdhE; FdhE protein 0.01044 0.00099 0.01140 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.00977 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00203 0.80325 133.757 0.42326 0.82407
impB; type VI secretion system protein ImpB 0.01044 0.00136 0.01102 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.01003 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00267 0.37043 152.738 0.71158 0.92004
fhaC; hemolysin activation/secretion protein 0.01043 0.00305 0.00746 0.00072 0.00332 65 0.01250 0.00200 0.00464 93 0.00571 -0.88351 152.839 0.37835 0.79852
E1.11.1.5; cytochrome c peroxidase [EC:] 0.01042 0.00100 0.01060 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.01030 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00202 0.14849 143.558 0.88216 0.96944
cbiN; cobalt/nickel transport protein 0.01042 0.00170 0.01461 0.00078 0.00346 65 0.00749 0.00021 0.00152 93 0.00378 1.88465 88.723 0.06275 0.73012
ynfM; MFS transporter, YNFM family, putative membrane transport protein 0.01042 0.00100 0.00993 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01076 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00205 -0.40736 137.865 0.68438 0.91533
K09921; uncharacterized protein 0.01041 0.00095 0.01126 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.00982 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00198 0.72941 127.653 0.46709 0.83837
nsrR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, nitric oxide-sensitive transcriptional repressor 0.01041 0.00098 0.00837 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.01184 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00189 -1.83124 153.865 0.06900 0.73522
cbiT; cobalt-precorrin-6B (C15)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01041 0.00117 0.01393 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.00795 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00253 2.36524 99.772 0.01995 0.59095
gcvPB; glycine dehydrogenase subunit 2 [EC:] 0.01040 0.00100 0.00841 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.01179 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00195 -1.73124 150.984 0.08545 0.76567
frc; formyl-CoA transferase [EC:] 0.01039 0.00132 0.00879 0.00028 0.00207 65 0.01150 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00269 -1.00638 136.929 0.31601 0.77376
osmC; osmotically inducible protein OsmC 0.01038 0.00110 0.00978 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.01080 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00224 -0.45212 138.963 0.65189 0.90504
dctB; two-component system, NtrC family, C4-dicarboxylate transport sensor histidine kinase DctB [EC:] 0.01036 0.00157 0.01063 0.00039 0.00245 65 0.01018 0.00040 0.00207 93 0.00320 0.13915 138.569 0.88954 0.97048
korC, oorC; 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit gamma [EC:] 0.01036 0.00117 0.00948 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01097 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00229 -0.65111 152.623 0.51596 0.85216
tctD; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator TctD 0.01034 0.00137 0.00969 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.01080 0.00033 0.00189 93 0.00271 -0.40955 149.061 0.68272 0.91495
ybjD; putative ATP-dependent endonuclease of the OLD family 0.01033 0.00105 0.01270 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.00867 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00226 1.78240 106.510 0.07753 0.75461
UMF1; MFS transporter, UMF1 family 0.01032 0.00101 0.00915 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.01115 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00212 -0.94058 123.027 0.34876 0.79120
E4.1.1.18, ldcC, cadA; lysine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01031 0.00087 0.00826 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.01174 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00165 -2.11206 155.994 0.03627 0.62411
K09967; uncharacterized protein 0.01029 0.00134 0.00961 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.01077 0.00029 0.00175 93 0.00274 -0.42127 137.812 0.67421 0.91194
malT; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, maltose regulon positive regulatory protein 0.01028 0.00143 0.01145 0.00035 0.00233 65 0.00946 0.00030 0.00181 93 0.00295 0.67624 131.191 0.50008 0.84899
hepA; ATP-dependent helicase HepA [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.01028 0.00104 0.01104 0.00017 0.00159 65 0.00974 0.00018 0.00137 93 0.00210 0.61859 140.575 0.53719 0.86207
bamB; outer membrane protein assembly factor BamB 0.01027 0.00109 0.01042 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.01017 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00221 0.11175 138.419 0.91119 0.97664
K07576; metallo-beta-lactamase family protein 0.01025 0.00099 0.01163 0.00022 0.00182 65 0.00929 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00213 1.09759 109.148 0.27480 0.77376
E1.4.1.9; leucine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01024 0.00102 0.00897 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.01112 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00205 -1.04753 140.217 0.29666 0.77376
MAN2C1; alpha-mannosidase [EC:] 0.01023 0.00092 0.01046 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01007 0.00012 0.00111 93 0.00194 0.20196 122.021 0.84028 0.95506
regB, regS, actS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase RegB [EC:] 0.01023 0.00113 0.00935 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.01084 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00230 -0.65069 137.531 0.51633 0.85216
TC.GPH; glycoside/pentoside/hexuronide:cation symporter, GPH family 0.01022 0.00132 0.01183 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.00910 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00282 0.96549 111.813 0.33638 0.78254
dctM; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DctM subunit 0.01022 0.00112 0.01245 0.00031 0.00218 65 0.00866 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00245 1.54831 97.362 0.12479 0.77376
cpg; glutamate carboxypeptidase [EC:] 0.01021 0.00091 0.00863 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.01131 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00178 -1.51196 153.004 0.13261 0.77376
COQ7; ubiquinone biosynthesis monooxygenase Coq7 [EC:1.14.13.-] 0.01020 0.00104 0.00990 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.01042 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00215 -0.23942 130.207 0.81115 0.95214
waaL, rfaL; O-antigen ligase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.01020 0.00109 0.01197 0.00023 0.00190 65 0.00897 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00230 1.30535 119.411 0.19428 0.77376
pilW; type IV pilus assembly protein PilW 0.01017 0.00100 0.01037 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.01003 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00207 0.16294 131.266 0.87082 0.96546
dapH, dapD; tetrahydrodipicolinate N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.01017 0.00101 0.01024 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.01013 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00218 0.05113 107.131 0.95932 0.98903
nudE; ADP-ribose diphosphatase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.01017 0.00097 0.01129 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.00938 0.00014 0.00125 93 0.00199 0.96213 133.985 0.33772 0.78354
K07318; adenine-specific DNA-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01016 0.00169 0.01266 0.00069 0.00326 65 0.00842 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00370 1.14499 100.082 0.25494 0.77376
impC; type VI secretion system protein ImpC 0.01016 0.00119 0.01073 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.00976 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00239 0.40746 146.579 0.68426 0.91533
yejF; microcin C transport system ATP-binding protein 0.01015 0.00107 0.00919 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.01082 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00209 -0.77814 154.331 0.43768 0.83071
pcaR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, pca regulon regulatory protein 0.01015 0.00127 0.00897 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.01098 0.00029 0.00177 93 0.00250 -0.80090 150.925 0.42445 0.82505
pcaD; 3-oxoadipate enol-lactonase [EC:] 0.01010 0.00114 0.00914 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.01078 0.00022 0.00152 93 0.00230 -0.70868 142.473 0.47968 0.84324
dapC; N-succinyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.01010 0.00107 0.00984 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.01028 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00216 -0.20186 141.605 0.84032 0.95506
creD; inner membrane protein 0.01010 0.00106 0.01186 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00887 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00227 1.31956 109.722 0.18973 0.77376
ispDF; 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase / 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01008 0.00086 0.00939 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.01056 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00176 -0.66550 134.766 0.50687 0.84956
spoVG; stage V sporulation protein G 0.01006 0.00119 0.01141 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.00911 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00255 0.90308 110.862 0.36844 0.79587
K07157; uncharacterized protein 0.01004 0.00102 0.00896 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.01080 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00209 -0.88193 133.053 0.37940 0.79852
aidB; putative acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 0.01004 0.00102 0.00920 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01062 0.00017 0.00133 93 0.00207 -0.68823 138.541 0.49246 0.84797
rimL; ribosomal-protein-serine acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.01003 0.00108 0.00851 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.01109 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00206 -1.25405 155.967 0.21170 0.77376
E3.5.1.11; penicillin amidase [EC:] 0.01002 0.00110 0.00909 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.01067 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00222 -0.70901 142.391 0.47948 0.84314
phaF; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit F 0.01000 0.00103 0.00899 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.01072 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00208 -0.83246 140.349 0.40656 0.81189
ureC; urease subunit alpha [EC:] 0.01000 0.00108 0.00719 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.01196 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00204 -2.33795 156.000 0.02066 0.59095
bioH; pimeloyl-[acyl-carrier protein] methyl ester esterase [EC:] 0.00999 0.00095 0.01045 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.00967 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00195 0.40004 135.975 0.68975 0.91567
panF; sodium/pantothenate symporter 0.00999 0.00109 0.01195 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.00863 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00235 1.41075 106.570 0.16123 0.77376
desR; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator DesR 0.00996 0.00114 0.00874 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01082 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00224 -0.93165 151.423 0.35300 0.79194
flp, pilA; pilus assembly protein Flp/PilA 0.00995 0.00110 0.00763 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.01157 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00212 -1.86066 155.501 0.06468 0.73334
fiu; catecholate siderophore receptor 0.00994 0.00113 0.00936 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.01035 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00228 -0.43241 142.495 0.66610 0.91126
aldH; NADP-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00993 0.00146 0.00967 0.00031 0.00217 65 0.01012 0.00036 0.00197 93 0.00293 -0.15379 144.464 0.87799 0.96759
asmA; AsmA protein 0.00993 0.00189 0.00944 0.00048 0.00272 65 0.01027 0.00063 0.00260 93 0.00376 -0.22041 148.501 0.82585 0.95506
SCD, desC; stearoyl-CoA desaturase (Delta-9 desaturase) [EC:] 0.00993 0.00137 0.00884 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.01069 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00276 -0.67069 142.005 0.50351 0.84956
gspC; general secretion pathway protein C 0.00992 0.00108 0.00926 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.01038 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00218 -0.51621 143.611 0.60650 0.88555
ureF; urease accessory protein 0.00990 0.00107 0.00700 0.00011 0.00127 65 0.01193 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00202 -2.44283 155.922 0.01569 0.59095
ureG; urease accessory protein 0.00990 0.00107 0.00699 0.00011 0.00127 65 0.01194 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00202 -2.45187 155.911 0.01532 0.59095
E4.3.1.15; diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.00989 0.00099 0.01096 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.00915 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00211 0.85586 115.617 0.39385 0.80459
virB11, lvhB11; type IV secretion system protein VirB11 0.00989 0.00146 0.00932 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.01029 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00298 -0.32606 138.770 0.74487 0.93176
K09924; uncharacterized protein 0.00989 0.00095 0.00937 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.01025 0.00014 0.00125 93 0.00192 -0.45504 139.180 0.64979 0.90409
yjaB; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00988 0.00100 0.00975 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.00997 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00203 -0.10909 142.918 0.91329 0.97664
cmoB; tRNA (mo5U34)-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.00988 0.00104 0.01060 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.00937 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00208 0.59225 147.076 0.55459 0.86806
ALDO; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class I [EC:] 0.00986 0.00114 0.01162 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.00863 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00243 1.22887 109.799 0.22175 0.77376
flhB2; flagellar biosynthesis protein 0.00983 0.00097 0.00879 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.01056 0.00015 0.00129 93 0.00194 -0.91198 142.552 0.36332 0.79496
carD; CarD family transcriptional regulator 0.00982 0.00092 0.00820 0.00011 0.00133 65 0.01095 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00183 -1.50364 147.536 0.13481 0.77376
cheZ; chemotaxis protein CheZ 0.00982 0.00109 0.00984 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.00980 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00223 0.02035 136.259 0.98380 0.99706
mtaP, MTAP; 5’-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00979 0.00087 0.00976 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00981 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00181 -0.02631 130.612 0.97905 0.99657
K07148; uncharacterized protein 0.00978 0.00145 0.00690 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01179 0.00045 0.00220 93 0.00270 -1.81212 152.819 0.07193 0.74066
PTS-Mtl-EIIC, mtlA, cmtA; PTS system, mannitol-specific IIC component 0.00974 0.00099 0.00998 0.00021 0.00182 65 0.00957 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00213 0.19402 110.535 0.84652 0.95682
GLUD1_2, gdhA; glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) [EC:] 0.00970 0.00085 0.00935 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00995 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00172 -0.34773 142.691 0.72855 0.92350
mdoH; membrane glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00969 0.00125 0.00910 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.01011 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00251 -0.40178 145.076 0.68844 0.91567
fimC; fimbrial chaperone protein 0.00969 0.00131 0.00950 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.00982 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00269 -0.11713 133.708 0.90693 0.97664
sohB; serine protease SohB [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00969 0.00090 0.01034 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00923 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00184 0.60365 135.435 0.54709 0.86509
sqr; sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase [EC:] 0.00968 0.00096 0.00894 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.01020 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00196 -0.64282 139.180 0.52140 0.85613
K06907; uncharacterized protein 0.00968 0.00146 0.00856 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.01046 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00283 -0.67006 155.087 0.50382 0.84956
K07486; transposase 0.00966 0.00220 0.01378 0.00146 0.00474 65 0.00677 0.00027 0.00172 93 0.00504 1.39119 80.908 0.16798 0.77376
potH; putrescine transport system permease protein 0.00965 0.00096 0.00948 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.00977 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00196 -0.14654 138.066 0.88371 0.96974
phaA; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit A 0.00965 0.00101 0.00889 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01018 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00205 -0.62957 138.318 0.53001 0.86094
impH, vasB; type VI secretion system protein ImpH 0.00965 0.00119 0.01052 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.00903 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00237 0.62770 146.954 0.53118 0.86136
K09919; uncharacterized protein 0.00964 0.00099 0.00881 0.00017 0.00161 65 0.01022 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00205 -0.68993 132.571 0.49144 0.84797
comA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial, competence factor transporting protein [EC:3.4.22.-] 0.00962 0.00099 0.00941 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00977 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00197 -0.18346 148.947 0.85469 0.95858
dsdA; D-serine dehydratase [EC:] 0.00961 0.00125 0.01160 0.00034 0.00229 65 0.00822 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00268 1.26018 109.881 0.21028 0.77376
pilV; type IV pilus assembly protein PilV 0.00961 0.00101 0.00974 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00952 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00209 0.10503 130.621 0.91651 0.97681
maiA, GSTZ1; maleylacetoacetate isomerase [EC:] 0.00960 0.00100 0.00897 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.01004 0.00015 0.00129 93 0.00204 -0.52540 135.388 0.60016 0.88240
phaG; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit G 0.00959 0.00100 0.00893 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.01006 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00204 -0.55677 138.163 0.57859 0.87532
trpCF; indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase / phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase [EC:] 0.00958 0.00096 0.00991 0.00015 0.00152 65 0.00935 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00197 0.28426 136.852 0.77664 0.94269
tsr; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein I, serine sensor receptor 0.00958 0.00162 0.00765 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.01093 0.00051 0.00235 93 0.00311 -1.05587 155.795 0.29266 0.77376
comB; competence factor transport accessory protein ComB 0.00958 0.00099 0.00935 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00974 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00197 -0.19825 148.864 0.84312 0.95519
yegD; hypothetical chaperone protein 0.00957 0.00097 0.00899 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00998 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00199 -0.49802 133.950 0.61929 0.88981
poxB; pyruvate dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.00956 0.00104 0.00901 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.00995 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00210 -0.44813 143.213 0.65473 0.90679
phaE; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit E 0.00955 0.00100 0.00889 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.01000 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00204 -0.54338 138.104 0.58774 0.87732
folE2; GTP cyclohydrolase IB [EC:] 0.00954 0.00091 0.01014 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.00912 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00187 0.54469 133.150 0.58688 0.87731
hhoB, degS; serine protease DegS [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00954 0.00090 0.01036 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00897 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00184 0.75436 135.282 0.45194 0.83438
hypA, hybF; hydrogenase nickel incorporation protein HypA/HybF 0.00953 0.00089 0.00962 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00947 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00183 0.08287 136.223 0.93408 0.98428
cpdA; 3’,5’-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00953 0.00091 0.01032 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00897 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00185 0.73203 136.211 0.46541 0.83786
phaC; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit C 0.00953 0.00100 0.00889 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.00997 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00204 -0.53183 138.012 0.59570 0.88005
phaD; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit D 0.00953 0.00100 0.00889 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.00997 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00204 -0.53183 138.012 0.59570 0.88005
E2.4.1.7; sucrose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00953 0.00086 0.00999 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.00920 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00184 0.42532 110.776 0.67143 0.91184
RP-L7A, rplGB; large subunit ribosomal protein L7A 0.00952 0.00092 0.00912 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.00981 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00192 -0.35933 126.817 0.71994 0.92108
metZ; O-succinylhomoserine sulfhydrylase [EC:2.5.1.-] 0.00949 0.00089 0.00872 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.01003 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00180 -0.72704 143.714 0.46838 0.83837
mnhD, mrpD; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit D 0.00949 0.00115 0.00700 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.01123 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00218 -1.94127 156.000 0.05403 0.70113
gltI, aatJ; glutamate/aspartate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00949 0.00128 0.00791 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.01059 0.00034 0.00191 93 0.00242 -1.10462 155.282 0.27103 0.77376
tusE, dsrC; tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein E [EC:2.8.1.-] 0.00947 0.00090 0.01031 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00888 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00184 0.77446 135.886 0.44000 0.83186
tusD, dsrE; tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein D [EC:2.8.1.-] 0.00946 0.00090 0.01031 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00887 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00184 0.77985 135.937 0.43684 0.83048
ureD, ureH; urease accessory protein 0.00946 0.00103 0.00683 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.01129 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00194 -2.29838 155.999 0.02287 0.59764
K09798; uncharacterized protein 0.00946 0.00078 0.00990 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.00914 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00161 0.47346 130.418 0.63668 0.89696
regA, regR, actR; two-component system, response regulator RegA 0.00943 0.00100 0.00862 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.01000 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00205 -0.67347 133.415 0.50181 0.84942
potG; putrescine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00941 0.00094 0.00928 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.00951 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00192 -0.11784 135.848 0.90637 0.97664
lacY; MFS transporter, OHS family, lactose permease 0.00940 0.00081 0.00937 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00942 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00171 -0.02746 117.716 0.97814 0.99657
mtlD; mannitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00939 0.00098 0.00974 0.00021 0.00182 65 0.00915 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00211 0.28350 107.510 0.77734 0.94269
pilP; type IV pilus assembly protein PilP 0.00937 0.00093 0.01018 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.00880 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00194 0.71150 124.701 0.47810 0.84266
potI; putrescine transport system permease protein 0.00936 0.00093 0.00929 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.00941 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00191 -0.05818 134.975 0.95369 0.98792
thiF; sulfur carrier protein ThiS adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00936 0.00102 0.01214 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.00741 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00219 2.15746 100.252 0.03336 0.62130
FLOT; flotillin 0.00936 0.00071 0.00801 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.01030 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00136 -1.68218 154.986 0.09455 0.76609
dkgB; 2,5-diketo-D-gluconate reductase B [EC:] 0.00935 0.00105 0.00930 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.00938 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00213 -0.03589 140.092 0.97142 0.99401
HGD, hmgA; homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00933 0.00096 0.00870 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.00978 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00198 -0.54359 131.548 0.58765 0.87732
ugtP; processive 1,2-diacylglycerol beta-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00933 0.00090 0.00973 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.00906 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00192 0.35117 114.226 0.72611 0.92177
hypB; hydrogenase nickel incorporation protein HypB 0.00932 0.00089 0.00947 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00922 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00182 0.13586 135.544 0.89213 0.97147
rnk; regulator of nucleoside diphosphate kinase 0.00932 0.00095 0.00903 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00953 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00197 -0.25620 131.074 0.79820 0.94822
hypF; hydrogenase maturation protein HypF 0.00931 0.00088 0.00929 0.00013 0.00144 65 0.00932 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00182 -0.01737 131.654 0.98616 0.99729
zurR, zur; Fur family transcriptional regulator, zinc uptake regulator 0.00930 0.00104 0.00950 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.00916 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00226 0.15372 105.248 0.87812 0.96759
vasG, clpV; type VI secretion system protein VasG 0.00929 0.00118 0.00996 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.00883 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00233 0.48524 150.551 0.62821 0.89381
smvA, qacA, lfrA; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00929 0.00099 0.00850 0.00015 0.00152 65 0.00984 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00200 -0.66917 140.293 0.50449 0.84956
mnhA, mrpA; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit A 0.00928 0.00124 0.00630 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.01136 0.00033 0.00187 93 0.00229 -2.21433 151.803 0.02830 0.61334
mnhC, mrpC; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit C 0.00928 0.00115 0.00695 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.01091 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00218 -1.81815 155.998 0.07096 0.73909
disA; diadenylate cyclase [EC:] 0.00927 0.00109 0.01122 0.00027 0.00205 65 0.00792 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00235 1.40364 103.730 0.16341 0.77376
paaG; 2-(1,2-epoxy-1,2-dihydrophenyl)acetyl-CoA isomerase [EC:] 0.00926 0.00111 0.00629 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.01133 0.00026 0.00169 93 0.00201 -2.50504 148.341 0.01332 0.59095
ureE; urease accessory protein 0.00926 0.00102 0.00671 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.01103 0.00020 0.00148 93 0.00193 -2.23803 156.000 0.02664 0.61112
K08989; putative membrane protein 0.00925 0.00077 0.00865 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00967 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00158 -0.64048 134.834 0.52295 0.85702
bamC; outer membrane protein assembly factor BamC 0.00924 0.00088 0.01047 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.00838 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00183 1.14326 127.119 0.25508 0.77376
mnhE, mrpE; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit E 0.00923 0.00115 0.00689 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.01086 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00218 -1.82495 156.000 0.06992 0.73522
mnhG, mrpG; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit G 0.00922 0.00115 0.00690 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.01084 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00218 -1.81166 155.997 0.07196 0.74066
K06906; uncharacterized protein 0.00921 0.00187 0.00715 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.01065 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00351 -0.99770 154.498 0.31998 0.77376
envZ; two-component system, OmpR family, osmolarity sensor histidine kinase EnvZ [EC:] 0.00921 0.00099 0.00828 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.00985 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00198 -0.79364 145.080 0.42870 0.82749
rseA; sigma-E factor negative regulatory protein RseA 0.00920 0.00088 0.01003 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00862 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00181 0.77892 132.154 0.43742 0.83071
ghrB; glyoxylate/hydroxypyruvate/2-ketogluconate reductase [EC:] 0.00919 0.00103 0.00897 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.00934 0.00017 0.00136 93 0.00208 -0.17417 140.723 0.86198 0.96251
pilJ; twitching motility protein PilJ 0.00916 0.00099 0.00902 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.00926 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00203 -0.12127 134.221 0.90366 0.97641
mdtB; multidrug efflux pump 0.00916 0.00106 0.00908 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00922 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00215 -0.06734 138.056 0.94641 0.98674
yagR; xanthine dehydrogenase YagR molybdenum-binding subunit [EC:] 0.00915 0.00111 0.00848 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.00961 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00223 -0.50582 144.028 0.61376 0.88788
pilG; twitching motility two-component system response regulator PilG 0.00915 0.00099 0.00907 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.00920 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00203 -0.06028 134.181 0.95202 0.98792
yjdF; putative membrane protein 0.00914 0.00085 0.00864 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00949 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00168 -0.49956 148.425 0.61813 0.88903
tyrA1; chorismate mutase [EC:] 0.00914 0.00090 0.00839 0.00012 0.00133 65 0.00966 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00180 -0.70343 144.752 0.48292 0.84354
cydCD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial CydCD 0.00913 0.00094 0.01029 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.00832 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00199 0.99023 115.090 0.32414 0.77376
hypE; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypE 0.00912 0.00088 0.00921 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00905 0.00012 0.00111 93 0.00181 0.08812 131.985 0.92991 0.98213
ade; adenine deaminase [EC:] 0.00911 0.00113 0.00776 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.01005 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00232 -0.98809 134.019 0.32489 0.77376
pilI; twitching motility protein PilI 0.00910 0.00099 0.00905 0.00016 0.00158 65 0.00914 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00203 -0.04442 134.029 0.96464 0.99101
hypD; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypD 0.00909 0.00087 0.00933 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00892 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00180 0.22993 132.009 0.81850 0.95506
E3.1.6.1, aslA; arylsulfatase [EC:] 0.00909 0.00107 0.00664 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.01080 0.00028 0.00172 93 0.00189 -2.20051 125.482 0.02960 0.61356
sotB; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, L-arabinose/isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside export protein 0.00908 0.00092 0.00960 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00871 0.00014 0.00125 93 0.00185 0.48120 144.865 0.63110 0.89595
gntR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, gluconate utilization system Gnt-I transcriptional repressor 0.00907 0.00124 0.00807 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.00978 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00243 -0.70272 152.550 0.48330 0.84354
ABC-2.LPSE.A; lipopolysaccharide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00905 0.00111 0.00819 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.00965 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00218 -0.66886 151.219 0.50460 0.84956
bccA, pccA; acetyl-CoA/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, biotin carboxylase, biotin carboxyl carrier protein [EC:] 0.00904 0.00100 0.00842 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.00948 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00196 -0.54249 153.354 0.58827 0.87732
glnK; nitrogen regulatory protein P-II 2 0.00904 0.00092 0.00830 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00956 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00186 -0.67892 139.334 0.49832 0.84856
xfp, xpk; xylulose-5-phosphate/fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase [EC:] 0.00902 0.00128 0.01018 0.00038 0.00241 65 0.00821 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00277 0.71011 104.863 0.47921 0.84314
K06905; uncharacterized protein 0.00901 0.00137 0.00775 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.00989 0.00038 0.00202 93 0.00262 -0.81546 155.974 0.41605 0.81772
PCCB, pccB; propionyl-CoA carboxylase beta chain [EC:] 0.00900 0.00089 0.00676 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.01056 0.00014 0.00125 93 0.00171 -2.22045 153.655 0.02785 0.61334
garR, glxR; 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase [EC:] 0.00900 0.00089 0.00742 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.01010 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00174 -1.53940 150.830 0.12580 0.77376
RTCB, rtcB; tRNA-splicing ligase RtcB (3’-phosphate/5’-hydroxy nucleic acid ligase) [EC:] 0.00898 0.00084 0.00801 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00966 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00168 -0.98649 146.207 0.32552 0.77376
K08999; uncharacterized protein 0.00897 0.00081 0.00758 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00994 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00154 -1.53494 155.994 0.12682 0.77376
eamA; O-acetylserine/cysteine efflux transporter 0.00893 0.00134 0.00766 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.00982 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00262 -0.82376 153.524 0.41135 0.81492
dppC; dipeptide transport system permease protein 0.00893 0.00089 0.00874 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.00906 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00177 -0.18569 149.714 0.85294 0.95848
glcU; glucose uptake protein 0.00893 0.00158 0.01030 0.00056 0.00293 65 0.00797 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00341 0.68373 107.806 0.49561 0.84797
ihk; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor kinase Ihk [EC:] 0.00893 0.00080 0.00933 0.00010 0.00127 65 0.00864 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00164 0.42225 135.677 0.67351 0.91184
truC; tRNA pseudouridine65 synthase [EC:] 0.00893 0.00095 0.00949 0.00018 0.00168 65 0.00853 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00202 0.47357 117.840 0.63668 0.89696
irr; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator Irr 0.00892 0.00080 0.00934 0.00010 0.00127 65 0.00863 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00164 0.43616 135.833 0.66341 0.91006
K06877; DEAD/DEAH box helicase domain-containing protein 0.00891 0.00096 0.00775 0.00013 0.00144 65 0.00972 0.00016 0.00129 93 0.00193 -1.01987 143.907 0.30950 0.77376
E2.6.1.18; beta-alanine–pyruvate transaminase [EC:] 0.00890 0.00097 0.00824 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.00937 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00199 -0.56972 135.829 0.56981 0.87135
nikC; nickel transport system permease protein 0.00888 0.00100 0.01063 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.00765 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00219 1.36042 100.261 0.17675 0.77376
rseB; sigma-E factor negative regulatory protein RseB 0.00887 0.00086 0.00963 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.00833 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00176 0.73573 132.669 0.46319 0.83677
thpR; RNA 2’,3’-cyclic 3’-phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00887 0.00084 0.00694 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.01021 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00163 -2.00992 153.723 0.04619 0.66255
K09729; uncharacterized protein 0.00886 0.00104 0.01145 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.00705 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00228 1.93132 95.948 0.05640 0.70577
flaG; flagellar protein FlaG 0.00886 0.00092 0.00846 0.00013 0.00144 65 0.00913 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00188 -0.35605 137.622 0.72235 0.92156
ABC-2.LPSE.P; lipopolysaccharide transport system permease protein 0.00885 0.00089 0.00862 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00901 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00181 -0.21798 141.410 0.82776 0.95506
epmA, poxA; elongation factor P–(R)-beta-lysine ligase [EC:6.3.1.-] 0.00885 0.00087 0.00857 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00905 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00176 -0.27387 144.063 0.78458 0.94445
K09775; uncharacterized protein 0.00885 0.00083 0.00832 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.00922 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00172 -0.52006 127.787 0.60392 0.88434
mdoG; periplasmic glucans biosynthesis protein 0.00884 0.00107 0.00837 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00916 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00215 -0.36734 143.333 0.71391 0.92004
omp31; outer membrane immunogenic protein 0.00884 0.00164 0.00444 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.01191 0.00065 0.00263 93 0.00287 -2.60487 123.120 0.01032 0.58284
mexT; LysR family transcriptional regulator, mexEF-oprN operon transcriptional activator 0.00884 0.00159 0.00951 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.00837 0.00042 0.00213 93 0.00321 0.35447 142.989 0.72351 0.92162
betI; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor of bet genes 0.00883 0.00092 0.00859 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00900 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00186 -0.22015 141.338 0.82607 0.95506
cysZ; CysZ protein 0.00882 0.00085 0.00948 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00836 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00174 0.64248 133.536 0.52166 0.85613
phoN; acid phosphatase (class A) [EC:] 0.00882 0.00098 0.00854 0.00011 0.00127 65 0.00902 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00191 -0.25161 155.183 0.80167 0.94855
K09792; uncharacterized protein 0.00881 0.00099 0.00894 0.00014 0.00144 65 0.00872 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00197 0.10999 146.602 0.91257 0.97664
ybaO; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator 0.00880 0.00108 0.00757 0.00014 0.00148 65 0.00967 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00211 -0.99259 151.889 0.32249 0.77376
nirK; nitrite reductase (NO-forming) [EC:] 0.00880 0.00094 0.00937 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.00841 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00192 0.50038 136.076 0.61762 0.88903
ureA; urease subunit gamma [EC:] 0.00880 0.00099 0.00666 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.01030 0.00019 0.00141 93 0.00189 -1.92456 155.349 0.05611 0.70577
rsbW; serine/threonine-protein kinase RsbW [EC:] 0.00877 0.00108 0.00984 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.00803 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00229 0.79211 115.830 0.42991 0.82749
urtA; urea transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00877 0.00103 0.00714 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00991 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00201 -1.37610 152.977 0.17080 0.77376
eutS; ethanolamine utilization protein EutS 0.00876 0.00102 0.01134 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.00695 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00223 1.96792 97.465 0.05192 0.68802
K07336; PKHD-type hydroxylase [EC:1.14.11.-] 0.00875 0.00095 0.00863 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.00884 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00198 -0.10862 126.996 0.91368 0.97664
lapB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial LapB 0.00875 0.00110 0.00960 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.00815 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00224 0.64633 136.319 0.51915 0.85449
K09701; uncharacterized protein 0.00874 0.00090 0.00825 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.00908 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00185 -0.44658 131.908 0.65591 0.90679
malK, mtlK, thuK; multiple sugar transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00874 0.00103 0.00631 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.01043 0.00022 0.00152 93 0.00194 -2.12354 155.598 0.03529 0.62411
eutB; ethanolamine ammonia-lyase large subunit [EC:] 0.00874 0.00103 0.01046 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.00753 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00222 1.32287 105.186 0.18875 0.77376
K09857; uncharacterized protein 0.00874 0.00120 0.00887 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.00864 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00238 0.09537 149.787 0.92415 0.97981
mdtA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00872 0.00094 0.00855 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.00883 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00193 -0.14523 134.463 0.88475 0.96984
PTS-Fru-EIIA, fruB; PTS system, fructose-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.00871 0.00147 0.01234 0.00070 0.00327 65 0.00617 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00341 1.81169 74.923 0.07404 0.74128
treS; maltose alpha-D-glucosyltransferase / alpha-amylase [EC:] 0.00870 0.00114 0.00837 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.00894 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00228 -0.24925 144.915 0.80352 0.94911
mobB; molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis adapter protein 0.00869 0.00080 0.00805 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00914 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00161 -0.67378 144.839 0.50153 0.84942
dctP; C4-dicarboxylate-binding protein DctP 0.00869 0.00130 0.00887 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.00856 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00275 0.11180 119.230 0.91117 0.97664
K09912; uncharacterized protein 0.00868 0.00094 0.00901 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.00844 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00193 0.29723 135.240 0.76674 0.93900
pilX; type IV pilus assembly protein PilX 0.00867 0.00095 0.00911 0.00016 0.00156 65 0.00837 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00197 0.37396 130.573 0.70904 0.92004
pgmB; beta-phosphoglucomutase [EC:] 0.00867 0.00130 0.01101 0.00042 0.00254 65 0.00704 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00285 1.38997 97.601 0.16770 0.77376
ofaC, arfC; arthrofactin-type cyclic lipopeptide synthetase C 0.00867 0.00289 0.00766 0.00108 0.00407 65 0.00938 0.00149 0.00401 93 0.00572 -0.30029 150.068 0.76437 0.93888
eutC; ethanolamine ammonia-lyase small subunit [EC:] 0.00867 0.00103 0.01044 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.00744 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00222 1.35357 105.297 0.17877 0.77376
eutP; ethanolamine utilization protein EutP 0.00866 0.00102 0.01134 0.00026 0.00198 65 0.00679 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00223 2.04285 97.195 0.04377 0.65981
cyaA; adenylate cyclase, class 1 [EC:] 0.00865 0.00099 0.00958 0.00015 0.00153 65 0.00800 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00200 0.78965 139.365 0.43107 0.82763
tctC; putative tricarboxylic transport membrane protein 0.00864 0.00117 0.00693 0.00015 0.00149 65 0.00984 0.00027 0.00169 93 0.00225 -1.28829 155.469 0.19956 0.77376
fes; enterochelin esterase and related enzymes 0.00864 0.00087 0.00776 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00926 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00170 -0.87864 153.011 0.38097 0.79908
pilR, pehR; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator PilR 0.00863 0.00090 0.00871 0.00013 0.00144 65 0.00857 0.00012 0.00116 93 0.00185 0.07831 134.544 0.93770 0.98459
gshA, ybdK; glutamate—cysteine ligase / carboxylate-amine ligase [EC: 6.3.-.-] 0.00862 0.00097 0.00832 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00883 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00192 -0.26509 149.979 0.79130 0.94705
pfp, PFP; diphosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase [EC:] 0.00862 0.00090 0.00752 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.00939 0.00016 0.00129 93 0.00174 -1.07757 155.109 0.28290 0.77376
pbpA; penicillin-binding protein A 0.00862 0.00100 0.00830 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.00884 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00201 -0.26482 144.061 0.79153 0.94716
lacS, galP, rafP; lactose/raffinose/galactose permease 0.00861 0.00148 0.01103 0.00058 0.00300 65 0.00692 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00329 1.24676 90.665 0.21570 0.77376
pcaK; MFS transporter, AAHS family, 4-hydroxybenzoate transporter 0.00860 0.00123 0.00841 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.00874 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00244 -0.13335 148.853 0.89410 0.97180
dppF; dipeptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00860 0.00089 0.00863 0.00010 0.00127 65 0.00858 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00176 0.03131 149.158 0.97507 0.99566
algL; poly(beta-D-mannuronate) lyase [EC:] 0.00859 0.00130 0.00892 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.00836 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00269 0.20723 129.907 0.83615 0.95506
psiE; protein PsiE 0.00858 0.00120 0.00939 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.00802 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00254 0.53902 119.229 0.59088 0.87896
urtD; urea transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00858 0.00102 0.00711 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00961 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00199 -1.25293 152.013 0.21216 0.77376
urtB; urea transport system permease protein 0.00858 0.00102 0.00711 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00961 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00199 -1.25473 152.016 0.21150 0.77376
urtC; urea transport system permease protein 0.00858 0.00102 0.00711 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00961 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00199 -1.25598 152.008 0.21105 0.77376
dppB; dipeptide transport system permease protein 0.00858 0.00089 0.00859 0.00010 0.00127 65 0.00857 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00176 0.01459 149.167 0.98837 0.99801
cusA, silA; Cu(I)/Ag(I) efflux system membrane protein CusA/SilA 0.00858 0.00091 0.00820 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00884 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00182 -0.35145 145.522 0.72576 0.92177
urtE; urea transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00858 0.00102 0.00708 0.00012 0.00139 65 0.00962 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00199 -1.27933 152.271 0.20273 0.77376
K03791; putative chitinase 0.00857 0.00149 0.00717 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.00956 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00292 -0.81546 152.506 0.41608 0.81772
merR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, mercuric resistance operon regulatory protein 0.00857 0.00128 0.00828 0.00028 0.00208 65 0.00878 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00264 -0.18729 131.984 0.85172 0.95806
linN; cholesterol transport system auxiliary component 0.00857 0.00096 0.00790 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00904 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00197 -0.57896 131.849 0.56360 0.86877
E3.4.21.96; lactocepin [EC:] 0.00856 0.00076 0.00880 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.00839 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00157 0.26145 128.032 0.79417 0.94783
K07080; uncharacterized protein 0.00856 0.00088 0.00785 0.00014 0.00145 65 0.00905 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00182 -0.66380 129.254 0.50800 0.84956
fecA; Fe(3+) dicitrate transport protein 0.00853 0.00124 0.00693 0.00009 0.00114 65 0.00965 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00226 -1.20737 142.129 0.22930 0.77376
p19, ftrA; periplasmic iron binding protein 0.00853 0.00098 0.01221 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00595 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00213 2.94009 90.054 0.00417 0.52172
hofQ; protein transport protein HofQ 0.00852 0.00090 0.00936 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.00794 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00187 0.75623 127.880 0.45090 0.83438
virB4, lvhB4; type IV secretion system protein VirB4 0.00852 0.00106 0.00885 0.00029 0.00211 65 0.00828 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00235 0.24331 94.369 0.80830 0.95002
TC.DAACS; dicarboxylate/amino acid:cation (Na+ or H+) symporter, DAACS family 0.00852 0.00076 0.00781 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00901 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00152 -0.79096 145.045 0.43026 0.82749
dbpA; ATP-independent RNA helicase DbpA [EC:] 0.00851 0.00092 0.00882 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.00829 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00191 0.27730 131.156 0.78198 0.94310
E3.5.1.28D, amiD; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] 0.00849 0.00102 0.01122 0.00025 0.00195 65 0.00659 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00221 2.10016 99.021 0.03826 0.63091
DAK, TKFC; triose/dihydroxyacetone kinase / FAD-AMP lyase (cyclizing) [EC:] 0.00849 0.00081 0.00727 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00934 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00158 -1.31045 153.451 0.19200 0.77376
gctB; glutaconate CoA-transferase, subunit B [EC:] 0.00849 0.00109 0.01053 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.00706 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00229 1.51575 116.929 0.13228 0.77376
COX11, ctaG; cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein subunit 11 0.00849 0.00092 0.00764 0.00015 0.00152 65 0.00907 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00190 -0.75028 129.453 0.45445 0.83438
ureB; urease subunit beta [EC:] 0.00848 0.00098 0.00660 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00980 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00188 -1.70173 155.394 0.09081 0.76567
dgcB; diguanylate cyclase [EC:] 0.00848 0.00120 0.00806 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.00877 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00242 -0.29431 143.897 0.76894 0.93993
larE; pyridinium-3,5-biscarboxylic acid mononucleotide sulfurtransferase 0.00847 0.00083 0.00885 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.00820 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00174 0.37575 126.738 0.70773 0.92004
K07075; uncharacterized protein 0.00847 0.00096 0.00880 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00823 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00197 0.29107 133.224 0.77145 0.94067
AXY8, FUC95A, afcA; alpha-L-fucosidase 2 [EC:] 0.00845 0.00079 0.00712 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00937 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00151 -1.48759 156.000 0.13888 0.77376
cpaA, tadV; prepilin peptidase CpaA [EC:] 0.00845 0.00094 0.00781 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.00889 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00191 -0.56913 137.166 0.57020 0.87135
K06908; uncharacterized protein 0.00843 0.00128 0.00749 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00909 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00247 -0.64754 155.514 0.51824 0.85358
iorB; isoquinoline 1-oxidoreductase subunit beta [EC:] 0.00842 0.00127 0.00688 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00949 0.00033 0.00187 93 0.00243 -1.07349 155.993 0.28471 0.77376
sdaC; serine transporter 0.00838 0.00097 0.00817 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00853 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00190 -0.18758 153.537 0.85146 0.95792
rsbU_P; phosphoserine phosphatase RsbU/P [EC:] 0.00838 0.00110 0.00867 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.00818 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00228 0.21597 131.540 0.82934 0.95506
pnbA; para-nitrobenzyl esterase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.00837 0.00130 0.00521 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.01059 0.00039 0.00204 93 0.00233 -2.30381 139.251 0.02271 0.59764
pilS, pehS; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase PilS [EC:] 0.00837 0.00089 0.00843 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00832 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00183 0.06269 132.673 0.95011 0.98774
dkgA; 2,5-diketo-D-gluconate reductase A [EC:] 0.00837 0.00090 0.00818 0.00014 0.00148 65 0.00850 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00186 -0.17094 129.740 0.86453 0.96263
hyaD, hybD; hydrogenase maturation protease [EC:3.4.23.-] 0.00836 0.00086 0.00859 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00819 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00178 0.22526 131.197 0.82213 0.95506
pspA; phage shock protein A 0.00835 0.00081 0.00778 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00875 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00166 -0.58803 135.748 0.55749 0.86813
E5.1.3.6; UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.00831 0.00081 0.00732 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00900 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00163 -1.02730 142.636 0.30602 0.77376
norB; nitric oxide reductase subunit B [EC:] 0.00829 0.00087 0.00812 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00841 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00179 -0.15995 131.649 0.87317 0.96576
int; integrase 0.00828 0.00092 0.00772 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00867 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00187 -0.50303 139.347 0.61574 0.88878
mscK, kefA, aefA; potassium-dependent mechanosensitive channel 0.00827 0.00085 0.00917 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.00764 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00174 0.88185 135.800 0.37942 0.79852
pilZ; type IV pilus assembly protein PilZ 0.00827 0.00088 0.00843 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00815 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00182 0.15279 132.090 0.87880 0.96759
SORD, gutB; L-iditol 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00824 0.00104 0.00724 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.00894 0.00017 0.00134 93 0.00214 -0.79317 134.194 0.42908 0.82749
phbB; acetoacetyl-CoA reductase [EC:] 0.00823 0.00127 0.00712 0.00027 0.00206 65 0.00900 0.00024 0.00161 93 0.00261 -0.71830 131.962 0.47384 0.84050
mdcD; malonate decarboxylase beta subunit [EC:] 0.00822 0.00120 0.00830 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.00817 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00242 0.05530 144.299 0.95597 0.98792
yajG; uncharacterized lipoprotein 0.00822 0.00083 0.00929 0.00012 0.00133 65 0.00747 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00170 1.06886 133.002 0.28707 0.77376
prkA; serine protein kinase 0.00821 0.00098 0.00749 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.00872 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00196 -0.62301 143.998 0.53426 0.86207
vasD, lip; type VI secretion system protein VasD 0.00821 0.00109 0.00942 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00735 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00218 0.95021 145.440 0.34358 0.78597
K09777; uncharacterized protein 0.00820 0.00084 0.00813 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00825 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00175 -0.06629 124.430 0.94725 0.98674
yagS; xanthine dehydrogenase YagS FAD-binding subunit [EC:] 0.00820 0.00098 0.00757 0.00014 0.00148 65 0.00864 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00198 -0.54242 143.171 0.58837 0.87732
pdxB; erythronate-4-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00820 0.00077 0.00819 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00821 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00154 -0.00870 143.250 0.99307 0.99919
mmuP; S-methylmethionine transporter 0.00820 0.00101 0.00825 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00816 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00201 0.04500 149.768 0.96416 0.99101
mtfA; MtfA peptidase 0.00820 0.00092 0.00821 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.00819 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00190 0.01157 130.339 0.99079 0.99847
ubiI; 2-octaprenylphenol hydroxylase [EC:1.14.13.-] 0.00818 0.00098 0.00912 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.00753 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00198 0.80495 141.235 0.42220 0.82295
yfbR; 5’-deoxynucleotidase [EC:] 0.00818 0.00081 0.00941 0.00014 0.00144 65 0.00732 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00172 1.21694 115.065 0.22612 0.77376
tarJ; ribitol-5-phosphate 2-dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.00818 0.00085 0.00690 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00907 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00164 -1.32734 155.656 0.18634 0.77376
virB9, lvhB9; type IV secretion system protein VirB9 0.00817 0.00104 0.00776 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.00846 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00226 -0.31084 105.671 0.75653 0.93680
rstA; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RstA 0.00817 0.00090 0.00832 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00806 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00183 0.13968 137.696 0.88911 0.97039
pvdQ, quiP; acyl-homoserine-lactone acylase [EC:] 0.00814 0.00137 0.00805 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.00820 0.00034 0.00190 93 0.00271 -0.05464 150.105 0.95650 0.98831
yhjG; AsmA family protein 0.00814 0.00093 0.00803 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.00821 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00191 -0.09362 131.218 0.92556 0.98041
K07577; putative mRNA 3-end processing factor 0.00814 0.00089 0.00720 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.00879 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00181 -0.87632 136.704 0.38240 0.80037
ndpA; nucleoid-associated protein 0.00813 0.00085 0.00932 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.00730 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00176 1.14474 129.671 0.25443 0.77376
uspA; universal stress protein A 0.00813 0.00085 0.00910 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00746 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00174 0.94564 132.904 0.34605 0.78846
cpaB, rcpC; pilus assembly protein CpaB 0.00813 0.00088 0.00661 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00919 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00173 -1.48892 148.856 0.13863 0.77376
hupA; DNA-binding protein HU-alpha 0.00813 0.00086 0.00917 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00741 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00175 1.00341 134.149 0.31747 0.77376
E4.1.1.32, pckA, PCK; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) [EC:] 0.00813 0.00084 0.00738 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00865 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00167 -0.76523 146.313 0.44536 0.83300
K09989; uncharacterized protein 0.00812 0.00088 0.00742 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00861 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00180 -0.65913 137.314 0.51092 0.85070
rsbV; anti-sigma B factor antagonist 0.00811 0.00100 0.00887 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.00759 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00215 0.59440 110.194 0.55346 0.86788
hisB; imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase / histidinol-phosphatase [EC:] 0.00810 0.00083 0.00808 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00812 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00169 -0.02370 136.722 0.98113 0.99661
virB10, lvhB10; type IV secretion system protein VirB10 0.00808 0.00112 0.00735 0.00030 0.00216 65 0.00860 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00245 -0.50775 100.885 0.61273 0.88788
pldA; phospholipase A1/A2 [EC:] 0.00808 0.00085 0.00758 0.00010 0.00121 65 0.00843 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00169 -0.50303 149.363 0.61569 0.88878
yagT; xanthine dehydrogenase YagT iron-sulfur-binding subunit 0.00807 0.00097 0.00763 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.00838 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00197 -0.38258 138.236 0.70262 0.92004
phhA, PAH; phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase [EC:] 0.00806 0.00092 0.00766 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.00835 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00190 -0.36491 129.879 0.71578 0.92004
larB; pyridinium-3,5-biscarboxylic acid mononucleotide synthase [EC:] 0.00806 0.00082 0.00852 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00774 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00173 0.45619 122.357 0.64906 0.90350
nrfH; cytochrome c nitrite reductase small subunit 0.00806 0.00106 0.00809 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00804 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00212 0.02061 146.343 0.98358 0.99706
rstB; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase RstB [EC:] 0.00806 0.00089 0.00814 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00800 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00182 0.07500 136.570 0.94033 0.98528
E3.2.1.4; endoglucanase [EC:] 0.00804 0.00082 0.00561 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00973 0.00012 0.00116 93 0.00157 -2.62069 154.526 0.00965 0.58112
glpE; thiosulfate sulfurtransferase [EC:] 0.00800 0.00084 0.00898 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.00732 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00172 0.96215 132.315 0.33773 0.78354
E1.2.7.8; indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase [EC:] 0.00799 0.00100 0.00716 0.00015 0.00151 65 0.00858 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00201 -0.70357 141.697 0.48286 0.84354
PTS-HPR.PTSH, ptsH; phosphocarrier protein HPr 0.00797 0.00104 0.01077 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.00602 0.00011 0.00106 93 0.00225 2.11194 100.172 0.03718 0.63026
evgA, bvgA; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator EvgA 0.00797 0.00153 0.00786 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.00805 0.00042 0.00214 93 0.00303 -0.06035 150.692 0.95195 0.98792
mioC; MioC protein 0.00796 0.00084 0.00899 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.00725 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00172 1.01002 132.601 0.31433 0.77376
lytS; two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase LytS [EC:] 0.00796 0.00085 0.00821 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.00778 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00180 0.23902 117.863 0.81151 0.95214
csdA; cysteine sulfinate desulfinase [EC:4.4.1.-] 0.00795 0.00085 0.00884 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00733 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00174 0.86725 137.420 0.38732 0.80262
K09898; uncharacterized protein 0.00794 0.00084 0.00902 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.00719 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00172 1.05823 132.771 0.29187 0.77376
tusC, dsrF; tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein C 0.00794 0.00084 0.00901 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.00718 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00172 1.06203 132.676 0.29015 0.77376
cysM; cysteine synthase B [EC:] 0.00790 0.00086 0.00776 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00800 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00176 -0.13618 134.718 0.89189 0.97141
perM; putative permease 0.00790 0.00084 0.00890 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00720 0.00011 0.00106 93 0.00171 0.99152 132.930 0.32323 0.77376
cusB, silB; membrane fusion protein, Cu(I)/Ag(I) efflux system 0.00790 0.00086 0.00776 0.00011 0.00132 65 0.00800 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00174 -0.13630 140.609 0.89178 0.97141
asl; D-aspartate ligase [EC:] 0.00789 0.00142 0.00850 0.00033 0.00225 65 0.00746 0.00031 0.00184 93 0.00290 0.35646 135.654 0.72205 0.92156
mexL; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, mexJK operon transcriptional repressor 0.00789 0.00091 0.00793 0.00014 0.00144 65 0.00785 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00186 0.04308 135.377 0.96570 0.99101
lapE; outer membrane protein, adhesin transport system 0.00788 0.00089 0.00880 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.00724 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00184 0.84649 129.963 0.39883 0.80624
K06903; uncharacterized protein 0.00788 0.00116 0.00654 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.00882 0.00026 0.00168 93 0.00224 -1.02059 155.621 0.30903 0.77376
katG; catalase-peroxidase [EC:] 0.00788 0.00087 0.00694 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00853 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00176 -0.90267 139.406 0.36826 0.79587
cpaE, tadZ; pilus assembly protein CpaE 0.00788 0.00089 0.00629 0.00011 0.00127 65 0.00898 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00176 -1.53351 147.968 0.12728 0.77376
hugZ, hutZ; heme iron utilization protein 0.00787 0.00090 0.00712 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00839 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00175 -0.72494 153.766 0.46959 0.83870
ribB, RIB3; 3,4-dihydroxy 2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00786 0.00076 0.00888 0.00011 0.00127 65 0.00715 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00158 1.08910 126.512 0.27818 0.77376
K09915; uncharacterized protein 0.00785 0.00091 0.00802 0.00014 0.00145 65 0.00773 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00186 0.15712 134.840 0.87538 0.96693
cysN; sulfate adenylyltransferase subunit 1 [EC:] 0.00784 0.00067 0.00708 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00837 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00130 -0.98944 154.980 0.32399 0.77376
fixC; electron transfer flavoprotein-quinone oxidoreductase [EC:1.5.5.-] 0.00784 0.00093 0.00989 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.00641 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00203 1.71161 98.067 0.09013 0.76567
osmY; hyperosmotically inducible periplasmic protein 0.00783 0.00088 0.00825 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00753 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00181 0.39686 133.203 0.69211 0.91676
bioG; pimeloyl-[acyl-carrier protein] methyl ester esterase [EC:] 0.00783 0.00103 0.00965 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00656 0.00012 0.00111 93 0.00223 1.38357 105.207 0.16942 0.77376
K09923; uncharacterized protein 0.00783 0.00083 0.00883 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00712 0.00011 0.00106 93 0.00171 1.00016 133.491 0.31904 0.77376
K09908; uncharacterized protein 0.00783 0.00083 0.00883 0.00012 0.00133 65 0.00712 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00170 1.00535 132.775 0.31656 0.77376
K07222; putative flavoprotein involved in K+ transport 0.00782 0.00093 0.00708 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00834 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00189 -0.66981 140.567 0.50408 0.84956
xdhB; xanthine dehydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.00781 0.00118 0.00720 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.00824 0.00024 0.00162 93 0.00236 -0.44095 146.826 0.65990 0.90939
gpr; L-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00781 0.00080 0.00714 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00828 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00165 -0.69230 129.507 0.48999 0.84797
aceK; isocitrate dehydrogenase kinase/phosphatase [EC: 3.1.3.-] 0.00780 0.00085 0.00829 0.00014 0.00145 65 0.00746 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00178 0.46560 123.241 0.64232 0.90098
gctA; glutaconate CoA-transferase, subunit A [EC:] 0.00780 0.00095 0.00981 0.00021 0.00178 65 0.00640 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00205 1.66426 104.977 0.09904 0.76942
PTS-EI.PTSP, ptsP; phosphotransferase system, enzyme I, PtsP [EC:] 0.00779 0.00083 0.00729 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00814 0.00012 0.00111 93 0.00167 -0.51130 143.656 0.60992 0.88693
TC.PST; polysaccharide transporter, PST family 0.00778 0.00093 0.00726 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.00815 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00200 -0.44910 111.668 0.65423 0.90679
K09793; uncharacterized protein 0.00778 0.00089 0.00620 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00888 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00173 -1.54624 151.505 0.12413 0.77376
tusB, dsrH; tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein B 0.00777 0.00084 0.00886 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00701 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00173 1.06813 132.405 0.28741 0.77376
tyrR; transcriptional regulator of aroF, aroG, tyrA and aromatic amino acid transport 0.00776 0.00082 0.00862 0.00011 0.00132 65 0.00716 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00169 0.86694 133.347 0.38753 0.80262
lsa; lincosamide and streptogramin A transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.00776 0.00119 0.00999 0.00039 0.00246 65 0.00620 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00268 1.41614 87.768 0.16027 0.77376
rubB, alkT; rubredoxin—NAD+ reductase [EC:] 0.00776 0.00099 0.00857 0.00018 0.00164 65 0.00719 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00206 0.67401 128.750 0.50151 0.84942
K06992; uncharacterized protein 0.00775 0.00089 0.00749 0.00012 0.00139 65 0.00794 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00181 -0.24607 138.559 0.80599 0.94958
coaW; type II pantothenate kinase [EC:] 0.00774 0.00089 0.00610 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00888 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00169 -1.64581 155.994 0.10182 0.77376
creA; CreA protein 0.00773 0.00079 0.00759 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00783 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00159 -0.15086 143.109 0.88030 0.96815
aapJ, bztA; general L-amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00773 0.00105 0.00628 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00875 0.00022 0.00152 93 0.00200 -1.22902 155.876 0.22092 0.77376
kdgD; 5-dehydro-4-deoxyglucarate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00772 0.00132 0.00691 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.00829 0.00032 0.00186 93 0.00259 -0.53329 152.784 0.59460 0.88005
rhaB; rhamnulokinase [EC:] 0.00772 0.00088 0.00859 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.00711 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00195 0.75566 96.082 0.45170 0.83438
glpC; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase subunit C [EC:] 0.00772 0.00076 0.00771 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00772 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00150 -0.00387 151.957 0.99692 0.99951
E4.6.1.1B, cyaB; adenylate cyclase, class 2 [EC:] 0.00772 0.00082 0.00749 0.00010 0.00121 65 0.00787 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00165 -0.23192 145.913 0.81692 0.95487
glpB; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase subunit B [EC:] 0.00771 0.00076 0.00772 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00770 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00150 0.01392 151.911 0.98891 0.99801
K09165; uncharacterized protein 0.00771 0.00091 0.00751 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.00784 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00187 -0.17656 134.077 0.86012 0.96137
BCKDHB, bkdA2; 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase E1 component beta subunit [EC:] 0.00769 0.00092 0.00552 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00921 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00176 -2.09418 155.434 0.03787 0.63091
tagH; teichoic acid transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00769 0.00121 0.00897 0.00031 0.00220 65 0.00680 0.00018 0.00137 93 0.00259 0.83452 111.822 0.40577 0.81189
glgE; starch synthase (maltosyl-transferring) [EC:] 0.00768 0.00091 0.00782 0.00014 0.00144 65 0.00758 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00187 0.12963 136.334 0.89705 0.97318
adrA; diguanylate cyclase [EC:] 0.00767 0.00127 0.00691 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.00819 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00249 -0.51315 152.874 0.60859 0.88654
ubiC; chorismate–pyruvate lyase [EC:] 0.00766 0.00081 0.00857 0.00011 0.00133 65 0.00703 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00168 0.91587 131.250 0.36141 0.79496
K09958; uncharacterized protein 0.00766 0.00088 0.00746 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00780 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00180 -0.18438 135.534 0.85399 0.95848
algZ; two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase AlgZ [EC:] 0.00766 0.00086 0.00780 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00756 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00176 0.13979 135.131 0.88903 0.97039
arfA; alternative ribosome-rescue factor 0.00765 0.00082 0.00855 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00703 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00170 0.89328 128.454 0.37338 0.79810
phoP; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator PhoP 0.00765 0.00097 0.00810 0.00015 0.00153 65 0.00734 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00199 0.38208 137.666 0.70299 0.92004
crtB; 15-cis-phytoene synthase [EC:] 0.00764 0.00082 0.00567 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00902 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00154 -2.17990 155.962 0.03076 0.61611
rumB; 23S rRNA (uracil747-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00764 0.00083 0.00843 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00709 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00172 0.78415 130.140 0.43437 0.82874
ribT; riboflavin biosynthesis RibT protein 0.00763 0.00129 0.00877 0.00040 0.00249 65 0.00684 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00283 0.67868 100.887 0.49890 0.84856
mtnD, mtnZ, ADI1; 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00762 0.00090 0.00746 0.00014 0.00144 65 0.00773 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00184 -0.14289 133.260 0.88660 0.97020
E2.4.-.-; glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00762 0.00069 0.00746 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00773 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00140 -0.19328 138.234 0.84702 0.95682
trxC; thioredoxin 2 [EC:] 0.00761 0.00085 0.00757 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00763 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00175 -0.03208 134.488 0.97445 0.99546
E3.1.27.1; ribonuclease T2 [EC:] 0.00761 0.00076 0.00638 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00846 0.00011 0.00106 93 0.00148 -1.40244 152.411 0.16282 0.77376
soxR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensitive transcriptional activator SoxR 0.00760 0.00087 0.00736 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00777 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00178 -0.22610 136.631 0.82146 0.95506
opuD, betL; glycine betaine transporter 0.00759 0.00115 0.00666 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.00825 0.00026 0.00166 93 0.00222 -0.71642 155.530 0.47480 0.84095
cpaC, rcpA; pilus assembly protein CpaC 0.00759 0.00088 0.00620 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00856 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00173 -1.36241 149.761 0.17511 0.77376
K09927; uncharacterized protein 0.00758 0.00084 0.00681 0.00012 0.00133 65 0.00812 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00172 -0.75961 136.105 0.44880 0.83406
K06985; aspartyl protease family protein 0.00758 0.00097 0.00755 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.00760 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00205 -0.02271 120.270 0.98192 0.99680
atoA; acetate CoA/acetoacetate CoA-transferase beta subunit [EC:] 0.00758 0.00154 0.01132 0.00072 0.00332 65 0.00496 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00351 1.81207 79.598 0.07375 0.74128
mdtC; multidrug efflux pump 0.00757 0.00085 0.00762 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.00754 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00176 0.04430 128.684 0.96473 0.99101
atoD; acetate CoA/acetoacetate CoA-transferase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00757 0.00153 0.01125 0.00071 0.00331 65 0.00500 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00350 1.78321 79.674 0.07836 0.75554
tagG; teichoic acid transport system permease protein 0.00757 0.00118 0.00836 0.00028 0.00209 65 0.00702 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00251 0.53343 116.734 0.59475 0.88005
arsA, ASNA1, GET3; arsenite/tail-anchored protein-transporting ATPase [EC: 3.6.3.-] 0.00756 0.00166 0.01020 0.00066 0.00320 65 0.00572 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00362 1.23661 99.765 0.21914 0.77376
soxA; sarcosine oxidase, subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00755 0.00108 0.00658 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.00822 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00211 -0.77540 153.220 0.43930 0.83156
pilY1; type IV pilus assembly protein PilY1 0.00754 0.00091 0.00747 0.00013 0.00144 65 0.00760 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00186 -0.06945 136.363 0.94473 0.98674
zntB; zinc transporter 0.00754 0.00111 0.00711 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.00784 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00220 -0.32951 150.030 0.74223 0.93050
lipL; octanoyl-[GcvH]:protein N-octanoyltransferase [EC:] 0.00753 0.00092 0.00696 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.00793 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00197 -0.49370 114.367 0.62246 0.89150
K09786; uncharacterized protein 0.00753 0.00082 0.00683 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.00802 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00166 -0.71576 140.405 0.47533 0.84101
gyaR, GOR1; glyoxylate reductase [EC:] 0.00751 0.00074 0.00630 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00836 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00149 -1.38024 137.166 0.16976 0.77376
E3.2.1.1A; alpha-amylase [EC:] 0.00750 0.00087 0.00650 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00820 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00167 -1.02163 155.803 0.30854 0.77376
ibpA; molecular chaperone IbpA 0.00750 0.00084 0.00657 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00815 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00168 -0.93497 146.526 0.35134 0.79120
astD; succinylglutamic semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00748 0.00095 0.00753 0.00014 0.00145 65 0.00744 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00193 0.04498 141.483 0.96418 0.99101
pigA, hemO; heme oxygenase (biliverdin-IX-beta and delta-forming) [EC:] 0.00747 0.00084 0.00731 0.00011 0.00132 65 0.00759 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00171 -0.16512 135.960 0.86910 0.96465
DPYS, dht, hydA; dihydropyrimidinase [EC:] 0.00746 0.00081 0.00608 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.00843 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00161 -1.45885 148.005 0.14673 0.77376
ascD, ddhD, rfbI; CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase, E3 [EC:] 0.00746 0.00083 0.00776 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00725 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00170 0.29733 136.050 0.76667 0.93900
degQ, hhoA; serine protease DegQ [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00746 0.00079 0.00820 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00695 0.00008 0.00096 93 0.00166 0.75567 122.396 0.45130 0.83438
K13671; alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00746 0.00130 0.00722 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.00762 0.00026 0.00169 93 0.00265 -0.15122 136.674 0.88002 0.96801
DBT, bkdB; 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase E2 component (dihydrolipoyl transacylase) [EC:] 0.00745 0.00092 0.00553 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00879 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00176 -1.85407 155.325 0.06563 0.73334
K15975; glyoxalase family protein 0.00745 0.00130 0.00589 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.00853 0.00031 0.00182 93 0.00255 -1.03573 151.869 0.30197 0.77376
mnhB, mrpB; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit B 0.00744 0.00111 0.00543 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00885 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00211 -1.62094 155.960 0.10705 0.77376
mdcB; triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthase [EC:] 0.00743 0.00100 0.00757 0.00015 0.00153 65 0.00734 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00203 0.11354 141.142 0.90977 0.97664
mdcC; malonate decarboxylase delta subunit 0.00742 0.00100 0.00757 0.00015 0.00153 65 0.00732 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00203 0.12457 141.094 0.90104 0.97565
CYP81F; indol-3-yl-methylglucosinolate hydroxylase [EC:1.14.-.-] 0.00742 0.00119 0.00533 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00889 0.00031 0.00183 93 0.00219 -1.62705 148.644 0.10584 0.77376
slpA; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase SlpA [EC:] 0.00740 0.00084 0.00757 0.00011 0.00133 65 0.00728 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00171 0.17078 135.775 0.86465 0.96263
creC; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CreC [EC:] 0.00740 0.00087 0.00721 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00752 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00178 -0.17738 136.141 0.85947 0.96122
tnaA; tryptophanase [EC:] 0.00739 0.00107 0.00975 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.00575 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00231 1.73473 101.638 0.08582 0.76567
pezT; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine kinase [EC:] 0.00739 0.00079 0.00688 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00775 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00153 -0.56972 155.386 0.56969 0.87135
terD; tellurium resistance protein TerD 0.00738 0.00143 0.00790 0.00052 0.00282 65 0.00701 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00316 0.28087 96.688 0.77941 0.94269
FAH, fahA; fumarylacetoacetase [EC:] 0.00738 0.00089 0.00711 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00756 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00180 -0.25215 140.723 0.80129 0.94855
hyaB, hybC; hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.00737 0.00081 0.00787 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00703 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00170 0.49174 123.033 0.62378 0.89159
CTH; cystathionine gamma-lyase [EC:] 0.00737 0.00093 0.00693 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00768 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00186 -0.40182 146.502 0.68840 0.91567
K09946; uncharacterized protein 0.00736 0.00079 0.00748 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00728 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00158 0.12785 143.762 0.89845 0.97377
msrP; methionine sulfoxide reductase catalytic subunit [EC:1.8.-.-] 0.00736 0.00096 0.00694 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00765 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00193 -0.36547 144.778 0.71529 0.92004
umuD; DNA polymerase V [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00734 0.00094 0.00741 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00729 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00190 0.06416 141.689 0.94893 0.98754
K06919; putative DNA primase/helicase 0.00734 0.00085 0.00840 0.00013 0.00144 65 0.00660 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00178 1.01112 125.438 0.31390 0.77376
merT; mercuric ion transport protein 0.00734 0.00087 0.00793 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.00692 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00178 0.56644 132.279 0.57205 0.87289
creB; two-component system, OmpR family, catabolic regulation response regulator CreB 0.00733 0.00087 0.00721 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00741 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00178 -0.11474 136.369 0.90882 0.97664
bglG1; transcriptional antiterminator 0.00733 0.00071 0.00721 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00741 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00145 -0.13889 135.327 0.88974 0.97048
iorA; isoquinoline 1-oxidoreductase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00732 0.00105 0.00603 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00823 0.00022 0.00152 93 0.00201 -1.09765 155.858 0.27405 0.77376
tfoX; DNA transformation protein and related proteins 0.00732 0.00072 0.00681 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00768 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00144 -0.60568 144.509 0.54568 0.86444
K09928; uncharacterized protein 0.00732 0.00084 0.00690 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00761 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00168 -0.42194 146.918 0.67369 0.91184
hspR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, heat shock protein HspR 0.00732 0.00081 0.00710 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00747 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00162 -0.22869 148.330 0.81942 0.95506
rnb; exoribonuclease II [EC:] 0.00732 0.00085 0.00730 0.00011 0.00127 65 0.00733 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00171 -0.01727 144.107 0.98625 0.99729
hyaA, hybO; hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] 0.00732 0.00081 0.00787 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00693 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00170 0.54847 122.623 0.58437 0.87720
E3.2.1.14; chitinase [EC:] 0.00730 0.00124 0.00647 0.00024 0.00193 65 0.00788 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00253 -0.55945 138.648 0.57676 0.87389
ppnP; purine/pyrimidine-nucleoside phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00730 0.00084 0.00739 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00724 0.00012 0.00111 93 0.00170 0.08712 140.831 0.93070 0.98266
K09932; uncharacterized protein 0.00730 0.00112 0.00807 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.00676 0.00018 0.00140 93 0.00233 0.56174 128.778 0.57527 0.87389
rutE; 3-hydroxypropanoate dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00729 0.00087 0.00679 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.00764 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00182 -0.47121 124.994 0.63831 0.89822
hyaC; Ni/Fe-hydrogenase 1 B-type cytochrome subunit 0.00728 0.00084 0.00766 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00702 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00174 0.37054 127.543 0.71159 0.92004
thiB, tbpA; thiamine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00728 0.00078 0.00757 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00707 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00162 0.30635 126.812 0.75984 0.93791
PTS-Gut-EIIA, srlB; PTS system, glucitol/sorbitol-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.00727 0.00101 0.00893 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.00610 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00222 1.27715 99.203 0.20453 0.77376
E3.2.1.17; lysozyme [EC:] 0.00726 0.00084 0.00715 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.00734 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00173 -0.10894 129.681 0.91342 0.97664
tyrP; tyrosine-specific transport protein 0.00725 0.00118 0.00820 0.00024 0.00190 65 0.00659 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00243 0.66010 133.146 0.51033 0.85013
lctO; L-lactate oxidase [EC:] 0.00725 0.00081 0.00676 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00760 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00160 -0.52651 150.571 0.59931 0.88240
K07395; putative proteasome-type protease 0.00725 0.00086 0.00696 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00745 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00176 -0.27971 139.474 0.78011 0.94269
MAO, aofH; monoamine oxidase [EC:] 0.00724 0.00096 0.00591 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00817 0.00017 0.00133 93 0.00189 -1.19584 150.798 0.23364 0.77376
DPP3; dipeptidyl-peptidase III [EC:] 0.00723 0.00086 0.00619 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00796 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00165 -1.07898 155.762 0.28226 0.77376
sanA; SanA protein 0.00723 0.00075 0.00757 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00699 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00152 0.37959 139.464 0.70482 0.92004
ramB; XRE family transcriptional regulator, fatty acid utilization regulator 0.00723 0.00094 0.00441 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00920 0.00018 0.00137 93 0.00176 -2.72889 155.717 0.00709 0.54612
prpE; propionyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] 0.00723 0.00091 0.00602 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00807 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00181 -1.13188 148.938 0.25950 0.77376
ECM4, yqjG; glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase [EC:] 0.00722 0.00084 0.00721 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.00723 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00174 -0.01217 130.425 0.99031 0.99816
merP; periplasmic mercuric ion binding protein 0.00722 0.00084 0.00782 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00680 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00173 0.59009 131.775 0.55614 0.86813
mapA; maltose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00721 0.00125 0.00897 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.00597 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00274 1.09311 98.564 0.27701 0.77376
sacB; levansucrase [EC:] 0.00720 0.00154 0.00810 0.00055 0.00290 65 0.00657 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00334 0.45730 105.483 0.64839 0.90350
cooS, acsA; anaerobic carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.00719 0.00088 0.00854 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.00625 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00192 1.19868 104.292 0.23337 0.77376
E3.2.1.96; mannosyl-glycoprotein endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase [EC:] 0.00719 0.00079 0.00640 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00774 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00152 -0.87597 154.923 0.38240 0.80037
gspN; general secretion pathway protein N 0.00719 0.00086 0.00659 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00761 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00171 -0.59634 147.828 0.55186 0.86788
K09973; uncharacterized protein 0.00718 0.00083 0.00591 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00806 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00166 -1.29837 145.573 0.19621 0.77376
tetM, tetO; ribosomal protection tetracycline resistance protein 0.00717 0.00078 0.00735 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00705 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00162 0.18127 128.621 0.85644 0.95945
K09986; uncharacterized protein 0.00717 0.00083 0.00647 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00766 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00167 -0.70744 144.039 0.48044 0.84354
buk; butyrate kinase [EC:] 0.00717 0.00082 0.00619 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00785 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00161 -1.03293 151.866 0.30328 0.77376
K06987; uncharacterized protein 0.00717 0.00106 0.00673 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.00748 0.00020 0.00147 93 0.00210 -0.35786 150.062 0.72095 0.92156
glpG; GlpG protein 0.00716 0.00075 0.00953 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00551 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00160 2.50519 101.475 0.01383 0.59095
K07140; uncharacterized protein 0.00716 0.00084 0.00695 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00731 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00174 -0.20787 132.449 0.83565 0.95506
nuc; micrococcal nuclease [EC:] 0.00715 0.00098 0.00584 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.00807 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00186 -1.19530 155.627 0.23379 0.77376
sulA; cell division inhibitor SulA 0.00715 0.00088 0.00775 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00673 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00181 0.56397 133.394 0.57372 0.87292
grdA; glycine/sarcosine/betaine reductase complex component A [EC:] 0.00715 0.00097 0.00917 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00574 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00214 1.60055 92.699 0.11288 0.77376
ptb; phosphate butyryltransferase [EC:] 0.00714 0.00081 0.00632 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00772 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00159 -0.87605 151.823 0.38239 0.80037
qorB; NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.00714 0.00095 0.00815 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.00643 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00216 0.79867 86.365 0.42668 0.82661
adiA; arginine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00712 0.00084 0.00705 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00717 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00175 -0.06682 126.466 0.94683 0.98674
uidA, GUSB; beta-glucuronidase [EC:] 0.00712 0.00079 0.00758 0.00012 0.00133 65 0.00679 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00165 0.47676 126.703 0.63435 0.89696
E1.4.7.1; glutamate synthase (ferredoxin) [EC:] 0.00712 0.00075 0.00619 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00777 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00149 -1.05758 144.802 0.29201 0.77376
aapP, bztD; general L-amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00711 0.00100 0.00659 0.00014 0.00145 65 0.00747 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00200 -0.43906 147.801 0.66126 0.90968
nei; endonuclease VIII [EC:3.2.2.-] 0.00711 0.00082 0.00684 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00729 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00166 -0.27649 141.953 0.78257 0.94310
sprT; SprT protein 0.00709 0.00076 0.00820 0.00010 0.00127 65 0.00631 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00158 1.19281 127.013 0.23517 0.77376
gcvR; glycine cleavage system transcriptional repressor 0.00708 0.00087 0.00758 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00673 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00180 0.46965 132.529 0.63938 0.89853
puuE; 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00707 0.00095 0.00708 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.00707 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00209 0.00687 98.617 0.99453 0.99919
hutT; histidine transporter 0.00707 0.00077 0.00679 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00726 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00156 -0.29757 142.821 0.76646 0.93900
K07168; CBS domain-containing membrane protein 0.00706 0.00083 0.00671 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00730 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00169 -0.34771 139.332 0.72858 0.92350
ygiM; SH3 domain protein 0.00703 0.00077 0.00847 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00602 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00159 1.53841 125.136 0.12647 0.77376
K09802; uncharacterized protein 0.00703 0.00095 0.00948 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.00531 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00206 2.02432 97.647 0.04567 0.65981
sdiA; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator SdiA 0.00702 0.00124 0.00570 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00794 0.00030 0.00179 93 0.00240 -0.93413 155.271 0.35169 0.79120
INO1, ISYNA1; myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00700 0.00072 0.00619 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00757 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00142 -0.96664 150.002 0.33528 0.78186
nfrA2; FMN reductase [NAD(P)H] [EC:] 0.00699 0.00084 0.00649 0.00009 0.00114 65 0.00734 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00165 -0.51399 153.005 0.60800 0.88637
troB, mntB, znuC; manganese/zinc/iron transport system ATP- binding protein 0.00698 0.00104 0.00963 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.00513 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00228 1.97137 93.875 0.05163 0.68802
E5.4.99.2A, mcmA1; methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, N-terminal domain [EC:] 0.00696 0.00077 0.00751 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00658 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00165 0.55772 113.571 0.57813 0.87519
mviM; virulence factor 0.00696 0.00082 0.00728 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00674 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00178 0.30162 104.761 0.76354 0.93836
entE, dhbE, vibE, mxcE; 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-AMP ligase [EC:] 0.00695 0.00086 0.00651 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.00726 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00177 -0.42372 130.625 0.67246 0.91184
tsdA; thiosulfate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00694 0.00093 0.00655 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00721 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00187 -0.35697 146.425 0.72163 0.92156
mipA, ompV; MipA family protein 0.00693 0.00096 0.00872 0.00023 0.00186 65 0.00568 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00210 1.44454 99.024 0.15174 0.77376
E2.5.1.56, neuB; N-acetylneuraminate synthase [EC:] 0.00693 0.00081 0.00705 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00685 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00171 0.11764 120.378 0.90655 0.97664
barA, gacS, varS; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase BarA [EC:] 0.00693 0.00092 0.00738 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.00662 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00187 0.40646 142.691 0.68502 0.91533
pezA; HTH-type transcriptional regulator / antitoxin PezA 0.00692 0.00078 0.00617 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00745 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00151 -0.84385 155.366 0.40005 0.80762
CBS; cystathionine beta-synthase [EC:] 0.00692 0.00074 0.00614 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00746 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00147 -0.89160 147.836 0.37405 0.79810
K09920; uncharacterized protein 0.00691 0.00087 0.00742 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00655 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00180 0.48520 131.819 0.62834 0.89381
araA; L-arabinose isomerase [EC:] 0.00689 0.00098 0.00748 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.00648 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00208 0.47751 118.688 0.63388 0.89696
mnhF, mrpF; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit F 0.00689 0.00113 0.00498 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00822 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00217 -1.49066 155.616 0.13808 0.77376
prpD; 2-methylcitrate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00687 0.00084 0.00630 0.00011 0.00133 65 0.00727 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00172 -0.56505 136.467 0.57297 0.87292
BCKDHA, bkdA1; 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase E1 component alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00687 0.00078 0.00475 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00835 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00146 -2.46371 155.987 0.01484 0.59095
E5.4.99.2B, mcmA2; methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, C-terminal domain [EC:] 0.00685 0.00076 0.00758 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.00634 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00163 0.76302 112.255 0.44705 0.83372
K07149; uncharacterized protein 0.00684 0.00108 0.00576 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.00760 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00205 -0.90013 155.717 0.36944 0.79587
entB, dhbB, vibB, mxcF; bifunctional isochorismate lyase / aryl carrier protein [EC:] 0.00683 0.00090 0.00621 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00727 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00183 -0.57679 140.068 0.56501 0.86988
glcF; glycolate oxidase iron-sulfur subunit 0.00682 0.00081 0.00561 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00767 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00160 -1.28192 147.378 0.20188 0.77376
cysNC; bifunctional enzyme CysN/CysC [EC:] 0.00682 0.00092 0.00578 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00754 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00177 -0.99137 154.794 0.32305 0.77376
troA, mntA, znuA; manganese/zinc/iron transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00681 0.00104 0.00979 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.00473 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00229 2.20834 93.065 0.02968 0.61356
ttuD; hydroxypyruvate reductase [EC:] 0.00680 0.00078 0.00572 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00756 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00154 -1.19506 148.304 0.23397 0.77376
mexJ; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00680 0.00084 0.00701 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.00665 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00173 0.20842 129.418 0.83523 0.95506
phoQ; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase PhoQ [EC:] 0.00680 0.00084 0.00729 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00646 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00173 0.47822 131.192 0.63329 0.89696
cpxR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator CpxR 0.00680 0.00088 0.00687 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.00675 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00176 0.06841 147.170 0.94555 0.98674
alaC; alanine-synthesizing transaminase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.00679 0.00076 0.00648 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00701 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00154 -0.33830 138.603 0.73565 0.92721
ampE; AmpE protein 0.00677 0.00087 0.00718 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.00649 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00179 0.38652 132.745 0.69973 0.91918
apeE, estA, lip-1; outer membrane lipase/esterase 0.00677 0.00095 0.00736 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00636 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00196 0.50955 131.145 0.61122 0.88722
rhtB; homoserine/homoserine lactone efflux protein 0.00675 0.00083 0.00647 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.00694 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00167 -0.28084 141.962 0.77924 0.94269
bigA; putative surface-exposed virulence protein 0.00674 0.00162 0.01147 0.00079 0.00349 65 0.00344 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00369 2.17546 78.960 0.03259 0.62130
ppgK; polyphosphate glucokinase [EC:] 0.00674 0.00084 0.00684 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00667 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00169 0.10497 145.485 0.91655 0.97681
NAGK, nagK; N-acetylglucosamine kinase [EC:] 0.00673 0.00081 0.00695 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.00658 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00164 0.22769 137.887 0.82023 0.95506
gudD; glucarate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00673 0.00094 0.00644 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.00693 0.00014 0.00123 93 0.00191 -0.26072 139.013 0.79469 0.94783
fabV, ter; enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase / trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.00673 0.00077 0.00710 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00647 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00156 0.40449 138.888 0.68647 0.91567
PTS-Glv-EIIC, glvC, malP, aglA; PTS system, alpha-glucoside-specific IIC component 0.00672 0.00082 0.00770 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.00604 0.00007 0.00090 93 0.00178 0.92859 106.157 0.35521 0.79399
otsA; trehalose 6-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00672 0.00080 0.00530 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00771 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00157 -1.52662 151.204 0.12895 0.77376
mepS, spr; murein DD-endopeptidase / murein LD-carboxypeptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00672 0.00074 0.00740 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00624 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00154 0.74944 129.172 0.45496 0.83438
eat, eutP; ethanolamine permease 0.00670 0.00096 0.00606 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00716 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00189 -0.58130 150.383 0.56191 0.86813
astB; succinylarginine dihydrolase [EC:] 0.00670 0.00078 0.00688 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00658 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00161 0.18495 135.337 0.85354 0.95848
pobA; p-hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00670 0.00087 0.00577 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00734 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00170 -0.92326 152.147 0.35733 0.79439
xylA; xylose isomerase [EC:] 0.00669 0.00064 0.00580 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00731 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00130 -1.15747 134.969 0.24912 0.77376
sthA, udhA; NAD(P) transhydrogenase [EC:] 0.00667 0.00077 0.00681 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00658 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00158 0.14134 137.274 0.88781 0.97039
adeR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator AdeR 0.00667 0.00119 0.00607 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.00709 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00245 -0.41506 133.661 0.67877 0.91311
gtsA, glcE; glucose/mannose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00667 0.00085 0.00566 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00737 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00167 -1.02260 150.134 0.30814 0.77376
K09926; uncharacterized protein 0.00666 0.00077 0.00710 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00635 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00157 0.47613 135.267 0.63475 0.89696
cwlK; peptidoglycan LD-endopeptidase CwlK [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00665 0.00109 0.00559 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.00739 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00207 -0.87015 155.498 0.38556 0.80258
hasF, prtF; outer membrane protein, protease secretion system 0.00665 0.00167 0.00567 0.00032 0.00223 65 0.00733 0.00053 0.00238 93 0.00326 -0.50727 153.918 0.61269 0.88788
mmr; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, methylenomycin A resistance protein 0.00664 0.00071 0.00550 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00744 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00133 -1.45753 154.634 0.14700 0.77376
thiP; thiamine transport system permease protein 0.00664 0.00076 0.00681 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.00652 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00157 0.18496 128.633 0.85355 0.95848
fleQ, flrA; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator, flagellar regulatory protein 0.00664 0.00088 0.00721 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00625 0.00012 0.00111 93 0.00181 0.53197 131.627 0.59564 0.88005
entA; 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00664 0.00086 0.00618 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00696 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00177 -0.43849 132.055 0.66175 0.90968
mdcA; malonate decarboxylase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00663 0.00084 0.00684 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00648 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00173 0.20886 136.068 0.83487 0.95506
mdcE; malonate decarboxylase gamma subunit [EC:] 0.00663 0.00084 0.00684 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00648 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00173 0.20886 136.068 0.83487 0.95506
K09938; uncharacterized protein 0.00663 0.00088 0.00718 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00624 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00181 0.52215 131.947 0.60244 0.88425
msrQ; methionine sulfoxide reductase heme-binding subunit 0.00662 0.00079 0.00621 0.00010 0.00121 65 0.00690 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00160 -0.42805 141.131 0.66927 0.91165
K07014; uncharacterized protein 0.00661 0.00080 0.00704 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.00631 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00164 0.44630 134.470 0.65610 0.90679
tehA; tellurite resistance protein 0.00660 0.00080 0.00698 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00633 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00165 0.39551 131.000 0.69311 0.91677
ycdX; putative hydrolase 0.00659 0.00093 0.00702 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.00630 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00198 0.36411 116.129 0.71644 0.92004
pcaH; protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase, beta subunit [EC:] 0.00659 0.00080 0.00618 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00687 0.00011 0.00106 93 0.00163 -0.41987 140.443 0.67522 0.91264
cwlJ, sleB; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] 0.00658 0.00127 0.00391 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00845 0.00035 0.00193 93 0.00233 -1.94494 150.308 0.05365 0.70048
K08995; putative membrane protein 0.00657 0.00084 0.00580 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00711 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00167 -0.77990 146.009 0.43671 0.83048
uxaA; altronate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00655 0.00073 0.00631 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00672 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00154 -0.26592 117.098 0.79077 0.94658
kdgR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, kdg operon repressor 0.00655 0.00144 0.00712 0.00045 0.00263 65 0.00615 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00309 0.31215 111.114 0.75551 0.93665
mogA; molybdopterin adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00654 0.00077 0.00622 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00676 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00150 -0.36169 153.224 0.71808 0.92090
troC, mntC, znuB; manganese/zinc/iron transport system permease protein 0.00654 0.00104 0.00948 0.00028 0.00206 65 0.00448 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00228 2.18705 92.688 0.03126 0.61842
yfiF, trmG; RNA methyltransferase, TrmH family [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.00652 0.00079 0.00685 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.00628 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00162 0.35189 135.624 0.72547 0.92177
iolG; myo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase / D-chiro-inositol 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00652 0.00107 0.00500 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00758 0.00023 0.00159 93 0.00201 -1.28328 155.316 0.20130 0.77376
kduI; 4-deoxy-L-threo-5-hexosulose-uronate ketol-isomerase [EC:] 0.00650 0.00086 0.00693 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.00621 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00191 0.38048 95.649 0.70443 0.92004
hpaF, hpcD; 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate isomerase [EC:] 0.00650 0.00103 0.00456 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00785 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00194 -1.70307 154.820 0.09056 0.76567
ttdB; L(+)-tartrate dehydratase beta subunit [EC:] 0.00649 0.00076 0.00715 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00603 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00164 0.68019 105.797 0.49787 0.84853
K09778; uncharacterized protein 0.00649 0.00100 0.00786 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.00553 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00215 1.08058 110.148 0.28224 0.77376
chpC; chemosensory pili system protein ChpC 0.00649 0.00087 0.00694 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00617 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00180 0.42960 130.915 0.66820 0.91160
K09131; uncharacterized protein 0.00648 0.00073 0.00618 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00669 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00149 -0.33787 139.444 0.73597 0.92721
nasA; assimilatory nitrate reductase catalytic subunit [EC:1.7.99.-] 0.00647 0.00078 0.00569 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00702 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00154 -0.86417 149.623 0.38888 0.80291
K09005; uncharacterized protein 0.00647 0.00077 0.00526 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00732 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00154 -1.34161 143.065 0.18185 0.77376
adeS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase AdeS [EC:] 0.00644 0.00119 0.00596 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.00678 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00245 -0.33426 133.634 0.73871 0.92914
K06945; uncharacterized protein 0.00644 0.00080 0.00592 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00680 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00160 -0.54808 147.055 0.58447 0.87720
E3.1.21.4; type II restriction enzyme [EC:] 0.00644 0.00119 0.00485 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00755 0.00034 0.00192 93 0.00211 -1.28013 126.336 0.20284 0.77376
cah; carbonic anhydrase [EC:] 0.00643 0.00096 0.00724 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.00586 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00203 0.67756 115.119 0.49941 0.84862
E2.1.3.-; carbamoyltransferase [EC:2.1.3.-] 0.00643 0.00113 0.00655 0.00018 0.00168 65 0.00635 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00227 0.09056 145.207 0.92797 0.98143
pcaG; protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase, alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00643 0.00079 0.00605 0.00010 0.00121 65 0.00669 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00160 -0.39792 140.659 0.69129 0.91676
pduX; L-threonine kinase [EC:] 0.00642 0.00078 0.00720 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.00588 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00166 0.79820 114.564 0.42640 0.82661
yfiQ; acetyltransferase 0.00642 0.00077 0.00560 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00700 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00154 -0.90593 144.400 0.36648 0.79587
otsB; trehalose 6-phosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.00642 0.00076 0.00504 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00738 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00151 -1.55578 146.141 0.12192 0.77376
ttdA; L(+)-tartrate dehydratase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00641 0.00075 0.00708 0.00013 0.00141 65 0.00595 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00163 0.69281 106.148 0.48994 0.84797
K02481; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator 0.00641 0.00094 0.00687 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.00609 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00201 0.38808 113.463 0.69869 0.91844
fepA, pfeA, iroN, pirA; ferric enterobactin receptor 0.00640 0.00085 0.00651 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.00631 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00174 0.11476 135.533 0.90880 0.97664
K07726; putative transcriptional regulator 0.00638 0.00075 0.00541 0.00009 0.00114 65 0.00705 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00152 -1.08632 141.107 0.27919 0.77376
dsbG; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbG 0.00637 0.00083 0.00664 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00619 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00172 0.26144 131.611 0.79416 0.94783
uxuA; mannonate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00637 0.00077 0.00550 0.00010 0.00127 65 0.00698 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00159 -0.93065 129.561 0.35376 0.79236
glpP; glycerol uptake operon antiterminator 0.00635 0.00094 0.00702 0.00020 0.00174 65 0.00589 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00202 0.55778 108.169 0.57815 0.87519
K07070; uncharacterized protein 0.00635 0.00075 0.00665 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00614 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00154 0.33228 135.870 0.74019 0.92969
resD; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ResD 0.00634 0.00076 0.00381 0.00003 0.00072 65 0.00811 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00137 -3.14010 144.778 0.00205 0.46257
mtlR; mannitol operon transcriptional antiterminator 0.00634 0.00093 0.00720 0.00022 0.00184 65 0.00574 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00206 0.70832 95.480 0.48047 0.84354
IDH3; isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.00634 0.00096 0.00831 0.00023 0.00188 65 0.00496 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00210 1.59323 95.499 0.11441 0.77376
dedD; DedD protein 0.00633 0.00074 0.00683 0.00009 0.00121 65 0.00598 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00153 0.55320 131.983 0.58106 0.87593
soxD; sarcosine oxidase, subunit delta [EC:] 0.00633 0.00096 0.00616 0.00014 0.00149 65 0.00644 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00196 -0.14245 139.527 0.88693 0.97032
yprB; uncharacterized protein 0.00632 0.00081 0.00606 0.00014 0.00144 65 0.00651 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00173 -0.25633 116.477 0.79815 0.94822
codB; cytosine permease 0.00632 0.00096 0.00590 0.00011 0.00132 65 0.00662 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00189 -0.38037 152.001 0.70420 0.92004
miaE; tRNA-(ms[2]io[6]A)-hydroxylase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00629 0.00078 0.00675 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00597 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00160 0.48822 136.241 0.62618 0.89255
bluB; 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole synthase [EC:] 0.00629 0.00078 0.00569 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00670 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00158 -0.63996 142.734 0.52323 0.85706
mobAB; molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis protein [EC:] 0.00629 0.00078 0.00705 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00575 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00166 0.78596 115.404 0.43350 0.82874
catA; catechol 1,2-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00628 0.00078 0.00589 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.00656 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00161 -0.41229 129.982 0.68080 0.91355
gltL, aatP; glutamate/aspartate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00628 0.00072 0.00626 0.00009 0.00114 65 0.00630 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00148 -0.03344 135.650 0.97337 0.99509
citC; [citrate (pro-3S)-lyase] ligase [EC:] 0.00628 0.00098 0.00917 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.00426 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00218 2.25263 87.090 0.02680 0.61112
ofaB, arfB; arthrofactin-type cyclic lipopeptide synthetase B 0.00628 0.00205 0.00547 0.00054 0.00288 65 0.00685 0.00076 0.00286 93 0.00406 -0.33879 150.752 0.73524 0.92721
cbiQ; cobalt/nickel transport system permease protein 0.00628 0.00073 0.00704 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00574 0.00006 0.00084 93 0.00156 0.83797 113.379 0.40381 0.81034
K07099; uncharacterized protein 0.00628 0.00068 0.00641 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00618 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00144 0.15910 122.203 0.87385 0.96576
xdhA; xanthine dehydrogenase small subunit [EC:] 0.00624 0.00081 0.00581 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00655 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00163 -0.45360 142.058 0.65081 0.90423
ydhQ; GntR family transcriptional regulator 0.00624 0.00094 0.00783 0.00021 0.00180 65 0.00513 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00205 1.31437 101.710 0.19168 0.77376
K07484; transposase 0.00623 0.00121 0.00657 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.00600 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00256 0.22200 115.949 0.82471 0.95506
ilvM; acetolactate synthase II small subunit [EC:] 0.00622 0.00079 0.00682 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00581 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00164 0.62013 132.302 0.53624 0.86207
faaH; fumarylacetoacetate (FAA) hydrolase [EC:] 0.00622 0.00083 0.00589 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00645 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00172 -0.32659 128.032 0.74451 0.93149
K09797; uncharacterized protein 0.00622 0.00061 0.00550 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00672 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00117 -1.04246 154.972 0.29882 0.77376
dehH; haloacetate dehalogenase [EC:] 0.00622 0.00068 0.00585 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00647 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00139 -0.44883 134.059 0.65428 0.90679
gltJ, aatQ; glutamate/aspartate transport system permease protein 0.00622 0.00071 0.00610 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00630 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00146 -0.13414 137.578 0.89349 0.97159
gltK, aatM; glutamate/aspartate transport system permease protein 0.00622 0.00071 0.00610 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00630 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00146 -0.13414 137.578 0.89349 0.97159
sad; succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00621 0.00079 0.00623 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00620 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00161 0.01754 138.843 0.98603 0.99729
yjgM; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00621 0.00059 0.00559 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00664 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00118 -0.88533 147.235 0.37742 0.79821
cpbD; chitin-binding protein 0.00620 0.00120 0.00578 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.00649 0.00022 0.00154 93 0.00246 -0.28869 134.247 0.77327 0.94205
cptA; toxin CptA 0.00620 0.00079 0.00701 0.00011 0.00127 65 0.00564 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00163 0.84160 133.911 0.40151 0.80850
E4.1.1.19; arginine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00620 0.00070 0.00538 0.00004 0.00082 65 0.00677 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00132 -1.05324 155.444 0.29387 0.77376
kdkA; 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid kinase [EC:] 0.00619 0.00079 0.00667 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.00586 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00163 0.49287 132.993 0.62292 0.89159
RENBP; N-acylglucosamine 2-epimerase [EC:] 0.00614 0.00068 0.00505 0.00004 0.00075 65 0.00690 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00127 -1.45628 153.400 0.14736 0.77376
K09916; uncharacterized protein 0.00614 0.00076 0.00658 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00583 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00154 0.48227 136.596 0.63039 0.89558
selU; tRNA 2-selenouridine synthase [EC:2.9.1.-] 0.00614 0.00067 0.00680 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00568 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00141 0.79521 119.310 0.42807 0.82733
cysC; adenylylsulfate kinase [EC:] 0.00614 0.00080 0.00408 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00757 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00148 -2.35775 153.588 0.01965 0.59095
K09954; uncharacterized protein 0.00614 0.00076 0.00652 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00586 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00155 0.42680 136.769 0.67020 0.91184
agp; glucose-1-phosphatase [EC:] 0.00613 0.00067 0.00638 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00596 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00136 0.31351 138.021 0.75436 0.93665
pgaC, icaA; poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine synthase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00613 0.00084 0.00490 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00699 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00161 -1.29191 155.134 0.19831 0.77376
nupG; MFS transporter, NHS family, nucleoside permease 0.00613 0.00078 0.00550 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00657 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00152 -0.70548 154.802 0.48157 0.84354
abgA; aminobenzoyl-glutamate utilization protein A 0.00612 0.00079 0.00640 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00593 0.00011 0.00106 93 0.00158 0.29415 144.607 0.76907 0.93993
pepD; putative serine protease PepD [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00612 0.00073 0.00635 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00595 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00152 0.26102 126.092 0.79450 0.94783
xylS, yicI; alpha-D-xyloside xylohydrolase [EC:] 0.00611 0.00095 0.00437 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00733 0.00020 0.00146 93 0.00174 -1.70568 147.403 0.09017 0.76567
osmB; osmotically inducible lipoprotein OsmB 0.00611 0.00082 0.00682 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00561 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00173 0.69770 120.708 0.48671 0.84553
K05952; uncharacterized protein 0.00610 0.00071 0.00718 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00535 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00147 1.24707 126.771 0.21467 0.77376
K09977; uncharacterized protein 0.00610 0.00070 0.00665 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.00571 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00144 0.65622 127.750 0.51287 0.85147
cobC1, cobC; cobalamin biosynthetic protein CobC 0.00609 0.00080 0.00530 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00665 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00157 -0.85473 149.775 0.39406 0.80459
gtsC, glcG; glucose/mannose transport system permease protein 0.00608 0.00077 0.00494 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00688 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00153 -1.26886 147.678 0.20649 0.77376
entF; enterobactin synthetase component F [EC:] 0.00608 0.00082 0.00594 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00617 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00172 -0.13448 125.176 0.89324 0.97159
baeS, smeS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase BaeS [EC:] 0.00606 0.00077 0.00502 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00679 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00152 -1.16612 151.771 0.24540 0.77376
idsA; geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase, type I [EC:] 0.00606 0.00071 0.00603 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00609 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00147 -0.04395 131.897 0.96501 0.99101
E2.3.1.207; beta-ketodecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase [EC:] 0.00605 0.00077 0.00619 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00596 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00158 0.14434 132.819 0.88545 0.97001
soxG; sarcosine oxidase, subunit gamma [EC:] 0.00605 0.00094 0.00565 0.00013 0.00139 65 0.00633 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00188 -0.36156 144.713 0.71821 0.92090
endA; deoxyribonuclease I [EC:] 0.00605 0.00091 0.00727 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.00519 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00193 1.07244 115.264 0.28576 0.77376
K07234; uncharacterized protein involved in response to NO 0.00604 0.00067 0.00612 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00597 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00137 0.10896 132.148 0.91340 0.97664
fadB; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase / enoyl-CoA hydratase / 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA epimerase / enoyl-CoA isomerase [EC:] 0.00603 0.00075 0.00640 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00578 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00153 0.40252 135.263 0.68794 0.91567
TDO2, kynA; tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00603 0.00078 0.00452 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00709 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00155 -1.66711 147.496 0.09761 0.76673
treY, glgY; (1->4)-alpha-D-glucan 1-alpha-D-glucosylmutase [EC:] 0.00603 0.00075 0.00561 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00633 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00154 -0.47063 135.784 0.63866 0.89824
gpt; xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00603 0.00074 0.00554 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00637 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00144 -0.58200 154.155 0.56142 0.86813
opsX; heptosyltransferase I [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00601 0.00080 0.00646 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00570 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00164 0.46096 133.047 0.64558 0.90314
pqiB; paraquat-inducible protein B 0.00601 0.00080 0.00597 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00604 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00160 -0.04339 144.337 0.96545 0.99101
waaY, rfaY; heptose II phosphotransferase [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00601 0.00153 0.00990 0.00070 0.00329 65 0.00329 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00348 1.89886 79.856 0.06119 0.73001
K07131; uncharacterized protein 0.00601 0.00075 0.00526 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00654 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00151 -0.84840 144.028 0.39763 0.80562
gtsB, glcF; glucose/mannose transport system permease protein 0.00600 0.00077 0.00493 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00676 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00153 -1.19426 147.757 0.23429 0.77376
KYNU, kynU; kynureninase [EC:] 0.00600 0.00078 0.00487 0.00009 0.00121 65 0.00679 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00159 -1.20960 139.802 0.22847 0.77376
pspC; phage shock protein C 0.00600 0.00091 0.00734 0.00022 0.00186 65 0.00507 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00204 1.11721 89.869 0.26688 0.77376
ureJ; urease accessory protein 0.00600 0.00079 0.00555 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00631 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00160 -0.47242 142.157 0.63735 0.89715
uxaC; glucuronate isomerase [EC:] 0.00600 0.00075 0.00538 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00642 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00155 -0.67067 127.614 0.50364 0.84956
cbiO; cobalt/nickel transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00599 0.00071 0.00632 0.00010 0.00127 65 0.00576 0.00006 0.00084 93 0.00152 0.36821 116.472 0.71339 0.92004
E3.1.1.17, gnl, RGN; gluconolactonase [EC:] 0.00599 0.00085 0.00370 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00760 0.00015 0.00128 93 0.00155 -2.51243 151.115 0.01304 0.59095
priB; primosomal replication protein N 0.00598 0.00072 0.00655 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00558 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00150 0.64932 127.787 0.51730 0.85244
cobG; precorrin-3B synthase [EC:] 0.00598 0.00085 0.00563 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00622 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00173 -0.33854 140.573 0.73546 0.92721
astE; succinylglutamate desuccinylase [EC:] 0.00597 0.00075 0.00628 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00575 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00154 0.34307 134.526 0.73208 0.92572
ubiF; 2-octaprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinol hydroxylase [EC:1.14.13.-] 0.00597 0.00078 0.00634 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00570 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00159 0.40029 137.004 0.68957 0.91567
cobW; cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobW 0.00597 0.00091 0.00547 0.00011 0.00133 65 0.00631 0.00014 0.00125 93 0.00182 -0.46052 147.041 0.64582 0.90314
hpaI, hpcH; 4-hydroxy-2-oxoheptanedioate aldolase [EC:] 0.00596 0.00091 0.00356 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00763 0.00019 0.00143 93 0.00162 -2.50706 136.662 0.01335 0.59095
E1.2.1.88; 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00596 0.00106 0.00416 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00721 0.00025 0.00163 93 0.00194 -1.57705 147.118 0.11693 0.77376
treZ, glgZ; maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase [EC:] 0.00596 0.00074 0.00550 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00627 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00153 -0.50605 133.160 0.61366 0.88788
wcaJ; putative colanic acid biosysnthesis UDP-glucose lipid carrier transferase 0.00596 0.00060 0.00534 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00638 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00117 -0.89360 154.944 0.37292 0.79810
plc; phospholipase C [EC:] 0.00596 0.00082 0.00487 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00671 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00164 -1.12082 143.508 0.26424 0.77376
rpoS; RNA polymerase nonessential primary-like sigma factor 0.00596 0.00075 0.00637 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00566 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00156 0.45689 128.869 0.64852 0.90350
trbL; type IV secretion system protein TrbL 0.00595 0.00099 0.00583 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00604 0.00017 0.00135 93 0.00197 -0.10650 147.564 0.91533 0.97664
yaaU; MFS transporter, putative metabolite transport protein 0.00594 0.00130 0.00660 0.00040 0.00247 65 0.00549 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00283 0.39233 104.022 0.69562 0.91769
glvR; RpiR family transcriptional regulator, glv operon transcriptional regulator 0.00594 0.00078 0.00619 0.00012 0.00137 65 0.00577 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00166 0.25790 118.292 0.79693 0.94800
K06884; uncharacterized protein 0.00592 0.00087 0.00689 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.00525 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00183 0.89909 120.166 0.37040 0.79587
K09118; uncharacterized protein 0.00591 0.00074 0.00631 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00564 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00157 0.42800 117.839 0.66943 0.91165
vanB; vanillate monooxygenase ferredoxin subunit 0.00591 0.00087 0.00539 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00627 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00176 -0.50100 139.915 0.61716 0.88903
proQ; ProP effector 0.00590 0.00072 0.00718 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00501 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00149 1.46350 126.766 0.14581 0.77376
hasE, prtE; membrane fusion protein, protease secretion system 0.00589 0.00142 0.00495 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.00654 0.00038 0.00203 93 0.00275 -0.58146 154.792 0.56177 0.86813
E2.7.7.53; ATP adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00588 0.00070 0.00603 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00578 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00145 0.17042 129.804 0.86495 0.96269
baeR, smeR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator BaeR 0.00588 0.00075 0.00500 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00650 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00148 -1.01279 151.050 0.31278 0.77376
abcA, bmrA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial AbcA/BmrA [EC:] 0.00587 0.00097 0.00520 0.00018 0.00164 65 0.00634 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00203 -0.56422 125.584 0.57361 0.87292
hcaD; 3-phenylpropionate/trans-cinnamate dioxygenase ferredoxin reductase component [EC:] 0.00586 0.00079 0.00318 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00774 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00140 -3.26494 138.682 0.00138 0.46257
resB, ccs1; cytochrome c biogenesis protein 0.00586 0.00073 0.00415 0.00004 0.00075 65 0.00705 0.00012 0.00112 93 0.00135 -2.15350 149.754 0.03288 0.62130
mcrA; 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme A [EC:3.1.21.-] 0.00586 0.00075 0.00539 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00618 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00153 -0.51506 137.349 0.60734 0.88598
K09956; uncharacterized protein 0.00585 0.00076 0.00528 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00625 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00153 -0.62999 145.734 0.52969 0.86094
nirA; ferredoxin-nitrite reductase [EC:] 0.00584 0.00067 0.00605 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00569 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00140 0.25923 128.105 0.79588 0.94791
mdcG; phosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA transferase [EC:] 0.00583 0.00076 0.00611 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00563 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00158 0.30461 130.707 0.76115 0.93806
ttuC, dmlA; tartrate dehydrogenase/decarboxylase / D-malate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00583 0.00100 0.00351 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00744 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00179 -2.19045 137.186 0.03018 0.61413
nucS; endonuclease [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00583 0.00075 0.00580 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00585 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00152 -0.03328 142.095 0.97350 0.99509
vasJ; type VI secretion system protein VasJ 0.00582 0.00070 0.00704 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.00497 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00145 1.42025 128.161 0.15796 0.77376
lmrB; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, lincomycin resistance protein 0.00582 0.00092 0.00641 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.00540 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00199 0.50594 105.458 0.61396 0.88788
nagD; NagD protein 0.00579 0.00079 0.00727 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00476 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00176 1.42585 91.544 0.15731 0.77376
K06921; uncharacterized protein 0.00579 0.00095 0.00676 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.00511 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00202 0.81762 114.649 0.41527 0.81730
bglB; beta-glucosidase [EC:] 0.00578 0.00086 0.00515 0.00015 0.00150 65 0.00622 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00181 -0.59288 118.786 0.55439 0.86806
aapM, bztC; general L-amino acid transport system permease protein 0.00578 0.00075 0.00548 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00599 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00151 -0.33518 141.158 0.73799 0.92891
K07457; endonuclease III related protein 0.00577 0.00082 0.00547 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00598 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00157 -0.32348 155.914 0.74677 0.93207
K07814; putative two-component system response regulator 0.00577 0.00120 0.00411 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00692 0.00035 0.00194 93 0.00214 -1.31659 127.540 0.19034 0.77376
oprD; imipenem/basic amino acid-specific outer membrane pore [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00576 0.00096 0.00736 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.00463 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00208 1.31155 106.582 0.19249 0.77376
potE; putrescine:ornithine antiporter 0.00575 0.00067 0.00592 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00563 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00137 0.20965 135.162 0.83425 0.95506
aapQ, bztB; general L-amino acid transport system permease protein 0.00575 0.00075 0.00545 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00596 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00151 -0.33810 141.558 0.73579 0.92721
mp2; beta-1,4-mannooligosaccharide/beta-1,4-mannosyl-N-acetylglucosamine phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00574 0.00065 0.00466 0.00004 0.00074 65 0.00650 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00122 -1.51505 154.826 0.13180 0.77376
cutA; periplasmic divalent cation tolerance protein 0.00573 0.00072 0.00551 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00587 0.00007 0.00090 93 0.00150 -0.23921 127.800 0.81133 0.95214
pucR; purine catabolism regulatory protein 0.00572 0.00187 0.00331 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00741 0.00086 0.00304 93 0.00330 -1.24104 122.799 0.21696 0.77376
yiaY; alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00571 0.00072 0.00479 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00636 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00140 -1.12093 152.077 0.26408 0.77376
E1.14.19.3; linoleoyl-CoA desaturase [EC:] 0.00571 0.00087 0.00461 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00647 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00165 -1.12834 155.229 0.26092 0.77376
pqqE; pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis protein E 0.00570 0.00088 0.00571 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.00570 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00178 0.00771 141.096 0.99386 0.99919
ina; immune inhibitor A [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.00569 0.00080 0.00438 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00661 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00151 -1.47686 155.610 0.14173 0.77376
smoE, mtlE; sorbitol/mannitol transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00569 0.00100 0.00460 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00645 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00194 -0.95448 155.084 0.34133 0.78526
tauA; taurine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00568 0.00080 0.00499 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00616 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00156 -0.75180 152.859 0.45332 0.83438
pssA; CDP-diacylglycerol—serine O-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] 0.00567 0.00068 0.00615 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00534 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00138 0.58803 135.490 0.55749 0.86813
TRM61, GCD14; tRNA (adenine57-N1/adenine58-N1)-methyltransferase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.00567 0.00069 0.00588 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00552 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00143 0.25569 130.679 0.79859 0.94822
msrA, vmlR; macrolide transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.00567 0.00090 0.00559 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.00572 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00189 -0.07052 122.910 0.94390 0.98658
helY; ATP-dependent RNA helicase HelY [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.00566 0.00069 0.00579 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00557 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00144 0.15167 130.253 0.87968 0.96779
allA; ureidoglycolate lyase [EC:] 0.00566 0.00072 0.00501 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00611 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00145 -0.75843 141.123 0.44946 0.83438
ctpC; manganese/zinc-transporting P-type ATPase C [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00566 0.00104 0.00846 0.00029 0.00210 65 0.00370 0.00008 0.00096 93 0.00230 2.06551 90.635 0.04173 0.64661
K07394; SM-20-related protein 0.00566 0.00075 0.00591 0.00010 0.00121 65 0.00548 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00155 0.27856 133.197 0.78101 0.94296
E3.5.99.7; 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase [EC:] 0.00566 0.00075 0.00607 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00537 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00156 0.44821 129.700 0.65475 0.90679
hya; hyaluronoglucosaminidase [EC:] 0.00565 0.00089 0.00566 0.00020 0.00176 65 0.00564 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00198 0.01268 97.284 0.98991 0.99801
K07182; CBS domain-containing protein 0.00564 0.00077 0.00575 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00557 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00158 0.11357 133.773 0.90975 0.97664
thyX, thy1; thymidylate synthase (FAD) [EC:] 0.00563 0.00080 0.00525 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00590 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00160 -0.40636 148.335 0.68506 0.91533
K07216; hemerythrin 0.00563 0.00070 0.00467 0.00007 0.00100 65 0.00631 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00138 -1.18801 147.983 0.23673 0.77376
spuC; putrescine—pyruvate transaminase [EC:] 0.00563 0.00091 0.00601 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00535 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00186 0.35530 138.456 0.72291 0.92156
yhbS; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00562 0.00076 0.00458 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00635 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00148 -1.20214 153.628 0.23116 0.77376
E3.5.5.1; nitrilase [EC:] 0.00562 0.00067 0.00489 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00613 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00130 -0.95681 154.738 0.34016 0.78467
garD; galactarate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00561 0.00075 0.00522 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00589 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00152 -0.44056 143.691 0.66019 0.90939
cbiM; cobalt/nickel transport system permease protein 0.00561 0.00068 0.00594 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00539 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00143 0.38562 119.680 0.70046 0.91953
cysS1; cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase, unknown class [EC:] 0.00559 0.00152 0.00947 0.00071 0.00330 65 0.00288 0.00012 0.00111 93 0.00348 1.89329 78.701 0.06200 0.73001
K09009; uncharacterized protein 0.00559 0.00070 0.00574 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00548 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00144 0.17675 130.497 0.85998 0.96137
K11905; type VI secretion system protein 0.00559 0.00070 0.00682 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.00472 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00144 1.46142 126.956 0.14637 0.77376
nhoA; N-hydroxyarylamine O-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00556 0.00080 0.00432 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00643 0.00012 0.00111 93 0.00157 -1.35039 151.716 0.17890 0.77376
K10253; DOPA 4,5-dioxygenase [EC:1.14.99.-] 0.00554 0.00078 0.00590 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00529 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00162 0.37322 126.935 0.70961 0.92004
mtr; tryptophan-specific transport protein 0.00551 0.00075 0.00635 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00493 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00155 0.91434 125.828 0.36229 0.79496
hpaH; 2-oxo-hept-3-ene-1,7-dioate hydratase [EC:4.2.1.-] 0.00551 0.00116 0.00591 0.00034 0.00227 65 0.00522 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00256 0.26998 98.166 0.78774 0.94543
icmF; isobutyryl-CoA mutase [EC:] 0.00549 0.00062 0.00421 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00639 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00114 -1.91928 149.215 0.05686 0.70711
uspE; universal stress protein E 0.00549 0.00091 0.00641 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00484 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00180 0.86967 147.357 0.38590 0.80258
napA; periplasmic nitrate reductase NapA [EC:1.7.99.-] 0.00547 0.00064 0.00619 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00496 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00133 0.92321 127.078 0.35765 0.79461
troD, mntD, znuB; manganese/zinc/iron transport system permease protein 0.00547 0.00094 0.00770 0.00023 0.00187 65 0.00390 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00207 1.83177 94.142 0.07015 0.73522
ATPVG, ahaH, atpH; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit G/H 0.00547 0.00100 0.00843 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.00340 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00220 2.28541 91.245 0.02461 0.59764
napD; periplasmic nitrate reductase NapD 0.00547 0.00064 0.00619 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00496 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00133 0.92793 127.063 0.35520 0.79399
nadR; HTH-type transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor of NAD biosynthesis genes [EC:] 0.00546 0.00069 0.00660 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00466 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00144 1.34520 122.355 0.18105 0.77376
mpa; proteasome-associated ATPase 0.00546 0.00069 0.00549 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00544 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00142 0.02930 133.538 0.97667 0.99597
pqqC; pyrroloquinoline-quinone synthase [EC:] 0.00546 0.00075 0.00552 0.00010 0.00121 65 0.00542 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00154 0.06085 131.683 0.95157 0.98792
alkB1_2, alkM; alkane 1-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00546 0.00121 0.00387 0.00005 0.00089 65 0.00657 0.00036 0.00196 93 0.00215 -1.25267 125.807 0.21265 0.77376
epmC; elongation factor P hydroxylase [EC:1.14.-.-] 0.00546 0.00069 0.00579 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00523 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00139 0.40287 142.784 0.68765 0.91567
spo0A; two-component system, response regulator, stage 0 sporulation protein A 0.00544 0.00073 0.00340 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00687 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00130 -2.67045 136.090 0.00850 0.57196
pqqD; pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis protein D 0.00544 0.00076 0.00586 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00515 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00160 0.44569 122.033 0.65661 0.90679
wspE; two-component system, chemotaxis family, sensor histidine kinase and response regulator WspE 0.00544 0.00104 0.00584 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.00515 0.00018 0.00141 93 0.00209 0.33172 145.136 0.74058 0.92979
E3.2.1.25, MANBA, manB; beta-mannosidase [EC:] 0.00543 0.00072 0.00414 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00633 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00144 -1.52218 145.042 0.13014 0.77376
K06893; uncharacterized protein 0.00543 0.00070 0.00552 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00536 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00142 0.10725 140.614 0.91474 0.97664
epd; D-erythrose 4-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00542 0.00072 0.00577 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00518 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00148 0.39690 133.995 0.69207 0.91676
kamA; lysine 2,3-aminomutase [EC:] 0.00542 0.00087 0.00620 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.00487 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00191 0.69143 99.970 0.49090 0.84797
nifH; nitrogenase iron protein NifH [EC:] 0.00541 0.00094 0.00763 0.00024 0.00194 65 0.00386 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00210 1.79230 86.673 0.07657 0.75063
flrC, fleR; two-component system, response regulator FlrC 0.00541 0.00089 0.00578 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.00514 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00180 0.35476 142.441 0.72329 0.92156
pup; prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein Pup 0.00540 0.00069 0.00540 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00541 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00141 -0.00723 133.521 0.99424 0.99919
smp; membrane protein 0.00539 0.00078 0.00609 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00490 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00160 0.74563 136.363 0.45717 0.83438
bcsA; cellulose synthase (UDP-forming) [EC:] 0.00538 0.00071 0.00499 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00565 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00137 -0.48019 155.287 0.63177 0.89609
pgpB; phosphatidylglycerophosphatase B [EC:] 0.00537 0.00068 0.00554 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00526 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00136 0.21024 144.513 0.83378 0.95506
CHAC, chaC; glutathione-specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase [EC:] 0.00537 0.00073 0.00401 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00632 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00136 -1.70633 153.171 0.08997 0.76567
puuC, aldH; 4-(gamma-glutamylamino)butanal dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00537 0.00072 0.00502 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00561 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00146 -0.40358 140.611 0.68713 0.91567
K09909; uncharacterized protein 0.00536 0.00069 0.00574 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00510 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00140 0.46008 141.146 0.64617 0.90314
K09955; uncharacterized protein 0.00536 0.00114 0.00250 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00737 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00195 -2.50013 105.254 0.01396 0.59095
nrtA, nasF, cynA; nitrate/nitrite transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00536 0.00067 0.00514 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00552 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00138 -0.27150 130.971 0.78643 0.94458
higA; HTH-type transcriptional regulator / antitoxin HigA 0.00536 0.00070 0.00454 0.00004 0.00082 65 0.00592 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00132 -1.04500 155.590 0.29764 0.77376
K06860; putative heme uptake system protein 0.00535 0.00076 0.00540 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.00531 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00153 0.05765 141.288 0.95411 0.98792
napB; cytochrome c-type protein NapB 0.00534 0.00064 0.00619 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00475 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00133 1.09309 125.599 0.27645 0.77376
PRODH; proline dehydrogenase [EC:1.5.-.-] 0.00533 0.00089 0.00331 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00675 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00162 -2.13114 145.971 0.03475 0.62130
cat2, abfT; 4-hydroxybutyrate CoA-transferase [EC:2.8.3.-] 0.00533 0.00095 0.00691 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.00423 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00203 1.31767 107.787 0.19041 0.77376
preA; dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (NAD+) subunit PreA [EC:] 0.00533 0.00072 0.00447 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00593 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00143 -1.01920 148.250 0.30977 0.77376
ABC.MN.P; manganese/iron transport system permease protein 0.00531 0.00076 0.00569 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00505 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00155 0.41436 135.702 0.67927 0.91311
mbtH, nocI; MbtH protein 0.00531 0.00082 0.00526 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00535 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00166 -0.05059 141.964 0.95972 0.98903
phaZ; poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase [EC:] 0.00531 0.00075 0.00431 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00600 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00150 -1.12631 141.270 0.26194 0.77376
K18333; L-fucose dehydrogenase 0.00530 0.00068 0.00566 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00505 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00145 0.41814 112.908 0.67664 0.91266
benK; MFS transporter, AAHS family, benzoate transport protein 0.00530 0.00085 0.00525 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00534 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00170 -0.05166 146.148 0.95887 0.98903
mtrB; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase MtrB [EC:] 0.00530 0.00074 0.00519 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00538 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00149 -0.12808 143.303 0.89827 0.97377
napC; cytochrome c-type protein NapC 0.00530 0.00065 0.00587 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00490 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00135 0.71269 127.309 0.47734 0.84209
virB8, lvhB8; type IV secretion system protein VirB8 0.00528 0.00085 0.00527 0.00015 0.00152 65 0.00529 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00181 -0.01423 115.857 0.98867 0.99801
aidA-I, misL; autotransporter family porin 0.00528 0.00118 0.00503 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.00546 0.00021 0.00149 93 0.00242 -0.17601 131.988 0.86055 0.96169
cbpM; chaperone modulatory protein CbpM 0.00528 0.00060 0.00538 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00521 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00121 0.13849 142.691 0.89005 0.97049
yfiP; DTW domain-containing protein 0.00527 0.00072 0.00555 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00508 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00147 0.32204 136.468 0.74792 0.93235
glcE; glycolate oxidase FAD binding subunit 0.00527 0.00069 0.00486 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00556 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00141 -0.49419 135.327 0.62197 0.89150
fruR1, fruR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, fructose operon transcriptional repressor 0.00526 0.00071 0.00575 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00492 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00144 0.58065 137.426 0.56243 0.86813
nfnB, nfsB; nitroreductase / dihydropteridine reductase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00526 0.00061 0.00568 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00496 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00123 0.57979 139.422 0.56299 0.86813
flgN; flagella synthesis protein FlgN 0.00526 0.00075 0.00581 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.00487 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00153 0.61286 139.421 0.54097 0.86207
hcaC; 3-phenylpropionate/trans-cinnamate dioxygenase ferredoxin component 0.00526 0.00073 0.00418 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00601 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00145 -1.26483 147.652 0.20792 0.77376
E2.7.1.20, ADK; adenosine kinase [EC:] 0.00525 0.00075 0.00434 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00588 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00148 -1.04603 149.111 0.29724 0.77376
pcaF; 3-oxoadipyl-CoA thiolase [EC:] 0.00524 0.00088 0.00542 0.00012 0.00134 65 0.00512 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00178 0.16948 141.991 0.86566 0.96270
lapA; lipopolysaccharide assembly protein A 0.00524 0.00068 0.00564 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00496 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00137 0.49367 141.211 0.62231 0.89150
narL; two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite response regulator NarL 0.00524 0.00067 0.00408 0.00003 0.00073 65 0.00605 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00125 -1.57914 153.235 0.11636 0.77376
cueR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, copper efflux regulator 0.00524 0.00070 0.00552 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00504 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00144 0.33811 135.516 0.73580 0.92721
gluB; glutamate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00522 0.00069 0.00519 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00525 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00142 -0.04217 130.832 0.96643 0.99141
citT; citrate:succinate antiporter 0.00522 0.00068 0.00510 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00531 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00139 -0.15659 139.181 0.87580 0.96703
CRLS; cardiolipin synthase (CMP-forming) [EC:] 0.00522 0.00063 0.00345 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00645 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00114 -2.63065 149.376 0.00942 0.58112
mhqR; MarR family transcriptional regulator, 2-MHQ and catechol-resistance regulon repressor 0.00521 0.00077 0.00311 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00667 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00138 -2.58936 141.127 0.01062 0.58284
acuI; acrylyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) [EC:1.3.1.-] 0.00521 0.00071 0.00486 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00545 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00143 -0.41520 141.643 0.67862 0.91311
rbcL; ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase large chain [EC:] 0.00520 0.00061 0.00523 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00518 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00129 0.04035 123.311 0.96788 0.99231
fdhA; glutathione-independent formaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00520 0.00089 0.00567 0.00013 0.00140 65 0.00488 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00181 0.43684 136.141 0.66292 0.91006
lacA; galactoside O-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00520 0.00065 0.00487 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00543 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00133 -0.42100 132.387 0.67444 0.91196
K07020; uncharacterized protein 0.00520 0.00072 0.00548 0.00009 0.00119 65 0.00500 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00149 0.32471 129.097 0.74593 0.93202
qrtT; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component 0.00520 0.00063 0.00566 0.00005 0.00085 65 0.00487 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00124 0.64203 153.562 0.52181 0.85617
slmA, ttk; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator 0.00520 0.00067 0.00537 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00508 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00136 0.21184 139.902 0.83254 0.95506
gudP; MFS transporter, ACS family, glucarate transporter 0.00518 0.00067 0.00539 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00503 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00139 0.25948 127.408 0.79569 0.94791
mtnE, mtnV; aminotransferase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.00518 0.00082 0.00498 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00532 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00168 -0.20341 137.751 0.83911 0.95506
rocD, OAT; ornithine–oxo-acid transaminase [EC:] 0.00518 0.00072 0.00306 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00666 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00130 -2.77063 145.297 0.00633 0.54194
gluD; glutamate transport system permease protein 0.00518 0.00068 0.00509 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00524 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00141 -0.10959 131.913 0.91290 0.97664
pycA; pyruvate carboxylase subunit A [EC:] 0.00517 0.00086 0.00568 0.00011 0.00132 65 0.00482 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00174 0.49722 140.592 0.61981 0.89016
tauC; taurine transport system permease protein 0.00517 0.00062 0.00433 0.00004 0.00082 65 0.00575 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00120 -1.19072 154.168 0.23559 0.77376
alkB; DNA oxidative demethylase [EC:] 0.00516 0.00066 0.00410 0.00004 0.00083 65 0.00591 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00126 -1.43417 155.705 0.15353 0.77376
abfA; alpha-N-arabinofuranosidase [EC:] 0.00516 0.00084 0.00291 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00673 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00147 -2.59266 128.890 0.01062 0.58284
lasT; tRNA/rRNA methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.00515 0.00056 0.00384 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00607 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00107 -2.08573 155.437 0.03864 0.63154
fliW; flagellar assembly factor FliW 0.00515 0.00075 0.00408 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00590 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00151 -1.20158 144.101 0.23150 0.77376
mtrA; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator MtrA 0.00515 0.00068 0.00517 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00513 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00140 0.03017 130.758 0.97598 0.99571
pldB; lysophospholipase [EC:] 0.00514 0.00058 0.00376 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00611 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00111 -2.12215 155.976 0.03540 0.62411
E2.5.1.68; short-chain Z-isoprenyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00513 0.00074 0.00511 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00515 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00148 -0.02604 143.317 0.97927 0.99657
gntT; Gnt-I system high-affinity gluconate transporter 0.00512 0.00064 0.00546 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00489 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00136 0.41479 118.251 0.67905 0.91311
virB6, lvhB6; type IV secretion system protein VirB6 0.00512 0.00074 0.00486 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00530 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00156 -0.27675 117.009 0.78246 0.94310
wecC; UDP-N-acetyl-D-mannosaminuronic acid dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00512 0.00060 0.00482 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00532 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00121 -0.41486 142.969 0.67887 0.91311
aspC; aspartate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00511 0.00072 0.00580 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00463 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00151 0.77779 125.424 0.43816 0.83116
K09974; uncharacterized protein 0.00511 0.00072 0.00559 0.00011 0.00133 65 0.00478 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00155 0.52764 108.643 0.59883 0.88240
K07028; uncharacterized protein 0.00511 0.00072 0.00495 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00522 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00147 -0.18155 138.551 0.85620 0.95933
frdB; fumarate reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.00510 0.00072 0.00527 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00499 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00143 0.19285 150.585 0.84734 0.95682
frdC; fumarate reductase subunit C 0.00510 0.00072 0.00527 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00499 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00143 0.19285 150.585 0.84734 0.95682
thiQ; thiamine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00510 0.00064 0.00510 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00511 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00131 -0.00707 132.080 0.99437 0.99919
waaG, rfaG; UDP-glucose:(heptosyl)LPS alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00510 0.00067 0.00580 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00461 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00139 0.86073 131.473 0.39095 0.80384
gluA; glutamate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00510 0.00068 0.00498 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00517 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00140 -0.13558 132.184 0.89236 0.97147
K09948; uncharacterized protein 0.00509 0.00071 0.00505 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00512 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00145 -0.04712 138.125 0.96249 0.99023
K09937; uncharacterized protein 0.00509 0.00070 0.00487 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00523 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00145 -0.24866 131.910 0.80401 0.94931
aotJ; arginine/ornithine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00508 0.00083 0.00535 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.00490 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00168 0.26879 139.767 0.78849 0.94583
smg; Smg protein 0.00507 0.00069 0.00532 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00490 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00145 0.29031 122.644 0.77207 0.94093
regX3; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RegX3 0.00507 0.00067 0.00498 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00514 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00137 -0.11517 131.850 0.90848 0.97664
rihC; non-specific riboncleoside hydrolase [EC:3.2.-.-] 0.00506 0.00113 0.00571 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.00461 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00240 0.45621 114.926 0.64910 0.90350
norR; anaerobic nitric oxide reductase transcription regulator 0.00505 0.00074 0.00551 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00474 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00153 0.50641 132.457 0.61341 0.88788
pgaB; poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine N-deacetylase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.00505 0.00070 0.00444 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00548 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00141 -0.73608 144.048 0.46288 0.83654
lapA; surface adhesion protein 0.00505 0.00131 0.00461 0.00019 0.00173 65 0.00536 0.00033 0.00188 93 0.00255 -0.29325 154.520 0.76972 0.93993
yhdR; aspartate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00504 0.00084 0.00576 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.00454 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00185 0.65774 98.686 0.51224 0.85122
hemG; menaquinone-dependent protoporphyrinogen oxidase [EC:] 0.00504 0.00065 0.00548 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00473 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00136 0.55769 126.954 0.57804 0.87519
hchA; D-lactate dehydratase / protein deglycase [EC:] 0.00504 0.00071 0.00421 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00561 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00142 -0.98731 148.297 0.32510 0.77376
gcl; tartronate-semialdehyde synthase [EC:] 0.00504 0.00080 0.00493 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00511 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00162 -0.10744 140.459 0.91460 0.97664
quiA; quinate dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.00503 0.00077 0.00480 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00520 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00152 -0.25908 151.901 0.79592 0.94791
gluC; glutamate transport system permease protein 0.00502 0.00068 0.00494 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00508 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00140 -0.09827 132.467 0.92186 0.97905
K09384; uncharacterized protein 0.00501 0.00110 0.00573 0.00026 0.00199 65 0.00451 0.00015 0.00125 93 0.00235 0.52020 112.207 0.60395 0.88434
tam; trans-aconitate 2-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00501 0.00064 0.00457 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00532 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00130 -0.57362 139.533 0.56715 0.87063
hscC; molecular chaperone HscC 0.00501 0.00083 0.00483 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00513 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00159 -0.19303 155.959 0.84719 0.95682
hisN; histidinol-phosphatase [EC:] 0.00500 0.00067 0.00519 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00487 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00139 0.23441 131.297 0.81504 0.95409
K07387; putative metalloprotease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.00500 0.00057 0.00415 0.00002 0.00062 65 0.00559 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00106 -1.36845 153.279 0.17317 0.77376
utp; urea transporter 0.00499 0.00067 0.00438 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00542 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00136 -0.76694 144.072 0.44437 0.83236
K06976; uncharacterized protein 0.00499 0.00069 0.00393 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00574 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00138 -1.30635 144.755 0.19350 0.77376
E3.1.2.23; 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thioesterase [EC:] 0.00498 0.00069 0.00490 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00504 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00143 -0.10105 133.116 0.91966 0.97868
iaaA, ASRGL1; beta-aspartyl-peptidase (threonine type) [EC:] 0.00498 0.00070 0.00409 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00560 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00143 -1.05434 139.705 0.29355 0.77376
nfrA1; FMN reductase (NADPH) [EC:] 0.00497 0.00064 0.00325 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00618 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00116 -2.52298 148.650 0.01269 0.59095
catC; muconolactone D-isomerase [EC:] 0.00497 0.00067 0.00508 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00489 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00139 0.13033 125.500 0.89652 0.97290
pcaJ; 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase, beta subunit [EC:] 0.00497 0.00086 0.00410 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00558 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00158 -0.93494 149.124 0.35133 0.79120
wzzB; chain length determinant protein (polysaccharide antigen chain regulator) 0.00497 0.00075 0.00510 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00487 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00151 0.15446 144.792 0.87746 0.96737
K07396; putative protein-disulfide isomerase 0.00496 0.00075 0.00511 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00487 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00151 0.15962 141.658 0.87340 0.96576
pobR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of pobA 0.00496 0.00071 0.00469 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00515 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00144 -0.32250 140.618 0.74755 0.93207
pduP; propionaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00496 0.00061 0.00574 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00441 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00130 1.01999 112.665 0.30992 0.77376
K09941; uncharacterized protein 0.00495 0.00071 0.00492 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00497 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00147 -0.03893 129.382 0.96901 0.99272
pheA1; chorismate mutase [EC:] 0.00495 0.00072 0.00468 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00514 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00147 -0.31225 139.612 0.75531 0.93665
fucU, FUOM; L-fucose mutarotase [EC:] 0.00495 0.00059 0.00498 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00492 0.00004 0.00070 93 0.00125 0.04568 117.559 0.96365 0.99101
TC.AAA; ATP:ADP antiporter, AAA family 0.00495 0.00075 0.00574 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00439 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00157 0.86019 118.210 0.39143 0.80429
kaiC; circadian clock protein KaiC 0.00494 0.00083 0.00439 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00533 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00163 -0.57624 153.706 0.56529 0.87012
crtI; phytoene desaturase [EC:] 0.00494 0.00090 0.00440 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00531 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00179 -0.51160 148.060 0.60969 0.88693
eutN; ethanolamine utilization protein EutN 0.00493 0.00092 0.00664 0.00021 0.00182 65 0.00374 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00203 1.43104 95.394 0.15569 0.77376
pduE; propanediol dehydratase small subunit [EC:] 0.00493 0.00062 0.00572 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00437 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00131 1.02133 115.600 0.30923 0.77376
pduC; propanediol dehydratase large subunit [EC:] 0.00493 0.00062 0.00572 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00437 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00131 1.02176 115.584 0.30903 0.77376
pcaI; 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase, alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00492 0.00085 0.00408 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00551 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00158 -0.90973 149.092 0.36443 0.79587
uxuB; fructuronate reductase [EC:] 0.00492 0.00064 0.00487 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00496 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00141 -0.06621 101.281 0.94734 0.98674
PTS-Mtl-EIIA, mtlA, cmtB; PTS system, mannitol-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.00491 0.00081 0.00561 0.00018 0.00164 65 0.00443 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00182 0.65129 92.460 0.51648 0.85216
E1.1.1.67, mtlK; mannitol 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00491 0.00081 0.00430 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00534 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00159 -0.65655 152.038 0.51246 0.85122
vsr; DNA mismatch endonuclease, patch repair protein [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00490 0.00061 0.00415 0.00004 0.00076 65 0.00543 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00116 -1.10313 155.925 0.27167 0.77376
bioM; biotin transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00490 0.00067 0.00470 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00504 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00140 -0.24582 127.252 0.80622 0.94967
senX3; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase SenX3 [EC:] 0.00490 0.00067 0.00485 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00493 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00138 -0.05763 131.404 0.95413 0.98792
K09705; uncharacterized protein 0.00489 0.00070 0.00415 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00541 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00142 -0.88714 140.510 0.37652 0.79810
phnN; ribose 1,5-bisphosphokinase [EC:] 0.00489 0.00065 0.00449 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00517 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00131 -0.52603 144.455 0.59967 0.88240
bioW; 6-carboxyhexanoate–CoA ligase [EC:] 0.00489 0.00061 0.00509 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00474 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00128 0.27148 120.396 0.78649 0.94458
neuA; N-acylneuraminate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00489 0.00066 0.00454 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00513 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00135 -0.44061 133.706 0.66021 0.90939
rstA1; phage replication initiation protein 0.00488 0.00100 0.00427 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00531 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00184 -0.56527 146.251 0.57276 0.87292
polB; DNA polymerase II [EC:] 0.00487 0.00069 0.00549 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00444 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00142 0.73651 134.563 0.46270 0.83654
yxjA, nupG; purine nucleoside transport protein 0.00487 0.00086 0.00561 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.00435 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00185 0.68032 107.452 0.49776 0.84853
ttdT; L-tartrate/succinate antiporter 0.00486 0.00061 0.00518 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00463 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00129 0.42719 123.461 0.66998 0.91184
pduD; propanediol dehydratase medium subunit [EC:] 0.00486 0.00062 0.00572 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00426 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00131 1.11708 114.183 0.26631 0.77376
stp1, pppA; serine/threonine protein phosphatase Stp1 [EC:] 0.00486 0.00102 0.00456 0.00012 0.00136 65 0.00506 0.00020 0.00145 93 0.00199 -0.25221 153.727 0.80121 0.94855
tauB; taurine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00486 0.00061 0.00424 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00528 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00119 -0.87541 153.882 0.38271 0.80064
pqqB; pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis protein B 0.00485 0.00069 0.00497 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00477 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00141 0.14058 133.556 0.88842 0.97039
AACS, acsA; acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] 0.00484 0.00065 0.00398 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00545 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00133 -1.09948 131.056 0.27357 0.77376
catB; muconate cycloisomerase [EC:] 0.00484 0.00065 0.00489 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00481 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00134 0.05642 130.470 0.95509 0.98792
aotM; arginine/ornithine transport system permease protein 0.00483 0.00087 0.00528 0.00011 0.00131 65 0.00452 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00176 0.43031 142.934 0.66762 0.91150
ycjF; putative membrane protein 0.00483 0.00063 0.00459 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00500 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00129 -0.32400 139.447 0.74643 0.93202
prnA, rebH, ktzQ; tryptophan 7-halogenase [EC:] 0.00483 0.00114 0.00294 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00615 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00208 -1.54074 147.262 0.12553 0.77376
K06918; uncharacterized protein 0.00483 0.00063 0.00458 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00500 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00128 -0.33222 139.718 0.74022 0.92969
mepA; penicillin-insensitive murein DD-endopeptidase [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.00480 0.00065 0.00438 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00510 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00131 -0.54553 144.253 0.58623 0.87731
K09891; uncharacterized protein 0.00480 0.00065 0.00529 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00446 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00133 0.61987 132.150 0.53641 0.86207
priC; primosomal replication protein N’’ 0.00480 0.00065 0.00528 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00446 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00133 0.61556 132.258 0.53924 0.86207
E3.5.4.32; 8-oxoguanine deaminase [EC:] 0.00480 0.00100 0.00456 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00497 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00199 -0.20159 149.364 0.84051 0.95506
mtnK; 5-methylthioribose kinase [EC:] 0.00478 0.00085 0.00655 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.00354 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00193 1.55809 84.737 0.12294 0.77376
purR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, purine nucleotide synthesis repressor 0.00478 0.00061 0.00483 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00474 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00125 0.06473 137.344 0.94849 0.98748
mtnB; methylthioribulose-1-phosphate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00478 0.00069 0.00471 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.00483 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00144 -0.08430 124.571 0.93295 0.98428
K07074; uncharacterized protein 0.00477 0.00098 0.00547 0.00025 0.00198 65 0.00428 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00218 0.54325 91.982 0.58827 0.87732
udh; uronate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00477 0.00076 0.00426 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00513 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00151 -0.57710 146.556 0.56475 0.86988
nhaB; Na+:H+ antiporter, NhaB family 0.00476 0.00063 0.00539 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00433 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00129 0.82398 131.790 0.41144 0.81492
hydN; electron transport protein HydN 0.00476 0.00061 0.00524 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00443 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00131 0.61512 113.541 0.53971 0.86207
mexE; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00476 0.00086 0.00519 0.00011 0.00132 65 0.00445 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00175 0.42006 140.731 0.67508 0.91264
FTCD; glutamate formiminotransferase / formiminotetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase [EC:] 0.00475 0.00067 0.00466 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00482 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00132 -0.12526 150.649 0.90049 0.97521
rlmF; 23S rRNA (adenine1618-N6)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00475 0.00069 0.00553 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00421 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00141 0.93009 132.924 0.35401 0.79265
K07501; 3’-5’ exonuclease 0.00475 0.00057 0.00456 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00489 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00110 -0.29597 155.977 0.76765 0.93900
K13652; AraC family transcriptional regulator 0.00475 0.00094 0.00288 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00605 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00172 -1.83742 148.663 0.06814 0.73473
E1.1.1.90; aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00474 0.00077 0.00492 0.00011 0.00133 65 0.00462 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00162 0.18452 121.740 0.85391 0.95848
K09922; uncharacterized protein 0.00474 0.00062 0.00273 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00614 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00110 -3.10566 135.193 0.00231 0.46257
nikE; nickel transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00472 0.00090 0.00626 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.00365 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00197 1.31950 98.094 0.19007 0.77376
LDHD, dld; D-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) [EC:] 0.00472 0.00067 0.00194 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00666 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00116 -4.07445 131.438 0.00008 0.43014
nhaR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of nhaA 0.00471 0.00071 0.00430 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00500 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00136 -0.51713 155.878 0.60580 0.88527
virB3, lvhB3; type IV secretion system protein VirB3 0.00471 0.00077 0.00395 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.00524 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00164 -0.78611 113.483 0.43344 0.82874
smtA; S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase 0.00471 0.00068 0.00535 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00427 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00140 0.77527 134.242 0.43954 0.83156
E1.1.99.3A; gluconate 2-dehydrogenase alpha chain [EC:] 0.00470 0.00101 0.00427 0.00012 0.00138 65 0.00499 0.00019 0.00142 93 0.00198 -0.36225 152.337 0.71767 0.92056
K02478; two-component system, LytTR family, sensor kinase [EC:] 0.00469 0.00084 0.00640 0.00019 0.00171 65 0.00350 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00188 1.54697 89.524 0.12540 0.77376
fixX; ferredoxin like protein 0.00469 0.00060 0.00497 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00449 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00127 0.37669 118.663 0.70707 0.92004
cytR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, repressor for deo operon, udp, cdd, tsx, nupC, and nupG 0.00468 0.00066 0.00382 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00528 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00132 -1.10609 141.941 0.27056 0.77376
K07401; selenoprotein W-related protein 0.00467 0.00069 0.00483 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00456 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00141 0.19166 135.389 0.84830 0.95712
virB2, lvhB2; type IV secretion system protein VirB2 0.00466 0.00081 0.00423 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00497 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00177 -0.41919 102.507 0.67595 0.91266
deoA, TYMP; thymidine phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00465 0.00057 0.00354 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00543 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00107 -1.75818 154.911 0.08069 0.75920
pduQ; 1-propanol dehydrogenase 0.00465 0.00061 0.00539 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00413 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00130 0.96336 113.049 0.33742 0.78354
K09939; uncharacterized protein 0.00465 0.00067 0.00410 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00503 0.00007 0.00090 93 0.00136 -0.68244 142.127 0.49607 0.84797
ydfG; 3-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase / malonic semialdehyde reductase [EC: 1.1.1.-] 0.00465 0.00064 0.00522 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00425 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00132 0.73956 132.647 0.46087 0.83546
lcdH, cdhA; carnitine 3-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00465 0.00081 0.00486 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00450 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00163 0.22152 141.820 0.82501 0.95506
iolE; inosose dehydratase [EC:] 0.00464 0.00063 0.00383 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00521 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00121 -1.13818 155.901 0.25679 0.77376
K07101; uncharacterized protein 0.00463 0.00050 0.00468 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00460 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00102 0.08230 136.477 0.93453 0.98428
PTS-Gut-EIIC, srlA; PTS system, glucitol/sorbitol-specific IIC component 0.00463 0.00104 0.00519 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.00424 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00228 0.41805 101.138 0.67680 0.91266
bkdA; 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase E1 component [EC:] 0.00461 0.00067 0.00421 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00490 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00134 -0.50882 145.687 0.61165 0.88722
xtmA; phage terminase small subunit 0.00461 0.00076 0.00473 0.00011 0.00133 65 0.00453 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00161 0.12027 119.858 0.90447 0.97658
pagL; lipid A 3-O-deacylase [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00461 0.00075 0.00540 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00405 0.00007 0.00090 93 0.00157 0.86292 121.149 0.38988 0.80353
sigB; RNA polymerase sigma-B factor 0.00460 0.00071 0.00318 0.00003 0.00072 65 0.00559 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00130 -1.84254 148.849 0.06739 0.73334
pduL; phosphate propanoyltransferase [EC:] 0.00460 0.00061 0.00532 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00409 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00131 0.94627 112.934 0.34603 0.78846
splB; spore photoproduct lyase [EC:] 0.00459 0.00085 0.00580 0.00018 0.00169 65 0.00374 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00188 1.09352 95.442 0.27692 0.77376
tccC; insecticidal toxin complex protein TccC 0.00458 0.00142 0.00440 0.00027 0.00204 65 0.00471 0.00035 0.00195 93 0.00282 -0.10756 148.333 0.91449 0.97664
ABC.VB12.S1, btuF; vitamin B12 transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00458 0.00068 0.00505 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00425 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00139 0.57308 132.698 0.56756 0.87063
aphA; acid phosphatase (class B) [EC:] 0.00457 0.00063 0.00526 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00409 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00128 0.91361 135.824 0.36254 0.79496
dhcR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, carnitine catabolism transcriptional activator 0.00457 0.00065 0.00479 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00442 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00134 0.28197 135.208 0.77840 0.94269
mqnE; aminodeoxyfutalosine synthase [EC:] 0.00456 0.00107 0.00511 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.00417 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00232 0.40262 106.185 0.68803 0.91567
mhpA; 3-(3-hydroxy-phenyl)propionate hydroxylase [EC:] 0.00456 0.00077 0.00268 0.00004 0.00076 65 0.00587 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00140 -2.27496 147.572 0.02435 0.59764
etk-wzc; tyrosine-protein kinase Etk/Wzc [EC:2.7.10.-] 0.00455 0.00060 0.00448 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00460 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00120 -0.10115 141.511 0.91958 0.97868
K07498; putative transposase 0.00455 0.00112 0.00227 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00614 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00203 -1.90567 145.033 0.05867 0.72183
ghrA; glyoxylate/hydroxypyruvatereductase [EC:] 0.00454 0.00060 0.00328 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00542 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00115 -1.86206 154.915 0.06449 0.73334
algJ; alginate O-acetyltransferase complex protein AlgJ 0.00454 0.00082 0.00476 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00439 0.00012 0.00113 93 0.00163 0.22689 147.922 0.82082 0.95506
napG; ferredoxin-type protein NapG 0.00453 0.00064 0.00475 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00438 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00130 0.27928 138.456 0.78044 0.94277
kauB; 4-guanidinobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase / NAD-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC: 1.2.1.-] 0.00452 0.00072 0.00507 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00414 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00148 0.63526 130.890 0.52636 0.85844
nikA; nickel transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00450 0.00085 0.00582 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.00357 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00190 1.18214 92.332 0.24019 0.77376
ada-alkA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein of adaptative response / DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase II [EC:] 0.00449 0.00070 0.00384 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00495 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00140 -0.79414 146.537 0.42840 0.82737
abrB; transcriptional pleiotropic regulator of transition state genes 0.00449 0.00087 0.00290 0.00006 0.00092 65 0.00561 0.00016 0.00133 93 0.00162 -1.67387 151.682 0.09622 0.76667
K09979; uncharacterized protein 0.00449 0.00059 0.00501 0.00006 0.00092 65 0.00412 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00120 0.73538 137.912 0.46336 0.83677
K06955; uncharacterized protein 0.00449 0.00070 0.00436 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00458 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00142 -0.15638 142.269 0.87595 0.96703
TPMT, tpmT; thiopurine S-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00448 0.00068 0.00500 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00412 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00141 0.62945 130.446 0.53016 0.86094
damX; DamX protein 0.00447 0.00067 0.00506 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00406 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00138 0.72787 132.792 0.46797 0.83837
napH; ferredoxin-type protein NapH 0.00446 0.00062 0.00475 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00425 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00128 0.39020 135.354 0.69700 0.91823
ABC.MN.A; manganese/iron transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00445 0.00075 0.00480 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00421 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00149 0.38971 148.369 0.69731 0.91825
iaaM; tryptophan 2-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00444 0.00095 0.00403 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00473 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00183 -0.37958 155.345 0.70478 0.92004
nikB; nickel transport system permease protein 0.00444 0.00085 0.00582 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.00348 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00190 1.22849 92.412 0.22238 0.77376
aotP; arginine/ornithine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00444 0.00072 0.00518 0.00009 0.00121 65 0.00393 0.00007 0.00090 93 0.00150 0.83059 127.077 0.40776 0.81209
thrH; phosphoserine / homoserine phosphotransferase [EC:] 0.00444 0.00055 0.00432 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00452 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00114 -0.17916 132.505 0.85808 0.96050
atzF; allophanate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00444 0.00064 0.00411 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00467 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00127 -0.43714 149.468 0.66264 0.91006
rsd; regulator of sigma D 0.00444 0.00068 0.00510 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00398 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00139 0.80620 133.406 0.42156 0.82295
K07034; uncharacterized protein 0.00443 0.00061 0.00482 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00416 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00124 0.53305 136.232 0.59487 0.88005
xylC; benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD) [EC:] 0.00442 0.00072 0.00381 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00484 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00144 -0.71665 144.837 0.47475 0.84095
entD; enterobactin synthetase component D [EC: 2.7.8.-] 0.00441 0.00068 0.00468 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00423 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00139 0.31910 136.370 0.75014 0.93449
uxaA2; altronate dehydratase large subunit [EC:] 0.00441 0.00060 0.00486 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00410 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00126 0.59761 117.363 0.55125 0.86788
K09918; uncharacterized protein 0.00441 0.00068 0.00506 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00396 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00139 0.79336 133.762 0.42897 0.82749
ABC.GGU.P, gguB; putative multiple sugar transport system permease protein 0.00441 0.00056 0.00428 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00450 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00121 -0.18628 109.091 0.85257 0.95848
gbcA; glycine betaine catabolism A 0.00440 0.00066 0.00445 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00437 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00135 0.05363 135.864 0.95731 0.98885
lhpA; 4-hydroxyproline epimerase [EC:] 0.00440 0.00064 0.00374 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00487 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00123 -0.91854 155.736 0.35975 0.79496
pabAB; para-aminobenzoate synthetase [EC:] 0.00439 0.00066 0.00406 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00463 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00135 -0.42358 131.183 0.67256 0.91184
nikD; nickel transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00437 0.00085 0.00589 0.00019 0.00172 65 0.00331 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00190 1.35738 91.694 0.17799 0.77376
ugpB; sn-glycerol 3-phosphate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00436 0.00063 0.00221 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00586 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00112 -3.25520 140.160 0.00142 0.46257
cdhR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, carnitine catabolism transcriptional activator 0.00436 0.00080 0.00484 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00402 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00162 0.50881 140.612 0.61168 0.88722
K07117; uncharacterized protein 0.00436 0.00069 0.00358 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00490 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00139 -0.95261 142.149 0.34241 0.78567
E3.1.3.8; 3-phytase [EC:] 0.00435 0.00067 0.00346 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00498 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00134 -1.12482 140.876 0.26258 0.77376
rfbF; glucose-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00435 0.00057 0.00427 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00441 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00127 -0.11056 95.053 0.91220 0.97664
K09945; uncharacterized protein 0.00435 0.00064 0.00475 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00406 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00131 0.52709 131.954 0.59902 0.88240
lamB; maltoporin 0.00434 0.00063 0.00359 0.00005 0.00083 65 0.00486 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00123 -1.03984 154.297 0.30004 0.77376
antB; anti-repressor protein 0.00433 0.00108 0.00423 0.00020 0.00173 65 0.00440 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00222 -0.07395 133.751 0.94116 0.98528
ybfF; esterase [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00432 0.00062 0.00491 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00390 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00128 0.78802 131.244 0.43210 0.82814
napF; ferredoxin-type protein NapF 0.00432 0.00061 0.00470 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00405 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00126 0.52175 131.181 0.60272 0.88431
TC.BCT; betaine/carnitine transporter, BCCT family 0.00431 0.00068 0.00457 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00413 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00146 0.30172 110.737 0.76343 0.93836
tdh; threonine 3-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00430 0.00066 0.00398 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00453 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00133 -0.42195 143.584 0.67369 0.91184
ampR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of gene expression of beta-lactamase 0.00430 0.00068 0.00335 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00497 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00137 -1.17823 141.003 0.24069 0.77376
hasD, prtD, aprD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial exporter for protease/lipase 0.00429 0.00094 0.00349 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00485 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00180 -0.75375 155.996 0.45214 0.83438
K07231; putative iron-regulated protein 0.00429 0.00068 0.00461 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00407 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00139 0.39337 134.521 0.69467 0.91715
ABC.GGU.S, chvE; putative multiple sugar transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00429 0.00061 0.00368 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00471 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00126 -0.81902 135.134 0.41422 0.81712
K09947; uncharacterized protein 0.00428 0.00067 0.00446 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00415 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00137 0.22226 133.461 0.82445 0.95506
pit; low-affinity inorganic phosphate transporter 0.00428 0.00063 0.00479 0.00007 0.00100 65 0.00392 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00130 0.66919 135.627 0.50451 0.84956
vanA; vanillate monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00428 0.00063 0.00345 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00485 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00121 -1.15828 155.977 0.24852 0.77376
feaB; phenylacetaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00427 0.00074 0.00429 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00426 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00151 0.02014 139.340 0.98396 0.99706
MAN; mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase [EC:] 0.00427 0.00052 0.00377 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00461 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00100 -0.83718 155.788 0.40377 0.81034
ompX; outer membrane protein X 0.00426 0.00057 0.00391 0.00004 0.00075 65 0.00451 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00111 -0.53327 154.910 0.59461 0.88005
folM; dihydromonapterin reductase / dihydrofolate reductase [EC:] 0.00426 0.00067 0.00481 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00387 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00137 0.68659 132.457 0.49354 0.84797
sitB; manganese/iron transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00424 0.00061 0.00448 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00407 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00125 0.32514 132.501 0.74559 0.93199
aefR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of autoinduction and epiphytic fitness 0.00423 0.00069 0.00337 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00484 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00137 -1.07130 145.906 0.28580 0.77376
K07068; uncharacterized protein 0.00422 0.00094 0.00235 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00553 0.00022 0.00153 93 0.00164 -1.94229 117.197 0.05450 0.70330
pflX; putative pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme [EC:] 0.00422 0.00073 0.00446 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.00405 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00153 0.26277 121.631 0.79317 0.94783
K06953; uncharacterized protein 0.00422 0.00068 0.00322 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00492 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00137 -1.24094 138.446 0.21673 0.77376
ylbA, UGHY; (S)-ureidoglycine aminohydrolase [EC:] 0.00421 0.00072 0.00403 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00433 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00144 -0.20827 144.751 0.83531 0.95506
narX; two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite sensor histidine kinase NarX [EC:] 0.00420 0.00056 0.00363 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00460 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00107 -0.90027 155.587 0.36937 0.79587
uxaB; tagaturonate reductase [EC:] 0.00419 0.00063 0.00391 0.00009 0.00116 65 0.00439 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00135 -0.35881 107.389 0.72044 0.92136
glmS, mutS, mamA; methylaspartate mutase sigma subunit [EC:] 0.00419 0.00089 0.00604 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.00289 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00195 1.61121 96.158 0.11041 0.77376
sfnG; dimethylsulfone monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00419 0.00058 0.00356 0.00003 0.00073 65 0.00463 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00112 -0.95868 155.821 0.33920 0.78433
erfK; L,D-transpeptidase ErfK/SrfK 0.00418 0.00066 0.00469 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00383 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00137 0.62992 131.351 0.52984 0.86094
arcB; two-component system, OmpR family, aerobic respiration control sensor histidine kinase ArcB [EC:] 0.00417 0.00062 0.00472 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00379 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00128 0.72127 131.174 0.47203 0.84037
impA; type VI secretion system protein ImpA 0.00417 0.00074 0.00378 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00444 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00143 -0.45882 155.621 0.64701 0.90344
flrB, fleS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase FlrB [EC:] 0.00416 0.00068 0.00474 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00376 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00139 0.71012 133.330 0.47887 0.84314
modF; molybdate transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00416 0.00061 0.00429 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00407 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00126 0.17326 134.023 0.86271 0.96263
argA; amino-acid N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00415 0.00062 0.00381 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00440 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00130 -0.45213 124.267 0.65197 0.90504
atuG; citronellol/citronellal dehydrogenase 0.00415 0.00069 0.00436 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00400 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00141 0.25274 131.263 0.80086 0.94855
nagK; fumarylpyruvate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00415 0.00067 0.00226 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00547 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00119 -2.70975 133.720 0.00762 0.54764
aacC; aminoglycoside 3-N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00415 0.00073 0.00455 0.00011 0.00129 65 0.00387 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00155 0.43771 117.430 0.66240 0.91006
K07338; uncharacterized protein 0.00415 0.00067 0.00439 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00398 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00137 0.30331 133.282 0.76212 0.93813
E3.1.21.7, nfi; deoxyribonuclease V [EC:] 0.00415 0.00064 0.00395 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00428 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00130 -0.25806 136.641 0.79675 0.94795
betC; choline-sulfatase [EC:] 0.00414 0.00066 0.00438 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00398 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00135 0.29259 135.433 0.77029 0.94009
sitA; manganese/iron transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00414 0.00061 0.00443 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00393 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00125 0.40031 132.265 0.68957 0.91567
sitC; manganese/iron transport system permease protein 0.00414 0.00061 0.00443 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00393 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00125 0.40031 132.265 0.68957 0.91567
sitD; manganese/iron transport system permease protein 0.00414 0.00061 0.00443 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00393 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00125 0.40031 132.265 0.68957 0.91567
E3.5.2.10; creatinine amidohydrolase [EC:] 0.00413 0.00068 0.00222 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00547 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00121 -2.68622 138.244 0.00811 0.56121
sufI; suppressor of ftsI 0.00413 0.00062 0.00436 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00397 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00126 0.31491 136.934 0.75331 0.93639
dctQ; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DctQ subunit 0.00413 0.00063 0.00398 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00423 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00126 -0.20421 145.491 0.83847 0.95506
bofA; inhibitor of the pro-sigma K processing machinery 0.00412 0.00065 0.00350 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00455 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00136 -0.76817 128.075 0.44380 0.83186
mtnC, ENOPH1; enolase-phosphatase E1 [EC:] 0.00411 0.00065 0.00455 0.00008 0.00113 65 0.00380 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00137 0.54604 120.565 0.58604 0.87728
ppkA; serine/threonine-protein kinase PpkA [EC:] 0.00410 0.00124 0.00348 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.00454 0.00028 0.00174 93 0.00243 -0.43482 152.175 0.66431 0.91064
cobF; precorrin-6A synthase [EC:] 0.00410 0.00058 0.00361 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00444 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00114 -0.73466 150.053 0.46369 0.83699
K06991; uncharacterized protein 0.00409 0.00061 0.00383 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00428 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00125 -0.36664 134.463 0.71446 0.92004
bioN; biotin transport system permease protein 0.00409 0.00063 0.00397 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00417 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00131 -0.14937 128.520 0.88150 0.96901
rraB; regulator of ribonuclease activity B 0.00409 0.00061 0.00465 0.00007 0.00100 65 0.00369 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.75541 130.462 0.45137 0.83438
spoVAE; stage V sporulation protein AE 0.00409 0.00085 0.00151 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00589 0.00017 0.00137 93 0.00148 -2.95972 120.381 0.00371 0.49926
glft2; galactofuranosylgalactofuranosylrhamnosyl-N-acetylglucosaminyl-diphospho-decaprenol beta-1,5/1,6-galactofuranosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00408 0.00069 0.00415 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00404 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00141 0.07315 138.310 0.94180 0.98528
mef; MFS transporter, DHA3 family, macrolide efflux protein 0.00408 0.00067 0.00366 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00438 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00132 -0.54917 151.245 0.58370 0.87720
bcpA; oxaloacetate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00408 0.00066 0.00443 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00384 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00136 0.43859 132.184 0.66167 0.90968
grcA; autonomous glycyl radical cofactor 0.00408 0.00062 0.00459 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00372 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.68374 129.964 0.49536 0.84797
waaP, rfaP; heptose I phosphotransferase [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00407 0.00066 0.00458 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00370 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00136 0.64445 131.593 0.52041 0.85574
eutR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, ethanolamine operon transcriptional activator 0.00406 0.00067 0.00348 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00447 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00135 -0.72826 140.118 0.46767 0.83837
virB5, lvhB5; type IV secretion system protein VirB5 0.00406 0.00054 0.00377 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00426 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00113 -0.42844 124.993 0.66907 0.91165
paaX; phenylacetic acid degradation operon negative regulatory protein 0.00405 0.00060 0.00317 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00467 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00111 -1.34512 153.764 0.18057 0.77376
cheC; chemotaxis protein CheC 0.00405 0.00066 0.00332 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00456 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00136 -0.90873 132.513 0.36514 0.79587
phnW; 2-aminoethylphosphonate-pyruvate transaminase [EC:] 0.00405 0.00059 0.00327 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00459 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00112 -1.17105 155.925 0.24336 0.77376
frdD; fumarate reductase subunit D 0.00405 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00369 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.68533 129.799 0.49436 0.84797
nrfC; protein NrfC 0.00404 0.00062 0.00410 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00400 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00126 0.07772 141.278 0.93816 0.98459
K09943; uncharacterized protein 0.00404 0.00061 0.00384 0.00005 0.00084 65 0.00417 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00120 -0.27558 152.128 0.78324 0.94361
artI; arginine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00404 0.00061 0.00458 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00366 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.72671 130.179 0.46871 0.83837
chpB; chemosensory pili system protein ChpB (putative protein-glutamate methylesterase) 0.00403 0.00068 0.00455 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00368 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00142 0.61391 124.019 0.54040 0.86207
fieF; ferrous-iron efflux pump FieF 0.00403 0.00060 0.00454 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00367 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00125 0.69715 125.638 0.48699 0.84553
trpR; TrpR family transcriptional regulator, trp operon repressor 0.00403 0.00060 0.00452 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00369 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.67507 132.730 0.50081 0.84900
K07109; uncharacterized protein 0.00403 0.00061 0.00444 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00374 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00125 0.55441 135.926 0.58021 0.87573
pepB; PepB aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.00403 0.00061 0.00461 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.78015 129.959 0.43672 0.83048
ahpD; alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit D 0.00403 0.00065 0.00376 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00421 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00133 -0.33895 138.603 0.73516 0.92721
nlpI; lipoprotein NlpI 0.00403 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00365 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.72249 129.913 0.47129 0.83971
tyrA; chorismate mutase / prephenate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00402 0.00062 0.00459 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.76318 129.127 0.44675 0.83371
nagL; maleylpyruvate isomerase [EC:] 0.00402 0.00068 0.00259 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00502 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00122 -1.98106 135.840 0.04960 0.67522
holD; DNA polymerase III subunit psi [EC:] 0.00402 0.00061 0.00459 0.00007 0.00100 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.76359 130.105 0.44649 0.83371
tmcA; tRNA(Met) cytidine acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00402 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00364 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.73200 130.140 0.46549 0.83786
arcA; two-component system, OmpR family, aerobic respiration control protein ArcA 0.00402 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00364 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.72721 129.966 0.46840 0.83837
ilvY; LysR family transcriptional regulator, positive regulator for ilvC 0.00401 0.00061 0.00457 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74762 130.033 0.45604 0.83438
K08985; putative lipoprotein 0.00401 0.00067 0.00460 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00360 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00138 0.73188 132.956 0.46553 0.83786
sapA; cationic peptide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00401 0.00061 0.00457 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74733 130.035 0.45621 0.83438
sapB; cationic peptide transport system permease protein 0.00401 0.00061 0.00457 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74733 130.035 0.45621 0.83438
sapC; cationic peptide transport system permease protein 0.00401 0.00061 0.00457 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74733 130.035 0.45621 0.83438
lpxM, msbB; lauroyl-Kdo2-lipid IVA myristoyltransferase [EC:] 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74426 129.906 0.45806 0.83438
fadR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, negative regulator for fad regulon and positive regulator of fabA 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
K09894; uncharacterized protein 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
K09896; uncharacterized protein 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
K09899; uncharacterized protein 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
K09904; uncharacterized protein 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
K09910; uncharacterized protein 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
lonH; Lon-like ATP-dependent protease [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
metJ; MetJ family transcriptional regulator, methionine regulon repressor 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
mltC; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase C [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
mutH; DNA mismatch repair protein MutH 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
raiA; ribosome-associated inhibitor A 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
sapD; cationic peptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
sapF; cationic peptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
seqA; negative modulator of initiation of replication 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
srmB; ATP-dependent RNA helicase SrmB [EC:] 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
yrdD; putative DNA topoisomerase 0.00401 0.00061 0.00456 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.74104 130.032 0.46000 0.83438
K13580; magnesium chelatase subunit ChlD-like protein 0.00400 0.00067 0.00459 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00358 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00139 0.72468 129.415 0.46996 0.83870
aotQ; arginine/ornithine transport system permease protein 0.00399 0.00067 0.00450 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00364 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00138 0.62070 135.847 0.53584 0.86207
nthA; nitrile hydratase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00399 0.00083 0.00247 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00505 0.00015 0.00127 93 0.00154 -1.68151 150.988 0.09473 0.76609
ABC.GGU.A, gguA; putative multiple sugar transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00399 0.00055 0.00352 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00432 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00117 -0.68399 115.453 0.49535 0.84797
fucI; L-fucose/D-arabinose isomerase [EC:] 0.00399 0.00056 0.00441 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00369 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00121 0.59381 109.565 0.55387 0.86806
nlpC; probable lipoprotein NlpC 0.00399 0.00060 0.00436 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00372 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.51391 132.865 0.60817 0.88643
ycbB, glnL; two-component system, response regulator YcbB 0.00398 0.00080 0.00497 0.00015 0.00152 65 0.00328 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00174 0.97292 103.427 0.33286 0.77937
APEH; acylaminoacyl-peptidase [EC:] 0.00398 0.00081 0.00544 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00296 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00181 1.37276 89.420 0.17326 0.77376
wspA; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein WspA 0.00398 0.00067 0.00436 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00371 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00136 0.48284 140.591 0.62996 0.89536
rbbA; ribosome-dependent ATPase 0.00397 0.00057 0.00349 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00431 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00116 -0.71091 140.703 0.47832 0.84283
K06876; deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase-related protein 0.00397 0.00056 0.00455 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00357 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00120 0.81604 113.759 0.41618 0.81772
smoF, mtlF; sorbitol/mannitol transport system permease protein 0.00397 0.00064 0.00329 0.00005 0.00085 65 0.00445 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00124 -0.93475 153.582 0.35139 0.79120
smoG, mtlG; sorbitol/mannitol transport system permease protein 0.00397 0.00064 0.00329 0.00005 0.00085 65 0.00445 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00124 -0.93475 153.582 0.35139 0.79120
mexF; multidrug efflux pump 0.00397 0.00066 0.00455 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00084 93 0.00137 0.72219 130.439 0.47147 0.83981
ugpA; sn-glycerol 3-phosphate transport system permease protein 0.00396 0.00057 0.00203 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00532 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00101 -3.24803 138.280 0.00146 0.46257
ugpE; sn-glycerol 3-phosphate transport system permease protein 0.00396 0.00058 0.00203 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00532 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00102 -3.23034 137.735 0.00155 0.46257
K09965; uncharacterized protein 0.00396 0.00064 0.00340 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00435 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00129 -0.72963 141.805 0.46682 0.83837
patA; putrescine aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00395 0.00113 0.00350 0.00017 0.00161 65 0.00427 0.00022 0.00155 93 0.00224 -0.34091 148.663 0.73365 0.92686
crtZ; beta-carotene 3-hydroxylase [EC:] 0.00395 0.00065 0.00406 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00387 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00131 0.14516 142.011 0.88479 0.96984
E1.1.99.3G; gluconate 2-dehydrogenase gamma chain [EC:] 0.00395 0.00078 0.00366 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00415 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00153 -0.31716 152.270 0.75155 0.93532
oprN; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00395 0.00066 0.00443 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00361 0.00006 0.00084 93 0.00136 0.60083 131.278 0.54899 0.86621
cotH; spore coat protein H 0.00394 0.00063 0.00408 0.00005 0.00089 65 0.00385 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00124 0.18820 149.132 0.85098 0.95754
chaA, CAX; Ca2+:H+ antiporter 0.00394 0.00057 0.00242 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00501 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00106 -2.44261 155.507 0.01570 0.59095
mshC; L-cysteine:1D-myo-inositol 2-amino-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside ligase [EC:] 0.00394 0.00061 0.00385 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00400 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00127 -0.11362 126.703 0.90972 0.97664
E2.7.1.-; kinase [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00394 0.00061 0.00313 0.00004 0.00076 65 0.00450 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00116 -1.17534 155.790 0.24165 0.77376
iolD; 3D-(3,5/4)-trihydroxycyclohexane-1,2-dione acylhydrolase (decyclizing) [EC:] 0.00394 0.00051 0.00323 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00443 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00100 -1.19592 151.120 0.23360 0.77376
rhaD; rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.00392 0.00069 0.00410 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.00380 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00156 0.19780 88.185 0.84366 0.95519
fno; 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin:NADPH oxidoreductase [EC:] 0.00392 0.00064 0.00353 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00420 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00133 -0.49918 124.588 0.61853 0.88926
mshA; D-inositol-3-phosphate glycosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00392 0.00061 0.00384 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00398 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00126 -0.10736 126.875 0.91468 0.97664
ICP; inhibitor of cysteine peptidase 0.00392 0.00066 0.00446 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00355 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00136 0.66804 130.903 0.50528 0.84956
mca; mycothiol S-conjugate amidase [EC:] 0.00392 0.00061 0.00385 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00396 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00127 -0.08275 126.859 0.93418 0.98428
mshD; mycothiol synthase [EC:] 0.00392 0.00061 0.00385 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00396 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00127 -0.08275 126.859 0.93418 0.98428
aspQ, ansB, ansA; glutamin-(asparagin-)ase [EC:] 0.00391 0.00063 0.00314 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00445 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00121 -1.07740 155.985 0.28296 0.77376
algB; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator AlgB 0.00391 0.00066 0.00444 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00354 0.00006 0.00084 93 0.00136 0.66676 131.272 0.50610 0.84956
davT, gabT; 5-aminovalerate/4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00391 0.00066 0.00442 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00355 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00136 0.64349 131.217 0.52103 0.85612
ppdD; prepilin peptidase dependent protein D 0.00391 0.00060 0.00437 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00358 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.63757 133.507 0.52484 0.85728
mvpT, vapB; antitoxin VapB 0.00390 0.00061 0.00392 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00389 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00129 0.02593 116.154 0.97935 0.99657
K09901; uncharacterized protein 0.00390 0.00060 0.00438 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.66441 133.136 0.50758 0.84956
focA; formate transporter 0.00390 0.00060 0.00438 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.66107 133.271 0.50971 0.84956
grxA; glutaredoxin 1 0.00390 0.00060 0.00438 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.66107 133.271 0.50971 0.84956
K09897; uncharacterized protein 0.00390 0.00060 0.00438 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.66107 133.271 0.50971 0.84956
K09907; uncharacterized protein 0.00390 0.00060 0.00438 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.66107 133.271 0.50971 0.84956
mukB; chromosome partition protein MukB 0.00390 0.00060 0.00438 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.66107 133.271 0.50971 0.84956
mukE; chromosome partition protein MukE 0.00390 0.00060 0.00438 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.66107 133.271 0.50971 0.84956
mukF; chromosome partition protein MukF 0.00390 0.00060 0.00438 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.66107 133.271 0.50971 0.84956
npr; NADH peroxidase [EC:] 0.00390 0.00081 0.00507 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00307 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00181 1.10664 93.043 0.27130 0.77376
K03653; N-glycosylase/DNA lyase [EC:3.2.2.-] 0.00390 0.00088 0.00602 0.00021 0.00181 65 0.00241 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00197 1.83354 87.740 0.07011 0.73522
K09911; uncharacterized protein 0.00390 0.00060 0.00437 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.65772 133.404 0.51185 0.85122
K09917; uncharacterized protein 0.00390 0.00060 0.00437 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.65772 133.404 0.51185 0.85122
ppdB; prepilin peptidase dependent protein B 0.00390 0.00060 0.00432 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00360 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.58055 133.160 0.56253 0.86813
cdgJ; c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00389 0.00095 0.00296 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00455 0.00021 0.00150 93 0.00173 -0.91922 140.310 0.35956 0.79496
impI, vasC; type VI secretion system protein ImpI 0.00389 0.00064 0.00402 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00380 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00129 0.17115 140.252 0.86435 0.96263
artM; arginine transport system permease protein 0.00389 0.00060 0.00437 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.65241 133.302 0.51526 0.85216
artP; arginine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00389 0.00060 0.00437 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.65241 133.302 0.51526 0.85216
artQ; arginine transport system permease protein 0.00389 0.00060 0.00437 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.65241 133.302 0.51526 0.85216
glmE, mutE, mamB; methylaspartate mutase epsilon subunit [EC:] 0.00389 0.00087 0.00577 0.00020 0.00173 65 0.00257 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00192 1.66726 92.541 0.09884 0.76942
ofaA, arfA; arthrofactin-type cyclic lipopeptide synthetase A 0.00389 0.00123 0.00328 0.00018 0.00169 65 0.00431 0.00028 0.00173 93 0.00242 -0.42806 152.353 0.66921 0.91165
narP; two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite response regulator NarP 0.00389 0.00061 0.00442 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00352 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.71027 128.486 0.47882 0.84314
hslJ; heat shock protein HslJ 0.00388 0.00057 0.00422 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00365 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00119 0.47322 128.784 0.63686 0.89696
agaR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, aga operon transcriptional repressor 0.00388 0.00061 0.00354 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00412 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00124 -0.46502 135.286 0.64267 0.90098
coxL, cutL; aerobic carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.00388 0.00100 0.00182 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00532 0.00025 0.00164 93 0.00173 -2.02143 112.049 0.04562 0.65981
torZ; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) [EC:] 0.00388 0.00071 0.00298 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00451 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00132 -1.15850 153.317 0.24846 0.77376
ansP; L-asparagine permease 0.00387 0.00064 0.00362 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00405 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00131 -0.33205 135.240 0.74036 0.92969
ftsN; cell division protein FtsN 0.00387 0.00060 0.00432 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.61527 133.126 0.53943 0.86207
polX, dpx; DNA polymerase (family X) 0.00387 0.00067 0.00211 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00511 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00122 -2.46665 144.055 0.01481 0.59095
hofB; protein transport protein HofB 0.00387 0.00060 0.00432 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.61188 133.259 0.54166 0.86207
hofC; protein transport protein HofC 0.00387 0.00060 0.00432 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.61188 133.259 0.54166 0.86207
ppdA; prepilin peptidase dependent protein A 0.00387 0.00060 0.00432 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.61188 133.259 0.54166 0.86207
ppdC; prepilin peptidase dependent protein C 0.00387 0.00060 0.00432 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.61188 133.259 0.54166 0.86207
waaE, kdtX; (heptosyl)LPS beta-1,4-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00387 0.00061 0.00446 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00346 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00127 0.79012 129.244 0.43091 0.82763
iolB; 5-deoxy-glucuronate isomerase [EC:] 0.00387 0.00050 0.00310 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00441 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00097 -1.35413 152.071 0.17771 0.77376
cdh; CDP-diacylglycerol pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.00385 0.00069 0.00363 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00401 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00138 -0.27729 145.962 0.78195 0.94310
wspC; chemotaxis protein methyltransferase WspC 0.00385 0.00063 0.00439 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00347 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00130 0.70439 130.534 0.48245 0.84354
phnX; phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase [EC:] 0.00385 0.00059 0.00332 0.00004 0.00075 65 0.00421 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00114 -0.77978 155.514 0.43670 0.83048
sacC, levB; levanase [EC:] 0.00385 0.00057 0.00340 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00416 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00108 -0.70349 155.942 0.48280 0.84354
slp; outer membrane lipoprotein 0.00385 0.00063 0.00389 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00382 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00129 0.05833 135.917 0.95358 0.98792
K06954; uncharacterized protein 0.00385 0.00064 0.00359 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00403 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00129 -0.34329 139.224 0.73190 0.92566
cbiL; nickel transport protein 0.00385 0.00061 0.00394 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00378 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00124 0.13173 138.330 0.89539 0.97230
wspD; chemotaxis-related protein WspD 0.00384 0.00063 0.00438 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00346 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00130 0.70927 130.336 0.47943 0.84314
oxc; oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00384 0.00140 0.00492 0.00063 0.00312 65 0.00308 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00327 0.56291 76.409 0.57514 0.87389
iolC; 5-dehydro-2-deoxygluconokinase [EC:] 0.00383 0.00049 0.00310 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00434 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00096 -1.29116 151.591 0.19861 0.77376
SURF1, SHY1; surfeit locus 1 family protein 0.00383 0.00072 0.00204 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00508 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00127 -2.39205 129.421 0.01819 0.59095
nupC; nucleoside transport protein 0.00383 0.00082 0.00279 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00456 0.00014 0.00124 93 0.00153 -1.15610 153.184 0.24944 0.77376
K09164; uncharacterized protein 0.00383 0.00064 0.00383 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00383 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00133 0.00172 128.937 0.99863 0.99957
impF; type VI secretion system protein ImpF 0.00383 0.00068 0.00344 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00410 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00131 -0.50547 155.184 0.61394 0.88788
wspB; chemotaxis-related protein WspB 0.00383 0.00063 0.00435 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00346 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00130 0.68605 130.446 0.49390 0.84797
wspR; two-component system, chemotaxis family, response regulator WspR [EC:] 0.00383 0.00063 0.00435 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00346 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00130 0.68605 130.446 0.49390 0.84797
SEC11, sipW; signal peptidase I [EC:] 0.00383 0.00094 0.00448 0.00013 0.00142 65 0.00337 0.00015 0.00126 93 0.00190 0.58471 143.138 0.55966 0.86813
wspF; two-component system, chemotaxis family, response regulator WspF [EC:] 0.00382 0.00063 0.00434 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00346 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00129 0.67560 130.814 0.50049 0.84899
aroH; chorismate mutase [EC:] 0.00382 0.00068 0.00332 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00417 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00138 -0.61477 143.282 0.53968 0.86207
gabT; 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase / (S)-3-amino-2-methylpropionate transaminase [EC:] 0.00381 0.00062 0.00222 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00493 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00111 -2.44442 140.221 0.01575 0.59095
pimC; alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00381 0.00053 0.00421 0.00006 0.00092 65 0.00353 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00111 0.61012 118.383 0.54295 0.86313
eutH; ethanolamine transporter 0.00381 0.00091 0.00582 0.00023 0.00189 65 0.00240 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00205 1.66544 85.961 0.09947 0.76942
ugl; unsaturated chondroitin disaccharide hydrolase [EC:] 0.00381 0.00072 0.00391 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00373 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00150 0.12071 122.841 0.90412 0.97658
pgaA; biofilm PGA synthesis protein PgaA 0.00380 0.00064 0.00334 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00413 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00131 -0.60182 139.528 0.54827 0.86565
narQ; two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite sensor histidine kinase NarQ [EC:] 0.00380 0.00061 0.00435 0.00007 0.00100 65 0.00342 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00126 0.74455 129.116 0.45790 0.83438
chr, crh; catabolite repression HPr-like protein 0.00380 0.00065 0.00345 0.00009 0.00118 65 0.00404 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00139 -0.42622 111.440 0.67077 0.91184
spoVS; stage V sporulation protein S 0.00379 0.00067 0.00316 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00424 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00138 -0.78385 130.078 0.43455 0.82874
lldR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, L-lactate dehydrogenase operon regulator 0.00379 0.00064 0.00339 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00407 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00130 -0.51956 140.832 0.60419 0.88434
yqhD; NADP-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.-.-] 0.00379 0.00053 0.00354 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00396 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00105 -0.40072 145.584 0.68921 0.91567
comK; competence protein ComK 0.00379 0.00084 0.00201 0.00004 0.00082 65 0.00503 0.00016 0.00129 93 0.00153 -1.97635 146.535 0.04999 0.67826
hutF; formimidoylglutamate deiminase [EC:] 0.00379 0.00060 0.00340 0.00004 0.00082 65 0.00406 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00118 -0.55572 152.443 0.57922 0.87546
lldP, lctP; L-lactate permease 0.00378 0.00064 0.00337 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00407 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00130 -0.54363 140.630 0.58756 0.87732
K08988; putative membrane protein 0.00378 0.00055 0.00312 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00424 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00106 -1.06599 155.198 0.28808 0.77376
ddc; L-2,4-diaminobutyrate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00377 0.00058 0.00321 0.00003 0.00073 65 0.00417 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00112 -0.85101 155.897 0.39607 0.80459
mshB; N-acetyl-1-D-myo-inositol-2-amino-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside deacetylase [EC:] 0.00377 0.00066 0.00372 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00380 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00134 -0.06509 139.595 0.94820 0.98747
mdcR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, malonate utilization transcriptional regulator 0.00377 0.00063 0.00399 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00361 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00128 0.29897 140.153 0.76541 0.93900
bla2, blm, ccrA, blaB; metallo-beta-lactamase class B [EC:] 0.00375 0.00065 0.00334 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00404 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00133 -0.52573 131.633 0.59996 0.88240
mtr; mycothione reductase [EC:] 0.00375 0.00061 0.00360 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00385 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00126 -0.19818 126.855 0.84322 0.95519
fcs; feruloyl-CoA synthase [EC:] 0.00375 0.00074 0.00184 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00509 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00131 -2.47729 130.989 0.01451 0.59095
wbbL; N-acetylglucosaminyl-diphospho-decaprenol L-rhamnosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00374 0.00063 0.00387 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00365 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00130 0.16388 132.700 0.87007 0.96495
lytT, lytR; two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator LytT 0.00374 0.00063 0.00323 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00409 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00126 -0.68104 142.393 0.49695 0.84797
K09925; uncharacterized protein 0.00374 0.00060 0.00353 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00388 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00124 -0.28096 134.794 0.77918 0.94269
E1.1.1.306; S-(hydroxymethyl)mycothiol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00374 0.00061 0.00359 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00384 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00128 -0.18883 126.740 0.85053 0.95754
coxM, cutM; aerobic carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase medium subunit [EC:] 0.00374 0.00088 0.00241 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00467 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00158 -1.42664 138.900 0.15593 0.77376
PTS-Gfr-EIIC, gfrC; PTS system, fructoselysine/glucoselysine-specific IIC component 0.00373 0.00079 0.00513 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00276 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00177 1.34450 87.063 0.18228 0.77376
mdcH; malonate decarboxylase epsilon subunit [EC:] 0.00373 0.00063 0.00397 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00356 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00128 0.32432 140.176 0.74618 0.93202
acuC; acetoin utilization protein AcuC 0.00373 0.00063 0.00190 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00501 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00115 -2.70397 149.439 0.00765 0.54764
fnbA; fibronectin-binding protein A 0.00372 0.00097 0.00363 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00379 0.00021 0.00151 93 0.00180 -0.08676 148.116 0.93098 0.98280
nrfD; protein NrfD 0.00372 0.00060 0.00393 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00357 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00123 0.28966 135.675 0.77252 0.94131
kduD; 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00372 0.00058 0.00287 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00431 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00117 -1.22630 137.020 0.22219 0.77376
mtiP; 5’-methylthioinosine phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00372 0.00064 0.00418 0.00008 0.00110 65 0.00340 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00134 0.58238 121.663 0.56139 0.86813
E3.2.1.86A, celF; 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase [EC:] 0.00371 0.00069 0.00382 0.00014 0.00147 65 0.00363 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00157 0.11872 83.023 0.90578 0.97664
cpxA; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CpxA [EC:] 0.00371 0.00060 0.00439 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00324 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00125 0.91747 126.029 0.36065 0.79496
lhgO; L-2-hydroxyglutarate oxidase [EC:1.1.3.-] 0.00370 0.00086 0.00336 0.00010 0.00123 65 0.00394 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00171 -0.33773 149.103 0.73604 0.92721
gbuA; guanidinobutyrase [EC:] 0.00370 0.00061 0.00415 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00338 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00126 0.60478 132.035 0.54637 0.86444
blt; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00370 0.00083 0.00435 0.00012 0.00135 65 0.00324 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00172 0.64397 132.417 0.52071 0.85579
rtcR; transcriptional regulatory protein RtcR 0.00369 0.00062 0.00337 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00391 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00123 -0.43958 151.034 0.66087 0.90968
PHO; acid phosphatase [EC:] 0.00369 0.00066 0.00325 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00399 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00133 -0.54978 140.745 0.58334 0.87720
ychN; uncharacterized protein involved in oxidation of intracellular sulfur 0.00369 0.00059 0.00434 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00323 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00123 0.90808 128.745 0.36553 0.79587
hpxA; allantoin racemase [EC:] 0.00368 0.00063 0.00294 0.00004 0.00074 65 0.00419 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00120 -1.04067 155.537 0.29965 0.77376
iga; IgA-specific serine endopeptidase [EC:] 0.00368 0.00066 0.00425 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00327 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00139 0.70396 118.751 0.48284 0.84354
K07069; uncharacterized protein 0.00367 0.00085 0.00582 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.00217 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00192 1.90645 82.342 0.06008 0.73001
PTS-MalGlc-EIIC, malX; PTS system, maltose/glucose-specific IIC component 0.00367 0.00049 0.00435 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00319 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00107 1.08639 104.638 0.27980 0.77376
allC; allantoate deiminase [EC:] 0.00366 0.00076 0.00248 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00449 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00141 -1.42313 150.769 0.15676 0.77376
adaB; methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00366 0.00086 0.00369 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00364 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00169 0.03228 151.116 0.97429 0.99546
RIOK1; RIO kinase 1 [EC:] 0.00366 0.00057 0.00421 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00327 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00119 0.78183 118.974 0.43587 0.83006
ugpC; sn-glycerol 3-phosphate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00366 0.00058 0.00182 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00494 0.00007 0.00090 93 0.00102 -3.07422 135.754 0.00255 0.46257
K09900; uncharacterized protein 0.00365 0.00061 0.00420 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00326 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00126 0.74626 128.503 0.45688 0.83438
rmf; ribosome modulation factor 0.00365 0.00057 0.00452 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00303 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00121 1.23546 114.818 0.21918 0.77376
kal; 3-aminobutyryl-CoA ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.00364 0.00081 0.00554 0.00018 0.00169 65 0.00232 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00182 1.76665 85.846 0.08084 0.75920
mdoB; phosphoglycerol transferase [EC:] 0.00364 0.00063 0.00346 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00377 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00131 -0.23649 127.423 0.81344 0.95343
flbD; flagellar protein FlbD 0.00364 0.00063 0.00339 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00382 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00133 -0.32442 123.760 0.74617 0.93202
cbiGH-cobJ; cobalt-precorrin 5A hydrolase / precorrin-3B C17-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00364 0.00062 0.00390 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00346 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00127 0.35097 137.564 0.72615 0.92177
prr; aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00363 0.00069 0.00318 0.00005 0.00084 65 0.00394 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00132 -0.57733 155.996 0.56455 0.86975
xylG; D-xylose transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00362 0.00051 0.00268 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00428 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00094 -1.70786 149.245 0.08974 0.76567
HMOX1; heme oxygenase 1 [EC:] 0.00362 0.00065 0.00400 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00335 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00140 0.46892 109.549 0.64006 0.89931
citXG; holo-ACP synthase / triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthase [EC:] 0.00362 0.00096 0.00454 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.00297 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00210 0.74457 101.221 0.45826 0.83438
benD-xylL; dihydroxycyclohexadiene carboxylate dehydrogenase [EC: 1.3.1.-] 0.00361 0.00056 0.00409 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00328 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00118 0.68783 117.432 0.49292 0.84797
agrB; accessory gene regulator B 0.00361 0.00076 0.00363 0.00011 0.00130 65 0.00360 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00160 0.01899 123.745 0.98488 0.99718
algF; alginate O-acetyltransferase complex protein AlgF 0.00361 0.00061 0.00418 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00321 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00127 0.76097 127.558 0.44808 0.83372
nanK; N-acylmannosamine kinase [EC:] 0.00361 0.00060 0.00384 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00345 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00122 0.31962 135.937 0.74975 0.93430
mlc; transcriptional regulator of PTS gene 0.00361 0.00059 0.00425 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00316 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00122 0.89577 129.529 0.37204 0.79738
E1.6.99.3; NADH dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00360 0.00053 0.00201 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00472 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00096 -2.83707 144.572 0.00521 0.54022
rfbG; CDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.00360 0.00055 0.00394 0.00009 0.00114 65 0.00336 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00125 0.46564 88.749 0.64261 0.90098
alg8; mannuronan synthase [EC:] 0.00359 0.00061 0.00414 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00321 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00127 0.72889 127.817 0.46740 0.83837
algX; alginate biosynthesis protein AlgX 0.00359 0.00061 0.00414 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00321 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00127 0.72889 127.817 0.46740 0.83837
alg44; mannuronan synthase [EC:] 0.00359 0.00061 0.00414 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00321 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00127 0.73237 127.841 0.46528 0.83786
algE; alginate production protein 0.00359 0.00061 0.00414 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00321 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00127 0.73237 127.841 0.46528 0.83786
algK; alginate biosynthesis protein AlgK 0.00359 0.00061 0.00414 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00321 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00127 0.73237 127.841 0.46528 0.83786
chnB; cyclohexanone monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00359 0.00084 0.00199 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00471 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00146 -1.86560 109.010 0.06479 0.73334
hddA; D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose-7-phosphate kinase [EC:] 0.00356 0.00090 0.00487 0.00026 0.00202 65 0.00265 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00211 1.05037 75.666 0.29689 0.77376
pcaQ; LysR family transcriptional regulator, pca operon transcriptional activator 0.00356 0.00058 0.00408 0.00007 0.00100 65 0.00319 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00122 0.73654 120.627 0.46283 0.83654
aauR; two-component system, response regulator AauR 0.00355 0.00061 0.00404 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00320 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00125 0.67795 130.791 0.49900 0.84856
aauS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase AauS [EC:] 0.00355 0.00061 0.00404 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00320 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00125 0.67795 130.791 0.49900 0.84856
wbpL; Fuc2NAc and GlcNAc transferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00354 0.00064 0.00409 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00316 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00132 0.70827 132.035 0.48003 0.84324
benC-xylZ; benzoate/toluate 1,2-dioxygenase reductase component [EC:1.18.1.-] 0.00354 0.00056 0.00398 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00323 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00119 0.63137 115.945 0.52904 0.86094
ACADL; long-chain-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00353 0.00071 0.00263 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00416 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00131 -1.17014 147.193 0.24384 0.77376
E3.5.1.49; formamidase [EC:] 0.00352 0.00068 0.00246 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00427 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00128 -1.41439 155.923 0.15924 0.77376
OGG1; N-glycosylase/DNA lyase [EC:3.2.2.-] 0.00352 0.00062 0.00421 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00304 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00138 0.85475 94.454 0.39485 0.80459
benB-xylY; benzoate/toluate 1,2-dioxygenase subunit beta [EC: 1.14.12.-] 0.00352 0.00057 0.00396 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00322 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00120 0.61459 117.032 0.54002 0.86207
dcyD; D-cysteine desulfhydrase [EC:] 0.00352 0.00053 0.00338 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00361 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00108 -0.21906 142.771 0.82691 0.95506
pgaD; biofilm PGA synthesis protein PgaD 0.00351 0.00064 0.00308 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00381 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00131 -0.55656 139.535 0.57872 0.87532
gatZ-kbaZ; D-tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase subunit GatZ/KbaZ 0.00351 0.00061 0.00315 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00376 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00125 -0.49235 137.500 0.62326 0.89159
psuG; pseudouridylate synthase [EC:] 0.00351 0.00049 0.00218 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00444 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00089 -2.53713 146.405 0.01222 0.59095
benA-xylX; benzoate/toluate 1,2-dioxygenase subunit alpha [EC: 1.14.12.-] 0.00351 0.00056 0.00393 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00321 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00120 0.60559 117.359 0.54596 0.86444
mvpA, vapC; tRNA(fMet)-specific endonuclease VapC [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00351 0.00038 0.00313 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00377 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00075 -0.85528 153.274 0.39373 0.80459
E1.14.13.1; salicylate hydroxylase [EC:] 0.00349 0.00084 0.00156 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00484 0.00018 0.00139 93 0.00144 -2.28446 104.965 0.02436 0.59764
cheBR; two-component system, chemotaxis family, CheB/CheR fusion protein [EC:] 0.00348 0.00064 0.00306 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00378 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00128 -0.55641 148.234 0.57877 0.87532
eutA; ethanolamine utilization protein EutA 0.00348 0.00086 0.00546 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.00209 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00192 1.75537 86.626 0.08273 0.76567
ascC, ddhC, rfbH; CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase, E1 [EC:] 0.00348 0.00060 0.00386 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00321 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00132 0.49601 98.735 0.62099 0.89091
imuA; protein ImuA 0.00347 0.00054 0.00211 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00443 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00100 -2.33264 154.182 0.02096 0.59147
eutJ; ethanolamine utilization protein EutJ 0.00347 0.00081 0.00555 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.00202 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00182 1.94572 83.317 0.05506 0.70519
mntA; manganese transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00347 0.00060 0.00329 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00360 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00126 -0.24931 127.359 0.80352 0.94911
bax; Bax protein 0.00347 0.00080 0.00538 0.00019 0.00170 65 0.00213 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00182 1.78787 83.221 0.07744 0.75461
PTS-Gfr-EIIA, gfrA; PTS system, fructoselysine/glucoselysine-specific IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00347 0.00077 0.00495 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00243 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00175 1.43987 84.264 0.15361 0.77376
E2.1.1.104; caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00346 0.00079 0.00539 0.00018 0.00166 65 0.00211 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00178 1.84752 83.809 0.06820 0.73473
acrR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, multidrug resistance operon repressor 0.00346 0.00060 0.00397 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00310 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00124 0.70295 129.642 0.48335 0.84354
citG; triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthase [EC:] 0.00346 0.00076 0.00551 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00202 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00173 2.01837 80.067 0.04690 0.66255
hofD, hopD; leader peptidase HopD [EC:] 0.00345 0.00059 0.00389 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00315 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00121 0.60970 134.249 0.54309 0.86313
nrfB; cytochrome c-type protein NrfB 0.00345 0.00059 0.00379 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00321 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00121 0.48059 133.598 0.63160 0.89607
nrfE; cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein NrfE 0.00345 0.00059 0.00379 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00321 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00121 0.47702 133.741 0.63413 0.89696
nfrB; bacteriophage N4 adsorption protein B 0.00344 0.00063 0.00327 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00357 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00132 -0.22626 125.735 0.82137 0.95506
pcs; phosphatidylcholine synthase [EC:] 0.00344 0.00049 0.00332 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00353 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00100 -0.21547 134.467 0.82973 0.95506
eutL; ethanolamine utilization protein EutL 0.00344 0.00085 0.00543 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.00204 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00191 1.77138 86.689 0.08001 0.75920
ASAH2; neutral ceramidase [EC:] 0.00343 0.00061 0.00357 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00334 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00127 0.18356 124.143 0.85466 0.95858
ushA; 5’-nucleotidase / UDP-sugar diphosphatase [EC:] 0.00343 0.00057 0.00389 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00311 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00117 0.67145 136.317 0.50307 0.84956
ydiY; putative salt-induced outer membrane protein 0.00343 0.00061 0.00317 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00362 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00127 -0.35442 129.341 0.72360 0.92162
impM; type VI secretion system protein ImpM 0.00343 0.00061 0.00297 0.00003 0.00073 65 0.00374 0.00008 0.00090 93 0.00116 -0.66579 155.868 0.50653 0.84956
yhhL; putative membrane protein 0.00342 0.00052 0.00434 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00278 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00111 1.40172 113.046 0.16374 0.77376
AGA, aspG; N4-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase [EC:] 0.00342 0.00061 0.00316 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00360 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00126 -0.35270 127.926 0.72489 0.92177
rhaM; L-rhamnose mutarotase [EC:] 0.00342 0.00048 0.00226 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00423 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00088 -2.24415 151.729 0.02627 0.60721
spoVAD; stage V sporulation protein AD 0.00341 0.00070 0.00144 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00479 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00124 -2.71465 132.088 0.00752 0.54764
spoVAC; stage V sporulation protein AC 0.00341 0.00069 0.00142 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00480 0.00011 0.00109 93 0.00123 -2.75891 132.757 0.00662 0.54612
K09959; uncharacterized protein 0.00341 0.00058 0.00149 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00475 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00100 -3.25760 126.063 0.00144 0.46257
K09799; uncharacterized protein 0.00341 0.00058 0.00252 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00403 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00106 -1.42118 150.035 0.15734 0.77376
ulaR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, ulaG and ulaABCDEF operon transcriptional repressor 0.00340 0.00057 0.00354 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00330 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00115 0.21273 142.456 0.83184 0.95506
osmE; osmotically inducible lipoprotein OsmE 0.00339 0.00053 0.00428 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00277 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00112 1.34017 113.969 0.18286 0.77376
dhaA; haloalkane dehalogenase [EC:] 0.00339 0.00062 0.00313 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00357 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00128 -0.34263 132.345 0.73242 0.92598
murEF; murE/murF fusion protein [EC:] 0.00338 0.00097 0.00408 0.00024 0.00192 65 0.00289 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00215 0.55522 95.718 0.58004 0.87573
eutQ; ethanolamine utilization protein EutQ 0.00338 0.00085 0.00557 0.00021 0.00179 65 0.00184 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00191 1.94957 82.553 0.05462 0.70353
kdd; L-erythro-3,5-diaminohexanoate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00337 0.00078 0.00526 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00205 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00177 1.81288 82.510 0.07349 0.74128
E3.2.1.89; arabinogalactan endo-1,4-beta-galactosidase [EC:] 0.00337 0.00053 0.00232 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00410 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00096 -1.84569 137.635 0.06709 0.73334
ulaD, sgaH, sgbH; 3-dehydro-L-gulonate-6-phosphate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00336 0.00056 0.00380 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00306 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00113 0.64562 138.609 0.51959 0.85478
paaE; ring-1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase subunit PaaE 0.00336 0.00041 0.00324 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00345 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00081 -0.25496 153.372 0.79909 0.94840
atuC; geranyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit [EC:] 0.00336 0.00053 0.00277 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00378 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00103 -0.97908 153.770 0.32908 0.77446
ptrA; protease III [EC:] 0.00336 0.00057 0.00379 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00306 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00117 0.62458 136.199 0.53329 0.86207
parR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ParR 0.00336 0.00064 0.00292 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00367 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00131 -0.57443 138.954 0.56660 0.87051
parS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor kinase ParS [EC:] 0.00336 0.00064 0.00292 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00367 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00131 -0.57443 138.954 0.56660 0.87051
ACE, CD143; peptidyl-dipeptidase A [EC:] 0.00336 0.00063 0.00294 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00365 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00129 -0.54838 134.266 0.58434 0.87720
E5.1.99.4, AMACR, mcr; alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase [EC:] 0.00335 0.00071 0.00172 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00449 0.00012 0.00116 93 0.00124 -2.22657 118.648 0.02786 0.61334
K09779; uncharacterized protein 0.00335 0.00064 0.00228 0.00004 0.00083 65 0.00410 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00123 -1.47137 154.997 0.14322 0.77376
citX; holo-ACP synthase [EC:] 0.00334 0.00076 0.00543 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00188 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00173 2.05500 79.456 0.04316 0.65559
K07276; uncharacterized protein 0.00334 0.00061 0.00305 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00354 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00124 -0.39464 135.709 0.69373 0.91691
kce; 3-keto-5-aminohexanoate cleavage enzyme [EC:] 0.00334 0.00078 0.00521 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00203 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00177 1.79903 82.475 0.07567 0.74536
apgM; 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase [EC:] 0.00334 0.00056 0.00320 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00343 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00118 -0.19077 116.869 0.84904 0.95712
K09984; uncharacterized protein 0.00333 0.00049 0.00347 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00323 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00105 0.22657 118.065 0.82115 0.95506
virB1; type IV secretion system protein VirB1 0.00333 0.00066 0.00331 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00334 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00140 -0.02460 117.478 0.98041 0.99657
kamD; beta-lysine 5,6-aminomutase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00333 0.00078 0.00522 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00201 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00177 1.81790 82.275 0.07272 0.74128
kamE; beta-lysine 5,6-aminomutase beta subunit [EC:] 0.00333 0.00078 0.00522 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00201 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00177 1.81790 82.275 0.07272 0.74128
E4.1.1.15, gadB, gadA, GAD; glutamate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00333 0.00071 0.00319 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00343 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00150 -0.16112 118.885 0.87227 0.96576
mdfA, cmr; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug/chloramphenicol efflux transport protein 0.00333 0.00046 0.00347 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00323 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00092 0.26410 148.263 0.79207 0.94731
prtC; serralysin [EC:] 0.00332 0.00078 0.00227 0.00004 0.00083 65 0.00406 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00145 -1.22940 151.482 0.22083 0.77376
PTS-Fru-EIIB, fruA; PTS system, fructose-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.00332 0.00074 0.00450 0.00017 0.00164 65 0.00250 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00172 1.15817 77.677 0.25034 0.77376
oapA; opacity associated protein 0.00332 0.00059 0.00373 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00304 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00121 0.57144 133.149 0.56867 0.87135
STE24; STE24 endopeptidase [EC:] 0.00332 0.00056 0.00296 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00358 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00106 -0.58116 155.998 0.56197 0.86813
nrtB, nasE, cynB; nitrate/nitrite transport system permease protein 0.00332 0.00049 0.00301 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00353 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00097 -0.53759 150.881 0.59165 0.87896
nrtC, nasD; nitrate/nitrite transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00332 0.00049 0.00301 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00353 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00097 -0.53759 150.881 0.59165 0.87896
mhpD; 2-keto-4-pentenoate hydratase [EC:] 0.00332 0.00052 0.00214 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00414 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00096 -2.09173 147.390 0.03818 0.63091
E4.1.3.25; (S)-citramalyl-CoA lyase [EC:] 0.00331 0.00061 0.00350 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00318 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00124 0.25820 139.386 0.79663 0.94795
ftrA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator FtrA 0.00331 0.00064 0.00305 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00349 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00130 -0.34071 139.193 0.73384 0.92692
E2.7.7.65; diguanylate cyclase [EC:] 0.00331 0.00061 0.00315 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00341 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00125 -0.20695 135.654 0.83636 0.95506
K06888; uncharacterized protein 0.00331 0.00046 0.00213 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00413 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00085 -2.35544 149.547 0.01980 0.59095
K06986; uncharacterized protein 0.00330 0.00050 0.00365 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00306 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00105 0.55395 118.368 0.58066 0.87573
mntB; manganese transport system permease protein 0.00329 0.00059 0.00327 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00331 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00124 -0.02951 125.128 0.97651 0.99595
E3.4.11.-; aminopeptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] 0.00329 0.00079 0.00499 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00210 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00178 1.62198 85.811 0.10848 0.77376
K09983; uncharacterized protein 0.00328 0.00056 0.00190 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00425 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00101 -2.32804 146.236 0.02128 0.59147
soxY; sulfur-oxidizing protein SoxY 0.00328 0.00054 0.00327 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00329 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00108 -0.01932 144.760 0.98461 0.99718
K07337; penicillin-binding protein activator 0.00328 0.00062 0.00237 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00392 0.00008 0.00095 93 0.00114 -1.36043 149.464 0.17574 0.77376
pchB; isochorismate pyruvate lyase [EC:] 0.00328 0.00046 0.00293 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00352 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00091 -0.65032 151.589 0.51647 0.85216
adeB; multidrug efflux pump 0.00328 0.00061 0.00322 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00332 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00124 -0.08055 135.511 0.93592 0.98459
yebQ; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00328 0.00043 0.00213 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00407 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00081 -2.41295 154.240 0.01700 0.59095
atuB; citronellol/citronellal dehydrogenase 0.00327 0.00052 0.00264 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00372 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00100 -1.08387 155.028 0.28010 0.77376
K09770; uncharacterized protein 0.00327 0.00062 0.00271 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00366 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00128 -0.74395 128.123 0.45827 0.83438
cas5d; CRISPR-associated protein Cas5d 0.00326 0.00050 0.00285 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00355 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00098 -0.71788 151.636 0.47394 0.84050
csd2, cas7; CRISPR-associated protein Csd2 0.00326 0.00050 0.00285 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00355 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00098 -0.71788 151.636 0.47394 0.84050
atuD; citronellyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:1.3.99.-] 0.00326 0.00052 0.00272 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00363 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00101 -0.89769 154.336 0.37075 0.79607
wzzE; lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis protein WzzE 0.00325 0.00056 0.00361 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00300 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00114 0.53722 140.203 0.59197 0.87898
K09764; uncharacterized protein 0.00325 0.00062 0.00260 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00370 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00129 -0.85096 123.423 0.39644 0.80459
fliT; flagellar protein FliT 0.00324 0.00060 0.00222 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00396 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00109 -1.59644 144.372 0.11258 0.77376
csd1, cas8c; CRISPR-associated protein Csd1 0.00324 0.00050 0.00285 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00352 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00098 -0.68790 151.159 0.49257 0.84797
nylB; 6-aminohexanoate-oligomer exohydrolase [EC:] 0.00324 0.00063 0.00166 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00435 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00114 -2.36214 140.451 0.01954 0.59095
cgeB; spore maturation protein CgeB 0.00324 0.00058 0.00309 0.00007 0.00100 65 0.00335 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00123 -0.21122 122.135 0.83307 0.95506
pvdE; putative pyoverdin transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.00323 0.00073 0.00286 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00350 0.00011 0.00108 93 0.00139 -0.45743 155.926 0.64800 0.90350
aas; acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]-phospholipid O-acyltransferase / long-chain-fatty-acid–[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase [EC:] 0.00322 0.00044 0.00426 0.00004 0.00082 65 0.00250 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00094 1.87958 104.114 0.06296 0.73012
yqgT; g-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelate peptidase [EC:] 0.00322 0.00063 0.00304 0.00009 0.00114 65 0.00335 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00135 -0.22520 111.620 0.82223 0.95506
chrR; putative transcriptional regulator 0.00322 0.00061 0.00277 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00353 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00124 -0.60939 136.549 0.54328 0.86313
E3.1.11.5; exodeoxyribonuclease V [EC:] 0.00321 0.00044 0.00214 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00396 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00080 -2.26331 145.429 0.02510 0.59941
K09749; uncharacterized protein 0.00321 0.00065 0.00305 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00332 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00133 -0.20060 135.763 0.84131 0.95506
rssB, hnr; two-component system, response regulator 0.00321 0.00060 0.00315 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00325 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00124 -0.07635 131.664 0.93926 0.98518
pgpC; phosphatidylglycerophosphatase C [EC:] 0.00321 0.00060 0.00309 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00328 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00123 -0.15454 133.315 0.87742 0.96737
lpp; murein lipoprotein 0.00320 0.00061 0.00316 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00323 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00125 -0.05571 135.555 0.95566 0.98792
arnE; undecaprenyl phosphate-alpha-L-ara4N flippase subunit ArnE 0.00320 0.00051 0.00250 0.00003 0.00062 65 0.00369 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00098 -1.21225 155.974 0.22725 0.77376
deoR; deoxyribonucleoside regulator 0.00320 0.00073 0.00388 0.00015 0.00153 65 0.00272 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00165 0.70057 85.711 0.48547 0.84459
K09712; uncharacterized protein 0.00320 0.00038 0.00334 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00309 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00075 0.33077 153.744 0.74127 0.93032
K09766; uncharacterized protein 0.00319 0.00078 0.00291 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00339 0.00010 0.00105 93 0.00155 -0.31279 146.063 0.75488 0.93665
yscN, sctN, hrcN, ssaN; ATP synthase in type III secretion protein N [EC:] 0.00319 0.00072 0.00246 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00370 0.00010 0.00104 93 0.00140 -0.88631 155.073 0.37682 0.79810
helD; DNA helicase IV [EC:] 0.00319 0.00060 0.00321 0.00006 0.00098 65 0.00318 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00124 0.02021 132.063 0.98391 0.99706
atuF; geranyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00319 0.00052 0.00268 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00355 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00101 -0.85827 153.909 0.39208 0.80459
ssp; subtilase-type serine protease [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00319 0.00062 0.00281 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00346 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00126 -0.51607 139.223 0.60662 0.88555
rsbT; serine/threonine-protein kinase RsbT [EC:] 0.00319 0.00067 0.00278 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00348 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00131 -0.53405 152.913 0.59408 0.88005
adeA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00318 0.00061 0.00307 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00325 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00125 -0.14658 135.435 0.88368 0.96974
mntC; manganese transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00317 0.00059 0.00323 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00313 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00124 0.07912 123.610 0.93707 0.98459
dgoK; 2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactonokinase [EC:] 0.00316 0.00049 0.00171 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00418 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00088 -2.80574 141.333 0.00573 0.54022
doxD; thiosulfate dehydrogenase [quinone] large subunit [EC:] 0.00316 0.00058 0.00168 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00419 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00106 -2.37842 150.868 0.01864 0.59095
K09981; uncharacterized protein 0.00316 0.00061 0.00314 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00317 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00128 -0.02244 124.639 0.98213 0.99680
qoxB; cytochrome aa3-600 menaquinol oxidase subunit I [EC:] 0.00315 0.00076 0.00172 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00415 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00140 -1.73980 149.464 0.08395 0.76567
K08976; putative membrane protein 0.00315 0.00060 0.00159 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00423 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00110 -2.39849 149.536 0.01770 0.59095
gerM; germination protein M 0.00315 0.00060 0.00281 0.00009 0.00115 65 0.00338 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00131 -0.43266 101.518 0.66618 0.91126
degS; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase DegS [EC:] 0.00314 0.00063 0.00262 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00350 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00129 -0.68281 130.317 0.49594 0.84797
E2.4.2.6; nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00314 0.00087 0.00389 0.00018 0.00168 65 0.00261 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00190 0.67169 99.255 0.50334 0.84956
spo0M; sporulation-control protein 0.00313 0.00064 0.00196 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00395 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00119 -1.67723 150.718 0.09557 0.76609
xylF; D-xylose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00313 0.00052 0.00185 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00403 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00093 -2.33138 141.271 0.02115 0.59147
PCCA, pccA; propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha chain [EC:] 0.00313 0.00052 0.00146 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00430 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00090 -3.14707 122.528 0.00207 0.46257
mdtI; spermidine export protein MdtI 0.00313 0.00060 0.00312 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00313 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00123 -0.01379 131.781 0.98902 0.99801
mdtJ; spermidine export protein MdtJ 0.00313 0.00060 0.00312 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00313 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00123 -0.01379 131.781 0.98902 0.99801
cybC; soluble cytochrome b562 0.00312 0.00055 0.00257 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00351 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00105 -0.88691 155.969 0.37649 0.79810
fliB; lysine-N-methylase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.00312 0.00088 0.00399 0.00023 0.00186 65 0.00252 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00201 0.73019 84.694 0.46729 0.83837
hyuA; N-methylhydantoinase A [EC:] 0.00312 0.00060 0.00217 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00379 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00110 -1.46740 149.798 0.14436 0.77376
nac; LysR family transcriptional regulator, nitrogen assimilation regulatory protein 0.00312 0.00049 0.00225 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00372 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00093 -1.57407 155.904 0.11750 0.77376
rfbN; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00312 0.00060 0.00386 0.00010 0.00124 65 0.00260 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00135 0.92729 88.399 0.35630 0.79399
E6.3.4.6; urea carboxylase [EC:] 0.00312 0.00048 0.00270 0.00003 0.00062 65 0.00341 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00092 -0.76499 154.916 0.44544 0.83300
golT; Au+-exporting ATPase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.00312 0.00062 0.00275 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00338 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00126 -0.50114 138.778 0.61707 0.88903
epsO; pyruvyl transferase EpsO [EC:2.-.-.-] 0.00311 0.00058 0.00361 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00276 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00119 0.71237 128.125 0.47753 0.84209
pbp5, pbp4, pbp3; penicillin-binding protein 0.00311 0.00067 0.00308 0.00014 0.00144 65 0.00314 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00154 -0.03738 81.543 0.97028 0.99343
yfbT, yniC; sugar-phosphatase [EC:] 0.00311 0.00050 0.00285 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00330 0.00004 0.00070 93 0.00098 -0.45645 150.958 0.64872 0.90350
K07488; transposase 0.00310 0.00056 0.00319 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00303 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00117 0.14136 125.215 0.88781 0.97039
citA, tcuC; MFS transporter, MHS family, citrate/tricarballylate:H+ symporter 0.00310 0.00071 0.00249 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00352 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00138 -0.74613 154.962 0.45672 0.83438
nosD; nitrous oxidase accessory protein 0.00309 0.00048 0.00220 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00372 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00088 -1.72145 150.224 0.08723 0.76567
strB; streptomycin 6-kinase [EC:] 0.00309 0.00060 0.00281 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00329 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00123 -0.38723 132.538 0.69920 0.91867
hpaG; 5-oxopent-3-ene-1,2,5-tricarboxylate decarboxylase / 2-hydroxyhepta-2,4-diene-1,7-dioate isomerase [EC: 5.3.3.-] 0.00309 0.00066 0.00232 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00363 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00127 -1.03764 155.936 0.30104 0.77376
paaA; ring-1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase subunit PaaA [EC:] 0.00307 0.00041 0.00257 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00342 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00080 -1.05914 155.150 0.29118 0.77376
sdh; serine 3-dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.00307 0.00061 0.00273 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00331 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00126 -0.45762 129.872 0.64799 0.90350
ykkC; paired small multidrug resistance pump 0.00306 0.00077 0.00218 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00367 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00144 -1.03633 150.091 0.30171 0.77376
dmpA, dap; D-aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.00306 0.00058 0.00153 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00412 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00103 -2.51046 135.004 0.01324 0.59095
ykkD; paired small multidrug resistance pump 0.00306 0.00077 0.00218 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00367 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00144 -1.04231 150.089 0.29895 0.77376
E4.1.99.2; tyrosine phenol-lyase [EC:] 0.00306 0.00077 0.00484 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00181 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00175 1.73211 83.648 0.08694 0.76567
exaA; alcohol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) [EC:] 0.00305 0.00054 0.00383 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00251 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00118 1.11433 96.801 0.26790 0.77376
PTS-Gfr-EIID, gfrD; PTS system, fructoselysine/glucoselysine-specific IID component 0.00305 0.00075 0.00448 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.00205 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00172 1.41561 79.700 0.16079 0.77376
sat, met3; sulfate adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00304 0.00058 0.00204 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00374 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00108 -1.57310 154.428 0.11774 0.77376
K16164; acylpyruvate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00304 0.00057 0.00341 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00278 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00121 0.51531 116.651 0.60731 0.88598
nreC; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator NreC 0.00304 0.00074 0.00370 0.00013 0.00144 65 0.00258 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00163 0.68939 99.266 0.49218 0.84797
mqnA; chorismate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00303 0.00064 0.00307 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00301 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00133 0.04856 129.087 0.96135 0.98960
lcyB, crtL1, crtY; lycopene beta-cyclase [EC:] 0.00303 0.00062 0.00231 0.00005 0.00084 65 0.00354 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00121 -1.01461 152.641 0.31190 0.77376
araR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, arabinose operon transcriptional repressor 0.00303 0.00064 0.00354 0.00010 0.00126 65 0.00268 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00142 0.60939 97.600 0.54368 0.86313
aroG, aroA; 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase / chorismate mutase [EC:] 0.00303 0.00059 0.00156 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00406 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00108 -2.32246 150.584 0.02155 0.59153
sbmA, bacA; peptide/bleomycin uptake transporter 0.00303 0.00048 0.00219 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00362 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00087 -1.64517 140.137 0.10218 0.77376
dgoA; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphogalactonate aldolase [EC:] 0.00303 0.00048 0.00163 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00401 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00085 -2.79889 141.954 0.00584 0.54022
gdh; glucose 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00302 0.00055 0.00215 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00363 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00104 -1.42610 155.994 0.15584 0.77376
norB, norC; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00302 0.00089 0.00208 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00368 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00170 -0.94293 155.916 0.34718 0.78983
cheX; chemotaxis protein CheX 0.00302 0.00060 0.00307 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00299 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00126 0.06681 121.859 0.94684 0.98674
PTR1; pteridine reductase [EC:] 0.00302 0.00060 0.00304 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00301 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00124 0.02568 128.595 0.97955 0.99657
eutM; ethanolamine utilization protein EutM 0.00302 0.00081 0.00517 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.00151 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00184 1.98495 78.607 0.05064 0.68163
TC.OMF; outer membrane factor, OMF family 0.00302 0.00078 0.00492 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00169 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00176 1.84025 81.535 0.06937 0.73522
nikR; CopG family transcriptional regulator, nickel-responsive regulator 0.00302 0.00053 0.00201 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00372 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00095 -1.79996 130.855 0.07417 0.74128
comB; 2-phosphosulfolactate phosphatase [EC:] 0.00301 0.00048 0.00210 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00365 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00091 -1.69733 155.741 0.09163 0.76567
mas; Mce-associated membrane protein 0.00301 0.00148 0.00065 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00466 0.00058 0.00250 93 0.00252 -1.59135 95.088 0.11485 0.77376
golS; MerR family transcriptional regulator, gold-responsive activator of gol and ges genes 0.00301 0.00060 0.00277 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00318 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00123 -0.33846 134.840 0.73554 0.92721
aroKB; shikimate kinase / 3-dehydroquinate synthase [EC:] 0.00301 0.00052 0.00295 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00306 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00110 -0.09853 121.263 0.92168 0.97905
natA; sodium transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00300 0.00061 0.00281 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00314 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00125 -0.27114 135.160 0.78670 0.94461
hyuB; N-methylhydantoinase B [EC:] 0.00300 0.00057 0.00212 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00362 0.00007 0.00086 93 0.00105 -1.43196 152.406 0.15420 0.77376
yxdL; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00300 0.00077 0.00314 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00290 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00158 0.15289 136.474 0.87871 0.96759
natB; sodium transport system permease protein 0.00300 0.00061 0.00281 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00313 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00125 -0.26096 135.204 0.79452 0.94783
mntR; DtxR family transcriptional regulator, manganese transport regulator 0.00299 0.00059 0.00295 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00302 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00123 -0.06044 131.592 0.95190 0.98792
pcrB; putative glycerol-1-phosphate prenyltransferase [EC:2.5.1.-] 0.00299 0.00059 0.00167 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00391 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00108 -2.07206 151.024 0.03996 0.63577
cst2, cas7; CRISPR-associated protein Cst2 0.00299 0.00081 0.00497 0.00018 0.00167 65 0.00160 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00181 1.86380 85.910 0.06577 0.73334
wbqP; O-antigen biosynthesis protein WbqP 0.00298 0.00063 0.00285 0.00008 0.00111 65 0.00308 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00134 -0.16782 117.742 0.86701 0.96327
nos; nitric-oxide synthase, bacterial [EC:] 0.00297 0.00059 0.00152 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00399 0.00007 0.00090 93 0.00108 -2.27708 150.149 0.02419 0.59764
K07097; uncharacterized protein 0.00297 0.00076 0.00492 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.00161 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00172 1.92205 79.899 0.05816 0.71816
K07079; uncharacterized protein 0.00296 0.00077 0.00213 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00354 0.00013 0.00118 93 0.00143 -0.98458 150.640 0.32641 0.77376
eutT; ethanolamine utilization cobalamin adenosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00295 0.00081 0.00505 0.00020 0.00175 65 0.00148 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00184 1.93609 78.642 0.05645 0.70577
yscC, sctC, ssaC; type III secretion protein C 0.00295 0.00073 0.00203 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00358 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00136 -1.13618 153.753 0.25765 0.77376
paaC; ring-1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase subunit PaaC [EC:] 0.00294 0.00040 0.00254 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00322 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00077 -0.88117 154.213 0.37960 0.79852
nifE; nitrogenase molybdenum-cofactor synthesis protein NifE 0.00294 0.00060 0.00320 0.00007 0.00104 65 0.00276 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00126 0.35116 119.641 0.72609 0.92177
prpR; transcriptional regulator, propionate catabolism operon regulatory protein 0.00294 0.00060 0.00271 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00310 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00124 -0.31138 134.797 0.75599 0.93669
algD; GDP-mannose 6-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00294 0.00052 0.00343 0.00006 0.00092 65 0.00260 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00110 0.75699 115.331 0.45060 0.83438
xylH; D-xylose transport system permease protein 0.00294 0.00051 0.00180 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00373 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00091 -2.11559 141.200 0.03613 0.62411
xapB; MFS transporter, NHS family, xanthosine permease 0.00293 0.00040 0.00252 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00322 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00075 -0.93725 154.656 0.35009 0.79120
gerKA; spore germination protein KA 0.00293 0.00076 0.00122 0.00002 0.00062 65 0.00411 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00135 -2.13745 133.334 0.03439 0.62130
paaB; ring-1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase subunit PaaB 0.00292 0.00040 0.00249 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00322 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00077 -0.94286 154.346 0.34723 0.78983
paaD; ring-1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase subunit PaaD 0.00292 0.00040 0.00249 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00322 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00077 -0.94286 154.346 0.34723 0.78983
K02479; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator 0.00292 0.00062 0.00240 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00329 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00125 -0.70817 138.971 0.48003 0.84324
K17213; inositol transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00292 0.00064 0.00172 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00375 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00118 -1.71170 150.863 0.08901 0.76567
spoIIP; stage II sporulation protein P 0.00291 0.00060 0.00143 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00395 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00108 -2.33569 143.277 0.02089 0.59147
sdrC_D_E; serine-aspartate repeat-containing protein C/D/E 0.00291 0.00089 0.00201 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00353 0.00016 0.00131 93 0.00169 -0.89749 155.928 0.37084 0.79607
spoIVCA; site-specific DNA recombinase 0.00291 0.00054 0.00266 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00307 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00112 -0.36830 127.551 0.71326 0.92004
HAAO; 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00290 0.00062 0.00263 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00309 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00125 -0.36925 138.369 0.71250 0.92004
K09795; uncharacterized protein 0.00290 0.00041 0.00241 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00324 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00080 -1.03023 154.270 0.30451 0.77376
E3.1.1.11; pectinesterase [EC:] 0.00290 0.00054 0.00160 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00380 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00093 -2.35821 115.232 0.02005 0.59095
nosY; Cu-processing system permease protein 0.00289 0.00053 0.00189 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00359 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00094 -1.80364 133.315 0.07355 0.74128
adiC; arginine:agmatine antiporter 0.00289 0.00060 0.00260 0.00006 0.00095 65 0.00309 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00123 -0.39033 136.202 0.69690 0.91823
pfeR, pirR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator PfeR 0.00289 0.00054 0.00393 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00216 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00117 1.51172 96.941 0.13386 0.77376
pfeS, pirS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase PfeS [EC:] 0.00289 0.00054 0.00393 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00216 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00117 1.51172 96.941 0.13386 0.77376
LRA3, yfaW; L-rhamnonate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00288 0.00073 0.00443 0.00016 0.00159 65 0.00180 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00168 1.56841 79.026 0.12078 0.77376
arr; rifampin ADP-ribosylating transferase 0.00288 0.00059 0.00282 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00291 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00122 -0.07406 128.956 0.94108 0.98528
GLYK; D-glycerate 3-kinase [EC:] 0.00288 0.00060 0.00274 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00297 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00124 -0.18096 129.165 0.85668 0.95956
yxdM; putative ABC transport system permease protein 0.00287 0.00078 0.00251 0.00007 0.00107 65 0.00312 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00153 -0.40009 152.411 0.68965 0.91567
spoIIAA; stage II sporulation protein AA (anti-sigma F factor antagonist) 0.00286 0.00059 0.00160 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00375 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00108 -2.00129 144.565 0.04723 0.66255
mqnC; cyclic dehypoxanthinyl futalosine synthase [EC:] 0.00286 0.00063 0.00306 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00272 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00131 0.25869 125.976 0.79630 0.94791
ccrM; modification methylase [EC:] 0.00286 0.00042 0.00155 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00378 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00074 -3.03264 123.522 0.00296 0.46257
cynR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, cyn operon transcriptional activator 0.00286 0.00042 0.00203 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00344 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00077 -1.82542 146.622 0.06997 0.73522
kinB; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase KinB [EC:] 0.00286 0.00051 0.00340 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00248 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00108 0.85822 114.906 0.39256 0.80459
K09978; uncharacterized protein 0.00285 0.00045 0.00322 0.00003 0.00072 65 0.00259 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00092 0.68961 132.142 0.49165 0.84797
resE; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase ResE [EC:] 0.00285 0.00059 0.00155 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00375 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00108 -2.03991 150.978 0.04310 0.65559
K06934; uncharacterized protein 0.00284 0.00051 0.00217 0.00004 0.00076 65 0.00332 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00103 -1.12021 145.538 0.26447 0.77376
E1.1.1.219; dihydroflavonol-4-reductase [EC:] 0.00284 0.00045 0.00215 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00332 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00085 -1.37282 154.303 0.17180 0.77376
cas5t; CRISPR-associated protein Cas5t 0.00284 0.00080 0.00461 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00160 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00179 1.68724 86.503 0.09516 0.76609
spoIVB; stage IV sporulation protein B [EC:] 0.00284 0.00059 0.00142 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00383 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00107 -2.25449 143.763 0.02568 0.59941
K09763; uncharacterized protein 0.00284 0.00061 0.00160 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00370 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00111 -1.88697 149.043 0.06111 0.73001
arnT, pmrK; 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose transferase [EC:] 0.00283 0.00071 0.00222 0.00004 0.00082 65 0.00326 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00135 -0.77143 155.015 0.44163 0.83186
PTS-Gfr-EIIB, gfrB; PTS system, fructoselysine/glucoselysine-specific IIB component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00283 0.00074 0.00431 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.00180 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00171 1.46586 79.298 0.14664 0.77376
nosL; copper chaperone NosL 0.00283 0.00047 0.00197 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00343 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00085 -1.71575 145.215 0.08834 0.76567
SERPINB; serpin B 0.00283 0.00040 0.00259 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00299 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00078 -0.52077 154.829 0.60327 0.88434
cst1, cas8a; CRISPR-associated protein Cst1 0.00282 0.00080 0.00461 0.00018 0.00165 65 0.00157 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00179 1.70120 86.527 0.09250 0.76567
K09914; putative lipoprotein 0.00282 0.00044 0.00226 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00321 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00084 -1.13235 155.247 0.25923 0.77376
cbl; LysR family transcriptional regulator, cys regulon transcriptional activator 0.00281 0.00047 0.00231 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00316 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00087 -0.96799 153.402 0.33457 0.78124
srlD; sorbitol-6-phosphate 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00281 0.00052 0.00337 0.00007 0.00101 65 0.00241 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00113 0.84784 98.381 0.39858 0.80621
oqxA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00281 0.00059 0.00289 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00275 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00122 0.11201 130.838 0.91099 0.97664
atuE; isohexenylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 0.00281 0.00050 0.00252 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00301 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00098 -0.49528 154.151 0.62111 0.89091
DCAA; acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:1.3.99.-] 0.00280 0.00070 0.00109 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00400 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00121 -2.39791 110.244 0.01817 0.59095
folX; D-erythro-7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate epimerase [EC:] 0.00280 0.00047 0.00293 0.00004 0.00075 65 0.00271 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00097 0.22544 135.462 0.82198 0.95506
cbiX; sirohydrochlorin cobaltochelatase [EC:] 0.00280 0.00071 0.00159 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00365 0.00011 0.00111 93 0.00128 -1.60866 141.164 0.10993 0.77376
qoxA; cytochrome aa3-600 menaquinol oxidase subunit II [EC:] 0.00280 0.00075 0.00161 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00364 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00139 -1.46358 150.080 0.14540 0.77376
qoxC; cytochrome aa3-600 menaquinol oxidase subunit III [EC:] 0.00280 0.00075 0.00161 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00363 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00139 -1.46251 150.080 0.14569 0.77376
qoxD; cytochrome aa3-600 menaquinol oxidase subunit IV [EC:] 0.00280 0.00075 0.00161 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00363 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00139 -1.46251 150.080 0.14569 0.77376
algG; mannuronan 5-epimerase [EC:] 0.00280 0.00051 0.00341 0.00006 0.00092 65 0.00237 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00109 0.95268 112.647 0.34279 0.78567
zraR, hydG; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator HydG 0.00279 0.00055 0.00180 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00349 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00097 -1.74359 124.750 0.08369 0.76567
acuA; acetoin utilization protein AcuA [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00279 0.00059 0.00145 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00372 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00108 -2.10623 150.678 0.03684 0.62759
oqxB; multidrug efflux pump 0.00278 0.00059 0.00283 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00275 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00122 0.06323 130.766 0.94968 0.98774
rihA; pyrimidine-specific ribonucleoside hydrolase [EC:3.2.-.-] 0.00278 0.00073 0.00344 0.00016 0.00155 65 0.00231 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00167 0.67873 85.442 0.49914 0.84856
yaaH; spore germination protein 0.00277 0.00075 0.00090 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00408 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00133 -2.38872 130.355 0.01834 0.59095
tilS-hprT; bifunctional protein TilS/HprT [EC:] 0.00276 0.00071 0.00380 0.00016 0.00157 65 0.00204 0.00002 0.00052 93 0.00165 1.06454 78.094 0.29036 0.77376
gpr; spore protease [EC:] 0.00276 0.00059 0.00142 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00370 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00107 -2.13241 143.956 0.03467 0.62130
spoIIAB; stage II sporulation protein AB (anti-sigma F factor) [EC:] 0.00276 0.00059 0.00142 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00370 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00107 -2.13241 143.956 0.03467 0.62130
spoIVA; stage IV sporulation protein A 0.00276 0.00059 0.00142 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00370 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00107 -2.13241 143.956 0.03467 0.62130
glgM; alpha-maltose-1-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00276 0.00035 0.00263 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00285 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00068 -0.32362 150.768 0.74668 0.93207
phnM; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate diphosphatase [EC:] 0.00276 0.00048 0.00129 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00378 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00084 -2.97182 130.868 0.00352 0.48387
spoIIIAC; stage III sporulation protein AC 0.00275 0.00059 0.00142 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00369 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00107 -2.12459 143.991 0.03533 0.62411
spoIIIAH; stage III sporulation protein AH 0.00275 0.00059 0.00142 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00369 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00107 -2.12459 143.991 0.03533 0.62411
THI4, THI1; cysteine-dependent adenosine diphosphate thiazole synthase [EC:] 0.00275 0.00051 0.00284 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00268 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00100 0.15552 151.613 0.87661 0.96705
kynB; arylformamidase [EC:] 0.00275 0.00052 0.00114 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00387 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00090 -3.04675 122.006 0.00284 0.46257
spoIIIAG; stage III sporulation protein AG 0.00274 0.00059 0.00142 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00367 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00106 -2.12525 144.540 0.03527 0.62411
spoVT; AbrB family transcriptional regulator, stage V sporulation protein T 0.00274 0.00059 0.00140 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00368 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00107 -2.13794 144.264 0.03421 0.62130
cphA; cyanophycin synthetase [EC:] 0.00274 0.00066 0.00236 0.00004 0.00079 65 0.00301 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00126 -0.51312 155.772 0.60860 0.88654
glcT; transcriptional antiterminator 0.00274 0.00051 0.00166 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00349 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00098 -1.86126 154.962 0.06460 0.73334
yscW, sctW; type III secretion protein W 0.00274 0.00071 0.00225 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00308 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00139 -0.59907 155.026 0.55000 0.86680
rpfF; DSF synthase 0.00274 0.00059 0.00266 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00279 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.10750 131.068 0.91456 0.97664
yscL, sctL; type III secretion protein L 0.00273 0.00071 0.00223 0.00006 0.00092 65 0.00309 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00137 -0.62959 154.845 0.52989 0.86094
fdsD; formate dehydrogenase subunit delta [EC:] 0.00272 0.00042 0.00232 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00301 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00083 -0.83465 150.645 0.40524 0.81189
K09859; uncharacterized protein 0.00272 0.00061 0.00174 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00340 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00111 -1.49765 147.004 0.13637 0.77376
spoIIE; stage II sporulation protein E [EC:] 0.00272 0.00059 0.00136 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00367 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00106 -2.18133 143.880 0.03078 0.61611
rutF; flavin reductase [EC:1.5.1.-] 0.00272 0.00049 0.00219 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00309 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00091 -0.99470 152.258 0.32146 0.77376
hpaE, hpcC; 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00271 0.00046 0.00143 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00361 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00083 -2.63355 142.752 0.00938 0.58112
ich-P; itaconyl-CoA hydratase / mesaconyl-C4 CoA hydratase [EC: 4.2.1.-] 0.00271 0.00054 0.00284 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00262 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00109 0.20591 142.827 0.83715 0.95506
KMO; kynurenine 3-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00271 0.00059 0.00265 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00275 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.08348 131.078 0.93360 0.98428
lytE, cwlF; peptidoglycan DL-endopeptidase LytE [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00270 0.00077 0.00160 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00347 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00142 -1.31962 148.263 0.18899 0.77376
K10120, msmE; fructooligosaccharide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00270 0.00059 0.00397 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00180 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00133 1.62868 81.653 0.10723 0.77376
ydiU; uncharacterized protein 0.00270 0.00043 0.00243 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00288 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00083 -0.54282 155.282 0.58803 0.87732
PSRP4, RPS31; 30S ribosomal protein S31 0.00269 0.00059 0.00257 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00278 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.17727 130.897 0.85957 0.96122
mexI; multidrug efflux pump 0.00269 0.00084 0.00238 0.00009 0.00120 65 0.00291 0.00012 0.00116 93 0.00167 -0.32137 148.874 0.74838 0.93276
capD; UDP-glucose 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.00269 0.00046 0.00183 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00329 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00086 -1.69043 152.279 0.09299 0.76567
SUPV3L1, SUV3; ATP-dependent RNA helicase SUPV3L1/SUV3 [EC:] 0.00269 0.00044 0.00165 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00342 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00084 -2.11617 155.751 0.03592 0.62411
braR, bceR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator protein BraR/BceR 0.00269 0.00058 0.00282 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00259 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00124 0.18913 113.593 0.85033 0.95754
braS, bceS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase BraS/BceS [EC:] 0.00269 0.00058 0.00282 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00259 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00124 0.18913 113.593 0.85033 0.95754
cmlA, cmlB, floR; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, florfenicol/chloramphenicol resistance protein 0.00269 0.00059 0.00259 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00275 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00122 -0.13448 131.328 0.89323 0.97159
pcaT; MFS transporter, MHS family, dicarboxylic acid transporter PcaT 0.00269 0.00059 0.00266 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00270 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00119 -0.03971 147.454 0.96838 0.99264
zapD; cell division protein ZapD 0.00268 0.00042 0.00260 0.00002 0.00062 65 0.00274 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00085 -0.16529 146.679 0.86894 0.96463
ynaI, mscMJ; MscS family membrane protein 0.00268 0.00053 0.00222 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00299 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00099 -0.78582 153.861 0.43318 0.82874
K10121, msmF; fructooligosaccharide transport system permease protein 0.00267 0.00059 0.00397 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00177 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00133 1.65787 81.652 0.10118 0.77376
K10122, msmG; fructooligosaccharide transport system permease protein 0.00267 0.00059 0.00397 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00177 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00133 1.65787 81.652 0.10118 0.77376
qnr, mcbG; fluoroquinolone resistance protein 0.00267 0.00059 0.00272 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00264 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00122 0.06704 130.447 0.94666 0.98674
E3.5.1.81; N-acyl-D-amino-acid deacylase [EC:] 0.00267 0.00040 0.00224 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00296 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00076 -0.95206 155.999 0.34254 0.78567
spoIIR; stage II sporulation protein R 0.00266 0.00057 0.00140 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00354 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00103 -2.07128 146.757 0.04008 0.63577
spoIIID; putative DeoR family transcriptional regulator, stage III sporulation protein D 0.00266 0.00057 0.00138 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00354 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00104 -2.08416 146.636 0.03888 0.63249
yfaE; ferredoxin 0.00265 0.00042 0.00308 0.00004 0.00074 65 0.00235 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00089 0.82036 116.514 0.41369 0.81655
aph3-II; aminoglycoside 3’-phosphotransferase II [EC:] 0.00265 0.00059 0.00240 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00283 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00122 -0.35420 132.108 0.72376 0.92165
E3.6.3.25; sulfate-transporting ATPase [EC:] 0.00265 0.00042 0.00243 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00280 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00082 -0.45711 152.137 0.64824 0.90350
E2.7.1.37; protein kinase [EC:] 0.00265 0.00075 0.00454 0.00017 0.00163 65 0.00133 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00172 1.86879 78.557 0.06538 0.73334
abgB; aminobenzoyl-glutamate utilization protein B 0.00264 0.00043 0.00185 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00320 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00084 -1.60323 155.114 0.11092 0.77376
argF; N-acetylornithine carbamoyltransferase [EC:] 0.00264 0.00059 0.00249 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00274 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.20478 130.923 0.83806 0.95506
leuE; leucine efflux protein 0.00264 0.00043 0.00250 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00273 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00086 -0.27286 146.493 0.78535 0.94445
exoX; exodeoxyribonuclease X [EC:3.1.11.-] 0.00263 0.00043 0.00220 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00293 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00081 -0.90748 154.316 0.36557 0.79587
UGCG; ceramide glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00263 0.00074 0.00453 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00130 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00168 1.91966 78.566 0.05853 0.72139
isdG, isdI; heme oxygenase (staphylobilin-producing) [EC:] 0.00263 0.00075 0.00168 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00329 0.00012 0.00115 93 0.00140 -1.15312 151.430 0.25068 0.77376
yscD, sctD, ssaD; type III secretion protein D 0.00263 0.00070 0.00209 0.00005 0.00092 65 0.00300 0.00010 0.00101 93 0.00137 -0.66633 154.935 0.50619 0.84956
K09964; uncharacterized protein 0.00263 0.00039 0.00262 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00263 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00080 -0.01825 137.457 0.98547 0.99723
hysA, hylA, hylB; hyaluronate lyase [EC:] 0.00263 0.00065 0.00344 0.00014 0.00146 65 0.00206 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00152 0.91543 74.294 0.36293 0.79496
prfH; peptide chain release factor 0.00262 0.00047 0.00307 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00231 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00105 0.72844 90.653 0.46822 0.83837
K06977; uncharacterized protein 0.00262 0.00059 0.00257 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00265 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00122 -0.06951 130.743 0.94469 0.98674
dauA; D-arginine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00261 0.00046 0.00280 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00248 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00097 0.32327 117.090 0.74707 0.93207
vanR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, vanillate catabolism transcriptional regulator 0.00261 0.00044 0.00200 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00304 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00085 -1.23553 154.790 0.21850 0.77376
fha1; type VI secretion system protein 0.00261 0.00071 0.00203 0.00006 0.00092 65 0.00301 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00137 -0.71526 154.981 0.47552 0.84114
yscU, sctU, hrcU, ssaU; type III secretion protein U 0.00260 0.00053 0.00181 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00316 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00099 -1.36880 153.519 0.17306 0.77376
spoVAF; stage V sporulation protein AF 0.00260 0.00058 0.00099 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00373 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00105 -2.61769 139.618 0.00983 0.58169
gcrA; GcrA cell cycle regulator 0.00259 0.00054 0.00118 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00358 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00093 -2.58786 113.031 0.01092 0.58284
arnC, pmrF; undecaprenyl-phosphate 4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose transferase [EC:] 0.00259 0.00049 0.00234 0.00003 0.00062 65 0.00276 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00094 -0.44694 155.474 0.65554 0.90679
mccB; cystathionine gamma-lyase / homocysteine desulfhydrase [EC:] 0.00259 0.00051 0.00169 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00322 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00098 -1.56426 154.148 0.11981 0.77376
nicA; nicotinate dehydrogenase subunit A [EC:] 0.00258 0.00052 0.00238 0.00003 0.00072 65 0.00272 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00102 -0.33796 151.148 0.73586 0.92721
amhX; amidohydrolase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.00257 0.00093 0.00109 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00361 0.00019 0.00145 93 0.00169 -1.49657 143.895 0.13670 0.77376
K06983; uncharacterized protein 0.00257 0.00059 0.00253 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00260 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.05864 130.834 0.95333 0.98792
yusF; toprim domain protein 0.00257 0.00058 0.00142 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00338 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00107 -1.83011 151.453 0.06920 0.73522
abnA; arabinan endo-1,5-alpha-L-arabinosidase [EC:] 0.00257 0.00054 0.00164 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00323 0.00007 0.00088 93 0.00095 -1.66980 121.320 0.09754 0.76673
rpfC; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase RpfC [EC:] 0.00257 0.00059 0.00247 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00264 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.14209 130.608 0.88723 0.97039
K18133, porB; major outer membrane protein P.IB 0.00257 0.00058 0.00284 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00238 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00119 0.38543 133.333 0.70053 0.91953
gfrF; fructoselysine-6-phosphate deglycase 0.00257 0.00073 0.00412 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00149 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00168 1.56493 78.040 0.12164 0.77376
E5.3.4.1; protein disulfide-isomerase [EC:] 0.00257 0.00059 0.00242 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00267 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.20860 131.003 0.83508 0.95506
csb1; CRISPR-associated protein Csb1 0.00256 0.00056 0.00301 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00224 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00118 0.65596 114.869 0.51316 0.85155
csb2; CRISPR-associated protein Csb2 0.00256 0.00056 0.00301 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00224 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00118 0.65596 114.869 0.51316 0.85155
lysAC; bifunctional diaminopimelate decarboxylase / aspartate kinase [EC:] 0.00256 0.00059 0.00249 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00260 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.09585 130.750 0.92379 0.97973
TR1; tropinone reductase I [EC:] 0.00256 0.00059 0.00249 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00260 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.09585 130.750 0.92379 0.97973
parE1_3_4; toxin ParE1/3/4 0.00255 0.00041 0.00170 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00315 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00080 -1.79361 152.460 0.07486 0.74200
tetA; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, tetracycline resistance protein 0.00255 0.00040 0.00140 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00336 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00071 -2.76604 133.162 0.00648 0.54257
gmuG; mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase [EC:] 0.00255 0.00050 0.00161 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00321 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00089 -1.80187 128.056 0.07392 0.74128
wbpA; UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00255 0.00046 0.00207 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00288 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00089 -0.90250 155.021 0.36819 0.79587
rpfG; two-component system, response regulator RpfG 0.00254 0.00059 0.00247 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00260 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.10771 130.659 0.91439 0.97664
E1.6.99.1; NADPH2 dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00254 0.00049 0.00128 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00343 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00088 -2.44127 143.644 0.01585 0.59095
csb3; CRISPR-associated protein Csb3 0.00254 0.00056 0.00298 0.00006 0.00100 65 0.00224 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00119 0.62956 114.785 0.53024 0.86094
divK; two-component system, cell cycle response regulator DivK 0.00254 0.00043 0.00120 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00347 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00076 -2.99823 134.821 0.00323 0.46257
ABC.NGC.P1; N-acetylglucosamine transport system permease protein 0.00253 0.00053 0.00303 0.00008 0.00109 65 0.00219 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00119 0.70318 90.742 0.48375 0.84354
rocR; arginine utilization regulatory protein 0.00252 0.00092 0.00133 0.00005 0.00087 65 0.00335 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00168 -1.19875 144.206 0.23259 0.77376
ndoAI; CopG family transcriptional regulator / antitoxin EndoAI 0.00252 0.00055 0.00146 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00326 0.00006 0.00084 93 0.00103 -1.73951 153.457 0.08395 0.76567
cotJC; spore coat protein JC 0.00251 0.00057 0.00112 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00349 0.00007 0.00089 93 0.00102 -2.32453 138.641 0.02155 0.59153
yojI; multidrug/microcin transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.00250 0.00057 0.00250 0.00005 0.00084 65 0.00251 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00114 -0.00639 146.499 0.99491 0.99942
sspH; small acid-soluble spore protein H (minor) 0.00250 0.00071 0.00048 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00391 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00120 -2.86926 104.313 0.00498 0.54022
E3.2.1.8, xynA; endo-1,4-beta-xylanase [EC:] 0.00250 0.00041 0.00160 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00312 0.00004 0.00061 93 0.00075 -2.02047 152.501 0.04508 0.65981
nfxB; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, mexCD-oprJ operon repressor 0.00249 0.00058 0.00246 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00252 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.05131 130.609 0.95915 0.98903
dpkA, lhpD; delta1-piperideine-2-carboxylate reductase [EC:] 0.00249 0.00050 0.00241 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00255 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00098 -0.14086 153.279 0.88816 0.97039
ecpD; chaperone protein EcpD 0.00249 0.00074 0.00193 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00288 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00132 -0.71657 128.170 0.47495 0.84095
mexG; transmembrane protein 0.00249 0.00058 0.00238 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00256 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.14441 130.459 0.88540 0.97001
ABC.MR.TX; HlyD family secretion protein 0.00248 0.00051 0.00129 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00332 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00092 -2.21106 146.096 0.02859 0.61334
dck; deoxyadenosine/deoxycytidine kinase [EC:] 0.00247 0.00054 0.00150 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00316 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00102 -1.62905 154.427 0.10534 0.77376
dgoD; galactonate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00247 0.00042 0.00153 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00313 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00078 -2.04028 151.844 0.04306 0.65559
cymR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, cysteine metabolism repressor 0.00247 0.00057 0.00141 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00321 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00106 -1.69173 152.070 0.09275 0.76567
K07161; uncharacterized protein 0.00247 0.00057 0.00125 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00332 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00101 -2.03879 130.746 0.04349 0.65903
ycjT; hypothetical glycosyl hydrolase [EC:3.2.1.-] 0.00246 0.00082 0.00356 0.00022 0.00183 65 0.00170 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00191 0.97356 75.771 0.33337 0.77957
kpsC, lipA; capsular polysaccharide export protein 0.00246 0.00044 0.00263 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00235 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00087 0.32584 149.032 0.74500 0.93176
aph, spcN; spectinomycin phosphotransferase 0.00246 0.00058 0.00238 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00252 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.10929 130.483 0.91314 0.97664
K09190; uncharacterized protein 0.00246 0.00045 0.00224 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00261 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00088 -0.42392 154.180 0.67222 0.91184
malE; maltose/maltodextrin transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00246 0.00048 0.00186 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00288 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00093 -1.09913 153.280 0.27343 0.77376
smeA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00246 0.00058 0.00238 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00251 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.10489 130.486 0.91662 0.97681
smeB; multidrug efflux pump 0.00246 0.00058 0.00238 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00251 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.10489 130.486 0.91662 0.97681
smeC; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00246 0.00058 0.00238 0.00006 0.00096 65 0.00251 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00121 -0.10489 130.486 0.91662 0.97681
nreB; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase NreB [EC:] 0.00246 0.00061 0.00257 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00238 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00127 0.14585 123.682 0.88427 0.96974
ycbA, glnK; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase YcbA [EC:] 0.00245 0.00060 0.00272 0.00008 0.00108 65 0.00226 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00129 0.35970 115.730 0.71973 0.92108
CNP; 2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00245 0.00074 0.00427 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00118 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00169 1.82917 78.439 0.07117 0.73920
mug; double-stranded uracil-DNA glycosylase [EC:] 0.00245 0.00041 0.00147 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00313 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00074 -2.23068 147.800 0.02721 0.61334
K15533; 1,3-beta-galactosyl-N-acetylhexosamine phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00245 0.00053 0.00285 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00217 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00116 0.58835 101.248 0.55761 0.86813
glpS; glycerol transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00244 0.00044 0.00161 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00302 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00081 -1.73285 153.135 0.08513 0.76567
hemX; HemX protein 0.00244 0.00057 0.00135 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00320 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00106 -1.74987 151.796 0.08216 0.76567
K17325, glpT; glycerol transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00244 0.00044 0.00161 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00302 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00081 -1.73667 153.136 0.08446 0.76567
paaZ; oxepin-CoA hydrolase / 3-oxo-5,6-dehydrosuberyl-CoA semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00244 0.00038 0.00228 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00255 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00074 -0.35192 155.212 0.72538 0.92177
RETSAT; all-trans-retinol 13,14-reductase [EC:] 0.00244 0.00051 0.00165 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00298 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00090 -1.48301 123.154 0.14063 0.77376
glcG; glc operon protein GlcG 0.00243 0.00044 0.00327 0.00005 0.00085 65 0.00185 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00096 1.47576 97.151 0.14324 0.77376
alc, ALLC; allantoicase [EC:] 0.00243 0.00044 0.00148 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00309 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00081 -1.97896 148.452 0.04967 0.67522
glpQ; glycerol transport system permease protein 0.00243 0.00043 0.00161 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00300 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00081 -1.71352 153.258 0.08864 0.76567
glpV; glycerol transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00243 0.00043 0.00161 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00300 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00081 -1.71352 153.258 0.08864 0.76567
K17322, glpP; glycerol transport system permease protein 0.00243 0.00043 0.00161 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00300 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00081 -1.71352 153.258 0.08864 0.76567
nosZ; nitrous-oxide reductase [EC:] 0.00242 0.00036 0.00186 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00281 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00067 -1.41377 148.828 0.15952 0.77376
K15383; MtN3 and saliva related transmembrane protein 0.00242 0.00044 0.00251 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00235 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00093 0.16411 117.753 0.86993 0.96495
waaQ, rfaQ; heptosyltransferase III [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00242 0.00036 0.00255 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00233 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00074 0.29668 125.067 0.76721 0.93900
hndD; NADP-reducing hydrogenase subunit HndD [EC:] 0.00241 0.00055 0.00266 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00224 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00119 0.35616 106.508 0.72243 0.92156
pafC; proteasome accessory factor C 0.00241 0.00033 0.00228 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00251 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00065 -0.36087 149.337 0.71870 0.92092
nfsA; nitroreductase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00241 0.00042 0.00271 0.00004 0.00074 65 0.00221 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00089 0.56815 115.754 0.57103 0.87172
fwdE, fmdE; formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit E [EC:] 0.00241 0.00073 0.00415 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00119 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00168 1.76483 77.701 0.08152 0.76350
yscT, sctT, hrcT, ssaT; type III secretion protein T 0.00241 0.00049 0.00177 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00286 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00094 -1.16694 155.734 0.24502 0.77376
mhpT; MFS transporter, AAHS family, 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid transporter 0.00241 0.00041 0.00225 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00252 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00082 -0.33741 147.841 0.73628 0.92721
sauS; sulfoacetaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00241 0.00073 0.00419 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00116 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00168 1.79801 77.773 0.07606 0.74696
spoIIIAE; stage III sporulation protein AE 0.00240 0.00051 0.00121 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00323 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00094 -2.15580 148.703 0.03271 0.62130
TC.DME; drug/metabolite transporter, DME family 0.00240 0.00047 0.00191 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00274 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00088 -0.94191 153.723 0.34772 0.79069
yqfD; similar to stage IV sporulation protein 0.00240 0.00051 0.00121 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00323 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00094 -2.14211 148.318 0.03382 0.62130
yscR, sctR, hrcR, ssaR; type III secretion protein R 0.00240 0.00049 0.00175 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00285 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00094 -1.18287 155.745 0.23866 0.77376
dgk; deoxyguanosine kinase [EC:] 0.00239 0.00054 0.00148 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00303 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00102 -1.52364 154.441 0.12964 0.77376
yscV, sctV, hrcV, ssaV, invA; type III secretion protein V 0.00239 0.00049 0.00173 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00285 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00094 -1.18928 155.759 0.23614 0.77376
pct; propionate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.00238 0.00038 0.00201 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00264 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00075 -0.84216 146.316 0.40107 0.80823
yscS, sctS, hrcS, ssaS; type III secretion protein S 0.00238 0.00049 0.00175 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00281 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00094 -1.13284 155.692 0.25902 0.77376
yhhY; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00237 0.00043 0.00208 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00257 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00086 -0.57283 144.884 0.56765 0.87063
E1.1.1.122; D-threo-aldose 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00237 0.00040 0.00149 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00298 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00076 -1.95802 155.726 0.05201 0.68802
K07077; uncharacterized protein 0.00236 0.00044 0.00124 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00314 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00079 -2.38501 140.074 0.01842 0.59095
gfrE; glucoselysine-6-phosphate deglycase 0.00236 0.00073 0.00407 0.00017 0.00160 65 0.00116 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00168 1.73734 77.742 0.08629 0.76567
K15024; putative phosphotransacetylase [EC:] 0.00236 0.00067 0.00138 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00304 0.00010 0.00106 93 0.00122 -1.36411 140.768 0.17471 0.77376
trpGD; anthranilate synthase/phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00235 0.00039 0.00237 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00234 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00075 0.03747 155.709 0.97016 0.99343
catA; chloramphenicol O-acetyltransferase type A [EC:] 0.00235 0.00057 0.00129 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00309 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00100 -1.80059 119.553 0.07429 0.74128
atuH; citronellyl-CoA synthetase [EC:6.2.1.-] 0.00234 0.00042 0.00177 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00273 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00079 -1.21248 154.692 0.22718 0.77376
kguK; dehydrogluconokinase [EC:] 0.00234 0.00050 0.00235 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00232 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00097 0.02721 153.102 0.97833 0.99657
MuB; ATP-dependent target DNA activator [EC:] 0.00234 0.00052 0.00197 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00259 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00094 -0.66330 135.836 0.50826 0.84956
oadG; oxaloacetate decarboxylase, gamma subunit [EC:] 0.00233 0.00048 0.00195 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00260 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00096 -0.67287 147.528 0.50208 0.84942
cotJB; spore coat protein JB 0.00233 0.00052 0.00109 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00320 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00094 -2.25289 145.908 0.02576 0.59941
hemAT; heam-based aerotactic trancducer 0.00233 0.00120 0.00134 0.00009 0.00117 65 0.00303 0.00032 0.00187 93 0.00220 -0.76639 146.247 0.44468 0.83271
sfa2; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator 0.00232 0.00046 0.00253 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00217 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00095 0.37592 126.113 0.70761 0.92004
yidH; putative membrane protein 0.00232 0.00046 0.00175 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00271 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00083 -1.16846 140.270 0.24460 0.77376
araF; L-arabinose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00231 0.00060 0.00167 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00277 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00113 -0.96989 153.591 0.33363 0.77983
araG; L-arabinose transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00231 0.00060 0.00166 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00277 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00113 -0.98217 153.574 0.32756 0.77376
ermC, ermA; 23S rRNA (adenine-N6)-dimethyltransferase [EC:] 0.00231 0.00038 0.00263 0.00003 0.00071 65 0.00209 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00081 0.65965 105.810 0.51091 0.85070
E1.1.1.43; phosphogluconate 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00231 0.00049 0.00230 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00232 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00096 -0.02461 153.659 0.98040 0.99657
araH; L-arabinose transport system permease protein 0.00231 0.00060 0.00167 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00276 0.00008 0.00091 93 0.00113 -0.96529 153.593 0.33592 0.78225
dhaT; 1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00231 0.00063 0.00277 0.00010 0.00122 65 0.00198 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00139 0.57437 99.925 0.56701 0.87061
csgG; curli production assembly/transport component CsgG 0.00230 0.00039 0.00286 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00192 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00087 1.08313 93.594 0.28153 0.77376
choD; cholesterol oxidase [EC:] 0.00230 0.00094 0.00107 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00316 0.00023 0.00157 93 0.00160 -1.30808 99.990 0.19385 0.77376
K09822; uncharacterized protein 0.00230 0.00047 0.00145 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00289 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00090 -1.60559 155.938 0.11039 0.77376
hasR; heme acquisition protein HasR 0.00230 0.00069 0.00182 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00263 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00134 -0.60855 154.970 0.54371 0.86313
cynS; cyanate lyase [EC:] 0.00229 0.00039 0.00195 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00253 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00082 -0.70091 127.010 0.48464 0.84358
E2.7.1.76, dak; deoxyadenosine kinase [EC:] 0.00229 0.00059 0.00233 0.00005 0.00089 65 0.00226 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00119 0.05284 142.438 0.95794 0.98896
E3.4.11.14; cytosol alanyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.00229 0.00059 0.00229 0.00005 0.00089 65 0.00229 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00119 0.00388 142.855 0.99691 0.99951
ipdC; indolepyruvate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00228 0.00045 0.00174 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00266 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00088 -1.05424 155.168 0.29341 0.77376
recT; recombination protein RecT 0.00228 0.00054 0.00135 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00293 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00097 -1.62891 136.582 0.10564 0.77376
uhpC; MFS transporter, OPA family, sugar phosphate sensor protein UhpC 0.00227 0.00054 0.00300 0.00007 0.00106 65 0.00177 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00119 1.03813 96.314 0.30181 0.77376
rbsU; putative ribose uptake protein 0.00227 0.00056 0.00215 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00235 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00115 -0.17581 137.588 0.86070 0.96170
K11159; carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 0.00227 0.00040 0.00118 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00303 0.00004 0.00061 93 0.00072 -2.57452 143.599 0.01105 0.58351
phnF; GntR family transcriptional regulator, phosphonate transport system regulatory protein 0.00227 0.00043 0.00108 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00310 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00076 -2.65385 136.321 0.00890 0.58112
yydK; GntR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional regulator of bglA 0.00226 0.00056 0.00217 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00233 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00114 -0.14144 137.700 0.88773 0.97039
csn2; CRISPR-associated protein Csn2 0.00226 0.00042 0.00280 0.00003 0.00072 65 0.00188 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00088 1.05079 121.288 0.29544 0.77376
comFB; competence protein ComFB 0.00226 0.00058 0.00240 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00216 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00124 0.18964 118.470 0.84991 0.95744
UXS1, uxs; UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00226 0.00034 0.00094 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00318 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00056 -3.98427 104.726 0.00013 0.43014
PTS-Nag-EIIB, nagE; PTS system, N-acetylglucosamine-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.00225 0.00038 0.00222 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00227 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00075 -0.06262 152.484 0.95015 0.98774
mccA; cystathionine beta-synthase (O-acetyl-L-serine) [EC:] 0.00225 0.00048 0.00115 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00301 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00089 -2.09491 154.227 0.03781 0.63091
asdA; aspartate 4-decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00224 0.00050 0.00264 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00196 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00112 0.60420 87.151 0.54728 0.86509
spoIIIAA; stage III sporulation protein AA 0.00224 0.00052 0.00108 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00306 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00093 -2.12070 142.351 0.03568 0.62411
spoIIIAD; stage III sporulation protein AD 0.00224 0.00052 0.00108 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00306 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00093 -2.12070 142.351 0.03568 0.62411
nreA; nitrogen regulatory protein A 0.00224 0.00059 0.00206 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00237 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00122 -0.25967 129.841 0.79553 0.94791
fas; fatty acid synthase, bacteria type [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00224 0.00031 0.00209 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00234 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00060 -0.41827 155.983 0.67633 0.91266
ndhF; NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase subunit 5 [EC:] 0.00223 0.00047 0.00146 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00277 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00089 -1.47431 155.965 0.14241 0.77376
spoVR; stage V sporulation protein R 0.00221 0.00048 0.00128 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00286 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00091 -1.73599 155.229 0.08455 0.76567
glcC; GntR family transcriptional regulator, glc operon transcriptional activator 0.00221 0.00041 0.00300 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00166 0.00002 0.00040 93 0.00090 1.47532 95.639 0.14341 0.77376
glvA; maltose-6’-phosphate glucosidase [EC:] 0.00220 0.00033 0.00244 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00204 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00066 0.60769 147.010 0.54433 0.86381
parM; plasmid segregation protein ParM 0.00220 0.00048 0.00110 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00297 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00085 -2.19693 123.076 0.02990 0.61413
ABC-2.CPSE.P1; capsular polysaccharide transport system permease protein 0.00219 0.00040 0.00201 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00232 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00079 -0.40334 151.159 0.68727 0.91567
gerKC; spore germination protein KC 0.00219 0.00067 0.00084 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00313 0.00011 0.00106 93 0.00121 -1.89010 137.710 0.06085 0.73001
uctC; CoA:oxalate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.00218 0.00055 0.00228 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00212 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00112 0.14029 134.043 0.88864 0.97039
yscQ, sctQ, hrcQ, ssaQ, spaO; type III secretion protein Q 0.00217 0.00049 0.00173 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00248 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00093 -0.81017 155.959 0.41908 0.81980
K09386; uncharacterized protein 0.00217 0.00051 0.00055 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00330 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00085 -3.23767 98.953 0.00164 0.46257
allB; allantoinase [EC:] 0.00217 0.00046 0.00181 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00242 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00092 -0.66607 144.724 0.50643 0.84956
ABC-2.CPSE.A; capsular polysaccharide transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00216 0.00040 0.00199 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00228 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00079 -0.37545 150.465 0.70786 0.92004
wecE, rffA; dTDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxygalactose transaminase [EC:] 0.00216 0.00040 0.00173 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00246 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00077 -0.95882 155.843 0.33914 0.78433
spoVFA; dipicolinate synthase subunit A 0.00216 0.00048 0.00081 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00310 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00084 -2.70655 126.461 0.00774 0.54764
spoVFB; dipicolinate synthase subunit B 0.00216 0.00048 0.00081 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00310 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00084 -2.70655 126.461 0.00774 0.54764
sir; sulfite reductase (ferredoxin) [EC:] 0.00216 0.00033 0.00172 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00247 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00062 -1.19866 153.019 0.23251 0.77376
parD1_3_4; antitoxin ParD1/3/4 0.00216 0.00039 0.00147 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00264 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00075 -1.56595 155.992 0.11939 0.77376
uhpB; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase UhpB [EC:] 0.00215 0.00036 0.00231 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00204 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00074 0.36844 133.177 0.71313 0.92004
rsbR; rsbT co-antagonist protein RsbR 0.00215 0.00043 0.00185 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00236 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00083 -0.61214 155.779 0.54134 0.86207
psuK; pseudouridine kinase [EC:] 0.00215 0.00036 0.00200 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00225 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00071 -0.35560 149.978 0.72264 0.92156
nicE, maiA; maleate isomerase [EC:] 0.00215 0.00042 0.00230 0.00004 0.00075 65 0.00204 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00090 0.29280 114.800 0.77020 0.94009
K09966; uncharacterized protein 0.00214 0.00036 0.00166 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00248 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00067 -1.22704 154.424 0.22168 0.77376
nosF; Cu-processing system ATP-binding protein 0.00214 0.00036 0.00157 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00254 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00065 -1.47993 146.410 0.14104 0.77376
arnF; undecaprenyl phosphate-alpha-L-ara4N flippase subunit ArnF 0.00214 0.00048 0.00187 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00233 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00092 -0.50339 155.548 0.61541 0.88878
arnA, pmrI; UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose formyltransferase / UDP-glucuronic acid dehydrogenase (UDP-4-keto-hexauronic acid decarboxylating) [EC:] 0.00213 0.00048 0.00186 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00232 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00092 -0.50071 155.540 0.61728 0.88903
arnD; undecaprenyl phosphate-alpha-L-ara4FN deformylase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.00213 0.00048 0.00186 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00232 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00092 -0.50071 155.540 0.61728 0.88903
urdA; urocanate reductase [EC:] 0.00213 0.00098 0.00140 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00264 0.00024 0.00160 93 0.00172 -0.71839 120.411 0.47391 0.84050
pvdA, SIDA; L-ornithine N5-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00212 0.00042 0.00206 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00216 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00082 -0.12329 149.981 0.90204 0.97641
yedL; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00211 0.00040 0.00123 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00273 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00072 -2.09715 131.562 0.03789 0.63091
ygeS, xdhA; xanthine dehydrogenase molybdenum-binding subunit [EC:] 0.00211 0.00050 0.00236 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00194 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00111 0.37670 98.143 0.70721 0.92004
yteR, yesR; unsaturated rhamnogalacturonyl hydrolase [EC:] 0.00211 0.00051 0.00094 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00292 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00088 -2.24459 106.886 0.02685 0.61112
nirC; nitrite transporter 0.00211 0.00043 0.00221 0.00005 0.00088 65 0.00203 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00097 0.19045 89.555 0.84939 0.95712
astC; succinylornithine aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00211 0.00040 0.00170 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00239 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00074 -0.92363 148.873 0.35718 0.79437
hspQ; heat shock protein HspQ 0.00210 0.00034 0.00124 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00271 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00061 -2.38618 139.288 0.01837 0.59095
malF; maltose/maltodextrin transport system permease protein 0.00210 0.00046 0.00176 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00234 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00090 -0.64996 150.092 0.51671 0.85216
malG; maltose/maltodextrin transport system permease protein 0.00210 0.00046 0.00176 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00234 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00090 -0.64996 150.092 0.51671 0.85216
dexA; dextranase [EC:] 0.00210 0.00049 0.00214 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00207 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00091 0.07764 149.846 0.93822 0.98459
phnG; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase subunit PhnG [EC:] 0.00210 0.00040 0.00107 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00282 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00072 -2.42953 140.864 0.01638 0.59095
phnI; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase subunit PhnI [EC:] 0.00210 0.00040 0.00107 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00282 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00072 -2.42953 140.864 0.01638 0.59095
phnJ; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-phosphate C-P lyase [EC:] 0.00210 0.00040 0.00107 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00282 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00072 -2.42953 140.864 0.01638 0.59095
phnK; putative phosphonate transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00210 0.00040 0.00107 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00282 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00072 -2.42953 140.864 0.01638 0.59095
merA; mercuric reductase [EC:] 0.00210 0.00043 0.00218 0.00004 0.00074 65 0.00204 0.00002 0.00052 93 0.00091 0.15592 121.108 0.87636 0.96705
pafB; proteasome accessory factor B 0.00210 0.00030 0.00219 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00203 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00060 0.27276 147.012 0.78542 0.94445
phnH; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase subunit PhnH [EC:] 0.00210 0.00040 0.00107 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00281 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00072 -2.41327 140.820 0.01710 0.59095
phnL; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase subunit PhnL [EC:] 0.00209 0.00040 0.00107 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00281 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00072 -2.40547 140.851 0.01745 0.59095
PTS-HPR.PTSO, ptsO, npr; phosphocarrier protein NPr 0.00209 0.00035 0.00202 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00214 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00068 -0.17259 155.524 0.86320 0.96263
pdaA; peptidoglycan-N-acetylmuramic acid deacetylase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.00209 0.00045 0.00104 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00282 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00084 -2.10974 154.673 0.03649 0.62546
pimA; phosphatidyl-myo-inositol alpha-mannosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00208 0.00029 0.00203 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00212 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00056 -0.15971 153.510 0.87332 0.96576
chuX; heme iron utilization protein 0.00208 0.00046 0.00156 0.00002 0.00062 65 0.00245 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00090 -0.98037 153.899 0.32844 0.77376
NAMPT; nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00208 0.00034 0.00204 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00211 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00065 -0.10696 155.981 0.91496 0.97664
ntrY; two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation sensor histidine kinase NtrY [EC:] 0.00208 0.00039 0.00110 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00276 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00069 -2.37831 139.652 0.01875 0.59095
csgF; curli production assembly/transport component CsgF 0.00207 0.00038 0.00276 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00160 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00085 1.36437 88.073 0.17593 0.77376
spoIIGA; stage II sporulation protein GA (sporulation sigma-E factor processing peptidase) [EC:3.4.23.-] 0.00207 0.00044 0.00112 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00273 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00083 -1.93362 155.345 0.05498 0.70519
rfbF, rhlC; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00206 0.00054 0.00233 0.00005 0.00089 65 0.00187 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00112 0.41399 130.175 0.67956 0.91311
ntrX; two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation response regulator NtrX 0.00205 0.00036 0.00115 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00269 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00065 -2.34893 145.510 0.02017 0.59095
nodI; lipooligosaccharide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00204 0.00040 0.00143 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00247 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00075 -1.38595 151.676 0.16780 0.77376
thiY; putative hydroxymethylpyrimidine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00204 0.00033 0.00152 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00241 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00062 -1.43083 155.692 0.15448 0.77376
GMPP; mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00204 0.00038 0.00116 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00266 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00069 -2.17722 147.193 0.03106 0.61842
wbpP; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.00204 0.00036 0.00200 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00207 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00070 -0.08967 152.170 0.92867 0.98176
iclR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, acetate operon repressor 0.00204 0.00034 0.00124 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00260 0.00002 0.00052 93 0.00064 -2.13601 153.471 0.03426 0.62130
hasA; hyaluronan synthase [EC:] 0.00204 0.00057 0.00232 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00184 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00122 0.38961 116.699 0.69753 0.91825
HK; hexokinase [EC:] 0.00204 0.00051 0.00240 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00178 0.00002 0.00052 93 0.00112 0.56148 98.510 0.57574 0.87389
EPS15; epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15 0.00203 0.00050 0.00186 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00215 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00092 -0.31275 146.048 0.75492 0.93665
ner, nlp, sfsB; Ner family transcriptional regulator 0.00203 0.00039 0.00213 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00196 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00078 0.22189 147.386 0.82471 0.95506
dmlR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator for dmlA 0.00203 0.00043 0.00128 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00255 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00078 -1.63389 146.016 0.10444 0.77376
assT; arylsulfate sulfotransferase [EC:] 0.00203 0.00088 0.00105 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00271 0.00019 0.00144 93 0.00153 -1.08726 112.854 0.27924 0.77376
fucK; L-fuculokinase [EC:] 0.00202 0.00048 0.00259 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00163 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00109 0.88706 82.864 0.37761 0.79837
fixJ; two-component system, LuxR family, response regulator FixJ 0.00202 0.00041 0.00105 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00270 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00074 -2.21293 142.415 0.02849 0.61334
wbdC, wbpZ; N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosaminyl-diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol 3-alpha-mannosyltransferase / rhamnosyltransferase [EC: 2.4.1.-] 0.00202 0.00040 0.00185 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00214 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00076 -0.37025 155.974 0.71170 0.92004
aac6-I, aacA7; aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase I [EC:] 0.00202 0.00047 0.00226 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00185 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00099 0.41351 123.363 0.67995 0.91311
rfbP; undecaprenyl-phosphate galactose phosphotransferase [EC:] 0.00201 0.00052 0.00262 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00159 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00114 0.90100 95.482 0.36985 0.79587
vraR; two-component system, NarL family, vancomycin resistance associated response regulator VraR 0.00201 0.00055 0.00252 0.00007 0.00103 65 0.00166 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00119 0.72382 105.024 0.47079 0.83912
spmA; spore maturation protein A 0.00201 0.00040 0.00114 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00261 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00074 -1.99242 153.044 0.04810 0.66712
chbG; chitin disaccharide deacetylase [EC:] 0.00201 0.00035 0.00168 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00224 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00068 -0.81737 151.168 0.41500 0.81730
trmH; tRNA (guanosine-2’-O-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00201 0.00033 0.00165 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00226 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00061 -1.00164 152.507 0.31810 0.77376
hisM; histidine transport system permease protein 0.00200 0.00042 0.00169 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00222 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00079 -0.67801 155.767 0.49877 0.84856
rhtC; threonine efflux protein 0.00200 0.00035 0.00191 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00206 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00067 -0.22114 155.067 0.82527 0.95506
fhuF; ferric iron reductase protein FhuF 0.00200 0.00046 0.00165 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00225 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00088 -0.68229 156.000 0.49606 0.84797
ABC-2.CPSE.P; capsular polysaccharide transport system permease protein 0.00199 0.00037 0.00195 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00203 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00075 -0.10924 144.203 0.91316 0.97664
hdhA; 7-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00199 0.00043 0.00145 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00236 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00080 -1.14181 155.247 0.25529 0.77376
fimG; minor fimbrial subunit 0.00198 0.00047 0.00152 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00231 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00090 -0.87957 155.860 0.38045 0.79870
kpsS, lipB; capsular polysaccharide export protein 0.00198 0.00037 0.00191 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00203 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00074 -0.15923 145.031 0.87371 0.96576
hisQ; histidine transport system permease protein 0.00198 0.00041 0.00168 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00219 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00078 -0.65309 155.967 0.51466 0.85216
E2.3.1.37, ALAS; 5-aminolevulinate synthase [EC:] 0.00198 0.00038 0.00081 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00279 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00065 -3.04690 111.521 0.00289 0.46257
eco; ecotin 0.00197 0.00029 0.00216 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00184 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00058 0.54744 143.994 0.58492 0.87720
K06904; uncharacterized protein 0.00197 0.00030 0.00112 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00257 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00052 -2.80056 125.621 0.00591 0.54022
hisP; histidine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00197 0.00040 0.00164 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00219 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00077 -0.72130 155.623 0.47181 0.84020
norQ; nitric oxide reductase NorQ protein 0.00196 0.00037 0.00059 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00293 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00062 -3.76422 103.871 0.00028 0.46257
dgoT; MFS transporter, ACS family, D-galactonate transporter 0.00196 0.00038 0.00198 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00195 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00077 0.04980 140.298 0.96036 0.98903
rsbQ; sigma-B regulation protein RsbQ 0.00196 0.00047 0.00156 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00223 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00089 -0.75639 155.135 0.45056 0.83438
ict-P; itaconate CoA-transferase [EC:2.8.3.-] 0.00196 0.00042 0.00213 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00183 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00087 0.34480 128.800 0.73081 0.92479
lysK; lysyl-tRNA synthetase, class I [EC:] 0.00195 0.00034 0.00089 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00270 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00058 -3.09840 125.469 0.00240 0.46257
pheC; cyclohexadienyl dehydratase [EC:] 0.00195 0.00041 0.00105 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00258 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00074 -2.07174 141.884 0.04010 0.63577
K09990; uncharacterized protein 0.00194 0.00046 0.00097 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00263 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00082 -2.03158 127.652 0.04427 0.65981
blaI; BlaI family transcriptional regulator, penicillinase repressor 0.00194 0.00047 0.00115 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00249 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00089 -1.50445 155.504 0.13449 0.77376
cphB; cyanophycinase [EC:] 0.00193 0.00055 0.00152 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00222 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00103 -0.68101 152.008 0.49690 0.84797
thiX; putative hydroxymethylpyrimidine transport system permease protein 0.00193 0.00031 0.00144 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00228 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00059 -1.42626 155.971 0.15579 0.77376
K11312; cupin 2 domain-containing protein 0.00193 0.00030 0.00273 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00138 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00063 2.15998 112.552 0.03290 0.62130
K13522, nadM; bifunctional NMN adenylyltransferase/nudix hydrolase [EC: 3.6.1.-] 0.00193 0.00039 0.00145 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00227 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00072 -1.13513 143.329 0.25822 0.77376
hpaB; 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00193 0.00050 0.00109 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00251 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00089 -1.59233 126.063 0.11382 0.77376
DDAH, ddaH; dimethylargininase [EC:] 0.00193 0.00054 0.00196 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00191 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00112 0.04411 128.381 0.96489 0.99101
wbjC; UDP-2-acetamido-2,6-beta-L-arabino-hexul-4-ose reductase [EC:] 0.00192 0.00036 0.00121 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00241 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00068 -1.75998 154.290 0.08039 0.75920
bpeE; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00192 0.00036 0.00115 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00245 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00066 -1.98575 140.564 0.04901 0.67403
K06952; uncharacterized protein 0.00192 0.00036 0.00092 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00261 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00065 -2.60385 143.358 0.01019 0.58284
P4HA; prolyl 4-hydroxylase [EC:] 0.00191 0.00037 0.00110 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00248 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00068 -2.04391 149.593 0.04272 0.65457
hcaR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, hca operon transcriptional activator 0.00191 0.00045 0.00146 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00222 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00081 -0.93906 136.389 0.34936 0.79120
avtA; valine–pyruvate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00190 0.00034 0.00229 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00164 0.00002 0.00040 93 0.00072 0.90889 119.706 0.36523 0.79587
fsaB, talC; fructose-6-phosphate aldolase 2 [EC:4.1.2.-] 0.00190 0.00027 0.00223 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00167 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00056 0.99659 130.984 0.32080 0.77376
E2.4.1.4; amylosucrase [EC:] 0.00190 0.00031 0.00159 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00212 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00058 -0.91338 154.741 0.36246 0.79496
adeC; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00190 0.00040 0.00176 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00200 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00078 -0.30268 154.254 0.76254 0.93813
rocE, rocC; arginine/ornithine permease 0.00190 0.00063 0.00134 0.00003 0.00062 65 0.00229 0.00009 0.00098 93 0.00116 -0.81310 146.802 0.41748 0.81932
K18335; 2-keto-3-deoxy-L-fuconate dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00189 0.00035 0.00102 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00250 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00063 -2.35747 137.441 0.01981 0.59095
casC, cse4; CRISPR system Cascade subunit CasC 0.00189 0.00028 0.00212 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00174 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00056 0.68272 146.624 0.49586 0.84797
emrR, mprA; MarR family transcriptional regulator, negative regulator of the multidrug operon emrRAB 0.00189 0.00036 0.00203 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00179 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00073 0.32755 133.839 0.74377 0.93099
atl; bifunctional autolysin [EC:] 0.00189 0.00081 0.00264 0.00022 0.00185 65 0.00136 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00191 0.66707 72.483 0.50685 0.84956
xtmB; phage terminase large subunit 0.00188 0.00045 0.00126 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00232 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00081 -1.31629 134.196 0.19032 0.77376
AARSD1, ALAX; misacylated tRNA(Ala) deacylase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.00188 0.00042 0.00079 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00265 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00075 -2.48236 134.145 0.01429 0.59095
rsbS; rsbT antagonist protein RsbS 0.00188 0.00037 0.00172 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00199 0.00002 0.00052 93 0.00074 -0.36757 149.310 0.71371 0.92004
dhaM; phosphoenolpyruvate—glycerone phosphotransferase subunit DhaM [EC:] 0.00188 0.00027 0.00178 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00195 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00054 -0.30335 150.437 0.76204 0.93813
hcnC; hydrogen cyanide synthase HcnC [EC:] 0.00188 0.00057 0.00174 0.00004 0.00083 65 0.00198 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00114 -0.21329 147.638 0.83140 0.95506
hisJ; histidine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00188 0.00041 0.00152 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00213 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00078 -0.77637 154.796 0.43871 0.83152
K05967; uncharacterized protein 0.00188 0.00064 0.00088 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00257 0.00009 0.00101 93 0.00117 -1.44445 142.910 0.15080 0.77376
dltE; uncharacterized oxidoreductase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00188 0.00037 0.00121 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00235 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00070 -1.62873 154.583 0.10541 0.77376
sam; S-adenosylmethionine uptake transporter 0.00187 0.00035 0.00109 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00242 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00065 -2.04804 152.001 0.04228 0.65074
nifD; nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein alpha chain [EC:] 0.00187 0.00053 0.00228 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00159 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00116 0.59187 103.571 0.55523 0.86813
rhaA; L-rhamnose isomerase [EC:] 0.00187 0.00035 0.00102 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00246 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00062 -2.32941 126.555 0.02142 0.59153
fadB; enoyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 0.00187 0.00064 0.00072 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00266 0.00009 0.00100 93 0.00115 -1.68046 140.757 0.09509 0.76609
mtrA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, activator of mtrCDE 0.00186 0.00048 0.00202 0.00005 0.00085 65 0.00175 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00102 0.25826 115.971 0.79666 0.94795
E3.2.1.58; glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase [EC:] 0.00186 0.00033 0.00155 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00209 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00064 -0.84026 154.798 0.40206 0.80895
gsp; glutathionylspermidine amidase/synthetase [EC:] 0.00186 0.00037 0.00272 0.00003 0.00072 65 0.00125 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00081 1.82554 95.151 0.07106 0.73909
yihS; sulfoquinovose isomerase [EC:] 0.00185 0.00030 0.00199 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00176 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00062 0.37799 134.687 0.70603 0.92004
rgpE; glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00185 0.00048 0.00189 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00182 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00090 0.07815 148.767 0.93781 0.98459
cobS; cobaltochelatase CobS [EC:] 0.00184 0.00034 0.00087 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00252 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00058 -2.83088 121.349 0.00544 0.54022
fucD; L-fuconate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00184 0.00030 0.00171 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00193 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00060 -0.36356 147.774 0.71671 0.92018
coxD, ctaF; cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV [EC:] 0.00183 0.00042 0.00087 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00250 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00078 -2.10065 148.251 0.03736 0.63026
malM; maltose operon periplasmic protein 0.00183 0.00044 0.00148 0.00002 0.00059 65 0.00208 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00087 -0.68890 153.750 0.49193 0.84797
K07465; putative RecB family exonuclease 0.00183 0.00028 0.00179 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00186 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00054 -0.12259 154.691 0.90259 0.97641
oprC, opcM; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00182 0.00043 0.00134 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00216 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00080 -1.03202 146.910 0.30376 0.77376
DHPS, dys; deoxyhypusine synthase [EC:] 0.00182 0.00029 0.00157 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00200 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00055 -0.78277 155.834 0.43495 0.82874
yjgB; uncharacterized zinc-type alcohol dehydrogenase-like protein [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00182 0.00033 0.00162 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00196 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00063 -0.53698 155.761 0.59205 0.87898
cslA; chondroitin AC lyase [EC:] 0.00182 0.00056 0.00153 0.00004 0.00080 65 0.00202 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00112 -0.43310 149.414 0.66557 0.91126
NAGLU; alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase [EC:] 0.00182 0.00049 0.00093 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00244 0.00006 0.00079 93 0.00085 -1.77295 116.346 0.07885 0.75800
csgE; curli production assembly/transport component CsgE 0.00182 0.00035 0.00248 0.00004 0.00074 65 0.00135 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00080 1.41358 83.850 0.16119 0.77376
croR; 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase [EC:] 0.00181 0.00028 0.00136 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00213 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00054 -1.43477 153.876 0.15338 0.77376
torY; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c), cytochrome c-type subunit TorY 0.00181 0.00045 0.00127 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00219 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00087 -1.06288 155.239 0.28949 0.77376
E1.3.3.6, ACOX1, ACOX3; acyl-CoA oxidase [EC:] 0.00181 0.00039 0.00109 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00232 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00071 -1.71822 152.003 0.08779 0.76567
flhC; flagellar transcriptional activator FlhC 0.00181 0.00035 0.00167 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00191 0.00002 0.00052 93 0.00067 -0.35472 156.000 0.72328 0.92156
thuG, sugB; trehalose/maltose transport system permease protein 0.00181 0.00047 0.00194 0.00005 0.00092 65 0.00172 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00104 0.20820 99.495 0.83549 0.95506
spmB; spore maturation protein B 0.00181 0.00040 0.00086 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00247 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00074 -2.17354 151.981 0.03129 0.61842
araB; L-ribulokinase [EC:] 0.00181 0.00030 0.00144 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00206 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00060 -1.03246 141.963 0.30361 0.77376
cobT; cobaltochelatase CobT [EC:] 0.00181 0.00034 0.00082 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00249 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00059 -2.83878 124.779 0.00529 0.54022
grxB; glutaredoxin 2 0.00181 0.00037 0.00226 0.00003 0.00072 65 0.00149 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00081 0.93975 97.518 0.34967 0.79120
xynB; xylan 1,4-beta-xylosidase [EC:] 0.00180 0.00050 0.00091 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00243 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00087 -1.75120 113.061 0.08262 0.76567
spoIVFB; stage IV sporulation protein FB [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.00180 0.00043 0.00102 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00235 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00082 -1.63623 155.894 0.10381 0.77376
K11692, dctR; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator DctR 0.00180 0.00063 0.00130 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00216 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00117 -0.73410 149.745 0.46403 0.83699
csgB; minor curlin subunit 0.00180 0.00034 0.00229 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00146 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00077 1.08420 90.046 0.28117 0.77376
fbaB; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class I [EC:] 0.00180 0.00032 0.00124 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00219 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00059 -1.60235 155.172 0.11111 0.77376
E2.3.1.20; diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase [EC:] 0.00180 0.00034 0.00136 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00210 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00063 -1.16948 152.633 0.24403 0.77376
tesC; thioesterase III [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.00179 0.00034 0.00202 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00163 0.00002 0.00040 93 0.00070 0.55340 121.714 0.58101 0.87593
CMO; choline monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00179 0.00040 0.00194 0.00003 0.00068 65 0.00168 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00084 0.30094 126.101 0.76396 0.93854
cckA; two-component system, cell cycle sensor histidine kinase and response regulator CckA [EC:] 0.00179 0.00033 0.00081 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00247 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00058 -2.84960 125.315 0.00512 0.54022
rsfA; prespore-specific regulator 0.00179 0.00051 0.00050 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00268 0.00006 0.00083 93 0.00089 -2.46043 116.360 0.01535 0.59095
budC; meso-butanediol dehydrogenase / (S,S)-butanediol dehydrogenase / diacetyl reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00178 0.00056 0.00244 0.00008 0.00114 65 0.00133 0.00002 0.00052 93 0.00125 0.88376 90.407 0.37917 0.79852
K08983; putative membrane protein 0.00178 0.00035 0.00198 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00165 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00071 0.46488 135.459 0.64277 0.90098
tagF; CDP-glycerol glycerophosphotransferase [EC:] 0.00178 0.00034 0.00125 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00214 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00065 -1.36739 155.018 0.17348 0.77376
E2.7.11.1; non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase [EC:] 0.00177 0.00045 0.00137 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00204 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00082 -0.81770 144.506 0.41487 0.81730
flhD; flagellar transcriptional activator FlhD 0.00176 0.00034 0.00155 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00191 0.00002 0.00052 93 0.00065 -0.55200 154.881 0.58174 0.87677
tenI; thiazole tautomerase (transcriptional regulator TenI) [EC:] 0.00176 0.00045 0.00097 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00230 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00084 -1.57713 155.688 0.11679 0.77376
PTER, php; phosphotriesterase-related protein 0.00175 0.00044 0.00077 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00244 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00075 -2.23083 110.192 0.02772 0.61334
K02480; two-component system, NarL family, sensor kinase [EC:] 0.00175 0.00042 0.00103 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00226 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00076 -1.61479 138.647 0.10863 0.77376
COQ10; coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 0.00175 0.00033 0.00073 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00245 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00057 -3.00860 113.749 0.00323 0.46257
K09985; uncharacterized protein 0.00175 0.00033 0.00073 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00245 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00057 -3.00860 113.749 0.00323 0.46257
K09987; uncharacterized protein 0.00175 0.00033 0.00073 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00245 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00057 -3.00860 113.749 0.00323 0.46257
ctrA; two-component system, cell cycle response regulator CtrA 0.00174 0.00033 0.00072 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00245 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00057 -3.02922 113.308 0.00304 0.46257
hlg, luk; leukocidin/hemolysin toxin family protein 0.00173 0.00079 0.00049 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00260 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00137 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
se; staphylococcal enterotoxin 0.00173 0.00079 0.00049 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00260 0.00016 0.00132 93 0.00137 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
lf2; levanbiose-producing levanase [EC:] 0.00173 0.00049 0.00186 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00164 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00091 0.24273 151.553 0.80854 0.95002
araD, ulaF, sgaE, sgbE; L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.00173 0.00030 0.00119 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00211 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00054 -1.69238 135.616 0.09287 0.76567
flbT; flagellar protein FlbT 0.00173 0.00036 0.00059 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00252 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00061 -3.17032 102.544 0.00201 0.46257
chpT; histidine phosphotransferase ChpT 0.00173 0.00033 0.00072 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00243 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00056 -3.03551 113.982 0.00298 0.46257
kinB; two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase B [EC:] 0.00173 0.00052 0.00017 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00281 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00088 -3.01271 93.471 0.00333 0.46673
crtX; zeaxanthin glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00172 0.00056 0.00160 0.00004 0.00081 65 0.00181 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00111 -0.19011 148.170 0.84948 0.95712
chvI; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ChvI 0.00172 0.00032 0.00081 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00236 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00056 -2.73638 127.333 0.00710 0.54612
gatY-kbaY; tagatose 1,6-diphosphate aldolase GatY/KbaY [EC:] 0.00172 0.00040 0.00152 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00186 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00079 -0.43609 153.586 0.66338 0.91006
chvG; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase ChvG [EC:] 0.00172 0.00032 0.00081 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00235 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00056 -2.73467 127.041 0.00714 0.54612
rgpI; glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00172 0.00048 0.00183 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00164 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00089 0.20772 148.982 0.83573 0.95506
paaY; phenylacetic acid degradation protein 0.00171 0.00031 0.00183 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00163 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00062 0.32778 141.862 0.74356 0.93099
lrgA; holin-like protein 0.00171 0.00045 0.00160 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00179 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00090 -0.21459 145.614 0.83039 0.95506
lrgB; holin-like protein LrgB 0.00171 0.00045 0.00160 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00179 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00090 -0.21459 145.614 0.83039 0.95506
aldA; lactaldehyde dehydrogenase / glycolaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00171 0.00033 0.00180 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00165 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00069 0.22783 126.586 0.82014 0.95506
ppaX; pyrophosphatase PpaX [EC:] 0.00171 0.00043 0.00102 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00219 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00082 -1.43069 155.880 0.15452 0.77376
bceA, vraD; bacitracin transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00171 0.00046 0.00070 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00241 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00082 -2.09102 127.759 0.03851 0.63091
blaR1; bla regulator protein blaR1 0.00171 0.00044 0.00103 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00217 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00084 -1.35549 155.996 0.17722 0.77376
K02351; putative membrane protein 0.00170 0.00038 0.00129 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00200 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00072 -0.98161 155.950 0.32781 0.77376
FAEB; feruloyl esterase [EC:] 0.00170 0.00059 0.00079 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00234 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00101 -1.53770 98.898 0.12732 0.77376
APEX1; AP endonuclease 1 [EC:] 0.00170 0.00030 0.00190 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00157 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00061 0.54013 139.719 0.58997 0.87894
hmuS; putative hemin transport protein 0.00170 0.00036 0.00151 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00183 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00072 -0.45043 150.277 0.65305 0.90588
yiaC; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00170 0.00033 0.00153 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00182 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00066 -0.43345 138.580 0.66536 0.91126
bpeF; multidrug efflux pump 0.00169 0.00035 0.00107 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00213 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00063 -1.67310 142.732 0.09650 0.76667
ygfK; putative selenate reductase [EC:] 0.00169 0.00044 0.00209 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00140 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00100 0.69355 82.538 0.48991 0.84797
hpaC; flavin reductase (NADH) [EC:] 0.00169 0.00033 0.00215 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00137 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00071 1.10724 114.075 0.27052 0.77376
aguA; alpha-glucuronidase [EC:] 0.00169 0.00031 0.00107 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00212 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00056 -1.86247 140.880 0.06462 0.73334
puuA; gamma-glutamylputrescine synthase [EC:] 0.00168 0.00032 0.00158 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00176 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00061 -0.28305 155.965 0.77752 0.94269
uvrY, gacA, varA; two-component system, NarL family, invasion response regulator UvrY 0.00168 0.00033 0.00183 0.00002 0.00051 65 0.00158 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00067 0.37005 140.125 0.71190 0.92004
hutG; N-formylglutamate deformylase [EC:] 0.00168 0.00050 0.00102 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00214 0.00006 0.00082 93 0.00088 -1.27374 117.830 0.20526 0.77376
K09703; uncharacterized protein 0.00168 0.00069 0.00095 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00219 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00123 -1.00804 133.191 0.31526 0.77376
nixA; high-affinity nickel-transport protein 0.00168 0.00043 0.00082 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00228 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00074 -1.97942 109.636 0.05028 0.67941
OPLAH, OXP1, oplAH; 5-oxoprolinase (ATP-hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.00168 0.00049 0.00059 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00244 0.00006 0.00081 93 0.00084 -2.19593 106.128 0.03027 0.61413
waaJ, rfaJ; UDP-glucose:(galactosyl)LPS alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00167 0.00070 0.00104 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00211 0.00013 0.00117 93 0.00122 -0.87117 109.951 0.38556 0.80258
E1.14.13.40; anthraniloyl-CoA monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00167 0.00037 0.00104 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00211 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00069 -1.55860 151.886 0.12117 0.77376
porG; pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase gamma subunit [EC:] 0.00167 0.00042 0.00137 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00188 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00076 -0.67777 136.491 0.49906 0.84856
quiC; 3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00166 0.00033 0.00150 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00178 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00066 -0.42188 152.185 0.67371 0.91184
wapR; alpha-1,3-rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00166 0.00045 0.00119 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00200 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00087 -0.93466 155.885 0.35141 0.79120
ltrA; RNA-directed DNA polymerase [EC:] 0.00165 0.00044 0.00192 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00147 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00099 0.45519 91.157 0.65005 0.90409
araJ; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, arabinose polymer utilization protein 0.00165 0.00028 0.00124 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00193 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00051 -1.37642 147.487 0.17078 0.77376
E2.1.3.1-12S; methylmalonyl-CoA carboxyltransferase 12S subunit [EC:] 0.00164 0.00049 0.00207 0.00006 0.00097 65 0.00135 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00109 0.66290 96.418 0.50898 0.84956
kdpF; K+-transporting ATPase ATPase F chain 0.00164 0.00035 0.00159 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00167 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00069 -0.11006 152.482 0.91251 0.97664
stk1; serine/threonine-protein kinase Stk1 [EC:2.7.11.-] 0.00164 0.00036 0.00135 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00184 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00072 -0.67920 151.705 0.49805 0.84856
E1.5.3.1; sarcosine oxidase [EC:] 0.00164 0.00039 0.00101 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00207 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00070 -1.50804 143.087 0.13375 0.77376
K09805; uncharacterized protein 0.00163 0.00042 0.00093 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00213 0.00004 0.00069 93 0.00074 -1.61148 118.848 0.10973 0.77376
K02476; two-component system, CitB family, sensor kinase [EC:] 0.00163 0.00042 0.00107 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00202 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00081 -1.18157 155.774 0.23918 0.77376
dctR; two-component system, LuxR family, response regulator DctR 0.00163 0.00047 0.00074 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00224 0.00006 0.00078 93 0.00082 -1.83262 112.293 0.06951 0.73522
mgp; 4-O-beta-D-mannosyl-D-glucose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00163 0.00032 0.00083 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00218 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00056 -2.39730 129.519 0.01794 0.59095
gerKB; spore germination protein KB 0.00162 0.00044 0.00053 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00239 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00077 -2.40410 124.260 0.01769 0.59095
ygeT, xdhB; xanthine dehydrogenase FAD-binding subunit [EC:] 0.00162 0.00043 0.00200 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00136 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00099 0.64133 82.181 0.52309 0.85704
nosR; NosR/NirI family transcriptional regulator, nitrous oxide reductase regulator 0.00162 0.00034 0.00106 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00201 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00061 -1.55462 137.850 0.12233 0.77376
K17215; inositol transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00161 0.00036 0.00084 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00216 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00066 -1.98717 149.422 0.04873 0.67326
yscJ, sctJ, hrcJ, ssaJ; type III secretion protein J 0.00161 0.00035 0.00102 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00203 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00065 -1.55454 150.379 0.12216 0.77376
K07219; putative molybdopterin biosynthesis protein 0.00161 0.00040 0.00059 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00233 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00070 -2.47264 130.151 0.01470 0.59095
kstD; 3-oxosteroid 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00161 0.00062 0.00082 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00216 0.00010 0.00103 93 0.00108 -1.23587 111.319 0.21911 0.77376
pmtA; phosphatidylethanolamine/phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine N-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00161 0.00044 0.00061 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00230 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00075 -2.23955 104.292 0.02724 0.61334
tar; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein II, aspartate sensor receptor 0.00161 0.00046 0.00103 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00201 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00081 -1.21450 120.625 0.22693 0.77376
catB; chloramphenicol O-acetyltransferase type B [EC:] 0.00160 0.00032 0.00131 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00179 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00060 -0.79470 155.011 0.42801 0.82733
K09991; uncharacterized protein 0.00160 0.00030 0.00073 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00220 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00052 -2.80136 118.172 0.00595 0.54022
K09702; uncharacterized protein 0.00159 0.00032 0.00112 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00192 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00063 -1.27165 154.559 0.20541 0.77376
ttr; acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00159 0.00036 0.00127 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00182 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00070 -0.78363 153.933 0.43446 0.82874
ERCC3, XPB; DNA excision repair protein ERCC-3 [EC:] 0.00159 0.00027 0.00138 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00174 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00052 -0.69163 156.000 0.49020 0.84797
CBP3, UQCC; cytochrome b pre-mRNA-processing protein 3 0.00159 0.00030 0.00072 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00220 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00052 -2.82397 117.656 0.00557 0.54022
sspA; glutamyl endopeptidase [EC:] 0.00159 0.00065 0.00045 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00239 0.00011 0.00107 93 0.00111 -1.74934 105.133 0.08315 0.76567
relB; RHH-type transcriptional regulator, rel operon repressor / antitoxin RelB 0.00159 0.00033 0.00126 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00182 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00063 -0.88042 155.767 0.37999 0.79852
mcrC; 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme subunit McrC 0.00159 0.00025 0.00195 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00133 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00054 1.13466 98.065 0.25928 0.77376
K09935; uncharacterized protein 0.00159 0.00026 0.00167 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00153 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00054 0.24533 124.377 0.80661 0.94982
yydH; putative peptide zinc metalloprotease protein 0.00159 0.00032 0.00135 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00175 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00063 -0.63434 151.223 0.52682 0.85844
lyxA; D-lyxose ketol-isomerase [EC:] 0.00159 0.00044 0.00185 0.00005 0.00092 65 0.00140 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00100 0.44615 87.115 0.65660 0.90679
cag7; cag pathogenicity island protein 7 0.00158 0.00102 0.00057 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00229 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00175 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
hpaA; neuraminyllactose-binding hemagglutinin 0.00158 0.00102 0.00057 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00229 0.00027 0.00171 93 0.00175 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
wcaF; putative colanic acid biosynthesis acetyltransferase WcaF [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00158 0.00036 0.00071 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00219 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00065 -2.29587 137.873 0.02319 0.59764
spoIIM; stage II sporulation protein M 0.00158 0.00034 0.00077 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00215 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00065 -2.11280 155.952 0.03621 0.62411
MQCRB, qcrB, bfcB, petB; menaquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b subunit 0.00158 0.00040 0.00051 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00233 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00070 -2.59406 129.562 0.01058 0.58284
MQCRC, qcrC, bfcC, petD; menaquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b/c subunit 0.00158 0.00040 0.00051 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00233 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00070 -2.59406 129.562 0.01058 0.58284
gspK; glucosamine kinase [EC:] 0.00157 0.00039 0.00059 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00226 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00068 -2.45891 112.157 0.01546 0.59095
coxAC; cytochrome c oxidase subunit I+III [EC:] 0.00157 0.00032 0.00090 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00204 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00060 -1.88564 153.368 0.06123 0.73001
nrfG; formate-dependent nitrite reductase complex subunit NrfG 0.00157 0.00044 0.00112 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00188 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00085 -0.89567 154.356 0.37182 0.79738
ictB; putative inorganic carbon (hco3(-)) transporter 0.00157 0.00050 0.00202 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00125 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00111 0.69294 97.230 0.49000 0.84797
abfD; 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase / vinylacetyl-CoA-Delta-isomerase [EC:] 0.00157 0.00032 0.00110 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00189 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00060 -1.32407 153.637 0.18745 0.77376
ascG; LacI family transcriptional regulator, asc operon repressor 0.00156 0.00043 0.00211 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00118 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00098 0.93856 79.205 0.35081 0.79120
lacF, araP; lactose/L-arabinose transport system permease protein 0.00156 0.00044 0.00187 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00135 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00100 0.51797 84.639 0.60583 0.88527
THOP1; thimet oligopeptidase [EC:] 0.00156 0.00031 0.00123 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00179 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00058 -0.95658 153.409 0.34028 0.78470
K07125; uncharacterized protein 0.00156 0.00032 0.00186 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00134 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00067 0.77851 133.504 0.43765 0.83071
iadA; beta-aspartyl-dipeptidase (metallo-type) [EC:3.4.19.-] 0.00155 0.00034 0.00136 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00169 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00068 -0.49760 144.945 0.61952 0.88993
lacG, araQ; lactose/L-arabinose transport system permease protein 0.00155 0.00044 0.00187 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00133 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00100 0.54017 84.010 0.59051 0.87896
rcdA; regulator of CtrA degradation 0.00155 0.00029 0.00072 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00212 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00050 -2.78612 119.742 0.00620 0.54022
qcrB; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b subunit 0.00155 0.00029 0.00119 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00180 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00055 -1.09298 155.827 0.27609 0.77376
porA; pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00154 0.00041 0.00109 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00186 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00072 -1.06743 119.953 0.28792 0.77376
arlR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ArlR 0.00154 0.00051 0.00126 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00174 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00097 -0.49181 155.739 0.62354 0.89159
kefC; glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system ancillary protein KefC 0.00154 0.00033 0.00119 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00178 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00061 -0.96020 150.923 0.33849 0.78407
ctaG; putative membrane protein 0.00153 0.00040 0.00047 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00228 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00070 -2.59106 129.117 0.01067 0.58284
qcrA; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit 0.00153 0.00029 0.00119 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00177 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00055 -1.04815 155.837 0.29619 0.77376
qcrC; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c subunit 0.00153 0.00029 0.00119 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00177 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00055 -1.04815 155.837 0.29619 0.77376
cpdR; two-component system, cell cycle response regulator CpdR 0.00153 0.00029 0.00072 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00210 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00050 -2.75188 119.837 0.00685 0.54612
femX, fmhB; peptidoglycan pentaglycine glycine transferase (the first glycine) [EC:] 0.00153 0.00046 0.00141 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00162 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00092 -0.22907 148.905 0.81913 0.95506
gal; D-galactose 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00153 0.00029 0.00073 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00209 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00052 -2.62179 137.159 0.00973 0.58112
gltC; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcription activator of glutamate synthase operon 0.00153 0.00044 0.00050 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00225 0.00005 0.00070 93 0.00077 -2.28477 124.387 0.02402 0.59764
rnhA-dnaQ; ribonuclease HI / DNA polymerase III subunit epsilon [EC:] 0.00153 0.00032 0.00130 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00169 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00061 -0.64177 154.392 0.52197 0.85623
fixL; two-component system, LuxR family, sensor kinase FixL [EC:] 0.00153 0.00032 0.00069 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00211 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00057 -2.49716 121.402 0.01386 0.59095
PCYT1; choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00152 0.00032 0.00128 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00170 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00060 -0.70236 155.089 0.48351 0.84354
shlB, hhdB, hpmB; hemolysin activation/secretion protein 0.00152 0.00029 0.00192 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00125 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00059 1.13775 142.205 0.25714 0.77376
asrA; anaerobic sulfite reductase subunit A 0.00152 0.00039 0.00236 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00094 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00092 1.52843 71.971 0.13079 0.77376
asrB; anaerobic sulfite reductase subunit B 0.00152 0.00039 0.00236 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00094 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00092 1.52843 71.971 0.13079 0.77376
asrC; anaerobic sulfite reductase subunit C 0.00152 0.00039 0.00236 0.00005 0.00090 65 0.00094 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00092 1.52843 71.971 0.13079 0.77376
spoIIQ; stage II sporulation protein Q 0.00152 0.00041 0.00050 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00223 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00072 -2.40579 129.490 0.01755 0.59095
cbe, mbe; cellobiose epimerase [EC:] 0.00152 0.00031 0.00078 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00204 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00055 -2.28556 130.474 0.02389 0.59764
inhA; cyclohexyl-isocyanide hydratase [EC:] 0.00152 0.00033 0.00071 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00208 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00061 -2.26199 146.119 0.02517 0.59941
iucD; lysine N6-hydroxylase [EC:] 0.00152 0.00030 0.00124 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00171 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00056 -0.84239 154.255 0.40088 0.80823
glpX-SEBP; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase II / sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase [EC:] 0.00152 0.00030 0.00055 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00219 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00051 -3.23037 107.675 0.00164 0.46257
K16149; 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme [EC:] 0.00152 0.00029 0.00134 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00164 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00056 -0.54191 155.997 0.58866 0.87736
E2.6.1.-E, patB; aminotransferase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.00152 0.00038 0.00172 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00137 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00075 0.46732 152.922 0.64094 0.89999
arlS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase ArlS [EC:] 0.00152 0.00051 0.00122 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00173 0.00005 0.00076 93 0.00097 -0.52608 155.751 0.59958 0.88240
safA; morphogenetic protein associated with SpoVID 0.00152 0.00041 0.00050 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00222 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00072 -2.39557 129.575 0.01802 0.59095
iorA; indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00152 0.00027 0.00107 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00183 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00048 -1.57902 144.008 0.11653 0.77376
lmrS; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00152 0.00041 0.00128 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00168 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00081 -0.48895 154.341 0.62557 0.89228
bpeT; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for bpeEF and oprC 0.00152 0.00048 0.00126 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00170 0.00006 0.00077 93 0.00087 -0.49971 135.492 0.61809 0.88903
cccA; cytochrome c550 0.00152 0.00040 0.00049 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00223 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00070 -2.47432 128.983 0.01465 0.59095
iorB; indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, beta subunit [EC:] 0.00151 0.00027 0.00107 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00183 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00048 -1.56916 143.980 0.11880 0.77376
lacE, araN; lactose/L-arabinose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00151 0.00043 0.00187 0.00006 0.00093 65 0.00127 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00099 0.60805 81.362 0.54485 0.86403
ebgA; evolved beta-galactosidase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00151 0.00043 0.00216 0.00006 0.00094 65 0.00106 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00099 1.11720 78.457 0.26732 0.77376
nalD; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor of the mexAB-oprM multidrug resistance operon 0.00151 0.00034 0.00209 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00111 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00075 1.30869 100.488 0.19363 0.77376
spoIIIAF; stage III sporulation protein AF 0.00151 0.00034 0.00072 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00206 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00064 -2.09941 155.674 0.03739 0.63026
FAD6, desA; acyl-lipid omega-6 desaturase (Delta-12 desaturase) [EC:] 0.00151 0.00037 0.00062 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00213 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00067 -2.25735 138.541 0.02555 0.59941
rbtD; ribitol 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00151 0.00038 0.00089 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00194 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00070 -1.50295 151.731 0.13493 0.77376
kapB; kinase-associated protein B 0.00150 0.00042 0.00096 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00188 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00080 -1.14259 155.750 0.25496 0.77376
odh; opine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00150 0.00044 0.00123 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00170 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00084 -0.55454 155.980 0.58000 0.87573
hasA; heme acquisition protein HasA 0.00150 0.00045 0.00109 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00179 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00086 -0.82275 155.878 0.41190 0.81559
yrrT; putative AdoMet-dependent methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.00150 0.00038 0.00068 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00207 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00067 -2.06262 130.051 0.04114 0.64661
K09803; uncharacterized protein 0.00150 0.00030 0.00107 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00179 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00055 -1.32244 146.221 0.18809 0.77376
fimU; type IV fimbrial biogenesis protein FimU 0.00150 0.00035 0.00196 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00117 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00076 1.03696 105.352 0.30213 0.77376
ysiA, fadR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, fatty acid metabolism regulator protein 0.00150 0.00039 0.00044 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00223 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00069 -2.58292 129.471 0.01091 0.58284
PTS-Aga-EIIC, agaW; PTS system, N-acetylgalactosamine-specific IIC component 0.00150 0.00025 0.00153 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00147 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00051 0.10211 136.537 0.91882 0.97808
pleC; two-component system, cell cycle sensor histidine kinase PleC [EC:] 0.00149 0.00035 0.00053 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00217 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00059 -2.76238 102.474 0.00680 0.54612
SDS, SDH, CHA1; L-serine/L-threonine ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.00149 0.00033 0.00183 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00125 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00068 0.85328 131.028 0.39506 0.80459
steA, tetA46; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, tetracycline resistant protein 0.00149 0.00038 0.00193 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00118 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00084 0.88226 91.162 0.37996 0.79852
steB, tetB46; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, tetracycline resistant protein 0.00149 0.00038 0.00193 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00118 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00084 0.88226 91.162 0.37996 0.79852
dppA1; D-amino peptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] 0.00149 0.00043 0.00077 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00199 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00077 -1.59044 134.523 0.11408 0.77376
K09004; uncharacterized protein 0.00149 0.00037 0.00122 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00167 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00071 -0.62220 155.965 0.53472 0.86207
flaF; flagellar protein FlaF 0.00148 0.00030 0.00052 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00215 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00050 -3.23102 105.283 0.00165 0.46257
hpxQ; 2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00148 0.00033 0.00084 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00193 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00059 -1.84778 125.976 0.06698 0.73334
tsx; nucleoside-specific channel-forming protein 0.00148 0.00034 0.00134 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00157 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00066 -0.35531 154.491 0.72284 0.92156
fbp; diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase / trehalose O-mycolyltransferase [EC:] 0.00148 0.00059 0.00037 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00225 0.00009 0.00099 93 0.00100 -1.87547 96.632 0.06375 0.73334
nrfF; formate-dependent nitrite reductase complex subunit NrfF 0.00147 0.00043 0.00105 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00177 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00084 -0.85436 154.468 0.39423 0.80459
caiC; carnitine-CoA ligase [EC:] 0.00147 0.00035 0.00095 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00183 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00061 -1.44391 126.268 0.15124 0.77376
mhpE; 4-hydroxy 2-oxovalerate aldolase [EC:] 0.00147 0.00041 0.00064 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00204 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00070 -2.00412 102.894 0.04769 0.66537
kbaA; KinB signaling pathway activation protein 0.00147 0.00039 0.00046 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00217 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00069 -2.45769 129.463 0.01531 0.59095
MQCRA, qcrA, bfcA, petC; menaquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:1.10.2.-] 0.00147 0.00039 0.00046 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00217 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00069 -2.45769 129.463 0.01531 0.59095
4hbD, abfH; 4-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00147 0.00034 0.00154 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00142 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00069 0.16958 136.107 0.86559 0.96270
spo0F; two-component system, response regulator, stage 0 sporulation protein F 0.00147 0.00040 0.00051 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00213 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00071 -2.27182 132.517 0.02471 0.59764
tyrC; cyclohexadieny/prephenate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00146 0.00030 0.00053 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00211 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00050 -3.14935 107.805 0.00212 0.46257
vraS; two-component system, NarL family, vancomycin resistance sensor histidine kinase VraS [EC:] 0.00146 0.00049 0.00120 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00164 0.00005 0.00071 93 0.00093 -0.47623 155.990 0.63458 0.89696
nagC; N-acetylglucosamine repressor 0.00146 0.00026 0.00187 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00117 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00054 1.29279 118.108 0.19861 0.77376
aadA; streptomycin 3"-adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00145 0.00030 0.00118 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00164 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00056 -0.81990 153.363 0.41355 0.81655
cotD; spore coat protein D 0.00145 0.00040 0.00046 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00215 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00069 -2.44180 125.757 0.01600 0.59095
yncG; GST-like protein 0.00145 0.00032 0.00107 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00172 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00061 -1.05566 154.579 0.29277 0.77376
vanW; vancomycin resistance protein VanW 0.00145 0.00039 0.00092 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00183 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00072 -1.26136 143.208 0.20923 0.77376
K07807; uncharacterized protein 0.00145 0.00032 0.00215 0.00003 0.00070 65 0.00097 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00074 1.59697 80.872 0.11417 0.77376
K07136; uncharacterized protein 0.00145 0.00025 0.00107 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00172 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00047 -1.39474 154.693 0.16510 0.77376
PTS-Aga-EIIB, agaV; PTS system, N-acetylgalactosamine-specific IIB component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00145 0.00024 0.00145 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00144 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00049 0.02340 140.172 0.98136 0.99661
cpaD; pilus assembly protein CpaD 0.00144 0.00029 0.00075 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00192 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00051 -2.27433 119.926 0.02472 0.59764
K07217; Mn-containing catalase 0.00144 0.00026 0.00106 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00171 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00050 -1.30879 155.568 0.19254 0.77376
cotE; spore coat protein E 0.00144 0.00039 0.00050 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00209 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00070 -2.29041 131.985 0.02358 0.59764
gerE; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional regulator of spore coat protein 0.00144 0.00039 0.00050 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00209 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00070 -2.29041 131.985 0.02358 0.59764
gerQ; spore germination protein Q 0.00144 0.00039 0.00050 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00209 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00070 -2.29041 131.985 0.02358 0.59764
GBA, srfJ; glucosylceramidase [EC:] 0.00144 0.00022 0.00139 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00147 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00044 -0.19043 155.048 0.84922 0.95712
cccB; cytochrome c551 0.00144 0.00040 0.00048 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00210 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00070 -2.31089 129.250 0.02242 0.59764
porB; pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase beta subunit [EC:] 0.00144 0.00041 0.00105 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00170 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00075 -0.86968 134.723 0.38602 0.80258
AOC3, AOC2, tynA; primary-amine oxidase [EC:] 0.00144 0.00028 0.00122 0.00001 0.00045 65 0.00159 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00058 -0.63209 134.971 0.52840 0.86020
gerD; spore germination protein D 0.00143 0.00039 0.00050 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00208 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00069 -2.27987 132.082 0.02422 0.59764
sspI; small acid-soluble spore protein I (minor) 0.00143 0.00039 0.00050 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00208 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00069 -2.27987 132.082 0.02422 0.59764
ypeB; spore germination protein 0.00143 0.00039 0.00050 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00208 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00069 -2.27987 132.082 0.02422 0.59764
higB; mRNA interferase HigB [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00143 0.00035 0.00099 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00174 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00065 -1.15102 150.245 0.25155 0.77376
E4.2.2.10; pectin lyase [EC:] 0.00143 0.00057 0.00081 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00186 0.00007 0.00087 93 0.00105 -1.00090 151.385 0.31847 0.77376
dlgD; 3-dehydro-L-gulonate 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00143 0.00042 0.00186 0.00005 0.00092 65 0.00112 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00097 0.76558 78.740 0.44621 0.83371
K17214; inositol transport system permease protein 0.00143 0.00033 0.00082 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00185 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00062 -1.66471 153.484 0.09801 0.76722
arnB, pmrH; UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose-oxoglutarate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00142 0.00032 0.00150 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00137 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00066 0.20302 141.281 0.83941 0.95506
ramA; alpha-L-rhamnosidase [EC:] 0.00141 0.00027 0.00088 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00178 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00049 -1.83735 135.545 0.06835 0.73473
fosB; metallothiol transferase [EC:2.5.1.-] 0.00141 0.00038 0.00053 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00202 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00068 -2.17660 135.084 0.03125 0.61842
uhpA; two-component system, NarL family, uhpT operon response regulator UhpA 0.00141 0.00032 0.00140 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00141 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00064 -0.00949 145.980 0.99244 0.99908
comB4; ComB4 competence protein 0.00141 0.00070 0.00094 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00173 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00124 -0.64183 121.364 0.52220 0.85628
adeN; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor of the adeIJK operon 0.00141 0.00031 0.00119 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00156 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00058 -0.62494 154.635 0.53293 0.86207
inlA; internalin A 0.00141 0.00032 0.00130 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00148 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00060 -0.29845 153.288 0.76576 0.93900
braE, bceB; bacitracin transport system permease protein 0.00140 0.00041 0.00109 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00162 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00079 -0.66554 155.155 0.50669 0.84956
mqnD; 1,4-dihydroxy-6-naphthoate synthase [EC:1.14.-.-] 0.00140 0.00040 0.00107 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00164 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00073 -0.77604 146.579 0.43898 0.83156
K07100; putative phosphoribosyl transferase 0.00140 0.00042 0.00095 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00172 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00074 -1.04503 124.289 0.29804 0.77376
K06946; uncharacterized protein 0.00140 0.00071 0.00055 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00200 0.00013 0.00119 93 0.00122 -1.19148 99.936 0.23629 0.77376
ureAB; urease subunit gamma/beta [EC:] 0.00140 0.00046 0.00086 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00178 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00082 -1.11398 132.599 0.26730 0.77376
ttrS; two-component system, LuxR family, sensor histidine kinase TtrS [EC:] 0.00140 0.00094 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00234 0.00024 0.00159 93 0.00159 -1.43120 92.112 0.15576 0.77376
hpr; MarR family transcriptional regulator, protease production regulatory protein HPr 0.00140 0.00039 0.00043 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00208 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00069 -2.40235 129.877 0.01771 0.59095
spo0B; stage 0 sporulation protein B (sporulation initiation phosphotransferase) [EC:2.7.-.-] 0.00140 0.00039 0.00043 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00208 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00069 -2.40235 129.877 0.01771 0.59095
nnr; ADP-dependent NAD(P)H-hydrate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00139 0.00032 0.00172 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00117 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00066 0.82548 133.069 0.41058 0.81416
cobZ, tcuA; tricarballylate dehydrogenase 0.00139 0.00031 0.00068 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00189 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00053 -2.26384 120.761 0.02537 0.59941
spoIIIAB; stage III sporulation protein AB 0.00139 0.00032 0.00070 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00187 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00062 -1.88838 154.803 0.06085 0.73001
K11691, dctS; two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase DctS [EC:] 0.00139 0.00062 0.00062 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00193 0.00009 0.00097 93 0.00113 -1.15855 142.593 0.24858 0.77376
pilK; type IV pilus assembly protein PilK 0.00138 0.00032 0.00195 0.00003 0.00062 65 0.00099 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00071 1.36990 99.982 0.17379 0.77376
lst; beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase [EC:2.4.99.-] 0.00138 0.00032 0.00113 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00156 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00060 -0.71491 152.960 0.47576 0.84133
K00184; prokaryotic molybdopterin-containing oxidoreductase family, iron-sulfur binding subunit 0.00138 0.00031 0.00114 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00154 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00058 -0.69015 150.317 0.49116 0.84797
mtrB; transcription attenuation protein (tryptophan RNA-binding attenuator protein) 0.00138 0.00039 0.00057 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00194 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00069 -1.97534 134.795 0.05027 0.67941
bceB, vraE; bacitracin transport system permease protein 0.00138 0.00037 0.00062 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00191 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00067 -1.92702 137.437 0.05604 0.70577
kshA; 3-ketosteroid 9alpha-monooxygenase subunit A [EC:] 0.00138 0.00073 0.00051 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00199 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00124 -1.19193 97.058 0.23619 0.77376
hpaD, hpcB; 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00138 0.00036 0.00084 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00175 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00066 -1.39090 147.143 0.16636 0.77376
pel; pectate lyase [EC:] 0.00137 0.00040 0.00081 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00177 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00072 -1.32669 131.705 0.18691 0.77376
abmG; 2-aminobenzoate-CoA ligase [EC:] 0.00137 0.00036 0.00070 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00184 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00063 -1.79060 130.495 0.07568 0.74536
VCP, CDC48; transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase 0.00137 0.00026 0.00089 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00171 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00047 -1.74754 132.705 0.08286 0.76567
fabY; acetoacetyl-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase [EC:] 0.00137 0.00032 0.00202 0.00002 0.00061 65 0.00092 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00069 1.60135 101.217 0.11242 0.77376
glpM; membrane protein GlpM 0.00137 0.00033 0.00094 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00166 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00062 -1.16628 153.691 0.24531 0.77376
phd; antitoxin Phd 0.00136 0.00042 0.00190 0.00005 0.00092 65 0.00099 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00097 0.93468 79.754 0.35277 0.79194
mal; methylaspartate ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.00136 0.00032 0.00136 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00136 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00062 0.00567 155.781 0.99549 0.99944
nodJ; lipooligosaccharide transport system permease protein 0.00136 0.00031 0.00085 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00172 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00055 -1.56254 128.262 0.12062 0.77376
comP; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase ComP [EC:] 0.00136 0.00088 0.00090 0.00004 0.00083 65 0.00168 0.00018 0.00138 93 0.00161 -0.48770 143.595 0.62650 0.89255
mgtA; phosphatidylinositol alpha 1,6-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00135 0.00028 0.00105 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00157 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00053 -0.97029 155.958 0.33340 0.77957
thiZ; putative hydroxymethylpyrimidine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00135 0.00025 0.00123 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00144 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00050 -0.42157 149.356 0.67395 0.91184
pspE; phage shock protein E 0.00135 0.00029 0.00148 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00126 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00063 0.35246 102.539 0.72521 0.92177
wzxE; enterobacterial common antigen flippase 0.00135 0.00032 0.00132 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00137 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00064 -0.07477 145.493 0.94050 0.98528
tupA, vupA; tungstate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00134 0.00029 0.00111 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00151 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00055 -0.72292 152.761 0.47083 0.83912
gerPF; spore germination protein PF 0.00134 0.00045 0.00009 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00222 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00076 -2.81655 92.362 0.00594 0.54022
degU; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator DegU 0.00134 0.00039 0.00055 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00190 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00070 -1.93054 137.143 0.05560 0.70577
K18383; trans-feruloyl-CoA hydratase / vanillin synthase [EC:] 0.00134 0.00033 0.00101 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00157 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00063 -0.89046 155.658 0.37459 0.79810
spoVAB; stage V sporulation protein AB 0.00134 0.00033 0.00023 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00211 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00055 -3.42672 95.340 0.00090 0.46257
tll; dTDP-6-deoxy-L-talose 4-dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.00134 0.00019 0.00164 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00112 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00038 1.34314 132.016 0.18153 0.77376
dmpB, xylE; catechol 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00134 0.00031 0.00060 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00185 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00054 -2.32837 113.875 0.02166 0.59153
tetB; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, metal-tetracycline-proton antiporter 0.00134 0.00027 0.00124 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00140 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00057 -0.28696 122.121 0.77463 0.94269
norG; GntR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for abcA and norABC 0.00133 0.00038 0.00053 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00190 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00068 -2.02476 133.625 0.04488 0.65981
bpsB, srsB; methyltransferase 0.00133 0.00038 0.00046 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00194 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00068 -2.19250 131.491 0.03010 0.61413
puuP; putrescine importer 0.00133 0.00025 0.00168 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00108 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00053 1.12550 123.837 0.26255 0.77376
kipA; antagonist of KipI 0.00133 0.00030 0.00023 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00209 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00050 -3.69710 97.173 0.00036 0.46257
pucG; (S)-ureidoglycine—glyoxylate transaminase [EC:] 0.00133 0.00045 0.00157 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00115 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00098 0.42359 104.018 0.67274 0.91184
mqsA; HTH-type transcriptional regulator / antitoxin MqsA 0.00132 0.00032 0.00087 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00164 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00059 -1.29544 148.485 0.19718 0.77376
bceR; two-component system, OmpR family, bacitracin resistance response regulator BceR 0.00132 0.00037 0.00058 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00184 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00067 -1.88278 137.670 0.06184 0.73001
spoVAA; stage V sporulation protein AA 0.00132 0.00033 0.00020 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00210 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00054 -3.50635 95.023 0.00070 0.46257
rhaT; L-rhamnose-H+ transport protein 0.00131 0.00029 0.00069 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00175 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00051 -2.10795 115.235 0.03720 0.63026
narT; MFS transporter, NNP family, putative nitrate transporter 0.00131 0.00041 0.00097 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00155 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00079 -0.73064 155.165 0.46610 0.83830
mdeA; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00131 0.00041 0.00099 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00153 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00080 -0.67726 155.161 0.49925 0.84856
fabL; enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase III [EC:] 0.00131 0.00041 0.00028 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00202 0.00004 0.00068 93 0.00070 -2.50493 98.079 0.01390 0.59095
ligK, galC; 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxoglutarate aldolase [EC:] 0.00131 0.00029 0.00069 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00174 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00052 -2.01653 133.591 0.04575 0.65981
AFMID; arylformamidase [EC:] 0.00130 0.00029 0.00076 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00168 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00052 -1.77468 135.069 0.07820 0.75550
liaI; lia operon protein LiaI 0.00130 0.00039 0.00047 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00188 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00070 -2.01930 131.745 0.04548 0.65981
cotJA; spore coat protein JA 0.00130 0.00038 0.00039 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00193 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00066 -2.31903 126.752 0.02199 0.59447
agrD; AgrD protein 0.00130 0.00041 0.00096 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00153 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00080 -0.71921 155.165 0.47309 0.84050
aur; aureolysin [EC:] 0.00130 0.00041 0.00096 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00153 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00080 -0.71921 155.165 0.47309 0.84050
braD, bceA; bacitracin transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00130 0.00041 0.00096 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00153 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00080 -0.71921 155.165 0.47309 0.84050
hrtA; hemin transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00130 0.00041 0.00096 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00153 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00080 -0.71921 155.165 0.47309 0.84050
pleD; two-component system, cell cycle response regulator [EC:] 0.00129 0.00029 0.00060 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00178 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00050 -2.33830 115.926 0.02109 0.59147
prdF; proline racemase [EC:] 0.00129 0.00034 0.00111 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00142 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00064 -0.48544 155.545 0.62805 0.89377
pdc; phenolic acid decarboxylase [EC:4.1.1.-] 0.00129 0.00045 0.00141 0.00005 0.00085 65 0.00120 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00098 0.21553 105.352 0.82977 0.95506
dmsB; anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit B (DMSO reductase iron- sulfur subunit) 0.00129 0.00038 0.00069 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00171 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00066 -1.54430 106.115 0.12549 0.77376
K07046; L-fuconolactonase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.00128 0.00022 0.00109 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00142 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00043 -0.75294 146.691 0.45269 0.83438
ABC.MR; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00128 0.00040 0.00102 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00146 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00070 -0.62991 120.969 0.52994 0.86094
kefG; glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system ancillary protein KefG 0.00128 0.00023 0.00118 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00135 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00045 -0.36632 148.934 0.71464 0.92004
K11527; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase and response regulator [EC:] 0.00128 0.00034 0.00059 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00177 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00058 -2.03335 108.699 0.04445 0.65981
casD, cse5; CRISPR system Cascade subunit CasD 0.00127 0.00024 0.00138 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00119 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00049 0.40446 145.958 0.68647 0.91567
pseB; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.00127 0.00037 0.00084 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00157 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00065 -1.12864 116.582 0.26137 0.77376
yitG, ymfD, yfmO; MFS transporter, ACDE family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00126 0.00034 0.00021 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00200 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00056 -3.17463 95.704 0.00202 0.46257
casE, cse3; CRISPR system Cascade subunit CasE 0.00126 0.00024 0.00136 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00119 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00049 0.36563 146.008 0.71517 0.92004
aroP; aromatic amino acid permease 0.00126 0.00025 0.00135 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00120 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00052 0.28473 141.030 0.77627 0.94269
blaZ; beta-lactamase class A BlaZ [EC:] 0.00126 0.00041 0.00094 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00148 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00079 -0.68878 155.073 0.49199 0.84797
sasG; surface protein G 0.00126 0.00041 0.00094 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00148 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00079 -0.68878 155.073 0.49199 0.84797
tupB, vupB; tungstate transport system permease protein 0.00125 0.00028 0.00107 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00139 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00053 -0.60242 152.792 0.54779 0.86549
DMGDH; dimethylglycine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00125 0.00039 0.00036 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00188 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00069 -2.20713 129.298 0.02907 0.61334
K09145; uncharacterized protein 0.00125 0.00043 0.00093 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00148 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00082 -0.67560 155.889 0.50030 0.84899
casA, cse1; CRISPR system Cascade subunit CasA 0.00125 0.00024 0.00136 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00118 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00049 0.36389 145.942 0.71647 0.92004
lpqC; polyhydroxybutyrate depolymerase 0.00125 0.00025 0.00103 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00141 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00047 -0.80533 155.989 0.42185 0.82295
K07482; transposase, IS30 family 0.00125 0.00028 0.00118 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00130 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00055 -0.21096 153.000 0.83320 0.95506
hxlB; 6-phospho-3-hexuloisomerase [EC:] 0.00125 0.00026 0.00060 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00171 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00046 -2.41061 123.221 0.01740 0.59095
K07317; adenine-specific DNA-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00125 0.00038 0.00091 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00148 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00067 -0.85640 117.571 0.39352 0.80459
matB; malonyl-CoA/methylmalonyl-CoA synthetase [EC:6.2.1.-] 0.00125 0.00030 0.00076 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00159 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00053 -1.54874 131.117 0.12385 0.77376
nepI; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, purine ribonucleoside efflux pump 0.00124 0.00024 0.00162 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00097 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00051 1.27571 112.794 0.20468 0.77376
K09992; uncharacterized protein 0.00124 0.00024 0.00076 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00157 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00046 -1.77266 155.166 0.07825 0.75550
FDH; formate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00124 0.00034 0.00044 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00179 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00058 -2.30613 110.313 0.02297 0.59764
mcrB; 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme B [EC:3.1.21.-] 0.00124 0.00025 0.00170 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00091 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00057 1.38270 81.436 0.17054 0.77376
insB; insertion element IS1 protein InsB 0.00123 0.00073 0.00061 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00167 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00127 -0.83991 105.075 0.40287 0.80963
PTS-Aga-EIID, agaE; PTS system, N-acetylgalactosamine-specific IID component 0.00123 0.00023 0.00113 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00131 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00046 -0.38554 144.643 0.70040 0.91953
rob; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator 0.00123 0.00034 0.00134 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00115 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00071 0.26446 133.138 0.79183 0.94731
K02475; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator 0.00123 0.00040 0.00089 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00147 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00077 -0.75369 155.955 0.45217 0.83438
mqsR; motility quorum-sensing regulator / GCU-specific mRNA interferase toxin 0.00123 0.00031 0.00086 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00148 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00058 -1.07400 150.423 0.28454 0.77376
rfaH; transcriptional antiterminator RfaH 0.00122 0.00022 0.00144 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00108 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00047 0.76535 120.488 0.44556 0.83300
adaA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein of adaptative response / methylphosphotriester-DNA alkyltransferase methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.00122 0.00062 0.00072 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00158 0.00009 0.00096 93 0.00113 -0.76058 144.120 0.44815 0.83372
cutF, nlpE; copper homeostasis protein (lipoprotein) 0.00122 0.00025 0.00110 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00131 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00049 -0.44435 155.194 0.65740 0.90734
birA-coaX; biotin—[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase / type III pantothenate kinase [EC:] 0.00122 0.00029 0.00144 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00107 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00062 0.58168 115.883 0.56191 0.86813
K06897; 7,8-dihydropterin-6-yl-methyl-4-(beta-D-ribofuranosyl)aminobenzene 5’-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00122 0.00028 0.00108 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00132 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00058 -0.41163 128.599 0.68130 0.91403
mhpF; acetaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00122 0.00038 0.00056 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00168 0.00004 0.00064 93 0.00066 -1.70103 102.119 0.09198 0.76567
mprA; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator MprA 0.00122 0.00028 0.00096 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00140 0.00002 0.00040 93 0.00053 -0.82423 155.974 0.41106 0.81489
ala; alanine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00122 0.00044 0.00137 0.00005 0.00084 65 0.00111 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00097 0.26278 104.644 0.79323 0.94783
yfkR; spore germination protein 0.00122 0.00060 0.00065 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00161 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00109 -0.88033 142.395 0.38016 0.79852
phzF; trans-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxyanthranilate isomerase [EC:] 0.00122 0.00026 0.00050 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00172 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00044 -2.77801 114.361 0.00639 0.54194
sspE; small acid-soluble spore protein E (minor gamma-type SASP) 0.00122 0.00036 0.00049 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00172 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00065 -1.87646 136.972 0.06272 0.73012
hpaA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase operon regulatory protein 0.00121 0.00031 0.00100 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00136 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00060 -0.59412 156.000 0.55329 0.86788
malR; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator MalR 0.00121 0.00028 0.00134 0.00002 0.00060 65 0.00112 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00065 0.33868 84.064 0.73570 0.92721
colA; microbial collagenase [EC:] 0.00121 0.00042 0.00087 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00145 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00080 -0.71681 155.298 0.47457 0.84095
yesW; rhamnogalacturonan endolyase [EC:] 0.00121 0.00040 0.00048 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00172 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00068 -1.80871 103.654 0.07340 0.74128
pecM; probable blue pigment (indigoidine) exporter 0.00121 0.00026 0.00071 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00156 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00046 -1.82778 136.678 0.06976 0.73522
torC; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c), cytochrome c-type subunit TorC 0.00120 0.00026 0.00149 0.00001 0.00047 65 0.00101 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00055 0.87290 112.622 0.38457 0.80197
IS15, IS26; transposase, IS6 family 0.00120 0.00041 0.00072 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00154 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00071 -1.13947 116.025 0.25685 0.77376
casB, cse2; CRISPR system Cascade subunit CasB 0.00120 0.00024 0.00126 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00115 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00049 0.21129 145.877 0.83296 0.95506
vasI; type VI secretion system protein VasI 0.00119 0.00032 0.00122 0.00002 0.00049 65 0.00118 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00065 0.05673 142.322 0.95484 0.98792
TREH, treA, treF; alpha,alpha-trehalase [EC:] 0.00119 0.00025 0.00094 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00137 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00047 -0.90515 153.444 0.36681 0.79587
kefF; glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system ancillary protein KefF 0.00119 0.00023 0.00111 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00125 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00046 -0.31398 152.046 0.75397 0.93665
iolI; 2-keto-myo-inositol isomerase [EC:] 0.00119 0.00031 0.00086 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00143 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00060 -0.95845 155.381 0.33932 0.78433
soxZ; sulfur-oxidizing protein SoxZ 0.00119 0.00031 0.00067 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00155 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00055 -1.60963 126.544 0.10997 0.77376
pfkB; 6-phosphofructokinase 2 [EC:] 0.00119 0.00028 0.00047 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00169 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00048 -2.53602 103.891 0.01270 0.59095
nicB; nicotinate dehydrogenase subunit B [EC:] 0.00119 0.00035 0.00048 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00169 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00063 -1.92611 137.046 0.05616 0.70577
pspB; phage shock protein B 0.00119 0.00023 0.00118 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00119 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00045 -0.01320 145.782 0.98949 0.99801
sirB; sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase [EC:] 0.00118 0.00037 0.00037 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00175 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00066 -2.09167 127.153 0.03846 0.63091
AGXT; alanine-glyoxylate transaminase / serine-glyoxylate transaminase / serine-pyruvate transaminase [EC:] 0.00118 0.00033 0.00051 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00165 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00057 -2.01171 105.329 0.04680 0.66255
yabG; spore coat assemly protein 0.00118 0.00031 0.00059 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00159 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00060 -1.68240 152.895 0.09453 0.76609
pepM; phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase [EC:] 0.00118 0.00028 0.00108 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00125 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00056 -0.29624 149.345 0.76746 0.93900
zipB; zinc and cadmium transporter 0.00117 0.00031 0.00077 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00146 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00056 -1.22577 142.427 0.22231 0.77376
mazE, chpAI; antitoxin MazE 0.00117 0.00026 0.00090 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00136 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00050 -0.91414 155.998 0.36205 0.79496
btaA; S-adenosylmethionine-diacylglycerol 3-amino-3-carboxypropyl transferase 0.00117 0.00019 0.00124 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00111 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00041 0.31689 107.348 0.75195 0.93550
lonB; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] 0.00117 0.00031 0.00051 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00162 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00059 -1.87407 153.019 0.06283 0.73012
kinE; two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase E [EC:] 0.00116 0.00038 0.00040 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00170 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00068 -1.90286 130.822 0.05926 0.72498
aruH; arginine:pyruvate transaminase [EC:] 0.00116 0.00025 0.00111 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00120 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00051 -0.17534 140.845 0.86107 0.96180
glrK, qseE; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase GlrK [EC:] 0.00116 0.00031 0.00064 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00152 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00056 -1.58865 133.355 0.11451 0.77376
ereA_B; erythromycin esterase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.00116 0.00059 0.00070 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00148 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00108 -0.72433 142.820 0.47005 0.83870
pilL; type IV pili sensor histidine kinase and response regulator 0.00116 0.00032 0.00107 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00122 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00062 -0.24045 154.424 0.81030 0.95138
fsaA, mipB; fructose-6-phosphate aldolase 1 [EC:4.1.2.-] 0.00116 0.00017 0.00127 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00108 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00035 0.54633 123.188 0.58582 0.87720
citB, tcuB; citrate/tricarballylate utilization protein 0.00116 0.00029 0.00065 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00152 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00051 -1.70357 122.654 0.09099 0.76567
pcaL; 3-oxoadipate enol-lactonase / 4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00116 0.00030 0.00052 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00160 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00054 -2.00755 132.123 0.04673 0.66255
pimB; phosphatidyl-myo-inositol dimannoside synthase [EC:] 0.00116 0.00023 0.00100 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00126 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00043 -0.61835 149.735 0.53728 0.86207
antA; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase (deaminating, decarboxylating) large subunit [EC:] 0.00115 0.00032 0.00074 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00144 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00059 -1.19336 150.866 0.23460 0.77376
argF; N-succinyl-L-ornithine transcarbamylase [EC:] 0.00115 0.00022 0.00077 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00141 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00040 -1.56076 139.655 0.12084 0.77376
antB; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase (deaminating, decarboxylating) small subunit [EC:] 0.00115 0.00032 0.00073 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00144 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00058 -1.21774 150.682 0.22523 0.77376
antC; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase reductase component [EC:1.18.1.-] 0.00115 0.00032 0.00073 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00144 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00058 -1.21774 150.682 0.22523 0.77376
mabO; 4-methylaminobutanoate oxidase (formaldehyde-forming) [EC:] 0.00114 0.00032 0.00041 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00166 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00058 -2.14017 142.786 0.03404 0.62130
RTCA, rtcA; RNA 3’-terminal phosphate cyclase (ATP) [EC:] 0.00114 0.00024 0.00112 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00115 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00046 -0.07494 155.029 0.94036 0.98528
E1.13.11.4; gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00114 0.00032 0.00045 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00161 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00055 -2.09736 101.207 0.03845 0.63091
K00185; prokaryotic molybdopterin-containing oxidoreductase family, membrane subunit 0.00113 0.00024 0.00110 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00115 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00048 -0.11125 154.388 0.91156 0.97664
lysX1; putative lysine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00113 0.00036 0.00066 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00146 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00066 -1.20411 149.093 0.23046 0.77376
rzpD; prophage endopeptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00113 0.00052 0.00100 0.00003 0.00067 65 0.00122 0.00005 0.00075 93 0.00100 -0.21453 155.225 0.83042 0.95506
ACMSD; aminocarboxymuconate-semialdehyde decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00113 0.00030 0.00046 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00160 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00051 -2.21962 112.071 0.02846 0.61334
sspF; small acid-soluble spore protein F (minor alpha/beta-type SASP) 0.00113 0.00034 0.00044 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00161 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00062 -1.88443 138.229 0.06161 0.73001
yndD; spore germination protein 0.00112 0.00035 0.00045 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00160 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00063 -1.83752 132.742 0.06837 0.73473
aacA; aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00112 0.00040 0.00044 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00160 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00068 -1.70956 98.515 0.09049 0.76567
alsE; D-allulose-6-phosphate 3-epimerase [EC:5.1.3.-] 0.00112 0.00045 0.00127 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00102 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00099 0.25560 104.514 0.79876 0.94822
PMA1, PMA2; H+-transporting ATPase [EC:] 0.00112 0.00047 0.00111 0.00004 0.00083 65 0.00113 0.00003 0.00056 93 0.00100 -0.02498 118.086 0.98012 0.99657
gspA; general secretion pathway protein A 0.00112 0.00030 0.00087 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00129 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00055 -0.77756 141.635 0.43813 0.83116
araM, egsA; glycerol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] [EC:] 0.00112 0.00018 0.00100 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00120 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00035 -0.57442 155.964 0.56651 0.87051
yfkN; 2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide 2’-phosphodiesterase / 3’-nucleotidase / 5’-nucleotidase [EC:] 0.00111 0.00060 0.00065 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00143 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00110 -0.70638 144.966 0.48109 0.84354
rspA, manD; mannonate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00111 0.00019 0.00112 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00110 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00041 0.05078 107.637 0.95959 0.98903
nadX, ASPDH; aspartate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00111 0.00021 0.00074 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00136 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00040 -1.53030 155.773 0.12797 0.77376
ygjK; putative isomerase 0.00111 0.00035 0.00083 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00130 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00065 -0.72818 153.286 0.46762 0.83837
yxeO; putative amino-acid transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00110 0.00025 0.00163 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00074 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00059 1.52214 74.184 0.13223 0.77376
mtnX; 2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.00110 0.00037 0.00038 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00160 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00066 -1.84194 132.823 0.06771 0.73437
tcuR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein for tcuABC 0.00110 0.00033 0.00066 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00140 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00058 -1.28290 117.002 0.20206 0.77376
bisC; biotin/methionine sulfoxide reductase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00110 0.00024 0.00068 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00139 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00044 -1.59846 140.316 0.11219 0.77376
glrR, qseF; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator GlrR 0.00110 0.00031 0.00064 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00141 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00055 -1.39669 133.811 0.16482 0.77376
mexH; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00109 0.00030 0.00091 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00122 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00058 -0.52734 152.109 0.59873 0.88240
napE; periplasmic nitrate reductase NapE 0.00109 0.00024 0.00163 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00072 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00055 1.66627 81.894 0.09948 0.76942
CYP125A; cholest-4-en-3-one 26-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00109 0.00055 0.00022 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00171 0.00008 0.00094 93 0.00094 -1.58341 94.861 0.11666 0.77376
MFS.SET; MFS transporter, SET family, sugar efflux transporter 0.00109 0.00034 0.00087 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00125 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00065 -0.58506 154.597 0.55936 0.86813
E2.4.1.64; alpha,alpha-trehalose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00109 0.00028 0.00139 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00089 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00061 0.81778 104.287 0.41535 0.81730
fldA; cinnamoyl-CoA:phenyllactate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.00109 0.00041 0.00168 0.00005 0.00091 65 0.00068 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00095 1.05024 75.016 0.29698 0.77376
kojP; kojibiose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00109 0.00041 0.00168 0.00006 0.00092 65 0.00068 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00096 1.03875 74.755 0.30227 0.77376
meh; 3-methylfumaryl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 0.00109 0.00027 0.00050 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00150 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00047 -2.11653 111.001 0.03653 0.62546
dctS; two-component system, LuxR family, sensor histidine kinase DctS [EC:] 0.00109 0.00030 0.00074 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00133 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00054 -1.09573 138.817 0.27510 0.77376
pbpA; penicillin-binding protein 1 [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00108 0.00041 0.00094 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00119 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00080 -0.31448 154.593 0.75358 0.93643
hsaA; 3-hydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00108 0.00039 0.00053 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00147 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00067 -1.39854 105.718 0.16488 0.77376
hcnA; hydrogen cyanide synthase HcnA [EC:] 0.00108 0.00030 0.00101 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00114 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00061 -0.21309 146.241 0.83155 0.95506
hcnB; hydrogen cyanide synthase HcnB [EC:] 0.00108 0.00030 0.00101 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00114 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00061 -0.21309 146.241 0.83155 0.95506
legF, ptmB; CMP-N,N’-diacetyllegionaminic acid synthase [EC:] 0.00108 0.00033 0.00082 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00126 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00062 -0.71299 151.771 0.47695 0.84209
dinD; DNA-damage-inducible protein D 0.00108 0.00020 0.00078 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00129 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00037 -1.37890 148.508 0.17000 0.77376
pspF; psp operon transcriptional activator 0.00108 0.00020 0.00101 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00113 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00041 -0.31596 150.179 0.75247 0.93565
hpxO; FAD-dependent urate hydroxylase [EC:] 0.00108 0.00026 0.00069 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00135 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00047 -1.39579 135.149 0.16507 0.77376
terZ; tellurium resistance protein TerZ 0.00108 0.00024 0.00098 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00114 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00046 -0.34231 155.971 0.73258 0.92601
dmsC; anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit C (DMSO reductase anchor subunit) 0.00108 0.00022 0.00098 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00115 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00042 -0.40842 153.818 0.68353 0.91514
lasR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator LasR 0.00108 0.00031 0.00086 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00122 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00058 -0.61762 155.284 0.53773 0.86207
iolH; myo-inositol catabolism protein IolH 0.00108 0.00025 0.00100 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00113 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00047 -0.27635 155.943 0.78265 0.94310
rtcB; release factor H-coupled RctB family protein 0.00108 0.00023 0.00099 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00113 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00045 -0.31185 148.911 0.75559 0.93665
dbh; DNA polymerase IV (archaeal DinB-like DNA polymerase) [EC:] 0.00107 0.00041 0.00167 0.00005 0.00092 65 0.00066 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00096 1.06007 74.746 0.29253 0.77376
E3.3.2.8; limonene-1,2-epoxide hydrolase [EC:] 0.00107 0.00072 0.00021 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00167 0.00014 0.00122 93 0.00123 -1.19181 94.591 0.23632 0.77376
bpsA, srsA, pks11, pks10; alkylresorcinol/alkylpyrone synthase 0.00107 0.00034 0.00047 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00149 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00061 -1.67276 140.413 0.09660 0.76667
iolT; MFS transporter, SP family, major inositol transporter 0.00106 0.00018 0.00124 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00094 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00036 0.81658 134.029 0.41562 0.81731
lmrA, yxaF; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, lmrAB and yxaGH operons repressor 0.00106 0.00047 0.00056 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00141 0.00005 0.00077 93 0.00082 -1.03373 117.810 0.30338 0.77376
tmm; trimethylamine monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00106 0.00030 0.00065 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00134 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00056 -1.23257 153.358 0.21962 0.77376
babA; outer membrane protein BabA 0.00106 0.00068 0.00038 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00153 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00117 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cgtA; beta-1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00106 0.00068 0.00038 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00153 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00117 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
comB10; ComB10 competence protein 0.00106 0.00068 0.00038 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00153 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00117 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
sabA; outer membrane protein SabA 0.00106 0.00068 0.00038 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00153 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00117 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
TROVE2, SSA2; 60 kDa SS-A/Ro ribonucleoprotein 0.00106 0.00025 0.00108 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00103 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00049 0.10303 154.330 0.91807 0.97744
hndC; NADP-reducing hydrogenase subunit HndC [EC:] 0.00105 0.00025 0.00085 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00119 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00046 -0.73508 152.201 0.46342 0.83677
K07051; uncharacterized protein 0.00105 0.00030 0.00079 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00124 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00059 -0.77568 153.892 0.43913 0.83156
laaA; L-proline amide hydrolase [EC:] 0.00105 0.00031 0.00074 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00126 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00059 -0.88547 155.115 0.37727 0.79815
femA; peptidoglycan pentaglycine glycine transferase (the second and third glycine) [EC:] 0.00105 0.00041 0.00091 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00114 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00079 -0.28320 154.893 0.77740 0.94269
femB; peptidoglycan pentaglycine glycine transferase (the fourth and fifth glycine) [EC:] 0.00105 0.00041 0.00091 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00114 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00079 -0.28320 154.893 0.77740 0.94269
soxA; sulfur-oxidizing protein SoxA 0.00105 0.00029 0.00040 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00150 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00050 -2.23095 109.019 0.02773 0.61334
gsiD; glutathione transport system permease protein 0.00105 0.00033 0.00074 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00126 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00061 -0.84952 148.441 0.39696 0.80459
norE; nitric oxide reductase NorE protein 0.00104 0.00028 0.00039 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00150 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00048 -2.32001 105.023 0.02227 0.59764
ectC; L-ectoine synthase [EC:] 0.00104 0.00023 0.00066 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00131 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00042 -1.54136 138.924 0.12550 0.77376
grdB; glycine reductase complex component B subunit gamma [EC:] 0.00104 0.00023 0.00113 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00098 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00046 0.31073 145.217 0.75646 0.93680
pbp3; penicillin-binding protein 3 [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00104 0.00041 0.00090 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00114 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00079 -0.29887 154.886 0.76544 0.93900
norC; nitric oxide reductase subunit C 0.00103 0.00028 0.00041 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00147 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00049 -2.16006 106.504 0.03301 0.62130
K06882; uncharacterized protein 0.00103 0.00037 0.00084 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00117 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00066 -0.48808 132.177 0.62630 0.89255
hndA; NADP-reducing hydrogenase subunit HndA [EC:] 0.00103 0.00027 0.00075 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00123 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00049 -0.98844 135.832 0.32469 0.77376
tupC, vupC; tungstate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00103 0.00027 0.00101 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00104 0.00002 0.00040 93 0.00051 -0.05225 154.936 0.95839 0.98903
norD; nitric oxide reductase NorD protein 0.00103 0.00028 0.00040 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00147 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00049 -2.19409 105.210 0.03043 0.61440
MLYCD; malonyl-CoA decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00103 0.00029 0.00043 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00145 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00049 -2.06511 104.350 0.04139 0.64661
dmsA; anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit A [EC:] 0.00103 0.00036 0.00054 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00137 0.00003 0.00060 93 0.00062 -1.34383 104.451 0.18191 0.77376
PRK, prkB; phosphoribulokinase [EC:] 0.00103 0.00021 0.00089 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00112 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00042 -0.53953 152.984 0.59030 0.87896
gsiC; glutathione transport system permease protein 0.00103 0.00032 0.00079 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00119 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00060 -0.66936 150.391 0.50429 0.84956
vanSC, vanSE, vanSG; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VanS [EC:] 0.00102 0.00040 0.00052 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00138 0.00004 0.00065 93 0.00071 -1.20498 124.801 0.23049 0.77376
podJ; localization factor PodJL 0.00102 0.00025 0.00038 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00147 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00042 -2.60005 103.801 0.01068 0.58284
cdr; CoA-disulfide reductase [EC:] 0.00101 0.00041 0.00090 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00110 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00079 -0.24774 154.891 0.80467 0.94931
K11442; putative uridylyltransferase [EC:2.7.7.-] 0.00101 0.00041 0.00090 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00110 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00079 -0.24774 154.891 0.80467 0.94931
K12055, parA; chromosome partitioning related protein ParA 0.00101 0.00030 0.00099 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00103 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00059 -0.07685 154.394 0.93884 0.98500
hpxB; allantoinase [EC:] 0.00101 0.00027 0.00070 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00123 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00049 -1.06643 137.225 0.28810 0.77376
modD; molybdenum transport protein [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.00101 0.00025 0.00112 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00094 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00051 0.34785 130.886 0.72851 0.92350
K05937; uncharacterized protein 0.00101 0.00041 0.00096 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00105 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00079 -0.11520 154.939 0.90843 0.97664
K01138; uncharacterized sulfatase [EC:3.1.6.-] 0.00101 0.00026 0.00122 0.00001 0.00048 65 0.00087 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00056 0.61247 114.017 0.54145 0.86207
wcaI; colanic acid biosynthesis glycosyl transferase WcaI 0.00101 0.00030 0.00053 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00135 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00055 -1.48016 148.809 0.14094 0.77376
kipI; inhibitor of KinA 0.00101 0.00026 0.00015 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00161 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00044 -3.32681 93.950 0.00125 0.46257
adc; acetoacetate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00101 0.00033 0.00039 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00144 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00056 -1.86041 99.025 0.06580 0.73334
PTS-Nag-EIIA, nagE; PTS system, N-acetylglucosamine-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.00101 0.00017 0.00108 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00096 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00034 0.35760 144.164 0.72117 0.92156
tesI; 3-oxo-5alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00101 0.00055 0.00045 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00140 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00094 -1.01181 98.852 0.31410 0.77376
K07454; putative restriction endonuclease 0.00100 0.00027 0.00109 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00095 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00054 0.26745 143.613 0.78951 0.94606
mdlC; benzoylformate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00100 0.00033 0.00051 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00135 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00057 -1.46931 106.656 0.14469 0.77376
zot; zona occludens toxin 0.00100 0.00026 0.00077 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00117 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00048 -0.84693 151.107 0.39837 0.80602
soxX; sulfur-oxidizing protein SoxX 0.00100 0.00028 0.00039 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00143 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00048 -2.13827 109.769 0.03471 0.62130
FAB2, SSI2, desA1; acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] desaturase [EC:] 0.00100 0.00027 0.00028 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00150 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00046 -2.64797 102.380 0.00938 0.58112
E1.11.1.19; dye decolorizing peroxidase [EC:] 0.00100 0.00025 0.00060 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00128 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00045 -1.52257 137.489 0.13016 0.77376
pdaD; arginine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00100 0.00029 0.00085 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00111 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00055 -0.47264 155.801 0.63713 0.89703
ylnA, cysP; sulfate permease 0.00100 0.00034 0.00052 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00133 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00061 -1.34999 134.214 0.17929 0.77376
K09161; uncharacterized protein 0.00100 0.00023 0.00122 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00085 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00048 0.76950 117.497 0.44314 0.83186
sucD; succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00099 0.00029 0.00083 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00111 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00055 -0.50909 155.808 0.61141 0.88722
yhcO; ribonuclease inhibitor 0.00099 0.00019 0.00100 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00099 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00038 0.03278 150.469 0.97389 0.99535
COQ9; ubiquinone biosynthesis protein COQ9 0.00098 0.00022 0.00054 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00129 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00040 -1.87528 133.633 0.06294 0.73012
rhaT; rhamnose transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00098 0.00024 0.00046 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00135 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00044 -2.02285 137.877 0.04502 0.65981
uspG; universal stress protein G 0.00098 0.00029 0.00107 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00092 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00059 0.26353 137.842 0.79254 0.94770
nanM; N-acetylneuraminate epimerase [EC:] 0.00098 0.00027 0.00082 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00110 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00051 -0.54948 155.929 0.58346 0.87720
tri; tricorn protease [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00098 0.00025 0.00059 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00125 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00048 -1.39541 155.548 0.16488 0.77376
AGPS, agpS; alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00098 0.00028 0.00049 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00132 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00049 -1.69199 119.769 0.09325 0.76567
mprB; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase MprB [EC:] 0.00098 0.00038 0.00062 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00123 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00066 -0.91827 113.761 0.36042 0.79496
splA; transcriptional regulator of the spore photoproduct lyase operon 0.00098 0.00033 0.00038 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00140 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00059 -1.71679 135.346 0.08831 0.76567
yafP; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00098 0.00018 0.00059 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00125 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00033 -1.96227 145.877 0.05163 0.68802
bceS; two-component system, OmpR family, bacitracin resistance sensor histidine kinase BceS [EC:] 0.00097 0.00034 0.00048 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00132 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00062 -1.34465 141.611 0.18089 0.77376
K13819; NifU-like protein 0.00097 0.00036 0.00073 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00114 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00065 -0.63520 129.146 0.52642 0.85844
hxlA; 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00097 0.00025 0.00032 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00143 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00043 -2.56391 112.844 0.01166 0.59095
ligB; protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase, beta chain [EC:] 0.00097 0.00040 0.00023 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00149 0.00004 0.00067 93 0.00068 -1.85611 95.569 0.06652 0.73334
yqgE; MFS transporter, YQGE family, putative transporter 0.00097 0.00025 0.00013 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00155 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.37981 94.023 0.00106 0.46257
mrx1; mycoredoxin [EC:] 0.00097 0.00024 0.00070 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00116 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00044 -1.04293 149.664 0.29866 0.77376
vat; virginiamycin A acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00096 0.00027 0.00030 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00143 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00046 -2.44789 97.066 0.01617 0.59095
irr; Fur family transcriptional regulator, iron response regulator 0.00096 0.00024 0.00032 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00142 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00042 -2.64682 100.114 0.00944 0.58112
mgrA; MarR family transcriptional regulator, multiple gene regulator MgrA 0.00096 0.00038 0.00087 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00103 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00075 -0.21562 151.581 0.82957 0.95506
lysDH; lysine 6-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00096 0.00036 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00139 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00064 -1.61605 135.344 0.10841 0.77376
tlp; small acid-soluble spore protein (thioredoxin-like protein) 0.00096 0.00026 0.00012 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00154 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00044 -3.22471 93.885 0.00174 0.46257
gspB; general secretion pathway protein B 0.00096 0.00029 0.00072 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00113 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00053 -0.75731 141.145 0.45013 0.83438
mdtN; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00096 0.00029 0.00083 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00104 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00057 -0.37190 150.993 0.71049 0.92004
mdtO; multidrug resistance protein MdtO 0.00096 0.00029 0.00083 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00104 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00057 -0.37190 150.993 0.71049 0.92004
wcaH; colanic acid biosynthesis protein WcaH [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.00096 0.00030 0.00056 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00123 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00056 -1.21737 148.803 0.22539 0.77376
K08961; chondroitin-sulfate-ABC endolyase/exolyase [EC:] 0.00095 0.00024 0.00061 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00119 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00041 -1.40285 119.871 0.16325 0.77376
mucK; MFS transporter, AAHS family, cis,cis-muconate transporter 0.00095 0.00048 0.00061 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00119 0.00006 0.00080 93 0.00084 -0.70238 109.213 0.48394 0.84354
fadK; acyl-CoA synthetase [EC:6.2.1.-] 0.00095 0.00029 0.00080 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00105 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00056 -0.44498 150.825 0.65697 0.90692
E5.3.3.1; steroid Delta-isomerase [EC:] 0.00095 0.00054 0.00029 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00141 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00093 -1.21000 95.641 0.22926 0.77376
spsF; spore coat polysaccharide biosynthesis protein SpsF 0.00095 0.00031 0.00077 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00107 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00056 -0.53236 147.077 0.59528 0.88005
hrtB; hemin transport system permease protein 0.00095 0.00038 0.00086 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00101 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00075 -0.19902 151.590 0.84252 0.95506
sdrM; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00095 0.00038 0.00086 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00101 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00075 -0.19902 151.590 0.84252 0.95506
sgtA; monofunctional glycosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00095 0.00038 0.00086 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00101 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00075 -0.19902 151.590 0.84252 0.95506
sgtB; monofunctional glycosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00095 0.00038 0.00086 0.00002 0.00053 65 0.00101 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00075 -0.19902 151.590 0.84252 0.95506
ptpA; Xaa-Xaa-Pro tripeptidyl-peptidase [EC:] 0.00095 0.00029 0.00083 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00103 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00055 -0.37545 155.836 0.70783 0.92004
K09137; uncharacterized protein 0.00095 0.00025 0.00106 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00087 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00053 0.35396 117.343 0.72400 0.92170
ectA; L-2,4-diaminobutyric acid acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00095 0.00023 0.00057 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00121 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00041 -1.57231 136.270 0.11820 0.77376
hydA; quinone-reactive Ni/Fe-hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] 0.00095 0.00036 0.00075 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00108 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00065 -0.51141 129.303 0.60994 0.88693
hydB; quinone-reactive Ni/Fe-hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.00095 0.00036 0.00075 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00108 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00065 -0.51141 129.303 0.60994 0.88693
bcrB; bacitracin transport system permease protein 0.00094 0.00033 0.00027 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00141 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00057 -2.01119 111.351 0.04672 0.66255
vapC; ribonuclease VapC [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00094 0.00024 0.00067 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00113 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00047 -0.98141 143.867 0.32804 0.77376
gsiB; glutathione transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00094 0.00032 0.00075 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00108 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00059 -0.54470 150.190 0.58677 0.87731
oxdA; aldoxime dehydratase [EC:] 0.00094 0.00033 0.00042 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00130 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00060 -1.45585 140.887 0.14766 0.77376
comA; two-component system, NarL family, competent response regulator ComA 0.00094 0.00059 0.00067 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00112 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00107 -0.42651 144.210 0.67037 0.91184
bcrA; bacitracin transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00093 0.00032 0.00038 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00132 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00055 -1.70539 113.272 0.09086 0.76567
cbrT; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component 0.00093 0.00020 0.00051 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00123 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00036 -2.00828 114.213 0.04697 0.66255
K09804; uncharacterized protein 0.00093 0.00036 0.00072 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00108 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00065 -0.56467 129.107 0.57328 0.87292
spoVK; stage V sporulation protein K 0.00093 0.00025 0.00017 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00147 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.06821 97.252 0.00279 0.46257
nicC; 6-hydroxynicotinate 3-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00093 0.00030 0.00046 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00126 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00055 -1.47499 148.296 0.14234 0.77376
rutB; ureidoacrylate peracid hydrolase [EC:] 0.00093 0.00019 0.00086 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00098 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00040 -0.30336 124.731 0.76212 0.93813
basR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator BasR 0.00093 0.00025 0.00082 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00100 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00048 -0.37591 155.051 0.70750 0.92004
tarL; CDP-ribitol ribitolphosphotransferase / teichoic acid ribitol-phosphate polymerase [EC:] 0.00093 0.00032 0.00043 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00128 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00056 -1.51566 114.489 0.13236 0.77376
draG; ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] hydrolase [EC:] 0.00093 0.00022 0.00109 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00082 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00045 0.60597 143.522 0.54549 0.86444
stbD; antitoxin StbD 0.00093 0.00021 0.00083 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00100 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00039 -0.44615 153.375 0.65612 0.90679
K09944; uncharacterized protein 0.00093 0.00036 0.00071 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00108 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00065 -0.58138 129.154 0.56200 0.86813
K18284; adenosylhomocysteine/aminodeoxyfutalosine nucleosidase [EC:] 0.00093 0.00036 0.00071 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00108 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00065 -0.58138 129.154 0.56200 0.86813
NUDT14; UDP-sugar diphosphatase [EC:] 0.00093 0.00036 0.00071 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00108 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00065 -0.58138 129.154 0.56200 0.86813
spoIVFA; stage IV sporulation protein FA 0.00092 0.00025 0.00017 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00145 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.04721 97.268 0.00297 0.46257
ytpB; tetraprenyl-beta-curcumene synthase [EC:] 0.00092 0.00025 0.00017 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00145 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.04721 97.268 0.00297 0.46257
dhbF; nonribosomal peptide synthetase DhbF 0.00092 0.00029 0.00076 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00104 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00057 -0.50455 151.055 0.61461 0.88827
ybiC; uncharacterized oxidoreductase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00092 0.00025 0.00049 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00122 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00044 -1.66876 128.215 0.09760 0.76673
menI; 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA hydrolase [EC:] 0.00092 0.00019 0.00084 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00098 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00037 -0.35900 152.471 0.72009 0.92108
pinR; putative DNA-invertase from lambdoid prophage Rac 0.00092 0.00029 0.00079 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00101 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00057 -0.38278 150.821 0.70243 0.92004
embC; arabinosyltransferase C [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.00092 0.00038 0.00049 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00122 0.00004 0.00062 93 0.00066 -1.10224 110.339 0.27276 0.77376
K06971; uncharacterized protein 0.00092 0.00024 0.00032 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00134 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00043 -2.37357 127.851 0.01911 0.59095
mycP; membrane-anchored mycosin MYCP [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00092 0.00024 0.00046 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00123 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00042 -1.83766 132.519 0.06835 0.73473
lctB; potassium channel LctB 0.00091 0.00025 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00145 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.09446 96.797 0.00258 0.46257
K09166; uncharacterized protein 0.00091 0.00031 0.00061 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00112 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00058 -0.86769 150.993 0.38694 0.80262
comX; competence protein ComX 0.00091 0.00059 0.00060 0.00002 0.00055 65 0.00112 0.00008 0.00092 93 0.00107 -0.48433 143.594 0.62889 0.89441
pseI, neuB3; pseudaminic acid synthase [EC:] 0.00091 0.00036 0.00051 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00119 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00062 -1.08736 113.692 0.27918 0.77376
SASP-B, sspB; small acid-soluble spore protein B (major beta-type SASP) 0.00090 0.00026 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00145 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00043 -3.06220 95.748 0.00285 0.46257
mdlA, smdA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.00090 0.00023 0.00094 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00088 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00045 0.13880 152.447 0.88979 0.97048
mdlB, smdB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.00090 0.00023 0.00094 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00088 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00045 0.13880 152.447 0.88979 0.97048
hlyD, cyaD; hemolysin D 0.00090 0.00019 0.00065 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00108 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00039 -1.11471 139.487 0.26689 0.77376
hlyB, cyaB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial HlyB/CyaB 0.00090 0.00018 0.00068 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00105 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00037 -1.02012 146.833 0.30935 0.77376
comER; competence protein ComER 0.00090 0.00025 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00145 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.22973 93.595 0.00171 0.46257
K09961; uncharacterized protein 0.00090 0.00031 0.00072 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00102 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00056 -0.54514 134.209 0.58656 0.87731
PM20D1; carboxypeptidase PM20D1 [EC:3.4.17.-] 0.00089 0.00020 0.00061 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00109 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00038 -1.25019 155.952 0.21310 0.77376
sspP, cotL; small acid-soluble spore protein P (minor) 0.00089 0.00025 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00145 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.25248 93.331 0.00159 0.46257
puo; putrescine oxidase [EC:] 0.00089 0.00025 0.00054 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00114 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00046 -1.33346 133.645 0.18465 0.77376
oxdD; oxalate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00089 0.00034 0.00053 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00114 0.00003 0.00055 93 0.00062 -0.98190 135.296 0.32790 0.77376
legG, neuC2; GDP/UDP-N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.00089 0.00032 0.00065 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00106 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00060 -0.67829 148.302 0.49864 0.84856
repC; replication initiation protein RepC 0.00089 0.00029 0.00024 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00134 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00050 -2.21689 103.472 0.02882 0.61334
cofE, fbiB; coenzyme F420-0:L-glutamate ligase / coenzyme F420-1:gamma-L-glutamate ligase [EC:] 0.00089 0.00023 0.00067 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00104 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00042 -0.87208 153.235 0.38453 0.80197
frsA; esterase FrsA [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00088 0.00026 0.00088 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00089 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00049 -0.02697 155.610 0.97852 0.99657
comB8; ComB8 competence protein 0.00088 0.00038 0.00075 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00097 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00072 -0.30795 154.009 0.75854 0.93719
comB9; ComB9 competence protein 0.00088 0.00038 0.00075 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00097 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00072 -0.30795 154.009 0.75854 0.93719
raxB, cvaB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial RaxB 0.00088 0.00024 0.00077 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00096 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00049 -0.38019 139.879 0.70438 0.92004
pksE; trans-AT polyketide synthase, acyltransferase and oxidoreductase domains 0.00088 0.00028 0.00081 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00092 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00056 -0.20476 149.333 0.83804 0.95506
xanQ; xanthine permease XanQ 0.00087 0.00029 0.00119 0.00002 0.00057 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00064 0.83352 96.394 0.40661 0.81189
seaA; uncharacterized protein 0.00087 0.00037 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00144 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00063 -2.17347 92.527 0.03230 0.62130
solA; N-methyl-L-tryptophan oxidase [EC:1.5.3.-] 0.00087 0.00032 0.00072 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00097 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00059 -0.42280 150.119 0.67305 0.91184
divJ; two-component system, cell cycle sensor histidine kinase DivJ [EC:] 0.00087 0.00023 0.00029 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00127 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00039 -2.53234 101.888 0.01286 0.59095
preT; dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (NAD+) subunit PreT [EC:] 0.00087 0.00034 0.00138 0.00004 0.00078 65 0.00051 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00080 1.09425 70.509 0.27757 0.77376
melA; alpha-galactosidase [EC:] 0.00087 0.00018 0.00023 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00131 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00030 -3.59350 103.826 0.00050 0.46257
hycI; hydrogenase 3 maturation protease [EC:] 0.00087 0.00019 0.00104 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00074 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00041 0.71353 101.799 0.47715 0.84209
entS; MFS transporter, ENTS family, enterobactin (siderophore) exporter 0.00086 0.00025 0.00073 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00096 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00046 -0.50000 150.164 0.61781 0.88903
K07492; putative transposase 0.00086 0.00035 0.00037 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00120 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00061 -1.35862 116.959 0.17688 0.77376
K02482; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor kinase [EC:] 0.00086 0.00022 0.00049 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00112 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00040 -1.55838 134.033 0.12150 0.77376
per, rfbE; perosamine synthetase [EC:] 0.00086 0.00034 0.00045 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00115 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00061 -1.15303 134.831 0.25094 0.77376
gerPA; spore germination protein PA 0.00086 0.00025 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00138 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.06517 93.751 0.00284 0.46257
DDC, TDC; aromatic-L-amino-acid/L-tryptophan decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00085 0.00023 0.00136 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00050 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00051 1.69021 81.562 0.09481 0.76609
kdgT; 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate permease 0.00085 0.00015 0.00078 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00090 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00028 -0.41269 155.699 0.68040 0.91354
gerPB; spore germination protein PB 0.00085 0.00025 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00138 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.08912 93.330 0.00264 0.46257
gerPC; spore germination protein PC 0.00085 0.00025 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00138 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.08912 93.330 0.00264 0.46257
gerPE; spore germination protein PE 0.00085 0.00025 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00138 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -3.08912 93.330 0.00264 0.46257
shlA, hhdA, hpmA; hemolysin 0.00085 0.00021 0.00122 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00059 0.00001 0.00023 93 0.00044 1.40311 111.321 0.16337 0.77376
vanRC, vanRE, vanRG; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VanR 0.00085 0.00034 0.00055 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00106 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00061 -0.82544 137.631 0.41055 0.81416
ligJ; 4-oxalmesaconate hydratase [EC:] 0.00085 0.00026 0.00032 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00121 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00045 -1.96023 116.512 0.05236 0.69120
cyaC, hlyC, rtxC; cytolysin-activating lysine-acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00085 0.00028 0.00075 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00056 -0.29689 148.398 0.76697 0.93900
K09706; uncharacterized protein 0.00085 0.00026 0.00020 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00130 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00045 -2.43869 109.387 0.01635 0.59095
nicF; maleamate amidohydrolase [EC:] 0.00084 0.00029 0.00050 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00108 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00054 -1.06934 153.398 0.28659 0.77376
gpgS; glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase [EC:] 0.00084 0.00023 0.00069 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00095 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00045 -0.58244 155.940 0.56111 0.86813
PRSS15, PIM1; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] 0.00084 0.00028 0.00083 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00085 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00056 -0.03035 147.146 0.97583 0.99571
spdH; spermidine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00084 0.00030 0.00052 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00106 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00056 -0.98068 152.781 0.32830 0.77376
spoVID; stage VI sporulation protein D 0.00084 0.00025 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00132 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00041 -2.81980 97.287 0.00582 0.54022
fixK; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, nitrogen fixation regulation protein 0.00084 0.00032 0.00033 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00119 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00054 -1.57828 98.907 0.11769 0.77376
K09982; uncharacterized protein 0.00084 0.00017 0.00085 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00083 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00034 0.06887 147.554 0.94519 0.98674
mngB; mannosylglycerate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00084 0.00025 0.00086 0.00001 0.00043 65 0.00082 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00053 0.08175 125.781 0.93498 0.98459
kshB; 3-ketosteroid 9alpha-monooxygenase subunit B [EC:] 0.00084 0.00023 0.00040 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00114 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00041 -1.81976 119.157 0.07131 0.73944
abiQ; protein AbiQ 0.00084 0.00017 0.00112 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00064 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00038 1.24839 88.397 0.21519 0.77376
lyxK; L-xylulokinase [EC:] 0.00083 0.00015 0.00070 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00093 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00030 -0.75386 146.470 0.45214 0.83438
citR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for citA 0.00083 0.00032 0.00055 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00103 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00059 -0.82542 143.995 0.41050 0.81416
ycnJ; copper transport protein 0.00083 0.00018 0.00038 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00114 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00032 -2.36135 128.394 0.01971 0.59095
pksJ; polyketide synthase PksJ 0.00083 0.00028 0.00075 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00088 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00056 -0.24727 148.685 0.80504 0.94958
pseC; UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-L-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine transaminase [EC:] 0.00083 0.00035 0.00050 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00106 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00062 -0.89928 114.074 0.37040 0.79587
pseH; UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00083 0.00035 0.00050 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00106 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00062 -0.89928 114.074 0.37040 0.79587
ogl; oligogalacturonide lyase [EC:] 0.00083 0.00028 0.00042 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00111 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00049 -1.41989 122.860 0.15817 0.77376
aglE, ggtB; alpha-glucoside transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00082 0.00017 0.00065 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00094 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00033 -0.87912 155.865 0.38069 0.79887
E3.1.1.74; cutinase [EC:] 0.00082 0.00032 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00134 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00055 -2.30192 94.363 0.02354 0.59764
rhaA; L-rhamnose isomerase / sugar isomerase [EC: 5.3.1.-] 0.00082 0.00020 0.00069 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00038 -0.58229 154.319 0.56122 0.86813
allD; ureidoglycolate dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.00082 0.00033 0.00040 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00111 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00059 -1.21600 136.009 0.22609 0.77376
hss; homospermidine synthase [EC:] 0.00082 0.00023 0.00018 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00126 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00039 -2.74272 95.484 0.00728 0.54764
E3.1.27.3; ribonuclease T1 [EC:] 0.00082 0.00026 0.00046 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00106 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00046 -1.31316 115.428 0.19173 0.77376
K09960; uncharacterized protein 0.00082 0.00029 0.00056 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00100 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00052 -0.84478 120.310 0.39991 0.80762
thuF, sugA; trehalose/maltose transport system permease protein 0.00082 0.00026 0.00036 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00114 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00044 -1.76934 112.286 0.07955 0.75920
sspK; small acid-soluble spore protein K (minor) 0.00082 0.00025 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00133 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00041 -3.02955 93.057 0.00317 0.46257
PTS-Fru2-EIIB; PTS system, fructose-specific IIB-like component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00082 0.00025 0.00058 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00098 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00044 -0.90201 119.105 0.36887 0.79587
cimA; (R)-citramalate synthase [EC:] 0.00081 0.00021 0.00055 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00100 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00040 -1.10906 154.758 0.26913 0.77376
ulaE, sgaU, sgbU; L-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase [EC:] 0.00081 0.00016 0.00102 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00067 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00036 0.99882 91.947 0.32050 0.77376
iolJ; 6-phospho-5-dehydro-2-deoxy-D-gluconate aldolase [EC:] 0.00081 0.00031 0.00085 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00079 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00069 0.08250 89.363 0.93444 0.98428
mepM; murein DD-endopeptidase [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.00081 0.00019 0.00091 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00040 0.40650 132.723 0.68503 0.91533
atoC; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator AtoC 0.00081 0.00030 0.00067 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00065 -0.37412 113.856 0.70901 0.92004
hicB; antitoxin HicB 0.00081 0.00023 0.00047 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00105 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00043 -1.33076 149.413 0.18530 0.77376
cofC; 2-phospho-L-lactate guanylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00081 0.00021 0.00049 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00104 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00038 -1.45820 128.650 0.14722 0.77376
dmpL, poxC; Phenol hydroxylase P1 protein 0.00081 0.00020 0.00088 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00076 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00039 0.29617 150.826 0.76751 0.93900
dmpM, poxB; phenol hydroxylase P2 protein 0.00081 0.00020 0.00088 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00076 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00039 0.29617 150.826 0.76751 0.93900
dmpN, poxD; phenol hydroxylase P3 protein [EC:1.14.13.-] 0.00081 0.00020 0.00088 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00076 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00039 0.29617 150.826 0.76751 0.93900
dmpO, poxE; phenol hydroxylase P4 protein 0.00081 0.00020 0.00088 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00076 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00039 0.29617 150.826 0.76751 0.93900
dmpP, poxF; phenol hydroxylase P5 protein 0.00081 0.00020 0.00088 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00076 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00039 0.29617 150.826 0.76751 0.93900
thuE; trehalose/maltose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00081 0.00026 0.00034 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00114 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00044 -1.81296 112.177 0.07251 0.74128
hyfE; hydrogenase-4 component E [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00081 0.00020 0.00092 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00073 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00042 0.45423 108.274 0.65057 0.90423
hyfF; hydrogenase-4 component F [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00081 0.00020 0.00092 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00073 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00042 0.45423 108.274 0.65057 0.90423
cotA; spore coat protein A, manganese oxidase [EC:] 0.00081 0.00032 0.00034 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00113 0.00002 0.00051 93 0.00058 -1.36848 136.616 0.17341 0.77376
K09388; uncharacterized protein 0.00080 0.00024 0.00015 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00126 0.00002 0.00040 93 0.00041 -2.69259 99.514 0.00832 0.56552
csy3; CRISPR-associated protein Csy3 0.00080 0.00019 0.00092 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00038 0.53034 135.889 0.59674 0.88062
PTS-Fru2-EIIC; PTS system, fructose-specific IIC-like component 0.00080 0.00024 0.00072 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00086 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00043 -0.30512 143.467 0.76071 0.93791
rhlI, phzI, solI, cepI, tofI; acyl homoserine lactone synthase [EC:] 0.00080 0.00028 0.00074 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00085 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00056 -0.20405 148.297 0.83860 0.95506
GART; phosphoribosylamine–glycine ligase / phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase / phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.00080 0.00024 0.00044 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00105 0.00002 0.00040 93 0.00043 -1.43798 115.104 0.15315 0.77376
csm3; CRISPR-associated protein Csm3 0.00080 0.00023 0.00070 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00087 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00041 -0.40920 129.746 0.68307 0.91498
K09957; uncharacterized protein 0.00080 0.00023 0.00053 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00099 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00041 -1.10901 145.205 0.26926 0.77376
nat; isonocardicin synthase [EC:] 0.00080 0.00028 0.00073 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00084 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00056 -0.20476 148.477 0.83804 0.95506
pksM; polyketide synthase PksM 0.00080 0.00028 0.00073 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00084 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00056 -0.20476 148.477 0.83804 0.95506
rhlR, phzR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator RhlR 0.00080 0.00028 0.00073 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00084 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00056 -0.20476 148.477 0.83804 0.95506
yeeJ; adhesin/invasin 0.00079 0.00032 0.00063 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00090 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00060 -0.45181 152.239 0.65205 0.90504
mhpB; 2,3-dihydroxyphenylpropionate 1,2-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00079 0.00024 0.00045 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00103 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00042 -1.36079 126.407 0.17600 0.77376
gatR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, galactitol utilization operon repressor 0.00079 0.00014 0.00084 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00075 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00028 0.30182 143.776 0.76322 0.93836
rcnA; nickel/cobalt exporter 0.00078 0.00018 0.00081 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00077 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00036 0.10490 130.191 0.91662 0.97681
xylE; MFS transporter, SP family, xylose:H+ symportor 0.00078 0.00021 0.00047 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00100 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00038 -1.39402 133.380 0.16563 0.77376
raxA; membrane fusion protein 0.00078 0.00021 0.00060 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00040 -0.75833 155.548 0.44940 0.83438
ctpG; cation-transporting P-type ATPase G [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00078 0.00038 0.00053 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00096 0.00004 0.00063 93 0.00067 -0.63990 116.905 0.52349 0.85708
nicX; 2,5-dihydroxypyridine 5,6-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00078 0.00028 0.00040 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00105 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00053 -1.24327 151.235 0.21569 0.77376
yjeH; amino acid efflux transporter 0.00078 0.00020 0.00088 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00071 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00042 0.40267 127.099 0.68787 0.91567
ampH; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase/endopeptidase [EC: 3.4.21.-] 0.00078 0.00024 0.00065 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00087 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00045 -0.49449 151.039 0.62168 0.89150
ectD; ectoine hydroxylase [EC:] 0.00078 0.00016 0.00048 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00098 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00030 -1.67935 153.986 0.09511 0.76609
lasI, luxI; acyl homoserine lactone synthase [EC:] 0.00077 0.00017 0.00073 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00081 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00035 -0.23145 139.751 0.81730 0.95487
dprE2; decaprenylphospho-beta-D-erythro-pentofuranosid-2-ulose 2-reductase [EC:] 0.00077 0.00021 0.00062 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00088 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00040 -0.66683 149.282 0.50591 0.84956
terA; tellurite resistance protein TerA 0.00077 0.00023 0.00059 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00090 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00042 -0.72448 141.411 0.46997 0.83870
ABC.ARG.S, argT; lysine/arginine/ornithine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00077 0.00018 0.00073 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00080 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00036 -0.19123 150.282 0.84861 0.95712
sspO, cotK; small acid-soluble spore protein O (minor) 0.00077 0.00024 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00125 0.00002 0.00041 93 0.00041 -2.86130 93.333 0.00521 0.54022
uaZ; urate oxidase [EC:] 0.00076 0.00024 0.00037 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00104 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00042 -1.57756 120.886 0.11728 0.77376
nicD; N-formylmaleamate deformylase [EC:] 0.00076 0.00028 0.00041 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00101 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00053 -1.13173 151.574 0.25954 0.77376
aroM; protein AroM 0.00076 0.00031 0.00055 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00091 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00056 -0.62895 142.814 0.53039 0.86098
dprE1; decaprenylphospho-beta-D-ribofuranose 2-oxidase [EC:] 0.00076 0.00021 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00088 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00039 -0.75237 149.002 0.45302 0.83438
K14136; decaprenyl-phosphate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00076 0.00021 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00088 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00039 -0.75237 149.002 0.45302 0.83438
K09146; uncharacterized protein 0.00075 0.00023 0.00043 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00098 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00041 -1.34882 134.546 0.17966 0.77376
glft1; rhamnopyranosyl-N-acetylglucosaminyl-diphospho-decaprenol beta-1,3/1,4-galactofuranosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00075 0.00022 0.00060 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00086 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00040 -0.65824 152.434 0.51138 0.85122
ligA; protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase, alpha chain [EC:] 0.00075 0.00039 0.00017 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00116 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00066 -1.49489 95.516 0.13824 0.77376
wbpB; UDP-N-acetyl-2-amino-2-deoxyglucuronate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00075 0.00035 0.00039 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00100 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00061 -0.99949 112.752 0.31970 0.77376
uvsE, UVE1; UV DNA damage endonuclease [EC:3.-.-.-] 0.00074 0.00024 0.00060 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00084 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00050 -0.48964 123.594 0.62525 0.89228
mptA; alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00074 0.00021 0.00052 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00090 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00038 -0.96954 144.787 0.33389 0.77992
E2.7.13.1; protein-histidine pros-kinase [EC:] 0.00074 0.00026 0.00034 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00102 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00046 -1.48158 121.207 0.14105 0.77376
cotZ; spore coat protein Z 0.00074 0.00033 0.00043 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00096 0.00002 0.00052 93 0.00060 -0.88636 143.793 0.37690 0.79810
yndE; spore germination protein 0.00074 0.00033 0.00035 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00102 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00059 -1.12772 135.517 0.26143 0.77376
E1.1.1.91; aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.00074 0.00022 0.00031 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00104 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00038 -1.95486 99.902 0.05339 0.69953
yndF; spore germination protein 0.00074 0.00033 0.00035 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00101 0.00003 0.00052 93 0.00059 -1.12256 135.512 0.26361 0.77376
sda; developmental checkpoint coupling sporulation initiation to replication initiation 0.00074 0.00023 0.00014 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00116 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00040 -2.56282 97.633 0.01191 0.59095
spoIIB; stage II sporulation protein B 0.00074 0.00024 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00121 0.00001 0.00040 93 0.00040 -2.88984 92.874 0.00480 0.54022
deoR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, deoxyribose operon repressor 0.00074 0.00022 0.00080 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00069 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00043 0.25674 149.687 0.79773 0.94822
cofD; LPPG:FO 2-phospho-L-lactate transferase [EC:] 0.00074 0.00021 0.00044 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00094 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00038 -1.31888 128.708 0.18955 0.77376
lpcC; mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00074 0.00022 0.00013 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00116 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00037 -2.74915 94.448 0.00716 0.54612
limB; limonene 1,2-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00074 0.00022 0.00040 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00097 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00039 -1.48682 123.373 0.13961 0.77376
DHBD; 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00073 0.00028 0.00036 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00099 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00053 -1.19759 151.058 0.23295 0.77376
fbiC; FO synthase [EC:] 0.00073 0.00021 0.00045 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00093 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00038 -1.28776 129.173 0.20013 0.77376
kgd; 2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00073 0.00021 0.00057 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00084 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00039 -0.68368 149.380 0.49524 0.84797
gerPD; spore germination protein PD 0.00073 0.00024 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00120 0.00002 0.00040 93 0.00040 -2.79987 93.042 0.00622 0.54022
sspL; small acid-soluble spore protein L (minor) 0.00073 0.00024 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00120 0.00002 0.00040 93 0.00040 -2.79987 93.042 0.00622 0.54022
cobIJ; precorrin-2 C20-methyltransferase / precorrin-3B C17-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00073 0.00021 0.00047 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00038 -1.16214 133.218 0.24726 0.77376
hlyII; hemolysin II 0.00073 0.00032 0.00021 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00109 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00055 -1.61658 105.511 0.10895 0.77376
iga; IgA-specific metalloendopeptidase [EC:] 0.00073 0.00024 0.00071 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00074 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00049 -0.04784 149.645 0.96191 0.98988
pfbA; plasmin and fibronectin-binding protein A 0.00073 0.00024 0.00071 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00074 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00049 -0.04784 149.645 0.96191 0.98988
radD; DNA repair protein RadD 0.00073 0.00018 0.00086 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00063 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.59951 125.553 0.54991 0.86680
dndC; DNA sulfur modification protein DndC 0.00073 0.00018 0.00082 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00066 0.00001 0.00023 93 0.00037 0.42996 136.300 0.66790 0.91150
bphH, xylJ, tesE; 2-oxopent-4-enoate/cis-2-oxohex-4-enoate hydratase [EC:] 0.00072 0.00017 0.00100 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00036 1.32745 110.660 0.18709 0.77376
caiD; crotonobetainyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 0.00072 0.00016 0.00019 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00109 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00026 -3.44639 98.810 0.00084 0.46257
hyfB; hydrogenase-4 component B [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00072 0.00018 0.00085 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00064 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00040 0.53315 101.258 0.59510 0.88005
mexC; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00072 0.00028 0.00042 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00093 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00053 -0.97194 151.600 0.33263 0.77922
mexD; multidrug efflux pump 0.00072 0.00028 0.00042 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00093 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00053 -0.97194 151.600 0.33263 0.77922
wbdB, wbpY; mannosyl-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosaminyl-diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol 3-alpha-mannosyltransferase / alpha-1,3-rhamnosyltransferase [EC: 2.4.1.-] 0.00072 0.00022 0.00096 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00045 0.90199 136.315 0.36865 0.79587
E1.3.1.12; prephenate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00072 0.00020 0.00037 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00097 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00035 -1.74215 108.048 0.08433 0.76567
K09163; uncharacterized protein 0.00072 0.00022 0.00038 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00096 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00040 -1.48060 134.611 0.14105 0.77376
trpEG; anthranilate synthase [EC:] 0.00072 0.00022 0.00013 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00113 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00037 -2.65655 94.434 0.00927 0.58112
K06887; uncharacterized protein 0.00072 0.00022 0.00065 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00076 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00043 -0.26415 154.518 0.79202 0.94731
K09980; uncharacterized protein 0.00072 0.00018 0.00080 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00065 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00037 0.40108 131.524 0.68901 0.91567
sdmt; sarcosine/dimethylglycine N-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00071 0.00028 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00097 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00053 -1.17613 151.005 0.24139 0.77376
bofC; forespore regulator of the sigma-K checkpoint 0.00071 0.00023 0.00014 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00111 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00038 -2.54514 98.337 0.01248 0.59095
mptB; alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00071 0.00021 0.00052 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00085 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00038 -0.85544 145.250 0.39372 0.80459
boxR, bzdR; XRE family transcriptional regulator, aerobic/anaerobic benzoate catabolism transcriptional regulator 0.00071 0.00023 0.00018 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00108 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00040 -2.27935 96.272 0.02485 0.59869
dndD; DNA sulfur modification protein DndD 0.00071 0.00018 0.00077 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00066 0.00001 0.00023 93 0.00037 0.30116 137.417 0.76375 0.93846
holE; DNA polymerase III subunit theta [EC:] 0.00071 0.00021 0.00082 0.00001 0.00039 65 0.00063 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00046 0.40683 109.068 0.68493 0.91533
bphI, xylK, nahM, tesG; 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate/4-hydroxy-2-oxohexanoate aldolase [EC:] 0.00071 0.00018 0.00068 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 -0.11706 152.822 0.90697 0.97664
bphJ, xylQ, nahO, tesF; acetaldehyde/propanal dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00071 0.00018 0.00068 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 -0.11706 152.822 0.90697 0.97664
tqsA; AI-2 transport protein TqsA 0.00071 0.00017 0.00076 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00067 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00036 0.24329 114.578 0.80822 0.95002
pqqA; pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis protein A 0.00071 0.00028 0.00038 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00094 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00053 -1.06277 151.131 0.28958 0.77376
gsk; inosine kinase [EC:] 0.00071 0.00018 0.00088 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.79111 123.245 0.43040 0.82749
vanRB, vanR, vanRD; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VanR 0.00071 0.00030 0.00042 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00091 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00055 -0.88414 142.202 0.37811 0.79852
rutA; pyrimidine oxygenase [EC:] 0.00070 0.00017 0.00070 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00071 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00035 -0.00963 135.472 0.99233 0.99908
chpE; chemosensory pili system protein ChpE 0.00070 0.00028 0.00037 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00094 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00053 -1.08751 151.085 0.27854 0.77376
fre, ubiB; aquacobalamin reductase / NAD(P)H-flavin reductase [EC:] 0.00070 0.00018 0.00087 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.76268 123.275 0.44711 0.83372
hsaB; 3-hydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione monooxygenase reductase component [EC:1.5.1.-] 0.00070 0.00022 0.00045 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00088 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00041 -1.06579 140.040 0.28835 0.77376
RGL4, rhiE; rhamnogalacturonan endolyase [EC:] 0.00070 0.00028 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00095 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00052 -1.14017 151.113 0.25602 0.77376
atoS; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase AtoS [EC:] 0.00070 0.00035 0.00022 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00103 0.00003 0.00058 93 0.00060 -1.36511 99.994 0.17528 0.77376
kinA; two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase A [EC:] 0.00070 0.00026 0.00017 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00107 0.00002 0.00044 93 0.00044 -2.02679 97.185 0.04542 0.65981
rhlA; rhamnosyltransferase subunit A [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00070 0.00028 0.00036 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00094 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00053 -1.10021 151.088 0.27299 0.77376
ltnD; L-threonate 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00070 0.00020 0.00049 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00084 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00037 -0.97314 144.204 0.33211 0.77868
rutD; aminoacrylate hydrolase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.00070 0.00016 0.00063 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00074 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00033 -0.34624 140.613 0.72968 0.92426
dmpK, poxA; phenol hydroxylase P0 protein 0.00070 0.00018 0.00081 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00062 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00036 0.53171 142.565 0.59575 0.88005
dmpH, xylI, nahK; 2-oxo-3-hexenedioate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00070 0.00022 0.00034 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00094 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00038 -1.54903 109.474 0.12426 0.77376
fldB; flavodoxin II 0.00069 0.00018 0.00083 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00060 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.61825 124.953 0.53754 0.86207
scn, scin; staphylococcal complement inhibitor 0.00069 0.00032 0.00020 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00104 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00055 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
gsmt; glycine/sarcosine N-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00069 0.00028 0.00036 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00092 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00052 -1.07232 151.128 0.28528 0.77376
uhpT; MFS transporter, OPA family, hexose phosphate transport protein UhpT 0.00069 0.00019 0.00042 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00088 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00033 -1.36217 130.306 0.17549 0.77376
uspF; universal stress protein F 0.00069 0.00026 0.00075 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00052 0.20027 146.223 0.84155 0.95506
tal-pgi; transaldolase / glucose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.00069 0.00017 0.00048 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00084 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00032 -1.14734 155.398 0.25300 0.77376
csiD; protein CsiD 0.00069 0.00018 0.00071 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00068 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 0.09838 150.466 0.92176 0.97905
thiDE; hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase / phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase / thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase [EC:] 0.00069 0.00018 0.00083 0.00001 0.00037 65 0.00059 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00041 0.57956 90.333 0.56365 0.86877
pknG; serine/threonine-protein kinase PknG [EC:] 0.00069 0.00021 0.00044 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00086 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00038 -1.11969 141.039 0.26475 0.77376
AUP1; ancient ubiquitous protein 1 0.00069 0.00028 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00092 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00052 -1.09865 151.118 0.27367 0.77376
chpD; AraC family transcriptional regulator, chemosensory pili system protein ChpD 0.00069 0.00028 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00092 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00052 -1.09865 151.118 0.27367 0.77376
K14331; fatty aldehyde decarbonylase [EC:] 0.00069 0.00028 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00092 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00052 -1.09865 151.118 0.27367 0.77376
K16637, exoY; adenylate cyclase ExoY 0.00069 0.00028 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00092 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00052 -1.09865 151.118 0.27367 0.77376
K16638, exoU; exoenzyme U 0.00069 0.00028 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00092 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00052 -1.09865 151.118 0.27367 0.77376
pehX; exo-poly-alpha-galacturonosidase [EC:] 0.00069 0.00028 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00092 0.00002 0.00043 93 0.00052 -1.09865 151.118 0.27367 0.77376
rhaS; rhamnose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00069 0.00019 0.00027 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00098 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00034 -2.04234 137.359 0.04303 0.65559
E3.5.3.3; creatinase [EC:] 0.00069 0.00019 0.00091 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00040 0.95538 118.541 0.34133 0.78526
ygiF; triphosphatase [EC:] 0.00068 0.00018 0.00083 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.65687 124.928 0.51247 0.85122
cusF; Cu(I)/Ag(I) efflux system periplasmic protein CusF 0.00068 0.00016 0.00087 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00034 0.92372 109.448 0.35766 0.79461
crl; sigma factor-binding protein Crl 0.00068 0.00018 0.00083 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.65205 124.911 0.51557 0.85216
diaA; DnaA initiator-associating protein 0.00068 0.00018 0.00083 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.65205 124.911 0.51557 0.85216
syd; SecY interacting protein Syd 0.00068 0.00018 0.00083 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.65205 124.911 0.51557 0.85216
xni; protein Xni 0.00068 0.00018 0.00083 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.65205 124.911 0.51557 0.85216
zapC; cell division protein ZapC 0.00068 0.00018 0.00083 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.65205 124.911 0.51557 0.85216
hha; haemolysin expression modulating protein 0.00068 0.00021 0.00065 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00071 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00040 -0.16050 155.944 0.87269 0.96576
K07504; predicted type IV restriction endonuclease 0.00068 0.00011 0.00069 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00067 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00022 0.09702 150.281 0.92284 0.97947
dinI; DNA-damage-inducible protein I 0.00068 0.00021 0.00069 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00068 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00040 0.02592 155.807 0.97936 0.99657
aftA; galactan 5-O-arabinofuranosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00068 0.00021 0.00039 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00088 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00039 -1.27803 137.541 0.20339 0.77376
hsaD; 4,5:9,10-diseco-3-hydroxy-5,9,17-trioxoandrosta-1(10),2-diene-4-oate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00068 0.00022 0.00037 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00089 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00038 -1.35799 121.766 0.17698 0.77376
mdtH; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00068 0.00019 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00037 -0.38806 154.030 0.69850 0.91844
K07280; outer membrane protein 0.00068 0.00018 0.00070 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00066 0.00001 0.00023 93 0.00036 0.12183 138.232 0.90321 0.97641
K07033; uncharacterized protein 0.00068 0.00017 0.00048 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00081 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00031 -1.07064 136.335 0.28622 0.77376
pagP, crcA; lipid IVA palmitoyltransferase [EC:] 0.00067 0.00018 0.00073 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00064 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00036 0.25114 133.152 0.80209 0.94855
frcA; fructose transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00067 0.00023 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00103 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00039 -2.17607 110.838 0.03167 0.61842
MDH1; malate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00067 0.00018 0.00070 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00023 93 0.00036 0.13388 138.274 0.89369 0.97159
rcsF; RcsF protein 0.00067 0.00018 0.00080 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.57541 124.316 0.56605 0.87051
ttrB; tetrathionate reductase subunit B 0.00067 0.00020 0.00069 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00066 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00041 0.05913 134.125 0.95294 0.98792
fdrA; FdrA protein 0.00067 0.00031 0.00055 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00075 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00057 -0.35239 145.937 0.72506 0.92177
pbuE; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, purine base/nucleoside efflux pump 0.00067 0.00030 0.00037 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00088 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00056 -0.91259 140.985 0.36302 0.79496
aprX; serine protease AprX [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00067 0.00023 0.00016 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00103 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00039 -2.21043 97.616 0.02941 0.61334
aprA; adenylylsulfate reductase, subunit A [EC:] 0.00067 0.00017 0.00068 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00066 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00035 0.03492 119.829 0.97220 0.99451
aprB; adenylylsulfate reductase, subunit B [EC:] 0.00067 0.00017 0.00068 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00066 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00035 0.03492 119.829 0.97220 0.99451
E1.1.1.53; 3alpha(or 20beta)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00067 0.00021 0.00013 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00104 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00036 -2.51321 96.145 0.01363 0.59095
pep2; maltokinase [EC:] 0.00067 0.00013 0.00058 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00073 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00024 -0.61899 155.953 0.53682 0.86207
hyfC; hydrogenase-4 component C [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00067 0.00018 0.00084 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00055 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00040 0.72769 99.504 0.46851 0.83837
liaF; lia operon protein LiaF 0.00067 0.00017 0.00023 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00097 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00031 -2.39685 126.673 0.01800 0.59095
csm1, cas10; CRISPR-associated protein Csm1 0.00067 0.00022 0.00057 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00074 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00039 -0.43094 119.470 0.66729 0.91150
appA; 4-phytase / acid phosphatase [EC:] 0.00066 0.00017 0.00061 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00070 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00034 -0.25036 138.410 0.80268 0.94869
aftC; arabinofuranan 3-O-arabinosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00066 0.00021 0.00038 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00085 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00038 -1.24822 139.497 0.21404 0.77376
glnQ; glutamine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00066 0.00014 0.00073 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00061 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00030 0.41403 119.691 0.67960 0.91311
SRD5A1; 3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1 [EC:] 0.00066 0.00019 0.00030 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00033 -1.83811 126.611 0.06839 0.73473
acpH; acyl carrier protein phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00066 0.00018 0.00077 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00038 0.49115 125.111 0.62418 0.89178
bmr; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00066 0.00032 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00087 0.00002 0.00050 93 0.00058 -0.90079 143.877 0.36921 0.79587
araC; AraC family transcriptional regulator, arabinose operon regulatory protein 0.00066 0.00014 0.00062 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00068 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00029 -0.23805 140.803 0.81219 0.95246
E1.14.14.1; unspecific monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00066 0.00023 0.00013 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00102 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00040 -2.23577 95.399 0.02770 0.61334
tipF; cyclic-di-GMP phosphodiesterase, flagellum assembly factor TipF 0.00065 0.00017 0.00032 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00089 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00029 -1.91890 113.063 0.05752 0.71337
zntR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, Zn(II)-responsive regulator of zntA 0.00065 0.00017 0.00078 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00057 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00036 0.59443 128.633 0.55327 0.86788
purNH; phosphoribosylglycinamide/phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase [EC:] 0.00065 0.00016 0.00035 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00086 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00029 -1.79302 114.852 0.07560 0.74536
rutC; aminoacrylate peracid reductase 0.00065 0.00016 0.00067 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00064 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.08907 135.989 0.92915 0.98183
ABC.NGC.P; N-acetylglucosamine transport system permease protein 0.00065 0.00024 0.00062 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00067 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00051 -0.08955 111.237 0.92881 0.98176
ABC.NGC.S; N-acetylglucosamine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00065 0.00024 0.00062 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00067 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00051 -0.08955 111.237 0.92881 0.98176
rfbG; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00065 0.00011 0.00077 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00024 0.84189 111.938 0.40164 0.80850
idnD; L-idonate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00064 0.00015 0.00043 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00079 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00027 -1.32270 146.477 0.18800 0.77376
hsaC; 3,4-dihydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione 4,5-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00064 0.00021 0.00036 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00084 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00038 -1.26251 122.990 0.20916 0.77376
gsiA; glutathione transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00064 0.00015 0.00048 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00076 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00029 -0.98578 153.091 0.32580 0.77376
hmo, nocN; 4-hydroxymandelate oxidase [EC:] 0.00064 0.00025 0.00051 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00044 -0.49589 133.266 0.62079 0.89082
yraD; similar to spore coat protein 0.00064 0.00021 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00105 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00036 -2.83296 92.531 0.00566 0.54022
soxB; sulfur-oxidizing protein SoxB 0.00063 0.00016 0.00029 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00087 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00029 -1.99632 123.515 0.04810 0.66712
cbiK; nickel transport protein 0.00063 0.00020 0.00073 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00042 0.41553 132.173 0.67842 0.91311
aftD; arabinofuranan 3-O-arabinosyltransferase [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.00063 0.00021 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00079 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00037 -1.03932 140.403 0.30044 0.77376
boxB; benzoyl-CoA 2,3-epoxidase subunit B [EC:] 0.00063 0.00022 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00095 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00038 -2.08155 96.745 0.04002 0.63577
boxC; benzoyl-CoA-dihydrodiol lyase [EC:] 0.00063 0.00022 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00095 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00038 -2.08155 96.745 0.04002 0.63577
nirS; nitrite reductase (NO-forming) / hydroxylamine reductase [EC:] 0.00063 0.00022 0.00029 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00086 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00038 -1.51316 112.721 0.13304 0.77376
aftB; arabinofuranosyltransferase [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.00063 0.00021 0.00036 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00081 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00037 -1.19669 138.370 0.23347 0.77376
aspC, aspS; nondiscriminating aspartyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.00063 0.00022 0.00048 0.00001 0.00036 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00045 -0.53918 131.217 0.59068 0.87896
K07076; uncharacterized protein 0.00062 0.00023 0.00071 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00049 0.27815 112.671 0.78141 0.94310
K09776; uncharacterized protein 0.00062 0.00017 0.00011 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00098 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00030 -2.92865 104.478 0.00418 0.52172
rhaP; rhamnose transport system permease protein 0.00062 0.00018 0.00028 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00086 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00033 -1.76156 141.115 0.08031 0.75920
rof; Rho-binding antiterminator 0.00062 0.00017 0.00066 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00060 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00034 0.19647 141.707 0.84452 0.95560
lat; L-lysine 6-transaminase [EC:] 0.00062 0.00021 0.00034 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00082 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00036 -1.31801 113.292 0.19016 0.77376
MEMO1; MEMO1 family protein 0.00062 0.00016 0.00075 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00035 0.64112 101.072 0.52290 0.85702
traG; conjugal transfer mating pair stabilization protein TraG 0.00062 0.00019 0.00063 0.00001 0.00034 65 0.00061 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00041 0.05612 113.939 0.95535 0.98792
sgrR; SgrR family transcriptional regulator 0.00062 0.00017 0.00065 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00060 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00034 0.14288 143.427 0.88659 0.97020
ureI; acid-activated urea channel 0.00062 0.00034 0.00020 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00091 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00059 -1.22420 100.260 0.22375 0.77376
E1.12.7.2; ferredoxin hydrogenase [EC:] 0.00062 0.00050 0.00123 0.00010 0.00121 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00122 0.84950 65.102 0.39872 0.80624
ECE; endothelin-converting enzyme [EC:] 0.00062 0.00016 0.00047 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00072 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00031 -0.81716 155.074 0.41509 0.81730
PRHOXNB, URAD; 2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00062 0.00018 0.00039 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00077 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00033 -1.13634 147.334 0.25766 0.77376
bjaI, rpaI, braI, rhiI; acyl-homoserine lactone synthase [EC: 2.3.1.-] 0.00061 0.00017 0.00042 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00075 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00037 -0.87460 107.013 0.38375 0.80172
cueO; blue copper oxidase 0.00061 0.00020 0.00044 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00036 -0.79064 145.712 0.43044 0.82749
egtD; L-histidine Nalpha-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00061 0.00021 0.00032 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00082 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00036 -1.35612 120.996 0.17759 0.77376
K07228; TrkA domain protein 0.00061 0.00022 0.00039 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00076 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00040 -0.91617 132.300 0.36125 0.79496
E3.1.1.22; hydroxybutyrate-dimer hydrolase [EC:] 0.00061 0.00027 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00093 0.00002 0.00045 93 0.00046 -1.68473 96.124 0.09528 0.76609
fdnG; formate dehydrogenase-N, alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00061 0.00019 0.00063 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00059 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00037 0.10408 154.318 0.91724 0.97692
cag12; cag pathogenicity island protein 12 0.00061 0.00035 0.00039 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00061 -0.61634 119.253 0.53884 0.86207
aphD; aminoglycoside 2’’-phosphotransferase [EC:] 0.00061 0.00030 0.00032 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00081 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00055 -0.88375 141.425 0.37833 0.79852
frcB; fructose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00061 0.00021 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00037 -2.00459 113.526 0.04739 0.66255
frcC; fructose transport system permease protein 0.00061 0.00021 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00037 -2.00459 113.526 0.04739 0.66255
csiR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, carbon starvation induced regulator 0.00061 0.00017 0.00071 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00054 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00033 0.51315 144.236 0.60863 0.88654
dmpC, xylG, praB; aminomuconate-semialdehyde/2-hydroxymuconate-6-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00060 0.00020 0.00044 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00036 -0.77951 129.181 0.43711 0.83054
fucR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, L-fucose operon activator 0.00060 0.00017 0.00039 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00030 -1.18274 117.213 0.23931 0.77376
yihV; sulfofructose kinase [EC:] 0.00060 0.00023 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00090 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00039 -1.85429 96.502 0.06675 0.73334
lmrP; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein B 0.00060 0.00020 0.00042 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00038 -0.79989 155.205 0.42500 0.82542
K09968; uncharacterized protein 0.00060 0.00025 0.00014 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00092 0.00002 0.00042 93 0.00042 -1.85141 94.895 0.06722 0.73334
nirC; cytochrome c55X 0.00060 0.00022 0.00026 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00083 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00037 -1.52253 109.697 0.13076 0.77376
nirF; protein NirF 0.00060 0.00022 0.00026 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00083 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00037 -1.52253 109.697 0.13076 0.77376
ccoNO; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit I/II [EC:] 0.00060 0.00015 0.00053 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00064 0.00001 0.00023 93 0.00028 -0.39317 149.086 0.69475 0.91715
mtnW; 2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-1-phosphate enolase [EC:] 0.00060 0.00022 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00097 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00036 -2.49769 93.532 0.01425 0.59095
fadD36; fatty acid CoA ligase FadD36 0.00060 0.00036 0.00017 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00089 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00062 -1.17652 95.638 0.24231 0.77376
dszB; 2’-hydroxybiphenyl-2-sulfinate desulfinase [EC:] 0.00060 0.00028 0.00028 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00082 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00048 -1.13416 98.940 0.25947 0.77376
tgl; protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase [EC:] 0.00060 0.00022 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00097 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00036 -2.50011 93.534 0.01416 0.59095
glnH; glutamine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00060 0.00014 0.00066 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00055 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00030 0.35677 118.195 0.72190 0.92156
racA; chromosome-anchoring protein RacA 0.00059 0.00022 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00097 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00036 -2.52764 93.400 0.01316 0.59095
emrD; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, 2-module integral membrane pump EmrD 0.00059 0.00017 0.00069 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00034 0.50944 136.242 0.61127 0.88722
cruF; bisanhydrobacterioruberin hydratase [EC:] 0.00059 0.00023 0.00027 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00081 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00039 -1.37223 115.520 0.17265 0.77376
fadD32; fatty acid CoA ligase FadD32 0.00059 0.00020 0.00037 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00037 -1.00694 140.140 0.31570 0.77376
pks13; polyketide synthase 13 0.00059 0.00020 0.00037 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00037 -1.00694 140.140 0.31570 0.77376
hycH; formate hydrogenlyase maturation protein HycH 0.00059 0.00013 0.00057 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00060 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00026 -0.11706 150.561 0.90697 0.97664
PTH2; peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase, PTH2 family [EC:] 0.00059 0.00015 0.00047 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00067 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00030 -0.66080 152.590 0.50974 0.84956
csy2; CRISPR-associated protein Csy2 0.00059 0.00015 0.00074 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00048 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00030 0.84985 131.203 0.39696 0.80459
csy4, cas6f; CRISPR-associated endonuclease Csy4 [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00059 0.00015 0.00074 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00048 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00030 0.84985 131.203 0.39696 0.80459
hyfD; hydrogenase-4 component D [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00058 0.00029 0.00091 0.00003 0.00064 65 0.00036 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00067 0.83287 77.404 0.40748 0.81200
E3.5.1.82; N-acyl-D-glutamate deacylase [EC:] 0.00058 0.00023 0.00044 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00068 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00042 -0.57478 151.154 0.56629 0.87051
lhpI; cis-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase [EC:] 0.00058 0.00016 0.00063 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00055 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00033 0.22141 125.827 0.82513 0.95506
hndB; NADP-reducing hydrogenase subunit HndB [EC:] 0.00058 0.00020 0.00041 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00071 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00037 -0.82103 153.235 0.41290 0.81655
dpiA, citB; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator CitB 0.00058 0.00019 0.00073 0.00001 0.00038 65 0.00048 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00042 0.58177 91.351 0.56216 0.86813
arsC; arsenate-mycothiol transferase [EC:] 0.00058 0.00021 0.00040 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00071 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00038 -0.80075 145.533 0.42458 0.82505
kdgR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, KDG regulon repressor 0.00058 0.00015 0.00070 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00049 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00033 0.62522 102.485 0.53322 0.86207
K17203, eryF; erythritol transport system permease protein 0.00058 0.00021 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00092 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00036 -2.37075 93.179 0.01981 0.59095
wbpD, wlbB; UDP-2-acetamido-3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-glucuronate N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00058 0.00012 0.00054 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00060 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00025 -0.23456 140.954 0.81489 0.95409
ycfS; L,D-transpeptidase YcfS 0.00058 0.00016 0.00065 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.39677 138.661 0.69214 0.91676
eryE; erythritol transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00058 0.00021 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00092 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00036 -2.35597 93.178 0.02057 0.59095
K17202, eryG; erythritol transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00058 0.00021 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00092 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00036 -2.35597 93.178 0.02057 0.59095
vanSB, vanS, vanSD; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VanS [EC:] 0.00057 0.00030 0.00031 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00076 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00054 -0.83592 142.601 0.40460 0.81144
ABC.VB12.A, btuD; vitamin B12 transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00057 0.00016 0.00065 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.38203 138.647 0.70302 0.92004
ABC.VB12.P, btuC; vitamin B12 transport system permease protein 0.00057 0.00016 0.00065 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.38203 138.647 0.70302 0.92004
metL; bifunctional aspartokinase / homoserine dehydrogenase 2 [EC:] 0.00057 0.00016 0.00065 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.38203 138.647 0.70302 0.92004
ytfB; uncharacterized protein 0.00057 0.00016 0.00065 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.38203 138.647 0.70302 0.92004
chpS, chpBI; antitoxin ChpS 0.00057 0.00022 0.00056 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00058 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00043 -0.04421 155.949 0.96480 0.99101
toa; taurine—2-oxoglutarate transaminase [EC:] 0.00057 0.00012 0.00052 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00061 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00026 -0.30924 117.390 0.75768 0.93719
psmB, prcB; proteasome beta subunit [EC:] 0.00057 0.00020 0.00042 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00068 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00035 -0.75258 129.041 0.45308 0.83438
cpxP; periplasmic protein CpxP 0.00057 0.00016 0.00064 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.36721 138.602 0.71402 0.92004
uspB; universal stress protein B 0.00057 0.00016 0.00064 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.36721 138.602 0.71402 0.92004
bmaC; fibronectin-binding autotransporter adhesin 0.00057 0.00032 0.00013 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00088 0.00003 0.00054 93 0.00054 -1.39095 93.473 0.16754 0.77376
mltE, emtA; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase E [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.00057 0.00017 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00034 0.08534 142.433 0.93211 0.98385
psmA, prcA; proteasome alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00057 0.00020 0.00042 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00068 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00035 -0.74361 129.042 0.45846 0.83438
mhpC; 2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-dienedioate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00057 0.00020 0.00025 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00079 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00035 -1.55793 106.829 0.12221 0.77376
wecG, rffM; UDP-N-acetyl-D-mannosaminouronate:lipid I N-acetyl-D-mannosaminouronosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00057 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00033 0.09915 140.639 0.92116 0.97905
mttB; trimethylamine—corrinoid protein Co-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00057 0.00027 0.00011 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00089 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00047 -1.68315 98.838 0.09550 0.76609
symE; toxic protein SymE 0.00057 0.00016 0.00057 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00057 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00032 0.00712 143.433 0.99433 0.99919
sufA; Fe-S cluster assembly protein SufA 0.00057 0.00016 0.00063 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.33426 138.537 0.73869 0.92914
leuO; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator for leuABCD operon 0.00057 0.00016 0.00064 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.36629 138.612 0.71471 0.92004
terB; tellurite resistance protein TerB 0.00056 0.00022 0.00048 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00062 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00040 -0.35329 140.955 0.72440 0.92177
araA; L-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00056 0.00019 0.00010 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00089 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00033 -2.38008 93.723 0.01933 0.59095
K16881; mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase / phosphomannomutase [EC:] 0.00056 0.00017 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00089 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00028 -2.82388 97.879 0.00575 0.54022
iolF; MFS transporter, SP family, inositol transporter 0.00056 0.00012 0.00035 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00071 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00021 -1.69949 143.334 0.09140 0.76567
egtB; gamma-glutamyl hercynylcysteine S-oxide synthase [EC:] 0.00056 0.00020 0.00029 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00036 -1.30049 120.120 0.19592 0.77376
allP; allantoin permease 0.00056 0.00030 0.00034 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00071 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00055 -0.66412 140.911 0.50770 0.84956
kapD; sporulation inhibitor KapD 0.00056 0.00022 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00091 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00036 -2.37330 93.419 0.01968 0.59095
POP2; 4-aminobutyrate—pyruvate transaminase [EC:] 0.00056 0.00018 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00081 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00031 -1.90801 106.731 0.05908 0.72498
prrA; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator PrrA 0.00056 0.00036 0.00017 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00083 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00061 -1.07616 95.711 0.28456 0.77376
glnP; glutamine transport system permease protein 0.00056 0.00014 0.00063 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00051 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00030 0.38333 119.411 0.70216 0.92004
wbpI, wlbD; UDP-GlcNAc3NAcA epimerase [EC:] 0.00056 0.00019 0.00024 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00078 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00032 -1.70202 103.914 0.09174 0.76567
mshA; MSHA pilin protein MshA 0.00056 0.00023 0.00074 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00043 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00049 0.61746 117.516 0.53813 0.86207
fdhA; formate dehydrogenase (NADP+) alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00056 0.00013 0.00059 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00027 0.24660 125.758 0.80562 0.94958
rhaQ; rhamnose transport system permease protein 0.00056 0.00018 0.00028 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00032 -1.44438 143.232 0.15082 0.77376
tus, tau; DNA replication terminus site-binding protein 0.00055 0.00016 0.00060 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.23812 139.128 0.81214 0.95246
ompF; outer membrane pore protein F 0.00055 0.00016 0.00060 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.21721 139.078 0.82837 0.95506
pbpD; penicillin-binding protein 4 [EC:] 0.00055 0.00030 0.00034 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00070 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00055 -0.63931 147.627 0.52361 0.85709
rusA; crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease RusA [EC:] 0.00055 0.00022 0.00046 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00038 -0.39166 110.903 0.69606 0.91772
thiK; thiamine kinase [EC:] 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.21424 139.187 0.83067 0.95506
hcr; NADH oxidoreductase Hcr [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00055 0.00016 0.00060 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.24639 139.256 0.80574 0.94958
traH; conjugative transfer pilus assembly protein TraH 0.00055 0.00017 0.00054 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00036 -0.06218 124.997 0.95052 0.98792
yxeN; putative amino-acid transport system permease protein 0.00055 0.00020 0.00079 0.00001 0.00044 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00046 0.89152 73.993 0.37554 0.79810
K15976; putative NAD(P)H nitroreductase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00055 0.00030 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00069 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00055 -0.61147 147.605 0.54183 0.86207
gntU; Gnt-I system low-affinity gluconate transporter 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19795 139.142 0.84337 0.95519
bssS; biofilm regulator BssS 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
hofM; pilus assembly protein HofM 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
hofN; pilus assembly protein HofN 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
lplT; MFS transporter, LPLT family, lysophospholipid transporter 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
lpxP; KDO2-lipid IV(A) palmitoleoyltransferase [EC:] 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
nudJ; phosphatase NudJ [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
rcsD; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase RcsD [EC:] 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
rffC, wecD; dTDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-D-galactose acyltransferase [EC:] 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
secM; secretion monitor 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
tomB; hha toxicity modulator TomB 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
wecF, rffT; dTDP-N-acetylfucosamine:lipid II N-acetylfucosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
wzyE, rffT; enterobacterial common antigen polymerase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
yfiM; putative lipoprotein 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.19942 139.146 0.84222 0.95506
lsrK; autoinducer-2 kinase [EC:] 0.00055 0.00014 0.00049 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00059 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00027 -0.33721 148.697 0.73643 0.92721
csy1; CRISPR-associated protein Csy1 0.00055 0.00014 0.00065 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00048 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00029 0.57205 136.258 0.56823 0.87132
feoC; ferrous iron transport protein C 0.00055 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.20018 139.187 0.84163 0.95506
FDFT1; farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase [EC:] 0.00055 0.00030 0.00034 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00070 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00055 -0.65045 147.434 0.51641 0.85216
plc; 1-phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00054 0.00017 0.00017 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00080 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00029 -2.14242 107.754 0.03441 0.62130
nahK, lnpB; N-acetylhexosamine 1-kinase [EC:] 0.00054 0.00012 0.00052 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00024 -0.15565 148.648 0.87652 0.96705
K09740; uncharacterized protein 0.00054 0.00022 0.00018 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00079 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00037 -1.63984 103.591 0.10407 0.77376
iolW; scyllo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.00054 0.00016 0.00035 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00067 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00031 -1.05873 151.754 0.29141 0.77376
vasL; type VI secretion system protein VasL 0.00054 0.00016 0.00059 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00050 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.26784 138.212 0.78922 0.94606
hutP; hut operon positive regulatory protein 0.00054 0.00021 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00087 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00035 -2.28266 93.494 0.02472 0.59764
scrY; sucrose porin 0.00054 0.00014 0.00068 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00044 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00030 0.78997 127.599 0.43101 0.82763
ytrE; acetoin utilization transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00054 0.00030 0.00041 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00063 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00056 -0.39735 149.819 0.69167 0.91676
ytrF; acetoin utilization transport system permease protein 0.00054 0.00030 0.00041 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00063 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00056 -0.39735 149.819 0.69167 0.91676
togT, rhiT; oligogalacturonide transporter 0.00054 0.00016 0.00059 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00050 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00038 0.26107 83.655 0.79468 0.94783
whiB7; WhiB family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensing transcriptional regulator 0.00054 0.00019 0.00038 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00064 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00035 -0.74684 131.801 0.45649 0.83438
traU; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraU 0.00054 0.00016 0.00041 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00062 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00031 -0.68484 155.888 0.49446 0.84797
atzD; cyanuric acid amidohydrolase [EC:] 0.00054 0.00021 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00037 -1.23705 114.758 0.21859 0.77376
K07086; uncharacterized protein 0.00053 0.00023 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00082 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00039 -1.80676 96.681 0.07391 0.74128
ebr, qacEdelta1; small multidrug resistance pump 0.00053 0.00014 0.00061 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00048 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00029 0.44250 139.135 0.65882 0.90880
COQ4; ubiquinone biosynthesis protein COQ4 0.00053 0.00013 0.00035 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00065 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00024 -1.25502 148.728 0.21144 0.77376
spo0E; stage 0 sporulation regulatory protein 0.00053 0.00030 0.00033 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00067 0.00002 0.00047 93 0.00055 -0.62147 142.298 0.53528 0.86207
acxC; acetone carboxylase, gamma subunit [EC:] 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag1; cag pathogenicity island protein 1 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag10; cag pathogenicity island protein 10 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag11; cag pathogenicity island protein 11 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag13; cag pathogenicity island protein 13 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag14; cag pathogenicity island protein 14 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag15; cag pathogenicity island protein 15 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag16; cag pathogenicity island protein 16 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag17; cag pathogenicity island protein 17 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag18; cag pathogenicity island protein 18 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag19; cag pathogenicity island protein 19 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag2; cag pathogenicity island protein 2 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag20; cag pathogenicity island protein 20 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag21; cag pathogenicity island protein 21 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag22; cag pathogenicity island protein 22 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag23; cag pathogenicity island protein 23 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag24; cag pathogenicity island protein 24 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag25; cag pathogenicity island protein 25 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag3; cag pathogenicity island protein 3 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag4; cag pathogenicity island protein 4 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag5; cag pathogenicity island protein 5 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag6; cag pathogenicity island protein 6 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag8; cag pathogenicity island protein 8 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cag9; cag pathogenicity island protein 9 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
cagA; cytotoxicity-associated immunodominant antigen 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
comB6; ComB6 competence protein 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
hopB, alpB; outer membrane protein HopB/AlpB 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
hopC, alpA; outer membrane protein HopC/AlpA 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
hopZ; outer membrane protein HopZ 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
K07449; similar to archaeal holliday junction resolvase and Mrr protein 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
lpxE; lipid A 1-phosphatase [EC:3.1.3.-] 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
rpoBC; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta-beta’ [EC:] 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
vacA; vacuolating cytotoxin 0.00053 0.00034 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00076 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00058 -0.98237 100.382 0.32828 0.77376
shc; squalene-hopene/tetraprenyl-beta-curcumene cyclase [EC:] 0.00053 0.00015 0.00046 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00029 -0.40565 154.314 0.68556 0.91564
pglH; GalNAc-alpha-(1->4)-GalNAc-alpha-(1->3)-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol alpha-1,4-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.00053 0.00014 0.00067 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00043 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00030 0.78384 103.206 0.43493 0.82874
mhpR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, mhp operon transcriptional activator 0.00053 0.00014 0.00029 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00069 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00025 -1.62789 121.728 0.10613 0.77376
K07064; uncharacterized protein 0.00053 0.00014 0.00067 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00043 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00030 0.80565 109.123 0.42220 0.82295
csm2; CRISPR-associated protein Csm2 0.00053 0.00022 0.00032 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00067 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00038 -0.91340 107.409 0.36308 0.79496
maeN; malate:Na+ symporter 0.00052 0.00015 0.00052 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00030 -0.03339 144.373 0.97341 0.99509
tylC, oleB, carA, srmB; macrolide transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.00052 0.00012 0.00046 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00057 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00023 -0.51084 147.027 0.61023 0.88717
K09931; uncharacterized protein 0.00052 0.00011 0.00041 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00060 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00021 -0.87491 152.158 0.38300 0.80064
frlD; fructoselysine 6-kinase [EC:] 0.00052 0.00019 0.00025 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00071 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00034 -1.35041 142.561 0.17902 0.77376
K11476, gntR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, gluconate operon transcriptional repressor 0.00052 0.00029 0.00034 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00065 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00054 -0.58502 143.471 0.55945 0.86813
soxC; sulfane dehydrogenase subunit SoxC 0.00052 0.00014 0.00031 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00067 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00025 -1.43357 133.528 0.15403 0.77376
tap; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein IV, peptide sensor receptor 0.00052 0.00016 0.00058 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00048 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.28110 137.951 0.77906 0.94269
hemDX; uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase / synthase [EC:] 0.00052 0.00018 0.00048 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00055 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00034 -0.22840 147.784 0.81965 0.95506
epsD; glycosyltransferase EpsD [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00052 0.00011 0.00047 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00055 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00020 -0.41429 155.928 0.67923 0.91311
SQD1, sqdB; UDP-sulfoquinovose synthase [EC:] 0.00052 0.00015 0.00024 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00025 -1.88113 112.518 0.06254 0.73012
btaB; S-adenosylmethionine-diacylgycerolhomoserine-N-methlytransferase 0.00052 0.00012 0.00023 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00072 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00021 -2.37867 132.991 0.01880 0.59095
vga; pleuromutilin/lincosamide/streptogramin A transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.00052 0.00027 0.00070 0.00003 0.00063 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00065 0.48378 71.347 0.63002 0.89536
fliZ; regulator of sigma S factor FliZ 0.00051 0.00016 0.00056 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00048 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.22518 139.319 0.82217 0.95506
sinR; XRE family transcriptional regulator, master regulator for biofilm formation 0.00051 0.00019 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00082 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00032 -2.33414 94.203 0.02171 0.59153
cotF; spore coat protein F 0.00051 0.00021 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00085 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00035 -2.34351 92.473 0.02125 0.59147
rmd; GDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-mannose reductase [EC:] 0.00051 0.00013 0.00034 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00063 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00025 -1.17274 146.473 0.24281 0.77376
PGRP; peptidoglycan recognition protein 0.00051 0.00017 0.00030 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00031 -1.14420 135.862 0.25455 0.77376
vpr; minor extracellular serine protease Vpr [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00051 0.00015 0.00014 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00077 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00026 -2.36372 105.037 0.01993 0.59095
csrD; RNase E specificity factor CsrD 0.00051 0.00014 0.00064 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00030 0.76360 106.850 0.44679 0.83371
rsmF; 16S rRNA (cytosine1407-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00051 0.00014 0.00064 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00030 0.76360 106.850 0.44679 0.83371
traV; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraV 0.00051 0.00015 0.00042 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00057 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00030 -0.51717 152.955 0.60578 0.88527
pglB; undecaprenyl-diphosphooligosaccharide—protein glycotransferase [EC:] 0.00051 0.00014 0.00065 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00040 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00030 0.84061 100.259 0.40257 0.80926
ydgD; protease YdgD [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00051 0.00013 0.00043 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00026 -0.51974 146.364 0.60403 0.88434
UAP1; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine/UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine diphosphorylase [EC:] 0.00051 0.00017 0.00016 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00030 -1.99078 105.467 0.04909 0.67403
ebrA; multidrug resistance protein EbrA 0.00051 0.00030 0.00033 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00063 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00055 -0.54681 147.769 0.58533 0.87720
ebrB; multidrug resistance protein EbrB 0.00051 0.00030 0.00033 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00063 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00055 -0.54681 147.769 0.58533 0.87720
kas; beta-ketoacyl ACP synthase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00051 0.00020 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00080 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00034 -2.09108 95.154 0.03919 0.63577
dpe, lre; D-psicose/D-tagatose/L-ribulose 3-epimerase [EC:] 0.00050 0.00013 0.00015 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00075 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00022 -2.79267 119.496 0.00609 0.54022
sspN; small acid-soluble spore protein N (minor) 0.00050 0.00016 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00080 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -2.70179 94.547 0.00817 0.56121
ena; enamidase [EC:] 0.00050 0.00021 0.00009 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00079 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00036 -1.90565 93.457 0.05977 0.72880
K09138; uncharacterized protein 0.00050 0.00011 0.00048 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00020 -0.21388 150.167 0.83093 0.95506
TPS; trehalose 6-phosphate synthase/phosphatase [EC:] 0.00050 0.00015 0.00018 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00026 -2.06318 117.753 0.04129 0.64661
traC; conjugal transfer ATP-binding protein TraC 0.00050 0.00015 0.00041 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00029 -0.51144 152.884 0.60978 0.88693
trbI; conjugal transfer pilin signal peptidase TrbI 0.00050 0.00017 0.00051 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00049 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00037 0.07761 120.191 0.93827 0.98459
E1.1.99.21; D-sorbitol dehydrogenase (acceptor) [EC:] 0.00050 0.00015 0.00040 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00030 -0.55948 152.117 0.57666 0.87389
hipB; HTH-type transcriptional regulator / antitoxin HipB 0.00049 0.00016 0.00061 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00036 0.53774 95.726 0.59201 0.87898
fimH; minor fimbrial subunit 0.00049 0.00022 0.00033 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00039 -0.72884 112.509 0.46761 0.83837
ligI; 2-pyrone-4,6-dicarboxylate lactonase [EC:] 0.00049 0.00023 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00078 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00039 -1.75310 93.806 0.08285 0.76567
cof; HMP-PP phosphatase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.00049 0.00015 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00055 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00029 -0.51906 155.631 0.60446 0.88434
hdeA; acid stress chaperone HdeA 0.00049 0.00018 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00076 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00031 -2.11039 94.796 0.03746 0.63026
norW; nitric oxide reductase FlRd-NAD(+) reductase [EC:1.18.1.-] 0.00049 0.00014 0.00063 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00030 0.77582 106.003 0.43958 0.83156
hyfA; hydrogenase-4 component A [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00049 0.00016 0.00068 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00036 0.92720 90.779 0.35628 0.79399
ecm; ethylmalonyl-CoA mutase [EC:] 0.00049 0.00014 0.00040 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00055 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00027 -0.55408 152.648 0.58034 0.87573
accD6; acetyl-CoA/propionyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit [EC:] 0.00049 0.00020 0.00025 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00035 -1.16171 121.921 0.24762 0.77376
nylA; 6-aminohexanoate-cyclic-dimer hydrolase [EC:] 0.00049 0.00021 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00036 -1.61480 96.497 0.10962 0.77376
asbF; 3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00049 0.00029 0.00031 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00061 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00054 -0.56151 143.400 0.57532 0.87389
ybiV; sugar-phosphatase [EC:] 0.00049 0.00017 0.00032 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00060 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00030 -0.94120 115.052 0.34857 0.79120
norV; anaerobic nitric oxide reductase flavorubredoxin 0.00048 0.00014 0.00062 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00030 0.74540 105.951 0.45768 0.83438
K16150; glycogen synthase [EC:] 0.00048 0.00020 0.00017 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00070 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00034 -1.57864 101.177 0.11754 0.77376
aruI; 5-guanidino-2-oxopentanoate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00048 0.00014 0.00071 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00030 1.26563 111.704 0.20828 0.77376
cas5h; CRISPR-associated protein Cas5h 0.00048 0.00015 0.00052 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00045 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00031 0.22479 129.035 0.82250 0.95506
csh2; CRISPR-associated protein Csh2 0.00048 0.00015 0.00052 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00045 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00031 0.22479 129.035 0.82250 0.95506
treR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, trehalose operon repressor 0.00048 0.00014 0.00059 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00030 0.61582 107.398 0.53932 0.86207
PTS-Asc-EIIC, ascF; PTS system, beta-glucoside (arbutin/salicin/cellobiose)-specific IIC component 0.00048 0.00013 0.00061 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00027 0.82315 109.458 0.41222 0.81576
rspB; L-gulonate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00048 0.00014 0.00053 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00045 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00029 0.30439 125.135 0.76134 0.93806
melB; melibiose permease 0.00048 0.00012 0.00028 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00062 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00022 -1.55141 113.581 0.12358 0.77376
prrB; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase PrrB [EC:] 0.00048 0.00036 0.00011 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00074 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00061 -1.02629 94.714 0.30737 0.77376
aglF, ggtC; alpha-glucoside transport system permease protein 0.00048 0.00014 0.00037 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00027 -0.71209 147.565 0.47753 0.84209
aglG, ggtD; alpha-glucoside transport system permease protein 0.00048 0.00014 0.00037 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00027 -0.71209 147.565 0.47753 0.84209
K15640, phoE; uncharacterized phosphatase 0.00048 0.00015 0.00009 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00025 -2.66171 95.197 0.00913 0.58112
comGG; competence protein ComGG 0.00048 0.00021 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00079 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00035 -2.20305 92.649 0.03007 0.61413
epsF; glycosyltransferase EpsF [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00048 0.00029 0.00036 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00056 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00054 -0.38121 144.415 0.70361 0.92004
PTS-Mng-EIIC, mngA, hrsA; PTS system, 2-O-A-mannosyl-D-glycerate-specific IIC component 0.00048 0.00019 0.00017 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00069 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00032 -1.62852 103.029 0.10647 0.77376
K08982; putative membrane protein 0.00048 0.00014 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00068 0.00001 0.00023 93 0.00025 -1.97058 112.964 0.05122 0.68675
lsrF; 3-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,4-dione thiolase [EC:] 0.00047 0.00012 0.00032 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00022 -1.20828 136.499 0.22903 0.77376
dpiB, citA; two-component system, CitB family, cit operon sensor histidine kinase CitA [EC:] 0.00047 0.00014 0.00055 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00029 0.46843 115.684 0.64036 0.89936
K16163; maleylpyruvate isomerase [EC:] 0.00047 0.00022 0.00033 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00039 -0.64418 125.914 0.52063 0.85579
traK; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraK 0.00047 0.00015 0.00042 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00051 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00029 -0.31481 151.074 0.75334 0.93639
isfD; sulfoacetaldehyde reductase [EC:] 0.00047 0.00018 0.00047 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00047 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00037 0.00054 129.083 0.99957 0.99957
treT; trehalose synthase [EC:] 0.00047 0.00011 0.00034 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00021 -1.08979 138.418 0.27770 0.77376
eexE; membrane fusion protein, epimerase transport system 0.00047 0.00016 0.00070 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00034 1.15840 99.780 0.24946 0.77376
lpqH; ipoprotein LpqH 0.00047 0.00021 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00075 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00035 -1.93066 94.857 0.05651 0.70577
dsdC; LysR family transcriptional regulator, D-serine deaminase activator 0.00047 0.00012 0.00065 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00027 1.16686 99.464 0.24606 0.77376
fimB; type 1 fimbriae regulatory protein FimB 0.00047 0.00016 0.00042 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00050 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00033 -0.21832 147.574 0.82748 0.95506
eexD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial EexD 0.00047 0.00015 0.00066 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00033 0.96808 103.457 0.33526 0.78186
E1.3.1.32; maleylacetate reductase [EC:] 0.00046 0.00021 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00068 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00035 -1.46375 97.610 0.14648 0.77376
E2.4.1.20; cellobiose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00046 0.00015 0.00036 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00054 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00028 -0.64544 155.685 0.51959 0.85478
K13875, araC; L-arabonate dehydrase [EC:] 0.00046 0.00024 0.00016 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00068 0.00002 0.00040 93 0.00042 -1.24027 103.195 0.21769 0.77376
malI; LacI family transcriptional regulator, maltose regulon regulatory protein 0.00046 0.00013 0.00057 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00028 0.68179 111.593 0.49678 0.84797
ugl; ureidoglycolate lyase [EC:] 0.00046 0.00016 0.00042 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00049 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00032 -0.20417 149.290 0.83850 0.95506
xapA; xanthosine phosphorylase [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.00046 0.00017 0.00041 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00050 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00032 -0.30287 142.754 0.76243 0.93813
mct; 2-methylfumaryl-CoA isomerase [EC:] 0.00046 0.00019 0.00019 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00032 -1.42888 99.880 0.15616 0.77376
legI, neuB2; N,N’-diacetyllegionaminate synthase [EC:] 0.00046 0.00015 0.00036 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00028 -0.59295 156.000 0.55407 0.86806
ybcL; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, putative efflux transporter 0.00046 0.00029 0.00032 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00056 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00054 -0.46006 143.608 0.64617 0.90314
traW; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraW 0.00046 0.00015 0.00041 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00050 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00029 -0.29936 150.944 0.76508 0.93900
hbhA; heparin binding hemagglutinin HbhA 0.00046 0.00019 0.00026 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00060 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00034 -1.01085 120.621 0.31411 0.77376
traF; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraF 0.00046 0.00016 0.00052 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00034 0.28850 109.182 0.77351 0.94219
comQ; competence protein ComQ 0.00046 0.00029 0.00031 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00057 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00054 -0.48276 143.599 0.63000 0.89536
K09860; uncharacterized protein 0.00046 0.00013 0.00055 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00028 0.56154 107.936 0.57560 0.87389
prdB; D-proline reductase (dithiol) PrdB [EC:] 0.00046 0.00008 0.00040 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00049 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00015 -0.58023 154.763 0.56260 0.86813
garL; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyglucarate aldolase [EC:] 0.00046 0.00012 0.00056 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00026 0.67702 115.303 0.49975 0.84896
hapE; 4-hydroxyacetophenone monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00046 0.00013 0.00010 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00071 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00023 -2.67410 95.762 0.00881 0.58112
E2.7.7.6; DNA-directed RNA polymerase [EC:] 0.00046 0.00016 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00026 -2.39685 95.143 0.01849 0.59095
srfATE, srfAD, lchAD; external thioesterase TEII 0.00045 0.00029 0.00030 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00056 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00054 -0.47417 143.600 0.63610 0.89696
sspD; small acid-soluble spore protein D (minor alpha/beta-type SASP) 0.00045 0.00016 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00072 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00026 -2.45140 94.579 0.01607 0.59095
vanRAc; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VanR 0.00045 0.00012 0.00045 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00045 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00024 -0.00808 134.831 0.99357 0.99919
bmrR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, activator of bmr gene 0.00045 0.00029 0.00030 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00056 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00054 -0.49014 143.602 0.62478 0.89208
lytF, cwlE; peptidoglycan DL-endopeptidase LytF [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00045 0.00029 0.00030 0.00000 0.00028 65 0.00056 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00054 -0.49014 143.602 0.62478 0.89208
eryA; erythritol kinase (D-erythritol 1-phosphate-forming) [EC:] 0.00045 0.00019 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00032 -2.14673 92.759 0.03442 0.62130
E3.2.1.123; endoglycosylceramidase [EC:] 0.00045 0.00036 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00069 0.00003 0.00061 93 0.00061 -0.96175 94.544 0.33863 0.78407
acd; glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (non-decarboxylating) [EC:] 0.00045 0.00015 0.00005 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00073 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00025 -2.72464 92.941 0.00769 0.54764
HXT; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar:H+ symporter 0.00045 0.00010 0.00029 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00020 -1.34908 155.991 0.17927 0.77376
wbqV; O-antigen biosynthesis protein WbqV 0.00045 0.00016 0.00013 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00067 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.99583 97.535 0.04874 0.67326
vanSAc; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VanS [EC:] 0.00044 0.00012 0.00045 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00044 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00024 0.04070 133.745 0.96759 0.99216
E2.7.10.2; non-specific protein-tyrosine kinase [EC:] 0.00044 0.00022 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00070 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00038 -1.66053 92.940 0.10018 0.77098
hblAB; hemolysin BL binding component 0.00044 0.00029 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00072 0.00002 0.00049 93 0.00050 -1.33634 93.239 0.18469 0.77376
OXCT; 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.00044 0.00015 0.00030 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00054 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00028 -0.84751 155.458 0.39801 0.80577
hpsN; sulfopropanediol 3-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00044 0.00015 0.00023 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00059 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00030 -1.20216 154.641 0.23114 0.77376
embB; arabinosyltransferase B [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.00044 0.00019 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00066 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00033 -1.61928 98.274 0.10859 0.77376
chvB, cgs, ndvB; cyclic beta-1,2-glucan synthetase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00044 0.00017 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00070 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00029 -2.10069 93.828 0.03835 0.63091
chpB, chpBK; mRNA interferase ChpB [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00044 0.00020 0.00024 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00058 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00035 -0.95160 118.160 0.34324 0.78583
doeX; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, regulator of ectoine-degradation genes 0.00044 0.00015 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00060 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00027 -1.54166 129.665 0.12559 0.77376
cho; excinuclease Cho [EC:3.1.25.-] 0.00043 0.00012 0.00044 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00043 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00025 0.07254 133.486 0.94228 0.98549
aor; aldehyde:ferredoxin oxidoreductase [EC:] 0.00043 0.00016 0.00048 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00040 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00033 0.24938 111.044 0.80353 0.94911
doeD; L-2,4-diaminobutyrate transaminase [EC:] 0.00043 0.00015 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00059 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00027 -1.42421 129.929 0.15678 0.77376
ABC.VB1X.A; putative thiamine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00043 0.00012 0.00045 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00025 0.11565 128.570 0.90811 0.97664
ABC.VB1X.P; putative thiamine transport system permease protein 0.00043 0.00012 0.00045 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00025 0.11565 128.570 0.90811 0.97664
ABC.VB1X.S; putative thiamine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00043 0.00012 0.00045 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00025 0.11565 128.570 0.90811 0.97664
PTS-Mur-EIIC, murP; PTS system, N-acetylmuramic acid-specific IIC component 0.00043 0.00016 0.00045 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00033 0.06628 142.028 0.94725 0.98674
doeA; ectoine hydrolase [EC:] 0.00043 0.00015 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00059 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00027 -1.43431 129.919 0.15389 0.77376
tsgA; MFS transporter, TsgA protein 0.00043 0.00012 0.00049 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00026 0.39613 129.009 0.69266 0.91677
ttrA; tetrathionate reductase subunit A 0.00043 0.00011 0.00042 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00044 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00022 -0.10410 139.127 0.91724 0.97692
cbeA; cytoskeleton bundling-enhancing protein CbeA and related proteins 0.00043 0.00029 0.00011 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00066 0.00002 0.00048 93 0.00049 -1.13385 93.975 0.25974 0.77376
scsB; suppressor for copper-sensitivity B 0.00043 0.00012 0.00063 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00028 1.22681 80.935 0.22345 0.77376
rihB; ribosylpyrimidine nucleosidase [EC:] 0.00043 0.00009 0.00044 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00018 0.11085 155.480 0.91188 0.97664
uxuR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, uxu operon transcriptional repressor 0.00043 0.00010 0.00036 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00047 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00019 -0.57430 147.236 0.56664 0.87051
E1.14.13.7; phenol 2-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00043 0.00016 0.00043 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00043 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00032 -0.00463 136.109 0.99631 0.99944
nifA; Nif-specific regulatory protein 0.00043 0.00015 0.00044 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00034 0.07305 84.699 0.94194 0.98528
E1.2.1.10; acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) [EC:] 0.00042 0.00019 0.00051 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00040 0.34812 120.056 0.72836 0.92350
cbtA; cytoskeleton-binding toxin CbtA and related proteins 0.00042 0.00023 0.00026 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00054 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00040 -0.69559 129.481 0.48793 0.84672
vapB; antitoxin VapB 0.00042 0.00012 0.00037 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00046 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00025 -0.33490 126.794 0.73826 0.92908
pglJ; N-acetylgalactosamine-N,N’-diacetylbacillosaminyl-diphospho-undecaprenol 4-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.00042 0.00013 0.00055 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00028 0.76703 96.631 0.44494 0.83274
mdoC; glucans biosynthesis protein C [EC:2.1.-.-] 0.00042 0.00012 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00044 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00024 -0.14689 131.412 0.88344 0.96974
ERCC2, XPD; DNA excision repair protein ERCC-2 [EC:] 0.00042 0.00020 0.00081 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00047 1.42211 67.994 0.15957 0.77376
manR; activator of the mannose operon, transcriptional antiterminator 0.00042 0.00017 0.00020 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00058 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00029 -1.30163 114.024 0.19567 0.77376
PTS-Fru2-EIIA; PTS system, fructose-specific IIA-like component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00042 0.00022 0.00021 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00037 93 0.00038 -0.96349 104.732 0.33752 0.78354
fgd1; coenzyme F420-dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00042 0.00019 0.00021 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00033 -1.08548 113.244 0.28001 0.77376
paaJ; 3-oxo-5,6-didehydrosuberyl-CoA/3-oxoadipyl-CoA thiolase [EC:] 0.00042 0.00012 0.00041 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00043 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00025 -0.10665 133.002 0.91523 0.97664
drp35; lactonase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.00042 0.00017 0.00015 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00029 -1.60312 105.737 0.11189 0.77376
doeB; N2-acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutanoate deacetylase [EC:] 0.00042 0.00014 0.00028 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00052 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00026 -0.89047 140.599 0.37474 0.79810
hdrB2; heterodisulfide reductase subunit B2 [EC:] 0.00042 0.00010 0.00043 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00020 0.06829 142.283 0.94565 0.98674
wbiB; dTDP-L-rhamnose 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.00042 0.00011 0.00027 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00019 -1.33357 137.178 0.18455 0.77376
traE; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraE 0.00042 0.00012 0.00041 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00043 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00026 -0.07097 130.336 0.94353 0.98634
K09003; uncharacterized protein 0.00042 0.00013 0.00018 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00058 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00022 -1.79206 111.868 0.07583 0.74577
phsA, psrA; thiosulfate reductase / polysulfide reductase chain A [EC:] 0.00042 0.00013 0.00054 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00028 0.75867 97.362 0.44988 0.83438
mtlR; mannitol operon repressor 0.00042 0.00012 0.00046 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00024 0.27444 127.596 0.78419 0.94430
merC; mercuric ion transport protein 0.00042 0.00014 0.00050 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00036 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00030 0.47613 131.751 0.63477 0.89696
mshC; MSHA pilin protein MshC 0.00042 0.00018 0.00047 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 0.25133 153.714 0.80190 0.94855
mshD; MSHA pilin protein MshD 0.00042 0.00018 0.00047 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 0.25133 153.714 0.80190 0.94855
mshE; MSHA biogenesis protein MshE 0.00042 0.00018 0.00047 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 0.25133 153.714 0.80190 0.94855
mshG; MSHA biogenesis protein MshG 0.00042 0.00018 0.00047 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 0.25133 153.714 0.80190 0.94855
mshI; MSHA biogenesis protein MshI 0.00042 0.00018 0.00047 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 0.25133 153.714 0.80190 0.94855
mshL; MSHA biogenesis protein MshL 0.00042 0.00018 0.00047 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 0.25133 153.714 0.80190 0.94855
mshO; MSHA biogenesis protein MshO 0.00042 0.00018 0.00047 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 0.25133 153.714 0.80190 0.94855
ygeR; lipoprotein YgeR 0.00042 0.00012 0.00049 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00025 0.48285 120.760 0.63008 0.89536
qheDH, qbdA; quinohemoprotein ethanol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00042 0.00012 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00059 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00021 -2.01096 105.363 0.04688 0.66255
traL; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraL 0.00042 0.00014 0.00032 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00048 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00026 -0.63845 153.751 0.52413 0.85711
npr; thermolysin [EC:] 0.00042 0.00019 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00069 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00031 -2.16818 92.297 0.03272 0.62130
E1.14.11.1; gamma-butyrobetaine dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00041 0.00013 0.00041 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00025 -0.02651 153.029 0.97888 0.99657
galB; 4-oxalomesaconate hydratase [EC:] 0.00041 0.00012 0.00012 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00062 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00020 -2.53880 98.133 0.01270 0.59095
oxa; beta-lactamase class D [EC:] 0.00041 0.00012 0.00009 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00064 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00021 -2.64125 96.423 0.00964 0.58112
namH; UDP-MurNAc hydroxylase 0.00041 0.00019 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00063 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00032 -1.60601 98.101 0.11149 0.77376
hdrC2; heterodisulfide reductase subunit C2 [EC:] 0.00041 0.00010 0.00043 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00040 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00020 0.12009 141.883 0.90458 0.97658
sqhC; sporulenol synthase [EC:] 0.00041 0.00016 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00026 -2.18148 95.264 0.03161 0.61842
lsrC; AI-2 transport system permease protein 0.00041 0.00012 0.00027 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00051 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00021 -1.11803 134.162 0.26555 0.77376
PTS-Dgl-EIIA, gamP; PTS system, D-glucosamine-specific IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00041 0.00020 0.00050 0.00001 0.00046 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00048 0.32974 76.189 0.74250 0.93050
rirA; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, iron-responsive regulator 0.00041 0.00017 0.00006 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00066 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00029 -2.03083 93.227 0.04512 0.65981
lsrA, ego; AI-2 transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00041 0.00012 0.00027 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00051 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00021 -1.13086 134.160 0.26013 0.77376
lsrB; AI-2 transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00041 0.00012 0.00027 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00051 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00021 -1.13086 134.160 0.26013 0.77376
lsrD; AI-2 transport system permease protein 0.00041 0.00012 0.00027 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00051 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00021 -1.13086 134.160 0.26013 0.77376
crtQ; 4,4’-diaponeurosporenoate glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00041 0.00017 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00029 -1.65889 104.778 0.10013 0.77098
K10212, crtO; glycosyl-4,4’-diaponeurosporenoate acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00041 0.00017 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00029 -1.65889 104.778 0.10013 0.77098
GULO; L-gulonolactone oxidase [EC:] 0.00041 0.00020 0.00019 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00034 -1.13538 101.355 0.25889 0.77376
E1.8.2.1; sulfite dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00041 0.00023 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00039 -1.49300 94.079 0.13878 0.77376
hdrA2; heterodisulfide reductase subunit A2 [EC:] 0.00041 0.00010 0.00039 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00043 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00019 -0.21730 151.934 0.82827 0.95506
traB; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraB 0.00041 0.00013 0.00040 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00027 -0.08033 140.909 0.93609 0.98459
HIBCH; 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase [EC:] 0.00041 0.00018 0.00022 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00054 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00032 -1.00053 130.102 0.31891 0.77376
nadM; nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00041 0.00013 0.00060 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00030 1.09768 75.049 0.27585 0.77376
artJ; arginine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00041 0.00012 0.00043 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00025 0.17126 130.581 0.86428 0.96263
pseF; pseudaminic acid cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00041 0.00010 0.00041 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00040 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00021 0.04319 136.561 0.96561 0.99101
UXE, uxe; UDP-arabinose 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.00040 0.00018 0.00016 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00058 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00030 -1.37581 101.156 0.17192 0.77376
mepA; multidrug efflux pump 0.00040 0.00016 0.00018 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -1.35963 115.727 0.17659 0.77376
chbR, celD; AraC family transcriptional regulator, dual regulator of chb operon 0.00040 0.00012 0.00039 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00024 -0.11117 130.652 0.91166 0.97664
ttuB; MFS transporter, ACS family, tartrate transporter 0.00040 0.00014 0.00049 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00030 0.48769 134.556 0.62657 0.89255
exoZ; exopolysaccharide production protein ExoZ 0.00040 0.00013 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00061 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00022 -2.28158 99.223 0.02465 0.59764
SGA1; glucoamylase [EC:] 0.00040 0.00014 0.00038 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00028 -0.14734 155.717 0.88305 0.96974
mshP; MSHA biogenesis protein MshP 0.00040 0.00017 0.00044 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00037 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00034 0.18426 155.557 0.85405 0.95848
pglC; undecaprenyl phosphate N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 1-phosphate transferase [EC:] 0.00040 0.00013 0.00051 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00028 0.69521 97.071 0.48859 0.84744
mcyA; microcystin synthetase protein McyA 0.00040 0.00019 0.00051 0.00001 0.00033 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00040 0.45671 119.354 0.64871 0.90350
pglA; N,N’-diacetylbacillosaminyl-diphospho-undecaprenol alpha-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.00040 0.00013 0.00051 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00028 0.70177 97.089 0.48450 0.84354
pglD; UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00040 0.00013 0.00051 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00028 0.70177 97.089 0.48450 0.84354
pglE; UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine transaminase [EC:] 0.00040 0.00013 0.00051 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00028 0.70177 97.089 0.48450 0.84354
pglF; UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.00040 0.00013 0.00051 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00028 0.70177 97.089 0.48450 0.84354
psrB; polysulfide reductase chain B 0.00040 0.00013 0.00051 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00028 0.70177 97.089 0.48450 0.84354
psrC; polysulfide reductase chain C 0.00040 0.00013 0.00051 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00028 0.70177 97.089 0.48450 0.84354
hyfH; hydrogenase-4 component H 0.00040 0.00016 0.00054 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00035 0.70491 91.404 0.48266 0.84354
hdc, HDC; histidine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00040 0.00022 0.00054 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00047 0.53401 103.897 0.59448 0.88005
mshM; MSHA biogenesis protein MshM 0.00040 0.00018 0.00047 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00035 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00035 0.35490 153.412 0.72315 0.92156
srlR, gutR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, glucitol operon repressor 0.00040 0.00012 0.00043 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00025 0.20579 129.624 0.83728 0.95506
bjaR1, rpaR, rhiR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator BjaR1 0.00040 0.00017 0.00005 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00064 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00029 -2.06571 93.088 0.04164 0.64661
afr; 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose reductase (1,5-anhydro-D-mannitol-forming) [EC:] 0.00039 0.00017 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00031 -1.30802 120.063 0.19336 0.77376
bhsA; multiple stress resistance protein BhsA 0.00039 0.00012 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00025 0.01736 134.672 0.98617 0.99729
lipV; lipase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.00039 0.00019 0.00014 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00032 -1.37024 98.907 0.17371 0.77376
lacK; lactose/L-arabinose transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00039 0.00014 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00059 0.00001 0.00023 93 0.00024 -1.93665 104.795 0.05548 0.70577
ydfJ; MFS transporter, MHS family, metabolite:H+ symporter 0.00039 0.00011 0.00044 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00036 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.32752 123.471 0.74383 0.93099
comGE; competence protein ComGE 0.00039 0.00019 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00033 -1.91837 92.547 0.05815 0.71816
ligC; 2-hydroxy-4-carboxymuconate semialdehyde hemiacetal dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00039 0.00020 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00062 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00034 -1.61556 94.317 0.10953 0.77376
exoM; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoM [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00039 0.00020 0.00014 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00034 -1.29993 100.053 0.19661 0.77376
cypD_E, CYP102A2_3; cytochrome P450 / NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase [EC:] 0.00039 0.00012 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00047 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00023 -0.89206 149.730 0.37379 0.79810
yibL; ribosome-associated protein 0.00039 0.00012 0.00045 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.39657 125.129 0.69236 0.91677
yidP; GntR family transcriptional regulator, glv operon transcriptional regulator 0.00039 0.00016 0.00030 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00045 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00028 -0.51530 126.927 0.60724 0.88598
K06937; 7,8-dihydro-6-hydroxymethylpterin dimethyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.00039 0.00011 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00060 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -2.76002 113.140 0.00674 0.54612
gfa; S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione synthase [EC:] 0.00039 0.00012 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00022 -1.56885 121.009 0.11929 0.77376
inhA; enoyl ACP reductase [EC:] 0.00039 0.00019 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00032 -1.68200 94.833 0.09586 0.76609
K03822; putative long chain acyl-CoA synthase [EC:6.2.1.-] 0.00039 0.00019 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00032 -1.68200 94.833 0.09586 0.76609
mabA; beta-ketoacyl ACP reductase [EC:] 0.00039 0.00019 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00061 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00032 -1.68200 94.833 0.09586 0.76609
eptB; KDO II ethanolaminephosphotransferase [EC:] 0.00039 0.00012 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00024 0.08947 132.473 0.92885 0.98176
motD; chemotaxis protein MotD 0.00039 0.00017 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00062 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00029 -1.89528 93.372 0.06115 0.73001
wbpE, wlbC; UDP-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-ribo-hexuluronate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00039 0.00012 0.00042 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00036 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00026 0.23421 110.132 0.81525 0.95409
dcuR; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator DcuR 0.00039 0.00012 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.10405 127.605 0.91729 0.97692
crtN; 4,4’-diapophytoene desaturase [EC:] 0.00039 0.00017 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -1.58622 105.122 0.11569 0.77376
crtP; diapolycopene oxygenase [EC:] 0.00039 0.00017 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -1.58622 105.122 0.11569 0.77376
graS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase GraS [EC:] 0.00039 0.00017 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -1.58622 105.122 0.11569 0.77376
lytM; lysostaphin [EC:] 0.00039 0.00017 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -1.58622 105.122 0.11569 0.77376
norA; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, quinolone resistance protein 0.00039 0.00017 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -1.58622 105.122 0.11569 0.77376
sspB2, sspP, scpA; staphopain A [EC:] 0.00039 0.00017 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -1.58622 105.122 0.11569 0.77376
vraG; cationic antimicrobial peptide transport system permease protein 0.00039 0.00017 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -1.58622 105.122 0.11569 0.77376
ybdH; uncharacterized oxidoreductase [EC:1.1.-.-] 0.00039 0.00009 0.00033 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00043 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.59998 152.959 0.54941 0.86645
nudG; (d)CTP diphosphatase [EC:] 0.00039 0.00012 0.00044 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.39535 125.170 0.69326 0.91677
gutM; glucitol operon activator protein 0.00038 0.00011 0.00041 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.19203 125.398 0.84803 0.95712
chiF; putative chitobiose transport system permease protein 0.00038 0.00018 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00032 -1.40212 101.991 0.16391 0.77376
K09124; uncharacterized protein 0.00038 0.00012 0.00012 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00057 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00022 -1.99474 137.018 0.04806 0.66712
yxeM; putative amino-acid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00038 0.00011 0.00039 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00022 0.02464 115.306 0.98039 0.99657
mpaA; protein MpaA 0.00038 0.00012 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.13632 127.494 0.89178 0.97141
CYP152A; fatty-acid peroxygenase [EC:] 0.00038 0.00012 0.00051 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00027 0.81156 91.253 0.41915 0.81980
chiE; putative chitobiose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00038 0.00018 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00032 -1.39237 101.988 0.16684 0.77376
mdo; formaldehyde dismutase / methanol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00038 0.00019 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00034 -1.03273 116.582 0.30387 0.77376
ompC; outer membrane pore protein C 0.00038 0.00012 0.00041 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00036 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.20633 127.924 0.83686 0.95506
doeC; aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:1.2.1.-] 0.00038 0.00012 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00050 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00023 -1.29351 143.241 0.19792 0.77376
sigI; RNA polymerase sigma factor 0.00038 0.00012 0.00012 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00056 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00021 -2.18022 102.146 0.03154 0.61842
puuR; HTH-type transcriptional regulator, repressor for puuD 0.00038 0.00012 0.00039 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00024 0.10564 131.996 0.91603 0.97681
lnuA_C_D_E, lin; lincosamide nucleotidyltransferase A/C/D/E 0.00038 0.00024 0.00058 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00058 0.59522 69.194 0.55364 0.86795
nboR; nicotine blue oxidoreductase [EC:] 0.00038 0.00009 0.00036 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00019 -0.15630 130.953 0.87604 0.96703
ynfE; Tat-targeted selenate reductase subunit YnfE [EC:] 0.00038 0.00012 0.00026 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00046 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00021 -0.96072 131.956 0.33845 0.78407
ybiS; L,D-transpeptidase YbiS 0.00038 0.00011 0.00041 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.25236 126.591 0.80117 0.94855
pspD; phage shock protein D 0.00037 0.00011 0.00041 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.24433 126.406 0.80737 0.94987
tabA; biofilm protein TabA 0.00037 0.00011 0.00043 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.39152 123.510 0.69608 0.91772
E4.1.1.82; phosphonopyruvate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00037 0.00009 0.00030 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00043 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00016 -0.81659 145.805 0.41549 0.81730
UMF2; MFS transporter, UMF2 family, putative MFS family transporter protein 0.00037 0.00011 0.00041 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.23189 126.612 0.81700 0.95487
ccdA; antitoxin CcdA 0.00037 0.00011 0.00039 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00036 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00025 0.11602 94.779 0.90788 0.97664
tatE; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatE 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.20495 126.646 0.83794 0.95506
MKS1; Meckel syndrome type 1 protein 0.00037 0.00014 0.00041 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00030 0.19783 125.937 0.84350 0.95519
aaeA; p-hydroxybenzoic acid efflux pump subunit AaeA 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21131 126.573 0.83298 0.95506
aaeB; p-hydroxybenzoic acid efflux pump subunit AaeB 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21131 126.573 0.83298 0.95506
acrD; multidrug efflux pump 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21131 126.573 0.83298 0.95506
basS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase BasS [EC:] 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21131 126.573 0.83298 0.95506
dcuS; two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase DcuS [EC:] 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21131 126.573 0.83298 0.95506
iap; alkaline phosphatase isozyme conversion protein [EC:3.4.11.-] 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21131 126.573 0.83298 0.95506
mdtD; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21131 126.573 0.83298 0.95506
mepH; murein DD-endopeptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21131 126.573 0.83298 0.95506
msyB; acidic protein MsyB 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21131 126.573 0.83298 0.95506
proY; proline-specific permease ProY 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21131 126.573 0.83298 0.95506
phnV; 2-aminoethylphosphonate transport system permease protein 0.00037 0.00020 0.00028 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00043 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00036 -0.43153 140.783 0.66675 0.91126
cooC; CO dehydrogenase maturation factor 0.00037 0.00016 0.00024 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00047 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00029 -0.78773 130.446 0.43228 0.82825
badA; benzoate-CoA ligase [EC:] 0.00037 0.00020 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00058 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00033 -1.50711 95.799 0.13507 0.77376
ecnB; entericidin B 0.00037 0.00011 0.00039 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.17345 126.567 0.86258 0.96263
lsrG; (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase [EC:] 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.18843 126.600 0.85084 0.95754
phoE; outer membrane pore protein E 0.00037 0.00011 0.00039 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.16665 126.793 0.86791 0.96364
chaB; cation transport regulator 0.00037 0.00011 0.00041 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.26173 124.740 0.79396 0.94783
shiA; MFS transporter, MHS family, shikimate and dehydroshikimate transport protein 0.00037 0.00011 0.00039 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.16747 125.639 0.86727 0.96329
flhE; flagellar protein FlhE 0.00037 0.00011 0.00043 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.47314 122.460 0.63696 0.89696
hdeB; acid stress chaperone HdeB 0.00037 0.00013 0.00016 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00051 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00022 -1.64184 100.665 0.10374 0.77376
exuR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, hexuronate regulon transcriptional repressor 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21016 126.622 0.83388 0.95506
ibpB; molecular chaperone IbpB 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21016 126.622 0.83388 0.95506
uspC; universal stress protein C 0.00037 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.21016 126.622 0.83388 0.95506
chiG; putative chitobiose transport system permease protein 0.00037 0.00018 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00054 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00031 -1.32389 102.126 0.18849 0.77376
hyfG; hydrogenase-4 component G [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00037 0.00016 0.00053 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00035 0.77002 90.586 0.44329 0.83186
rsbX; phosphoserine phosphatase RsbX [EC:] 0.00037 0.00014 0.00014 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00024 -1.57977 113.890 0.11693 0.77376
IAL; isopenicillin-N N-acyltransferase like protein 0.00037 0.00012 0.00032 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00040 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00022 -0.36726 155.804 0.71393 0.92004
sbmC; DNA gyrase inhibitor 0.00036 0.00011 0.00039 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.17222 126.587 0.86354 0.96263
gutQ; arabinose 5-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.00036 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.24812 125.417 0.80445 0.94931
SELENBP1; selenium-binding protein 1 0.00036 0.00012 0.00018 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00049 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00021 -1.48512 124.519 0.14004 0.77376
xltB; putative xylitol transport system permease protein 0.00036 0.00017 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00054 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00028 -1.55507 96.706 0.12320 0.77376
feaR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, positive regulator of tynA and feaB 0.00036 0.00011 0.00040 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.27464 125.584 0.78404 0.94429
salR; two-component system, NarL family, secretion system response regulator SalR 0.00036 0.00020 0.00035 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00037 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00039 -0.05147 152.976 0.95902 0.98903
merE; mercuric ion transport protein 0.00036 0.00020 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00055 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00034 -1.36524 94.499 0.17542 0.77376
rcsA; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, capsular biosynthesis positive transcription factor 0.00036 0.00011 0.00037 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.09391 127.153 0.92533 0.98041
MFS.SP; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar porter, other 0.00036 0.00014 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00054 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00023 -1.84023 103.376 0.06860 0.73473
puuD; gamma-glutamyl-gamma-aminobutyrate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00036 0.00011 0.00039 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.20753 125.973 0.83593 0.95506
cebE; cellobiose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00036 0.00011 0.00038 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00023 0.16749 105.283 0.86731 0.96329
nahAa, nagAa, ndoR, nbzAa, dntAa; naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase ferredoxin reductase component [EC:] 0.00036 0.00020 0.00012 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00053 0.00001 0.00034 93 0.00034 -1.19163 102.704 0.23615 0.77376
fdnH; formate dehydrogenase-N, beta subunit 0.00036 0.00011 0.00042 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.47713 122.661 0.63412 0.89696
fdnI; formate dehydrogenase-N, gamma subunit 0.00036 0.00011 0.00042 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.47713 122.661 0.63412 0.89696
rbcS; ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase small chain [EC:] 0.00036 0.00012 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00049 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00020 -1.58759 109.160 0.11527 0.77376
PEO1; twinkle protein [EC:] 0.00036 0.00015 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00054 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00025 -1.76429 98.334 0.08079 0.75920
CYP51; sterol 14-demethylase [EC:] 0.00035 0.00018 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00031 -1.55853 94.899 0.12244 0.77376
ywaD; aminopeptidase YwaD [EC:] 0.00035 0.00014 0.00013 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00051 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00026 -1.47107 141.087 0.14350 0.77376
mcl; malyl-CoA/(S)-citramalyl-CoA lyase [EC:] 0.00035 0.00013 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00051 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00022 -1.69765 105.281 0.09253 0.76567
ldrA_B_C_D; small toxic polypeptide LdrA/B/C/D 0.00035 0.00022 0.00018 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00047 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00038 -0.77676 110.584 0.43896 0.83156
galP; MFS transporter, SP family, galactose:H+ symporter 0.00035 0.00011 0.00035 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00022 -0.01849 145.956 0.98527 0.99718
serB-plsC; putative phosphoserine phosphatase / 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase [EC:] 0.00035 0.00018 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00054 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00031 -1.48769 95.120 0.14014 0.77376
nudK; GDP-mannose pyrophosphatase NudK [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.00035 0.00011 0.00039 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.29596 123.898 0.76775 0.93900
nudI; nucleoside triphosphatase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.00035 0.00011 0.00041 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.40169 121.896 0.68862 0.91567
torA; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) [EC:] 0.00035 0.00012 0.00043 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00026 0.52216 116.205 0.60255 0.88425
dasB; N,N’-diacetylchitobiose transport system permease protein 0.00035 0.00011 0.00052 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00025 1.10822 90.674 0.27070 0.77376
impE; type VI secretion system protein ImpE 0.00035 0.00012 0.00017 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00047 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00021 -1.43910 117.192 0.15279 0.77376
frvX; putative aminopeptidase FrvX [EC:3.4.11.-] 0.00035 0.00011 0.00047 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00023 0.87420 124.801 0.38369 0.80172
ttrR; two-component system, LuxR family, response regulator TtrR 0.00035 0.00021 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00057 0.00001 0.00035 93 0.00035 -1.52241 92.728 0.13131 0.77376
hyfI; hydrogenase-4 component I [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00035 0.00016 0.00048 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00035 0.64334 90.765 0.52163 0.85613
hyfJ; hydrogenase-4 component J [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00035 0.00016 0.00048 0.00001 0.00032 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00035 0.64334 90.765 0.52163 0.85613
clfA; clumping factor A 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
clfB; clumping factor B 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
eap, map; protein Map 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
flr, flipr; FPRL1 inhibitory protein 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
fnbB; fibronectin-binding protein B 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
hld; delta-hemolysin 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
mecA; penicillin-binding protein 2 prime [EC:] 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
mecR1; methicillin resistance protein 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
PTS-Bgl-EIIA, bglF, bglP; PTS system, beta-glucoside-specific IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
sak; staphylokinase 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
sbi; immunoglobulin G-binding protein Sbi 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
set; superantigen-like protein 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
spa; immunoglobulin G-binding protein A 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
sspB; staphopain B [EC:3.4.22.-] 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
yydI; putative peptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
yydJ; putative peptide transport system permease protein 0.00035 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.54767 105.540 0.12470 0.77376
fimF; minor fimbrial subunit 0.00035 0.00015 0.00023 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00042 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00027 -0.71357 117.134 0.47691 0.84209
boxA; benzoyl-CoA 2,3-epoxidase subunit A [EC:] 0.00034 0.00019 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00056 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00033 -1.59726 92.785 0.11361 0.77376
chqB; hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00034 0.00012 0.00027 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00040 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00022 -0.59402 152.022 0.55338 0.86788
yhaV; toxin YhaV [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00034 0.00012 0.00023 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00023 -0.80566 148.367 0.42173 0.82295
adiY; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of adiA 0.00034 0.00022 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00047 0.00001 0.00036 93 0.00037 -0.86710 103.422 0.38789 0.80262
K09122; uncharacterized protein 0.00034 0.00012 0.00027 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00024 -0.47369 155.797 0.63638 0.89696
LRA1; L-rhamnose 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00034 0.00009 0.00017 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00045 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00016 -1.71570 135.750 0.08850 0.76567
trg; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein III, ribose and galactose sensor receptor 0.00034 0.00011 0.00032 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00021 -0.18027 153.261 0.85718 0.95994
ftrB; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator FtrB 0.00034 0.00018 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00054 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00030 -1.65128 92.860 0.10206 0.77376
elaB; ElaB protein 0.00034 0.00011 0.00037 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00023 0.25036 125.446 0.80272 0.94869
bglH; carbohydrate-specific outer membrane porin 0.00034 0.00016 0.00027 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00030 -0.35920 152.657 0.71994 0.92108
citS; two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase CitS [EC:] 0.00034 0.00013 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00022 -2.06337 95.555 0.04179 0.64661
K11638, citT; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator CitT 0.00034 0.00013 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00053 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00022 -2.06337 95.555 0.04179 0.64661
phnS; 2-aminoethylphosphonate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00034 0.00019 0.00025 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00040 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00035 -0.41768 140.609 0.67682 0.91266
phnT; 2-aminoethylphosphonate transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00034 0.00019 0.00025 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00040 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00035 -0.41768 140.609 0.67682 0.91266
phnU; 2-aminoethylphosphonate transport system permease protein 0.00034 0.00019 0.00025 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00040 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00035 -0.41768 140.609 0.67682 0.91266
RON2; rhoptry neck protein 2 0.00034 0.00024 0.00058 0.00002 0.00056 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00057 0.71346 68.398 0.47799 0.84266
phnO; aminoalkylphosphonate N-acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00034 0.00011 0.00021 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -1.02909 126.159 0.30541 0.77376
rpaB; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RpaB 0.00033 0.00019 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00054 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00033 -1.51461 92.960 0.13326 0.77376
baiB; bile acid-coenzyme A ligase [EC:] 0.00033 0.00011 0.00018 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00044 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -1.36266 113.584 0.17568 0.77376
gudX; glucarate dehydratase-related protein 0.00033 0.00011 0.00037 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.25250 124.517 0.80107 0.94855
mcd; (2S)-methylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00033 0.00011 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00046 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -1.65481 112.358 0.10075 0.77369
cebF; cellobiose transport system permease protein 0.00033 0.00010 0.00032 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00022 -0.11491 108.420 0.90873 0.97664
cebG; cellobiose transport system permease protein 0.00033 0.00010 0.00032 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00022 -0.11491 108.420 0.90873 0.97664
gfo; glucose-fructose oxidoreductase [EC:] 0.00033 0.00009 0.00012 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00048 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00015 -2.41354 107.648 0.01749 0.59095
cooF; anaerobic carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase iron sulfur subunit 0.00033 0.00018 0.00048 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00042 0.60371 72.113 0.54793 0.86551
tuaG; teichuronic acid biosynthesis glycosyltransferase TuaG [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00033 0.00007 0.00020 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00013 -1.69493 133.576 0.09242 0.76567
ompN; outer membrane protein N 0.00033 0.00010 0.00035 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00021 0.16996 140.782 0.86529 0.96270
mnoP; high affinity Mn2+ porin 0.00033 0.00012 0.00025 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00024 -0.53089 154.952 0.59626 0.88047
xltA; putative xylitol transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00033 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00048 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00028 -1.37738 96.838 0.17157 0.77376
xltC; putative xylitol transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00033 0.00016 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00048 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00028 -1.37738 96.838 0.17157 0.77376
CYP142; cholest-4-en-3-one 26-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00033 0.00018 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00051 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00031 -1.40384 94.940 0.16363 0.77376
csm4; CRISPR-associated protein Csm4 0.00032 0.00008 0.00044 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00016 1.26731 124.418 0.20741 0.77376
E3.1.2.20; acyl-CoA hydrolase [EC:] 0.00032 0.00009 0.00029 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00018 -0.28182 146.224 0.77848 0.94269
abgR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of abg operon 0.00032 0.00011 0.00037 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00024 0.32547 123.784 0.74537 0.93189
engCP, engBF, endoEF; endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase [EC:] 0.00032 0.00017 0.00051 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00041 0.76732 67.840 0.44556 0.83300
yggC; putative kinase 0.00032 0.00009 0.00030 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00017 -0.18014 141.728 0.85730 0.95994
hofP; pilus assembly protein HofP 0.00032 0.00011 0.00036 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00023 0.29605 123.877 0.76769 0.93900
ABC.MN.S; manganese/iron transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00032 0.00011 0.00016 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00044 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -1.50052 104.824 0.13649 0.77376
badH; 2-hydroxycyclohexanecarboxyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00032 0.00008 0.00017 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -1.72572 136.115 0.08667 0.76567
nodE; nodulation protein E [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00032 0.00009 0.00023 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00017 -0.88223 146.777 0.37910 0.79852
K05558; pyridoxamine 5’-phosphate oxidase family protein 0.00032 0.00018 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00047 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00031 -1.15355 98.331 0.25148 0.77376
torD; TorA specific chaperone 0.00032 0.00011 0.00035 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00023 0.22554 128.220 0.82192 0.95506
ribD2; 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase [EC:] 0.00032 0.00011 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -1.33318 111.371 0.18519 0.77376
K09934; uncharacterized protein 0.00032 0.00012 0.00023 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00021 -0.67583 140.797 0.50026 0.84899
nagH; salicylate 5-hydroxylase small subunit [EC:] 0.00032 0.00020 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00033 -1.49832 92.436 0.13746 0.77376
vdh; valine dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.00032 0.00019 0.00020 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00040 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00033 -0.61463 118.751 0.53998 0.86207
rhaS; AraC family transcriptional regulator, L-rhamnose operon regulatory protein RhaS 0.00032 0.00011 0.00030 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00023 -0.12259 137.783 0.90261 0.97641
cpt; chloramphenicol 3-O phosphotransferase [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00032 0.00013 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00048 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00022 -1.82266 96.196 0.07146 0.73962
dalD; D-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00031 0.00019 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00049 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00033 -1.26962 93.492 0.20737 0.77376
nagG; salicylate 5-hydroxylase large subunit [EC:] 0.00031 0.00020 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00033 -1.48567 92.436 0.14077 0.77376
nahAb, nagAb, ndoA, nbzAb, dntAb; naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase ferredoxin component 0.00031 0.00020 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00052 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00033 -1.48567 92.436 0.14077 0.77376
nmpC, ompD; outer membrane porin protein LC 0.00031 0.00015 0.00020 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00039 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00026 -0.71961 110.652 0.47329 0.84050
E3.5.5.7; aliphatic nitrilase [EC:] 0.00031 0.00011 0.00020 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -0.95754 125.127 0.34014 0.78467
mdtP; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00031 0.00016 0.00012 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00044 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00028 -1.15977 97.885 0.24897 0.77376
MME, CD10; neprilysin [EC:] 0.00031 0.00018 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00049 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00031 -1.40462 94.454 0.16341 0.77376
aroDE, DHQ-SDH; 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase / shikimate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00031 0.00013 0.00037 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00031 0.34776 81.127 0.72892 0.92377
dgoR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, galactonate operon transcriptional repressor 0.00031 0.00009 0.00027 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.35243 151.405 0.72500 0.92177
K16153; glycogen phosphorylase/synthase [EC:] 0.00031 0.00007 0.00032 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00013 0.18209 155.942 0.85575 0.95929
hcaB; 2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydrophenylpropionate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00031 0.00013 0.00016 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00023 -1.08947 102.117 0.27851 0.77376
hcaE, hcaA1; 3-phenylpropionate/trans-cinnamate dioxygenase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00031 0.00013 0.00016 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00023 -1.08947 102.117 0.27851 0.77376
hcaF, hcaA2; 3-phenylpropionate/trans-cinnamate dioxygenase subunit beta [EC:] 0.00031 0.00013 0.00016 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00041 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00023 -1.08947 102.117 0.27851 0.77376
hddC; D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00031 0.00008 0.00020 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00014 -1.22097 143.245 0.22410 0.77376
bchE; anaerobic magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase [EC:] 0.00031 0.00018 0.00042 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00042 0.45920 72.753 0.64746 0.90344
badI; 2-ketocyclohexanecarboxyl-CoA hydrolase [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.00030 0.00019 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00047 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00032 -1.25828 94.892 0.21138 0.77376
traN; conjugal transfer mating pair stabilization protein TraN 0.00030 0.00010 0.00041 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00022 0.82151 87.136 0.41360 0.81655
yfkQ; spore germination protein 0.00030 0.00018 0.00042 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00043 0.48237 77.508 0.63090 0.89595
occT, nocT; octopine/nopaline transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00030 0.00017 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00046 0.00001 0.00029 93 0.00029 -1.36060 96.295 0.17682 0.77376
eamB; cysteine/O-acetylserine efflux protein 0.00030 0.00011 0.00026 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00020 -0.34581 152.092 0.72996 0.92426
tspA; uncharacterized membrane protein 0.00030 0.00010 0.00031 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00020 0.06472 130.868 0.94850 0.98748
salK; two-component system, NarL family, secretion system sensor histidine kinase SalK 0.00030 0.00020 0.00027 0.00000 0.00026 65 0.00032 0.00001 0.00028 93 0.00038 -0.11296 153.361 0.91021 0.97664
murR; RpiR family transcriptional regulator, murPQ operon repressor 0.00030 0.00013 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00040 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00023 -1.10875 111.192 0.26993 0.77376
pglI; GalNAc5-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00030 0.00010 0.00031 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00020 0.07552 130.903 0.93992 0.98527
pseG; UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-beta-L-altropyranose hydrolase [EC:] 0.00030 0.00010 0.00031 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00020 0.07552 130.903 0.93992 0.98527
zraS, hydH; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase HydH [EC:] 0.00030 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00018 -0.97208 139.734 0.33269 0.77922
dppB1; dipeptide transport system permease protein 0.00030 0.00014 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00045 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00023 -1.63912 95.889 0.10447 0.77376
PNC1; nicotinamidase [EC:] 0.00030 0.00008 0.00035 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00016 0.54854 147.539 0.58415 0.87720
ccdB; toxin CcdB 0.00030 0.00010 0.00033 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00021 0.23031 99.700 0.81832 0.95506
E2.7.10.1; receptor protein-tyrosine kinase [EC:] 0.00030 0.00010 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.58760 121.033 0.11498 0.77376
expR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator ExpR 0.00030 0.00015 0.00052 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00036 1.06434 70.770 0.29079 0.77376
araE; MFS transporter, SP family, arabinose:H+ symporter 0.00030 0.00009 0.00022 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00017 -0.77133 146.452 0.44176 0.83186
SASP-A, sspA; small acid-soluble spore protein A (major alpha-type SASP) 0.00029 0.00016 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00045 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00027 -1.46698 96.433 0.14564 0.77376
PHYH; phytanoyl-CoA hydroxylase [EC:] 0.00029 0.00016 0.00025 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00033 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00029 -0.27548 145.308 0.78334 0.94361
pksS; cytochrome P450 PksS 0.00029 0.00012 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00045 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00020 -1.81322 95.588 0.07294 0.74128
kinC; two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase C [EC:] 0.00029 0.00013 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00047 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00022 -1.93124 93.377 0.05649 0.70577
cciR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator CciR 0.00029 0.00009 0.00014 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00040 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -1.61306 147.262 0.10887 0.77376
pagC; putatice virulence related protein PagC 0.00029 0.00014 0.00021 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00026 -0.55437 155.889 0.58012 0.87573
hycE; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 5 0.00029 0.00009 0.00027 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.26688 152.912 0.78992 0.94606
soxS; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator 0.00029 0.00010 0.00025 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00018 -0.34833 153.897 0.72807 0.92350
E1.13.12.4; lactate 2-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00029 0.00011 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00046 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00019 -2.10297 96.048 0.03808 0.63091
fbcH; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b/c1 subunit 0.00029 0.00011 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00019 -1.59137 102.148 0.11462 0.77376
pgi1; glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, archaeal [EC:] 0.00029 0.00009 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00043 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00016 -2.25332 114.467 0.02614 0.60634
prdA; D-proline reductase (dithiol) PrdA [EC:] 0.00029 0.00005 0.00027 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00010 -0.36780 148.046 0.71355 0.92004
prdD; D-proline reductase (dithiol)-stabilizing protein PrdD 0.00029 0.00005 0.00027 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00010 -0.36780 148.046 0.71355 0.92004
prdE; D-proline reductase (dithiol)-stabilizing protein PrdE 0.00029 0.00005 0.00027 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00010 -0.36780 148.046 0.71355 0.92004
fhlA; formate hydrogenlyase transcriptional activator 0.00029 0.00009 0.00026 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.30150 152.938 0.76344 0.93836
VGSC; voltage-gated sodium channel 0.00029 0.00009 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00016 -2.03307 116.227 0.04432 0.65981
wbyL; glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00029 0.00012 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00044 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00021 -1.67559 98.786 0.09698 0.76673
recE; exodeoxyribonuclease VIII [EC:3.1.11.-] 0.00029 0.00015 0.00016 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00037 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00025 -0.83218 108.949 0.40713 0.81200
mtfabH; beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III [EC:] 0.00029 0.00018 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00045 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00031 -1.23376 94.525 0.22035 0.77376
dhaR; transcriptional activator for dhaKLM operon 0.00029 0.00011 0.00027 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00022 -0.13382 133.598 0.89375 0.97159
cadB; cadaverine:lysine antiporter 0.00029 0.00011 0.00030 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00022 0.11266 130.579 0.91047 0.97664
ecnA; entericidin A 0.00029 0.00009 0.00024 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.50595 149.580 0.61364 0.88788
dasA; N,N’-diacetylchitobiose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00029 0.00010 0.00047 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00023 1.35180 74.530 0.18053 0.77376
mshJ; MSHA biogenesis protein MshJ 0.00029 0.00016 0.00029 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00028 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00029 0.01505 149.335 0.98801 0.99801
mshN; MSHA biogenesis protein MshN 0.00029 0.00016 0.00029 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00028 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00029 0.01505 149.335 0.98801 0.99801
K09707; uncharacterized protein 0.00029 0.00012 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00047 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00020 -2.27827 92.420 0.02501 0.59941
virB7, lvhB7; type IV secretion system protein VirB7 0.00028 0.00016 0.00006 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00044 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.38937 93.492 0.16802 0.77376
epr; minor extracellular protease Epr [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00028 0.00013 0.00013 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00022 -1.20079 118.978 0.23222 0.77376
rgpA_B; gingipain R [EC:] 0.00028 0.00013 0.00025 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00028 -0.19317 130.286 0.84713 0.95682
pdh; phenylalanine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00028 0.00013 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00044 0.00000 0.00021 93 0.00021 -1.84016 95.333 0.06886 0.73514
rhaR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, L-rhamnose operon transcriptional activator RhaR 0.00028 0.00011 0.00027 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00022 -0.12217 131.435 0.90295 0.97641
E3.1.3.70; mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase [EC:] 0.00028 0.00010 0.00021 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00018 -0.69101 137.685 0.49072 0.84797
cusC, silC; outer membrane protein, Cu(I)/Ag(I) efflux system 0.00028 0.00010 0.00025 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00018 -0.31214 154.146 0.75535 0.93665
E1.1.1.51; 3(or 17)beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00028 0.00011 0.00029 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00021 0.03902 153.597 0.96893 0.99272
yufL, malK; two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase MalK [EC:] 0.00028 0.00010 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00017 -2.04400 98.879 0.04361 0.65947
K06883; uncharacterized protein 0.00028 0.00011 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00045 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00019 -2.08468 96.488 0.03974 0.63577
K07169; FHA domain-containing protein 0.00028 0.00011 0.00016 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00036 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -1.07424 121.822 0.28484 0.77376
wbdD, wbbD; O-antigen chain-terminating methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.00028 0.00013 0.00062 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00031 1.89951 64.919 0.06194 0.73001
E1.12.7.2L; ferredoxin hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.00028 0.00014 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00045 0.00001 0.00023 93 0.00024 -1.74244 94.562 0.08468 0.76567
bdcA; cyclic-di-GMP-binding biofilm dispersal mediator protein 0.00028 0.00010 0.00023 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00019 -0.47433 154.330 0.63594 0.89696
fimI; fimbrial protein 0.00028 0.00009 0.00025 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00017 -0.24213 155.115 0.80900 0.95002
rlmG; 23S rRNA (guanine1835-N2)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00028 0.00009 0.00027 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00017 -0.02350 154.139 0.98128 0.99661
csx16; CRISPR-associated protein Csx16 0.00027 0.00008 0.00026 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00015 -0.15491 155.797 0.87709 0.96737
ail; attachment invasion locus protein 0.00027 0.00014 0.00021 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00026 -0.44188 155.940 0.65919 0.90906
hycG; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 7 0.00027 0.00009 0.00022 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.54602 149.295 0.58587 0.87720
ptcA; putrescine carbamoyltransferase [EC:] 0.00027 0.00010 0.00029 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00020 0.15558 152.872 0.87657 0.96705
aglK; alpha-glucoside transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00027 0.00011 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00045 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00018 -2.41470 92.966 0.01771 0.59095
UMPS; uridine monophosphate synthetase [EC:] 0.00027 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00018 -0.81774 128.792 0.41501 0.81730
rna; ribonuclease I (enterobacter ribonuclease) [EC:] 0.00027 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.58913 148.858 0.55666 0.86813
lsrR; lsr operon transcriptional repressor 0.00027 0.00009 0.00026 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.16797 152.890 0.86683 0.96327
E1.3.1.45; 2’-hydroxyisoflavone reductase [EC:] 0.00027 0.00013 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00044 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00022 -1.83270 93.929 0.07002 0.73522
dsdX; D-serine transporter 0.00027 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.58156 149.310 0.56174 0.86813
hycA; formate hydrogenlyase regulatory protein HycA 0.00027 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.58156 149.310 0.56174 0.86813
hycB; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 2 0.00027 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.58156 149.310 0.56174 0.86813
hycC; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 3 0.00027 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.58156 149.310 0.56174 0.86813
hycD; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 4 0.00027 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.58156 149.310 0.56174 0.86813
hycF; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 6 0.00027 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00017 -0.58156 149.310 0.56174 0.86813
wcaL, amsK; colanic acid/amylovoran biosynthesis glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00027 0.00009 0.00026 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.16788 151.597 0.86690 0.96327
hyaE; hydrogenase-1 operon protein HyaE 0.00027 0.00012 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00042 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00020 -1.82144 96.274 0.07165 0.73962
popA; two-component system, cell cycle response regulator PopA 0.00027 0.00011 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.72388 126.489 0.47048 0.83905
DIS3, RRP44; exosome complex exonuclease DIS3/RRP44 [EC:3.1.13.-] 0.00027 0.00006 0.00032 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00011 0.71896 149.984 0.47328 0.84050
ompU; outer membrane protein OmpU 0.00027 0.00011 0.00028 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00023 0.07677 117.558 0.93894 0.98500
E2.7.1.47; D-ribulokinase [EC:] 0.00027 0.00016 0.00009 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00040 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.14925 94.979 0.25334 0.77376
cadC; transcriptional activator of cad operon 0.00027 0.00011 0.00026 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00022 -0.08891 132.072 0.92929 0.98183
hpaX; MFS transporter, ACS family, 4-hydroxyphenylacetate permease 0.00027 0.00009 0.00038 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00020 0.90075 80.746 0.37040 0.79587
comA; phosphosulfolactate synthase [EC:] 0.00027 0.00009 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00016 -1.53232 124.655 0.12798 0.77376
CECR1, ADA2; adenosine deaminase CECR1 [EC:] 0.00027 0.00016 0.00023 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00030 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00029 -0.23687 143.059 0.81310 0.95336
hokA; protein HokA 0.00027 0.00015 0.00011 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00025 -1.08285 98.971 0.28151 0.77376
yueD; benzil reductase ((S)-benzoin forming) [EC:] 0.00027 0.00011 0.00013 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00036 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -1.18927 128.029 0.23653 0.77376
K07493; putative transposase 0.00027 0.00010 0.00015 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -1.06033 154.815 0.29064 0.77376
dauB; L-arginine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00027 0.00011 0.00028 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00023 0.13069 134.335 0.89621 0.97276
togB; oligogalacturonide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00027 0.00009 0.00012 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00015 -1.73799 102.499 0.08522 0.76567
yjjG; 5’-nucleotidase [EC:] 0.00027 0.00009 0.00025 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00017 -0.18211 155.105 0.85573 0.95929
hfaA; holdfast attachment protein HfaA 0.00027 0.00011 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.68214 126.499 0.49640 0.84797
hfaB; holdfast attachment protein HfaB 0.00027 0.00011 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.68214 126.499 0.49640 0.84797
mauA; methylamine dehydrogenase light chain [EC:] 0.00027 0.00018 0.00011 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00037 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00031 -0.84487 97.063 0.40026 0.80762
rutG; putative pyrimidine permease RutG 0.00027 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00016 -0.53212 149.912 0.59543 0.88005
cuyA; L-cysteate sulfo-lyase [EC:] 0.00027 0.00010 0.00020 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00019 -0.63093 138.897 0.52912 0.86094
boxD; 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00026 0.00019 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00044 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00032 -1.31022 92.284 0.19337 0.77376
torT; periplasmic protein TorT 0.00026 0.00010 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00017 -0.90961 120.320 0.36485 0.79587
hmfH; 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural/furfural oxidase [EC: 1.1.3.-] 0.00026 0.00011 0.00018 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00019 -0.72580 118.474 0.46940 0.83870
occM, nocM; octopine/nopaline transport system permease protein 0.00026 0.00010 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00018 -0.93580 140.551 0.35098 0.79120
E3.5.1.77; N-carbamoyl-D-amino-acid hydrolase [EC:] 0.00026 0.00011 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00018 -1.55603 99.941 0.12286 0.77376
isp; major intracellular serine protease [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00026 0.00013 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00022 93 0.00022 -1.22714 99.222 0.22268 0.77376
E1.3.1.74; 2-alkenal reductase [EC:] 0.00026 0.00011 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00018 -1.69894 96.430 0.09256 0.76567
hokE; protein HokE 0.00026 0.00015 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00035 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00026 -0.86356 105.644 0.38978 0.80353
gutA, gutP; probable glucitol transport protein GutA 0.00026 0.00012 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00040 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00021 -1.65151 103.007 0.10168 0.77376
ELP3, KAT9; elongator complex protein 3 [EC:] 0.00026 0.00008 0.00020 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00015 -0.69321 116.428 0.48956 0.84797
ccr; crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase [EC:] 0.00026 0.00011 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -1.27696 110.987 0.20428 0.77376
gmr; c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase Gmr [EC:] 0.00026 0.00008 0.00020 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.64998 142.031 0.51676 0.85216
mdtL; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00026 0.00009 0.00022 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.38812 150.851 0.69847 0.91844
pdeA; c-di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00026 0.00011 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.60572 126.865 0.54578 0.86444
csgD; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, csgAB operon transcriptional regulatory protein 0.00026 0.00009 0.00022 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.39964 150.963 0.68999 0.91567
araD; 2-keto-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00026 0.00019 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00041 0.00001 0.00032 93 0.00033 -1.15676 92.807 0.25034 0.77376
pheP; phenylalanine-specific permease 0.00026 0.00009 0.00022 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36889 150.910 0.71273 0.92004
ebgC; evolved beta-galactosidase subunit beta 0.00025 0.00009 0.00030 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00017 0.40268 155.184 0.68774 0.91567
yqjH; ferric-chelate reductase (NADPH) [EC:] 0.00025 0.00009 0.00022 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36265 150.976 0.71737 0.92035
cotX; spore coat protein X 0.00025 0.00010 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00040 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -2.15361 97.390 0.03374 0.62130
pht5; 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00025 0.00011 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -1.62312 96.307 0.10783 0.77376
rfbE; CDP-paratose 2-epimerase [EC:] 0.00025 0.00008 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00014 -2.23320 103.529 0.02769 0.61334
dasC; N,N’-diacetylchitobiose transport system permease protein 0.00025 0.00009 0.00039 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00022 1.09569 75.451 0.27670 0.77376
togM; oligogalacturonide transport system permease protein 0.00025 0.00008 0.00010 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00015 -1.70517 101.829 0.09121 0.76567
togN; oligogalacturonide transport system permease protein 0.00025 0.00008 0.00010 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00015 -1.70517 101.829 0.09121 0.76567
dmpD, xylF; 2-hydroxymuconate-semialdehyde hydrolase [EC:] 0.00025 0.00011 0.00016 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.77993 116.366 0.43701 0.83054
lysX; [lysine-biosynthesis-protein LysW]—L-2-aminoadipate ligase [EC:] 0.00025 0.00013 0.00011 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00022 -1.03488 123.482 0.30275 0.77376
acrE; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
acrF; multidrug efflux pump 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
bssR; biofilm regulator BssR 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
dnaT; DNA replication protein DnaT 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
envR, acrS; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, acrEF/envCD operon repressor 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
ftnB; ferritin-like protein 2 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
marA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
marB; multiple antibiotic resistance protein MarB 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
marR; MarR family transcriptional regulator, multiple antibiotic resistance protein MarR 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
stpA; DNA-binding protein StpA 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
tdcA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, tdc operon transcriptional activator 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
tdcC; threonine transporter 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
tdcD; propionate kinase [EC:] 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
ynhG; L,D-transpeptidase YnhG 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.36429 150.892 0.71615 0.92004
cssR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator CssR 0.00025 0.00006 0.00021 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00012 -0.61974 153.169 0.53635 0.86207
oqxR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, repressor of oqxAB 0.00025 0.00009 0.00034 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00020 0.74739 81.005 0.45699 0.83438
wzy; O-antigen polymerase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00025 0.00011 0.00041 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00026 1.07429 76.959 0.28605 0.77376
occQ, nocQ; octopine/nopaline transport system permease protein 0.00025 0.00010 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00018 -0.83550 140.880 0.40485 0.81147
K13874, araB; L-arabinonolactonase [EC:] 0.00025 0.00015 0.00015 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00032 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00027 -0.62441 119.726 0.53355 0.86207
ict-Y; itaconate CoA-transferase [EC:2.8.3.-] 0.00025 0.00011 0.00017 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00019 -0.66531 122.123 0.50711 0.84956
sra; stationary-phase-induced ribosome-associated protein 0.00025 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.41334 150.859 0.67995 0.91311
nanEK; N-acetylmannosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase / N-acetylmannosamine kinase [EC:] 0.00025 0.00016 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00039 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.25920 93.059 0.21111 0.77376
hypX, hoxX; putative two-component system protein, hydrogenase maturation factor HypX/HoxX 0.00025 0.00018 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00031 -1.09297 94.478 0.27718 0.77376
solR, cepR, tofR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator SolR 0.00024 0.00016 0.00005 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.24478 93.139 0.21634 0.77376
K05303; O-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.00024 0.00008 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -1.46548 129.310 0.14522 0.77376
bdcR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for divergent bdcA 0.00024 0.00009 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00018 -0.20644 153.526 0.83672 0.95506
dge1; diguanylate cyclase [EC:] 0.00024 0.00011 0.00009 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00018 -1.42129 96.711 0.15845 0.77376
hokC_D; protein HokC/D 0.00024 0.00015 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00037 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00025 -1.19119 96.072 0.23651 0.77376
L3HYPDH; trans-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase [EC:] 0.00024 0.00010 0.00024 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00020 -0.06713 147.216 0.94657 0.98674
fimZ; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator, fimbrial Z protein, FimZ 0.00024 0.00008 0.00021 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.41745 144.093 0.67697 0.91269
attA1; mannopine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00024 0.00016 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.26315 93.095 0.20969 0.77376
attA2; mannopine transport system permease protein 0.00024 0.00016 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.26315 93.095 0.20969 0.77376
attC; mannopine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00024 0.00016 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.26315 93.095 0.20969 0.77376
btaE; hyaluronate-binding autotransporter adhesin 0.00024 0.00016 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.26315 93.095 0.20969 0.77376
btaF; ECM component-binding autotransporter adhesin 0.00024 0.00016 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.26315 93.095 0.20969 0.77376
hmfG; 2,5-furandicarboxylate decarboxylase 2 0.00024 0.00016 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.26315 93.095 0.20969 0.77376
ptlF; type IV secretion system protein PtlF 0.00024 0.00016 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00027 93 0.00027 -1.26315 93.095 0.20969 0.77376
cotI; spore coat protein I 0.00024 0.00017 0.00041 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00042 0.68294 70.548 0.49688 0.84797
epsM; acetyltransferase EpsM [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00024 0.00008 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00015 -0.35475 153.328 0.72326 0.92156
E1.1.1.275; (+)-trans-carveol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00024 0.00011 0.00025 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00025 0.04106 83.431 0.96735 0.99206
E1.1.1.9; D-xylulose reductase [EC:] 0.00024 0.00008 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00038 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -2.47325 97.614 0.01512 0.59095
cotB; spore coat protein B 0.00024 0.00015 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00038 0.00001 0.00026 93 0.00026 -1.34486 93.711 0.18192 0.77376
mch, mcd; 2-methylfumaryl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 0.00024 0.00011 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00036 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00018 -1.58532 99.479 0.11607 0.77376
epsG; transmembrane protein EpsG 0.00024 0.00009 0.00007 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00036 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00016 -1.87174 126.222 0.06356 0.73331
wlbA, bplA; UDP-N-acetyl-2-amino-2-deoxyglucuronate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00024 0.00009 0.00036 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00020 1.06997 80.645 0.28782 0.77376
wcaK, amsJ; colanic acid/amylovoran biosynthesis protein 0.00024 0.00008 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.37562 149.428 0.70773 0.92004
amnD; 2-aminomuconate deaminase [EC:] 0.00024 0.00018 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00035 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00031 -0.84076 98.294 0.40252 0.80926
fitD, mcf; insecticidal toxin 0.00024 0.00010 0.00020 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00018 -0.30730 152.213 0.75903 0.93719
JEN; MFS transporter, SHS family, lactate transporter 0.00024 0.00009 0.00024 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00019 0.04286 94.511 0.96590 0.99102
merD; MerR family transcriptional regulator, mercuric resistance operon regulatory protein 0.00024 0.00011 0.00034 0.00000 0.00022 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00025 0.72529 101.444 0.46994 0.83870
hofO; pilus assembly protein HofO 0.00024 0.00008 0.00019 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.53201 143.011 0.59554 0.88005
E2.4.1.321; cellobionic acid phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00024 0.00015 0.00014 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00030 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00027 -0.59428 119.916 0.55344 0.86788
mshQ; MSHA biogenesis protein MshQ 0.00024 0.00015 0.00019 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00027 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00027 -0.30433 124.868 0.76138 0.93806
CTDSP; carboxy-terminal domain RNA polymerase II polypeptide A small phosphatase [EC:] 0.00023 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.42311 155.842 0.67280 0.91184
mdlY; mandelamide amidase [EC:] 0.00023 0.00011 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -0.59220 109.871 0.55493 0.86806
wbpX; alpha-1,2-rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00023 0.00010 0.00023 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.06443 154.139 0.94871 0.98754
rexA; oligosaccharide reducing-end xylanase [EC:] 0.00023 0.00011 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00039 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00018 -2.10795 92.051 0.03775 0.63091
cpdP; 3’,5’-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00023 0.00007 0.00023 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00016 -0.02883 120.033 0.97705 0.99621
icmB, dotO; intracellular multiplication protein IcmB 0.00023 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00020 -0.38770 155.774 0.69877 0.91844
agaA; N-acetylgalactosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase [EC:] 0.00023 0.00008 0.00023 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.00739 150.373 0.99411 0.99919
cedA; cell division activator 0.00023 0.00009 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.18624 151.966 0.85251 0.95848
FANCM; fanconi anemia group M protein 0.00023 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.32247 155.937 0.74753 0.93207
lysW; alpha-aminoadipate/glutamate carrier protein LysW 0.00023 0.00011 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.66883 135.285 0.50475 0.84956
comZ; competence protein ComZ 0.00023 0.00010 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00037 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -1.99150 94.704 0.04931 0.67429
occP, nocP; octopine/nopaline transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00023 0.00008 0.00014 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.94363 149.922 0.34687 0.78982
traD; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraD 0.00022 0.00013 0.00014 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00023 -0.63717 145.980 0.52501 0.85728
uidB, gusB; glucuronide carrier protein 0.00022 0.00010 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -1.74427 98.006 0.08425 0.76567
tfdA; alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate dioxygenase [EC:1.14.11.-] 0.00022 0.00010 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00033 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.42930 96.841 0.15614 0.77376
mqnB; futalosine hydrolase [EC:] 0.00022 0.00011 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00035 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -1.67166 97.085 0.09781 0.76722
E3.1.2.1, ACH1; acetyl-CoA hydrolase [EC:] 0.00022 0.00018 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00033 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00031 -0.87424 94.862 0.38420 0.80197
cmeR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, cmeABC operon repressor 0.00022 0.00009 0.00035 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00021 1.02380 72.132 0.30935 0.77376
wcaB; putative colanic acid biosynthesis acetyltransferase WcaB [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00022 0.00008 0.00020 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.23036 148.094 0.81813 0.95506
K09700; uncharacterized protein 0.00022 0.00009 0.00028 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00020 0.54118 117.854 0.58940 0.87828
K14340; mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00022 0.00009 0.00036 0.00000 0.00021 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00021 1.13917 69.536 0.25854 0.77376
cqsS; two-component system, CAI-1 autoinducer sensor kinase/phosphatase CqsS [EC: 3.1.3.-] 0.00022 0.00015 0.00017 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00026 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00026 -0.35391 112.326 0.72407 0.92170
acmB; methyl acetate hydrolase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.00022 0.00018 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00034 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00031 -0.94261 94.539 0.34828 0.79120
cssS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CssS [EC:] 0.00022 0.00006 0.00014 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00010 -1.30821 149.195 0.19281 0.77376
ompG; outer membrane protein G 0.00022 0.00008 0.00018 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.40855 144.034 0.68348 0.91514
aepZ; 2-aminoethylphosphonate-pyruvate transaminase 0.00022 0.00006 0.00024 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00011 0.25886 155.194 0.79608 0.94791
ERCC4, XPF; DNA excision repair protein ERCC-4 [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00022 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.29994 155.914 0.76462 0.93900
xyoA, aldO; alditol oxidase [EC:] 0.00022 0.00009 0.00032 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00020 0.82888 76.573 0.40975 0.81416
nifB; nitrogen fixation protein NifB 0.00022 0.00006 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00011 -0.72760 142.817 0.46805 0.83837
ebgR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, ebg operon repressor 0.00022 0.00008 0.00022 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.01973 150.076 0.98428 0.99706
CTDSPL2; CTD small phosphatase-like protein 2 [EC:3.1.3.-] 0.00022 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.28376 155.913 0.77697 0.94269
dotB, traJ; defect in organelle trafficking protein DotB 0.00022 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.28376 155.913 0.77697 0.94269
dotC, traI; defect in organelle trafficking protein DotC 0.00022 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.28376 155.913 0.77697 0.94269
icmJ, dotN; intracellular multiplication protein IcmJ 0.00022 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.28376 155.913 0.77697 0.94269
icmL, traM, dotI; intracellular multiplication protein IcmL 0.00022 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.28376 155.913 0.77697 0.94269
icmO, trbC, dotL; intracellular multiplication protein IcmO 0.00022 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.28376 155.913 0.77697 0.94269
PARP; poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase [EC:] 0.00022 0.00010 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00019 -0.28376 155.913 0.77697 0.94269
E3.4.11.10; bacterial leucyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.00022 0.00010 0.00011 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00018 -1.00752 123.744 0.31565 0.77376
dhbE; glycerol dehydratase small subunit [EC:] 0.00022 0.00017 0.00047 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00042 1.01180 64.720 0.31540 0.77376
csgA; major curlin subunit 0.00022 0.00008 0.00018 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.46218 143.935 0.64465 0.90243
csgC; curli production protein 0.00022 0.00008 0.00018 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.46218 143.935 0.64465 0.90243
gspO; general secretion pathway protein O [EC: 2.1.1.-] 0.00022 0.00008 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00016 -0.12055 152.305 0.90421 0.97658
torR; two-component system, OmpR family, torCAD operon response regulator TorR 0.00022 0.00008 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.61326 129.853 0.54078 0.86207
iolR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, myo-inositol catabolism operon repressor 0.00021 0.00017 0.00045 0.00001 0.00041 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00041 0.96537 64.957 0.33794 0.78377
TRP1; anthranilate synthase / indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase / phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase [EC:] 0.00021 0.00012 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00020 -1.54627 93.081 0.12543 0.77376
E1.1.1.65; pyridoxine 4-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00021 0.00010 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.34328 96.890 0.18232 0.77376
raxST; sulfotransferase 0.00021 0.00009 0.00018 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00018 -0.28446 153.099 0.77644 0.94269
araL; arabinose operon protein AraL 0.00021 0.00012 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00020 -1.55504 93.073 0.12333 0.77376
PHKA_B; phosphorylase kinase alpha/beta subunit 0.00021 0.00012 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00020 -1.55504 93.073 0.12333 0.77376
E4.6.1.2; guanylate cyclase, other [EC:] 0.00021 0.00010 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.36405 96.509 0.17572 0.77376
hbaA; 4-hydroxybenzoate-CoA ligase [EC:] 0.00021 0.00010 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.31737 96.889 0.19082 0.77376
hyg; hygromycin-B 7’’-O-kinase [EC:] 0.00021 0.00010 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.31737 96.889 0.19082 0.77376
mdlA; mandelate racemase [EC:] 0.00021 0.00010 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00031 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.31737 96.889 0.19082 0.77376
waaO, rfaI; UDP-glucose:(glucosyl)LPS alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00021 0.00013 0.00028 0.00000 0.00025 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00028 0.39382 93.067 0.69461 0.91715
lysJ, argD; LysW-gamma-L-lysine/LysW-L-ornithine aminotransferase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.00021 0.00011 0.00014 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.61196 135.314 0.54159 0.86207
lysY, argC; LysW-gamma-L-alpha-aminoadipyl-6-phosphate/LysW-L-glutamyl-5-phosphate reductase [EC:1.2.1.-] 0.00021 0.00011 0.00014 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.61196 135.314 0.54159 0.86207
lysZ, argB; LysW-gamma-L-alpha-aminoadipate/LysW-L-glutamate kinase [EC:2.7.2.-] 0.00021 0.00011 0.00014 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.61196 135.314 0.54159 0.86207
tetR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, tetracycline repressor protein 0.00021 0.00008 0.00017 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.40968 148.055 0.68264 0.91495
ynfH; Tat-targeted selenate reductase subunit YnfH 0.00021 0.00008 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -1.23387 107.805 0.21993 0.77376
fadD9; fatty acid CoA ligase FadD9 0.00021 0.00008 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00034 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -2.51891 93.242 0.01347 0.59095
GalDH; L-galactose dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00021 0.00010 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.30661 96.515 0.19445 0.77376
HDHD1; pseudouridine 5’-phosphatase [EC:] 0.00021 0.00009 0.00018 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00018 -0.21664 153.156 0.82878 0.95506
hsiF3; type VI secretion system lysozyme-related protein 0.00021 0.00009 0.00018 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00018 -0.21664 153.156 0.82878 0.95506
lip3; type VI secretion system protein 0.00021 0.00009 0.00018 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00018 -0.21664 153.156 0.82878 0.95506
iucB; acetyl CoA:N6-hydroxylysine acetyl transferase [EC:] 0.00021 0.00006 0.00029 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00014 1.05819 93.755 0.29269 0.77376
motC; chemotaxis protein MotC 0.00021 0.00009 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00015 -1.93830 96.789 0.05550 0.70577
mcbA; MqsR-controlled colanic acid and biofilm protein A 0.00021 0.00008 0.00018 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.30464 144.655 0.76107 0.93806
hblC; hemolysin BL lytic component L2 0.00020 0.00014 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00033 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00024 -1.31871 92.798 0.19051 0.77376
hblD; hemolysin BL lytic component L1 0.00020 0.00014 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00033 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00024 -1.31871 92.798 0.19051 0.77376
dhaB; glycerol dehydratase large subunit [EC:] 0.00020 0.00017 0.00044 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00042 0.93618 64.727 0.35266 0.79194
dhbC; glycerol dehydratase medium subunit [EC:] 0.00020 0.00017 0.00044 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00042 0.93618 64.727 0.35266 0.79194
gumH, aceA; alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00020 0.00007 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00015 -0.15296 132.510 0.87866 0.96759
wcaD; putative colanic acid polymerase 0.00020 0.00008 0.00016 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.54694 140.456 0.58529 0.87720
wcaE; putative colanic acid biosynthesis glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00020 0.00008 0.00016 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.54694 140.456 0.58529 0.87720
nanT; MFS transporter, SHS family, sialic acid transporter 0.00020 0.00008 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00014 -1.61130 102.160 0.11020 0.77376
mngR, farR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, mannosyl-D-glycerate transport/metabolism system repressor 0.00020 0.00008 0.00021 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00015 0.10022 151.852 0.92030 0.97905
cofF; gamma-F420-2:alpha-L-glutamate ligase [EC:] 0.00020 0.00011 0.00012 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.70293 135.199 0.48331 0.84354
acdA; acetate—CoA ligase (ADP-forming) subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00020 0.00015 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00033 0.00001 0.00025 93 0.00025 -1.25892 92.374 0.21123 0.77376
tetP_A, tet40; MFS transporter, DHA3 family, tetracycline resistance protein 0.00020 0.00015 0.00035 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00037 0.71434 71.928 0.47733 0.84209
K07494; putative transposase 0.00020 0.00005 0.00026 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00012 0.87312 72.075 0.38550 0.80258
cotM; spore coat protein M 0.00020 0.00009 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00032 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00016 -1.81027 95.667 0.07339 0.74128
K16901; anthranilate 3-monooxygenase (FAD) / 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00020 0.00010 0.00018 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00020 -0.16694 126.597 0.86768 0.96354
torS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase TorS [EC:] 0.00020 0.00008 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.45848 130.146 0.64737 0.90344
ramA; AraC family of transcriptional regulator, multidrug resistance transcriptional activator 0.00020 0.00007 0.00029 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00017 0.87703 82.971 0.38300 0.80064
lysK, argE; LysW-gamma-L-lysine/LysW-L-ornithine carboxypeptidase 0.00020 0.00011 0.00011 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00020 -0.73701 132.504 0.46242 0.83654
hpgT, nocG; (S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine transaminase [EC:] 0.00020 0.00009 0.00018 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00018 -0.19258 153.460 0.84754 0.95682
phlD; phloroglucinol synthase [EC:] 0.00020 0.00009 0.00018 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00018 -0.19258 153.460 0.84754 0.95682
ydjG; methylglyoxal reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00020 0.00008 0.00011 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -1.05077 114.109 0.29559 0.77376
flu; antigen 43 0.00020 0.00014 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00031 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00024 -1.09774 93.896 0.27512 0.77376
vanJ; vancomycin resistance protein VanJ 0.00020 0.00012 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00024 -0.21073 152.617 0.83338 0.95506
acfC; accessory colonization factor AcfC 0.00019 0.00011 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -0.76172 102.114 0.44798 0.83372
blaOXA-213; beta-lactamase class D OXA-213 [EC:] 0.00019 0.00011 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -0.76172 102.114 0.44798 0.83372
blaOXA-51; beta-lactamase class D OXA-51 [EC:] 0.00019 0.00011 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -0.76172 102.114 0.44798 0.83372
PAT, AAT; bifunctional aspartate aminotransferase and glutamate/aspartate-prephenate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00019 0.00011 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00019 -0.76172 102.114 0.44798 0.83372
galD; 4-oxalomesaconate tautomerase [EC:] 0.00019 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00030 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00010 -2.58278 101.128 0.01123 0.58859
wcaC; putative colanic acid biosynthesis glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00019 0.00008 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.50243 141.020 0.61615 0.88882
wcaM; colanic acid biosynthesis protein WcaM 0.00019 0.00008 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.50243 141.020 0.61615 0.88882
wzxC; lipopolysaccharide exporter 0.00019 0.00008 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00015 -0.50243 141.020 0.61615 0.88882
E2.1.3.1-5S; methylmalonyl-CoA carboxyltransferase 5S subunit [EC:] 0.00019 0.00006 0.00022 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00014 0.39184 103.374 0.69599 0.91772
mcbR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, colanic acid and biofilm gene transcriptional regulator 0.00019 0.00008 0.00018 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00014 -0.14424 145.557 0.88551 0.97001
DAO, aao; D-amino-acid oxidase [EC:] 0.00019 0.00007 0.00018 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00015 -0.14713 131.617 0.88326 0.96974
RAD52; DNA repair and recombination protein RAD52 0.00019 0.00009 0.00017 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00020 -0.19720 132.334 0.84398 0.95530
yihQ; sulfoquinovosidase [EC:] 0.00019 0.00008 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00029 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00014 -1.84195 96.149 0.06856 0.73473
mshK; MSHA biogenesis protein MshK 0.00019 0.00009 0.00027 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00019 0.73231 107.259 0.46558 0.83786
vexE; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00019 0.00009 0.00019 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00020 0.05679 94.685 0.95483 0.98792
vexF; multidrug efflux pump 0.00019 0.00009 0.00019 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00020 0.05679 94.685 0.95483 0.98792
gfrR; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator, gfr operon transcriptional activator 0.00019 0.00006 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00011 -1.59470 115.482 0.11351 0.77376
caiB; L-carnitine CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.00018 0.00007 0.00015 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.38590 121.393 0.70025 0.91953
oraE; D-ornithine 4,5-aminomutase subunit beta [EC:] 0.00018 0.00005 0.00029 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00010 1.79048 86.685 0.07687 0.75063
oraS; D-ornithine 4,5-aminomutase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00018 0.00005 0.00029 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00010 1.79048 86.685 0.07687 0.75063
csm5; CRISPR-associated protein Csm5 0.00018 0.00006 0.00020 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00012 0.19814 153.709 0.84320 0.95519
waaR, waaT, rfaJ; UDP-glucose/galactose:(glucosyl)LPS alpha-1,2-glucosyl/galactosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00018 0.00011 0.00022 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00023 0.26599 110.166 0.79074 0.94658
agd31B; oligosaccharide 4-alpha-D-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00018 0.00015 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00025 0.00001 0.00024 93 0.00025 -0.65562 100.539 0.51357 0.85202
entB; probable enterotoxin B 0.00018 0.00017 0.00041 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00041 0.93997 64.300 0.35075 0.79120
frlC; fructoselysine 3-epimerase [EC:] 0.00018 0.00008 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -0.94818 111.287 0.34509 0.78739
ASPH; aspartate beta-hydroxylase [EC:] 0.00018 0.00014 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00027 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00023 -0.92764 96.648 0.35590 0.79399
rtxB, fitA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial RtxB 0.00018 0.00012 0.00019 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00023 0.06717 150.743 0.94653 0.98674
rtxD, fitB; membrane fusion protein, RTX toxin transport system 0.00018 0.00012 0.00019 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00023 0.06717 150.743 0.94653 0.98674
rtxE, fitC; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial RtxE 0.00018 0.00012 0.00019 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00023 0.06717 150.743 0.94653 0.98674
adh1; NAD+-dependent secondary alcohol dehydrogenase Adh1 [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00018 0.00006 0.00025 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00014 0.86268 89.075 0.39063 0.80384
cmr; MFS transporter, DHA3 family, multidrug efflux protein 0.00018 0.00009 0.00020 0.00000 0.00019 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00020 0.16976 81.934 0.86562 0.96270
tet35; tetracycline resistance efflux pump 0.00017 0.00009 0.00024 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00020 0.53227 90.267 0.59585 0.88005
ccrA; crotonyl-CoA reductase [EC:] 0.00017 0.00006 0.00028 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00015 1.26271 74.870 0.21061 0.77376
sodN; nickel superoxide dismutase [EC:] 0.00017 0.00006 0.00031 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00015 1.56203 69.114 0.12285 0.77376
cmr6; CRISPR-associated protein Cmr6 0.00017 0.00007 0.00015 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00013 -0.23508 155.831 0.81445 0.95409
nfrA; bacteriophage N4 adsorption protein A 0.00017 0.00008 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00015 -0.24873 151.280 0.80391 0.94931
caiA; crotonobetainyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00017 0.00007 0.00014 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.43209 121.104 0.66644 0.91126
eutE; aldehyde dehydrogenase 0.00017 0.00008 0.00012 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.67326 117.628 0.50210 0.84942
mbtM; long-chain-fatty-acid–[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase [EC:] 0.00017 0.00007 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -2.18098 92.942 0.03171 0.61842
yihU; 4-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase / sulfolactaldehyde 3-reductase [EC:] 0.00017 0.00008 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -0.94540 111.566 0.34650 0.78921
aac2-I; aminoglycoside 2’-N-acetyltransferase I [EC:] 0.00017 0.00006 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00014 -0.10011 101.027 0.92045 0.97905
plc, cpa; phospholipase C / alpha-toxin [EC:] 0.00017 0.00017 0.00041 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00041 0.99395 64.002 0.32399 0.77376
fimE; type 1 fimbriae regulatory protein FimE 0.00017 0.00009 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00015 -0.98798 112.868 0.32528 0.77376
ndhE; NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase subunit 4L [EC:] 0.00017 0.00009 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00015 -0.69718 126.397 0.48697 0.84553
garP; MFS transporter, ACS family, probable galactarate transporter 0.00017 0.00008 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -1.04949 108.406 0.29629 0.77376
eutK; ethanolamine utilization protein EutK 0.00017 0.00008 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.65275 130.132 0.51507 0.85216
nodT, ameC; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00017 0.00009 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00028 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00016 -1.67904 93.249 0.09649 0.76667
cloSI; clostripain [EC:] 0.00017 0.00017 0.00041 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00040 0.99886 64.000 0.32162 0.77376
entA; probable enterotoxin A 0.00017 0.00017 0.00041 0.00001 0.00040 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00040 0.99886 64.000 0.32162 0.77376
K09128; uncharacterized protein 0.00017 0.00008 0.00022 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00019 0.43060 86.103 0.66784 0.91150
sapZ; predicted membrane protein 0.00017 0.00006 0.00016 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00012 -0.14274 155.169 0.88668 0.97020
hyaF; hydrogenase-1 operon protein HyaF 0.00017 0.00008 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.44373 102.243 0.15187 0.77376
crtW; beta-carotene ketolase (CrtW type) 0.00017 0.00008 0.00021 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00016 0.45594 148.534 0.64910 0.90350
E1.1.1.251, gatD; galactitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00016 0.00008 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.66137 130.594 0.50954 0.84956
TC.HME; heavy-metal exporter, HME family 0.00016 0.00006 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00011 -0.58719 145.991 0.55798 0.86813
epsN; pyridoxal phosphate-dependent aminotransferase EpsN [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.00016 0.00008 0.00010 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00015 -0.74772 154.707 0.45576 0.83438
blaTEM; beta-lactamase class A TEM [EC:] 0.00016 0.00008 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -1.02340 108.540 0.30839 0.77376
TYR; tyrosinase [EC:] 0.00016 0.00006 0.00019 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00013 0.31268 97.502 0.75519 0.93665
psuT; putative pseudouridine transporter 0.00016 0.00008 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.87266 126.236 0.38451 0.80197
gci; D-galactarolactone cycloisomerase [EC:] 0.00016 0.00007 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00012 -1.10849 133.095 0.26965 0.77376
rap; autoaggregation protein RapA/B/C 0.00016 0.00012 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00020 93 0.00021 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
TC.GBP; general bacterial porin, GBP family 0.00016 0.00013 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00023 93 0.00023 -0.82117 96.697 0.41357 0.81655
waaH; heptose III glucuronosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00016 0.00008 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -0.96736 108.799 0.33551 0.78186
egtE; hercynylcysteine S-oxide lyase [EC:] 0.00016 0.00006 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00013 -0.17211 101.677 0.86369 0.96263
MGD; 1,2-diacylglycerol 3-beta-galactosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00016 0.00006 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00011 -1.67219 104.128 0.09749 0.76673
whiB6; WhiB family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensing transcriptional regulator 0.00016 0.00007 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -2.12878 93.045 0.03591 0.62411
tasA, cotN; spore coat-associated protein N 0.00016 0.00010 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00016 -1.26289 98.501 0.20961 0.77376
hepC; heparan-sulfate lyase [EC:] 0.00016 0.00008 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.75992 127.906 0.44870 0.83406
caiE; carnitine operon protein CaiE 0.00016 0.00007 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -1.02445 107.923 0.30791 0.77376
aksD; methanogen homoaconitase large subunit [EC:] 0.00016 0.00011 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00019 -0.56472 133.245 0.57321 0.87292
mbtG; mycobactin lysine-N-oxygenase 0.00016 0.00005 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -2.79859 96.599 0.00620 0.54022
QPCT; glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase [EC:] 0.00016 0.00010 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00026 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00018 -1.42059 92.237 0.15881 0.77376
eutD; phosphotransacetylase 0.00016 0.00008 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -0.90136 109.125 0.36938 0.79587
eutG; alcohol dehydrogenase 0.00016 0.00008 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -0.90136 109.125 0.36938 0.79587
zraP; zinc resistance-associated protein 0.00016 0.00008 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -0.90136 109.125 0.36938 0.79587
crtU; isorenieratene synthase 0.00016 0.00005 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00009 -1.53991 144.098 0.12577 0.77376
mop; aldehyde oxidoreductase [EC:] 0.00016 0.00009 0.00018 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00019 0.17909 93.378 0.85825 0.96053
rhmA; 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-rhamnonate aldolase [EC:] 0.00016 0.00008 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -0.88970 109.129 0.37559 0.79810
nheBC; non-hemolytic enterotoxin B/C 0.00015 0.00009 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00024 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00016 -1.32607 95.488 0.18798 0.77376
araQ; arabinosaccharide transport system permease protein 0.00015 0.00006 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00010 -1.88962 108.325 0.06148 0.73001
APA1_2; ATP adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00015 0.00007 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00015 0.61213 120.370 0.54161 0.86207
pimE; alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00015 0.00005 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -2.79965 95.008 0.00620 0.54022
K09129; uncharacterized protein 0.00015 0.00007 0.00014 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00013 -0.13497 152.932 0.89281 0.97159
nifV; homocitrate synthase NifV [EC:] 0.00015 0.00004 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -1.03829 147.257 0.30084 0.77376
amyM; maltogenic alpha-amylase [EC:] 0.00015 0.00006 0.00022 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00014 0.89131 79.908 0.37544 0.79810
IRPC; inward rectifier potassium channel 0.00015 0.00006 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00011 -0.98258 148.823 0.32741 0.77376
ethA; monooxygenase [EC:1.14.13.-] 0.00015 0.00005 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -2.39530 103.101 0.01841 0.59095
mph; macrolide phosphotransferase 0.00015 0.00008 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00016 -0.00106 148.013 0.99916 0.99957
E3.5.1.41; chitin deacetylase [EC:] 0.00015 0.00007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -2.03396 92.000 0.04484 0.65981
tpa; taurine-pyruvate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00015 0.00007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -2.03396 92.000 0.04484 0.65981
K09744; uncharacterized protein 0.00015 0.00010 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.10121 97.851 0.27351 0.77376
2PGK; 2-phosphoglycerate kinase [EC:2.7.2.-] 0.00015 0.00010 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00018 -1.12196 97.234 0.26464 0.77376
K09133; uncharacterized protein 0.00015 0.00010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00016 -1.54315 92.000 0.12623 0.77376
entC; probable enterotoxin C 0.00015 0.00015 0.00035 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00035 0.99309 64.003 0.32441 0.77376
xdhD; putative selenate reductase molybdopterin-binding subunit 0.00015 0.00009 0.00014 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00017 -0.11079 152.855 0.91192 0.97664
GATM; glycine amidinotransferase [EC:] 0.00015 0.00004 0.00017 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00007 0.49309 154.461 0.62265 0.89150
vanC, vanE, vanG; D-alanine—D-serine ligase [EC:] 0.00015 0.00009 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00025 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00015 -1.69915 92.000 0.09267 0.76567
cpe; enterotoxin Cpe 0.00015 0.00015 0.00035 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00035 0.99870 64.000 0.32170 0.77376
entD; probable enterotoxin D 0.00015 0.00015 0.00035 0.00001 0.00035 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00035 0.99870 64.000 0.32170 0.77376
aguG; alpha-1,4-digalacturonate transport system permease protein 0.00015 0.00007 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00012 -1.74268 101.240 0.08443 0.76567
cobR; cob(II)yrinic acid a,c-diamide reductase [EC:] 0.00015 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.89261 94.593 0.06147 0.73001
yihT; sulfofructosephosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.00015 0.00007 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.14254 102.683 0.25589 0.77376
hokB; protein HokB 0.00014 0.00008 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.09515 101.937 0.27603 0.77376
ceo; N5-(carboxyethyl)ornithine synthase [EC:] 0.00014 0.00007 0.00017 0.00000 0.00013 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00014 0.27204 105.448 0.78612 0.94458
pmrD; signal transduction protein PmrD 0.00014 0.00007 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.11490 102.677 0.26750 0.77376
ypdF; aminopeptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] 0.00014 0.00007 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.11490 102.677 0.26750 0.77376
K09726; uncharacterized protein 0.00014 0.00007 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00013 -0.53809 130.686 0.59143 0.87896
MEP; peptidyl-Lys metalloendopeptidase [EC:] 0.00014 0.00007 0.00022 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00015 0.88940 78.381 0.37651 0.79810
traA; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraA 0.00014 0.00009 0.00014 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00018 -0.01305 153.218 0.98961 0.99801
ITGB8; integrin beta 8 0.00014 0.00006 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00011 -0.68129 138.265 0.49683 0.84797
kinD; two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase D [EC:] 0.00014 0.00008 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.11940 102.764 0.26558 0.77376
slcC; (S)-sulfolactate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00014 0.00005 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00009 0.24262 132.653 0.80868 0.95002
K11325; L-cysteine/cystine lyase 0.00014 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -1.14316 117.323 0.25530 0.77376
epsH; glycosyltransferase EpsH [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00014 0.00007 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00023 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.81178 93.676 0.07322 0.74128
irp2, HMWP2; yersiniabactin nonribosomal peptide synthetase 0.00014 0.00008 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00014 -0.43603 135.265 0.66351 0.91006
AOX1, AOX2; ubiquinol oxidase [EC:] 0.00014 0.00008 0.00018 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00019 0.37426 81.933 0.70918 0.92004
coxA; spore cortex protein 0.00014 0.00008 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.10288 102.762 0.27265 0.77376
comC; (2R)-3-sulfolactate dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.00014 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00010 -1.56856 104.987 0.11976 0.77376
dhpH; 2,6-dihydroxypyridine 3-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00014 0.00006 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00013 -0.28423 108.579 0.77678 0.94269
yscF, sctF, ssaG, prgI; type III secretion protein F 0.00014 0.00008 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.47369 93.796 0.14391 0.77376
csh1; CRISPR-associated protein Csh1 0.00014 0.00003 0.00015 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00007 0.45256 138.485 0.65158 0.90504
frlB; fructoselysine 6-phosphate deglycase [EC:3.5.-.-] 0.00014 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -1.15500 102.972 0.25076 0.77376
frlR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, frlABCD operon transcriptional regulator 0.00014 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -1.15500 102.972 0.25076 0.77376
E3.2.1.15; polygalacturonase [EC:] 0.00013 0.00007 0.00011 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00012 -0.39680 151.667 0.69207 0.91676
ynfF; Tat-targeted selenate reductase subunit YnfF [EC:] 0.00013 0.00007 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.85150 103.787 0.39645 0.80459
irp5, ybtE; yersiniabactin salicyl-AMP ligase [EC:6.3.2.-] 0.00013 0.00008 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00014 -0.39747 135.266 0.69165 0.91676
ttrC; tetrathionate reductase subunit C 0.00013 0.00004 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00009 -0.43651 150.465 0.66309 0.91006
caiT; L-carnitine/gamma-butyrobetaine antiporter 0.00013 0.00008 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.64273 128.274 0.52154 0.85613
epsJ; glycosyltransferase EpsJ [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00013 0.00003 0.00013 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00006 0.02612 139.434 0.97920 0.99657
waaW; (galactosyl)LPS 1,2-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00013 0.00008 0.00010 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00015 -0.33128 152.189 0.74089 0.93000
irtA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial IrtA [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00013 0.00006 0.00013 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00014 -0.00289 95.491 0.99770 0.99955
argHA; argininosuccinate lyase / amino-acid N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00013 0.00008 0.00024 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00019 0.90741 78.269 0.36697 0.79587
NAALAD; N-acetylated-alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase [EC:] 0.00013 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.62464 94.168 0.10758 0.77376
waaZ, rfaZ; KDO transferase III [EC:2.4.99.-] 0.00013 0.00008 0.00026 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00018 1.20160 67.987 0.23369 0.77376
aksE; methanogen homoaconitase small subunit [EC:] 0.00013 0.00010 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -0.99374 97.228 0.32282 0.77376
K09785; uncharacterized protein 0.00013 0.00010 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -0.99374 97.228 0.32282 0.77376
LYS12; homoisocitrate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00013 0.00010 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -0.99374 97.228 0.32282 0.77376
LYS21, LYS20; homocitrate synthase [EC:] 0.00013 0.00010 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -0.99374 97.228 0.32282 0.77376
narC; cytochrome b-561 0.00013 0.00010 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -0.99374 97.228 0.32282 0.77376
gumE; putative polymerase 0.00013 0.00005 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00010 -0.71586 153.110 0.47517 0.84095
trbC; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TrbC 0.00013 0.00004 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00010 0.42461 92.398 0.67211 0.91184
gtfB, gtfE; vancomycin aglycone glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00013 0.00006 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00013 0.28141 95.284 0.77900 0.94269
acfD; accessory colonization factor AcfD 0.00013 0.00007 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.46980 118.527 0.63936 0.89853
HMGCR; hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (NADPH) [EC:] 0.00013 0.00005 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00009 -0.98942 146.429 0.32409 0.77376
exoP, vpsO; polysaccharide biosynthesis transport protein 0.00013 0.00006 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00010 -1.90820 96.252 0.05935 0.72498
mdcF; malonate transporter 0.00013 0.00005 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00010 0.39461 104.240 0.69394 0.91701
E1.12.7.2G; ferredoxin hydrogenase gamma subunit [EC:] 0.00013 0.00009 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00016 -1.36617 92.000 0.17521 0.77376
fdhB; formate dehydrogenase (NADP+) beta subunit [EC:] 0.00013 0.00009 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00022 0.00000 0.00016 93 0.00016 -1.36617 92.000 0.17521 0.77376
epsL; sugar transferase EpsL [EC:2.-.-.-] 0.00013 0.00007 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00021 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.68501 93.700 0.09531 0.76609
cqsA; CAI-1 autoinducer synthase [EC:2.3.-.-] 0.00013 0.00006 0.00016 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00012 0.42189 155.366 0.67369 0.91184
ybtX, irp8; MFS transporter, putative signal transducer 0.00013 0.00007 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.92120 104.504 0.35907 0.79496
PTS-Gam-EIIB, agaB; PTS system, galactosamine-specific IIB component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00013 0.00007 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.51700 115.589 0.60615 0.88536
aguE; alpha-1,4-digalacturonate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00013 0.00007 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.51567 101.934 0.13270 0.77376
aguF; alpha-1,4-digalacturonate transport system permease protein 0.00013 0.00007 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.51567 101.934 0.13270 0.77376
pcpB; pentachlorophenol monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00013 0.00006 0.00018 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00013 0.67612 89.910 0.50070 0.84900
fbp-SEBP; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase I / sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase [EC:] 0.00013 0.00006 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00010 -0.83559 139.280 0.40482 0.81147
csxA; exo-1,4-beta-D-glucosaminidase [EC:] 0.00013 0.00005 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -2.25511 96.002 0.02640 0.60812
ahlD, aiiA, attM, blcC; N-acyl homoserine lactone hydrolase [EC:] 0.00013 0.00008 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.41914 93.705 0.15918 0.77376
devR; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator DevR 0.00013 0.00004 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -2.59459 96.119 0.01095 0.58284
chiA; bifunctional chitinase/lysozyme [EC:] 0.00013 0.00007 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.80763 106.099 0.42111 0.82292
prlF, sohA; antitoxin PrlF 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -1.02607 103.123 0.30726 0.77376
PTS-Gam-EIIC, agaC; PTS system, galactosamine-specific IIC component 0.00012 0.00007 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.56927 115.481 0.57028 0.87135
PTS-Gam-EIID, agaD; PTS system, galactosamine-specific IID component 0.00012 0.00007 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.56927 115.481 0.57028 0.87135
ompT; omptin [EC:] 0.00012 0.00007 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.66416 109.909 0.50798 0.84956
K07092; uncharacterized protein 0.00012 0.00005 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00009 -0.88712 140.776 0.37653 0.79810
azr; azobenzene reductase [EC:] 0.00012 0.00008 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.26925 96.636 0.20740 0.77376
exoQ; exopolysaccharide production protein ExoQ 0.00012 0.00006 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00010 -1.92213 95.525 0.05757 0.71337
lprG; lipoprotein LprG 0.00012 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -2.00594 115.024 0.04721 0.66255
phsB; thiosulfate reductase electron transport protein 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.92561 103.371 0.35680 0.79399
phsC; thiosulfate reductase cytochrome b subunit 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.92561 103.371 0.35680 0.79399
nprB; neutral peptidase B [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.00012 0.00008 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.38567 93.711 0.16914 0.77376
yeiL; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, putaive post-exponential-phase nitrogen-starvation regulator 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.99975 103.236 0.31977 0.77376
caiF; transcriptional activator CaiF 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.91332 103.377 0.36320 0.79496
scpB, mmcD; methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.91332 103.377 0.36320 0.79496
yahN; amino acid exporter 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.91332 103.377 0.36320 0.79496
ydiB; quinate/shikimate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.91332 103.377 0.36320 0.79496
ydiF; acetate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.91332 103.377 0.36320 0.79496
yhdJ; adenine-specific DNA-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.91332 103.377 0.36320 0.79496
K08677; kumamolisin 0.00012 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -2.01834 107.088 0.04606 0.66255
acsE; 5-methyltetrahydrofolate corrinoid/iron sulfur protein methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00012 0.00006 0.00007 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00011 -0.79621 148.313 0.42718 0.82661
cdhE, acsC; acetyl-CoA decarbonylase/synthase complex subunit gamma [EC:] 0.00012 0.00006 0.00007 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00011 -0.79621 148.313 0.42718 0.82661
pgi-pmi; glucose/mannose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.91041 119.964 0.36443 0.79587
K15878, narB; rieske iron-sulphur protein 0.00012 0.00010 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -1.14392 92.195 0.25562 0.77376
allS; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of the allD operon 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.90080 103.380 0.36979 0.79587
pgtP; MFS transporter, OPA family, phosphoglycerate transporter protein 0.00012 0.00007 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00012 -1.26053 98.052 0.21047 0.77376
K09120; uncharacterized protein 0.00012 0.00010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -1.19542 92.000 0.23499 0.77376
agaI; galactosamine-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:5.3.1.-] 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.97254 103.431 0.33305 0.77955
yogA; zinc-binding alcohol dehydrogenase/oxidoreductase 0.00012 0.00006 0.00013 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00011 0.09898 145.551 0.92129 0.97905
K16654; spore-specific protein 0.00012 0.00008 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00019 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.34486 93.711 0.18192 0.77376
L2HGDH; 2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.97470 118.033 0.33170 0.77825
enr; 2-enoate reductase [EC:] 0.00012 0.00005 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00009 -1.33287 125.908 0.18498 0.77376
K07096; uncharacterized protein 0.00012 0.00005 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00009 -0.54512 143.198 0.58652 0.87731
pchF; 4-cresol dehydrogenase (hydroxylating) flavoprotein subunit [EC:] 0.00012 0.00008 0.00028 0.00000 0.00020 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00020 1.34564 64.093 0.18316 0.77376
K06951; uncharacterized protein 0.00012 0.00010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00020 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -1.17706 92.000 0.24221 0.77376
elaD, sseL; deubiquitinase [EC:3.4.22.-] 0.00012 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.88172 103.361 0.37997 0.79852
gspS; general secretion pathway protein S 0.00012 0.00008 0.00018 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00018 0.60860 75.305 0.54462 0.86388
mbtI, irp9, ybtS; salicylate synthetase [EC:] 0.00012 0.00007 0.00003 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.26555 94.347 0.20879 0.77376
glcA; glycolate permease 0.00012 0.00007 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.79791 103.923 0.42674 0.82661
cmtC, dhbA; 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate/2,3-dihydroxybenzoate 3,4-dioxygenase [EC:1.13.11.-] 0.00012 0.00006 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00013 0.52664 98.060 0.59963 0.88240
esp, sigA, sepA; serine protease autotransporter [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00011 0.00007 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.03467 96.255 0.30342 0.77376
acsB; acetyl-CoA synthase [EC:] 0.00011 0.00006 0.00007 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00011 -0.70165 148.502 0.48400 0.84354
cdhD, acsD; acetyl-CoA decarbonylase/synthase complex subunit delta [EC:] 0.00011 0.00006 0.00007 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00011 -0.70165 148.502 0.48400 0.84354
cansdh; carboxynorspermidine synthase [EC:] 0.00011 0.00008 0.00019 0.00000 0.00018 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00019 0.68356 78.760 0.49626 0.84797
esxA, esat6; 6 kDa early secretory antigenic target 0.00011 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -2.11629 106.773 0.03664 0.62578
SUOX; sulfite oxidase [EC:] 0.00011 0.00004 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00008 -0.03857 131.841 0.96930 0.99287
phnA; phosphonoacetate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00011 0.00005 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00009 -0.60847 153.014 0.54378 0.86313
vgb; virginiamycin B lyase [EC:4.2.99.-] 0.00011 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -2.52587 95.686 0.01318 0.59095
ctpI; cation-transporting P-type ATPase I [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00011 0.00009 0.00025 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00023 1.00281 64.330 0.31971 0.77376
mdtE; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.86587 103.469 0.38856 0.80262
mdtF; multidrug efflux pump 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.86587 103.469 0.38856 0.80262
sfmF; fimbrial-like protein 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.86587 103.469 0.38856 0.80262
ndx1; diadenosine hexaphosphate hydrolase (ATP-forming) [EC:] 0.00011 0.00010 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -0.81776 97.305 0.41549 0.81730
allR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, negative regulator of allantoin and glyoxylate utilization operons 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
dos; c-di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
emrK; multidrug resistance protein K 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
emrY; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
focB; formate transporter 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
frlA; fructoselysine transporter 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
frvR; putative frv operon regulatory protein 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
hyfR; hydrogenase-4 transcriptional activator 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
pphB; serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2 [EC:] 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
sfmD; outer membrane usher protein 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
tnaB; low affinity tryptophan permease 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
uidC, gusC; putative glucuronide porin 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
yfaL; autotransporter family porin 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
ygeU, xdhC; xanthine dehydrogenase iron-sulfur-binding subunit 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
ygfM; putative selenate reductase FAD-binding subunit 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.85325 103.472 0.39549 0.80459
echA; ech hydrogenase subunit A 0.00011 0.00008 0.00005 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.81139 96.412 0.41914 0.81980
echC; ech hydrogenase subunit C 0.00011 0.00008 0.00005 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.81139 96.412 0.41914 0.81980
echE; ech hydrogenase subunit E 0.00011 0.00008 0.00005 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.81139 96.412 0.41914 0.81980
E3.4.21.66; thermitase [EC:] 0.00011 0.00004 0.00010 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00008 -0.23508 154.410 0.81446 0.95409
gntP; high-affinity gluconate transporter 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.84618 103.492 0.39940 0.80691
phcB; extracellular factor (EF) 3-hydroxypalmitic acid methyl ester biosynthesis protein 0.00011 0.00009 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00015 -1.11154 92.287 0.26922 0.77376
phcQ; two-component system, probable response regulator PhcQ 0.00011 0.00009 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00015 -1.11154 92.287 0.26922 0.77376
phcS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase PhcS [EC:] 0.00011 0.00009 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00015 93 0.00015 -1.11154 92.287 0.26922 0.77376
nodD; LysR family transcriptional regulator, nod-box dependent transcriptional activator 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.77084 109.975 0.44246 0.83186
envY; AraC family transcriptional regulator 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.83356 103.495 0.40645 0.81189
nupX; nucleoside permease 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.83356 103.495 0.40645 0.81189
waaV; UDP-glucose:(glucosyl)LPS beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.83356 103.495 0.40645 0.81189
yahA; c-di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00011 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -0.83356 103.495 0.40645 0.81189
pks5; polyketide synthase 5 0.00011 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -2.47646 95.307 0.01503 0.59095
tetD; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transposon Tn10 TetD protein 0.00011 0.00004 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00009 0.90873 87.627 0.36598 0.79587
NTPCR; nucleoside-triphosphatase [EC:] 0.00011 0.00006 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00011 -0.79088 148.280 0.43028 0.82749
mer; 5,10-methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase [EC:] 0.00011 0.00009 0.00023 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00023 0.90901 64.358 0.36674 0.79587
SC5DL, ERG3; Delta7-sterol 5-desaturase [EC:] 0.00011 0.00006 0.00018 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00014 0.83909 75.399 0.40407 0.81062
oleC5; oleandomycin transport system permease protein 0.00010 0.00004 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00008 0.20148 115.004 0.84068 0.95506
embA; arabinosyltransferase A [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.44944 95.531 0.01613 0.59095
COMT; catechol O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.39968 95.535 0.01835 0.59095
mbtB; mycobactin phenyloxazoline synthetase 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.39968 95.535 0.01835 0.59095
hicA; mRNA interferase HicA [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00010 0.00003 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 0.01258 153.630 0.98998 0.99801
hoxH; NAD-reducing hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -0.76785 152.500 0.44376 0.83186
nasB; assimilatory nitrate reductase electron transfer subunit [EC:1.7.99.-] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00007 0.15305 126.867 0.87860 0.96759
hoxF; [NiFe] hydrogenase diaphorase moiety large subunit [EC:] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00008 -0.18598 149.899 0.85271 0.95848
desA2; acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] desaturase [EC:] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.41354 95.660 0.01770 0.59095
E2.5.1.86; trans,polycis-decaprenyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.41354 95.660 0.01770 0.59095
fadD21; fatty acid CoA ligase FadD21 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.41354 95.660 0.01770 0.59095
hsd; 3beta-hydroxy-Delta5-steroid dehydrogenase / steroid Delta-isomerase [EC:] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.41354 95.660 0.01770 0.59095
PTS-Sor-EIIB, sorB; PTS system, sorbose-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -0.86597 140.259 0.38798 0.80262
exoY; exopolysaccharide production protein ExoY 0.00010 0.00005 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.71220 96.553 0.09007 0.76567
pmmS; 2-phosphinomethylmalate synthase [EC:] 0.00010 0.00010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 93 0.00017 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
aph3-III; aminoglycoside 3’-phosphotransferase III [EC:] 0.00010 0.00007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00017 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.47493 92.142 0.14364 0.77376
ydaV; putative replication protein 0.00010 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.11335 93.899 0.26840 0.77376
mbtA; mycobactin salicyl-AMP ligase [EC:6.3.2.-] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.35670 95.660 0.02048 0.59095
mbtE; mycobactin peptide synthetase MbtE 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.35670 95.660 0.02048 0.59095
mbtF; mycobactin peptide synthetase MbtF 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.35670 95.660 0.02048 0.59095
PLD1_2; phospholipase D1/2 [EC:] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -2.05890 98.195 0.04215 0.65026
exoO; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoO [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00010 0.00005 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.82288 92.338 0.07156 0.73962
K15016; enoyl-CoA hydratase / 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00010 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00012 -0.72387 120.391 0.47055 0.83905
xanB2; chorismate lyase / 3-hydroxybenzoate synthase [EC:] 0.00010 0.00004 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00008 0.13302 136.422 0.89437 0.97180
med; transcriptional activator of comK gene 0.00010 0.00005 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00009 -1.27081 109.912 0.20648 0.77376
fyuA; pesticin/yersiniabactin receptor 0.00010 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.08772 93.898 0.27950 0.77376
irp1, HMWP1; yersiniabactin nonribosomal peptide/polyketide synthase 0.00010 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.08772 93.898 0.27950 0.77376
irp3, ybtU; yersiniabactin synthetase, thiazolinyl reductase component 0.00010 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.08772 93.898 0.27950 0.77376
irp4, ybtT; yersiniabactin synthetase, thioesterase component 0.00010 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.08772 93.898 0.27950 0.77376
sfmH; fimbrial protein 0.00010 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.08772 93.898 0.27950 0.77376
tdcR; threonine dehydratase operon activator protein 0.00010 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.08772 93.898 0.27950 0.77376
ybtA; AraC family transcriptional regulator 0.00010 0.00007 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00012 -1.08772 93.898 0.27950 0.77376
plyA; polysaccharidase protein 0.00010 0.00007 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00012 93 0.00013 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
ccsA; citryl-CoA synthetase large subunit [EC:] 0.00010 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00012 -0.69837 120.393 0.48629 0.84538
mptA; GTP cyclohydrolase IV [EC:] 0.00010 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00012 -0.69837 120.393 0.48629 0.84538
pchA; salicylate biosynthesis isochorismate synthase [EC:] 0.00010 0.00007 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00012 -0.69837 120.393 0.48629 0.84538
NOP2; 25S rRNA (cytosine2870-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00010 0.00008 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00014 -0.85742 95.919 0.39335 0.80459
ADE5; phosphoribosylamine–glycine ligase / phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.00010 0.00008 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00016 0.00000 0.00013 93 0.00013 -1.16452 92.461 0.24721 0.77376
tetV; MFS transporter, DHA3 family, tetracycline resistance protein 0.00010 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.27140 95.727 0.02536 0.59941
LYS9; saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP+, L-glutamate forming) [EC:] 0.00009 0.00008 0.00017 0.00000 0.00017 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00018 0.75691 70.477 0.45163 0.83438
kdnB; 3-deoxy-alpha-D-manno-octulosonate 8-oxidase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00006 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00012 -0.10072 146.106 0.91991 0.97880
fimY; fimbrial protein FimY 0.00009 0.00004 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00008 0.74118 100.878 0.46030 0.83465
SMARCAD1; SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily A containing DEAD/H box 1 [EC:] 0.00009 0.00009 0.00023 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00023 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
uxaA1; altronate dehydratase small subunit [EC:] 0.00009 0.00007 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00013 -0.07997 155.289 0.93636 0.98459
hoxU; [NiFe] hydrogenase diaphorase moiety small subunit [EC:] 0.00009 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00008 -0.01495 148.269 0.98809 0.99801
mbtC; mycobactin polyketide synthetase MbtC 0.00009 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.21007 95.735 0.02948 0.61334
mbtD; mycobactin polyketide synthetase MbtD 0.00009 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.21007 95.735 0.02948 0.61334
nat; arylamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.21007 95.735 0.02948 0.61334
4CL; 4-coumarate–CoA ligase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00004 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -0.86475 153.098 0.38853 0.80262
hoxY; NAD-reducing hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] 0.00009 0.00004 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -0.55822 153.188 0.57751 0.87480
gpuA; guanidinopropionase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00005 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.69316 93.308 0.09376 0.76609
exoA; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoA [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00009 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.74647 92.178 0.08406 0.76567
exoF; polysaccharide biosynthesis/export protein ExoF 0.00009 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.74647 92.178 0.08406 0.76567
exoK; endo-1,3-1,4-beta-glycanase ExoK [EC:3.2.1.-] 0.00009 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.74647 92.178 0.08406 0.76567
K16929; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component 0.00009 0.00008 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00014 -1.06766 92.000 0.28847 0.77376
iucA; N2-citryl-N6-acetyl-N6-hydroxylysine synthase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00004 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00008 0.83325 93.488 0.40683 0.81189
iucC; aerobactin synthase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00004 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00008 0.83325 93.488 0.40683 0.81189
trcR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator TrcR 0.00009 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.23970 92.874 0.02750 0.61334
phzE; 2-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00008 0.05319 146.066 0.95765 0.98896
aph3-I; aminoglycoside 3’-phosphotransferase I [EC:] 0.00009 0.00004 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00008 0.68546 121.382 0.49436 0.84797
exoL; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoL [EC:2.-.-.-] 0.00009 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.69473 92.178 0.09350 0.76599
ntdA; 3-dehydro-glucose-6-phosphate—glutamate transaminase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00006 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.16346 93.903 0.24759 0.77376
ntdB; kanosamine-6-phosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00006 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.16346 93.903 0.24759 0.77376
sinI; antagonist of SinR 0.00009 0.00006 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.16346 93.903 0.24759 0.77376
EPHX1; microsomal epoxide hydrolase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00005 0.00017 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00012 1.19986 66.624 0.23444 0.77376
exoV; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoV 0.00009 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.65921 92.256 0.10047 0.77236
SHPK; sedoheptulokinase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00015 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.70848 92.273 0.09091 0.76567
dhaa; 3-hydroxy-D-aspartate aldolase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00005 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00009 -0.79182 126.210 0.42995 0.82749
porD; pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase delta subunit [EC:] 0.00009 0.00005 0.00012 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00011 0.59229 110.457 0.55486 0.86806
nifZ; nitrogen fixation protein NifZ 0.00009 0.00005 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.42725 96.637 0.15673 0.77376
gli; D-galactarolactone isomerase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00005 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00008 -0.66294 131.938 0.50853 0.84956
K07499; putative transposase 0.00009 0.00005 0.00013 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00012 0.62316 80.992 0.53493 0.86207
LEU1; 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00009 0.00004 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.66493 100.935 0.09903 0.76942
dfrD, dhfr; dihydrofolate reductase (trimethoprim resistance protein) [EC:] 0.00008 0.00006 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.24714 92.149 0.21551 0.77376
IDE, ide; insulysin [EC:] 0.00008 0.00006 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.24714 92.149 0.21551 0.77376
ituB, mycB, bmyB; iturin family lipopeptide synthetase B 0.00008 0.00006 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00011 93 0.00011 -1.24714 92.149 0.21551 0.77376
togA; oligogalacturonide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00008 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.34505 112.056 0.18132 0.77376
siaA, neuC1; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.00008 0.00005 0.00016 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00012 1.12435 69.180 0.26475 0.77376
URE; urease [EC:] 0.00008 0.00004 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.71134 98.033 0.09018 0.76567
E2.1.3.1-1.3S; methylmalonyl-CoA carboxyltransferase 1.3S subunit [EC:] 0.00008 0.00004 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -0.74443 149.868 0.45778 0.83438
toxR; cholera toxin transcriptional activator 0.00008 0.00004 0.00016 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00009 1.33634 78.997 0.18527 0.77376
irtB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial IrtB [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00008 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.99435 95.923 0.04895 0.67403
E2.3.1.7; carnitine O-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00008 0.00004 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00007 -0.32925 155.926 0.74241 0.93050
ramA; (R)-amidase [EC:] 0.00008 0.00004 0.00011 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00009 0.59019 96.796 0.55644 0.86813
hypBA1; non-reducing end beta-L-arabinofuranosidase [EC:] 0.00008 0.00005 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00010 0.09907 112.620 0.92126 0.97905
mcl2; (3S)-malyl-CoA thioesterase [EC:] 0.00008 0.00006 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00010 -1.43172 92.000 0.15561 0.77376
K14728; phthiodiolone/phenolphthiodiolone dimycocerosates ketoreductase [EC:1.2.-.-] 0.00008 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.80205 113.017 0.07420 0.74128
cpnA; cyclopentanol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00008 0.00004 0.00013 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00009 0.95944 75.001 0.34042 0.78475
nifK; nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein beta chain [EC:] 0.00008 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.71822 103.121 0.08876 0.76567
chlH, bchH; magnesium chelatase subunit H [EC:] 0.00008 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.81420 96.254 0.07276 0.74128
iatA; inositol transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00008 0.00003 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00008 1.04103 80.568 0.30097 0.77376
iatP; inositol transport system permease protein 0.00008 0.00003 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00008 1.04103 80.568 0.30097 0.77376
K17208, ibpA; inositol transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00008 0.00003 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00008 1.04103 80.568 0.30097 0.77376
xsc; sulfoacetaldehyde acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00008 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.58124 92.194 0.11725 0.77376
xynD; arabinoxylan arabinofuranohydrolase [EC:] 0.00008 0.00005 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.33301 94.725 0.18573 0.77376
PTS-Sor-EIIC, sorA; PTS system, sorbose-specific IIC component 0.00008 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -0.42164 154.254 0.67388 0.91184
dgaE; D-glucosaminate-6-phosphate ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.00008 0.00005 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.33808 93.477 0.18412 0.77376
dgaF; 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-phosphogluconate aldolase [EC:] 0.00008 0.00005 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.33808 93.477 0.18412 0.77376
cmtD, dhbB; HCOMODA/2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-muconic semialdehyde decarboxylase [EC:4.1.1.-] 0.00008 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00007 0.08417 119.281 0.93307 0.98428
K16191, arfA; peptidoglycan-binding protein ArfA 0.00008 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -1.08442 142.666 0.28001 0.77376
E3.5.1.56; N,N-dimethylformamidase [EC:] 0.00008 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.02769 92.343 0.04547 0.65981
tetX; tetracycline 11a-monooxygenase, tetracycline resistance protein [EC:] 0.00008 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.60769 98.204 0.11111 0.77376
PTS-Sor-EIID, sorM; PTS system, sorbose-specific IID component 0.00008 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -0.35132 154.319 0.72583 0.92177
flbB; flagellar protein FlbB 0.00008 0.00004 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -0.63088 117.829 0.52934 0.86094
kgp; gingipain K [EC:] 0.00007 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.80148 92.000 0.07490 0.74200
SMUG1; single-strand selective monofunctional uracil DNA glycosylase [EC:3.2.2.-] 0.00007 0.00004 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -0.66966 151.617 0.50409 0.84956
flK; fluoroacetyl-CoA thioesterase [EC:] 0.00007 0.00004 0.00015 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00010 1.26501 69.554 0.21009 0.77376
E3.1.4.12; sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00007 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00007 -1.62807 96.007 0.10679 0.77376
POMT, pmt; dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00007 0.00002 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.06724 154.241 0.94648 0.98674
frhB; coenzyme F420 hydrogenase subunit beta [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.68911 111.840 0.09398 0.76609
ACADSB; short/branched chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00007 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.57887 93.273 0.11775 0.77376
blaACT_MIR; beta-lactamase class C ACT/MIR [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00007 1.23989 73.737 0.21895 0.77376
prmB; propane monooxygenase reductase component [EC:1.18.1.-] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00007 0.83270 83.314 0.40739 0.81200
prmC; propane 2-monooxygenase small subunit [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00007 0.83270 83.314 0.40739 0.81200
kdnA; 8-amino-3,8-dideoxy-alpha-D-manno-octulosonate transaminase [EC:] 0.00007 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00010 0.27770 96.625 0.78183 0.94310
trcS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase TrcS [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -2.04025 92.000 0.04419 0.65981
E4.1.1.64; 2,2-dialkylglycine decarboxylase (pyruvate) [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00007 -0.25867 151.695 0.79624 0.94791
gppmt; geranyl diphosphate 2-C-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00007 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.31963 96.801 0.19007 0.77376
E1.2.1.5; aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.06936 125.025 0.28697 0.77376
gumK; 2-beta-glucuronyltransferase [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00007 0.50109 106.850 0.61734 0.88903
K16905; fluoroquinolone transport system permease protein 0.00007 0.00002 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00005 0.12116 141.182 0.90373 0.97641
K16906; fluoroquinolone transport system permease protein 0.00007 0.00002 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00005 0.12116 141.182 0.90373 0.97641
K16907; fluoroquinolone transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00007 0.00002 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00005 0.12116 141.182 0.90373 0.97641
prmA; propane 2-monooxygenase large subunit [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00007 0.95078 78.750 0.34462 0.78711
nifN; nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein NifN 0.00007 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.51325 102.341 0.13330 0.77376
fexA_B; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, florfenicol/chloramphenicol resistance protein 0.00007 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -0.87063 118.393 0.38572 0.80258
rhlB; rhamnosyltransferase subunit B [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00007 0.00004 0.00013 0.00000 0.00010 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00010 1.09146 69.723 0.27883 0.77376
lasB; pseudolysin [EC:] 0.00007 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.87428 92.000 0.06406 0.73334
fae; 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin hydro-lyase [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00010 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00006 0.90131 94.164 0.36973 0.79587
nifQ; nitrogen fixation protein NifQ 0.00007 0.00004 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.34340 100.254 0.18217 0.77376
mauB; methylamine dehydrogenase heavy chain [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.03189 154.351 0.97460 0.99546
andAd; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase small subunit [EC:] 0.00007 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -0.69747 122.734 0.48683 0.84553
CDIPT; CDP-diacylglycerol–inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] 0.00007 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.61841 98.195 0.10878 0.77376
K07065; uncharacterized protein 0.00007 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -0.79247 124.975 0.42959 0.82749
fliR-flhB; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliR/FlhB 0.00007 0.00005 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -0.90329 96.470 0.36862 0.79587
tlh; thermolabile hemolysin 0.00006 0.00005 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00009 -0.38274 128.727 0.70255 0.92004
ATX, chlB1, mdpB; 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.88854 92.000 0.06210 0.73004
K09116; uncharacterized protein 0.00006 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.86249 92.000 0.06573 0.73334
IDO, INDO; indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00008 0.48840 76.027 0.62667 0.89255
exoW; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoW [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.39710 92.359 0.16573 0.77376
K07123; uncharacterized protein 0.00006 0.00003 0.00013 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00006 1.76734 70.653 0.08149 0.76350
exoU; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoU [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00011 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.41794 92.250 0.15958 0.77376
dndE; DNA sulfur modification protein DndE 0.00006 0.00003 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00007 0.20795 127.458 0.83560 0.95506
gesA, mexP; membrane fusion protein, gold/copper resistance efflux system 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00009 0.61531 82.976 0.54003 0.86207
gesB, mexQ; gold/copper resistance efflux pump 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00009 0.61531 82.976 0.54003 0.86207
luxO; two-component system, repressor protein LuxO 0.00006 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -0.03025 155.393 0.97590 0.99571
pksL; polyketide synthase PksL 0.00006 0.00003 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00007 0.76467 118.282 0.44599 0.83357
K09942; uncharacterized protein 0.00006 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -0.86333 146.498 0.38937 0.80347
nifT; nitrogen fixation protein NifT 0.00006 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -1.34537 102.550 0.18147 0.77376
nifW; nitrogenase-stabilizing/protective protein 0.00006 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -1.34537 102.550 0.18147 0.77376
nifX; nitrogen fixation protein NifX 0.00006 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00006 -1.34537 102.550 0.18147 0.77376
K07453; putative restriction endonuclease 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00008 0.56966 75.305 0.57060 0.87146
vanT; serine/alanine racemase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.54595 92.000 0.12555 0.77376
HOGA1; 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00011 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00009 0.97766 67.534 0.33173 0.77825
E2.1.1.113; site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (cytosine-N4-specific) [EC:] 0.00006 0.00005 0.00013 0.00000 0.00012 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00012 0.96117 64.195 0.34007 0.78467
kaiB; circadian clock protein KaiB 0.00006 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.25215 92.000 0.21369 0.77376
araN; arabinosaccharide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00006 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -1.84937 98.676 0.06740 0.73334
araP; arabinosaccharide transport system permease protein 0.00006 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -1.84937 98.676 0.06740 0.73334
etbAa; ethylbenzene dioxygenase subunit alpha [EC:1.14.12.-] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00008 0.61995 75.024 0.53717 0.86207
etbAb; ethylbenzene dioxygenase subunit beta [EC:1.14.12.-] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00008 0.61995 75.024 0.53717 0.86207
etbD; 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-octa-2,4-dienoate hydrolase [EC:3.7.1.-] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00008 0.61995 75.024 0.53717 0.86207
phdE; cis-3,4-dihydrophenanthrene-3,4-diol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00008 0.61995 75.024 0.53717 0.86207
PRMT9; type II protein arginine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00008 0.61995 75.024 0.53717 0.86207
rfbV; abequosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00008 0.61995 75.024 0.53717 0.86207
oleC4; oleandomycin transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00006 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00006 0.06267 126.177 0.95013 0.98774
ATPeV1G, ATP6G; V-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit G 0.00006 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00008 -0.29791 147.757 0.76619 0.93900
ctpD; cobalt/nickel-transporting P-type ATPase D [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00006 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.69697 92.000 0.09308 0.76567
lfrR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for lfrA 0.00006 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.69697 92.000 0.09308 0.76567
PTS-Sor-EIIA, sorF; PTS system, sorbose-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.00006 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -0.76798 126.201 0.44393 0.83186
pfkC; ADP-dependent phosphofructokinase/glucokinase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00002 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00005 0.52042 132.993 0.60364 0.88434
ligM; vanillate/3-O-methylgallate O-demethylase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.21247 92.118 0.22843 0.77376
traR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, activator of conjugal transfer of Ti plasmids 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.25897 92.254 0.21122 0.77376
K16327; putative LysE/RhtB family amino acid efflux pump 0.00006 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.31814 92.000 0.19073 0.77376
PTGS2, COX2; prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 [EC:] 0.00006 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00012 0.86607 65.350 0.38962 0.80353
hepA; heparin lyase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.78325 127.624 0.43493 0.82874
opmE; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00009 0.72178 82.132 0.47248 0.84050
waaS, rfaS; 1,5-rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00009 0.72178 82.132 0.47248 0.84050
E2.4.1.14; sucrose-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00006 0.00003 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 0.84528 87.635 0.40026 0.80762
liaG; lia operon protein LiaG 0.00006 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.78474 146.841 0.43387 0.82874
tfrA; fumarate reductase (CoM/CoB) subunit A [EC:] 0.00006 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00009 0.58706 81.978 0.55878 0.86813
migA; alpha-1,6-rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00013 0.00000 0.00008 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00008 1.54077 64.149 0.12829 0.77376
exoH; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoH 0.00005 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.29701 92.000 0.19787 0.77376
pgtA; two-component system, NtrC family, phosphoglycerate transport system response regulator PgtA 0.00005 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00005 0.69310 128.133 0.48950 0.84797
pgtB; two-component system, NtrC family, phosphoglycerate transport system sensor histidine kinase PgtB [EC:] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00005 0.69310 128.133 0.48950 0.84797
atzB; hydroxydechloroatrazine ethylaminohydrolase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.30538 102.974 0.19467 0.77376
waaB, rfaB; UDP-D-galactose:(glucosyl)LPS alpha-1,6-D-galactosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 0.42248 149.242 0.67328 0.91184
tuaH; teichuronic acid biosynthesis glycosyltransferase TuaH [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00005 0.00005 0.00012 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00011 1.02839 64.244 0.30762 0.77376
pksD; bacillaene synthase trans-acting acyltransferase 0.00005 0.00005 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -0.79000 97.982 0.43143 0.82801
exoT; succinoglycan exporter 0.00005 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00007 93 0.00007 -1.23576 92.000 0.21969 0.77376
hemQ; Fe-coproporphyrin III decarboxylase [EC:1.11.1.-] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00010 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00008 1.09948 68.242 0.27542 0.77376
tisB; small toxic protein TisB 0.00005 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.21793 155.795 0.82777 0.95506
hepB; heparin/heparan-sulfate lyase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.49381 145.940 0.62218 0.89150
nox1; NADH oxidase (H2O2-forming) [EC:] 0.00005 0.00002 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00005 0.90741 80.825 0.36689 0.79587
ftr; formylmethanofuran–tetrahydromethanopterin N-formyltransferase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00002 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 1.21173 75.942 0.22937 0.77376
fwdA, fmdA; formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit A [EC:] 0.00005 0.00002 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 1.21173 75.942 0.22937 0.77376
fwdB, fmdB; formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit B [EC:] 0.00005 0.00002 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 1.21173 75.942 0.22937 0.77376
fwdC, fmdC; formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit C [EC:] 0.00005 0.00002 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 1.21173 75.942 0.22937 0.77376
K09154; uncharacterized protein 0.00005 0.00002 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 1.21173 75.942 0.22937 0.77376
mch; methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00002 0.00009 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 1.21173 75.942 0.22937 0.77376
chlB; light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase subunit B [EC:] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.70263 94.218 0.09194 0.76567
chlN; light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase subunit N [EC:] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.70263 94.218 0.09194 0.76567
gck, gckA, GLYCTK; glycerate 2-kinase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00009 0.70573 71.457 0.48265 0.84354
whiEII; putative monooxygenase 0.00005 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00011 0.95533 64.245 0.34299 0.78567
whiEIII; minimal PKS ketosynthase (KS/KS alpha) [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00005 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00011 0.95533 64.245 0.34299 0.78567
whiEIV; minimal PKS chain-length factor (CLF/KS beta) [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00005 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00011 0.95533 64.245 0.34299 0.78567
whiEVI; aromatase 0.00005 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00011 0.95533 64.245 0.34299 0.78567
whiEVII; cyclase 0.00005 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00011 0.95533 64.245 0.34299 0.78567
cmr4; CRISPR-associated protein Cmr4 0.00005 0.00003 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.17355 145.388 0.86246 0.96263
cmr5; CRISPR-associated protein Cmr5 0.00005 0.00003 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.17355 145.388 0.86246 0.96263
yraG; similar to spore coat protein 0.00005 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.66254 99.835 0.09954 0.76942
tfdB; 2,4-dichlorophenol 6-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00011 0.95987 64.199 0.34072 0.78492
impD; type VI secretion system protein ImpD 0.00005 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.13812 103.431 0.25770 0.77376
creS; crescentin 0.00005 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -0.90595 102.232 0.36709 0.79587
EPT1; ethanolaminephosphotransferase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.16452 92.461 0.24721 0.77376
pyrBI; aspartate carbamoyltransferase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.16452 92.461 0.24721 0.77376
PPIL1; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 1 [EC:] 0.00005 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00009 0.75691 70.477 0.45163 0.83438
cpt; carboxypeptidase T [EC:] 0.00005 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00011 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
mlhB, chnC; epsilon-lactone hydrolase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00011 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
rdmC; aclacinomycin methylesterase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00011 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
whiEV; minimal PKS acyl carrier protein 0.00005 0.00005 0.00011 0.00000 0.00011 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00011 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
pchR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of the genes for pyochelin and ferripyochelin receptors 0.00005 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.30916 155.975 0.75761 0.93719
pucC; MFS transporter, BCD family, chlorophyll transporter 0.00005 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.44734 92.000 0.15120 0.77376
bxlE; xylobiose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00005 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.44103 92.000 0.15297 0.77376
bxlF; xylobiose transport system permease protein 0.00005 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.44103 92.000 0.15297 0.77376
bxlG; xylobiose transport system permease protein 0.00005 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.44103 92.000 0.15297 0.77376
xynC; glucuronoarabinoxylan endo-1,4-beta-xylanase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.15179 155.013 0.87955 0.96779
aphB; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator AphB 0.00005 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 0.30742 151.803 0.75894 0.93719
E3.4.21.100; pseudomonalisin [EC:] 0.00005 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
E3.4.21.101; xanthomonalisin [EC:] 0.00005 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00008 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
hap, nprV; vibriolysin [EC:] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.47377 93.999 0.14389 0.77376
mtdB; methylene-tetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase [EC:1.5.1.-] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 1.01605 74.916 0.31288 0.77376
codA; choline oxidase [EC:] 0.00005 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00006 0.91809 81.203 0.36129 0.79496
PTS-Dga-EIIB, dgaB; PTS system, D-glucosaminate-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.73747 92.014 0.08565 0.76567
hypBA2; beta-L-arabinobiosidase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.35421 92.000 0.17899 0.77376
bglK; beta-glucoside kinase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.22339 150.536 0.82353 0.95506
actIV; cyclase [EC:4.-.-.-] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00005 0.52508 88.701 0.60084 0.88272
gbd; 4-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.50538 92.000 0.13565 0.77376
E3.4.11.24; aminopeptidase S [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00005 0.56884 87.785 0.57092 0.87172
desB, galA; gallate dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.30529 148.806 0.76057 0.93791
galR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for genes of the gallate degradation pathway 0.00004 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.30529 148.806 0.76057 0.93791
IDUA; L-iduronidase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -1.06370 107.040 0.28986 0.77376
hupR, hoxA; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator HupR/HoxA 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.62754 92.000 0.10704 0.77376
hupT, hoxJ; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase HupT/HoxJ [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.62754 92.000 0.10704 0.77376
sct; succinyl-CoA—D-citramalate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.38785 93.759 0.16847 0.77376
mxaG; cytochrome c-L 0.00004 0.00003 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00006 1.23776 67.480 0.22010 0.77376
aac6-Ib; aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase Ib [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 0.21465 155.915 0.83032 0.95506
sprC; streptogrisin C [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00005 0.62747 87.390 0.53199 0.86182
mxaA; mxaA protein 0.00004 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00007 1.09115 66.825 0.27912 0.77376
mxaL; mxaL protein 0.00004 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00007 1.09115 66.825 0.27912 0.77376
andAb; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase ferredoxin component 0.00004 0.00004 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -0.86809 94.871 0.38754 0.80262
cmr2, cas10; CRISPR-associated protein Cmr2 0.00004 0.00003 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 0.12007 143.519 0.90460 0.97658
narB; ferredoxin-nitrate reductase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.52558 92.000 0.13055 0.77376
K00183; prokaryotic molybdopterin-containing oxidoreductase family, molybdopterin binding subunit 0.00004 0.00001 0.00005 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00003 0.44601 146.329 0.65625 0.90679
K06931; uncharacterized protein 0.00004 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00007 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.67991 92.000 0.09637 0.76667
crtM; 4,4’-diapophytoene synthase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.88649 145.137 0.37682 0.79810
graR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator protein GraR 0.00004 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.88649 145.137 0.37682 0.79810
vraF; cationic antimicrobial peptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00004 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.88649 145.137 0.37682 0.79810
cotSA; spore coat protein SA 0.00004 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00004 0.61231 133.102 0.54138 0.86207
fadD28; long-chain fatty acid adenylyltransferase FadD28 [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.67243 111.655 0.09724 0.76673
prmD; propane monooxygenase coupling protein 0.00004 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00005 0.71777 77.661 0.47505 0.84095
cotY; spore coat protein Y 0.00004 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.63735 120.146 0.52511 0.85728
glnT; putative sodium/glutamine symporter 0.00004 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.63735 120.146 0.52511 0.85728
rapG; response regulator aspartate phosphatase G [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.63735 120.146 0.52511 0.85728
E3.1.30.1; nuclease S1 [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.27008 95.926 0.20713 0.77376
lhpI; 1-piperideine-2-carboxylate/1-pyrroline-2-carboxylate reductase [NAD(P)H] [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.58236 132.362 0.56131 0.86813
chiS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase ChiS 0.00004 0.00002 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00005 1.17342 71.025 0.24455 0.77376
E1.3.3.5; bilirubin oxidase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.31650 92.638 0.19126 0.77376
fccA; cytochrome subunit of sulfide dehydrogenase 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
fccB; sulfide dehydrogenase [flavocytochrome c] flavoprotein chain [EC:] 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
nalC; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor NalC 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpaA; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RpaA 0.00004 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
blaSHV; beta-lactamase class A SHV [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 0.02042 151.394 0.98373 0.99706
sul1; dihydropteroate synthase type 1 [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 0.02042 151.394 0.98373 0.99706
E4.1.3.46, ccl; (R)-citramalyl-CoA lyase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00005 0.42326 101.144 0.67300 0.91184
pla; plasminogen activator [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 1.58986 67.537 0.11654 0.77376
RSAD2; radical S-adenosyl methionine domain-containing protein 2 0.00004 0.00003 0.00009 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00007 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
suyA; (2R)-sulfolactate sulfo-lyase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00003 0.02497 130.774 0.98012 0.99657
suyB; (2R)-sulfolactate sulfo-lyase subunit beta [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00003 0.02497 130.774 0.98012 0.99657
mdlB; (S)-mandelate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00008 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.58912 65.472 0.11685 0.77376
nodA; nodulation protein A [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.81289 110.250 0.41803 0.81941
nodC; N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.81289 110.250 0.41803 0.81941
PTS-Glc-EIIB, ptsG; PTS system, glucose-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.05991 149.460 0.95230 0.98792
K15527; cysteate synthase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.32595 92.000 0.18814 0.77376
DHRS13; dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 13 [EC:1.1.-.-] 0.00004 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00009 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
hcrB, hbaD; 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase subunit beta [EC:] 0.00004 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00009 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
aac6-I; aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase I [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -1.04988 122.200 0.29584 0.77376
mexZ; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, mexXY operon repressor 0.00004 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.44764 143.290 0.65509 0.90679
adh3; alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00005 0.20527 145.023 0.83765 0.95506
pduW; propionate kinase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.23148 148.192 0.81726 0.95487
pgtC; phosphoglycerate transport regulatory protein PgtC 0.00004 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.23148 148.192 0.81726 0.95487
kdxD; 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabinonate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00004 0.25752 121.117 0.79721 0.94810
nodB; chitooligosaccharide deacetylase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.00004 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.88671 109.417 0.37718 0.79815
K15667, ppsD, fenA; fengycin family lipopeptide synthetase D 0.00004 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.86167 100.564 0.39092 0.80384
nheA; non-hemolytic enterotoxin A 0.00004 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00005 -0.86167 100.564 0.39092 0.80384
ameR, rmiR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor of the ameABC operon 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.87032 109.345 0.38603 0.80258
csn; chitosanase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.41559 92.000 0.16027 0.77376
E1.14.13.81, acsF, chlE; magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester (oxidative) cyclase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.54425 92.522 0.12594 0.77376
SLC34A, NPT, nptA; solute carrier family 34 (sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter) 0.00003 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 1.15760 77.769 0.25057 0.77376
CDO1; cysteine dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.34765 92.000 0.18108 0.77376
camD; 5-exo-hydroxycamphor dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.31963 96.801 0.19007 0.77376
kdhA; 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine dehydrogenase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.31963 96.801 0.19007 0.77376
thnE; carboxymethylproline synthase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.31963 96.801 0.19007 0.77376
blaKPC; beta-lactamase class A KPC [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.19032 148.266 0.84932 0.95712
ptxD; phosphonate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.19032 148.266 0.84932 0.95712
E4.99.1.2; alkylmercury lyase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.79143 83.406 0.43094 0.82763
waaI, rfaI; UDP-D-galactose:(glucosyl)LPS alpha-1,3-D-galactosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00007 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00006 0.93696 64.654 0.35227 0.79159
hmfA; 2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.86730 82.562 0.38829 0.80262
hmfB; 2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase FAD binding subunit [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.86730 82.562 0.38829 0.80262
hmfC; 2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase 2Fe-2S iron sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.86730 82.562 0.38829 0.80262
hmfD; 2-furoate—CoA ligase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.86730 82.562 0.38829 0.80262
hmfE; 2-oxoglutaroyl-CoA hydrolase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.86730 82.562 0.38829 0.80262
pvadh; polyvinyl alcohol dehydrogenase (cytochrome) [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.32100 118.944 0.18904 0.77376
dptF; DNA phosphorothioation-dependent restriction protein DptF 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00005 0.53490 83.341 0.59414 0.88005
SDC1, CD138; syndecan 1 0.00003 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00005 0.90639 74.654 0.36765 0.79587
gumL; pyruvyltransferase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.66288 94.859 0.09964 0.76942
alsA; D-allose transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 -0.16388 155.851 0.87004 0.96495
epsK; membrane protein EpsK 0.00003 0.00003 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.93923 99.157 0.34990 0.79120
epsE; glycosyltransferase EpsE [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00005 0.85218 72.002 0.39694 0.80459
pks12; polyketide synthase 12 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.20039 92.000 0.23307 0.77376
E4.2.2.17; inulin fructotransferase (DFA-I-forming) [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
impN; type VI secretion system protein ImpN [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
inoE; inositol-phosphate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
inoF; inositol-phosphate transport system permease protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
inoG; inositol-phosphate transport system permease protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
inoK; inositol-phosphate transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
lpxQ; lipid A oxidase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
prsD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial PrsD 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
prsE; membrane fusion protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.76912 109.501 0.44348 0.83186
amzA, AMZ2, AMZ1; archaemetzincin [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.30087 92.000 0.19655 0.77376
pksN; polyketide synthase PksN 0.00003 0.00003 0.00008 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00007 1.08860 64.000 0.28041 0.77376
bchC; bacteriochlorophyllide a dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.40642 92.525 0.16295 0.77376
bchX; 3,8-divinyl chlorophyllide a/chlorophyllide a reductase subunit X [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.40642 92.525 0.16295 0.77376
bchY; 3,8-divinyl chlorophyllide a/chlorophyllide a reductase subunit Y [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.40642 92.525 0.16295 0.77376
bchZ; 3,8-divinyl chlorophyllide a/chlorophyllide a reductase subunit Z [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.40642 92.525 0.16295 0.77376
chlL; light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase subunit L [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.40642 92.525 0.16295 0.77376
crtF; demethylspheroidene O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.40642 92.525 0.16295 0.77376
pufA; light-harvesting complex 1 alpha chain 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.40642 92.525 0.16295 0.77376
pufB; light-harvesting complex 1 beta chain 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.40642 92.525 0.16295 0.77376
pufL; photosynthetic reaction center L subunit 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.40642 92.525 0.16295 0.77376
pufM; photosynthetic reaction center M subunit 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.40642 92.525 0.16295 0.77376
tuaE; teichuronic acid biosynthesis protein TuaE 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.82111 110.540 0.41335 0.81655
bchF; 3-vinyl bacteriochlorophyllide hydratase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.46187 92.000 0.14718 0.77376
bchO; magnesium chelatase accessory protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.46187 92.000 0.14718 0.77376
chlG, bchG; chlorophyll/bacteriochlorophyll a synthase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.46187 92.000 0.14718 0.77376
chlP, bchP; geranylgeranyl diphosphate/geranylgeranyl-bacteriochlorophyllide a reductase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.46187 92.000 0.14718 0.77376
crtD; 1-hydroxycarotenoid 3,4-desaturase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.46187 92.000 0.14718 0.77376
puhA; photosynthetic reaction center H subunit 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.46187 92.000 0.14718 0.77376
AKR1A1, adh; alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.00003 0.00001 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 1.14358 69.399 0.25673 0.77376
baiH; NAD+-dependent 7beta-hydroxy-3-oxo bile acid-CoA-ester 4-dehydrogenase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.49453 92.000 0.13846 0.77376
RPR2, RPP21; ribonuclease P protein subunit RPR2 [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00005 0.54947 80.272 0.58421 0.87720
SDR16C5; all-trans-retinol dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00005 0.51860 88.264 0.60534 0.88512
petC; cytochrome b6-f complex iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.31150 108.097 0.19247 0.77376
acpK; polyketide biosynthesis acyl carrier protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.56950 114.880 0.57013 0.87135
pksF; malonyl-ACP decarboxylase 0.00003 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.56950 114.880 0.57013 0.87135
pksG; polyketide biosynthesis 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase-like enzyme PksG 0.00003 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.56950 114.880 0.57013 0.87135
pksH; polyketide biosynthesis enoyl-CoA hydratase PksH 0.00003 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.56950 114.880 0.57013 0.87135
cefD; isopenicillin-N epimerase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.05353 92.000 0.29486 0.77376
alsK; allose kinase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 0.00232 144.662 0.99815 0.99957
DNA2; DNA replication ATP-dependent helicase Dna2 [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00004 0.79455 87.425 0.42903 0.82749
NPEPPS; puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.60220 135.097 0.54805 0.86551
K09141; uncharacterized protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.68208 84.895 0.49705 0.84797
K15019; 3-hydroxypropionyl-coenzyme A dehydratase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 0.62341 93.810 0.53453 0.86207
FUK; fucokinase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.77655 92.000 0.07895 0.75800
lipL; lipoyl amidotransferase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00006 0.98393 64.182 0.32885 0.77419
K11646; 3-dehydroquinate synthase II [EC:] 0.00003 0.00003 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00006 0.99409 64.338 0.32390 0.77376
mxaC; mxaC protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00005 1.22230 65.558 0.22597 0.77376
mxaK; mxaK protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00005 1.22230 65.558 0.22597 0.77376
CTBP; C-terminal binding protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00004 0.12567 137.891 0.90018 0.97503
MIOX; inositol oxygenase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -0.69639 105.796 0.48771 0.84656
K09144; uncharacterized protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.43790 94.268 0.15377 0.77376
gplH; glycopeptidolipid biosynthesis protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.72701 92.000 0.08752 0.76567
add; aminodeoxyfutalosine deaminase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -0.32986 155.367 0.74195 0.93049
K06922; uncharacterized protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.21668 101.869 0.22654 0.77376
MANEA; glycoprotein endo-alpha-1,2-mannosidase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.21668 101.869 0.22654 0.77376
andAc; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase large subunit [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00004 0.12168 138.389 0.90333 0.97641
tphA2; terephthalate 1,2-dioxygenase oxygenase component alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00004 0.12168 138.389 0.90333 0.97641
tphB; 1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-dicarboxylate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00003 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00004 0.12168 138.389 0.90333 0.97641
PTS-Dga-EIIC, dgaC; PTS system, D-glucosaminate-specific IIC component 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.47411 92.032 0.14387 0.77376
PTS-Dga-EIID, dgaD; PTS system, D-glucosaminate-specific IID component 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.47411 92.032 0.14387 0.77376
hapR, luxR, litR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, hemagglutinin/protease regulatory protein 0.00003 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.57307 64.000 0.12063 0.77376
mshB; MSHA pilin protein MshB 0.00003 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.57307 64.000 0.12063 0.77376
ETF1, ERF1; peptide chain release factor subunit 1 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.11289 92.000 0.26865 0.77376
K07477; translin 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.11289 92.000 0.26865 0.77376
rifG, asm47; 5-deoxy-5-amino-3-dehydroquinate synthase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.05590 109.583 0.29334 0.77376
hutM; histidine permease 0.00002 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00005 1.15398 64.000 0.25280 0.77376
hmfF; 2,5-furandicarboxylate decarboxylase 1 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.36239 64.718 0.17780 0.77376
PRSS33; serine protease 33 [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.36239 64.718 0.17780 0.77376
yscY, sctY; type III secretion protein Y 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.36239 64.718 0.17780 0.77376
K07495; putative transposase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
gumI; beta-1,4-mannosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.56174 92.000 0.12178 0.77376
dndB; DNA sulfur modification protein DndB 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00005 0.92118 64.715 0.36038 0.79496
petF; ferredoxin 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.35097 140.269 0.72613 0.92177
actVI1, RED1; ketoreductase RED1 [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.46544 83.533 0.64283 0.90098
bgtB; arginine/lysine/histidine/glutamine transport system substrate-binding and permease protein 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.42160 92.000 0.15852 0.77376
cmlR, cmx; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, chloramphenicol resistance protein 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.30440 92.000 0.19535 0.77376
K07041; uncharacterized protein 0.00002 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 0.80377 81.500 0.42387 0.82432
repA; regulatory protein RepA 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.52351 95.758 0.13093 0.77376
ehbQ; energy-converting hydrogenase B subunit Q 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.22552 97.293 0.22334 0.77376
iolX; scyllo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 0.85182 89.862 0.39658 0.80459
qhpA; quinohemoprotein amine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.19300 92.630 0.23591 0.77376
K16192, arfB; uncharacterized membrane protein ArfB 0.00002 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.51788 77.653 0.60601 0.88535
aknOx; aclacinomycin-N/aclacinomycin-A oxidase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
blaVEB; beta-lactamase class A VEB [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
DEGS; sphingolipid 4-desaturase/C4-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EDEM1; ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 1 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EDEM2; ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 2 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ILR1; IAA-amino acid hydrolase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
PIGB; phosphatidylinositol glycan, class B [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
pksI; polyketide biosynthesis enoyl-CoA hydratase PksI 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rhiF; rhizoxin biosynthesis, polyketide synthase RhiF 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TOP2; DNA topoisomerase II [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
tycC; tyrocidine synthetase III 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
wbyK; mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
aphA; PadR family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein AphA 0.00002 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.45431 64.000 0.15075 0.77376
chbP; N,N’-diacetylchitobiose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.45431 64.000 0.15075 0.77376
feoC; putative ferrous iron transport protein C 0.00002 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.45431 64.000 0.15075 0.77376
luxU; two-component system, phosphorelay protein LuxU 0.00002 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.45431 64.000 0.15075 0.77376
toxS; transmembrane regulatory protein ToxS 0.00002 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.45431 64.000 0.15075 0.77376
trmY; tRNA (pseudouridine54-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00006 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.45431 64.000 0.15075 0.77376
ASPG; 60kDa lysophospholipase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
lasA; LasA protease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
sipB, ipaB, bipB; invasin B 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
sipC, ipaC, bipC; invasin C 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
sipD, ipaD, bipD; invasin D 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
PAL; phenylalanine ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 1.20273 74.401 0.23290 0.77376
ADHFE1; hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.03280 92.000 0.30440 0.77376
DPH4, DNAJC24; diphthamide biosynthesis protein 4 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.03280 92.000 0.30440 0.77376
blaCMY-2; beta-lactamase class C CMY-2 [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.93927 92.915 0.35003 0.79120
dptG; DNA phosphorothioation-dependent restriction protein DptG 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00005 0.95873 64.200 0.34129 0.78526
dptH; DNA phosphorothioation-dependent restriction protein DptH 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00005 0.95873 64.200 0.34129 0.78526
K18336; 2,4-diketo-3-deoxy-L-fuconate hydrolase [EC:3.7.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.31665 93.000 0.19119 0.77376
uidR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for uid operon 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.02306 93.356 0.30892 0.77376
ctcP, cts4, prnC; tetracycline 7-halogenase / FADH2 O2-dependent halogenase [EC: 1.14.19.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.24047 92.081 0.21795 0.77376
wbqR; UDP-perosamine 4-acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.32173 92.000 0.18954 0.77376
nifHD1, nifI1; nitrogen regulatory protein PII 1 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 -0.50679 147.030 0.61306 0.88788
nifHD2, nifI2; nitrogen regulatory protein PII 2 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 -0.50679 147.030 0.61306 0.88788
ipct; 1L-myo-inositol 1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.43441 130.471 0.66471 0.91100
gumC; GumC protein 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.39398 92.000 0.16668 0.77376
gumD; undecaprenyl-phosphate glucose phosphotransferase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.39398 92.000 0.16668 0.77376
gumF; acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.39398 92.000 0.16668 0.77376
gumM; beta-1,4-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.39398 92.000 0.16668 0.77376
ICMT, STE14; protein-S-isoprenylcysteine O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.39398 92.000 0.16668 0.77376
RYR2; ryanodine receptor 2 0.00002 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.31265 131.132 0.75504 0.93665
nox2; NADH oxidase (H2O-forming) [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.65998 68.570 0.10149 0.77376
draT; NAD+—dinitrogen-reductase ADP-D-ribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00004 93 0.00004 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
mxaD; mxaD protein 0.00002 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 1.23776 67.480 0.22010 0.77376
mxaJ; mxaJ protein 0.00002 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 1.23776 67.480 0.22010 0.77376
CBH2, cbhA; cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 0.50929 125.262 0.61145 0.88722
E1.12.7.2S; ferredoxin hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.38111 92.000 0.17059 0.77376
araD; D-arabinonate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.91496 93.234 0.36257 0.79496
hpaC; type III secretion control protein HpaP 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00003 -0.14666 155.884 0.88359 0.96974
pimF; putative glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00003 -0.74798 116.369 0.45598 0.83438
arfC; uncharacterized membrane protein ArfC 0.00002 0.00002 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00004 0.67104 75.574 0.50424 0.84956
PAM, PHM; peptidylglycine monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 1.04443 74.818 0.29965 0.77376
fadD26; long chain fatty acid CoA FadD26 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.22821 92.000 0.22250 0.77376
wbtD; galacturonosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 0.59479 92.117 0.55344 0.86788
yafO; mRNA interferase YafO [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.26286 64.525 0.21118 0.77376
cmaB; non-haem Fe2+, alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent halogenase 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.14752 64.000 0.25544 0.77376
hopM1; effector protein HopM1 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.14752 64.000 0.25544 0.77376
ospF, mkaD, spvC; phosphothreonine lyase [EC:4.2.3.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.14752 64.000 0.25544 0.77376
syrB1; Syringomycin synthetase protein SyrB1 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.14752 64.000 0.25544 0.77376
ARSA; arylsulfatase A [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 0.62797 71.181 0.53203 0.86182
aliA; cyclohexanecarboxylate-CoA ligase [EC:6.2.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00005 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
vanB, vanA, vanD; D-alanine—(R)-lactate ligase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00005 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
vanH; D-specific alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00005 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
acfA; accessory colonization factor AcfA 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
ainS, luxM; acyl homoserine lactone synthase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
ASPA, aspA; aspartoacylase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
blaCARB-17; beta-lactamase class A CARB-17 [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
dnk; deoxynucleoside kinase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
GNS; N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
luxA; alkanal monooxygenase alpha chain [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
luxB; alkanal monooxygenase beta chain [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
luxC; long-chain-fatty-acyl-CoA reductase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
luxD; acyl transferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
luxE; long-chain-fatty-acid—luciferin-component ligase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
luxN; two-component system, autoinducer 1 sensor kinase/phosphatase LuxN [EC: 3.1.3.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
vieA; c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
yadB_C; adhesin YadB/C 0.00002 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00004 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00004 1.21433 64.000 0.22908 0.77376
ACSM; medium-chain acyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.93545 97.604 0.35186 0.79120
CPGS; cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate synthetase [EC:4.6.1.-] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.93545 97.604 0.35186 0.79120
K07244; mgtE-like transporter 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.93545 97.604 0.35186 0.79120
ndhG; NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase subunit 6 [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.93545 97.604 0.35186 0.79120
wbbJ; lipopolysaccharide O-acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -0.85250 104.337 0.39589 0.80459
fimW; fimbrial protein FimW 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.05273 92.032 0.29522 0.77376
mbhJ; membrane-bound hydrogenase subunit mbhJ [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.30817 142.133 0.75840 0.93719
mbhK; membrane-bound hydrogenase subunit beta [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.30817 142.133 0.75840 0.93719
mbhL; membrane-bound hydrogenase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.30817 142.133 0.75840 0.93719
tuaB; teichuronic acid exporter 0.00002 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.45952 69.312 0.14894 0.77376
rppA; 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene synthase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
sprD; streptogrisin D [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
crtC; carotenoid 1,2-hydratase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.98161 92.938 0.32884 0.77419
oprJ; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00002 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00003 0.62610 78.823 0.53306 0.86207
amsD; amylovoran biosynthesis glycosyltransferase AmsD [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ANK; ankyrin 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K01622; fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase/phosphatase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 0.70493 67.532 0.48328 0.84354
pufC; photosynthetic reaction center cytochrome c subunit 0.00002 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -0.92619 92.938 0.35675 0.79399
phcR; two-component system, response regulator PhcR 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.16902 92.000 0.24541 0.77376
BCS1; mitochondrial chaperone BCS1 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.19075 92.000 0.23682 0.77376
UBLCP1; ubiquitin-like domain-containing CTD phosphatase 1 [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.19075 92.000 0.23682 0.77376
ABO; histo-blood group ABO system transferase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.23334 93.662 0.22053 0.77376
NANS, SAS; sialic acid synthase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.23334 93.662 0.22053 0.77376
bchM, chlM; magnesium-protoporphyrin O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -0.97912 93.161 0.33006 0.77623
mtkA; malate-CoA ligase subunit beta [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.50562 102.238 0.61421 0.88788
mtkB; malate-CoA ligase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.50562 102.238 0.61421 0.88788
nodF; nodulation protein F [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.50562 102.238 0.61421 0.88788
cfa; cAMP factor 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.09693 97.401 0.27538 0.77376
bpr; bacillopeptidase F [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00002 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.17294 65.326 0.24508 0.77376
mexY, amrB; multidrug efflux pump 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.59657 71.621 0.55267 0.86788
sul2; dihydropteroate synthase type 2 [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.23946 64.000 0.21970 0.77376
strA; streptomycin 3"-kinase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 0.80077 67.234 0.42608 0.82652
ctpA_B; cation-transporting P-type ATPase A/B [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.75202 92.000 0.08310 0.76567
K06944; uncharacterized protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 0.89361 65.328 0.37481 0.79810
aac3-I; aminoglycoside 3-N-acetyltransferase I [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.41606 83.632 0.67844 0.91311
hpdB; 4-hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase large subunit [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.32700 73.864 0.18860 0.77376
alsB; D-allose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 0.90779 64.643 0.36736 0.79587
alsC; D-allose transport system permease protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 0.90779 64.643 0.36736 0.79587
yafN; antitoxin YafN 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 0.90779 64.643 0.36736 0.79587
ARSB; arylsulfatase B [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.11318 70.631 0.26940 0.77376
LOXL2_3_4; lysyl oxidase-like protein 2/3/4 [EC:1.4.3.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.10349 98.936 0.27249 0.77376
mfnB; (5-formylfuran-3-yl)methyl phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 0.92877 64.610 0.35647 0.79399
mfnF; (4-(4-[2-(gamma-L-glutamylamino)ethyl]phenoxymethyl)furan-2-yl)methanamine synthase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 0.92877 64.610 0.35647 0.79399
RABGGTB; geranylgeranyl transferase type-2 subunit beta [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 0.92877 64.610 0.35647 0.79399
aliB; cyclohexanecarboxyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:1.3.99.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K14165; atypical dual specificity phosphatase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 0.88171 65.629 0.38115 0.79920
aprE; subtilisin [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.57524 64.000 0.12013 0.77376
gumG; acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
hpa1; type III secretion harpin protein Hpa1 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
hpa2; lysozyme-related protein Hpa2 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
hpaA; type III secretion regulatory protein HpaA 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
hpaB; type III secretion control protein HpaB 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
hrpB1; type III secretion protein HrpB1 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
hrpB2; type III secretion inner rod protein HrpB2 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
hrpE; type III secretion hrp pilus HrpE 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
hrpF; type III secretion translocon protein HrpF 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
mexX, amrA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 0.77074 69.790 0.44346 0.83186
natE; neutral amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.49279 92.000 0.13891 0.77376
top6A; DNA topoisomerase VI subunit A [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.16053 92.000 0.24883 0.77376
top6B; DNA topoisomerase VI subunit B [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.16053 92.000 0.24883 0.77376
CYP134A, cypX; pulcherriminic acid synthase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 -0.36908 140.702 0.71263 0.92004
FMN2; formin 2 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07128; uncharacterized protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
K08980; putative membrane protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
MGME1, DDK1; mitochondrial genome maintenance exonuclease 1 [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
mphR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, macrolide resistance operon repressor 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 0.43253 124.172 0.66611 0.91126
mrx; macrolide resistance protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 0.43253 124.172 0.66611 0.91126
sfmC; fimbrial chaperone protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
DECR2; peroxisomal 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
SKI3, TTC37; superkiller protein 3 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TH; tyrosine 3-monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
E2.4.1.217; mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 0.85853 66.298 0.39369 0.80459
HYDIN; hydrocephalus-inducing protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
tphA1; terephthalate 1,2-dioxygenase reductase component [EC:1.18.1.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
tphA3; terephthalate 1,2-dioxygenase oxygenase component beta subunit [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00003 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
asm11; 4,5-epoxidase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.33129 92.000 0.18638 0.77376
NUDT2; bis(5’-nucleosidyl)-tetraphosphatase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 0.89864 65.209 0.37215 0.79738
NDUFAF7; NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex assembly factor 7 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -0.90636 129.570 0.36643 0.79587
blaIND; metallo-beta-lactamase class B IND [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -0.80310 98.140 0.42386 0.82432
mmoX; methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
mmoY; methane monooxygenase component A beta chain [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ACAA2; acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 2 [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K09139; uncharacterized protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
tcmG, elmG; tetracenomycin A2 monooxygenase-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -0.94760 99.635 0.34563 0.78802
clrA, serA; complex iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme family reductase subunit alpha 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
clrb, serB; complex iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme family reductase subunit beta 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
clrC, serC; complex iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme family reductase subunit gamma 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ddhA; dimethylsulfide dehydrogenase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ddhB; dimethylsulfide dehydrogenase subunit beta 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ddhC; dimethylsulfide dehydrogenase subunit gamma 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
dmd-tmd; dimethylamine/trimethylamine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.67713 101.917 0.49986 0.84896
ppsA; phthiocerol/phenolphthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase A 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.22821 92.000 0.22250 0.77376
ppsB; phthiocerol/phenolphthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase B 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.22821 92.000 0.22250 0.77376
ppsD; phthiocerol/phenolphthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase D 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.22821 92.000 0.22250 0.77376
ppsE; phthiocerol/phenolphthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase E 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.22821 92.000 0.22250 0.77376
K09143; uncharacterized protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 0.82939 67.290 0.40982 0.81416
whiEVIII; putative polyketide hydroxylase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00002 -0.80761 97.877 0.42127 0.82295
aoxB; arsenite oxidase large subunit [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
bpsA; N4-bis(aminopropyl)spermidine synthase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
waaK, rfaK; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:(glucosyl)LPS alpha-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.42337 151.323 0.15669 0.77376
snbC; pristinamycin I synthase 2 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.17483 92.000 0.24310 0.77376
sfa3; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
cmr3; CRISPR-associated protein Cmr3 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.80148 92.000 0.07490 0.74200
tpr; thiol protease [EC:3.4.22.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.80148 92.000 0.07490 0.74200
K06913; uncharacterized protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TFIIB, GTF2B, SUA7, tfb; transcription initiation factor TFIIB 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TTN; titin [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.41774 92.000 0.15964 0.77376
exoX; exopolysaccharide production repressor protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.31194 92.000 0.19281 0.77376
vanK; vancomycin resistance protein VanK 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 0.22929 98.602 0.81912 0.95506
asnO; L-asparagine oxygenase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
cmmT, thnT; putative pantetheine hydrolase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
cyc2; germacradienol/geosmin synthase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
CYP105D; pentalenic acid synthase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
E2.3.2.21; cyclo(L-tyrosyl-L-tyrosyl) synthase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
pchC; pyochelin biosynthetic protein PchC 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ptlI, CYP183A; pentalenene oxygenase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
snpA; snapalysin [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
sprB; streptogrisin B [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
thnD; putative oxidoreductase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
wtpA; molybdate/tungstate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.35559 93.349 0.17850 0.77376
dipps; CDP-L-myo-inositol myo-inositolphosphotransferase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rsaF; outer membrane protein, S-layer protein transport system 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.24728 92.000 0.21546 0.77376
crtR; beta-carotene hydroxylase [EC:1.14.13.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
DHRS12; dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 12 [EC:1.1.-.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
PRDX5; peroxiredoxin 5, atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
dfrA12, dhfr; dihydrofolate reductase (trimethoprim resistance protein) [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -0.23220 154.477 0.81669 0.95487
dmrA; dihydromethanopterin reductase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
mdh1, mxaF; methanol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) subunit 1 [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
mdh2, mxaI; methanol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) subunit 2 [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
PRMT1; type I protein arginine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
traI; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraI 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 0.97828 66.103 0.33150 0.77825
glcP; MFS transporter, FHS family, glucose/mannose:H+ symporter 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.41718 64.000 0.16128 0.77376
pelC; pectate lyase C [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.41718 64.000 0.16128 0.77376
ydfI; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator YdfI 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.41718 64.000 0.16128 0.77376
E2.4.1.213; glucosylglycerol-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.14427 64.297 0.25675 0.77376
C5AP, scpA, scpB; C5a peptidase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.13670 120.702 0.89150 0.97141
vasH; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -0.42648 134.288 0.67044 0.91184
NAPEPLD; N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolysing phospholipase D [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
yscI, sctI; type III secretion protein I 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.09884 92.000 0.27470 0.77376
yscO, sctO; type III secretion protein O 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.09884 92.000 0.27470 0.77376
yscX, sctX; type III secretion protein X 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.09884 92.000 0.27470 0.77376
srfAA, lchAA; surfactin family lipopeptide synthetase A 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
cymC; p-cumic aldehyde dehydrogenase 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.14614 102.324 0.25441 0.77376
ITGB3, CD61; integrin beta 3 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.14614 102.324 0.25441 0.77376
snoaF, dnrE, dauE, aknU; nogalaviketone/aklaviketone reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.14614 102.324 0.25441 0.77376
dsrA; dissimilatory sulfite reductase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.09140 93.486 0.27790 0.77376
dsrB; dissimilatory sulfite reductase beta subunit [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.09140 93.486 0.27790 0.77376
K09126; uncharacterized protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.09140 93.486 0.27790 0.77376
NSF, SEC18; vesicle-fusing ATPase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.09140 93.486 0.27790 0.77376
qmoA; quinone-modifying oxidoreductase, subunit QmoA 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.09140 93.486 0.27790 0.77376
qmoB; quinone-modifying oxidoreductase, subunit QmoB 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.09140 93.486 0.27790 0.77376
qmoC; quinone-modifying oxidoreductase, subunit QmoC 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.09140 93.486 0.27790 0.77376
MAN1; mannosyl-oligosaccharide alpha-1,2-mannosidase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rsaA; S-layer protein 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rsaD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial RsaD 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rsaE; membrane fusion protein, S-layer protein transport system 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
wbqL; O-antigen biosynthesis protein WbqL 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
penM, pntM, CYP161C; pentalenolactone synthase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
E2.1.1.103, NMT; phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
vanXY; zinc D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase/carboxypeptidase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ciaX; regulatory peptide CiaX 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.08860 64.000 0.28041 0.77376
ska; streptokinase A [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.43212 109.570 0.66650 0.91126
K18611; 4-pyridoxate dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.19572 64.000 0.23622 0.77376
devS; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase DevS [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
diox1; all-trans-8’-apo-beta-carotenal 15,15’-oxygenase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07450; putative resolvase 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
KDM8, JMJD5; lysine-specific demethylase 8 [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
whiB5; WhiB family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensing transcriptional regulator 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
pmoC-amoC; methane/ammonia monooxygenase subunit C 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.37089 92.000 0.17375 0.77376
opmD; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
radA; DNA repair protein RadA 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
glyQS; glycyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
loxA; arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
GLCAK; glucuronokinase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
GYS; glycogen synthase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
mepR; MarR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for mepA 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ADT, PDT; arogenate/prephenate dehydratase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.27135 92.000 0.20681 0.77376
amsB; amylovoran biosynthesis glycosyltransferase AmsB [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 0.05563 146.421 0.95571 0.98792
amsC; amylovoran biosynthesis protein AmsC 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 0.05563 146.421 0.95571 0.98792
amsF; amylovoran biosynthesis protein AmsF 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 0.05563 146.421 0.95571 0.98792
amsG; UDP-galactose-lipid carrier transferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 0.05563 146.421 0.95571 0.98792
amsL; exopolysaccharide (amylovoran) exporter 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 0.05563 146.421 0.95571 0.98792
idnT; Gnt-II system L-idonate transporter 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 0.05563 146.421 0.95571 0.98792
pagO; putative membrane protein PagO 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 0.05563 146.421 0.95571 0.98792
bphD; 2,6-dioxo-6-phenylhexa-3-enoate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
carAa; carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
carAc; carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase ferredoxin component 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
carAd; carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase ferredoxin reductase component 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
carBa; 2’-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase, small subunit [EC:1.13.11.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
carBb; 2’-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase, large subunit [EC:1.13.11.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
carC; 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2’-aminophenyl)hexa-2,4-dienoate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
E1.1.1.387; L-serine 3-dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
HSD17B4; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase / 3a,7a,12a-trihydroxy-5b-cholest-24-enoyl-CoA hydratase / enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
tmoF, tbuC, touF; toluene monooxygenase electron transfer component [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.92118 73.357 0.35998 0.79496
flaI; flagellar rod protein FlaI 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
luxP; autoinducer 2-binding periplasmic protein LuxP 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
luxQ; two-component system, autoinducer 2 sensor kinase/phosphatase LuxQ [EC: 3.1.3.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
mshF; MSHA biogenesis protein MshF 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
tfoS; AraC family transcriptional regulator, chitin signaling transcriptional activator 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
PIP5K; 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
ZDS, crtQ; zeta-carotene desaturase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
epsI; pyruvyl transferase EpsI [EC:2.-.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.88101 65.522 0.38153 0.79976
crtISO, crtH; prolycopene isomerase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.37573 155.883 0.70763 0.92004
cruC; chlorobactene glucosyltransferase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.37573 155.883 0.70763 0.92004
E1.1.1.102; 3-dehydrosphinganine reductase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.37573 155.883 0.70763 0.92004
ydfH; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase YdfH [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.18733 64.000 0.23949 0.77376
GABRE; gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit epsilon 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.97904 72.899 0.33080 0.77745
luxR, vanR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of the bioluminescence operon 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
pmoA-amoA; methane/ammonia monooxygenase subunit A [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.41872 92.000 0.15936 0.77376
pmoB-amoB; methane/ammonia monooxygenase subunit B 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.41872 92.000 0.15936 0.77376
AKR7; aflatoxin B1 aldehyde reductase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.12153 92.000 0.26498 0.77376
UAH; ureidoglycolate amidohydrolase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.29892 114.457 0.76554 0.93900
helS; helicase [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 0.30301 113.904 0.76244 0.93813
cdc6A; archaeal cell division control protein 6 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
endA; tRNA-intron endonuclease, archaea type [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ginS; DNA replication factor GINS 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07159; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07463; archaea-specific RecJ-like exonuclease 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
purP; 5-formaminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-(beta)-D-ribofuranosyl 5’-monophosphate synthetase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RFA1, RPA1, rpa; replication factor A1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RUXX; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ssh10b; archaea-specific DNA-binding protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
bioA, bioK; lysine—8-amino-7-oxononanoate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
bioI, CYP107H; pimeloyl-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
cgeE; spore maturation protein CgeE 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
cotV; spore coat protein V 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
cotW; spore coat protein W 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
cwlS; peptidoglycan DL-endopeptidase CwlS [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
dppE; dipeptide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
epsA; protein tyrosine kinase EpsB modulator 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
epsC; polysaccharide biosynthesis protein EpsC 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
gbsB; choline dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
gerAA; spore germination protein AA 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
gerAB; spore germination protein AB 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
gerAC; spore germination protein AC 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
iolS; myo-inositol catabolism protein IolS [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
liaH; lia operon protein LiaH 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
ntdC; glucose-6-phosphate 3-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
phrE; phosphatase RapE regulator 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
PTS-Fru1-EIIA, levD; PTS system, fructose-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
PTS-Fru1-EIIB, levE; PTS system, fructose-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
rapA, spo0L; response regulator aspartate phosphatase A (stage 0 sporulation protein L) [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
rapC; response regulator aspartate phosphatase C [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
rapD; response regulator aspartate phosphatase D [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
rapE; response regulator aspartate phosphatase E [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
rapH; response regulator aspartate phosphatase H [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
rapI; response regulator aspartate phosphatase I [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
rapK; response regulator aspartate phosphatase K [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
slrA; anti-repressor of SlrR 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
slrR; HTH-type transcriptional regulator, biofilm formation regulator 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
spoIISA; stage II sporulation protein SA 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
spoIISB; stage II sporulation protein SB 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
srfAB, lchAB; surfactin family lipopeptide synthetase B 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
srfAC, lchAC; surfactin family lipopeptide synthetase C 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
tapA; TasA anchoring/assembly protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
tuaC; teichuronic acid biosynthesis glycosyltransferase TuaC [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
tuaF; teichuronic acid biosynthesis protein TuaF 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
wprA; cell wall-associated protease [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
ydfJ; membrane protein YdfJ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
yesX; rhamnogalacturonan exolyase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
yknT; sigma-E controlled sporulation protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
ytrB; acetoin utilization transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
ytrC_D; acetoin utilization transport system permease protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
yvmC; cyclo(L-leucyl-L-leucyl) synthase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
yxdJ; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator YxdJ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
yxdK; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase YxdK [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
inlB; internalin B 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.43420 92.000 0.15491 0.77376
E4.3.1.23; tyrosine ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.82903 92.000 0.07063 0.73788
aac6-II; aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase II [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
blaDHA; beta-lactamase class C DHA [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
blaGES; beta-lactamase class A GES [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
blaOXA-10; beta-lactamase class D OXA-10 [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
dfrA1, dhfr; dihydrofolate reductase (trimethoprim resistance protein) [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
tauY; taurine dehydrogenase large subunit [EC:1.4.2.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.01506 73.383 0.31341 0.77376
ligX; 5,5’-dehydrodivanillate O-demethylase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.41798 92.000 0.15958 0.77376
fadD10; long chain fatty acid CoA ligase FadD10 [EC:6.2.1.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.19227 92.000 0.23622 0.77376
K11954, natB; neutral amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.19227 92.000 0.23622 0.77376
K11957, natA; neutral amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.19227 92.000 0.23622 0.77376
mps2; glycopeptidolipid biosynthesis protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.19227 92.000 0.23622 0.77376
natD; neutral amino acid transport system permease protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.19227 92.000 0.23622 0.77376
nprE; bacillolysin [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.19227 92.000 0.23622 0.77376
phdF; extradiol dioxygenase [EC:1.13.11.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.19227 92.000 0.23622 0.77376
SCRN; secernin 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.19227 92.000 0.23622 0.77376
cynD; cyanide dihydratase [EC:3.5.5.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.22593 92.000 0.22335 0.77376
pchF; pyochelin synthetase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.22593 92.000 0.22335 0.77376
E1.1.1.374; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 3-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.48822 92.000 0.14011 0.77376
bxlA; beta-xylosidase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
cd, ma, nplT; cyclomaltodextrinase / maltogenic alpha-amylase / neopullulanase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
jadI; cyclase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
NIP; aquaporin NIP 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
qodI; quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
cgt; cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
dcsG; O-ureido-D-serine cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
gap2; glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)) [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.27151 92.000 0.20675 0.77376
phcA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, virulence genes transcriptional regulator 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.42185 92.000 0.15845 0.77376
spoVM; stage V sporulation protein M 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.67608 107.549 0.50044 0.84899
K07445; putative DNA methylase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00001 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
bbsF; benzylsuccinate CoA-transferase BbsF subunit [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.15996 155.670 0.87312 0.96576
desA; syringate O-demethylase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.15996 155.670 0.87312 0.96576
POLRMT, RPO41; DNA-directed RNA polymerase, mitochondrial [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.15996 155.670 0.87312 0.96576
ctpF; cation-transporting P-type ATPase F [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
mmoB; methane monooxygenase regulatory protein B 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
mmoC; methane monooxygenase component C [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
mmoZ; methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RIMS2, RIM2; regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis protein 2 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
vioO; nonribosomal peptide synthetase protein VioO 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
WIPF; WAS/WASL-interacting protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
blaCMY-1; beta-lactamase class C CMY-1 [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
blaOXA-12; beta-lactamase class D OXA-12 [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
lldR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, L-lactate utilization regulator 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
phaJ; enoyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
E1.10.3.3; L-ascorbate oxidase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
tmoC, tbuB, touC; toluene monooxygenase system ferredoxin subunit 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ABCE1, Rli1; ATP-binding cassette, sub-family E, member 1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
AK6, FAP7; adenylate kinase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ALG7; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine–dolichyl-phosphate N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
atrm56; tRNA (cytidine56-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
cobY; adenosylcobinamide-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
cofH; FO synthase subunit 2 [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
CSL4, EXOSC1; exosome complex component CSL4 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
DKC1, NOLA4, CBF5; H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex subunit 4 [EC:5.4.99.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
DOHH; deoxyhypusine monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
DPH1, dph2; 2-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)histidine synthase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
DPH5; diphthine methyl ester synthase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
dtdA, GEK1; D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
E2.5.1.41; phosphoglycerol geranylgeranyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
E2.5.1.42; geranylgeranylglycerol-phosphate geranylgeranyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
E2.7.7.3B; pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
E2.7.8.39; archaetidylinositol phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EEF1A; elongation factor 1-alpha 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EEF1B; elongation factor 1-beta 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EEF2; elongation factor 2 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EGD2, NACA; nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit alpha 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EIF1A; translation initiation factor 1A 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EIF2S1; translation initiation factor 2 subunit 1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EIF2S2; translation initiation factor 2 subunit 2 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EIF2S3; translation initiation factor 2 subunit 3 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EIF5A; translation initiation factor 5A 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EIF5B; translation initiation factor 5B 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EIF6; translation initiation factor 6 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
EMG1, NEP1; rRNA small subunit pseudouridine methyltransferase Nep1 [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
FEN1, RAD2; flap endonuclease-1 [EC:3.-.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
flpA; fibrillarin-like pre-rRNA processing protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
gar1; RNA-binding protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
gatD; glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit D [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
gatE; glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit E [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
gch3; GTP cyclohydrolase IIa [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
GGR; digeranylgeranylglycerophospholipid reductase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
GNPNAT1, GNA1; glucosamine-phosphate N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
GRC3, NOL9; polynucleotide 5’-hydroxyl-kinase GRC3/NOL9 [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
hjr; holliday junction resolvase Hjr [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ipk; isopentenyl phosphate kinase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K06865; ATPase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K06869; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07108; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07158; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07176; putative serine/threonine protein kinase 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07398; conserved protein with predicted RNA binding PUA domain 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07558, cca; tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (CCA-adding enzyme) [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07572; putative nucleotide binding protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07575; PUA domain protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07580; Zn-ribbon RNA-binding protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K07581; RNA-binding protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K08975; putative membrane protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K08979; putative membrane protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K09142; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K09148; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K09152; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K09721; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K09722, pps; 4-phosphopantoate—beta-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K09735; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K09736; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K09738; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K16306; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase / 2-amino-3,7-dideoxy-D-threo-hept-6-ulosonate synthase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K18593; 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming) [EC:6.2.1.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K18594; 3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming) [EC:6.2.1.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K18601; aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:1.2.1.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K18602; malonic semialdehyde reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K18603; acetyl-CoA/propionyl-CoA carboxylase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K18604; acetyl-CoA/propionyl-CoA carboxylase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K18605; biotin carboxyl carrier protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
KRR1; ribosomal RNA assembly protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
MBF1; putative transcription factor 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
mcm, cdc21; replicative DNA helicase Mcm [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
mptE; 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
mtrA; tetrahydromethanopterin S-methyltransferase subunit A [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
nob1; endoribonuclease Nob1 [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
NOP10, NOLA3; H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex subunit 3 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
NOP56; nucleolar protein 56 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
PCNA; proliferating cell nuclear antigen 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
PDCD5, TFAR19; programmed cell death protein 5 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
PELO, DOM34, pelA; protein pelota 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
pfdA, PFDN5; prefoldin alpha subunit 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
pfdB, PFDN6; prefoldin beta subunit 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
pok; pantoate kinase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
pol; DNA polymerase, archaea type [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
polB; DNA polymerase II small subunit [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
polC; DNA polymerase II large subunit [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
POP4, RPP29; ribonuclease P protein subunit POP4 [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
priL, pri2, priB; DNA primase large subunit [EC:2.7.7.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
priS, pri1, priA; DNA primase small subunit [EC:2.7.7.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
PUS10; tRNA pseudouridine synthase 10 [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RAD51; DNA repair protein RAD51 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rfcL; replication factor C large subunit 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rfcS; replication factor C small subunit 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rfk; riboflavin kinase, archaea type [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RIB7, arfC; 2,5-diamino-6-(ribosylamino)-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5’-phosphate reductase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
ribL; FAD synthetase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L10e, RPL10; large subunit ribosomal protein L10e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L12, rpl12; large subunit ribosomal protein L12 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L15e, RPL15; large subunit ribosomal protein L15e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L18e, RPL18; large subunit ribosomal protein L18e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L19e, RPL19; large subunit ribosomal protein L19e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L21e, RPL21; large subunit ribosomal protein L21e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L24e, RPL24; large subunit ribosomal protein L24e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L30e, RPL30; large subunit ribosomal protein L30e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L31e, RPL31; large subunit ribosomal protein L31e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L32e, RPL32; large subunit ribosomal protein L32e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L37Ae, RPL37A; large subunit ribosomal protein L37Ae 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L39e, RPL39; large subunit ribosomal protein L39e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L44e, RPL44; large subunit ribosomal protein L44e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L4e, RPL4; large subunit ribosomal protein L4e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-L7Ae, RPL7A; large subunit ribosomal protein L7Ae 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S17e, RPS17; small subunit ribosomal protein S17e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S19e, RPS19; small subunit ribosomal protein S19e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S24e, RPS24; small subunit ribosomal protein S24e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S25e, RPS25; small subunit ribosomal protein S25e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S26e, RPS26; small subunit ribosomal protein S26e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S27Ae, RPS27A; small subunit ribosomal protein S27Ae 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S27e, RPS27; small subunit ribosomal protein S27e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S28e, RPS28; small subunit ribosomal protein S28e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S30e, RPS30; small subunit ribosomal protein S30e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S3Ae, RPS3A; small subunit ribosomal protein S3Ae 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S4e, RPS4; small subunit ribosomal protein S4e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S6e, RPS6; small subunit ribosomal protein S6e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RP-S8e, RPS8; small subunit ribosomal protein S8e 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RPB6, POLR2F; DNA-directed RNA polymerases I, II, and III subunit RPABC2 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpoA1; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit A’ [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpoB; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit B [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpoD; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit D [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpoE1; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit E’ [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpoE2; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit E" [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpoF; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit F [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpoH; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit H [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpoL; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit L [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpoN; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit N [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
rpoP; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RRP4, EXOSC2; exosome complex component RRP4 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RRP41, EXOSC4, SKI6; exosome complex component RRP41 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
RRP42, EXOSC7; exosome complex component RRP42 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
SDO1, SBDS; ribosome maturation protein SDO1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
SEC61A; protein transport protein SEC61 subunit alpha 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
SEC61G, SSS1, secE; protein transport protein SEC61 subunit gamma and related proteins 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
SRP19; signal recognition particle subunit SRP19 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
STT3; dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide—protein glycosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TAN1, THUMPD1; tRNA acetyltransferase TAN1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TBP, tbp; transcription initiation factor TFIID TATA-box-binding protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TFIIE1, GTF2E1, TFA1, tfe; transcription initiation factor TFIIE subunit alpha 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
tfs; transcription termination factor TFS 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
tgtA; 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine tRNA-ribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
tiaS; tRNA(Ile2)-agmatinylcytidine synthase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TOP1; DNA topoisomerase I [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TP53RK, PRPK, BUD32; TP53 regulating kinase and related kinases [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TRM5, TRMT5; tRNA (guanine37-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TRMT1, trm1; tRNA (guanine26-N2/guanine27-N2)-dimethyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TSR3; pre-rRNA-processing protein TSR3 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
TYW1; tRNA wybutosine-synthesizing protein 1 [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
uppS, cpdS; tritrans,polycis-undecaprenyl-diphosphate synthase [geranylgeranyl-diphosphate specific] [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
wtpB; molybdate/tungstate transport system permease protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
wtpC; molybdate/tungstate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
yfkT; spore germination protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
pucA; light-harvesting protein B-800-850 alpha chain 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.37193 92.000 0.17342 0.77376
amnA; 2-aminophenol/2-amino-5-chlorophenol 1,6-dioxygenase subunit alpha 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
amnB; 2-aminophenol/2-amino-5-chlorophenol 1,6-dioxygenase subunit beta [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
BHMT; betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
desZ; 3-O-methylgallate 3,4-dioxygenase [EC:1.13.11.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
nga; NAD+ glycohydrolase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
sfb1; fibronectin-binding protein 1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
dgaR; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator, dga operon transcriptional activator 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.78906 98.990 0.43196 0.82810
idnR, gntH; LacI family transcriptional regulator, gluconate utilization system Gnt-II transcriptional activator 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.78906 98.990 0.43196 0.82810
PTS-Dga-EIIA, dgaA; PTS system, D-glucosaminate-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.78906 98.990 0.43196 0.82810
tutB; tyrosine permease 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -0.78906 98.990 0.43196 0.82810
hsf; adhesin Hsf 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.41964 92.000 0.15909 0.77376
K18132, porA; major outer membrane protein P.IA 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.41964 92.000 0.15909 0.77376
sphB1, nalP, ausP; autotransporter serine protease [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.41964 92.000 0.15909 0.77376
xopD; type III effector protein XopD 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
glmU; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
IDS; iduronate 2-sulfatase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
sfmA; type 1 fimbrial protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
boNT; botulinum neurotoxin [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.41575 92.000 0.16023 0.77376
ntnH; botulinum neurotoxin type non-toxic component 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.41575 92.000 0.16023 0.77376
actA; actin-assembly inducing protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.39323 92.000 0.16691 0.77376
mpl; zinc metalloproteinase [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.39323 92.000 0.16691 0.77376
bacC; dihydroanticapsin dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
bbsH; E-phenylitaconyl-CoA hydratase [EC:4.2.1.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
hph; hygromycin-B 4-O-kinase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
K18612; 5-formyl-3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridine 4-carboxylate dehydrogenase [EC:1.2.1.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
K18613; 3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridine-4,5-dicarboxylate 4-decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
K18614; 2-(acetamidomethylene)succinate hydrolase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
mhpco; 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine 5-carboxylic acid dioxygenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
pdla; 4-pyridoxolactonase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
pldh; pyridoxal 4-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
pno; pyridoxine 4-oxidase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
ppaT; pyridoxamine—pyruvate transaminase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
SUGCT; succinate—hydroxymethylglutarate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
K07063; uncharacterized protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 0.48642 91.550 0.62783 0.89365
bchJ; divinyl protochlorophyllide a 8-vinyl-reductase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.37193 92.000 0.17342 0.77376
crtA; spheroidene monooxygenase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.37193 92.000 0.17342 0.77376
dddL; dimethylpropiothetin dethiomethylase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.37193 92.000 0.17342 0.77376
DVR; divinyl chlorophyllide a 8-vinyl-reductase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.37193 92.000 0.17342 0.77376
E3.6.3.17; monosaccharide-transporting ATPase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.37193 92.000 0.17342 0.77376
pucB; light-harvesting protein B-800-850 beta chain 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.37193 92.000 0.17342 0.77376
pufX; photosynthetic reaction center PufX protein 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.37193 92.000 0.17342 0.77376
tauX; taurine dehydrogenase small subunit [EC:1.4.2.-] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.37193 92.000 0.17342 0.77376
E3.2.1.73; licheninase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
K18237; ribose 1,5-bisphosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.77376
PDC, pdc; pyruvate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
K14486, ARF; auxin response factor 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00000 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.77376
plot.dat <- tb.ra %>%
  arrange(desc(`Overall Mean`)) %>%
    description = fct_reorder(description, `Overall Mean`),
    description = factor(description, levels = levels(description), ordered=T)
  ) %>%
  arrange(description) %>%
    id = 1:n(),
    step = ifelse(id%%2 == 0, 1, 0),
    Mean_diff = `Tumor Mean` - `Non-Tumor Mean`,
    diff_se = SEpooled,
    Mean_diff_ll = Mean_diff - qt(0.975, df)*diff_se,
    Mean_diff_ul = Mean_diff + qt(0.975, df)*diff_se
  ) %>%
    names_to = "group",
    values_to = "mean"

p1.d <- plot.dat %>%
  filter(group %in% c("Tumor Mean","Non-Tumor Mean")) %>%
    group = ifelse(group == "Tumor Mean", "Tumor", "Non-Tumor"),
    col = ifelse(step == 1, "grey90", "white"),
    h=1, w=Inf
p1 <- ggplot()+
  geom_tile(data = p1.d,
              aes(y = description, x=0,
                  height=h, width=w),
              fill = p1.d$col, color=p1.d$col)+
             aes(x=mean, y=description,
                 group=group, color=group,
             stat="identity",position = "dodge",
             alpha = 1)+
    labs(x="Mean Proportion (%)")+
      legend.position = "bottom",
      plot.margin = unit(c(1,0,1,1), "lines")
p2.d <- plot.dat %>%
  filter(group %in% c("Mean_diff", "Mean_diff_ll", "Mean_diff_ul")) %>%
    names_from = group,
    values_from = mean
  ) %>%
    group = ifelse(Mean_diff > 0, "Tumor", "Non-Tumor"),
    p = sprintf("%.3f", round(p,3)),
    ll = min(Mean_diff_ll)-0.01,
    ul = max(Mean_diff_ul)+0.01
p2<-ggplot(p2.d, aes(x=Mean_diff, y=description))+
    geom_tile(data = p1.d,
              aes(y = description, x=0,
                  height=h, width=w),
              fill = p1.d$col, color=p1.d$col)+
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.5)+
    geom_segment(aes(x=Mean_diff_ll, y=description, xend=Mean_diff_ul, yend=description))+
    geom_point(aes(fill=group, color=group))+
    geom_text(aes(label=p, x=unique(ul)+0.1))+
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(unique(p2.d$ll), unique(p2.d$ul)),
                    clip = 'off') +
    annotate("text", x=unique(p2.d$ul)+0.2,y = 25,
             label="p-value (uncorrected)")+
    labs(x="Mean Difference in Proportions")+
      legend.position = "bottom",
      axis.title.y = element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = element_blank(),
      axis.line.y = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
      plot.margin = unit(c(1,4,1,0), "lines")

# plot
p1 + p2+
  plot_annotation(title="KO Data: 50 most abundant descriptions")

Modeling Difference between Tumor and Non-Tumor

For the modeling, we used a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM).

First, we looked at the biserial correlation between the abundance of each description and the tumor status.

tb <- mydata %>%
    r = cor(tumor, Abundance)
  ) %>%

ggplot(tb, aes(x=r))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = M))+
  labs(x="Biserial Correlation",title="Relationship between description abundance and tumor (tumor vs. non-tumor)")+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

Next, we need the data to be on an interpretable scale. First, let’s use the raw abundance like scale.

p <- ggplot(mydata, aes(x=Abundance))+

mydata <- mydata %>%
  mutate(Abundance.dich=ifelse(Abundance==0, 0, 1))

     0      1 
484856 599814 

Let’s first run models by description so that we can avoid the nesting issue initially. We will come back to this to conduct the final model (it will be more powerful).

DESCRIPTIONS <- unique(mydata$description)
dat0 <- mydata %>% filter(description==DESCRIPTIONS[i])

# quasipossion (approximately negative binom) give an approx. answer.
fit0 <- glm(
  Abundance ~ 1 + tumor,
  data= dat0,
  family=quasipoisson(link = "log")

glm(formula = Abundance ~ 1 + tumor, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"), 
    data = dat0)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-1.389  -1.389  -1.389  -0.656  21.089  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  -0.0365     0.6350   -0.06     0.95
tumor        -1.4989     1.7279   -0.87     0.39

(Dispersion parameter for quasipoisson family taken to be 36.153)

    Null deviance: 805.22  on 157  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 767.38  on 156  degrees of freedom

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8

NExt, let’s model the percent relative abundance. This will allow us to make inference about the difference average relative abundance. Which is a simpler interpretation than trying to model differences in the log relative abundance which will need to be interpreted as the multiplicative relative change.

results.out <-, nrow=length(DESCRIPTIONS)))
colnames(results.out) <- c("description", "Est", "SE", "p")
#results.out$description <-DESCRIPTIONS

i <- 1
for(i in 1:length(DESCRIPTIONS)){
#for(i in 1:5){ 
  dat0 <- mydata %>%
    filter(description == DESCRIPTIONS[i])%>%
    mutate(RelAbundance= RelAbundance*100)
  fit0 <- glm(
  RelAbundance ~ 1 + tumor,
  data= dat0,
  family=quasipoisson(link = "log")
  fit.sum <- summary(fit0)
  results.out[i, 1] <- DESCRIPTIONS[i]
  results.out[i, 2:4] <- fit.sum$coefficients[2, c(1,2,4)]

results.out$fdr_p <- p.adjust(results.out$p, method="fdr")

kable(results.out, format="html", digits=3) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T)%>%
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="600px")
description Est SE p fdr_p
2PGK; 2-phosphoglycerate kinase [EC:2.7.2.-] -1.929 1.989 0.334 0.978
4CL; 4-coumarate–CoA ligase [EC:] -0.780 0.986 0.430 0.978
4hbD, abfH; 4-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.079 0.466 0.865 0.999
aac2-I; aminoglycoside 2’-N-acetyltransferase I [EC:] -0.081 0.760 0.915 0.999
aac3-I; aminoglycoside 3-N-acetyltransferase I [EC:] 0.592 1.206 0.624 0.999
aac6-I, aacA7; aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase I [EC:] 0.199 0.468 0.671 0.999
aac6-I; aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase I [EC:] -1.307 1.417 0.357 0.978
aac6-Ib; aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase Ib [EC:] 0.210 1.071 0.845 0.999
aac6-II; aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase II [EC:] 18.165 2857.430 0.995 0.999
aacA; aminoglycoside 6’-N-acetyltransferase [EC:] -1.286 0.818 0.118 0.917
aacC; aminoglycoside 3-N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.162 0.354 0.648 0.999
AACS, acsA; acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] -0.313 0.287 0.277 0.978
aadA; streptomycin 3"-adenylyltransferase [EC:] -0.327 0.425 0.443 0.978
aadK; aminoglycoside 6-adenylyltransferase [EC:2.7.7.-] -0.045 0.167 0.789 0.999
aaeA; p-hydroxybenzoic acid efflux pump subunit AaeA 0.134 0.621 0.829 0.999
aaeB; p-hydroxybenzoic acid efflux pump subunit AaeB 0.134 0.621 0.829 0.999
aapJ, bztA; general L-amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein -0.331 0.283 0.244 0.978
aapM, bztC; general L-amino acid transport system permease protein -0.089 0.266 0.740 0.999
aapP, bztD; general L-amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.125 0.291 0.668 0.999
aapQ, bztB; general L-amino acid transport system permease protein -0.090 0.267 0.738 0.999
aarC, cat1; succinyl-CoA:acetate CoA-transferase [EC:] -0.018 0.139 0.897 0.999
AARS, alaS; alanyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.050 0.040 0.205 0.972
AARSD1, ALAX; misacylated tRNA(Ala) deacylase [EC:3.1.1.-] -1.207 0.555 0.031 0.839
aas; acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]-phospholipid O-acyltransferase / long-chain-fatty-acid–[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase [EC:] 0.533 0.264 0.045 0.839
aat; leucyl/phenylalanyl-tRNA—protein transferase [EC:] -0.117 0.151 0.442 0.978
aauR; two-component system, response regulator AauR 0.235 0.343 0.495 0.981
aauS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase AauS [EC:] 0.235 0.343 0.495 0.981
ABC-2.A; ABC-2 type transport system ATP-binding protein -0.030 0.071 0.669 0.999
ABC-2.CPSE.A; capsular polysaccharide transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.138 0.379 0.715 0.999
ABC-2.CPSE.P; capsular polysaccharide transport system permease protein -0.041 0.382 0.914 0.999
ABC-2.CPSE.P1; capsular polysaccharide transport system permease protein -0.147 0.376 0.696 0.999
ABC-2.CYL.A, cylA; multidrug/hemolysin transport system ATP-binding protein -0.013 0.168 0.938 0.999
ABC-2.CYL.P, cylB; multidrug/hemolysin transport system permease protein -0.014 0.168 0.935 0.999
ABC-2.LPSE.A; lipopolysaccharide transport system ATP-binding protein -0.164 0.252 0.517 0.986
ABC-2.LPSE.P; lipopolysaccharide transport system permease protein -0.045 0.206 0.829 0.999
ABC-2.OM, wza; polysaccharide biosynthesis/export protein -0.116 0.111 0.299 0.978
ABC-2.P; ABC-2 type transport system permease protein -0.053 0.062 0.394 0.978
ABC-2.TX; HlyD family secretion protein -0.149 0.118 0.208 0.976
ABC.ARG.S, argT; lysine/arginine/ornithine transport system substrate-binding protein -0.091 0.490 0.853 0.999
ABC.CD.A; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein 0.002 0.069 0.978 0.999
ABC.CD.P; putative ABC transport system permease protein 0.026 0.061 0.675 0.999
ABC.CD.TX; HlyD family secretion protein -0.108 0.092 0.242 0.978
ABC.CYST.A; cystine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.146 0.150 0.333 0.978
ABC.CYST.P; cystine transport system permease protein 0.172 0.135 0.205 0.972
ABC.FEV.A; iron complex transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.098 0.060 0.103 0.904
ABC.FEV.P; iron complex transport system permease protein 0.077 0.058 0.188 0.966
ABC.FEV.S; iron complex transport system substrate-binding protein 0.084 0.065 0.196 0.970
ABC.GGU.A, gguA; putative multiple sugar transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.205 0.292 0.485 0.979
ABC.GGU.P, gguB; putative multiple sugar transport system permease protein -0.051 0.261 0.845 0.999
ABC.GGU.S, chvE; putative multiple sugar transport system substrate-binding protein -0.247 0.303 0.417 0.978
ABC.GLN1.A; putative glutamine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.051 0.168 0.760 0.999
ABC.GLN1.P; putative glutamine transport system permease protein 0.044 0.162 0.789 0.999
ABC.GLN1.S; putative glutamine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.063 0.172 0.713 0.999
ABC.MN.A; manganese/iron transport system ATP-binding protein 0.129 0.343 0.706 0.999
ABC.MN.P; manganese/iron transport system permease protein 0.120 0.289 0.678 0.999
ABC.MN.S; manganese/iron transport system substrate-binding protein -1.025 0.742 0.169 0.961
ABC.MR.TX; HlyD family secretion protein -0.947 0.476 0.049 0.839
ABC.MR; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein -0.359 0.627 0.568 0.995
ABC.MS.P; multiple sugar transport system permease protein -0.146 0.115 0.206 0.974
ABC.MS.P1; multiple sugar transport system permease protein -0.089 0.125 0.478 0.979
ABC.MS.S; multiple sugar transport system substrate-binding protein -0.051 0.112 0.650 0.999
ABC.NGC.P; N-acetylglucosamine transport system permease protein -0.072 0.763 0.925 0.999
ABC.NGC.P1; N-acetylglucosamine transport system permease protein 0.325 0.407 0.426 0.978
ABC.NGC.S; N-acetylglucosamine transport system substrate-binding protein -0.072 0.763 0.925 0.999
ABC.PA.A; polar amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.027 0.070 0.705 0.999
ABC.PA.P; polar amino acid transport system permease protein 0.048 0.064 0.462 0.979
ABC.PA.S; polar amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.062 0.056 0.268 0.978
ABC.PE.A; peptide/nickel transport system ATP-binding protein 0.066 0.154 0.670 0.999
ABC.PE.A1; peptide/nickel transport system ATP-binding protein 0.085 0.127 0.507 0.981
ABC.PE.P; peptide/nickel transport system permease protein 0.051 0.124 0.683 0.999
ABC.PE.P1; peptide/nickel transport system permease protein 0.049 0.122 0.691 0.999
ABC.PE.S; peptide/nickel transport system substrate-binding protein 0.071 0.081 0.380 0.978
ABC.SN.A; NitT/TauT family transport system ATP-binding protein -0.247 0.127 0.053 0.839
ABC.SN.P; NitT/TauT family transport system permease protein -0.204 0.141 0.150 0.954
ABC.SN.S; NitT/TauT family transport system substrate-binding protein -0.229 0.133 0.087 0.880
ABC.SP.A; putative spermidine/putrescine transport system ATP-binding protein -0.191 0.268 0.478 0.979
ABC.SP.P; putative spermidine/putrescine transport system permease protein -0.226 0.281 0.423 0.978
ABC.SP.P1; putative spermidine/putrescine transport system permease protein -0.206 0.280 0.464 0.979
ABC.SP.S; putative spermidine/putrescine transport system substrate-binding protein -0.127 0.267 0.635 0.999
ABC.SS.A; simple sugar transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.021 0.085 0.804 0.999
ABC.SS.P; simple sugar transport system permease protein 0.010 0.086 0.909 0.999
ABC.SS.S; simple sugar transport system substrate-binding protein -0.251 0.207 0.229 0.978
ABC.VB12.A, btuD; vitamin B12 transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.218 0.576 0.706 0.999
ABC.VB12.P, btuC; vitamin B12 transport system permease protein 0.218 0.576 0.706 0.999
ABC.VB12.S1, btuF; vitamin B12 transport system substrate-binding protein 0.172 0.298 0.564 0.994
ABC.VB1X.A; putative thiamine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.067 0.570 0.906 0.999
ABC.VB1X.P; putative thiamine transport system permease protein 0.067 0.570 0.906 0.999
ABC.VB1X.S; putative thiamine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.067 0.570 0.906 0.999
ABC.X2.A; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein -0.061 0.200 0.759 0.999
ABC.X2.P; putative ABC transport system permease protein -0.117 0.174 0.502 0.981
ABC.X4.A; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein 0.085 0.097 0.383 0.978
ABC.X4.P; putative ABC transport system permease protein 0.083 0.098 0.399 0.978
ABC.X4.S; putative ABC transport system substrate-binding protein 0.106 0.093 0.255 0.978
ABC.ZM.A; zinc/manganese transport system ATP-binding protein 0.048 0.216 0.824 0.999
ABC.ZM.P; zinc/manganese transport system permease protein 0.046 0.203 0.820 0.999
ABC.ZM.S; zinc/manganese transport system substrate-binding protein 0.212 0.202 0.297 0.978
abcA, bmrA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial AbcA/BmrA [EC:] -0.199 0.349 0.569 0.995
ABCB-BAC; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial 0.054 0.071 0.450 0.978
ABCC-BAC; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial 0.025 0.100 0.804 0.999
ABCE1, Rli1; ATP-binding cassette, sub-family E, member 1 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
ABCF3; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily F, member 3 0.022 0.042 0.595 0.999
abfA; alpha-N-arabinofuranosidase [EC:] -0.838 0.353 0.019 0.839
abfD; 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase / vinylacetyl-CoA-Delta-isomerase [EC:] -0.540 0.437 0.218 0.978
abgA; aminobenzoyl-glutamate utilization protein A 0.076 0.261 0.773 0.999
abgB; aminobenzoyl-glutamate utilization protein B -0.545 0.361 0.133 0.942
abgR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of abg operon 0.233 0.698 0.738 0.999
abgT; aminobenzoyl-glutamate transport protein 0.404 0.258 0.120 0.917
abiQ; protein AbiQ 0.560 0.390 0.153 0.954
abmG; 2-aminobenzoate-CoA ligase [EC:] -0.961 0.592 0.106 0.911
abnA; arabinan endo-1,5-alpha-L-arabinosidase [EC:] -0.677 0.441 0.126 0.927
ABO; histo-blood group ABO system transferase [EC:] -2.641 2.722 0.333 0.978
abrB; transcriptional pleiotropic regulator of transition state genes -0.659 0.425 0.123 0.919
ACAA2; acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 2 [EC:] -17.970 4446.494 0.997 0.999
ACADL; long-chain-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.460 0.423 0.278 0.978
ACADM, acd; acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.528 0.255 0.040 0.839
ACADS, bcd; butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.493 0.245 0.046 0.839
ACADSB; short/branched chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] -2.997 2.591 0.249 0.978
accA; acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.035 0.055 0.528 0.989
accB, bccP; acetyl-CoA carboxylase biotin carboxyl carrier protein -0.032 0.059 0.591 0.999
accC; acetyl-CoA carboxylase, biotin carboxylase subunit [EC:] -0.035 0.057 0.539 0.990
accD; acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit beta [EC:] 0.047 0.050 0.358 0.978
accD6; acetyl-CoA/propionyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit [EC:] -0.957 0.903 0.291 0.978
acd; glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (non-decarboxylating) [EC:] -2.766 1.309 0.036 0.839
acdA; acetate—CoA ligase (ADP-forming) subunit alpha [EC:] -2.857 2.948 0.334 0.978
ACE, CD143; peptidyl-dipeptidase A [EC:] -0.216 0.394 0.585 0.999
aceB, glcB; malate synthase [EC:] -0.196 0.174 0.263 0.978
aceE; pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component [EC:] -0.072 0.155 0.642 0.999
aceK; isocitrate dehydrogenase kinase/phosphatase [EC: 3.1.3.-] 0.105 0.219 0.632 0.999
acfA; accessory colonization factor AcfA 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
acfC; accessory colonization factor AcfC -0.816 1.161 0.483 0.979
acfD; accessory colonization factor AcfD -0.499 1.160 0.668 0.999
ackA; acetate kinase [EC:] 0.073 0.065 0.263 0.978
acm; lysozyme -0.109 0.140 0.440 0.978
acmB; methyl acetate hydrolase [EC:3.1.1.-] -1.889 2.270 0.407 0.978
ACMSD; aminocarboxymuconate-semialdehyde decarboxylase [EC:] -1.252 0.627 0.047 0.839
acnB; aconitate hydratase 2 / 2-methylisocitrate dehydratase [EC:] -0.015 0.191 0.936 0.999
ACO, acnA; aconitate hydratase [EC:] -0.139 0.080 0.083 0.867
acpD, azoR; FMN-dependent NADH-azoreductase [EC:] -0.086 0.142 0.548 0.991
acpH; acyl carrier protein phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.276 0.549 0.616 0.999
acpK; polyketide biosynthesis acyl carrier protein -0.931 1.781 0.602 0.999
acpP; acyl carrier protein 0.003 0.035 0.939 0.999
acpS; holo-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase [EC:] 0.072 0.073 0.325 0.978
ACR3, arsB; arsenite transporter -0.050 0.170 0.770 0.999
acrA, mexA, adeI, smeD, mtrC, cmeA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -0.104 0.120 0.387 0.978
acrB, mexB, adeJ, smeE, mtrD, cmeB; multidrug efflux pump -0.076 0.185 0.681 0.999
acrD; multidrug efflux pump 0.134 0.621 0.829 0.999
acrE; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
acrF; multidrug efflux pump -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
acrR, smeT; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, acrAB operon repressor -0.003 0.122 0.982 0.999
acrR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, multidrug resistance operon repressor 0.248 0.349 0.478 0.979
acsB; acetyl-CoA synthase [EC:] -0.727 1.126 0.520 0.988
acsE; 5-methyltetrahydrofolate corrinoid/iron sulfur protein methyltransferase [EC:] -0.789 1.083 0.468 0.979
ACSL, fadD; long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] -0.098 0.089 0.275 0.978
ACSM; medium-chain acyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] -1.859 2.280 0.416 0.978
ACSS, acs; acetyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] -0.290 0.135 0.033 0.839
actA; actin-assembly inducing protein -16.755 1738.673 0.992 0.999
actIV; cyclase [EC:4.-.-.-] 0.590 0.979 0.548 0.991
actP; cation/acetate symporter -0.236 0.213 0.269 0.978
actVI1, RED1; ketoreductase RED1 [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.692 1.263 0.585 0.999
acuA; acetoin utilization protein AcuA [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.946 0.502 0.061 0.839
acuB; acetoin utilization protein AcuB -0.053 0.145 0.717 0.999
acuC; acetoin utilization protein AcuC -0.967 0.400 0.017 0.839
acuI; acrylyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) [EC:1.3.1.-] -0.116 0.281 0.681 0.999
acxC; acetone carboxylase, gamma subunit [EC:] -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
acyP; acylphosphatase [EC:] 0.064 0.088 0.472 0.979
ada-alkA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein of adaptative response / DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase II [EC:] -0.254 0.328 0.439 0.978
ada; AraC family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein of adaptative response / methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine methyltransferase [EC:] -0.217 0.164 0.189 0.966
adaA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein of adaptative response / methylphosphotriester-DNA alkyltransferase methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] -0.785 1.127 0.487 0.979
adaB; methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.015 0.477 0.975 0.999
adc; acetoacetate decarboxylase [EC:] -1.294 0.758 0.090 0.882
add, ADA; adenosine deaminase [EC:] 0.037 0.137 0.790 0.999
add; aminodeoxyfutalosine deaminase [EC:] -0.299 0.948 0.753 0.999
addA; ATP-dependent helicase/nuclease subunit A [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.010 0.095 0.920 0.999
addB; ATP-dependent helicase/nuclease subunit B [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.033 0.096 0.734 0.999
ade; adenine deaminase [EC:] -0.259 0.263 0.327 0.978
ADE5; phosphoribosylamine–glycine ligase / phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase [EC:] -3.190 3.831 0.406 0.978
adeA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -0.058 0.392 0.883 0.999
adeB; multidrug efflux pump -0.031 0.378 0.936 0.999
adeC; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system -0.126 0.434 0.771 0.999
adeN; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor of the adeIJK operon -0.267 0.454 0.557 0.992
adeR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator AdeR -0.155 0.372 0.678 0.999
adeS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase AdeS [EC:] -0.129 0.383 0.738 0.999
adh1; NAD+-dependent secondary alcohol dehydrogenase Adh1 [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.681 0.693 0.327 0.978
adh2; alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] -0.147 0.182 0.419 0.978
adh3; alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.266 1.338 0.843 0.999
adhE; acetaldehyde dehydrogenase / alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.108 0.109 0.326 0.978
ADHFE1; hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase [EC:] -17.756 3869.767 0.996 0.999
adhP; alcohol dehydrogenase, propanol-preferring [EC:] -0.019 0.107 0.862 0.999
adiA; arginine decarboxylase [EC:] -0.016 0.241 0.946 0.999
adiC; arginine:agmatine antiporter -0.170 0.435 0.697 0.999
adiY; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of adiA -1.145 1.438 0.427 0.978
adk, AK; adenylate kinase [EC:] 0.024 0.033 0.467 0.979
adrA; diguanylate cyclase [EC:] -0.170 0.342 0.621 0.999
ADT, PDT; arogenate/prephenate dehydratase [EC:] -17.211 2393.329 0.994 0.999
aefR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of autoinduction and epiphytic fitness -0.361 0.348 0.300 0.978
aepZ; 2-aminoethylphosphonate-pyruvate transaminase 0.133 0.547 0.808 0.999
aer; aerotaxis receptor 0.021 0.270 0.938 0.999
aes; acetyl esterase [EC:3.1.1.-] -0.330 0.220 0.135 0.944
AFMID; arylformamidase [EC:] -0.789 0.484 0.106 0.911
afr; 1,5-anhydro-D-fructose reductase (1,5-anhydro-D-mannitol-forming) [EC:] -1.267 1.091 0.248 0.978
aftA; galactan 5-O-arabinofuranosyltransferase [EC:] -0.821 0.702 0.244 0.978
aftB; arabinofuranosyltransferase [EC:2.4.2.-] -0.801 0.731 0.275 0.978
aftC; arabinofuranan 3-O-arabinosyltransferase [EC:] -0.796 0.696 0.255 0.978
aftD; arabinofuranan 3-O-arabinosyltransferase [EC:2.4.2.-] -0.677 0.706 0.339 0.978
afuA, fbpA; iron(III) transport system substrate-binding protein 0.071 0.082 0.391 0.978
afuB, fbpB; iron(III) transport system permease protein 0.085 0.105 0.418 0.978
afuC, fbpC; iron(III) transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.057 0.097 0.555 0.992
AGA, aspG; N4-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase [EC:] -0.132 0.369 0.721 0.999
agaA; N-acetylgalactosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase [EC:] -0.005 0.732 0.995 0.999
agaI; galactosamine-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:5.3.1.-] -1.246 1.403 0.376 0.978
agaR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, aga operon transcriptional repressor -0.151 0.325 0.642 0.999
agaS; tagatose-6-phosphate ketose/aldose isomerase [EC:5.-.-.-] 0.064 0.127 0.613 0.999
agd31B; oligosaccharide 4-alpha-D-glucosyltransferase [EC:] -1.060 1.749 0.545 0.990
aglE, ggtB; alpha-glucoside transport system substrate-binding protein -0.371 0.446 0.407 0.978
aglF, ggtC; alpha-glucoside transport system permease protein -0.427 0.624 0.494 0.981
aglG, ggtD; alpha-glucoside transport system permease protein -0.427 0.624 0.494 0.981
aglK; alpha-glucoside transport system ATP-binding protein -3.373 2.075 0.106 0.911
agp; glucose-1-phosphatase [EC:] 0.069 0.221 0.755 0.999
AGPS, agpS; alkyldihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase [EC:] -0.997 0.646 0.125 0.923
agrA, blpR, fsrA; two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator AgrA -0.123 0.195 0.528 0.989
agrB; accessory gene regulator B 0.008 0.430 0.984 0.999
agrC, blpH, fsrC; two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase AgrC [EC:] -0.113 0.210 0.590 0.999
agrD; AgrD protein -0.467 0.685 0.496 0.981
aguA; agmatine deiminase [EC:] -0.126 0.136 0.354 0.978
aguA; alpha-glucuronidase [EC:] -0.682 0.397 0.088 0.880
aguB; N-carbamoylputrescine amidase [EC:] -0.214 0.116 0.065 0.839
aguE; alpha-1,4-digalacturonate transport system substrate-binding protein -2.034 1.626 0.213 0.978
aguF; alpha-1,4-digalacturonate transport system permease protein -2.034 1.626 0.213 0.978
aguG; alpha-1,4-digalacturonate transport system permease protein -2.188 1.564 0.164 0.957
AGXT; alanine-glyoxylate transaminase / serine-glyoxylate transaminase / serine-pyruvate transaminase [EC:] -1.185 0.645 0.068 0.839
ahlD, aiiA, attM, blcC; N-acyl homoserine lactone hydrolase [EC:] -2.503 2.184 0.254 0.978
ahpD; alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit D -0.113 0.334 0.736 0.999
ahpF; alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit F [EC:1.6.4.-] -0.040 0.104 0.698 0.999
AIBP, nnrE; NAD(P)H-hydrate epimerase [EC:] 0.006 0.105 0.954 0.999
aidA-I, misL; autotransporter family porin -0.081 0.458 0.859 0.999
aidB; putative acyl-CoA dehydrogenase -0.144 0.210 0.494 0.981
ail; attachment invasion locus protein -0.446 1.068 0.677 0.999
ainS, luxM; acyl homoserine lactone synthase [EC:] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
AK6, FAP7; adenylate kinase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
aknOx; aclacinomycin-N/aclacinomycin-A oxidase [EC:] -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
AKR1A1, adh; alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 1.278 0.848 0.134 0.942
AKR7; aflatoxin B1 aldehyde reductase -17.989 4004.197 0.996 0.999
aksD; methanogen homoaconitase large subunit [EC:] -0.774 1.492 0.605 0.999
aksE; methanogen homoaconitase small subunit [EC:] -1.940 2.261 0.392 0.978
ala; alanine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.206 0.724 0.777 0.999
alaA; alanine-synthesizing transaminase [EC:] -0.017 0.086 0.842 0.999
alaC; alanine-synthesizing transaminase [EC:2.6.1.-] -0.078 0.230 0.736 0.999
alc, ALLC; allantoicase [EC:] -0.733 0.403 0.071 0.841
ald; alanine dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.324 0.115 0.005 0.839
aldA; lactaldehyde dehydrogenase / glycolaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.091 0.389 0.816 0.999
aldB; aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:1.2.1.-] -0.229 0.218 0.293 0.978
ALDH; aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] -0.384 0.156 0.015 0.839
aldH; NADP-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.046 0.300 0.880 0.999
ALDO; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class I [EC:] 0.298 0.227 0.192 0.970
alg44; mannuronan synthase [EC:] 0.255 0.342 0.458 0.979
ALG7; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine–dolichyl-phosphate N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
alg8; mannuronan synthase [EC:] 0.253 0.342 0.460 0.979
algA, xanB, rfbA, wbpW, pslB; mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase / mannose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] -0.143 0.258 0.580 0.997
algB; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator AlgB 0.229 0.340 0.502 0.981
algD; GDP-mannose 6-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.279 0.351 0.428 0.978
algE; alginate production protein 0.255 0.342 0.458 0.979
algF; alginate O-acetyltransferase complex protein AlgF 0.263 0.341 0.441 0.978
algG; mannuronan 5-epimerase [EC:] 0.364 0.362 0.317 0.978
algH; putative transcriptional regulator -0.091 0.135 0.503 0.981
algI; alginate O-acetyltransferase complex protein AlgI 0.164 0.239 0.494 0.981
algJ; alginate O-acetyltransferase complex protein AlgJ 0.081 0.367 0.825 0.999
algK; alginate biosynthesis protein AlgK 0.255 0.342 0.458 0.979
algL; poly(beta-D-mannuronate) lyase [EC:] 0.065 0.307 0.833 0.999
algR; two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator AlgR -0.015 0.207 0.941 0.999
algX; alginate biosynthesis protein AlgX 0.253 0.342 0.460 0.979
algZ; two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase AlgZ [EC:] 0.032 0.228 0.888 0.999
aliA; cyclohexanecarboxylate-CoA ligase [EC:6.2.1.-] 17.929 2539.480 0.994 0.999
aliB; cyclohexanecarboxyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:1.3.99.-] -17.243 3092.681 0.996 0.999
alkA; DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase II [EC:] -0.387 0.210 0.067 0.839
alkB; DNA oxidative demethylase [EC:] -0.366 0.268 0.174 0.961
alkB1_2, alkM; alkane 1-monooxygenase [EC:] -0.529 0.459 0.251 0.978
allA; ureidoglycolate lyase [EC:] -0.199 0.265 0.454 0.978
allB; allantoinase [EC:] -0.292 0.449 0.516 0.985
allC; allantoate deiminase [EC:] -0.592 0.448 0.188 0.966
allD; ureidoglycolate dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] -1.030 0.945 0.277 0.978
allP; allantoin permease -0.727 1.189 0.542 0.990
allR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, negative regulator of allantoin and glyoxylate utilization operons -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
allS; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of the allD operon -1.125 1.359 0.409 0.978
alpA; prophage regulatory protein 0.124 0.213 0.561 0.992
alr; alanine racemase [EC:] 0.081 0.037 0.032 0.839
alsA; D-allose transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.216 1.383 0.876 0.999
alsB; D-allose transport system substrate-binding protein 2.069 1.635 0.208 0.976
alsC; D-allose transport system permease protein 2.069 1.635 0.208 0.976
alsD, budA, aldC; acetolactate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.074 0.135 0.583 0.999
alsE; D-allulose-6-phosphate 3-epimerase [EC:5.1.3.-] 0.221 0.800 0.783 0.999
alsK; allose kinase [EC:] 0.003 1.318 0.998 1.000
ameR, rmiR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor of the ameABC operon -1.366 1.756 0.438 0.978
amgK; N-acetylmuramate 1-kinase [EC:] -0.128 0.179 0.474 0.979
amhX; amidohydrolase [EC:3.5.1.-] -1.202 0.930 0.198 0.970
amiABC; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] -0.009 0.074 0.908 0.999
amn; AMP nucleosidase [EC:] -0.177 0.189 0.351 0.978
amnA; 2-aminophenol/2-amino-5-chlorophenol 1,6-dioxygenase subunit alpha -17.155 2959.362 0.995 0.999
amnB; 2-aminophenol/2-amino-5-chlorophenol 1,6-dioxygenase subunit beta [EC:] -17.155 2959.362 0.995 0.999
amnD; 2-aminomuconate deaminase [EC:] -1.395 1.817 0.444 0.978
ampC; beta-lactamase class C [EC:] -0.005 0.111 0.963 0.999
ampD; N-acetyl-anhydromuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] 0.081 0.171 0.635 0.999
ampE; AmpE protein 0.101 0.259 0.697 0.999
ampG; MFS transporter, PAT family, beta-lactamase induction signal transducer AmpG -0.117 0.124 0.345 0.978
ampH; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase/endopeptidase [EC: 3.4.21.-] -0.295 0.639 0.645 0.999
ampR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator of gene expression of beta-lactamase -0.394 0.344 0.254 0.978
ampS, pepS, ampT; aminopeptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] -0.056 0.109 0.609 0.999
amsB; amylovoran biosynthesis glycosyltransferase AmsB [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.055 1.009 0.957 0.999
amsC; amylovoran biosynthesis protein AmsC 0.055 1.009 0.957 0.999
amsD; amylovoran biosynthesis glycosyltransferase AmsD [EC:2.4.-.-] -17.444 3418.523 0.996 0.999
amsF; amylovoran biosynthesis protein AmsF 0.055 1.009 0.957 0.999
amsG; UDP-galactose-lipid carrier transferase 0.055 1.009 0.957 0.999
amsL; exopolysaccharide (amylovoran) exporter 0.055 1.009 0.957 0.999
amt, AMT, MEP; ammonium transporter, Amt family -0.119 0.107 0.268 0.978
AMY, amyA, malS; alpha-amylase [EC:] -0.069 0.121 0.569 0.995
amyM; maltogenic alpha-amylase [EC:] 0.779 0.726 0.285 0.978
amzA, AMZ2, AMZ1; archaemetzincin [EC:3.4.-.-] -18.092 3633.323 0.996 0.999
andAb; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase ferredoxin component -2.078 2.789 0.457 0.979
andAc; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase large subunit [EC:] 0.173 1.432 0.904 0.999
andAd; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase small subunit [EC:] -0.888 1.390 0.524 0.989
ANK; ankyrin -17.444 3418.523 0.996 0.999
anmK; anhydro-N-acetylmuramic acid kinase [EC:] -0.055 0.147 0.710 0.999
ansP; L-asparagine permease -0.113 0.341 0.740 0.999
antA; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase (deaminating, decarboxylating) large subunit [EC:] -0.662 0.600 0.271 0.978
antB; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase (deaminating, decarboxylating) small subunit [EC:] -0.683 0.608 0.263 0.978
antB; anti-repressor protein -0.038 0.511 0.941 0.999
antC; anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase reductase component [EC:1.18.1.-] -0.683 0.608 0.263 0.978
AOC3, AOC2, tynA; primary-amine oxidase [EC:] -0.264 0.421 0.531 0.990
aor; aldehyde:ferredoxin oxidoreductase [EC:] 0.190 0.716 0.791 0.999
aotJ; arginine/ornithine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.088 0.330 0.790 0.999
aotM; arginine/ornithine transport system permease protein 0.155 0.366 0.673 0.999
aotP; arginine/ornithine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.276 0.327 0.400 0.978
aotQ; arginine/ornithine transport system permease protein 0.211 0.340 0.537 0.990
AOX1, AOX2; ubiquinol oxidase [EC:] 0.510 1.145 0.657 0.999
aoxB; arsenite oxidase large subunit [EC:] 18.245 2974.604 0.995 0.999
APA1_2; ATP adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.588 0.957 0.539 0.990
apaG; ApaG protein -0.114 0.186 0.539 0.990
apaH; bis(5’-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (symmetrical) [EC:] 0.063 0.155 0.686 0.999
apbE; FAD:protein FMN transferase [EC:] 0.114 0.060 0.061 0.839
apeE, estA, lip-1; outer membrane lipase/esterase 0.146 0.282 0.607 0.999
APEH; acylaminoacyl-peptidase [EC:] 0.610 0.389 0.119 0.917
APEX1; AP endonuclease 1 [EC:] 0.190 0.356 0.594 0.999
apgM; 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase [EC:] -0.068 0.344 0.843 0.999
aph, spcN; spectinomycin phosphotransferase -0.054 0.487 0.912 0.999
aph3-I; aminoglycoside 3’-phosphotransferase I [EC:] 0.583 0.849 0.493 0.981
aph3-II; aminoglycoside 3’-phosphotransferase II [EC:] -0.165 0.465 0.722 0.999
aph3-III; aminoglycoside 3’-phosphotransferase III [EC:] -3.992 4.568 0.383 0.978
aphA; acid phosphatase (class B) [EC:] 0.252 0.278 0.365 0.978
aphA; kanamycin kinase [EC:] 0.083 0.162 0.610 0.999
aphA; PadR family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein AphA 18.119 1920.327 0.992 0.999
aphB; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator AphB 0.359 1.252 0.775 0.999
aphD; aminoglycoside 2’’-phosphotransferase [EC:] -0.924 1.156 0.425 0.978
APOD; apolipoprotein D and lipocalin family protein -0.057 0.250 0.821 0.999
appA; 4-phytase / acid phosphatase [EC:] -0.132 0.528 0.803 0.999
aprA; adenylylsulfate reductase, subunit A [EC:] 0.018 0.503 0.971 0.999
aprB; adenylylsulfate reductase, subunit B [EC:] 0.018 0.503 0.971 0.999
aprE; subtilisin [EC:] 18.553 2202.522 0.993 0.999
APRT, apt; adenine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.090 0.051 0.079 0.859
aprX; serine protease AprX [EC:3.4.21.-] -1.870 0.972 0.056 0.839
aqpZ; aquaporin Z -0.236 0.107 0.030 0.839
araA; L-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] -2.135 1.044 0.043 0.839
araA; L-arabinose isomerase [EC:] 0.143 0.286 0.619 0.999
araB; L-ribulokinase [EC:] -0.358 0.355 0.315 0.978
araC; AraC family transcriptional regulator, arabinose operon regulatory protein -0.105 0.446 0.813 0.999
araD, ulaF, sgaE, sgbE; L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase [EC:] -0.570 0.365 0.120 0.917
araD; 2-keto-3-deoxy-L-arabinonate dehydratase [EC:] -2.481 2.614 0.344 0.978
araD; D-arabinonate dehydratase [EC:] -2.501 3.364 0.458 0.979
araE; MFS transporter, SP family, arabinose:H+ symporter -0.475 0.662 0.474 0.979
araF; L-arabinose transport system substrate-binding protein -0.507 0.558 0.366 0.978
araG; L-arabinose transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.513 0.559 0.360 0.978
araH; L-arabinose transport system permease protein -0.505 0.559 0.368 0.978
araJ; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, arabinose polymer utilization protein -0.447 0.349 0.202 0.972
araL; arabinose operon protein AraL -2.599 2.089 0.215 0.978
araM, egsA; glycerol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] [EC:] -0.185 0.341 0.587 0.999
araN; arabinosaccharide transport system substrate-binding protein -2.383 1.643 0.149 0.954
araP; arabinosaccharide transport system permease protein -2.383 1.643 0.149 0.954
araQ; arabinosaccharide transport system permease protein -1.613 0.985 0.104 0.905
araR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, arabinose operon transcriptional repressor 0.280 0.416 0.501 0.981
arcA; arginine deiminase [EC:] 0.142 0.107 0.189 0.966
arcA; two-component system, OmpR family, aerobic respiration control protein ArcA 0.226 0.307 0.463 0.979
arcB; two-component system, OmpR family, aerobic respiration control sensor histidine kinase ArcB [EC:] 0.217 0.299 0.468 0.979
arcC; carbamate kinase [EC:] 0.130 0.116 0.263 0.978
arcD, lysl, lysP; arginine:ornithine antiporter / lysine permease 0.167 0.184 0.366 0.978
arfA; alternative ribosome-rescue factor 0.196 0.216 0.365 0.978
arfC; uncharacterized membrane protein ArfC 1.206 1.487 0.419 0.978
argA; amino-acid N-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.143 0.312 0.646 0.999
argAB; amino-acid N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.109 0.176 0.537 0.990
argB; acetylglutamate kinase [EC:] -0.074 0.056 0.189 0.966
argC; N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase [EC:] -0.071 0.062 0.254 0.978
argD; acetylornithine/N-succinyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.048 0.107 0.654 0.999
argE; acetylornithine deacetylase [EC:] -0.050 0.154 0.744 0.999
argF; N-acetylornithine carbamoyltransferase [EC:] -0.095 0.459 0.836 0.999
argF; N-succinyl-L-ornithine transcarbamylase [EC:] -0.596 0.413 0.151 0.954
argG, ASS1; argininosuccinate synthase [EC:] -0.003 0.053 0.955 0.999
argH, ASL; argininosuccinate lyase [EC:] -0.050 0.051 0.330 0.978
argHA; argininosuccinate lyase / amino-acid N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 1.355 1.313 0.304 0.978
argJ; glutamate N-acetyltransferase / amino-acid N-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.125 0.104 0.233 0.978
argK; LAO/AO transport system kinase [EC:2.7.-.-] -0.082 0.180 0.649 0.999
argR, ahrC; transcriptional regulator of arginine metabolism 0.039 0.103 0.705 0.999
arlR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ArlR -0.320 0.688 0.642 0.999
arlS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase ArlS [EC:] -0.349 0.702 0.620 0.999
arnA, pmrI; UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose formyltransferase / UDP-glucuronic acid dehydrogenase (UDP-4-keto-hexauronic acid decarboxylating) [EC:] -0.221 0.462 0.633 0.999
arnB, pmrH; UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose-oxoglutarate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.093 0.462 0.841 0.999
arnC, pmrF; undecaprenyl-phosphate 4-deoxy-4-formamido-L-arabinose transferase [EC:] -0.165 0.387 0.670 0.999
arnD; undecaprenyl phosphate-alpha-L-ara4FN deformylase [EC:3.5.1.-] -0.221 0.462 0.633 0.999
arnE; undecaprenyl phosphate-alpha-L-ara4N flippase subunit ArnE -0.389 0.339 0.253 0.978
arnF; undecaprenyl phosphate-alpha-L-ara4N flippase subunit ArnF -0.222 0.462 0.631 0.999
arnT, pmrK; 4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose transferase [EC:] -0.384 0.529 0.469 0.979
aroA; 3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase [EC:] 0.009 0.038 0.813 0.999
AROA1, aroA; chorismate mutase [EC:] -0.036 0.126 0.777 0.999
AROA2, aroA; 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase [EC:] 0.374 0.191 0.052 0.839
aroB; 3-dehydroquinate synthase [EC:] -0.040 0.046 0.392 0.978
aroC; chorismate synthase [EC:] 0.014 0.041 0.732 0.999
aroD; 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase I [EC:] -0.057 0.110 0.605 0.999
aroDE, DHQ-SDH; 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase / shikimate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.338 0.821 0.681 0.999
aroE; shikimate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.085 0.059 0.155 0.954
aroG, aroA; 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase / chorismate mutase [EC:] -0.960 0.463 0.040 0.839
aroH; chorismate mutase [EC:] -0.227 0.375 0.546 0.990
aroKB; shikimate kinase / 3-dehydroquinate synthase [EC:] -0.036 0.355 0.919 0.999
aroM; protein AroM -0.496 0.850 0.561 0.992
aroP; aromatic amino acid permease 0.116 0.410 0.778 0.999
aroP; aromatic amino acid transport protein AroP 0.026 0.179 0.882 0.999
aroQ, qutE; 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase II [EC:] 0.017 0.069 0.804 0.999
arr; rifampin ADP-ribosylating transferase -0.031 0.418 0.940 0.999
arsA, ASNA1, GET3; arsenite/tail-anchored protein-transporting ATPase [EC: 3.6.3.-] 0.578 0.430 0.180 0.961
ARSA; arylsulfatase A [EC:] 1.036 1.270 0.416 0.978
arsB; arsenical pump membrane protein -0.219 0.199 0.272 0.978
ARSB; arylsulfatase B [EC:] 1.360 0.956 0.157 0.954
arsC; arsenate-mycothiol transferase [EC:] -0.564 0.759 0.459 0.979
ARSC1, arsC; arsenate reductase [EC:] 0.048 0.040 0.240 0.978
ARSC2, arsC; arsenate reductase [EC:] -0.051 0.124 0.683 0.999
arsH; arsenical resistance protein ArsH -0.117 0.249 0.640 0.999
arsR; ArsR family transcriptional regulator, arsenate/arsenite/antimonite-responsive transcriptional repressor 0.008 0.077 0.914 0.999
artI; arginine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.225 0.305 0.463 0.979
artJ; arginine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.106 0.608 0.862 0.999
artM; arginine transport system permease protein 0.205 0.312 0.513 0.982
artP; arginine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.205 0.312 0.513 0.982
artQ; arginine transport system permease protein 0.205 0.312 0.513 0.982
aruH; arginine:pyruvate transaminase [EC:] -0.077 0.441 0.862 0.999
aruI; 5-guanidino-2-oxopentanoate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.778 0.610 0.204 0.972
ASAH2; neutral ceramidase [EC:] 0.068 0.358 0.850 0.999
asbF; 3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase [EC:] -0.682 1.317 0.605 0.999
ascC, ddhC, rfbH; CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase, E1 [EC:] 0.186 0.341 0.587 0.999
ascD, ddhD, rfbI; CDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxyglucose reductase, E3 [EC:] 0.067 0.226 0.766 0.999
ascG; LacI family transcriptional regulator, asc operon repressor 0.577 0.507 0.257 0.978
asd; aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.004 0.039 0.928 0.999
asdA; aspartate 4-decarboxylase [EC:] 0.297 0.427 0.488 0.979
asl; D-aspartate ligase [EC:] 0.130 0.363 0.721 0.999
asm11; 4,5-epoxidase -18.019 3423.353 0.996 0.999
asmA; AsmA protein -0.084 0.391 0.830 0.999
asnA; aspartate–ammonia ligase [EC:] 0.143 0.120 0.234 0.978
asnB, ASNS; asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] -0.164 0.152 0.281 0.978
asnC; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, regulator for asnA, asnC and gidA -0.122 0.186 0.513 0.982
asnO; L-asparagine oxygenase [EC:] -17.794 4072.025 0.997 0.999
asp1; accessory secretory protein Asp1 -0.146 0.186 0.434 0.978
asp2; accessory secretory protein Asp2 -0.145 0.186 0.436 0.978
asp3; accessory secretory protein Asp3 -0.183 0.187 0.331 0.978
ASPA, aspA; aspartoacylase [EC:] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
aspA; aspartate ammonia-lyase [EC:] -0.046 0.106 0.665 0.999
aspB; aspartate aminotransferase [EC:] -0.212 0.141 0.135 0.946
aspC, aspS; nondiscriminating aspartyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] -0.411 0.778 0.598 0.999
aspC; aspartate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.226 0.284 0.427 0.978
ASPG; 60kDa lysophospholipase [EC:] -17.760 4004.372 0.996 0.999
ASPH; aspartate beta-hydroxylase [EC:] -1.636 1.961 0.405 0.978
aspQ, ansB, ansA; glutamin-(asparagin-)ase [EC:] -0.347 0.339 0.308 0.978
aspS; aspartyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.043 0.045 0.344 0.978
asrA; anaerobic sulfite reductase subunit A 0.916 0.464 0.050 0.839
asrB; anaerobic sulfite reductase subunit B 0.916 0.464 0.050 0.839
asrC; anaerobic sulfite reductase subunit C 0.916 0.464 0.050 0.839
assT; arylsulfate sulfotransferase [EC:] -0.949 0.951 0.320 0.978
astA; arginine N-succinyltransferase [EC:] 0.068 0.266 0.800 0.999
astB; succinylarginine dihydrolase [EC:] 0.044 0.238 0.853 0.999
astC; succinylornithine aminotransferase [EC:] -0.338 0.393 0.391 0.978
astD; succinylglutamic semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.012 0.260 0.964 0.999
astE; succinylglutamate desuccinylase [EC:] 0.088 0.255 0.730 0.999
ATE1; arginyl-tRNA—protein transferase [EC:] -0.131 0.196 0.505 0.981
atl; bifunctional autolysin [EC:] 0.659 0.773 0.395 0.978
atoA; acetate CoA/acetoacetate CoA-transferase beta subunit [EC:] 0.825 0.378 0.031 0.839
atoC; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator AtoC -0.308 0.815 0.706 0.999
atoD; acetate CoA/acetoacetate CoA-transferase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.811 0.378 0.033 0.839
atoE; short-chain fatty acids transporter 0.230 0.198 0.247 0.978
atoS; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase AtoS [EC:] -1.548 1.264 0.223 0.978
ATOX1, ATX1, copZ, golB; copper chaperone -0.135 0.112 0.227 0.978
ATPeV1G, ATP6G; V-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit G -0.438 1.579 0.782 0.999
ATPF0A, atpB; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit a 0.031 0.036 0.388 0.978
ATPF0B, atpF; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit b 0.004 0.037 0.911 0.999
ATPF0C, atpE; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit c 0.031 0.036 0.399 0.978
ATPF1A, atpA; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.031 0.036 0.394 0.978
ATPF1B, atpD; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit beta [EC:] 0.029 0.033 0.380 0.978
ATPF1D, atpH; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit delta 0.038 0.037 0.315 0.978
ATPF1E, atpC; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit epsilon 0.032 0.036 0.388 0.978
ATPF1G, atpG; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit gamma 0.031 0.036 0.394 0.978
atpI; ATP synthase protein I 0.039 0.127 0.761 0.999
ATPVA, ntpA, atpA; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit A [EC:] 0.314 0.150 0.038 0.839
ATPVB, ntpB, atpB; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit B 0.311 0.150 0.040 0.839
ATPVC, ntpC, atpC; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit C 0.397 0.159 0.014 0.839
ATPVD, ntpD, atpD; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit D 0.318 0.150 0.036 0.839
ATPVE, ntpE, atpE; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit E 0.213 0.172 0.216 0.978
ATPVF, ntpF, atpF; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit F 0.373 0.159 0.020 0.839
ATPVG, ahaH, atpH; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit G/H 0.909 0.363 0.013 0.839
ATPVI, ntpI, atpI; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit I 0.310 0.150 0.040 0.839
ATPVK, ntpK, atpK; V/A-type H+/Na+-transporting ATPase subunit K 0.312 0.150 0.040 0.839
atrm56; tRNA (cytidine56-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
attA1; mannopine transport system ATP-binding protein -2.174 2.005 0.280 0.978
attA2; mannopine transport system permease protein -2.174 2.005 0.280 0.978
attC; mannopine transport system substrate-binding protein -2.174 2.005 0.280 0.978
atuB; citronellol/citronellal dehydrogenase -0.345 0.333 0.302 0.978
atuC; geranyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit [EC:] -0.310 0.329 0.348 0.978
atuD; citronellyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:1.3.99.-] -0.288 0.334 0.390 0.978
atuE; isohexenylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] -0.176 0.370 0.634 0.999
atuF; geranyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit [EC:] -0.280 0.340 0.410 0.978
atuG; citronellol/citronellal dehydrogenase 0.086 0.334 0.798 0.999
atuH; citronellyl-CoA synthetase [EC:6.2.1.-] -0.431 0.378 0.256 0.978
ATX, chlB1, mdpB; 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase [EC:] -17.790 2152.624 0.993 0.999
atzB; hydroxydechloroatrazine ethylaminohydrolase [EC:] -1.865 1.685 0.270 0.978
atzD; cyanuric acid amidohydrolase [EC:] -0.999 0.882 0.259 0.978
atzF; allophanate hydrolase [EC:] -0.127 0.298 0.670 0.999
AUP1; ancient ubiquitous protein 1 -0.976 0.998 0.329 0.978
aur; aureolysin [EC:] -0.467 0.685 0.496 0.981
avtA; valine–pyruvate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.335 0.356 0.349 0.978
AXY8, FUC95A, afcA; alpha-L-fucosidase 2 [EC:] -0.275 0.194 0.160 0.954
azr; azobenzene reductase [EC:] -2.035 1.879 0.280 0.978
babA; outer membrane protein BabA -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
bacA; undecaprenyl-diphosphatase [EC:] 0.001 0.044 0.989 0.999
bacA; vitamin B12/bleomycin/antimicrobial peptide transport system ATP-binding/permease protein -0.123 0.187 0.514 0.983
bacC; dihydroanticapsin dehydrogenase [EC:] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
badA; benzoate-CoA ligase [EC:] -2.028 1.566 0.197 0.970
badH; 2-hydroxycyclohexanecarboxyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] -0.879 0.559 0.118 0.917
badI; 2-ketocyclohexanecarboxyl-CoA hydrolase [EC:3.1.2.-] -1.983 1.811 0.275 0.978
baeR, smeR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator BaeR -0.262 0.267 0.328 0.978
baeS, smeS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase BaeS [EC:] -0.301 0.268 0.262 0.978
baiB; bile acid-coenzyme A ligase [EC:] -0.872 0.696 0.212 0.978
baiH; NAD+-dependent 7beta-hydroxy-3-oxo bile acid-CoA-ester 4-dehydrogenase -18.040 3081.666 0.995 0.999
bamB; outer membrane protein assembly factor BamB 0.024 0.215 0.911 0.999
bamC; outer membrane protein assembly factor BamC 0.223 0.191 0.246 0.978
bamD; outer membrane protein assembly factor BamD -0.108 0.101 0.286 0.978
bamE, smpA; outer membrane protein assembly factor BamE 0.071 0.156 0.650 0.999
barA, gacS, varS; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase BarA [EC:] 0.108 0.271 0.689 0.999
basR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator BasR -0.198 0.560 0.724 0.999
basS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase BasS [EC:] 0.134 0.621 0.829 0.999
bax; Bax protein 0.927 0.447 0.040 0.839
bbsF; benzylsuccinate CoA-transferase BbsF subunit [EC:] -0.229 1.513 0.880 0.999
bbsH; E-phenylitaconyl-CoA hydratase [EC:4.2.1.-] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
bccA, pccA; acetyl-CoA/propionyl-CoA carboxylase, biotin carboxylase, biotin carboxyl carrier protein [EC:] -0.119 0.227 0.602 0.999
bceA, vraD; bacitracin transport system ATP-binding protein -1.232 0.669 0.067 0.839
bceB, vraE; bacitracin transport system permease protein -1.131 0.665 0.091 0.885
bceR; two-component system, OmpR family, bacitracin resistance response regulator BceR -1.150 0.694 0.100 0.896
bceS; two-component system, OmpR family, bacitracin resistance sensor histidine kinase BceS [EC:] -1.001 0.831 0.230 0.978
bchC; bacteriochlorophyllide a dehydrogenase [EC:] -3.309 3.390 0.331 0.978
bchE; anaerobic magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase [EC:] 0.616 1.054 0.560 0.992
bchF; 3-vinyl bacteriochlorophyllide hydratase [EC:] -18.056 3176.254 0.995 0.999
bchJ; divinyl protochlorophyllide a 8-vinyl-reductase [EC:1.-.-.-] -17.500 2562.559 0.995 0.999
bchM, chlM; magnesium-protoporphyrin O-methyltransferase [EC:] -2.592 3.309 0.435 0.978
bchO; magnesium chelatase accessory protein -18.056 3176.254 0.995 0.999
bchX; 3,8-divinyl chlorophyllide a/chlorophyllide a reductase subunit X [EC:] -3.309 3.390 0.331 0.978
bchY; 3,8-divinyl chlorophyllide a/chlorophyllide a reductase subunit Y [EC:] -3.309 3.390 0.331 0.978
bchZ; 3,8-divinyl chlorophyllide a/chlorophyllide a reductase subunit Z [EC:] -3.309 3.390 0.331 0.978
BCKDHA, bkdA1; 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase E1 component alpha subunit [EC:] -0.565 0.245 0.022 0.839
BCKDHB, bkdA2; 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase E1 component beta subunit [EC:] -0.511 0.259 0.050 0.839
BCP, PRXQ, DOT5; peroxiredoxin Q/BCP [EC:] -0.125 0.066 0.060 0.839
bcpA; oxaloacetate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.144 0.326 0.658 0.999
bcr, tcaB; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.084 0.098 0.388 0.978
bcrA; bacitracin transport system ATP-binding protein -1.238 0.807 0.127 0.927
bcrB; bacitracin transport system permease protein -1.640 0.955 0.088 0.880
bcrC; undecaprenyl-diphosphatase [EC:] -0.093 0.048 0.055 0.839
BCS1; mitochondrial chaperone BCS1 -17.404 2813.939 0.995 0.999
bcsA; cellulose synthase (UDP-forming) [EC:] -0.123 0.269 0.647 0.999
bdcA; cyclic-di-GMP-binding biofilm dispersal mediator protein -0.330 0.726 0.650 0.999
bdcR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for divergent bdcA -0.157 0.790 0.842 0.999
BDH, butB; (R,R)-butanediol dehydrogenase / meso-butanediol dehydrogenase / diacetyl reductase [EC: 1.1.1.-] -0.054 0.151 0.723 0.999
bdhAB; butanol dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] -0.018 0.123 0.885 0.999
benA-xylX; benzoate/toluate 1,2-dioxygenase subunit alpha [EC: 1.14.12.-] 0.204 0.322 0.528 0.989
benB-xylY; benzoate/toluate 1,2-dioxygenase subunit beta [EC: 1.14.12.-] 0.206 0.321 0.521 0.988
benC-xylZ; benzoate/toluate 1,2-dioxygenase reductase component [EC:1.18.1.-] 0.209 0.315 0.509 0.981
benD-xylL; dihydroxycyclohexadiene carboxylate dehydrogenase [EC: 1.3.1.-] 0.220 0.307 0.473 0.979
benE; benzoate membrane transport protein -0.123 0.202 0.544 0.990
benK; MFS transporter, AAHS family, benzoate transport protein -0.017 0.326 0.960 0.999
betA, CHDH; choline dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.167 0.199 0.403 0.978
betB, gbsA; betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.199 0.188 0.291 0.978
betC; choline-sulfatase [EC:] 0.095 0.323 0.769 0.999
betI; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor of bet genes -0.047 0.214 0.827 0.999
betT, betS; choline/glycine/proline betaine transport protein 0.047 0.176 0.790 0.999
bfd; bacterioferritin-associated ferredoxin 0.014 0.176 0.936 0.999
bfr; bacterioferritin [EC:] -0.040 0.185 0.830 0.999
bgaB, lacA; beta-galactosidase [EC:] -0.162 0.140 0.248 0.978
bglB; beta-glucosidase [EC:] -0.190 0.313 0.546 0.990
bglG1; transcriptional antiterminator -0.027 0.197 0.889 0.999
bglH; carbohydrate-specific outer membrane porin -0.338 1.004 0.737 0.999
bglK; beta-glucoside kinase [EC:] -0.202 0.975 0.836 0.999
bglX; beta-glucosidase [EC:] -0.195 0.144 0.178 0.961
bgtB; arginine/lysine/histidine/glutamine transport system substrate-binding and permease protein -17.795 2866.649 0.995 0.999
BHMT; betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase [EC:] -17.155 2959.362 0.995 0.999
bhsA; multiple stress resistance protein BhsA 0.011 0.621 0.986 0.999
bigA; putative surface-exposed virulence protein 1.203 0.476 0.013 0.839
bioA, bioK; lysine—8-amino-7-oxononanoate aminotransferase [EC:] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
bioA; adenosylmethionine—8-amino-7-oxononanoate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.010 0.088 0.908 0.999
bioB; biotin synthase [EC:] 0.052 0.083 0.534 0.990
bioC; malonyl-CoA O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.158 0.136 0.246 0.978
bioD; dethiobiotin synthetase [EC:] 0.064 0.095 0.502 0.981
bioF; 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase [EC:] -0.041 0.119 0.730 0.999
bioG; pimeloyl-[acyl-carrier protein] methyl ester esterase [EC:] 0.386 0.259 0.138 0.949
bioH; pimeloyl-[acyl-carrier protein] methyl ester esterase [EC:] 0.078 0.194 0.689 0.999
bioI, CYP107H; pimeloyl-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase [EC:] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
bioM; biotin transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.071 0.282 0.803 0.999
bioN; biotin transport system permease protein -0.048 0.317 0.879 0.999
bioW; 6-carboxyhexanoate–CoA ligase [EC:] 0.071 0.251 0.779 0.999
bioY; biotin transport system substrate-specific component 0.066 0.087 0.451 0.978
birA-coaX; biotin—[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase / type III pantothenate kinase [EC:] 0.291 0.478 0.543 0.990
birA; BirA family transcriptional regulator, biotin operon repressor / biotin—[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase [EC:] 0.037 0.039 0.349 0.978
bisC; biotin/methionine sulfoxide reductase [EC:1.-.-.-] -0.714 0.485 0.143 0.951
bjaI, rpaI, braI, rhiI; acyl-homoserine lactone synthase [EC: 2.3.1.-] -0.574 0.684 0.403 0.978
bjaR1, rpaR, rhiR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator BjaR1 -2.618 1.591 0.102 0.897
bkdA; 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase E1 component [EC:] -0.150 0.300 0.618 0.999
bla2, blm, ccrA, blaB; metallo-beta-lactamase class B [EC:] -0.190 0.361 0.599 0.999
blaACT_MIR; beta-lactamase class C ACT/MIR [EC:] 1.305 0.861 0.132 0.941
blaCARB-17; beta-lactamase class A CARB-17 [EC:] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
blaCMY-1; beta-lactamase class C CMY-1 [EC:] 17.680 2242.142 0.994 0.999
blaCMY-2; beta-lactamase class C CMY-2 [EC:] -2.157 2.664 0.419 0.978
blaDHA; beta-lactamase class C DHA [EC:] 18.165 2857.430 0.995 0.999
blaGES; beta-lactamase class A GES [EC:] 18.165 2857.430 0.995 0.999
blaI; BlaI family transcriptional regulator, penicillinase repressor -0.770 0.560 0.171 0.961
blaIND; metallo-beta-lactamase class B IND [EC:] -1.696 2.377 0.477 0.979
blaKPC; beta-lactamase class A KPC [EC:] -0.213 1.210 0.860 0.999
blaOXA-10; beta-lactamase class D OXA-10 [EC:] 18.165 2857.430 0.995 0.999
blaOXA-12; beta-lactamase class D OXA-12 [EC:] 17.680 2242.142 0.994 0.999
blaOXA-213; beta-lactamase class D OXA-213 [EC:] -0.816 1.161 0.483 0.979
blaOXA-51; beta-lactamase class D OXA-51 [EC:] -0.816 1.161 0.483 0.979
blaR1; bla regulator protein blaR1 -0.744 0.598 0.215 0.978
blaSHV; beta-lactamase class A SHV [EC:] 0.021 1.115 0.985 0.999
blaTEM; beta-lactamase class A TEM [EC:] -1.000 1.063 0.348 0.978
blaVEB; beta-lactamase class A VEB [EC:] -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
blaZ; beta-lactamase class A BlaZ [EC:] -0.457 0.700 0.514 0.983
BLMH, pepC; bleomycin hydrolase [EC:] -0.004 0.115 0.973 0.999
blt; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.294 0.456 0.520 0.988
bluB; 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole synthase [EC:] -0.163 0.258 0.528 0.989
bmaC; fibronectin-binding autotransporter adhesin -1.934 1.573 0.221 0.978
bmpA, bmpB, tmpC; basic membrane protein A and related proteins -0.043 0.100 0.667 0.999
bmr; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.912 1.119 0.417 0.978
bmrR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, activator of bmr gene -0.635 1.401 0.651 0.999
bofA; inhibitor of the pro-sigma K processing machinery -0.260 0.338 0.443 0.978
bofC; forespore regulator of the sigma-K checkpoint -2.072 0.971 0.034 0.839
bolA; BolA family transcriptional regulator, general stress-responsive regulator -0.029 0.146 0.840 0.999
boNT; botulinum neurotoxin [EC:] -16.780 1732.243 0.992 0.999
boxA; benzoyl-CoA 2,3-epoxidase subunit A [EC:] -2.792 2.260 0.218 0.978
boxB; benzoyl-CoA 2,3-epoxidase subunit B [EC:] -1.730 0.934 0.066 0.839
boxC; benzoyl-CoA-dihydrodiol lyase [EC:] -1.730 0.934 0.066 0.839
boxD; 3,4-dehydroadipyl-CoA semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -3.265 3.528 0.356 0.978
boxR, bzdR; XRE family transcriptional regulator, aerobic/anaerobic benzoate catabolism transcriptional regulator -1.796 0.891 0.045 0.839
bpeE; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -0.760 0.417 0.070 0.841
bpeF; multidrug efflux pump -0.690 0.447 0.125 0.923
bpeT; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for bpeEF and oprC -0.298 0.651 0.648 0.999
bphD; 2,6-dioxo-6-phenylhexa-3-enoate hydrolase [EC:] 1.513 1.385 0.276 0.978
bphH, xylJ, tesE; 2-oxopent-4-enoate/cis-2-oxohex-4-enoate hydratase [EC:] 0.639 0.465 0.172 0.961
bphI, xylK, nahM, tesG; 4-hydroxy-2-oxovalerate/4-hydroxy-2-oxohexanoate aldolase [EC:] -0.058 0.514 0.910 0.999
bphJ, xylQ, nahO, tesF; acetaldehyde/propanal dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.058 0.514 0.910 0.999
bpr; bacillopeptidase F [EC:3.4.21.-] 2.533 1.763 0.153 0.954
bpsA, srsA, pks11, pks10; alkylresorcinol/alkylpyrone synthase -1.154 0.787 0.145 0.951
bpsA; N4-bis(aminopropyl)spermidine synthase [EC:] 18.245 2974.604 0.995 0.999
bpsB, srsB; methyltransferase -1.449 0.786 0.067 0.839
braD, bceA; bacitracin transport system ATP-binding protein -0.467 0.685 0.496 0.981
braE, bceB; bacitracin transport system permease protein -0.394 0.621 0.527 0.989
braR, bceR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator protein BraR/BceR 0.087 0.436 0.842 0.999
braS, bceS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase BraS/BceS [EC:] 0.087 0.436 0.842 0.999
bshA; L-malate glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.383 0.215 0.077 0.856
bssR; biofilm regulator BssR -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
bssS; biofilm regulator BssS 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
btaA; S-adenosylmethionine-diacylglycerol 3-amino-3-carboxypropyl transferase 0.109 0.323 0.735 0.999
btaB; S-adenosylmethionine-diacylgycerolhomoserine-N-methlytransferase -1.153 0.548 0.037 0.839
btaE; hyaluronate-binding autotransporter adhesin -2.174 2.005 0.280 0.978
btaF; ECM component-binding autotransporter adhesin -2.174 2.005 0.280 0.978
btuB; vitamin B12 transporter 0.011 0.127 0.930 0.999
budC; meso-butanediol dehydrogenase / (S,S)-butanediol dehydrogenase / diacetyl reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.606 0.604 0.317 0.978
buk; butyrate kinase [EC:] -0.237 0.237 0.319 0.978
butA, budC; meso-butanediol dehydrogenase / (S,S)-butanediol dehydrogenase / diacetyl reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] -0.116 0.192 0.545 0.990
bxlA; beta-xylosidase -17.703 3891.582 0.996 0.999
bxlE; xylobiose transport system substrate-binding protein -17.470 2403.378 0.994 0.999
bxlF; xylobiose transport system permease protein -17.470 2403.378 0.994 0.999
bxlG; xylobiose transport system permease protein -17.470 2403.378 0.994 0.999
C5AP, scpA, scpB; C5a peptidase [EC:] 0.143 1.011 0.887 0.999
cadB; cadaverine:lysine antiporter 0.088 0.766 0.909 0.999
cadC; transcriptional activator of cad operon -0.074 0.827 0.929 0.999
cag1; cag pathogenicity island protein 1 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag10; cag pathogenicity island protein 10 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag11; cag pathogenicity island protein 11 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag12; cag pathogenicity island protein 12 -0.684 1.205 0.571 0.995
cag13; cag pathogenicity island protein 13 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag14; cag pathogenicity island protein 14 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag15; cag pathogenicity island protein 15 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag16; cag pathogenicity island protein 16 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag17; cag pathogenicity island protein 17 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag18; cag pathogenicity island protein 18 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag19; cag pathogenicity island protein 19 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag2; cag pathogenicity island protein 2 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag20; cag pathogenicity island protein 20 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag21; cag pathogenicity island protein 21 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag22; cag pathogenicity island protein 22 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag23; cag pathogenicity island protein 23 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag24; cag pathogenicity island protein 24 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag25; cag pathogenicity island protein 25 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag3; cag pathogenicity island protein 3 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag4; cag pathogenicity island protein 4 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag5; cag pathogenicity island protein 5 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag6; cag pathogenicity island protein 6 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag7; cag pathogenicity island protein 7 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag8; cag pathogenicity island protein 8 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cag9; cag pathogenicity island protein 9 -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cagA; cytotoxicity-associated immunodominant antigen -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
cah; carbonic anhydrase [EC:] 0.211 0.296 0.477 0.979
cah; cephalosporin-C deacetylase [EC:] -0.015 0.195 0.939 0.999
caiA; crotonobetainyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.348 0.888 0.696 0.999
caiB; L-carnitine CoA-transferase [EC:] -0.285 0.818 0.728 0.999
caiC; carnitine-CoA ligase [EC:] -0.662 0.498 0.185 0.966
caiD; crotonobetainyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] -1.726 0.568 0.003 0.839
caiE; carnitine operon protein CaiE -0.982 1.042 0.347 0.978
caiF; transcriptional activator CaiF -1.130 1.346 0.402 0.978
caiT; L-carnitine/gamma-butyrobetaine antiporter -0.715 1.208 0.555 0.992
camD; 5-exo-hydroxycamphor dehydrogenase [EC:] -2.224 2.044 0.278 0.978
cansdh; carboxynorspermidine synthase [EC:] 1.142 1.423 0.423 0.978
capA, pgsA; gamma-polyglutamate biosynthesis protein CapA -0.074 0.119 0.533 0.990
capD; UDP-glucose 4-epimerase [EC:] -0.584 0.371 0.118 0.917
carA, CPA1; carbamoyl-phosphate synthase small subunit [EC:] 0.010 0.054 0.854 0.999
carAa; carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase [EC:] 1.513 1.385 0.276 0.978
carAc; carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase ferredoxin component 1.513 1.385 0.276 0.978
carAd; carbazole 1,9a-dioxygenase ferredoxin reductase component 1.513 1.385 0.276 0.978
carB, CPA2; carbamoyl-phosphate synthase large subunit [EC:] 0.018 0.053 0.732 0.999
carBa; 2’-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase, small subunit [EC:1.13.11.-] 1.513 1.385 0.276 0.978
carBb; 2’-aminobiphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase, large subunit [EC:1.13.11.-] 1.513 1.385 0.276 0.978
carC; 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-6-(2’-aminophenyl)hexa-2,4-dienoate hydrolase [EC:] 1.513 1.385 0.276 0.978
carD; CarD family transcriptional regulator -0.289 0.197 0.145 0.951
CARP, pepA; leucyl aminopeptidase [EC:] -0.083 0.093 0.374 0.978
CARS, cysS; cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.035 0.032 0.279 0.978
cas1; CRISP-associated protein Cas1 0.109 0.096 0.258 0.978
cas2; CRISPR-associated protein Cas2 0.166 0.100 0.099 0.896
cas3; CRISPR-associated endonuclease/helicase Cas3 [EC:3.1.-.- 3.6.4.-] 0.249 0.132 0.061 0.839
cas4; CRISPR-associated exonuclease Cas4 [EC:] 0.180 0.179 0.316 0.978
cas5d; CRISPR-associated protein Cas5d -0.222 0.319 0.488 0.979
cas5h; CRISPR-associated protein Cas5h 0.144 0.628 0.819 0.999
cas5t; CRISPR-associated protein Cas5t 1.060 0.567 0.064 0.839
cas6; CRISPR-associated endoribonuclease Cas6 [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.214 0.193 0.267 0.978
casA, cse1; CRISPR system Cascade subunit CasA 0.140 0.395 0.723 0.999
casB, cse2; CRISPR system Cascade subunit CasB 0.086 0.414 0.836 0.999
casC, cse4; CRISPR system Cascade subunit CasC 0.198 0.299 0.509 0.981
casD, cse5; CRISPR system Cascade subunit CasD 0.155 0.392 0.694 0.999
casE, cse3; CRISPR system Cascade subunit CasE 0.141 0.395 0.722 0.999
cat2, abfT; 4-hydroxybutyrate CoA-transferase [EC:2.8.3.-] 0.491 0.351 0.164 0.957
catA; catechol 1,2-dioxygenase [EC:] -0.107 0.256 0.677 0.999
catA; chloramphenicol O-acetyltransferase type A [EC:] -0.877 0.531 0.101 0.896
catB; chloramphenicol O-acetyltransferase type B [EC:] -0.311 0.415 0.455 0.978
catB; muconate cycloisomerase [EC:] 0.016 0.272 0.954 0.999
catC; muconolactone D-isomerase [EC:] 0.036 0.273 0.894 0.999
catE; catechol 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] -0.134 0.147 0.363 0.978
cbe, mbe; cellobiose epimerase [EC:] -0.960 0.463 0.040 0.839
cbeA; cytoskeleton bundling-enhancing protein CbeA and related proteins -1.818 1.796 0.313 0.978
cbf, cbf1; 3’-5’ exoribonuclease [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.002 0.120 0.985 0.999
CBH2, cbhA; cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase [EC:] 0.609 1.214 0.617 0.999
cbiB, cobD; adenosylcobinamide-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.099 0.112 0.379 0.978
cbiD; cobalt-precorrin-5B (C1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.290 0.146 0.048 0.839
cbiE; cobalt-precorrin-7 (C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.539 0.215 0.013 0.839
cbiG; cobalt-precorrin 5A hydrolase [EC:] 0.297 0.135 0.030 0.839
cbiGH-cobJ; cobalt-precorrin 5A hydrolase / precorrin-3B C17-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.121 0.345 0.727 0.999
cbiK; nickel transport protein 0.272 0.653 0.677 0.999
cbiK; sirohydrochlorin cobaltochelatase [EC:] 0.367 0.188 0.053 0.839
cbiL; nickel transport protein 0.042 0.323 0.896 0.999
cbiM; cobalt/nickel transport system permease protein 0.097 0.243 0.689 0.999
cbiN; cobalt/nickel transport protein 0.668 0.310 0.033 0.839
cbiO; cobalt/nickel transport system ATP-binding protein 0.092 0.240 0.701 0.999
cbiQ; cobalt/nickel transport system permease protein 0.205 0.231 0.378 0.978
cbiT; cobalt-precorrin-6B (C15)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.561 0.218 0.011 0.839
cbiX; sirohydrochlorin cobaltochelatase [EC:] -0.834 0.568 0.144 0.951
cbl; LysR family transcriptional regulator, cys regulon transcriptional activator -0.312 0.343 0.365 0.978
CBP3, UQCC; cytochrome b pre-mRNA-processing protein 3 -1.109 0.434 0.012 0.839
cbpA; curved DNA-binding protein -0.135 0.131 0.301 0.978
cbpM; chaperone modulatory protein CbpM 0.032 0.232 0.891 0.999
cbrT; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component -0.874 0.473 0.067 0.839
CBS; cystathionine beta-synthase [EC:] -0.194 0.223 0.385 0.978
cbtA; cytoskeleton-binding toxin CbtA and related proteins -0.735 1.149 0.523 0.989
cca; tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (CCA-adding enzyme) [EC: 3.1.3.- 3.1.4.-] 0.111 0.051 0.031 0.839
cccA; cytochrome c550 -1.518 0.736 0.041 0.839
cccB; cytochrome c551 -1.475 0.759 0.054 0.839
ccdA; antitoxin CcdA 0.076 0.596 0.899 0.999
ccdA; cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein -0.026 0.124 0.835 0.999
ccdB; toxin CcdB 0.160 0.637 0.801 0.999
cciR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator CciR -1.019 0.711 0.154 0.954
cckA; two-component system, cell cycle sensor histidine kinase and response regulator CckA [EC:] -1.110 0.434 0.011 0.839
ccmA; heme exporter protein A [EC:] -0.012 0.148 0.937 0.999
ccmB; heme exporter protein B -0.010 0.147 0.948 0.999
ccmC; heme exporter protein C -0.016 0.147 0.916 0.999
ccmD; heme exporter protein D 0.057 0.178 0.750 0.999
ccmE; cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmE -0.017 0.147 0.907 0.999
ccmF; cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmF -0.033 0.147 0.821 0.999
ccmG, dsbE; cytochrome c biogenesis protein CcmG, thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbE -0.012 0.172 0.947 0.999
ccmH; cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein CcmH -0.037 0.172 0.832 0.999
ccoN; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit I [EC:] -0.060 0.265 0.820 0.999
ccoNO; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit I/II [EC:] -0.186 0.512 0.717 0.999
ccoO; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit II -0.007 0.224 0.976 0.999
ccoP; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit III -0.042 0.236 0.861 0.999
ccoQ; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit IV 0.009 0.228 0.968 0.999
ccr; crotonyl-CoA carboxylase/reductase [EC:] -1.101 0.945 0.246 0.978
ccrA; crotonyl-CoA reductase [EC:] 1.083 0.694 0.120 0.917
ccrM; modification methylase [EC:] -0.894 0.322 0.006 0.839
ccsA; citryl-CoA synthetase large subunit [EC:] -1.047 1.651 0.527 0.989
cd, ma, nplT; cyclomaltodextrinase / maltogenic alpha-amylase / neopullulanase [EC:] -17.703 3891.582 0.996 0.999
cdaR; carbohydrate diacid regulator 0.194 0.227 0.395 0.978
cdc6A; archaeal cell division control protein 6 -16.927 2639.780 0.995 0.999
cdd, CDA; cytidine deaminase [EC:] -0.021 0.082 0.797 0.999
cdgJ; c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase [EC:] -0.431 0.507 0.397 0.978
cdh; CDP-diacylglycerol pyrophosphatase [EC:] -0.100 0.369 0.786 0.999
cdhD, acsD; acetyl-CoA decarbonylase/synthase complex subunit delta [EC:] -0.727 1.126 0.520 0.988
cdhE, acsC; acetyl-CoA decarbonylase/synthase complex subunit gamma [EC:] -0.789 1.083 0.468 0.979
cdhR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, carnitine catabolism transcriptional activator 0.186 0.370 0.616 0.999
CDIPT; CDP-diacylglycerol–inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] -2.295 1.765 0.195 0.970
CDO1; cysteine dioxygenase [EC:] -18.166 3639.630 0.996 0.999
cdr; CoA-disulfide reductase [EC:] -0.198 0.832 0.812 0.999
cebE; cellobiose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.106 0.588 0.857 0.999
cebF; cellobiose transport system permease protein -0.077 0.639 0.904 0.999
cebG; cellobiose transport system permease protein -0.077 0.639 0.904 0.999
CECR1, ADA2; adenosine deaminase CECR1 [EC:] -0.261 1.196 0.828 0.999
cedA; cell division activator -0.131 0.760 0.863 0.999
cefD; isopenicillin-N epimerase [EC:] -17.999 4282.978 0.997 0.999
ceo; N5-(carboxyethyl)ornithine synthase [EC:] 0.270 0.918 0.769 0.999
cfa; cAMP factor -2.011 2.150 0.351 0.978
cfa; cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase [EC:] -0.048 0.135 0.719 0.999
cgeB; spore maturation protein CgeB -0.081 0.372 0.829 0.999
cgeE; spore maturation protein CgeE 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
cggR; central glycolytic genes regulator 0.008 0.158 0.960 0.999
cgt; cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase [EC:] 17.922 2530.829 0.994 0.999
cgtA; beta-1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
chaA, CAX; Ca2+:H+ antiporter -0.727 0.323 0.026 0.839
chaB; cation transport regulator 0.167 0.620 0.788 0.999
CHAC, chaC; glutathione-specific gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase [EC:] -0.455 0.285 0.112 0.917
chbG; chitin disaccharide deacetylase [EC:] -0.287 0.363 0.430 0.978
chbP; N,N’-diacetylchitobiose phosphorylase [EC:] 18.119 1920.327 0.992 0.999
chbR, celD; AraC family transcriptional regulator, dual regulator of chb operon -0.067 0.598 0.911 0.999
cheA; two-component system, chemotaxis family, sensor kinase CheA [EC:] -0.164 0.176 0.354 0.978
cheB; two-component system, chemotaxis family, protein-glutamate methylesterase/glutaminase [EC:] -0.107 0.184 0.562 0.992
cheBR; two-component system, chemotaxis family, CheB/CheR fusion protein [EC:] -0.209 0.386 0.588 0.999
cheC; chemotaxis protein CheC -0.316 0.351 0.370 0.978
cheD; chemotaxis protein CheD [EC:] -0.206 0.190 0.278 0.978
cheR; chemotaxis protein methyltransferase CheR [EC:] -0.096 0.182 0.598 0.999
cheV; two-component system, chemotaxis family, chemotaxis protein CheV -0.022 0.229 0.922 0.999
cheW; purine-binding chemotaxis protein CheW -0.157 0.174 0.369 0.978
cheX; chemotaxis protein CheX 0.028 0.403 0.945 0.999
cheY; two-component system, chemotaxis family, chemotaxis protein CheY -0.182 0.150 0.228 0.978
cheZ; chemotaxis protein CheZ 0.005 0.227 0.984 0.999
chiA; bifunctional chitinase/lysozyme [EC:] -0.931 1.250 0.458 0.979
chiE; putative chitobiose transport system substrate-binding protein -1.528 1.228 0.215 0.978
chiF; putative chitobiose transport system permease protein -1.533 1.224 0.212 0.978
chiG; putative chitobiose transport system permease protein -1.483 1.248 0.237 0.978
chiS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase ChiS 1.818 1.333 0.175 0.961
chlB; light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase subunit B [EC:] -2.547 1.881 0.178 0.961
chlD, bchD; magnesium chelatase subunit D [EC:] 0.126 0.222 0.571 0.995
chlG, bchG; chlorophyll/bacteriochlorophyll a synthase [EC:] -18.056 3176.254 0.995 0.999
chlH, bchH; magnesium chelatase subunit H [EC:] -2.415 1.668 0.150 0.954
chlI, bchI; magnesium chelatase subunit I [EC:] 0.115 0.165 0.487 0.979
chlL; light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase subunit L [EC:] -3.309 3.390 0.331 0.978
chlN; light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase subunit N [EC:] -2.547 1.881 0.178 0.961
chlP, bchP; geranylgeranyl diphosphate/geranylgeranyl-bacteriochlorophyllide a reductase [EC:] -18.056 3176.254 0.995 0.999
chnB; cyclohexanone monooxygenase [EC:] -0.863 0.502 0.088 0.880
cho; excinuclease Cho [EC:3.1.25.-] 0.041 0.560 0.942 0.999
CHO1, pssA; CDP-diacylglycerol—serine O-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] -0.050 0.071 0.477 0.979
choD; cholesterol oxidase [EC:] -1.088 0.900 0.229 0.978
chpA; chemosensory pili system protein ChpA (sensor histidine kinase/response regulator) -0.068 0.298 0.819 0.999
chpB, chpBK; mRNA interferase ChpB [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.873 0.999 0.384 0.978
chpB; chemosensory pili system protein ChpB (putative protein-glutamate methylesterase) 0.212 0.337 0.529 0.989
chpC; chemosensory pili system protein ChpC 0.118 0.271 0.664 0.999
chpD; AraC family transcriptional regulator, chemosensory pili system protein ChpD -0.976 0.998 0.329 0.978
chpE; chemosensory pili system protein ChpE -0.942 0.967 0.332 0.978
chpS, chpBI; antitoxin ChpS -0.033 0.795 0.967 0.999
chpT; histidine phosphotransferase ChpT -1.210 0.442 0.007 0.839
chqB; hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase [EC:] -0.393 0.707 0.579 0.997
chr, crh; catabolite repression HPr-like protein -0.159 0.359 0.659 0.999
chrA; chromate transporter -0.042 0.117 0.718 0.999
chrR, NQR; chromate reductase, NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) -0.061 0.233 0.796 0.999
chrR; putative transcriptional regulator -0.241 0.398 0.546 0.990
chuX; heme iron utilization protein -0.447 0.479 0.352 0.978
chvB, cgs, ndvB; cyclic beta-1,2-glucan synthetase [EC:2.4.1.-] -2.205 1.237 0.076 0.856
chvG; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase ChvG [EC:] -1.064 0.432 0.015 0.839
chvI; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ChvI -1.064 0.432 0.015 0.839
ciaH; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CiaH [EC:] -0.015 0.172 0.930 0.999
ciaR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator CiaR -0.018 0.171 0.916 0.999
ciaX; regulatory peptide CiaX 18.830 3661.468 0.996 0.999
cidA; holin-like protein 0.069 0.079 0.386 0.978
cimA; (R)-citramalate synthase [EC:] -0.593 0.574 0.303 0.978
citA, tcuC; MFS transporter, MHS family, citrate/tricarballylate:H+ symporter -0.346 0.485 0.477 0.979
citB, tcuB; citrate/tricarballylate utilization protein -0.855 0.547 0.120 0.917
citC; [citrate (pro-3S)-lyase] ligase [EC:] 0.767 0.297 0.011 0.839
citD; citrate lyase subunit gamma (acyl carrier protein) 0.497 0.190 0.010 0.839
citE; citrate lyase subunit beta / citryl-CoA lyase [EC:] 0.013 0.140 0.929 0.999
citF; citrate lyase subunit alpha / citrate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.493 0.188 0.010 0.839
citG; triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthase [EC:] 1.003 0.421 0.018 0.839
citR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for citA -0.635 0.832 0.446 0.978
citS; two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase CitS [EC:] -2.116 1.208 0.082 0.865
citT; citrate:succinate antiporter -0.042 0.268 0.876 0.999
citX; holo-ACP synthase [EC:] 1.060 0.437 0.017 0.839
citXG; holo-ACP synthase / triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthase [EC:] 0.424 0.521 0.417 0.978
cld; chlorite dismutase [EC:] -0.180 0.180 0.319 0.978
clfA; clumping factor A -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
clfB; clumping factor B -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
cloSI; clostripain [EC:] 6.328 12.689 0.619 0.999
clpA; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpA -0.170 0.160 0.290 0.978
clpB; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpB 0.009 0.058 0.878 0.999
clpC; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpC 0.005 0.082 0.956 0.999
clpE; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpE 0.085 0.155 0.584 0.999
clpL; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpL 0.019 0.160 0.906 0.999
clpP, CLPP; ATP-dependent Clp protease, protease subunit [EC:] 0.015 0.044 0.739 0.999
clpS; ATP-dependent Clp protease adaptor protein ClpS -0.143 0.127 0.263 0.978
clpX, CLPX; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpX 0.050 0.041 0.226 0.978
clrA, serA; complex iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme family reductase subunit alpha -17.931 4360.659 0.997 0.999
clrb, serB; complex iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme family reductase subunit beta -17.931 4360.659 0.997 0.999
clrC, serC; complex iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme family reductase subunit gamma -17.931 4360.659 0.997 0.999
clsA_B; cardiolipin synthase A/B [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.040 0.050 0.427 0.978
clsC; cardiolipin synthase C [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.071 0.198 0.722 0.999
cmaB; non-haem Fe2+, alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent halogenase 18.932 3654.080 0.996 0.999
cmeR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, cmeABC operon repressor 0.936 0.710 0.189 0.966
cmk; CMP/dCMP kinase [EC:] 0.050 0.044 0.251 0.978
cmlA, cmlB, floR; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, florfenicol/chloramphenicol resistance protein -0.062 0.452 0.892 0.999
cmlR, cmx; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, chloramphenicol resistance protein -17.792 3118.911 0.995 0.999
cmmT, thnT; putative pantetheine hydrolase [EC:3.5.1.-] -17.794 4072.025 0.997 0.999
CMO; choline monooxygenase [EC:] 0.140 0.455 0.758 0.999
cmoA; tRNA (cmo5U34)-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.089 0.123 0.471 0.979
cmoB; tRNA (mo5U34)-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.123 0.214 0.565 0.994
cmr; MFS transporter, DHA3 family, multidrug efflux protein 0.193 0.978 0.844 0.999
cmr2, cas10; CRISPR-associated protein Cmr2 0.158 1.340 0.906 0.999
cmr3; CRISPR-associated protein Cmr3 -17.860 2336.427 0.994 0.999
cmr4; CRISPR-associated protein Cmr4 -0.193 1.135 0.865 0.999
cmr5; CRISPR-associated protein Cmr5 -0.193 1.135 0.865 0.999
cmr6; CRISPR-associated protein Cmr6 -0.175 0.787 0.824 0.999
cmtC, dhbA; 2,3-dihydroxy-p-cumate/2,3-dihydroxybenzoate 3,4-dioxygenase [EC:1.13.11.-] 0.589 1.020 0.565 0.994
cmtD, dhbB; HCOMODA/2-hydroxy-3-carboxy-muconic semialdehyde decarboxylase [EC:4.1.1.-] 0.077 0.877 0.930 0.999
CNP; 2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase [EC:] 1.286 0.611 0.037 0.839
coaA; type I pantothenate kinase [EC:] 0.093 0.113 0.413 0.978
coaBC, dfp; phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase / phosphopantothenate—cysteine ligase [EC:] 0.051 0.049 0.305 0.978
coaE; dephospho-CoA kinase [EC:] 0.031 0.044 0.486 0.979
coaW; type II pantothenate kinase [EC:] -0.376 0.241 0.121 0.919
coaX; type III pantothenate kinase [EC:] 0.010 0.082 0.905 0.999
cobA-hemD; uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase / synthase [EC:] 0.288 0.161 0.076 0.855
cobA, btuR; cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase [EC:] 0.129 0.120 0.284 0.978
cobA; uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.327 0.190 0.087 0.880
cobB-cbiA; cobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase [EC:] 0.131 0.116 0.260 0.978
cobC, phpB; alpha-ribazole phosphatase [EC:] 0.051 0.106 0.633 0.999
cobC1, cobC; cobalamin biosynthetic protein CobC -0.226 0.272 0.407 0.978
cobD; threonine-phosphate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.282 0.172 0.103 0.904
cobF; precorrin-6A synthase [EC:] -0.209 0.292 0.476 0.979
cobG; precorrin-3B synthase [EC:] -0.099 0.294 0.737 0.999
cobH-cbiC; precorrin-8X/cobalt-precorrin-8 methylmutase [EC:] 0.228 0.130 0.082 0.865
cobI-cbiL; precorrin-2/cobalt-factor-2 C20-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.250 0.134 0.065 0.839
cobIJ; precorrin-2 C20-methyltransferase / precorrin-3B C17-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.654 0.610 0.286 0.978
cobK-cbiJ; precorrin-6A/cobalt-precorrin-6A reductase [EC:] 0.278 0.132 0.036 0.839
cobL; precorrin-6Y C5,15-methyltransferase (decarboxylating) [EC:] -0.055 0.198 0.782 0.999
cobM, cbiF; precorrin-4/cobalt-precorrin-4 C11-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.229 0.130 0.079 0.859
cobN; cobaltochelatase CobN [EC:] -0.061 0.166 0.712 0.999
cobP, cobU; adenosylcobinamide kinase / adenosylcobinamide-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC:] 0.044 0.110 0.687 0.999
cobQ, cbiP; adenosylcobyric acid synthase [EC:] 0.236 0.135 0.083 0.870
cobR; cob(II)yrinic acid a,c-diamide reductase [EC:] -2.528 1.681 0.135 0.944
cobS; cobaltochelatase CobS [EC:] -1.063 0.415 0.011 0.839
cobT; cobaltochelatase CobT [EC:] -1.109 0.435 0.012 0.839
cobW; cobalamin biosynthesis protein CobW -0.143 0.316 0.652 0.999
cobY; adenosylcobinamide-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
cobZ, tcuA; tricarballylate dehydrogenase -1.023 0.497 0.041 0.839
codA; choline oxidase [EC:] 1.196 1.148 0.299 0.978
codA; cytosine deaminase [EC:] -0.083 0.194 0.670 0.999
codB; cytosine permease -0.115 0.311 0.713 0.999
codY; transcriptional pleiotropic repressor 0.027 0.125 0.828 0.999
cof; HMP-PP phosphatase [EC:3.6.1.-] -0.320 0.646 0.621 0.999
cofC; 2-phospho-L-lactate guanylyltransferase [EC:] -0.759 0.566 0.182 0.961
cofD; LPPG:FO 2-phospho-L-lactate transferase [EC:] -0.752 0.620 0.227 0.978
cofE, fbiB; coenzyme F420-0:L-glutamate ligase / coenzyme F420-1:gamma-L-glutamate ligase [EC:] -0.440 0.538 0.415 0.978
cofF; gamma-F420-2:alpha-L-glutamate ligase [EC:] -0.786 1.219 0.520 0.988
cofH; FO synthase subunit 2 [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
coiA; competence protein CoiA 0.081 0.142 0.567 0.995
colA; microbial collagenase [EC:] -0.506 0.753 0.502 0.981
comA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial, competence factor transporting protein [EC:3.4.22.-] -0.038 0.211 0.858 0.999
comA; phosphosulfolactate synthase [EC:] -1.102 0.800 0.170 0.961
comA; two-component system, NarL family, competent response regulator ComA -0.524 1.324 0.693 0.999
comB; 2-phosphosulfolactate phosphatase [EC:] -0.551 0.347 0.114 0.917
comB; competence factor transport accessory protein ComB -0.041 0.212 0.847 0.999
comB10; ComB10 competence protein -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
comB4; ComB4 competence protein -0.613 1.039 0.556 0.992
comB6; ComB6 competence protein -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
comB8; ComB8 competence protein -0.260 0.900 0.773 0.999
comB9; ComB9 competence protein -0.260 0.900 0.773 0.999
comC; (2R)-3-sulfolactate dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] -1.631 1.190 0.173 0.961
comC; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] 0.035 0.134 0.793 0.999
comD; two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase ComD [EC:] -0.192 0.205 0.351 0.978
comE; two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator ComE -0.088 0.185 0.636 0.999
comEA; competence protein ComEA 0.120 0.044 0.007 0.839
comEB; dCMP deaminase [EC:] 0.073 0.089 0.412 0.978
comEC; competence protein ComEC 0.074 0.045 0.102 0.899
comER; competence protein ComER -2.661 1.051 0.012 0.839
comFA; competence protein ComFA 0.000 0.133 0.999 1.000
comFB; competence protein ComFB 0.103 0.521 0.844 0.999
comFC; competence protein ComFC 0.137 0.119 0.252 0.978
comGA; competence protein ComGA 0.000 0.133 0.999 1.000
comGB; competence protein ComGB 0.003 0.134 0.983 0.999
comGC; competence protein ComGC 0.000 0.133 0.999 1.000
comGD; competence protein ComGD 0.025 0.141 0.861 0.999
comGE; competence protein ComGE -3.408 2.625 0.196 0.970
comGF; competence protein ComGF 0.065 0.141 0.646 0.999
comGG; competence protein ComGG -3.418 2.305 0.140 0.949
comK; competence protein ComK -0.918 0.515 0.077 0.856
comM; magnesium chelatase family protein 0.088 0.081 0.276 0.978
comP; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase ComP [EC:] -0.627 1.390 0.653 0.999
comQ; competence protein ComQ -0.612 1.369 0.656 0.999
COMT; catechol O-methyltransferase [EC:] -2.635 1.432 0.068 0.839
comX; competence protein ComX -0.622 1.388 0.655 0.999
comX1_2; competence protein ComX -0.084 0.183 0.646 0.999
comZ; competence protein ComZ -2.682 1.755 0.128 0.931
cooC; CO dehydrogenase maturation factor -0.682 0.939 0.469 0.979
cooF; anaerobic carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase iron sulfur subunit 0.752 0.968 0.438 0.978
cooS, acsA; anaerobic carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.313 0.241 0.196 0.970
copA, ATP7; Cu+-exporting ATPase [EC:] 0.030 0.034 0.390 0.978
copB; Cu2+-exporting ATPase [EC:] 0.000 0.093 0.996 0.999
copC, pcoC; copper resistance protein C -0.275 0.254 0.280 0.978
COQ10; coenzyme Q-binding protein COQ10 -1.205 0.444 0.007 0.839
COQ4; ubiquinone biosynthesis protein COQ4 -0.622 0.535 0.247 0.978
COQ7; ubiquinone biosynthesis monooxygenase Coq7 [EC:1.14.13.-] -0.051 0.209 0.809 0.999
COQ9; ubiquinone biosynthesis protein COQ9 -0.865 0.505 0.089 0.880
corA; magnesium transporter -0.031 0.039 0.429 0.978
corC; magnesium and cobalt transporter 0.046 0.154 0.768 0.999
cotA; spore coat protein A, manganese oxidase [EC:] -1.211 1.014 0.234 0.978
cotB; spore coat protein B -2.453 2.237 0.275 0.978
cotD; spore coat protein D -1.553 0.763 0.043 0.839
cotE; spore coat protein E -1.431 0.741 0.055 0.839
cotF; spore coat protein F -3.213 1.928 0.098 0.896
cotH; spore coat protein H 0.059 0.323 0.855 0.999
cotI; spore coat protein I 1.182 1.331 0.376 0.978
cotJA; spore coat protein JA -1.601 0.839 0.058 0.839
cotJB; spore coat protein JB -1.079 0.543 0.049 0.839
cotJC; spore coat protein JC -1.140 0.557 0.042 0.839
cotM; spore coat protein M -2.263 1.511 0.136 0.949
cotSA; spore coat protein SA 0.577 0.978 0.556 0.992
cotV; spore coat protein V 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
cotW; spore coat protein W 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
cotX; spore coat protein X -2.290 1.313 0.083 0.869
cotY; spore coat protein Y -0.904 1.547 0.560 0.992
cotZ; spore coat protein Z -0.809 0.999 0.419 0.978
COX11, ctaG; cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein subunit 11 -0.171 0.227 0.451 0.978
COX15, ctaA; cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein subunit 15 -0.378 0.183 0.041 0.839
coxA, ctaD; cytochrome c oxidase subunit I [EC:] -0.474 0.212 0.026 0.839
coxA; spore cortex protein -1.366 1.367 0.319 0.978
coxAC; cytochrome c oxidase subunit I+III [EC:] -0.815 0.475 0.088 0.880
coxB, ctaC; cytochrome c oxidase subunit II [EC:] -0.482 0.202 0.018 0.839
coxC, ctaE; cytochrome c oxidase subunit III [EC:] -0.361 0.192 0.062 0.839
coxD, ctaF; cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV [EC:] -1.053 0.568 0.066 0.839
coxL, cutL; aerobic carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase large subunit [EC:] -1.072 0.581 0.067 0.839
coxM, cutM; aerobic carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase medium subunit [EC:] -0.662 0.503 0.190 0.968
coxS; aerobic carbon-monoxide dehydrogenase small subunit [EC:] -0.207 0.211 0.327 0.978
cpaA, tadV; prepilin peptidase CpaA [EC:] -0.130 0.229 0.571 0.995
cpaB, rcpC; pilus assembly protein CpaB -0.329 0.228 0.151 0.954
cpaC, rcpA; pilus assembly protein CpaC -0.322 0.244 0.189 0.966
cpaD; pilus assembly protein CpaD -0.935 0.449 0.039 0.839
cpaE, tadZ; pilus assembly protein CpaE -0.357 0.240 0.140 0.949
cpaF, tadA; pilus assembly protein CpaF -0.023 0.154 0.882 0.999
cpbD; chitin-binding protein -0.116 0.400 0.772 0.999
cpdA; 3’,5’-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.140 0.192 0.465 0.979
cpdB; 2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide 2’-phosphodiesterase / 3’-nucleotidase [EC:] -0.097 0.119 0.413 0.978
cpdP; 3’,5’-cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase [EC:] -0.019 0.651 0.976 0.999
cpdR; two-component system, cell cycle response regulator CpdR -1.071 0.429 0.014 0.839
cpe; enterotoxin Cpe 6.196 11.877 0.603 0.999
cpg; glutamate carboxypeptidase [EC:] -0.271 0.186 0.147 0.954
CPGS; cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate synthetase [EC:4.6.1.-] -1.859 2.280 0.416 0.978
cphA; cyanophycin synthetase [EC:] -0.243 0.500 0.628 0.999
cphB; cyanophycinase [EC:] -0.378 0.593 0.525 0.989
cpnA; cyclopentanol dehydrogenase [EC:] 1.027 0.862 0.236 0.978
cpo; non-heme chloroperoxidase [EC:] -0.150 0.256 0.559 0.992
cpoA; 1,2-diacylglycerol-3-alpha-glucose alpha-1,2-galactosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.124 0.216 0.569 0.995
CPOX, hemF; coproporphyrinogen III oxidase [EC:] -0.085 0.178 0.632 0.999
cpt; carboxypeptidase T [EC:] 18.832 3989.590 0.996 0.999
cpt; chloramphenicol 3-O phosphotransferase [EC:2.7.1.-] -1.812 1.125 0.109 0.917
cptA; toxin CptA 0.218 0.258 0.400 0.978
cptB; antitoxin CptB -0.033 0.146 0.821 0.999
cpxA; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CpxA [EC:] 0.304 0.325 0.352 0.978
cpxP; periplasmic protein CpxP 0.210 0.578 0.716 0.999
cpxR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator CpxR 0.018 0.264 0.947 0.999
cqsA; CAI-1 autoinducer synthase [EC:2.3.-.-] 0.400 1.051 0.704 0.999
cqsS; two-component system, CAI-1 autoinducer sensor kinase/phosphatase CqsS [EC: 3.1.3.-] -0.436 1.356 0.748 0.999
crcB, FEX; fluoride exporter -0.051 0.066 0.439 0.978
creA; CreA protein -0.031 0.209 0.882 0.999
creB; two-component system, OmpR family, catabolic regulation response regulator CreB -0.028 0.243 0.909 0.999
creC; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CreC [EC:] -0.043 0.240 0.859 0.999
creD; inner membrane protein 0.291 0.207 0.162 0.957
creS; crescentin -1.592 1.984 0.423 0.978
crl; sigma factor-binding protein Crl 0.352 0.531 0.508 0.981
CRLS; cardiolipin synthase (CMP-forming) [EC:] -0.626 0.257 0.016 0.839
croR; 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydratase [EC:] -0.451 0.330 0.174 0.961
crp; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, cyclic AMP receptor protein 0.106 0.167 0.526 0.989
crt; enoyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 0.279 0.194 0.151 0.954
crtA; spheroidene monooxygenase [EC:] -17.500 2562.559 0.995 0.999
crtB; 15-cis-phytoene synthase [EC:] -0.465 0.226 0.041 0.839
crtC; carotenoid 1,2-hydratase [EC:] -2.693 3.485 0.441 0.978
crtD; 1-hydroxycarotenoid 3,4-desaturase [EC:] -18.056 3176.254 0.995 0.999
crtF; demethylspheroidene O-methyltransferase [EC:] -3.309 3.390 0.331 0.978
crtI; phytoene desaturase [EC:] -0.189 0.379 0.618 0.999
crtISO, crtH; prolycopene isomerase [EC:] -0.456 1.281 0.723 0.999
crtM; 4,4’-diapophytoene synthase [EC:] -0.811 1.001 0.419 0.978
crtN; 4,4’-diapophytoene desaturase [EC:] -1.554 1.110 0.164 0.957
crtP; diapolycopene oxygenase [EC:] -1.554 1.110 0.164 0.957
crtQ; 4,4’-diaponeurosporenoate glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -1.551 1.058 0.145 0.951
crtR; beta-carotene hydroxylase [EC:1.14.13.-] -17.770 4023.440 0.996 0.999
crtU; isorenieratene synthase -1.061 0.778 0.175 0.961
crtW; beta-carotene ketolase (CrtW type) 0.424 0.994 0.670 0.999
crtX; zeaxanthin glucosyltransferase [EC:] -0.124 0.669 0.853 0.999
crtZ; beta-carotene 3-hydroxylase [EC:] 0.048 0.333 0.886 0.999
cruC; chlorobactene glucosyltransferase -0.456 1.281 0.723 0.999
cruF; bisanhydrobacterioruberin hydratase [EC:] -1.094 0.877 0.214 0.978
CS, gltA; citrate synthase [EC:] -0.240 0.083 0.005 0.839
csb1; CRISPR-associated protein Csb1 0.298 0.433 0.492 0.981
csb2; CRISPR-associated protein Csb2 0.298 0.433 0.492 0.981
csb3; CRISPR-associated protein Csb3 0.288 0.435 0.509 0.981
csd1, cas8c; CRISPR-associated protein Csd1 -0.213 0.319 0.505 0.981
csd2, cas7; CRISPR-associated protein Csd2 -0.222 0.319 0.488 0.979
csdA; cysteine sulfinate desulfinase [EC:4.4.1.-] 0.187 0.217 0.389 0.978
csgA; major curlin subunit -0.329 0.769 0.670 0.999
csgB; minor curlin subunit 0.452 0.365 0.218 0.978
csgC; curli production protein -0.329 0.769 0.670 0.999
csgD; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, csgAB operon transcriptional regulatory protein -0.261 0.701 0.710 0.999
csgE; curli production assembly/transport component CsgE 0.607 0.365 0.098 0.896
csgF; curli production assembly/transport component CsgF 0.545 0.347 0.118 0.917
csgG; curli production assembly/transport component CsgG 0.399 0.327 0.225 0.978
csh1; CRISPR-associated protein Csh1 0.230 0.514 0.655 0.999
csh2; CRISPR-associated protein Csh2 0.144 0.628 0.819 0.999
cshB; ATP-dependent RNA helicase CshB [EC:] 0.000 0.133 0.999 1.000
csiD; protein CsiD 0.049 0.519 0.924 0.999
csiR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, carbon starvation induced regulator 0.277 0.557 0.620 0.999
CSL4, EXOSC1; exosome complex component CSL4 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
cslA; chondroitin AC lyase [EC:] -0.274 0.652 0.675 0.999
csm1, cas10; CRISPR-associated protein Csm1 -0.262 0.678 0.699 0.999
csm2; CRISPR-associated protein Csm2 -0.735 0.874 0.402 0.978
csm3; CRISPR-associated protein Csm3 -0.213 0.577 0.712 0.999
csm4; CRISPR-associated protein Csm4 0.611 0.488 0.213 0.978
csm5; CRISPR-associated protein Csm5 0.133 0.706 0.851 0.999
csn; chitosanase [EC:] -18.175 3481.021 0.996 0.999
csn1, cas9; CRISPR-associated endonuclease Csn1 [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.000 0.135 0.997 0.999
csn2; CRISPR-associated protein Csn2 0.398 0.370 0.284 0.978
cspA; cold shock protein (beta-ribbon, CspA family) 0.010 0.083 0.902 0.999
csrA; carbon storage regulator -0.032 0.168 0.850 0.999
csrD; RNase E specificity factor CsrD 0.444 0.544 0.416 0.978
cssR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator CssR -0.304 0.509 0.552 0.992
cssS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase CssS [EC:] -0.664 0.549 0.228 0.978
cst1, cas8a; CRISPR-associated protein Cst1 1.077 0.574 0.062 0.839
cst2, cas7; CRISPR-associated protein Cst2 1.133 0.554 0.043 0.839
cstA; carbon starvation protein -0.074 0.115 0.523 0.989
csx16; CRISPR-associated protein Csx16 -0.086 0.592 0.884 0.999
csxA; exo-1,4-beta-D-glucosaminidase [EC:] -2.352 1.287 0.069 0.841
csy1; CRISPR-associated protein Csy1 0.301 0.531 0.572 0.995
csy2; CRISPR-associated protein Csy2 0.431 0.513 0.401 0.978
csy3; CRISPR-associated protein Csy3 0.249 0.472 0.598 0.999
csy4, cas6f; CRISPR-associated endonuclease Csy4 [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.431 0.513 0.401 0.978
ctaG; putative membrane protein -1.574 0.739 0.035 0.839
CTBP; C-terminal binding protein 0.179 1.431 0.901 0.999
ctcP, cts4, prnC; tetracycline 7-halogenase / FADH2 O2-dependent halogenase [EC: 1.14.19.-] -4.099 5.721 0.475 0.979
CTDSP; carboxy-terminal domain RNA polymerase II polypeptide A small phosphatase [EC:] -0.367 0.918 0.690 0.999
CTDSPL2; CTD small phosphatase-like protein 2 [EC:3.1.3.-] -0.259 0.965 0.788 0.999
CTH; cystathionine gamma-lyase [EC:] -0.102 0.260 0.694 0.999
ctpA_B; cation-transporting P-type ATPase A/B [EC:3.6.3.-] -18.303 2998.425 0.995 0.999
ctpC; manganese/zinc-transporting P-type ATPase C [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.827 0.360 0.023 0.839
ctpD; cobalt/nickel-transporting P-type ATPase D [EC:3.6.3.-] -17.661 2245.180 0.994 0.999
ctpE; cation-transporting P-type ATPase E [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.041 0.129 0.750 0.999
ctpF; cation-transporting P-type ATPase F [EC:3.6.3.-] -17.368 3290.703 0.996 0.999
ctpG; cation-transporting P-type ATPase G [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.594 1.011 0.558 0.992
ctpI; cation-transporting P-type ATPase I [EC:3.6.3.-] 2.619 1.993 0.191 0.970
ctrA; two-component system, cell cycle response regulator CtrA -1.219 0.446 0.007 0.839
ctsR; transcriptional regulator of stress and heat shock response 0.050 0.112 0.655 0.999
cueO; blue copper oxidase -0.500 0.681 0.464 0.979
cueR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, copper efflux regulator 0.092 0.271 0.735 0.999
cusA, silA; Cu(I)/Ag(I) efflux system membrane protein CusA/SilA -0.075 0.218 0.730 0.999
cusB, silB; membrane fusion protein, Cu(I)/Ag(I) efflux system -0.030 0.223 0.892 0.999
cusC, silC; outer membrane protein, Cu(I)/Ag(I) efflux system -0.207 0.708 0.770 0.999
cusF; Cu(I)/Ag(I) efflux system periplasmic protein CusF 0.447 0.457 0.329 0.978
cusR, copR, silR; two-component system, OmpR family, copper resistance phosphate regulon response regulator CusR 0.013 0.256 0.961 0.999
cusS, copS, silS; two-component system, OmpR family, heavy metal sensor histidine kinase CusS [EC:] 0.000 0.256 1.000 1.000
cutA; periplasmic divalent cation tolerance protein -0.063 0.259 0.808 0.999
cutC; copper homeostasis protein 0.049 0.086 0.569 0.995
cutF, nlpE; copper homeostasis protein (lipoprotein) -0.181 0.426 0.671 0.999
cuyA; L-cysteate sulfo-lyase [EC:] -0.469 0.804 0.560 0.992
cvpA; membrane protein required for colicin V production 0.090 0.118 0.445 0.978
cvrA, nhaP2; cell volume regulation protein A 0.326 0.174 0.064 0.839
cwlJ, sleB; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] -0.771 0.433 0.077 0.856
cwlK; peptidoglycan LD-endopeptidase CwlK [EC:3.4.-.-] -0.279 0.340 0.412 0.978
cwlS; peptidoglycan DL-endopeptidase CwlS [EC:3.4.-.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
cyaA; adenylate cyclase, class 1 [EC:] 0.180 0.231 0.435 0.978
cyaC, hlyC, rtxC; cytolysin-activating lysine-acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.199 0.687 0.772 0.999
cyaY; CyaY protein 0.137 0.181 0.451 0.978
cybB; cytochrome b561 -0.059 0.208 0.777 0.999
cybC; soluble cytochrome b562 -0.310 0.368 0.402 0.978
CYC; cytochrome c -0.445 0.233 0.058 0.839
CYC1, CYT1, petC; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c1 subunit -0.089 0.184 0.629 0.999
cyc2; germacradienol/geosmin synthase [EC:] -17.794 4072.025 0.997 0.999
cycA; D-serine/D-alanine/glycine transporter -0.086 0.145 0.555 0.992
cycB, ganO; arabinogalactan oligomer / maltooligosaccharide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.033 0.117 0.781 0.999
cydA; cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit I [EC:] -0.006 0.067 0.927 0.999
cydB; cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit II [EC:] -0.034 0.066 0.605 0.999
cydC; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial CydC 0.080 0.137 0.557 0.992
cydCD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial CydCD 0.213 0.204 0.300 0.978
cydD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial CydD 0.083 0.137 0.546 0.990
cymC; p-cumic aldehyde dehydrogenase -1.780 1.801 0.324 0.978
cymR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, cysteine metabolism repressor -0.821 0.533 0.126 0.927
cynD; cyanide dihydratase [EC:3.5.5.-] -17.750 3249.062 0.996 0.999
cynR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, cyn operon transcriptional activator -0.525 0.309 0.092 0.891
cynS; cyanate lyase [EC:] -0.258 0.366 0.483 0.979
cynT, can; carbonic anhydrase [EC:] -0.094 0.059 0.115 0.917
cyoA; cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit II [EC:] -0.105 0.222 0.636 0.999
cyoB; cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit I [EC:] -0.134 0.224 0.552 0.992
cyoC; cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit III -0.139 0.212 0.513 0.982
cyoD; cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase subunit IV -0.135 0.223 0.545 0.990
CYP105D; pentalenic acid synthase [EC:] -17.794 4072.025 0.997 0.999
CYP125A; cholest-4-en-3-one 26-monooxygenase [EC:] -2.070 1.521 0.175 0.961
CYP134A, cypX; pulcherriminic acid synthase [EC:] -0.554 1.623 0.733 0.999
CYP142; cholest-4-en-3-one 26-monooxygenase [EC:] -2.024 1.667 0.227 0.978
CYP152A; fatty-acid peroxygenase [EC:] 0.570 0.620 0.359 0.978
CYP51; sterol 14-demethylase [EC:] -2.129 1.604 0.186 0.966
CYP81F; indol-3-yl-methylglucosinolate hydroxylase [EC:1.14.-.-] -0.512 0.338 0.132 0.941
cypD_E, CYP102A2_3; cytochrome P450 / NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase [EC:] -0.554 0.668 0.408 0.978
cysA; sulfate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.141 0.169 0.407 0.978
cysB; LysR family transcriptional regulator, cys regulon transcriptional activator 0.162 0.182 0.376 0.978
cysC; adenylylsulfate kinase [EC:] -0.618 0.282 0.030 0.839
cysD; sulfate adenylyltransferase subunit 2 [EC:] -0.227 0.168 0.178 0.961
cysE; serine O-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.024 0.047 0.602 0.999
cysG; uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase / precorrin-2 dehydrogenase / sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase [EC:] 0.063 0.168 0.709 0.999
cysH; phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate reductase [EC:] -0.277 0.152 0.070 0.841
cysI; sulfite reductase (NADPH) hemoprotein beta-component [EC:] -0.138 0.162 0.395 0.978
cysJ; sulfite reductase (NADPH) flavoprotein alpha-component [EC:] -0.046 0.166 0.781 0.999
cysK; cysteine synthase A [EC:] 0.023 0.032 0.472 0.979
cysM; cysteine synthase B [EC:] -0.030 0.222 0.891 0.999
cysN; sulfate adenylyltransferase subunit 1 [EC:] -0.167 0.176 0.344 0.978
cysNC; bifunctional enzyme CysN/CysC [EC:] -0.266 0.279 0.343 0.978
cysP, sbp; sulfate transport system substrate-binding protein -0.112 0.206 0.586 0.999
cysQ, MET22, BPNT1; 3’(2’), 5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase [EC:] -0.105 0.139 0.451 0.978
cysS1; cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase, unknown class [EC:] 1.189 0.538 0.029 0.839
cysU; sulfate transport system permease protein -0.176 0.174 0.314 0.978
cysW; sulfate transport system permease protein -0.176 0.174 0.314 0.978
cysZ; CysZ protein 0.125 0.194 0.518 0.987
CYTB, petB; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b subunit -0.112 0.180 0.535 0.990
cytR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, repressor for deo operon, udp, cdd, tsx, nupC, and nupG -0.324 0.299 0.281 0.978
czcA; cobalt-zinc-cadmium resistance protein CzcA -0.100 0.262 0.702 0.999
czcB; membrane fusion protein, cobalt-zinc-cadmium efflux system -0.086 0.289 0.766 0.999
czcC; outer membrane protein, cobalt-zinc-cadmium efflux system -0.077 0.313 0.806 0.999
czcD, zitB; cobalt-zinc-cadmium efflux system protein -0.086 0.077 0.268 0.978
dacA; diadenylate cyclase [EC:] 0.049 0.102 0.631 0.999
dacB; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase/endopeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 4) [EC: 3.4.21.-] -0.099 0.103 0.338 0.978
dacC, dacA, dacD; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 5/6) [EC:] 0.021 0.067 0.756 0.999
dadA; D-amino-acid dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.245 0.190 0.200 0.971
dagK; diacylglycerol kinase (ATP) [EC:] 0.091 0.139 0.513 0.982
DAK, TKFC; triose/dihydroxyacetone kinase / FAD-AMP lyase (cyclizing) [EC:] -0.251 0.198 0.209 0.977
dalD; D-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.947 1.738 0.264 0.978
dam; DNA adenine methylase [EC:] 0.064 0.156 0.684 0.999
damX; DamX protein 0.221 0.302 0.466 0.979
DAO, aao; D-amino-acid oxidase [EC:] -0.119 0.802 0.882 0.999
dapA; 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate synthase [EC:] -0.046 0.029 0.119 0.917
dapB; 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase [EC:] -0.033 0.048 0.485 0.979
dapC; N-succinyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase [EC:] -0.043 0.216 0.841 0.999
dapD; 2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase [EC:] -0.027 0.073 0.711 0.999
dapdh; diaminopimelate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.009 0.181 0.959 0.999
dapE; succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase [EC:] 0.114 0.081 0.163 0.957
dapF; diaminopimelate epimerase [EC:] 0.016 0.058 0.784 0.999
dapH, dapD; tetrahydrodipicolinate N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.011 0.201 0.957 0.999
dapL; N-acetyldiaminopimelate deacetylase [EC:] 0.055 0.145 0.707 0.999
dasA; N,N’-diacetylchitobiose transport system substrate-binding protein 1.075 0.640 0.095 0.896
dasB; N,N’-diacetylchitobiose transport system permease protein 0.788 0.636 0.217 0.978
dasC; N,N’-diacetylchitobiose transport system permease protein 0.936 0.688 0.175 0.961
dat; D-alanine transaminase [EC:] -0.176 0.177 0.321 0.978
dauA; D-arginine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.119 0.351 0.736 0.999
dauB; L-arginine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.113 0.859 0.896 0.999
davT, gabT; 5-aminovalerate/4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.221 0.340 0.517 0.986
dbh; DNA polymerase IV (archaeal DinB-like DNA polymerase) [EC:] 0.933 0.703 0.186 0.966
dbpA; ATP-independent RNA helicase DbpA [EC:] 0.062 0.220 0.779 0.999
DBT, bkdB; 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase E2 component (dihydrolipoyl transacylase) [EC:] -0.464 0.264 0.081 0.864
DCAA; acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:1.3.99.-] -1.296 0.601 0.033 0.839
dcd; dCTP deaminase [EC:] -0.060 0.109 0.581 0.999
dck; deoxyadenosine/deoxycytidine kinase [EC:] -0.746 0.499 0.137 0.949
dcp; peptidyl-dipeptidase Dcp [EC:] -0.239 0.158 0.131 0.941
dcsG; O-ureido-D-serine cyclo-ligase [EC:] 17.922 2530.829 0.994 0.999
dctA; aerobic C4-dicarboxylate transport protein -0.263 0.204 0.199 0.970
dctB; two-component system, NtrC family, C4-dicarboxylate transport sensor histidine kinase DctB [EC:] 0.043 0.309 0.890 0.999
dctD; two-component system, NtrC family, C4-dicarboxylate transport response regulator DctD 0.030 0.329 0.927 0.999
dctM; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DctM subunit 0.363 0.211 0.088 0.880
dctP; C4-dicarboxylate-binding protein DctP 0.035 0.303 0.908 0.999
dctQ; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DctQ subunit -0.063 0.313 0.841 0.999
dctR; two-component system, LuxR family, response regulator DctR -1.105 0.662 0.097 0.896
dctS; two-component system, LuxR family, sensor histidine kinase DctS [EC:] -0.586 0.578 0.313 0.978
dcuA; anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter DcuA -0.172 0.201 0.393 0.978
dcuB; anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter DcuB 0.049 0.232 0.831 0.999
dcuR; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator DcuR 0.064 0.603 0.915 0.999
dcuS; two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase DcuS [EC:] 0.134 0.621 0.829 0.999
dcyD; D-cysteine desulfhydrase [EC:] -0.067 0.311 0.829 0.999
DDAH, ddaH; dimethylargininase [EC:] 0.026 0.569 0.964 0.999
DDC, TDC; aromatic-L-amino-acid/L-tryptophan decarboxylase [EC:] 1.008 0.512 0.051 0.839
ddc; L-2,4-diaminobutyrate decarboxylase [EC:] -0.260 0.321 0.419 0.978
dddL; dimethylpropiothetin dethiomethylase [EC:] -17.500 2562.559 0.995 0.999
ddhA; dimethylsulfide dehydrogenase subunit alpha [EC:] -17.931 4360.659 0.997 0.999
ddhB; dimethylsulfide dehydrogenase subunit beta -17.931 4360.659 0.997 0.999
ddhC; dimethylsulfide dehydrogenase subunit gamma -17.931 4360.659 0.997 0.999
ddl; D-alanine-D-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.007 0.034 0.832 0.999
deaD, cshA; ATP-dependent RNA helicase DeaD [EC:] 0.021 0.050 0.682 0.999
DECR2; peroxisomal 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase [EC:] -17.068 2832.569 0.995 0.999
dedA; membrane-associated protein 0.093 0.152 0.542 0.990
dedD; DedD protein 0.132 0.237 0.577 0.996
degP, htrA; serine protease Do [EC:] -0.045 0.054 0.401 0.978
degQ, hhoA; serine protease DegQ [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.166 0.212 0.436 0.978
DEGS; sphingolipid 4-desaturase/C4-monooxygenase [EC:] -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
degS; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase DegS [EC:] -0.290 0.427 0.498 0.981
degU; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator DegU -1.241 0.742 0.096 0.896
dehH; haloacetate dehalogenase [EC:] -0.101 0.225 0.653 0.999
deoA, TYMP; thymidine phosphorylase [EC:] -0.427 0.258 0.100 0.896
deoB; phosphopentomutase [EC:] 0.010 0.105 0.924 0.999
deoC, DERA; deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.016 0.076 0.835 0.999
deoD; purine-nucleoside phosphorylase [EC:] 0.084 0.096 0.380 0.978
deoR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, deoxyribose operon repressor 0.148 0.599 0.805 0.999
deoR; deoxyribonucleoside regulator 0.355 0.437 0.417 0.978
desA; syringate O-demethylase [EC:2.1.1.-] -0.229 1.513 0.880 0.999
desA2; acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] desaturase [EC:] -2.624 1.417 0.066 0.839
desB, galA; gallate dioxygenase [EC:] -0.283 0.997 0.777 0.999
desK; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase DesK [EC:] -0.127 0.127 0.318 0.978
desR; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator DesR -0.214 0.237 0.368 0.978
desZ; 3-O-methylgallate 3,4-dioxygenase [EC:1.13.11.-] -17.155 2959.362 0.995 0.999
devR; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator DevR -2.428 1.174 0.040 0.839
devS; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase DevS [EC:] -17.416 3370.607 0.996 0.999
dexA; dextranase [EC:] 0.033 0.473 0.944 0.999
dexB; glucan 1,6-alpha-glucosidase [EC:] 0.044 0.170 0.797 0.999
dfrA1, dhfr; dihydrofolate reductase (trimethoprim resistance protein) [EC:] 18.165 2857.430 0.995 0.999
dfrA12, dhfr; dihydrofolate reductase (trimethoprim resistance protein) [EC:] -0.295 1.323 0.824 0.999
dfrD, dhfr; dihydrofolate reductase (trimethoprim resistance protein) [EC:] -3.465 4.101 0.400 0.978
dfx; superoxide reductase [EC:] 0.115 0.196 0.559 0.992
dgaE; D-glucosaminate-6-phosphate ammonia-lyase [EC:] -2.728 2.632 0.302 0.978
dgaF; 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-phosphogluconate aldolase [EC:] -2.728 2.632 0.302 0.978
dgaR; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator, dga operon transcriptional activator -1.630 2.316 0.483 0.979
dgcB; diguanylate cyclase [EC:] -0.085 0.292 0.772 0.999
dge1; diguanylate cyclase [EC:] -1.341 1.026 0.193 0.970
dgk; deoxyguanosine kinase [EC:] -0.718 0.512 0.163 0.957
dgkA, DGK; diacylglycerol kinase (ATP) [EC:] -0.001 0.122 0.996 0.999
dgkA; undecaprenol kinase [EC:] 0.049 0.137 0.723 0.999
dgoA; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphogalactonate aldolase [EC:] -0.902 0.356 0.012 0.839
dgoD; galactonate dehydratase [EC:] -0.714 0.380 0.062 0.839
dgoK; 2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactonokinase [EC:] -0.892 0.350 0.012 0.839
dgoR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, galactonate operon transcriptional repressor -0.196 0.598 0.744 0.999
dgoT; MFS transporter, ACS family, D-galactonate transporter 0.020 0.395 0.961 0.999
dgs, bgsA; 1,2-diacylglycerol-3-alpha-glucose alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.175 0.170 0.304 0.978
dgt; dGTPase [EC:] -0.022 0.087 0.803 0.999
dhaa; 3-hydroxy-D-aspartate aldolase [EC:] -0.946 1.312 0.472 0.979
dhaA; haloalkane dehalogenase [EC:] -0.132 0.381 0.731 0.999
dhaB; glycerol dehydratase large subunit [EC:] 2.329 1.863 0.213 0.978
dhaK; phosphoenolpyruvate—glycerone phosphotransferase subunit DhaK [EC:] 0.235 0.124 0.059 0.839
dhaL; phosphoenolpyruvate—glycerone phosphotransferase subunit DhaL [EC:] 0.140 0.115 0.228 0.978
dhaM; phosphoenolpyruvate—glycerone phosphotransferase subunit DhaM [EC:] -0.088 0.299 0.768 0.999
dhaR; transcriptional activator for dhaKLM operon -0.105 0.784 0.893 0.999
dhaT; 1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.338 0.536 0.529 0.989
dhbC; glycerol dehydratase medium subunit [EC:] 2.329 1.863 0.213 0.978
DHBD; 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate decarboxylase [EC:] -1.005 0.947 0.290 0.978
dhbE; glycerol dehydratase small subunit [EC:] 2.414 1.814 0.185 0.966
dhbF; nonribosomal peptide synthetase DhbF -0.321 0.659 0.627 0.999
dhcR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, carnitine catabolism transcriptional activator 0.082 0.289 0.777 0.999
DHFR, folA; dihydrofolate reductase [EC:] 0.039 0.039 0.319 0.978
DHODH, pyrD; dihydroorotate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.065 0.117 0.579 0.997
dhpH; 2,6-dihydroxypyridine 3-monooxygenase [EC:] -0.286 0.987 0.772 0.999
DHPS, dys; deoxyhypusine synthase [EC:] -0.243 0.326 0.457 0.979
DHRS12; dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 12 [EC:1.1.-.-] -17.770 4023.440 0.996 0.999
DHRS13; dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 13 [EC:1.1.-.-] 18.563 3487.927 0.996 0.999
diaA; DnaA initiator-associating protein 0.352 0.531 0.508 0.981
dinB; DNA polymerase IV [EC:] -0.013 0.040 0.750 0.999
dinD; DNA-damage-inducible protein D -0.509 0.396 0.201 0.972
dinG; ATP-dependent DNA helicase DinG [EC:] 0.069 0.056 0.220 0.978
dinI; DNA-damage-inducible protein I 0.015 0.615 0.981 0.999
dinJ; DNA-damage-inducible protein J 0.311 0.176 0.079 0.859
diox1; all-trans-8’-apo-beta-carotenal 15,15’-oxygenase [EC:] -17.416 3370.607 0.996 0.999
dipps; CDP-L-myo-inositol myo-inositolphosphotransferase [EC:] -17.779 4041.596 0.996 0.999
DIS3, RRP44; exosome complex exonuclease DIS3/RRP44 [EC:3.1.13.-] 0.295 0.433 0.497 0.981
disA; diadenylate cyclase [EC:] 0.349 0.229 0.130 0.934
divIC, divA; cell division protein DivIC 0.057 0.119 0.631 0.999
divIVA; cell division initiation protein 0.058 0.111 0.605 0.999
divJ; two-component system, cell cycle sensor histidine kinase DivJ [EC:] -1.479 0.650 0.024 0.839
divK; two-component system, cell cycle response regulator DivK -1.062 0.396 0.008 0.839
djlA; DnaJ like chaperone protein -0.004 0.149 0.980 0.999
DKC1, NOLA4, CBF5; H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex subunit 4 [EC:5.4.99.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
dkgA; 2,5-diketo-D-gluconate reductase A [EC:] -0.038 0.220 0.862 0.999
dkgB; 2,5-diketo-D-gluconate reductase B [EC:] -0.008 0.229 0.972 0.999
dksA; DnaK suppressor protein -0.040 0.164 0.806 0.999
DLAT, aceF, pdhC; pyruvate dehydrogenase E2 component (dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase) [EC:] -0.052 0.070 0.457 0.979
DLD, lpd, pdhD; dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.093 0.056 0.096 0.896
dld; D-lactate dehydrogenase 0.112 0.168 0.508 0.981
dld; D-lactate dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] -0.002 0.229 0.993 0.999
dlgD; 3-dehydro-L-gulonate 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.506 0.545 0.355 0.978
DLST, sucB; 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E2 component (dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase) [EC:] -0.130 0.109 0.236 0.978
dltA; D-alanine–poly(phosphoribitol) ligase subunit 1 [EC:] 0.024 0.136 0.863 0.999
dltB; membrane protein involved in D-alanine export 0.023 0.139 0.871 0.999
dltC; D-alanine–poly(phosphoribitol) ligase subunit 2 [EC:] 0.049 0.142 0.731 0.999
dltD; D-alanine transfer protein 0.055 0.144 0.701 0.999
dltE; uncharacterized oxidoreductase [EC:1.-.-.-] -0.665 0.441 0.134 0.942
dmd-tmd; dimethylamine/trimethylamine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.663 0.915 0.470 0.979
DMGDH; dimethylglycine dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.655 0.931 0.077 0.856
dmlR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator for dmlA -0.691 0.459 0.134 0.942
dmpA, dap; D-aminopeptidase [EC:] -0.989 0.437 0.025 0.839
dmpB, xylE; catechol 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] -1.134 0.536 0.036 0.839
dmpC, xylG, praB; aminomuconate-semialdehyde/2-hydroxymuconate-6-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.501 0.699 0.474 0.979
dmpD, xylF; 2-hydroxymuconate-semialdehyde hydrolase [EC:] -0.673 0.937 0.474 0.979
dmpH, xylI, nahK; 2-oxo-3-hexenedioate decarboxylase [EC:] -1.003 0.705 0.157 0.954
dmpK, poxA; phenol hydroxylase P0 protein 0.272 0.524 0.605 0.999
dmpL, poxC; Phenol hydroxylase P1 protein 0.140 0.492 0.776 0.999
dmpM, poxB; phenol hydroxylase P2 protein 0.140 0.492 0.776 0.999
dmpN, poxD; phenol hydroxylase P3 protein [EC:1.14.13.-] 0.140 0.492 0.776 0.999
dmpO, poxE; phenol hydroxylase P4 protein 0.140 0.492 0.776 0.999
dmpP, poxF; phenol hydroxylase P5 protein 0.140 0.492 0.776 0.999
dmrA; dihydromethanopterin reductase [EC:] 18.066 2719.856 0.995 0.999
dmsA; anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit A [EC:] -0.930 0.750 0.217 0.978
dmsB; anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit B (DMSO reductase iron- sulfur subunit) -0.911 0.639 0.156 0.954
dmsC; anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit C (DMSO reductase anchor subunit) -0.163 0.426 0.703 0.999
DNA2; DNA replication ATP-dependent helicase Dna2 [EC:] 1.107 1.279 0.388 0.978
dnaA; chromosomal replication initiator protein -0.007 0.037 0.850 0.999
dnaB; replication initiation and membrane attachment protein 0.002 0.134 0.985 0.999
dnaB; replicative DNA helicase [EC:] 0.021 0.029 0.472 0.979
dnaC; DNA replication protein DnaC 0.121 0.214 0.572 0.995
dnaD; DNA replication protein 0.001 0.133 0.992 0.999
dnaE; DNA polymerase III subunit alpha [EC:] 0.034 0.032 0.292 0.978
dnaE2; error-prone DNA polymerase [EC:] -0.173 0.192 0.368 0.978
dnaG; DNA primase [EC:2.7.7.-] 0.035 0.035 0.328 0.978
dnaI; primosomal protein DnaI 0.001 0.132 0.996 0.999
dnaJ; molecular chaperone DnaJ 0.024 0.037 0.507 0.981
dnaK, HSPA9; molecular chaperone DnaK 0.041 0.035 0.245 0.978
dnaN; DNA polymerase III subunit beta [EC:] 0.075 0.042 0.077 0.856
dnaQ; DNA polymerase III subunit epsilon [EC:] -0.026 0.045 0.570 0.995
dnaT; DNA replication protein DnaT -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
dnaX; DNA polymerase III subunit gamma/tau [EC:] 0.034 0.032 0.295 0.978
dndB; DNA sulfur modification protein DndB 2.301 1.860 0.218 0.978
dndC; DNA sulfur modification protein DndC 0.215 0.502 0.669 0.999
dndD; DNA sulfur modification protein DndD 0.154 0.512 0.764 0.999
dndE; DNA sulfur modification protein DndE 0.219 1.032 0.832 0.999
dnk; deoxynucleoside kinase [EC:] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
DNMT1, dcm; DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1 [EC:] -0.065 0.096 0.500 0.981
DNPEP; aspartyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.287 0.121 0.019 0.839
doc; death on curing protein -0.042 0.147 0.776 0.999
doeA; ectoine hydrolase [EC:] -1.042 0.807 0.198 0.970
doeB; N2-acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutanoate deacetylase [EC:] -0.605 0.735 0.411 0.978
doeC; aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:1.2.1.-] -0.878 0.747 0.242 0.978
doeD; L-2,4-diaminobutyrate transaminase [EC:] -1.030 0.802 0.201 0.972
doeX; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, regulator of ectoine-degradation genes -1.135 0.827 0.172 0.961
DOHH; deoxyhypusine monooxygenase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
DOPA; 4,5-DOPA dioxygenase extradiol [EC:1.13.11.-] 0.002 0.132 0.990 0.999
dos; c-di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase [EC:] -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
dotB, traJ; defect in organelle trafficking protein DotB -0.259 0.965 0.788 0.999
dotC, traI; defect in organelle trafficking protein DotC -0.259 0.965 0.788 0.999
doxD; thiosulfate dehydrogenase [quinone] large subunit [EC:] -0.916 0.428 0.034 0.839
dpe, lre; D-psicose/D-tagatose/L-ribulose 3-epimerase [EC:] -1.629 0.699 0.021 0.839
DPEP; membrane dipeptidase [EC:] -0.071 0.120 0.553 0.992
DPH1, dph2; 2-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)histidine synthase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
DPH4, DNAJC24; diphthamide biosynthesis protein 4 -17.756 3869.767 0.996 0.999
DPH5; diphthine methyl ester synthase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
dpiA, citB; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator CitB 0.410 0.621 0.510 0.981
dpiB, citA; two-component system, CitB family, cit operon sensor histidine kinase CitA [EC:] 0.280 0.570 0.624 0.999
dpkA, lhpD; delta1-piperideine-2-carboxylate reductase [EC:] -0.055 0.408 0.892 0.999
DPM1; dolichol-phosphate mannosyltransferase [EC:] 0.004 0.087 0.965 0.999
dpo; DNA polymerase bacteriophage-type [EC:] 0.009 0.130 0.946 0.999
DPP3; dipeptidyl-peptidase III [EC:] -0.252 0.245 0.305 0.978
DPP4, CD26; dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 [EC:] -0.210 0.173 0.226 0.978
dppA; dipeptide transport system substrate-binding protein -0.035 0.244 0.887 0.999
dppA1; D-amino peptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] -0.948 0.658 0.152 0.954
dppB; dipeptide transport system permease protein 0.003 0.211 0.989 0.999
dppB1; dipeptide transport system permease protein -1.804 1.242 0.149 0.954
dppC; dipeptide transport system permease protein -0.037 0.204 0.857 0.999
dppD; dipeptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.028 0.154 0.856 0.999
dppE; dipeptide transport system substrate-binding protein 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
dppF; dipeptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.006 0.211 0.976 0.999
dprE1; decaprenylphospho-beta-D-ribofuranose 2-oxidase [EC:] -0.412 0.588 0.484 0.979
dprE2; decaprenylphospho-beta-D-erythro-pentofuranosid-2-ulose 2-reductase [EC:] -0.356 0.574 0.535 0.990
dps; starvation-inducible DNA-binding protein 0.020 0.044 0.657 0.999
dptF; DNA phosphorothioation-dependent restriction protein DptF 0.842 1.349 0.533 0.990
dptG; DNA phosphorothioation-dependent restriction protein DptG 3.041 2.596 0.243 0.978
dptH; DNA phosphorothioation-dependent restriction protein DptH 3.041 2.596 0.243 0.978
DPYS, dht, hydA; dihydropyrimidinase [EC:] -0.326 0.230 0.159 0.954
draG; ADP-ribosyl-[dinitrogen reductase] hydrolase [EC:] 0.285 0.485 0.557 0.992
draT; NAD+—dinitrogen-reductase ADP-D-ribosyltransferase [EC:] -17.665 3819.214 0.996 0.999
drp35; lactonase [EC:3.1.1.-] -1.395 0.969 0.152 0.954
dsbA; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbA 0.048 0.164 0.768 0.999
dsbB; disulfide bond formation protein DsbB -0.075 0.145 0.604 0.999
dsbC; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbC [EC:] 0.041 0.161 0.800 0.999
dsbD; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbD [EC:] -0.044 0.109 0.684 0.999
dsbG; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbG 0.070 0.265 0.792 0.999
dsdA; D-serine dehydratase [EC:] 0.344 0.257 0.182 0.961
dsdC; LysR family transcriptional regulator, D-serine deaminase activator 0.653 0.517 0.208 0.977
dsdX; D-serine transporter -0.371 0.685 0.589 0.999
dsrA; dissimilatory sulfite reductase alpha subunit [EC:] -2.579 2.960 0.385 0.978
dsrB; dissimilatory sulfite reductase beta subunit [EC:] -2.579 2.960 0.385 0.978
dszB; 2’-hydroxybiphenyl-2-sulfinate desulfinase [EC:] -1.076 1.026 0.296 0.978
dtd, DTD1; D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.062 0.041 0.138 0.949
dtdA, GEK1; D-aminoacyl-tRNA deacylase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
dusA; tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase A [EC:1.-.-.-] -0.003 0.136 0.981 0.999
dusB; tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase B [EC:1.-.-.-] -0.010 0.138 0.944 0.999
dusC; tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase C [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.095 0.177 0.590 0.999
dut, DUT; dUTP pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.058 0.037 0.122 0.919
DVR; divinyl chlorophyllide a 8-vinyl-reductase [EC:] -17.500 2562.559 0.995 0.999
dxr; 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase [EC:] -0.006 0.062 0.921 0.999
dxs; 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.073 0.070 0.300 0.978
E1.1.1.1, adh; alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.222 0.138 0.110 0.917
E1.1.1.102; 3-dehydrosphinganine reductase [EC:] -0.456 1.281 0.723 0.999
E1.1.1.122; D-threo-aldose 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.693 0.383 0.072 0.845
E1.1.1.219; dihydroflavonol-4-reductase [EC:] -0.434 0.337 0.199 0.970
E1.1.1.251, gatD; galactitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.620 1.017 0.543 0.990
E1.1.1.275; (+)-trans-carveol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.042 0.899 0.963 0.999
E1.1.1.3; homoserine dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.026 0.050 0.600 0.999
E1.1.1.30, bdh; 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.322 0.207 0.122 0.919
E1.1.1.306; S-(hydroxymethyl)mycothiol dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.065 0.338 0.848 0.999
E1.1.1.374; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 3-dehydrogenase [EC:] -17.716 2631.659 0.995 0.999
E1.1.1.387; L-serine 3-dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 1.513 1.385 0.276 0.978
E1.1.1.40, maeB; malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating)(NADP+) [EC:] -0.176 0.104 0.093 0.893
E1.1.1.43; phosphogluconate 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.010 0.435 0.981 0.999
E1.1.1.51; 3(or 17)beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.029 0.779 0.970 0.999
E1.1.1.53; 3alpha(or 20beta)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase [EC:] -2.054 0.957 0.033 0.839
E1.1.1.65; pyridoxine 4-dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.421 1.156 0.221 0.978
E1.1.1.67, mtlK; mannitol 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.217 0.342 0.526 0.989
E1.1.1.9; D-xylulose reductase [EC:] -2.185 1.070 0.043 0.839
E1.1.1.90; aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.063 0.328 0.849 0.999
E1.1.1.91; aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] -1.220 0.679 0.074 0.847
E1.1.3.21; alpha-glycerophosphate oxidase [EC:] -0.153 0.197 0.438 0.978
E1.1.99.21; D-sorbitol dehydrogenase (acceptor) [EC:] -0.349 0.648 0.591 0.999
E1.1.99.3A; gluconate 2-dehydrogenase alpha chain [EC:] -0.155 0.443 0.726 0.999
E1.1.99.3G; gluconate 2-dehydrogenase gamma chain [EC:] -0.124 0.404 0.759 0.999
E1.10.3.3; L-ascorbate oxidase [EC:] -17.298 3177.464 0.996 0.999
E1.11.1.19; dye decolorizing peroxidase [EC:] -0.764 0.546 0.164 0.958
E1.11.1.5; cytochrome c peroxidase [EC:] 0.029 0.196 0.884 0.999
E1.12.7.2; ferredoxin hydrogenase [EC:] 1.855 1.562 0.237 0.978
E1.12.7.2G; ferredoxin hydrogenase gamma subunit [EC:] -17.478 2545.196 0.995 0.999
E1.12.7.2L; ferredoxin hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] -2.495 1.789 0.165 0.960
E1.12.7.2S; ferredoxin hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] -17.650 2743.732 0.995 0.999
E1.13.11.4; gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase [EC:] -1.268 0.661 0.057 0.839
E1.13.12.4; lactate 2-monooxygenase [EC:] -2.096 1.174 0.076 0.855
E1.14.11.1; gamma-butyrobetaine dioxygenase [EC:] -0.016 0.627 0.980 0.999
E1.14.13.1; salicylate hydroxylase [EC:] -1.133 0.541 0.038 0.839
E1.14.13.40; anthraniloyl-CoA monooxygenase [EC:] -0.707 0.492 0.153 0.954
E1.14.13.7; phenol 2-monooxygenase [EC:] -0.003 0.739 0.996 0.999
E1.14.13.81, acsF, chlE; magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester (oxidative) cyclase [EC:] -3.402 3.248 0.296 0.978
E1.14.14.1; unspecific monooxygenase [EC:] -2.036 1.058 0.056 0.839
E1.14.19.3; linoleoyl-CoA desaturase [EC:] -0.340 0.319 0.289 0.978
E1.17.4.1A, nrdA, nrdE; ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase alpha chain [EC:] -0.014 0.041 0.726 0.999
E1.17.4.1B, nrdB, nrdF; ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase beta chain [EC:] 0.013 0.046 0.777 0.999
E1.2.1.10; acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) [EC:] 0.321 0.893 0.719 0.999
E1.2.1.5; aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) [EC:] -0.936 0.959 0.331 0.978
E1.2.1.68; coniferyl-aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.145 0.220 0.512 0.982
E1.2.1.88; 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.551 0.376 0.145 0.951
E1.2.3.3, poxL; pyruvate oxidase [EC:] -0.044 0.160 0.783 0.999
E1.2.7.8; indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase [EC:] -0.180 0.259 0.488 0.979
E1.3.1.12; prephenate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.967 0.603 0.111 0.917
E1.3.1.32; maleylacetate reductase [EC:] -1.446 1.084 0.184 0.965
E1.3.1.45; 2’-hydroxyisoflavone reductase [EC:] -2.603 1.798 0.150 0.954
E1.3.1.74; 2-alkenal reductase [EC:] -1.643 1.075 0.129 0.931
E1.3.3.5; bilirubin oxidase [EC:] -3.152 3.336 0.346 0.978
E1.3.3.6, ACOX1, ACOX3; acyl-CoA oxidase [EC:] -0.755 0.479 0.117 0.917
E1.4.1.4, gdhA; glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] -0.065 0.082 0.429 0.978
E1.4.1.9; leucine dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.215 0.208 0.302 0.978
E1.4.7.1; glutamate synthase (ferredoxin) [EC:] -0.228 0.219 0.301 0.978
E1.5.3.1; sarcosine oxidase [EC:] -0.719 0.518 0.167 0.961
E1.6.99.1; NADPH2 dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.981 0.448 0.030 0.839
E1.6.99.3; NADH dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.854 0.331 0.011 0.839
E1.7.1.7, guaC; GMP reductase [EC:] 0.020 0.120 0.870 0.999
E1.8.2.1; sulfite dehydrogenase [EC:] -2.235 1.776 0.210 0.978
E2.1.1.103, NMT; phosphoethanolamine N-methyltransferase [EC:] -17.477 3476.545 0.996 0.999
E2.1.1.104; caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.939 0.441 0.035 0.839
E2.1.1.113; site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (cytosine-N4-specific) [EC:] 2.392 1.808 0.188 0.966
E2.1.1.131, cobJ, cbiH; precorrin-3B C17-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.300 0.182 0.102 0.896
E2.1.1.72; site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific) [EC:] -0.117 0.127 0.358 0.978
E2.1.1.77, pcm; protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.160 0.169 0.346 0.978
E2.1.3.-; carbamoyltransferase [EC:2.1.3.-] 0.032 0.359 0.929 0.999
E2.1.3.1-1.3S; methylmalonyl-CoA carboxyltransferase 1.3S subunit [EC:] -0.655 0.951 0.492 0.981
E2.1.3.1-12S; methylmalonyl-CoA carboxyltransferase 12S subunit [EC:] 0.429 0.582 0.462 0.979
E2.1.3.1-5S; methylmalonyl-CoA carboxyltransferase 5S subunit [EC:] 0.269 0.633 0.671 0.999
E2.2.1.1, tktA, tktB; transketolase [EC:] 0.006 0.052 0.912 0.999
E2.2.1.2, talA, talB; transaldolase [EC:] -0.079 0.063 0.213 0.978
E2.2.1.6L, ilvB, ilvG, ilvI; acetolactate synthase I/II/III large subunit [EC:] 0.000 0.040 0.992 0.999
E2.2.1.6S, ilvH, ilvN; acetolactate synthase I/III small subunit [EC:] -0.026 0.067 0.704 0.999
E2.3.1.20; diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase [EC:] -0.432 0.394 0.275 0.978
E2.3.1.207; beta-ketodecanoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase [EC:] 0.038 0.258 0.884 0.999
E2.3.1.37, ALAS; 5-aminolevulinate synthase [EC:] -1.243 0.452 0.007 0.839
E2.3.1.54, pflD; formate C-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.082 0.097 0.397 0.978
E2.3.1.7; carnitine O-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.297 0.946 0.754 0.999
E2.3.1.8, pta; phosphate acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.048 0.088 0.590 0.999
E2.3.1.9, atoB; acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.169 0.112 0.133 0.942
E2.3.2.21; cyclo(L-tyrosyl-L-tyrosyl) synthase [EC:] -17.794 4072.025 0.997 0.999
E2.3.3.10; hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase [EC:] 0.113 0.135 0.406 0.978
E2.4.-.-; glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.-.-] -0.036 0.185 0.847 0.999
E2.4.1.14; sucrose-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.948 1.004 0.346 0.978
E2.4.1.20; cellobiose phosphorylase [EC:] -0.415 0.682 0.543 0.990
E2.4.1.213; glucosylglycerol-phosphate synthase [EC:] 3.210 2.428 0.188 0.966
E2.4.1.217; mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase [EC:] 2.011 1.804 0.267 0.978
E2.4.1.321; cellobionic acid phosphorylase [EC:] -0.745 1.362 0.585 0.999
E2.4.1.4; amylosucrase [EC:] -0.287 0.334 0.391 0.978
E2.4.1.5; dextransucrase [EC:] 0.017 0.344 0.961 0.999
E2.4.1.64; alpha,alpha-trehalose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.445 0.504 0.379 0.978
E2.4.1.7; sucrose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.082 0.181 0.653 0.999
E2.4.2.21, cobU, cobT; nicotinate-nucleotide–dimethylbenzimidazole phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.076 0.112 0.495 0.981
E2.4.2.6; nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.399 0.539 0.461 0.979
E2.5.1.41; phosphoglycerol geranylgeranyltransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
E2.5.1.42; geranylgeranylglycerol-phosphate geranylgeranyltransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
E2.5.1.54, aroF, aroG, aroH; 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase [EC:] -0.021 0.076 0.786 0.999
E2.5.1.56, neuB; N-acetylneuraminate synthase [EC:] 0.029 0.237 0.903 0.999
E2.5.1.68; short-chain Z-isoprenyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] -0.008 0.292 0.980 0.999
E2.5.1.86; trans,polycis-decaprenyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] -2.624 1.417 0.066 0.839
E2.6.1.-E, patB; aminotransferase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.226 0.513 0.660 0.999
E2.6.1.11, argD; acetylornithine aminotransferase [EC:] -0.277 0.123 0.026 0.839
E2.6.1.18; beta-alanine–pyruvate transaminase [EC:] -0.129 0.226 0.569 0.995
E2.6.1.42, ilvE; branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase [EC:] -0.044 0.047 0.347 0.978
E2.6.1.83; LL-diaminopimelate aminotransferase [EC:] -0.003 0.208 0.989 0.999
E2.7.1.-; kinase [EC:2.7.1.-] -0.363 0.324 0.265 0.978
E2.7.1.12, gntK, idnK; gluconokinase [EC:] 0.069 0.126 0.586 0.999
E2.7.1.20, ADK; adenosine kinase [EC:] -0.305 0.300 0.312 0.978
E2.7.1.36, MVK, mvaK1; mevalonate kinase [EC:] 0.121 0.135 0.371 0.978
E2.7.1.37; protein kinase [EC:] 1.231 0.567 0.032 0.839
E2.7.1.4, scrK; fructokinase [EC:] -0.006 0.058 0.913 0.999
E2.7.1.47; D-ribulokinase [EC:] -1.522 1.449 0.295 0.978
E2.7.1.71, aroK, aroL; shikimate kinase [EC:] 0.039 0.049 0.436 0.978
E2.7.1.76, dak; deoxyadenosine kinase [EC:] 0.027 0.524 0.958 0.999
E2.7.10.1; receptor protein-tyrosine kinase [EC:] -1.209 0.853 0.159 0.954
E2.7.10.2; non-specific protein-tyrosine kinase [EC:] -2.283 1.626 0.162 0.957
E2.7.11.1; non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase [EC:] -0.397 0.524 0.449 0.978
E2.7.13.1; protein-histidine pros-kinase [EC:] -1.102 0.824 0.183 0.964
E2.7.13.3; histidine kinase [EC:] -0.198 0.172 0.252 0.978
E2.7.4.2, mvaK2; phosphomevalonate kinase [EC:] 0.114 0.139 0.412 0.978
E2.7.4.8, gmk; guanylate kinase [EC:] 0.074 0.049 0.137 0.949
E2.7.6.5X; putative GTP pyrophosphokinase [EC:] -0.011 0.117 0.922 0.999
E2.7.7.24, rfbA, rffH; glucose-1-phosphate thymidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.029 0.062 0.637 0.999
E2.7.7.3A, coaD, kdtB; pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.033 0.036 0.357 0.978
E2.7.7.3B; pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
E2.7.7.41, CDS1, CDS2, cdsA; phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.062 0.029 0.038 0.839
E2.7.7.53; ATP adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.042 0.241 0.863 0.999
E2.7.7.6; DNA-directed RNA polymerase [EC:] -2.149 1.058 0.044 0.839
E2.7.7.65; diguanylate cyclase [EC:] -0.079 0.380 0.836 0.999
E2.7.8.26, cobS, cobV; adenosylcobinamide-GDP ribazoletransferase [EC:] 0.053 0.106 0.617 0.999
E2.7.8.39; archaetidylinositol phosphate synthase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
E2.8.3.5A, scoA; 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase subunit A [EC:] -0.258 0.189 0.174 0.961
E2.8.3.5B, scoB; 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase subunit B [EC:] -0.257 0.189 0.175 0.961
E3.1.1.11; pectinesterase [EC:] -0.863 0.398 0.032 0.839
E3.1.1.17, gnl, RGN; gluconolactonase [EC:] -0.720 0.311 0.022 0.839
E3.1.1.22; hydroxybutyrate-dimer hydrolase [EC:] -1.795 1.203 0.138 0.949
E3.1.1.45; carboxymethylenebutenolidase [EC:] -0.390 0.224 0.084 0.871
E3.1.1.74; cutinase [EC:] -2.782 1.601 0.084 0.873
E3.1.11.2, xthA; exodeoxyribonuclease III [EC:] 0.035 0.033 0.290 0.978
E3.1.11.5; exodeoxyribonuclease V [EC:] -0.615 0.294 0.038 0.839
E3.1.2.1, ACH1; acetyl-CoA hydrolase [EC:] -1.626 2.053 0.429 0.978
E3.1.2.20; acyl-CoA hydrolase [EC:] -0.158 0.571 0.782 0.999
E3.1.2.23; 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA thioesterase [EC:] -0.029 0.284 0.919 0.999
E3.1.21.4; type II restriction enzyme [EC:] -0.443 0.377 0.243 0.978
E3.1.21.7, nfi; deoxyribonuclease V [EC:] -0.082 0.316 0.796 0.999
E3.1.27.1; ribonuclease T2 [EC:] -0.282 0.209 0.178 0.961
E3.1.27.3; ribonuclease T1 [EC:] -0.829 0.686 0.229 0.978
E3.1.3.1, phoA, phoB; alkaline phosphatase [EC:] -0.412 0.196 0.038 0.839
E3.1.3.15B; histidinol-phosphatase (PHP family) [EC:] 0.197 0.154 0.204 0.972
E3.1.3.16; protein phosphatase [EC:] -0.042 0.084 0.620 0.999
E3.1.3.25, IMPA, suhB; myo-inositol-1(or 4)-monophosphatase [EC:] -0.102 0.071 0.152 0.954
E3.1.3.41; 4-nitrophenyl phosphatase [EC:] 0.148 0.130 0.257 0.978
E3.1.3.48; protein-tyrosine phosphatase [EC:] -0.012 0.080 0.877 0.999
E3.1.3.5; 5’-nucleotidase [EC:] -0.166 0.089 0.063 0.839
E3.1.3.70; mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase [EC:] -0.456 0.714 0.524 0.989
E3.1.3.8; 3-phytase [EC:] -0.362 0.330 0.274 0.978
E3.1.3.97; 3’,5’-nucleoside bisphosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.079 0.098 0.420 0.978
E3.1.30.1; nuclease S1 [EC:] -2.279 2.181 0.298 0.978
E3.1.4.12; sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase [EC:] -2.282 1.706 0.183 0.964
E3.1.4.46, glpQ, ugpQ; glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase [EC:] 0.023 0.063 0.716 0.999
E3.1.6.1, aslA; arylsulfatase [EC:] -0.486 0.241 0.045 0.839
E3.2.1.123; endoglycosylceramidase [EC:] -1.900 2.241 0.398 0.978
E3.2.1.14; chitinase [EC:] -0.198 0.356 0.579 0.997
E3.2.1.15; polygalacturonase [EC:] -0.383 1.032 0.711 0.999
E3.2.1.17; lysozyme [EC:] -0.026 0.235 0.912 0.999
E3.2.1.1A; alpha-amylase [EC:] -0.233 0.239 0.331 0.978
E3.2.1.22B, galA, rafA; alpha-galactosidase [EC:] 0.022 0.146 0.880 0.999
E3.2.1.25, MANBA, manB; beta-mannosidase [EC:] -0.424 0.289 0.144 0.951
E3.2.1.4; endoglucanase [EC:] -0.551 0.223 0.015 0.839
E3.2.1.58; glucan 1,3-beta-glucosidase [EC:] -0.299 0.372 0.422 0.978
E3.2.1.73; licheninase [EC:] 17.747 2319.587 0.994 0.999
E3.2.1.8, xynA; endo-1,4-beta-xylanase [EC:] -0.669 0.358 0.064 0.839
E3.2.1.85, lacG; 6-phospho-beta-galactosidase [EC:] -0.020 0.155 0.898 0.999
E3.2.1.86A, celF; 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase [EC:] 0.050 0.372 0.893 0.999
E3.2.1.86B, bglA; 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase [EC:] 0.082 0.121 0.498 0.981
E3.2.1.89; arabinogalactan endo-1,4-beta-galactosidase [EC:] -0.567 0.333 0.090 0.882
E3.2.1.96; mannosyl-glycoprotein endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase [EC:] -0.189 0.225 0.402 0.978
E3.3.1.1, ahcY; adenosylhomocysteinase [EC:] -0.068 0.120 0.574 0.995
E3.3.2.8; limonene-1,2-epoxide hydrolase [EC:] -2.062 2.006 0.306 0.978
E3.4.11.-; aminopeptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] 0.866 0.467 0.065 0.839
E3.4.11.10; bacterial leucyl aminopeptidase [EC:] -0.958 1.043 0.360 0.978
E3.4.11.14; cytosol alanyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.002 0.524 0.997 0.999
E3.4.11.24; aminopeptidase S [EC:] 0.656 1.004 0.514 0.983
E3.4.13.-; D-alanyl-D-alanine dipeptidase [EC:3.4.13.-] -0.213 0.201 0.290 0.978
E3.4.16.4; D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase [EC:] -0.129 0.171 0.453 0.978
E3.4.17.19; carboxypeptidase Taq [EC:] 0.220 0.189 0.247 0.978
E3.4.21.100; pseudomonalisin [EC:] -17.453 3434.806 0.996 0.999
E3.4.21.101; xanthomonalisin [EC:] -17.453 3434.806 0.996 0.999
E3.4.21.102, prc, ctpA; carboxyl-terminal processing protease [EC:] -0.049 0.068 0.472 0.979
E3.4.21.66; thermitase [EC:] -0.163 0.723 0.822 0.999
E3.4.21.96; lactocepin [EC:] 0.048 0.179 0.790 0.999
E3.5.1.1, ansA, ansB; L-asparaginase [EC:] 0.040 0.044 0.366 0.978
E3.5.1.11; penicillin amidase [EC:] -0.160 0.228 0.484 0.979
E3.5.1.24; choloylglycine hydrolase [EC:] 0.070 0.259 0.786 0.999
E3.5.1.28D, amiD; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] 0.532 0.231 0.023 0.839
E3.5.1.4, amiE; amidase [EC:] -0.182 0.163 0.266 0.978
E3.5.1.41; chitin deacetylase [EC:] -17.631 1845.307 0.992 0.999
E3.5.1.49; formamidase [EC:] -0.553 0.417 0.187 0.966
E3.5.1.56; N,N-dimethylformamidase [EC:] -3.871 3.159 0.222 0.978
E3.5.1.77; N-carbamoyl-D-amino-acid hydrolase [EC:] -1.391 0.982 0.159 0.954
E3.5.1.81; N-acyl-D-amino-acid deacylase [EC:] -0.278 0.308 0.367 0.978
E3.5.1.82; N-acyl-D-glutamate deacylase [EC:] -0.437 0.814 0.592 0.999
E3.5.2.10; creatinine amidohydrolase [EC:] -0.903 0.370 0.016 0.839
E3.5.3.1, rocF, arg; arginase [EC:] -0.247 0.179 0.170 0.961
E3.5.3.3; creatinase [EC:] 0.537 0.553 0.332 0.978
E3.5.4.3, guaD; guanine deaminase [EC:] -0.124 0.190 0.515 0.983
E3.5.4.32; 8-oxoguanine deaminase [EC:] -0.084 0.429 0.844 0.999
E3.5.5.1; nitrilase [EC:] -0.226 0.246 0.360 0.978
E3.5.5.7; aliphatic nitrilase [EC:] -0.645 0.732 0.379 0.978
E3.5.99.7; 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase [EC:] 0.123 0.269 0.649 0.999
E3.6.1.22, NUDT12, nudC; NAD+ diphosphatase [EC:] 0.014 0.088 0.879 0.999
E3.6.3.17; monosaccharide-transporting ATPase [EC:] -17.500 2562.559 0.995 0.999
E3.6.3.25; sulfate-transporting ATPase [EC:] -0.144 0.324 0.659 0.999
E3.6.3.8; Ca2+-transporting ATPase [EC:] 0.038 0.113 0.740 0.999
E3.8.1.2; 2-haloacid dehalogenase [EC:] -0.367 0.170 0.032 0.839
E4.1.1.15, gadB, gadA, GAD; glutamate decarboxylase [EC:] -0.073 0.440 0.868 0.999
E4.1.1.17, ODC1, speC, speF; ornithine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.112 0.137 0.413 0.978
E4.1.1.18, ldcC, cadA; lysine decarboxylase [EC:] -0.352 0.176 0.047 0.839
E4.1.1.19; arginine decarboxylase [EC:] -0.230 0.231 0.322 0.978
E4.1.1.32, pckA, PCK; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) [EC:] -0.160 0.213 0.454 0.978
E4.1.1.49, pckA; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP) [EC:] 0.061 0.078 0.440 0.978
E4.1.1.64; 2,2-dialkylglycine decarboxylase (pyruvate) [EC:] -0.252 1.005 0.803 0.999
E4.1.1.82; phosphonopyruvate decarboxylase [EC:] -0.372 0.491 0.450 0.978
E4.1.3.1, aceA; isocitrate lyase [EC:] -0.271 0.173 0.120 0.917
E4.1.3.25; (S)-citramalyl-CoA lyase [EC:] 0.096 0.375 0.798 0.999
E4.1.3.3, nanA, NPL; N-acetylneuraminate lyase [EC:] 0.089 0.114 0.436 0.978
E4.1.3.4, HMGCL, hmgL; hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase [EC:] -0.114 0.187 0.541 0.990
E4.1.3.46, ccl; (R)-citramalyl-CoA lyase [EC:] 0.582 1.270 0.648 0.999
E4.1.99.2; tyrosine phenol-lyase [EC:] 0.983 0.495 0.049 0.839
E4.2.1.2A, fumA, fumB; fumarate hydratase, class I [EC:] -0.183 0.108 0.093 0.892
E4.2.1.2AA, fumA; fumarate hydratase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.088 0.204 0.667 0.999
E4.2.1.2AB, fumB; fumarate hydratase subunit beta [EC:] 0.088 0.203 0.666 0.999
E4.2.1.2B, fumC, FH; fumarate hydratase, class II [EC:] -0.019 0.103 0.854 0.999
E4.2.1.46, rfbB, rffG; dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.157 0.059 0.008 0.839
E4.2.2.10; pectin lyase [EC:] -0.835 0.918 0.364 0.978
E4.2.2.17; inulin fructotransferase (DFA-I-forming) [EC:] -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
E4.3.1.12, ocd; ornithine cyclodeaminase [EC:] -0.269 0.163 0.101 0.896
E4.3.1.15; diaminopropionate ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.180 0.200 0.370 0.978
E4.3.1.17, sdaA, sdaB, tdcG; L-serine dehydratase [EC:] 0.020 0.050 0.682 0.999
E4.3.1.19, ilvA, tdcB; threonine dehydratase [EC:] -0.060 0.049 0.228 0.978
E4.3.1.23; tyrosine ammonia-lyase [EC:] -17.816 2251.882 0.994 0.999
E4.3.1.4; formiminotetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase [EC:] 0.374 0.195 0.057 0.839
E4.4.1.11; methionine-gamma-lyase [EC:] 0.121 0.151 0.423 0.978
E4.6.1.1; adenylate cyclase [EC:] -0.495 0.257 0.056 0.839
E4.6.1.1B, cyaB; adenylate cyclase, class 2 [EC:] -0.050 0.218 0.820 0.999
E4.6.1.2; guanylate cyclase, other [EC:] -1.465 1.176 0.215 0.978
E4.99.1.2; alkylmercury lyase [EC:] 0.932 1.018 0.362 0.978
E5.1.3.15; glucose-6-phosphate 1-epimerase [EC:] 0.110 0.180 0.542 0.990
E5.1.3.6; UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase [EC:] -0.206 0.203 0.313 0.978
E5.1.99.4, AMACR, mcr; alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase [EC:] -0.959 0.471 0.043 0.839
E5.2.1.8; peptidylprolyl isomerase [EC:] 0.041 0.127 0.748 0.999
E5.3.1.26, lacA, lacB; galactose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] -0.055 0.155 0.726 0.999
E5.3.3.1; steroid Delta-isomerase [EC:] -1.585 1.445 0.274 0.978
E5.3.4.1; protein disulfide-isomerase [EC:] -0.099 0.471 0.833 0.999
E5.4.99.2A, mcmA1; methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, N-terminal domain [EC:] 0.131 0.223 0.557 0.992
E5.4.99.2B, mcmA2; methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, C-terminal domain [EC:] 0.179 0.221 0.420 0.978
E6.3.4.6; urea carboxylase [EC:] -0.232 0.317 0.464 0.979
E6.3.5.1, NADSYN1, QNS1, nadE; NAD+ synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] -0.101 0.125 0.417 0.978
E6.4.1.4A; 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit [EC:] -0.240 0.220 0.277 0.978
E6.4.1.4B; 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit [EC:] -0.217 0.221 0.329 0.978
E6.5.1.2, ligA, ligB; DNA ligase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.037 0.024 0.130 0.934
eamA; O-acetylserine/cysteine efflux transporter -0.248 0.312 0.429 0.978
eamB; cysteine/O-acetylserine efflux protein -0.237 0.733 0.747 0.999
eap, map; protein Map -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
EARS, gltX; glutamyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.002 0.073 0.984 0.999
eat, eutP; ethanolamine permease -0.167 0.294 0.573 0.995
ebgA; evolved beta-galactosidase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.715 0.525 0.175 0.961
ebgC; evolved beta-galactosidase subunit beta 0.264 0.709 0.710 0.999
ebgR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, ebg operon repressor -0.014 0.767 0.986 0.999
ebr, qacEdelta1; small multidrug resistance pump 0.237 0.542 0.663 0.999
ebrA; multidrug resistance protein EbrA -0.653 1.290 0.614 0.999
ebrB; multidrug resistance protein EbrB -0.653 1.290 0.614 0.999
ECE; endothelin-converting enzyme [EC:] -0.431 0.554 0.438 0.978
ecfA1; energy-coupling factor transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.124 0.097 0.203 0.972
ecfA2; energy-coupling factor transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.137 0.091 0.133 0.942
ecfT; energy-coupling factor transport system permease protein 0.071 0.097 0.470 0.979
echA; ech hydrogenase subunit A -1.229 1.638 0.454 0.978
echC; ech hydrogenase subunit C -1.229 1.638 0.454 0.978
echE; ech hydrogenase subunit E -1.229 1.638 0.454 0.978
ecm; ethylmalonyl-CoA mutase [EC:] -0.313 0.603 0.605 0.999
ECM4, yqjG; glutathionyl-hydroquinone reductase [EC:] -0.003 0.237 0.990 0.999
ecnA; entericidin A -0.303 0.643 0.638 0.999
ecnB; entericidin B 0.111 0.624 0.859 0.999
eco; ecotin 0.159 0.296 0.592 0.999
ecpD; chaperone protein EcpD -0.399 0.608 0.513 0.982
ectA; L-2,4-diaminobutyric acid acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.756 0.523 0.151 0.954
ectB, dat; diaminobutyrate-2-oxoglutarate transaminase [EC:] -0.089 0.254 0.728 0.999
ectC; L-ectoine synthase [EC:] -0.689 0.485 0.157 0.954
ectD; ectoine hydroxylase [EC:] -0.712 0.460 0.124 0.919
eda; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphogluconate aldolase / (4S)-4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase [EC:] 0.005 0.109 0.963 0.999
edd; phosphogluconate dehydratase [EC:] -0.109 0.212 0.609 0.999
EDEM1; ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 1 -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
EDEM2; ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 2 -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
EEF1A; elongation factor 1-alpha -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
EEF1B; elongation factor 1-beta -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
EEF2; elongation factor 2 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
eexD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial EexD 0.679 0.662 0.306 0.978
eexE; membrane fusion protein, epimerase transport system 0.828 0.677 0.223 0.978
efeB; deferrochelatase/peroxidase EfeB [EC:1.11.1.-] -0.138 0.142 0.333 0.978
efeO; iron uptake system component EfeO -0.138 0.140 0.327 0.978
efp; elongation factor P 0.034 0.038 0.373 0.978
efrA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.104 0.184 0.575 0.995
efrB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.104 0.184 0.575 0.995
EGD2, NACA; nascent polypeptide-associated complex subunit alpha -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
egtB; gamma-glutamyl hercynylcysteine S-oxide synthase [EC:] -0.956 0.805 0.237 0.978
egtC; gamma-glutamyl hercynylcysteine S-oxide hydrolase [EC:] -0.023 0.172 0.892 0.999
egtD; L-histidine Nalpha-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.927 0.747 0.217 0.978
egtE; hercynylcysteine S-oxide lyase [EC:] -0.145 0.798 0.856 0.999
ehbQ; energy-converting hydrogenase B subunit Q -2.116 2.060 0.306 0.978
EIF1, SUI1; translation initiation factor 1 0.036 0.173 0.837 0.999
EIF1A; translation initiation factor 1A -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
EIF2S1; translation initiation factor 2 subunit 1 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
EIF2S2; translation initiation factor 2 subunit 2 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
EIF2S3; translation initiation factor 2 subunit 3 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
EIF5A; translation initiation factor 5A -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
EIF5B; translation initiation factor 5B -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
EIF6; translation initiation factor 6 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
elaA; ElaA protein 0.141 0.136 0.299 0.978
elaB; ElaB protein 0.169 0.657 0.798 0.999
elaD, sseL; deubiquitinase [EC:3.4.22.-] -1.125 1.387 0.419 0.978
ELP3, KAT9; elongator complex protein 3 [EC:] -0.417 0.662 0.529 0.989
embA; arabinosyltransferase A [EC:2.4.2.-] -2.654 1.420 0.063 0.839
embB; arabinosyltransferase B [EC:2.4.2.-] -1.615 1.113 0.149 0.954
embC; arabinosyltransferase C [EC:2.4.2.-] -0.901 0.888 0.312 0.978
EMG1, NEP1; rRNA small subunit pseudouridine methyltransferase Nep1 [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
emrA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -0.056 0.176 0.750 0.999
emrB; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.120 0.202 0.553 0.992
emrD; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, 2-module integral membrane pump EmrD 0.285 0.565 0.614 0.999
emrE, qac, mmr, smr; small multidrug resistance pump -0.075 0.152 0.621 0.999
emrK; multidrug resistance protein K -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
emrR, mprA; MarR family transcriptional regulator, negative regulator of the multidrug operon emrRAB 0.126 0.383 0.742 0.999
emrY; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
ena; enamidase [EC:] -2.122 1.292 0.102 0.899
endA; deoxyribonuclease I [EC:] 0.336 0.299 0.263 0.978
endA; DNA-entry nuclease 0.112 0.162 0.491 0.980
endA; tRNA-intron endonuclease, archaea type [EC:] -16.927 2639.780 0.995 0.999
ENDOG; endonuclease G, mitochondrial -0.116 0.166 0.488 0.979
engA, der; GTPase 0.035 0.036 0.325 0.978
engB; GTP-binding protein 0.045 0.042 0.289 0.978
engCP, engBF, endoEF; endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase [EC:] 0.967 0.925 0.298 0.978
ENO, eno; enolase [EC:] 0.038 0.056 0.498 0.981
enr; 2-enoate reductase [EC:] -1.250 1.064 0.242 0.978
entA; 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.118 0.268 0.659 0.999
entA; probable enterotoxin A 6.328 12.689 0.619 0.999
entB, dhbB, vibB, mxcF; bifunctional isochorismate lyase / aryl carrier protein [EC:] -0.157 0.274 0.568 0.995
entB; probable enterotoxin B 2.821 2.375 0.237 0.978
entC; isochorismate synthase [EC:] -0.186 0.153 0.225 0.978
entC; probable enterotoxin C 4.874 6.172 0.431 0.978
entD; enterobactin synthetase component D [EC: 2.7.8.-] 0.100 0.313 0.750 0.999
entD; probable enterotoxin D 6.196 11.877 0.603 0.999
entE, dhbE, vibE, mxcE; 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate-AMP ligase [EC:] -0.109 0.255 0.669 0.999
entF; enterobactin synthetase component F [EC:] -0.038 0.278 0.891 0.999
entS; MFS transporter, ENTS family, enterobactin (siderophore) exporter -0.273 0.586 0.642 0.999
envR, acrS; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, acrEF/envCD operon repressor -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
envY; AraC family transcriptional regulator -1.154 1.507 0.445 0.978
envZ; two-component system, OmpR family, osmolarity sensor histidine kinase EnvZ [EC:] -0.174 0.223 0.436 0.978
epd; D-erythrose 4-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.107 0.268 0.690 0.999
EPHX1; microsomal epoxide hydrolase [EC:] 1.838 1.160 0.115 0.917
epmA, poxA; elongation factor P–(R)-beta-lysine ligase [EC:6.3.1.-] -0.055 0.202 0.787 0.999
epmC; elongation factor P hydroxylase [EC:1.14.-.-] 0.102 0.257 0.692 0.999
epr; minor extracellular protease Epr [EC:3.4.21.-] -1.144 1.057 0.281 0.978
EPS15; epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15 -0.144 0.503 0.775 0.999
epsA; protein tyrosine kinase EpsB modulator 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
epsC; polysaccharide biosynthesis protein EpsC 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
epsD; glycosyltransferase EpsD [EC:2.4.-.-] -0.166 0.421 0.694 0.999
epsE; glycosyltransferase EpsE [EC:2.4.-.-] 1.425 1.354 0.294 0.978
epsF; glycosyltransferase EpsF [EC:2.4.-.-] -0.454 1.283 0.724 0.999
epsG; transmembrane protein EpsG -1.684 1.115 0.133 0.942
epsH; glycosyltransferase EpsH [EC:2.4.-.-] -2.855 2.098 0.176 0.961
epsI; pyruvyl transferase EpsI [EC:2.-.-.-] 1.929 1.610 0.232 0.978
epsJ; glycosyltransferase EpsJ [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.012 0.446 0.979 0.999
epsK; membrane protein EpsK -1.763 2.141 0.411 0.978
epsL; sugar transferase EpsL [EC:2.-.-.-] -2.780 2.162 0.200 0.971
epsM; acetyltransferase EpsM [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.221 0.665 0.740 0.999
epsN; pyridoxal phosphate-dependent aminotransferase EpsN [EC:2.6.1.-] -0.734 1.068 0.493 0.981
epsO; pyruvyl transferase EpsO [EC:2.-.-.-] 0.268 0.371 0.471 0.979
EPT1; ethanolaminephosphotransferase [EC:] -3.190 3.828 0.406 0.978
eptA, pmrC; lipid A ethanolaminephosphotransferase [EC:] -0.135 0.237 0.571 0.995
eptB; KDO II ethanolaminephosphotransferase [EC:] 0.056 0.619 0.928 0.999
eptC; heptose-I-phosphate ethanolaminephosphotransferase [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.025 0.176 0.887 0.999
era, ERAL1; GTPase 0.038 0.033 0.253 0.978
ERCC2, XPD; DNA excision repair protein ERCC-2 [EC:] 1.708 0.931 0.068 0.839
ERCC3, XPB; DNA excision repair protein ERCC-3 [EC:] -0.232 0.353 0.512 0.982
ERCC4, XPF; DNA excision repair protein ERCC-4 [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.272 0.958 0.777 0.999
ereA_B; erythromycin esterase [EC:3.1.1.-] -0.750 1.127 0.507 0.981
erfK; L,D-transpeptidase ErfK/SrfK 0.203 0.319 0.526 0.989
ermC, ermA; 23S rRNA (adenine-N6)-dimethyltransferase [EC:] 0.229 0.322 0.478 0.979
erpA; iron-sulfur cluster insertion protein 0.034 0.152 0.826 0.999
eryA; erythritol kinase (D-erythritol 1-phosphate-forming) [EC:] -2.827 1.713 0.101 0.896
eryE; erythritol transport system ATP-binding protein -2.415 1.241 0.053 0.839
esp, sigA, sepA; serine protease autotransporter [EC:3.4.21.-] -1.432 1.511 0.345 0.978
estA; putative tributyrin esterase [EC:3.1.1.-] -0.019 0.173 0.915 0.999
esxA, esat6; 6 kDa early secretory antigenic target -1.749 0.971 0.073 0.845
eta; exfoliative toxin A/B -0.016 0.168 0.924 0.999
etbAa; ethylbenzene dioxygenase subunit alpha [EC:1.14.12.-] 0.884 1.140 0.439 0.978
etbAb; ethylbenzene dioxygenase subunit beta [EC:1.14.12.-] 0.884 1.140 0.439 0.978
etbD; 2-hydroxy-6-oxo-octa-2,4-dienoate hydrolase [EC:3.7.1.-] 0.884 1.140 0.439 0.978
ETF1, ERF1; peptide chain release factor subunit 1 -17.833 3732.576 0.996 0.999
ETFDH; electron-transferring-flavoprotein dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.168 0.185 0.365 0.978
ethA; monooxygenase [EC:1.14.13.-] -1.874 0.925 0.044 0.839
etk-wzc; tyrosine-protein kinase Etk/Wzc [EC:2.7.10.-] -0.027 0.267 0.920 0.999
eutA; ethanolamine utilization protein EutA 0.959 0.486 0.050 0.839
eutB; ethanolamine ammonia-lyase large subunit [EC:] 0.329 0.230 0.155 0.954
eutC; ethanolamine ammonia-lyase small subunit [EC:] 0.339 0.232 0.146 0.954
eutD; phosphotransacetylase -0.890 1.071 0.408 0.978
eutE; aldehyde dehydrogenase -0.590 0.955 0.537 0.990
eutG; alcohol dehydrogenase -0.890 1.071 0.408 0.978
eutH; ethanolamine transporter 0.883 0.465 0.059 0.839
eutJ; ethanolamine utilization protein EutJ 1.011 0.454 0.027 0.839
eutK; ethanolamine utilization protein EutK -0.603 1.003 0.548 0.991
eutL; ethanolamine utilization protein EutL 0.979 0.493 0.049 0.839
eutM; ethanolamine utilization protein EutM 1.230 0.534 0.023 0.839
eutN; ethanolamine utilization protein EutN 0.574 0.362 0.114 0.917
eutP; ethanolamine utilization protein EutP 0.513 0.227 0.025 0.839
eutQ; ethanolamine utilization protein EutQ 1.105 0.499 0.028 0.839
eutR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, ethanolamine operon transcriptional activator -0.248 0.346 0.473 0.979
eutS; ethanolamine utilization protein EutS 0.489 0.225 0.031 0.839
eutT; ethanolamine utilization cobalamin adenosyltransferase [EC:] 1.226 0.546 0.026 0.839
evgA, bvgA; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator EvgA -0.023 0.392 0.953 0.999
evgS, bvgS; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase EvgS [EC:] -0.034 0.306 0.912 0.999
exaA; alcohol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) [EC:] 0.421 0.340 0.218 0.978
exbB; biopolymer transport protein ExbB 0.024 0.094 0.802 0.999
exbD; biopolymer transport protein ExbD 0.020 0.118 0.864 0.999
exoA; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoA [EC:2.4.-.-] -4.046 3.981 0.311 0.978
exoF; polysaccharide biosynthesis/export protein ExoF -4.046 3.981 0.311 0.978
exoH; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoH -17.628 2890.370 0.995 0.999
exoK; endo-1,3-1,4-beta-glycanase ExoK [EC:3.2.1.-] -4.046 3.981 0.311 0.978
exoL; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoL [EC:2.-.-.-] -4.016 4.039 0.322 0.978
exoM; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoM [EC:2.4.-.-] -1.443 1.225 0.241 0.978
exoO; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoO [EC:2.4.-.-] -3.243 2.510 0.198 0.970
exoP, vpsO; polysaccharide biosynthesis transport protein -2.239 1.419 0.117 0.917
exoQ; exopolysaccharide production protein ExoQ -2.549 1.696 0.135 0.944
exoT; succinoglycan exporter -17.579 2959.469 0.995 0.999
exoU; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoU [EC:2.4.-.-] -3.677 4.053 0.366 0.978
exoV; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoV -3.493 3.143 0.268 0.978
exoW; succinoglycan biosynthesis protein ExoW [EC:2.4.-.-] -3.164 3.139 0.315 0.978
exoX; exodeoxyribonuclease X [EC:3.1.11.-] -0.287 0.337 0.395 0.978
exoX; exopolysaccharide production repressor protein -17.825 3152.083 0.995 0.999
exoY; exopolysaccharide production protein ExoY -2.328 1.679 0.167 0.961
exoZ; exopolysaccharide production protein ExoZ -1.789 0.898 0.048 0.839
expR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator ExpR 1.333 0.980 0.176 0.961
exuR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, hexuronate regulon transcriptional repressor 0.135 0.629 0.830 0.999
exuT; MFS transporter, ACS family, hexuronate transporter -0.174 0.217 0.425 0.978
ezrA; septation ring formation regulator 0.030 0.140 0.830 0.999
faaH; fumarylacetoacetate (FAA) hydrolase [EC:] -0.091 0.274 0.741 0.999
FAB2, SSI2, desA1; acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] desaturase [EC:] -1.679 0.724 0.022 0.839
fabA; 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] dehydratase / trans-2-decenoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] isomerase [EC:] -0.027 0.165 0.869 0.999
fabB; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I [EC:] -0.120 0.135 0.377 0.978
fabD; [acyl-carrier-protein] S-malonyltransferase [EC:] 0.016 0.032 0.623 0.999
fabF; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II [EC:] 0.004 0.031 0.891 0.999
fabG; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase [EC:] -0.092 0.051 0.072 0.845
fabH; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III [EC:] 0.049 0.045 0.276 0.978
fabI; enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase I [EC:] -0.139 0.105 0.188 0.966
fabK; enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase II [EC:] 0.130 0.098 0.186 0.966
fabL; enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase III [EC:] -1.976 0.924 0.034 0.839
fabM; trans-2-decenoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] isomerase [EC:] 0.008 0.152 0.958 0.999
fabV, ter; enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase / trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.093 0.231 0.688 0.999
fabY; acetoacetyl-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase [EC:] 0.790 0.468 0.093 0.892
fabZ; 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase [EC:] 0.073 0.046 0.116 0.917
FAD6, desA; acyl-lipid omega-6 desaturase (Delta-12 desaturase) [EC:] -1.235 0.632 0.052 0.839
fadA, fadI; acetyl-CoA acyltransferase [EC:] -0.208 0.172 0.229 0.978
fadB; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase / enoyl-CoA hydratase / 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA epimerase / enoyl-CoA isomerase [EC:] 0.101 0.251 0.687 0.999
fadB; enoyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] -1.302 0.910 0.155 0.954
fadD10; long chain fatty acid CoA ligase FadD10 [EC:6.2.1.-] -17.763 3362.856 0.996 0.999
fadD21; fatty acid CoA ligase FadD21 -2.624 1.417 0.066 0.839
fadD26; long chain fatty acid CoA FadD26 -17.615 3031.381 0.995 0.999
fadD28; long-chain fatty acid adenylyltransferase FadD28 [EC:] -1.593 1.107 0.152 0.954
fadD32; fatty acid CoA ligase FadD32 -0.698 0.752 0.355 0.978
fadD36; fatty acid CoA ligase FadD36 -1.655 1.561 0.291 0.978
fadD9; fatty acid CoA ligase FadD9 -2.953 1.583 0.064 0.839
fadE; acyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:1.3.99.-] -0.083 0.246 0.735 0.999
fadH; 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH2) [EC:] -0.086 0.210 0.681 0.999
fadJ; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase / enoyl-CoA hydratase / 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA epimerase [EC:] -0.214 0.176 0.225 0.978
fadK; acyl-CoA synthetase [EC:6.2.1.-] -0.272 0.632 0.667 0.999
fadL; long-chain fatty acid transport protein 0.056 0.141 0.695 0.999
fadN; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.469 0.267 0.080 0.864
fadR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, negative regulator for fad regulon and positive regulator of fabA 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
fae; 5,6,7,8-tetrahydromethanopterin hydro-lyase [EC:] 0.810 0.822 0.327 0.978
FAEB; feruloyl esterase [EC:] -1.085 0.762 0.157 0.954
FAH, fahA; fumarylacetoacetase [EC:] -0.062 0.247 0.802 0.999
FANCM; fanconi anemia group M protein -0.283 0.927 0.760 0.999
FARSA, pheS; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain [EC:] 0.037 0.036 0.306 0.978
FARSB, pheT; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain [EC:] 0.031 0.031 0.318 0.978
fas; fatty acid synthase, bacteria type [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.113 0.284 0.692 0.999
FBA, fbaA; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class II [EC:] 0.030 0.054 0.585 0.999
fbaB; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class I [EC:] -0.570 0.381 0.136 0.949
fbcH; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b/c1 subunit -1.305 0.900 0.149 0.954
fbiC; FO synthase [EC:] -0.737 0.622 0.238 0.978
fbp-SEBP; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase I / sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase [EC:] -0.735 0.957 0.443 0.978
FBP, fbp; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase I [EC:] -0.013 0.141 0.927 0.999
fbp; diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase / trehalose O-mycolyltransferase [EC:] -1.796 1.084 0.100 0.896
fbp3; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase III [EC:] 0.059 0.137 0.667 0.999
fccA; cytochrome subunit of sulfide dehydrogenase -17.256 3111.566 0.996 0.999
fccB; sulfide dehydrogenase [flavocytochrome c] flavoprotein chain [EC:] -17.256 3111.566 0.996 0.999
fcs; feruloyl-CoA synthase [EC:] -1.018 0.456 0.027 0.839
fctD; glutamate formiminotransferase [EC:] 0.354 0.188 0.062 0.839
FDFT1; farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase [EC:] -0.730 1.221 0.551 0.992
FDH; formate dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.397 0.682 0.042 0.839
fdhA; formate dehydrogenase (NADP+) alpha subunit [EC:] 0.118 0.468 0.801 0.999
fdhA; glutathione-independent formaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.151 0.345 0.663 0.999
fdhB; formate dehydrogenase (NADP+) beta subunit [EC:] -17.478 2545.196 0.995 0.999
fdhD; FdhD protein -0.099 0.095 0.302 0.978
fdhE; FdhE protein 0.155 0.191 0.420 0.978
fdnG; formate dehydrogenase-N, alpha subunit [EC:] 0.062 0.630 0.921 0.999
fdnH; formate dehydrogenase-N, beta subunit 0.313 0.638 0.625 0.999
fdnI; formate dehydrogenase-N, gamma subunit 0.313 0.638 0.625 0.999
fdoG, fdhF, fdwA; formate dehydrogenase major subunit [EC:] 0.042 0.120 0.725 0.999
fdoH, fdsB; formate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit 0.113 0.160 0.482 0.979
fdoI, fdsG; formate dehydrogenase subunit gamma 0.140 0.155 0.369 0.978
fdrA; FdrA protein -0.309 0.946 0.744 0.999
fdsD; formate dehydrogenase subunit delta [EC:] -0.261 0.323 0.420 0.978
fdx; ferredoxin, 2Fe-2S -0.058 0.133 0.663 0.999
fdxA; ferredoxin -0.144 0.171 0.401 0.978
feaB; phenylacetaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.007 0.354 0.984 0.999
feaR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, positive regulator of tynA and feaB 0.179 0.636 0.779 0.999
fecA; Fe(3+) dicitrate transport protein -0.332 0.298 0.267 0.978
fecR; transmembrane sensor -0.045 0.268 0.867 0.999
femA; peptidoglycan pentaglycine glycine transferase (the second and third glycine) [EC:] -0.220 0.810 0.786 0.999
femB; peptidoglycan pentaglycine glycine transferase (the fourth and fifth glycine) [EC:] -0.220 0.810 0.786 0.999
femX, fmhB; peptidoglycan pentaglycine glycine transferase (the first glycine) [EC:] -0.140 0.624 0.823 0.999
FEN1, RAD2; flap endonuclease-1 [EC:3.-.-.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
feoA; ferrous iron transport protein A 0.098 0.134 0.466 0.979
feoB; ferrous iron transport protein B 0.003 0.109 0.976 0.999
feoC; ferrous iron transport protein C 0.120 0.603 0.842 0.999
feoC; putative ferrous iron transport protein C 18.119 1920.327 0.992 0.999
fepA, pfeA, iroN, pirA; ferric enterobactin receptor 0.031 0.270 0.908 0.999
fer; ferredoxin -0.085 0.122 0.485 0.979
fes; enterochelin esterase and related enzymes -0.176 0.208 0.397 0.978
fexA_B; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, florfenicol/chloramphenicol resistance protein -1.119 1.422 0.432 0.978
fgd1; coenzyme F420-dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.993 0.998 0.322 0.978
fha1; type VI secretion system protein -0.395 0.579 0.496 0.981
fhaB; filamentous hemagglutinin 0.515 0.290 0.077 0.856
fhaC; hemolysin activation/secretion protein -0.516 0.625 0.410 0.978
fhlA; formate hydrogenlyase transcriptional activator -0.180 0.641 0.779 0.999
fhs; formate–tetrahydrofolate ligase [EC:] 0.063 0.083 0.453 0.978
fhuF; ferric iron reductase protein FhuF -0.311 0.480 0.518 0.986
fic; cell filamentation protein -0.084 0.157 0.594 0.999
fieF; ferrous-iron efflux pump FieF 0.213 0.299 0.476 0.979
fimA; major type 1 subunit fimbrin (pilin) -0.242 0.289 0.404 0.978
fimB; type 1 fimbriae regulatory protein FimB -0.156 0.728 0.831 0.999
fimC; fimbrial chaperone protein -0.033 0.276 0.906 0.999
fimD, fimC, mrkC, htrE, cssD; outer membrane usher protein -0.109 0.236 0.644 0.999
fimE; type 1 fimbriae regulatory protein FimE -1.040 1.152 0.368 0.978
fimF; minor fimbrial subunit -0.595 0.909 0.513 0.982
fimG; minor fimbrial subunit -0.421 0.507 0.407 0.978
fimH; minor fimbrial subunit -0.626 0.936 0.504 0.981
fimI; fimbrial protein -0.151 0.664 0.820 0.999
fimT; type IV fimbrial biogenesis protein FimT 0.027 0.207 0.898 0.999
fimU; type IV fimbrial biogenesis protein FimU 0.516 0.465 0.269 0.978
fimV; pilus assembly protein FimV 0.123 0.240 0.610 0.999
fimW; fimbrial protein FimW -4.388 7.789 0.574 0.995
fimY; fimbrial protein FimY 0.630 0.788 0.425 0.978
fimZ; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator, fimbrial Z protein, FimZ -0.267 0.694 0.701 0.999
fis; Fis family transcriptional regulator, factor for inversion stimulation protein 0.082 0.156 0.601 0.999
fitB; toxin FitB [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.264 0.214 0.219 0.978
fitD, mcf; insecticidal toxin -0.241 0.840 0.775 0.999
fiu; catecholate siderophore receptor -0.100 0.234 0.669 0.999
fixA, etfB; electron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit 0.089 0.093 0.337 0.978
fixB, etfA; electron transfer flavoprotein alpha subunit 0.094 0.093 0.310 0.978
fixC; electron transfer flavoprotein-quinone oxidoreductase [EC:1.5.5.-] 0.434 0.230 0.061 0.839
fixJ; two-component system, LuxR family, response regulator FixJ -0.941 0.471 0.048 0.839
fixK; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, nitrogen fixation regulation protein -1.279 0.882 0.149 0.954
fixL; two-component system, LuxR family, sensor kinase FixL [EC:] -1.110 0.493 0.026 0.839
fixX; ferredoxin like protein 0.101 0.258 0.695 0.999
fklB; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FklB [EC:] -0.066 0.145 0.649 0.999
fkpA; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FkpA [EC:] -0.058 0.199 0.771 0.999
flA; adenosyl-fluoride synthase [EC:] -0.039 0.146 0.789 0.999
flaF; flagellar protein FlaF -1.417 0.489 0.004 0.839
flaG; flagellar protein FlaG -0.076 0.213 0.722 0.999
flaI; flagellar rod protein FlaI 18.482 3349.575 0.996 0.999
flbB; flagellar protein FlbB -0.671 1.155 0.562 0.992
flbD; flagellar protein FlbD -0.119 0.361 0.741 0.999
flbT; flagellar protein FlbT -1.448 0.508 0.005 0.839
fldA, nifF, isiB; flavodoxin I 0.255 0.211 0.229 0.978
fldA; cinnamoyl-CoA:phenyllactate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.902 0.687 0.191 0.970
fldB; flavodoxin II 0.329 0.522 0.530 0.989
fleQ, flrA; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator, flagellar regulatory protein 0.144 0.267 0.591 0.999
flgA; flagella basal body P-ring formation protein FlgA -0.072 0.180 0.692 0.999
flgB; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgB -0.189 0.153 0.216 0.978
flgC; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgC -0.214 0.150 0.156 0.954
flgD; flagellar basal-body rod modification protein FlgD -0.185 0.155 0.236 0.978
flgE; flagellar hook protein FlgE -0.211 0.158 0.182 0.961
flgF; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgF -0.105 0.211 0.618 0.999
flgG; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG -0.276 0.164 0.094 0.894
flgH; flagellar L-ring protein precursor FlgH -0.092 0.173 0.597 0.999
flgI; flagellar P-ring protein precursor FlgI -0.086 0.174 0.619 0.999
flgJ; flagellar protein FlgJ 0.028 0.194 0.884 0.999
flgK; flagellar hook-associated protein 1 FlgK -0.182 0.166 0.273 0.978
flgL; flagellar hook-associated protein 3 FlgL -0.145 0.156 0.356 0.978
flgM; negative regulator of flagellin synthesis FlgM -0.047 0.175 0.791 0.999
flgN; flagella synthesis protein FlgN 0.176 0.289 0.545 0.990
flhA; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA -0.224 0.152 0.142 0.951
flhB; flagellar biosynthetic protein FlhB -0.191 0.151 0.209 0.977
flhB2; flagellar biosynthesis protein -0.184 0.204 0.369 0.978
flhC; flagellar transcriptional activator FlhC -0.134 0.398 0.737 0.999
flhD; flagellar transcriptional activator FlhD -0.208 0.402 0.604 0.999
flhE; flagellar protein FlhE 0.298 0.612 0.627 0.999
flhF; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhF -0.099 0.181 0.584 0.999
flhG, fleN; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhG -0.118 0.186 0.527 0.989
fliA; RNA polymerase sigma factor for flagellar operon FliA -0.102 0.157 0.517 0.986
fliB; lysine-N-methylase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.458 0.536 0.394 0.978
fliC; flagellin -0.140 0.178 0.433 0.978
fliD; flagellar hook-associated protein 2 -0.042 0.170 0.805 0.999
fliE; flagellar hook-basal body complex protein FliE -0.232 0.153 0.133 0.942
fliF; flagellar M-ring protein FliF -0.168 0.153 0.274 0.978
fliG; flagellar motor switch protein FliG -0.194 0.151 0.200 0.971
fliH; flagellar assembly protein FliH -0.120 0.160 0.454 0.978
fliI; flagellum-specific ATP synthase [EC:] -0.207 0.149 0.166 0.961
fliJ; flagellar FliJ protein -0.040 0.175 0.821 0.999
fliK; flagellar hook-length control protein FliK 0.017 0.188 0.928 0.999
fliL; flagellar FliL protein -0.069 0.173 0.690 0.999
fliM; flagellar motor switch protein FliM -0.196 0.152 0.201 0.971
fliNY, fliN; flagellar motor switch protein FliN/FliY -0.259 0.156 0.099 0.896
fliOZ, fliO; flagellar protein FliO/FliZ -0.051 0.173 0.770 0.999
fliP; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliP -0.198 0.153 0.197 0.970
fliQ; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliQ -0.201 0.147 0.172 0.961
fliR-flhB; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliR/FlhB -1.706 2.114 0.421 0.978
fliR; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliR -0.186 0.151 0.219 0.978
fliS; flagellar protein FliS -0.170 0.162 0.296 0.978
fliT; flagellar protein FliT -0.580 0.392 0.141 0.949
fliW; flagellar assembly factor FliW -0.368 0.315 0.245 0.978
fliY; cystine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.225 0.125 0.073 0.845
fliZ; regulator of sigma S factor FliZ 0.141 0.630 0.823 0.999
flK; fluoroacetyl-CoA thioesterase [EC:] 1.977 1.345 0.144 0.951
FLOT; flotillin -0.251 0.156 0.109 0.917
flp, pilA; pilus assembly protein Flp/PilA -0.416 0.235 0.079 0.859
flpA; fibrillarin-like pre-rRNA processing protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
flr, flipr; FPRL1 inhibitory protein -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
flrB, fleS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase FlrB [EC:] 0.233 0.327 0.477 0.979
flrC, fleR; two-component system, response regulator FlrC 0.117 0.334 0.727 0.999
flu; antigen 43 -2.027 2.120 0.341 0.978
FMN2; formin 2 -17.128 2919.746 0.995 0.999
fnbA; fibronectin-binding protein A -0.042 0.532 0.937 0.999
fnbB; fibronectin-binding protein B -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
fno; 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin:NADPH oxidoreductase [EC:] -0.173 0.341 0.613 0.999
fnr; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, anaerobic regulatory protein 0.066 0.112 0.553 0.992
focA; formate transporter 0.207 0.312 0.508 0.981
focB; formate transporter -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
folB; 7,8-dihydroneopterin aldolase/epimerase/oxygenase [EC:] -0.041 0.059 0.487 0.979
folC; dihydrofolate synthase / folylpolyglutamate synthase [EC:] 0.035 0.053 0.512 0.982
folD; methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+) / methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.009 0.030 0.757 0.999
folE2; GTP cyclohydrolase IB [EC:] 0.106 0.192 0.583 0.999
folK; 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase [EC:] -0.062 0.058 0.289 0.978
folM; dihydromonapterin reductase / dihydrofolate reductase [EC:] 0.218 0.315 0.491 0.980
folP; dihydropteroate synthase [EC:] -0.016 0.043 0.713 0.999
folX; D-erythro-7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate epimerase [EC:] 0.077 0.342 0.821 0.999
fosB; metallothiol transferase [EC:2.5.1.-] -1.331 0.715 0.065 0.839
fpr; ferredoxin/flavodoxin—NADP+ reductase [EC:] -0.022 0.114 0.848 0.999
frc; formyl-CoA transferase [EC:] -0.268 0.269 0.321 0.978
frcA; fructose transport system ATP-binding protein -1.797 0.995 0.073 0.845
frcB; fructose transport system substrate-binding protein -1.677 0.993 0.093 0.892
frcC; fructose transport system permease protein -1.677 0.993 0.093 0.892
frdA; fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit [EC:] 0.302 0.226 0.185 0.966
frdB; fumarate reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.054 0.288 0.852 0.999
frdC; fumarate reductase subunit C 0.054 0.288 0.852 0.999
frdD; fumarate reductase subunit D 0.211 0.304 0.488 0.979
fre, ubiB; aquacobalamin reductase / NAD(P)H-flavin reductase [EC:] 0.405 0.522 0.439 0.978
frhB; coenzyme F420 hydrogenase subunit beta [EC:] -1.448 0.975 0.139 0.949
frlA; fructoselysine transporter -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
frlB; fructoselysine 6-phosphate deglycase [EC:3.5.-.-] -1.386 1.327 0.298 0.978
frlC; fructoselysine 3-epimerase [EC:] -0.789 0.903 0.384 0.978
frlD; fructoselysine 6-kinase [EC:] -1.044 0.869 0.232 0.978
frlR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, frlABCD operon transcriptional regulator -1.386 1.327 0.298 0.978
frmA, ADH5, adhC; S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione dehydrogenase / alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.352 0.201 0.082 0.865
frmB, ESD, fghA; S-formylglutathione hydrolase [EC:] -0.119 0.171 0.487 0.979
frr, MRRF, RRF; ribosome recycling factor 0.036 0.036 0.321 0.978
frsA; esterase FrsA [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.015 0.590 0.980 0.999
fruA; fructan beta-fructosidase [EC:] -0.195 0.161 0.227 0.978
fruK; 1-phosphofructokinase [EC:] 0.093 0.067 0.170 0.961
fruR1, fruR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, fructose operon transcriptional repressor 0.157 0.271 0.563 0.993
fruR2, fruR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, fructose operon transcriptional repressor 0.053 0.098 0.588 0.999
frvR; putative frv operon regulatory protein -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
frvX; putative aminopeptidase FrvX [EC:3.4.11.-] 0.557 0.641 0.386 0.978
fsaA, mipB; fructose-6-phosphate aldolase 1 [EC:4.1.2.-] 0.162 0.287 0.574 0.995
fsaB, talC; fructose-6-phosphate aldolase 2 [EC:4.1.2.-] 0.288 0.287 0.318 0.978
fsr; MFS transporter, FSR family, fosmidomycin resistance protein -0.057 0.130 0.661 0.999
FTCD; glutamate formiminotransferase / formiminotetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase [EC:] -0.035 0.286 0.903 0.999
ftnA, ftn; ferritin [EC:] -0.006 0.147 0.965 0.999
ftnB; ferritin-like protein 2 -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
FTR, FTH1, efeU; high-affinity iron transporter 0.114 0.088 0.198 0.970
ftr; formylmethanofuran–tetrahydromethanopterin N-formyltransferase [EC:] 1.390 0.984 0.160 0.954
ftrA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator FtrA -0.135 0.399 0.735 0.999
ftrB; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator FtrB -2.525 1.880 0.181 0.961
ftsA; cell division protein FtsA 0.001 0.047 0.980 0.999
ftsB; cell division protein FtsB 0.124 0.143 0.386 0.978
ftsE; cell division transport system ATP-binding protein -0.034 0.059 0.562 0.992
ftsH, hflB; cell division protease FtsH [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.030 0.043 0.485 0.979
ftsI; cell division protein FtsI (penicillin-binding protein 3) [EC:] 0.024 0.078 0.758 0.999
ftsK, spoIIIE; DNA segregation ATPase FtsK/SpoIIIE, S-DNA-T family -0.032 0.053 0.544 0.990
ftsL; cell division protein FtsL 0.095 0.161 0.555 0.992
ftsN; cell division protein FtsN 0.194 0.314 0.537 0.990
ftsQ; cell division protein FtsQ 0.057 0.037 0.126 0.927
ftsW, spoVE; cell division protein FtsW 0.002 0.035 0.963 0.999
ftsX; cell division transport system permease protein 0.016 0.054 0.773 0.999
ftsY; fused signal recognition particle receptor 0.036 0.036 0.319 0.978
ftsZ; cell division protein FtsZ 0.057 0.043 0.189 0.966
FUCA; alpha-L-fucosidase [EC:] -0.197 0.148 0.185 0.966
fucA; L-fuculose-phosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.286 0.159 0.074 0.845
fucD; L-fuconate dehydratase [EC:] -0.121 0.340 0.722 0.999
fucI; L-fucose/D-arabinose isomerase [EC:] 0.178 0.281 0.528 0.989
fucK; L-fuculokinase [EC:] 0.465 0.444 0.296 0.978
fucO; lactaldehyde reductase [EC:] 0.494 0.247 0.047 0.839
fucP; MFS transporter, FHS family, L-fucose permease -0.070 0.122 0.567 0.995
fucR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, L-fucose operon activator -0.643 0.591 0.278 0.978
fucU, FUOM; L-fucose mutarotase [EC:] 0.012 0.243 0.962 0.999
FUK; fucokinase [EC:] -17.986 2523.431 0.994 0.999
fur, zur, furB; Fur family transcriptional regulator, ferric uptake regulator -0.019 0.067 0.779 0.999
fusA, GFM, EFG; elongation factor G 0.056 0.051 0.278 0.978
fwdA, fmdA; formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit A [EC:] 1.390 0.984 0.160 0.954
fwdB, fmdB; formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit B [EC:] 1.390 0.984 0.160 0.954
fwdC, fmdC; formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit C [EC:] 1.390 0.984 0.160 0.954
fwdE, fmdE; formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit E [EC:] 1.250 0.606 0.041 0.839
fxsA; UPF0716 protein FxsA -0.002 0.153 0.988 0.999
fyuA; pesticin/yersiniabactin receptor -2.044 2.163 0.346 0.978
G6PD, zwf; glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.014 0.060 0.814 0.999
gabD; succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase / glutarate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.077 0.138 0.578 0.997
gabP; GABA permease -0.003 0.323 0.991 0.999
GABRE; gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit epsilon 1.580 1.368 0.250 0.978
gabT; 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase / (S)-3-amino-2-methylpropionate transaminase [EC:] -0.800 0.357 0.027 0.839
gal; D-galactose 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.047 0.447 0.020 0.839
galB; 4-oxalomesaconate hydratase [EC:] -1.679 0.743 0.025 0.839
galD; 4-oxalomesaconate tautomerase [EC:] -1.895 0.862 0.029 0.839
GalDH; L-galactose dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.432 1.197 0.234 0.978
galE, GALE; UDP-glucose 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.016 0.049 0.747 0.999
galK; galactokinase [EC:] 0.098 0.080 0.219 0.978
galM, GALM; aldose 1-epimerase [EC:] 0.000 0.066 0.999 1.000
galP; MFS transporter, SP family, galactose:H+ symporter -0.012 0.648 0.986 0.999
galR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for genes of the gallate degradation pathway -0.283 0.997 0.777 0.999
galT, GALT; UDPglucose–hexose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase [EC:] 0.171 0.084 0.045 0.839
ganP; arabinogalactan oligomer / maltooligosaccharide transport system permease protein -0.066 0.134 0.622 0.999
ganQ; arabinogalactan oligomer / maltooligosaccharide transport system permease protein -0.025 0.122 0.840 0.999
gap2; glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)) [EC:] -17.524 2799.236 0.995 0.999
GAPDH, gapA; glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.005 0.031 0.858 0.999
gapN; glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.050 0.142 0.724 0.999
gar1; RNA-binding protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
garD; galactarate dehydratase [EC:] -0.121 0.277 0.664 0.999
garL; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyglucarate aldolase [EC:] 0.383 0.542 0.481 0.979
garP; MFS transporter, ACS family, probable galactarate transporter -1.006 1.043 0.336 0.978
garR, glxR; 2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate reductase [EC:] -0.308 0.207 0.139 0.949
GARS, glyS1; glycyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] -0.193 0.124 0.122 0.919
GART; phosphoribosylamine–glycine ligase / phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase / phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase [EC:] -0.878 0.664 0.188 0.966
gatA, QRSL1; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit A [EC:] -0.061 0.053 0.254 0.978
gatB, PET112; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit B [EC:] 0.037 0.053 0.491 0.980
gatC, GATC; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit C [EC:] 0.035 0.054 0.510 0.981
gatD; glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit D [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
gatE; glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit E [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
GATM; glycine amidinotransferase [EC:] 0.228 0.493 0.645 0.999
gatR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, galactitol utilization operon repressor 0.105 0.355 0.767 0.999
gatY-kbaY; tagatose 1,6-diphosphate aldolase GatY/KbaY [EC:] -0.205 0.487 0.675 0.999
gatZ-kbaZ; D-tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase subunit GatZ/KbaZ -0.179 0.364 0.625 0.999
GBA, srfJ; glucosylceramidase [EC:] -0.058 0.319 0.856 0.999
gbcA; glycine betaine catabolism A 0.016 0.304 0.957 0.999
gbd; 4-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase [EC:] -17.398 2219.101 0.994 0.999
GBE1, glgB; 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme [EC:] 0.032 0.071 0.652 0.999
gbsB; choline dehydrogenase [EC:] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
gbuA; guanidinobutyrase [EC:] 0.203 0.334 0.543 0.990
gcd; quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.088 0.234 0.707 0.999
gcdA; glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase [EC:] 0.344 0.206 0.098 0.896
GCDH, gcdH; glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.297 0.204 0.147 0.954
GCH1, folE; GTP cyclohydrolase IA [EC:] 0.014 0.042 0.737 0.999
gch3; GTP cyclohydrolase IIa [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
gci; D-galactarolactone cycloisomerase [EC:] -0.957 0.953 0.317 0.978
gck, gckA, GLYCTK; glycerate 2-kinase [EC:] 1.294 1.445 0.372 0.978
gcl; tartronate-semialdehyde synthase [EC:] -0.035 0.324 0.915 0.999
gcpE, ispG; (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase [EC:] -0.011 0.060 0.855 0.999
gcrA; GcrA cell cycle regulator -1.113 0.473 0.020 0.839
gctA; glutaconate CoA-transferase, subunit A [EC:] 0.427 0.238 0.075 0.855
gctB; glutaconate CoA-transferase, subunit B [EC:] 0.400 0.254 0.118 0.917
gcvA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, glycine cleavage system transcriptional activator -0.094 0.193 0.629 0.999
gcvH, GCSH; glycine cleavage system H protein -0.038 0.078 0.631 0.999
gcvPA; glycine dehydrogenase subunit 1 [EC:] -0.331 0.201 0.102 0.899
gcvPB; glycine dehydrogenase subunit 2 [EC:] -0.338 0.202 0.097 0.896
gcvR; glycine cleavage system transcriptional repressor 0.118 0.249 0.636 0.999
gcvT, AMT; aminomethyltransferase [EC:] -0.172 0.109 0.116 0.917
gdh; glucose 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.523 0.390 0.182 0.961
GDH2; glutamate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.084 0.208 0.687 0.999
gerAA; spore germination protein AA 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
gerAB; spore germination protein AB 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
gerAC; spore germination protein AC 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
gerD; spore germination protein D -1.426 0.741 0.056 0.839
gerE; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional regulator of spore coat protein -1.431 0.741 0.055 0.839
gerKA; spore germination protein KA -1.212 0.647 0.063 0.839
gerKB; spore germination protein KB -1.509 0.743 0.044 0.839
gerKC; spore germination protein KC -1.320 0.819 0.109 0.917
gerM; germination protein M -0.183 0.404 0.651 0.999
gerPA; spore germination protein PA -2.631 1.091 0.017 0.839
gerPB; spore germination protein PB -2.721 1.132 0.017 0.839
gerPC; spore germination protein PC -2.721 1.132 0.017 0.839
gerPD; spore germination protein PD -2.930 1.399 0.038 0.839
gerPE; spore germination protein PE -2.721 1.132 0.017 0.839
gerPF; spore germination protein PF -3.219 1.604 0.047 0.839
gerQ; spore germination protein Q -1.431 0.741 0.055 0.839
gesA, mexP; membrane fusion protein, gold/copper resistance efflux system 0.835 1.158 0.472 0.979
gesB, mexQ; gold/copper resistance efflux pump 0.835 1.158 0.472 0.979
gfa; S-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione synthase [EC:] -1.027 0.720 0.156 0.954
gfo; glucose-fructose oxidoreductase [EC:] -1.424 0.662 0.033 0.839
gfrE; glucoselysine-6-phosphate deglycase 1.258 0.621 0.044 0.839
gfrF; fructoselysine-6-phosphate deglycase 1.019 0.542 0.062 0.839
gfrR; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator, gfr operon transcriptional activator -1.152 0.798 0.151 0.954
GGPS; geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase, type II [EC:] 0.078 0.065 0.231 0.978
GGR; digeranylgeranylglycerophospholipid reductase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
ggt; gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase / glutathione hydrolase [EC:] -0.063 0.162 0.698 0.999
ghrA; glyoxylate/hydroxypyruvatereductase [EC:] -0.501 0.284 0.080 0.864
ghrB; glyoxylate/hydroxypyruvate/2-ketogluconate reductase [EC:] -0.040 0.229 0.863 0.999
gidA, mnmG, MTO1; tRNA uridine 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl modification enzyme 0.086 0.048 0.072 0.845
gidB, rsmG; 16S rRNA (guanine527-N7)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.038 0.036 0.285 0.978
ginS; DNA replication factor GINS -16.927 2639.780 0.995 0.999
glbN; hemoglobin -0.471 0.189 0.014 0.839
glcA; glycolate permease -1.002 1.362 0.463 0.979
GLCAK; glucuronokinase [EC:] -17.214 3047.217 0.995 0.999
glcC; GntR family transcriptional regulator, glc operon transcriptional activator 0.589 0.361 0.104 0.907
glcD; glycolate oxidase [EC:] -0.020 0.192 0.919 0.999
glcE; glycolate oxidase FAD binding subunit -0.134 0.272 0.621 0.999
glcF; glycolate oxidase iron-sulfur subunit -0.312 0.250 0.214 0.978
glcG; glc operon protein GlcG 0.568 0.349 0.106 0.911
glcP; MFS transporter, FHS family, glucose/mannose:H+ symporter 18.045 1898.825 0.992 0.999
glcT; transcriptional antiterminator -0.743 0.435 0.090 0.882
glcU; glucose uptake protein 0.257 0.350 0.465 0.979
gldA; glycerol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.179 0.124 0.152 0.954
GLDC, gcvP; glycine dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.047 0.146 0.746 0.999
glf; UDP-galactopyranose mutase [EC:] 0.088 0.167 0.600 0.999
glft1; rhamnopyranosyl-N-acetylglucosaminyl-diphospho-decaprenol beta-1,3/1,4-galactofuranosyltransferase [EC:] -0.370 0.599 0.538 0.990
glft2; galactofuranosylgalactofuranosylrhamnosyl-N-acetylglucosaminyl-diphospho-decaprenol beta-1,5/1,6-galactofuranosyltransferase [EC:] 0.025 0.344 0.942 0.999
glgA; starch synthase [EC:] 0.033 0.076 0.664 0.999
glgC; glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.072 0.103 0.482 0.979
glgE; starch synthase (maltosyl-transferring) [EC:] 0.031 0.242 0.897 0.999
glgM; alpha-maltose-1-phosphate synthase [EC:] -0.081 0.258 0.754 0.999
glgX; glycogen debranching enzyme [EC:] 0.157 0.122 0.199 0.970
gli; D-galactarolactone isomerase [EC:] -0.697 1.141 0.542 0.990
glk; glucokinase [EC:] -0.009 0.045 0.837 0.999
glmE, mutE, mamB; methylaspartate mutase epsilon subunit [EC:] 0.808 0.439 0.068 0.839
glmM; phosphoglucosamine mutase [EC:] 0.067 0.037 0.073 0.845
glmS, GFPT; glucosamine—fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (isomerizing) [EC:] 0.002 0.028 0.951 0.999
glmS, mutS, mamA; methylaspartate mutase sigma subunit [EC:] 0.736 0.419 0.081 0.864
glmU; bifunctional UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase / Glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.053 0.037 0.159 0.954
glmU; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase [EC:] -16.845 2534.319 0.995 0.999
glnA, GLUL; glutamine synthetase [EC:] -0.028 0.061 0.649 0.999
glnB; nitrogen regulatory protein P-II 1 -0.098 0.127 0.444 0.978
glnD; [protein-PII] uridylyltransferase [EC:] -0.065 0.136 0.632 0.999
glnE; [glutamine synthetase] adenylyltransferase / [glutamine synthetase]-adenylyl-L-tyrosine phosphorylase [EC:] -0.032 0.117 0.784 0.999
glnG, ntrC; two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation response regulator GlnG 0.099 0.168 0.557 0.992
glnH; glutamine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.179 0.480 0.710 0.999
glnK; nitrogen regulatory protein P-II 2 -0.142 0.210 0.501 0.981
glnL, ntrB; two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation sensor histidine kinase GlnL [EC:] -0.148 0.199 0.457 0.979
glnP; glutamine transport system permease protein 0.202 0.506 0.691 0.999
glnQ; glutamine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.185 0.429 0.668 0.999
glnR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, glutamine synthetase repressor -0.065 0.146 0.660 0.999
glnT; putative sodium/glutamine symporter -0.904 1.547 0.560 0.992
GLO1, gloA; lactoylglutathione lyase [EC:] 0.092 0.055 0.099 0.896
gloB, HAGH; hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase [EC:] 0.081 0.123 0.510 0.981
glpA, glpD; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.030 0.082 0.715 0.999
glpB; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase subunit B [EC:] 0.003 0.201 0.989 0.999
glpC; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase subunit C [EC:] -0.001 0.201 0.997 0.999
glpE; thiosulfate sulfurtransferase [EC:] 0.204 0.210 0.334 0.978
GLPF; glycerol uptake facilitator protein 0.084 0.090 0.354 0.978
glpG; GlpG protein 0.548 0.202 0.007 0.839
glpK, GK; glycerol kinase [EC:] 0.009 0.035 0.806 0.999
glpM; membrane protein GlpM -0.569 0.523 0.278 0.978
glpP; glycerol uptake operon antiterminator 0.175 0.294 0.552 0.992
glpQ; glycerol transport system permease protein -0.622 0.391 0.114 0.917
glpR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, glycerol-3-phosphate regulon repressor 0.078 0.137 0.569 0.995
glpS; glycerol transport system ATP-binding protein -0.627 0.390 0.110 0.917
glpT; MFS transporter, OPA family, glycerol-3-phosphate transporter 0.021 0.165 0.897 0.999
glpV; glycerol transport system substrate-binding protein -0.622 0.391 0.114 0.917
glpX-SEBP; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase II / sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase [EC:] -1.374 0.475 0.004 0.839
glpX; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase II [EC:] 0.144 0.138 0.298 0.978
glrK, qseE; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase GlrK [EC:] -0.864 0.596 0.149 0.954
glrR, qseF; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator GlrR -0.789 0.616 0.202 0.972
glsA, GLS; glutaminase [EC:] 0.213 0.155 0.171 0.961
gltB; glutamate synthase (NADPH/NADH) large chain [EC:] -0.255 0.149 0.089 0.882
gltC; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcription activator of glutamate synthase operon -1.508 0.781 0.055 0.839
gltD; glutamate synthase (NADPH/NADH) small chain [EC:] -0.147 0.087 0.095 0.896
gltI, aatJ; glutamate/aspartate transport system substrate-binding protein -0.291 0.279 0.299 0.978
gltJ, aatQ; glutamate/aspartate transport system permease protein -0.031 0.235 0.893 0.999
gltK, aatM; glutamate/aspartate transport system permease protein -0.031 0.235 0.893 0.999
gltL, aatP; glutamate/aspartate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.008 0.234 0.973 0.999
gltP, gltT; proton glutamate symport protein -0.172 0.166 0.302 0.978
gltS; glutamate:Na+ symporter, ESS family 0.352 0.156 0.025 0.839
gltX; nondiscriminating glutamyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.019 0.117 0.872 0.999
gluA; glutamate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.037 0.272 0.891 0.999
gluB; glutamate transport system substrate-binding protein -0.011 0.268 0.966 0.999
gluC; glutamate transport system permease protein -0.027 0.277 0.921 0.999
gluD; glutamate transport system permease protein -0.030 0.270 0.912 0.999
GLUD1_2, gdhA; glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) [EC:] -0.062 0.181 0.731 0.999
gluP; rhomboid protease GluP [EC:] 0.281 0.262 0.285 0.978
gluQ; glutamyl-Q tRNA(Asp) synthetase [EC:6.1.1.-] -0.104 0.168 0.536 0.990
glvA; maltose-6’-phosphate glucosidase [EC:] 0.181 0.307 0.556 0.992
glvR; RpiR family transcriptional regulator, glv operon transcriptional regulator 0.071 0.266 0.789 0.999
glxK, garK; glycerate 2-kinase [EC:] 0.010 0.067 0.884 0.999
glyA, SHMT; glycine hydroxymethyltransferase [EC:] 0.016 0.034 0.650 0.999
GLYK; D-glycerate 3-kinase [EC:] -0.079 0.430 0.855 0.999
glyQ; glycyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain [EC:] 0.136 0.053 0.011 0.839
glyQS; glycyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] -17.259 3117.043 0.996 0.999
glyS; glycyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain [EC:] 0.133 0.051 0.010 0.839
gmd, GMDS; GDPmannose 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] -0.285 0.145 0.051 0.839
gmhA, lpcA; D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.293 0.119 0.015 0.839
gmhB; D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.084 0.109 0.445 0.978
gmhC, hldE, waaE, rfaE; D-beta-D-heptose 7-phosphate kinase / D-beta-D-heptose 1-phosphate adenosyltransferase [EC:] 0.107 0.129 0.406 0.978
gmhD, rfaD; ADP-L-glycero-D-manno-heptose 6-epimerase [EC:] 0.278 0.150 0.065 0.839
GMPP; mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC:] -0.826 0.416 0.049 0.839
gmr; c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase Gmr [EC:] -0.406 0.675 0.548 0.991
gmuG; mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase [EC:] -0.693 0.417 0.099 0.896
GNPNAT1, GNA1; glucosamine-phosphate N-acetyltransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
GNS; N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase [EC:] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
gntP; high-affinity gluconate transporter -1.158 1.491 0.439 0.978
gntR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, gluconate utilization system Gnt-I transcriptional repressor -0.192 0.282 0.498 0.981
gntT; Gnt-I system high-affinity gluconate transporter 0.109 0.252 0.666 0.999
gntU; Gnt-I system low-affinity gluconate transporter 0.118 0.601 0.844 0.999
golS; MerR family transcriptional regulator, gold-responsive activator of gol and ges genes -0.141 0.415 0.735 0.999
golT; Au+-exporting ATPase [EC:3.6.1.-] -0.207 0.417 0.620 0.999
gpgS; glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase [EC:] -0.321 0.579 0.580 0.997
gph; phosphoglycolate phosphatase [EC:] -0.056 0.057 0.328 0.978
GPI, pgi; glucose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.042 0.046 0.369 0.978
gplH; glycopeptidolipid biosynthesis protein -17.885 2468.597 0.994 0.999
gpmB; probable phosphoglycerate mutase [EC:] 0.061 0.094 0.518 0.986
gpmI; 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase [EC:] -0.094 0.099 0.343 0.978
gppmt; geranyl diphosphate 2-C-methyltransferase [EC:] -2.224 2.043 0.278 0.978
gpr; L-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] -0.149 0.213 0.486 0.979
gpr; spore protease [EC:] -0.960 0.501 0.057 0.839
gpsA; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) [EC:] 0.033 0.036 0.356 0.978
gpt; xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] -0.141 0.251 0.576 0.996
gpuA; guanidinopropionase [EC:] -2.860 2.236 0.203 0.972
gpx; glutathione peroxidase [EC:] -0.005 0.066 0.938 0.999
graR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator protein GraR -0.811 1.001 0.419 0.978
graS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase GraS [EC:] -1.554 1.110 0.164 0.957
GRC3, NOL9; polynucleotide 5’-hydroxyl-kinase GRC3/NOL9 [EC:2.7.1.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
grcA; autonomous glycyl radical cofactor 0.210 0.304 0.490 0.979
grdA; glycine/sarcosine/betaine reductase complex component A [EC:] 0.469 0.260 0.073 0.845
grdB; glycine reductase complex component B subunit gamma [EC:] 0.136 0.448 0.762 0.999
greA; transcription elongation factor GreA 0.013 0.055 0.815 0.999
greB; transcription elongation factor GreB 0.044 0.153 0.774 0.999
groEL, HSPD1; chaperonin GroEL 0.026 0.038 0.502 0.981
groES, HSPE1; chaperonin GroES 0.030 0.035 0.388 0.978
GRPE; molecular chaperone GrpE 0.036 0.036 0.313 0.978
grxA; glutaredoxin 1 0.207 0.312 0.508 0.981
grxB; glutaredoxin 2 0.414 0.398 0.300 0.978
grxC, GLRX, GLRX2; glutaredoxin 3 -0.158 0.175 0.366 0.978
grxD, GLRX5; monothiol glutaredoxin -0.040 0.163 0.807 0.999
gshA, ybdK; glutamate—cysteine ligase / carboxylate-amine ligase [EC: 6.3.-.-] -0.059 0.230 0.797 0.999
gshA; glutamate–cysteine ligase [EC:] 0.134 0.112 0.234 0.978
gshB; glutathione synthase [EC:] -0.085 0.172 0.619 0.999
gsiA; glutathione transport system ATP-binding protein -0.466 0.496 0.349 0.978
gsiB; glutathione transport system substrate-binding protein -0.357 0.703 0.612 0.999
gsiC; glutathione transport system permease protein -0.410 0.656 0.533 0.990
gsiD; glutathione transport system permease protein -0.527 0.667 0.431 0.978
gsk; inosine kinase [EC:] 0.418 0.520 0.423 0.978
gsmt; glycine/sarcosine N-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.937 0.976 0.338 0.978
gsp; glutathionylspermidine amidase/synthetase [EC:] 0.777 0.390 0.048 0.839
GSP13; general stress protein 13 -0.008 0.134 0.952 0.999
gspA; general secretion pathway protein A -0.398 0.554 0.473 0.979
gspB; general secretion pathway protein B -0.443 0.632 0.484 0.979
gspC; general secretion pathway protein C -0.115 0.225 0.611 0.999
gspD; general secretion pathway protein D 0.063 0.144 0.663 0.999
gspE; general secretion pathway protein E 0.063 0.142 0.659 0.999
gspF; general secretion pathway protein F 0.074 0.173 0.669 0.999
gspG; general secretion pathway protein G 0.113 0.158 0.475 0.979
gspH; general secretion pathway protein H -0.148 0.264 0.575 0.995
gspI; general secretion pathway protein I -0.162 0.239 0.500 0.981
gspJ; general secretion pathway protein J -0.144 0.238 0.545 0.990
gspK; general secretion pathway protein K -0.145 0.238 0.543 0.990
gspK; glucosamine kinase [EC:] -1.341 0.612 0.030 0.839
gspL; general secretion pathway protein L -0.149 0.240 0.535 0.990
gspM; general secretion pathway protein M -0.208 0.256 0.417 0.978
gspN; general secretion pathway protein N -0.144 0.247 0.560 0.992
gspO; general secretion pathway protein O [EC: 2.1.1.-] -0.089 0.796 0.911 0.999
gspS; general secretion pathway protein S 0.920 1.213 0.450 0.978
GSR, gor; glutathione reductase (NADPH) [EC:] 0.110 0.093 0.235 0.978
GST, gst; glutathione S-transferase [EC:] -0.179 0.194 0.358 0.978
gtfB, gtfE; vancomycin aglycone glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.277 0.884 0.754 0.999
gtsA, glcE; glucose/mannose transport system substrate-binding protein -0.263 0.265 0.322 0.978
gtsB, glcF; glucose/mannose transport system permease protein -0.315 0.272 0.248 0.978
gtsC, glcG; glucose/mannose transport system permease protein -0.332 0.269 0.220 0.978
guaA, GMPS; GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.004 0.033 0.896 0.999
gudB, rocG; glutamate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.076 0.165 0.645 0.999
gudD; glucarate dehydratase [EC:] -0.074 0.286 0.795 0.999
gudP; MFS transporter, ACS family, glucarate transporter 0.069 0.261 0.791 0.999
gudX; glucarate dehydratase-related protein 0.176 0.678 0.796 0.999
GULO; L-gulonolactone oxidase [EC:] -1.121 1.071 0.297 0.978
gumC; GumC protein -17.687 2769.090 0.995 0.999
gumD; undecaprenyl-phosphate glucose phosphotransferase [EC:] -17.687 2769.090 0.995 0.999
gumE; putative polymerase -0.583 0.874 0.506 0.981
gumF; acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -17.687 2769.090 0.995 0.999
gumG; acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -17.175 2988.990 0.995 0.999
gumH, aceA; alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase [EC:] -0.112 0.728 0.878 0.999
gumI; beta-1,4-mannosyltransferase [EC:] -17.816 2636.156 0.995 0.999
gumK; 2-beta-glucuronyltransferase [EC:] 0.482 0.901 0.594 0.999
gumL; pyruvyltransferase -2.368 1.742 0.176 0.961
gumM; beta-1,4-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -17.687 2769.090 0.995 0.999
gutA, gutP; probable glucitol transport protein GutA -2.015 1.481 0.176 0.961
gutM; glucitol operon activator protein 0.118 0.597 0.844 0.999
gutQ; arabinose 5-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.161 0.632 0.799 0.999
gyaR, GOR1; glyoxylate reductase [EC:] -0.283 0.208 0.175 0.961
gyrA; DNA gyrase subunit A [EC:] 0.039 0.041 0.340 0.978
gyrB; DNA gyrase subunit B [EC:] 0.039 0.044 0.381 0.978
GYS; glycogen synthase [EC:] -17.214 3047.217 0.995 0.999
HAAO; 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase [EC:] -0.162 0.441 0.714 0.999
hap, nprV; vibriolysin [EC:] -2.721 2.400 0.259 0.978
hapE; 4-hydroxyacetophenone monooxygenase [EC:] -1.946 0.836 0.021 0.839
hapR, luxR, litR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, hemagglutinin/protease regulatory protein 18.202 1851.167 0.992 0.999
HARS, hisS; histidyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.028 0.035 0.434 0.978
hasA; heme acquisition protein HasA -0.500 0.646 0.440 0.978
hasA; hyaluronan synthase [EC:] 0.229 0.562 0.684 0.999
hasD, prtD, aprD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial exporter for protease/lipase -0.329 0.460 0.476 0.979
hasE, prtE; membrane fusion protein, protease secretion system -0.280 0.502 0.578 0.997
hasF, prtF; outer membrane protein, protease secretion system -0.256 0.524 0.626 0.999
hasR; heme acquisition protein HasR -0.372 0.640 0.562 0.992
hbaA; 4-hydroxybenzoate-CoA ligase [EC:] -1.407 1.166 0.229 0.978
hbhA; heparin binding hemagglutinin HbhA -0.843 0.908 0.355 0.978
hblAB; hemolysin BL binding component -2.586 2.420 0.287 0.978
hblC; hemolysin BL lytic component L2 -2.767 2.698 0.307 0.978
hblD; hemolysin BL lytic component L1 -2.767 2.698 0.307 0.978
hcaB; 2,3-dihydroxy-2,3-dihydrophenylpropionate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.934 0.927 0.316 0.978
hcaC; 3-phenylpropionate/trans-cinnamate dioxygenase ferredoxin component -0.364 0.297 0.223 0.978
hcaD; 3-phenylpropionate/trans-cinnamate dioxygenase ferredoxin reductase component [EC:] -0.890 0.300 0.003 0.839
hcaE, hcaA1; 3-phenylpropionate/trans-cinnamate dioxygenase subunit alpha [EC:] -0.934 0.927 0.316 0.978
hcaF, hcaA2; 3-phenylpropionate/trans-cinnamate dioxygenase subunit beta [EC:] -0.934 0.927 0.316 0.978
hcaR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, hca operon transcriptional activator -0.417 0.482 0.388 0.978
hcaT; MFS transporter, PPP family, 3-phenylpropionic acid transporter 0.021 0.142 0.883 0.999
hchA; D-lactate dehydratase / protein deglycase [EC:] -0.287 0.298 0.338 0.978
hcnA; hydrogen cyanide synthase HcnA [EC:] -0.121 0.577 0.834 0.999
hcnB; hydrogen cyanide synthase HcnB [EC:] -0.121 0.577 0.834 0.999
hcnC; hydrogen cyanide synthase HcnC [EC:] -0.131 0.627 0.835 0.999
hcp; hydroxylamine reductase [EC:] 0.210 0.176 0.233 0.978
hcp; type VI secretion system secreted protein Hcp 0.231 0.249 0.355 0.978
hcr; NADH oxidoreductase Hcr [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.147 0.599 0.807 0.999
hcrB, hbaD; 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase subunit beta [EC:] 18.563 3486.631 0.996 0.999
hda; DnaA-homolog protein 0.064 0.156 0.683 0.999
hdc, HDC; histidine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.616 1.082 0.570 0.995
hddA; D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose-7-phosphate kinase [EC:] 0.607 0.465 0.194 0.970
hddC; D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC:] -0.613 0.543 0.260 0.978
hdeA; acid stress chaperone HdeA -1.965 1.067 0.067 0.839
hdeB; acid stress chaperone HdeB -1.186 0.785 0.133 0.942
hdhA; 7-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.491 0.458 0.285 0.978
HDHD1; pseudouridine 5’-phosphatase [EC:] -0.189 0.933 0.840 0.999
hdrA2; heterodisulfide reductase subunit A2 [EC:] -0.100 0.477 0.834 0.999
hdrB2; heterodisulfide reductase subunit B2 [EC:] 0.032 0.479 0.946 0.999
hdrC2; heterodisulfide reductase subunit C2 [EC:] 0.058 0.485 0.905 0.999
helD; DNA helicase IV [EC:] 0.008 0.384 0.984 0.999
helS; helicase [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.446 1.410 0.752 0.999
helY; ATP-dependent RNA helicase HelY [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.038 0.249 0.878 0.999
hemA; glutamyl-tRNA reductase [EC:] 0.125 0.070 0.079 0.859
hemAT; heam-based aerotactic trancducer -0.817 1.168 0.485 0.979
hemB, ALAD; porphobilinogen synthase [EC:] 0.060 0.067 0.373 0.978
hemC, HMBS; hydroxymethylbilane synthase [EC:] 0.066 0.067 0.322 0.978
hemD, UROS; uroporphyrinogen-III synthase [EC:] -0.195 0.088 0.027 0.839
hemDX; uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase / synthase [EC:] -0.151 0.718 0.834 0.999
hemE, UROD; uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase [EC:] -0.121 0.075 0.111 0.917
hemG; menaquinone-dependent protoporphyrinogen oxidase [EC:] 0.149 0.261 0.569 0.995
hemH, FECH; protoporphyrin/coproporphyrin ferrochelatase [EC:] -0.090 0.070 0.204 0.972
hemK, prmC, HEMK; release factor glutamine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.012 0.033 0.706 0.999
hemL; glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase [EC:] 0.045 0.074 0.545 0.990
hemN, hemZ; oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase [EC:] 0.068 0.053 0.199 0.970
hemQ; Fe-coproporphyrin III decarboxylase [EC:1.11.1.-] 1.758 1.259 0.165 0.960
hemX; HemX protein -0.865 0.546 0.115 0.917
hemX; uroporphyrin-III C-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.128 0.171 0.454 0.978
hemY; HemY protein 0.009 0.162 0.957 0.999
hepA; ATP-dependent helicase HepA [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.125 0.205 0.541 0.990
hepA; heparin lyase [EC:] -0.768 1.066 0.473 0.979
hepB; heparin/heparan-sulfate lyase [EC:] -0.468 1.020 0.647 0.999
hepC; heparan-sulfate lyase [EC:] -0.748 1.071 0.486 0.979
hepST; heptaprenyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.277 0.126 0.029 0.839
HEXA_B; hexosaminidase [EC:] -0.103 0.128 0.424 0.978
hexR; RpiR family transcriptional regulator, carbohydrate utilization regulator 0.178 0.257 0.489 0.979
hfaA; holdfast attachment protein HfaA -0.550 0.876 0.531 0.990
hfaB; holdfast attachment protein HfaB -0.550 0.876 0.531 0.990
hflC; membrane protease subunit HflC [EC:3.4.-.-] -0.129 0.158 0.417 0.978
hflD; high frequency lysogenization protein 0.095 0.180 0.598 0.999
hflK; membrane protease subunit HflK [EC:3.4.-.-] -0.101 0.169 0.552 0.992
hflX; GTPase 0.029 0.037 0.436 0.978
hfq; host factor-I protein -0.095 0.116 0.415 0.978
HGD, hmgA; homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase [EC:] -0.117 0.213 0.584 0.999
hha; haemolysin expression modulating protein -0.095 0.626 0.879 0.999
hhoB, degS; serine protease DegS [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.144 0.191 0.451 0.978
HIBCH; 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase [EC:] -0.898 0.984 0.363 0.978
hicA; mRNA interferase HicA [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.007 0.554 0.990 0.999
hicB; antitoxin HicB -0.795 0.654 0.226 0.978
higA; HTH-type transcriptional regulator / antitoxin HigA -0.266 0.269 0.325 0.978
higB-1; toxin HigB-1 -0.013 0.182 0.943 0.999
higB; mRNA interferase HigB [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.566 0.528 0.286 0.978
HINT1, hinT, hit; histidine triad (HIT) family protein 0.032 0.045 0.475 0.979
hipA; serine/threonine-protein kinase HipA [EC:] -0.075 0.146 0.608 0.999
hipB; HTH-type transcriptional regulator / antitoxin HipB 0.384 0.640 0.550 0.992
hipO; hippurate hydrolase [EC:] -0.393 0.236 0.098 0.896
hisA; phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide isomerase [EC:] -0.060 0.057 0.289 0.978
hisB; imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase / histidinol-phosphatase [EC:] -0.005 0.208 0.981 0.999
hisB; imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase [EC:] -0.117 0.074 0.115 0.917
hisC; histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase [EC:] -0.124 0.057 0.032 0.839
hisD; histidinol dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.098 0.064 0.126 0.927
hisE; phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase [EC:] -0.132 0.115 0.254 0.978
hisF; cyclase [EC:4.1.3.-] -0.094 0.065 0.153 0.954
hisG; ATP phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] -0.089 0.059 0.134 0.942
hisH; glutamine amidotransferase [EC:2.4.2.-] -0.080 0.062 0.193 0.970
hisI; phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase [EC:] -0.159 0.120 0.187 0.966
hisIE; phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase / phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase [EC:] -0.084 0.137 0.539 0.990
hisJ; histidine transport system substrate-binding protein -0.336 0.459 0.466 0.979
hisM; histidine transport system permease protein -0.276 0.431 0.522 0.988
hisN; histidinol-phosphatase [EC:] 0.065 0.272 0.813 0.999
hisP; histidine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.291 0.427 0.496 0.981
hisQ; histidine transport system permease protein -0.263 0.425 0.536 0.990
hisZ; ATP phosphoribosyltransferase regulatory subunit -0.116 0.088 0.190 0.969
hjr; holliday junction resolvase Hjr [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
HK; hexokinase [EC:] 0.302 0.487 0.536 0.990
hld; delta-hemolysin -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
hlg, luk; leukocidin/hemolysin toxin family protein -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
hlpA, ompH; outer membrane protein -0.001 0.142 0.996 0.999
hlyB, cyaB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial HlyB/CyaB -0.437 0.445 0.328 0.978
hlyD, cyaD; hemolysin D -0.513 0.480 0.287 0.978
hlyII; hemolysin II -1.658 1.181 0.162 0.957
hlyIII; hemolysin III 0.042 0.052 0.415 0.978
hmfA; 2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.995 0.993 0.318 0.978
hmfB; 2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase FAD binding subunit [EC:] 0.995 0.993 0.318 0.978
hmfC; 2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase 2Fe-2S iron sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.995 0.993 0.318 0.978
hmfD; 2-furoate—CoA ligase [EC:] 0.995 0.993 0.318 0.978
hmfE; 2-oxoglutaroyl-CoA hydrolase 0.995 0.993 0.318 0.978
hmfF; 2,5-furandicarboxylate decarboxylase 1 2.635 1.537 0.088 0.880
hmfG; 2,5-furandicarboxylate decarboxylase 2 -2.174 2.005 0.280 0.978
hmfH; 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural/furfural oxidase [EC: 1.1.3.-] -0.553 0.830 0.507 0.981
HMGCR; hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase (NADPH) [EC:] -0.732 0.804 0.364 0.978
hmo, nocN; 4-hydroxymandelate oxidase [EC:] -0.360 0.791 0.650 0.999
HMOX1; heme oxygenase 1 [EC:] 0.179 0.358 0.618 0.999
hmp, YHB1; nitric oxide dioxygenase [EC:] -0.156 0.173 0.368 0.978
hmuS; putative hemin transport protein -0.194 0.442 0.662 0.999
hndA; NADP-reducing hydrogenase subunit HndA [EC:] -0.496 0.544 0.363 0.978
hndB; NADP-reducing hydrogenase subunit HndB [EC:] -0.553 0.722 0.445 0.978
hndC; NADP-reducing hydrogenase subunit HndC [EC:] -0.336 0.489 0.492 0.981
hndD; NADP-reducing hydrogenase subunit HndD [EC:] 0.173 0.451 0.703 0.999
hns; DNA-binding protein H-NS -0.107 0.248 0.668 0.999
hofB; protein transport protein HofB 0.193 0.314 0.539 0.990
hofC; protein transport protein HofC 0.193 0.314 0.539 0.990
hofD, hopD; leader peptidase HopD [EC:] 0.211 0.345 0.542 0.990
hofM; pilus assembly protein HofM 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
hofN; pilus assembly protein HofN 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
hofO; pilus assembly protein HofO -0.353 0.718 0.623 0.999
hofP; pilus assembly protein HofP 0.207 0.679 0.761 0.999
hofQ; protein transport protein HofQ 0.164 0.213 0.442 0.978
HOGA1; 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase [EC:] 1.551 1.188 0.194 0.970
hokA; protein HokA -1.266 1.272 0.321 0.978
hokB; protein HokB -1.237 1.233 0.317 0.978
hokC_D; protein HokC/D -1.662 1.552 0.286 0.978
hokE; protein HokE -1.001 1.258 0.428 0.978
holA; DNA polymerase III subunit delta [EC:] 0.035 0.036 0.331 0.978
holB; DNA polymerase III subunit delta’ [EC:] 0.040 0.036 0.262 0.978
holC; DNA polymerase III subunit chi [EC:] -0.045 0.146 0.759 0.999
holD; DNA polymerase III subunit psi [EC:] 0.237 0.307 0.441 0.978
holE; DNA polymerase III subunit theta [EC:] 0.260 0.598 0.664 0.999
hopB, alpB; outer membrane protein HopB/AlpB -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
hopC, alpA; outer membrane protein HopC/AlpA -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
hopM1; effector protein HopM1 18.932 3654.080 0.996 0.999
hopZ; outer membrane protein HopZ -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
hoxF; [NiFe] hydrogenase diaphorase moiety large subunit [EC:] -0.152 0.837 0.856 0.999
hoxH; NAD-reducing hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] -0.577 0.807 0.476 0.979
hoxU; [NiFe] hydrogenase diaphorase moiety small subunit [EC:] -0.013 0.884 0.988 0.999
hoxY; NAD-reducing hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] -0.445 0.851 0.602 0.999
hpa1; type III secretion harpin protein Hpa1 -17.175 2988.990 0.995 0.999
hpa2; lysozyme-related protein Hpa2 -17.175 2988.990 0.995 0.999
hpaA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase operon regulatory protein -0.305 0.541 0.573 0.995
hpaA; neuraminyllactose-binding hemagglutinin -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
hpaA; type III secretion regulatory protein HpaA -17.175 2988.990 0.995 0.999
hpaB; 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase [EC:] -0.832 0.570 0.146 0.954
hpaB; type III secretion control protein HpaB -17.175 2988.990 0.995 0.999
hpaC; flavin reductase (NADH) [EC:] 0.453 0.393 0.250 0.978
hpaC; type III secretion control protein HpaP -0.209 1.508 0.890 0.999
hpaD, hpcB; 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] -0.736 0.576 0.203 0.972
hpaE, hpcC; 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconic-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.929 0.391 0.019 0.839
hpaF, hpcD; 5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate isomerase [EC:] -0.544 0.342 0.113 0.917
hpaG; 5-oxopent-3-ene-1,2,5-tricarboxylate decarboxylase / 2-hydroxyhepta-2,4-diene-1,7-dioate isomerase [EC: 5.3.3.-] -0.449 0.459 0.329 0.978
hpaH; 2-oxo-hept-3-ene-1,7-dioate hydratase [EC:4.2.1.-] 0.124 0.421 0.768 0.999
hpaI, hpcH; 4-hydroxy-2-oxoheptanedioate aldolase [EC:] -0.762 0.331 0.023 0.839
hpaX; MFS transporter, ACS family, 4-hydroxyphenylacetate permease 0.667 0.617 0.281 0.978
HPD, hppD; 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase [EC:] -0.113 0.208 0.587 0.999
hpdB; 4-hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase large subunit [EC:] 1.521 0.977 0.122 0.919
hpgT, nocG; (S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine transaminase [EC:] -0.173 0.963 0.858 0.999
hph; hygromycin-B 4-O-kinase [EC:] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
hppA; K(+)-stimulated pyrophosphate-energized sodium pump [EC:] -0.032 0.152 0.832 0.999
hpr; MarR family transcriptional regulator, protease production regulatory protein HPr -1.586 0.806 0.051 0.839
hprA; glycerate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.179 0.119 0.134 0.942
hprK, ptsK; HPr kinase/phosphorylase [EC:2.7.11.- 2.7.4.-] 0.083 0.087 0.340 0.978
hprT, hpt, HPRT1; hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.078 0.049 0.111 0.917
hpsN; sulfopropanediol 3-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.933 0.878 0.290 0.978
hpxA; allantoin racemase [EC:] -0.354 0.361 0.327 0.978
hpxB; allantoinase [EC:] -0.557 0.565 0.326 0.978
hpxO; FAD-dependent urate hydroxylase [EC:] -0.670 0.520 0.200 0.971
hpxQ; 2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline decarboxylase [EC:] -0.833 0.491 0.092 0.892
hrcA; heat-inducible transcriptional repressor 0.050 0.067 0.459 0.979
hrpA; ATP-dependent helicase HrpA [EC:] 0.066 0.124 0.594 0.999
hrpB; ATP-dependent helicase HrpB [EC:] -0.091 0.189 0.632 0.999
hrpB1; type III secretion protein HrpB1 -17.175 2988.990 0.995 0.999
hrpB2; type III secretion inner rod protein HrpB2 -17.175 2988.990 0.995 0.999
hrpE; type III secretion hrp pilus HrpE -17.175 2988.990 0.995 0.999
hrpF; type III secretion translocon protein HrpF -17.175 2988.990 0.995 0.999
hrtA; hemin transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.467 0.685 0.496 0.981
hrtB; hemin transport system permease protein -0.160 0.828 0.847 0.999
hsaA; 3-hydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione monooxygenase [EC:] -1.016 0.789 0.200 0.971
hsaB; 3-hydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione monooxygenase reductase component [EC:1.5.1.-] -0.679 0.691 0.327 0.978
hsaC; 3,4-dihydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione 4,5-dioxygenase [EC:] -0.838 0.724 0.248 0.978
hsaD; 4,5:9,10-diseco-3-hydroxy-5,9,17-trioxoandrosta-1(10),2-diene-4-oate hydrolase [EC:] -0.882 0.709 0.215 0.978
hscA; molecular chaperone HscA 0.089 0.171 0.601 0.999
hscB, HSCB, HSC20; molecular chaperone HscB 0.089 0.171 0.601 0.999
hscC; molecular chaperone HscC -0.062 0.337 0.855 0.999
hsd; 3beta-hydroxy-Delta5-steroid dehydrogenase / steroid Delta-isomerase [EC:] -2.624 1.417 0.066 0.839
HSD17B4; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase / 3a,7a,12a-trihydroxy-5b-cholest-24-enoyl-CoA hydratase / enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 [EC:] 1.513 1.385 0.276 0.978
hsdM; type I restriction enzyme M protein [EC:] -0.010 0.071 0.892 0.999
hsdR; type I restriction enzyme, R subunit [EC:] 0.032 0.084 0.701 0.999
hsdS; type I restriction enzyme, S subunit [EC:] -0.017 0.091 0.852 0.999
hsf; adhesin Hsf -16.880 1816.243 0.993 0.999
hsiF3; type VI secretion system lysozyme-related protein -0.189 0.933 0.840 0.999
hslJ; heat shock protein HslJ 0.143 0.297 0.631 0.999
hslO; molecular chaperone Hsp33 0.077 0.042 0.069 0.840
hslR; ribosome-associated heat shock protein Hsp15 -0.082 0.088 0.353 0.978
hslU; ATP-dependent HslUV protease ATP-binding subunit HslU 0.020 0.090 0.826 0.999
hslV, clpQ; ATP-dependent HslUV protease, peptidase subunit HslV [EC:] 0.017 0.090 0.847 0.999
HSP20; HSP20 family protein -0.103 0.177 0.562 0.992
HSP90A, htpG; molecular chaperone HtpG 0.023 0.107 0.830 0.999
hspQ; heat shock protein HspQ -0.780 0.356 0.030 0.839
hspR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, heat shock protein HspR -0.051 0.228 0.823 0.999
hss; homospermidine synthase [EC:] -1.940 0.811 0.018 0.839
htpX; heat shock protein HtpX [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.100 0.054 0.063 0.839
htsT; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component 0.038 0.144 0.793 0.999
hugZ, hutZ; heme iron utilization protein -0.164 0.234 0.486 0.979
hupA; DNA-binding protein HU-alpha 0.213 0.212 0.316 0.978
hupB; DNA-binding protein HU-beta -0.024 0.052 0.651 0.999
hupR, hoxA; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator HupR/HoxA -17.351 2005.003 0.993 0.999
hupT, hoxJ; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase HupT/HoxJ [EC:] -17.351 2005.003 0.993 0.999
hutC; GntR family transcriptional regulator, histidine utilization repressor -0.150 0.212 0.480 0.979
hutF; formimidoylglutamate deiminase [EC:] -0.176 0.328 0.592 0.999
hutG; formiminoglutamase [EC:] -0.029 0.115 0.801 0.999
hutG; N-formylglutamate deformylase [EC:] -0.739 0.630 0.243 0.978
hutH, HAL; histidine ammonia-lyase [EC:] -0.019 0.097 0.844 0.999
hutI, AMDHD1; imidazolonepropionase [EC:] 0.048 0.090 0.594 0.999
hutM; histidine permease 18.183 2499.687 0.994 0.999
hutP; hut operon positive regulatory protein -2.614 1.445 0.072 0.845
hutT; histidine transporter -0.066 0.225 0.769 0.999
hutU, UROC1; urocanate hydratase [EC:] 0.049 0.089 0.585 0.999
hxlA; 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase [EC:] -1.500 0.672 0.027 0.839
hxlB; 6-phospho-3-hexuloisomerase [EC:] -1.048 0.480 0.031 0.839
HXT; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar:H+ symporter -0.652 0.520 0.212 0.978
hya; hyaluronoglucosaminidase [EC:] 0.004 0.323 0.989 0.999
hyaA, hybO; hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] 0.126 0.223 0.572 0.995
hyaB, hybC; hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.113 0.222 0.613 0.999
hyaC; Ni/Fe-hydrogenase 1 B-type cytochrome subunit 0.088 0.232 0.706 0.999
hyaD, hybD; hydrogenase maturation protease [EC:3.4.23.-] 0.048 0.210 0.820 0.999
hyaE; hydrogenase-1 operon protein HyaE -2.046 1.315 0.122 0.919
hyaF; hydrogenase-1 operon protein HyaF -1.500 1.160 0.198 0.970
hycA; formate hydrogenlyase regulatory protein HycA -0.371 0.685 0.589 0.999
hycB; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 2 -0.371 0.685 0.589 0.999
hycC; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 3 -0.371 0.685 0.589 0.999
hycD; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 4 -0.371 0.685 0.589 0.999
hycE; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 5 -0.158 0.634 0.804 0.999
hycF; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 6 -0.371 0.685 0.589 0.999
hycG; formate hydrogenlyase subunit 7 -0.344 0.676 0.612 0.999
hycH; formate hydrogenlyase maturation protein HycH -0.051 0.450 0.910 0.999
hycI; hydrogenase 3 maturation protease [EC:] 0.332 0.427 0.437 0.978
hydA; quinone-reactive Ni/Fe-hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] -0.366 0.782 0.641 0.999
hydB; quinone-reactive Ni/Fe-hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] -0.366 0.782 0.641 0.999
HYDIN; hydrocephalus-inducing protein -17.059 2820.383 0.995 0.999
hydN; electron transport protein HydN 0.167 0.257 0.517 0.986
hyfA; hydrogenase-4 component A [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.662 0.632 0.297 0.978
hyfB; hydrogenase-4 component B [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.292 0.500 0.561 0.992
hyfC; hydrogenase-4 component C [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.428 0.535 0.425 0.978
hyfD; hydrogenase-4 component D [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.942 0.928 0.312 0.978
hyfE; hydrogenase-4 component E [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.235 0.483 0.627 0.999
hyfF; hydrogenase-4 component F [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.235 0.483 0.627 0.999
hyfG; hydrogenase-4 component G [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.723 0.834 0.387 0.978
hyfH; hydrogenase-4 component H 0.609 0.765 0.427 0.978
hyfI; hydrogenase-4 component I [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.633 0.869 0.468 0.979
hyfJ; hydrogenase-4 component J [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.633 0.869 0.468 0.979
hyfR; hydrogenase-4 transcriptional activator -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
hyg; hygromycin-B 7’’-O-kinase [EC:] -1.407 1.166 0.229 0.978
hyi, gip; hydroxypyruvate isomerase [EC:] -0.268 0.210 0.205 0.972
hypA, hybF; hydrogenase nickel incorporation protein HypA/HybF 0.016 0.191 0.934 0.999
hypB; hydrogenase nickel incorporation protein HypB 0.027 0.194 0.892 0.999
hypBA1; non-reducing end beta-L-arabinofuranosidase [EC:] 0.125 1.190 0.917 0.999
hypBA2; beta-L-arabinobiosidase [EC:] -17.405 2475.781 0.994 0.999
hypC; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypC -0.061 0.190 0.747 0.999
hypD; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypD 0.045 0.195 0.816 0.999
hypE; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypE 0.017 0.196 0.929 0.999
hypF; hydrogenase maturation protein HypF -0.003 0.193 0.986 0.999
hypX, hoxX; putative two-component system protein, hydrogenase maturation factor HypX/HoxX -2.100 2.239 0.350 0.978
hysA, hylA, hylB; hyaluronate lyase [EC:] 0.517 0.452 0.255 0.978
hyuA; N-methylhydantoinase A [EC:] -0.556 0.407 0.174 0.961
hyuB; N-methylhydantoinase B [EC:] -0.537 0.402 0.184 0.965
iaaA, ASRGL1; beta-aspartyl-peptidase (threonine type) [EC:] -0.313 0.302 0.302 0.978
iaaM; tryptophan 2-monooxygenase [EC:] -0.159 0.438 0.717 0.999
iadA; beta-aspartyl-dipeptidase (metallo-type) [EC:3.4.19.-] -0.221 0.453 0.626 0.999
IAL; isopenicillin-N N-acyltransferase like protein -0.227 0.655 0.729 0.999
iap; alkaline phosphatase isozyme conversion protein [EC:3.4.11.-] 0.134 0.621 0.829 0.999
IARS, ileS; isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.029 0.032 0.377 0.978
iatA; inositol transport system ATP-binding protein 0.983 0.801 0.222 0.978
iatP; inositol transport system permease protein 0.983 0.801 0.222 0.978
ibpA; molecular chaperone IbpA -0.215 0.234 0.361 0.978
ibpB; molecular chaperone IbpB 0.135 0.629 0.830 0.999
ich-P; itaconyl-CoA hydratase / mesaconyl-C4 CoA hydratase [EC: 4.2.1.-] 0.082 0.403 0.839 0.999
iciA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, chromosome initiation inhibitor -0.067 0.200 0.738 0.999
iclR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, acetate operon repressor -0.744 0.379 0.052 0.839
icmB, dotO; intracellular multiplication protein IcmB -0.342 0.934 0.714 0.999
icmF; isobutyryl-CoA mutase [EC:] -0.418 0.234 0.075 0.855
icmJ, dotN; intracellular multiplication protein IcmJ -0.259 0.965 0.788 0.999
icmL, traM, dotI; intracellular multiplication protein IcmL -0.259 0.965 0.788 0.999
icmO, trbC, dotL; intracellular multiplication protein IcmO -0.259 0.965 0.788 0.999
ICMT, STE14; protein-S-isoprenylcysteine O-methyltransferase [EC:] -17.687 2769.090 0.995 0.999
ICP; inhibitor of cysteine peptidase 0.229 0.339 0.501 0.981
ict-P; itaconate CoA-transferase [EC:2.8.3.-] 0.152 0.433 0.726 0.999
ict-Y; itaconate CoA-transferase [EC:2.8.3.-] -0.543 0.889 0.542 0.990
ictB; putative inorganic carbon (hco3(-)) transporter 0.479 0.624 0.444 0.978
IDE, ide; insulysin [EC:] -3.465 4.101 0.400 0.978
IDH1, IDH2, icd; isocitrate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.144 0.091 0.117 0.917
IDH3; isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.517 0.291 0.078 0.859
idi, IDI; isopentenyl-diphosphate Delta-isomerase [EC:] 0.027 0.108 0.801 0.999
idnD; L-idonate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.610 0.498 0.222 0.978
idnO; gluconate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.088 0.199 0.660 0.999
idnR, gntH; LacI family transcriptional regulator, gluconate utilization system Gnt-II transcriptional activator -1.630 2.316 0.483 0.979
idnT; Gnt-II system L-idonate transporter 0.055 1.009 0.957 0.999
IDO, INDO; indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] 0.624 1.029 0.545 0.990
IDS; iduronate 2-sulfatase [EC:] -16.845 2534.319 0.995 0.999
idsA; geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase, type I [EC:] -0.011 0.239 0.965 0.999
IDUA; L-iduronidase [EC:] -1.572 1.689 0.353 0.978
iga; IgA-specific metalloendopeptidase [EC:] -0.032 0.687 0.963 0.999
iga; IgA-specific serine endopeptidase [EC:] 0.261 0.357 0.465 0.979
ihfA, himA; integration host factor subunit alpha -0.071 0.132 0.594 0.999
ihfB, himD; integration host factor subunit beta -0.049 0.144 0.734 0.999
ihk; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor kinase Ihk [EC:] 0.077 0.182 0.672 0.999
ILR1; IAA-amino acid hydrolase [EC:3.5.1.-] -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
ilvC; ketol-acid reductoisomerase [EC:] -0.061 0.052 0.249 0.978
ilvD; dihydroxy-acid dehydratase [EC:] -0.144 0.060 0.017 0.839
ilvM; acetolactate synthase II small subunit [EC:] 0.161 0.257 0.532 0.990
ilvY; LysR family transcriptional regulator, positive regulator for ilvC 0.232 0.307 0.451 0.978
IMA, malL; oligo-1,6-glucosidase [EC:] 0.149 0.223 0.505 0.981
impA; type VI secretion system protein ImpA -0.160 0.366 0.662 0.999
impB; type VI secretion system protein ImpB 0.094 0.266 0.723 0.999
impC; type VI secretion system protein ImpC 0.095 0.239 0.691 0.999
impD; type VI secretion system protein ImpD -1.734 1.761 0.326 0.978
IMPDH, guaB; IMP dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.022 0.037 0.555 0.992
impE; type VI secretion system protein ImpE -1.023 0.780 0.191 0.970
impF; type VI secretion system protein ImpF -0.176 0.363 0.629 0.999
impG, vasA; type VI secretion system protein ImpG 0.146 0.256 0.570 0.995
impH, vasB; type VI secretion system protein ImpH 0.153 0.250 0.543 0.990
impI, vasC; type VI secretion system protein ImpI 0.056 0.332 0.865 0.999
impJ, vasE; type VI secretion system protein ImpJ 0.131 0.263 0.619 0.999
impK, ompA, vasF, dotU; type VI secretion system protein ImpK 0.138 0.240 0.567 0.995
impL, vasK, icmF; type VI secretion system protein ImpL 0.164 0.303 0.590 0.999
impM; type VI secretion system protein ImpM -0.231 0.366 0.529 0.989
impN; type VI secretion system protein ImpN [EC:] -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
imuA; protein ImuA -0.743 0.347 0.034 0.839
imuB; protein ImuB -0.144 0.190 0.449 0.978
ina; immune inhibitor A [EC:3.4.24.-] -0.411 0.295 0.166 0.960
infA; translation initiation factor IF-1 0.037 0.035 0.285 0.978
infB, MTIF2; translation initiation factor IF-2 0.038 0.037 0.305 0.978
infC, MTIF3; translation initiation factor IF-3 0.036 0.036 0.323 0.978
inhA; cyclohexyl-isocyanide hydratase [EC:] -1.074 0.538 0.048 0.839
inhA; enoyl ACP reductase [EC:] -2.137 1.493 0.154 0.954
inlA; internalin A -0.128 0.461 0.782 0.999
inlB; internalin B -17.821 2878.738 0.995 0.999
INO1, ISYNA1; myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase [EC:] -0.200 0.213 0.348 0.978
inoE; inositol-phosphate transport system substrate-binding protein -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
inoF; inositol-phosphate transport system permease protein -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
inoG; inositol-phosphate transport system permease protein -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
inoK; inositol-phosphate transport system ATP-binding protein -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
insB; insertion element IS1 protein InsB -1.011 1.306 0.440 0.978
int; integrase -0.115 0.230 0.617 0.999
INV, sacA; beta-fructofuranosidase [EC:] 0.139 0.103 0.182 0.961
iolB; 5-deoxy-glucuronate isomerase [EC:] -0.354 0.271 0.194 0.970
iolC; 5-dehydro-2-deoxygluconokinase [EC:] -0.337 0.271 0.215 0.978
iolD; 3D-(3,5/4)-trihydroxycyclohexane-1,2-dione acylhydrolase (decyclizing) [EC:] -0.314 0.272 0.250 0.978
iolE; inosose dehydratase [EC:] -0.307 0.283 0.280 0.978
iolF; MFS transporter, SP family, inositol transporter -0.717 0.458 0.120 0.917
iolG; myo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase / D-chiro-inositol 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.416 0.344 0.228 0.978
iolH; myo-inositol catabolism protein IolH -0.123 0.472 0.794 0.999
iolI; 2-keto-myo-inositol isomerase [EC:] -0.511 0.568 0.370 0.978
iolJ; 6-phospho-5-dehydro-2-deoxy-D-gluconate aldolase [EC:] 0.070 0.758 0.927 0.999
iolR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, myo-inositol catabolism operon repressor 2.127 1.621 0.191 0.970
iolS; myo-inositol catabolism protein IolS [EC:1.1.1.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
iolT; MFS transporter, SP family, major inositol transporter 0.274 0.336 0.416 0.978
iolW; scyllo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] -0.656 0.669 0.329 0.978
iolX; scyllo-inositol 2-dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 1.125 1.241 0.366 0.978
iorA; indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit [EC:] -0.539 0.368 0.145 0.951
iorA; isoquinoline 1-oxidoreductase subunit alpha [EC:] -0.312 0.298 0.297 0.978
iorB; indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, beta subunit [EC:] -0.537 0.369 0.148 0.954
iorB; isoquinoline 1-oxidoreductase subunit beta [EC:] -0.322 0.316 0.310 0.978
ipct; 1L-myo-inositol 1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] -0.623 1.557 0.689 0.999
ipdC; indolepyruvate decarboxylase [EC:] -0.426 0.425 0.318 0.978
ipk; isopentenyl phosphate kinase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
irp1, HMWP1; yersiniabactin nonribosomal peptide/polyketide synthase -2.044 2.163 0.346 0.978
irp2, HMWP2; yersiniabactin nonribosomal peptide synthetase -0.456 1.133 0.688 0.999
irp3, ybtU; yersiniabactin synthetase, thiazolinyl reductase component -2.044 2.163 0.346 0.978
irp4, ybtT; yersiniabactin synthetase, thioesterase component -2.044 2.163 0.346 0.978
irp5, ybtE; yersiniabactin salicyl-AMP ligase [EC:6.3.2.-] -0.423 1.154 0.715 0.999
IRPC; inward rectifier potassium channel -0.783 0.871 0.370 0.978
irr; Fur family transcriptional regulator, iron response regulator -1.497 0.628 0.018 0.839
irr; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator Irr 0.080 0.182 0.662 0.999
irtA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial IrtA [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.003 0.934 0.997 0.999
irtB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial IrtB [EC:3.6.3.-] -2.417 1.514 0.112 0.917
IS15, IS26; transposase, IS6 family -0.753 0.718 0.296 0.978
iscA; iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein -0.199 0.114 0.082 0.865
iscR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, iron-sulfur cluster assembly transcription factor 0.044 0.134 0.745 0.999
iscS, NFS1; cysteine desulfurase [EC:] 0.019 0.061 0.754 0.999
iscU, nifU; nitrogen fixation protein NifU and related proteins 0.094 0.048 0.052 0.839
isdG, isdI; heme oxygenase (staphylobilin-producing) [EC:] -0.671 0.630 0.288 0.978
isfD; sulfoacetaldehyde reductase [EC:] 0.000 0.766 1.000 1.000
isp; major intracellular serine protease [EC:3.4.21.-] -1.298 1.153 0.262 0.978
ispA; farnesyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] -0.157 0.168 0.350 0.978
ispB; octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase [EC:] -0.083 0.091 0.361 0.978
ispD; 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] -0.013 0.063 0.834 0.999
ispDF; 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase / 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase [EC:] -0.118 0.176 0.505 0.981
ispE; 4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase [EC:] 0.036 0.050 0.469 0.979
ispF; 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.036 0.069 0.606 0.999
ispH, lytB; 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate reductase [EC:] 0.017 0.067 0.803 0.999
ispZ; intracellular septation protein -0.031 0.157 0.843 0.999
ITGB3, CD61; integrin beta 3 -1.780 1.801 0.324 0.978
ITGB8; integrin beta 8 -0.596 0.946 0.530 0.989
ituB, mycB, bmyB; iturin family lipopeptide synthetase B -3.465 4.101 0.400 0.978
iucA; N2-citryl-N6-acetyl-N6-hydroxylysine synthase [EC:] 0.719 0.779 0.357 0.978
iucB; acetyl CoA:N6-hydroxylysine acetyl transferase [EC:] 0.709 0.605 0.243 0.978
iucC; aerobactin synthase [EC:] 0.719 0.779 0.357 0.978
iucD; lysine N6-hydroxylase [EC:] -0.323 0.408 0.430 0.978
iunH; purine nucleosidase [EC:] -0.028 0.186 0.882 0.999
IVD, ivd; isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.198 0.210 0.348 0.978
jadI; cyclase -17.703 3891.582 0.996 0.999
jag; spoIIIJ-associated protein 0.119 0.087 0.171 0.961
JEN; MFS transporter, SHS family, lactate transporter 0.035 0.738 0.963 0.999
K00183; prokaryotic molybdopterin-containing oxidoreductase family, molybdopterin binding subunit 0.301 0.703 0.669 0.999
K00184; prokaryotic molybdopterin-containing oxidoreductase family, iron-sulfur binding subunit -0.302 0.470 0.521 0.988
K00185; prokaryotic molybdopterin-containing oxidoreductase family, membrane subunit -0.047 0.442 0.915 0.999
K00243; uncharacterized protein 0.108 0.073 0.140 0.949
K00375; GntR family transcriptional regulator / MocR family aminotransferase -0.050 0.129 0.697 0.999
K00666; fatty-acyl-CoA synthase [EC:6.2.1.-] -0.397 0.196 0.045 0.839
K01138; uncharacterized sulfatase [EC:3.1.6.-] 0.335 0.521 0.521 0.988
K01163; uncharacterized protein 0.236 0.170 0.168 0.961
K01436; amidohydrolase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.057 0.115 0.620 0.999
K01622; fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase/phosphatase [EC:] 1.254 1.302 0.337 0.978
K02351; putative membrane protein -0.438 0.471 0.354 0.978
K02475; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator -0.502 0.707 0.478 0.979
K02476; two-component system, CitB family, sensor kinase [EC:] -0.637 0.579 0.273 0.978
K02477; two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator 0.035 0.217 0.874 0.999
K02478; two-component system, LytTR family, sensor kinase [EC:] 0.604 0.342 0.080 0.861
K02479; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator -0.315 0.453 0.487 0.979
K02480; two-component system, NarL family, sensor kinase [EC:] -0.786 0.531 0.141 0.949
K02481; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator 0.120 0.294 0.683 0.999
K02482; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor kinase [EC:] -0.814 0.570 0.155 0.954
K02483; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator -0.206 0.173 0.236 0.978
K02484; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor kinase [EC:] -0.107 0.157 0.497 0.981
K03653; N-glycosylase/DNA lyase [EC:3.2.2.-] 0.914 0.445 0.041 0.839
K03710; GntR family transcriptional regulator -0.074 0.110 0.499 0.981
K03791; putative chitinase -0.287 0.365 0.433 0.978
K03822; putative long chain acyl-CoA synthase [EC:6.2.1.-] -2.137 1.493 0.154 0.954
K05303; O-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] -0.972 0.731 0.186 0.966
K05558; pyridoxamine 5’-phosphate oxidase family protein -1.482 1.416 0.297 0.978
K05937; uncharacterized protein -0.091 0.824 0.912 0.999
K05952; uncharacterized protein 0.295 0.233 0.207 0.976
K05967; uncharacterized protein -1.071 0.837 0.203 0.972
K06860; putative heme uptake system protein 0.016 0.288 0.954 0.999
K06865; ATPase -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K06867; uncharacterized protein 0.244 0.226 0.282 0.978
K06869; uncharacterized protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K06871; uncharacterized protein -0.018 0.155 0.907 0.999
K06872; uncharacterized protein -0.127 0.116 0.275 0.978
K06876; deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase-related protein 0.242 0.281 0.391 0.978
K06877; DEAD/DEAH box helicase domain-containing protein -0.227 0.226 0.318 0.978
K06878; tRNA-binding protein -0.024 0.116 0.834 0.999
K06882; uncharacterized protein -0.324 0.725 0.656 0.999
K06883; uncharacterized protein -2.378 1.422 0.096 0.896
K06884; uncharacterized protein 0.272 0.292 0.353 0.978
K06885; uncharacterized protein 0.043 0.108 0.689 0.999
K06887; uncharacterized protein -0.163 0.641 0.800 0.999
K06888; uncharacterized protein -0.659 0.303 0.031 0.839
K06889; uncharacterized protein 0.033 0.087 0.708 0.999
K06890; uncharacterized protein 0.044 0.101 0.662 0.999
K06893; uncharacterized protein 0.028 0.263 0.915 0.999
K06894; uncharacterized protein 0.121 0.191 0.528 0.989
K06897; 7,8-dihydropterin-6-yl-methyl-4-(beta-D-ribofuranosyl)aminobenzene 5’-phosphate synthase [EC:] -0.200 0.483 0.679 0.999
K06903; uncharacterized protein -0.299 0.307 0.331 0.978
K06904; uncharacterized protein -0.829 0.322 0.011 0.839
K06905; uncharacterized protein -0.244 0.315 0.440 0.978
K06906; uncharacterized protein -0.399 0.426 0.350 0.978
K06907; uncharacterized protein -0.200 0.311 0.522 0.988
K06908; uncharacterized protein -0.194 0.313 0.537 0.990
K06910; uncharacterized protein 0.050 0.124 0.686 0.999
K06911; uncharacterized protein -0.109 0.148 0.464 0.979
K06913; uncharacterized protein -17.845 4178.817 0.997 0.999
K06915; uncharacterized protein 0.127 0.110 0.248 0.978
K06918; uncharacterized protein -0.089 0.269 0.741 0.999
K06919; putative DNA primase/helicase 0.241 0.233 0.303 0.978
K06921; uncharacterized protein 0.280 0.326 0.391 0.978
K06922; uncharacterized protein -1.849 1.778 0.300 0.978
K06923; uncharacterized protein 0.014 0.158 0.930 0.999
K06926; uncharacterized protein 0.527 0.303 0.084 0.872
K06929; uncharacterized protein -0.035 0.125 0.781 0.999
K06931; uncharacterized protein -18.313 3142.249 0.995 0.999
K06934; uncharacterized protein -0.426 0.394 0.282 0.978
K06937; 7,8-dihydro-6-hydroxymethylpterin dimethyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] -1.874 0.840 0.027 0.839
K06938; uncharacterized protein -0.068 0.222 0.759 0.999
K06940; uncharacterized protein -0.049 0.122 0.686 0.999
K06944; uncharacterized protein 2.285 1.976 0.249 0.978
K06945; uncharacterized protein -0.138 0.257 0.592 0.999
K06946; uncharacterized protein -1.289 1.180 0.277 0.978
K06950; uncharacterized protein 0.043 0.089 0.628 0.999
K06951; uncharacterized protein -17.398 2838.871 0.995 0.999
K06952; uncharacterized protein -1.040 0.449 0.022 0.839
K06953; uncharacterized protein -0.424 0.352 0.230 0.978
K06954; uncharacterized protein -0.117 0.341 0.733 0.999
K06955; uncharacterized protein -0.050 0.320 0.877 0.999
K06956; uncharacterized protein 0.073 0.128 0.568 0.995
K06960; uncharacterized protein 0.116 0.087 0.184 0.965
K06962; uncharacterized protein 0.069 0.121 0.566 0.995
K06971; uncharacterized protein -1.425 0.705 0.045 0.839
K06973; uncharacterized protein -0.056 0.161 0.730 0.999
K06975; uncharacterized protein 0.093 0.081 0.253 0.978
K06976; uncharacterized protein -0.377 0.298 0.207 0.976
K06977; uncharacterized protein -0.032 0.461 0.944 0.999
K06978; uncharacterized protein -0.424 0.277 0.128 0.927
K06983; uncharacterized protein -0.028 0.466 0.953 0.999
K06985; aspartyl protease family protein -0.006 0.262 0.981 0.999
K06986; uncharacterized protein 0.174 0.302 0.564 0.994
K06987; uncharacterized protein -0.106 0.304 0.728 0.999
K06991; uncharacterized protein -0.113 0.307 0.713 0.999
K06992; uncharacterized protein -0.058 0.236 0.806 0.999
K06994; putative drug exporter of the RND superfamily -0.503 0.278 0.073 0.845
K06995; uncharacterized protein -0.015 0.295 0.961 0.999
K06996; uncharacterized protein -0.175 0.246 0.479 0.979
K06999; phospholipase/carboxylesterase -0.041 0.153 0.790 0.999
K07000; uncharacterized protein -0.025 0.145 0.862 0.999
K07001; NTE family protein -0.135 0.114 0.236 0.978
K07002; uncharacterized protein -0.237 0.202 0.243 0.978
K07003; uncharacterized protein 0.019 0.181 0.917 0.999
K07004; uncharacterized protein -0.109 0.146 0.458 0.979
K07005; uncharacterized protein 0.241 0.195 0.217 0.978
K07006; uncharacterized protein -0.088 0.205 0.670 0.999
K07007; uncharacterized protein -0.029 0.049 0.557 0.992
K07009; uncharacterized protein 0.033 0.124 0.791 0.999
K07010; putative glutamine amidotransferase 0.138 0.076 0.070 0.841
K07011; uncharacterized protein -0.183 0.144 0.204 0.972
K07014; uncharacterized protein 0.110 0.244 0.654 0.999
K07015; uncharacterized protein 0.004 0.120 0.976 0.999
K07017; uncharacterized protein 0.038 0.233 0.869 0.999
K07018; uncharacterized protein -0.060 0.158 0.706 0.999
K07019; uncharacterized protein -0.001 0.176 0.996 0.999
K07020; uncharacterized protein 0.092 0.280 0.741 0.999
K07023; putative hydrolases of HD superfamily -0.161 0.175 0.360 0.978
K07025; putative hydrolase of the HAD superfamily -0.097 0.046 0.039 0.839
K07027; glycosyltransferase 2 family protein -0.043 0.110 0.696 0.999
K07028; uncharacterized protein -0.053 0.290 0.856 0.999
K07030; uncharacterized protein 0.111 0.093 0.233 0.978
K07032; uncharacterized protein -0.033 0.195 0.865 0.999
K07033; uncharacterized protein -0.522 0.528 0.324 0.978
K07034; uncharacterized protein 0.147 0.276 0.595 0.999
K07035; uncharacterized protein 0.333 0.174 0.058 0.839
K07037; uncharacterized protein 0.125 0.185 0.499 0.981
K07038; inner membrane protein -0.013 0.177 0.940 0.999
K07039; uncharacterized protein 0.022 0.232 0.923 0.999
K07040; uncharacterized protein 0.025 0.054 0.639 0.999
K07041; uncharacterized protein 0.973 1.035 0.349 0.978
K07043; uncharacterized protein 0.012 0.084 0.887 0.999
K07044; uncharacterized protein -0.439 0.396 0.270 0.978
K07045; uncharacterized protein -0.324 0.264 0.221 0.978
K07046; L-fuconolactonase [EC:3.1.1.-] -0.260 0.353 0.463 0.979
K07051; uncharacterized protein -0.457 0.619 0.461 0.979
K07052; uncharacterized protein -0.012 0.106 0.912 0.999
K07054; uncharacterized protein -0.022 0.117 0.851 0.999
K07058; membrane protein -0.022 0.041 0.591 0.999
K07063; uncharacterized protein 0.768 1.418 0.589 0.999
K07064; uncharacterized protein 0.450 0.526 0.394 0.978
K07065; uncharacterized protein -1.016 1.414 0.473 0.979
K07068; uncharacterized protein -0.856 0.480 0.076 0.855
K07069; uncharacterized protein 0.986 0.446 0.029 0.839
K07070; uncharacterized protein 0.080 0.241 0.739 0.999
K07071; uncharacterized protein -0.165 0.155 0.287 0.978
K07074; uncharacterized protein 0.244 0.399 0.542 0.990
K07075; uncharacterized protein 0.067 0.230 0.769 0.999
K07076; uncharacterized protein 0.216 0.733 0.769 0.999
K07077; uncharacterized protein -0.925 0.428 0.032 0.839
K07078; uncharacterized protein 0.184 0.210 0.382 0.978
K07079; uncharacterized protein -0.507 0.552 0.360 0.978
K07080; uncharacterized protein -0.143 0.213 0.503 0.981
K07082; UPF0755 protein 0.027 0.040 0.488 0.979
K07085; putative transport protein 0.099 0.161 0.542 0.990
K07086; uncharacterized protein -1.904 1.211 0.118 0.917
K07088; uncharacterized protein 0.135 0.073 0.068 0.839
K07089; uncharacterized protein -0.019 0.111 0.865 0.999
K07090; uncharacterized protein -0.083 0.083 0.320 0.978
K07092; uncharacterized protein -0.732 0.897 0.416 0.978
K07093; uncharacterized protein -0.146 0.249 0.558 0.992
K07095; uncharacterized protein 0.071 0.092 0.447 0.978
K07096; uncharacterized protein -0.442 0.875 0.614 0.999
K07097; uncharacterized protein 1.116 0.499 0.027 0.839
K07098; uncharacterized protein -0.109 0.105 0.300 0.978
K07099; uncharacterized protein 0.036 0.221 0.870 0.999
K07100; putative phosphoribosyl transferase -0.599 0.623 0.338 0.978
K07101; uncharacterized protein 0.018 0.220 0.934 0.999
K07105; uncharacterized protein 0.057 0.111 0.611 0.999
K07108; uncharacterized protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K07109; uncharacterized protein 0.170 0.307 0.580 0.997
K07112; uncharacterized protein -0.072 0.120 0.547 0.991
K07117; uncharacterized protein -0.314 0.337 0.352 0.978
K07118; uncharacterized protein 0.130 0.169 0.444 0.978
K07119; uncharacterized protein -0.300 0.208 0.151 0.954
K07120; uncharacterized protein 0.012 0.198 0.952 0.999
K07121; uncharacterized protein 0.111 0.173 0.520 0.988
K07123; uncharacterized protein 1.864 0.909 0.042 0.839
K07124; uncharacterized protein 0.062 0.065 0.341 0.978
K07125; uncharacterized protein 0.326 0.421 0.440 0.978
K07126; uncharacterized protein -0.069 0.164 0.673 0.999
K07128; uncharacterized protein 18.458 3309.834 0.996 0.999
K07131; uncharacterized protein -0.218 0.261 0.405 0.978
K07133; uncharacterized protein 0.165 0.157 0.296 0.978
K07136; uncharacterized protein -0.476 0.363 0.192 0.970
K07137; uncharacterized protein 0.141 0.143 0.326 0.978
K07138; uncharacterized protein 0.094 0.231 0.685 0.999
K07139; uncharacterized protein 0.045 0.100 0.652 0.999
K07140; uncharacterized protein -0.051 0.241 0.834 0.999
K07146; UPF0176 protein -0.065 0.097 0.505 0.981
K07148; uncharacterized protein -0.537 0.317 0.093 0.892
K07149; uncharacterized protein -0.278 0.326 0.396 0.978
K07150; uncharacterized protein 0.113 0.148 0.448 0.978
K07157; uncharacterized protein -0.187 0.212 0.378 0.978
K07158; uncharacterized protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K07159; uncharacterized protein -16.927 2639.780 0.995 0.999
K07160; UPF0271 protein 0.005 0.129 0.969 0.999
K07161; uncharacterized protein -0.977 0.529 0.067 0.839
K07164; uncharacterized protein -0.252 0.172 0.145 0.952
K07166; ACT domain-containing protein 0.087 0.108 0.425 0.978
K07168; CBS domain-containing membrane protein -0.084 0.243 0.730 0.999
K07169; FHA domain-containing protein -0.839 0.851 0.326 0.978
K07176; putative serine/threonine protein kinase -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K07177; Lon-like protease 0.032 0.124 0.795 0.999
K07182; CBS domain-containing protein 0.032 0.276 0.909 0.999
K07216; hemerythrin -0.302 0.261 0.250 0.978
K07217; Mn-containing catalase -0.480 0.387 0.217 0.978
K07219; putative molybdopterin biosynthesis protein -1.375 0.650 0.036 0.839
K07220; uncharacterized protein -0.067 0.109 0.541 0.990
K07222; putative flavoprotein involved in K+ transport -0.164 0.248 0.508 0.981
K07223; putative iron-dependent peroxidase 0.063 0.147 0.667 0.999
K07228; TrkA domain protein -0.657 0.778 0.400 0.978
K07231; putative iron-regulated protein 0.126 0.318 0.693 0.999
K07234; uncharacterized protein involved in response to NO 0.025 0.224 0.912 0.999
K07244; mgtE-like transporter -1.859 2.280 0.416 0.978
K07270; glycosyl transferase, family 25 -0.015 0.256 0.953 0.999
K07276; uncharacterized protein -0.149 0.378 0.694 0.999
K07280; outer membrane protein 0.065 0.537 0.903 0.999
K07317; adenine-specific DNA-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.492 0.629 0.435 0.978
K07318; adenine-specific DNA-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.408 0.325 0.211 0.978
K07336; PKHD-type hydroxylase [EC:1.14.11.-] -0.025 0.222 0.912 0.999
K07337; penicillin-binding protein activator -0.502 0.396 0.207 0.976
K07338; uncharacterized protein 0.099 0.325 0.760 0.999
K07387; putative metalloprotease [EC:3.4.24.-] -0.299 0.233 0.201 0.972
K07394; SM-20-related protein 0.076 0.269 0.779 0.999
K07395; putative proteasome-type protease -0.068 0.245 0.781 0.999
K07396; putative protein-disulfide isomerase 0.048 0.306 0.874 0.999
K07398; conserved protein with predicted RNA binding PUA domain -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K07401; selenoprotein W-related protein 0.057 0.298 0.848 0.999
K07445; putative DNA methylase 17.810 2393.050 0.994 0.999
K07449; similar to archaeal holliday junction resolvase and Mrr protein -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
K07450; putative resolvase -17.416 3370.607 0.996 0.999
K07453; putative restriction endonuclease 0.776 1.090 0.477 0.979
K07454; putative restriction endonuclease 0.142 0.541 0.793 0.999
K07457; endonuclease III related protein -0.089 0.289 0.759 0.999
K07461; putative endonuclease 0.106 0.057 0.064 0.839
K07463; archaea-specific RecJ-like exonuclease -16.927 2639.780 0.995 0.999
K07465; putative RecB family exonuclease -0.036 0.311 0.907 0.999
K07477; translin -17.833 3732.576 0.996 0.999
K07481; transposase, IS5 family -0.094 0.215 0.663 0.999
K07482; transposase, IS30 family -0.094 0.459 0.839 0.999
K07483; transposase 0.158 0.087 0.071 0.841
K07484; transposase 0.091 0.390 0.816 0.999
K07485; transposase 0.570 0.277 0.041 0.839
K07486; transposase 0.711 0.427 0.098 0.896
K07487; transposase 1.158 0.590 0.051 0.839
K07488; transposase 0.053 0.366 0.885 0.999
K07491; putative transposase 0.070 0.137 0.610 0.999
K07492; putative transposase -1.171 0.957 0.223 0.978
K07493; putative transposase -0.854 0.891 0.339 0.978
K07494; putative transposase 0.506 0.458 0.270 0.978
K07495; putative transposase -17.817 4120.281 0.997 0.999
K07496; putative transposase 0.011 0.416 0.979 0.999
K07497; putative transposase 0.050 0.131 0.703 0.999
K07498; putative transposase -0.994 0.584 0.091 0.884
K07499; putative transposase 0.878 1.188 0.461 0.979
K07501; 3’-5’ exonuclease -0.069 0.247 0.780 0.999
K07504; predicted type IV restriction endonuclease 0.031 0.331 0.925 0.999
K07506; AraC family transcriptional regulator -0.015 0.245 0.951 0.999
K07558, cca; tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (CCA-adding enzyme) [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K07571; S1 RNA binding domain protein 0.091 0.146 0.533 0.990
K07572; putative nucleotide binding protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K07575; PUA domain protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K07576; metallo-beta-lactamase family protein 0.224 0.191 0.243 0.978
K07577; putative mRNA 3-end processing factor -0.200 0.229 0.384 0.978
K07580; Zn-ribbon RNA-binding protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K07581; RNA-binding protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K07726; putative transcriptional regulator -0.266 0.249 0.286 0.978
K07727; putative transcriptional regulator -0.150 0.133 0.262 0.978
K07729; putative transcriptional regulator -0.083 0.130 0.526 0.989
K07807; uncharacterized protein 0.799 0.419 0.059 0.839
K07814; putative two-component system response regulator -0.521 0.430 0.228 0.978
K08303; putative protease [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.047 0.070 0.507 0.981
K08677; kumamolisin -1.665 0.956 0.084 0.871
K08884; serine/threonine protein kinase, bacterial [EC:] 0.026 0.090 0.770 0.999
K08961; chondroitin-sulfate-ABC endolyase/exolyase [EC:] -0.668 0.517 0.199 0.970
K08972; putative membrane protein 0.017 0.174 0.924 0.999
K08973; putative membrane protein -0.143 0.166 0.390 0.978
K08974; putative membrane protein 0.101 0.130 0.436 0.978
K08975; putative membrane protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K08976; putative membrane protein -0.976 0.456 0.034 0.839
K08979; putative membrane protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K08980; putative membrane protein 18.458 3309.834 0.996 0.999
K08981; putative membrane protein -0.132 0.205 0.520 0.988
K08982; putative membrane protein -1.277 0.723 0.079 0.860
K08983; putative membrane protein 0.184 0.395 0.643 0.999
K08985; putative lipoprotein 0.247 0.336 0.464 0.979
K08987; putative membrane protein 0.058 0.094 0.541 0.990
K08988; putative membrane protein -0.309 0.303 0.310 0.978
K08989; putative membrane protein -0.111 0.172 0.521 0.988
K08995; putative membrane protein -0.203 0.265 0.446 0.978
K08998; uncharacterized protein 0.039 0.059 0.507 0.981
K08999; uncharacterized protein -0.271 0.186 0.147 0.954
K09003; uncharacterized protein -1.161 0.713 0.106 0.911
K09004; uncharacterized protein -0.309 0.522 0.555 0.992
K09005; uncharacterized protein -0.331 0.253 0.192 0.970
K09009; uncharacterized protein 0.045 0.252 0.858 0.999
K09116; uncharacterized protein -17.790 2181.954 0.994 0.999
K09117; uncharacterized protein -0.029 0.105 0.782 0.999
K09118; uncharacterized protein 0.112 0.252 0.656 0.999
K09120; uncharacterized protein -17.414 2816.885 0.995 0.999
K09122; uncharacterized protein -0.342 0.764 0.655 0.999
K09124; uncharacterized protein -1.555 0.964 0.109 0.917
K09125; uncharacterized protein 0.030 0.103 0.769 0.999
K09126; uncharacterized protein -2.579 2.960 0.385 0.978
K09128; uncharacterized protein 0.480 0.959 0.617 0.999
K09129; uncharacterized protein -0.119 0.909 0.896 0.999
K09131; uncharacterized protein -0.078 0.233 0.737 0.999
K09133; uncharacterized protein -17.617 2415.867 0.994 0.999
K09137; uncharacterized protein 0.195 0.527 0.712 0.999
K09138; uncharacterized protein -0.085 0.430 0.844 0.999
K09139; uncharacterized protein -17.970 4446.494 0.997 0.999
K09141; uncharacterized protein 0.930 1.193 0.437 0.978
K09142; uncharacterized protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K09143; uncharacterized protein 1.832 1.711 0.286 0.978
K09144; uncharacterized protein -2.640 2.355 0.264 0.978
K09145; uncharacterized protein -0.469 0.734 0.524 0.989
K09146; uncharacterized protein -0.818 0.662 0.219 0.978
K09148; uncharacterized protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K09152; uncharacterized protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K09153; uncharacterized protein 0.115 0.147 0.436 0.978
K09154; uncharacterized protein 1.390 0.984 0.160 0.954
K09155; uncharacterized protein 0.166 0.113 0.142 0.951
K09157; uncharacterized protein 0.108 0.101 0.284 0.978
K09158; uncharacterized protein 0.073 0.152 0.631 0.999
K09160; uncharacterized protein -0.027 0.173 0.876 0.999
K09161; uncharacterized protein 0.364 0.455 0.425 0.978
K09163; uncharacterized protein -0.937 0.698 0.181 0.961
K09164; uncharacterized protein 0.001 0.342 0.999 1.000
K09165; uncharacterized protein -0.043 0.241 0.859 0.999
K09166; uncharacterized protein -0.606 0.752 0.422 0.978
K09167; uncharacterized protein -0.097 0.201 0.630 0.999
K09190; uncharacterized protein -0.153 0.376 0.684 0.999
K09384; uncharacterized protein 0.240 0.436 0.582 0.999
K09386; uncharacterized protein -1.794 0.634 0.005 0.839
K09388; uncharacterized protein -2.099 0.942 0.027 0.839
K09700; uncharacterized protein 0.466 0.837 0.579 0.997
K09701; uncharacterized protein -0.095 0.212 0.653 0.999
K09702; uncharacterized protein -0.536 0.447 0.232 0.978
K09703; uncharacterized protein -0.838 0.909 0.358 0.978
K09704; uncharacterized protein -0.096 0.144 0.506 0.981
K09705; uncharacterized protein -0.266 0.304 0.383 0.978
K09706; uncharacterized protein -1.886 0.944 0.047 0.839
K09707; uncharacterized protein -3.092 1.855 0.098 0.896
K09712; uncharacterized protein 0.077 0.244 0.753 0.999
K09721; uncharacterized protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K09722, pps; 4-phosphopantoate—beta-alanine ligase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K09726; uncharacterized protein -0.516 1.041 0.621 0.999
K09729; uncharacterized protein 0.484 0.225 0.033 0.839
K09735; uncharacterized protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K09736; uncharacterized protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K09738; uncharacterized protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K09740; uncharacterized protein -1.471 1.002 0.144 0.951
K09744; uncharacterized protein -1.873 1.957 0.340 0.978
K09747; uncharacterized protein 0.063 0.039 0.108 0.917
K09749; uncharacterized protein -0.084 0.417 0.841 0.999
K09762; uncharacterized protein 0.124 0.085 0.148 0.954
K09763; uncharacterized protein -0.838 0.488 0.088 0.880
K09764; uncharacterized protein -0.352 0.416 0.399 0.978
K09766; uncharacterized protein -0.154 0.503 0.759 0.999
K09768; uncharacterized protein -0.090 0.155 0.563 0.992
K09769; uncharacterized protein 0.101 0.172 0.557 0.992
K09770; uncharacterized protein -0.302 0.408 0.460 0.979
K09775; uncharacterized protein -0.102 0.193 0.598 0.999
K09776; uncharacterized protein -2.159 0.933 0.022 0.839
K09777; uncharacterized protein -0.014 0.208 0.946 0.999
K09778; uncharacterized protein 0.350 0.305 0.253 0.978
K09779; uncharacterized protein -0.585 0.424 0.170 0.961
K09780; uncharacterized protein 0.173 0.116 0.136 0.947
K09781; uncharacterized protein -0.023 0.140 0.871 0.999
K09785; uncharacterized protein -1.940 2.261 0.392 0.978
K09786; uncharacterized protein -0.160 0.226 0.479 0.979
K09787; uncharacterized protein 0.146 0.095 0.125 0.923
K09790; uncharacterized protein 0.066 0.071 0.354 0.978
K09791; uncharacterized protein 0.033 0.162 0.838 0.999
K09792; uncharacterized protein 0.025 0.228 0.914 0.999
K09793; uncharacterized protein -0.359 0.241 0.139 0.949
K09794; uncharacterized protein 0.168 0.196 0.393 0.978
K09795; uncharacterized protein -0.295 0.298 0.324 0.978
K09797; uncharacterized protein -0.201 0.201 0.319 0.978
K09798; uncharacterized protein 0.080 0.167 0.631 0.999
K09799; uncharacterized protein -0.470 0.355 0.187 0.966
K09801; uncharacterized protein 0.035 0.162 0.829 0.999
K09802; uncharacterized protein 0.581 0.261 0.028 0.839
K09803; uncharacterized protein -0.514 0.418 0.221 0.978
K09804; uncharacterized protein -0.412 0.797 0.605 0.999
K09805; uncharacterized protein -0.830 0.560 0.141 0.949
K09806; uncharacterized protein 0.088 0.161 0.583 0.999
K09807; uncharacterized protein -0.153 0.163 0.350 0.978
K09822; uncharacterized protein -0.688 0.464 0.140 0.949
K09857; uncharacterized protein 0.026 0.280 0.926 0.999
K09858; SEC-C motif domain protein 0.054 0.126 0.670 0.999
K09859; uncharacterized protein -0.670 0.484 0.169 0.961
K09860; uncharacterized protein 0.334 0.556 0.549 0.991
K09861; uncharacterized protein 0.099 0.062 0.115 0.917
K09862; uncharacterized protein -0.049 0.159 0.759 0.999
K09891; uncharacterized protein 0.170 0.272 0.532 0.990
K09894; uncharacterized protein 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
K09895; uncharacterized protein 0.108 0.172 0.532 0.990
K09896; uncharacterized protein 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
K09897; uncharacterized protein 0.207 0.312 0.508 0.981
K09898; uncharacterized protein 0.226 0.212 0.289 0.978
K09899; uncharacterized protein 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
K09900; uncharacterized protein 0.253 0.334 0.450 0.978
K09901; uncharacterized protein 0.208 0.312 0.505 0.981
K09902; uncharacterized protein 0.109 0.172 0.528 0.989
K09904; uncharacterized protein 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
K09907; uncharacterized protein 0.207 0.312 0.508 0.981
K09908; uncharacterized protein 0.215 0.213 0.314 0.978
K09909; uncharacterized protein 0.119 0.262 0.649 0.999
K09910; uncharacterized protein 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
K09911; uncharacterized protein 0.206 0.312 0.510 0.981
K09912; uncharacterized protein 0.066 0.221 0.766 0.999
K09914; putative lipoprotein -0.352 0.330 0.287 0.978
K09915; uncharacterized protein 0.037 0.235 0.875 0.999
K09916; uncharacterized protein 0.120 0.249 0.630 0.999
K09917; uncharacterized protein 0.206 0.312 0.510 0.981
K09918; uncharacterized protein 0.246 0.310 0.428 0.978
K09919; uncharacterized protein -0.149 0.214 0.489 0.979
K09920; uncharacterized protein 0.125 0.255 0.624 0.999
K09921; uncharacterized protein 0.137 0.184 0.458 0.979
K09922; uncharacterized protein -0.812 0.285 0.005 0.839
K09923; uncharacterized protein 0.215 0.214 0.317 0.978
K09924; uncharacterized protein -0.089 0.197 0.651 0.999
K09925; uncharacterized protein -0.094 0.332 0.778 0.999
K09926; uncharacterized protein 0.112 0.233 0.633 0.999
K09927; uncharacterized protein -0.176 0.232 0.450 0.978
K09928; uncharacterized protein -0.098 0.237 0.679 0.999
K09929; uncharacterized protein 0.144 0.252 0.569 0.995
K09930; uncharacterized protein 0.002 0.192 0.992 0.999
K09931; uncharacterized protein -0.371 0.441 0.402 0.978
K09932; uncharacterized protein 0.177 0.309 0.569 0.995
K09934; uncharacterized protein -0.482 0.770 0.532 0.990
K09935; uncharacterized protein 0.083 0.330 0.801 0.999
K09937; uncharacterized protein -0.071 0.284 0.802 0.999
K09938; uncharacterized protein 0.141 0.267 0.598 0.999
K09939; uncharacterized protein -0.204 0.302 0.502 0.981
K09940; uncharacterized protein -0.022 0.203 0.916 0.999
K09941; uncharacterized protein -0.012 0.292 0.968 0.999
K09942; uncharacterized protein -0.945 1.218 0.439 0.978
K09943; uncharacterized protein -0.083 0.310 0.790 0.999
K09944; uncharacterized protein -0.428 0.802 0.595 0.999
K09945; uncharacterized protein 0.157 0.295 0.595 0.999
K09946; uncharacterized protein 0.027 0.218 0.900 0.999
K09947; uncharacterized protein 0.071 0.315 0.823 0.999
K09948; uncharacterized protein -0.013 0.286 0.962 0.999
K09949; uncharacterized protein 0.299 0.197 0.130 0.934
K09950; uncharacterized protein 0.089 0.268 0.740 0.999
K09954; uncharacterized protein 0.107 0.250 0.670 0.999
K09955; uncharacterized protein -1.083 0.471 0.023 0.839
K09956; uncharacterized protein -0.167 0.270 0.537 0.990
K09957; uncharacterized protein -0.628 0.612 0.306 0.978
K09958; uncharacterized protein -0.043 0.234 0.853 0.999
K09959; uncharacterized protein -1.161 0.400 0.004 0.839
K09960; uncharacterized protein -0.575 0.741 0.439 0.978
K09961; uncharacterized protein -0.355 0.710 0.618 0.999
K09962; uncharacterized protein -0.119 0.137 0.387 0.978
K09963; uncharacterized protein 0.221 0.225 0.329 0.978
K09964; uncharacterized protein -0.006 0.303 0.985 0.999
K09965; uncharacterized protein -0.244 0.339 0.473 0.979
K09966; uncharacterized protein -0.403 0.349 0.250 0.978
K09967; uncharacterized protein -0.113 0.269 0.675 0.999
K09968; uncharacterized protein -1.850 1.129 0.103 0.904
K09973; uncharacterized protein -0.312 0.246 0.207 0.976
K09974; uncharacterized protein 0.158 0.280 0.574 0.995
K09975; uncharacterized protein -0.097 0.165 0.555 0.992
K09976; uncharacterized protein 0.000 0.133 0.998 1.000
K09977; uncharacterized protein 0.154 0.229 0.504 0.981
K09978; uncharacterized protein 0.219 0.315 0.488 0.979
K09979; uncharacterized protein 0.195 0.266 0.466 0.979
K09980; uncharacterized protein 0.206 0.508 0.686 0.999
K09981; uncharacterized protein -0.009 0.395 0.982 0.999
K09982; uncharacterized protein 0.028 0.411 0.946 0.999
K09983; uncharacterized protein -0.804 0.378 0.035 0.839
K09984; uncharacterized protein 0.071 0.300 0.814 0.999
K09985; uncharacterized protein -1.205 0.444 0.007 0.839
K09986; uncharacterized protein -0.168 0.241 0.487 0.979
K09987; uncharacterized protein -1.205 0.444 0.007 0.839
K09989; uncharacterized protein -0.149 0.226 0.512 0.982
K09990; uncharacterized protein -0.998 0.542 0.068 0.839
K09991; uncharacterized protein -1.096 0.432 0.012 0.839
K09992; uncharacterized protein -0.725 0.445 0.105 0.910
K10120, msmE; fructooligosaccharide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.789 0.408 0.055 0.839
K10121, msmF; fructooligosaccharide transport system permease protein 0.811 0.413 0.051 0.839
K10122, msmG; fructooligosaccharide transport system permease protein 0.811 0.413 0.051 0.839
K10212, crtO; glycosyl-4,4’-diaponeurosporenoate acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -1.551 1.058 0.145 0.951
K10253; DOPA 4,5-dioxygenase [EC:1.14.99.-] 0.108 0.283 0.703 0.999
K10907; aminotransferase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.102 0.197 0.607 0.999
K11145; ribonuclease III family protein [EC:3.1.26.-] 0.124 0.095 0.195 0.970
K11159; carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase -0.939 0.405 0.022 0.839
K11312; cupin 2 domain-containing protein 0.687 0.312 0.029 0.839
K11325; L-cysteine/cystine lyase -1.368 1.361 0.316 0.978
K11442; putative uridylyltransferase [EC:2.7.7.-] -0.198 0.832 0.812 0.999
K11476, gntR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, gluconate operon transcriptional repressor -0.657 1.216 0.590 0.999
K11527; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase and response regulator [EC:] -1.104 0.594 0.065 0.839
K11638, citT; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator CitT -2.116 1.208 0.082 0.865
K11646; 3-dehydroquinate synthase II [EC:] 3.014 2.517 0.233 0.978
K11691, dctS; two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase DctS [EC:] -1.135 1.118 0.312 0.978
K11692, dctR; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator DctR -0.507 0.741 0.495 0.981
K11905; type VI secretion system protein 0.369 0.250 0.142 0.951
K11954, natB; neutral amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein -17.763 3362.856 0.996 0.999
K11957, natA; neutral amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein -17.763 3362.856 0.996 0.999
K12055, parA; chromosome partitioning related protein ParA -0.045 0.613 0.941 0.999
K13522, nadM; bifunctional NMN adenylyltransferase/nudix hydrolase [EC: 3.6.1.-] -0.445 0.423 0.294 0.978
K13580; magnesium chelatase subunit ChlD-like protein 0.247 0.337 0.464 0.979
K13652; AraC family transcriptional regulator -0.741 0.439 0.093 0.892
K13653; AraC family transcriptional regulator 0.111 0.107 0.303 0.978
K13671; alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.054 0.356 0.880 0.999
K13819; NifU-like protein -0.447 0.766 0.561 0.992
K13874, araB; L-arabinonolactonase [EC:] -0.755 1.314 0.566 0.995
K13875, araC; L-arabonate dehydrase [EC:] -1.441 1.293 0.267 0.978
K14136; decaprenyl-phosphate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] -0.412 0.588 0.484 0.979
K14165; atypical dual specificity phosphatase [EC:] 2.183 1.908 0.254 0.978
K14331; fatty aldehyde decarbonylase [EC:] -0.976 0.998 0.329 0.978
K14340; mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 1.102 0.729 0.133 0.942
K14486, ARF; auxin response factor -16.380 2008.024 0.994 0.999
K14645; serine protease [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.090 0.308 0.771 0.999
K14728; phthiodiolone/phenolphthiodiolone dimycocerosates ketoreductase [EC:1.2.-.-] -1.627 1.060 0.127 0.927
K15016; enoyl-CoA hydratase / 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.070 1.632 0.513 0.982
K15019; 3-hydroxypropionyl-coenzyme A dehydratase [EC:] 0.636 0.916 0.488 0.979
K15024; putative phosphotransacetylase [EC:] -0.791 0.633 0.213 0.978
K15383; MtN3 and saliva related transmembrane protein 0.063 0.369 0.864 0.999
K15527; cysteate synthase [EC:] -18.213 3786.487 0.996 0.999
K15533; 1,3-beta-galactosyl-N-acetylhexosamine phosphorylase [EC:] 0.275 0.427 0.521 0.988
K15640, phoE; uncharacterized phosphatase -2.077 0.911 0.024 0.839
K15667, ppsD, fenA; fengycin family lipopeptide synthetase D -1.438 1.843 0.437 0.978
K15878, narB; rieske iron-sulphur protein -3.588 4.783 0.454 0.978
K15975; glyoxalase family protein -0.370 0.371 0.321 0.978
K15976; putative NAD(P)H nitroreductase [EC:1.-.-.-] -0.676 1.197 0.573 0.995
K15977; putative oxidoreductase -0.095 0.144 0.509 0.981
K16149; 1,4-alpha-glucan branching enzyme [EC:] -0.204 0.395 0.607 0.999
K16150; glycogen synthase [EC:] -1.418 0.992 0.155 0.954
K16153; glycogen phosphorylase/synthase [EC:] 0.074 0.437 0.866 0.999
K16163; maleylpyruvate isomerase [EC:] -0.568 0.959 0.554 0.992
K16164; acylpyruvate hydrolase [EC:] 0.203 0.376 0.590 0.999
K16191, arfA; peptidoglycan-binding protein ArfA -1.140 1.201 0.344 0.978
K16192, arfB; uncharacterized membrane protein ArfB 0.787 1.240 0.527 0.989
K16306; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase / 2-amino-3,7-dideoxy-D-threo-hept-6-ulosonate synthase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K16327; putative LysE/RhtB family amino acid efflux pump -17.644 2866.856 0.995 0.999
K16637, exoY; adenylate cyclase ExoY -0.976 0.998 0.329 0.978
K16638, exoU; exoenzyme U -0.976 0.998 0.329 0.978
K16654; spore-specific protein -2.453 2.237 0.275 0.978
K16881; mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase / phosphomannomutase [EC:] -2.257 0.984 0.023 0.839
K16901; anthranilate 3-monooxygenase (FAD) / 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase [EC:] -0.169 0.999 0.866 0.999
K16905; fluoroquinolone transport system permease protein 0.088 0.729 0.905 0.999
K16906; fluoroquinolone transport system permease protein 0.088 0.729 0.905 0.999
K16907; fluoroquinolone transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.088 0.729 0.905 0.999
K16929; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component -18.129 4509.872 0.997 0.999
K17076, lysY; putative lysine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.040 0.134 0.764 0.999
K17202, eryG; erythritol transport system substrate-binding protein -2.415 1.241 0.053 0.839
K17203, eryF; erythritol transport system permease protein -2.420 1.237 0.052 0.839
K17208, ibpA; inositol transport system substrate-binding protein 0.983 0.801 0.222 0.978
K17213; inositol transport system substrate-binding protein -0.777 0.496 0.119 0.917
K17214; inositol transport system permease protein -0.813 0.537 0.132 0.941
K17215; inositol transport system ATP-binding protein -0.948 0.532 0.077 0.856
K17318, lplA; putative aldouronate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.107 0.154 0.488 0.979
K17322, glpP; glycerol transport system permease protein -0.622 0.391 0.114 0.917
K17325, glpT; glycerol transport system ATP-binding protein -0.629 0.390 0.109 0.917
K18132, porA; major outer membrane protein P.IA -16.880 1816.243 0.993 0.999
K18133, porB; major outer membrane protein P.IB 0.177 0.456 0.699 0.999
K18237; ribose 1,5-bisphosphate isomerase [EC:] 17.675 2236.882 0.994 0.999
K18284; adenosylhomocysteine/aminodeoxyfutalosine nucleosidase [EC:] -0.428 0.802 0.595 0.999
K18333; L-fucose dehydrogenase 0.114 0.257 0.660 0.999
K18335; 2-keto-3-deoxy-L-fuconate dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] -0.893 0.417 0.034 0.839
K18336; 2,4-diketo-3-deoxy-L-fuconate hydrolase [EC:3.7.1.-] -2.939 2.989 0.327 0.978
K18383; trans-feruloyl-CoA hydratase / vanillin synthase [EC:] -0.442 0.526 0.403 0.978
K18593; 4-hydroxybutyryl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming) [EC:6.2.1.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K18594; 3-hydroxypropionyl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming) [EC:6.2.1.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K18601; aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:1.2.1.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K18602; malonic semialdehyde reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K18603; acetyl-CoA/propionyl-CoA carboxylase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K18604; acetyl-CoA/propionyl-CoA carboxylase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K18605; biotin carboxyl carrier protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
K18611; 4-pyridoxate dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 18.788 3263.010 0.995 0.999
K18612; 5-formyl-3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridine 4-carboxylate dehydrogenase [EC:1.2.1.-] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
K18613; 3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridine-4,5-dicarboxylate 4-decarboxylase [EC:] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
K18614; 2-(acetamidomethylene)succinate hydrolase [EC:] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
KAE1, tsaD, QRI7; N6-L-threonylcarbamoyladenine synthase [EC:] 0.058 0.047 0.215 0.978
kaiB; circadian clock protein KaiB -17.699 3101.861 0.995 0.999
kaiC; circadian clock protein KaiC -0.194 0.349 0.579 0.997
kal; 3-aminobutyryl-CoA ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.871 0.432 0.045 0.839
kamA; lysine 2,3-aminomutase [EC:] 0.240 0.317 0.449 0.978
kamD; beta-lysine 5,6-aminomutase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.954 0.451 0.036 0.839
kamE; beta-lysine 5,6-aminomutase beta subunit [EC:] 0.954 0.451 0.036 0.839
kapB; kinase-associated protein B -0.669 0.631 0.291 0.978
kapD; sporulation inhibitor KapD -2.853 1.593 0.075 0.855
KARS, lysS; lysyl-tRNA synthetase, class II [EC:] 0.054 0.040 0.174 0.961
kas; beta-ketoacyl ACP synthase [EC:2.3.1.-] -2.272 1.310 0.085 0.873
katE, CAT, catB, srpA; catalase [EC:] -0.188 0.157 0.232 0.978
katG; catalase-peroxidase [EC:] -0.206 0.231 0.372 0.978
kauB; 4-guanidinobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase / NAD-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase [EC: 1.2.1.-] 0.204 0.318 0.522 0.988
kbaA; KinB signaling pathway activation protein -1.543 0.758 0.044 0.839
kbl, GCAT; glycine C-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.171 0.138 0.215 0.978
kce; 3-keto-5-aminohexanoate cleavage enzyme [EC:] 0.943 0.450 0.038 0.839
kch, trkA, mthK, pch; voltage-gated potassium channel -0.083 0.083 0.321 0.978
kdd; L-erythro-3,5-diaminohexanoate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.941 0.446 0.036 0.839
kdgD; 5-dehydro-4-deoxyglucarate dehydratase [EC:] -0.182 0.353 0.607 0.999
kdgK; 2-dehydro-3-deoxygluconokinase [EC:] -0.098 0.139 0.481 0.979
kdgR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, KDG regulon repressor 0.350 0.514 0.497 0.981
kdgR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, kdg operon repressor 0.146 0.440 0.741 0.999
kdgT; 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate permease -0.140 0.355 0.695 0.999
kdhA; 6-hydroxypseudooxynicotine dehydrogenase subunit alpha [EC:] -2.224 2.044 0.278 0.978
kdkA; 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid kinase [EC:] 0.129 0.259 0.620 0.999
KDM8, JMJD5; lysine-specific demethylase 8 [EC:] -17.416 3370.607 0.996 0.999
kdnA; 8-amino-3,8-dideoxy-alpha-D-manno-octulosonate transaminase [EC:] 0.373 1.208 0.758 0.999
kdnB; 3-deoxy-alpha-D-manno-octulosonate 8-oxidase [EC:] -0.129 1.300 0.921 0.999
kdpA; K+-transporting ATPase ATPase A chain [EC:] -0.241 0.174 0.168 0.961
kdpB; K+-transporting ATPase ATPase B chain [EC:] -0.224 0.186 0.230 0.978
kdpC; K+-transporting ATPase ATPase C chain [EC:] -0.243 0.174 0.165 0.960
kdpD; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase KdpD [EC:] -0.323 0.195 0.101 0.896
kdpE; two-component system, OmpR family, KDP operon response regulator KdpE -0.249 0.175 0.157 0.954
kdpF; K+-transporting ATPase ATPase F chain -0.047 0.440 0.915 0.999
kdsA; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase (KDO 8-P synthase) [EC:] 0.076 0.090 0.399 0.978
kdsB; 3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase (CMP-KDO synthetase) [EC:] 0.066 0.090 0.465 0.979
kdsC; 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate phosphatase (KDO 8-P phosphatase) [EC:] 0.107 0.096 0.265 0.978
kdsD, kpsF; arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.078 0.090 0.386 0.978
kdtA, waaA; 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic-acid transferase [EC:] -0.032 0.090 0.718 0.999
kduD; 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-gluconate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.407 0.340 0.234 0.978
kduI; 4-deoxy-L-threo-5-hexosulose-uronate ketol-isomerase [EC:] 0.111 0.264 0.676 0.999
kdxD; 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-D-arabinonate dehydratase [EC:] 0.280 1.055 0.791 0.999
kefB; glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system protein KefB -0.050 0.185 0.788 0.999
kefC; glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system ancillary protein KefC -0.402 0.448 0.371 0.978
kefF; glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system ancillary protein KefF -0.122 0.402 0.761 0.999
kefG; glutathione-regulated potassium-efflux system ancillary protein KefG -0.130 0.364 0.721 0.999
kgd; 2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase [EC:] -0.384 0.602 0.525 0.989
kgp; gingipain K [EC:] -17.939 2431.100 0.994 0.999
kgtP; MFS transporter, MHS family, alpha-ketoglutarate permease -0.231 0.223 0.303 0.978
kguK; dehydrogluconokinase [EC:] 0.011 0.432 0.979 0.999
kinA; two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase A [EC:] -1.829 1.029 0.077 0.856
kinB; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase KinB [EC:] 0.318 0.354 0.369 0.978
kinB; two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase B [EC:] -2.788 1.210 0.023 0.839
kinC; two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase C [EC:] -2.412 1.515 0.113 0.917
kinD; two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase D [EC:] -1.364 1.344 0.312 0.978
kinE; two-component system, sporulation sensor kinase E [EC:] -1.440 0.897 0.110 0.917
kipA; antagonist of KipI -2.198 0.720 0.003 0.839
kipI; inhibitor of KinA -2.376 0.866 0.007 0.839
KMO; kynurenine 3-monooxygenase [EC:] -0.038 0.444 0.933 0.999
kojP; kojibiose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.902 0.693 0.195 0.970
korA, oorA, oforA; 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit alpha [EC:] -0.215 0.155 0.167 0.961
korB, oorB, oforB; 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit beta [EC:] -0.221 0.153 0.152 0.954
korC, oorC; 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit gamma [EC:] -0.146 0.232 0.530 0.989
korD, oorD; 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit delta [EC:] -0.144 0.229 0.530 0.989
kpsC, lipA; capsular polysaccharide export protein 0.114 0.362 0.753 0.999
kpsS, lipB; capsular polysaccharide export protein -0.060 0.383 0.876 0.999
kptA; putative RNA 2’-phosphotransferase [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.778 0.311 0.013 0.839
KRR1; ribosomal RNA assembly protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
ksgA; 16S rRNA (adenine1518-N6/adenine1519-N6)-dimethyltransferase [EC:] 0.037 0.036 0.308 0.978
kshA; 3-ketosteroid 9alpha-monooxygenase subunit A [EC:] -1.369 1.252 0.276 0.978
kshB; 3-ketosteroid 9alpha-monooxygenase subunit B [EC:] -1.058 0.641 0.101 0.896
kstD; 3-oxosteroid 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.967 0.852 0.258 0.978
ku; DNA end-binding protein Ku -0.260 0.207 0.209 0.978
kup; KUP system potassium uptake protein -0.093 0.134 0.489 0.979
kynB; arylformamidase [EC:] -1.221 0.450 0.007 0.839
KYNU, kynU; kynureninase [EC:] -0.332 0.280 0.237 0.978
L2HGDH; 2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.306 1.512 0.389 0.978
L3HYPDH; trans-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase [EC:] -0.054 0.828 0.948 0.999
laaA; L-proline amide hydrolase [EC:] -0.537 0.648 0.408 0.978
lacA; galactoside O-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.109 0.257 0.672 0.999
lacC; tagatose 6-phosphate kinase [EC:] 0.068 0.151 0.652 0.999
lacD; tagatose 1,6-diphosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.111 0.142 0.435 0.978
lacE, araN; lactose/L-arabinose transport system substrate-binding protein 0.389 0.540 0.472 0.979
lacF, araP; lactose/L-arabinose transport system permease protein 0.326 0.540 0.547 0.991
lacG, araQ; lactose/L-arabinose transport system permease protein 0.341 0.541 0.529 0.989
lacI, galR; LacI family transcriptional regulator 0.003 0.069 0.969 0.999
lacK; lactose/L-arabinose transport system ATP-binding protein -1.601 0.942 0.091 0.885
lacR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, lactose phosphotransferase system repressor -0.050 0.152 0.742 0.999
lacS, galP, rafP; lactose/raffinose/galactose permease 0.466 0.328 0.158 0.954
lacT; transcriptional antiterminator 0.005 0.167 0.976 0.999
lacY; MFS transporter, OHS family, lactose permease -0.005 0.175 0.977 0.999
lacZ; beta-galactosidase [EC:] -0.023 0.135 0.866 0.999
lamB; maltoporin -0.304 0.305 0.320 0.978
lapA; lipopolysaccharide assembly protein A 0.128 0.262 0.626 0.999
lapA; surface adhesion protein -0.150 0.534 0.779 0.999
lapB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial LapB 0.163 0.253 0.519 0.988
lapC; membrane fusion protein, adhesin transport system 0.100 0.298 0.736 0.999
lapE; outer membrane protein, adhesin transport system 0.195 0.227 0.392 0.978
larB; pyridinium-3,5-biscarboxylic acid mononucleotide synthase [EC:] 0.097 0.206 0.638 0.999
larC; pyridinium-3,5-bisthiocarboxylic acid mononucleotide nickel chelatase [EC:] 0.146 0.212 0.490 0.980
larE; pyridinium-3,5-biscarboxylic acid mononucleotide sulfurtransferase 0.077 0.199 0.701 0.999
LARS, leuS; leucyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.025 0.039 0.522 0.989
lasA; LasA protease [EC:3.4.24.-] -17.760 4004.372 0.996 0.999
lasB; pseudolysin [EC:] -17.824 2205.841 0.994 0.999
lasI, luxI; acyl homoserine lactone synthase [EC:] -0.105 0.455 0.818 0.999
lasR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator LasR -0.347 0.595 0.561 0.992
lasT; tRNA/rRNA methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] -0.458 0.232 0.050 0.839
lat; L-lysine 6-transaminase [EC:] -0.880 0.726 0.227 0.978
lcdH, cdhA; carnitine 3-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.077 0.352 0.827 0.999
lctB; potassium channel LctB -2.295 0.912 0.013 0.839
lctO; L-lactate oxidase [EC:] -0.117 0.229 0.609 0.999
lctP; lactate permease 0.009 0.122 0.942 0.999
lcyB, crtL1, crtY; lycopene beta-cyclase [EC:] -0.426 0.440 0.333 0.978
ldcA; muramoyltetrapeptide carboxypeptidase [EC:] 0.052 0.134 0.701 0.999
LDH, ldh; L-lactate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.208 0.150 0.168 0.961
ldhA; D-lactate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.345 0.177 0.053 0.839
LDHD, dld; D-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) [EC:] -1.232 0.345 0.000 0.839
ldrA_B_C_D; small toxic polypeptide LdrA/B/C/D -0.974 1.366 0.477 0.979
legF, ptmB; CMP-N,N’-diacetyllegionaminic acid synthase [EC:] -0.431 0.647 0.506 0.981
legG, neuC2; GDP/UDP-N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolysing) [EC:] -0.482 0.763 0.529 0.989
legI, neuB2; N,N’-diacetyllegionaminate synthase [EC:] -0.375 0.668 0.575 0.995
lemA; LemA protein 0.048 0.054 0.371 0.978
lepA; GTP-binding protein LepA 0.036 0.036 0.311 0.978
lepB; signal peptidase I [EC:] -0.001 0.044 0.978 0.999
LEU1; 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase [EC:] -1.992 1.429 0.165 0.960
leuA, IMS; 2-isopropylmalate synthase [EC:] -0.070 0.056 0.214 0.978
leuB, IMDH; 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.051 0.056 0.363 0.978
leuC, IPMI-L; 3-isopropylmalate/(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase large subunit [EC:] -0.077 0.056 0.167 0.961
leuD, IPMI-S; 3-isopropylmalate/(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase small subunit [EC:] -0.069 0.054 0.201 0.971
leuE; leucine efflux protein -0.090 0.337 0.789 0.999
leuO; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator for leuABCD operon 0.212 0.583 0.717 0.999
lexA; repressor LexA [EC:] 0.084 0.059 0.157 0.954
lf2; levanbiose-producing levanase [EC:] 0.126 0.576 0.827 0.999
lfrR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for lfrA -17.661 2245.180 0.994 0.999
lgt, umpA; phosphatidylglycerol:prolipoprotein diacylglycerol transferase [EC:2.-.-.-] 0.074 0.040 0.065 0.839
lhgO; L-2-hydroxyglutarate oxidase [EC:1.1.3.-] -0.159 0.482 0.742 0.999
lhpA; 4-hydroxyproline epimerase [EC:] -0.265 0.302 0.382 0.978
lhpI; 1-piperideine-2-carboxylate/1-pyrroline-2-carboxylate reductase [NAD(P)H] [EC:] -0.831 1.558 0.595 0.999
lhpI; cis-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase [EC:] 0.123 0.543 0.821 0.999
lhr; ATP-dependent helicase Lhr and Lhr-like helicase [EC:3.6.4.-] -0.068 0.177 0.702 0.999
liaF; lia operon protein LiaF -1.427 0.697 0.042 0.839
liaG; lia operon protein LiaG -0.762 1.059 0.473 0.979
liaH; lia operon protein LiaH 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
liaI; lia operon protein LiaI -1.388 0.807 0.088 0.880
liaR; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator LiaR -0.005 0.150 0.975 0.999
liaS; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase LiaS [EC:] 0.003 0.154 0.982 0.999
licD; lipopolysaccharide cholinephosphotransferase [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.050 0.132 0.703 0.999
licR; lichenan operon transcriptional antiterminator -0.124 0.162 0.445 0.978
licT, bglG; beta-glucoside operon transcriptional antiterminator 0.067 0.133 0.619 0.999
LIG1; DNA ligase 1 [EC:] -0.040 0.162 0.806 0.999
ligA; protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase, alpha chain [EC:] -1.927 1.476 0.194 0.970
ligB; protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase, beta chain [EC:] -1.869 1.144 0.104 0.908
ligC; 2-hydroxy-4-carboxymuconate semialdehyde hemiacetal dehydrogenase [EC:] -2.126 1.538 0.169 0.961
ligD; bifunctional non-homologous end joining protein LigD [EC:] -0.368 0.222 0.100 0.896
ligI; 2-pyrone-4,6-dicarboxylate lactonase [EC:] -2.223 1.497 0.140 0.949
ligJ; 4-oxalmesaconate hydratase [EC:] -1.323 0.762 0.084 0.873
ligK, galC; 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxoglutarate aldolase [EC:] -0.923 0.504 0.069 0.840
ligM; vanillate/3-O-methylgallate O-demethylase [EC:] -3.890 5.265 0.461 0.979
ligX; 5,5’-dehydrodivanillate O-demethylase -17.782 2854.684 0.995 0.999
limB; limonene 1,2-monooxygenase [EC:] -0.896 0.658 0.176 0.961
linN; cholesterol transport system auxiliary component -0.135 0.231 0.561 0.992
lip, TGL2; triacylglycerol lipase [EC:] -0.066 0.203 0.746 0.999
lip3; type VI secretion system protein -0.189 0.933 0.840 0.999
lipA; lipoyl synthase [EC:] -0.126 0.085 0.140 0.949
lipB; lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase [EC:] -0.057 0.119 0.633 0.999
lipL; lipoyl amidotransferase [EC:] 2.823 2.239 0.209 0.977
lipL; octanoyl-[GcvH]:protein N-octanoyltransferase [EC:] -0.131 0.256 0.610 0.999
lipV; lipase [EC:3.1.1.-] -1.419 1.138 0.214 0.978
liuC; methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] -0.123 0.198 0.535 0.990
livF; branched-chain amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein -0.185 0.117 0.117 0.917
livG; branched-chain amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein -0.182 0.116 0.117 0.917
livH; branched-chain amino acid transport system permease protein -0.191 0.116 0.100 0.896
livK; branched-chain amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein -0.192 0.120 0.111 0.917
livM; branched-chain amino acid transport system permease protein -0.185 0.117 0.116 0.917
lldD; L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome) [EC:] -0.144 0.151 0.341 0.978
lldE; L-lactate dehydrogenase complex protein LldE -0.024 0.120 0.840 0.999
lldF; L-lactate dehydrogenase complex protein LldF -0.029 0.119 0.809 0.999
lldG; L-lactate dehydrogenase complex protein LldG 0.100 0.118 0.399 0.978
lldP, lctP; L-lactate permease -0.190 0.353 0.591 0.999
lldR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, L-lactate dehydrogenase operon regulator -0.182 0.353 0.608 0.999
lldR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, L-lactate utilization regulator 17.680 2242.142 0.994 0.999
lmrA, yxaF; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, lmrAB and yxaGH operons repressor -0.924 0.975 0.345 0.978
lmrB; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, lincomycin resistance protein 0.171 0.313 0.587 0.999
lmrP; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein B -0.545 0.724 0.453 0.978
lmrS; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.268 0.571 0.639 0.999
lnt; apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.100 0.136 0.463 0.979
lnuA_C_D_E, lin; lincosamide nucleotidyltransferase A/C/D/E 0.898 1.130 0.428 0.978
lolA; outer membrane lipoprotein carrier protein 0.007 0.142 0.961 0.999
lolB; outer membrane lipoprotein LolB 0.066 0.160 0.681 0.999
lolC_E; lipoprotein-releasing system permease protein 0.007 0.103 0.946 0.999
lolD; lipoprotein-releasing system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.012 0.100 0.901 0.999
lon; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] 0.099 0.086 0.253 0.978
lonB; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] -1.153 0.740 0.121 0.919
lonH; Lon-like ATP-dependent protease [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
loxA; arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase [EC:] 18.588 3531.830 0.996 0.999
LOXL2_3_4; lysyl oxidase-like protein 2/3/4 [EC:1.4.3.-] -1.911 2.017 0.345 0.978
lpcC; mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -2.179 0.935 0.021 0.839
lplA, lplJ; lipoate—protein ligase [EC:] -0.001 0.124 0.995 0.999
lplB; putative aldouronate transport system permease protein 0.063 0.151 0.677 0.999
lplC; putative aldouronate transport system permease protein 0.060 0.149 0.686 0.999
lplT; MFS transporter, LPLT family, lysophospholipid transporter 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
lpp; murein lipoprotein -0.022 0.389 0.955 0.999
lpqC; polyhydroxybutyrate depolymerase -0.314 0.411 0.446 0.978
lpqH; ipoprotein LpqH -2.357 1.491 0.116 0.917
lprG; lipoprotein LprG -1.457 0.833 0.082 0.865
lptA; lipopolysaccharide export system protein LptA 0.003 0.101 0.975 0.999
lptB; lipopolysaccharide export system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.050 0.087 0.563 0.993
lptC; lipopolysaccharide export system protein LptC 0.018 0.116 0.878 0.999
lptD, imp, ostA; LPS-assembly protein 0.002 0.101 0.980 0.999
lptE, rlpB; LPS-assembly lipoprotein -0.043 0.146 0.769 0.999
lptF; lipopolysaccharide export system permease protein 0.010 0.099 0.924 0.999
lptG; lipopolysaccharide export system permease protein 0.043 0.087 0.620 0.999
lpxA; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acyltransferase [EC:] 0.012 0.102 0.909 0.999
lpxB; lipid-A-disaccharide synthase [EC:] 0.072 0.090 0.423 0.978
lpxC-fabZ; UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase / 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase [EC:] -0.107 0.221 0.630 0.999
lpxC; UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase [EC:] 0.157 0.093 0.093 0.892
lpxD; UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase [EC:] 0.132 0.102 0.197 0.970
lpxE; lipid A 1-phosphatase [EC:3.1.3.-] -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
lpxH; UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine hydrolase [EC:] -0.053 0.107 0.619 0.999
lpxK; tetraacyldisaccharide 4’-kinase [EC:] 0.050 0.091 0.581 0.998
lpxL, htrB; Kdo2-lipid IVA lauroyltransferase [EC:] 0.072 0.082 0.377 0.978
lpxM, msbB; lauroyl-Kdo2-lipid IVA myristoyltransferase [EC:] 0.232 0.308 0.453 0.978
lpxO; beta-hydroxylase [EC:1.14.11.-] -0.119 0.243 0.626 0.999
lpxP; KDO2-lipid IV(A) palmitoleoyltransferase [EC:] 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
lpxQ; lipid A oxidase -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
LRA1; L-rhamnose 1-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.972 0.627 0.123 0.919
LRA3, yfaW; L-rhamnonate dehydratase [EC:] 0.904 0.479 0.061 0.839
lrgA; holin-like protein -0.114 0.538 0.833 0.999
lrgB; holin-like protein LrgB -0.114 0.538 0.833 0.999
lrp; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator, leucine-responsive regulatory protein -0.114 0.134 0.396 0.978
lsa; lincosamide and streptogramin A transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.477 0.292 0.104 0.907
lspA; signal peptidase II [EC:] 0.042 0.038 0.267 0.978
lsrA, ego; AI-2 transport system ATP-binding protein -0.624 0.598 0.298 0.978
lsrB; AI-2 transport system substrate-binding protein -0.624 0.598 0.298 0.978
lsrC; AI-2 transport system permease protein -0.614 0.595 0.304 0.978
lsrD; AI-2 transport system permease protein -0.624 0.598 0.298 0.978
lsrF; 3-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,4-dione thiolase [EC:] -0.603 0.540 0.266 0.978
lsrG; (4S)-4-hydroxy-5-phosphonooxypentane-2,3-dione isomerase [EC:] 0.120 0.625 0.847 0.999
lsrK; autoinducer-2 kinase [EC:] -0.172 0.521 0.742 0.999
lsrR; lsr operon transcriptional repressor -0.102 0.657 0.876 0.999
lst; beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase [EC:2.4.99.-] -0.321 0.480 0.504 0.981
ltaE; threonine aldolase [EC:] 0.024 0.123 0.846 0.999
ltaS; lipoteichoic acid synthase [EC:] 0.201 0.192 0.296 0.978
ltnD; L-threonate 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.553 0.613 0.368 0.978
ltrA; RNA-directed DNA polymerase [EC:] 0.268 0.521 0.608 0.999
luxA; alkanal monooxygenase alpha chain [EC:] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
luxB; alkanal monooxygenase beta chain [EC:] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
luxC; long-chain-fatty-acyl-CoA reductase [EC:] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
luxD; acyl transferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
luxE; long-chain-fatty-acid—luciferin-component ligase [EC:] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
luxN; two-component system, autoinducer 1 sensor kinase/phosphatase LuxN [EC: 3.1.3.-] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
luxO; two-component system, repressor protein LuxO -0.031 1.089 0.978 0.999
luxP; autoinducer 2-binding periplasmic protein LuxP 18.482 3349.575 0.996 0.999
luxQ; two-component system, autoinducer 2 sensor kinase/phosphatase LuxQ [EC: 3.1.3.-] 18.482 3349.575 0.996 0.999
luxR, vanR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of the bioluminescence operon 18.373 3170.868 0.995 0.999
luxS; S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase [EC:] 0.029 0.087 0.739 0.999
luxU; two-component system, phosphorelay protein LuxU 18.119 1920.327 0.992 0.999
LYS1; saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD+, L-lysine forming) [EC:] -0.223 0.154 0.150 0.954
LYS12; homoisocitrate dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.940 2.261 0.392 0.978
LYS21, LYS20; homocitrate synthase [EC:] -1.940 2.261 0.392 0.978
LYS5, acpT; 4’-phosphopantetheinyl transferase [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.000 0.156 0.998 1.000
LYS9; saccharopine dehydrogenase (NADP+, L-glutamate forming) [EC:] 1.495 1.571 0.343 0.978
lysA; diaminopimelate decarboxylase [EC:] -0.023 0.049 0.646 0.999
lysAC; bifunctional diaminopimelate decarboxylase / aspartate kinase [EC:] -0.046 0.470 0.923 0.999
lysC; aspartate kinase [EC:] -0.039 0.050 0.439 0.978
lysDH; lysine 6-dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.374 1.003 0.173 0.961
lysE, argO; L-lysine exporter family protein LysE/ArgO 0.086 0.102 0.402 0.978
lysJ, argD; LysW-gamma-L-lysine/LysW-L-ornithine aminotransferase [EC:2.6.1.-] -0.631 1.117 0.573 0.995
lysK, argE; LysW-gamma-L-lysine/LysW-L-ornithine carboxypeptidase -0.817 1.210 0.500 0.981
lysK; lysyl-tRNA synthetase, class I [EC:] -1.110 0.399 0.006 0.839
LYSN; 2-aminoadipate transaminase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.069 0.205 0.735 0.999
lysP; lysine-specific permease -0.008 0.147 0.957 0.999
lysW; alpha-aminoadipate/glutamate carrier protein LysW -0.639 1.036 0.538 0.990
lysX; [lysine-biosynthesis-protein LysW]—L-2-aminoadipate ligase [EC:] -1.103 1.184 0.353 0.978
lysX1; putative lysine transport system substrate-binding protein -0.790 0.717 0.273 0.978
lysX2; putative lysine transport system permease protein 0.033 0.133 0.803 0.999
lysY, argC; LysW-gamma-L-alpha-aminoadipyl-6-phosphate/LysW-L-glutamyl-5-phosphate reductase [EC:1.2.1.-] -0.631 1.117 0.573 0.995
lysZ, argB; LysW-gamma-L-alpha-aminoadipate/LysW-L-glutamate kinase [EC:2.7.2.-] -0.631 1.117 0.573 0.995
lytE, cwlF; peptidoglycan DL-endopeptidase LytE [EC:3.4.-.-] -0.776 0.642 0.229 0.978
lytF, cwlE; peptidoglycan DL-endopeptidase LytF [EC:3.4.-.-] -0.635 1.401 0.651 0.999
lytM; lysostaphin [EC:] -1.554 1.110 0.164 0.957
lytS; two-component system, LytTR family, sensor histidine kinase LytS [EC:] 0.054 0.216 0.804 0.999
lytT, lytR; two-component system, LytTR family, response regulator LytT -0.236 0.351 0.503 0.981
lyxA; D-lyxose ketol-isomerase [EC:] 0.275 0.537 0.609 0.999
lyxK; L-xylulokinase [EC:] -0.279 0.379 0.463 0.979
maa; maltose O-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.051 0.123 0.679 0.999
mabA; beta-ketoacyl ACP reductase [EC:] -2.137 1.493 0.154 0.954
mabO; 4-methylaminobutanoate oxidase (formaldehyde-forming) [EC:] -1.405 0.793 0.078 0.859
macA; membrane fusion protein, macrolide-specific efflux system 0.062 0.147 0.671 0.999
macB; macrolide transport system ATP-binding/permease protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.009 0.184 0.960 0.999
maeN; malate:Na+ symporter -0.019 0.577 0.974 0.999
maf; septum formation protein -0.057 0.072 0.430 0.978
maiA, GSTZ1; maleylacetoacetate isomerase [EC:] -0.113 0.215 0.599 0.999
mal; methylaspartate ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.003 0.480 0.996 0.999
malE; maltose/maltodextrin transport system substrate-binding protein -0.440 0.420 0.296 0.978
malF; maltose/maltodextrin transport system permease protein -0.288 0.457 0.529 0.989
malG; maltose/maltodextrin transport system permease protein -0.288 0.457 0.529 0.989
malI; LacI family transcriptional regulator, maltose regulon regulatory protein 0.397 0.551 0.473 0.979
malK, mtlK, thuK; multiple sugar transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.502 0.252 0.048 0.839
malM; maltose operon periplasmic protein -0.340 0.514 0.510 0.981
malQ; 4-alpha-glucanotransferase [EC:] 0.076 0.086 0.376 0.978
malR; two-component system, CitB family, response regulator MalR 0.179 0.459 0.697 0.999
malT; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, maltose regulon positive regulatory protein 0.191 0.280 0.495 0.981
malY, malT; maltose/moltooligosaccharide transporter 0.072 0.214 0.738 0.999
malZ; alpha-glucosidase [EC:] -0.024 0.128 0.854 0.999
MAN; mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase [EC:] -0.201 0.251 0.426 0.978
MAN1; mannosyl-oligosaccharide alpha-1,2-mannosidase [EC:] -17.510 3533.982 0.996 0.999
MAN2C1; alpha-mannosidase [EC:] 0.038 0.183 0.835 0.999
manA, MPI; mannose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] -0.021 0.072 0.766 0.999
manB; phosphomannomutase [EC:] -0.136 0.117 0.247 0.978
manC, cpsB; mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase [EC:] -0.202 0.128 0.116 0.917
MANEA; glycoprotein endo-alpha-1,2-mannosidase [EC:] -1.849 1.778 0.300 0.978
manR; activator of the mannose operon, transcriptional antiterminator -1.067 0.899 0.237 0.978
MAO, aofH; monoamine oxidase [EC:] -0.324 0.280 0.250 0.978
map; methionyl aminopeptidase [EC:] -0.018 0.029 0.540 0.990
mapA; maltose phosphorylase [EC:] 0.407 0.337 0.230 0.978
mapP; maltose 6’-phosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.072 0.153 0.639 0.999
marA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
marB; multiple antibiotic resistance protein MarB -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
marC; multiple antibiotic resistance protein -0.081 0.138 0.558 0.992
marR; MarR family transcriptional regulator, multiple antibiotic resistance protein MarR -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
MARS, metG; methionyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.040 0.037 0.280 0.978
mas; Mce-associated membrane protein -1.971 1.422 0.168 0.961
matB; malonyl-CoA/methylmalonyl-CoA synthetase [EC:6.2.1.-] -0.738 0.518 0.156 0.954
mauA; methylamine dehydrogenase light chain [EC:] -1.203 1.540 0.436 0.978
mauB; methylamine dehydrogenase heavy chain [EC:] -0.024 0.778 0.976 0.999
mazE, chpAI; antitoxin MazE -0.408 0.471 0.388 0.978
mazF, ndoA, chpA; mRNA interferase MazF [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.069 0.191 0.720 0.999
mazG; nucleoside triphosphate diphosphatase [EC:] -0.025 0.173 0.887 0.999
MBF1; putative transcription factor -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
mbhJ; membrane-bound hydrogenase subunit mbhJ [EC:] 0.340 1.138 0.766 0.999
mbhK; membrane-bound hydrogenase subunit beta [EC:] 0.340 1.138 0.766 0.999
mbhL; membrane-bound hydrogenase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.340 1.138 0.766 0.999
mbtA; mycobactin salicyl-AMP ligase [EC:6.3.2.-] -2.602 1.431 0.071 0.841
mbtB; mycobactin phenyloxazoline synthetase -2.635 1.432 0.068 0.839
mbtC; mycobactin polyketide synthetase MbtC -2.534 1.465 0.086 0.878
mbtD; mycobactin polyketide synthetase MbtD -2.534 1.465 0.086 0.878
mbtE; mycobactin peptide synthetase MbtE -2.602 1.431 0.071 0.841
mbtF; mycobactin peptide synthetase MbtF -2.602 1.431 0.071 0.841
mbtG; mycobactin lysine-N-oxygenase -2.462 1.118 0.029 0.839
mbtH, nocI; MbtH protein -0.016 0.316 0.960 0.999
mbtI, irp9, ybtS; salicylate synthetase [EC:] -1.935 1.740 0.268 0.978
mbtM; long-chain-fatty-acid–[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase [EC:] -3.164 2.043 0.124 0.919
mbtN, fadE14; acyl-ACP dehydrogenase [EC:1.3.99.-] -0.276 0.188 0.143 0.951
mca; mycothiol S-conjugate amidase [EC:] -0.027 0.318 0.933 0.999
mcbA; MqsR-controlled colanic acid and biofilm protein A -0.224 0.799 0.779 0.999
mcbR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, colanic acid and biofilm gene transcriptional regulator -0.109 0.831 0.895 0.999
mccA; cystathionine beta-synthase (O-acetyl-L-serine) [EC:] -0.963 0.518 0.065 0.839
mccB; cystathionine gamma-lyase / homocysteine desulfhydrase [EC:] -0.647 0.444 0.147 0.954
mcd; (2S)-methylsuccinyl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.138 0.757 0.135 0.944
MCEE, epi; methylmalonyl-CoA/ethylmalonyl-CoA epimerase [EC:] -0.270 0.161 0.095 0.896
mch, mcd; 2-methylfumaryl-CoA hydratase [EC:] -1.609 1.137 0.159 0.954
MCH; medium-chain acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] hydrolase [EC:] 0.134 0.147 0.362 0.978
mch; methenyltetrahydromethanopterin cyclohydrolase [EC:] 1.390 0.984 0.160 0.954
mcl; malyl-CoA/(S)-citramalyl-CoA lyase [EC:] -1.353 0.883 0.128 0.927
mcl2; (3S)-malyl-CoA thioesterase [EC:] -18.019 3183.927 0.995 0.999
mcm, cdc21; replicative DNA helicase Mcm [EC:3.6.4.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
mcp; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein -0.099 0.166 0.554 0.992
mcrA; 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme A [EC:3.1.21.-] -0.136 0.265 0.608 0.999
mcrB; 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme B [EC:3.1.21.-] 0.624 0.378 0.100 0.896
mcrC; 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme subunit McrC 0.379 0.302 0.212 0.978
mcsA; protein arginine kinase activator 0.042 0.186 0.820 0.999
mcsB; protein arginine kinase [EC:] 0.073 0.191 0.702 0.999
mct; 2-methylfumaryl-CoA isomerase [EC:] -1.235 0.941 0.191 0.970
mcyA; microcystin synthetase protein McyA 0.445 0.951 0.640 0.999
mdaB; modulator of drug activity B 0.126 0.165 0.448 0.978
mdcA; malonate decarboxylase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.054 0.259 0.834 0.999
mdcB; triphosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA synthase [EC:] 0.031 0.274 0.910 0.999
mdcC; malonate decarboxylase delta subunit 0.034 0.274 0.902 0.999
mdcD; malonate decarboxylase beta subunit [EC:] 0.016 0.298 0.957 0.999
mdcE; malonate decarboxylase gamma subunit [EC:] 0.054 0.259 0.834 0.999
mdcF; malonate transporter 0.298 0.698 0.670 0.999
mdcG; phosphoribosyl-dephospho-CoA transferase [EC:] 0.082 0.265 0.758 0.999
mdcH; malonate decarboxylase epsilon subunit [EC:] 0.110 0.342 0.748 0.999
mdcR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, malonate utilization transcriptional regulator 0.100 0.338 0.767 0.999
mdeA; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.433 0.673 0.521 0.988
mdfA, cmr; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug/chloramphenicol efflux transport protein 0.072 0.282 0.797 0.999
mdh; malate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.143 0.094 0.128 0.927
mdh1, mxaF; methanol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) subunit 1 [EC:] 18.066 2719.856 0.995 0.999
MDH1; malate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.072 0.539 0.894 0.999
mdh2, mxaI; methanol dehydrogenase (cytochrome c) subunit 2 [EC:] 18.066 2719.856 0.995 0.999
mdlA, smdA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.069 0.519 0.894 0.999
mdlA; mandelate racemase [EC:] -1.407 1.166 0.229 0.978
mdlB, smdB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.069 0.519 0.894 0.999
mdlB; (S)-mandelate dehydrogenase [EC:] 2.148 1.026 0.038 0.839
mdlC; benzoylformate decarboxylase [EC:] -0.974 0.719 0.178 0.961
mdlY; mandelamide amidase [EC:] -0.514 0.952 0.590 0.999
mdo; formaldehyde dismutase / methanol dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.099 1.173 0.350 0.978
mdoB; phosphoglycerol transferase [EC:] -0.086 0.357 0.810 0.999
mdoC; glucans biosynthesis protein C [EC:2.1.-.-] -0.085 0.575 0.882 0.999
mdoG; periplasmic glucans biosynthesis protein -0.090 0.248 0.717 0.999
mdoH; membrane glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.105 0.266 0.693 0.999
mdtA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -0.032 0.220 0.884 0.999
mdtB; multidrug efflux pump -0.016 0.236 0.946 0.999
mdtC; multidrug efflux pump 0.010 0.228 0.964 0.999
mdtD; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.134 0.621 0.829 0.999
mdtE; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -1.158 1.457 0.428 0.978
mdtF; multidrug efflux pump -1.158 1.457 0.428 0.978
mdtG; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.258 0.287 0.370 0.978
mdtH; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.217 0.582 0.709 0.999
mdtI; spermidine export protein MdtI -0.005 0.390 0.989 0.999
mdtJ; spermidine export protein MdtJ -0.005 0.390 0.989 0.999
mdtL; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.252 0.698 0.718 0.999
mdtN; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -0.226 0.626 0.719 0.999
mdtO; multidrug resistance protein MdtO -0.226 0.626 0.719 0.999
mdtP; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system -1.292 1.211 0.288 0.978
ME2, sfcA, maeA; malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) [EC:] 0.187 0.117 0.113 0.917
mecA; penicillin-binding protein 2 prime [EC:] -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
mecA1_2; adapter protein MecA 1/2 0.010 0.123 0.935 0.999
mecR1; methicillin resistance protein -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
med; transcriptional activator of comK gene -1.431 1.272 0.262 0.978
mef; MFS transporter, DHA3 family, macrolide efflux protein -0.181 0.339 0.595 0.999
meh; 3-methylfumaryl-CoA hydratase [EC:] -1.103 0.571 0.055 0.839
melA; alpha-galactosidase [EC:] -1.759 0.569 0.002 0.839
melB; melibiose permease -0.779 0.545 0.155 0.954
MEMO1; MEMO1 family protein 0.350 0.498 0.484 0.979
menA; 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate octaprenyltransferase [EC: 2.5.1.-] 0.080 0.103 0.436 0.978
menB; naphthoate synthase [EC:] 0.021 0.110 0.852 0.999
menC; O-succinylbenzoate synthase [EC:] 0.000 0.149 0.997 0.999
menD; 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl-6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxylate synthase [EC:] -0.016 0.120 0.896 0.999
menE; O-succinylbenzoic acid—CoA ligase [EC:] 0.026 0.111 0.814 0.999
menF; menaquinone-specific isochorismate synthase [EC:] 0.089 0.166 0.593 0.999
menH; 2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase [EC:] 0.080 0.183 0.661 0.999
menI; 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoyl-CoA hydrolase [EC:] -0.148 0.426 0.729 0.999
MEP; peptidyl-Lys metalloendopeptidase [EC:] 0.969 0.905 0.286 0.978
mepA; multidrug efflux pump -1.161 0.945 0.221 0.978
mepA; penicillin-insensitive murein DD-endopeptidase [EC:3.4.24.-] -0.151 0.281 0.592 0.999
mepH; murein DD-endopeptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.134 0.621 0.829 0.999
mepM; murein DD-endopeptidase [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.195 0.476 0.683 0.999
mepR; MarR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for mepA -17.214 3047.217 0.995 0.999
mepS, spr; murein DD-endopeptidase / murein LD-carboxypeptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.170 0.223 0.447 0.978
mer; 5,10-methylenetetrahydromethanopterin reductase [EC:] 2.411 1.959 0.220 0.978
merA; mercuric reductase [EC:] 0.067 0.415 0.872 0.999
merC; mercuric ion transport protein 0.331 0.696 0.635 0.999
merD; MerR family transcriptional regulator, mercuric resistance operon regulatory protein 0.754 0.982 0.444 0.978
merE; mercuric ion transport protein -1.844 1.522 0.227 0.978
merP; periplasmic mercuric ion binding protein 0.140 0.235 0.552 0.992
merR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, mercuric resistance operon regulatory protein -0.058 0.306 0.850 0.999
merT; mercuric ion transport protein 0.136 0.238 0.568 0.995
MET8; precorrin-2 dehydrogenase / sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase [EC:] 0.220 0.162 0.178 0.961
metA; homoserine O-succinyltransferase/O-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.002 0.103 0.988 0.999
metB; cystathionine gamma-synthase [EC:] 0.080 0.075 0.292 0.978
metC; cystathionine beta-lyase [EC:] 0.136 0.126 0.283 0.978
metE; 5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate–homocysteine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.050 0.065 0.446 0.978
metF, MTHFR; methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NADPH) [EC:] -0.036 0.059 0.540 0.990
metH, MTR; 5-methyltetrahydrofolate–homocysteine methyltransferase [EC:] -0.035 0.091 0.698 0.999
metI; D-methionine transport system permease protein 0.070 0.045 0.122 0.919
metJ; MetJ family transcriptional regulator, methionine regulon repressor 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
metK; S-adenosylmethionine synthetase [EC:] 0.032 0.036 0.381 0.978
metL; bifunctional aspartokinase / homoserine dehydrogenase 2 [EC:] 0.218 0.576 0.706 0.999
metN; D-methionine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.090 0.039 0.024 0.839
metQ; D-methionine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.129 0.055 0.020 0.839
metR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for metE and metH 0.062 0.154 0.689 0.999
metX; homoserine O-acetyltransferase/O-succinyltransferase [EC:] -0.097 0.128 0.449 0.978
metY; O-acetylhomoserine (thiol)-lyase [EC:] -0.109 0.078 0.162 0.957
metZ; O-succinylhomoserine sulfhydrylase [EC:2.5.1.-] -0.140 0.195 0.474 0.979
mexC; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -0.793 0.893 0.376 0.978
mexD; multidrug efflux pump -0.793 0.893 0.376 0.978
mexE; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.153 0.368 0.678 0.999
mexF; multidrug efflux pump 0.245 0.336 0.467 0.979
mexG; transmembrane protein -0.071 0.484 0.884 0.999
mexH; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -0.290 0.569 0.611 0.999
mexI; multidrug efflux pump -0.203 0.649 0.754 0.999
mexJ; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.053 0.249 0.832 0.999
mexK; multidrug efflux pump 0.064 0.230 0.782 0.999
mexL; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, mexJK operon transcriptional repressor 0.010 0.235 0.966 0.999
mexT; LysR family transcriptional regulator, mexEF-oprN operon transcriptional activator 0.128 0.366 0.728 0.999
mexX, amrA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 1.551 1.591 0.331 0.978
mexY, amrB; multidrug efflux pump 0.952 1.231 0.441 0.978
mexZ; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, mexXY operon repressor -0.627 1.514 0.679 0.999
mfd; transcription-repair coupling factor (superfamily II helicase) [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.030 0.035 0.384 0.978
mfnB; (5-formylfuran-3-yl)methyl phosphate synthase [EC:] 2.673 2.283 0.243 0.978
mfnF; (4-(4-[2-(gamma-L-glutamylamino)ethyl]phenoxymethyl)furan-2-yl)methanamine synthase [EC:] 2.673 2.283 0.243 0.978
MFS.CP; MFS transporter, CP family, cyanate transporter -0.065 0.102 0.523 0.989
MFS.SET; MFS transporter, SET family, sugar efflux transporter -0.360 0.654 0.583 0.999
MFS.SP; MFS transporter, SP family, sugar porter, other -1.609 0.993 0.107 0.913
MGD; 1,2-diacylglycerol 3-beta-galactosyltransferase [EC:] -1.459 0.975 0.136 0.949
mglA; methyl-galactoside transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.392 0.170 0.023 0.839
mglB; methyl-galactoside transport system substrate-binding protein 0.396 0.183 0.032 0.839
mglC; methyl-galactoside transport system permease protein 0.391 0.171 0.023 0.839
MGME1, DDK1; mitochondrial genome maintenance exonuclease 1 [EC:3.1.-.-] 18.458 3309.834 0.996 0.999
mgp; 4-O-beta-D-mannosyl-D-glucose phosphorylase [EC:] -0.963 0.443 0.031 0.839
mgrA; MarR family transcriptional regulator, multiple gene regulator MgrA -0.171 0.819 0.835 0.999
mgs, bgsB; 1,2-diacylglycerol 3-alpha-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.139 0.140 0.322 0.978
mgsA; methylglyoxal synthase [EC:] 0.150 0.188 0.426 0.978
mgtA, mgtB; Mg2+-importing ATPase [EC:] -0.017 0.107 0.876 0.999
mgtA; phosphatidylinositol alpha 1,6-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.402 0.438 0.360 0.978
mgtC; putative Mg2+ transporter-C (MgtC) family protein 0.071 0.103 0.489 0.979
mgtE; magnesium transporter 0.141 0.103 0.174 0.961
mhpA; 3-(3-hydroxy-phenyl)propionate hydroxylase [EC:] -0.784 0.377 0.039 0.839
mhpB; 2,3-dihydroxyphenylpropionate 1,2-dioxygenase [EC:] -0.815 0.653 0.214 0.978
mhpC; 2-hydroxy-6-oxonona-2,4-dienedioate hydrolase [EC:] -1.148 0.806 0.156 0.954
mhpco; 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine 5-carboxylic acid dioxygenase [EC:] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
mhpD; 2-keto-4-pentenoate hydratase [EC:] -0.662 0.342 0.055 0.839
mhpE; 4-hydroxy 2-oxovalerate aldolase [EC:] -1.155 0.628 0.067 0.839
mhpF; acetaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.101 0.703 0.119 0.917
mhpR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, mhp operon transcriptional activator -0.880 0.590 0.138 0.949
mhpT; MFS transporter, AAHS family, 3-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid transporter -0.116 0.352 0.742 0.999
mhqR; MarR family transcriptional regulator, 2-MHQ and catechol-resistance regulon repressor -0.763 0.321 0.019 0.839
miaA, TRIT1; tRNA dimethylallyltransferase [EC:] 0.010 0.046 0.826 0.999
miaB; tRNA-2-methylthio-N6-dimethylallyladenosine synthase [EC:] -0.014 0.067 0.828 0.999
miaE; tRNA-(ms[2]io[6]A)-hydroxylase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.123 0.251 0.626 0.999
migA; alpha-1,6-rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 3.499 2.055 0.091 0.884
minC; septum site-determining protein MinC 0.096 0.122 0.434 0.978
minD; septum site-determining protein MinD 0.050 0.095 0.596 0.999
minE; cell division topological specificity factor 0.173 0.135 0.202 0.972
mioC; MioC protein 0.215 0.212 0.311 0.978
MIOX; inositol oxygenase [EC:] -1.283 2.030 0.528 0.989
mipA, ompV; MipA family protein 0.428 0.269 0.114 0.917
MKS1; Meckel syndrome type 1 protein 0.159 0.783 0.840 0.999
mlaA, vacJ; phospholipid-binding lipoprotein MlaA 0.182 0.143 0.205 0.974
mlaB; phospholipid transport system transporter-binding protein 0.098 0.163 0.549 0.992
mlaC; phospholipid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.065 0.152 0.671 0.999
mlaD, linM; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system substrate-binding protein -0.162 0.119 0.173 0.961
mlaE, linK; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system permease protein -0.180 0.115 0.118 0.917
mlaF, linL, mkl; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system ATP-binding protein -0.068 0.091 0.456 0.979
mlc; transcriptional regulator of PTS gene 0.298 0.330 0.368 0.978
mlhB, chnC; epsilon-lactone hydrolase [EC:] 18.832 3989.590 0.996 0.999
mltA; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase A [EC:4.2.2.-] -0.100 0.173 0.562 0.992
mltB; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase B [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.063 0.169 0.709 0.999
mltC; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase C [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
mltD, dniR; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase D [EC:4.2.2.-] -0.073 0.132 0.583 0.999
mltE, emtA; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase E [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.050 0.594 0.933 0.999
mltF; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase F [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.017 0.176 0.925 0.999
MLYCD; malonyl-CoA decarboxylase [EC:] -1.210 0.641 0.061 0.839
MMAB, pduO; cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase [EC:] 0.041 0.091 0.652 0.999
MME, CD10; neprilysin [EC:] -2.231 1.889 0.239 0.978
mmoB; methane monooxygenase regulatory protein B -17.368 3290.703 0.996 0.999
mmoC; methane monooxygenase component C [EC:] -17.368 3290.703 0.996 0.999
mmoX; methane monooxygenase component A alpha chain [EC:] -17.977 4462.995 0.997 0.999
mmoY; methane monooxygenase component A beta chain [EC:] -17.977 4462.995 0.997 0.999
mmoZ; methane monooxygenase component A gamma chain [EC:] -17.368 3290.703 0.996 0.999
mmr; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, methylenomycin A resistance protein -0.302 0.220 0.172 0.961
mmsA, iolA, ALDH6A1; malonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) / methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.274 0.212 0.197 0.970
mmsB, HIBADH; 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.178 0.129 0.170 0.961
mmuM, BHMT2; homocysteine S-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.092 0.149 0.537 0.990
mmuP; S-methylmethionine transporter 0.011 0.252 0.965 0.999
mngB; mannosylglycerate hydrolase [EC:] 0.052 0.617 0.933 0.999
mngR, farR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, mannosyl-D-glycerate transport/metabolism system repressor 0.073 0.804 0.928 0.999
mnhA, mrpA; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit A -0.589 0.286 0.041 0.839
mnhB, mrpB; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit B -0.488 0.319 0.129 0.932
mnhC, mrpC; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit C -0.451 0.263 0.088 0.880
mnhD, mrpD; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit D -0.473 0.258 0.069 0.840
mnhE, mrpE; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit E -0.455 0.264 0.087 0.880
mnhF, mrpF; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit F -0.500 0.355 0.161 0.957
mnhG, mrpG; multicomponent Na+:H+ antiporter subunit G -0.453 0.264 0.089 0.880
mnmA, trmU; tRNA-uridine 2-sulfurtransferase [EC:] 0.097 0.057 0.088 0.880
mnmC; tRNA 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine biosynthesis bifunctional protein [EC: 1.5.-.-] 0.052 0.194 0.790 0.999
mnmE, trmE, MSS1; tRNA modification GTPase [EC:3.6.-.-] 0.041 0.042 0.330 0.978
mnoP; high affinity Mn2+ porin -0.411 0.812 0.614 0.999
mntA; manganese transport system ATP-binding protein -0.091 0.359 0.800 0.999
mntB; manganese transport system permease protein -0.011 0.369 0.976 0.999
mntC; manganese transport system substrate-binding protein 0.031 0.378 0.935 0.999
mntH; manganese transport protein -0.094 0.094 0.318 0.978
mntR; DtxR family transcriptional regulator, manganese transport regulator -0.025 0.406 0.951 0.999
moaA, CNX2; GTP 3’,8-cyclase [EC:] -0.003 0.074 0.970 0.999
moaB; molybdopterin adenylyltransferase [EC:] -0.032 0.139 0.818 0.999
moaC, CNX3; cyclic pyranopterin monophosphate synthase [EC:] 0.012 0.077 0.881 0.999
moaD, cysO; sulfur-carrier protein -0.163 0.128 0.204 0.972
mobA; molybdenum cofactor guanylyltransferase [EC:] -0.040 0.096 0.680 0.999
mobAB; molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis protein [EC:] 0.204 0.248 0.410 0.978
mobB; molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis adapter protein -0.127 0.191 0.508 0.981
mocA; molybdenum cofactor cytidylyltransferase [EC:] -0.077 0.128 0.549 0.992
MOCS2B, moaE; molybdopterin synthase catalytic subunit [EC:] -0.156 0.113 0.167 0.961
MOCS3, UBA4; adenylyltransferase and sulfurtransferase [EC:] -0.141 0.124 0.257 0.978
mod; adenine-specific DNA-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.176 0.300 0.559 0.992
modA; molybdate transport system substrate-binding protein -0.103 0.086 0.236 0.978
modB; molybdate transport system permease protein -0.035 0.079 0.660 0.999
modC; molybdate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.022 0.094 0.813 0.999
modD; molybdenum transport protein [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.173 0.492 0.725 0.999
modE; molybdate transport system regulatory protein 0.086 0.140 0.542 0.990
modF; molybdate transport system ATP-binding protein 0.052 0.300 0.862 0.999
moeA; molybdopterin molybdotransferase [EC:] -0.054 0.089 0.545 0.990
mogA; molybdopterin adenylyltransferase [EC:] -0.084 0.240 0.728 0.999
mop; aldehyde oxidoreductase [EC:] 0.220 1.099 0.841 0.999
motA; chemotaxis protein MotA -0.079 0.169 0.641 0.999
motB; chemotaxis protein MotB -0.023 0.118 0.843 0.999
motC; chemotaxis protein MotC -2.135 1.313 0.106 0.911
motD; chemotaxis protein MotD -2.294 1.439 0.113 0.917
moxR; MoxR-like ATPase [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.140 0.119 0.241 0.978
mp2; beta-1,4-mannooligosaccharide/beta-1,4-mannosyl-N-acetylglucosamine phosphorylase [EC:] -0.333 0.234 0.156 0.954
mpa; proteasome-associated ATPase 0.008 0.257 0.976 0.999
mpaA; protein MpaA 0.085 0.609 0.889 0.999
MPG; DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase [EC:] 0.115 0.154 0.458 0.979
mph; macrolide phosphotransferase -0.001 1.078 0.999 1.000
mphR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, macrolide resistance operon repressor 0.469 1.077 0.664 0.999
mpl; UDP-N-acetylmuramate: L-alanyl-gamma-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelate ligase [EC:] 0.077 0.155 0.621 0.999
mpl; zinc metalloproteinase [EC:3.4.24.-] -16.755 1738.673 0.992 0.999
mprA; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator MprA -0.374 0.478 0.435 0.978
mprB; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase MprB [EC:] -0.678 0.803 0.400 0.978
mprF, fmtC; phosphatidylglycerol lysyltransferase [EC:] 0.145 0.134 0.281 0.978
mps2; glycopeptidolipid biosynthesis protein -17.763 3362.856 0.996 0.999
mptA; alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.538 0.597 0.370 0.978
mptA; GTP cyclohydrolase IV [EC:] -1.047 1.651 0.527 0.989
mptB; alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.490 0.617 0.428 0.978
mptE; 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
MQCRA, qcrA, bfcA, petC; menaquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:1.10.2.-] -1.543 0.758 0.044 0.839
MQCRB, qcrB, bfcB, petB; menaquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b subunit -1.510 0.698 0.032 0.839
MQCRC, qcrC, bfcC, petD; menaquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b/c subunit -1.510 0.698 0.032 0.839
mqnA; chorismate dehydratase [EC:] 0.021 0.429 0.961 0.999
mqnB; futalosine hydrolase [EC:] -2.184 1.575 0.168 0.961
mqnC; cyclic dehypoxanthinyl futalosine synthase [EC:] 0.117 0.443 0.791 0.999
mqnD; 1,4-dihydroxy-6-naphthoate synthase [EC:1.14.-.-] -0.427 0.591 0.472 0.979
mqnE; aminodeoxyfutalosine synthase [EC:] 0.202 0.466 0.665 0.999
mqo; malate dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] -0.090 0.169 0.594 0.999
mqsA; HTH-type transcriptional regulator / antitoxin MqsA -0.632 0.526 0.232 0.978
mqsR; motility quorum-sensing regulator / GCU-specific mRNA interferase toxin -0.541 0.541 0.319 0.978
mraW, rsmH; 16S rRNA (cytosine1402-N4)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.034 0.037 0.360 0.978
mraY; phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase [EC:] 0.031 0.035 0.377 0.978
mraZ; MraZ protein 0.013 0.062 0.830 0.999
mrcA; penicillin-binding protein 1A [EC:] -0.023 0.051 0.654 0.999
mrcB; penicillin-binding protein 1B [EC:] 0.111 0.178 0.536 0.990
mrdA; penicillin-binding protein 2 [EC:] 0.063 0.089 0.476 0.979
mreB; rod shape-determining protein MreB and related proteins 0.129 0.085 0.132 0.941
mreC; rod shape-determining protein MreC 0.060 0.044 0.175 0.961
mreD; rod shape-determining protein MreD 0.077 0.054 0.157 0.954
mrp, NUBPL; ATP-binding protein involved in chromosome partitioning -0.140 0.076 0.067 0.839
mrr; restriction system protein -0.023 0.156 0.881 0.999
mrx; macrolide resistance protein 0.469 1.077 0.664 0.999
mrx1; mycoredoxin [EC:] -0.508 0.522 0.333 0.978
msbA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial MsbA [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.011 0.082 0.892 0.999
mscK, kefA, aefA; potassium-dependent mechanosensitive channel 0.183 0.208 0.379 0.978
mscL; large conductance mechanosensitive channel 0.044 0.036 0.222 0.978
mscS; small conductance mechanosensitive channel 0.096 0.056 0.087 0.880
mshA; D-inositol-3-phosphate glycosyltransferase [EC:] -0.035 0.316 0.913 0.999
mshA; MSHA pilin protein MshA 0.535 0.848 0.529 0.989
mshB; MSHA pilin protein MshB 18.202 1851.167 0.992 0.999
mshB; N-acetyl-1-D-myo-inositol-2-amino-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside deacetylase [EC:] -0.023 0.357 0.948 0.999
mshC; L-cysteine:1D-myo-inositol 2-amino-2-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside ligase [EC:] -0.037 0.316 0.908 0.999
mshC; MSHA pilin protein MshC 0.207 0.875 0.813 0.999
mshD; MSHA pilin protein MshD 0.207 0.875 0.813 0.999
mshD; mycothiol synthase [EC:] -0.027 0.318 0.933 0.999
mshE; MSHA biogenesis protein MshE 0.207 0.875 0.813 0.999
mshF; MSHA biogenesis protein MshF 18.482 3349.575 0.996 0.999
mshG; MSHA biogenesis protein MshG 0.207 0.875 0.813 0.999
mshI; MSHA biogenesis protein MshI 0.207 0.875 0.813 0.999
mshJ; MSHA biogenesis protein MshJ 0.015 1.131 0.989 0.999
mshK; MSHA biogenesis protein MshK 0.713 0.938 0.448 0.978
mshL; MSHA biogenesis protein MshL 0.207 0.875 0.813 0.999
mshM; MSHA biogenesis protein MshM 0.305 0.924 0.741 0.999
mshN; MSHA biogenesis protein MshN 0.015 1.131 0.989 0.999
mshO; MSHA biogenesis protein MshO 0.207 0.875 0.813 0.999
mshP; MSHA biogenesis protein MshP 0.154 0.892 0.863 0.999
mshQ; MSHA biogenesis protein MshQ -0.359 1.296 0.782 0.999
msmE; raffinose/stachyose/melibiose transport system substrate-binding protein -0.059 0.204 0.771 0.999
msmF; raffinose/stachyose/melibiose transport system permease protein -0.048 0.198 0.809 0.999
msmG; raffinose/stachyose/melibiose transport system permease protein -0.037 0.204 0.856 0.999
msmX, msmK, malK, sugC, ggtA, msiK; multiple sugar transport system ATP-binding protein -0.115 0.075 0.127 0.927
msrA, vmlR; macrolide transport system ATP-binding/permease protein -0.024 0.325 0.942 0.999
msrA; peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase [EC:] -0.099 0.113 0.381 0.978
msrAB; peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase msrA/msrB [EC:] 0.103 0.108 0.342 0.978
msrB; peptide-methionine (R)-S-oxide reductase [EC:] -0.002 0.105 0.988 0.999
msrP; methionine sulfoxide reductase catalytic subunit [EC:1.8.-.-] -0.097 0.268 0.719 0.999
msrQ; methionine sulfoxide reductase heme-binding subunit -0.105 0.247 0.672 0.999
msyB; acidic protein MsyB 0.134 0.621 0.829 0.999
mtaB; threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase MtaB [EC:] -0.037 0.131 0.777 0.999
mtaD; 5-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine deaminase [EC:] -0.026 0.093 0.782 0.999
mtaP, MTAP; 5’-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase [EC:] -0.005 0.182 0.979 0.999
mtdB; methylene-tetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase [EC:1.5.1.-] 1.357 1.122 0.228 0.978
mtfA; MtfA peptidase 0.003 0.229 0.991 0.999
mtfabH; beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III [EC:] -2.005 1.868 0.285 0.978
MTFMT, fmt; methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase [EC:] 0.031 0.032 0.338 0.978
mtgA; monofunctional glycosyltransferase [EC:] -0.084 0.101 0.410 0.978
MTHFS; 5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.070 0.043 0.108 0.915
mtiP; 5’-methylthioinosine phosphorylase [EC:] 0.207 0.344 0.548 0.991
mtkA; malate-CoA ligase subunit beta [EC:] 0.717 1.336 0.592 0.999
mtkB; malate-CoA ligase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.717 1.336 0.592 0.999
mtlD; mannitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.063 0.210 0.763 0.999
mtlR; mannitol operon repressor 0.158 0.565 0.780 0.999
mtlR; mannitol operon transcriptional antiterminator 0.226 0.287 0.432 0.978
mtnA; methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.235 0.125 0.062 0.839
mtnB; methylthioribulose-1-phosphate dehydratase [EC:] -0.025 0.294 0.931 0.999
mtnC, ENOPH1; enolase-phosphatase E1 [EC:] 0.180 0.318 0.572 0.995
mtnD, mtnZ, ADI1; 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene dioxygenase [EC:] -0.035 0.241 0.886 0.999
mtnE, mtnV; aminotransferase [EC:2.6.1.-] -0.066 0.326 0.839 0.999
mtnK; 5-methylthioribose kinase [EC:] 0.614 0.336 0.070 0.841
mtnN, mtn, pfs; adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase [EC:] 0.029 0.063 0.646 0.999
mtnW; 2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl-1-phosphate enolase [EC:] -2.767 1.444 0.057 0.839
mtnX; 2-hydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentenyl-1-phosphate phosphatase [EC:] -1.438 0.929 0.124 0.919
mtr; mycothione reductase [EC:] -0.067 0.333 0.840 0.999
mtr; tryptophan-specific transport protein 0.253 0.271 0.352 0.978
mtrA; AraC family transcriptional regulator, activator of mtrCDE 0.140 0.518 0.787 0.999
mtrA; tetrahydromethanopterin S-methyltransferase subunit A [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
mtrA; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator MtrA 0.008 0.268 0.976 0.999
mtrB; transcription attenuation protein (tryptophan RNA-binding attenuator protein) -1.221 0.708 0.086 0.880
mtrB; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase MtrB [EC:] -0.036 0.286 0.899 0.999
mtsA; iron/zinc/manganese/copper transport system substrate-binding protein -0.012 0.156 0.938 0.999
mtsB; iron/zinc/manganese/copper transport system ATP-binding protein -0.012 0.156 0.937 0.999
mtsC; iron/zinc/manganese/copper transport system permease protein -0.012 0.156 0.939 0.999
mtsT; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component -0.001 0.141 0.995 0.999
mttB; trimethylamine—corrinoid protein Co-methyltransferase [EC:] -2.132 1.532 0.166 0.961
MuB; ATP-dependent target DNA activator [EC:] -0.276 0.454 0.545 0.990
mucK; MFS transporter, AAHS family, cis,cis-muconate transporter -0.677 1.048 0.519 0.988
mug; double-stranded uracil-DNA glycosylase [EC:] -0.756 0.369 0.042 0.839
mukB; chromosome partition protein MukB 0.207 0.312 0.508 0.981
mukE; chromosome partition protein MukE 0.207 0.312 0.508 0.981
mukF; chromosome partition protein MukF 0.207 0.312 0.508 0.981
murA; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase [EC:] 0.030 0.050 0.552 0.992
murB; UDP-N-acetylmuramate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.032 0.037 0.376 0.978
murC; UDP-N-acetylmuramate–alanine ligase [EC:] 0.040 0.039 0.303 0.978
murD; UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanine–D-glutamate ligase [EC:] 0.036 0.036 0.321 0.978
murE; UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate–2,6-diaminopimelate ligase [EC:] 0.061 0.055 0.274 0.978
murE; UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate-L-lysine ligase [EC:] -0.039 0.161 0.810 0.999
murEF; murE/murF fusion protein [EC:] 0.345 0.558 0.537 0.990
murF; UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide–D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.023 0.041 0.584 0.999
murG; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine–N-acetylmuramyl-(pentapeptide) pyrophosphoryl-undecaprenol N-acetylglucosamine transferase [EC:] 0.030 0.033 0.353 0.978
murI; glutamate racemase [EC:] 0.034 0.046 0.454 0.978
murJ, mviN; putative peptidoglycan lipid II flippase 0.142 0.107 0.189 0.966
murM; serine/alanine adding enzyme [EC:] -0.026 0.171 0.880 0.999
murN; alanine adding enzyme [EC:2.3.2.-] -0.070 0.171 0.680 0.999
murQ; N-acetylmuramic acid 6-phosphate etherase [EC:] -0.020 0.123 0.870 0.999
murR; RpiR family transcriptional regulator, murPQ operon repressor -0.993 0.976 0.311 0.978
murU; N-acetyl-alpha-D-muramate 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase [EC:] -0.136 0.181 0.453 0.978
MUT; methylmalonyl-CoA mutase [EC:] -0.219 0.167 0.192 0.970
mutH; DNA mismatch repair protein MutH 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
mutL; DNA mismatch repair protein MutL 0.042 0.041 0.310 0.978
mutM, fpg; formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase [EC:] 0.003 0.060 0.960 0.999
mutS; DNA mismatch repair protein MutS 0.042 0.038 0.274 0.978
mutS2; DNA mismatch repair protein MutS2 0.067 0.088 0.443 0.978
mutT, NUDT15, MTH2; 8-oxo-dGTP diphosphatase [EC:] -0.018 0.082 0.828 0.999
mutY; A/G-specific adenine glycosylase [EC:] -0.055 0.050 0.274 0.978
mvaA; hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase [EC:] 0.103 0.132 0.435 0.978
MVD, mvaD; diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.122 0.134 0.364 0.978
mviM; virulence factor 0.077 0.237 0.746 0.999
mvpA, vapC; tRNA(fMet)-specific endonuclease VapC [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.186 0.225 0.410 0.978
mvpT, vapB; antitoxin VapB 0.009 0.317 0.978 0.999
mxaA; mxaA protein 2.133 1.580 0.179 0.961
mxaC; mxaC protein 2.498 1.682 0.140 0.949
mxaD; mxaD protein 2.154 1.456 0.141 0.949
mxaG; cytochrome c-L 2.154 1.456 0.141 0.949
mxaJ; mxaJ protein 2.154 1.456 0.141 0.949
mxaK; mxaK protein 2.498 1.682 0.140 0.949
mxaL; mxaL protein 2.133 1.580 0.179 0.961
mycP; membrane-anchored mycosin MYCP [EC:3.4.21.-] -0.982 0.591 0.099 0.896
NAALAD; N-acetylated-alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase [EC:] -2.301 1.700 0.178 0.961
nac; LysR family transcriptional regulator, nitrogen assimilation regulatory protein -0.502 0.339 0.141 0.949
nadA; quinolinate synthase [EC:] -0.065 0.105 0.538 0.990
nadB; L-aspartate oxidase [EC:] -0.040 0.107 0.707 0.999
nadC, QPRT; nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase (carboxylating) [EC:] -0.079 0.095 0.411 0.978
nadD; nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.026 0.043 0.543 0.990
nadE; NAD+ synthase [EC:] 0.070 0.067 0.293 0.978
nadM; nicotinamide-nucleotide adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.793 0.576 0.171 0.961
nadR; HTH-type transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor of NAD biosynthesis genes [EC:] 0.348 0.252 0.170 0.961
nadX, ASPDH; aspartate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.604 0.424 0.156 0.954
nagA, AMDHD2; N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase [EC:] 0.002 0.065 0.971 0.999
nagB, GNPDA; glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase [EC:] 0.027 0.088 0.756 0.999
nagC; N-acetylglucosamine repressor 0.469 0.353 0.186 0.966
nagD; NagD protein 0.424 0.262 0.108 0.916
nagG; salicylate 5-hydroxylase large subunit [EC:] -3.045 2.774 0.274 0.978
nagH; salicylate 5-hydroxylase small subunit [EC:] -3.053 2.762 0.271 0.978
NAGK, nagK; N-acetylglucosamine kinase [EC:] 0.055 0.243 0.820 0.999
nagK; fumarylpyruvate hydrolase [EC:] -0.886 0.359 0.015 0.839
nagL; maleylpyruvate isomerase [EC:] -0.659 0.361 0.070 0.841
NAGLU; alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase [EC:] -0.960 0.591 0.107 0.912
nagZ; beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase [EC:] -0.084 0.105 0.424 0.978
nahAa, nagAa, ndoR, nbzAa, dntAa; naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase ferredoxin reductase component [EC:] -1.511 1.419 0.289 0.978
nahAb, nagAb, ndoA, nbzAb, dntAb; naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase ferredoxin component -3.045 2.774 0.274 0.978
nahK, lnpB; N-acetylhexosamine 1-kinase [EC:] -0.068 0.450 0.879 0.999
nalC; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor NalC -17.256 3111.566 0.996 0.999
nalD; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor of the mexAB-oprM multidrug resistance operon 0.634 0.449 0.160 0.954
namH; UDP-MurNAc hydroxylase -1.723 1.212 0.157 0.954
NAMPT; nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] -0.033 0.331 0.920 0.999
nanE; N-acylglucosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase [EC:] 0.144 0.101 0.157 0.954
nanEK; N-acetylmannosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase / N-acetylmannosamine kinase [EC:] -2.185 2.024 0.282 0.978
nanK; N-acylmannosamine kinase [EC:] 0.107 0.335 0.749 0.999
nanM; N-acetylneuraminate epimerase [EC:] -0.296 0.565 0.602 0.999
NANS, SAS; sialic acid synthase [EC:] -2.641 2.722 0.333 0.978
nanT; MFS transporter, SHS family, sialic acid transporter -1.421 0.976 0.148 0.954
napA; periplasmic nitrate reductase NapA [EC:1.7.99.-] 0.222 0.235 0.348 0.978
napB; cytochrome c-type protein NapB 0.266 0.239 0.266 0.978
napC; cytochrome c-type protein NapC 0.180 0.247 0.468 0.979
napD; periplasmic nitrate reductase NapD 0.223 0.235 0.346 0.978
napE; periplasmic nitrate reductase NapE 0.825 0.419 0.051 0.839
NAPEPLD; N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolysing phospholipase D [EC:] 17.966 2587.320 0.994 0.999
napF; ferredoxin-type protein NapF 0.150 0.285 0.598 0.999
napG; ferredoxin-type protein NapG 0.079 0.285 0.781 0.999
napH; ferredoxin-type protein NapH 0.111 0.283 0.696 0.999
narB; ferredoxin-nitrate reductase [EC:] -17.319 2105.764 0.993 0.999
narC; cytochrome b-561 -1.940 2.261 0.392 0.978
narG, narZ, nxrA; nitrate reductase / nitrite oxidoreductase, alpha subunit [EC: 1.7.99.-] 0.080 0.126 0.529 0.989
narH, narY, nxrB; nitrate reductase / nitrite oxidoreductase, beta subunit [EC: 1.7.99.-] 0.080 0.125 0.520 0.988
narI, narV; nitrate reductase gamma subunit [EC: 1.7.99.-] 0.080 0.126 0.526 0.989
narJ, narW; nitrate reductase molybdenum cofactor assembly chaperone NarJ/NarW 0.081 0.128 0.531 0.989
narL; two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite response regulator NarL -0.395 0.266 0.141 0.949
narP; two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite response regulator NarP 0.229 0.317 0.472 0.979
narQ; two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite sensor histidine kinase NarQ [EC:] 0.243 0.322 0.452 0.978
NARS, asnS; asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.069 0.077 0.371 0.978
narT; MFS transporter, NNP family, putative nitrate transporter -0.469 0.677 0.489 0.979
narX; two-component system, NarL family, nitrate/nitrite sensor histidine kinase NarX [EC:] -0.236 0.274 0.391 0.978
nasA; assimilatory nitrate reductase catalytic subunit [EC:1.7.99.-] -0.210 0.249 0.401 0.978
nasB; assimilatory nitrate reductase electron transfer subunit [EC:1.7.99.-] 0.110 0.700 0.876 0.999
nasT; two-component system, response regulator / RNA-binding antiterminator 0.144 0.109 0.187 0.966
nat; arylamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] -2.534 1.465 0.086 0.878
nat; isonocardicin synthase [EC:] -0.145 0.723 0.842 0.999
natA; sodium transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.114 0.418 0.786 0.999
natB; sodium transport system permease protein -0.110 0.419 0.794 0.999
natD; neutral amino acid transport system permease protein -17.763 3362.856 0.996 0.999
natE; neutral amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein -18.156 3269.627 0.996 0.999
nboR; nicotine blue oxidoreductase [EC:] -0.078 0.495 0.875 0.999
ncd2, npd; nitronate monooxygenase [EC:] -0.222 0.161 0.170 0.961
ndh; NADH dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.088 0.074 0.233 0.978
ndhE; NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase subunit 4L [EC:] -0.701 1.092 0.522 0.988
ndhF; NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase subunit 5 [EC:] -0.644 0.470 0.173 0.961
ndhG; NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase subunit 6 [EC:] -1.859 2.280 0.416 0.978
ndk, NME; nucleoside-diphosphate kinase [EC:] 0.008 0.050 0.865 0.999
ndoAI; CopG family transcriptional regulator / antitoxin EndoAI -0.802 0.506 0.115 0.917
ndpA; nucleoid-associated protein 0.244 0.211 0.249 0.978
NDUFAF7; NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 alpha subcomplex assembly factor 7 -1.128 1.396 0.420 0.978
ndx1; diadenosine hexaphosphate hydrolase (ATP-forming) [EC:] -1.769 2.449 0.471 0.979
nei; endonuclease VIII [EC:3.2.2.-] -0.065 0.238 0.784 0.999
nemA; N-ethylmaleimide reductase [EC:1.-.-.-] -0.350 0.255 0.172 0.961
nemR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor for nem operon -0.381 0.237 0.109 0.917
nepI; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, purine ribonucleoside efflux pump 0.512 0.385 0.186 0.966
ner, nlp, sfsB; Ner family transcriptional regulator 0.085 0.392 0.829 0.999
NEU1; sialidase-1 [EC:] -0.110 0.156 0.481 0.979
neuA; N-acylneuraminate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] -0.123 0.278 0.659 0.999
nfdA; N-substituted formamide deformylase [EC:] 0.036 0.138 0.795 0.999
nfeD; membrane-bound serine protease (ClpP class) 0.124 0.177 0.487 0.979
nfnB, nfsB; nitroreductase / dihydropteridine reductase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.134 0.233 0.566 0.995
nfo; deoxyribonuclease IV [EC:] 0.035 0.123 0.773 0.999
nfrA; bacteriophage N4 adsorption protein A -0.223 0.965 0.817 0.999
nfrA1; FMN reductase (NADPH) [EC:] -0.643 0.275 0.021 0.839
nfrA2; FMN reductase [NAD(P)H] [EC:] -0.123 0.248 0.620 0.999
nfrB; bacteriophage N4 adsorption protein B -0.087 0.378 0.818 0.999
nfsA; nitroreductase [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.206 0.346 0.552 0.992
nfuA; Fe/S biogenesis protein NfuA 0.106 0.172 0.538 0.990
nfxB; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, mexCD-oprJ operon repressor -0.025 0.479 0.959 0.999
nga; NAD+ glycohydrolase [EC:] -16.913 2621.982 0.995 0.999
nhaA; Na+:H+ antiporter, NhaA family 0.008 0.103 0.941 0.999
nhaB; Na+:H+ antiporter, NhaB family 0.220 0.265 0.408 0.978
nhaC; Na+:H+ antiporter, NhaC family 0.578 0.216 0.008 0.839
nhaR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of nhaA -0.151 0.307 0.623 0.999
nheA; non-hemolytic enterotoxin A -1.438 1.843 0.437 0.978
nheBC; non-hemolytic enterotoxin B/C -2.138 1.905 0.263 0.978
nhoA; N-hydroxyarylamine O-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.398 0.307 0.197 0.970
niaX; niacin transporter 0.059 0.158 0.710 0.999
nicA; nicotinate dehydrogenase subunit A [EC:] -0.136 0.414 0.743 0.999
nicB; nicotinate dehydrogenase subunit B [EC:] -1.262 0.758 0.098 0.896
nicC; 6-hydroxynicotinate 3-monooxygenase [EC:] -1.020 0.779 0.193 0.970
nicD; N-formylmaleamate deformylase [EC:] -0.896 0.878 0.309 0.978
nicE, maiA; maleate isomerase [EC:] 0.122 0.395 0.759 0.999
nicF; maleamate amidohydrolase [EC:] -0.763 0.779 0.329 0.978
nicX; 2,5-dihydroxypyridine 5,6-dioxygenase [EC:] -0.975 0.881 0.270 0.978
nifA; Nif-specific regulatory protein 0.059 0.712 0.934 0.999
nifB; nitrogen fixation protein NifB -0.386 0.573 0.502 0.981
nifD; nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein alpha chain [EC:] 0.361 0.562 0.522 0.988
nifE; nitrogenase molybdenum-cofactor synthesis protein NifE 0.149 0.409 0.715 0.999
nifH; nitrogenase iron protein NifH [EC:] 0.681 0.329 0.040 0.839
nifHD1, nifI1; nitrogen regulatory protein PII 1 -0.506 1.046 0.629 0.999
nifHD2, nifI2; nitrogen regulatory protein PII 2 -0.506 1.046 0.629 0.999
nifK; nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein beta chain [EC:] -1.721 1.155 0.138 0.949
nifN; nitrogenase molybdenum-iron protein NifN -1.810 1.393 0.196 0.970
nifQ; nitrogen fixation protein NifQ -1.844 1.592 0.249 0.978
nifT; nitrogen fixation protein NifT -1.746 1.498 0.246 0.978
nifV; homocitrate synthase NifV [EC:] -0.512 0.530 0.336 0.978
nifW; nitrogenase-stabilizing/protective protein -1.746 1.498 0.246 0.978
nifX; nitrogen fixation protein NifX -1.746 1.498 0.246 0.978
nifZ; nitrogen fixation protein NifZ -2.140 1.787 0.233 0.978
nikA; nickel transport system substrate-binding protein 0.488 0.365 0.184 0.965
nikB; nickel transport system permease protein 0.513 0.370 0.168 0.961
nikC; nickel transport system permease protein 0.328 0.220 0.138 0.949
nikD; nickel transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.576 0.376 0.127 0.927
nikE; nickel transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.538 0.371 0.149 0.954
nikR; CopG family transcriptional regulator, nickel-responsive regulator -0.617 0.371 0.099 0.896
NIP; aquaporin NIP -17.703 3891.582 0.996 0.999
nirA; ferredoxin-nitrite reductase [EC:] 0.062 0.234 0.792 0.999
nirB; nitrite reductase (NADH) large subunit [EC:] -0.186 0.174 0.287 0.978
nirC; cytochrome c55X -1.146 0.826 0.167 0.961
nirC; nitrite transporter 0.087 0.407 0.832 0.999
nirD; nitrite reductase (NADH) small subunit [EC:] -0.186 0.179 0.301 0.978
nirF; protein NirF -1.146 0.826 0.167 0.961
nirK; nitrite reductase (NO-forming) [EC:] 0.108 0.216 0.617 0.999
nirS; nitrite reductase (NO-forming) / hydroxylamine reductase [EC:] -1.082 0.784 0.170 0.961
nixA; high-affinity nickel-transport protein -1.029 0.567 0.071 0.843
nlpC; probable lipoprotein NlpC 0.158 0.305 0.605 0.999
nlpD; lipoprotein NlpD 0.064 0.154 0.680 0.999
nlpI; lipoprotein NlpI 0.224 0.306 0.466 0.979
nmpC, ompD; outer membrane porin protein LC -0.644 0.975 0.510 0.981
nnr; ADP-dependent NAD(P)H-hydrate dehydratase [EC:] 0.382 0.467 0.415 0.978
nob1; endoribonuclease Nob1 [EC:3.1.-.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
nodA; nodulation protein A [EC:2.3.1.-] -1.162 1.572 0.461 0.979
nodB; chitooligosaccharide deacetylase [EC:3.5.1.-] -1.378 1.742 0.430 0.978
nodC; N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -1.162 1.572 0.461 0.979
nodD; LysR family transcriptional regulator, nod-box dependent transcriptional activator -1.091 1.548 0.482 0.979
nodE; nodulation protein E [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.513 0.625 0.413 0.978
nodF; nodulation protein F [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.717 1.336 0.592 0.999
nodI; lipooligosaccharide transport system ATP-binding protein -0.547 0.424 0.198 0.970
nodJ; lipooligosaccharide transport system permease protein -0.702 0.488 0.152 0.954
nodT, ameC; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system -3.065 2.530 0.228 0.978
NOP10, NOLA3; H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex subunit 3 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
NOP2; 25S rRNA (cytosine2870-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] -1.647 2.132 0.441 0.978
NOP56; nucleolar protein 56 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
norA; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, quinolone resistance protein -1.554 1.110 0.164 0.957
norB, norC; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.570 0.646 0.379 0.978
norB; nitric oxide reductase subunit B [EC:] -0.035 0.214 0.872 0.999
norC; nitric oxide reductase subunit C -1.269 0.648 0.052 0.839
norD; nitric oxide reductase NorD protein -1.301 0.654 0.048 0.839
norE; nitric oxide reductase NorE protein -1.340 0.639 0.038 0.839
norG; GntR family transcriptional regulator, regulator for abcA and norABC -1.279 0.729 0.081 0.865
norQ; nitric oxide reductase NorQ protein -1.605 0.485 0.001 0.839
norR; anaerobic nitric oxide reductase transcription regulator 0.151 0.296 0.610 0.999
norV; anaerobic nitric oxide reductase flavorubredoxin 0.453 0.567 0.425 0.978
norW; nitric oxide reductase FlRd-NAD(+) reductase [EC:1.18.1.-] 0.467 0.563 0.407 0.978
nos; nitric-oxide synthase, bacterial [EC:] -0.962 0.473 0.044 0.839
nosD; nitrous oxidase accessory protein -0.524 0.327 0.111 0.917
nosF; Cu-processing system ATP-binding protein -0.480 0.349 0.171 0.961
nosL; copper chaperone NosL -0.552 0.347 0.113 0.917
nosR; NosR/NirI family transcriptional regulator, nitrous oxide reductase regulator -0.644 0.449 0.153 0.954
nosY; Cu-processing system permease protein -0.644 0.387 0.098 0.896
nosZ; nitrous-oxide reductase [EC:] -0.412 0.313 0.190 0.968
nox1; NADH oxidase (H2O2-forming) [EC:] 0.954 0.891 0.286 0.978
nox2; NADH oxidase (H2O-forming) [EC:] 2.006 1.015 0.050 0.839
npdA; NAD-dependent deacetylase [EC:3.5.1.-] 0.080 0.072 0.269 0.978
NPEPPS; puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] -0.651 1.172 0.579 0.997
npr; NADH peroxidase [EC:] 0.501 0.402 0.215 0.978
npr; thermolysin [EC:] -3.737 2.743 0.175 0.961
nprB; neutral peptidase B [EC:3.4.24.-] -2.480 2.207 0.263 0.978
nprE; bacillolysin [EC:] -17.763 3362.856 0.996 0.999
NQO1; NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.017 0.117 0.884 0.999
nqrA; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A [EC:] -0.003 0.165 0.983 0.999
nqrB; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B [EC:] -0.003 0.165 0.985 0.999
nqrC; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C [EC:] -0.003 0.165 0.984 0.999
nqrD; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit D [EC:] -0.003 0.165 0.985 0.999
nqrE; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit E [EC:] -0.003 0.165 0.986 0.999
nqrF; Na+-transporting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit F [EC:] -0.003 0.165 0.985 0.999
nrdG; anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase activating protein [EC:] 0.102 0.085 0.229 0.978
nrdH; glutaredoxin-like protein NrdH 0.069 0.122 0.574 0.995
nrdI; protein involved in ribonucleotide reduction 0.030 0.121 0.801 0.999
nrdR; transcriptional repressor NrdR 0.084 0.036 0.022 0.839
nreA; nitrogen regulatory protein A -0.143 0.545 0.794 0.999
nreB; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase NreB [EC:] 0.075 0.499 0.881 0.999
nreC; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator NreC 0.362 0.476 0.449 0.978
nrfA; nitrite reductase (cytochrome c-552) [EC:] 0.054 0.207 0.794 0.999
nrfB; cytochrome c-type protein NrfB 0.167 0.346 0.629 0.999
nrfC; protein NrfC 0.024 0.314 0.939 0.999
nrfD; protein NrfD 0.095 0.326 0.772 0.999
nrfE; cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein NrfE 0.166 0.346 0.632 0.999
nrfF; formate-dependent nitrite reductase complex subunit NrfF -0.523 0.648 0.421 0.978
nrfG; formate-dependent nitrite reductase complex subunit NrfG -0.516 0.609 0.398 0.978
nrfH; cytochrome c nitrite reductase small subunit 0.005 0.268 0.984 0.999
nrnA; bifunctional oligoribonuclease and PAP phosphatase NrnA [EC:] 0.061 0.085 0.472 0.979
NRT, narK, nrtP, nasA; MFS transporter, NNP family, nitrate/nitrite transporter -0.017 0.124 0.889 0.999
nrtA, nasF, cynA; nitrate/nitrite transport system substrate-binding protein -0.070 0.256 0.784 0.999
nrtB, nasE, cynB; nitrate/nitrite transport system permease protein -0.160 0.306 0.602 0.999
nrtC, nasD; nitrate/nitrite transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.160 0.306 0.602 0.999
NSF, SEC18; vesicle-fusing ATPase [EC:] -2.579 2.960 0.385 0.978
nspC; carboxynorspermidine decarboxylase [EC:] -0.221 0.121 0.069 0.840
nsrR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, nitric oxide-sensitive transcriptional repressor -0.346 0.197 0.081 0.864
ntdA; 3-dehydro-glucose-6-phosphate—glutamate transaminase [EC:] -2.386 2.492 0.340 0.978
ntdB; kanosamine-6-phosphate phosphatase [EC:] -2.386 2.492 0.340 0.978
ntdC; glucose-6-phosphate 3-dehydrogenase [EC:] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
NTH; endonuclease III [EC:] 0.024 0.038 0.529 0.989
nthA; nitrile hydratase subunit alpha [EC:] -0.716 0.463 0.124 0.919
ntnH; botulinum neurotoxin type non-toxic component -16.780 1732.243 0.992 0.999
NTPCR; nucleoside-triphosphatase [EC:] -0.896 1.253 0.476 0.979
ntrX; two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation response regulator NtrX -0.850 0.398 0.034 0.839
ntrY; two-component system, NtrC family, nitrogen regulation sensor histidine kinase NtrY [EC:] -0.914 0.424 0.033 0.839
nuc; micrococcal nuclease [EC:] -0.323 0.286 0.260 0.978
nucS; endonuclease [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.009 0.263 0.974 0.999
nudB, ntpA; dihydroneopterin triphosphate diphosphatase [EC:] 0.021 0.157 0.895 0.999
nudE; ADP-ribose diphosphatase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.186 0.193 0.336 0.978
nudF; ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.132 0.051 0.010 0.839
nudG; (d)CTP diphosphatase [EC:] 0.243 0.601 0.686 0.999
nudH; putative (di)nucleoside polyphosphate hydrolase [EC:3.6.1.-] -0.062 0.141 0.661 0.999
nudI; nucleoside triphosphatase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.270 0.651 0.679 0.999
nudJ; phosphatase NudJ [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
nudK; GDP-mannose pyrophosphatase NudK [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.196 0.645 0.761 0.999
NUDT14; UDP-sugar diphosphatase [EC:] -0.428 0.802 0.595 0.999
NUDT2; bis(5’-nucleosidyl)-tetraphosphatase [EC:] 2.332 2.008 0.247 0.978
nuoA; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit A [EC:] -0.201 0.101 0.048 0.839
nuoB; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit B [EC:] -0.215 0.099 0.031 0.839
nuoC; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit C [EC:] -0.324 0.186 0.083 0.867
nuoCD; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit C/D [EC:] -0.119 0.152 0.435 0.978
nuoD; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit D [EC:] -0.353 0.183 0.055 0.839
nuoE; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit E [EC:] -0.126 0.118 0.287 0.978
nuoF; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit F [EC:] -0.097 0.129 0.453 0.978
nuoG; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit G [EC:] -0.008 0.099 0.937 0.999
nuoH; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit H [EC:] -0.213 0.100 0.036 0.839
nuoI; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit I [EC:] -0.191 0.099 0.056 0.839
nuoJ; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit J [EC:] -0.208 0.099 0.037 0.839
nuoK; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit K [EC:] -0.195 0.103 0.060 0.839
nuoL; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit L [EC:] -0.217 0.101 0.034 0.839
nuoM; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit M [EC:] -0.211 0.100 0.038 0.839
nuoN; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit N [EC:] -0.209 0.100 0.038 0.839
nupC; nucleoside transport protein -0.492 0.455 0.281 0.978
nupG; MFS transporter, NHS family, nucleoside permease -0.178 0.263 0.499 0.981
nupX; nucleoside permease -1.154 1.507 0.445 0.978
nusA; N utilization substance protein A 0.036 0.036 0.323 0.978
nusB; N utilization substance protein B 0.029 0.037 0.431 0.978
nusG; transcriptional antiterminator NusG 0.029 0.036 0.416 0.978
nylA; 6-aminohexanoate-cyclic-dimer hydrolase [EC:] -1.596 1.095 0.147 0.954
nylB; 6-aminohexanoate-oligomer exohydrolase [EC:] -0.966 0.454 0.035 0.839
oadA; oxaloacetate decarboxylase, alpha subunit [EC:] 0.302 0.172 0.081 0.864
oadB; oxaloacetate decarboxylase, beta subunit [EC:] 0.257 0.187 0.172 0.961
oadG; oxaloacetate decarboxylase, gamma subunit [EC:] -0.286 0.437 0.513 0.982
oapA; opacity associated protein 0.205 0.358 0.567 0.995
obgE, cgtA; GTPase [EC:3.6.5.-] 0.035 0.033 0.290 0.978
occM, nocM; octopine/nopaline transport system permease protein -0.721 0.837 0.390 0.978
occP, nocP; octopine/nopaline transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.711 0.818 0.386 0.978
occQ, nocQ; octopine/nopaline transport system permease protein -0.670 0.869 0.442 0.978
occT, nocT; octopine/nopaline transport system substrate-binding protein -1.924 1.625 0.238 0.978
odh; opine dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.323 0.612 0.599 0.999
ofaA, arfA; arthrofactin-type cyclic lipopeptide synthetase A -0.274 0.663 0.680 0.999
ofaB, arfB; arthrofactin-type cyclic lipopeptide synthetase B -0.224 0.682 0.743 0.999
ofaC, arfC; arthrofactin-type cyclic lipopeptide synthetase C -0.202 0.692 0.771 0.999
OGDH, sucA; 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase E1 component [EC:] -0.096 0.112 0.396 0.978
OGG1; N-glycosylase/DNA lyase [EC:3.2.2.-] 0.327 0.342 0.340 0.978
ogl; oligogalacturonide lyase [EC:] -0.978 0.757 0.198 0.970
ogt, MGMT; methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.017 0.042 0.688 0.999
ohyA, sph; oleate hydratase [EC:] 0.140 0.243 0.566 0.995
oleC4; oleandomycin transport system ATP-binding protein 0.062 0.971 0.949 0.999
oleC5; oleandomycin transport system permease protein 0.148 0.697 0.833 0.999
omp31; outer membrane immunogenic protein -0.987 0.416 0.019 0.839
ompC; outer membrane pore protein C 0.129 0.613 0.834 0.999
ompF; outer membrane pore protein F 0.129 0.597 0.829 0.999
ompG; outer membrane protein G -0.285 0.754 0.707 0.999
ompN; outer membrane protein N 0.108 0.641 0.866 0.999
ompR; two-component system, OmpR family, phosphate regulon response regulator OmpR -0.181 0.248 0.466 0.979
ompT; omptin [EC:] -0.752 1.230 0.542 0.990
ompU; outer membrane protein OmpU 0.066 0.819 0.936 0.999
ompW; outer membrane protein -0.112 0.211 0.598 0.999
ompX; outer membrane protein X -0.141 0.276 0.610 0.999
OPLAH, OXP1, oplAH; 5-oxoprolinase (ATP-hydrolysing) [EC:] -1.424 0.725 0.051 0.839
opmD; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system -17.335 3236.897 0.996 0.999
opmE; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 1.117 1.359 0.412 0.978
oppA, mppA; oligopeptide transport system substrate-binding protein -0.071 0.130 0.584 0.999
oppB; oligopeptide transport system permease protein -0.022 0.101 0.827 0.999
oppC; oligopeptide transport system permease protein -0.027 0.101 0.787 0.999
oppD; oligopeptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.009 0.098 0.926 0.999
oppF; oligopeptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.001 0.129 0.994 0.999
oprB; porin -0.122 0.272 0.654 0.999
oprC, opcM; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system -0.479 0.499 0.339 0.978
oprD; imipenem/basic amino acid-specific outer membrane pore [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.462 0.330 0.163 0.957
oprJ; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 1.082 1.460 0.460 0.979
oprM, emhC, ttgC, cusC, adeK, smeF, mtrE, cmeC, gesC; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system -0.092 0.208 0.659 0.999
oprN; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.204 0.337 0.545 0.990
oprO_P; phosphate-selective porin OprO and OprP 0.001 0.254 0.996 0.999
opsX; heptosyltransferase I [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.125 0.268 0.643 0.999
opuA; osmoprotectant transport system ATP-binding protein 0.078 0.077 0.311 0.978
opuBD; osmoprotectant transport system permease protein 0.053 0.077 0.488 0.979
opuC; osmoprotectant transport system substrate-binding protein 0.055 0.171 0.747 0.999
opuD, betL; glycine betaine transporter -0.214 0.313 0.494 0.981
oqxA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.048 0.426 0.910 0.999
oqxB; multidrug efflux pump 0.028 0.431 0.949 0.999
oqxR; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, repressor of oqxAB 0.594 0.664 0.372 0.978
oraE; D-ornithine 4,5-aminomutase subunit beta [EC:] 1.010 0.506 0.048 0.839
oraS; D-ornithine 4,5-aminomutase subunit alpha [EC:] 1.010 0.506 0.048 0.839
orn, REX2, REXO2; oligoribonuclease [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.058 0.120 0.631 0.999
osmB; osmotically inducible lipoprotein OsmB 0.195 0.269 0.471 0.979
osmC; osmotically inducible protein OsmC -0.099 0.219 0.653 0.999
osmE; osmotically inducible lipoprotein OsmE 0.434 0.310 0.164 0.957
osmY; hyperosmotically inducible periplasmic protein 0.091 0.228 0.689 0.999
ospF, mkaD, spvC; phosphothreonine lyase [EC:4.2.3.-] 18.932 3654.080 0.996 0.999
OTC, argF, argI; ornithine carbamoyltransferase [EC:] 0.085 0.061 0.167 0.961
otsA; trehalose 6-phosphate synthase [EC:] -0.374 0.254 0.144 0.951
otsB; trehalose 6-phosphate phosphatase [EC:] -0.382 0.253 0.134 0.942
oxa; beta-lactamase class D [EC:] -1.951 0.853 0.024 0.839
oxc; oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase [EC:] 0.469 0.679 0.491 0.980
OXCT; 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase [EC:] -0.584 0.736 0.428 0.978
oxdA; aldoxime dehydratase [EC:] -1.122 0.876 0.202 0.972
oxdD; oxalate decarboxylase [EC:] -0.761 0.844 0.368 0.978
oxlT; MFS transporter, OFA family, oxalate/formate antiporter -0.055 0.188 0.770 0.999
oxyR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, hydrogen peroxide-inducible genes activator -0.125 0.099 0.208 0.977
p19, ftrA; periplasmic iron binding protein 0.718 0.216 0.001 0.839
P4HA; prolyl 4-hydroxylase [EC:] -0.815 0.437 0.064 0.839
paaA; ring-1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase subunit PaaA [EC:] -0.284 0.280 0.312 0.978
paaB; ring-1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase subunit PaaB -0.256 0.283 0.366 0.978
paaC; ring-1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase subunit PaaC [EC:] -0.238 0.281 0.398 0.978
paaD; ring-1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase subunit PaaD -0.256 0.283 0.366 0.978
paaE; ring-1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase subunit PaaE -0.062 0.251 0.806 0.999
paaF, echA; enoyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] -0.384 0.243 0.116 0.917
paaG; 2-(1,2-epoxy-1,2-dihydrophenyl)acetyl-CoA isomerase [EC:] -0.588 0.253 0.021 0.839
paaH, hbd, fadB, mmgB; 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.061 0.161 0.705 0.999
paaI; acyl-CoA thioesterase [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.019 0.097 0.849 0.999
paaJ; 3-oxo-5,6-didehydrosuberyl-CoA/3-oxoadipyl-CoA thiolase [EC:] -0.063 0.582 0.915 0.999
paaK; phenylacetate-CoA ligase [EC:] -0.381 0.216 0.079 0.859
paaX; phenylacetic acid degradation operon negative regulatory protein -0.387 0.307 0.208 0.977
paaY; phenylacetic acid degradation protein 0.118 0.363 0.746 0.999
paaZ; oxepin-CoA hydrolase / 3-oxo-5,6-dehydrosuberyl-CoA semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.108 0.321 0.737 0.999
pabA; para-aminobenzoate synthetase component II [EC:] 0.181 0.159 0.255 0.978
pabAB; para-aminobenzoate synthetase [EC:] -0.132 0.309 0.670 0.999
pabB; para-aminobenzoate synthetase component I [EC:] 0.023 0.118 0.843 0.999
pabBC; para-aminobenzoate synthetase / 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase [EC:] -0.174 0.168 0.302 0.978
pabC; 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase [EC:] 0.062 0.104 0.553 0.992
padR; PadR family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein PadR -0.091 0.118 0.442 0.978
pafA; proteasome accessory factor A [EC:] -0.002 0.259 0.994 0.999
pafB; proteasome accessory factor B 0.078 0.292 0.790 0.999
pafC; proteasome accessory factor C -0.097 0.277 0.725 0.999
pagC; putatice virulence related protein PagC -0.534 1.027 0.604 0.999
pagL; lipid A 3-O-deacylase [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.288 0.324 0.374 0.978
pagO; putative membrane protein PagO 0.055 1.009 0.957 0.999
pagP, crcA; lipid IVA palmitoyltransferase [EC:] 0.134 0.529 0.800 0.999
paiB; transcriptional regulator -0.230 0.207 0.268 0.978
pal; peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein -0.089 0.146 0.540 0.990
PAL; phenylalanine ammonia-lyase [EC:] 1.419 0.994 0.155 0.954
PAM, PHM; peptidylglycine monooxygenase [EC:] 1.559 1.305 0.234 0.978
panB; 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase [EC:] -0.199 0.083 0.017 0.839
panC; pantoate–beta-alanine ligase [EC:] -0.121 0.072 0.094 0.894
panD; aspartate 1-decarboxylase [EC:] -0.237 0.111 0.035 0.839
panE, apbA; 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase [EC:] 0.044 0.090 0.621 0.999
panF; sodium/pantothenate symporter 0.326 0.215 0.131 0.941
parA, soj; chromosome partitioning protein -0.071 0.070 0.313 0.978
parB, spo0J; chromosome partitioning protein, ParB family -0.080 0.064 0.213 0.978
parC; topoisomerase IV subunit A [EC:5.99.1.-] -0.046 0.054 0.396 0.978
parD1_3_4; antitoxin ParD1/3/4 -0.585 0.399 0.145 0.951
parE; topoisomerase IV subunit B [EC:5.99.1.-] -0.043 0.054 0.423 0.978
parE1_3_4; toxin ParE1/3/4 -0.613 0.365 0.095 0.896
parM; plasmid segregation protein ParM -0.991 0.496 0.047 0.839
PARP; poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase [EC:] -0.259 0.965 0.788 0.999
parR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ParR -0.229 0.402 0.570 0.995
PARS, proS; prolyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.027 0.032 0.406 0.978
parS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor kinase ParS [EC:] -0.229 0.402 0.570 0.995
PAT, AAT; bifunctional aspartate aminotransferase and glutamate/aspartate-prephenate aminotransferase [EC:] -0.816 1.161 0.483 0.979
pat; phosphinothricin acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.036 0.053 0.496 0.981
patA, rscA, lmrC, satA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.037 0.161 0.817 0.999
patA; aminotransferase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.128 0.165 0.440 0.978
patA; putrescine aminotransferase [EC:] -0.197 0.592 0.740 0.999
patB, malY; cystathione beta-lyase [EC:] 0.097 0.094 0.304 0.978
patB, rscB, lmrC, satB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump 0.037 0.161 0.816 0.999
pbp1b; penicillin-binding protein 1B -0.007 0.136 0.961 0.999
pbp2A; penicillin-binding protein 2A [EC:] 0.088 0.144 0.542 0.990
pbp2B, penA; penicillin-binding protein 2B -0.041 0.170 0.811 0.999
pbp2X; penicillin-binding protein 2X -0.019 0.173 0.915 0.999
pbp3; penicillin-binding protein 3 [EC:3.4.-.-] -0.234 0.817 0.775 0.999
pbp5, pbp4, pbp3; penicillin-binding protein -0.018 0.440 0.967 0.999
pbpA; penicillin-binding protein 1 [EC:3.4.-.-] -0.237 0.786 0.763 0.999
pbpA; penicillin-binding protein A -0.062 0.238 0.794 0.999
pbpB; penicillin-binding protein 2B 0.056 0.248 0.823 0.999
pbpC; penicillin-binding protein 1C [EC:] 0.128 0.177 0.470 0.979
pbpD; penicillin-binding protein 4 [EC:] -0.707 1.201 0.557 0.992
pbpG; serine-type D-Ala-D-Ala endopeptidase (penicillin-binding protein 7) [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.066 0.184 0.721 0.999
pbuE; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, purine base/nucleoside efflux pump -0.859 1.033 0.407 0.978
pbuG; putative MFS transporter, AGZA family, xanthine/uracil permease 0.162 0.058 0.006 0.839
pbuX; xanthine permease 0.047 0.129 0.716 0.999
PC, pyc; pyruvate carboxylase [EC:] -0.061 0.174 0.727 0.999
pcaB; 3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate cycloisomerase [EC:] -0.187 0.347 0.592 0.999
pcaC; 4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase [EC:] -0.229 0.163 0.162 0.957
pcaD; 3-oxoadipate enol-lactonase [EC:] -0.164 0.234 0.485 0.979
pcaF; 3-oxoadipyl-CoA thiolase [EC:] 0.057 0.342 0.867 0.999
pcaG; protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase, alpha subunit [EC:] -0.100 0.253 0.693 0.999
pcaH; protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase, beta subunit [EC:] -0.105 0.252 0.677 0.999
pcaI; 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase, alpha subunit [EC:] -0.301 0.356 0.399 0.978
pcaJ; 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase, beta subunit [EC:] -0.308 0.355 0.386 0.978
pcaK; MFS transporter, AAHS family, 4-hydroxybenzoate transporter -0.038 0.292 0.897 0.999
pcaL; 3-oxoadipate enol-lactonase / 4-carboxymuconolactone decarboxylase [EC:] -1.117 0.625 0.076 0.855
pcaQ; LysR family transcriptional regulator, pca operon transcriptional activator 0.248 0.325 0.447 0.978
pcaR; IclR family transcriptional regulator, pca regulon regulatory protein -0.202 0.259 0.438 0.978
pcaT; MFS transporter, MHS family, dicarboxylic acid transporter PcaT -0.018 0.452 0.969 0.999
PCBD, phhB; 4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin dehydratase [EC:] -0.261 0.196 0.186 0.966
PCCA, pccA; propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha chain [EC:] -1.083 0.381 0.005 0.839
pccA; periplasmic copper chaperone A -0.129 0.196 0.513 0.982
PCCB, pccB; propionyl-CoA carboxylase beta chain [EC:] -0.447 0.211 0.036 0.839
pchA; salicylate biosynthesis isochorismate synthase [EC:] -1.047 1.651 0.527 0.989
pchB; isochorismate pyruvate lyase [EC:] -0.183 0.290 0.529 0.989
pchC; pyochelin biosynthetic protein PchC -17.794 4072.025 0.997 0.999
pchF; 4-cresol dehydrogenase (hydroxylating) flavoprotein subunit [EC:] 3.658 2.527 0.150 0.954
pchF; pyochelin synthetase -17.750 3249.062 0.996 0.999
pchR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of the genes for pyochelin and ferripyochelin receptors -0.290 0.988 0.770 0.999
PCNA; proliferating cell nuclear antigen -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
pcnB; poly(A) polymerase [EC:] -0.058 0.108 0.592 0.999
pcoB, copB; copper resistance protein B 0.015 0.247 0.950 0.999
pcoD; copper resistance protein D -0.326 0.254 0.200 0.971
pcp; pyroglutamyl-peptidase [EC:] 0.064 0.105 0.542 0.990
pcpB; pentachlorophenol monooxygenase [EC:] 0.704 0.921 0.445 0.978
pcrB; putative glycerol-1-phosphate prenyltransferase [EC:2.5.1.-] -0.852 0.453 0.062 0.839
pcs; phosphatidylcholine synthase [EC:] -0.063 0.290 0.829 0.999
pct; propionate CoA-transferase [EC:] -0.272 0.331 0.412 0.978
PCYT1; choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] -0.283 0.428 0.509 0.981
pdaA; peptidoglycan-N-acetylmuramic acid deacetylase [EC:3.5.1.-] -0.996 0.535 0.065 0.839
pdaD; arginine decarboxylase [EC:] -0.267 0.597 0.655 0.999
PDC, pdc; pyruvate decarboxylase [EC:] -17.148 2948.067 0.995 0.999
pdc; phenolic acid decarboxylase [EC:4.1.1.-] 0.163 0.700 0.817 0.999
PDCD5, TFAR19; programmed cell death protein 5 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
pdeA; c-di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase [EC:] -0.499 0.897 0.579 0.997
PDF, def; peptide deformylase [EC:] 0.010 0.047 0.830 0.999
pdh; phenylalanine dehydrogenase [EC:] -2.184 1.411 0.124 0.919
PDHA, pdhA; pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component alpha subunit [EC:] -0.075 0.092 0.415 0.978
PDHB, pdhB; pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component beta subunit [EC:] -0.071 0.092 0.438 0.978
pdhR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional repressor for pyruvate dehydrogenase complex -0.083 0.203 0.683 0.999
pdla; 4-pyridoxolactonase [EC:] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
pdp; pyrimidine-nucleoside phosphorylase [EC:] 0.034 0.109 0.758 0.999
pdtaS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase PdtaS [EC:] 0.184 0.130 0.159 0.954
pduC; propanediol dehydratase large subunit [EC:] 0.268 0.250 0.286 0.978
pduD; propanediol dehydratase medium subunit [EC:] 0.295 0.251 0.242 0.978
pduE; propanediol dehydratase small subunit [EC:] 0.268 0.250 0.286 0.978
pduL; phosphate propanoyltransferase [EC:] 0.264 0.264 0.319 0.978
pduP; propionaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.263 0.244 0.282 0.978
pduQ; 1-propanol dehydrogenase 0.265 0.261 0.310 0.978
pduW; propionate kinase [EC:] -0.251 1.170 0.830 0.999
pduX; L-threonine kinase [EC:] 0.204 0.242 0.402 0.978
pdxA; 4-hydroxythreonine-4-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.116 0.099 0.243 0.978
pdxB; erythronate-4-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.002 0.191 0.993 0.999
pdxH, PNPO; pyridoxamine 5’-phosphate oxidase [EC:] -0.074 0.137 0.590 0.999
pdxJ; pyridoxine 5-phosphate synthase [EC:] -0.170 0.139 0.222 0.978
pdxK, pdxY; pyridoxine kinase [EC:] -0.009 0.060 0.876 0.999
pdxS, pdx1; pyridoxal 5’-phosphate synthase pdxS subunit [EC:] -0.077 0.113 0.498 0.981
pdxT, pdx2; 5’-phosphate synthase pdxT subunit [EC:] -0.233 0.117 0.049 0.839
pecM; probable blue pigment (indigoidine) exporter -0.785 0.468 0.096 0.896
pehX; exo-poly-alpha-galacturonosidase [EC:] -0.976 0.998 0.329 0.978
pel; pectate lyase [EC:] -0.783 0.643 0.225 0.978
pelC; pectate lyase C [EC:] 18.045 1898.825 0.992 0.999
PELO, DOM34, pelA; protein pelota -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
penM, pntM, CYP161C; pentalenolactone synthase [EC:] 17.848 2439.579 0.994 0.999
penP; beta-lactamase class A [EC:] 0.020 0.148 0.894 0.999
PEO1; twinkle protein [EC:] -1.754 1.128 0.122 0.919
pep2; maltokinase [EC:] -0.231 0.393 0.558 0.992
pepA; glutamyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.011 0.153 0.942 0.999
pepB; PepB aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.241 0.306 0.431 0.978
pepD; dipeptidase D [EC:3.4.13.-] 0.239 0.165 0.150 0.954
pepD; putative serine protease PepD [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.064 0.241 0.789 0.999
pepDA, pepDB; dipeptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.255 0.304 0.402 0.978
pepE; dipeptidase E [EC:] 0.197 0.155 0.205 0.972
pepF, pepB; oligoendopeptidase F [EC:3.4.24.-] -0.013 0.092 0.889 0.999
pepM; phosphoenolpyruvate phosphomutase [EC:] -0.144 0.499 0.773 0.999
pepN; aminopeptidase N [EC:] -0.004 0.083 0.965 0.999
pepO; putative endopeptidase [EC:3.4.24.-] -0.032 0.103 0.753 0.999
pepP; Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.041 0.043 0.347 0.978
pepQ; Xaa-Pro dipeptidase [EC:] 0.001 0.088 0.995 0.999
pepT; tripeptide aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.052 0.089 0.560 0.992
pepX; X-Pro dipeptidyl-peptidase [EC:] -0.007 0.158 0.965 0.999
per, rfbE; perosamine synthetase [EC:] -0.945 0.904 0.298 0.978
perM; putative permease 0.212 0.212 0.320 0.978
perR; Fur family transcriptional regulator, peroxide stress response regulator 0.151 0.098 0.125 0.923
petC; cytochrome b6-f complex iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] -1.715 1.535 0.265 0.978
petF; ferredoxin -0.445 1.371 0.746 0.999
pezA; HTH-type transcriptional regulator / antitoxin PezA -0.188 0.233 0.421 0.978
pezT; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine kinase [EC:] -0.119 0.219 0.587 0.999
pfbA; plasmin and fibronectin-binding protein A -0.032 0.687 0.963 0.999
pfdA, PFDN5; prefoldin alpha subunit -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
pfdB, PFDN6; prefoldin beta subunit -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
pfeR, pirR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator PfeR 0.601 0.361 0.098 0.896
pfeS, pirS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase PfeS [EC:] 0.601 0.361 0.098 0.896
pfkA, PFK; 6-phosphofructokinase 1 [EC:] 0.066 0.082 0.420 0.978
pfkB; 6-phosphofructokinase 2 [EC:] -1.273 0.551 0.022 0.839
pfkC; ADP-dependent phosphofructokinase/glucokinase [EC:] 0.426 0.829 0.609 0.999
pflA, pflC, pflE; pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme [EC:] 0.083 0.096 0.389 0.978
pflX; putative pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme [EC:] 0.095 0.348 0.786 0.999
pfp, PFP; diphosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase [EC:] -0.222 0.215 0.303 0.978
pfpI; protease I [EC:] -0.184 0.181 0.311 0.978
pgaA; biofilm PGA synthesis protein PgaA -0.212 0.355 0.552 0.992
pgaB; poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine N-deacetylase [EC:3.5.1.-] -0.210 0.290 0.470 0.979
pgaC, icaA; poly-beta-1,6-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine synthase [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.355 0.287 0.219 0.978
pgaD; biofilm PGA synthesis protein PgaD -0.212 0.384 0.582 0.999
PGAM, gpmA; 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-dependent phosphoglycerate mutase [EC:] 0.112 0.087 0.204 0.972
PGD, gnd, gntZ; 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.017 0.061 0.782 0.999
pgi-pmi; glucose/mannose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] -1.130 1.377 0.413 0.978
pgi1; glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, archaeal [EC:] -1.636 0.858 0.058 0.839
PGK, pgk; phosphoglycerate kinase [EC:] 0.033 0.037 0.364 0.978
pgl; 6-phosphogluconolactonase [EC:] 0.083 0.132 0.531 0.990
pglA; N,N’-diacetylbacillosaminyl-diphospho-undecaprenol alpha-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.480 0.618 0.438 0.978
pglB; undecaprenyl-diphosphooligosaccharide—protein glycotransferase [EC:] 0.483 0.525 0.360 0.978
pglC; undecaprenyl phosphate N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 1-phosphate transferase [EC:] 0.475 0.616 0.442 0.978
pglD; UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.480 0.618 0.438 0.978
pglE; UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine transaminase [EC:] 0.480 0.618 0.438 0.978
pglF; UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.480 0.618 0.438 0.978
pglH; GalNAc-alpha-(1->4)-GalNAc-alpha-(1->3)-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol alpha-1,4-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.439 0.516 0.397 0.978
pglI; GalNAc5-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.051 0.670 0.939 0.999
pglJ; N-acetylgalactosamine-N,N’-diacetylbacillosaminyl-diphospho-undecaprenol 4-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.498 0.586 0.396 0.978
PGLS, pgl, devB; 6-phosphogluconolactonase [EC:] -0.043 0.106 0.682 0.999
pgm; phosphoglucomutase [EC:] 0.035 0.059 0.551 0.992
pgmB; beta-phosphoglucomutase [EC:] 0.447 0.291 0.126 0.927
pgpA; phosphatidylglycerophosphatase A [EC:] 0.245 0.147 0.098 0.896
pgpB; phosphatidylglycerophosphatase B [EC:] 0.053 0.256 0.836 0.999
pgpC; phosphatidylglycerophosphatase C [EC:] -0.060 0.383 0.876 0.999
PGRP; peptidoglycan recognition protein -0.766 0.729 0.295 0.978
pgsA, PGS1; CDP-diacylglycerol—glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] 0.092 0.043 0.035 0.839
pgtA; two-component system, NtrC family, phosphoglycerate transport system response regulator PgtA 0.657 0.981 0.504 0.981
pgtB; two-component system, NtrC family, phosphoglycerate transport system sensor histidine kinase PgtB [EC:] 0.657 0.981 0.504 0.981
pgtC; phosphoglycerate transport regulatory protein PgtC -0.251 1.170 0.830 0.999
pgtP; MFS transporter, OPA family, phosphoglycerate transporter protein -1.641 1.456 0.261 0.978
phaA; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit A -0.135 0.216 0.531 0.990
phaC; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit C -0.115 0.217 0.596 0.999
phaD; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit D -0.115 0.217 0.596 0.999
phaE; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit E -0.118 0.217 0.589 0.999
phaF; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit F -0.176 0.213 0.411 0.978
phaG; multicomponent K+:H+ antiporter subunit G -0.120 0.216 0.580 0.997
phaJ; enoyl-CoA hydratase [EC:] 17.680 2242.142 0.994 0.999
phaZ; poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase [EC:] -0.332 0.301 0.272 0.978
phbB; acetoacetyl-CoA reductase [EC:] -0.234 0.326 0.474 0.979
phbC, phaC; polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.124 0.207 0.551 0.992
phcA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, virulence genes transcriptional regulator -17.504 2478.325 0.994 0.999
phcB; extracellular factor (EF) 3-hydroxypalmitic acid methyl ester biosynthesis protein -3.034 3.672 0.410 0.978
phcQ; two-component system, probable response regulator PhcQ -3.034 3.672 0.410 0.978
phcR; two-component system, response regulator PhcR -17.405 2868.530 0.995 0.999
phcS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase PhcS [EC:] -3.034 3.672 0.410 0.978
phd; antitoxin Phd 0.652 0.577 0.260 0.978
phdE; cis-3,4-dihydrophenanthrene-3,4-diol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.884 1.140 0.439 0.978
phdF; extradiol dioxygenase [EC:1.13.11.-] -17.763 3362.856 0.996 0.999
pheA; chorismate mutase / prephenate dehydratase [EC:] 0.150 0.111 0.179 0.961
pheA1; chorismate mutase [EC:] -0.094 0.301 0.756 0.999
pheA2; prephenate dehydratase [EC:] -0.070 0.101 0.488 0.979
pheB; chorismate mutase [EC:] 0.144 0.152 0.345 0.978
pheC; cyclohexadienyl dehydratase [EC:] -0.899 0.479 0.062 0.839
pheP; phenylalanine-specific permease -0.241 0.701 0.732 0.999
phhA, PAH; phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase [EC:] -0.087 0.234 0.712 0.999
PHKA_B; phosphorylase kinase alpha/beta subunit -2.599 2.089 0.215 0.978
phlD; phloroglucinol synthase [EC:] -0.173 0.963 0.858 0.999
phnA; phosphonoacetate hydrolase [EC:] -0.535 0.942 0.571 0.995
phnA; protein PhnA -0.001 0.082 0.989 0.999
phnB; PhnB protein -0.070 0.127 0.583 0.999
phnC; phosphonate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.158 0.164 0.339 0.978
phnD; phosphonate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.094 0.156 0.547 0.991
phnE; phosphonate transport system permease protein 0.112 0.162 0.490 0.979
phnF; GntR family transcriptional regulator, phosphonate transport system regulatory protein -1.056 0.445 0.019 0.839
phnG; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase subunit PhnG [EC:] -0.970 0.443 0.030 0.839
phnH; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase subunit PhnH [EC:] -0.966 0.444 0.031 0.839
phnI; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase subunit PhnI [EC:] -0.970 0.443 0.030 0.839
phnJ; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-phosphate C-P lyase [EC:] -0.970 0.443 0.030 0.839
phnK; putative phosphonate transport system ATP-binding protein -0.970 0.443 0.030 0.839
phnL; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate synthase subunit PhnL [EC:] -0.964 0.445 0.032 0.839
phnM; alpha-D-ribose 1-methylphosphonate 5-triphosphate diphosphatase [EC:] -1.074 0.403 0.009 0.839
phnN; ribose 1,5-bisphosphokinase [EC:] -0.143 0.275 0.605 0.999
phnO; aminoalkylphosphonate N-acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.685 0.723 0.345 0.978
phnP; phosphoribosyl 1,2-cyclic phosphate phosphodiesterase [EC:] -0.367 0.169 0.032 0.839
phnS; 2-aminoethylphosphonate transport system substrate-binding protein -0.464 1.200 0.700 0.999
phnT; 2-aminoethylphosphonate transport system ATP-binding protein -0.464 1.200 0.700 0.999
phnU; 2-aminoethylphosphonate transport system permease protein -0.464 1.200 0.700 0.999
phnV; 2-aminoethylphosphonate transport system permease protein -0.440 1.101 0.690 0.999
phnW; 2-aminoethylphosphonate-pyruvate transaminase [EC:] -0.337 0.304 0.269 0.978
phnX; phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase [EC:] -0.237 0.318 0.457 0.979
PHO; acid phosphatase [EC:] -0.203 0.374 0.587 0.999
phoB; two-component system, OmpR family, phosphate regulon response regulator PhoB -0.181 0.179 0.314 0.978
phoB1, phoP; two-component system, OmpR family, alkaline phosphatase synthesis response regulator PhoP -0.087 0.147 0.552 0.992
phoD; alkaline phosphatase D [EC:] -0.191 0.213 0.372 0.978
phoE; outer membrane pore protein E 0.107 0.627 0.865 0.999
phoH, phoL; phosphate starvation-inducible protein PhoH and related proteins -0.008 0.042 0.842 0.999
phoH2; PhoH-like ATPase -0.146 0.187 0.437 0.978
phoN; acid phosphatase (class A) [EC:] -0.055 0.228 0.811 0.999
phoP; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator PhoP 0.098 0.258 0.703 0.999
phoQ; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase PhoQ [EC:] 0.121 0.249 0.629 0.999
phoR; two-component system, OmpR family, phosphate regulon sensor histidine kinase PhoR [EC:] -0.190 0.085 0.027 0.839
phoU; phosphate transport system protein -0.079 0.069 0.258 0.978
phrB; deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase [EC:] -0.153 0.173 0.377 0.978
phrE; phosphatase RapE regulator 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
phsA, psrA; thiosulfate reductase / polysulfide reductase chain A [EC:] 0.494 0.590 0.403 0.978
phsB; thiosulfate reductase electron transport protein -1.134 1.333 0.396 0.978
phsC; thiosulfate reductase cytochrome b subunit -1.134 1.333 0.396 0.978
pht5; 4,5-dihydroxyphthalate decarboxylase [EC:] -1.618 1.105 0.145 0.951
PHYH; phytanoyl-CoA hydroxylase [EC:] -0.282 1.106 0.799 0.999
phzE; 2-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase [EC:] 0.045 0.862 0.958 0.999
phzF; trans-2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxyanthranilate isomerase [EC:] -1.240 0.497 0.014 0.839
pigA, hemO; heme oxygenase (biliverdin-IX-beta and delta-forming) [EC:] -0.038 0.229 0.869 0.999
PIGB; phosphatidylinositol glycan, class B [EC:2.4.1.-] -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
pilA; type IV pilus assembly protein PilA -0.015 0.199 0.940 0.999
pilB; type IV pilus assembly protein PilB 0.171 0.110 0.121 0.919
pilC; type IV pilus assembly protein PilC 0.113 0.098 0.250 0.978
pilD, pppA; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] 0.163 0.083 0.052 0.839
pilE; type IV pilus assembly protein PilE 0.011 0.190 0.953 0.999
pilF; type IV pilus assembly protein PilF 0.085 0.161 0.598 0.999
pilG; twitching motility two-component system response regulator PilG -0.013 0.221 0.952 0.999
pilH; twitching motility two-component system response regulator PilH -0.027 0.245 0.913 0.999
pilI; twitching motility protein PilI -0.010 0.221 0.964 0.999
pilJ; twitching motility protein PilJ -0.027 0.220 0.903 0.999
pilK; type IV pilus assembly protein PilK 0.684 0.464 0.142 0.951
pilL; type IV pili sensor histidine kinase and response regulator -0.130 0.561 0.818 0.999
pilM; type IV pilus assembly protein PilM -0.067 0.173 0.700 0.999
pilN; type IV pilus assembly protein PilN 0.018 0.188 0.924 0.999
pilO; type IV pilus assembly protein PilO 0.000 0.176 0.998 1.000
pilP; type IV pilus assembly protein PilP 0.146 0.200 0.466 0.979
pilQ; type IV pilus assembly protein PilQ 0.030 0.168 0.856 0.999
pilR, pehR; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator PilR 0.017 0.212 0.937 0.999
pilS, pehS; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase PilS [EC:] 0.014 0.216 0.950 0.999
pilT; twitching motility protein PilT 0.071 0.097 0.466 0.979
pilU; twitching motility protein PilU -0.019 0.234 0.936 0.999
pilV; type IV pilus assembly protein PilV 0.023 0.214 0.915 0.999
pilW; type IV pilus assembly protein PilW 0.033 0.200 0.869 0.999
pilX; type IV pilus assembly protein PilX 0.084 0.222 0.705 0.999
pilY1; type IV pilus assembly protein PilY1 -0.017 0.246 0.945 0.999
pilZ; type IV pilus assembly protein PilZ 0.034 0.217 0.877 0.999
pimA; phosphatidyl-myo-inositol alpha-mannosyltransferase [EC:] -0.043 0.282 0.878 0.999
pimB; phosphatidyl-myo-inositol dimannoside synthase [EC:] -0.236 0.411 0.567 0.995
pimC; alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.176 0.276 0.526 0.989
pimE; alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -2.640 1.222 0.032 0.839
pimF; putative glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.-.-] -1.141 1.688 0.500 0.981
pinR; putative DNA-invertase from lambdoid prophage Rac -0.241 0.649 0.711 0.999
pip; proline iminopeptidase [EC:] -0.012 0.147 0.936 0.999
PIP5K; 1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase [EC:] 18.478 3342.830 0.996 0.999
pit; low-affinity inorganic phosphate transporter 0.200 0.299 0.505 0.981
PITRM1, PreP, CYM1; presequence protease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.142 0.178 0.427 0.978
PK, pyk; pyruvate kinase [EC:] 0.055 0.030 0.063 0.839
pknG; serine/threonine-protein kinase PknG [EC:] -0.672 0.650 0.303 0.978
pks12; polyketide synthase 12 -18.098 3949.754 0.996 0.999
pks13; polyketide synthase 13 -0.698 0.752 0.355 0.978
pks5; polyketide synthase 5 -2.695 1.434 0.062 0.839
pksD; bacillaene synthase trans-acting acyltransferase -1.624 2.294 0.480 0.979
pksE; trans-AT polyketide synthase, acyltransferase and oxidoreductase domains -0.133 0.664 0.842 0.999
pksF; malonyl-ACP decarboxylase -0.931 1.781 0.602 0.999
pksG; polyketide biosynthesis 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase-like enzyme PksG -0.931 1.781 0.602 0.999
pksH; polyketide biosynthesis enoyl-CoA hydratase PksH -0.931 1.781 0.602 0.999
pksI; polyketide biosynthesis enoyl-CoA hydratase PksI -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
pksJ; polyketide synthase PksJ -0.169 0.700 0.810 0.999
pksL; polyketide synthase PksL 0.862 1.172 0.463 0.979
pksM; polyketide synthase PksM -0.145 0.723 0.842 0.999
pksN; polyketide synthase PksN 18.440 3011.936 0.995 0.999
pksS; cytochrome P450 PksS -1.768 1.095 0.108 0.917
pla; plasminogen activator [EC:] 2.018 1.029 0.052 0.839
plc, cpa; phospholipase C / alpha-toxin [EC:] 5.007 6.589 0.448 0.978
plc; 1-phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase [EC:] -1.530 0.813 0.062 0.839
plc; phospholipase C [EC:] -0.321 0.293 0.275 0.978
PLD1_2; phospholipase D1/2 [EC:] -2.514 1.599 0.118 0.917
pldA; phospholipase A1/A2 [EC:] -0.106 0.217 0.624 0.999
pldB; lysophospholipase [EC:] -0.484 0.242 0.047 0.839
pldh; pyridoxal 4-dehydrogenase [EC:] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
pleC; two-component system, cell cycle sensor histidine kinase PleC [EC:] -1.410 0.565 0.014 0.839
pleD; two-component system, cell cycle response regulator [EC:] -1.084 0.510 0.035 0.839
plsB; glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase [EC:] 0.042 0.173 0.807 0.999
plsC; 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase [EC:] -0.017 0.035 0.632 0.999
plsX; glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX [EC:] 0.087 0.054 0.110 0.917
plsY; glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsY [EC:] 0.068 0.057 0.234 0.978
plyA; polysaccharidase protein -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
PM20D1; carboxypeptidase PM20D1 [EC:3.4.17.-] -0.574 0.491 0.243 0.978
PMA1, PMA2; H+-transporting ATPase [EC:] -0.022 0.858 0.979 0.999
pmbA; PmbA protein -0.051 0.146 0.726 0.999
pmm-pgm; phosphomannomutase / phosphoglucomutase [EC:] -0.058 0.201 0.774 0.999
pmmS; 2-phosphinomethylmalate synthase [EC:] -17.228 3068.640 0.996 0.999
pmoA-amoA; methane/ammonia monooxygenase subunit A [EC:] -17.996 3175.764 0.995 0.999
pmoB-amoB; methane/ammonia monooxygenase subunit B -17.996 3175.764 0.995 0.999
pmoC-amoC; methane/ammonia monooxygenase subunit C -17.379 2414.057 0.994 0.999
pmrD; signal transduction protein PmrD -1.244 1.220 0.309 0.978
pmtA; phosphatidylethanolamine/phosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine N-methyltransferase [EC:] -1.322 0.651 0.044 0.839
pnbA; para-nitrobenzyl esterase [EC:3.1.1.-] -0.709 0.334 0.035 0.839
PNC1; nicotinamidase [EC:] 0.282 0.536 0.600 0.999
pncA; nicotinamidase/pyrazinamidase [EC: 3.5.1.-] -0.097 0.109 0.375 0.978
pncB, NAPRT1; nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.034 0.039 0.391 0.978
pncC; nicotinamide-nucleotide amidase [EC:] 0.041 0.051 0.416 0.978
pno; pyridoxine 4-oxidase [EC:] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
pnp, PNPT1; polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase [EC:] 0.018 0.044 0.693 0.999
pntA; NAD(P) transhydrogenase subunit alpha [EC:] -0.122 0.144 0.396 0.978
pntB; NAD(P) transhydrogenase subunit beta [EC:] -0.094 0.151 0.533 0.990
pnuC; nicotinamide mononucleotide transporter -0.009 0.078 0.905 0.999
pobA; p-hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase [EC:] -0.240 0.269 0.373 0.978
pobR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional activator of pobA -0.095 0.295 0.749 0.999
podJ; localization factor PodJL -1.360 0.578 0.020 0.839
pok; pantoate kinase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
pol; DNA polymerase, archaea type [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
polA; DNA polymerase I [EC:] 0.025 0.037 0.498 0.981
polB; DNA polymerase II [EC:] 0.212 0.288 0.462 0.979
polB; DNA polymerase II small subunit [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
polC; DNA polymerase II large subunit [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
polC; DNA polymerase III subunit alpha, Gram-positive type [EC:] 0.178 0.099 0.076 0.855
POLRMT, RPO41; DNA-directed RNA polymerase, mitochondrial [EC:] -0.229 1.513 0.880 0.999
polX, dpx; DNA polymerase (family X) -0.885 0.396 0.027 0.839
POMT, pmt; dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase [EC:] -0.042 0.671 0.950 0.999
POP2; 4-aminobutyrate—pyruvate transaminase [EC:] -1.359 0.792 0.088 0.880
POP4, RPP29; ribonuclease P protein subunit POP4 [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
popA; two-component system, cell cycle response regulator PopA -0.576 0.864 0.506 0.981
por, nifJ; pyruvate-ferredoxin/flavodoxin oxidoreductase [EC: 1.2.7.-] 0.490 0.232 0.037 0.839
porA; pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase alpha subunit [EC:] -0.534 0.545 0.329 0.978
porB; pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase beta subunit [EC:] -0.480 0.598 0.424 0.978
porD; pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase delta subunit [EC:] 0.713 1.177 0.545 0.990
porG; pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase gamma subunit [EC:] -0.320 0.514 0.535 0.990
potA; spermidine/putrescine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.085 0.092 0.355 0.978
potB; spermidine/putrescine transport system permease protein 0.107 0.092 0.246 0.978
potC; spermidine/putrescine transport system permease protein 0.123 0.098 0.212 0.978
potD; spermidine/putrescine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.113 0.092 0.221 0.978
potE; putrescine:ornithine antiporter 0.050 0.236 0.833 0.999
potF; putrescine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.181 0.259 0.485 0.979
potG; putrescine transport system ATP-binding protein -0.024 0.204 0.906 0.999
potH; putrescine transport system permease protein -0.030 0.203 0.884 0.999
potI; putrescine transport system permease protein -0.012 0.204 0.953 0.999
poxB; pyruvate dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] -0.099 0.224 0.658 0.999
ppa; inorganic pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.069 0.101 0.498 0.981
ppaC; manganese-dependent inorganic pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.136 0.093 0.145 0.951
ppaT; pyridoxamine—pyruvate transaminase [EC:] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
ppaX; pyrophosphatase PpaX [EC:] -0.762 0.582 0.192 0.970
ppc; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase [EC:] 0.015 0.070 0.828 0.999
PPCDC, coaC; phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase [EC:] -0.019 0.172 0.912 0.999
PPCS, COAB; phosphopantothenate—cysteine ligase (ATP) [EC:] -0.020 0.172 0.910 0.999
ppdA; prepilin peptidase dependent protein A 0.193 0.314 0.539 0.990
ppdB; prepilin peptidase dependent protein B 0.182 0.312 0.560 0.992
ppdC; prepilin peptidase dependent protein C 0.193 0.314 0.539 0.990
ppdD; prepilin peptidase dependent protein D 0.199 0.311 0.523 0.989
ppdK; pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase [EC:] -0.026 0.126 0.835 0.999
ppgK; polyphosphate glucokinase [EC:] 0.026 0.255 0.918 0.999
pphA; serine/threonine protein phosphatase 1 [EC:] 0.048 0.110 0.666 0.999
pphB; serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2 [EC:] -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
PPIA; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (cyclophilin A) [EC:] 0.020 0.082 0.803 0.999
PPIB, ppiB; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B (cyclophilin B) [EC:] 0.047 0.045 0.304 0.978
ppiC; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase C [EC:] 0.025 0.177 0.887 0.999
ppiD; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase D [EC:] 0.026 0.100 0.792 0.999
PPIL1; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase-like 1 [EC:] 1.495 1.571 0.343 0.978
ppk; polyphosphate kinase [EC:] -0.028 0.078 0.717 0.999
ppkA; serine/threonine-protein kinase PpkA [EC:] -0.265 0.631 0.675 0.999
ppnK, NADK; NAD+ kinase [EC:] 0.027 0.036 0.447 0.978
ppnN; pyrimidine/purine-5’-nucleotide nucleosidase [EC: 3.2.2.-] 0.026 0.068 0.701 0.999
ppnP; purine/pyrimidine-nucleoside phosphorylase [EC:] 0.020 0.234 0.931 0.999
PPOX, hemY; protoporphyrinogen/coproporphyrinogen III oxidase [EC:] -0.144 0.151 0.343 0.978
pps, ppsA; pyruvate, water dikinase [EC:] 0.022 0.087 0.797 0.999
ppsA; phthiocerol/phenolphthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase A -17.921 3534.051 0.996 0.999
ppsB; phthiocerol/phenolphthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase B -17.921 3534.051 0.996 0.999
ppsD; phthiocerol/phenolphthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase D -17.921 3534.051 0.996 0.999
ppsE; phthiocerol/phenolphthiocerol synthesis type-I polyketide synthase E -17.921 3534.051 0.996 0.999
ppsR; [pyruvate, water dikinase]-phosphate phosphotransferase / [pyruvate, water dikinase] kinase [EC:] -0.056 0.066 0.397 0.978
ppx-gppA; exopolyphosphatase / guanosine-5’-triphosphate,3’-diphosphate pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.144 0.080 0.076 0.855
pqiA; paraquat-inducible protein A 0.038 0.249 0.879 0.999
pqiB; paraquat-inducible protein B -0.012 0.270 0.966 0.999
pqqA; pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis protein A -0.910 0.952 0.340 0.978
pqqB; pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis protein B 0.041 0.287 0.887 0.999
pqqC; pyrroloquinoline-quinone synthase [EC:] 0.017 0.278 0.951 0.999
pqqD; pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis protein D 0.130 0.281 0.646 0.999
pqqE; pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthesis protein E 0.002 0.314 0.994 0.999
pqqL; zinc protease [EC:3.4.24.-] -0.107 0.137 0.435 0.978
praC, xylH; 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase [EC:] -0.027 0.095 0.779 0.999
prdA; D-proline reductase (dithiol) PrdA [EC:] -0.124 0.345 0.719 0.999
prdB; D-proline reductase (dithiol) PrdB [EC:] -0.199 0.357 0.578 0.997
prdD; D-proline reductase (dithiol)-stabilizing protein PrdD -0.124 0.345 0.719 0.999
prdE; D-proline reductase (dithiol)-stabilizing protein PrdE -0.124 0.345 0.719 0.999
prdF; proline racemase [EC:] -0.248 0.540 0.647 0.999
prdX, proX; Ala-tRNA(Pro) deacylase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.189 0.115 0.101 0.896
PRDX2_4, ahpC; peroxiredoxin (alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit C) [EC:] 0.072 0.055 0.195 0.970
PRDX5; peroxiredoxin 5, atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin [EC:] -17.770 4023.440 0.996 0.999
preA; dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (NAD+) subunit PreA [EC:] -0.282 0.284 0.323 0.978
PREP; prolyl oligopeptidase [EC:] -0.141 0.160 0.379 0.978
preT; dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (NAD+) subunit PreT [EC:] 1.003 0.698 0.153 0.954
prfA, MTRF1, MRF1; peptide chain release factor 1 0.035 0.036 0.325 0.978
prfB; peptide chain release factor 2 0.036 0.036 0.321 0.978
prfC; peptide chain release factor 3 -0.003 0.044 0.944 0.999
prfH; peptide chain release factor 0.288 0.348 0.410 0.978
PRHOXNB, URAD; 2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline decarboxylase [EC:] -0.672 0.641 0.296 0.978
priA; primosomal protein N’ (replication factor Y) (superfamily II helicase) [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.032 0.031 0.303 0.978
priB; primosomal replication protein N 0.161 0.243 0.509 0.981
priC; primosomal replication protein N’’ 0.169 0.272 0.535 0.990
priL, pri2, priB; DNA primase large subunit [EC:2.7.7.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
priS, pri1, priA; DNA primase small subunit [EC:2.7.7.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
PRK, prkB; phosphoribulokinase [EC:] -0.226 0.433 0.603 0.999
prkA; serine protein kinase -0.151 0.246 0.540 0.990
prlC; oligopeptidase A [EC:] 0.022 0.158 0.889 0.999
prlF, sohA; antitoxin PrlF -1.294 1.385 0.351 0.978
prmA; propane 2-monooxygenase large subunit [EC:] 0.954 0.835 0.255 0.978
prmA; ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.044 0.041 0.280 0.978
prmB; propane monooxygenase reductase component [EC:1.18.1.-] 0.791 0.811 0.330 0.978
prmB; ribosomal protein L3 glutamine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.052 0.154 0.737 0.999
prmC; propane 2-monooxygenase small subunit [EC:] 0.791 0.811 0.330 0.978
prmD; propane monooxygenase coupling protein 0.883 1.008 0.383 0.978
PRMT1; type I protein arginine methyltransferase [EC:] 18.066 2719.856 0.995 0.999
PRMT9; type II protein arginine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.884 1.140 0.439 0.978
prnA, rebH, ktzQ; tryptophan 7-halogenase [EC:] -0.739 0.522 0.159 0.954
proA; glutamate-5-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.012 0.050 0.812 0.999
proB; glutamate 5-kinase [EC:] 0.014 0.046 0.763 0.999
proC; pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase [EC:] -0.011 0.046 0.819 0.999
PRODH; proline dehydrogenase [EC:1.5.-.-] -0.714 0.364 0.051 0.839
proP; MFS transporter, MHS family, proline/betaine transporter -0.146 0.235 0.537 0.990
proQ; ProP effector 0.361 0.244 0.141 0.949
proV; glycine betaine/proline transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.092 0.238 0.699 0.999
proW; glycine betaine/proline transport system permease protein -0.017 0.262 0.949 0.999
proX; glycine betaine/proline transport system substrate-binding protein 0.089 0.276 0.748 0.999
proY; proline-specific permease ProY 0.134 0.621 0.829 0.999
prpB; methylisocitrate lyase [EC:] -0.056 0.185 0.762 0.999
prpC; 2-methylcitrate synthase [EC:] 0.016 0.197 0.934 0.999
prpD; 2-methylcitrate dehydratase [EC:] -0.143 0.254 0.573 0.995
prpE; propionyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] -0.293 0.266 0.273 0.978
prpF; 2-methylaconitate isomerase [EC:5.3.3.-] -0.038 0.215 0.860 0.999
prpR; transcriptional regulator, propionate catabolism operon regulatory protein -0.133 0.426 0.755 0.999
PRPS, prsA; ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.051 0.053 0.340 0.978
prr; aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.214 0.390 0.584 0.999
prrA; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator PrrA -1.593 1.633 0.331 0.978
prrB; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase PrrB [EC:] -1.890 2.089 0.367 0.978
prsA; foldase protein PrsA [EC:] -0.033 0.124 0.789 0.999
prsD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial PrsD -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
prsE; membrane fusion protein -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
PRSS15, PIM1; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] -0.020 0.682 0.976 0.999
PRSS33; serine protease 33 [EC:3.4.21.-] 2.635 1.537 0.088 0.880
prtC; serralysin [EC:] -0.579 0.506 0.254 0.978
psd, PISD; phosphatidylserine decarboxylase [EC:] -0.007 0.062 0.907 0.999
pseB; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] -0.628 0.606 0.301 0.978
pseC; UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-L-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine transaminase [EC:] -0.751 0.907 0.409 0.978
pseF; pseudaminic acid cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.023 0.527 0.966 0.999
pseG; UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-beta-L-altropyranose hydrolase [EC:] 0.051 0.670 0.939 0.999
pseH; UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.751 0.907 0.409 0.978
pseI, neuB3; pseudaminic acid synthase [EC:] -0.850 0.850 0.319 0.978
psiE; protein PsiE 0.157 0.281 0.576 0.995
psmA, prcA; proteasome alpha subunit [EC:] -0.483 0.706 0.495 0.981
psmB, prcB; proteasome beta subunit [EC:] -0.487 0.704 0.490 0.979
pspA; phage shock protein A -0.118 0.201 0.557 0.992
pspB; phage shock protein B -0.005 0.387 0.990 0.999
pspC; phage shock protein C 0.371 0.291 0.204 0.972
pspD; phage shock protein D 0.154 0.615 0.803 0.999
pspE; phage shock protein E 0.163 0.426 0.703 0.999
pspF; psp operon transcriptional activator -0.120 0.390 0.759 0.999
psrB; polysulfide reductase chain B 0.480 0.618 0.438 0.978
psrC; polysulfide reductase chain C 0.480 0.618 0.438 0.978
PSRP4, RPS31; 30S ribosomal protein S31 -0.080 0.448 0.858 0.999
pssA; CDP-diacylglycerol—serine O-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] 0.142 0.241 0.556 0.992
pstA; phosphate transport system permease protein -0.064 0.059 0.279 0.978
pstB; phosphate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.037 0.079 0.643 0.999
pstC; phosphate transport system permease protein -0.058 0.061 0.341 0.978
pstS; phosphate transport system substrate-binding protein -0.052 0.048 0.281 0.978
psuG; pseudouridylate synthase [EC:] -0.711 0.304 0.021 0.839
psuK; pseudouridine kinase [EC:] -0.118 0.342 0.730 0.999
psuT; putative pseudouridine transporter -0.846 1.057 0.425 0.978
pta; phosphate acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.051 0.136 0.711 0.999
ptb; phosphate butyryltransferase [EC:] -0.200 0.235 0.397 0.978
ptcA; putrescine carbamoyltransferase [EC:] 0.110 0.740 0.882 0.999
PTER, php; phosphotriesterase-related protein -1.156 0.570 0.044 0.839
PTGS2, COX2; prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 [EC:] 2.045 1.751 0.245 0.978
PTH1, pth, spoVC; peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase, PTH1 family [EC:] 0.038 0.036 0.294 0.978
PTH2; peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase, PTH2 family [EC:] -0.352 0.553 0.526 0.989
ptlF; type IV secretion system protein PtlF -2.174 2.005 0.280 0.978
ptlI, CYP183A; pentalenene oxygenase [EC:] -17.794 4072.025 0.997 0.999
ptpA; Xaa-Xaa-Pro tripeptidyl-peptidase [EC:] -0.222 0.624 0.723 0.999
PTR1; pteridine reductase [EC:] 0.011 0.403 0.979 0.999
ptrA; protease III [EC:] 0.214 0.344 0.534 0.990
ptrB; oligopeptidase B [EC:] -0.020 0.146 0.893 0.999
PTS-Aga-EIIA, agaF; PTS system, N-acetylgalactosamine-specific IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] -0.035 0.161 0.829 0.999
PTS-Aga-EIIB, agaV; PTS system, N-acetylgalactosamine-specific IIB component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.008 0.339 0.981 0.999
PTS-Aga-EIIC, agaW; PTS system, N-acetylgalactosamine-specific IIC component 0.035 0.340 0.919 0.999
PTS-Aga-EIID, agaE; PTS system, N-acetylgalactosamine-specific IID component -0.146 0.384 0.705 0.999
PTS-Asc-EIIC, ascF; PTS system, beta-glucoside (arbutin/salicin/cellobiose)-specific IIC component 0.450 0.516 0.385 0.978
PTS-Bgl-EIIA, bglF, bglP; PTS system, beta-glucoside-specific IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
PTS-Bgl-EIIC, bglF, bglP; PTS system, beta-glucoside-specific IIC component 0.308 0.170 0.072 0.845
PTS-Cel-EIIA, celC, chbA; PTS system, cellobiose-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.243 0.162 0.136 0.949
PTS-Cel-EIIB, celA, chbB; PTS system, cellobiose-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.269 0.171 0.118 0.917
PTS-Cel-EIIC, celB, chbC; PTS system, cellobiose-specific IIC component 0.217 0.177 0.222 0.978
PTS-Dga-EIIA, dgaA; PTS system, D-glucosaminate-specific IIA component [EC:] -1.630 2.316 0.483 0.979
PTS-Dga-EIIB, dgaB; PTS system, D-glucosaminate-specific IIB component [EC:] -5.290 7.436 0.478 0.979
PTS-Dga-EIIC, dgaC; PTS system, D-glucosaminate-specific IIC component -4.720 6.582 0.474 0.979
PTS-Dga-EIID, dgaD; PTS system, D-glucosaminate-specific IID component -4.720 6.582 0.474 0.979
PTS-Dgl-EIIA, gamP; PTS system, D-glucosamine-specific IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.375 0.933 0.689 0.999
PTS-Dgl-EIIC, gamP; PTS system, D-glucosamine-specific IIC component -0.108 0.179 0.548 0.991
PTS-EI.PTSI, ptsI; phosphotransferase system, enzyme I, PtsI [EC:] 0.112 0.068 0.099 0.896
PTS-EI.PTSP, ptsP; phosphotransferase system, enzyme I, PtsP [EC:] -0.111 0.219 0.614 0.999
PTS-Fru-EIIA, fruB; PTS system, fructose-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.694 0.305 0.024 0.839
PTS-Fru-EIIB, fruA; PTS system, fructose-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.586 0.413 0.158 0.954
PTS-Fru-EIIC, fruA; PTS system, fructose-specific IIC component 0.123 0.072 0.088 0.880
PTS-Fru1-EIIA, levD; PTS system, fructose-specific IIA component [EC:] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
PTS-Fru1-EIIB, levE; PTS system, fructose-specific IIB component [EC:] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
PTS-Fru1-EIID, levG; PTS system, fructose-specific IID component -0.216 0.209 0.303 0.978
PTS-Fru2-EIIA; PTS system, fructose-specific IIA-like component [EC:2.7.1.-] -1.019 1.147 0.376 0.978
PTS-Fru2-EIIB; PTS system, fructose-specific IIB-like component [EC:2.7.1.-] -0.517 0.626 0.410 0.978
PTS-Fru2-EIIC; PTS system, fructose-specific IIC-like component -0.167 0.597 0.780 0.999
PTS-Gam-EIIB, agaB; PTS system, galactosamine-specific IIB component [EC:2.7.1.-] -0.560 1.181 0.636 0.999
PTS-Gam-EIIC, agaC; PTS system, galactosamine-specific IIC component -0.638 1.220 0.602 0.999
PTS-Gam-EIID, agaD; PTS system, galactosamine-specific IID component -0.638 1.220 0.602 0.999
PTS-Gat-EIIA, gatA, sgcA; PTS system, galactitol-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.052 0.169 0.758 0.999
PTS-Gat-EIIB, gatB, sgcB; PTS system, galactitol-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.038 0.152 0.802 0.999
PTS-Gat-EIIC, gatC, sgcC; PTS system, galactitol-specific IIC component 0.095 0.210 0.651 0.999
PTS-Gfr-EIIA, gfrA; PTS system, fructoselysine/glucoselysine-specific IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.713 0.423 0.094 0.894
PTS-Gfr-EIIB, gfrB; PTS system, fructoselysine/glucoselysine-specific IIB component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.872 0.495 0.080 0.862
PTS-Gfr-EIIC, gfrC; PTS system, fructoselysine/glucoselysine-specific IIC component 0.622 0.400 0.122 0.919
PTS-Gfr-EIID, gfrD; PTS system, fructoselysine/glucoselysine-specific IID component 0.783 0.459 0.090 0.882
PTS-Glc-EIIA, crr; PTS system, sugar-specific IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.206 0.140 0.145 0.951
PTS-Glc-EIIB, ptsG; PTS system, glucose-specific IIB component [EC:] -0.063 1.143 0.956 0.999
PTS-Glc-EIIC, ptsG; PTS system, glucose-specific IIC component 0.131 0.129 0.311 0.978
PTS-Glv-EIIC, glvC, malP, aglA; PTS system, alpha-glucoside-specific IIC component 0.242 0.242 0.319 0.978
PTS-Gut-EIIA, srlB; PTS system, glucitol/sorbitol-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.382 0.272 0.162 0.957
PTS-Gut-EIIC, srlA; PTS system, glucitol/sorbitol-specific IIC component 0.202 0.443 0.649 0.999
PTS-HPR.FRUB, fruB, fpr; phosphocarrier protein FPr 0.033 0.247 0.894 0.999
PTS-HPR.PTSH, ptsH; phosphocarrier protein HPr 0.583 0.254 0.023 0.839
PTS-HPR.PTSO, ptsO, npr; phosphocarrier protein NPr -0.057 0.346 0.870 0.999
PTS-HPR; phosphocarrier protein 0.037 0.047 0.433 0.978
PTS-Lac-EIIA, lacF; PTS system, lactose-specific IIA component [EC:] -0.020 0.155 0.898 0.999
PTS-Lac-EIIC, lacE; PTS system, lactose-specific IIC component -0.020 0.155 0.899 0.999
PTS-MalGlc-EIIC, malX; PTS system, maltose/glucose-specific IIC component 0.311 0.265 0.242 0.978
PTS-Man-EIIA, manX; PTS system, mannose-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.002 0.132 0.991 0.999
PTS-Man-EIIB, manX; PTS system, mannose-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.051 0.120 0.673 0.999
PTS-Man-EIIC, manY; PTS system, mannose-specific IIC component 0.035 0.127 0.782 0.999
PTS-Man-EIID, manZ; PTS system, mannose-specific IID component 0.068 0.125 0.588 0.999
PTS-Mng-EIIC, mngA, hrsA; PTS system, 2-O-A-mannosyl-D-glycerate-specific IIC component -1.392 0.946 0.143 0.951
PTS-Mtl-EIIA, mtlA, cmtB; PTS system, mannitol-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.237 0.324 0.466 0.979
PTS-Mtl-EIIC, mtlA, cmtA; PTS system, mannitol-specific IIC component 0.042 0.206 0.838 0.999
PTS-Mur-EIIC, murP; PTS system, N-acetylmuramic acid-specific IIC component 0.050 0.756 0.948 0.999
PTS-Nag-EIIA, nagE; PTS system, N-acetylglucosamine-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.119 0.339 0.726 0.999
PTS-Nag-EIIB, nagE; PTS system, N-acetylglucosamine-specific IIB component [EC:] -0.021 0.347 0.952 0.999
PTS-Nag-EIIC, nagE; PTS system, N-acetylglucosamine-specific IIC component 0.138 0.147 0.352 0.978
PTS-Ntr-EIIA, ptsN; PTS system, nitrogen regulatory IIA component [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.338 0.145 0.021 0.839
PTS-Scr-EIIC, scrA, sacP, sacX, ptsS; PTS system, sucrose-specific IIC component 0.140 0.109 0.199 0.970
PTS-Sor-EIIA, sorF; PTS system, sorbose-specific IIA component [EC:] -0.750 1.062 0.481 0.979
PTS-Sor-EIIB, sorB; PTS system, sorbose-specific IIB component [EC:] -0.668 0.835 0.425 0.978
PTS-Sor-EIIC, sorA; PTS system, sorbose-specific IIC component -0.324 0.818 0.692 0.999
PTS-Sor-EIID, sorM; PTS system, sorbose-specific IID component -0.277 0.837 0.742 0.999
PTS-Tre-EIIC, treB; PTS system, trehalose-specific IIC component 0.179 0.143 0.215 0.978
PTS-Ula-EIIA, ulaC, sgaA; PTS system, ascorbate-specific IIA component [EC:] 0.085 0.110 0.438 0.978
PTS-Ula-EIIB, ulaB, sgaB; PTS system, ascorbate-specific IIB component [EC:] 0.086 0.148 0.562 0.992
PTS-Ula-EIIC, ulaA, sgaT; PTS system, ascorbate-specific IIC component 0.106 0.136 0.439 0.978
ptxD; phosphonate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.213 1.210 0.860 0.999
pucA; light-harvesting protein B-800-850 alpha chain -17.193 2198.071 0.994 0.999
pucB; light-harvesting protein B-800-850 beta chain -17.500 2562.559 0.995 0.999
pucC; MFS transporter, BCD family, chlorophyll transporter -17.473 2396.504 0.994 0.999
pucG; (S)-ureidoglycine—glyoxylate transaminase [EC:] 0.308 0.672 0.647 0.999
pucR; purine catabolism regulatory protein -0.806 0.707 0.256 0.978
pufA; light-harvesting complex 1 alpha chain -3.309 3.390 0.331 0.978
pufB; light-harvesting complex 1 beta chain -3.309 3.390 0.331 0.978
pufC; photosynthetic reaction center cytochrome c subunit -2.639 3.582 0.462 0.979
pufL; photosynthetic reaction center L subunit -3.309 3.390 0.331 0.978
pufM; photosynthetic reaction center M subunit -3.309 3.390 0.331 0.978
pufX; photosynthetic reaction center PufX protein -17.500 2562.559 0.995 0.999
puhA; photosynthetic reaction center H subunit -18.056 3176.254 0.995 0.999
pulA; pullulanase [EC:] -0.107 0.138 0.442 0.978
punA, PNP; purine-nucleoside phosphorylase [EC:] -0.066 0.104 0.529 0.989
puo; putrescine oxidase [EC:] -0.759 0.619 0.222 0.978
pup; prokaryotic ubiquitin-like protein Pup -0.002 0.259 0.994 0.999
purA, ADSS; adenylosuccinate synthase [EC:] 0.030 0.032 0.359 0.978
purB, ADSL; adenylosuccinate lyase [EC:] 0.035 0.036 0.330 0.978
purC; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthase [EC:] 0.038 0.038 0.315 0.978
purD; phosphoribosylamine—glycine ligase [EC:] 0.040 0.042 0.340 0.978
purE; 5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase [EC:] 0.044 0.038 0.253 0.978
purF, PPAT; amidophosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.017 0.038 0.647 0.999
purH; phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase / IMP cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.034 0.048 0.482 0.979
purK; 5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide synthase [EC:] 0.001 0.068 0.992 0.999
purL, PFAS; phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase [EC:] 0.017 0.053 0.751 0.999
purM; phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.035 0.040 0.387 0.978
purN; phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 1 [EC:] 0.098 0.043 0.025 0.839
purNH; phosphoribosylglycinamide/phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase [EC:] -0.903 0.549 0.102 0.896
purP; 5-formaminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-(beta)-D-ribofuranosyl 5’-monophosphate synthetase [EC:] -16.927 2639.780 0.995 0.999
purR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, purine nucleotide synthesis repressor 0.017 0.261 0.948 0.999
purR; purine operon repressor 0.033 0.118 0.782 0.999
purT; phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 2 [EC:] -0.022 0.105 0.837 0.999
purU; formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase [EC:] -0.133 0.168 0.430 0.978
PUS10; tRNA pseudouridine synthase 10 [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
putA; RHH-type transcriptional regulator, proline utilization regulon repressor / proline dehydrogenase / delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.044 0.141 0.757 0.999
putP; sodium/proline symporter 0.078 0.085 0.361 0.978
puuA; gamma-glutamylputrescine synthase [EC:] -0.104 0.386 0.789 0.999
puuB, ordL; gamma-glutamylputrescine oxidase [EC:1.4.3.-] -0.030 0.206 0.884 0.999
puuC, aldH; 4-(gamma-glutamylamino)butanal dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.111 0.277 0.689 0.999
puuD; gamma-glutamyl-gamma-aminobutyrate hydrolase [EC:] 0.136 0.641 0.832 0.999
puuE; 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.002 0.273 0.994 0.999
puuP; putrescine importer 0.436 0.383 0.256 0.978
puuR; HTH-type transcriptional regulator, repressor for puuD 0.068 0.634 0.915 0.999
pvadh; polyvinyl alcohol dehydrogenase (cytochrome) [EC:] -1.523 1.350 0.261 0.978
pvdA, SIDA; L-ornithine N5-monooxygenase [EC:] -0.048 0.402 0.905 0.999
pvdE; putative pyoverdin transport system ATP-binding/permease protein -0.200 0.463 0.665 0.999
pvdQ, quiP; acyl-homoserine-lactone acylase [EC:] -0.018 0.343 0.958 0.999
pycA; pyruvate carboxylase subunit A [EC:] 0.165 0.336 0.624 0.999
pycB; pyruvate carboxylase subunit B [EC:] -0.098 0.176 0.576 0.996
pydC; beta-ureidopropionase / N-carbamoyl-L-amino-acid hydrolase [EC:] -0.203 0.170 0.235 0.978
PYG, glgP; glycogen phosphorylase [EC:] 0.075 0.078 0.338 0.978
pyrB, PYR2; aspartate carbamoyltransferase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.031 0.039 0.425 0.978
pyrBI; aspartate carbamoyltransferase [EC:] -3.190 3.828 0.406 0.978
pyrD; dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (fumarate) [EC:] 0.050 0.127 0.694 0.999
pyrDI; dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (NAD+) catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.073 0.095 0.443 0.978
pyrDII; dihydroorotate dehydrogenase electron transfer subunit 0.043 0.099 0.663 0.999
pyrE; orotate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.031 0.037 0.407 0.978
pyrF; orotidine-5’-phosphate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.047 0.038 0.219 0.978
pyrG, CTPS; CTP synthase [EC:] -0.048 0.038 0.208 0.977
pyrH; uridylate kinase [EC:] 0.033 0.036 0.359 0.978
pyrI; aspartate carbamoyltransferase regulatory subunit 0.010 0.175 0.953 0.999
pyrP, uraA; uracil permease 0.098 0.068 0.154 0.954
pyrR; pyrimidine operon attenuation protein / uracil phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.087 0.067 0.193 0.970
QARS, glnS; glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.019 0.090 0.831 0.999
qcrA; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit -0.395 0.399 0.323 0.978
qcrB; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b subunit -0.410 0.397 0.303 0.978
qcrC; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c subunit -0.395 0.399 0.323 0.978
qheDH, qbdA; quinohemoprotein ethanol dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.254 0.686 0.069 0.841
qhpA; quinohemoprotein amine dehydrogenase [EC:] -3.064 3.507 0.384 0.978
qmoA; quinone-modifying oxidoreductase, subunit QmoA -2.579 2.960 0.385 0.978
qmoB; quinone-modifying oxidoreductase, subunit QmoB -2.579 2.960 0.385 0.978
qmoC; quinone-modifying oxidoreductase, subunit QmoC -2.579 2.960 0.385 0.978
qnr, mcbG; fluoroquinolone resistance protein 0.031 0.450 0.946 0.999
qodI; quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] -17.703 3891.582 0.996 0.999
qor, CRYZ; NADPH2:quinone reductase [EC:] -0.296 0.178 0.099 0.896
qorB; NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.238 0.259 0.361 0.978
qoxA; cytochrome aa3-600 menaquinol oxidase subunit II [EC:] -0.816 0.612 0.184 0.965
qoxB; cytochrome aa3-600 menaquinol oxidase subunit I [EC:] -0.884 0.562 0.118 0.917
qoxC; cytochrome aa3-600 menaquinol oxidase subunit III [EC:] -0.816 0.612 0.184 0.965
qoxD; cytochrome aa3-600 menaquinol oxidase subunit IV [EC:] -0.816 0.612 0.184 0.965
QPCT; glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase [EC:] -3.293 3.296 0.319 0.978
qrtT; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component 0.151 0.248 0.543 0.990
qseB; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator QseB -0.053 0.222 0.810 0.999
qseC; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase QseC [EC:] -0.047 0.213 0.827 0.999
queA; S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase [EC:] -0.012 0.057 0.834 0.999
queC; 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine synthase [EC:] -0.108 0.064 0.094 0.895
queD, ptpS, PTS; 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin/6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase [EC:] -0.117 0.066 0.080 0.864
queE; 7-carboxy-7-deazaguanine synthase [EC:] -0.112 0.092 0.227 0.978
queF; 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine reductase [EC:] -0.122 0.064 0.058 0.839
queG; epoxyqueuosine reductase [EC:] -0.145 0.077 0.062 0.839
queH; epoxyqueuosine reductase [EC:] 0.121 0.100 0.226 0.978
quiA; quinate dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] -0.079 0.313 0.802 0.999
quiC; 3-dehydroshikimate dehydratase [EC:] -0.169 0.414 0.683 0.999
RABGGTB; geranylgeranyl transferase type-2 subunit beta [EC:] 2.673 2.283 0.243 0.978
racA; chromosome-anchoring protein RacA -2.958 1.587 0.064 0.839
racD; aspartate racemase [EC:] 0.157 0.171 0.362 0.978
RAD51; DNA repair protein RAD51 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RAD52; DNA repair and recombination protein RAD52 -0.207 1.047 0.844 0.999
radA, sms; DNA repair protein RadA/Sms 0.033 0.037 0.377 0.978
radA; DNA repair protein RadA -17.332 3233.057 0.996 0.999
radC; DNA repair protein RadC 0.039 0.033 0.243 0.978
radD; DNA repair protein RadD 0.305 0.500 0.542 0.990
raiA; ribosome-associated inhibitor A 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
ramA; (R)-amidase [EC:] 0.636 0.981 0.518 0.986
ramA; alpha-L-rhamnosidase [EC:] -0.703 0.415 0.093 0.892
ramA; AraC family of transcriptional regulator, multidrug resistance transcriptional activator 0.725 0.700 0.302 0.978
ramB; XRE family transcriptional regulator, fatty acid utilization regulator -0.736 0.293 0.013 0.839
rap; autoaggregation protein RapA/B/C -1.272 1.833 0.489 0.979
rapA, spo0L; response regulator aspartate phosphatase A (stage 0 sporulation protein L) [EC:3.1.-.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
rapC; response regulator aspartate phosphatase C [EC:3.1.-.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
rapD; response regulator aspartate phosphatase D [EC:3.1.-.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
rapE; response regulator aspartate phosphatase E [EC:3.1.-.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
rapG; response regulator aspartate phosphatase G [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.904 1.547 0.560 0.992
rapH; response regulator aspartate phosphatase H [EC:3.1.-.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
rapI; response regulator aspartate phosphatase I [EC:3.1.-.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
rapK; response regulator aspartate phosphatase K [EC:3.1.-.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
rapZ; RNase adapter protein RapZ 0.089 0.040 0.026 0.839
rarD; chloramphenicol-sensitive protein RarD -0.022 0.092 0.811 0.999
RARS, argS; arginyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.024 0.036 0.510 0.981
raxA; membrane fusion protein -0.412 0.576 0.476 0.979
raxB, cvaB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial RaxB -0.219 0.581 0.707 0.999
raxST; sulfotransferase -0.241 0.907 0.790 0.999
rbbA; ribosome-dependent ATPase -0.212 0.302 0.483 0.979
rbcL; ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase large chain [EC:] 0.010 0.240 0.967 0.999
rbcS; ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase small chain [EC:] -1.054 0.724 0.148 0.954
rbfA; ribosome-binding factor A 0.036 0.036 0.311 0.978
rbgA; ribosome biogenesis GTPase A 0.133 0.087 0.126 0.927
rbsA; ribose transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.037 0.203 0.854 0.999
rbsB; ribose transport system substrate-binding protein -0.056 0.144 0.699 0.999
rbsC; ribose transport system permease protein -0.065 0.218 0.764 0.999
rbsD; D-ribose pyranase [EC:] 0.180 0.164 0.275 0.978
rbsK, RBKS; ribokinase [EC:] 0.033 0.112 0.768 0.999
rbsU; putative ribose uptake protein -0.090 0.511 0.861 0.999
rbtD; ribitol 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.782 0.569 0.171 0.961
rcdA; regulator of CtrA degradation -1.075 0.426 0.013 0.839
rcnA; nickel/cobalt exporter 0.049 0.456 0.915 0.999
rcsA; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, capsular biosynthesis positive transcription factor 0.062 0.642 0.924 0.999
rcsB; two-component system, NarL family, captular synthesis response regulator RcsB -0.155 0.356 0.663 0.999
rcsC; two-component system, NarL family, capsular synthesis sensor histidine kinase RcsC [EC:] -0.142 0.424 0.739 0.999
rcsD; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase RcsD [EC:] 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
rcsF; RcsF protein 0.318 0.541 0.558 0.992
rdgB; XTP/dITP diphosphohydrolase [EC:] -0.018 0.055 0.749 0.999
rdgC; recombination associated protein RdgC 0.119 0.165 0.472 0.979
rdmC; aclacinomycin methylesterase [EC:] 18.832 3989.590 0.996 0.999
recA; recombination protein RecA 0.026 0.032 0.427 0.978
recB; exodeoxyribonuclease V beta subunit [EC:] 0.061 0.155 0.692 0.999
recC; exodeoxyribonuclease V gamma subunit [EC:] 0.066 0.161 0.683 0.999
recD; exodeoxyribonuclease V alpha subunit [EC:] 0.050 0.055 0.368 0.978
recE; exodeoxyribonuclease VIII [EC:3.1.11.-] -0.833 1.086 0.444 0.978
recF; DNA replication and repair protein RecF 0.047 0.041 0.259 0.978
recG; ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG [EC:] 0.053 0.064 0.411 0.978
recJ; single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.081 0.049 0.101 0.896
recN; DNA repair protein RecN (Recombination protein N) 0.036 0.036 0.314 0.978
recO; DNA repair protein RecO (recombination protein O) 0.074 0.044 0.094 0.895
recQ; ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecQ [EC:] 0.028 0.069 0.685 0.999
recR; recombination protein RecR 0.036 0.036 0.315 0.978
recT; recombination protein RecT -0.774 0.518 0.137 0.949
recU; recombination protein U 0.016 0.123 0.894 0.999
recX; regulatory protein 0.052 0.040 0.191 0.970
regA, regR, actR; two-component system, response regulator RegA -0.149 0.220 0.500 0.981
regB, regS, actS; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase RegB [EC:] -0.148 0.229 0.517 0.986
regX3; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RegX3 -0.031 0.269 0.907 0.999
relA; GTP pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.054 0.048 0.265 0.978
relB; RHH-type transcriptional regulator, rel operon repressor / antitoxin RelB -0.365 0.436 0.403 0.978
relE, stbE; mRNA interferase RelE/StbE 0.371 0.220 0.095 0.896
RENBP; N-acylglucosamine 2-epimerase [EC:] -0.313 0.229 0.174 0.961
rep; ATP-dependent DNA helicase Rep [EC:] 0.082 0.156 0.601 0.999
repA; regulatory protein RepA -2.314 1.855 0.214 0.978
repC; replication initiation protein RepC -1.734 0.905 0.057 0.839
res; type III restriction enzyme [EC:] 0.083 0.202 0.683 0.999
resB, ccs1; cytochrome c biogenesis protein -0.529 0.264 0.047 0.839
resD; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator ResD -0.754 0.262 0.004 0.839
resE; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase ResE [EC:] -0.888 0.482 0.067 0.839
RETSAT; all-trans-retinol 13,14-reductase [EC:] -0.591 0.433 0.174 0.961
rex; redox-sensing transcriptional repressor 0.017 0.101 0.870 0.999
rexA; oligosaccharide reducing-end xylanase [EC:] -4.847 4.929 0.327 0.978
RFA1, RPA1, rpa; replication factor A1 -16.927 2639.780 0.995 0.999
rfaH; transcriptional antiterminator RfaH 0.290 0.367 0.430 0.978
rfbC, rmlC; dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase [EC:] 0.147 0.073 0.047 0.839
rfbD, rmlD; dTDP-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase [EC:] 0.082 0.061 0.179 0.961
rfbE; CDP-paratose 2-epimerase [EC:] -1.774 0.925 0.057 0.839
rfbF, rhlC; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.222 0.529 0.676 0.999
rfbF; glucose-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] -0.032 0.270 0.905 0.999
rfbG; CDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.160 0.303 0.600 0.999
rfbG; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.311 0.350 0.374 0.978
rfbN; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.393 0.368 0.288 0.978
rfbP; undecaprenyl-phosphate galactose phosphotransferase [EC:] 0.500 0.498 0.317 0.978
rfbV; abequosyltransferase [EC:] 0.884 1.140 0.439 0.978
rfcL; replication factor C large subunit -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rfcS; replication factor C small subunit -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rffC, wecD; dTDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-D-galactose acyltransferase [EC:] 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
rfk; riboflavin kinase, archaea type [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RGL4, rhiE; rhamnogalacturonan endolyase [EC:] -0.999 0.988 0.313 0.978
rgpA; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.110 0.209 0.600 0.999
rgpA_B; gingipain R [EC:] -0.193 0.992 0.846 0.999
rgpB; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.166 0.178 0.353 0.978
rgpE; glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.038 0.534 0.944 0.999
rgpF; rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.108 0.184 0.560 0.992
rgpI; glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.107 0.576 0.853 0.999
rhaA; L-rhamnose isomerase / sugar isomerase [EC: 5.3.1.-] -0.280 0.500 0.577 0.996
rhaA; L-rhamnose isomerase [EC:] -0.881 0.413 0.035 0.839
rhaB; rhamnulokinase [EC:] 0.189 0.226 0.404 0.978
rhaD; rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.078 0.352 0.825 0.999
rhaM; L-rhamnose mutarotase [EC:] -0.629 0.302 0.039 0.839
rhaP; rhamnose transport system permease protein -1.118 0.720 0.123 0.919
rhaQ; rhamnose transport system permease protein -0.973 0.750 0.197 0.970
rhaR; AraC family transcriptional regulator, L-rhamnose operon transcriptional activator RhaR -0.097 0.787 0.902 0.999
rhaS; AraC family transcriptional regulator, L-rhamnose operon regulatory protein RhaS -0.091 0.746 0.903 0.999
rhaS; rhamnose transport system substrate-binding protein -1.271 0.722 0.080 0.864
rhaT; L-rhamnose-H+ transport protein -0.938 0.485 0.055 0.839
rhaT; rhamnose transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -1.070 0.594 0.074 0.845
rhiF; rhizoxin biosynthesis, polyketide synthase RhiF -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
rhlA; rhamnosyltransferase subunit A [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.964 0.982 0.328 0.978
rhlB; ATP-dependent RNA helicase RhlB [EC:] 0.093 0.179 0.604 0.999
rhlB; rhamnosyltransferase subunit B [EC:2.4.1.-] 1.839 1.408 0.193 0.970
rhlE; ATP-dependent RNA helicase RhlE [EC:] -0.186 0.183 0.311 0.978
rhlI, phzI, solI, cepI, tofI; acyl homoserine lactone synthase [EC:] -0.143 0.719 0.842 0.999
rhlR, phzR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator RhlR -0.145 0.723 0.842 0.999
rhmA; 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-rhamnonate aldolase [EC:] -0.885 1.079 0.414 0.978
rho; transcription termination factor Rho 0.020 0.060 0.739 0.999
rhtA; inner membrane transporter RhtA 0.018 0.190 0.926 0.999
rhtB; homoserine/homoserine lactone efflux protein -0.070 0.251 0.781 0.999
rhtC; threonine efflux protein -0.075 0.355 0.833 0.999
RIB7, arfC; 2,5-diamino-6-(ribosylamino)-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5’-phosphate reductase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
ribA, RIB1; GTP cyclohydrolase II [EC:] 0.054 0.136 0.694 0.999
ribB, RIB3; 3,4-dihydroxy 2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.216 0.194 0.268 0.978
ribBA; 3,4-dihydroxy 2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase / GTP cyclohydrolase II [EC:] 0.002 0.069 0.978 0.999
ribD; diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase / 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase [EC:] -0.006 0.060 0.923 0.999
ribD2; 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase [EC:] -0.900 0.733 0.222 0.978
ribE, RIB5; riboflavin synthase [EC:] 0.008 0.065 0.898 0.999
ribF; riboflavin kinase / FMN adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.036 0.036 0.312 0.978
ribH, RIB4; 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase [EC:] -0.034 0.059 0.564 0.994
ribL; FAD synthetase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
ribT; riboflavin biosynthesis RibT protein 0.248 0.334 0.459 0.979
ridA, tdcF, RIDA; 2-iminobutanoate/2-iminopropanoate deaminase [EC:] 0.003 0.089 0.969 0.999
rifG, asm47; 5-deoxy-5-amino-3-dehydroquinate synthase -1.508 1.628 0.356 0.978
rihA; pyrimidine-specific ribonucleoside hydrolase [EC:3.2.-.-] 0.399 0.505 0.431 0.978
rihB; ribosylpyrimidine nucleosidase [EC:] 0.046 0.437 0.917 0.999
rihC; non-specific riboncleoside hydrolase [EC:3.2.-.-] 0.213 0.444 0.632 0.999
rimI; [ribosomal protein S18]-alanine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.078 0.050 0.119 0.917
rimJ; [ribosomal protein S5]-alanine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.008 0.137 0.954 0.999
rimK; ribosomal protein S6–L-glutamate ligase [EC:6.3.2.-] 0.147 0.184 0.426 0.978
rimL; ribosomal-protein-serine acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.265 0.222 0.236 0.978
rimM; 16S rRNA processing protein RimM 0.037 0.036 0.304 0.978
rimO; ribosomal protein S12 methylthiotransferase [EC:] -0.022 0.090 0.803 0.999
rimP; ribosome maturation factor RimP 0.037 0.036 0.311 0.978
RIMS2, RIM2; regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis protein 2 -17.368 3290.703 0.996 0.999
RIOK1; RIO kinase 1 [EC:] 0.251 0.308 0.417 0.978
rirA; Rrf2 family transcriptional regulator, iron-responsive regulator -2.411 1.438 0.096 0.896
rlmA1; 23S rRNA (guanine745-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.035 0.098 0.718 0.999
rlmB; 23S rRNA (guanosine2251-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.052 0.032 0.108 0.917
rlmE, rrmJ, ftsJ; 23S rRNA (uridine2552-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.053 0.144 0.715 0.999
rlmF; 23S rRNA (adenine1618-N6)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.271 0.291 0.353 0.978
rlmG; 23S rRNA (guanine1835-N2)-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.014 0.652 0.983 0.999
rlmH; 23S rRNA (pseudouridine1915-N3)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.034 0.038 0.373 0.978
rlmI; 23S rRNA (cytosine1962-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.004 0.055 0.940 0.999
rlmJ; 23S rRNA (adenine2030-N6)-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.028 0.150 0.853 0.999
rlmL, rlmK; 23S rRNA (guanine2445-N2)-methyltransferase / 23S rRNA (guanine2069-N7)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.082 0.174 0.639 0.999
rlmM; 23S rRNA (cytidine2498-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.145 0.184 0.431 0.978
rlmN; 23S rRNA (adenine2503-C2)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.016 0.042 0.705 0.999
rlpA; rare lipoprotein A -0.087 0.105 0.413 0.978
rluA; tRNA pseudouridine32 synthase / 23S rRNA pseudouridine746 synthase [EC:] -0.061 0.093 0.508 0.981
rluB; 23S rRNA pseudouridine2605 synthase [EC:] 0.020 0.035 0.576 0.996
rluC; 23S rRNA pseudouridine955/2504/2580 synthase [EC:] 0.106 0.109 0.330 0.978
rluD; 23S rRNA pseudouridine1911/1915/1917 synthase [EC:] 0.039 0.066 0.557 0.992
rluE; 23S rRNA pseudouridine2457 synthase [EC:] 0.060 0.155 0.698 0.999
rluF; 23S rRNA pseudouridine2604 synthase [EC:] 0.055 0.178 0.758 0.999
rmd; GDP-4-dehydro-6-deoxy-D-mannose reductase [EC:] -0.611 0.563 0.279 0.978
rmf; ribosome modulation factor 0.401 0.311 0.199 0.970
rmuC; DNA recombination protein RmuC -0.052 0.066 0.430 0.978
rna; ribonuclease I (enterobacter ribonuclease) [EC:] -0.377 0.687 0.584 0.999
rnb; exoribonuclease II [EC:] -0.004 0.237 0.986 0.999
rnc, DROSHA, RNT1; ribonuclease III [EC:] 0.037 0.033 0.256 0.978
rnd; ribonuclease D [EC:] -0.097 0.124 0.435 0.978
rne; ribonuclease E [EC:] -0.023 0.118 0.846 0.999
rnfA; electron transport complex protein RnfA 0.318 0.169 0.062 0.839
rnfB; electron transport complex protein RnfB 0.063 0.154 0.684 0.999
rnfC; electron transport complex protein RnfC 0.356 0.185 0.056 0.839
rnfD; electron transport complex protein RnfD 0.399 0.169 0.020 0.839
rnfE; electron transport complex protein RnfE 0.318 0.169 0.062 0.839
rnfG; electron transport complex protein RnfG 0.235 0.152 0.124 0.919
rng, cafA; ribonuclease G [EC:3.1.26.-] 0.080 0.088 0.362 0.978
rnhA-dnaQ; ribonuclease HI / DNA polymerase III subunit epsilon [EC:] -0.264 0.437 0.547 0.991
rnhA, RNASEH1; ribonuclease HI [EC:] 0.000 0.062 0.997 0.999
rnhB; ribonuclease HII [EC:] 0.018 0.042 0.672 0.999
rnhC; ribonuclease HIII [EC:] -0.060 0.142 0.676 0.999
rnj; ribonuclease J [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.044 0.089 0.625 0.999
rnk; regulator of nucleoside diphosphate kinase -0.054 0.209 0.796 0.999
rnmV; ribonuclease M5 [EC:] 0.126 0.098 0.199 0.970
rnpA; ribonuclease P protein component [EC:] 0.053 0.040 0.193 0.970
rnr, vacB; ribonuclease R [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.043 0.041 0.294 0.978
rnt; ribonuclease T [EC:3.1.13.-] 0.093 0.171 0.586 0.999
rny; ribonucrease Y [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.064 0.087 0.465 0.979
rnz; ribonuclease Z [EC:] -0.014 0.081 0.859 0.999
rob; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator 0.151 0.565 0.790 0.999
rocD, OAT; ornithine–oxo-acid transaminase [EC:] -0.776 0.306 0.012 0.839
rocE, rocC; arginine/ornithine permease -0.535 0.708 0.451 0.978
rocR; arginine utilization regulatory protein -0.922 0.852 0.281 0.978
rodA, mrdB; rod shape determining protein RodA 0.066 0.041 0.113 0.917
rodZ; cytoskeleton protein RodZ 0.101 0.173 0.560 0.992
rof; Rho-binding antiterminator 0.106 0.546 0.846 0.999
RON2; rhoptry neck protein 2 1.239 1.292 0.339 0.978
RP-L1, MRPL1, rplA; large subunit ribosomal protein L1 0.036 0.036 0.322 0.978
RP-L10, MRPL10, rplJ; large subunit ribosomal protein L10 0.036 0.036 0.322 0.978
RP-L10e, RPL10; large subunit ribosomal protein L10e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L11, MRPL11, rplK; large subunit ribosomal protein L11 0.037 0.036 0.306 0.978
RP-L12, rpl12; large subunit ribosomal protein L12 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L13, MRPL13, rplM; large subunit ribosomal protein L13 0.036 0.036 0.322 0.978
RP-L14, MRPL14, rplN; large subunit ribosomal protein L14 0.037 0.036 0.306 0.978
RP-L15, MRPL15, rplO; large subunit ribosomal protein L15 0.037 0.036 0.306 0.978
RP-L15e, RPL15; large subunit ribosomal protein L15e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L16, MRPL16, rplP; large subunit ribosomal protein L16 0.037 0.036 0.295 0.978
RP-L17, MRPL17, rplQ; large subunit ribosomal protein L17 0.038 0.036 0.288 0.978
RP-L18, MRPL18, rplR; large subunit ribosomal protein L18 0.037 0.036 0.307 0.978
RP-L18e, RPL18; large subunit ribosomal protein L18e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L19, MRPL19, rplS; large subunit ribosomal protein L19 0.036 0.036 0.312 0.978
RP-L19e, RPL19; large subunit ribosomal protein L19e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L2, MRPL2, rplB; large subunit ribosomal protein L2 0.035 0.036 0.326 0.978
RP-L20, MRPL20, rplT; large subunit ribosomal protein L20 0.036 0.036 0.321 0.978
RP-L21, MRPL21, rplU; large subunit ribosomal protein L21 0.036 0.036 0.321 0.978
RP-L21e, RPL21; large subunit ribosomal protein L21e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L22, MRPL22, rplV; large subunit ribosomal protein L22 0.036 0.036 0.311 0.978
RP-L23, MRPL23, rplW; large subunit ribosomal protein L23 0.035 0.036 0.337 0.978
RP-L24, MRPL24, rplX; large subunit ribosomal protein L24 0.031 0.036 0.379 0.978
RP-L24e, RPL24; large subunit ribosomal protein L24e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L25, rplY; large subunit ribosomal protein L25 -0.084 0.076 0.271 0.978
RP-L27, MRPL27, rpmA; large subunit ribosomal protein L27 0.036 0.036 0.321 0.978
RP-L28, MRPL28, rpmB; large subunit ribosomal protein L28 0.026 0.035 0.466 0.979
RP-L29, rpmC; large subunit ribosomal protein L29 0.035 0.036 0.325 0.978
RP-L3, MRPL3, rplC; large subunit ribosomal protein L3 0.036 0.036 0.322 0.978
RP-L30, MRPL30, rpmD; large subunit ribosomal protein L30 0.045 0.037 0.220 0.978
RP-L30e, RPL30; large subunit ribosomal protein L30e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L31, rpmE; large subunit ribosomal protein L31 0.032 0.032 0.320 0.978
RP-L31e, RPL31; large subunit ribosomal protein L31e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L32, MRPL32, rpmF; large subunit ribosomal protein L32 0.040 0.036 0.269 0.978
RP-L32e, RPL32; large subunit ribosomal protein L32e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L33, MRPL33, rpmG; large subunit ribosomal protein L33 0.041 0.050 0.407 0.978
RP-L34, MRPL34, rpmH; large subunit ribosomal protein L34 0.075 0.044 0.090 0.884
RP-L35, MRPL35, rpmI; large subunit ribosomal protein L35 0.036 0.036 0.322 0.978
RP-L36, MRPL36, rpmJ; large subunit ribosomal protein L36 0.094 0.057 0.101 0.896
RP-L37Ae, RPL37A; large subunit ribosomal protein L37Ae -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L39e, RPL39; large subunit ribosomal protein L39e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L4, MRPL4, rplD; large subunit ribosomal protein L4 0.036 0.036 0.321 0.978
RP-L44e, RPL44; large subunit ribosomal protein L44e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L4e, RPL4; large subunit ribosomal protein L4e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L5, MRPL5, rplE; large subunit ribosomal protein L5 0.035 0.036 0.325 0.978
RP-L6, MRPL6, rplF; large subunit ribosomal protein L6 0.036 0.036 0.322 0.978
RP-L7, MRPL12, rplL; large subunit ribosomal protein L7/L12 0.036 0.036 0.320 0.978
RP-L7A, rplGB; large subunit ribosomal protein L7A -0.073 0.199 0.715 0.999
RP-L7Ae, RPL7A; large subunit ribosomal protein L7Ae -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-L9, MRPL9, rplI; large subunit ribosomal protein L9 0.036 0.036 0.311 0.978
RP-S1, rpsA; small subunit ribosomal protein S1 0.000 0.044 0.993 0.999
RP-S10, MRPS10, rpsJ; small subunit ribosomal protein S10 0.035 0.036 0.337 0.978
RP-S11, MRPS11, rpsK; small subunit ribosomal protein S11 0.036 0.036 0.315 0.978
RP-S12, MRPS12, rpsL; small subunit ribosomal protein S12 0.036 0.036 0.322 0.978
RP-S13, rpsM; small subunit ribosomal protein S13 0.037 0.036 0.305 0.978
RP-S14, MRPS14, rpsN; small subunit ribosomal protein S14 0.053 0.048 0.265 0.978
RP-S15, MRPS15, rpsO; small subunit ribosomal protein S15 0.031 0.036 0.386 0.978
RP-S16, MRPS16, rpsP; small subunit ribosomal protein S16 0.036 0.036 0.320 0.978
RP-S17, MRPS17, rpsQ; small subunit ribosomal protein S17 0.037 0.036 0.306 0.978
RP-S17e, RPS17; small subunit ribosomal protein S17e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S18, MRPS18, rpsR; small subunit ribosomal protein S18 0.030 0.035 0.399 0.978
RP-S19, rpsS; small subunit ribosomal protein S19 0.036 0.036 0.313 0.978
RP-S19e, RPS19; small subunit ribosomal protein S19e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S2, MRPS2, rpsB; small subunit ribosomal protein S2 0.035 0.036 0.326 0.978
RP-S20, rpsT; small subunit ribosomal protein S20 0.036 0.036 0.324 0.978
RP-S21, MRPS21, rpsU; small subunit ribosomal protein S21 -0.012 0.045 0.787 0.999
RP-S24e, RPS24; small subunit ribosomal protein S24e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S25e, RPS25; small subunit ribosomal protein S25e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S26e, RPS26; small subunit ribosomal protein S26e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S27Ae, RPS27A; small subunit ribosomal protein S27Ae -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S27e, RPS27; small subunit ribosomal protein S27e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S28e, RPS28; small subunit ribosomal protein S28e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S3, rpsC; small subunit ribosomal protein S3 0.036 0.036 0.322 0.978
RP-S30e, RPS30; small subunit ribosomal protein S30e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S3Ae, RPS3A; small subunit ribosomal protein S3Ae -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S4, rpsD; small subunit ribosomal protein S4 0.040 0.036 0.271 0.978
RP-S4e, RPS4; small subunit ribosomal protein S4e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S5, MRPS5, rpsE; small subunit ribosomal protein S5 0.036 0.036 0.322 0.978
RP-S6, MRPS6, rpsF; small subunit ribosomal protein S6 0.036 0.036 0.320 0.978
RP-S6e, RPS6; small subunit ribosomal protein S6e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S7, MRPS7, rpsG; small subunit ribosomal protein S7 0.034 0.036 0.340 0.978
RP-S8, rpsH; small subunit ribosomal protein S8 0.036 0.036 0.322 0.978
RP-S8e, RPS8; small subunit ribosomal protein S8e -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RP-S9, MRPS9, rpsI; small subunit ribosomal protein S9 0.035 0.036 0.325 0.978
rpaA; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RpaA -17.256 3111.566 0.996 0.999
rpaB; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RpaB -2.545 2.077 0.222 0.978
RPB6, POLR2F; DNA-directed RNA polymerases I, II, and III subunit RPABC2 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpe, RPE; ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase [EC:] 0.040 0.036 0.274 0.978
rpfC; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase RpfC [EC:] -0.067 0.469 0.886 0.999
rpfF; DSF synthase -0.048 0.440 0.913 0.999
rpfG; two-component system, response regulator RpfG -0.052 0.473 0.913 0.999
rph; ribonuclease PH [EC:] -0.045 0.092 0.626 0.999
rpiA; ribose 5-phosphate isomerase A [EC:] 0.019 0.089 0.828 0.999
rpiB; ribose 5-phosphate isomerase B [EC:] 0.043 0.113 0.707 0.999
rpoA; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.035 0.036 0.336 0.978
rpoA1; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit A’ [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpoB; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit B [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpoB; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta [EC:] 0.040 0.031 0.207 0.976
rpoBC; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta-beta’ [EC:] -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
rpoC; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta’ [EC:] 0.045 0.036 0.220 0.978
rpoD; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit D [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpoD; RNA polymerase primary sigma factor 0.024 0.057 0.677 0.999
rpoE; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit delta 0.049 0.120 0.682 0.999
rpoE; RNA polymerase sigma-70 factor, ECF subfamily -0.188 0.085 0.028 0.839
rpoE1; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit E’ [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpoE2; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit E" [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpoF; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit F [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpoH; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit H [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpoH; RNA polymerase sigma-32 factor -0.108 0.147 0.461 0.979
rpoL; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit L [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpoN; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit N [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpoN; RNA polymerase sigma-54 factor -0.089 0.097 0.360 0.978
rpoP; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit P [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rpoS; RNA polymerase nonessential primary-like sigma factor 0.118 0.254 0.642 0.999
rpoZ; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit omega [EC:] 0.077 0.038 0.044 0.839
rppA; 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene synthase [EC:] -17.487 3492.836 0.996 0.999
RPR2, RPP21; ribonuclease P protein subunit RPR2 [EC:] 0.875 1.335 0.513 0.982
rraA, menG; regulator of ribonuclease activity A -0.049 0.172 0.776 0.999
rraB; regulator of ribonuclease activity B 0.231 0.302 0.446 0.978
RRP4, EXOSC2; exosome complex component RRP4 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RRP41, EXOSC4, SKI6; exosome complex component RRP41 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
RRP42, EXOSC7; exosome complex component RRP42 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
rsaA; S-layer protein -17.510 3533.982 0.996 0.999
rsaD; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial RsaD -17.510 3533.982 0.996 0.999
RSAD2; radical S-adenosyl methionine domain-containing protein 2 18.595 2918.736 0.995 0.999
rsaE; membrane fusion protein, S-layer protein transport system -17.510 3533.982 0.996 0.999
rsaF; outer membrane protein, S-layer protein transport system -17.771 3227.286 0.996 0.999
rsbQ; sigma-B regulation protein RsbQ -0.358 0.502 0.477 0.979
rsbR; rsbT co-antagonist protein RsbR -0.243 0.416 0.560 0.992
rsbS; rsbT antagonist protein RsbS -0.147 0.409 0.720 0.999
rsbT; serine/threonine-protein kinase RsbT [EC:] -0.224 0.435 0.607 0.999
rsbU_P; phosphoserine phosphatase RsbU/P [EC:] 0.059 0.267 0.827 0.999
rsbV; anti-sigma B factor antagonist 0.156 0.246 0.528 0.989
rsbW; serine/threonine-protein kinase RsbW [EC:] 0.204 0.245 0.407 0.978
rsbX; phosphoserine phosphatase RsbX [EC:] -1.333 0.949 0.162 0.957
rsd; regulator of sigma D 0.248 0.307 0.421 0.978
rseA; sigma-E factor negative regulatory protein RseA 0.152 0.193 0.433 0.978
rseB; sigma-E factor negative regulatory protein RseB 0.145 0.195 0.459 0.979
rseC; sigma-E factor negative regulatory protein RseC 0.335 0.188 0.076 0.855
rseP; regulator of sigma E protease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.035 0.041 0.388 0.978
rsfA; prespore-specific regulator -1.679 0.818 0.042 0.839
rsgA, engC; ribosome biogenesis GTPase / thiamine phosphate phosphatase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.059 0.042 0.161 0.957
rsmB, sun; 16S rRNA (cytosine967-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.046 0.033 0.167 0.961
rsmC; 16S rRNA (guanine1207-N2)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.065 0.066 0.326 0.978
rsmD; 16S rRNA (guanine966-N2)-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.030 0.072 0.672 0.999
rsmE; 16S rRNA (uracil1498-N3)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.033 0.038 0.391 0.978
rsmF; 16S rRNA (cytosine1407-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.444 0.544 0.416 0.978
rsmI; 16S rRNA (cytidine1402-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.019 0.036 0.597 0.999
rsmJ; 16S rRNA (guanine1516-N2)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.130 0.176 0.462 0.979
rspA, manD; mannonate dehydratase [EC:] 0.019 0.346 0.957 0.999
rspB; L-gulonate 5-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.180 0.575 0.755 0.999
rssB, hnr; two-component system, response regulator -0.030 0.382 0.939 0.999
rstA; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator RstA 0.031 0.224 0.889 0.999
rstA1; phage replication initiation protein -0.218 0.418 0.603 0.999
rstB; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase RstB [EC:] 0.017 0.226 0.940 0.999
rsuA; 16S rRNA pseudouridine516 synthase [EC:] 0.096 0.071 0.176 0.961
RTCA, rtcA; RNA 3’-terminal phosphate cyclase (ATP) [EC:] -0.030 0.422 0.943 0.999
RTCB, rtcB; tRNA-splicing ligase RtcB (3’-phosphate/5’-hydroxy nucleic acid ligase) [EC:] -0.188 0.194 0.335 0.978
rtcB; release factor H-coupled RctB family protein -0.132 0.433 0.761 0.999
rtcR; transcriptional regulatory protein RtcR -0.149 0.349 0.670 0.999
rtpR; ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (thioredoxin) [EC:] 0.071 0.090 0.431 0.978
rtxB, fitA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial RtxB 0.088 1.356 0.948 0.999
rtxD, fitB; membrane fusion protein, RTX toxin transport system 0.088 1.356 0.948 0.999
rtxE, fitC; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial RtxE 0.088 1.356 0.948 0.999
rubB, alkT; rubredoxin—NAD+ reductase [EC:] 0.177 0.258 0.494 0.981
rumA; 23S rRNA (uracil1939-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.014 0.048 0.774 0.999
rumB; 23S rRNA (uracil747-C5)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.174 0.219 0.428 0.978
rusA; crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease RusA [EC:] -0.280 0.799 0.727 0.999
rutA; pyrimidine oxygenase [EC:] -0.005 0.489 0.992 0.999
rutB; ureidoacrylate peracid hydrolase [EC:] -0.133 0.431 0.758 0.999
rutC; aminoacrylate peracid reductase 0.045 0.500 0.929 0.999
rutD; aminoacrylate hydrolase [EC:3.5.1.-] -0.169 0.491 0.732 0.999
rutE; 3-hydroxypropanoate dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] -0.119 0.247 0.632 0.999
rutF; flavin reductase [EC:1.5.1.-] -0.345 0.370 0.353 0.978
rutG; putative pyrimidine permease RutG -0.344 0.693 0.620 0.999
rutR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator 0.021 0.277 0.941 0.999
ruvA; holliday junction DNA helicase RuvA [EC:] 0.035 0.036 0.329 0.978
ruvB; holliday junction DNA helicase RuvB [EC:] 0.037 0.035 0.292 0.978
ruvC; crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease RuvC [EC:] 0.037 0.073 0.615 0.999
ruvX; putative holliday junction resolvase [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.038 0.036 0.290 0.978
RUXX; small nuclear ribonucleoprotein -16.927 2639.780 0.995 0.999
RYR2; ryanodine receptor 2 0.298 0.949 0.754 0.999
rzpD; prophage endopeptidase [EC:3.4.-.-] -0.195 0.947 0.838 0.999
sabA; outer membrane protein SabA -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
sacB; levansucrase [EC:] 0.209 0.424 0.623 0.999
sacC, levB; levanase [EC:] -0.203 0.304 0.506 0.981
sad; succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.005 0.259 0.986 0.999
saeR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator SaeR -0.091 0.181 0.614 0.999
saeS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase SaeS [EC:] -0.142 0.178 0.425 0.978
safA; morphogenetic protein associated with SpoVID -1.483 0.738 0.046 0.839
sak; staphylokinase -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
salK; two-component system, NarL family, secretion system sensor histidine kinase SalK -0.147 1.349 0.913 0.999
salR; two-component system, NarL family, secretion system response regulator SalR -0.056 1.120 0.960 0.999
sam; S-adenosylmethionine uptake transporter -0.795 0.425 0.063 0.839
SAM50, TOB55, bamA; outer membrane protein insertion porin family 0.040 0.087 0.647 0.999
sanA; SanA protein 0.079 0.209 0.706 0.999
sapA; cationic peptide transport system substrate-binding protein 0.232 0.307 0.451 0.978
sapB; cationic peptide transport system permease protein 0.232 0.307 0.451 0.978
sapC; cationic peptide transport system permease protein 0.232 0.307 0.451 0.978
sapD; cationic peptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
sapF; cationic peptide transport system ATP-binding protein 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
sapZ; predicted membrane protein -0.105 0.772 0.892 0.999
SARS, serS; seryl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.034 0.036 0.342 0.978
sasG; surface protein G -0.457 0.700 0.514 0.983
SASP-A, sspA; small acid-soluble spore protein A (major alpha-type SASP) -1.930 1.515 0.205 0.972
SASP-B, sspB; small acid-soluble spore protein B (major beta-type SASP) -2.463 1.012 0.016 0.839
sat, met3; sulfate adenylyltransferase [EC:] -0.604 0.412 0.145 0.951
sauS; sulfoacetaldehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 1.282 0.614 0.039 0.839
sbcB, exoI; exodeoxyribonuclease I [EC:] 0.084 0.175 0.635 0.999
sbcC, rad50; DNA repair protein SbcC/Rad50 0.207 0.083 0.014 0.839
sbcD, mre11; DNA repair protein SbcD/Mre11 0.097 0.080 0.226 0.978
sbi; immunoglobulin G-binding protein Sbi -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
sbmA, bacA; peptide/bleomycin uptake transporter -0.501 0.329 0.130 0.934
sbmC; DNA gyrase inhibitor 0.112 0.636 0.860 0.999
SC5DL, ERG3; Delta7-sterol 5-desaturase [EC:] 1.123 1.093 0.306 0.978
SCD, desC; stearoyl-CoA desaturase (Delta-9 desaturase) [EC:] -0.190 0.287 0.509 0.981
scn, scin; staphylococcal complement inhibitor -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
SCO1_2; protein SCO1/2 -0.211 0.178 0.239 0.978
scpA; segregation and condensation protein A 0.059 0.043 0.179 0.961
scpB, mmcD; methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase [EC:] -1.130 1.346 0.402 0.978
scpB; segregation and condensation protein B 0.057 0.041 0.167 0.961
SCRN; secernin -17.763 3362.856 0.996 0.999
scrR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, sucrose operon repressor 0.065 0.135 0.631 0.999
scrY; sucrose porin 0.430 0.544 0.430 0.978
scsB; suppressor for copper-sensitivity B 0.772 0.527 0.145 0.951
sct; succinyl-CoA—D-citramalate CoA-transferase [EC:] -2.724 2.543 0.286 0.978
sda; developmental checkpoint coupling sporulation initiation to replication initiation -2.109 0.983 0.033 0.839
sdaC; serine transporter -0.043 0.237 0.857 0.999
SDC1, CD138; syndecan 1 1.319 1.210 0.277 0.978
sdh; serine 3-dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] -0.191 0.415 0.646 0.999
sdhA, frdA; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, flavoprotein subunit [EC:] -0.125 0.073 0.090 0.883
sdhB, frdB; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] -0.127 0.075 0.095 0.896
sdhC, frdC; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, cytochrome b subunit -0.120 0.076 0.119 0.917
sdhD, frdD; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, membrane anchor subunit -0.104 0.152 0.496 0.981
sdiA; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator SdiA -0.331 0.371 0.374 0.978
sdmt; sarcosine/dimethylglycine N-methyltransferase [EC:] -1.020 0.981 0.300 0.978
SDO1, SBDS; ribosome maturation protein SDO1 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
SDR16C5; all-trans-retinol dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.833 1.424 0.559 0.992
sdrC_D_E; serine-aspartate repeat-containing protein C/D/E -0.562 0.669 0.402 0.978
sdrM; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.160 0.828 0.847 0.999
SDS, SDH, CHA1; L-serine/L-threonine ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.379 0.445 0.396 0.978
se; staphylococcal enterotoxin -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
seaA; uncharacterized protein -3.068 1.924 0.113 0.917
SEC11, sipW; signal peptidase I [EC:] 0.284 0.501 0.571 0.995
SEC61A; protein transport protein SEC61 subunit alpha -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
SEC61G, SSS1, secE; protein transport protein SEC61 subunit gamma and related proteins -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
secA; preprotein translocase subunit SecA -0.011 0.045 0.799 0.999
secB; preprotein translocase subunit SecB -0.038 0.142 0.787 0.999
secD; preprotein translocase subunit SecD 0.140 0.077 0.071 0.841
secDF; SecD/SecF fusion protein -0.312 0.148 0.037 0.839
secE; preprotein translocase subunit SecE 0.082 0.044 0.060 0.839
secF; preprotein translocase subunit SecF 0.141 0.077 0.068 0.839
secG; preprotein translocase subunit SecG 0.036 0.043 0.398 0.978
secM; secretion monitor 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
secY; preprotein translocase subunit SecY 0.004 0.050 0.935 0.999
selA; L-seryl-tRNA(Ser) seleniumtransferase [EC:] 0.163 0.165 0.324 0.978
selB, EEFSEC; selenocysteine-specific elongation factor 0.284 0.166 0.088 0.880
selD, SEPHS; selenide, water dikinase [EC:] 0.177 0.109 0.106 0.911
SELENBP1; selenium-binding protein 1 -0.998 0.740 0.179 0.961
selU; tRNA 2-selenouridine synthase [EC:2.9.1.-] 0.180 0.218 0.409 0.978
senX3; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase SenX3 [EC:] -0.016 0.278 0.954 0.999
sepF; cell division inhibitor SepF 0.190 0.091 0.038 0.839
seqA; negative modulator of initiation of replication 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
serA, PHGDH; D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase / 2-oxoglutarate reductase [EC:] -0.032 0.055 0.561 0.992
serB-plsC; putative phosphoserine phosphatase / 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase [EC:] -1.955 1.506 0.196 0.970
serB, PSPH; phosphoserine phosphatase [EC:] -0.092 0.078 0.237 0.978
serC, PSAT1; phosphoserine aminotransferase [EC:] -0.081 0.061 0.188 0.966
SERPINB; serpin B -0.145 0.291 0.618 0.999
set; superantigen-like protein -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
sfa2; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator 0.153 0.397 0.701 0.999
sfa3; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator 1.513 1.386 0.276 0.978
sfb1; fibronectin-binding protein 1 -16.913 2621.982 0.995 0.999
sfmA; type 1 fimbrial protein -16.797 2474.383 0.995 0.999
sfmC; fimbrial chaperone protein 18.428 3259.084 0.995 0.999
sfmD; outer membrane usher protein -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
sfmF; fimbrial-like protein -1.158 1.457 0.428 0.978
sfmH; fimbrial protein -2.044 2.163 0.346 0.978
sfnG; dimethylsulfone monooxygenase [EC:] -0.264 0.289 0.362 0.978
sfsA; sugar fermentation stimulation protein A 0.142 0.126 0.260 0.978
SGA1; glucoamylase [EC:] -0.103 0.734 0.889 0.999
sgrR; SgrR family transcriptional regulator 0.078 0.554 0.888 0.999
sgtA; monofunctional glycosyltransferase [EC:] -0.160 0.828 0.847 0.999
sgtB; monofunctional glycosyltransferase [EC:] -0.160 0.828 0.847 0.999
shc; squalene-hopene/tetraprenyl-beta-curcumene cyclase [EC:] -0.226 0.580 0.697 0.999
shiA; MFS transporter, MHS family, shikimate and dehydroshikimate transport protein 0.107 0.625 0.864 0.999
shlA, hhdA, hpmA; hemolysin 0.717 0.501 0.155 0.954
shlB, hhdB, hpmB; hemolysin activation/secretion protein 0.431 0.396 0.278 0.978
SHPK; sedoheptulokinase [EC:] -3.815 3.621 0.294 0.978
siaA, neuC1; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolysing) [EC:] 1.728 1.235 0.164 0.957
SIAE; sialate O-acetylesterase [EC:] -0.382 0.224 0.090 0.882
sigB; RNA polymerase sigma-B factor -0.562 0.328 0.089 0.880
sigH; RNA polymerase sporulation-specific sigma factor -0.005 0.166 0.974 0.999
sigI; RNA polymerase sigma factor -1.590 0.823 0.055 0.839
sinI; antagonist of SinR -2.386 2.492 0.340 0.978
sinR; XRE family transcriptional regulator, master regulator for biofilm formation -2.391 1.250 0.058 0.839
sipB, ipaB, bipB; invasin B -17.760 4004.372 0.996 0.999
sipC, ipaC, bipC; invasin C -17.760 4004.372 0.996 0.999
sipD, ipaD, bipD; invasin D -17.760 4004.372 0.996 0.999
sir; sulfite reductase (ferredoxin) [EC:] -0.361 0.321 0.263 0.978
sirB; sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase [EC:] -1.552 0.893 0.084 0.873
sitA; manganese/iron transport system substrate-binding protein 0.120 0.296 0.686 0.999
sitB; manganese/iron transport system ATP-binding protein 0.095 0.290 0.743 0.999
sitC; manganese/iron transport system permease protein 0.120 0.296 0.686 0.999
sitD; manganese/iron transport system permease protein 0.120 0.296 0.686 0.999
sixA; phosphohistidine phosphatase [EC:3.1.3.-] -0.032 0.122 0.795 0.999
ska; streptokinase A [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.521 1.146 0.650 0.999
SKI3, TTC37; superkiller protein 3 -17.068 2832.569 0.995 0.999
SLC10A7, P7; solute carrier family 10 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter), member 7 0.013 0.159 0.934 0.999
SLC13A2_3_5; solute carrier family 13 (sodium-dependent dicarboxylate transporter), member 2/3/5 0.063 0.169 0.710 0.999
SLC34A, NPT, nptA; solute carrier family 34 (sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter) 1.403 1.070 0.192 0.970
slcC; (S)-sulfolactate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.164 0.669 0.807 0.999
slmA, ttk; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator 0.055 0.262 0.833 0.999
slo; thiol-activated cytolysin -0.181 0.201 0.368 0.978
slp; outer membrane lipoprotein 0.019 0.333 0.953 0.999
slpA; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase SlpA [EC:] 0.039 0.230 0.864 0.999
slrA; anti-repressor of SlrR 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
slrR; HTH-type transcriptional regulator, biofilm formation regulator 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
slt; soluble lytic murein transglycosylase [EC:4.2.2.-] -0.023 0.095 0.811 0.999
slyA; MarR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional regulator for hemolysin -0.049 0.245 0.843 0.999
slyB; outer membrane lipoprotein SlyB 0.142 0.176 0.420 0.978
slyD; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase SlyD [EC:] 0.048 0.108 0.661 0.999
slyX; SlyX protein -0.002 0.152 0.988 0.999
SMARCAD1; SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily A containing DEAD/H box 1 [EC:] 18.525 3422.126 0.996 0.999
smc; chromosome segregation protein 0.054 0.041 0.190 0.968
smeA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system -0.052 0.488 0.915 0.999
smeB; multidrug efflux pump -0.052 0.488 0.915 0.999
smeC; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system -0.052 0.488 0.915 0.999
smf; DNA processing protein 0.073 0.042 0.082 0.865
smg; Smg protein 0.082 0.274 0.765 0.999
smoE, mtlE; sorbitol/mannitol transport system substrate-binding protein -0.338 0.371 0.363 0.978
smoF, mtlF; sorbitol/mannitol transport system permease protein -0.302 0.336 0.370 0.978
smoG, mtlG; sorbitol/mannitol transport system permease protein -0.302 0.336 0.370 0.978
smp; membrane protein 0.218 0.293 0.459 0.979
smpB; SsrA-binding protein 0.034 0.036 0.344 0.978
smtA; S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase 0.226 0.292 0.439 0.978
SMUG1; single-strand selective monofunctional uracil DNA glycosylase [EC:3.2.2.-] -0.661 1.067 0.536 0.990
smvA, qacA, lfrA; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.147 0.221 0.508 0.981
snbC; pristinamycin I synthase 2 -17.871 3602.141 0.996 0.999
snoaF, dnrE, dauE, aknU; nogalaviketone/aklaviketone reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] -1.780 1.801 0.324 0.978
snpA; snapalysin [EC:] -17.794 4072.025 0.997 0.999
SOD1; superoxide dismutase, Cu-Zn family [EC:] -0.138 0.178 0.440 0.978
SOD2; superoxide dismutase, Fe-Mn family [EC:] -0.080 0.060 0.188 0.966
sodN; nickel superoxide dismutase [EC:] 1.384 0.676 0.042 0.839
sohB; serine protease SohB [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.114 0.188 0.546 0.990
solA; N-methyl-L-tryptophan oxidase [EC:1.5.3.-] -0.298 0.755 0.694 0.999
solR, cepR, tofR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, quorum-sensing system regulator SolR -2.067 1.907 0.280 0.978
SORD, gutB; L-iditol 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.210 0.265 0.430 0.978
sotB; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, L-arabinose/isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside export protein 0.097 0.206 0.637 0.999
soxA; sarcosine oxidase, subunit alpha [EC:] -0.222 0.297 0.455 0.978
soxA; sulfur-oxidizing protein SoxA -1.335 0.667 0.047 0.839
soxB; sarcosine oxidase, subunit beta [EC:] -0.270 0.334 0.422 0.978
soxB; sulfur-oxidizing protein SoxB -1.085 0.603 0.074 0.845
soxC; sulfane dehydrogenase subunit SoxC -0.782 0.594 0.190 0.968
soxD; sarcosine oxidase, subunit delta [EC:] -0.044 0.312 0.887 0.999
soxG; sarcosine oxidase, subunit gamma [EC:] -0.114 0.320 0.722 0.999
soxR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensitive transcriptional activator SoxR -0.053 0.234 0.821 0.999
soxS; AraC family transcriptional regulator, mar-sox-rob regulon activator -0.223 0.684 0.744 0.999
soxX; sulfur-oxidizing protein SoxX -1.292 0.672 0.056 0.839
soxY; sulfur-oxidizing protein SoxY -0.006 0.335 0.985 0.999
soxZ; sulfur-oxidizing protein SoxZ -0.835 0.566 0.142 0.951
spa; immunoglobulin G-binding protein A -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
spdH; spermidine dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.719 0.796 0.368 0.978
speA; arginine decarboxylase [EC:] -0.064 0.133 0.631 0.999
speB; agmatinase [EC:] -0.100 0.181 0.580 0.997
speD, AMD1; S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.051 0.140 0.717 0.999
speE, SRM; spermidine synthase [EC:] -0.107 0.096 0.267 0.978
speG, SAT; diamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.076 0.122 0.535 0.990
sphB1, nalP, ausP; autotransporter serine protease [EC:3.4.21.-] -16.880 1816.243 0.993 0.999
splA; transcriptional regulator of the spore photoproduct lyase operon -1.305 0.884 0.142 0.951
splB; spore photoproduct lyase [EC:] 0.439 0.359 0.224 0.978
spmA; spore maturation protein A -0.834 0.461 0.072 0.845
spmB; spore maturation protein B -1.050 0.550 0.058 0.839
spo0A; two-component system, response regulator, stage 0 sporulation protein A -0.704 0.286 0.015 0.839
spo0B; stage 0 sporulation protein B (sporulation initiation phosphotransferase) [EC:2.7.-.-] -1.586 0.806 0.051 0.839
spo0E; stage 0 sporulation regulatory protein -0.708 1.237 0.568 0.995
spo0F; two-component system, response regulator, stage 0 sporulation protein F -1.421 0.741 0.057 0.839
spo0M; sporulation-control protein -0.700 0.453 0.124 0.919
spoIIAA; stage II sporulation protein AA (anti-sigma F factor antagonist) -0.854 0.469 0.071 0.841
spoIIAB; stage II sporulation protein AB (anti-sigma F factor) [EC:] -0.960 0.501 0.057 0.839
spoIIB; stage II sporulation protein B -2.967 1.380 0.033 0.839
spoIID; stage II sporulation protein D 0.093 0.184 0.612 0.999
spoIIE; stage II sporulation protein E [EC:] -0.996 0.511 0.053 0.839
spoIIGA; stage II sporulation protein GA (sporulation sigma-E factor processing peptidase) [EC:3.4.23.-] -0.893 0.514 0.085 0.873
spoIIIAA; stage III sporulation protein AA -1.041 0.551 0.061 0.839
spoIIIAB; stage III sporulation protein AB -0.977 0.591 0.100 0.896
spoIIIAC; stage III sporulation protein AC -0.957 0.501 0.058 0.839
spoIIIAD; stage III sporulation protein AD -1.041 0.551 0.061 0.839
spoIIIAE; stage III sporulation protein AE -0.980 0.509 0.056 0.839
spoIIIAF; stage III sporulation protein AF -1.058 0.586 0.073 0.845
spoIIIAG; stage III sporulation protein AG -0.954 0.499 0.058 0.839
spoIIIAH; stage III sporulation protein AH -0.957 0.501 0.058 0.839
spoIIID; putative DeoR family transcriptional regulator, stage III sporulation protein D -0.940 0.501 0.063 0.839
spoIIM; stage II sporulation protein M -1.025 0.558 0.068 0.839
spoIIP; stage II sporulation protein P -1.015 0.487 0.039 0.839
spoIIQ; stage II sporulation protein Q -1.487 0.738 0.046 0.839
spoIIR; stage II sporulation protein R -0.929 0.498 0.064 0.839
spoIISA; stage II sporulation protein SA 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
spoIISB; stage II sporulation protein SB 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
spoIVA; stage IV sporulation protein A -0.960 0.501 0.057 0.839
spoIVB; stage IV sporulation protein B [EC:] -0.996 0.494 0.045 0.839
spoIVCA; site-specific DNA recombinase -0.144 0.386 0.710 0.999
spoIVFA; stage IV sporulation protein FA -2.174 0.860 0.012 0.839
spoIVFB; stage IV sporulation protein FB [EC:3.4.24.-] -0.838 0.566 0.141 0.949
spoT; GTP diphosphokinase / guanosine-3’,5’-bis(diphosphate) 3’-diphosphatase [EC:] 0.199 0.139 0.153 0.954
spoU; RNA methyltransferase, TrmH family 0.039 0.066 0.557 0.992
spoVAA; stage V sporulation protein AA -2.374 0.831 0.005 0.839
spoVAB; stage V sporulation protein AB -2.236 0.783 0.005 0.839
spoVAC; stage V sporulation protein AC -1.219 0.504 0.017 0.839
spoVAD; stage V sporulation protein AD -1.202 0.504 0.018 0.839
spoVAE; stage V sporulation protein AE -1.361 0.525 0.011 0.839
spoVAF; stage V sporulation protein AF -1.326 0.597 0.028 0.839
spoVB; stage V sporulation protein B 0.118 0.201 0.558 0.992
spoVD; stage V sporulation protein D (sporulation-specific penicillin-binding protein) 0.044 0.210 0.833 0.999
spoVFA; dipicolinate synthase subunit A -1.337 0.569 0.020 0.839
spoVFB; dipicolinate synthase subunit B -1.337 0.569 0.020 0.839
spoVG; stage V sporulation protein G 0.226 0.235 0.339 0.978
spoVID; stage VI sporulation protein D -2.171 0.928 0.021 0.839
spoVK; stage V sporulation protein K -2.177 0.856 0.012 0.839
spoVM; stage V sporulation protein M -1.220 1.986 0.540 0.990
spoVR; stage V sporulation protein R -0.801 0.507 0.116 0.917
spoVS; stage V sporulation protein S -0.294 0.377 0.437 0.978
spoVT; AbrB family transcriptional regulator, stage V sporulation protein T -0.966 0.503 0.057 0.839
SPP; sucrose-6-phosphatase [EC:] 0.062 0.090 0.491 0.980
sppA; protease IV [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.072 0.101 0.475 0.979
sprB; streptogrisin B [EC:] -17.794 4072.025 0.997 0.999
sprC; streptogrisin C [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.755 1.052 0.474 0.979
sprD; streptogrisin D [EC:3.4.21.-] -17.487 3492.836 0.996 0.999
sprL; SprT-like protein 0.123 0.153 0.422 0.978
sprT; SprT protein 0.261 0.215 0.227 0.978
spsF; spore coat polysaccharide biosynthesis protein SpsF -0.329 0.665 0.622 0.999
spuC; putrescine—pyruvate transaminase [EC:] 0.116 0.328 0.724 0.999
spxA; regulatory protein spx -0.012 0.137 0.928 0.999
SQD1, sqdB; UDP-sulfoquinovose synthase [EC:] -1.103 0.644 0.089 0.880
sqhC; sporulenol synthase [EC:] -2.156 1.169 0.067 0.839
sqr; sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase [EC:] -0.132 0.206 0.523 0.989
sra; stationary-phase-induced ribosome-associated protein -0.281 0.729 0.700 0.999
SRD5A1; 3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1 [EC:] -1.103 0.669 0.101 0.896
srfAA, lchAA; surfactin family lipopeptide synthetase A 17.932 2544.192 0.994 0.999
srfAB, lchAB; surfactin family lipopeptide synthetase B 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
srfAC, lchAC; surfactin family lipopeptide synthetase C 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
srfATE, srfAD, lchAD; external thioesterase TEII -0.607 1.382 0.661 0.999
srlD; sorbitol-6-phosphate 2-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.335 0.358 0.351 0.978
srlR, gutR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, glucitol operon repressor 0.129 0.619 0.835 0.999
srmB; ATP-dependent RNA helicase SrmB [EC:] 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
SRP19; signal recognition particle subunit SRP19 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
SRP54, ffh; signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 [EC:] 0.035 0.036 0.326 0.978
srtA; sortase A [EC:] 0.012 0.111 0.913 0.999
srtB; sortase B [EC:] -0.037 0.194 0.851 0.999
ssb; single-strand DNA-binding protein 0.036 0.046 0.432 0.978
ssh10b; archaea-specific DNA-binding protein -16.927 2639.780 0.995 0.999
ssp; subtilase-type serine protease [EC:3.4.21.-] -0.208 0.407 0.610 0.999
sspA, mglA; stringent starvation protein A 0.061 0.155 0.696 0.999
sspA; glutamyl endopeptidase [EC:] -1.676 1.105 0.131 0.941
sspB; staphopain B [EC:3.4.22.-] -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
sspB; stringent starvation protein B 0.059 0.156 0.707 0.999
sspB2, sspP, scpA; staphopain A [EC:] -1.554 1.110 0.164 0.957
sspD; small acid-soluble spore protein D (minor alpha/beta-type SASP) -2.317 1.143 0.044 0.839
sspE; small acid-soluble spore protein E (minor gamma-type SASP) -1.247 0.767 0.106 0.911
sspF; small acid-soluble spore protein F (minor alpha/beta-type SASP) -1.302 0.808 0.109 0.917
sspH; small acid-soluble spore protein H (minor) -2.107 0.917 0.023 0.839
sspI; small acid-soluble spore protein I (minor) -1.426 0.741 0.056 0.839
sspK; small acid-soluble spore protein K (minor) -2.826 1.220 0.022 0.839
sspL; small acid-soluble spore protein L (minor) -2.930 1.399 0.038 0.839
sspN; small acid-soluble spore protein N (minor) -2.318 1.036 0.027 0.839
sspO, cotK; small acid-soluble spore protein O (minor) -2.798 1.277 0.030 0.839
sspP, cotL; small acid-soluble spore protein P (minor) -2.749 1.093 0.013 0.839
sstT; serine/threonine transporter 0.039 0.091 0.667 0.999
ssuA; sulfonate transport system substrate-binding protein -0.137 0.228 0.550 0.992
ssuB; sulfonate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.094 0.173 0.586 0.999
ssuC; sulfonate transport system permease protein -0.099 0.190 0.603 0.999
ssuD; alkanesulfonate monooxygenase [EC:] -0.338 0.265 0.204 0.972
ssuE; FMN reductase [EC:] -0.256 0.207 0.217 0.978
stbD; antitoxin StbD -0.190 0.455 0.677 0.999
STE24; STE24 endopeptidase [EC:] -0.190 0.344 0.582 0.999
steA, tetA46; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, tetracycline resistant protein 0.489 0.488 0.318 0.978
steB, tetB46; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, tetracycline resistant protein 0.489 0.488 0.318 0.978
sthA, udhA; NAD(P) transhydrogenase [EC:] 0.033 0.236 0.888 0.999
stk1; serine/threonine-protein kinase Stk1 [EC:2.7.11.-] -0.308 0.470 0.513 0.982
stp1, pppA; serine/threonine protein phosphatase Stp1 [EC:] -0.104 0.430 0.808 0.999
stpA; DNA-binding protein StpA -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
strA; streptomycin 3"-kinase [EC:] 1.665 1.566 0.289 0.978
strB; streptomycin 6-kinase [EC:] -0.156 0.402 0.698 0.999
STT3; dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide—protein glycosyltransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
sucC; succinyl-CoA synthetase beta subunit [EC:] -0.105 0.083 0.208 0.977
sucD; succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.290 0.602 0.631 0.999
sucD; succinyl-CoA synthetase alpha subunit [EC:] -0.105 0.083 0.207 0.976
sufA; Fe-S cluster assembly protein SufA 0.193 0.583 0.741 0.999
sufB; Fe-S cluster assembly protein SufB -0.030 0.075 0.690 0.999
sufC; Fe-S cluster assembly ATP-binding protein -0.029 0.070 0.680 0.999
sufD; Fe-S cluster assembly protein SufD -0.073 0.081 0.369 0.978
sufE; cysteine desulfuration protein SufE -0.127 0.109 0.244 0.978
sufI; suppressor of ftsI 0.095 0.303 0.753 0.999
sufS; cysteine desulfurase / selenocysteine lyase [EC:] -0.024 0.067 0.717 0.999
SUGCT; succinate—hydroxymethylglutarate CoA-transferase [EC:] 18.076 2733.666 0.995 0.999
sugE; quaternary ammonium compound-resistance protein SugE -0.056 0.171 0.746 0.999
sul1; dihydropteroate synthase type 1 [EC:] 0.021 1.115 0.985 0.999
sul2; dihydropteroate synthase type 2 [EC:] 18.677 2978.101 0.995 0.999
sulA; cell division inhibitor SulA 0.141 0.248 0.571 0.995
sulD; dihydroneopterin aldolase / 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase [EC:] 0.083 0.141 0.560 0.992
SUOX; sulfite oxidase [EC:] -0.028 0.718 0.969 0.999
SUPV3L1, SUV3; ATP-dependent RNA helicase SUPV3L1/SUV3 [EC:] -0.730 0.375 0.053 0.839
surA; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase SurA [EC:] -0.122 0.107 0.254 0.978
surE; 5’-nucleotidase [EC:] -0.054 0.087 0.538 0.990
SURF1, SHY1; surfeit locus 1 family protein -0.912 0.418 0.031 0.839
suyA; (2R)-sulfolactate sulfo-lyase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.023 0.915 0.980 0.999
suyB; (2R)-sulfolactate sulfo-lyase subunit beta [EC:] 0.023 0.915 0.980 0.999
syd; SecY interacting protein Syd 0.352 0.531 0.508 0.981
symE; toxic protein SymE 0.004 0.571 0.994 0.999
syrB1; Syringomycin synthetase protein SyrB1 18.932 3654.080 0.996 0.999
tabA; biofilm protein TabA 0.245 0.608 0.688 0.999
tadA; tRNA(adenine34) deaminase [EC:] -0.015 0.074 0.836 0.999
tadB; tight adherence protein B -0.009 0.155 0.953 0.999
tadC; tight adherence protein C -0.085 0.156 0.586 0.999
tag; DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase I [EC:] 0.020 0.047 0.666 0.999
tagA, tarA; N-acetylglucosaminyldiphosphoundecaprenol N-acetyl-beta-D-mannosaminyltransferase [EC:] -0.123 0.134 0.363 0.978
tagD; glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.273 0.194 0.162 0.957
tagE; poly(glycerol-phosphate) alpha-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.094 0.245 0.701 0.999
tagF; CDP-glycerol glycerophosphotransferase [EC:] -0.536 0.416 0.199 0.970
tagG; teichoic acid transport system permease protein 0.174 0.312 0.577 0.997
tagH; teichoic acid transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.276 0.312 0.378 0.978
tal-pgi; transaldolase / glucose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] -0.572 0.531 0.283 0.978
tam; trans-aconitate 2-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.151 0.266 0.570 0.995
tamA; translocation and assembly module TamA -0.033 0.151 0.828 0.999
tamB; translocation and assembly module TamB 0.030 0.132 0.822 0.999
TAN1, THUMPD1; tRNA acetyltransferase TAN1 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
tap; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein IV, peptide sensor receptor 0.174 0.624 0.780 0.999
tapA; TasA anchoring/assembly protein 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
tar; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein II, aspartate sensor receptor -0.673 0.602 0.265 0.978
tarJ; ribitol-5-phosphate 2-dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] -0.274 0.216 0.207 0.976
tarL; CDP-ribitol ribitolphosphotransferase / teichoic acid ribitol-phosphate polymerase [EC:] -1.095 0.795 0.170 0.961
TARS, thrS; threonyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.024 0.032 0.452 0.978
tasA, cotN; spore coat-associated protein N -1.877 1.718 0.276 0.978
tatA; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatA -0.109 0.063 0.086 0.878
tatB; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatB -0.068 0.120 0.570 0.995
tatC; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC -0.116 0.061 0.059 0.839
tatD; TatD DNase family protein [EC:3.1.21.-] 0.036 0.021 0.091 0.885
tatE; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatE 0.130 0.620 0.834 0.999
tauA; taurine transport system substrate-binding protein -0.212 0.291 0.469 0.979
tauB; taurine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.219 0.260 0.401 0.978
tauC; taurine transport system permease protein -0.285 0.249 0.254 0.978
tauD; taurine dioxygenase [EC:] -0.171 0.278 0.539 0.990
tauX; taurine dehydrogenase small subunit [EC:1.4.2.-] -17.500 2562.559 0.995 0.999
tauY; taurine dehydrogenase large subunit [EC:1.4.2.-] 1.346 1.085 0.217 0.978
TBP, tbp; transcription initiation factor TFIID TATA-box-binding protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
TC.AAA; ATP:ADP antiporter, AAA family 0.269 0.300 0.372 0.978
TC.AAT; amino acid transporter, AAT family 0.088 0.158 0.580 0.997
TC.AGCS; alanine or glycine:cation symporter, AGCS family 0.196 0.095 0.040 0.839
TC.APA; basic amino acid/polyamine antiporter, APA family 0.065 0.127 0.608 0.999
TC.BASS; bile acid:Na+ symporter, BASS family -0.112 0.090 0.218 0.978
TC.BAT1; bacterial/archaeal transporter family protein -0.017 0.172 0.920 0.999
TC.BAT2; bacterial/archaeal transporter family-2 protein -0.189 0.187 0.313 0.978
TC.BCT; betaine/carnitine transporter, BCCT family 0.102 0.318 0.749 0.999
TC.CIC; chloride channel protein, CIC family -0.149 0.140 0.289 0.978
TC.CITMHS; citrate-Mg2+:H+ or citrate-Ca2+:H+ symporter, CitMHS family 0.127 0.148 0.392 0.978
TC.CNT; concentrative nucleoside transporter, CNT family 0.052 0.184 0.777 0.999
TC.CPA1; monovalent cation:H+ antiporter, CPA1 family 0.030 0.096 0.755 0.999
TC.DAACS; dicarboxylate/amino acid:cation (Na+ or H+) symporter, DAACS family -0.144 0.185 0.437 0.978
TC.DASS; divalent anion:Na+ symporter, DASS family 0.169 0.170 0.323 0.978
TC.DCUC, dcuC, dcuD; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DcuC family 0.107 0.240 0.657 0.999
TC.DME; drug/metabolite transporter, DME family -0.360 0.407 0.378 0.978
TC.FEV.OM; iron complex outermembrane recepter protein 0.013 0.099 0.898 0.999
TC.FEV.OM1, fhuE, fpvA, fptA; outer-membrane receptor for ferric coprogen and ferric-rhodotorulic acid -0.073 0.252 0.773 0.999
TC.FEV.OM2, cirA, cfrA, hmuR; outer membrane receptor for ferrienterochelin and colicins -0.130 0.168 0.443 0.978
TC.FEV.OM3, tbpA, hemR, lbpA, hpuB, bhuR, hugA, hmbR; hemoglobin/transferrin/lactoferrin receptor protein 0.052 0.185 0.781 0.999
TC.GBP; general bacterial porin, GBP family -1.576 2.122 0.459 0.979
TC.GNTP; gluconate:H+ symporter, GntP family 0.266 0.125 0.035 0.839
TC.GPH; glycoside/pentoside/hexuronide:cation symporter, GPH family 0.261 0.256 0.308 0.978
TC.HAE1; hydrophobic/amphiphilic exporter-1 (mainly G- bacteria), HAE1 family -0.188 0.101 0.065 0.839
TC.HME; heavy-metal exporter, HME family -0.413 0.757 0.586 0.999
TC.KEF; monovalent cation:H+ antiporter-2, CPA2 family -0.168 0.111 0.134 0.942
TC.LIVCS; branched-chain amino acid:cation transporter, LIVCS family 0.173 0.079 0.031 0.839
TC.MATE, SLC47A, norM, mdtK, dinF; multidrug resistance protein, MATE family -0.070 0.062 0.259 0.978
TC.NCS1; nucleobase:cation symporter-1, NCS1 family -0.141 0.307 0.648 0.999
TC.NCS2; nucleobase:cation symporter-2, NCS2 family 0.070 0.149 0.641 0.999
TC.NSS; neurotransmitter:Na+ symporter, NSS family 0.091 0.104 0.381 0.978
TC.OMF; outer membrane factor, OMF family 1.072 0.505 0.035 0.839
TC.OOP; OmpA-OmpF porin, OOP family 0.186 0.122 0.130 0.934
TC.PIT; inorganic phosphate transporter, PiT family -0.098 0.097 0.317 0.978
TC.POT; proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter, POT family -0.074 0.105 0.486 0.979
TC.PST; polysaccharide transporter, PST family -0.117 0.249 0.641 0.999
TC.SMR3; small multidrug resistance family-3 protein 0.019 0.144 0.894 0.999
TC.SSS; solute:Na+ symporter, SSS family -0.020 0.132 0.878 0.999
TC.SULP; sulfate permease, SulP family -0.066 0.111 0.551 0.992
TC.ZIP, zupT, ZRT3, ZIP2; zinc transporter, ZIP family -0.080 0.083 0.338 0.978
tccC; insecticidal toxin complex protein TccC -0.067 0.633 0.916 0.999
tcmG, elmG; tetracenomycin A2 monooxygenase-dioxygenase [EC:] -1.744 2.098 0.407 0.978
tctA; putative tricarboxylic transport membrane protein -0.031 0.192 0.872 0.999
tctB; putative tricarboxylic transport membrane protein 0.024 0.208 0.908 0.999
tctC; putative tricarboxylic transport membrane protein -0.350 0.285 0.221 0.978
tctD; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator TctD -0.109 0.272 0.690 0.999
tctE; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase TctE [EC:] -0.130 0.283 0.646 0.999
tcuR; LysR family transcriptional regulator, regulatory protein for tcuABC -0.751 0.636 0.239 0.978
tcyK; L-cystine transport system substrate-binding protein -0.137 0.195 0.482 0.979
tcyL; L-cystine transport system permease protein -0.220 0.208 0.293 0.978
tcyM; L-cystine transport system permease protein -0.190 0.200 0.344 0.978
tcyN; L-cystine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -0.171 0.190 0.370 0.978
tdcA; LysR family transcriptional regulator, tdc operon transcriptional activator -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
tdcC; threonine transporter -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
tdcD; propionate kinase [EC:] -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
tdcR; threonine dehydratase operon activator protein -2.044 2.163 0.346 0.978
tdh; threonine 3-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.132 0.316 0.678 0.999
tdk, TK; thymidine kinase [EC:] -0.029 0.077 0.707 0.999
TDO2, kynA; tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase [EC:] -0.452 0.282 0.112 0.917
tehA; tellurite resistance protein 0.098 0.244 0.689 0.999
tehB; tellurite methyltransferase [EC:] -0.027 0.161 0.866 0.999
tenA; thiaminase (transcriptional activator TenA) [EC:] -0.195 0.126 0.123 0.919
tenI; thiazole tautomerase (transcriptional regulator TenI) [EC:] -0.863 0.607 0.157 0.954
terA; tellurite resistance protein TerA -0.421 0.628 0.504 0.981
terB; tellurite resistance protein TerB -0.258 0.795 0.746 0.999
terC; tellurite resistance protein TerC -0.024 0.146 0.871 0.999
terD; tellurium resistance protein TerD 0.119 0.386 0.758 0.999
terZ; tellurium resistance protein TerZ -0.148 0.455 0.746 0.999
tesA; acyl-CoA thioesterase I [EC:3.1.2.-] -0.146 0.199 0.463 0.979
tesB; acyl-CoA thioesterase II [EC:3.1.2.-] -0.108 0.177 0.544 0.990
tesC; thioesterase III [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.214 0.374 0.568 0.995
tesI; 3-oxo-5alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.141 1.220 0.351 0.978
tet35; tetracycline resistance efflux pump 0.604 0.998 0.546 0.990
tetA; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, tetracycline resistance protein -0.876 0.347 0.013 0.839
tetB; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, metal-tetracycline-proton antiporter -0.124 0.424 0.769 0.999
tetD; AraC family transcriptional regulator, transposon Tn10 TetD protein 0.782 0.755 0.302 0.978
tetM, tetO; ribosomal protection tetracycline resistance protein 0.041 0.221 0.854 0.999
tetP_A, tet40; MFS transporter, DHA3 family, tetracycline resistance protein 1.330 1.485 0.372 0.978
tetR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, tetracycline repressor protein -0.305 0.802 0.704 0.999
tetV; MFS transporter, DHA3 family, tetracycline resistance protein -2.560 1.448 0.079 0.859
tetX; tetracycline 11a-monooxygenase, tetracycline resistance protein [EC:] -2.289 1.769 0.198 0.970
tex; protein Tex 0.061 0.038 0.107 0.913
tfdA; alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate dioxygenase [EC:1.14.11.-] -1.472 1.130 0.194 0.970
tfdB; 2,4-dichlorophenol 6-monooxygenase [EC:] 3.234 2.883 0.264 0.978
TFIIB, GTF2B, SUA7, tfb; transcription initiation factor TFIIB -17.843 4173.859 0.997 0.999
TFIIE1, GTF2E1, TFA1, tfe; transcription initiation factor TFIIE subunit alpha -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
tfoS; AraC family transcriptional regulator, chitin signaling transcriptional activator 18.482 3349.575 0.996 0.999
tfoX; DNA transformation protein and related proteins -0.121 0.202 0.551 0.992
tfrA; fumarate reductase (CoM/CoB) subunit A [EC:] 0.985 1.443 0.496 0.981
tfs; transcription termination factor TFS -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
tgl; protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase [EC:] -2.783 1.455 0.058 0.839
tgt, QTRT1; queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.014 0.039 0.718 0.999
tgtA; 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine tRNA-ribosyltransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
TH; tyrosine 3-monooxygenase [EC:] -17.068 2832.569 0.995 0.999
THI4, THI1; cysteine-dependent adenosine diphosphate thiazole synthase [EC:] 0.057 0.377 0.881 0.999
thiB, tbpA; thiamine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.068 0.216 0.754 0.999
thiC; phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase [EC:] 0.035 0.084 0.679 0.999
thiD; hydroxymethylpyrimidine/phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase [EC:] 0.048 0.052 0.357 0.978
thiDE; hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase / phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase / thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase [EC:] 0.335 0.508 0.511 0.982
thiE; thiamine-phosphate pyrophosphorylase [EC:] 0.031 0.057 0.583 0.999
thiF; sulfur carrier protein ThiS adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.494 0.209 0.020 0.839
thiG; thiazole synthase [EC:] 0.034 0.078 0.667 0.999
thiH; 2-iminoacetate synthase [EC:] 0.244 0.171 0.156 0.954
thiI; tRNA uracil 4-sulfurtransferase [EC:] 0.061 0.081 0.450 0.978
thiJ; protein deglycase [EC:] 0.103 0.108 0.343 0.978
thiK; thiamine kinase [EC:] 0.128 0.599 0.832 0.999
thiL; thiamine-monophosphate kinase [EC:] -0.030 0.081 0.710 0.999
thiM; hydroxyethylthiazole kinase [EC:] -0.063 0.105 0.549 0.992
thiN, TPK1, THI80; thiamine pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.050 0.092 0.590 0.999
thiO; glycine oxidase [EC:] -0.182 0.167 0.279 0.978
thiP; thiamine transport system permease protein 0.044 0.232 0.851 0.999
thiQ; thiamine transport system ATP-binding protein -0.002 0.254 0.994 0.999
thiS; sulfur carrier protein 0.026 0.081 0.754 0.999
thiT; thiamine transporter 0.124 0.152 0.418 0.978
thiX; putative hydroxymethylpyrimidine transport system permease protein -0.457 0.339 0.180 0.961
thiY; putative hydroxymethylpyrimidine transport system substrate-binding protein -0.462 0.343 0.180 0.961
thiZ; putative hydroxymethylpyrimidine transport system ATP-binding protein -0.159 0.388 0.682 0.999
thnD; putative oxidoreductase -17.794 4072.025 0.997 0.999
thnE; carboxymethylproline synthase [EC:] -2.224 2.044 0.278 0.978
THOP1; thimet oligopeptidase [EC:] -0.372 0.414 0.371 0.978
thpR; RNA 2’,3’-cyclic 3’-phosphodiesterase [EC:] -0.386 0.201 0.056 0.839
thrA; bifunctional aspartokinase / homoserine dehydrogenase 1 [EC:] -0.046 0.153 0.761 0.999
thrB1; homoserine kinase [EC:] 0.016 0.078 0.838 0.999
thrB2; homoserine kinase type II [EC:] 0.218 0.167 0.195 0.970
thrC; threonine synthase [EC:] -0.015 0.044 0.743 0.999
thrH; phosphoserine / homoserine phosphotransferase [EC:] -0.046 0.256 0.857 0.999
thuE; trehalose/maltose transport system substrate-binding protein -1.221 0.746 0.104 0.905
thuF, sugA; trehalose/maltose transport system permease protein -1.166 0.727 0.111 0.917
thuG, sugB; trehalose/maltose transport system permease protein 0.118 0.520 0.821 0.999
thyA, TYMS; thymidylate synthase [EC:] 0.020 0.040 0.619 0.999
thyX, thy1; thymidylate synthase (FAD) [EC:] -0.116 0.293 0.692 0.999
tiaS; tRNA(Ile2)-agmatinylcytidine synthase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
tig; trigger factor 0.042 0.040 0.284 0.978
tilS-hprT; bifunctional protein TilS/HprT [EC:] 0.621 0.477 0.195 0.970
tilS, mesJ; tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthase [EC:] 0.042 0.036 0.245 0.978
tipF; cyclic-di-GMP phosphodiesterase, flagellum assembly factor TipF -1.013 0.576 0.081 0.864
tisB; small toxic protein TisB -0.191 0.918 0.836 0.999
tldD; TldD protein -0.089 0.173 0.605 0.999
tlh; thermolabile hemolysin -0.551 1.563 0.725 0.999
tll; dTDP-6-deoxy-L-talose 4-dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.378 0.283 0.184 0.965
tlp; small acid-soluble spore protein (thioredoxin-like protein) -2.516 0.971 0.010 0.839
tlyA; 23S rRNA (cytidine1920-2’-O)/16S rRNA (cytidine1409-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.079 0.078 0.312 0.978
tlyC; putative hemolysin 0.124 0.080 0.123 0.919
tmcA; tRNA(Met) cytidine acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.227 0.307 0.460 0.979
tmk, DTYMK; dTMP kinase [EC:] 0.051 0.037 0.173 0.961
tmm; trimethylamine monooxygenase [EC:] -0.723 0.638 0.258 0.978
tmoC, tbuB, touC; toluene monooxygenase system ferredoxin subunit -17.298 3177.464 0.996 0.999
tmoF, tbuC, touF; toluene monooxygenase electron transfer component [EC:] 1.513 1.385 0.276 0.978
tnaA; tryptophanase [EC:] 0.529 0.281 0.062 0.839
tnaB; low affinity tryptophan permease -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
toa; taurine—2-oxoglutarate transaminase [EC:] -0.145 0.455 0.751 0.999
togA; oligogalacturonide transport system ATP-binding protein -1.269 1.050 0.229 0.978
togB; oligogalacturonide transport system substrate-binding protein -1.161 0.727 0.112 0.917
togM; oligogalacturonide transport system permease protein -1.213 0.775 0.120 0.917
togN; oligogalacturonide transport system permease protein -1.213 0.775 0.120 0.917
togT, rhiT; oligogalacturonide transporter 0.181 0.601 0.764 0.999
tolA; colicin import membrane protein 0.067 0.115 0.562 0.992
tolB; TolB protein -0.078 0.148 0.598 0.999
tolC; outer membrane protein -0.227 0.143 0.114 0.917
tolQ; biopolymer transport protein TolQ -0.106 0.159 0.508 0.981
tolR; biopolymer transport protein TolR -0.134 0.170 0.430 0.978
tomB; hha toxicity modulator TomB 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
tonB; periplasmic protein TonB -0.010 0.122 0.933 0.999
TOP1; DNA topoisomerase I [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
TOP2; DNA topoisomerase II [EC:] -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
top6A; DNA topoisomerase VI subunit A [EC:] -17.132 2520.332 0.995 0.999
top6B; DNA topoisomerase VI subunit B [EC:] -17.132 2520.332 0.995 0.999
topA; DNA topoisomerase I [EC:] 0.030 0.028 0.273 0.978
topB; DNA topoisomerase III [EC:] -0.057 0.120 0.635 0.999
torA; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) [EC:] 0.374 0.687 0.587 0.999
torC; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c), cytochrome c-type subunit TorC 0.391 0.425 0.360 0.978
torD; TorA specific chaperone 0.164 0.714 0.819 0.999
torR; two-component system, OmpR family, torCAD operon response regulator TorR -0.429 0.762 0.574 0.995
torS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase TorS [EC:] -0.339 0.810 0.676 0.999
torT; periplasmic protein TorT -0.636 0.760 0.404 0.978
torY; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c), cytochrome c-type subunit TorY -0.546 0.545 0.319 0.978
torZ; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) [EC:] -0.416 0.383 0.279 0.978
toxR; cholera toxin transcriptional activator 1.589 1.119 0.158 0.954
toxS; transmembrane regulatory protein ToxS 18.119 1920.327 0.992 0.999
TP53RK, PRPK, BUD32; TP53 regulating kinase and related kinases [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
tpa; taurine-pyruvate aminotransferase [EC:] -17.631 1845.307 0.992 0.999
tphA1; terephthalate 1,2-dioxygenase reductase component [EC:1.18.1.-] 18.417 3241.229 0.995 0.999
tphA2; terephthalate 1,2-dioxygenase oxygenase component alpha subunit [EC:] 0.173 1.432 0.904 0.999
tphA3; terephthalate 1,2-dioxygenase oxygenase component beta subunit [EC:] 18.417 3241.229 0.995 0.999
tphB; 1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-dicarboxylate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.173 1.432 0.904 0.999
TPI, tpiA; triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) [EC:] 0.082 0.048 0.093 0.892
TPMT, tpmT; thiopurine S-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.195 0.307 0.525 0.989
tpr; thiol protease [EC:3.4.22.-] -17.860 2336.427 0.994 0.999
TPS; trehalose 6-phosphate synthase/phosphatase [EC:] -1.397 0.774 0.073 0.845
tpx; thiol peroxidase, atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin [EC:] 0.030 0.081 0.712 0.999
tqsA; AI-2 transport protein TqsA 0.124 0.483 0.798 0.999
TR1; tropinone reductase I [EC:] -0.046 0.470 0.923 0.999
traA; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraA -0.017 1.322 0.990 0.999
traB; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraB -0.053 0.667 0.936 0.999
traC; conjugal transfer ATP-binding protein TraC -0.314 0.637 0.623 0.999
traD; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraD -0.731 1.247 0.559 0.992
traE; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraE -0.043 0.603 0.943 0.999
traF; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraF 0.212 0.687 0.758 0.999
traG; conjugal transfer mating pair stabilization protein TraG 0.037 0.622 0.953 0.999
traH; conjugative transfer pilus assembly protein TraH -0.041 0.644 0.949 0.999
traI; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraI 2.164 1.740 0.215 0.978
traK; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraK -0.198 0.648 0.760 0.999
traL; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraL -0.415 0.692 0.550 0.992
traN; conjugal transfer mating pair stabilization protein TraN 0.583 0.614 0.344 0.978
traR; LuxR family transcriptional regulator, activator of conjugal transfer of Ti plasmids -3.552 4.274 0.407 0.978
traU; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraU -0.422 0.650 0.517 0.986
traV; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraV -0.313 0.629 0.619 0.999
traW; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TraW -0.192 0.660 0.772 0.999
trbC; conjugal transfer pilus assembly protein TrbC 0.304 0.635 0.633 0.999
trbI; conjugal transfer pilin signal peptidase TrbI 0.057 0.705 0.936 0.999
trbL; type IV secretion system protein TrbL -0.035 0.339 0.917 0.999
trcR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator TrcR -3.513 2.411 0.147 0.954
trcS; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase TrcS [EC:] -17.879 2083.188 0.993 0.999
treC; trehalose-6-phosphate hydrolase [EC:] 0.106 0.124 0.396 0.978
TREH, treA, treF; alpha,alpha-trehalase [EC:] -0.376 0.443 0.397 0.978
treR; LacI family transcriptional regulator, trehalose operon repressor 0.374 0.568 0.511 0.982
treR2, treR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, trehalose operon transcriptional repressor 0.109 0.117 0.352 0.978
treS; maltose alpha-D-glucosyltransferase / alpha-amylase [EC:] -0.066 0.268 0.806 0.999
treT; trehalose synthase [EC:] -0.512 0.508 0.315 0.978
treY, glgY; (1->4)-alpha-D-glucan 1-alpha-D-glucosylmutase [EC:] -0.122 0.258 0.638 0.999
treZ, glgZ; maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase [EC:] -0.132 0.259 0.612 0.999
trg; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein III, ribose and galactose sensor receptor -0.114 0.655 0.862 0.999
tri; tricorn protease [EC:3.4.21.-] -0.758 0.593 0.203 0.972
trkA, ktrA; trk system potassium uptake protein 0.066 0.066 0.316 0.978
trkH, trkG, ktrB; trk system potassium uptake protein 0.104 0.075 0.165 0.960
TRM5, TRMT5; tRNA (guanine37-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
TRM61, GCD14; tRNA (adenine57-N1/adenine58-N1)-methyltransferase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.064 0.248 0.796 0.999
trmA; tRNA (uracil-5-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.053 0.160 0.742 0.999
trmB, METTL1; tRNA (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.044 0.038 0.247 0.978
trmD; tRNA (guanine37-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.040 0.036 0.266 0.978
trmFO, gid; methylenetetrahydrofolate–tRNA-(uracil-5-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.041 0.094 0.667 0.999
trmH; tRNA (guanosine-2’-O-)-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.314 0.335 0.350 0.978
trmJ; tRNA (cytidine32/uridine32-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.105 0.172 0.543 0.990
trmK; tRNA (adenine22-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.051 0.086 0.553 0.992
trmL, cspR; tRNA (cytidine/uridine-2’-O-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.075 0.035 0.036 0.839
TRMT1, trm1; tRNA (guanine26-N2/guanine27-N2)-dimethyltransferase [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
trmY; tRNA (pseudouridine54-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 18.119 1920.327 0.992 0.999
troA, mntA, znuA; manganese/zinc/iron transport system substrate-binding protein 0.726 0.296 0.015 0.839
troB, mntB, znuC; manganese/zinc/iron transport system ATP- binding protein 0.630 0.287 0.030 0.839
troC, mntC, znuB; manganese/zinc/iron transport system permease protein 0.749 0.309 0.016 0.839
troD, mntD, znuB; manganese/zinc/iron transport system permease protein 0.680 0.335 0.044 0.839
troR; DtxR family transcriptional regulator, Mn-dependent transcriptional regulator 0.068 0.118 0.565 0.995
TROVE2, SSA2; 60 kDa SS-A/Ro ribonucleoprotein 0.047 0.480 0.922 0.999
TRP1; anthranilate synthase / indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase / phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase [EC:] -2.531 2.020 0.212 0.978
trpA; tryptophan synthase alpha chain [EC:] -0.072 0.055 0.194 0.970
trpB; tryptophan synthase beta chain [EC:] -0.041 0.060 0.489 0.979
trpC; indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase [EC:] -0.118 0.063 0.065 0.839
trpCF; indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase / phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase [EC:] 0.058 0.204 0.776 0.999
trpD; anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] -0.083 0.057 0.145 0.951
trpE; anthranilate synthase component I [EC:] -0.075 0.056 0.178 0.961
trpEG; anthranilate synthase [EC:] -2.132 0.940 0.025 0.839
trpF; phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase [EC:] -0.112 0.073 0.128 0.927
trpG; anthranilate synthase component II [EC:] -0.064 0.059 0.274 0.978
trpGD; anthranilate synthase/phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.012 0.335 0.972 0.999
trpR; TrpR family transcriptional regulator, trp operon repressor 0.205 0.302 0.498 0.981
truA, PUS1; tRNA pseudouridine38-40 synthase [EC:] 0.033 0.037 0.369 0.978
truB, PUS4, TRUB1; tRNA pseudouridine55 synthase [EC:] 0.043 0.033 0.196 0.970
truC; tRNA pseudouridine65 synthase [EC:] 0.106 0.215 0.622 0.999
truD, PUS7; tRNA pseudouridine13 synthase [EC:] 0.093 0.177 0.603 0.999
trxA; thioredoxin 1 0.019 0.040 0.630 0.999
trxB, TRR; thioredoxin reductase (NADPH) [EC:] 0.006 0.046 0.892 0.999
trxC; thioredoxin 2 [EC:] -0.007 0.229 0.974 0.999
tsaB; tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine biosynthesis protein TsaB -0.057 0.086 0.507 0.981
tsaC, rimN, SUA5; L-threonylcarbamoyladenylate synthase [EC:] 0.037 0.041 0.362 0.978
tsaE; tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine biosynthesis protein TsaE 0.053 0.038 0.166 0.960
tsdA; thiosulfate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.097 0.277 0.726 0.999
tsf, TSFM; elongation factor Ts 0.036 0.036 0.321 0.978
tsgA; MFS transporter, TsgA protein 0.232 0.577 0.688 0.999
tspA; uncharacterized membrane protein 0.044 0.667 0.948 0.999
tsr; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein I, serine sensor receptor -0.357 0.355 0.316 0.978
TSR3; pre-rRNA-processing protein TSR3 -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
TST, MPST, sseA; thiosulfate/3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase [EC:] -0.200 0.126 0.115 0.917
TSTA3, fcl; GDP-L-fucose synthase [EC:] -0.350 0.186 0.062 0.839
tsx; nucleoside-specific channel-forming protein -0.161 0.470 0.733 0.999
ttcA; tRNA 2-thiocytidine biosynthesis protein TtcA -0.072 0.155 0.641 0.999
ttdA; L(+)-tartrate dehydratase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.174 0.233 0.457 0.979
ttdB; L(+)-tartrate dehydratase beta subunit [EC:] 0.170 0.232 0.465 0.979
ttdT; L-tartrate/succinate antiporter 0.112 0.255 0.660 0.999
TTN; titin [EC:] -17.833 2929.773 0.995 0.999
ttr; acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.361 0.480 0.454 0.978
ttrA; tetrathionate reductase subunit A -0.054 0.519 0.917 0.999
ttrB; tetrathionate reductase subunit B 0.036 0.602 0.953 0.999
ttrC; tetrathionate reductase subunit C -0.297 0.704 0.673 0.999
ttrR; two-component system, LuxR family, response regulator TtrR -2.922 2.545 0.253 0.978
ttrS; two-component system, LuxR family, sensor histidine kinase TtrS [EC:] -3.710 4.059 0.362 0.978
ttuB; MFS transporter, ACS family, tartrate transporter 0.351 0.726 0.630 0.999
ttuC, dmlA; tartrate dehydrogenase/decarboxylase / D-malate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.750 0.373 0.046 0.839
ttuD; hydroxypyruvate reductase [EC:] -0.279 0.240 0.247 0.978
tuaB; teichuronic acid exporter 1.652 0.900 0.068 0.839
tuaC; teichuronic acid biosynthesis glycosyltransferase TuaC [EC:2.4.-.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
tuaE; teichuronic acid biosynthesis protein TuaE -1.062 1.413 0.454 0.978
tuaF; teichuronic acid biosynthesis protein TuaF 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
tuaG; teichuronic acid biosynthesis glycosyltransferase TuaG [EC:2.4.-.-] -0.725 0.464 0.121 0.919
tuaH; teichuronic acid biosynthesis glycosyltransferase TuaH [EC:2.4.-.-] 3.201 2.664 0.231 0.978
tuf, TUFM; elongation factor Tu 0.032 0.034 0.353 0.978
tupA, vupA; tungstate transport system substrate-binding protein -0.306 0.451 0.499 0.981
tupB, vupB; tungstate transport system permease protein -0.262 0.466 0.574 0.995
tupC, vupC; tungstate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.026 0.530 0.961 0.999
tus, tau; DNA replication terminus site-binding protein 0.141 0.595 0.813 0.999
tusA, sirA; tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein A [EC:2.8.1.-] -0.077 0.174 0.661 0.999
tusB, dsrH; tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein B 0.234 0.218 0.285 0.978
tusC, dsrF; tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein C 0.227 0.212 0.287 0.978
tusD, dsrE; tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein D [EC:2.8.1.-] 0.150 0.192 0.436 0.978
tusE, dsrC; tRNA 2-thiouridine synthesizing protein E [EC:2.8.1.-] 0.149 0.192 0.439 0.978
tutB; tyrosine permease -1.630 2.316 0.483 0.979
tycC; tyrocidine synthetase III -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
tylC, oleB, carA, srmB; macrolide transport system ATP-binding/permease protein -0.229 0.485 0.637 0.999
typA, bipA; GTP-binding protein 0.037 0.036 0.310 0.978
TYR; tyrosinase [EC:] 0.252 0.728 0.730 0.999
tyrA; chorismate mutase / prephenate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.238 0.308 0.440 0.978
tyrA1; chorismate mutase [EC:] -0.141 0.203 0.489 0.979
tyrA2; prephenate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.028 0.076 0.714 0.999
tyrB; aromatic-amino-acid transaminase [EC:] 0.180 0.114 0.115 0.917
tyrC; cyclohexadieny/prephenate dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.385 0.492 0.005 0.839
tyrP; tyrosine-specific transport protein 0.218 0.328 0.508 0.981
tyrR; transcriptional regulator of aroF, aroG, tyrA and aromatic amino acid transport 0.186 0.214 0.385 0.978
TYW1; tRNA wybutosine-synthesizing protein 1 [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
UAH; ureidoglycolate amidohydrolase [EC:] 0.439 1.410 0.756 0.999
UAP1; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine/UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine diphosphorylase [EC:] -1.564 0.892 0.082 0.865
uaZ; urate oxidase [EC:] -1.033 0.721 0.154 0.954
ubiA; 4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase [EC:] -0.015 0.089 0.865 0.999
ubiB, aarF; ubiquinone biosynthesis protein -0.049 0.115 0.671 0.999
ubiC; chorismate–pyruvate lyase [EC:] 0.198 0.214 0.356 0.978
ubiD; 4-hydroxy-3-polyprenylbenzoate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.043 0.155 0.781 0.999
ubiE; demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase / 2-methoxy-6-polyprenyl-1,4-benzoquinol methylase [EC:] -0.023 0.066 0.730 0.999
ubiF; 2-octaprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinol hydroxylase [EC:1.14.13.-] 0.106 0.264 0.689 0.999
ubiG; 2-polyprenyl-6-hydroxyphenyl methylase / 3-demethylubiquinone-9 3-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.061 0.167 0.717 0.999
ubiH; 2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol hydroxylase [EC:1.14.13.-] -0.119 0.162 0.466 0.979
ubiI; 2-octaprenylphenol hydroxylase [EC:1.14.13.-] 0.192 0.242 0.429 0.978
ubiJ; ubiquinone biosynthesis protein UbiJ 0.081 0.161 0.615 0.999
ubiX, bsdB, PAD1; flavin prenyltransferase [EC:] 0.063 0.150 0.675 0.999
UBLCP1; ubiquitin-like domain-containing CTD phosphatase 1 [EC:] -17.404 2813.939 0.995 0.999
uctC; CoA:oxalate CoA-transferase [EC:] 0.072 0.508 0.888 0.999
udh; uronate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.186 0.329 0.572 0.995
udk, UCK; uridine kinase [EC:] -0.006 0.091 0.949 0.999
udp, UPP; uridine phosphorylase [EC:] -0.016 0.171 0.927 0.999
UGCG; ceramide glucosyltransferase [EC:] 1.248 0.562 0.028 0.839
UGDH, ugd; UDPglucose 6-dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.157 0.098 0.110 0.917
ugl; unsaturated chondroitin disaccharide hydrolase [EC:] 0.047 0.381 0.901 0.999
ugl; ureidoglycolate lyase [EC:] -0.145 0.728 0.842 0.999
UGP2, galU, galF; UTP–glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase [EC:] 0.029 0.040 0.468 0.979
ugpA; sn-glycerol 3-phosphate transport system permease protein -0.964 0.329 0.004 0.839
ugpB; sn-glycerol 3-phosphate transport system substrate-binding protein -0.977 0.334 0.004 0.839
ugpC; sn-glycerol 3-phosphate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -1.001 0.362 0.006 0.839
ugpE; sn-glycerol 3-phosphate transport system permease protein -0.965 0.331 0.004 0.839
ugtP; processive 1,2-diacylglycerol beta-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.072 0.195 0.713 0.999
uhpA; two-component system, NarL family, uhpT operon response regulator UhpA -0.004 0.461 0.993 0.999
uhpB; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase UhpB [EC:] 0.125 0.336 0.711 0.999
uhpC; MFS transporter, OPA family, sugar phosphate sensor protein UhpC 0.529 0.459 0.252 0.978
uhpT; MFS transporter, OPA family, hexose phosphate transport protein UhpT -0.728 0.580 0.212 0.978
uidA, GUSB; beta-glucuronidase [EC:] 0.110 0.225 0.626 0.999
uidB, gusB; glucuronide carrier protein -1.956 1.309 0.137 0.949
uidC, gusC; putative glucuronide porin -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
uidR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, repressor for uid operon -2.240 2.580 0.387 0.978
ulaD, sgaH, sgbH; 3-dehydro-L-gulonate-6-phosphate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.214 0.335 0.523 0.989
ulaE, sgaU, sgbU; L-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase [EC:] 0.428 0.378 0.260 0.978
ulaG; L-ascorbate 6-phosphate lactonase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.174 0.166 0.296 0.978
ulaR; DeoR family transcriptional regulator, ulaG and ulaABCDEF operon transcriptional repressor 0.071 0.339 0.834 0.999
UMF1; MFS transporter, UMF1 family -0.197 0.207 0.341 0.978
UMF2; MFS transporter, UMF2 family, putative MFS family transporter protein 0.146 0.617 0.813 0.999
UMPS; uridine monophosphate synthetase [EC:] -0.571 0.758 0.452 0.978
umuC; DNA polymerase V -0.005 0.084 0.951 0.999
umuD; DNA polymerase V [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.017 0.261 0.949 0.999
UNG, UDG; uracil-DNA glycosylase [EC:] 0.057 0.046 0.221 0.978
upp, UPRT; uracil phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.044 0.038 0.247 0.978
uppS, cpdS; tritrans,polycis-undecaprenyl-diphosphate synthase [geranylgeranyl-diphosphate specific] [EC:] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
uppS; undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.043 0.036 0.232 0.978
UQCRFS1, RIP1, petA; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] -0.126 0.180 0.484 0.979
URA4, pyrC; dihydroorotase [EC:] -0.016 0.027 0.564 0.994
uraH, pucM, hiuH; 5-hydroxyisourate hydrolase [EC:] -0.229 0.236 0.333 0.978
urdA; urocanate reductase [EC:] -0.635 0.961 0.510 0.981
URE; urease [EC:] -2.051 1.421 0.151 0.954
ureA; urease subunit gamma [EC:] -0.436 0.238 0.069 0.841
ureAB; urease subunit gamma/beta [EC:] -0.725 0.707 0.307 0.978
ureB; urease subunit beta [EC:] -0.395 0.244 0.107 0.913
ureC; urease subunit alpha [EC:] -0.508 0.231 0.029 0.839
ureD, ureH; urease accessory protein -0.502 0.232 0.032 0.839
ureE; urease accessory protein -0.497 0.236 0.037 0.839
ureF; urease accessory protein -0.533 0.232 0.023 0.839
ureG; urease accessory protein -0.535 0.232 0.023 0.839
ureI; acid-activated urea channel -1.540 1.402 0.274 0.978
ureJ; urease accessory protein -0.127 0.272 0.641 0.999
urtA; urea transport system substrate-binding protein -0.327 0.247 0.187 0.966
urtB; urea transport system permease protein -0.301 0.248 0.228 0.978
urtC; urea transport system permease protein -0.301 0.248 0.227 0.978
urtD; urea transport system ATP-binding protein -0.300 0.248 0.228 0.978
urtE; urea transport system ATP-binding protein -0.307 0.249 0.219 0.978
ushA; 5’-nucleotidase / UDP-sugar diphosphatase [EC:] 0.225 0.336 0.505 0.981
uspA; universal stress protein A 0.199 0.209 0.343 0.978
uspB; universal stress protein B 0.210 0.578 0.716 0.999
uspC; universal stress protein C 0.135 0.629 0.830 0.999
uspE; universal stress protein E 0.281 0.337 0.406 0.978
uspF; universal stress protein F 0.149 0.765 0.846 0.999
uspG; universal stress protein G 0.158 0.600 0.793 0.999
utp; urea transporter -0.213 0.282 0.452 0.978
uup; ABC transport system ATP-binding/permease protein -0.033 0.049 0.509 0.981
uvrA; excinuclease ABC subunit A 0.001 0.034 0.987 0.999
uvrB; excinuclease ABC subunit B 0.033 0.033 0.309 0.978
uvrC; excinuclease ABC subunit C 0.032 0.031 0.306 0.978
uvrD, pcrA; DNA helicase II / ATP-dependent DNA helicase PcrA [EC:] 0.036 0.051 0.478 0.979
uvrY, gacA, varA; two-component system, NarL family, invasion response regulator UvrY 0.146 0.398 0.714 0.999
uvsE, UVE1; UV DNA damage endonuclease [EC:3.-.-.-] -0.342 0.702 0.627 0.999
uxaA; altronate hydrolase [EC:] -0.063 0.228 0.783 0.999
uxaA1; altronate dehydratase small subunit [EC:] -0.113 1.484 0.939 0.999
uxaA2; altronate dehydratase large subunit [EC:] 0.169 0.270 0.533 0.990
uxaB; tagaturonate reductase [EC:] -0.117 0.311 0.707 0.999
uxaC; glucuronate isomerase [EC:] -0.177 0.261 0.499 0.981
UXE, uxe; UDP-arabinose 4-epimerase [EC:] -1.276 1.013 0.210 0.978
UXS1, uxs; UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase [EC:] -1.224 0.337 0.000 0.839
uxuA; mannonate dehydratase [EC:] -0.239 0.256 0.353 0.978
uxuB; fructuronate reductase [EC:] -0.019 0.268 0.943 0.999
uxuR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, uxu operon transcriptional repressor -0.263 0.494 0.596 0.999
vacA; vacuolating cytotoxin -1.386 1.551 0.373 0.978
vanA; vanillate monooxygenase [EC:] -0.340 0.309 0.273 0.978
vanB, vanA, vanD; D-alanine—(R)-lactate ligase [EC:] 17.929 2539.480 0.994 0.999
vanB; vanillate monooxygenase ferredoxin subunit -0.152 0.305 0.620 0.999
vanC, vanE, vanG; D-alanine—D-serine ligase [EC:] -17.610 2186.533 0.994 0.999
vanH; D-specific alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 17.929 2539.480 0.994 0.999
vanJ; vancomycin resistance protein VanJ -0.265 1.301 0.839 0.999
vanK; vancomycin resistance protein VanK 0.299 1.184 0.801 0.999
vanR; GntR family transcriptional regulator, vanillate catabolism transcriptional regulator -0.421 0.358 0.241 0.978
vanRAc; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VanR -0.004 0.523 0.994 0.999
vanRB, vanR, vanRD; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VanR -0.768 0.946 0.418 0.978
vanRC, vanRE, vanRG; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VanR -0.645 0.846 0.447 0.978
vanSAc; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VanS [EC:] 0.022 0.528 0.967 0.999
vanSB, vanS, vanSD; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VanS [EC:] -0.904 1.195 0.450 0.978
vanSC, vanSE, vanSG; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VanS [EC:] -0.980 0.894 0.275 0.978
vanT; serine/alanine racemase [EC:] -17.710 2526.078 0.994 0.999
vanW; vancomycin resistance protein VanW -0.688 0.591 0.246 0.978
vanX; zinc D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase [EC:] -0.282 0.159 0.079 0.859
vanXY; zinc D-Ala-D-Ala dipeptidase/carboxypeptidase [EC:] -17.473 3469.327 0.996 0.999
vanY; zinc D-Ala-D-Ala carboxypeptidase [EC:] -0.043 0.127 0.733 0.999
vapB; antitoxin VapB -0.200 0.592 0.736 0.999
vapC; ribonuclease VapC [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.525 0.561 0.351 0.978
VARS, valS; valyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.026 0.030 0.392 0.978
vasD, lip; type VI secretion system protein VasD 0.248 0.269 0.359 0.978
vasG, clpV; type VI secretion system protein VasG 0.121 0.258 0.641 0.999
vasH; sigma-54 dependent transcriptional regulator -0.655 1.665 0.695 0.999
vasI; type VI secretion system protein VasI 0.031 0.546 0.955 0.999
vasJ; type VI secretion system protein VasJ 0.347 0.242 0.154 0.954
vasL; type VI secretion system protein VasL 0.162 0.607 0.790 0.999
vat; virginiamycin A acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -1.569 0.709 0.028 0.839
vcaM; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, multidrug efflux pump -0.023 0.216 0.916 0.999
VCP, CDC48; transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase -0.651 0.404 0.109 0.917
vdh; valine dehydrogenase (NAD+) [EC:] -0.704 1.245 0.572 0.995
vexE; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.060 0.964 0.950 0.999
vexF; multidrug efflux pump 0.060 0.964 0.950 0.999
vga; pleuromutilin/lincosamide/streptogramin A transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.591 0.952 0.535 0.990
vgb; virginiamycin B lyase [EC:4.2.99.-] -2.497 1.252 0.048 0.839
vgrG; type VI secretion system secreted protein VgrG 0.147 0.219 0.502 0.981
VGSC; voltage-gated sodium channel -1.439 0.812 0.078 0.859
vicK; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase VicK [EC:] -0.005 0.132 0.967 0.999
vicR; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator VicR -0.018 0.131 0.894 0.999
vieA; c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase [EC:] 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
vioO; nonribosomal peptide synthetase protein VioO -17.368 3290.703 0.996 0.999
virB1; type IV secretion system protein VirB1 -0.010 0.405 0.980 0.999
virB10, lvhB10; type IV secretion system protein VirB10 -0.156 0.292 0.593 0.999
virB11, lvhB11; type IV secretion system protein VirB11 -0.099 0.305 0.746 0.999
virB2, lvhB2; type IV secretion system protein VirB2 -0.162 0.367 0.660 0.999
virB3, lvhB3; type IV secretion system protein VirB3 -0.282 0.354 0.426 0.978
virB4, lvhB4; type IV secretion system protein VirB4 0.067 0.249 0.789 0.999
virB5, lvhB5; type IV secretion system protein VirB5 -0.121 0.276 0.663 0.999
virB6, lvhB6; type IV secretion system protein VirB6 -0.085 0.298 0.775 0.999
virB7, lvhB7; type IV secretion system protein VirB7 -1.961 1.603 0.223 0.978
virB8, lvhB8; type IV secretion system protein VirB8 -0.005 0.329 0.988 0.999
virB9, lvhB9; type IV secretion system protein VirB9 -0.087 0.265 0.743 0.999
virD4, lvhD4; type IV secretion system protein VirD4 0.115 0.224 0.609 0.999
virK; uncharacterized protein 0.182 0.197 0.356 0.978
vpr; minor extracellular serine protease Vpr [EC:3.4.21.-] -1.683 0.822 0.042 0.839
vraF; cationic antimicrobial peptide transport system ATP-binding protein -0.811 1.001 0.419 0.978
vraG; cationic antimicrobial peptide transport system permease protein -1.554 1.110 0.164 0.957
vraR; two-component system, NarL family, vancomycin resistance associated response regulator VraR 0.418 0.537 0.437 0.978
vraS; two-component system, NarL family, vancomycin resistance sensor histidine kinase VraS [EC:] -0.315 0.696 0.651 0.999
vsr; DNA mismatch endonuclease, patch repair protein [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.270 0.257 0.295 0.978
waaB, rfaB; UDP-D-galactose:(glucosyl)LPS alpha-1,6-D-galactosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.416 1.053 0.694 0.999
waaC, rfaC; heptosyltransferase I [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.138 0.135 0.308 0.978
waaE, kdtX; (heptosyl)LPS beta-1,4-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.255 0.318 0.425 0.978
waaF, rfaF; heptosyltransferase II [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.304 0.129 0.020 0.839
waaG, rfaG; UDP-glucose:(heptosyl)LPS alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.231 0.266 0.387 0.978
waaH; heptose III glucuronosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.920 1.032 0.374 0.978
waaI, rfaI; UDP-D-galactose:(glucosyl)LPS alpha-1,3-D-galactosyltransferase [EC:] 1.662 1.228 0.178 0.961
waaJ, rfaJ; UDP-glucose:(galactosyl)LPS alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase [EC:] -0.704 0.878 0.424 0.978
waaK, rfaK; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:(glucosyl)LPS alpha-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase [EC:] -0.826 0.638 0.197 0.970
waaL, rfaL; O-antigen ligase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.289 0.213 0.178 0.961
waaO, rfaI; UDP-glucose:(glucosyl)LPS alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.511 1.152 0.658 0.999
waaP, rfaP; heptose I phosphotransferase [EC:2.7.1.-] 0.213 0.327 0.517 0.986
waaQ, rfaQ; heptosyltransferase III [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.091 0.298 0.761 0.999
waaR, waaT, rfaJ; UDP-glucose/galactose:(glucosyl)LPS alpha-1,2-glucosyl/galactosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.327 1.156 0.778 0.999
waaS, rfaS; 1,5-rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 1.117 1.359 0.412 0.978
waaV; UDP-glucose:(glucosyl)LPS beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -1.154 1.507 0.445 0.978
waaW; (galactosyl)LPS 1,2-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.384 1.237 0.757 0.999
waaY, rfaY; heptose II phosphotransferase [EC:2.7.1.-] 1.102 0.497 0.028 0.839
waaZ, rfaZ; KDO transferase III [EC:2.4.99.-] 1.834 1.209 0.131 0.941
wapR; alpha-1,3-rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.520 0.592 0.381 0.978
WARS, trpS; tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.038 0.033 0.246 0.978
wbbJ; lipopolysaccharide O-acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -1.474 1.936 0.448 0.978
wbbL; N-acetylglucosaminyl-diphospho-decaprenol L-rhamnosyltransferase [EC:] 0.057 0.342 0.869 0.999
wbdB, wbpY; mannosyl-N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosaminyl-diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol 3-alpha-mannosyltransferase / alpha-1,3-rhamnosyltransferase [EC: 2.4.1.-] 0.552 0.640 0.389 0.978
wbdC, wbpZ; N-acetyl-alpha-D-glucosaminyl-diphospho-ditrans,octacis-undecaprenol 3-alpha-mannosyltransferase / rhamnosyltransferase [EC: 2.4.1.-] -0.142 0.405 0.727 0.999
wbdD, wbbD; O-antigen chain-terminating methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 2.766 1.217 0.024 0.839
wbiB; dTDP-L-rhamnose 4-epimerase [EC:] -0.679 0.553 0.221 0.978
wbjC; UDP-2-acetamido-2,6-beta-L-arabino-hexul-4-ose reductase [EC:] -0.689 0.424 0.106 0.911
wbpA; UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.328 0.380 0.389 0.978
wbpB; UDP-N-acetyl-2-amino-2-deoxyglucuronate dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.946 1.031 0.360 0.978
wbpD, wlbB; UDP-2-acetamido-3-amino-2,3-dideoxy-glucuronate N-acetyltransferase [EC:] -0.104 0.445 0.816 0.999
wbpE, wlbC; UDP-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-ribo-hexuluronate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.156 0.626 0.804 0.999
wbpI, wlbD; UDP-GlcNAc3NAcA epimerase [EC:] -1.190 0.763 0.121 0.919
wbpL; Fuc2NAc and GlcNAc transferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.260 0.365 0.478 0.979
wbpO; UDP-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.191 0.170 0.262 0.978
wbpP; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4-epimerase [EC:] -0.031 0.356 0.931 0.999
wbpX; alpha-1,2-rhamnosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -0.052 0.869 0.952 0.999
wbqL; O-antigen biosynthesis protein WbqL -17.510 3533.982 0.996 0.999
wbqP; O-antigen biosynthesis protein WbqP -0.076 0.436 0.862 0.999
wbqR; UDP-perosamine 4-acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -17.702 2942.450 0.995 0.999
wbqV; O-antigen biosynthesis protein WbqV -1.599 0.891 0.075 0.851
wbtD; galacturonosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.876 1.345 0.516 0.985
wbyK; mannosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -17.761 4005.858 0.996 0.999
wbyL; glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] -1.692 1.139 0.140 0.949
wcaB; putative colanic acid biosynthesis acetyltransferase WcaB [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.160 0.752 0.832 0.999
wcaC; putative colanic acid biosynthesis glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.-.-] -0.395 0.850 0.643 0.999
wcaD; putative colanic acid polymerase -0.413 0.817 0.614 0.999
wcaE; putative colanic acid biosynthesis glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.-.-] -0.413 0.817 0.614 0.999
wcaF; putative colanic acid biosynthesis acetyltransferase WcaF [EC:2.3.1.-] -1.126 0.556 0.044 0.839
wcaH; colanic acid biosynthesis protein WcaH [EC:3.6.1.-] -0.796 0.716 0.268 0.978
wcaI; colanic acid biosynthesis glycosyl transferase WcaI -0.934 0.703 0.186 0.966
wcaJ; putative colanic acid biosysnthesis UDP-glucose lipid carrier transferase -0.178 0.208 0.393 0.978
wcaK, amsJ; colanic acid/amylovoran biosynthesis protein -0.248 0.710 0.728 0.999
wcaL, amsK; colanic acid/amylovoran biosynthesis glycosyltransferase [EC:2.4.-.-] -0.100 0.646 0.877 0.999
wcaM; colanic acid biosynthesis protein WcaM -0.395 0.850 0.643 0.999
wecA, tagO, rfe; UDP-GlcNAc:undecaprenyl-phosphate/decaprenyl-phosphate GlcNAc-1-phosphate transferase [EC:] 0.048 0.095 0.615 0.999
wecB; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase (non-hydrolysing) [EC:] -0.029 0.075 0.702 0.999
wecC; UDP-N-acetyl-D-mannosaminuronic acid dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.099 0.242 0.682 0.999
wecE, rffA; dTDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxygalactose transaminase [EC:] -0.355 0.391 0.366 0.978
wecF, rffT; dTDP-N-acetylfucosamine:lipid II N-acetylfucosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
wecG, rffM; UDP-N-acetyl-D-mannosaminouronate:lipid I N-acetyl-D-mannosaminouronosyltransferase [EC:] 0.058 0.587 0.922 0.999
whiB1_2_3_4; WhiB family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensing transcriptional regulator -0.081 0.275 0.767 0.999
whiB5; WhiB family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensing transcriptional regulator -17.416 3370.607 0.996 0.999
whiB6; WhiB family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensing transcriptional regulator -3.091 2.016 0.127 0.927
whiB7; WhiB family transcriptional regulator, redox-sensing transcriptional regulator -0.520 0.756 0.492 0.981
whiEII; putative monooxygenase 3.129 2.755 0.258 0.978
whiEIII; minimal PKS ketosynthase (KS/KS alpha) [EC:2.3.1.-] 3.129 2.755 0.258 0.978
whiEIV; minimal PKS chain-length factor (CLF/KS beta) [EC:2.3.1.-] 3.129 2.755 0.258 0.978
whiEV; minimal PKS acyl carrier protein 18.832 3989.590 0.996 0.999
whiEVI; aromatase 3.129 2.755 0.258 0.978
whiEVII; cyclase 3.129 2.755 0.258 0.978
whiEVIII; putative polyketide hydroxylase -1.718 2.398 0.475 0.979
WIPF; WAS/WASL-interacting protein -17.368 3290.703 0.996 0.999
wlbA, bplA; UDP-N-acetyl-2-amino-2-deoxyglucuronate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.869 0.683 0.205 0.972
wprA; cell wall-associated protease [EC:3.4.21.-] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
wrbA; NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] -0.138 0.182 0.447 0.978
wspA; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein WspA 0.163 0.341 0.634 0.999
wspB; chemotaxis-related protein WspB 0.228 0.329 0.489 0.979
wspC; chemotaxis protein methyltransferase WspC 0.234 0.329 0.478 0.979
wspD; chemotaxis-related protein WspD 0.235 0.329 0.475 0.979
wspE; two-component system, chemotaxis family, sensor histidine kinase and response regulator WspE 0.126 0.388 0.746 0.999
wspF; two-component system, chemotaxis family, response regulator WspF [EC:] 0.225 0.329 0.496 0.981
wspR; two-component system, chemotaxis family, response regulator WspR [EC:] 0.228 0.329 0.489 0.979
wtpA; molybdate/tungstate transport system substrate-binding protein -2.826 2.742 0.304 0.978
wtpB; molybdate/tungstate transport system permease protein -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
wtpC; molybdate/tungstate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] -17.234 3077.514 0.996 0.999
wzxC; lipopolysaccharide exporter -0.395 0.850 0.643 0.999
wzxE; enterobacterial common antigen flippase -0.035 0.482 0.941 0.999
wzy; O-antigen polymerase [EC:2.4.1.-] 1.132 0.878 0.199 0.970
wzyE, rffT; enterobacterial common antigen polymerase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
wzzB; chain length determinant protein (polysaccharide antigen chain regulator) 0.047 0.308 0.879 0.999
wzzE; lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis protein WzzE 0.186 0.350 0.596 0.999
xanB2; chorismate lyase / 3-hydroxybenzoate synthase [EC:] 0.107 0.805 0.894 0.999
xanP; xanthine permease XanP -0.008 0.161 0.961 0.999
xanQ; xanthine permease XanQ 0.595 0.646 0.359 0.978
xapA; xanthosine phosphorylase [EC:2.4.2.-] -0.214 0.769 0.781 0.999
xapB; MFS transporter, NHS family, xanthosine permease -0.245 0.278 0.379 0.978
xdhA; xanthine dehydrogenase small subunit [EC:] -0.120 0.267 0.654 0.999
xdhB; xanthine dehydrogenase large subunit [EC:] -0.135 0.313 0.666 0.999
xdhC; xanthine dehydrogenase accessory factor 0.000 0.125 0.997 0.999
xdhD; putative selenate reductase molybdopterin-binding subunit -0.127 1.190 0.915 0.999
xerC; integrase/recombinase XerC -0.082 0.070 0.241 0.978
xerD; integrase/recombinase XerD 0.033 0.073 0.654 0.999
xfp, xpk; xylulose-5-phosphate/fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase [EC:] 0.215 0.280 0.444 0.978
xltA; putative xylitol transport system ATP-binding protein -1.585 1.274 0.215 0.978
xltB; putative xylitol transport system permease protein -1.671 1.200 0.166 0.960
xltC; putative xylitol transport system substrate-binding protein -1.585 1.274 0.215 0.978
xlyAB; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] -0.059 0.220 0.789 0.999
xni; protein Xni 0.352 0.531 0.508 0.981
xopD; type III effector protein XopD 18.223 2942.586 0.995 0.999
xpt; xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.016 0.072 0.828 0.999
xsc; sulfoacetaldehyde acetyltransferase [EC:] -3.906 4.090 0.341 0.978
xseA; exodeoxyribonuclease VII large subunit [EC:] 0.073 0.039 0.063 0.839
xseB; exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [EC:] 0.039 0.036 0.281 0.978
xtmA; phage terminase small subunit 0.042 0.335 0.901 0.999
xtmB; phage terminase large subunit -0.611 0.503 0.226 0.978
xylA; xylose isomerase [EC:] -0.231 0.200 0.251 0.978
xylB, XYLB; xylulokinase [EC:] -0.178 0.150 0.239 0.978
xylC; benzaldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD) [EC:] -0.239 0.340 0.483 0.979
xylE; MFS transporter, SP family, xylose:H+ symportor -0.764 0.596 0.202 0.972
xylF; D-xylose transport system substrate-binding protein -0.778 0.364 0.034 0.839
xylG; D-xylose transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] -0.468 0.294 0.113 0.917
xylH; D-xylose transport system permease protein -0.728 0.374 0.053 0.839
xylS, yicI; alpha-D-xyloside xylohydrolase [EC:] -0.517 0.326 0.115 0.917
xynB; xylan 1,4-beta-xylosidase [EC:] -0.986 0.615 0.110 0.917
xynC; glucuronoarabinoxylan endo-1,4-beta-xylanase [EC:] -0.130 0.912 0.887 0.999
xynD; arabinoxylan arabinofuranohydrolase [EC:] -2.486 2.330 0.288 0.978
xyoA, aldO; alditol oxidase [EC:] 0.757 0.738 0.307 0.978
yaaH; spore germination protein -1.510 0.760 0.049 0.839
yaaU; MFS transporter, putative metabolite transport protein 0.184 0.435 0.672 0.999
yabG; spore coat assemly protein -0.995 0.681 0.146 0.954
yabN; tetrapyrrole methylase family protein / MazG family protein -0.115 0.146 0.432 0.978
yadB_C; adhesin YadB/C 18.902 3402.727 0.996 0.999
yaeJ; ribosome-associated protein -0.117 0.195 0.550 0.992
yaeR; glyoxylase I family protein -0.098 0.125 0.433 0.978
yafN; antitoxin YafN 2.069 1.635 0.208 0.976
yafO; mRNA interferase YafO [EC:3.1.-.-] 2.454 1.465 0.096 0.896
yafP; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.746 0.414 0.073 0.845
yafQ; mRNA interferase YafQ [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.035 0.173 0.842 0.999
yagR; xanthine dehydrogenase YagR molybdenum-binding subunit [EC:] -0.125 0.251 0.618 0.999
yagS; xanthine dehydrogenase YagS FAD-binding subunit [EC:] -0.133 0.248 0.593 0.999
yagT; xanthine dehydrogenase YagT iron-sulfur-binding subunit -0.094 0.246 0.703 0.999
yagU; putative membrane protein 0.201 0.237 0.397 0.978
yahA; c-di-GMP-specific phosphodiesterase [EC:] -1.154 1.507 0.445 0.978
yahK; uncharacterized zinc-type alcohol dehydrogenase-like protein [EC:1.-.-.-] -0.222 0.231 0.337 0.978
yahN; amino acid exporter -1.130 1.346 0.402 0.978
yajC; preprotein translocase subunit YajC 0.050 0.037 0.181 0.961
yajG; uncharacterized lipoprotein 0.218 0.203 0.284 0.978
yajQ; cyclic-di-GMP-binding protein -0.008 0.103 0.941 0.999
YARS, tyrS; tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.024 0.035 0.487 0.979
ybaK, ebsC; Cys-tRNA(Pro)/Cys-tRNA(Cys) deacylase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.110 0.048 0.023 0.839
ybaO; Lrp/AsnC family transcriptional regulator -0.245 0.255 0.338 0.978
ybaZ; methylated-DNA-protein-cysteine methyltransferase related protein -0.028 0.095 0.771 0.999
ybbJ; inner membrane protein -0.012 0.163 0.943 0.999
ybbN; putative thioredoxin -0.014 0.124 0.912 0.999
ybcJ; ribosome-associated protein 0.207 0.116 0.076 0.855
ybcL; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, putative efflux transporter -0.578 1.355 0.671 0.999
ybdG, mscM; miniconductance mechanosensitive channel -0.126 0.144 0.381 0.978
ybdH; uncharacterized oxidoreductase [EC:1.1.-.-] -0.275 0.489 0.575 0.995
ybdL; methionine transaminase [EC:] -0.021 0.214 0.921 0.999
ybeB; ribosome-associated protein -0.010 0.040 0.803 0.999
ybeY, yqfG; probable rRNA maturation factor 0.067 0.041 0.105 0.910
ybfF; esterase [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.230 0.290 0.428 0.978
ybgC; acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase [EC:3.1.2.-] -0.126 0.078 0.107 0.913
ybiC; uncharacterized oxidoreductase [EC:1.1.1.-] -0.909 0.597 0.130 0.934
ybiS; L,D-transpeptidase YbiS 0.158 0.613 0.797 0.999
ybiV; sugar-phosphatase [EC:] -0.626 0.724 0.389 0.978
ybjD; putative ATP-dependent endonuclease of the OLD family 0.382 0.199 0.057 0.839
ybtA; AraC family transcriptional regulator -2.044 2.163 0.346 0.978
ybtX, irp8; MFS transporter, putative signal transducer -1.077 1.271 0.398 0.978
ycaJ; putative ATPase 0.037 0.045 0.415 0.978
ycaO; ribosomal protein S12 methylthiotransferase accessory factor 0.001 0.202 0.997 0.999
ycbA, glnK; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase YcbA [EC:] 0.186 0.493 0.706 0.999
ycbB, glnL; two-component system, response regulator YcbB 0.416 0.395 0.293 0.978
yccA; modulator of FtsH protease 0.102 0.179 0.568 0.995
ycdX; putative hydrolase 0.109 0.284 0.703 0.999
ycfD; 50S ribosomal protein L16 3-hydroxylase [EC:] 0.074 0.162 0.648 0.999
ycfS; L,D-transpeptidase YcfS 0.225 0.574 0.695 0.999
ycgQ; putative membrane protein -0.063 0.164 0.701 0.999
ychF; ribosome-binding ATPase 0.036 0.036 0.312 0.978
ychN; uncharacterized protein involved in oxidation of intracellular sulfur 0.296 0.323 0.360 0.978
yciA; acyl-CoA thioesterase YciA [EC:3.1.2.-] -0.015 0.151 0.922 0.999
ycjF; putative membrane protein -0.087 0.269 0.747 0.999
ycjT; hypothetical glycosyl hydrolase [EC:3.2.1.-] 0.739 0.609 0.227 0.978
ycnJ; copper transport protein -1.106 0.523 0.036 0.839
ydaV; putative replication protein -2.031 2.097 0.334 0.978
ydfG; 3-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase / malonic semialdehyde reductase [EC: 1.1.1.-] 0.207 0.278 0.458 0.979
ydfH; two-component system, NarL family, sensor histidine kinase YdfH [EC:] 18.429 2747.052 0.995 0.999
ydfI; two-component system, NarL family, response regulator YdfI 18.045 1898.825 0.992 0.999
ydfJ; membrane protein YdfJ 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
ydfJ; MFS transporter, MHS family, metabolite:H+ symporter 0.193 0.574 0.736 0.999
ydgD; protease YdgD [EC:3.4.21.-] -0.278 0.548 0.613 0.999
ydhP; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, inner membrane transport protein -0.119 0.218 0.588 0.999
ydhQ; GntR family transcriptional regulator 0.423 0.295 0.154 0.954
ydiB; quinate/shikimate dehydrogenase [EC:] -1.130 1.346 0.402 0.978
ydiF; acetate CoA-transferase [EC:] -1.130 1.346 0.402 0.978
ydiU; uncharacterized protein -0.170 0.327 0.604 0.999
ydiY; putative salt-induced outer membrane protein -0.133 0.370 0.721 0.999
ydjE; MFS transporter, putative metabolite:H+ symporter -0.124 0.141 0.383 0.978
ydjG; methylglyoxal reductase [EC:1.1.1.-] -0.859 0.889 0.335 0.978
yebQ; MFS transporter, DHA2 family, multidrug resistance protein -0.648 0.290 0.027 0.839
yedL; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.798 0.415 0.056 0.839
yeeJ; adhesin/invasin -0.355 0.839 0.673 0.999
yefM; antitoxin YefM -0.157 0.164 0.340 0.978
yegD; hypothetical chaperone protein -0.104 0.209 0.617 0.999
yeiL; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, putaive post-exponential-phase nitrogen-starvation regulator -1.272 1.395 0.363 0.978
yejA; microcin C transport system substrate-binding protein -0.110 0.262 0.675 0.999
yejB; microcin C transport system permease protein -0.107 0.237 0.651 0.999
yejE; microcin C transport system permease protein -0.141 0.239 0.557 0.992
yejF; microcin C transport system ATP-binding protein -0.163 0.218 0.456 0.978
yesM; two-component system, sensor histidine kinase YesM [EC:] 0.117 0.151 0.442 0.978
yesN; two-component system, response regulator YesN 0.128 0.146 0.380 0.978
yesW; rhamnogalacturonan endolyase [EC:] -1.266 0.768 0.101 0.896
yesX; rhamnogalacturonan exolyase [EC:] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
yfaE; ferredoxin 0.271 0.315 0.392 0.978
yfaL; autotransporter family porin -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
yfbK; Ca-activated chloride channel homolog -0.067 0.113 0.552 0.992
yfbR; 5’-deoxynucleotidase [EC:] 0.252 0.197 0.203 0.972
yfbT, yniC; sugar-phosphatase [EC:] -0.146 0.330 0.658 0.999
yfiC, trmX; tRNA1Val (adenine37-N6)-methyltransferase [EC:] -0.061 0.180 0.735 0.999
yfiF, trmG; RNA methyltransferase, TrmH family [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.087 0.246 0.724 0.999
yfiH; polyphenol oxidase [EC:1.10.3.-] 0.012 0.060 0.839 0.999
yfiM; putative lipoprotein 0.119 0.601 0.843 0.999
yfiP; DTW domain-containing protein 0.089 0.276 0.747 0.999
yfiQ; acetyltransferase -0.223 0.250 0.375 0.978
yfkN; 2’,3’-cyclic-nucleotide 2’-phosphodiesterase / 3’-nucleotidase / 5’-nucleotidase [EC:] -0.781 1.207 0.519 0.987
yfkQ; spore germination protein 0.665 1.122 0.554 0.992
yfkR; spore germination protein -0.901 1.130 0.426 0.978
yfkT; spore germination protein -17.198 3022.482 0.995 0.999
ygaC; uncharacterized protein -0.036 0.130 0.782 0.999
ygeR; lipoprotein YgeR 0.284 0.569 0.618 0.999
ygeS, xdhA; xanthine dehydrogenase molybdenum-binding subunit [EC:] 0.196 0.473 0.679 0.999
ygeT, xdhB; xanthine dehydrogenase FAD-binding subunit [EC:] 0.383 0.505 0.450 0.978
ygeU, xdhC; xanthine dehydrogenase iron-sulfur-binding subunit -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
ygfK; putative selenate reductase [EC:] 0.400 0.489 0.414 0.978
ygfM; putative selenate reductase FAD-binding subunit -1.153 1.472 0.435 0.978
ygfZ; tRNA-modifying protein YgfZ -0.045 0.122 0.713 0.999
yggC; putative kinase -0.095 0.581 0.871 0.999
yggS, PROSC; PLP dependent protein 0.017 0.037 0.646 0.999
yggT; YggT family protein 0.058 0.063 0.361 0.978
yghU, yfcG; GSH-dependent disulfide-bond oxidoreductase [EC:1.8.4.-] -0.209 0.140 0.139 0.949
ygiF; triphosphatase [EC:] 0.354 0.530 0.505 0.981
ygiM; SH3 domain protein 0.341 0.218 0.120 0.917
ygjK; putative isomerase -0.453 0.664 0.496 0.981
yhaV; toxin YhaV [EC:3.1.-.-] -0.580 0.775 0.456 0.978
yhbH; putative sigma-54 modulation protein 0.068 0.065 0.294 0.978
yhbS; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.328 0.284 0.250 0.978
yhbY; RNA-binding protein 0.137 0.051 0.008 0.839
yhcO; ribonuclease inhibitor 0.012 0.391 0.975 0.999
yhdJ; adenine-specific DNA-methyltransferase [EC:] -1.130 1.346 0.402 0.978
yhdR; aspartate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.237 0.327 0.470 0.979
yhfA; putative redox protein -0.104 0.183 0.571 0.995
yhgE; putative membrane protein -0.063 0.113 0.578 0.997
yhhL; putative membrane protein 0.444 0.302 0.144 0.951
yhhY; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.213 0.379 0.575 0.995
yhjG; AsmA family protein -0.022 0.232 0.925 0.999
yiaC; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.173 0.400 0.667 0.999
yiaY; alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:] -0.284 0.262 0.281 0.978
yibL; ribosome-associated protein 0.241 0.593 0.685 0.999
yidC, spoIIIJ, OXA1, ccfA; YidC/Oxa1 family membrane protein insertase 0.037 0.054 0.492 0.981
yidH; putative membrane protein -0.440 0.407 0.281 0.978
yidP; GntR family transcriptional regulator, glv operon transcriptional regulator -0.393 0.833 0.638 0.999
yihQ; sulfoquinovosidase [EC:] -1.961 1.229 0.113 0.917
yihS; sulfoquinovose isomerase [EC:] 0.125 0.328 0.705 0.999
yihT; sulfofructosephosphate aldolase [EC:] -1.261 1.208 0.298 0.978
yihU; 4-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase / sulfolactaldehyde 3-reductase [EC:] -0.837 0.961 0.385 0.978
yihV; sulfofructose kinase [EC:] -1.643 0.985 0.097 0.896
yitG, ymfD, yfmO; MFS transporter, ACDE family, multidrug resistance protein -2.266 0.864 0.010 0.839
yjaB; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.022 0.208 0.914 0.999
yjbB; phosphate:Na+ symporter -0.035 0.081 0.665 0.999
yjdF; putative membrane protein -0.093 0.190 0.626 0.999
yjeH; amino acid efflux transporter 0.214 0.521 0.682 0.999
yjgA; ribosome-associated protein 0.066 0.156 0.670 0.999
yjgB; uncharacterized zinc-type alcohol dehydrogenase-like protein [EC:1.-.-.-] -0.191 0.376 0.613 0.999
yjgM; putative acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] -0.172 0.198 0.387 0.978
yjjG; 5’-nucleotidase [EC:] -0.117 0.686 0.865 0.999
ykkC; paired small multidrug resistance pump -0.519 0.538 0.336 0.978
ykkD; paired small multidrug resistance pump -0.523 0.539 0.333 0.978
yknT; sigma-E controlled sporulation protein 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
ykoE; energy-coupling factor transport system substrate-specific component 0.091 0.162 0.575 0.995
ylbA, UGHY; (S)-ureidoglycine aminohydrolase [EC:] -0.072 0.350 0.838 0.999
ylnA, cysP; sulfate permease -0.949 0.776 0.223 0.978
ylxR; uncharacterized protein 0.086 0.084 0.308 0.978
ynaI, mscMJ; MscS family membrane protein -0.300 0.406 0.462 0.979
yncG; GST-like protein -0.470 0.475 0.323 0.978
yndD; spore germination protein -1.274 0.798 0.113 0.917
yndE; spore germination protein -1.072 1.065 0.316 0.978
yndF; spore germination protein -1.069 1.066 0.318 0.978
yneE, BEST; ion channel-forming bestrophin family protein -0.097 0.230 0.674 0.999
ynfE; Tat-targeted selenate reductase subunit YnfE [EC:] -0.569 0.642 0.377 0.978
ynfF; Tat-targeted selenate reductase subunit YnfF [EC:] -0.910 1.157 0.433 0.978
ynfH; Tat-targeted selenate reductase subunit YnfH -0.969 0.853 0.258 0.978
ynfM; MFS transporter, YNFM family, putative membrane transport protein -0.081 0.198 0.685 0.999
ynhG; L,D-transpeptidase YnhG -0.243 0.717 0.735 0.999
yoeB; toxin YoeB [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.391 0.201 0.054 0.839
yogA; zinc-binding alcohol dehydrogenase/oxidoreductase 0.092 0.946 0.923 0.999
yojI; multidrug/microcin transport system ATP-binding/permease protein -0.003 0.466 0.995 0.999
ypdF; aminopeptidase [EC:3.4.11.-] -1.244 1.220 0.309 0.978
ypeB; spore germination protein -1.426 0.741 0.056 0.839
yprB; uncharacterized protein -0.071 0.265 0.791 0.999
ypsC; putative N6-adenine-specific DNA methylase [EC:2.1.1.-] -0.025 0.089 0.777 0.999
yqeH; 30S ribosome assembly GTPase 0.110 0.118 0.351 0.978
yqfD; similar to stage IV sporulation protein -0.979 0.512 0.058 0.839
yqgE; MFS transporter, YQGE family, putative transporter -2.492 0.915 0.007 0.839
yqgT; g-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelate peptidase [EC:] -0.095 0.405 0.814 0.999
yqhD; NADP-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.-.-] -0.113 0.285 0.694 0.999
yqjH; ferric-chelate reductase (NADPH) [EC:] -0.238 0.703 0.736 0.999
yraD; similar to spore coat protein -3.216 1.601 0.046 0.839
yraG; similar to spore coat protein -2.217 1.654 0.182 0.961
yraN; putative endonuclease 0.063 0.071 0.378 0.978
yrbG; cation:H+ antiporter -0.044 0.128 0.734 0.999
yrdD; putative DNA topoisomerase 0.231 0.308 0.455 0.978
yrrT; putative AdoMet-dependent methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] -1.109 0.602 0.067 0.839
yscC, sctC, ssaC; type III secretion protein C -0.565 0.533 0.291 0.978
yscD, sctD, ssaD; type III secretion protein D -0.361 0.568 0.525 0.989
yscF, sctF, ssaG, prgI; type III secretion protein F -2.151 1.705 0.209 0.977
yscI, sctI; type III secretion protein I -17.577 3325.657 0.996 0.999
yscJ, sctJ, hrcJ, ssaJ; type III secretion protein J -0.690 0.481 0.153 0.954
yscL, sctL; type III secretion protein L -0.328 0.544 0.548 0.991
yscN, sctN, hrcN, ssaN; ATP synthase in type III secretion protein N [EC:] -0.407 0.482 0.400 0.978
yscO, sctO; type III secretion protein O -17.577 3325.657 0.996 0.999
yscQ, sctQ, hrcQ, ssaQ, spaO; type III secretion protein Q -0.361 0.470 0.444 0.978
yscR, sctR, hrcR, ssaR; type III secretion protein R -0.491 0.441 0.268 0.978
yscS, sctS, hrcS, ssaS; type III secretion protein S -0.473 0.443 0.288 0.978
yscT, sctT, hrcT, ssaT; type III secretion protein T -0.481 0.438 0.274 0.978
yscU, sctU, hrcU, ssaU; type III secretion protein U -0.560 0.439 0.204 0.972
yscV, sctV, hrcV, ssaV, invA; type III secretion protein V -0.496 0.444 0.265 0.978
yscW, sctW; type III secretion protein W -0.314 0.548 0.567 0.995
yscX, sctX; type III secretion protein X -17.577 3325.657 0.996 0.999
yscY, sctY; type III secretion protein Y 2.635 1.537 0.088 0.880
ysiA, fadR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, fatty acid metabolism regulator protein -1.616 0.769 0.037 0.839
ysxB; uncharacterized protein 0.150 0.098 0.127 0.927
yteR, yesR; unsaturated rhamnogalacturonyl hydrolase [EC:] -1.136 0.553 0.042 0.839
ytfB; uncharacterized protein 0.218 0.576 0.706 0.999
ytfE, scdA; regulator of cell morphogenesis and NO signaling -0.149 0.152 0.330 0.978
ytmI; uncharacterized N-acetyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.528 0.256 0.040 0.839
ytpB; tetraprenyl-beta-curcumene synthase [EC:] -2.174 0.860 0.012 0.839
ytrA; GntR family transcriptional regulator -0.337 0.216 0.120 0.917
ytrB; acetoin utilization transport system ATP-binding protein 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
ytrC_D; acetoin utilization transport system permease protein 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
ytrE; acetoin utilization transport system ATP-binding protein -0.434 1.172 0.711 0.999
ytrF; acetoin utilization transport system permease protein -0.434 1.172 0.711 0.999
yueD; benzil reductase ((S)-benzoin forming) [EC:] -1.021 0.950 0.284 0.978
yufL, malK; two-component system, CitB family, sensor histidine kinase MalK [EC:] -1.637 0.898 0.070 0.841
yuiF; putative amino acid transporter 0.321 0.136 0.020 0.839
yusF; toprim domain protein -0.867 0.524 0.100 0.896
yvaK; carboxylesterase [EC:] -0.062 0.203 0.760 0.999
yvmC; cyclo(L-leucyl-L-leucyl) synthase [EC:] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
ywaD; aminopeptidase YwaD [EC:] -1.343 1.083 0.217 0.978
yxdJ; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator YxdJ 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
yxdK; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor histidine kinase YxdK [EC:] 18.239 2966.075 0.995 0.999
yxdL; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein 0.080 0.522 0.878 0.999
yxdM; putative ABC transport system permease protein -0.218 0.564 0.699 0.999
yxeM; putative amino-acid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.014 0.561 0.979 0.999
yxeN; putative amino-acid transport system permease protein 0.726 0.644 0.261 0.978
yxeO; putative amino-acid transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.792 0.412 0.056 0.839
yxjA, nupG; purine nucleoside transport protein 0.254 0.348 0.466 0.979
yydH; putative peptide zinc metalloprotease protein -0.261 0.425 0.540 0.990
yydI; putative peptide transport system ATP-binding protein -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
yydJ; putative peptide transport system permease protein -1.670 1.245 0.182 0.961
yydK; GntR family transcriptional regulator, transcriptional regulator of bglA -0.072 0.510 0.888 0.999
zapA; cell division protein ZapA -0.047 0.086 0.580 0.997
zapB; cell division protein ZapB 0.160 0.186 0.392 0.978
zapC; cell division protein ZapC 0.352 0.531 0.508 0.981
zapD; cell division protein ZapD -0.053 0.324 0.871 0.999
zapE; cell division protein ZapE -0.031 0.179 0.864 0.999
ZDS, crtQ; zeta-carotene desaturase [EC:] 18.478 3342.830 0.996 0.999
zipA; cell division protein ZipA 0.108 0.172 0.532 0.990
zipB; zinc and cadmium transporter -0.640 0.565 0.259 0.978
zmpB; zinc metalloprotease ZmpB [EC:3.4.24.-] -0.185 0.203 0.364 0.978
zntA; Cd2+/Zn2+-exporting ATPase [EC:] 0.107 0.091 0.241 0.978
zntB; zinc transporter -0.097 0.303 0.749 0.999
zntR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, Zn(II)-responsive regulator of zntA 0.321 0.534 0.549 0.992
znuA; zinc transport system substrate-binding protein 0.124 0.071 0.084 0.871
znuB; zinc transport system permease protein 0.082 0.058 0.161 0.957
znuC; zinc transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.092 0.058 0.119 0.917
zot; zona occludens toxin -0.423 0.534 0.430 0.978
zraP; zinc resistance-associated protein -0.890 1.071 0.408 0.978
zraR, hydG; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator HydG -0.661 0.411 0.110 0.917
zraS, hydH; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor histidine kinase HydH [EC:] -0.647 0.721 0.371 0.978
zur; Fur family transcriptional regulator, zinc uptake regulator -0.063 0.171 0.712 0.999
zurR, zur; Fur family transcriptional regulator, zinc uptake regulator 0.037 0.227 0.870 0.999
# merge with tb.ra for full results table
full.res <- left_join(tb.ra, results.out, by = "description")

write.csv(full.res, "output/picrust_ko_data_results.csv", row.names = F)

Part 3 Pathways Data

pi.dat <- readr::read_tsv("data/PICRUST/path_abun_unstrat_descrip.tsv")

-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
  .default = col_double(),
  pathway = col_character(),
  description = col_character()
i Use `spec()` for the full column specifications.
# aggregate descriptions to get 1 description per row - unique;y defined.
pi.dat <- pi.dat %>%
  group_by(description) %>%
  summarise(across(`1.S37.Jun172016`:`99.D01.S37.Jun232016`,.fns = sum))
# transform to long format
pi.dat <- pi.dat %>%
    names_to = "ID",
    values_to = "Abundance"
d <-
mydata <- full_join(pi.dat, d)
Joining, by = "ID"
Warning in class(x) <- c(setdiff(subclass, tibble_class), tibble_class): Setting
class(x) to multiple strings ("tbl_df", "tbl", ...); result will no longer be an
S4 object
mydata <- mydata %>%
    ID.n = as.numeric(as.factor(ID)),
    description.n = as.numeric(as.factor(description))
  ) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
    dem = ifelse(sum(Abundance)==0, 1, sum(Abundance)),
    RelAbundance = Abundance/dem*100) %>%
  mutate(avgRA = mean(RelAbundance))

Relative Abundance

tb.ra1 <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description) %>%
  summarise(ng = n(),
            Overall.M = mean(RelAbundance),
            Overall.SE = sd(RelAbundance)/sqrt(ng))
tb.ra2m <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(M = mean(RelAbundance)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = M)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2se <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n(),SE = sd(RelAbundance)/sqrt(ng)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = SE)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2var <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n(), VAR = var(RelAbundance)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = VAR)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2ng <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n()) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = ng)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra <- left_join(tb.ra1, tb.ra2m)
Joining, by = "description"
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2se[,-1])
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2var[,-1])
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2ng[,-1]) 

colnames(tb.ra) <- c("description", "ng", "Overall Mean", "Overall SE", "Non-Tumor Mean", "Tumor Mean", "Non-Tumor SE", "Tumor SE","Non-Tumor Var", "Tumor Var", "Non-Tumor Ng", "Tumor Ng")
tb.ra <- tb.ra %>%
  arrange(desc(`Overall Mean`))
tb.ra <- tb.ra[, c("description", "Overall Mean", "Overall SE","Tumor Mean","Tumor Var", "Tumor SE","Tumor Ng", "Non-Tumor Mean","Non-Tumor Var", "Non-Tumor SE", "Non-Tumor Ng")]

# compute t-test
tb.ra <- tb.ra %>%
    SEpooled = sqrt(`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng` + `Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`),
    t = (`Tumor Mean` - `Non-Tumor Mean`)/(SEpooled),
    df = ((`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng` + `Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`)**2)/(((`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng`)**2)/(`Tumor Ng`-1) + ((`Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`)**2)/(`Non-Tumor Ng`-1)),
    p = pt(q = abs(t), df=df, lower.tail = F)*2,
    fdr_p = p.adjust(p, method="fdr")

kable(tb.ra, format="html", digits=5, caption="Pathway Data Average Relative Abundance of Each Description (sorted in descending order)") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height="600px")
Pathway Data Average Relative Abundance of Each Description (sorted in descending order)
description Overall Mean Overall SE Tumor Mean Tumor Var Tumor SE Tumor Ng Non-Tumor Mean Non-Tumor Var Non-Tumor SE Non-Tumor Ng SEpooled t df p fdr_p
adenosine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.88690 0.02700 0.90479 0.15154 0.04828 65 0.87439 0.09073 0.03124 93 0.05751 0.52861 114.789 0.59810 0.87368
guanosine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.88690 0.02700 0.90479 0.15154 0.04828 65 0.87439 0.09073 0.03124 93 0.05751 0.52861 114.789 0.59810 0.87368
CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthesis I 0.88194 0.01345 0.91170 0.03514 0.02325 65 0.86114 0.02329 0.01582 93 0.02812 1.79786 119.225 0.07473 0.58059
CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthesis II 0.88194 0.01345 0.91170 0.03514 0.02325 65 0.86114 0.02329 0.01582 93 0.02812 1.79786 119.225 0.07473 0.58059
gondoate biosynthesis (anaerobic) 0.87704 0.01550 0.87629 0.04677 0.02682 65 0.87756 0.03226 0.01862 93 0.03266 -0.03889 121.016 0.96904 0.99202
superpathway of adenosine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis I 0.86393 0.01682 0.88756 0.05826 0.02994 65 0.84740 0.03507 0.01942 93 0.03568 1.12540 115.019 0.26276 0.70194
superpathway of pyrimidine nucleobases salvage 0.84874 0.01688 0.84818 0.06365 0.03129 65 0.84914 0.03254 0.01870 93 0.03646 -0.02626 108.285 0.97909 0.99202
pentose phosphate pathway (non-oxidative branch) 0.83879 0.01620 0.85375 0.05882 0.03008 65 0.82833 0.02961 0.01784 93 0.03498 0.72667 107.682 0.46900 0.81137
adenosine ribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis 0.82614 0.01420 0.85277 0.04299 0.02572 65 0.80753 0.02365 0.01595 93 0.03026 1.49517 111.240 0.13770 0.61876
superpathway of adenosine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.82437 0.01648 0.84462 0.05556 0.02924 65 0.81021 0.03412 0.01915 93 0.03495 0.98446 115.876 0.32694 0.72488
cis-vaccenate biosynthesis 0.80914 0.01221 0.82019 0.02764 0.02062 65 0.80142 0.02083 0.01496 93 0.02548 0.73685 125.034 0.46259 0.81137
superpathway of phospholipid biosynthesis I (bacteria) 0.80733 0.01202 0.83766 0.03348 0.02269 65 0.78613 0.01455 0.01251 93 0.02591 1.98850 102.218 0.04943 0.58059
pyruvate fermentation to isobutanol (engineered) 0.79175 0.02003 0.72829 0.06072 0.03056 65 0.83610 0.06112 0.02564 93 0.03989 -2.70248 138.160 0.00775 0.58059
UMP biosynthesis 0.76402 0.01455 0.78771 0.04413 0.02606 65 0.74747 0.02570 0.01662 93 0.03091 1.30182 113.616 0.19561 0.63974
guanosine ribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis 0.75442 0.01382 0.78105 0.03993 0.02478 65 0.73581 0.02287 0.01568 93 0.02933 1.54265 112.905 0.12571 0.61876
phosphatidylglycerol biosynthesis I (plastidic) 0.75025 0.01308 0.78312 0.03519 0.02327 65 0.72728 0.02034 0.01479 93 0.02757 2.02548 113.300 0.04517 0.58059
phosphatidylglycerol biosynthesis II (non-plastidic) 0.75025 0.01308 0.78312 0.03519 0.02327 65 0.72728 0.02034 0.01479 93 0.02757 2.02548 113.300 0.04517 0.58059
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide biosynthesis I (meso-diaminopimelate containing) 0.74266 0.01450 0.76961 0.04098 0.02511 65 0.72383 0.02731 0.01713 93 0.03040 1.50601 119.469 0.13471 0.61876
5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide biosynthesis I 0.73704 0.01131 0.75812 0.02632 0.02012 65 0.72231 0.01564 0.01297 93 0.02394 1.49556 114.476 0.13752 0.61876
superpathway of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis 0.73591 0.01083 0.73848 0.02452 0.01942 65 0.73411 0.01453 0.01250 93 0.02310 0.18902 114.351 0.85041 0.96656
peptidoglycan biosynthesis I (meso-diaminopimelate containing) 0.73357 0.01406 0.75986 0.03882 0.02444 65 0.71519 0.02544 0.01654 93 0.02951 1.51388 118.724 0.13271 0.61876
Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle 0.73231 0.01585 0.76008 0.06500 0.03162 65 0.71290 0.02157 0.01523 93 0.03510 1.34428 93.632 0.18211 0.62628
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide biosynthesis II (lysine-containing) 0.72969 0.01543 0.75467 0.04542 0.02643 65 0.71223 0.03187 0.01851 93 0.03227 1.31518 121.783 0.19092 0.63481
peptidoglycan biosynthesis III (mycobacteria) 0.72807 0.01419 0.75401 0.03991 0.02478 65 0.70994 0.02572 0.01663 93 0.02984 1.47648 117.985 0.14248 0.61876
5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide biosynthesis II 0.72310 0.01219 0.73972 0.03015 0.02154 65 0.71148 0.01875 0.01420 93 0.02580 1.09472 116.412 0.27590 0.70413
superpathway of 5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide biosynthesis 0.72310 0.01219 0.73972 0.03015 0.02154 65 0.71148 0.01875 0.01420 93 0.02580 1.09472 116.412 0.27590 0.70413
L-lysine biosynthesis III 0.70820 0.01052 0.70273 0.02333 0.01895 65 0.71203 0.01357 0.01208 93 0.02247 -0.41371 113.540 0.67987 0.90725
chorismate biosynthesis I 0.70514 0.01067 0.70923 0.02424 0.01931 65 0.70227 0.01383 0.01220 93 0.02284 0.30482 112.758 0.76107 0.92864
chorismate biosynthesis from 3-dehydroquinate 0.70464 0.01214 0.72041 0.03438 0.02300 65 0.69361 0.01549 0.01291 93 0.02637 1.01628 103.514 0.31186 0.72280
coenzyme A biosynthesis I 0.70460 0.01292 0.72948 0.03295 0.02251 65 0.68721 0.02134 0.01515 93 0.02714 1.55758 118.203 0.12201 0.61876
L-isoleucine biosynthesis II 0.69810 0.01619 0.66423 0.04890 0.02743 65 0.72178 0.03528 0.01948 93 0.03364 -1.71056 123.043 0.08968 0.60802
inosine-5’-phosphate biosynthesis I 0.69796 0.01228 0.72527 0.02804 0.02077 65 0.67887 0.02025 0.01476 93 0.02548 1.82113 123.088 0.07102 0.58059
glycolysis III (from glucose) 0.69699 0.01820 0.72401 0.06285 0.03109 65 0.67810 0.04468 0.02192 93 0.03804 1.20678 122.382 0.22985 0.69476
peptidoglycan maturation (meso-diaminopimelate containing) 0.69402 0.02367 0.71173 0.09817 0.03886 65 0.68165 0.08244 0.02977 93 0.04896 0.61444 130.019 0.54000 0.85500
glycolysis I (from glucose 6-phosphate) 0.68809 0.01630 0.72877 0.04859 0.02734 65 0.65966 0.03588 0.01964 93 0.03366 2.05289 124.114 0.04218 0.58059
superpathway of L-threonine biosynthesis 0.67764 0.01185 0.68103 0.03005 0.02150 65 0.67526 0.01696 0.01351 93 0.02539 0.22717 112.311 0.82070 0.95867
L-isoleucine biosynthesis I (from threonine) 0.66999 0.01428 0.63175 0.03950 0.02465 65 0.69672 0.02578 0.01665 93 0.02975 -2.18411 118.545 0.03092 0.58059
L-valine biosynthesis 0.66999 0.01428 0.63175 0.03950 0.02465 65 0.69672 0.02578 0.01665 93 0.02975 -2.18411 118.545 0.03092 0.58059
glycolysis II (from fructose 6-phosphate) 0.66604 0.01711 0.70667 0.05701 0.02962 65 0.63764 0.03733 0.02003 93 0.03576 1.93063 118.688 0.05591 0.58059
superpathway of purine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis I 0.66057 0.00982 0.66589 0.02386 0.01916 65 0.65685 0.00937 0.01003 93 0.02163 0.41802 98.759 0.67684 0.90623
UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine biosynthesis I 0.65422 0.01296 0.67813 0.03436 0.02299 65 0.63750 0.02070 0.01492 93 0.02741 1.48219 115.046 0.14102 0.61876
superpathway of pyrimidine ribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis 0.65400 0.01192 0.65756 0.03607 0.02356 65 0.65151 0.01322 0.01192 93 0.02640 0.22917 96.579 0.81922 0.95867
superpathway of tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis and salvage 0.65366 0.01210 0.65859 0.02950 0.02130 65 0.65022 0.01894 0.01427 93 0.02564 0.32640 117.825 0.74470 0.92580
tRNA charging 0.65201 0.01226 0.67270 0.02861 0.02098 65 0.63755 0.02011 0.01471 93 0.02562 1.37219 121.870 0.17252 0.61889
6-hydroxymethyl-dihydropterin diphosphate biosynthesis I 0.65198 0.01101 0.65359 0.02559 0.01984 65 0.65085 0.01490 0.01266 93 0.02354 0.11650 113.595 0.90746 0.97851
adenine and adenosine salvage III 0.64944 0.02406 0.67775 0.09273 0.03777 65 0.62965 0.09063 0.03122 93 0.04900 0.98177 136.870 0.32795 0.72488
urate biosynthesis/inosine 5’-phosphate degradation 0.63801 0.01276 0.63224 0.02800 0.02076 65 0.64205 0.02441 0.01620 93 0.02633 -0.37259 131.730 0.71005 0.91502
superpathway of guanosine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.63504 0.01282 0.64098 0.04102 0.02512 65 0.63089 0.01572 0.01300 93 0.02829 0.35655 97.989 0.72220 0.91502
superpathway of L-isoleucine biosynthesis I 0.63459 0.01127 0.60939 0.02731 0.02050 65 0.65220 0.01448 0.01248 93 0.02400 -1.78414 109.733 0.07716 0.58059
superpathway of guanosine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis I 0.62958 0.01258 0.63605 0.04021 0.02487 65 0.62506 0.01467 0.01256 93 0.02786 0.39426 96.441 0.69426 0.90862
superpathway of branched amino acid biosynthesis 0.62706 0.01378 0.59943 0.03635 0.02365 65 0.64638 0.02501 0.01640 93 0.02878 -1.63167 120.913 0.10535 0.61876
homolactic fermentation 0.62203 0.01688 0.66297 0.05689 0.02958 65 0.59342 0.03527 0.01947 93 0.03542 1.96368 116.284 0.05195 0.58059
superpathway of tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis 0.62114 0.01326 0.62219 0.03264 0.02241 65 0.62040 0.02472 0.01630 93 0.02771 0.06471 125.268 0.94851 0.99202
superpathway of purine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.61763 0.01527 0.63888 0.03877 0.02442 65 0.60278 0.03532 0.01949 93 0.03124 1.15562 133.723 0.24990 0.70007
N10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis 0.61332 0.00971 0.59836 0.01979 0.01745 65 0.62378 0.01139 0.01107 93 0.02066 -1.23057 113.101 0.22104 0.67841
L-isoleucine biosynthesis III 0.61017 0.01344 0.58694 0.03418 0.02293 65 0.62641 0.02426 0.01615 93 0.02805 -1.40697 122.312 0.16197 0.61876
fatty acid elongation – saturated 0.60322 0.01909 0.58223 0.06783 0.03230 65 0.61789 0.05059 0.02332 93 0.03984 -0.89510 124.568 0.37246 0.74607
gluconeogenesis I 0.59898 0.01152 0.60261 0.03408 0.02290 65 0.59645 0.01208 0.01140 93 0.02558 0.24076 95.562 0.81026 0.95649
pyruvate fermentation to acetate and lactate II 0.59344 0.02637 0.64080 0.13906 0.04625 65 0.56033 0.08804 0.03077 93 0.05555 1.44846 117.207 0.15016 0.61876
superpathway of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis (E. coli) 0.59272 0.01188 0.60045 0.03387 0.02283 65 0.58731 0.01439 0.01244 93 0.02600 0.50551 101.431 0.61430 0.88168
superpathway of L-serine and glycine biosynthesis I 0.58799 0.01284 0.56392 0.03094 0.02182 65 0.60481 0.02226 0.01547 93 0.02675 -1.52894 122.917 0.12885 0.61876
polyisoprenoid biosynthesis (E. coli) 0.58795 0.01314 0.59250 0.03389 0.02284 65 0.58477 0.02298 0.01572 93 0.02772 0.27881 120.242 0.78087 0.93380
6-hydroxymethyl-dihydropterin diphosphate biosynthesis III (Chlamydia) 0.58175 0.01247 0.59572 0.03008 0.02151 65 0.57199 0.02075 0.01494 93 0.02619 0.90594 121.012 0.36677 0.74607
aerobic respiration I (cytochrome c) 0.57434 0.04155 0.46362 0.24857 0.06184 65 0.65173 0.27782 0.05466 93 0.08253 -2.27921 142.537 0.02414 0.58059
S-adenosyl-L-methionine cycle I 0.56963 0.01684 0.58792 0.05125 0.02808 65 0.55685 0.04043 0.02085 93 0.03497 0.88841 127.143 0.37600 0.74607
L-lysine biosynthesis VI 0.56933 0.01090 0.57834 0.02481 0.01954 65 0.56303 0.01468 0.01256 93 0.02323 0.65921 114.281 0.51109 0.84266
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis I 0.56568 0.01230 0.57103 0.03756 0.02404 65 0.56194 0.01464 0.01255 93 0.02712 0.33524 98.542 0.73815 0.92580
(5Z)-dodec-5-enoate biosynthesis 0.56436 0.01589 0.54432 0.04135 0.02522 65 0.57836 0.03884 0.02044 93 0.03246 -1.04854 135.101 0.29626 0.72280
galactose degradation I (Leloir pathway) 0.56239 0.02324 0.61376 0.09890 0.03901 65 0.52648 0.07362 0.02814 93 0.04809 1.81471 124.480 0.07198 0.58059
starch degradation V 0.56033 0.01856 0.57691 0.05683 0.02957 65 0.54875 0.05305 0.02388 93 0.03801 0.74084 134.829 0.46008 0.81137
inosine-5’-phosphate biosynthesis III 0.56024 0.01384 0.56341 0.03918 0.02455 65 0.55801 0.02439 0.01619 93 0.02941 0.18365 116.470 0.85460 0.96656
L-tryptophan biosynthesis 0.55463 0.01380 0.52848 0.03318 0.02259 65 0.57291 0.02748 0.01719 93 0.02839 -1.56499 129.383 0.12003 0.61876
sucrose degradation III (sucrose invertase) 0.54379 0.02018 0.58081 0.07989 0.03506 65 0.51793 0.05260 0.02378 93 0.04236 1.48428 118.932 0.14038 0.61876
superpathway of S-adenosyl-L-methionine biosynthesis 0.53781 0.01199 0.53242 0.02622 0.02008 65 0.54157 0.02048 0.01484 93 0.02497 -0.36644 126.690 0.71464 0.91502
L-lysine biosynthesis I 0.52754 0.00996 0.53002 0.01991 0.01750 65 0.52580 0.01291 0.01178 93 0.02110 0.19995 118.247 0.84186 0.96656
acetylene degradation 0.52709 0.02706 0.55471 0.12804 0.04438 65 0.50779 0.10739 0.03398 93 0.05590 0.83929 129.958 0.40285 0.78408
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.52654 0.01507 0.54927 0.04080 0.02505 65 0.51065 0.03227 0.01863 93 0.03122 1.23699 127.263 0.21837 0.67841
thiamin salvage II 0.52095 0.01153 0.52137 0.02460 0.01945 65 0.52066 0.01873 0.01419 93 0.02408 0.02934 125.518 0.97664 0.99202
glycogen biosynthesis I (from ADP-D-Glucose) 0.51514 0.01782 0.52985 0.05455 0.02897 65 0.50486 0.04740 0.02258 93 0.03673 0.68053 131.584 0.49736 0.82687
flavin biosynthesis I (bacteria and plants) 0.51351 0.01338 0.51895 0.03616 0.02359 65 0.50970 0.02306 0.01574 93 0.02836 0.32625 117.510 0.74482 0.92580
O-antigen building blocks biosynthesis (E. coli) 0.51107 0.01275 0.53919 0.03372 0.02278 65 0.49142 0.01940 0.01444 93 0.02697 1.77137 113.090 0.07919 0.58059
superpathway of L-alanine biosynthesis 0.50869 0.01622 0.50300 0.04340 0.02584 65 0.51267 0.04074 0.02093 93 0.03325 -0.29084 135.081 0.77162 0.93296
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide phosphorylation 0.50470 0.01084 0.51099 0.02834 0.02088 65 0.50030 0.01191 0.01132 93 0.02375 0.44987 101.041 0.65377 0.90427
pentose phosphate pathway 0.49986 0.01287 0.48904 0.03068 0.02173 65 0.50742 0.02315 0.01578 93 0.02685 -0.68455 125.098 0.49489 0.82687
superpathway of pyrimidine ribonucleosides salvage 0.49865 0.01588 0.50149 0.04662 0.02678 65 0.49666 0.03554 0.01955 93 0.03316 0.14562 125.574 0.88445 0.97057
dTDP-L-rhamnose biosynthesis I 0.49815 0.01847 0.54236 0.08202 0.03552 65 0.46724 0.03253 0.01870 93 0.04015 1.87105 99.106 0.06429 0.58059
superpathway of geranylgeranyl diphosphate biosynthesis II (via MEP) 0.49182 0.01392 0.49777 0.03906 0.02452 65 0.48767 0.02499 0.01639 93 0.02949 0.34261 117.669 0.73250 0.92198
superpathway of L-phenylalanine biosynthesis 0.48737 0.01291 0.50505 0.02931 0.02124 65 0.47501 0.02420 0.01613 93 0.02667 1.12621 129.238 0.26216 0.70194
mixed acid fermentation 0.48706 0.01015 0.48623 0.01758 0.01644 65 0.48763 0.01552 0.01292 93 0.02091 -0.06712 132.329 0.94659 0.99202
methylerythritol phosphate pathway I 0.48376 0.01429 0.48681 0.04059 0.02499 65 0.48164 0.02679 0.01697 93 0.03021 0.17112 119.048 0.86442 0.96656
methylerythritol phosphate pathway II 0.48376 0.01429 0.48681 0.04059 0.02499 65 0.48164 0.02679 0.01697 93 0.03021 0.17112 119.048 0.86442 0.96656
queuosine biosynthesis 0.48093 0.01234 0.46187 0.02901 0.02113 65 0.49425 0.02042 0.01482 93 0.02580 -1.25484 121.934 0.21194 0.67308
heme biosynthesis II (anaerobic) 0.46990 0.01526 0.44343 0.03765 0.02407 65 0.48840 0.03572 0.01960 93 0.03104 -1.44907 135.557 0.14963 0.61876
purine ribonucleosides degradation 0.46985 0.02344 0.47520 0.08733 0.03665 65 0.46612 0.08736 0.03065 93 0.04778 0.19001 137.889 0.84958 0.96656
GDP-mannose biosynthesis 0.46593 0.01407 0.44276 0.03006 0.02151 65 0.48212 0.03181 0.01849 93 0.02837 -1.38755 140.290 0.16747 0.61876
superpathway of L-tyrosine biosynthesis 0.46268 0.01269 0.47724 0.02899 0.02112 65 0.45250 0.02297 0.01572 93 0.02633 0.93991 127.348 0.34904 0.73493
L-methionine biosynthesis I 0.46090 0.01288 0.45846 0.02643 0.02017 65 0.46261 0.02631 0.01682 93 0.02626 -0.15799 137.673 0.87469 0.97057
oleate biosynthesis IV (anaerobic) 0.45434 0.01872 0.42978 0.05454 0.02897 65 0.47152 0.05585 0.02451 93 0.03794 -1.10011 138.899 0.27319 0.70413
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleosides salvage 0.45164 0.01734 0.44054 0.04740 0.02701 65 0.45940 0.04792 0.02270 93 0.03528 -0.53469 138.342 0.59372 0.87368
peptidoglycan biosynthesis IV (Enterococcus faecium) 0.44868 0.02141 0.46037 0.07792 0.03462 65 0.44051 0.06921 0.02728 93 0.04408 0.45055 132.582 0.65305 0.90427
L-methionine biosynthesis III 0.44393 0.01367 0.43527 0.03081 0.02177 65 0.44999 0.02885 0.01761 93 0.02800 -0.52569 134.969 0.59997 0.87368
superpathway of L-methionine biosynthesis (transsulfuration) 0.44205 0.01226 0.43604 0.03024 0.02157 65 0.44626 0.01942 0.01445 93 0.02596 -0.39364 117.824 0.69456 0.90862
superpathway of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside salvage 0.43839 0.01363 0.43837 0.03242 0.02233 65 0.43840 0.02757 0.01722 93 0.02820 -0.00074 130.592 0.99941 0.99941
superpathway of histidine, purine, and pyrimidine biosynthesis 0.43810 0.01336 0.43792 0.02836 0.02089 65 0.43823 0.02836 0.01746 93 0.02723 -0.01132 137.881 0.99099 0.99849
superpathway of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis 0.43803 0.01281 0.42563 0.02835 0.02089 65 0.44670 0.02433 0.01617 93 0.02642 -0.79752 131.002 0.42659 0.79911
superpathway of L-lysine, L-threonine and L-methionine biosynthesis I 0.42865 0.00988 0.42288 0.01821 0.01674 65 0.43268 0.01359 0.01209 93 0.02065 -0.47473 124.604 0.63581 0.90147
L-arginine biosynthesis II (acetyl cycle) 0.42860 0.01264 0.41588 0.03022 0.02156 65 0.43750 0.02186 0.01533 93 0.02646 -0.81715 123.181 0.41542 0.78940
palmitate biosynthesis II (bacteria and plants) 0.42658 0.01745 0.42392 0.04694 0.02687 65 0.42844 0.04946 0.02306 93 0.03541 -0.12774 140.115 0.89854 0.97689
TCA cycle I (prokaryotic) 0.41963 0.01694 0.37898 0.04133 0.02521 65 0.44803 0.04666 0.02240 93 0.03373 -2.04752 142.941 0.04244 0.58059
L-arginine biosynthesis I (via L-ornithine) 0.41934 0.01073 0.41029 0.02241 0.01857 65 0.42567 0.01533 0.01284 93 0.02257 -0.68125 120.637 0.49702 0.82687
pantothenate and coenzyme A biosynthesis I 0.41791 0.01101 0.39604 0.01926 0.01721 65 0.43319 0.01873 0.01419 93 0.02231 -1.66548 136.651 0.09811 0.61876
L-arginine biosynthesis IV (archaebacteria) 0.41781 0.01067 0.40876 0.02214 0.01845 65 0.42413 0.01520 0.01279 93 0.02245 -0.68494 120.821 0.49470 0.82687
palmitoleate biosynthesis I (from (5Z)-dodec-5-enoate) 0.41388 0.01918 0.38776 0.05706 0.02963 65 0.43215 0.05868 0.02512 93 0.03884 -1.14279 139.084 0.25509 0.70193
superpathway of purine deoxyribonucleosides degradation 0.41048 0.01913 0.42385 0.05950 0.03025 65 0.40114 0.05708 0.02478 93 0.03910 0.58085 136.054 0.56230 0.86025
glycogen degradation I (bacterial) 0.41014 0.01429 0.42046 0.03270 0.02243 65 0.40294 0.03219 0.01861 93 0.02914 0.60113 137.189 0.54874 0.86025
superpathway of N-acetylneuraminate degradation 0.40919 0.01728 0.42213 0.04022 0.02488 65 0.40015 0.05231 0.02372 93 0.03437 0.63951 148.102 0.52348 0.84889
stearate biosynthesis II (bacteria and plants) 0.40897 0.01904 0.38281 0.05618 0.02940 65 0.42725 0.05782 0.02493 93 0.03855 -1.15296 139.116 0.25090 0.70007
mycolate biosynthesis 0.40880 0.02093 0.39254 0.07254 0.03341 65 0.42016 0.06732 0.02690 93 0.04289 -0.64400 134.567 0.52067 0.84795
TCA cycle VI (obligate autotrophs) 0.40592 0.01047 0.38557 0.01699 0.01617 65 0.42015 0.01724 0.01362 93 0.02114 -1.63573 138.508 0.10417 0.61876
L-histidine biosynthesis 0.40527 0.01079 0.38157 0.02088 0.01792 65 0.42184 0.01621 0.01320 93 0.02226 -1.80892 126.404 0.07284 0.58059
L-isoleucine biosynthesis IV 0.40494 0.01641 0.41783 0.04338 0.02583 65 0.39593 0.04225 0.02131 93 0.03349 0.65388 136.715 0.51429 0.84445
preQ0 biosynthesis 0.40307 0.01148 0.37879 0.02158 0.01822 65 0.42005 0.01979 0.01459 93 0.02334 -1.76718 134.029 0.07947 0.58059
superpathway of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleosides degradation 0.40072 0.01762 0.41282 0.05437 0.02892 65 0.39226 0.04569 0.02216 93 0.03644 0.56400 130.046 0.57372 0.86383
tetrapyrrole biosynthesis I (from glutamate) 0.39689 0.01357 0.41447 0.03242 0.02233 65 0.38461 0.02673 0.01695 93 0.02804 1.06481 129.169 0.28895 0.72280
aspartate superpathway 0.39573 0.00978 0.39268 0.01814 0.01671 65 0.39787 0.01314 0.01189 93 0.02050 -0.25282 123.243 0.80083 0.94816
superpathway of fatty acid biosynthesis initiation (E. coli) 0.38795 0.01999 0.36846 0.06370 0.03131 65 0.40157 0.06300 0.02603 93 0.04071 -0.81330 137.388 0.41745 0.78940
superpathway of glycolysis and Entner-Doudoroff 0.38765 0.01110 0.37788 0.01864 0.01693 65 0.39448 0.02014 0.01472 93 0.02243 -0.73997 141.168 0.46055 0.81137
phosphopantothenate biosynthesis I 0.38646 0.01188 0.35778 0.02127 0.01809 65 0.40650 0.02227 0.01547 93 0.02381 -2.04628 139.837 0.04260 0.58059
L-ornithine biosynthesis 0.38421 0.01446 0.36384 0.03550 0.02337 65 0.39845 0.03120 0.01832 93 0.02969 -1.16558 132.095 0.24588 0.70007
tetrapyrrole biosynthesis II (from glycine) 0.37955 0.01311 0.39690 0.03125 0.02193 65 0.36742 0.02426 0.01615 93 0.02723 1.08252 126.399 0.28108 0.70982
taxadiene biosynthesis (engineered) 0.37385 0.01091 0.38061 0.01668 0.01602 65 0.36913 0.02043 0.01482 93 0.02182 0.52615 146.032 0.59959 0.87368
TCA cycle V (2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase) 0.37375 0.01415 0.34283 0.02364 0.01907 65 0.39537 0.03642 0.01979 93 0.02748 -1.91179 152.792 0.05778 0.58059
incomplete reductive TCA cycle 0.35902 0.01858 0.34404 0.04805 0.02719 65 0.36950 0.05941 0.02527 93 0.03712 -0.68573 146.366 0.49397 0.82687
L-histidine degradation I 0.35208 0.01866 0.36546 0.09220 0.03766 65 0.34273 0.02956 0.01783 93 0.04167 0.54530 92.662 0.58685 0.87368
superpathway of L-aspartate and L-asparagine biosynthesis 0.35018 0.01671 0.35696 0.05166 0.02819 65 0.34545 0.03926 0.02055 93 0.03488 0.32989 125.435 0.74204 0.92580
NAD salvage pathway I 0.33941 0.01273 0.33777 0.02659 0.02023 65 0.34056 0.02520 0.01646 93 0.02608 -0.10725 135.501 0.91475 0.97851
L-lysine biosynthesis II 0.33611 0.01558 0.34982 0.04429 0.02610 65 0.32653 0.03438 0.01923 93 0.03242 0.71854 126.406 0.47375 0.81137
lipid IVA biosynthesis 0.32874 0.01601 0.34347 0.05025 0.02780 65 0.31845 0.03391 0.01909 93 0.03373 0.74178 120.032 0.45967 0.81137
CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate biosynthesis I 0.32590 0.01525 0.34348 0.04336 0.02583 65 0.31362 0.03217 0.01860 93 0.03183 0.93819 124.329 0.34997 0.73493
superpathway of N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylmannosamine and N-acetylneuraminate degradation 0.32402 0.01732 0.34757 0.05408 0.02884 65 0.30756 0.04257 0.02139 93 0.03591 1.11395 127.039 0.26741 0.70194
TCA cycle VII (acetate-producers) 0.31176 0.01707 0.28727 0.04251 0.02557 65 0.32888 0.04832 0.02279 93 0.03426 -1.21446 143.208 0.22657 0.69009
TCA cycle VIII (helicobacter) 0.30985 0.01850 0.27510 0.05169 0.02820 65 0.33414 0.05487 0.02429 93 0.03722 -1.58640 140.424 0.11490 0.61876
8-amino-7-oxononanoate biosynthesis I 0.30381 0.01697 0.30676 0.04608 0.02663 65 0.30176 0.04560 0.02214 93 0.03463 0.14435 137.420 0.88544 0.97057
superpathay of heme biosynthesis from glutamate 0.30306 0.01083 0.29940 0.01994 0.01752 65 0.30561 0.01776 0.01382 93 0.02231 -0.27867 132.696 0.78093 0.93380
biotin biosynthesis I 0.29403 0.01562 0.29616 0.03903 0.02450 65 0.29255 0.03863 0.02038 93 0.03187 0.11340 137.425 0.90988 0.97851
fatty acid &beta;-oxidation I 0.29112 0.02296 0.25310 0.07655 0.03432 65 0.31769 0.08714 0.03061 93 0.04598 -1.40465 143.265 0.16229 0.61876
Kdo transfer to lipid IVA III (Chlamydia) 0.29002 0.01260 0.28381 0.02263 0.01866 65 0.29436 0.02702 0.01705 93 0.02527 -0.41773 145.095 0.67676 0.90623
anhydromuropeptides recycling 0.28808 0.01435 0.26586 0.03338 0.02266 65 0.30360 0.03174 0.01847 93 0.02924 -1.29098 135.655 0.19891 0.64524
superpathway of thiamin diphosphate biosynthesis I 0.28651 0.01604 0.31376 0.05170 0.02820 65 0.26746 0.03248 0.01869 93 0.03383 1.36868 116.865 0.17372 0.61889
superpathway of geranylgeranyldiphosphate biosynthesis I (via mevalonate) 0.28165 0.01832 0.31326 0.06680 0.03206 65 0.25956 0.04285 0.02147 93 0.03858 1.39167 117.784 0.16664 0.61876
NAD biosynthesis I (from aspartate) 0.27773 0.01317 0.27577 0.03266 0.02242 65 0.27910 0.02405 0.01608 93 0.02759 -0.12076 123.982 0.90408 0.97851
heme biosynthesis I (aerobic) 0.27403 0.01121 0.26179 0.02213 0.01845 65 0.28259 0.01830 0.01403 93 0.02318 -0.89725 129.312 0.37126 0.74607
adenosylcobalamin salvage from cobinamide I 0.26962 0.01518 0.28336 0.04713 0.02693 65 0.26002 0.02914 0.01770 93 0.03222 0.72437 116.170 0.47029 0.81137
guanosine nucleotides degradation III 0.26714 0.01847 0.23739 0.04582 0.02655 65 0.28793 0.05908 0.02521 93 0.03661 -1.38041 147.815 0.16955 0.61876
superpathway of sulfate assimilation and cysteine biosynthesis 0.26083 0.01659 0.22890 0.03879 0.02443 65 0.28315 0.04597 0.02223 93 0.03303 -1.64221 144.813 0.10272 0.61876
colanic acid building blocks biosynthesis 0.25907 0.01271 0.23807 0.02195 0.01838 65 0.27375 0.02778 0.01728 93 0.02523 -1.41437 147.184 0.15936 0.61876
TCA cycle IV (2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase) 0.25593 0.01691 0.21987 0.03662 0.02374 65 0.28113 0.05004 0.02320 93 0.03319 -1.84598 149.662 0.06687 0.58059
ppGpp biosynthesis 0.25490 0.01624 0.28407 0.05689 0.02958 65 0.23451 0.03053 0.01812 93 0.03469 1.42836 110.233 0.15601 0.61876
fatty acid salvage 0.25309 0.02412 0.20325 0.07786 0.03461 65 0.28793 0.09973 0.03275 93 0.04765 -1.77718 147.595 0.07760 0.58059
adenosine nucleotides degradation II 0.25177 0.01829 0.23210 0.05496 0.02908 65 0.26552 0.05153 0.02354 93 0.03741 -0.89338 135.024 0.37325 0.74607
lactose and galactose degradation I 0.25129 0.01776 0.25603 0.04581 0.02655 65 0.24797 0.05319 0.02392 93 0.03573 0.22574 144.036 0.82172 0.95867
adenosylcobalamin salvage from cobinamide II 0.25006 0.01445 0.26300 0.04205 0.02543 65 0.24102 0.02687 0.01700 93 0.03059 0.71860 117.620 0.47381 0.81137
sucrose degradation IV (sucrose phosphorylase) 0.24878 0.01302 0.26472 0.03468 0.02310 65 0.23765 0.02126 0.01512 93 0.02761 0.98061 115.807 0.32883 0.72488
adenosylcobalamin biosynthesis from cobyrinate a,c-diamide I 0.24877 0.01448 0.26241 0.04263 0.02561 65 0.23923 0.02669 0.01694 93 0.03071 0.75467 116.710 0.45197 0.81137
superpathway of glycolysis, pyruvate dehydrogenase, TCA, and glyoxylate bypass 0.24838 0.01522 0.21919 0.03580 0.02347 65 0.26879 0.03652 0.01982 93 0.03072 -1.61471 138.728 0.10865 0.61876
reductive TCA cycle I 0.24466 0.01114 0.23547 0.01869 0.01696 65 0.25108 0.02038 0.01480 93 0.02251 -0.69341 141.537 0.48919 0.82687
mevalonate pathway I 0.24035 0.01763 0.26964 0.06584 0.03183 65 0.21987 0.03702 0.01995 93 0.03756 1.32502 112.138 0.18786 0.63481
superpathway of glyoxylate bypass and TCA 0.23911 0.01791 0.20201 0.04765 0.02708 65 0.26504 0.05171 0.02358 93 0.03590 -1.75546 141.342 0.08135 0.58059
superpathway of GDP-mannose-derived O-antigen building blocks biosynthesis 0.23646 0.01276 0.20918 0.01949 0.01732 65 0.25552 0.02948 0.01780 93 0.02484 -1.86590 152.381 0.06398 0.58059
L-arginine biosynthesis III (via N-acetyl-L-citrulline) 0.23523 0.01277 0.22903 0.02596 0.01999 65 0.23956 0.02584 0.01667 93 0.02602 -0.40464 137.663 0.68637 0.90862
superpathway of L-methionine biosynthesis (by sulfhydrylation) 0.22836 0.01323 0.20146 0.02416 0.01928 65 0.24717 0.02952 0.01782 93 0.02625 -1.74124 145.955 0.08375 0.58624
glucose and glucose-1-phosphate degradation 0.22380 0.01625 0.23099 0.04165 0.02531 65 0.21878 0.04215 0.02129 93 0.03307 0.36924 138.391 0.71251 0.91502
superpathway of hexitol degradation (bacteria) 0.22096 0.01196 0.23230 0.01813 0.01670 65 0.21304 0.02583 0.01666 93 0.02359 0.81629 150.855 0.41562 0.78940
superpathway of thiamin diphosphate biosynthesis II 0.21797 0.01297 0.22814 0.02819 0.02082 65 0.21086 0.02561 0.01659 93 0.02663 0.64916 133.616 0.51735 0.84599
thiazole biosynthesis I (E. coli) 0.21770 0.01581 0.24900 0.05222 0.02834 65 0.19582 0.02986 0.01792 93 0.03353 1.58580 112.843 0.11558 0.61876
ubiquinol-10 biosynthesis (prokaryotic) 0.20273 0.01432 0.19263 0.03347 0.02269 65 0.20979 0.03190 0.01852 93 0.02929 -0.58585 135.756 0.55895 0.86025
ubiquinol-7 biosynthesis (prokaryotic) 0.20273 0.01432 0.19263 0.03347 0.02269 65 0.20979 0.03190 0.01852 93 0.02929 -0.58585 135.756 0.55895 0.86025
ubiquinol-8 biosynthesis (prokaryotic) 0.20273 0.01432 0.19263 0.03347 0.02269 65 0.20979 0.03190 0.01852 93 0.02929 -0.58585 135.756 0.55895 0.86025
ubiquinol-9 biosynthesis (prokaryotic) 0.20273 0.01432 0.19263 0.03347 0.02269 65 0.20979 0.03190 0.01852 93 0.02929 -0.58585 135.756 0.55895 0.86025
sulfate reduction I (assimilatory) 0.20163 0.01602 0.16846 0.03127 0.02193 65 0.22482 0.04612 0.02227 93 0.03126 -1.80315 151.763 0.07335 0.58059
superpathway of (R,R)-butanediol biosynthesis 0.20109 0.01608 0.19382 0.02884 0.02106 65 0.20618 0.04956 0.02308 93 0.03125 -0.39546 154.758 0.69305 0.90862
purine nucleotides degradation II (aerobic) 0.19865 0.01218 0.18160 0.02300 0.01881 65 0.21057 0.02364 0.01594 93 0.02466 -1.17520 139.069 0.24192 0.70007
pyruvate fermentation to propanoate I 0.19833 0.01311 0.16911 0.02350 0.01901 65 0.21875 0.02898 0.01765 93 0.02595 -1.91312 146.272 0.05769 0.58059
superpathway of menaquinol-11 biosynthesis 0.19475 0.01165 0.18856 0.02111 0.01802 65 0.19908 0.02187 0.01534 93 0.02366 -0.44468 139.399 0.65724 0.90427
superpathway of menaquinol-12 biosynthesis 0.19475 0.01165 0.18856 0.02111 0.01802 65 0.19908 0.02187 0.01534 93 0.02366 -0.44468 139.399 0.65724 0.90427
superpathway of menaquinol-13 biosynthesis 0.19475 0.01165 0.18856 0.02111 0.01802 65 0.19908 0.02187 0.01534 93 0.02366 -0.44468 139.399 0.65724 0.90427
superpathway of menaquinol-7 biosynthesis 0.19401 0.01141 0.18848 0.01952 0.01733 65 0.19787 0.02147 0.01519 93 0.02305 -0.40753 141.879 0.68424 0.90862
superpathway of menaquinol-8 biosynthesis I 0.19303 0.01111 0.18899 0.02050 0.01776 65 0.19585 0.01900 0.01429 93 0.02280 -0.30094 134.506 0.76392 0.92899
urea cycle 0.19153 0.01185 0.16526 0.02322 0.01890 65 0.20990 0.02088 0.01498 93 0.02412 -1.85081 133.135 0.06641 0.58059
superpathway of UDP-glucose-derived O-antigen building blocks biosynthesis 0.18482 0.01186 0.18045 0.02352 0.01902 65 0.18787 0.02152 0.01521 93 0.02435 -0.30470 133.921 0.76106 0.92864
Bifidobacterium shunt 0.18476 0.02060 0.20452 0.09035 0.03728 65 0.17096 0.05113 0.02345 93 0.04404 0.76192 112.410 0.44770 0.81137
glyoxylate cycle 0.18378 0.01428 0.15300 0.02883 0.02106 65 0.20529 0.03377 0.01906 93 0.02840 -1.84101 144.369 0.06767 0.58059
superpathway of ubiquinol-8 biosynthesis (prokaryotic) 0.17836 0.01255 0.17384 0.02597 0.01999 65 0.18151 0.02435 0.01618 93 0.02572 -0.29820 135.027 0.76601 0.92899
L-glutamate and L-glutamine biosynthesis 0.17801 0.01222 0.16428 0.02170 0.01827 65 0.18761 0.02497 0.01639 93 0.02454 -0.95078 143.685 0.34331 0.72862
superpathway of glucose and xylose degradation 0.17754 0.01064 0.16960 0.01597 0.01568 65 0.18309 0.01931 0.01441 93 0.02129 -0.63373 145.557 0.52725 0.84889
superpathway of demethylmenaquinol-8 biosynthesis 0.17266 0.01074 0.17044 0.01986 0.01748 65 0.17422 0.01726 0.01362 93 0.02216 -0.17058 131.573 0.86481 0.96656
ADP-L-glycero-&beta;-D-manno-heptose biosynthesis 0.16926 0.01033 0.18069 0.01746 0.01639 65 0.16127 0.01648 0.01331 93 0.02112 0.91999 135.309 0.35922 0.74607
L-1,2-propanediol degradation 0.16818 0.01749 0.19385 0.06139 0.03073 65 0.15024 0.03899 0.02047 93 0.03693 1.18092 117.341 0.24002 0.70007
arginine, ornithine and proline interconversion 0.16658 0.01111 0.16831 0.02069 0.01784 65 0.16538 0.01890 0.01425 93 0.02284 0.12851 133.837 0.89794 0.97689
tRNA processing 0.16341 0.01128 0.16413 0.02049 0.01776 65 0.16292 0.02005 0.01468 93 0.02304 0.05253 136.907 0.95819 0.99202
superpathway of pyridoxal 5’-phosphate biosynthesis and salvage 0.16302 0.01060 0.16060 0.01747 0.01640 65 0.16471 0.01813 0.01396 93 0.02154 -0.19099 139.457 0.84881 0.96656
heterolactic fermentation 0.16063 0.01913 0.18386 0.08332 0.03580 65 0.14440 0.04004 0.02075 93 0.04138 0.95350 105.898 0.34251 0.72862
superpathway of phylloquinol biosynthesis 0.16006 0.01247 0.16517 0.03435 0.02299 65 0.15649 0.01802 0.01392 93 0.02687 0.32292 109.311 0.74737 0.92609
1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate biosynthesis I 0.15116 0.01238 0.15676 0.03409 0.02290 65 0.14724 0.01758 0.01375 93 0.02671 0.35620 108.622 0.72238 0.91502
superpathway of arginine and polyamine biosynthesis 0.15107 0.00707 0.15080 0.00907 0.01181 65 0.15126 0.00717 0.00878 93 0.01472 -0.03165 127.283 0.97480 0.99202
L-leucine degradation I 0.14411 0.01420 0.12792 0.03155 0.02203 65 0.15543 0.03214 0.01859 93 0.02883 -0.95414 138.679 0.34167 0.72862
thiazole biosynthesis II (Bacillus) 0.14107 0.01281 0.16699 0.04099 0.02511 65 0.12295 0.01496 0.01268 93 0.02813 1.56531 96.452 0.12078 0.61876
superpathway of 2,3-butanediol biosynthesis 0.13765 0.01230 0.12898 0.02313 0.01887 65 0.14371 0.02463 0.01627 93 0.02491 -0.59106 140.551 0.55543 0.86025
octane oxidation 0.13437 0.01759 0.12570 0.03170 0.02209 65 0.14043 0.06132 0.02568 93 0.03387 -0.43485 155.856 0.66427 0.90545
pyruvate fermentation to acetone 0.13223 0.01912 0.17513 0.09862 0.03895 65 0.10225 0.02777 0.01728 93 0.04261 1.71029 89.269 0.09069 0.60802
pyridoxal 5’-phosphate biosynthesis I 0.13169 0.01043 0.12583 0.01640 0.01589 65 0.13579 0.01787 0.01386 93 0.02108 -0.47273 141.500 0.63713 0.90147
superpathway of heme biosynthesis from uroporphyrinogen-III 0.12808 0.00799 0.12173 0.00977 0.01226 65 0.13252 0.01038 0.01056 93 0.01618 -0.66673 140.441 0.50604 0.83780
cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide biosynthesis I (early cobalt insertion) 0.12719 0.01319 0.16526 0.04324 0.02579 65 0.10059 0.01511 0.01275 93 0.02877 2.24790 95.124 0.02689 0.58059
protocatechuate degradation II (ortho-cleavage pathway) 0.12427 0.01595 0.11461 0.03599 0.02353 65 0.13102 0.04345 0.02162 93 0.03195 -0.51344 145.507 0.60842 0.88168
hexitol fermentation to lactate, formate, ethanol and acetate 0.12391 0.00971 0.12332 0.01662 0.01599 65 0.12432 0.01384 0.01220 93 0.02011 -0.04948 129.617 0.96061 0.99202
L-tyrosine degradation I 0.12298 0.01324 0.11465 0.02713 0.02043 65 0.12879 0.02829 0.01744 93 0.02686 -0.52638 139.667 0.59946 0.87368
enterobactin biosynthesis 0.12179 0.01104 0.11445 0.01953 0.01734 65 0.12691 0.01923 0.01438 93 0.02252 -0.55330 137.181 0.58096 0.86817
4-aminobutanoate degradation V 0.11762 0.01121 0.10928 0.01997 0.01753 65 0.12344 0.01990 0.01463 93 0.02283 -0.62063 137.702 0.53587 0.85184
superpathway of polyamine biosynthesis I 0.11591 0.00601 0.11329 0.00576 0.00941 65 0.11775 0.00573 0.00785 93 0.01225 -0.36419 137.692 0.71627 0.91502
superpathway of heme biosynthesis from glycine 0.11488 0.00825 0.10403 0.00933 0.01198 65 0.12246 0.01172 0.01122 93 0.01642 -1.12257 146.908 0.26345 0.70194
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis III 0.11356 0.01087 0.11057 0.01714 0.01624 65 0.11565 0.01990 0.01463 93 0.02186 -0.23267 144.053 0.81635 0.95867
peptidoglycan biosynthesis V (&beta;-lactam resistance) 0.11194 0.01045 0.12950 0.02233 0.01854 65 0.09967 0.01352 0.01206 93 0.02211 1.34887 115.273 0.18002 0.62460
purine nucleobases degradation I (anaerobic) 0.11137 0.01018 0.11358 0.01794 0.01662 65 0.10982 0.01545 0.01289 93 0.02103 0.17894 131.155 0.85826 0.96656
2-methylcitrate cycle II 0.11082 0.01168 0.10931 0.02118 0.01805 65 0.11187 0.02204 0.01539 93 0.02372 -0.10796 139.591 0.91418 0.97851
D-fructuronate degradation 0.10899 0.01127 0.11312 0.03400 0.02287 65 0.10611 0.01059 0.01067 93 0.02524 0.27786 91.858 0.78174 0.93380
NAD salvage pathway II 0.09570 0.00827 0.10526 0.01051 0.01271 65 0.08902 0.01103 0.01089 93 0.01674 0.97021 139.963 0.33362 0.72862
superpathway of (Kdo)2-lipid A biosynthesis 0.09044 0.00953 0.10204 0.01454 0.01496 65 0.08233 0.01420 0.01236 93 0.01940 1.01594 136.855 0.31145 0.72280
superpathway of polyamine biosynthesis II 0.09002 0.00534 0.09284 0.00541 0.00912 65 0.08805 0.00392 0.00649 93 0.01120 0.42781 123.255 0.66954 0.90623
2-methylcitrate cycle I 0.08885 0.01080 0.08659 0.01864 0.01694 65 0.09043 0.01849 0.01410 93 0.02204 -0.17411 137.524 0.86204 0.96656
aromatic biogenic amine degradation (bacteria) 0.08683 0.01236 0.07124 0.01894 0.01707 65 0.09773 0.02773 0.01727 93 0.02428 -1.09086 151.580 0.27706 0.70413
4-deoxy-L-threo-hex-4-enopyranuronate degradation 0.08026 0.01029 0.08820 0.03012 0.02153 65 0.07472 0.00753 0.00900 93 0.02333 0.57784 86.479 0.56488 0.86025
teichoic acid (poly-glycerol) biosynthesis 0.07638 0.00979 0.08126 0.01944 0.01729 65 0.07297 0.01230 0.01150 93 0.02077 0.39937 117.174 0.69035 0.90862
L-glutamate degradation V (via hydroxyglutarate) 0.07595 0.01423 0.11536 0.05963 0.03029 65 0.04841 0.01122 0.01098 93 0.03222 2.07805 80.965 0.04087 0.58059
glutaryl-CoA degradation 0.07560 0.00857 0.07460 0.00966 0.01219 65 0.07630 0.01310 0.01187 93 0.01701 -0.10025 149.440 0.92028 0.97918
D-galacturonate degradation I 0.07061 0.00769 0.06512 0.01267 0.01396 65 0.07445 0.00708 0.00872 93 0.01646 -0.56675 111.854 0.57202 0.86383
cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide biosynthesis II (late cobalt incorporation) 0.07057 0.00849 0.06306 0.01044 0.01267 65 0.07582 0.01210 0.01141 93 0.01705 -0.74820 143.975 0.45556 0.81137
acetyl-CoA fermentation to butanoate II 0.06923 0.00754 0.05755 0.00817 0.01121 65 0.07739 0.00946 0.01009 93 0.01508 -1.31579 143.953 0.19034 0.63481
L-arginine degradation II (AST pathway) 0.06843 0.00967 0.07020 0.01439 0.01488 65 0.06718 0.01520 0.01279 93 0.01962 0.15388 140.221 0.87793 0.97057
L-histidine degradation II 0.06739 0.00965 0.05722 0.01085 0.01292 65 0.07451 0.01744 0.01370 93 0.01883 -0.91819 153.658 0.35996 0.74607
nitrate reduction VI (assimilatory) 0.06643 0.00705 0.07043 0.00971 0.01222 65 0.06363 0.00662 0.00844 93 0.01485 0.45813 120.514 0.64769 0.90427
superpathway of &beta;-D-glucuronide and D-glucuronate degradation 0.06569 0.00741 0.06425 0.01300 0.01414 65 0.06669 0.00578 0.00788 93 0.01619 -0.15080 103.023 0.88043 0.97057
glycerol degradation to butanol 0.06464 0.00646 0.07614 0.00809 0.01116 65 0.05660 0.00546 0.00766 93 0.01353 1.44405 119.976 0.15133 0.61876
myo-, chiro- and scillo-inositol degradation 0.06404 0.01065 0.04703 0.00878 0.01162 65 0.07592 0.02416 0.01612 93 0.01987 -1.45389 153.056 0.14802 0.61876
mono-trans, poly-cis decaprenyl phosphate biosynthesis 0.06146 0.00617 0.06364 0.00714 0.01048 65 0.05993 0.00528 0.00754 93 0.01291 0.28679 124.179 0.77475 0.93380
aromatic compounds degradation via &beta;-ketoadipate 0.05398 0.00726 0.05454 0.00954 0.01211 65 0.05359 0.00757 0.00902 93 0.01510 0.06271 127.423 0.95009 0.99202
catechol degradation III (ortho-cleavage pathway) 0.05398 0.00726 0.05454 0.00954 0.01211 65 0.05359 0.00757 0.00902 93 0.01510 0.06271 127.423 0.95009 0.99202
catechol degradation to &beta;-ketoadipate 0.05376 0.00731 0.05539 0.01032 0.01260 65 0.05263 0.00723 0.00882 93 0.01538 0.17964 121.694 0.85773 0.96656
superpathway of hexuronide and hexuronate degradation 0.05342 0.00671 0.05189 0.01089 0.01294 65 0.05450 0.00455 0.00699 93 0.01471 -0.17774 100.841 0.85928 0.96656
peptidoglycan biosynthesis II (staphylococci) 0.04940 0.00983 0.04504 0.01763 0.01647 65 0.05245 0.01377 0.01217 93 0.02048 -0.36174 126.683 0.71815 0.91502
L-lysine fermentation to acetate and butanoate 0.04866 0.01191 0.07610 0.04331 0.02581 65 0.02949 0.00723 0.00882 93 0.02728 1.70869 79.062 0.09143 0.60802
biotin biosynthesis II 0.04860 0.00510 0.04607 0.00335 0.00718 65 0.05037 0.00467 0.00709 93 0.01009 -0.42640 150.246 0.67042 0.90623
superpathway of Clostridium acetobutylicum acidogenic fermentation 0.04387 0.00468 0.03793 0.00233 0.00599 65 0.04802 0.00425 0.00676 93 0.00903 -1.11679 155.440 0.26581 0.70194
superpathway of sulfur oxidation (Acidianus ambivalens) 0.04215 0.00649 0.02616 0.00305 0.00685 65 0.05332 0.00892 0.00979 93 0.01195 -2.27184 151.837 0.02450 0.58059
toluene degradation I (aerobic) (via o-cresol) 0.04039 0.00562 0.03464 0.00327 0.00709 65 0.04442 0.00621 0.00817 93 0.01082 -0.90380 155.769 0.36750 0.74607
toluene degradation II (aerobic) (via 4-methylcatechol) 0.04039 0.00562 0.03464 0.00327 0.00709 65 0.04442 0.00621 0.00817 93 0.01082 -0.90380 155.769 0.36750 0.74607
formaldehyde assimilation II (RuMP Cycle) 0.03860 0.00636 0.02074 0.00184 0.00532 65 0.05108 0.00924 0.00997 93 0.01130 -2.68537 135.992 0.00815 0.58059
NAD biosynthesis II (from tryptophan) 0.03801 0.00739 0.03477 0.00889 0.01169 65 0.04028 0.00852 0.00957 93 0.01511 -0.36463 136.019 0.71595 0.91502
myo-inositol degradation I 0.03719 0.00541 0.03016 0.00311 0.00692 65 0.04211 0.00567 0.00781 93 0.01043 -1.14551 155.454 0.25376 0.70193
mannan degradation 0.03717 0.00571 0.02459 0.00225 0.00588 65 0.04597 0.00702 0.00869 93 0.01049 -2.03734 150.296 0.04337 0.58059
fucose degradation 0.03704 0.00539 0.04418 0.00742 0.01068 65 0.03205 0.00260 0.00529 93 0.01192 1.01781 95.270 0.31135 0.72280
norspermidine biosynthesis 0.03569 0.00455 0.03545 0.00319 0.00701 65 0.03585 0.00335 0.00600 93 0.00923 -0.04300 139.920 0.96576 0.99202
pyruvate fermentation to butanoate 0.03568 0.00392 0.03056 0.00161 0.00498 65 0.03927 0.00300 0.00567 93 0.00755 -1.15432 155.618 0.25014 0.70007
mycothiol biosynthesis 0.03562 0.00570 0.03565 0.00613 0.00972 65 0.03559 0.00448 0.00694 93 0.01194 0.00453 123.617 0.99640 0.99890
toluene degradation III (aerobic) (via p-cresol) 0.03483 0.00604 0.05076 0.00981 0.01228 65 0.02369 0.00271 0.00540 93 0.01342 2.01785 88.784 0.04663 0.58059
superpathway of salicylate degradation 0.03439 0.00558 0.04121 0.00728 0.01058 65 0.02963 0.00329 0.00595 93 0.01214 0.95396 103.598 0.34233 0.72862
glucose degradation (oxidative) 0.03433 0.00775 0.03301 0.00653 0.01003 65 0.03526 0.01164 0.01119 93 0.01502 -0.14936 155.208 0.88146 0.97057
superpathway of chorismate metabolism 0.03409 0.00498 0.03709 0.00439 0.00822 65 0.03200 0.00363 0.00625 93 0.01032 0.49375 129.347 0.62232 0.88998
superpathway of menaquinol-8 biosynthesis II 0.03398 0.00505 0.03338 0.00366 0.00750 65 0.03440 0.00432 0.00682 93 0.01014 -0.10069 144.733 0.91993 0.97918
dTDP-N-acetylthomosamine biosynthesis 0.03357 0.00608 0.02749 0.00375 0.00760 65 0.03782 0.00730 0.00886 93 0.01167 -0.88472 155.879 0.37767 0.74607
superpathway of menaquinol-10 biosynthesis 0.03329 0.00554 0.03344 0.00440 0.00823 65 0.03319 0.00522 0.00749 93 0.01113 0.02251 144.833 0.98207 0.99202
superpathway of menaquinol-6 biosynthesis I 0.03329 0.00554 0.03344 0.00440 0.00823 65 0.03319 0.00522 0.00749 93 0.01113 0.02251 144.833 0.98207 0.99202
superpathway of menaquinol-9 biosynthesis 0.03329 0.00554 0.03344 0.00440 0.00823 65 0.03319 0.00522 0.00749 93 0.01113 0.02251 144.833 0.98207 0.99202
L-tryptophan degradation to 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate semialdehyde 0.03229 0.00694 0.02926 0.00741 0.01067 65 0.03440 0.00784 0.00918 93 0.01408 -0.36483 140.299 0.71578 0.91502
methylphosphonate degradation I 0.03137 0.00576 0.01533 0.00145 0.00472 65 0.04258 0.00764 0.00906 93 0.01022 -2.66728 134.406 0.00859 0.58059
adenosylcobalamin biosynthesis I (early cobalt insertion) 0.03125 0.00360 0.03128 0.00183 0.00531 65 0.03123 0.00222 0.00489 93 0.00721 0.00769 145.660 0.99388 0.99889
methyl ketone biosynthesis 0.03047 0.00659 0.01797 0.00288 0.00666 65 0.03921 0.00952 0.01012 93 0.01211 -1.75402 148.807 0.08149 0.58059
GDP-D-glycero-&alpha;-D-manno-heptose biosynthesis 0.02997 0.00430 0.03308 0.00421 0.00805 65 0.02780 0.00205 0.00469 93 0.00932 0.56616 106.324 0.57248 0.86383
formaldehyde oxidation I 0.02950 0.00495 0.01542 0.00101 0.00393 65 0.03934 0.00567 0.00781 93 0.00875 -2.73527 132.363 0.00709 0.58059
1,4-dihydroxy-6-naphthoate biosynthesis II 0.02864 0.00652 0.03165 0.00886 0.01168 65 0.02654 0.00529 0.00754 93 0.01390 0.36751 114.611 0.71392 0.91502
4-methylcatechol degradation (ortho cleavage) 0.02736 0.00493 0.04009 0.00688 0.01029 65 0.01846 0.00158 0.00412 93 0.01108 1.95091 84.657 0.05438 0.58059
photorespiration 0.02721 0.00486 0.02318 0.00268 0.00642 65 0.03003 0.00448 0.00694 93 0.00945 -0.72470 154.369 0.46973 0.81137
L-rhamnose degradation I 0.02683 0.00357 0.01989 0.00080 0.00351 65 0.03168 0.00282 0.00551 93 0.00653 -1.80433 147.061 0.07323 0.58059
superpathway of demethylmenaquinol-6 biosynthesis I 0.02600 0.00461 0.02584 0.00301 0.00680 65 0.02610 0.00364 0.00626 93 0.00924 -0.02809 145.655 0.97763 0.99202
superpathway of demethylmenaquinol-9 biosynthesis 0.02600 0.00461 0.02584 0.00301 0.00680 65 0.02610 0.00364 0.00626 93 0.00924 -0.02809 145.655 0.97763 0.99202
adenosylcobalamin biosynthesis II (late cobalt incorporation) 0.02544 0.00364 0.02185 0.00160 0.00496 65 0.02795 0.00244 0.00513 93 0.00713 -0.85510 152.610 0.39383 0.77029
catechol degradation I (meta-cleavage pathway) 0.02541 0.00357 0.02337 0.00189 0.00539 65 0.02684 0.00213 0.00478 93 0.00720 -0.48157 142.889 0.63084 0.89895
polymyxin resistance 0.02446 0.00604 0.01935 0.00311 0.00692 65 0.02803 0.00765 0.00907 93 0.01141 -0.76074 154.869 0.44797 0.81137
nitrate reduction I (denitrification) 0.02372 0.00361 0.01881 0.00098 0.00389 65 0.02715 0.00279 0.00548 93 0.00672 -1.24070 152.440 0.21662 0.67841
4-hydroxyphenylacetate degradation 0.02322 0.00557 0.01511 0.00188 0.00538 65 0.02889 0.00699 0.00867 93 0.01020 -1.35067 145.437 0.17890 0.62460
phenylacetate degradation I (aerobic) 0.02276 0.00367 0.03036 0.00312 0.00693 65 0.01744 0.00140 0.00388 93 0.00794 1.62803 103.280 0.10657 0.61876
superpathway of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-derived O-antigen building blocks biosynthesis 0.01892 0.00474 0.01181 0.00086 0.00363 65 0.02389 0.00541 0.00763 93 0.00845 -1.43081 128.854 0.15490 0.61876
allantoin degradation to glyoxylate III 0.01844 0.00271 0.01534 0.00080 0.00350 65 0.02061 0.00142 0.00390 93 0.00524 -1.00612 155.201 0.31592 0.72280
CMP-legionaminate biosynthesis I 0.01755 0.00522 0.01313 0.00192 0.00544 65 0.02064 0.00598 0.00802 93 0.00969 -0.77573 150.378 0.43913 0.81117
superpathway of ornithine degradation 0.01711 0.00406 0.01445 0.00112 0.00415 65 0.01897 0.00365 0.00626 93 0.00751 -0.60168 149.160 0.54830 0.86025
ectoine biosynthesis 0.01673 0.00322 0.01270 0.00092 0.00376 65 0.01955 0.00214 0.00480 93 0.00610 -1.12467 155.449 0.26246 0.70194
methanol oxidation to carbon dioxide 0.01623 0.00315 0.01793 0.00198 0.00551 65 0.01504 0.00130 0.00374 93 0.00666 0.43423 118.931 0.66491 0.90545
superpathway of phenylethylamine degradation 0.01276 0.00231 0.01644 0.00121 0.00431 65 0.01019 0.00058 0.00251 93 0.00498 1.25412 106.160 0.21255 0.67308
glycine betaine degradation I 0.01245 0.00394 0.00477 0.00083 0.00357 65 0.01781 0.00354 0.00617 93 0.00713 -1.82751 141.131 0.06974 0.58059
3-phenylpropanoate and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate degradation 0.01232 0.00336 0.00735 0.00026 0.00200 65 0.01579 0.00284 0.00552 93 0.00588 -1.43485 114.937 0.15405 0.61876
3-phenylpropanoate degradation 0.01209 0.00377 0.00508 0.00013 0.00143 65 0.01700 0.00368 0.00629 93 0.00645 -1.84791 101.434 0.06753 0.58059
superpathway of L-arginine and L-ornithine degradation 0.01187 0.00223 0.01512 0.00093 0.00377 65 0.00959 0.00068 0.00270 93 0.00464 1.19274 123.859 0.23525 0.70007
superpathway of L-arginine, putrescine, and 4-aminobutanoate degradation 0.01187 0.00223 0.01512 0.00093 0.00377 65 0.00959 0.00068 0.00270 93 0.00464 1.19274 123.859 0.23525 0.70007
superpathway of fucose and rhamnose degradation 0.01163 0.00204 0.00877 0.00024 0.00191 65 0.01363 0.00094 0.00318 93 0.00371 -1.30764 143.386 0.19309 0.63671
succinate fermentation to butanoate 0.01159 0.00228 0.00941 0.00030 0.00215 65 0.01311 0.00119 0.00358 93 0.00417 -0.88718 143.412 0.37647 0.74607
superpathway of methylglyoxal degradation 0.01123 0.00221 0.01003 0.00080 0.00351 65 0.01207 0.00076 0.00286 93 0.00452 -0.44971 135.631 0.65364 0.90427
reductive acetyl coenzyme A pathway 0.01103 0.00239 0.01014 0.00081 0.00354 65 0.01164 0.00097 0.00323 93 0.00479 -0.31264 145.012 0.75501 0.92864
catechol degradation to 2-oxopent-4-enoate II 0.01091 0.00242 0.00742 0.00036 0.00235 65 0.01335 0.00132 0.00376 93 0.00444 -1.33595 145.860 0.18365 0.62628
isopropanol biosynthesis 0.01043 0.00288 0.00592 0.00019 0.00169 65 0.01358 0.00209 0.00474 93 0.00503 -1.52311 114.228 0.13050 0.61876
catechol degradation II (meta-cleavage pathway) 0.01008 0.00244 0.00959 0.00060 0.00305 65 0.01043 0.00119 0.00357 93 0.00469 -0.17879 155.926 0.85833 0.96656
superpathway of demethylmenaquinol-6 biosynthesis II 0.00991 0.00341 0.00836 0.00062 0.00310 65 0.01100 0.00271 0.00539 93 0.00622 -0.42348 140.647 0.67260 0.90623
superpathway of glycol metabolism and degradation 0.00975 0.00193 0.01053 0.00080 0.00350 65 0.00921 0.00045 0.00219 93 0.00413 0.31850 111.869 0.75070 0.92733
glycogen degradation II (eukaryotic) 0.00953 0.00299 0.01012 0.00141 0.00465 65 0.00913 0.00143 0.00392 93 0.00608 0.16316 138.462 0.87063 0.97034
nicotinate degradation I 0.00925 0.00370 0.00465 0.00076 0.00343 65 0.01247 0.00314 0.00581 93 0.00674 -1.15869 142.425 0.24852 0.70007
superpathway of glycerol degradation to 1,3-propanediol 0.00901 0.00285 0.01252 0.00277 0.00652 65 0.00655 0.00025 0.00165 93 0.00673 0.88697 72.283 0.37804 0.74607
L-glutamate degradation VIII (to propanoate) 0.00900 0.00244 0.01144 0.00101 0.00395 65 0.00729 0.00090 0.00311 93 0.00503 0.82459 132.450 0.41109 0.78940
toluene degradation IV (aerobic) (via catechol) 0.00885 0.00183 0.00941 0.00056 0.00294 65 0.00845 0.00051 0.00233 93 0.00376 0.25372 133.111 0.80010 0.94816
superpathway of L-tryptophan biosynthesis 0.00747 0.00281 0.00504 0.00044 0.00259 65 0.00917 0.00182 0.00442 93 0.00512 -0.80691 141.911 0.42107 0.79248
3-phenylpropanoate and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate degradation to 2-oxopent-4-enoate 0.00745 0.00229 0.00390 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00993 0.00132 0.00377 93 0.00397 -1.51916 111.522 0.13155 0.61876
cinnamate and 3-hydroxycinnamate degradation to 2-oxopent-4-enoate 0.00745 0.00229 0.00390 0.00010 0.00125 65 0.00993 0.00132 0.00377 93 0.00397 -1.51916 111.522 0.13155 0.61876
ergothioneine biosynthesis I (bacteria) 0.00739 0.00247 0.00463 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.00931 0.00145 0.00395 93 0.00445 -1.05277 133.626 0.29435 0.72280
creatinine degradation I 0.00738 0.00207 0.00716 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.00753 0.00085 0.00303 93 0.00397 -0.09198 155.964 0.92683 0.98352
enterobacterial common antigen biosynthesis 0.00731 0.00204 0.00779 0.00068 0.00324 65 0.00698 0.00065 0.00265 93 0.00418 0.19341 135.778 0.84693 0.96656
ketogluconate metabolism 0.00686 0.00153 0.00694 0.00037 0.00239 65 0.00681 0.00037 0.00200 93 0.00312 0.04324 138.324 0.96557 0.99202
superpathway of L-threonine metabolism 0.00661 0.00137 0.00643 0.00027 0.00203 65 0.00673 0.00032 0.00185 93 0.00275 -0.10788 144.974 0.91424 0.97851
gallate degradation II 0.00644 0.00253 0.00138 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00997 0.00168 0.00425 93 0.00428 -2.00557 94.584 0.04776 0.58059
methylgallate degradation 0.00643 0.00187 0.00171 0.00003 0.00062 65 0.00973 0.00090 0.00312 93 0.00318 -2.52235 99.266 0.01325 0.58059
mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex biosynthesis 0.00612 0.00202 0.00361 0.00020 0.00177 65 0.00788 0.00095 0.00320 93 0.00366 -1.16593 138.469 0.24565 0.70007
L-methionine salvage cycle III 0.00610 0.00214 0.00096 0.00002 0.00048 65 0.00970 0.00119 0.00357 93 0.00361 -2.42555 95.318 0.01717 0.58059
S-methyl-5-thio-&alpha;-D-ribose 1-phosphate degradation 0.00604 0.00200 0.00093 0.00002 0.00050 65 0.00962 0.00104 0.00334 93 0.00338 -2.57073 96.047 0.01168 0.58059
D-glucarate degradation I 0.00554 0.00137 0.00662 0.00039 0.00245 65 0.00479 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00291 0.62881 114.414 0.53072 0.84889
D-galactarate degradation I 0.00552 0.00135 0.00657 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.00478 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00286 0.62702 115.120 0.53189 0.84889
superpathway of D-glucarate and D-galactarate degradation 0.00552 0.00135 0.00657 0.00037 0.00240 65 0.00478 0.00023 0.00156 93 0.00286 0.62702 115.120 0.53189 0.84889
chlorosalicylate degradation 0.00525 0.00229 0.00195 0.00004 0.00075 65 0.00756 0.00138 0.00385 93 0.00393 -1.43084 98.874 0.15563 0.61876
chondroitin sulfate degradation I (bacterial) 0.00521 0.00108 0.00363 0.00004 0.00077 65 0.00632 0.00029 0.00176 93 0.00192 -1.40221 124.173 0.16335 0.61876
protocatechuate degradation I (meta-cleavage pathway) 0.00485 0.00200 0.00113 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00745 0.00105 0.00337 93 0.00341 -1.85406 96.442 0.06679 0.58059
superpathway of mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex biosynthesis 0.00425 0.00151 0.00087 0.00003 0.00073 65 0.00661 0.00058 0.00249 93 0.00260 -2.20686 107.263 0.02945 0.58059
L-tryptophan degradation IX 0.00423 0.00220 0.00251 0.00006 0.00099 65 0.00544 0.00126 0.00368 93 0.00381 -0.76954 104.923 0.44330 0.81137
L-valine degradation I 0.00411 0.00132 0.00246 0.00011 0.00128 65 0.00527 0.00039 0.00205 93 0.00242 -1.16227 146.021 0.24702 0.70007
methanogenesis from acetate 0.00389 0.00171 0.00247 0.00025 0.00196 65 0.00487 0.00061 0.00256 93 0.00323 -0.74266 154.957 0.45881 0.81137
2-amino-3-carboxymuconate semialdehyde degradation to 2-oxopentenoate 0.00388 0.00180 0.00187 0.00005 0.00084 65 0.00529 0.00084 0.00300 93 0.00311 -1.09833 105.892 0.27455 0.70413
meta cleavage pathway of aromatic compounds 0.00387 0.00110 0.00656 0.00038 0.00243 65 0.00200 0.00005 0.00073 93 0.00253 1.80069 75.736 0.07573 0.58059
L-tryptophan degradation XII (Geobacillus) 0.00384 0.00218 0.00139 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00555 0.00126 0.00368 93 0.00374 -1.11557 97.806 0.26734 0.70194
protein N-glycosylation (bacterial) 0.00381 0.00119 0.00503 0.00037 0.00238 65 0.00296 0.00013 0.00116 93 0.00265 0.77969 94.550 0.43752 0.81117
androstenedione degradation 0.00373 0.00119 0.00335 0.00017 0.00161 65 0.00399 0.00027 0.00170 93 0.00234 -0.27457 153.488 0.78402 0.93380
2-nitrobenzoate degradation I 0.00338 0.00178 0.00159 0.00003 0.00066 65 0.00463 0.00083 0.00299 93 0.00306 -0.99431 100.744 0.32245 0.72280
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides biosynthesis from CTP 0.00334 0.00173 0.00201 0.00026 0.00201 65 0.00427 0.00063 0.00259 93 0.00328 -0.68723 155.229 0.49296 0.82687
isoprene biosynthesis II (engineered) 0.00320 0.00107 0.00202 0.00007 0.00102 65 0.00402 0.00026 0.00167 93 0.00196 -1.01948 144.571 0.30968 0.72280
allantoin degradation IV (anaerobic) 0.00297 0.00096 0.00137 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00409 0.00023 0.00158 93 0.00166 -1.63580 110.971 0.10471 0.61876
CMP-pseudaminate biosynthesis 0.00293 0.00095 0.00301 0.00015 0.00152 65 0.00288 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00194 0.06728 133.620 0.94646 0.99202
ethylmalonyl-CoA pathway 0.00288 0.00128 0.00103 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00418 0.00043 0.00214 93 0.00220 -1.42710 102.854 0.15658 0.61876
nylon-6 oligomer degradation 0.00285 0.00109 0.00149 0.00002 0.00054 65 0.00381 0.00030 0.00180 93 0.00188 -1.23226 108.255 0.22052 0.67841
superpathway of aerobic toluene degradation 0.00266 0.00092 0.00316 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.00232 0.00012 0.00114 93 0.00192 0.43848 126.623 0.66178 0.90545
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis IV 0.00266 0.00139 0.00154 0.00015 0.00154 65 0.00344 0.00041 0.00210 93 0.00261 -0.73074 153.592 0.46605 0.81137
2-aminophenol degradation 0.00214 0.00166 0.00076 0.00001 0.00042 65 0.00310 0.00073 0.00281 93 0.00284 -0.82442 96.137 0.41174 0.78940
gallate degradation I 0.00212 0.00061 0.00053 0.00000 0.00024 65 0.00324 0.00010 0.00102 93 0.00104 -2.59259 102.240 0.01092 0.58059
UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-&alpha;-D-mannuronate biosynthesis 0.00208 0.00075 0.00292 0.00017 0.00162 65 0.00149 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00172 0.83216 80.197 0.40779 0.78940
1,5-anhydrofructose degradation 0.00202 0.00092 0.00186 0.00017 0.00161 65 0.00213 0.00011 0.00110 93 0.00195 -0.13909 119.739 0.88961 0.97248
superpathway of polyamine biosynthesis III 0.00186 0.00127 0.00280 0.00043 0.00257 65 0.00121 0.00014 0.00121 93 0.00284 0.55921 92.456 0.57737 0.86605
sucrose biosynthesis I (from photosynthesis) 0.00165 0.00090 0.00341 0.00030 0.00214 65 0.00042 0.00001 0.00030 93 0.00216 1.38531 66.519 0.17059 0.61876
coenzyme B biosynthesis 0.00162 0.00129 0.00028 0.00001 0.00028 65 0.00256 0.00044 0.00218 93 0.00220 -1.03760 94.997 0.30209 0.72280
sulfoglycolysis 0.00142 0.00069 0.00068 0.00001 0.00030 65 0.00194 0.00012 0.00116 93 0.00120 -1.05252 103.970 0.29500 0.72280
sitosterol degradation to androstenedione 0.00141 0.00050 0.00019 0.00000 0.00015 65 0.00226 0.00007 0.00084 93 0.00085 -2.41828 97.554 0.01745 0.58059
methylaspartate cycle 0.00140 0.00084 0.00144 0.00005 0.00086 65 0.00136 0.00016 0.00130 93 0.00156 0.05152 149.028 0.95898 0.99202
1,4-dihydroxy-6-naphthoate biosynthesis I 0.00127 0.00051 0.00019 0.00000 0.00014 65 0.00203 0.00007 0.00085 93 0.00086 -2.12364 96.643 0.03625 0.58059
glycolysis V (Pyrococcus) 0.00114 0.00046 0.00143 0.00004 0.00075 65 0.00094 0.00003 0.00059 93 0.00095 0.50793 133.132 0.61234 0.88168
L-arabinose degradation IV 0.00105 0.00054 0.00209 0.00010 0.00121 65 0.00033 0.00001 0.00033 93 0.00126 1.40369 73.406 0.16463 0.61876
superpathway of sulfolactate degradation 0.00102 0.00071 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 65 0.00171 0.00013 0.00120 93 0.00120 -1.39958 92.150 0.16500 0.61876
vanillin and vanillate degradation II 0.00091 0.00043 0.00009 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00148 0.00005 0.00072 93 0.00073 -1.92030 93.116 0.05788 0.58059
superpathway of lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis 0.00091 0.00045 0.00138 0.00007 0.00105 65 0.00057 0.00000 0.00019 93 0.00107 0.75687 68.210 0.45173 0.81137
aerobactin biosynthesis 0.00090 0.00035 0.00125 0.00003 0.00065 65 0.00065 0.00001 0.00039 93 0.00076 0.77935 108.278 0.43748 0.81117
superpathway of vanillin and vanillate degradation 0.00087 0.00039 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00142 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00067 -2.00099 93.072 0.04831 0.58059
vanillin and vanillate degradation I 0.00087 0.00039 0.00008 0.00000 0.00005 65 0.00142 0.00004 0.00066 93 0.00067 -2.00099 93.072 0.04831 0.58059
reductive TCA cycle II 0.00079 0.00054 0.00112 0.00008 0.00112 65 0.00055 0.00002 0.00046 93 0.00122 0.46800 85.860 0.64097 0.90370
benzoyl-CoA degradation I (aerobic) 0.00076 0.00036 0.00043 0.00001 0.00031 65 0.00100 0.00003 0.00057 93 0.00065 -0.88151 137.763 0.37958 0.74607
phospholipases 0.00073 0.00025 0.00027 0.00000 0.00027 65 0.00105 0.00001 0.00038 93 0.00047 -1.66289 152.345 0.09839 0.61876
superpathway of taurine degradation 0.00069 0.00055 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00118 0.00008 0.00093 93 0.00093 -1.27385 92.000 0.20593 0.66261
formaldehyde assimilation I (serine pathway) 0.00067 0.00048 0.00057 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00074 0.00005 0.00074 93 0.00091 -0.19350 151.751 0.84683 0.96656
sucrose biosynthesis III 0.00056 0.00032 0.00118 0.00004 0.00076 65 0.00013 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00077 1.36867 65.903 0.17575 0.62057
chitin derivatives degradation 0.00042 0.00029 0.00103 0.00003 0.00069 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00069 1.48998 64.000 0.14114 0.61876
syringate degradation 0.00039 0.00028 0.00052 0.00002 0.00052 65 0.00031 0.00001 0.00031 93 0.00060 0.35179 107.442 0.72569 0.91629
chlorophyllide a biosynthesis II (anaerobic) 0.00036 0.00031 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00057 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00053 -0.96662 94.016 0.33621 0.72862
chlorophyllide a biosynthesis III (aerobic, light independent) 0.00036 0.00031 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 65 0.00057 0.00003 0.00053 93 0.00053 -0.96662 94.016 0.33621 0.72862
mandelate degradation to acetyl-CoA 0.00034 0.00024 0.00083 0.00002 0.00058 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00058 1.42531 64.000 0.15893 0.61876
mandelate degradation I 0.00014 0.00010 0.00033 0.00000 0.00023 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00023 1.42511 64.000 0.15898 0.61876
starch degradation III 0.00012 0.00009 0.00016 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00010 0.00000 0.00010 93 0.00019 0.30942 113.039 0.75757 0.92864
mannosylglycerate biosynthesis I 0.00012 0.00012 0.00029 0.00001 0.00029 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00029 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.72280
sucrose degradation II (sucrose synthase) 0.00011 0.00011 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00018 0.00000 0.00018 93 0.00018 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.72280
L-rhamnose degradation II 0.00010 0.00006 0.00007 0.00000 0.00007 65 0.00012 0.00000 0.00008 93 0.00011 -0.51068 156.000 0.61029 0.88168
&beta;-alanine biosynthesis II 0.00008 0.00008 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00014 0.00000 0.00014 93 0.00014 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.72280
superpathway of C1 compounds oxidation to CO2 0.00007 0.00007 0.00016 0.00000 0.00016 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00016 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.72280
flavin biosynthesis II (archaea) 0.00005 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 93 0.00009 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.72280
4-coumarate degradation (anaerobic) 0.00005 0.00004 0.00009 0.00000 0.00009 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00009 0.57833 82.726 0.56461 0.86025
phosphopantothenate biosynthesis III 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00006 0.00000 0.00006 93 0.00006 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.72280
factor 420 biosynthesis 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00005 0.00000 0.00005 93 0.00005 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.72280
superpathway of bacteriochlorophyll a biosynthesis 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00004 0.00000 0.00003 93 0.00003 -1.40047 92.000 0.16474 0.61876
chlorophyllide a biosynthesis I (aerobic, light-dependent) 0.00002 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00003 0.00000 0.00002 93 0.00002 -1.38405 92.000 0.16969 0.61876
vitamin B6 degradation 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00002 65 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 93 0.00002 1.00000 64.000 0.32108 0.72280
spirilloxanthin and 2,2’-diketo-spirilloxanthin biosynthesis 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.38433 92.000 0.16961 0.61876
coumarins biosynthesis (engineered) 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 65 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 93 0.00001 -1.00000 92.000 0.31993 0.72280

Let’s try a nice bigger plot

plot.dat <- tb.ra %>%
  arrange(desc(`Overall Mean`)) %>%
    description = fct_reorder(description, `Overall Mean`),
    description = factor(description, levels = levels(description), ordered=T)
  ) %>%
  arrange(description) %>%
    id = 1:n(),
    step = ifelse(id%%2 == 0, 1, 0),
    Mean_diff = `Tumor Mean` - `Non-Tumor Mean`,
    diff_se = SEpooled,
    Mean_diff_ll = Mean_diff - qt(0.975, df)*diff_se,
    Mean_diff_ul = Mean_diff + qt(0.975, df)*diff_se
  ) %>%
    names_to = "group",
    values_to = "mean"

p1.d <- plot.dat %>%
  filter(group %in% c("Tumor Mean","Non-Tumor Mean")) %>%
    group = ifelse(group == "Tumor Mean", "Tumor", "Non-Tumor"),
    col = ifelse(step == 1, "grey90", "white"),
    h=1, w=Inf
p1 <- ggplot()+
  geom_tile(data = p1.d,
              aes(y = description, x=0,
                  height=h, width=w),
              fill = p1.d$col, color=p1.d$col)+
             aes(x=mean, y=description,
                 group=group, color=group,
             stat="identity",position = "dodge",
             alpha = 1)+
    labs(x="Mean Proportion (%)")+
      legend.position = "bottom",
      plot.margin = unit(c(1,0,1,1), "lines")
p2.d <- plot.dat %>%
  filter(group %in% c("Mean_diff", "Mean_diff_ll", "Mean_diff_ul")) %>%
    names_from = group,
    values_from = mean
  ) %>%
    group = ifelse(Mean_diff > 0, "Tumor", "Non-Tumor"),
    p = sprintf("%.3f", round(p,3)),
    ll = min(Mean_diff_ll)-0.01,
    ul = max(Mean_diff_ul)+0.01
p2<-ggplot(p2.d, aes(x=Mean_diff, y=description))+
    geom_tile(data = p1.d,
              aes(y = description, x=0,
                  height=h, width=w),
              fill = p1.d$col, color=p1.d$col)+
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.5)+
    geom_segment(aes(x=Mean_diff_ll, y=description, xend=Mean_diff_ul, yend=description))+
    geom_point(aes(fill=group, color=group))+
    geom_text(aes(label=p, x=unique(ul)+0.1))+
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(unique(p2.d$ll), unique(p2.d$ul)),
                    clip = 'off') +
    annotate("text", x=unique(p2.d$ul)+0.2,y = 25,
             label="p-value (uncorrected)")+
    labs(x="Mean Difference in Proportions")+
      legend.position = "bottom",
      axis.title.y = element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = element_blank(),
      axis.line.y = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
      plot.margin = unit(c(1,4,1,0), "lines")

# plot
p1 + p2+
  plot_annotation(title="Path Data: 50 most abundant descriptions")

Modeling Difference between Tumor and Non-Tumor

For the modeling, we used a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM).

First, we looked at the biserial correlation between the abundance of each description and the tumor status.

tb <- mydata %>%
    r = cor(tumor, Abundance)
  ) %>%

ggplot(tb, aes(x=r))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = M))+
  labs(x="Biserial Correlation",title="Relationship between description abundance and tumor (tumor vs. non-tumor)")+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

Next, we need the data to be on an interpretable scale. First, let’s use the raw abundance like scale.

p <- ggplot(mydata, aes(x=Abundance))+

mydata <- mydata %>%
  mutate(Abundance.dich=ifelse(Abundance==0, 0, 1))

    0     1 
19644 43398 

Let’s first run models by description so that we can avoid the nesting issue initially. We will come back to this to conduct the final model (it will be more powerful).

DESCRIPTIONS <- unique(mydata$description)
dat0 <- mydata %>% filter(description==DESCRIPTIONS[i])

# quasipossion (approximately negative binom) give an approx. answer.
fit0 <- glm(
  Abundance ~ 1 + tumor,
  data= dat0,
  family=quasipoisson(link = "log")

glm(formula = Abundance ~ 1 + tumor, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"), 
    data = dat0)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
 -0.34   -0.34   -0.34    0.00    6.16  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   -2.854      0.768   -3.72  0.00028 ***
tumor        -17.449   3427.430   -0.01  0.99594    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for quasipoisson family taken to be 3.1611)

    Null deviance: 54.273  on 157  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 48.591  on 156  degrees of freedom

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 18

NExt, let’s model the percent relative abundance. This will allow us to make inference about the difference average relative abundance. Which is a simpler interpretation than trying to model differences in the log relative abundance which will need to be interpreted as the multiplicative relative change.

results.out <-, nrow=length(DESCRIPTIONS)))
colnames(results.out) <- c("description", "Est", "SE", "p")
#results.out$description <-DESCRIPTIONS

i <- 1
for(i in 1:length(DESCRIPTIONS)){
#for(i in 1:5){ 
  dat0 <- mydata %>%
    filter(description == DESCRIPTIONS[i])%>%
    mutate(RelAbundance= RelAbundance*100)
  fit0 <- glm(
  RelAbundance ~ 1 + tumor,
  data= dat0,
  family=quasipoisson(link = "log")
  fit.sum <- summary(fit0)
  results.out[i, 1] <- DESCRIPTIONS[i]
  results.out[i, 2:4] <- fit.sum$coefficients[2, c(1,2,4)]

results.out$fdr_p <- p.adjust(results.out$p, method="fdr")

kable(results.out, format="html", digits=3) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T)%>%
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="600px")
description Est SE p fdr_p
&beta;-alanine biosynthesis II -18.045 4617.336 0.997 0.999
(5Z)-dodec-5-enoate biosynthesis -0.061 0.058 0.294 0.772
1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate biosynthesis I 0.063 0.165 0.705 0.952
1,4-dihydroxy-6-naphthoate biosynthesis I -2.348 1.372 0.089 0.627
1,4-dihydroxy-6-naphthoate biosynthesis II 0.176 0.455 0.699 0.952
1,5-anhydrofructose degradation -0.136 0.955 0.887 0.999
2-amino-3-carboxymuconate semialdehyde degradation to 2-oxopentenoate -1.041 1.031 0.314 0.778
2-aminophenol degradation -1.406 1.858 0.450 0.876
2-methylcitrate cycle I -0.043 0.249 0.862 0.999
2-methylcitrate cycle II -0.023 0.215 0.914 0.999
2-nitrobenzoate degradation I -1.072 1.167 0.360 0.818
3-phenylpropanoate and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate degradation -0.764 0.578 0.188 0.688
3-phenylpropanoate and 3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)propanoate degradation to 2-oxopent-4-enoate -0.936 0.670 0.165 0.670
3-phenylpropanoate degradation -1.208 0.712 0.092 0.627
4-aminobutanoate degradation V -0.122 0.197 0.537 0.898
4-coumarate degradation (anaerobic) 0.965 1.440 0.504 0.883
4-deoxy-L-threo-hex-4-enopyranuronate degradation 0.166 0.252 0.511 0.883
4-hydroxyphenylacetate degradation -0.648 0.519 0.214 0.719
4-methylcatechol degradation (ortho cleavage) 0.775 0.342 0.025 0.627
5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide biosynthesis I 0.048 0.031 0.119 0.627
5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide biosynthesis II 0.039 0.034 0.255 0.741
6-hydroxymethyl-dihydropterin diphosphate biosynthesis I 0.004 0.034 0.903 0.999
6-hydroxymethyl-dihydropterin diphosphate biosynthesis III (Chlamydia) 0.041 0.043 0.350 0.807
8-amino-7-oxononanoate biosynthesis I 0.016 0.114 0.885 0.999
acetyl-CoA fermentation to butanoate II -0.296 0.230 0.200 0.688
acetylene degradation 0.088 0.104 0.395 0.852
adenine and adenosine salvage III 0.074 0.075 0.327 0.799
adenosine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.034 0.062 0.580 0.913
adenosine nucleotides degradation II -0.135 0.150 0.372 0.830
adenosine ribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis 0.055 0.034 0.116 0.627
adenosylcobalamin biosynthesis from cobyrinate a,c-diamide I 0.092 0.117 0.431 0.862
adenosylcobalamin biosynthesis I (early cobalt insertion) 0.002 0.235 0.994 0.999
adenosylcobalamin biosynthesis II (late cobalt incorporation) -0.246 0.298 0.410 0.853
adenosylcobalamin salvage from cobinamide I 0.086 0.113 0.449 0.876
adenosylcobalamin salvage from cobinamide II 0.087 0.116 0.454 0.876
ADP-L-glycero-&beta;-D-manno-heptose biosynthesis 0.114 0.123 0.357 0.818
aerobactin biosynthesis 0.644 0.792 0.417 0.853
aerobic respiration I (cytochrome c) -0.341 0.153 0.027 0.627
allantoin degradation IV (anaerobic) -1.093 0.732 0.137 0.637
allantoin degradation to glyoxylate III -0.295 0.307 0.337 0.799
androstenedione degradation -0.175 0.661 0.792 0.988
anhydromuropeptides recycling -0.133 0.103 0.198 0.688
arginine, ornithine and proline interconversion 0.018 0.136 0.897 0.999
aromatic biogenic amine degradation (bacteria) -0.316 0.300 0.294 0.772
aromatic compounds degradation via &beta;-ketoadipate 0.018 0.274 0.949 0.999
aspartate superpathway -0.013 0.050 0.795 0.988
benzoyl-CoA degradation I (aerobic) -0.850 1.056 0.422 0.853
Bifidobacterium shunt 0.179 0.222 0.421 0.853
biotin biosynthesis I 0.012 0.108 0.910 0.999
biotin biosynthesis II -0.089 0.215 0.679 0.952
Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle 0.064 0.043 0.140 0.644
catechol degradation I (meta-cleavage pathway) -0.138 0.291 0.635 0.946
catechol degradation II (meta-cleavage pathway) -0.084 0.495 0.866 0.999
catechol degradation III (ortho-cleavage pathway) 0.018 0.274 0.949 0.999
catechol degradation to &beta;-ketoadipate 0.051 0.275 0.853 0.999
catechol degradation to 2-oxopent-4-enoate II -0.587 0.474 0.217 0.723
CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthesis I 0.057 0.031 0.064 0.627
CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthesis II 0.057 0.031 0.064 0.627
chitin derivatives degradation 19.030 2956.274 0.995 0.999
chlorophyllide a biosynthesis I (aerobic, light-dependent) -17.555 2611.080 0.995 0.999
chlorophyllide a biosynthesis II (anaerobic) -2.330 2.902 0.423 0.853
chlorophyllide a biosynthesis III (aerobic, light independent) -2.330 2.902 0.423 0.853
chlorosalicylate degradation -1.357 1.037 0.193 0.688
chondroitin sulfate degradation I (bacterial) -0.555 0.430 0.199 0.688
chorismate biosynthesis from 3-dehydroquinate 0.038 0.035 0.277 0.762
chorismate biosynthesis I 0.010 0.031 0.749 0.967
cinnamate and 3-hydroxycinnamate degradation to 2-oxopent-4-enoate -0.936 0.670 0.165 0.670
cis-vaccenate biosynthesis 0.023 0.031 0.451 0.876
CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate biosynthesis I 0.091 0.094 0.336 0.799
CMP-legionaminate biosynthesis I -0.453 0.625 0.470 0.883
CMP-pseudaminate biosynthesis 0.044 0.655 0.946 0.999
cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide biosynthesis I (early cobalt insertion) 0.496 0.198 0.013 0.627
cob(II)yrinate a,c-diamide biosynthesis II (late cobalt incorporation) -0.184 0.250 0.462 0.876
coenzyme A biosynthesis I 0.060 0.037 0.107 0.627
coenzyme B biosynthesis -2.217 2.548 0.386 0.845
colanic acid building blocks biosynthesis -0.140 0.101 0.168 0.670
coumarins biosynthesis (engineered) -17.301 3182.835 0.996 0.999
creatinine degradation I -0.050 0.572 0.931 0.999
D-fructuronate degradation 0.064 0.208 0.759 0.971
D-galactarate degradation I 0.319 0.485 0.512 0.883
D-galacturonate degradation I -0.134 0.227 0.557 0.898
D-glucarate degradation I 0.324 0.490 0.510 0.883
dTDP-L-rhamnose biosynthesis I 0.149 0.073 0.042 0.627
dTDP-N-acetylthomosamine biosynthesis -0.319 0.379 0.401 0.853
ectoine biosynthesis -0.432 0.408 0.291 0.772
enterobacterial common antigen biosynthesis 0.110 0.565 0.846 0.999
enterobactin biosynthesis -0.103 0.187 0.581 0.913
ergothioneine biosynthesis I (bacteria) -0.698 0.720 0.334 0.799
ethylmalonyl-CoA pathway -1.396 1.083 0.199 0.688
factor 420 biosynthesis -18.033 4590.844 0.997 0.999
fatty acid &beta;-oxidation I -0.227 0.164 0.169 0.670
fatty acid elongation – saturated -0.059 0.065 0.361 0.818
fatty acid salvage -0.348 0.202 0.087 0.627
flavin biosynthesis I (bacteria and plants) 0.018 0.053 0.735 0.957
flavin biosynthesis II (archaea) -17.624 3741.025 0.996 0.999
formaldehyde assimilation I (serine pathway) -0.269 1.490 0.857 0.999
formaldehyde assimilation II (RuMP Cycle) -0.901 0.369 0.016 0.627
formaldehyde oxidation I -0.937 0.377 0.014 0.627
fucose degradation 0.321 0.283 0.258 0.741
galactose degradation I (Leloir pathway) 0.153 0.082 0.064 0.627
gallate degradation I -1.809 0.812 0.027 0.627
gallate degradation II -1.975 1.128 0.082 0.627
GDP-D-glycero-&alpha;-D-manno-heptose biosynthesis 0.174 0.285 0.544 0.898
GDP-mannose biosynthesis -0.085 0.062 0.170 0.670
gluconeogenesis I 0.010 0.039 0.793 0.988
glucose and glucose-1-phosphate degradation 0.054 0.147 0.713 0.952
glucose degradation (oxidative) -0.066 0.461 0.887 0.999
glutaryl-CoA degradation -0.023 0.231 0.922 0.999
glycerol degradation to butanol 0.297 0.198 0.137 0.637
glycine betaine degradation I -1.316 0.849 0.123 0.627
glycogen biosynthesis I (from ADP-D-Glucose) 0.048 0.070 0.492 0.883
glycogen degradation I (bacterial) 0.043 0.071 0.548 0.898
glycogen degradation II (eukaryotic) 0.103 0.635 0.871 0.999
glycolysis I (from glucose 6-phosphate) 0.100 0.047 0.036 0.627
glycolysis II (from fructose 6-phosphate) 0.103 0.051 0.046 0.627
glycolysis III (from glucose) 0.066 0.053 0.215 0.719
glycolysis V (Pyrococcus) 0.415 0.827 0.617 0.936
glyoxylate cycle -0.294 0.163 0.074 0.627
gondoate biosynthesis (anaerobic) -0.001 0.036 0.968 0.999
guanosine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.034 0.062 0.580 0.913
guanosine nucleotides degradation III -0.193 0.143 0.179 0.674
guanosine ribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis 0.060 0.037 0.106 0.627
heme biosynthesis I (aerobic) -0.076 0.084 0.364 0.818
heme biosynthesis II (anaerobic) -0.097 0.066 0.148 0.657
heterolactic fermentation 0.242 0.235 0.306 0.775
hexitol fermentation to lactate, formate, ethanol and acetate -0.008 0.160 0.960 0.999
homolactic fermentation 0.111 0.054 0.041 0.627
incomplete reductive TCA cycle -0.071 0.106 0.502 0.883
inosine-5’-phosphate biosynthesis I 0.066 0.035 0.062 0.627
inosine-5’-phosphate biosynthesis III 0.010 0.050 0.848 0.999
isoprene biosynthesis II (engineered) -0.687 0.731 0.348 0.807
isopropanol biosynthesis -0.830 0.592 0.163 0.670
Kdo transfer to lipid IVA III (Chlamydia) -0.037 0.089 0.681 0.952
ketogluconate metabolism 0.020 0.454 0.966 0.999
L-1,2-propanediol degradation 0.255 0.207 0.219 0.723
L-arabinose degradation IV 1.854 1.215 0.129 0.627
L-arginine biosynthesis I (via L-ornithine) -0.037 0.052 0.483 0.883
L-arginine biosynthesis II (acetyl cycle) -0.051 0.060 0.403 0.853
L-arginine biosynthesis III (via N-acetyl-L-citrulline) -0.045 0.111 0.686 0.952
L-arginine biosynthesis IV (archaebacteria) -0.037 0.052 0.481 0.883
L-arginine degradation II (AST pathway) 0.044 0.287 0.879 0.999
L-glutamate and L-glutamine biosynthesis -0.133 0.142 0.349 0.807
L-glutamate degradation V (via hydroxyglutarate) 0.868 0.352 0.015 0.627
L-glutamate degradation VIII (to propanoate) 0.450 0.555 0.418 0.853
L-histidine biosynthesis -0.100 0.054 0.067 0.627
L-histidine degradation I 0.064 0.106 0.548 0.898
L-histidine degradation II -0.264 0.299 0.378 0.838
L-isoleucine biosynthesis I (from threonine) -0.098 0.043 0.026 0.627
L-isoleucine biosynthesis II -0.083 0.047 0.082 0.627
L-isoleucine biosynthesis III -0.065 0.045 0.150 0.659
L-isoleucine biosynthesis IV 0.054 0.082 0.513 0.883
L-leucine degradation I -0.195 0.206 0.345 0.807
L-lysine biosynthesis I 0.008 0.038 0.836 0.999
L-lysine biosynthesis II 0.069 0.094 0.463 0.876
L-lysine biosynthesis III -0.013 0.030 0.665 0.952
L-lysine biosynthesis VI 0.027 0.039 0.490 0.883
L-lysine fermentation to acetate and butanoate 0.948 0.463 0.042 0.627
L-methionine biosynthesis I -0.009 0.057 0.875 0.999
L-methionine biosynthesis III -0.033 0.063 0.598 0.925
L-methionine salvage cycle III -2.317 1.162 0.048 0.627
L-ornithine biosynthesis -0.091 0.077 0.241 0.741
L-rhamnose degradation I -0.466 0.277 0.095 0.627
L-rhamnose degradation II -0.586 1.227 0.634 0.946
L-tryptophan biosynthesis -0.081 0.051 0.115 0.627
L-tryptophan degradation IX -0.774 1.091 0.479 0.883
L-tryptophan degradation to 2-amino-3-carboxymuconate semialdehyde -0.162 0.447 0.718 0.952
L-tryptophan degradation XII (Geobacillus) -1.389 1.361 0.309 0.775
L-tyrosine degradation I -0.116 0.222 0.601 0.926
L-valine biosynthesis -0.098 0.043 0.026 0.627
L-valine degradation I -0.762 0.715 0.288 0.771
lactose and galactose degradation I 0.032 0.144 0.824 0.999
lipid IVA biosynthesis 0.076 0.098 0.442 0.874
mandelate degradation I 18.887 2877.509 0.995 0.999
mandelate degradation to acetyl-CoA 18.816 2776.770 0.995 0.999
mannan degradation -0.626 0.331 0.061 0.627
mannosylglycerate biosynthesis I 18.776 3879.031 0.996 0.999
meta cleavage pathway of aromatic compounds 1.189 0.546 0.031 0.627
methanogenesis from acetate -0.678 0.987 0.493 0.883
methanol oxidation to carbon dioxide 0.176 0.389 0.652 0.947
methyl ketone biosynthesis -0.780 0.486 0.110 0.627
methylaspartate cycle 0.057 1.232 0.963 0.999
methylerythritol phosphate pathway I 0.011 0.060 0.859 0.999
methylerythritol phosphate pathway II 0.011 0.060 0.859 0.999
methylgallate degradation -1.736 0.783 0.028 0.627
methylphosphonate degradation I -1.021 0.426 0.018 0.627
mevalonate pathway I 0.204 0.145 0.162 0.670
mixed acid fermentation -0.003 0.042 0.946 0.999
mono-trans, poly-cis decaprenyl phosphate biosynthesis 0.060 0.203 0.768 0.973
mycolate biosynthesis -0.068 0.105 0.518 0.888
mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex biosynthesis -0.780 0.729 0.286 0.771
mycothiol biosynthesis 0.002 0.326 0.996 0.999
myo-, chiro- and scillo-inositol degradation -0.479 0.352 0.176 0.671
myo-inositol degradation I -0.334 0.305 0.276 0.762
N10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis -0.042 0.032 0.200 0.688
NAD biosynthesis I (from aspartate) -0.012 0.097 0.901 0.999
NAD biosynthesis II (from tryptophan) -0.147 0.404 0.716 0.952
NAD salvage pathway I -0.008 0.077 0.914 0.999
NAD salvage pathway II 0.168 0.174 0.338 0.799
nicotinate degradation I -0.986 0.948 0.300 0.775
nitrate reduction I (denitrification) -0.367 0.316 0.247 0.741
nitrate reduction VI (assimilatory) 0.102 0.214 0.635 0.946
norspermidine biosynthesis -0.011 0.260 0.966 0.999
nylon-6 oligomer degradation -0.941 0.829 0.258 0.741
O-antigen building blocks biosynthesis (E. coli) 0.093 0.050 0.064 0.627
octane oxidation -0.111 0.268 0.680 0.952
oleate biosynthesis IV (anaerobic) -0.093 0.085 0.275 0.762
palmitate biosynthesis II (bacteria and plants) -0.011 0.083 0.899 0.999
palmitoleate biosynthesis I (from (5Z)-dodec-5-enoate) -0.108 0.095 0.257 0.741
pantothenate and coenzyme A biosynthesis I -0.090 0.054 0.098 0.627
pentose phosphate pathway -0.037 0.053 0.484 0.883
pentose phosphate pathway (non-oxidative branch) 0.030 0.039 0.441 0.874
peptidoglycan biosynthesis I (meso-diaminopimelate containing) 0.061 0.038 0.117 0.627
peptidoglycan biosynthesis II (staphylococci) -0.152 0.415 0.714 0.952
peptidoglycan biosynthesis III (mycobacteria) 0.060 0.039 0.126 0.627
peptidoglycan biosynthesis IV (Enterococcus faecium) 0.044 0.097 0.649 0.947
peptidoglycan biosynthesis V (&beta;-lactam resistance) 0.262 0.185 0.159 0.670
peptidoglycan maturation (meso-diaminopimelate containing) 0.043 0.069 0.533 0.898
phenylacetate degradation I (aerobic) 0.555 0.317 0.082 0.627
phosphatidylglycerol biosynthesis I (plastidic) 0.074 0.035 0.034 0.627
phosphatidylglycerol biosynthesis II (non-plastidic) 0.074 0.035 0.034 0.627
phospholipases -1.355 0.998 0.177 0.671
phosphopantothenate biosynthesis I -0.128 0.063 0.044 0.627
phosphopantothenate biosynthesis III -17.125 2914.120 0.995 0.999
photorespiration -0.259 0.372 0.487 0.883
polyisoprenoid biosynthesis (E. coli) 0.013 0.045 0.773 0.973
polymyxin resistance -0.371 0.517 0.475 0.883
ppGpp biosynthesis 0.192 0.126 0.130 0.627
preQ0 biosynthesis -0.103 0.058 0.078 0.627
protein N-glycosylation (bacterial) 0.529 0.607 0.385 0.845
protocatechuate degradation I (meta-cleavage pathway) -1.886 1.164 0.107 0.627
protocatechuate degradation II (ortho-cleavage pathway) -0.134 0.265 0.614 0.936
purine nucleobases degradation I (anaerobic) 0.034 0.186 0.856 0.999
purine nucleotides degradation II (aerobic) -0.148 0.127 0.244 0.741
purine ribonucleosides degradation 0.019 0.102 0.850 0.999
pyridoxal 5’-phosphate biosynthesis I -0.076 0.163 0.640 0.947
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleosides salvage -0.042 0.079 0.594 0.922
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide phosphorylation 0.021 0.044 0.628 0.946
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides biosynthesis from CTP -0.752 1.194 0.530 0.898
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis I 0.016 0.044 0.717 0.952
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.073 0.058 0.208 0.709
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis III -0.045 0.196 0.819 0.999
pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis IV -0.805 1.210 0.506 0.883
pyruvate fermentation to acetate and lactate II 0.134 0.089 0.132 0.627
pyruvate fermentation to acetone 0.538 0.275 0.052 0.627
pyruvate fermentation to butanoate -0.251 0.228 0.272 0.762
pyruvate fermentation to isobutanol (engineered) -0.138 0.051 0.008 0.627
pyruvate fermentation to propanoate I -0.257 0.138 0.063 0.627
queuosine biosynthesis -0.068 0.053 0.199 0.688
reductive acetyl coenzyme A pathway -0.138 0.448 0.759 0.971
reductive TCA cycle I -0.064 0.093 0.492 0.883
reductive TCA cycle II 0.706 1.301 0.588 0.917
S-adenosyl-L-methionine cycle I 0.054 0.060 0.365 0.818
S-methyl-5-thio-&alpha;-D-ribose 1-phosphate degradation -2.337 1.119 0.038 0.627
sitosterol degradation to androstenedione -2.452 1.299 0.061 0.627
spirilloxanthin and 2,2’-diketo-spirilloxanthin biosynthesis -17.719 2834.255 0.995 0.999
starch degradation III 0.456 1.410 0.747 0.967
starch degradation V 0.050 0.067 0.457 0.876
stearate biosynthesis II (bacteria and plants) -0.110 0.096 0.253 0.741
succinate fermentation to butanoate -0.332 0.404 0.413 0.853
sucrose biosynthesis I (from photosynthesis) 2.094 1.195 0.082 0.627
sucrose biosynthesis III 2.210 1.269 0.084 0.627
sucrose degradation II (sucrose synthase) -17.288 3162.774 0.996 0.999
sucrose degradation III (sucrose invertase) 0.115 0.074 0.124 0.627
sucrose degradation IV (sucrose phosphorylase) 0.108 0.105 0.305 0.775
sulfate reduction I (assimilatory) -0.289 0.166 0.083 0.627
sulfoglycolysis -1.047 1.079 0.334 0.799
superpathay of heme biosynthesis from glutamate -0.021 0.073 0.779 0.977
superpathway of &beta;-D-glucuronide and D-glucuronate degradation -0.037 0.232 0.872 0.999
superpathway of (Kdo)2-lipid A biosynthesis 0.215 0.212 0.314 0.778
superpathway of (R,R)-butanediol biosynthesis -0.062 0.163 0.706 0.952
superpathway of 2,3-butanediol biosynthesis -0.108 0.184 0.558 0.898
superpathway of 5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide biosynthesis 0.039 0.034 0.255 0.741
superpathway of adenosine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis I 0.046 0.039 0.240 0.741
superpathway of adenosine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.042 0.040 0.305 0.775
superpathway of aerobic toluene degradation 0.310 0.696 0.657 0.947
superpathway of arginine and polyamine biosynthesis -0.003 0.095 0.974 0.999
superpathway of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis 0.006 0.030 0.843 0.999
superpathway of bacteriochlorophyll a biosynthesis -17.896 3060.915 0.995 0.999
superpathway of branched amino acid biosynthesis -0.075 0.045 0.095 0.627
superpathway of C1 compounds oxidation to CO2 18.186 2888.585 0.995 0.999
superpathway of chorismate metabolism 0.148 0.294 0.616 0.936
superpathway of Clostridium acetobutylicum acidogenic fermentation -0.236 0.221 0.287 0.771
superpathway of D-glucarate and D-galactarate degradation 0.319 0.485 0.512 0.883
superpathway of demethylmenaquinol-6 biosynthesis I -0.010 0.362 0.978 0.999
superpathway of demethylmenaquinol-6 biosynthesis II -0.274 0.704 0.698 0.952
superpathway of demethylmenaquinol-8 biosynthesis -0.022 0.127 0.863 0.999
superpathway of demethylmenaquinol-9 biosynthesis -0.010 0.362 0.978 0.999
superpathway of fatty acid biosynthesis initiation (E. coli) -0.086 0.106 0.417 0.853
superpathway of fucose and rhamnose degradation -0.441 0.363 0.227 0.740
superpathway of GDP-mannose-derived O-antigen building blocks biosynthesis -0.200 0.111 0.073 0.627
superpathway of geranylgeranyl diphosphate biosynthesis II (via MEP) 0.021 0.057 0.722 0.954
superpathway of geranylgeranyldiphosphate biosynthesis I (via mevalonate) 0.188 0.129 0.148 0.657
superpathway of glucose and xylose degradation -0.077 0.123 0.534 0.898
superpathway of glycerol degradation to 1,3-propanediol 0.647 0.571 0.258 0.741
superpathway of glycol metabolism and degradation 0.134 0.396 0.736 0.957
superpathway of glycolysis and Entner-Doudoroff -0.043 0.058 0.463 0.876
superpathway of glycolysis, pyruvate dehydrogenase, TCA, and glyoxylate bypass -0.204 0.127 0.111 0.627
superpathway of glyoxylate bypass and TCA -0.272 0.157 0.086 0.627
superpathway of guanosine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis I 0.017 0.041 0.668 0.952
superpathway of guanosine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.016 0.041 0.699 0.952
superpathway of heme biosynthesis from glycine -0.163 0.148 0.273 0.762
superpathway of heme biosynthesis from uroporphyrinogen-III -0.085 0.128 0.508 0.883
superpathway of hexitol degradation (bacteria) 0.087 0.110 0.432 0.862
superpathway of hexuronide and hexuronate degradation -0.049 0.259 0.849 0.999
superpathway of histidine, purine, and pyrimidine biosynthesis -0.001 0.062 0.991 0.999
superpathway of L-alanine biosynthesis -0.019 0.065 0.770 0.973
superpathway of L-arginine and L-ornithine degradation 0.456 0.378 0.230 0.740
superpathway of L-arginine, putrescine, and 4-aminobutanoate degradation 0.456 0.378 0.230 0.740
superpathway of L-aspartate and L-asparagine biosynthesis 0.033 0.097 0.736 0.957
superpathway of L-isoleucine biosynthesis I -0.068 0.036 0.063 0.627
superpathway of L-lysine, L-threonine and L-methionine biosynthesis I -0.023 0.047 0.627 0.946
superpathway of L-methionine biosynthesis (by sulfhydrylation) -0.204 0.120 0.090 0.627
superpathway of L-methionine biosynthesis (transsulfuration) -0.023 0.057 0.683 0.952
superpathway of L-phenylalanine biosynthesis 0.061 0.053 0.253 0.741
superpathway of L-serine and glycine biosynthesis I -0.070 0.045 0.119 0.627
superpathway of L-threonine biosynthesis 0.009 0.036 0.812 0.999
superpathway of L-threonine metabolism -0.045 0.424 0.915 0.999
superpathway of L-tryptophan biosynthesis -0.599 0.802 0.456 0.876
superpathway of L-tyrosine biosynthesis 0.053 0.055 0.338 0.799
superpathway of lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis 0.879 0.860 0.308 0.775
superpathway of menaquinol-10 biosynthesis 0.008 0.339 0.982 0.999
superpathway of menaquinol-11 biosynthesis -0.054 0.123 0.658 0.947
superpathway of menaquinol-12 biosynthesis -0.054 0.123 0.658 0.947
superpathway of menaquinol-13 biosynthesis -0.054 0.123 0.658 0.947
superpathway of menaquinol-6 biosynthesis I 0.008 0.339 0.982 0.999
superpathway of menaquinol-7 biosynthesis -0.049 0.120 0.687 0.952
superpathway of menaquinol-8 biosynthesis I -0.036 0.118 0.762 0.972
superpathway of menaquinol-8 biosynthesis II -0.030 0.304 0.921 0.999
superpathway of menaquinol-9 biosynthesis 0.008 0.339 0.982 0.999
superpathway of methylglyoxal degradation -0.185 0.411 0.654 0.947
superpathway of mycolyl-arabinogalactan-peptidoglycan complex biosynthesis -2.023 1.142 0.078 0.627
superpathway of N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylmannosamine and N-acetylneuraminate degradation 0.122 0.107 0.256 0.741
superpathway of N-acetylneuraminate degradation 0.053 0.086 0.534 0.898
superpathway of ornithine degradation -0.272 0.487 0.577 0.913
superpathway of phenylethylamine degradation 0.478 0.357 0.182 0.678
superpathway of phospholipid biosynthesis I (bacteria) 0.063 0.030 0.033 0.627
superpathway of phylloquinol biosynthesis 0.054 0.157 0.732 0.957
superpathway of polyamine biosynthesis I -0.039 0.106 0.716 0.952
superpathway of polyamine biosynthesis II 0.053 0.120 0.660 0.947
superpathway of polyamine biosynthesis III 0.838 1.363 0.540 0.898
superpathway of purine deoxyribonucleosides degradation 0.055 0.094 0.561 0.899
superpathway of purine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis I 0.014 0.030 0.651 0.947
superpathway of purine nucleotides de novo biosynthesis II 0.058 0.050 0.246 0.741
superpathway of pyridoxal 5’-phosphate biosynthesis and salvage -0.025 0.133 0.849 0.999
superpathway of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside salvage 0.000 0.063 0.999 0.999
superpathway of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleosides degradation 0.051 0.089 0.567 0.906
superpathway of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis -0.048 0.060 0.421 0.853
superpathway of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis (E. coli) 0.022 0.041 0.587 0.917
superpathway of pyrimidine nucleobases salvage -0.001 0.041 0.978 0.999
superpathway of pyrimidine ribonucleosides salvage 0.010 0.065 0.882 0.999
superpathway of pyrimidine ribonucleotides de novo biosynthesis 0.009 0.037 0.803 0.993
superpathway of S-adenosyl-L-methionine biosynthesis -0.017 0.046 0.709 0.952
superpathway of salicylate degradation 0.330 0.319 0.302 0.775
superpathway of sulfate assimilation and cysteine biosynthesis -0.213 0.132 0.109 0.627
superpathway of sulfolactate degradation -3.914 4.627 0.399 0.853
superpathway of sulfur oxidation (Acidianus ambivalens) -0.712 0.340 0.038 0.627
superpathway of taurine degradation -18.165 3849.045 0.996 0.999
superpathway of tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis 0.003 0.044 0.947 0.999
superpathway of tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis and salvage 0.013 0.038 0.735 0.957
superpathway of thiamin diphosphate biosynthesis I 0.160 0.111 0.154 0.668
superpathway of thiamin diphosphate biosynthesis II 0.079 0.120 0.514 0.883
superpathway of ubiquinol-8 biosynthesis (prokaryotic) -0.043 0.144 0.765 0.972
superpathway of UDP-glucose-derived O-antigen building blocks biosynthesis -0.040 0.131 0.759 0.971
superpathway of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-derived O-antigen building blocks biosynthesis -0.705 0.535 0.190 0.688
superpathway of vanillin and vanillate degradation -2.850 1.872 0.130 0.627
syringate degradation 0.525 1.408 0.710 0.952
taxadiene biosynthesis (engineered) 0.031 0.059 0.606 0.931
TCA cycle I (prokaryotic) -0.167 0.083 0.045 0.627
TCA cycle IV (2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase) -0.246 0.137 0.075 0.627
TCA cycle V (2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase) -0.143 0.077 0.067 0.627
TCA cycle VI (obligate autotrophs) -0.086 0.053 0.105 0.627
TCA cycle VII (acetate-producers) -0.135 0.113 0.232 0.741
TCA cycle VIII (helicobacter) -0.194 0.124 0.118 0.627
teichoic acid (poly-glycerol) biosynthesis 0.108 0.258 0.677 0.952
tetrapyrrole biosynthesis I (from glutamate) 0.075 0.069 0.280 0.765
tetrapyrrole biosynthesis II (from glycine) 0.077 0.070 0.269 0.762
thiamin salvage II 0.001 0.045 0.976 0.999
thiazole biosynthesis I (E. coli) 0.240 0.143 0.096 0.627
thiazole biosynthesis II (Bacillus) 0.306 0.176 0.084 0.627
toluene degradation I (aerobic) (via o-cresol) -0.249 0.288 0.390 0.845
toluene degradation II (aerobic) (via 4-methylcatechol) -0.249 0.288 0.390 0.845
toluene degradation III (aerobic) (via p-cresol) 0.762 0.333 0.024 0.627
toluene degradation IV (aerobic) (via catechol) 0.107 0.417 0.798 0.989
tRNA charging 0.054 0.038 0.158 0.670
tRNA processing 0.007 0.141 0.958 0.999
ubiquinol-10 biosynthesis (prokaryotic) -0.085 0.145 0.558 0.898
ubiquinol-7 biosynthesis (prokaryotic) -0.085 0.145 0.558 0.898
ubiquinol-8 biosynthesis (prokaryotic) -0.085 0.145 0.558 0.898
ubiquinol-9 biosynthesis (prokaryotic) -0.085 0.145 0.558 0.898
UDP-2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-&alpha;-D-mannuronate biosynthesis 0.671 0.670 0.318 0.783
UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine biosynthesis I 0.062 0.040 0.122 0.627
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide biosynthesis I (meso-diaminopimelate containing) 0.061 0.039 0.120 0.627
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide biosynthesis II (lysine-containing) 0.058 0.043 0.176 0.671
UMP biosynthesis 0.052 0.038 0.173 0.671
urate biosynthesis/inosine 5’-phosphate degradation -0.015 0.041 0.707 0.952
urea cycle -0.239 0.130 0.067 0.627
vanillin and vanillate degradation I -2.850 1.872 0.130 0.627
vanillin and vanillate degradation II -2.796 1.894 0.142 0.644
vitamin B6 degradation 18.114 2786.720 0.995 0.999
# merge with tb.ra for full results table
full.res <- left_join(tb.ra, results.out, by = "description")

#write.csv(full.res, "output/picrust_path_data_results.csv", row.names = F)



# set up output object
results.out <-, nrow=length(DESCRIPTIONS)*3))
colnames(results.out) <- c("Description", "Parameter", "Est", "SE", "Q2.5", "Q97.5", "Rhat")
results.out$Description <- rep(DESCRIPTIONS, 3)

# for(i in 1:length(DESCRIPTIONS)){
for(i in 1:5){ 
  dat0 <- mydata %>%
    filter(description == DESCRIPTIONS[i])
  fit0 <- brms::brm(
    Abundance ~ 1 + tumor,
    data= dat0,
    control = list(adapt_delta=0.99),
    silent = T)
  # the resulting "hu" parameter is the model for the proportion of zeros estimated
  # save the posterior summaries (intercept, tumor, and hu) <- round(posterior_summary(fit0),3)
  results.out[results.out$Description == DESCRIPTIONS[i], 2] <- c("b_Intercept", "b_tumor", "hu")
  results.out[results.out$Description == DESCRIPTIONS[i], 3:6] <-[c("b_Intercept", "b_tumor", "hu"),]
  results.out[results.out$Description == DESCRIPTIONS[i], 7] <- rhat(fit0)[c("b_Intercept", "b_tumor", "hu")]

kable(results.out, format="html", digits=3) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T)%>%
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="600px")

Draft of a plots for these results

res.out2 <- left_join(results.out, tb.ra,by=c("Description"="description")) %>% pivot_longer(
  cols = c("Tumor Mean", "Non-Tumor Mean"),
  names_to = "Tumor", values_to = "RelAbundance"

# based on above
dat0 <- res.out2 %>%
  filter(Parameter=="b_tumor", estseR >=0.25)

p <- ggplot(dat0, aes(y=Description, x=Est))+
  geom_segment(aes(y=Description, yend=Description, x=Q2.5, xend=Q97.5))

p2 <- ggplot(dat0, aes(x=RelAbundance, y=Description, color=Tumor))+
  geom_point(position = "dodge")

Alternatively, we can model the relative abundance data. For this, transform the RA data to be 0-100 instead of 0-1.

# set up output object
results.out <-, nrow=length(DESCRIPTIONS)*3))
colnames(results.out) <- c("Description", "Parameter", "Est", "SE", "Q2.5", "Q97.5", "Rhat")
results.out$Description <- rep(DESCRIPTIONS, 3)

# for(i in 1:length(DESCRIPTIONS)){
for(i in 1:5){ 
  dat0 <- mydata %>%
    filter(description == DESCRIPTIONS[i])%>%
    mutate(RelAbundance= RelAbundance*100)
  fit0 <- brms::brm(
    RelAbundance ~ 1 + tumor,
    data= dat0,
    control = list(adapt_delta=0.99),
    silent = T)
  # the resulting "hu" parameter is the model for the proportion of zeros estimated
  # save the posterior summaries (intercept, tumor, and hu) <- round(posterior_summary(fit0),3)
  results.out[results.out$Description == DESCRIPTIONS[i], 2] <- c("b_Intercept", "b_tumor", "hu")
  results.out[results.out$Description == DESCRIPTIONS[i], 3:6] <-[c("b_Intercept", "b_tumor", "hu"),]
  results.out[results.out$Description == DESCRIPTIONS[i], 7] <- rhat(fit0)[c("b_Intercept", "b_tumor", "hu")]

kable(results.out, format="html", digits=3) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T)%>%
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="600px")

Draft of a plots for these results

# based on above
p <- results.out %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=Description, x=Est))+
  geom_segment(aes(y=Description, yend=Description, x=Q2.5, xend=Q97.5))

For these analyses, we need to use some kind of hurdle/zero-inflated model to account for the large proportion of zeros in SOME of the the descriptions. This creates a programming difficulty because only SOME really need this feature. In the above, I tested two types of approaches. First, we could model each descriptions separately (the quicker - time wise way). Secondly, we could jointly model the descriptions using a multilevel model (2-level) hurdle model. The latter is EXTREMELY computationally intensive.

# random effects model (may be too large)
# let's try on a small subset

dat0 <- mydata %>%
  filter(description %in% DESCRIPTIONS[sample(1:length(DESCRIPTIONS),25)])
# priors
priors2 <-c(set_prior("lkj(2)", class = "cor"))
fit0 <- brms::brm(
  Abundance ~ 1 + tumor + (1 + tumor | description),
  prior = priors2,
  data= dat0,
  #iter = 10000, warmup=2000,
  save_all_pars = T,
  control = list(adapt_delta=0.99))
# the resulting "hu" parameter is the model for the proportion of zeros estimated

R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19042)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] cowplot_1.1.1     dendextend_1.14.0 ggdendro_0.1.22   reshape2_1.4.4   
 [5] car_3.0-10        carData_3.0-4     gvlma_1.0.0.3     patchwork_1.1.1  
 [9] viridis_0.5.1     viridisLite_0.3.0 gridExtra_2.3     xtable_1.8-4     
[13] kableExtra_1.3.4  MASS_7.3-53.1     data.table_1.14.0 readxl_1.3.1     
[17] forcats_0.5.1     stringr_1.4.0     dplyr_1.0.5       purrr_0.3.4      
[21] readr_1.4.0       tidyr_1.1.3       tibble_3.1.0      ggplot2_3.3.3    
[25] tidyverse_1.3.0   lmerTest_3.1-3    lme4_1.1-26       Matrix_1.3-2     
[29] vegan_2.5-7       lattice_0.20-41   permute_0.9-5     phyloseq_1.34.0  
[33] workflowr_1.6.2  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] minqa_1.2.4         colorspace_2.0-0    rio_0.5.26         
  [4] ellipsis_0.3.1      rprojroot_2.0.2     XVector_0.30.0     
  [7] fs_1.5.0            rstudioapi_0.13     farver_2.1.0       
 [10] fansi_0.4.2         lubridate_1.7.10    xml2_1.3.2         
 [13] codetools_0.2-18    splines_4.0.5       knitr_1.31         
 [16] ade4_1.7-16         jsonlite_1.7.2      nloptr_1.2.2.2     
 [19] broom_0.7.5         cluster_2.1.1       dbplyr_2.1.0       
 [22] BiocManager_1.30.10 compiler_4.0.5      httr_1.4.2         
 [25] backports_1.2.1     assertthat_0.2.1    cli_2.3.1          
 [28] later_1.1.0.1       htmltools_0.5.1.1   prettyunits_1.1.1  
 [31] tools_4.0.5         igraph_1.2.6        gtable_0.3.0       
 [34] glue_1.4.2          Rcpp_1.0.6          Biobase_2.50.0     
 [37] cellranger_1.1.0    jquerylib_0.1.3     vctrs_0.3.6        
 [40] Biostrings_2.58.0   rhdf5filters_1.2.0  multtest_2.46.0    
 [43] svglite_2.0.0       ape_5.4-1           nlme_3.1-152       
 [46] iterators_1.0.13    xfun_0.21           ps_1.6.0           
 [49] openxlsx_4.2.3      rvest_1.0.0         lifecycle_1.0.0    
 [52] statmod_1.4.35      zlibbioc_1.36.0     scales_1.1.1       
 [55] hms_1.0.0           promises_1.2.0.1    parallel_4.0.5     
 [58] biomformat_1.18.0   rhdf5_2.34.0        curl_4.3           
 [61] yaml_2.2.1          sass_0.3.1          stringi_1.5.3      
 [64] highr_0.8           S4Vectors_0.28.1    foreach_1.5.1      
 [67] BiocGenerics_0.36.0 zip_2.1.1           boot_1.3-27        
 [70] systemfonts_1.0.1   rlang_0.4.10        pkgconfig_2.0.3    
 [73] evaluate_0.14       Rhdf5lib_1.12.1     labeling_0.4.2     
 [76] tidyselect_1.1.0    plyr_1.8.6          magrittr_2.0.1     
 [79] R6_2.5.0            IRanges_2.24.1      generics_0.1.0     
 [82] DBI_1.1.1           foreign_0.8-81      pillar_1.5.1       
 [85] haven_2.3.1         whisker_0.4         withr_2.4.1        
 [88] mgcv_1.8-34         abind_1.4-5         survival_3.2-10    
 [91] modelr_0.1.8        crayon_1.4.1        utf8_1.1.4         
 [94] rmarkdown_2.7       progress_1.2.2      grid_4.0.5         
 [97] git2r_0.28.0        webshot_0.5.2       reprex_1.0.0       
[100] digest_0.6.27       httpuv_1.5.5        numDeriv_2016.8-1.1
[103] stats4_4.0.5        munsell_0.5.0       bslib_0.2.4