Last updated: 2021-04-29

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: esoph-micro-cancer-workflow/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.2). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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The results in this page were generated with repository version 2072df5. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    data/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/picrust-analyses.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/picrust-campy.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/picrust-fuso.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/picrust-prevo.Rmd
    Modified:   analysis/picrust-strepto.Rmd
    Modified:   output/picrust_ec_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ec_stratefied_campy_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ec_stratefied_fuso_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ec_stratefied_prevo_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ec_stratefied_strepto_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ko_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ko_stratefied_campy_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ko_stratefied_fuso_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ko_stratefied_prevo_data_results.csv
    Modified:   output/picrust_ko_stratefied_strepto_data_results.csv

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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/picrust-campy.Rmd) and HTML (docs/picrust-campy.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd ea63e54 noah-padgett 2021-04-15 updated picrust results
html ea63e54 noah-padgett 2021-04-15 updated picrust results

i. Mean relative abundance in Tumors

ii. Standard error of mean in Tumors

iii. Mean relative abundance in Non-tumors

iv. Standard error of mean in Non-tumors

v. GLM differential abundance analysis between Tumor vs Non-tumor (Patient=Fixed effect)
  1. P-value
  2. FDR corrected q-value
vi. GLMM differential abundance analysis between Tumor vs Non-tumor (Patient=Random Effect)
  2. FDR corrected q-value

Part 1 EC Data

# note: must rename function to func (or something else) because "function" is a reserved name in R and can't be used.

descriptions <- readr::read_tsv("data/PICRUST/ec_pred_metagenome_unstrat_descrip.tsv")[,1:2] %>%

-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
  .default = col_double(),
  `function` = col_character(),
  description = col_character()
i Use `spec()` for the full column specifications.
colnames(descriptions) <- c("func", "description")

pi.dat <- readxl::read_xlsx("data/PICRUST-Stratified/EC_campy.xlsx")
colnames(pi.dat) <- c("func",  colnames(pi.dat)[-c(1)])

# add descriptions to dataframe
pi.dat <- left_join(pi.dat, descriptions, by="func")
pi.dat <- pi.dat[,c(1,161,3:160)]

# aggregate descriptions to get 1 description per row - unique;y defined.
pi.dat <- pi.dat %>%
  group_by(description) %>%
  summarise(across(`1.S37.Jun172016`:`99.D01.S37.Jun232016`,.fns = sum))

# make long format
pi.dat <- pi.dat %>%
    names_to = "ID",
    values_to = "Abundance"
d <-
mydata <- full_join(pi.dat, d)
Joining, by = "ID"
Warning in class(x) <- c(setdiff(subclass, tibble_class), tibble_class): Setting
class(x) to multiple strings ("tbl_df", "tbl", ...); result will no longer be an
S4 object
mydata <- mydata %>%
    ID.n = as.numeric(as.factor(ID)),
    description.n = as.numeric(as.factor(description))
  ) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
    dem = ifelse(sum(Abundance)==0, 1, sum(Abundance)),
    RelAbundance = Abundance/dem*100) %>%
  mutate(avgRA = mean(RelAbundance))


I needed to change from relative abundance to abundance due to so many individuals having 0 counts for all descriptions.

d <- mydata %>%
  filter(description=="DNA-directed DNA polymerase")

t.test(d$RelAbundance ~ d$

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  d$RelAbundance by d$
t = -2.2, df = 107, p-value = 0.03
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.344554 -0.017595
sample estimates:
mean in group Non-Tumor     mean in group Tumor 
                0.13078                 0.31185 
# Run on all descriptions
tb.ra1 <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description) %>%
  summarise(ng = n(),
            Overall.M = mean(RelAbundance),
            Overall.SE = sd(RelAbundance)/sqrt(ng))
tb.ra2m <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(M = mean(RelAbundance)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = M)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2se <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n(),SE = sd(RelAbundance)/sqrt(ng)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = SE)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2var <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n(), VAR = var(RelAbundance)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = VAR)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2ng <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n()) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = ng)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra <- left_join(tb.ra1, tb.ra2m)
Joining, by = "description"
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2se[,-1])
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2var[,-1])
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2ng[,-1]) 

colnames(tb.ra) <- c("description", "ng", "Overall Mean", "Overall SE", "Non-Tumor Mean", "Tumor Mean", "Non-Tumor SE", "Tumor SE","Non-Tumor Var", "Tumor Var", "Non-Tumor Ng", "Tumor Ng")
tb.ra <- tb.ra %>%
  arrange(desc(`Overall Mean`))
tb.ra <- tb.ra[, c("description", "Overall Mean", "Overall SE","Tumor Mean","Tumor Var", "Tumor SE","Tumor Ng", "Non-Tumor Mean","Non-Tumor Var", "Non-Tumor SE", "Non-Tumor Ng")]

# compute t-test
tb.ra <- tb.ra %>%
    SEpooled = sqrt(`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng` + `Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`),
    t = (`Tumor Mean` - `Non-Tumor Mean`)/(SEpooled),
    df = ((`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng` + `Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`)**2)/(((`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng`)**2)/(`Tumor Ng`-1) + ((`Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`)**2)/(`Non-Tumor Ng`-1)),
    p = pt(q = abs(t), df=df, lower.tail = F)*2,
    fdr_p = p.adjust(p, method="fdr")

kable(tb.ra, format="html", digits=5, caption="Stratefied EC Data - Campylobacter concisus: Average RelAbundance of Each Description (sorted in descending order)") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height="600px")
Stratefied EC Data - Campylobacter concisus: Average RelAbundance of Each Description (sorted in descending order)
description Overall Mean Overall SE Tumor Mean Tumor Var Tumor SE Tumor Ng Non-Tumor Mean Non-Tumor Var Non-Tumor SE Non-Tumor Ng SEpooled t df p fdr_p
NADH:ubiquinone reductase (H(+)-translocating) 0.25659 0.04839 0.38981 0.51443 0.08896 65 0.16347 0.25212 0.05207 93 0.10308 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA-directed DNA polymerase 0.20527 0.03871 0.31185 0.32923 0.07117 65 0.13078 0.16136 0.04165 93 0.08246 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Formate dehydrogenase 0.20527 0.03871 0.31185 0.32923 0.07117 65 0.13078 0.16136 0.04165 93 0.08246 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Histidine kinase 0.17961 0.03387 0.27287 0.25207 0.06227 65 0.11443 0.12354 0.03645 93 0.07216 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA helicase 0.15395 0.02903 0.23389 0.18519 0.05338 65 0.09808 0.09076 0.03124 93 0.06185 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Peptidylprolyl isomerase 0.12829 0.02419 0.19491 0.12861 0.04448 65 0.08173 0.06303 0.02603 93 0.05154 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-oxoglutarate synthase 0.10263 0.01935 0.15593 0.08231 0.03558 65 0.06539 0.04034 0.02083 93 0.04123 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.10263 0.01935 0.15593 0.08231 0.03558 65 0.06539 0.04034 0.02083 93 0.04123 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA-directed RNA polymerase 0.10263 0.01935 0.15593 0.08231 0.03558 65 0.06539 0.04034 0.02083 93 0.04123 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Fumarate reductase (quinol) 0.10263 0.01935 0.15593 0.08231 0.03558 65 0.06539 0.04034 0.02083 93 0.04123 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific) 0.10263 0.01935 0.15593 0.08231 0.03558 65 0.06539 0.04034 0.02083 93 0.04123 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) 0.10263 0.01935 0.15593 0.08231 0.03558 65 0.06539 0.04034 0.02083 93 0.04123 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
23S rRNA pseudouridine(1911/1915/1917) synthase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Asparaginase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Asparaginyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Fumarate hydratase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glutamate–tRNA ligase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glutaminyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
H(+)-transporting two-sector ATPase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Peroxiredoxin 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Threonine synthase 0.07698 0.01452 0.11694 0.04630 0.02669 65 0.04904 0.02269 0.01562 93 0.03092 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
1,4-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyltransferase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-hydroxymuconate tautomerase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-isopropylmalate synthase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-oxoacid oxidoreductase (ferredoxin) 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-isopropylmalate dehydratase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
4-hydroxy-3-polyprenylbenzoate decarboxylase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate synthase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Acetolactate synthase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Anthranilate synthase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aryl-sulfate sulfotransferase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Assimilatory sulfite reductase (NADPH) 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Coproporphyrinogen dehydrogenase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Cu(+) exporting ATPase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Cyclic pyranopterin phosphate synthase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Cystathionine beta-lyase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Dipeptidase E 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing) 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Exodeoxyribonuclease VII 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Exopolyphosphatase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ferrochelatase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glycerol-3-phosphate 1-O-acyltransferase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glycine–tRNA ligase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
GTP cyclohydrolase II 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Guanosine-5’-triphosphate,3’-diphosphate diphosphatase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Hydrogen:quinone oxidoreductase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Iron-chelate-transporting ATPase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
L(+)-tartrate dehydratase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Molybdopterin molybdotransferase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Pectate lyase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phenylalanine–tRNA ligase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoglycolate phosphatase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Polar-amino-acid-transporting ATPase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Pyruvate carboxylase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ribonuclease H 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Succinate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Superoxide dismutase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Thioredoxin-disulfide reductase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Tryptophan synthase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Undecaprenyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycotransferase 0.05132 0.00968 0.07796 0.02058 0.01779 65 0.03269 0.01008 0.01041 93 0.02062 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
(2E,6E)-farnesyl diphosphate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
(E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase (ferredoxin) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
(E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase (flavodoxin) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
(Kdo)-lipid IV(A) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
(Kdo)(2)-lipid IV(A) (2-8) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
(Kdo)(3)-lipid IV(A) (2-4) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
[Acyl-carrier-protein] S-malonyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
[Formate-C-acetyltransferase]-activating enzyme 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
[Protein-PII] uridylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
16S rRNA (adenine(1518)-N(6)/adenine(1519)-N(6))-dimethyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
16S rRNA (cytidine(1402)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
16S rRNA (cytidine(1409)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
16S rRNA (cytosine(1402)-N(4))-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
16S rRNA (guanine(527)-N(7))-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
16S rRNA (uracil(1498)-N(3))-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-iminoacetate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-iminobutanoate/2-iminopropanoate deaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-methoxy-6-polyprenyl-1,4-benzoquinol methylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2-methylisocitrate dehydratase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
23S rRNA (adenine(2503)-C(2))-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
23S rRNA (cytidine(1920)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
23S rRNA (pseudouridine(1915)-N(3))-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
23S rRNA pseudouridine(2605) synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
23S rRNA pseudouridine(955/2504/2580) synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3’(2’),5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-dehydroquinate dehydratase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-dehydroquinate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-deoxy-8-phosphooctulonate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
4-(cytidine 5’-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
4-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
5’-nucleotidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
5’ to 3’ exodeoxyribonuclease (nucleoside 3’-phosphate-forming) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate–homocysteine S-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin 2’-reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
7-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
7-cyano-7-deazaguanine synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Acetate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
acetylglucosaminyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aconitate hydratase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]–phospholipid O-acyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]–UDP-N-acetylglucosamine O-acyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Adenylate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Adenylosuccinate lyase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Adenylosuccinate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ADP-glyceromanno-heptose 6-epimerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Alanine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Alanine racemase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
All-trans-octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Amidophosphoribosyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aminoacyl-tRNA hydrolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aminodeoxyfutalosine nucleosidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aminodeoxyfutalosine synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Arginine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Arginine decarboxylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Argininosuccinate lyase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Argininosuccinate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aspartate–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aspartate 1-decarboxylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aspartate ammonia-lyase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aspartate carbamoyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aspartate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aspartate racemase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Aspartate transaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ATP phosphoribosyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Biotin–[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Biotin carboxylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Biotin synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
C-terminal processing peptidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Carbonate dehydratase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Carboxynorspermidine decarboxylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CCA tRNA nucleotidyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CDP-diacylglycerol–glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CDP-diacylglycerol–serine O-phosphatidyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Chorismate dehydratase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Chorismate mutase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Chorismate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Citrate (Si)-synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CMP-N,N’-diacetyllegionaminic acid synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CTP synthase (glutamine hydrolyzing) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Cyclic dehypoxanthinyl futalosine synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Cysteine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Cysteine desulfurase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Cysteine synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Cytochrome-c oxidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Cytochrome-c peroxidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
D-alanine–D-alanine ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
D-amino-acid transaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose-1,7-bisphosphate 7-phosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose-7-phosphate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate 7-phosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate isomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dCTP deaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Deoxyribonuclease IV 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Dephospho-CoA kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Diacylglycerol kinase (ATP) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Diaminopimelate decarboxylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Diaminopimelate epimerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Dihydrofolate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Dihydroneopterin aldolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Dihydroorotase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Dihydropteroate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Dihydroxy-acid dehydratase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Dimethylallyltranstransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
diphosphate specific) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase I 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA ligase (ATP or NAD(+)) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA ligase (ATP) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA ligase (ATP, ADP or GTP) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA ligase (NAD(+)) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNA topoisomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dTMP kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Endopeptidase Clp 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Endopeptidase La 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADH) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH, Si-specific) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Exodeoxyribonuclease III 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Exodeoxyribonuclease V 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
FAD synthetase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Feruloyl esterase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Formate–tetrahydrofolate ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Formate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Fructose-bisphosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
GalNAc(5)-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glutamate–ammonia ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glutamate carboxypeptidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glutamate racemase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glutamine–fructose-6-phosphate transaminase (isomerizing) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glutamyl-tRNA reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (phosphorylating) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glycerate 3-kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glycerate dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Glycine hydroxymethyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
GTP cyclohydrolase I 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
GTP diphosphokinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Guanylate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Histidine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Histidinol-phosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Histidinol-phosphate transaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Histidinol dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Homoserine dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Homoserine kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Homoserine O-acetyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
HslU–HslV peptidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
HycI peptidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Hydroxylamine reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Hydroxymethylbilane synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
IMP cyclohydrolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
IMP dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Inorganic diphosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Isoleucine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
isomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Kdo(2)-lipid IV(A) lauroyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (NADP(+)) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
L-fuculose-phosphate aldolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) selenium transferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Leucine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Leucyl aminopeptidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Lipid-A-disaccharide synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Lipid IV(A) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Long-chain-fatty-acid–[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Lysine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Malate dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) (NADP(+)) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Malate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Methionine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Methionine adenosyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Methionyl aminopeptidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Methylated-DNA–[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Molybdate-transporting ATPase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Molybdenum cofactor guanylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Molybdopterin adenylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Molybdopterin synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
N-acylneuraminate cytidylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
N-carbamoyl-L-amino-acid hydrolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
N-carbamoylputrescine amidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
N(6)-L-threonylcarbamoyladenine synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
N,N’-diacetyllegionaminate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
NAD(+) kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
NAD(+) synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
NADPH dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Nicotinamide-nucleotide amidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Nitrate reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Nitric-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Nitrilase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Nitronate monooxygenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Nitrous-oxide reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Nucleoside-diphosphate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
O-acetylhomoserine aminocarboxypropyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ornithine carbamoyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Orotidine-5’-phosphate decarboxylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Pantoate–beta-alanine ligase (AMP-forming) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Pantothenate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Peptidase Do 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Peptide-methionine (R)-S-oxide reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Peptide chain release factor N(5)-glutamine methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Peptide deformylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphate acetyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphatidylglycerophosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoglucomutase (alpha-D-glucose-1,6-bisphosphate-dependent) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoglucosamine mutase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoglycerate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoglycerate mutase (2,3-diphosphoglycerate-independent) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phospholipase A(1) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phospholipase A(2) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphomannomutase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphopantothenate–cysteine ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphopyruvate hydratase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoribosyl-ATP diphosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoribosylamine–glycine ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoserine phosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Phosphoserine transaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Polyphosphate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Porphobilinogen synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Prephenate dehydratase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Prephenate dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Prepilin peptidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
PreQ(1) synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Proline–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Protein-disulfide reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Protein-glutamate methylesterase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Protein-glutamate O-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Protein-serine/threonine phosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Protein disulfide-isomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Pseudaminic acid cytidylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Pseudaminic acid synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Pyridoxal kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Pyruvate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Pyruvate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Quinol–cytochrome-c reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Riboflavin kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Riboflavin synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ribonuclease III 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD(+), L-lysine-forming) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Selenide, water dikinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Serine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Serine O-acetyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Shikimate dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Shikimate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Signal peptidase I 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Signal peptidase II 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Ste24 endopeptidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Sulfate adenylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Sulfur carrier protein ThiS adenylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Tetraacyldisaccharide 4’-kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Tetrahydrofolate synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Thiamine-phosphate kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Thiazole synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Threonine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Threonine ammonia-lyase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Thymidylate synthase (FAD) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Transaldolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
transferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Transketolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Triose-phosphate isomerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Tripeptide aminopeptidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA-2-methylthio-N(6)-dimethylallyladenosine synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA-guanine(34) transglycosylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA (5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA (cytidine(34)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA (guanine(37)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA (guanine(46)-N(7))-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA (uracil(54)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA dimethylallyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA pseudouridine(13) synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA pseudouridine(38-40) synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA pseudouridine(55) synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Tryptophan–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Tungstate-importing ATPase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Tyrosine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine diphosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-beta-L-altropyranose hydrolase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl)glucosamine N-acyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-3-O-acyl-N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine N-acetyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine transaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-glucose 4-epimerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine N-acetyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine transaminase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase (configuration-retaining) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase (inverting) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylmuramate–L-alanine ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylmuramate dehydrogenase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine–D-glutamate ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate–2,6-diaminopimelate ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide–D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolyzing) 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UDP-sugar diphosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UMP kinase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Undecaprenyl-diphosphate phosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Uracil-DNA glycosylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Uroporphyrinogen-III synthase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UTP–glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Valine–tRNA ligase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
Xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
XTP/dITP diphosphatase 0.02566 0.00484 0.03898 0.00514 0.00890 65 0.01635 0.00252 0.00521 93 0.01031 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
plot.dat <- tb.ra %>%
  arrange(desc(`Overall Mean`)) %>%
    description = fct_reorder(description, `Overall Mean`),
    description = factor(description, levels = levels(description), ordered=T)
  ) %>%
  arrange(description) %>%
    id = 1:n(),
    step = ifelse(id%%2 == 0, 1, 0),
    Mean_diff = `Tumor Mean` - `Non-Tumor Mean`,
    diff_se = SEpooled,
    Mean_diff_ll = Mean_diff - qt(0.975, df)*diff_se,
    Mean_diff_ul = Mean_diff + qt(0.975, df)*diff_se
  ) %>%
    names_to = "group",
    values_to = "mean"

p1.d <- plot.dat %>%
  filter(group %in% c("Tumor Mean","Non-Tumor Mean")) %>%
    group = ifelse(group == "Tumor Mean", "Tumor", "Non-Tumor"),
    col = ifelse(step == 1, "grey90", "white"),
    h=1, w=Inf
p1 <- ggplot()+
  geom_tile(data = p1.d,
              aes(y = description, x=0,
                  height=h, width=w),
              fill = p1.d$col, color=p1.d$col)+
             aes(x=mean, y=description,
                 group=group, color=group,
             stat="identity",position = "dodge",
             alpha = 1)+
    labs(x="Mean RelAbundance")+
      legend.position = "bottom",
      plot.margin = unit(c(1,0,1,1), "lines")

p2.d <- plot.dat %>%
  filter(group %in% c("Mean_diff", "Mean_diff_ll", "Mean_diff_ul")) %>%
    names_from = group,
    values_from = mean
  ) %>%
    group = ifelse(Mean_diff > 0, "Tumor", "Non-Tumor"),
    p = sprintf("%.3f", round(p,3)),
    ll = min(Mean_diff_ll)-0.01,
    ul = max(Mean_diff_ul)+0.01
p2<-ggplot(p2.d, aes(x=Mean_diff, y=description))+
    geom_tile(data = p1.d,
              aes(y = description, x=0,
                  height=h, width=w),
              fill = p1.d$col, color=p1.d$col)+
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.5)+
    geom_segment(aes(x=Mean_diff_ll, y=description, xend=Mean_diff_ul, yend=description))+
    geom_point(aes(fill=group, color=group))+
    geom_text(aes(label=p, x=unique(ul)+0.1))+
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(unique(p2.d$ll), unique(p2.d$ul)),
                    clip = 'off') +
    annotate("text", x=unique(p2.d$ul)+0.2,y = 25,
             label="p-value (uncorrected)")+
    labs(x="Mean Difference in RelAbundance")+
      legend.position = "bottom",
      axis.title.y = element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = element_blank(),
      axis.line.y = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
      plot.margin = unit(c(1,4,1,0), "lines")

# plot
p1 + p2 +
  plot_annotation(title="Stratefied EC Data - Campylobacter concisus: 50 most abundant descriptions")

Modeling Difference between Tumor and Non-Tumor

For the modeling, we used a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM).

First, we looked at the biserial correlation between the abundance of each description and the tumor status.

tb <- mydata %>%
    r = cor(tumor, Abundance)
  ) %>%

ggplot(tb, aes(x=r))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = M))+
  labs(x="Biserial Correlation",title="Relationship between description abundance and tumor (tumor vs. non-tumor)")+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

Next, we need the data to be on an interpretable scale. First, let’s use the raw abundance like scale.

p <- ggplot(mydata, aes(x=Abundance))+

mydata <- mydata %>%
  mutate(Abundance.dich=ifelse(Abundance==0, 0, 1))

    0     1 
61908 11088 

Let’s first run models by description so that we can avoid the nesting issue initially. We will come back to this to conduct the final model (it will be more powerful).

DESCRIPTIONS <- unique(mydata$description)
dat0 <- mydata %>% filter(description==DESCRIPTIONS[i])

# quasipossion (approximately negative binom) give an approx. answer.
fit0 <- glm(
  Abundance ~ 1 + tumor,
  data= dat0,
  family=quasipoisson(link = "log")

glm(formula = Abundance ~ 1 + tumor, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"), 
    data = dat0)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-1.137  -1.137  -0.939  -0.939   9.542  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)   -0.819      0.434   -1.89    0.061 .
tumor          0.382      0.610    0.63    0.532  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for quasipoisson family taken to be 7.7141)

    Null deviance: 387.36  on 157  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 384.34  on 156  degrees of freedom

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7

Run over all descriptors

results.out <-, nrow=length(DESCRIPTIONS)))
colnames(results.out) <- c("description", "Est", "SE", "p")
#results.out$description <-DESCRIPTIONS

i <- 1
for(i in 1:length(DESCRIPTIONS)){
#for(i in 1:5){ 
  dat0 <- mydata %>%
    filter(description == DESCRIPTIONS[i])
  fit0 <- glm(
  Abundance ~ 1 + tumor,
  data= dat0,
  family=quasipoisson(link = "log")
  fit.sum <- summary(fit0)
  results.out[i, 1] <- DESCRIPTIONS[i]
  results.out[i, 2:4] <- fit.sum$coefficients[2, c(1,2,4)]

results.out$fdr_p <- p.adjust(results.out$p, method="fdr")

kable(results.out, format="html", digits=3) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T)%>%
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="600px")
description Est SE p fdr_p
(2E,6E)-farnesyl diphosphate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
(E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase (ferredoxin) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
(E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase (flavodoxin) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
(Kdo)-lipid IV(A) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
(Kdo)(2)-lipid IV(A) (2-8) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
(Kdo)(3)-lipid IV(A) (2-4) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
[Acyl-carrier-protein] S-malonyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
[Formate-C-acetyltransferase]-activating enzyme 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
[Protein-PII] uridylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
1,4-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
16S rRNA (adenine(1518)-N(6)/adenine(1519)-N(6))-dimethyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
16S rRNA (cytidine(1402)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
16S rRNA (cytidine(1409)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
16S rRNA (cytosine(1402)-N(4))-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
16S rRNA (guanine(527)-N(7))-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
16S rRNA (uracil(1498)-N(3))-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-hydroxymuconate tautomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-iminoacetate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-iminobutanoate/2-iminopropanoate deaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-isopropylmalate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-methoxy-6-polyprenyl-1,4-benzoquinol methylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-methylisocitrate dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-oxoacid oxidoreductase (ferredoxin) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2-oxoglutarate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
23S rRNA (adenine(2503)-C(2))-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
23S rRNA (cytidine(1920)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
23S rRNA (guanosine(2251)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
23S rRNA (pseudouridine(1915)-N(3))-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
23S rRNA pseudouridine(1911/1915/1917) synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
23S rRNA pseudouridine(2605) synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
23S rRNA pseudouridine(955/2504/2580) synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3’(2’),5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-dehydroquinate dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-dehydroquinate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-deoxy-8-phosphooctulonate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-isopropylmalate dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
4-(cytidine 5’-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
4-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
4-hydroxy-3-polyprenylbenzoate decarboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
5’-nucleotidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
5’ to 3’ exodeoxyribonuclease (nucleoside 3’-phosphate-forming) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate–homocysteine S-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin 2’-reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
7-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
7-cyano-7-deazaguanine synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Acetate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Acetolactate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
acetylglucosaminyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aconitate hydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]–phospholipid O-acyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]–UDP-N-acetylglucosamine O-acyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Adenylate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Adenylosuccinate lyase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Adenylosuccinate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ADP-glyceromanno-heptose 6-epimerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Alanine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Alanine racemase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
All-trans-octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Amidophosphoribosyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aminoacyl-tRNA hydrolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aminodeoxyfutalosine nucleosidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aminodeoxyfutalosine synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Anthranilate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Arginine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Arginine decarboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Argininosuccinate lyase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Argininosuccinate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aryl-sulfate sulfotransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Asparaginase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Asparaginyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aspartate–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aspartate 1-decarboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aspartate ammonia-lyase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aspartate carbamoyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aspartate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aspartate racemase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Aspartate transaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Assimilatory sulfite reductase (NADPH) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ATP phosphoribosyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Biotin–[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Biotin carboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Biotin synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
C-terminal processing peptidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Carbonate dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Carboxynorspermidine decarboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CCA tRNA nucleotidyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CDP-diacylglycerol–glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CDP-diacylglycerol–serine O-phosphatidyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Chorismate dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Chorismate mutase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Chorismate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Citrate (Si)-synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CMP-N,N’-diacetyllegionaminic acid synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Coproporphyrinogen dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CTP synthase (glutamine hydrolyzing) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Cu(+) exporting ATPase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Cyclic dehypoxanthinyl futalosine synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Cyclic pyranopterin phosphate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Cystathionine beta-lyase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Cysteine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Cysteine desulfurase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Cysteine synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Cytochrome-c oxidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Cytochrome-c peroxidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
D-alanine–D-alanine ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
D-amino-acid transaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose-1,7-bisphosphate 7-phosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose-7-phosphate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
D-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate 7-phosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate isomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dCTP deaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Deoxyribonuclease IV 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Dephospho-CoA kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Diacylglycerol kinase (ATP) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Diaminopimelate decarboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Diaminopimelate epimerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Dihydrofolate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Dihydroneopterin aldolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Dihydroorotase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Dihydropteroate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Dihydroxy-acid dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Dimethylallyltranstransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Dipeptidase E 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
diphosphate specific) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA-(apurinic or apyrimidinic site) lyase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase I 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA-directed DNA polymerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA-directed RNA polymerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA helicase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA ligase (ATP or NAD(+)) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA ligase (ATP) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA ligase (ATP, ADP or GTP) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA ligase (NAD(+)) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA topoisomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dTMP kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Endopeptidase Clp 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Endopeptidase La 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADH) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase (NADPH, Si-specific) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Exodeoxyribonuclease III 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Exodeoxyribonuclease V 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Exodeoxyribonuclease VII 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Exopolyphosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
FAD synthetase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ferrochelatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Feruloyl esterase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Formate–tetrahydrofolate ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Formate dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Formate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Fructose-bisphosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Fumarate hydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Fumarate reductase (quinol) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
GalNAc(5)-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glutamate–ammonia ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glutamate–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glutamate carboxypeptidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glutamate racemase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glutamine–fructose-6-phosphate transaminase (isomerizing) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glutaminyl-tRNA synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glutamyl-tRNA reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (phosphorylating) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glycerate 3-kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glycerate dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glycerol-3-phosphate 1-O-acyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)(+)) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glycine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Glycine hydroxymethyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
GTP cyclohydrolase I 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
GTP cyclohydrolase II 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
GTP diphosphokinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Guanosine-5’-triphosphate,3’-diphosphate diphosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Guanylate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
H(+)-transporting two-sector ATPase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Histidine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Histidine kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Histidinol-phosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Histidinol-phosphate transaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Histidinol dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Holo-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Homoserine dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Homoserine kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Homoserine O-acetyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
HslU–HslV peptidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
HycI peptidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Hydrogen:quinone oxidoreductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Hydroxylamine reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Hydroxymethylbilane synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
IMP cyclohydrolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
IMP dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Indole-3-glycerol-phosphate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Inorganic diphosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Iron-chelate-transporting ATPase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Isoleucine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
isomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Kdo(2)-lipid IV(A) lauroyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (NADP(+)) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
L-fuculose-phosphate aldolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
L-seryl-tRNA(Sec) selenium transferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
L(+)-tartrate dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Leucine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Leucyl aminopeptidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Lipid-A-disaccharide synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Lipid IV(A) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Long-chain-fatty-acid–[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Long-chain-fatty-acid–CoA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Lysine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Malate dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating) (NADP(+)) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Malate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Methionine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Methionine adenosyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Methionyl aminopeptidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Methylated-DNA–[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Molybdate-transporting ATPase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Molybdenum cofactor guanylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Molybdopterin adenylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Molybdopterin molybdotransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Molybdopterin synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
N-acylneuraminate cytidylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
N-carbamoyl-L-amino-acid hydrolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
N-carbamoylputrescine amidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
N(6)-L-threonylcarbamoyladenine synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
N,N’-diacetyllegionaminate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
NAD(+) kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
NAD(+) synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
NADH:ubiquinone reductase (H(+)-translocating) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
NADPH dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Nicotinamide-nucleotide amidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Nitrate reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Nitric-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Nitrilase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Nitronate monooxygenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Nitrous-oxide reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Nucleoside-diphosphate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
O-acetylhomoserine aminocarboxypropyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ornithine carbamoyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Orotidine-5’-phosphate decarboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Pantoate–beta-alanine ligase (AMP-forming) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Pantothenate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Pectate lyase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Peptidase Do 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Peptide-methionine (R)-S-oxide reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Peptide chain release factor N(5)-glutamine methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Peptide deformylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Peptidylprolyl isomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Peroxiredoxin 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phenylalanine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphate acetyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphatidylglycerophosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoglucomutase (alpha-D-glucose-1,6-bisphosphate-dependent) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoglucosamine mutase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoglycerate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoglycerate mutase (2,3-diphosphoglycerate-independent) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoglycolate phosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phospholipase A(1) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phospholipase A(2) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphomannomutase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphopantothenate–cysteine ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphopyruvate hydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoribosyl-ATP diphosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoribosylamine–glycine ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoserine phosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Phosphoserine transaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Polar-amino-acid-transporting ATPase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Polyphosphate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Porphobilinogen synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Prephenate dehydratase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Prephenate dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Prepilin peptidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
PreQ(1) synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Proline–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Protein-disulfide reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Protein-glutamate methylesterase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Protein-glutamate O-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Protein-serine/threonine phosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Protein disulfide-isomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Pseudaminic acid cytidylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Pseudaminic acid synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Pyridoxal kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Pyruvate carboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Pyruvate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Pyruvate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Quinol–cytochrome-c reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Riboflavin kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Riboflavin synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ribonuclease H 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ribonuclease III 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD(+), L-lysine-forming) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Selenide, water dikinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Serine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Serine O-acetyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Shikimate dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Shikimate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Signal peptidase I 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Signal peptidase II 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Ste24 endopeptidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Succinate dehydrogenase (quinone) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Sulfate adenylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Sulfur carrier protein ThiS adenylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Superoxide dismutase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Tetraacyldisaccharide 4’-kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Tetrahydrofolate synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Thiamine-phosphate kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Thiazole synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Thioredoxin-disulfide reductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Threonine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Threonine ammonia-lyase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Threonine synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Thymidylate synthase (FAD) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Transaldolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
transferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Transketolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Triose-phosphate isomerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Tripeptide aminopeptidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA-2-methylthio-N(6)-dimethylallyladenosine synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA-guanine(34) transglycosylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA (5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA (cytidine(34)-2’-O)-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA (guanine(37)-N(1))-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA (guanine(46)-N(7))-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA (uracil(54)-C(5))-methyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA dimethylallyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA pseudouridine(13) synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA pseudouridine(38-40) synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA pseudouridine(55) synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthetase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Tryptophan–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Tryptophan synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Tungstate-importing ATPase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Tyrosine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine diphosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-beta-L-altropyranose hydrolase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl)glucosamine N-acyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-3-O-acyl-N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine N-acetyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine transaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-glucose 4-epimerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine N-acetyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine transaminase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase (configuration-retaining) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase (inverting) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylmuramate–L-alanine ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylmuramate dehydrogenase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine–D-glutamate ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate–2,6-diaminopimelate ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide–D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolyzing) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UDP-sugar diphosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UMP kinase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Undecaprenyl-diphosphate phosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Undecaprenyl-diphosphooligosaccharide–protein glycotransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Uracil-DNA glycosylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Uroporphyrinogen-III synthase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UTP–glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Valine–tRNA ligase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
Xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
XTP/dITP diphosphatase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
# merge with tb.ra for full results table
full.res <- left_join(tb.ra, results.out, by = "description")

write.csv(full.res, "output/picrust_ec_stratefied_campy_data_results.csv", row.names = F)

Part 2 KO Data

descriptions <- readr::read_tsv("data/PICRUST/ko_pred_metagenome_unstrat_descrip.tsv")[,1:2] %>%

-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
  .default = col_double(),
  `function` = col_character(),
  description = col_character()
i Use `spec()` for the full column specifications.
colnames(descriptions) <- c("func", "description")

pi.dat <- readxl::read_xlsx("data/PICRUST-Stratified/KO_campy.xlsx")
colnames(pi.dat) <- c("func",  colnames(pi.dat)[-c(1)])

# add descriptions to dataframe
pi.dat <- left_join(pi.dat, descriptions, by="func")
pi.dat <- pi.dat[,c(1,161,3:160)]

# aggregate descriptions to get 1 description per row - unique;y defined.
pi.dat <- pi.dat %>%
  group_by(description) %>%
  summarise(across(`X1.S37.Jun172016`:`X99.D01.S37.Jun232016`,.fns = sum))

# make long format
pi.dat <- pi.dat %>%
    names_to = "ID",
    values_to = "Abundance"
  ) %>%
    ID = substr(ID, 2, 99)

d <-
mydata <- full_join(pi.dat, d)
Joining, by = "ID"
Warning in class(x) <- c(setdiff(subclass, tibble_class), tibble_class): Setting
class(x) to multiple strings ("tbl_df", "tbl", ...); result will no longer be an
S4 object
mydata <- mydata %>%
    ID.n = as.numeric(as.factor(ID)),
    description.n = as.numeric(as.factor(description))
  ) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
    dem = ifelse(sum(Abundance)==0, 1, sum(Abundance)),
    RelAbundance = Abundance/dem*100) %>%
  mutate(avgRA = mean(RelAbundance))


# Run on all descriptions
tb.ra1 <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description) %>%
  summarise(ng = n(),
            Overall.M = mean(RelAbundance),
            Overall.SE = sd(RelAbundance)/sqrt(ng))
tb.ra2m <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(M = mean(RelAbundance)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = M)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2se <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n(),SE = sd(RelAbundance)/sqrt(ng)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = SE)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2var <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n(), VAR = var(RelAbundance)) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = VAR)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra2ng <- mydata %>%
  group_by(description, %>%
  summarise(ng=n()) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = description,
              names_from =,
              values_from = ng)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'description'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
tb.ra <- left_join(tb.ra1, tb.ra2m)
Joining, by = "description"
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2se[,-1])
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2var[,-1])
tb.ra <- cbind(tb.ra, tb.ra2ng[,-1]) 

colnames(tb.ra) <- c("description", "ng", "Overall Mean", "Overall SE", "Non-Tumor Mean", "Tumor Mean", "Non-Tumor SE", "Tumor SE","Non-Tumor Var", "Tumor Var", "Non-Tumor Ng", "Tumor Ng")
tb.ra <- tb.ra %>%
  arrange(desc(`Overall Mean`))
tb.ra <- tb.ra[, c("description", "Overall Mean", "Overall SE","Tumor Mean","Tumor Var", "Tumor SE","Tumor Ng", "Non-Tumor Mean","Non-Tumor Var", "Non-Tumor SE", "Non-Tumor Ng")]

# compute t-test
tb.ra <- tb.ra %>%
    SEpooled = sqrt(`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng` + `Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`),
    t = (`Tumor Mean` - `Non-Tumor Mean`)/(SEpooled),
    df = ((`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng` + `Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`)**2)/(((`Tumor Var`/`Tumor Ng`)**2)/(`Tumor Ng`-1) + ((`Non-Tumor Var`/`Non-Tumor Ng`)**2)/(`Non-Tumor Ng`-1)),
    p = pt(q = abs(t), df=df, lower.tail = F)*2,
    fdr_p = p.adjust(p, method="fdr")

kable(tb.ra, format="html", digits=5, caption="Stratefied KO Data - Campylobacter concisus: Average RelAbundance of Each Description (sorted in descending order)") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height="600px")
Stratefied KO Data - Campylobacter concisus: Average RelAbundance of Each Description (sorted in descending order)
description Overall Mean Overall SE Tumor Mean Tumor Var Tumor SE Tumor Ng Non-Tumor Mean Non-Tumor Var Non-Tumor SE Non-Tumor Ng SEpooled t df p fdr_p
mcp; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein 0.13106 0.02472 0.19911 0.13422 0.04544 65 0.08350 0.06578 0.02660 93 0.05265 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07126; uncharacterized protein 0.11795 0.02224 0.17920 0.10871 0.04090 65 0.07515 0.05328 0.02394 93 0.04739 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fdoG, fdhF, fdwA; formate dehydrogenase major subunit [EC:] 0.10485 0.01977 0.15929 0.08590 0.03635 65 0.06680 0.04210 0.02128 93 0.04212 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.NSS; neurotransmitter:Na+ symporter, NSS family 0.06553 0.01236 0.09956 0.03355 0.02272 65 0.04175 0.01644 0.01330 93 0.02633 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K02484; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor kinase [EC:] 0.05242 0.00989 0.07964 0.02147 0.01818 65 0.03340 0.01052 0.01064 93 0.02106 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
torZ; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) [EC:] 0.05242 0.00989 0.07964 0.02147 0.01818 65 0.03340 0.01052 0.01064 93 0.02106 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.CD.A; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.CD.P; putative ABC transport system permease protein 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.PA.P; polar amino acid transport system permease protein 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.PA.S; polar amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
acpP; acyl carrier protein 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
carB, CPA2; carbamoyl-phosphate synthase large subunit [EC:] 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dnaC; DNA replication protein DnaC 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E3.5.1.1, ansA, ansB; L-asparaginase [EC:] 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
EARS, gltX; glutamyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fur, zur, furB; Fur family transcriptional regulator, ferric uptake regulator 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K02483; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
modA; molybdate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
purL, PFAS; phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase [EC:] 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rluD; 23S rRNA pseudouridine1911/1915/1917 synthase [EC:] 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thiD; hydroxymethylpyrimidine/phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase [EC:] 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thiE; thiamine-phosphate pyrophosphorylase [EC:] 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thrC; threonine synthase [EC:] 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ybgC; acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.03932 0.00741 0.05973 0.01208 0.01363 65 0.02505 0.00592 0.00798 93 0.01580 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.FEV.A; iron complex transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.FEV.P; iron complex transport system permease protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.FEV.S; iron complex transport system substrate-binding protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.PA.A; polar amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
assT; arylsulfate sulfotransferase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ATPF0B, atpF; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit b 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
bcr, tcaB; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
bdhAB; butanol dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cheA; two-component system, chemotaxis family, sensor kinase CheA [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
comEA; competence protein ComEA 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
copA, ATP7; Cu+-exporting ATPase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cysJ; sulfite reductase (NADPH) flavoprotein alpha-component [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dapA; 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate synthase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dnaJ; molecular chaperone DnaJ 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dsbA; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbA 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E1.17.4.1B, nrdB, nrdF; ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase beta chain [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
exbD; biopolymer transport protein ExbD 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fabF; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fabG; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fdoH, fdsB; formate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flgE; flagellar hook protein FlgE 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flgG; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliC; flagellin 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliNY, fliN; flagellar motor switch protein FliN/FliY 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliY; cystine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gph; phosphoglycolate phosphatase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gspG; general secretion pathway protein G 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hemH, FECH; protoporphyrin/coproporphyrin ferrochelatase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hemN, hemZ; oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
iadA; beta-aspartyl-dipeptidase (metallo-type) [EC:3.4.19.-] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K06882; uncharacterized protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07043; uncharacterized protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07090; uncharacterized protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07133; uncharacterized protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07318; adenine-specific DNA-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09943; uncharacterized protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
larC; pyridinium-3,5-bisthiocarboxylic acid mononucleotide nickel chelatase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lemA; LemA protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
leuA, IMS; 2-isopropylmalate synthase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
metQ; D-methionine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mnmA, trmU; tRNA-uridine 2-sulfurtransferase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
modB; molybdate transport system permease protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
modE; molybdate transport system regulatory protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
moeA; molybdopterin molybdotransferase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
motB; chemotaxis protein MotB 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mreB; rod shape-determining protein MreB and related proteins 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
napG; ferredoxin-type protein NapG 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
napH; ferredoxin-type protein NapH 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pel; pectate lyase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pepE; dipeptidase E [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pglB; undecaprenyl-diphosphooligosaccharide—protein glycotransferase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pglH; GalNAc-alpha-(1->4)-GalNAc-alpha-(1->3)-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol alpha-1,4-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pilT; twitching motility protein PilT 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ppx-gppA; exopolyphosphatase / guanosine-5’-triphosphate,3’-diphosphate pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
praC, xylH; 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
psd, PISD; phosphatidylserine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rarD; chloramphenicol-sensitive protein RarD 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.AGCS; alanine or glycine:cation symporter, AGCS family 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.FEV.OM2, cirA, cfrA, hmuR; outer membrane receptor for ferrienterochelin and colicins 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.FEV.OM3, tbpA, hemR, lbpA, hpuB, bhuR, hugA, hmbR; hemoglobin/transferrin/lactoferrin receptor protein 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tonB; periplasmic protein TonB 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
torC; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c), cytochrome c-type subunit TorC 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trxB, TRR; thioredoxin reductase (NADPH) [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
uvrD, pcrA; DNA helicase II / ATP-dependent DNA helicase PcrA [EC:] 0.02621 0.00494 0.03982 0.00537 0.00909 65 0.01670 0.00263 0.00532 93 0.01053 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
AARS, alaS; alanyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aas; acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]-phospholipid O-acyltransferase / long-chain-fatty-acid–[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC-2.A; ABC-2 type transport system ATP-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC-2.P; ABC-2 type transport system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.CYST.A; cystine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.CYST.P; cystine transport system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.PE.A1; peptide/nickel transport system ATP-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.PE.P; peptide/nickel transport system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.PE.P1; peptide/nickel transport system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ABC.PE.S; peptide/nickel transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
abgA; aminobenzoyl-glutamate utilization protein A 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
accA; acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
accB, bccP; acetyl-CoA carboxylase biotin carboxyl carrier protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
accC; acetyl-CoA carboxylase, biotin carboxylase subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
accD; acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit beta [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ackA; acetate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
acnB; aconitate hydratase 2 / 2-methylisocitrate dehydratase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
acpS; holo-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
acrA, mexA, adeI, smeD, mtrC, cmeA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
acrB, mexB, adeJ, smeE, mtrD, cmeB; multidrug efflux pump 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ACSL, fadD; long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
adk, AK; adenylate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aguB; N-carbamoylputrescine amidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
alaC; alanine-synthesizing transaminase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
alr; alanine racemase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
amiABC; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
APRT, apt; adenine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aqpZ; aquaporin Z 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
argG, ASS1; argininosuccinate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
argH, ASL; argininosuccinate lyase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aroA; 3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aroB; 3-dehydroquinate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aroC; chorismate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aroE; shikimate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aroQ, qutE; 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase II [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
asd; aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
asnB, ASNS; asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aspA; aspartate ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aspB; aspartate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
aspS; aspartyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ATPF0A, atpB; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit a 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ATPF0C, atpE; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit c 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ATPF1A, atpA; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ATPF1B, atpD; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit beta [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ATPF1D, atpH; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit delta 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ATPF1E, atpC; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit epsilon 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ATPF1G, atpG; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit gamma 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
bacA; undecaprenyl-diphosphatase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
bamD; outer membrane protein assembly factor BamD 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
BCP, PRXQ, DOT5; peroxiredoxin Q/BCP [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
betT, betS; choline/glycine/proline betaine transport protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
bioB; biotin synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
birA; BirA family transcriptional regulator, biotin operon repressor / biotin—[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
carA, CPA1; carbamoyl-phosphate synthase small subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CARP, pepA; leucyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CARS, cysS; cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cas1; CRISP-associated protein Cas1 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cas2; CRISPR-associated protein Cas2 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cas3; CRISPR-associated endonuclease/helicase Cas3 [EC:3.1.-.- 3.6.4.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cas4; CRISPR-associated exonuclease Cas4 [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cas5h; CRISPR-associated protein Cas5h 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cbpA; curved DNA-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cca; tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (CCA-adding enzyme) [EC: 3.1.3.- 3.1.4.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ccoN; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ccoO; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit II 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ccoP; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit III 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ccoQ; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit IV 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cheB; two-component system, chemotaxis family, protein-glutamate methylesterase/glutaminase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cheR; chemotaxis protein methyltransferase CheR [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cheV; two-component system, chemotaxis family, chemotaxis protein CheV 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cheW; purine-binding chemotaxis protein CheW 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cheY; two-component system, chemotaxis family, chemotaxis protein CheY 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CHO1, pssA; CDP-diacylglycerol—serine O-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
clpB; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
clpP, CLPP; ATP-dependent Clp protease, protease subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
clpX, CLPX; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpX 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cmeR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, cmeABC operon repressor 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cmoA; tRNA (cmo5U34)-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cmoB; tRNA (mo5U34)-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
coaBC, dfp; phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase / phosphopantothenate—cysteine ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
coaE; dephospho-CoA kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
coaX; type III pantothenate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
comEC; competence protein ComEC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
comFC; competence protein ComFC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
comM; magnesium chelatase family protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
corA; magnesium transporter 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cpg; glutamate carboxypeptidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
crcB, FEX; fluoride exporter 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CS, gltA; citrate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
csh1; CRISPR-associated protein Csh1 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
csh2; CRISPR-associated protein Csh2 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
csrA; carbon storage regulator 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cutA; periplasmic divalent cation tolerance protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cutF, nlpE; copper homeostasis protein (lipoprotein) 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cvpA; membrane protein required for colicin V production 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CYC; cytochrome c 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CYC1, CYT1, petC; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c1 subunit 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cydA; cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cydB; cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit II [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cynT, can; carbonic anhydrase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cysE; serine O-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cysK; cysteine synthase A [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
cysQ, MET22, BPNT1; 3’(2’), 5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
CYTB, petB; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b subunit 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
czcD, zitB; cobalt-zinc-cadmium efflux system protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dadA; D-amino-acid dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dapB; 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dapD; 2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dapE; succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dapF; diaminopimelate epimerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dat; D-alanine transaminase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dcd; dCTP deaminase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dctA; aerobic C4-dicarboxylate transport protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dctM; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DctM subunit 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dctP; C4-dicarboxylate-binding protein DctP 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dctQ; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DctQ subunit 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dcuA; anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter DcuA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dcuB; anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter DcuB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ddl; D-alanine-D-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dedD; DedD protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
degP, htrA; serine protease Do [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dgkA, DGK; diacylglycerol kinase (ATP) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DHODH, pyrD; dihydroorotate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dinJ; DNA-damage-inducible protein J 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
djlA; DnaJ like chaperone protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dksA; DnaK suppressor protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dnaA; chromosomal replication initiator protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dnaB; replicative DNA helicase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dnaE; DNA polymerase III subunit alpha [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dnaG; DNA primase [EC:2.7.7.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dnaK, HSPA9; molecular chaperone DnaK 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dnaN; DNA polymerase III subunit beta [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dnaQ; DNA polymerase III subunit epsilon [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dnaX; DNA polymerase III subunit gamma/tau [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
DNMT1, dcm; DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1 [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dpo; DNA polymerase bacteriophage-type [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dps; starvation-inducible DNA-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dsbB; disulfide bond formation protein DsbB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dsbC; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbC [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dsbD; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbD [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dusB; tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase B [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dxr; 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
dxs; 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E1.1.1.3; homoserine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E1.1.1.40, maeB; malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating)(NADP+) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E1.11.1.5; cytochrome c peroxidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E1.17.4.1A, nrdA, nrdE; ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase alpha chain [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E1.4.1.4, gdhA; glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E1.6.99.1; NADPH2 dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.1.1.77, pcm; protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.2.1.1, tktA, tktB; transketolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.2.1.2, talA, talB; transaldolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.2.1.6L, ilvB, ilvG, ilvI; acetolactate synthase I/II/III large subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.2.1.6S, ilvH, ilvN; acetolactate synthase I/III small subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.5.1.54, aroF, aroG, aroH; 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.6.1.42, ilvE; branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.7.1.71, aroK, aroL; shikimate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.7.4.8, gmk; guanylate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.7.7.3A, coaD, kdtB; pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E2.7.7.41, CDS1, CDS2, cdsA; phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E3.1.11.2, xthA; exodeoxyribonuclease III [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E3.1.3.15B; histidinol-phosphatase (PHP family) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E3.4.21.102, prc, ctpA; carboxyl-terminal processing protease [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E3.5.5.1; nitrilase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E3.5.99.7; 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E4.1.1.49, pckA; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E4.2.1.2AA, fumA; fumarate hydratase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E4.2.1.2AB, fumB; fumarate hydratase subunit beta [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E4.2.1.2B, fumC, FH; fumarate hydratase, class II [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E4.3.1.19, ilvA, tdcB; threonine dehydratase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E5.1.3.6; UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E5.2.1.8; peptidylprolyl isomerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
E6.5.1.2, ligA, ligB; DNA ligase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
eco; ecotin 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
efp; elongation factor P 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
engA, der; GTPase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
engB; GTP-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ENO, eno; enolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
eptA, pmrC; lipid A ethanolaminephosphotransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
era, ERAL1; GTPase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
exbB; biopolymer transport protein ExbB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fabB; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fabD; [acyl-carrier-protein] S-malonyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fabH; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fabI; enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fabZ; 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fadL; long-chain fatty acid transport protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
FAEB; feruloyl esterase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
FARSA, pheS; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
FARSB, pheT; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
FBA, fbaA; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class II [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
FBP, fbp; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fdhA; formate dehydrogenase (NADP+) alpha subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fdhD; FdhD protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fdoI, fdsG; formate dehydrogenase subunit gamma 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fhaB; filamentous hemagglutinin 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fhs; formate–tetrahydrofolate ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fkpA; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FkpA [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flaG; flagellar protein FlaG 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fldA, nifF, isiB; flavodoxin I 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flgA; flagella basal body P-ring formation protein FlgA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flgB; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flgC; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flgD; flagellar basal-body rod modification protein FlgD 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flgH; flagellar L-ring protein precursor FlgH 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flgI; flagellar P-ring protein precursor FlgI 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flgK; flagellar hook-associated protein 1 FlgK 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flgL; flagellar hook-associated protein 3 FlgL 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flhA; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flhB; flagellar biosynthetic protein FlhB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flhB2; flagellar biosynthesis protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flhF; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhF 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
flhG, fleN; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhG 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliA; RNA polymerase sigma factor for flagellar operon FliA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliD; flagellar hook-associated protein 2 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliE; flagellar hook-basal body complex protein FliE 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliF; flagellar M-ring protein FliF 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliG; flagellar motor switch protein FliG 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliH; flagellar assembly protein FliH 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliI; flagellum-specific ATP synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliL; flagellar FliL protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliM; flagellar motor switch protein FliM 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliP; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliP 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliQ; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliQ 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliR; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliR 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliS; flagellar protein FliS 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fliW; flagellar assembly factor FliW 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fnr; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, anaerobic regulatory protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
folB; 7,8-dihydroneopterin aldolase/epimerase/oxygenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
folC; dihydrofolate synthase / folylpolyglutamate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
folD; methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+) / methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
folK; 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
folP; dihydropteroate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
frdA; fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
frdB; fumarate reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
frdC; fumarate reductase subunit C 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
frr, MRRF, RRF; ribosome recycling factor 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fsr; MFS transporter, FSR family, fosmidomycin resistance protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
FTR, FTH1, efeU; high-affinity iron transporter 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ftsA; cell division protein FtsA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ftsE; cell division transport system ATP-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ftsH, hflB; cell division protease FtsH [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ftsI; cell division protein FtsI (penicillin-binding protein 3) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ftsK, spoIIIE; DNA segregation ATPase FtsK/SpoIIIE, S-DNA-T family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ftsW, spoVE; cell division protein FtsW 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ftsX; cell division transport system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ftsY; fused signal recognition particle receptor 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ftsZ; cell division protein FtsZ 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fucA; L-fuculose-phosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fusA, GFM, EFG; elongation factor G 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
fxsA; UPF0716 protein FxsA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
galE, GALE; UDP-glucose 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
GAPDH, gapA; glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gatA, QRSL1; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit A [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gatB, PET112; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit B [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gatC, GATC; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit C [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
GCH1, folE; GTP cyclohydrolase IA [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gcpE, ispG; (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gidA, mnmG, MTO1; tRNA uridine 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl modification enzyme 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gidB, rsmG; 16S rRNA (guanine527-N7)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
glmM; phosphoglucosamine mutase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
glmS, GFPT; glucosamine—fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (isomerizing) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
glmU; bifunctional UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase / Glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
glnA, GLUL; glutamine synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
glnD; [protein-PII] uridylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
GLUD1_2, gdhA; glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gluQ; glutamyl-Q tRNA(Asp) synthetase [EC:6.1.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
glxK, garK; glycerate 2-kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
glyA, SHMT; glycine hydroxymethyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
glyQ; glycyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
glyS; glycyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gmhA, lpcA; D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gmhB; D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gmhC, hldE, waaE, rfaE; D-beta-D-heptose 7-phosphate kinase / D-beta-D-heptose 1-phosphate adenosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gmhD, rfaD; ADP-L-glycero-D-manno-heptose 6-epimerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
GPI, pgi; glucose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gpmI; 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gpsA; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gpt; xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
greA; transcription elongation factor GreA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
groEL, HSPD1; chaperonin GroEL 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
groES, HSPE1; chaperonin GroES 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
GRPE; molecular chaperone GrpE 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gspD; general secretion pathway protein D 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gspE; general secretion pathway protein E 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gspF; general secretion pathway protein F 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
guaA, GMPS; GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gyrA; DNA gyrase subunit A [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
gyrB; DNA gyrase subunit B [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
HARS, hisS; histidyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hcp; hydroxylamine reductase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hcp; type VI secretion system secreted protein Hcp 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hdhA; 7-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hemA; glutamyl-tRNA reductase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hemB, ALAD; porphobilinogen synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hemC, HMBS; hydroxymethylbilane synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hemD, UROS; uroporphyrinogen-III synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hemE, UROD; uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hemK, prmC, HEMK; release factor glutamine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hemL; glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
HINT1, hinT, hit; histidine triad (HIT) family protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hisA; phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide isomerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hisB; imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hisC; histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hisD; histidinol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hisF; cyclase [EC:4.1.3.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hisG; ATP phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hisH; glutamine amidotransferase [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hisIE; phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase / phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
holA; DNA polymerase III subunit delta [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
holB; DNA polymerase III subunit delta’ [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hprA; glycerate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hrcA; heat-inducible transcriptional repressor 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hsdM; type I restriction enzyme M protein [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hsdR; type I restriction enzyme, R subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hsdS; type I restriction enzyme, S subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hslU; ATP-dependent HslUV protease ATP-binding subunit HslU 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hslV, clpQ; ATP-dependent HslUV protease, peptidase subunit HslV [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
HSP90A, htpG; molecular chaperone HtpG 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hspR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, heat shock protein HspR 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
htpX; heat shock protein HtpX [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hupB; DNA-binding protein HU-beta 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hyaC; Ni/Fe-hydrogenase 1 B-type cytochrome subunit 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hyaD, hybD; hydrogenase maturation protease [EC:3.4.23.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hycH; formate hydrogenlyase maturation protein HycH 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hycI; hydrogenase 3 maturation protease [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hydA; quinone-reactive Ni/Fe-hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hydB; quinone-reactive Ni/Fe-hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hyfA; hydrogenase-4 component A [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hyfB; hydrogenase-4 component B [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hyfC; hydrogenase-4 component C [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hyfE; hydrogenase-4 component E [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hyfF; hydrogenase-4 component F [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hypA, hybF; hydrogenase nickel incorporation protein HypA/HybF 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hypB; hydrogenase nickel incorporation protein HypB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hypC; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hypD; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypD 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hypE; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypE 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
hypF; hydrogenase maturation protein HypF 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
IARS, ileS; isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
IDH1, IDH2, icd; isocitrate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ilvC; ketol-acid reductoisomerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ilvD; dihydroxy-acid dehydratase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
impB; type VI secretion system protein ImpB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
impC; type VI secretion system protein ImpC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
IMPDH, guaB; IMP dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
impG, vasA; type VI secretion system protein ImpG 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
impH, vasB; type VI secretion system protein ImpH 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
impJ, vasE; type VI secretion system protein ImpJ 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
impK, ompA, vasF, dotU; type VI secretion system protein ImpK 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
infA; translation initiation factor IF-1 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
infB, MTIF2; translation initiation factor IF-2 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
infC, MTIF3; translation initiation factor IF-3 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
int; integrase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
iscS, NFS1; cysteine desulfurase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ispA; farnesyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ispB; octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ispDF; 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase / 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ispE; 4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ispH, lytB; 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate reductase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
jag; spoIIIJ-associated protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K02481; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K02482; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K06867; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K06872; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K06894; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K06921; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K06923; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K06940; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K06950; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K06960; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07003; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07005; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07007; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07017; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07023; putative hydrolases of HD superfamily 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07058; membrane protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07080; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07082; UPF0755 protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07088; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07097; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07098; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07100; putative phosphoribosyl transferase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07112; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07118; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07124; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07164; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07166; ACT domain-containing protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07223; putative iron-dependent peroxidase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07270; glycosyl transferase, family 25 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07457; endonuclease III related protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K07501; 3’-5’ exonuclease 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K08303; putative protease [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K08973; putative membrane protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09117; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09157; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09747; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09778; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09792; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09794; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09798; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09804; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09860; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09861; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09925; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09935; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09944; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09974; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K09979; uncharacterized protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K11905; type VI secretion system protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K13819; NifU-like protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K15977; putative oxidoreductase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
K18284; adenosylhomocysteine/aminodeoxyfutalosine nucleosidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
KAE1, tsaD, QRI7; N6-L-threonylcarbamoyladenine synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
KARS, lysS; lysyl-tRNA synthetase, class II [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
kch, trkA, mthK, pch; voltage-gated potassium channel 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
kdsA; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase (KDO 8-P synthase) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
kdsB; 3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase (CMP-KDO synthetase) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
kdsC; 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate phosphatase (KDO 8-P phosphatase) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
kdsD, kpsF; arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
kdtA, waaA; 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic-acid transferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
korA, oorA, oforA; 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
korB, oorB, oforB; 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit beta [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
korC, oorC; 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit gamma [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
korD, oorD; 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit delta [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ksgA; 16S rRNA (adenine1518-N6/adenine1519-N6)-dimethyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lapB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial LapB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lapC; membrane fusion protein, adhesin transport system 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lapE; outer membrane protein, adhesin transport system 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
larB; pyridinium-3,5-biscarboxylic acid mononucleotide synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
larE; pyridinium-3,5-biscarboxylic acid mononucleotide sulfurtransferase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
LARS, leuS; leucyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
legF, ptmB; CMP-N,N’-diacetyllegionaminic acid synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
legG, neuC2; GDP/UDP-N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
legI, neuB2; N,N’-diacetyllegionaminate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lepA; GTP-binding protein LepA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lepB; signal peptidase I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
leuB, IMDH; 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
leuC, IPMI-L; 3-isopropylmalate/(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase large subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
leuD, IPMI-S; 3-isopropylmalate/(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase small subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lgt, umpA; phosphatidylglycerol:prolipoprotein diacylglycerol transferase [EC:2.-.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
LIG1; DNA ligase 1 [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
linN; cholesterol transport system auxiliary component 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lnt; apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lolA; outer membrane lipoprotein carrier protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lon; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lptA; lipopolysaccharide export system protein LptA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lptB; lipopolysaccharide export system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lptD, imp, ostA; LPS-assembly protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lptF; lipopolysaccharide export system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lptG; lipopolysaccharide export system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lpxA; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lpxB; lipid-A-disaccharide synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lpxC; UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lpxD; UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lpxH; UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine hydrolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lpxK; tetraacyldisaccharide 4’-kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lpxL, htrB; Kdo2-lipid IVA lauroyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lspA; signal peptidase II [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
luxS; S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
LYS1; saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD+, L-lysine forming) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
LYS5, acpT; 4’-phosphopantetheinyl transferase [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lysA; diaminopimelate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lysC; aspartate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
lysE, argO; L-lysine exporter family protein LysE/ArgO 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
macA; membrane fusion protein, macrolide-specific efflux system 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
macB; macrolide transport system ATP-binding/permease protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
maf; septum formation protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
map; methionyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
MARS, metG; methionyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mcrB; 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme B [EC:3.1.21.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mcrC; 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme subunit McrC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mdaB; modulator of drug activity B 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mdh; malate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
merP; periplasmic mercuric ion binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
merT; mercuric ion transport protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
metC; cystathionine beta-lyase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
metE; 5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate–homocysteine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
metI; D-methionine transport system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
metK; S-adenosylmethionine synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
metN; D-methionine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
metX; homoserine O-acetyltransferase/O-succinyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
metY; O-acetylhomoserine (thiol)-lyase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mfd; transcription-repair coupling factor (superfamily II helicase) [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mgtE; magnesium transporter 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
miaA, TRIT1; tRNA dimethylallyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
miaB; tRNA-2-methylthio-N6-dimethylallyladenosine synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mlaA, vacJ; phospholipid-binding lipoprotein MlaA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mlaC; phospholipid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mlaD, linM; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mlaE, linK; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mlaF, linL, mkl; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system ATP-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mltD, dniR; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase D [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mnmC; tRNA 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine biosynthesis bifunctional protein [EC: 1.5.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mnmE, trmE, MSS1; tRNA modification GTPase [EC:3.6.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
moaA, CNX2; GTP 3’,8-cyclase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
moaC, CNX3; cyclic pyranopterin monophosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
moaD, cysO; sulfur-carrier protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mobA; molybdenum cofactor guanylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mobB; molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis adapter protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
MOCS2B, moaE; molybdopterin synthase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
modC; molybdate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
modD; molybdenum transport protein [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mogA; molybdopterin adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
motA; chemotaxis protein MotA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mqnA; chorismate dehydratase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mqnC; cyclic dehypoxanthinyl futalosine synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mqnD; 1,4-dihydroxy-6-naphthoate synthase [EC:1.14.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mqnE; aminodeoxyfutalosine synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mqo; malate dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mraW, rsmH; 16S rRNA (cytosine1402-N4)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mraY; phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mrcA; penicillin-binding protein 1A [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mrdA; penicillin-binding protein 2 [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mreC; rod shape-determining protein MreC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mrp, NUBPL; ATP-binding protein involved in chromosome partitioning 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mrr; restriction system protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
msbA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial MsbA [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mscL; large conductance mechanosensitive channel 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
msrAB; peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase msrA/msrB [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
MTFMT, fmt; methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
MTHFS; 5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
murA; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
murB; UDP-N-acetylmuramate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
murC; UDP-N-acetylmuramate–alanine ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
murD; UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanine–D-glutamate ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
murE; UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate–2,6-diaminopimelate ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
murF; UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide–D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
murG; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine–N-acetylmuramyl-(pentapeptide) pyrophosphoryl-undecaprenol N-acetylglucosamine transferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
murI; glutamate racemase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
murJ, mviN; putative peptidoglycan lipid II flippase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
mutS2; DNA mismatch repair protein MutS2 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nadD; nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nadE; NAD+ synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nagZ; beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
napA; periplasmic nitrate reductase NapA [EC:1.7.99.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
napB; cytochrome c-type protein NapB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
napC; cytochrome c-type protein NapC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
napD; periplasmic nitrate reductase NapD 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
napF; ferredoxin-type protein NapF 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ncd2, npd; nitronate monooxygenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ndk, NME; nucleoside-diphosphate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
neuA; N-acylneuraminate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nfo; deoxyribonuclease IV [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nhaC; Na+:H+ antiporter, NhaC family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nifB; nitrogen fixation protein NifB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nikR; CopG family transcriptional regulator, nickel-responsive regulator 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
norB; nitric oxide reductase subunit B [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nosD; nitrous oxidase accessory protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nosZ; nitrous-oxide reductase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nrfC; protein NrfC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nrfD; protein NrfD 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nspC; carboxynorspermidine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
NTH; endonuclease III [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nudH; putative (di)nucleoside polyphosphate hydrolase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
NUDT14; UDP-sugar diphosphatase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoA; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit A [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoB; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit B [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoC; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit C [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoD; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit D [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoE; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit E [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoF; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit F [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoG; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit G [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoH; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit H [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoI; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoJ; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit J [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoK; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit K [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoL; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit L [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoM; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit M [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nuoN; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit N [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nusA; N utilization substance protein A 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nusB; N utilization substance protein B 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
nusG; transcriptional antiterminator NusG 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
obgE, cgtA; GTPase [EC:3.6.5.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ogt, MGMT; methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
oprM, emhC, ttgC, cusC, adeK, smeF, mtrE, cmeC, gesC; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
osmY; hyperosmotically inducible periplasmic protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
OTC, argF, argI; ornithine carbamoyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
p19, ftrA; periplasmic iron binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pal; peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
panB; 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
panC; pantoate–beta-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
panD; aspartate 1-decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
parA, soj; chromosome partitioning protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
parB, spo0J; chromosome partitioning protein, ParB family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
PARS, proS; prolyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pat; phosphinothricin acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
patB, malY; cystathione beta-lyase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pbpC; penicillin-binding protein 1C [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pbuG; putative MFS transporter, AGZA family, xanthine/uracil permease 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pccA; periplasmic copper chaperone A 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
PDF, def; peptide deformylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pdxK, pdxY; pyridoxine kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pepD; dipeptidase D [EC:3.4.13.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pepF, pepB; oligoendopeptidase F [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pepP; Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pepT; tripeptide aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
perR; Fur family transcriptional regulator, peroxide stress response regulator 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pflA, pflC, pflE; pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
PGK, pgk; phosphoglycerate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pglA; N,N’-diacetylbacillosaminyl-diphospho-undecaprenol alpha-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pglC; undecaprenyl phosphate N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 1-phosphate transferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pglD; UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pglE; UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine transaminase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pglF; UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pglI; GalNAc5-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pglJ; N-acetylgalactosamine-N,N’-diacetylbacillosaminyl-diphospho-undecaprenol 4-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pgpA; phosphatidylglycerophosphatase A [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pgsA, PGS1; CDP-diacylglycerol—glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pheA; chorismate mutase / prephenate dehydratase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
phsA, psrA; thiosulfate reductase / polysulfide reductase chain A [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pilD, pppA; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
PK, pyk; pyruvate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pldA; phospholipase A1/A2 [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
plsC; 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
plsX; glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
plsY; glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsY [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pmm-pgm; phosphomannomutase / phosphoglucomutase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pncB, NAPRT1; nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pncC; nicotinamide-nucleotide amidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pnp, PNPT1; polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
polA; DNA polymerase I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
por, nifJ; pyruvate-ferredoxin/flavodoxin oxidoreductase [EC: 1.2.7.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ppa; inorganic pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pphA; serine/threonine protein phosphatase 1 [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
PPIB, ppiB; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B (cyclophilin B) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ppiD; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase D [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ppk; polyphosphate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ppnK, NADK; NAD+ kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ppnN; pyrimidine/purine-5’-nucleotide nucleosidase [EC: 3.2.2.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pqqL; zinc protease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
prdX, proX; Ala-tRNA(Pro) deacylase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
PRDX2_4, ahpC; peroxiredoxin (alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit C) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
prfA, MTRF1, MRF1; peptide chain release factor 1 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
prfB; peptide chain release factor 2 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
priA; primosomal protein N’ (replication factor Y) (superfamily II helicase) [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
prmA; ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
PRPS, prsA; ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pseB; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pseC; UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-L-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine transaminase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pseF; pseudaminic acid cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pseG; UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-beta-L-altropyranose hydrolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pseH; UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pseI, neuB3; pseudaminic acid synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
psrB; polysulfide reductase chain B 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
psrC; polysulfide reductase chain C 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pta; phosphate acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
PTH1, pth, spoVC; peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase, PTH1 family [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
purA, ADSS; adenylosuccinate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
purB, ADSL; adenylosuccinate lyase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
purC; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
purD; phosphoribosylamine—glycine ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
purE; 5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
purF, PPAT; amidophosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
purH; phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase / IMP cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
purM; phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
purN; phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 1 [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
putP; sodium/proline symporter 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pycA; pyruvate carboxylase subunit A [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pycB; pyruvate carboxylase subunit B [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pydC; beta-ureidopropionase / N-carbamoyl-L-amino-acid hydrolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pyrB, PYR2; aspartate carbamoyltransferase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pyrE; orotate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pyrF; orotidine-5’-phosphate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pyrG, CTPS; CTP synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pyrH; uridylate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
pyrP, uraA; uracil permease 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
queA; S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
queC; 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
queD, ptpS, PTS; 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin/6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
queF; 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine reductase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
queH; epoxyqueuosine reductase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
racD; aspartate racemase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
radA, sms; DNA repair protein RadA/Sms 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RARS, argS; arginyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rbfA; ribosome-binding factor A 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rdgB; XTP/dITP diphosphohydrolase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
recA; recombination protein RecA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
recB; exodeoxyribonuclease V beta subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
recG; ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
recJ; single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
recN; DNA repair protein RecN (Recombination protein N) 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
recR; recombination protein RecR 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
relA; GTP pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
relE, stbE; mRNA interferase RelE/StbE 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rho; transcription termination factor Rho 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ribA, RIB1; GTP cyclohydrolase II [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ribBA; 3,4-dihydroxy 2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase / GTP cyclohydrolase II [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ribD; diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase / 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ribE, RIB5; riboflavin synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ribF; riboflavin kinase / FMN adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ribH, RIB4; 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ridA, tdcF, RIDA; 2-iminobutanoate/2-iminopropanoate deaminase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rimM; 16S rRNA processing protein RimM 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rimP; ribosome maturation factor RimP 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rlmB; 23S rRNA (guanosine2251-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rlmH; 23S rRNA (pseudouridine1915-N3)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rlmN; 23S rRNA (adenine2503-C2)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rlpA; rare lipoprotein A 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rluB; 23S rRNA pseudouridine2605 synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rluC; 23S rRNA pseudouridine955/2504/2580 synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rmuC; DNA recombination protein RmuC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rnc, DROSHA, RNT1; ribonuclease III [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rnhA, RNASEH1; ribonuclease HI [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rnhB; ribonuclease HII [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rnj; ribonuclease J [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rnr, vacB; ribonuclease R [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rny; ribonucrease Y [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rodA, mrdB; rod shape determining protein RodA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L1, MRPL1, rplA; large subunit ribosomal protein L1 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L10, MRPL10, rplJ; large subunit ribosomal protein L10 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L11, MRPL11, rplK; large subunit ribosomal protein L11 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L13, MRPL13, rplM; large subunit ribosomal protein L13 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L14, MRPL14, rplN; large subunit ribosomal protein L14 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L15, MRPL15, rplO; large subunit ribosomal protein L15 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L16, MRPL16, rplP; large subunit ribosomal protein L16 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L17, MRPL17, rplQ; large subunit ribosomal protein L17 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L18, MRPL18, rplR; large subunit ribosomal protein L18 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L19, MRPL19, rplS; large subunit ribosomal protein L19 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L2, MRPL2, rplB; large subunit ribosomal protein L2 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L20, MRPL20, rplT; large subunit ribosomal protein L20 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L21, MRPL21, rplU; large subunit ribosomal protein L21 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L22, MRPL22, rplV; large subunit ribosomal protein L22 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L23, MRPL23, rplW; large subunit ribosomal protein L23 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L24, MRPL24, rplX; large subunit ribosomal protein L24 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L25, rplY; large subunit ribosomal protein L25 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L27, MRPL27, rpmA; large subunit ribosomal protein L27 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L28, MRPL28, rpmB; large subunit ribosomal protein L28 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L29, rpmC; large subunit ribosomal protein L29 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L3, MRPL3, rplC; large subunit ribosomal protein L3 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L31, rpmE; large subunit ribosomal protein L31 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L32, MRPL32, rpmF; large subunit ribosomal protein L32 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L33, MRPL33, rpmG; large subunit ribosomal protein L33 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L34, MRPL34, rpmH; large subunit ribosomal protein L34 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L35, MRPL35, rpmI; large subunit ribosomal protein L35 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L4, MRPL4, rplD; large subunit ribosomal protein L4 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L5, MRPL5, rplE; large subunit ribosomal protein L5 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L6, MRPL6, rplF; large subunit ribosomal protein L6 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L7, MRPL12, rplL; large subunit ribosomal protein L7/L12 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-L9, MRPL9, rplI; large subunit ribosomal protein L9 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S1, rpsA; small subunit ribosomal protein S1 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S10, MRPS10, rpsJ; small subunit ribosomal protein S10 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S11, MRPS11, rpsK; small subunit ribosomal protein S11 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S12, MRPS12, rpsL; small subunit ribosomal protein S12 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S13, rpsM; small subunit ribosomal protein S13 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S14, MRPS14, rpsN; small subunit ribosomal protein S14 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S15, MRPS15, rpsO; small subunit ribosomal protein S15 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S16, MRPS16, rpsP; small subunit ribosomal protein S16 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S17, MRPS17, rpsQ; small subunit ribosomal protein S17 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S18, MRPS18, rpsR; small subunit ribosomal protein S18 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S19, rpsS; small subunit ribosomal protein S19 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S2, MRPS2, rpsB; small subunit ribosomal protein S2 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S20, rpsT; small subunit ribosomal protein S20 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S21, MRPS21, rpsU; small subunit ribosomal protein S21 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S3, rpsC; small subunit ribosomal protein S3 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S4, rpsD; small subunit ribosomal protein S4 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S5, MRPS5, rpsE; small subunit ribosomal protein S5 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S6, MRPS6, rpsF; small subunit ribosomal protein S6 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S7, MRPS7, rpsG; small subunit ribosomal protein S7 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S8, rpsH; small subunit ribosomal protein S8 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
RP-S9, MRPS9, rpsI; small subunit ribosomal protein S9 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rpe, RPE; ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rpiB; ribose 5-phosphate isomerase B [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rpoA; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rpoB; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rpoC; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta’ [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rpoD; RNA polymerase primary sigma factor 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rpoN; RNA polymerase sigma-54 factor 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rpoZ; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit omega [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rseP; regulator of sigma E protease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rsmE; 16S rRNA (uracil1498-N3)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rsmI; 16S rRNA (cytidine1402-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
rtpR; ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (thioredoxin) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ruvA; holliday junction DNA helicase RuvA [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ruvB; holliday junction DNA helicase RuvB [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ruvC; crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease RuvC [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ruvX; putative holliday junction resolvase [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
SAM50, TOB55, bamA; outer membrane protein insertion porin family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
SARS, serS; seryl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
sat, met3; sulfate adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
sbmA, bacA; peptide/bleomycin uptake transporter 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
SCO1_2; protein SCO1/2 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
sdhA, frdA; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, flavoprotein subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
sdhB, frdB; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
sdhC, frdC; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, cytochrome b subunit 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
secA; preprotein translocase subunit SecA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
secD; preprotein translocase subunit SecD 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
secE; preprotein translocase subunit SecE 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
secF; preprotein translocase subunit SecF 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
secG; preprotein translocase subunit SecG 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
secY; preprotein translocase subunit SecY 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
selA; L-seryl-tRNA(Ser) seleniumtransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
selB, EEFSEC; selenocysteine-specific elongation factor 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
selD, SEPHS; selenide, water dikinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
selU; tRNA 2-selenouridine synthase [EC:2.9.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
serA, PHGDH; D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase / 2-oxoglutarate reductase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
serB, PSPH; phosphoserine phosphatase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
serC, PSAT1; phosphoserine aminotransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
sixA; phosphohistidine phosphatase [EC:3.1.3.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
slt; soluble lytic murein transglycosylase [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
slyD; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase SlyD [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
smf; DNA processing protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
smpB; SsrA-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
SOD1; superoxide dismutase, Cu-Zn family [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
SOD2; superoxide dismutase, Fe-Mn family [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
sotB; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, L-arabinose/isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside export protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
speA; arginine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
sppA; protease IV [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
SRP54, ffh; signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ssb; single-strand DNA-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
sstT; serine/threonine transporter 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ssuA; sulfonate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ssuB; sulfonate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ssuC; sulfonate transport system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
stbD; antitoxin StbD 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
STE24; STE24 endopeptidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
surE; 5’-nucleotidase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tag; DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TARS, thrS; threonyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tatA; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatA 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tatB; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatB 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tatC; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tatD; TatD DNase family protein [EC:3.1.21.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.BAT1; bacterial/archaeal transporter family protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.CPA1; monovalent cation:H+ antiporter, CPA1 family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.DCUC, dcuC, dcuD; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DcuC family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.FEV.OM; iron complex outermembrane recepter protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.FEV.OM1, fhuE, fpvA, fptA; outer-membrane receptor for ferric coprogen and ferric-rhodotorulic acid 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.GNTP; gluconate:H+ symporter, GntP family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.HAE1; hydrophobic/amphiphilic exporter-1 (mainly G- bacteria), HAE1 family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.KEF; monovalent cation:H+ antiporter-2, CPA2 family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.OOP; OmpA-OmpF porin, OOP family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TC.PIT; inorganic phosphate transporter, PiT family 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tgt, QTRT1; queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thiC; phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thiF; sulfur carrier protein ThiS adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thiG; thiazole synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thiH; 2-iminoacetate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thiJ; protein deglycase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thiL; thiamine-monophosphate kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thiS; sulfur carrier protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thrB1; homoserine kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
thyX, thy1; thymidylate synthase (FAD) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tig; trigger factor 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tilS, mesJ; tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tlyA; 23S rRNA (cytidine1920-2’-O)/16S rRNA (cytidine1409-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tmk, DTYMK; dTMP kinase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tolB; TolB protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
topA; DNA topoisomerase I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
TPI, tpiA; triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tpx; thiol peroxidase, atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trmA; tRNA (uracil-5-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trmB, METTL1; tRNA (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trmD; tRNA (guanine37-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trmL, cspR; tRNA (cytidine/uridine-2’-O-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trpA; tryptophan synthase alpha chain [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trpB; tryptophan synthase beta chain [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trpC; indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trpE; anthranilate synthase component I [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trpF; phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trpGD; anthranilate synthase/phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
truA, PUS1; tRNA pseudouridine38-40 synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
truB, PUS4, TRUB1; tRNA pseudouridine55 synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
truD, PUS7; tRNA pseudouridine13 synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
trxA; thioredoxin 1 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tsaE; tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine biosynthesis protein TsaE 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tsf, TSFM; elongation factor Ts 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tspA; uncharacterized membrane protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ttdA; L(+)-tartrate dehydratase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ttdB; L(+)-tartrate dehydratase beta subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ttrA; tetrathionate reductase subunit A 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ttrB; tetrathionate reductase subunit B 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tuf, TUFM; elongation factor Tu 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tupA, vupA; tungstate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tupB, vupB; tungstate transport system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tupC, vupC; tungstate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
typA, bipA; GTP-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
tyrA2; prephenate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ubiA; 4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ubiD; 4-hydroxy-3-polyprenylbenzoate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ubiE; demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase / 2-methoxy-6-polyprenyl-1,4-benzoquinol methylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ubiX, bsdB, PAD1; flavin prenyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UGDH, ugd; UDPglucose 6-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UGP2, galU, galF; UTP–glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
umuC; DNA polymerase V 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UNG, UDG; uracil-DNA glycosylase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
upp, UPRT; uracil phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
uppS; undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
UQCRFS1, RIP1, petA; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
URA4, pyrC; dihydroorotase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
uup; ABC transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
uvrA; excinuclease ABC subunit A 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
uvrB; excinuclease ABC subunit B 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
uvrC; excinuclease ABC subunit C 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
VARS, valS; valyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
vasD, lip; type VI secretion system protein VasD 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
vasJ; type VI secretion system protein VasJ 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
vgrG; type VI secretion system secreted protein VgrG 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
waaC, rfaC; heptosyltransferase I [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
waaF, rfaF; heptosyltransferase II [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
waaG, rfaG; UDP-glucose:(heptosyl)LPS alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
waaQ, rfaQ; heptosyltransferase III [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
WARS, trpS; tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
wbpO; UDP-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
xerD; integrase/recombinase XerD 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
xseA; exodeoxyribonuclease VII large subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
xseB; exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yafQ; mRNA interferase YafQ [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yagU; putative membrane protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yajC; preprotein translocase subunit YajC 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yajG; uncharacterized lipoprotein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yajQ; cyclic-di-GMP-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
YARS, tyrS; tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ybaK, ebsC; Cys-tRNA(Pro)/Cys-tRNA(Cys) deacylase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ybeY, yqfG; probable rRNA maturation factor 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ycaJ; putative ATPase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yccA; modulator of FtsH protease 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ychF; ribosome-binding ATPase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ychN; uncharacterized protein involved in oxidation of intracellular sulfur 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yciA; acyl-CoA thioesterase YciA [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yfiH; polyphenol oxidase [EC:1.10.3.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yggS, PROSC; PLP dependent protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yggT; YggT family protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yhbH; putative sigma-54 modulation protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yhcO; ribonuclease inhibitor 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yidC, spoIIIJ, OXA1, ccfA; YidC/Oxa1 family membrane protein insertase 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ykkC; paired small multidrug resistance pump 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ykkD; paired small multidrug resistance pump 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
ynaI, mscMJ; MscS family membrane protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yoeB; toxin YoeB [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yojI; multidrug/microcin transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yraN; putative endonuclease 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
yuiF; putative amino acid transporter 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
znuA; zinc transport system substrate-binding protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
znuB; zinc transport system permease protein 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
znuC; zinc transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
zur; Fur family transcriptional regulator, zinc uptake regulator 0.01311 0.00247 0.01991 0.00134 0.00454 65 0.00835 0.00066 0.00266 93 0.00527 2.1958 106.65 0.03027 0.03027
plot.dat <- tb.ra %>%
  arrange(desc(`Overall Mean`)) %>%
    description = fct_reorder(description, `Overall Mean`),
    description = factor(description, levels = levels(description), ordered=T)
  ) %>%
  arrange(description) %>%
    id = 1:n(),
    step = ifelse(id%%2 == 0, 1, 0),
    Mean_diff = `Tumor Mean` - `Non-Tumor Mean`,
    diff_se = SEpooled,
    Mean_diff_ll = Mean_diff - qt(0.975, df)*diff_se,
    Mean_diff_ul = Mean_diff + qt(0.975, df)*diff_se
  ) %>%
    names_to = "group",
    values_to = "mean"

p1.d <- plot.dat %>%
  filter(group %in% c("Tumor Mean","Non-Tumor Mean")) %>%
    group = ifelse(group == "Tumor Mean", "Tumor", "Non-Tumor"),
    col = ifelse(step == 1, "grey90", "white"),
    h=1, w=Inf
p1 <- ggplot()+
  geom_tile(data = p1.d,
              aes(y = description, x=0,
                  height=h, width=w),
              fill = p1.d$col, color=p1.d$col)+
             aes(x=mean, y=description,
                 group=group, color=group,
             stat="identity",position = "dodge",
             alpha = 1)+
    labs(x="Mean RelAbundance")+
      legend.position = "bottom",
      plot.margin = unit(c(1,0,1,1), "lines")

p2.d <- plot.dat %>%
  filter(group %in% c("Mean_diff", "Mean_diff_ll", "Mean_diff_ul")) %>%
    names_from = group,
    values_from = mean
  ) %>%
    group = ifelse(Mean_diff > 0, "Tumor", "Non-Tumor"),
    p = sprintf("%.3f", round(p,3)),
    ll = min(Mean_diff_ll)-0.01,
    ul = max(Mean_diff_ul)+0.01
p2<-ggplot(p2.d, aes(x=Mean_diff, y=description))+
    geom_tile(data = p1.d,
              aes(y = description, x=0,
                  height=h, width=w),
              fill = p1.d$col, color=p1.d$col)+
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype="dashed", alpha=0.5)+
    geom_segment(aes(x=Mean_diff_ll, y=description, xend=Mean_diff_ul, yend=description))+
    geom_point(aes(fill=group, color=group))+
    geom_text(aes(label=p, x=unique(ul)+0.1))+
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(unique(p2.d$ll), unique(p2.d$ul)),
                    clip = 'off') +
    annotate("text", x=unique(p2.d$ul)+0.2,y = 25,
             label="p-value (uncorrected)")+
    labs(x="Mean Difference in RelAbundance")+
      legend.position = "bottom",
      axis.title.y = element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = element_blank(),
      axis.line.y = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
      plot.margin = unit(c(1,4,1,0), "lines")

# plot
p1 + p2 +
  plot_annotation(title="Stratefied KO Data - Campylobacter concisus: 50 most abundant descriptions")

Modeling Difference between Tumor and Non-Tumor

For the modeling, we used a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM).

First, we looked at the biserial correlation between the abundance of each description and the tumor status.

tb <- mydata %>%
    r = cor(tumor, Abundance)
  ) %>%

ggplot(tb, aes(x=r))+
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = M))+
  labs(x="Biserial Correlation",title="Relationship between description abundance and tumor (tumor vs. non-tumor)")+
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank())

Next, we need the data to be on an interpretable scale. First, let’s use the raw abundance like scale.

p <- ggplot(mydata, aes(x=Abundance))+

mydata <- mydata %>%
  mutate(Abundance.dich=ifelse(Abundance==0, 0, 1))

     0      1 
137350  24600 

Let’s first run models by description so that we can avoid the nesting issue initially. We will come back to this to conduct the final model (it will be more powerful).

DESCRIPTIONS <- unique(mydata$description)
dat0 <- mydata %>% filter(description==DESCRIPTIONS[i])

# quasipossion (approximately negative binom) give an approx. answer.
fit0 <- glm(
  Abundance ~ 1 + tumor,
  data= dat0,
  family=quasipoisson(link = "log")

glm(formula = Abundance ~ 1 + tumor, family = quasipoisson(link = "log"), 
    data = dat0)

Deviance Residuals: 
   Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max  
-1.137  -1.137  -0.939  -0.939   9.542  

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)   -0.819      0.434   -1.89    0.061 .
tumor          0.382      0.610    0.63    0.532  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for quasipoisson family taken to be 7.7141)

    Null deviance: 387.36  on 157  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 384.34  on 156  degrees of freedom

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7

NExt, let’s model the percent relative abundance. This will allow us to make inference about the difference average relative abundance. Which is a simpler interpretation than trying to model differences in the log relative abundance which will need to be interpreted as the multiplicative relative change.

results.out <-, nrow=length(DESCRIPTIONS)))
colnames(results.out) <- c("description", "Est", "SE", "p")
#results.out$description <-DESCRIPTIONS

i <- 1
for(i in 1:length(DESCRIPTIONS)){
#for(i in 1:5){ 
  dat0 <- mydata %>%
    filter(description == DESCRIPTIONS[i])
  fit0 <- glm(
  Abundance ~ 1 + tumor,
  data= dat0,
  family=quasipoisson(link = "log")
  fit.sum <- summary(fit0)
  results.out[i, 1] <- DESCRIPTIONS[i]
  results.out[i, 2:4] <- fit.sum$coefficients[2, c(1,2,4)]

results.out$fdr_p <- p.adjust(results.out$p, method="fdr")

kable(results.out, format="html", digits=3) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = T)%>%
  scroll_box(width="100%", height="600px")
description Est SE p fdr_p
AARS, alaS; alanyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aas; acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]-phospholipid O-acyltransferase / long-chain-fatty-acid–[acyl-carrier-protein] ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC-2.A; ABC-2 type transport system ATP-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC-2.P; ABC-2 type transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.CD.A; putative ABC transport system ATP-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.CD.P; putative ABC transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.CYST.A; cystine transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.CYST.P; cystine transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.FEV.A; iron complex transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.FEV.P; iron complex transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.FEV.S; iron complex transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.PA.A; polar amino acid transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.PA.P; polar amino acid transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.PA.S; polar amino acid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.PE.A1; peptide/nickel transport system ATP-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.PE.P; peptide/nickel transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.PE.P1; peptide/nickel transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ABC.PE.S; peptide/nickel transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
abgA; aminobenzoyl-glutamate utilization protein A 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
accA; acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
accB, bccP; acetyl-CoA carboxylase biotin carboxyl carrier protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
accC; acetyl-CoA carboxylase, biotin carboxylase subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
accD; acetyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyl transferase subunit beta [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ackA; acetate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
acnB; aconitate hydratase 2 / 2-methylisocitrate dehydratase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
acpP; acyl carrier protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
acpS; holo-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
acrA, mexA, adeI, smeD, mtrC, cmeA; membrane fusion protein, multidrug efflux system 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
acrB, mexB, adeJ, smeE, mtrD, cmeB; multidrug efflux pump 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ACSL, fadD; long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
adk, AK; adenylate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aguB; N-carbamoylputrescine amidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
alaC; alanine-synthesizing transaminase [EC:2.6.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
alr; alanine racemase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
amiABC; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
APRT, apt; adenine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aqpZ; aquaporin Z 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
argG, ASS1; argininosuccinate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
argH, ASL; argininosuccinate lyase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aroA; 3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aroB; 3-dehydroquinate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aroC; chorismate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aroE; shikimate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aroQ, qutE; 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase II [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
asd; aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
asnB, ASNS; asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aspA; aspartate ammonia-lyase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aspB; aspartate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
aspS; aspartyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
assT; arylsulfate sulfotransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ATPF0A, atpB; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit a 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ATPF0B, atpF; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit b 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ATPF0C, atpE; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit c 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ATPF1A, atpA; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ATPF1B, atpD; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit beta [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ATPF1D, atpH; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit delta 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ATPF1E, atpC; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit epsilon 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ATPF1G, atpG; F-type H+-transporting ATPase subunit gamma 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
bacA; undecaprenyl-diphosphatase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
bamD; outer membrane protein assembly factor BamD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
BCP, PRXQ, DOT5; peroxiredoxin Q/BCP [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
bcr, tcaB; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, multidrug resistance protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
bdhAB; butanol dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
betT, betS; choline/glycine/proline betaine transport protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
bioB; biotin synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
birA; BirA family transcriptional regulator, biotin operon repressor / biotin—[acetyl-CoA-carboxylase] ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
carA, CPA1; carbamoyl-phosphate synthase small subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
carB, CPA2; carbamoyl-phosphate synthase large subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CARP, pepA; leucyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CARS, cysS; cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cas1; CRISP-associated protein Cas1 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cas2; CRISPR-associated protein Cas2 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cas3; CRISPR-associated endonuclease/helicase Cas3 [EC:3.1.-.- 3.6.4.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cas4; CRISPR-associated exonuclease Cas4 [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cas5h; CRISPR-associated protein Cas5h 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cbpA; curved DNA-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cca; tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (CCA-adding enzyme) [EC: 3.1.3.- 3.1.4.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ccoN; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ccoO; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit II 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ccoP; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit III 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ccoQ; cytochrome c oxidase cbb3-type subunit IV 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cheA; two-component system, chemotaxis family, sensor kinase CheA [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cheB; two-component system, chemotaxis family, protein-glutamate methylesterase/glutaminase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cheR; chemotaxis protein methyltransferase CheR [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cheV; two-component system, chemotaxis family, chemotaxis protein CheV 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cheW; purine-binding chemotaxis protein CheW 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cheY; two-component system, chemotaxis family, chemotaxis protein CheY 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CHO1, pssA; CDP-diacylglycerol—serine O-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
clpB; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
clpP, CLPP; ATP-dependent Clp protease, protease subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
clpX, CLPX; ATP-dependent Clp protease ATP-binding subunit ClpX 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cmeR; TetR/AcrR family transcriptional regulator, cmeABC operon repressor 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cmoA; tRNA (cmo5U34)-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cmoB; tRNA (mo5U34)-methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
coaBC, dfp; phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase / phosphopantothenate—cysteine ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
coaE; dephospho-CoA kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
coaX; type III pantothenate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
comEA; competence protein ComEA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
comEC; competence protein ComEC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
comFC; competence protein ComFC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
comM; magnesium chelatase family protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
copA, ATP7; Cu+-exporting ATPase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
corA; magnesium transporter 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cpg; glutamate carboxypeptidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
crcB, FEX; fluoride exporter 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CS, gltA; citrate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
csh1; CRISPR-associated protein Csh1 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
csh2; CRISPR-associated protein Csh2 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
csrA; carbon storage regulator 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cutA; periplasmic divalent cation tolerance protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cutF, nlpE; copper homeostasis protein (lipoprotein) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cvpA; membrane protein required for colicin V production 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CYC; cytochrome c 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CYC1, CYT1, petC; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c1 subunit 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cydA; cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cydB; cytochrome bd ubiquinol oxidase subunit II [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cynT, can; carbonic anhydrase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cysE; serine O-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cysJ; sulfite reductase (NADPH) flavoprotein alpha-component [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cysK; cysteine synthase A [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
cysQ, MET22, BPNT1; 3’(2’), 5’-bisphosphate nucleotidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
CYTB, petB; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome b subunit 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
czcD, zitB; cobalt-zinc-cadmium efflux system protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dadA; D-amino-acid dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dapA; 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dapB; 4-hydroxy-tetrahydrodipicolinate reductase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dapD; 2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate N-succinyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dapE; succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dapF; diaminopimelate epimerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dat; D-alanine transaminase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dcd; dCTP deaminase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dctA; aerobic C4-dicarboxylate transport protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dctM; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DctM subunit 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dctP; C4-dicarboxylate-binding protein DctP 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dctQ; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DctQ subunit 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dcuA; anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter DcuA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dcuB; anaerobic C4-dicarboxylate transporter DcuB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ddl; D-alanine-D-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dedD; DedD protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
degP, htrA; serine protease Do [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dgkA, DGK; diacylglycerol kinase (ATP) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DHODH, pyrD; dihydroorotate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dinJ; DNA-damage-inducible protein J 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
djlA; DnaJ like chaperone protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dksA; DnaK suppressor protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dnaA; chromosomal replication initiator protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dnaB; replicative DNA helicase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dnaC; DNA replication protein DnaC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dnaE; DNA polymerase III subunit alpha [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dnaG; DNA primase [EC:2.7.7.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dnaJ; molecular chaperone DnaJ 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dnaK, HSPA9; molecular chaperone DnaK 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dnaN; DNA polymerase III subunit beta [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dnaQ; DNA polymerase III subunit epsilon [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dnaX; DNA polymerase III subunit gamma/tau [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
DNMT1, dcm; DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1 [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dpo; DNA polymerase bacteriophage-type [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dps; starvation-inducible DNA-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dsbA; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dsbB; disulfide bond formation protein DsbB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dsbC; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbC [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dsbD; thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbD [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dusB; tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase B [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dxr; 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
dxs; 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E1.1.1.3; homoserine dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E1.1.1.40, maeB; malate dehydrogenase (oxaloacetate-decarboxylating)(NADP+) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E1.11.1.5; cytochrome c peroxidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E1.17.4.1A, nrdA, nrdE; ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase alpha chain [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E1.17.4.1B, nrdB, nrdF; ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase beta chain [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E1.4.1.4, gdhA; glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E1.6.99.1; NADPH2 dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.1.1.77, pcm; protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.2.1.1, tktA, tktB; transketolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.2.1.2, talA, talB; transaldolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.2.1.6L, ilvB, ilvG, ilvI; acetolactate synthase I/II/III large subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.2.1.6S, ilvH, ilvN; acetolactate synthase I/III small subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.5.1.54, aroF, aroG, aroH; 3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.6.1.42, ilvE; branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.7.1.71, aroK, aroL; shikimate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.7.4.8, gmk; guanylate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.7.7.3A, coaD, kdtB; pantetheine-phosphate adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E2.7.7.41, CDS1, CDS2, cdsA; phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E3.1.11.2, xthA; exodeoxyribonuclease III [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E3.1.3.15B; histidinol-phosphatase (PHP family) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E3.4.21.102, prc, ctpA; carboxyl-terminal processing protease [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E3.5.1.1, ansA, ansB; L-asparaginase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E3.5.5.1; nitrilase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E3.5.99.7; 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E4.1.1.49, pckA; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (ATP) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E4.2.1.2AA, fumA; fumarate hydratase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E4.2.1.2AB, fumB; fumarate hydratase subunit beta [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E4.2.1.2B, fumC, FH; fumarate hydratase, class II [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E4.3.1.19, ilvA, tdcB; threonine dehydratase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E5.1.3.6; UDP-glucuronate 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E5.2.1.8; peptidylprolyl isomerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
E6.5.1.2, ligA, ligB; DNA ligase (NAD+) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
EARS, gltX; glutamyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
eco; ecotin 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
efp; elongation factor P 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
engA, der; GTPase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
engB; GTP-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ENO, eno; enolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
eptA, pmrC; lipid A ethanolaminephosphotransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
era, ERAL1; GTPase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
exbB; biopolymer transport protein ExbB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
exbD; biopolymer transport protein ExbD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fabB; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fabD; [acyl-carrier-protein] S-malonyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fabF; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase II [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fabG; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fabH; 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fabI; enoyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fabZ; 3-hydroxyacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] dehydratase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fadL; long-chain fatty acid transport protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
FAEB; feruloyl esterase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
FARSA, pheS; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
FARSB, pheT; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
FBA, fbaA; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, class II [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
FBP, fbp; fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fdhA; formate dehydrogenase (NADP+) alpha subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fdhD; FdhD protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fdoG, fdhF, fdwA; formate dehydrogenase major subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fdoH, fdsB; formate dehydrogenase iron-sulfur subunit 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fdoI, fdsG; formate dehydrogenase subunit gamma 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fhaB; filamentous hemagglutinin 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fhs; formate–tetrahydrofolate ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fkpA; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FkpA [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flaG; flagellar protein FlaG 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fldA, nifF, isiB; flavodoxin I 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flgA; flagella basal body P-ring formation protein FlgA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flgB; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flgC; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flgD; flagellar basal-body rod modification protein FlgD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flgE; flagellar hook protein FlgE 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flgG; flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flgH; flagellar L-ring protein precursor FlgH 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flgI; flagellar P-ring protein precursor FlgI 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flgK; flagellar hook-associated protein 1 FlgK 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flgL; flagellar hook-associated protein 3 FlgL 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flhA; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flhB; flagellar biosynthetic protein FlhB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flhB2; flagellar biosynthesis protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flhF; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhF 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
flhG, fleN; flagellar biosynthesis protein FlhG 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliA; RNA polymerase sigma factor for flagellar operon FliA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliC; flagellin 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliD; flagellar hook-associated protein 2 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliE; flagellar hook-basal body complex protein FliE 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliF; flagellar M-ring protein FliF 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliG; flagellar motor switch protein FliG 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliH; flagellar assembly protein FliH 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliI; flagellum-specific ATP synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliL; flagellar FliL protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliM; flagellar motor switch protein FliM 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliNY, fliN; flagellar motor switch protein FliN/FliY 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliP; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliP 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliQ; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliQ 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliR; flagellar biosynthetic protein FliR 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliS; flagellar protein FliS 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliW; flagellar assembly factor FliW 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fliY; cystine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fnr; CRP/FNR family transcriptional regulator, anaerobic regulatory protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
folB; 7,8-dihydroneopterin aldolase/epimerase/oxygenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
folC; dihydrofolate synthase / folylpolyglutamate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
folD; methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+) / methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
folK; 2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine diphosphokinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
folP; dihydropteroate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
frdA; fumarate reductase flavoprotein subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
frdB; fumarate reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
frdC; fumarate reductase subunit C 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
frr, MRRF, RRF; ribosome recycling factor 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fsr; MFS transporter, FSR family, fosmidomycin resistance protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
FTR, FTH1, efeU; high-affinity iron transporter 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ftsA; cell division protein FtsA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ftsE; cell division transport system ATP-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ftsH, hflB; cell division protease FtsH [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ftsI; cell division protein FtsI (penicillin-binding protein 3) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ftsK, spoIIIE; DNA segregation ATPase FtsK/SpoIIIE, S-DNA-T family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ftsW, spoVE; cell division protein FtsW 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ftsX; cell division transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ftsY; fused signal recognition particle receptor 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ftsZ; cell division protein FtsZ 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fucA; L-fuculose-phosphate aldolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fur, zur, furB; Fur family transcriptional regulator, ferric uptake regulator 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fusA, GFM, EFG; elongation factor G 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
fxsA; UPF0716 protein FxsA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
galE, GALE; UDP-glucose 4-epimerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
GAPDH, gapA; glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gatA, QRSL1; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit A [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gatB, PET112; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit B [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gatC, GATC; aspartyl-tRNA(Asn)/glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase subunit C [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
GCH1, folE; GTP cyclohydrolase IA [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gcpE, ispG; (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl-diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gidA, mnmG, MTO1; tRNA uridine 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl modification enzyme 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gidB, rsmG; 16S rRNA (guanine527-N7)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
glmM; phosphoglucosamine mutase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
glmS, GFPT; glucosamine—fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (isomerizing) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
glmU; bifunctional UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase / Glucosamine-1-phosphate N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
glnA, GLUL; glutamine synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
glnD; [protein-PII] uridylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
GLUD1_2, gdhA; glutamate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gluQ; glutamyl-Q tRNA(Asp) synthetase [EC:6.1.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
glxK, garK; glycerate 2-kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
glyA, SHMT; glycine hydroxymethyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
glyQ; glycyl-tRNA synthetase alpha chain [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
glyS; glycyl-tRNA synthetase beta chain [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gmhA, lpcA; D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gmhB; D-glycero-D-manno-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate phosphatase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gmhC, hldE, waaE, rfaE; D-beta-D-heptose 7-phosphate kinase / D-beta-D-heptose 1-phosphate adenosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gmhD, rfaD; ADP-L-glycero-D-manno-heptose 6-epimerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gph; phosphoglycolate phosphatase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
GPI, pgi; glucose-6-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gpmI; 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gpsA; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD(P)+) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gpt; xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
greA; transcription elongation factor GreA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
groEL, HSPD1; chaperonin GroEL 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
groES, HSPE1; chaperonin GroES 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
GRPE; molecular chaperone GrpE 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gspD; general secretion pathway protein D 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gspE; general secretion pathway protein E 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gspF; general secretion pathway protein F 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gspG; general secretion pathway protein G 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
guaA, GMPS; GMP synthase (glutamine-hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gyrA; DNA gyrase subunit A [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
gyrB; DNA gyrase subunit B [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
HARS, hisS; histidyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hcp; hydroxylamine reductase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hcp; type VI secretion system secreted protein Hcp 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hdhA; 7-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hemA; glutamyl-tRNA reductase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hemB, ALAD; porphobilinogen synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hemC, HMBS; hydroxymethylbilane synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hemD, UROS; uroporphyrinogen-III synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hemE, UROD; uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hemH, FECH; protoporphyrin/coproporphyrin ferrochelatase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hemK, prmC, HEMK; release factor glutamine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hemL; glutamate-1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hemN, hemZ; oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
HINT1, hinT, hit; histidine triad (HIT) family protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hisA; phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole carboxamide ribotide isomerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hisB; imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hisC; histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hisD; histidinol dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hisF; cyclase [EC:4.1.3.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hisG; ATP phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hisH; glutamine amidotransferase [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hisIE; phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphohydrolase / phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
holA; DNA polymerase III subunit delta [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
holB; DNA polymerase III subunit delta’ [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hprA; glycerate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hrcA; heat-inducible transcriptional repressor 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hsdM; type I restriction enzyme M protein [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hsdR; type I restriction enzyme, R subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hsdS; type I restriction enzyme, S subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hslU; ATP-dependent HslUV protease ATP-binding subunit HslU 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hslV, clpQ; ATP-dependent HslUV protease, peptidase subunit HslV [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
HSP90A, htpG; molecular chaperone HtpG 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hspR; MerR family transcriptional regulator, heat shock protein HspR 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
htpX; heat shock protein HtpX [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hupB; DNA-binding protein HU-beta 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hyaC; Ni/Fe-hydrogenase 1 B-type cytochrome subunit 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hyaD, hybD; hydrogenase maturation protease [EC:3.4.23.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hycH; formate hydrogenlyase maturation protein HycH 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hycI; hydrogenase 3 maturation protease [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hydA; quinone-reactive Ni/Fe-hydrogenase small subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hydB; quinone-reactive Ni/Fe-hydrogenase large subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hyfA; hydrogenase-4 component A [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hyfB; hydrogenase-4 component B [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hyfC; hydrogenase-4 component C [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hyfE; hydrogenase-4 component E [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hyfF; hydrogenase-4 component F [EC:1.-.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hypA, hybF; hydrogenase nickel incorporation protein HypA/HybF 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hypB; hydrogenase nickel incorporation protein HypB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hypC; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hypD; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hypE; hydrogenase expression/formation protein HypE 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
hypF; hydrogenase maturation protein HypF 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
iadA; beta-aspartyl-dipeptidase (metallo-type) [EC:3.4.19.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
IARS, ileS; isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
IDH1, IDH2, icd; isocitrate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ilvC; ketol-acid reductoisomerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ilvD; dihydroxy-acid dehydratase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
impB; type VI secretion system protein ImpB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
impC; type VI secretion system protein ImpC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
IMPDH, guaB; IMP dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
impG, vasA; type VI secretion system protein ImpG 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
impH, vasB; type VI secretion system protein ImpH 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
impJ, vasE; type VI secretion system protein ImpJ 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
impK, ompA, vasF, dotU; type VI secretion system protein ImpK 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
infA; translation initiation factor IF-1 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
infB, MTIF2; translation initiation factor IF-2 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
infC, MTIF3; translation initiation factor IF-3 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
int; integrase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
iscS, NFS1; cysteine desulfurase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ispA; farnesyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ispB; octaprenyl-diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ispDF; 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase / 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ispE; 4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ispH, lytB; 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate reductase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
jag; spoIIIJ-associated protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K02481; two-component system, NtrC family, response regulator 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K02482; two-component system, NtrC family, sensor kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K02483; two-component system, OmpR family, response regulator 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K02484; two-component system, OmpR family, sensor kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K06867; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K06872; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K06882; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K06894; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K06921; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K06923; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K06940; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K06950; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K06960; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07003; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07005; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07007; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07017; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07023; putative hydrolases of HD superfamily 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07043; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07058; membrane protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07080; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07082; UPF0755 protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07088; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07090; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07097; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07098; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07100; putative phosphoribosyl transferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07112; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07118; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07124; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07126; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07133; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07164; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07166; ACT domain-containing protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07223; putative iron-dependent peroxidase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07270; glycosyl transferase, family 25 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07318; adenine-specific DNA-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07457; endonuclease III related protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K07501; 3’-5’ exonuclease 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K08303; putative protease [EC:3.4.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K08973; putative membrane protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09117; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09157; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09747; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09778; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09792; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09794; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09798; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09804; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09860; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09861; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09925; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09935; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09943; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09944; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09974; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K09979; uncharacterized protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K11905; type VI secretion system protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K13819; NifU-like protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K15977; putative oxidoreductase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
K18284; adenosylhomocysteine/aminodeoxyfutalosine nucleosidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
KAE1, tsaD, QRI7; N6-L-threonylcarbamoyladenine synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
KARS, lysS; lysyl-tRNA synthetase, class II [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
kch, trkA, mthK, pch; voltage-gated potassium channel 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
kdsA; 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase (KDO 8-P synthase) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
kdsB; 3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase (CMP-KDO synthetase) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
kdsC; 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate 8-phosphate phosphatase (KDO 8-P phosphatase) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
kdsD, kpsF; arabinose-5-phosphate isomerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
kdtA, waaA; 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic-acid transferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
korA, oorA, oforA; 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
korB, oorB, oforB; 2-oxoglutarate/2-oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit beta [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
korC, oorC; 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit gamma [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
korD, oorD; 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase subunit delta [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ksgA; 16S rRNA (adenine1518-N6/adenine1519-N6)-dimethyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lapB; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily C, bacterial LapB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lapC; membrane fusion protein, adhesin transport system 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lapE; outer membrane protein, adhesin transport system 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
larB; pyridinium-3,5-biscarboxylic acid mononucleotide synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
larC; pyridinium-3,5-bisthiocarboxylic acid mononucleotide nickel chelatase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
larE; pyridinium-3,5-biscarboxylic acid mononucleotide sulfurtransferase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
LARS, leuS; leucyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
legF, ptmB; CMP-N,N’-diacetyllegionaminic acid synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
legG, neuC2; GDP/UDP-N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 2-epimerase (hydrolysing) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
legI, neuB2; N,N’-diacetyllegionaminate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lemA; LemA protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lepA; GTP-binding protein LepA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lepB; signal peptidase I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
leuA, IMS; 2-isopropylmalate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
leuB, IMDH; 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
leuC, IPMI-L; 3-isopropylmalate/(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase large subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
leuD, IPMI-S; 3-isopropylmalate/(R)-2-methylmalate dehydratase small subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lgt, umpA; phosphatidylglycerol:prolipoprotein diacylglycerol transferase [EC:2.-.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
LIG1; DNA ligase 1 [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
linN; cholesterol transport system auxiliary component 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lnt; apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase [EC:2.3.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lolA; outer membrane lipoprotein carrier protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lon; ATP-dependent Lon protease [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lptA; lipopolysaccharide export system protein LptA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lptB; lipopolysaccharide export system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lptD, imp, ostA; LPS-assembly protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lptF; lipopolysaccharide export system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lptG; lipopolysaccharide export system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lpxA; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lpxB; lipid-A-disaccharide synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lpxC; UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] N-acetylglucosamine deacetylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lpxD; UDP-3-O-[3-hydroxymyristoyl] glucosamine N-acyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lpxH; UDP-2,3-diacylglucosamine hydrolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lpxK; tetraacyldisaccharide 4’-kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lpxL, htrB; Kdo2-lipid IVA lauroyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lspA; signal peptidase II [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
luxS; S-ribosylhomocysteine lyase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
LYS1; saccharopine dehydrogenase (NAD+, L-lysine forming) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
LYS5, acpT; 4’-phosphopantetheinyl transferase [EC:2.7.8.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lysA; diaminopimelate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lysC; aspartate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
lysE, argO; L-lysine exporter family protein LysE/ArgO 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
macA; membrane fusion protein, macrolide-specific efflux system 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
macB; macrolide transport system ATP-binding/permease protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
maf; septum formation protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
map; methionyl aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
MARS, metG; methionyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mcp; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mcrB; 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme B [EC:3.1.21.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mcrC; 5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme subunit McrC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mdaB; modulator of drug activity B 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mdh; malate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
merP; periplasmic mercuric ion binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
merT; mercuric ion transport protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
metC; cystathionine beta-lyase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
metE; 5-methyltetrahydropteroyltriglutamate–homocysteine methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
metI; D-methionine transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
metK; S-adenosylmethionine synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
metN; D-methionine transport system ATP-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
metQ; D-methionine transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
metX; homoserine O-acetyltransferase/O-succinyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
metY; O-acetylhomoserine (thiol)-lyase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mfd; transcription-repair coupling factor (superfamily II helicase) [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mgtE; magnesium transporter 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
miaA, TRIT1; tRNA dimethylallyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
miaB; tRNA-2-methylthio-N6-dimethylallyladenosine synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mlaA, vacJ; phospholipid-binding lipoprotein MlaA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mlaC; phospholipid transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mlaD, linM; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mlaE, linK; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mlaF, linL, mkl; phospholipid/cholesterol/gamma-HCH transport system ATP-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mltD, dniR; membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase D [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mnmA, trmU; tRNA-uridine 2-sulfurtransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mnmC; tRNA 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine biosynthesis bifunctional protein [EC: 1.5.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mnmE, trmE, MSS1; tRNA modification GTPase [EC:3.6.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
moaA, CNX2; GTP 3’,8-cyclase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
moaC, CNX3; cyclic pyranopterin monophosphate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
moaD, cysO; sulfur-carrier protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mobA; molybdenum cofactor guanylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mobB; molybdopterin-guanine dinucleotide biosynthesis adapter protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
MOCS2B, moaE; molybdopterin synthase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
modA; molybdate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
modB; molybdate transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
modC; molybdate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
modD; molybdenum transport protein [EC:2.4.2.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
modE; molybdate transport system regulatory protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
moeA; molybdopterin molybdotransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mogA; molybdopterin adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
motA; chemotaxis protein MotA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
motB; chemotaxis protein MotB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mqnA; chorismate dehydratase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mqnC; cyclic dehypoxanthinyl futalosine synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mqnD; 1,4-dihydroxy-6-naphthoate synthase [EC:1.14.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mqnE; aminodeoxyfutalosine synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mqo; malate dehydrogenase (quinone) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mraW, rsmH; 16S rRNA (cytosine1402-N4)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mraY; phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mrcA; penicillin-binding protein 1A [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mrdA; penicillin-binding protein 2 [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mreB; rod shape-determining protein MreB and related proteins 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mreC; rod shape-determining protein MreC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mrp, NUBPL; ATP-binding protein involved in chromosome partitioning 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mrr; restriction system protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
msbA; ATP-binding cassette, subfamily B, bacterial MsbA [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mscL; large conductance mechanosensitive channel 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
msrAB; peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase msrA/msrB [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
MTFMT, fmt; methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
MTHFS; 5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
murA; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 1-carboxyvinyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
murB; UDP-N-acetylmuramate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
murC; UDP-N-acetylmuramate–alanine ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
murD; UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanine–D-glutamate ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
murE; UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate–2,6-diaminopimelate ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
murF; UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide–D-alanyl-D-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
murG; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine–N-acetylmuramyl-(pentapeptide) pyrophosphoryl-undecaprenol N-acetylglucosamine transferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
murI; glutamate racemase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
murJ, mviN; putative peptidoglycan lipid II flippase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
mutS2; DNA mismatch repair protein MutS2 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nadD; nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nadE; NAD+ synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nagZ; beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
napA; periplasmic nitrate reductase NapA [EC:1.7.99.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
napB; cytochrome c-type protein NapB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
napC; cytochrome c-type protein NapC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
napD; periplasmic nitrate reductase NapD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
napF; ferredoxin-type protein NapF 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
napG; ferredoxin-type protein NapG 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
napH; ferredoxin-type protein NapH 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ncd2, npd; nitronate monooxygenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ndk, NME; nucleoside-diphosphate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
neuA; N-acylneuraminate cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nfo; deoxyribonuclease IV [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nhaC; Na+:H+ antiporter, NhaC family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nifB; nitrogen fixation protein NifB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nikR; CopG family transcriptional regulator, nickel-responsive regulator 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
norB; nitric oxide reductase subunit B [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nosD; nitrous oxidase accessory protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nosZ; nitrous-oxide reductase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nrfC; protein NrfC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nrfD; protein NrfD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nspC; carboxynorspermidine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
NTH; endonuclease III [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nudH; putative (di)nucleoside polyphosphate hydrolase [EC:3.6.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
NUDT14; UDP-sugar diphosphatase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoA; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit A [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoB; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit B [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoC; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit C [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoD; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit D [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoE; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit E [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoF; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit F [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoG; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit G [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoH; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit H [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoI; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoJ; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit J [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoK; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit K [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoL; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit L [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoM; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit M [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nuoN; NADH-quinone oxidoreductase subunit N [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nusA; N utilization substance protein A 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nusB; N utilization substance protein B 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
nusG; transcriptional antiterminator NusG 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
obgE, cgtA; GTPase [EC:3.6.5.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ogt, MGMT; methylated-DNA-[protein]-cysteine S-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
oprM, emhC, ttgC, cusC, adeK, smeF, mtrE, cmeC, gesC; outer membrane protein, multidrug efflux system 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
osmY; hyperosmotically inducible periplasmic protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
OTC, argF, argI; ornithine carbamoyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
p19, ftrA; periplasmic iron binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pal; peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
panB; 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate hydroxymethyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
panC; pantoate–beta-alanine ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
panD; aspartate 1-decarboxylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
parA, soj; chromosome partitioning protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
parB, spo0J; chromosome partitioning protein, ParB family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
PARS, proS; prolyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pat; phosphinothricin acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
patB, malY; cystathione beta-lyase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pbpC; penicillin-binding protein 1C [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pbuG; putative MFS transporter, AGZA family, xanthine/uracil permease 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pccA; periplasmic copper chaperone A 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
PDF, def; peptide deformylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pdxK, pdxY; pyridoxine kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pel; pectate lyase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pepD; dipeptidase D [EC:3.4.13.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pepE; dipeptidase E [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pepF, pepB; oligoendopeptidase F [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pepP; Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pepT; tripeptide aminopeptidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
perR; Fur family transcriptional regulator, peroxide stress response regulator 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pflA, pflC, pflE; pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
PGK, pgk; phosphoglycerate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pglA; N,N’-diacetylbacillosaminyl-diphospho-undecaprenol alpha-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pglB; undecaprenyl-diphosphooligosaccharide—protein glycotransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pglC; undecaprenyl phosphate N,N’-diacetylbacillosamine 1-phosphate transferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pglD; UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pglE; UDP-N-acetylbacillosamine transaminase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pglF; UDP-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pglH; GalNAc-alpha-(1->4)-GalNAc-alpha-(1->3)-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol alpha-1,4-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pglI; GalNAc5-diNAcBac-PP-undecaprenol beta-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pglJ; N-acetylgalactosamine-N,N’-diacetylbacillosaminyl-diphospho-undecaprenol 4-alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pgpA; phosphatidylglycerophosphatase A [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pgsA, PGS1; CDP-diacylglycerol—glycerol-3-phosphate 3-phosphatidyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pheA; chorismate mutase / prephenate dehydratase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
phsA, psrA; thiosulfate reductase / polysulfide reductase chain A [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pilD, pppA; leader peptidase (prepilin peptidase) / N-methyltransferase [EC: 2.1.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pilT; twitching motility protein PilT 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
PK, pyk; pyruvate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pldA; phospholipase A1/A2 [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
plsC; 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
plsX; glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsX [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
plsY; glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase PlsY [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pmm-pgm; phosphomannomutase / phosphoglucomutase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pncB, NAPRT1; nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pncC; nicotinamide-nucleotide amidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pnp, PNPT1; polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
polA; DNA polymerase I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
por, nifJ; pyruvate-ferredoxin/flavodoxin oxidoreductase [EC: 1.2.7.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ppa; inorganic pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pphA; serine/threonine protein phosphatase 1 [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
PPIB, ppiB; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B (cyclophilin B) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ppiD; peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase D [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ppk; polyphosphate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ppnK, NADK; NAD+ kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ppnN; pyrimidine/purine-5’-nucleotide nucleosidase [EC: 3.2.2.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ppx-gppA; exopolyphosphatase / guanosine-5’-triphosphate,3’-diphosphate pyrophosphatase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pqqL; zinc protease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
praC, xylH; 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
prdX, proX; Ala-tRNA(Pro) deacylase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
PRDX2_4, ahpC; peroxiredoxin (alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit C) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
prfA, MTRF1, MRF1; peptide chain release factor 1 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
prfB; peptide chain release factor 2 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
priA; primosomal protein N’ (replication factor Y) (superfamily II helicase) [EC:3.6.4.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
prmA; ribosomal protein L11 methyltransferase [EC:2.1.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
PRPS, prsA; ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
psd, PISD; phosphatidylserine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pseB; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 4,6-dehydratase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pseC; UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-L-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine transaminase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pseF; pseudaminic acid cytidylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pseG; UDP-2,4-diacetamido-2,4,6-trideoxy-beta-L-altropyranose hydrolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pseH; UDP-4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-N-acetyl-beta-L-altrosamine N-acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pseI, neuB3; pseudaminic acid synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
psrB; polysulfide reductase chain B 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
psrC; polysulfide reductase chain C 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pta; phosphate acetyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
PTH1, pth, spoVC; peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase, PTH1 family [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
purA, ADSS; adenylosuccinate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
purB, ADSL; adenylosuccinate lyase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
purC; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
purD; phosphoribosylamine—glycine ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
purE; 5-(carboxyamino)imidazole ribonucleotide mutase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
purF, PPAT; amidophosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
purH; phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase / IMP cyclohydrolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
purL, PFAS; phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
purM; phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
purN; phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase 1 [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
putP; sodium/proline symporter 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pycA; pyruvate carboxylase subunit A [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pycB; pyruvate carboxylase subunit B [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pydC; beta-ureidopropionase / N-carbamoyl-L-amino-acid hydrolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pyrB, PYR2; aspartate carbamoyltransferase catalytic subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pyrE; orotate phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pyrF; orotidine-5’-phosphate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pyrG, CTPS; CTP synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pyrH; uridylate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
pyrP, uraA; uracil permease 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
queA; S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
queC; 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
queD, ptpS, PTS; 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin/6-carboxytetrahydropterin synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
queF; 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine reductase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
queH; epoxyqueuosine reductase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
racD; aspartate racemase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
radA, sms; DNA repair protein RadA/Sms 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rarD; chloramphenicol-sensitive protein RarD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RARS, argS; arginyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rbfA; ribosome-binding factor A 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rdgB; XTP/dITP diphosphohydrolase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
recA; recombination protein RecA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
recB; exodeoxyribonuclease V beta subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
recG; ATP-dependent DNA helicase RecG [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
recJ; single-stranded-DNA-specific exonuclease [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
recN; DNA repair protein RecN (Recombination protein N) 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
recR; recombination protein RecR 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
relA; GTP pyrophosphokinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
relE, stbE; mRNA interferase RelE/StbE 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rho; transcription termination factor Rho 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ribA, RIB1; GTP cyclohydrolase II [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ribBA; 3,4-dihydroxy 2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase / GTP cyclohydrolase II [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ribD; diaminohydroxyphosphoribosylaminopyrimidine deaminase / 5-amino-6-(5-phosphoribosylamino)uracil reductase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ribE, RIB5; riboflavin synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ribF; riboflavin kinase / FMN adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ribH, RIB4; 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ridA, tdcF, RIDA; 2-iminobutanoate/2-iminopropanoate deaminase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rimM; 16S rRNA processing protein RimM 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rimP; ribosome maturation factor RimP 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rlmB; 23S rRNA (guanosine2251-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rlmH; 23S rRNA (pseudouridine1915-N3)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rlmN; 23S rRNA (adenine2503-C2)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rlpA; rare lipoprotein A 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rluB; 23S rRNA pseudouridine2605 synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rluC; 23S rRNA pseudouridine955/2504/2580 synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rluD; 23S rRNA pseudouridine1911/1915/1917 synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rmuC; DNA recombination protein RmuC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rnc, DROSHA, RNT1; ribonuclease III [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rnhA, RNASEH1; ribonuclease HI [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rnhB; ribonuclease HII [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rnj; ribonuclease J [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rnr, vacB; ribonuclease R [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rny; ribonucrease Y [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rodA, mrdB; rod shape determining protein RodA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L1, MRPL1, rplA; large subunit ribosomal protein L1 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L10, MRPL10, rplJ; large subunit ribosomal protein L10 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L11, MRPL11, rplK; large subunit ribosomal protein L11 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L13, MRPL13, rplM; large subunit ribosomal protein L13 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L14, MRPL14, rplN; large subunit ribosomal protein L14 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L15, MRPL15, rplO; large subunit ribosomal protein L15 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L16, MRPL16, rplP; large subunit ribosomal protein L16 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L17, MRPL17, rplQ; large subunit ribosomal protein L17 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L18, MRPL18, rplR; large subunit ribosomal protein L18 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L19, MRPL19, rplS; large subunit ribosomal protein L19 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L2, MRPL2, rplB; large subunit ribosomal protein L2 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L20, MRPL20, rplT; large subunit ribosomal protein L20 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L21, MRPL21, rplU; large subunit ribosomal protein L21 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L22, MRPL22, rplV; large subunit ribosomal protein L22 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L23, MRPL23, rplW; large subunit ribosomal protein L23 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L24, MRPL24, rplX; large subunit ribosomal protein L24 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L25, rplY; large subunit ribosomal protein L25 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L27, MRPL27, rpmA; large subunit ribosomal protein L27 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L28, MRPL28, rpmB; large subunit ribosomal protein L28 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L29, rpmC; large subunit ribosomal protein L29 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L3, MRPL3, rplC; large subunit ribosomal protein L3 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L31, rpmE; large subunit ribosomal protein L31 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L32, MRPL32, rpmF; large subunit ribosomal protein L32 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L33, MRPL33, rpmG; large subunit ribosomal protein L33 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L34, MRPL34, rpmH; large subunit ribosomal protein L34 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L35, MRPL35, rpmI; large subunit ribosomal protein L35 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L4, MRPL4, rplD; large subunit ribosomal protein L4 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L5, MRPL5, rplE; large subunit ribosomal protein L5 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L6, MRPL6, rplF; large subunit ribosomal protein L6 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L7, MRPL12, rplL; large subunit ribosomal protein L7/L12 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-L9, MRPL9, rplI; large subunit ribosomal protein L9 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S1, rpsA; small subunit ribosomal protein S1 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S10, MRPS10, rpsJ; small subunit ribosomal protein S10 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S11, MRPS11, rpsK; small subunit ribosomal protein S11 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S12, MRPS12, rpsL; small subunit ribosomal protein S12 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S13, rpsM; small subunit ribosomal protein S13 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S14, MRPS14, rpsN; small subunit ribosomal protein S14 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S15, MRPS15, rpsO; small subunit ribosomal protein S15 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S16, MRPS16, rpsP; small subunit ribosomal protein S16 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S17, MRPS17, rpsQ; small subunit ribosomal protein S17 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S18, MRPS18, rpsR; small subunit ribosomal protein S18 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S19, rpsS; small subunit ribosomal protein S19 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S2, MRPS2, rpsB; small subunit ribosomal protein S2 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S20, rpsT; small subunit ribosomal protein S20 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S21, MRPS21, rpsU; small subunit ribosomal protein S21 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S3, rpsC; small subunit ribosomal protein S3 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S4, rpsD; small subunit ribosomal protein S4 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S5, MRPS5, rpsE; small subunit ribosomal protein S5 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S6, MRPS6, rpsF; small subunit ribosomal protein S6 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S7, MRPS7, rpsG; small subunit ribosomal protein S7 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S8, rpsH; small subunit ribosomal protein S8 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
RP-S9, MRPS9, rpsI; small subunit ribosomal protein S9 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rpe, RPE; ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rpiB; ribose 5-phosphate isomerase B [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rpoA; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit alpha [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rpoB; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rpoC; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta’ [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rpoD; RNA polymerase primary sigma factor 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rpoN; RNA polymerase sigma-54 factor 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rpoZ; DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit omega [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rseP; regulator of sigma E protease [EC:3.4.24.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rsmE; 16S rRNA (uracil1498-N3)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rsmI; 16S rRNA (cytidine1402-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
rtpR; ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (thioredoxin) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ruvA; holliday junction DNA helicase RuvA [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ruvB; holliday junction DNA helicase RuvB [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ruvC; crossover junction endodeoxyribonuclease RuvC [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ruvX; putative holliday junction resolvase [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
SAM50, TOB55, bamA; outer membrane protein insertion porin family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
SARS, serS; seryl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
sat, met3; sulfate adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
sbmA, bacA; peptide/bleomycin uptake transporter 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
SCO1_2; protein SCO1/2 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
sdhA, frdA; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, flavoprotein subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
sdhB, frdB; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
sdhC, frdC; succinate dehydrogenase / fumarate reductase, cytochrome b subunit 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
secA; preprotein translocase subunit SecA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
secD; preprotein translocase subunit SecD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
secE; preprotein translocase subunit SecE 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
secF; preprotein translocase subunit SecF 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
secG; preprotein translocase subunit SecG 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
secY; preprotein translocase subunit SecY 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
selA; L-seryl-tRNA(Ser) seleniumtransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
selB, EEFSEC; selenocysteine-specific elongation factor 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
selD, SEPHS; selenide, water dikinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
selU; tRNA 2-selenouridine synthase [EC:2.9.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
serA, PHGDH; D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase / 2-oxoglutarate reductase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
serB, PSPH; phosphoserine phosphatase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
serC, PSAT1; phosphoserine aminotransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
sixA; phosphohistidine phosphatase [EC:3.1.3.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
slt; soluble lytic murein transglycosylase [EC:4.2.2.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
slyD; FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase SlyD [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
smf; DNA processing protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
smpB; SsrA-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
SOD1; superoxide dismutase, Cu-Zn family [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
SOD2; superoxide dismutase, Fe-Mn family [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
sotB; MFS transporter, DHA1 family, L-arabinose/isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside export protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
speA; arginine decarboxylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
sppA; protease IV [EC:3.4.21.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
SRP54, ffh; signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ssb; single-strand DNA-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
sstT; serine/threonine transporter 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ssuA; sulfonate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ssuB; sulfonate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ssuC; sulfonate transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
stbD; antitoxin StbD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
STE24; STE24 endopeptidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
surE; 5’-nucleotidase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tag; DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TARS, thrS; threonyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tatA; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatA 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tatB; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tatC; sec-independent protein translocase protein TatC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tatD; TatD DNase family protein [EC:3.1.21.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.AGCS; alanine or glycine:cation symporter, AGCS family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.BAT1; bacterial/archaeal transporter family protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.CPA1; monovalent cation:H+ antiporter, CPA1 family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.DCUC, dcuC, dcuD; C4-dicarboxylate transporter, DcuC family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.FEV.OM; iron complex outermembrane recepter protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.FEV.OM1, fhuE, fpvA, fptA; outer-membrane receptor for ferric coprogen and ferric-rhodotorulic acid 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.FEV.OM2, cirA, cfrA, hmuR; outer membrane receptor for ferrienterochelin and colicins 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.FEV.OM3, tbpA, hemR, lbpA, hpuB, bhuR, hugA, hmbR; hemoglobin/transferrin/lactoferrin receptor protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.GNTP; gluconate:H+ symporter, GntP family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.HAE1; hydrophobic/amphiphilic exporter-1 (mainly G- bacteria), HAE1 family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.KEF; monovalent cation:H+ antiporter-2, CPA2 family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.NSS; neurotransmitter:Na+ symporter, NSS family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.OOP; OmpA-OmpF porin, OOP family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TC.PIT; inorganic phosphate transporter, PiT family 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tgt, QTRT1; queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thiC; phosphomethylpyrimidine synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thiD; hydroxymethylpyrimidine/phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thiE; thiamine-phosphate pyrophosphorylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thiF; sulfur carrier protein ThiS adenylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thiG; thiazole synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thiH; 2-iminoacetate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thiJ; protein deglycase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thiL; thiamine-monophosphate kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thiS; sulfur carrier protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thrB1; homoserine kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thrC; threonine synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
thyX, thy1; thymidylate synthase (FAD) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tig; trigger factor 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tilS, mesJ; tRNA(Ile)-lysidine synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tlyA; 23S rRNA (cytidine1920-2’-O)/16S rRNA (cytidine1409-2’-O)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tmk, DTYMK; dTMP kinase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tolB; TolB protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tonB; periplasmic protein TonB 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
topA; DNA topoisomerase I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
torC; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c), cytochrome c-type subunit TorC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
torZ; trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase (cytochrome c) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
TPI, tpiA; triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tpx; thiol peroxidase, atypical 2-Cys peroxiredoxin [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trmA; tRNA (uracil-5-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trmB, METTL1; tRNA (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trmD; tRNA (guanine37-N1)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trmL, cspR; tRNA (cytidine/uridine-2’-O-)-methyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trpA; tryptophan synthase alpha chain [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trpB; tryptophan synthase beta chain [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trpC; indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trpE; anthranilate synthase component I [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trpF; phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trpGD; anthranilate synthase/phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
truA, PUS1; tRNA pseudouridine38-40 synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
truB, PUS4, TRUB1; tRNA pseudouridine55 synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
truD, PUS7; tRNA pseudouridine13 synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trxA; thioredoxin 1 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
trxB, TRR; thioredoxin reductase (NADPH) [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tsaE; tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine biosynthesis protein TsaE 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tsf, TSFM; elongation factor Ts 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tspA; uncharacterized membrane protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ttdA; L(+)-tartrate dehydratase alpha subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ttdB; L(+)-tartrate dehydratase beta subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ttrA; tetrathionate reductase subunit A 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ttrB; tetrathionate reductase subunit B 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tuf, TUFM; elongation factor Tu 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tupA, vupA; tungstate transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tupB, vupB; tungstate transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tupC, vupC; tungstate transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
typA, bipA; GTP-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
tyrA2; prephenate dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ubiA; 4-hydroxybenzoate polyprenyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ubiD; 4-hydroxy-3-polyprenylbenzoate decarboxylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ubiE; demethylmenaquinone methyltransferase / 2-methoxy-6-polyprenyl-1,4-benzoquinol methylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ubiX, bsdB, PAD1; flavin prenyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UGDH, ugd; UDPglucose 6-dehydrogenase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UGP2, galU, galF; UTP–glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
umuC; DNA polymerase V 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UNG, UDG; uracil-DNA glycosylase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
upp, UPRT; uracil phosphoribosyltransferase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
uppS; undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
UQCRFS1, RIP1, petA; ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase iron-sulfur subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
URA4, pyrC; dihydroorotase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
uup; ABC transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
uvrA; excinuclease ABC subunit A 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
uvrB; excinuclease ABC subunit B 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
uvrC; excinuclease ABC subunit C 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
uvrD, pcrA; DNA helicase II / ATP-dependent DNA helicase PcrA [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
VARS, valS; valyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
vasD, lip; type VI secretion system protein VasD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
vasJ; type VI secretion system protein VasJ 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
vgrG; type VI secretion system secreted protein VgrG 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
waaC, rfaC; heptosyltransferase I [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
waaF, rfaF; heptosyltransferase II [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
waaG, rfaG; UDP-glucose:(heptosyl)LPS alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase [EC:2.4.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
waaQ, rfaQ; heptosyltransferase III [EC:2.4.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
WARS, trpS; tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
wbpO; UDP-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine dehydrogenase [EC:1.1.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
xerD; integrase/recombinase XerD 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
xseA; exodeoxyribonuclease VII large subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
xseB; exodeoxyribonuclease VII small subunit [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yafQ; mRNA interferase YafQ [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yagU; putative membrane protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yajC; preprotein translocase subunit YajC 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yajG; uncharacterized lipoprotein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yajQ; cyclic-di-GMP-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
YARS, tyrS; tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase [EC:] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ybaK, ebsC; Cys-tRNA(Pro)/Cys-tRNA(Cys) deacylase [EC:3.1.1.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ybeY, yqfG; probable rRNA maturation factor 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ybgC; acyl-CoA thioester hydrolase [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ycaJ; putative ATPase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yccA; modulator of FtsH protease 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ychF; ribosome-binding ATPase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ychN; uncharacterized protein involved in oxidation of intracellular sulfur 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yciA; acyl-CoA thioesterase YciA [EC:3.1.2.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yfiH; polyphenol oxidase [EC:1.10.3.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yggS, PROSC; PLP dependent protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yggT; YggT family protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yhbH; putative sigma-54 modulation protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yhcO; ribonuclease inhibitor 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yidC, spoIIIJ, OXA1, ccfA; YidC/Oxa1 family membrane protein insertase 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ykkC; paired small multidrug resistance pump 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ykkD; paired small multidrug resistance pump 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
ynaI, mscMJ; MscS family membrane protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yoeB; toxin YoeB [EC:3.1.-.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yojI; multidrug/microcin transport system ATP-binding/permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yraN; putative endonuclease 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
yuiF; putative amino acid transporter 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
znuA; zinc transport system substrate-binding protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
znuB; zinc transport system permease protein 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
znuC; zinc transport system ATP-binding protein [EC:3.6.3.-] 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
zur; Fur family transcriptional regulator, zinc uptake regulator 0.382 0.61 0.532 0.532
# merge with tb.ra for full results table
full.res <- left_join(tb.ra, results.out, by = "description")

write.csv(full.res, "output/picrust_ko_stratefied_campy_data_results.csv", row.names = F)

R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19042)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] cowplot_1.1.1     dendextend_1.14.0 ggdendro_0.1.22   reshape2_1.4.4   
 [5] car_3.0-10        carData_3.0-4     gvlma_1.0.0.3     patchwork_1.1.1  
 [9] viridis_0.5.1     viridisLite_0.3.0 gridExtra_2.3     xtable_1.8-4     
[13] kableExtra_1.3.4  MASS_7.3-53.1     data.table_1.14.0 readxl_1.3.1     
[17] forcats_0.5.1     stringr_1.4.0     dplyr_1.0.5       purrr_0.3.4      
[21] readr_1.4.0       tidyr_1.1.3       tibble_3.1.0      ggplot2_3.3.3    
[25] tidyverse_1.3.0   lmerTest_3.1-3    lme4_1.1-26       Matrix_1.3-2     
[29] vegan_2.5-7       lattice_0.20-41   permute_0.9-5     phyloseq_1.34.0  
[33] workflowr_1.6.2  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] minqa_1.2.4         colorspace_2.0-0    rio_0.5.26         
  [4] ellipsis_0.3.1      rprojroot_2.0.2     XVector_0.30.0     
  [7] fs_1.5.0            rstudioapi_0.13     farver_2.1.0       
 [10] fansi_0.4.2         lubridate_1.7.10    xml2_1.3.2         
 [13] codetools_0.2-18    splines_4.0.5       knitr_1.31         
 [16] ade4_1.7-16         jsonlite_1.7.2      nloptr_1.2.2.2     
 [19] broom_0.7.5         cluster_2.1.1       dbplyr_2.1.0       
 [22] BiocManager_1.30.10 compiler_4.0.5      httr_1.4.2         
 [25] backports_1.2.1     assertthat_0.2.1    cli_2.3.1          
 [28] later_1.1.0.1       htmltools_0.5.1.1   prettyunits_1.1.1  
 [31] tools_4.0.5         igraph_1.2.6        gtable_0.3.0       
 [34] glue_1.4.2          Rcpp_1.0.6          Biobase_2.50.0     
 [37] cellranger_1.1.0    jquerylib_0.1.3     vctrs_0.3.6        
 [40] Biostrings_2.58.0   rhdf5filters_1.2.0  multtest_2.46.0    
 [43] svglite_2.0.0       ape_5.4-1           nlme_3.1-152       
 [46] iterators_1.0.13    xfun_0.21           ps_1.6.0           
 [49] openxlsx_4.2.3      rvest_1.0.0         lifecycle_1.0.0    
 [52] statmod_1.4.35      zlibbioc_1.36.0     scales_1.1.1       
 [55] hms_1.0.0           promises_1.2.0.1    parallel_4.0.5     
 [58] biomformat_1.18.0   rhdf5_2.34.0        curl_4.3           
 [61] yaml_2.2.1          sass_0.3.1          stringi_1.5.3      
 [64] highr_0.8           S4Vectors_0.28.1    foreach_1.5.1      
 [67] BiocGenerics_0.36.0 zip_2.1.1           boot_1.3-27        
 [70] systemfonts_1.0.1   rlang_0.4.10        pkgconfig_2.0.3    
 [73] evaluate_0.14       Rhdf5lib_1.12.1     labeling_0.4.2     
 [76] tidyselect_1.1.0    plyr_1.8.6          magrittr_2.0.1     
 [79] R6_2.5.0            IRanges_2.24.1      generics_0.1.0     
 [82] DBI_1.1.1           foreign_0.8-81      pillar_1.5.1       
 [85] haven_2.3.1         whisker_0.4         withr_2.4.1        
 [88] mgcv_1.8-34         abind_1.4-5         survival_3.2-10    
 [91] modelr_0.1.8        crayon_1.4.1        utf8_1.1.4         
 [94] rmarkdown_2.7       progress_1.2.2      grid_4.0.5         
 [97] git2r_0.28.0        webshot_0.5.2       reprex_1.0.0       
[100] digest_0.6.27       httpuv_1.5.5        numDeriv_2016.8-1.1
[103] stats4_4.0.5        munsell_0.5.0       bslib_0.2.4