Supplementary material reporting R code for the manuscript ‘Stronger net selection on males across animals’.

Phenotypic gambit

Statistical analyses were carried out in two steps. First, we examined the key assumption of the ‘phenotypic gambit’ by testing whether estimates of phenotypic variance predict the estimated genetic variance. For this we computed the Pearson correlation coefficient r, testing the relationship between CVP and CVG for both sexes and the two fitness components separately. In addition, we tested whether the sex bias in CVP translates into a sex bias in CVG by correlating the coefficient of variation ratio lnCVR (Nakagawa et al. 2015), which refers to the ln-transformed ratio of male CV to female CV, with positive values indicating a male bias. The analyses on the phenotypic gambit were motivated from a methodological perspective and we did not expect that inter-specific variation in the difference between CVP and CVG can be explained by a shared phylogenetic history. However, for completeness, we also ran correlations on phylogenetic independent contrasts (PICs; computed using the ape R-package (version 5.4.1) in R (Paradis & Schliep 2019)) to test whether our findings were robust when accounting for potential phylogenetic non-independence. We report Pearson’s correlation coefficients r for normally distributed data and Spearman’s rho if assumptions of normality were violated.

Load and prepare data

# load packages
rm(list = ls())
library(ape);library(metafor); library(Matrix); library(MASS); library(pwr);library(multcomp);library(psych);library(outliers)
# load and organize data
Data <- read.csv("C:/Users/lenna/Desktop/Documents/PhD/2020_META SexSpecGenVar/eLife/Net_Selection_eLife_code/data/META_SexSpecGenVar_Data_v23.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE,fileEncoding="UTF-8-BOM")
theTree <- read.tree("C:/Users/lenna/Desktop/Documents/PhD/2020_META SexSpecGenVar/eLife/Net_Selection_eLife_code/data/META_SexSpecGenVar_Pylogeny_v05_NEWICK.txt")

stacked_gen_Data <- gather(Data, key = "Sex",value = "genCV", genCV_male, genCV_female)
stacked_phen_Data <- gather(Data, key = "Sex",value = "phenCV", phenCV_male, phenCV_female)
# Subsetting dataset
RS_gen_metaData<-subset(stacked_gen_Data, FitnessCat == "RS")
LS_gen_metaData<-subset(stacked_gen_Data, FitnessCat == "LS")

RS_phen_metaData<-subset(stacked_phen_Data, FitnessCat == "RS")
LS_phen_metaData<-subset(stacked_phen_Data, FitnessCat == "LS")

MCMC APPROACH - Reproductive Success

# Prune phylogenetic tree to data subset
RS_gen_metaData$animal <- factor(RS_gen_metaData$animal)
RS_Species_Data <- unique(RS_gen_metaData$animal)
RS_theTree<-drop.tip(theTree, theTree$tip.label[-na.omit(match(RS_Species_Data, theTree$tip.label))])

#Check phylogenetic tree
sort(RS_theTree$tip.label) == sort(unique(RS_gen_metaData$animal)) # check if tip names correspond to data names
is.ultrametric(RS_theTree) # check if BL are aligned contemporaneously
isSymmetric(vcv(RS_theTree, corr=TRUE)) # check symmetry of phylogenetic correlation matrix
rawC <- vcv(RS_theTree, corr=TRUE)
is.positive.definite(rawC) # if FALSE will have to force symmetry
forcedC <- as.matrix(forceSymmetric(vcv(RS_theTree, corr=TRUE)))
comparedC <- rawC == forcedC
rawC[cbind(which(comparedC!=TRUE, arr.ind = T))] - forcedC[cbind(which(comparedC!=TRUE, arr.ind = T))] < 1e-5
# Run MCMC models for reproductive success
pr<-list(R=list(V=1,nu=0.002), G=list(G1=list(V=1,nu=0.002),

BURNIN = 1000000
NITT   = 11000000
THIN   = 500

BURNIN = 100000
NITT   = 1100000
THIN   = 500

RS_phen_metaData$Index <- as.factor(RS_phen_metaData$Index)
RS_phen_metaData$Study_ID <- as.factor(RS_phen_metaData$Study_ID)

RS_phen_MCMC_model <- MCMCglmm(phenCV~factor(Sex),random=~animal + Index + Study_ID,
                          pr = TRUE,
                          burnin = BURNIN,
# Model summaries for MCMC models on reproductive success

# Model output: phenotypic variance in reproductive success
##  Iterations = 100001:1099501
##  Thinning interval  = 500
##  Sample size  = 2000 
##  DIC: 49.93417 
##  G-structure:  ~animal
##        post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## animal   0.02328 0.0002735  0.07308     1730
##                ~Index
##       post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## Index   0.06261 0.0003735   0.1246     2000
##                ~Study_ID
##          post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## Study_ID   0.05782 0.0002714   0.1441     2000
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units   0.05973  0.03959  0.08314     2190
##  Location effects: phenCV ~ factor(Sex) 
##                        post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp  pMCMC    
## (Intercept)               0.6903   0.4897   0.8943     2000 <5e-04 ***
## factor(Sex)phenCV_male    0.2344   0.1467   0.3191     2000 <5e-04 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


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