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"Connect with the future!"

Microverse Remote
Sci-Fi Summit 2020

The Microverse Remote Sci-Fi Summit 2020 brings together the best Sci-Fi writers of all the times, epochs, planets, and multiverses. The Summit is entirely remote, letting our fans be in contact with their favorite writers, but without any danger.

This year, you can listen to some of the most prominent time-travelers of all the times and space, like an H. G. Wells, who just arrived from the 8000th Century this week.

So, if you're an enthusiastic reader of the best Sci-Fi, you will have a unique opportunity to ask many Sci-Fi best-sellers what do they think about the future.

Don't miss this event that you can enjoy in your house by Zoom.

Send us an e-mail for any further questions about MR Sci-Fi Summit 2020!
mr.sci.fi@microverse.org >

Microverse Remote Sci-Fi 2020 Logo

The Logo of MR Sci-Fi Summit was done in five minutes using only HTML, CSS and an icon of Font Awesome 5.

Even the mindless design, the final version took almost one day because aligning issues.

Share the logo with your friends around the universe

Sci-Fi Foundation

See the past MR Sci-Fi Summits

Take a look at the last two MR Sci-Fi Summits which took place in Trantor and Tatooine


MR Sci-Fi Summit in Trantor


MR Sci-Fi Summit in Tatooine


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