AT column hour
AT column minute
AT column second
AT column type
FROM column year number.
IN column month number 1-12
Character to insert in %s for time zone abbreviation Note if TZ database indicates "-" this is the empty string
If onType is DayNum, the day number
ON column type
If onType is not DayNum, the weekday
DST offset from local standard time (NOT from UTC!)
TO column type: Year for year numbers and "only" values, Max for "max" value.
If TO column is a year, the year number. If TO column is "only", the FROM year.
TYPE column, not used so far
Returns the year-relative date that the rule takes effect. Depending on the rule this can be a UTC time, a wall clock time, or a time in standard offset (i.e. you still need to compensate for this.atType)
timezonecomplete.NotApplicable if this rule is not applicable in the given year
Effective date in UTC in the given year, in a specific time zone
Sort comparison
(first effective date is equal to other's first effective date)
timezonecomplete.InvalidTimeZoneData for invalid internal structure of the database
Sort comparison
(first effective date is less than other's first effective date)
timezonecomplete.InvalidTimeZoneData if this rule depends on a weekday and the weekday in question doesn't exist