Last updated: 2022-02-11

Checks: 6 1

Knit directory: Serreze-T1D_Workflow/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.2). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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The command set.seed(20220210) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

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/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/qc/workflowr/Serreze-T1D_Workflow .

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.

The results in this page were generated with repository version 8427b21. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .DS_Store

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  analysis/4.1.2_qtl.analysis_cont_rzage_ici.vs.eoi_snpsqc.Rmd
    Untracked:  analysis/4.1.2_qtl.analysis_cont_rzage_ici.vs.pbs_snpsqc.Rmd
    Untracked:  data/GM_covar.csv
    Untracked:  data/bad_markers_all_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.eoi.csv
    Untracked:  data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv
    Untracked:  data/e.RData
    Untracked:  data/e_snpg_samqc_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/e_snpg_samqc_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/errors_ind_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/errors_ind_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/genetic_map.csv
    Untracked:  data/genotype_errors_marker_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/genotype_freq_marker_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_allqc_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_samqc_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_samqc_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_samqc_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/gm_serreze.192.RData
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_id_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_id_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_id_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/percent_missing_marker_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/pheno.csv
    Untracked:  data/physical_map.csv
    Untracked:  data/qc_info_bad_sample_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/qc_info_bad_sample_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/qc_info_bad_sample_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  data/sample_geno.csv
    Untracked:  data/sample_geno_bc.csv
    Untracked:  data/serreze_probs.rds
    Untracked:  data/serreze_probs_allqc.rds
    Untracked:  data/summary.cg_3.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/summary.cg_4.batches.RData
    Untracked:  data/summary.cg_4.batches_bc.RData
    Untracked:  output/Percent_missing_genotype_data_4.batches.pdf
    Untracked:  output/Percent_missing_genotype_data_per_marker.pdf
    Untracked:  output/Proportion_matching_genotypes_before_removal_of_bad_samples_4.batches.pdf
    Untracked:  output/genotype_error_marker.pdf
    Untracked:  output/genotype_frequency_marker.pdf

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/2.2.1_snp_qc_4.batches.Rmd

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/4.1.2_qtl.analysis_cont_age_ici.vs.pbs_snpsqc.Rmd) and HTML (docs/4.1.2_qtl.analysis_cont_age_ici.vs.pbs_snpsqc.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 8427b21 Belinda Cornes 2022-02-11 QTL Mapping after snp qc

Loading Data


Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals               188
No. genotyped individuals       188
No. phenotyped individuals      188
No. with both geno & pheno      188

No. phenotypes                    1
No. covariates                    6
No. phenotype covariates          0

No. chromosomes                  20
Total markers                131578

No. markers by chr:
    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13 
 9977 10005  7858  7589  7621  7758  7413  6472  6725  6396  7154  6137  6085 
   14    15    16    17    18    19     X 
 5981  5346  5019  5093  4607  3564  4778 
#pr <- readRDS("data/serreze_probs_allqc.rds")
#pr <- readRDS("data/serreze_probs.rds")

##extracting animals with ici and pbs group status
miceinfo <- gm$covar[gm$covar$group == "PBS" | gm$covar$group == "ICI",]

 92  21 
mice.ids <- rownames(miceinfo)

gm <- gm[mice.ids]
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals               113
No. genotyped individuals       113
No. phenotyped individuals      113
No. with both geno & pheno      113

No. phenotypes                    1
No. covariates                    6
No. phenotype covariates          0

No. chromosomes                  20
Total markers                131578

No. markers by chr:
    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13 
 9977 10005  7858  7589  7621  7758  7413  6472  6725  6396  7154  6137  6085 
   14    15    16    17    18    19     X 
 5981  5346  5019  5093  4607  3564  4778 

 92  21 
#pr.qc <- pr
#for (i in 1:20){pr.qc[[i]] = pr.qc[[i]][mice.ids,,]}

#bin_pheno <- NULL
#bin_pheno$PBS <- ifelse(gm$covar$group == "PBS", 1, 0)
#bin_pheno$ICI <- ifelse(gm$covar$group == "ICI", 1, 0)
#bin_pheno <-
#rownames(bin_pheno) <- rownames(gm$covar)

covars <- read_csv("data/covar_cleaned_ici.vs.pbs.csv")
[1] 113

 92  21 
query_variants <- create_variant_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/cc_variants.sqlite")
query_genes <- create_gene_query_func("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/support.files/qtl2/mouse_genes_mgi.sqlite")

##dropping monomorphic markers within the dataset

g <-"cbind", gm$geno)

gf_mar <- t(apply(g, 2, function(a) table(factor(a, 1:2))/sum(a != 0)))
#gn_mar <- t(apply(g, 2, function(a) table(factor(a, 1:2))))

gf_mar <- gf_mar[gf_mar[,2] != "NaN",]

count <- rowSums(gf_mar <=0.05)
low_freq_df <- merge(,, by="row.names",all=T)
low_freq_df[] <- ''
low_freq_df <- low_freq_df[low_freq_df$count == 1,]
rownames(low_freq_df) <- low_freq_df$Row.names

low_freq <- find_markerpos(gm, rownames(low_freq_df))
low_freq$id <- rownames(low_freq)

[1] 98210
low_freq_bad <- merge(low_freq,low_freq_df, by="row.names",all=T)
names(low_freq_bad)[1] <- c("marker")

gf_mar <- gf_mar[gf_mar[,2] != "NaN",]
MAF <- apply(gf_mar, 1, function(x) min(x))
MAF <-
MAF$index <- 1:nrow(gf_mar)
gf_mar_maf <- merge(gf_mar,, by="row.names")
gf_mar_maf <- gf_mar_maf[order(gf_mar_maf$index),]

gfmar <- NULL
gfmar$gfmar_mar_0 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF==0)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_1 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.01)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_5 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.05)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_10 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.10)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_15 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.15)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_25 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.25)
gfmar$gfmar_mar_50 <- sum(gf_mar_maf$MAF< 0.50)
gfmar$total_snps <- nrow(

gfmar <- t(
gfmar <-
gfmar$count <- gfmar$V1

gfmar[c(2)] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccccc"),linesep ="\\hline") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = F)  %>%
  row_spec(8 ,bold=T,color= "white",background = "black")
gfmar_mar_0 89064
gfmar_mar_1 92616
gfmar_mar_5 98209
gfmar_mar_10 99489
gfmar_mar_15 99575
gfmar_mar_25 100325
gfmar_mar_50 131283
total_snps 131578
gm_qc <- drop_markers(gm, low_freq_bad$marker)
gm_qc <- drop_nullmarkers(gm_qc)
gm = gm_qc
Object of class cross2 (crosstype "bc")

Total individuals              113
No. genotyped individuals      113
No. phenotyped individuals     113
No. with both geno & pheno     113

No. phenotypes                   1
No. covariates                   6
No. phenotype covariates         0

No. chromosomes                 20
Total markers                33368

No. markers by chr:
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16 
3009 2925 2089 2103 1982 2099 1915 1739 2050 1253 2102 1428 1656 1728 1101  977 
  17   18   19    X 
 422 1118 1084  588 
markers <- marker_names(gm)
gmapdf <- read.csv("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/genetic_map.csv")
pmapdf <- read.csv("/Users/corneb/Documents/MyJax/CS/Projects/Serreze/haplotype.reconstruction/output_hh/physical_map.csv")
mapdf <- merge(gmapdf,pmapdf, by=c("marker","chr"), all=T)
rownames(mapdf) <- mapdf$marker
mapdf <- mapdf[markers,]
names(mapdf) <- c('marker','chr','gmapdf','pmapdf')
mapdf <- mapdf[!duplicated(mapdf[c(2:3)]),]

pr.qc <- calc_genoprob(gm)

Genome-wide scan

covars$age.of.onset <- as.numeric(covars$age.of.onset)
Xcovar <- get_x_covar(gm)
addcovar = model.matrix(~ICI.vs.PBS, data = covars)[,-1]
#addcovar.i = model.matrix(~ICI.vs.PBS, data = covars)[,-1]

K <- calc_kinship(pr.qc, type = "loco")
K.overall <- calc_kinship(pr.qc, type = "overall")
kinship <- calc_kinship(pr.qc)

No additive covariates

operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], model="normal", n_perm=10, perm_Xsp=TRUE, chr_lengths=chr_lengths(gm$gmap))

summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01,  0.05, 0.1))))
names(summary_table) <- c("autosomes","X")
summary_table$significance.level <- rownames(summary_table)

rownames(summary_table) <- NULL

summary_table[c(3,1:2)] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
significance.level autosomes X
0.01 2.572736 4.379421
0.05 2.552692 4.261333
0.1 2.527575 4.106909
#summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01,  0.05, 0.1))))

  for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
    #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i],  "_lod.png"))
    #par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
    ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
    plot(out, gm$gmap, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
    legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
    title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i]," - ICI vs. PBS (no covariates)"))
    #for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
    #  abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
    #  text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))

print("with normal kinship")

[1] “with normal kinship”

outk <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", kinship=kinship)


print("with loco kinship")

[1] “with loco kinship”

out <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", kinship=K)


peaks<-find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=1.5, drop=1.5)

rownames(peaks) <- NULL
peaks[] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod ci_lo ci_hi
1 age.of.onset 15 24.6155 1.822531 8.257 57.476
1 age.of.onset 19 6.5420 1.648477 3.029 56.923
peaks_mbl <- list()
#corresponding info in Mb
for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
  lodindex <- peaks$lodindex[i]
  lodcolumn <- peaks$lodcolumn[i]
  chr <- as.character(peaks$chr[i])
  lod <- peaks$lod[i]
  pos <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == floor(peaks$pos[i]*1000)/1000 & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  ci_lo <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$ci_lo[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  ci_hi <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$ci_hi[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  peaks_mb=cbind(lodindex, lodcolumn, chr, pos, lod, ci_lo, ci_hi)
  peaks_mbl[[i]] <- peaks_mb
peaks_mba <-, peaks_mbl)
peaks_mba <-
#peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")] <- sapply(peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")], as.numeric)

rownames(peaks_mba) <- NULL
peaks_mba[] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod ci_lo ci_hi
1 age.of.onset 15 58.311963 1.82253109084128 20.812412 102.320887
1 age.of.onset 19 10.211403 1.64847682180847 3.263752 61.2613
for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
#for (i in 1:1){
  #Plot 1
  marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
  #g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
  gp <- g[,marker]
  gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
  gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
  gp[gp==0] <- NA
  #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
  #par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
  plot_pxg(gp, covars[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
  title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)

  chr = peaks$chr[i]

# Plot 2
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
  coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], kinship=K[[chr]])
  blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], kinship=K[[chr]])

  #     gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff])")
  #     )

       gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
       bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
       main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup])")
  #last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
  #for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  #axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

 # Plot 3
  #c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  #c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  #plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  #plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  ##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
  ##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  ##  axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

  #Table 1
  chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]

  genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)

  rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
  genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"

  print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))

chr type start stop strand ID Name Dbxref gene_id mgi_type description
15 gene 20.44888 21.59842 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109503 Cdh12 NCBI_Gene:215654,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040452 MGI:109503 protein coding gene cadherin 12
15 gene 20.44912 20.97994 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6215134 Gm49685 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115122 MGI:6215134 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49685
15 gene 20.90887 20.90900 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455488 Gm25711 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089258 MGI:5455488 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25711
15 gene 20.92021 20.92032 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530779 Gm27397 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098821 MGI:5530779 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27397
15 pseudogene 21.04890 21.05027 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011556 Gm19371 NCBI_Gene:102639172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115631 MGI:5011556 pseudogene predicted gene, 19371
15 gene 21.11437 21.11447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454878 Gm25101 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095678 MGI:5454878 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25101
15 gene 21.18016 21.18058 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611462 Gm38234 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103296 MGI:5611462 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38234
15 gene 21.94733 21.94750 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5690765 Gm44373 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105214 MGI:5690765 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44373
15 gene 21.95843 21.95981 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118625 Gm49187 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115708 MGI:6118625 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49187
15 gene 21.99836 22.00040 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624163 Gm41278 NCBI_Gene:105245897 MGI:5624163 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41278
15 gene 22.27407 22.27418 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530907 Gm27525 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098700 MGI:5530907 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27525
15 gene 22.54890 23.47443 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1344366 Cdh18 NCBI_Gene:320865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040420 MGI:1344366 protein coding gene cadherin 18
15 pseudogene 22.71382 22.71498 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645633 Hnrnpa1l2-ps2 NCBI_Gene:545091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000021927 MGI:3645633 pseudogene heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1-like 2, pseudogene 2
15 pseudogene 22.90663 22.93726 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012025 Gm19840 NCBI_Gene:100503698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091194 MGI:5012025 pseudogene predicted gene, 19840
15 gene 23.15473 23.15487 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454433 Gm24656 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094031 MGI:5454433 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24656
15 gene 23.40146 23.41446 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118632 Gm49191 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115560 MGI:6118632 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49191
15 pseudogene 23.48988 23.49050 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646743 Gm6533 NCBI_Gene:624863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115193 MGI:3646743 pseudogene predicted gene 6533
15 pseudogene 23.62394 23.62420 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118223 Gm48915 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115788 MGI:6118223 pseudogene predicted gene, 48915
15 gene 23.64642 23.64658 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453757 Gm23980 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087760 MGI:5453757 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23980
15 gene 23.72579 23.72965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118224 Gm48916 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115129 MGI:6118224 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48916
15 pseudogene 23.85174 23.85391 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010767 Gm18582 NCBI_Gene:100417383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115365 MGI:5010767 pseudogene predicted gene, 18582
15 gene 24.09596 24.09921 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118228 Gm48918 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115586 MGI:6118228 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48918
15 pseudogene 24.12982 24.13019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118230 Gm48919 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115341 MGI:6118230 pseudogene predicted gene, 48919
15 pseudogene 24.20388 24.20557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644370 Gm8408 NCBI_Gene:666989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115528 MGI:3644370 pseudogene predicted gene 8408
15 gene 24.25499 24.37568 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6215210 Gm49729 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115198 MGI:6215210 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49729
15 pseudogene 24.32953 24.36382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595306 Gm36147 NCBI_Gene:102639956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115079 MGI:5595306 pseudogene predicted gene, 36147
15 gene 24.37361 24.37563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925442 4930540I17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115047 MGI:1925442 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930540I17 gene
15 pseudogene 24.60506 24.60548 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118231 Gm48920 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115004 MGI:6118231 pseudogene predicted gene, 48920
15 pseudogene 24.65087 24.65114 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118232 Gm48921 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115048 MGI:6118232 pseudogene predicted gene, 48921
15 pseudogene 24.72312 24.72489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780972 Gm2803 NCBI_Gene:100040492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115607 MGI:3780972 pseudogene predicted gene 2803
15 gene 24.72492 24.73719 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594986 Gm35827 NCBI_Gene:102639536 MGI:5594986 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35827
15 gene 24.82054 24.82070 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452587 Gm22810 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064675 MGI:5452587 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22810
15 gene 24.84967 24.90721 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594928 Gm35769 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115261 MGI:5594928 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35769
15 gene 24.97842 25.02770 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780995 Gm2824 NCBI_Gene:100040529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097452 MGI:3780995 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2824
15 gene 25.10102 25.17939 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595155 Gm35996 NCBI_Gene:102639761,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115174 MGI:5595155 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35996
15 gene 25.13753 25.23883 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445011 9230109A22Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051237 MGI:2445011 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9230109A22 gene
15 gene 25.22550 25.22585 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925317 5830426I08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115840 MGI:1925317 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5830426I08 gene
15 gene 25.22752 25.22803 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611569 Gm38341 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103315 MGI:5611569 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38341
15 gene 25.28144 25.33266 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925365 4930445E18Rik NCBI_Gene:78115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115355 MGI:1925365 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930445E18 gene
15 gene 25.33267 25.34409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595714 Gm36555 NCBI_Gene:102640514 MGI:5595714 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36555
15 gene 25.36328 25.41376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917600 Basp1 NCBI_Gene:70350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045763 MGI:1917600 protein coding gene brain abundant, membrane attached signal protein 1
15 gene 25.41419 25.45242 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648948 Gm5468 NCBI_Gene:432939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056089 MGI:3648948 lncRNA gene predicted gene 5468
15 gene 25.41464 25.44564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118285 Gm48956 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115850 MGI:6118285 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48956
15 gene 25.41502 25.46436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118287 Gm48957 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115729 MGI:6118287 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48957
15 gene 25.52888 25.59309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595801 Gm36642 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115204 MGI:5595801 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36642
15 gene 25.62252 25.81367 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107716 Myo10 NCBI_Gene:17909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022272 MGI:107716 protein coding gene myosin X
15 gene 25.63463 25.63824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118344 Gm48996 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115252 MGI:6118344 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48996
15 pseudogene 25.67727 25.68264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781038 Gm2862 NCBI_Gene:101055797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089639 MGI:3781038 pseudogene predicted gene 2862
15 pseudogene 25.83991 25.84065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643521 Gm4824 NCBI_Gene:223417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115593 MGI:3643521 pseudogene predicted gene 4824
15 gene 25.84318 25.97370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913520 Retreg1 NCBI_Gene:66270,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022270 MGI:1913520 protein coding gene reticulophagy regulator 1
15 gene 25.94823 25.94829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531409 Mir7212 miRBase:MI0023707,NCBI_Gene:102465698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098719 MGI:5531409 miRNA gene microRNA 7212
15 gene 25.98437 25.99848 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289282 Zfp622 NCBI_Gene:52521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052253 MGI:1289282 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 622
15 gene 26.05436 26.06251 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624164 Gm41279 NCBI_Gene:105245898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115335 MGI:5624164 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41279
15 gene 26.30905 26.40959 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3608327 March11 NCBI_Gene:211147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022269 MGI:3608327 protein coding gene membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 11
15 gene 26.44879 26.46219 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595949 Gm36790 NCBI_Gene:102640810 MGI:5595949 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36790
15 gene 26.54045 26.89558 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3052506 Fbxl7 NCBI_Gene:448987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043556 MGI:3052506 protein coding gene F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 7
15 gene 26.60950 26.64405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118746 Gm49267 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115433 MGI:6118746 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49267
15 gene 26.64464 26.64529 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924554 9430068D22Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115399 MGI:1924554 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430068D22 gene
15 gene 26.67294 26.67475 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118742 Gm49265 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115647 MGI:6118742 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49265
15 gene 26.68840 26.69167 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118748 Gm49268 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115131 MGI:6118748 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49268
15 gene 26.69643 26.69854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441747 9430091N11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430091N11 gene
15 pseudogene 26.72827 26.73077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643757 Gm6330 NCBI_Gene:105245899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115301 MGI:3643757 pseudogene predicted gene 6330
15 gene 26.74323 26.74614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118744 Gm49266 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115381 MGI:6118744 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49266
15 pseudogene 26.77505 26.77647 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010869 Gm18684 NCBI_Gene:100417552 MGI:5010869 pseudogene predicted gene, 18684
15 pseudogene 26.78423 26.78506 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010278 Gm18093 NCBI_Gene:100416389 MGI:5010278 pseudogene predicted gene, 18093
15 gene 26.84025 26.84165 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642886 D130046C19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D130046C19 gene
15 pseudogene 27.02530 27.02626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646644 Gm6576 NCBI_Gene:625311,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090544 MGI:3646644 pseudogene predicted gene 6576
15 gene 27.06174 27.06187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453680 Gm23903 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088191 MGI:5453680 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23903
15 pseudogene 27.36794 27.36944 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011296 Gm19111 NCBI_Gene:100418271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115554 MGI:5011296 pseudogene predicted gene, 19111
15 gene 27.45984 27.46345 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596058 Gm36899 NCBI_Gene:102640959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115138 MGI:5596058 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36899
15 gene 27.46668 27.59491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3045421 Ank NCBI_Gene:11732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022265 MGI:3045421 protein coding gene progressive ankylosis
15 gene 27.47901 27.48090 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2651383 Tiaf2 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115568 MGI:2651383 unclassified gene TGF-beta1-induced anti-apoptotic factor 2
15 gene 27.50391 27.50553 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442793 B230362B09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115543 MGI:2442793 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230362B09 gene
15 gene 27.51635 27.51735 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589060 Gm29901 NCBI_Gene:102631604 MGI:5589060 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29901
15 gene 27.54264 27.63098 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3577015 Otulin NCBI_Gene:432940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046034 MGI:3577015 protein coding gene OTU deubiquitinase with linear linkage specificity
15 gene 27.57149 27.57156 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531111 Mir7117 miRBase:MI0022968,NCBI_Gene:102466808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098416 MGI:5531111 miRNA gene microRNA 7117
15 gene 27.57391 27.57704 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641860 Gm9948 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 9948
15 pseudogene 27.63642 27.63697 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826143 Gm46506 NCBI_Gene:108168228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115578 MGI:5826143 pseudogene predicted gene, 46506
15 gene 27.65507 27.68160 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2687281 Otulinl NCBI_Gene:223433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056069 MGI:2687281 protein coding gene OTU deubiquitinase with linear linkage specificity like
15 gene 27.67736 27.68008 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028081 C130098B18Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130098B18 gene
15 gene 27.73065 28.02703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927230 Trio NCBI_Gene:223435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022263 MGI:1927230 protein coding gene triple functional domain (PTPRF interacting)
15 gene 27.85631 27.85711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642023 Gm9891 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115641 MGI:3642023 protein coding gene predicted gene 9891
15 gene 27.86380 27.86723 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5295662 Gm20555 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115161 MGI:5295662 unclassified gene predicted gene, 20555
15 gene 27.97001 27.98899 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589134 Gm29975 NCBI_Gene:102631705 MGI:5589134 protein coding gene predicted gene, 29975
15 gene 28.02739 28.03115 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624165 Gm41280 NCBI_Gene:105245900 MGI:5624165 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41280
15 pseudogene 28.04101 28.04152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012068 Gm19883 NCBI_Gene:100503766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115058 MGI:5012068 pseudogene predicted gene, 19883
15 gene 28.04593 28.11845 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590617 Gm31458 NCBI_Gene:102633697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115773 MGI:5590617 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31458
15 pseudogene 28.12314 28.12362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647670 Gm8472 NCBI_Gene:667126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115722 MGI:3647670 pseudogene predicted gene 8472
15 gene 28.15410 28.15546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118695 Gm49233 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115839 MGI:6118695 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49233
15 gene 28.15485 28.47205 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107718 Dnah5 NCBI_Gene:110082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022262 MGI:107718 protein coding gene dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 5
15 gene 28.19089 28.19212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118697 Gm49234 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115806 MGI:6118697 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49234
15 pseudogene 28.50475 28.50519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118762 Gm49278 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115473 MGI:6118762 pseudogene predicted gene, 49278
15 pseudogene 28.54021 28.54047 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118763 Gm49279 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115156 MGI:6118763 pseudogene predicted gene, 49279
15 pseudogene 28.71867 28.72010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648172 Gm8484 NCBI_Gene:667153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115795 MGI:3648172 pseudogene predicted gene 8484
15 gene 28.85500 28.85777 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118764 Gm49280 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115459 MGI:6118764 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49280
15 gene 28.85889 28.87466 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590846 Gm31687 NCBI_Gene:102633997 MGI:5590846 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31687
15 gene 29.37247 29.37553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624166 Gm41281 NCBI_Gene:105245901 MGI:5624166 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41281
15 gene 29.71333 29.71340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4950403 Mir3964 miRBase:MI0016970,NCBI_Gene:100628607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092639 MGI:4950403 miRNA gene microRNA 3964
15 gene 29.88834 29.88847 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452810 Gm23033 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088621 MGI:5452810 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23033
15 pseudogene 29.94828 29.94837 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118766 Gm49281 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115544 MGI:6118766 pseudogene predicted gene, 49281
15 gene 30.00406 30.00413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454331 Gm24554 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089279 MGI:5454331 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24554
15 gene 30.00419 30.00426 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453104 Gm23327 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088045 MGI:5453104 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23327
15 pseudogene 30.01228 30.01320 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647582 Gm5212 NCBI_Gene:382975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115080 MGI:3647582 pseudogene predicted gene 5212
15 gene 30.05238 30.05256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455940 Gm26163 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065726 MGI:5455940 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26163
15 gene 30.17259 31.02934 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1195966 Ctnnd2 NCBI_Gene:18163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022240 MGI:1195966 protein coding gene catenin (cadherin associated protein), delta 2
15 gene 30.17319 30.18682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591112 Gm31953 NCBI_Gene:102634351 MGI:5591112 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31953
15 gene 30.42884 30.43023 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118769 Gm49283 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115073 MGI:6118769 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49283
15 gene 30.51693 30.53411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624169 Gm41284 NCBI_Gene:105245904 MGI:5624169 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41284
15 gene 30.59029 30.59041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453733 Gm23956 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087836 MGI:5453733 rRNA gene predicted gene, 23956
15 gene 30.59709 30.62662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923191 4930570B17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115337 MGI:1923191 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930570B17 gene
15 gene 30.60151 30.60158 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454264 Gm24487 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094704 MGI:5454264 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24487
15 gene 30.67314 30.67547 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591000 Gm31841 NCBI_Gene:102634200 MGI:5591000 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31841
15 gene 30.72168 30.73272 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624168 Gm41283 NCBI_Gene:105245903 MGI:5624168 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41283
15 gene 30.96130 30.96288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925818 9630009A06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115012 MGI:1925818 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9630009A06 gene
15 gene 31.03913 31.04333 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921034 4930430F21Rik NCBI_Gene:73784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115474 MGI:1921034 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930430F21 gene
15 gene 31.09222 31.11727 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591170 Gm32011 NCBI_Gene:102634426 MGI:5591170 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32011
15 gene 31.13101 31.13585 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591229 Gm32070 NCBI_Gene:102634504 MGI:5591229 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32070
15 gene 31.19421 31.19434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456193 Gm26416 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077468 MGI:5456193 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26416
15 gene 31.22431 31.27434 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918190 Dap NCBI_Gene:223453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039168 MGI:1918190 protein coding gene death-associated protein
15 gene 31.25492 31.26346 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624170 Gm41285 NCBI_Gene:105245905 MGI:5624170 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41285
15 pseudogene 31.27645 31.27805 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648078 Fam136b-ps NCBI_Gene:625796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055416 MGI:3648078 pseudogene family with sequence similarity 136, member B, pseudogene
15 gene 31.28209 31.28314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118789 Gm49296 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115418 MGI:6118789 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49296
15 gene 31.29148 31.36810 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917904 Ankrd33b NCBI_Gene:67434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022237 MGI:1917904 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 33B
15 gene 31.36836 31.37030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118795 Gm49300 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115406 MGI:6118795 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49300
15 gene 31.40106 31.40871 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624171 Gm41286 NCBI_Gene:105245906 MGI:5624171 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41286
15 gene 31.44121 31.45374 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2182357 Ropn1l NCBI_Gene:252967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022236 MGI:2182357 protein coding gene ropporin 1-like
15 pseudogene 31.44566 31.44683 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646180 Gm6361 NCBI_Gene:622810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068964 MGI:3646180 pseudogene predicted gene 6361
15 gene 31.45374 31.45490 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118659 Gm49208 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115710 MGI:6118659 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49208
15 gene 31.45589 31.53105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442773 March6 NCBI_Gene:223455,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039100 MGI:2442773 protein coding gene membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 6
15 pseudogene 31.46228 31.46263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118668 Gm49214 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115357 MGI:6118668 pseudogene predicted gene, 49214
15 gene 31.48176 31.48693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118670 Gm49216 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115383 MGI:6118670 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49216
15 pseudogene 31.52092 31.52127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118669 Gm49215 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115224 MGI:6118669 pseudogene predicted gene, 49215
15 gene 31.53110 31.54587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624172 Gm41287 NCBI_Gene:105245907 MGI:5624172 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41287
15 gene 31.56537 31.59012 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916824 Cmbl NCBI_Gene:69574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022235 MGI:1916824 protein coding gene carboxymethylenebutenolidase-like (Pseudomonas)
15 gene 31.59080 31.60180 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107185 Cct5 NCBI_Gene:12465,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022234 MGI:107185 protein coding gene chaperonin containing Tcp1, subunit 5 (epsilon)
15 gene 31.60185 31.62123 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915323 Atpsckmt NCBI_Gene:68073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039065 MGI:1915323 protein coding gene ATP synthase C subunit lysine N-methyltransferase
15 gene 31.62197 31.62403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118771 Gm49284 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114995 MGI:6118771 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49284
15 gene 31.63572 31.64046 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591542 Gm32383 NCBI_Gene:102634910 MGI:5591542 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32383
15 pseudogene 31.65477 31.65557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826159 Gm46522 NCBI_Gene:108168247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115188 MGI:5826159 pseudogene predicted gene, 46522
15 pseudogene 31.73090 31.73364 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010188 Gm18003 NCBI_Gene:100416250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115589 MGI:5010188 pseudogene predicted gene, 18003
15 gene 32.04995 32.05135 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118773 Gm49285 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115561 MGI:6118773 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49285
15 gene 32.15636 32.24047 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591658 Gm32499 NCBI_Gene:102635070 MGI:5591658 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32499
15 gene 32.17729 32.17829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681253 Tas2r119 NCBI_Gene:57254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045267 MGI:2681253 protein coding gene taste receptor, type 2, member 119
15 gene 32.22639 32.22704 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922353 4930518I17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107924 MGI:1922353 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930518I17 gene
15 gene 32.24056 32.24466 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914085 Snhg18 NCBI_Gene:100616095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096956 MGI:1914085 lncRNA gene small nucleolar RNA host gene 18
15 gene 32.24184 32.24193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5297223 Snord123 NCBI_Gene:66835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089317 MGI:5297223 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 123
15 gene 32.24474 32.69634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107556 Sema5a NCBI_Gene:20356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022231 MGI:107556 protein coding gene sema domain, seven thrombospondin repeats (type 1 and type 1-like), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 5A
15 gene 32.40997 32.43444 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591721 Gm32562 NCBI_Gene:102635151 MGI:5591721 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32562
15 gene 32.61974 32.62351 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922230 4930465K09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115063 MGI:1922230 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930465K09 gene
15 gene 32.75469 32.77315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624174 Gm41289 NCBI_Gene:105245909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115749 MGI:5624174 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41289
15 gene 32.77865 32.79601 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591777 Gm32618 NCBI_Gene:102635226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115317 MGI:5591777 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32618
15 gene 32.78507 32.78719 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781242 Gm3065 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 3065
15 gene 32.92072 33.03493 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349165 Sdc2 NCBI_Gene:15529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022261 MGI:1349165 protein coding gene syndecan 2
15 gene 33.04602 33.07352 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591923 Gm32764 NCBI_Gene:102635418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115140 MGI:5591923 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32764
15 gene 33.08313 33.59455 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1889205 Cpq NCBI_Gene:54381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039007 MGI:1889205 protein coding gene carboxypeptidase Q
15 pseudogene 33.40398 33.40598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920736 1700084J12Rik NCBI_Gene:73486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058101 MGI:1920736 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 1700084J12 gene
15 gene 33.55705 33.55824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924551 9430031J08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430031J08 gene
15 gene 33.58961 33.58974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454253 Gm24476 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088062 MGI:5454253 rRNA gene predicted gene, 24476
15 gene 33.59388 33.65344 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923130 4930592A05Rik NCBI_Gene:75880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115779 MGI:1923130 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930592A05 gene
15 gene 33.59759 33.59958 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917765 5730407I07Rik NA NA protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 5730407I07 gene
15 gene 33.68388 33.68788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442458 Tspyl5 NCBI_Gene:239364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038984 MGI:2442458 protein coding gene testis-specific protein, Y-encoded-like 5
15 pseudogene 33.75747 33.75779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118478 Gm49088 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115362 MGI:6118478 pseudogene predicted gene, 49088
15 gene 33.83145 33.83435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118479 Gm49089 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115318 MGI:6118479 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49089
15 gene 33.92957 33.93042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921335 4933414I06Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933414I06 gene
15 pseudogene 34.01265 34.01309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780050 Gm9643 NCBI_Gene:675463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115605 MGI:3780050 pseudogene predicted gene 9643
15 gene 34.02199 34.03783 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624175 Gm41290 NCBI_Gene:105245910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115428 MGI:5624175 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41290
15 pseudogene 34.05312 34.05327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118482 Gm49091 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115440 MGI:6118482 pseudogene predicted gene, 49091
15 gene 34.08174 34.08303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624176 Gm41291 NCBI_Gene:105245911 MGI:5624176 protein coding gene predicted gene, 41291
15 gene 34.08269 34.14562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914404 Mtdh NCBI_Gene:67154,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022255 MGI:1914404 protein coding gene metadherin
15 gene 34.12694 34.13069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443961 9930017N22Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115276 MGI:2443961 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9930017N22 gene
15 gene 34.13925 34.13938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454277 Gm24500 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089072 MGI:5454277 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24500
15 gene 34.15256 34.16689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621479 Gm38594 NCBI_Gene:102642065 MGI:5621479 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38594
15 gene 34.23803 34.28430 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890494 Laptm4b NCBI_Gene:114128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022257 MGI:1890494 protein coding gene lysosomal-associated protein transmembrane 4B
15 pseudogene 34.26738 34.27011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011134 Gm18949 NCBI_Gene:100418014,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115808 MGI:5011134 pseudogene predicted gene, 18949
15 gene 34.28882 34.28887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455586 Gm25809 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084738 MGI:5455586 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25809
15 gene 34.30665 34.43627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109613 Matn2 NCBI_Gene:17181,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022324 MGI:109613 protein coding gene matrilin 2
15 gene 34.34905 34.35787 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924608 9430069I07Rik NCBI_Gene:77358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094447 MGI:1924608 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9430069I07 gene
15 gene 34.44051 34.44364 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98037 Rpl30 NCBI_Gene:19946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058600 MGI:98037 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L30
15 gene 34.44079 34.44092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454300 Gm24523 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065899 MGI:5454300 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24523
15 gene 34.44298 34.44481 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925101 D730044K07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115685 MGI:1925101 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D730044K07 gene
15 gene 34.45331 34.47389 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447772 Erich5 NCBI_Gene:239368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044726 MGI:2447772 protein coding gene glutamate rich 5
15 gene 34.48171 34.48383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118627 Gm49188 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115300 MGI:6118627 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49188
15 gene 34.48402 34.49526 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1095401 Rida NCBI_Gene:15473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022323 MGI:1095401 protein coding gene reactive intermediate imine deaminase A homolog
15 gene 34.49530 34.53065 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914974 Pop1 NCBI_Gene:67724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022325 MGI:1914974 protein coding gene processing of precursor 1, ribonuclease P/MRP family, (S. cerevisiae)
15 pseudogene 34.53156 34.53170 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118639 Gm49195 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115005 MGI:6118639 pseudogene predicted gene, 49195
15 gene 34.53171 34.53182 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451985 Gm22208 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084607 MGI:5451985 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22208
15 gene 34.57280 34.67944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924488 Nipal2 NCBI_Gene:223473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038879 MGI:1924488 protein coding gene NIPA-like domain containing 2
15 gene 34.66527 34.66605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918784 9030408N04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9030408N04 gene
15 gene 34.67507 34.67920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918887 4930413F20Rik NCBI_Gene:71637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115526 MGI:1918887 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930413F20 gene
15 gene 34.74497 34.83844 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592129 Gm32970 NCBI_Gene:102635699 MGI:5592129 protein coding gene predicted gene, 32970
15 gene 34.82318 34.82643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118246 Gm48932 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115360 MGI:6118246 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48932
15 gene 34.83736 34.84341 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1197011 Kcns2 NCBI_Gene:16539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050963 MGI:1197011 protein coding gene K+ voltage-gated channel, subfamily S, 2
15 gene 34.87550 35.17892 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928487 Stk3 NCBI_Gene:56274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022329 MGI:1928487 protein coding gene serine/threonine kinase 3
15 gene 35.20011 35.27367 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592656 Gm33497 NCBI_Gene:102636432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115345 MGI:5592656 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33497
15 gene 35.29608 35.30331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930813 Osr2 NCBI_Gene:107587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022330 MGI:1930813 protein coding gene odd-skipped related 2
15 gene 35.30700 35.32854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3758910 BC048602 NCBI_Gene:100126269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115453 MGI:3758910 lncRNA gene cDNA sequence BC048602
15 gene 35.32899 35.34037 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592743 Gm33584 NCBI_Gene:102636548 MGI:5592743 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33584
15 gene 35.36845 35.37315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918154 4921515G04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4921515G04 gene
15 gene 35.36845 35.37315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118292 Gm48960 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115829 MGI:6118292 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48960
15 gene 35.37114 35.93123 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916380 Vps13b NCBI_Gene:666173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037646 MGI:1916380 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 13B
15 gene 35.48740 35.48754 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454548 Gm24771 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089133 MGI:5454548 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24771
15 gene 35.56824 35.56988 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118302 Gm48966 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115314 MGI:6118302 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48966
15 gene 35.58931 35.59164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644983 Gm7968 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115144 MGI:3644983 unclassified gene predicted gene 7968
15 gene 35.66083 35.66092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4358945 Mir599 miRBase:MI0012529,NCBI_Gene:100316736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076333 MGI:4358945 miRNA gene microRNA 599
15 gene 35.66097 35.66105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3718565 Mir875 miRBase:MI0005551,NCBI_Gene:100124469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077890 MGI:3718565 miRNA gene microRNA 875
15 pseudogene 35.73360 35.73462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011179 Gm18994 NCBI_Gene:100418089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115040 MGI:5011179 pseudogene predicted gene, 18994
15 gene 35.78715 35.79028 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921804 9130002K18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115837 MGI:1921804 unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9130002K18 gene
15 gene 35.85539 35.85779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118300 Gm48965 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115340 MGI:6118300 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48965
15 gene 35.86051 35.86337 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118294 Gm48961 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115793 MGI:6118294 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48961
15 gene 35.86433 35.88687 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624177 Gm41292 NCBI_Gene:105245912 MGI:5624177 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41292
15 gene 35.92589 35.93825 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104614 Cox6c NCBI_Gene:12864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014313 MGI:104614 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6C
15 gene 35.96051 36.14064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3613651 Rgs22 NCBI_Gene:626596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037627 MGI:3613651 protein coding gene regulator of G-protein signalling 22
15 gene 36.02890 36.02915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455149 Gm25372 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088786 MGI:5455149 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25372
15 pseudogene 36.11994 36.12093 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011074 Gm18889 NCBI_Gene:100417896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092230 MGI:5011074 pseudogene predicted gene, 18889
15 gene 36.15006 36.16994 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926053 Fbxo43 NCBI_Gene:78803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048230 MGI:1926053 protein coding gene F-box protein 43
15 gene 36.16489 36.16545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920780 1700074I03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700074I03 gene
15 gene 36.16980 36.16995 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452756 Gm22979 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064543 MGI:5452756 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22979
15 gene 36.17401 36.17701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102725 Polr2k NCBI_Gene:17749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045996 MGI:102725 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide K
15 gene 36.17548 36.23562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349387 Spag1 NCBI_Gene:26942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037617 MGI:1349387 protein coding gene sperm associated antigen 1
15 gene 36.20526 36.20532 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453531 Gm23754 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088201 MGI:5453531 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23754
15 gene 36.20570 36.21108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624178 Gm41293 NCBI_Gene:105245913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115811 MGI:5624178 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41293
15 gene 36.23993 36.28315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1353623 Rnf19a NCBI_Gene:30945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022280 MGI:1353623 protein coding gene ring finger protein 19A
15 gene 36.24005 36.24016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530879 Mir8097 miRBase:MI0026025,NCBI_Gene:102465888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098457 MGI:5530879 miRNA gene microRNA 8097
15 gene 36.25051 36.25276 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918635 5430434G16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430434G16 gene
15 pseudogene 36.29962 36.30047 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779911 Gm9501 NCBI_Gene:670773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115162 MGI:3779911 pseudogene predicted gene 9501
15 pseudogene 36.30810 36.30897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643413 Rpl7a-ps3 NCBI_Gene:268795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068579 MGI:3643413 pseudogene ribosomal protein L7A, pseudogene 3
15 gene 36.31740 36.31899 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624179 Gm41294 NCBI_Gene:105245914 MGI:5624179 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41294
15 gene 36.32197 36.34093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621485 Gm38600 NCBI_Gene:102642210 MGI:5621485 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38600
15 gene 36.32455 36.33015 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592985 Gm33826 NCBI_Gene:102636876 MGI:5592985 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33826
15 gene 36.34122 36.36853 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593095 Gm33936 NCBI_Gene:102637024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115715 MGI:5593095 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33936
15 gene 36.37395 36.37713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593309 Gm34150 NCBI_Gene:102637304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115278 MGI:5593309 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34150
15 gene 36.37534 36.39017 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593252 Gm34093 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114981 MGI:5593252 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34093
15 gene 36.43332 36.43669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118681 Gm49224 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115395 MGI:6118681 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49224
15 gene 36.45325 36.45658 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593475 Gm34316 NCBI_Gene:102637530 MGI:5593475 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34316
15 gene 36.47767 36.49682 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916089 Ankrd46 NCBI_Gene:68839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048307 MGI:1916089 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 46
15 gene 36.49998 36.50343 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118714 Gm49246 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115084 MGI:6118714 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49246
15 gene 36.50406 36.56013 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913946 Snx31 NCBI_Gene:66696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013611 MGI:1913946 protein coding gene sorting nexin 31
15 gene 36.58354 36.58367 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690702 Gm44310 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105494 MGI:5690702 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44310
15 gene 36.59566 36.60967 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349722 Pabpc1 NCBI_Gene:18458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022283 MGI:1349722 protein coding gene poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 1
15 gene 36.62916 36.62999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118737 Gm49262 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115037 MGI:6118737 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49262
15 pseudogene 36.62952 36.62991 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646833 Gm6704 NCBI_Gene:626746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115537 MGI:3646833 pseudogene predicted gene 6704
15 gene 36.63277 36.69576 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826152 Gm46515 NCBI_Gene:108168240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115127 MGI:5826152 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46515
15 gene 36.69010 36.69495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642705 Gm10385 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115834 MGI:3642705 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10385
15 gene 36.70406 36.70953 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624181 Gm41296 NCBI_Gene:105245916 MGI:5624181 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41296
15 gene 36.71788 36.72846 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624182 Gm41297 NCBI_Gene:105245917 MGI:5624182 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41297
15 gene 36.72365 36.72524 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118739 Gm49263 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115103 MGI:6118739 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49263
15 gene 36.72622 36.73079 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4437721 A830021M18Rik NCBI_Gene:223483 MGI:4437721 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A830021M18 gene
15 gene 36.77026 36.80298 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109484 Ywhaz NCBI_Gene:22631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022285 MGI:109484 protein coding gene tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, zeta polypeptide
15 gene 36.79575 36.80223 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624183 Gm41298 NCBI_Gene:105245918 MGI:5624183 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41298
15 gene 36.79870 36.79877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455080 Gm25303 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093021 MGI:5455080 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25303
15 gene 36.81086 36.84409 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593631 Gm34472 NCBI_Gene:102637738 MGI:5593631 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34472
15 gene 36.84282 36.84434 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118767 Gm49282 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115750 MGI:6118767 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49282
15 gene 36.86772 36.86933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624184 Gm41299 NCBI_Gene:105245919 MGI:5624184 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41299
15 gene 36.87050 36.88004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641812 Gm10384 NCBI_Gene:100038735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072618 MGI:3641812 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10384
15 gene 36.90661 36.93178 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624185 Gm41300 NCBI_Gene:105245920,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115430 MGI:5624185 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41300
15 gene 36.91065 36.91562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593688 Gm34529 NCBI_Gene:102637813 MGI:5593688 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34529
15 gene 36.93611 36.96421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593749 Gm34590 NCBI_Gene:102637894,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115333 MGI:5593749 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34590
15 gene 36.99703 37.00777 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915286 Zfp706 NCBI_Gene:68036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062397 MGI:1915286 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 706
15 gene 37.00751 37.04410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477260 Gm26766 NCBI_Gene:108168238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097259 MGI:5477260 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26766
15 gene 37.04424 37.04643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593883 Gm34724 NCBI_Gene:102638074 MGI:5593883 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34724
15 gene 37.12403 37.16821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624187 Gm41302 NCBI_Gene:105245922 MGI:5624187 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41302
15 gene 37.13322 37.13552 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624186 Gm41301 NCBI_Gene:105245921 MGI:5624186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41301
15 gene 37.13595 37.16814 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593979 Gm34820 NCBI_Gene:102638203 MGI:5593979 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34820
15 pseudogene 37.17106 37.17240 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779919 Gm9509 NCBI_Gene:670911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115848 MGI:3779919 pseudogene predicted gene 9509
15 pseudogene 37.18021 37.18270 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648743 Gm8664 NCBI_Gene:667492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115621 MGI:3648743 pseudogene predicted gene 8664
15 gene 37.19537 37.19866 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624188 Gm41303 NCBI_Gene:105245923 MGI:5624188 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41303
15 gene 37.23179 37.23331 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802137 Gm16136 NCBI_Gene:105245924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089804 MGI:3802137 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16136
15 gene 37.23282 37.36357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2182543 Grhl2 NCBI_Gene:252973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022286 MGI:2182543 protein coding gene grainyhead like transcription factor 2
15 gene 37.24240 37.24316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802136 Gm16137 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089949 MGI:3802136 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16137
15 pseudogene 37.33199 37.33281 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801879 Gm16138 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089811 MGI:3801879 pseudogene predicted gene 16138
15 gene 37.36617 37.79257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196326 Ncald NCBI_Gene:52589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051359 MGI:1196326 protein coding gene neurocalcin delta
15 gene 37.36720 37.36850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578927 Gm28221 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101671 MGI:5578927 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28221
15 gene 37.37132 37.37145 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453431 Gm23654 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080408 MGI:5453431 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23654
15 pseudogene 37.42113 37.42324 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648751 Gm8668 NCBI_Gene:667498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084316 MGI:3648751 pseudogene predicted gene 8668
15 gene 37.42113 37.43341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802081 Gm15941 NCBI_Gene:100503538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086992 MGI:3802081 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15941
15 gene 37.42555 37.44084 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922142 4930447A16Rik NCBI_Gene:74892,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022288 MGI:1922142 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930447A16 gene
15 gene 37.43248 37.73434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6121631 Gm49397 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115157 MGI:6121631 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49397
15 pseudogene 37.49276 37.49323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781446 Gm3267 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084382 MGI:3781446 pseudogene predicted gene 3267
15 gene 37.51481 37.52981 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624190 Gm41305 NCBI_Gene:105245927 MGI:5624190 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41305
15 gene 37.55903 37.56183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118815 Gm49311 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115095 MGI:6118815 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49311
15 gene 37.60341 37.60353 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454610 Gm24833 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080425 MGI:5454610 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24833
15 gene 37.64170 37.65093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624189 Gm41304 NCBI_Gene:105245926 MGI:5624189 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41304
15 gene 37.69961 37.72085 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802083 Gm15942 NCBI_Gene:105245925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086125 MGI:3802083 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15942
15 gene 37.76283 37.76540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802082 Gm15940 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086313 MGI:3802082 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15940
15 pseudogene 37.86793 37.86852 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646817 Rps19-ps5 NCBI_Gene:667534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097679 MGI:3646817 pseudogene ribosomal protein S19, pseudogene 5
15 gene 37.89299 37.90806 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594178 Gm35019 NCBI_Gene:102638459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115326 MGI:5594178 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35019
15 gene 37.92395 37.96132 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2155865 Rrm2b NCBI_Gene:382985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022292 MGI:2155865 protein coding gene ribonucleotide reductase M2 B (TP53 inducible)
15 pseudogene 37.94325 37.94382 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781540 Gm3362 NCBI_Gene:108168233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085442 MGI:3781540 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 3362
15 gene 37.96047 37.96622 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118472 Gm49085 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115249 MGI:6118472 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49085
15 gene 37.96733 38.07885 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918040 Ubr5 NCBI_Gene:70790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037487 MGI:1918040 protein coding gene ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 5
15 gene 38.05828 38.05842 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452130 Gm22353 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065852 MGI:5452130 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22353
15 gene 38.07910 38.07956 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118817 Gm49312 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115771 MGI:6118817 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49312
15 gene 38.14370 38.14756 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594240 Gm35081 NCBI_Gene:102638544 MGI:5594240 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35081
15 gene 38.18401 38.20222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594326 Gm35167 NCBI_Gene:102638654,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115680 MGI:5594326 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35167
15 gene 38.21920 38.22673 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97424 Odf1 NCBI_Gene:18285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061923 MGI:97424 protein coding gene outer dense fiber of sperm tails 1
15 pseudogene 38.23790 38.23882 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779473 Gm5213 NCBI_Gene:382986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115525 MGI:3779473 pseudogene predicted gene 5213
15 gene 38.23857 38.23868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453875 Gm24098 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096567 MGI:5453875 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24098
15 gene 38.23970 38.25531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118819 Gm49313 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115307 MGI:6118819 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49313
15 pseudogene 38.24329 38.24425 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643204 Gm8705 NCBI_Gene:667563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115057 MGI:3643204 pseudogene predicted gene 8705
15 gene 38.27540 38.27644 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118821 Gm49314 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115437 MGI:6118821 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49314
15 gene 38.29146 38.30071 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1101353 Klf10 NCBI_Gene:21847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037465 MGI:1101353 protein coding gene Kruppel-like factor 10
15 gene 38.29810 38.34314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594407 Gm35248 NCBI_Gene:102638762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115456 MGI:5594407 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35248
15 gene 38.35734 38.36608 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624191 Gm41306 NCBI_Gene:105245928 MGI:5624191 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41306
15 gene 38.38498 38.38630 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477357 Gm26863 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097645 MGI:5477357 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26863
15 gene 38.38556 38.40472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624192 Gm41307 NCBI_Gene:105245929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115405 MGI:5624192 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41307
15 gene 38.43623 38.45551 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642701 G930009F23Rik NCBI_Gene:100038726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115009 MGI:3642701 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA G930009F23 gene
15 gene 38.47323 38.47827 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624193 Gm41308 NCBI_Gene:105245930 MGI:5624193 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41308
15 gene 38.48743 38.51929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859169 Azin1 NCBI_Gene:54375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037458 MGI:1859169 protein coding gene antizyme inhibitor 1
15 gene 38.49047 38.49055 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531147 Mir6951 miRBase:MI0022798,NCBI_Gene:102465574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099110 MGI:5531147 miRNA gene microRNA 6951
15 gene 38.51879 38.52005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118462 Gm49077 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115546 MGI:6118462 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49077
15 gene 38.54934 38.59493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916929 2310043O21Rik NCBI_Gene:69679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102106 MGI:1916929 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310043O21 gene
15 gene 38.56852 38.60234 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624194 Gm41309 NCBI_Gene:105245931 MGI:5624194 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41309
15 pseudogene 38.57398 38.57809 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588856 Gm29697 NCBI_Gene:100862352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115587 MGI:5588856 pseudogene predicted gene, 29697
15 pseudogene 38.57472 38.57482 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118481 Gm49090 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114975 MGI:6118481 pseudogene predicted gene, 49090
15 pseudogene 38.57526 38.57679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108065 Siah1-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100416386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115491 MGI:108065 pseudogene siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1, pseudogene 2
15 gene 38.64094 38.65984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922655 1100001I12Rik NCBI_Gene:75405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115547 MGI:1922655 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1100001I12 gene
15 gene 38.66190 38.69245 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913585 Atp6v1c1 NCBI_Gene:66335,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022295 MGI:1913585 protein coding gene ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit C1
15 gene 38.71348 38.72852 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825561 Gm45924 NCBI_Gene:105463124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115620 MGI:5825561 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45924
15 gene 38.93307 38.93862 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118490 Gm49097 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114994 MGI:6118490 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49097
15 gene 38.93314 38.95292 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928704 Baalc NCBI_Gene:118452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022296 MGI:1928704 protein coding gene brain and acute leukemia, cytoplasmic
15 gene 38.97823 38.97937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592282 Gm33123 NCBI_Gene:102635905 MGI:5592282 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33123
15 pseudogene 38.99014 38.99256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648965 Gm4740 NCBI_Gene:170769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115070 MGI:3648965 pseudogene predicted gene 4740
15 gene 39.00328 39.00619 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477198 Gm26704 NCBI_Gene:105245938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097875 MGI:5477198 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26704
15 gene 39.00567 39.03819 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108474 Fzd6 NCBI_Gene:14368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022297 MGI:108474 protein coding gene frizzled class receptor 6
15 gene 39.03183 39.04528 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624195 Gm41310 NCBI_Gene:105245937 MGI:5624195 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41310
15 gene 39.04043 39.04128 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6215309 Gm49786 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115508 MGI:6215309 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49786
15 gene 39.04058 39.04071 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454566 Gm24789 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077470 MGI:5454566 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24789
15 gene 39.04187 39.06678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645774 Gm7194 NCBI_Gene:636952 MGI:3645774 lncRNA gene predicted gene 7194
15 pseudogene 39.06141 39.06180 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118502 Gm49105 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115841 MGI:6118502 pseudogene predicted gene, 49105
15 gene 39.07685 39.08712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915838 Cthrc1 NCBI_Gene:68588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054196 MGI:1915838 protein coding gene collagen triple helix repeat containing 1
15 gene 39.09123 39.11278 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917156 Slc25a32 NCBI_Gene:69906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022299 MGI:1917156 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25, member 32
15 gene 39.11286 39.14686 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684929 Dcaf13 NCBI_Gene:223499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022300 MGI:2684929 protein coding gene DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 13
15 gene 39.14638 39.14649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4421884 n-R5s39 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084562 MGI:4421884 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 39
15 pseudogene 39.18048 39.18164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779931 Gm9522 NCBI_Gene:671215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098021 MGI:3779931 pseudogene predicted gene 9522
15 gene 39.19826 39.68438 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2152972 Rims2 NCBI_Gene:116838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037386 MGI:2152972 protein coding gene regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2
15 gene 39.30847 39.30858 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455158 Gm25381 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095297 MGI:5455158 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25381
15 pseudogene 39.40362 39.40739 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826147 Gm46510 NCBI_Gene:108168232 MGI:5826147 pseudogene predicted gene, 46510
15 gene 39.64225 39.64536 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443453 4932442A14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4932442A14 gene
15 gene 39.74593 39.76094 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923016 Dcstamp NCBI_Gene:75766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022303 MGI:1923016 protein coding gene dendrocyte expressed seven transmembrane protein
15 gene 39.76848 39.85747 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928679 Dpys NCBI_Gene:64705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022304 MGI:1928679 protein coding gene dihydropyrimidinase
15 gene 39.79704 39.81238 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826548 Gm16291 NCBI_Gene:100503072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087695 MGI:3826548 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16291
15 gene 39.87059 39.94399 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443132 Lrp12 NCBI_Gene:239393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022305 MGI:2443132 protein coding gene low density lipoprotein-related protein 12
15 gene 39.96265 39.96751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146144 AU022793 NCBI_Gene:105976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115230 MGI:2146144 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AU022793
15 pseudogene 39.99120 39.99166 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118724 Gm49253 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115152 MGI:6118724 pseudogene predicted gene, 49253
15 gene 40.01280 40.01478 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118725 Gm49254 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115739 MGI:6118725 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49254
15 pseudogene 40.04298 40.04313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118727 Gm49255 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115712 MGI:6118727 pseudogene predicted gene, 49255
15 gene 40.04519 40.12898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592410 Gm33251 NCBI_Gene:102636079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115142 MGI:5592410 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33251
15 gene 40.13437 40.15001 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3045378 9330182O14Rik NCBI_Gene:328531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094112 MGI:3045378 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9330182O14 gene
15 gene 40.16258 40.16808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592460 Gm33301 NCBI_Gene:102636151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115367 MGI:5592460 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33301
15 gene 40.18603 40.18610 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455735 Gm25958 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092855 MGI:5455735 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25958
15 gene 40.34326 40.39331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624196 Gm41311 NCBI_Gene:105245939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115820 MGI:5624196 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41311
15 gene 40.51132 40.52728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645121 Gm16294 NCBI_Gene:432945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056332 MGI:3645121 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16294
15 gene 40.52921 40.65416 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592590 Gm33431 NCBI_Gene:102636333 MGI:5592590 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33431
15 pseudogene 40.53718 40.53872 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643745 Gm7382 NCBI_Gene:664872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115069 MGI:3643745 pseudogene predicted gene 7382
15 gene 40.65488 41.10459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1334444 Zfpm2 NCBI_Gene:22762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022306 MGI:1334444 protein coding gene zinc finger protein, multitype 2
15 pseudogene 40.67031 40.67104 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010470 Gm18285 NCBI_Gene:100416829 MGI:5010470 pseudogene predicted gene, 18285
15 pseudogene 40.68209 40.68282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648726 Gm6045 NCBI_Gene:595141 MGI:3648726 pseudogene predicted gene 6045
15 gene 40.73536 40.74193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592512 Gm33353 NCBI_Gene:102636224 MGI:5592512 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33353
15 gene 40.90756 40.90899 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155223 Gm49525 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116397 MGI:6155223 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49525
15 gene 40.95976 40.96370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155225 Gm49526 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115975 MGI:6155225 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49526
15 gene 40.99796 40.99920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155221 Gm49524 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115898 MGI:6155221 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49524
15 gene 41.16841 41.17383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826139 Gm46502 NCBI_Gene:108168223 MGI:5826139 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46502
15 pseudogene 41.17328 41.17387 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922612 4930555K19Rik NCBI_Gene:100418302,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048559 MGI:1922612 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 4930555K19 gene
15 pseudogene 41.24274 41.24316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155230 Gm49529 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116178 MGI:6155230 pseudogene predicted gene, 49529
15 gene 41.25689 41.30026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592716 Gm33557 NCBI_Gene:102636512 MGI:5592716 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33557
15 gene 41.30530 41.31744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624197 Gm41312 NCBI_Gene:105245940 MGI:5624197 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41312
15 gene 41.36473 41.36476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918496 4933437I04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933437I04 gene
15 gene 41.44743 41.86105 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2179326 Oxr1 NCBI_Gene:170719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022307 MGI:2179326 protein coding gene oxidation resistance 1
15 gene 41.47391 41.47629 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011945 Gm19760 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene%2c 19760
15 gene 41.75806 41.78891 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477348 Gm26854 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097232 MGI:5477348 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26854
15 gene 41.83098 41.83135 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920434 3110047M12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3110047M12 gene
15 gene 41.86408 41.86972 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444891 Abra NCBI_Gene:223513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042895 MGI:2444891 protein coding gene actin-binding Rho activating protein
15 pseudogene 41.92207 41.92315 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645122 Gm5469 NCBI_Gene:432946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116083 MGI:3645122 pseudogene predicted gene 5469
15 gene 41.94900 41.94910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454528 Gm24751 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088469 MGI:5454528 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24751
15 pseudogene 42.03130 42.03274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645123 Gm5470 NCBI_Gene:432947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116215 MGI:3645123 pseudogene predicted gene 5470
15 gene 42.04142 42.06755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155083 Gm49439 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115986 MGI:6155083 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49439
15 gene 42.05522 42.05614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155081 Gm49438 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116199 MGI:6155081 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49438
15 pseudogene 42.16155 42.16188 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155085 Gm49440 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116008 MGI:6155085 pseudogene predicted gene, 49440
15 gene 42.19678 42.20130 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155086 Gm49441 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115988 MGI:6155086 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49441
15 pseudogene 42.25606 42.25678 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010716 Gm18531 NCBI_Gene:100417320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115985 MGI:5010716 pseudogene predicted gene, 18531
15 gene 42.31126 42.32035 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155105 Gm49452 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116245 MGI:6155105 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49452
15 pseudogene 42.32860 42.32942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010277 Gm18092 NCBI_Gene:100416387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116323 MGI:5010277 pseudogene predicted gene, 18092
15 pseudogene 42.39975 42.40043 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155107 Gm49453 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115894 MGI:6155107 pseudogene predicted gene, 49453
15 gene 42.42467 42.67698 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108448 Angpt1 NCBI_Gene:11600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022309 MGI:108448 protein coding gene angiopoietin 1
15 gene 42.63105 42.66607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624198 Gm41313 NCBI_Gene:105245941 MGI:5624198 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41313
15 gene 42.67624 42.70462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937107 Gm17473 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097805 MGI:4937107 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17473
15 gene 42.70475 42.78936 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624199 Gm41314 NCBI_Gene:105245942 MGI:5624199 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41314
15 gene 42.87445 42.98328 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826142 Gm46505 NCBI_Gene:108168227 MGI:5826142 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46505
15 gene 42.94235 42.95093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624200 Gm41315 NCBI_Gene:105245943 MGI:5624200 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41315
15 gene 43.02079 43.17160 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922667 Rspo2 NCBI_Gene:239405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051920 MGI:1922667 protein coding gene R-spondin 2
15 pseudogene 43.21695 43.21818 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780066 Gm9658 NCBI_Gene:675960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098002 MGI:3780066 pseudogene predicted gene 9658
15 gene 43.22463 43.22492 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451814 Gm22037 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087905 MGI:5451814 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22037
15 gene 43.25004 43.28274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99257 Eif3e NCBI_Gene:16341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022336 MGI:99257 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit E
15 gene 43.36440 43.37750 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592902 Gm33743 NCBI_Gene:102636761 MGI:5592902 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33743
15 gene 43.36892 43.37767 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118753 Gm49271 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115635 MGI:6118753 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49271
15 gene 43.43094 43.47704 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642805 Gm10373 NCBI_Gene:100038728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072592 MGI:3642805 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10373
15 gene 43.47723 43.52778 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913986 Emc2 NCBI_Gene:66736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022337 MGI:1913986 protein coding gene ER membrane protein complex subunit 2
15 gene 43.50215 43.50306 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624201 Gm41316 NCBI_Gene:105245944 MGI:5624201 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41316
15 gene 43.53150 43.53321 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920168 2900019E01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900019E01 gene
15 gene 43.69954 43.70103 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918468 4933428L01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933428L01 gene
15 gene 43.73353 43.73474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924690 9430087N24Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430087N24 gene
15 pseudogene 43.80834 43.81121 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780309 Gm2140 NCBI_Gene:102633469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115407 MGI:3780309 pseudogene predicted gene 2140
15 gene 43.86465 43.87061 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443417 Tmem74 NCBI_Gene:239408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054409 MGI:2443417 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 74
15 gene 44.19592 44.23591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98824 Trhr NCBI_Gene:22045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038760 MGI:98824 protein coding gene thyrotropin releasing hormone receptor
15 gene 44.26584 44.26732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592952 Gm33793 NCBI_Gene:102636833 MGI:5592952 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33793
15 pseudogene 44.28198 44.28377 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645341 Gm7459 NCBI_Gene:665041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115730 MGI:3645341 pseudogene predicted gene 7459
15 pseudogene 44.32311 44.32411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011420 Gm19235 NCBI_Gene:100418477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115694 MGI:5011420 pseudogene predicted gene, 19235
15 gene 44.34565 44.34578 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454680 Gm24903 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088756 MGI:5454680 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24903
15 gene 44.36409 44.36422 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454870 Gm25093 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077181 MGI:5454870 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25093
15 gene 44.37316 44.42831 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914679 Nudcd1 NCBI_Gene:67429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038736 MGI:1914679 protein coding gene NudC domain containing 1
15 gene 44.42804 44.43826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919286 Eny2 NCBI_Gene:223527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022338 MGI:1919286 protein coding gene ENY2 transcription and export complex 2 subunit
15 gene 44.43259 44.43270 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452169 Gm22392 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094551 MGI:5452169 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22392
15 gene 44.45737 44.60138 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2183153 Pkhd1l1 NCBI_Gene:192190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038725 MGI:2183153 protein coding gene polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1-like 1
15 gene 44.61917 44.64154 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859920 Ebag9 NCBI_Gene:55960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022339 MGI:1859920 protein coding gene estrogen receptor-binding fragment-associated gene 9
15 gene 44.67186 44.78807 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442392 Sybu NCBI_Gene:319613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022340 MGI:2442392 protein coding gene syntabulin (syntaxin-interacting)
15 gene 44.71645 44.71825 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920277 2900046L07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900046L07 gene
15 gene 44.74847 44.75208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593067 Gm33908 NCBI_Gene:102636990 MGI:5593067 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33908
15 pseudogene 44.75228 44.88474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685151 A930017M01Rik NCBI_Gene:239410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060530 MGI:2685151 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA A930017M01 gene
15 gene 44.78776 44.80583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916909 2310069G16Rik NCBI_Gene:69659 MGI:1916909 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310069G16 gene
15 gene 44.81894 44.83739 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593011 Gm33852 NCBI_Gene:102636910 MGI:5593011 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33852
15 gene 44.94054 44.94064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454545 Gm24768 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089137 MGI:5454545 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24768
15 gene 44.94810 44.94825 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453120 Gm23343 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089589 MGI:5453120 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23343
15 pseudogene 44.95934 44.96036 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010338 Gm18153 NCBI_Gene:100416534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115265 MGI:5010338 pseudogene predicted gene, 18153
15 pseudogene 44.97162 44.97217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648310 Gm5471 NCBI_Gene:432950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058463 MGI:3648310 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5471
15 gene 45.09609 45.11649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914748 Kcnv1 NCBI_Gene:67498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022342 MGI:1914748 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily V, member 1
15 pseudogene 45.96252 45.96347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780373 Gm2203 NCBI_Gene:100039389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115549 MGI:3780373 pseudogene predicted gene 2203
15 pseudogene 45.97805 45.98007 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648309 Gm5472 NCBI_Gene:432951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096157 MGI:3648309 pseudogene predicted gene 5472
15 gene 46.15170 46.15180 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455840 Gm26063 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065312 MGI:5455840 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26063
15 pseudogene 46.17835 46.17876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118459 Gm49075 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115197 MGI:6118459 pseudogene predicted gene, 49075
15 gene 46.22690 46.32479 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624202 Gm41317 NCBI_Gene:105245945 MGI:5624202 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41317
15 gene 46.32456 46.37391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922807 1700022A22Rik NCBI_Gene:71120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099751 MGI:1922807 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700022A22 gene
15 gene 46.43481 46.43487 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453339 Gm23562 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092643 MGI:5453339 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23562
15 gene 46.43587 46.49618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921976 4930523O13Rik NCBI_Gene:74726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115177 MGI:1921976 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930523O13 gene
15 pseudogene 46.43853 46.43896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118465 Gm49079 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115350 MGI:6118465 pseudogene predicted gene, 49079
15 gene 46.62331 46.63986 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922531 4930548G14Rik NCBI_Gene:75281,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051198 MGI:1922531 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930548G14 gene
15 pseudogene 46.93893 46.93989 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621426 Gm38541 NCBI_Gene:102641202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115495 MGI:5621426 pseudogene predicted gene, 38541
15 gene 46.94439 46.94445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453442 Gm23665 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088679 MGI:5453442 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23665
15 pseudogene 47.42191 47.42262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646398 Gm7508 NCBI_Gene:665130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115534 MGI:3646398 pseudogene predicted gene 7508
15 pseudogene 47.52034 47.52264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780437 Gm2267 NCBI_Gene:100039493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115707 MGI:3780437 pseudogene predicted gene 2267
15 gene 47.58064 48.79221 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2386403 Csmd3 NCBI_Gene:239420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022311 MGI:2386403 protein coding gene CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3
15 pseudogene 47.69971 47.70383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826587 Gm16300 NCBI_Gene:100416251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089828 MGI:3826587 pseudogene predicted gene 16300
15 gene 47.80067 47.80081 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453307 Gm23530 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077752 MGI:5453307 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23530
15 pseudogene 48.16347 48.16479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010927 Gm18742 NCBI_Gene:100417653 MGI:5010927 pseudogene predicted gene, 18742
15 gene 48.55131 48.55144 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454784 Gm25007 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065742 MGI:5454784 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25007
15 gene 48.79267 48.79688 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593495 Gm34336 NCBI_Gene:102637558 MGI:5593495 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34336
15 pseudogene 48.88833 48.89002 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643004 Gm7517 NCBI_Gene:665146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115700 MGI:3643004 pseudogene predicted gene 7517
15 pseudogene 48.90008 48.90031 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118623 Gm49185 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115462 MGI:6118623 pseudogene predicted gene, 49185
15 gene 48.90665 48.90674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452962 Gm23185 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089314 MGI:5452962 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23185
15 pseudogene 49.13061 49.13116 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780503 Gm2333 NCBI_Gene:100039600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114976 MGI:3780503 pseudogene predicted gene 2333
15 gene 49.19434 49.20331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624203 Gm41318 NCBI_Gene:105245946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115775 MGI:5624203 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41318
15 gene 49.53820 49.53830 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453625 Gm23848 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065760 MGI:5453625 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23848
15 pseudogene 49.91338 49.91402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118624 Gm49186 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115446 MGI:6118624 pseudogene predicted gene, 49186
15 gene 50.28690 50.33501 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118643 Gm49198 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115478 MGI:6118643 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49198
15 gene 50.65475 50.89075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927616 Trps1 NCBI_Gene:83925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038679 MGI:1927616 protein coding gene transcriptional repressor GATA binding 1
15 gene 50.74046 50.74237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925526 5330433J24Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5330433J24 gene
15 gene 50.88902 50.88911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3811422 Mir1907 miRBase:MI0008325,NCBI_Gene:100316685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084458 MGI:3811422 miRNA gene microRNA 1907
15 gene 50.89173 50.89226 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145931 AA960008 NA NA unclassified gene expressed sequence AA960008
15 gene 50.89764 50.94631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118219 Gm48913 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115339 MGI:6118219 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48913
15 gene 51.08168 51.09033 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593605 Gm34446 NCBI_Gene:102637704 MGI:5593605 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34446
15 gene 51.23164 51.39561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011488 Gm19303 NCBI_Gene:100502643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115654 MGI:5011488 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19303
15 pseudogene 51.54835 51.54897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780529 Gm2361 NCBI_Gene:100039662,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115513 MGI:3780529 pseudogene predicted gene 2361
15 gene 51.57791 51.59181 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593662 Gm34503 NCBI_Gene:102637777 MGI:5593662 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34503
15 gene 51.60157 51.65265 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593721 Gm34562 NCBI_Gene:102637857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115563 MGI:5593721 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34562
15 gene 51.76787 51.77504 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624205 Gm41320 NCBI_Gene:105245948 MGI:5624205 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41320
15 gene 51.78656 51.86552 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915385 Eif3h NCBI_Gene:68135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022312 MGI:1915385 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit H
15 gene 51.87743 51.88462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925831 Utp23 NCBI_Gene:78581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022313 MGI:1925831 protein coding gene UTP23 small subunit processome component
15 gene 51.88037 51.91846 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593837 Gm34678 NCBI_Gene:102638007,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115284 MGI:5593837 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34678
15 gene 51.89709 51.89977 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118234 Gm48923 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115616 MGI:6118234 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48923
15 gene 51.96224 51.99354 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108016 Rad21 NCBI_Gene:19357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022314 MGI:108016 protein coding gene RAD21 cohesin complex component
15 pseudogene 52.01328 52.01346 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118240 Gm48926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115068 MGI:6118240 pseudogene predicted gene, 48926
15 pseudogene 52.03337 52.03607 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011421 Gm19236 NCBI_Gene:100418478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115238 MGI:5011421 pseudogene predicted gene, 19236
15 gene 52.04011 52.04572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2181621 Aard NCBI_Gene:239435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068522 MGI:2181621 protein coding gene alanine and arginine rich domain containing protein
15 pseudogene 52.08927 52.09002 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780555 Gm2387 NCBI_Gene:100039720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115457 MGI:3780555 pseudogene predicted gene 2387
15 pseudogene 52.25912 52.25969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645066 Gm7543 NCBI_Gene:100417613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115738 MGI:3645066 pseudogene predicted gene 7543
15 gene 52.29555 52.33580 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442682 Slc30a8 NCBI_Gene:239436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022315 MGI:2442682 protein coding gene solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 8
15 gene 52.43918 52.44397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624206 Gm41321 NCBI_Gene:105245949 MGI:5624206 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41321
15 gene 52.44497 52.44976 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624207 Gm41322 NCBI_Gene:105245950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115241 MGI:5624207 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41322
15 pseudogene 52.47757 52.47824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642192 Gm10020 NCBI_Gene:100039748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057262 MGI:3642192 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10020
15 gene 52.49688 52.49699 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453322 Gm23545 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088830 MGI:5453322 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23545
15 gene 52.49966 52.49979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453044 Gm23267 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094481 MGI:5453044 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23267
15 gene 52.71241 52.73056 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917040 Med30 NCBI_Gene:69790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038622 MGI:1917040 protein coding gene mediator complex subunit 30
15 gene 52.72771 52.93356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624208 Gm41323 NCBI_Gene:105245951 MGI:5624208 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41323
15 gene 52.75143 52.78627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593953 Gm34794 NCBI_Gene:102638166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115137 MGI:5593953 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34794
15 gene 53.06404 53.34618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_894663 Ext1 NCBI_Gene:14042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061731 MGI:894663 protein coding gene exostoses (multiple) 1
15 gene 53.32843 53.33185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011736 Gm19551 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene%2c 19551
15 gene 53.38392 53.38398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531308 Gm27926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087805 MGI:5531308 snRNA gene predicted gene, 27926
15 gene 53.39911 53.90254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444518 Samd12 NCBI_Gene:320679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058656 MGI:2444518 protein coding gene sterile alpha motif domain containing 12
15 gene 53.61307 53.61320 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452977 Gm23200 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077567 MGI:5452977 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23200
15 gene 53.61420 53.61428 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4950386 Mir28c miRBase:MI0016966,NCBI_Gene:100628567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104794 MGI:4950386 miRNA gene microRNA 28c
15 gene 53.62165 53.62327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922777 1700015H07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115761 MGI:1922777 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700015H07 gene
15 gene 53.88491 53.88660 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647008 Gm7489 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072584 MGI:3647008 protein coding gene predicted gene 7489
15 pseudogene 54.03451 54.03598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504048 Gm26933 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097938 MGI:5504048 pseudogene predicted gene, 26933
15 gene 54.25062 54.27848 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109587 Tnfrsf11b NCBI_Gene:18383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063727 MGI:109587 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b (osteoprotegerin)
15 pseudogene 54.30448 54.30517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649155 Gm7566 NCBI_Gene:665280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115327 MGI:3649155 pseudogene predicted gene 7566
15 pseudogene 54.31173 54.31238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644834 Gm5215 NCBI_Gene:383032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050978 MGI:3644834 pseudogene predicted gene 5215
15 gene 54.41077 54.46636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3606482 Colec10 NCBI_Gene:239447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038591 MGI:3606482 protein coding gene collectin sub-family member 10
15 pseudogene 54.45864 54.45930 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010337 Gm18152 NCBI_Gene:100416533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115211 MGI:5010337 pseudogene predicted gene, 18152
15 pseudogene 54.48751 54.53406 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012255 Gm20070 NCBI_Gene:100504115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115477 MGI:5012255 pseudogene predicted gene, 20070
15 gene 54.57119 54.60285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146021 Mal2 NCBI_Gene:105853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024479 MGI:2146021 protein coding gene mal, T cell differentiation protein 2
15 gene 54.74570 54.75404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109185 Ccn3 NCBI_Gene:18133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037362 MGI:109185 protein coding gene cellular communication network factor 3
15 pseudogene 54.76433 54.76553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646748 Gm7577 NCBI_Gene:665302,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098237 MGI:3646748 pseudogene predicted gene 7577
15 gene 54.83890 54.95289 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1321390 Enpp2 NCBI_Gene:18606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022425 MGI:1321390 protein coding gene ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2
15 gene 54.95197 54.97071 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477178 Gm26684 NCBI_Gene:102638507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097286 MGI:5477178 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26684
15 gene 54.98133 54.98689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922188 4930478E11Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115245 MGI:1922188 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930478E11 gene
15 gene 54.98217 54.98689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780658 Gm2491 NCBI_Gene:100039911 MGI:3780658 unclassified gene predicted gene 2491
15 pseudogene 54.98658 54.98710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118409 Gm49036 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114990 MGI:6118409 pseudogene predicted gene, 49036
15 gene 55.01513 55.07219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443028 Taf2 NCBI_Gene:319944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037343 MGI:2443028 protein coding gene TATA-box binding protein associated factor 2
15 gene 55.07609 55.09119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919357 Dscc1 NCBI_Gene:72107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022422 MGI:1919357 protein coding gene DNA replication and sister chromatid cohesion 1
15 gene 55.08448 55.09802 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624210 Gm41325 NCBI_Gene:105245953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115657 MGI:5624210 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41325
15 gene 55.09992 55.11368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642228 Gm9920 NCBI_Gene:100503794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053749 MGI:3642228 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9920
15 gene 55.11232 55.25927 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146322 Deptor NCBI_Gene:97998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022419 MGI:2146322 protein coding gene DEP domain containing MTOR-interacting protein
15 gene 55.26254 55.26260 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456073 Gm26296 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095792 MGI:5456073 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26296
15 gene 55.27810 55.28212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594471 Gm35312 NCBI_Gene:102638844 MGI:5594471 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35312
15 gene 55.30769 55.52080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341272 Col14a1 NCBI_Gene:12818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022371 MGI:1341272 protein coding gene collagen, type XIV, alpha 1
15 gene 55.43612 55.43902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920584 1700040F17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101568 MGI:1920584 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700040F17 gene
15 pseudogene 55.47477 55.47557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010972 Gm18787 NCBI_Gene:100417726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115759 MGI:5010972 pseudogene predicted gene, 18787
15 gene 55.47553 55.47938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118730 Gm49257 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115414 MGI:6118730 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49257
15 gene 55.49842 55.51615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594629 Gm35470 NCBI_Gene:102639068 MGI:5594629 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35470
15 gene 55.50484 55.50750 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442278 A430088I17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A430088I17 gene
15 gene 55.53409 55.55775 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2137218 Mrpl13 NCBI_Gene:68537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022370 MGI:2137218 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L13
15 gene 55.55741 55.62642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146005 Mtbp NCBI_Gene:105837,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022369 MGI:2146005 protein coding gene Mdm2, transformed 3T3 cell double minute p53 binding protein
15 gene 55.63639 55.90730 negative MGI_C57BL6J_101781 Sntb1 NCBI_Gene:20649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060429 MGI:101781 protein coding gene syntrophin, basic 1
15 gene 55.63639 55.63719 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916036 1110059G02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1110059G02 gene
15 gene 55.68861 55.69022 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918670 5530400N10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5530400N10 gene
15 gene 55.83610 55.84017 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3715730 9530067D14Rik NA NA unclassified gene Riken cDNA 9530067D14 gene
15 gene 55.92340 55.97005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826153 Gm46516 NCBI_Gene:108168241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115200 MGI:5826153 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46516
15 gene 55.93070 55.93241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642773 Gm10370 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115150 MGI:3642773 protein coding gene predicted gene 10370
15 pseudogene 55.97360 55.97461 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647265 Gm7595 NCBI_Gene:665348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115651 MGI:3647265 pseudogene predicted gene 7595
15 pseudogene 55.97616 55.97646 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118662 Gm49210 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115187 MGI:6118662 pseudogene predicted gene, 49210
15 gene 56.00404 56.00572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118663 Gm49211 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115361 MGI:6118663 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49211
15 gene 56.04655 56.04983 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118665 Gm49212 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115678 MGI:6118665 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49212
15 pseudogene 56.17188 56.17242 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96017 Hba-ps3 NCBI_Gene:15124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114969 MGI:96017 pseudogene hemoglobin alpha, pseudogene 3
15 gene 56.41016 56.43588 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624211 Gm41326 NCBI_Gene:105245954 MGI:5624211 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41326
15 pseudogene 56.41501 56.41523 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118667 Gm49213 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115064 MGI:6118667 pseudogene predicted gene, 49213
15 gene 56.66563 56.69455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107821 Has2 NCBI_Gene:15117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022367 MGI:107821 protein coding gene hyaluronan synthase 2
15 gene 56.68994 56.77840 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643465 Has2os NCBI_Gene:594843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086541 MGI:3643465 lncRNA gene hyaluronan synthase 2, opposite strand
15 gene 56.75836 56.77636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624212 Gm41327 NCBI_Gene:105245955 MGI:5624212 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41327
15 gene 56.76540 56.76863 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621401 Gm38516 NCBI_Gene:102639208 MGI:5621401 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38516
15 pseudogene 56.78260 56.78343 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645950 Gm5673 NCBI_Gene:435442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115493 MGI:3645950 pseudogene predicted gene 5673
15 gene 56.88041 57.00662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780750 Gm2582 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115172 MGI:3780750 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2582
15 gene 57.23901 57.23911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455955 Gm26178 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094730 MGI:5455955 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26178
15 gene 57.24377 57.47763 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446114 Slc22a22 NCBI_Gene:210463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022366 MGI:2446114 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 22
15 pseudogene 57.34775 57.34809 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118690 Gm49229 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115226 MGI:6118690 pseudogene predicted gene, 49229
15 pseudogene 57.42998 57.43071 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010279 Gm18094 NCBI_Gene:100416390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115117 MGI:5010279 pseudogene predicted gene, 18094
15 pseudogene 57.48795 57.48887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118699 Gm49235 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115629 MGI:6118699 pseudogene predicted gene, 49235
15 gene 57.51610 57.51826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594786 Gm35627 NCBI_Gene:102639279 MGI:5594786 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35627
15 gene 57.52259 57.54650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624213 Gm41328 NCBI_Gene:105245956 MGI:5624213 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41328
15 gene 57.57875 57.66011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594841 Gm35682 NCBI_Gene:102639348 MGI:5594841 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35682
15 gene 57.57893 57.59283 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594930 Gm35771 NCBI_Gene:102639464 MGI:5594930 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35771
15 gene 57.69467 57.83983 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2683087 Zhx2 NCBI_Gene:387609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071757 MGI:2683087 protein coding gene zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2
15 gene 57.70811 57.70893 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801853 Gm16006 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090002 MGI:3801853 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16006
15 gene 57.73656 57.73867 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442806 9330154K18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047807 MGI:2442806 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330154K18 gene
15 gene 57.86950 57.89245 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915069 Derl1 NCBI_Gene:67819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022365 MGI:1915069 protein coding gene Der1-like domain family, member 1
15 gene 57.91168 57.97007 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684931 Tbc1d31 NCBI_Gene:210544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022364 MGI:2684931 protein coding gene TBC1 domain family, member 31
15 gene 57.97598 57.97606 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413993 n-TMcat16 NCBI_Gene:102467579 MGI:4413993 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA methionine 16 (anticodon CAT)
15 gene 57.98456 58.01101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447773 Fam83a NCBI_Gene:239463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051225 MGI:2447773 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 83, member A
15 gene 58.01378 58.01566 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826149 Gm46512 NCBI_Gene:108168236 MGI:5826149 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46512
15 gene 58.02226 58.03433 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923008 9130401M01Rik NCBI_Gene:75758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101892 MGI:1923008 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9130401M01 gene
15 gene 58.02824 58.07643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580100 Gm29394 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022362 MGI:5580100 protein coding gene predicted gene 29394
15 gene 58.04152 58.04165 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452076 Gm22299 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064597 MGI:5452076 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22299
15 gene 58.04700 58.07654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109271 Zhx1 NCBI_Gene:22770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022361 MGI:109271 protein coding gene zinc fingers and homeoboxes 1
15 gene 58.09404 58.13514 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917722 Atad2 NCBI_Gene:70472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022360 MGI:1917722 protein coding gene ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2
15 pseudogene 58.12107 58.12216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648702 Gm7552 NCBI_Gene:102639798 MGI:3648702 pseudogene predicted gene 7552
15 gene 58.14133 58.15866 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924023 Wdyhv1 NCBI_Gene:76773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022359 MGI:1924023 protein coding gene WDYHV motif containing 1
15 gene 58.14321 58.14327 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453252 Gm23475 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089504 MGI:5453252 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23475
15 gene 58.14662 58.14674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452265 Gm22488 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080461 MGI:5452265 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22488
15 gene 58.15588 58.15661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918583 5430408I23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430408I23 gene
15 gene 58.16613 58.17173 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595271 Gm36112 NCBI_Gene:102639911 MGI:5595271 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36112
15 gene 58.17588 58.21493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914981 Fbxo32 NCBI_Gene:67731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022358 MGI:1914981 protein coding gene F-box protein 32
15 gene 58.21448 58.32405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802102 Gm15943 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086801 MGI:3802102 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15943
15 gene 58.24592 58.25336 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595352 Gm36193 NCBI_Gene:102640018 MGI:5595352 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36193
15 gene 58.31457 58.32417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045310 Klhl38 NCBI_Gene:268807,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022357 MGI:3045310 protein coding gene kelch-like 38
15 gene 58.34136 58.38938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917037 Anxa13 NCBI_Gene:69787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055114 MGI:1917037 protein coding gene annexin A13
15 gene 58.40582 58.41133 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780844 Gm2675 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115576 MGI:3780844 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2675
15 gene 58.40591 58.45780 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277178 Fam91a1 NCBI_Gene:210998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037119 MGI:1277178 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 91, member A1
15 gene 58.51005 58.66509 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645398 Fer1l6 NCBI_Gene:631797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037106 MGI:3645398 protein coding gene fer-1-like 6 (C. elegans)
15 gene 58.56561 58.56591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453566 Gm23789 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084485 MGI:5453566 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23789
15 gene 58.58900 58.59710 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595610 Gm36451 NCBI_Gene:102640380 MGI:5595610 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36451
15 gene 58.75989 58.76383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624214 Gm41329 NCBI_Gene:105245958 MGI:5624214 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41329
15 gene 58.78046 58.78195 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313159 Gm20712 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093677 MGI:5313159 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20712
15 gene 58.78227 58.82366 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922118 Tmem65 NCBI_Gene:74868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062373 MGI:1922118 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 65
15 gene 58.81932 58.81948 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453818 Gm24041 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065049 MGI:5453818 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24041
15 gene 58.84659 58.84732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644823 Ube2d4 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061490 MGI:3644823 protein coding gene ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 4
15 gene 58.87265 58.87713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915510 Trmt12 NCBI_Gene:68260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037085 MGI:1915510 protein coding gene tRNA methyltranferase 12
15 gene 58.88262 58.88659 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595668 Gm36509 NCBI_Gene:102640452 MGI:5595668 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36509
15 gene 58.88923 58.90706 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923091 Rnf139 NCBI_Gene:75841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037075 MGI:1923091 protein coding gene ring finger protein 139
15 gene 58.88930 58.93736 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6121562 Gm49356 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115463 MGI:6121562 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49356
15 gene 58.89015 58.93376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916944 Tatdn1 NCBI_Gene:69694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050891 MGI:1916944 protein coding gene TatD DNase domain containing 1
15 gene 58.92967 58.93203 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595718 Gm36559 NCBI_Gene:102640518 MGI:5595718 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36559
15 gene 58.93376 58.93949 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913468 Ndufb9 NCBI_Gene:66218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022354 MGI:1913468 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B9
15 gene 58.94123 59.08216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384818 Mtss1 NCBI_Gene:211401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022353 MGI:2384818 protein coding gene MTSS I-BAR domain containing 1
15 gene 58.98414 58.98891 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922448 4930544F09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115062 MGI:1922448 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930544F09 gene
15 gene 58.98890 58.99666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624215 Gm41330 NCBI_Gene:105245959 MGI:5624215 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41330
15 pseudogene 59.21090 59.21179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647181 Gm5045 NCBI_Gene:268809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025922 MGI:3647181 pseudogene predicted gene 5045
15 pseudogene 59.23846 59.23904 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645861 Gm7691 NCBI_Gene:665565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115604 MGI:3645861 pseudogene predicted gene 7691
15 gene 59.24574 59.29195 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595776 Gm36617 NCBI_Gene:102640589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115118 MGI:5595776 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36617
15 pseudogene 59.30695 59.31201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922170 Zfp572 NCBI_Gene:100416830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098528 MGI:1922170 pseudogene zinc finger protein 572
15 gene 59.31508 59.33119 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109296 Sqle NCBI_Gene:20775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022351 MGI:109296 protein coding gene squalene epoxidase
15 gene 59.33200 59.37420 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146110 Washc5 NCBI_Gene:223593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022350 MGI:2146110 protein coding gene WASH complex subunit 5
15 gene 59.37420 59.60168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915751 Nsmce2 NCBI_Gene:68501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059586 MGI:1915751 protein coding gene NSE2/MMS21 homolog, SMC5-SMC6 complex SUMO ligase
15 gene 59.48688 59.48863 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918010 6330417A16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6330417A16 gene
15 gene 59.61819 59.62398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595836 Gm36677 NCBI_Gene:102640663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115896 MGI:5595836 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36677
15 gene 59.64835 59.65710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443397 Trib1 NCBI_Gene:211770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032501 MGI:2443397 protein coding gene tribbles pseudokinase 1
15 pseudogene 59.67162 59.67211 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012335 Gm20150 NCBI_Gene:100504286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115010 MGI:5012335 pseudogene predicted gene, 20150
15 gene 59.78842 59.79496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011695 Gm19510 NCBI_Gene:100503021,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115426 MGI:5011695 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19510
15 gene 59.82342 59.83161 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595978 Gm36819 NCBI_Gene:102640851 MGI:5595978 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36819
15 pseudogene 59.92961 59.93029 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644557 Gm7708 NCBI_Gene:665602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115734 MGI:3644557 pseudogene predicted gene 7708
15 pseudogene 59.97772 59.97817 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647452 Gm7083 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093849 MGI:3647452 pseudogene predicted gene 7083
15 pseudogene 59.99389 59.99491 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644622 Gm7713 NCBI_Gene:665613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071750 MGI:3644622 pseudogene predicted gene 7713
15 gene 60.01487 60.01662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918338 4933412E24Rik NCBI_Gene:71088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071749 MGI:1918338 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4933412E24 gene
15 gene 60.08479 60.08489 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455652 Gm25875 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077511 MGI:5455652 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25875
15 gene 60.12054 60.18741 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780851 Gm2682 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115681 MGI:3780851 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2682
15 gene 60.14147 60.18742 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624216 Gm41331 NCBI_Gene:105245960 MGI:5624216 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41331
15 pseudogene 60.29579 60.29700 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826144 Gm46507 NCBI_Gene:108168229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115838 MGI:5826144 pseudogene predicted gene, 46507
15 pseudogene 60.39212 60.39317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647065 Gm4774 NCBI_Gene:211832,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115251 MGI:3647065 pseudogene predicted gene 4774
15 pseudogene 60.39729 60.39874 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010077 Gm17892 NCBI_Gene:100416047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115159 MGI:5010077 pseudogene predicted gene, 17892
15 pseudogene 60.46805 60.46966 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644256 Gm6392 NCBI_Gene:623094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115503 MGI:3644256 pseudogene predicted gene 6392
15 gene 60.67034 60.67208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118269 Gm48946 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115504 MGI:6118269 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48946
15 gene 60.70399 60.70412 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453612 Gm23835 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077627 MGI:5453612 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23835
15 pseudogene 60.74286 60.74654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648861 Gm7086 NCBI_Gene:632412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000112930 MGI:3648861 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7086
15 pseudogene 60.76023 60.76074 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118271 Gm48947 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114984 MGI:6118271 pseudogene predicted gene, 48947
15 gene 60.81899 60.85378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3026924 Lratd2 NCBI_Gene:399603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072568 MGI:3026924 protein coding gene LRAT domain containing 1
15 gene 60.82227 60.83179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444091 9930014A18Rik NCBI_Gene:320469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097493 MGI:2444091 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9930014A18 gene
15 gene 60.89686 60.92301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2152878 A1bg NCBI_Gene:117586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022347 MGI:2152878 protein coding gene alpha-1-B glycoprotein
15 gene 60.91297 60.96734 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922102 4930402D18Rik NCBI_Gene:74852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115231 MGI:1922102 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930402D18 gene
15 pseudogene 60.93835 60.93864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118278 Gm48951 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115809 MGI:6118278 pseudogene predicted gene, 48951
15 gene 61.15784 61.16696 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621448 Gm38563 NCBI_Gene:102641552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116498 MGI:5621448 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38563
15 gene 61.18415 61.24106 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155179 Gm49497 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116000 MGI:6155179 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49497
15 gene 61.28844 61.39382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589063 Gm29904 NCBI_Gene:102631607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116299 MGI:5589063 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29904
15 gene 61.35787 61.35800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454473 Gm24696 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065812 MGI:5454473 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24696
15 gene 61.53468 61.54418 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155181 Gm49498 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116109 MGI:6155181 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49498
15 gene 61.53468 61.77445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3041198 D030024E09Rik NCBI_Gene:432956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116031 MGI:3041198 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D030024E09 gene
15 pseudogene 61.82623 61.82684 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010339 Gm18154 NCBI_Gene:100416535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116017 MGI:5010339 pseudogene predicted gene, 18154
15 pseudogene 61.96287 61.96348 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010973 Gm18788 NCBI_Gene:100417727 MGI:5010973 pseudogene predicted gene, 18788
15 gene 61.97924 61.98330 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611175 Gm37947 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103610 MGI:5611175 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37947
15 gene 61.98534 61.99037 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97250 Myc NCBI_Gene:17869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022346 MGI:97250 protein coding gene myelocytomatosis oncogene
15 gene 62.03799 62.37810 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97824 Pvt1 NCBI_Gene:19296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097039 MGI:97824 lncRNA gene Pvt1 oncogene
15 gene 62.03803 62.03820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531295 Gm27913 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098998 MGI:5531295 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27913
15 gene 62.08024 62.08044 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531164 Gm27782 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098308 MGI:5531164 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27782
15 gene 62.10719 62.10727 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531100 Gm27718 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099295 MGI:5531100 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27718
15 gene 62.17542 62.17555 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531339 Gm27957 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098595 MGI:5531339 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27957
15 pseudogene 62.21754 62.21945 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914802 H2afy3 NCBI_Gene:67552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101167 MGI:1914802 pseudogene H2A histone family, member Y3
15 gene 62.25971 62.26022 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920300 2900056L01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900056L01 gene
15 gene 62.56797 62.78279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624218 Gm41333 NCBI_Gene:105245962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115862 MGI:5624218 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41333
15 gene 62.65293 62.65300 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454587 Gm24810 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093058 MGI:5454587 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24810
15 gene 62.79320 62.79333 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452298 Gm22521 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088897 MGI:5452298 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22521
15 gene 62.95422 62.95787 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589272 Gm30113 NCBI_Gene:102631894 MGI:5589272 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30113
15 pseudogene 62.98063 62.98206 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1335078 Tsg101-ps NCBI_Gene:22089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106988 MGI:1335078 pseudogene tumor susceptibility gene 101, pseudogene
15 gene 63.06701 63.14545 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589318 Gm30159 NCBI_Gene:102631960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115164 MGI:5589318 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30159
15 gene 63.06750 63.07076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624219 Gm41334 NCBI_Gene:105245963 MGI:5624219 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41334
15 pseudogene 63.14623 63.14672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118372 Gm49013 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115011 MGI:6118372 pseudogene predicted gene, 49013
15 gene 63.17684 63.71829 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624220 Gm41335 NCBI_Gene:105245964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115520 MGI:5624220 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41335
15 gene 63.25590 63.27878 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118373 Gm49014 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115369 MGI:6118373 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49014
15 gene 63.41440 63.47961 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434096 Gm20740 NCBI_Gene:432958 MGI:5434096 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20740
15 gene 63.48121 63.48128 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455479 Gm25702 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095939 MGI:5455479 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25702
15 pseudogene 63.49096 63.49257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648683 Gm4942 NCBI_Gene:239502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115377 MGI:3648683 pseudogene predicted gene 4942
15 pseudogene 63.63159 63.63254 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648307 Gm5473 NCBI_Gene:432959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095812 MGI:3648307 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5473
15 gene 63.71782 63.73768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921244 4930449C09Rik NCBI_Gene:73994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115676 MGI:1921244 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930449C09 gene
15 gene 63.74067 63.74537 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624221 Gm41336 NCBI_Gene:105245965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115711 MGI:5624221 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41336
15 gene 63.75166 63.75543 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118382 Gm49019 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115464 MGI:6118382 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49019
15 pseudogene 63.76015 63.76058 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826136 Gm46499 NCBI_Gene:108168216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115682 MGI:5826136 pseudogene predicted gene, 46499
15 gene 63.77597 63.80876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933176 Gsdmc NCBI_Gene:83492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079025 MGI:1933176 protein coding gene gasdermin C
15 pseudogene 63.81719 63.82139 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925712 1700065I16Rik NCBI_Gene:78462,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099435 MGI:1925712 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 1700065I16 gene
15 gene 63.82433 63.84519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146102 Gsdmc2 NCBI_Gene:331063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056293 MGI:2146102 protein coding gene gasdermin C2
15 pseudogene 63.84731 63.85516 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921486 Gsdmcl1 NCBI_Gene:74236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062543 MGI:1921486 pseudogene gasdermin C-like 1
15 gene 63.85771 63.87858 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3580656 Gsdmc3 NCBI_Gene:270328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055827 MGI:3580656 protein coding gene gasdermin C3
15 pseudogene 63.88071 63.89051 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925409 Gsdmcl2 NCBI_Gene:665769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093867 MGI:1925409 pseudogene gasdermin C-like 2
15 gene 63.88994 63.91231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921798 Gsdmc4 NCBI_Gene:74548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055748 MGI:1921798 protein coding gene gasdermin C4
15 pseudogene 63.91445 63.92567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921710 Gsdmcl-ps NCBI_Gene:74460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100127 MGI:1921710 pseudogene gasdermin C-like, pseudogene
15 gene 63.92909 64.06048 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923520 Fam49b NCBI_Gene:223601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022378 MGI:1923520 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 49, member B
15 gene 64.02595 64.02605 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455405 Gm25628 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065936 MGI:5455405 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25628
15 gene 64.02726 64.03095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445134 A230048O21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A230048O21 gene
15 gene 64.08684 64.38292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1342335 Asap1 NCBI_Gene:13196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022377 MGI:1342335 protein coding gene ArfGAP with SH3 domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain1
15 gene 64.09745 64.10162 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313164 Gm20717 NCBI_Gene:102632272,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093695 MGI:5313164 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20717
15 gene 64.28645 64.28875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918853 9130004J05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9130004J05 gene
15 gene 64.31450 64.31608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921467 1700010G06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115752 MGI:1921467 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700010G06 gene
15 gene 64.32803 64.32902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779138 Gm10926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115646 MGI:3779138 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene 10926
15 gene 64.38317 64.43688 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589722 Gm30563 NCBI_Gene:102632507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115169 MGI:5589722 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30563
15 gene 64.50305 64.50355 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826146 Gm46509 NCBI_Gene:108168231 MGI:5826146 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46509
15 gene 64.53400 64.57282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589791 Gm30632 NCBI_Gene:102632601 MGI:5589791 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30632
15 gene 64.62741 64.63351 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589850 Gm30691 NCBI_Gene:102632683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115328 MGI:5589850 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30691
15 gene 64.69708 64.92230 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341110 Adcy8 NCBI_Gene:11514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022376 MGI:1341110 protein coding gene adenylate cyclase 8
15 gene 64.79824 64.81353 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589911 Gm30752 NCBI_Gene:102632764 MGI:5589911 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30752
15 gene 64.81769 64.93800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5433962 Gm21798 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094296 MGI:5433962 protein coding gene predicted gene, 21798
15 gene 64.97954 65.01490 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439430 Gm21961 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079024 MGI:5439430 protein coding gene predicted gene, 21961
15 pseudogene 65.01514 65.01693 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649048 Gm5046 NCBI_Gene:268812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072541 MGI:3649048 pseudogene predicted gene 5046
15 pseudogene 65.04157 65.04207 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118709 Gm49241 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115677 MGI:6118709 pseudogene predicted gene, 49241
15 pseudogene 65.19455 65.19578 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646287 Gm7814 NCBI_Gene:665836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115672 MGI:3646287 pseudogene predicted gene 7814
15 pseudogene 65.20023 65.20056 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118710 Gm49242 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115066 MGI:6118710 pseudogene predicted gene, 49242
15 pseudogene 65.68783 65.68815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118711 Gm49243 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115402 MGI:6118711 pseudogene predicted gene, 49243
15 gene 65.69455 65.69474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453684 Gm23907 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077783 MGI:5453684 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23907
15 gene 65.77874 65.78696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624224 Gm41339 NCBI_Gene:105245968 MGI:5624224 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41339
15 gene 65.78702 65.87382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923990 Efr3a NCBI_Gene:76740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015002 MGI:1923990 protein coding gene EFR3 homolog A
15 gene 65.78725 65.79316 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624223 Gm41338 NCBI_Gene:105245967 MGI:5624223 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41338
15 gene 65.85787 65.85836 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5141870 Gm20405 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092495 MGI:5141870 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20405
15 gene 65.87605 65.91241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1313269 Oc90 NCBI_Gene:18256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015001 MGI:1313269 protein coding gene otoconin 90
15 gene 65.92244 65.97680 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3615329 Hhla1 NCBI_Gene:654498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072511 MGI:3615329 protein coding gene HERV-H LTR-associating 1
15 pseudogene 65.92824 65.92899 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781169 Gm2991 NCBI_Gene:100040835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092454 MGI:3781169 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 2991
15 gene 65.98639 66.28664 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1336181 Kcnq3 NCBI_Gene:110862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056258 MGI:1336181 protein coding gene potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member 3
15 gene 66.07455 66.09181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5520996 Gm27153 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099013 MGI:5520996 lncRNA gene predicted gene 27153
15 gene 66.28201 66.31108 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521085 Gm27242 NCBI_Gene:102632843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099054 MGI:5521085 lncRNA gene predicted gene 27242
15 gene 66.33437 66.34071 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590088 Gm30929 NCBI_Gene:102632995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115784 MGI:5590088 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30929
15 gene 66.35423 66.35752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624225 Gm41340 NCBI_Gene:105245969 MGI:5624225 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41340
15 pseudogene 66.35752 66.35848 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011262 Gm19077 NCBI_Gene:100418214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115351 MGI:5011262 pseudogene predicted gene, 19077
15 gene 66.37986 66.50091 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859553 Lrrc6 NCBI_Gene:54562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022375 MGI:1859553 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 6 (testis)
15 gene 66.50091 66.50772 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590165 Gm31006 NCBI_Gene:102633096 MGI:5590165 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31006
15 gene 66.52621 66.56124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146049 Tmem71 NCBI_Gene:213068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036944 MGI:2146049 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 71
15 gene 66.57752 66.64798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444412 Phf20l1 NCBI_Gene:239510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072501 MGI:2444412 protein coding gene PHD finger protein 20-like 1
15 gene 66.67075 66.85072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98733 Tg NCBI_Gene:21819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053469 MGI:98733 protein coding gene thyroglobulin
15 gene 66.73906 66.74433 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937967 Gm17140 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090464 MGI:4937967 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17140
15 gene 66.78082 66.83183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104295 Sla NCBI_Gene:20491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022372 MGI:104295 protein coding gene src-like adaptor
15 gene 66.87688 66.89133 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826151 Gm46514 NCBI_Gene:108168239 MGI:5826151 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46514
15 gene 66.89132 66.92320 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1197008 Ccn4 NCBI_Gene:22402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005124 MGI:1197008 protein coding gene cellular communication network factor 4
15 gene 66.92932 66.96964 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341799 Ndrg1 NCBI_Gene:17988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005125 MGI:1341799 protein coding gene N-myc downstream regulated gene 1
15 gene 66.92961 66.93111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937862 Gm17035 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091479 MGI:4937862 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17035
15 gene 66.96932 67.01304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781073 Gm2895 NCBI_Gene:105245970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091412 MGI:3781073 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2895
15 gene 67.02039 67.03326 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590445 Gm31286 NCBI_Gene:102633468 MGI:5590445 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31286
15 gene 67.04006 67.04311 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590501 Gm31342 NCBI_Gene:102633543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116289 MGI:5590501 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31342
15 gene 67.10287 67.17691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98304 St3gal1 NCBI_Gene:20442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013846 MGI:98304 protein coding gene ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1
15 gene 67.16970 67.17188 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590559 Gm31400 NCBI_Gene:102633616 MGI:5590559 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31400
15 gene 67.22677 67.37709 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916584 1700012I11Rik NCBI_Gene:69334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102069 MGI:1916584 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700012I11 gene
15 pseudogene 67.87383 67.87407 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155033 Gm49408 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115875 MGI:6155033 pseudogene predicted gene, 49408
15 pseudogene 67.94255 67.94280 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155034 Gm49409 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116519 MGI:6155034 pseudogene predicted gene, 49409
15 gene 68.08371 68.25927 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2681865 Zfat NCBI_Gene:380993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022335 MGI:2681865 protein coding gene zinc finger and AT hook domain containing
15 pseudogene 68.30978 68.31033 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704454 Gm10240 NCBI_Gene:100503563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068397 MGI:3704454 pseudogene predicted gene 10240
15 gene 68.32138 68.32633 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610548 Gm37320 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104324 MGI:5610548 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37320
15 gene 68.33472 68.33743 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477115 Gm26621 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096967 MGI:5477115 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26621
15 gene 68.33741 68.33751 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2676908 Mir30b miRBase:MI0000145,NCBI_Gene:387226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065476 MGI:2676908 miRNA gene microRNA 30b
15 gene 68.33830 68.34122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610524 Gm37296 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104116 MGI:5610524 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37296
15 gene 68.34098 68.36318 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5318559 Gm20732 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093387 MGI:5318559 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20732
15 gene 68.34121 68.34129 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2676910 Mir30d miRBase:MI0000549,NCBI_Gene:387228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065437 MGI:2676910 miRNA gene microRNA 30d
15 pseudogene 68.61141 68.61171 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155043 Gm49414 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116367 MGI:6155043 pseudogene predicted gene, 49414
15 gene 68.67142 68.67152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455764 Gm25987 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096689 MGI:5455764 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25987
15 pseudogene 68.71491 68.71577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646834 Gm7859 NCBI_Gene:665945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116089 MGI:3646834 pseudogene predicted gene 7859
15 gene 68.75550 68.76081 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155044 Gm49415 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116294 MGI:6155044 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49415
15 pseudogene 68.76249 68.76425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011115 Gm18930 NCBI_Gene:100417978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115928 MGI:5011115 pseudogene predicted gene, 18930
15 pseudogene 68.79232 68.88358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645829 Gm7125 NCBI_Gene:633752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069996 MGI:3645829 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7125
15 gene 68.87832 68.88358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624226 Gm41341 NCBI_Gene:105245971 MGI:5624226 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41341
15 gene 68.92841 69.10121 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1313312 Khdrbs3 NCBI_Gene:13992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022332 MGI:1313312 protein coding gene KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 3
15 gene 68.95953 68.99444 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155056 Gm49422 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116092 MGI:6155056 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49422
15 gene 69.02209 69.02402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590709 Gm31550 NCBI_Gene:102633818 MGI:5590709 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31550
15 gene 69.23393 69.23500 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923116 4930573C08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115935 MGI:1923116 unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930573C08 gene
15 gene 69.27053 69.27472 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922326 4930504C09Rik NCBI_Gene:75076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116167 MGI:1922326 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930504C09 gene
15 gene 69.39662 69.39669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413980 n-TMcat3 NCBI_Gene:108168269 MGI:4413980 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA methionine 3 (anticodon CAT)
15 gene 69.45101 69.45115 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454009 Gm24232 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077502 MGI:5454009 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24232
15 gene 69.68558 69.68571 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453764 Gm23987 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080689 MGI:5453764 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23987
15 gene 69.92423 70.07820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011967 Gm19782 NCBI_Gene:100503580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116483 MGI:5011967 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19782
15 pseudogene 70.06267 70.06476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645017 Gm5216 NCBI_Gene:383050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116398 MGI:3645017 pseudogene predicted gene 5216
15 pseudogene 70.50485 70.50544 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010467 Gm18282 NCBI_Gene:100416825 MGI:5010467 pseudogene predicted gene, 18282
15 pseudogene 70.75805 70.75868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010340 Gm18155 NCBI_Gene:100416536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116449 MGI:5010340 pseudogene predicted gene, 18155
15 pseudogene 70.96162 70.96246 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155069 Gm49430 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116168 MGI:6155069 pseudogene predicted gene, 49430
15 pseudogene 71.09962 71.10020 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011384 Gm19199 NCBI_Gene:100418418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116191 MGI:5011384 pseudogene predicted gene, 19199
15 pseudogene 71.30973 71.31151 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645016 Gm5217 NCBI_Gene:383051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116355 MGI:3645016 pseudogene predicted gene 5217
15 gene 71.43161 71.72843 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917613 Fam135b NCBI_Gene:70363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036800 MGI:1917613 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 135, member B
15 gene 71.79419 71.79429 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096183 Gm47309 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104552 MGI:6096183 miRNA gene predicted gene, 47309
15 gene 71.79419 71.79436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452296 Gm22519 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088895 MGI:5452296 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22519
15 pseudogene 71.79457 71.79575 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781177 Gm2999 NCBI_Gene:100418015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115868 MGI:3781177 pseudogene predicted gene 2999
15 gene 71.79579 72.15098 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916950 Col22a1 NCBI_Gene:69700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079022 MGI:1916950 protein coding gene collagen, type XXII, alpha 1
15 gene 71.81011 71.81378 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826592 Gm16308 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090237 MGI:3826592 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16308
15 gene 72.16135 72.28731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155113 Gm49457 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116068 MGI:6155113 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49457
15 gene 72.25535 72.25546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452994 Gm23217 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095129 MGI:5452994 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23217
15 gene 72.49096 72.49102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454167 Gm24390 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095149 MGI:5454167 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24390
15 gene 72.50109 72.54787 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3521816 Kcnk9 NCBI_Gene:223604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036760 MGI:3521816 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily K, member 9
15 gene 72.50699 72.50926 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028039 A930009L07Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930009L07 gene
15 gene 72.58828 72.60605 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155117 Gm49460 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116088 MGI:6155117 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49460
15 gene 72.58962 73.06124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923760 Trappc9 NCBI_Gene:76510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047921 MGI:1923760 protein coding gene trafficking protein particle complex 9
15 gene 72.72132 72.72139 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531402 Gm28020 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088364 MGI:5531402 snRNA gene predicted gene, 28020
15 pseudogene 72.72540 72.72586 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155116 Gm49459 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116314 MGI:6155116 pseudogene predicted gene, 49459
15 gene 72.78572 72.78709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922678 3100002H20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3100002H20 gene
15 gene 72.80560 72.81032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2663476 Peg13 NCBI_Gene:353342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106847 MGI:2663476 lncRNA gene paternally expressed 13
15 gene 72.84597 72.84883 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624228 Gm41343 NCBI_Gene:105245974 MGI:5624228 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41343
15 pseudogene 72.91331 72.91379 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781329 Gm3150 NCBI_Gene:100041120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096173 MGI:3781329 pseudogene predicted gene 3150
15 gene 72.96988 72.97580 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590824 Gm31665 NCBI_Gene:102633968 MGI:5590824 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31665
15 gene 73.09039 73.09755 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2135796 Chrac1 NCBI_Gene:93696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068391 MGI:2135796 protein coding gene chromatin accessibility complex 1
15 gene 73.09584 73.18495 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446632 Ago2 NCBI_Gene:239528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036698 MGI:2446632 protein coding gene argonaute RISC catalytic subunit 2
15 gene 73.10888 73.11362 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590884 Gm31725 NCBI_Gene:102634044 MGI:5590884 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31725
15 gene 73.20510 73.42328 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95481 Ptk2 NCBI_Gene:14083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022607 MGI:95481 protein coding gene PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2
15 gene 73.22700 73.22810 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924417 8030476L19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 8030476L19 gene
15 gene 73.24955 73.26412 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920741 1700085D07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115693 MGI:1920741 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700085D07 gene
15 gene 73.25481 73.25488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2676836 Mir151 miRBase:MI0000173,NCBI_Gene:387169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065612 MGI:2676836 miRNA gene microRNA 151
15 gene 73.31836 73.32512 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624229 Gm41344 NCBI_Gene:105245975 MGI:5624229 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41344
15 gene 73.34980 73.34992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454564 Gm24787 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088005 MGI:5454564 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24787
15 gene 73.40076 73.40317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3027000 C130079B09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130079B09 gene
15 pseudogene 73.40749 73.40824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645647 Gm7908 NCBI_Gene:666053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115602 MGI:3645647 pseudogene predicted gene 7908
15 gene 73.42331 73.42411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118447 Gm49066 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115810 MGI:6118447 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49066
15 pseudogene 73.42836 73.42896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642619 Gm10362 NCBI_Gene:100040929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116174 MGI:3642619 pseudogene predicted gene 10362
15 pseudogene 73.49704 73.49730 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011996 Gm19811 NCBI_Gene:102634312,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115885 MGI:5011996 pseudogene predicted gene, 19811
15 gene 73.51256 73.57224 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146009 Dennd3 NCBI_Gene:105841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036661 MGI:2146009 protein coding gene DENN/MADD domain containing 3
15 gene 73.57742 73.64576 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146236 Slc45a4 NCBI_Gene:106068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079020 MGI:2146236 protein coding gene solute carrier family 45, member 4
15 gene 73.64585 73.65235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922741 1700010B13Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099958 MGI:1922741 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700010B13 gene
15 gene 73.68850 73.70750 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441803 Gpr20 NCBI_Gene:239530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045281 MGI:2441803 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 20
15 gene 73.72315 73.75877 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277098 Ptp4a3 NCBI_Gene:19245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059895 MGI:1277098 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase 4a3
15 gene 73.72916 73.72929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451883 Gm22106 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084493 MGI:5451883 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22106
15 gene 73.76007 73.83970 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685474 Mroh5 NCBI_Gene:268816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072487 MGI:2685474 protein coding gene maestro heat-like repeat family member 5
15 pseudogene 73.80944 73.80993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781422 Ndufb4c NCBI_Gene:100041273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083380 MGI:3781422 pseudogene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B4C
15 gene 73.83005 73.83991 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647277 Gm6569 NCBI_Gene:102634429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086361 MGI:3647277 protein coding gene predicted gene 6569
15 gene 73.99003 73.99405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591514 Gm32355 NCBI_Gene:102634877 MGI:5591514 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32355
15 gene 73.99407 74.00091 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591564 Gm32405 NCBI_Gene:102634945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116256 MGI:5591564 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32405
15 pseudogene 74.08001 74.08155 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646370 Gm7935 NCBI_Gene:666113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075609 MGI:3646370 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7935
15 pseudogene 74.09315 74.09447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705374 Gm15387 NCBI_Gene:100041307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082585 MGI:3705374 pseudogene predicted gene 15387
15 gene 74.19521 74.20445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592077 Gm32918 NCBI_Gene:102635630 MGI:5592077 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32918
15 gene 74.23459 74.39921 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012044 Gm19859 NCBI_Gene:105245978 MGI:5012044 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19859
15 gene 74.26889 74.27004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641992 7120482A17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 7120482A17 gene
15 gene 74.28064 74.28540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624230 Gm41345 NCBI_Gene:105245976 MGI:5624230 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41345
15 gene 74.28557 74.29381 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591998 Gm32839 NCBI_Gene:102635528 MGI:5591998 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32839
15 gene 74.41111 74.48114 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591327 Gm32168 NCBI_Gene:102634630 MGI:5591327 protein coding gene predicted gene, 32168
15 gene 74.51619 74.58947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933736 Adgrb1 NCBI_Gene:107831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034730 MGI:1933736 protein coding gene adhesion G protein-coupled receptor B1
15 gene 74.56382 74.56391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455894 Gm26117 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093340 MGI:5455894 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26117
15 gene 74.60603 74.63688 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916689 Mroh4 NCBI_Gene:69439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022603 MGI:1916689 protein coding gene maestro heat-like repeat family member 4
15 gene 74.66908 74.67257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88067 Arc NCBI_Gene:11838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022602 MGI:88067 protein coding gene activity regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein
15 gene 74.67279 74.71217 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592153 Gm32994 NCBI_Gene:102635731 MGI:5592153 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32994
15 gene 74.70230 74.70954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106214 Jrk NCBI_Gene:16469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046380 MGI:106214 protein coding gene jerky
15 gene 74.70916 74.71037 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914019 4933427E11Rik NCBI_Gene:66769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044276 MGI:1914019 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933427E11 gene
15 gene 74.71484 74.71707 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919623 Psca NCBI_Gene:72373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022598 MGI:1919623 protein coding gene prostate stem cell antigen
15 pseudogene 74.71879 74.71894 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579682 Gm28976 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101983 MGI:5579682 pseudogene predicted gene 28976
15 gene 74.72120 74.72464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925301 Them6 NCBI_Gene:223626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056665 MGI:1925301 protein coding gene thioesterase superfamily member 6
15 gene 74.72432 74.72803 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930923 Slurp1 NCBI_Gene:57277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022596 MGI:1930923 protein coding gene secreted Ly6/Plaur domain containing 1
15 gene 74.73225 74.73480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915561 Lypd2 NCBI_Gene:68311,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022595 MGI:1915561 protein coding gene Ly6/Plaur domain containing 2
15 gene 74.73488 74.73725 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592283 Gm33124 NCBI_Gene:102635906 MGI:5592283 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33124
15 gene 74.74276 74.74669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916712 Slurp2 NCBI_Gene:69462,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075605 MGI:1916712 protein coding gene secreted Ly6/Plaur domain containing 2
15 gene 74.74785 74.75305 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1345180 Lynx1 NCBI_Gene:23936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022594 MGI:1345180 protein coding gene Ly6/neurotoxin 1
15 gene 74.76206 74.76362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96881 Ly6d NCBI_Gene:17068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034634 MGI:96881 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus D
15 gene 74.77091 74.77886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925975 Ly6g6g NCBI_Gene:78725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101026 MGI:1925975 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus G6G
15 gene 74.78406 74.80064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4938016 Gm17189 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091709 MGI:4938016 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17189
15 gene 74.78537 74.78883 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592333 Gm33174 NCBI_Gene:102635975 MGI:5592333 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33174
15 gene 74.79687 74.79999 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923736 Ly6k NCBI_Gene:76486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044678 MGI:1923736 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus K
15 gene 74.81343 74.81897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644767 Gml NCBI_Gene:625599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068349 MGI:3644767 protein coding gene glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored molecule like
15 gene 74.81907 74.84578 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341831 Gml2 NCBI_Gene:15202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068600 MGI:1341831 protein coding gene glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored molecule like 2
15 gene 74.83413 74.84164 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88583 Cyp11b1 NCBI_Gene:110115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075604 MGI:88583 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily b, polypeptide 1
15 gene 74.85101 74.85632 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88584 Cyp11b2 NCBI_Gene:13072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022589 MGI:88584 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily b, polypeptide 2
15 gene 74.85555 74.87340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624232 Gm41347 NCBI_Gene:105245979 MGI:5624232 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41347
15 gene 74.87699 74.89702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914288 Ly6m NCBI_Gene:67038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063522 MGI:1914288 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus M
15 pseudogene 74.92364 74.92593 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648858 Gm6610 NCBI_Gene:625653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100880 MGI:3648858 pseudogene predicted gene 6610
15 gene 74.92635 74.93632 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622441 Gm39556 NCBI_Gene:105243761,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116380 MGI:5622441 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39556
15 pseudogene 74.95333 74.95348 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579832 Gm29126 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099600 MGI:5579832 pseudogene predicted gene 29126
15 gene 74.95505 74.95991 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106651 Ly6e NCBI_Gene:17069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022587 MGI:106651 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus E
15 gene 74.96693 75.04492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578774 Gm28068 NCBI_Gene:102636152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100287 MGI:5578774 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28068
15 gene 74.97953 74.98350 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888480 Ly6i NCBI_Gene:57248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022586 MGI:1888480 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus I
15 pseudogene 74.98633 74.98848 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648432 Gm8000 NCBI_Gene:666240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101132 MGI:3648432 pseudogene predicted gene 8000
15 gene 74.98875 74.98933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610270 Gm37042 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103457 MGI:5610270 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37042
15 gene 74.99200 74.99445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624233 Gm41348 NCBI_Gene:105245980 MGI:5624233 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41348
15 gene 74.99488 74.99803 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107527 Ly6a NCBI_Gene:110454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075602 MGI:107527 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus A
15 pseudogene 75.02529 75.02551 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578775 Gm28069 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101082 MGI:5578775 pseudogene predicted gene 28069
15 gene 75.04402 75.04885 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96882 Ly6c1 NCBI_Gene:17067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079018 MGI:96882 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus C1
15 pseudogene 75.06226 75.07502 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779540 Gm5960 NCBI_Gene:546642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099775 MGI:3779540 pseudogene predicted gene 5960
15 gene 75.07621 75.07909 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579208 Gm28502 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099452 MGI:5579208 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28502
15 gene 75.10816 75.11204 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3712069 Ly6c2 NCBI_Gene:100041546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022584 MGI:3712069 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus C2
15 pseudogene 75.13129 75.13519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612406 Ly6a2 NCBI_Gene:546643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102051 MGI:3612406 pseudogene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus A2
15 gene 75.15524 75.15913 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109440 Ly6g NCBI_Gene:546644,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022582 MGI:109440 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus G
15 pseudogene 75.19389 75.19767 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578823 Gm28117 NCBI_Gene:108168217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101140 MGI:5578823 pseudogene predicted gene 28117
15 gene 75.21634 75.22266 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385015 Ly6g2 NCBI_Gene:223631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047728 MGI:2385015 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus G2
15 pseudogene 75.23529 75.23877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641620 Gm10238 NCBI_Gene:100041092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068348 MGI:3641620 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10238
15 pseudogene 75.24515 75.24736 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578821 Gm28115 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100462 MGI:5578821 pseudogene predicted gene 28115
15 gene 75.26837 75.27224 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109441 Ly6f NCBI_Gene:17071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022583 MGI:109441 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus F
15 pseudogene 75.29395 75.29710 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578822 Gm28116 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099467 MGI:5578822 pseudogene predicted gene 28116
15 pseudogene 75.31118 75.31496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781630 Gm3454 NCBI_Gene:100041652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101289 MGI:3781630 pseudogene predicted gene 3454
15 pseudogene 75.32650 75.32673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578819 Gm28113 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099414 MGI:5578819 pseudogene predicted gene 28113
15 pseudogene 75.32824 75.33035 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580223 Gm29517 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101075 MGI:5580223 pseudogene predicted gene 29517
15 pseudogene 75.34862 75.39292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578820 Gm28114 NCBI_Gene:102637559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100375 MGI:5578820 pseudogene predicted gene 28114
15 pseudogene 75.37246 75.37727 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781321 Gm3142 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102028 MGI:3781321 pseudogene predicted gene 3142
15 pseudogene 75.42761 75.43183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612405 9030619P08Rik NCBI_Gene:105892,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053168 MGI:3612405 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 9030619P08 gene
15 gene 75.44935 75.45494 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313101 Ly6l NCBI_Gene:102637705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093626 MGI:5313101 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus L
15 gene 75.45775 75.48009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593690 Gm34531 NCBI_Gene:102637817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116365 MGI:5593690 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34531
15 gene 75.49862 75.50435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593752 Gm34593 NCBI_Gene:102637897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116222 MGI:5593752 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34593
15 gene 75.51715 75.51966 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593805 Gm34646 NCBI_Gene:102637965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116155 MGI:5593805 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34646
15 gene 75.55127 75.56726 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346030 Ly6h NCBI_Gene:23934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022577 MGI:1346030 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus H
15 gene 75.59663 75.59948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915703 Gpihbp1 NCBI_Gene:68453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022579 MGI:1915703 protein coding gene GPI-anchored HDL-binding protein 1
15 gene 75.61614 75.62983 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99186 Zfp41 NCBI_Gene:22701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047003 MGI:99186 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 41
15 gene 75.63196 75.63591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826156 Gm46519 NCBI_Gene:108168244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115969 MGI:5826156 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46519
15 gene 75.63463 75.64402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621391 Gm38506 NCBI_Gene:102638167 MGI:5621391 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38506
15 pseudogene 75.64213 75.65364 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919915 2810039B14Rik NCBI_Gene:72665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099034 MGI:1919915 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 2810039B14 gene
15 gene 75.65193 75.65556 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826155 Gm46518 NCBI_Gene:108168243 MGI:5826155 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46518
15 gene 75.65703 75.67882 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920210 Top1mt NCBI_Gene:72960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000934 MGI:1920210 protein coding gene DNA topoisomerase 1, mitochondrial
15 gene 75.66141 75.66353 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801876 Gm15945 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085523 MGI:3801876 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15945
15 gene 75.70428 75.71549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098783 Rhpn1 NCBI_Gene:14787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022580 MGI:1098783 protein coding gene rhophilin, Rho GTPase binding protein 1
15 gene 75.74549 75.74823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2673307 Mafa NCBI_Gene:378435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047591 MGI:2673307 protein coding gene v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein A (avian)
15 gene 75.75443 75.84206 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2663721 Zc3h3 NCBI_Gene:223642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075600 MGI:2663721 protein coding gene zinc finger CCCH type containing 3
15 gene 75.75986 75.75999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453524 Gm23747 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077416 MGI:5453524 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23747
15 gene 75.84350 75.84517 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594010 Gm34851 NCBI_Gene:102638242 MGI:5594010 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34851
15 gene 75.84597 75.84758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826160 Gm46523 NCBI_Gene:108168248 MGI:5826160 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46523
15 pseudogene 75.85462 75.85625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779978 Gm9568 NCBI_Gene:672572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098203 MGI:3779978 pseudogene predicted gene 9568
15 gene 75.86214 75.86741 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916396 Gsdmd NCBI_Gene:69146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022575 MGI:1916396 protein coding gene gasdermin D
15 gene 75.88246 75.89069 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011755 Mroh6 NCBI_Gene:223645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098678 MGI:5011755 protein coding gene maestro heat-like repeat family member 6
15 gene 75.89096 75.89448 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442664 Naprt NCBI_Gene:223646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022574 MGI:2442664 protein coding gene nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase
15 gene 75.89420 75.90958 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913906 Eef1d NCBI_Gene:66656,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055762 MGI:1913906 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 delta (guanine nucleotide exchange protein)
15 gene 75.90973 75.91454 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145902 Tigd5 NCBI_Gene:105734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103906 MGI:2145902 protein coding gene tigger transposable element derived 5
15 gene 75.91646 75.92156 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913444 Pycrl NCBI_Gene:66194,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022571 MGI:1913444 protein coding gene pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase-like
15 gene 75.92467 75.92983 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98857 Tsta3 NCBI_Gene:22122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022570 MGI:98857 protein coding gene tissue specific transplantation antigen P35B
15 gene 75.94095 75.94940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926084 Zfp623 NCBI_Gene:78834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050846 MGI:1926084 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 623
15 pseudogene 75.96695 75.96856 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349404 Eif2s3x-ps1 NCBI_Gene:26906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116120 MGI:1349404 pseudogene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2, subunit 3, pseudogene 1
15 gene 75.96912 75.97587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916270 Zfp707 NCBI_Gene:69020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034429 MGI:1916270 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 707
15 gene 75.97987 75.98246 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925902 Ccdc166 NCBI_Gene:223648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098176 MGI:1925902 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 166
15 gene 75.99373 75.99915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2652894 Mapk15 NCBI_Gene:332110,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063704 MGI:2652894 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase 15
15 gene 76.00109 76.01434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2145900 Fam83h NCBI_Gene:105732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046761 MGI:2145900 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 83, member H
15 gene 76.00986 76.04698 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3588184 Iqank1 NCBI_Gene:432964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102018 MGI:3588184 protein coding gene IQ motif and ankyrin repeat containing 1
15 gene 76.03646 76.03662 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452804 Gm23027 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089396 MGI:5452804 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23027
15 gene 76.04716 76.06978 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2145950 Scrib NCBI_Gene:105782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022568 MGI:2145950 protein coding gene scribbled planar cell polarity
15 gene 76.06483 76.06489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531330 Mir6952 miRBase:MI0022799,NCBI_Gene:102466772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098451 MGI:5531330 miRNA gene microRNA 6952
15 gene 76.07018 76.08095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915209 Puf60 NCBI_Gene:67959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002524 MGI:1915209 protein coding gene poly-U binding splicing factor 60
15 gene 76.08376 76.08765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118279 Gm48952 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115332 MGI:6118279 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48952
15 gene 76.08552 76.09163 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385017 Nrbp2 NCBI_Gene:223649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075590 MGI:2385017 protein coding gene nuclear receptor binding protein 2
15 gene 76.09149 76.09767 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624234 Gm41349 NCBI_Gene:105245981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116288 MGI:5624234 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41349
15 gene 76.10148 76.12019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2386306 Eppk1 NCBI_Gene:223650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115388 MGI:2386306 protein coding gene epiplakin 1
15 gene 76.11026 76.11413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826169 Gm46532 NCBI_Gene:108168258 MGI:5826169 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46532
15 gene 76.11952 76.12660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442591 BC024139 NCBI_Gene:271278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044361 MGI:2442591 protein coding gene cDNA sequence BC024139
15 gene 76.12911 76.13077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594246 Gm35087 NCBI_Gene:102638551 MGI:5594246 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35087
15 pseudogene 76.15034 76.15070 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012130 Gm19945 NCBI_Gene:102638700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116475 MGI:5012130 pseudogene predicted gene, 19945
15 gene 76.17097 76.23257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277961 Plec NCBI_Gene:18810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022565 MGI:1277961 protein coding gene plectin
15 gene 76.21410 76.21421 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455497 Gm25720 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088128 MGI:5455497 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25720
15 gene 76.21561 76.21567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3836981 Mir1942 miRBase:MI0009931,NCBI_Gene:100316774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087899 MGI:3836981 miRNA gene microRNA 1942
15 gene 76.23117 76.24344 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3712326 Parp10 NCBI_Gene:671535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063268 MGI:3712326 protein coding gene poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 10
15 gene 76.24674 76.24991 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913418 Grina NCBI_Gene:66168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022564 MGI:1913418 protein coding gene glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate-associated protein 1 (glutamate binding)
15 gene 76.24819 76.24826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531120 Mir6953 miRBase:MI0022800,NCBI_Gene:102465575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098625 MGI:5531120 miRNA gene microRNA 6953
15 gene 76.26646 76.26984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642813 Mirt2 NCBI_Gene:100038659,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092920,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115946 MGI:3642813 lncRNA gene myocardial infraction associated transcript 2
15 gene 76.26653 76.29258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921531 Spatc1 NCBI_Gene:74281,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049653 MGI:1921531 protein coding gene spermatogenesis and centriole associated 1
15 gene 76.29088 76.29097 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834252 Mir3079 miRBase:MI0014042,NCBI_Gene:100526548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093169 MGI:4834252 miRNA gene microRNA 3079
15 gene 76.29387 76.29690 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3709877 Smpd5 NCBI_Gene:100503915,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071724 MGI:3709877 protein coding gene sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 5
15 gene 76.29427 76.29513 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922053 4930551A22Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930551A22 gene
15 gene 76.29660 76.33110 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922725 Oplah NCBI_Gene:75475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022562 MGI:1922725 protein coding gene 5-oxoprolinase (ATP-hydrolysing)
15 gene 76.32740 76.33068 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923576 Exosc4 NCBI_Gene:109075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034259 MGI:1923576 protein coding gene exosome component 4
15 gene 76.33123 76.33491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1202392 Gpaa1 NCBI_Gene:14731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022561 MGI:1202392 protein coding gene GPI anchor attachment protein 1
15 pseudogene 76.33758 76.33840 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3809093 Rps6-ps1 NCBI_Gene:626259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063875 MGI:3809093 pseudogene ribosomal protein S6, pseudogene 1
15 gene 76.34352 76.34626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913695 Cyc1 NCBI_Gene:66445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022551 MGI:1913695 protein coding gene cytochrome c-1
15 gene 76.34704 76.35111 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913331 Sharpin NCBI_Gene:106025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022552 MGI:1913331 protein coding gene SHANK-associated RH domain interacting protein
15 gene 76.35129 76.35438 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916127 Maf1 NCBI_Gene:68877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022553 MGI:1916127 protein coding gene MAF1 homolog, negative regulator of RNA polymerase III
15 gene 76.35443 76.36520 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594498 Gm35339 NCBI_Gene:102638882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109179 MGI:5594498 protein coding gene predicted gene, 35339
15 gene 76.36886 76.37185 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930628 Hgh1 NCBI_Gene:59053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022554 MGI:1930628 protein coding gene HGH1 homolog
15 gene 76.37192 76.37519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920792 Tssk5 NCBI_Gene:73542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060794 MGI:1920792 protein coding gene testis-specific serine kinase 5
15 gene 76.38026 76.45304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442558 Mroh1 NCBI_Gene:223658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022558 MGI:2442558 protein coding gene maestro heat-like repeat family member 1
15 gene 76.43321 76.43327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531152 Mir6954 miRBase:MI0022801,NCBI_Gene:102465576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099260 MGI:5531152 miRNA gene microRNA 6954
15 gene 76.45299 76.47728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1334460 Bop1 NCBI_Gene:12181,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022557 MGI:1334460 protein coding gene block of proliferation 1
15 gene 76.45709 76.45947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102934 Scx NCBI_Gene:20289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034161 MGI:102934 protein coding gene scleraxis
15 gene 76.47737 76.50191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96238 Hsf1 NCBI_Gene:15499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022556 MGI:96238 protein coding gene heat shock factor 1
15 gene 76.50202 76.51202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333825 Dgat1 NCBI_Gene:13350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022555 MGI:1333825 protein coding gene diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1
15 gene 76.51620 76.52250 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2176606 Scrt1 NCBI_Gene:170729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048385 MGI:2176606 protein coding gene scratch family zinc finger 1
15 gene 76.52262 76.52916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826170 Gm46533 NCBI_Gene:108168260 MGI:5826170 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46533
15 pseudogene 76.52677 76.52702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155258 Gm49550 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116234 MGI:6155258 pseudogene predicted gene, 49550
15 gene 76.53321 76.53537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647471 Tmem249 NCBI_Gene:666504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116376 MGI:3647471 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 249
15 gene 76.53572 76.53875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354705 Fbxl6 NCBI_Gene:30840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022559 MGI:1354705 protein coding gene F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 6
15 gene 76.53883 76.54788 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289288 Slc52a2 NCBI_Gene:52710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022560 MGI:1289288 protein coding gene solute carrier protein 52, member 2
15 gene 76.55743 76.55986 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594898 Gm35739 NCBI_Gene:102639419 MGI:5594898 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35739
15 gene 76.57618 76.57689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642738 Gm10869 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 10869
15 gene 76.57636 76.59582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2679274 Adck5 NCBI_Gene:268822,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022550 MGI:2679274 protein coding gene aarF domain containing kinase 5
15 gene 76.57783 76.58086 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155041 Gm49413 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116238 MGI:6155041 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49413
15 gene 76.59012 76.59173 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917889 5730521K06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116145 MGI:1917889 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5730521K06 gene
15 gene 76.59580 76.60759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2679722 Cpsf1 NCBI_Gene:94230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034022 MGI:2679722 protein coding gene cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 1
15 gene 76.61238 76.61738 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919277 Slc39a4 NCBI_Gene:72027,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063354 MGI:1919277 protein coding gene solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 4
15 gene 76.62209 76.62609 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914164 Vps28 NCBI_Gene:66914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115987 MGI:1914164 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 28
15 gene 76.62600 76.63996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919999 Tonsl NCBI_Gene:72749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059323 MGI:1919999 protein coding gene tonsoku-like, DNA repair protein
15 gene 76.64339 76.66021 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859320 Cyhr1 NCBI_Gene:54151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053929 MGI:1859320 protein coding gene cysteine and histidine rich 1
15 gene 76.65984 76.66820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109187 Kifc2 NCBI_Gene:16581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004187 MGI:109187 protein coding gene kinesin family member C2
15 gene 76.66783 76.67154 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347465 Foxh1 NCBI_Gene:14106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033837 MGI:1347465 protein coding gene forkhead box H1
15 gene 76.67162 76.69492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920312 Ppp1r16a NCBI_Gene:73062,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033819 MGI:1920312 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 16A
15 gene 76.69572 76.69969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95802 Gpt NCBI_Gene:76282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022546 MGI:95802 protein coding gene glutamic pyruvic transaminase, soluble
15 gene 76.70146 76.70424 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916822 Mfsd3 NCBI_Gene:69572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019080 MGI:1916822 protein coding gene major facilitator superfamily domain containing 3
15 gene 76.70355 76.71064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1931028 Recql4 NCBI_Gene:79456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033762 MGI:1931028 protein coding gene RecQ protein-like 4
15 gene 76.71062 76.71770 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2445060 Lrrc14 NCBI_Gene:223664,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033728 MGI:2445060 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 14
15 gene 76.71528 76.72217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3605040 Lrrc24 NCBI_Gene:378937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033707 MGI:3605040 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 24
15 gene 76.72146 76.72384 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925941 C030006K11Rik NCBI_Gene:223665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116138 MGI:1925941 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA C030006K11 gene
15 gene 76.72398 76.81817 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107858 Arhgap39 NCBI_Gene:223666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033697 MGI:107858 protein coding gene Rho GTPase activating protein 39
15 pseudogene 76.79770 76.79805 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4936905 Gm17271 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090429 MGI:4936905 pseudogene predicted gene, 17271
15 gene 76.81826 76.82094 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624235 Gm41350 NCBI_Gene:105245982 MGI:5624235 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41350
15 gene 76.85161 76.87144 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918841 Zfp251 NCBI_Gene:71591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022526 MGI:1918841 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 251
15 gene 76.87922 76.89239 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99208 Zfp7 NCBI_Gene:223669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033669 MGI:99208 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 7
15 gene 76.87932 76.90128 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155227 Gm49527 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116024 MGI:6155227 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49527
15 gene 76.89991 76.90130 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913648 Commd5 NCBI_Gene:66398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055041 MGI:1913648 protein coding gene COMM domain containing 5
15 gene 76.90407 76.90632 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1350927 Rpl8 NCBI_Gene:26961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003970 MGI:1350927 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L8
15 gene 76.91037 76.92546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3052806 Zfp647 NCBI_Gene:239546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054967 MGI:3052806 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 647
15 pseudogene 76.93371 76.93506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010468 Gm18283 NCBI_Gene:100416826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115920 MGI:5010468 pseudogene predicted gene, 18283
15 pseudogene 76.93499 76.94207 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826168 Gm46531 NCBI_Gene:108168257 MGI:5826168 pseudogene predicted gene, 46531
15 gene 76.94214 76.94835 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826171 Gm46534 NCBI_Gene:108168261 MGI:5826171 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46534
15 gene 76.94827 76.95098 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2152337 1110038F14Rik NCBI_Gene:117171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063236 MGI:2152337 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1110038F14 gene
15 gene 76.98643 76.99705 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595092 Gm35933 NCBI_Gene:102639678,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116339 MGI:5595092 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35933
15 gene 77.01409 77.01590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155243 Gm49540 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116272 MGI:6155243 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49540
15 gene 77.01549 77.05067 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96922 Mb NCBI_Gene:17189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018893 MGI:96922 protein coding gene myoglobin
15 gene 77.04473 77.05711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919189 Apol6 NCBI_Gene:71939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033576 MGI:1919189 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 6
15 gene 77.06779 77.06790 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454530 Gm24753 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095245 MGI:5454530 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24753
15 gene 77.07899 77.30709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933973 Rbfox2 NCBI_Gene:93686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033565 MGI:1933973 protein coding gene RNA binding protein, fox-1 homolog (C. elegans) 2
15 gene 77.08440 77.09631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921553 1700109K24Rik NCBI_Gene:74303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097267 MGI:1921553 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700109K24 gene
15 gene 77.08753 77.08773 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924385 3010033E01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3010033E01 gene
15 gene 77.11373 77.11580 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921863 4833412C15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116298 MGI:1921863 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833412C15 gene
15 gene 77.17579 77.17826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155037 Gm49411 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116185 MGI:6155037 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49411
15 gene 77.24241 77.24255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453833 Gm24056 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089242 MGI:5453833 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24056
15 gene 77.31361 77.32445 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624237 Gm41352 NCBI_Gene:105245984 MGI:5624237 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41352
15 gene 77.36590 77.36670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155077 Gm49436 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116413 MGI:6155077 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49436
15 gene 77.36949 77.37692 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781960 Gm3787 NCBI_Gene:102639762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116284 MGI:3781960 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3787
15 gene 77.37121 77.37388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624239 Gm41354 NCBI_Gene:105245986 MGI:5624239 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41354
15 gene 77.37786 77.37935 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624238 Gm41353 NCBI_Gene:105245985 MGI:5624238 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41353
15 gene 77.38822 77.39911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923011 Apol7a NCBI_Gene:75761,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010601 MGI:1923011 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 7a
15 gene 77.39170 77.39238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313135 Gm20688 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093458 MGI:5313135 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20688
15 gene 77.40379 77.41114 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3606001 Apol9a NCBI_Gene:223672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057346 MGI:3606001 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 9a
15 gene 77.41855 77.42360 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595353 Gm36194 NCBI_Gene:102640019 MGI:5595353 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36194
15 gene 77.42221 77.44749 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3583950 Apol7b NCBI_Gene:278679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068252 MGI:3583950 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 7b
15 gene 77.42798 77.46197 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925474 4930571N24Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086467 MGI:1925474 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930571N24 gene
15 pseudogene 77.44304 77.44442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645107 Gm6506 NCBI_Gene:102639912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082233 MGI:3645107 pseudogene predicted gene 6506
15 pseudogene 77.44467 77.44522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646501 Gm8208 NCBI_Gene:666639 MGI:3646501 pseudogene predicted gene 8208
15 pseudogene 77.46820 77.46846 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155259 Gm49551 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116292 MGI:6155259 pseudogene predicted gene, 49551
15 gene 77.47695 77.49107 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3036238 Apol10a NCBI_Gene:245282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050982 MGI:3036238 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 10A
15 gene 77.50813 77.51805 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649094 Apol11a NCBI_Gene:626615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091650 MGI:3649094 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 11a
15 gene 77.52485 77.53333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920912 Apol7c NCBI_Gene:108956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044309 MGI:1920912 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 7c
15 gene 77.55824 77.56189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923659 1700025B11Rik NCBI_Gene:76409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101113 MGI:1923659 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700025B11 gene
15 gene 77.58382 77.59854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3043522 Apol10b NCBI_Gene:328561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050014 MGI:3043522 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 10B
15 gene 77.59925 77.60286 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595404 Gm36245 NCBI_Gene:102640092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116079 MGI:5595404 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36245
15 pseudogene 77.61897 77.62740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779789 Gm8221 NCBI_Gene:666661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095704 MGI:3779789 pseudogene predicted gene 8221
15 gene 77.63395 77.64329 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3036248 Apol11b NCBI_Gene:328563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091694 MGI:3036248 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 11b
15 pseudogene 77.65600 77.65984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646982 Apol10c-ps NCBI_Gene:545115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116383 MGI:3646982 pseudogene apolipoprotein L 10C, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 77.66849 77.66874 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155032 Gm49407 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116356 MGI:6155032 pseudogene predicted gene, 49407
15 gene 77.69571 77.71929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704456 Apol7e NCBI_Gene:666348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071716 MGI:3704456 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 7e
15 pseudogene 77.70112 77.70167 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646977 Gm8233 NCBI_Gene:666679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115926 MGI:3646977 pseudogene predicted gene 8233
15 pseudogene 77.70200 77.70304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011096 Gm18911 NCBI_Gene:100417939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116438 MGI:5011096 pseudogene predicted gene, 18911
15 gene 77.71764 77.72301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595488 Gm36329 NCBI_Gene:102640206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116162 MGI:5595488 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36329
15 gene 77.72904 77.73638 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919148 Apol9b NCBI_Gene:71898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068246 MGI:1919148 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 9b
15 gene 77.74076 77.74389 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155035 Gm49410 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115979 MGI:6155035 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49410
15 gene 77.74780 77.75705 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444921 Apol8 NCBI_Gene:239552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056656 MGI:2444921 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 8
15 gene 77.76059 77.84217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107717 Myh9 NCBI_Gene:17886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022443 MGI:107717 protein coding gene myosin, heavy polypeptide 9, non-muscle
15 gene 77.83509 77.83685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3026995 9530001J02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530001J02 gene
15 gene 77.84066 77.84076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451884 Gm22107 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084497 MGI:5451884 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22107
15 gene 77.91505 77.92901 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929468 Txn2 NCBI_Gene:56551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005354 MGI:1929468 protein coding gene thioredoxin 2
15 gene 77.94052 77.95677 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106315 Foxred2 NCBI_Gene:239554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016552 MGI:106315 protein coding gene FAD-dependent oxidoreductase domain containing 2
15 gene 77.95900 77.97109 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933181 Eif3d NCBI_Gene:55944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016554 MGI:1933181 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit D
15 gene 77.96167 77.96713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937272 Gm17638 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097057 MGI:4937272 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17638
15 gene 77.99175 78.12003 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1316660 Cacng2 NCBI_Gene:12300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019146 MGI:1316660 protein coding gene calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 2
15 gene 78.01230 78.05441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826157 Gm46520 NCBI_Gene:108168245 MGI:5826157 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46520
15 gene 78.11971 78.14856 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444190 A730060N03Rik NCBI_Gene:102640344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092375 MGI:2444190 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A730060N03 gene
15 gene 78.15946 78.17411 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914292 Ift27 NCBI_Gene:67042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016637 MGI:1914292 protein coding gene intraflagellar transport 27
15 gene 78.17446 78.17485 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6215148 Gm49694 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116697 MGI:6215148 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49694
15 gene 78.19111 78.20640 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97821 Pvalb NCBI_Gene:19293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005716 MGI:97821 protein coding gene parvalbumin
15 gene 78.24416 78.26258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109186 Ncf4 NCBI_Gene:17972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071715 MGI:109186 protein coding gene neutrophil cytosolic factor 4
15 gene 78.28251 78.30572 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1339760 Csf2rb2 NCBI_Gene:12984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071714 MGI:1339760 protein coding gene colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, beta 2, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage)
15 gene 78.28479 78.28485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530982 Mir7676-1 miRBase:MI0025017,NCBI_Gene:102465776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098996 MGI:5530982 miRNA gene microRNA 7676-1
15 gene 78.32575 78.35385 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1339759 Csf2rb NCBI_Gene:12983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071713 MGI:1339759 protein coding gene colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, beta, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage)
15 gene 78.34860 78.34866 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531172 Mir7676-2 miRBase:MI0025018,NCBI_Gene:102466845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099059 MGI:5531172 miRNA gene microRNA 7676-2
15 gene 78.36925 78.36936 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456106 Gm26329 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070235 MGI:5456106 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 26329
15 gene 78.37840 78.39591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920626 Tex33 NCBI_Gene:73376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062154 MGI:1920626 protein coding gene testis expressed 33
15 gene 78.39600 78.39718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155153 Gm49481 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116445 MGI:6155153 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49481
15 gene 78.39956 78.40591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98852 Tst NCBI_Gene:22117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044986 MGI:98852 protein coding gene thiosulfate sulfurtransferase, mitochondrial
15 gene 78.40642 78.41402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2179733 Mpst NCBI_Gene:246221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071711 MGI:2179733 protein coding gene mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase
15 gene 78.41689 78.42623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624240 Gm41355 NCBI_Gene:105245987 MGI:5624240 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41355
15 gene 78.42034 78.42463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595803 Gm36644 NCBI_Gene:102640626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115854 MGI:5595803 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36644
15 gene 78.42856 78.43930 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920094 Kctd17 NCBI_Gene:72844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033287 MGI:1920094 protein coding gene potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 17
15 gene 78.43967 78.46918 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919003 Tmprss6 NCBI_Gene:71753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016942 MGI:1919003 protein coding gene transmembrane serine protease 6
15 gene 78.47926 78.51162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96550 Il2rb NCBI_Gene:16185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068227 MGI:96550 protein coding gene interleukin 2 receptor, beta chain
15 gene 78.52335 78.53214 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919959 C1qtnf6 NCBI_Gene:72709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022440 MGI:1919959 protein coding gene C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 6
15 gene 78.53111 78.53280 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155166 Gm49490 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116307 MGI:6155166 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49490
15 gene 78.53701 78.54937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98329 Sstr3 NCBI_Gene:20607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044933 MGI:98329 protein coding gene somatostatin receptor 3
15 pseudogene 78.55419 78.55493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648054 Gm6723 NCBI_Gene:626952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068226 MGI:3648054 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6723
15 gene 78.55917 78.57278 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97846 Rac2 NCBI_Gene:19354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033220 MGI:97846 protein coding gene Rac family small GTPase 2
15 gene 78.57441 78.58167 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595897 Gm36738 NCBI_Gene:102640742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116097 MGI:5595897 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36738
15 gene 78.59705 78.62202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441702 Cyth4 NCBI_Gene:72318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018008 MGI:2441702 protein coding gene cytohesin 4
15 gene 78.63861 78.64548 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596036 Gm36877 NCBI_Gene:102640930 MGI:5596036 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36877
15 gene 78.66733 78.71887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3608416 Elfn2 NCBI_Gene:207393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043460 MGI:3608416 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III, extracellular 2
15 gene 78.67078 78.67612 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925873 1700041B01Rik NCBI_Gene:78623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116260 MGI:1925873 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700041B01 gene
15 gene 78.75588 78.77352 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1095404 Mfng NCBI_Gene:17305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018169 MGI:1095404 protein coding gene MFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
15 gene 78.77512 78.80308 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146012 Card10 NCBI_Gene:105844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033170 MGI:2146012 protein coding gene caspase recruitment domain family, member 10
15 pseudogene 78.82081 78.82153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648501 Gm7318 NCBI_Gene:641104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116499 MGI:3648501 pseudogene predicted gene 7318
15 gene 78.84262 78.85090 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929763 Cdc42ep1 NCBI_Gene:104445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049521 MGI:1929763 protein coding gene CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 1
15 gene 78.85086 78.85553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_895068 Lgals2 NCBI_Gene:107753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043501 MGI:895068 protein coding gene lectin, galactose-binding, soluble 2
15 gene 78.86296 78.86905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477128 Gm26634 NCBI_Gene:102631961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097085 MGI:5477128 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26634
15 gene 78.87716 78.89459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146207 Gga1 NCBI_Gene:106039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033128 MGI:2146207 protein coding gene golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 1
15 gene 78.89184 78.89191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531151 Mir6955 miRBase:MI0022802,NCBI_Gene:102466210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099267 MGI:5531151 miRNA gene microRNA 6955
15 gene 78.89821 78.89971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642835 Gm10866 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10866
15 gene 78.89967 78.91903 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155200 Gm49510 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116069 MGI:6155200 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49510
15 gene 78.89977 78.91205 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104603 Sh3bp1 NCBI_Gene:20401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022436 MGI:104603 protein coding gene SH3-domain binding protein 1
15 gene 78.91197 78.91366 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917246 1700027A07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084864 MGI:1917246 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700027A07 gene
15 gene 78.91392 78.91952 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919282 Pdxp NCBI_Gene:57028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116165 MGI:1919282 protein coding gene pyridoxal (pyridoxine, vitamin B6) phosphatase
15 gene 78.91962 78.92814 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589527 Gm30368 NCBI_Gene:102632234 MGI:5589527 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30368
15 gene 78.92673 78.93046 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96777 Lgals1 NCBI_Gene:16852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068220 MGI:96777 protein coding gene lectin, galactose binding, soluble 1
15 gene 78.93493 78.94364 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146285 Nol12 NCBI_Gene:97961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033099 MGI:2146285 protein coding gene nucleolar protein 12
15 gene 78.94772 79.00587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349410 Triobp NCBI_Gene:110253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033088 MGI:1349410 protein coding gene TRIO and F-actin binding protein
15 gene 78.99496 79.01104 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641626 Gm10865 NCBI_Gene:100038602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116505 MGI:3641626 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10865
15 gene 79.00222 79.00228 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531262 Mir6956 miRBase:MI0022803,NCBI_Gene:102465577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099180 MGI:5531262 miRNA gene microRNA 6956
15 gene 79.01533 79.02607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5009838 Gm17753 NCBI_Gene:654469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115867 MGI:5009838 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17753
15 gene 79.02646 79.02861 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155250 Gm49544 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116262 MGI:6155250 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49544
15 gene 79.02821 79.03050 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95893 H1f0 NCBI_Gene:14958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096210 MGI:95893 protein coding gene H1.0 linker histone
15 gene 79.03087 79.04253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349389 Gcat NCBI_Gene:26912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116378 MGI:1349389 protein coding gene glycine C-acetyltransferase (2-amino-3-ketobutyrate-coenzyme A ligase)
15 gene 79.04188 79.04356 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1329003 Galr3 NCBI_Gene:14429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114755 MGI:1329003 protein coding gene galanin receptor 3
15 gene 79.04557 79.05226 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782098 Gm3924 NCBI_Gene:100042603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116287 MGI:3782098 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3924
15 gene 79.05309 79.06293 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444209 Ankrd54 NCBI_Gene:223690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033055 MGI:2444209 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 54
15 gene 79.06466 79.06595 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155136 Gm49471 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115887 MGI:6155136 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49471
15 gene 79.07472 79.07513 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925296 4930563H03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930563H03 gene
15 gene 79.07518 79.09440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2386251 Eif3l NCBI_Gene:223691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033047 MGI:2386251 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit L
15 gene 79.09482 79.09506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454849 Gm25072 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092974 MGI:5454849 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25072
15 gene 79.10870 79.13690 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105870 Micall1 NCBI_Gene:27008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033039 MGI:105870 protein coding gene microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing -like 1
15 gene 79.12935 79.14125 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920774 1700088E04Rik NCBI_Gene:27660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033029 MGI:1920774 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700088E04 gene
15 gene 79.14101 79.15177 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349393 Polr2f NCBI_Gene:69833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033020 MGI:1349393 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide F
15 gene 79.15491 79.16524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98358 Sox10 NCBI_Gene:20665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033006 MGI:98358 protein coding gene SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 10
15 gene 79.16604 79.22752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641623 Gm10863 NCBI_Gene:100041655,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075555 MGI:3641623 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10863
15 gene 79.19351 79.19726 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641624 Gm10864 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10864
15 gene 79.22525 79.22902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589686 Gm30527 NCBI_Gene:102632460 MGI:5589686 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30527
15 gene 79.22820 79.22937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922240 4930500E03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930500E03 gene
15 gene 79.22916 79.24948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_894645 Pick1 NCBI_Gene:18693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068206 MGI:894645 protein coding gene protein interacting with C kinase 1
15 gene 79.22939 79.25667 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155161 Gm49486 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116121 MGI:6155161 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49486
15 gene 79.25101 79.25476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929519 Slc16a8 NCBI_Gene:57274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032988 MGI:1929519 protein coding gene solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 8
15 pseudogene 79.25261 79.25669 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4938036 Lgals1-ps2 NCBI_Gene:102632642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091135 MGI:4938036 pseudogene lectin, galactose binding, soluble 1, pseudogene 2
15 gene 79.25820 79.28554 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2652819 Baiap2l2 NCBI_Gene:207495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018126 MGI:2652819 protein coding gene BAI1-associated protein 2-like 2
15 gene 79.28623 79.32839 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859152 Pla2g6 NCBI_Gene:53357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042632 MGI:1859152 protein coding gene phospholipase A2, group VI
15 gene 79.31051 79.31139 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624243 Gm41358 NCBI_Gene:105245991 MGI:5624243 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41358
15 gene 79.31420 79.31666 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5141885 Gm20420 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092494 MGI:5141885 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20420
15 gene 79.32763 79.32871 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917527 2310026G15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2310026G15 gene
15 gene 79.34662 79.35908 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96910 Maff NCBI_Gene:17133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042622 MGI:96910 protein coding gene v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein F (avian)
15 gene 79.36068 79.40357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445179 Tmem184b NCBI_Gene:223693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009035 MGI:2445179 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 184b
15 gene 79.37523 79.37530 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3836982 Mir1943 miRBase:MI0009932,NCBI_Gene:100316695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088901 MGI:3836982 miRNA gene microRNA 1943
15 gene 79.41785 79.45558 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351660 Csnk1e NCBI_Gene:27373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022433 MGI:1351660 protein coding gene casein kinase 1, epsilon
15 gene 79.42722 79.43163 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802029 Gm16059 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085802 MGI:3802029 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16059
15 gene 79.45976 79.46615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624244 Gm41359 NCBI_Gene:105245992 MGI:5624244 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41359
15 gene 79.47238 79.47247 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690694 Gm44302 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106626 MGI:5690694 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44302
15 gene 79.48023 79.51188 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104743 Kcnj4 NCBI_Gene:16520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044216 MGI:104743 protein coding gene potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 4
15 gene 79.48023 79.48267 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6214998 Gm49593 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116081 MGI:6214998 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49593
15 gene 79.51032 79.51252 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155260 Gm49552 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116243 MGI:6155260 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49552
15 gene 79.51641 79.52774 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145953 Kdelr3 NCBI_Gene:105785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010830 MGI:2145953 protein coding gene KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 3
15 gene 79.52770 79.54674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914290 Ddx17 NCBI_Gene:67040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055065 MGI:1914290 protein coding gene DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 17
15 gene 79.56150 79.60516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105393 Dmc1 NCBI_Gene:13404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022429 MGI:105393 protein coding gene DNA meiotic recombinase 1
15 gene 79.59467 79.59479 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531285 Gm27903 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093223 MGI:5531285 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27903
15 gene 79.60958 79.65896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922979 Fam227a NCBI_Gene:75729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042564 MGI:1922979 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 227, member A
15 gene 79.65916 79.66766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920989 Cby1 NCBI_Gene:73739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022428 MGI:1920989 protein coding gene chibby family member 1, beta catenin antagonist
15 gene 79.66577 79.66699 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590036 Gm30877 NCBI_Gene:102632926 MGI:5590036 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30877
15 gene 79.67086 79.67340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2450248 Tomm22 NCBI_Gene:223696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022427 MGI:2450248 protein coding gene translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 22
15 gene 79.67425 79.68792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921408 Josd1 NCBI_Gene:74158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022426 MGI:1921408 protein coding gene Josephin domain containing 1
15 pseudogene 79.68110 79.68132 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155215 Gm49520 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116239 MGI:6155215 pseudogene predicted gene, 49520
15 gene 79.68914 79.69239 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477378 Gm26884 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097128 MGI:5477378 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26884
15 gene 79.69084 79.72148 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109443 Gtpbp1 NCBI_Gene:14904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042535 MGI:109443 protein coding gene GTP binding protein 1
15 gene 79.69250 79.69263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421885 n-R5s40 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064409 MGI:4421885 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 40
15 gene 79.72407 79.74254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443011 Sun2 NCBI_Gene:223697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042524 MGI:2443011 protein coding gene Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 2
15 gene 79.73957 79.74180 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414995 Gm16575 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089796 MGI:4414995 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16575
15 gene 79.74270 79.75739 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414996 Gm16576 NCBI_Gene:100504191,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087543 MGI:4414996 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16576
15 gene 79.76145 79.77785 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859217 Dnal4 NCBI_Gene:54152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022420 MGI:1859217 protein coding gene dynein, axonemal, light chain 4
15 gene 79.77455 79.79425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590136 Gm30977 NCBI_Gene:102633060 MGI:5590136 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30977
15 gene 79.78635 79.80477 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920590 Nptxr NCBI_Gene:73340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022421 MGI:1920590 protein coding gene neuronal pentraxin receptor
15 gene 79.78635 79.83433 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3845555 Npcd NCBI_Gene:504193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089837 MGI:3845555 protein coding gene neuronal pentraxin chromo domain
15 gene 79.82390 79.83469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3512628 Cbx6 NCBI_Gene:494448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089715 MGI:3512628 protein coding gene chromobox 6
15 gene 79.84316 79.84676 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641730 Gm10856 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115971 MGI:3641730 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10856
15 gene 79.87387 79.87722 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155039 Gm49412 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116283 MGI:6155039 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49412
15 gene 79.88953 79.89314 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926118 D730005E14Rik NCBI_Gene:109361 MGI:1926118 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D730005E14 gene
15 gene 79.89166 79.91822 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933111 Apobec3 NCBI_Gene:80287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009585 MGI:1933111 protein coding gene apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 3
15 gene 79.91580 79.97115 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196439 Cbx7 NCBI_Gene:52609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053411 MGI:1196439 protein coding gene chromobox 7
15 gene 79.99586 80.02478 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97528 Pdgfb NCBI_Gene:18591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000489 MGI:97528 protein coding gene platelet derived growth factor, B polypeptide
15 gene 79.99897 79.99903 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530759 Mir7213 miRBase:MI0023708,NCBI_Gene:102465699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099222 MGI:5530759 miRNA gene microRNA 7213
15 gene 80.01230 80.04499 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624246 Gm41361 NCBI_Gene:105245994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116125 MGI:5624246 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41361
15 gene 80.04826 80.05009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3045283 F830031D20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA F830031D20 gene
15 gene 80.05322 80.05975 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624247 Gm41362 NCBI_Gene:105245995 MGI:5624247 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41362
15 gene 80.07778 80.09187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351605 Rpl3 NCBI_Gene:27367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060036 MGI:1351605 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L3
15 gene 80.07850 80.07859 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819557 Snord83b NCBI_Gene:100302601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077734 MGI:3819557 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 83B
15 gene 80.08025 80.08034 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451854 Gm22077 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088219 MGI:5451854 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22077
15 gene 80.08285 80.08295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819534 Snord43 NCBI_Gene:100302600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105167 MGI:3819534 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 43
15 gene 80.08845 80.08855 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453981 Gm24204 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064884 MGI:5453981 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24204
15 gene 80.09073 80.09334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590293 Gm31134 NCBI_Gene:102633270 MGI:5590293 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31134
15 gene 80.09133 80.11950 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1328323 Syngr1 NCBI_Gene:20972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022415 MGI:1328323 protein coding gene synaptogyrin 1
15 gene 80.12940 80.13471 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590412 Gm31253 NCBI_Gene:102633422 MGI:5590412 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31253
15 gene 80.13313 80.16171 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913763 Tab1 NCBI_Gene:66513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022414 MGI:1913763 protein coding gene TGF-beta activated kinase 1/MAP3K7 binding protein 1
15 gene 80.17365 80.21552 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104532 Mgat3 NCBI_Gene:17309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042428 MGI:104532 protein coding gene mannoside acetylglucosaminyltransferase 3
15 gene 80.22632 80.23138 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826158 Gm46521 NCBI_Gene:108168246 MGI:5826158 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46521
15 gene 80.22795 80.22841 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925476 4930588D02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115962 MGI:1925476 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930588D02 gene
15 pseudogene 80.22907 80.22995 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644819 Gm8375 NCBI_Gene:666948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116127 MGI:3644819 pseudogene predicted gene 8375
15 gene 80.23393 80.25337 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146020 Mief1 NCBI_Gene:239555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022412 MGI:2146020 protein coding gene mitochondrial elongation factor 1
15 gene 80.25518 80.25754 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88096 Atf4 NCBI_Gene:11911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042406 MGI:88096 protein coding gene activating transcription factor 4
15 gene 80.26061 80.26431 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913788 Rps19bp1 NCBI_Gene:66538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051518 MGI:1913788 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S19 binding protein 1
15 gene 80.28724 80.39829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2178051 Cacna1i NCBI_Gene:239556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022416 MGI:2178051 protein coding gene calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 1I subunit
15 gene 80.28787 80.29252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590478 Gm31319 NCBI_Gene:102633509 MGI:5590478 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31319
15 gene 80.39839 80.40423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624248 Gm41363 NCBI_Gene:105245996 MGI:5624248 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41363
15 gene 80.43157 80.43860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590528 Gm31369 NCBI_Gene:102633578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115888 MGI:5590528 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31369
15 gene 80.45172 80.56516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686088 Enthd1 NCBI_Gene:383075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050439 MGI:2686088 protein coding gene ENTH domain containing 1
15 gene 80.45804 80.45817 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452997 Gm23220 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088740 MGI:5452997 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23220
15 pseudogene 80.47589 80.47794 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011326 Gm19141 NCBI_Gene:100418323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116345 MGI:5011326 pseudogene predicted gene, 19141
15 gene 80.57259 80.65285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333842 Grap2 NCBI_Gene:17444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042351 MGI:1333842 protein coding gene GRB2-related adaptor protein 2
15 gene 80.61595 80.61798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779136 5830419E12Rik NA NA protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 5830419E12 gene
15 gene 80.64046 80.64241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155262 Gm49553 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116433 MGI:6155262 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49553
15 gene 80.64607 80.64614 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531277 Mir6957 miRBase:MI0022804,NCBI_Gene:102466773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098631 MGI:5531277 miRNA gene microRNA 6957
15 gene 80.67185 80.70042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146227 Fam83f NCBI_Gene:213956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022408 MGI:2146227 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 83, member F
15 gene 80.69102 80.69761 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3605804 A430088P11Rik NCBI_Gene:106059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116220 MGI:3605804 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A430088P11 gene
15 gene 80.71131 80.94109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443730 Tnrc6b NCBI_Gene:213988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047888 MGI:2443730 protein coding gene trinucleotide repeat containing 6b
15 gene 80.71227 80.71369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155203 Gm49512 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116480 MGI:6155203 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49512
15 gene 80.83158 80.83321 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3026993 D230044B12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D230044B12 gene
15 gene 80.89029 80.89315 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444208 B130063F10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B130063F10 gene
15 gene 80.94004 80.94012 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4950433 Mir5113 miRBase:MI0018022,NCBI_Gene:100628612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092868 MGI:4950433 miRNA gene microRNA 5113
15 gene 80.94849 80.97095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103202 Adsl NCBI_Gene:11564,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022407 MGI:103202 protein coding gene adenylosuccinate lyase
15 pseudogene 80.95248 80.95301 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648604 Gm6612 NCBI_Gene:625672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058357 MGI:3648604 pseudogene predicted gene 6612
15 gene 80.97777 81.01229 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916329 Sgsm3 NCBI_Gene:105835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042303 MGI:1916329 protein coding gene small G protein signaling modulator 3
15 gene 81.00541 81.00641 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590621 Gm31462 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115976 MGI:5590621 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31462
15 gene 81.01228 81.19076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384495 Mrtfa NCBI_Gene:223701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042292 MGI:2384495 protein coding gene myocardin related transcription factor A
15 gene 81.03964 81.03979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454908 Gm25131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064587 MGI:5454908 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25131
15 gene 81.11503 81.11584 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155218 Gm49522 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116321 MGI:6155218 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49522
15 gene 81.19077 81.19276 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914888 4930483J18Rik NCBI_Gene:67638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047938 MGI:1914888 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930483J18 gene
15 pseudogene 81.20873 81.20916 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155239 Gm49537 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116122 MGI:6155239 pseudogene predicted gene, 49537
15 gene 81.21713 81.22970 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590767 Gm31608 NCBI_Gene:102633891 MGI:5590767 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31608
15 gene 81.22971 81.23057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590909 Gm31750 NCBI_Gene:102634081 MGI:5590909 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31750
15 gene 81.23550 81.23896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2180756 Mchr1 NCBI_Gene:207911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050164 MGI:2180756 protein coding gene melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1
15 gene 81.24265 81.31287 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925352 8430426J06Rik NCBI_Gene:78102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115970 MGI:1925352 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 8430426J06 gene
15 gene 81.31891 81.36081 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1342248 Slc25a17 NCBI_Gene:20524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022404 MGI:1342248 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, peroxisomal membrane protein), member 17
15 gene 81.36367 81.40008 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917606 St13 NCBI_Gene:70356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022403 MGI:1917606 protein coding gene suppression of tumorigenicity 13
15 gene 81.40013 81.45748 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2445217 Xpnpep3 NCBI_Gene:321003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022401 MGI:2445217 protein coding gene X-prolyl aminopeptidase 3, mitochondrial
15 gene 81.40693 81.40830 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914012 Dnajb7 NCBI_Gene:57755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047108 MGI:1914012 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B7
15 gene 81.41064 81.42283 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937852 Gm17025 NCBI_Gene:102634155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091492 MGI:4937852 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17025
15 gene 81.46630 81.47637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891829 Rbx1 NCBI_Gene:56438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022400 MGI:1891829 protein coding gene ring-box 1
15 pseudogene 81.48597 81.48638 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155031 Gm49406 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115917 MGI:6155031 pseudogene predicted gene, 49406
15 pseudogene 81.49908 81.49965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646583 Gm5218 NCBI_Gene:108168218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091198 MGI:3646583 pseudogene predicted gene 5218
15 gene 81.58417 81.58503 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915885 1110025M09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103520 MGI:1915885 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1110025M09 gene
15 gene 81.58535 81.65208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1276116 Ep300 NCBI_Gene:328572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055024 MGI:1276116 protein coding gene E1A binding protein p300
15 gene 81.58613 81.58619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453657 Gm23880 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080527 MGI:5453657 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23880
15 gene 81.59209 81.59220 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451844 Gm22067 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084739 MGI:5451844 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22067
15 pseudogene 81.65618 81.65640 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155091 Gm49444 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116516 MGI:6155091 pseudogene predicted gene, 49444
15 gene 81.66389 81.68832 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443584 L3mbtl2 NCBI_Gene:214669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022394 MGI:2443584 protein coding gene L3MBTL2 polycomb repressive complex 1 subunit
15 pseudogene 81.67393 81.67490 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010469 Gm18284 NCBI_Gene:100416827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092325 MGI:5010469 pseudogene predicted gene, 18284
15 gene 81.67830 81.69738 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3036284 Chadl NCBI_Gene:214685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063765 MGI:3036284 protein coding gene chondroadherin-like
15 gene 81.70425 81.74553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103071 Rangap1 NCBI_Gene:19387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022391 MGI:103071 protein coding gene RAN GTPase activating protein 1
15 gene 81.73860 81.73904 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920087 2810487C13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2810487C13 gene
15 gene 81.74485 81.79627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1328310 Zc3h7b NCBI_Gene:20286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022390 MGI:1328310 protein coding gene zinc finger CCCH type containing 7B
15 gene 81.80079 81.80261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937231 Gm17597 NCBI_Gene:100504312,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097613 MGI:4937231 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17597
15 gene 81.80242 81.82686 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98663 Tef NCBI_Gene:21685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022389 MGI:98663 protein coding gene thyrotroph embryonic factor
15 pseudogene 81.84330 81.84376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645809 Gm8444 NCBI_Gene:667073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069439 MGI:3645809 pseudogene predicted gene 8444
15 gene 81.84827 81.85880 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888525 Tob2 NCBI_Gene:57259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048546 MGI:1888525 protein coding gene transducer of ERBB2, 2
15 gene 81.85774 81.85831 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155145 Gm49476 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116075 MGI:6155145 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49476
15 gene 81.86452 81.87191 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2156864 Phf5a NCBI_Gene:68479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061360 MGI:2156864 protein coding gene PHD finger protein 5A
15 gene 81.87231 81.91514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_87880 Aco2 NCBI_Gene:11429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022477 MGI:87880 protein coding gene aconitase 2, mitochondrial
15 gene 81.88823 81.92624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926179 Polr3h NCBI_Gene:78929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022476 MGI:1926179 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide H
15 gene 81.93206 81.93672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591326 Gm32167 NCBI_Gene:102634629 MGI:5591326 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32167
15 gene 81.93676 81.95094 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146027 Csdc2 NCBI_Gene:105859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042109 MGI:2146027 protein coding gene cold shock domain containing C2, RNA binding
15 gene 81.95111 81.96093 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1353418 Pmm1 NCBI_Gene:29858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022474 MGI:1353418 protein coding gene phosphomannomutase 1
15 pseudogene 81.96699 81.96855 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011286 Cyp2d67-ps NCBI_Gene:100418253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116157 MGI:5011286 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 67, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 81.97235 81.97290 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644633 Gm5805 NCBI_Gene:102634709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061848 MGI:3644633 pseudogene predicted gene 5805
15 gene 81.98054 81.98156 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913596 1700029P11Rik NCBI_Gene:66346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061633 MGI:1913596 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700029P11 gene
15 gene 81.98783 82.04009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95606 Xrcc6 NCBI_Gene:14375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022471 MGI:95606 protein coding gene X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6
15 gene 81.99252 82.03386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106313 Desi1 NCBI_Gene:28075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022472 MGI:106313 protein coding gene desumoylating isopeptidase 1
15 gene 82.04053 82.04760 negative MGI_C57BL6J_893586 Snu13 NCBI_Gene:20826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063480 MGI:893586 protein coding gene SNU13 homolog, small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U4/U6.U5)
15 pseudogene 82.05365 82.05401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155163 Gm49487 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116044 MGI:6155163 pseudogene predicted gene, 49487
15 pseudogene 82.05563 82.05583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155164 Gm49488 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116304 MGI:6155164 pseudogene predicted gene, 49488
15 pseudogene 82.05664 82.05699 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155165 Gm49489 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116406 MGI:6155165 pseudogene predicted gene, 49489
15 gene 82.05915 82.06654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685593 4930407I10Rik NCBI_Gene:328573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075524 MGI:2685593 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930407I10 gene
15 gene 82.07000 82.12682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028590 Mei1 NCBI_Gene:74369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068117 MGI:3028590 protein coding gene meiotic double-stranded break formation protein 1
15 gene 82.12790 82.14220 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923707 Ccdc134 NCBI_Gene:76457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068114 MGI:1923707 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 134
15 gene 82.14718 82.20538 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107585 Srebf2 NCBI_Gene:20788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022463 MGI:107585 protein coding gene sterol regulatory element binding factor 2
15 gene 82.18552 82.18762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155188 Gm49502 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116226 MGI:6155188 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49502
15 gene 82.19812 82.19819 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619343 Mir33 miRBase:MI0000707,NCBI_Gene:723897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065465 MGI:3619343 miRNA gene microRNA 33
15 gene 82.20617 82.21282 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146080 Shisa8 NCBI_Gene:435145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096883 MGI:2146080 protein coding gene shisa family member 8
15 gene 82.22174 82.22438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919299 Tnfrsf13c NCBI_Gene:72049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068105 MGI:1919299 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 13c
15 gene 82.22933 82.23353 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155190 Gm49503 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116009 MGI:6155190 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49503
15 gene 82.23376 82.24477 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913820 Cenpm NCBI_Gene:66570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068101 MGI:1913820 protein coding gene centromere protein M
15 gene 82.25240 82.26075 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923755 1500009C09Rik NCBI_Gene:76505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068099 MGI:1923755 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1500009C09 gene
15 gene 82.26590 82.29457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345148 Sept3 NCBI_Gene:108168219,NCBI_Gene:24050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022456 MGI:1345148 protein coding gene septin 3
15 gene 82.29892 82.31465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921966 Wbp2nl NCBI_Gene:74716,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022455 MGI:1921966 protein coding gene WBP2 N-terminal like
15 gene 82.32953 82.33893 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1261422 Naga NCBI_Gene:17939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022453 MGI:1261422 protein coding gene N-acetyl galactosaminidase, alpha
15 gene 82.33894 82.34574 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443609 Pheta2 NCBI_Gene:338368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049687 MGI:2443609 protein coding gene PH domain containing endocytic trafficking adaptor 2
15 gene 82.33896 82.34909 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916279 Smdt1 NCBI_Gene:69029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022452 MGI:1916279 protein coding gene single-pass membrane protein with aspartate rich tail 1
15 gene 82.34265 82.34277 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421886 n-R5s41 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064959 MGI:4421886 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 41
15 gene 82.35014 82.35432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914380 Ndufa6 NCBI_Gene:67130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022450 MGI:1914380 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A6
15 gene 82.37053 82.38026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929474 Cyp2d22 NCBI_Gene:56448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061740 MGI:1929474 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 22
15 gene 82.38915 82.39402 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88603 Cyp2d11 NCBI_Gene:545123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068085 MGI:88603 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 11
15 gene 82.39392 82.39398 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531255 Mir7684 miRBase:MI0025033,NCBI_Gene:102465786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098677 MGI:5531255 miRNA gene microRNA 7684
15 gene 82.40285 82.40722 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88602 Cyp2d10 NCBI_Gene:13101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094806 MGI:88602 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 10
15 gene 82.40709 82.40715 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530713 Gm27331 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098722 MGI:5530713 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27331
15 gene 82.40846 82.40854 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455767 Gm25990 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076395 MGI:5455767 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25990
15 pseudogene 82.42140 82.42345 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011452 Gm19267 NCBI_Gene:100502589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116419 MGI:5011452 pseudogene predicted gene, 19267
15 gene 82.43344 82.45685 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88606 Cyp2d9 NCBI_Gene:13105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068086 MGI:88606 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 9
15 pseudogene 82.43353 82.43865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826138 Gm46501 NCBI_Gene:108168220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116325 MGI:5826138 pseudogene predicted gene, 46501
15 pseudogene 82.44348 82.44465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155055 Gm49421 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116472 MGI:6155055 pseudogene predicted gene, 49421
15 pseudogene 82.44948 82.44974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155052 Gm49419 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115948 MGI:6155052 pseudogene predicted gene, 49419
15 gene 82.45242 82.45248 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531004 Gm27622 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099086 MGI:5531004 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27622
15 pseudogene 82.46262 82.46511 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3721929 Cyp2d32-ps NCBI_Gene:100125410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116265 MGI:3721929 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 32, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.50460 82.51137 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531207 Gm27825 NCBI_Gene:108168221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098745 MGI:5531207 pseudogene predicted gene, 27825
15 pseudogene 82.51629 82.51928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645587 Tdg-ps NCBI_Gene:545124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047347 MGI:3645587 pseudogene thymine DNA glycosylase, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.51991 82.52023 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826162 Gm46525 NCBI_Gene:108168250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116490 MGI:5826162 pseudogene predicted gene, 46525
15 pseudogene 82.53826 82.53861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826161 Gm46524 NCBI_Gene:108168249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116104 MGI:5826161 pseudogene predicted gene, 46524
15 pseudogene 82.54402 82.54868 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531405 Gm28023 NCBI_Gene:108168222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098901 MGI:5531405 pseudogene predicted gene, 28023
15 gene 82.55504 82.56040 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88604 Cyp2d12 NCBI_Gene:380997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096852 MGI:88604 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 12
15 gene 82.55512 82.55518 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531306 Gm27924 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099022 MGI:5531306 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27924
15 pseudogene 82.56220 82.56554 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3721930 Cyp2d33-ps NCBI_Gene:100125411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116368 MGI:3721930 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 33, pseudogene
15 gene 82.56344 82.56531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155067 Gm49429 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116319 MGI:6155067 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49429
15 pseudogene 82.60892 82.61292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011295 Cyp2d34-ps NCBI_Gene:100418269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115914 MGI:5011295 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 34, pseudogene
15 gene 82.61289 82.61295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531124 Gm27742 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098636 MGI:5531124 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27742
15 gene 82.61596 82.62096 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385022 Cyp2d34 NCBI_Gene:223706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094559 MGI:2385022 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 34
15 gene 82.62109 82.66090 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155070 Gm49431 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116130 MGI:6155070 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49431
15 pseudogene 82.63675 82.64204 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88605 Cyp2d13 NCBI_Gene:68444 MGI:88605 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 13
15 gene 82.64195 82.64200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530845 Gm27463 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098867 MGI:5530845 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27463
15 pseudogene 82.64992 82.65472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5295679 Cyp2d35-ps NCBI_Gene:100125596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115908 MGI:5295679 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, member 35, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.67128 82.68326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3721931 Cyp2d36-ps NCBI_Gene:380998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116341 MGI:3721931 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 36, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.68875 82.69315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3721937 Cyp2d37-ps NCBI_Gene:627860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075517 MGI:3721937 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 37, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.69357 82.70735 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780075 Cyp2d38-ps NCBI_Gene:676200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116354 MGI:3780075 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, member 38, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.71600 82.71942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5295680 Cyp2d39-ps NCBI_Gene:100125597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116117 MGI:5295680 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 39, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.74181 82.74212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155074 Gm49433 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116071 MGI:6155074 pseudogene predicted gene, 49433
15 gene 82.75983 82.76418 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919004 Cyp2d40 NCBI_Gene:71754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068083 MGI:1919004 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 40
15 pseudogene 82.77786 82.78212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645691 Cyp2d41-ps NCBI_Gene:271300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058613 MGI:3645691 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, member 41, pseudogene
15 gene 82.78208 82.78214 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531000 Gm27618 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098695 MGI:5531000 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27618
15 gene 82.79010 82.79445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923529 Cyp2d26 NCBI_Gene:76279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022445 MGI:1923529 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 26
15 pseudogene 82.80097 82.80396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155076 Gm49435 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116280 MGI:6155076 pseudogene predicted gene, 49435
15 gene 82.80844 82.98819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108399 Tcf20 NCBI_Gene:21411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041852 MGI:108399 protein coding gene transcription factor 20
15 gene 82.89048 82.89846 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100876 Tbrg3 NCBI_Gene:21378 MGI:1100876 lncRNA gene transforming growth factor beta regulated gene 3
15 gene 82.89908 82.90582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012509 Gm20324 NCBI_Gene:100504637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100199 MGI:5012509 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20324
15 gene 82.95922 82.95930 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834253 Mir3080 miRBase:MI0014043,NCBI_Gene:100526477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092751 MGI:4834253 miRNA gene microRNA 3080
15 gene 82.98090 82.98913 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146194 AW121686 NCBI_Gene:106026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097301 MGI:2146194 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AW121686
15 gene 82.98273 82.98783 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579725 Gm29019 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100552 MGI:5579725 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29019
15 gene 82.99297 83.03340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921289 Nfam1 NCBI_Gene:74039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058099 MGI:1921289 protein coding gene Nfat activating molecule with ITAM motif 1
15 gene 83.03344 83.03859 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591779 Gm32620 NCBI_Gene:102635229 MGI:5591779 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32620
15 gene 83.07568 83.08219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624251 Gm41366 NCBI_Gene:105245999 MGI:5624251 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41366
15 gene 83.08951 83.11668 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890404 Serhl NCBI_Gene:68607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058586 MGI:1890404 protein coding gene serine hydrolase-like
15 gene 83.10207 83.10593 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4938033 Gm17206 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090964 MGI:4938033 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17206
15 gene 83.11343 83.12283 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922028 Rrp7a NCBI_Gene:74778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018040 MGI:1922028 protein coding gene ribosomal RNA processing 7 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
15 gene 83.12598 83.14938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921076 Poldip3 NCBI_Gene:73826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041815 MGI:1921076 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA-directed), delta interacting protein 3
15 gene 83.14964 83.14979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336893 Rnu12 NCBI_Gene:104307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065176 MGI:1336893 snRNA gene RNA U12, small nuclear
15 gene 83.15349 83.17259 negative MGI_C57BL6J_94893 Cyb5r3 NCBI_Gene:109754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018042 MGI:94893 protein coding gene cytochrome b5 reductase 3
15 gene 83.17235 83.17481 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155122 Gm49463 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116508 MGI:6155122 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49463
15 gene 83.17320 83.17645 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443906 7530414M10Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116338 MGI:2443906 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 7530414M10 gene
15 gene 83.22672 83.25177 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3512453 A4galt NCBI_Gene:239559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047878 MGI:3512453 protein coding gene alpha 1,4-galactosyltransferase
15 gene 83.25563 83.25776 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624252 Gm41367 NCBI_Gene:105246000 MGI:5624252 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41367
15 gene 83.25782 83.25832 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592045 Gm32886 NCBI_Gene:102635595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116416 MGI:5592045 protein coding gene predicted gene, 32886
15 gene 83.25866 83.25952 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443608 C130064B19Rik NCBI_Gene:102635529 MGI:2443608 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C130064B19 gene
15 gene 83.27095 83.29679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591947 Gm32788 NCBI_Gene:102635455 MGI:5591947 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32788
15 gene 83.29974 83.35035 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913501 Arfgap3 NCBI_Gene:66251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054277 MGI:1913501 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3
15 gene 83.35385 83.36730 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916541 1700001L05Rik NCBI_Gene:69291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075511 MGI:1916541 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700001L05 gene
15 gene 83.37561 83.46461 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1345153 Pacsin2 NCBI_Gene:23970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016664 MGI:1345153 protein coding gene protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2
15 gene 83.38677 83.39249 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624253 Gm41368 NCBI_Gene:105246001 MGI:5624253 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41368
15 gene 83.39413 83.39456 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920760 1700082O11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700082O11 gene
15 gene 83.39778 83.39890 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924906 C430045I18Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C430045I18 gene
15 pseudogene 83.40506 83.40616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648626 Gm5417 NCBI_Gene:414359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049414 MGI:3648626 pseudogene predicted gene 5417
15 gene 83.48377 83.51892 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443047 Ttll1 NCBI_Gene:319953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022442 MGI:2443047 protein coding gene tubulin tyrosine ligase-like 1
15 gene 83.51694 83.51701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454352 Gm24575 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093243 MGI:5454352 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24575
15 gene 83.52679 83.54463 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1206591 Bik NCBI_Gene:12124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016758 MGI:1206591 protein coding gene BCL2-interacting killer
15 pseudogene 83.53767 83.54029 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826132 Gm46495 NCBI_Gene:108168212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116217 MGI:5826132 pseudogene predicted gene, 46495
15 gene 83.54680 83.56379 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2388651 Mcat NCBI_Gene:223722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048755 MGI:2388651 protein coding gene malonyl CoA:ACP acyltransferase (mitochondrial)
15 gene 83.56357 83.57420 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88222 Tspo NCBI_Gene:12257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041736 MGI:88222 protein coding gene translocator protein
15 gene 83.57509 83.59516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3039573 Ttll12 NCBI_Gene:223723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016757 MGI:3039573 protein coding gene tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 12
15 gene 83.60258 83.72505 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1890616 Scube1 NCBI_Gene:64706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016763 MGI:1890616 protein coding gene signal peptide, CUB domain, EGF-like 1
15 gene 83.75186 83.75702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592483 Gm33324 NCBI_Gene:102636187 MGI:5592483 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33324
15 gene 83.77947 83.85849 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106316 Mpped1 NCBI_Gene:223726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041708 MGI:106316 protein coding gene metallophosphoesterase domain containing 1
15 gene 83.84730 83.85624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624255 Gm41370 NCBI_Gene:105246003 MGI:5624255 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41370
15 gene 83.85917 83.86763 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624257 Gm41372 NCBI_Gene:105246005 MGI:5624257 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41372
15 gene 83.86671 84.07502 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924877 Efcab6 NCBI_Gene:77627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022441 MGI:1924877 protein coding gene EF-hand calcium binding domain 6
15 pseudogene 84.03034 84.03074 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783213 Rpl31-ps22 NCBI_Gene:667167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081925 MGI:3783213 pseudogene ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 22
15 gene 84.05521 84.05659 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918509 4933433M23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933433M23 gene
15 gene 84.07610 84.10575 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888971 Sult4a1 NCBI_Gene:29859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018865 MGI:1888971 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 4A, member 1
15 gene 84.10583 84.11004 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826163 Gm46526 NCBI_Gene:108168251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116072 MGI:5826163 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46526
15 gene 84.11236 84.12337 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923022 Pnpla5 NCBI_Gene:75772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018868 MGI:1923022 protein coding gene patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 5
15 gene 84.12728 84.13626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592591 Gm33432 NCBI_Gene:102636334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115925 MGI:5592591 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33432
15 gene 84.16486 84.16583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592689 Gm33530 NCBI_Gene:102636473 MGI:5592689 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33530
15 gene 84.16778 84.18952 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2151796 Pnpla3 NCBI_Gene:116939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041653 MGI:2151796 protein coding gene patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 3
15 gene 84.16827 84.16838 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530813 Mir6392 miRBase:MI0021926,NCBI_Gene:102466642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098882 MGI:5530813 miRNA gene microRNA 6392
15 gene 84.18191 84.19588 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155205 Gm49513 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116227 MGI:6155205 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49513
15 pseudogene 84.18257 84.18326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012554 Gm20369 NCBI_Gene:102636551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116041 MGI:5012554 pseudogene predicted gene, 20369
15 gene 84.19223 84.21727 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915903 Samm50 NCBI_Gene:68653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022437 MGI:1915903 protein coding gene SAMM50 sorting and assembly machinery component
15 gene 84.23204 84.31569 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2153063 Parvb NCBI_Gene:170736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022438 MGI:2153063 protein coding gene parvin, beta
15 gene 84.23750 84.24018 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592882 Gm33723 NCBI_Gene:102636731 MGI:5592882 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33723
15 gene 84.32321 84.32335 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452667 Gm22890 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089267 MGI:5452667 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22890
15 gene 84.32392 84.34298 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2158329 Parvg NCBI_Gene:64099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022439 MGI:2158329 protein coding gene parvin, gamma
15 pseudogene 84.34606 84.34678 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645822 Gm5214 NCBI_Gene:382988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116442 MGI:3645822 pseudogene predicted gene 5214
15 gene 84.37920 84.48284 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919551 Shisal1 NCBI_Gene:72301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062760 MGI:1919551 protein coding gene shisa like 1
15 gene 84.43018 84.44175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826164 Gm46527 NCBI_Gene:108168252 MGI:5826164 protein coding gene predicted gene, 46527
15 gene 84.44475 84.46357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592989 Gm33830 NCBI_Gene:102636880 MGI:5592989 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33830
15 gene 84.50932 84.51060 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593125 Gm33966 NCBI_Gene:102637061 MGI:5593125 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33966
15 gene 84.53886 84.55056 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593186 Gm34027 NCBI_Gene:102637143 MGI:5593186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34027
15 gene 84.55340 84.55782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2675858 Rtl6 NCBI_Gene:223732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055745 MGI:2675858 protein coding gene retrotransposon Gag like 6
15 gene 84.56289 84.57752 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593254 Gm34095 NCBI_Gene:102637226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116409 MGI:5593254 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34095
15 gene 84.57952 84.58144 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921711 4933416A02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933416A02 gene
15 gene 84.61742 84.62744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593360 Gm34201 NCBI_Gene:102637373 MGI:5593360 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34201
15 gene 84.66317 84.70641 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924714 Prr5 NCBI_Gene:109270,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036106 MGI:1924714 protein coding gene proline rich 5 (renal)
15 gene 84.70870 84.71382 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624259 Gm41374 NCBI_Gene:105246007 MGI:5624259 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41374
15 gene 84.71463 84.72027 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5295663 Gm20556 NCBI_Gene:328576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116396 MGI:5295663 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20556
15 gene 84.72003 84.77286 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920417 Arhgap8 NCBI_Gene:73167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078954 MGI:1920417 protein coding gene Rho GTPase activating protein 8
15 gene 84.78538 84.85613 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443812 Phf21b NCBI_Gene:271305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016624 MGI:2443812 protein coding gene PHD finger protein 21B
15 pseudogene 84.86630 84.86752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782393 Gm4217 NCBI_Gene:100043084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097954 MGI:3782393 pseudogene predicted gene 4217
15 gene 84.89057 84.89669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826165 Gm46528 NCBI_Gene:108168253 MGI:5826165 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46528
15 gene 84.90599 84.91373 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925271 4930513L16Rik NCBI_Gene:78021,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116491 MGI:1925271 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930513L16 gene
15 gene 84.91044 84.92268 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580372 Gm29666 NCBI_Gene:108168254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100967 MGI:5580372 protein coding gene predicted gene 29666
15 gene 84.92341 84.94296 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351502 Nup50 NCBI_Gene:18141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016619 MGI:1351502 protein coding gene nucleoporin 50
15 gene 84.94394 84.98855 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444899 5031439G07Rik NCBI_Gene:223739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036046 MGI:2444899 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 5031439G07 gene
15 gene 84.95153 84.95162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834217 Mir1249 miRBase:MI0004132,NCBI_Gene:100526461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080441 MGI:4834217 miRNA gene microRNA 1249
15 gene 84.98803 85.00620 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622443 Gm39558 NCBI_Gene:105243769 MGI:5622443 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39558
15 pseudogene 85.00814 85.00900 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646094 Gm6847 NCBI_Gene:628135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116343 MGI:3646094 pseudogene predicted gene 6847
15 pseudogene 85.01580 85.01642 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155220 Gm49523 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116464 MGI:6155220 pseudogene predicted gene, 49523
15 gene 85.01714 85.02256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98914 Upk3a NCBI_Gene:22270,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022435 MGI:98914 protein coding gene uroplakin 3A
15 gene 85.02895 85.11694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920475 Fam118a NCBI_Gene:73225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022434 MGI:1920475 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 118, member A
15 gene 85.06469 85.13196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2154049 Smc1b NCBI_Gene:140557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022432 MGI:2154049 protein coding gene structural maintenance of chromosomes 1B
15 pseudogene 85.11682 85.11734 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779135 Gm10923 NCBI_Gene:100502582,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078289 MGI:3779135 pseudogene predicted gene 10923
15 gene 85.13206 85.14457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914997 Ribc2 NCBI_Gene:67747,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022431 MGI:1914997 protein coding gene RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 2
15 gene 85.14925 85.15613 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011462 Gm19277 NCBI_Gene:100502602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115924 MGI:5011462 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19277
15 gene 85.20594 85.28654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95487 Fbln1 NCBI_Gene:14114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006369 MGI:95487 protein coding gene fibulin 1
15 gene 85.31158 85.31418 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593496 Gm34337 NCBI_Gene:102637560 MGI:5593496 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34337
15 gene 85.33625 85.46384 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859293 Atxn10 NCBI_Gene:54138,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016541 MGI:1859293 protein coding gene ataxin 10
15 gene 85.35106 85.35125 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453294 Gm23517 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064764 MGI:5453294 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23517
15 gene 85.41799 85.41894 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925071 A930031G03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930031G03 gene
15 gene 85.49274 85.50323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3036279 7530416G11Rik NCBI_Gene:328577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096607 MGI:3036279 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 7530416G11 gene
15 pseudogene 85.51081 85.51126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647768 Gm4825 NCBI_Gene:223745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063548 MGI:3647768 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 4825
15 gene 85.53544 85.58247 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98962 Wnt7b NCBI_Gene:22422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022382 MGI:98962 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 7B
15 gene 85.56577 85.58024 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593553 Gm34394 NCBI_Gene:102637632 MGI:5593553 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34394
15 gene 85.58025 85.59371 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146143 AU022754 NCBI_Gene:105975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097209 MGI:2146143 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AU022754
15 gene 85.62499 85.66781 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442642 D130051D11Rik NA NA lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D130051D11 gene
15 gene 85.64608 85.66768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155241 Gm49539 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116004 MGI:6155241 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49539
15 gene 85.65362 85.70752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5568843 Lncppara NCBI_Gene:102800312,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116305 MGI:5568843 lncRNA gene long noncoding RNA near Ppara
15 gene 85.67674 85.68084 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4437731 A130088B03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A130088B03 gene
15 gene 85.70660 85.70670 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619050 Mirlet7c-2 miRBase:MI0000560,NCBI_Gene:723966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065608 MGI:3619050 miRNA gene microRNA let7c-2
15 gene 85.70732 85.70740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676794 Mirlet7b miRBase:MI0000558,NCBI_Gene:387245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065564 MGI:2676794 miRNA gene microRNA let7b
15 gene 85.70884 85.71335 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593781 Gm34622 NCBI_Gene:102637933 MGI:5593781 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34622
15 gene 85.72385 85.73054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826166 Gm46529 NCBI_Gene:108168255 MGI:5826166 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46529
15 gene 85.73463 85.80685 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104740 Ppara NCBI_Gene:19013,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022383 MGI:104740 protein coding gene peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha
15 gene 85.80697 85.81170 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919605 Cdpf1 NCBI_Gene:72355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064284 MGI:1919605 protein coding gene cysteine rich, DPF motif domain containing 1
15 gene 85.81467 85.82173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338786 Pkdrej NCBI_Gene:18766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052496 MGI:1338786 protein coding gene polycystin (PKD) family receptor for egg jelly
15 gene 85.83230 85.85882 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146198 Ttc38 NCBI_Gene:239570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035944 MGI:2146198 protein coding gene tetratricopeptide repeat domain 38
15 gene 85.85969 85.87657 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352755 Gtse1 NCBI_Gene:29870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022385 MGI:1352755 protein coding gene G two S phase expressed protein 1
15 gene 85.87765 85.87909 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155255 Gm49548 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116435 MGI:6155255 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49548
15 gene 85.87931 85.89739 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919276 Trmu NCBI_Gene:72026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022386 MGI:1919276 protein coding gene tRNA 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate methyltransferase
15 gene 85.88611 85.88724 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921018 4833417J16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833417J16 gene
15 gene 85.89876 86.03422 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100883 Celsr1 NCBI_Gene:12614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016028 MGI:1100883 protein coding gene cadherin, EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1
15 gene 86.03425 86.04024 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593923 Gm34764 NCBI_Gene:102638127 MGI:5593923 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34764
15 gene 86.05357 86.05862 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624260 Gm41375 NCBI_Gene:105246009 MGI:5624260 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41375
15 gene 86.05769 86.13764 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676308 Gramd4 NCBI_Gene:223752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035900 MGI:2676308 protein coding gene GRAM domain containing 4
15 gene 86.08536 86.09025 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783166 Gm15722 NCBI_Gene:105246008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089680 MGI:3783166 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15722
15 gene 86.13910 86.18634 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2386052 Cerk NCBI_Gene:223753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035891 MGI:2386052 protein coding gene ceramide kinase
15 gene 86.14958 86.14985 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453788 Gm24011 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088357 MGI:5453788 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24011
15 gene 86.18572 86.18722 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826526 Gm15569 NCBI_Gene:102638208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086424 MGI:3826526 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15569
15 gene 86.21255 86.21266 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452595 Gm22818 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088071 MGI:5452595 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22818
15 gene 86.21378 86.21437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919396 2810001A02Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2810001A02 gene
15 gene 86.21430 86.49850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289265 Tbc1d22a NCBI_Gene:223754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051864 MGI:1289265 protein coding gene TBC1 domain family, member 22a
15 gene 86.45335 86.47510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925191 A930001M01Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115918 MGI:1925191 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930001M01 gene
15 gene 86.60493 86.60563 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594124 Gm34965 NCBI_Gene:102638386 MGI:5594124 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34965
15 gene 86.69241 86.70517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594277 Gm35118 NCBI_Gene:102638589 MGI:5594277 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35118
15 gene 86.70316 86.76614 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922410 4930543I03Rik NCBI_Gene:75160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116171 MGI:1922410 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930543I03 gene
15 gene 86.70429 86.71155 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155124 Gm49464 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116040 MGI:6155124 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49464
15 pseudogene 86.72649 86.72676 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155126 Gm49465 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116303 MGI:6155126 pseudogene predicted gene, 49465
15 gene 86.90201 86.90446 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594443 Gm35284 NCBI_Gene:102638807 MGI:5594443 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35284
15 gene 86.92364 86.92408 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155127 Gm49466 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115957 MGI:6155127 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49466
15 pseudogene 86.93911 86.93950 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155129 Gm49467 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115866 MGI:6155129 pseudogene predicted gene, 49467
15 gene 86.99052 86.99131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155130 Gm49468 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116296 MGI:6155130 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49468
15 gene 87.06899 87.06909 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453193 Gm23416 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093261 MGI:5453193 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23416
15 gene 87.09753 87.10018 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155132 Gm49469 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116353 MGI:6155132 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49469
15 gene 87.13909 87.17993 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155134 Gm49470 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116229 MGI:6155134 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49470
15 gene 87.16911 87.16922 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421887 n-R5s42 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064631 MGI:4421887 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 42
15 gene 87.24355 87.25402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925211 A930027H12Rik NCBI_Gene:77961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115930 MGI:1925211 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930027H12 gene
15 gene 87.45402 87.46967 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594581 Gm35422 NCBI_Gene:102638997 MGI:5594581 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35422
15 gene 87.52991 87.54394 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594630 Gm35471 NCBI_Gene:102639069 MGI:5594630 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35471
15 gene 87.54430 87.75936 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146182 Tafa5 NCBI_Gene:106014,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054863 MGI:2146182 protein coding gene TAFA chemokine like family member 5
15 gene 87.79585 87.79594 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530806 Mir6393 miRBase:MI0021927,NCBI_Gene:102465209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098938 MGI:5530806 miRNA gene microRNA 6393
15 gene 87.80390 87.94504 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594758 Gm35599 NCBI_Gene:102639243 MGI:5594758 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35599
15 gene 87.81450 87.82894 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594870 Gm35711 NCBI_Gene:102639384 MGI:5594870 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35711
15 gene 87.83009 87.83524 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594811 Gm35652 NCBI_Gene:102639311 MGI:5594811 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35652
15 gene 87.83523 87.83773 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621511 Gm38626 NCBI_Gene:102642702 MGI:5621511 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38626
15 gene 87.96742 87.98852 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155138 Gm49472 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116061 MGI:6155138 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49472
15 gene 88.07113 88.07491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594931 Gm35772 NCBI_Gene:102639465,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116350 MGI:5594931 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35772
15 gene 88.21521 88.21800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624261 Gm41376 NCBI_Gene:105246010 MGI:5624261 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41376
15 gene 88.22267 88.31718 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925415 4930445N06Rik NCBI_Gene:105246011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115880 MGI:1925415 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930445N06 gene
15 gene 88.31487 88.37265 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439409 B230214G05Rik NCBI_Gene:328579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116331 MGI:5439409 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B230214G05 gene
15 gene 88.42123 88.51442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594990 Gm35831 NCBI_Gene:102639540 MGI:5594990 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35831
15 gene 88.60030 88.60167 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917323 Zdhhc25 NCBI_Gene:70073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054117 MGI:1917323 protein coding gene zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 25
15 gene 88.64153 88.64160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413981 n-TMcat4 NCBI_Gene:102467355 MGI:4413981 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA methionine 4 (anticodon CAT)
15 gene 88.65646 88.66262 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595156 Gm35997 NCBI_Gene:102639763 MGI:5595156 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35997
15 gene 88.68703 88.73423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924161 Brd1 NCBI_Gene:223770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022387 MGI:1924161 protein coding gene bromodomain containing 1
15 gene 88.73431 88.74088 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624262 Gm41377 NCBI_Gene:105246012 MGI:5624262 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41377
15 gene 88.75166 88.78452 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2682302 Zbed4 NCBI_Gene:223773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034333 MGI:2682302 protein coding gene zinc finger, BED type containing 4
15 gene 88.80524 88.81932 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385025 Alg12 NCBI_Gene:223774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035845 MGI:2385025 protein coding gene asparagine-linked glycosylation 12 (alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase)
15 gene 88.81965 88.82668 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923987 Creld2 NCBI_Gene:76737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023272 MGI:1923987 protein coding gene cysteine-rich with EGF-like domains 2
15 gene 88.83530 88.83541 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452921 Gm23144 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093831 MGI:5452921 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23144
15 gene 88.85444 88.86251 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592208 Gm33049 NCBI_Gene:102635802 MGI:5592208 protein coding gene predicted gene, 33049
15 gene 88.86219 88.86573 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1355297 Pim3 NCBI_Gene:223775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035828 MGI:1355297 protein coding gene proviral integration site 3
15 gene 88.88546 88.90404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621528 Gm38643 NCBI_Gene:102642900 MGI:5621528 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38643
15 gene 88.88978 88.95564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922902 Ttll8 NCBI_Gene:239591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022388 MGI:1922902 protein coding gene tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 8
15 gene 88.88978 88.89153 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313068 Gm20621 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093394 MGI:5313068 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20621
15 gene 88.95588 88.98269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2157910 Mlc1 NCBI_Gene:170790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035805 MGI:2157910 protein coding gene megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1 homolog (human)
15 pseudogene 88.97977 88.98055 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646137 Gm8702 NCBI_Gene:667558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115916 MGI:3646137 pseudogene predicted gene 8702
15 gene 88.98289 89.05515 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891384 Mov10l1 NCBI_Gene:83456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015365 MGI:1891384 protein coding gene Mov10 like RISC complex RNA helicase 1
15 gene 89.01922 89.01938 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453514 Gm23737 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064481 MGI:5453514 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23737
15 gene 89.05973 89.07357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890615 Panx2 NCBI_Gene:406218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058441 MGI:1890615 protein coding gene pannexin 2
15 gene 89.07120 89.07585 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916370 1810021B22Rik NCBI_Gene:69120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087331 MGI:1916370 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810021B22 gene
15 gene 89.07512 89.08708 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915226 Trabd NCBI_Gene:67976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015363 MGI:1915226 protein coding gene TraB domain containing
15 gene 89.07919 89.08056 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918762 9030419F21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9030419F21 gene
15 gene 89.08908 89.10034 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919007 Selenoo NCBI_Gene:223776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035757 MGI:1919007 protein coding gene selenoprotein O
15 gene 89.09836 89.12321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146071 Tubgcp6 NCBI_Gene:328580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051786 MGI:2146071 protein coding gene tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 6
15 gene 89.12330 89.12870 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2158340 Hdac10 NCBI_Gene:170787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062906 MGI:2158340 protein coding gene histone deacetylase 10
15 gene 89.12873 89.13314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826167 Gm46530 NCBI_Gene:108168256 MGI:5826167 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46530
15 gene 89.13058 89.14160 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1353438 Mapk12 NCBI_Gene:29857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022610 MGI:1353438 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase 12
15 gene 89.14248 89.14963 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338024 Mapk11 NCBI_Gene:19094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053137 MGI:1338024 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase 11
15 gene 89.15555 89.18102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2154239 Plxnb2 NCBI_Gene:140570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036606 MGI:2154239 protein coding gene plexin B2
15 gene 89.16285 89.16291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562743 Mir7118 miRBase:MI0022969,NCBI_Gene:102465672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106328 MGI:5562743 miRNA gene microRNA 7118
15 gene 89.18221 89.19650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916690 Dennd6b NCBI_Gene:69440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015377 MGI:1916690 protein coding gene DENN/MADD domain containing 6B
15 gene 89.18546 89.18554 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530963 Mir6958 miRBase:MI0022805,NCBI_Gene:102465578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098663 MGI:5530963 miRNA gene microRNA 6958
15 gene 89.19615 89.19843 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3697819 5730424H11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5730424H11 gene
15 gene 89.21152 89.28701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918724 Ppp6r2 NCBI_Gene:71474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036561 MGI:1918724 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunit 2
15 gene 89.21156 89.21501 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477292 Gm26798 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097578 MGI:5477292 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26798
15 gene 89.28824 89.31531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925230 Sbf1 NCBI_Gene:77980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036529 MGI:1925230 protein coding gene SET binding factor 1
15 gene 89.30566 89.30573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531189 Mir6959 miRBase:MI0022806,NCBI_Gene:102465981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098442 MGI:5531189 miRNA gene microRNA 6959
15 gene 89.32272 89.32473 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2675256 Adm2 NCBI_Gene:223780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054136 MGI:2675256 protein coding gene adrenomedullin 2
15 gene 89.33440 89.33701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891725 Miox NCBI_Gene:56727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022613 MGI:1891725 protein coding gene myo-inositol oxygenase
15 gene 89.35100 89.35566 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146015 Lmf2 NCBI_Gene:105847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022614 MGI:2146015 protein coding gene lipase maturation factor 2
15 gene 89.35572 89.37285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289164 Ncaph2 NCBI_Gene:52683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008690 MGI:1289164 protein coding gene non-SMC condensin II complex, subunit H2
15 gene 89.37164 89.37385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3818630 Sco2 NCBI_Gene:100126824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091780 MGI:3818630 protein coding gene SCO2 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein
15 gene 89.37193 89.37704 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920212 Tymp NCBI_Gene:72962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022615 MGI:1920212 protein coding gene thymidine phosphorylase
15 gene 89.37363 89.37572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921890 4930423K06Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930423K06 gene
15 gene 89.37745 89.37968 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917363 Odf3b NCBI_Gene:70113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047394 MGI:1917363 protein coding gene outer dense fiber of sperm tails 3B
15 gene 89.38492 89.38887 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648212 Klhdc7b NCBI_Gene:546648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091680 MGI:3648212 protein coding gene kelch domain containing 7B
15 gene 89.39017 89.41050 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922709 Syce3 NCBI_Gene:75459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078938 MGI:1922709 protein coding gene synaptonemal complex central element protein 3
15 gene 89.41640 89.42586 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098297 Cpt1b NCBI_Gene:12895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078937 MGI:1098297 protein coding gene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1b, muscle
15 gene 89.41640 89.42993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3846135 Gm44502 NCBI_Gene:100134861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116461 MGI:3846135 lncRNA gene predicted readthrough transcript (NMD candidate), 44502
15 gene 89.42635 89.42993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1328313 Chkb NCBI_Gene:12651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022617 MGI:1328313 protein coding gene choline kinase beta
15 gene 89.42959 89.44688 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441921 C730034F03Rik NCBI_Gene:105246016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079242 MGI:2441921 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C730034F03 gene
15 gene 89.45391 89.46447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926555 Mapk8ip2 NCBI_Gene:60597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022619 MGI:1926555 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 2
15 gene 89.47248 89.47742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88077 Arsa NCBI_Gene:11883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022620 MGI:88077 protein coding gene arylsulfatase A
15 gene 89.47624 89.48485 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3697701 C230037L18Rik NCBI_Gene:100532730,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084915 MGI:3697701 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C230037L18 gene
15 gene 89.49772 89.49947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624266 Gm41381 NCBI_Gene:105246017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118456 MGI:5624266 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41381
15 gene 89.49962 89.56026 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930016 Shank3 NCBI_Gene:58234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022623 MGI:1930016 protein coding gene SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 3
15 gene 89.50994 89.52380 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783055 Gm15609 NCBI_Gene:105246018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086602 MGI:3783055 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15609
15 gene 89.56300 89.56641 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5608993 A230095H09Rik NA NA unclassified gene Riken cDNA A230095H09 gene
15 gene 89.56717 89.56821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595380 Gm36221 NCBI_Gene:102640064 MGI:5595380 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36221
15 gene 89.56756 89.57885 positive MGI_C57BL6J_87884 Acr NCBI_Gene:11434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022622 MGI:87884 protein coding gene acrosin prepropeptide
15 gene 89.58253 89.59193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915958 Rabl2 NCBI_Gene:68708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022621 MGI:1915958 protein coding gene RAB, member RAS oncogene family-like 2
15 pseudogene 89.73596 89.73652 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010661 Gm18476 NCBI_Gene:100417239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116149 MGI:5010661 pseudogene predicted gene, 18476
15 gene 89.76749 89.76889 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011563 Gm19378 NCBI_Gene:102640133 MGI:5011563 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19378
15 gene 89.77371 89.84198 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859546 Syt10 NCBI_Gene:54526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063260 MGI:1859546 protein coding gene synaptotagmin X
15 gene 89.88895 89.88905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454420 Gm24643 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096784 MGI:5454420 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24643
15 gene 90.04502 90.07530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595489 Gm36330 NCBI_Gene:102640207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116231 MGI:5595489 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36330
15 gene 90.05441 90.05451 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454192 Gm24415 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095422 MGI:5454192 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24415
15 gene 90.22431 90.23347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146159 Alg10b NCBI_Gene:380959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075470 MGI:2146159 protein coding gene asparagine-linked glycosylation 10B (alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase)
15 gene 90.22436 90.22441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531118 Mir7648 miRBase:MI0024986,NCBI_Gene:102466838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099319 MGI:5531118 miRNA gene microRNA 7648
15 gene 90.34592 90.34683 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918327 4933423N12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933423N12 gene
15 gene 90.35371 90.36844 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595639 Gm36480 NCBI_Gene:102640415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116204 MGI:5595639 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36480
15 gene 90.40387 90.40445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642029 Gm10839 NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene 10839
15 pseudogene 90.45170 90.45255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010557 Gm18372 NCBI_Gene:100417029 MGI:5010557 pseudogene predicted gene, 18372
15 gene 90.48748 90.68080 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914121 Cpne8 NCBI_Gene:66871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052560 MGI:1914121 protein coding gene copine VIII
15 pseudogene 90.56122 90.56192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645488 Gm6746 NCBI_Gene:627342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078847 MGI:3645488 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6746
15 pseudogene 90.70237 90.70256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155245 Gm49541 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116404 MGI:6155245 pseudogene predicted gene, 49541
15 pseudogene 90.72364 90.72400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782033 Gm3861 NCBI_Gene:100042471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116136 MGI:3782033 pseudogene predicted gene 3861
15 pseudogene 90.76425 90.76474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647726 Rpl31-ps8 NCBI_Gene:667682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067870 MGI:3647726 pseudogene ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 8
15 pseudogene 90.88251 90.88392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861432 Tcea1-ps1 NCBI_Gene:56645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067869 MGI:1861432 pseudogene transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1, pseudogene 1
15 pseudogene 90.89140 90.89902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104964 Spn-ps NCBI_Gene:20738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116210 MGI:104964 pseudogene sialophorin, pseudogene
15 gene 90.89976 90.92278 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595777 Gm36618 NCBI_Gene:102640590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116428 MGI:5595777 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36618
15 gene 90.93327 91.05021 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109188 Kif21a NCBI_Gene:16564,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022629 MGI:109188 protein coding gene kinesin family member 21A
15 pseudogene 90.95800 90.95867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155252 Gm49545 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116113 MGI:6155252 pseudogene predicted gene, 49545
15 gene 91.05072 91.05105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595869 Gm36710 NCBI_Gene:102640706 MGI:5595869 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36710
15 pseudogene 91.07416 91.07538 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010999 Gm18814 NCBI_Gene:100417770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115952 MGI:5010999 pseudogene predicted gene, 18814
15 pseudogene 91.12873 91.12992 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647878 Gm7167 NCBI_Gene:635871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116424 MGI:3647878 pseudogene predicted gene 7167
15 gene 91.14567 91.19250 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349467 Abcd2 NCBI_Gene:26874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055782 MGI:1349467 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family D (ALD), member 2
15 gene 91.19915 91.26113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3613655 CN725425 NCBI_Gene:545126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078932 MGI:3613655 protein coding gene cDNA sequence CN725425
15 gene 91.26769 91.57326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146030 Slc2a13 NCBI_Gene:239606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036298 MGI:2146030 protein coding gene solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 13
15 gene 91.31528 91.31699 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442029 E330019L11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E330019L11 gene
15 pseudogene 91.53092 91.53237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3707454 Gm15383 NCBI_Gene:100416388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084240 MGI:3707454 pseudogene predicted gene 15383
15 pseudogene 91.55676 91.55792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3707455 Gm15381 NCBI_Gene:100417384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081771 MGI:3707455 pseudogene predicted gene 15381
15 gene 91.55967 91.55978 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454424 Gm24647 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087737 MGI:5454424 rRNA gene predicted gene, 24647
15 gene 91.59758 91.60468 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918493 4933438A12Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086160 MGI:1918493 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933438A12 gene
15 gene 91.61715 91.61744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455166 Gm25389 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087965 MGI:5455166 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25389
15 gene 91.67281 91.81612 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913975 Lrrk2 NCBI_Gene:66725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036273 MGI:1913975 protein coding gene leucine-rich repeat kinase 2
15 pseudogene 91.82269 91.82322 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705661 Gm15382 NCBI_Gene:100416730,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083083 MGI:3705661 pseudogene predicted gene 15382
15 gene 91.83827 91.86144 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859618 Smgc NCBI_Gene:223809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047295 MGI:1859618 protein coding gene submandibular gland protein C
15 gene 91.83833 91.93456 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676278 Muc19 NCBI_Gene:239611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044021 MGI:2676278 protein coding gene mucin 19
15 pseudogene 91.96070 91.96352 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011164 Gm18979 NCBI_Gene:100418065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116212 MGI:5011164 pseudogene predicted gene, 18979
15 pseudogene 92.02636 92.02761 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782061 Gm3888 NCBI_Gene:100042529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116093 MGI:3782061 pseudogene predicted gene 3888
15 gene 92.05116 92.34197 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105980 Cntn1 NCBI_Gene:12805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055022 MGI:105980 protein coding gene contactin 1
15 gene 92.17046 92.20108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596060 Gm36901 NCBI_Gene:102640961 MGI:5596060 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36901
15 gene 92.17318 92.17737 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444972 C230079E05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C230079E05 gene
15 gene 92.34377 92.37810 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477254 Gm26760 NCBI_Gene:105246020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097068 MGI:5477254 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26760
15 gene 92.35047 92.35116 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920267 2900072G19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900072G19 gene
15 gene 92.39681 92.77182 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3056996 Pdzrn4 NCBI_Gene:239618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036218 MGI:3056996 protein coding gene PDZ domain containing RING finger 4
15 gene 92.52048 92.52396 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146248 AW742948 NA NA unclassified gene expressed sequence AW742948
15 gene 92.70289 92.70596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914990 4930588J15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115858 MGI:1914990 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930588J15 gene
15 gene 92.93389 92.95017 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155050 Gm49418 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116309 MGI:6155050 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49418
15 pseudogene 92.96882 92.97030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011000 Gm18815 NCBI_Gene:100417771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116242 MGI:5011000 pseudogene predicted gene, 18815
15 gene 93.00149 93.07751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589244 Gm30085 NCBI_Gene:102631859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109770 MGI:5589244 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30085
15 pseudogene 93.08923 93.08992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010870 Gm18685 NCBI_Gene:100417553,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115921 MGI:5010870 pseudogene predicted gene, 18685
15 gene 93.13491 93.13759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155053 Gm49420 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116124 MGI:6155053 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49420
15 gene 93.16523 93.20487 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621420 Gm38535 NCBI_Gene:102641118 MGI:5621420 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38535
15 pseudogene 93.19658 93.19780 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782519 Gm4335 NCBI_Gene:100043283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097989 MGI:3782519 pseudogene predicted gene 4335
15 gene 93.23436 93.23470 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454224 Gm24447 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065911 MGI:5454224 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24447
15 gene 93.23973 93.27534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684933 Gxylt1 NCBI_Gene:223827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036197 MGI:2684933 protein coding gene glucoside xylosyltransferase 1
15 gene 93.28383 93.33693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914307 Yaf2 NCBI_Gene:67057,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022634 MGI:1914307 protein coding gene YY1 associated factor 2
15 gene 93.28790 93.29170 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444217 D030074K08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D030074K08 gene
15 gene 93.34468 93.34479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456148 Gm26371 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088454 MGI:5456148 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26371
15 gene 93.38610 93.39833 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914447 Zcrb1 NCBI_Gene:67197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022635 MGI:1914447 protein coding gene zinc finger CCHC-type and RNA binding motif 1
15 gene 93.39729 93.49191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917029 Pphln1 NCBI_Gene:223828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036167 MGI:1917029 protein coding gene periphilin 1
15 pseudogene 93.41266 93.41356 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589340 Gm30181 NCBI_Gene:102631998 MGI:5589340 pseudogene predicted gene, 30181
15 gene 93.49911 93.59627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916034 Prickle1 NCBI_Gene:106042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036158 MGI:1916034 protein coding gene prickle planar cell polarity protein 1
15 gene 93.61171 93.63009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624270 Gm41385 NCBI_Gene:105246023 MGI:5624270 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41385
15 gene 93.66017 93.69865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624272 Gm41387 NCBI_Gene:105246025 MGI:5624272 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41387
15 pseudogene 93.67860 93.68003 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1334259 Zfp42-ps1 NCBI_Gene:22703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115993 MGI:1334259 pseudogene zinc finger protein 48, pseudogene 1
15 gene 93.69742 93.71277 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624271 Gm41386 NCBI_Gene:105246024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116190 MGI:5624271 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41386
15 gene 93.70612 93.74185 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589498 Gm30339 NCBI_Gene:102632199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116237 MGI:5589498 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30339
15 gene 93.82504 93.84674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155092 Gm49445 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116493 MGI:6155092 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49445
15 gene 93.90486 93.92711 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924498 9430014N10Rik NCBI_Gene:77248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116360 MGI:1924498 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9430014N10 gene
15 gene 93.95672 93.96471 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589723 Gm30564 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115965 MGI:5589723 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30564
15 gene 93.96307 93.96562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589768 Gm30609 NCBI_Gene:102632571 MGI:5589768 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30609
15 gene 94.08127 94.10808 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589824 Gm30665 NCBI_Gene:102632643 MGI:5589824 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30665
15 gene 94.13224 94.13827 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624273 Gm41388 NCBI_Gene:105246026 MGI:5624273 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41388
15 gene 94.24720 94.25561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685657 D630010B17Rik NCBI_Gene:328594 MGI:2685657 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D630010B17 gene
15 gene 94.26831 94.46542 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2660628 Adamts20 NCBI_Gene:223838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022449 MGI:2660628 protein coding gene a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 20
15 gene 94.52264 94.54356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926145 Pus7l NCBI_Gene:78895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033356 MGI:1926145 protein coding gene pseudouridylate synthase 7-like
15 gene 94.54361 94.58182 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2182474 Irak4 NCBI_Gene:266632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059883 MGI:2182474 protein coding gene interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4
15 gene 94.57795 94.58989 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100520 Twf1 NCBI_Gene:19230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022451 MGI:1100520 protein coding gene twinfilin actin binding protein 1
15 gene 94.59552 94.59949 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589913 Gm30754 NCBI_Gene:102632766 MGI:5589913 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30754
15 gene 94.62919 95.09610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444580 Tmem117 NCBI_Gene:320709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063296 MGI:2444580 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 117
15 gene 94.68125 94.68139 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455323 Gm25546 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095169 MGI:5455323 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25546
15 gene 94.88918 94.89137 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590166 Gm31007 NCBI_Gene:102633097 MGI:5590166 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31007
15 gene 94.98701 94.98714 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452906 Gm23129 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077447 MGI:5452906 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23129
15 gene 95.01605 95.04301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590112 Gm30953 NCBI_Gene:102633029 MGI:5590112 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30953
15 gene 95.06598 95.07733 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589969 Gm30810 NCBI_Gene:102632845 MGI:5589969 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30810
15 gene 95.07523 95.52876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858510 Nell2 NCBI_Gene:54003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022454 MGI:1858510 protein coding gene NEL-like 2
15 gene 95.09754 95.16239 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920877 1700129L04Rik NCBI_Gene:100043315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100603 MGI:1920877 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700129L04 gene
15 gene 95.17670 95.20377 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590234 Gm31075 NCBI_Gene:102633185 MGI:5590234 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31075
15 gene 95.46540 95.46845 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590529 Gm31370 NCBI_Gene:102633579 MGI:5590529 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31370
15 gene 95.59551 95.59937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590710 Gm31551 NCBI_Gene:102633819 MGI:5590710 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31551
15 gene 95.60656 95.60667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454445 Gm24668 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089560 MGI:5454445 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24668
15 gene 95.62356 95.65596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107445 Dbx2 NCBI_Gene:223843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045608 MGI:107445 protein coding gene developing brain homeobox 2
15 gene 95.65457 95.66924 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590849 Gm31690 NCBI_Gene:102634000 MGI:5590849 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31690
15 pseudogene 95.71506 95.71664 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647571 Gm8843 NCBI_Gene:667849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116058 MGI:3647571 pseudogene predicted gene 8843
15 gene 95.73641 95.75373 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118599 Gm49169 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115569 MGI:6118599 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49169
15 gene 95.74725 95.75159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644546 Gm6961 NCBI_Gene:629300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115699 MGI:3644546 lncRNA gene predicted gene 6961
15 pseudogene 95.77572 95.77645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647326 Gm8849 NCBI_Gene:667864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043329 MGI:3647326 pseudogene predicted gene 8849
15 gene 95.78786 95.80598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642574 A130051J06Rik NCBI_Gene:791370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097643 MGI:3642574 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A130051J0 gene
15 gene 95.79084 95.97547 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145890 Ano6 NCBI_Gene:105722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064210 MGI:2145890 protein coding gene anoctamin 6
15 gene 95.80203 95.80440 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118606 Gm49173 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115522 MGI:6118606 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49173
15 gene 95.82446 95.83007 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937180 Gm17546 NCBI_Gene:102634389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078648 MGI:4937180 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17546
15 gene 95.87972 95.87982 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454847 Gm25070 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092978 MGI:5454847 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25070
15 gene 95.89766 95.90763 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624274 Gm41389 NCBI_Gene:105246027 MGI:5624274 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41389
15 gene 95.95104 95.95237 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920436 3110045A19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3110045A19 gene
15 gene 95.97274 95.99413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118604 Gm49172 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115049 MGI:6118604 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49172
15 gene 96.05160 96.07955 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028082 D030018L15Rik NCBI_Gene:402773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078925 MGI:3028082 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D030018L15 gene
15 pseudogene 96.07296 96.07610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624275 Gm41390 NCBI_Gene:105246028 MGI:5624275 pseudogene predicted gene, 41390
15 gene 96.13482 96.28450 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917290 2610037D02Rik NCBI_Gene:70040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097536 MGI:1917290 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2610037D02 gene
15 gene 96.13482 96.28740 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621354 Gm38469 NCBI_Gene:102634841 MGI:5621354 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38469
15 pseudogene 96.18280 96.20347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782556 Gm4371 NCBI_Gene:100043335 MGI:3782556 pseudogene predicted gene 4371
15 gene 96.23187 96.25468 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923018 4833422M21Rik NCBI_Gene:75768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097619 MGI:1923018 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4833422M21 gene
15 pseudogene 96.24732 96.24792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644827 Gm8866 NCBI_Gene:667894 MGI:3644827 pseudogene predicted gene 8866
15 gene 96.26856 96.27527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442603 E330033B04Rik NCBI_Gene:319722 MGI:2442603 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E330033B04 gene
15 gene 96.28752 96.40546 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924294 Arid2 NCBI_Gene:77044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033237 MGI:1924294 protein coding gene AT rich interactive domain 2 (ARID, RFX-like)
15 gene 96.40486 96.40495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455174 Gm25397 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093529 MGI:5455174 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25397
15 gene 96.41170 96.46085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919443 Scaf11 NCBI_Gene:72193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033228 MGI:1919443 protein coding gene SR-related CTD-associated factor 11
15 gene 96.46119 96.46362 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624293 Gm41408 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene%2c 41408
15 gene 96.49447 96.49889 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624277 Gm41392 NCBI_Gene:105246030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116253 MGI:5624277 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41392
15 gene 96.50730 96.51839 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591565 Gm32406 NCBI_Gene:102634946 MGI:5591565 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32406
15 gene 96.57142 96.64291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2145895 Slc38a1 NCBI_Gene:105727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023169 MGI:2145895 protein coding gene solute carrier family 38, member 1
15 gene 96.57997 96.58176 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591616 Gm32457 NCBI_Gene:102635015 MGI:5591616 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32457
15 pseudogene 96.64884 96.64941 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826140 Gm46503 NCBI_Gene:108168224 MGI:5826140 pseudogene predicted gene, 46503
15 gene 96.67179 96.67190 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451822 Gm22045 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064928 MGI:5451822 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22045
15 gene 96.68739 96.69973 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915010 Slc38a2 NCBI_Gene:67760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022462 MGI:1915010 protein coding gene solute carrier family 38, member 2
15 gene 96.70017 96.70064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611372 Gm38144 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102385 MGI:5611372 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38144
15 pseudogene 96.76677 96.76708 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646062 Gm8888 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095638 MGI:3646062 pseudogene predicted gene 8888
15 gene 96.81871 96.83342 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591723 Gm32564 NCBI_Gene:102635155 MGI:5591723 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32564
15 gene 96.83855 96.84395 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591836 Gm32677 NCBI_Gene:102635302 MGI:5591836 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32677
15 pseudogene 96.92272 96.92344 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645006 Rpl10a-ps3 NCBI_Gene:546651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116202 MGI:3645006 pseudogene ribosomal protein L10A, pseudogene 3
15 gene 96.99482 97.05596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916604 Slc38a4 NCBI_Gene:69354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022464 MGI:1916604 protein coding gene solute carrier family 38, member 4
15 gene 97.03924 97.10690 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591999 Gm32840 NCBI_Gene:102635530 MGI:5591999 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32840
15 gene 97.06719 97.06932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591948 Gm32789 NCBI_Gene:102635456 MGI:5591948 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32789
15 gene 97.10252 97.10751 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591892 Gm32733 NCBI_Gene:102635376 MGI:5591892 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32733
15 gene 97.15703 97.16728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592044 Gm32885 NCBI_Gene:102635594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116295 MGI:5592044 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32885
15 gene 97.16209 97.17390 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592308 Gm33149 NCBI_Gene:102635940 MGI:5592308 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33149
15 gene 97.18301 97.19133 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592412 Gm33253 NCBI_Gene:102636081 MGI:5592412 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33253
15 gene 97.18742 97.20377 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592364 Gm33205 NCBI_Gene:102636012 MGI:5592364 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33205
15 gene 97.24407 97.24729 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2145995 Amigo2 NCBI_Gene:105827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048218 MGI:2145995 protein coding gene adhesion molecule with Ig like domain 2
15 gene 97.24708 97.38569 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446270 Pced1b NCBI_Gene:239647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044250 MGI:2446270 protein coding gene PC-esterase domain containing 1B
15 pseudogene 97.30235 97.30297 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782568 Gm4383 NCBI_Gene:100043354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116291 MGI:3782568 pseudogene predicted gene 4383
15 gene 97.33817 97.35745 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592484 Gm33325 NCBI_Gene:102636188 MGI:5592484 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33325
15 gene 97.39395 97.40696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624278 Gm41393 NCBI_Gene:105246031 MGI:5624278 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41393
15 gene 97.42389 97.42561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923326 5830453K13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5830453K13 gene
15 pseudogene 97.55779 97.55829 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155195 Gm49506 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116131 MGI:6155195 pseudogene predicted gene, 49506
15 gene 97.61121 97.61815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624279 Gm41394 NCBI_Gene:105246032 MGI:5624279 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41394
15 gene 97.67510 97.70583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277218 Rpap3 NCBI_Gene:71919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022466 MGI:1277218 protein coding gene RNA polymerase II associated protein 3
15 gene 97.71102 97.73140 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97746 Endou NCBI_Gene:19011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022468 MGI:97746 protein coding gene endonuclease, polyU-specific
15 gene 97.73916 97.74589 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592690 Gm33531 NCBI_Gene:102636474 MGI:5592690 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33531
15 gene 97.74477 97.76838 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441741 Rapgef3 NCBI_Gene:223864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022469 MGI:2441741 protein coding gene Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3
15 gene 97.74986 97.75115 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642479 Gm10835 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10835
15 gene 97.76041 97.76696 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826580 Rapgef3os1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086601 MGI:3826580 antisense lncRNA gene Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3, opposite strand 1
15 gene 97.76655 97.76884 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826581 Rapgef3os2 NCBI_Gene:102636367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087397 MGI:3826581 antisense lncRNA gene Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3, opposite strand 2
15 gene 97.76996 97.77577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826172 Gm46535 NCBI_Gene:108168262 MGI:5826172 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46535
15 gene 97.77852 97.79269 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914989 Slc48a1 NCBI_Gene:67739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081534 MGI:1914989 protein coding gene solute carrier family 48 (heme transporter), member 1
15 gene 97.79266 97.84450 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891835 Hdac7 NCBI_Gene:56233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022475 MGI:1891835 protein coding gene histone deacetylase 7
15 gene 97.83124 97.84239 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592795 Gm33636 NCBI_Gene:102636625 MGI:5592795 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33636
15 gene 97.84747 97.87285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592849 Gm33690 NCBI_Gene:102636689 MGI:5592849 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33690
15 gene 97.85443 97.91063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103076 Vdr NCBI_Gene:22337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022479 MGI:103076 protein coding gene vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor
15 gene 97.93528 97.93560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451979 Gm22202 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089233 MGI:5451979 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22202
15 gene 97.96420 97.97029 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1196384 Tmem106c NCBI_Gene:380967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052369 MGI:1196384 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 106C
15 gene 97.97560 98.00472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88452 Col2a1 NCBI_Gene:12824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022483 MGI:88452 protein coding gene collagen, type II, alpha 1
15 gene 97.99615 97.99767 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826173 Gm46536 NCBI_Gene:108168263 MGI:5826173 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46536
15 gene 98.02922 98.03685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624280 Gm41395 NCBI_Gene:105246033 MGI:5624280 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41395
15 gene 98.03874 98.09397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445054 Senp1 NCBI_Gene:223870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033075 MGI:2445054 protein coding gene SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 1
15 gene 98.06975 98.06988 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455445 Gm25668 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088325 MGI:5455445 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25668
15 gene 98.09259 98.13245 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97548 Pfkm NCBI_Gene:18642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033065 MGI:97548 protein coding gene phosphofructokinase, muscle
15 gene 98.09310 98.09577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477007 Gm26513 NCBI_Gene:108168225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097150 MGI:5477007 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26513
15 gene 98.13464 98.16563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925791 Asb8 NCBI_Gene:78541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048175 MGI:1925791 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 8
15 gene 98.16716 98.17013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146066 Ccdc184 NCBI_Gene:239650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029875 MGI:2146066 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 184
15 gene 98.18048 98.19536 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593068 Gm33909 NCBI_Gene:102636991 MGI:5593068 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33909
15 gene 98.18601 98.19554 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030122 Olfr288 NCBI_Gene:545140,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075427 MGI:3030122 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 288
15 gene 98.18602 98.22098 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753155 Gm44579 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108748 MGI:5753155 protein coding gene predicted gene 44579
15 gene 98.20697 98.22106 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030121 Olfr287 NCBI_Gene:634104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090129 MGI:3030121 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 287
15 gene 98.22431 98.23445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030120 Olfr286 NCBI_Gene:629524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059460 MGI:3030120 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 286
15 gene 98.25598 98.25731 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917319 H1f7 NCBI_Gene:70069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048077 MGI:1917319 protein coding gene H1.7 linker histone
15 gene 98.26559 98.28621 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593126 Gm33967 NCBI_Gene:102637062 MGI:5593126 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33967
15 gene 98.28558 98.29651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442788 Zfp641 NCBI_Gene:239652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022987 MGI:2442788 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 641
15 gene 98.30920 98.31735 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030119 Olfr285 NCBI_Gene:257943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062037 MGI:3030119 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 285
15 gene 98.34002 98.34099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030118 Olfr284 NCBI_Gene:258278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051793 MGI:3030118 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 284
15 gene 98.37770 98.38095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030117 Olfr283 NCBI_Gene:259038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056184 MGI:3030117 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 283
15 pseudogene 98.38401 98.38427 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155090 Gm49443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116514 MGI:6155090 pseudogene predicted gene, 49443
15 pseudogene 98.39842 98.41627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920552 1700031M16Rik NCBI_Gene:73302,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099353 MGI:1920552 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 1700031M16 gene
15 pseudogene 98.41995 98.42116 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434377 Gm21022 NCBI_Gene:100534306 MGI:5434377 pseudogene predicted gene, 21022
15 gene 98.43122 98.43864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030116 Olfr282 NCBI_Gene:258449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063780 MGI:3030116 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 282
15 pseudogene 98.45036 98.45085 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779644 Gm6979 NCBI_Gene:629549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115964 MGI:3779644 pseudogene predicted gene 6979
15 gene 98.45259 98.46040 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030115 Olfr281 NCBI_Gene:258277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032987 MGI:3030115 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 281
15 pseudogene 98.47142 98.47189 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030074 Olfr240-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404356 MGI:3030074 pseudogene olfactory receptor 240, pseudogene 1
15 pseudogene 98.47519 98.47548 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030114 Olfr280-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404373 MGI:3030114 pseudogene olfactory receptor 280, pseudogene 1
15 gene 98.48040 98.48293 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96742 Lalba NCBI_Gene:16770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022991 MGI:96742 protein coding gene lactalbumin, alpha
15 gene 98.49240 98.50264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030113 Olfr279 NCBI_Gene:258502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054036 MGI:3030113 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 279
15 pseudogene 98.49920 98.49964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030112 Olfr278-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108805 MGI:3030112 pseudogene olfactory receptor 278, pseudogene 1
15 gene 98.51766 98.53477 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916862 Kansl2 NCBI_Gene:69612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022992 MGI:1916862 protein coding gene KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 2
15 gene 98.51972 98.51985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819502 Snora34 NCBI_Gene:100217417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065336 MGI:3819502 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 34
15 gene 98.51976 98.51988 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562744 Mir1291 miRBase:MI0026023,NCBI_Gene:102466255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106463 MGI:5562744 miRNA gene microRNA 1291
15 gene 98.52635 98.52648 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819497 Snora2b NCBI_Gene:100217416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065939 MGI:3819497 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 2B
15 gene 98.53400 98.53475 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916485 2610028H08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2610028H08 gene
15 gene 98.53869 98.57092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1328363 Ccnt1 NCBI_Gene:12455,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011960 MGI:1328363 protein coding gene cyclin T1
15 gene 98.56732 98.57086 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704457 9330020H09Rik NCBI_Gene:100048895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091050 MGI:3704457 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330020H09 gene
15 gene 98.57100 98.58959 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921113 4930415O20Rik NCBI_Gene:73863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022993 MGI:1921113 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930415O20 gene
15 gene 98.58997 98.61014 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87917 Adcy6 NCBI_Gene:11512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022994 MGI:87917 protein coding gene adenylate cyclase 6
15 gene 98.58999 98.59109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580037 Gm29331 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100220 MGI:5580037 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29331
15 gene 98.62843 98.64454 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103307 Cacnb3 NCBI_Gene:12297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003352 MGI:103307 protein coding gene calcium channel, voltage-dependent, beta 3 subunit
15 gene 98.64513 98.66293 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921601 Ddx23 NCBI_Gene:74351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003360 MGI:1921601 protein coding gene DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 23
15 gene 98.66342 98.67746 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444878 Rnd1 NCBI_Gene:223881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054855 MGI:2444878 protein coding gene Rho family GTPase 1
15 gene 98.69045 98.69640 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593311 Gm34152 NCBI_Gene:102637307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116482 MGI:5593311 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34152
15 gene 98.70821 98.72334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146001 Ccdc65 NCBI_Gene:105833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003354 MGI:2146001 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 65
15 gene 98.72437 98.72820 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913370 Fkbp11 NCBI_Gene:66120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003355 MGI:1913370 protein coding gene FK506 binding protein 11
15 gene 98.73663 98.76321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99432 Arf3 NCBI_Gene:11842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051853 MGI:99432 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor 3
15 gene 98.76014 98.76205 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923311 5830427D03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5830427D03 gene
15 gene 98.77071 98.77821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108061 Wnt10b NCBI_Gene:22410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022996 MGI:108061 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 10B
15 gene 98.78986 98.79384 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98953 Wnt1 NCBI_Gene:22408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022997 MGI:98953 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 1
15 gene 98.80378 98.80949 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108101 Ddn NCBI_Gene:13199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059213 MGI:108101 protein coding gene dendrin
15 gene 98.80702 98.81608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704458 B130046B21Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097414 MGI:3704458 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B130046B21 gene
15 gene 98.81280 98.83152 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108411 Prkag1 NCBI_Gene:19082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067713 MGI:108411 protein coding gene protein kinase, AMP-activated, gamma 1 non-catalytic subunit
15 gene 98.83167 98.87124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2682319 Kmt2d NCBI_Gene:381022,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048154 MGI:2682319 protein coding gene lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2D
15 gene 98.87233 98.87261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155079 Gm49437 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115980 MGI:6155079 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49437
15 gene 98.87264 98.87408 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917774 5730414N17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116506 MGI:1917774 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5730414N17 gene
15 gene 98.87776 98.89454 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916409 Rhebl1 NCBI_Gene:69159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023755 MGI:1916409 protein coding gene Ras homolog enriched in brain like 1
15 gene 98.88162 98.89857 negative MGI_C57BL6J_94891 Dhh NCBI_Gene:13363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023000 MGI:94891 protein coding gene desert hedgehog
15 gene 98.89335 98.89517 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155088 Gm49442 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116033 MGI:6155088 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49442
15 gene 98.90391 98.91825 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1289247 Lmbr1l NCBI_Gene:74775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022999 MGI:1289247 protein coding gene limb region 1 like
15 gene 98.91797 98.94253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624281 Gm41396 NCBI_Gene:105246035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116223 MGI:5624281 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41396
15 gene 98.93143 98.93457 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107804 Tuba1b NCBI_Gene:22143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023004 MGI:107804 protein coding gene tubulin, alpha 1B
15 gene 98.93214 98.95355 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155101 Gm49450 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116358 MGI:6155101 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49450
15 gene 98.94255 98.94366 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155099 Gm49449 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116494 MGI:6155099 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49449
15 gene 98.94984 98.95370 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98869 Tuba1a NCBI_Gene:22142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072235 MGI:98869 protein coding gene tubulin, alpha 1A
15 gene 98.95407 98.97940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444254 B430209F14Rik NCBI_Gene:105246034 MGI:2444254 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B430209F14 gene
15 gene 98.98335 98.99645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923201 4930578M01Rik NCBI_Gene:75951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097587 MGI:1923201 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930578M01 gene
15 pseudogene 99.00604 99.00638 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648534 Gm8973 NCBI_Gene:668092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064081 MGI:3648534 pseudogene predicted gene 8973
15 gene 99.01537 99.02441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624283 Gm41398 NCBI_Gene:105246037 MGI:5624283 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41398
15 gene 99.02989 99.03811 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1095409 Tuba1c NCBI_Gene:22146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043091 MGI:1095409 protein coding gene tubulin, alpha 1C
15 gene 99.04124 99.05116 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624284 Gm41399 NCBI_Gene:105246038 MGI:5624284 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41399
15 gene 99.05357 99.05898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97774 Prph NCBI_Gene:19132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023484 MGI:97774 protein coding gene peripherin
15 gene 99.06814 99.07467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593443 Gm34284 NCBI_Gene:102637490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116371 MGI:5593443 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34284
15 gene 99.07457 99.08341 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925983 Troap NCBI_Gene:78733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032783 MGI:1925983 protein coding gene trophinin associated protein
15 gene 99.08080 99.08087 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531002 Mir6960 miRBase:MI0022807,NCBI_Gene:102465579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098698 MGI:5531002 miRNA gene microRNA 6960
15 gene 99.08409 99.09069 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3579909 C1ql4 NCBI_Gene:239659,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001076 MGI:3579909 protein coding gene complement component 1, q subcomponent-like 4
15 gene 99.09317 99.10474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920028 Dnajc22 NCBI_Gene:72778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038009 MGI:1920028 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C22
15 gene 99.12592 99.21322 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919822 Spats2 NCBI_Gene:72572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051934 MGI:1919822 protein coding gene spermatogenesis associated, serine-rich 2
15 gene 99.13307 99.13317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454960 Gm25183 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088377 MGI:5454960 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25183
15 pseudogene 99.13562 99.13617 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826174 Gm46537 NCBI_Gene:108168264 MGI:5826174 pseudogene predicted gene, 46537
15 gene 99.17485 99.17494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454834 Gm25057 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087991 MGI:5454834 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25057
15 gene 99.21332 99.22533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826175 Gm46538 NCBI_Gene:108168265 MGI:5826175 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46538
15 gene 99.22436 99.24283 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341723 Kcnh3 NCBI_Gene:16512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037579 MGI:1341723 protein coding gene potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 3
15 gene 99.24282 99.25196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858420 Mcrs1 NCBI_Gene:51812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037570 MGI:1858420 protein coding gene microspherule protein 1
15 gene 99.24951 99.28442 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593497 Gm34338 NCBI_Gene:102637561 MGI:5593497 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34338
15 gene 99.24951 99.26204 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920850 1700120C14Rik NCBI_Gene:73600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100599 MGI:1920850 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700120C14 gene
15 gene 99.25201 99.25288 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593606 Gm34447 NCBI_Gene:102637706 MGI:5593606 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34447
15 pseudogene 99.25453 99.25483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155115 Gm49458 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116241 MGI:6155115 pseudogene predicted gene, 49458
15 gene 99.25488 99.25501 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455776 Gm25999 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093139 MGI:5455776 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25999
15 gene 99.27102 99.29589 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647604 Fam186b NCBI_Gene:545136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078907 MGI:3647604 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 186, member B
15 gene 99.29509 99.31702 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925583 Prpf40b NCBI_Gene:54614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023007 MGI:1925583 protein coding gene pre-mRNA processing factor 40B
15 gene 99.31721 99.37050 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109569 Fmnl3 NCBI_Gene:22379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023008 MGI:109569 protein coding gene formin-like 3
15 pseudogene 99.34882 99.34954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155149 Gm49478 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115877 MGI:6155149 pseudogene predicted gene, 49478
15 gene 99.36803 99.36813 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452728 Gm22951 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095635 MGI:5452728 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22951
15 gene 99.39288 99.41005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99682 Tmbim6 NCBI_Gene:110213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023010 MGI:99682 protein coding gene transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6
15 pseudogene 99.41347 99.41369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155157 Gm49483 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116039 MGI:6155157 pseudogene predicted gene, 49483
15 gene 99.42203 99.45778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3609653 Nckap5l NCBI_Gene:380969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023009 MGI:3609653 protein coding gene NCK-associated protein 5-like
15 gene 99.42770 99.43531 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918162 Nckap5los NCBI_Gene:102637966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089968 MGI:1918162 antisense lncRNA gene NCK-associated protein 5-like, opposite strand
15 gene 99.45793 99.46533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155158 Gm49484 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116249 MGI:6155158 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49484
15 gene 99.47008 99.47473 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922534 Bcdin3d NCBI_Gene:75284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037525 MGI:1922534 protein coding gene BCDIN3 domain containing
15 pseudogene 99.49182 99.49222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155160 Gm49485 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115863 MGI:6155160 pseudogene predicted gene, 49485
15 gene 99.49701 99.53488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919643 Faim2 NCBI_Gene:72393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023011 MGI:1919643 protein coding gene Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 2
15 pseudogene 99.55554 99.55620 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648628 Gm5808 NCBI_Gene:545137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096448 MGI:3648628 pseudogene predicted gene 5808
15 gene 99.57672 99.60153 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593924 Gm34765 NCBI_Gene:102638128 MGI:5593924 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34765
15 gene 99.57905 99.58455 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096865 Aqp2 NCBI_Gene:11827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023013 MGI:1096865 protein coding gene aquaporin 2
15 gene 99.59078 99.59483 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106215 Aqp5 NCBI_Gene:11830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044217 MGI:106215 protein coding gene aquaporin 5
15 gene 99.60069 99.60548 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341204 Aqp6 NCBI_Gene:11831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043144 MGI:1341204 protein coding gene aquaporin 6
15 gene 99.62050 99.65166 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349423 Racgap1 NCBI_Gene:26934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023015 MGI:1349423 protein coding gene Rac GTPase-activating protein 1
15 gene 99.66436 99.66956 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594039 Gm34880 NCBI_Gene:102638279 MGI:5594039 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34880
15 gene 99.66969 99.70113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1194915 Asic1 NCBI_Gene:11419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023017 MGI:1194915 protein coding gene acid-sensing (proton-gated) ion channel 1
15 gene 99.70213 99.71399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933623 Smarcd1 NCBI_Gene:83797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023018 MGI:1933623 protein coding gene SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 1
15 gene 99.70218 99.70549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4936983 Gm17349 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091604 MGI:4936983 protein coding gene predicted gene, 17349
15 gene 99.70257 99.70398 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594098 Gm34939 NCBI_Gene:102638354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116250 MGI:5594098 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34939
15 pseudogene 99.70651 99.70685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4936875 Gm17241 NCBI_Gene:100462741,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115938 MGI:4936875 pseudogene predicted gene, 17241
15 gene 99.71553 99.72447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4414957 Gm16537 NCBI_Gene:102638434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089671 MGI:4414957 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16537
15 gene 99.71752 99.72501 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95679 Gpd1 NCBI_Gene:14555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023019 MGI:95679 protein coding gene glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 (soluble)
15 gene 99.72562 99.72953 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913629 Cox14 NCBI_Gene:66379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023020 MGI:1913629 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 14
15 gene 99.73488 99.77289 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919199 Cers5 NCBI_Gene:71949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023021 MGI:1919199 protein coding gene ceramide synthase 5
15 gene 99.76599 99.78233 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937885 Gm17058 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090406 MGI:4937885 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17058
15 gene 99.77847 99.87546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920992 Lima1 NCBI_Gene:65970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023022 MGI:1920992 protein coding gene LIM domain and actin binding 1
15 gene 99.80302 99.80313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455674 Gm25897 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065643 MGI:5455674 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25897
15 pseudogene 99.81021 99.81064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782652 Gm4468 NCBI_Gene:108168266,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092014 MGI:3782652 pseudogene predicted gene 4468
15 gene 99.81792 99.83602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937884 Gm17057 NCBI_Gene:102638508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090500 MGI:4937884 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17057
15 gene 99.87554 99.87759 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155173 Gm49494 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116518 MGI:6155173 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49494
15 pseudogene 99.88020 99.88122 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010280 Gm18095 NCBI_Gene:100416391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115856 MGI:5010280 pseudogene predicted gene, 18095
15 pseudogene 99.88363 99.88444 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011075 Gm18890 NCBI_Gene:100417898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116478 MGI:5011075 pseudogene predicted gene, 18890
15 pseudogene 99.89820 99.89857 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641869 Uqcrh-ps1 NCBI_Gene:100042918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037438 MGI:3641869 pseudogene ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase hinge protein, pseudogene 1
15 gene 99.90296 99.90428 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155175 Gm49495 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116141 MGI:6155175 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49495
15 gene 99.91437 99.92030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925727 1700121M21Rik NCBI_Gene:105246040 MGI:1925727 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700121M21 gene
15 pseudogene 99.91539 99.91781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5295671 Gm20564 NCBI_Gene:100046692,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116255 MGI:5295671 pseudogene predicted gene, 20564
15 gene 99.91835 99.96706 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685766 Fam186a NCBI_Gene:72277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045350 MGI:2685766 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 186, member A
15 gene 99.93171 99.95304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434081 Gm21917 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096111 MGI:5434081 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 21917
15 gene 99.93731 99.93744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452910 Gm23133 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077443 MGI:5452910 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23133
15 gene 99.97007 100.01636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443114 Larp4 NCBI_Gene:207214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023025 MGI:2443114 protein coding gene La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member 4
15 gene 99.97216 99.97329 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917531 2310068J16Rik NCBI_Gene:70281,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100084 MGI:1917531 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310068J16 gene
15 gene 100.03864 100.21947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145977 Dip2b NCBI_Gene:239667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023026 MGI:2145977 protein coding gene disco interacting protein 2 homolog B
15 gene 100.08989 100.09176 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155141 Gm49474 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116021 MGI:6155141 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49474
15 gene 100.09345 100.09623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3026934 9430088F21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430088F21 gene
15 gene 100.10523 100.10816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922234 4930478M13Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116311 MGI:1922234 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930478M13 gene
15 gene 100.18990 100.19531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155143 Gm49475 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116366 MGI:6155143 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49475
15 gene 100.22782 100.26125 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298366 Atf1 NCBI_Gene:11908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023027 MGI:1298366 protein coding gene activating transcription factor 1
15 gene 100.28084 100.29307 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922252 Tmprss12 NCBI_Gene:75002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045631 MGI:1922252 protein coding gene transmembrane (C-terminal) protease, serine 12
15 pseudogene 100.29464 100.29763 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592825 Gm33666 NCBI_Gene:102636661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116182 MGI:5592825 pseudogene predicted gene, 33666
15 gene 100.30414 100.32867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916523 Mettl7a1 NCBI_Gene:70152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054619 MGI:1916523 protein coding gene methyltransferase like 7A1
15 gene 100.33480 100.34839 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3710670 Mettl7a3 NCBI_Gene:668178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058057 MGI:3710670 protein coding gene methyltransferase like 7A3
15 gene 100.34577 100.34637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922649 0610039G09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 0610039G09 gene
15 gene 100.35315 100.38444 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3845761 Methig1 NCBI_Gene:554292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093789 MGI:3845761 protein coding gene methyltransferase hypoxia inducible domain containing 1
15 gene 100.35320 100.36184 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3026615 Mettl7a2 NCBI_Gene:393082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056487 MGI:3026615 protein coding gene methyltransferase like 7A2
15 gene 100.36454 100.38396 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685767 Higd1c NCBI_Gene:380975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093550 MGI:2685767 protein coding gene HIG1 domain family, member 1C
15 gene 100.38790 100.42507 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1345279 Slc11a2 NCBI_Gene:18174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023030 MGI:1345279 protein coding gene solute carrier family 11 (proton-coupled divalent metal ion transporters), member 2
15 gene 100.42215 100.42815 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646320 Gm5475 NCBI_Gene:432982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087444 MGI:3646320 protein coding gene predicted gene 5475
15 gene 100.43924 100.46873 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925532 5330439K02Rik NCBI_Gene:108168267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097827 MGI:1925532 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5330439K02 gene
15 gene 100.44968 100.44979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421888 n-R5s43 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084688 MGI:4421888 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 43
15 gene 100.46901 100.47925 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915864 Letmd1 NCBI_Gene:68614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037353 MGI:1915864 protein coding gene LETM1 domain containing 1
15 gene 100.47957 100.49549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2386852 Csrnp2 NCBI_Gene:207785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044636 MGI:2386852 protein coding gene cysteine-serine-rich nuclear protein 2
15 gene 100.49720 100.55201 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98509 Tfcp2 NCBI_Gene:21422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009733 MGI:98509 protein coding gene transcription factor CP2
15 gene 100.57532 100.60031 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102935 Pou6f1 NCBI_Gene:19009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009739 MGI:102935 protein coding gene POU domain, class 6, transcription factor 1
15 gene 100.59542 100.59729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521052 Gm27209 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098620 MGI:5521052 lncRNA gene predicted gene 27209
15 gene 100.60020 100.60277 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155169 Gm49492 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116180 MGI:6155169 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49492
15 gene 100.61317 100.61384 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915772 1110013H19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116164 MGI:1915772 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1110013H19 gene
15 gene 100.61414 100.61511 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925695 C330013E15Rik NCBI_Gene:78445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097093 MGI:1925695 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C330013E15 gene
15 gene 100.61535 100.62076 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1344344 Dazap2 NCBI_Gene:23994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000346 MGI:1344344 protein coding gene DAZ associated protein 2
15 gene 100.62134 100.63694 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2448476 Smagp NCBI_Gene:207818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053559 MGI:2448476 protein coding gene small cell adhesion glycoprotein
15 gene 100.64108 100.66957 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3611448 Bin2 NCBI_Gene:668218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098112 MGI:3611448 protein coding gene bridging integrator 2
15 gene 100.64916 100.64923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530749 Mir6961 miRBase:MI0022808,NCBI_Gene:102465580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098527 MGI:5530749 miRNA gene microRNA 6961
15 gene 100.67442 100.68792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95314 Cela1 NCBI_Gene:109901,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023031 MGI:95314 protein coding gene chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member 1
15 gene 100.68991 100.72938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891640 Galnt6 NCBI_Gene:207839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037280 MGI:1891640 protein coding gene polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6
15 gene 100.69577 100.70490 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916281 Galnt6os ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090062 MGI:1916281 antisense lncRNA gene polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6, opposite strand
15 gene 100.73048 100.73274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588279 I730030J21Rik NCBI_Gene:619313,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116504 MGI:3588279 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA I730030J21 gene
15 gene 100.76175 100.82397 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928745 Slc4a8 NCBI_Gene:59033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023032 MGI:1928745 protein coding gene solute carrier family 4 (anion exchanger), member 8
15 gene 100.80746 100.81561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624286 Gm41401 NCBI_Gene:105246041 MGI:5624286 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41401
15 gene 100.82568 100.83279 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594728 Gm35569 NCBI_Gene:102639209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115912 MGI:5594728 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35569
15 gene 100.86979 101.04594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103169 Scn8a NCBI_Gene:20273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023033 MGI:103169 protein coding gene sodium channel, voltage-gated, type VIII, alpha
15 gene 101.04634 101.04740 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6097044 Tmdd1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000113558 MGI:6097044 protein coding gene transmembrane and death domain 1
15 gene 101.05019 101.07858 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646919 Fignl2 NCBI_Gene:668225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095440 MGI:3646919 protein coding gene fidgetin-like 2
15 gene 101.10301 101.10607 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624287 Gm41402 NCBI_Gene:105246042 MGI:5624287 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41402
15 gene 101.11575 101.12041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443398 Ankrd33 NCBI_Gene:208258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047034 MGI:2443398 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 33
15 gene 101.12852 101.14534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1338946 Acvrl1 NCBI_Gene:11482,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000530 MGI:1338946 protein coding gene activin A receptor, type II-like 1
15 gene 101.12992 101.13159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801966 Gm16031 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087690 MGI:3801966 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16031
15 gene 101.17407 101.21368 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1338944 Acvr1b NCBI_Gene:11479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000532 MGI:1338944 protein coding gene activin A receptor, type 1B
15 gene 101.19387 101.19393 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5562745 Mir6962 miRBase:MI0022809,NCBI_Gene:102466774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106563 MGI:5562745 miRNA gene microRNA 6962
15 gene 101.22119 101.22519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443491 A330009N23Rik NCBI_Gene:380977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097915 MGI:2443491 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330009N23 gene
15 gene 101.22125 101.22216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146136 AU021063 NCBI_Gene:105968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115944 MGI:2146136 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AU021063
15 gene 101.22419 101.23276 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1860303 Grasp NCBI_Gene:56149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000531 MGI:1860303 protein coding gene GRP1 (general receptor for phosphoinositides 1)-associated scaffold protein
15 gene 101.25421 101.27479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352454 Nr4a1 NCBI_Gene:15370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023034 MGI:1352454 protein coding gene nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1
15 gene 101.28427 101.29095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915368 Atg101 NCBI_Gene:68118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037204 MGI:1915368 protein coding gene autophagy related 101
15 gene 101.29321 101.29743 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924967 Smim41 NCBI_Gene:77717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075408 MGI:1924967 protein coding gene small integral membrane protein 41
15 gene 101.29743 101.29861 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624288 Gm41403 NCBI_Gene:105246043 MGI:5624288 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41403
15 gene 101.31610 101.31854 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155183 Gm49499 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116395 MGI:6155183 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49499
15 gene 101.32289 101.40586 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595012 Gm35853 NCBI_Gene:102639573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116114 MGI:5595012 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35853
15 gene 101.34744 101.37016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921377 Krt80 NCBI_Gene:74127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037185 MGI:1921377 protein coding gene keratin 80
15 gene 101.36935 101.36943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3836979 Mir1941 miRBase:MI0009930,NCBI_Gene:100316694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088459 MGI:3836979 miRNA gene microRNA 1941
15 gene 101.38230 101.41231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685517 Gm671 NCBI_Gene:102639385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116116 MGI:2685517 lncRNA gene predicted gene 671
15 pseudogene 101.40405 101.40443 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155185 Gm49500 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116030 MGI:6155185 pseudogene predicted gene, 49500
15 gene 101.41104 101.43031 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96704 Krt7 NCBI_Gene:110310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023039 MGI:96704 protein coding gene keratin 7
15 gene 101.43104 101.43880 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3665486 Krt87 NCBI_Gene:406219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047641 MGI:3665486 protein coding gene keratin 87
15 gene 101.43124 101.95345 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859268 Krt85 NA NA protein coding gene keratin 85
15 gene 101.44774 101.45392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913572 Krt88 NCBI_Gene:66322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063971 MGI:1913572 protein coding gene keratin 88
15 gene 101.45906 101.46376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928858 Krt81 NCBI_Gene:64818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067615 MGI:1928858 protein coding gene keratin 81
15 gene 101.47348 101.47999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109362 Krt86 NCBI_Gene:16679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067614 MGI:109362 protein coding gene keratin 86
15 gene 101.48030 101.48331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155186 Gm49501 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116011 MGI:6155186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49501
15 gene 101.48513 101.49151 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3690448 Krt83 NCBI_Gene:100126226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067613 MGI:3690448 protein coding gene keratin 83
15 pseudogene 101.50371 101.50390 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155058 Gm49423 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116107 MGI:6155058 pseudogene predicted gene, 49423
15 pseudogene 101.50382 101.50631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646630 Gm6042 NCBI_Gene:574415 MGI:3646630 pseudogene predicted gene 6042
15 pseudogene 101.50609 101.50625 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155059 Gm49424 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116188 MGI:6155059 pseudogene predicted gene, 49424
15 gene 101.51592 101.51726 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155060 Gm49425 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116336 MGI:6155060 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49425
15 gene 101.51616 101.53296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96700 Krt84 NCBI_Gene:16680,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044294 MGI:96700 protein coding gene keratin 84
15 gene 101.54121 101.55067 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2149248 Krt82 NCBI_Gene:114566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049548 MGI:2149248 protein coding gene keratin 82
15 gene 101.55236 101.56295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045312 Krt90 NCBI_Gene:239673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048699 MGI:3045312 protein coding gene keratin 90
15 gene 101.55720 101.55733 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690785 Gm44393 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105581 MGI:5690785 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44393
15 gene 101.56334 101.57390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923500 Krt75 NCBI_Gene:109052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022986 MGI:1923500 protein coding gene keratin 75
15 gene 101.57018 101.57031 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690852 Gm44460 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106412 MGI:5690852 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44460
15 pseudogene 101.58732 101.58857 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646316 Gm5476 NCBI_Gene:432985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115983 MGI:3646316 pseudogene predicted gene 5476
15 pseudogene 101.60872 101.61048 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646317 Gm5477 NCBI_Gene:432986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116129 MGI:3646317 pseudogene predicted gene 5477
15 pseudogene 101.61530 101.61541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155062 Gm49426 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115860 MGI:6155062 pseudogene predicted gene, 49426
15 gene 101.62403 101.62819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646939 Gm5414 NCBI_Gene:406223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064232 MGI:3646939 protein coding gene predicted gene 5414
15 pseudogene 101.63859 101.64000 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010036 Gm17851 NCBI_Gene:100415980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115903 MGI:5010036 pseudogene predicted gene, 17851
15 gene 101.64302 101.64738 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646318 Gm5478 NCBI_Gene:432987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095241 MGI:3646318 protein coding gene predicted pseudogene 5478
15 gene 101.64514 101.64526 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690871 Gm44479 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105988 MGI:5690871 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44479
15 gene 101.67602 101.68029 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333768 Krt6b NCBI_Gene:16688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023041 MGI:1333768 protein coding gene keratin 6B
15 gene 101.67803 101.67816 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690775 Gm44383 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105899 MGI:5690775 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44383
15 gene 101.68991 101.69431 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100845 Krt6a NCBI_Gene:16687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058354 MGI:1100845 protein coding gene keratin 6A
15 gene 101.69031 101.69194 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155065 Gm49428 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116132 MGI:6155065 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49428
15 gene 101.69221 101.69234 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690734 Gm44342 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106088 MGI:5690734 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44342
15 gene 101.70707 101.71290 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96702 Krt5 NCBI_Gene:110308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061527 MGI:96702 protein coding gene keratin 5
15 gene 101.71027 101.71040 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690715 Gm44323 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105682 MGI:5690715 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44323
15 gene 101.73395 101.74311 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861586 Krt71 NCBI_Gene:56735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051879 MGI:1861586 protein coding gene keratin 71
15 pseudogene 101.75426 101.76350 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3629975 Krt74 NCBI_Gene:406222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067596 MGI:3629975 pseudogene keratin 74
15 gene 101.77617 101.78646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146034 Krt72 NCBI_Gene:105866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056605 MGI:2146034 protein coding gene keratin 72
15 gene 101.79331 101.80235 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3607712 Krt73 NCBI_Gene:223915,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063661 MGI:3607712 protein coding gene keratin 73
15 gene 101.81069 101.81817 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96699 Krt2 NCBI_Gene:16681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064201 MGI:96699 protein coding gene keratin 2
15 gene 101.82625 101.82766 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595131 Gm35972 NCBI_Gene:102639729 MGI:5595131 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35972
15 gene 101.84543 101.85079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96698 Krt1 NCBI_Gene:16678,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046834 MGI:96698 protein coding gene keratin 1
15 gene 101.85873 101.86971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588209 Krt77 NCBI_Gene:406220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067594 MGI:3588209 protein coding gene keratin 77
15 gene 101.88435 101.89292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924305 Krt76 NCBI_Gene:77055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075402 MGI:1924305 protein coding gene keratin 76
15 gene 101.88840 101.88851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690748 Gm44356 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105236 MGI:5690748 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44356
15 pseudogene 101.90692 101.91015 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155075 Gm49434 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116194 MGI:6155075 pseudogene predicted gene, 49434
15 gene 101.91854 101.92473 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96701 Krt4 NCBI_Gene:16682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059668 MGI:96701 protein coding gene keratin 4
15 gene 101.92933 101.94032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385030 Krt79 NCBI_Gene:223917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061397 MGI:2385030 protein coding gene keratin 79
15 gene 101.94600 101.99662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917529 Krt78 NCBI_Gene:332131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050463 MGI:1917529 protein coding gene keratin 78
15 gene 101.99670 102.00448 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96705 Krt8 NCBI_Gene:16691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049382 MGI:96705 protein coding gene keratin 8
15 gene 102.00421 102.00944 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595185 Gm36026 NCBI_Gene:102639799,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116010 MGI:5595185 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36026
15 gene 102.01059 102.01725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624289 Gm41404 NCBI_Gene:105246044 MGI:5624289 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41404
15 gene 102.02818 102.03203 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96692 Krt18 NCBI_Gene:16668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023043 MGI:96692 protein coding gene keratin 18
15 gene 102.04532 102.04726 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624290 Gm41405 NCBI_Gene:105246045 MGI:5624290 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41405
15 gene 102.07377 102.09717 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95304 Eif4b NCBI_Gene:75705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058655 MGI:95304 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B
15 gene 102.07445 102.07597 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780101 Gm9693 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 9693
15 gene 102.07742 102.08022 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924511 A030007N12Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A030007N12 gene
15 gene 102.10037 102.11640 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2387586 Tns2 NCBI_Gene:209039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037003 MGI:2387586 protein coding gene tensin 2
15 gene 102.11653 102.13624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446175 Spryd3 NCBI_Gene:223918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036966 MGI:2446175 protein coding gene SPRY domain containing 3
15 gene 102.14419 102.14951 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96441 Igfbp6 NCBI_Gene:16012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023046 MGI:96441 protein coding gene insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6
15 gene 102.15041 102.16347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1332226 Soat2 NCBI_Gene:223920,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023045 MGI:1332226 protein coding gene sterol O-acyltransferase 2
15 gene 102.17700 102.20505 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2180098 Csad NCBI_Gene:246277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023044 MGI:2180098 protein coding gene cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase
15 gene 102.20325 102.21561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915994 Zfp740 NCBI_Gene:68744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046897 MGI:1915994 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 740
15 gene 102.21599 102.23341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96616 Itgb7 NCBI_Gene:16421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001281 MGI:96616 protein coding gene integrin beta 7
15 gene 102.23494 102.25752 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97858 Rarg NCBI_Gene:19411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001288 MGI:97858 protein coding gene retinoic acid receptor, gamma
15 gene 102.27052 102.27413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646315 Gm9918 NCBI_Gene:432988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097050 MGI:3646315 protein coding gene predicted gene 9918
15 gene 102.27945 102.28175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145901 Mfsd5 NCBI_Gene:106073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045665 MGI:2145901 protein coding gene major facilitator superfamily domain containing 5
15 gene 102.29544 102.29615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155150 Gm49479 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116091 MGI:6155150 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49479
15 gene 102.29625 102.32436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146156 Espl1 NCBI_Gene:105988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058290 MGI:2146156 protein coding gene extra spindle pole bodies 1, separase
15 pseudogene 102.30862 102.30876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155152 Gm49480 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116183 MGI:6155152 pseudogene predicted gene, 49480
chr type start stop strand ID Name Dbxref gene_id mgi_type description
19 gene 3.259076 3.283017 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99954 Ighmbp2 NCBI_Gene:20589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024831 MGI:99954 protein coding gene immunoglobulin mu binding protein 2
19 gene 3.282901 3.292837 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2660674 Mrpl21 NCBI_Gene:353242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024829 MGI:2660674 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L21
19 gene 3.288920 3.288983 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531153 Mir6984 miRBase:MI0022832,NCBI_Gene:102465594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099261 MGI:5531153 miRNA gene microRNA 6984
19 pseudogene 3.316782 3.317581 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303159 Gm50307 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118213 MGI:6303159 pseudogene predicted gene, 50307
19 gene 3.322325 3.385735 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098296 Cpt1a NCBI_Gene:12894,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024900 MGI:1098296 protein coding gene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a, liver
19 gene 3.373448 3.378102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595691 Gm36532 NCBI_Gene:102640483 MGI:5595691 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36532
19 gene 3.386211 3.387996 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921854 4833417J20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833417J20 gene
19 gene 3.388857 3.407823 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1340029 Tesmin NCBI_Gene:17771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024905 MGI:1340029 protein coding gene testis expressed metallothionein like
19 gene 3.409915 3.414544 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95637 Gal NCBI_Gene:14419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024907 MGI:95637 protein coding gene galanin and GMAP prepropeptide
19 gene 3.454928 3.575749 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921807 Ppp6r3 NCBI_Gene:52036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024908 MGI:1921807 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunit 3
19 gene 3.486090 3.488014 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6098329 Gm48696 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114315 MGI:6098329 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48696
19 gene 3.490309 3.490413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453717 Gm23940 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075908 MGI:5453717 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23940
19 gene 3.527104 3.528613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6098308 Gm48683 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114302 MGI:6098308 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48683
19 pseudogene 3.567551 3.568448 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011390 Gm19205 NCBI_Gene:100418426 MGI:5011390 pseudogene predicted gene, 19205
19 gene 3.576263 3.576335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413682 n-TAagc9 NCBI_Gene:102467450 MGI:4413682 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA alanine 9 (anticodon AGC)
19 gene 3.584825 3.686564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1278315 Lrp5 NCBI_Gene:16973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024913 MGI:1278315 protein coding gene low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5
19 gene 3.686410 3.692435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595831 Gm36672 NCBI_Gene:102640658 MGI:5595831 protein coding gene predicted gene, 36672
19 gene 3.689236 3.708226 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595767 Gm36608 NCBI_Gene:102640578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118249 MGI:5595767 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36608
19 gene 3.708293 3.717882 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919306 1810055G02Rik NCBI_Gene:72056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035372 MGI:1919306 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1810055G02 gene
19 gene 3.712777 3.744426 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595946 Gm36787 NCBI_Gene:102640806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117739 MGI:5595946 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36787
19 gene 3.719885 3.721369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5596030 Gm36871 NCBI_Gene:102640924 MGI:5596030 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36871
19 pseudogene 3.730432 3.731047 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780310 Gm2141 NCBI_Gene:100039289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118231 MGI:3780310 pseudogene predicted gene 2141
19 pseudogene 3.732094 3.732340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303269 Gm50374 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118096 MGI:6303269 pseudogene predicted gene, 50374
19 gene 3.740225 3.742537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303270 Gm50375 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117773 MGI:6303270 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50375
19 gene 3.765976 3.818303 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444557 Kmt5b NCBI_Gene:225888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045098 MGI:2444557 protein coding gene lysine methyltransferase 5B
19 gene 3.798615 3.852419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801953 Gm16066 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082848 MGI:3801953 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16066
19 pseudogene 3.821562 3.822389 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011394 Gm19209 NCBI_Gene:100418430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117779 MGI:5011394 pseudogene predicted gene, 19209
19 gene 3.851585 3.894369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107760 Chka NCBI_Gene:12660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024843 MGI:107760 protein coding gene choline kinase alpha
19 gene 3.863568 3.867673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303282 Gm50383 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117912 MGI:6303282 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50383
19 gene 3.896050 3.907133 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1350931 Tcirg1 NCBI_Gene:27060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001750 MGI:1350931 protein coding gene T cell, immune regulator 1, ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 protein A3
19 gene 3.908863 3.912774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385079 Ndufs8 NCBI_Gene:225887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059734 MGI:2385079 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit S8
19 gene 3.913491 3.930860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914939 Aldh3b1 NCBI_Gene:67689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024885 MGI:1914939 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B1
19 gene 3.919391 3.920826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624944 Gm42059 NCBI_Gene:105246837 MGI:5624944 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42059
19 gene 3.923864 3.924975 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589005 Gm29846 NCBI_Gene:102631533 MGI:5589005 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29846
19 pseudogene 3.931795 3.932090 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303191 Gm50327 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118129 MGI:6303191 pseudogene predicted gene, 50327
19 gene 3.935186 3.949340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859307 Unc93b1 NCBI_Gene:54445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036908 MGI:1859307 protein coding gene unc-93 homolog B1, TLR signaling regulator
19 gene 3.958645 3.972419 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920708 Aldh3b3 NCBI_Gene:73458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037263 MGI:1920708 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B3
19 gene 3.972328 3.981665 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147613 Aldh3b2 NCBI_Gene:621603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075296 MGI:2147613 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member B2
19 gene 3.986570 3.990007 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918920 Acy3 NCBI_Gene:71670,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024866 MGI:1918920 protein coding gene aspartoacylase (aminoacylase) 3
19 gene 3.992752 3.999828 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1261436 Tbx10 NCBI_Gene:109575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037477 MGI:1261436 protein coding gene T-box 10
19 gene 3.999548 4.000542 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921038 4833408A19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118132 MGI:1921038 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4833408A19 gene
19 gene 4.000580 4.002103 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913637 Nudt8 NCBI_Gene:66387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110949 MGI:1913637 protein coding gene nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 8
19 gene 4.000626 4.005816 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155029 Gm49405 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024869 MGI:6155029 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49405
19 gene 4.000758 4.001232 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826559 Gm16312 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086107 MGI:3826559 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16312
19 gene 4.003313 4.007005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926250 Doc2g NCBI_Gene:60425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024871 MGI:1926250 protein coding gene double C2, gamma
19 gene 4.007384 4.012806 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107851 Ndufv1 NCBI_Gene:17995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037916 MGI:107851 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit V1
19 gene 4.035407 4.037985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95865 Gstp1 NCBI_Gene:14870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060803 MGI:95865 protein coding gene glutathione S-transferase, pi 1
19 gene 4.040285 4.046023 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95864 Gstp2 NCBI_Gene:14869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038155 MGI:95864 protein coding gene glutathione S-transferase, pi 2
19 gene 4.057470 4.059588 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385078 Gstp3 NCBI_Gene:225884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058216 MGI:2385078 protein coding gene glutathione S-transferase pi 3
19 gene 4.067251 4.071445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624945 Gm42060 NCBI_Gene:105246838 MGI:5624945 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42060
19 gene 4.078297 4.078512 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453704 Gm23927 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104921 MGI:5453704 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23927
19 gene 4.081469 4.087340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352749 Cabp2 NCBI_Gene:29866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024857 MGI:1352749 protein coding gene calcium binding protein 2
19 gene 4.096894 4.099019 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098779 Cdk2ap2 NCBI_Gene:52004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024856 MGI:1098779 protein coding gene CDK2-associated protein 2
19 gene 4.099998 4.113965 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1197524 Pitpnm1 NCBI_Gene:18739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024851 MGI:1197524 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, membrane-associated 1
19 gene 4.113756 4.127234 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109622 Aip NCBI_Gene:11632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024847 MGI:109622 protein coding gene aryl-hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein
19 gene 4.125934 4.132307 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914240 Tmem134 NCBI_Gene:66990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024845 MGI:1914240 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 134
19 gene 4.135423 4.144033 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920910 Cabp4 NCBI_Gene:73660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024842 MGI:1920910 protein coding gene calcium binding protein 4
19 gene 4.139787 4.145741 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685519 Gpr152 NCBI_Gene:269053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044724 MGI:2685519 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 152
19 gene 4.148612 4.154035 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345963 Coro1b NCBI_Gene:23789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024835 MGI:1345963 protein coding gene coronin, actin binding protein 1B
19 gene 4.153604 4.156751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97811 Ptprcap NCBI_Gene:19265,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045826 MGI:97811 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C polypeptide-associated protein
19 gene 4.153991 4.163387 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927343 Rps6kb2 NCBI_Gene:58988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024830 MGI:1927343 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 2
19 gene 4.164324 4.175677 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147595 Carns1 NCBI_Gene:107239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075289 MGI:2147595 protein coding gene carnosine synthase 1
19 gene 4.168742 4.191047 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303033 Gm50230 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117905 MGI:6303033 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50230
19 gene 4.169566 4.174287 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937186 Gm17552 NCBI_Gene:102631780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097233 MGI:4937186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17552
19 gene 4.183411 4.191284 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922072 Tbc1d10c NCBI_Gene:108995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040247 MGI:1922072 protein coding gene TBC1 domain family, member 10c
19 gene 4.192065 4.195420 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103016 Ppp1ca NCBI_Gene:19045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040385 MGI:103016 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit alpha
19 gene 4.192109 4.192782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303067 Gm50251 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117839 MGI:6303067 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50251
19 gene 4.195196 4.201662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1328356 Rad9a NCBI_Gene:19367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024824 MGI:1328356 protein coding gene RAD9 checkpoint clamp component A
19 gene 4.201706 4.203240 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589241 Gm30082 NCBI_Gene:102631855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118245 MGI:5589241 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30082
19 gene 4.214238 4.223505 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930088 Clcf1 NCBI_Gene:56708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040663 MGI:1930088 protein coding gene cardiotrophin-like cytokine factor 1
19 gene 4.214238 4.233634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825565 Gm45928 NCBI_Gene:105948585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117873 MGI:5825565 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45928
19 gene 4.215402 4.215488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455892 Gm26115 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093346 MGI:5455892 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26115
19 gene 4.231893 4.233634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916995 Pold4 NCBI_Gene:69745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024854 MGI:1916995 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA-directed), delta 4
19 gene 4.254031 4.257651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925555 1500032F14Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117718 MGI:1925555 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1500032F14 gene
19 gene 4.261668 4.269180 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2683546 Ssh3 NCBI_Gene:245857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034616 MGI:2683546 protein coding gene slingshot protein phosphatase 3
19 gene 4.263818 4.263878 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531101 Mir6985 miRBase:MI0022833,NCBI_Gene:102465595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099290 MGI:5531101 miRNA gene microRNA 6985
19 gene 4.270180 4.283137 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915673 Ankrd13d NCBI_Gene:68423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005986 MGI:1915673 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 13 family, member D
19 gene 4.273987 4.275643 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302910 Gm50152 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118344 MGI:6302910 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50152
19 gene 4.285999 4.306222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87940 Grk2 NCBI_Gene:110355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024858 MGI:87940 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2
19 gene 4.314419 4.398596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354736 Kdm2a NCBI_Gene:225876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054611 MGI:1354736 protein coding gene lysine (K)-specific demethylase 2A
19 gene 4.397714 4.399821 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3588259 9430078G10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430078G10 gene
19 gene 4.425457 4.439432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108446 Rhod NCBI_Gene:11854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041845 MGI:108446 protein coding gene ras homolog family member D
19 gene 4.439003 4.448973 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441838 A930001C03Rik NCBI_Gene:319314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087132 MGI:2441838 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930001C03 gene
19 gene 4.445908 4.477447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2159601 Syt12 NCBI_Gene:171180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049303 MGI:2159601 protein coding gene synaptotagmin XII
19 gene 4.496788 4.498583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917111 2010003K11Rik NCBI_Gene:69861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042041 MGI:1917111 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2010003K11 gene
19 gene 4.510472 4.621752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97520 Pcx NCBI_Gene:18563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024892 MGI:97520 protein coding gene pyruvate carboxylase
19 gene 4.611784 4.615667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385612 Lrfn4 NCBI_Gene:225875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045045 MGI:2385612 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 4
19 gene 4.622551 4.625641 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1336895 Rce1 NCBI_Gene:19671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024889 MGI:1336895 protein coding gene Ras converting CAAX endopeptidase 1
19 gene 4.623898 4.623955 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531091 Mir6986 miRBase:MI0022834,NCBI_Gene:102466780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098346 MGI:5531091 miRNA gene microRNA 6986
19 gene 4.625395 4.629857 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921792 9030625N01Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9030625N01 gene
19 gene 4.625734 4.698776 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685806 Gm960 NCBI_Gene:381196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071691 MGI:2685806 protein coding gene predicted gene 960
19 pseudogene 4.680115 4.680616 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303266 Gm50372 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117746 MGI:6303266 pseudogene predicted gene, 50372
19 gene 4.711167 4.752360 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1313261 Sptbn2 NCBI_Gene:20743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067889 MGI:1313261 protein coding gene spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 2
19 gene 4.711651 4.720886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624946 Gm42061 NCBI_Gene:105246839 MGI:5624946 protein coding gene predicted gene, 42061
19 gene 4.742913 4.811634 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439461 Gm21992 NCBI_Gene:102902673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096370 MGI:5439461 protein coding gene predicted gene 21992
19 gene 4.752883 4.767065 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913954 Rbm4b NCBI_Gene:66704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033760 MGI:1913954 protein coding gene RNA binding motif protein 4B
19 gene 4.762103 4.765171 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610434 Gm37206 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103651 MGI:5610434 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37206
19 pseudogene 4.778072 4.778697 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011288 Gm19103 NCBI_Gene:100418257 MGI:5011288 pseudogene predicted gene, 19103
19 gene 4.784293 4.794009 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100865 Rbm4 NCBI_Gene:19653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094936 MGI:1100865 protein coding gene RNA binding motif protein 4
19 gene 4.794720 4.795956 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918634 5430440L12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430440L12 gene
19 gene 4.800566 4.811634 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929092 Rbm14 NCBI_Gene:56275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006456 MGI:1929092 protein coding gene RNA binding motif protein 14
19 gene 4.801512 4.805784 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434008 Gm21844 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095913 MGI:5434008 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 21844
19 gene 4.825366 4.839332 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333783 Ccs NCBI_Gene:12460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034108 MGI:1333783 protein coding gene copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase
19 gene 4.839366 4.842528 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3026882 Ccdc87 NCBI_Gene:399599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067872 MGI:3026882 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 87
19 gene 4.855129 4.860918 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861434 Ctsf NCBI_Gene:56464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083282 MGI:1861434 protein coding gene cathepsin F
19 gene 4.861216 4.877909 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99678 Actn3 NCBI_Gene:11474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006457 MGI:99678 protein coding gene actinin alpha 3
19 gene 4.878668 4.885397 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917855 Zdhhc24 NCBI_Gene:70605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006463 MGI:1917855 protein coding gene zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 24
19 gene 4.886878 4.906628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277215 Bbs1 NCBI_Gene:52028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006464 MGI:1277215 protein coding gene Bardet-Biedl syndrome 1 (human)
19 gene 4.904673 4.904782 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455111 Gm25334 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088661 MGI:5455111 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25334
19 gene 4.907229 4.928287 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922471 Dpp3 NCBI_Gene:75221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063904 MGI:1922471 protein coding gene dipeptidylpeptidase 3
19 gene 4.929717 4.943127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924963 Peli3 NCBI_Gene:240518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024901 MGI:1924963 protein coding gene pellino 3
19 gene 4.962147 4.966999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2137215 Mrpl11 NCBI_Gene:66419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024902 MGI:2137215 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L11
19 gene 4.984353 5.001929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2664186 Npas4 NCBI_Gene:225872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045903 MGI:2664186 protein coding gene neuronal PAS domain protein 4
19 pseudogene 5.009385 5.009799 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303281 Gm50382 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117723 MGI:6303281 pseudogene predicted gene, 50382
19 gene 5.017356 5.021765 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624948 Gm42063 NCBI_Gene:105246841 MGI:5624948 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42063
19 gene 5.023860 5.031972 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345278 Slc29a2 NCBI_Gene:13340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024891 MGI:1345278 protein coding gene solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 2
19 gene 5.037817 5.038805 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589740 Gm30581 NCBI_Gene:102632530 MGI:5589740 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30581
19 gene 5.038304 5.038385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4414040 n-TSgct6 NCBI_Gene:102467380 MGI:4414040 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA serine 6 (anticodon GCT)
19 gene 5.038826 5.041134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919680 B4gat1 NCBI_Gene:108902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047379 MGI:1919680 protein coding gene beta-1,4-glucuronyltransferase 1
19 gene 5.038891 5.049912 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303291 Gm50388 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117789 MGI:6303291 protein coding gene predicted gene, 50388
19 gene 5.041232 5.049917 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2388804 Brms1 NCBI_Gene:107392,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080268 MGI:2388804 protein coding gene breast cancer metastasis-suppressor 1
19 gene 5.050019 5.057072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385695 Rin1 NCBI_Gene:225870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024883 MGI:2385695 protein coding gene Ras and Rab interactor 1
19 gene 5.068078 5.070682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917695 Cd248 NCBI_Gene:70445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056481 MGI:1917695 protein coding gene CD248 antigen, endosialin
19 gene 5.070830 5.072120 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589786 Gm30627 NCBI_Gene:102632593 MGI:5589786 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30627
19 gene 5.070859 5.085531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147713 Tmem151a NCBI_Gene:381199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061451 MGI:2147713 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 151A
19 gene 5.072130 5.075259 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826295 Gm46658 NCBI_Gene:108168419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117893 MGI:5826295 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46658
19 gene 5.088538 5.092881 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915340 Yif1a NCBI_Gene:68090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024875 MGI:1915340 protein coding gene Yip1 interacting factor homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
19 gene 5.092868 5.098521 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277225 Cnih2 NCBI_Gene:12794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024873 MGI:1277225 protein coding gene cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 2
19 gene 5.099205 5.107072 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923558 Rab1b NCBI_Gene:76308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024870 MGI:1923558 protein coding gene RAB1B, member RAS oncogene family
19 gene 5.107746 5.118573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107953 Klc2 NCBI_Gene:16594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024862 MGI:107953 protein coding gene kinesin light chain 2
19 gene 5.118038 5.119329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704489 Gm10817 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117710 MGI:3704489 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10817
19 gene 5.118844 5.126127 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589999 Gm30840 NCBI_Gene:102632878 MGI:5589999 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30840
19 pseudogene 5.131740 5.132972 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779478 Gm5242 NCBI_Gene:383424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117729 MGI:3779478 pseudogene predicted gene 5242
19 gene 5.133158 5.273119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277113 Pacs1 NCBI_Gene:107975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024855 MGI:1277113 protein coding gene phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1
19 gene 5.201198 5.201303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530850 Gm27468 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098803 MGI:5530850 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27468
19 pseudogene 5.258750 5.258962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302964 Gm50189 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118104 MGI:6302964 pseudogene predicted gene, 50189
19 gene 5.273921 5.295457 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441856 Sf3b2 NCBI_Gene:319322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024853 MGI:2441856 protein coding gene splicing factor 3b, subunit 2
19 gene 5.295196 5.296028 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302985 Gm50203 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118243 MGI:6302985 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50203
19 gene 5.298331 5.308739 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3617843 Gal3st3 NCBI_Gene:545276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047658 MGI:3617843 protein coding gene galactose-3-O-sulfotransferase 3
19 gene 5.305873 5.307416 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624949 Gm42064 NCBI_Gene:105246843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118263 MGI:5624949 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42064
19 pseudogene 5.321606 5.321798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302994 Gm50208 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118009 MGI:6302994 pseudogene predicted gene, 50208
19 pseudogene 5.324014 5.325823 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645420 Gm7074 NCBI_Gene:631868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117807 MGI:3645420 pseudogene predicted gene 7074
19 gene 5.334032 5.335433 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5792253 Catsper1au NA NA antisense lncRNA gene Catsper1 antisense upstream transcript
19 gene 5.335602 5.344281 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2179947 Catsper1 NCBI_Gene:225865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038498 MGI:2179947 protein coding gene cation channel, sperm associated 1
19 gene 5.344705 5.349574 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920970 Cst6 NCBI_Gene:73720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024846 MGI:1920970 protein coding gene cystatin E/M
19 gene 5.364633 5.367168 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346330 Banf1 NCBI_Gene:23825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024844 MGI:1346330 protein coding gene barrier to autointegration factor 1
19 gene 5.366741 5.371526 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917110 Eif1ad NCBI_Gene:69860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024841 MGI:1917110 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A domain containing
19 gene 5.377523 5.389304 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1309453 Sart1 NCBI_Gene:20227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039148 MGI:1309453 protein coding gene squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T cells 1
19 gene 5.388336 5.390069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041222 D330050I16Rik NCBI_Gene:414115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117959 MGI:3041222 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D330050I16 gene
19 gene 5.390047 5.402534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925556 Tsga10ip NCBI_Gene:78306,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039330 MGI:1925556 protein coding gene testis specific 10 interacting protein
19 gene 5.406740 5.422847 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922181 4930481A15Rik NCBI_Gene:74931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086938 MGI:1922181 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930481A15 gene
19 pseudogene 5.415382 5.415811 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649011 Gm6293 NCBI_Gene:102633050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051133 MGI:3649011 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6293
19 gene 5.422804 5.424979 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913806 Drap1 NCBI_Gene:66556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024914 MGI:1913806 protein coding gene Dr1 associated protein 1 (negative cofactor 2 alpha)
19 gene 5.425144 5.427317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147598 AI837181 NCBI_Gene:107242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047423 MGI:2147598 protein coding gene expressed sequence AI837181
19 gene 5.435900 5.435965 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302848 Gm50111 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088909 MGI:6302848 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 50111
19 pseudogene 5.435929 5.436800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455209 Gm25432 NCBI_Gene:102635008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117771 MGI:5455209 pseudogene predicted gene, 25432
19 pseudogene 5.439246 5.439521 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590229 Gm31070 NCBI_Gene:102633178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117845 MGI:5590229 pseudogene predicted gene, 31070
19 gene 5.447547 5.455946 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107179 Fosl1 NCBI_Gene:14283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024912 MGI:107179 protein coding gene fos-like antigen 1
19 gene 5.453163 5.457894 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147607 Ccdc85b NCBI_Gene:240514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095098 MGI:2147607 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 85B
19 gene 5.460600 5.465052 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926233 Fibp NCBI_Gene:58249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024911 MGI:1926233 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor (acidic) intracellular binding protein
19 gene 5.465043 5.470389 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338045 Ctsw NCBI_Gene:13041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024910 MGI:1338045 protein coding gene cathepsin W
19 gene 5.473954 5.482517 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891209 Efemp2 NCBI_Gene:58859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024909 MGI:1891209 protein coding gene epidermal growth factor-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 2
19 gene 5.482345 5.488410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918961 Mus81 NCBI_Gene:71711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024906 MGI:1918961 protein coding gene MUS81 structure-specific endonuclease subunit
19 gene 5.488744 5.489198 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920664 1700061A03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117966 MGI:1920664 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700061A03 gene
19 gene 5.490455 5.495201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101757 Cfl1 NCBI_Gene:12631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056201 MGI:101757 protein coding gene cofilin 1, non-muscle
19 gene 5.492235 5.510696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444704 Snx32 NCBI_Gene:225861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056185 MGI:2444704 protein coding gene sorting nexin 32
19 gene 5.502767 5.503787 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922805 1700020D05Rik NCBI_Gene:75555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100937 MGI:1922805 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700020D05 gene
19 pseudogene 5.510783 5.550374 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590325 Gm31166 NCBI_Gene:102633307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109695 MGI:5590325 pseudogene predicted gene, 31166
19 gene 5.549136 5.560646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1330290 Ovol1 NCBI_Gene:18426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024922 MGI:1330290 protein coding gene ovo like zinc finger 1
19 gene 5.560250 5.571262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685808 Ap5b1 NCBI_Gene:381201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049562 MGI:2685808 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 5, beta 1 subunit
19 gene 5.560260 5.561677 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923763 1810058N15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117861 MGI:1923763 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810058N15 gene
19 gene 5.601873 5.607019 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915459 Rnaseh2c NCBI_Gene:68209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024925 MGI:1915459 protein coding gene ribonuclease H2, subunit C
19 gene 5.603014 5.610237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1932051 Kat5 NCBI_Gene:81601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024926 MGI:1932051 protein coding gene K(lysine) acetyltransferase 5
19 gene 5.637440 5.648131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103290 Rela NCBI_Gene:19697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024927 MGI:103290 protein coding gene v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (avian)
19 gene 5.651185 5.663839 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107576 Sipa1 NCBI_Gene:20469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056917 MGI:107576 protein coding gene signal-induced proliferation associated gene 1
19 gene 5.664635 5.688908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861733 Pcnx3 NCBI_Gene:104401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054874 MGI:1861733 protein coding gene pecanex homolog 3
19 gene 5.679004 5.679076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531273 Mir6987 miRBase:MI0022835,NCBI_Gene:102465596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098568 MGI:5531273 miRNA gene microRNA 6987
19 gene 5.688740 5.702865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346880 Map3k11 NCBI_Gene:26403,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004054 MGI:1346880 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 11
19 gene 5.689236 5.690010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303171 Gm50315 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118077 MGI:6303171 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50315
19 gene 5.704367 5.707406 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341841 Kcnk7 NCBI_Gene:16530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024936 MGI:1341841 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily K, member 7
19 gene 5.707369 5.726461 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612340 Ehbp1l1 NCBI_Gene:114601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024937 MGI:3612340 protein coding gene EH domain binding protein 1-like 1
19 gene 5.727206 5.731627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414958 Gm16538 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089766 MGI:4414958 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16538
19 gene 5.728087 5.729666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106595 Fam89b NCBI_Gene:17826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024939 MGI:106595 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 89, member B
19 gene 5.728088 5.731713 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303289 Gm50387 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118125 MGI:6303289 protein coding gene predicted gene, 50387
19 gene 5.730303 5.731732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913482 Znrd2 NCBI_Gene:56390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079478 MGI:1913482 protein coding gene zinc ribbon domain containing 2
19 gene 5.738405 5.740762 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642330 Gm10815 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10815
19 gene 5.740904 5.758532 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1101355 Ltbp3 NCBI_Gene:16998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024940 MGI:1101355 protein coding gene latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 3
19 gene 5.758351 5.771419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1931787 Scyl1 NCBI_Gene:78891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024941 MGI:1931787 protein coding gene SCY1-like 1 (S. cerevisiae)
19 gene 5.795690 5.802672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919539 Malat1 NCBI_Gene:72289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092341 MGI:1919539 lncRNA gene metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (non-coding RNA)
19 gene 5.799000 5.799085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531076 Gm27694 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098462 MGI:5531076 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27694
19 gene 5.801941 5.802393 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610604 Gm37376 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102349 MGI:5610604 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37376
19 gene 5.824652 5.824707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531084 Gm27702 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098865 MGI:5531084 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27702
19 gene 5.824708 5.845480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914211 Neat1 NCBI_Gene:66961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092274 MGI:1914211 lncRNA gene nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding)
19 gene 5.844286 5.844437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530915 Gm27533 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098543 MGI:5530915 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27533
19 gene 5.844638 5.844747 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530887 Gm27505 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098974 MGI:5530887 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27505
19 gene 5.844916 5.845037 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531388 Gm28006 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098986 MGI:5531388 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 28006
19 gene 5.845623 5.851388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704490 Frmd8os NCBI_Gene:69595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043488 MGI:3704490 antisense lncRNA gene FERM domain containing 8, opposite strand
19 gene 5.849702 5.875274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914707 Frmd8 NCBI_Gene:67457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024816 MGI:1914707 protein coding gene FERM domain containing 8
19 gene 5.877799 5.885878 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147731 Slc25a45 NCBI_Gene:107375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024818 MGI:2147731 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25, member 45
19 gene 5.891138 5.895169 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2681860 Tigd3 NCBI_Gene:332359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044390 MGI:2681860 protein coding gene tigger transposable element derived 3
19 gene 5.896516 5.913010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109529 Dpf2 NCBI_Gene:19708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024826 MGI:109529 protein coding gene D4, zinc and double PHD fingers family 2
19 gene 5.912822 5.914831 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624952 Gm42067 NCBI_Gene:105246846,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110156 MGI:5624952 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42067
19 gene 5.915636 5.924816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929744 Cdc42ep2 NCBI_Gene:104252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045664 MGI:1929744 protein coding gene CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 2
19 gene 5.940542 5.964216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99690 Pola2 NCBI_Gene:18969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024833 MGI:99690 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA directed), alpha 2
19 gene 5.970234 5.986143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685809 Slc22a20 NCBI_Gene:381203,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037451 MGI:2685809 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 20
19 gene 5.970486 5.984846 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590878 Gm31719 NCBI_Gene:102634035 MGI:5590878 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31719
19 gene 5.988545 6.015897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88263 Capn1 NCBI_Gene:12333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024942 MGI:88263 protein coding gene calpain 1
19 gene 6.012620 6.018462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642580 Gm10814 NCBI_Gene:100502985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097404 MGI:3642580 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10814
19 pseudogene 6.027533 6.028401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011690 Gm19505 NCBI_Gene:100503014,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118194 MGI:5011690 pseudogene predicted gene, 19505
19 pseudogene 6.044442 6.044897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644144 Gm8034 NCBI_Gene:666300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094281 MGI:3644144 pseudogene predicted gene 8034
19 gene 6.045060 6.047019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925963 D530017H19Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA D530017H19 gene
19 gene 6.046576 6.053718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921376 Syvn1 NCBI_Gene:74126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024807 MGI:1921376 protein coding gene synovial apoptosis inhibitor 1, synoviolin
19 gene 6.051334 6.051392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530975 Mir6988 miRBase:MI0022836,NCBI_Gene:102465597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098928 MGI:5530975 miRNA gene microRNA 6988
19 gene 6.053622 6.057785 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108180 Mrpl49 NCBI_Gene:18120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007338 MGI:108180 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L49
19 gene 6.057844 6.059524 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102547 Fau NCBI_Gene:14109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038274 MGI:102547 protein coding gene Finkel-Biskis-Reilly murine sarcoma virus (FBR-MuSV) ubiquitously expressed (fox derived)
19 gene 6.061192 6.062472 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352481 Znhit2 NCBI_Gene:29805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075227 MGI:1352481 protein coding gene zinc finger, HIT domain containing 2
19 gene 6.062821 6.068373 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920416 Tm7sf2 NCBI_Gene:73166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024799 MGI:1920416 protein coding gene transmembrane 7 superfamily member 2
19 gene 6.067842 6.077231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915755 Vps51 NCBI_Gene:68505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024797 MGI:1915755 protein coding gene VPS51 GARP complex subunit
19 gene 6.076945 6.082256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579080 Gm28374 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100621 MGI:5579080 protein coding gene predicted gene 28374
19 gene 6.077884 6.080788 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3690536 Tmem262 NCBI_Gene:433215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047733 MGI:3690536 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 262
19 gene 6.080757 6.084956 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891017 Zfpl1 NCBI_Gene:81909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024792 MGI:1891017 protein coding gene zinc finger like protein 1
19 gene 6.084983 6.091777 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915099 Cdca5 NCBI_Gene:67849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024791 MGI:1915099 protein coding gene cell division cycle associated 5
19 gene 6.093724 6.098241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685396 Gm550 NCBI_Gene:225852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117666 MGI:2685396 protein coding gene predicted gene 550
19 gene 6.105782 6.115792 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685810 Naaladl1 NCBI_Gene:381204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054999 MGI:2685810 protein coding gene N-acetylated alpha-linked acidic dipeptidase-like 1
19 gene 6.116000 6.118650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913656 Sac3d1 NCBI_Gene:66406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024790 MGI:1913656 protein coding gene SAC3 domain containing 1
19 gene 6.119399 6.132563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916274 Snx15 NCBI_Gene:69024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024787 MGI:1916274 protein coding gene sorting nexin 15
19 gene 6.134374 6.141548 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928393 Arl2 NCBI_Gene:56327,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024944 MGI:1928393 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2
19 gene 6.140983 6.172476 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921731 Batf2 NCBI_Gene:74481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039699 MGI:1921731 protein coding gene basic leucine zipper transcription factor, ATF-like 2
19 gene 6.144732 6.144851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421753 n-R5s19 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084742 MGI:4421753 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 19
19 pseudogene 6.152666 6.153712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648472 Gm5510 NCBI_Gene:433216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083458 MGI:3648472 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5510
19 gene 6.184328 6.225885 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923913 Majin NCBI_Gene:622554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024786 MGI:1923913 protein coding gene membrane anchored junction protein
19 gene 6.226380 6.227768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2156541 Gpha2 NCBI_Gene:170458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024784 MGI:2156541 protein coding gene glycoprotein hormone alpha 2
19 gene 6.227765 6.235872 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2388480 Ppp2r5b NCBI_Gene:225849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024777 MGI:2388480 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B’, beta
19 gene 6.241664 6.262335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916291 Atg2a NCBI_Gene:329015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024773 MGI:1916291 protein coding gene autophagy related 2A
19 gene 6.264643 6.264728 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3618738 Mir194-2 miRBase:MI0000733,NCBI_Gene:723957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065582 MGI:3618738 miRNA gene microRNA 194-2
19 gene 6.264844 6.264932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676856 Mir192 miRBase:MI0000551,NCBI_Gene:387187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065523 MGI:2676856 miRNA gene microRNA 192
19 gene 6.268794 6.276607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705162 Gm14963 NCBI_Gene:105246847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085196 MGI:3705162 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14963
19 gene 6.276725 6.300096 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341878 Ehd1 NCBI_Gene:13660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024772 MGI:1341878 protein coding gene EH-domain containing 1
19 gene 6.306456 6.325653 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2652845 Cdc42bpg NCBI_Gene:240505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024769 MGI:2652845 protein coding gene CDC42 binding protein kinase gamma (DMPK-like)
19 pseudogene 6.331054 6.331453 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302977 Gm50198 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117681 MGI:6302977 pseudogene predicted gene, 50198
19 gene 6.334979 6.340894 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1316736 Men1 NCBI_Gene:17283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024947 MGI:1316736 protein coding gene multiple endocrine neoplasia 1
19 gene 6.341117 6.355619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346883 Map4k2 NCBI_Gene:26412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024948 MGI:1346883 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2
19 gene 6.346480 6.346544 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531267 Mir6989 miRBase:MI0022837,NCBI_Gene:102465598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099230 MGI:5531267 miRNA gene microRNA 6989
19 gene 6.355473 6.363759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705223 Gm14966 NCBI_Gene:102634533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079467 MGI:3705223 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14966
19 gene 6.363279 6.378038 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1095403 Sf1 NCBI_Gene:22668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024949 MGI:1095403 protein coding gene splicing factor 1
19 gene 6.384399 6.398464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97830 Pygm NCBI_Gene:19309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032648 MGI:97830 protein coding gene muscle glycogen phosphorylase
19 gene 6.399008 6.415216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333849 Rasgrp2 NCBI_Gene:19395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032946 MGI:1333849 protein coding gene RAS, guanyl releasing protein 2
19 gene 6.409400 6.418659 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705214 Gm14965 NCBI_Gene:105246848,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084876 MGI:3705214 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14965
19 gene 6.418731 6.544169 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096362 Nrxn2 NCBI_Gene:18190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033768 MGI:1096362 protein coding gene neurexin II
19 gene 6.457419 6.460107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302908 Gm50151 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117897 MGI:6302908 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50151
19 gene 6.530711 6.532011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641621 Gm14964 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052188 MGI:3641621 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14964
19 gene 6.535845 6.543070 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1195269 Slc22a12 NCBI_Gene:20521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061742 MGI:1195269 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic anion/cation transporter), member 12
19 gene 6.563780 6.563905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456237 Gm26460 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092802 MGI:5456237 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26460
19 gene 6.567126 6.578552 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591404 Gm32245 NCBI_Gene:102634732 MGI:5591404 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32245
19 pseudogene 6.569080 6.575362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303367 Gm50435 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118062 MGI:6303367 pseudogene predicted gene, 50435
19 pseudogene 6.592099 6.593339 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3768540 Hmgb1-ps4 NCBI_Gene:629372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084221 MGI:3768540 pseudogene high mobility group box 1, pseudogene 4
19 gene 6.617671 6.674548 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924061 2410152P15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084825 MGI:1924061 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2410152P15 gene
19 gene 6.645687 6.647172 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705315 Gm14968 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085285 MGI:3705315 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14968
19 gene 6.829084 6.840989 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930076 Rps6ka4 NCBI_Gene:56613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024952 MGI:1930076 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 4
19 gene 6.829886 6.829944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4950413 Mir5046 miRBase:MI0017931,NCBI_Gene:100628576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104884 MGI:4950413 miRNA gene microRNA 5046
19 gene 6.844623 6.858333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925567 Ccdc88b NCBI_Gene:78317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047810 MGI:1925567 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 88B
19 gene 6.906697 6.910106 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859821 Prdx5 NCBI_Gene:54683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024953 MGI:1859821 protein coding gene peroxiredoxin 5
19 gene 6.909698 6.911049 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914924 Trmt112 NCBI_Gene:67674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038812 MGI:1914924 protein coding gene tRNA methyltransferase 11-2
19 gene 6.910977 6.922048 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346831 Esrra NCBI_Gene:26379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024955 MGI:1346831 protein coding gene estrogen related receptor, alpha
19 gene 6.914196 6.914286 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531108 Mir6990 miRBase:MI0022838,NCBI_Gene:102466213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098413 MGI:5531108 miRNA gene microRNA 6990
19 gene 6.922371 6.925380 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914327 Catsperz NCBI_Gene:67077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050623 MGI:1914327 protein coding gene cation channel sperm associated auxiliary subunit zeta
19 gene 6.923966 6.934772 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1298234 Kcnk4 NCBI_Gene:16528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024957 MGI:1298234 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily K, member 4
19 gene 6.927166 6.929518 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826283 Gm46646 NCBI_Gene:108168407 MGI:5826283 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46646
19 gene 6.938057 6.942480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147529 Gpr137 NCBI_Gene:107173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024958 MGI:2147529 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 137
19 gene 6.941861 6.951905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096330 Bad NCBI_Gene:12015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024959 MGI:1096330 protein coding gene BCL2-associated agonist of cell death
19 pseudogene 6.945071 6.945620 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011238 Gm19053 NCBI_Gene:100418171 MGI:5011238 pseudogene predicted gene, 19053
19 gene 6.952325 6.976470 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104778 Plcb3 NCBI_Gene:18797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024960 MGI:104778 protein coding gene phospholipase C, beta 3
19 gene 6.974968 6.977324 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107682 Ppp1r14b NCBI_Gene:18938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056612 MGI:107682 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 14B
19 gene 6.977739 6.980501 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95542 Fkbp2 NCBI_Gene:14227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056629 MGI:95542 protein coding gene FK506 binding protein 2
19 gene 6.980528 6.984168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624688 Gm41803 NCBI_Gene:105246528 MGI:5624688 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41803
19 gene 6.982472 6.987651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106199 Vegfb NCBI_Gene:22340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024962 MGI:106199 protein coding gene vascular endothelial growth factor B
19 gene 6.987911 6.992697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927346 Dnajc4 NCBI_Gene:57431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024963 MGI:1927346 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C4
19 gene 6.992674 6.993046 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594997 Gm35838 NCBI_Gene:102639551 MGI:5594997 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35838
19 gene 6.993018 6.996117 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915573 Nudt22 NCBI_Gene:68323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037349 MGI:1915573 protein coding gene nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 22
19 gene 6.996131 6.999048 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333115 Trpt1 NCBI_Gene:107328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047656 MGI:1333115 protein coding gene tRNA phosphotransferase 1
19 gene 6.998958 7.019469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147790 Fermt3 NCBI_Gene:108101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024965 MGI:2147790 protein coding gene fermitin family member 3
19 gene 7.020696 7.040026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109130 Stip1 NCBI_Gene:20867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024966 MGI:109130 protein coding gene stress-induced phosphoprotein 1
19 gene 7.056713 7.198062 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147583 Macrod1 NCBI_Gene:107227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036278 MGI:2147583 protein coding gene MACRO domain containing 1
19 gene 7.084710 7.090741 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917744 5730409K12Rik NCBI_Gene:70494 MGI:1917744 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5730409K12 gene
19 gene 7.087464 7.166030 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3026647 Flrt1 NCBI_Gene:396184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047787 MGI:3026647 protein coding gene fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 1
19 gene 7.131506 7.136039 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621506 Gm38621 NCBI_Gene:102642633 MGI:5621506 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38621
19 gene 7.198202 7.206316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147616 Otub1 NCBI_Gene:107260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024767 MGI:2147616 protein coding gene OTU domain, ubiquitin aldehyde binding 1
19 gene 7.215153 7.217616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105959 Cox8a NCBI_Gene:12868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035885 MGI:105959 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 8A
19 gene 7.225668 7.241222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918249 Naa40 NCBI_Gene:70999,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024764 MGI:1918249 protein coding gene N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 40, NatD catalytic subunit
19 gene 7.246709 7.246812 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451890 Gm22113 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096774 MGI:5451890 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22113
19 gene 7.259941 7.260061 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453774 Gm23997 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088680 MGI:5453774 rRNA gene predicted gene, 23997
19 gene 7.267325 7.275225 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859854 Rcor2 NCBI_Gene:104383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024968 MGI:1859854 protein coding gene REST corepressor 2
19 gene 7.275396 7.341867 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99638 Mark2 NCBI_Gene:13728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024969 MGI:99638 protein coding gene MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinase 2
19 gene 7.297654 7.304528 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4938054 Gm17227 NCBI_Gene:102639888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091558 MGI:4938054 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17227
19 gene 7.324971 7.327376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441993 D830016O14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D830016O14 gene
19 gene 7.354078 7.383051 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147611 Spindoc NCBI_Gene:68229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024970 MGI:2147611 protein coding gene spindlin interactor and repressor of chromatin binding
19 gene 7.364515 7.370240 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303036 Gm50232 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117743 MGI:6303036 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50232
19 gene 7.370339 7.372580 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826284 Gm46647 NCBI_Gene:108168408 MGI:5826284 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46647
19 gene 7.382537 7.383561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915479 1700105P06Rik NCBI_Gene:654802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099923 MGI:1915479 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700105P06 gene
19 pseudogene 7.397442 7.399173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643959 Rab11b-ps2 NCBI_Gene:665419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095690 MGI:3643959 pseudogene RAB11B, member RAS oncogene family, pseudogene 2
19 pseudogene 7.402834 7.403431 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011027 Gm18842 NCBI_Gene:100417810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118297 MGI:5011027 pseudogene predicted gene, 18842
19 gene 7.417625 7.425904 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919667 2700081O15Rik NCBI_Gene:108899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053080 MGI:1919667 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2700081O15 gene
19 gene 7.422573 7.422642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531348 Mir6991 miRBase:MI0022839,NCBI_Gene:102466781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098293 MGI:5531348 miRNA gene microRNA 6991
19 gene 7.425895 7.483291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1339970 Rtn3 NCBI_Gene:20168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024758 MGI:1339970 protein coding gene reticulon 3
19 gene 7.465335 7.469619 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444344 A830039H05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A830039H05 gene
19 gene 7.472709 7.476413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443568 A830080L01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A830080L01 gene
19 gene 7.494026 7.539674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924270 Atl3 NCBI_Gene:109168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024759 MGI:1924270 protein coding gene atlastin GTPase 3
19 gene 7.557433 7.588545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2179715 Plaat3 NCBI_Gene:225845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060675 MGI:2179715 protein coding gene phospholipase A and acyltransferase 3
19 gene 7.596656 7.607237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929094 Lgals12 NCBI_Gene:56072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024972 MGI:1929094 protein coding gene lectin, galactose binding, soluble 12
19 gene 7.612541 7.639642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913977 Plaat5 NCBI_Gene:66727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024973 MGI:1913977 protein coding gene phospholipase A and acyltransferase 5
19 pseudogene 7.668271 7.669148 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644508 Gm16437 NCBI_Gene:433217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024761 MGI:3644508 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 16437
19 gene 7.673061 7.711310 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442751 Slc22a19 NCBI_Gene:207151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024757 MGI:2442751 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 19
19 pseudogene 7.695899 7.697016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801808 Gm15967 NCBI_Gene:100418172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083160 MGI:3801808 pseudogene predicted gene 15967
19 pseudogene 7.703903 7.705127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801809 Gm15968 NCBI_Gene:100416946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081596 MGI:3801809 pseudogene predicted gene 15968
19 pseudogene 7.727182 7.727673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647695 Gm8157 NCBI_Gene:666543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117937 MGI:3647695 pseudogene predicted gene 8157
19 pseudogene 7.729370 7.729953 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010729 Gm18544 NCBI_Gene:100417341 MGI:5010729 pseudogene predicted gene, 18544
19 gene 7.780468 7.802669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385316 Slc22a26 NCBI_Gene:236149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053303 MGI:2385316 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 26
19 pseudogene 7.806297 7.848669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646592 Gm7096 NCBI_Gene:100534290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118312 MGI:3646592 pseudogene predicted gene 7096
19 gene 7.864388 7.966595 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3042283 Slc22a27 NCBI_Gene:171405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067656 MGI:3042283 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22, member 27
19 gene 7.959530 7.959638 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454728 Gm24951 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076136 MGI:5454728 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24951
19 pseudogene 7.959743 7.961107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779569 Gm6192 NCBI_Gene:620946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118220 MGI:3779569 pseudogene predicted gene 6192
19 pseudogene 7.975735 7.978339 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643067 Gm6386 NCBI_Gene:623030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118036 MGI:3643067 pseudogene predicted gene 6386
19 gene 8.019555 8.034088 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925675 9530053H05Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9530053H05 gene
19 gene 8.062209 8.131982 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645714 Slc22a28 NCBI_Gene:434674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063590 MGI:3645714 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22, member 28
19 gene 8.160165 8.253522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3605624 Slc22a29 NCBI_Gene:236293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075044 MGI:3605624 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22. member 29
19 gene 8.251312 8.317179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624689 Gm41804 NCBI_Gene:105246529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118280 MGI:5624689 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41804
19 pseudogene 8.255938 8.257662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644446 Gm7105 NCBI_Gene:633120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118345 MGI:3644446 pseudogene predicted gene 7105
19 pseudogene 8.272397 8.275004 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643112 Gm8184 NCBI_Gene:666601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117877 MGI:3643112 pseudogene predicted gene 8184
19 gene 8.335371 8.405111 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442750 Slc22a30 NCBI_Gene:319800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052562 MGI:2442750 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22, member 30
19 pseudogene 8.473313 8.541800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779786 Gm8189 NCBI_Gene:100534389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110298 MGI:3779786 pseudogene predicted gene 8189
19 pseudogene 8.588211 8.589292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646016 Gm6425 NCBI_Gene:623402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086174 MGI:3646016 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6425
19 gene 8.591254 8.611835 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336187 Slc22a8 NCBI_Gene:19879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063796 MGI:1336187 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 8
19 gene 8.611932 8.621184 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595553 Gm36394 NCBI_Gene:102640287 MGI:5595553 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36394
19 gene 8.617996 8.628299 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892001 Slc22a6 NCBI_Gene:18399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024650 MGI:892001 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 6
19 gene 8.651796 8.663335 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028064 9830166K06Rik NCBI_Gene:402757,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117763 MGI:3028064 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9830166K06 gene
19 gene 8.663789 8.683606 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88396 Chrm1 NCBI_Gene:12669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032773 MGI:88396 protein coding gene cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1, CNS
19 gene 8.681835 8.682163 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452597 Gm22820 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087830 MGI:5452597 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22820
19 gene 8.706882 8.723369 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96955 Slc3a2 NCBI_Gene:17254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010095 MGI:96955 protein coding gene solute carrier family 3 (activators of dibasic and neutral amino acid transport), member 2
19 gene 8.723475 8.726443 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3763743 Snhg1 NCBI_Gene:83673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108414 MGI:3763743 lncRNA gene small nucleolar RNA host gene 1
19 gene 8.723993 8.724064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455632 Gm25855 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064721 MGI:5455632 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25855
19 gene 8.724251 8.724325 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455671 Gm25894 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065392 MGI:5455671 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25894
19 gene 8.724531 8.724602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454229 Gm24452 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065281 MGI:5454229 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24452
19 gene 8.724868 8.724943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454230 Gm24453 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065280 MGI:5454230 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24453
19 gene 8.725092 8.725156 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452521 Gm22744 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065378 MGI:5452521 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22744
19 gene 8.725341 8.725409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452457 Gm22680 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065782 MGI:5452457 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22680
19 gene 8.725594 8.725660 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453023 Gm23246 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065305 MGI:5453023 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23246
19 gene 8.725866 8.725991 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933385 Snord22 NCBI_Gene:100127111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065087 MGI:1933385 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 22
19 gene 8.735804 8.740624 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147427 Wdr74 NCBI_Gene:107071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042729 MGI:2147427 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 74
19 gene 8.740718 8.741225 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921557 1700092M07Rik NCBI_Gene:74307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090840 MGI:1921557 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700092M07 gene
19 gene 8.741413 8.756069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928483 Stx5a NCBI_Gene:56389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010110 MGI:1928483 protein coding gene syntaxin 5A
19 gene 8.742971 8.743079 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531288 Mir6992 miRBase:MI0022840,NCBI_Gene:102465599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098844 MGI:5531288 miRNA gene microRNA 6992
19 gene 8.754789 8.756969 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916695 1700023D09Rik NCBI_Gene:102640359 MGI:1916695 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700023D09 gene
19 gene 8.757073 8.770922 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1858330 Nxf1 NCBI_Gene:53319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010097 MGI:1858330 protein coding gene nuclear RNA export factor 1
19 gene 8.770996 8.772475 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914086 Tmem223 NCBI_Gene:66836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117924 MGI:1914086 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 223
19 gene 8.772522 8.774467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914956 Tmem179b NCBI_Gene:67706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118346 MGI:1914956 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 179B
19 gene 8.774354 8.786417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444957 Taf6l NCBI_Gene:225895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003680 MGI:2444957 protein coding gene TATA-box binding protein associated factor 6 like
19 pseudogene 8.774485 8.776962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780685 Gm2518 NCBI_Gene:100039957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118261 MGI:3780685 pseudogene predicted gene 2518
19 pseudogene 8.790085 8.790464 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302874 Gm50131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118305 MGI:6302874 pseudogene predicted gene, 50131
19 gene 8.793127 8.798577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914960 Polr2g NCBI_Gene:67710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071662 MGI:1914960 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide G
19 gene 8.801979 8.804854 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922541 Zbtb3 NCBI_Gene:75291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071661 MGI:1922541 protein coding gene zinc finger and BTB domain containing 3
19 gene 8.809066 8.819455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917637 Ttc9c NCBI_Gene:70387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071660 MGI:1917637 protein coding gene tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9C
19 gene 8.819401 8.834143 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915943 Hnrnpul2 NCBI_Gene:68693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071659 MGI:1915943 protein coding gene heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 2
19 gene 8.829773 8.841137 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302888 Gm50139 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118124 MGI:6302888 protein coding gene predicted gene, 50139
19 gene 8.836929 8.839246 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102704 Gng3 NCBI_Gene:14704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071658 MGI:102704 protein coding gene guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 3
19 gene 8.837467 8.848683 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298392 Bscl2 NCBI_Gene:14705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071657 MGI:1298392 protein coding gene Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy 2 (seipin)
19 gene 8.850194 8.853914 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916102 Lrrn4cl NCBI_Gene:68852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071656 MGI:1916102 protein coding gene LRRN4 C-terminal like
19 gene 8.871496 8.875863 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289301 Ubxn1 NCBI_Gene:225896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071655 MGI:1289301 protein coding gene UBX domain protein 1
19 gene 8.880014 8.880933 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147553 Uqcc3 NCBI_Gene:107197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071654 MGI:2147553 protein coding gene ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex assembly factor 3
19 gene 8.883732 8.892627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5516029 Lbhd1 NCBI_Gene:102308570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096740 MGI:5516029 protein coding gene LBH domain containing 1
19 gene 8.883930 8.887258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155026 Gm49403 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116166 MGI:6155026 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49403
19 gene 8.888387 8.888770 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914781 5730408K05Rik NCBI_Gene:67531 MGI:1914781 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5730408K05 gene
19 gene 8.888538 8.888685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455599 Snora57 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070167 MGI:5455599 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 57
19 gene 8.888699 8.888774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4950461 Mir5136 miRBase:MI0018048,NCBI_Gene:100628605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093314 MGI:4950461 miRNA gene microRNA 5136
19 gene 8.888853 8.890881 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913526 1810009A15Rik NCBI_Gene:66276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071653 MGI:1913526 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1810009A15 gene
19 gene 8.888926 8.895227 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155046 Gm49416 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116347 MGI:6155046 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49416
19 gene 8.892987 8.897890 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923578 Ints5 NCBI_Gene:109077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071652 MGI:1923578 protein coding gene integrator complex subunit 5
19 gene 8.898057 8.916742 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1097667 Ganab NCBI_Gene:14376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071650 MGI:1097667 protein coding gene alpha glucosidase 2 alpha neutral subunit
19 gene 8.918937 8.921842 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595788 Gm36629 NCBI_Gene:102640604 MGI:5595788 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36629
19 gene 8.920374 8.927236 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919977 B3gat3 NCBI_Gene:72727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071649 MGI:1919977 protein coding gene beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (glucuronosyltransferase I)
19 gene 8.927382 8.929356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97998 Rom1 NCBI_Gene:19881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071648 MGI:97998 protein coding gene rod outer segment membrane protein 1
19 gene 8.929552 8.941582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2387612 Eml3 NCBI_Gene:225898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071647 MGI:2387612 protein coding gene echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 3
19 gene 8.936755 8.940896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704491 Gm10353 NCBI_Gene:102640526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114220 MGI:3704491 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10353
19 gene 8.941875 8.952303 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346340 Mta2 NCBI_Gene:23942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071646 MGI:1346340 protein coding gene metastasis-associated gene family, member 2
19 gene 8.953847 8.966210 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917294 Tut1 NCBI_Gene:70044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071645 MGI:1917294 protein coding gene terminal uridylyl transferase 1, U6 snRNA-specific
19 gene 8.967041 8.978479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914410 Eef1g NCBI_Gene:67160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071644 MGI:1914410 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma
19 gene 8.989121 9.076935 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1316648 Ahnak NCBI_Gene:66395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069833 MGI:1316648 protein coding gene AHNAK nucleoprotein (desmoyokin)
19 gene 9.083636 9.087958 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98919 Scgb1a1 NCBI_Gene:22287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024653 MGI:98919 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1A, member 1 (uteroglobin)
19 gene 9.099766 9.102711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624690 Gm41805 NCBI_Gene:105246530 MGI:5624690 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41805
19 gene 9.109868 9.135636 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913764 Asrgl1 NCBI_Gene:66514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024654 MGI:1913764 protein coding gene asparaginase like 1
19 gene 9.135157 9.279175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642669 Gm9750 NCBI_Gene:105246531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024658 MGI:3642669 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9750
19 gene 9.185225 9.187019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621541 Gm38656 NCBI_Gene:102643088 MGI:5621541 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38656
19 pseudogene 9.216311 9.216995 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644748 Gm6252 NCBI_Gene:621699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117804 MGI:3644748 pseudogene predicted gene 6252
19 gene 9.234897 9.234978 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454320 Gm24543 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077055 MGI:5454320 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24543
19 pseudogene 9.283238 9.284495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97505 Pcna-ps2 NCBI_Gene:18540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067608 MGI:97505 pseudogene proliferating cell nuclear antigen pseudogene 2
19 pseudogene 9.323219 9.339986 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780785 Gm2617 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101398 MGI:3780785 pseudogene predicted gene 2617
19 pseudogene 9.557606 9.559248 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3586869 Stxbp3-ps NCBI_Gene:619371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071640 MGI:3586869 pseudogene syntaxin-binding protein 3, pseudogene
19 pseudogene 9.605121 9.614034 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579937 Gm29231 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096818 MGI:5579937 pseudogene predicted gene 29231
19 pseudogene 9.606968 9.608500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779598 Gm6445 NCBI_Gene:623688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100141 MGI:3779598 pseudogene predicted gene 6445
19 pseudogene 9.827117 9.827236 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303180 Gm50320 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117756 MGI:6303180 pseudogene predicted gene, 50320
19 gene 9.828899 9.836897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303181 Gm50321 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118383 MGI:6303181 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50321
19 gene 9.847435 9.852808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780828 Scgb2a2 NCBI_Gene:102639117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096872 MGI:3780828 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2A, member 2
19 gene 9.855319 9.855422 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452146 Gm22369 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076370 MGI:5452146 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22369
19 gene 9.864924 9.868995 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303183 Gm50322 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118138 MGI:6303183 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50322
19 gene 9.872296 9.899551 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1313288 Incenp NCBI_Gene:16319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024660 MGI:1313288 protein coding gene inner centromere protein
19 pseudogene 9.888477 9.889169 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011239 Gm19054 NCBI_Gene:100418173 MGI:5011239 pseudogene predicted gene, 19054
19 gene 9.897500 9.898707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303187 Gm50324 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118325 MGI:6303187 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50324
19 gene 9.899690 9.902661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303216 Gm50340 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118100 MGI:6303216 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50340
19 gene 9.908158 9.908278 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454261 Gm24484 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080659 MGI:5454261 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24484
19 gene 9.924510 9.947628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596072 Gm36913 NCBI_Gene:102640980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118008 MGI:5596072 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36913
19 pseudogene 9.937669 9.937833 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303221 Gm50343 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118065 MGI:6303221 pseudogene predicted gene, 50343
19 gene 9.939266 9.940652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303223 Gm50345 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118183 MGI:6303223 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50345
19 gene 9.941349 9.942832 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303225 Gm50346 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118123 MGI:6303225 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50346
19 gene 9.970121 9.971605 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624691 Gm41806 NCBI_Gene:105246532 MGI:5624691 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41806
19 gene 9.980598 9.985111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95588 Fth1 NCBI_Gene:14319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024661 MGI:95588 protein coding gene ferritin heavy polypeptide 1
19 gene 9.985172 10.001633 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346332 Best1 NCBI_Gene:24115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037418 MGI:1346332 protein coding gene bestrophin 1
19 gene 10.001669 10.038380 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922010 Rab3il1 NCBI_Gene:74760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024663 MGI:1922010 protein coding gene RAB3A interacting protein (rabin3)-like 1
19 gene 10.040855 10.060110 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928740 Fads3 NCBI_Gene:60527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024664 MGI:1928740 protein coding gene fatty acid desaturase 3
19 gene 10.046264 10.047940 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589076 Gm29917 NCBI_Gene:102631622 MGI:5589076 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29917
19 gene 10.062765 10.101746 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930079 Fads2 NCBI_Gene:56473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024665 MGI:1930079 protein coding gene fatty acid desaturase 2
19 pseudogene 10.175854 10.176161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303246 Gm50359 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117700 MGI:6303246 pseudogene predicted gene, 50359
19 gene 10.182888 10.196877 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923517 Fads1 NCBI_Gene:76267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010663 MGI:1923517 protein coding gene fatty acid desaturase 1
19 gene 10.191375 10.191439 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531024 Mir6993 miRBase:MI0022841,NCBI_Gene:102465600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098363 MGI:5531024 miRNA gene microRNA 6993
19 gene 10.198368 10.202384 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704492 Gm10143 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064032 MGI:3704492 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10143
19 gene 10.199132 10.204187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102779 Fen1 NCBI_Gene:14156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024742 MGI:102779 protein coding gene flap structure specific endonuclease 1
19 gene 10.204014 10.207824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916288 Tmem258 NCBI_Gene:69038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036372 MGI:1916288 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 258
19 gene 10.208271 10.240781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684944 Myrf NCBI_Gene:225908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036098 MGI:2684944 protein coding gene myelin regulatory factor
19 gene 10.245265 10.304877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2677061 Dagla NCBI_Gene:269060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035735 MGI:2677061 protein coding gene diacylglycerol lipase, alpha
19 gene 10.290223 10.296440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589201 Gm30042 NCBI_Gene:102631796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118330 MGI:5589201 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30042
19 gene 10.362065 10.366277 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589422 Gm30263 NCBI_Gene:102632100 MGI:5589422 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30263
19 gene 10.388781 10.453181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859545 Syt7 NCBI_Gene:54525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024743 MGI:1859545 protein coding gene synaptotagmin VII
19 gene 10.389130 10.391735 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477353 Gm26859 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097862 MGI:5477353 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26859
19 gene 10.439897 10.442652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303093 Gm50268 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118310 MGI:6303093 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50268
19 gene 10.455371 10.457473 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685551 Lrrc10b NCBI_Gene:278795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090291 MGI:2685551 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 10B
19 gene 10.474235 10.491452 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915002 Ppp1r32 NCBI_Gene:67752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035179 MGI:1915002 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 32
19 gene 10.500512 10.526142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913322 Sdhaf2 NCBI_Gene:66072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024668 MGI:1913322 protein coding gene succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 2
19 gene 10.525244 10.547735 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917826 Cpsf7 NCBI_Gene:269061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034820 MGI:1917826 protein coding gene cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 7
19 gene 10.533865 10.556303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920020 Tmem216 NCBI_Gene:68642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024667 MGI:1920020 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 216
19 gene 10.570478 10.577386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920232 Tmem138 NCBI_Gene:72982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024666 MGI:1920232 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 138
19 gene 10.573512 10.576545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302988 Gm50205 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117955 MGI:6302988 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50205
19 gene 10.577157 10.595961 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686925 Cyb561a3 NCBI_Gene:225912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034445 MGI:2686925 protein coding gene cytochrome b561 family, member A3
19 gene 10.587791 10.605654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385084 Tkfc NCBI_Gene:225913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034371 MGI:2385084 protein coding gene triokinase, FMN cyclase
19 gene 10.605327 10.629822 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1202384 Ddb1 NCBI_Gene:13194,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024740 MGI:1202384 protein coding gene damage specific DNA binding protein 1
19 gene 10.634213 10.666213 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919018 Vwce NCBI_Gene:71768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043789 MGI:1919018 protein coding gene von Willebrand factor C and EGF domains
19 gene 10.645690 10.648053 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922346 4930524O05Rik NCBI_Gene:75096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118392 MGI:1922346 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930524O05 gene
19 gene 10.668956 10.678071 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915935 Pga5 NCBI_Gene:58803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024738 MGI:1915935 protein coding gene pepsinogen 5, group I
19 gene 10.684793 10.685558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919555 2210404E10Rik NCBI_Gene:72305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114772 MGI:1919555 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2210404E10 gene
19 gene 10.688728 10.714628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147661 Vps37c NCBI_Gene:107305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048832 MGI:2147661 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 37C
19 gene 10.717116 10.739026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88340 Cd5 NCBI_Gene:12507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024669 MGI:88340 protein coding gene CD5 antigen
19 gene 10.740947 10.786043 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685520 A430093F15Rik NCBI_Gene:403202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067577 MGI:2685520 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A430093F15 gene
19 gene 10.789339 10.830063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103566 Cd6 NCBI_Gene:12511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024670 MGI:103566 protein coding gene CD6 antigen
19 gene 10.839727 10.859362 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929691 Slc15a3 NCBI_Gene:65221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024737 MGI:1929691 protein coding gene solute carrier family 15, member 3
19 gene 10.840163 10.841762 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641658 Gm10802 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118027 MGI:3641658 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10802
19 gene 10.857822 10.869940 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147810 Tmem132a NCBI_Gene:98170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024736 MGI:2147810 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 132A
19 gene 10.870657 10.882001 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915789 Tmem109 NCBI_Gene:68539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034659 MGI:1915789 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 109
19 gene 10.895231 10.909559 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106247 Prpf19 NCBI_Gene:28000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024735 MGI:106247 protein coding gene pre-mRNA processing factor 19
19 gene 10.914287 10.920632 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103073 Zp1 NCBI_Gene:22786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024734 MGI:103073 protein coding gene zona pellucida glycoprotein 1
19 gene 10.927861 10.942511 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330275 Ptgdr2 NCBI_Gene:14764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034117 MGI:1330275 protein coding gene prostaglandin D2 receptor 2
19 gene 10.941481 10.949266 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277220 Ccdc86 NCBI_Gene:108673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024732 MGI:1277220 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 86
19 gene 10.962289 10.974725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917076 Ms4a10 NCBI_Gene:69826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024731 MGI:1917076 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 10
19 gene 10.978303 10.993518 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3617853 Ms4a15 NCBI_Gene:545279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067571 MGI:3617853 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 15
19 gene 10.997024 11.018031 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923252 Ms4a18 NCBI_Gene:76002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094584 MGI:1923252 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 18
19 gene 11.035415 11.037635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579053 Gm28347 NCBI_Gene:102632179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101264 MGI:5579053 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28347
19 gene 11.047612 11.055808 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147706 AW112010 NCBI_Gene:107350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075010 MGI:2147706 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AW112010
19 gene 11.067471 11.081103 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927657 Ms4a8a NCBI_Gene:64381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024730 MGI:1927657 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 8A
19 pseudogene 11.090596 11.092077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685182 Gm336 NCBI_Gene:240539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101439 MGI:2685182 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 336
19 gene 11.096814 11.130889 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916619 1700017D01Rik NCBI_Gene:69369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024729 MGI:1916619 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700017D01 gene
19 pseudogene 11.121344 11.122425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645570 Gm6501 NCBI_Gene:624395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099998 MGI:3645570 pseudogene predicted gene 6501
19 gene 11.139662 11.165628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916666 1700025F22Rik NCBI_Gene:69416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024728 MGI:1916666 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700025F22 gene
19 gene 11.169418 11.196934 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920716 Ms4a13 NCBI_Gene:73466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057240 MGI:1920716 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 13
19 gene 11.196817 11.299886 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922388 4930526L06Rik NCBI_Gene:75138,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097091 MGI:1922388 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930526L06 gene
19 gene 11.214082 11.232482 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685812 Ms4a12 NCBI_Gene:381213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101031 MGI:2685812 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 12
19 gene 11.249675 11.266241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88321 Ms4a1 NCBI_Gene:12482,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024673 MGI:88321 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 1
19 gene 11.273238 11.283895 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2670985 Ms4a5 NCBI_Gene:269063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054523 MGI:2670985 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 5
19 gene 11.301249 11.315875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686122 Ms4a14 NCBI_Gene:383435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099398 MGI:2686122 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 14
19 gene 11.321039 11.336146 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918846 Ms4a7 NCBI_Gene:109225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024672 MGI:1918846 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 7
19 gene 11.362278 11.363890 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579641 Gm28935 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100392 MGI:5579641 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28935
19 gene 11.375488 11.392915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643932 Ms4a4a NCBI_Gene:666907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101389 MGI:3643932 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4A
19 pseudogene 11.403948 11.405004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646968 Gm5692 NCBI_Gene:435588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101024 MGI:3646968 pseudogene predicted gene 5692
19 gene 11.404717 11.427246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1927656 Ms4a4c NCBI_Gene:64380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024675 MGI:1927656 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4C
19 pseudogene 11.438029 11.438832 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779492 Gm5511 NCBI_Gene:433221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100615 MGI:3779492 pseudogene predicted gene 5511
19 gene 11.443553 11.467055 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913083 Ms4a4b NCBI_Gene:60361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056290 MGI:1913083 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4B
19 gene 11.469041 11.487069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385644 Ms4a6c NCBI_Gene:73656,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079419 MGI:2385644 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 6C
19 gene 11.470166 11.484578 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3035348 BE692007 NCBI_Gene:100504727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099757 MGI:3035348 lncRNA gene expressed sequence BE692007
19 gene 11.485938 11.512577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645380 Gm8369 NCBI_Gene:666926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058470 MGI:3645380 protein coding gene predicted gene 8369
19 gene 11.516211 11.516953 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011446 Gm19261 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100529 MGI:5011446 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19261
19 gene 11.516512 11.531256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917024 Ms4a6b NCBI_Gene:69774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024677 MGI:1917024 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 6B
19 gene 11.536801 11.558467 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913857 Ms4a4d NCBI_Gene:66607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024678 MGI:1913857 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 4D
19 pseudogene 11.569439 11.573112 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641904 Gm10212 NCBI_Gene:101055836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067555 MGI:3641904 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10212
19 gene 11.582826 11.584357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611503 Gm38275 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104088 MGI:5611503 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38275
19 gene 11.586604 11.604849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916024 Ms4a6d NCBI_Gene:68774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024679 MGI:1916024 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 6D
19 gene 11.607389 11.607438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454376 Gm24599 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088598 MGI:5454376 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24599
19 gene 11.615517 11.623790 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95495 Ms4a2 NCBI_Gene:14126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024680 MGI:95495 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 2
19 gene 11.629496 11.640851 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2158468 Ms4a3 NCBI_Gene:170813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024681 MGI:2158468 protein coding gene membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 3
19 gene 11.647279 11.660559 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684945 Oosp2 NCBI_Gene:225922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055895 MGI:2684945 protein coding gene oocyte secreted protein 2
19 gene 11.667460 11.691150 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2149290 Oosp1 NCBI_Gene:170834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041857 MGI:2149290 protein coding gene oocyte secreted protein 1
19 gene 11.695041 11.695179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455960 Gm26183 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088310 MGI:5455960 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26183
19 gene 11.695267 11.695342 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455220 Gm25443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089625 MGI:5455220 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25443
19 gene 11.697055 11.711874 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684943 Oosp3 NCBI_Gene:225923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055933 MGI:2684943 protein coding gene oocyte secreted protein 3
19 pseudogene 11.703309 11.704101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011409 Gm19224 NCBI_Gene:100418458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100918 MGI:5011409 pseudogene predicted gene, 19224
19 gene 11.747543 11.763447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1202394 Cblif NCBI_Gene:14603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024682 MGI:1202394 protein coding gene cobalamin binding intrinsic factor
19 gene 11.760943 11.763189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826292 Gm46655 NCBI_Gene:108168416 MGI:5826292 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46655
19 gene 11.770391 11.774960 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2137219 Mrpl16 NCBI_Gene:94063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024683 MGI:2137219 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L16
19 gene 11.775118 11.819886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103077 Stx3 NCBI_Gene:20908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041488 MGI:103077 protein coding gene syntaxin 3
19 gene 11.818245 11.831258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624695 Gm41810 NA NA lncRNA gene predicted gene%2c 41810
19 gene 11.826803 11.839219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031251 Olfr1417 NCBI_Gene:258938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048292 MGI:3031251 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1417
19 gene 11.852587 11.861066 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031252 Olfr1418 NCBI_Gene:258227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060556 MGI:3031252 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1418
19 pseudogene 11.864436 11.864634 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753695 Gm45119 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108966 MGI:5753695 pseudogene predicted gene 45119
19 gene 11.868613 11.875106 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031253 Olfr1419 NCBI_Gene:257938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067545 MGI:3031253 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1419
19 pseudogene 11.876645 11.878668 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643502 Gm6365 NCBI_Gene:622845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051548 MGI:3643502 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6365
19 gene 11.886565 11.898079 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031254 Olfr1420 NCBI_Gene:258405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060878 MGI:3031254 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1420
19 gene 11.895522 11.912231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590251 Gm31092 NCBI_Gene:102633205 MGI:5590251 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31092
19 gene 11.912399 11.945096 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147679 Patl1 NCBI_Gene:225929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046139 MGI:2147679 protein coding gene protein associated with topoisomerase II homolog 1 (yeast)
19 gene 11.923728 11.923800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5562752 Mir6994 miRBase:MI0022842,NCBI_Gene:102465601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104979 MGI:5562752 miRNA gene microRNA 6994
19 gene 11.933495 11.933628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452049 Gm22272 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077227 MGI:5452049 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22272
19 pseudogene 11.958619 11.958994 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826280 Gm46643 NCBI_Gene:108168403 MGI:5826280 pseudogene predicted gene, 46643
19 gene 11.965844 11.994114 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97447 Osbp NCBI_Gene:76303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024687 MGI:97447 protein coding gene oxysterol binding protein
19 gene 12.002236 12.002308 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414001 n-TFgaa6 NCBI_Gene:102467583 MGI:4414001 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA pheylalanine 6 (anticodon GAA)
19 gene 12.006039 12.006111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413976 n-TKctt29 NCBI_Gene:102467572 MGI:4413976 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 29 (anticodon TTT)
19 gene 12.008545 12.008617 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413997 n-TFgaa2 NCBI_Gene:102467361 MGI:4413997 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA pheylalanine 2 (anticodon GAA)
19 gene 12.009696 12.009768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413977 n-TKctt30 NCBI_Gene:102467353 MGI:4413977 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 30 (anticodon TTT)
19 gene 12.010115 12.018404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590310 Gm31151 NCBI_Gene:102633290 MGI:5590310 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31151
19 gene 12.011086 12.011168 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413944 n-TLtaa4 NCBI_Gene:102467632 MGI:4413944 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA leucine 4 (anticodon TAA)
19 gene 12.011588 12.011673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413734 n-TRtct1 NCBI_Gene:102467472 MGI:4413734 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA arginine 1 (anticodon TCT)
19 gene 12.011931 12.012003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414104 n-TVtac1 NCBI_Gene:102467626 MGI:4414104 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA valine 1 (anticodon TAC)
19 gene 12.012266 12.012338 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414105 n-TVtac2 NCBI_Gene:102467409 MGI:4414105 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA valine 2 (anticodon TAC)
19 pseudogene 12.020175 12.020403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031255 Olfr1421-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109030 MGI:3031255 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1421, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 12.020505 12.020562 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753691 Gm45115 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109047 MGI:5753691 pseudogene predicted gene 45115
19 pseudogene 12.020614 12.021763 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031256 Olfr1422-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108947 MGI:3031256 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1422, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 12.026646 12.026920 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753692 Gm45116 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109223 MGI:5753692 pseudogene predicted gene 45116
19 gene 12.031787 12.041317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031257 Olfr1423 NCBI_Gene:258675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067529 MGI:3031257 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1423
19 pseudogene 12.037731 12.037824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753435 Gm44859 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109417 MGI:5753435 pseudogene predicted gene 44859
19 gene 12.058624 12.062682 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031258 Olfr1424 NCBI_Gene:258676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067528 MGI:3031258 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1424
19 gene 12.073234 12.077731 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031259 Olfr1425 NCBI_Gene:258155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067526 MGI:3031259 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1425
19 gene 12.086746 12.092013 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031260 Olfr1426 NCBI_Gene:258805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044994 MGI:3031260 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1426
19 gene 12.098006 12.103334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031261 Olfr1427 NCBI_Gene:258674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067525 MGI:3031261 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1427
19 gene 12.107716 12.115897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031262 Olfr1428 NCBI_Gene:258673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067524 MGI:3031262 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1428
19 gene 12.117996 12.123203 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2153205 Olfr76 NCBI_Gene:258677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067522 MGI:2153205 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 76
19 pseudogene 12.164424 12.170112 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031389 Olfr1555-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108889 MGI:3031389 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1555, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 12.177607 12.178523 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031264 Olfr1430-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109410 MGI:3031264 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1430, pseudogene 1
19 gene 12.200634 12.212191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031265 Olfr1431 NCBI_Gene:258409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094133 MGI:3031265 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1431
19 gene 12.227755 12.232596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031266 Olfr1432 NCBI_Gene:257961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109022 MGI:3031266 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1432
19 gene 12.240721 12.241659 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030096 Olfr262 NCBI_Gene:258683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067519 MGI:3030096 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 262
19 pseudogene 12.247491 12.247646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477358 Gm26864 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097646 MGI:5477358 pseudogene predicted gene, 26864
19 gene 12.261032 12.270387 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030069 Olfr235 NCBI_Gene:258681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060049 MGI:3030069 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 235
19 pseudogene 12.273011 12.275157 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5009988 Gm17802 NCBI_Gene:100286833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118093 MGI:5009988 pseudogene predicted gene, 17802
19 gene 12.279854 12.285626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031268 Olfr1434 NCBI_Gene:258680,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095640 MGI:3031268 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1434
19 pseudogene 12.289854 12.290306 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031269 Olfr1435-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109433 MGI:3031269 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1435, pseudogene 1
19 gene 12.298183 12.299130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031270 Olfr1436 NCBI_Gene:258682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067513 MGI:3031270 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1436
19 pseudogene 12.314874 12.315027 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753434 Gm44858 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109229 MGI:5753434 pseudogene predicted gene 44858
19 gene 12.319207 12.325101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031271 Olfr1437 NCBI_Gene:258117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096436 MGI:3031271 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1437
19 pseudogene 12.329422 12.335910 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031272 Olfr1438-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109328 MGI:3031272 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1438, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 12.339738 12.341142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031273 Olfr1439-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109007 MGI:3031273 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1439, pseudogene 1
19 gene 12.387279 12.401584 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031274 Olfr1440 NCBI_Gene:258679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046650 MGI:3031274 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1440
19 gene 12.417433 12.423569 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031275 Olfr1441 NCBI_Gene:258678,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050815 MGI:3031275 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1441
19 gene 12.427905 12.432110 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1860266 Pfpl NCBI_Gene:56093,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040065 MGI:1860266 protein coding gene pore forming protein-like
19 gene 12.460709 12.465285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333743 Mpeg1 NCBI_Gene:17476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046805 MGI:1333743 protein coding gene macrophage expressed gene 1
19 gene 12.466329 12.502201 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2672905 Dtx4 NCBI_Gene:207521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039982 MGI:2672905 protein coding gene deltex 4, E3 ubiquitin ligase
19 gene 12.517915 12.596566 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3698434 A330040F15Rik NCBI_Gene:74333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086213 MGI:3698434 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330040F15 gene
19 gene 12.517921 12.524338 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590367 Gm31208 NCBI_Gene:102633365 MGI:5590367 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31208
19 gene 12.519800 12.523576 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096066 Gm47243 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114644 MGI:6096066 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47243
19 pseudogene 12.528755 12.530540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643874 Gm6545 NCBI_Gene:625046,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111118 MGI:3643874 pseudogene predicted gene 6545
19 gene 12.539588 12.540823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6096064 Gm47242 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114761 MGI:6096064 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47242
19 gene 12.545740 12.589769 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915508 Fam111a NCBI_Gene:107373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024691 MGI:1915508 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 111, member A
19 pseudogene 12.568188 12.568836 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826552 Gm16274 NCBI_Gene:100418049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084836 MGI:3826552 pseudogene predicted gene 16274
19 gene 12.595749 12.598309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921583 4122401K19Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4122401K19 gene
19 gene 12.599974 12.628251 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643569 Gm4952 NCBI_Gene:240549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071633 MGI:3643569 protein coding gene predicted gene 4952
19 gene 12.633308 12.653911 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147502 Glyat NCBI_Gene:107146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063683 MGI:2147502 protein coding gene glycine-N-acyltransferase
19 gene 12.665255 12.665361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454298 Gm24521 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065892 MGI:5454298 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24521
19 gene 12.670439 12.677277 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031276 Olfr1442 NCBI_Gene:258692,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044441 MGI:3031276 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1442
19 gene 12.678112 12.683851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031277 Olfr1443 NCBI_Gene:258693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045030 MGI:3031277 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1443
19 pseudogene 12.681771 12.681915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6215285 Gm49772 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109309 MGI:6215285 pseudogene predicted gene, 49772
19 gene 12.695786 12.719902 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928492 Keg1 NCBI_Gene:64697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024694 MGI:1928492 protein coding gene kidney expressed gene 1
19 gene 12.706055 12.721247 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802141 Gm15962 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084981 MGI:3802141 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15962
19 pseudogene 12.713227 12.713948 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010728 Gm18543 NCBI_Gene:100417340 MGI:5010728 pseudogene predicted gene, 18543
19 gene 12.763528 12.765632 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88439 Cntf NCBI_Gene:12803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079415 MGI:88439 protein coding gene ciliary neurotrophic factor
19 gene 12.763528 12.796123 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3845910 Gm44505 NCBI_Gene:664779 MGI:3845910 lncRNA gene predicted readthrough transcript (NMD candidate), 44505
19 gene 12.763660 12.796126 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104854 Zfp91 NCBI_Gene:109910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024695 MGI:104854 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 91
19 gene 12.796193 12.833808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147677 Lpxn NCBI_Gene:107321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024696 MGI:2147677 protein coding gene leupaxin
19 gene 12.846682 12.847424 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646958 Gm5244 NCBI_Gene:383436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091014 MGI:3646958 protein coding gene predicted pseudogene 5244
19 gene 12.857283 12.863440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031278 Olfr1444 NCBI_Gene:258697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046272 MGI:3031278 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1444
19 gene 12.883855 12.884855 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031279 Olfr1445 NCBI_Gene:258694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045126 MGI:3031279 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1445
19 gene 12.888266 12.893524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031280 Olfr1446 NCBI_Gene:258699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057817 MGI:3031280 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1446
19 gene 12.899434 12.903743 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031281 Olfr1447 NCBI_Gene:258698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060303 MGI:3031281 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1447
19 pseudogene 12.905231 12.906993 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645436 Gm5512 NCBI_Gene:433224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000112693 MGI:3645436 pseudogene predicted gene 5512
19 gene 12.916661 12.924419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031282 Olfr1448 NCBI_Gene:258696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048456 MGI:3031282 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1448
19 gene 12.930840 12.935752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031283 Olfr1449 NCBI_Gene:258300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049498 MGI:3031283 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1449
19 gene 12.950258 12.956406 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031284 Olfr1450 NCBI_Gene:258368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062892 MGI:3031284 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1450
19 gene 12.995014 13.000417 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031285 Olfr1451 NCBI_Gene:258700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046913 MGI:3031285 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1451
19 pseudogene 13.011704 13.012668 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011317 Gm19132 NCBI_Gene:100418307 MGI:5011317 pseudogene predicted gene, 19132
19 pseudogene 13.016225 13.017149 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031286 Olfr1452-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109148 MGI:3031286 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 1452, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.027404 13.028327 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031287 Olfr1453 NCBI_Gene:258695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094755 MGI:3031287 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1453
19 gene 13.060610 13.067157 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031288 Olfr1454 NCBI_Gene:258687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094986 MGI:3031288 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1454
19 pseudogene 13.068904 13.069677 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031289 Olfr1455-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109126 MGI:3031289 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1455, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.078637 13.079335 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031290 Olfr1456-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404516,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067482 MGI:3031290 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1456, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.093379 13.097891 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031291 Olfr1457 NCBI_Gene:258568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061637 MGI:3031291 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1457
19 gene 13.101593 13.106775 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031292 Olfr1458 NCBI_Gene:667271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062844 MGI:3031292 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1458
19 gene 13.138021 13.149549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031293 Olfr1459 NCBI_Gene:258684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057503 MGI:3031293 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1459
19 pseudogene 13.158191 13.159316 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031294 Olfr1460-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109415 MGI:3031294 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1460, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.163000 13.168130 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031295 Olfr1461 NCBI_Gene:258299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045883 MGI:3031295 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1461
19 gene 13.185734 13.193775 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031296 Olfr1462 NCBI_Gene:258688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094721 MGI:3031296 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1462
19 gene 13.231328 13.236400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031297 Olfr1463 NCBI_Gene:258120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096365 MGI:3031297 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1463
19 pseudogene 13.282134 13.283056 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031298 Olfr1464-ps1 NCBI_Gene:667300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109100 MGI:3031298 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 1464, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.301001 13.301107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452220 Gm22443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064824 MGI:5452220 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22443
19 gene 13.312768 13.315541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031299 Olfr1465 NCBI_Gene:258121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062199 MGI:3031299 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1465
19 gene 13.338862 13.343572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031300 Olfr1466 NCBI_Gene:258689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096485 MGI:3031300 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1466
19 gene 13.362236 13.368054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031301 Olfr1467 NCBI_Gene:258686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049015 MGI:3031301 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1467
19 pseudogene 13.371854 13.376066 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031302 Olfr1468-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258192,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109544 MGI:3031302 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 1468, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.403157 13.403640 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753425 Gm44849 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108881 MGI:5753425 pseudogene predicted gene 44849
19 gene 13.407849 13.414540 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031303 Olfr1469 NCBI_Gene:258690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063777 MGI:3031303 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1469
19 pseudogene 13.434147 13.435095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031304 Olfr1470-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258119,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109230 MGI:3031304 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1470, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.443409 13.451527 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031305 Olfr1471 NCBI_Gene:258231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096320 MGI:3031305 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1471
19 gene 13.453280 13.456086 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031306 Olfr1472 NCBI_Gene:258685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095189 MGI:3031306 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1472
19 pseudogene 13.462678 13.463635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031307 Olfr1473-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109573 MGI:3031307 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1473, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.469565 13.472157 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031308 Olfr1474 NCBI_Gene:258123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096273 MGI:3031308 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1474
19 gene 13.479252 13.480196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031309 Olfr1475 NCBI_Gene:258298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096708 MGI:3031309 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1475
19 pseudogene 13.488309 13.488741 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031310 Olfr1476-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404517,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109189 MGI:3031310 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1476, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.500546 13.506192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031311 Olfr1477 NCBI_Gene:258691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071629 MGI:3031311 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1477
19 pseudogene 13.505325 13.505715 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031312 Olfr1478-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109184 MGI:3031312 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1478, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.511433 13.511931 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031313 Olfr1479-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108887 MGI:3031313 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1479, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.512553 13.515138 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781367 Gm3188 NCBI_Gene:100041185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118174 MGI:3781367 pseudogene predicted gene 3188
19 gene 13.527913 13.531275 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031314 Olfr1480 NCBI_Gene:404339,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095484 MGI:3031314 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1480
19 pseudogene 13.535390 13.535725 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031315 Olfr1481-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108945 MGI:3031315 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1481, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.563036 13.563213 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031316 Olfr1482-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109319 MGI:3031316 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1482, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.566758 13.567178 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031317 Olfr1483-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404522,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108974 MGI:3031317 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1483, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.583511 13.588832 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031318 Olfr1484 NCBI_Gene:258288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096289 MGI:3031318 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1484
19 pseudogene 13.588290 13.588659 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031319 Olfr1485-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109496 MGI:3031319 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1485, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.593860 13.594231 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031320 Olfr1486-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109343 MGI:3031320 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1486, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.595018 13.596063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779948 Gm9538 NCBI_Gene:671653 MGI:3779948 pseudogene predicted gene 9538
19 gene 13.599660 13.599768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452100 Gm22323 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094077 MGI:5452100 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22323
19 gene 13.604999 13.605107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453708 Gm23931 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096298 MGI:5453708 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23931
19 gene 13.617375 13.623072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031321 Olfr1487 NCBI_Gene:258629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094846 MGI:3031321 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1487
19 pseudogene 13.625625 13.625944 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031322 Olfr1488-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109285 MGI:3031322 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1488, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.631621 13.643987 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031323 Olfr1489 NCBI_Gene:258628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045678 MGI:3031323 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1489
19 gene 13.635583 13.635714 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453901 Gm24124 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077291 MGI:5453901 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24124
19 gene 13.651091 13.659545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031324 Olfr1490 NCBI_Gene:258098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061387 MGI:3031324 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1490
19 gene 13.697268 13.706127 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031325 Olfr1491 NCBI_Gene:258342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051156 MGI:3031325 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1491
19 pseudogene 13.718013 13.718877 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031326 Olfr1492-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109527 MGI:3031326 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1492, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 13.723278 13.727983 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031327 Olfr1493-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109520 MGI:3031327 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1493, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.739728 13.750479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031328 Olfr1494 NCBI_Gene:258992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050865 MGI:3031328 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1494
19 gene 13.764606 13.770248 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031329 Olfr1495 NCBI_Gene:258341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047207 MGI:3031329 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1495
19 gene 13.777878 13.782920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031330 Olfr1496 NCBI_Gene:258991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048356 MGI:3031330 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1496
19 pseudogene 13.791965 13.792514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011403 Gm19218 NCBI_Gene:100418446 MGI:5011403 pseudogene predicted gene, 19218
19 gene 13.794324 13.798202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031331 Olfr1497 NCBI_Gene:258736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044040 MGI:3031331 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1497
19 pseudogene 13.804428 13.806257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031332 Olfr1498-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109530 MGI:3031332 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1498, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.814275 13.819447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031333 Olfr1499 NCBI_Gene:258792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045395 MGI:3031333 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1499
19 gene 13.826882 13.830488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031334 Olfr1500 NCBI_Gene:258097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054526 MGI:3031334 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1500
19 gene 13.835033 13.850692 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031335 Olfr1501 NCBI_Gene:258626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057270 MGI:3031335 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1501
19 gene 13.861795 13.862745 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031336 Olfr1502 NCBI_Gene:258793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056858 MGI:3031336 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1502
19 pseudogene 13.877451 13.878253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031337 Olfr1503-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058078 MGI:3031337 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1503, pseudogene 1
19 gene 13.886920 13.897928 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031338 Olfr1504 NCBI_Gene:258627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059105 MGI:3031338 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1504
19 gene 13.913530 13.921866 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031339 Olfr1505 NCBI_Gene:258151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062314 MGI:3031339 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1505
19 pseudogene 13.938563 13.939288 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761697 Vmn2r-ps135 NCBI_Gene:100124582 MGI:3761697 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 135
19 pseudogene 14.017583 14.018371 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504108 Gm26993 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098074 MGI:5504108 pseudogene predicted gene, 26993
19 gene 14.083631 14.084378 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922297 4930504B16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930504B16 gene
19 gene 14.090247 14.096731 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590490 Gm31331 NCBI_Gene:102633524 MGI:5590490 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31331
19 gene 14.397487 14.435950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647677 Gm8630 NCBI_Gene:667433 MGI:3647677 unclassified gene predicted gene 8630
19 gene 14.448072 14.598183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104633 Tle4 NCBI_Gene:21888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024642 MGI:104633 protein coding gene transducin-like enhancer of split 4
19 gene 14.564458 14.566993 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590600 Gm31441 NCBI_Gene:102633674 MGI:5590600 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31441
19 gene 14.658667 14.658933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611225 Gm37997 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103488 MGI:5611225 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37997
19 gene 14.718358 14.718480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455803 Gm26026 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084675 MGI:5455803 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26026
19 pseudogene 14.959002 14.960782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645437 Gm5513 NCBI_Gene:433225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063586 MGI:3645437 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5513
19 pseudogene 15.193521 15.194233 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647037 Gm7159 NCBI_Gene:635497 MGI:3647037 pseudogene predicted gene 7159
19 gene 15.290167 15.340387 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826282 Gm46645 NCBI_Gene:108168406 MGI:5826282 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46645
19 pseudogene 15.362335 15.362870 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104962 Pomc-ps1 NCBI_Gene:18977 MGI:104962 pseudogene pro-opiomelanocortin, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 15.458964 15.459672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011482 Selenok-ps3 NCBI_Gene:100502633 MGI:5011482 pseudogene selenoprotein K, pseudogene 3
19 gene 15.599131 15.632101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590753 Gm31594 NCBI_Gene:102633870 MGI:5590753 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31594
19 gene 15.636548 15.662923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826302 Gm46665 NCBI_Gene:108168427 MGI:5826302 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46665
19 gene 15.659946 15.664346 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590892 Gm31733 NCBI_Gene:102634054 MGI:5590892 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31733
19 gene 15.680004 15.680110 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454096 Gm24319 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094850 MGI:5454096 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24319
19 gene 15.803058 15.807653 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303228 Gm50348 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117995 MGI:6303228 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50348
19 gene 15.904678 15.947337 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2183441 Psat1 NCBI_Gene:107272,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024640 MGI:2183441 protein coding gene phosphoserine aminotransferase 1
19 pseudogene 15.943610 15.944165 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781507 Gm3329 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090147 MGI:3781507 pseudogene predicted gene 3329
19 gene 15.955770 15.985016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924386 Cep78 NCBI_Gene:208518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041491 MGI:1924386 protein coding gene centrosomal protein 78
19 gene 15.985075 16.010912 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041192 C130060C02Rik NCBI_Gene:100502653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097557 MGI:3041192 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C130060C02 gene
19 pseudogene 16.025451 16.025762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646957 Rpl37-ps1 NCBI_Gene:383438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117711 MGI:3646957 pseudogene ribosomal protein 37, pseudogene 1
19 gene 16.064113 16.090591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591185 Gm32026 NCBI_Gene:102634445 MGI:5591185 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32026
19 gene 16.132831 16.387463 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95776 Gnaq NCBI_Gene:14682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024639 MGI:95776 protein coding gene guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha q polypeptide
19 pseudogene 16.164098 16.170458 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442009 E030024N20Rik NCBI_Gene:595139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057990 MGI:2442009 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA E030024N20 gene
19 pseudogene 16.266432 16.267635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642135 Gm10819 NCBI_Gene:624438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075268 MGI:3642135 pseudogene predicted gene 10819
19 pseudogene 16.277779 16.278974 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937895 Gm17068 NCBI_Gene:100158259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078528 MGI:4937895 pseudogene predicted gene 17068
19 gene 16.314892 16.315004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531410 Mir496b miRBase:MI0021942,NCBI_Gene:102465218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098718 MGI:5531410 miRNA gene microRNA 496b
19 pseudogene 16.413431 16.414290 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011497 Gm19312 NCBI_Gene:100502667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118142 MGI:5011497 pseudogene predicted gene, 19312
19 gene 16.415826 16.422829 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303250 Gm50362 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118033 MGI:6303250 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50362
19 gene 16.435667 16.610820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95769 Gna14 NCBI_Gene:14675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024697 MGI:95769 protein coding gene guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha 14
19 pseudogene 16.477107 16.491122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643833 Gm8222 NCBI_Gene:666665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117699 MGI:3643833 pseudogene predicted gene 8222
19 pseudogene 16.572160 16.572468 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303252 Gm50363 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118023 MGI:6303252 pseudogene predicted gene, 50363
19 gene 16.580085 16.583462 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624696 Gm41811 NCBI_Gene:105246537 MGI:5624696 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41811
19 gene 16.612196 16.614869 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442532 E230008J23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E230008J23 gene
19 gene 16.615366 16.781878 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444304 Vps13a NCBI_Gene:271564,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046230 MGI:2444304 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 13A
19 pseudogene 16.715686 16.716289 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591415 Gm32256 NCBI_Gene:102634749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114931 MGI:5591415 pseudogene predicted gene, 32256
19 pseudogene 16.780547 16.781103 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3708646 Gm9806 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046388 MGI:3708646 pseudogene predicted gene 9806
19 gene 16.871092 16.925014 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591500 Gm32341 NCBI_Gene:102634857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118126 MGI:5591500 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32341
19 gene 16.872316 16.873830 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347468 Foxb2 NCBI_Gene:14240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056829 MGI:1347468 protein coding gene forkhead box B2
19 gene 16.955670 17.223932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925004 Prune2 NCBI_Gene:353211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039126 MGI:1925004 protein coding gene prune homolog 2
19 gene 17.056781 17.057187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531352 Gm27970 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098298 MGI:5531352 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27970
19 gene 17.060137 17.060397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531178 Gm27796 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099316 MGI:5531178 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27796
19 gene 17.238047 17.240669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303107 Gm50276 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117941 MGI:6303107 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50276
19 gene 17.244010 17.256488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303109 Gm50277 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118367 MGI:6303109 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50277
19 pseudogene 17.265984 17.266338 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303114 Gm50280 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117946 MGI:6303114 pseudogene predicted gene, 50280
19 gene 17.326141 17.372844 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95676 Gcnt1 NCBI_Gene:14537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038843 MGI:95676 protein coding gene glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 1, core 2
19 gene 17.394043 17.401349 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914688 Rfk NCBI_Gene:54391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024712 MGI:1914688 protein coding gene riboflavin kinase
19 gene 17.432314 17.837632 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97515 Pcsk5 NCBI_Gene:18552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024713 MGI:97515 protein coding gene proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5
19 gene 17.536046 17.555945 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624698 Gm41813 NCBI_Gene:105246539 MGI:5624698 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41813
19 gene 17.573784 17.580645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624697 Gm41812 NCBI_Gene:105246538 MGI:5624697 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41812
19 gene 17.632559 17.633491 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925784 C430005N20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C430005N20 gene
19 pseudogene 17.692763 17.693534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010004 Gm17819 NCBI_Gene:100310868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118270 MGI:5010004 pseudogene predicted gene, 17819
19 gene 17.865317 17.865419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452657 Gm22880 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088370 MGI:5452657 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22880
19 gene 17.873829 17.893500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302952 Gm50181 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118079 MGI:6302952 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50181
19 gene 17.891959 17.892051 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452840 Gm23063 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076305 MGI:5452840 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23063
19 pseudogene 17.926557 17.928613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2388571 Eef1a1-ps1 NCBI_Gene:235503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117822 MGI:2388571 pseudogene eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1, pseudogene 1
19 gene 17.928111 17.928226 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452838 Gm23061 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076303 MGI:5452838 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23061
19 gene 18.028111 18.040803 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302954 Gm50182 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117687 MGI:6302954 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50182
19 pseudogene 18.205148 18.205795 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010795 Gm18610 NCBI_Gene:100417435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117774 MGI:5010795 pseudogene predicted gene, 18610
19 pseudogene 18.480076 18.480748 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302956 Gm50183 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118192 MGI:6302956 pseudogene predicted gene, 50183
19 gene 18.516137 18.631823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_700012 Ostf1 NCBI_Gene:20409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024725 MGI:700012 protein coding gene osteoclast stimulating factor 1
19 pseudogene 18.565138 18.565755 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779480 Rpl29-ps6 NCBI_Gene:383440 MGI:3779480 pseudogene ribosomal protein L29, pseudogene 6
19 pseudogene 18.581455 18.582228 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647615 Gm8250 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080783 MGI:3647615 pseudogene predicted gene 8250
19 gene 18.627447 18.627921 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147638 1110034N17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1110034N17 gene
19 gene 18.631950 18.652428 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147434 Nmrk1 NCBI_Gene:225994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037847 MGI:2147434 protein coding gene nicotinamide riboside kinase 1
19 gene 18.670734 18.707201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914633 Carnmt1 NCBI_Gene:67383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024726 MGI:1914633 protein coding gene carnosine N-methyltransferase 1
19 gene 18.705798 18.707200 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918901 4930447K04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930447K04 gene
19 gene 18.712849 18.718429 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3583960 D030056L22Rik NCBI_Gene:225995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047044 MGI:3583960 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA D030056L22 gene
19 gene 18.730177 18.892521 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2675603 Trpm6 NCBI_Gene:225997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024727 MGI:2675603 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 6
19 gene 18.731873 18.732776 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302983 Gm50202 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117878 MGI:6302983 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50202
19 gene 18.732741 18.732904 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453015 Gm23238 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064941 MGI:5453015 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23238
19 gene 18.736739 18.749516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624699 Gm41814 NCBI_Gene:105246540 MGI:5624699 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41814
19 gene 18.776746 18.776961 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453967 Gm24190 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088601 MGI:5453967 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24190
19 gene 18.930605 19.111196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1343464 Rorb NCBI_Gene:225998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036192 MGI:1343464 protein coding gene RAR-related orphan receptor beta
19 gene 19.244035 19.276348 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303001 Gm50212 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117909 MGI:6303001 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50212
19 gene 19.275899 19.276030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455214 Gm25437 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088907 MGI:5455214 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25437
19 gene 19.276471 19.319651 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624700 Gm41815 NCBI_Gene:105246541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118109 MGI:5624700 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41815
19 gene 19.821035 19.979149 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591628 Gm32469 NCBI_Gene:102635029 MGI:5591628 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32469
19 gene 19.871432 19.876563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303008 Gm50216 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118167 MGI:6303008 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50216
19 gene 20.005940 20.060758 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781903 Gm3728 NCBI_Gene:100042218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118150 MGI:3781903 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3728
19 gene 20.033504 20.033635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452461 Gm22684 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064783 MGI:5452461 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22684
19 gene 20.117385 20.283256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591788 Gm32629 NCBI_Gene:102635239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118067 MGI:5591788 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32629
19 gene 20.324856 20.444883 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916244 1500015L24Rik NCBI_Gene:68994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094732 MGI:1916244 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1500015L24 gene
19 gene 20.373428 20.390944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96819 Anxa1 NCBI_Gene:16952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024659 MGI:96819 protein coding gene annexin A1
19 gene 20.410544 20.552330 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443493 C730002L08Rik NCBI_Gene:320155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114469 MGI:2443493 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C730002L08 gene
19 gene 20.424651 20.435261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591848 Gm32689 NCBI_Gene:102635317 MGI:5591848 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32689
19 gene 20.437754 20.441386 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624701 Gm41816 NCBI_Gene:105246542 MGI:5624701 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41816
19 gene 20.492715 20.556410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443348 E030003E18Rik NCBI_Gene:320092 MGI:2443348 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E030003E18 gene
19 gene 20.492715 20.643465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1353450 Aldh1a1 NCBI_Gene:11668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053279 MGI:1353450 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A1
19 gene 20.583524 20.585067 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917662 2900002J02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900002J02 gene
19 pseudogene 20.585913 20.586826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643522 Gm6684 NCBI_Gene:626549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047168 MGI:3643522 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6684
19 gene 20.689467 20.690527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641948 C730037M02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C730037M02 gene
19 gene 20.692953 20.727562 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347050 Aldh1a7 NCBI_Gene:26358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024747 MGI:1347050 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A7
19 gene 20.783456 21.037147 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2151016 Tmc1 NCBI_Gene:13409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024749 MGI:2151016 protein coding gene transmembrane channel-like gene family 1
19 gene 20.922392 20.954762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591909 Gm32750 NCBI_Gene:102635397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118293 MGI:5591909 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32750
19 gene 20.956541 20.961920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624702 Gm41817 NCBI_Gene:105246543 MGI:5624702 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41817
19 gene 21.104502 21.107157 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922604 4930554I06Rik NCBI_Gene:75354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118047 MGI:1922604 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930554I06 gene
19 gene 21.121191 21.125705 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781949 Gm3775 NCBI_Gene:100042294 MGI:3781949 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3775
19 gene 21.138695 21.146597 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592138 Gm32979 NCBI_Gene:102635711 MGI:5592138 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32979
19 gene 21.165087 21.210686 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825555 Gm45918 NCBI_Gene:105242408 MGI:5825555 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45918
19 gene 21.208477 21.211973 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303041 Gm50236 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118090 MGI:6303041 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50236
19 pseudogene 21.261976 21.263212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303054 Gm50243 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118044 MGI:6303054 pseudogene predicted gene, 50243
19 gene 21.271891 21.286840 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1278334 Zfand5 NCBI_Gene:22682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024750 MGI:1278334 protein coding gene zinc finger, AN1-type domain 5
19 gene 21.293946 21.295010 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916228 1500002I01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1500002I01 gene
19 gene 21.310376 21.313283 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303075 Gm50255 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118342 MGI:6303075 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50255
19 gene 21.391307 21.473445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95678 Gda NCBI_Gene:14544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058624 MGI:95678 protein coding gene guanine deaminase
19 gene 21.487932 21.488152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917501 2010105D22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2010105D22 gene
19 gene 21.552204 21.557867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781620 Gm3443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079382 MGI:3781620 protein coding gene predicted gene 3443
19 gene 21.577760 21.596179 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621371 Gm38486 NCBI_Gene:102636055 MGI:5621371 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38486
19 gene 21.581202 21.652976 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913456 1110059E24Rik NCBI_Gene:66206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035171 MGI:1913456 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1110059E24 gene
19 gene 21.653185 21.685638 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917816 Abhd17b NCBI_Gene:226016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047368 MGI:1917816 protein coding gene abhydrolase domain containing 17B
19 gene 21.657796 21.661573 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923222 5033423O07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5033423O07 gene
19 gene 21.663158 21.666018 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2445142 B230378D16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230378D16 gene
19 gene 21.689292 21.691115 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028050 C130076G22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130076G22 gene
19 gene 21.713818 21.732331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624703 Gm41818 NCBI_Gene:105246544 MGI:5624703 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41818
19 pseudogene 21.729270 21.729745 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302871 Gm50129 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118055 MGI:6302871 pseudogene predicted gene, 50129
19 gene 21.777511 21.858360 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890373 Cemip2 NCBI_Gene:83921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024754 MGI:1890373 protein coding gene cell migration inducing hyaluronidase 2
19 gene 21.831451 21.833756 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302872 Gm50130 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118021 MGI:6302872 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50130
19 pseudogene 21.837571 21.838711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011136 Gm18951 NCBI_Gene:100418019 MGI:5011136 pseudogene predicted gene, 18951
19 pseudogene 21.937283 21.938567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645435 Gm5514 NCBI_Gene:433229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045104 MGI:3645435 pseudogene predicted gene 5514
19 gene 21.941978 21.950889 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302877 Gm50133 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118237 MGI:6302877 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50133
19 gene 21.992573 22.021016 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624704 Gm41819 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118273 MGI:5624704 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41819
19 gene 21.997331 22.000152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302879 Gm50134 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118226 MGI:6302879 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50134
19 gene 22.137798 22.995410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443101 Trpm3 NCBI_Gene:226025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052387 MGI:2443101 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 3
19 gene 22.235521 22.235618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452283 Gm22506 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088558 MGI:5452283 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22506
19 pseudogene 22.254745 22.262751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592914 Gm33755 NCBI_Gene:102636778 MGI:5592914 pseudogene predicted gene, 33755
19 gene 22.436276 22.455241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5520994 Gm27151 NCBI_Gene:102641617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098739 MGI:5520994 lncRNA gene predicted gene 27151
19 pseudogene 22.441007 22.443653 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648670 Nsa2-ps1 NCBI_Gene:433230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118353 MGI:3648670 pseudogene NSA2 ribosome biogenesis homolog, pseudogene 1
19 gene 22.509995 22.517465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592808 Gm33649 NCBI_Gene:102636640 MGI:5592808 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33649
19 gene 22.552662 22.555198 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925993 9630005C17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9630005C17 gene
19 gene 22.750605 22.750672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676879 Mir204 miRBase:MI0000247,NCBI_Gene:387200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065507 MGI:2676879 miRNA gene microRNA 204
19 gene 22.776821 22.778324 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920165 2900017F05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900017F05 gene
19 gene 22.978230 23.075924 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924860 C330002G04Rik NCBI_Gene:77610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097930 MGI:1924860 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C330002G04 gene
19 gene 23.061454 23.064032 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302882 Gm50136 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118155 MGI:6302882 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50136
19 gene 23.134498 23.137111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915498 2410080I02Rik NCBI_Gene:102636896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044387 MGI:1915498 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2410080I02 gene
19 gene 23.141226 23.168134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333856 Klf9 NCBI_Gene:16601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033863 MGI:1333856 protein coding gene Kruppel-like factor 9
19 gene 23.149431 23.149551 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783365 Mir1192 miRBase:MI0006297,NCBI_Gene:100316672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080626 MGI:3783365 miRNA gene microRNA 1192
19 gene 23.206441 23.273914 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385088 Smc5 NCBI_Gene:226026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024943 MGI:2385088 protein coding gene structural maintenance of chromosomes 5
19 gene 23.273925 23.274359 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593109 Gm33950 NCBI_Gene:102637041 MGI:5593109 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33950
19 gene 23.282096 23.309919 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624706 Gm41821 NCBI_Gene:105246547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117837 MGI:5624706 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41821
19 gene 23.296329 23.296435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454040 Gm24263 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096249 MGI:5454040 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24263
19 gene 23.302609 23.448498 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918988 Mamdc2 NCBI_Gene:71738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033207 MGI:1918988 protein coding gene MAM domain containing 2
19 gene 23.418343 23.430928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303381 Gm50445 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118092 MGI:6303381 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50445
19 pseudogene 23.437256 23.437727 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303379 Gm50443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117850 MGI:6303379 pseudogene predicted gene, 50443
19 gene 23.496764 23.523052 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593171 Gm34012 NCBI_Gene:102637119 MGI:5593171 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34012
19 gene 23.558753 23.652812 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914733 1700028P14Rik NCBI_Gene:67483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033053 MGI:1914733 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700028P14 gene
19 pseudogene 23.605898 23.606279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303347 Gm50422 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117944 MGI:6303347 pseudogene predicted gene, 50422
19 pseudogene 23.616904 23.620368 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779903 Gm9493 NCBI_Gene:102638448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044424 MGI:3779903 pseudogene predicted gene 9493
19 gene 23.643409 23.643510 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451921 Gm22144 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088027 MGI:5451921 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22144
19 pseudogene 23.666591 23.667583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434897 Gm21542 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098010 MGI:5434897 pseudogene predicted gene, 21542
19 pseudogene 23.675811 23.676735 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646907 Gm6563 NCBI_Gene:625193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051255 MGI:3646907 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6563
19 gene 23.686898 23.732885 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921875 Ptar1 NCBI_Gene:72351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074925 MGI:1921875 protein coding gene protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 1
19 gene 23.723279 23.725034 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641836 Gm9938 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 9938
19 gene 23.728707 23.731661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920060 2810455D13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2810455D13 gene
19 gene 23.745502 23.748001 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303146 Gm50299 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117685 MGI:6303146 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50299
19 gene 23.758806 23.949598 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1860297 Apba1 NCBI_Gene:319924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024897 MGI:1860297 protein coding gene amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein binding, family A, member 1
19 pseudogene 23.800538 23.800817 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303148 Gm50300 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118287 MGI:6303148 pseudogene predicted gene, 50300
19 gene 23.870740 23.871826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925097 B230104F01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230104F01 gene
19 gene 23.905122 23.917546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593235 Gm34076 NCBI_Gene:102637203 MGI:5593235 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34076
19 gene 23.929825 23.941594 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303149 Gm50301 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118340 MGI:6303149 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50301
19 gene 23.972750 24.031272 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685813 Fam189a2 NCBI_Gene:381217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071604 MGI:2685813 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 189, member A2
19 pseudogene 24.004780 24.005008 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303156 Gm50305 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117820 MGI:6303156 pseudogene predicted gene, 50305
19 gene 24.044383 24.047157 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624708 Gm41823 NCBI_Gene:105246549 MGI:5624708 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41823
19 gene 24.064793 24.066452 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922771 1700021P04Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096796 MGI:1922771 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700021P04 gene
19 gene 24.080931 24.090765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624709 Gm41824 NCBI_Gene:105246550 MGI:5624709 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41824
19 gene 24.094502 24.225130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341872 Tjp2 NCBI_Gene:21873,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024812 MGI:1341872 protein coding gene tight junction protein 2
19 pseudogene 24.146897 24.147224 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303163 Gm50310 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118277 MGI:6303163 pseudogene predicted gene, 50310
19 pseudogene 24.154070 24.154601 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303160 Gm50308 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118371 MGI:6303160 pseudogene predicted gene, 50308
19 gene 24.261453 24.280605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1096879 Fxn NCBI_Gene:14297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059363 MGI:1096879 protein coding gene frataxin
19 pseudogene 24.289000 24.290908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646651 Gm8789 NCBI_Gene:667743 MGI:3646651 pseudogene predicted gene 8789
19 pseudogene 24.289716 24.290826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801728 Gm16216 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082107 MGI:3801728 pseudogene predicted gene 16216
19 gene 24.294794 24.555872 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107930 Pip5k1b NCBI_Gene:18719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024867 MGI:107930 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type 1 beta
19 gene 24.298838 24.300938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782025 Gm3853 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 3853
19 gene 24.413789 24.430694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922106 Pip5k1bos NCBI_Gene:102637283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085003 MGI:1922106 antisense lncRNA gene phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type 1 beta, opposite strand
19 gene 24.475779 24.477474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915284 Fam122a NCBI_Gene:68034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074922 MGI:1915284 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 122, member A
19 gene 24.541198 24.541455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641847 E860004J03Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA E860004J03 gene
19 gene 24.556352 24.557228 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303218 Gm50341 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117979 MGI:6303218 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50341
19 gene 24.674008 24.682233 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3583948 Tmem252 NCBI_Gene:226040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048572 MGI:3583948 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 252
19 gene 24.678261 24.861855 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925668 Pgm5 NCBI_Gene:226041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041731 MGI:1925668 protein coding gene phosphoglucomutase 5
19 pseudogene 24.692233 24.693391 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5009986 Gm17800 NCBI_Gene:100158260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097950 MGI:5009986 pseudogene predicted gene, 17800
19 gene 24.706836 24.713712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621466 Gm38581 NCBI_Gene:102641855 MGI:5621466 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38581
19 pseudogene 24.856196 24.856457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303220 Gm50342 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117934 MGI:6303220 pseudogene predicted gene, 50342
19 pseudogene 24.875686 24.876875 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704493 Gm10053 NCBI_Gene:672195,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058927 MGI:3704493 pseudogene predicted gene 10053
19 gene 24.898965 24.901309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347467 Foxd4 NCBI_Gene:14237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051490 MGI:1347467 protein coding gene forkhead box D4
19 gene 24.919916 24.961616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385089 Cbwd1 NCBI_Gene:226043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024878 MGI:2385089 protein coding gene COBW domain containing 1
19 gene 24.942235 24.942303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562753 Mir3084-1 miRBase:MI0014047,NCBI_Gene:100526521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104890 MGI:5562753 miRNA gene microRNA 3084-1
19 gene 24.942236 24.942367 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453435 Gm23658 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095097 MGI:5453435 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23658
19 gene 24.999511 25.202432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921396 Dock8 NCBI_Gene:76088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052085 MGI:1921396 protein coding gene dedicator of cytokinesis 8
19 gene 25.033108 25.033578 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782046 Ndufb4b NCBI_Gene:100042503 MGI:3782046 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B4B
19 gene 25.092866 25.097404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593394 Gm34235 NCBI_Gene:102637425 MGI:5593394 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34235
19 gene 25.153231 25.155877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593345 Gm34186 NCBI_Gene:102637351 MGI:5593345 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34186
19 gene 25.166085 25.166216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454029 Gm24252 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065634 MGI:5454029 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24252
19 gene 25.236732 25.434497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147707 Kank1 NCBI_Gene:107351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032702 MGI:2147707 protein coding gene KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 1
19 pseudogene 25.346409 25.347243 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593591 Gm34432 NCBI_Gene:102637686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118238 MGI:5593591 pseudogene predicted gene, 34432
19 gene 25.453960 25.454063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455984 Gm26207 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064843 MGI:5455984 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26207
19 pseudogene 25.493833 25.496716 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646471 Gm5249 NCBI_Gene:383474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117720 MGI:3646471 pseudogene predicted gene 5249
19 gene 25.505618 25.604329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1354733 Dmrt1 NCBI_Gene:50796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024837 MGI:1354733 protein coding gene doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 1
19 gene 25.610246 25.623921 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2449470 Dmrt3 NCBI_Gene:240590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042372 MGI:2449470 protein coding gene doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 3
19 gene 25.671134 25.672253 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919653 2610016A17Rik NCBI_Gene:100503074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101089 MGI:1919653 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2610016A17 gene
19 gene 25.672389 25.679013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330307 Dmrt2 NCBI_Gene:226049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048138 MGI:1330307 protein coding gene doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 2
19 gene 25.775487 25.946975 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593675 Gm34516 NCBI_Gene:102637794 MGI:5593675 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34516
19 pseudogene 25.795612 25.796825 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647098 Gm8825 NCBI_Gene:667806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098105 MGI:3647098 pseudogene predicted gene 8825
19 gene 26.030730 26.046626 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920683 1700048O14Rik NCBI_Gene:73433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118016 MGI:1920683 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700048O14 gene
19 gene 26.246024 26.249930 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303272 Gm50376 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117950 MGI:6303272 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50376
19 gene 26.260369 26.260493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454953 Gm25176 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084589 MGI:5454953 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25176
19 gene 26.277846 26.308707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303274 Gm50377 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118005 MGI:6303274 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50377
19 gene 26.462344 26.467779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303276 Gm50378 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117707 MGI:6303276 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50378
19 gene 26.482315 26.509084 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593967 Gm34808 NCBI_Gene:102638185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118001 MGI:5593967 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34808
19 gene 26.510339 26.527796 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624713 Gm41828 NCBI_Gene:105246554 MGI:5624713 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41828
19 pseudogene 26.530752 26.530929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303278 Gm50379 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117803 MGI:6303278 pseudogene predicted gene, 50379
19 gene 26.572996 26.584672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6098469 Gm48775 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114682 MGI:6098469 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48775
19 gene 26.605050 26.778322 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99603 Smarca2 NCBI_Gene:67155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024921 MGI:99603 protein coding gene SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 2
19 gene 26.620749 26.623419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313063 Gm20616 NCBI_Gene:102638259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093628 MGI:5313063 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20616
19 gene 26.768801 26.823907 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918192 4931403E22Rik NCBI_Gene:70942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093772 MGI:1918192 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4931403E22 gene
19 pseudogene 26.802040 26.803219 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010565 Gm18380 NCBI_Gene:100417041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118331 MGI:5010565 pseudogene predicted gene, 18380
19 gene 26.823866 26.872509 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826285 Gm46648 NCBI_Gene:108168409 MGI:5826285 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46648
19 gene 26.885881 26.888647 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685661 Gm815 NCBI_Gene:329047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074913 MGI:2685661 protein coding gene predicted gene 815
19 pseudogene 27.025981 27.026314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302862 Gm50121 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118313 MGI:6302862 pseudogene predicted gene, 50121
19 gene 27.101951 27.316698 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594597 Gm35438 NCBI_Gene:102639019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118209 MGI:5594597 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35438
19 gene 27.216484 27.254231 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98935 Vldlr NCBI_Gene:22359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024924 MGI:98935 protein coding gene very low density lipoprotein receptor
19 gene 27.260735 27.262323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782090 Gm3916 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 3916
19 gene 27.260735 27.262323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302852 Gm50114 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117692 MGI:6302852 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50114
19 gene 27.312632 27.321729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594427 Gm35268 NCBI_Gene:102638787 MGI:5594427 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35268
19 gene 27.322061 27.337179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2670981 Kcnv2 NCBI_Gene:240595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047298 MGI:2670981 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily V, member 2
19 gene 27.344725 27.373932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594713 Gm35554 NCBI_Gene:102639185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117752 MGI:5594713 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35554
19 pseudogene 27.366072 27.366567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302851 Gm50113 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117705 MGI:6302851 pseudogene predicted gene, 50113
19 gene 27.388698 27.429908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106253 Pum3 NCBI_Gene:52874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041360 MGI:106253 protein coding gene pumilio RNA-binding family member 3
19 gene 27.430037 27.432631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147728 C030016D13Rik NCBI_Gene:107372 MGI:2147728 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C030016D13 gene
19 pseudogene 27.512508 27.513279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302831 Gm50101 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118072 MGI:6302831 pseudogene predicted gene, 50101
19 gene 27.666428 27.668494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594856 Gm35697 NCBI_Gene:102639367 MGI:5594856 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35697
19 gene 27.703876 27.704007 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454559 Gm24782 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088266 MGI:5454559 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24782
19 gene 27.761721 28.011693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106582 Rfx3 NCBI_Gene:19726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040929 MGI:106582 protein coding gene regulatory factor X, 3 (influences HLA class II expression)
19 pseudogene 27.858058 27.858497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647318 Gm8412 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092617 MGI:3647318 pseudogene predicted gene 8412
19 pseudogene 27.961274 27.962110 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010079 Gm17894 NCBI_Gene:100416057 MGI:5010079 pseudogene predicted gene, 17894
19 gene 27.994197 27.995693 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5141872 Gm20407 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092182 MGI:5141872 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20407
19 pseudogene 28.033455 28.034153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648671 Gm5517 NCBI_Gene:433235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117788 MGI:3648671 pseudogene predicted gene 5517
19 gene 28.088856 28.089764 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578934 Gm28228 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101084 MGI:5578934 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28228
19 pseudogene 28.145864 28.146319 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594940 Gm35781 NCBI_Gene:102639477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117862 MGI:5594940 pseudogene predicted gene, 35781
19 gene 28.258851 28.680265 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444289 Glis3 NCBI_Gene:226075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052942 MGI:2444289 protein coding gene GLIS family zinc finger 3
19 gene 28.362542 28.365815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595025 Gm35866 NCBI_Gene:102639589 MGI:5595025 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35866
19 gene 28.580533 28.583294 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921702 4933413C19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089952 MGI:1921702 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933413C19 gene
19 gene 28.678224 28.720027 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443529 D930032P07Rik NCBI_Gene:320176,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097735 MGI:2443529 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D930032P07 gene
19 pseudogene 28.742123 28.742568 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643316 Rps15a-ps2 NCBI_Gene:434460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067351 MGI:3643316 pseudogene ribosomal protein S15A, pseudogene 2
19 gene 28.760033 28.788185 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595081 Gm35922 NCBI_Gene:102639664 MGI:5595081 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35922
19 pseudogene 28.762865 28.763539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646480 Gm6788 NCBI_Gene:627788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090737 MGI:3646480 pseudogene predicted gene 6788
19 pseudogene 28.812406 28.813202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504057 Gm26942 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098069 MGI:5504057 pseudogene predicted gene, 26942
19 gene 28.835049 28.913960 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105083 Slc1a1 NCBI_Gene:20510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024935 MGI:105083 protein coding gene solute carrier family 1 (neuronal/epithelial high affinity glutamate transporter, system Xag), member 1
19 pseudogene 28.862012 28.863766 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648836 Gm5822 NCBI_Gene:545262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089993 MGI:3648836 pseudogene predicted gene 5822
19 gene 28.893042 28.968356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918036 4430402I18Rik NCBI_Gene:381218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064202 MGI:1918036 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4430402I18 gene
19 gene 28.963920 28.966811 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921661 Plpp6 NCBI_Gene:74411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040105 MGI:1921661 protein coding gene phospholipid phosphatase 6
19 pseudogene 28.973039 28.974077 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781797 Gm3621 NCBI_Gene:100042006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118165 MGI:3781797 pseudogene predicted gene 3621
19 pseudogene 28.974550 28.975633 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643046 Gm4844 NCBI_Gene:226086 MGI:3643046 pseudogene predicted gene 4844
19 gene 28.990318 29.026681 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914322 Cdc37l1 NCBI_Gene:67072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024780 MGI:1914322 protein coding gene cell division cycle 37-like 1
19 gene 28.995379 29.048091 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1860835 Ak3 NCBI_Gene:56248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024782 MGI:1860835 protein coding gene adenylate kinase 3
19 pseudogene 29.003343 29.003875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704242 Gm10136 NCBI_Gene:672214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063754 MGI:3704242 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10136
19 gene 29.046245 29.048729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914579 1700018L02Rik NCBI_Gene:67329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100075 MGI:1914579 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700018L02 gene
19 gene 29.067301 29.069503 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642802 Gm9895 NCBI_Gene:100503337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118038 MGI:3642802 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9895
19 pseudogene 29.087603 29.090255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303352 Gm50425 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118320 MGI:6303352 pseudogene predicted gene, 50425
19 gene 29.101375 29.143929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913275 Rcl1 NCBI_Gene:59028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024785 MGI:1913275 protein coding gene RNA terminal phosphate cyclase-like 1
19 gene 29.135279 29.135375 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3618696 Mir101b miRBase:MI0000649,NCBI_Gene:724062,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065556 MGI:3618696 miRNA gene microRNA 101b
19 gene 29.147630 29.149431 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642922 Gm9883 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 9883
19 pseudogene 29.160000 29.161262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648673 Gm5518 NCBI_Gene:433238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068466 MGI:3648673 pseudogene predicted gene 5518
19 gene 29.238057 29.242703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624714 Gm41829 NCBI_Gene:105246555 MGI:5624714 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41829
19 gene 29.251708 29.313080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96629 Jak2 NCBI_Gene:16452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024789 MGI:96629 protein coding gene Janus kinase 2
19 gene 29.321344 29.325356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351595 Insl6 NCBI_Gene:27356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050957 MGI:1351595 protein coding gene insulin-like 6
19 gene 29.331170 29.334670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97931 Rln1 NCBI_Gene:19773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039097 MGI:97931 protein coding gene relaxin 1
19 gene 29.348599 29.367390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915009 Plgrkt NCBI_Gene:67759,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016495 MGI:1915009 protein coding gene plasminogen receptor, C-terminal lysine transmembrane protein
19 gene 29.367438 29.388095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926446 Cd274 NCBI_Gene:60533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016496 MGI:1926446 protein coding gene CD274 antigen
19 gene 29.373417 29.385383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595202 Gm36043 NCBI_Gene:102639821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117964 MGI:5595202 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36043
19 gene 29.410919 29.472927 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930125 Pdcd1lg2 NCBI_Gene:58205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016498 MGI:1930125 protein coding gene programmed cell death 1 ligand 2
19 gene 29.464750 29.523159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925029 A930007I19Rik NCBI_Gene:77779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097855 MGI:1925029 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930007I19 gene
19 gene 29.522282 29.606829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924893 Ric1 NCBI_Gene:226089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038658 MGI:1924893 protein coding gene RAB6A GEF complex partner 1
19 gene 29.608214 29.648510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106250 Ermp1 NCBI_Gene:226090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046324 MGI:106250 protein coding gene endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1
19 gene 29.682177 29.684238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595285 Gm36126 NCBI_Gene:102639928 MGI:5595285 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36126
19 gene 29.697541 29.708634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108454 Mlana NCBI_Gene:77836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024806 MGI:108454 protein coding gene melan-A
19 gene 29.714402 29.808053 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444398 9930021J03Rik NCBI_Gene:240613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046138 MGI:2444398 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9930021J03 gene
19 gene 29.806663 29.810096 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303267 Gm50373 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118251 MGI:6303267 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50373
19 gene 29.808108 29.812974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2683212 Ranbp6 NCBI_Gene:240614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074909 MGI:2683212 protein coding gene RAN binding protein 6
19 gene 29.838453 29.927333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624717 Gm41832 NCBI_Gene:105246558 MGI:5624717 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41832
19 pseudogene 29.874191 29.875217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303279 Gm50380 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117883 MGI:6303279 pseudogene predicted gene, 50380
19 gene 29.877449 29.884689 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595368 Gm36209 NCBI_Gene:102640041 MGI:5595368 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36209
19 gene 29.893703 29.896235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624716 Gm41831 NCBI_Gene:105246557 MGI:5624716 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41831
19 gene 29.925114 29.960718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924375 Il33 NCBI_Gene:77125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024810 MGI:1924375 protein coding gene interleukin 33
19 gene 29.986099 29.986264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455823 Gm26046 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087937 MGI:5455823 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26046
19 gene 30.003790 30.006020 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913995 Trpd52l3 NCBI_Gene:66745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024815 MGI:1913995 protein coding gene tumor protein D52-like 3
19 gene 30.030435 30.093726 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923718 Uhrf2 NCBI_Gene:109113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024817 MGI:1923718 protein coding gene ubiquitin-like, containing PHD and RING finger domains 2
19 gene 30.098441 30.175441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341155 Gldc NCBI_Gene:104174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024827 MGI:1341155 protein coding gene glycine decarboxylase
19 pseudogene 30.160620 30.161030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644512 Rpl31-ps20 NCBI_Gene:625917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058607 MGI:3644512 pseudogene ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 20
19 gene 30.164751 30.165769 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924689 9530025L08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530025L08 gene
19 gene 30.232906 30.239687 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96924 Mbl2 NCBI_Gene:17195,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024863 MGI:96924 protein coding gene mannose-binding lectin (protein C) 2
19 gene 30.261441 30.261517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453885 Gm24108 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093236 MGI:5453885 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24108
19 gene 30.264880 30.265160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454660 Gm24883 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089016 MGI:5454660 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24883
19 pseudogene 30.352005 30.355618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595165 Gm36006 NCBI_Gene:102639775 MGI:5595165 pseudogene predicted gene, 36006
19 gene 30.358217 30.360680 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920607 1700048J15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700048J15 gene
19 gene 30.371465 30.395327 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595478 Gm36319 NCBI_Gene:102640191 MGI:5595478 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36319
19 pseudogene 30.490703 30.491363 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010070 Gm17885 NCBI_Gene:100416039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118374 MGI:5010070 pseudogene predicted gene, 17885
19 pseudogene 30.531476 30.531929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303088 Gm50264 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117953 MGI:6303088 pseudogene predicted gene, 50264
19 pseudogene 30.538876 30.539679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645534 Ppp1r2-ps3 NCBI_Gene:546723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058816 MGI:3645534 pseudogene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 2, pseudogene 3
19 gene 30.545863 30.549665 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1329040 Dkk1 NCBI_Gene:13380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024868 MGI:1329040 protein coding gene dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1
19 gene 30.564487 31.765309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108174 Prkg1 NCBI_Gene:19091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052920 MGI:108174 protein coding gene protein kinase, cGMP-dependent, type I
19 gene 30.704081 30.704398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453203 Gm23426 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084432 MGI:5453203 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23426
19 pseudogene 30.878834 30.879352 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011208 Gm19023 NCBI_Gene:100418132 MGI:5011208 pseudogene predicted gene, 19023
19 pseudogene 30.930380 30.930962 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648551 Gm6642 NCBI_Gene:625995 MGI:3648551 pseudogene predicted gene 6642
19 gene 31.082837 31.087069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1932622 Cstf2t NCBI_Gene:83410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053536 MGI:1932622 protein coding gene cleavage stimulation factor, 3’ pre-RNA subunit 2, tau
19 pseudogene 31.112546 31.113095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303091 Gm50266 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118011 MGI:6303091 pseudogene predicted gene, 50266
19 gene 31.127685 31.137532 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624719 Gm41834 NCBI_Gene:105246560 MGI:5624719 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41834
19 gene 31.196484 31.197357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920156 2900042A17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900042A17 gene
19 gene 31.213543 31.216396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925353 8430431K14Rik NCBI_Gene:78103 MGI:1925353 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 8430431K14 gene
19 gene 31.505322 31.507369 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921789 9030425L15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9030425L15 gene
19 gene 31.542570 31.550540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442795 9330185G11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9330185G11 gene
19 gene 31.868755 31.952365 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917115 A1cf NCBI_Gene:69865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052595 MGI:1917115 protein coding gene APOBEC1 complementation factor
19 pseudogene 31.913644 31.914916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011426 Gm19241 NCBI_Gene:100418483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114443 MGI:5011426 pseudogene predicted gene, 19241
19 gene 31.950084 31.952361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918870 9130016M20Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118366 MGI:1918870 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9130016M20 gene
19 gene 31.982597 32.108242 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859310 Asah2 NCBI_Gene:54447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024887 MGI:1859310 protein coding gene N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase 2
19 pseudogene 32.073335 32.074926 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645706 Gm8943 NCBI_Gene:668042 MGI:3645706 pseudogene predicted gene 8943
19 gene 32.122727 32.389714 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444110 Sgms1 NCBI_Gene:208449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040451 MGI:2444110 protein coding gene sphingomyelin synthase 1
19 gene 32.204182 32.209273 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302997 Gm50210 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118064 MGI:6302997 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50210
19 gene 32.389216 32.391190 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914438 2700046G09Rik NCBI_Gene:67188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097787 MGI:1914438 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2700046G09 gene
19 pseudogene 32.423192 32.423582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621501 Gm38616 NCBI_Gene:102642581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118355 MGI:5621501 pseudogene predicted gene, 38616
19 pseudogene 32.439941 32.441024 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779973 Gm9563 NCBI_Gene:672490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118329 MGI:3779973 pseudogene predicted gene 9563
19 pseudogene 32.465865 32.466578 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642682 Rpl9-ps6 NCBI_Gene:100042823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062456 MGI:3642682 pseudogene ribosomal protein L9, pseudogene 6
19 gene 32.470601 32.483595 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826296 Gm46659 NCBI_Gene:108168420 MGI:5826296 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46659
19 gene 32.485769 32.515370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336159 Minpp1 NCBI_Gene:17330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024896 MGI:1336159 protein coding gene multiple inositol polyphosphate histidine phosphatase 1
19 gene 32.543347 32.563611 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595578 Gm36419 NCBI_Gene:102640323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118168 MGI:5595578 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36419
19 gene 32.595645 32.667187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330223 Papss2 NCBI_Gene:23972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024899 MGI:1330223 protein coding gene 3’-phosphoadenosine 5’-phosphosulfate synthase 2
19 pseudogene 32.658479 32.660200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595651 Gm36492 NCBI_Gene:102640429 MGI:5595651 pseudogene predicted gene, 36492
19 gene 32.671638 32.739786 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915229 Atad1 NCBI_Gene:67979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013662 MGI:1915229 protein coding gene ATPase family, AAA domain containing 1
19 gene 32.754378 32.756612 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595725 Gm36566 NCBI_Gene:102640527 MGI:5595725 protein coding gene predicted gene, 36566
19 gene 32.757497 32.826160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109583 Pten NCBI_Gene:19211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013663 MGI:109583 protein coding gene phosphatase and tensin homolog
19 gene 32.933345 32.939008 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595933 Gm36774 NCBI_Gene:102640791 MGI:5595933 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36774
19 gene 32.959987 32.976159 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5596073 Gm36914 NCBI_Gene:102640981 MGI:5596073 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36914
19 gene 32.966066 32.980390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596019 Gm36860 NCBI_Gene:102640908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117664 MGI:5596019 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36860
19 gene 32.969950 32.970308 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452259 Gm22482 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084512 MGI:5452259 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22482
19 gene 33.039471 33.074928 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624720 Gm41835 NCBI_Gene:105246561 MGI:5624720 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41835
19 gene 33.070072 33.102167 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589022 Gm29863 NCBI_Gene:102631554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117914 MGI:5589022 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29863
19 gene 33.122647 33.134819 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589105 Gm29946 NCBI_Gene:102631663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118196 MGI:5589105 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29946
19 pseudogene 33.137744 33.392295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915045 Rnls NCBI_Gene:67795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071573 MGI:1915045 polymorphic pseudogene renalase, FAD-dependent amine oxidase
19 gene 33.157112 33.157201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4950409 Mir3970 miRBase:MI0016980,NCBI_Gene:100628575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106278 MGI:4950409 miRNA gene microRNA 3970
19 pseudogene 33.353066 33.354120 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010027 Gm17842 NCBI_Gene:100415967 MGI:5010027 pseudogene predicted gene, 17842
19 gene 33.392253 33.392745 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914484 2810449D17Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2810449D17 gene
19 gene 33.392433 33.420370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589157 Gm29998 NCBI_Gene:102631731 MGI:5589157 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29998
19 pseudogene 33.405917 33.420642 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779701 Gm7237 NCBI_Gene:638381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087112 MGI:3779701 pseudogene predicted gene 7237
19 pseudogene 33.447613 33.447798 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011909 Gm19724 NCBI_Gene:102631943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118289 MGI:5011909 pseudogene predicted gene, 19724
19 pseudogene 33.459609 33.473191 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648531 Lipo5 NCBI_Gene:668095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086875 MGI:3648531 pseudogene lipase, member O5
19 gene 33.498037 33.517780 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779637 Lipo4 NCBI_Gene:628236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079344 MGI:3779637 protein coding gene lipase, member O4
19 pseudogene 33.550198 33.550397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303038 Gm50233 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118121 MGI:6303038 pseudogene predicted gene, 50233
19 gene 33.555160 33.761951 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147592 Lipo3 NCBI_Gene:381236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024766 MGI:2147592 protein coding gene lipase, member O3
19 gene 33.589971 33.590999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916554 1700001A13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700001A13 gene
19 gene 33.592607 33.592713 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530822 Gm27440 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098770 MGI:5530822 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27440
19 gene 33.612707 33.625252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647649 Gm8978 NCBI_Gene:668106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086812 MGI:3647649 protein coding gene predicted gene 8978
19 pseudogene 33.668266 33.668463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011940 Gm19755 NCBI_Gene:102632180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118360 MGI:5011940 pseudogene predicted gene, 19755
19 pseudogene 33.673329 33.673928 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010478 Gm18293 NCBI_Gene:100416852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117667 MGI:5010478 pseudogene predicted gene, 18293
19 pseudogene 33.674073 33.688481 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644463 Gm8980 NCBI_Gene:668112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085924 MGI:3644463 pseudogene predicted gene 8980
19 gene 33.719670 33.762109 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644466 Lipo2 NCBI_Gene:101055671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087303 MGI:3644466 protein coding gene lipase, member O2
19 gene 33.775498 33.787459 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647308 Lipo1 NCBI_Gene:329055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079342 MGI:3647308 protein coding gene lipase, member O1
19 pseudogene 33.822897 33.826711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645618 Gm5519 NCBI_Gene:433241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037603 MGI:3645618 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5519
19 pseudogene 33.838827 33.842598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647410 Gm8988 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085934 MGI:3647410 pseudogene predicted gene 8988
19 pseudogene 33.853164 33.872207 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302861 Gm50120 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117821 MGI:6302861 pseudogene predicted gene, 50120
19 gene 33.954235 33.954341 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452872 Gm23095 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065380 MGI:5452872 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23095
19 gene 33.961187 33.976813 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914967 Lipf NCBI_Gene:67717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024768 MGI:1914967 protein coding gene lipase, gastric
19 gene 34.008254 34.047903 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2679259 Lipk NCBI_Gene:240633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024771 MGI:2679259 protein coding gene lipase, family member K
19 gene 34.056140 34.058360 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590459 Gm31300 NCBI_Gene:102633486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118302 MGI:5590459 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31300
19 gene 34.067058 34.085946 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917416 Lipn NCBI_Gene:70166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024770 MGI:1917416 protein coding gene lipase, family member N
19 gene 34.068931 34.069054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453111 Gm23334 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080678 MGI:5453111 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23334
19 gene 34.100933 34.122687 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926003 Lipm NCBI_Gene:78753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056078 MGI:1926003 protein coding gene lipase, family member M
19 gene 34.121469 34.166053 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277101 Ankrd22 NCBI_Gene:52024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024774 MGI:1277101 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 22
19 gene 34.192186 34.240333 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923880 Stambpl1 NCBI_Gene:76630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024776 MGI:1923880 protein coding gene STAM binding protein like 1
19 gene 34.240336 34.255590 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87909 Acta2 NCBI_Gene:11475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035783 MGI:87909 protein coding gene actin, alpha 2, smooth muscle, aorta
19 gene 34.256636 34.278225 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590514 Gm31355 NCBI_Gene:102633559 MGI:5590514 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31355
19 pseudogene 34.284280 34.284537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303047 Gm50239 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118066 MGI:6303047 pseudogene predicted gene, 50239
19 gene 34.290659 34.327775 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95484 Fas NCBI_Gene:14102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024778 MGI:95484 protein coding gene Fas (TNF receptor superfamily member 6)
19 gene 34.294137 34.294295 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531200 Gm27818 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098670 MGI:5531200 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27818
19 gene 34.395647 34.395755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452837 Gm23060 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076300 MGI:5452837 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23060
19 gene 34.473778 34.475164 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333869 Ch25h NCBI_Gene:12642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050370 MGI:1333869 protein coding gene cholesterol 25-hydroxylase
19 gene 34.474808 34.481546 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477396 Gm26902 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097558 MGI:5477396 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26902
19 gene 34.492316 34.527474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96789 Lipa NCBI_Gene:16889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024781 MGI:96789 protein coding gene lysosomal acid lipase A
19 gene 34.543288 34.544729 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590576 Gm31417 NCBI_Gene:102633635 MGI:5590576 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31417
19 pseudogene 34.549264 34.549392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303079 Gm50257 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118048 MGI:6303079 pseudogene predicted gene, 50257
19 gene 34.550549 34.576534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99449 Ifit2 NCBI_Gene:15958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045932 MGI:99449 protein coding gene interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2
19 gene 34.583142 34.588982 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1101055 Ifit3 NCBI_Gene:15959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074896 MGI:1101055 protein coding gene interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3
19 gene 34.592888 34.662997 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650685 Ifit1bl1 NCBI_Gene:667373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079339 MGI:3650685 protein coding gene interferon induced protein with tetratricpeptide repeats 1B like 1
19 gene 34.607540 34.613409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3698419 Ifit3b NCBI_Gene:667370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062488 MGI:3698419 protein coding gene interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 3B
19 gene 34.617049 34.640743 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2148249 Ifit1bl2 NCBI_Gene:112419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067297 MGI:2148249 protein coding gene interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1B like 2
19 pseudogene 34.623630 34.624804 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010061 Cnn2-ps NCBI_Gene:100416023,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118260 MGI:5010061 pseudogene calponin2, pseudogene
19 gene 34.640871 34.650009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99450 Ifit1 NCBI_Gene:15957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034459 MGI:99450 protein coding gene interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1
19 gene 34.668401 34.747823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147716 Slc16a12 NCBI_Gene:240638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009378 MGI:2147716 protein coding gene solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 12
19 pseudogene 34.682183 34.684822 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826291 Gm46654 NCBI_Gene:108168415 MGI:5826291 pseudogene predicted gene, 46654
19 pseudogene 34.710008 34.711016 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010610 Gm18425 NCBI_Gene:100417152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118098 MGI:5010610 pseudogene predicted gene, 18425
19 gene 34.750510 34.750613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530858 Gm27476 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098742 MGI:5530858 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27476
19 pseudogene 34.773881 34.774451 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302944 Gm50173 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118083 MGI:6302944 pseudogene predicted gene, 50173
19 gene 34.796178 34.796338 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451859 Gm22082 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088212 MGI:5451859 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22082
19 pseudogene 34.804262 34.804759 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302856 Gm50116 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117945 MGI:6302856 pseudogene predicted gene, 50116
19 gene 34.806935 34.879593 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922985 Pank1 NCBI_Gene:75735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033610 MGI:1922985 protein coding gene pantothenate kinase 1
19 gene 34.820687 34.820773 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3619063 Mir107 miRBase:MI0000684,NCBI_Gene:723826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065594 MGI:3619063 miRNA gene microRNA 107
19 gene 34.922341 34.975750 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444576 Kif20b NCBI_Gene:240641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024795 MGI:2444576 protein coding gene kinesin family member 20B
19 gene 34.965396 34.965469 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3837023 Mir1950 miRBase:MI0009941,NCBI_Gene:100316775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089151 MGI:3837023 miRNA gene microRNA 1950
19 pseudogene 35.051830 35.052744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643322 Gm5248 NCBI_Gene:383464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101966 MGI:3643322 pseudogene predicted gene 5248
19 gene 35.054465 35.083440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302884 Gm50137 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117865 MGI:6302884 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50137
19 gene 35.117283 35.133451 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302890 Gm50140 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117973 MGI:6302890 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50140
19 gene 35.151913 35.156629 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590727 Gm31568 NCBI_Gene:102633838 MGI:5590727 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31568
19 gene 35.203235 35.203366 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453783 Gm24006 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089087 MGI:5453783 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24006
19 gene 35.276453 35.276522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452852 Gm23075 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093373 MGI:5452852 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23075
19 gene 35.605674 35.605804 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452630 Gm22853 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092715 MGI:5452630 rRNA gene predicted gene, 22853
19 gene 35.700349 35.766127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624721 Gm41836 NCBI_Gene:105246562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118212 MGI:5624721 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41836
19 gene 35.759933 35.760065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455388 Gm25611 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077205 MGI:5455388 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25611
19 gene 35.835217 35.924735 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028035 A830019P07Rik NCBI_Gene:329056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094707 MGI:3028035 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A830019P07 gene
19 pseudogene 35.870079 35.870772 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010111 Gm17926 NCBI_Gene:100416119 MGI:5010111 pseudogene predicted gene, 17926
19 gene 35.958415 36.058287 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99841 Htr7 NCBI_Gene:15566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024798 MGI:99841 protein coding gene 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 7
19 gene 36.083689 36.104777 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859683 Rpp30 NCBI_Gene:54364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024800 MGI:1859683 protein coding gene ribonuclease P/MRP 30 subunit
19 gene 36.111961 36.120099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1097717 Ankrd1 NCBI_Gene:107765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024803 MGI:1097717 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 1 (cardiac muscle)
19 gene 36.182580 36.221676 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591240 Gm32081 NCBI_Gene:102634520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117998 MGI:5591240 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32081
19 gene 36.215016 36.264437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591186 Gm32027 NCBI_Gene:102634446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117990 MGI:5591186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32027
19 gene 36.235979 36.243323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826301 Gm46664 NCBI_Gene:108168426 MGI:5826301 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46664
19 gene 36.251727 36.256336 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302902 Gm50147 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118032 MGI:6302902 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50147
19 pseudogene 36.339044 36.339931 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011345 Gm19160 NCBI_Gene:100418358 MGI:5011345 pseudogene predicted gene, 19160
19 gene 36.347440 36.460970 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923505 Pcgf5 NCBI_Gene:76073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024805 MGI:1923505 protein coding gene polycomb group ring finger 5
19 gene 36.347614 36.348298 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6096874 Gm47735 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114859 MGI:6096874 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47735
19 pseudogene 36.361343 36.361811 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096932 Gm47773 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114285 MGI:6096932 pseudogene predicted gene, 47773
19 gene 36.384792 36.384897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452947 Gm23170 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087783 MGI:5452947 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23170
19 pseudogene 36.404404 36.406211 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647150 Gm9042 NCBI_Gene:668201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114409 MGI:3647150 pseudogene predicted gene 9042
19 gene 36.448992 36.451157 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642424 F530104D19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114235 MGI:3642424 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA F530104D19 gene
19 gene 36.533923 36.538802 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591302 Gm32143 NCBI_Gene:102634602 MGI:5591302 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32143
19 gene 36.552925 36.553977 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624723 Gm41838 NCBI_Gene:105246565 MGI:5624723 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41838
19 gene 36.554053 36.621135 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442663 Hectd2 NCBI_Gene:226098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041180 MGI:2442663 protein coding gene HECT domain E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
19 gene 36.614052 36.705641 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919243 Hectd2os NCBI_Gene:668215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087579 MGI:1919243 antisense lncRNA gene Hectd2, opposite strand
19 gene 36.731731 36.736653 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858229 Ppp1r3c NCBI_Gene:53412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067279 MGI:1858229 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 3C
19 pseudogene 36.818648 36.818930 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302850 Gm50112 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117938 MGI:6302850 pseudogene predicted gene, 50112
19 gene 36.834230 36.893477 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921743 Tnks2 NCBI_Gene:74493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024811 MGI:1921743 protein coding gene tankyrase, TRF1-interacting ankyrin-related ADP-ribose polymerase 2
19 gene 36.917550 36.919615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919764 Fgfbp3 NCBI_Gene:72514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047632 MGI:1919764 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor binding protein 3
19 gene 36.926079 37.014057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147538 Btaf1 NCBI_Gene:107182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040565 MGI:2147538 protein coding gene B-TFIID TATA-box binding protein associated factor 1
19 gene 37.019341 37.208601 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443075 Cpeb3 NCBI_Gene:208922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039652 MGI:2443075 protein coding gene cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3
19 gene 37.149085 37.149162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452491 Gm22714 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080544 MGI:5452491 ribozyme gene predicted gene, 22714
19 gene 37.173843 37.196541 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443002 A330032B11Rik NCBI_Gene:319931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097591 MGI:2443002 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330032B11 gene
19 gene 37.179186 37.179291 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453695 Gm23918 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092994 MGI:5453695 rRNA gene predicted gene, 23918
19 gene 37.207527 37.224457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915207 March5 NCBI_Gene:69104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023307 MGI:1915207 protein coding gene membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 5
19 gene 37.233382 37.233484 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455045 Gm25268 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089143 MGI:5455045 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25268
19 pseudogene 37.233603 37.234560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643992 Gm9056 NCBI_Gene:668230 MGI:3643992 pseudogene predicted gene 9056
19 gene 37.258423 37.264095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924309 4931408D14Rik NCBI_Gene:77059 MGI:1924309 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4931408D14 gene
19 gene 37.268741 37.337852 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96412 Ide NCBI_Gene:15925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056999 MGI:96412 protein coding gene insulin degrading enzyme
19 pseudogene 37.295093 37.295837 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782343 Rpl10-ps6 NCBI_Gene:100043010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080885 MGI:3782343 pseudogene ribosomal protein L10, pseudogene 6
19 gene 37.376403 37.421859 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098231 Kif11 NCBI_Gene:16551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012443 MGI:1098231 protein coding gene kinesin family member 11
19 pseudogene 37.388339 37.389495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648745 Gm8663 NCBI_Gene:667490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117988 MGI:3648745 pseudogene predicted gene 8663
19 pseudogene 37.413424 37.413878 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826286 Gm46649 NCBI_Gene:108168410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118211 MGI:5826286 pseudogene predicted gene, 46649
19 gene 37.432909 37.434656 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611573 Gm38345 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102353 MGI:5611573 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38345
19 gene 37.434810 37.440731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96086 Hhex NCBI_Gene:15242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024986 MGI:96086 protein coding gene hematopoietically expressed homeobox
19 gene 37.463746 37.463851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452803 Gm23026 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089397 MGI:5452803 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23026
19 gene 37.465253 37.471834 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925890 1700122C19Rik NCBI_Gene:78640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117800 MGI:1925890 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700122C19 gene
19 gene 37.493599 37.495964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591453 Gm32294 NCBI_Gene:102634793 MGI:5591453 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32294
19 gene 37.536763 37.684059 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351611 Exoc6 NCBI_Gene:107371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053799 MGI:1351611 protein coding gene exocyst complex component 6
19 gene 37.545104 37.546314 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624727 Gm41842 NCBI_Gene:105246569 MGI:5624727 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41842
19 gene 37.677387 37.697564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591501 Gm32342 NCBI_Gene:102634858 MGI:5591501 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32342
19 gene 37.685195 37.693398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2679699 Cyp26c1 NCBI_Gene:546726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062432 MGI:2679699 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily c, polypeptide 1
19 gene 37.697732 37.701536 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096359 Cyp26a1 NCBI_Gene:13082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024987 MGI:1096359 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily a, polypeptide 1
19 pseudogene 37.722761 37.723516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647635 Gm9066 NCBI_Gene:668248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117989 MGI:3647635 pseudogene predicted gene 9066
19 pseudogene 37.784259 37.785765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644658 Gm9067 NCBI_Gene:668251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117939 MGI:3644658 pseudogene predicted gene 9067
19 pseudogene 37.870267 37.872256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647440 Gm4757 NCBI_Gene:209281,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118115 MGI:3647440 pseudogene predicted gene 4757
19 gene 37.899036 38.043577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919192 Myof NCBI_Gene:226101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048612 MGI:1919192 protein coding gene myoferlin
19 gene 38.051774 38.054528 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588250 I830134H01Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069554 MGI:3588250 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA I830134H01 gene
19 gene 38.054981 38.074425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921357 Cep55 NCBI_Gene:74107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024989 MGI:1921357 protein coding gene centrosomal protein 55
19 gene 38.071929 38.072053 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453077 Gm23300 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064646 MGI:5453077 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23300
19 gene 38.097071 38.114263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147577 Ffar4 NCBI_Gene:107221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054200 MGI:2147577 protein coding gene free fatty acid receptor 4
19 gene 38.116620 38.125321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97879 Rbp4 NCBI_Gene:19662,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024990 MGI:97879 protein coding gene retinol binding protein 4, plasma
19 gene 38.125754 38.134496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591599 Gm32440 NCBI_Gene:102634991 MGI:5591599 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32440
19 gene 38.132781 38.183958 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105956 Pde6c NCBI_Gene:110855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024992 MGI:105956 protein coding gene phosphodiesterase 6C, cGMP specific, cone, alpha prime
19 gene 38.188477 38.224517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917817 Fra10ac1 NCBI_Gene:70567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054237 MGI:1917817 protein coding gene FRA10AC1 homolog (human)
19 gene 38.257836 38.260793 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591733 Gm32574 NCBI_Gene:102635170 MGI:5591733 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32574
19 gene 38.257928 38.263285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591650 Gm32491 NCBI_Gene:102635059 MGI:5591650 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32491
19 gene 38.264535 38.272565 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591930 Gm32771 NCBI_Gene:102635432 MGI:5591930 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32771
19 gene 38.264536 38.312214 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861691 Lgi1 NCBI_Gene:56839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067242 MGI:1861691 protein coding gene leucine-rich repeat LGI family, member 1
19 pseudogene 38.287951 38.288224 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302892 Gm50141 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118242 MGI:6302892 pseudogene predicted gene, 50141
19 gene 38.300083 38.315270 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5662860 Gm42723 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105709 MGI:5662860 lncRNA gene predicted gene 42723
19 gene 38.311058 38.327048 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641826 Gm9886 NCBI_Gene:105246571 MGI:3641826 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9886
19 pseudogene 38.342179 38.342614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302907 Gm50150 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118381 MGI:6302907 pseudogene predicted gene, 50150
19 gene 38.348636 38.350079 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592119 Gm32960 NCBI_Gene:102635685 MGI:5592119 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32960
19 gene 38.352239 38.358506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592195 Gm33036 NCBI_Gene:102635788 MGI:5592195 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33036
19 gene 38.379292 38.381215 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624729 Gm41844 NCBI_Gene:105246572 MGI:5624729 protein coding gene predicted gene, 41844
19 pseudogene 38.384566 38.385514 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302915 Gm50155 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117920 MGI:6302915 pseudogene predicted gene, 50155
19 pseudogene 38.386963 38.388161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011121 Gm18936 NCBI_Gene:100417987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118335 MGI:5011121 pseudogene predicted gene, 18936
19 gene 38.395980 38.405610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444789 Slc35g1 NCBI_Gene:240660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044026 MGI:2444789 protein coding gene solute carrier family 35, member G1
19 gene 38.458585 38.463554 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826303 Gm46666 NCBI_Gene:108168429 MGI:5826303 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46666
19 gene 38.473120 38.473202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454707 Gm24930 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088940 MGI:5454707 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24930
19 gene 38.481109 38.785105 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921305 Plce1 NCBI_Gene:74055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024998 MGI:1921305 protein coding gene phospholipase C, epsilon 1
19 pseudogene 38.703444 38.704438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644350 Gm8717 NCBI_Gene:667587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117935 MGI:3644350 pseudogene predicted gene 8717
19 gene 38.748760 38.752645 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579697 Gm28991 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101079 MGI:5579697 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28991
19 gene 38.788121 38.819950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1932610 Noc3l NCBI_Gene:57753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024999 MGI:1932610 protein coding gene NOC3 like DNA replication regulator
19 gene 38.836579 38.919923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2384803 Tbc1d12 NCBI_Gene:209478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048720 MGI:2384803 protein coding gene TBC1D12: TBC1 domain family, member 12
19 gene 38.885242 38.885361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455615 Gm25838 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089545 MGI:5455615 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25838
19 gene 38.930915 38.971051 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106209 Hells NCBI_Gene:15201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025001 MGI:106209 protein coding gene helicase, lymphoid specific
19 pseudogene 38.976647 39.003627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3716994 Cyp2c52-ps NCBI_Gene:209753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114610 MGI:3716994 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 52, pseudogene
19 gene 39.006938 39.042693 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919332 Cyp2c55 NCBI_Gene:72082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025002 MGI:1919332 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 55
19 gene 39.007026 39.007089 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453577 Gm23800 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093303 MGI:5453577 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23800
19 pseudogene 39.052630 39.054824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782048 Gm3875 NCBI_Gene:100042507 MGI:3782048 pseudogene predicted gene 3875
19 gene 39.061006 39.093948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919553 Cyp2c65 NCBI_Gene:72303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067231 MGI:1919553 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 65
19 gene 39.113898 39.187072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917138 Cyp2c66 NCBI_Gene:69888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067229 MGI:1917138 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 66
19 pseudogene 39.229254 39.274985 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646306 Cyp2c53-ps NCBI_Gene:638988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093610 MGI:3646306 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 53-ps
19 gene 39.269405 39.330713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103238 Cyp2c29 NCBI_Gene:13095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003053 MGI:103238 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 29
19 pseudogene 39.347367 39.360403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3721925 Cyp2c72-ps NCBI_Gene:100125395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118146 MGI:3721925 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 72, pseudogene
19 gene 39.389556 39.463089 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1306819 Cyp2c38 NCBI_Gene:13097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032808 MGI:1306819 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 38
19 gene 39.510822 39.568529 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1306818 Cyp2c39 NCBI_Gene:13098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025003 MGI:1306818 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 39
19 gene 39.608842 39.649079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612288 Cyp2c67 NCBI_Gene:545288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062624 MGI:3612288 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 67
19 gene 39.688834 39.741101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612287 Cyp2c68 NCBI_Gene:433247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074882 MGI:3612287 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 68
19 gene 39.767071 39.812814 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1306815 Cyp2c40 NCBI_Gene:13099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025004 MGI:1306815 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 40
19 gene 39.842660 39.886799 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3721049 Cyp2c69 NCBI_Gene:100043108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092008 MGI:3721049 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 69
19 pseudogene 39.928044 39.952861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3721924 Cyp2c71-ps NCBI_Gene:100125394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117738 MGI:3721924 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 71, pseudogene
19 gene 39.992424 40.012243 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1306806 Cyp2c37 NCBI_Gene:13096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042248 MGI:1306806 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2. subfamily c, polypeptide 37
19 gene 40.037940 40.073845 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642960 Cyp2c54 NCBI_Gene:404195,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067225 MGI:3642960 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 54
19 gene 40.089679 40.113955 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147497 Cyp2c50 NCBI_Gene:107141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054827 MGI:2147497 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 50
19 gene 40.153353 40.187333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385878 Cyp2c70 NCBI_Gene:226105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060613 MGI:2385878 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 70
19 pseudogene 40.189990 40.194415 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647389 Gm5827 NCBI_Gene:545289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117785 MGI:3647389 pseudogene predicted gene 5827
19 pseudogene 40.212364 40.213575 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645079 Gm16470 NCBI_Gene:676923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098091 MGI:3645079 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 16470
19 gene 40.221173 40.271842 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1860611 Pdlim1 NCBI_Gene:54132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055044 MGI:1860611 protein coding gene PDZ and LIM domain 1 (elfin)
19 gene 40.271701 40.274454 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624730 Gm41845 NCBI_Gene:105246573 MGI:5624730 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41845
19 pseudogene 40.280951 40.282794 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643821 Gm5693 NCBI_Gene:435599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117793 MGI:3643821 pseudogene predicted gene 5693
19 gene 40.292040 40.513874 negative MGI_C57BL6J_700014 Sorbs1 NCBI_Gene:20411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025006 MGI:700014 protein coding gene sorbin and SH3 domain containing 1
19 gene 40.297820 40.299555 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925688 A930028N01Rik NCBI_Gene:78438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114796 MGI:1925688 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930028N01 gene
19 gene 40.416249 40.416870 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925672 9530039L23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530039L23 gene
19 gene 40.458213 40.458965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642414 3010085J16Rik NA NA protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 3010085J16 gene
19 gene 40.472755 40.474430 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917735 5730409N24Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5730409N24 gene
19 gene 40.474599 40.476539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918838 9130009M17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9130009M17 gene
19 gene 40.550257 40.588463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888908 Aldh18a1 NCBI_Gene:56454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025007 MGI:1888908 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family, member A1
19 pseudogene 40.558919 40.561755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779625 Gm15801 NCBI_Gene:627166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096592 MGI:3779625 pseudogene predicted gene 15801
19 gene 40.588535 40.594862 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5504157 Gm27042 NCBI_Gene:102636239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097792 MGI:5504157 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 27042
19 gene 40.596446 40.612281 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914840 Tctn3 NCBI_Gene:67590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025008 MGI:1914840 protein coding gene tectonic family member 3
19 gene 40.611601 40.612996 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3712488 E130009M23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E130009M23 gene
19 gene 40.612366 40.741602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102805 Entpd1 NCBI_Gene:12495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048120 MGI:102805 protein coding gene ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1
19 pseudogene 40.615886 40.616758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801732 Gm16027 NCBI_Gene:100417906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090041 MGI:3801732 pseudogene predicted gene 16027
19 pseudogene 40.621776 40.624599 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646027 Gm8783 NCBI_Gene:667723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094388 MGI:3646027 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 8783
19 gene 40.644146 40.654035 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302875 Gm50132 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117952 MGI:6302875 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50132
19 gene 40.658272 40.661201 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592464 Gm33305 NCBI_Gene:102636161 MGI:5592464 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33305
19 gene 40.729437 40.731663 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624731 Gm41846 NCBI_Gene:105246574 MGI:5624731 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41846
19 gene 40.748753 40.829057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645359 Cc2d2b NCBI_Gene:668310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108929 MGI:3645359 protein coding gene coiled-coil and C2 domain containing 2B
19 gene 40.816765 40.818268 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592641 Gm33482 NCBI_Gene:102636408 MGI:5592641 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33482
19 gene 40.830522 40.831855 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645360 Gm9099 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 9099
19 gene 40.831279 40.848572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443297 Ccnj NCBI_Gene:240665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025010 MGI:2443297 protein coding gene cyclin J
19 gene 40.868304 40.882639 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686464 E030044B06Rik NCBI_Gene:381223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097740 MGI:2686464 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E030044B06 gene
19 gene 40.893933 40.917947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919922 Zfp518a NCBI_Gene:72672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049164 MGI:1919922 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 518A
19 gene 40.894687 40.898391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3053211 E130314M14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E130314M14 gene
19 gene 40.894703 40.894789 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530789 Mir8092 miRBase:MI0026019,NCBI_Gene:102466881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099118 MGI:5530789 miRNA gene microRNA 8092
19 gene 40.928927 40.994535 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96878 Blnk NCBI_Gene:17060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061132 MGI:96878 protein coding gene B cell linker
19 gene 41.004815 41.014643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926115 C330026H20Rik NCBI_Gene:100861913 MGI:1926115 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C330026H20 gene
19 gene 41.009103 41.011703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443821 A130015J22Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A130015J22 gene
19 pseudogene 41.017683 41.020295 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782446 Gm4269 NCBI_Gene:105246575 MGI:3782446 pseudogene predicted gene 4269
19 gene 41.029275 41.059525 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98659 Dntt NCBI_Gene:21673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025014 MGI:98659 protein coding gene deoxynucleotidyltransferase, terminal
19 gene 41.061710 41.077113 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2657025 Opalin NCBI_Gene:226115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050121 MGI:2657025 protein coding gene oligodendrocytic myelin paranodal and inner loop protein
19 gene 41.080940 41.210848 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346044 Tll2 NCBI_Gene:24087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025013 MGI:1346044 protein coding gene tolloid-like 2
19 gene 41.210842 41.264004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914262 Tm9sf3 NCBI_Gene:107358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025016 MGI:1914262 protein coding gene transmembrane 9 superfamily member 3
19 gene 41.259566 41.263709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826288 Gm46651 NCBI_Gene:108168412 MGI:5826288 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46651
19 gene 41.264112 41.265030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922881 1700008F19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700008F19 gene
19 gene 41.272377 41.385102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933177 Pik3ap1 NCBI_Gene:83490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025017 MGI:1933177 protein coding gene phosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 1
19 gene 41.443382 41.445082 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593110 Gm33951 NCBI_Gene:102637042 MGI:5593110 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33951
19 pseudogene 41.459783 41.461451 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704496 Gm9788 NCBI_Gene:100043167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044065 MGI:3704496 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 9788
19 gene 41.481254 41.482185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917137 2010100M03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2010100M03 gene
19 gene 41.482583 41.596161 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443930 Lcor NCBI_Gene:212391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025019 MGI:2443930 protein coding gene ligand dependent nuclear receptor corepressor
19 gene 41.525252 41.526961 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648734 Morf4l1b NCBI_Gene:627352 MGI:3648734 protein coding gene mortality factor 4 like 1B
19 gene 41.575867 41.589383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685186 Gm340 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 340
19 gene 41.588651 41.588789 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530957 Mir8091 miRBase:MI0026018,NCBI_Gene:102465884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098286 MGI:5530957 miRNA gene microRNA 8091
19 gene 41.593363 41.596158 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147586 AI606181 NA NA protein coding gene expressed sequence AI606181
19 gene 41.597824 41.747540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1315203 Slit1 NCBI_Gene:20562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025020 MGI:1315203 protein coding gene slit guidance ligand 1
19 gene 41.691154 41.702436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593275 Gm34116 NCBI_Gene:102637251 MGI:5593275 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34116
19 gene 41.744804 41.745053 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452378 Gm22601 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088220 MGI:5452378 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22601
19 gene 41.746961 41.750097 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011609 Gm19424 NCBI_Gene:100502871 MGI:5011609 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19424
19 gene 41.766588 41.802084 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918335 Arhgap19 NCBI_Gene:71085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025154 MGI:1918335 protein coding gene Rho GTPase activating protein 19
19 gene 41.807949 41.819642 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624732 Gm41847 NCBI_Gene:105246576 MGI:5624732 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41847
19 gene 41.829970 41.832583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109450 Frat1 NCBI_Gene:14296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067199 MGI:109450 protein coding gene frequently rearranged in advanced T cell lymphomas
19 gene 41.845972 41.848132 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2673967 Frat2 NCBI_Gene:212398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047604 MGI:2673967 protein coding gene frequently rearranged in advanced T cell lymphomas 2
19 gene 41.862851 41.896173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147437 Rrp12 NCBI_Gene:107094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035049 MGI:2147437 protein coding gene ribosomal RNA processing 12 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
19 pseudogene 41.900999 41.903231 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826281 Gm46644 NCBI_Gene:108168404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117675 MGI:5826281 pseudogene predicted gene, 46644
19 gene 41.911871 41.918665 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97552 Pgam1 NCBI_Gene:18648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011752 MGI:97552 protein coding gene phosphoglycerate mutase 1
19 gene 41.919650 41.922399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443824 B130024M06Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA B130024M06 gene
19 gene 41.922292 41.933423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913833 Exosc1 NCBI_Gene:66583,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034321 MGI:1913833 protein coding gene exosome component 1
19 gene 41.933472 41.944104 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921418 Zdhhc16 NCBI_Gene:74168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025157 MGI:1921418 protein coding gene zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 16
19 gene 41.941086 41.981165 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919449 Mms19 NCBI_Gene:72199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025159 MGI:1919449 protein coding gene MMS19 cytosolic iron-sulfur assembly component
19 gene 41.972105 41.974522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443381 B130065D12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B130065D12 gene
19 gene 41.975188 41.975286 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452890 Gm23113 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089102 MGI:5452890 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23113
19 gene 41.981763 42.034650 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385092 Ubtd1 NCBI_Gene:226122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025171 MGI:2385092 protein coding gene ubiquitin domain containing 1
19 gene 41.986563 41.990400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443153 E130107B13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E130107B13 gene
19 gene 42.035918 42.045111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861447 Ankrd2 NCBI_Gene:56642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025172 MGI:1861447 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 2 (stretch responsive muscle)
19 gene 42.045610 42.070953 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914682 Hoga1 NCBI_Gene:67432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025176 MGI:1914682 protein coding gene 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 1
19 gene 42.052228 42.053628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914015 4933411K16Rik NCBI_Gene:66765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090369 MGI:1914015 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4933411K16 gene
19 gene 42.074939 42.086370 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2449568 Morn4 NCBI_Gene:226123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049670 MGI:2449568 protein coding gene MORN repeat containing 4
19 gene 42.090145 42.122218 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1934031 Pi4k2a NCBI_Gene:84095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025178 MGI:1934031 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 alpha
19 gene 42.123273 42.129059 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916784 Avpi1 NCBI_Gene:69534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018821 MGI:1916784 protein coding gene arginine vasopressin-induced 1
19 gene 42.147389 42.151703 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147570 Marveld1 NCBI_Gene:277010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044345 MGI:2147570 protein coding gene MARVEL (membrane-associating) domain containing 1
19 pseudogene 42.159631 42.160768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647230 Gm6937 NCBI_Gene:628994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117856 MGI:3647230 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6937
19 gene 42.163951 42.194593 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919602 Zfyve27 NCBI_Gene:319740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018820 MGI:1919602 protein coding gene zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 27
19 gene 42.197971 42.202252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1860298 Sfrp5 NCBI_Gene:54612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018822 MGI:1860298 protein coding gene secreted frizzled-related sequence protein 5
19 gene 42.247574 42.270348 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918396 Golga7b NCBI_Gene:71146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042532 MGI:1918396 protein coding gene golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 7B
19 gene 42.268287 42.431822 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920082 Crtac1 NCBI_Gene:72832,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042401 MGI:1920082 protein coding gene cartilage acidic protein 1
19 gene 42.274964 42.275062 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456116 Gm26339 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076323 MGI:5456116 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26339
19 gene 42.276887 42.314626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593506 Gm34347 NCBI_Gene:102637571 MGI:5593506 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34347
19 gene 42.280082 42.280170 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834259 Mir3085 miRBase:MI0014048,NCBI_Gene:100526549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093234 MGI:4834259 miRNA gene microRNA 3085
19 pseudogene 42.378991 42.379101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302957 Gm50184 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117706 MGI:6302957 pseudogene predicted gene, 50184
19 gene 42.387741 42.397551 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624733 Gm41848 NCBI_Gene:105246577 MGI:5624733 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41848
19 gene 42.402212 42.414246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593458 Gm34299 NCBI_Gene:102637508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117728 MGI:5593458 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34299
19 gene 42.444057 42.448376 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624734 Gm41849 NCBI_Gene:105246578 MGI:5624734 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41849
19 gene 42.483124 42.486499 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624735 Gm41850 NCBI_Gene:105246579 MGI:5624735 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41850
19 gene 42.509119 42.512197 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624736 Gm41851 NCBI_Gene:105246580 MGI:5624736 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41851
19 gene 42.518315 42.592343 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1196316 R3hcc1l NCBI_Gene:52013,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025184 MGI:1196316 protein coding gene R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1 like
19 gene 42.536850 42.563108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4414961 Gm16541 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090117 MGI:4414961 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16541
19 gene 42.551570 42.552164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926126 B230214N19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230214N19 gene
19 gene 42.566036 42.567962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924199 2810404I24Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2810404I24 gene
19 gene 42.592279 42.612813 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914823 Loxl4 NCBI_Gene:67573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025185 MGI:1914823 protein coding gene lysyl oxidase-like 4
19 gene 42.699777 42.699902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454993 Gm25216 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077768 MGI:5454993 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25216
19 gene 42.725857 42.752824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921830 Pyroxd2 NCBI_Gene:74580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060224 MGI:1921830 protein coding gene pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 2
19 gene 42.745691 42.752329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011622 Gm19437 NCBI_Gene:102637646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118354 MGI:5011622 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19437
19 gene 42.755105 42.779996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2177763 Hps1 NCBI_Gene:192236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025188 MGI:2177763 protein coding gene HPS1, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 3 subunit 1
19 gene 42.778653 42.781574 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802128 Gm16244 NCBI_Gene:102637720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090235 MGI:3802128 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16244
19 gene 42.786539 43.388455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685814 Hpse2 NCBI_Gene:545291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074852 MGI:2685814 protein coding gene heparanase 2
19 gene 43.160795 43.160902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451912 Gm22135 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089377 MGI:5451912 rRNA gene predicted gene, 22135
19 gene 43.266936 43.277654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593676 Gm34517 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117880 MGI:5593676 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34517
19 pseudogene 43.278429 43.279303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010564 Gm18379 NCBI_Gene:100417040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117682 MGI:5010564 pseudogene predicted gene, 18379
19 pseudogene 43.280776 43.284225 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647201 Gm6776 NCBI_Gene:627624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047509 MGI:3647201 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6776
19 gene 43.386283 43.387399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918806 8430434A19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 8430434A19 gene
19 gene 43.424826 43.427960 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621453 Gm38568 NCBI_Gene:102641642 MGI:5621453 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38568
19 gene 43.434610 43.440460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6097198 Gm47936 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114742 MGI:6097198 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47936
19 gene 43.440350 43.497213 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891366 Cnnm1 NCBI_Gene:83674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025189 MGI:1891366 protein coding gene cyclin M1
19 gene 43.457444 43.469758 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6097201 Gm47938 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114721 MGI:6097201 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47938
19 gene 43.499752 43.524605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95791 Got1 NCBI_Gene:14718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025190 MGI:95791 protein coding gene glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1, soluble
19 gene 43.528312 43.566029 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302970 Gm50194 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118221 MGI:6302970 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50194
19 pseudogene 43.544183 43.544962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011364 Gm19179 NCBI_Gene:100418390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118308 MGI:5011364 pseudogene predicted gene, 19179
19 gene 43.545927 43.573357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593795 Gm34636 NCBI_Gene:102637951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117991 MGI:5593795 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34636
19 gene 43.609077 43.610717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141932 Gm20467 NCBI_Gene:102638028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092250 MGI:5141932 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20467
19 gene 43.610832 43.611890 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826293 Gm46656 NCBI_Gene:108168417 MGI:5826293 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46656
19 gene 43.612325 43.615892 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97348 Nkx2-3 NCBI_Gene:18089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044220 MGI:97348 protein coding gene NK2 homeobox 3
19 gene 43.622446 43.622560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452423 Gm22646 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092871 MGI:5452423 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22646
19 gene 43.637372 43.642404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782492 Gm4311 NCBI_Gene:100043245 MGI:3782492 unclassified gene predicted gene 4311
19 gene 43.645554 43.655630 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594081 Gm34922 NCBI_Gene:102638332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118236 MGI:5594081 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34922
19 gene 43.663801 43.675510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2180509 Slc25a28 NCBI_Gene:246696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040414 MGI:2180509 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25, member 28
19 gene 43.675178 43.677176 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2652856 BC037704 NCBI_Gene:100502982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117698 MGI:2652856 lncRNA gene cDNA sequence BC037704
19 gene 43.689672 43.733853 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2135885 Entpd7 NCBI_Gene:93685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025192 MGI:2135885 protein coding gene ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7
19 gene 43.733254 43.753000 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920112 Cox15 NCBI_Gene:226139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040018 MGI:1920112 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 15
19 gene 43.752996 43.768638 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913638 Cutc NCBI_Gene:66388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025193 MGI:1913638 protein coding gene cutC copper transporter
19 gene 43.782192 43.840740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352447 Abcc2 NCBI_Gene:12780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025194 MGI:1352447 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 2
19 gene 43.838803 43.840845 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642139 Gm10768 NCBI_Gene:100038628 MGI:3642139 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10768
19 gene 43.846815 43.940323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917352 Dnmbp NCBI_Gene:71972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025195 MGI:1917352 protein coding gene dynamin binding protein
19 gene 43.857245 43.857351 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454177 Gm24400 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088490 MGI:5454177 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24400
19 gene 43.920473 43.927928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303010 Gm50217 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118000 MGI:6303010 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50217
19 gene 43.932316 43.932432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421755 n-R5s21 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084641 MGI:4421755 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 21
19 gene 43.940037 43.940920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920770 1700084K02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700084K02 gene
19 gene 43.956307 43.986556 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2135874 Cpn1 NCBI_Gene:93721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025196 MGI:2135874 protein coding gene carboxypeptidase N, polypeptide 1
19 gene 44.005022 44.029256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888897 Cyp2c23 NCBI_Gene:226143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025197 MGI:1888897 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 23
19 gene 44.034943 44.070494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2387613 Erlin1 NCBI_Gene:226144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025198 MGI:2387613 protein coding gene ER lipid raft associated 1
19 pseudogene 44.052234 44.052736 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010415 Gm18230 NCBI_Gene:100416753 MGI:5010415 pseudogene predicted gene, 18230
19 gene 44.073334 44.107509 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99484 Chuk NCBI_Gene:12675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025199 MGI:99484 protein coding gene conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase
19 gene 44.108637 44.135876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919752 Cwf19l1 NCBI_Gene:72502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025200 MGI:1919752 protein coding gene CWF19-like 1, cell cycle control (S. pombe)
19 gene 44.113979 44.114124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454113 Gm24336 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077391 MGI:5454113 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24336
19 gene 44.139246 44.146470 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920939 Bloc1s2 NCBI_Gene:73689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057506 MGI:1920939 protein coding gene biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex-1, subunit 2
19 gene 44.147637 44.249352 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352448 Pkd2l1 NCBI_Gene:329064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037578 MGI:1352448 protein coding gene polycystic kidney disease 2-like 1
19 gene 44.203269 44.244016 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1353437 Scd3 NCBI_Gene:30049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025202 MGI:1353437 protein coding gene stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 3
19 gene 44.225796 44.246570 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303185 Gm50323 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117900 MGI:6303185 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50323
19 pseudogene 44.252517 44.261446 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643963 Gm6951 NCBI_Gene:629152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118217 MGI:3643963 pseudogene predicted gene 6951
19 gene 44.272137 44.278228 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594342 Gm35183 NCBI_Gene:102638677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117958 MGI:5594342 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35183
19 gene 44.282343 44.283697 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624738 Gm41853 NCBI_Gene:105246582 MGI:5624738 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41853
19 gene 44.293674 44.306864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98240 Scd2 NCBI_Gene:20250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025203 MGI:98240 protein coding gene stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 2
19 gene 44.303171 44.303231 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4950434 Mir5114 miRBase:MI0018023,NCBI_Gene:100628619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093315 MGI:4950434 miRNA gene microRNA 5114
19 gene 44.313772 44.317329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303204 Gm50334 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117957 MGI:6303204 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50334
19 gene 44.333092 44.346743 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2670997 Scd4 NCBI_Gene:329065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050195 MGI:2670997 protein coding gene stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase 4
19 gene 44.394450 44.407879 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98239 Scd1 NCBI_Gene:20249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037071 MGI:98239 protein coding gene stearoyl-Coenzyme A desaturase 1
19 gene 44.419610 44.437886 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303210 Gm50337 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118076 MGI:6303210 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50337
19 gene 44.453017 44.459853 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594565 Gm35406 NCBI_Gene:102638973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117796 MGI:5594565 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35406
19 gene 44.493472 44.514273 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109485 Wnt8b NCBI_Gene:22423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036961 MGI:109485 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 8B
19 gene 44.516957 44.545864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685187 Sec31b NCBI_Gene:240667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051984 MGI:2685187 protein coding gene Sec31 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
19 gene 44.543722 44.552831 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5142003 Gm20538 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091471 MGI:5142003 protein coding gene predicted gene 20538
19 gene 44.548572 44.555442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914514 Ndufb8 NCBI_Gene:67264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025204 MGI:1914514 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B8
19 gene 44.562850 44.576274 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442345 Hif1an NCBI_Gene:319594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036450 MGI:2442345 protein coding gene hypoxia-inducible factor 1, alpha subunit inhibitor
19 gene 44.614740 44.646879 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594619 Gm35460 NCBI_Gene:102639056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117911 MGI:5594619 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35460
19 gene 44.672417 44.674865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624739 Gm41854 NCBI_Gene:105246583 MGI:5624739 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41854
19 gene 44.685753 44.695460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477138 Gm26644 NCBI_Gene:102639186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097683 MGI:5477138 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26644
19 gene 44.739879 44.743444 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594769 Gm35610 NCBI_Gene:102639257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117823 MGI:5594769 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35610
19 gene 44.745693 44.837871 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97486 Pax2 NCBI_Gene:18504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004231 MGI:97486 protein coding gene paired box 2
19 gene 44.773762 44.784512 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141860 Gm20395 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092469 MGI:5141860 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20395
19 gene 44.808406 44.808529 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530731 Mir6405 miRBase:MI0021941,NCBI_Gene:102466645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098952 MGI:5530731 miRNA gene microRNA 6405
19 gene 44.828493 44.835938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920572 1700039E22Rik NCBI_Gene:73322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092369 MGI:1920572 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700039E22 gene
19 pseudogene 44.851009 44.851979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646252 Gm5246 NCBI_Gene:383450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117967 MGI:3646252 pseudogene predicted gene 5246
19 gene 44.918505 44.983787 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924968 Slf2 NCBI_Gene:226151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036097 MGI:1924968 protein coding gene SMC5-SMC6 complex localization factor 2
19 gene 44.945022 44.945128 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455259 Gm25482 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065159 MGI:5455259 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25482
19 gene 44.960373 44.984550 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921144 4930414N06Rik NCBI_Gene:73894,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118204 MGI:1921144 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930414N06 gene
19 gene 44.988966 45.003397 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1347047 Sema4g NCBI_Gene:26456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025207 MGI:1347047 protein coding gene sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4G
19 gene 45.004829 45.006442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2137229 Mrpl43 NCBI_Gene:94067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025208 MGI:2137229 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L43
19 gene 45.005662 45.012763 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2137410 Twnk NCBI_Gene:226153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025209 MGI:2137410 protein coding gene twinkle mtDNA helicase
19 gene 45.014414 45.027115 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385095 Lzts2 NCBI_Gene:226154,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035342 MGI:2385095 protein coding gene leucine zipper, putative tumor suppressor 2
19 gene 45.026906 45.058307 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3608325 Pdzd7 NCBI_Gene:100503041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074818 MGI:3608325 protein coding gene PDZ domain containing 7
19 gene 45.030404 45.031132 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924586 9430030N17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430030N17 gene
19 gene 45.047241 45.056383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2137679 Sfxn3 NCBI_Gene:94280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025212 MGI:2137679 protein coding gene sideroflexin 3
19 gene 45.058841 45.110342 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595026 Gm35867 NCBI_Gene:102639590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117848 MGI:5595026 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35867
19 gene 45.060632 45.075109 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594941 Gm35782 NCBI_Gene:102639478 MGI:5594941 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35782
19 gene 45.075091 45.079289 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147606 Kazald1 NCBI_Gene:107250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025213 MGI:2147606 protein coding gene Kazal-type serine peptidase inhibitor domain 1
19 gene 45.080008 45.080583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922558 4930557B21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930557B21 gene
19 gene 45.144743 45.146954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595082 Gm35923 NCBI_Gene:102639665 MGI:5595082 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35923
19 gene 45.150082 45.156943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98769 Tlx1 NCBI_Gene:21908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025215 MGI:98769 protein coding gene T cell leukemia, homeobox 1
19 gene 45.154057 45.159304 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141889 Tlx1os ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092346 MGI:5141889 antisense lncRNA gene T cell leukemia, homeobox 1, opposite strand
19 gene 45.232684 45.237430 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104867 Lbx1 NCBI_Gene:16814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025216 MGI:104867 protein coding gene ladybird homeobox 1
19 gene 45.300455 45.338477 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579284 Gm28578 NCBI_Gene:102639970,NCBI_Gene:102640042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100417 MGI:5579284 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28578
19 gene 45.300458 45.303246 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580301 Gm29595 NCBI_Gene:102639746 MGI:5580301 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29595
19 gene 45.311291 45.312882 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580299 Gm29593 NCBI_Gene:108168425 MGI:5580299 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29593
19 gene 45.317893 45.318429 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580300 Gm29594 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102057 MGI:5580300 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29594
19 gene 45.363213 45.363649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922903 1700016H03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114673 MGI:1922903 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700016H03 gene
19 gene 45.363734 45.533343 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1338871 Btrc NCBI_Gene:12234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025217 MGI:1338871 protein coding gene beta-transducin repeat containing protein
19 pseudogene 45.396765 45.397796 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010289 Gm18104 NCBI_Gene:100416415 MGI:5010289 pseudogene predicted gene, 18104
19 pseudogene 45.450276 45.451247 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649145 Gm6807 NCBI_Gene:627889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057605 MGI:3649145 pseudogene predicted gene 6807
19 gene 45.542766 45.544997 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624741 Gm41856 NCBI_Gene:105246585 MGI:5624741 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41856
19 gene 45.544596 45.546346 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011824 Gm19639 NCBI_Gene:100503332 MGI:5011824 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19639
19 gene 45.552275 45.560543 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1889000 Poll NCBI_Gene:56626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025218 MGI:1889000 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA directed), lambda
19 gene 45.560590 45.578287 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924407 Dpcd NCBI_Gene:226162 MGI:1924407 protein coding gene deleted in primary ciliary dyskinesia
19 gene 45.560615 45.579763 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4820566 Gm17018 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041035 MGI:4820566 protein coding gene predicted gene 17018
19 gene 45.578254 45.660539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354698 Fbxw4 NCBI_Gene:30838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040913 MGI:1354698 protein coding gene F-box and WD-40 domain protein 4
19 gene 45.726555 45.730558 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918482 4933429K18Rik NCBI_Gene:71232 MGI:1918482 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933429K18 gene
19 gene 45.736798 45.742938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99604 Fgf8 NCBI_Gene:14179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025219 MGI:99604 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor 8
19 gene 45.747734 45.749591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_894653 Npm3 NCBI_Gene:18150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056209 MGI:894653 protein coding gene nucleoplasmin 3
19 gene 45.749508 45.752310 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782937 Gm15491 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087367 MGI:3782937 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15491
19 gene 45.750259 45.783837 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1932139 Oga NCBI_Gene:76055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025220 MGI:1932139 protein coding gene O-GlcNAcase
19 gene 45.791839 45.816432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2135916 Kcnip2 NCBI_Gene:80906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025221 MGI:2135916 protein coding gene Kv channel-interacting protein 2
19 gene 45.817364 45.998580 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918867 Armh3 NCBI_Gene:71617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039901 MGI:1918867 protein coding gene armadillo-like helical domain containing 3
19 gene 45.843617 45.848296 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302974 Gm50196 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117956 MGI:6302974 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50196
19 pseudogene 45.877611 45.878164 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645759 Gm6813 NCBI_Gene:627939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117972 MGI:3645759 pseudogene predicted gene 6813
19 gene 45.997572 46.013387 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922306 4930505N22Rik NCBI_Gene:100174921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097690 MGI:1922306 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930505N22 gene
19 gene 46.003478 46.006173 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2181763 Hps6 NCBI_Gene:20170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074811 MGI:2181763 protein coding gene HPS6, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 3
19 gene 46.031570 46.045515 negative MGI_C57BL6J_894762 Ldb1 NCBI_Gene:16825,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025223 MGI:894762 protein coding gene LIM domain binding 1
19 gene 46.044886 46.072915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385096 Pprc1 NCBI_Gene:226169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055491 MGI:2385096 protein coding gene peroxisome proliferative activated receptor, gamma, coactivator-related 1
19 gene 46.075847 46.085543 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918019 Nolc1 NCBI_Gene:70769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015176 MGI:1918019 protein coding gene nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1
19 gene 46.124930 46.131471 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303157 Gm50306 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117703 MGI:6303157 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50306
19 gene 46.131897 46.135694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1195976 Elovl3 NCBI_Gene:12686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038754 MGI:1195976 protein coding gene elongation of very long chain fatty acids (FEN1/Elo2, SUR4/Elo3, yeast)-like 3
19 gene 46.135294 46.148326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100498 Pitx3 NCBI_Gene:18742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025229 MGI:1100498 protein coding gene paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 3
19 gene 46.152509 46.286510 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861607 Gbf1 NCBI_Gene:107338,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025224 MGI:1861607 protein coding gene golgi-specific brefeldin A-resistance factor 1
19 gene 46.180483 46.185809 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444071 D430033H22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D430033H22 gene
19 pseudogene 46.204141 46.205964 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648532 Gm8974 NCBI_Gene:105246586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093525 MGI:3648532 pseudogene predicted gene 8974
19 gene 46.213099 46.215985 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443201 C130013I19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130013I19 gene
19 gene 46.264539 46.267669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4439650 Gm16726 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086816 MGI:4439650 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 16726
19 gene 46.303590 46.305623 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147599 4833438C02Rik NCBI_Gene:100503392,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118087 MGI:2147599 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4833438C02 gene
19 gene 46.304320 46.312385 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1099800 Nfkb2 NCBI_Gene:18034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025225 MGI:1099800 protein coding gene nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 2, p49/p100
19 gene 46.312085 46.327188 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920978 Psd NCBI_Gene:73728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037126 MGI:1920978 protein coding gene pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing
19 gene 46.328119 46.330446 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915681 Fbxl15 NCBI_Gene:68431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025226 MGI:1915681 protein coding gene F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 15
19 gene 46.329812 46.338702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914366 Cuedc2 NCBI_Gene:67116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036748 MGI:1914366 protein coding gene CUE domain containing 2
19 gene 46.335287 46.338538 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477286 Gm26792 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096996 MGI:5477286 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26792
19 gene 46.338776 46.344131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595652 Gm36493 NCBI_Gene:102640430 MGI:5595652 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36493
19 gene 46.341121 46.375254 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922396 Mfsd13a NCBI_Gene:75146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025227 MGI:1922396 protein coding gene major facilitator superfamily domain containing 13a
19 gene 46.342762 46.342870 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3629945 Mir146b miRBase:MI0004665,NCBI_Gene:751550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070127 MGI:3629945 miRNA gene microRNA 146b
19 gene 46.348201 46.350302 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922829 2310034G01Rik NCBI_Gene:75579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099655 MGI:1922829 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310034G01 gene
19 gene 46.359036 46.359144 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454387 Gm24610 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065204 MGI:5454387 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24610
19 gene 46.376811 46.395748 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858964 Actr1a NCBI_Gene:54130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025228 MGI:1858964 protein coding gene ARP1 actin-related protein 1A, centractin alpha
19 gene 46.396896 46.488804 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345643 Sufu NCBI_Gene:24069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025231 MGI:1345643 protein coding gene SUFU negative regulator of hedgehog signaling
19 gene 46.426855 46.427656 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924501 9430020M11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430020M11 gene
19 gene 46.501648 46.502782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704497 Gm9798 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 9798
19 gene 46.501648 46.516848 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933302 Trim8 NCBI_Gene:93679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025034 MGI:1933302 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 8
19 gene 46.531096 46.573198 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929699 Arl3 NCBI_Gene:56350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025035 MGI:1929699 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor-like 3
19 gene 46.573323 46.598066 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2137678 Sfxn2 NCBI_Gene:94279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025036 MGI:2137678 protein coding gene sideroflexin 2
19 gene 46.599084 46.657389 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107577 Wbp1l NCBI_Gene:226178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047731 MGI:107577 protein coding gene WW domain binding protein 1 like
19 gene 46.657734 46.666450 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595761 Gm36602 NCBI_Gene:102640568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118040 MGI:5595761 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36602
19 gene 46.667165 46.673172 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88586 Cyp17a1 NCBI_Gene:13074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003555 MGI:88586 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 17, subfamily a, polypeptide 1
19 gene 46.668680 46.676083 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624742 Gm41857 NCBI_Gene:105246587 MGI:5624742 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41857
19 pseudogene 46.674086 46.675297 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648147 Gm6967 NCBI_Gene:629359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097937 MGI:3648147 pseudogene predicted gene 6967
19 gene 46.689906 46.703382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913689 Borcs7 NCBI_Gene:66439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062376 MGI:1913689 protein coding gene BLOC-1 related complex subunit 7
19 gene 46.707359 46.741099 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929882 As3mt NCBI_Gene:57344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003559 MGI:1929882 protein coding gene arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase
19 gene 46.759671 46.763467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704498 Gm10199 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10199
19 gene 46.761564 46.880192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2151054 Cnnm2 NCBI_Gene:94219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064105 MGI:2151054 protein coding gene cyclin M2
19 gene 46.881495 46.883439 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303362 Gm50431 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117814 MGI:6303362 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50431
19 gene 46.883090 46.883430 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925220 A930026I22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930026I22 gene
19 gene 46.883317 47.015189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2178563 Nt5c2 NCBI_Gene:76952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025041 MGI:2178563 protein coding gene 5’-nucleotidase, cytosolic II
19 gene 46.889008 46.909575 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704499 Gm9751 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 9751
19 pseudogene 46.920507 46.921270 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010675 Gm18490 NCBI_Gene:100417264 MGI:5010675 pseudogene predicted gene, 18490
19 pseudogene 46.996290 46.997196 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010842 Gm18657 NCBI_Gene:100417509 MGI:5010842 pseudogene predicted gene, 18657
19 gene 47.014698 47.025327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96568 Ina NCBI_Gene:226180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034336 MGI:96568 protein coding gene internexin neuronal intermediate filament protein, alpha
19 gene 47.033617 47.051096 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918291 Pcgf6 NCBI_Gene:71041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025050 MGI:1918291 protein coding gene polycomb group ring finger 6
19 pseudogene 47.054505 47.055248 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303179 Gm50319 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117691 MGI:6303179 pseudogene predicted gene, 50319
19 gene 47.058162 47.058268 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452917 Gm23140 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094400 MGI:5452917 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23140
19 gene 47.067746 47.083479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442144 Taf5 NCBI_Gene:226182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025049 MGI:2442144 protein coding gene TATA-box binding protein associated factor 5
19 gene 47.083464 47.090647 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891435 Atp5md NCBI_Gene:66477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071528 MGI:1891435 protein coding gene ATP synthase membrane subunit DAPIT
19 gene 47.090749 47.131865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341788 Pdcd11 NCBI_Gene:18572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025047 MGI:1341788 protein coding gene programmed cell death 11
19 gene 47.105353 47.138294 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919941 Calhm2 NCBI_Gene:72691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033033 MGI:1919941 protein coding gene calcium homeostasis modulator family member 2
19 gene 47.126150 47.131251 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704500 D930027P08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D930027P08 gene
19 gene 47.140909 47.144254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643383 Calhm1 NCBI_Gene:546729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079258 MGI:3643383 protein coding gene calcium homeostasis modulator 1
19 gene 47.151609 47.157764 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645665 Calhm3 NCBI_Gene:240669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094219 MGI:3645665 protein coding gene calcium homeostasis modulator 3
19 pseudogene 47.170426 47.171200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645322 H1f11-ps NCBI_Gene:629389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091230 MGI:3645322 pseudogene H1.11 linker histone, pseudogene
19 gene 47.178820 47.259441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1334263 Neurl1a NCBI_Gene:18011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006435 MGI:1334263 protein coding gene neuralized E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1A
19 gene 47.197881 47.206768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595852 Gm36693 NCBI_Gene:102640681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118127 MGI:5595852 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36693
19 gene 47.220713 47.221909 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303214 Gm50339 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117659 MGI:6303214 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50339
19 gene 47.260174 47.464613 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1298393 Sh3pxd2a NCBI_Gene:14218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053617 MGI:1298393 protein coding gene SH3 and PX domains 2A
19 gene 47.273519 47.273589 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530958 Mir6995 miRBase:MI0022843,NCBI_Gene:102466782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098786 MGI:5530958 miRNA gene microRNA 6995
19 gene 47.286725 47.293330 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588993 Gm29834 NCBI_Gene:102631515 MGI:5588993 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29834
19 gene 47.426070 47.435135 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5596044 Gm36885 NCBI_Gene:102640939 MGI:5596044 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36885
19 gene 47.483840 47.485344 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624743 Gm41858 NCBI_Gene:105246588 MGI:5624743 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41858
19 gene 47.501033 47.537507 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915581 Stn1 NCBI_Gene:108689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042694 MGI:1915581 protein coding gene STN1, CST complex subunit
19 gene 47.512982 47.516578 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011742 Gm19557 NCBI_Gene:100503104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097990 MGI:5011742 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19557
19 gene 47.579678 47.645246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103241 Slk NCBI_Gene:20874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025060 MGI:103241 protein coding gene STE20-like kinase
19 gene 47.597237 47.602329 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303244 Gm50358 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118206 MGI:6303244 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50358
19 gene 47.605899 47.617106 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802005 Gm16068 NCBI_Gene:102631588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086121 MGI:3802005 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16068
19 gene 47.646341 47.692094 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88450 Col17a1 NCBI_Gene:12821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025064 MGI:88450 protein coding gene collagen, type XVII, alpha 1
19 gene 47.694671 47.696533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303115 Gm50281 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117702 MGI:6303115 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50281
19 gene 47.710866 47.710981 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455862 Gm26085 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088525 MGI:5455862 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26085
19 gene 47.714784 47.714887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454582 Gm24805 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096704 MGI:5454582 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24805
19 gene 47.721035 47.723066 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303117 Gm50282 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118149 MGI:6303117 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50282
19 gene 47.731682 47.735588 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915038 Sfr1 NCBI_Gene:67788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025066 MGI:1915038 protein coding gene SWI5 dependent recombination repair 1
19 gene 47.735267 47.919287 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1289258 Cfap43 NCBI_Gene:100048534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044948 MGI:1289258 protein coding gene cilia and flagella associated protein 43
19 gene 47.755022 47.755157 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531244 Mir8090 miRBase:MI0026017,NCBI_Gene:102465883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099069 MGI:5531244 miRNA gene microRNA 8090
19 gene 47.853111 47.854772 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589180 Gm30021 NCBI_Gene:102631766 MGI:5589180 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30021
19 gene 47.854970 47.864790 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1342273 Gsto1 NCBI_Gene:14873,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025068 MGI:1342273 protein coding gene glutathione S-transferase omega 1
19 gene 47.865534 47.886324 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915464 Gsto2 NCBI_Gene:68214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025069 MGI:1915464 protein coding gene glutathione S-transferase omega 2
19 gene 47.894593 47.919519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3042776 Itprip NCBI_Gene:414801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117975 MGI:3042776 protein coding gene inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor interacting protein
19 gene 47.919192 47.919273 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452017 Gm22240 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092966 MGI:5452017 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22240
19 gene 47.937675 48.035387 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685815 Cfap58 NCBI_Gene:381229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046585 MGI:2685815 protein coding gene cilia and flagella associated protein 58
19 gene 48.117348 48.136082 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303360 Gm50430 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117690 MGI:6303360 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50430
19 gene 48.206025 48.805505 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913923 Sorcs3 NCBI_Gene:66673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063434 MGI:1913923 protein coding gene sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 3
19 gene 48.240535 48.240645 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453634 Gm23857 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089004 MGI:5453634 rRNA gene predicted gene, 23857
19 gene 48.240774 48.241114 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924179 1700021N20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700021N20 gene
19 gene 48.811136 48.813495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303368 Gm50436 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117930 MGI:6303368 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50436
19 gene 48.990469 48.991981 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922433 4930535F04Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118014 MGI:1922433 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930535F04 gene
19 gene 48.992084 48.996546 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303375 Gm50441 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117996 MGI:6303375 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50441
19 gene 49.090673 49.107771 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303377 Gm50442 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118111 MGI:6303377 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50442
19 pseudogene 49.554018 49.557406 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303380 Gm50444 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117931 MGI:6303380 pseudogene predicted gene, 50444
19 pseudogene 49.709393 49.710153 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644403 Gm6975 NCBI_Gene:629448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118059 MGI:3644403 pseudogene predicted gene 6975
19 gene 49.709794 49.709872 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531317 Gm27935 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098507 MGI:5531317 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27935
19 pseudogene 49.868272 49.870143 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108066 Siah1-ps1 NCBI_Gene:20435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117697 MGI:108066 pseudogene siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1, pseudogene 1
19 pseudogene 50.030100 50.030756 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648883 Rpl13a-ps1 NCBI_Gene:433251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062083 MGI:3648883 pseudogene ribosomal protein 13A, pseudogene 1
19 gene 50.143295 50.679136 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929666 Sorcs1 NCBI_Gene:58178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043531 MGI:1929666 protein coding gene sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 1
19 gene 50.144491 50.144615 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531131 Gm27749 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098916 MGI:5531131 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27749
19 gene 50.146938 50.180652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791188 Gm45352 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110007 MGI:5791188 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45352
19 gene 50.327639 50.331581 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589282 Gm30123 NA NA lncRNA gene predicted gene%2c 30123
19 gene 50.665964 50.778662 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477123 Gm26629 NCBI_Gene:102631841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097446 MGI:5477123 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26629
19 gene 50.705722 50.713685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303151 Gm50302 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117758 MGI:6303151 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50302
19 gene 50.812324 50.812360 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455436 Gm25659 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089094 MGI:5455436 rRNA gene predicted gene, 25659
19 gene 51.144749 51.148034 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303175 Gm50317 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118338 MGI:6303175 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50317
19 gene 51.239690 51.239796 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455421 Gm25644 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065143 MGI:5455421 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25644
19 pseudogene 51.631549 51.632627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303189 Gm50325 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117806 MGI:6303189 pseudogene predicted gene, 50325
19 pseudogene 51.674388 51.674650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303190 Gm50326 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118158 MGI:6303190 pseudogene predicted gene, 50326
19 pseudogene 51.792226 51.792633 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644718 Rpl31-ps18 NCBI_Gene:668536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097719 MGI:3644718 pseudogene ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 18
19 gene 51.891724 51.920333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303196 Gm50330 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117867 MGI:6303196 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50330
19 gene 51.913963 51.984533 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303194 Gm50329 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118173 MGI:6303194 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50329
19 pseudogene 51.972994 51.974073 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782291 Gm4115 NCBI_Gene:100042936 MGI:3782291 pseudogene predicted gene 4115
19 gene 52.264297 52.265476 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96572 Ins1 NCBI_Gene:16333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035804 MGI:96572 protein coding gene insulin I
19 gene 52.303521 52.308652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303198 Gm50331 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118128 MGI:6303198 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50331
19 gene 52.337165 52.345933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303200 Gm50332 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118114 MGI:6303200 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50332
19 gene 52.372948 52.389660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624745 Gm41860 NCBI_Gene:105246590 MGI:5624745 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41860
19 gene 52.923181 52.941209 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3035466 AA387883 NCBI_Gene:100043450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117896 MGI:3035466 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AA387883
19 gene 52.931926 53.040214 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2180003 Xpnpep1 NCBI_Gene:170750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025027 MGI:2180003 protein coding gene X-prolyl aminopeptidase (aminopeptidase P) 1, soluble
19 gene 52.943109 52.945972 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624746 Gm41861 NCBI_Gene:105246591 MGI:5624746 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41861
19 gene 53.010656 53.010756 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531214 Mir6407 miRBase:MI0021944,NCBI_Gene:102465220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098730 MGI:5531214 miRNA gene microRNA 6407
19 gene 53.033648 53.084516 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925707 1700054A03Rik NCBI_Gene:78457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099988 MGI:1925707 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700054A03 gene
19 gene 53.050716 53.105907 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589393 Gm30234 NCBI_Gene:102632061 MGI:5589393 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30234
19 gene 53.085037 53.088696 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624747 Gm41862 NCBI_Gene:105246592 MGI:5624747 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41862
19 gene 53.127579 53.131793 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589540 Gm30381 NCBI_Gene:102632253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118233 MGI:5589540 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30381
19 gene 53.133413 53.139839 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780026 Gm9618 NCBI_Gene:674277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118003 MGI:3780026 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9618
19 gene 53.140443 53.247399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351615 Add3 NCBI_Gene:27360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025026 MGI:1351615 protein coding gene adducin 3 (gamma)
19 gene 53.159757 53.159863 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454501 Gm24724 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088855 MGI:5454501 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24724
19 gene 53.248736 53.265405 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916569 1700001K23Rik NCBI_Gene:69319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118314 MGI:1916569 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700001K23 gene
19 pseudogene 53.265747 53.266864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595498 Gm36339 NCBI_Gene:102640219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118350 MGI:5595498 pseudogene predicted gene, 36339
19 gene 53.310414 53.375810 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97245 Mxi1 NCBI_Gene:17859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025025 MGI:97245 protein coding gene MAX interactor 1, dimerization protein
19 gene 53.317356 53.326998 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589700 Gm30541 NCBI_Gene:102632479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118369 MGI:5589700 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30541
19 gene 53.371566 53.371766 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704501 Gm10197 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067085 MGI:3704501 protein coding gene predicted gene 10197
19 gene 53.379214 53.390917 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923729 Smndc1 NCBI_Gene:76479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025024 MGI:1923729 protein coding gene survival motor neuron domain containing 1
19 gene 53.390789 53.391795 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924742 8030456M14Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117768 MGI:1924742 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 8030456M14 gene
19 gene 53.441212 53.464796 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922001 Mirt1 NCBI_Gene:381232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097636 MGI:1922001 lncRNA gene myocardial infarction associated transcript 1
19 gene 53.460066 53.462731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921149 4833407H14Rik NCBI_Gene:73899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097779 MGI:1921149 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4833407H14 gene
19 gene 53.483494 53.486485 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303297 Gm50393 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118378 MGI:6303297 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50393
19 gene 53.488977 53.492649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589985 Gm30826 NCBI_Gene:102632863 MGI:5589985 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30826
19 gene 53.528609 53.529655 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303299 Gm50394 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118210 MGI:6303299 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50394
19 gene 53.529109 53.542431 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685183 Dusp5 NCBI_Gene:240672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034765 MGI:2685183 protein coding gene dual specificity phosphatase 5
19 pseudogene 53.588151 53.589068 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108008 Nutf2-ps1 NCBI_Gene:100043462,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071497 MGI:108008 pseudogene nuclear transport factor 2, pseudogene 1
19 gene 53.598542 53.599411 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303314 Gm50402 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118159 MGI:6303314 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50402
19 gene 53.600396 53.645833 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1339795 Smc3 NCBI_Gene:13006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024974 MGI:1339795 protein coding gene structural maintenance of chromosomes 3
19 gene 53.660989 53.867083 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920963 Rbm20 NCBI_Gene:73713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043639 MGI:1920963 protein coding gene RNA binding motif protein 20
19 gene 53.673178 53.675863 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826290 Gm46653 NCBI_Gene:108168414 MGI:5826290 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46653
19 gene 53.754244 53.758239 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590102 Gm30943 NCBI_Gene:102633013 MGI:5590102 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30943
19 pseudogene 53.767891 53.768310 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826538 Gm16298 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089807 MGI:3826538 pseudogene predicted gene 16298
19 gene 53.770365 53.788290 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590049 Gm30890 NCBI_Gene:102632944 MGI:5590049 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30890
19 gene 53.819252 53.825401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826539 Gm16299 NCBI_Gene:102641509,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089679 MGI:3826539 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16299
19 gene 53.855298 53.860220 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624748 Gm41863 NCBI_Gene:105246593 MGI:5624748 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41863
19 gene 53.871785 53.903185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590149 Gm30990 NCBI_Gene:102633075 MGI:5590149 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30990
19 pseudogene 53.883367 53.883768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303101 Gm50272 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117693 MGI:6303101 pseudogene predicted gene, 50272
19 gene 53.892231 53.929861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107490 Pdcd4 NCBI_Gene:18569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024975 MGI:107490 protein coding gene programmed cell death 4
19 gene 53.903996 53.904958 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922933 2310035P21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2310035P21 gene
19 gene 53.929656 53.944643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913610 Bbip1 NCBI_Gene:100503572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084957 MGI:1913610 protein coding gene BBSome interacting protein 1
19 gene 53.944232 54.033280 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1927197 Shoc2 NCBI_Gene:56392,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024976 MGI:1927197 protein coding gene Shoc2, leucine rich repeat scaffold protein
19 gene 53.960355 53.962769 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303102 Gm50273 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117704 MGI:6303102 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50273
19 gene 53.976462 54.001442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922206 4930484I04Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117981 MGI:1922206 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930484I04 gene
19 gene 54.044151 54.048982 positive MGI_C57BL6J_87934 Adra2a NCBI_Gene:11551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033717 MGI:87934 protein coding gene adrenergic receptor, alpha 2a
19 gene 54.084559 54.086658 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302959 Gm50186 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117921 MGI:6302959 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50186
19 gene 54.154877 54.175117 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624750 Gm41865 NCBI_Gene:105246595 MGI:5624750 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41865
19 gene 54.198385 54.201323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624751 Gm41866 NCBI_Gene:105246596 MGI:5624751 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41866
19 gene 54.198391 54.201454 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302961 Gm50187 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118324 MGI:6302961 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50187
19 pseudogene 54.444980 54.445204 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302963 Gm50188 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117755 MGI:6302963 pseudogene predicted gene, 50188
19 gene 54.465865 54.586424 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590460 Gm31301 NCBI_Gene:102633487 MGI:5590460 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31301
19 gene 54.758648 54.760955 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624752 Gm41867 NCBI_Gene:105246597 MGI:5624752 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41867
19 gene 54.923805 54.936724 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302966 Gm50191 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118207 MGI:6302966 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50191
19 gene 55.067268 55.127238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109162 Gpam NCBI_Gene:14732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024978 MGI:109162 protein coding gene glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial
19 gene 55.099502 55.118931 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590515 Gm31356 NCBI_Gene:102633560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118099 MGI:5590515 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31356
19 gene 55.127314 55.140840 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590577 Gm31418 NCBI_Gene:102633636 MGI:5590577 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31418
19 gene 55.132642 55.134832 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642924 Gm10755 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10755
19 gene 55.180733 55.196313 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109574 Tectb NCBI_Gene:21684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024979 MGI:109574 protein coding gene tectorin beta
19 gene 55.192678 55.192734 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530856 Mir6715 miRBase:MI0025026,NCBI_Gene:102465990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098289 MGI:5530856 miRNA gene microRNA 6715
19 gene 55.198098 55.241236 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106025 Gucy2g NCBI_Gene:73707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055523 MGI:106025 protein coding gene guanylate cyclase 2g
19 gene 55.251884 55.297720 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919129 Acsl5 NCBI_Gene:433256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024981 MGI:1919129 protein coding gene acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 5
19 gene 55.262382 55.274479 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590754 Gm31595 NCBI_Gene:102633871 MGI:5590754 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31595
19 gene 55.271291 55.316032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914230 Zdhhc6 NCBI_Gene:66980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024982 MGI:1914230 protein coding gene zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 6
19 gene 55.316057 55.627461 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1855699 Vti1a NCBI_Gene:53611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024983 MGI:1855699 protein coding gene vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1A
19 gene 55.480917 55.484622 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782650 Gm4466 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 4466
19 gene 55.555873 55.556183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917659 2310066F23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2310066F23 gene
19 gene 55.640589 55.702204 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924844 4930552P12Rik NCBI_Gene:77594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097632 MGI:1924844 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930552P12 gene
19 gene 55.701143 55.702134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624756 Gm41871 NCBI_Gene:105246602 MGI:5624756 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41871
19 gene 55.734407 55.743225 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590893 Gm31734 NCBI_Gene:102634055 MGI:5590893 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31734
19 gene 55.741785 55.933661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1202879 Tcf7l2 NCBI_Gene:21416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024985 MGI:1202879 protein coding gene transcription factor 7 like 2, T cell specific, HMG box
19 gene 55.841672 55.845897 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349458 Ppnr ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099746 MGI:1349458 lncRNA gene per-pentamer repeat gene
19 gene 55.940237 55.950980 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624757 Gm41872 NCBI_Gene:105246603 MGI:5624757 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41872
19 pseudogene 56.012529 56.012925 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302881 Gm50135 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117833 MGI:6302881 pseudogene predicted gene, 50135
19 gene 56.035096 56.040941 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041200 D730002M21Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117827 MGI:3041200 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D730002M21 gene
19 gene 56.066128 56.066934 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923871 1700106J12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700106J12 gene
19 gene 56.077954 56.081392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782654 Gm4470 NCBI_Gene:102634217 MGI:3782654 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4470
19 gene 56.105689 56.140607 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591071 Gm31912 NCBI_Gene:102634291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117695 MGI:5591071 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31912
19 gene 56.155105 56.176419 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591124 Gm31965 NCBI_Gene:102634365 MGI:5591124 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31965
19 gene 56.177735 56.199050 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591187 Gm32028 NCBI_Gene:102634447 MGI:5591187 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32028
19 gene 56.263413 56.266917 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591303 Gm32144 NCBI_Gene:102634603 MGI:5591303 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32144
19 gene 56.273194 56.292830 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591416 Gm32257 NCBI_Gene:102634750 MGI:5591416 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32257
19 gene 56.277518 56.277645 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452048 Gm22271 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077223 MGI:5452048 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22271
19 gene 56.287109 56.320822 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1196378 Habp2 NCBI_Gene:226243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025075 MGI:1196378 protein coding gene hyaluronic acid binding protein 2
19 gene 56.320035 56.390063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098765 Nrap NCBI_Gene:18175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049134 MGI:1098765 protein coding gene nebulin-related anchoring protein
19 gene 56.356412 56.366241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4938024 Gm17197 NCBI_Gene:102634685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090990 MGI:4938024 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17197
19 gene 56.396634 56.442348 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109383 Casp7 NCBI_Gene:12369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025076 MGI:109383 protein coding gene caspase 7
19 gene 56.442446 56.455000 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826294 Gm46657 NCBI_Gene:108168418 MGI:5826294 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46657
19 gene 56.457275 56.486752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443041 Plekhs1 NCBI_Gene:226245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035818 MGI:2443041 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology domain containing, family S member 1
19 gene 56.529161 56.548284 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930042 Dclre1a NCBI_Gene:55947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025077 MGI:1930042 protein coding gene DNA cross-link repair 1A
19 gene 56.548261 56.603503 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914116 Nhlrc2 NCBI_Gene:66866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025078 MGI:1914116 protein coding gene NHL repeat containing 2
19 gene 56.655970 56.664626 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591600 Gm32441 NCBI_Gene:102634992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117890 MGI:5591600 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32441
19 gene 56.669067 56.674549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591651 Gm32492 NCBI_Gene:102635060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117859 MGI:5591651 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32492
19 gene 56.703751 56.714015 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591734 Gm32575 NCBI_Gene:102635171 MGI:5591734 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32575
19 gene 56.722199 56.733113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_87937 Adrb1 NCBI_Gene:11554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035283 MGI:87937 protein coding gene adrenergic receptor, beta 1
19 gene 56.741029 56.746913 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302829 Gm50100 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117696 MGI:6302829 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50100
19 gene 56.743045 56.765957 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591877 Gm32718 NCBI_Gene:102635359 MGI:5591877 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32718
19 pseudogene 56.754878 56.755428 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648860 Gm6990 NCBI_Gene:629643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067063 MGI:3648860 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6990
19 gene 56.787481 56.822488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445022 Ccdc186 NCBI_Gene:213993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035173 MGI:2445022 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 186
19 gene 56.821962 56.822539 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922878 1700010L13Rik NA NA protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700010L13 gene
19 gene 56.826171 56.870012 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933218 Tdrd1 NCBI_Gene:83561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025081 MGI:1933218 protein coding gene tudor domain containing 1
19 gene 56.874249 56.912078 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684334 Vwa2 NCBI_Gene:240675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025082 MGI:2684334 protein coding gene von Willebrand factor A domain containing 2
19 gene 56.912354 57.008591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147658 Afap1l2 NCBI_Gene:226250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025083 MGI:2147658 protein coding gene actin filament associated protein 1-like 2
19 gene 56.977200 56.984849 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621482 Gm38597 NCBI_Gene:102642146 MGI:5621482 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38597
19 gene 57.032733 57.315204 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1194500 Ablim1 NCBI_Gene:226251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025085 MGI:1194500 protein coding gene actin-binding LIM protein 1
19 gene 57.273960 57.277052 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925370 4930449E18Rik NCBI_Gene:78120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117684 MGI:1925370 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930449E18 gene
19 gene 57.323193 57.360899 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444948 B230217O12Rik NCBI_Gene:320879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097785 MGI:2444948 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B230217O12 gene
19 gene 57.323602 57.331224 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303097 Gm50270 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117670 MGI:6303097 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50270
19 gene 57.360680 57.389594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147545 Fam160b1 NCBI_Gene:226252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033478 MGI:2147545 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 160, member B1
19 gene 57.404096 57.404275 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924071 2600017C09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2600017C09 gene
19 gene 57.404678 57.411272 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624759 Gm41874 NCBI_Gene:105246606 MGI:5624759 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41874
19 gene 57.418291 57.423494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303099 Gm50271 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117927 MGI:6303099 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50271
19 gene 57.452892 57.491005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919383 Trub1 NCBI_Gene:72133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025086 MGI:1919383 protein coding gene TruB pseudouridine (psi) synthase family member 1
19 gene 57.459572 57.461553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477368 Gm26874 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097374 MGI:5477368 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26874
19 gene 57.497390 57.512788 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925323 6720468P15Rik NCBI_Gene:78073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117655 MGI:1925323 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6720468P15 gene
19 gene 57.522180 57.533305 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592091 Gm32932 NCBI_Gene:102635646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118178 MGI:5592091 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32932
19 pseudogene 57.529582 57.529897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303113 Gm50279 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118248 MGI:6303113 pseudogene predicted gene, 50279
19 gene 57.540466 57.544223 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303122 Gm50285 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117770 MGI:6303122 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50285
19 pseudogene 57.584761 57.584956 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303124 Gm50286 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117978 MGI:6303124 pseudogene predicted gene, 50286
19 gene 57.610963 58.133343 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147749 Atrnl1 NCBI_Gene:226255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054843 MGI:2147749 protein coding gene attractin like 1
19 gene 58.022571 58.031893 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592139 Gm32980 NCBI_Gene:102635712 MGI:5592139 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32980
19 gene 58.051167 58.051236 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455845 Mir5623 miRBase:MI0019191,NCBI_Gene:100885835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093757 MGI:5455845 miRNA gene microRNA 5623
19 gene 58.091814 58.096031 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303125 Gm50287 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117871 MGI:6303125 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50287
19 gene 58.091818 58.094002 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442561 E430016L07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E430016L07 gene
19 gene 58.204139 58.236047 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826543 Gm16277 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087002 MGI:3826543 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16277
19 gene 58.231333 58.232284 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624760 Gm41875 NCBI_Gene:105246608 MGI:5624760 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41875
19 gene 58.235581 58.455946 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100842 Gfra1 NCBI_Gene:14585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025089 MGI:1100842 protein coding gene glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor family receptor alpha 1
19 gene 58.280564 58.294578 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826287 Gm46650 NCBI_Gene:108168411 MGI:5826287 protein coding gene predicted gene, 46650
19 gene 58.296204 58.300348 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642351 Gm10007 NCBI_Gene:791347 MGI:3642351 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10007
19 gene 58.456149 58.459592 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624761 Gm41876 NCBI_Gene:105246609 MGI:5624761 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41876
19 pseudogene 58.489282 58.489603 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302958 Gm50185 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118253 MGI:6302958 pseudogene predicted gene, 50185
19 gene 58.500223 58.508119 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592465 Gm33306 NCBI_Gene:102636162 MGI:5592465 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33306
19 gene 58.511993 58.553104 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922895 Ccdc172 NCBI_Gene:75645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025090 MGI:1922895 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 172
19 gene 58.606329 58.629753 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916305 1810007D17Rik NCBI_Gene:69055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100001 MGI:1916305 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810007D17 gene
19 gene 58.652498 58.681788 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97722 Pnlip NCBI_Gene:69060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046008 MGI:97722 protein coding gene pancreatic lipase
19 gene 58.695506 58.696178 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925578 1810035K13Rik NCBI_Gene:78328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118223 MGI:1925578 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810035K13 gene
19 gene 58.698917 58.715770 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921421 1810018F18Rik NCBI_Gene:69166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101088 MGI:1921421 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810018F18 gene
19 gene 58.728887 58.744169 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97723 Pnliprp1 NCBI_Gene:18946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042179 MGI:97723 protein coding gene pancreatic lipase related protein 1
19 gene 58.742043 58.743761 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917628 1810073G21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1810073G21 gene
19 gene 58.759719 58.777534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336202 Pnliprp2 NCBI_Gene:18947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025091 MGI:1336202 protein coding gene pancreatic lipase-related protein 2
19 gene 58.785803 58.794461 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914757 1700019N19Rik NCBI_Gene:67507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000026931 MGI:1914757 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700019N19 gene
19 gene 58.786608 58.786691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452338 Gm22561 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087956 MGI:5452338 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22561
19 pseudogene 58.790195 58.790575 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937977 Gm17150 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091410 MGI:4937977 pseudogene predicted gene 17150
19 gene 58.794515 58.802121 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624762 Gm41877 NCBI_Gene:105246610 MGI:5624762 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41877
19 gene 58.795750 58.943672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920692 Hspa12a NCBI_Gene:73442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025092 MGI:1920692 protein coding gene heat shock protein 12A
19 gene 58.873930 58.875138 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921900 4930433M22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930433M22 gene
19 gene 58.911673 58.911759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834260 Mir3086 miRBase:MI0014049,NCBI_Gene:100526480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092813 MGI:4834260 miRNA gene microRNA 3086
19 gene 58.935184 58.971421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441717 Eno4 NCBI_Gene:226265,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048029 MGI:2441717 protein coding gene enolase 4
19 gene 58.973356 59.076124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918903 Shtn1 NCBI_Gene:71653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041362 MGI:1918903 protein coding gene shootin 1
19 pseudogene 59.087487 59.089034 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643073 Gm9276 NCBI_Gene:668626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118377 MGI:3643073 pseudogene predicted gene 9276
19 gene 59.164480 59.170056 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277163 Vax1 NCBI_Gene:22326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006270 MGI:1277163 protein coding gene ventral anterior homeobox 1
19 gene 59.171624 59.184456 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923050 4930442E04Rik NCBI_Gene:75800 MGI:1923050 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930442E04 gene
19 pseudogene 59.180655 59.181432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303359 Gm50429 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117834 MGI:6303359 pseudogene predicted gene, 50429
19 gene 59.219214 59.237374 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685627 Kcnk18 NCBI_Gene:332396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040901 MGI:2685627 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily K, member 18
19 gene 59.259512 59.261419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579967 Gm29261 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101630 MGI:5579967 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29261
19 gene 59.260878 59.296012 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106677 Slc18a2 NCBI_Gene:214084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025094 MGI:106677 protein coding gene solute carrier family 18 (vesicular monoamine), member 2
19 gene 59.296084 59.345780 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2677270 Pdzd8 NCBI_Gene:107368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074746 MGI:2677270 protein coding gene PDZ domain containing 8
19 pseudogene 59.322290 59.322784 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704503 Rps12-ps3 NCBI_Gene:100034727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067038 MGI:3704503 pseudogene ribosomal protein S12, pseudogene 3
19 pseudogene 59.337576 59.337969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303374 Gm50440 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118276 MGI:6303374 pseudogene predicted gene, 50440
19 gene 59.345908 59.346675 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919460 1700022C07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700022C07 gene
19 gene 59.389312 59.399207 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592915 Gm33756 NCBI_Gene:102636779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110210 MGI:5592915 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33756
19 gene 59.425104 59.458635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3052329 Emx2os NCBI_Gene:329078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087095 MGI:3052329 antisense lncRNA gene Emx2 opposite strand/antisense transcript (non-protein coding)
19 gene 59.458372 59.465357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95388 Emx2 NCBI_Gene:13797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043969 MGI:95388 protein coding gene empty spiracles homeobox 2
19 gene 59.493136 59.559391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919897 2700089I24Rik NCBI_Gene:72647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100119 MGI:1919897 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2700089I24 gene
19 pseudogene 59.540406 59.540978 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010346 Gm18161 NCBI_Gene:100416590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118118 MGI:5010346 pseudogene predicted gene, 18161
19 gene 59.654737 59.681206 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012141 Gm19956 NCBI_Gene:100503908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118031 MGI:5012141 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19956
19 gene 59.679014 59.707583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624763 Gm41878 NCBI_Gene:105246611 MGI:5624763 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41878
19 gene 59.682009 59.698459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826298 Gm46661 NCBI_Gene:108168422 MGI:5826298 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46661
19 gene 59.690734 59.691100 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303327 Gm50411 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118190 MGI:6303327 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50411
19 gene 59.760441 59.822672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826299 Gm46662 NCBI_Gene:108168423 MGI:5826299 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46662
19 gene 59.875343 59.890238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826297 Gm46660 NCBI_Gene:108168421 MGI:5826297 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46660
19 gene 59.895544 59.943654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922248 Rab11fip2 NCBI_Gene:74998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040022 MGI:1922248 protein coding gene RAB11 family interacting protein 2 (class I)
19 gene 59.896241 59.901062 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4938030 Gm17203 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090965 MGI:4938030 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17203
19 gene 59.943722 59.948398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782395 Gm4219 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091378 MGI:3782395 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4219
19 gene 59.943740 59.944658 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922213 4930470F04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930470F04 gene
19 gene 60.035900 60.039033 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624764 Gm41879 NCBI_Gene:105246612 MGI:5624764 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41879
19 gene 60.040385 60.050388 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624765 Gm41880 NCBI_Gene:105246613 MGI:5624765 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41880
19 pseudogene 60.079370 60.087657 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1339756 Csf1r-ps NCBI_Gene:12979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118291 MGI:1339756 pseudogene colony stimulating factor 1 receptor (granulocyte), pseudogene
19 pseudogene 60.093460 60.093931 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303142 Gm50296 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118166 MGI:6303142 pseudogene predicted gene, 50296
19 gene 60.107521 60.116299 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826300 Gm46663 NCBI_Gene:108168424 MGI:5826300 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46663
19 gene 60.135549 60.140383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624766 Gm41881 NCBI_Gene:105246614 MGI:5624766 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41881
19 gene 60.144675 60.162591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147732 E330013P04Rik NCBI_Gene:107376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053117 MGI:2147732 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E330013P04 gene
19 gene 60.197148 60.226974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1289174 Fam204a NCBI_Gene:76539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057858 MGI:1289174 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 204, member A
19 pseudogene 60.226334 60.227678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921695 4933412A08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043623 MGI:1921695 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 4933412A08 gene
19 gene 60.241853 60.243581 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579057 Gm28351 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099678 MGI:5579057 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28351
19 gene 60.310847 60.325262 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624767 Gm41882 NCBI_Gene:105246615 MGI:5624767 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41882
19 gene 60.375885 60.387027 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593459 Gm34300 NCBI_Gene:102637509 MGI:5593459 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34300
19 gene 60.465641 60.469431 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2135956 Prlhr NCBI_Gene:226278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045052 MGI:2135956 protein coding gene prolactin releasing hormone receptor
19 gene 60.524696 60.581025 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926082 Cacul1 NCBI_Gene:78832,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033417 MGI:1926082 protein coding gene CDK2 associated, cullin domain 1
19 gene 60.547430 60.551112 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624769 Gm41884 NCBI_Gene:105246617 MGI:5624769 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41884
19 gene 60.580529 60.580617 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455015 Gm25238 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092655 MGI:5455015 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25238
19 gene 60.580815 60.629961 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624768 Gm41883 NCBI_Gene:105246616 MGI:5624768 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41883
19 gene 60.610880 60.625785 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826289 Gm46652 NCBI_Gene:108168413,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117790 MGI:5826289 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46652
19 gene 60.657510 60.676474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593618 Gm34459 NCBI_Gene:102637721 MGI:5593618 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34459
19 gene 60.670478 60.686424 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593565 Gm34406 NCBI_Gene:102637647 MGI:5593565 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34406
19 gene 60.755987 60.759914 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2669254 Nanos1 NCBI_Gene:332397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072437 MGI:2669254 protein coding gene nanos C2HC-type zinc finger 1
19 gene 60.761116 60.790693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95301 Eif3a NCBI_Gene:13669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024991 MGI:95301 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit A
19 gene 60.774329 60.774397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562754 Mir3084-2 miRBase:MI0020958,NCBI_Gene:102465114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105118 MGI:5562754 miRNA gene microRNA 3084-2
19 gene 60.774330 60.774461 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819491 Snora19 NCBI_Gene:100217439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095530 MGI:3819491 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 19
19 gene 60.775521 60.775639 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455935 Gm26158 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089598 MGI:5455935 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26158
19 gene 60.790020 60.791666 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704504 Gm10751 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 10751
19 gene 60.811449 60.836235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915144 Fam45a NCBI_Gene:67894,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024993 MGI:1915144 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 45, member A
19 pseudogene 60.815449 60.815816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802064 Gm15959 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083036 MGI:3802064 pseudogene predicted gene 15959
19 gene 60.837270 60.861700 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2137680 Sfxn4 NCBI_Gene:94281,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063698 MGI:2137680 protein coding gene sideroflexin 4
19 gene 60.864051 60.874556 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88034 Prdx3 NCBI_Gene:11757,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024997 MGI:88034 protein coding gene peroxiredoxin 3
19 gene 60.889610 61.095968 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109161 Grk5 NCBI_Gene:14773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003228 MGI:109161 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5
19 gene 60.914612 60.915767 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925131 6030458E02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6030458E02 gene
19 gene 60.926467 60.933440 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624770 Gm41885 NCBI_Gene:105246618 MGI:5624770 protein coding gene predicted gene, 41885
19 pseudogene 60.966238 60.967409 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779938 Gm9529 NCBI_Gene:671322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096578 MGI:3779938 pseudogene predicted gene 9529
19 gene 61.013417 61.013545 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452297 Gm22520 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088894 MGI:5452297 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22520
19 gene 61.053840 61.140845 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2652824 Zfp950 NCBI_Gene:414758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074733 MGI:2652824 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 950
19 pseudogene 61.134834 61.135218 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782414 Gm4238 NCBI_Gene:100043112 MGI:3782414 pseudogene predicted gene 4238
19 gene 61.151864 61.184658 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643428 Gm6020 NCBI_Gene:547091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069475 MGI:3643428 protein coding gene predicted gene 6020
19 gene 61.164365 61.164481 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452142 Gm22365 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070263 MGI:5452142 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22365
19 pseudogene 61.166962 61.168763 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645827 Gm5521 NCBI_Gene:433261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118252 MGI:3645827 pseudogene predicted gene 5521
19 gene 61.174686 61.176309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648735 Gm7102 NCBI_Gene:633057,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094649 MGI:3648735 protein coding gene predicted gene 7102
19 gene 61.217191 61.228463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1339754 Csf2ra NCBI_Gene:12982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059326 MGI:1339754 protein coding gene colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, alpha, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage)
19 pseudogene 61.231819 61.233341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782419 Gm4242 NCBI_Gene:100043120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117740 MGI:3782419 pseudogene predicted gene 4242
19 pseudogene 61.255810 61.258627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011184 Gm18999 NCBI_Gene:100418099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117782 MGI:5011184 pseudogene predicted gene, 18999
19 pseudogene 61.257534 61.257789 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303243 Gm50357 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117951 MGI:6303243 pseudogene predicted gene, 50357

Additive covariates

operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, n_perm=10, perm_Xsp=TRUE, chr_lengths=chr_lengths(gm$gmap))

summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01,  0.05, 0.1))))
names(summary_table) <- c("autosomes","X")
summary_table$significance.level <- rownames(summary_table)

rownames(summary_table) <- NULL

summary_table[c(3,1:2)] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
significance.level autosomes X
0.01 2.976319 2.895810
0.05 2.833288 2.887483
0.1 2.654059 2.876595
#summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01,  0.05, 0.1))))

  for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
    #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i],  "_lod.png"))
    #par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
    ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
    plot(out, gm$gmap, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
    legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
    title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i]," - ICI vs. PBS (with additive covariates)"))
    #for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
    #  abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
    #  text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))

print("with normal kinship")

[1] “with normal kinship”

outka <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, kinship=kinship)


print("with loco kinship")

[1] “with loco kinship”

outa <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, kinship=K)


out = outa

peaks<-find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=2, drop=1.5)

rownames(peaks) <- NULL
peaks[] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod ci_lo ci_hi
1 age.of.onset 7 37.819 2.52736 22.025 51.51
peaks_mbl <- list()
#corresponding info in Mb
for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
  lodindex <- peaks$lodindex[i]
  lodcolumn <- peaks$lodcolumn[i]
  chr <- as.character(peaks$chr[i])
  lod <- peaks$lod[i]
  pos <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == floor(peaks$pos[i]*1000)/1000 & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  ci_lo <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$ci_lo[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  ci_hi <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$ci_hi[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  peaks_mb=cbind(lodindex, lodcolumn, chr, pos, lod, ci_lo, ci_hi)
  peaks_mbl[[i]] <- peaks_mb
peaks_mba <-, peaks_mbl)
peaks_mba <-
#peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")] <- sapply(peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")], as.numeric)

rownames(peaks_mba) <- NULL
peaks_mba[] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod ci_lo ci_hi
1 age.of.onset 7 68.745474 2.52736028811597 36.401767 92.496326
for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
#for (i in 1:1){
  #Plot 1
  marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
  #g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
  gp <- g[,marker]
  gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
  gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
  gp[gp==0] <- NA
  #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
  #par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
  plot_pxg(gp, covars[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
  title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)

  chr = peaks$chr[i]

# Plot 2
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
  coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar=addcovar, kinship=K[[chr]])
  blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar=addcovar, kinship=K[[chr]])

  #     gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff])")
  #     )

       gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
       bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
       main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup])")
  #last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
  #for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  #axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

 # Plot 3
  #c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  #c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  #plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  #plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  ##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
  ##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  ##  axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

  #Table 1
  chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]

  genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)

  rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
  genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"

  print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))

chr type start stop strand ID Name Dbxref gene_id mgi_type description
7 gene 36.43061 36.43070 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455024 Gm25247 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093216 MGI:5455024 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25247
7 gene 36.53852 36.54302 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621877 Gm38992 NCBI_Gene:105242913 MGI:5621877 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38992
7 gene 36.56874 36.57310 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579835 Gm29129 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101965 MGI:5579835 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29129
7 gene 36.59714 36.60386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595579 Gm36420 NCBI_Gene:102640326 MGI:5595579 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36420
7 gene 36.62649 36.64917 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621878 Gm38993 NCBI_Gene:105242914 MGI:5621878 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38993
7 gene 36.65254 36.69728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595881 Gm36722 NCBI_Gene:102640722 MGI:5595881 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36722
7 gene 36.69544 36.69636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611513 Gm38285 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104330 MGI:5611513 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38285
7 gene 36.69774 36.77355 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442819 Tshz3 NCBI_Gene:243931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000021217 MGI:2442819 protein coding gene teashirt zinc finger family member 3
7 gene 36.71017 36.71133 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610680 Gm37452 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103882 MGI:5610680 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37452
7 gene 36.72185 36.72585 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611568 Gm38340 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102516 MGI:5611568 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38340
7 gene 36.72718 36.72956 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442139 E230020A03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104420 MGI:2442139 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E230020A03 gene
7 gene 36.73302 36.73456 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611055 Gm37827 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104454 MGI:5611055 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37827
7 gene 36.75120 36.75147 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454327 Gm24550 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089273 MGI:5454327 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24550
7 gene 36.91416 36.91740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595815 Gm36656 NCBI_Gene:102640640 MGI:5595815 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36656
7 gene 36.91900 36.92219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595726 Gm36567 NCBI_Gene:102640528 MGI:5595726 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36567
7 gene 36.93611 36.96146 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595623 Gm36464 NCBI_Gene:102640395 MGI:5595623 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36464
7 gene 37.09280 37.11282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595989 Gm36830 NCBI_Gene:102640863 MGI:5595989 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36830
7 gene 37.11999 37.12869 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578784 Gm28078 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101342 MGI:5578784 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28078
7 gene 37.12986 37.14038 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578782 Gm28076 NCBI_Gene:102640984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100616 MGI:5578782 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28076
7 gene 37.14041 37.15684 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578781 Gm28075 NCBI_Gene:102631556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100905 MGI:5578781 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28075
7 gene 37.17208 37.17345 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621879 Gm38994 NCBI_Gene:105242917 MGI:5621879 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38994
7 gene 37.20314 37.20445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589078 Gm29919 NCBI_Gene:102631624 MGI:5589078 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29919
7 gene 37.20576 37.20860 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621880 Gm38995 NCBI_Gene:105242918 MGI:5621880 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38995
7 gene 37.29317 37.30041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621324 Gm38439 NCBI_Gene:102631767 MGI:5621324 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38439
7 gene 37.29926 37.30523 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578783 Gm28077 NCBI_Gene:102631842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099715 MGI:5578783 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28077
7 gene 37.31790 37.32110 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804883 Gm45768 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108434 MGI:5804883 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45768
7 gene 37.31802 37.77417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926102 Zfp536 NCBI_Gene:243937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043456 MGI:1926102 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 536
7 gene 37.32097 37.32789 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589703 Gm30544 NCBI_Gene:102632482 MGI:5589703 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30544
7 gene 37.32798 37.32992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589642 Gm30483 NCBI_Gene:105242920 MGI:5589642 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30483
7 gene 37.36543 37.36663 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924988 6720469O03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108507 MGI:1924988 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6720469O03 gene
7 gene 37.46512 37.46742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753382 Gm44806 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108790 MGI:5753382 unclassified gene predicted gene 44806
7 gene 37.51705 37.51785 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753458 Gm44882 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108330 MGI:5753458 unclassified gene predicted gene 44882
7 gene 37.65938 37.66264 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753459 Gm44883 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108572 MGI:5753459 unclassified gene predicted gene 44883
7 gene 37.66980 37.67235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914891 4930505M18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093540 MGI:1914891 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930505M18 gene
7 gene 37.82424 37.82435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452079 Gm22302 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064591 MGI:5452079 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22302
7 gene 37.95999 38.02358 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1342294 Uri1 NCBI_Gene:19777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030421 MGI:1342294 protein coding gene URI1, prefoldin-like chaperone
7 gene 38.03316 38.06243 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589843 Gm30684 NCBI_Gene:102632668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108726 MGI:5589843 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30684
7 gene 38.05932 38.09776 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589930 Gm30771 NCBI_Gene:102632789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108334 MGI:5589930 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30771
7 gene 38.09798 38.10753 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88316 Ccne1 NCBI_Gene:12447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002068 MGI:88316 protein coding gene cyclin E1
7 gene 38.14187 38.14415 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590071 Gm30912 NCBI_Gene:102632970 MGI:5590071 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30912
7 gene 38.17661 38.17667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451980 Gm22203 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089230 MGI:5451980 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22203
7 gene 38.18256 38.19646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925824 D530033B14Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108332 MGI:1925824 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D530033B14 gene
7 gene 38.18322 38.19757 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919494 1600014C10Rik NCBI_Gene:72244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054676 MGI:1919494 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1600014C10 gene
7 gene 38.21697 38.22802 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919537 Plekhf1 NCBI_Gene:72287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074170 MGI:1919537 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology domain containing, family F (with FYVE domain) member 1
7 gene 38.26200 38.27142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913411 Pop4 NCBI_Gene:66161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030423 MGI:1913411 protein coding gene processing of precursor 4, ribonuclease P/MRP family, (S. cerevisiae)
7 gene 38.27141 38.33353 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753343 Gm44767 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108749 MGI:5753343 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44767
7 gene 38.27688 38.44322 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579159 Gm28453 NCBI_Gene:545951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101708 MGI:5579159 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28453
7 pseudogene 38.29364 38.29698 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579287 Gm28581 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101410 MGI:5579287 pseudogene predicted gene 28581
7 pseudogene 38.31094 38.31663 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648318 Gm9220 NCBI_Gene:668519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101548 MGI:3648318 pseudogene predicted gene 9220
7 pseudogene 38.36598 38.36787 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782635 Gm4451 NCBI_Gene:100043464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100374 MGI:3782635 pseudogene predicted gene 4451
7 gene 38.38035 38.38045 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452415 Gm22638 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094848 MGI:5452415 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22638
7 pseudogene 38.39817 38.40805 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645331 Gm6818 NCBI_Gene:627975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102073 MGI:3645331 pseudogene predicted gene 6818
7 pseudogene 38.42873 38.43205 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579289 Gm28583 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099781 MGI:5579289 pseudogene predicted gene 28583
7 pseudogene 38.44645 38.45255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644762 Gm6605 NCBI_Gene:100861663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094920 MGI:3644762 pseudogene predicted gene 6605
7 pseudogene 38.48797 38.50520 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647711 Gm6819 NCBI_Gene:627983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099846 MGI:3647711 pseudogene predicted gene 6819
7 gene 38.50043 38.53730 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579793 Gm29087 NCBI_Gene:102633799,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100169 MGI:5579793 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29087
7 gene 38.51814 38.52819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648692 Gm5591 NCBI_Gene:434171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060565 MGI:3648692 protein coding gene predicted gene 5591
7 pseudogene 38.56700 38.57307 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782638 Gm4454 NCBI_Gene:100043467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099765 MGI:3782638 pseudogene predicted gene 4454
7 pseudogene 38.60189 38.60657 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434105 Gm20749 NCBI_Gene:546957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101847 MGI:5434105 pseudogene predicted gene, 20749
7 pseudogene 38.60666 38.60688 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579792 Gm29086 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100810 MGI:5579792 pseudogene predicted gene 29086
7 gene 38.61315 38.61325 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455063 Gm25286 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095537 MGI:5455063 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25286
7 pseudogene 38.71989 38.72561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434470 Gm21115 NCBI_Gene:105242401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100841 MGI:5434470 pseudogene predicted gene, 21115
7 pseudogene 38.76241 38.77030 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434631 Gm21276 NCBI_Gene:100861861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094233 MGI:5434631 pseudogene predicted gene, 21276
7 pseudogene 38.77859 38.78607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434477 Gm21122 NCBI_Gene:100861672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100788 MGI:5434477 pseudogene predicted gene, 21122
7 pseudogene 38.78616 38.78639 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579791 Gm29085 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099772 MGI:5579791 pseudogene predicted gene 29085
7 gene 38.79163 38.86181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916590 1700010N08Rik NCBI_Gene:105247250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101855 MGI:1916590 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700010N08 gene
7 gene 38.79264 38.79274 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454574 Gm24797 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094419 MGI:5454574 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24797
7 pseudogene 38.81606 38.82616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434484 Gm21129 NCBI_Gene:100861679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101470 MGI:5434484 pseudogene predicted gene, 21129
7 pseudogene 38.86408 38.87008 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434491 Gm21136 NCBI_Gene:100861686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099981 MGI:5434491 pseudogene predicted gene, 21136
7 pseudogene 38.90189 38.90932 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434497 Gm21142 NCBI_Gene:100861694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096277 MGI:5434497 pseudogene predicted gene, 21142
7 pseudogene 38.91756 38.92220 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434507 Gm21152 NCBI_Gene:100861705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101023 MGI:5434507 pseudogene predicted gene, 21152
7 gene 38.92777 38.97993 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591269 Gm32110 NCBI_Gene:102634560 MGI:5591269 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32110
7 gene 38.92878 38.92888 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455448 Gm25671 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095053 MGI:5455448 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25671
7 gene 38.95227 38.96240 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645553 Gm6833 NCBI_Gene:628058 MGI:3645553 protein coding gene predicted gene 6833
7 pseudogene 38.95321 38.95697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579157 Gm28451 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101035 MGI:5579157 pseudogene predicted gene 28451
7 pseudogene 39.13784 39.13980 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780151 Gm1982 NCBI_Gene:100038955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101703 MGI:3780151 pseudogene predicted gene 1982
7 gene 39.14649 39.20589 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592226 Gm33067 NCBI_Gene:102635822 MGI:5592226 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33067
7 pseudogene 39.17004 39.17980 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780157 Gm1988 NCBI_Gene:100038967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101454 MGI:3780157 pseudogene predicted gene 1988
7 pseudogene 39.21916 39.22527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779556 Gm6124 NCBI_Gene:620018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102017 MGI:3779556 pseudogene predicted gene 6124
7 pseudogene 39.25717 39.26441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646111 Gm16387 NCBI_Gene:100038914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097653 MGI:3646111 pseudogene predicted gene 16387
7 pseudogene 39.27374 39.27741 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644713 Gm9226 NCBI_Gene:668531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099951 MGI:3644713 pseudogene predicted gene 9226
7 gene 39.28297 39.35469 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592541 Gm33382 NCBI_Gene:102636268 MGI:5592541 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33382
7 gene 39.28398 39.28408 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453084 Gm23307 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096181 MGI:5453084 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23307
7 pseudogene 39.30819 39.31763 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579964 Gm29258 NCBI_Gene:102636497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100112 MGI:5579964 pseudogene predicted gene 29258
7 pseudogene 39.35809 39.40268 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011016 Gm18831 NCBI_Gene:100417794 MGI:5011016 pseudogene predicted gene, 18831
7 pseudogene 39.36241 39.36867 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646449 Gm9271 NCBI_Gene:668618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100721 MGI:3646449 pseudogene predicted gene 9271
7 gene 39.40729 39.41316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647631 Gm5114 NCBI_Gene:330513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053742 MGI:3647631 protein coding gene predicted gene 5114
7 gene 39.43151 39.43161 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530819 Gm27437 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098777 MGI:5530819 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27437
7 pseudogene 39.44498 39.45014 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645451 Gm5590 NCBI_Gene:434168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046372 MGI:3645451 pseudogene predicted gene 5590
7 gene 39.44952 39.47743 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3036240 Zfp939 NCBI_Gene:233147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030424 MGI:3036240 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 939
7 pseudogene 39.48740 39.50050 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579161 Gm28455 NCBI_Gene:101056047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100490 MGI:5579161 pseudogene predicted gene 28455
7 gene 39.51777 39.54042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917477 Zfp619 NCBI_Gene:70227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068959 MGI:1917477 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 619
7 gene 39.54206 39.58059 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593148 Gm33989 NCBI_Gene:102637087 MGI:5593148 protein coding gene predicted gene, 33989
7 gene 39.54254 39.54491 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753149 Gm44573 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104150 MGI:5753149 unclassified gene predicted gene 44573
7 gene 39.54440 39.58059 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610722 Gm37494 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108621 MGI:5610722 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37494
7 gene 39.56785 39.56830 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646468 Gm4790 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 4790
7 gene 39.57444 39.57623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923398 6230415J03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6230415J03 gene
7 pseudogene 39.58317 39.58376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010168 Gm17983 NCBI_Gene:100416227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099934 MGI:5010168 pseudogene predicted gene, 17983
7 pseudogene 39.58851 39.59170 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3805010 Gm2058 NCBI_Gene:100039133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074903 MGI:3805010 pseudogene predicted gene 2058
7 gene 39.58852 39.59168 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477020 Gm26526 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096980 MGI:5477020 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26526
7 gene 39.63039 39.63050 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456104 Gm26327 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070236 MGI:5456104 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26327
7 pseudogene 39.66237 39.66622 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780190 Gm2021 NCBI_Gene:108167481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100912 MGI:3780190 pseudogene predicted gene 2021
7 pseudogene 39.73984 39.74072 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648549 Gm9230 NCBI_Gene:668540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101901 MGI:3648549 pseudogene predicted gene 9230
7 gene 39.78809 39.79769 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804954 Gm45839 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110135 MGI:5804954 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45839
7 gene 39.78923 39.91097 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925412 4930435C17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102085 MGI:1925412 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930435C17 gene
7 gene 39.79097 39.79774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925461 4930558N11Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100431 MGI:1925461 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930558N11 gene
7 gene 39.79125 39.79425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610530 Gm37302 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102227 MGI:5610530 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37302
7 gene 39.86353 39.87069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593211 Gm34052 NCBI_Gene:102637169 MGI:5593211 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34052
7 gene 39.86913 39.97832 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753568 Gm44992 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109083 MGI:5753568 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44992
7 gene 40.07740 40.08068 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611427 Gm38199 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102464 MGI:5611427 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38199
7 pseudogene 40.19089 40.19135 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643618 Gm6851 NCBI_Gene:105247253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056836 MGI:3643618 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6851
7 gene 40.26270 40.26975 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918300 4933404I11Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101153 MGI:1918300 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933404I11 gene
7 gene 40.29587 40.30382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621881 Gm38996 NCBI_Gene:105242922 MGI:5621881 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38996
7 gene 40.36345 40.36372 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454687 Gm24910 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087914 MGI:5454687 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24910
7 gene 40.37330 40.46924 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579513 Gm28807 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100650 MGI:5579513 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28807
7 gene 40.47316 40.47489 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918088 4921507H08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4921507H08 gene
7 pseudogene 40.63940 40.63983 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6324734 Gm50466 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118476 MGI:6324734 pseudogene predicted gene, 50466
7 gene 40.67474 40.69127 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918279 4933402C06Rik NCBI_Gene:71029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102004 MGI:1918279 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933402C06 gene
7 gene 40.81848 40.90094 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443592 A230077H06Rik NCBI_Gene:320210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100600 MGI:2443592 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230077H06 gene
7 gene 40.82062 40.82111 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753584 Gm45008 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108672 MGI:5753584 unclassified gene predicted gene 45008
7 gene 40.87654 40.88578 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579013 Gm28307 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101643 MGI:5579013 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28307
7 gene 40.87966 40.87974 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455561 Gm25784 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084473 MGI:5455561 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25784
7 gene 40.89833 40.93059 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914525 Vstm2b NCBI_Gene:58188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039257 MGI:1914525 protein coding gene V-set and transmembrane domain containing 2B
7 pseudogene 40.96992 40.97454 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579999 Gm29293 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099768 MGI:5579999 pseudogene predicted gene 29293
7 gene 40.98754 40.99544 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685327 4930433I11Rik NCBI_Gene:243944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091692 MGI:2685327 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930433I11 gene
7 pseudogene 40.98965 40.99038 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753747 Gm45171 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108397 MGI:5753747 pseudogene predicted gene 45171
7 gene 41.01079 41.03262 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621882 Gm38997 NCBI_Gene:105242923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108364 MGI:5621882 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38997
7 gene 41.03272 41.04530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649090 Gm4884 NCBI_Gene:233164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048312 MGI:3649090 protein coding gene predicted gene 4884
7 pseudogene 41.04866 41.04885 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5828831 Topbp1-ps2 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100732 MGI:5828831 pseudogene topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 1, pseudogene 2
7 gene 41.05730 41.05860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753748 Gm45172 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108661 MGI:5753748 unclassified gene predicted gene 45172
7 gene 41.06062 41.08984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924251 1700110I07Rik NCBI_Gene:77001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108490 MGI:1924251 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700110I07 gene
7 pseudogene 41.06756 41.06837 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578767 Gm28061 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102113 MGI:5578767 pseudogene predicted gene 28061
7 gene 41.07762 41.07802 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753415 Gm44839 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108619 MGI:5753415 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44839
7 pseudogene 41.08985 41.09964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644761 Gm9239 NCBI_Gene:668555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101195 MGI:3644761 pseudogene predicted gene 9239
7 pseudogene 41.12122 41.12590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647709 Gm6820 NCBI_Gene:627987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101650 MGI:3647709 pseudogene predicted gene 6820
7 gene 41.12865 41.28422 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753324 Gm44748 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108754 MGI:5753324 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44748
7 pseudogene 41.15366 41.15929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780298 Gm2128 NCBI_Gene:100039269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078737 MGI:3780298 pseudogene predicted gene 2128
7 gene 41.15384 41.29018 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648691 Gm5592 NCBI_Gene:434172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072259 MGI:3648691 protein coding gene predicted gene 5592
7 pseudogene 41.16378 41.16396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578766 Gm28060 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100376 MGI:5578766 pseudogene predicted gene 28060
7 pseudogene 41.18375 41.18709 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579373 Gm28667 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099657 MGI:5579373 pseudogene predicted gene 28667
7 pseudogene 41.19111 41.19214 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645545 Gm5896 NCBI_Gene:545955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099979 MGI:3645545 pseudogene predicted gene 5896
7 gene 41.20319 41.21003 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593970 Gm34811 NCBI_Gene:102638189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108395 MGI:5593970 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34811
7 pseudogene 41.21002 41.21964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646160 Gm6866 NCBI_Gene:628304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101196 MGI:3646160 pseudogene predicted gene 6866
7 pseudogene 41.23338 41.25160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648328 Gm9244 NCBI_Gene:668561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049062 MGI:3648328 pseudogene predicted gene 9244
7 gene 41.23429 41.23541 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804806 Gm45691 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108779 MGI:5804806 unclassified gene predicted gene 45691
7 pseudogene 41.27360 41.27440 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753096 Gm44520 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108340 MGI:5753096 pseudogene predicted gene 44520
7 pseudogene 41.29341 41.32052 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578765 Topbp1-ps1 NCBI_Gene:108167498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099511 MGI:5578765 pseudogene topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 1, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 41.30434 41.30768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780276 Gm2108 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092031 MGI:3780276 pseudogene predicted gene 2108
7 pseudogene 41.32539 41.32843 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5009973 Gm17791 NCBI_Gene:100126099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101449 MGI:5009973 pseudogene predicted gene, 17791
7 pseudogene 41.33538 41.33887 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648324 Gm9246 NCBI_Gene:668565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082080 MGI:3648324 pseudogene predicted gene 9246
7 gene 41.37292 41.39338 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142079 AI987944 NCBI_Gene:233168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056383 MGI:2142079 protein coding gene expressed sequence AI987944
7 gene 41.39370 41.39745 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937929 Gm17102 NCBI_Gene:102638296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091864 MGI:4937929 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17102
7 gene 41.39594 41.44870 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3703084 Vmn2r57 NCBI_Gene:269902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066537 MGI:3703084 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 57
7 gene 41.39938 41.49942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141914 Gm20449 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092592 MGI:5141914 protein coding gene predicted gene 20449
7 pseudogene 41.46765 41.46787 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753097 Gm44521 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108312 MGI:5753097 pseudogene predicted gene 44521
7 gene 41.47887 41.49989 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142212 AW146154 NCBI_Gene:101835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074166 MGI:2142212 protein coding gene expressed sequence AW146154
7 pseudogene 41.49035 41.49172 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641891 Gm15470 NCBI_Gene:100039375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083500 MGI:3641891 pseudogene predicted gene 15470
7 gene 41.54558 41.57366 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643456 Gm6871 NCBI_Gene:102642386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090744 MGI:3643456 protein coding gene predicted gene 6871
7 pseudogene 41.57328 41.57375 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4938044 Gm17217 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090341 MGI:4938044 pseudogene predicted gene 17217
7 pseudogene 41.59489 41.59673 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753654 Gm45078 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108482 MGI:5753654 pseudogene predicted gene 45078
7 gene 41.59923 41.62853 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922662 2610021A01Rik NCBI_Gene:668572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091474 MGI:1922662 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2610021A01 gene
7 gene 41.63273 41.65153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914857 Zfp788 NCBI_Gene:67607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074165 MGI:1914857 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 788
7 pseudogene 41.66639 41.66821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645130 Gm9252 NCBI_Gene:668576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091401 MGI:3645130 pseudogene predicted gene 9252
7 pseudogene 41.66798 41.72719 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351350 Vmn2r-ps54 NCBI_Gene:75835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074164 MGI:1351350 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 54
7 pseudogene 41.66861 41.66931 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643699 Gm6872 NCBI_Gene:628372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091004 MGI:3643699 pseudogene predicted gene 6872
7 pseudogene 41.68225 41.68339 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645134 Cd9-ps NCBI_Gene:668579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092193 MGI:3645134 pseudogene Cd9 antigen, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 41.72228 41.72260 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757982 Vmn2r-ps55 NCBI_Gene:100124555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092538 MGI:3757982 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 55
7 pseudogene 41.74471 41.77291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757983 Vmn2r-ps56 NCBI_Gene:628403,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092451 MGI:3757983 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 56
7 gene 41.83581 41.87271 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647877 Vmn2r58 NCBI_Gene:628422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090383 MGI:3647877 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 58
7 pseudogene 41.93753 41.98093 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351346 Vmn2r-ps57 NCBI_Gene:110931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092328 MGI:1351346 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 57
7 gene 42.01128 42.05902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643747 Vmn2r59 NCBI_Gene:628444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092032 MGI:3643747 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 59
7 pseudogene 42.02072 42.02200 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648695 Hmgb1-ps7 NCBI_Gene:434174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092281 MGI:3648695 pseudogene high-mobility group high mobility group box 1, pseudogene 7
7 pseudogene 42.04786 42.05034 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647435 Gm7224 NCBI_Gene:637913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083623 MGI:3647435 pseudogene predicted gene 7224
7 pseudogene 42.10577 42.10730 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648694 Ccnb1-ps NCBI_Gene:434175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048574 MGI:3648694 pseudogene cyclin B1, pseudogene
7 gene 42.10777 42.19621 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647050 Vmn2r60 NCBI_Gene:637898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090619 MGI:3647050 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 60
7 pseudogene 42.12501 42.12622 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780479 Gm2308 NCBI_Gene:100039556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092257 MGI:3780479 pseudogene predicted gene 2308
7 pseudogene 42.25630 42.25642 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753095 Gm44519 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108562 MGI:5753095 pseudogene predicted gene 44519
7 gene 42.26005 42.30076 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351347 Vmn2r61 NCBI_Gene:637873,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090967 MGI:1351347 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 61
7 pseudogene 42.30308 42.30334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757988 Vmn2r-ps58 NCBI_Gene:100124556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092370 MGI:3757988 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 58
7 pseudogene 42.35370 42.35800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648693 Gm5594 NCBI_Gene:100534301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092411 MGI:3648693 pseudogene predicted gene 5594
7 pseudogene 42.37846 42.37870 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757989 Vmn2r-ps59 NCBI_Gene:100124557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092382 MGI:3757989 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 59
7 pseudogene 42.42983 42.43072 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757993 Vmn2r-ps60 NCBI_Gene:628490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070621 MGI:3757993 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 60
7 gene 42.44546 42.44813 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918412 4933421I07Rik NCBI_Gene:71162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030463 MGI:1918412 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4933421I07 gene
7 pseudogene 42.46489 42.46537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649086 Gm6887 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092301 MGI:3649086 pseudogene predicted gene 6887
7 gene 42.47339 42.50575 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3584269 Zfp141 NCBI_Gene:434178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092416 MGI:3584269 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 141
7 gene 42.48131 42.48234 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918854 9130413E14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9130413E14 gene
7 pseudogene 42.48877 42.48911 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011431 Gm19246 NCBI_Gene:100462739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092505 MGI:5011431 pseudogene predicted gene, 19246
7 gene 42.50583 42.51027 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594512 Gm35353 NCBI_Gene:102638902 MGI:5594512 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35353
7 pseudogene 42.50760 42.50933 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753099 Gm44523 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108491 MGI:5753099 pseudogene predicted gene 44523
7 pseudogene 42.51823 42.52192 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825617 Gm45980 NCBI_Gene:108167418 MGI:5825617 pseudogene predicted gene, 45980
7 gene 42.56141 42.57823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753573 Gm44997 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108446 MGI:5753573 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44997
7 gene 42.57754 42.64489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3036263 Zfp976 NCBI_Gene:208111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074158 MGI:3036263 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 976
7 gene 42.57840 42.57973 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434383 Gm21028 NCBI_Gene:100534316,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094462 MGI:5434383 protein coding gene predicted gene, 21028
7 gene 42.57978 42.59255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645327 Zfp977 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092335 MGI:3645327 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 977
7 gene 42.60516 42.60527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454715 Gm24938 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076180 MGI:5454715 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24938
7 gene 42.66011 42.69274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648690 Zfp975 NCBI_Gene:434179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069727 MGI:3648690 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 975
7 gene 42.69286 42.69779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621883 Gm38998 NCBI_Gene:105242926 MGI:5621883 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38998
7 gene 42.70504 42.72702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937894 Gm17067 NCBI_Gene:101056115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091594 MGI:4937894 protein coding gene predicted gene 17067
7 pseudogene 42.73441 42.73492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010313 Gm18128 NCBI_Gene:100416478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092554 MGI:5010313 pseudogene predicted gene, 18128
7 pseudogene 42.75037 42.75256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644564 Gm6004 NCBI_Gene:546965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092238 MGI:3644564 pseudogene predicted gene 6004
7 gene 42.76405 42.79353 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757994 Vmn2r62 NCBI_Gene:546964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091926 MGI:3757994 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 62
7 gene 42.81683 42.86723 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780549 Gm2381 NCBI_Gene:100039706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092225 MGI:3780549 protein coding gene predicted gene 2381
7 pseudogene 42.87856 42.88067 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648273 Gm7211 NCBI_Gene:637572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092191 MGI:3648273 pseudogene predicted gene 7211
7 pseudogene 42.88599 42.89256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825661 Gm46024 NCBI_Gene:108167508 MGI:5825661 pseudogene predicted gene, 46024
7 gene 42.89671 42.93382 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647107 Vmn2r63 NCBI_Gene:435975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090751 MGI:3647107 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 63
7 pseudogene 42.95172 42.95221 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643305 Gm9266 NCBI_Gene:668606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080892 MGI:3643305 pseudogene predicted gene 9266
7 pseudogene 42.95352 42.95441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648888 Gm9294 NCBI_Gene:668668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044609 MGI:3648888 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 9294
7 gene 42.95835 42.95846 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453033 Gm23256 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076190 MGI:5453033 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23256
7 gene 43.01877 43.04811 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646456 Vmn2r126 NCBI_Gene:668612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091528 MGI:3646456 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 126
7 pseudogene 43.06067 43.06101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753114 Gm44538 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108666 MGI:5753114 pseudogene predicted gene 44538
7 gene 43.07804 43.09938 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5009932 Gm17768 NCBI_Gene:100045125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107181 MGI:5009932 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17768
7 pseudogene 43.08210 43.08266 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648821 Rpl18a-ps4 NCBI_Gene:385199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108492 MGI:3648821 pseudogene ribosomal protein L18A, pseudogene 4
7 gene 43.09972 43.09984 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642306 Gm10351 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071952 MGI:3642306 protein coding gene predicted gene 10351
7 gene 43.11423 43.19211 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642994 Zfp936 NCBI_Gene:668620,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064194 MGI:3642994 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 936
7 gene 43.15316 43.15541 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825648 Gm46011 NCBI_Gene:108167482 MGI:5825648 protein coding gene predicted gene, 46011
7 pseudogene 43.15581 43.15665 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010393 Gm18208 NCBI_Gene:100416704 MGI:5010393 pseudogene predicted gene, 18208
7 gene 43.20435 43.20446 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452484 Gm22707 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077022 MGI:5452484 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22707
7 gene 43.21404 43.22725 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3796554 EU599041 NCBI_Gene:100170401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074887 MGI:3796554 lncRNA gene expressed sequence EU599041
7 gene 43.25374 43.26564 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594747 Gm35588 NCBI_Gene:102639229 MGI:5594747 protein coding gene predicted gene, 35588
7 gene 43.29620 43.31331 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917180 Zfp715 NCBI_Gene:69930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012640 MGI:1917180 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 715
7 pseudogene 43.34455 43.34479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753115 Gm44539 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108300 MGI:5753115 pseudogene predicted gene 44539
7 gene 43.35134 43.35953 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681107 Siglecf NCBI_Gene:233186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039013 MGI:2681107 protein coding gene sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin F
7 pseudogene 43.38768 43.38794 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642777 Gm10298 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070606 MGI:3642777 pseudogene predicted gene 10298
7 pseudogene 43.39453 43.39526 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753116 Gm44540 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108775 MGI:5753116 pseudogene predicted gene 44540
7 gene 43.40819 43.41836 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443630 Siglecg NCBI_Gene:243958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030468 MGI:2443630 protein coding gene sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin G
7 gene 43.42764 43.42984 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621884 Gm38999 NCBI_Gene:105242927 MGI:5621884 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38999
7 gene 43.42767 43.43600 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104698 Lim2 NCBI_Gene:233187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093639 MGI:104698 protein coding gene lens intrinsic membrane protein 2
7 gene 43.43707 43.43825 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1931250 Nkg7 NCBI_Gene:72310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004612 MGI:1931250 protein coding gene natural killer cell group 7 sequence
7 gene 43.43919 43.44348 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921526 Cldnd2 NCBI_Gene:74276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038973 MGI:1921526 protein coding gene claudin domain containing 2
7 gene 43.44407 43.45780 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106098 Etfb NCBI_Gene:110826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004610 MGI:106098 protein coding gene electron transferring flavoprotein, beta polypeptide
7 gene 43.44413 43.46359 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753809 Etfbl ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107482 MGI:5753809 protein coding gene electron transferring flavoprotein, beta polypeptide like
7 gene 43.44807 43.44855 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753392 Gm44816 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108618 MGI:5753392 unclassified gene predicted gene 44816
7 gene 43.45750 43.45757 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531067 Mir7051 miRBase:MI0022900,NCBI_Gene:102465636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099210 MGI:5531067 miRNA gene microRNA 7051
7 gene 43.46150 43.46417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621885 Gm39000 NCBI_Gene:105242928 MGI:5621885 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39000
7 gene 43.46306 43.47202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922940 Vsig10l NCBI_Gene:75690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070604 MGI:1922940 protein coding gene V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 like
7 gene 43.47290 43.49007 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686277 Iglon5 NCBI_Gene:210094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013367 MGI:2686277 protein coding gene IgLON family member 5
7 gene 43.49204 43.50597 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921304 4931406B18Rik NCBI_Gene:74054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013353 MGI:1921304 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4931406B18 gene
7 pseudogene 43.50692 43.50753 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646238 Gm9278 NCBI_Gene:668630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108438 MGI:3646238 pseudogene predicted gene 9278
7 gene 43.51116 43.51908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780678 Gm2511 NCBI_Gene:100039946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108695 MGI:3780678 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2511
7 gene 43.52422 43.54443 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99440 Cd33 NCBI_Gene:12489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004609 MGI:99440 protein coding gene CD33 antigen
7 gene 43.56132 43.56168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753394 Gm44818 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108411 MGI:5753394 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44818
7 gene 43.56220 43.57614 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2652821 Zfp658 NCBI_Gene:210104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056592 MGI:2652821 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 658
7 gene 43.57955 43.59371 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444708 Zfp719 NCBI_Gene:210105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030469 MGI:2444708 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 719
7 gene 43.60690 43.61910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921650 Zfp819 NCBI_Gene:74400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055102 MGI:1921650 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 819
7 gene 43.63467 43.64930 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919681 Ceacam18 NCBI_Gene:72431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030472 MGI:1919681 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 18
7 gene 43.65107 43.66018 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1932475 Siglece NCBI_Gene:83382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030474 MGI:1932475 protein coding gene sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin E
7 gene 43.66926 43.67188 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595705 Gm36546 NCBI_Gene:102640502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108783 MGI:5595705 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36546
7 gene 43.67198 43.67830 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385277 Ctu1 NCBI_Gene:233189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038888 MGI:2385277 protein coding gene cytosolic thiouridylase subunit 1
7 gene 43.68088 43.69554 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447564 Klk14 NCBI_Gene:317653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044737 MGI:2447564 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 14
7 gene 43.69264 43.69310 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753393 Gm44817 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108734 MGI:5753393 unclassified gene predicted gene 44817
7 gene 43.69521 43.79796 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916779 2310002F09Rik NCBI_Gene:100504720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097178 MGI:1916779 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310002F09 gene
7 gene 43.71257 43.72786 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3615275 Klk13 NCBI_Gene:626834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054046 MGI:3615275 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 13
7 gene 43.71599 43.71642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753390 Gm44814 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108588 MGI:5753390 unclassified gene predicted gene 44814
7 gene 43.76866 43.77470 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916761 Klk12 NCBI_Gene:69511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044430 MGI:1916761 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 12
7 gene 43.77460 43.77926 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929977 Klk11 NCBI_Gene:56538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067616 MGI:1929977 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 11
7 gene 43.78104 43.78541 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916790 Klk10 NCBI_Gene:69540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030693 MGI:1916790 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 10
7 gene 43.79159 43.79676 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921082 Klk9 NCBI_Gene:101533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047884 MGI:1921082 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 9
7 gene 43.79758 43.80383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1343327 Klk8 NCBI_Gene:259277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064023 MGI:1343327 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 8
7 gene 43.81129 43.81639 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346336 Klk7 NCBI_Gene:23993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030713 MGI:1346336 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 7 (chymotryptic, stratum corneum)
7 gene 43.82450 43.83203 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1343166 Klk6 NCBI_Gene:19144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050063 MGI:1343166 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 6
7 gene 43.83416 43.85118 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915918 Klk5 NCBI_Gene:68668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074155 MGI:1915918 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 5
7 gene 43.85609 43.85741 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753283 Gm44707 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108781 MGI:5753283 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44707
7 pseudogene 43.86388 43.86419 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753749 Gm45173 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108527 MGI:5753749 pseudogene predicted gene 45173
7 gene 43.88116 43.88580 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861379 Klk4 NCBI_Gene:56640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006948 MGI:1861379 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 4 (prostase, enamel matrix, prostate)
7 pseudogene 43.91517 43.92187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892028 Klk2-ps NCBI_Gene:16603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108444 MGI:892028 pseudogene kallikrein-related peptidase 2, pseudogene
7 gene 43.92941 43.93985 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447533 Klk15 NCBI_Gene:317652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055193 MGI:2447533 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 15
7 gene 43.93806 43.97657 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753332 Gm44756 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108432 MGI:5753332 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44756
7 pseudogene 43.94266 43.94593 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892027 Klk1b7-ps NCBI_Gene:16604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060161 MGI:892027 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b7, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 43.94625 43.94889 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753521 Gm44945 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108323 MGI:5753521 pseudogene predicted gene 44945
7 gene 43.95066 43.95494 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892018 Klk1b8 NCBI_Gene:16624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063089 MGI:892018 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b8
7 pseudogene 43.95878 43.96300 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892029 Klk1b2-ps NCBI_Gene:16602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108651 MGI:892029 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b2, pseudogene
7 gene 43.96675 43.97132 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892019 Klk1b1 NCBI_Gene:16623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063133 MGI:892019 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b1
7 pseudogene 43.97225 43.97429 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753774 Gm45198 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108746 MGI:5753774 pseudogene predicted gene 45198
7 gene 43.97606 43.98038 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95293 Klk1b9 NCBI_Gene:13648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059042 MGI:95293 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b9
7 pseudogene 43.98073 43.99413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753711 Gm45135 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108730 MGI:5753711 pseudogene predicted gene 45135
7 pseudogene 43.98777 43.99209 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892026 Klk1b10-ps NCBI_Gene:16605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108602 MGI:892026 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b10, pseudogene
7 gene 43.99588 43.99988 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892023 Klk1b11 NCBI_Gene:16613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044485 MGI:892023 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b11
7 pseudogene 44.00080 44.00286 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753771 Gm45195 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108794 MGI:5753771 pseudogene predicted gene 45195
7 gene 44.00462 44.10658 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892022 Klk1b21 NCBI_Gene:16616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066516 MGI:892022 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b21
7 pseudogene 44.00464 44.00893 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892025 Klk1b12-ps NCBI_Gene:110971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108539 MGI:892025 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b12, pseudogene
7 gene 44.01217 44.01697 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891981 Klk1b26 NCBI_Gene:16618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053719 MGI:891981 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related petidase b26
7 gene 44.01270 44.01697 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95292 Egfbp2 NA NA protein coding gene epidermal growth factor binding protein type B
7 pseudogene 44.02082 44.02158 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892024 Klk1b18-ps NCBI_Gene:16609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108759 MGI:892024 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b18, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 44.02794 44.02915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891986 Klk1b28-ps NCBI_Gene:108165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108339 MGI:891986 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b28, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 44.04127 44.04353 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753772 Gm45196 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108328 MGI:5753772 pseudogene predicted gene 45196
7 pseudogene 44.04516 44.04848 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891985 Klk1b19-ps NCBI_Gene:668647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108440 MGI:891985 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b19, pseudogene
7 gene 44.05229 44.05671 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891980 Klk1b27 NCBI_Gene:16619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063177 MGI:891980 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b27
7 pseudogene 44.06985 44.07001 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753773 Gm45197 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108538 MGI:5753773 pseudogene predicted gene 45197
7 pseudogene 44.07180 44.07605 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891983 Klk1b14-ps NCBI_Gene:16614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108400 MGI:891983 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b14, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 44.07675 44.07905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753602 Gm45026 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108498 MGI:5753602 pseudogene predicted gene 45026
7 pseudogene 44.09616 44.09855 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891987 Klk1b15-ps NCBI_Gene:16607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108406 MGI:891987 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b15, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 44.09936 44.09951 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753701 Gm45125 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108517 MGI:5753701 pseudogene predicted gene 45125
7 pseudogene 44.10710 44.10968 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753703 Gm45127 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108301 MGI:5753703 pseudogene predicted gene 45127
7 gene 44.11267 44.11692 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95291 Klk1b22 NCBI_Gene:13646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060177 MGI:95291 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b22
7 pseudogene 44.11749 44.11980 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753702 Gm45126 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108796 MGI:5753702 pseudogene predicted gene 45126
7 gene 44.12225 44.14161 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891982 Klk1b16 NCBI_Gene:16615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038968 MGI:891982 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b16
7 pseudogene 44.12326 44.13554 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753698 Gm45122 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108403 MGI:5753698 pseudogene predicted gene 45122
7 pseudogene 44.13264 44.13347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891984 Klk1b23-ps NCBI_Gene:108164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108797 MGI:891984 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b23, pseudogene
7 gene 44.15684 44.15779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753712 Gm45136 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108774 MGI:5753712 unclassified gene predicted gene 45136
7 gene 44.18823 44.19246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892021 Klk1b24 NCBI_Gene:16617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063713 MGI:892021 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b24
7 pseudogene 44.19319 44.19563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753355 Gm44779 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108727 MGI:5753355 pseudogene predicted gene 44779
7 gene 44.19819 44.20235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97322 Klk1b3 NCBI_Gene:18050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066515 MGI:97322 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b3
7 pseudogene 44.20270 44.20429 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753181 Gm44605 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108459 MGI:5753181 pseudogene predicted gene 44605
7 gene 44.20743 44.21175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97320 Klk1b4 NCBI_Gene:18048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066513 MGI:97320 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related pepidase b4
7 pseudogene 44.21207 44.21472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753710 Gm45134 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108679 MGI:5753710 pseudogene predicted gene 45134
7 gene 44.21594 44.22070 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892020 Klk1b5 NCBI_Gene:16622,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066512 MGI:892020 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b5
7 pseudogene 44.22101 44.24666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647742 Gm10109 NCBI_Gene:638411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062073 MGI:3647742 pseudogene predicted gene 10109
7 gene 44.22536 44.22962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102850 Klk1 NCBI_Gene:16612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063903 MGI:102850 protein coding gene kallikrein 1
7 gene 44.22981 44.24670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917254 1700028J19Rik NCBI_Gene:70004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038782 MGI:1917254 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700028J19 gene
7 gene 44.23618 44.24431 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5596023 Gm36864 NCBI_Gene:102640913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108622 MGI:5596023 protein coding gene predicted gene, 36864
7 gene 44.23975 44.24003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455163 Gm25386 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088439 MGI:5455163 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25386
7 gene 44.24672 44.25232 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914226 2410002F23Rik NCBI_Gene:668661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045411 MGI:1914226 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2410002F23 gene
7 gene 44.24673 44.26272 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579202 Gm28496 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101166 MGI:5579202 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28496
7 gene 44.24809 44.24818 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456024 Gm26247 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080352 MGI:5456024 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26247
7 gene 44.24985 44.24994 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819561 Snord88c NCBI_Gene:100217434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096296 MGI:3819561 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 88C
7 gene 44.25014 44.25022 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819560 Snord88a NCBI_Gene:100217433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095472 MGI:3819560 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 88A
7 gene 44.25045 44.25054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453768 Gm23991 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080683 MGI:5453768 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23991
7 gene 44.25201 44.26135 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644563 Acp4 NCBI_Gene:100503991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012777 MGI:3644563 protein coding gene acid phosphatase 4
7 gene 44.26135 44.26374 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782964 Gm15517 NCBI_Gene:628854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087376 MGI:3782964 protein coding gene predicted gene 15517
7 pseudogene 44.26762 44.27316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011090 Gm18905 NCBI_Gene:102632142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108705 MGI:5011090 pseudogene predicted gene, 18905
7 pseudogene 44.28143 44.28240 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010492 Gm18307 NCBI_Gene:100416897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108343 MGI:5010492 pseudogene predicted gene, 18307
7 pseudogene 44.29613 44.30165 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647237 Gm7238 NCBI_Gene:638453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108512 MGI:3647237 pseudogene predicted gene 7238
7 gene 44.30269 44.30696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1298219 Clec11a NCBI_Gene:20256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004473 MGI:1298219 protein coding gene C-type lectin domain family 11, member a
7 gene 44.30790 44.36057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3613677 Shank1 NCBI_Gene:243961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038738 MGI:3613677 protein coding gene SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 1
7 gene 44.31475 44.31491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753333 Gm44757 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108719 MGI:5753333 unclassified gene predicted gene 44757
7 gene 44.36004 44.38582 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916599 1700008O03Rik NCBI_Gene:69349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008028 MGI:1916599 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700008O03 gene
7 gene 44.36256 44.36329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753356 Gm44780 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108509 MGI:5753356 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44780
7 gene 44.37450 44.37590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621886 Gm39001 NCBI_Gene:105242929 MGI:5621886 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39001
7 gene 44.37889 44.38582 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441852 B230219N05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230219N05 gene
7 gene 44.38410 44.40019 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99665 Syt3 NCBI_Gene:20981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030731 MGI:99665 protein coding gene synaptotagmin III
7 gene 44.38640 44.38915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753700 Gm45124 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108372 MGI:5753700 unclassified gene predicted gene 45124
7 gene 44.42059 44.43193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621887 Gm39002 NCBI_Gene:105242930 MGI:5621887 protein coding gene predicted gene, 39002
7 gene 44.42902 44.46335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3027390 Lrrc4b NCBI_Gene:272381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047085 MGI:3027390 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 4B
7 gene 44.44689 44.45182 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621888 Gm39003 NCBI_Gene:105242931 MGI:5621888 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39003
7 gene 44.46539 44.46776 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915602 Aspdh NCBI_Gene:68352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038704 MGI:1915602 protein coding gene aspartate dehydrogenase domain containing
7 gene 44.46798 44.47166 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913374 Josd2 NCBI_Gene:66124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038695 MGI:1913374 protein coding gene Josephin domain containing 2
7 gene 44.47035 44.47041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530965 Mir7052 miRBase:MI0022901,NCBI_Gene:102465637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098661 MGI:5530965 miRNA gene microRNA 7052
7 gene 44.47354 44.48614 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918618 5430431A17Rik NCBI_Gene:71368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108322 MGI:1918618 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5430431A17 gene
7 gene 44.48994 44.49653 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916933 Emc10 NCBI_Gene:69683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008140 MGI:1916933 protein coding gene ER membrane protein complex subunit 10
7 gene 44.49658 44.50427 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922788 Fam71e1 NCBI_Gene:75538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051113 MGI:1922788 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 71, member E1
7 gene 44.49724 44.49772 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925387 4921540A03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4921540A03 gene
7 gene 44.50169 44.50427 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753222 Gm44646 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108607 MGI:5753222 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44646
7 gene 44.50170 44.52472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1336170 Mybpc2 NCBI_Gene:233199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038670 MGI:1336170 protein coding gene myosin binding protein C, fast-type
7 gene 44.52599 44.53209 negative MGI_C57BL6J_892986 Spib NCBI_Gene:272382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008193 MGI:892986 protein coding gene Spi-B transcription factor (Spi-1/PU.1 related)
7 gene 44.53274 44.54885 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97741 Pold1 NCBI_Gene:18971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038644 MGI:97741 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA directed), delta 1, catalytic subunit
7 gene 44.53811 44.53818 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530885 Mir7053 miRBase:MI0022902,NCBI_Gene:102466796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099330 MGI:5530885 miRNA gene microRNA 7053
7 pseudogene 44.54515 44.54548 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753409 Gm44833 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109236 MGI:5753409 pseudogene predicted gene 44833
7 gene 44.54962 44.55397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352463 Nr1h2 NCBI_Gene:22260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060601 MGI:1352463 protein coding gene nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 2
7 gene 44.57238 44.58686 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109365 Napsa NCBI_Gene:16541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002204 MGI:109365 protein coding gene napsin A aspartic peptidase
7 gene 44.57997 44.59062 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705202 Gm15396 NCBI_Gene:102632404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109491 MGI:3705202 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15396
7 gene 44.58738 44.59037 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825618 Gm45981 NCBI_Gene:108167420 MGI:5825618 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45981
7 gene 44.59066 44.60475 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96669 Kcnc3 NCBI_Gene:16504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062785 MGI:96669 protein coding gene potassium voltage gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 3
7 gene 44.59358 44.59588 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753408 Gm44832 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108832 MGI:5753408 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44832
7 gene 44.60580 44.67084 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919210 Myh14 NCBI_Gene:71960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030739 MGI:1919210 protein coding gene myosin, heavy polypeptide 14
7 pseudogene 44.64542 44.64635 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010441 Gm18256 NCBI_Gene:100416794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109352 MGI:5010441 pseudogene predicted gene, 18256
7 gene 44.66815 44.67824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916828 2310016G11Rik NCBI_Gene:69578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070574 MGI:1916828 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310016G11 gene
7 gene 44.70870 44.71984 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922760 Izumo2 NCBI_Gene:75510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066500 MGI:1922760 protein coding gene IZUMO family member 2
7 gene 44.73148 44.75105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442697 Zfp473 NCBI_Gene:243963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048012 MGI:2442697 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 473
7 gene 44.74841 44.77752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2182465 Vrk3 NCBI_Gene:101568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002205 MGI:2182465 protein coding gene vaccinia related kinase 3
7 gene 44.77286 44.77497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443209 A130002D19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A130002D19 gene
7 gene 44.78866 44.79108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5588950 Gm29791 NCBI_Gene:101056178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109227 MGI:5588950 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29791
7 gene 44.81226 44.81666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141857 Atf5 NCBI_Gene:107503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038539 MGI:2141857 protein coding gene activating transcription factor 5
7 gene 44.81609 44.83184 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351500 Nup62 NCBI_Gene:18226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109511 MGI:1351500 protein coding gene nucleoporin 62
7 gene 44.81637 44.84080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439399 Il4i1b NCBI_Gene:100328588 MGI:5439399 protein coding gene interleukin 4 induced 1B
7 gene 44.81639 44.84081 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109552 Il4i1 NCBI_Gene:14204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074141 MGI:109552 protein coding gene interleukin 4 induced 1
7 gene 44.83462 44.84908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2449973 Tbc1d17 NCBI_Gene:233204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038520 MGI:2449973 protein coding gene TBC1 domain family, member 17
7 gene 44.84899 44.85542 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914855 Akt1s1 NCBI_Gene:67605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011096 MGI:1914855 protein coding gene AKT1 substrate 1 (proline-rich)
7 gene 44.84970 44.84977 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3629685 Mir707 miRBase:MI0004691,NCBI_Gene:735269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076051 MGI:3629685 miRNA gene microRNA 707
7 gene 44.85648 44.86299 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891698 Pnkp NCBI_Gene:59047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002963 MGI:1891698 protein coding gene polynucleotide kinase 3’- phosphatase
7 gene 44.86307 44.87049 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933946 Ptov1 NCBI_Gene:84113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038502 MGI:1933946 protein coding gene prostate tumor over expressed gene 1
7 gene 44.87676 44.89271 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922863 Med25 NCBI_Gene:75613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002968 MGI:1922863 protein coding gene mediator complex subunit 25
7 gene 44.89431 44.89810 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106455 D7Bwg0826e ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109198 MGI:106455 unclassified gene DNA segment, Chr 7, Brigham %26 Women’s Genetics 0826 expressed
7 gene 44.89608 44.90263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917550 Fuz NCBI_Gene:70300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011658 MGI:1917550 protein coding gene fuzzy planar cell polarity protein
7 gene 44.90037 44.92950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_101921 Ap2a1 NCBI_Gene:11771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060279 MGI:101921 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 1 subunit
7 gene 44.90614 44.90743 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590187 Gm31028 NCBI_Gene:102633121 MGI:5590187 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31028
7 gene 44.92958 44.95804 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1347560 Tsks NCBI_Gene:22116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059891 MGI:1347560 protein coding gene testis-specific serine kinase substrate
7 gene 44.95848 44.97485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446526 Cpt1c NCBI_Gene:78070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007783 MGI:2446526 protein coding gene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1c
7 gene 44.97043 44.97430 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925320 6530437J22Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109111 MGI:1925320 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6530437J22 gene
7 gene 44.97599 44.98657 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107846 Prmt1 NCBI_Gene:15469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109324 MGI:107846 protein coding gene protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1
7 gene 44.98690 44.99460 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782994 Gm15545 NCBI_Gene:100502630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087138 MGI:3782994 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15545
7 gene 44.99122 44.99871 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922986 Bcl2l12 NCBI_Gene:75736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003190 MGI:1922986 protein coding gene BCL2-like 12 (proline rich)
7 gene 44.99765 45.00285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859179 Irf3 NCBI_Gene:54131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003184 MGI:1859179 protein coding gene interferon regulatory factor 3
7 gene 45.00295 45.01636 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141980 Scaf1 NCBI_Gene:233208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038406 MGI:2141980 protein coding gene SR-related CTD-associated factor 1
7 gene 45.01243 45.01249 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530939 Mir7054 miRBase:MI0022903,NCBI_Gene:102466218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098839 MGI:5530939 miRNA gene microRNA 7054
7 gene 45.01640 45.01769 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825619 Gm45982 NCBI_Gene:108167421 MGI:5825619 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45982
7 gene 45.01796 45.02165 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98179 Rras NCBI_Gene:20130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038387 MGI:98179 protein coding gene related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene
7 gene 45.02756 45.05288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2679002 Prr12 NCBI_Gene:233210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046574 MGI:2679002 protein coding gene proline rich 12
7 gene 45.05358 45.06288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929596 Prrg2 NCBI_Gene:65116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007837 MGI:1929596 protein coding gene proline-rich Gla (G-carboxyglutamic acid) polypeptide 2
7 gene 45.06243 45.07850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913644 Nosip NCBI_Gene:66394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003421 MGI:1913644 protein coding gene nitric oxide synthase interacting protein
7 gene 45.08291 45.09226 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277122 Rcn3 NCBI_Gene:52377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019539 MGI:1277122 protein coding gene reticulocalbin 3, EF-hand calcium binding domain
7 gene 45.09141 45.09832 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791505 Gm45669 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109947 MGI:5791505 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45669
7 gene 45.09299 45.10385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103017 Fcgrt NCBI_Gene:14132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003420 MGI:103017 protein coding gene Fc receptor, IgG, alpha chain transporter
7 gene 45.12176 45.12182 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676835 Mir150 miRBase:MI0000172,NCBI_Gene:387168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065495 MGI:2676835 miRNA gene microRNA 150
7 gene 45.12192 45.12414 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791388 Gm45552 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110279 MGI:5791388 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45552
7 gene 45.12238 45.12444 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351329 Rps11 NCBI_Gene:27207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003429 MGI:1351329 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S11
7 gene 45.12302 45.12311 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351321 Snord35b NCBI_Gene:27212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064767 MGI:1351321 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 35B
7 gene 45.12556 45.12876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351455 Rpl13a NCBI_Gene:22121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074129 MGI:1351455 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L13A
7 gene 45.12592 45.13623 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804828 Gm45713 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089989 MGI:5804828 protein coding gene predicted gene 45713
7 gene 45.12635 45.12644 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351319 Snord35a NCBI_Gene:27211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065818 MGI:1351319 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 35A
7 gene 45.12660 45.12667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351325 Snord34 NCBI_Gene:27210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065878 MGI:1351325 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 34
7 gene 45.12686 45.12695 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351323 Snord33 NCBI_Gene:27208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065628 MGI:1351323 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 33
7 gene 45.12692 45.12699 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4950446 Mir5121 miRBase:MI0018030,NCBI_Gene:100628629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105913 MGI:4950446 miRNA gene microRNA 5121
7 gene 45.12738 45.12746 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351324 Snord32a NCBI_Gene:27209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065219 MGI:1351324 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 32A
7 gene 45.12979 45.13649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95560 Flt3l NCBI_Gene:14256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110206 MGI:95560 protein coding gene FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand
7 gene 45.14068 45.15458 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916998 Aldh16a1 NCBI_Gene:69748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007833 MGI:1916998 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 16 family, member A1
7 gene 45.15430 45.16007 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916095 Pih1d1 NCBI_Gene:68845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003423 MGI:1916095 protein coding gene PIH1 domain containing 1
7 gene 45.16392 45.17614 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920211 Slc17a7 NCBI_Gene:72961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070570 MGI:1920211 protein coding gene solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7
7 gene 45.17330 45.17336 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5562777 Mir7055 miRBase:MI0022904,NCBI_Gene:102465638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106470 MGI:5562777 miRNA gene microRNA 7055
7 gene 45.17635 45.17960 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685427 Gfy NCBI_Gene:100039953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095276 MGI:2685427 protein coding gene golgi-associated olfactory signaling regulator
7 gene 45.17654 45.18184 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2152297 Pth2 NCBI_Gene:114640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038300 MGI:2152297 protein coding gene parathyroid hormone 2
7 gene 45.18362 45.20493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2687329 Ccdc155 NCBI_Gene:384619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038292 MGI:2687329 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 155
7 gene 45.18893 45.19149 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590256 Gm31097 NCBI_Gene:102633211 MGI:5590256 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31097
7 gene 45.20752 45.21260 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354963 Dkkl1 NCBI_Gene:50722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030792 MGI:1354963 protein coding gene dickkopf-like 1
7 gene 45.21575 45.23364 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104904 Tead2 NCBI_Gene:21677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030796 MGI:104904 protein coding gene TEA domain family member 2
7 gene 45.23363 45.23923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88330 Cd37 NCBI_Gene:12493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030798 MGI:88330 protein coding gene CD37 antigen
7 gene 45.24075 45.27337 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685930 Slc6a16 NCBI_Gene:381884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094152 MGI:2685930 protein coding gene solute carrier family 6, member 16
7 gene 45.25445 45.25455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453362 Gm23585 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088281 MGI:5453362 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23585
7 gene 45.27733 45.28900 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923963 Slc6a21 NCBI_Gene:76713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070568 MGI:1923963 protein coding gene solute carrier family 6 member 21
7 gene 45.29916 45.30236 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621891 Gm39006 NCBI_Gene:105242934 MGI:5621891 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39006
7 gene 45.30263 45.33407 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915917 Trpm4 NCBI_Gene:68667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038260 MGI:1915917 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 4
7 pseudogene 45.32496 45.32565 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3710579 Rpl14-ps1 NCBI_Gene:100040970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046721 MGI:3710579 pseudogene ribosomal protein L14, pseudogene 1
7 gene 45.33527 45.33897 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96226 Hrc NCBI_Gene:15464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038239 MGI:96226 protein coding gene histidine rich calcium binding protein
7 gene 45.33912 45.36702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924037 Ppfia3 NCBI_Gene:76787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003863 MGI:1924037 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, f polypeptide (PTPRF), interacting protein (liprin), alpha 3
7 gene 45.36616 45.36795 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1860766 Mtag2 NCBI_Gene:50994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091510 MGI:1860766 lncRNA gene metastasis associated gene 2
7 gene 45.36789 45.37058 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1330858 Lin7b NCBI_Gene:22342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003872 MGI:1330858 protein coding gene lin-7 homolog B (C. elegans)
7 gene 45.36818 45.36870 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791455 Gm45619 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110070 MGI:5791455 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45619
7 gene 45.37645 45.39574 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98341 Snrnp70 NCBI_Gene:20637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063511 MGI:98341 protein coding gene small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70 (U1)
7 gene 45.38853 45.38868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452255 Gm22478 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084519 MGI:5452255 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22478
7 gene 45.40565 45.41138 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96664 Kcna7 NCBI_Gene:16495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038201 MGI:96664 protein coding gene potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 7
7 gene 45.41369 45.41718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97381 Ntf5 NCBI_Gene:78405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074121 MGI:97381 protein coding gene neurotrophin 5
7 gene 45.41747 45.42190 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96782 Lhb NCBI_Gene:16866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100916 MGI:96782 protein coding gene luteinizing hormone beta
7 gene 45.42176 45.43810 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1342299 Ruvbl2 NCBI_Gene:20174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003868 MGI:1342299 protein coding gene RuvB-like protein 2
7 gene 45.43484 45.45662 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101805 Gys1 NCBI_Gene:14936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003865 MGI:101805 protein coding gene glycogen synthase 1, muscle
7 gene 45.45794 45.45989 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95589 Ftl1 NCBI_Gene:14325,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050708 MGI:95589 protein coding gene ferritin light polypeptide 1
7 gene 45.45809 45.45820 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451910 Gm22133 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076036 MGI:5451910 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22133
7 gene 45.45947 45.46030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704292 Gm10252 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110350 MGI:3704292 unclassified gene predicted gene 10252
7 gene 45.46169 45.46820 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99702 Bax NCBI_Gene:12028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003873 MGI:99702 protein coding gene BCL2-associated X protein
7 gene 45.46598 45.48681 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804923 Gm45808 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109926 MGI:5804923 protein coding gene predicted gene 45808
7 gene 45.47099 45.48887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919005 Dhdh NCBI_Gene:71755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011382 MGI:1919005 protein coding gene dihydrodiol dehydrogenase (dimeric)
7 gene 45.48188 45.52363 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861600 Tulp2 NCBI_Gene:56734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023467 MGI:1861600 protein coding gene tubby-like protein 2
7 gene 45.49046 45.51041 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97388 Nucb1 NCBI_Gene:18220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030824 MGI:97388 protein coding gene nucleobindin 1
7 pseudogene 45.51236 45.51257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791314 Gm45478 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110387 MGI:5791314 pseudogene predicted gene 45478
7 gene 45.52292 45.52627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927072 Ppp1r15a NCBI_Gene:17872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040435 MGI:1927072 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 15A
7 gene 45.52633 45.55423 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916467 Plekha4 NCBI_Gene:69217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040428 MGI:1916467 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A (phosphoinositide binding specific) member 4
7 gene 45.55053 45.55161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791400 Gm45564 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110144 MGI:5791400 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45564
7 gene 45.55486 45.56775 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913315 Hsd17b14 NCBI_Gene:66065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030825 MGI:1913315 protein coding gene hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 14
7 gene 45.56779 45.57533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918911 0610005C13Rik NCBI_Gene:71661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109644 MGI:1918911 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 0610005C13 gene
7 gene 45.56976 45.58971 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1276534 Bcat2 NCBI_Gene:12036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030826 MGI:1276534 protein coding gene branched chain aminotransferase 2, mitochondrial
7 gene 45.59553 45.60355 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590638 Gm31479 NCBI_Gene:102633721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109632 MGI:5590638 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31479
7 gene 45.61389 45.61935 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861377 Fgf21 NCBI_Gene:56636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030827 MGI:1861377 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor 21
7 gene 45.61727 45.62106 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109375 Fut1 NCBI_Gene:14343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008461 MGI:109375 protein coding gene fucosyltransferase 1
7 gene 45.62181 45.62882 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920706 Izumo1 NCBI_Gene:73456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064158 MGI:1920706 protein coding gene izumo sperm-egg fusion 1
7 gene 45.62749 45.63909 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917153 Rasip1 NCBI_Gene:69903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044562 MGI:1917153 protein coding gene Ras interacting protein 1
7 gene 45.63066 45.63308 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791273 Gm45437 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109998 MGI:5791273 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45437
7 gene 45.63567 45.63877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3696869 A030001D20Rik NCBI_Gene:100126243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110357 MGI:3696869 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A030001D20 gene
7 gene 45.63919 45.64821 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921740 Mamstr NCBI_Gene:74490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042918 MGI:1921740 protein coding gene MEF2 activating motif and SAP domain containing transcriptional regulator
7 gene 45.64859 45.66639 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109374 Fut2 NCBI_Gene:14344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055978 MGI:109374 protein coding gene fucosyltransferase 2
7 gene 45.65905 45.66582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621893 Gm39008 NCBI_Gene:105242936 MGI:5621893 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39008
7 gene 45.66631 45.67762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621892 Gm39007 NCBI_Gene:105242935 MGI:5621892 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39007
7 gene 45.67769 45.69440 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928893 Sec1 NCBI_Gene:56546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040364 MGI:1928893 protein coding gene secretory blood group 1
7 gene 45.68402 45.69456 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685330 Ntn5 NCBI_Gene:243967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070564 MGI:2685330 protein coding gene netrin 5
7 gene 45.69979 45.70468 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336193 Car11 NCBI_Gene:12348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003273 MGI:1336193 protein coding gene carbonic anhydrase 11
7 gene 45.70509 45.71020 positive MGI_C57BL6J_94866 Dbp NCBI_Gene:13170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059824 MGI:94866 protein coding gene D site albumin promoter binding protein
7 gene 45.70946 45.71800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861380 Sphk2 NCBI_Gene:56632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057342 MGI:1861380 protein coding gene sphingosine kinase 2
7 gene 45.71546 45.72084 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98003 Rpl18 NCBI_Gene:19899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059070 MGI:98003 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L18
7 gene 45.72117 45.78467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926342 Sult2b1 NCBI_Gene:54200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003271 MGI:1926342 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 2B, member 1
7 gene 45.72121 45.72949 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921063 Fam83e NCBI_Gene:73813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054161 MGI:1921063 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 83, member E
7 gene 45.72511 45.72582 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916613 Spaca4 NCBI_Gene:69363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070563 MGI:1916613 protein coding gene sperm acrosome associated 4
7 gene 45.74204 45.75085 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590756 Gm31597 NCBI_Gene:102633874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109602 MGI:5590756 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31597
7 gene 45.76535 45.77579 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621894 Gm39009 NCBI_Gene:105242937 MGI:5621894 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39009
7 gene 45.78371 45.80689 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3039582 Lmtk3 NCBI_Gene:381983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062044 MGI:3039582 protein coding gene lemur tyrosine kinase 3
7 gene 45.80664 45.81458 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1334255 Cyth2 NCBI_Gene:19158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003269 MGI:1334255 protein coding gene cytohesin 2
7 gene 45.81402 45.81492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791280 Gm45444 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110197 MGI:5791280 unclassified gene predicted gene 45444
7 gene 45.81645 45.82478 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384820 Kcnj14 NCBI_Gene:211480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058743 MGI:2384820 protein coding gene potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 14
7 gene 45.82522 45.83099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141989 Grwd1 NCBI_Gene:101612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053801 MGI:2141989 protein coding gene glutamate-rich WD repeat containing 1
7 gene 45.83089 45.83525 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791277 Gm45441 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110020 MGI:5791277 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45441
7 gene 45.83188 45.87838 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95823 Grin2d NCBI_Gene:14814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002771 MGI:95823 protein coding gene glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA2D (epsilon 4)
7 gene 45.87277 45.88373 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915387 Kdelr1 NCBI_Gene:68137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002778 MGI:1915387 protein coding gene KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 1
7 gene 45.87555 45.87563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451875 Gm22098 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088555 MGI:5451875 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22098
7 gene 45.88464 45.89674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928903 Syngr4 NCBI_Gene:58867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040231 MGI:1928903 protein coding gene synaptogyrin 4
7 gene 45.89694 45.91742 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917459 Tmem143 NCBI_Gene:70209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002781 MGI:1917459 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 143
7 gene 45.91802 45.92143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098729 Emp3 NCBI_Gene:13732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040212 MGI:1098729 protein coding gene epithelial membrane protein 3
7 gene 45.92222 45.92417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791278 Gm45442 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110208 MGI:5791278 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45442
7 gene 45.92316 45.94896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446120 Ccdc114 NCBI_Gene:211535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040189 MGI:2446120 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 114
7 pseudogene 45.93379 45.93428 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780120 Gm9712 NCBI_Gene:677321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109673 MGI:3780120 pseudogene predicted gene 9712
7 gene 45.96349 45.97122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825620 Gm45983 NCBI_Gene:108167424 MGI:5825620 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45983
7 gene 45.96755 46.03049 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351634 Abcc6 NCBI_Gene:27421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030834 MGI:1351634 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 6
7 pseudogene 45.97241 45.97399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791510 Gm45674 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109702 MGI:5791510 pseudogene predicted gene 45674
7 gene 46.03370 46.08421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385850 Nomo1 NCBI_Gene:211548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030835 MGI:2385850 protein coding gene nodal modulator 1
7 gene 46.04158 46.04242 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621895 Gm39010 NCBI_Gene:105242938 MGI:5621895 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39010
7 pseudogene 46.09190 46.09296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010891 Gm18706 NCBI_Gene:100417597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109882 MGI:5010891 pseudogene predicted gene, 18706
7 gene 46.09395 46.10087 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107501 Kcnj11 NCBI_Gene:16514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096146 MGI:107501 protein coding gene potassium inwardly rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 11
7 gene 46.10452 46.18004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352629 Abcc8 NCBI_Gene:20927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040136 MGI:1352629 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 8
7 gene 46.11154 46.11208 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791323 Gm45487 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110146 MGI:5791323 unclassified gene predicted gene 45487
7 gene 46.12335 46.13057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791322 Gm45486 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110240 MGI:5791322 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45486
7 gene 46.19535 46.23850 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919338 Ush1c NCBI_Gene:72088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030838 MGI:1919338 protein coding gene USH1 protein network component harmonin
7 gene 46.20455 46.20820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642591 Gm9860 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110060 MGI:3642591 unclassified gene predicted gene 9860
7 gene 46.24099 46.31143 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1202064 Otog NCBI_Gene:18419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009487 MGI:1202064 protein coding gene otogelin
7 gene 46.34577 46.34937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914183 1700025L06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109962 MGI:1914183 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700025L06 gene
7 gene 46.37140 46.37249 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825560 Gm45923 NCBI_Gene:105447647 MGI:5825560 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45923
7 gene 46.37647 46.37910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97275 Myod1 NCBI_Gene:17927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009471 MGI:97275 protein coding gene myogenic differentiation 1
7 gene 46.39646 46.43871 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96667 Kcnc1 NCBI_Gene:16502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058975 MGI:96667 protein coding gene potassium voltage gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 1
7 gene 46.44038 46.44071 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923976 1700121F22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700121F22 gene
7 gene 46.44124 46.44218 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825621 Gm45984 NCBI_Gene:108167425 MGI:5825621 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45984
7 gene 46.44315 46.63981 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351630 Sergef NCBI_Gene:27414,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030839 MGI:1351630 protein coding gene secretion regulating guanine nucleotide exchange factor
7 gene 46.45041 46.45052 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452746 Gm22969 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094229 MGI:5452746 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22969
7 gene 46.51145 46.51278 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791147 Gm45311 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110316 MGI:5791147 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45311
7 gene 46.56130 46.57820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783140 Gm15700 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087492 MGI:3783140 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15700
7 gene 46.56145 46.56173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791146 Gm45310 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110272 MGI:5791146 unclassified gene predicted gene 45310
7 gene 46.64464 46.67254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98796 Tph1 NCBI_Gene:21990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040046 MGI:98796 protein coding gene tryptophan hydroxylase 1
7 gene 46.68284 46.68538 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791465 Gm45629 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110010 MGI:5791465 unclassified gene predicted gene 45629
7 gene 46.68611 46.71069 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926185 Saal1 NCBI_Gene:78935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006763 MGI:1926185 protein coding gene serum amyloid A-like 1
7 gene 46.71200 46.71570 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98223 Saa3 NCBI_Gene:20210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040026 MGI:98223 protein coding gene serum amyloid A 3
7 gene 46.71889 46.72132 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591041 Gm31882 NCBI_Gene:102634252 MGI:5591041 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31882
7 gene 46.72800 46.73260 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98224 Saa4 NCBI_Gene:20211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040017 MGI:98224 protein coding gene serum amyloid A 4
7 pseudogene 46.73469 46.73667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108518 Saa-ps NCBI_Gene:20207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109624 MGI:108518 pseudogene serum amyloid A, pseudogene
7 gene 46.74050 46.74307 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98221 Saa1 NCBI_Gene:20208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074115 MGI:98221 protein coding gene serum amyloid A 1
7 gene 46.75177 46.75431 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98222 Saa2 NCBI_Gene:20209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057465 MGI:98222 protein coding gene serum amyloid A 2
7 gene 46.76047 46.79606 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2180307 Hps5 NCBI_Gene:246694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014418 MGI:2180307 protein coding gene HPS5, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 2
7 gene 46.78475 46.78555 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791145 Gm45309 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110087 MGI:5791145 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45309
7 gene 46.79609 46.82380 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277216 Gtf2h1 NCBI_Gene:14884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006599 MGI:1277216 protein coding gene general transcription factor II H, polypeptide 1
7 pseudogene 46.82017 46.82150 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643262 Gm9392 NCBI_Gene:668838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087298 MGI:3643262 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 9392
7 pseudogene 46.83242 46.83933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647739 Gm5331 NCBI_Gene:384622 MGI:3647739 pseudogene predicted gene 5331
7 pseudogene 46.83246 46.83288 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791144 Gm45308 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109663 MGI:5791144 pseudogene predicted gene 45308
7 gene 46.84148 46.85563 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96759 Ldha NCBI_Gene:16828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063229 MGI:96759 protein coding gene lactate dehydrogenase A
7 gene 46.85551 46.86123 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621896 Gm39011 NCBI_Gene:105242939 MGI:5621896 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39011
7 gene 46.86120 46.87814 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96764 Ldhc NCBI_Gene:16833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030851 MGI:96764 protein coding gene lactate dehydrogenase C
7 gene 46.88895 46.91997 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106581 Tsg101 NCBI_Gene:22088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014402 MGI:106581 protein coding gene tumor susceptibility gene 101
7 pseudogene 46.91599 46.91626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791464 Gm45628 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110213 MGI:5791464 pseudogene predicted gene 45628
7 gene 46.92322 46.95853 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1860490 Uevld NCBI_Gene:54122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043262 MGI:1860490 protein coding gene UEV and lactate/malate dehyrogenase domains
7 gene 46.92781 46.92942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804852 Gm45737 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109231 MGI:5804852 unclassified gene predicted gene 45737
7 gene 46.95754 46.97030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621897 Gm39012 NCBI_Gene:105242940 MGI:5621897 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39012
7 pseudogene 46.96715 46.96762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011433 Gm19248 NCBI_Gene:100462932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110416 MGI:5011433 pseudogene predicted gene, 19248
7 gene 46.96771 46.97591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142361 C86187 NCBI_Gene:97402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110001 MGI:2142361 lncRNA gene expressed sequence C86187
7 pseudogene 46.97528 46.97577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591100 Gm31941 NCBI_Gene:102634334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109637 MGI:5591100 pseudogene predicted gene, 31941
7 gene 46.97663 46.98780 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642801 Gm9999 NCBI_Gene:629141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056509 MGI:3642801 protein coding gene predicted gene 9999
7 gene 46.99040 47.00841 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142062 Spty2d1 NCBI_Gene:101685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049516 MGI:2142062 protein coding gene SPT2 chromatin protein domain containing 1
7 gene 47.00808 47.00901 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591190 Gm32031 NCBI_Gene:102634450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109118 MGI:5591190 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32031
7 gene 47.04989 47.05030 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791310 Gm45474 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109634 MGI:5791310 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45474
7 gene 47.05060 47.05478 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915143 Tmem86a NCBI_Gene:67893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010307 MGI:1915143 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 86A
7 pseudogene 47.05735 47.07563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593086 LOC102637012 NCBI_Gene:102637012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111473 MGI:5593086 pseudogene immunoglobulin superfamily member 22-like
7 gene 47.07780 47.13370 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97807 Ptpn5 NCBI_Gene:19259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030854 MGI:97807 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 5
7 gene 47.08317 47.08322 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531078 Mir7056 miRBase:MI0022905,NCBI_Gene:102465639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098960 MGI:5531078 miRNA gene microRNA 7056
7 gene 47.10871 47.12599 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651179 Gm14377 NCBI_Gene:102634561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109501 MGI:3651179 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14377
7 gene 47.14216 47.14432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753545 Gm44969 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109200 MGI:5753545 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44969
7 gene 47.18571 47.20492 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033107 Mrgpra6 NCBI_Gene:381886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052303 MGI:3033107 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A6
7 pseudogene 47.21268 47.21341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010532 Gm18347 NCBI_Gene:100416984 MGI:5010532 pseudogene predicted gene, 18347
7 gene 47.23486 47.25285 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033148 Mrgpra9 NCBI_Gene:668725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074111 MGI:3033148 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A9
7 pseudogene 47.30933 47.31034 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685506 Mrgprx3-ps NCBI_Gene:100502859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099560 MGI:2685506 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member X3, pseudogene
7 gene 47.33487 47.35424 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033095 Mrgpra1 NCBI_Gene:233221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050650 MGI:3033095 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A1
7 pseudogene 47.34945 47.34989 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753661 Gm45085 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109164 MGI:5753661 pseudogene predicted gene 45085
7 pseudogene 47.39062 47.39107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580185 Gm29479 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100470 MGI:5580185 pseudogene predicted gene 29479
7 gene 47.41383 47.41394 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455103 Gm25326 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095085 MGI:5455103 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25326
7 gene 47.42632 47.45217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3821888 Mrgpra2a NCBI_Gene:668727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093973 MGI:3821888 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A2A
7 gene 47.46380 47.52886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033098 Mrgpra2b NCBI_Gene:235712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096719 MGI:3033098 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A2B
7 pseudogene 47.50245 47.53178 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779706 Gm7255 NCBI_Gene:638950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101780 MGI:3779706 pseudogene predicted gene 7255
7 pseudogene 47.53919 47.54025 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033197 Mrgprc4-ps NCBI_Gene:404257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101944 MGI:3033197 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member C4, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 47.55537 47.55631 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780126 Gm9717 NCBI_Gene:677457 MGI:3780126 pseudogene predicted gene 9717
7 gene 47.55538 47.55629 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033168 Mrgpra14 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101664 MGI:3033168 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A14
7 pseudogene 47.56532 47.56630 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644993 Gm9322 NCBI_Gene:668729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099659 MGI:3644993 pseudogene predicted gene 9322
7 gene 47.58895 47.60137 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684085 Mrgpra3 NCBI_Gene:233222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078698 MGI:2684085 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A3
7 pseudogene 47.61132 47.61237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033136 Mrgprc1-ps NCBI_Gene:269921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100665 MGI:3033136 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member C1, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 47.66809 47.66882 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780876 Gm2707 NCBI_Gene:100040314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101087 MGI:3780876 pseudogene predicted gene 2707
7 pseudogene 47.70866 47.70888 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578994 Gm28288 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101817 MGI:5578994 pseudogene predicted gene 28288
7 pseudogene 47.71850 47.71955 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033196 Mrgprc3-ps NCBI_Gene:404256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099603 MGI:3033196 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member C3, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 47.73300 47.73394 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642992 Gm5733 NCBI_Gene:435977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101739 MGI:3642992 pseudogene predicted gene 5733
7 gene 47.75272 47.75283 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452204 Gm22427 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077110 MGI:5452204 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22427
7 pseudogene 47.76283 47.76368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010533 Gm18348 NCBI_Gene:100416987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100920 MGI:5010533 pseudogene predicted gene, 18348
7 pseudogene 47.77572 47.77621 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580269 Gm29563 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102109 MGI:5580269 pseudogene predicted gene 29563
7 pseudogene 47.80998 47.81137 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033141 Mrgprc7-ps NCBI_Gene:404255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102068 MGI:3033141 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member C7, pseudogene
7 gene 47.82288 47.83936 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033174 Mrgpra16 NA NA protein coding gene MAS-related GPR%2c member A16
7 pseudogene 47.82334 47.82427 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010534 Gm18349 NCBI_Gene:100416988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102128 MGI:5010534 pseudogene predicted gene, 18349
7 pseudogene 47.87108 47.87253 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033177 Mrgpra18-ps NCBI_Gene:404262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101622 MGI:3033177 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member A18, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 47.88653 47.88757 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010535 Gm18350 NCBI_Gene:100416990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101101 MGI:5010535 pseudogene predicted gene, 18350
7 pseudogene 47.91532 47.91626 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647104 Gm5734 NCBI_Gene:435978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101759 MGI:3647104 pseudogene predicted gene 5734
7 pseudogene 47.96668 47.96825 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033137 Mrgprc2-ps NCBI_Gene:404254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101906 MGI:3033137 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member C2, pseudogene
7 gene 47.98079 47.98230 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033100 Mrgpra4 NCBI_Gene:235854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067173 MGI:3033100 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A4
7 gene 48.02097 48.02760 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033139 Mrgprx1 NCBI_Gene:404242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070552 MGI:3033139 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member X1
7 pseudogene 48.06362 48.06498 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033123 Mrgprb7-ps NCBI_Gene:404252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101063 MGI:3033123 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member B7, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 48.09512 48.09539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579372 Gm28666 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102003 MGI:5579372 pseudogene predicted gene 28666
7 pseudogene 48.09647 48.09742 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033192 Mrgprb12-ps NCBI_Gene:404264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101900 MGI:3033192 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member B12, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 48.10885 48.10973 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010536 Gm18351 NCBI_Gene:100416993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102100 MGI:5010536 pseudogene predicted gene, 18351
7 pseudogene 48.11677 48.11744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579371 Gm28665 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101352 MGI:5579371 pseudogene predicted gene 28665
7 gene 48.13842 48.13856 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925576 2700078K13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2700078K13 gene
7 gene 48.16798 48.16902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033121 Mrgprb5 NCBI_Gene:404239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070551 MGI:3033121 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B5
7 pseudogene 48.18180 48.18314 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010537 Gm18352 NCBI_Gene:100416994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101543 MGI:5010537 pseudogene predicted gene, 18352
7 gene 48.19807 48.19929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033119 Mrgprb4 NCBI_Gene:233230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070550 MGI:3033119 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B4
7 pseudogene 48.22020 48.22084 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504065 Gm26950 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097955 MGI:5504065 pseudogene predicted gene, 26950
7 pseudogene 48.29319 48.29482 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010541 Gm18356 NCBI_Gene:100417005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099952 MGI:5010541 pseudogene predicted gene, 18356
7 gene 48.31130 48.31232 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033193 Mrgprb13 NCBI_Gene:620137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099620 MGI:3033193 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B13
7 pseudogene 48.36392 48.36450 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010542 Gm18357 NCBI_Gene:100417006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100687 MGI:5010542 pseudogene predicted gene, 18357
7 gene 48.38853 48.38965 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033134 Mrgprb8 NCBI_Gene:404240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050870 MGI:3033134 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B8
7 gene 48.44411 48.45634 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033115 Mrgprb1 NCBI_Gene:233231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070547 MGI:3033115 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B1
7 gene 48.47862 48.49932 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588270 Mrgprx2 NCBI_Gene:243978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074109 MGI:3588270 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member X2
7 gene 48.55096 48.55809 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441674 Mrgprb2 NCBI_Gene:243979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050425 MGI:2441674 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B2
7 pseudogene 48.59066 48.59198 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033133 Mrgprb9-ps NCBI_Gene:404253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101362 MGI:3033133 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member B9, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 48.60955 48.61043 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010538 Gm18353 NCBI_Gene:100416995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100250 MGI:5010538 pseudogene predicted gene, 18353
7 gene 48.64280 48.64381 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033117 Mrgprb3 NCBI_Gene:404238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070546 MGI:3033117 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B3
7 pseudogene 48.68462 48.68561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033189 Mrgprb11-ps NCBI_Gene:639116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099889 MGI:3033189 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member B11, pseudogene
7 gene 48.72015 48.74819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753662 Gm45086 NCBI_Gene:108167426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109170 MGI:5753662 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45086
7 gene 48.75514 48.76832 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591422 Gm32263 NCBI_Gene:102634757 MGI:5591422 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32263
7 gene 48.78900 48.82744 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919227 Zdhhc13 NCBI_Gene:243983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030471 MGI:1919227 protein coding gene zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 13
7 gene 48.79630 48.79941 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753617 Gm45041 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109317 MGI:5753617 unclassified gene predicted gene 45041
7 gene 48.83040 48.84805 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1330824 Csrp3 NCBI_Gene:13009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030470 MGI:1330824 protein coding gene cysteine and glycine-rich protein 3
7 gene 48.86643 48.88207 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922038 E2f8 NCBI_Gene:108961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046179 MGI:1922038 protein coding gene E2F transcription factor 8
7 gene 48.87796 48.91304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780956 Gm2788 NCBI_Gene:108167326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085995 MGI:3780956 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2788
7 gene 48.89368 48.91006 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791118 Gm45282 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110093 MGI:5791118 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45282
7 gene 48.90872 49.61009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2183691 Nav2 NCBI_Gene:78286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052512 MGI:2183691 protein coding gene neuron navigator 2
7 pseudogene 48.93951 48.94014 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010744 Gm18559 NCBI_Gene:100417360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109507 MGI:5010744 pseudogene predicted gene, 18559
7 pseudogene 49.06244 49.06258 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753783 Gm45207 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109068 MGI:5753783 pseudogene predicted gene 45207
7 gene 49.07327 49.09323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592008 Gm32849 NCBI_Gene:102635541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109203 MGI:5592008 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32849
7 gene 49.12194 49.16558 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921817 9130015G15Rik NCBI_Gene:108167511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108950 MGI:1921817 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9130015G15 gene
7 gene 49.19554 49.19912 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610841 Gm37613 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103834 MGI:5610841 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37613
7 gene 49.34609 49.34908 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753489 Gm44913 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109051 MGI:5753489 unclassified gene predicted gene 44913
7 gene 49.46971 49.47171 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611287 Gm38059 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102148 MGI:5611287 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38059
7 gene 49.55389 49.55673 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2445080 E430014L09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E430014L09 gene
7 gene 49.56180 49.56369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591853 Gm32694 NCBI_Gene:102635323 MGI:5591853 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32694
7 gene 49.63150 49.63685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_94867 Dbx1 NCBI_Gene:13172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030507 MGI:94867 protein coding gene developing brain homeobox 1
7 gene 49.63986 49.64899 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825622 Gm45985 NCBI_Gene:108167427 MGI:5825622 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45985
7 gene 49.75285 49.75616 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592121 Gm32962 NCBI_Gene:102635687 MGI:5592121 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32962
7 gene 49.75904 49.77836 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859271 Htatip2 NCBI_Gene:53415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039745 MGI:1859271 protein coding gene HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2
7 gene 49.76363 49.77016 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825623 Gm45986 NCBI_Gene:108167428 MGI:5825623 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45986
7 gene 49.77835 49.85827 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919224 Prmt3 NCBI_Gene:71974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030505 MGI:1919224 protein coding gene protein arginine N-methyltransferase 3
7 gene 49.79596 49.79671 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925801 5430407F15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430407F15 gene
7 gene 49.81420 49.82059 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753398 Gm44822 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109154 MGI:5753398 unclassified gene predicted gene 44822
7 gene 49.85616 49.85760 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477350 Gm26856 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097864 MGI:5477350 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26856
7 gene 49.86125 49.86637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924768 9330179C17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9330179C17 gene
7 gene 49.90697 49.96386 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105090 Slc6a5 NCBI_Gene:104245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039728 MGI:105090 protein coding gene solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine), member 5
7 gene 49.97486 50.86661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443902 Nell1 NCBI_Gene:338352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055409 MGI:2443902 protein coding gene NEL-like 1
7 gene 50.51731 50.57597 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920765 Nell1os NCBI_Gene:73515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085265 MGI:1920765 antisense lncRNA gene NEL-like 1, opposite strand
7 gene 50.59919 50.60053 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142174 4933405O20Rik NCBI_Gene:243996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084234 MGI:2142174 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4933405O20 gene
7 pseudogene 50.94054 50.94315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645198 Gm9343 NCBI_Gene:100534340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109409 MGI:3645198 pseudogene predicted gene 9343
7 pseudogene 50.94929 50.95190 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434387 Gm21032 NCBI_Gene:100534341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108958 MGI:5434387 pseudogene predicted gene, 21032
7 pseudogene 50.95803 50.96065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434388 Gm21033 NCBI_Gene:100534342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109494 MGI:5434388 pseudogene predicted gene, 21033
7 pseudogene 50.96679 50.96940 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434389 Gm21034 NCBI_Gene:100534343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109476 MGI:5434389 pseudogene predicted gene, 21034
7 pseudogene 50.97554 50.97816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434390 Gm21035 NCBI_Gene:100534344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109172 MGI:5434390 pseudogene predicted gene, 21035
7 pseudogene 50.98429 50.98691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434391 Gm21036 NCBI_Gene:100534345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109173 MGI:5434391 pseudogene predicted gene, 21036
7 pseudogene 51.15281 51.15542 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434392 Gm21037 NCBI_Gene:100534346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109202 MGI:5434392 pseudogene predicted gene, 21037
7 pseudogene 51.17048 51.17715 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648411 Gm16478 NCBI_Gene:434186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108963 MGI:3648411 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 16478
7 pseudogene 51.39483 51.39495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753578 Gm45002 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109443 MGI:5753578 pseudogene predicted gene 45002
7 gene 51.44189 51.44407 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592174 Gm33015 NCBI_Gene:102635758 MGI:5592174 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33015
7 pseudogene 51.45799 51.45856 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647598 Gm9354 NCBI_Gene:668779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109059 MGI:3647598 pseudogene predicted gene 9354
7 gene 51.49680 51.57032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592349 Gm33190 NCBI_Gene:102635994 MGI:5592349 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33190
7 gene 51.51002 51.59871 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3576659 Ano5 NCBI_Gene:233246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055489 MGI:3576659 protein coding gene anoctamin 5
7 gene 51.62139 51.62432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592295 Gm33136 NCBI_Gene:108167429 MGI:5592295 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33136
7 gene 51.62183 51.67113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2156052 Slc17a6 NCBI_Gene:140919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030500 MGI:2156052 protein coding gene solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6
7 gene 51.63173 51.63265 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753648 Gm45072 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109437 MGI:5753648 unclassified gene predicted gene 45072
7 pseudogene 51.69791 51.69898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625287 Gm42402 NCBI_Gene:105247274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109331 MGI:5625287 pseudogene predicted gene, 42402
7 pseudogene 51.74665 51.74790 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644851 Gm7336 NCBI_Gene:654473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078636 MGI:3644851 pseudogene predicted gene 7336
7 gene 51.75080 51.77273 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580002 Gm29296 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102124 MGI:5580002 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29296
7 gene 51.77298 51.77778 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592449 Gm33290 NCBI_Gene:102636136 MGI:5592449 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33290
7 gene 51.85030 51.85282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753577 Gm45001 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108842 MGI:5753577 unclassified gene predicted gene 45001
7 gene 51.85558 51.86005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753811 Gm45235 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108957 MGI:5753811 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45235
7 gene 51.86058 51.86227 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3689889 Fancf NCBI_Gene:100040608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092118 MGI:3689889 protein coding gene Fanconi anemia, complementation group F
7 gene 51.86201 51.99500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95657 Gas2 NCBI_Gene:14453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030498 MGI:95657 protein coding gene growth arrest specific 2
7 gene 51.99716 52.00602 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922994 Svip NCBI_Gene:75744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074093 MGI:1922994 protein coding gene small VCP/p97-interacting protein
7 gene 52.01168 52.01573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922779 1700015G11Rik NCBI_Gene:100503036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094445 MGI:1922779 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700015G11 gene
7 pseudogene 52.02206 52.02965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643913 Gm9357 NCBI_Gene:668783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109526 MGI:3643913 pseudogene predicted gene 9357
7 gene 52.07542 52.07558 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451988 Gm22211 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088722 MGI:5451988 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22211
7 pseudogene 52.21996 52.22044 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753259 Gm44683 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109026 MGI:5753259 pseudogene predicted gene 44683
7 pseudogene 52.41145 52.41197 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012259 Gm20074 NCBI_Gene:100504123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109099 MGI:5012259 pseudogene predicted gene, 20074
7 pseudogene 52.75542 52.75583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646422 Gm6181 NCBI_Gene:620782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074092 MGI:3646422 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6181
7 gene 52.88759 52.97700 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593057 Gm33898 NCBI_Gene:102636974 MGI:5593057 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33898
7 gene 52.92707 52.92718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452221 Gm22444 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070203 MGI:5452221 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22444
7 pseudogene 52.99027 52.99100 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011091 Gm18906 NCBI_Gene:100417931 MGI:5011091 pseudogene predicted gene, 18906
7 gene 53.63080 53.66079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593149 Gm33990 NCBI_Gene:102637088 MGI:5593149 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33990
7 pseudogene 53.80327 53.80414 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643911 Gm9362 NCBI_Gene:668789 MGI:3643911 pseudogene predicted gene 9362
7 gene 53.89176 53.89189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531364 Mir6238 miRBase:MI0021585,NCBI_Gene:102466619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099176 MGI:5531364 miRNA gene microRNA 6238
7 gene 53.99594 53.99856 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753258 Gm44682 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109312 MGI:5753258 unclassified gene predicted gene 44682
7 gene 54.00847 54.00858 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531303 Gm27921 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099089 MGI:5531303 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27921
7 gene 54.21317 54.21339 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455733 Gm25956 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092856 MGI:5455733 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25956
7 pseudogene 54.41191 54.41252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647650 Gm5776 NCBI_Gene:497028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099647 MGI:3647650 pseudogene predicted gene 5776
7 pseudogene 54.57106 54.62498 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645757 Gm6290 NCBI_Gene:622146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109050 MGI:3645757 pseudogene predicted gene 6290
7 gene 54.83519 55.26889 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1889615 Luzp2 NCBI_Gene:233271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063297 MGI:1889615 protein coding gene leucine zipper protein 2
7 gene 54.87611 54.87765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753471 Gm44895 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108474 MGI:5753471 unclassified gene predicted gene 44895
7 gene 54.88312 54.88446 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753473 Gm44897 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108665 MGI:5753473 unclassified gene predicted gene 44897
7 gene 54.93178 54.93255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753472 Gm44896 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108581 MGI:5753472 unclassified gene predicted gene 44896
7 gene 55.02504 55.02721 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753470 Gm44894 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108756 MGI:5753470 unclassified gene predicted gene 44894
7 gene 55.08860 55.08999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921844 4833421K07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108519 MGI:1921844 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833421K07 gene
7 pseudogene 55.24214 55.24394 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010023 Gm17838 NCBI_Gene:100415957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108326 MGI:5010023 pseudogene predicted gene, 17838
7 gene 55.24393 55.24404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453893 Gm24116 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077163 MGI:5453893 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24116
7 gene 55.27338 55.27670 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621899 Gm39014 NCBI_Gene:105242943 MGI:5621899 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39014
7 gene 55.27594 55.27816 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753474 Gm44898 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108325 MGI:5753474 unclassified gene predicted gene 44898
7 pseudogene 55.46207 55.46261 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647838 Gm9367 NCBI_Gene:668796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108744 MGI:3647838 pseudogene predicted gene 9367
7 pseudogene 55.63645 55.63681 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753191 Gm44615 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108363 MGI:5753191 pseudogene predicted gene 44615
7 gene 55.70215 55.70222 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456259 Gm26482 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088640 MGI:5456259 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26482
7 gene 55.76509 55.76862 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621900 Gm39015 NCBI_Gene:105242944 MGI:5621900 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39015
7 gene 55.76814 55.77893 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443256 Siglech NCBI_Gene:233274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051504 MGI:2443256 protein coding gene sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin H
7 gene 55.79413 55.83168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2178836 Tubgcp5 NCBI_Gene:233276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033790 MGI:2178836 protein coding gene tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 5
7 gene 55.84175 55.93263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1338801 Cyfip1 NCBI_Gene:20430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030447 MGI:1338801 protein coding gene cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1
7 pseudogene 55.90260 55.90331 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010092 Gm17907 NCBI_Gene:100416076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092526 MGI:5010092 pseudogene predicted gene, 17907
7 gene 55.92718 55.92891 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753192 Gm44616 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108701 MGI:5753192 unclassified gene predicted gene 44616
7 gene 55.93127 55.96249 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913918 Nipa2 NCBI_Gene:93790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030452 MGI:1913918 protein coding gene non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 2 homolog (human)
7 gene 55.96253 55.98087 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444856 A230056P14Rik NCBI_Gene:320845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087178 MGI:2444856 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230056P14 gene
7 gene 55.97352 55.97484 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753085 Gm44509 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108358 MGI:5753085 unclassified gene predicted gene 44509
7 gene 55.97757 56.01995 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442058 Nipa1 NCBI_Gene:233280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047037 MGI:2442058 protein coding gene non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 1 homolog (human)
7 gene 55.97993 55.98085 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802176 Gm15888 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085927 MGI:3802176 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15888
7 gene 55.98807 55.99328 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621901 Gm39016 NCBI_Gene:105242945 MGI:5621901 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39016
7 gene 55.99401 55.99517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753084 Gm44508 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108640 MGI:5753084 unclassified gene predicted gene 44508
7 gene 56.01295 56.01748 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753086 Gm44510 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108443 MGI:5753086 unclassified gene predicted gene 44510
7 pseudogene 56.01393 56.01443 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783241 Rps12l1 NCBI_Gene:672959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078087 MGI:3783241 pseudogene ribosomal protein S12-like 1
7 gene 56.03835 56.05008 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593280 Gm34121 NCBI_Gene:102637256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108659 MGI:5593280 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34121
7 gene 56.05015 56.23180 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103234 Herc2 NCBI_Gene:15204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030451 MGI:103234 protein coding gene HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
7 pseudogene 56.21636 56.21725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011372 Gm19187 NCBI_Gene:100418404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108347 MGI:5011372 pseudogene predicted gene, 19187
7 gene 56.23959 56.53652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97454 Oca2 NCBI_Gene:18431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030450 MGI:97454 protein coding gene oculocutaneous albinism II
7 gene 56.24219 56.24315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753082 Gm44506 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108773 MGI:5753082 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44506
7 gene 56.56020 56.56025 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442797 F630003A18Rik NA NA protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA F630003A18 gene
7 gene 56.71646 56.71712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781173 Gm2995 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 2995
7 gene 56.71646 57.38722 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95624 Gabrg3 NCBI_Gene:14407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055026 MGI:95624 protein coding gene gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit gamma 3
7 gene 56.71647 56.71776 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917966 6330406O05Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6330406O05 gene
7 pseudogene 56.74827 56.74929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753555 Gm44979 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108488 MGI:5753555 pseudogene predicted gene 44979
7 pseudogene 56.80461 56.80546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010169 Gm17984 NCBI_Gene:100416228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108647 MGI:5010169 pseudogene predicted gene, 17984
7 pseudogene 56.83800 56.83826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753552 Gm44976 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108586 MGI:5753552 pseudogene predicted gene 44976
7 pseudogene 56.85543 56.85585 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753553 Gm44977 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108450 MGI:5753553 pseudogene predicted gene 44977
7 pseudogene 56.87901 56.87961 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010172 Gm17987 NCBI_Gene:100416232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108556 MGI:5010172 pseudogene predicted gene, 17987
7 pseudogene 57.02602 57.02753 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010827 Gm18642 NCBI_Gene:100417488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108377 MGI:5010827 pseudogene predicted gene, 18642
7 pseudogene 57.05518 57.05645 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010493 Gm18308 NCBI_Gene:100416898 MGI:5010493 pseudogene predicted gene, 18308
7 gene 57.27632 57.28165 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621902 Gm39017 NCBI_Gene:105242946 MGI:5621902 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39017
7 gene 57.38727 57.40994 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642695 Gm9962 NCBI_Gene:791383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055048 MGI:3642695 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9962
7 gene 57.40767 57.51010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95617 Gabra5 NCBI_Gene:110886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055078 MGI:95617 protein coding gene gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit alpha 5
7 gene 57.41969 57.82880 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95621 Gabrb3 NCBI_Gene:14402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033676 MGI:95621 protein coding gene gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit beta 3
7 gene 57.51964 57.59041 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625270 Gm42385 NCBI_Gene:105247256 MGI:5625270 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42385
7 gene 57.58106 57.58116 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531328 Mir6389 miRBase:MI0021922,NCBI_Gene:102466156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099203 MGI:5531328 miRNA gene microRNA 6389
7 pseudogene 57.71891 57.71916 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753429 Gm44853 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109439 MGI:5753429 pseudogene predicted gene 44853
7 gene 57.77543 57.77766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753284 Gm44708 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108597 MGI:5753284 unclassified gene predicted gene 44708
7 pseudogene 57.87799 57.88131 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646954 Gm5596 NCBI_Gene:434189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109086 MGI:3646954 pseudogene predicted gene 5596
7 pseudogene 57.89470 57.89641 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593431 Gm34272 NCBI_Gene:102637470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109475 MGI:5593431 pseudogene predicted gene, 34272
7 pseudogene 57.89995 57.90069 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010312 Gm18127 NCBI_Gene:100416464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109339 MGI:5010312 pseudogene predicted gene, 18127
7 gene 58.00520 58.00534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453688 Gm23911 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077784 MGI:5453688 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23911
7 gene 58.14810 58.14823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456065 Gm26288 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077356 MGI:5456065 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26288
7 gene 58.39932 58.39939 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413860 n-TEttc7 NCBI_Gene:108167516 MGI:4413860 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA glutamic acid 7 (anticodon TTC)
7 pseudogene 58.51816 58.51853 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753428 Gm44852 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109348 MGI:5753428 pseudogene predicted gene 44852
7 pseudogene 58.55492 58.55532 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753733 Gm45157 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108877 MGI:5753733 pseudogene predicted gene 45157
7 gene 58.65614 58.83024 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330809 Atp10a NCBI_Gene:11982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025324 MGI:1330809 protein coding gene ATPase, class V, type 10A
7 gene 58.67542 58.67616 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753512 Gm44936 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109393 MGI:5753512 unclassified gene predicted gene 44936
7 gene 58.70673 58.74034 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621904 Gm39019 NCBI_Gene:105242948 MGI:5621904 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39019
7 gene 58.72020 58.72289 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753513 Gm44937 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109434 MGI:5753513 unclassified gene predicted gene 44937
7 pseudogene 58.83679 58.83794 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643254 Gm6226 NCBI_Gene:621446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086926 MGI:3643254 pseudogene predicted gene 6226
7 gene 58.84255 59.08192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621905 Gm39020 NCBI_Gene:105242949 MGI:5621905 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39020
7 pseudogene 58.92656 58.92779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753514 Gm44938 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109261 MGI:5753514 pseudogene predicted gene 44938
7 pseudogene 58.94893 58.94956 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010638 Gm18453 NCBI_Gene:100417211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109252 MGI:5010638 pseudogene predicted gene, 18453
7 pseudogene 58.95158 58.95218 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643026 Gm9373 NCBI_Gene:668811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108909 MGI:3643026 pseudogene predicted gene 9373
7 pseudogene 58.97024 58.97140 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643024 Gm9375 NCBI_Gene:668813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109221 MGI:3643024 pseudogene predicted gene 9375
7 pseudogene 59.10914 59.10950 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753765 Gm45189 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108838 MGI:5753765 pseudogene predicted gene 45189
7 pseudogene 59.10992 59.11054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643022 Gm9377 NCBI_Gene:668815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108902 MGI:3643022 pseudogene predicted gene 9377
7 pseudogene 59.17153 59.17191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753319 Gm44743 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109308 MGI:5753319 pseudogene predicted gene 44743
7 gene 59.20239 59.20380 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753318 Gm44742 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109332 MGI:5753318 unclassified gene predicted gene 44742
7 gene 59.22385 59.25479 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442217 9330162G02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109536 MGI:2442217 unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330162G02 gene
7 gene 59.22875 59.31154 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105098 Ube3a NCBI_Gene:22215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025326 MGI:105098 protein coding gene ubiquitin protein ligase E3A
7 gene 59.25885 59.26020 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753138 Gm44562 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109362 MGI:5753138 unclassified gene predicted gene 44562
7 gene 59.26292 59.26393 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753135 Gm44559 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108943 MGI:5753135 unclassified gene predicted gene 44559
7 gene 59.28605 59.28917 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753136 Gm44560 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108880 MGI:5753136 unclassified gene predicted gene 44560
7 gene 59.29252 59.29310 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753406 Gm44830 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108886 MGI:5753406 unclassified gene predicted gene 44830
7 gene 59.30792 59.97576 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1289201 Snhg14 NCBI_Gene:52480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100826 MGI:1289201 lncRNA gene small nucleolar RNA host gene 14
7 gene 59.31863 59.32182 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753405 Gm44829 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109157 MGI:5753405 unclassified gene predicted gene 44829
7 gene 59.32732 59.33119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925005 A230103L15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109122 MGI:1925005 unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230103L15 gene
7 gene 59.34223 59.34229 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455276 Gm25499 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077615 MGI:5455276 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25499
7 gene 59.34407 59.34415 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454743 Gm24966 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064377 MGI:5454743 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24966
7 gene 59.34734 59.34742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452273 Gm22496 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077681 MGI:5452273 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22496
7 gene 59.34768 59.34776 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455425 Gm25648 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094095 MGI:5455425 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25648
7 gene 59.34954 59.34961 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454083 Gm24306 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094465 MGI:5454083 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24306
7 gene 59.35141 59.35149 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455711 Gm25934 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094476 MGI:5455711 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25934
7 gene 59.35328 59.35336 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454933 Gm25156 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094068 MGI:5454933 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25156
7 gene 59.35515 59.35523 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456265 Gm26488 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096387 MGI:5456265 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26488
7 gene 59.35702 59.35710 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453997 Gm24220 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094631 MGI:5453997 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24220
7 gene 59.35889 59.35897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454430 Gm24653 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094034 MGI:5454430 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24653
7 gene 59.36076 59.36084 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454746 Gm24969 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096046 MGI:5454746 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24969
7 gene 59.36263 59.36271 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454194 Gm24417 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095425 MGI:5454194 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24417
7 gene 59.36450 59.36457 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454898 Gm25121 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094883 MGI:5454898 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25121
7 gene 59.36637 59.36644 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454434 Gm24657 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094038 MGI:5454434 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24657
7 gene 59.36824 59.36831 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456007 Gm26230 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094508 MGI:5456007 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26230
7 gene 59.37011 59.37018 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453699 Gm23922 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095418 MGI:5453699 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23922
7 gene 59.37197 59.37205 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455091 Gm25314 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095739 MGI:5455091 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25314
7 gene 59.37384 59.37392 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455873 Gm26096 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095342 MGI:5455873 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26096
7 gene 59.37571 59.37579 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452773 Gm22996 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096799 MGI:5452773 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22996
7 gene 59.37758 59.37766 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456276 Gm26499 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093997 MGI:5456276 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26499
7 gene 59.37945 59.37953 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455423 Gm25646 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096496 MGI:5455423 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25646
7 gene 59.38608 59.38616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456275 Gm26498 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093994 MGI:5456275 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26498
7 gene 59.38795 59.38803 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453437 Gm23660 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095091 MGI:5453437 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23660
7 gene 59.38982 59.38990 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453710 Gm23933 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096291 MGI:5453710 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23933
7 gene 59.39169 59.39177 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454639 Gm24862 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093981 MGI:5454639 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24862
7 gene 59.39356 59.39364 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454643 Gm24866 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096913 MGI:5454643 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24866
7 gene 59.40533 59.40541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452125 Gm22348 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095031 MGI:5452125 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22348
7 gene 59.40720 59.40727 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456243 Gm26466 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095713 MGI:5456243 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26466
7 gene 59.40906 59.40914 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454576 Gm24799 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093824 MGI:5454576 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24799
7 gene 59.41093 59.41101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453865 Gm24088 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095491 MGI:5453865 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24088
7 gene 59.41280 59.41288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455240 Gm25463 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095310 MGI:5455240 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25463
7 gene 59.41409 59.41417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455006 Gm25229 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094565 MGI:5455006 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25229
7 gene 59.41559 59.41567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454305 Gm24528 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095911 MGI:5454305 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24528
7 gene 59.41746 59.41754 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453133 Gm23356 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094723 MGI:5453133 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23356
7 gene 59.41932 59.41940 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455226 Gm25449 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095828 MGI:5455226 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25449
7 gene 59.42119 59.42126 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454649 Gm24872 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094667 MGI:5454649 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24872
7 gene 59.42305 59.42313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456114 Gm26337 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096328 MGI:5456114 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26337
7 gene 59.42492 59.42500 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452922 Gm23145 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093830 MGI:5452922 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23145
7 gene 59.42679 59.42687 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451907 Gm22130 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096430 MGI:5451907 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22130
7 gene 59.42867 59.42874 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455765 Gm25988 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096683 MGI:5455765 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25988
7 gene 59.43054 59.43061 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454998 Gm25221 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094548 MGI:5454998 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25221
7 gene 59.43241 59.43248 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456166 Gm26389 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094919 MGI:5456166 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26389
7 gene 59.43428 59.43435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453248 Gm23471 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094059 MGI:5453248 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23471
7 gene 59.43615 59.43623 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454897 Gm25120 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094888 MGI:5454897 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25120
7 gene 59.43802 59.43810 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454195 Gm24418 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095428 MGI:5454195 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24418
7 gene 59.43989 59.43997 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453464 Gm23687 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096390 MGI:5453464 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23687
7 gene 59.44176 59.44184 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452170 Gm22393 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094550 MGI:5452170 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22393
7 gene 59.44363 59.44371 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454416 Gm24639 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096161 MGI:5454416 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24639
7 gene 59.44550 59.44558 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454343 Gm24566 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094513 MGI:5454343 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24566
7 gene 59.44737 59.44745 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451888 Gm22111 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095372 MGI:5451888 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22111
7 gene 59.44924 59.44932 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452853 Gm23076 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094610 MGI:5452853 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23076
7 gene 59.45112 59.45119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455651 Gm25874 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094604 MGI:5455651 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25874
7 gene 59.45298 59.45306 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454865 Gm25088 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096811 MGI:5454865 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25088
7 gene 59.45486 59.45493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452287 Gm22510 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096048 MGI:5452287 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22510
7 gene 59.45882 59.45888 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454760 Gm24983 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077645 MGI:5454760 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24983
7 gene 59.46068 59.46075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453804 Gm24027 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096648 MGI:5453804 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24027
7 gene 59.46255 59.46263 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452301 Gm22524 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094625 MGI:5452301 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22524
7 gene 59.46442 59.46450 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452407 Gm22630 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095581 MGI:5452407 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22630
7 gene 59.46629 59.46637 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455518 Gm25741 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094538 MGI:5455518 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25741
7 gene 59.46816 59.46824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455836 Gm26059 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094364 MGI:5455836 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26059
7 gene 59.47003 59.47011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454952 Gm25175 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095009 MGI:5454952 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25175
7 gene 59.47190 59.47198 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452288 Gm22511 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096041 MGI:5452288 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22511
7 gene 59.47378 59.47385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454854 Gm25077 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095476 MGI:5454854 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25077
7 gene 59.47562 59.47570 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452611 Gm22834 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093943 MGI:5452611 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22834
7 gene 59.47749 59.47757 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454703 Gm24926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094308 MGI:5454703 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24926
7 gene 59.47935 59.47942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455977 Gm26200 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096605 MGI:5455977 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26200
7 gene 59.48122 59.48130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452409 Gm22632 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093860 MGI:5452409 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22632
7 gene 59.48307 59.48315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453031 Gm23254 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075726 MGI:5453031 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23254
7 gene 59.48495 59.48503 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456167 Gm26390 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094917 MGI:5456167 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26390
7 gene 59.48682 59.48690 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456143 Gm26366 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094587 MGI:5456143 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26366
7 gene 59.48869 59.48877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456113 Gm26336 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096324 MGI:5456113 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26336
7 gene 59.49056 59.49064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456060 Gm26283 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094049 MGI:5456060 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26283
7 gene 59.49243 59.49251 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454875 Gm25098 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095671 MGI:5454875 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25098
7 gene 59.49430 59.49438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454479 Gm24702 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095997 MGI:5454479 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24702
7 gene 59.49617 59.49625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456209 Gm26432 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095885 MGI:5456209 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26432
7 gene 59.49804 59.49812 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455239 Gm25462 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095314 MGI:5455239 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25462
7 gene 59.50720 59.50728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454272 Gm24495 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093958 MGI:5454272 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24495
7 gene 59.50907 59.50915 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455300 Gm25523 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094765 MGI:5455300 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25523
7 gene 59.51093 59.51101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452032 Gm22255 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096281 MGI:5452032 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22255
7 gene 59.51279 59.51287 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453226 Gm23449 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094213 MGI:5453226 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23449
7 gene 59.51467 59.51474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453087 Gm23310 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096454 MGI:5453087 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23310
7 gene 59.51654 59.51662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455238 Gm25461 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093870 MGI:5455238 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25461
7 gene 59.51841 59.51849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454087 Gm24310 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093854 MGI:5454087 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24310
7 gene 59.52028 59.52036 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452686 Gm22909 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094524 MGI:5452686 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22909
7 gene 59.52216 59.52223 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455600 Gm25823 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094099 MGI:5455600 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25823
7 gene 59.52403 59.52410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455424 Gm25647 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094093 MGI:5455424 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25647
7 gene 59.52590 59.52598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452029 Gm22252 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096287 MGI:5452029 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22252
7 gene 59.52777 59.52785 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456169 Gm26392 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094912 MGI:5456169 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26392
7 gene 59.52964 59.52972 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453996 Gm24219 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094636 MGI:5453996 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24219
7 gene 59.53151 59.53159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455007 Gm25230 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094567 MGI:5455007 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25230
7 gene 59.53339 59.53346 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452404 Gm22627 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094458 MGI:5452404 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22627
7 gene 59.53526 59.53533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454362 Gm24585 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095628 MGI:5454362 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24585
7 gene 59.53713 59.53721 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453082 Gm23305 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096185 MGI:5453082 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23305
7 gene 59.53900 59.53908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453983 Gm24206 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096447 MGI:5453983 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24206
7 gene 59.54087 59.54095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454862 Gm25085 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096814 MGI:5454862 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25085
7 gene 59.54274 59.54282 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454986 Gm25209 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096306 MGI:5454986 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25209
7 gene 59.54462 59.54469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453459 Gm23682 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096067 MGI:5453459 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23682
7 gene 59.54649 59.54657 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454431 Gm24654 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094032 MGI:5454431 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24654
7 gene 59.54836 59.54844 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456111 Gm26334 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096090 MGI:5456111 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26334
7 gene 59.55024 59.55032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455519 Gm25742 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096595 MGI:5455519 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25742
7 gene 59.55211 59.55219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455362 Gm25585 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095402 MGI:5455362 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25585
7 gene 59.55398 59.55406 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455617 Gm25840 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095764 MGI:5455617 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25840
7 gene 59.55585 59.55593 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454866 Gm25089 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075968 MGI:5454866 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25089
7 gene 59.55773 59.55781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453817 Gm24040 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095924 MGI:5453817 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24040
7 gene 59.55960 59.55968 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451827 Gm22050 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094998 MGI:5451827 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22050
7 gene 59.56147 59.56155 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453063 Gm23286 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095357 MGI:5453063 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23286
7 gene 59.56334 59.56342 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453798 Gm24021 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095021 MGI:5453798 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24021
7 gene 59.56522 59.56530 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452051 Gm22274 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095660 MGI:5452051 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22274
7 gene 59.56709 59.56717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454429 Gm24652 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094037 MGI:5454429 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24652
7 gene 59.56896 59.56904 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453395 Gm23618 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094438 MGI:5453395 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23618
7 gene 59.57084 59.57091 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453465 Gm23688 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096392 MGI:5453465 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23688
7 gene 59.57271 59.57279 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454347 Gm24570 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096821 MGI:5454347 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24570
7 gene 59.57458 59.57466 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456244 Gm26467 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095714 MGI:5456244 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26467
7 gene 59.57645 59.57653 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454971 Gm25194 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095945 MGI:5454971 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25194
7 gene 59.57832 59.57840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452417 Gm22640 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094847 MGI:5452417 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22640
7 gene 59.58019 59.58027 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454729 Gm24952 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094148 MGI:5454729 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24952
7 gene 59.58206 59.58214 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454864 Gm25087 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096812 MGI:5454864 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25087
7 gene 59.58393 59.58401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453721 Gm23944 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094129 MGI:5453721 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23944
7 gene 59.58581 59.58588 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452406 Gm22629 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095587 MGI:5452406 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22629
7 gene 59.58768 59.58775 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456151 Gm26374 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095182 MGI:5456151 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26374
7 gene 59.58955 59.58963 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456061 Gm26284 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094048 MGI:5456061 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26284
7 gene 59.59142 59.59150 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455229 Gm25452 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094442 MGI:5455229 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25452
7 gene 59.59329 59.59337 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455761 Gm25984 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096028 MGI:5455761 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25984
7 gene 59.59517 59.59524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454923 Gm25146 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096136 MGI:5454923 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25146
7 gene 59.59703 59.59711 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454536 Gm24759 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094922 MGI:5454536 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24759
7 gene 59.59890 59.59898 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453877 Gm24100 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096565 MGI:5453877 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24100
7 gene 59.60078 59.60085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452030 Gm22253 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096285 MGI:5452030 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22253
7 gene 59.60265 59.60272 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454794 Gm25017 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094753 MGI:5454794 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25017
7 gene 59.60452 59.60460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453352 Gm23575 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094903 MGI:5453352 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23575
7 gene 59.60639 59.60647 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452168 Gm22391 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094554 MGI:5452168 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22391
7 gene 59.60826 59.60834 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452226 Gm22449 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095501 MGI:5452226 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22449
7 gene 59.61013 59.61021 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453914 Gm24137 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095511 MGI:5453914 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24137
7 gene 59.61201 59.61208 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452689 Gm22912 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094522 MGI:5452689 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22912
7 gene 59.61388 59.61395 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455487 Gm25710 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096359 MGI:5455487 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25710
7 gene 59.61574 59.61582 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456211 Gm26434 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094283 MGI:5456211 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26434
7 gene 59.61761 59.61769 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453337 Gm23560 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095220 MGI:5453337 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23560
7 gene 59.61902 59.61910 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455647 Gm25870 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094609 MGI:5455647 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25870
7 gene 59.61916 59.67888 negative MGI_C57BL6J_892030 Ipw NCBI_Gene:16353 MGI:892030 lncRNA gene imprinted gene in the Prader-Willi syndrome region
7 gene 59.62769 59.63068 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753407 Gm44831 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109575 MGI:5753407 unclassified gene predicted gene 44831
7 gene 59.67346 59.67355 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453639 Gm23862 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093929 MGI:5453639 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23862
7 gene 59.67599 59.67608 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456281 Gm26504 NCBI_Gene:64243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096019 MGI:5456281 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26504
7 gene 59.67851 59.67860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452062 Gm22285 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094890 MGI:5452062 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22285
7 gene 59.68106 59.68115 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451908 Gm22131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096431 MGI:5451908 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22131
7 gene 59.68359 59.68368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453930 Gm24153 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096159 MGI:5453930 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24153
7 gene 59.69322 59.69331 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456142 Gm26365 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094581 MGI:5456142 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26365
7 gene 59.69574 59.69584 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454386 Gm24609 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094236 MGI:5454386 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24609
7 gene 59.69831 59.69840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454041 Gm24264 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096248 MGI:5454041 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24264
7 gene 59.70088 59.70097 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454932 Gm25155 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094069 MGI:5454932 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25155
7 gene 59.70343 59.70352 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455593 Gm25816 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096148 MGI:5455593 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25816
7 gene 59.70597 59.70606 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452918 Gm23141 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094407 MGI:5452918 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23141
7 gene 59.70847 59.70856 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453544 Gm23767 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095734 MGI:5453544 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23767
7 gene 59.71101 59.71110 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452194 Gm22417 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094960 MGI:5452194 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22417
7 gene 59.71353 59.71363 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452361 Gm22584 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096231 MGI:5452361 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22584
7 gene 59.71606 59.71615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456047 Gm26270 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096110 MGI:5456047 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26270
7 gene 59.71859 59.71868 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452866 Gm23089 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096502 MGI:5452866 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23089
7 gene 59.72113 59.72122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454488 Gm24711 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096082 MGI:5454488 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24711
7 gene 59.72364 59.72374 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455965 Gm26188 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095060 MGI:5455965 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26188
7 gene 59.72616 59.72625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453042 Gm23265 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094150 MGI:5453042 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23265
7 gene 59.72868 59.72877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454295 Gm24518 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096677 MGI:5454295 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24518
7 gene 59.73122 59.73132 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455721 Gm25944 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096057 MGI:5455721 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25944
7 gene 59.73377 59.73386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452824 Gm23047 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096305 MGI:5452824 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23047
7 gene 59.73631 59.73641 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453730 Gm23953 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095389 MGI:5453730 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23953
7 gene 59.73885 59.73894 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456109 Gm26332 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096095 MGI:5456109 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26332
7 gene 59.74137 59.74147 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455809 Gm26032 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095155 MGI:5455809 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26032
7 gene 59.74391 59.74401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452640 Gm22863 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096660 MGI:5452640 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22863
7 gene 59.74643 59.74652 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454395 Gm24618 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095542 MGI:5454395 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24618
7 gene 59.74896 59.74905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451823 Gm22046 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094994 MGI:5451823 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22046
7 gene 59.75149 59.75158 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454537 Gm24760 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094923 MGI:5454537 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24760
7 gene 59.75400 59.75409 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455127 Gm25350 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096070 MGI:5455127 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25350
7 gene 59.75651 59.75661 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456279 Gm26502 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096017 MGI:5456279 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26502
7 gene 59.75903 59.75912 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453090 Gm23313 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096865 MGI:5453090 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23313
7 gene 59.76155 59.76165 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455248 Gm25471 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094837 MGI:5455248 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25471
7 gene 59.76409 59.76418 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452553 Gm22776 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094109 MGI:5452553 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22776
7 gene 59.76661 59.76670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453223 Gm23446 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094218 MGI:5453223 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23446
7 gene 59.76914 59.76923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454987 Gm25210 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096302 MGI:5454987 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25210
7 gene 59.77166 59.77175 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451905 Gm22128 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095100 MGI:5451905 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22128
7 gene 59.77419 59.77428 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452628 Gm22851 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095045 MGI:5452628 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22851
7 gene 59.77672 59.77682 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454851 Gm25074 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095479 MGI:5454851 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25074
7 gene 59.77925 59.77934 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454934 Gm25157 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094060 MGI:5454934 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25157
7 gene 59.78178 59.78187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452408 Gm22631 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093869 MGI:5452408 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22631
7 gene 59.78429 59.78439 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455251 Gm25474 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094831 MGI:5455251 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25474
7 gene 59.78682 59.78691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452718 Gm22941 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095639 MGI:5452718 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22941
7 gene 59.78933 59.78942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456023 Gm26246 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095618 MGI:5456023 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26246
7 gene 59.79184 59.79194 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451824 Gm22047 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094997 MGI:5451824 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22047
7 gene 59.79436 59.79445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455374 Gm25597 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096845 MGI:5455374 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25597
7 gene 59.79691 59.79700 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455874 Gm26097 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095349 MGI:5455874 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26097
7 gene 59.79944 59.79954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452035 Gm22258 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096868 MGI:5452035 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22258
7 gene 59.80196 59.80205 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455978 Gm26201 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096604 MGI:5455978 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26201
7 gene 59.80447 59.80456 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453396 Gm23619 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093802 MGI:5453396 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23619
7 gene 59.80700 59.80709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452589 Gm22812 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096462 MGI:5452589 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22812
7 gene 59.85921 59.85931 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456210 Gm26433 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094287 MGI:5456210 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26433
7 gene 59.86173 59.86182 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453134 Snord116l17 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093974 MGI:5453134 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 17
7 gene 59.86424 59.86433 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455392 Gm25615 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095641 MGI:5455392 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25615
7 gene 59.86679 59.86688 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451887 Snord116l16 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095374 MGI:5451887 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 16
7 gene 59.86933 59.86942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453501 Snord116l15 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094987 MGI:5453501 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 15
7 gene 59.87186 59.87196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451965 Snord116l14 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094389 MGI:5451965 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 14
7 gene 59.87438 59.87447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453326 Snord116l13 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094573 MGI:5453326 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 13
7 gene 59.87693 59.87703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927533 Snord116l2 NCBI_Gene:64245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096759 MGI:1927533 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 2
7 gene 59.87946 59.87955 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927539 Snord116l8 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095458 MGI:1927539 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 8
7 gene 59.88199 59.88208 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927538 Snord116l7 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096313 MGI:1927538 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 7
7 gene 59.88450 59.88459 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927537 Snord116l6 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096190 MGI:1927537 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 6
7 gene 59.88706 59.88715 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927536 Snord116l5 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094039 MGI:1927536 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 5
7 gene 59.88959 59.88969 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927535 Snord116l4 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093971 MGI:1927535 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 4
7 gene 59.89211 59.89220 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927534 Snord116l3 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094599 MGI:1927534 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 3
7 gene 59.89462 59.89471 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927532 Snord116l1 NCBI_Gene:64244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096475 MGI:1927532 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 1
7 gene 59.89716 59.89725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927540 Snord116l9 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096634 MGI:1927540 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 9
7 gene 59.89969 59.89978 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453473 Snord116l10 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094642 MGI:5453473 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 10
7 gene 59.90221 59.90231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455871 Snord116l11 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095691 MGI:5455871 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 11
7 gene 59.90476 59.90485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452066 Snord116l12 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094274 MGI:5452066 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 12
7 gene 59.92303 59.92312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452150 Gm22373 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077772 MGI:5452150 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22373
7 gene 59.97415 60.00506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5613898 Gm38393 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000948 MGI:5613898 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38393
7 gene 59.97881 59.97887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819546 Snord64 NCBI_Gene:100217429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077191 MGI:3819546 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 64
7 gene 59.98088 59.98094 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4358283 Snord107 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089375 MGI:4358283 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 107
7 gene 59.98250 60.14022 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98347 Snrpn NCBI_Gene:20646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102252 MGI:98347 protein coding gene small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N
7 gene 59.98250 60.00516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891236 Snurf NCBI_Gene:84704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102627 MGI:1891236 protein coding gene SNRPN upstream reading frame
7 pseudogene 60.12405 60.13441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011093 Gm18908 NCBI_Gene:108167430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108937 MGI:5011093 pseudogene predicted gene, 18908
7 pseudogene 60.15543 60.15683 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646404 Gm7367 NCBI_Gene:664849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047370 MGI:3646404 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7367
7 pseudogene 60.27281 60.28021 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010314 Gm18129 NCBI_Gene:100416479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109451 MGI:5010314 pseudogene predicted gene, 18129
7 gene 60.28010 60.28462 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621906 Gm39021 NCBI_Gene:105242956 MGI:5621906 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39021
7 pseudogene 60.29318 60.29409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589355 Gm30196 NCBI_Gene:102632017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109220 MGI:5589355 pseudogene predicted gene, 30196
7 gene 60.43769 60.44404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625279 Gm42394 NCBI_Gene:105247266 MGI:5625279 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42394
7 pseudogene 60.55531 60.64797 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781377 Gm3198 NCBI_Gene:102637921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109447 MGI:3781377 pseudogene predicted gene 3198
7 pseudogene 60.75336 60.75401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642512 Gm10297 NCBI_Gene:100041211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109222 MGI:3642512 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10297
7 pseudogene 60.75487 60.76125 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648361 Gm7394 NCBI_Gene:105242952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109533 MGI:3648361 pseudogene predicted gene 7394
7 gene 60.83360 60.92294 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5588888 Gm29729 NCBI_Gene:101055840 MGI:5588888 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29729
7 gene 60.85653 60.85726 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920404 3110018A10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3110018A10 gene
7 gene 60.91555 60.92291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753220 Gm44644 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109121 MGI:5753220 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44644
7 gene 60.92292 60.96138 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753219 Gm44643 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108867 MGI:5753219 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44643
7 gene 60.92315 60.96146 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589988 Gm30829 NCBI_Gene:102632867 MGI:5589988 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30829
7 gene 61.01026 61.31172 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644205 A230006K03Rik NCBI_Gene:27493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068151 MGI:3644205 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230006K03 gene
7 gene 61.09043 61.16158 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621336 Gm38451 NCBI_Gene:102633165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108917 MGI:5621336 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38451
7 gene 61.19707 61.31177 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590604 Gm31445 NCBI_Gene:102633679 MGI:5590604 protein coding gene predicted gene, 31445
7 gene 61.32964 61.33624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590811 Gm31652 NCBI_Gene:102633955 MGI:5590811 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31652
7 gene 61.52941 61.61533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442668 B230209E15Rik NCBI_Gene:319752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109006 MGI:2442668 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B230209E15 gene
7 pseudogene 61.54853 61.54977 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643295 Ube2nl NCBI_Gene:620934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059585 MGI:3643295 pseudogene ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N-like
7 gene 61.67383 61.67391 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455310 Gm25533 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093101 MGI:5455310 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25533
7 gene 61.68151 61.68159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453739 Gm23962 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096076 MGI:5453739 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23962
7 gene 61.68312 61.68319 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834228 Mir344d-1 miRBase:MI0004524,NCBI_Gene:100526544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092847 MGI:4834228 miRNA gene microRNA 344d-1
7 gene 61.68527 61.68535 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834229 Mir344d-2 miRBase:MI0004619,NCBI_Gene:100526531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096893 MGI:4834229 miRNA gene microRNA 344d-2
7 gene 61.70452 61.92869 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442922 A230057D06Rik NCBI_Gene:319893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109394 MGI:2442922 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230057D06 gene
7 gene 61.70659 61.70667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453267 Gm23490 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095010 MGI:5453267 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23490
7 gene 61.70871 61.70877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452243 Gm22466 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093019 MGI:5452243 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22466
7 gene 61.72625 61.72633 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834220 Mir344d-3 miRBase:MI0004227,NCBI_Gene:100526543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095292 MGI:4834220 miRNA gene microRNA 344d-3
7 gene 61.73369 61.73378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453694 Gm23917 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092997 MGI:5453694 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23917
7 gene 61.73554 61.73560 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834316 Mir344e miRBase:MI0014094,NCBI_Gene:100526541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077869 MGI:4834316 miRNA gene microRNA 344e
7 gene 61.73935 61.73941 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454202 Mir344h-1 miRBase:MI0019196,NCBI_Gene:100885840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094173 MGI:5454202 miRNA gene microRNA 344h-1
7 gene 61.74237 61.74242 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453086 Mir344h-2 miRBase:MI0019197,NCBI_Gene:100885841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096189 MGI:5453086 miRNA gene microRNA 344h-2
7 gene 61.75047 61.75054 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453650 Gm23873 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093170 MGI:5453650 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23873
7 gene 61.75144 61.75369 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444347 6330444A18Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6330444A18 gene
7 gene 61.79052 61.79058 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834317 Mir344b miRBase:MI0014095,NCBI_Gene:100526558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092921 MGI:4834317 miRNA gene microRNA 344b
7 gene 61.83731 61.83740 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834318 Mir344c miRBase:MI0014096,NCBI_Gene:100526506,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077107 MGI:4834318 miRNA gene microRNA 344c
7 gene 61.86041 61.86296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444892 A230077L10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A230077L10 gene
7 gene 61.87777 61.87786 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3619359 Mir344 miRBase:MI0000630,NCBI_Gene:723931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065568 MGI:3619359 miRNA gene microRNA 344
7 pseudogene 61.88297 61.88361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011217 Gm19032 NCBI_Gene:100418144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109465 MGI:5011217 pseudogene predicted gene, 19032
7 gene 61.93014 61.98236 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443193 A330076H08Rik NCBI_Gene:320026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109321 MGI:2443193 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330076H08 gene
7 pseudogene 61.93824 61.93948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781435 Gm3257 NCBI_Gene:108167431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109178 MGI:3781435 pseudogene predicted gene 3257
7 gene 61.94003 61.94011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3718513 Mir344-2 miRBase:MI0005495,NCBI_Gene:100124439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093187 MGI:3718513 miRNA gene microRNA 344-2
7 gene 61.98229 61.98236 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834319 Mir344g miRBase:MI0014097,NCBI_Gene:100526507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092850 MGI:4834319 miRNA gene microRNA 344g
7 gene 62.03663 62.03674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453208 Gm23431 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077194 MGI:5453208 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23431
7 gene 62.04618 62.04625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834320 Mir344f miRBase:MI0014098,NCBI_Gene:100526527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093108 MGI:4834320 miRNA gene microRNA Mir344f
7 pseudogene 62.05596 62.05693 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010657 Gm18472 NCBI_Gene:100417233 MGI:5010657 pseudogene predicted gene, 18472
7 gene 62.07872 62.07881 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454700 Gm24923 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094304 MGI:5454700 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24923
7 gene 62.08522 62.08531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455808 Mir344i miRBase:MI0019317,NCBI_Gene:100885843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095154 MGI:5455808 miRNA gene microRNA 344i
7 gene 62.09451 62.27911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647139 Gm9801 NCBI_Gene:330552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045813 MGI:3647139 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9801
7 gene 62.27254 62.27985 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591017 Gm31858 NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene%2c 31858
7 gene 62.29739 62.30992 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625280 Gm42395 NCBI_Gene:105247267 MGI:5625280 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42395
7 gene 62.33779 62.42382 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591220 Gm32061 NCBI_Gene:102634490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108986 MGI:5591220 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32061
7 gene 62.34657 62.35026 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97290 Ndn NCBI_Gene:17984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033585 MGI:97290 protein coding gene necdin
7 gene 62.37698 62.38164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351648 Magel2 NCBI_Gene:27385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056972 MGI:1351648 protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family L, 2
7 gene 62.41759 62.42014 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2181178 Mkrn3 NCBI_Gene:22652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070527 MGI:2181178 protein coding gene makorin, ring finger protein, 3
7 gene 62.46187 62.46451 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351637 Peg12 NCBI_Gene:27412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070526 MGI:1351637 protein coding gene paternally expressed 12
7 pseudogene 62.47624 62.47671 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2153586 Atp5l-ps1 NCBI_Gene:140551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072460 MGI:2153586 pseudogene ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit G, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 62.57732 62.57822 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757996 Vmn2r-ps61 NCBI_Gene:665038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108928 MGI:3757996 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 61
7 gene 62.61166 62.61178 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452271 Gm22494 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077683 MGI:5452271 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22494
7 pseudogene 62.65851 62.66219 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825663 Gm46026 NCBI_Gene:108167510 MGI:5825663 pseudogene predicted gene, 46026
7 pseudogene 62.68340 62.68469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779855 Gm9445 NCBI_Gene:669222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109204 MGI:3779855 pseudogene predicted gene 9445
7 pseudogene 62.75123 62.75212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644550 Gm5333 NCBI_Gene:384631 MGI:3644550 pseudogene predicted gene 5333
7 gene 62.77842 62.82367 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644757 A26c2 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109344 MGI:3644757 protein coding gene ANKRD26-like family C, member 2
7 pseudogene 62.78225 62.78315 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591270 Gm32111 NCBI_Gene:102634562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109289 MGI:5591270 pseudogene predicted gene, 32111
7 gene 63.09869 63.21257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99779 Chrna7 NCBI_Gene:11441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030525 MGI:99779 protein coding gene cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 7
7 gene 63.13416 63.13629 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753317 Gm44741 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109057 MGI:5753317 unclassified gene predicted gene 44741
7 gene 63.34469 63.44453 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924881 4930554H23Rik NCBI_Gene:77631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097682 MGI:1924881 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930554H23 gene
7 gene 63.44474 63.76623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2158505 Otud7a NCBI_Gene:170711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033510 MGI:2158505 protein coding gene OTU domain containing 7A
7 pseudogene 63.54248 63.54585 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644921 Gm5898 NCBI_Gene:545971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081788 MGI:3644921 pseudogene predicted gene 5898
7 gene 63.58592 63.58602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452005 Gm22228 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087989 MGI:5452005 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22228
7 pseudogene 63.60602 63.60665 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781485 Gm3307 NCBI_Gene:100041386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093751 MGI:3781485 pseudogene predicted gene 3307
7 pseudogene 63.73698 63.73749 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010989 Gm18804 NCBI_Gene:100417749 MGI:5010989 pseudogene predicted gene, 18804
7 gene 63.76587 63.76623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753294 Gm44718 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108421 MGI:5753294 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44718
7 pseudogene 63.81078 63.81138 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645480 Gm7482 NCBI_Gene:665083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108700 MGI:3645480 pseudogene predicted gene 7482
7 gene 63.82324 63.85269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621908 Gm39023 NCBI_Gene:105242959 MGI:5621908 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39023
7 pseudogene 63.82698 63.82724 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753296 Gm44720 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108629 MGI:5753296 pseudogene predicted gene 44720
7 gene 63.87306 63.87697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591504 Gm32345 NCBI_Gene:102634862 MGI:5591504 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32345
7 gene 63.88635 63.93892 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354948 Klf13 NCBI_Gene:50794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052040 MGI:1354948 protein coding gene Kruppel-like factor 13
7 gene 63.89639 63.90054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521095 Gm27252 NCBI_Gene:102634962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098708 MGI:5521095 lncRNA gene predicted gene 27252
7 gene 63.90172 63.90919 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825624 Gm45987 NCBI_Gene:108167433 MGI:5825624 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45987
7 gene 63.91686 63.92103 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686543 E030018B13Rik NCBI_Gene:381994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095061 MGI:2686543 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA E030018B13 gene
7 gene 63.94868 63.95021 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753203 Gm44627 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108418 MGI:5753203 unclassified gene predicted gene 44627
7 gene 63.95639 63.95936 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621909 Gm39024 NCBI_Gene:105242960 MGI:5621909 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39024
7 gene 63.96224 63.96774 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753628 Gm45052 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108313 MGI:5753628 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45052
7 gene 63.98623 64.02476 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591792 Gm32633 NCBI_Gene:102635243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108393 MGI:5591792 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32633
7 gene 64.03425 64.04083 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753630 Gm45054 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108469 MGI:5753630 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45054
7 gene 64.05729 64.05781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592061 Gm32902 NCBI_Gene:102635612 MGI:5592061 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32902
7 gene 64.05760 64.06880 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313117 Gm20670 NCBI_Gene:102635542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108620 MGI:5313117 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20670
7 gene 64.13087 64.13437 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825625 Gm45988 NCBI_Gene:108167434 MGI:5825625 protein coding gene predicted gene, 45988
7 gene 64.15384 64.26977 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330305 Trpm1 NCBI_Gene:17364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030523 MGI:1330305 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 1
7 gene 64.20209 64.20252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753298 Gm44722 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108645 MGI:5753298 unclassified gene predicted gene 44722
7 gene 64.20581 64.20591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676887 Mir211 miRBase:MI0000708,NCBI_Gene:387207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065585 MGI:2676887 miRNA gene microRNA 211
7 gene 64.21319 64.21334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753295 Gm44719 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108770 MGI:5753295 unclassified gene predicted gene 44719
7 gene 64.24998 64.25010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531128 Mir6416 miRBase:MI0021954,NCBI_Gene:102465226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098910 MGI:5531128 miRNA gene microRNA 6416
7 gene 64.28380 64.28440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753341 Gm44765 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108422 MGI:5753341 unclassified gene predicted gene 44765
7 gene 64.28481 64.28821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753788 Gm45212 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108472 MGI:5753788 unclassified gene predicted gene 45212
7 gene 64.28765 64.34081 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142292 Mtmr10 NCBI_Gene:233315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030522 MGI:2142292 protein coding gene myotubularin related protein 10
7 gene 64.33755 64.34596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141922 Gm20457 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092187 MGI:5141922 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20457
7 gene 64.34598 64.37414 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045266 Fan1 NCBI_Gene:330554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033458 MGI:3045266 protein coding gene FANCD2/FANCI-associated nuclease 1
7 pseudogene 64.35678 64.35748 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010115 Gm17930 NCBI_Gene:100416128 MGI:5010115 pseudogene predicted gene, 17930
7 gene 64.37653 64.39227 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915223 Mphosph10 NCBI_Gene:67973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030521 MGI:1915223 protein coding gene M-phase phosphoprotein 10 (U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein)
7 gene 64.39261 64.41213 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920974 Mcee NCBI_Gene:73724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033429 MGI:1920974 protein coding gene methylmalonyl CoA epimerase
7 gene 64.50171 64.75388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1261791 Apba2 NCBI_Gene:11784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030519 MGI:1261791 protein coding gene amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2
7 gene 64.51531 64.51591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753658 Gm45082 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108384 MGI:5753658 unclassified gene predicted gene 45082
7 gene 64.52943 64.52990 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753297 Gm44721 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108721 MGI:5753297 unclassified gene predicted gene 44721
7 gene 64.75609 65.15657 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917888 Fam189a1 NCBI_Gene:70638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030518 MGI:1917888 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 189, member A1
7 gene 64.86705 64.87304 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913897 Nsmce3 NCBI_Gene:66647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070520 MGI:1913897 protein coding gene NSE3 homolog, SMC5-SMC6 complex component
7 gene 64.95650 64.95658 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455026 Gm25249 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093212 MGI:5455026 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25249
7 gene 65.05210 65.05496 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592122 Gm32963 NCBI_Gene:102635688 MGI:5592122 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32963
7 pseudogene 65.17064 65.17190 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010093 Gm17908 NCBI_Gene:100416077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108745 MGI:5010093 pseudogene predicted gene, 17908
7 pseudogene 65.17348 65.17423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010103 Gm17918 NCBI_Gene:100416106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108445 MGI:5010103 pseudogene predicted gene, 17918
7 gene 65.21281 65.21345 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922851 1810049I09Rik NCBI_Gene:75601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108587 MGI:1922851 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810049I09 gene
7 gene 65.29617 65.52781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98759 Tjp1 NCBI_Gene:21872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030516 MGI:98759 protein coding gene tight junction protein 1
7 gene 65.33132 65.33430 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441948 D130061D10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D130061D10 gene
7 gene 65.36637 65.36678 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753370 Gm44794 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108338 MGI:5753370 unclassified gene predicted gene 44794
7 gene 65.37164 65.37440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592227 Gm33068 NCBI_Gene:102635823 MGI:5592227 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33068
7 pseudogene 65.40185 65.40216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753371 Gm44795 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108541 MGI:5753371 pseudogene predicted gene 44795
7 gene 65.47959 65.48122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753368 Gm44792 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108533 MGI:5753368 unclassified gene predicted gene 44792
7 pseudogene 65.58000 65.63591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644883 Gm7546 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086232 MGI:3644883 pseudogene predicted gene 7546
7 gene 65.58203 65.61935 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3039598 BC046251 NCBI_Gene:407810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086662 MGI:3039598 lncRNA gene cDNA sequence BC046251
7 gene 65.64490 65.69209 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444486 Tarsl2 NCBI_Gene:272396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030515 MGI:2444486 protein coding gene threonyl-tRNA synthetase-like 2
7 gene 65.69006 65.69316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592393 Gm33234 NCBI_Gene:102636057 MGI:5592393 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33234
7 gene 65.69117 65.70191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915884 Tm2d3 NCBI_Gene:68634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078681 MGI:1915884 protein coding gene TM2 domain containing 3
7 gene 65.74106 65.74386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642550 Gm10624 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10624
7 pseudogene 65.78481 65.78631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648704 Gm7551 NCBI_Gene:665241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068480 MGI:3648704 pseudogene predicted gene 7551
7 gene 65.80311 65.80645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920875 1810008I18Rik NCBI_Gene:100503969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100094 MGI:1920875 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810008I18 gene
7 gene 65.85854 65.86217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313131 Gm20684 NCBI_Gene:102641467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093405 MGI:5313131 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20684
7 gene 65.86173 66.05039 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102897 Pcsk6 NCBI_Gene:18553,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030513 MGI:102897 protein coding gene proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 6
7 gene 66.04360 66.06227 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753789 Gm45213 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108793 MGI:5753789 protein coding gene predicted gene 45213
7 gene 66.05900 66.07459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916231 Snrpa1 NCBI_Gene:68981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030512 MGI:1916231 protein coding gene small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A’
7 gene 66.07890 66.07947 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753657 Gm45081 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108777 MGI:5753657 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45081
7 gene 66.07965 66.08940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95994 Selenos NCBI_Gene:109815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075701 MGI:95994 protein coding gene selenoprotein S
7 gene 66.10952 66.17312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477321 Gm26827 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097634 MGI:5477321 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26827
7 gene 66.10952 66.17380 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681120 Chsy1 NCBI_Gene:269941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032640 MGI:2681120 protein coding gene chondroitin sulfate synthase 1
7 gene 66.11930 66.11940 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452819 Gm23042 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065800 MGI:5452819 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23042
7 pseudogene 66.12695 66.12770 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011173 Gm18988 NCBI_Gene:100418080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108699 MGI:5011173 pseudogene predicted gene, 18988
7 pseudogene 66.19056 66.19084 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753656 Gm45080 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108686 MGI:5753656 pseudogene predicted gene 45080
7 gene 66.22691 66.38835 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142227 Lrrk1 NCBI_Gene:233328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015133 MGI:2142227 protein coding gene leucine-rich repeat kinase 1
7 gene 66.25477 66.27780 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592601 Gm33442 NCBI_Gene:102636350 MGI:5592601 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33442
7 gene 66.28173 66.28743 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825626 Gm45989 NCBI_Gene:108167435 MGI:5825626 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45989
7 gene 66.30920 66.31250 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753328 Gm44752 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109119 MGI:5753328 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44752
7 gene 66.36590 66.38631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779185 Gm10974 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078677 MGI:3779185 protein coding gene predicted gene 10974
7 gene 66.37039 66.37048 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453734 Gm23957 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087834 MGI:5453734 rRNA gene predicted gene, 23957
7 gene 66.38167 66.38172 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530932 Mir7057 miRBase:MI0022906,NCBI_Gene:102465640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098353 MGI:5530932 miRNA gene microRNA 7057
7 gene 66.39089 66.42752 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861722 Aldh1a3 NCBI_Gene:56847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015134 MGI:1861722 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A3
7 gene 66.42865 66.43049 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592674 Gm33515 NCBI_Gene:102636455 MGI:5592674 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33515
7 gene 66.44160 66.44425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753329 Gm44753 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109114 MGI:5753329 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44753
7 pseudogene 66.56523 66.56562 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753330 Gm44754 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109330 MGI:5753330 pseudogene predicted gene 44754
7 gene 66.58076 66.58587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592729 Gm33570 NCBI_Gene:102636528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109039 MGI:5592729 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33570
7 gene 66.61532 66.61915 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753186 Gm44610 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109249 MGI:5753186 unclassified gene predicted gene 44610
7 gene 66.64457 66.68965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2152835 Asb7 NCBI_Gene:117589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030509 MGI:2152835 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 7
7 gene 66.68977 66.71726 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919885 Lins1 NCBI_Gene:72635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053091 MGI:1919885 protein coding gene lines homolog 1
7 gene 66.72312 66.72378 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753674 Gm45098 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109133 MGI:5753674 unclassified gene predicted gene 45098
7 gene 66.73310 66.82369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681008 Cers3 NCBI_Gene:545975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030510 MGI:2681008 protein coding gene ceramide synthase 3
7 gene 66.73780 66.74044 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642294 Gm10623 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108846 MGI:3642294 unclassified gene predicted gene 10623
7 gene 66.82668 66.83979 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592786 Gm33627 NCBI_Gene:102636611 MGI:5592786 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33627
7 gene 66.83974 67.15317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3588195 Adamts17 NCBI_Gene:233332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058145 MGI:3588195 protein coding gene a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 17
7 gene 66.95982 66.96192 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753331 Gm44755 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109079 MGI:5753331 unclassified gene predicted gene 44755
7 pseudogene 66.99397 66.99443 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753185 Gm44609 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108873 MGI:5753185 pseudogene predicted gene 44609
7 pseudogene 67.08284 67.08375 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010094 Gm17909 NCBI_Gene:100416078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108833 MGI:5010094 pseudogene predicted gene, 17909
7 pseudogene 67.18010 67.18033 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753677 Gm45101 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109273 MGI:5753677 pseudogene predicted gene 45101
7 gene 67.20408 67.22254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923878 1700112J16Rik NCBI_Gene:76628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097527 MGI:1923878 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700112J16 gene
7 gene 67.22254 67.30733 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922349 Lysmd4 NCBI_Gene:75099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043831 MGI:1922349 protein coding gene LysM, putative peptidoglycan-binding, domain containing 4
7 gene 67.23116 67.37300 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99532 Mef2a NCBI_Gene:17258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030557 MGI:99532 protein coding gene myocyte enhancer factor 2A
7 gene 67.26891 67.27224 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753243 Gm44667 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109539 MGI:5753243 unclassified gene predicted gene 44667
7 gene 67.36772 67.37098 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753244 Gm44668 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109363 MGI:5753244 unclassified gene predicted gene 44668
7 gene 67.42890 67.44393 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593085 Gm33926 NCBI_Gene:102637011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109329 MGI:5593085 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33926
7 gene 67.48801 67.52279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621910 Gm39025 NCBI_Gene:108167436 MGI:5621910 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39025
7 gene 67.51341 67.64533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915689 Lrrc28 NCBI_Gene:67867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030556 MGI:1915689 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 28
7 gene 67.52434 67.54359 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593238 Gm34079 NCBI_Gene:102637206 MGI:5593238 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34079
7 gene 67.57057 67.57070 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453010 Gm23233 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087926 MGI:5453010 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23233
7 pseudogene 67.59232 67.59521 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592142 Gm32983 NCBI_Gene:102635717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109342 MGI:5592142 pseudogene predicted gene, 32983
7 pseudogene 67.63777 67.63815 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753676 Gm45100 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109558 MGI:5753676 pseudogene predicted gene 45100
7 gene 67.64732 67.76291 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914259 Ttc23 NCBI_Gene:67009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030555 MGI:1914259 protein coding gene tetratricopeptide repeat domain 23
7 gene 67.67933 67.68130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753245 Gm44669 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109115 MGI:5753245 unclassified gene predicted gene 44669
7 gene 67.71149 67.71718 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593299 Gm34140 NCBI_Gene:102637289 MGI:5593299 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34140
7 gene 67.73016 67.75974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2661187 Synm NCBI_Gene:233335,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030554 MGI:2661187 protein coding gene synemin, intermediate filament protein
7 gene 67.75932 67.76017 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753678 Gm45102 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108871 MGI:5753678 unclassified gene predicted gene 45102
7 gene 67.77841 67.77853 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453621 Gm23844 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080609 MGI:5453621 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23844
7 pseudogene 67.78278 67.78378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779751 Gm7583 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097981 MGI:3779751 pseudogene predicted gene 7583
7 gene 67.78454 67.80414 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921154 4833412C05Rik NCBI_Gene:73904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097697 MGI:1921154 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4833412C05 gene
7 gene 67.80158 67.83128 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593509 Gm34350 NCBI_Gene:102637575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109464 MGI:5593509 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34350
7 gene 67.83229 67.84987 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621912 Gm39027 NCBI_Gene:105242964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109193 MGI:5621912 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39027
7 pseudogene 67.88620 67.88658 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753242 Gm44666 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109152 MGI:5753242 pseudogene predicted gene 44666
7 gene 67.95183 68.23367 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96433 Igf1r NCBI_Gene:16001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005533 MGI:96433 protein coding gene insulin-like growth factor I receptor
7 gene 68.10670 68.11335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443927 D930030O05Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA D930030O05 gene
7 gene 68.23645 68.26448 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925694 Pgpep1l NCBI_Gene:78444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030553 MGI:1925694 protein coding gene pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like
7 gene 68.26634 68.27659 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801721 Gm16157 NCBI_Gene:100504026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086628 MGI:3801721 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16157
7 gene 68.27384 68.36309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644026 Fam169b NCBI_Gene:434197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074071 MGI:3644026 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 169, member B
7 gene 68.31597 68.31703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921043 4930405G09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109453 MGI:1921043 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930405G09 gene
7 gene 68.33299 68.33553 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753464 Gm44888 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109096 MGI:5753464 unclassified gene predicted gene 44888
7 gene 68.33867 68.35358 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801750 Gm16158 NCBI_Gene:105242966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086410 MGI:3801750 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16158
7 gene 68.38478 68.39203 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753465 Gm44889 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109458 MGI:5753465 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44889
7 gene 68.41740 68.42736 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918494 4933436H12Rik NCBI_Gene:71244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108924 MGI:1918494 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933436H12 gene
7 gene 68.42921 68.49090 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593708 Gm34549 NCBI_Gene:102637842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108828 MGI:5593708 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34549
7 gene 68.43937 68.44172 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753462 Gm44886 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109298 MGI:5753462 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44886
7 pseudogene 68.59868 68.59885 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753463 Gm44887 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109375 MGI:5753463 pseudogene predicted gene 44887
7 pseudogene 68.61846 68.62001 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644545 Gm5334 NCBI_Gene:384639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094854 MGI:3644545 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5334
7 gene 68.71917 68.72647 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753268 Gm44692 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108876 MGI:5753268 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44692
7 gene 68.73699 68.74924 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913662 Arrdc4 NCBI_Gene:66412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042659 MGI:1913662 protein coding gene arrestin domain containing 4
7 gene 68.79232 68.81869 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593771 Gm34612 NCBI_Gene:102637920 MGI:5593771 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34612
7 gene 68.84214 68.91602 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593823 Gm34664 NCBI_Gene:102637987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109407 MGI:5593823 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34664
7 gene 68.95210 68.95224 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453572 Gm23795 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065940 MGI:5453572 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23795
7 gene 68.98940 69.00817 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753267 Gm44691 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109524 MGI:5753267 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44691
7 gene 69.05674 69.07929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593941 Gm34782 NCBI_Gene:102638148 MGI:5593941 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34782
7 gene 69.05682 69.06476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621914 Gm39029 NCBI_Gene:105242967 MGI:5621914 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39029
7 pseudogene 69.20987 69.21109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647517 Gm5342 NCBI_Gene:384741,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098017 MGI:3647517 pseudogene predicted gene 5342
7 pseudogene 69.25960 69.25986 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753109 Gm44533 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109400 MGI:5753109 pseudogene predicted gene 44533
7 gene 69.35437 69.40020 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593997 Gm34838 NCBI_Gene:102638227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110028 MGI:5593997 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34838
7 gene 69.47537 69.49104 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621469 Gm38584 NCBI_Gene:102641929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109153 MGI:5621469 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38584
7 gene 69.49609 69.55067 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921046 4930402F11Rik NCBI_Gene:73796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108885 MGI:1921046 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930402F11 gene
7 gene 69.49858 69.49868 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453592 Gm23815 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065165 MGI:5453592 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23815
7 gene 69.57971 69.58284 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753111 Gm44535 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109412 MGI:5753111 unclassified gene predicted gene 44535
7 pseudogene 69.60584 69.62697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643954 Gm7627 NCBI_Gene:665410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098246 MGI:3643954 pseudogene predicted gene 7627
7 gene 69.79912 69.80174 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594368 Gm35209 NCBI_Gene:102638715 MGI:5594368 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35209
7 pseudogene 69.88398 69.88436 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753266 Gm44690 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109373 MGI:5753266 pseudogene predicted gene 44690
7 gene 69.94890 69.95036 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918357 4933423L19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108821 MGI:1918357 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933423L19 gene
7 gene 69.95778 69.95790 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453897 Gm24120 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077166 MGI:5453897 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24120
7 gene 70.17887 70.33785 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5588842 Gm29683 NCBI_Gene:624549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109097 MGI:5588842 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29683
7 gene 70.20284 70.20723 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594430 Gm35271 NCBI_Gene:102638792 MGI:5594430 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35271
7 gene 70.20730 70.21319 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594484 Gm35325 NCBI_Gene:102638863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109280 MGI:5594484 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35325
7 gene 70.24897 70.24978 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580033 Gm29327 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099387 MGI:5580033 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29327
7 gene 70.34142 70.35124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621915 Gm39030 NCBI_Gene:105242968 MGI:5621915 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39030
7 gene 70.34524 70.34581 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753522 Gm44946 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109361 MGI:5753522 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44946
7 gene 70.34755 70.34770 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753524 Gm44948 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109364 MGI:5753524 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44948
7 gene 70.35194 70.36675 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352452 Nr2f2 NCBI_Gene:11819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030551 MGI:1352452 protein coding gene nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2
7 gene 70.36491 70.48997 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3604353 B130024G19Rik NCBI_Gene:434198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100005 MGI:3604353 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B130024G19 gene
7 gene 70.37202 70.38841 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578964 Gm28258 NCBI_Gene:102639158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101559 MGI:5578964 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28258
7 gene 70.42091 70.45322 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753108 Gm44532 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108869 MGI:5753108 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44532
7 pseudogene 70.49084 70.49206 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648032 Gm7656 NCBI_Gene:665486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097991 MGI:3648032 pseudogene predicted gene 7656
7 gene 70.53122 70.53145 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753387 Gm44811 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108899 MGI:5753387 unclassified gene predicted gene 44811
7 gene 70.54887 70.55492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595001 Gm35842 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109028 MGI:5595001 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35842
7 gene 70.56287 70.58590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753388 Gm44812 NCBI_Gene:108167437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109021 MGI:5753388 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44812
7 gene 70.57132 70.57441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753389 Gm44813 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108836 MGI:5753389 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44813
7 gene 70.58645 70.58944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595053 Gm35894 NCBI_Gene:102639629 MGI:5595053 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35894
7 gene 70.59289 70.59388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753385 Gm44809 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109018 MGI:5753385 unclassified gene predicted gene 44809
7 gene 70.63861 70.63992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753384 Gm44808 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109294 MGI:5753384 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44808
7 gene 70.70812 70.71647 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621916 Gm39031 NCBI_Gene:105242969 MGI:5621916 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39031
7 gene 70.75242 70.75250 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454657 Gm24880 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089401 MGI:5454657 rRNA gene predicted gene, 24880
7 gene 70.80204 70.81145 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621917 Gm39032 NCBI_Gene:105242970 MGI:5621917 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39032
7 gene 70.87091 71.07335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625282 Gm42397 NCBI_Gene:105247269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109532 MGI:5625282 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42397
7 pseudogene 70.91252 70.93398 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593942 Gm34783 NCBI_Gene:102638149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109454 MGI:5593942 pseudogene predicted gene, 34783
7 gene 71.03205 71.03542 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825627 Gm45990 NCBI_Gene:108167438 MGI:5825627 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45990
7 gene 71.08843 71.11654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595170 Gm36011 NCBI_Gene:102639780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109003 MGI:5595170 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36011
7 gene 71.09100 71.12359 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621918 Gm39033 NCBI_Gene:105242971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109161 MGI:5621918 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39033
7 gene 71.15423 71.18686 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595230 Gm36071 NCBI_Gene:102639857 MGI:5595230 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36071
7 gene 71.21705 71.22441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925130 6030442E23Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100664 MGI:1925130 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6030442E23 gene
7 gene 71.23465 71.26547 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595371 Gm36212 NCBI_Gene:102640046 MGI:5595371 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36212
7 gene 71.26427 71.37997 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580034 Gm29328 NCBI_Gene:108167439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099853 MGI:5580034 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29328
7 gene 71.28241 71.28758 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621919 Gm39034 NCBI_Gene:105242972 MGI:5621919 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39034
7 gene 71.33149 71.33404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753642 Gm45066 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109548 MGI:5753642 unclassified gene predicted gene 45066
7 pseudogene 71.33236 71.33292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3708755 Gm10172 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066697 MGI:3708755 pseudogene predicted gene 10172
7 gene 71.34896 71.35148 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642770 Gm10295 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 10295
7 gene 71.35145 71.39127 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580001 Gm29295 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099558 MGI:5580001 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29295
7 gene 71.37301 71.37965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595419 Gm36260 NCBI_Gene:102640113 MGI:5595419 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36260
7 gene 71.68178 71.68845 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753265 Gm44689 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108978 MGI:5753265 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44689
7 pseudogene 71.69669 71.69740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648706 Gm7675 NCBI_Gene:665535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108972 MGI:3648706 pseudogene predicted gene 7675
7 gene 71.70608 71.70661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753264 Gm44688 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109388 MGI:5753264 unclassified gene predicted gene 44688
7 pseudogene 71.71780 71.71837 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010173 Gm17988 NCBI_Gene:100416233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108982 MGI:5010173 pseudogene predicted gene, 17988
7 gene 71.90969 71.93919 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925406 4930441H08Rik NCBI_Gene:78156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108669 MGI:1925406 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930441H08 gene
7 gene 71.94752 71.96202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595792 Gm36633 NCBI_Gene:102640608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108480 MGI:5595792 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36633
7 gene 71.96117 72.02732 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922701 1700011C11Rik NCBI_Gene:75451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108800 MGI:1922701 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700011C11 gene
7 gene 72.07783 72.30661 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685335 Mctp2 NCBI_Gene:244049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032776 MGI:2685335 protein coding gene multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2
7 gene 72.11046 72.11860 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595855 Gm36696 NCBI_Gene:102640684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108427 MGI:5595855 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36696
7 gene 72.15609 72.15713 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804830 Gm45715 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108493 MGI:5804830 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45715
7 gene 72.30686 72.32334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621920 Gm39035 NCBI_Gene:105242973 MGI:5621920 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39035
7 gene 72.60199 72.60249 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610848 Gm37620 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103673 MGI:5610848 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37620
7 gene 72.63721 72.63752 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579451 Gm28745 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100138 MGI:5579451 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28745
7 pseudogene 72.64875 72.64934 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642871 Rpl17-ps10 NCBI_Gene:100042880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081895 MGI:3642871 pseudogene ribosomal protein L17, pseudogene 10
7 gene 72.66802 72.66836 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579450 Gm28744 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100670 MGI:5579450 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28744
7 pseudogene 72.67282 72.67460 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648525 Kansl2-ps NCBI_Gene:233391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097530 MGI:3648525 pseudogene KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 2, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 72.71243 72.71364 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649138 Gm7693 NCBI_Gene:665570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098195 MGI:3649138 pseudogene predicted gene 7693
7 gene 72.74557 72.82665 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596024 Gm36865 NCBI_Gene:102640914 MGI:5596024 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36865
7 pseudogene 72.98895 72.99016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647920 Gm5335 NCBI_Gene:384643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098035 MGI:3647920 pseudogene predicted gene 5335
7 gene 73.08942 73.09262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753301 Gm44725 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108329 MGI:5753301 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44725
7 gene 73.09775 73.10207 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779609 Gm6567 NCBI_Gene:625243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108383 MGI:3779609 lncRNA gene predicted gene 6567
7 gene 73.12445 73.12656 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918487 4933435G04Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108345 MGI:1918487 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933435G04 gene
7 gene 73.18361 73.19243 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012268 Gm20083 NCBI_Gene:100504141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108778 MGI:5012268 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20083
7 gene 73.18501 73.18539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579452 Gm28746 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101843 MGI:5579452 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28746
7 gene 73.20186 73.23869 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589234 Gm30075 NCBI_Gene:102631845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108513 MGI:5589234 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30075
7 gene 73.31038 73.31519 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921147 4930429H19Rik NCBI_Gene:100505025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108530 MGI:1921147 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930429H19 gene
7 gene 73.31381 73.37577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442718 A730056A06Rik NCBI_Gene:319783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097756 MGI:2442718 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A730056A06 gene
7 gene 73.37551 73.41990 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2679262 Rgma NCBI_Gene:244058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070509 MGI:2679262 protein coding gene repulsive guidance molecule family member A
7 gene 73.40435 73.40642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753334 Gm44758 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108678 MGI:5753334 unclassified gene predicted gene 44758
7 gene 73.42225 73.42390 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753221 Gm44645 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108601 MGI:5753221 unclassified gene predicted gene 44645
7 gene 73.42664 73.54183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2448567 Chd2 NCBI_Gene:244059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078671 MGI:2448567 protein coding gene chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2
7 gene 73.45860 73.46063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753129 Gm44553 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108741 MGI:5753129 unclassified gene predicted gene 44553
7 gene 73.49800 73.49925 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753128 Gm44552 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108319 MGI:5753128 unclassified gene predicted gene 44552
7 gene 73.52727 73.52872 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028079 C130083A15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108812 MGI:3028079 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130083A15 gene
7 gene 73.53801 73.55480 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753262 Gm44686 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108563 MGI:5753262 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44686
7 gene 73.53920 73.55840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916420 1810026B05Rik NCBI_Gene:69170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101970 MGI:1916420 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810026B05 gene
7 gene 73.58329 73.60874 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589308 Gm30149 NCBI_Gene:102631948 MGI:5589308 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30149
7 gene 73.60280 73.60411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621921 Gm39036 NCBI_Gene:105242975 MGI:5621921 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39036
7 gene 73.60895 73.61463 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753310 Gm44734 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108724 MGI:5753310 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44734
7 gene 73.61739 73.61970 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644623 Gm7710 NCBI_Gene:665610 MGI:3644623 unclassified gene predicted gene 7710
7 gene 73.62670 73.62744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753314 Gm44738 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108497 MGI:5753314 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44738
7 gene 73.63062 73.63809 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753313 Gm44737 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108311 MGI:5753313 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44737
7 gene 73.64598 73.64609 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455953 Gm26176 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065729 MGI:5455953 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26176
7 gene 73.66205 73.66230 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452797 Gm23020 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089391 MGI:5452797 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23020
7 gene 73.67030 73.67239 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753312 Gm44736 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108550 MGI:5753312 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44736
7 gene 73.67688 73.67830 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753315 Gm44739 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108473 MGI:5753315 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44739
7 pseudogene 73.68549 73.68660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643321 Gm4971 NCBI_Gene:244061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108337 MGI:3643321 pseudogene predicted gene 4971
7 pseudogene 73.68824 73.68917 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010990 Gm18805 NCBI_Gene:100417750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108485 MGI:5010990 pseudogene predicted gene, 18805
7 pseudogene 73.70618 73.70654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753583 Gm45007 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108687 MGI:5753583 pseudogene predicted gene 45007
7 gene 73.73793 73.74102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443692 A830073O21Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091890 MGI:2443692 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A830073O21 gene
7 gene 73.74030 73.77692 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3698178 Fam174b NCBI_Gene:100038347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078670 MGI:3698178 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 174, member B
7 gene 73.75459 73.75474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753581 Gm45005 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108412 MGI:5753581 unclassified gene predicted gene 45005
7 gene 73.78052 73.78415 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589395 Gm30236 NCBI_Gene:102632064 MGI:5589395 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30236
7 gene 73.78143 73.81650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3708756 Gm10619 NCBI_Gene:100579147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074067 MGI:3708756 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10619
7 pseudogene 73.78844 73.78912 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010858 Gm18673 NCBI_Gene:100417538 MGI:5010858 pseudogene predicted gene, 18673
7 gene 73.79760 73.79829 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753582 Gm45006 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108548 MGI:5753582 unclassified gene predicted gene 45006
7 gene 73.81655 73.83890 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434624 Gm21269 NCBI_Gene:100861851,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108448 MGI:5434624 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 21269
7 gene 73.81959 73.81964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5562778 Mir7234 miRBase:MI0023729,NCBI_Gene:102465712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105381 MGI:5562778 miRNA gene microRNA 7234
7 pseudogene 73.83015 73.83281 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010442 Gm18257 NCBI_Gene:100416795 MGI:5010442 pseudogene predicted gene, 18257
7 gene 73.93912 74.01373 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106020 St8sia2 NCBI_Gene:20450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025789 MGI:106020 protein coding gene ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 2
7 gene 73.94538 73.94753 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753579 Gm45003 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108375 MGI:5753579 unclassified gene predicted gene 45003
7 gene 73.94842 73.95804 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611371 Gm38143 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102384 MGI:5611371 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38143
7 gene 74.03463 74.04374 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753580 Gm45004 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108725 MGI:5753580 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45004
7 gene 74.23556 74.23566 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530841 Gm27459 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098303 MGI:5530841 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27459
7 gene 74.27542 74.55478 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351867 Slco3a1 NCBI_Gene:108116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025790 MGI:1351867 protein coding gene solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 3a1
7 gene 74.39270 74.41123 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646746 Gm7580 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085161 MGI:3646746 lncRNA gene predicted gene 7580
7 gene 74.53668 74.53779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012300 Gm20115 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene%2c 20115
7 gene 74.54283 74.54411 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443904 A430057L12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A430057L12 gene
7 gene 74.55472 74.55672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642374 Gm10618 NA NA lncRNA gene predicted gene 10618
7 gene 74.62625 74.62751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621922 Gm39037 NCBI_Gene:105242976 MGI:5621922 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39037
7 gene 74.69603 74.71926 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589543 Gm30384 NCBI_Gene:102632257 MGI:5589543 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30384
7 pseudogene 74.69986 74.70089 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647356 Gm7726 NCBI_Gene:100534317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108570 MGI:3647356 pseudogene predicted gene 7726
7 pseudogene 74.71419 74.71483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010494 Gm18309 NCBI_Gene:100416899 MGI:5010494 pseudogene predicted gene, 18309
7 gene 74.76599 74.77124 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589618 Gm30459 NCBI_Gene:102632369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108468 MGI:5589618 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30459
7 gene 74.81881 74.85381 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923503 0610006L08Rik NCBI_Gene:76253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108652 MGI:1923503 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 0610006L08 gene
7 pseudogene 74.85127 74.85140 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753479 Gm44903 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108642 MGI:5753479 pseudogene predicted gene 44903
7 pseudogene 74.88626 74.88707 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753478 Gm44902 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108716 MGI:5753478 pseudogene predicted gene 44902
7 gene 74.96235 74.96270 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452103 Gm22326 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089522 MGI:5452103 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22326
7 gene 75.03019 75.07517 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922455 4930533N22Rik NCBI_Gene:75205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108803 MGI:1922455 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930533N22 gene
7 gene 75.11489 75.30926 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927338 Sv2b NCBI_Gene:64176,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053025 MGI:1927338 protein coding gene synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2 b
7 gene 75.27509 75.27541 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454635 Gm24858 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088683 MGI:5454635 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24858
7 gene 75.30870 75.33142 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916204 1500012K07Rik NCBI_Gene:68954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097247 MGI:1916204 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1500012K07 gene
7 pseudogene 75.36603 75.36636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642846 Gm10161 NCBI_Gene:100042171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069196 MGI:3642846 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10161
7 pseudogene 75.42086 75.42114 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753538 Gm44962 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108590 MGI:5753538 pseudogene predicted gene 44962
7 gene 75.42708 75.43744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825654 Gm46017 NCBI_Gene:108167499 MGI:5825654 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46017
7 gene 75.45551 75.75461 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676556 Akap13 NCBI_Gene:75547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066406 MGI:2676556 protein coding gene A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13
7 gene 75.48200 75.48339 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753410 Gm44834 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108542 MGI:5753410 unclassified gene predicted gene 44834
7 gene 75.48486 75.48649 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753271 Gm44695 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108560 MGI:5753271 unclassified gene predicted gene 44695
7 gene 75.56061 75.56379 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753411 Gm44835 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108557 MGI:5753411 unclassified gene predicted gene 44835
7 gene 75.66887 75.66896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455059 Gm25282 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087896 MGI:5455059 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25282
7 gene 75.70789 75.70918 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753270 Gm44694 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108633 MGI:5753270 unclassified gene predicted gene 44694
7 gene 75.75726 75.75737 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453028 Gm23251 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076961 MGI:5453028 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23251
7 gene 75.76904 75.78218 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142134 AU020206 NCBI_Gene:108167440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097415 MGI:2142134 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AU020206
7 pseudogene 75.78403 75.78438 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477223 Gm26729 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097116 MGI:5477223 pseudogene predicted gene, 26729
7 gene 75.84831 75.87413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2668031 Klhl25 NCBI_Gene:207952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055652 MGI:2668031 protein coding gene kelch-like 25
7 gene 76.00082 76.00288 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753715 Gm45139 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108495 MGI:5753715 unclassified gene predicted gene 45139
7 gene 76.05409 76.05674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753787 Gm45211 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108467 MGI:5753787 unclassified gene predicted gene 45211
7 gene 76.22959 77.12470 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646469 Agbl1 NCBI_Gene:244071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025754 MGI:3646469 protein coding gene ATP/GTP binding protein-like 1
7 pseudogene 76.24475 76.24601 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779502 Gm5597 NCBI_Gene:434200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098009 MGI:3779502 pseudogene predicted gene 5597
7 gene 76.35971 76.36866 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589933 Gm30774 NCBI_Gene:102632794 MGI:5589933 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30774
7 pseudogene 76.37516 76.37662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592228 Gm33069 NCBI_Gene:102635824 MGI:5592228 pseudogene predicted gene, 33069
7 gene 76.61106 76.61201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923979 2310001K20Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108514 MGI:1923979 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2310001K20 gene
7 gene 76.69814 76.69972 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753786 Gm45210 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108771 MGI:5753786 unclassified gene predicted gene 45210
7 pseudogene 77.29849 77.29900 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753455 Gm44879 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108611 MGI:5753455 pseudogene predicted gene 44879
7 gene 77.41257 77.41343 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753184 Gm44608 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108324 MGI:5753184 unclassified gene predicted gene 44608
7 pseudogene 77.77603 77.77678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010859 Gm18674 NCBI_Gene:100417539 MGI:5010859 pseudogene predicted gene, 18674
7 gene 77.91014 77.91032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453016 Gm23239 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064940 MGI:5453016 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23239
7 gene 78.02654 78.02664 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5690750 Gm44358 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104817 MGI:5690750 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44358
7 pseudogene 78.16195 78.16542 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825649 Gm46012 NCBI_Gene:108167483 MGI:5825649 pseudogene predicted gene, 46012
7 gene 78.17596 78.73801 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97385 Ntrk3 NCBI_Gene:18213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059146 MGI:97385 protein coding gene neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 3
7 gene 78.17597 78.17882 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3041176 A330068G13Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330068G13 gene
7 gene 78.21161 78.21270 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753183 Gm44607 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108630 MGI:5753183 unclassified gene predicted gene 44607
7 gene 78.25430 78.25542 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918125 4921513I08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108788 MGI:1918125 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4921513I08 gene
7 gene 78.55285 78.57560 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621923 Gm39038 NCBI_Gene:105242978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108390 MGI:5621923 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39038
7 gene 78.57883 78.58104 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641726 Gm9885 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052629 MGI:3641726 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9885
7 gene 78.58107 78.71822 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3041232 E430016F16Rik NCBI_Gene:414121 MGI:3041232 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E430016F16 gene
7 gene 78.72747 78.73464 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590051 Gm30892 NCBI_Gene:102632946 MGI:5590051 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30892
7 gene 78.77524 78.78353 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914558 Mrpl46 NCBI_Gene:67308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030612 MGI:1914558 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L46
7 gene 78.77729 78.77837 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753635 Gm45059 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108536 MGI:5753635 unclassified gene predicted gene 45059
7 gene 78.78312 78.79299 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915244 Mrps11 NCBI_Gene:67994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030611 MGI:1915244 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11
7 gene 78.81829 78.82066 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923923 5330411O13Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108603 MGI:1923923 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5330411O13 gene
7 gene 78.82155 78.84737 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923625 Det1 NCBI_Gene:76375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030610 MGI:1923625 protein coding gene de-etiolated homolog 1 (Arabidopsis)
7 gene 78.84725 78.84753 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922714 1700011D18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108791 MGI:1922714 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700011D18 gene
7 gene 78.85549 78.85844 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753306 Gm44730 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108385 MGI:5753306 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44730
7 gene 78.88828 78.88837 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619437 Mir7-2 miRBase:MI0000729,NCBI_Gene:723884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065609 MGI:3619437 miRNA gene microRNA 7-2
7 gene 78.89378 78.89578 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621924 Gm39039 NCBI_Gene:105242979 MGI:5621924 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39039
7 gene 78.89585 78.91121 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915298 Aen NCBI_Gene:68048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030609 MGI:1915298 protein coding gene apoptosis enhancing nuclease
7 gene 78.91342 78.92040 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928895 Isg20 NCBI_Gene:57444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039236 MGI:1928895 protein coding gene interferon-stimulated protein
7 gene 78.92225 78.92389 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753391 Gm44815 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108670 MGI:5753391 unclassified gene predicted gene 44815
7 gene 78.93895 78.95453 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590372 Gm31213 NCBI_Gene:102633372 MGI:5590372 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31213
7 gene 79.01805 79.05332 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477127 Gm26633 NCBI_Gene:102633600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097441 MGI:5477127 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26633
7 gene 79.05320 79.11510 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99602 Acan NCBI_Gene:11595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030607 MGI:99602 protein coding gene aggrecan
7 gene 79.11510 79.13329 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914916 Hapln3 NCBI_Gene:67666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030606 MGI:1914916 protein coding gene hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 3
7 gene 79.13377 79.14906 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102768 Mfge8 NCBI_Gene:17304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030605 MGI:102768 protein coding gene milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein
7 gene 79.24382 79.24758 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621925 Gm39040 NCBI_Gene:105242980 MGI:5621925 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39040
7 gene 79.27168 79.27313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590669 Gm31510 NCBI_Gene:102633760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108387 MGI:5590669 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31510
7 gene 79.27320 79.36551 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914344 Abhd2 NCBI_Gene:54608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039202 MGI:1914344 protein coding gene abhydrolase domain containing 2
7 gene 79.27777 79.28078 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753215 Gm44639 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108521 MGI:5753215 unclassified gene predicted gene 44639
7 gene 79.29895 79.30293 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621926 Gm39041 NCBI_Gene:105242981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108460 MGI:5621926 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39041
7 gene 79.35249 79.35274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454001 Gm24224 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089453 MGI:5454001 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24224
7 gene 79.37486 79.38705 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97930 Rlbp1 NCBI_Gene:19771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039194 MGI:97930 protein coding gene retinaldehyde binding protein 1
7 gene 79.39193 79.45027 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2384790 Fanci NCBI_Gene:208836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039187 MGI:2384790 protein coding gene Fanconi anemia, complementation group I
7 gene 79.39650 79.39913 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590812 Gm31653 NCBI_Gene:102633956 MGI:5590812 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31653
7 pseudogene 79.41126 79.41261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802069 Gm16017 NCBI_Gene:102633841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082400 MGI:3802069 pseudogene predicted gene 16017
7 gene 79.44623 79.46636 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196389 Polg NCBI_Gene:18975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039176 MGI:1196389 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA directed), gamma
7 gene 79.46641 79.46854 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642103 Gm10616 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108599 MGI:3642103 unclassified gene predicted gene 10616
7 gene 79.46642 79.46649 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413732 n-TRtcg5 NCBI_Gene:102467252 MGI:4413732 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA arginine 5 (anticodon TCG)
7 gene 79.50003 79.53440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142071 Mir9-3hg NCBI_Gene:101694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097023 MGI:2142071 lncRNA gene Mir9-3 host gene
7 gene 79.50526 79.50535 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619443 Mir9-3 miRBase:MI0000721,NCBI_Gene:723968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093238 MGI:3619443 miRNA gene microRNA 9-3
7 gene 79.51036 79.51140 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028065 A330074H02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102995 MGI:3028065 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A330074H02 gene
7 gene 79.51292 79.51326 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925652 2900037B21Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103663 MGI:1925652 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900037B21 gene
7 gene 79.51688 79.51876 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610836 Gm37608 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103831 MGI:5610836 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37608
7 gene 79.53574 79.56003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594199 Gm35040 NCBI_Gene:102638488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108616 MGI:5594199 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35040
7 gene 79.54284 79.55062 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590899 Gm31740 NCBI_Gene:102634064 MGI:5590899 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31740
7 gene 79.57775 79.57908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753744 Gm45168 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108373 MGI:5753744 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45168
7 gene 79.58665 79.59261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753745 Gm45169 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108776 MGI:5753745 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45169
7 gene 79.59336 79.61766 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888517 Rhcg NCBI_Gene:56315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030549 MGI:1888517 protein coding gene Rhesus blood group-associated C glycoprotein
7 gene 79.60201 79.60368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753746 Gm45170 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108318 MGI:5753746 unclassified gene predicted gene 45170
7 pseudogene 79.63470 79.63596 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010025 Gm17840 NCBI_Gene:100415959 MGI:5010025 pseudogene predicted gene, 17840
7 gene 79.66020 79.69815 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924261 Ticrr NCBI_Gene:77011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046591 MGI:1924261 protein coding gene TOPBP1-interacting checkpoint and replication regulator
7 gene 79.69810 79.71577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098239 Kif7 NCBI_Gene:16576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050382 MGI:1098239 protein coding gene kinesin family member 7
7 gene 79.71028 79.71236 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3696417 9330171B17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039133 MGI:3696417 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330171B17 gene
7 gene 79.72022 79.73290 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1890505 Plin1 NCBI_Gene:103968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030546 MGI:1890505 protein coding gene perilipin 1
7 gene 79.73596 79.74313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338788 Pex11a NCBI_Gene:18631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030545 MGI:1338788 protein coding gene peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 alpha
7 gene 79.74068 79.74202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753282 Gm44706 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108425 MGI:5753282 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44706
7 gene 79.74316 79.78595 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646885 Wdr93 NCBI_Gene:626359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039099 MGI:3646885 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 93
7 pseudogene 79.79018 79.79064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753281 Gm44705 NCBI_Gene:108167500,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108506 MGI:5753281 pseudogene predicted gene 44705
7 gene 79.79224 79.79379 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107785 Mesp1 NCBI_Gene:17292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030544 MGI:107785 protein coding gene mesoderm posterior 1
7 gene 79.81073 79.81344 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096325 Mesp2 NCBI_Gene:17293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030543 MGI:1096325 protein coding gene mesoderm posterior 2
7 gene 79.82180 79.86106 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5000466 Anpep NCBI_Gene:16790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039062 MGI:5000466 protein coding gene alanyl (membrane) aminopeptidase
7 gene 79.83059 79.83187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753550 Gm44974 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108476 MGI:5753550 unclassified gene predicted gene 44974
7 gene 79.87533 79.92065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1337060 Ap3s2 NCBI_Gene:11778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063801 MGI:1337060 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 3, sigma 2 subunit
7 gene 79.91694 79.92064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477140 Gm26646 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097685 MGI:5477140 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26646
7 gene 79.92072 79.92252 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918589 5430400D12Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097699 MGI:1918589 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5430400D12 gene
7 gene 79.92257 79.92487 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753526 Gm44950 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108350 MGI:5753526 unclassified gene predicted gene 44950
7 gene 79.92536 79.93536 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917670 Arpin NCBI_Gene:70420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039043 MGI:1917670 protein coding gene actin-related protein 2/3 complex inhibitor
7 gene 79.93552 79.93901 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591125 Gm31966 NCBI_Gene:102634366 MGI:5591125 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31966
7 gene 79.94919 79.94928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454318 Gm24541 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077059 MGI:5454318 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24541
7 gene 80.02481 80.09417 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921747 Zfp710 NCBI_Gene:209225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048897 MGI:1921747 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 710
7 gene 80.03670 80.03873 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753527 Gm44951 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108365 MGI:5753527 unclassified gene predicted gene 44951
7 gene 80.06271 80.07527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434414 Gm21057 NCBI_Gene:100859962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108714 MGI:5434414 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 21057
7 gene 80.08898 80.09043 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753525 Gm44949 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108655 MGI:5753525 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44949
7 gene 80.09485 80.11584 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96414 Idh2 NCBI_Gene:269951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030541 MGI:96414 protein coding gene isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial
7 gene 80.11080 80.11263 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753779 Gm45203 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108494 MGI:5753779 unclassified gene predicted gene 45203
7 gene 80.15517 80.15677 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753778 Gm45202 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108757 MGI:5753778 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45202
7 gene 80.18684 80.22665 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107559 Sema4b NCBI_Gene:20352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030539 MGI:107559 protein coding gene sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4B
7 gene 80.20939 80.21168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753782 Gm45206 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108389 MGI:5753782 unclassified gene predicted gene 45206
7 gene 80.22715 80.23281 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1344418 Cib1 NCBI_Gene:23991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030538 MGI:1344418 protein coding gene calcium and integrin binding 1 (calmyrin)
7 gene 80.23287 80.24206 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443429 Gdpgp1 NCBI_Gene:269952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050973 MGI:2443429 protein coding gene GDP-D-glucose phosphorylase 1
7 pseudogene 80.23768 80.23794 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782951 Gm15504 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082954 MGI:3782951 pseudogene predicted gene 15504
7 gene 80.24638 80.26082 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920845 Ttll13 NCBI_Gene:269954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045467 MGI:1920845 protein coding gene tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 13
7 gene 80.26122 80.26538 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933212 Ngrn NCBI_Gene:83485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047084 MGI:1933212 protein coding gene neugrin, neurite outgrowth associated
7 gene 80.26963 80.29175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446237 Vps33b NCBI_Gene:233405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030534 MGI:2446237 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 33B
7 gene 80.29323 80.32470 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444156 Rccd1 NCBI_Gene:269955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038930 MGI:2444156 protein coding gene RCC1 domain containing 1
7 gene 80.29445 80.31626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1858961 Prc1 NCBI_Gene:233406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038943 MGI:1858961 protein coding gene protein regulator of cytokinesis 1
7 gene 80.29773 80.29962 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917985 6330403N20Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097912 MGI:1917985 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6330403N20 gene
7 gene 80.32529 80.34100 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142246 Unc45a NCBI_Gene:101869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030533 MGI:2142246 protein coding gene unc-45 myosin chaperone A
7 gene 80.34307 80.35055 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915945 Hddc3 NCBI_Gene:68695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030532 MGI:1915945 protein coding gene HD domain containing 3
7 pseudogene 80.34408 80.34799 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010495 Gm18310 NCBI_Gene:100416900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108555 MGI:5010495 pseudogene predicted gene, 18310
7 gene 80.34910 80.37149 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2150656 Man2a2 NCBI_Gene:140481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038886 MGI:2150656 protein coding gene mannosidase 2, alpha 2
7 gene 80.37776 80.38795 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95514 Fes NCBI_Gene:14159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053158 MGI:95514 protein coding gene feline sarcoma oncogene
7 gene 80.38859 80.40544 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97513 Furin NCBI_Gene:18550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030530 MGI:97513 protein coding gene furin (paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme)
7 gene 80.40427 80.40658 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753427 Gm44851 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108436 MGI:5753427 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44851
7 pseudogene 80.42921 80.43074 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782993 Gm15544 NCBI_Gene:384647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081664 MGI:3782993 pseudogene predicted gene 15544
7 gene 80.45473 80.53515 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1328362 Blm NCBI_Gene:12144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030528 MGI:1328362 protein coding gene Bloom syndrome, RecQ like helicase
7 pseudogene 80.50656 80.50827 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4936891 Ndufab1-ps NCBI_Gene:102634451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091989 MGI:4936891 pseudogene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit AB1b
7 gene 80.54316 80.55607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625283 Gm42398 NCBI_Gene:105247270 MGI:5625283 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42398
7 gene 80.58663 80.68894 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917711 Crtc3 NCBI_Gene:70461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030527 MGI:1917711 protein coding gene CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3
7 gene 80.60324 80.60378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753507 Gm44931 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108643 MGI:5753507 unclassified gene predicted gene 44931
7 gene 80.63602 80.64438 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802014 Gm15880 NCBI_Gene:100504375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084821 MGI:3802014 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15880
7 gene 80.71158 80.82597 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352757 Iqgap1 NCBI_Gene:29875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030536 MGI:1352757 protein coding gene IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1
7 gene 80.75182 80.75861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753225 Gm44649 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108321 MGI:5753225 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44649
7 pseudogene 80.75345 80.75409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010577 Gm18392 NCBI_Gene:100417062 MGI:5010577 pseudogene predicted gene, 18392
7 gene 80.86074 80.87868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99176 Zscan2 NCBI_Gene:22691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038797 MGI:99176 protein coding gene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 2
7 gene 80.89072 80.90127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919218 Wdr73 NCBI_Gene:71968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025722 MGI:1919218 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 73
7 gene 80.89369 80.89435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591271 Gm32112 NCBI_Gene:102634563 MGI:5591271 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32112
7 gene 80.90223 80.91368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915289 Nmb NCBI_Gene:68039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025723 MGI:1915289 protein coding gene neuromedin B
7 gene 80.90489 80.94778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929464 Sec11a NCBI_Gene:56529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025724 MGI:1929464 protein coding gene SEC11 homolog A, signal peptidase complex subunit
7 pseudogene 80.90783 80.90815 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801768 Gm16171 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081372 MGI:3801768 pseudogene predicted gene 16171
7 gene 80.91037 80.91417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804833 Gm45718 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109390 MGI:5804833 unclassified gene predicted gene 45718
7 gene 80.95641 80.98143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591337 Gm32178 NCBI_Gene:102634642 MGI:5591337 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32178
7 pseudogene 80.97988 80.98129 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010967 Gm18782 NCBI_Gene:100417720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109367 MGI:5010967 pseudogene predicted gene, 18782
7 gene 80.98085 80.99341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753475 Gm44899 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109008 MGI:5753475 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44899
7 gene 80.99368 81.04516 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443541 Zfp592 NCBI_Gene:233410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005621 MGI:2443541 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 592
7 gene 80.99468 80.99531 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753543 Gm44967 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109302 MGI:5753543 unclassified gene predicted gene 44967
7 gene 81.05747 81.10561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2151224 Alpk3 NCBI_Gene:116904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038763 MGI:2151224 protein coding gene alpha-kinase 3
7 gene 81.05911 81.06631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801726 Platr32 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085194 MGI:3801726 lncRNA gene pluripotency associated transcript 32
7 gene 81.11327 81.17042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3605073 Slc28a1 NCBI_Gene:434203,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025726 MGI:3605073 protein coding gene solute carrier family 28 (sodium-coupled nucleoside transporter), member 1
7 pseudogene 81.16127 81.16175 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648526 Ndufs6b NCBI_Gene:623286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083820 MGI:3648526 pseudogene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S6B
7 gene 81.20501 81.21088 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753544 Gm44968 NCBI_Gene:108167441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109323 MGI:5753544 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44968
7 gene 81.21219 81.21317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921473 1700023D08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700023D08 gene
7 gene 81.21360 81.33453 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277116 Pde8a NCBI_Gene:18584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025584 MGI:1277116 protein coding gene phosphodiesterase 8A
7 pseudogene 81.22206 81.22289 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648560 Gm7180 NCBI_Gene:636544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083774 MGI:3648560 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7180
7 gene 81.34273 81.34525 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1309526 Rps17 NCBI_Gene:20068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061787 MGI:1309526 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S17
7 gene 81.34703 81.45694 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108442 Cpeb1 NCBI_Gene:12877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025586 MGI:108442 protein coding gene cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1
7 pseudogene 81.38871 81.38962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011107 Gm18922 NCBI_Gene:100417965 MGI:5011107 pseudogene predicted gene, 18922
7 pseudogene 81.44590 81.44673 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783074 Rpl7a-ps9 NCBI_Gene:623355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081747 MGI:3783074 pseudogene ribosomal protein L7A, pseudogene 9
7 gene 81.45589 81.45801 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922988 Cpeb1os1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109401 MGI:1922988 unclassified gene cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1, opposite strand 1
7 gene 81.46040 81.49404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100869 Ap3b2 NCBI_Gene:11775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062444 MGI:1100869 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 3, beta 2 subunit
7 gene 81.49427 81.49837 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3510776 BC048679 NCBI_Gene:210321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061877 MGI:3510776 protein coding gene cDNA sequence BC048679
7 gene 81.50130 81.50518 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825628 Gm45991 NCBI_Gene:108167442 MGI:5825628 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45991
7 gene 81.52355 81.53150 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920242 2900076A07Rik NCBI_Gene:100504421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097277 MGI:1920242 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2900076A07 gene
7 gene 81.52985 81.52999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3837345 Mir1839 miRBase:MI0009991,NCBI_Gene:100316717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093107 MGI:3837345 miRNA gene microRNA 1839
7 gene 81.53031 81.53252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611057 Gm37829 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104453 MGI:5611057 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37829
7 gene 81.53331 81.56698 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444310 Fsd2 NCBI_Gene:244091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038663 MGI:2444310 protein coding gene fibronectin type III and SPRY domain containing 2
7 gene 81.57122 81.59684 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142282 Whamm NCBI_Gene:434204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045795 MGI:2142282 protein coding gene WAS protein homolog associated with actin, golgi membranes and microtubules
7 gene 81.59089 81.59203 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804813 Gm45698 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109428 MGI:5804813 unclassified gene predicted gene 45698
7 gene 81.60048 81.70753 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347354 Homer2 NCBI_Gene:26557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025813 MGI:1347354 protein coding gene homer scaffolding protein 2
7 gene 81.61011 81.61417 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753146 Gm44570 NCBI_Gene:108167443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109194 MGI:5753146 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44570
7 gene 81.66973 81.66984 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455926 Gm26149 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088057 MGI:5455926 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26149
7 gene 81.70815 81.71687 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591738 Gm32579 NCBI_Gene:102635176 MGI:5591738 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32579
7 gene 81.73140 81.73763 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625285 Gm42400 NCBI_Gene:105247272 MGI:5625285 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42400
7 pseudogene 81.74235 81.74432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010991 Gm18806 NCBI_Gene:100417751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109519 MGI:5010991 pseudogene predicted gene, 18806
7 gene 81.76292 81.76949 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914398 Ramac NCBI_Gene:67148,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038646 MGI:1914398 protein coding gene RNA guanine-7 methyltransferase activating subunit
7 gene 81.78028 81.79047 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914540 3110040N11Rik NCBI_Gene:67290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025102 MGI:1914540 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 3110040N11 gene
7 gene 81.78948 81.79469 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753592 Gm45016 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109485 MGI:5753592 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45016
7 gene 81.78974 81.79032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804960 Gm45845 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109427 MGI:5804960 unclassified gene predicted gene 45845
7 gene 81.79207 81.82950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933765 Btbd1 NCBI_Gene:83962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025103 MGI:1933765 protein coding gene BTB (POZ) domain containing 1
7 gene 81.83166 81.84906 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591854 Gm32695 NCBI_Gene:102635324 MGI:5591854 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32695
7 gene 81.85553 81.85579 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642884 Gm10160 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066378 MGI:3642884 protein coding gene predicted gene 10160
7 gene 81.85900 81.88443 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933209 Tm6sf1 NCBI_Gene:107769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038623 MGI:1933209 protein coding gene transmembrane 6 superfamily member 1
7 gene 81.86029 81.86253 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753590 Gm45014 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109110 MGI:5753590 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45014
7 gene 81.87420 81.87652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804982 Gm45867 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109243 MGI:5804982 unclassified gene predicted gene 45867
7 gene 81.88125 81.93447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352760 Hdgfl3 NCBI_Gene:29877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025104 MGI:1352760 protein coding gene HDGF like 3
7 gene 81.91894 81.92035 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753664 Gm45088 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109090 MGI:5753664 unclassified gene predicted gene 45088
7 gene 81.93407 82.01593 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825650 Gm46013 NCBI_Gene:108167484 MGI:5825650 protein coding gene predicted gene, 46013
7 gene 81.96571 81.96583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455684 Gm25907 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089111 MGI:5455684 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25907
7 gene 81.96666 81.99230 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1097164 Bnc1 NCBI_Gene:12173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025105 MGI:1097164 protein coding gene basonuclin 1
7 pseudogene 81.99200 81.99262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921157 4833418N17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052779 MGI:1921157 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 4833418N17 gene
7 gene 82.07039 82.08176 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434100 Gm20744 NCBI_Gene:434205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109145 MGI:5434100 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20744
7 gene 82.11577 82.12043 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753632 Gm45056 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108987 MGI:5753632 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45056
7 gene 82.11983 82.16172 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592009 Gm32850 NCBI_Gene:102635543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108868 MGI:5592009 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32850
7 gene 82.15588 82.15702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753666 Gm45090 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108845 MGI:5753666 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45090
7 gene 82.17266 82.17470 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753665 Gm45089 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109140 MGI:5753665 unclassified gene predicted gene 45089
7 gene 82.17384 82.30742 positive MGI_C57BL6J_700011 Sh3gl3 NCBI_Gene:20408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030638 MGI:700011 protein coding gene SH3-domain GRB2-like 3
7 gene 82.23620 82.25466 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592062 Gm32903 NCBI_Gene:102635613 MGI:5592062 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32903
7 gene 82.33539 82.61445 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028499 Adamtsl3 NCBI_Gene:269959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070469 MGI:3028499 protein coding gene ADAMTS-like 3
7 gene 82.34227 82.34334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753495 Gm44919 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109479 MGI:5753495 unclassified gene predicted gene 44919
7 gene 82.63296 82.64857 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914618 Saxo2 NCBI_Gene:330577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038570 MGI:1914618 protein coding gene stabilizer of axonemal microtubules 2
7 gene 82.64861 82.77785 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141969 Efl1 NCBI_Gene:101592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038563 MGI:2141969 protein coding gene elongation factor like GTPase 1
7 pseudogene 82.67755 82.67807 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753493 Gm44917 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108855 MGI:5753493 pseudogene predicted gene 44917
7 gene 82.69540 82.69827 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804922 Gm45807 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108991 MGI:5804922 unclassified gene predicted gene 45807
7 gene 82.70846 82.70882 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918844 9130009I01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9130009I01 gene
7 gene 82.71559 82.71779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753492 Gm44916 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108984 MGI:5753492 unclassified gene predicted gene 44916
7 gene 82.74335 82.75564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921308 4933406J10Rik NCBI_Gene:77800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086690 MGI:1921308 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933406J10 gene
7 gene 82.75487 82.75498 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4422017 n-R5s154 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084462 MGI:4422017 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 154
7 gene 82.81090 82.82344 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588955 Gm29796 NCBI_Gene:101056204 MGI:5588955 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29796
7 gene 82.83139 82.86707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595743 Gm36584 NCBI_Gene:102640547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109383 MGI:5595743 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36584
7 gene 82.85013 82.86158 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916583 1700010L04Rik NCBI_Gene:619808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030636 MGI:1916583 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700010L04 gene
7 gene 82.86733 82.87158 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918252 Mex3b NCBI_Gene:108797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057706 MGI:1918252 protein coding gene mex3 RNA binding family member B
7 gene 82.93794 82.97139 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918535 4933430H16Rik NCBI_Gene:71285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109106 MGI:1918535 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933430H16 gene
7 gene 82.94539 82.95132 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825629 Gm45992 NCBI_Gene:108167444 MGI:5825629 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45992
7 pseudogene 82.96639 82.96731 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643615 Gm6112 NCBI_Gene:619909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109541 MGI:3643615 pseudogene predicted gene 6112
7 gene 82.99483 82.99497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452711 Gm22934 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077149 MGI:5452711 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22934
7 gene 83.03738 83.04817 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595976 Gm36817 NCBI_Gene:102640848 MGI:5595976 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36817
7 gene 83.06178 83.17943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3687211 A530021J07Rik NCBI_Gene:330578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053528 MGI:3687211 lncRNA gene Riken cDNA A530021J07 gene
7 gene 83.17857 83.20159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925322 5930435M05Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108861 MGI:1925322 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5930435M05 gene
7 pseudogene 83.23454 83.23488 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753421 Gm44845 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109335 MGI:5753421 pseudogene predicted gene 44845
7 gene 83.32774 83.36943 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753300 Gm44724 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109506 MGI:5753300 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44724
7 gene 83.34127 83.38319 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589135 Gm29976 NCBI_Gene:102631706 MGI:5589135 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29976
7 gene 83.37914 83.38314 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753299 Gm44723 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109013 MGI:5753299 unclassified gene predicted gene 44723
7 pseudogene 83.41198 83.41459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643208 Gm7957 NCBI_Gene:100534347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108831 MGI:3643208 pseudogene predicted gene 7957
7 gene 83.47171 83.48547 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753567 Gm44991 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109042 MGI:5753567 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44991
7 gene 83.53619 83.55070 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642045 Gm10610 NCBI_Gene:100038384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094841 MGI:3642045 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10610
7 gene 83.58429 83.62685 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2669033 Tmc3 NCBI_Gene:233424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038540 MGI:2669033 protein coding gene transmembrane channel-like gene family 3
7 gene 83.59660 83.63193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4439562 Gm16638 NCBI_Gene:102631889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087088 MGI:4439562 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 16638
7 gene 83.63196 83.65313 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2156765 Stard5 NCBI_Gene:170460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046027 MGI:2156765 protein coding gene StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 5
7 gene 83.63337 83.63582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804953 Gm45838 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108825 MGI:5804953 unclassified gene predicted gene 45838
7 gene 83.64283 83.74627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1270855 Il16 NCBI_Gene:16170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001741 MGI:1270855 protein coding gene interleukin 16
7 gene 83.65958 83.66096 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917415 2310044K18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085080 MGI:1917415 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310044K18 gene
7 pseudogene 83.71089 83.71191 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933203 Phgdh-ps1 NCBI_Gene:83494,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109290 MGI:1933203 pseudogene 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 83.75588 83.75779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646150 Gm7964 NCBI_Gene:666170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063902 MGI:3646150 pseudogene predicted gene 7964
7 gene 83.77410 83.79802 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922806 Cfap161 NCBI_Gene:75556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011154 MGI:1922806 protein coding gene cilia and flagella associated protein 161
7 gene 83.80042 83.83460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753569 Gm44993 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109248 MGI:5753569 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44993
7 gene 83.81408 83.83835 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621928 Gm39043 NCBI_Gene:105242985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109450 MGI:5621928 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39043
7 pseudogene 83.86418 83.86553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920329 3110009M11Rik NCBI_Gene:73079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109163 MGI:1920329 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 3110009M11 gene
7 gene 83.86678 83.86878 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753107 Gm44531 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109552 MGI:5753107 unclassified gene predicted gene 44531
7 gene 83.87436 83.87792 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753106 Gm44530 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109452 MGI:5753106 unclassified gene predicted gene 44530
7 gene 83.87987 83.88434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891420 Tlnrd1 NCBI_Gene:80889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070462 MGI:1891420 protein coding gene talin rod domain containing 1
7 gene 83.88395 83.88519 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916829 2310034P14Rik NCBI_Gene:69579 MGI:1916829 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2310034P14 gene
7 gene 83.88447 83.90153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891421 Mesd NCBI_Gene:67943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038503 MGI:1891421 protein coding gene mesoderm development LRP chaperone
7 gene 83.89226 83.89640 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155171 Gm49493 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108878 MGI:6155171 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49493
7 gene 83.93286 84.08669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443629 Cemip NCBI_Gene:80982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052353 MGI:2443629 protein coding gene cell migration inducing protein, hyaluronan binding
7 gene 83.97018 84.02474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589599 Gm30440 NCBI_Gene:102632341 MGI:5589599 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30440
7 gene 84.10936 84.15189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917428 Abhd17c NCBI_Gene:70178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038459 MGI:1917428 protein coding gene abhydrolase domain containing 17C
7 gene 84.15199 84.26650 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477202 Gm26708 NCBI_Gene:102633347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097016 MGI:5477202 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26708
7 gene 84.15395 84.16491 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621929 Gm39044 NCBI_Gene:105242986 MGI:5621929 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39044
7 gene 84.17056 84.17072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451954 Gm22177 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092743 MGI:5451954 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22177
7 gene 84.20818 84.21051 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753402 Gm44826 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109381 MGI:5753402 unclassified gene predicted gene 44826
7 gene 84.22683 84.23292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753403 Gm44827 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109091 MGI:5753403 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44827
7 gene 84.24627 84.41019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107188 Arnt2 NCBI_Gene:11864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015709 MGI:107188 protein coding gene aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2
7 gene 84.32331 84.32341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455567 Gm25790 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065227 MGI:5455567 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25790
7 gene 84.33450 84.34787 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590032 Gm30873 NCBI_Gene:102632922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109341 MGI:5590032 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30873
7 gene 84.41135 84.41737 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621930 Gm39045 NCBI_Gene:105242987 MGI:5621930 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39045
7 gene 84.43028 84.45707 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590443 Gm31284 NCBI_Gene:102633466 MGI:5590443 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31284
7 gene 84.43599 84.43923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753509 Gm44933 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108864 MGI:5753509 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44933
7 gene 84.44283 84.44455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753751 Gm45175 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109347 MGI:5753751 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45175
7 pseudogene 84.48188 84.48269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010056 Gm17871 NCBI_Gene:100416013 MGI:5010056 pseudogene predicted gene, 17871
7 gene 84.52895 84.58353 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780284 Gm2115 NCBI_Gene:100039239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097789 MGI:3780284 protein coding gene predicted gene 2115
7 gene 84.55419 84.55725 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753750 Gm45174 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109422 MGI:5753750 unclassified gene predicted gene 45174
7 gene 84.57572 84.57584 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753504 Gm44928 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109513 MGI:5753504 unclassified gene predicted gene 44928
7 gene 84.58516 84.60672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95482 Fah NCBI_Gene:14085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030630 MGI:95482 protein coding gene fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase
7 gene 84.61377 84.68996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929510 Zfand6 NCBI_Gene:65098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030629 MGI:1929510 protein coding gene zinc finger, AN1-type domain 6
7 gene 84.68964 84.77905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919745 2610206C17Rik NCBI_Gene:72495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085236 MGI:1919745 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2610206C17 gene
7 pseudogene 84.80103 84.80404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011143 Gm18958 NCBI_Gene:100418081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092429 MGI:5011143 pseudogene predicted gene, 18958
7 pseudogene 84.81039 84.81143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757998 Vmn2r-ps62 NCBI_Gene:100124558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092217 MGI:3757998 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 62
7 pseudogene 84.83436 84.84169 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643981 Gm6155 NCBI_Gene:620480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068629 MGI:3643981 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6155
7 gene 84.85355 84.85961 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030125 Olfr291 NCBI_Gene:258410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070460 MGI:3030125 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 291
7 pseudogene 84.87820 84.87837 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757999 Vmn2r-ps63 NCBI_Gene:100124559 MGI:3757999 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 63
7 pseudogene 84.87912 84.88466 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645629 Gm8018 NCBI_Gene:100418036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092425 MGI:3645629 pseudogene predicted gene 8018
7 gene 84.91308 84.92086 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030124 Olfr290 NCBI_Gene:258411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070459 MGI:3030124 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 290
7 pseudogene 84.91938 84.92050 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010745 Gm18560 NCBI_Gene:100417361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092214 MGI:5010745 pseudogene predicted gene, 18560
7 gene 84.93556 84.96412 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642776 Vmn2r65 NCBI_Gene:100009609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066372 MGI:3642776 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 65
7 pseudogene 84.94845 84.94927 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010170 Gm17985 NCBI_Gene:100416229 MGI:5010170 pseudogene predicted gene, 17985
7 gene 84.98537 85.01227 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588220 Vmn2r66 NCBI_Gene:233437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094950 MGI:3588220 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 66
7 pseudogene 85.03403 85.03455 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3758005 Vmn2r-ps64 NCBI_Gene:100124560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092530 MGI:3758005 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 64
7 pseudogene 85.04177 85.04200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3758007 Vmn2r-ps65 NCBI_Gene:100124561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092422 MGI:3758007 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 65
7 pseudogene 85.05308 85.07094 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3758012 Vmn2r-ps66 NCBI_Gene:620641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092621 MGI:3758012 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 66
7 pseudogene 85.08395 85.08437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761308 Vmn2r-ps67 NCBI_Gene:100124562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092211 MGI:3761308 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 67
7 pseudogene 85.08877 85.09124 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010543 Gm18358 NCBI_Gene:100417008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092199 MGI:5010543 pseudogene predicted gene, 18358
7 gene 85.12697 85.15600 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643129 Vmn2r67 NCBI_Gene:620672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095664 MGI:3643129 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 67
7 pseudogene 85.19220 85.19317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761309 Vmn2r-ps68 NCBI_Gene:620683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092259 MGI:3761309 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 68
7 gene 85.22114 85.23778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648297 Vmn2r68 NCBI_Gene:620697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096861 MGI:3648297 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 68
7 pseudogene 85.26069 85.26133 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141879 Gm20414 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092562 MGI:5141879 pseudogene predicted gene 20414
7 pseudogene 85.28816 85.28961 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141880 Gm20415 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092313 MGI:5141880 pseudogene predicted gene 20415
7 pseudogene 85.30395 85.34289 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761310 Vmn2r-ps69 NCBI_Gene:670926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090773 MGI:3761310 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 69
7 gene 85.39383 85.41592 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761311 Vmn2r69 NCBI_Gene:330581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091006 MGI:3761311 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 69
7 pseudogene 85.47696 85.48202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010544 Gm18359 NCBI_Gene:100417009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092256 MGI:5010544 pseudogene predicted gene, 18359
7 pseudogene 85.48179 85.54732 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010545 Gm18360 NCBI_Gene:100417010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092467 MGI:5010545 pseudogene predicted gene, 18360
7 pseudogene 85.50130 85.50513 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753154 Gm44578 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108857 MGI:5753154 pseudogene predicted gene 44578
7 pseudogene 85.51185 85.51215 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761313 Vmn2r-ps70 NCBI_Gene:100124563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092431 MGI:3761313 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 70
7 gene 85.54841 85.56919 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761314 Vmn2r70 NCBI_Gene:670940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090806 MGI:3761314 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 70
7 gene 85.56309 85.62468 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646472 Vmn2r71 NCBI_Gene:233445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091205 MGI:3646472 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 71
7 pseudogene 85.57467 85.58234 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761316 Vmn2r-ps71 NCBI_Gene:100124564 MGI:3761316 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 71
7 pseudogene 85.58965 85.59056 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761317 Vmn2r-ps72 NCBI_Gene:666358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092533 MGI:3761317 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 72
7 pseudogene 85.69636 85.71321 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761318 Vmn2r-ps73 NCBI_Gene:100125321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092567 MGI:3761318 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 73
7 pseudogene 85.71226 85.71314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761319 Vmn2r-ps74 NCBI_Gene:666361 MGI:3761319 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 74
7 gene 85.73594 85.75510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647591 Vmn2r72 NCBI_Gene:244114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051877 MGI:3647591 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 72
7 pseudogene 85.78502 85.78567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010964 Gm18779 NCBI_Gene:100417717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092426 MGI:5010964 pseudogene predicted gene, 18779
7 pseudogene 85.78817 85.78965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010539 Gm18354 NCBI_Gene:100416998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092410 MGI:5010539 pseudogene predicted gene, 18354
7 pseudogene 85.79831 85.79896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761320 Vmn2r-ps75 NCBI_Gene:100124565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092179 MGI:3761320 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 75
7 pseudogene 85.81545 85.81619 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761321 Vmn2r-ps76 NCBI_Gene:100124566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092307 MGI:3761321 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 76
7 pseudogene 85.82191 85.82226 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761322 Vmn2r-ps77 NCBI_Gene:100124567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092287 MGI:3761322 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 77
7 gene 85.85067 85.87627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646433 Vmn2r73 NCBI_Gene:620928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070458 MGI:3646433 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 73
7 pseudogene 85.88444 85.88479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761323 Vmn2r-ps78 NCBI_Gene:100124568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092440 MGI:3761323 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 78
7 gene 85.94461 85.96163 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643877 Vmn2r74 NCBI_Gene:546980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090774 MGI:3643877 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 74
7 pseudogene 85.96702 85.96739 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761324 Vmn2r-ps79 NCBI_Gene:100124569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092263 MGI:3761324 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 79
7 pseudogene 85.98687 85.99962 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761325 Vmn2r-ps80 NCBI_Gene:666382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092529 MGI:3761325 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 80
7 pseudogene 86.02669 86.02761 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761326 Vmn2r-ps81 NCBI_Gene:637652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092608 MGI:3761326 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 81
7 pseudogene 86.05324 86.06346 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761327 Vmn2r-ps82 NCBI_Gene:637667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092330 MGI:3761327 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 82
7 pseudogene 86.07315 86.08378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761328 Vmn2r-ps83 NCBI_Gene:666418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092357 MGI:3761328 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 83
7 pseudogene 86.12633 86.12729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761329 Vmn2r-ps84 NCBI_Gene:100039471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092532 MGI:3761329 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 84
7 gene 86.14529 86.17178 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648311 Vmn2r75 NCBI_Gene:546981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090436 MGI:3648311 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 75
7 pseudogene 86.18120 86.18214 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761330 Vmn2r-ps85 NCBI_Gene:100124570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092587 MGI:3761330 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 85
7 pseudogene 86.18568 86.18660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761331 Vmn2r-ps86 NCBI_Gene:621096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092419 MGI:3761331 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 86
7 gene 86.20202 86.24631 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761332 Vmn2r76 NCBI_Gene:675969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091239 MGI:3761332 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 76
7 gene 86.26849 86.27717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030144 Olfr310 NCBI_Gene:258222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057540 MGI:3030144 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 310
7 pseudogene 86.29864 86.29889 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141945 Gm20480 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092197 MGI:5141945 pseudogene predicted gene 20480
7 gene 86.29866 86.29876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452969 Gm23192 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076389 MGI:5452969 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23192
7 gene 86.30447 86.31371 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030143 Olfr309 NCBI_Gene:258196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054054 MGI:3030143 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 309
7 gene 86.31822 86.32563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030142 Olfr308 NCBI_Gene:258614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054498 MGI:3030142 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 308
7 gene 86.33218 86.33759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030141 Olfr307 NCBI_Gene:258610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055610 MGI:3030141 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 307
7 pseudogene 86.35298 86.35372 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030140 Olfr306-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092388 MGI:3030140 pseudogene olfactory receptor 306, pseudogene 1
7 gene 86.36085 86.36693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030139 Olfr305 NCBI_Gene:258609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055571 MGI:3030139 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 305
7 gene 86.38566 86.38666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030138 Olfr304 NCBI_Gene:258089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062426 MGI:3030138 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 304
7 gene 86.39181 86.39779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030137 Olfr303 NCBI_Gene:258612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039608 MGI:3030137 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 303
7 pseudogene 86.40277 86.40282 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791377 Gm45541 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110039 MGI:5791377 pseudogene predicted gene 45541
7 gene 86.40385 86.41402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030135 Olfr301 NCBI_Gene:257958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061549 MGI:3030135 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 301
7 gene 86.41236 86.41255 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030136 Olfr302 NA NA protein coding gene olfactory receptor 302
7 pseudogene 86.43591 86.44526 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030134 Olfr300-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092401 MGI:3030134 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 300, pseudogene 1
7 gene 86.45992 86.46956 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030133 Olfr299 NCBI_Gene:257929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000020168 MGI:3030133 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 299
7 gene 86.48632 86.49248 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030132 Olfr298 NCBI_Gene:257905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062878 MGI:3030132 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 298
7 gene 86.51997 86.52850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030131 Olfr297 NCBI_Gene:258611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057067 MGI:3030131 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 297
7 pseudogene 86.54197 86.54816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010104 Gm17919 NCBI_Gene:100416107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092293 MGI:5010104 pseudogene predicted gene, 17919
7 pseudogene 86.55948 86.56268 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030130 Olfr296-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092372 MGI:3030130 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 296, pseudogene 1
7 gene 86.58386 86.59113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030129 Olfr295 NCBI_Gene:258850,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059319 MGI:3030129 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 295
7 gene 86.61564 86.61664 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030128 Olfr294 NCBI_Gene:257904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062042 MGI:3030128 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 294
7 gene 86.64906 86.66604 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030127 Olfr293 NCBI_Gene:257906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063394 MGI:3030127 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 293
7 gene 86.68833 86.69751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030126 Olfr292 NCBI_Gene:258613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060688 MGI:3030126 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 292
7 gene 86.71898 86.77605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858193 Folh1 NCBI_Gene:53320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001773 MGI:1858193 protein coding gene folate hydrolase 1
7 gene 86.79503 86.81514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643879 Vmn2r77 NCBI_Gene:546983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090949 MGI:3643879 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 77
7 pseudogene 86.85933 86.88579 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761334 Vmn2r-ps87 NCBI_Gene:637881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092195 MGI:3761334 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 87
7 gene 86.89030 86.89774 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621932 Gm39047 NCBI_Gene:105242991 MGI:5621932 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39047
7 pseudogene 86.90698 86.90793 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011388 Gm19203 NCBI_Gene:100418423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092376 MGI:5011388 pseudogene predicted gene, 19203
7 gene 86.91509 86.95531 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761335 Vmn2r78 NCBI_Gene:637896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091962 MGI:3761335 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 78
7 gene 86.99612 87.04494 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646882 Vmn2r79 NCBI_Gene:621430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090362 MGI:3646882 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 79
7 gene 87.11887 87.12098 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753501 Gm44925 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109334 MGI:5753501 unclassified gene predicted gene 44925
7 pseudogene 87.24201 87.24291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646402 Gm6230 NCBI_Gene:621477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108816 MGI:3646402 pseudogene predicted gene 6230
7 gene 87.24610 87.39871 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1354184 Nox4 NCBI_Gene:50490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030562 MGI:1354184 protein coding gene NADPH oxidase 4
7 gene 87.42477 87.49351 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98880 Tyr NCBI_Gene:22173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004651 MGI:98880 protein coding gene tyrosinase
7 gene 87.58398 88.13506 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351342 Grm5 NCBI_Gene:108071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049583 MGI:1351342 protein coding gene glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5
7 gene 87.58651 87.58672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924639 C030032F19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C030032F19 gene
7 pseudogene 87.69782 87.69911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010639 Gm18454 NCBI_Gene:100417212 MGI:5010639 pseudogene predicted gene, 18454
7 gene 87.77257 87.77439 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753502 Gm44926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108983 MGI:5753502 unclassified gene predicted gene 44926
7 gene 87.89075 87.89146 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753503 Gm44927 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108893 MGI:5753503 unclassified gene predicted gene 44927
7 gene 88.06306 88.06629 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753424 Gm44848 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109461 MGI:5753424 unclassified gene predicted gene 44848
7 gene 88.08281 88.08480 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753423 Gm44847 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108890 MGI:5753423 unclassified gene predicted gene 44847
7 gene 88.08719 88.08725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454026 Gm24249 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087947 MGI:5454026 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24249
7 gene 88.11916 88.12240 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753422 Gm44846 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108993 MGI:5753422 unclassified gene predicted gene 44846
7 gene 88.27802 88.31586 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109553 Ctsc NCBI_Gene:13032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030560 MGI:109553 protein coding gene cathepsin C
7 gene 88.27879 88.28353 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477016 Gm26522 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097423 MGI:5477016 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26522
7 gene 88.31148 88.31586 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753327 Gm44751 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109244 MGI:5753327 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44751
7 gene 88.34397 88.34410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455122 Gm25345 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077693 MGI:5455122 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25345
7 gene 88.34815 88.34906 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924892 C330001P17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C330001P17 gene
7 pseudogene 88.34931 88.35659 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780575 Gm2407 NCBI_Gene:100039756 MGI:3780575 pseudogene predicted gene 2407
7 gene 88.43027 88.49157 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919683 Rab38 NCBI_Gene:72433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030559 MGI:1919683 protein coding gene RAB38, member RAS oncogene family
7 pseudogene 88.44867 88.44923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783103 Gm15661 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080748 MGI:3783103 pseudogene predicted gene 15661
7 pseudogene 88.53040 88.53092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704295 Rps13-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100039924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069972 MGI:3704295 pseudogene ribosomal protein S13, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 88.57167 88.57286 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643325 Gm8183 NCBI_Gene:666598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098174 MGI:3643325 pseudogene predicted gene 8183
7 pseudogene 88.78192 88.78240 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648708 Gm6240 NCBI_Gene:621562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109135 MGI:3648708 pseudogene predicted gene 6240
7 gene 88.85304 88.86489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753720 Gm45144 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109278 MGI:5753720 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45144
7 gene 89.13971 89.40427 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920009 Tmem135 NCBI_Gene:72759,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039428 MGI:1920009 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 135
7 gene 89.21511 89.21710 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753280 Gm44704 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109576 MGI:5753280 unclassified gene predicted gene 44704
7 gene 89.29119 89.29130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454436 Gm24659 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094780 MGI:5454436 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24659
7 gene 89.29575 89.29586 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451948 Gm22171 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096631 MGI:5451948 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22171
7 gene 89.33837 89.34629 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753571 Gm44995 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109327 MGI:5753571 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44995
7 gene 89.38834 89.39132 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753572 Gm44996 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109199 MGI:5753572 unclassified gene predicted gene 44996
7 gene 89.40435 89.41313 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108520 Fzd4 NCBI_Gene:14366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049791 MGI:108520 protein coding gene frizzled class receptor 4
7 gene 89.42631 89.44193 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141898 AI314278 NCBI_Gene:101521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109311 MGI:2141898 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AI314278
7 gene 89.50778 89.52724 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923703 Prss23 NCBI_Gene:76453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039405 MGI:1923703 protein coding gene protease, serine 23
7 gene 89.51001 89.51187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916654 Prss23os NCBI_Gene:108167445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030623 MGI:1916654 antisense lncRNA gene protease, serine 23, opposite strand
7 gene 89.55237 89.56808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753640 Gm45064 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108875 MGI:5753640 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45064
7 pseudogene 89.60769 89.60889 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780714 Gm2546 NCBI_Gene:100040001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098019 MGI:3780714 pseudogene predicted gene 2546
7 gene 89.63210 89.63312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642744 A230065N10Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092071 MGI:3642744 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230065N10 gene
7 gene 89.63220 89.85436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916679 Me3 NCBI_Gene:109264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030621 MGI:1916679 protein coding gene malic enzyme 3, NADP(+)-dependent, mitochondrial
7 pseudogene 89.76141 89.76217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783186 Gm15744 NCBI_Gene:100502804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089938 MGI:3783186 pseudogene predicted gene 15744
7 gene 89.82722 89.82856 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804908 Gm45793 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109150 MGI:5804908 unclassified gene predicted gene 45793
7 gene 89.86615 89.90363 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918134 Ccdc81 NCBI_Gene:70884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039391 MGI:1918134 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 81
7 gene 89.91753 89.94122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96738 Hikeshi NCBI_Gene:67669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062797 MGI:96738 protein coding gene heat shock protein nuclear import factor
7 gene 89.95465 89.98142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95286 Eed NCBI_Gene:13626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030619 MGI:95286 protein coding gene embryonic ectoderm development
7 gene 89.96499 89.96539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753696 Gm45120 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109038 MGI:5753696 unclassified gene predicted gene 45120
7 gene 89.98072 90.04907 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442580 E230029C05Rik NCBI_Gene:319711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097585 MGI:2442580 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E230029C05 gene
7 gene 90.03057 90.03292 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753436 Gm44860 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109245 MGI:5753436 unclassified gene predicted gene 44860
7 gene 90.04270 90.04392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753437 Gm44861 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108897 MGI:5753437 unclassified gene predicted gene 44861
7 gene 90.04343 90.04752 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825630 Gm45993 NCBI_Gene:108167446 MGI:5825630 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45993
7 gene 90.05537 90.06351 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591323 Gm32164 NCBI_Gene:102634625 MGI:5591323 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32164
7 pseudogene 90.10722 90.10809 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644965 Gm5341 NCBI_Gene:384719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062235 MGI:3644965 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5341
7 gene 90.12482 90.12998 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925579 2310010J17Rik NCBI_Gene:78329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097162 MGI:1925579 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310010J17 gene
7 gene 90.13021 90.21346 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385902 Picalm NCBI_Gene:233489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039361 MGI:2385902 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein
7 gene 90.13249 90.13763 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753799 Gm45223 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109429 MGI:5753799 unclassified gene predicted gene 45223
7 gene 90.14595 90.15025 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753798 Gm45222 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109498 MGI:5753798 unclassified gene predicted gene 45222
7 gene 90.18593 90.18820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753797 Gm45221 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109005 MGI:5753797 unclassified gene predicted gene 45221
7 gene 90.20128 90.20379 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753796 Gm45220 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109279 MGI:5753796 unclassified gene predicted gene 45220
7 gene 90.22350 90.26578 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918255 Ccdc83 NCBI_Gene:75338,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030617 MGI:1918255 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 83
7 gene 90.29373 90.29385 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4422018 n-R5s155 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084480 MGI:4422018 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 155
7 gene 90.30221 90.41072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933366 Sytl2 NCBI_Gene:83671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030616 MGI:1933366 protein coding gene synaptotagmin-like 2
7 gene 90.42631 90.42867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917304 Ccdc89 NCBI_Gene:70054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044362 MGI:1917304 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 89
7 gene 90.44273 90.44838 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2675296 Crebzf NCBI_Gene:233490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051451 MGI:2675296 protein coding gene CREB/ATF bZIP transcription factor
7 gene 90.45070 90.45723 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913521 Tmem126a NCBI_Gene:66271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030615 MGI:1913521 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 126A
7 gene 90.45725 90.45888 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753483 Gm44907 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109216 MGI:5753483 unclassified gene predicted gene 44907
7 gene 90.46744 90.47600 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915722 Tmem126b NCBI_Gene:68472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030614 MGI:1915722 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 126B
7 gene 90.47618 92.44925 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1344351 Dlg2 NCBI_Gene:23859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052572 MGI:1344351 protein coding gene discs large MAGUK scaffold protein 2
7 pseudogene 90.81154 90.81216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753738 Gm45162 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109074 MGI:5753738 pseudogene predicted gene 45162
7 gene 90.87160 90.87278 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924466 A930002H02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109242 MGI:1924466 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930002H02 gene
7 gene 90.88544 90.88771 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753737 Gm45161 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109431 MGI:5753737 unclassified gene predicted gene 45161
7 gene 90.88707 90.94005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753735 Gm45159 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109125 MGI:5753735 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45159
7 gene 90.99531 90.99942 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753754 Gm45178 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109562 MGI:5753754 unclassified gene predicted gene 45178
7 gene 91.01574 91.01630 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621933 Gm39048 NCBI_Gene:105242994 MGI:5621933 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39048
7 gene 91.04900 91.05334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753755 Gm45179 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108956 MGI:5753755 unclassified gene predicted gene 45179
7 gene 91.12300 91.12321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530852 Gm27470 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098805 MGI:5530852 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27470
7 gene 91.12635 91.12655 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531042 Gm27660 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099001 MGI:5531042 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27660
7 gene 91.13184 91.13594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753752 Gm45176 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109239 MGI:5753752 unclassified gene predicted gene 45176
7 gene 91.13996 91.14227 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753753 Gm45177 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108819 MGI:5753753 unclassified gene predicted gene 45177
7 gene 91.15860 91.16100 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753758 Gm45182 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109387 MGI:5753758 unclassified gene predicted gene 45182
7 gene 91.24299 91.24310 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454329 Gm24552 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089271 MGI:5454329 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24552
7 gene 91.30469 91.30619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753759 Gm45183 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109353 MGI:5753759 unclassified gene predicted gene 45183
7 gene 91.34002 91.34279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753254 Gm44678 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108920 MGI:5753254 unclassified gene predicted gene 44678
7 gene 91.39258 91.39269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451857 Gm22080 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088216 MGI:5451857 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22080
7 gene 91.51911 91.52202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753255 Gm44679 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109320 MGI:5753255 unclassified gene predicted gene 44679
7 gene 91.56437 91.56729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753251 Gm44675 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109370 MGI:5753251 unclassified gene predicted gene 44675
7 gene 91.60896 91.61201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753252 Gm44676 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109217 MGI:5753252 unclassified gene predicted gene 44676
7 gene 91.62727 91.63101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753253 Gm44677 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109505 MGI:5753253 unclassified gene predicted gene 44677
7 gene 91.63524 91.63815 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753256 Gm44680 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109044 MGI:5753256 unclassified gene predicted gene 44680
7 gene 91.64771 91.64855 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753257 Gm44681 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109256 MGI:5753257 unclassified gene predicted gene 44681
7 gene 91.66715 91.66729 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453705 Gm23928 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064403 MGI:5453705 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23928
7 gene 91.68947 91.69021 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924862 C030038I04Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109037 MGI:1924862 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C030038I04 gene
7 gene 91.81617 91.81955 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753706 Gm45130 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109481 MGI:5753706 unclassified gene predicted gene 45130
7 gene 91.90806 91.91029 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753705 Gm45129 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108953 MGI:5753705 unclassified gene predicted gene 45129
7 gene 91.93277 91.96076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591512 Gm32353 NCBI_Gene:102634874 MGI:5591512 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32353
7 gene 92.06459 92.06717 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753707 Gm45131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109191 MGI:5753707 unclassified gene predicted gene 45131
7 gene 92.08109 92.08254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918245 4931412I15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108826 MGI:1918245 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4931412I15 gene
7 gene 92.09221 92.11951 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923095 4930567K12Rik NCBI_Gene:75845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109382 MGI:1923095 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930567K12 gene
7 gene 92.40818 92.41137 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926094 B230206I08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109574 MGI:1926094 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230206I08 gene
7 gene 92.43117 92.43385 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753777 Gm45201 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109031 MGI:5753777 unclassified gene predicted gene 45201
7 pseudogene 92.46923 92.47823 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590650 Gm31491 NCBI_Gene:102633738 MGI:5590650 pseudogene predicted gene, 31491

Interactive term

operm <- scan1perm(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=addcovar, n_perm=10, perm_Xsp=TRUE, chr_lengths=chr_lengths(gm$gmap))

summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01,  0.05, 0.1))))
names(summary_table) <- c("autosomes","X")
summary_table$significance.level <- rownames(summary_table)

rownames(summary_table) <- NULL

summary_table[c(3,1:2)] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
significance.level autosomes X
0.01 6.982212 7.141842
0.05 6.874186 7.119310
0.1 6.738819 7.089844
#summary_table<-data.frame(unclass(summary(operm, alpha=c(0.01,  0.05, 0.1))))

  for (i in 1:dim(out)[2]){
    #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/",colnames(out)[i],  "_lod.png"))
    #par(mar=c(5.1, 6.1, 1.1, 1.1))
    ymx <- maxlod(out) # overall maximum LOD score
    plot(out, gm$gmap, lodcolumn=i, col="slateblue", ylim=c(0, ymx+0.5))
    legend("topright", lwd=2, colnames(out)[i], bg="gray90")
    title(main = paste0(colnames(out)[i]," - ICI vs. PBS (with interactive)"))
    #for (j in 1: dim(summary_table)[1]){
    #  abline(h=summary_table[j, i],col="red")
    #  text(x=400, y =summary_table[j, i]+0.12, labels = paste("p=", row.names(summary_table)[j]))

print("with normal kinship")

[1] “with normal kinship”

outki <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=addcovar, kinship=kinship)

#plot_lod(outki,gm$gmap) <- outki-outka


print("with loco kinship")

[1] “with loco kinship”

outi <- scan1(pr.qc, covars["age.of.onset"], Xcovar=Xcovar, model="normal", addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=addcovar, kinship=K)

#plot_lod(outi,gm$gmap) <- outi-outa


out =

peaks<-find_peaks(out, gm$gmap, threshold=2.5, drop=1.5)

rownames(peaks) <- NULL
peaks[] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod ci_lo ci_hi
1 age.of.onset 7 88.122 2.737257 1.905 89.134
1 age.of.onset 15 58.949 2.712109 11.267 59.068
1 age.of.onset 18 21.155 4.753967 17.464 33.492
peaks_mbl <- list()
#corresponding info in Mb
for(i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
  lodindex <- peaks$lodindex[i]
  lodcolumn <- peaks$lodcolumn[i]
  chr <- as.character(peaks$chr[i])
  lod <- peaks$lod[i]
  pos <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == floor(peaks$pos[i]*1000)/1000 & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  ci_lo <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$ci_lo[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  ci_hi <- mapdf$pmapdf[which(mapdf$gmapdf == peaks$ci_hi[i] & mapdf$chr == peaks$chr[i])]
  peaks_mb=cbind(lodindex, lodcolumn, chr, pos, lod, ci_lo, ci_hi)
  peaks_mbl[[i]] <- peaks_mb
peaks_mba <-, peaks_mbl)
peaks_mba <-
#peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")] <- sapply(peaks_mba[,c("chr", "pos", "lod", "ci_lo", "ci_hi")], as.numeric)

rownames(peaks_mba) <- NULL
peaks_mba[] %>%
  kable(escape = F,align = c("ccccccc")) %>%
  kable_styling("striped", full_width = T) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold=TRUE)
lodindex lodcolumn chr pos lod ci_lo ci_hi
1 age.of.onset 7 143.090958 2.73725742624643 3.130432 145.321383
1 age.of.onset 15 103.427316 2.7121091032223 28.511549 103.636484
1 age.of.onset 18 39.715173 4.75396656197176 30.377812 58.542851
for (i in 1:nrow(peaks)){
#for (i in 1:1){
  #Plot 1
  marker = find_marker(gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i])
  #g <- maxmarg(pr.qc, gm$gmap, chr=peaks$chr[i], pos=peaks$pos[i], return_char=TRUE, minprob = 0.5)
  gp <- g[,marker]
  gp[gp==1] <- "AA"
  gp[gp==2] <- "AB"
  gp[gp==0] <- NA
  #png(filename=paste0("/Users/chenm/Documents/qtl/Jai/","qtl_effect_", i, ".png"))
  #par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 1.5, 0.6))
  plot_pxg(gp, covars[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], ylab=peaks$lodcolumn[i], sort=FALSE)
  title(main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")"), line=0.2)

  chr = peaks$chr[i]

# Plot 2
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar)
  #coeff <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], Xcovar=Xcovar)
  coeff <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar=addcovar, intcovar=addcovar, kinship=K[[chr]])
  blup <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar=addcovar, kinship=K[[chr]])

  #     gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1coeff])")
  #     )

       gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
       bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
       main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i]," [scan1blup])")
  #last_coef <- unclass(coeff)[nrow(coeff),1:3]
  #for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  #axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

 # Plot 3
  #c2effB <- scan1coef(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], model="binary", contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  #c2effBb <- scan1blup(pr.qc[,chr], covars[peaks$lodcolumn[i]], contrasts=cbind(a=c(-1, 0), d=c(0, -1)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]], addcovar = addcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  ##c2effB <- scan1coef(pr[,chr], cross$pheno[,peaks$lodcolumn[i]],Xcovar=Xcovar, contrasts=cbind(mu=c(1,1,1), a=c(-1, 0, 1), d=c(0, 1, 0)))
  #plot(c2effB, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  #plot(c2effBb, gm$gmap[chr], columns=1:2,
  #     bgcolor="gray95", legend="bottomleft", 
  #     main = paste("chr", chr=peaks$chr[i], "pos", peaks$pos[i], "(",peaks$lodcolumn[i],")")
  #     )
  ##last_coef <- unclass(c2effB)[nrow(c2effB),2:3] # last two coefficients
  ##for(t in seq(along=last_coef))
  ##  axis(side=4, at=last_coef[t], names(last_coef)[t], tick=FALSE)

  #Table 1
  chr = peaks_mba$chr[i]

  genesgss = query_genes(chr, start, end)

  rownames(genesgss) <- NULL
  genesgss$strand_old = genesgss$strand
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="+"] <- "positive"
  genesgss$strand[genesgss$strand=="-"] <- "negative"

  print(kable(genesgss[,c("chr","type","start","stop","strand","ID","Name","Dbxref","gene_id","mgi_type","description")], "html") %>% kable_styling("striped", full_width = T))

chr type start stop strand ID Name Dbxref gene_id mgi_type description
7 pseudogene 3.128146 3.144992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921199 Speer9-ps1 NCBI_Gene:73949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107956 MGI:1921199 pseudogene spermatogenesis associated glutamate (E)-rich protein 9, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 3.149991 3.151019 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588867 Gm29708 NCBI_Gene:101055669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118413 MGI:5588867 pseudogene predicted gene, 29708
7 gene 3.154658 3.169252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142124 AU018091 NCBI_Gene:245128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054753 MGI:2142124 protein coding gene expressed sequence AU018091
7 pseudogene 3.181089 3.181959 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781553 Gm3375 NCBI_Gene:100041503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107470 MGI:3781553 pseudogene predicted gene 3375
7 gene 3.211275 3.215876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918156 4921522E08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4921522E08 gene
7 gene 3.218626 3.218708 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3711323 Mir290a miRBase:MI0000388,NCBI_Gene:100049710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077815 MGI:3711323 miRNA gene microRNA 290a
7 gene 3.218638 3.218695 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562775 Mir290b miRBase:MI0025038,NCBI_Gene:102465789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106340 MGI:5562775 miRNA gene microRNA 290b
7 gene 3.218784 3.250159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2676630 Nlrp12 NCBI_Gene:378425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078817 MGI:2676630 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 12
7 gene 3.218919 3.219000 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3711324 Mir291a miRBase:MI0000389,NCBI_Gene:100049715,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078008 MGI:3711324 miRNA gene microRNA 291a
7 gene 3.219189 3.219270 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3711325 Mir292 miRBase:MI0000390,NCBI_Gene:100049711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078041 MGI:3711325 miRNA gene microRNA 292
7 gene 3.219198 3.219259 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562776 Mir292b miRBase:MI0025020,NCBI_Gene:102467000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104747 MGI:5562776 miRNA gene microRNA 292b
7 gene 3.219482 3.219560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3718464 Mir291b miRBase:MI0003539,NCBI_Gene:100124471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078032 MGI:3718464 miRNA gene microRNA 291b
7 gene 3.220343 3.220422 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3711326 Mir293 miRBase:MI0000391,NCBI_Gene:100049714,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078035 MGI:3711326 miRNA gene microRNA 293
7 gene 3.220641 3.220724 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3711327 Mir294 miRBase:MI0000392,NCBI_Gene:100049712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077903 MGI:3711327 miRNA gene microRNA 294
7 gene 3.220773 3.220841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3711328 Mir295 miRBase:MI0000393,NCBI_Gene:100049713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077886 MGI:3711328 miRNA gene microRNA 295
7 pseudogene 3.264278 3.265222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5295660 Gm20553 NCBI_Gene:257852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107413 MGI:5295660 pseudogene predicted gene, 20553
7 pseudogene 3.284595 3.285474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779484 Gm5340 NCBI_Gene:384710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108105 MGI:3779484 pseudogene predicted gene 5340
7 gene 3.289038 3.300442 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1355332 Myadm NCBI_Gene:50918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068566 MGI:1355332 protein coding gene myeloid-associated differentiation marker
7 gene 3.289179 3.331099 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97597 Prkcg NCBI_Gene:18752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078816 MGI:97597 protein coding gene protein kinase C, gamma
7 gene 3.332024 3.368221 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1932374 Cacng7 NCBI_Gene:81904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069806 MGI:1932374 protein coding gene calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 7
7 gene 3.337545 3.337879 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924067 2700052C19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2700052C19 gene
7 gene 3.337545 3.337879 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690648 Gm44256 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107620 MGI:5690648 unclassified gene predicted gene, 44256
7 gene 3.378121 3.390080 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779977 Gm9567 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 9567
7 gene 3.378121 3.390080 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5690649 Gm44257 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107815 MGI:5690649 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 44257
7 gene 3.390683 3.415648 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1932376 Cacng8 NCBI_Gene:81905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053395 MGI:1932376 protein coding gene calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 8
7 gene 3.391596 3.400926 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5690543 Gm44151 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107862 MGI:5690543 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 44151
7 gene 3.415066 3.415156 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453227 Gm23450 NCBI_Gene:104795667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094210 MGI:5453227 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23450
7 gene 3.421665 3.423445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917480 3300002P13Rik NCBI_Gene:70230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107585 MGI:1917480 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 3300002P13 gene
7 gene 3.423580 3.435667 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859168 Cacng6 NCBI_Gene:54378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078815 MGI:1859168 protein coding gene calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 6
7 gene 3.451357 3.475833 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594196 Gm35037 NCBI_Gene:102638484,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107985 MGI:5594196 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35037
7 gene 3.467788 3.474974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825557 Gm45920 NCBI_Gene:105242840 MGI:5825557 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45920
7 gene 3.486499 3.502643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442280 Tarm1 NCBI_Gene:245126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053338 MGI:2442280 protein coding gene T cell-interacting, activating receptor on myeloid cells 1
7 gene 3.489611 3.491079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5690557 Gm44165 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107480 MGI:5690557 unclassified gene predicted gene, 44165
7 pseudogene 3.567731 3.568031 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753497 Gm44921 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108758 MGI:5753497 pseudogene predicted gene 44921
7 gene 3.589164 3.589264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454877 Gm25100 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095674 MGI:5454877 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25100
7 gene 3.591646 3.604150 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753496 Gm44920 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108644 MGI:5753496 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44920
7 gene 3.609813 3.616157 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2179720 Oscar NCBI_Gene:232790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054594 MGI:2179720 protein coding gene osteoclast associated receptor
7 gene 3.617373 3.620327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913341 Ndufa3 NCBI_Gene:66091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035674 MGI:1913341 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A3
7 gene 3.620324 3.629929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916964 Tfpt NCBI_Gene:69714,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006335 MGI:1916964 protein coding gene TCF3 (E2A) fusion partner
7 gene 3.629985 3.642486 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916238 Prpf31 NCBI_Gene:68988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008373 MGI:1916238 protein coding gene pre-mRNA processing factor 31
7 gene 3.631245 3.645455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801889 Gm15927 NCBI_Gene:102638607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085039 MGI:3801889 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15927
7 gene 3.645268 3.661109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385261 Cnot3 NCBI_Gene:232791,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035632 MGI:2385261 protein coding gene CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 3
7 gene 3.655962 3.656047 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4950392 Mir3572 miRBase:MI0018037,NCBI_Gene:100628594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093290 MGI:4950392 miRNA gene microRNA 3572
7 gene 3.660098 3.665840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917007 Leng1 NCBI_Gene:69757,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078813 MGI:1917007 protein coding gene leukocyte receptor cluster (LRC) member 1
7 gene 3.665754 3.677553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2669035 Tmc4 NCBI_Gene:353499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019734 MGI:2669035 protein coding gene transmembrane channel-like gene family 4
7 gene 3.666252 3.670278 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802090 Gm15929 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086032 MGI:3802090 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15929
7 gene 3.677789 3.693525 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924832 Mboat7 NCBI_Gene:77582,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035596 MGI:1924832 protein coding gene membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 7
7 gene 3.692863 3.701035 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913328 Tsen34 NCBI_Gene:66078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035585 MGI:1913328 protein coding gene tRNA splicing endonuclease subunit 34
7 gene 3.703954 3.706897 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924096 Rps9 NCBI_Gene:76846,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006333 MGI:1924096 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S9
7 gene 3.711409 3.720447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_894311 Pirb NCBI_Gene:18733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058818 MGI:894311 protein coding gene paired Ig-like receptor B
7 gene 3.731626 3.739949 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1195971 Pira1 NCBI_Gene:18722 MGI:1195971 protein coding gene paired-Ig-like receptor A1
7 pseudogene 3.731630 3.739889 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802148 Gm15922 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081665 MGI:3802148 polymorphic pseudogene predicted gene 15922
7 gene 3.733018 3.898125 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1276541 Pira11 NA NA protein coding gene paired-Ig-like receptor A11
7 pseudogene 3.755478 3.764108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3805554 Gm15930 NCBI_Gene:101055673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074418 MGI:3805554 pseudogene predicted gene 15930
7 pseudogene 3.786260 3.799631 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801830 Gm15925 NCBI_Gene:100502662,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080917 MGI:3801830 pseudogene predicted gene 15925
7 gene 3.816762 3.825942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705216 Gm15448 NCBI_Gene:100041146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074419 MGI:3705216 protein coding gene predicted gene 15448
7 gene 3.836808 3.845108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1195970 Pira2 NCBI_Gene:18725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089942 MGI:1195970 protein coding gene paired-Ig-like receptor A2
7 gene 3.838009 3.898079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1195975 Pira5 NA NA protein coding gene paired-Ig-like receptor A5
7 gene 3.838114 3.898092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1195988 Pira4 NA NA protein coding gene paired-Ig-like receptor A4
7 gene 3.838114 3.898120 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1195973 Pira7 NA NA protein coding gene paired-Ig-like receptor A7
7 pseudogene 3.860623 3.869264 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704277 Gm10693 NCBI_Gene:675749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074420 MGI:3704277 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10693
7 gene 3.884201 3.898159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3709645 Gm14548 NCBI_Gene:100038909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074417 MGI:3709645 protein coding gene predicted gene 14548
7 gene 3.908277 3.915585 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1195969 Lilra6 NCBI_Gene:18726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030427 MGI:1195969 protein coding gene leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (with TM domain), member 6
7 gene 3.928853 3.932849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753157 Gm44581 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108593 MGI:5753157 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44581
7 pseudogene 3.933518 3.934394 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753156 Gm44580 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108765 MGI:5753156 pseudogene predicted gene 44580
7 pseudogene 3.948645 3.983758 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781368 Gm3189 NCBI_Gene:100041186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108712 MGI:3781368 pseudogene predicted gene 3189
7 gene 3.981150 3.982877 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915478 1700095K22Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108505 MGI:1915478 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700095K22 gene
7 pseudogene 3.983724 3.984208 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646407 Gm7363 NCBI_Gene:664841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083344 MGI:3646407 pseudogene predicted gene 7363
7 pseudogene 3.993100 3.994506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802091 Gm15928 NCBI_Gene:102639554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082093 MGI:3802091 pseudogene predicted gene 15928
7 gene 4.003402 4.073507 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105492 Lair1 NCBI_Gene:52855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055541 MGI:105492 protein coding gene leukocyte-associated Ig-like receptor 1
7 gene 4.074125 4.120728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924573 9430041J12Rik NCBI_Gene:77323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086155 MGI:1924573 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9430041J12 gene
7 gene 4.101890 4.102060 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453518 Gm23741 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075719 MGI:5453518 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23741
7 gene 4.119408 4.136708 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1889007 Ttyh1 NCBI_Gene:57776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030428 MGI:1889007 protein coding gene tweety family member 1
7 gene 4.126340 4.136926 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3698136 D030047H15Rik NCBI_Gene:100037396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085886 MGI:3698136 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D030047H15 gene
7 gene 4.137039 4.148177 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142195 Leng8 NCBI_Gene:232798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035545 MGI:2142195 protein coding gene leukocyte receptor cluster (LRC) member 8
7 gene 4.147915 4.150374 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444509 Leng9 NCBI_Gene:243813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043432 MGI:2444509 protein coding gene leukocyte receptor cluster (LRC) member 9
7 gene 4.151260 4.164860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929745 Cdc42ep5 NCBI_Gene:58804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063838 MGI:1929745 protein coding gene CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 5
7 pseudogene 4.174082 4.177235 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645267 Gm5319 NCBI_Gene:384521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082782 MGI:3645267 pseudogene predicted gene 5319
7 pseudogene 4.177367 4.177520 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753383 Gm44807 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108641 MGI:5753383 pseudogene predicted gene 44807
7 pseudogene 4.207832 4.208668 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801890 Gm15926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083309 MGI:3801890 pseudogene predicted gene 15926
7 gene 4.237644 4.243690 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647196 Lilra5 NCBI_Gene:232801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070873 MGI:3647196 protein coding gene leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily A (with TM domain), member 5
7 pseudogene 4.257701 4.259515 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801851 Gm15923 NCBI_Gene:102639623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082042 MGI:3801851 pseudogene predicted gene 15923
7 gene 4.274124 4.284827 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1195974 Pira6 NA NA protein coding gene paired-Ig-like receptor A6
7 pseudogene 4.274189 4.282645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3805553 Gm15931 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081723 MGI:3805553 pseudogene predicted gene 15931
7 pseudogene 4.301348 4.301714 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753457 Gm44881 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108743 MGI:5753457 pseudogene predicted gene 44881
7 gene 4.337678 4.345164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336212 Ncr1 NCBI_Gene:17086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062524 MGI:1336212 protein coding gene natural cytotoxicity triggering receptor 1
7 pseudogene 4.359599 4.359776 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753589 Gm45013 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108667 MGI:5753589 pseudogene predicted gene 45013
7 gene 4.362853 4.397905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1889810 Gp6 NCBI_Gene:243816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078810 MGI:1889810 protein coding gene glycoprotein 6 (platelet)
7 gene 4.388452 4.388561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455126 Gm25349 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096075 MGI:5455126 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25349
7 gene 4.393011 4.393120 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454529 Gm24752 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095246 MGI:5454529 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24752
7 pseudogene 4.412323 4.413440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2151814 Atp6v0c-ps1 NCBI_Gene:545901,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108761 MGI:2151814 pseudogene ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit C, pseudogene 1
7 gene 4.424770 4.445846 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918732 Rdh13 NCBI_Gene:108841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008435 MGI:1918732 protein coding gene retinol dehydrogenase 13 (all-trans and 9-cis)
7 gene 4.441920 4.442015 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454382 Gm24605 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077965 MGI:5454382 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24605
7 gene 4.445697 4.471285 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782940 Gm15494 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091177 MGI:3782940 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15494
7 gene 4.460631 4.480487 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914675 Eps8l1 NCBI_Gene:67425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006154 MGI:1914675 protein coding gene EPS8-like 1
7 gene 4.467245 4.470884 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444655 D630041G03Rik NCBI_Gene:320749 MGI:2444655 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D630041G03 gene
7 gene 4.481519 4.502221 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924258 Ppp1r12c NCBI_Gene:232807,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019254 MGI:1924258 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 12C
7 gene 4.504569 4.516382 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333868 Tnnt1 NCBI_Gene:21955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064179 MGI:1333868 protein coding gene troponin T1, skeletal, slow
7 gene 4.518305 4.524229 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98783 Tnni3 NCBI_Gene:21954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035458 MGI:98783 protein coding gene troponin I, cardiac 3
7 gene 4.522933 4.532488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588207 Dnaaf3 NCBI_Gene:436022,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055809 MGI:3588207 protein coding gene dynein, axonemal assembly factor 3
7 gene 4.526536 4.530575 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802055 Gm15873 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085725 MGI:3802055 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15873
7 gene 4.539765 4.547695 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926368 Syt5 NCBI_Gene:53420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004961 MGI:1926368 protein coding gene synaptotagmin V
7 gene 4.548612 4.604041 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3026877 Ptprh NCBI_Gene:545902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035429 MGI:3026877 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, H
7 gene 4.580069 4.580178 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453354 Gm23577 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077138 MGI:5453354 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23577
7 pseudogene 4.611349 4.612484 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779873 Gm9463 NCBI_Gene:669557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108392 MGI:3779873 pseudogene predicted gene 9463
7 pseudogene 4.612412 4.613167 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011158 Gm18973 NCBI_Gene:100418059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108582 MGI:5011158 pseudogene predicted gene, 18973
7 gene 4.626978 4.630544 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753453 Gm44877 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108320 MGI:5753453 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44877
7 gene 4.628040 4.631422 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915505 Tmem86b NCBI_Gene:68255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045282 MGI:1915505 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 86B
7 gene 4.631495 4.659019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442163 Ppp6r1 NCBI_Gene:243819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052296 MGI:2442163 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunit 1
7 pseudogene 4.638517 4.639369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648447 Gm6855 NCBI_Gene:628211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108571 MGI:3648447 pseudogene predicted gene 6855
7 gene 4.658660 4.659954 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753454 Gm44878 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108477 MGI:5753454 unclassified gene predicted gene 44878
7 gene 4.660515 4.685123 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913495 Hspbp1 NCBI_Gene:66245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063802 MGI:1913495 protein coding gene HSPA (heat shock 70kDa) binding protein, cytoplasmic cochaperone 1
7 gene 4.690604 4.715997 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685946 Brsk1 NCBI_Gene:381979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035390 MGI:2685946 protein coding gene BR serine/threonine kinase 1
7 gene 4.706832 4.725251 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2679718 Tmem150b NCBI_Gene:330460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046456 MGI:2679718 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 150B
7 gene 4.738832 4.738933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454314 Gm24537 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088575 MGI:5454314 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24537
7 gene 4.738990 4.739994 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625254 Gm42369 NCBI_Gene:105247237 MGI:5625254 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42369
7 gene 4.740092 4.747514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385262 Kmt5c NCBI_Gene:232811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059851 MGI:2385262 protein coding gene lysine methyltransferase 5C
7 gene 4.751792 4.753094 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3044182 Cox6b2 NCBI_Gene:333182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051811 MGI:3044182 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B2
7 gene 4.753226 4.771365 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045311 Fam71e2 NCBI_Gene:243822,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092518 MGI:3045311 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 71, member E2
7 gene 4.772373 4.782859 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107613 Il11 NCBI_Gene:16156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004371 MGI:107613 protein coding gene interleukin 11
7 gene 4.781766 4.784341 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925302 Tmem190 NCBI_Gene:78052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013091 MGI:1925302 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 190
7 gene 4.784557 4.789656 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922935 Tmem238 NCBI_Gene:664968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030431 MGI:1922935 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 238
7 gene 4.792874 4.795066 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101839 Rpl28 NCBI_Gene:19943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030432 MGI:101839 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L28
7 gene 4.794546 4.812590 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925141 Ube2s NCBI_Gene:77891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060860 MGI:1925141 protein coding gene ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2S
7 gene 4.825551 4.844784 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3605641 Shisa7 NCBI_Gene:232813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053550 MGI:3605641 protein coding gene shisa family member 7
7 gene 4.841311 4.844985 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595286 Gm36127 NCBI_Gene:102639929 MGI:5595286 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36127
7 gene 4.844959 4.870258 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914691 Isoc2b NCBI_Gene:67441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052605 MGI:1914691 protein coding gene isochorismatase domain containing 2b
7 gene 4.866187 4.871785 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621824 Gm38939 NCBI_Gene:105242842 MGI:5621824 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38939
7 gene 4.877053 4.896973 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3609243 Isoc2a NCBI_Gene:664994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086784 MGI:3609243 protein coding gene isochorismatase domain containing 2a
7 gene 4.897698 4.907717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595369 Gm36210 NCBI_Gene:102640043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110221 MGI:5595369 protein coding gene predicted gene, 36210
7 gene 4.908886 4.912357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753559 Gm44983 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109441 MGI:5753559 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44983
7 pseudogene 4.908943 4.910687 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645265 Gm5320 NCBI_Gene:384524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108840 MGI:3645265 pseudogene predicted gene 5320
7 gene 4.915173 4.922003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2665174 Zfp628 NCBI_Gene:232816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074406 MGI:2665174 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 628
7 gene 4.918883 4.925006 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3039561 Nat14 NCBI_Gene:269854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035285 MGI:3039561 protein coding gene N-acetyltransferase 14
7 gene 4.925127 4.944828 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3606211 Ssc5d NCBI_Gene:269855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035279 MGI:3606211 protein coding gene scavenger receptor cysteine rich family, 5 domains
7 gene 4.940512 4.964470 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685925 Sbk2 NCBI_Gene:381836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030433 MGI:2685925 protein coding gene SH3-binding domain kinase family, member 2
7 gene 4.965247 4.983395 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685924 Sbk3 NCBI_Gene:381835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085272 MGI:2685924 protein coding gene SH3 domain binding kinase family, member 3
7 gene 4.983483 4.996158 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915740 Zfp579 NCBI_Gene:68490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051550 MGI:1915740 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 579
7 gene 5.007056 5.014728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1344336 Fiz1 NCBI_Gene:23877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061374 MGI:1344336 protein coding gene Flt3 interacting zinc finger protein 1
7 gene 5.014415 5.018493 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916740 Zfp524 NCBI_Gene:66056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051184 MGI:1916740 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 524
7 gene 5.015496 5.033097 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753549 Gm44973 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109129 MGI:5753549 protein coding gene predicted gene 44973
7 gene 5.020314 5.036768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442656 Zfp865 NCBI_Gene:319748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074405 MGI:2442656 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 865
7 gene 5.020553 5.060785 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385900 Ccdc106 NCBI_Gene:232821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035228 MGI:2385900 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 106
7 gene 5.034118 5.035246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924293 4632433K11Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116184 MGI:1924293 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4632433K11 gene
7 gene 5.034439 5.038446 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3606042 Zfp784 NCBI_Gene:654801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043290 MGI:3606042 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 784
7 gene 5.038440 5.048733 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825607 Gm45970 NCBI_Gene:108167404 MGI:5825607 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45970
7 gene 5.046946 5.057116 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782958 Gm15510 NCBI_Gene:102640192,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086604 MGI:3782958 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15510
7 gene 5.051532 5.053723 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916242 Zfp580 NCBI_Gene:68992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055633 MGI:1916242 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 580
7 pseudogene 5.054042 5.056000 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621826 Gm38941 NCBI_Gene:105242844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109549 MGI:5621826 pseudogene predicted gene, 38941
7 gene 5.056373 5.056837 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621825 Gm38940 NCBI_Gene:105242843 MGI:5621825 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38940
7 gene 5.059277 5.062049 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753709 Gm45133 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109274 MGI:5753709 unclassified gene predicted gene 45133
7 gene 5.061144 5.079945 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98886 U2af2 NCBI_Gene:22185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030435 MGI:98886 protein coding gene U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor (U2AF) 2
7 gene 5.080204 5.098179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333763 Epn1 NCBI_Gene:13854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035203 MGI:1333763 protein coding gene epsin 1
7 gene 5.109787 5.116950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2149590 Rfpl4 NCBI_Gene:192658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035191 MGI:2149590 protein coding gene ret finger protein-like 4
7 gene 5.124938 5.125950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104605 Rasl2-9 NCBI_Gene:19428,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083649 MGI:104605 protein coding gene RAS-like, family 2, locus 9
7 pseudogene 5.126699 5.129807 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6096800 Gm47692 NCBI_Gene:108167472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109495 MGI:6096800 pseudogene predicted gene, 47692
7 gene 5.127632 5.127715 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455994 Gm26217 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092953 MGI:5455994 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26217
7 gene 5.129291 5.149670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033474 Vmn1r55 NCBI_Gene:384522,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118215 MGI:3033474 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 55
7 gene 5.194916 5.196747 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033472 Vmn1r56 NCBI_Gene:81015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091874 MGI:3033472 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 56
7 gene 5.218493 5.221736 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646165 Vmn1r57 NCBI_Gene:665150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091652 MGI:3646165 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 57
7 pseudogene 5.263084 5.263304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753722 Gm45146 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109211 MGI:5753722 pseudogene predicted gene 45146
7 gene 5.277344 5.277450 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453719 Gm23942 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075906 MGI:5453719 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23942
7 gene 5.298547 5.351035 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3041206 Nlrp2 NCBI_Gene:232827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035177 MGI:3041206 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 2
7 pseudogene 5.304878 5.308134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010942 Gm18757 NCBI_Gene:100417676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109155 MGI:5010942 pseudogene predicted gene, 18757
7 gene 5.350537 5.360682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643170 Gm5065 NCBI_Gene:272350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048398 MGI:3643170 protein coding gene predicted gene 5065
7 pseudogene 5.353486 5.353857 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753723 Gm45147 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108904 MGI:5753723 pseudogene predicted gene 45147
7 gene 5.401681 5.413396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033473 Vmn1r58 NCBI_Gene:81014,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078808 MGI:3033473 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 58
7 pseudogene 5.414736 5.415131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753119 Gm44543 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109577 MGI:5753119 pseudogene predicted gene 44543
7 pseudogene 5.427924 5.428275 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852377 Vmn1r-ps39 NCBI_Gene:100312478 MGI:3852377 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 39
7 gene 5.450208 5.456774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033479 Vmn1r59 NCBI_Gene:404284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117744 MGI:3033479 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 59
7 pseudogene 5.460119 5.463500 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645676 Gm7025 NCBI_Gene:630071 MGI:3645676 pseudogene predicted gene 7025
7 gene 5.477255 5.493956 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645468 Vmn2r28 NCBI_Gene:665255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066820 MGI:3645468 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 28
7 gene 5.539346 5.547317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645244 Vmn1r60 NCBI_Gene:636697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118298 MGI:3645244 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 60
7 pseudogene 5.572729 5.573108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852380 Vmn1r-ps40 NCBI_Gene:100312479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092336 MGI:3852380 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 40
7 gene 5.601647 5.613295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779692 Vmn1r61 NCBI_Gene:636731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117863 MGI:3779692 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 61
7 pseudogene 5.654692 5.655637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852381 Vmn1r-ps41 NCBI_Gene:100312480 MGI:3852381 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 41
7 pseudogene 5.671569 5.672001 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780000 Gm9591 NCBI_Gene:673215 MGI:3780000 pseudogene predicted gene 9591
7 gene 5.673631 5.676663 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033471 Vmn1r62 NCBI_Gene:81016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092579 MGI:3033471 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 62
7 pseudogene 5.692818 5.694719 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781617 Gm3440 NCBI_Gene:100041627 MGI:3781617 pseudogene predicted gene 3440
7 pseudogene 5.728011 5.728611 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852382 Vmn1r-ps42 NCBI_Gene:100312481 MGI:3852382 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 42
7 pseudogene 5.759108 5.763417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753397 Gm44821 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109540 MGI:5753397 pseudogene predicted gene 44821
7 pseudogene 5.768255 5.769325 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781624 Vmn1r-ps43 NCBI_Gene:100041637 MGI:3781624 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 43
7 gene 5.802345 5.826229 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033470 Vmn1r63 NCBI_Gene:81017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058631 MGI:3033470 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 63
7 pseudogene 5.807013 5.807408 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753396 Gm44820 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109012 MGI:5753396 pseudogene predicted gene 44820
7 pseudogene 5.825644 5.826177 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852384 Vmn1r-ps44 NCBI_Gene:100312482 MGI:3852384 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 44
7 gene 5.883580 5.884542 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033480 Vmn1r64 NCBI_Gene:404285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118388 MGI:3033480 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 64
7 pseudogene 5.905019 5.905150 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5141864 Gm20399 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092393 MGI:5141864 pseudogene predicted gene 20399
7 pseudogene 5.929501 5.930455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852386 Vmn1r-ps45 NCBI_Gene:100312483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092580 MGI:3852386 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 45
7 pseudogene 5.966268 5.967219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781637 Vmn1r-ps46 NCBI_Gene:100041666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092271 MGI:3781637 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 46
7 gene 6.007750 6.011010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033475 Vmn1r65 NCBI_Gene:81013,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066850 MGI:3033475 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 65
7 pseudogene 6.019001 6.019512 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645266 Gm5321 NCBI_Gene:384525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064231 MGI:3645266 pseudogene predicted gene 5321
7 pseudogene 6.022661 6.023168 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647769 Gm5052 NCBI_Gene:269859 MGI:3647769 pseudogene predicted gene 5052
7 pseudogene 6.038752 6.039303 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621305 Gm38420 NCBI_Gene:100417215 MGI:5621305 pseudogene predicted gene, 38420
7 gene 6.039107 6.042654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918275 4933402C05Rik NCBI_Gene:71025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109197 MGI:1918275 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933402C05 gene
7 gene 6.040816 6.042950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753309 Gm44733 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109283 MGI:5753309 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44733
7 gene 6.045161 6.105150 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890518 Nlrp4c NCBI_Gene:83564,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034690 MGI:1890518 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 4C
7 pseudogene 6.116724 6.124731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010943 Gm18758 NCBI_Gene:100417677 MGI:5010943 pseudogene predicted gene, 18758
7 gene 6.131489 6.159550 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914359 Zfp787 NCBI_Gene:67109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046792 MGI:1914359 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 787
7 gene 6.136430 6.137695 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918572 4933431C10Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108923 MGI:1918572 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933431C10 gene
7 gene 6.155287 6.155450 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804956 Gm45841 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108894 MGI:5804956 unclassified gene predicted gene 45841
7 gene 6.156516 6.163584 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595530 Gm36371 NCBI_Gene:102640259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109108 MGI:5595530 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36371
7 gene 6.172226 6.193811 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923365 Zfp444 NCBI_Gene:72667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044876 MGI:1923365 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 444
7 gene 6.179975 6.183561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753724 Gm45148 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109165 MGI:5753724 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45148
7 gene 6.197090 6.216138 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2663979 Galp NCBI_Gene:232836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034660 MGI:2663979 protein coding gene galanin-like peptide
7 gene 6.222278 6.239423 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159640 Zscan5b NCBI_Gene:170734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058028 MGI:2159640 protein coding gene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 5B
7 gene 6.252637 6.282066 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643580 Epp13 NCBI_Gene:627821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053367 MGI:3643580 protein coding gene epididymal protein 13
7 gene 6.282839 6.283610 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753645 Gm45069 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108949 MGI:5753645 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45069
7 gene 6.286186 6.307883 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442757 Zfp667 NCBI_Gene:384763,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054893 MGI:2442757 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 667
7 gene 6.311404 6.331285 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2682297 Zfp583 NCBI_Gene:213011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030443 MGI:2682297 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 583
7 gene 6.342995 6.345193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621829 Gm38944 NCBI_Gene:105242847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109080 MGI:5621829 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38944
7 gene 6.343759 6.355956 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782026 Gm3854 NCBI_Gene:100416477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109398 MGI:3782026 protein coding gene predicted gene 3854
7 gene 6.362647 6.382605 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107783 Zfp78 NCBI_Gene:330463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055150 MGI:107783 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 78
7 gene 6.383295 6.396915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99175 Zfp28 NCBI_Gene:22690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062861 MGI:99175 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 28
7 gene 6.398715 6.432093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4365374 Smim17 NCBI_Gene:100042450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093536 MGI:4365374 protein coding gene small integral membrane protein 17
7 gene 6.399054 6.399636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826555 Gm16306 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089780 MGI:3826555 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16306
7 pseudogene 6.405175 6.405384 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826556 Gm16307 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090179 MGI:3826556 pseudogene predicted gene 16307
7 gene 6.410277 6.441691 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313162 Gm20715 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045929 MGI:5313162 protein coding gene predicted gene 20715
7 gene 6.438688 6.442161 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031178 Olfr1344 NCBI_Gene:257882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090824 MGI:3031178 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1344
7 pseudogene 6.446874 6.447131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031179 Olfr1345-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257846,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110323 MGI:3031179 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1345, pseudogene 1
7 gene 6.456168 6.466817 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031170 Olfr1336 NCBI_Gene:258917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048620 MGI:3031170 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1336
7 gene 6.467101 6.478112 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031180 Olfr1346 NCBI_Gene:258918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054938 MGI:3031180 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1346
7 gene 6.478322 6.487115 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106685 Olfr5 NCBI_Gene:18349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096228 MGI:106685 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 5
7 gene 6.486944 6.499755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031181 Olfr1347 NCBI_Gene:258383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034583 MGI:3031181 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1347
7 gene 6.499793 6.508748 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031182 Olfr1348 NCBI_Gene:258915,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093877 MGI:3031182 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1348
7 gene 6.512235 6.512342 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4422012 n-R5s150 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084654 MGI:4422012 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 150
7 gene 6.513269 6.522950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031183 Olfr1349 NCBI_Gene:269862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048067 MGI:3031183 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1349
7 pseudogene 6.533486 6.534511 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647021 Gm7587 NCBI_Gene:665328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109466 MGI:3647021 pseudogene predicted gene 7587
7 gene 6.564841 6.571401 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031184 Olfr1350 NCBI_Gene:258384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056696 MGI:3031184 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1350
7 gene 6.651748 6.662368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923887 Zim2 NCBI_Gene:76637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108113 MGI:1923887 lncRNA gene zinc finger, imprinted 2
7 gene 6.671269 6.672888 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913377 1110014L15Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1110014L15 gene
7 gene 6.671269 6.696541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341879 Zim1 NCBI_Gene:22776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002266 MGI:1341879 protein coding gene zinc finger, imprinted 1
7 gene 6.703892 6.730441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104748 Peg3 NCBI_Gene:18616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002265 MGI:104748 protein coding gene paternally expressed 3
7 gene 6.706760 6.707624 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5294921 Peg3os NCBI_Gene:100169889 MGI:5294921 antisense lncRNA gene Peg3 opposite strand
7 gene 6.730560 6.967220 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1888998 Usp29 NCBI_Gene:57775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051527 MGI:1888998 protein coding gene ubiquitin specific peptidase 29
7 gene 6.730598 6.730691 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531057 Gm27675 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098657 MGI:5531057 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27675
7 gene 6.742646 6.743700 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753438 Gm44862 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109131 MGI:5753438 unclassified gene predicted gene 44862
7 gene 6.753043 6.754464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753439 Gm44863 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109416 MGI:5753439 unclassified gene predicted gene 44863
7 gene 6.803587 6.803670 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4441433 Mir3099 miRBase:MI0004485,NCBI_Gene:100499513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092815 MGI:4441433 miRNA gene microRNA 3099
7 gene 6.805851 6.806457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753161 Gm44585 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109430 MGI:5753161 unclassified gene predicted gene 44585
7 gene 6.809001 6.811880 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753160 Gm44584 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109456 MGI:5753160 unclassified gene predicted gene 44584
7 gene 6.839824 6.840121 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452426 Gm22649 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092875 MGI:5452426 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22649
7 gene 6.891038 6.893774 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753162 Gm44586 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109082 MGI:5753162 unclassified gene predicted gene 44586
7 gene 6.900352 6.902036 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753163 Gm44587 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109094 MGI:5753163 unclassified gene predicted gene 44587
7 gene 6.955685 6.977420 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2151058 Zim3 NCBI_Gene:116811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108043 MGI:2151058 antisense lncRNA gene zinc finger, imprinted 3
7 gene 6.977208 7.003091 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1321119 Aurkc NCBI_Gene:20871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070837 MGI:1321119 protein coding gene aurora kinase C
7 pseudogene 6.977246 6.991087 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2151059 Zfp264 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109176 MGI:2151059 pseudogene zinc finger protein 264
7 pseudogene 7.061444 7.063452 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103109 Pafah1b1-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100418400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109177 MGI:103109 pseudogene platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, beta1 subunit, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 7.094417 7.098095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645353 Gm6828 NCBI_Gene:628030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109488 MGI:3645353 pseudogene predicted gene 6828
7 pseudogene 7.101217 7.104033 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781707 Gm3530 NCBI_Gene:100041822 MGI:3781707 pseudogene predicted gene 3530
7 pseudogene 7.106975 7.107910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753159 Gm44583 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108938 MGI:5753159 pseudogene predicted gene 44583
7 gene 7.114683 7.121488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917764 Zfp954 NCBI_Gene:232853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062116 MGI:1917764 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 954
7 gene 7.122160 7.123838 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753273 Gm44697 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108959 MGI:5753273 unclassified gene predicted gene 44697
7 gene 7.127073 7.136755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923623 Zfp773 NCBI_Gene:76373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063535 MGI:1923623 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 773
7 pseudogene 7.153687 7.154523 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757687 Vmn2r-ps35 NCBI_Gene:628048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110339 MGI:3757687 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 35
7 gene 7.171330 7.183562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444763 Zfp418 NCBI_Gene:232854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034538 MGI:2444763 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 418
7 gene 7.202117 7.209998 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385265 Zfp772 NCBI_Gene:232855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066838 MGI:2385265 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 772
7 gene 7.212996 7.278289 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923479 Vmn2r29 NCBI_Gene:76229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095730 MGI:1923479 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 29
7 gene 7.213017 7.278289 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804959 Gm45844 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110105 MGI:5804959 protein coding gene predicted gene 45844
7 pseudogene 7.265498 7.278267 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010375 Gm18190 NCBI_Gene:100416683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098900 MGI:5010375 pseudogene predicted gene, 18190
7 gene 7.282309 7.300870 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104571 Clcn4 NCBI_Gene:12727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000605 MGI:104571 protein coding gene chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 4
7 gene 7.295766 7.297137 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791467 Gm45631 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110243 MGI:5791467 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45631
7 gene 7.298891 7.298946 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453349 Mir5620 miRBase:MI0019188,NCBI_Gene:100885832,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093599 MGI:5453349 miRNA gene microRNA 5620
7 gene 7.310437 7.337609 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1316729 Vmn2r30 NCBI_Gene:22306,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070847 MGI:1316729 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 30
7 gene 7.311309 7.313382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791251 Gm45415 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109766 MGI:5791251 unclassified gene predicted gene 45415
7 gene 7.334149 7.374573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804898 Gm45783 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110139 MGI:5804898 protein coding gene predicted gene 45783
7 pseudogene 7.359871 7.374624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782085 Gm3912 NCBI_Gene:100042577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109654 MGI:3782085 pseudogene predicted gene 3912
7 gene 7.378251 7.399703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757688 Vmn2r31 NCBI_Gene:100042591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096373 MGI:3757688 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 31
7 pseudogene 7.417668 7.441299 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757689 Vmn2r-ps36 NCBI_Gene:665442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090849 MGI:3757689 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 36
7 gene 7.462096 7.480018 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1316696 Vmn2r32 NCBI_Gene:22311,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096743 MGI:1316696 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 32
7 pseudogene 7.493963 7.506912 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781740 Gm3563 NCBI_Gene:100041883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092314 MGI:3781740 pseudogene predicted gene 3563
7 pseudogene 7.527106 7.541606 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646304 Gm6842 NCBI_Gene:628117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109885 MGI:3646304 pseudogene predicted gene 6842
7 gene 7.550967 7.566786 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757694 Vmn2r33 NCBI_Gene:624512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096691 MGI:3757694 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 33
7 pseudogene 7.585300 7.596549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643736 Gm7648 NCBI_Gene:665470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092387 MGI:3643736 pseudogene predicted gene 7648
7 pseudogene 7.608627 7.614974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643732 Gm7651 NCBI_Gene:665474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092227 MGI:3643732 pseudogene predicted gene 7651
7 pseudogene 7.642141 7.645360 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757696 Vmn2r-ps37 NCBI_Gene:628368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092439 MGI:3757696 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 37
7 gene 7.670804 7.689513 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757700 Vmn2r34 NCBI_Gene:100042636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070841 MGI:3757700 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 34
7 pseudogene 7.706673 7.720205 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757702 Vmn2r-ps38 NCBI_Gene:665485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092173 MGI:3757702 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 38
7 pseudogene 7.754979 7.756125 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757703 Vmn2r-ps39 NCBI_Gene:100124551 MGI:3757703 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 39
7 gene 7.786151 7.819867 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646200 Vmn2r35 NCBI_Gene:625353,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096399 MGI:3646200 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 35
7 pseudogene 7.842898 7.858604 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757865 Vmn2r-ps40 NCBI_Gene:665495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092433 MGI:3757865 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 40
7 gene 7.875954 7.902495 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757866 Vmn2r36 NCBI_Gene:100042653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091651 MGI:3757866 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 36
7 pseudogene 7.914685 7.920811 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779700 Gm7230 NCBI_Gene:638170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092221 MGI:3779700 pseudogene predicted gene 7230
7 pseudogene 7.948288 7.964378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782151 Gm3978 NCBI_Gene:100042703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090968 MGI:3782151 pseudogene predicted gene 3978
7 pseudogene 7.975628 7.978155 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141903 Gm20438 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092619 MGI:5141903 pseudogene predicted gene 20438
7 pseudogene 7.982512 7.986446 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010385 Gm18200 NCBI_Gene:100416693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092294 MGI:5010385 pseudogene predicted gene, 18200
7 gene 7.984604 7.986453 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625255 Gm42370 NCBI_Gene:105247238 MGI:5625255 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42370
7 pseudogene 8.009397 8.035143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782248 Gm4073 NCBI_Gene:100042859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094736 MGI:3782248 pseudogene predicted gene 4073
7 pseudogene 8.035857 8.055842 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781851 Gm3675 NCBI_Gene:100042113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090482 MGI:3781851 pseudogene predicted gene 3675
7 gene 8.084946 8.093054 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919966 2810047C21Rik1 NCBI_Gene:105242405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092574 MGI:1919966 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2810047C21 gene 1
7 pseudogene 8.102368 8.115821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781841 Gm3665 NCBI_Gene:100042096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096668 MGI:3781841 pseudogene predicted gene 3665
7 gene 8.136950 8.161654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757876 Vmn2r41 NCBI_Gene:100042848,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090892 MGI:3757876 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 41
7 gene 8.182372 8.200320 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1316666 Vmn2r42 NCBI_Gene:22310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070844 MGI:1316666 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 42
7 gene 8.244348 8.260599 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3037819 Vmn2r43 NCBI_Gene:381838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053720 MGI:3037819 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 43
7 pseudogene 8.282049 8.291700 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781830 Gm3654 NCBI_Gene:102631555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092624 MGI:3781830 pseudogene predicted gene 3654
7 pseudogene 8.304225 8.325804 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757878 Vmn2r-ps45 NCBI_Gene:665571,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092452 MGI:3757878 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 45
7 pseudogene 8.351076 8.357905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649133 Gm7696 NCBI_Gene:665577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092447 MGI:3649133 pseudogene predicted gene 7696
7 gene 8.366164 8.383333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643088 Vmn2r44 NCBI_Gene:434113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094098 MGI:3643088 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 44
7 pseudogene 8.399201 8.422775 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757881 Vmn2r-ps46 NCBI_Gene:665582,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092441 MGI:3757881 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 46
7 pseudogene 8.434981 8.437646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643604 Gm7704 NCBI_Gene:665593 MGI:3643604 pseudogene predicted gene 7704
7 gene 8.469563 8.489075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757883 Vmn2r45 NCBI_Gene:100042810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090662 MGI:3757883 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 45
7 pseudogene 8.506302 8.519810 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757886 Vmn2r-ps47 NCBI_Gene:665598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092614 MGI:3757886 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 47
7 pseudogene 8.554565 8.555711 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757888 Vmn2r-ps48 NCBI_Gene:100124552 MGI:3757888 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 48
7 pseudogene 8.584976 8.610512 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757889 Vmn2r-ps49 NCBI_Gene:100042662,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092204 MGI:3757889 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 49
7 pseudogene 8.633547 8.649266 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781761 Gm3584 NCBI_Gene:100041942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092175 MGI:3781761 pseudogene predicted gene 3584
7 pseudogene 8.667317 8.693097 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782130 Gm3956 NCBI_Gene:100042673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090727 MGI:3782130 pseudogene predicted gene 3956
7 pseudogene 8.705323 8.711442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781762 Gm3585 NCBI_Gene:100041949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092264 MGI:3781762 pseudogene predicted gene 3585
7 pseudogene 8.738845 8.754923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782136 Gm3962 NCBI_Gene:100042681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091163 MGI:3782136 pseudogene predicted gene 3962
7 pseudogene 8.773326 8.777247 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010376 Gm18191 NCBI_Gene:100416684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092523 MGI:5010376 pseudogene predicted gene, 18191
7 pseudogene 8.801136 8.825685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757875 Vmn2r-ps44 NCBI_Gene:665552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096707 MGI:3757875 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 44
7 pseudogene 8.848146 8.850615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6098176 Gm48598 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110977 MGI:6098176 pseudogene predicted gene, 48598
7 pseudogene 8.854746 8.863258 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141947 Gm20482 NCBI_Gene:102632136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092490 MGI:5141947 pseudogene predicted gene 20482
7 pseudogene 8.872179 8.885651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757874 Vmn2r-ps43 NCBI_Gene:665539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092573 MGI:3757874 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 43
7 gene 8.906772 8.931435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757872 Vmn2r40 NCBI_Gene:100042781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090864 MGI:3757872 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 40
7 pseudogene 8.943730 8.943954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791366 Gm45530 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109978 MGI:5791366 pseudogene predicted gene 45530
7 pseudogene 8.953109 8.970092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757871 Vmn2r-ps42 NCBI_Gene:100042039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092611 MGI:3757871 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 42
7 gene 9.013806 9.030798 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704108 Vmn2r39 NCBI_Gene:545909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096658 MGI:3704108 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 39
7 pseudogene 9.058360 9.062754 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643847 Zfp419 NCBI_Gene:102636026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092312 MGI:3643847 pseudogene zinc finger protein 419
7 gene 9.073775 9.097881 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757869 Vmn2r38 NCBI_Gene:434110,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095773 MGI:3757869 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 38
7 pseudogene 9.117922 9.131137 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646061 Gm5583 NCBI_Gene:100534303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092575 MGI:3646061 pseudogene predicted gene 5583
7 pseudogene 9.143252 9.149393 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010386 Gm18201 NCBI_Gene:100416694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092620 MGI:5010386 pseudogene predicted gene, 18201
7 pseudogene 9.176914 9.180129 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757868 Vmn2r-ps41 NCBI_Gene:628128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092548 MGI:3757868 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 41
7 gene 9.205546 9.223653 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1316711 Vmn2r37 NCBI_Gene:22305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066828 MGI:1316711 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 37
7 pseudogene 9.240903 9.260423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782185 Gm4011 NCBI_Gene:100042754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092561 MGI:3782185 pseudogene predicted gene 4011
7 pseudogene 9.325750 9.350502 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781799 Gm3623 NCBI_Gene:100042009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092308 MGI:3781799 pseudogene predicted gene 3623
7 pseudogene 9.373547 9.389264 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781792 Gm3616 NCBI_Gene:100041998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096413 MGI:3781792 pseudogene predicted gene 3616
7 pseudogene 9.407312 9.432927 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012472 Gm20287 NCBI_Gene:100504559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092551 MGI:5012472 pseudogene predicted gene, 20287
7 pseudogene 9.445136 9.451256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781787 Gm3611 NCBI_Gene:100041989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092520 MGI:3781787 pseudogene predicted gene 3611
7 pseudogene 9.478413 9.501500 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782146 Gm3972 NCBI_Gene:100042695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090352 MGI:3782146 pseudogene predicted gene 3972
7 pseudogene 9.519901 9.523828 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010384 Gm18199 NCBI_Gene:100416692,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092584 MGI:5010384 pseudogene predicted gene, 18199
7 pseudogene 9.546769 9.572288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704281 Gm10302 NCBI_Gene:100042688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096294 MGI:3704281 pseudogene predicted gene 10302
7 pseudogene 9.642621 9.658337 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781859 Gm3683 NCBI_Gene:100042126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096293 MGI:3781859 pseudogene predicted gene 3683
7 pseudogene 9.676386 9.701998 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012530 Gm20345 NCBI_Gene:100504673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093519 MGI:5012530 pseudogene predicted gene, 20345
7 pseudogene 9.714207 9.716020 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781866 Gm3690 NCBI_Gene:100042139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109661 MGI:3781866 pseudogene predicted gene 3690
7 pseudogene 9.747772 9.747930 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757890 Vmn2r-ps50 NCBI_Gene:100125319 MGI:3757890 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 50
7 gene 9.747811 9.770571 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757899 Vmn2r46 NCBI_Gene:100042894,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090342 MGI:3757899 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 46
7 pseudogene 9.788326 9.792902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010377 Gm18192 NCBI_Gene:100416685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110306 MGI:5010377 pseudogene predicted gene, 18192
7 gene 9.791067 9.793047 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589641 Gm30482 NCBI_Gene:102632398 MGI:5589641 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30482
7 gene 9.816782 9.841325 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757929 Vmn2r47 NCBI_Gene:100042891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094107 MGI:3757929 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 47
7 gene 9.868880 9.876966 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791187 Gm45351 NCBI_Gene:72716,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092178 MGI:5791187 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45351
7 pseudogene 9.886278 9.899743 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757931 Vmn2r-ps51 NCBI_Gene:665625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094280 MGI:3757931 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 51
7 pseudogene 9.918252 9.918875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757932 Vmn2r-ps52 NCBI_Gene:100124553,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093681 MGI:3757932 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 52
7 pseudogene 9.918868 9.919143 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791239 Gm45403 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110003 MGI:5791239 pseudogene predicted gene 45403
7 pseudogene 9.919307 9.920301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645955 Gm5888 NCBI_Gene:545911 MGI:3645955 pseudogene predicted gene 5888
7 gene 9.927624 9.953585 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647749 Vmn2r48 NCBI_Gene:625580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095914 MGI:3647749 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 48
7 pseudogene 9.965845 9.971625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781878 Gm3702 NCBI_Gene:100042163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110108 MGI:3781878 pseudogene predicted gene 3702
7 gene 9.976245 9.992257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757933 Vmn2r49 NCBI_Gene:625605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096180 MGI:3757933 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 49
7 gene 10.035836 10.053296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643086 Vmn2r50 NCBI_Gene:434117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094606 MGI:3643086 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 50
7 pseudogene 10.074095 10.076577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646739 Gm6850 NCBI_Gene:628152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109796 MGI:3646739 pseudogene predicted gene 6850
7 gene 10.087198 10.105741 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757937 Vmn2r51 NCBI_Gene:100042921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058685 MGI:3757937 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 51
7 gene 10.153206 10.176573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3695443 Vmn2r52 NCBI_Gene:384534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091930 MGI:3695443 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 52
7 pseudogene 10.194345 10.205677 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313126 Gm20679 NCBI_Gene:100534300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093766 MGI:5313126 pseudogene predicted gene 20679
7 gene 10.272991 10.278006 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2159633 Vmn1r66 NCBI_Gene:171264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043066 MGI:2159633 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 66
7 pseudogene 10.278484 10.286840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648882 Vmn1r-ps47 NCBI_Gene:628521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093781 MGI:3648882 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 47
7 pseudogene 10.300488 10.301379 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648881 Vmn1r-ps48 NCBI_Gene:628525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093487 MGI:3648881 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 48
7 pseudogene 10.326266 10.326488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791238 Gm45402 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109949 MGI:5791238 pseudogene predicted gene 45402
7 pseudogene 10.344746 10.351671 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791236 Gm45400 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110255 MGI:5791236 pseudogene predicted gene 45400
7 pseudogene 10.355313 10.356236 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791237 Gm45401 NCBI_Gene:108167473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110098 MGI:5791237 pseudogene predicted gene 45401
7 gene 10.358841 10.388935 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3056574 Nlrp4d NCBI_Gene:384752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034122 MGI:3056574 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 4D
7 pseudogene 10.410671 10.414800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781901 Gm3726 NCBI_Gene:100042214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107520 MGI:3781901 pseudogene predicted gene 3726
7 gene 10.443331 10.449202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159632 Vmn1r67 NCBI_Gene:171263,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046716 MGI:2159632 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 67
7 pseudogene 10.468632 10.471316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589804 Gm30645 NCBI_Gene:102632618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118408 MGI:5589804 pseudogene predicted gene, 30645
7 gene 10.487224 10.495394 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108070 Zik1 NCBI_Gene:22775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030393 MGI:108070 protein coding gene zinc finger protein interacting with K protein 1
7 pseudogene 10.497986 10.498757 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010378 Gm18193 NCBI_Gene:100416686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110232 MGI:5010378 pseudogene predicted gene, 18193
7 gene 10.507398 10.558485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648262 Vmn1r68 NCBI_Gene:628580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047031 MGI:3648262 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 68
7 pseudogene 10.549539 10.550435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852387 Vmn1r-ps49 NCBI_Gene:100312496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093595 MGI:3852387 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 49
7 gene 10.578930 10.613659 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2182253 Vmn1r69 NCBI_Gene:252904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091662 MGI:2182253 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 69
7 pseudogene 10.604743 10.605208 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852388 Vmn1r-ps50 NCBI_Gene:100312497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111440 MGI:3852388 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 50
7 gene 10.631532 10.636530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159699 Vmn1r70 NCBI_Gene:171262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045340 MGI:2159699 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 70
7 pseudogene 10.650299 10.650618 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852391 Vmn1r-ps51 NCBI_Gene:100312498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093534 MGI:3852391 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 51
7 pseudogene 10.656306 10.656974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645052 Gm6900 NCBI_Gene:628596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093826 MGI:3645052 pseudogene predicted gene 6900
7 pseudogene 10.666766 10.667627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852396 Vmn1r-ps52 NCBI_Gene:100312499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093689 MGI:3852396 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 52
7 gene 10.687789 10.730168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3056570 Nlrp4b NCBI_Gene:210045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034087 MGI:3056570 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 4B
7 gene 10.716314 10.716862 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791215 Gm45379 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110034 MGI:5791215 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45379
7 pseudogene 10.735708 10.746302 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643063 Gm5130 NCBI_Gene:333184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109800 MGI:3643063 pseudogene predicted gene 5130
7 gene 10.744543 10.754364 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2182255 Vmn1r71 NCBI_Gene:252910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059206 MGI:2182255 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 71
7 pseudogene 10.780155 10.780718 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791274 Gm45438 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109747 MGI:5791274 pseudogene predicted gene 45438
7 pseudogene 10.794241 10.799065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3708481 Zscan4a NCBI_Gene:434555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110097 MGI:3708481 pseudogene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 4A
7 pseudogene 10.805222 10.806285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010966 Gm18781 NCBI_Gene:100417719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109924 MGI:5010966 pseudogene predicted gene, 18781
7 pseudogene 10.810780 10.821006 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645479 Gm7203 NCBI_Gene:637237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110402 MGI:3645479 pseudogene predicted gene 7203
7 pseudogene 10.845366 10.846192 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646001 Gm4903 NCBI_Gene:236479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110395 MGI:3646001 pseudogene predicted gene 4903
7 pseudogene 10.850759 10.851698 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646728 Gm7836 NCBI_Gene:665879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109683 MGI:3646728 pseudogene predicted gene 7836
7 pseudogene 10.881186 10.885254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010823 Gm18638 NCBI_Gene:100417481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109900 MGI:5010823 pseudogene predicted gene, 18638
7 gene 10.900740 10.905050 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645447 Zscan4b NCBI_Gene:665780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095339 MGI:3645447 protein coding gene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 4B
7 pseudogene 10.908911 10.909301 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791115 Gm45279 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109971 MGI:5791115 pseudogene predicted gene 45279
7 gene 10.958437 10.958512 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3619319 Mir297-1 miRBase:MI0000395,NCBI_Gene:723831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094316 MGI:3619319 miRNA gene microRNA 297-1
7 pseudogene 10.974348 10.975803 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648686 Gm7786 NCBI_Gene:665793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110111 MGI:3648686 pseudogene predicted gene 7786
7 pseudogene 10.988419 10.996362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648689 Gm7789 NCBI_Gene:665798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110186 MGI:3648689 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7789
7 pseudogene 11.001029 11.001941 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010307 Gm18122 NCBI_Gene:100416459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110346 MGI:5010307 pseudogene predicted gene, 18122
7 gene 11.005745 11.010547 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685243 Zscan4c NCBI_Gene:245109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054272 MGI:2685243 protein coding gene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 4C
7 gene 11.005958 11.479567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917269 2410039M03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2410039M03 gene
7 pseudogene 11.020329 11.020893 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791163 Gm45327 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110072 MGI:5791163 pseudogene predicted gene 45327
7 pseudogene 11.047284 11.047842 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791231 Gm45395 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109952 MGI:5791231 pseudogene predicted gene 45395
7 pseudogene 11.065139 11.069691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645953 Zscan4-ps1 NCBI_Gene:545912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110103 MGI:3645953 pseudogene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 4, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 11.072882 11.076851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592760 Gm33601 NCBI_Gene:102636574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110196 MGI:5592760 pseudogene predicted gene, 33601
7 pseudogene 11.081432 11.089602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647523 Gm7151 NCBI_Gene:635187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109730 MGI:3647523 pseudogene predicted gene 7151
7 pseudogene 11.107551 11.108377 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782333 Gm4157 NCBI_Gene:100042997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110348 MGI:3782333 pseudogene predicted gene 4157
7 pseudogene 11.112952 11.113887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781948 Gm3774 NCBI_Gene:100042293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109889 MGI:3781948 pseudogene predicted gene 3774
7 pseudogene 11.149086 11.150496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621315 Gm38430 NCBI_Gene:100534352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110066 MGI:5621315 pseudogene predicted gene, 38430
7 gene 11.160883 11.167460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645954 Zscan4d NCBI_Gene:545913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090714 MGI:3645954 protein coding gene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 4D
7 pseudogene 11.168664 11.315318 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625266 Gm42381 NCBI_Gene:105247251 MGI:5625266 pseudogene predicted gene, 42381
7 pseudogene 11.169504 11.176943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010389 Gm18204 NCBI_Gene:100416697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109595 MGI:5010389 pseudogene predicted gene, 18204
7 pseudogene 11.181223 11.188812 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645442 Gm6909 NCBI_Gene:628737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110379 MGI:3645442 pseudogene predicted gene 6909
7 pseudogene 11.201406 11.212390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780097 Gm9689 NCBI_Gene:676750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110421 MGI:3780097 pseudogene predicted gene 9689
7 pseudogene 11.232162 11.239382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622366 Gm39481 NCBI_Gene:105243627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110112 MGI:5622366 pseudogene predicted gene, 39481
7 pseudogene 11.248333 11.249161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643168 Gm5996 NCBI_Gene:546931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109798 MGI:3643168 pseudogene predicted gene 5996
7 pseudogene 11.253701 11.254640 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780060 Gm9652 NCBI_Gene:675762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110192 MGI:3780060 pseudogene predicted gene 9652
7 pseudogene 11.284212 11.290860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011868 Gm19683 NCBI_Gene:100503419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109976 MGI:5011868 pseudogene predicted gene, 19683
7 gene 11.303218 11.303338 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456025 Gm26248 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080350 MGI:5456025 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26248
7 gene 11.306369 11.310682 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643613 Zscan4e NCBI_Gene:665848,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095936 MGI:3643613 protein coding gene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 4E
7 pseudogene 11.314461 11.315061 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804985 Gm45870 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110420 MGI:5804985 pseudogene predicted gene 45870
7 gene 11.350450 11.350525 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452864 Gm23087 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096500 MGI:5452864 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23087
7 pseudogene 11.366362 11.367809 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791432 Gm45596 NCBI_Gene:108167474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109979 MGI:5791432 pseudogene predicted gene 45596
7 pseudogene 11.380620 11.388410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791434 Gm45598 NCBI_Gene:108167489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110215 MGI:5791434 pseudogene predicted gene 45598
7 pseudogene 11.393294 11.394134 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010308 Gm18123 NCBI_Gene:100416460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110005 MGI:5010308 pseudogene predicted gene, 18123
7 gene 11.397915 11.402318 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3708485 Zscan4f NCBI_Gene:665902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070828 MGI:3708485 protein coding gene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 4F
7 pseudogene 11.412534 11.416608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010824 Gm18639 NCBI_Gene:100417482,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109720 MGI:5010824 pseudogene predicted gene, 18639
7 pseudogene 11.443490 11.444426 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780012 Gm9604 NCBI_Gene:673742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109920 MGI:3780012 pseudogene predicted gene 9604
7 pseudogene 11.448977 11.449734 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644047 Gm7839 NCBI_Gene:665887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109786 MGI:3644047 pseudogene predicted gene 7839
7 pseudogene 11.454894 11.455044 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791218 Gm45382 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110083 MGI:5791218 pseudogene predicted gene 45382
7 pseudogene 11.460770 11.468583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644835 Gm7207 NCBI_Gene:637541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110095 MGI:3644835 pseudogene predicted gene 7207
7 pseudogene 11.473372 11.474317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791386 Gm45550 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109950 MGI:5791386 pseudogene predicted gene 45550
7 pseudogene 11.478208 11.479567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791387 Gm45551 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109916 MGI:5791387 pseudogene predicted gene 45551
7 pseudogene 11.497017 11.504504 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791385 Gm45549 NCBI_Gene:108167469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110076 MGI:5791385 pseudogene predicted gene 45549
7 pseudogene 11.509852 11.510649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010309 Gm18124 NCBI_Gene:100416461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109763 MGI:5010309 pseudogene predicted gene, 18124
7 pseudogene 11.514287 11.519111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3708487 Zscan4-ps2 NCBI_Gene:665913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110190 MGI:3708487 pseudogene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 4, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 11.528853 11.533146 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010825 Gm18640 NCBI_Gene:100417483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109985 MGI:5010825 pseudogene predicted gene, 18640
7 pseudogene 11.549836 11.560822 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781988 Gm3816 NCBI_Gene:100042386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110307 MGI:3781988 pseudogene predicted gene 3816
7 pseudogene 11.565380 11.566208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645032 Gm7848 NCBI_Gene:665926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110149 MGI:3645032 pseudogene predicted gene 7848
7 pseudogene 11.586435 11.594194 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648272 Gm7210 NCBI_Gene:637571,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110024 MGI:3648272 pseudogene predicted gene 7210
7 pseudogene 11.599236 11.600038 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791336 Gm45500 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109694 MGI:5791336 pseudogene predicted gene 45500
7 pseudogene 11.609308 11.614112 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3708489 Zscan4-ps3 NCBI_Gene:100043042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109969 MGI:3708489 pseudogene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 4, pseudogene 3
7 pseudogene 11.625035 11.626287 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010826 Gm18641 NCBI_Gene:100417484,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109626 MGI:5010826 pseudogene predicted gene, 18641
7 pseudogene 11.653129 11.654051 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647358 Vmn1r-ps53 NCBI_Gene:628853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092489 MGI:3647358 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 53
7 pseudogene 11.660820 11.661447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791119 Gm45283 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110267 MGI:5791119 pseudogene predicted gene 45283
7 gene 11.664479 11.680147 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2182256 Vmn1r72 NCBI_Gene:252905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095430 MGI:2182256 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 72
7 pseudogene 11.687829 11.689066 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011035 Gm18850 NCBI_Gene:100417827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109883 MGI:5011035 pseudogene predicted gene, 18850
7 pseudogene 11.716714 11.720273 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011278 Gm19093 NCBI_Gene:100418240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110385 MGI:5011278 pseudogene predicted gene, 19093
7 gene 11.730266 11.762081 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159641 Vmn1r73 NCBI_Gene:171237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051687 MGI:2159641 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 73
7 pseudogene 11.773668 11.773986 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791452 Gm45616 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110398 MGI:5791452 pseudogene predicted gene 45616
7 pseudogene 11.774006 11.774214 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791453 Gm45617 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110182 MGI:5791453 pseudogene predicted gene 45617
7 pseudogene 11.782123 11.782262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852397 Vmn1r-ps54 NCBI_Gene:100312500 MGI:3852397 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 54
7 gene 11.833980 11.853276 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159644 Vmn1r74 NCBI_Gene:171240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047655 MGI:2159644 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 74
7 pseudogene 11.845250 11.845926 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645961 Gm6929 NCBI_Gene:628898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110173 MGI:3645961 pseudogene predicted gene 6929
7 pseudogene 11.853910 11.854351 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852398 Vmn1r-ps55 NCBI_Gene:100312501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092326 MGI:3852398 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 55
7 pseudogene 11.865005 11.866858 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593938 Gm34779 NCBI_Gene:102638145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109762 MGI:5593938 pseudogene predicted gene, 34779
7 gene 11.874630 11.884307 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159645 Vmn1r75 NCBI_Gene:171241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043308 MGI:2159645 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 75
7 pseudogene 11.890723 11.900556 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011036 Gm18851 NCBI_Gene:100417828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110054 MGI:5011036 pseudogene predicted gene, 18851
7 pseudogene 11.911124 11.912210 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852399 Vmn1r-ps56 NCBI_Gene:100312502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092285 MGI:3852399 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 56
7 pseudogene 11.915829 11.916692 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2664998 Tpt1-ps4 NCBI_Gene:665999,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109811 MGI:2664998 pseudogene tumor protein, translationally-controlled, pseudogene 4
7 gene 11.923523 11.938213 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2159643 Vmn1r76 NCBI_Gene:171239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115267 MGI:2159643 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 76
7 pseudogene 11.952422 11.953403 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791223 Gm45387 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110271 MGI:5791223 pseudogene predicted gene 45387
7 pseudogene 11.965466 11.965849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852400 Vmn1r-ps57 NCBI_Gene:100312503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092466 MGI:3852400 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 57
7 gene 11.967150 11.967256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454191 Gm24414 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065368 MGI:5454191 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24414
7 pseudogene 11.970944 11.972934 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782008 Gm3836 NCBI_Gene:100042423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110049 MGI:3782008 pseudogene predicted gene 3836
7 pseudogene 11.976944 11.977880 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852401 Vmn1r-ps58 NCBI_Gene:100312504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092208 MGI:3852401 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 58
7 pseudogene 11.979591 11.983971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5009814 Gm17737 NCBI_Gene:232867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109860 MGI:5009814 pseudogene predicted gene, 17737
7 pseudogene 11.991230 11.991401 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791265 Gm45429 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110184 MGI:5791265 pseudogene predicted gene 45429
7 pseudogene 11.994883 11.995081 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852402 Vmn1r-ps59 NCBI_Gene:100312505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092398 MGI:3852402 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 59
7 pseudogene 11.996062 11.996768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010782 Gm18597 NCBI_Gene:100417411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109752 MGI:5010782 pseudogene predicted gene, 18597
7 pseudogene 11.997690 11.999665 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010035 Gm17850 NCBI_Gene:100415979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110292 MGI:5010035 pseudogene predicted gene, 17850
7 pseudogene 12.005032 12.006310 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852403 Vmn1r-ps60 NCBI_Gene:100312506,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092318 MGI:3852403 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 60
7 pseudogene 12.025401 12.031196 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011039 Gm18854 NCBI_Gene:100417833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109758 MGI:5011039 pseudogene predicted gene, 18854
7 gene 12.036752 12.049295 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779641 Vmn1r77 NCBI_Gene:628946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095864 MGI:3779641 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 77
7 pseudogene 12.085768 12.086684 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3708748 Gm10179 NCBI_Gene:100043075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066807 MGI:3708748 pseudogene predicted gene 10179
7 pseudogene 12.091271 12.092245 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852404 Vmn1r-ps61 NCBI_Gene:100312507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092535 MGI:3852404 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 61
7 pseudogene 12.101624 12.105427 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791398 Gm45562 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109686 MGI:5791398 pseudogene predicted gene 45562
7 pseudogene 12.113259 12.114541 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852405 Vmn1r-ps62 NCBI_Gene:100312508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092350 MGI:3852405 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 62
7 pseudogene 12.123641 12.123923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791334 Gm45498 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109914 MGI:5791334 pseudogene predicted gene 45498
7 pseudogene 12.138321 12.139311 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4438458 Vmn1r-ps63 NCBI_Gene:100312509,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092248 MGI:4438458 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 63
7 gene 12.150257 12.159959 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159646 Vmn1r78 NCBI_Gene:171242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061602 MGI:2159646 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 78
7 pseudogene 12.157091 12.157346 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791201 Gm45365 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110203 MGI:5791201 pseudogene predicted gene 45365
7 gene 12.171279 12.181533 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704282 Vmn1r79 NCBI_Gene:100042437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096735 MGI:3704282 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 79
7 pseudogene 12.182457 12.183256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011386 Gm19201 NCBI_Gene:100418421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110082 MGI:5011386 pseudogene predicted gene, 19201
7 gene 12.189286 12.203313 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159642 Vmn1r80 NCBI_Gene:171238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115744 MGI:2159642 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 80
7 pseudogene 12.201692 12.202430 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852407 Vmn1r-ps64 NCBI_Gene:100312510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092351 MGI:3852407 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 64
7 pseudogene 12.206195 12.206353 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791200 Gm45364 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109630 MGI:5791200 pseudogene predicted gene 45364
7 pseudogene 12.214595 12.215549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782022 Vmn1r-ps65 NCBI_Gene:100042446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092476 MGI:3782022 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 65
7 pseudogene 12.220096 12.220442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791203 Gm45367 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110121 MGI:5791203 pseudogene predicted gene 45367
7 gene 12.221316 12.225807 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782400 Gm4224 NCBI_Gene:100043092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110042 MGI:3782400 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4224
7 gene 12.247241 12.268269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2159648 Vmn1r81 NCBI_Gene:171244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115027 MGI:2159648 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 81
7 gene 12.300430 12.308582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159656 Vmn1r82 NCBI_Gene:171268,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058132 MGI:2159656 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 82
7 gene 12.319707 12.329481 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2159647 Vmn1r83 NCBI_Gene:171243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066804 MGI:2159647 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 83
7 gene 12.358898 12.359007 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453298 Gm23521 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096314 MGI:5453298 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23521
7 gene 12.360313 12.369273 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2159655 Vmn1r84 NCBI_Gene:171267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066803 MGI:2159655 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 84
7 pseudogene 12.392272 12.392883 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852408 Vmn1r-ps66 NCBI_Gene:100312511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092331 MGI:3852408 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 66
7 pseudogene 12.399048 12.399741 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852412 Vmn1r-ps67 NCBI_Gene:100312512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092610 MGI:3852412 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 67
7 pseudogene 12.404099 12.404499 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3852413 Vmn1r-ps68 NCBI_Gene:100312513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092359 MGI:3852413 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 68
7 gene 12.412549 12.422751 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588205 Zfp551 NCBI_Gene:619331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034071 MGI:3588205 protein coding gene zinc fingr protein 551
7 pseudogene 12.445358 12.468888 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757948 Vmn2r-ps53 NCBI_Gene:666065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092583 MGI:3757948 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 53
7 gene 12.478278 12.496235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914620 Zfp606 NCBI_Gene:67370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030386 MGI:1914620 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 606
7 gene 12.498750 12.499847 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924274 2700057C20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2700057C20 gene
7 gene 12.512191 12.556323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920340 2900092C05Rik NCBI_Gene:73090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030385 MGI:1920340 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2900092C05 gene
7 pseudogene 12.517352 12.518420 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801978 Gm15877 NCBI_Gene:100416231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081550 MGI:3801978 pseudogene predicted gene 15877
7 pseudogene 12.559860 12.560168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791311 Gm45475 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110022 MGI:5791311 pseudogene predicted gene 45475
7 gene 12.562851 12.608788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644480 Vmn2r53 NCBI_Gene:637908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096002 MGI:3644480 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 53
7 pseudogene 12.603099 12.604645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783214 Gm15773 NCBI_Gene:100417598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082872 MGI:3783214 pseudogene predicted gene 15773
7 gene 12.613839 12.640319 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704110 Vmn2r54 NCBI_Gene:666085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096593 MGI:3704110 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 54
7 gene 12.651706 12.685003 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757950 Vmn2r55 NCBI_Gene:100042499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091045 MGI:3757950 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 55
7 gene 12.688721 12.735004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3695438 Vmn2r56 NCBI_Gene:629079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090762 MGI:3695438 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 56
7 pseudogene 12.742668 12.743880 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647908 Gm6946 NCBI_Gene:629081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098135 MGI:3647908 pseudogene predicted gene 6946
7 pseudogene 12.760705 12.761558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010390 Gm18205 NCBI_Gene:100416698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110031 MGI:5010390 pseudogene predicted gene, 18205
7 gene 12.768090 12.810890 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643810 Zscan18 NCBI_Gene:232875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070822 MGI:3643810 protein coding gene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 18
7 gene 12.780860 12.781602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920668 1700047O18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109594 MGI:1920668 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700047O18 gene
7 pseudogene 12.792587 12.803660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782424 Gm4247 NCBI_Gene:102633596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110124 MGI:3782424 pseudogene predicted gene 4247
7 pseudogene 12.795723 12.799164 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010379 Gm18194 NCBI_Gene:100416687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109724 MGI:5010379 pseudogene predicted gene, 18194
7 pseudogene 12.797529 12.797861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791151 Gm45315 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109925 MGI:5791151 pseudogene predicted gene 45315
7 gene 12.803546 12.804779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925041 A930003G23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930003G23 gene
7 gene 12.803778 12.818860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921283 Zfp329 NCBI_Gene:67230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057894 MGI:1921283 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 329
7 gene 12.825918 12.828121 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791429 Gm45593 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110119 MGI:5791429 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45593
7 gene 12.834761 12.850584 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890378 Zfp110 NCBI_Gene:65020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058638 MGI:1890378 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 110
7 gene 12.860884 12.869804 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590311 Gm31152 NCBI_Gene:102633291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110320 MGI:5590311 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31152
7 gene 12.870869 12.873480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825608 Gm45971 NCBI_Gene:108167408 MGI:5825608 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45971
7 gene 12.881177 12.893422 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2389445 Zfp128 NCBI_Gene:243833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060397 MGI:2389445 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 128
7 gene 12.897809 12.909083 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443312 Zscan22 NCBI_Gene:232878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054715 MGI:2443312 protein coding gene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 22
7 gene 12.922290 12.926686 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1097682 Rps5 NCBI_Gene:20103,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012848 MGI:1097682 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S5
7 gene 12.927416 12.931072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924198 Rnf225 NCBI_Gene:381845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033967 MGI:1924198 protein coding gene ring finger protein 225
7 gene 12.930774 12.930880 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456102 Gm26325 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065006 MGI:5456102 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26325
7 gene 12.948592 12.961892 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916336 1810019N24Rik NCBI_Gene:69086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097115 MGI:1916336 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810019N24 gene
7 gene 12.949980 12.961887 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580344 Gm29638 NCBI_Gene:102633720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102084 MGI:5580344 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29638
7 gene 12.965813 12.974244 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444641 Zfp324 NCBI_Gene:243834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004500 MGI:2444641 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 324
7 gene 12.976398 12.985717 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442185 Zfp446 NCBI_Gene:269870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033961 MGI:2442185 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 446
7 gene 12.988346 12.998192 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347100 Slc27a5 NCBI_Gene:26459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030382 MGI:1347100 protein coding gene solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 5
7 gene 12.999114 13.031035 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109274 Trim28 NCBI_Gene:21849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005566 MGI:109274 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 28
7 gene 13.003898 13.010168 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685003 Zbtb45 NCBI_Gene:232879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049600 MGI:2685003 protein coding gene zinc finger and BTB domain containing 45
7 gene 13.023708 13.024678 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590808 Gm31649 NCBI_Gene:102633951 MGI:5590808 protein coding gene predicted gene, 31649
7 gene 13.032006 13.034807 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916203 Chmp2a NCBI_Gene:68953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033916 MGI:1916203 protein coding gene charged multivesicular body protein 2A
7 gene 13.035120 13.038275 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108278 Ube2m NCBI_Gene:22192,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005575 MGI:108278 protein coding gene ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2M
7 gene 13.042303 13.054764 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107457 Mzf1 NCBI_Gene:109889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030380 MGI:107457 protein coding gene myeloid zinc finger 1
7 gene 13.083313 13.095173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2182262 Vmn1r85 NCBI_Gene:252909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070817 MGI:2182262 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 85
7 gene 13.093172 13.098674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791272 Gm45436 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110268 MGI:5791272 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45436
7 pseudogene 13.094990 13.095468 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782447 Gm4270 NCBI_Gene:100043156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109707 MGI:3782447 pseudogene predicted gene 4270
7 gene 13.097531 13.119917 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4438438 Vmn1r86 NCBI_Gene:100312473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070816 MGI:4438438 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 86
7 gene 13.130904 13.140157 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2159698 Vmn1r87 NCBI_Gene:171261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070815 MGI:2159698 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 87
7 pseudogene 13.150077 13.151670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646147 Gm7965 NCBI_Gene:666177,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109830 MGI:3646147 pseudogene predicted gene 7965
7 gene 13.159568 13.185864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852416 Vmn1r88 NCBI_Gene:100312474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117853 MGI:3852416 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor, 88
7 gene 13.171968 13.173057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621831 Gm38946 NCBI_Gene:105242850 MGI:5621831 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38946
7 pseudogene 13.178817 13.180200 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648111 Gm4879 NCBI_Gene:232887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048261 MGI:3648111 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 4879
7 gene 13.192117 13.205238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621832 Gm38947 NCBI_Gene:105242851,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110365 MGI:5621832 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38947
7 pseudogene 13.196629 13.198711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791361 Gm45525 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109911 MGI:5791361 pseudogene predicted gene 45525
7 gene 13.213020 13.220657 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2159697 Vmn1r89 NCBI_Gene:171260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095629 MGI:2159697 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 89
7 pseudogene 13.244162 13.244458 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852419 Vmn1r-ps69 NCBI_Gene:100312514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092427 MGI:3852419 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 69
7 gene 13.258967 13.278721 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2447816 Zswim9 NCBI_Gene:321008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070814 MGI:2447816 protein coding gene zinc finger SWIM-type containing 9
7 gene 13.277283 13.311433 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101789 Lig1 NCBI_Gene:16881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056394 MGI:101789 protein coding gene ligase I, DNA, ATP-dependent
7 gene 13.311507 13.360674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1196403 Pla2g4c NCBI_Gene:232889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033847 MGI:1196403 protein coding gene phospholipase A2, group IVC (cytosolic, calcium-independent)
7 pseudogene 13.332607 13.333285 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3809043 Rps8-ps4 NCBI_Gene:100502877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074547 MGI:3809043 pseudogene ribosomal protein S8, pseudogene 4
7 gene 13.338830 13.339109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454686 Gm24909 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087915 MGI:5454686 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24909
7 pseudogene 13.361111 13.386695 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5645818 Pla2g4c-ps NCBI_Gene:666225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108293 MGI:5645818 pseudogene phospholipase A2, group IVC (cytosolic, calcium-independent), pseudogene
7 pseudogene 13.364707 13.365076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791104 Gm45268 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109929 MGI:5791104 pseudogene predicted gene 45268
7 gene 13.374481 13.374748 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453276 Gm23499 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088361 MGI:5453276 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23499
7 gene 13.385960 13.408887 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352746 Cabp5 NCBI_Gene:29865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005649 MGI:1352746 protein coding gene calcium binding protein 5
7 pseudogene 13.439461 13.440311 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647425 Rpl7a-ps14 NCBI_Gene:666232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107945 MGI:3647425 pseudogene ribosomal protein L7A, pseudogene 14
7 gene 13.450841 13.473450 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685613 Bsph1 NCBI_Gene:330470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074378 MGI:2685613 protein coding gene binder of sperm protein homolog 1
7 pseudogene 13.480749 13.481090 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690646 Gm44254 NCBI_Gene:108167490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107687 MGI:5690646 pseudogene predicted gene, 44254
7 pseudogene 13.525633 13.526068 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521026 Bsph2-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098644 MGI:5521026 pseudogene binder of sperm protein homolog 2, pseudogene
7 gene 13.554864 13.571067 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924934 Bsph2 NCBI_Gene:77684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078800 MGI:1924934 protein coding gene binder of sperm protein homolog 2
7 gene 13.623967 13.670807 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648378 Sult2a5 NCBI_Gene:434264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078799 MGI:3648378 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, member 5
7 pseudogene 13.638907 13.642799 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645416 Zbed4-ps1 NCBI_Gene:666256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101532 MGI:3645416 pseudogene zinc finger, BED type containing 4, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 13.653986 13.657625 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648645 Kat6b-ps1 NCBI_Gene:666267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099400 MGI:3648645 pseudogene K(lysine) acetyltransferase 6B, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 13.719571 13.720291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579307 Tmem167-ps1 NCBI_Gene:101055841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100468 MGI:5579307 pseudogene transmembrane protein 167, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 13.721079 13.722465 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705847 Sult2a-ps1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082586 MGI:3705847 pseudogene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, pseudogene 1
7 gene 13.733505 13.779637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107550 Sult2a2 NCBI_Gene:100043194,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070811 MGI:107550 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, member 2
7 pseudogene 13.752633 13.756412 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010917 Zbed4-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100417642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099901 MGI:5010917 pseudogene zinc finger, BED type containing 4, pseudogene 2
7 gene 13.796246 13.837410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98430 Sult2a1 NCBI_Gene:20859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078798 MGI:98430 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, member 1
7 pseudogene 13.813247 13.815042 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011234 Kat6b-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100418167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100660 MGI:5011234 pseudogene k(lysine) acetyltransferase 6B, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 13.846107 13.847627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645687 Sult2a-ps2 NCBI_Gene:620627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081982 MGI:3645687 pseudogene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 13.848728 13.849120 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580325 Tmem167-ps2 NCBI_Gene:102638485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100566 MGI:5580325 pseudogene transmembrane protein 167, pseudogene 2
7 gene 13.909676 13.989607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645854 Sult2a4 NCBI_Gene:434121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074377 MGI:3645854 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, member 4
7 pseudogene 13.962775 13.966651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010916 Zbed4-ps3 NCBI_Gene:100417641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099596 MGI:5010916 pseudogene zinc finger, BED type containing 4, pseudogene 3
7 pseudogene 14.006658 14.006960 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580326 Tmem167-ps3 NCBI_Gene:102638608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099744 MGI:5580326 pseudogene transmembrane protein 167, pseudogene 3
7 gene 14.067446 14.123044 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645873 Sult2a3 NCBI_Gene:629203,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074375 MGI:3645873 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, member 3
7 pseudogene 14.135422 14.141004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705846 Sult2a-ps3 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084102 MGI:3705846 pseudogene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, pseudogene 3
7 pseudogene 14.171636 14.193524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705831 Sult2a-ps4 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080705 MGI:3705831 pseudogene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, pseudogene 4
7 pseudogene 14.186628 14.187081 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580125 Rpap3-ps1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100378 MGI:5580125 pseudogene RNA polymerase II associated protein 3, pseudogene 1
7 gene 14.222403 14.254870 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648915 Sult2a6 NCBI_Gene:629219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070810 MGI:3648915 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, member 6
7 pseudogene 14.226480 14.228833 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010963 Rpap3-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100417715,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098354 MGI:5010963 pseudogene RNA polymerase II associated protein 3, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 14.304698 14.307863 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010233 Phf20-ps NCBI_Gene:100416335,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098506 MGI:5010233 pseudogene PHD finger protein 20, pseudogene
7 gene 14.331436 14.333557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645855 Obox8 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099216 MGI:3645855 protein coding gene oocyte specific homeobox 8
7 pseudogene 14.341799 14.342413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011440 Mrps36-ps3 NCBI_Gene:100462960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098782 MGI:5011440 pseudogene mitochondrial ribosomal protein S36, pseudogene 3
7 pseudogene 14.366951 14.370207 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521056 Crs-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107673 MGI:5521056 pseudogene cone rod homeobox, pseudogene
7 gene 14.410686 14.446769 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924221 Sult2a8 NCBI_Gene:76971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030378 MGI:1924221 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, member 8
7 gene 14.465051 14.494230 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645246 Sult2a7 NCBI_Gene:638251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094156 MGI:3645246 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, member 7
7 pseudogene 14.517971 14.518670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521014 Obox4-ps1 NCBI_Gene:106780807,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098290 MGI:5521014 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 14.529625 14.530066 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521015 Obox4-ps2 NCBI_Gene:106780808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098741 MGI:5521015 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 14.530652 14.623066 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010941 Nlrp5-ps NCBI_Gene:100417675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041596 MGI:5010941 pseudogene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 5, pseudogene
7 gene 14.532918 14.536041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621481 Gm38596 NCBI_Gene:102642067 MGI:5621481 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38596
7 pseudogene 14.548714 14.549233 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521023 Obox4-ps3 NCBI_Gene:106780809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099242 MGI:5521023 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 3
7 gene 14.555474 14.563506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612342 Vmn1r90 NCBI_Gene:627280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100586 MGI:3612342 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 90
7 pseudogene 14.566761 14.567238 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521072 Zfp-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099055 MGI:5521072 pseudogene zinc finger protein, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 14.616384 14.616786 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521055 Ranbp2-ps1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098520 MGI:5521055 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 14.634039 14.634584 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010540 Obox3-ps7 NCBI_Gene:100417000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093773 MGI:5010540 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 3, pseudogene 7
7 gene 14.659496 14.665996 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646231 Obox7 NCBI_Gene:194588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055942 MGI:3646231 protein coding gene oocyte specific homeobox 7
7 pseudogene 14.693907 14.695723 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646564 Obox3-ps1 NCBI_Gene:666352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093665 MGI:3646564 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 3, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 14.713201 14.713597 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645810 Obox4-ps4 NCBI_Gene:106780810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105566 MGI:5645810 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 4
7 pseudogene 14.724656 14.724904 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521100 Gtpbp4-ps1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098330 MGI:5521100 pseudogene GTP binding protein 4, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 14.756543 14.756926 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010229 Ranbp2-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100416330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098508 MGI:5010229 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 14.767725 14.768447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313112 Obox4-ps36 NCBI_Gene:106780820,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093549 MGI:5313112 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 36
7 pseudogene 14.778015 14.778290 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313111 Obox4-ps37 NCBI_Gene:106780821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093664 MGI:5313111 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 37
7 gene 14.778669 14.778772 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455833 Gm26056 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064977 MGI:5455833 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26056
7 pseudogene 14.799794 14.810850 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647077 Obox3-ps2 NCBI_Gene:666312,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093584 MGI:3647077 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 3, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 14.813268 14.813664 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645811 Obox4-ps5 NCBI_Gene:106780811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106552 MGI:5645811 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 5
7 pseudogene 14.837774 14.838029 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521099 Gtpbp4-ps2 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098309 MGI:5521099 pseudogene GTP binding protein 4, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 14.856953 14.857340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521102 Ranbp2-ps3 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098564 MGI:5521102 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 3
7 pseudogene 14.867592 14.868315 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313156 Obox4-ps38 NCBI_Gene:106780822,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093736 MGI:5313156 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 38
7 pseudogene 14.887535 14.888162 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521101 Obox4-ps39 NCBI_Gene:106780823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099198 MGI:5521101 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 39
7 pseudogene 14.893847 14.894231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521013 Ranbp2-ps4 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098469 MGI:5521013 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 4
7 pseudogene 14.905458 14.906181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313157 Obox4-ps6 NCBI_Gene:106780812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094555 MGI:5313157 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 6
7 gene 14.912358 14.912462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454478 Gm24701 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095998 MGI:5454478 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24701
7 pseudogene 14.931205 14.945227 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779782 Obox3-ps3 NCBI_Gene:666365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093509 MGI:3779782 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 3, pseudogene 3
7 pseudogene 14.947537 14.948041 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645812 Obox4-ps7 NCBI_Gene:106780813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105505 MGI:5645812 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 7
7 pseudogene 14.965334 14.965622 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521093 Gtpbp4-ps3 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099056 MGI:5521093 pseudogene GTP binding protein 4, pseudogene 3
7 pseudogene 14.991920 14.992298 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521104 Ranbp2-ps5 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099087 MGI:5521104 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 5
7 pseudogene 15.007072 15.007800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782133 Obox4-ps8 NCBI_Gene:100042677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093567 MGI:3782133 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 8
7 pseudogene 15.023944 15.025701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782139 Obox4-ps9 NCBI_Gene:100042685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093707 MGI:3782139 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 9
7 pseudogene 15.055008 15.065657 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643193 Obox3-ps4 NCBI_Gene:666381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093770 MGI:3643193 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox, pseudogene 4
7 pseudogene 15.075265 15.075768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645796 Obox4-ps10 NCBI_Gene:106780814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105094 MGI:5645796 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 10
7 pseudogene 15.086769 15.087026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521103 Gtpbp4-ps4 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098382 MGI:5521103 pseudogene GTP binding protein 4, pseudogene 4
7 pseudogene 15.118004 15.118384 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521058 Ranbp2-ps6 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099298 MGI:5521058 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 6
7 pseudogene 15.129164 15.129892 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782142 Obox4-ps11 NCBI_Gene:100042691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094416 MGI:3782142 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 11
7 pseudogene 15.139546 15.141484 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782150 Obox4-ps12 NCBI_Gene:100042702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095952 MGI:3782150 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 12
7 pseudogene 15.150914 15.152628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782153 Obox4-ps13 NCBI_Gene:100042707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095974 MGI:3782153 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 13
7 pseudogene 15.162244 15.163949 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782154 Obox4-ps14 NCBI_Gene:100042711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093623 MGI:3782154 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 14
7 pseudogene 15.173325 15.175041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782157 Obox4-ps15 NCBI_Gene:100042714,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096414 MGI:3782157 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 15
7 pseudogene 15.184666 15.186381 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782160 Obox4-ps16 NCBI_Gene:100042717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094412 MGI:3782160 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 16
7 pseudogene 15.195934 15.197696 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782163 Obox4-ps17 NCBI_Gene:100042721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093961 MGI:3782163 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 17
7 pseudogene 15.207265 15.209027 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782168 Obox4-ps18 NCBI_Gene:100042728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094967 MGI:3782168 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 18
7 pseudogene 15.218595 15.220357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782170 Obox4-ps19 NCBI_Gene:100042731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093940 MGI:3782170 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 19
7 pseudogene 15.229899 15.231661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782172 Obox4-ps20 NCBI_Gene:100042735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096797 MGI:3782172 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 20
7 pseudogene 15.241227 15.242989 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782175 Obox4-ps21 NCBI_Gene:100042739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095922 MGI:3782175 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 21
7 pseudogene 15.252566 15.254328 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782177 Obox4-ps22 NCBI_Gene:100042742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094243 MGI:3782177 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 22
7 pseudogene 15.263897 15.265659 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779446 Obox4-ps23 NCBI_Gene:235841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096439 MGI:3779446 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 23
7 pseudogene 15.288251 15.289194 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645947 Mrip-ps NCBI_Gene:666407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098404 MGI:3645947 pseudogene Mom radiation induced polyposis, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 15.293517 15.304613 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779781 Obox3-ps5 NCBI_Gene:666337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093727 MGI:3779781 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 3, pseudogene 5
7 pseudogene 15.307039 15.308054 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645797 Obox4-ps24 NCBI_Gene:106780815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106582 MGI:5645797 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 24
7 pseudogene 15.319972 15.320260 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5520997 Gtpbp4-ps5 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098561 MGI:5520997 pseudogene GTP binding protein 4, pseudogene 5
7 pseudogene 15.333435 15.333644 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645799 Obox4-ps25 NCBI_Gene:106780816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106616 MGI:5645799 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 25
7 pseudogene 15.343518 15.344241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313070 Obox4-ps26 NCBI_Gene:106780817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093554 MGI:5313070 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 26
7 pseudogene 15.369746 15.370129 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521057 Ranbp2-ps7 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098744 MGI:5521057 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 7
7 gene 15.388721 15.398545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2149033 Obox2 NCBI_Gene:246792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074369 MGI:2149033 protein coding gene oocyte specific homeobox 2
7 gene 15.388948 15.556866 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918718 Obox1 NCBI_Gene:71468,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054310 MGI:1918718 protein coding gene oocyte specific homeobox 1
7 pseudogene 15.408520 15.408864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521016 Ranbp2-ps8 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098278 MGI:5521016 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 8
7 pseudogene 15.431617 15.433600 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641735 Obox4-ps27 NCBI_Gene:100042753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095274 MGI:3641735 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 27
7 pseudogene 15.442953 15.444936 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641736 Obox4-ps28 NCBI_Gene:100042756,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093913 MGI:3641736 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 28
7 pseudogene 15.454277 15.456039 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782188 Obox4-ps29 NCBI_Gene:100042758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093397 MGI:3782188 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 29
7 pseudogene 15.479740 15.491541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704111 Obox3-ps6 NCBI_Gene:545921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093421 MGI:3704111 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 3, pseudogene 6
7 gene 15.479825 15.639902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2149032 Obox3 NCBI_Gene:246791,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066772 MGI:2149032 protein coding gene oocyte specific homeobox 3
7 pseudogene 15.501820 15.502769 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782190 Obox4-ps30 NCBI_Gene:100042762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093719 MGI:3782190 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 30
7 pseudogene 15.528046 15.528427 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521025 Ranbp2-ps9 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098861 MGI:5521025 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 9
7 pseudogene 15.566485 15.566869 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521024 Ranbp2-ps10 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098386 MGI:5521024 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 10
7 pseudogene 15.589608 15.591363 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782192 Obox4-ps31 NCBI_Gene:100042765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093513 MGI:3782192 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 31
7 gene 15.593231 15.593335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455131 Gm25354 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096381 MGI:5455131 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25354
7 pseudogene 15.642188 15.643208 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645800 Obox4-ps32 NCBI_Gene:106780818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105898 MGI:5645800 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 32
7 pseudogene 15.653333 15.653624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645791 Gtpbp4-ps6 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106346 MGI:5645791 pseudogene GTP binding protein 4, pseudogene 6
7 pseudogene 15.691604 15.693361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782197 Obox4-ps33 NCBI_Gene:100042771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093420 MGI:3782197 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 33
7 gene 15.695213 15.695317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453491 Gm23714 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095116 MGI:5453491 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23714
7 pseudogene 15.719663 15.720182 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313069 Obox4-ps34 NCBI_Gene:106780819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093683 MGI:5313069 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 34
7 pseudogene 15.725926 15.726312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645821 Ranbp2-ps11 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105314 MGI:5645821 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 11
7 gene 15.750131 15.759800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2149035 Obox5 NCBI_Gene:252829,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074366 MGI:2149035 protein coding gene oocyte specific homeobox 5
7 pseudogene 15.766814 15.767199 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645822 Ranbp2-ps12 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104759 MGI:5645822 pseudogene RAN binding protein 2, pseudogene 12
7 pseudogene 15.787864 15.788160 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5645792 Gtpbp4-ps7 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105410 MGI:5645792 pseudogene GTP binding protein 4, pseudogene 7
7 pseudogene 15.820167 15.825815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646889 Obox4-ps35 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092576 MGI:3646889 pseudogene oocyte specific homeobox 4, pseudogene 35
7 gene 15.833241 15.839679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2149036 Obox6 NCBI_Gene:252830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041583 MGI:2149036 protein coding gene oocyte specific homeobox 6
7 gene 15.865947 15.879968 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1194883 Crx NCBI_Gene:12951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041578 MGI:1194883 protein coding gene cone-rod homeobox
7 gene 15.882617 15.904030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2451355 Crxos NCBI_Gene:546024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074365 MGI:2451355 protein coding gene cone-rod homeobox, opposite strand
7 pseudogene 15.906681 15.907647 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88088 Ass-ps1 NCBI_Gene:100417301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106050 MGI:88088 pseudogene argininosuccinate synthetase pseudogene 1
7 gene 15.917208 15.922402 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100878 Selenow NCBI_Gene:20364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041571 MGI:1100878 protein coding gene selenoprotein W
7 gene 15.936183 15.946108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2154441 Nop53 NCBI_Gene:68077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041560 MGI:2154441 protein coding gene NOP53 ribosome biogenesis factor
7 gene 15.938762 15.938870 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819529 Snord23 NCBI_Gene:100217441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080478 MGI:3819529 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 23
7 gene 15.946197 15.947790 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454353 Gm24576 NCBI_Gene:102634407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093249 MGI:5454353 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 24576
7 gene 15.946958 15.967567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2154274 Ehd2 NCBI_Gene:259300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074364 MGI:2154274 protein coding gene EH-domain containing 2
7 gene 15.970671 16.048085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2154263 Bicra NCBI_Gene:243842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070808 MGI:2154263 protein coding gene BRD4 interacting chromatin remodeling complex associated protein
7 gene 15.971883 15.984800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621833 Gm38948 NCBI_Gene:105242854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109984 MGI:5621833 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38948
7 gene 16.046582 16.047666 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591218 Gm32059 NCBI_Gene:102634487 MGI:5591218 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32059
7 gene 16.048445 16.049055 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923761 2010004M13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2010004M13 gene
7 gene 16.061775 16.096340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647699 Zfp541 NCBI_Gene:666528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078796 MGI:3647699 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 541
7 gene 16.098456 16.117975 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104563 Napa NCBI_Gene:108124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006024 MGI:104563 protein coding gene N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein attachment protein alpha
7 gene 16.119876 16.127516 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890380 Kptn NCBI_Gene:70394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006021 MGI:1890380 protein coding gene kaptin
7 gene 16.128311 16.161063 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107996 Slc8a2 NCBI_Gene:110891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030376 MGI:107996 protein coding gene solute carrier family 8 (sodium/calcium exchanger), member 2
7 gene 16.146162 16.147387 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924864 C030044M21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C030044M21 gene
7 gene 16.175090 16.186510 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108519 Meis3 NCBI_Gene:17537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041420 MGI:108519 protein coding gene Meis homeobox 3
7 gene 16.197147 16.222079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918973 Dhx34 NCBI_Gene:71723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006019 MGI:1918973 protein coding gene DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 34
7 pseudogene 16.228900 16.229151 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791245 Gm45409 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110413 MGI:5791245 pseudogene predicted gene 45409
7 gene 16.234585 16.244154 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442013 C5ar2 NCBI_Gene:319430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074361 MGI:2442013 protein coding gene complement component 5a receptor 2
7 gene 16.234738 16.234864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456250 Gm26473 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080413 MGI:5456250 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26473
7 gene 16.246743 16.259540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88232 C5ar1 NCBI_Gene:12273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049130 MGI:88232 protein coding gene complement component 5a receptor 1
7 gene 16.272013 16.273692 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913550 Inafm1 NCBI_Gene:66300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091811 MGI:1913550 protein coding gene InaF motif containing 1
7 gene 16.273534 16.286815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921443 Ccdc9 NCBI_Gene:243846,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041375 MGI:1921443 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 9
7 gene 16.308320 16.318334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2181667 Bbc3 NCBI_Gene:170770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002083 MGI:2181667 protein coding gene BCL2 binding component 3
7 gene 16.320234 16.387896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929264 Sae1 NCBI_Gene:56459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052833 MGI:1929264 protein coding gene SUMO1 activating enzyme subunit 1
7 gene 16.399591 16.437698 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2682314 Zc3h4 NCBI_Gene:330474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059273 MGI:2682314 protein coding gene zinc finger CCCH-type containing 4
7 gene 16.403964 16.404262 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791344 Gm45508 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110181 MGI:5791344 unclassified gene predicted gene 45508
7 gene 16.406755 16.407983 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791345 Gm45509 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109781 MGI:5791345 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45509
7 gene 16.412063 16.413695 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918587 5430402M21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430402M21 gene
7 gene 16.413908 16.416621 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791346 Gm45510 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109647 MGI:5791346 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45510
7 gene 16.452779 16.455494 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916344 Tmem160 NCBI_Gene:69094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019158 MGI:1916344 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 160
7 gene 16.455718 16.477728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109205 Npas1 NCBI_Gene:18142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001988 MGI:109205 protein coding gene neuronal PAS domain protein 1
7 gene 16.471813 16.471931 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4422013 n-R5s151 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065893 MGI:4422013 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 151
7 gene 16.493719 16.615244 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929494 Arhgap35 NCBI_Gene:232906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058230 MGI:1929494 protein coding gene Rho GTPase activating protein 35
7 pseudogene 16.498713 16.499576 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010011 Gm17826 NCBI_Gene:100384879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099423 MGI:5010011 pseudogene predicted gene, 17826
7 pseudogene 16.514400 16.515138 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010166 Gm17981 NCBI_Gene:100416225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101135 MGI:5010166 pseudogene predicted gene, 17981
7 gene 16.613824 16.632643 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580149 Gm29443 NCBI_Gene:102634559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100583 MGI:5580149 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29443
7 pseudogene 16.616351 16.616465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753165 Gm44589 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108316 MGI:5753165 pseudogene predicted gene 44589
7 gene 16.618627 16.619832 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580148 Gm29442 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101008 MGI:5580148 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29442
7 gene 16.624575 16.624677 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454485 Gm24708 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064745 MGI:5454485 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24708
7 pseudogene 16.647383 16.647789 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5588884 Gm29725 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108610 MGI:5588884 pseudogene predicted gene, 29725
7 pseudogene 16.648949 16.657478 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3610557 Ceacam-ps1 NCBI_Gene:100038912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108307 MGI:3610557 pseudogene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule pseudogene 1
7 gene 16.671331 16.675705 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141810 Ceacam15 NCBI_Gene:101434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078795 MGI:2141810 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 15
7 pseudogene 16.693801 16.694387 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643592 Gm8209 NCBI_Gene:666641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108370 MGI:3643592 pseudogene predicted gene 8209
7 pseudogene 16.719072 16.719935 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645853 Gm5586 NCBI_Gene:434127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108366 MGI:3645853 pseudogene predicted gene 5586
7 gene 16.721929 16.726132 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1347247 Ceacam9 NCBI_Gene:26368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007209 MGI:1347247 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 9
7 gene 16.738407 16.749294 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141861 Ap2s1 NCBI_Gene:232910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008036 MGI:2141861 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 2, sigma 1 subunit
7 gene 16.781340 16.798274 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105305 Slc1a5 NCBI_Gene:20514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001918 MGI:105305 protein coding gene solute carrier family 1 (neutral amino acid transporter), member 5
7 gene 16.789017 16.789325 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924695 9530015I06Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530015I06 gene
7 gene 16.809246 16.816788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2447586 Fkrp NCBI_Gene:243853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048920 MGI:2447586 protein coding gene fukutin related protein
7 gene 16.815889 16.840931 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142346 Strn4 NCBI_Gene:97387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030374 MGI:2142346 protein coding gene striatin, calmodulin binding protein 4
7 gene 16.842902 16.870464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141917 Prkd2 NCBI_Gene:101540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041187 MGI:2141917 protein coding gene protein kinase D2
7 gene 16.871344 16.875294 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445112 9330104G04Rik NCBI_Gene:320950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097842 MGI:2445112 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330104G04 gene
7 gene 16.875317 16.887462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3654828 Dact3 NCBI_Gene:629378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078794 MGI:3654828 protein coding gene dishevelled-binding antagonist of beta-catenin 3
7 gene 16.889406 16.891067 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915219 2700080J24Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108671 MGI:1915219 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2700080J24 gene
7 gene 16.891736 16.895451 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109163 Gng8 NCBI_Gene:14709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063594 MGI:109163 protein coding gene guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), gamma 8
7 gene 16.905419 16.910905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99535 Ptgir NCBI_Gene:19222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043017 MGI:99535 protein coding gene prostaglandin I receptor (IP)
7 gene 16.915379 16.924114 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103249 Calm3 NCBI_Gene:12315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019370 MGI:103249 protein coding gene calmodulin 3
7 gene 16.921731 16.923538 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825609 Gm45972 NCBI_Gene:108167409 MGI:5825609 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45972
7 gene 16.930314 16.932609 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591789 Gm32630 NCBI_Gene:102635240 MGI:5591789 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32630
7 gene 16.935364 16.935455 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621302 Gm38417 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene%2c 38417
7 gene 16.944682 16.948828 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645856 Pnmal2 NCBI_Gene:434128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070802 MGI:3645856 protein coding gene PNMA-like 2
7 gene 16.949840 16.964607 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918941 Pnmal1 NCBI_Gene:71691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041141 MGI:1918941 protein coding gene PNMA-like 1
7 gene 16.953395 16.953501 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455592 Gm25815 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064689 MGI:5455592 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25815
7 gene 16.983086 16.988152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625257 Gm42372 NCBI_Gene:105247240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108348 MGI:5625257 protein coding gene predicted gene, 42372
7 gene 16.992708 16.997516 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3612184 Ccdc8 NCBI_Gene:434130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041117 MGI:3612184 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 8
7 gene 17.004640 17.027924 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102666 Ppp5c NCBI_Gene:19060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003099 MGI:102666 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 5, catalytic subunit
7 gene 17.030993 17.062427 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859778 Hif3a NCBI_Gene:53417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004328 MGI:1859778 protein coding gene hypoxia inducible factor 3, alpha subunit
7 gene 17.058534 17.059441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918871 4833404L02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108807 MGI:1918871 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833404L02 gene
7 gene 17.074040 17.133450 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1347249 Psg16 NCBI_Gene:26436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066760 MGI:1347249 protein coding gene pregnancy specific glycoprotein 16
7 pseudogene 17.077464 17.079162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594857 Gm35698 NCBI_Gene:102639368 MGI:5594857 pseudogene predicted gene, 35698
7 pseudogene 17.078191 17.078655 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753795 Gm45219 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108561 MGI:5753795 pseudogene predicted gene 45219
7 pseudogene 17.138871 17.139472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779715 Gm7287 NCBI_Gene:640145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108694 MGI:3779715 pseudogene predicted gene 7287
7 gene 17.150198 17.164253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646296 Ceacam3 NCBI_Gene:384557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053228 MGI:3646296 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 3
7 pseudogene 17.173596 17.174586 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753608 Gm45032 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108462 MGI:5753608 pseudogene predicted gene 45032
7 gene 17.203477 17.215760 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891361 Psg29 NCBI_Gene:114872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023159 MGI:1891361 protein coding gene pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 29
7 gene 17.287647 17.371627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591931 Gm32772 NCBI_Gene:102635433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108782 MGI:5591931 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32772
7 gene 17.306796 17.311529 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625258 Gm42373 NCBI_Gene:105247241 MGI:5625258 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42373
7 gene 17.392760 17.527674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592005 Gm32846 NCBI_Gene:102635538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108441 MGI:5592005 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32846
7 gene 17.415978 17.418408 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622442 Gm39557 NCBI_Gene:105243765 MGI:5622442 protein coding gene predicted gene, 39557
7 gene 17.580752 17.584370 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592268 Gm33109 NCBI_Gene:102635886 MGI:5592268 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33109
7 gene 17.610766 17.610875 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454297 Gm24520 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096673 MGI:5454297 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24520
7 gene 17.618170 17.618279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454845 Gm25068 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094381 MGI:5454845 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25068
7 pseudogene 17.618499 17.619336 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645206 Gm5418 NCBI_Gene:414361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108792 MGI:3645206 pseudogene predicted gene 5418
7 pseudogene 17.637479 17.651482 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779928 Gm9519 NCBI_Gene:671132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108654 MGI:3779928 pseudogene predicted gene 9519
7 pseudogene 17.662403 17.666085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825610 Gm45973 NCBI_Gene:108167410 MGI:5825610 pseudogene predicted gene, 45973
7 pseudogene 17.672292 17.682060 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1347253 Psg-ps1 NCBI_Gene:232919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108558 MGI:1347253 pseudogene pregnancy specific glycoprotein, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 17.685847 17.686313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753726 Gm45150 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108638 MGI:5753726 pseudogene predicted gene 45150
7 gene 17.713217 17.761154 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920500 Ceacam5 NCBI_Gene:73250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008789 MGI:1920500 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 5
7 pseudogene 17.792533 17.793265 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645391 Gm6065 NCBI_Gene:606534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063830 MGI:3645391 pseudogene predicted gene 6065
7 gene 17.797825 17.799996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753725 Gm45149 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108685 MGI:5753725 unclassified gene predicted gene 45149
7 gene 17.812633 17.815663 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914334 Ceacam14 NCBI_Gene:67084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023185 MGI:1914334 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 14
7 gene 17.871744 17.919043 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647191 Gm5155 NCBI_Gene:381852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078793 MGI:3647191 protein coding gene predicted gene 5155
7 gene 17.972124 17.978556 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914246 Ceacam11 NCBI_Gene:66996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030368 MGI:1914246 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 11
7 pseudogene 17.989805 17.990334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010310 Gm18125 NCBI_Gene:100416462 MGI:5010310 pseudogene predicted gene, 18125
7 gene 18.009889 18.019221 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917035 Ceacam13 NCBI_Gene:69785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057195 MGI:1917035 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 13
7 gene 18.017252 18.017352 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452191 Gm22414 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093207 MGI:5452191 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22414
7 pseudogene 18.038476 18.039180 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645680 Gm5322 NCBI_Gene:384560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108331 MGI:3645680 pseudogene predicted gene 5322
7 gene 18.065929 18.077986 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914565 Ceacam12 NCBI_Gene:67315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030366 MGI:1914565 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 12
7 gene 18.074016 18.186952 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753189 Gm44613 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108545 MGI:5753189 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44613
7 gene 18.176494 18.181862 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685426 Igfl3 NCBI_Gene:232925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066756 MGI:2685426 protein coding gene IGF-like family member 3
7 pseudogene 18.229716 18.231487 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779930 Gm9521 NCBI_Gene:671190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108798 MGI:3779930 pseudogene predicted gene 9521
7 gene 18.245232 18.266092 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2179988 Mill1 NCBI_Gene:266815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054005 MGI:2179988 protein coding gene MHC I like leukocyte 1
7 gene 18.318718 18.327196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592785 Gm33626 NCBI_Gene:102636608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108374 MGI:5592785 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33626
7 gene 18.345422 18.355039 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347251 Psg18 NCBI_Gene:26438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003505 MGI:1347251 protein coding gene pregnancy specific glycoprotein 18
7 pseudogene 18.374361 18.377622 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648188 Gm5997 NCBI_Gene:546936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109235 MGI:3648188 pseudogene predicted gene 5997
7 gene 18.396516 18.400865 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753680 Gm45104 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109209 MGI:5753680 unclassified gene predicted gene 45104
7 gene 18.417839 18.417933 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454492 Gm24715 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076332 MGI:5454492 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24715
7 gene 18.422536 18.432055 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891360 Psg28 NCBI_Gene:114871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030373 MGI:1891360 protein coding gene pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 28
7 pseudogene 18.435656 18.436653 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753447 Gm44871 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109264 MGI:5753447 pseudogene predicted gene 44871
7 pseudogene 18.452336 18.456829 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646690 Gm8314 NCBI_Gene:666831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108906 MGI:3646690 pseudogene predicted gene 8314
7 gene 18.474577 18.484196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891358 Psg26 NCBI_Gene:574429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070799 MGI:1891358 protein coding gene pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 26
7 pseudogene 18.493939 18.494916 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753732 Gm45156 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109504 MGI:5753732 pseudogene predicted gene 45156
7 pseudogene 18.508910 18.511739 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648786 Gm4880 NCBI_Gene:232930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109355 MGI:3648786 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 4880
7 gene 18.519702 18.532269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891357 Psg25 NCBI_Gene:114868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070798 MGI:1891357 protein coding gene pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 25
7 gene 18.549085 18.549191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455839 Gm26062 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065313 MGI:5455839 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26062
7 gene 18.556514 18.567305 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891359 Psg27 NCBI_Gene:545925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070797 MGI:1891359 protein coding gene pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 27
7 pseudogene 18.577698 18.579022 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011276 Gm19091 NCBI_Gene:100418238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109525 MGI:5011276 pseudogene predicted gene, 19091
7 pseudogene 18.579180 18.580156 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753233 Gm44657 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109159 MGI:5753233 pseudogene predicted gene 44657
7 gene 18.606343 18.616501 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891355 Psg23 NCBI_Gene:56868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074359 MGI:1891355 protein coding gene pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 23
7 pseudogene 18.626688 18.627990 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011277 Gm19092 NCBI_Gene:100418239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108992 MGI:5011277 pseudogene predicted gene, 19092
7 pseudogene 18.628157 18.629153 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753232 Gm44656 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109053 MGI:5753232 pseudogene predicted gene 44656
7 gene 18.646654 18.656725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891353 Psg21 NCBI_Gene:72242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070796 MGI:1891353 protein coding gene pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 21
7 pseudogene 18.666916 18.667963 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753230 Gm44654 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109180 MGI:5753230 pseudogene predicted gene 44654
7 gene 18.674107 18.686185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891352 Psg20 NCBI_Gene:434540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063305 MGI:1891352 protein coding gene pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 20
7 pseudogene 18.689760 18.691152 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753231 Gm44655 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109571 MGI:5753231 pseudogene predicted gene 44655
7 pseudogene 18.713590 18.713767 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753139 Gm44563 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108882 MGI:5753139 pseudogene predicted gene 44563
7 gene 18.718055 18.727438 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891354 Psg22 NCBI_Gene:243862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044903 MGI:1891354 protein coding gene pregnancy-specific glycoprotein 22
7 pseudogene 18.737447 18.737626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753140 Gm44564 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109292 MGI:5753140 pseudogene predicted gene 44564
7 pseudogene 18.740548 18.740851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753142 Gm44566 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108835 MGI:5753142 pseudogene predicted gene 44566
7 pseudogene 18.742327 18.743611 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753141 Gm44565 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109023 MGI:5753141 pseudogene predicted gene 44565
7 gene 18.745103 18.745209 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454241 Gm24464 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096479 MGI:5454241 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24464
7 pseudogene 18.760858 18.761121 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753137 Gm44561 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109234 MGI:5753137 pseudogene predicted gene 44561
7 pseudogene 18.786302 18.789414 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098279 Sycp1-ps1 NCBI_Gene:20958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109116 MGI:1098279 pseudogene synaptonemal complex protein 1, pseudogene 1
7 gene 18.789125 18.798542 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347252 Psg19 NCBI_Gene:26439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004542 MGI:1347252 protein coding gene pregnancy specific glycoprotein 19
7 pseudogene 18.800932 18.801853 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011311 Gm19126 NCBI_Gene:100418298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109490 MGI:5011311 pseudogene predicted gene, 19126
7 gene 18.813937 18.821607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347250 Psg17 NCBI_Gene:26437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004540 MGI:1347250 protein coding gene pregnancy specific glycoprotein 17
7 gene 18.822788 18.826231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595203 Gm36044 NCBI_Gene:102639822 MGI:5595203 protein coding gene predicted gene, 36044
7 pseudogene 18.831619 18.832414 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011040 Gm18855 NCBI_Gene:100417834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108471 MGI:5011040 pseudogene predicted gene, 18855
7 gene 18.839956 18.869696 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2179989 Mill2 NCBI_Gene:243864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040987 MGI:2179989 protein coding gene MHC I like leukocyte 2
7 gene 18.871331 18.890459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345092 Pglyrp1 NCBI_Gene:21946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030413 MGI:1345092 protein coding gene peptidoglycan recognition protein 1
7 gene 18.890883 18.910415 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685005 Ccdc61 NCBI_Gene:232933,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074358 MGI:2685005 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 61
7 gene 18.925888 18.965319 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104296 Nova2 NCBI_Gene:384569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030411 MGI:104296 protein coding gene NOVA alternative splicing regulator 2
7 gene 18.956197 18.957536 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621837 Gm38952 NCBI_Gene:105242860 MGI:5621837 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38952
7 gene 18.962415 18.965173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477315 Nova2os ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097038 MGI:5477315 lncRNA gene NOVA alternative splicing regulator 2, opposite strand sequence
7 gene 18.987400 18.988962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676627 Nanos2 NCBI_Gene:378430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051965 MGI:2676627 protein coding gene nanos C2HC-type zinc finger 2
7 gene 18.987559 18.988324 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753634 Gm45058 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108428 MGI:5753634 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45058
7 gene 18.989554 18.992774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704283 Gm10676 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074355 MGI:3704283 protein coding gene predicted gene 10676
7 gene 18.990060 19.001766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446472 Mypop NCBI_Gene:232934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048481 MGI:2446472 protein coding gene Myb-related transcription factor, partner of profilin
7 gene 18.993234 19.001222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826523 Mypopos NCBI_Gene:102636709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086533 MGI:3826523 antisense lncRNA gene Myb-related transcription factor, partner of profilin, opposite strand
7 gene 19.004044 19.006777 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442159 Irf2bp1 NCBI_Gene:272359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044030 MGI:2442159 protein coding gene interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 1
7 gene 19.013283 19.023539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347477 Foxa3 NCBI_Gene:15377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040891 MGI:1347477 protein coding gene forkhead box A3
7 gene 19.024352 19.054623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915438 Sympk NCBI_Gene:68188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023118 MGI:1915438 protein coding gene symplekin
7 gene 19.054678 19.074447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1927643 Rsph6a NCBI_Gene:83434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040866 MGI:1927643 protein coding gene radial spoke head 6 homolog A (Chlamydomonas)
7 gene 19.076090 19.082778 positive MGI_C57BL6J_94907 Dmwd NCBI_Gene:13401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030410 MGI:94907 protein coding gene dystrophia myotonica-containing WD repeat motif
7 gene 19.083833 19.093821 positive MGI_C57BL6J_94906 Dmpk NCBI_Gene:13400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030409 MGI:94906 protein coding gene dystrophia myotonica-protein kinase
7 gene 19.086828 19.086892 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4834314 Mir3100 miRBase:MI0014092,NCBI_Gene:100526504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092659 MGI:4834314 miRNA gene microRNA 3100
7 gene 19.094065 19.098549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106220 Six5 NCBI_Gene:20475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040841 MGI:106220 protein coding gene sine oculis-related homeobox 5
7 gene 19.098899 19.118531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647482 Gm4969 NCBI_Gene:243866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085601 MGI:3647482 protein coding gene predicted gene 4969
7 gene 19.119859 19.140172 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444918 Fbxo46 NCBI_Gene:243867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050428 MGI:2444918 protein coding gene F-box protein 46
7 gene 19.139702 19.149291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914619 Qpctl NCBI_Gene:67369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030407 MGI:1914619 protein coding gene glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like
7 gene 19.149722 19.153542 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98345 Snrpd2 NCBI_Gene:107686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040824 MGI:98345 protein coding gene small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2
7 gene 19.156061 19.170248 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352753 Gipr NCBI_Gene:381853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030406 MGI:1352753 protein coding gene gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor
7 gene 19.167137 19.169681 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444974 C130070B15Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA C130070B15 gene
7 gene 19.176416 19.206482 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919455 Eml2 NCBI_Gene:72205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040811 MGI:1919455 protein coding gene echinoderm microtubule associated protein like 2
7 gene 19.181465 19.181562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619345 Mir330 miRBase:MI0000607,NCBI_Gene:724063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065543 MGI:3619345 miRNA gene microRNA 330
7 gene 19.212499 19.224176 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441992 Gpr4 NCBI_Gene:319197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044317 MGI:2441992 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 4
7 gene 19.228334 19.256543 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686271 Opa3 NCBI_Gene:403187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052214 MGI:2686271 protein coding gene optic atrophy 3
7 gene 19.242130 19.242289 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454911 Gm25134 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064580 MGI:5454911 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25134
7 gene 19.249435 19.256546 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621384 Gm38499 NCBI_Gene:102637572 MGI:5621384 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38499
7 gene 19.256929 19.271854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109268 Vasp NCBI_Gene:22323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030403 MGI:109268 protein coding gene vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein
7 gene 19.258492 19.259739 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920627 1700058P15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089636 MGI:1920627 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700058P15 gene
7 gene 19.276805 19.280195 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142330 Ppm1n NCBI_Gene:232941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030402 MGI:2142330 protein coding gene protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1N (putative)
7 gene 19.282624 19.296164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107612 Rtn2 NCBI_Gene:20167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030401 MGI:107612 protein coding gene reticulon 2 (Z-band associated protein)
7 gene 19.298260 19.300793 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477296 Gm26802 NCBI_Gene:105242862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097266 MGI:5477296 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26802
7 gene 19.298936 19.302919 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414022 n-TUtca2 NA NA tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA selenocysteine 2 (anticodon TCA)
7 gene 19.302696 19.310226 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95575 Fosb NCBI_Gene:14282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003545 MGI:95575 protein coding gene FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene B
7 gene 19.320117 19.342515 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685688 D830036C21Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108854 MGI:2685688 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D830036C21 gene
7 gene 19.333129 19.337655 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753274 Gm44698 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109366 MGI:5753274 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44698
7 gene 19.333129 19.340683 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593592 Gm34433 NA NA lncRNA gene predicted gene%2c 34433
7 gene 19.344418 19.356524 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95412 Ercc1 NCBI_Gene:13870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003549 MGI:95412 protein coding gene excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 1
7 gene 19.356007 19.359483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917583 Cd3eap NCBI_Gene:70333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047649 MGI:1917583 protein coding gene CD3E antigen, epsilon polypeptide associated protein
7 gene 19.359719 19.378540 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3525053 Ppp1r13l NCBI_Gene:333654,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040734 MGI:3525053 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 13 like
7 gene 19.382010 19.395694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95413 Ercc2 NCBI_Gene:13871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030400 MGI:95413 protein coding gene excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 2
7 gene 19.382220 19.392718 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477346 Gm26852 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097231 MGI:5477346 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26852
7 gene 19.386643 19.386717 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3718510 Mir343 miRBase:MI0005494,NCBI_Gene:100124438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076315 MGI:3718510 miRNA gene microRNA 343
7 gene 19.394437 19.404448 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277971 Klc3 NCBI_Gene:232943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040714 MGI:1277971 protein coding gene kinesin light chain 3
7 gene 19.404776 19.422841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88413 Ckm NCBI_Gene:12715,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030399 MGI:88413 protein coding gene creatine kinase, muscle
7 gene 19.405689 19.408309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621839 Gm38954 NCBI_Gene:105242863 MGI:5621839 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38954
7 gene 19.417466 19.421417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3605623 A930016O22Rik NCBI_Gene:100503495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040705 MGI:3605623 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930016O22 gene
7 gene 19.424775 19.458821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920955 Mark4 NCBI_Gene:232944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030397 MGI:1920955 protein coding gene MAP/microtubule affinity regulating kinase 4
7 gene 19.460797 19.460935 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452876 Gm23099 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065388 MGI:5452876 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23099
7 gene 19.463148 19.496762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921713 Exoc3l2 NCBI_Gene:74463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011263 MGI:1921713 protein coding gene exocyst complex component 3-like 2
7 pseudogene 19.468228 19.468549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753743 Gm45167 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109301 MGI:5753743 pseudogene predicted gene 45167
7 gene 19.504486 19.508367 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2678952 Bloc1s3 NCBI_Gene:232946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057667 MGI:2678952 protein coding gene biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex-1, subunit 3
7 gene 19.508395 19.516145 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914341 Trappc6a NCBI_Gene:67091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002043 MGI:1914341 protein coding gene trafficking protein particle complex 6A
7 gene 19.516236 19.525057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916797 Nkpd1 NCBI_Gene:69547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060621 MGI:1916797 protein coding gene NTPase, KAP family P-loop domain containing 1
7 gene 19.530800 19.563076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2687042 Ppp1r37 NCBI_Gene:232947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051403 MGI:2687042 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 37
7 gene 19.564946 19.577595 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916981 Gemin7 NCBI_Gene:69731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044709 MGI:1916981 protein coding gene gem nuclear organelle associated protein 7
7 gene 19.577287 19.580656 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926956 Zfp296 NCBI_Gene:63872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011267 MGI:1926956 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 296
7 gene 19.581035 19.604517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1855695 Clasrp NCBI_Gene:53609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061028 MGI:1855695 protein coding gene CLK4-associating serine/arginine rich protein
7 gene 19.597293 19.602294 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477384 Gm26890 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097246 MGI:5477384 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26890
7 gene 19.606217 19.629438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103289 Relb NCBI_Gene:19698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002983 MGI:103289 protein coding gene avian reticuloendotheliosis viral (v-rel) oncogene related B
7 gene 19.631571 19.665033 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927155 Clptm1 NCBI_Gene:56457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002981 MGI:1927155 protein coding gene cleft lip and palate associated transmembrane protein 1
7 gene 19.652636 19.653870 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441715 6430500G05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6430500G05 gene
7 gene 19.671579 19.677941 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88054 Apoc2 NCBI_Gene:11813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002992 MGI:88054 protein coding gene apolipoprotein C-II
7 gene 19.671579 19.681460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753381 Gm44805 NCBI_Gene:105886299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109350 MGI:5753381 protein coding gene predicted gene 44805
7 gene 19.678083 19.681479 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87878 Apoc4 NCBI_Gene:11425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074336 MGI:87878 protein coding gene apolipoprotein C-IV
7 gene 19.689480 19.692660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88053 Apoc1 NCBI_Gene:11812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040564 MGI:88053 protein coding gene apolipoprotein C-I
7 gene 19.696109 19.699188 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88057 Apoe NCBI_Gene:11816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002985 MGI:88057 protein coding gene apolipoprotein E
7 gene 19.701313 19.715438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858259 Tomm40 NCBI_Gene:53333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002984 MGI:1858259 protein coding gene translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 40
7 gene 19.715016 19.721731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5141977 Gm20512 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092381 MGI:5141977 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20512
7 gene 19.715623 19.720152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621840 Gm38955 NCBI_Gene:105242864 MGI:5621840 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38955
7 gene 19.716644 19.750483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97822 Nectin2 NCBI_Gene:19294,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062300 MGI:97822 protein coding gene nectin cell adhesion molecule 2
7 gene 19.749672 19.790390 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593903 Gm34744 NCBI_Gene:102638099 MGI:5593903 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34744
7 gene 19.756131 19.771016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929940 Bcam NCBI_Gene:57278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002980 MGI:1929940 protein coding gene basal cell adhesion molecule
7 gene 19.760906 19.762254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753690 Gm45114 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109136 MGI:5753690 unclassified gene predicted gene 45114
7 gene 19.770611 19.775403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477094 Gm26600 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097226 MGI:5477094 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26600
7 gene 19.778881 19.796809 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1931457 Cblc NCBI_Gene:80794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040525 MGI:1931457 protein coding gene Casitas B-lineage lymphoma c
7 gene 19.808462 19.822770 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88140 Bcl3 NCBI_Gene:12051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053175 MGI:88140 protein coding gene B cell leukemia/lymphoma 3
7 gene 19.809609 19.811872 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801805 Gm16175 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087206 MGI:3801805 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16175
7 gene 19.814982 19.818625 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801857 Gm16174 NCBI_Gene:102638408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087593 MGI:3801857 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16174
7 gene 19.830061 19.847605 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594050 Gm34891 NCBI_Gene:102638293 MGI:5594050 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34891
7 gene 19.846973 19.847609 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753234 Gm44658 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109424 MGI:5753234 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44658
7 gene 19.852003 19.858355 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011530 Gm19345 NCBI_Gene:100502736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092216 MGI:5011530 protein coding gene predicted gene, 19345
7 gene 19.852097 19.871499 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685615 Ceacam16 NCBI_Gene:330483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014686 MGI:2685615 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 16
7 gene 19.868121 19.871438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753235 Gm44659 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109214 MGI:5753235 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44659
7 gene 19.875742 19.887990 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443001 Ceacam19 NCBI_Gene:319930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049848 MGI:2443001 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 19
7 gene 19.897334 19.899798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753236 Gm44660 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108942 MGI:5753236 unclassified gene predicted gene 44660
7 gene 19.903578 19.921160 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107741 Pvr NCBI_Gene:52118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040511 MGI:107741 protein coding gene poliovirus receptor
7 pseudogene 19.911825 19.912406 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802154 Gm16184 NCBI_Gene:100416336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089886 MGI:3802154 pseudogene predicted gene 16184
7 gene 19.920729 19.927607 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826569 Gm16251 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090075 MGI:3826569 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16251
7 gene 19.937305 19.950768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917330 Igsf23 NCBI_Gene:70080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040498 MGI:1917330 protein coding gene immunoglobulin superfamily, member 23
7 pseudogene 19.949201 19.949572 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753227 Gm44651 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109281 MGI:5753227 pseudogene predicted gene 44651
7 pseudogene 19.953764 19.954623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644288 Rpl7a-ps8 NCBI_Gene:243872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070778 MGI:3644288 pseudogene ribosomal protein L7A, pseudogene 8
7 gene 19.965352 19.991113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918851 Ceacam20 NCBI_Gene:71601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070777 MGI:1918851 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 20
7 gene 19.991393 20.073306 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2675377 Nlrp9b NCBI_Gene:243874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060508 MGI:2675377 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 9B
7 gene 20.010084 20.010202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4422015 n-R5s152 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070150 MGI:4422015 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 152
7 pseudogene 20.013534 20.013933 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645816 Gm8432 NCBI_Gene:667040 MGI:3645816 pseudogene predicted gene 8432
7 pseudogene 20.072777 20.073318 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011062 Gm18877 NCBI_Gene:100417882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109103 MGI:5011062 pseudogene predicted gene, 18877
7 gene 20.099680 20.103101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649070 Vmn1r91 NCBI_Gene:667067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095201 MGI:3649070 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 91
7 gene 20.121656 20.122579 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645807 Gm16442 NCBI_Gene:620401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096152 MGI:3645807 protein coding gene predicted gene 16442
7 gene 20.138123 20.139088 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033490 Vmn1r93 NCBI_Gene:404290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096164 MGI:3033490 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 93
7 gene 20.167460 20.168377 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647287 Vmn1r94 NCBI_Gene:620537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094011 MGI:3647287 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 94
7 pseudogene 20.183080 20.183229 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753174 Gm44598 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109240 MGI:5753174 pseudogene predicted gene 44598
7 gene 20.193710 20.194633 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852449 Vmn1r95 NCBI_Gene:100312475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094735 MGI:3852449 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor, 95
7 gene 20.204684 20.205607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647652 Gm6164 NCBI_Gene:620574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094298 MGI:3647652 protein coding gene predicted gene 6164
7 gene 20.232908 20.233828 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782683 Gm4498 NCBI_Gene:100043523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094757 MGI:3782683 protein coding gene predicted gene 4498
7 pseudogene 20.258291 20.259128 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010234 Gm18049 NCBI_Gene:100416337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109360 MGI:5010234 pseudogene predicted gene, 18049
7 gene 20.260451 20.262834 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649012 Gm5890 NCBI_Gene:545926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109166 MGI:3649012 protein coding gene predicted gene 5890
7 pseudogene 20.270710 20.271252 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010640 Gm18455 NCBI_Gene:100417216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109019 MGI:5010640 pseudogene predicted gene, 18455
7 pseudogene 20.289784 20.290334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782686 Gm4501 NCBI_Gene:100043528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108843 MGI:3782686 pseudogene predicted gene 4501
7 pseudogene 20.311024 20.331895 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825644 Gm46007 NCBI_Gene:108167475 MGI:5825644 pseudogene predicted gene, 46007
7 gene 20.333142 20.334065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782309 Gm4133 NCBI_Gene:100042964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095745 MGI:3782309 protein coding gene predicted gene 4133
7 pseudogene 20.356626 20.358918 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685498 Vmn1r-ps79 NCBI_Gene:100042966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094160 MGI:2685498 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 79
7 gene 20.374493 20.375410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644398 Gm5728 NCBI_Gene:435949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095806 MGI:3644398 protein coding gene predicted gene 5728
7 gene 20.417942 20.418865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704284 Vmn1r100 NCBI_Gene:100043536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096386 MGI:3704284 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 100
7 gene 20.441670 20.442593 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782311 Vmn1r101 NCBI_Gene:100042968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094545 MGI:3782311 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 101
7 gene 20.473960 20.474925 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642641 Gm10670 NCBI_Gene:100042971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094762 MGI:3642641 protein coding gene predicted gene 10670
7 gene 20.509617 20.510534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647681 Vmn1r103 NCBI_Gene:667129,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096663 MGI:3647681 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 103
7 gene 20.533837 20.534760 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644682 Vmn1r104 NCBI_Gene:667135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096903 MGI:3644682 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 104
7 gene 20.544834 20.545757 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644395 Gm5726 NCBI_Gene:435946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096761 MGI:3644395 protein coding gene predicted gene 5726
7 gene 20.575321 20.576241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782317 Gm4141 NCBI_Gene:100042976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095837 MGI:3782317 protein coding gene predicted gene 4141
7 pseudogene 20.590910 20.591722 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010235 Gm18050 NCBI_Gene:100416338 MGI:5010235 pseudogene predicted gene, 18050
7 gene 20.592972 20.599021 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782698 Gm4513 NCBI_Gene:101055864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109060 MGI:3782698 protein coding gene predicted gene 4513
7 pseudogene 20.602026 20.602568 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010641 Gm18456 NCBI_Gene:100417217 MGI:5010641 pseudogene predicted gene, 18456
7 pseudogene 20.618446 20.637943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644911 Gm8486 NCBI_Gene:667156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109469 MGI:3644911 pseudogene predicted gene 8486
7 gene 20.668918 20.669841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780017 Vmn1r107 NCBI_Gene:673977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095275 MGI:3780017 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 107
7 pseudogene 20.680414 20.681337 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648089 Vmn1r-ps71 NCBI_Gene:667166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092487 MGI:3648089 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 71
7 gene 20.702296 20.703216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645811 Vmn1r111 NCBI_Gene:667292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095768 MGI:3645811 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 111
7 pseudogene 20.722453 20.723262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010237 Gm18052 NCBI_Gene:100416340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109138 MGI:5010237 pseudogene predicted gene, 18052
7 gene 20.724525 20.730624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642587 Gm10668 NCBI_Gene:100043566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095190 MGI:3642587 protein coding gene predicted gene 10668
7 pseudogene 20.734768 20.735281 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010643 Gm18458 NCBI_Gene:100417219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108834 MGI:5010643 pseudogene predicted gene, 18458
7 gene 20.771185 20.772078 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649076 Vmn1r112 NCBI_Gene:100043569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094284 MGI:3649076 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 112
7 gene 20.787285 20.788208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647303 Vmn1r113 NCBI_Gene:436135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091638 MGI:3647303 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 113
7 gene 20.811221 20.812186 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642588 Vmn1r114 NCBI_Gene:100042996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094085 MGI:3642588 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 114
7 gene 20.844098 20.844985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645605 Vmn1r115 NCBI_Gene:667273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091435 MGI:3645605 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 115
7 gene 20.872256 20.873179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648873 Vmn1r116 NCBI_Gene:667268,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095973 MGI:3648873 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 116
7 gene 20.883198 20.884121 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648880 Vmn1r117 NCBI_Gene:667262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096737 MGI:3648880 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 117
7 gene 20.911427 20.912347 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645425 Vmn1r118 NCBI_Gene:667259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094589 MGI:3645425 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 118
7 pseudogene 20.936839 20.937651 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010238 Gm18053 NCBI_Gene:100416341 MGI:5010238 pseudogene predicted gene, 18053
7 pseudogene 20.939253 20.940210 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782711 Gm4526 NCBI_Gene:100043574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099623 MGI:3782711 pseudogene predicted gene 4526
7 pseudogene 20.947981 20.948523 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010644 Gm18459 NCBI_Gene:100417220 MGI:5010644 pseudogene predicted gene, 18459
7 pseudogene 20.968224 20.968774 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782713 Gm4528 NCBI_Gene:100043576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109272 MGI:3782713 pseudogene predicted gene 4528
7 gene 20.989413 20.992829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825645 Gm46008 NCBI_Gene:108167476 MGI:5825645 protein coding gene predicted gene, 46008
7 gene 21.011532 21.012455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686293 Vmn1r119 NCBI_Gene:384696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094010 MGI:2686293 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 119
7 pseudogene 21.035174 21.037293 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782339 Vmn1r-ps73 NCBI_Gene:100043006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094501 MGI:3782339 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 73
7 gene 21.052867 21.053784 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647340 Vmn1r120 NCBI_Gene:435953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093986 MGI:3647340 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 120
7 pseudogene 21.092110 21.092682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780015 Vmn1r-ps74 NCBI_Gene:673902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092616 MGI:3780015 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 74
7 gene 21.097569 21.098513 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648662 Vmn1r121 NCBI_Gene:667240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094680 MGI:3648662 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 121
7 gene 21.133211 21.134128 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647341 Vmn1r122 NCBI_Gene:435951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094001 MGI:3647341 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 122
7 gene 21.162185 21.163108 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686292 Vmn1r123 NCBI_Gene:384695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094385 MGI:2686292 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 123
7 pseudogene 21.182242 21.183056 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010239 Gm18054 NCBI_Gene:100416342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109269 MGI:5010239 pseudogene predicted gene, 18054
7 gene 21.184317 21.190423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648211 Gm5157 NCBI_Gene:381937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101436 MGI:3648211 protein coding gene predicted gene 5157
7 pseudogene 21.194582 21.195123 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010645 Gm18460 NCBI_Gene:100417221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109000 MGI:5010645 pseudogene predicted gene, 18460
7 pseudogene 21.229656 21.230197 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782720 Gm4536 NCBI_Gene:100043588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109253 MGI:3782720 pseudogene predicted gene 4536
7 gene 21.259694 21.260617 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779910 Vmn1r124 NCBI_Gene:670764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094221 MGI:3779910 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 124
7 gene 21.272179 21.273102 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704112 Vmn1r125 NCBI_Gene:667215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095309 MGI:3704112 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 125
7 gene 21.300502 21.301467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782346 Vmn1r126 NCBI_Gene:100043013,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096813 MGI:3782346 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 126
7 gene 21.318944 21.319861 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779578 Vmn1r127 NCBI_Gene:621561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093890 MGI:3779578 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 127
7 gene 21.349373 21.350296 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643535 Vmn1r128 NCBI_Gene:667199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095758 MGI:3643535 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 128
7 gene 21.360368 21.361291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645471 Vmn1r129 NCBI_Gene:621510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094879 MGI:3645471 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 129
7 pseudogene 21.392341 21.393260 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646444 Vmn1r-ps75 NCBI_Gene:667186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095185 MGI:3646444 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 75
7 pseudogene 21.424547 21.425358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010240 Gm18055 NCBI_Gene:100416343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109259 MGI:5010240 pseudogene predicted gene, 18055
7 gene 21.425858 21.432745 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645601 Gm6882 NCBI_Gene:628475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109516 MGI:3645601 protein coding gene predicted gene 6882
7 pseudogene 21.436852 21.437393 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010646 Gm18461 NCBI_Gene:100417222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109380 MGI:5010646 pseudogene predicted gene, 18461
7 pseudogene 21.445773 21.467439 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782725 Gm4541 NCBI_Gene:100043595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108907 MGI:3782725 pseudogene predicted gene 4541
7 gene 21.511780 21.512703 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782726 Vmn1r130 NCBI_Gene:100043596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094208 MGI:3782726 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 130
7 pseudogene 21.523277 21.524200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646795 Vmn1r-ps76 NCBI_Gene:667358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096741 MGI:3646795 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 76
7 gene 21.545170 21.546090 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782348 Vmn1r131 NCBI_Gene:100043016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093941 MGI:3782348 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 131
7 pseudogene 21.565325 21.566134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010241 Gm18056 NCBI_Gene:100416344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108879 MGI:5010241 pseudogene predicted gene, 18056
7 pseudogene 21.567673 21.568697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782729 Gm4545 NCBI_Gene:100043602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101076 MGI:3782729 pseudogene predicted gene 4545
7 pseudogene 21.577649 21.578190 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010647 Gm18462 NCBI_Gene:100417223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109300 MGI:5010647 pseudogene predicted gene, 18462
7 gene 21.612745 21.615147 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647009 Vmn1r132 NCBI_Gene:100043604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074322 MGI:3647009 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 132
7 pseudogene 21.670360 21.676421 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646559 Gm8600 NCBI_Gene:667378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101280 MGI:3646559 pseudogene predicted gene 8600
7 pseudogene 21.685399 21.685940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010648 Gm18463 NCBI_Gene:100417224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109557 MGI:5010648 pseudogene predicted gene, 18463
7 pseudogene 21.720430 21.720971 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782732 Gm4548 NCBI_Gene:100043607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109276 MGI:3782732 pseudogene predicted gene 4548
7 gene 21.760531 21.761475 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782351 Gm4175 NCBI_Gene:100043019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096513 MGI:3782351 protein coding gene predicted gene 4175
7 gene 21.795811 21.796728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782353 Gm4177 NCBI_Gene:100043025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096760 MGI:3782353 protein coding gene predicted gene 4177
7 pseudogene 21.813476 21.813622 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753130 Gm44554 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109569 MGI:5753130 pseudogene predicted gene 44554
7 gene 21.832351 21.833274 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648167 Vmn1r135 NCBI_Gene:667404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095064 MGI:3648167 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 135
7 gene 21.843344 21.844267 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644396 Gm5725 NCBI_Gene:435940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095191 MGI:3644396 protein coding gene predicted gene 5725
7 pseudogene 21.875360 21.877344 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647529 Vmn1r-ps77 NCBI_Gene:100043026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092506 MGI:3647529 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 77
7 pseudogene 21.907345 21.908165 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010242 Gm18057 NCBI_Gene:100416345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109092 MGI:5010242 pseudogene predicted gene, 18057
7 gene 21.908665 21.921291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649014 Gm5891 NCBI_Gene:545929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095976 MGI:3649014 protein coding gene predicted gene 5891
7 pseudogene 21.919645 21.920186 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010649 Gm18464 NCBI_Gene:100417225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108853 MGI:5010649 pseudogene predicted gene, 18464
7 pseudogene 21.928579 21.956428 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645113 Gm16443 NCBI_Gene:667421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109405 MGI:3645113 pseudogene predicted gene 16443
7 gene 21.994587 21.995510 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782735 Vmn1r137 NCBI_Gene:100043614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095962 MGI:3782735 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 137
7 pseudogene 22.006084 22.007007 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647675 Vmn1r-ps78 NCBI_Gene:667431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095287 MGI:3647675 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 78
7 gene 22.027977 22.028897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782355 Vmn1r138 NCBI_Gene:100043029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095163 MGI:3782355 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 138
7 pseudogene 22.048123 22.048942 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010243 Gm18058 NCBI_Gene:100416346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109263 MGI:5010243 pseudogene predicted gene, 18058
7 gene 22.050205 22.056305 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644439 Gm6176 NCBI_Gene:620736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096283 MGI:3644439 protein coding gene predicted gene 6176
7 pseudogene 22.060442 22.060955 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010650 Gm18465 NCBI_Gene:100417226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109041 MGI:5010650 pseudogene predicted gene, 18465
7 gene 22.069057 22.097907 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644494 Vmn1r139 NCBI_Gene:667444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074311 MGI:3644494 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 139
7 gene 22.117322 22.118245 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647461 Gm16451 NCBI_Gene:100043033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096304 MGI:3647461 protein coding gene predicted pseudogene 16451
7 gene 22.133776 22.134741 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704285 Gm10666 NCBI_Gene:100043037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096348 MGI:3704285 protein coding gene predicted gene 10666
7 gene 22.163118 22.164035 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644264 Vmn1r142 NCBI_Gene:667464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095273 MGI:3644264 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 142
7 gene 22.189377 22.190300 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644289 Vmn1r143 NCBI_Gene:667469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096071 MGI:3644289 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 143
7 gene 22.200341 22.201264 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647206 Gm8653 NCBI_Gene:667472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094981 MGI:3647206 protein coding gene predicted gene 8653
7 gene 22.228564 22.229484 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644807 Gm8453 NCBI_Gene:667094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094149 MGI:3644807 protein coding gene predicted gene 8453
7 pseudogene 22.253964 22.254785 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010244 Gm18059 NCBI_Gene:100416347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109411 MGI:5010244 pseudogene predicted gene, 18059
7 pseudogene 22.256385 22.257343 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782741 Gm4557 NCBI_Gene:100043625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101948 MGI:3782741 pseudogene predicted gene 4557
7 pseudogene 22.266363 22.266905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010651 Gm18466 NCBI_Gene:100417227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109444 MGI:5010651 pseudogene predicted gene, 18466
7 pseudogene 22.285439 22.285989 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782742 Gm4558 NCBI_Gene:100043626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108944 MGI:3782742 pseudogene predicted gene 4558
7 pseudogene 22.306676 22.327547 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825646 Gm46009 NCBI_Gene:108167477 MGI:5825646 pseudogene predicted gene, 46009
7 gene 22.328794 22.329717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782363 Gm4187 NCBI_Gene:100043043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093871 MGI:3782363 protein coding gene predicted gene 4187
7 pseudogene 22.352435 22.353397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782368 Vmn1r-ps70 NCBI_Gene:100043048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095816 MGI:3782368 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 70
7 gene 22.370122 22.371039 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645692 Gm8660 NCBI_Gene:667485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093917 MGI:3645692 protein coding gene predicted gene 8660
7 gene 22.412231 22.414669 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033483 Vmn1r148 NCBI_Gene:81011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095543 MGI:3033483 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 148
7 gene 22.437306 22.438229 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782370 Vmn1r149 NCBI_Gene:100043051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094542 MGI:3782370 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 149
7 gene 22.463110 22.464075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642415 Gm10665 NCBI_Gene:100043058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096871 MGI:3642415 protein coding gene predicted gene 10665
7 gene 22.498761 22.499678 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644394 Vmn1r151 NCBI_Gene:435947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093853 MGI:3644394 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 151
7 gene 22.522967 22.523890 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643438 Vmn1r152 NCBI_Gene:667504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095383 MGI:3643438 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 152
7 gene 22.533964 22.534887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646576 Gm8677 NCBI_Gene:667512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094748 MGI:3646576 protein coding gene predicted gene 8677
7 gene 22.564423 22.565343 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782378 Gm4201 NCBI_Gene:100043061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095984 MGI:3782378 protein coding gene predicted gene 4201
7 pseudogene 22.580017 22.580829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010245 Gm18060 NCBI_Gene:100416348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109043 MGI:5010245 pseudogene predicted gene, 18060
7 gene 22.582079 22.588127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782749 Gm4565 NCBI_Gene:100043638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109396 MGI:3782749 protein coding gene predicted gene 4565
7 pseudogene 22.591126 22.591668 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010652 Gm18467 NCBI_Gene:100417228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109567 MGI:5010652 pseudogene predicted gene, 18467
7 pseudogene 22.607553 22.627052 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643678 Gm8685 NCBI_Gene:667527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109247 MGI:3643678 pseudogene predicted gene 8685
7 gene 22.658018 22.658941 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646821 Vmn1r155 NCBI_Gene:667530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094905 MGI:3646821 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 155
7 pseudogene 22.669464 22.670431 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646819 Vmn1r-ps80 NCBI_Gene:667536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092547 MGI:3646819 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 80
7 gene 22.691397 22.692317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642968 Gm8693 NCBI_Gene:667543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095081 MGI:3642968 protein coding gene predicted gene 8693
7 pseudogene 22.711539 22.712348 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010246 Gm18061 NCBI_Gene:100416349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109169 MGI:5010246 pseudogene predicted gene, 18061
7 gene 22.713598 22.719710 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3809658 Gm4567 NCBI_Gene:100043645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095363 MGI:3809658 protein coding gene predicted gene 4567
7 pseudogene 22.723861 22.724374 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010653 Gm18468 NCBI_Gene:100417229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109546 MGI:5010653 pseudogene predicted gene, 18468
7 gene 22.761697 22.762590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646139 Vmn1r157 NCBI_Gene:667551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095619 MGI:3646139 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 157
7 gene 22.789859 22.790782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646143 Vmn1r158 NCBI_Gene:100043067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094700 MGI:3646143 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 158
7 pseudogene 22.806346 22.808474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3809198 Gm4207 NCBI_Gene:100043069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100654 MGI:3809198 pseudogene predicted gene 4207
7 gene 22.842688 22.843605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642763 Vmn1r159 NCBI_Gene:670857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095931 MGI:3642763 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 159
7 pseudogene 22.857425 22.857574 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753401 Gm44825 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108922 MGI:5753401 pseudogene predicted gene 44825
7 gene 22.871224 22.872147 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779564 Vmn1r160 NCBI_Gene:620758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094931 MGI:3779564 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 160
7 pseudogene 22.891234 22.892268 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012085 Gm19900 NCBI_Gene:100503796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109514 MGI:5012085 pseudogene predicted gene, 19900
7 pseudogene 22.893553 22.899614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646358 Gm8708 NCBI_Gene:667570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102023 MGI:3646358 pseudogene predicted gene 8708
7 pseudogene 22.908588 22.909133 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010654 Gm18469 NCBI_Gene:100417230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109072 MGI:5010654 pseudogene predicted gene, 18469
7 pseudogene 22.943629 22.944170 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782757 Gm4574 NCBI_Gene:100043658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109345 MGI:3782757 pseudogene predicted gene 4574
7 gene 22.983714 22.984673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782390 Gm4214 NCBI_Gene:100043079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092297 MGI:3782390 protein coding gene predicted gene 4214
7 gene 23.019006 23.019923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782392 Gm4216 NCBI_Gene:100043083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094532 MGI:3782392 protein coding gene predicted gene 4216
7 gene 23.055540 23.056463 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644349 Vmn1r163 NCBI_Gene:667586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094934 MGI:3644349 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 163
7 gene 23.066533 23.067456 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647550 Gm8720 NCBI_Gene:667599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096601 MGI:3647550 protein coding gene predicted gene 8720
7 pseudogene 23.098550 23.100534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647759 Gm16456 NCBI_Gene:100043086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094684 MGI:3647759 pseudogene predicted gene 16456
7 pseudogene 23.130546 23.131354 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010247 Gm18062 NCBI_Gene:100416350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109098 MGI:5010247 pseudogene predicted gene, 18062
7 gene 23.131854 23.144480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642760 Gm10662 NCBI_Gene:100043665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095683 MGI:3642760 protein coding gene predicted gene 10662
7 pseudogene 23.142834 23.143375 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010655 Gm18470 NCBI_Gene:100417231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109085 MGI:5010655 pseudogene predicted gene, 18470
7 pseudogene 23.166873 23.186363 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644568 Gm8728 NCBI_Gene:667616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109535 MGI:3644568 pseudogene predicted gene 8728
7 gene 23.217332 23.218255 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782762 Vmn1r165 NCBI_Gene:100043667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095358 MGI:3782762 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 165
7 pseudogene 23.228834 23.229758 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647939 Vmn1r-ps83 NCBI_Gene:667623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092462 MGI:3647939 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 83
7 gene 23.250762 23.251682 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782396 Vmn1r166 NCBI_Gene:100043088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096073 MGI:3782396 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 166
7 pseudogene 23.270729 23.271538 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010248 Gm18063 NCBI_Gene:100416351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109024 MGI:5010248 pseudogene predicted gene, 18063
7 gene 23.272788 23.278900 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647238 Gm6902 NCBI_Gene:628664,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094682 MGI:3647238 protein coding gene predicted gene 6902
7 pseudogene 23.283025 23.283560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010656 Gm18471 NCBI_Gene:100417232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109425 MGI:5010656 pseudogene predicted gene, 18471
7 gene 23.301192 23.362277 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3056600 Nlrp4e NCBI_Gene:446099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045693 MGI:3056600 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 4E
7 pseudogene 23.357094 23.358779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779503 Krt8-ps NCBI_Gene:434261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109325 MGI:3779503 pseudogene keratin 8, pseudogene
7 gene 23.385889 23.441923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345193 Nlrp5 NCBI_Gene:23968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015721 MGI:1345193 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 5
7 gene 23.406996 23.407105 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454973 Gm25196 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095946 MGI:5454973 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25196
7 pseudogene 23.446289 23.446895 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010783 Gm18598 NCBI_Gene:100417412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108946 MGI:5010783 pseudogene predicted gene, 18598
7 pseudogene 23.447579 23.448156 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010491 Gm18306 NCBI_Gene:100416896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109477 MGI:5010491 pseudogene predicted gene, 18306
7 pseudogene 23.486375 23.487297 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782403 Vmn1r-ps84 NCBI_Gene:100043095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092496 MGI:3782403 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 84
7 gene 23.503646 23.507206 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644421 Vmn1r167 NCBI_Gene:622032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090715 MGI:3644421 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 167
7 pseudogene 23.526162 23.526964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644117 Gm8745 NCBI_Gene:667651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108936 MGI:3644117 pseudogene predicted gene 8745
7 pseudogene 23.535446 23.536424 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010380 Gm18195 NCBI_Gene:100416688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109182 MGI:5010380 pseudogene predicted gene, 18195
7 gene 23.539732 23.547448 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704286 Vmn1r168 NCBI_Gene:100043101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074291 MGI:3704286 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 168
7 gene 23.575526 23.578849 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782408 Vmn1r169 NCBI_Gene:100043103,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094602 MGI:3782408 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 169
7 gene 23.606175 23.607089 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644326 Vmn1r170 NCBI_Gene:546944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094187 MGI:3644326 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 170
7 gene 23.630722 23.634370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033476 Vmn1r171 NCBI_Gene:81012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062483 MGI:3033476 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 171
7 gene 23.658316 23.668447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033478 Vmn1r172 NCBI_Gene:81010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035523 MGI:3033478 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 172
7 gene 23.700703 23.711009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645760 Vmn1r173 NCBI_Gene:545934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115021 MGI:3645760 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 173
7 gene 23.752270 23.762403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033491 Vmn1r174 NCBI_Gene:404291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090411 MGI:3033491 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 174
7 pseudogene 23.778358 23.779247 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648935 Vmn1r-ps85 NCBI_Gene:384573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092629 MGI:3648935 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 85
7 pseudogene 23.786586 23.787473 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5009944 Gm17780 NCBI_Gene:100047529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109318 MGI:5009944 pseudogene predicted gene, 17780
7 pseudogene 23.800874 23.801284 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753152 Gm44576 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109310 MGI:5753152 pseudogene predicted gene 44576
7 gene 23.807182 23.810643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648367 Vmn1r175 NCBI_Gene:622222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095632 MGI:3648367 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 175
7 gene 23.833840 23.837372 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3809206 Vmn1r176 NCBI_Gene:546943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096859 MGI:3809206 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 176
7 gene 23.865520 23.866449 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033481 Vmn1r177 NCBI_Gene:384572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057513 MGI:3033481 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 177
7 pseudogene 23.870799 23.871778 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010391 Gm18206 NCBI_Gene:100416699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109210 MGI:5010391 pseudogene predicted gene, 18206
7 gene 23.892009 23.895622 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033482 Vmn1r178 NCBI_Gene:232959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062598 MGI:3033482 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 178
7 gene 23.926978 23.936245 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033486 Vmn1r179 NCBI_Gene:404286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046924 MGI:3033486 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 179
7 pseudogene 23.946646 23.947290 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704287 Gm10175 NCBI_Gene:100043121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066724 MGI:3704287 pseudogene predicted gene 10175
7 gene 23.950632 23.955691 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033485 Vmn1r180 NCBI_Gene:232962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092473 MGI:3033485 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 180
7 pseudogene 23.965085 23.965675 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648933 Gm5324 NCBI_Gene:384575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109065 MGI:3648933 pseudogene predicted gene 5324
7 gene 23.974615 23.988139 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033489 Vmn1r181 NCBI_Gene:404289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097425 MGI:3033489 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 181
7 gene 24.001691 24.005057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033488 V1rd19 NCBI_Gene:404287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092456 MGI:3033488 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor, D19
7 gene 24.003091 24.004247 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033487 V1rd18 NA NA protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor%2c D18
7 gene 24.053254 24.063554 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033484 Vmn1r183 NCBI_Gene:209824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118318 MGI:3033484 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 183
7 gene 24.054232 24.077901 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595853 Gm36694 NCBI_Gene:102640682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108613 MGI:5595853 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36694
7 pseudogene 24.063832 24.064170 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644252 Ptma-ps1 NCBI_Gene:622446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095331 MGI:3644252 pseudogene prothymosin alpha, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 24.073915 24.077969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753519 Gm44943 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108960 MGI:5753519 pseudogene predicted gene 44943
7 gene 24.081897 24.107713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923701 Zfp180 NCBI_Gene:210135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057101 MGI:1923701 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 180
7 gene 24.111898 24.127952 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929115 Zfp112 NCBI_Gene:57745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052675 MGI:1929115 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 112
7 gene 24.112454 24.116600 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753369 Gm44793 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108703 MGI:5753369 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44793
7 gene 24.130933 24.143244 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929117 Zfp235 NCBI_Gene:56525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047603 MGI:1929117 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 235
7 gene 24.175021 24.183188 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3037815 Zfp114 NCBI_Gene:232966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068962 MGI:3037815 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 114
7 gene 24.193215 24.211443 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929114 Zfp111 NCBI_Gene:56707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087598 MGI:1929114 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 111
7 gene 24.213134 24.214385 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753372 Gm44796 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108361 MGI:5753372 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44796
7 gene 24.227572 24.237598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929099 Zfp109 NCBI_Gene:56869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074283 MGI:1929099 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 109
7 gene 24.254733 24.262445 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891198 Zfp108 NCBI_Gene:54678,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030486 MGI:1891198 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 108
7 gene 24.267985 24.277794 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107611 Zfp93 NCBI_Gene:22755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055305 MGI:107611 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 93
7 pseudogene 24.287293 24.288636 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010311 Gm18126 NCBI_Gene:100416463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118477 MGI:5010311 pseudogene predicted gene, 18126
7 gene 24.288309 24.289313 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6324748 Gm50477 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118444 MGI:6324748 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50477
7 gene 24.291039 24.302516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99663 Zfp61 NCBI_Gene:22719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050605 MGI:99663 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 61
7 gene 24.301704 24.320259 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107610 Zfp94 NCBI_Gene:22756,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074282 MGI:107610 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 94
7 pseudogene 24.316661 24.319501 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753089 Gm44513 NCBI_Gene:108167470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108567 MGI:5753089 pseudogene predicted gene 44513
7 pseudogene 24.320005 24.322784 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705590 Gm15465 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082802 MGI:3705590 pseudogene predicted gene 15465
7 pseudogene 24.326978 24.327896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010167 Gm17982 NCBI_Gene:100416226 MGI:5010167 pseudogene predicted gene, 17982
7 gene 24.333080 24.333965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916551 Tescl NCBI_Gene:69301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055826 MGI:1916551 protein coding gene tescalcin-like
7 gene 24.336340 24.336465 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530974 Gm27592 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088354 MGI:5530974 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27592
7 gene 24.349196 24.355109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924192 Lypd5 NCBI_Gene:76942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030484 MGI:1924192 protein coding gene Ly6/Plaur domain containing 5
7 gene 24.355066 24.355873 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621849 Gm38964 NCBI_Gene:105242876 MGI:5621849 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38964
7 gene 24.369825 24.386690 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277957 Kcnn4 NCBI_Gene:16534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054342 MGI:1277957 protein coding gene potassium intermediate/small conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily N, member 4
7 gene 24.399598 24.422778 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919247 Smg9 NCBI_Gene:71997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002210 MGI:1919247 protein coding gene smg-9 homolog, nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor (C. elegans)
7 gene 24.431919 24.452297 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685948 Irgc1 NCBI_Gene:210145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062028 MGI:2685948 protein coding gene immunity-related GTPase family, cinema 1
7 gene 24.447994 24.451335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595318 Gm36159 NCBI_Gene:102639971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108360 MGI:5595318 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36159
7 gene 24.460937 24.475968 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97612 Plaur NCBI_Gene:18793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046223 MGI:97612 protein coding gene plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor
7 gene 24.482023 24.504539 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2449088 Cadm4 NCBI_Gene:260299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054793 MGI:2449088 protein coding gene cell adhesion molecule 4
7 gene 24.507006 24.515682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916463 Zfp428 NCBI_Gene:232969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064264 MGI:1916463 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 428
7 gene 24.510483 24.512455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6275428 Gm50092 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117477 MGI:6275428 protein coding gene predicted gene, 50092
7 gene 24.530648 24.538600 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2667176 Irgq NCBI_Gene:210146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041037 MGI:2667176 protein coding gene immunity-related GTPase family, Q
7 gene 24.541654 24.546620 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3615324 Pinlyp NCBI_Gene:641361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011632 MGI:3615324 protein coding gene phospholipase A2 inhibitor and LY6/PLAUR domain containing
7 gene 24.546289 24.573440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99137 Xrcc1 NCBI_Gene:22594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051768 MGI:99137 protein coding gene X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 1
7 gene 24.583838 24.587736 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141921 Zfp575 NCBI_Gene:101544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066721 MGI:2141921 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 575
7 gene 24.587543 24.608925 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913321 Ethe1 NCBI_Gene:66071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064254 MGI:1913321 protein coding gene ethylmalonic encephalopathy 1
7 gene 24.610278 24.629297 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642959 Phldb3 NCBI_Gene:232970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074277 MGI:3642959 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology like domain, family B, member 3
7 gene 24.620193 24.638419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477044 Gm26550 NCBI_Gene:102640044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097215 MGI:5477044 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26550
7 gene 24.636550 24.641118 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919684 Lypd3 NCBI_Gene:72434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057454 MGI:1919684 protein coding gene Ly6/Plaur domain containing 3
7 gene 24.661294 24.663109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782781 Gm4598 NCBI_Gene:100043706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108470 MGI:3782781 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4598
7 gene 24.666733 24.666970 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925735 2200007N16Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108787 MGI:1925735 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2200007N16 gene
7 gene 24.668007 24.676675 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930791 Tex101 NCBI_Gene:56746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062773 MGI:1930791 protein coding gene testis expressed gene 101
7 pseudogene 24.684306 24.684642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753547 Gm44971 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108768 MGI:5753547 pseudogene predicted gene 44971
7 gene 24.687908 24.695219 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685942 Gm1096 NCBI_Gene:381959 MGI:2685942 protein coding gene predicted gene 1096
7 pseudogene 24.706339 24.706669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595935 Gm36776 NCBI_Gene:102640793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108430 MGI:5595935 pseudogene predicted gene, 36776
7 gene 24.709215 24.714535 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681843 Lypd10 NCBI_Gene:232972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045587 MGI:2681843 protein coding gene Ly6/PLAUR domain containing 10
7 gene 24.714591 24.726934 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643098 Lypd11 NCBI_Gene:210155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058717 MGI:3643098 protein coding gene Ly6/PLAUR domain containing 11
7 pseudogene 24.729720 24.730125 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753548 Gm44972 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108404 MGI:5753548 pseudogene predicted gene 44972
7 gene 24.743983 24.760334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916141 Cd177 NCBI_Gene:68891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052212 MGI:1916141 protein coding gene CD177 antigen
7 gene 24.777167 24.784657 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1347248 Ceacam10 NCBI_Gene:26366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054169 MGI:1347248 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 10
7 gene 24.818795 24.840275 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645761 Gm5893 NCBI_Gene:545936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011350 MGI:3645761 lncRNA gene predicted gene 5893
7 gene 24.840447 24.840517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3629769 Gt(pU21)105Imeg NA NA unclassified gene gene trap 105%2c Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics
7 gene 24.853795 24.854785 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621850 Gm38965 NCBI_Gene:105242877 MGI:5621850 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38965
7 pseudogene 24.860896 24.861473 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010392 Gm18207 NCBI_Gene:100416700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108302 MGI:5010392 pseudogene predicted gene, 18207
7 gene 24.862203 24.862697 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704288 Gm9844 NCBI_Gene:100043712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091955 MGI:3704288 protein coding gene predicted pseudogene 9844
7 gene 24.864619 24.869941 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2687054 Lypd4 NCBI_Gene:232973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062732 MGI:2687054 protein coding gene Ly6/Plaur domain containing 4
7 gene 24.869829 24.877655 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918491 Dmrtc2 NCBI_Gene:71241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011349 MGI:1918491 protein coding gene doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor like family C2
7 gene 24.875748 24.884549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621851 Gm38966 NCBI_Gene:105242878 MGI:5621851 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38966
7 gene 24.884371 24.889806 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333780 Rps19 NCBI_Gene:20085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040952 MGI:1333780 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S19
7 gene 24.897381 24.902197 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101774 Cd79a NCBI_Gene:12518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003379 MGI:101774 protein coding gene CD79A antigen (immunoglobulin-associated alpha)
7 gene 24.902912 24.926594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1353510 Arhgef1 NCBI_Gene:16801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040940 MGI:1353510 protein coding gene Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 1
7 gene 24.926956 24.944496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642958 Gm4881 NCBI_Gene:232974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108367 MGI:3642958 protein coding gene predicted gene 4881
7 gene 24.953524 24.954476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595968 Gm36809 NCBI_Gene:102640835 MGI:5595968 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36809
7 gene 24.954917 24.958241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753546 Gm44970 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108675 MGI:5753546 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44970
7 gene 24.969750 24.972754 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1201692 Rabac1 NCBI_Gene:14470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003380 MGI:1201692 protein coding gene Rab acceptor 1 (prenylated)
7 gene 24.970010 24.970075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530851 Mir7046 miRBase:MI0022895,NCBI_Gene:102465633,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098802 MGI:5530851 miRNA gene microRNA 7046
7 gene 24.978167 25.005958 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88107 Atp1a3 NCBI_Gene:232975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040907 MGI:88107 protein coding gene ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, alpha 3 polypeptide
7 gene 24.987604 24.987667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530652 Mir7047 miRBase:MI0022896,NCBI_Gene:102465634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099258 MGI:5530652 miRNA gene microRNA 7047
7 gene 25.009849 25.072369 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95818 Grik5 NCBI_Gene:14809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003378 MGI:95818 protein coding gene glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 5 (gamma 2)
7 gene 25.072567 25.083492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442951 Zfp574 NCBI_Gene:232976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045252 MGI:2442951 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 574
7 gene 25.087344 25.179993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_101897 Pou2f2 NCBI_Gene:18987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008496 MGI:101897 protein coding gene POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2
7 gene 25.097066 25.097175 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531190 Mir6537 miRBase:MI0022353,NCBI_Gene:102465968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098441 MGI:5531190 miRNA gene microRNA 6537
7 gene 25.152457 25.156630 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3687343 D930028M14Rik NCBI_Gene:434147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074274 MGI:3687343 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D930028M14 gene
7 gene 25.199915 25.220615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914629 Dedd2 NCBI_Gene:67379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054499 MGI:1914629 protein coding gene death effector domain-containing DNA binding protein 2
7 gene 25.217668 25.217725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530656 Mir7048 miRBase:MI0022897,NCBI_Gene:102466794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098325 MGI:5530656 miRNA gene microRNA 7048
7 gene 25.219368 25.220930 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918501 4933430L12Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108523 MGI:1918501 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933430L12 gene
7 gene 25.219847 25.227876 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2445181 Zfp526 NCBI_Gene:210172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046541 MGI:2445181 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 526
7 gene 25.228258 25.237851 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2152453 Gsk3a NCBI_Gene:606496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057177 MGI:2152453 protein coding gene glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha
7 gene 25.228687 25.230264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924374 9130221H12Rik NCBI_Gene:77124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090330 MGI:1924374 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9130221H12 gene
7 gene 25.242560 25.250761 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109637 Erf NCBI_Gene:13875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040857 MGI:109637 protein coding gene Ets2 repressor factor
7 gene 25.267656 25.294159 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918972 Cic NCBI_Gene:71722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005442 MGI:1918972 protein coding gene capicua transcriptional repressor
7 gene 25.267755 25.270827 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825611 Gm45974 NCBI_Gene:108167411 MGI:5825611 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45974
7 gene 25.295048 25.297986 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108414 Pafah1b3 NCBI_Gene:18476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005447 MGI:108414 protein coding gene platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, subunit 3
7 gene 25.301359 25.304140 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648539 Prr19 NCBI_Gene:623131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058741 MGI:3648539 protein coding gene proline rich 19
7 gene 25.305995 25.316196 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3607779 Tmem145 NCBI_Gene:330485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043843 MGI:3607779 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 145
7 gene 25.316736 25.365917 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446294 Megf8 NCBI_Gene:269878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045039 MGI:2446294 protein coding gene multiple EGF-like-domains 8
7 gene 25.367616 25.369724 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919633 Cnfn NCBI_Gene:72383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063651 MGI:1919633 protein coding gene cornifelin
7 gene 25.376819 25.566417 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3603586 4732471J01Rik NCBI_Gene:654804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053714 MGI:3603586 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4732471J01 gene
7 gene 25.379527 25.398710 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96790 Lipe NCBI_Gene:16890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003123 MGI:96790 protein coding gene lipase, hormone sensitive
7 gene 25.388635 25.389558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621853 Gm38968 NCBI_Gene:105242880 MGI:5621853 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38968
7 gene 25.400053 25.412886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2387642 Cxcl17 NCBI_Gene:232983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060188 MGI:2387642 protein coding gene chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 17
7 pseudogene 25.418380 25.419836 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645641 Gm5587 NCBI_Gene:434148,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108518 MGI:3645641 pseudogene predicted gene 5587
7 pseudogene 25.420590 25.423062 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434304 Gm20949 NCBI_Gene:100417596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108503 MGI:5434304 pseudogene predicted gene, 20949
7 pseudogene 25.442152 25.443463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782941 Gm15495 NCBI_Gene:100418005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081732 MGI:3782941 pseudogene predicted gene 15495
7 gene 25.461702 25.477625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347245 Ceacam1 NCBI_Gene:26365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074272 MGI:1347245 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1
7 gene 25.483186 25.486853 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621852 Gm38967 NCBI_Gene:105242879 MGI:5621852 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38967
7 gene 25.516042 25.540004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347246 Ceacam2 NCBI_Gene:26367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054385 MGI:1347246 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 2
7 gene 25.576378 25.578386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589077 Gm29918 NCBI_Gene:102631623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108579 MGI:5589077 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29918
7 gene 25.583818 25.595233 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621454 Gm38569 NCBI_Gene:102641661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108553 MGI:5621454 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38569
7 pseudogene 25.599282 25.601952 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782790 Gm4607 NCBI_Gene:108167491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108304 MGI:3782790 pseudogene predicted gene 4607
7 gene 25.614620 25.615892 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646269 Erich4 NCBI_Gene:632778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074261 MGI:3646269 protein coding gene glutamate rich 4
7 gene 25.618668 25.619524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621854 Gm38969 NCBI_Gene:105242881 MGI:5621854 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38969
7 gene 25.619414 25.625551 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913599 Dmac2 NCBI_Gene:66349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057229 MGI:1913599 protein coding gene distal membrane arm assembly complex 2
7 gene 25.626654 25.635100 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385269 B3gnt8 NCBI_Gene:232984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059479 MGI:2385269 protein coding gene UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 8
7 gene 25.629852 25.658981 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107701 Bckdha NCBI_Gene:12039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060376 MGI:107701 protein coding gene branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase E1, alpha polypeptide
7 gene 25.650483 25.651139 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926124 B230201I24Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230201I24 gene
7 gene 25.659153 25.671368 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107889 Exosc5 NCBI_Gene:27998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061286 MGI:107889 protein coding gene exosome component 5
7 gene 25.669139 25.679567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443589 Tmem91 NCBI_Gene:320208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061702 MGI:2443589 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 91
7 gene 25.679671 25.686562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2387643 B9d2 NCBI_Gene:232987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063439 MGI:2387643 protein coding gene B9 protein domain 2
7 gene 25.687002 25.705077 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98725 Tgfb1 NCBI_Gene:21803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002603 MGI:98725 protein coding gene transforming growth factor, beta 1
7 gene 25.711106 25.719819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196455 Ccdc97 NCBI_Gene:52132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002608 MGI:1196455 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 97
7 gene 25.721165 25.756245 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443517 Hnrnpul1 NCBI_Gene:232989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040725 MGI:2443517 protein coding gene heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 1
7 gene 25.756500 25.788733 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347244 Axl NCBI_Gene:26362,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002602 MGI:1347244 protein coding gene AXL receptor tyrosine kinase
7 pseudogene 25.792147 25.802996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5588922 Gm29763 NCBI_Gene:101056023,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108767 MGI:5588922 pseudogene predicted gene, 29763
7 gene 25.802475 25.816913 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921384 Cyp2s1 NCBI_Gene:74134,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040703 MGI:1921384 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily s, polypeptide 1
7 pseudogene 25.810175 25.810462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753802 Gm45226 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108691 MGI:5753802 pseudogene predicted gene 45226
7 gene 25.816654 25.820654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477201 Gm26707 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097017 MGI:5477201 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26707
7 pseudogene 25.828545 25.828905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782796 Gm4613 NCBI_Gene:100043732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090467 MGI:3782796 pseudogene predicted gene 4613
7 gene 25.828632 25.828727 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454642 Gm24865 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076445 MGI:5454642 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24865
7 gene 25.837950 25.839958 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825652 Gm46015 NCBI_Gene:108167492 MGI:5825652 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46015
7 gene 25.860140 25.869883 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589305 Gm30146 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108415 MGI:5589305 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30146
7 gene 25.868945 25.869051 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453698 Gm23921 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092999 MGI:5453698 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23921
7 pseudogene 25.875325 25.875676 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753804 Gm45228 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108809 MGI:5753804 pseudogene predicted gene 45228
7 pseudogene 25.882000 25.885834 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648424 Gm6434 NCBI_Gene:101055953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091233 MGI:3648424 pseudogene predicted gene 6434
7 gene 25.897620 25.926624 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88598 Cyp2b10 NCBI_Gene:13088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030483 MGI:88598 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 10
7 pseudogene 25.950226 25.988455 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3716993 Cyp2b28-ps NCBI_Gene:232993 MGI:3716993 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 28, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 25.950253 25.950421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753803 Gm45227 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108552 MGI:5753803 pseudogene predicted gene 45227
7 pseudogene 25.981502 25.988460 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753801 Gm45225 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108589 MGI:5753801 pseudogene predicted gene 45225
7 pseudogene 26.004605 26.028906 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643081 Cyp2b27-ps NCBI_Gene:667957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108606 MGI:3643081 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 27, pseudogene
7 gene 26.009889 26.012391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2652842 BC026762 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108413 MGI:2652842 lncRNA gene cDNA sequence BC026762
7 gene 26.061495 26.096197 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88599 Cyp2b13 NCBI_Gene:13089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040583 MGI:88599 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 13
7 pseudogene 26.071807 26.075753 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645710 Rnf170-ps NCBI_Gene:668047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101800 MGI:3645710 pseudogene ring finger protein 170, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 26.099563 26.100316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589079 Gm29920 NCBI_Gene:102631625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108342 MGI:5589079 pseudogene predicted gene, 29920
7 pseudogene 26.134746 26.148592 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648075 Cyp2b26-ps NCBI_Gene:100503967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108544 MGI:3648075 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 26, pseudogene
7 gene 26.173335 26.210661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88600 Cyp2b9 NCBI_Gene:13094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040660 MGI:88600 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 9
7 pseudogene 26.245899 26.247958 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646241 Gm8902 NCBI_Gene:667968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092464 MGI:3646241 pseudogene predicted gene 8902
7 pseudogene 26.255080 26.255626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852450 Vmn1r-ps86 NCBI_Gene:100312515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092514 MGI:3852450 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 86
7 gene 26.260334 26.270619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852451 Vmn1r184 NCBI_Gene:100312477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046130 MGI:3852451 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor, 184
7 pseudogene 26.292378 26.292768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753540 Gm44964 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108698 MGI:5753540 pseudogene predicted gene 44964
7 gene 26.304421 26.307286 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625260 Gm42375 NCBI_Gene:105247243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108431 MGI:5625260 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42375
7 gene 26.307169 26.315088 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88596 Cyp2a4 NCBI_Gene:13086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074254 MGI:88596 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 4
7 gene 26.322473 26.403700 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028627 Nlrp9c NCBI_Gene:330490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040614 MGI:3028627 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 9C
7 gene 26.435113 26.476142 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443697 Nlrp4a NCBI_Gene:243880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040601 MGI:2443697 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 4A
7 gene 26.531184 26.531293 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455724 Gm25947 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094866 MGI:5455724 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25947
7 gene 26.535023 26.575615 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2675292 Nlrp9a NCBI_Gene:233001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054102 MGI:2675292 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 9A
7 gene 26.607636 26.618464 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2159634 Vmn1r185 NCBI_Gene:171265,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091924 MGI:2159634 protein coding gene vomeronasal 1 receptor 185
7 gene 26.665227 26.686437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646735 Cyp2b23 NCBI_Gene:243881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040650 MGI:3646735 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 23
7 pseudogene 26.738460 26.745895 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753610 Gm45034 NCBI_Gene:108167478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108692 MGI:5753610 pseudogene predicted gene 45034
7 gene 26.757142 26.772630 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107303 Cyp2b19 NCBI_Gene:13090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066704 MGI:107303 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily b, polypeptide 19
7 gene 26.808892 26.821205 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109612 Cyp2g1 NCBI_Gene:13108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049685 MGI:109612 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily g, polypeptide 1
7 gene 26.835305 26.843548 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88597 Cyp2a5 NCBI_Gene:13087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005547 MGI:88597 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 5
7 pseudogene 26.917381 26.952552 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647278 Cyp2a21-ps NCBI_Gene:330491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108487 MGI:3647278 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 21, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 26.918773 26.919352 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010230 Api5-ps NCBI_Gene:100416331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108731 MGI:5010230 pseudogene apoptosis inhibitor 5, pseudogene
7 gene 26.931631 26.939413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648316 Cyp2a22 NCBI_Gene:233005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091867 MGI:3648316 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 22
7 gene 27.029081 27.037375 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105055 Cyp2a12 NCBI_Gene:13085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060407 MGI:105055 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily a, polypeptide 12
7 pseudogene 27.046845 27.047707 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782467 Gm4290 NCBI_Gene:100043199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108637 MGI:3782467 pseudogene predicted gene 4290
7 pseudogene 27.048500 27.049038 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6324753 Gm50480 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118450 MGI:6324753 pseudogene predicted gene, 50480
7 pseudogene 27.060509 27.067822 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588913 Gm29754 NCBI_Gene:101055972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108682 MGI:5588913 pseudogene predicted gene, 29754
7 gene 27.119909 27.133660 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88608 Cyp2f2 NCBI_Gene:13107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052974 MGI:88608 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily f, polypeptide 2
7 gene 27.124481 27.130674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801875 Gm15883 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086868 MGI:3801875 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15883
7 pseudogene 27.148390 27.148636 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753216 Gm44640 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108306 MGI:5753216 pseudogene predicted gene 44640
7 gene 27.153714 27.158668 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686296 Cyp2t4 NCBI_Gene:384724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078787 MGI:2686296 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily t, polypeptide 4
7 gene 27.158658 27.166802 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1932287 Egln2 NCBI_Gene:112406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058709 MGI:1932287 protein coding gene egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 2
7 gene 27.168424 27.178896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105071 Rab4b NCBI_Gene:19342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053291 MGI:105071 protein coding gene RAB4B, member RAS oncogene family
7 gene 27.168430 27.181086 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439452 Gm21983 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095538 MGI:5439452 protein coding gene predicted gene 21983
7 gene 27.176006 27.176093 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834315 Mir3101 miRBase:MI0014093,NCBI_Gene:100526505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093348 MGI:4834315 miRNA gene microRNA 3101
7 gene 27.179741 27.181157 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109615 Mia NCBI_Gene:12587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089661 MGI:109615 protein coding gene melanoma inhibitory activity
7 gene 27.187005 27.196271 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1855690 Snrpa NCBI_Gene:53607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061479 MGI:1855690 protein coding gene small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A
7 gene 27.195781 27.210186 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041247 BC024978 NCBI_Gene:414069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078786 MGI:3041247 protein coding gene cDNA sequence BC024978
7 gene 27.205536 27.205655 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783364 Mir1191 miRBase:MI0006296,NCBI_Gene:100316839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080533 MGI:3783364 miRNA gene microRNA 1191
7 gene 27.205730 27.206122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915934 1110035D15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1110035D15 gene
7 gene 27.207170 27.228661 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442554 Itpkc NCBI_Gene:233011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003752 MGI:2442554 protein coding gene inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase C
7 gene 27.228607 27.257950 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924139 Coq8b NCBI_Gene:76889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003762 MGI:1924139 protein coding gene coenzyme Q8B
7 gene 27.249263 27.257932 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783016 Gm15567 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084974 MGI:3783016 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15567
7 gene 27.252176 27.262252 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753217 Gm44641 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108378 MGI:5753217 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44641
7 gene 27.258433 27.282150 positive MGI_C57BL6J_894702 Numbl NCBI_Gene:18223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063160 MGI:894702 protein coding gene numb-like
7 pseudogene 27.271764 27.272392 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783018 Gm15570 NCBI_Gene:100416332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083622 MGI:3783018 pseudogene predicted gene 15570
7 gene 27.282184 27.283131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925864 9530041E20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530041E20 gene
7 gene 27.305136 27.339709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1321395 Ltbp4 NCBI_Gene:108075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040488 MGI:1321395 protein coding gene latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 4
7 gene 27.329804 27.336812 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589702 Gm30543 NCBI_Gene:102632481 MGI:5589702 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30543
7 gene 27.342128 27.356019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385803 Shkbp1 NCBI_Gene:192192,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089832 MGI:2385803 protein coding gene Sh3kbp1 binding protein 1
7 gene 27.352649 27.357419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141944 Gm20479 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092367 MGI:5141944 protein coding gene predicted gene 20479
7 gene 27.356383 27.447704 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1890574 Sptbn4 NCBI_Gene:80297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011751 MGI:1890574 protein coding gene spectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 4
7 gene 27.433136 27.434369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753500 Gm44924 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108416 MGI:5753500 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44924
7 gene 27.447978 27.466144 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385271 Blvrb NCBI_Gene:233016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040466 MGI:2385271 protein coding gene biliverdin reductase B (flavin reductase (NADPH))
7 pseudogene 27.468886 27.470619 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645709 Pgam1-ps2 NCBI_Gene:668045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082016 MGI:3645709 pseudogene phosphoglycerate mutase 1, pseudogene 2
7 gene 27.473768 27.477364 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2180697 Sertad3 NCBI_Gene:170742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055200 MGI:2180697 protein coding gene SERTA domain containing 3
7 gene 27.480521 27.486840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621857 Gm38972 NCBI_Gene:105242886 MGI:5621857 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38972
7 gene 27.486910 27.490316 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913438 Sertad1 NCBI_Gene:55942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008384 MGI:1913438 protein coding gene SERTA domain containing 1
7 gene 27.499305 27.520214 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108176 Prx NCBI_Gene:19153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053198 MGI:108176 protein coding gene periaxin
7 gene 27.502718 27.508122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782989 Gm15541 NCBI_Gene:105242887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087371 MGI:3782989 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15541
7 gene 27.523261 27.531180 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685008 Hipk4 NCBI_Gene:233020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040424 MGI:2685008 protein coding gene homeodomain interacting protein kinase 4
7 gene 27.531645 27.553218 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333782 Pld3 NCBI_Gene:18807,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003363 MGI:1333782 protein coding gene phospholipase D family, member 3
7 gene 27.553233 27.582099 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913617 2310022A10Rik NCBI_Gene:66367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049643 MGI:1913617 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2310022A10 gene
7 gene 27.556544 27.559504 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825612 Gm45975 NCBI_Gene:108167412 MGI:5825612 protein coding gene predicted gene, 45975
7 pseudogene 27.588410 27.588946 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010231 Gm18046 NCBI_Gene:100416333 MGI:5010231 pseudogene predicted gene, 18046
7 gene 27.591552 27.640826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104874 Akt2 NCBI_Gene:11652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004056 MGI:104874 protein coding gene thymoma viral proto-oncogene 2
7 gene 27.649195 27.653676 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621858 Gm38973 NCBI_Gene:105242888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108592 MGI:5621858 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38973
7 gene 27.653915 27.657346 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920282 Ttc9b NCBI_Gene:73032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007944 MGI:1920282 protein coding gene tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9B
7 gene 27.656375 27.674611 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346879 Map3k10 NCBI_Gene:269881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040390 MGI:1346879 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 10
7 gene 27.670933 27.671783 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923940 1500037F05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1500037F05 gene
7 gene 27.674659 27.677844 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753260 Gm44684 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108520 MGI:5753260 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44684
7 gene 27.674661 27.706484 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2148237 Zfp607b NCBI_Gene:112415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057093 MGI:2148237 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 607B
7 gene 27.678831 27.690211 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825613 Gm45976 NCBI_Gene:108167413 MGI:5825613 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45976
7 pseudogene 27.709721 27.710513 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2156868 Phf5b-ps NCBI_Gene:260344 MGI:2156868 pseudogene PHD finger protein 5B, pseudogene
7 gene 27.731389 27.753702 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99207 Zfp60 NCBI_Gene:22718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037640 MGI:99207 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 60
7 pseudogene 27.765673 27.770972 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3797981 Gm10046 NCBI_Gene:100043229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109143 MGI:3797981 pseudogene predicted gene 10046
7 pseudogene 27.784377 27.795483 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588969 Gm29810 NCBI_Gene:101056270 MGI:5588969 pseudogene predicted gene, 29810
7 gene 27.804212 27.822923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918413 Zfp626 NCBI_Gene:71163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030604 MGI:1918413 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 626
7 gene 27.838584 27.856774 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99206 Zfp59 NCBI_Gene:22717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078779 MGI:99206 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 59
7 gene 27.857527 27.903063 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3584526 Zfp607a NCBI_Gene:545938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000020420 MGI:3584526 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 607A
7 pseudogene 27.882399 27.884621 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3029152 Prkcz2 NCBI_Gene:404705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108314 MGI:3029152 pseudogene protein kinase C, zeta 2
7 gene 27.907392 27.929460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920680 Zfp974 NCBI_Gene:73430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070709 MGI:1920680 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 974
7 gene 27.925378 27.927382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621605 Gm38720 NCBI_Gene:105242528 MGI:5621605 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38720
7 gene 27.927549 27.931003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477385 Gm26891 NCBI_Gene:105247244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097455 MGI:5477385 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26891
7 pseudogene 27.948905 27.949815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704290 Gm10651 NCBI_Gene:100043771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074243 MGI:3704290 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10651
7 gene 27.959135 27.979171 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444764 Zfp780b NCBI_Gene:338354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063047 MGI:2444764 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 780B
7 pseudogene 27.982861 27.983813 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3852452 Vmn1r-ps87 NCBI_Gene:100312516 MGI:3852452 pseudogene vomeronasal 1 receptor, pseudogene 87
7 gene 27.984471 28.014382 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3036281 Zfp850 NCBI_Gene:100043772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096916 MGI:3036281 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 850
7 pseudogene 28.022462 28.026145 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825662 Gm46025 NCBI_Gene:108167509 MGI:5825662 pseudogene predicted gene, 46025
7 gene 28.041702 28.050101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346093 Psmc4 NCBI_Gene:23996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030603 MGI:1346093 protein coding gene proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 4
7 gene 28.054732 28.055837 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753320 Gm44744 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109262 MGI:5753320 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44744
7 gene 28.071236 28.120864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444336 Fcgbp NCBI_Gene:215384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047730 MGI:2444336 protein coding gene Fc fragment of IgG binding protein
7 pseudogene 28.093312 28.147515 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439377 Gm21925 NCBI_Gene:100416055 MGI:5439377 pseudogene predicted gene, 21925
7 gene 28.099660 28.102487 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3809041 Gm10935 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 10935
7 gene 28.123254 28.123359 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454133 Gm24356 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064793 MGI:5454133 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24356
7 gene 28.129466 28.164811 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442118 9530053A07Rik NCBI_Gene:319482,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078776 MGI:2442118 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9530053A07 gene
7 gene 28.146095 28.148502 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621861 Gm38976 NCBI_Gene:105242892 MGI:5621861 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38976
7 gene 28.167273 28.169671 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590183 Gm31024 NCBI_Gene:105242891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109015 MGI:5590183 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31024
7 gene 28.169710 28.179269 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95486 Fbl NCBI_Gene:14113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046865 MGI:95486 protein coding gene fibrillarin
7 gene 28.179469 28.197910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330302 Dyrk1b NCBI_Gene:13549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002409 MGI:1330302 protein coding gene dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 1b
7 gene 28.226358 28.228654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753587 Gm45011 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108968 MGI:5753587 unclassified gene predicted gene 45011
7 pseudogene 28.235651 28.236153 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010857 Gm18672 NCBI_Gene:100417535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109502 MGI:5010857 pseudogene predicted gene, 18672
7 gene 28.243022 28.243753 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621476 Gm38591 NCBI_Gene:102642006 MGI:5621476 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38591
7 gene 28.267881 28.269272 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681174 Eid2 NCBI_Gene:386655,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046058 MGI:2681174 protein coding gene EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 2
7 gene 28.277706 28.280129 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924095 Eid2b NCBI_Gene:434156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070705 MGI:1924095 protein coding gene EP300 interacting inhibitor of differentiation 2B
7 gene 28.284652 28.291186 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3608324 Selenov NCBI_Gene:280621,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046750 MGI:3608324 protein coding gene selenoprotein V
7 gene 28.293553 28.302238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1096877 Dll3 NCBI_Gene:13389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003436 MGI:1096877 protein coding gene delta like canonical Notch ligand 3
7 gene 28.305516 28.312072 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913775 Timm50 NCBI_Gene:66525,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003438 MGI:1913775 protein coding gene translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 50
7 gene 28.314891 28.338804 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1202400 Supt5 NCBI_Gene:20924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003435 MGI:1202400 protein coding gene suppressor of Ty 5, DSIF elongation factor subunit
7 gene 28.314898 28.318873 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753285 Gm44709 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109168 MGI:5753285 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44709
7 gene 28.350652 28.353155 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98118 Rps16 NCBI_Gene:20055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037563 MGI:98118 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S16
7 gene 28.351508 28.351633 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439844 AF357399 NCBI_Gene:100302567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077711 MGI:5439844 snoRNA gene snoRNA AF357399
7 gene 28.359603 28.372688 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141874 Plekhg2 NCBI_Gene:101497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037552 MGI:2141874 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology domain containing, family G (with RhoGef domain) member 2
7 gene 28.372999 28.373093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413917 n-TIaat16 NCBI_Gene:102467548 MGI:4413917 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA isoleucine 16 (anticodon TAT)
7 gene 28.376784 28.380253 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99180 Zfp36 NCBI_Gene:22695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044786 MGI:99180 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 36
7 gene 28.378980 28.392514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753286 Gm44710 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109455 MGI:5753286 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44710
7 gene 28.385247 28.392708 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914474 Med29 NCBI_Gene:67224,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003444 MGI:1914474 protein coding gene mediator complex subunit 29
7 gene 28.392951 28.399388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923988 Paf1 NCBI_Gene:54624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003437 MGI:1923988 protein coding gene Paf1, RNA polymerase II complex component
7 gene 28.399522 28.598144 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2448542 Samd4b NCBI_Gene:233033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109336 MGI:2448542 protein coding gene sterile alpha motif domain containing 4B
7 gene 28.436610 28.436954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923971 1700085B13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700085B13 gene
7 gene 28.437447 28.448233 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1927135 Gmfg NCBI_Gene:63986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060791 MGI:1927135 protein coding gene glia maturation factor, gamma
7 gene 28.451980 28.468242 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136810 Lrfn1 NCBI_Gene:80749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030600 MGI:2136810 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 1
7 pseudogene 28.477278 28.479875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646789 Gm6518 NCBI_Gene:624672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109201 MGI:3646789 pseudogene predicted gene 6518
7 pseudogene 28.492550 28.497713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917251 1700028B04Rik NCBI_Gene:70001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099417 MGI:1917251 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 1700028B04 gene
7 gene 28.508784 28.510532 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647279 Ifnl2 NCBI_Gene:330496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059128 MGI:3647279 protein coding gene interferon lambda 2
7 gene 28.522833 28.524401 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2450574 Ifnl3 NCBI_Gene:338374,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060747 MGI:2450574 protein coding gene interferon lambda 3
7 pseudogene 28.534706 28.535658 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012065 Gm19880 NCBI_Gene:100503763,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108925 MGI:5012065 pseudogene predicted gene, 19880
7 gene 28.540885 28.542210 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915666 Sycn NCBI_Gene:68416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084174 MGI:1915666 protein coding gene syncollin
7 gene 28.543596 28.547254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685009 Nccrp1 NCBI_Gene:233038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047586 MGI:2685009 protein coding gene non-specific cytotoxic cell receptor protein 1 homolog (zebrafish)
7 gene 28.547766 28.550229 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621862 Gm38977 NCBI_Gene:105242893 MGI:5621862 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38977
7 gene 28.558819 28.598185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917834 Pak4 NCBI_Gene:70584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030602 MGI:1917834 protein coding gene p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 4
7 gene 28.560925 28.560984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530659 Mir7049 miRBase:MI0022898,NCBI_Gene:102466795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098558 MGI:5530659 miRNA gene microRNA 7049
7 gene 28.607634 28.631355 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142121 Acp7 NCBI_Gene:101744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037469 MGI:2142121 protein coding gene acid phosphatase 7, tartrate resistant
7 gene 28.629248 28.681936 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753194 Gm44618 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108905 MGI:5753194 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44618
7 gene 28.640443 28.645671 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753193 Gm44617 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108865 MGI:5753193 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44617
7 gene 28.692785 28.699338 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685007 Fbxo27 NCBI_Gene:233040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037463 MGI:2685007 protein coding gene F-box protein 27
7 gene 28.716748 28.738144 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1354707 Fbxo17 NCBI_Gene:50760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030598 MGI:1354707 protein coding gene F-box protein 17
7 gene 28.739641 28.741899 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346333 Mrps12 NCBI_Gene:24030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045948 MGI:1346333 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein S12
7 gene 28.741968 28.753879 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919234 Sars2 NCBI_Gene:71984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070699 MGI:1919234 protein coding gene seryl-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase 2
7 gene 28.755321 28.758968 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645242 Ccer2 NCBI_Gene:100504112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096257 MGI:3645242 protein coding gene coiled-coil glutamate-rich protein 2
7 gene 28.758251 28.767512 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104752 Nfkbib NCBI_Gene:18036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030595 MGI:104752 protein coding gene nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells inhibitor, beta
7 gene 28.766662 28.788665 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1927664 Sirt2 NCBI_Gene:64383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015149 MGI:1927664 protein coding gene sirtuin 2
7 gene 28.774899 28.781514 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012082 Gm19897 NCBI_Gene:100503790 MGI:5012082 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19897
7 gene 28.788847 28.798965 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444024 Rinl NCBI_Gene:320435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051735 MGI:2444024 protein coding gene Ras and Rab interactor-like
7 gene 28.793988 28.794060 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413971 n-TKctt24 NCBI_Gene:102467570 MGI:4413971 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA lysine 24 (anticodon TTT)
7 gene 28.808541 28.822268 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104816 Hnrnpl NCBI_Gene:15388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015165 MGI:104816 protein coding gene heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L
7 gene 28.809304 28.810497 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753278 Gm44702 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109420 MGI:5753278 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44702
7 gene 28.825217 28.832247 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1858208 Ech1 NCBI_Gene:51798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053898 MGI:1858208 protein coding gene enoyl coenzyme A hydratase 1, peroxisomal
7 gene 28.833179 28.841710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107536 Lgals4 NCBI_Gene:16855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053964 MGI:107536 protein coding gene lectin, galactose binding, soluble 4
7 gene 28.859587 28.876334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642037 Gm10648 NCBI_Gene:100038382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108930 MGI:3642037 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10648
7 gene 28.863853 28.866285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1316742 Lgals7 NCBI_Gene:16858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053522 MGI:1316742 protein coding gene lectin, galactose binding, soluble 7
7 gene 28.881422 28.893585 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891369 Capn12 NCBI_Gene:60594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054083 MGI:1891369 protein coding gene calpain 12
7 gene 28.887127 28.888483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753276 Gm44700 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109307 MGI:5753276 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44700
7 gene 28.893248 28.962354 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1890773 Actn4 NCBI_Gene:60595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054808 MGI:1890773 protein coding gene actinin alpha 4
7 gene 28.920951 28.943528 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753275 Gm44699 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109314 MGI:5753275 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44699
7 gene 28.927421 28.932124 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621863 Gm38978 NCBI_Gene:105242894 MGI:5621863 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38978
7 gene 28.971372 28.981888 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921080 Eif3k NCBI_Gene:73830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053565 MGI:1921080 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit K
7 gene 28.982050 29.003279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346882 Map4k1 NCBI_Gene:26411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037337 MGI:1346882 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 1
7 gene 29.003340 29.125179 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99659 Ryr1 NCBI_Gene:20190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030592 MGI:99659 protein coding gene ryanodine receptor 1, skeletal muscle
7 gene 29.029023 29.030250 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621864 Gm38979 NCBI_Gene:105242895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109017 MGI:5621864 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38979
7 gene 29.045628 29.045693 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690800 Gm44408 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105563 MGI:5690800 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44408
7 gene 29.071603 29.081142 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477098 Gm26604 NCBI_Gene:233045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097079 MGI:5477098 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26604
7 gene 29.083636 29.083694 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3837208 Mir1963 miRBase:MI0009960,NCBI_Gene:100316710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089219 MGI:3837208 miRNA gene microRNA 1963
7 gene 29.134851 29.153961 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2386851 Rasgrp4 NCBI_Gene:233046,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030589 MGI:2386851 protein coding gene RAS guanyl releasing protein 4
7 gene 29.138440 29.140312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826590 Gm16282 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090009 MGI:3826590 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16282
7 gene 29.152510 29.156359 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921083 Fam98c NCBI_Gene:73833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030590 MGI:1921083 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 98, member C
7 gene 29.155680 29.156920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915936 1110035H17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099098 MGI:1915936 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1110035H17 gene
7 gene 29.157267 29.170411 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142186 Spred3 NCBI_Gene:101809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037239 MGI:2142186 protein coding gene sprouty-related EVH1 domain containing 3
7 gene 29.170210 29.173976 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2181461 Ggn NCBI_Gene:243897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031493 MGI:2181461 protein coding gene gametogenetin
7 gene 29.174187 29.180701 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888669 Psmd8 NCBI_Gene:57296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030591 MGI:1888669 protein coding gene proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 8
7 gene 29.181321 29.215631 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443617 Catsperg1 NCBI_Gene:320225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049676 MGI:2443617 protein coding gene cation channel sperm associated auxiliary subunit gamma 1
7 pseudogene 29.183036 29.183383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937940 Gm17113 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061115 MGI:4937940 pseudogene predicted gene 17113
7 gene 29.221926 29.232522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891291 Kcnk6 NCBI_Gene:52150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046410 MGI:1891291 protein coding gene potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily K, member 6
7 gene 29.236476 29.247597 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924504 Yif1b NCBI_Gene:77254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030588 MGI:1924504 protein coding gene Yip1 interacting factor homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
7 gene 29.246561 29.248467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919525 2200002D01Rik NCBI_Gene:72275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030587 MGI:1919525 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2200002D01 gene
7 gene 29.256323 29.282066 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338031 Spint2 NCBI_Gene:20733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074227 MGI:1338031 protein coding gene serine protease inhibitor, Kunitz type 2
7 gene 29.283576 29.288356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825614 Gm45977 NCBI_Gene:108167414 MGI:5825614 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45977
7 gene 29.289308 29.293801 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1931139 Ppp1r14a NCBI_Gene:68458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037166 MGI:1931139 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 14A
7 gene 29.303951 29.318243 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352748 Dpf1 NCBI_Gene:29861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030584 MGI:1352748 protein coding gene D4, zinc and double PHD fingers family 1
7 gene 29.316770 29.319402 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753208 Gm44632 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109351 MGI:5753208 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44632
7 gene 29.320372 29.519065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921456 Sipa1l3 NCBI_Gene:74206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030583 MGI:1921456 protein coding gene signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 3
7 pseudogene 29.519065 29.538055 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2149781 4932431P20Rik NCBI_Gene:114675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074224 MGI:2149781 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 4932431P20 gene
7 gene 29.552160 29.553028 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922463 4930544L20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930544L20 gene
7 gene 29.553467 29.555628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621867 Gm38982 NCBI_Gene:105242898 MGI:5621867 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38982
7 pseudogene 29.556615 29.582169 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3045259 4930432E11Rik NCBI_Gene:243900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046958 MGI:3045259 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 4930432E11 gene
7 gene 29.560365 29.562815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580032 Gm29326 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100400 MGI:5580032 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29326
7 gene 29.568903 29.573928 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028066 A330087D11Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100111 MGI:3028066 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330087D11 gene
7 gene 29.578875 29.579834 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3045241 6330444E15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6330444E15 gene
7 gene 29.619477 29.622580 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825615 Gm45978 NCBI_Gene:108167415 MGI:5825615 protein coding gene predicted gene, 45978
7 gene 29.657161 29.657276 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4422016 n-R5s153 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065385 MGI:4422016 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 153
7 gene 29.697217 29.727049 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923968 Catsperg2 NCBI_Gene:76718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049123 MGI:1923968 protein coding gene cation channel sperm associated auxiliary subunit gamma 2
7 gene 29.737318 29.737424 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452880 Gm23103 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065659 MGI:5452880 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23103
7 gene 29.763788 29.768417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621868 Gm38983 NCBI_Gene:105242900 MGI:5621868 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38983
7 pseudogene 29.764437 29.764663 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753530 Gm44954 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109205 MGI:5753530 pseudogene predicted gene 44954
7 gene 29.768552 29.781419 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107780 Zfp84 NCBI_Gene:74352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046185 MGI:107780 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 84
7 gene 29.773294 29.773376 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3837209 Mir1964 miRBase:MI0009961,NCBI_Gene:100316711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089139 MGI:3837209 miRNA gene microRNA 1964
7 gene 29.783950 29.794703 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99178 Zfp30 NCBI_Gene:22693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047473 MGI:99178 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 30
7 pseudogene 29.798231 29.800115 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643038 Gm6579 NCBI_Gene:625349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109565 MGI:3643038 pseudogene predicted gene 6579
7 gene 29.816006 29.832042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923431 Zfp790 NCBI_Gene:233056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011427 MGI:1923431 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 790
7 gene 29.833620 29.853753 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446235 Zfp940 NCBI_Gene:233057,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050855 MGI:2446235 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 940
7 gene 29.853085 29.858990 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477048 Gm26554 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097809 MGI:5477048 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26554
7 pseudogene 29.855640 29.856055 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4938026 Gm17199 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090331 MGI:4938026 pseudogene predicted gene 17199
7 gene 29.859967 29.877302 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444666 Zfp420 NCBI_Gene:233058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058402 MGI:2444666 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 420
7 gene 29.890156 29.892588 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920133 2900035I09Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2900035I09 gene
7 gene 29.893331 29.906572 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99174 Zfp27 NCBI_Gene:22689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062040 MGI:99174 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 27
7 gene 29.906509 29.906567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531343 Mir7668 miRBase:MI0025008,NCBI_Gene:102465770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098873 MGI:5531343 miRNA gene microRNA 7668
7 gene 29.908223 29.916813 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920979 Zfp383 NCBI_Gene:73729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099689 MGI:1920979 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 383
7 gene 29.926978 29.930405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753449 Gm44873 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109105 MGI:5753449 unclassified gene predicted gene 44873
7 gene 29.930815 29.954441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107784 Zfp74 NCBI_Gene:72723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059975 MGI:107784 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 74
7 gene 29.953621 29.969664 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442417 C230062I16Rik NCBI_Gene:625421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063623 MGI:2442417 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C230062I16 gene
7 pseudogene 29.965097 29.965647 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642393 Mif-ps NCBI_Gene:100043796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083669 MGI:3642393 pseudogene macrophage migration inhibitory factor, pseudogene
7 gene 29.970602 29.983761 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590894 Gm31735 NCBI_Gene:102634056 MGI:5590894 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31735
7 gene 29.983955 30.028282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142347 Zfp568 NCBI_Gene:243905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074221 MGI:2142347 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 568
7 gene 30.036357 30.051937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99160 Zfp14 NCBI_Gene:243906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053985 MGI:99160 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 14
7 gene 30.054489 30.072900 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1890753 Zfp82 NCBI_Gene:330502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098022 MGI:1890753 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 82
7 gene 30.056034 30.090410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504035 Gm26920 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058447 MGI:5504035 protein coding gene predicted gene, 26920
7 gene 30.077337 30.090527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919806 Zfp566 NCBI_Gene:72556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078768 MGI:1919806 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 566
7 pseudogene 30.085468 30.085887 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753448 Gm44872 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109218 MGI:5753448 pseudogene predicted gene 44872
7 gene 30.094777 30.107622 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1347071 Zfp260 NCBI_Gene:26466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049421 MGI:1347071 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 260
7 gene 30.096815 30.097915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441795 A430042F24Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A430042F24 gene
7 gene 30.100840 30.100935 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453145 Gm23368 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093495 MGI:5453145 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23368
7 gene 30.121565 30.140758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3588204 Zfp382 NCBI_Gene:233060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074220 MGI:3588204 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 382
7 gene 30.139914 30.140747 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921104 4930428B01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930428B01 gene
7 pseudogene 30.151396 30.152928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779203 Gm10988 NCBI_Gene:100416701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108926 MGI:3779203 pseudogene predicted gene 10988
7 gene 30.160487 30.169779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347092 Zfp146 NCBI_Gene:26465,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037029 MGI:1347092 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 146
7 gene 30.160489 30.160776 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3026990 8430406M14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 8430406M14 gene
7 gene 30.169875 30.182324 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644651 Gm5113 NCBI_Gene:330503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066647 MGI:3644651 protein coding gene predicted gene 5113
7 gene 30.184144 30.186078 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1316714 Cox7a1 NCBI_Gene:12865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074218 MGI:1316714 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A1
7 gene 30.186936 30.198811 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88266 Capns1 NCBI_Gene:12336,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001794 MGI:88266 protein coding gene calpain, small subunit 1
7 gene 30.193954 30.200889 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477304 Gm26810 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097817 MGI:5477304 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26810
7 pseudogene 30.212628 30.212738 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753176 Gm44600 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109142 MGI:5753176 pseudogene predicted gene 44600
7 gene 30.224130 30.232272 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913661 Tbcb NCBI_Gene:66411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006095 MGI:1913661 protein coding gene tubulin folding cofactor B
7 gene 30.231948 30.233390 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917170 Polr2i NCBI_Gene:69920,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019738 MGI:1917170 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide I
7 gene 30.233297 30.237187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2388075 Ovol3 NCBI_Gene:381867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100512 MGI:2388075 protein coding gene ovo like zinc finger 3
7 gene 30.240138 30.280421 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923696 Wdr62 NCBI_Gene:233064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037020 MGI:1923696 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 62
7 pseudogene 30.263181 30.263664 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644977 Rps12-ps5 NCBI_Gene:668354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081565 MGI:3644977 pseudogene ribosomal protein S12, pseudogene 5
7 gene 30.280094 30.290237 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922879 Thap8 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013928 MGI:1922879 protein coding gene THAP domain containing 8
7 gene 30.291682 30.308367 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923936 Clip3 NCBI_Gene:76686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013921 MGI:1923936 protein coding gene CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein 3
7 gene 30.308717 30.314304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142037 Alkbh6 NCBI_Gene:233065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042831 MGI:2142037 protein coding gene alkB homolog 6
7 gene 30.311525 30.311895 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454534 Gm24757 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093571 MGI:5454534 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24757
7 gene 30.314807 30.319046 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141950 Syne4 NCBI_Gene:233066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019737 MGI:2141950 protein coding gene spectrin repeat containing, nuclear envelope family member 4
7 gene 30.321406 30.323895 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915582 Sdhaf1 NCBI_Gene:68332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074211 MGI:1915582 protein coding gene succinate dehydrogenase complex assembly factor 1
7 gene 30.321740 30.323472 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3767226 E130208F15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074210 MGI:3767226 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA E130208F15 gene
7 pseudogene 30.334798 30.335205 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6324756 Gm50483 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118440 MGI:6324756 pseudogene predicted gene, 50483
7 gene 30.346597 30.353946 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925421 4930479H17Rik NCBI_Gene:78171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109049 MGI:1925421 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930479H17 gene
7 gene 30.355489 30.362772 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442512 Lrfn3 NCBI_Gene:233067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036957 MGI:2442512 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 3
7 gene 30.356732 30.356924 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455036 Gm25259 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064982 MGI:5455036 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25259
7 gene 30.392399 30.398644 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625261 Gm42376 NCBI_Gene:105247245 MGI:5625261 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42376
7 gene 30.410916 30.413705 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591188 Gm32029 NCBI_Gene:102634448 MGI:5591188 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32029
7 gene 30.413760 30.417585 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277211 Tyrobp NCBI_Gene:22177,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030579 MGI:1277211 protein coding gene TYRO protein tyrosine kinase binding protein
7 gene 30.417712 30.419854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1344360 Hcst NCBI_Gene:23900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064109 MGI:1344360 protein coding gene hematopoietic cell signal transducer
7 gene 30.421728 30.428748 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041243 Nfkbid NCBI_Gene:243910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036931 MGI:3041243 protein coding gene nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells inhibitor, delta
7 pseudogene 30.430713 30.432847 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589805 Gm30646 NCBI_Gene:102632619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109467 MGI:5589805 pseudogene predicted gene, 30646
7 gene 30.434980 30.445602 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88046 Aplp1 NCBI_Gene:11803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006651 MGI:88046 protein coding gene amyloid beta (A4) precursor-like protein 1
7 gene 30.447534 30.457690 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442334 Kirrel2 NCBI_Gene:243911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036915 MGI:2442334 protein coding gene kirre like nephrin family adhesion molecule 2
7 gene 30.454701 30.455622 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825616 Gm45979 NCBI_Gene:108167417 MGI:5825616 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45979
7 gene 30.458206 30.488609 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859637 Nphs1 NCBI_Gene:54631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006649 MGI:1859637 protein coding gene nephrosis 1, nephrin
7 gene 30.462164 30.465591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2675468 Nphs1os NCBI_Gene:445267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087009 MGI:2675468 antisense lncRNA gene nephrosis 1 homolog, nephrin, opposite strand
7 pseudogene 30.484660 30.485178 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780139 Rps12-ps4 NCBI_Gene:100034728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109509 MGI:3780139 pseudogene ribosomal protein S12, pseudogene 4
7 gene 30.493586 30.513402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929093 Prodh2 NCBI_Gene:56189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036892 MGI:1929093 protein coding gene proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 2
7 gene 30.515122 30.522193 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685928 Arhgap33os NCBI_Gene:100504207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062132 MGI:2685928 antisense lncRNA gene Rho GTPase activating protein 33, opposite strand
7 gene 30.522225 30.535093 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2673998 Arhgap33 NCBI_Gene:233071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036882 MGI:2673998 protein coding gene Rho GTPase activating protein 33
7 gene 30.539129 30.552438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2681861 Proser3 NCBI_Gene:333193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036864 MGI:2681861 protein coding gene proline and serine rich 3
7 gene 30.539666 30.539861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915470 1700019A23Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109102 MGI:1915470 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700019A23 gene
7 gene 30.552178 30.555443 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685325 Hspb6 NCBI_Gene:243912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036854 MGI:2685325 protein coding gene heat shock protein, alpha-crystallin-related, B6
7 gene 30.552828 30.552904 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621555 Gm38670 NCBI_Gene:104795949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106236 MGI:5621555 miRNA gene predicted gene, 38670
7 gene 30.555441 30.559838 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922910 Lin37 NCBI_Gene:75660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036845 MGI:1922910 protein coding gene lin-37 homolog (C. elegans)
7 gene 30.561863 30.563627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913590 Psenen NCBI_Gene:66340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036835 MGI:1913590 protein coding gene presenilin enhancer gamma secretase subunit
7 gene 30.563301 30.565365 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2678374 U2af1l4 NCBI_Gene:233073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078765 MGI:2678374 protein coding gene U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1-like 4
7 gene 30.563344 30.567960 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6121629 Gm49396 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109378 MGI:6121629 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49396
7 gene 30.565427 30.567962 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3655979 Igflr1 NCBI_Gene:101883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036826 MGI:3655979 protein coding gene IGF-like family receptor 1
7 gene 30.568855 30.588726 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109565 Kmt2b NCBI_Gene:75410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006307 MGI:109565 protein coding gene lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2B
7 gene 30.588902 30.591524 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591241 Gm32082 NCBI_Gene:102634521 MGI:5591241 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32082
7 gene 30.589380 30.589437 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530661 Mir3569 miRBase:MI0025014,NCBI_Gene:102465774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098553 MGI:5530661 miRNA gene microRNA 3569
7 gene 30.589680 30.602820 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891838 Zbtb32 NCBI_Gene:58206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006310 MGI:1891838 protein coding gene zinc finger and BTB domain containing 32
7 gene 30.603092 30.612847 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98911 Upk1a NCBI_Gene:109637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006313 MGI:98911 protein coding gene uroplakin 1A
7 gene 30.616861 30.626151 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107460 Cox6b1 NCBI_Gene:110323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036751 MGI:107460 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase, subunit 6B1
7 gene 30.633616 30.636509 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99253 Etv2 NCBI_Gene:14008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006311 MGI:99253 protein coding gene ets variant 2
7 gene 30.636630 30.638413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924278 4921520E09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4921520E09 gene
7 gene 30.640995 30.650317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915285 Rbm42 NCBI_Gene:68035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036733 MGI:1915285 protein coding gene RNA binding motif protein 42
7 gene 30.641001 30.664937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439451 Gm21982 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094365 MGI:5439451 lncRNA gene predicted gene 21982
7 gene 30.650385 30.652711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477104 Gm26610 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097674 MGI:5477104 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26610
7 gene 30.653708 30.664994 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919159 Haus5 NCBI_Gene:71909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078762 MGI:1919159 protein coding gene HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 5
7 gene 30.670722 30.671605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922177 Pmis2 NCBI_Gene:74927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049761 MGI:1922177 protein coding gene PMIS2 transmembrane protein
7 gene 30.698886 30.710298 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916397 2200002J24Rik NCBI_Gene:69147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013083 MGI:1916397 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2200002J24 gene
7 pseudogene 30.709736 30.710263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643348 Gm4883 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066620 MGI:3643348 pseudogene predicted gene 4883
7 gene 30.712209 30.725534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88113 Atp4a NCBI_Gene:11944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005553 MGI:88113 protein coding gene ATPase, H+/K+ exchanging, gastric, alpha polypeptide
7 gene 30.727701 30.729540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915011 Tmem147 NCBI_Gene:69804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006315 MGI:1915011 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 147
7 gene 30.729579 30.756126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642392 Tmem147os ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109224 MGI:3642392 antisense lncRNA gene transmembrane protein 147, opposite strand
7 gene 30.729775 30.744791 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95653 Gapdhs NCBI_Gene:14447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061099 MGI:95653 protein coding gene glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, spermatogenic
7 gene 30.737653 30.748437 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5504050 Gm26935 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098146 MGI:5504050 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26935
7 gene 30.748971 30.756134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446326 Sbsn NCBI_Gene:282619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046056 MGI:2446326 protein coding gene suprabasin
7 gene 30.763724 30.781066 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920962 Dmkn NCBI_Gene:73712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060962 MGI:1920962 protein coding gene dermokine
7 gene 30.787896 30.791097 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928282 Krtdap NCBI_Gene:64661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074199 MGI:1928282 protein coding gene keratinocyte differentiation associated protein
7 gene 30.818031 30.823775 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441731 Ffar2 NCBI_Gene:233079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051314 MGI:2441731 protein coding gene free fatty acid receptor 2
7 gene 30.820296 30.828594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591395 Gm32236 NCBI_Gene:102634718 MGI:5591395 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32236
7 gene 30.854330 30.856178 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685324 Ffar3 NCBI_Gene:233080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019429 MGI:2685324 protein coding gene free fatty acid receptor 3
7 gene 30.857390 30.861564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684079 Ffar1 NCBI_Gene:233081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044453 MGI:2684079 protein coding gene free fatty acid receptor 1
7 gene 30.865402 30.880342 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88322 Cd22 NCBI_Gene:12483,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030577 MGI:88322 protein coding gene CD22 antigen
7 gene 30.872733 30.873333 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580145 Gm29439 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101029 MGI:5580145 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29439
7 gene 30.881953 30.886446 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098716 D7Ertd128e NCBI_Gene:52222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100029 MGI:1098716 lncRNA gene DNA segment, Chr 7, ERATO Doi 128, expressed
7 gene 30.899175 30.914921 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96912 Mag NCBI_Gene:17136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036634 MGI:96912 protein coding gene myelin-associated glycoprotein
7 gene 30.916983 30.946824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753238 Gm44662 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108546 MGI:5753238 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44662
7 gene 30.922372 30.924681 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2153530 Hamp2 NCBI_Gene:66438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056978 MGI:2153530 protein coding gene hepcidin antimicrobial peptide 2
7 pseudogene 30.925933 30.927147 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2153531 Usf2-ps1 NCBI_Gene:140554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108352 MGI:2153531 pseudogene upstream transcription factor 2, pseudogene 1
7 gene 30.942368 30.944032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933533 Hamp NCBI_Gene:84506,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050440 MGI:1933533 protein coding gene hepcidin antimicrobial peptide
7 gene 30.945248 30.957367 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99961 Usf2 NCBI_Gene:22282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058239 MGI:99961 protein coding gene upstream transcription factor 2
7 gene 30.955825 30.958004 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937904 Gm17077 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090357 MGI:4937904 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17077
7 gene 30.956909 30.961619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782854 Gm4673 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097750 MGI:3782854 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4673
7 gene 30.957770 30.973469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927471 Lsr NCBI_Gene:54135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001247 MGI:1927471 protein coding gene lipolysis stimulated lipoprotein receptor
7 gene 30.973790 30.989726 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923665 Fam187b NCBI_Gene:76415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046826 MGI:1923665 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 187, member B
7 pseudogene 30.985489 30.986340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010381 Gm18196 NCBI_Gene:100416689 MGI:5010381 pseudogene predicted gene, 18196
7 gene 30.989791 31.029001 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625262 Gm42377 NCBI_Gene:105247246 MGI:5625262 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42377
7 gene 31.032722 31.042481 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1201785 Fxyd5 NCBI_Gene:18301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009687 MGI:1201785 protein coding gene FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 5
7 gene 31.036523 31.057714 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621869 Gm38984 NCBI_Gene:105242901 MGI:5621869 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38984
7 gene 31.040258 31.040317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530960 Mir7050 miRBase:MI0022899,NCBI_Gene:102465635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098783 MGI:5530960 miRNA gene microRNA 7050
7 gene 31.042513 31.051467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1889006 Fxyd7 NCBI_Gene:57780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036578 MGI:1889006 protein coding gene FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 7
7 gene 31.051678 31.057199 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1889273 Fxyd1 NCBI_Gene:56188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036570 MGI:1889273 protein coding gene FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 1
7 gene 31.058825 31.070935 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2180197 Lgi4 NCBI_Gene:243914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036560 MGI:2180197 protein coding gene leucine-rich repeat LGI family, member 4
7 gene 31.068172 31.076704 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107497 Fxyd3 NCBI_Gene:17178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057092 MGI:107497 protein coding gene FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 3
7 gene 31.098725 31.115326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196620 Hpn NCBI_Gene:15451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001249 MGI:1196620 protein coding gene hepsin
7 gene 31.116524 31.127035 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98247 Scn1b NCBI_Gene:20266,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019194 MGI:98247 protein coding gene sodium channel, voltage-gated, type I, beta
7 gene 31.130127 31.155936 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105490 Gramd1a NCBI_Gene:52857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001248 MGI:105490 protein coding gene GRAM domain containing 1A
7 gene 31.149528 31.152707 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3045288 G630030J09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097149 MGI:3045288 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA G630030J09 gene
7 gene 31.155668 31.170641 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648835 Gm10640 NCBI_Gene:100038516,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100985 MGI:3648835 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10640
7 pseudogene 31.182037 31.182823 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779979 Gm9569 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099536 MGI:3779979 pseudogene predicted gene 9569
7 gene 31.208357 31.209114 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610520 Gm37292 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104113 MGI:5610520 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37292
7 pseudogene 31.255891 31.256277 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578743 Scgb1b1-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099357 MGI:5578743 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 1, pseudogene
7 gene 31.263736 31.265935 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782857 Scgb2b1 NCBI_Gene:100043827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101554 MGI:3782857 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 1
7 gene 31.290508 31.304977 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3042579 Scgb2b2 NCBI_Gene:381970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036521 MGI:3042579 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 2
7 gene 31.290519 31.291821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930867 Scgb1b2 NCBI_Gene:57426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062556 MGI:1930867 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 2
7 gene 31.359038 31.362072 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782547 Scgb2b3 NCBI_Gene:100043326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078754 MGI:3782547 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 3
7 gene 31.375592 31.376916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644233 Scgb1b3 NCBI_Gene:384585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095257 MGI:3644233 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 3
7 pseudogene 31.399585 31.403178 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578756 Scgb2b4-ps NCBI_Gene:102632742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101325 MGI:5578756 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 4, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.409675 31.410061 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578745 Scgb1b4-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100358 MGI:5578745 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 4, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.443823 31.444207 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5581333 Scgb1b28-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101658 MGI:5581333 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 28, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.470940 31.471396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580198 Gm29492 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099795 MGI:5580198 pseudogene predicted gene 29492
7 pseudogene 31.500190 31.501444 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578757 Scgb2b5-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100754 MGI:5578757 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 5, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.507441 31.507834 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578746 Scgb1b5-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101065 MGI:5578746 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 5, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.545041 31.546809 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578752 Scgb2b28-ps NCBI_Gene:108167493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099598 MGI:5578752 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 28, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.603280 31.603808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644328 Rpl23a-ps8 NCBI_Gene:546947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100734 MGI:3644328 pseudogene ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 8
7 gene 31.617738 31.619526 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011792 Scgb2b6 NCBI_Gene:100503242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102002 MGI:5011792 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 6
7 pseudogene 31.625600 31.626792 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780117 Scgb1b6-ps NCBI_Gene:108167494,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100639 MGI:3780117 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 6, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.652341 31.652968 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782558 Gm4373 NCBI_Gene:100043337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101545 MGI:3782558 pseudogene predicted gene 4373
7 pseudogene 31.679579 31.680106 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644329 Rpl23a-ps9 NCBI_Gene:546949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102041 MGI:3644329 pseudogene ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 9
7 gene 31.703779 31.705757 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782864 Scgb2b7 NCBI_Gene:100043836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094053 MGI:3782864 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 7
7 gene 31.712665 31.713980 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643480 Scgb1b7 NCBI_Gene:626305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078759 MGI:3643480 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 7
7 pseudogene 31.744171 31.745390 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647353 Gm9114 NCBI_Gene:668342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101371 MGI:3647353 pseudogene predicted gene 9114
7 pseudogene 31.766952 31.767419 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580333 Gm29627 NCBI_Gene:102635284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100517 MGI:5580333 pseudogene predicted gene 29627
7 pseudogene 31.778778 31.780558 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578758 Scgb2b8-ps NCBI_Gene:102632971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099961 MGI:5578758 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 8, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.788279 31.789460 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578747 Scgb1b8-ps NCBI_Gene:102635172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099612 MGI:5578747 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 8, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.817092 31.818314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646884 Gm6669 NCBI_Gene:626358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099344 MGI:3646884 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6669
7 pseudogene 31.879022 31.880244 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644974 Gm9120 NCBI_Gene:668351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101807 MGI:3644974 pseudogene predicted gene 9120
7 pseudogene 31.896505 31.896945 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5435028 Gm21673 NCBI_Gene:102635398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101765 MGI:5435028 pseudogene predicted gene, 21673
7 pseudogene 31.915235 31.917385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578759 Scgb2b9-ps NCBI_Gene:102635511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101270 MGI:5578759 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 9, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.924345 31.924729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578748 Scgb1b9-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101248 MGI:5578748 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 9, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 31.935017 31.938434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825647 Gm46010 NCBI_Gene:108167480 MGI:5825647 pseudogene predicted gene, 46010
7 pseudogene 31.972102 31.972569 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647426 Gm5329 NCBI_Gene:102633076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100926 MGI:3647426 pseudogene predicted gene 5329
7 pseudogene 32.013031 32.014799 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578753 Scgb2b29-ps NCBI_Gene:102635608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101039 MGI:5578753 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 29, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 32.059008 32.060211 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648386 Gm9127 NCBI_Gene:668361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101777 MGI:3648386 pseudogene predicted gene 9127
7 pseudogene 32.073586 32.073781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579968 Gm29262 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101025 MGI:5579968 pseudogene predicted gene 29262
7 pseudogene 32.073877 32.074343 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579969 Gm29263 NCBI_Gene:101056012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099396 MGI:5579969 pseudogene predicted gene 29263
7 gene 32.091996 32.093939 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643785 Scgb2b10 NCBI_Gene:624584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099826 MGI:3643785 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 10
7 gene 32.100853 32.102169 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782569 Scgb1b10 NCBI_Gene:102635992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099581 MGI:3782569 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 10
7 pseudogene 32.136664 32.137189 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645318 Rpl23a-ps10 NCBI_Gene:546951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101327 MGI:3645318 pseudogene ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 10
7 gene 32.146240 32.148032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646832 Scgb2b30 NCBI_Gene:626740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099673 MGI:3646832 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 30
7 pseudogene 32.171698 32.172904 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645182 Gm9135 NCBI_Gene:668371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098013 MGI:3645182 pseudogene predicted gene 9135
7 pseudogene 32.202259 32.202397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578962 Gm28256 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101824 MGI:5578962 pseudogene predicted gene 28256
7 pseudogene 32.202493 32.202959 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578963 Gm28257 NCBI_Gene:668377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101504 MGI:5578963 pseudogene predicted gene 28257
7 gene 32.209173 32.211145 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782867 Scgb2b11 NCBI_Gene:100043842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099729 MGI:3782867 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 11
7 gene 32.222840 32.224156 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5581331 Scgb1b11 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101638 MGI:5581331 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 11
7 gene 32.325286 32.327245 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645177 Scgb2b12 NCBI_Gene:668379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097982 MGI:3645177 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 12
7 gene 32.334182 32.335501 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645736 Scgb1b12 NCBI_Gene:668381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101520 MGI:3645736 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 12
7 pseudogene 32.358910 32.360084 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644769 Gm9142 NCBI_Gene:668386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099394 MGI:3644769 pseudogene predicted gene 9142
7 pseudogene 32.388244 32.388406 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579568 Gm28862 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100657 MGI:5579568 pseudogene predicted gene 28862
7 pseudogene 32.388467 32.388994 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646618 Rpl23a-ps11 NCBI_Gene:626373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100513 MGI:3646618 pseudogene ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 11
7 gene 32.441541 32.442844 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644231 Scgb1b29 NCBI_Gene:384589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078757 MGI:3644231 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 29
7 pseudogene 32.473234 32.474454 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646192 Gm9146 NCBI_Gene:668393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098185 MGI:3646192 pseudogene predicted gene 9146
7 pseudogene 32.495638 32.496105 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649164 Gm5116 NCBI_Gene:101056169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100751 MGI:3649164 pseudogene predicted gene 5116
7 pseudogene 32.507501 32.509280 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578749 Scgb2b13-ps NCBI_Gene:102633333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100386 MGI:5578749 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 13, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 32.517011 32.518192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578739 Scgb1b13-ps NCBI_Gene:102636609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100949 MGI:5578739 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 13, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 32.545741 32.546963 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647424 Gm5327 NCBI_Gene:384591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094827 MGI:3647424 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5327
7 pseudogene 32.604797 32.606019 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646183 Gm9149 NCBI_Gene:668398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098205 MGI:3646183 pseudogene predicted gene 9149
7 pseudogene 32.622259 32.622699 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434490 Gm21135 NCBI_Gene:100861685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101312 MGI:5434490 pseudogene predicted gene, 21135
7 pseudogene 32.647650 32.649801 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578750 Scgb2b14-ps NCBI_Gene:102636816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099932 MGI:5578750 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 14, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 32.656765 32.657158 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578740 Scgb1b14-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099905 MGI:5578740 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 14, pseudogene
7 gene 32.690250 32.690370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454543 Gm24766 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096274 MGI:5454543 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24766
7 pseudogene 32.704473 32.704940 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647682 Gm5058 NCBI_Gene:270499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100613 MGI:3647682 pseudogene predicted gene 5058
7 pseudogene 32.705029 32.705149 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580135 Gm29429 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100577 MGI:5580135 pseudogene predicted gene 29429
7 pseudogene 32.745294 32.747062 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578754 Scgb2b31-ps NCBI_Gene:102636925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100903 MGI:5578754 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 31, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 32.791480 32.792684 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782583 Gm4398 NCBI_Gene:100043373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097952 MGI:3782583 pseudogene predicted gene 4398
7 pseudogene 32.806135 32.806273 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580138 Gm29432 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099549 MGI:5580138 pseudogene predicted gene 29432
7 pseudogene 32.806368 32.806834 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579114 Gm28408 NCBI_Gene:101056033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099821 MGI:5579114 pseudogene predicted gene 28408
7 gene 32.827683 32.829662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644904 Scgb2b15 NCBI_Gene:624439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097972 MGI:3644904 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 15
7 gene 32.836554 32.837870 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782584 Scgb1b15 NCBI_Gene:102637163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101232 MGI:3782584 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 15
7 pseudogene 32.874540 32.876691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578751 Scgb2b16-ps NCBI_Gene:102637284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100443 MGI:5578751 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 16, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 32.883655 32.884048 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578741 Scgb1b16-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101185 MGI:5578741 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 16, pseudogene
7 gene 32.917146 32.917266 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455594 Gm25817 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096142 MGI:5455594 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25817
7 pseudogene 32.931370 32.931837 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647266 Gm9156 NCBI_Gene:668411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100324 MGI:3647266 pseudogene predicted gene 9156
7 pseudogene 32.931925 32.932027 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579115 Gm28409 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100471 MGI:5579115 pseudogene predicted gene 28409
7 pseudogene 32.972200 32.973961 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578755 Scgb2b32-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101296 MGI:5578755 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 32, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 33.018379 33.019583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782590 Gm4405 NCBI_Gene:100043386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101486 MGI:3782590 pseudogene predicted gene 4405
7 pseudogene 33.033037 33.033175 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579089 Gm28383 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101375 MGI:5579089 pseudogene predicted gene 28383
7 pseudogene 33.033271 33.033737 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579090 Gm28384 NCBI_Gene:101056051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101974 MGI:5579090 pseudogene predicted gene 28384
7 gene 33.054582 33.056561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647697 Scgb2b17 NCBI_Gene:668526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098094 MGI:3647697 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 17
7 gene 33.063449 33.064765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3809666 Scgb1b17 NCBI_Gene:102637615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099898 MGI:3809666 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 17
7 pseudogene 33.101869 33.102007 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579698 Gm28992 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101927 MGI:5579698 pseudogene predicted gene 28992
7 pseudogene 33.102090 33.102615 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645824 Rpl23a-ps7 NCBI_Gene:270234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101137 MGI:3645824 pseudogene ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 7
7 gene 33.111669 33.113458 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643719 Scgb2b33 NCBI_Gene:668419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101487 MGI:3643719 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 33
7 pseudogene 33.137103 33.138309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646870 Gm9162 NCBI_Gene:668422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098044 MGI:3646870 pseudogene predicted gene 9162
7 pseudogene 33.164974 33.165112 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579265 Gm28559 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100904 MGI:5579265 pseudogene predicted gene 28559
7 pseudogene 33.165208 33.165675 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647537 Gm6003 NCBI_Gene:102637838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101427 MGI:3647537 pseudogene predicted gene 6003
7 gene 33.171892 33.173864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782872 Scgb2b18 NCBI_Gene:100043856,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100058 MGI:3782872 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 18
7 gene 33.185568 33.186868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578742 Scgb1b18 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101401 MGI:5578742 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 18
7 gene 33.278366 33.280341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648809 Scgb2b19 NCBI_Gene:545947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096467 MGI:3648809 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 19
7 gene 33.287291 33.288611 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646447 Scgb1b19 NCBI_Gene:434676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095232 MGI:3646447 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 19
7 pseudogene 33.312125 33.313299 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643941 Gm9167 NCBI_Gene:668431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096102 MGI:3643941 pseudogene predicted gene 9167
7 gene 33.364343 33.366322 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3514009 Scgb2b20 NCBI_Gene:494519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094305 MGI:3514009 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 20
7 gene 33.373234 33.374559 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779681 Scgb1b20 NCBI_Gene:545948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094978 MGI:3779681 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 20
7 pseudogene 33.402801 33.404022 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644172 Gm5732 NCBI_Gene:435963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098080 MGI:3644172 pseudogene predicted gene 5732
7 pseudogene 33.423439 33.423574 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579500 Gm28794 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101027 MGI:5579500 pseudogene predicted gene 28794
7 pseudogene 33.423670 33.424153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644173 Gm5731 NCBI_Gene:435962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099578 MGI:3644173 pseudogene predicted gene 5731
7 pseudogene 33.443024 33.445669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012314 Scgb1b34-ps NCBI_Gene:100504241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101975 MGI:5012314 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 34, pseudogene
7 gene 33.518481 33.520458 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648283 Scgb2b21 NCBI_Gene:626970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099900 MGI:3648283 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 21
7 gene 33.527376 33.528558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782875 Scgb1b21 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095487 MGI:3782875 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 21
7 pseudogene 33.567253 33.569712 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649644 Gm12770 NCBI_Gene:102633800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083568 MGI:3649644 pseudogene predicted gene 12770
7 pseudogene 33.568156 33.568290 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649635 Gm12771 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081155 MGI:3649635 pseudogene predicted gene 12771
7 pseudogene 33.604264 33.606052 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649641 Scgb2b22-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083381 MGI:3649641 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 22, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 33.614622 33.615807 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649636 Scgb1b22-ps NCBI_Gene:108167495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079892 MGI:3649636 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 22, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 33.625145 33.653281 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2655747 Scgb2b23-ps NCBI_Gene:353109,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083896 MGI:2655747 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 23, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 33.635164 33.635533 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650279 Scgb1b23-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079893 MGI:3650279 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 23, pseudogene
7 gene 33.653440 33.659268 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649978 Gm12763 NCBI_Gene:105242906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085312 MGI:3649978 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12763
7 pseudogene 33.697257 33.697783 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649973 Rpl23a-ps12 NCBI_Gene:668440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094079 MGI:3649973 pseudogene ribosomal protein L23A, pseudogene 12
7 gene 33.737190 33.739312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2655741 Scgb2b24 NCBI_Gene:233090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046438 MGI:2655741 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 24
7 gene 33.743799 33.745103 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649643 Scgb1b24 NCBI_Gene:100043860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078753 MGI:3649643 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 24
7 pseudogene 33.780817 33.781543 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650361 Gm12782 NCBI_Gene:100418006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081714 MGI:3650361 pseudogene predicted gene 12782
7 pseudogene 33.795310 33.796135 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579320 Gm28614 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101183 MGI:5579320 pseudogene predicted gene 28614
7 gene 33.808117 33.808226 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456220 Gm26443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094428 MGI:5456220 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26443
7 pseudogene 33.844936 33.845694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649642 Gm12768 NCBI_Gene:100416702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081510 MGI:3649642 pseudogene predicted gene 12768
7 pseudogene 33.853056 33.854818 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649900 Scgb2b25-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084296 MGI:3649900 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 25, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 33.867925 33.869201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578744 Scgb1b25-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100743 MGI:5578744 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 25, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 33.879268 33.880216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649706 Gm12757 NCBI_Gene:635803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081317 MGI:3649706 pseudogene predicted gene 12757
7 pseudogene 33.903280 33.904117 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579321 Gm28615 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101203 MGI:5579321 pseudogene predicted gene 28615
7 pseudogene 33.937261 33.938237 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650638 Gm12765 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083085 MGI:3650638 pseudogene predicted gene 12765
7 gene 33.942997 33.945040 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87864 Scgb2b26 NCBI_Gene:110187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066586 MGI:87864 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 26
7 pseudogene 33.958805 33.959986 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649711 Scgb1b26-ps ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083942 MGI:3649711 pseudogene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 26, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 33.986311 33.986377 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578890 Gm28184 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101159 MGI:5578890 pseudogene predicted gene 28184
7 pseudogene 33.996999 33.997591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649904 Gm12773 NCBI_Gene:100416703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081962 MGI:3649904 pseudogene predicted gene 12773
7 pseudogene 33.997903 34.007061 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649708 Gm12755 NCBI_Gene:100043865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081768 MGI:3649708 pseudogene predicted gene 12755
7 gene 34.011919 34.013942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87863 Scgb2b27 NCBI_Gene:233099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066584 MGI:87863 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 2B, member 27
7 gene 34.021483 34.022881 positive MGI_C57BL6J_87862 Scgb1b27 NCBI_Gene:11354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066583 MGI:87862 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 27
7 pseudogene 34.036411 34.037432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649974 Gm12760 NCBI_Gene:105242907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083434 MGI:3649974 pseudogene predicted gene 12760
7 pseudogene 34.068555 34.068697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649897 Gm12779 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080947 MGI:3649897 pseudogene predicted gene 12779
7 gene 34.094766 34.100837 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649901 Scgb1b30 NCBI_Gene:100043868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078752 MGI:3649901 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1B, member 30
7 gene 34.109541 34.133317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141920 Wtip NCBI_Gene:101543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036459 MGI:2141920 protein coding gene WT1-interacting protein
7 gene 34.140688 34.169599 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858313 Uba2 NCBI_Gene:50995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052997 MGI:1858313 protein coding gene ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 2
7 pseudogene 34.175712 34.176078 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649899 Gm12778 NCBI_Gene:108167496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081491 MGI:3649899 pseudogene predicted gene 12778
7 pseudogene 34.176758 34.180004 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649566 Gm12783 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081161 MGI:3649566 pseudogene predicted gene 12783
7 gene 34.184497 34.196693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915329 Pdcd2l NCBI_Gene:68079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002635 MGI:1915329 protein coding gene programmed cell death 2-like
7 gene 34.201327 34.230336 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95797 Gpi1 NCBI_Gene:14751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036427 MGI:95797 protein coding gene glucose phosphate isomerase 1
7 gene 34.224755 34.230236 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477256 Gm26762 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097660 MGI:5477256 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26762
7 gene 34.230420 34.234102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649976 Gm12762 NCBI_Gene:105247247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086526 MGI:3649976 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12762
7 gene 34.233293 34.240207 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3702543 Gm12758 NCBI_Gene:100126229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085105 MGI:3702543 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12758
7 gene 34.236707 34.313577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924311 4931406P16Rik NCBI_Gene:233103,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066571 MGI:1924311 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4931406P16 gene
7 gene 34.250252 34.251355 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3039599 BC060293 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108737 MGI:3039599 unclassified gene cDNA sequence BC060293
7 gene 34.251038 34.251493 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649053 Gm6096 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078380 MGI:3649053 protein coding gene predicted gene 6096
7 gene 34.344637 34.393315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914320 Lsm14a NCBI_Gene:67070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066568 MGI:1914320 protein coding gene LSM14A mRNA processing body assembly factor
7 gene 34.362701 34.365331 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753143 Gm44567 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108447 MGI:5753143 unclassified gene predicted gene 44567
7 pseudogene 34.381282 34.385243 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650283 Gm12774 NCBI_Gene:102638639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082684 MGI:3650283 pseudogene predicted gene 12774
7 gene 34.388665 34.394779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649980 Gm12764 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086184 MGI:3649980 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12764
7 gene 34.389732 34.393612 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917385 2310043P16Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108732 MGI:1917385 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2310043P16 gene
7 gene 34.438137 34.520885 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3652050 Gm12766 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085124 MGI:3652050 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12766
7 pseudogene 34.495421 34.496065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649896 Gm12780 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081863 MGI:3649896 pseudogene predicted gene 12780
7 pseudogene 34.501027 34.501407 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590868 Gm31709 NCBI_Gene:102634024 MGI:5590868 pseudogene predicted gene, 31709
7 gene 34.522341 34.547064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594456 Gm35297 NCBI_Gene:102638822 MGI:5594456 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35297
7 gene 34.544472 34.581691 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650358 Gm12784 NCBI_Gene:102638744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086631 MGI:3650358 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12784
7 gene 34.629434 34.631558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594537 Gm35378 NCBI_Gene:102638938 MGI:5594537 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35378
7 gene 34.636996 34.637712 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753413 Gm44837 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108723 MGI:5753413 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44837
7 gene 34.639014 34.656732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385276 Kctd15 NCBI_Gene:233107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030499 MGI:2385276 protein coding gene potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 15
7 gene 34.653184 34.661202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649569 Gm12781 NCBI_Gene:102639020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085923 MGI:3649569 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12781
7 gene 34.665413 34.673999 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649709 Gm12756 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087127 MGI:3649709 lncRNA gene predicted gene 12756
7 gene 34.674468 34.812711 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916197 Chst8 NCBI_Gene:68947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060402 MGI:1916197 protein coding gene carbohydrate sulfotransferase 8
7 gene 34.812993 34.844179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621872 Gm38987 NCBI_Gene:105242908 MGI:5621872 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38987
7 gene 34.912379 35.044708 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97542 Pepd NCBI_Gene:18624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063931 MGI:97542 protein coding gene peptidase D
7 gene 34.943856 34.943985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455699 Gm25922 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077469 MGI:5455699 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25922
7 gene 34.983346 34.990113 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594693 Gm35534 NCBI_Gene:102639154 MGI:5594693 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35534
7 gene 35.021050 35.029209 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594643 Gm35484 NCBI_Gene:102639084 MGI:5594643 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35484
7 gene 35.046422 35.056573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104982 Cebpg NCBI_Gene:12611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056216 MGI:104982 protein coding gene CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), gamma
7 gene 35.051398 35.052537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753412 Gm44836 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108486 MGI:5753412 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44836
7 gene 35.052975 35.053591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753670 Gm45094 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108753 MGI:5753670 unclassified gene predicted gene 45094
7 gene 35.056027 35.056379 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753671 Gm45095 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108333 MGI:5753671 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45095
7 gene 35.057264 35.066733 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753672 Gm45096 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108739 MGI:5753672 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45096
7 gene 35.081910 35.081979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454810 Gm25033 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093153 MGI:5454810 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25033
7 gene 35.086113 35.096631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594770 Gm35611 NCBI_Gene:102639258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108657 MGI:5594770 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35611
7 gene 35.101822 35.101940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452312 Gm22535 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088799 MGI:5452312 rRNA gene predicted gene, 22535
7 gene 35.118044 35.119605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753667 Gm45091 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108624 MGI:5753667 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45091
7 gene 35.119293 35.121928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99480 Cebpa NCBI_Gene:12606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034957 MGI:99480 protein coding gene CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP), alpha
7 gene 35.128897 35.142427 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594883 Gm35724 NCBI_Gene:102639398 MGI:5594883 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35724
7 gene 35.134554 35.142285 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594824 Gm35665 NCBI_Gene:102639328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108575 MGI:5594824 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35665
7 gene 35.152557 35.158264 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595048 Gm35889 NCBI_Gene:102639624 MGI:5595048 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35889
7 gene 35.163337 35.173793 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621873 Gm38988 NCBI_Gene:105242909 MGI:5621873 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38988
7 gene 35.186352 35.201116 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1858261 Slc7a10 NCBI_Gene:53896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030495 MGI:1858261 protein coding gene solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 10
7 gene 35.200027 35.215498 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3584516 Lrp3 NCBI_Gene:435965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001802 MGI:3584516 protein coding gene low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 3
7 gene 35.217235 35.217360 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454282 Gm24505 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088307 MGI:5454282 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24505
7 gene 35.232385 35.234814 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621874 Gm38989 NCBI_Gene:105242910 MGI:5621874 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38989
7 gene 35.234770 35.234843 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4414056 n-TTagt9 NCBI_Gene:102467387 MGI:4414056 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA threonine 9 (anticodon AGT)
7 gene 35.236136 35.276494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686275 Wdr88 NCBI_Gene:384605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118454 MGI:2686275 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 88
7 gene 35.276536 35.318440 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914721 Gpatch1 NCBI_Gene:67471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063808 MGI:1914721 protein coding gene G patch domain containing 1
7 gene 35.282493 35.283247 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753212 Gm44636 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108704 MGI:5753212 unclassified gene predicted gene 44636
7 gene 35.334170 35.392289 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289234 Rhpn2 NCBI_Gene:52428,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030494 MGI:1289234 protein coding gene rhophilin, Rho GTPase binding protein 2
7 gene 35.392152 35.396836 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142208 Faap24 NCBI_Gene:101831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030493 MGI:2142208 protein coding gene Fanconi anemia core complex associated protein 24
7 gene 35.397000 35.439828 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919390 Cep89 NCBI_Gene:72140,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023072 MGI:1919390 protein coding gene centrosomal protein 89
7 gene 35.415046 35.448650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625263 Gm42378 NCBI_Gene:105247248 MGI:5625263 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42378
7 pseudogene 35.442566 35.445237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010439 Gm18254 NCBI_Gene:100416792,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100776 MGI:5010439 pseudogene predicted gene, 18254
7 gene 35.448728 35.466036 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1353656 Slc7a9 NCBI_Gene:30962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030492 MGI:1353656 protein coding gene solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system), member 9
7 gene 35.466941 35.538162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919231 Tdrd12 NCBI_Gene:71981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030491 MGI:1919231 protein coding gene tudor domain containing 12
7 pseudogene 35.497455 35.499717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010743 Gm18558 NCBI_Gene:100417358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100068 MGI:5010743 pseudogene predicted gene, 18558
7 gene 35.547185 35.556304 negative MGI_C57BL6J_94203 Nudt19 NCBI_Gene:110959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034875 MGI:94203 protein coding gene nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 19
7 gene 35.555367 35.556935 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704291 B230322F03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097509 MGI:3704291 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B230322F03 gene
7 gene 35.578993 35.585582 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384418 Rgs9bp NCBI_Gene:243923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056043 MGI:2384418 protein coding gene regulator of G-protein signalling 9 binding protein
7 gene 35.586226 35.639237 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444103 Ankrd27 NCBI_Gene:245886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034867 MGI:2444103 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 27 (VPS9 domain)
7 gene 35.641982 35.647521 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913538 Pdcd5 NCBI_Gene:56330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030417 MGI:1913538 protein coding gene programmed cell death 5
7 gene 35.658902 35.660340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625264 Gm42379 NCBI_Gene:105247249 MGI:5625264 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42379
7 gene 35.685165 35.754454 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443952 Dpy19l3 NCBI_Gene:233115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043671 MGI:2443952 protein coding gene dpy-19-like 3 (C. elegans)
7 gene 35.772343 35.803003 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916378 Zfp507 NCBI_Gene:668501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044452 MGI:1916378 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 507
7 gene 35.772378 35.779168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477284 Gm26790 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096990 MGI:5477284 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26790
7 gene 35.802592 35.838074 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925797 E130304I02Rik NCBI_Gene:78547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044997 MGI:1925797 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E130304I02 gene
7 gene 35.838260 35.839570 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579220 Gm28514 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100387 MGI:5579220 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28514
7 gene 35.919872 35.923093 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595393 Gm36234 NCBI_Gene:102640079 MGI:5595393 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36234
7 gene 35.953648 35.960933 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621875 Gm38990 NCBI_Gene:105242911 MGI:5621875 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38990
7 gene 36.043596 36.052703 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595445 Gm36286 NCBI_Gene:102640151 MGI:5595445 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36286
7 gene 36.076243 36.102297 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621876 Gm38991 NCBI_Gene:105242912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108711 MGI:5621876 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38991
7 pseudogene 36.118239 36.118861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641818 Rpl17-ps9 NCBI_Gene:100043872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066543 MGI:3641818 pseudogene ribosomal protein L17, pseudogene 9
7 gene 36.153772 36.158013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595499 Gm36340 NCBI_Gene:102640220 MGI:5595499 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36340
7 gene 36.171304 36.189215 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825653 Gm46016 NCBI_Gene:108167497 MGI:5825653 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46016
7 pseudogene 36.234274 36.235467 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648971 Gm9211 NCBI_Gene:668507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098016 MGI:3648971 pseudogene predicted gene 9211
7 gene 36.302515 36.302615 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453069 Gm23292 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093359 MGI:5453069 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23292
7 gene 36.430611 36.430700 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455024 Gm25247 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093216 MGI:5455024 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25247
7 gene 36.538521 36.543017 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621877 Gm38992 NCBI_Gene:105242913 MGI:5621877 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38992
7 gene 36.568743 36.573095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579835 Gm29129 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101965 MGI:5579835 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29129
7 gene 36.597142 36.603864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595579 Gm36420 NCBI_Gene:102640326 MGI:5595579 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36420
7 gene 36.626487 36.649175 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621878 Gm38993 NCBI_Gene:105242914 MGI:5621878 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38993
7 gene 36.652543 36.697277 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595881 Gm36722 NCBI_Gene:102640722 MGI:5595881 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36722
7 gene 36.695438 36.696359 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611513 Gm38285 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104330 MGI:5611513 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38285
7 gene 36.697737 36.773553 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442819 Tshz3 NCBI_Gene:243931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000021217 MGI:2442819 protein coding gene teashirt zinc finger family member 3
7 gene 36.710174 36.711333 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610680 Gm37452 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103882 MGI:5610680 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37452
7 gene 36.721846 36.725853 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611568 Gm38340 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102516 MGI:5611568 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38340
7 gene 36.727177 36.729562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442139 E230020A03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104420 MGI:2442139 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E230020A03 gene
7 gene 36.733017 36.734558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611055 Gm37827 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104454 MGI:5611055 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37827
7 gene 36.751195 36.751473 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454327 Gm24550 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089273 MGI:5454327 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24550
7 gene 36.914162 36.917400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595815 Gm36656 NCBI_Gene:102640640 MGI:5595815 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36656
7 gene 36.918995 36.922188 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595726 Gm36567 NCBI_Gene:102640528 MGI:5595726 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36567
7 gene 36.936106 36.961464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595623 Gm36464 NCBI_Gene:102640395 MGI:5595623 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36464
7 gene 37.092800 37.112821 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595989 Gm36830 NCBI_Gene:102640863 MGI:5595989 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36830
7 gene 37.119993 37.128692 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578784 Gm28078 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101342 MGI:5578784 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28078
7 gene 37.129856 37.140382 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578782 Gm28076 NCBI_Gene:102640984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100616 MGI:5578782 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28076
7 gene 37.140412 37.156841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578781 Gm28075 NCBI_Gene:102631556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100905 MGI:5578781 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28075
7 gene 37.172083 37.173446 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621879 Gm38994 NCBI_Gene:105242917 MGI:5621879 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38994
7 gene 37.203138 37.204454 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589078 Gm29919 NCBI_Gene:102631624 MGI:5589078 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29919
7 gene 37.205758 37.208602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621880 Gm38995 NCBI_Gene:105242918 MGI:5621880 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38995
7 gene 37.293175 37.300411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621324 Gm38439 NCBI_Gene:102631767 MGI:5621324 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38439
7 gene 37.299265 37.305225 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578783 Gm28077 NCBI_Gene:102631842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099715 MGI:5578783 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28077
7 gene 37.317899 37.321100 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804883 Gm45768 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108434 MGI:5804883 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45768
7 gene 37.318023 37.774173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926102 Zfp536 NCBI_Gene:243937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043456 MGI:1926102 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 536
7 gene 37.320972 37.327894 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589703 Gm30544 NCBI_Gene:102632482 MGI:5589703 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30544
7 gene 37.327979 37.329923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589642 Gm30483 NCBI_Gene:105242920 MGI:5589642 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30483
7 gene 37.365430 37.366630 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924988 6720469O03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108507 MGI:1924988 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6720469O03 gene
7 gene 37.465120 37.467422 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753382 Gm44806 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108790 MGI:5753382 unclassified gene predicted gene 44806
7 gene 37.517053 37.517854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753458 Gm44882 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108330 MGI:5753458 unclassified gene predicted gene 44882
7 gene 37.659381 37.662638 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753459 Gm44883 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108572 MGI:5753459 unclassified gene predicted gene 44883
7 gene 37.669799 37.672347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914891 4930505M18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093540 MGI:1914891 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930505M18 gene
7 gene 37.824242 37.824347 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452079 Gm22302 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064591 MGI:5452079 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22302
7 gene 37.959992 38.023575 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1342294 Uri1 NCBI_Gene:19777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030421 MGI:1342294 protein coding gene URI1, prefoldin-like chaperone
7 gene 38.033156 38.062429 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589843 Gm30684 NCBI_Gene:102632668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108726 MGI:5589843 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30684
7 gene 38.059316 38.097757 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589930 Gm30771 NCBI_Gene:102632789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108334 MGI:5589930 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30771
7 gene 38.097984 38.107534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88316 Ccne1 NCBI_Gene:12447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002068 MGI:88316 protein coding gene cyclin E1
7 gene 38.141870 38.144151 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590071 Gm30912 NCBI_Gene:102632970 MGI:5590071 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30912
7 gene 38.176614 38.176671 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451980 Gm22203 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089230 MGI:5451980 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22203
7 gene 38.182563 38.196457 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925824 D530033B14Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108332 MGI:1925824 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D530033B14 gene
7 gene 38.183217 38.197568 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919494 1600014C10Rik NCBI_Gene:72244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054676 MGI:1919494 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1600014C10 gene
7 gene 38.216972 38.228016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919537 Plekhf1 NCBI_Gene:72287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074170 MGI:1919537 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology domain containing, family F (with FYVE domain) member 1
7 gene 38.261996 38.271423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913411 Pop4 NCBI_Gene:66161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030423 MGI:1913411 protein coding gene processing of precursor 4, ribonuclease P/MRP family, (S. cerevisiae)
7 gene 38.271412 38.333530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753343 Gm44767 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108749 MGI:5753343 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44767
7 gene 38.276879 38.443215 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579159 Gm28453 NCBI_Gene:545951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101708 MGI:5579159 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28453
7 pseudogene 38.293637 38.296985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579287 Gm28581 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101410 MGI:5579287 pseudogene predicted gene 28581
7 pseudogene 38.310936 38.316629 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648318 Gm9220 NCBI_Gene:668519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101548 MGI:3648318 pseudogene predicted gene 9220
7 pseudogene 38.365982 38.367874 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782635 Gm4451 NCBI_Gene:100043464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100374 MGI:3782635 pseudogene predicted gene 4451
7 gene 38.380349 38.380455 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452415 Gm22638 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094848 MGI:5452415 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22638
7 pseudogene 38.398169 38.408045 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645331 Gm6818 NCBI_Gene:627975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102073 MGI:3645331 pseudogene predicted gene 6818
7 pseudogene 38.428730 38.432048 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579289 Gm28583 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099781 MGI:5579289 pseudogene predicted gene 28583
7 pseudogene 38.446454 38.452548 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644762 Gm6605 NCBI_Gene:100861663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094920 MGI:3644762 pseudogene predicted gene 6605
7 pseudogene 38.487972 38.505196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647711 Gm6819 NCBI_Gene:627983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099846 MGI:3647711 pseudogene predicted gene 6819
7 gene 38.500432 38.537304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579793 Gm29087 NCBI_Gene:102633799,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100169 MGI:5579793 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29087
7 gene 38.518139 38.528193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648692 Gm5591 NCBI_Gene:434171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060565 MGI:3648692 protein coding gene predicted gene 5591
7 pseudogene 38.567000 38.573069 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782638 Gm4454 NCBI_Gene:100043467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099765 MGI:3782638 pseudogene predicted gene 4454
7 pseudogene 38.601891 38.606567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434105 Gm20749 NCBI_Gene:546957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101847 MGI:5434105 pseudogene predicted gene, 20749
7 pseudogene 38.606659 38.606880 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579792 Gm29086 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100810 MGI:5579792 pseudogene predicted gene 29086
7 gene 38.613149 38.613253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455063 Gm25286 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095537 MGI:5455063 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25286
7 pseudogene 38.719892 38.725615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434470 Gm21115 NCBI_Gene:105242401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100841 MGI:5434470 pseudogene predicted gene, 21115
7 pseudogene 38.762406 38.770304 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434631 Gm21276 NCBI_Gene:100861861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094233 MGI:5434631 pseudogene predicted gene, 21276
7 pseudogene 38.778593 38.786072 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434477 Gm21122 NCBI_Gene:100861672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100788 MGI:5434477 pseudogene predicted gene, 21122
7 pseudogene 38.786161 38.786385 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579791 Gm29085 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099772 MGI:5579791 pseudogene predicted gene 29085
7 gene 38.791631 38.861814 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916590 1700010N08Rik NCBI_Gene:105247250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101855 MGI:1916590 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700010N08 gene
7 gene 38.792638 38.792744 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454574 Gm24797 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094419 MGI:5454574 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24797
7 pseudogene 38.816064 38.826161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434484 Gm21129 NCBI_Gene:100861679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101470 MGI:5434484 pseudogene predicted gene, 21129
7 pseudogene 38.864077 38.870077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434491 Gm21136 NCBI_Gene:100861686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099981 MGI:5434491 pseudogene predicted gene, 21136
7 pseudogene 38.901886 38.909323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434497 Gm21142 NCBI_Gene:100861694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096277 MGI:5434497 pseudogene predicted gene, 21142
7 pseudogene 38.917563 38.922202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434507 Gm21152 NCBI_Gene:100861705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101023 MGI:5434507 pseudogene predicted gene, 21152
7 gene 38.927765 38.979932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591269 Gm32110 NCBI_Gene:102634560 MGI:5591269 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32110
7 gene 38.928775 38.928879 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455448 Gm25671 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095053 MGI:5455448 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25671
7 gene 38.952274 38.962397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645553 Gm6833 NCBI_Gene:628058 MGI:3645553 protein coding gene predicted gene 6833
7 pseudogene 38.953208 38.956969 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579157 Gm28451 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101035 MGI:5579157 pseudogene predicted gene 28451
7 pseudogene 39.137841 39.139797 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780151 Gm1982 NCBI_Gene:100038955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101703 MGI:3780151 pseudogene predicted gene 1982
7 gene 39.146488 39.205890 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592226 Gm33067 NCBI_Gene:102635822 MGI:5592226 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33067
7 pseudogene 39.170037 39.179797 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780157 Gm1988 NCBI_Gene:100038967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101454 MGI:3780157 pseudogene predicted gene 1988
7 pseudogene 39.219164 39.225269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779556 Gm6124 NCBI_Gene:620018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102017 MGI:3779556 pseudogene predicted gene 6124
7 pseudogene 39.257173 39.264414 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646111 Gm16387 NCBI_Gene:100038914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097653 MGI:3646111 pseudogene predicted gene 16387
7 pseudogene 39.273741 39.277409 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644713 Gm9226 NCBI_Gene:668531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099951 MGI:3644713 pseudogene predicted gene 9226
7 gene 39.282966 39.354694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592541 Gm33382 NCBI_Gene:102636268 MGI:5592541 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33382
7 gene 39.283976 39.284080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453084 Gm23307 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096181 MGI:5453084 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23307
7 pseudogene 39.308189 39.317629 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579964 Gm29258 NCBI_Gene:102636497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100112 MGI:5579964 pseudogene predicted gene 29258
7 pseudogene 39.358090 39.402678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011016 Gm18831 NCBI_Gene:100417794 MGI:5011016 pseudogene predicted gene, 18831
7 pseudogene 39.362411 39.368671 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646449 Gm9271 NCBI_Gene:668618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100721 MGI:3646449 pseudogene predicted gene 9271
7 gene 39.407294 39.413160 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647631 Gm5114 NCBI_Gene:330513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053742 MGI:3647631 protein coding gene predicted gene 5114
7 gene 39.431507 39.431613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530819 Gm27437 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098777 MGI:5530819 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27437
7 pseudogene 39.444979 39.450137 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645451 Gm5590 NCBI_Gene:434168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046372 MGI:3645451 pseudogene predicted gene 5590
7 gene 39.449518 39.477427 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3036240 Zfp939 NCBI_Gene:233147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030424 MGI:3036240 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 939
7 pseudogene 39.487400 39.500504 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579161 Gm28455 NCBI_Gene:101056047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100490 MGI:5579161 pseudogene predicted gene 28455
7 gene 39.517766 39.540420 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917477 Zfp619 NCBI_Gene:70227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068959 MGI:1917477 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 619
7 gene 39.542062 39.580590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593148 Gm33989 NCBI_Gene:102637087 MGI:5593148 protein coding gene predicted gene, 33989
7 gene 39.542537 39.544906 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753149 Gm44573 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104150 MGI:5753149 unclassified gene predicted gene 44573
7 gene 39.544402 39.580589 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610722 Gm37494 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108621 MGI:5610722 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37494
7 gene 39.567854 39.568300 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646468 Gm4790 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 4790
7 gene 39.574445 39.576231 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923398 6230415J03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6230415J03 gene
7 pseudogene 39.583165 39.583758 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010168 Gm17983 NCBI_Gene:100416227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099934 MGI:5010168 pseudogene predicted gene, 17983
7 pseudogene 39.588507 39.591701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3805010 Gm2058 NCBI_Gene:100039133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074903 MGI:3805010 pseudogene predicted gene 2058
7 gene 39.588518 39.591679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477020 Gm26526 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096980 MGI:5477020 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26526
7 gene 39.630392 39.630502 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456104 Gm26327 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070236 MGI:5456104 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26327
7 pseudogene 39.662372 39.666222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780190 Gm2021 NCBI_Gene:108167481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100912 MGI:3780190 pseudogene predicted gene 2021
7 pseudogene 39.739844 39.740720 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648549 Gm9230 NCBI_Gene:668540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101901 MGI:3648549 pseudogene predicted gene 9230
7 gene 39.788086 39.797686 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804954 Gm45839 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110135 MGI:5804954 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45839
7 gene 39.789235 39.910970 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925412 4930435C17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102085 MGI:1925412 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930435C17 gene
7 gene 39.790967 39.797742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925461 4930558N11Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100431 MGI:1925461 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930558N11 gene
7 gene 39.791254 39.794251 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610530 Gm37302 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102227 MGI:5610530 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37302
7 gene 39.863526 39.870691 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593211 Gm34052 NCBI_Gene:102637169 MGI:5593211 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34052
7 gene 39.869131 39.978319 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753568 Gm44992 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109083 MGI:5753568 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44992
7 gene 40.077405 40.080681 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611427 Gm38199 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102464 MGI:5611427 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38199
7 pseudogene 40.190890 40.191353 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643618 Gm6851 NCBI_Gene:105247253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056836 MGI:3643618 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6851
7 gene 40.262705 40.269753 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918300 4933404I11Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101153 MGI:1918300 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933404I11 gene
7 gene 40.295866 40.303819 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621881 Gm38996 NCBI_Gene:105242922 MGI:5621881 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38996
7 gene 40.363450 40.363721 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454687 Gm24910 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087914 MGI:5454687 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24910
7 gene 40.373302 40.469240 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579513 Gm28807 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100650 MGI:5579513 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28807
7 gene 40.473160 40.474891 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918088 4921507H08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4921507H08 gene
7 pseudogene 40.639399 40.639834 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6324734 Gm50466 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118476 MGI:6324734 pseudogene predicted gene, 50466
7 gene 40.674737 40.691273 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918279 4933402C06Rik NCBI_Gene:71029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102004 MGI:1918279 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933402C06 gene
7 gene 40.818476 40.900937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443592 A230077H06Rik NCBI_Gene:320210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100600 MGI:2443592 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230077H06 gene
7 gene 40.820618 40.821110 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753584 Gm45008 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108672 MGI:5753584 unclassified gene predicted gene 45008
7 gene 40.876543 40.885785 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579013 Gm28307 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101643 MGI:5579013 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28307
7 gene 40.879658 40.879738 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455561 Gm25784 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084473 MGI:5455561 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25784
7 gene 40.898328 40.930594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914525 Vstm2b NCBI_Gene:58188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039257 MGI:1914525 protein coding gene V-set and transmembrane domain containing 2B
7 pseudogene 40.969919 40.974538 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579999 Gm29293 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099768 MGI:5579999 pseudogene predicted gene 29293
7 gene 40.987543 40.995435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685327 4930433I11Rik NCBI_Gene:243944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091692 MGI:2685327 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930433I11 gene
7 pseudogene 40.989645 40.990380 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753747 Gm45171 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108397 MGI:5753747 pseudogene predicted gene 45171
7 gene 41.010786 41.032619 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621882 Gm38997 NCBI_Gene:105242923,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108364 MGI:5621882 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38997
7 gene 41.032717 41.045302 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649090 Gm4884 NCBI_Gene:233164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048312 MGI:3649090 protein coding gene predicted gene 4884
7 pseudogene 41.048659 41.048847 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5828831 Topbp1-ps2 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100732 MGI:5828831 pseudogene topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 1, pseudogene 2
7 gene 41.057302 41.058602 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753748 Gm45172 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108661 MGI:5753748 unclassified gene predicted gene 45172
7 gene 41.060617 41.089843 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924251 1700110I07Rik NCBI_Gene:77001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108490 MGI:1924251 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700110I07 gene
7 pseudogene 41.067564 41.068370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578767 Gm28061 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102113 MGI:5578767 pseudogene predicted gene 28061
7 gene 41.077625 41.078025 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753415 Gm44839 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108619 MGI:5753415 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44839
7 pseudogene 41.089851 41.099636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644761 Gm9239 NCBI_Gene:668555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101195 MGI:3644761 pseudogene predicted gene 9239
7 pseudogene 41.121222 41.125898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647709 Gm6820 NCBI_Gene:627987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101650 MGI:3647709 pseudogene predicted gene 6820
7 gene 41.128646 41.284220 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753324 Gm44748 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108754 MGI:5753324 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44748
7 pseudogene 41.153664 41.159287 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780298 Gm2128 NCBI_Gene:100039269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078737 MGI:3780298 pseudogene predicted gene 2128
7 gene 41.153841 41.290183 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648691 Gm5592 NCBI_Gene:434172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072259 MGI:3648691 protein coding gene predicted gene 5592
7 pseudogene 41.163777 41.163965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578766 Gm28060 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100376 MGI:5578766 pseudogene predicted gene 28060
7 pseudogene 41.183751 41.187090 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579373 Gm28667 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099657 MGI:5579373 pseudogene predicted gene 28667
7 pseudogene 41.191107 41.192136 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645545 Gm5896 NCBI_Gene:545955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099979 MGI:3645545 pseudogene predicted gene 5896
7 gene 41.203187 41.210029 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593970 Gm34811 NCBI_Gene:102638189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108395 MGI:5593970 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34811
7 pseudogene 41.210021 41.219640 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646160 Gm6866 NCBI_Gene:628304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101196 MGI:3646160 pseudogene predicted gene 6866
7 pseudogene 41.233378 41.251605 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648328 Gm9244 NCBI_Gene:668561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049062 MGI:3648328 pseudogene predicted gene 9244
7 gene 41.234286 41.235405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804806 Gm45691 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108779 MGI:5804806 unclassified gene predicted gene 45691
7 pseudogene 41.273595 41.274396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753096 Gm44520 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108340 MGI:5753096 pseudogene predicted gene 44520
7 pseudogene 41.293406 41.320518 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578765 Topbp1-ps1 NCBI_Gene:108167498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099511 MGI:5578765 pseudogene topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 1, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 41.304335 41.307680 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780276 Gm2108 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092031 MGI:3780276 pseudogene predicted gene 2108
7 pseudogene 41.325391 41.328430 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5009973 Gm17791 NCBI_Gene:100126099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101449 MGI:5009973 pseudogene predicted gene, 17791
7 pseudogene 41.335384 41.338873 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648324 Gm9246 NCBI_Gene:668565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082080 MGI:3648324 pseudogene predicted gene 9246
7 gene 41.372923 41.393379 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142079 AI987944 NCBI_Gene:233168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056383 MGI:2142079 protein coding gene expressed sequence AI987944
7 gene 41.393698 41.397453 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937929 Gm17102 NCBI_Gene:102638296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091864 MGI:4937929 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17102
7 gene 41.395945 41.448696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3703084 Vmn2r57 NCBI_Gene:269902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066537 MGI:3703084 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 57
7 gene 41.399378 41.499417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141914 Gm20449 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092592 MGI:5141914 protein coding gene predicted gene 20449
7 pseudogene 41.467650 41.467866 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753097 Gm44521 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108312 MGI:5753097 pseudogene predicted gene 44521
7 gene 41.478874 41.499890 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142212 AW146154 NCBI_Gene:101835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074166 MGI:2142212 protein coding gene expressed sequence AW146154
7 pseudogene 41.490351 41.491723 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641891 Gm15470 NCBI_Gene:100039375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083500 MGI:3641891 pseudogene predicted gene 15470
7 gene 41.545584 41.573662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643456 Gm6871 NCBI_Gene:102642386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090744 MGI:3643456 protein coding gene predicted gene 6871
7 pseudogene 41.573277 41.573745 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4938044 Gm17217 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090341 MGI:4938044 pseudogene predicted gene 17217
7 pseudogene 41.594892 41.596731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753654 Gm45078 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108482 MGI:5753654 pseudogene predicted gene 45078
7 gene 41.599227 41.628533 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922662 2610021A01Rik NCBI_Gene:668572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091474 MGI:1922662 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2610021A01 gene
7 gene 41.632733 41.651534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914857 Zfp788 NCBI_Gene:67607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074165 MGI:1914857 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 788
7 pseudogene 41.666389 41.668210 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645130 Gm9252 NCBI_Gene:668576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091401 MGI:3645130 pseudogene predicted gene 9252
7 pseudogene 41.667979 41.727193 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351350 Vmn2r-ps54 NCBI_Gene:75835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074164 MGI:1351350 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 54
7 pseudogene 41.668606 41.669308 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643699 Gm6872 NCBI_Gene:628372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091004 MGI:3643699 pseudogene predicted gene 6872
7 pseudogene 41.682251 41.683388 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645134 Cd9-ps NCBI_Gene:668579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092193 MGI:3645134 pseudogene Cd9 antigen, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 41.722282 41.722599 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757982 Vmn2r-ps55 NCBI_Gene:100124555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092538 MGI:3757982 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 55
7 pseudogene 41.744706 41.772910 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757983 Vmn2r-ps56 NCBI_Gene:628403,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092451 MGI:3757983 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 56
7 gene 41.835814 41.872712 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647877 Vmn2r58 NCBI_Gene:628422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090383 MGI:3647877 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 58
7 pseudogene 41.937527 41.980928 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351346 Vmn2r-ps57 NCBI_Gene:110931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092328 MGI:1351346 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 57
7 gene 42.011284 42.059023 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643747 Vmn2r59 NCBI_Gene:628444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092032 MGI:3643747 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 59
7 pseudogene 42.020725 42.022003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648695 Hmgb1-ps7 NCBI_Gene:434174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092281 MGI:3648695 pseudogene high-mobility group high mobility group box 1, pseudogene 7
7 pseudogene 42.047856 42.050338 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647435 Gm7224 NCBI_Gene:637913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083623 MGI:3647435 pseudogene predicted gene 7224
7 pseudogene 42.105769 42.107302 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648694 Ccnb1-ps NCBI_Gene:434175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048574 MGI:3648694 pseudogene cyclin B1, pseudogene
7 gene 42.107770 42.196208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647050 Vmn2r60 NCBI_Gene:637898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090619 MGI:3647050 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 60
7 pseudogene 42.125006 42.126221 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780479 Gm2308 NCBI_Gene:100039556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092257 MGI:3780479 pseudogene predicted gene 2308
7 pseudogene 42.256295 42.256416 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753095 Gm44519 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108562 MGI:5753095 pseudogene predicted gene 44519
7 gene 42.260053 42.300755 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351347 Vmn2r61 NCBI_Gene:637873,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090967 MGI:1351347 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 61
7 pseudogene 42.303077 42.303339 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757988 Vmn2r-ps58 NCBI_Gene:100124556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092370 MGI:3757988 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 58
7 pseudogene 42.353705 42.358002 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648693 Gm5594 NCBI_Gene:100534301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092411 MGI:3648693 pseudogene predicted gene 5594
7 pseudogene 42.378456 42.378704 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757989 Vmn2r-ps59 NCBI_Gene:100124557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092382 MGI:3757989 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 59
7 pseudogene 42.429828 42.430724 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757993 Vmn2r-ps60 NCBI_Gene:628490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070621 MGI:3757993 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 60
7 gene 42.445462 42.448128 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918412 4933421I07Rik NCBI_Gene:71162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030463 MGI:1918412 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4933421I07 gene
7 pseudogene 42.464888 42.465369 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649086 Gm6887 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092301 MGI:3649086 pseudogene predicted gene 6887
7 gene 42.473386 42.505753 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3584269 Zfp141 NCBI_Gene:434178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092416 MGI:3584269 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 141
7 gene 42.481307 42.482336 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918854 9130413E14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9130413E14 gene
7 pseudogene 42.488770 42.489112 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011431 Gm19246 NCBI_Gene:100462739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092505 MGI:5011431 pseudogene predicted gene, 19246
7 gene 42.505827 42.510268 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594512 Gm35353 NCBI_Gene:102638902 MGI:5594512 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35353
7 pseudogene 42.507600 42.509334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753099 Gm44523 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108491 MGI:5753099 pseudogene predicted gene 44523
7 pseudogene 42.518231 42.521922 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825617 Gm45980 NCBI_Gene:108167418 MGI:5825617 pseudogene predicted gene, 45980
7 gene 42.561414 42.578235 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753573 Gm44997 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108446 MGI:5753573 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44997
7 gene 42.577537 42.644886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3036263 Zfp976 NCBI_Gene:208111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074158 MGI:3036263 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 976
7 gene 42.578402 42.579731 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434383 Gm21028 NCBI_Gene:100534316,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094462 MGI:5434383 protein coding gene predicted gene, 21028
7 gene 42.579783 42.592547 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645327 Zfp977 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092335 MGI:3645327 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 977
7 gene 42.605156 42.605265 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454715 Gm24938 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076180 MGI:5454715 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24938
7 gene 42.660105 42.692742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648690 Zfp975 NCBI_Gene:434179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069727 MGI:3648690 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 975
7 gene 42.692855 42.697790 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621883 Gm38998 NCBI_Gene:105242926 MGI:5621883 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38998
7 gene 42.705037 42.727017 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937894 Gm17067 NCBI_Gene:101056115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091594 MGI:4937894 protein coding gene predicted gene 17067
7 pseudogene 42.734409 42.734919 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010313 Gm18128 NCBI_Gene:100416478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092554 MGI:5010313 pseudogene predicted gene, 18128
7 pseudogene 42.750370 42.752560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644564 Gm6004 NCBI_Gene:546965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092238 MGI:3644564 pseudogene predicted gene 6004
7 gene 42.764055 42.793525 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757994 Vmn2r62 NCBI_Gene:546964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091926 MGI:3757994 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 62
7 gene 42.816827 42.867234 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780549 Gm2381 NCBI_Gene:100039706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092225 MGI:3780549 protein coding gene predicted gene 2381
7 pseudogene 42.878557 42.880669 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648273 Gm7211 NCBI_Gene:637572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092191 MGI:3648273 pseudogene predicted gene 7211
7 pseudogene 42.885994 42.892563 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825661 Gm46024 NCBI_Gene:108167508 MGI:5825661 pseudogene predicted gene, 46024
7 gene 42.896711 42.933822 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647107 Vmn2r63 NCBI_Gene:435975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090751 MGI:3647107 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 63
7 pseudogene 42.951724 42.952207 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643305 Gm9266 NCBI_Gene:668606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080892 MGI:3643305 pseudogene predicted gene 9266
7 pseudogene 42.953524 42.954411 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648888 Gm9294 NCBI_Gene:668668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044609 MGI:3648888 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 9294
7 gene 42.958351 42.958460 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453033 Gm23256 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076190 MGI:5453033 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23256
7 gene 43.018765 43.048106 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646456 Vmn2r126 NCBI_Gene:668612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091528 MGI:3646456 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 126
7 pseudogene 43.060666 43.061013 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753114 Gm44538 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108666 MGI:5753114 pseudogene predicted gene 44538
7 gene 43.078044 43.099377 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5009932 Gm17768 NCBI_Gene:100045125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107181 MGI:5009932 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17768
7 pseudogene 43.082100 43.082664 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648821 Rpl18a-ps4 NCBI_Gene:385199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108492 MGI:3648821 pseudogene ribosomal protein L18A, pseudogene 4
7 gene 43.099719 43.099843 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642306 Gm10351 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071952 MGI:3642306 protein coding gene predicted gene 10351
7 gene 43.114229 43.192109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642994 Zfp936 NCBI_Gene:668620,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064194 MGI:3642994 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 936
7 gene 43.153158 43.155410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825648 Gm46011 NCBI_Gene:108167482 MGI:5825648 protein coding gene predicted gene, 46011
7 pseudogene 43.155806 43.156653 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010393 Gm18208 NCBI_Gene:100416704 MGI:5010393 pseudogene predicted gene, 18208
7 gene 43.204352 43.204461 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452484 Gm22707 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077022 MGI:5452484 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22707
7 gene 43.214039 43.227252 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3796554 EU599041 NCBI_Gene:100170401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074887 MGI:3796554 lncRNA gene expressed sequence EU599041
7 gene 43.253741 43.265645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594747 Gm35588 NCBI_Gene:102639229 MGI:5594747 protein coding gene predicted gene, 35588
7 gene 43.296197 43.313309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917180 Zfp715 NCBI_Gene:69930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012640 MGI:1917180 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 715
7 pseudogene 43.344550 43.344787 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753115 Gm44539 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108300 MGI:5753115 pseudogene predicted gene 44539
7 gene 43.351341 43.359531 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681107 Siglecf NCBI_Gene:233186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039013 MGI:2681107 protein coding gene sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin F
7 pseudogene 43.387680 43.387944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642777 Gm10298 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070606 MGI:3642777 pseudogene predicted gene 10298
7 pseudogene 43.394535 43.395264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753116 Gm44540 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108775 MGI:5753116 pseudogene predicted gene 44540
7 gene 43.408193 43.418358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443630 Siglecg NCBI_Gene:243958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030468 MGI:2443630 protein coding gene sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin G
7 gene 43.427643 43.429836 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621884 Gm38999 NCBI_Gene:105242927 MGI:5621884 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38999
7 gene 43.427670 43.435996 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104698 Lim2 NCBI_Gene:233187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093639 MGI:104698 protein coding gene lens intrinsic membrane protein 2
7 gene 43.437073 43.438249 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1931250 Nkg7 NCBI_Gene:72310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004612 MGI:1931250 protein coding gene natural killer cell group 7 sequence
7 gene 43.439192 43.443480 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921526 Cldnd2 NCBI_Gene:74276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038973 MGI:1921526 protein coding gene claudin domain containing 2
7 gene 43.444072 43.457800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106098 Etfb NCBI_Gene:110826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004610 MGI:106098 protein coding gene electron transferring flavoprotein, beta polypeptide
7 gene 43.444128 43.463587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753809 Etfbl ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107482 MGI:5753809 protein coding gene electron transferring flavoprotein, beta polypeptide like
7 gene 43.448073 43.448549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753392 Gm44816 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108618 MGI:5753392 unclassified gene predicted gene 44816
7 gene 43.457497 43.457569 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531067 Mir7051 miRBase:MI0022900,NCBI_Gene:102465636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099210 MGI:5531067 miRNA gene microRNA 7051
7 gene 43.461500 43.464170 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621885 Gm39000 NCBI_Gene:105242928 MGI:5621885 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39000
7 gene 43.463062 43.472019 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922940 Vsig10l NCBI_Gene:75690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070604 MGI:1922940 protein coding gene V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 10 like
7 gene 43.472904 43.490075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686277 Iglon5 NCBI_Gene:210094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013367 MGI:2686277 protein coding gene IgLON family member 5
7 gene 43.492044 43.505969 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921304 4931406B18Rik NCBI_Gene:74054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013353 MGI:1921304 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4931406B18 gene
7 pseudogene 43.506916 43.507527 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646238 Gm9278 NCBI_Gene:668630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108438 MGI:3646238 pseudogene predicted gene 9278
7 gene 43.511165 43.519083 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780678 Gm2511 NCBI_Gene:100039946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108695 MGI:3780678 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2511
7 gene 43.524216 43.544428 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99440 Cd33 NCBI_Gene:12489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004609 MGI:99440 protein coding gene CD33 antigen
7 gene 43.561319 43.561676 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753394 Gm44818 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108411 MGI:5753394 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44818
7 gene 43.562202 43.576142 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2652821 Zfp658 NCBI_Gene:210104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056592 MGI:2652821 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 658
7 gene 43.579554 43.593710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444708 Zfp719 NCBI_Gene:210105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030469 MGI:2444708 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 719
7 gene 43.606900 43.619095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921650 Zfp819 NCBI_Gene:74400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055102 MGI:1921650 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 819
7 gene 43.634670 43.649295 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919681 Ceacam18 NCBI_Gene:72431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030472 MGI:1919681 protein coding gene carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 18
7 gene 43.651070 43.660176 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1932475 Siglece NCBI_Gene:83382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030474 MGI:1932475 protein coding gene sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin E
7 gene 43.669263 43.671884 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595705 Gm36546 NCBI_Gene:102640502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108783 MGI:5595705 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36546
7 gene 43.671976 43.678300 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385277 Ctu1 NCBI_Gene:233189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038888 MGI:2385277 protein coding gene cytosolic thiouridylase subunit 1
7 gene 43.680880 43.695536 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447564 Klk14 NCBI_Gene:317653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044737 MGI:2447564 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 14
7 gene 43.692644 43.693096 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753393 Gm44817 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108734 MGI:5753393 unclassified gene predicted gene 44817
7 gene 43.695209 43.797958 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916779 2310002F09Rik NCBI_Gene:100504720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097178 MGI:1916779 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310002F09 gene
7 gene 43.712567 43.727864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3615275 Klk13 NCBI_Gene:626834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054046 MGI:3615275 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 13
7 gene 43.715990 43.716423 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753390 Gm44814 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108588 MGI:5753390 unclassified gene predicted gene 44814
7 gene 43.768663 43.774704 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916761 Klk12 NCBI_Gene:69511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044430 MGI:1916761 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 12
7 gene 43.774604 43.779263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929977 Klk11 NCBI_Gene:56538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067616 MGI:1929977 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 11
7 gene 43.781035 43.785410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916790 Klk10 NCBI_Gene:69540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030693 MGI:1916790 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 10
7 gene 43.791588 43.796758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921082 Klk9 NCBI_Gene:101533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047884 MGI:1921082 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 9
7 gene 43.797577 43.803826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1343327 Klk8 NCBI_Gene:259277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064023 MGI:1343327 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 8
7 gene 43.811294 43.816387 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346336 Klk7 NCBI_Gene:23993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030713 MGI:1346336 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 7 (chymotryptic, stratum corneum)
7 gene 43.824499 43.832030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1343166 Klk6 NCBI_Gene:19144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050063 MGI:1343166 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 6
7 gene 43.834157 43.851181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915918 Klk5 NCBI_Gene:68668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074155 MGI:1915918 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 5
7 gene 43.856086 43.857413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753283 Gm44707 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108781 MGI:5753283 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44707
7 pseudogene 43.863883 43.864187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753749 Gm45173 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108527 MGI:5753749 pseudogene predicted gene 45173
7 gene 43.881160 43.885804 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861379 Klk4 NCBI_Gene:56640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006948 MGI:1861379 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 4 (prostase, enamel matrix, prostate)
7 pseudogene 43.915167 43.921873 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892028 Klk2-ps NCBI_Gene:16603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108444 MGI:892028 pseudogene kallikrein-related peptidase 2, pseudogene
7 gene 43.929405 43.939852 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447533 Klk15 NCBI_Gene:317652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055193 MGI:2447533 protein coding gene kallikrein related-peptidase 15
7 gene 43.938057 43.976573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753332 Gm44756 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108432 MGI:5753332 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44756
7 pseudogene 43.942662 43.945927 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892027 Klk1b7-ps NCBI_Gene:16604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060161 MGI:892027 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b7, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 43.946249 43.948893 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753521 Gm44945 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108323 MGI:5753521 pseudogene predicted gene 44945
7 gene 43.950664 43.954944 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892018 Klk1b8 NCBI_Gene:16624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063089 MGI:892018 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b8
7 pseudogene 43.958780 43.962996 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892029 Klk1b2-ps NCBI_Gene:16602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108651 MGI:892029 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b2, pseudogene
7 gene 43.966751 43.971318 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892019 Klk1b1 NCBI_Gene:16623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063133 MGI:892019 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b1
7 pseudogene 43.972252 43.974288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753774 Gm45198 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108746 MGI:5753774 pseudogene predicted gene 45198
7 gene 43.976061 43.980376 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95293 Klk1b9 NCBI_Gene:13648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059042 MGI:95293 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b9
7 pseudogene 43.980734 43.994130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753711 Gm45135 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108730 MGI:5753711 pseudogene predicted gene 45135
7 pseudogene 43.987767 43.992085 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892026 Klk1b10-ps NCBI_Gene:16605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108602 MGI:892026 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b10, pseudogene
7 gene 43.995877 43.999875 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892023 Klk1b11 NCBI_Gene:16613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044485 MGI:892023 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b11
7 pseudogene 44.000799 44.002863 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753771 Gm45195 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108794 MGI:5753771 pseudogene predicted gene 45195
7 gene 44.004616 44.106583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892022 Klk1b21 NCBI_Gene:16616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066516 MGI:892022 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b21
7 pseudogene 44.004639 44.008934 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892025 Klk1b12-ps NCBI_Gene:110971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108539 MGI:892025 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b12, pseudogene
7 gene 44.012168 44.016969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891981 Klk1b26 NCBI_Gene:16618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053719 MGI:891981 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related petidase b26
7 gene 44.012697 44.016968 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95292 Egfbp2 NA NA protein coding gene epidermal growth factor binding protein type B
7 pseudogene 44.020820 44.021576 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892024 Klk1b18-ps NCBI_Gene:16609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108759 MGI:892024 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b18, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 44.027943 44.029154 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891986 Klk1b28-ps NCBI_Gene:108165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108339 MGI:891986 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b28, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 44.041271 44.043530 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753772 Gm45196 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108328 MGI:5753772 pseudogene predicted gene 45196
7 pseudogene 44.045159 44.048483 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891985 Klk1b19-ps NCBI_Gene:668647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108440 MGI:891985 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b19, pseudogene
7 gene 44.052290 44.056712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891980 Klk1b27 NCBI_Gene:16619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063177 MGI:891980 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b27
7 pseudogene 44.069855 44.070005 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753773 Gm45197 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108538 MGI:5753773 pseudogene predicted gene 45197
7 pseudogene 44.071804 44.076053 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891983 Klk1b14-ps NCBI_Gene:16614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108400 MGI:891983 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b14, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 44.076750 44.079050 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753602 Gm45026 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108498 MGI:5753602 pseudogene predicted gene 45026
7 pseudogene 44.096165 44.098547 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891987 Klk1b15-ps NCBI_Gene:16607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108406 MGI:891987 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b15, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 44.099360 44.099510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753701 Gm45125 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108517 MGI:5753701 pseudogene predicted gene 45125
7 pseudogene 44.107095 44.109679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753703 Gm45127 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108301 MGI:5753703 pseudogene predicted gene 45127
7 gene 44.112673 44.116922 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95291 Klk1b22 NCBI_Gene:13646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060177 MGI:95291 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b22
7 pseudogene 44.117492 44.119801 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753702 Gm45126 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108796 MGI:5753702 pseudogene predicted gene 45126
7 gene 44.122254 44.141610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891982 Klk1b16 NCBI_Gene:16615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038968 MGI:891982 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b16
7 pseudogene 44.123258 44.135543 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753698 Gm45122 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108403 MGI:5753698 pseudogene predicted gene 45122
7 pseudogene 44.132645 44.133466 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891984 Klk1b23-ps NCBI_Gene:108164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108797 MGI:891984 pseudogene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b23, pseudogene
7 gene 44.156844 44.157786 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753712 Gm45136 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108774 MGI:5753712 unclassified gene predicted gene 45136
7 gene 44.188234 44.192455 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892021 Klk1b24 NCBI_Gene:16617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063713 MGI:892021 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b24
7 pseudogene 44.193194 44.195628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753355 Gm44779 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108727 MGI:5753355 pseudogene predicted gene 44779
7 gene 44.198191 44.202352 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97322 Klk1b3 NCBI_Gene:18050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066515 MGI:97322 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b3
7 pseudogene 44.202703 44.204293 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753181 Gm44605 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108459 MGI:5753181 pseudogene predicted gene 44605
7 gene 44.207433 44.211754 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97320 Klk1b4 NCBI_Gene:18048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066513 MGI:97320 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related pepidase b4
7 pseudogene 44.212069 44.214718 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753710 Gm45134 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108679 MGI:5753710 pseudogene predicted gene 45134
7 gene 44.215945 44.220703 positive MGI_C57BL6J_892020 Klk1b5 NCBI_Gene:16622,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066512 MGI:892020 protein coding gene kallikrein 1-related peptidase b5
7 pseudogene 44.221014 44.246657 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647742 Gm10109 NCBI_Gene:638411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062073 MGI:3647742 pseudogene predicted gene 10109
7 gene 44.225360 44.229622 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102850 Klk1 NCBI_Gene:16612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063903 MGI:102850 protein coding gene kallikrein 1
7 gene 44.229811 44.246695 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917254 1700028J19Rik NCBI_Gene:70004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038782 MGI:1917254 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700028J19 gene
7 gene 44.236177 44.244313 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5596023 Gm36864 NCBI_Gene:102640913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108622 MGI:5596023 protein coding gene predicted gene, 36864
7 gene 44.239748 44.240035 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455163 Gm25386 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088439 MGI:5455163 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25386
7 gene 44.246720 44.252319 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914226 2410002F23Rik NCBI_Gene:668661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045411 MGI:1914226 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2410002F23 gene
7 gene 44.246726 44.262720 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579202 Gm28496 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101166 MGI:5579202 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28496
7 gene 44.248090 44.248180 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456024 Gm26247 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080352 MGI:5456024 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26247
7 gene 44.249852 44.249941 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819561 Snord88c NCBI_Gene:100217434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096296 MGI:3819561 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 88C
7 gene 44.250135 44.250224 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819560 Snord88a NCBI_Gene:100217433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095472 MGI:3819560 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 88A
7 gene 44.250450 44.250542 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453768 Gm23991 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080683 MGI:5453768 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23991
7 gene 44.252010 44.261347 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644563 Acp4 NCBI_Gene:100503991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012777 MGI:3644563 protein coding gene acid phosphatase 4
7 gene 44.261347 44.263736 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782964 Gm15517 NCBI_Gene:628854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087376 MGI:3782964 protein coding gene predicted gene 15517
7 pseudogene 44.267617 44.273158 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011090 Gm18905 NCBI_Gene:102632142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108705 MGI:5011090 pseudogene predicted gene, 18905
7 pseudogene 44.281426 44.282398 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010492 Gm18307 NCBI_Gene:100416897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108343 MGI:5010492 pseudogene predicted gene, 18307
7 pseudogene 44.296134 44.301649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647237 Gm7238 NCBI_Gene:638453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108512 MGI:3647237 pseudogene predicted gene 7238
7 gene 44.302687 44.306959 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1298219 Clec11a NCBI_Gene:20256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004473 MGI:1298219 protein coding gene C-type lectin domain family 11, member a
7 gene 44.307899 44.360572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3613677 Shank1 NCBI_Gene:243961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038738 MGI:3613677 protein coding gene SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 1
7 gene 44.314751 44.314907 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753333 Gm44757 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108719 MGI:5753333 unclassified gene predicted gene 44757
7 gene 44.360043 44.385820 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916599 1700008O03Rik NCBI_Gene:69349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008028 MGI:1916599 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700008O03 gene
7 gene 44.362564 44.363288 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753356 Gm44780 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108509 MGI:5753356 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44780
7 gene 44.374497 44.375903 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621886 Gm39001 NCBI_Gene:105242929 MGI:5621886 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39001
7 gene 44.378887 44.385820 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441852 B230219N05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230219N05 gene
7 gene 44.384099 44.400187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99665 Syt3 NCBI_Gene:20981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030731 MGI:99665 protein coding gene synaptotagmin III
7 gene 44.386400 44.389154 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753700 Gm45124 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108372 MGI:5753700 unclassified gene predicted gene 45124
7 gene 44.420590 44.431931 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621887 Gm39002 NCBI_Gene:105242930 MGI:5621887 protein coding gene predicted gene, 39002
7 gene 44.429018 44.463351 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3027390 Lrrc4b NCBI_Gene:272381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047085 MGI:3027390 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 4B
7 gene 44.446893 44.451818 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621888 Gm39003 NCBI_Gene:105242931 MGI:5621888 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39003
7 gene 44.465391 44.467758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915602 Aspdh NCBI_Gene:68352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038704 MGI:1915602 protein coding gene aspartate dehydrogenase domain containing
7 gene 44.467980 44.471662 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913374 Josd2 NCBI_Gene:66124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038695 MGI:1913374 protein coding gene Josephin domain containing 2
7 gene 44.470347 44.470411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530965 Mir7052 miRBase:MI0022901,NCBI_Gene:102465637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098661 MGI:5530965 miRNA gene microRNA 7052
7 gene 44.473538 44.486138 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918618 5430431A17Rik NCBI_Gene:71368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108322 MGI:1918618 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5430431A17 gene
7 gene 44.489937 44.496529 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916933 Emc10 NCBI_Gene:69683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008140 MGI:1916933 protein coding gene ER membrane protein complex subunit 10
7 gene 44.496581 44.504266 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922788 Fam71e1 NCBI_Gene:75538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051113 MGI:1922788 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 71, member E1
7 gene 44.497243 44.497723 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925387 4921540A03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4921540A03 gene
7 gene 44.501689 44.504266 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753222 Gm44646 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108607 MGI:5753222 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44646
7 gene 44.501699 44.524722 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1336170 Mybpc2 NCBI_Gene:233199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038670 MGI:1336170 protein coding gene myosin binding protein C, fast-type
7 gene 44.525993 44.532087 negative MGI_C57BL6J_892986 Spib NCBI_Gene:272382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008193 MGI:892986 protein coding gene Spi-B transcription factor (Spi-1/PU.1 related)
7 gene 44.532744 44.548849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97741 Pold1 NCBI_Gene:18971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038644 MGI:97741 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA directed), delta 1, catalytic subunit
7 gene 44.538106 44.538178 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530885 Mir7053 miRBase:MI0022902,NCBI_Gene:102466796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099330 MGI:5530885 miRNA gene microRNA 7053
7 pseudogene 44.545147 44.545477 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753409 Gm44833 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109236 MGI:5753409 pseudogene predicted gene 44833
7 gene 44.549616 44.553968 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352463 Nr1h2 NCBI_Gene:22260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060601 MGI:1352463 protein coding gene nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 2
7 gene 44.572380 44.586862 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109365 Napsa NCBI_Gene:16541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002204 MGI:109365 protein coding gene napsin A aspartic peptidase
7 gene 44.579968 44.590624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705202 Gm15396 NCBI_Gene:102632404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109491 MGI:3705202 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15396
7 gene 44.587378 44.590368 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825618 Gm45981 NCBI_Gene:108167420 MGI:5825618 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45981
7 gene 44.590661 44.604754 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96669 Kcnc3 NCBI_Gene:16504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062785 MGI:96669 protein coding gene potassium voltage gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 3
7 gene 44.593577 44.595879 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753408 Gm44832 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108832 MGI:5753408 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44832
7 gene 44.605803 44.670843 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919210 Myh14 NCBI_Gene:71960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030739 MGI:1919210 protein coding gene myosin, heavy polypeptide 14
7 pseudogene 44.645419 44.646346 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010441 Gm18256 NCBI_Gene:100416794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109352 MGI:5010441 pseudogene predicted gene, 18256
7 gene 44.668151 44.678235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916828 2310016G11Rik NCBI_Gene:69578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070574 MGI:1916828 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310016G11 gene
7 gene 44.708698 44.719845 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922760 Izumo2 NCBI_Gene:75510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066500 MGI:1922760 protein coding gene IZUMO family member 2
7 gene 44.731480 44.751050 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442697 Zfp473 NCBI_Gene:243963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048012 MGI:2442697 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 473
7 gene 44.748413 44.777515 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2182465 Vrk3 NCBI_Gene:101568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002205 MGI:2182465 protein coding gene vaccinia related kinase 3
7 gene 44.772856 44.774965 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443209 A130002D19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A130002D19 gene
7 gene 44.788660 44.791078 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5588950 Gm29791 NCBI_Gene:101056178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109227 MGI:5588950 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29791
7 gene 44.812256 44.816658 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141857 Atf5 NCBI_Gene:107503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038539 MGI:2141857 protein coding gene activating transcription factor 5
7 gene 44.816088 44.831836 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351500 Nup62 NCBI_Gene:18226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109511 MGI:1351500 protein coding gene nucleoporin 62
7 gene 44.816370 44.840804 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439399 Il4i1b NCBI_Gene:100328588 MGI:5439399 protein coding gene interleukin 4 induced 1B
7 gene 44.816387 44.840809 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109552 Il4i1 NCBI_Gene:14204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074141 MGI:109552 protein coding gene interleukin 4 induced 1
7 gene 44.834623 44.849079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2449973 Tbc1d17 NCBI_Gene:233204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038520 MGI:2449973 protein coding gene TBC1 domain family, member 17
7 gene 44.848991 44.855421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914855 Akt1s1 NCBI_Gene:67605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011096 MGI:1914855 protein coding gene AKT1 substrate 1 (proline-rich)
7 gene 44.849699 44.849771 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3629685 Mir707 miRBase:MI0004691,NCBI_Gene:735269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076051 MGI:3629685 miRNA gene microRNA 707
7 gene 44.856479 44.862992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891698 Pnkp NCBI_Gene:59047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002963 MGI:1891698 protein coding gene polynucleotide kinase 3’- phosphatase
7 gene 44.863067 44.870485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933946 Ptov1 NCBI_Gene:84113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038502 MGI:1933946 protein coding gene prostate tumor over expressed gene 1
7 gene 44.876765 44.892712 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922863 Med25 NCBI_Gene:75613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002968 MGI:1922863 protein coding gene mediator complex subunit 25
7 gene 44.894305 44.898099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106455 D7Bwg0826e ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109198 MGI:106455 unclassified gene DNA segment, Chr 7, Brigham %26 Women’s Genetics 0826 expressed
7 gene 44.896079 44.902631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917550 Fuz NCBI_Gene:70300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011658 MGI:1917550 protein coding gene fuzzy planar cell polarity protein
7 gene 44.900373 44.929496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_101921 Ap2a1 NCBI_Gene:11771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060279 MGI:101921 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 1 subunit
7 gene 44.906142 44.907429 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590187 Gm31028 NCBI_Gene:102633121 MGI:5590187 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31028
7 gene 44.929577 44.958041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1347560 Tsks NCBI_Gene:22116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059891 MGI:1347560 protein coding gene testis-specific serine kinase substrate
7 gene 44.958483 44.974851 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446526 Cpt1c NCBI_Gene:78070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007783 MGI:2446526 protein coding gene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1c
7 gene 44.970429 44.974303 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925320 6530437J22Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109111 MGI:1925320 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6530437J22 gene
7 gene 44.975989 44.986568 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107846 Prmt1 NCBI_Gene:15469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109324 MGI:107846 protein coding gene protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1
7 gene 44.986900 44.994601 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782994 Gm15545 NCBI_Gene:100502630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087138 MGI:3782994 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15545
7 gene 44.991222 44.998712 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922986 Bcl2l12 NCBI_Gene:75736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003190 MGI:1922986 protein coding gene BCL2-like 12 (proline rich)
7 gene 44.997648 45.002848 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859179 Irf3 NCBI_Gene:54131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003184 MGI:1859179 protein coding gene interferon regulatory factor 3
7 gene 45.002946 45.016363 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141980 Scaf1 NCBI_Gene:233208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038406 MGI:2141980 protein coding gene SR-related CTD-associated factor 1
7 gene 45.012426 45.012487 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530939 Mir7054 miRBase:MI0022903,NCBI_Gene:102466218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098839 MGI:5530939 miRNA gene microRNA 7054
7 gene 45.016400 45.017692 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825619 Gm45982 NCBI_Gene:108167421 MGI:5825619 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45982
7 gene 45.017961 45.021647 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98179 Rras NCBI_Gene:20130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038387 MGI:98179 protein coding gene related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene
7 gene 45.027563 45.052881 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2679002 Prr12 NCBI_Gene:233210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046574 MGI:2679002 protein coding gene proline rich 12
7 gene 45.053584 45.062882 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929596 Prrg2 NCBI_Gene:65116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007837 MGI:1929596 protein coding gene proline-rich Gla (G-carboxyglutamic acid) polypeptide 2
7 gene 45.062429 45.078503 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913644 Nosip NCBI_Gene:66394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003421 MGI:1913644 protein coding gene nitric oxide synthase interacting protein
7 gene 45.082913 45.092257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277122 Rcn3 NCBI_Gene:52377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019539 MGI:1277122 protein coding gene reticulocalbin 3, EF-hand calcium binding domain
7 gene 45.091409 45.098320 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791505 Gm45669 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109947 MGI:5791505 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45669
7 gene 45.092990 45.103851 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103017 Fcgrt NCBI_Gene:14132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003420 MGI:103017 protein coding gene Fc receptor, IgG, alpha chain transporter
7 gene 45.121757 45.121821 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676835 Mir150 miRBase:MI0000172,NCBI_Gene:387168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065495 MGI:2676835 miRNA gene microRNA 150
7 gene 45.121917 45.124144 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791388 Gm45552 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110279 MGI:5791388 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45552
7 gene 45.122379 45.124439 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351329 Rps11 NCBI_Gene:27207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003429 MGI:1351329 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S11
7 gene 45.123025 45.123111 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351321 Snord35b NCBI_Gene:27212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064767 MGI:1351321 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 35B
7 gene 45.125558 45.128761 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351455 Rpl13a NCBI_Gene:22121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074129 MGI:1351455 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L13A
7 gene 45.125922 45.136231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804828 Gm45713 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089989 MGI:5804828 protein coding gene predicted gene 45713
7 gene 45.126346 45.126435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351319 Snord35a NCBI_Gene:27211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065818 MGI:1351319 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 35A
7 gene 45.126601 45.126670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351325 Snord34 NCBI_Gene:27210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065878 MGI:1351325 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 34
7 gene 45.126864 45.126947 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351323 Snord33 NCBI_Gene:27208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065628 MGI:1351323 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 33
7 gene 45.126918 45.126991 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4950446 Mir5121 miRBase:MI0018030,NCBI_Gene:100628629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105913 MGI:4950446 miRNA gene microRNA 5121
7 gene 45.127382 45.127464 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351324 Snord32a NCBI_Gene:27209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065219 MGI:1351324 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 32A
7 gene 45.129788 45.136490 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95560 Flt3l NCBI_Gene:14256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110206 MGI:95560 protein coding gene FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand
7 gene 45.140684 45.154584 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916998 Aldh16a1 NCBI_Gene:69748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007833 MGI:1916998 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase 16 family, member A1
7 gene 45.154303 45.160065 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916095 Pih1d1 NCBI_Gene:68845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003423 MGI:1916095 protein coding gene PIH1 domain containing 1
7 gene 45.163921 45.176142 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920211 Slc17a7 NCBI_Gene:72961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070570 MGI:1920211 protein coding gene solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 7
7 gene 45.173303 45.173361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5562777 Mir7055 miRBase:MI0022904,NCBI_Gene:102465638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106470 MGI:5562777 miRNA gene microRNA 7055
7 gene 45.176349 45.179597 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685427 Gfy NCBI_Gene:100039953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095276 MGI:2685427 protein coding gene golgi-associated olfactory signaling regulator
7 gene 45.176544 45.181838 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2152297 Pth2 NCBI_Gene:114640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038300 MGI:2152297 protein coding gene parathyroid hormone 2
7 gene 45.183619 45.204927 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2687329 Ccdc155 NCBI_Gene:384619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038292 MGI:2687329 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 155
7 gene 45.188927 45.191494 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590256 Gm31097 NCBI_Gene:102633211 MGI:5590256 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31097
7 gene 45.207519 45.212604 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354963 Dkkl1 NCBI_Gene:50722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030792 MGI:1354963 protein coding gene dickkopf-like 1
7 gene 45.215753 45.233644 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104904 Tead2 NCBI_Gene:21677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030796 MGI:104904 protein coding gene TEA domain family member 2
7 gene 45.233632 45.239234 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88330 Cd37 NCBI_Gene:12493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030798 MGI:88330 protein coding gene CD37 antigen
7 gene 45.240753 45.273367 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685930 Slc6a16 NCBI_Gene:381884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094152 MGI:2685930 protein coding gene solute carrier family 6, member 16
7 gene 45.254453 45.254554 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453362 Gm23585 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088281 MGI:5453362 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23585
7 gene 45.277331 45.288998 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923963 Slc6a21 NCBI_Gene:76713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070568 MGI:1923963 protein coding gene solute carrier family 6 member 21
7 gene 45.299159 45.302360 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621891 Gm39006 NCBI_Gene:105242934 MGI:5621891 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39006
7 gene 45.302632 45.334070 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915917 Trpm4 NCBI_Gene:68667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038260 MGI:1915917 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 4
7 pseudogene 45.324958 45.325651 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3710579 Rpl14-ps1 NCBI_Gene:100040970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046721 MGI:3710579 pseudogene ribosomal protein L14, pseudogene 1
7 gene 45.335269 45.338974 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96226 Hrc NCBI_Gene:15464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038239 MGI:96226 protein coding gene histidine rich calcium binding protein
7 gene 45.339122 45.367019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924037 Ppfia3 NCBI_Gene:76787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003863 MGI:1924037 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, f polypeptide (PTPRF), interacting protein (liprin), alpha 3
7 gene 45.366163 45.367948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1860766 Mtag2 NCBI_Gene:50994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091510 MGI:1860766 lncRNA gene metastasis associated gene 2
7 gene 45.367891 45.370583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1330858 Lin7b NCBI_Gene:22342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003872 MGI:1330858 protein coding gene lin-7 homolog B (C. elegans)
7 gene 45.368177 45.368704 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791455 Gm45619 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110070 MGI:5791455 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45619
7 gene 45.376453 45.395742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98341 Snrnp70 NCBI_Gene:20637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063511 MGI:98341 protein coding gene small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70 (U1)
7 gene 45.388531 45.388684 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452255 Gm22478 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084519 MGI:5452255 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22478
7 gene 45.405653 45.411382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96664 Kcna7 NCBI_Gene:16495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038201 MGI:96664 protein coding gene potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 7
7 gene 45.413695 45.417179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97381 Ntf5 NCBI_Gene:78405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074121 MGI:97381 protein coding gene neurotrophin 5
7 gene 45.417473 45.421897 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96782 Lhb NCBI_Gene:16866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100916 MGI:96782 protein coding gene luteinizing hormone beta
7 gene 45.421760 45.438096 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1342299 Ruvbl2 NCBI_Gene:20174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003868 MGI:1342299 protein coding gene RuvB-like protein 2
7 gene 45.434839 45.456619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101805 Gys1 NCBI_Gene:14936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003865 MGI:101805 protein coding gene glycogen synthase 1, muscle
7 gene 45.457944 45.459886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95589 Ftl1 NCBI_Gene:14325,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050708 MGI:95589 protein coding gene ferritin light polypeptide 1
7 gene 45.458089 45.458197 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451910 Gm22133 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076036 MGI:5451910 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22133
7 gene 45.459469 45.460300 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704292 Gm10252 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110350 MGI:3704292 unclassified gene predicted gene 10252
7 gene 45.461695 45.468205 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99702 Bax NCBI_Gene:12028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003873 MGI:99702 protein coding gene BCL2-associated X protein
7 gene 45.465984 45.486811 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804923 Gm45808 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109926 MGI:5804923 protein coding gene predicted gene 45808
7 gene 45.470987 45.488872 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919005 Dhdh NCBI_Gene:71755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011382 MGI:1919005 protein coding gene dihydrodiol dehydrogenase (dimeric)
7 gene 45.481877 45.523632 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861600 Tulp2 NCBI_Gene:56734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023467 MGI:1861600 protein coding gene tubby-like protein 2
7 gene 45.490458 45.510408 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97388 Nucb1 NCBI_Gene:18220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030824 MGI:97388 protein coding gene nucleobindin 1
7 pseudogene 45.512357 45.512567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791314 Gm45478 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110387 MGI:5791314 pseudogene predicted gene 45478
7 gene 45.522916 45.526268 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927072 Ppp1r15a NCBI_Gene:17872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040435 MGI:1927072 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 15A
7 gene 45.526330 45.554229 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916467 Plekha4 NCBI_Gene:69217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040428 MGI:1916467 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A (phosphoinositide binding specific) member 4
7 gene 45.550534 45.551615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791400 Gm45564 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110144 MGI:5791400 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45564
7 gene 45.554856 45.567752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913315 Hsd17b14 NCBI_Gene:66065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030825 MGI:1913315 protein coding gene hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 14
7 gene 45.567794 45.575327 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918911 0610005C13Rik NCBI_Gene:71661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109644 MGI:1918911 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 0610005C13 gene
7 gene 45.569763 45.589711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1276534 Bcat2 NCBI_Gene:12036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030826 MGI:1276534 protein coding gene branched chain aminotransferase 2, mitochondrial
7 gene 45.595527 45.603548 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590638 Gm31479 NCBI_Gene:102633721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109632 MGI:5590638 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31479
7 gene 45.613886 45.619350 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861377 Fgf21 NCBI_Gene:56636,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030827 MGI:1861377 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor 21
7 gene 45.617266 45.621059 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109375 Fut1 NCBI_Gene:14343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008461 MGI:109375 protein coding gene fucosyltransferase 1
7 gene 45.621811 45.628823 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920706 Izumo1 NCBI_Gene:73456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064158 MGI:1920706 protein coding gene izumo sperm-egg fusion 1
7 gene 45.627488 45.639093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917153 Rasip1 NCBI_Gene:69903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044562 MGI:1917153 protein coding gene Ras interacting protein 1
7 gene 45.630664 45.633077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791273 Gm45437 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109998 MGI:5791273 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45437
7 gene 45.635673 45.638772 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3696869 A030001D20Rik NCBI_Gene:100126243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110357 MGI:3696869 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A030001D20 gene
7 gene 45.639192 45.648206 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921740 Mamstr NCBI_Gene:74490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042918 MGI:1921740 protein coding gene MEF2 activating motif and SAP domain containing transcriptional regulator
7 gene 45.648591 45.666394 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109374 Fut2 NCBI_Gene:14344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055978 MGI:109374 protein coding gene fucosyltransferase 2
7 gene 45.659046 45.665823 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621893 Gm39008 NCBI_Gene:105242936 MGI:5621893 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39008
7 gene 45.666311 45.677620 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621892 Gm39007 NCBI_Gene:105242935 MGI:5621892 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39007
7 gene 45.677686 45.694402 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928893 Sec1 NCBI_Gene:56546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040364 MGI:1928893 protein coding gene secretory blood group 1
7 gene 45.684022 45.694556 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685330 Ntn5 NCBI_Gene:243967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070564 MGI:2685330 protein coding gene netrin 5
7 gene 45.699792 45.704682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336193 Car11 NCBI_Gene:12348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003273 MGI:1336193 protein coding gene carbonic anhydrase 11
7 gene 45.705088 45.710203 positive MGI_C57BL6J_94866 Dbp NCBI_Gene:13170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059824 MGI:94866 protein coding gene D site albumin promoter binding protein
7 gene 45.709463 45.718002 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861380 Sphk2 NCBI_Gene:56632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057342 MGI:1861380 protein coding gene sphingosine kinase 2
7 gene 45.715457 45.720836 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98003 Rpl18 NCBI_Gene:19899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059070 MGI:98003 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L18
7 gene 45.721169 45.784669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926342 Sult2b1 NCBI_Gene:54200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003271 MGI:1926342 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 2B, member 1
7 gene 45.721211 45.729492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921063 Fam83e NCBI_Gene:73813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054161 MGI:1921063 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 83, member E
7 gene 45.725107 45.725816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916613 Spaca4 NCBI_Gene:69363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070563 MGI:1916613 protein coding gene sperm acrosome associated 4
7 gene 45.742044 45.750846 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590756 Gm31597 NCBI_Gene:102633874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109602 MGI:5590756 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31597
7 gene 45.765353 45.775793 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621894 Gm39009 NCBI_Gene:105242937 MGI:5621894 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39009
7 gene 45.783707 45.806891 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3039582 Lmtk3 NCBI_Gene:381983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062044 MGI:3039582 protein coding gene lemur tyrosine kinase 3
7 gene 45.806637 45.814581 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1334255 Cyth2 NCBI_Gene:19158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003269 MGI:1334255 protein coding gene cytohesin 2
7 gene 45.814022 45.814919 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791280 Gm45444 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110197 MGI:5791280 unclassified gene predicted gene 45444
7 gene 45.816447 45.824782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384820 Kcnj14 NCBI_Gene:211480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058743 MGI:2384820 protein coding gene potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 14
7 gene 45.825223 45.830994 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141989 Grwd1 NCBI_Gene:101612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053801 MGI:2141989 protein coding gene glutamate-rich WD repeat containing 1
7 gene 45.830895 45.835249 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791277 Gm45441 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110020 MGI:5791277 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45441
7 gene 45.831883 45.878378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95823 Grin2d NCBI_Gene:14814,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002771 MGI:95823 protein coding gene glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA2D (epsilon 4)
7 gene 45.872772 45.883732 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915387 Kdelr1 NCBI_Gene:68137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002778 MGI:1915387 protein coding gene KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 1
7 gene 45.875547 45.875631 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451875 Gm22098 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088555 MGI:5451875 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22098
7 gene 45.884636 45.896737 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928903 Syngr4 NCBI_Gene:58867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040231 MGI:1928903 protein coding gene synaptogyrin 4
7 gene 45.896941 45.917418 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917459 Tmem143 NCBI_Gene:70209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002781 MGI:1917459 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 143
7 gene 45.918023 45.921426 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098729 Emp3 NCBI_Gene:13732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040212 MGI:1098729 protein coding gene epithelial membrane protein 3
7 gene 45.922215 45.924174 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791278 Gm45442 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110208 MGI:5791278 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45442
7 gene 45.923164 45.948963 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446120 Ccdc114 NCBI_Gene:211535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040189 MGI:2446120 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 114
7 pseudogene 45.933791 45.934280 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780120 Gm9712 NCBI_Gene:677321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109673 MGI:3780120 pseudogene predicted gene 9712
7 gene 45.963494 45.971220 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825620 Gm45983 NCBI_Gene:108167424 MGI:5825620 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45983
7 gene 45.967555 46.030489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351634 Abcc6 NCBI_Gene:27421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030834 MGI:1351634 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 6
7 pseudogene 45.972412 45.973990 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791510 Gm45674 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109702 MGI:5791510 pseudogene predicted gene 45674
7 gene 46.033696 46.084212 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385850 Nomo1 NCBI_Gene:211548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030835 MGI:2385850 protein coding gene nodal modulator 1
7 gene 46.041578 46.042423 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621895 Gm39010 NCBI_Gene:105242938 MGI:5621895 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39010
7 pseudogene 46.091895 46.092963 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010891 Gm18706 NCBI_Gene:100417597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109882 MGI:5010891 pseudogene predicted gene, 18706
7 gene 46.093953 46.100867 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107501 Kcnj11 NCBI_Gene:16514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096146 MGI:107501 protein coding gene potassium inwardly rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 11
7 gene 46.104523 46.180039 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352629 Abcc8 NCBI_Gene:20927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040136 MGI:1352629 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 8
7 gene 46.111537 46.112081 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791323 Gm45487 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110146 MGI:5791323 unclassified gene predicted gene 45487
7 gene 46.123352 46.130568 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791322 Gm45486 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110240 MGI:5791322 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45486
7 gene 46.195350 46.238503 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919338 Ush1c NCBI_Gene:72088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030838 MGI:1919338 protein coding gene USH1 protein network component harmonin
7 gene 46.204549 46.208201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642591 Gm9860 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110060 MGI:3642591 unclassified gene predicted gene 9860
7 gene 46.240987 46.311434 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1202064 Otog NCBI_Gene:18419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009487 MGI:1202064 protein coding gene otogelin
7 gene 46.345771 46.349373 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914183 1700025L06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109962 MGI:1914183 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700025L06 gene
7 gene 46.371403 46.372492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825560 Gm45923 NCBI_Gene:105447647 MGI:5825560 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45923
7 gene 46.376474 46.379099 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97275 Myod1 NCBI_Gene:17927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009471 MGI:97275 protein coding gene myogenic differentiation 1
7 gene 46.396457 46.438706 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96667 Kcnc1 NCBI_Gene:16502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058975 MGI:96667 protein coding gene potassium voltage gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 1
7 gene 46.440382 46.440705 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923976 1700121F22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700121F22 gene
7 gene 46.441239 46.442183 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825621 Gm45984 NCBI_Gene:108167425 MGI:5825621 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45984
7 gene 46.443154 46.639807 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351630 Sergef NCBI_Gene:27414,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030839 MGI:1351630 protein coding gene secretion regulating guanine nucleotide exchange factor
7 gene 46.450413 46.450519 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452746 Gm22969 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094229 MGI:5452746 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22969
7 gene 46.511451 46.512780 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791147 Gm45311 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110316 MGI:5791147 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45311
7 gene 46.561301 46.578201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783140 Gm15700 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087492 MGI:3783140 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15700
7 gene 46.561451 46.561725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791146 Gm45310 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110272 MGI:5791146 unclassified gene predicted gene 45310
7 gene 46.644641 46.672537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98796 Tph1 NCBI_Gene:21990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040046 MGI:98796 protein coding gene tryptophan hydroxylase 1
7 gene 46.682838 46.685383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791465 Gm45629 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110010 MGI:5791465 unclassified gene predicted gene 45629
7 gene 46.686108 46.710692 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926185 Saal1 NCBI_Gene:78935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006763 MGI:1926185 protein coding gene serum amyloid A-like 1
7 gene 46.711998 46.715700 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98223 Saa3 NCBI_Gene:20210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040026 MGI:98223 protein coding gene serum amyloid A 3
7 gene 46.718886 46.721322 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591041 Gm31882 NCBI_Gene:102634252 MGI:5591041 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31882
7 gene 46.727998 46.732603 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98224 Saa4 NCBI_Gene:20211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040017 MGI:98224 protein coding gene serum amyloid A 4
7 pseudogene 46.734688 46.736671 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108518 Saa-ps NCBI_Gene:20207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109624 MGI:108518 pseudogene serum amyloid A, pseudogene
7 gene 46.740497 46.743071 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98221 Saa1 NCBI_Gene:20208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074115 MGI:98221 protein coding gene serum amyloid A 1
7 gene 46.751769 46.754314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98222 Saa2 NCBI_Gene:20209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057465 MGI:98222 protein coding gene serum amyloid A 2
7 gene 46.760466 46.796064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2180307 Hps5 NCBI_Gene:246694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014418 MGI:2180307 protein coding gene HPS5, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 2
7 gene 46.784746 46.785546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791145 Gm45309 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110087 MGI:5791145 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45309
7 gene 46.796094 46.823800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277216 Gtf2h1 NCBI_Gene:14884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006599 MGI:1277216 protein coding gene general transcription factor II H, polypeptide 1
7 pseudogene 46.820168 46.821500 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643262 Gm9392 NCBI_Gene:668838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087298 MGI:3643262 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 9392
7 pseudogene 46.832418 46.839328 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647739 Gm5331 NCBI_Gene:384622 MGI:3647739 pseudogene predicted gene 5331
7 pseudogene 46.832464 46.832878 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791144 Gm45308 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109663 MGI:5791144 pseudogene predicted gene 45308
7 gene 46.841475 46.855627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96759 Ldha NCBI_Gene:16828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063229 MGI:96759 protein coding gene lactate dehydrogenase A
7 gene 46.855507 46.861231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621896 Gm39011 NCBI_Gene:105242939 MGI:5621896 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39011
7 gene 46.861203 46.878142 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96764 Ldhc NCBI_Gene:16833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030851 MGI:96764 protein coding gene lactate dehydrogenase C
7 gene 46.888949 46.919971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106581 Tsg101 NCBI_Gene:22088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014402 MGI:106581 protein coding gene tumor susceptibility gene 101
7 pseudogene 46.915990 46.916263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791464 Gm45628 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110213 MGI:5791464 pseudogene predicted gene 45628
7 gene 46.923216 46.958527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1860490 Uevld NCBI_Gene:54122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043262 MGI:1860490 protein coding gene UEV and lactate/malate dehyrogenase domains
7 gene 46.927813 46.929424 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804852 Gm45737 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109231 MGI:5804852 unclassified gene predicted gene 45737
7 gene 46.957540 46.970301 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621897 Gm39012 NCBI_Gene:105242940 MGI:5621897 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39012
7 pseudogene 46.967147 46.967617 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011433 Gm19248 NCBI_Gene:100462932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110416 MGI:5011433 pseudogene predicted gene, 19248
7 gene 46.967711 46.975911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142361 C86187 NCBI_Gene:97402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110001 MGI:2142361 lncRNA gene expressed sequence C86187
7 pseudogene 46.975280 46.975768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591100 Gm31941 NCBI_Gene:102634334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109637 MGI:5591100 pseudogene predicted gene, 31941
7 gene 46.976632 46.987803 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642801 Gm9999 NCBI_Gene:629141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056509 MGI:3642801 protein coding gene predicted gene 9999
7 gene 46.990396 47.008414 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142062 Spty2d1 NCBI_Gene:101685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049516 MGI:2142062 protein coding gene SPT2 chromatin protein domain containing 1
7 gene 47.008083 47.009013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591190 Gm32031 NCBI_Gene:102634450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109118 MGI:5591190 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32031
7 gene 47.049889 47.050296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791310 Gm45474 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109634 MGI:5791310 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45474
7 gene 47.050601 47.054777 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915143 Tmem86a NCBI_Gene:67893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010307 MGI:1915143 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 86A
7 pseudogene 47.057353 47.075630 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593086 LOC102637012 NCBI_Gene:102637012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111473 MGI:5593086 pseudogene immunoglobulin superfamily member 22-like
7 gene 47.077795 47.133697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97807 Ptpn5 NCBI_Gene:19259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030854 MGI:97807 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 5
7 gene 47.083166 47.083224 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531078 Mir7056 miRBase:MI0022905,NCBI_Gene:102465639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098960 MGI:5531078 miRNA gene microRNA 7056
7 gene 47.108715 47.125990 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3651179 Gm14377 NCBI_Gene:102634561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109501 MGI:3651179 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14377
7 gene 47.142157 47.144322 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753545 Gm44969 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109200 MGI:5753545 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44969
7 gene 47.185707 47.204920 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033107 Mrgpra6 NCBI_Gene:381886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052303 MGI:3033107 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A6
7 pseudogene 47.212683 47.213410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010532 Gm18347 NCBI_Gene:100416984 MGI:5010532 pseudogene predicted gene, 18347
7 gene 47.234861 47.252848 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033148 Mrgpra9 NCBI_Gene:668725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074111 MGI:3033148 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A9
7 pseudogene 47.309329 47.310344 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685506 Mrgprx3-ps NCBI_Gene:100502859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099560 MGI:2685506 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member X3, pseudogene
7 gene 47.334875 47.354240 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033095 Mrgpra1 NCBI_Gene:233221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050650 MGI:3033095 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A1
7 pseudogene 47.349453 47.349893 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753661 Gm45085 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109164 MGI:5753661 pseudogene predicted gene 45085
7 pseudogene 47.390616 47.391070 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580185 Gm29479 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100470 MGI:5580185 pseudogene predicted gene 29479
7 gene 47.413834 47.413940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455103 Gm25326 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095085 MGI:5455103 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25326
7 gene 47.426325 47.452167 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3821888 Mrgpra2a NCBI_Gene:668727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093973 MGI:3821888 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A2A
7 gene 47.463799 47.528862 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033098 Mrgpra2b NCBI_Gene:235712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096719 MGI:3033098 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A2B
7 pseudogene 47.502453 47.531784 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779706 Gm7255 NCBI_Gene:638950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101780 MGI:3779706 pseudogene predicted gene 7255
7 pseudogene 47.539191 47.540249 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033197 Mrgprc4-ps NCBI_Gene:404257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101944 MGI:3033197 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member C4, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 47.555375 47.556313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780126 Gm9717 NCBI_Gene:677457 MGI:3780126 pseudogene predicted gene 9717
7 gene 47.555376 47.556288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033168 Mrgpra14 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101664 MGI:3033168 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A14
7 pseudogene 47.565321 47.566305 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644993 Gm9322 NCBI_Gene:668729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099659 MGI:3644993 pseudogene predicted gene 9322
7 gene 47.588950 47.601372 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684085 Mrgpra3 NCBI_Gene:233222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078698 MGI:2684085 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A3
7 pseudogene 47.611321 47.612368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033136 Mrgprc1-ps NCBI_Gene:269921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100665 MGI:3033136 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member C1, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 47.668086 47.668823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780876 Gm2707 NCBI_Gene:100040314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101087 MGI:3780876 pseudogene predicted gene 2707
7 pseudogene 47.708664 47.708877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578994 Gm28288 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101817 MGI:5578994 pseudogene predicted gene 28288
7 pseudogene 47.718503 47.719547 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033196 Mrgprc3-ps NCBI_Gene:404256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099603 MGI:3033196 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member C3, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 47.733002 47.733940 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642992 Gm5733 NCBI_Gene:435977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101739 MGI:3642992 pseudogene predicted gene 5733
7 gene 47.752722 47.752831 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452204 Gm22427 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077110 MGI:5452204 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22427
7 pseudogene 47.762834 47.763676 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010533 Gm18348 NCBI_Gene:100416987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100920 MGI:5010533 pseudogene predicted gene, 18348
7 pseudogene 47.775717 47.776212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580269 Gm29563 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102109 MGI:5580269 pseudogene predicted gene 29563
7 pseudogene 47.809979 47.811368 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033141 Mrgprc7-ps NCBI_Gene:404255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102068 MGI:3033141 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member C7, pseudogene
7 gene 47.822883 47.839360 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033174 Mrgpra16 NA NA protein coding gene MAS-related GPR%2c member A16
7 pseudogene 47.823342 47.824271 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010534 Gm18349 NCBI_Gene:100416988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102128 MGI:5010534 pseudogene predicted gene, 18349
7 pseudogene 47.871083 47.872528 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033177 Mrgpra18-ps NCBI_Gene:404262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101622 MGI:3033177 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member A18, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 47.886528 47.887571 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010535 Gm18350 NCBI_Gene:100416990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101101 MGI:5010535 pseudogene predicted gene, 18350
7 pseudogene 47.915321 47.916259 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647104 Gm5734 NCBI_Gene:435978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101759 MGI:3647104 pseudogene predicted gene 5734
7 pseudogene 47.966679 47.968251 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033137 Mrgprc2-ps NCBI_Gene:404254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101906 MGI:3033137 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member C2, pseudogene
7 gene 47.980794 47.982296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033100 Mrgpra4 NCBI_Gene:235854,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067173 MGI:3033100 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member A4
7 gene 48.020971 48.027597 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033139 Mrgprx1 NCBI_Gene:404242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070552 MGI:3033139 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member X1
7 pseudogene 48.063619 48.064976 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033123 Mrgprb7-ps NCBI_Gene:404252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101063 MGI:3033123 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member B7, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 48.095118 48.095391 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579372 Gm28666 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102003 MGI:5579372 pseudogene predicted gene 28666
7 pseudogene 48.096465 48.097417 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033192 Mrgprb12-ps NCBI_Gene:404264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101900 MGI:3033192 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member B12, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 48.108846 48.109728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010536 Gm18351 NCBI_Gene:100416993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102100 MGI:5010536 pseudogene predicted gene, 18351
7 pseudogene 48.116772 48.117441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579371 Gm28665 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101352 MGI:5579371 pseudogene predicted gene 28665
7 gene 48.138419 48.138559 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925576 2700078K13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2700078K13 gene
7 gene 48.167983 48.169019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033121 Mrgprb5 NCBI_Gene:404239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070551 MGI:3033121 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B5
7 pseudogene 48.181797 48.183144 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010537 Gm18352 NCBI_Gene:100416994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101543 MGI:5010537 pseudogene predicted gene, 18352
7 gene 48.198070 48.199288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033119 Mrgprb4 NCBI_Gene:233230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070550 MGI:3033119 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B4
7 pseudogene 48.220204 48.220840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504065 Gm26950 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097955 MGI:5504065 pseudogene predicted gene, 26950
7 pseudogene 48.293193 48.294816 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010541 Gm18356 NCBI_Gene:100417005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099952 MGI:5010541 pseudogene predicted gene, 18356
7 gene 48.311304 48.312323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033193 Mrgprb13 NCBI_Gene:620137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099620 MGI:3033193 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B13
7 pseudogene 48.363921 48.364500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010542 Gm18357 NCBI_Gene:100417006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100687 MGI:5010542 pseudogene predicted gene, 18357
7 gene 48.388526 48.389648 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033134 Mrgprb8 NCBI_Gene:404240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050870 MGI:3033134 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B8
7 gene 48.444113 48.456342 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033115 Mrgprb1 NCBI_Gene:233231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070547 MGI:3033115 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B1
7 gene 48.478619 48.499321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588270 Mrgprx2 NCBI_Gene:243978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074109 MGI:3588270 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member X2
7 gene 48.550965 48.558086 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441674 Mrgprb2 NCBI_Gene:243979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050425 MGI:2441674 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B2
7 pseudogene 48.590661 48.591979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033133 Mrgprb9-ps NCBI_Gene:404253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101362 MGI:3033133 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member B9, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 48.609549 48.610429 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010538 Gm18353 NCBI_Gene:100416995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100250 MGI:5010538 pseudogene predicted gene, 18353
7 gene 48.642803 48.643811 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033117 Mrgprb3 NCBI_Gene:404238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070546 MGI:3033117 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member B3
7 pseudogene 48.684621 48.685614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033189 Mrgprb11-ps NCBI_Gene:639116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099889 MGI:3033189 pseudogene MAS-related GPR, member B11, pseudogene
7 gene 48.720147 48.748191 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753662 Gm45086 NCBI_Gene:108167426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109170 MGI:5753662 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45086
7 gene 48.755141 48.768324 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591422 Gm32263 NCBI_Gene:102634757 MGI:5591422 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32263
7 gene 48.789003 48.827440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919227 Zdhhc13 NCBI_Gene:243983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030471 MGI:1919227 protein coding gene zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 13
7 gene 48.796302 48.799409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753617 Gm45041 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109317 MGI:5753617 unclassified gene predicted gene 45041
7 gene 48.830398 48.848051 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1330824 Csrp3 NCBI_Gene:13009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030470 MGI:1330824 protein coding gene cysteine and glycine-rich protein 3
7 gene 48.866429 48.882073 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922038 E2f8 NCBI_Gene:108961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046179 MGI:1922038 protein coding gene E2F transcription factor 8
7 gene 48.877958 48.913040 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780956 Gm2788 NCBI_Gene:108167326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085995 MGI:3780956 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2788
7 gene 48.893685 48.910062 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791118 Gm45282 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110093 MGI:5791118 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45282
7 gene 48.908716 49.610090 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2183691 Nav2 NCBI_Gene:78286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052512 MGI:2183691 protein coding gene neuron navigator 2
7 pseudogene 48.939507 48.940137 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010744 Gm18559 NCBI_Gene:100417360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109507 MGI:5010744 pseudogene predicted gene, 18559
7 pseudogene 49.062437 49.062581 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753783 Gm45207 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109068 MGI:5753783 pseudogene predicted gene 45207
7 gene 49.073271 49.093226 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592008 Gm32849 NCBI_Gene:102635541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109203 MGI:5592008 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32849
7 gene 49.121937 49.165578 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921817 9130015G15Rik NCBI_Gene:108167511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108950 MGI:1921817 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9130015G15 gene
7 gene 49.195541 49.199120 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610841 Gm37613 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103834 MGI:5610841 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37613
7 gene 49.346094 49.349083 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753489 Gm44913 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109051 MGI:5753489 unclassified gene predicted gene 44913
7 gene 49.469712 49.471710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611287 Gm38059 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102148 MGI:5611287 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38059
7 gene 49.553892 49.556730 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2445080 E430014L09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E430014L09 gene
7 gene 49.561798 49.563691 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591853 Gm32694 NCBI_Gene:102635323 MGI:5591853 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32694
7 gene 49.631499 49.636849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_94867 Dbx1 NCBI_Gene:13172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030507 MGI:94867 protein coding gene developing brain homeobox 1
7 gene 49.639857 49.648987 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825622 Gm45985 NCBI_Gene:108167427 MGI:5825622 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45985
7 gene 49.752855 49.756161 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592121 Gm32962 NCBI_Gene:102635687 MGI:5592121 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32962
7 gene 49.759044 49.778361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859271 Htatip2 NCBI_Gene:53415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039745 MGI:1859271 protein coding gene HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2
7 gene 49.763631 49.770162 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825623 Gm45986 NCBI_Gene:108167428 MGI:5825623 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45986
7 gene 49.778346 49.858265 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919224 Prmt3 NCBI_Gene:71974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030505 MGI:1919224 protein coding gene protein arginine N-methyltransferase 3
7 gene 49.795958 49.796709 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925801 5430407F15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430407F15 gene
7 gene 49.814202 49.820590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753398 Gm44822 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109154 MGI:5753398 unclassified gene predicted gene 44822
7 gene 49.856162 49.857600 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477350 Gm26856 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097864 MGI:5477350 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26856
7 gene 49.861254 49.866365 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924768 9330179C17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9330179C17 gene
7 gene 49.906971 49.963864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105090 Slc6a5 NCBI_Gene:104245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039728 MGI:105090 protein coding gene solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine), member 5
7 gene 49.974864 50.866608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443902 Nell1 NCBI_Gene:338352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055409 MGI:2443902 protein coding gene NEL-like 1
7 gene 50.517309 50.575971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920765 Nell1os NCBI_Gene:73515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085265 MGI:1920765 antisense lncRNA gene NEL-like 1, opposite strand
7 gene 50.599190 50.600530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142174 4933405O20Rik NCBI_Gene:243996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084234 MGI:2142174 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4933405O20 gene
7 pseudogene 50.940538 50.943154 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645198 Gm9343 NCBI_Gene:100534340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109409 MGI:3645198 pseudogene predicted gene 9343
7 pseudogene 50.949287 50.951903 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434387 Gm21032 NCBI_Gene:100534341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108958 MGI:5434387 pseudogene predicted gene, 21032
7 pseudogene 50.958034 50.960650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434388 Gm21033 NCBI_Gene:100534342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109494 MGI:5434388 pseudogene predicted gene, 21033
7 pseudogene 50.966789 50.969404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434389 Gm21034 NCBI_Gene:100534343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109476 MGI:5434389 pseudogene predicted gene, 21034
7 pseudogene 50.975540 50.978156 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434390 Gm21035 NCBI_Gene:100534344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109172 MGI:5434390 pseudogene predicted gene, 21035
7 pseudogene 50.984292 50.986908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434391 Gm21036 NCBI_Gene:100534345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109173 MGI:5434391 pseudogene predicted gene, 21036
7 pseudogene 51.152807 51.155424 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434392 Gm21037 NCBI_Gene:100534346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109202 MGI:5434392 pseudogene predicted gene, 21037
7 pseudogene 51.170484 51.177145 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648411 Gm16478 NCBI_Gene:434186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108963 MGI:3648411 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 16478
7 pseudogene 51.394829 51.394948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753578 Gm45002 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109443 MGI:5753578 pseudogene predicted gene 45002
7 gene 51.441890 51.444075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592174 Gm33015 NCBI_Gene:102635758 MGI:5592174 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33015
7 pseudogene 51.457991 51.458561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647598 Gm9354 NCBI_Gene:668779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109059 MGI:3647598 pseudogene predicted gene 9354
7 gene 51.496799 51.570320 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592349 Gm33190 NCBI_Gene:102635994 MGI:5592349 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33190
7 gene 51.510017 51.598709 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3576659 Ano5 NCBI_Gene:233246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055489 MGI:3576659 protein coding gene anoctamin 5
7 gene 51.621394 51.624320 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592295 Gm33136 NCBI_Gene:108167429 MGI:5592295 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33136
7 gene 51.621830 51.671126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2156052 Slc17a6 NCBI_Gene:140919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030500 MGI:2156052 protein coding gene solute carrier family 17 (sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter), member 6
7 gene 51.631725 51.632653 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753648 Gm45072 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109437 MGI:5753648 unclassified gene predicted gene 45072
7 pseudogene 51.697913 51.698980 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625287 Gm42402 NCBI_Gene:105247274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109331 MGI:5625287 pseudogene predicted gene, 42402
7 pseudogene 51.746647 51.747902 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644851 Gm7336 NCBI_Gene:654473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078636 MGI:3644851 pseudogene predicted gene 7336
7 gene 51.750796 51.772726 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580002 Gm29296 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102124 MGI:5580002 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29296
7 gene 51.772979 51.777779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592449 Gm33290 NCBI_Gene:102636136 MGI:5592449 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33290
7 gene 51.850304 51.852818 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753577 Gm45001 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108842 MGI:5753577 unclassified gene predicted gene 45001
7 gene 51.855585 51.860049 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753811 Gm45235 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108957 MGI:5753811 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45235
7 gene 51.860577 51.862267 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3689889 Fancf NCBI_Gene:100040608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092118 MGI:3689889 protein coding gene Fanconi anemia, complementation group F
7 gene 51.862015 51.995005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95657 Gas2 NCBI_Gene:14453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030498 MGI:95657 protein coding gene growth arrest specific 2
7 gene 51.997161 52.006018 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922994 Svip NCBI_Gene:75744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074093 MGI:1922994 protein coding gene small VCP/p97-interacting protein
7 gene 52.011680 52.015728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922779 1700015G11Rik NCBI_Gene:100503036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094445 MGI:1922779 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700015G11 gene
7 pseudogene 52.022062 52.029655 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643913 Gm9357 NCBI_Gene:668783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109526 MGI:3643913 pseudogene predicted gene 9357
7 gene 52.075424 52.075579 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451988 Gm22211 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088722 MGI:5451988 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22211
7 pseudogene 52.219960 52.220443 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753259 Gm44683 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109026 MGI:5753259 pseudogene predicted gene 44683
7 pseudogene 52.411453 52.411972 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012259 Gm20074 NCBI_Gene:100504123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109099 MGI:5012259 pseudogene predicted gene, 20074
7 pseudogene 52.755422 52.755828 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646422 Gm6181 NCBI_Gene:620782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074092 MGI:3646422 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6181
7 gene 52.887595 52.976998 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593057 Gm33898 NCBI_Gene:102636974 MGI:5593057 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33898
7 gene 52.927070 52.927177 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452221 Gm22444 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070203 MGI:5452221 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22444
7 pseudogene 52.990272 52.991002 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011091 Gm18906 NCBI_Gene:100417931 MGI:5011091 pseudogene predicted gene, 18906
7 gene 53.630798 53.660791 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593149 Gm33990 NCBI_Gene:102637088 MGI:5593149 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33990
7 pseudogene 53.803273 53.804138 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643911 Gm9362 NCBI_Gene:668789 MGI:3643911 pseudogene predicted gene 9362
7 gene 53.891761 53.891889 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531364 Mir6238 miRBase:MI0021585,NCBI_Gene:102466619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099176 MGI:5531364 miRNA gene microRNA 6238
7 gene 53.995942 53.998555 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753258 Gm44682 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109312 MGI:5753258 unclassified gene predicted gene 44682
7 gene 54.008473 54.008580 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531303 Gm27921 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099089 MGI:5531303 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27921
7 gene 54.213169 54.213385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455733 Gm25956 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092856 MGI:5455733 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25956
7 pseudogene 54.411908 54.412524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647650 Gm5776 NCBI_Gene:497028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099647 MGI:3647650 pseudogene predicted gene 5776
7 pseudogene 54.571061 54.624976 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645757 Gm6290 NCBI_Gene:622146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109050 MGI:3645757 pseudogene predicted gene 6290
7 gene 54.835194 55.268888 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1889615 Luzp2 NCBI_Gene:233271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063297 MGI:1889615 protein coding gene leucine zipper protein 2
7 gene 54.876114 54.877651 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753471 Gm44895 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108474 MGI:5753471 unclassified gene predicted gene 44895
7 gene 54.883119 54.884459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753473 Gm44897 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108665 MGI:5753473 unclassified gene predicted gene 44897
7 gene 54.931778 54.932549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753472 Gm44896 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108581 MGI:5753472 unclassified gene predicted gene 44896
7 gene 55.025042 55.027215 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753470 Gm44894 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108756 MGI:5753470 unclassified gene predicted gene 44894
7 gene 55.088597 55.089987 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921844 4833421K07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108519 MGI:1921844 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833421K07 gene
7 pseudogene 55.242137 55.243942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010023 Gm17838 NCBI_Gene:100415957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108326 MGI:5010023 pseudogene predicted gene, 17838
7 gene 55.243933 55.244039 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453893 Gm24116 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077163 MGI:5453893 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24116
7 gene 55.273380 55.276701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621899 Gm39014 NCBI_Gene:105242943 MGI:5621899 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39014
7 gene 55.275936 55.278158 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753474 Gm44898 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108325 MGI:5753474 unclassified gene predicted gene 44898
7 pseudogene 55.462069 55.462614 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647838 Gm9367 NCBI_Gene:668796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108744 MGI:3647838 pseudogene predicted gene 9367
7 pseudogene 55.636453 55.636810 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753191 Gm44615 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108363 MGI:5753191 pseudogene predicted gene 44615
7 gene 55.702154 55.702215 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456259 Gm26482 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088640 MGI:5456259 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26482
7 gene 55.765094 55.768618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621900 Gm39015 NCBI_Gene:105242944 MGI:5621900 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39015
7 gene 55.768138 55.778925 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443256 Siglech NCBI_Gene:233274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051504 MGI:2443256 protein coding gene sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin H
7 gene 55.794125 55.831677 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2178836 Tubgcp5 NCBI_Gene:233276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033790 MGI:2178836 protein coding gene tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 5
7 gene 55.841745 55.932633 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1338801 Cyfip1 NCBI_Gene:20430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030447 MGI:1338801 protein coding gene cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1
7 pseudogene 55.902602 55.903311 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010092 Gm17907 NCBI_Gene:100416076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092526 MGI:5010092 pseudogene predicted gene, 17907
7 gene 55.927177 55.928908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753192 Gm44616 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108701 MGI:5753192 unclassified gene predicted gene 44616
7 gene 55.931266 55.962493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913918 Nipa2 NCBI_Gene:93790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030452 MGI:1913918 protein coding gene non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 2 homolog (human)
7 gene 55.962531 55.980868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444856 A230056P14Rik NCBI_Gene:320845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087178 MGI:2444856 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230056P14 gene
7 gene 55.973519 55.974842 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753085 Gm44509 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108358 MGI:5753085 unclassified gene predicted gene 44509
7 gene 55.977567 56.019954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442058 Nipa1 NCBI_Gene:233280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047037 MGI:2442058 protein coding gene non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 1 homolog (human)
7 gene 55.979927 55.980850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802176 Gm15888 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085927 MGI:3802176 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15888
7 gene 55.988073 55.993284 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621901 Gm39016 NCBI_Gene:105242945 MGI:5621901 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39016
7 gene 55.994014 55.995170 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753084 Gm44508 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108640 MGI:5753084 unclassified gene predicted gene 44508
7 gene 56.012948 56.017479 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753086 Gm44510 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108443 MGI:5753086 unclassified gene predicted gene 44510
7 pseudogene 56.013934 56.014429 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783241 Rps12l1 NCBI_Gene:672959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078087 MGI:3783241 pseudogene ribosomal protein S12-like 1
7 gene 56.038354 56.050076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593280 Gm34121 NCBI_Gene:102637256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108659 MGI:5593280 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34121
7 gene 56.050155 56.231800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103234 Herc2 NCBI_Gene:15204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030451 MGI:103234 protein coding gene HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
7 pseudogene 56.216362 56.217253 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011372 Gm19187 NCBI_Gene:100418404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108347 MGI:5011372 pseudogene predicted gene, 19187
7 gene 56.239593 56.536518 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97454 Oca2 NCBI_Gene:18431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030450 MGI:97454 protein coding gene oculocutaneous albinism II
7 gene 56.242186 56.243150 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753082 Gm44506 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108773 MGI:5753082 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44506
7 gene 56.560196 56.560253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442797 F630003A18Rik NA NA protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA F630003A18 gene
7 gene 56.716465 56.717120 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781173 Gm2995 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 2995
7 gene 56.716465 57.387217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95624 Gabrg3 NCBI_Gene:14407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055026 MGI:95624 protein coding gene gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit gamma 3
7 gene 56.716468 56.717763 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917966 6330406O05Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6330406O05 gene
7 pseudogene 56.748274 56.749285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753555 Gm44979 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108488 MGI:5753555 pseudogene predicted gene 44979
7 pseudogene 56.804605 56.805463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010169 Gm17984 NCBI_Gene:100416228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108647 MGI:5010169 pseudogene predicted gene, 17984
7 pseudogene 56.838001 56.838261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753552 Gm44976 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108586 MGI:5753552 pseudogene predicted gene 44976
7 pseudogene 56.855432 56.855851 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753553 Gm44977 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108450 MGI:5753553 pseudogene predicted gene 44977
7 pseudogene 56.879011 56.879613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010172 Gm17987 NCBI_Gene:100416232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108556 MGI:5010172 pseudogene predicted gene, 17987
7 pseudogene 57.026019 57.027534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010827 Gm18642 NCBI_Gene:100417488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108377 MGI:5010827 pseudogene predicted gene, 18642
7 pseudogene 57.055183 57.056450 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010493 Gm18308 NCBI_Gene:100416898 MGI:5010493 pseudogene predicted gene, 18308
7 gene 57.276321 57.281650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621902 Gm39017 NCBI_Gene:105242946 MGI:5621902 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39017
7 gene 57.387272 57.409941 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642695 Gm9962 NCBI_Gene:791383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055048 MGI:3642695 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9962
7 gene 57.407669 57.510101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95617 Gabra5 NCBI_Gene:110886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055078 MGI:95617 protein coding gene gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit alpha 5
7 gene 57.419692 57.828802 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95621 Gabrb3 NCBI_Gene:14402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033676 MGI:95621 protein coding gene gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit beta 3
7 gene 57.519645 57.590410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625270 Gm42385 NCBI_Gene:105247256 MGI:5625270 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42385
7 gene 57.581061 57.581162 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531328 Mir6389 miRBase:MI0021922,NCBI_Gene:102466156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099203 MGI:5531328 miRNA gene microRNA 6389
7 pseudogene 57.718912 57.719161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753429 Gm44853 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109439 MGI:5753429 pseudogene predicted gene 44853
7 gene 57.775429 57.777665 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753284 Gm44708 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108597 MGI:5753284 unclassified gene predicted gene 44708
7 pseudogene 57.877992 57.881309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646954 Gm5596 NCBI_Gene:434189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109086 MGI:3646954 pseudogene predicted gene 5596
7 pseudogene 57.894704 57.896413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593431 Gm34272 NCBI_Gene:102637470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109475 MGI:5593431 pseudogene predicted gene, 34272
7 pseudogene 57.899949 57.900687 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010312 Gm18127 NCBI_Gene:100416464,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109339 MGI:5010312 pseudogene predicted gene, 18127
7 gene 58.005205 58.005338 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453688 Gm23911 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077784 MGI:5453688 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23911
7 gene 58.148096 58.148227 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456065 Gm26288 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077356 MGI:5456065 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26288
7 gene 58.399315 58.399386 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413860 n-TEttc7 NCBI_Gene:108167516 MGI:4413860 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA glutamic acid 7 (anticodon TTC)
7 pseudogene 58.518162 58.518530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753428 Gm44852 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109348 MGI:5753428 pseudogene predicted gene 44852
7 pseudogene 58.554920 58.555320 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753733 Gm45157 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108877 MGI:5753733 pseudogene predicted gene 45157
7 gene 58.656142 58.830244 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330809 Atp10a NCBI_Gene:11982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025324 MGI:1330809 protein coding gene ATPase, class V, type 10A
7 gene 58.675421 58.676155 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753512 Gm44936 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109393 MGI:5753512 unclassified gene predicted gene 44936
7 gene 58.706733 58.740339 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621904 Gm39019 NCBI_Gene:105242948 MGI:5621904 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39019
7 gene 58.720199 58.722889 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753513 Gm44937 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109434 MGI:5753513 unclassified gene predicted gene 44937
7 pseudogene 58.836793 58.837938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643254 Gm6226 NCBI_Gene:621446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086926 MGI:3643254 pseudogene predicted gene 6226
7 gene 58.842545 59.081916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621905 Gm39020 NCBI_Gene:105242949 MGI:5621905 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39020
7 pseudogene 58.926564 58.927790 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753514 Gm44938 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109261 MGI:5753514 pseudogene predicted gene 44938
7 pseudogene 58.948934 58.949559 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010638 Gm18453 NCBI_Gene:100417211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109252 MGI:5010638 pseudogene predicted gene, 18453
7 pseudogene 58.951578 58.952176 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643026 Gm9373 NCBI_Gene:668811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108909 MGI:3643026 pseudogene predicted gene 9373
7 pseudogene 58.970237 58.971405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643024 Gm9375 NCBI_Gene:668813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109221 MGI:3643024 pseudogene predicted gene 9375
7 pseudogene 59.109139 59.109501 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753765 Gm45189 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108838 MGI:5753765 pseudogene predicted gene 45189
7 pseudogene 59.109920 59.110542 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643022 Gm9377 NCBI_Gene:668815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108902 MGI:3643022 pseudogene predicted gene 9377
7 pseudogene 59.171529 59.171914 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753319 Gm44743 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109308 MGI:5753319 pseudogene predicted gene 44743
7 gene 59.202391 59.203802 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753318 Gm44742 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109332 MGI:5753318 unclassified gene predicted gene 44742
7 gene 59.223847 59.254788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442217 9330162G02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109536 MGI:2442217 unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330162G02 gene
7 gene 59.228750 59.311536 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105098 Ube3a NCBI_Gene:22215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025326 MGI:105098 protein coding gene ubiquitin protein ligase E3A
7 gene 59.258855 59.260201 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753138 Gm44562 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109362 MGI:5753138 unclassified gene predicted gene 44562
7 gene 59.262923 59.263934 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753135 Gm44559 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108943 MGI:5753135 unclassified gene predicted gene 44559
7 gene 59.286052 59.289166 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753136 Gm44560 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108880 MGI:5753136 unclassified gene predicted gene 44560
7 gene 59.292518 59.293101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753406 Gm44830 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108886 MGI:5753406 unclassified gene predicted gene 44830
7 gene 59.307924 59.975759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1289201 Snhg14 NCBI_Gene:52480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100826 MGI:1289201 lncRNA gene small nucleolar RNA host gene 14
7 gene 59.318631 59.321823 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753405 Gm44829 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109157 MGI:5753405 unclassified gene predicted gene 44829
7 gene 59.327318 59.331189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925005 A230103L15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109122 MGI:1925005 unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230103L15 gene
7 gene 59.342226 59.342294 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455276 Gm25499 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077615 MGI:5455276 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25499
7 gene 59.344073 59.344151 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454743 Gm24966 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064377 MGI:5454743 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24966
7 gene 59.347337 59.347424 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452273 Gm22496 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077681 MGI:5452273 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22496
7 gene 59.347681 59.347759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455425 Gm25648 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094095 MGI:5455425 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25648
7 gene 59.349536 59.349614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454083 Gm24306 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094465 MGI:5454083 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24306
7 gene 59.351409 59.351487 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455711 Gm25934 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094476 MGI:5455711 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25934
7 gene 59.353283 59.353361 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454933 Gm25156 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094068 MGI:5454933 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25156
7 gene 59.355152 59.355230 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456265 Gm26488 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096387 MGI:5456265 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26488
7 gene 59.357021 59.357099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453997 Gm24220 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094631 MGI:5453997 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24220
7 gene 59.358890 59.358968 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454430 Gm24653 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094034 MGI:5454430 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24653
7 gene 59.360760 59.360838 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454746 Gm24969 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096046 MGI:5454746 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24969
7 gene 59.362628 59.362706 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454194 Gm24417 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095425 MGI:5454194 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24417
7 gene 59.364496 59.364574 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454898 Gm25121 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094883 MGI:5454898 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25121
7 gene 59.366366 59.366444 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454434 Gm24657 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094038 MGI:5454434 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24657
7 gene 59.368236 59.368314 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456007 Gm26230 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094508 MGI:5456007 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26230
7 gene 59.370106 59.370184 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453699 Gm23922 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095418 MGI:5453699 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23922
7 gene 59.371975 59.372053 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455091 Gm25314 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095739 MGI:5455091 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25314
7 gene 59.373844 59.373922 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455873 Gm26096 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095342 MGI:5455873 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26096
7 gene 59.375713 59.375791 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452773 Gm22996 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096799 MGI:5452773 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22996
7 gene 59.377582 59.377660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456276 Gm26499 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093997 MGI:5456276 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26499
7 gene 59.379451 59.379529 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455423 Gm25646 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096496 MGI:5455423 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25646
7 gene 59.386081 59.386159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456275 Gm26498 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093994 MGI:5456275 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26498
7 gene 59.387953 59.388031 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453437 Gm23660 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095091 MGI:5453437 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23660
7 gene 59.389820 59.389898 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453710 Gm23933 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096291 MGI:5453710 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23933
7 gene 59.391690 59.391768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454639 Gm24862 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093981 MGI:5454639 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24862
7 gene 59.393561 59.393639 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454643 Gm24866 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096913 MGI:5454643 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24866
7 gene 59.405330 59.405408 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452125 Gm22348 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095031 MGI:5452125 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22348
7 gene 59.407197 59.407275 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456243 Gm26466 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095713 MGI:5456243 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26466
7 gene 59.409063 59.409141 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454576 Gm24799 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093824 MGI:5454576 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24799
7 gene 59.410933 59.411011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453865 Gm24088 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095491 MGI:5453865 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24088
7 gene 59.412802 59.412880 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455240 Gm25463 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095310 MGI:5455240 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25463
7 gene 59.414091 59.414169 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455006 Gm25229 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094565 MGI:5455006 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25229
7 gene 59.415590 59.415668 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454305 Gm24528 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095911 MGI:5454305 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24528
7 gene 59.417457 59.417535 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453133 Gm23356 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094723 MGI:5453133 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23356
7 gene 59.419323 59.419401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455226 Gm25449 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095828 MGI:5455226 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25449
7 gene 59.421187 59.421265 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454649 Gm24872 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094667 MGI:5454649 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24872
7 gene 59.423055 59.423133 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456114 Gm26337 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096328 MGI:5456114 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26337
7 gene 59.424924 59.425002 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452922 Gm23145 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093830 MGI:5452922 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23145
7 gene 59.426795 59.426873 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451907 Gm22130 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096430 MGI:5451907 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22130
7 gene 59.428665 59.428743 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455765 Gm25988 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096683 MGI:5455765 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25988
7 gene 59.430536 59.430614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454998 Gm25221 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094548 MGI:5454998 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25221
7 gene 59.432407 59.432485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456166 Gm26389 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094919 MGI:5456166 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26389
7 gene 59.434277 59.434355 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453248 Gm23471 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094059 MGI:5453248 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23471
7 gene 59.436149 59.436227 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454897 Gm25120 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094888 MGI:5454897 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25120
7 gene 59.438019 59.438097 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454195 Gm24418 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095428 MGI:5454195 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24418
7 gene 59.439891 59.439969 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453464 Gm23687 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096390 MGI:5453464 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23687
7 gene 59.441762 59.441840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452170 Gm22393 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094550 MGI:5452170 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22393
7 gene 59.443631 59.443709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454416 Gm24639 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096161 MGI:5454416 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24639
7 gene 59.445503 59.445581 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454343 Gm24566 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094513 MGI:5454343 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24566
7 gene 59.447374 59.447452 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451888 Gm22111 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095372 MGI:5451888 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22111
7 gene 59.449243 59.449321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452853 Gm23076 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094610 MGI:5452853 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23076
7 gene 59.451115 59.451193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455651 Gm25874 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094604 MGI:5455651 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25874
7 gene 59.452983 59.453061 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454865 Gm25088 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096811 MGI:5454865 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25088
7 gene 59.454855 59.454933 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452287 Gm22510 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096048 MGI:5452287 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22510
7 gene 59.458815 59.458883 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454760 Gm24983 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077645 MGI:5454760 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24983
7 gene 59.460677 59.460755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453804 Gm24027 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096648 MGI:5453804 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24027
7 gene 59.462548 59.462626 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452301 Gm22524 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094625 MGI:5452301 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22524
7 gene 59.464420 59.464498 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452407 Gm22630 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095581 MGI:5452407 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22630
7 gene 59.466292 59.466370 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455518 Gm25741 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094538 MGI:5455518 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25741
7 gene 59.468163 59.468241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455836 Gm26059 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094364 MGI:5455836 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26059
7 gene 59.470034 59.470112 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454952 Gm25175 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095009 MGI:5454952 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25175
7 gene 59.471904 59.471982 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452288 Gm22511 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096041 MGI:5452288 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22511
7 gene 59.473776 59.473854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454854 Gm25077 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095476 MGI:5454854 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25077
7 gene 59.475622 59.475700 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452611 Gm22834 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093943 MGI:5452611 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22834
7 gene 59.477493 59.477571 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454703 Gm24926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094308 MGI:5454703 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24926
7 gene 59.479347 59.479425 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455977 Gm26200 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096605 MGI:5455977 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26200
7 gene 59.481219 59.481297 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452409 Gm22632 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093860 MGI:5452409 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22632
7 gene 59.483074 59.483152 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453031 Gm23254 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075726 MGI:5453031 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23254
7 gene 59.484948 59.485026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456167 Gm26390 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094917 MGI:5456167 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26390
7 gene 59.486818 59.486896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456143 Gm26366 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094587 MGI:5456143 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26366
7 gene 59.488689 59.488767 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456113 Gm26336 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096324 MGI:5456113 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26336
7 gene 59.490561 59.490639 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456060 Gm26283 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094049 MGI:5456060 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26283
7 gene 59.492432 59.492510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454875 Gm25098 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095671 MGI:5454875 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25098
7 gene 59.494300 59.494378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454479 Gm24702 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095997 MGI:5454479 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24702
7 gene 59.496169 59.496247 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456209 Gm26432 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095885 MGI:5456209 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26432
7 gene 59.498041 59.498119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455239 Gm25462 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095314 MGI:5455239 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25462
7 gene 59.507198 59.507276 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454272 Gm24495 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093958 MGI:5454272 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24495
7 gene 59.509068 59.509146 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455300 Gm25523 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094765 MGI:5455300 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25523
7 gene 59.510934 59.511012 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452032 Gm22255 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096281 MGI:5452032 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22255
7 gene 59.512795 59.512873 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453226 Gm23449 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094213 MGI:5453226 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23449
7 gene 59.514667 59.514745 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453087 Gm23310 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096454 MGI:5453087 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23310
7 gene 59.516539 59.516617 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455238 Gm25461 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093870 MGI:5455238 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25461
7 gene 59.518411 59.518489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454087 Gm24310 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093854 MGI:5454087 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24310
7 gene 59.520284 59.520362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452686 Gm22909 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094524 MGI:5452686 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22909
7 gene 59.522156 59.522233 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455600 Gm25823 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094099 MGI:5455600 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25823
7 gene 59.524028 59.524105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455424 Gm25647 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094093 MGI:5455424 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25647
7 gene 59.525899 59.525977 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452029 Gm22252 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096287 MGI:5452029 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22252
7 gene 59.527771 59.527849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456169 Gm26392 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094912 MGI:5456169 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26392
7 gene 59.529643 59.529721 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453996 Gm24219 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094636 MGI:5453996 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24219
7 gene 59.531515 59.531593 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455007 Gm25230 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094567 MGI:5455007 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25230
7 gene 59.533386 59.533464 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452404 Gm22627 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094458 MGI:5452404 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22627
7 gene 59.535256 59.535334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454362 Gm24585 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095628 MGI:5454362 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24585
7 gene 59.537128 59.537206 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453082 Gm23305 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096185 MGI:5453082 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23305
7 gene 59.538998 59.539076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453983 Gm24206 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096447 MGI:5453983 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24206
7 gene 59.540870 59.540948 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454862 Gm25085 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096814 MGI:5454862 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25085
7 gene 59.542742 59.542820 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454986 Gm25209 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096306 MGI:5454986 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25209
7 gene 59.544615 59.544693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453459 Gm23682 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096067 MGI:5453459 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23682
7 gene 59.546487 59.546565 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454431 Gm24654 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094032 MGI:5454431 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24654
7 gene 59.548359 59.548437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456111 Gm26334 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096090 MGI:5456111 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26334
7 gene 59.550238 59.550316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455519 Gm25742 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096595 MGI:5455519 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25742
7 gene 59.552109 59.552187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455362 Gm25585 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095402 MGI:5455362 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25585
7 gene 59.553981 59.554059 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455617 Gm25840 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095764 MGI:5455617 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25840
7 gene 59.555854 59.555932 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454866 Gm25089 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075968 MGI:5454866 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25089
7 gene 59.557727 59.557805 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453817 Gm24040 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095924 MGI:5453817 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24040
7 gene 59.559599 59.559677 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451827 Gm22050 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094998 MGI:5451827 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22050
7 gene 59.561472 59.561550 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453063 Gm23286 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095357 MGI:5453063 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23286
7 gene 59.563345 59.563423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453798 Gm24021 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095021 MGI:5453798 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24021
7 gene 59.565218 59.565296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452051 Gm22274 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095660 MGI:5452051 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22274
7 gene 59.567091 59.567169 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454429 Gm24652 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094037 MGI:5454429 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24652
7 gene 59.568964 59.569042 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453395 Gm23618 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094438 MGI:5453395 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23618
7 gene 59.570835 59.570913 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453465 Gm23688 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096392 MGI:5453465 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23688
7 gene 59.572707 59.572785 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454347 Gm24570 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096821 MGI:5454347 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24570
7 gene 59.574579 59.574656 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456244 Gm26467 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095714 MGI:5456244 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26467
7 gene 59.576449 59.576527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454971 Gm25194 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095945 MGI:5454971 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25194
7 gene 59.578319 59.578397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452417 Gm22640 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094847 MGI:5452417 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22640
7 gene 59.580191 59.580269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454729 Gm24952 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094148 MGI:5454729 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24952
7 gene 59.582063 59.582140 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454864 Gm25087 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096812 MGI:5454864 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25087
7 gene 59.583934 59.584012 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453721 Gm23944 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094129 MGI:5453721 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23944
7 gene 59.585806 59.585884 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452406 Gm22629 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095587 MGI:5452406 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22629
7 gene 59.587676 59.587754 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456151 Gm26374 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095182 MGI:5456151 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26374
7 gene 59.589548 59.589626 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456061 Gm26284 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094048 MGI:5456061 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26284
7 gene 59.591422 59.591500 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455229 Gm25452 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094442 MGI:5455229 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25452
7 gene 59.593294 59.593372 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455761 Gm25984 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096028 MGI:5455761 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25984
7 gene 59.595165 59.595243 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454923 Gm25146 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096136 MGI:5454923 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25146
7 gene 59.597035 59.597113 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454536 Gm24759 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094922 MGI:5454536 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24759
7 gene 59.598904 59.598982 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453877 Gm24100 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096565 MGI:5453877 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24100
7 gene 59.600776 59.600854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452030 Gm22253 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096285 MGI:5452030 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22253
7 gene 59.602647 59.602725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454794 Gm25017 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094753 MGI:5454794 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25017
7 gene 59.604519 59.604597 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453352 Gm23575 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094903 MGI:5453352 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23575
7 gene 59.606390 59.606468 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452168 Gm22391 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094554 MGI:5452168 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22391
7 gene 59.608262 59.608340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452226 Gm22449 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095501 MGI:5452226 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22449
7 gene 59.610133 59.610211 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453914 Gm24137 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095511 MGI:5453914 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24137
7 gene 59.612005 59.612083 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452689 Gm22912 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094522 MGI:5452689 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22912
7 gene 59.613876 59.613954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455487 Gm25710 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096359 MGI:5455487 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25710
7 gene 59.615744 59.615822 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456211 Gm26434 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094283 MGI:5456211 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26434
7 gene 59.617612 59.617690 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453337 Gm23560 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095220 MGI:5453337 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23560
7 gene 59.619017 59.619095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455647 Gm25870 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094609 MGI:5455647 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25870
7 gene 59.619158 59.678878 negative MGI_C57BL6J_892030 Ipw NCBI_Gene:16353 MGI:892030 lncRNA gene imprinted gene in the Prader-Willi syndrome region
7 gene 59.627688 59.630676 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753407 Gm44831 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109575 MGI:5753407 unclassified gene predicted gene 44831
7 gene 59.673461 59.673554 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453639 Gm23862 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093929 MGI:5453639 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23862
7 gene 59.675988 59.676081 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456281 Gm26504 NCBI_Gene:64243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096019 MGI:5456281 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26504
7 gene 59.678509 59.678602 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452062 Gm22285 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094890 MGI:5452062 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22285
7 gene 59.681055 59.681148 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451908 Gm22131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096431 MGI:5451908 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22131
7 gene 59.683586 59.683679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453930 Gm24153 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096159 MGI:5453930 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24153
7 gene 59.693220 59.693313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456142 Gm26365 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094581 MGI:5456142 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26365
7 gene 59.695744 59.695837 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454386 Gm24609 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094236 MGI:5454386 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24609
7 gene 59.698307 59.698400 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454041 Gm24264 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096248 MGI:5454041 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24264
7 gene 59.700878 59.700971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454932 Gm25155 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094069 MGI:5454932 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25155
7 gene 59.703427 59.703520 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455593 Gm25816 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096148 MGI:5455593 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25816
7 gene 59.705968 59.706061 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452918 Gm23141 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094407 MGI:5452918 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23141
7 gene 59.708469 59.708562 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453544 Gm23767 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095734 MGI:5453544 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23767
7 gene 59.711009 59.711102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452194 Gm22417 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094960 MGI:5452194 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22417
7 gene 59.713534 59.713625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452361 Gm22584 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096231 MGI:5452361 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22584
7 gene 59.716059 59.716152 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456047 Gm26270 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096110 MGI:5456047 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26270
7 gene 59.718588 59.718681 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452866 Gm23089 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096502 MGI:5452866 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23089
7 gene 59.721125 59.721218 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454488 Gm24711 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096082 MGI:5454488 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24711
7 gene 59.723644 59.723737 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455965 Gm26188 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095060 MGI:5455965 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26188
7 gene 59.726161 59.726254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453042 Gm23265 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094150 MGI:5453042 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23265
7 gene 59.728681 59.728774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454295 Gm24518 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096677 MGI:5454295 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24518
7 gene 59.731223 59.731316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455721 Gm25944 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096057 MGI:5455721 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25944
7 gene 59.733770 59.733863 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452824 Gm23047 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096305 MGI:5452824 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23047
7 gene 59.736313 59.736406 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453730 Gm23953 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095389 MGI:5453730 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23953
7 gene 59.738848 59.738941 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456109 Gm26332 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096095 MGI:5456109 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26332
7 gene 59.741373 59.741466 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455809 Gm26032 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095155 MGI:5455809 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26032
7 gene 59.743912 59.744005 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452640 Gm22863 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096660 MGI:5452640 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22863
7 gene 59.746425 59.746518 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454395 Gm24618 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095542 MGI:5454395 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24618
7 gene 59.748956 59.749049 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451823 Gm22046 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094994 MGI:5451823 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22046
7 gene 59.751489 59.751582 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454537 Gm24760 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094923 MGI:5454537 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24760
7 gene 59.754002 59.754095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455127 Gm25350 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096070 MGI:5455127 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25350
7 gene 59.756514 59.756607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456279 Gm26502 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096017 MGI:5456279 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26502
7 gene 59.759026 59.759119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453090 Gm23313 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096865 MGI:5453090 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23313
7 gene 59.761554 59.761647 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455248 Gm25471 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094837 MGI:5455248 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25471
7 gene 59.764088 59.764181 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452553 Gm22776 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094109 MGI:5452553 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22776
7 gene 59.766611 59.766704 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453223 Gm23446 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094218 MGI:5453223 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23446
7 gene 59.769138 59.769231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454987 Gm25210 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096302 MGI:5454987 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25210
7 gene 59.771656 59.771749 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451905 Gm22128 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095100 MGI:5451905 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22128
7 gene 59.774190 59.774283 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452628 Gm22851 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095045 MGI:5452628 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22851
7 gene 59.776724 59.776817 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454851 Gm25074 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095479 MGI:5454851 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25074
7 gene 59.779250 59.779343 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454934 Gm25157 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094060 MGI:5454934 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25157
7 gene 59.781780 59.781873 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452408 Gm22631 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093869 MGI:5452408 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22631
7 gene 59.784293 59.784386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455251 Gm25474 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094831 MGI:5455251 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25474
7 gene 59.786818 59.786911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452718 Gm22941 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095639 MGI:5452718 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22941
7 gene 59.789331 59.789424 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456023 Gm26246 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095618 MGI:5456023 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26246
7 gene 59.791844 59.791937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451824 Gm22047 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094997 MGI:5451824 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22047
7 gene 59.794360 59.794453 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455374 Gm25597 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096845 MGI:5455374 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25597
7 gene 59.796905 59.796997 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455874 Gm26097 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095349 MGI:5455874 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26097
7 gene 59.799444 59.799537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452035 Gm22258 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096868 MGI:5452035 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22258
7 gene 59.801956 59.802049 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455978 Gm26201 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096604 MGI:5455978 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26201
7 gene 59.804471 59.804564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453396 Gm23619 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093802 MGI:5453396 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23619
7 gene 59.806995 59.807088 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452589 Gm22812 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096462 MGI:5452589 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22812
7 gene 59.859214 59.859307 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456210 Gm26433 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094287 MGI:5456210 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26433
7 gene 59.861731 59.861824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453134 Snord116l17 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093974 MGI:5453134 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 17
7 gene 59.864240 59.864333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455392 Gm25615 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095641 MGI:5455392 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25615
7 gene 59.866788 59.866881 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451887 Snord116l16 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095374 MGI:5451887 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 16
7 gene 59.869330 59.869423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453501 Snord116l15 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094987 MGI:5453501 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 15
7 gene 59.871864 59.871957 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451965 Snord116l14 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094389 MGI:5451965 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 14
7 gene 59.874380 59.874473 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453326 Snord116l13 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094573 MGI:5453326 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 13
7 gene 59.876933 59.877026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927533 Snord116l2 NCBI_Gene:64245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096759 MGI:1927533 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 2
7 gene 59.879459 59.879552 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927539 Snord116l8 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095458 MGI:1927539 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 8
7 gene 59.881989 59.882082 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927538 Snord116l7 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096313 MGI:1927538 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 7
7 gene 59.884499 59.884592 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927537 Snord116l6 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096190 MGI:1927537 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 6
7 gene 59.887057 59.887150 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927536 Snord116l5 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094039 MGI:1927536 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 5
7 gene 59.889593 59.889686 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927535 Snord116l4 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093971 MGI:1927535 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 4
7 gene 59.892111 59.892204 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927534 Snord116l3 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094599 MGI:1927534 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 3
7 gene 59.894620 59.894713 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927532 Snord116l1 NCBI_Gene:64244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096475 MGI:1927532 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 1
7 gene 59.897161 59.897254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927540 Snord116l9 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096634 MGI:1927540 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 9
7 gene 59.899687 59.899780 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453473 Snord116l10 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094642 MGI:5453473 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 10
7 gene 59.902213 59.902306 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455871 Snord116l11 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095691 MGI:5455871 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 11
7 gene 59.904755 59.904848 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452066 Snord116l12 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094274 MGI:5452066 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 116-like 12
7 gene 59.923034 59.923122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452150 Gm22373 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077772 MGI:5452150 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22373
7 gene 59.974149 60.005064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5613898 Gm38393 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000948 MGI:5613898 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38393
7 gene 59.978808 59.978874 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819546 Snord64 NCBI_Gene:100217429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077191 MGI:3819546 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 64
7 gene 59.980876 59.980945 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4358283 Snord107 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089375 MGI:4358283 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 107
7 gene 59.982495 60.140219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98347 Snrpn NCBI_Gene:20646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102252 MGI:98347 protein coding gene small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N
7 gene 59.982501 60.005156 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891236 Snurf NCBI_Gene:84704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102627 MGI:1891236 protein coding gene SNRPN upstream reading frame
7 pseudogene 60.124052 60.134409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011093 Gm18908 NCBI_Gene:108167430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108937 MGI:5011093 pseudogene predicted gene, 18908
7 pseudogene 60.155429 60.156829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646404 Gm7367 NCBI_Gene:664849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047370 MGI:3646404 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7367
7 pseudogene 60.272807 60.280213 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010314 Gm18129 NCBI_Gene:100416479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109451 MGI:5010314 pseudogene predicted gene, 18129
7 gene 60.280103 60.284618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621906 Gm39021 NCBI_Gene:105242956 MGI:5621906 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39021
7 pseudogene 60.293183 60.294091 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589355 Gm30196 NCBI_Gene:102632017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109220 MGI:5589355 pseudogene predicted gene, 30196
7 gene 60.437689 60.444043 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625279 Gm42394 NCBI_Gene:105247266 MGI:5625279 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42394
7 pseudogene 60.555313 60.647969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781377 Gm3198 NCBI_Gene:102637921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109447 MGI:3781377 pseudogene predicted gene 3198
7 pseudogene 60.753363 60.754013 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642512 Gm10297 NCBI_Gene:100041211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109222 MGI:3642512 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10297
7 pseudogene 60.754867 60.761245 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648361 Gm7394 NCBI_Gene:105242952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109533 MGI:3648361 pseudogene predicted gene 7394
7 gene 60.833596 60.922937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5588888 Gm29729 NCBI_Gene:101055840 MGI:5588888 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29729
7 gene 60.856527 60.857260 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920404 3110018A10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3110018A10 gene
7 gene 60.915550 60.922910 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753220 Gm44644 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109121 MGI:5753220 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44644
7 gene 60.922922 60.961385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753219 Gm44643 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108867 MGI:5753219 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44643
7 gene 60.923152 60.961459 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589988 Gm30829 NCBI_Gene:102632867 MGI:5589988 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30829
7 gene 61.010264 61.311721 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644205 A230006K03Rik NCBI_Gene:27493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068151 MGI:3644205 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230006K03 gene
7 gene 61.090434 61.161581 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621336 Gm38451 NCBI_Gene:102633165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108917 MGI:5621336 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38451
7 gene 61.197065 61.311768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590604 Gm31445 NCBI_Gene:102633679 MGI:5590604 protein coding gene predicted gene, 31445
7 gene 61.329639 61.336236 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590811 Gm31652 NCBI_Gene:102633955 MGI:5590811 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31652
7 gene 61.529410 61.615327 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442668 B230209E15Rik NCBI_Gene:319752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109006 MGI:2442668 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B230209E15 gene
7 pseudogene 61.548533 61.549770 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643295 Ube2nl NCBI_Gene:620934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059585 MGI:3643295 pseudogene ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N-like
7 gene 61.673829 61.673907 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455310 Gm25533 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093101 MGI:5455310 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25533
7 gene 61.681515 61.681594 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453739 Gm23962 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096076 MGI:5453739 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23962
7 gene 61.683124 61.683192 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834228 Mir344d-1 miRBase:MI0004524,NCBI_Gene:100526544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092847 MGI:4834228 miRNA gene microRNA 344d-1
7 gene 61.685272 61.685351 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834229 Mir344d-2 miRBase:MI0004619,NCBI_Gene:100526531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096893 MGI:4834229 miRNA gene microRNA 344d-2
7 gene 61.704519 61.928690 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442922 A230057D06Rik NCBI_Gene:319893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109394 MGI:2442922 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230057D06 gene
7 gene 61.706591 61.706670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453267 Gm23490 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095010 MGI:5453267 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23490
7 gene 61.708705 61.708773 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452243 Gm22466 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093019 MGI:5452243 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22466
7 gene 61.726249 61.726328 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834220 Mir344d-3 miRBase:MI0004227,NCBI_Gene:100526543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095292 MGI:4834220 miRNA gene microRNA 344d-3
7 gene 61.733685 61.733782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453694 Gm23917 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092997 MGI:5453694 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23917
7 gene 61.735537 61.735602 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834316 Mir344e miRBase:MI0014094,NCBI_Gene:100526541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077869 MGI:4834316 miRNA gene microRNA 344e
7 gene 61.739350 61.739409 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454202 Mir344h-1 miRBase:MI0019196,NCBI_Gene:100885840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094173 MGI:5454202 miRNA gene microRNA 344h-1
7 gene 61.742366 61.742425 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453086 Mir344h-2 miRBase:MI0019197,NCBI_Gene:100885841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096189 MGI:5453086 miRNA gene microRNA 344h-2
7 gene 61.750468 61.750537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453650 Gm23873 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093170 MGI:5453650 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23873
7 gene 61.751444 61.753692 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444347 6330444A18Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6330444A18 gene
7 gene 61.790519 61.790581 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834317 Mir344b miRBase:MI0014095,NCBI_Gene:100526558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092921 MGI:4834317 miRNA gene microRNA 344b
7 gene 61.837311 61.837402 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834318 Mir344c miRBase:MI0014096,NCBI_Gene:100526506,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077107 MGI:4834318 miRNA gene microRNA 344c
7 gene 61.860406 61.862958 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444892 A230077L10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A230077L10 gene
7 gene 61.877770 61.877864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3619359 Mir344 miRBase:MI0000630,NCBI_Gene:723931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065568 MGI:3619359 miRNA gene microRNA 344
7 pseudogene 61.882972 61.883608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011217 Gm19032 NCBI_Gene:100418144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109465 MGI:5011217 pseudogene predicted gene, 19032
7 gene 61.930137 61.982358 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443193 A330076H08Rik NCBI_Gene:320026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109321 MGI:2443193 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330076H08 gene
7 pseudogene 61.938237 61.939484 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781435 Gm3257 NCBI_Gene:108167431,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109178 MGI:3781435 pseudogene predicted gene 3257
7 gene 61.940027 61.940106 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3718513 Mir344-2 miRBase:MI0005495,NCBI_Gene:100124439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093187 MGI:3718513 miRNA gene microRNA 344-2
7 gene 61.982289 61.982359 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834319 Mir344g miRBase:MI0014097,NCBI_Gene:100526507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092850 MGI:4834319 miRNA gene microRNA 344g
7 gene 62.036631 62.036737 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453208 Gm23431 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077194 MGI:5453208 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23431
7 gene 62.046181 62.046248 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834320 Mir344f miRBase:MI0014098,NCBI_Gene:100526527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093108 MGI:4834320 miRNA gene microRNA Mir344f
7 pseudogene 62.055961 62.056933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010657 Gm18472 NCBI_Gene:100417233 MGI:5010657 pseudogene predicted gene, 18472
7 gene 62.078718 62.078805 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454700 Gm24923 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094304 MGI:5454700 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24923
7 gene 62.085223 62.085310 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455808 Mir344i miRBase:MI0019317,NCBI_Gene:100885843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095154 MGI:5455808 miRNA gene microRNA 344i
7 gene 62.094506 62.279110 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647139 Gm9801 NCBI_Gene:330552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045813 MGI:3647139 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9801
7 gene 62.272543 62.279851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591017 Gm31858 NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene%2c 31858
7 gene 62.297387 62.309919 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625280 Gm42395 NCBI_Gene:105247267 MGI:5625280 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42395
7 gene 62.337787 62.423821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591220 Gm32061 NCBI_Gene:102634490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108986 MGI:5591220 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32061
7 gene 62.346569 62.350262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97290 Ndn NCBI_Gene:17984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033585 MGI:97290 protein coding gene necdin
7 gene 62.376979 62.381640 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351648 Magel2 NCBI_Gene:27385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056972 MGI:1351648 protein coding gene melanoma antigen, family L, 2
7 gene 62.417593 62.420139 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2181178 Mkrn3 NCBI_Gene:22652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070527 MGI:2181178 protein coding gene makorin, ring finger protein, 3
7 gene 62.461871 62.464510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351637 Peg12 NCBI_Gene:27412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070526 MGI:1351637 protein coding gene paternally expressed 12
7 pseudogene 62.476244 62.476714 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2153586 Atp5l-ps1 NCBI_Gene:140551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072460 MGI:2153586 pseudogene ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit G, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 62.577320 62.578216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757996 Vmn2r-ps61 NCBI_Gene:665038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108928 MGI:3757996 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 61
7 gene 62.611657 62.611784 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452271 Gm22494 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077683 MGI:5452271 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22494
7 pseudogene 62.658507 62.662189 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825663 Gm46026 NCBI_Gene:108167510 MGI:5825663 pseudogene predicted gene, 46026
7 pseudogene 62.683402 62.684691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779855 Gm9445 NCBI_Gene:669222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109204 MGI:3779855 pseudogene predicted gene 9445
7 pseudogene 62.751230 62.752121 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644550 Gm5333 NCBI_Gene:384631 MGI:3644550 pseudogene predicted gene 5333
7 gene 62.778423 62.823673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644757 A26c2 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109344 MGI:3644757 protein coding gene ANKRD26-like family C, member 2
7 pseudogene 62.782245 62.783150 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591270 Gm32111 NCBI_Gene:102634562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109289 MGI:5591270 pseudogene predicted gene, 32111
7 gene 63.098692 63.212569 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99779 Chrna7 NCBI_Gene:11441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030525 MGI:99779 protein coding gene cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 7
7 gene 63.134164 63.136290 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753317 Gm44741 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109057 MGI:5753317 unclassified gene predicted gene 44741
7 gene 63.344690 63.444529 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924881 4930554H23Rik NCBI_Gene:77631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097682 MGI:1924881 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930554H23 gene
7 gene 63.444745 63.766232 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2158505 Otud7a NCBI_Gene:170711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033510 MGI:2158505 protein coding gene OTU domain containing 7A
7 pseudogene 63.542479 63.545851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644921 Gm5898 NCBI_Gene:545971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081788 MGI:3644921 pseudogene predicted gene 5898
7 gene 63.585922 63.586022 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452005 Gm22228 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087989 MGI:5452005 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22228
7 pseudogene 63.606019 63.606650 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781485 Gm3307 NCBI_Gene:100041386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093751 MGI:3781485 pseudogene predicted gene 3307
7 pseudogene 63.736979 63.737489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010989 Gm18804 NCBI_Gene:100417749 MGI:5010989 pseudogene predicted gene, 18804
7 gene 63.765874 63.766232 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753294 Gm44718 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108421 MGI:5753294 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44718
7 pseudogene 63.810780 63.811383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645480 Gm7482 NCBI_Gene:665083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108700 MGI:3645480 pseudogene predicted gene 7482
7 gene 63.823239 63.852688 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621908 Gm39023 NCBI_Gene:105242959 MGI:5621908 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39023
7 pseudogene 63.826978 63.827237 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753296 Gm44720 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108629 MGI:5753296 pseudogene predicted gene 44720
7 gene 63.873058 63.876967 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591504 Gm32345 NCBI_Gene:102634862 MGI:5591504 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32345
7 gene 63.886351 63.938915 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354948 Klf13 NCBI_Gene:50794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052040 MGI:1354948 protein coding gene Kruppel-like factor 13
7 gene 63.896389 63.900537 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521095 Gm27252 NCBI_Gene:102634962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098708 MGI:5521095 lncRNA gene predicted gene 27252
7 gene 63.901722 63.909189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825624 Gm45987 NCBI_Gene:108167433 MGI:5825624 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45987
7 gene 63.916857 63.921029 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686543 E030018B13Rik NCBI_Gene:381994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095061 MGI:2686543 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA E030018B13 gene
7 gene 63.948678 63.950208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753203 Gm44627 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108418 MGI:5753203 unclassified gene predicted gene 44627
7 gene 63.956388 63.959355 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621909 Gm39024 NCBI_Gene:105242960 MGI:5621909 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39024
7 gene 63.962240 63.967744 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753628 Gm45052 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108313 MGI:5753628 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45052
7 gene 63.986227 64.024758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591792 Gm32633 NCBI_Gene:102635243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108393 MGI:5591792 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32633
7 gene 64.034246 64.040826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753630 Gm45054 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108469 MGI:5753630 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45054
7 gene 64.057290 64.057807 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592061 Gm32902 NCBI_Gene:102635612 MGI:5592061 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32902
7 gene 64.057602 64.068796 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313117 Gm20670 NCBI_Gene:102635542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108620 MGI:5313117 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20670
7 gene 64.130874 64.134371 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825625 Gm45988 NCBI_Gene:108167434 MGI:5825625 protein coding gene predicted gene, 45988
7 gene 64.153835 64.269775 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1330305 Trpm1 NCBI_Gene:17364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030523 MGI:1330305 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 1
7 gene 64.202089 64.202524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753298 Gm44722 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108645 MGI:5753298 unclassified gene predicted gene 44722
7 gene 64.205806 64.205911 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676887 Mir211 miRBase:MI0000708,NCBI_Gene:387207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065585 MGI:2676887 miRNA gene microRNA 211
7 gene 64.213190 64.213338 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753295 Gm44719 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108770 MGI:5753295 unclassified gene predicted gene 44719
7 gene 64.249983 64.250099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531128 Mir6416 miRBase:MI0021954,NCBI_Gene:102465226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098910 MGI:5531128 miRNA gene microRNA 6416
7 gene 64.283800 64.284400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753341 Gm44765 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108422 MGI:5753341 unclassified gene predicted gene 44765
7 gene 64.284808 64.288210 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753788 Gm45212 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108472 MGI:5753788 unclassified gene predicted gene 45212
7 gene 64.287653 64.340806 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142292 Mtmr10 NCBI_Gene:233315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030522 MGI:2142292 protein coding gene myotubularin related protein 10
7 gene 64.337550 64.345964 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141922 Gm20457 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092187 MGI:5141922 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20457
7 gene 64.345977 64.374140 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045266 Fan1 NCBI_Gene:330554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033458 MGI:3045266 protein coding gene FANCD2/FANCI-associated nuclease 1
7 pseudogene 64.356778 64.357477 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010115 Gm17930 NCBI_Gene:100416128 MGI:5010115 pseudogene predicted gene, 17930
7 gene 64.376527 64.392268 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915223 Mphosph10 NCBI_Gene:67973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030521 MGI:1915223 protein coding gene M-phase phosphoprotein 10 (U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein)
7 gene 64.392607 64.412125 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920974 Mcee NCBI_Gene:73724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033429 MGI:1920974 protein coding gene methylmalonyl CoA epimerase
7 gene 64.501706 64.753878 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1261791 Apba2 NCBI_Gene:11784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030519 MGI:1261791 protein coding gene amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family A, member 2
7 gene 64.515311 64.515911 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753658 Gm45082 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108384 MGI:5753658 unclassified gene predicted gene 45082
7 gene 64.529425 64.529896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753297 Gm44721 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108721 MGI:5753297 unclassified gene predicted gene 44721
7 gene 64.756091 65.156570 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917888 Fam189a1 NCBI_Gene:70638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030518 MGI:1917888 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 189, member A1
7 gene 64.867052 64.873040 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913897 Nsmce3 NCBI_Gene:66647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070520 MGI:1913897 protein coding gene NSE3 homolog, SMC5-SMC6 complex component
7 gene 64.956499 64.956576 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455026 Gm25249 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093212 MGI:5455026 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25249
7 gene 65.052100 65.054964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592122 Gm32963 NCBI_Gene:102635688 MGI:5592122 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32963
7 pseudogene 65.170639 65.171897 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010093 Gm17908 NCBI_Gene:100416077,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108745 MGI:5010093 pseudogene predicted gene, 17908
7 pseudogene 65.173482 65.174235 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010103 Gm17918 NCBI_Gene:100416106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108445 MGI:5010103 pseudogene predicted gene, 17918
7 gene 65.212814 65.213451 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922851 1810049I09Rik NCBI_Gene:75601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108587 MGI:1922851 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810049I09 gene
7 gene 65.296165 65.527808 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98759 Tjp1 NCBI_Gene:21872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030516 MGI:98759 protein coding gene tight junction protein 1
7 gene 65.331320 65.334296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441948 D130061D10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D130061D10 gene
7 gene 65.366372 65.366782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753370 Gm44794 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108338 MGI:5753370 unclassified gene predicted gene 44794
7 gene 65.371642 65.374397 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592227 Gm33068 NCBI_Gene:102635823 MGI:5592227 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33068
7 pseudogene 65.401847 65.402165 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753371 Gm44795 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108541 MGI:5753371 pseudogene predicted gene 44795
7 gene 65.479594 65.481221 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753368 Gm44792 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108533 MGI:5753368 unclassified gene predicted gene 44792
7 pseudogene 65.579998 65.635913 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644883 Gm7546 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086232 MGI:3644883 pseudogene predicted gene 7546
7 gene 65.582031 65.619347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3039598 BC046251 NCBI_Gene:407810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086662 MGI:3039598 lncRNA gene cDNA sequence BC046251
7 gene 65.644898 65.692093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444486 Tarsl2 NCBI_Gene:272396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030515 MGI:2444486 protein coding gene threonyl-tRNA synthetase-like 2
7 gene 65.690059 65.693161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592393 Gm33234 NCBI_Gene:102636057 MGI:5592393 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33234
7 gene 65.691169 65.701913 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915884 Tm2d3 NCBI_Gene:68634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078681 MGI:1915884 protein coding gene TM2 domain containing 3
7 gene 65.741060 65.743856 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642550 Gm10624 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10624
7 pseudogene 65.784812 65.786307 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648704 Gm7551 NCBI_Gene:665241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068480 MGI:3648704 pseudogene predicted gene 7551
7 gene 65.803111 65.806449 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920875 1810008I18Rik NCBI_Gene:100503969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100094 MGI:1920875 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810008I18 gene
7 gene 65.858544 65.862172 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313131 Gm20684 NCBI_Gene:102641467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093405 MGI:5313131 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20684
7 gene 65.861734 66.050386 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102897 Pcsk6 NCBI_Gene:18553,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030513 MGI:102897 protein coding gene proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 6
7 gene 66.043602 66.062271 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753789 Gm45213 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108793 MGI:5753789 protein coding gene predicted gene 45213
7 gene 66.059003 66.074587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916231 Snrpa1 NCBI_Gene:68981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030512 MGI:1916231 protein coding gene small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A’
7 gene 66.078902 66.079473 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753657 Gm45081 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108777 MGI:5753657 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45081
7 gene 66.079649 66.089405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95994 Selenos NCBI_Gene:109815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075701 MGI:95994 protein coding gene selenoprotein S
7 gene 66.109515 66.173121 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477321 Gm26827 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097634 MGI:5477321 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26827
7 gene 66.109515 66.173798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681120 Chsy1 NCBI_Gene:269941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032640 MGI:2681120 protein coding gene chondroitin sulfate synthase 1
7 gene 66.119303 66.119403 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452819 Gm23042 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065800 MGI:5452819 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23042
7 pseudogene 66.126954 66.127699 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011173 Gm18988 NCBI_Gene:100418080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108699 MGI:5011173 pseudogene predicted gene, 18988
7 pseudogene 66.190555 66.190837 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753656 Gm45080 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108686 MGI:5753656 pseudogene predicted gene 45080
7 gene 66.226912 66.388350 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142227 Lrrk1 NCBI_Gene:233328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015133 MGI:2142227 protein coding gene leucine-rich repeat kinase 1
7 gene 66.254771 66.277801 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592601 Gm33442 NCBI_Gene:102636350 MGI:5592601 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33442
7 gene 66.281726 66.287433 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825626 Gm45989 NCBI_Gene:108167435 MGI:5825626 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45989
7 gene 66.309195 66.312499 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753328 Gm44752 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109119 MGI:5753328 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44752
7 gene 66.365905 66.386309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779185 Gm10974 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078677 MGI:3779185 protein coding gene predicted gene 10974
7 gene 66.370392 66.370481 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453734 Gm23957 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087834 MGI:5453734 rRNA gene predicted gene, 23957
7 gene 66.381667 66.381724 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530932 Mir7057 miRBase:MI0022906,NCBI_Gene:102465640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098353 MGI:5530932 miRNA gene microRNA 7057
7 gene 66.390890 66.427517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861722 Aldh1a3 NCBI_Gene:56847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015134 MGI:1861722 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase family 1, subfamily A3
7 gene 66.428647 66.430494 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592674 Gm33515 NCBI_Gene:102636455 MGI:5592674 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33515
7 gene 66.441598 66.444250 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753329 Gm44753 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109114 MGI:5753329 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44753
7 pseudogene 66.565226 66.565625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753330 Gm44754 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109330 MGI:5753330 pseudogene predicted gene 44754
7 gene 66.580756 66.585866 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592729 Gm33570 NCBI_Gene:102636528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109039 MGI:5592729 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33570
7 gene 66.615322 66.619148 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753186 Gm44610 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109249 MGI:5753186 unclassified gene predicted gene 44610
7 gene 66.644565 66.689649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2152835 Asb7 NCBI_Gene:117589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030509 MGI:2152835 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 7
7 gene 66.689766 66.717256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919885 Lins1 NCBI_Gene:72635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053091 MGI:1919885 protein coding gene lines homolog 1
7 gene 66.723119 66.723775 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753674 Gm45098 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109133 MGI:5753674 unclassified gene predicted gene 45098
7 gene 66.733105 66.823692 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681008 Cers3 NCBI_Gene:545975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030510 MGI:2681008 protein coding gene ceramide synthase 3
7 gene 66.737804 66.740442 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642294 Gm10623 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108846 MGI:3642294 unclassified gene predicted gene 10623
7 gene 66.826685 66.839791 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592786 Gm33627 NCBI_Gene:102636611 MGI:5592786 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33627
7 gene 66.839735 67.153171 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3588195 Adamts17 NCBI_Gene:233332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058145 MGI:3588195 protein coding gene a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 17
7 gene 66.959817 66.961918 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753331 Gm44755 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109079 MGI:5753331 unclassified gene predicted gene 44755
7 pseudogene 66.993968 66.994427 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753185 Gm44609 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108873 MGI:5753185 pseudogene predicted gene 44609
7 pseudogene 67.082841 67.083750 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010094 Gm17909 NCBI_Gene:100416078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108833 MGI:5010094 pseudogene predicted gene, 17909
7 pseudogene 67.180100 67.180331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753677 Gm45101 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109273 MGI:5753677 pseudogene predicted gene 45101
7 gene 67.204082 67.222536 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923878 1700112J16Rik NCBI_Gene:76628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097527 MGI:1923878 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700112J16 gene
7 gene 67.222544 67.307330 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922349 Lysmd4 NCBI_Gene:75099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043831 MGI:1922349 protein coding gene LysM, putative peptidoglycan-binding, domain containing 4
7 gene 67.231163 67.372999 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99532 Mef2a NCBI_Gene:17258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030557 MGI:99532 protein coding gene myocyte enhancer factor 2A
7 gene 67.268906 67.272242 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753243 Gm44667 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109539 MGI:5753243 unclassified gene predicted gene 44667
7 gene 67.367716 67.370980 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753244 Gm44668 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109363 MGI:5753244 unclassified gene predicted gene 44668
7 gene 67.428901 67.443933 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593085 Gm33926 NCBI_Gene:102637011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109329 MGI:5593085 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33926
7 gene 67.488011 67.522791 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621910 Gm39025 NCBI_Gene:108167436 MGI:5621910 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39025
7 gene 67.513410 67.645333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915689 Lrrc28 NCBI_Gene:67867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030556 MGI:1915689 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 28
7 gene 67.524345 67.543587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593238 Gm34079 NCBI_Gene:102637206 MGI:5593238 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34079
7 gene 67.570567 67.570703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453010 Gm23233 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087926 MGI:5453010 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23233
7 pseudogene 67.592324 67.595209 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592142 Gm32983 NCBI_Gene:102635717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109342 MGI:5592142 pseudogene predicted gene, 32983
7 pseudogene 67.637765 67.638155 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753676 Gm45100 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109558 MGI:5753676 pseudogene predicted gene 45100
7 gene 67.647319 67.762912 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914259 Ttc23 NCBI_Gene:67009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030555 MGI:1914259 protein coding gene tetratricopeptide repeat domain 23
7 gene 67.679335 67.681303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753245 Gm44669 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109115 MGI:5753245 unclassified gene predicted gene 44669
7 gene 67.711491 67.717180 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593299 Gm34140 NCBI_Gene:102637289 MGI:5593299 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34140
7 gene 67.730160 67.759742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2661187 Synm NCBI_Gene:233335,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030554 MGI:2661187 protein coding gene synemin, intermediate filament protein
7 gene 67.759317 67.760173 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753678 Gm45102 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108871 MGI:5753678 unclassified gene predicted gene 45102
7 gene 67.778410 67.778530 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453621 Gm23844 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080609 MGI:5453621 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23844
7 pseudogene 67.782777 67.783781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779751 Gm7583 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097981 MGI:3779751 pseudogene predicted gene 7583
7 gene 67.784538 67.804139 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921154 4833412C05Rik NCBI_Gene:73904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097697 MGI:1921154 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4833412C05 gene
7 gene 67.801581 67.831285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593509 Gm34350 NCBI_Gene:102637575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109464 MGI:5593509 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34350
7 gene 67.832291 67.849868 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621912 Gm39027 NCBI_Gene:105242964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109193 MGI:5621912 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39027
7 pseudogene 67.886195 67.886585 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753242 Gm44666 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109152 MGI:5753242 pseudogene predicted gene 44666
7 gene 67.951833 68.233668 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96433 Igf1r NCBI_Gene:16001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005533 MGI:96433 protein coding gene insulin-like growth factor I receptor
7 gene 68.106695 68.113355 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443927 D930030O05Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA D930030O05 gene
7 gene 68.236450 68.264484 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925694 Pgpep1l NCBI_Gene:78444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030553 MGI:1925694 protein coding gene pyroglutamyl-peptidase I-like
7 gene 68.266339 68.276594 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801721 Gm16157 NCBI_Gene:100504026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086628 MGI:3801721 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16157
7 gene 68.273839 68.363092 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644026 Fam169b NCBI_Gene:434197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074071 MGI:3644026 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 169, member B
7 gene 68.315973 68.317032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921043 4930405G09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109453 MGI:1921043 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930405G09 gene
7 gene 68.332989 68.335529 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753464 Gm44888 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109096 MGI:5753464 unclassified gene predicted gene 44888
7 gene 68.338668 68.353581 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801750 Gm16158 NCBI_Gene:105242966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086410 MGI:3801750 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16158
7 gene 68.384779 68.392029 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753465 Gm44889 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109458 MGI:5753465 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44889
7 gene 68.417402 68.427362 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918494 4933436H12Rik NCBI_Gene:71244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108924 MGI:1918494 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933436H12 gene
7 gene 68.429215 68.490897 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593708 Gm34549 NCBI_Gene:102637842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108828 MGI:5593708 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34549
7 gene 68.439373 68.441722 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753462 Gm44886 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109298 MGI:5753462 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44886
7 pseudogene 68.598677 68.598854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753463 Gm44887 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109375 MGI:5753463 pseudogene predicted gene 44887
7 pseudogene 68.618456 68.620009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644545 Gm5334 NCBI_Gene:384639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094854 MGI:3644545 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5334
7 gene 68.719170 68.726467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753268 Gm44692 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108876 MGI:5753268 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44692
7 gene 68.736994 68.749241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913662 Arrdc4 NCBI_Gene:66412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042659 MGI:1913662 protein coding gene arrestin domain containing 4
7 gene 68.792322 68.818694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593771 Gm34612 NCBI_Gene:102637920 MGI:5593771 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34612
7 gene 68.842138 68.916024 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593823 Gm34664 NCBI_Gene:102637987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109407 MGI:5593823 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34664
7 gene 68.952100 68.952236 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453572 Gm23795 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065940 MGI:5453572 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23795
7 gene 68.989404 69.008173 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753267 Gm44691 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109524 MGI:5753267 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44691
7 gene 69.056742 69.079291 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593941 Gm34782 NCBI_Gene:102638148 MGI:5593941 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34782
7 gene 69.056822 69.064762 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621914 Gm39029 NCBI_Gene:105242967 MGI:5621914 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39029
7 pseudogene 69.209866 69.211086 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647517 Gm5342 NCBI_Gene:384741,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098017 MGI:3647517 pseudogene predicted gene 5342
7 pseudogene 69.259595 69.259862 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753109 Gm44533 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109400 MGI:5753109 pseudogene predicted gene 44533
7 gene 69.354372 69.400198 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593997 Gm34838 NCBI_Gene:102638227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110028 MGI:5593997 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34838
7 gene 69.475368 69.491037 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621469 Gm38584 NCBI_Gene:102641929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109153 MGI:5621469 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38584
7 gene 69.496094 69.550673 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921046 4930402F11Rik NCBI_Gene:73796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108885 MGI:1921046 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930402F11 gene
7 gene 69.498579 69.498685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453592 Gm23815 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065165 MGI:5453592 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23815
7 gene 69.579708 69.582843 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753111 Gm44535 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109412 MGI:5753111 unclassified gene predicted gene 44535
7 pseudogene 69.605842 69.626969 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643954 Gm7627 NCBI_Gene:665410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098246 MGI:3643954 pseudogene predicted gene 7627
7 gene 69.799123 69.801739 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594368 Gm35209 NCBI_Gene:102638715 MGI:5594368 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35209
7 pseudogene 69.883979 69.884360 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753266 Gm44690 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109373 MGI:5753266 pseudogene predicted gene 44690
7 gene 69.948900 69.950363 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918357 4933423L19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108821 MGI:1918357 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933423L19 gene
7 gene 69.957776 69.957904 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453897 Gm24120 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077166 MGI:5453897 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24120
7 gene 70.178868 70.337852 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5588842 Gm29683 NCBI_Gene:624549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109097 MGI:5588842 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29683
7 gene 70.202844 70.207234 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594430 Gm35271 NCBI_Gene:102638792 MGI:5594430 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35271
7 gene 70.207298 70.213193 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594484 Gm35325 NCBI_Gene:102638863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109280 MGI:5594484 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35325
7 gene 70.248973 70.249776 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580033 Gm29327 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099387 MGI:5580033 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29327
7 gene 70.341416 70.351235 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621915 Gm39030 NCBI_Gene:105242968 MGI:5621915 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39030
7 gene 70.345239 70.345810 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753522 Gm44946 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109361 MGI:5753522 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44946
7 gene 70.347548 70.347696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753524 Gm44948 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109364 MGI:5753524 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44948
7 gene 70.351944 70.366746 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352452 Nr2f2 NCBI_Gene:11819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030551 MGI:1352452 protein coding gene nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2
7 gene 70.364910 70.489972 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3604353 B130024G19Rik NCBI_Gene:434198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100005 MGI:3604353 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B130024G19 gene
7 gene 70.372023 70.388410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578964 Gm28258 NCBI_Gene:102639158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101559 MGI:5578964 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28258
7 gene 70.420915 70.453222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753108 Gm44532 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108869 MGI:5753108 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44532
7 pseudogene 70.490839 70.492057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648032 Gm7656 NCBI_Gene:665486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097991 MGI:3648032 pseudogene predicted gene 7656
7 gene 70.531222 70.531449 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753387 Gm44811 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108899 MGI:5753387 unclassified gene predicted gene 44811
7 gene 70.548869 70.554924 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595001 Gm35842 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109028 MGI:5595001 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35842
7 gene 70.562873 70.585896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753388 Gm44812 NCBI_Gene:108167437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109021 MGI:5753388 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44812
7 gene 70.571322 70.574414 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753389 Gm44813 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108836 MGI:5753389 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44813
7 gene 70.586453 70.589443 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595053 Gm35894 NCBI_Gene:102639629 MGI:5595053 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35894
7 gene 70.592890 70.593882 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753385 Gm44809 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109018 MGI:5753385 unclassified gene predicted gene 44809
7 gene 70.638610 70.639917 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753384 Gm44808 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109294 MGI:5753384 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44808
7 gene 70.708125 70.716474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621916 Gm39031 NCBI_Gene:105242969 MGI:5621916 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39031
7 gene 70.752416 70.752500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454657 Gm24880 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089401 MGI:5454657 rRNA gene predicted gene, 24880
7 gene 70.802040 70.811451 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621917 Gm39032 NCBI_Gene:105242970 MGI:5621917 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39032
7 gene 70.870913 71.073345 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625282 Gm42397 NCBI_Gene:105247269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109532 MGI:5625282 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42397
7 pseudogene 70.912518 70.933979 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593942 Gm34783 NCBI_Gene:102638149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109454 MGI:5593942 pseudogene predicted gene, 34783
7 gene 71.032052 71.035420 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825627 Gm45990 NCBI_Gene:108167438 MGI:5825627 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45990
7 gene 71.088427 71.116539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595170 Gm36011 NCBI_Gene:102639780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109003 MGI:5595170 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36011
7 gene 71.090997 71.123594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621918 Gm39033 NCBI_Gene:105242971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109161 MGI:5621918 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39033
7 gene 71.154230 71.186863 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595230 Gm36071 NCBI_Gene:102639857 MGI:5595230 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36071
7 gene 71.217049 71.224409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925130 6030442E23Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100664 MGI:1925130 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6030442E23 gene
7 gene 71.234645 71.265466 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595371 Gm36212 NCBI_Gene:102640046 MGI:5595371 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36212
7 gene 71.264275 71.379972 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580034 Gm29328 NCBI_Gene:108167439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099853 MGI:5580034 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29328
7 gene 71.282412 71.287581 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621919 Gm39034 NCBI_Gene:105242972 MGI:5621919 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39034
7 gene 71.331493 71.334043 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753642 Gm45066 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109548 MGI:5753642 unclassified gene predicted gene 45066
7 pseudogene 71.332363 71.332921 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3708755 Gm10172 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066697 MGI:3708755 pseudogene predicted gene 10172
7 gene 71.348961 71.351485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642770 Gm10295 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 10295
7 gene 71.351451 71.391272 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580001 Gm29295 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099558 MGI:5580001 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29295
7 gene 71.373010 71.379654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595419 Gm36260 NCBI_Gene:102640113 MGI:5595419 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36260
7 gene 71.681775 71.688447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753265 Gm44689 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108978 MGI:5753265 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44689
7 pseudogene 71.696692 71.697399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648706 Gm7675 NCBI_Gene:665535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108972 MGI:3648706 pseudogene predicted gene 7675
7 gene 71.706076 71.706612 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753264 Gm44688 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109388 MGI:5753264 unclassified gene predicted gene 44688
7 pseudogene 71.717805 71.718372 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010173 Gm17988 NCBI_Gene:100416233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108982 MGI:5010173 pseudogene predicted gene, 17988
7 gene 71.909693 71.939191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925406 4930441H08Rik NCBI_Gene:78156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108669 MGI:1925406 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930441H08 gene
7 gene 71.947520 71.962018 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595792 Gm36633 NCBI_Gene:102640608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108480 MGI:5595792 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36633
7 gene 71.961173 72.027317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922701 1700011C11Rik NCBI_Gene:75451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108800 MGI:1922701 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700011C11 gene
7 gene 72.077827 72.306608 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685335 Mctp2 NCBI_Gene:244049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032776 MGI:2685335 protein coding gene multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2
7 gene 72.110464 72.118598 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595855 Gm36696 NCBI_Gene:102640684,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108427 MGI:5595855 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36696
7 gene 72.156094 72.157133 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804830 Gm45715 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108493 MGI:5804830 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45715
7 gene 72.306862 72.323340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621920 Gm39035 NCBI_Gene:105242973 MGI:5621920 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39035
7 gene 72.601989 72.602489 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610848 Gm37620 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103673 MGI:5610848 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37620
7 gene 72.637212 72.637516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579451 Gm28745 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100138 MGI:5579451 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28745
7 pseudogene 72.648750 72.649344 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642871 Rpl17-ps10 NCBI_Gene:100042880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081895 MGI:3642871 pseudogene ribosomal protein L17, pseudogene 10
7 gene 72.668017 72.668356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579450 Gm28744 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100670 MGI:5579450 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28744
7 pseudogene 72.672818 72.674596 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648525 Kansl2-ps NCBI_Gene:233391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097530 MGI:3648525 pseudogene KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 2, pseudogene
7 pseudogene 72.712431 72.713639 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649138 Gm7693 NCBI_Gene:665570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098195 MGI:3649138 pseudogene predicted gene 7693
7 gene 72.745571 72.826646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596024 Gm36865 NCBI_Gene:102640914 MGI:5596024 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36865
7 pseudogene 72.988950 72.990159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647920 Gm5335 NCBI_Gene:384643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098035 MGI:3647920 pseudogene predicted gene 5335
7 gene 73.089423 73.092616 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753301 Gm44725 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108329 MGI:5753301 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44725
7 gene 73.097749 73.102068 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779609 Gm6567 NCBI_Gene:625243,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108383 MGI:3779609 lncRNA gene predicted gene 6567
7 gene 73.124451 73.126558 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918487 4933435G04Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108345 MGI:1918487 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933435G04 gene
7 gene 73.183605 73.192432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012268 Gm20083 NCBI_Gene:100504141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108778 MGI:5012268 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20083
7 gene 73.185014 73.185393 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579452 Gm28746 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101843 MGI:5579452 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28746
7 gene 73.201863 73.238687 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589234 Gm30075 NCBI_Gene:102631845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108513 MGI:5589234 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30075
7 gene 73.310380 73.315193 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921147 4930429H19Rik NCBI_Gene:100505025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108530 MGI:1921147 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930429H19 gene
7 gene 73.313806 73.375774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442718 A730056A06Rik NCBI_Gene:319783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097756 MGI:2442718 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A730056A06 gene
7 gene 73.375509 73.419899 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2679262 Rgma NCBI_Gene:244058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070509 MGI:2679262 protein coding gene repulsive guidance molecule family member A
7 gene 73.404350 73.406417 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753334 Gm44758 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108678 MGI:5753334 unclassified gene predicted gene 44758
7 gene 73.422250 73.423902 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753221 Gm44645 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108601 MGI:5753221 unclassified gene predicted gene 44645
7 gene 73.426638 73.541830 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2448567 Chd2 NCBI_Gene:244059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078671 MGI:2448567 protein coding gene chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2
7 gene 73.458597 73.460633 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753129 Gm44553 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108741 MGI:5753129 unclassified gene predicted gene 44553
7 gene 73.498002 73.499248 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753128 Gm44552 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108319 MGI:5753128 unclassified gene predicted gene 44552
7 gene 73.527266 73.528725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028079 C130083A15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108812 MGI:3028079 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130083A15 gene
7 gene 73.538013 73.554801 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753262 Gm44686 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108563 MGI:5753262 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44686
7 gene 73.539203 73.558395 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916420 1810026B05Rik NCBI_Gene:69170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101970 MGI:1916420 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810026B05 gene
7 gene 73.583285 73.608740 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589308 Gm30149 NCBI_Gene:102631948 MGI:5589308 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30149
7 gene 73.602798 73.604109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621921 Gm39036 NCBI_Gene:105242975 MGI:5621921 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39036
7 gene 73.608948 73.614625 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753310 Gm44734 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108724 MGI:5753310 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44734
7 gene 73.617388 73.619702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644623 Gm7710 NCBI_Gene:665610 MGI:3644623 unclassified gene predicted gene 7710
7 gene 73.626701 73.627435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753314 Gm44738 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108497 MGI:5753314 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44738
7 gene 73.630617 73.638088 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753313 Gm44737 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108311 MGI:5753313 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44737
7 gene 73.645985 73.646089 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455953 Gm26176 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065729 MGI:5455953 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26176
7 gene 73.662048 73.662300 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452797 Gm23020 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089391 MGI:5452797 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23020
7 gene 73.670299 73.672390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753312 Gm44736 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108550 MGI:5753312 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44736
7 gene 73.676880 73.678305 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753315 Gm44739 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108473 MGI:5753315 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44739
7 pseudogene 73.685492 73.686601 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643321 Gm4971 NCBI_Gene:244061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108337 MGI:3643321 pseudogene predicted gene 4971
7 pseudogene 73.688235 73.689167 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010990 Gm18805 NCBI_Gene:100417750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108485 MGI:5010990 pseudogene predicted gene, 18805
7 pseudogene 73.706175 73.706540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753583 Gm45007 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108687 MGI:5753583 pseudogene predicted gene 45007
7 gene 73.737929 73.741024 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443692 A830073O21Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091890 MGI:2443692 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A830073O21 gene
7 gene 73.740302 73.776919 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3698178 Fam174b NCBI_Gene:100038347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078670 MGI:3698178 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 174, member B
7 gene 73.754589 73.754745 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753581 Gm45005 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108412 MGI:5753581 unclassified gene predicted gene 45005
7 gene 73.780524 73.784153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589395 Gm30236 NCBI_Gene:102632064 MGI:5589395 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30236
7 gene 73.781429 73.816503 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3708756 Gm10619 NCBI_Gene:100579147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074067 MGI:3708756 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10619
7 pseudogene 73.788437 73.789118 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010858 Gm18673 NCBI_Gene:100417538 MGI:5010858 pseudogene predicted gene, 18673
7 gene 73.797603 73.798292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753582 Gm45006 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108548 MGI:5753582 unclassified gene predicted gene 45006
7 gene 73.816546 73.838898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434624 Gm21269 NCBI_Gene:100861851,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108448 MGI:5434624 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 21269
7 gene 73.819590 73.819641 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5562778 Mir7234 miRBase:MI0023729,NCBI_Gene:102465712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105381 MGI:5562778 miRNA gene microRNA 7234
7 pseudogene 73.830152 73.832807 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010442 Gm18257 NCBI_Gene:100416795 MGI:5010442 pseudogene predicted gene, 18257
7 gene 73.939119 74.013727 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106020 St8sia2 NCBI_Gene:20450,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025789 MGI:106020 protein coding gene ST8 alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminide alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 2
7 gene 73.945377 73.947534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753579 Gm45003 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108375 MGI:5753579 unclassified gene predicted gene 45003
7 gene 73.948423 73.958042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611371 Gm38143 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102384 MGI:5611371 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38143
7 gene 74.034632 74.043738 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753580 Gm45004 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108725 MGI:5753580 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45004
7 gene 74.235558 74.235664 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530841 Gm27459 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098303 MGI:5530841 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27459
7 gene 74.275418 74.554780 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351867 Slco3a1 NCBI_Gene:108116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025790 MGI:1351867 protein coding gene solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 3a1
7 gene 74.392698 74.411233 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646746 Gm7580 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085161 MGI:3646746 lncRNA gene predicted gene 7580
7 gene 74.536677 74.537788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012300 Gm20115 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene%2c 20115
7 gene 74.542826 74.544113 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443904 A430057L12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A430057L12 gene
7 gene 74.554723 74.556721 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642374 Gm10618 NA NA lncRNA gene predicted gene 10618
7 gene 74.626250 74.627514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621922 Gm39037 NCBI_Gene:105242976 MGI:5621922 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39037
7 gene 74.696025 74.719265 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589543 Gm30384 NCBI_Gene:102632257 MGI:5589543 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30384
7 pseudogene 74.699856 74.700888 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647356 Gm7726 NCBI_Gene:100534317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108570 MGI:3647356 pseudogene predicted gene 7726
7 pseudogene 74.714193 74.714831 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010494 Gm18309 NCBI_Gene:100416899 MGI:5010494 pseudogene predicted gene, 18309
7 gene 74.765987 74.771243 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589618 Gm30459 NCBI_Gene:102632369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108468 MGI:5589618 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30459
7 gene 74.818809 74.853813 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923503 0610006L08Rik NCBI_Gene:76253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108652 MGI:1923503 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 0610006L08 gene
7 pseudogene 74.851269 74.851398 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753479 Gm44903 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108642 MGI:5753479 pseudogene predicted gene 44903
7 pseudogene 74.886264 74.887068 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753478 Gm44902 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108716 MGI:5753478 pseudogene predicted gene 44902
7 gene 74.962347 74.962697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452103 Gm22326 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089522 MGI:5452103 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22326
7 gene 75.030194 75.075166 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922455 4930533N22Rik NCBI_Gene:75205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108803 MGI:1922455 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930533N22 gene
7 gene 75.114894 75.309262 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927338 Sv2b NCBI_Gene:64176,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053025 MGI:1927338 protein coding gene synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2 b
7 gene 75.275089 75.275411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454635 Gm24858 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088683 MGI:5454635 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24858
7 gene 75.308696 75.331419 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916204 1500012K07Rik NCBI_Gene:68954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097247 MGI:1916204 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1500012K07 gene
7 pseudogene 75.366032 75.366358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642846 Gm10161 NCBI_Gene:100042171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069196 MGI:3642846 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10161
7 pseudogene 75.420857 75.421135 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753538 Gm44962 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108590 MGI:5753538 pseudogene predicted gene 44962
7 gene 75.427080 75.437437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825654 Gm46017 NCBI_Gene:108167499 MGI:5825654 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46017
7 gene 75.455508 75.754609 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676556 Akap13 NCBI_Gene:75547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066406 MGI:2676556 protein coding gene A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13
7 gene 75.481999 75.483394 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753410 Gm44834 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108542 MGI:5753410 unclassified gene predicted gene 44834
7 gene 75.484861 75.486491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753271 Gm44695 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108560 MGI:5753271 unclassified gene predicted gene 44695
7 gene 75.560614 75.563794 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753411 Gm44835 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108557 MGI:5753411 unclassified gene predicted gene 44835
7 gene 75.668873 75.668956 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455059 Gm25282 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087896 MGI:5455059 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25282
7 gene 75.707885 75.709182 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753270 Gm44694 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108633 MGI:5753270 unclassified gene predicted gene 44694
7 gene 75.757259 75.757368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453028 Gm23251 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076961 MGI:5453028 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23251
7 gene 75.769038 75.782182 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142134 AU020206 NCBI_Gene:108167440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097415 MGI:2142134 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AU020206
7 pseudogene 75.784032 75.784383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477223 Gm26729 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097116 MGI:5477223 pseudogene predicted gene, 26729
7 gene 75.848310 75.874131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2668031 Klhl25 NCBI_Gene:207952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055652 MGI:2668031 protein coding gene kelch-like 25
7 gene 76.000824 76.002880 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753715 Gm45139 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108495 MGI:5753715 unclassified gene predicted gene 45139
7 gene 76.054094 76.056743 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753787 Gm45211 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108467 MGI:5753787 unclassified gene predicted gene 45211
7 gene 76.229591 77.124698 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646469 Agbl1 NCBI_Gene:244071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025754 MGI:3646469 protein coding gene ATP/GTP binding protein-like 1
7 pseudogene 76.244746 76.246011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779502 Gm5597 NCBI_Gene:434200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098009 MGI:3779502 pseudogene predicted gene 5597
7 gene 76.359707 76.368660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589933 Gm30774 NCBI_Gene:102632794 MGI:5589933 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30774
7 pseudogene 76.375159 76.376621 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592228 Gm33069 NCBI_Gene:102635824 MGI:5592228 pseudogene predicted gene, 33069
7 gene 76.611065 76.612015 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923979 2310001K20Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108514 MGI:1923979 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2310001K20 gene
7 gene 76.698141 76.699717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753786 Gm45210 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108771 MGI:5753786 unclassified gene predicted gene 45210
7 pseudogene 77.298494 77.298996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753455 Gm44879 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108611 MGI:5753455 pseudogene predicted gene 44879
7 gene 77.412573 77.413427 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753184 Gm44608 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108324 MGI:5753184 unclassified gene predicted gene 44608
7 pseudogene 77.776032 77.776777 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010859 Gm18674 NCBI_Gene:100417539 MGI:5010859 pseudogene predicted gene, 18674
7 gene 77.910140 77.910320 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453016 Gm23239 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064940 MGI:5453016 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23239
7 gene 78.026543 78.026640 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5690750 Gm44358 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104817 MGI:5690750 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44358
7 pseudogene 78.161949 78.165423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825649 Gm46012 NCBI_Gene:108167483 MGI:5825649 pseudogene predicted gene, 46012
7 gene 78.175959 78.738012 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97385 Ntrk3 NCBI_Gene:18213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059146 MGI:97385 protein coding gene neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 3
7 gene 78.175973 78.178821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3041176 A330068G13Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330068G13 gene
7 gene 78.211610 78.212699 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753183 Gm44607 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108630 MGI:5753183 unclassified gene predicted gene 44607
7 gene 78.254296 78.255421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918125 4921513I08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108788 MGI:1918125 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4921513I08 gene
7 gene 78.552852 78.575605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621923 Gm39038 NCBI_Gene:105242978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108390 MGI:5621923 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39038
7 gene 78.578830 78.581038 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641726 Gm9885 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052629 MGI:3641726 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9885
7 gene 78.581066 78.718220 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3041232 E430016F16Rik NCBI_Gene:414121 MGI:3041232 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E430016F16 gene
7 gene 78.727473 78.734644 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590051 Gm30892 NCBI_Gene:102632946 MGI:5590051 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30892
7 gene 78.775236 78.783531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914558 Mrpl46 NCBI_Gene:67308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030612 MGI:1914558 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L46
7 gene 78.777290 78.778366 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753635 Gm45059 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108536 MGI:5753635 unclassified gene predicted gene 45059
7 gene 78.783119 78.792989 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915244 Mrps11 NCBI_Gene:67994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030611 MGI:1915244 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11
7 gene 78.818285 78.820663 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923923 5330411O13Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108603 MGI:1923923 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5330411O13 gene
7 gene 78.821547 78.847374 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923625 Det1 NCBI_Gene:76375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030610 MGI:1923625 protein coding gene de-etiolated homolog 1 (Arabidopsis)
7 gene 78.847254 78.847530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922714 1700011D18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108791 MGI:1922714 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700011D18 gene
7 gene 78.855488 78.858442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753306 Gm44730 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108385 MGI:5753306 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44730
7 gene 78.888277 78.888373 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619437 Mir7-2 miRBase:MI0000729,NCBI_Gene:723884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065609 MGI:3619437 miRNA gene microRNA 7-2
7 gene 78.893775 78.895782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621924 Gm39039 NCBI_Gene:105242979 MGI:5621924 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39039
7 gene 78.895854 78.911209 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915298 Aen NCBI_Gene:68048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030609 MGI:1915298 protein coding gene apoptosis enhancing nuclease
7 gene 78.913424 78.920396 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928895 Isg20 NCBI_Gene:57444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039236 MGI:1928895 protein coding gene interferon-stimulated protein
7 gene 78.922254 78.923886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753391 Gm44815 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108670 MGI:5753391 unclassified gene predicted gene 44815
7 gene 78.938946 78.954525 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590372 Gm31213 NCBI_Gene:102633372 MGI:5590372 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31213
7 gene 79.018053 79.053323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477127 Gm26633 NCBI_Gene:102633600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097441 MGI:5477127 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26633
7 gene 79.053202 79.115099 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99602 Acan NCBI_Gene:11595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030607 MGI:99602 protein coding gene aggrecan
7 gene 79.115102 79.133290 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914916 Hapln3 NCBI_Gene:67666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030606 MGI:1914916 protein coding gene hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 3
7 gene 79.133768 79.149060 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102768 Mfge8 NCBI_Gene:17304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030605 MGI:102768 protein coding gene milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein
7 gene 79.243823 79.247576 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621925 Gm39040 NCBI_Gene:105242980 MGI:5621925 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39040
7 gene 79.271684 79.273127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590669 Gm31510 NCBI_Gene:102633760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108387 MGI:5590669 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31510
7 gene 79.273199 79.365508 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914344 Abhd2 NCBI_Gene:54608,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039202 MGI:1914344 protein coding gene abhydrolase domain containing 2
7 gene 79.277767 79.280775 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753215 Gm44639 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108521 MGI:5753215 unclassified gene predicted gene 44639
7 gene 79.298950 79.302926 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621926 Gm39041 NCBI_Gene:105242981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108460 MGI:5621926 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39041
7 gene 79.352488 79.352745 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454001 Gm24224 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089453 MGI:5454001 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24224
7 gene 79.374865 79.387048 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97930 Rlbp1 NCBI_Gene:19771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039194 MGI:97930 protein coding gene retinaldehyde binding protein 1
7 gene 79.391929 79.450265 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2384790 Fanci NCBI_Gene:208836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039187 MGI:2384790 protein coding gene Fanconi anemia, complementation group I
7 gene 79.396496 79.399128 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590812 Gm31653 NCBI_Gene:102633956 MGI:5590812 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31653
7 pseudogene 79.411260 79.412609 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802069 Gm16017 NCBI_Gene:102633841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082400 MGI:3802069 pseudogene predicted gene 16017
7 gene 79.446231 79.466362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196389 Polg NCBI_Gene:18975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039176 MGI:1196389 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA directed), gamma
7 gene 79.466409 79.468535 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642103 Gm10616 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108599 MGI:3642103 unclassified gene predicted gene 10616
7 gene 79.466419 79.466491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413732 n-TRtcg5 NCBI_Gene:102467252 MGI:4413732 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA arginine 5 (anticodon TCG)
7 gene 79.500026 79.534403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142071 Mir9-3hg NCBI_Gene:101694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097023 MGI:2142071 lncRNA gene Mir9-3 host gene
7 gene 79.505264 79.505353 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619443 Mir9-3 miRBase:MI0000721,NCBI_Gene:723968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093238 MGI:3619443 miRNA gene microRNA 9-3
7 gene 79.510362 79.511400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028065 A330074H02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102995 MGI:3028065 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A330074H02 gene
7 gene 79.512924 79.513260 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925652 2900037B21Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103663 MGI:1925652 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900037B21 gene
7 gene 79.516882 79.518761 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610836 Gm37608 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103831 MGI:5610836 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37608
7 gene 79.535737 79.560033 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594199 Gm35040 NCBI_Gene:102638488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108616 MGI:5594199 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35040
7 gene 79.542837 79.550625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590899 Gm31740 NCBI_Gene:102634064 MGI:5590899 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31740
7 gene 79.577755 79.579079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753744 Gm45168 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108373 MGI:5753744 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45168
7 gene 79.586648 79.592613 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753745 Gm45169 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108776 MGI:5753745 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45169
7 gene 79.593363 79.617657 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888517 Rhcg NCBI_Gene:56315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030549 MGI:1888517 protein coding gene Rhesus blood group-associated C glycoprotein
7 gene 79.602006 79.603676 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753746 Gm45170 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108318 MGI:5753746 unclassified gene predicted gene 45170
7 pseudogene 79.634704 79.635956 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010025 Gm17840 NCBI_Gene:100415959 MGI:5010025 pseudogene predicted gene, 17840
7 gene 79.660196 79.698148 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924261 Ticrr NCBI_Gene:77011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046591 MGI:1924261 protein coding gene TOPBP1-interacting checkpoint and replication regulator
7 gene 79.698098 79.715772 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098239 Kif7 NCBI_Gene:16576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050382 MGI:1098239 protein coding gene kinesin family member 7
7 gene 79.710283 79.712357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3696417 9330171B17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039133 MGI:3696417 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330171B17 gene
7 gene 79.720218 79.732903 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1890505 Plin1 NCBI_Gene:103968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030546 MGI:1890505 protein coding gene perilipin 1
7 gene 79.735957 79.743131 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338788 Pex11a NCBI_Gene:18631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030545 MGI:1338788 protein coding gene peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 alpha
7 gene 79.740678 79.742016 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753282 Gm44706 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108425 MGI:5753282 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44706
7 gene 79.743161 79.785952 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646885 Wdr93 NCBI_Gene:626359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039099 MGI:3646885 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 93
7 pseudogene 79.790175 79.790641 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753281 Gm44705 NCBI_Gene:108167500,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108506 MGI:5753281 pseudogene predicted gene 44705
7 gene 79.792241 79.793788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107785 Mesp1 NCBI_Gene:17292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030544 MGI:107785 protein coding gene mesoderm posterior 1
7 gene 79.810727 79.813439 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096325 Mesp2 NCBI_Gene:17293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030543 MGI:1096325 protein coding gene mesoderm posterior 2
7 gene 79.821803 79.861059 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5000466 Anpep NCBI_Gene:16790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039062 MGI:5000466 protein coding gene alanyl (membrane) aminopeptidase
7 gene 79.830593 79.831871 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753550 Gm44974 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108476 MGI:5753550 unclassified gene predicted gene 44974
7 gene 79.875325 79.920649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1337060 Ap3s2 NCBI_Gene:11778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063801 MGI:1337060 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 3, sigma 2 subunit
7 gene 79.916937 79.920641 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477140 Gm26646 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097685 MGI:5477140 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26646
7 gene 79.920723 79.922521 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918589 5430400D12Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097699 MGI:1918589 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5430400D12 gene
7 gene 79.922572 79.924867 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753526 Gm44950 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108350 MGI:5753526 unclassified gene predicted gene 44950
7 gene 79.925359 79.935359 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917670 Arpin NCBI_Gene:70420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039043 MGI:1917670 protein coding gene actin-related protein 2/3 complex inhibitor
7 gene 79.935518 79.939014 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591125 Gm31966 NCBI_Gene:102634366 MGI:5591125 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31966
7 gene 79.949187 79.949282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454318 Gm24541 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077059 MGI:5454318 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24541
7 gene 80.024814 80.094173 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921747 Zfp710 NCBI_Gene:209225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048897 MGI:1921747 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 710
7 gene 80.036705 80.038728 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753527 Gm44951 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108365 MGI:5753527 unclassified gene predicted gene 44951
7 gene 80.062710 80.075267 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434414 Gm21057 NCBI_Gene:100859962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108714 MGI:5434414 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 21057
7 gene 80.088982 80.090431 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753525 Gm44949 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108655 MGI:5753525 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44949
7 gene 80.094846 80.115840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96414 Idh2 NCBI_Gene:269951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030541 MGI:96414 protein coding gene isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial
7 gene 80.110804 80.112634 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753779 Gm45203 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108494 MGI:5753779 unclassified gene predicted gene 45203
7 gene 80.155169 80.156771 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753778 Gm45202 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108757 MGI:5753778 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45202
7 gene 80.186841 80.226646 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107559 Sema4b NCBI_Gene:20352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030539 MGI:107559 protein coding gene sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 4B
7 gene 80.209394 80.211678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753782 Gm45206 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108389 MGI:5753782 unclassified gene predicted gene 45206
7 gene 80.227147 80.232813 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1344418 Cib1 NCBI_Gene:23991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030538 MGI:1344418 protein coding gene calcium and integrin binding 1 (calmyrin)
7 gene 80.232865 80.242061 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443429 Gdpgp1 NCBI_Gene:269952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050973 MGI:2443429 protein coding gene GDP-D-glucose phosphorylase 1
7 pseudogene 80.237680 80.237944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782951 Gm15504 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082954 MGI:3782951 pseudogene predicted gene 15504
7 gene 80.246376 80.260821 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920845 Ttll13 NCBI_Gene:269954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045467 MGI:1920845 protein coding gene tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 13
7 gene 80.261215 80.265378 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933212 Ngrn NCBI_Gene:83485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047084 MGI:1933212 protein coding gene neugrin, neurite outgrowth associated
7 gene 80.269632 80.291754 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446237 Vps33b NCBI_Gene:233405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030534 MGI:2446237 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 33B
7 gene 80.293229 80.324696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444156 Rccd1 NCBI_Gene:269955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038930 MGI:2444156 protein coding gene RCC1 domain containing 1
7 gene 80.294450 80.316259 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1858961 Prc1 NCBI_Gene:233406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038943 MGI:1858961 protein coding gene protein regulator of cytokinesis 1
7 gene 80.297728 80.299616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917985 6330403N20Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097912 MGI:1917985 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6330403N20 gene
7 gene 80.325292 80.341005 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142246 Unc45a NCBI_Gene:101869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030533 MGI:2142246 protein coding gene unc-45 myosin chaperone A
7 gene 80.343074 80.350547 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915945 Hddc3 NCBI_Gene:68695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030532 MGI:1915945 protein coding gene HD domain containing 3
7 pseudogene 80.344082 80.347993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010495 Gm18310 NCBI_Gene:100416900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108555 MGI:5010495 pseudogene predicted gene, 18310
7 gene 80.349095 80.371486 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2150656 Man2a2 NCBI_Gene:140481,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038886 MGI:2150656 protein coding gene mannosidase 2, alpha 2
7 gene 80.377756 80.387954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95514 Fes NCBI_Gene:14159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053158 MGI:95514 protein coding gene feline sarcoma oncogene
7 gene 80.388585 80.405441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97513 Furin NCBI_Gene:18550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030530 MGI:97513 protein coding gene furin (paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme)
7 gene 80.404269 80.406577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753427 Gm44851 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108436 MGI:5753427 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44851
7 pseudogene 80.429210 80.430740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782993 Gm15544 NCBI_Gene:384647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081664 MGI:3782993 pseudogene predicted gene 15544
7 gene 80.454733 80.535147 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1328362 Blm NCBI_Gene:12144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030528 MGI:1328362 protein coding gene Bloom syndrome, RecQ like helicase
7 pseudogene 80.506556 80.508273 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4936891 Ndufab1-ps NCBI_Gene:102634451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091989 MGI:4936891 pseudogene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit AB1b
7 gene 80.543160 80.556074 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5625283 Gm42398 NCBI_Gene:105247270 MGI:5625283 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42398
7 gene 80.586627 80.688942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917711 Crtc3 NCBI_Gene:70461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030527 MGI:1917711 protein coding gene CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3
7 gene 80.603239 80.603783 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753507 Gm44931 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108643 MGI:5753507 unclassified gene predicted gene 44931
7 gene 80.636017 80.644384 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802014 Gm15880 NCBI_Gene:100504375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084821 MGI:3802014 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15880
7 gene 80.711583 80.825974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352757 Iqgap1 NCBI_Gene:29875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030536 MGI:1352757 protein coding gene IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1
7 gene 80.751822 80.758612 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753225 Gm44649 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108321 MGI:5753225 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44649
7 pseudogene 80.753446 80.754087 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010577 Gm18392 NCBI_Gene:100417062 MGI:5010577 pseudogene predicted gene, 18392
7 gene 80.860737 80.878675 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99176 Zscan2 NCBI_Gene:22691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038797 MGI:99176 protein coding gene zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 2
7 gene 80.890723 80.901269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919218 Wdr73 NCBI_Gene:71968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025722 MGI:1919218 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 73
7 gene 80.893688 80.894345 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591271 Gm32112 NCBI_Gene:102634563 MGI:5591271 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32112
7 gene 80.902227 80.913681 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915289 Nmb NCBI_Gene:68039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025723 MGI:1915289 protein coding gene neuromedin B
7 gene 80.904889 80.947780 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929464 Sec11a NCBI_Gene:56529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025724 MGI:1929464 protein coding gene SEC11 homolog A, signal peptidase complex subunit
7 pseudogene 80.907825 80.908148 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801768 Gm16171 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081372 MGI:3801768 pseudogene predicted gene 16171
7 gene 80.910373 80.914166 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804833 Gm45718 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109390 MGI:5804833 unclassified gene predicted gene 45718
7 gene 80.956405 80.981429 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591337 Gm32178 NCBI_Gene:102634642 MGI:5591337 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32178
7 pseudogene 80.979881 80.981291 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010967 Gm18782 NCBI_Gene:100417720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109367 MGI:5010967 pseudogene predicted gene, 18782
7 gene 80.980846 80.993415 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753475 Gm44899 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109008 MGI:5753475 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44899
7 gene 80.993681 81.045164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443541 Zfp592 NCBI_Gene:233410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005621 MGI:2443541 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 592
7 gene 80.994683 80.995313 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753543 Gm44967 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109302 MGI:5753543 unclassified gene predicted gene 44967
7 gene 81.057470 81.105612 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2151224 Alpk3 NCBI_Gene:116904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038763 MGI:2151224 protein coding gene alpha-kinase 3
7 gene 81.059113 81.066307 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801726 Platr32 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085194 MGI:3801726 lncRNA gene pluripotency associated transcript 32
7 gene 81.113269 81.170416 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3605073 Slc28a1 NCBI_Gene:434203,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025726 MGI:3605073 protein coding gene solute carrier family 28 (sodium-coupled nucleoside transporter), member 1
7 pseudogene 81.161273 81.161752 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648526 Ndufs6b NCBI_Gene:623286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083820 MGI:3648526 pseudogene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit S6B
7 gene 81.205010 81.210876 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753544 Gm44968 NCBI_Gene:108167441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109323 MGI:5753544 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44968
7 gene 81.212186 81.213173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921473 1700023D08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700023D08 gene
7 gene 81.213596 81.334533 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277116 Pde8a NCBI_Gene:18584,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025584 MGI:1277116 protein coding gene phosphodiesterase 8A
7 pseudogene 81.222062 81.222887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648560 Gm7180 NCBI_Gene:636544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083774 MGI:3648560 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7180
7 gene 81.342732 81.345254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1309526 Rps17 NCBI_Gene:20068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061787 MGI:1309526 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S17
7 gene 81.347026 81.456936 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108442 Cpeb1 NCBI_Gene:12877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025586 MGI:108442 protein coding gene cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1
7 pseudogene 81.388714 81.389619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011107 Gm18922 NCBI_Gene:100417965 MGI:5011107 pseudogene predicted gene, 18922
7 pseudogene 81.445901 81.446733 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783074 Rpl7a-ps9 NCBI_Gene:623355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081747 MGI:3783074 pseudogene ribosomal protein L7A, pseudogene 9
7 gene 81.455895 81.458006 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922988 Cpeb1os1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109401 MGI:1922988 unclassified gene cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 1, opposite strand 1
7 gene 81.460399 81.494037 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100869 Ap3b2 NCBI_Gene:11775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062444 MGI:1100869 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 3, beta 2 subunit
7 gene 81.494272 81.498367 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3510776 BC048679 NCBI_Gene:210321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061877 MGI:3510776 protein coding gene cDNA sequence BC048679
7 gene 81.501303 81.505185 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825628 Gm45991 NCBI_Gene:108167442 MGI:5825628 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45991
7 gene 81.523550 81.531498 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920242 2900076A07Rik NCBI_Gene:100504421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097277 MGI:1920242 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2900076A07 gene
7 gene 81.529855 81.529988 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3837345 Mir1839 miRBase:MI0009991,NCBI_Gene:100316717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093107 MGI:3837345 miRNA gene microRNA 1839
7 gene 81.530309 81.532521 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611057 Gm37829 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104453 MGI:5611057 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37829
7 gene 81.533308 81.566981 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444310 Fsd2 NCBI_Gene:244091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038663 MGI:2444310 protein coding gene fibronectin type III and SPRY domain containing 2
7 gene 81.571222 81.596837 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142282 Whamm NCBI_Gene:434204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045795 MGI:2142282 protein coding gene WAS protein homolog associated with actin, golgi membranes and microtubules
7 gene 81.590894 81.592028 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804813 Gm45698 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109428 MGI:5804813 unclassified gene predicted gene 45698
7 gene 81.600481 81.707527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347354 Homer2 NCBI_Gene:26557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025813 MGI:1347354 protein coding gene homer scaffolding protein 2
7 gene 81.610109 81.614166 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753146 Gm44570 NCBI_Gene:108167443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109194 MGI:5753146 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44570
7 gene 81.669728 81.669835 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455926 Gm26149 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088057 MGI:5455926 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26149
7 gene 81.708152 81.716866 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591738 Gm32579 NCBI_Gene:102635176 MGI:5591738 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32579
7 gene 81.731403 81.737634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5625285 Gm42400 NCBI_Gene:105247272 MGI:5625285 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 42400
7 pseudogene 81.742345 81.744316 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010991 Gm18806 NCBI_Gene:100417751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109519 MGI:5010991 pseudogene predicted gene, 18806
7 gene 81.762925 81.769491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914398 Ramac NCBI_Gene:67148,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038646 MGI:1914398 protein coding gene RNA guanine-7 methyltransferase activating subunit
7 gene 81.780283 81.790467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914540 3110040N11Rik NCBI_Gene:67290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025102 MGI:1914540 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 3110040N11 gene
7 gene 81.789477 81.794685 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753592 Gm45016 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109485 MGI:5753592 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45016
7 gene 81.789738 81.790319 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804960 Gm45845 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109427 MGI:5804960 unclassified gene predicted gene 45845
7 gene 81.792074 81.829499 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933765 Btbd1 NCBI_Gene:83962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025103 MGI:1933765 protein coding gene BTB (POZ) domain containing 1
7 gene 81.831661 81.849058 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591854 Gm32695 NCBI_Gene:102635324 MGI:5591854 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32695
7 gene 81.855533 81.855794 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642884 Gm10160 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066378 MGI:3642884 protein coding gene predicted gene 10160
7 gene 81.859001 81.884434 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933209 Tm6sf1 NCBI_Gene:107769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038623 MGI:1933209 protein coding gene transmembrane 6 superfamily member 1
7 gene 81.860293 81.862527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753590 Gm45014 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109110 MGI:5753590 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45014
7 gene 81.874204 81.876520 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804982 Gm45867 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109243 MGI:5804982 unclassified gene predicted gene 45867
7 gene 81.881251 81.934473 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352760 Hdgfl3 NCBI_Gene:29877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025104 MGI:1352760 protein coding gene HDGF like 3
7 gene 81.918943 81.920350 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753664 Gm45088 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109090 MGI:5753664 unclassified gene predicted gene 45088
7 gene 81.934065 82.015926 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825650 Gm46013 NCBI_Gene:108167484 MGI:5825650 protein coding gene predicted gene, 46013
7 gene 81.965710 81.965834 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455684 Gm25907 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089111 MGI:5455684 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25907
7 gene 81.966657 81.992299 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1097164 Bnc1 NCBI_Gene:12173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025105 MGI:1097164 protein coding gene basonuclin 1
7 pseudogene 81.992002 81.992618 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921157 4833418N17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052779 MGI:1921157 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 4833418N17 gene
7 gene 82.070387 82.081758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434100 Gm20744 NCBI_Gene:434205,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109145 MGI:5434100 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20744
7 gene 82.115766 82.120432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753632 Gm45056 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108987 MGI:5753632 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45056
7 gene 82.119829 82.161719 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592009 Gm32850 NCBI_Gene:102635543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108868 MGI:5592009 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32850
7 gene 82.155877 82.157024 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753666 Gm45090 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108845 MGI:5753666 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45090
7 gene 82.172665 82.174704 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753665 Gm45089 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109140 MGI:5753665 unclassified gene predicted gene 45089
7 gene 82.173840 82.307420 positive MGI_C57BL6J_700011 Sh3gl3 NCBI_Gene:20408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030638 MGI:700011 protein coding gene SH3-domain GRB2-like 3
7 gene 82.236196 82.254657 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592062 Gm32903 NCBI_Gene:102635613 MGI:5592062 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32903
7 gene 82.335393 82.614450 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028499 Adamtsl3 NCBI_Gene:269959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070469 MGI:3028499 protein coding gene ADAMTS-like 3
7 gene 82.342268 82.343340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753495 Gm44919 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109479 MGI:5753495 unclassified gene predicted gene 44919
7 gene 82.632960 82.648565 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914618 Saxo2 NCBI_Gene:330577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038570 MGI:1914618 protein coding gene stabilizer of axonemal microtubules 2
7 gene 82.648614 82.777852 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141969 Efl1 NCBI_Gene:101592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038563 MGI:2141969 protein coding gene elongation factor like GTPase 1
7 pseudogene 82.677546 82.678065 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753493 Gm44917 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108855 MGI:5753493 pseudogene predicted gene 44917
7 gene 82.695399 82.698272 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804922 Gm45807 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108991 MGI:5804922 unclassified gene predicted gene 45807
7 gene 82.708464 82.708816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918844 9130009I01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9130009I01 gene
7 gene 82.715592 82.717785 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753492 Gm44916 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108984 MGI:5753492 unclassified gene predicted gene 44916
7 gene 82.743346 82.755644 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921308 4933406J10Rik NCBI_Gene:77800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086690 MGI:1921308 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933406J10 gene
7 gene 82.754872 82.754979 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4422017 n-R5s154 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084462 MGI:4422017 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 154
7 gene 82.810903 82.823444 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588955 Gm29796 NCBI_Gene:101056204 MGI:5588955 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29796
7 gene 82.831388 82.867074 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595743 Gm36584 NCBI_Gene:102640547,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109383 MGI:5595743 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36584
7 gene 82.850135 82.861575 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916583 1700010L04Rik NCBI_Gene:619808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030636 MGI:1916583 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700010L04 gene
7 gene 82.867333 82.871576 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918252 Mex3b NCBI_Gene:108797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057706 MGI:1918252 protein coding gene mex3 RNA binding family member B
7 gene 82.937936 82.971391 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918535 4933430H16Rik NCBI_Gene:71285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109106 MGI:1918535 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933430H16 gene
7 gene 82.945390 82.951317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825629 Gm45992 NCBI_Gene:108167444 MGI:5825629 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45992
7 pseudogene 82.966389 82.967312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643615 Gm6112 NCBI_Gene:619909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109541 MGI:3643615 pseudogene predicted gene 6112
7 gene 82.994835 82.994966 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452711 Gm22934 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077149 MGI:5452711 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22934
7 gene 83.037378 83.048173 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595976 Gm36817 NCBI_Gene:102640848 MGI:5595976 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36817
7 gene 83.061783 83.179432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3687211 A530021J07Rik NCBI_Gene:330578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053528 MGI:3687211 lncRNA gene Riken cDNA A530021J07 gene
7 gene 83.178570 83.201586 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925322 5930435M05Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108861 MGI:1925322 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5930435M05 gene
7 pseudogene 83.234541 83.234875 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753421 Gm44845 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109335 MGI:5753421 pseudogene predicted gene 44845
7 gene 83.327738 83.369429 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753300 Gm44724 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109506 MGI:5753300 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44724
7 gene 83.341271 83.383189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589135 Gm29976 NCBI_Gene:102631706 MGI:5589135 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29976
7 gene 83.379142 83.383141 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753299 Gm44723 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109013 MGI:5753299 unclassified gene predicted gene 44723
7 pseudogene 83.411977 83.414585 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643208 Gm7957 NCBI_Gene:100534347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108831 MGI:3643208 pseudogene predicted gene 7957
7 gene 83.471708 83.485474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753567 Gm44991 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109042 MGI:5753567 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44991
7 gene 83.536192 83.550703 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642045 Gm10610 NCBI_Gene:100038384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094841 MGI:3642045 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10610
7 gene 83.584290 83.626852 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2669033 Tmc3 NCBI_Gene:233424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038540 MGI:2669033 protein coding gene transmembrane channel-like gene family 3
7 gene 83.596598 83.631926 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4439562 Gm16638 NCBI_Gene:102631889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087088 MGI:4439562 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 16638
7 gene 83.631959 83.653127 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2156765 Stard5 NCBI_Gene:170460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046027 MGI:2156765 protein coding gene StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 5
7 gene 83.633371 83.635817 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804953 Gm45838 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108825 MGI:5804953 unclassified gene predicted gene 45838
7 gene 83.642825 83.746271 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1270855 Il16 NCBI_Gene:16170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001741 MGI:1270855 protein coding gene interleukin 16
7 gene 83.659575 83.660963 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917415 2310044K18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085080 MGI:1917415 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310044K18 gene
7 pseudogene 83.710887 83.711911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933203 Phgdh-ps1 NCBI_Gene:83494,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109290 MGI:1933203 pseudogene 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 83.755877 83.757792 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646150 Gm7964 NCBI_Gene:666170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063902 MGI:3646150 pseudogene predicted gene 7964
7 gene 83.774101 83.798025 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922806 Cfap161 NCBI_Gene:75556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011154 MGI:1922806 protein coding gene cilia and flagella associated protein 161
7 gene 83.800422 83.834599 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753569 Gm44993 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109248 MGI:5753569 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44993
7 gene 83.814084 83.838345 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621928 Gm39043 NCBI_Gene:105242985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109450 MGI:5621928 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39043
7 pseudogene 83.864178 83.865534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920329 3110009M11Rik NCBI_Gene:73079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109163 MGI:1920329 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 3110009M11 gene
7 gene 83.866777 83.868776 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753107 Gm44531 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109552 MGI:5753107 unclassified gene predicted gene 44531
7 gene 83.874362 83.877920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753106 Gm44530 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109452 MGI:5753106 unclassified gene predicted gene 44530
7 gene 83.879873 83.884341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891420 Tlnrd1 NCBI_Gene:80889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070462 MGI:1891420 protein coding gene talin rod domain containing 1
7 gene 83.883953 83.885194 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916829 2310034P14Rik NCBI_Gene:69579 MGI:1916829 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2310034P14 gene
7 gene 83.884466 83.901532 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891421 Mesd NCBI_Gene:67943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038503 MGI:1891421 protein coding gene mesoderm development LRP chaperone
7 gene 83.892262 83.896397 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155171 Gm49493 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108878 MGI:6155171 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49493
7 gene 83.932857 84.086693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443629 Cemip NCBI_Gene:80982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052353 MGI:2443629 protein coding gene cell migration inducing protein, hyaluronan binding
7 gene 83.970181 84.024735 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589599 Gm30440 NCBI_Gene:102632341 MGI:5589599 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30440
7 gene 84.109356 84.151893 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917428 Abhd17c NCBI_Gene:70178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038459 MGI:1917428 protein coding gene abhydrolase domain containing 17C
7 gene 84.151988 84.266498 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477202 Gm26708 NCBI_Gene:102633347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097016 MGI:5477202 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26708
7 gene 84.153954 84.164914 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621929 Gm39044 NCBI_Gene:105242986 MGI:5621929 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39044
7 gene 84.170565 84.170722 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451954 Gm22177 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092743 MGI:5451954 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22177
7 gene 84.208183 84.210514 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753402 Gm44826 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109381 MGI:5753402 unclassified gene predicted gene 44826
7 gene 84.226829 84.232919 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753403 Gm44827 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109091 MGI:5753403 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44827
7 gene 84.246274 84.410188 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107188 Arnt2 NCBI_Gene:11864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015709 MGI:107188 protein coding gene aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2
7 gene 84.323309 84.323415 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455567 Gm25790 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065227 MGI:5455567 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25790
7 gene 84.334497 84.347871 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590032 Gm30873 NCBI_Gene:102632922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109341 MGI:5590032 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30873
7 gene 84.411348 84.417371 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621930 Gm39045 NCBI_Gene:105242987 MGI:5621930 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39045
7 gene 84.430281 84.457068 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590443 Gm31284 NCBI_Gene:102633466 MGI:5590443 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31284
7 gene 84.435993 84.439226 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753509 Gm44933 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108864 MGI:5753509 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44933
7 gene 84.442831 84.444551 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753751 Gm45175 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109347 MGI:5753751 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45175
7 pseudogene 84.481882 84.482690 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010056 Gm17871 NCBI_Gene:100416013 MGI:5010056 pseudogene predicted gene, 17871
7 gene 84.528954 84.583531 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780284 Gm2115 NCBI_Gene:100039239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097789 MGI:3780284 protein coding gene predicted gene 2115
7 gene 84.554187 84.557251 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753750 Gm45174 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109422 MGI:5753750 unclassified gene predicted gene 45174
7 gene 84.575715 84.575842 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753504 Gm44928 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109513 MGI:5753504 unclassified gene predicted gene 44928
7 gene 84.585159 84.606722 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95482 Fah NCBI_Gene:14085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030630 MGI:95482 protein coding gene fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase
7 gene 84.613766 84.689959 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929510 Zfand6 NCBI_Gene:65098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030629 MGI:1929510 protein coding gene zinc finger, AN1-type domain 6
7 gene 84.689640 84.779053 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919745 2610206C17Rik NCBI_Gene:72495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085236 MGI:1919745 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2610206C17 gene
7 pseudogene 84.801031 84.804042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011143 Gm18958 NCBI_Gene:100418081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092429 MGI:5011143 pseudogene predicted gene, 18958
7 pseudogene 84.810387 84.811431 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3757998 Vmn2r-ps62 NCBI_Gene:100124558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092217 MGI:3757998 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 62
7 pseudogene 84.834359 84.841692 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643981 Gm6155 NCBI_Gene:620480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068629 MGI:3643981 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6155
7 gene 84.853553 84.859612 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030125 Olfr291 NCBI_Gene:258410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070460 MGI:3030125 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 291
7 pseudogene 84.878196 84.878371 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3757999 Vmn2r-ps63 NCBI_Gene:100124559 MGI:3757999 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 63
7 pseudogene 84.879124 84.884661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645629 Gm8018 NCBI_Gene:100418036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092425 MGI:3645629 pseudogene predicted gene 8018
7 gene 84.913075 84.920861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030124 Olfr290 NCBI_Gene:258411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070459 MGI:3030124 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 290
7 pseudogene 84.919379 84.920501 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010745 Gm18560 NCBI_Gene:100417361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092214 MGI:5010745 pseudogene predicted gene, 18560
7 gene 84.935565 84.964115 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642776 Vmn2r65 NCBI_Gene:100009609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066372 MGI:3642776 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 65
7 pseudogene 84.948449 84.949268 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010170 Gm17985 NCBI_Gene:100416229 MGI:5010170 pseudogene predicted gene, 17985
7 gene 84.985366 85.012268 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588220 Vmn2r66 NCBI_Gene:233437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094950 MGI:3588220 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 66
7 pseudogene 85.034027 85.034549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3758005 Vmn2r-ps64 NCBI_Gene:100124560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092530 MGI:3758005 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 64
7 pseudogene 85.041772 85.041997 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3758007 Vmn2r-ps65 NCBI_Gene:100124561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092422 MGI:3758007 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 65
7 pseudogene 85.053075 85.070937 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3758012 Vmn2r-ps66 NCBI_Gene:620641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092621 MGI:3758012 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 66
7 pseudogene 85.083948 85.084367 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761308 Vmn2r-ps67 NCBI_Gene:100124562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092211 MGI:3761308 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 67
7 pseudogene 85.088768 85.091236 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010543 Gm18358 NCBI_Gene:100417008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092199 MGI:5010543 pseudogene predicted gene, 18358
7 gene 85.126967 85.155998 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643129 Vmn2r67 NCBI_Gene:620672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095664 MGI:3643129 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 67
7 pseudogene 85.192197 85.193168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761309 Vmn2r-ps68 NCBI_Gene:620683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092259 MGI:3761309 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 68
7 gene 85.221138 85.237783 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648297 Vmn2r68 NCBI_Gene:620697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096861 MGI:3648297 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 68
7 pseudogene 85.260689 85.261334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141879 Gm20414 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092562 MGI:5141879 pseudogene predicted gene 20414
7 pseudogene 85.288160 85.289611 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141880 Gm20415 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092313 MGI:5141880 pseudogene predicted gene 20415
7 pseudogene 85.303953 85.342891 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761310 Vmn2r-ps69 NCBI_Gene:670926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090773 MGI:3761310 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 69
7 gene 85.393826 85.415920 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761311 Vmn2r69 NCBI_Gene:330581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091006 MGI:3761311 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 69
7 pseudogene 85.476955 85.482015 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010544 Gm18359 NCBI_Gene:100417009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092256 MGI:5010544 pseudogene predicted gene, 18359
7 pseudogene 85.481788 85.547322 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010545 Gm18360 NCBI_Gene:100417010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092467 MGI:5010545 pseudogene predicted gene, 18360
7 pseudogene 85.501297 85.505131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753154 Gm44578 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108857 MGI:5753154 pseudogene predicted gene 44578
7 pseudogene 85.511848 85.512150 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761313 Vmn2r-ps70 NCBI_Gene:100124563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092431 MGI:3761313 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 70
7 gene 85.548407 85.569192 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761314 Vmn2r70 NCBI_Gene:670940,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090806 MGI:3761314 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 70
7 gene 85.563087 85.624680 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646472 Vmn2r71 NCBI_Gene:233445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091205 MGI:3646472 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 71
7 pseudogene 85.574667 85.582344 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761316 Vmn2r-ps71 NCBI_Gene:100124564 MGI:3761316 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 71
7 pseudogene 85.589650 85.590557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761317 Vmn2r-ps72 NCBI_Gene:666358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092533 MGI:3761317 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 72
7 pseudogene 85.696356 85.713207 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761318 Vmn2r-ps73 NCBI_Gene:100125321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092567 MGI:3761318 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 73
7 pseudogene 85.712264 85.713136 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761319 Vmn2r-ps74 NCBI_Gene:666361 MGI:3761319 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 74
7 gene 85.735940 85.755097 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647591 Vmn2r72 NCBI_Gene:244114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051877 MGI:3647591 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 72
7 pseudogene 85.785019 85.785671 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010964 Gm18779 NCBI_Gene:100417717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092426 MGI:5010964 pseudogene predicted gene, 18779
7 pseudogene 85.788171 85.789648 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010539 Gm18354 NCBI_Gene:100416998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092410 MGI:5010539 pseudogene predicted gene, 18354
7 pseudogene 85.798314 85.798957 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761320 Vmn2r-ps75 NCBI_Gene:100124565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092179 MGI:3761320 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 75
7 pseudogene 85.815447 85.816185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761321 Vmn2r-ps76 NCBI_Gene:100124566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092307 MGI:3761321 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 76
7 pseudogene 85.821914 85.822264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761322 Vmn2r-ps77 NCBI_Gene:100124567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092287 MGI:3761322 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 77
7 gene 85.850673 85.876266 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646433 Vmn2r73 NCBI_Gene:620928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070458 MGI:3646433 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 73
7 pseudogene 85.884436 85.884794 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761323 Vmn2r-ps78 NCBI_Gene:100124568,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092440 MGI:3761323 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 78
7 gene 85.944614 85.961629 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643877 Vmn2r74 NCBI_Gene:546980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090774 MGI:3643877 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 74
7 pseudogene 85.967016 85.967392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761324 Vmn2r-ps79 NCBI_Gene:100124569,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092263 MGI:3761324 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 79
7 pseudogene 85.986866 85.999624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761325 Vmn2r-ps80 NCBI_Gene:666382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092529 MGI:3761325 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 80
7 pseudogene 86.026689 86.027610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761326 Vmn2r-ps81 NCBI_Gene:637652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092608 MGI:3761326 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 81
7 pseudogene 86.053237 86.063461 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761327 Vmn2r-ps82 NCBI_Gene:637667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092330 MGI:3761327 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 82
7 pseudogene 86.073150 86.083782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761328 Vmn2r-ps83 NCBI_Gene:666418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092357 MGI:3761328 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 83
7 pseudogene 86.126333 86.127293 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761329 Vmn2r-ps84 NCBI_Gene:100039471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092532 MGI:3761329 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 84
7 gene 86.145286 86.171778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648311 Vmn2r75 NCBI_Gene:546981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090436 MGI:3648311 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 75
7 pseudogene 86.181204 86.182143 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761330 Vmn2r-ps85 NCBI_Gene:100124570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092587 MGI:3761330 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 85
7 pseudogene 86.185684 86.186596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761331 Vmn2r-ps86 NCBI_Gene:621096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092419 MGI:3761331 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 86
7 gene 86.202024 86.246308 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3761332 Vmn2r76 NCBI_Gene:675969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091239 MGI:3761332 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 76
7 gene 86.268487 86.277172 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030144 Olfr310 NCBI_Gene:258222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057540 MGI:3030144 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 310
7 pseudogene 86.298644 86.298893 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141945 Gm20480 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092197 MGI:5141945 pseudogene predicted gene 20480
7 gene 86.298665 86.298760 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452969 Gm23192 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076389 MGI:5452969 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23192
7 gene 86.304474 86.313708 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030143 Olfr309 NCBI_Gene:258196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054054 MGI:3030143 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 309
7 gene 86.318218 86.325630 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030142 Olfr308 NCBI_Gene:258614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054498 MGI:3030142 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 308
7 gene 86.332176 86.337586 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030141 Olfr307 NCBI_Gene:258610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055610 MGI:3030141 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 307
7 pseudogene 86.352977 86.353719 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030140 Olfr306-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092388 MGI:3030140 pseudogene olfactory receptor 306, pseudogene 1
7 gene 86.360854 86.366928 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030139 Olfr305 NCBI_Gene:258609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055571 MGI:3030139 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 305
7 gene 86.385657 86.386658 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030138 Olfr304 NCBI_Gene:258089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062426 MGI:3030138 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 304
7 gene 86.391810 86.397789 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030137 Olfr303 NCBI_Gene:258612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039608 MGI:3030137 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 303
7 pseudogene 86.402766 86.402819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791377 Gm45541 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110039 MGI:5791377 pseudogene predicted gene 45541
7 gene 86.403846 86.414024 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030135 Olfr301 NCBI_Gene:257958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061549 MGI:3030135 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 301
7 gene 86.412364 86.412550 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030136 Olfr302 NA NA protein coding gene olfactory receptor 302
7 pseudogene 86.435913 86.445258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030134 Olfr300-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092401 MGI:3030134 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 300, pseudogene 1
7 gene 86.459921 86.469557 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030133 Olfr299 NCBI_Gene:257929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000020168 MGI:3030133 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 299
7 gene 86.486322 86.492484 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030132 Olfr298 NCBI_Gene:257905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062878 MGI:3030132 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 298
7 gene 86.519968 86.528497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030131 Olfr297 NCBI_Gene:258611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057067 MGI:3030131 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 297
7 pseudogene 86.541965 86.548158 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010104 Gm17919 NCBI_Gene:100416107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092293 MGI:5010104 pseudogene predicted gene, 17919
7 pseudogene 86.559478 86.562678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030130 Olfr296-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092372 MGI:3030130 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 296, pseudogene 1
7 gene 86.583862 86.591128 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030129 Olfr295 NCBI_Gene:258850,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059319 MGI:3030129 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 295
7 gene 86.615636 86.616643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030128 Olfr294 NCBI_Gene:257904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062042 MGI:3030128 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 294
7 gene 86.649061 86.666045 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030127 Olfr293 NCBI_Gene:257906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063394 MGI:3030127 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 293
7 gene 86.688330 86.697507 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030126 Olfr292 NCBI_Gene:258613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060688 MGI:3030126 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 292
7 gene 86.718976 86.776054 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858193 Folh1 NCBI_Gene:53320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001773 MGI:1858193 protein coding gene folate hydrolase 1
7 gene 86.795027 86.815140 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643879 Vmn2r77 NCBI_Gene:546983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090949 MGI:3643879 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 77
7 pseudogene 86.859326 86.885789 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761334 Vmn2r-ps87 NCBI_Gene:637881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092195 MGI:3761334 pseudogene vomeronasal 2, receptor, pseudogene 87
7 gene 86.890298 86.897738 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621932 Gm39047 NCBI_Gene:105242991 MGI:5621932 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39047
7 pseudogene 86.906984 86.907935 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011388 Gm19203 NCBI_Gene:100418423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092376 MGI:5011388 pseudogene predicted gene, 19203
7 gene 86.915094 86.955312 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3761335 Vmn2r78 NCBI_Gene:637896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091962 MGI:3761335 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 78
7 gene 86.996115 87.044941 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646882 Vmn2r79 NCBI_Gene:621430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090362 MGI:3646882 protein coding gene vomeronasal 2, receptor 79
7 gene 87.118867 87.120976 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753501 Gm44925 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109334 MGI:5753501 unclassified gene predicted gene 44925
7 pseudogene 87.242005 87.242913 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646402 Gm6230 NCBI_Gene:621477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108816 MGI:3646402 pseudogene predicted gene 6230
7 gene 87.246096 87.398710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1354184 Nox4 NCBI_Gene:50490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030562 MGI:1354184 protein coding gene NADPH oxidase 4
7 gene 87.424771 87.493512 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98880 Tyr NCBI_Gene:22173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004651 MGI:98880 protein coding gene tyrosinase
7 gene 87.583980 88.135063 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351342 Grm5 NCBI_Gene:108071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049583 MGI:1351342 protein coding gene glutamate receptor, metabotropic 5
7 gene 87.586511 87.586720 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924639 C030032F19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C030032F19 gene
7 pseudogene 87.697822 87.699107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010639 Gm18454 NCBI_Gene:100417212 MGI:5010639 pseudogene predicted gene, 18454
7 gene 87.772567 87.774392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753502 Gm44926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108983 MGI:5753502 unclassified gene predicted gene 44926
7 gene 87.890749 87.891464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753503 Gm44927 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108893 MGI:5753503 unclassified gene predicted gene 44927
7 gene 88.063061 88.066294 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753424 Gm44848 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109461 MGI:5753424 unclassified gene predicted gene 44848
7 gene 88.082813 88.084803 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753423 Gm44847 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108890 MGI:5753423 unclassified gene predicted gene 44847
7 gene 88.087188 88.087251 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454026 Gm24249 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087947 MGI:5454026 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24249
7 gene 88.119158 88.122400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753422 Gm44846 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108993 MGI:5753422 unclassified gene predicted gene 44846
7 gene 88.278023 88.315861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109553 Ctsc NCBI_Gene:13032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030560 MGI:109553 protein coding gene cathepsin C
7 gene 88.278787 88.283529 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477016 Gm26522 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097423 MGI:5477016 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26522
7 gene 88.311478 88.315864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753327 Gm44751 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109244 MGI:5753327 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44751
7 gene 88.343969 88.344101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455122 Gm25345 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077693 MGI:5455122 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25345
7 gene 88.348145 88.349056 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924892 C330001P17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C330001P17 gene
7 pseudogene 88.349311 88.356590 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780575 Gm2407 NCBI_Gene:100039756 MGI:3780575 pseudogene predicted gene 2407
7 gene 88.430273 88.491572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919683 Rab38 NCBI_Gene:72433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030559 MGI:1919683 protein coding gene RAB38, member RAS oncogene family
7 pseudogene 88.448675 88.449230 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783103 Gm15661 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080748 MGI:3783103 pseudogene predicted gene 15661
7 pseudogene 88.530403 88.530924 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704295 Rps13-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100039924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069972 MGI:3704295 pseudogene ribosomal protein S13, pseudogene 2
7 pseudogene 88.571675 88.572860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643325 Gm8183 NCBI_Gene:666598,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098174 MGI:3643325 pseudogene predicted gene 8183
7 pseudogene 88.781922 88.782398 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648708 Gm6240 NCBI_Gene:621562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109135 MGI:3648708 pseudogene predicted gene 6240
7 gene 88.853043 88.864892 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753720 Gm45144 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109278 MGI:5753720 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45144
7 gene 89.139714 89.404274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920009 Tmem135 NCBI_Gene:72759,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039428 MGI:1920009 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 135
7 gene 89.215108 89.217097 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753280 Gm44704 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109576 MGI:5753280 unclassified gene predicted gene 44704
7 gene 89.291190 89.291299 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454436 Gm24659 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094780 MGI:5454436 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24659
7 gene 89.295755 89.295864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451948 Gm22171 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096631 MGI:5451948 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22171
7 gene 89.338370 89.346288 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753571 Gm44995 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109327 MGI:5753571 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44995
7 gene 89.388344 89.391323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753572 Gm44996 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109199 MGI:5753572 unclassified gene predicted gene 44996
7 gene 89.404355 89.413134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108520 Fzd4 NCBI_Gene:14366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049791 MGI:108520 protein coding gene frizzled class receptor 4
7 gene 89.426306 89.441928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141898 AI314278 NCBI_Gene:101521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109311 MGI:2141898 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AI314278
7 gene 89.507783 89.527238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923703 Prss23 NCBI_Gene:76453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039405 MGI:1923703 protein coding gene protease, serine 23
7 gene 89.510007 89.511873 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916654 Prss23os NCBI_Gene:108167445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030623 MGI:1916654 antisense lncRNA gene protease, serine 23, opposite strand
7 gene 89.552366 89.568079 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753640 Gm45064 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108875 MGI:5753640 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45064
7 pseudogene 89.607688 89.608889 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780714 Gm2546 NCBI_Gene:100040001,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098019 MGI:3780714 pseudogene predicted gene 2546
7 gene 89.632097 89.633124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642744 A230065N10Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092071 MGI:3642744 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A230065N10 gene
7 gene 89.632203 89.854359 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916679 Me3 NCBI_Gene:109264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030621 MGI:1916679 protein coding gene malic enzyme 3, NADP(+)-dependent, mitochondrial
7 pseudogene 89.761411 89.762172 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783186 Gm15744 NCBI_Gene:100502804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089938 MGI:3783186 pseudogene predicted gene 15744
7 gene 89.827218 89.828559 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804908 Gm45793 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109150 MGI:5804908 unclassified gene predicted gene 45793
7 gene 89.866147 89.903629 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918134 Ccdc81 NCBI_Gene:70884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039391 MGI:1918134 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 81
7 gene 89.917529 89.941223 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96738 Hikeshi NCBI_Gene:67669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062797 MGI:96738 protein coding gene heat shock protein nuclear import factor
7 gene 89.954654 89.981419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95286 Eed NCBI_Gene:13626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030619 MGI:95286 protein coding gene embryonic ectoderm development
7 gene 89.964987 89.965394 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753696 Gm45120 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109038 MGI:5753696 unclassified gene predicted gene 45120
7 gene 89.980723 90.049071 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442580 E230029C05Rik NCBI_Gene:319711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097585 MGI:2442580 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E230029C05 gene
7 gene 90.030571 90.032916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753436 Gm44860 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109245 MGI:5753436 unclassified gene predicted gene 44860
7 gene 90.042697 90.043916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753437 Gm44861 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108897 MGI:5753437 unclassified gene predicted gene 44861
7 gene 90.043432 90.047523 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825630 Gm45993 NCBI_Gene:108167446 MGI:5825630 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45993
7 gene 90.055375 90.063506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591323 Gm32164 NCBI_Gene:102634625 MGI:5591323 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32164
7 pseudogene 90.107216 90.108086 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644965 Gm5341 NCBI_Gene:384719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062235 MGI:3644965 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5341
7 gene 90.124822 90.129984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925579 2310010J17Rik NCBI_Gene:78329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097162 MGI:1925579 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310010J17 gene
7 gene 90.130213 90.213465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385902 Picalm NCBI_Gene:233489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039361 MGI:2385902 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol binding clathrin assembly protein
7 gene 90.132492 90.137629 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753799 Gm45223 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109429 MGI:5753799 unclassified gene predicted gene 45223
7 gene 90.145948 90.150254 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753798 Gm45222 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109498 MGI:5753798 unclassified gene predicted gene 45222
7 gene 90.185927 90.188198 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753797 Gm45221 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109005 MGI:5753797 unclassified gene predicted gene 45221
7 gene 90.201278 90.203786 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753796 Gm45220 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109279 MGI:5753796 unclassified gene predicted gene 45220
7 gene 90.223500 90.265777 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918255 Ccdc83 NCBI_Gene:75338,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030617 MGI:1918255 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 83
7 gene 90.293734 90.293846 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4422018 n-R5s155 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084480 MGI:4422018 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 155
7 gene 90.302210 90.410719 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933366 Sytl2 NCBI_Gene:83671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030616 MGI:1933366 protein coding gene synaptotagmin-like 2
7 gene 90.426312 90.428669 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917304 Ccdc89 NCBI_Gene:70054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044362 MGI:1917304 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 89
7 gene 90.442729 90.448382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2675296 Crebzf NCBI_Gene:233490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051451 MGI:2675296 protein coding gene CREB/ATF bZIP transcription factor
7 gene 90.450700 90.457229 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913521 Tmem126a NCBI_Gene:66271,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030615 MGI:1913521 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 126A
7 gene 90.457252 90.458884 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753483 Gm44907 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109216 MGI:5753483 unclassified gene predicted gene 44907
7 gene 90.467438 90.476001 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915722 Tmem126b NCBI_Gene:68472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030614 MGI:1915722 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 126B
7 gene 90.476180 92.449247 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1344351 Dlg2 NCBI_Gene:23859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052572 MGI:1344351 protein coding gene discs large MAGUK scaffold protein 2
7 pseudogene 90.811544 90.812161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753738 Gm45162 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109074 MGI:5753738 pseudogene predicted gene 45162
7 gene 90.871603 90.872780 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924466 A930002H02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109242 MGI:1924466 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930002H02 gene
7 gene 90.885444 90.887706 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753737 Gm45161 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109431 MGI:5753737 unclassified gene predicted gene 45161
7 gene 90.887072 90.940052 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753735 Gm45159 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109125 MGI:5753735 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45159
7 gene 90.995309 90.999418 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753754 Gm45178 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109562 MGI:5753754 unclassified gene predicted gene 45178
7 gene 91.015739 91.016298 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621933 Gm39048 NCBI_Gene:105242994 MGI:5621933 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39048
7 gene 91.048999 91.053335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753755 Gm45179 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108956 MGI:5753755 unclassified gene predicted gene 45179
7 gene 91.123002 91.123211 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530852 Gm27470 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098805 MGI:5530852 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27470
7 gene 91.126348 91.126555 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531042 Gm27660 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099001 MGI:5531042 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27660
7 gene 91.131841 91.135936 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753752 Gm45176 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109239 MGI:5753752 unclassified gene predicted gene 45176
7 gene 91.139964 91.142270 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753753 Gm45177 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108819 MGI:5753753 unclassified gene predicted gene 45177
7 gene 91.158600 91.161003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753758 Gm45182 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109387 MGI:5753758 unclassified gene predicted gene 45182
7 gene 91.242995 91.243097 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454329 Gm24552 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089271 MGI:5454329 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24552
7 gene 91.304695 91.306191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753759 Gm45183 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109353 MGI:5753759 unclassified gene predicted gene 45183
7 gene 91.340016 91.342790 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753254 Gm44678 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108920 MGI:5753254 unclassified gene predicted gene 44678
7 gene 91.392584 91.392689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451857 Gm22080 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088216 MGI:5451857 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22080
7 gene 91.519115 91.522022 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753255 Gm44679 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109320 MGI:5753255 unclassified gene predicted gene 44679
7 gene 91.564367 91.567293 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753251 Gm44675 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109370 MGI:5753251 unclassified gene predicted gene 44675
7 gene 91.608956 91.612010 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753252 Gm44676 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109217 MGI:5753252 unclassified gene predicted gene 44676
7 gene 91.627272 91.631010 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753253 Gm44677 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109505 MGI:5753253 unclassified gene predicted gene 44677
7 gene 91.635239 91.638148 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753256 Gm44680 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109044 MGI:5753256 unclassified gene predicted gene 44680
7 gene 91.647711 91.648552 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753257 Gm44681 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109256 MGI:5753257 unclassified gene predicted gene 44681
7 gene 91.667149 91.667293 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453705 Gm23928 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064403 MGI:5453705 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23928
7 gene 91.689469 91.690208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924862 C030038I04Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109037 MGI:1924862 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C030038I04 gene
7 gene 91.816167 91.819554 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753706 Gm45130 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109481 MGI:5753706 unclassified gene predicted gene 45130
7 gene 91.908063 91.910286 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753705 Gm45129 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108953 MGI:5753705 unclassified gene predicted gene 45129
7 gene 91.932765 91.960762 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591512 Gm32353 NCBI_Gene:102634874 MGI:5591512 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32353
7 gene 92.064593 92.067174 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753707 Gm45131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109191 MGI:5753707 unclassified gene predicted gene 45131
7 gene 92.081089 92.082536 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918245 4931412I15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108826 MGI:1918245 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4931412I15 gene
7 gene 92.092206 92.119511 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923095 4930567K12Rik NCBI_Gene:75845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109382 MGI:1923095 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930567K12 gene
7 gene 92.408184 92.411374 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926094 B230206I08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109574 MGI:1926094 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B230206I08 gene
7 gene 92.431170 92.433848 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753777 Gm45201 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109031 MGI:5753777 unclassified gene predicted gene 45201
7 pseudogene 92.469227 92.478235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590650 Gm31491 NCBI_Gene:102633738 MGI:5590650 pseudogene predicted gene, 31491
7 gene 92.561149 92.582294 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913615 Ccdc90b NCBI_Gene:66365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030613 MGI:1913615 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 90B
7 gene 92.581723 92.637142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921095 Ankrd42 NCBI_Gene:73845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041343 MGI:1921095 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 42
7 gene 92.637187 92.648302 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5504059 Gm26944 NCBI_Gene:102635071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098066 MGI:5504059 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26944
7 gene 92.637208 92.637526 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610236 Gm37008 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103887 MGI:5610236 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37008
7 gene 92.639949 92.643783 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443259 6430511E19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102555 MGI:2443259 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6430511E19 gene
7 gene 92.643543 92.670051 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919579 Pcf11 NCBI_Gene:74737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041328 MGI:1919579 protein coding gene PCF11 cleavage and polyadenylation factor subunit
7 pseudogene 92.693676 92.697905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780719 Gm2551 NCBI_Gene:100040007 MGI:3780719 pseudogene predicted gene 2551
7 gene 92.706773 92.708279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753775 Gm45199 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109395 MGI:5753775 unclassified gene predicted gene 45199
7 gene 92.729840 92.733748 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5504096 Gm26981 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098041 MGI:5504096 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26981
7 gene 92.734166 92.741468 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915436 4632427E13Rik NCBI_Gene:666737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074024 MGI:1915436 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4632427E13 gene
7 gene 92.741603 92.844535 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923235 Rab30 NCBI_Gene:75985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030643 MGI:1923235 protein coding gene RAB30, member RAS oncogene family
7 gene 92.778505 92.779423 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753776 Gm45200 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109257 MGI:5753776 unclassified gene predicted gene 45200
7 gene 92.820558 92.820768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917506 2010107C10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2010107C10 gene
7 gene 92.857525 92.874286 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921291 Ddias NCBI_Gene:74041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030641 MGI:1921291 protein coding gene DNA damage-induced apoptosis suppressor
7 gene 92.874470 92.934583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919711 Prcp NCBI_Gene:72461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061119 MGI:1919711 protein coding gene prolylcarboxypeptidase (angiotensinase C)
7 gene 92.877428 92.889994 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5623333 Gm40448 NCBI_Gene:105244926 MGI:5623333 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40448
7 gene 92.902179 92.902872 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925814 9530078K11Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109268 MGI:1925814 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530078K11 gene
7 pseudogene 92.979255 93.006541 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590822 Gm31663 NCBI_Gene:102633966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108994 MGI:5590822 pseudogene predicted gene, 31663
7 gene 93.006982 93.104789 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477356 Gm26862 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097644 MGI:5477356 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26862
7 gene 93.052081 93.081027 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641747 Gm9934 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054061 MGI:3641747 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9934
7 gene 93.079865 93.081867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930951 Fam181b NCBI_Gene:58238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051515 MGI:1930951 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 181, member B
7 gene 93.147846 93.147971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455637 Gm25860 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088877 MGI:5455637 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25860
7 pseudogene 93.168834 93.172672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753291 Gm44715 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109196 MGI:5753291 pseudogene predicted gene 44715
7 pseudogene 93.178980 93.184176 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704296 Gm15501 NCBI_Gene:100040298,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087412 MGI:3704296 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 15501
7 gene 93.290700 93.323950 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753523 Gm44947 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109175 MGI:5753523 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44947
7 gene 93.361678 93.380864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753613 Gm45037 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109315 MGI:5753613 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45037
7 pseudogene 93.523060 93.526897 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753614 Gm45038 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109195 MGI:5753614 pseudogene predicted gene 45038
7 pseudogene 93.564937 93.565695 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645456 Gm8285 NCBI_Gene:666783,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109077 MGI:3645456 pseudogene predicted gene 8285
7 gene 93.604840 93.608316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753615 Gm45039 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109226 MGI:5753615 unclassified gene predicted gene 45039
7 pseudogene 93.660238 93.660555 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5052079 Bc1-ps1 NCBI_Gene:12031,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109440 MGI:5052079 pseudogene brain cytoplasmic RNA 1, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 93.846898 93.847833 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010382 Gm18197 NCBI_Gene:100416690 MGI:5010382 pseudogene predicted gene, 18197
7 gene 94.042496 95.326426 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591806 Gm32647 NCBI_Gene:102635262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108532 MGI:5591806 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32647
7 pseudogene 94.196415 94.197556 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643908 Gm5899 NCBI_Gene:545982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096033 MGI:3643908 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5899
7 gene 94.368983 94.372572 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753177 Gm44601 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108315 MGI:5753177 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44601
7 pseudogene 94.475580 94.475711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753178 Gm44602 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108516 MGI:5753178 pseudogene predicted gene 44602
7 pseudogene 94.601823 94.602630 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011946 Gm19761 NCBI_Gene:100503542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108433 MGI:5011946 pseudogene predicted gene, 19761
7 gene 95.171864 95.172157 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453661 Gm23884 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084636 MGI:5453661 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23884
7 gene 95.442351 95.442457 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455461 Gm25684 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065875 MGI:5455461 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25684
7 pseudogene 95.461911 95.463557 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643545 Gm8309 NCBI_Gene:666823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108786 MGI:3643545 pseudogene predicted gene 8309
7 pseudogene 95.474946 95.475312 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753179 Gm44603 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108429 MGI:5753179 pseudogene predicted gene 44603
7 gene 95.775449 95.781171 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621934 Gm39049 NCBI_Gene:105242997 MGI:5621934 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39049
7 pseudogene 95.912745 95.913390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648478 Gm5037 NCBI_Gene:260347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108628 MGI:3648478 pseudogene predicted gene 5037
7 gene 95.958215 95.961613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641871 Gm9966 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 9966
7 gene 96.171244 96.911093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447063 Tenm4 NCBI_Gene:23966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048078 MGI:2447063 protein coding gene teneurin transmembrane protein 4
7 pseudogene 96.202389 96.203641 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646693 Gm8319 NCBI_Gene:666836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108528 MGI:3646693 pseudogene predicted gene 8319
7 gene 96.249424 96.249532 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3629686 Mir708 miRBase:MI0004692,NCBI_Gene:735284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076143 MGI:3629686 miRNA gene microRNA 708
7 gene 96.305667 96.305765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531311 Mir6394 miRBase:MI0021928,NCBI_Gene:102465210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099030 MGI:5531311 miRNA gene microRNA 6394
7 gene 96.339483 96.341964 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705100 Gm15412 NCBI_Gene:670727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085751 MGI:3705100 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15412
7 pseudogene 96.434817 96.436752 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647437 Rps11-ps5 NCBI_Gene:102635492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082780 MGI:3647437 pseudogene ribosomal protein S11, pseudogene 5
7 gene 96.585812 96.586908 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924457 8030425K09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 8030425K09 gene
7 gene 96.596652 96.629069 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705307 Gm15414 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085792 MGI:3705307 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15414
7 gene 96.791433 96.801549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642665 Gm15413 NCBI_Gene:791381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053049 MGI:3642665 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15413
7 gene 96.812433 96.817485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705308 Gm15416 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085443 MGI:3705308 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15416
7 gene 96.813869 96.818306 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753209 Gm44633 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108635 MGI:5753209 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44633
7 gene 96.863287 96.863379 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455489 Gm25712 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089259 MGI:5455489 rRNA gene predicted gene, 25712
7 gene 96.906826 96.947034 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3713275 Gm15415 NA NA antisense lncRNA gene predicted gene 15415
7 gene 96.906826 96.951886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3697433 C230038L03Rik NCBI_Gene:108167512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085560 MGI:3697433 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C230038L03 gene
7 gene 96.919994 96.920102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452003 Gm22226 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087980 MGI:5452003 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22226
7 gene 96.951505 97.064758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142075 Nars2 NCBI_Gene:244141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018995 MGI:2142075 protein coding gene asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase 2 (mitochondrial)(putative)
7 gene 97.081586 97.308951 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333854 Gab2 NCBI_Gene:14389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004508 MGI:1333854 protein coding gene growth factor receptor bound protein 2-associated protein 2
7 gene 97.309380 97.332287 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685339 Usp35 NCBI_Gene:244144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035713 MGI:2685339 protein coding gene ubiquitin specific peptidase 35
7 gene 97.332316 97.350216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643121 Kctd21 NCBI_Gene:622320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044952 MGI:3643121 protein coding gene potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 21
7 gene 97.371594 97.392185 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141959 Alg8 NCBI_Gene:381903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035704 MGI:2141959 protein coding gene asparagine-linked glycosylation 8 (alpha-1,3-glucosyltransferase)
7 gene 97.400003 97.407802 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1344370 Ndufc2 NCBI_Gene:68197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030647 MGI:1344370 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit C2
7 pseudogene 97.406140 97.406327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802033 Gm16053 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083974 MGI:3802033 pseudogene predicted gene 16053
7 gene 97.412933 97.417730 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109126 Thrsp NCBI_Gene:21835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035686 MGI:109126 protein coding gene thyroid hormone responsive
7 gene 97.418653 97.420144 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592104 Gm32945 NCBI_Gene:102635665 MGI:5592104 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32945
7 gene 97.436380 97.459557 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289222 Kctd14 NCBI_Gene:233529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051727 MGI:1289222 protein coding gene potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 14
7 gene 97.455266 97.456713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028073 7030407A21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 7030407A21 gene
7 gene 97.480951 97.541398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917164 Ints4 NCBI_Gene:101861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025133 MGI:1917164 protein coding gene integrator complex subunit 4
7 gene 97.521808 97.521916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454189 Gm24412 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065360 MGI:5454189 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24412
7 gene 97.550329 97.579509 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913523 Aamdc NCBI_Gene:66273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035642 MGI:1913523 protein coding gene adipogenesis associated Mth938 domain containing
7 gene 97.579766 97.692782 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2682305 Rsf1 NCBI_Gene:233532,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035623 MGI:2682305 protein coding gene remodeling and spacing factor 1
7 pseudogene 97.591487 97.592450 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010024 Ywhaq-ps1 NCBI_Gene:100415958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108405 MGI:5010024 pseudogene tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein theta, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 97.594835 97.595441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010232 Rpl15-ps5 NCBI_Gene:100416334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108442 MGI:5010232 pseudogene ribosomal protein L15, pseudogene 5
7 gene 97.598349 97.645112 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922698 Rsf1os1 NCBI_Gene:75448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086433 MGI:1922698 antisense lncRNA gene remodeling and spacing factor 1, opposite strand 1
7 gene 97.649003 97.652317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441926 C920008N22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C920008N22 gene
7 gene 97.650010 97.696828 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642179 Rsf1os2 NCBI_Gene:102641859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086993 MGI:3642179 antisense lncRNA gene remodeling and spacing factor 1, opposite strand 2
7 pseudogene 97.654276 97.654753 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753762 Gm45186 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108547 MGI:5753762 pseudogene predicted gene 45186
7 gene 97.696634 97.720796 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109638 Clns1a NCBI_Gene:12729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025439 MGI:109638 protein coding gene chloride channel, nucleotide-sensitive, 1A
7 gene 97.720839 97.722924 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642272 Gm9990 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 9990
7 gene 97.724006 97.738289 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913583 Aqp11 NCBI_Gene:66333,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042797 MGI:1913583 protein coding gene aquaporin 11
7 gene 97.759324 97.801159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621935 Gm39050 NCBI_Gene:105243000 MGI:5621935 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39050
7 gene 97.788541 97.912381 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1339975 Pak1 NCBI_Gene:18479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030774 MGI:1339975 protein coding gene p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 1
7 pseudogene 97.918245 97.918635 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753166 Gm44590 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108424 MGI:5753166 pseudogene predicted gene 44590
7 gene 97.919944 98.049663 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3606573 Gdpd4 NCBI_Gene:233537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035582 MGI:3606573 protein coding gene glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 4
7 pseudogene 97.984558 97.985393 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011389 Gm19204 NCBI_Gene:100418424 MGI:5011389 pseudogene predicted gene, 19204
7 gene 98.051054 98.119524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104510 Myo7a NCBI_Gene:17921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030761 MGI:104510 protein coding gene myosin VIIA
7 gene 98.121559 98.178274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100859 Capn5 NCBI_Gene:12337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035547 MGI:1100859 protein coding gene calpain 5
7 gene 98.143359 98.145502 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97436 Omp NCBI_Gene:18378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074006 MGI:97436 protein coding gene olfactory marker protein
7 gene 98.177194 98.184804 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4439862 Gm16938 NCBI_Gene:330599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097749 MGI:4439862 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 16938
7 gene 98.192415 98.199481 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3039603 B3gnt6 NCBI_Gene:272411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074004 MGI:3039603 protein coding gene UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 6 (core 3 synthase)
7 gene 98.206389 98.210377 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142310 E230006M18Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E230006M18 gene
7 gene 98.206389 98.321208 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913440 Acer3 NCBI_Gene:66190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030760 MGI:1913440 protein coding gene alkaline ceramidase 3
7 gene 98.350668 98.361391 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443855 Tsku NCBI_Gene:244152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049580 MGI:2443855 protein coding gene tsukushi, small leucine rich proteoglycan
7 gene 98.366993 98.419801 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753083 Gm44507 NCBI_Gene:108167447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108449 MGI:5753083 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44507
7 gene 98.433482 98.437946 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621938 Gm39053 NCBI_Gene:105243003 MGI:5621938 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39053
7 pseudogene 98.437206 98.437519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753556 Gm44980 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108346 MGI:5753556 pseudogene predicted gene 44980
7 gene 98.440416 98.477479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106030 Gucy2d NCBI_Gene:14918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074003 MGI:106030 protein coding gene guanylate cyclase 2d
7 pseudogene 98.455093 98.455677 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781104 Gm2926 NCBI_Gene:100040721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108764 MGI:3781104 pseudogene predicted gene 2926
7 pseudogene 98.465127 98.466484 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753554 Gm44978 NCBI_Gene:108167471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108508 MGI:5753554 pseudogene predicted gene 44978
7 gene 98.481265 98.486221 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621473 Gm38588 NCBI_Gene:102641966 MGI:5621473 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38588
7 gene 98.489283 98.502181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_93882 Lrrc32 NCBI_Gene:434215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090958 MGI:93882 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 32
7 gene 98.502588 98.506647 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592553 Gm33394 NCBI_Gene:102636286 MGI:5592553 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33394
7 gene 98.506954 98.507116 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452817 Gm23040 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065803 MGI:5452817 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23040
7 gene 98.543320 98.562990 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442837 A630091E08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055446 MGI:2442837 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A630091E08 gene
7 gene 98.587130 98.659557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924203 Emsy NCBI_Gene:233545,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035401 MGI:1924203 protein coding gene EMSY, BRCA2-interacting transcriptional repressor
7 gene 98.656199 98.657830 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923090 4930558N01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930558N01 gene
7 gene 98.678106 98.680647 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753708 Gm45132 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109101 MGI:5753708 unclassified gene predicted gene 45132
7 gene 98.682331 98.702928 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782954 Gm15506 NCBI_Gene:100040769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086477 MGI:3782954 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15506
7 gene 98.703103 98.718062 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920231 Thap12 NCBI_Gene:72981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030753 MGI:1920231 protein coding gene THAP domain containing 12
7 gene 98.719498 98.728760 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011841 Gm19656 NCBI_Gene:105243004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109149 MGI:5011841 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19656
7 gene 98.734747 98.735081 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753510 Gm44934 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108988 MGI:5753510 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44934
7 pseudogene 98.761481 98.761940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011435 Gm19250 NCBI_Gene:100462934 MGI:5011435 pseudogene predicted gene, 19250
7 gene 98.763018 98.769841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592879 Gm33720 NCBI_Gene:102636728 MGI:5592879 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33720
7 gene 98.815415 98.815486 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414020 n-TPtgg8 NCBI_Gene:102467371 MGI:4414020 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA proline 8 (anticodon TGG)
7 gene 98.815676 98.815747 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4414009 n-TPagg7 NCBI_Gene:102467367 MGI:4414009 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA proline 7 (anticodon AGG)
7 gene 98.816131 98.821934 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621939 Gm39054 NCBI_Gene:105243005 MGI:5621939 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39054
7 gene 98.830658 98.836055 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592929 Gm33770 NCBI_Gene:102636798 MGI:5592929 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33770
7 gene 98.834916 98.855195 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101948 Wnt11 NCBI_Gene:22411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015957 MGI:101948 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 11
7 pseudogene 98.854732 98.855095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648175 Gm8398 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091496 MGI:3648175 pseudogene predicted gene 8398
7 gene 98.869260 98.876632 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592986 Gm33827 NCBI_Gene:102636877 MGI:5592986 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33827
7 gene 98.885021 99.141168 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925860 Uvrag NCBI_Gene:78610,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035354 MGI:1925860 protein coding gene UV radiation resistance associated gene
7 gene 98.895217 98.906485 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647698 Gm8149 NCBI_Gene:666529 MGI:3647698 unclassified gene predicted gene 8149
7 gene 98.895930 98.899545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753764 Gm45188 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109282 MGI:5753764 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45188
7 gene 98.904268 98.908055 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753763 Gm45187 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109130 MGI:5753763 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45187
7 gene 98.906590 98.910998 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621940 Gm39055 NCBI_Gene:105243006 MGI:5621940 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39055
7 gene 98.935894 98.936015 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453256 Gm23479 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089501 MGI:5453256 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23479
7 pseudogene 99.089455 99.090882 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593041 Gm33882 NCBI_Gene:102636953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109492 MGI:5593041 pseudogene predicted gene, 33882
7 gene 99.122070 99.123459 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753551 Gm44975 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109073 MGI:5753551 unclassified gene predicted gene 44975
7 gene 99.141593 99.141996 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753761 Gm45185 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109468 MGI:5753761 unclassified gene predicted gene 45185
7 gene 99.153658 99.182719 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915050 Dgat2 NCBI_Gene:67800,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030747 MGI:1915050 protein coding gene diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2
7 gene 99.202366 99.227080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753588 Gm45012 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109052 MGI:5753588 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45012
7 gene 99.219084 99.238619 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2663253 Mogat2 NCBI_Gene:233549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052396 MGI:2663253 protein coding gene monoacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2
7 pseudogene 99.247573 99.248973 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011128 Gm18943 NCBI_Gene:100418007,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109472 MGI:5011128 pseudogene predicted gene, 18943
7 gene 99.251512 99.255191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593221 Gm34062 NCBI_Gene:102637185 MGI:5593221 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34062
7 gene 99.260481 99.267218 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477199 Gm26705 NCBI_Gene:381967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097015 MGI:5477199 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26705
7 gene 99.267180 99.337137 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1201690 Map6 NCBI_Gene:17760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055407 MGI:1201690 protein coding gene microtubule-associated protein 6
7 gene 99.300274 99.304493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5623334 Gm40449 NCBI_Gene:105244927 MGI:5623334 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40449
7 gene 99.321200 99.322455 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791427 Gm45591 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109460 MGI:5791427 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45591
7 gene 99.345375 99.353239 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88283 Serpinh1 NCBI_Gene:12406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070436 MGI:88283 protein coding gene serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade H, member 1
7 gene 99.381414 99.461877 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686926 Gdpd5 NCBI_Gene:233552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035314 MGI:2686926 protein coding gene glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 5
7 gene 99.466004 99.474022 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919434 Klhl35 NCBI_Gene:72184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035298 MGI:1919434 protein coding gene kelch-like 35
7 gene 99.477896 99.483738 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1350917 Rps3 NCBI_Gene:27050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030744 MGI:1350917 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S3
7 gene 99.479563 99.479707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779515 Snord15b NCBI_Gene:449631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064966 MGI:3779515 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 14B
7 gene 99.482785 99.482932 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645887 Snord15a NCBI_Gene:449630,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065822 MGI:3645887 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 15A
7 gene 99.497718 99.497822 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4422019 n-R5s156 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065311 MGI:4422019 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 156
7 gene 99.500464 99.505945 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621941 Gm39056 NCBI_Gene:105243007 MGI:5621941 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39056
7 gene 99.511650 99.517153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5623335 Gm40450 NCBI_Gene:105244928 MGI:5623335 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40450
7 gene 99.516645 99.529638 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593331 Gm34172 NCBI_Gene:102637333 MGI:5593331 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34172
7 gene 99.535466 99.606772 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99473 Arrb1 NCBI_Gene:109689,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018909 MGI:99473 protein coding gene arrestin, beta 1
7 gene 99.543900 99.543971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413843 n-TEctc3 NCBI_Gene:102467644 MGI:4413843 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA glutamic acid 3 (anticodon CTC)
7 gene 99.552269 99.552363 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619338 Mir326 miRBase:MI0000598,NCBI_Gene:723840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065571 MGI:3619338 miRNA gene microRNA 326
7 gene 99.568121 99.570840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753490 Gm44914 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108850 MGI:5753490 unclassified gene predicted gene 44914
7 gene 99.624067 99.627103 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646425 Tpbgl NCBI_Gene:100503386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096606 MGI:3646425 protein coding gene trophoblast glycoprotein-like
7 gene 99.625936 99.631711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642596 Gm10605 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097974 MGI:3642596 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10605
7 gene 99.653688 99.653818 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455186 Gm25409 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065698 MGI:5455186 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25409
7 gene 99.657804 99.711340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351872 Slco2b1 NCBI_Gene:101488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030737 MGI:1351872 protein coding gene solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 2b1
7 gene 99.660130 99.667500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783079 Gm15635 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085095 MGI:3783079 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15635
7 gene 99.693025 99.714226 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593439 Gm34280 NCBI_Gene:102637485,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109559 MGI:5593439 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34280
7 pseudogene 99.725208 99.725378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753127 Gm44551 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108965 MGI:5753127 pseudogene predicted gene 44551
7 gene 99.730273 99.736399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030354 Olfr520 NCBI_Gene:259066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073998 MGI:3030354 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 520
7 pseudogene 99.740210 99.740791 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011367 Gm19182 NCBI_Gene:100418394,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109275 MGI:5011367 pseudogene predicted gene, 19182
7 gene 99.763507 99.769321 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030355 Olfr521 NCBI_Gene:258353,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073997 MGI:3030355 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 521
7 gene 99.780001 99.781539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045385 F730035P03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053360 MGI:3045385 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA F730035P03 gene
7 gene 99.811439 99.828417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1355305 Neu3 NCBI_Gene:50877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035239 MGI:1355305 protein coding gene neuraminidase 3
7 gene 99.837569 99.870340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913874 Spcs2 NCBI_Gene:66624,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035227 MGI:1913874 protein coding gene signal peptidase complex subunit 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
7 gene 99.859116 99.917824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2181647 Xrra1 NCBI_Gene:446101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035211 MGI:2181647 protein coding gene X-ray radiation resistance associated 1
7 gene 99.870666 99.917376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621290 Gm38405 NCBI_Gene:233561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109002 MGI:5621290 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38405
7 gene 99.900192 99.904156 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924443 A930030B08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108985 MGI:1924443 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930030B08 gene
7 gene 99.920254 99.980694 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920257 Rnf169 NCBI_Gene:108937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058761 MGI:1920257 protein coding gene ring finger protein 169
7 gene 99.929646 99.932287 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643844 Gm5115 NCBI_Gene:330602 MGI:3643844 unclassified gene predicted gene 5115
7 pseudogene 99.945062 99.945716 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011144 Gm18959 NCBI_Gene:100418037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108823 MGI:5011144 pseudogene predicted gene, 18959
7 pseudogene 99.996775 99.997409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010116 Gm17931 NCBI_Gene:100416129,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109384 MGI:5010116 pseudogene predicted gene, 17931
7 gene 100.006172 100.034728 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916371 Chrdl2 NCBI_Gene:69121,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030732 MGI:1916371 protein coding gene chordin-like 2
7 gene 100.082111 100.121565 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915217 Pold3 NCBI_Gene:67967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030726 MGI:1915217 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA-directed), delta 3, accessory subunit
7 gene 100.131880 100.137487 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593919 Gm34760 NCBI_Gene:102638122 MGI:5593919 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34760
7 gene 100.159277 100.161365 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914414 Lipt2 NCBI_Gene:67164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030725 MGI:1914414 protein coding gene lipoyl(octanoyl) transferase 2 (putative)
7 gene 100.163323 100.171156 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621942 Gm39057 NCBI_Gene:105243008 MGI:5621942 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39057
7 gene 100.171416 100.227207 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593980 Gm34821 NCBI_Gene:102638204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109186 MGI:5593980 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34821
7 gene 100.176502 100.184869 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891124 Kcne3 NCBI_Gene:57442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035165 MGI:1891124 protein coding gene potassium voltage-gated channel, Isk-related subfamily, gene 3
7 gene 100.189261 100.192666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825631 Gm45994 NCBI_Gene:108167448 MGI:5825631 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45994
7 pseudogene 100.197100 100.198348 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779664 Gm7067 NCBI_Gene:631577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109435 MGI:3779664 pseudogene predicted gene 7067
7 gene 100.200776 100.227209 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594036 Gm34877 NCBI_Gene:102638275 MGI:5594036 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34877
7 gene 100.227283 100.278872 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918224 Pgm2l1 NCBI_Gene:70974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030729 MGI:1918224 protein coding gene phosphoglucomutase 2-like 1
7 pseudogene 100.264544 100.265561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106627 Gpx2-ps1 NCBI_Gene:14777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089987 MGI:106627 pseudogene glutathione peroxidase 2, pseudogene 1
7 gene 100.285489 100.319699 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444049 P4ha3 NCBI_Gene:320452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051048 MGI:2444049 protein coding gene procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase (proline 4-hydroxylase), alpha polypeptide III
7 gene 100.326737 100.372307 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919840 Ppme1 NCBI_Gene:72590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030718 MGI:1919840 protein coding gene protein phosphatase methylesterase 1
7 gene 100.372233 100.470159 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142166 C2cd3 NCBI_Gene:277939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047248 MGI:2142166 protein coding gene C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 3
7 pseudogene 100.381594 100.382308 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753147 Gm44571 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109046 MGI:5753147 pseudogene predicted gene 44571
7 gene 100.446737 100.474846 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642592 Gm10603 NCBI_Gene:100038497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099137 MGI:3642592 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10603
7 gene 100.458460 100.459406 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610944 Gm37716 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102241 MGI:5610944 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37716
7 gene 100.472990 100.486432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1099787 Ucp3 NCBI_Gene:22229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032942 MGI:1099787 protein coding gene uncoupling protein 3 (mitochondrial, proton carrier)
7 gene 100.493337 100.502020 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109354 Ucp2 NCBI_Gene:22228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033685 MGI:109354 protein coding gene uncoupling protein 2 (mitochondrial, proton carrier)
7 gene 100.501716 100.514960 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916637 Dnajb13 NCBI_Gene:69387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030708 MGI:1916637 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B13
7 pseudogene 100.523978 100.524666 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644490 Gm8463 NCBI_Gene:667112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109560 MGI:3644490 pseudogene predicted gene 8463
7 gene 100.535591 100.536980 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621943 Gm39058 NCBI_Gene:105243010 MGI:5621943 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39058
7 gene 100.537071 100.540372 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915435 Coa4 NCBI_Gene:68185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044881 MGI:1915435 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 4
7 gene 100.541354 100.544119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621944 Gm39059 NCBI_Gene:105243011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109123 MGI:5621944 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39059
7 gene 100.545741 100.547787 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028054 D630004N19Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA D630004N19 gene
7 gene 100.545751 100.608301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1289321 Mrpl48 NCBI_Gene:52443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030706 MGI:1289321 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L48
7 pseudogene 100.571922 100.572250 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753224 Gm44648 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108990 MGI:5753224 pseudogene predicted gene 44648
7 pseudogene 100.578410 100.580644 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783125 Cox20b NCBI_Gene:108167449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081359 MGI:3783125 pseudogene cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 20B
7 gene 100.607410 100.641268 positive MGI_C57BL6J_894313 Rab6a NCBI_Gene:19346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030704 MGI:894313 protein coding gene RAB6A, member RAS oncogene family
7 gene 100.618773 100.621257 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442194 D930046H04Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA D930046H04 gene
7 pseudogene 100.624518 100.624954 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650372 Gm14382 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082210 MGI:3650372 pseudogene predicted gene 14382
7 gene 100.642892 100.662414 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351469 Plekhb1 NCBI_Gene:27276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030701 MGI:1351469 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology domain containing, family B (evectins) member 1
7 gene 100.674986 100.678142 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594241 Gm35082 NCBI_Gene:102638545,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108866 MGI:5594241 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35082
7 gene 100.706635 100.841656 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442372 Fam168a NCBI_Gene:319604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029461 MGI:2442372 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 168, member A
7 pseudogene 100.738052 100.738628 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753785 Gm45209 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109035 MGI:5753785 pseudogene predicted gene 45209
7 pseudogene 100.760624 100.761824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781379 Gm3200 NCBI_Gene:100041204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097388 MGI:3781379 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 3200
7 gene 100.811352 100.812637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753529 Gm44953 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109109 MGI:5753529 unclassified gene predicted gene 44953
7 gene 100.845847 100.863483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443373 Relt NCBI_Gene:320100,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008318 MGI:2443373 protein coding gene RELT tumor necrosis factor receptor
7 gene 100.869746 100.932161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2673002 Arhgef17 NCBI_Gene:207212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032875 MGI:2673002 protein coding gene Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 17
7 gene 100.882306 100.882409 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834321 Mir3102 miRBase:MI0014099,NCBI_Gene:100526508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093296 MGI:4834321 miRNA gene microRNA 3102
7 gene 100.937630 100.975497 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2673874 P2ry6 NCBI_Gene:233571,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048779 MGI:2673874 protein coding gene pyrimidinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 6
7 gene 100.950817 100.951562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753121 Gm44545 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109132 MGI:5753121 unclassified gene predicted gene 44545
7 gene 100.996568 101.012866 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105107 P2ry2 NCBI_Gene:18442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032860 MGI:105107 protein coding gene purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled 2
7 pseudogene 101.018623 101.018868 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753646 Gm45070 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108895 MGI:5753646 pseudogene predicted gene 45070
7 pseudogene 101.061221 101.061475 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645951 Gm5735 NCBI_Gene:435996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109171 MGI:3645951 pseudogene predicted gene 5735
7 gene 101.092863 101.284405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2448475 Fchsd2 NCBI_Gene:207278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030691 MGI:2448475 protein coding gene FCH and double SH3 domains 2
7 gene 101.113552 101.117797 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442785 6030496E16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6030496E16 gene
7 pseudogene 101.154597 101.155144 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643600 Gm6341 NCBI_Gene:622673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083121 MGI:3643600 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6341
7 gene 101.207665 101.211025 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3026972 6430502G17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6430502G17 gene
7 pseudogene 101.238218 101.239278 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096209 Gm47324 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111425 MGI:6096209 pseudogene predicted gene, 47324
7 gene 101.263034 101.302267 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920933 Atg16l2 NCBI_Gene:73683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047767 MGI:1920933 protein coding gene autophagy related 16-like 2 (S. cerevisiae)
7 gene 101.317086 101.346626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1860093 Stard10 NCBI_Gene:56018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030688 MGI:1860093 protein coding gene START domain containing 10
7 gene 101.317724 101.326231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141941 Gm20476 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092364 MGI:5141941 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20476
7 pseudogene 101.338127 101.338467 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791180 Gm45344 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110099 MGI:5791180 pseudogene predicted gene 45344
7 gene 101.346911 101.347984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791456 Gm45620 NCBI_Gene:108167329,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110239 MGI:5791456 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45620
7 gene 101.347648 101.412586 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916960 Arap1 NCBI_Gene:69710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032812 MGI:1916960 protein coding gene ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1
7 gene 101.348208 101.355423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594378 Gm35219 NCBI_Gene:102638725 MGI:5594378 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35219
7 gene 101.351273 101.354439 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791384 Gm45548 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109656 MGI:5791384 unclassified gene predicted gene 45548
7 gene 101.410886 101.512819 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804952 Gm45837 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030653 MGI:5804952 protein coding gene predicted gene 45837
7 gene 101.421691 101.512829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446107 Pde2a NCBI_Gene:207728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110195 MGI:2446107 protein coding gene phosphodiesterase 2A, cGMP-stimulated
7 gene 101.475376 101.475443 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676824 Mir139 miRBase:MI0000693,NCBI_Gene:387157,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065446 MGI:2676824 miRNA gene microRNA 139
7 gene 101.518192 101.538664 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594522 Gm35363 NCBI_Gene:102638917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110301 MGI:5594522 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35363
7 gene 101.547872 101.557457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011950 Gm19765 NCBI_Gene:102638993 MGI:5011950 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19765
7 pseudogene 101.552453 101.560865 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107546 Art2a NCBI_Gene:11871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092517 MGI:107546 polymorphic pseudogene ADP-ribosyltransferase 2a
7 pseudogene 101.573419 101.574356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644555 Gm7027 NCBI_Gene:630138,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067121 MGI:3644555 pseudogene predicted gene 7027
7 gene 101.575729 101.585600 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107545 Art2b NCBI_Gene:11872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030651 MGI:107545 protein coding gene ADP-ribosyltransferase 2b
7 gene 101.581595 101.582829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825632 Gm45995 NCBI_Gene:108167451 MGI:5825632 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45995
7 gene 101.663593 101.795506 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1100517 Clpb NCBI_Gene:20480,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001829 MGI:1100517 protein coding gene ClpB caseinolytic peptidase B
7 pseudogene 101.790536 101.790850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791216 Gm45380 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110360 MGI:5791216 pseudogene predicted gene 45380
7 gene 101.818313 101.822726 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106633 Phox2a NCBI_Gene:11859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007946 MGI:106633 protein coding gene paired-like homeobox 2a
7 gene 101.822632 101.838229 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333787 Inppl1 NCBI_Gene:16332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032737 MGI:1333787 protein coding gene inositol polyphosphate phosphatase-like 1
7 gene 101.836503 101.844525 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3708759 Gm10602 NCBI_Gene:102639173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073985 MGI:3708759 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10602
7 gene 101.839988 101.857194 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95569 Folr2 NCBI_Gene:14276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032725 MGI:95569 protein coding gene folate receptor 2 (fetal)
7 pseudogene 101.852959 101.853276 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791155 Gm45319 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110295 MGI:5791155 pseudogene predicted gene 45319
7 gene 101.858331 101.870788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95568 Folr1 NCBI_Gene:14275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001827 MGI:95568 protein coding gene folate receptor 1 (adult)
7 gene 101.863715 101.901849 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922680 Anapc15 NCBI_Gene:75430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030649 MGI:1922680 protein coding gene anaphase prompoting complex C subunit 15
7 gene 101.870860 101.879577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594756 Gm35597 NCBI_Gene:102639241 MGI:5594756 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35597
7 gene 101.881184 101.881279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452432 Gm22655 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093388 MGI:5452432 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22655
7 gene 101.898370 101.906405 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3769724 Tomt NCBI_Gene:791260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078630 MGI:3769724 protein coding gene transmembrane O-methyltransferase
7 gene 101.905837 101.926675 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913758 Lamtor1 NCBI_Gene:66508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030842 MGI:1913758 protein coding gene late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 1
7 gene 101.912984 101.933923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916608 Lrrc51 NCBI_Gene:69358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064307 MGI:1916608 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 51
7 gene 101.934002 102.014964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443665 Numa1 NCBI_Gene:101706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066306 MGI:2443665 protein coding gene nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1
7 pseudogene 101.945962 101.946513 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779801 Gm8523 NCBI_Gene:100417414,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110150 MGI:3779801 pseudogene predicted gene 8523
7 pseudogene 101.956975 101.957285 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791148 Gm45312 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109872 MGI:5791148 pseudogene predicted gene 45312
7 gene 101.979661 101.982291 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444705 C030040A22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C030040A22 gene
7 pseudogene 101.980083 101.980260 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791149 Gm45313 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110287 MGI:5791149 pseudogene predicted gene 45313
7 gene 101.988668 101.990948 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621946 Gm39061 NCBI_Gene:105243016 MGI:5621946 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39061
7 gene 102.014885 102.018690 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333800 Il18bp NCBI_Gene:16068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070427 MGI:1333800 protein coding gene interleukin 18 binding protein
7 gene 102.019137 102.072437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922462 Rnf121 NCBI_Gene:75212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070426 MGI:1922462 protein coding gene ring finger protein 121
7 gene 102.065491 102.083765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5546359 Xndc1 NCBI_Gene:102443350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099481 MGI:5546359 protein coding gene Xrcc1 N-terminal domain containing 1
7 gene 102.065491 102.096864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5546370 Xntrpc NCBI_Gene:102443351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070425 MGI:5546370 protein coding gene Xndc1-transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 2 readthrough
7 gene 102.083116 102.096864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109527 Trpc2 NCBI_Gene:22064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100254 MGI:109527 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 2
7 gene 102.096879 102.109489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107948 Art5 NCBI_Gene:11875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070424 MGI:107948 protein coding gene ADP-ribosyltransferase 5
7 gene 102.101706 102.113933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107511 Art1 NCBI_Gene:11870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030996 MGI:107511 protein coding gene ADP-ribosyltransferase 1
7 gene 102.111262 102.116983 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3609260 Chrna10 NCBI_Gene:504186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066279 MGI:3609260 protein coding gene cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 10
7 gene 102.113387 102.122062 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621947 Gm39062 NCBI_Gene:105243018 MGI:5621947 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39062
7 gene 102.119398 102.210187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109404 Nup98 NCBI_Gene:269966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063550 MGI:109404 protein coding gene nucleoporin 98
7 gene 102.210208 102.238567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385286 Pgap2 NCBI_Gene:233575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030990 MGI:2385286 protein coding gene post-GPI attachment to proteins 2
7 gene 102.239123 102.256054 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928370 Rhog NCBI_Gene:56212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073982 MGI:1928370 protein coding gene ras homolog family member G
7 gene 102.261514 102.437319 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107476 Stim1 NCBI_Gene:20866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030987 MGI:107476 protein coding gene stromal interaction molecule 1
7 gene 102.360973 102.363485 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443525 A630057J21Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A630057J21 gene
7 pseudogene 102.377505 102.378337 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010440 Gm18255 NCBI_Gene:100416793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110175 MGI:5010440 pseudogene predicted gene, 18255
7 gene 102.441695 102.469771 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98180 Rrm1 NCBI_Gene:20133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030978 MGI:98180 protein coding gene ribonucleotide reductase M1
7 gene 102.458245 102.459260 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791235 Gm45399 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109940 MGI:5791235 unclassified gene predicted gene 45399
7 gene 102.470456 102.476684 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825633 Gm45996 NCBI_Gene:108167452 MGI:5825633 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45996
7 gene 102.476579 102.481679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030377 Olfr543 NCBI_Gene:257947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044814 MGI:3030377 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 543
7 gene 102.482031 102.488313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030378 Olfr544 NCBI_Gene:257926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043925 MGI:3030378 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 544
7 gene 102.491466 102.499573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030379 Olfr545 NCBI_Gene:258837,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044824 MGI:3030379 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 545
7 gene 102.492272 102.493724 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3039577 BC049285 NA NA unclassified gene cDNA sequence BC049285
7 gene 102.505481 102.506425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621512 Gm38627 NCBI_Gene:102642720 MGI:5621512 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38627
7 pseudogene 102.520346 102.521063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649082 Gm8556 NCBI_Gene:667284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109822 MGI:3649082 pseudogene predicted gene 8556
7 pseudogene 102.520690 102.521656 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030380 Olfr546-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109906 MGI:3030380 pseudogene olfactory receptor 546, pseudogene 1
7 gene 102.534749 102.535688 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030381 Olfr547 NCBI_Gene:259083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073979 MGI:3030381 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 547
7 pseudogene 102.540896 102.545890 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030382 Olfr548-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073978 MGI:3030382 pseudogene olfactory receptor 548, pseudogene 1
7 gene 102.549870 102.555842 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030383 Olfr549 NCBI_Gene:259105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073977 MGI:3030383 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 549
7 gene 102.557920 102.565486 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106657 Trim21 NCBI_Gene:20821,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030966 MGI:106657 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 21
7 pseudogene 102.568476 102.569735 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645143 Gm5339 NCBI_Gene:384699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109756 MGI:3645143 pseudogene predicted gene 5339
7 gene 102.571431 102.583011 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030384 Olfr550 NCBI_Gene:259108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073975 MGI:3030384 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 550
7 gene 102.583510 102.591886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030385 Olfr551 NCBI_Gene:258750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073974 MGI:3030385 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 551
7 gene 102.597770 102.608125 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030386 Olfr552 NCBI_Gene:259106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073973 MGI:3030386 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 552
7 gene 102.611281 102.618218 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030387 Olfr553 NCBI_Gene:233578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073972 MGI:3030387 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 553
7 gene 102.638432 102.642555 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030388 Olfr554 NCBI_Gene:258322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073971 MGI:3030388 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 554
7 pseudogene 102.647630 102.648222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781174 Gm2996 NCBI_Gene:100040840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110251 MGI:3781174 pseudogene predicted gene 2996
7 gene 102.658823 102.659770 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030389 Olfr555 NCBI_Gene:259107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073970 MGI:3030389 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 555
7 gene 102.664899 102.673270 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030390 Olfr556 NCBI_Gene:258749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073969 MGI:3030390 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 556
7 pseudogene 102.676536 102.676690 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791523 Gm45687 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110352 MGI:5791523 pseudogene predicted gene 45687
7 gene 102.677579 102.687329 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142077 Trim68 NCBI_Gene:101700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073968 MGI:2142077 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 68
7 gene 102.685446 102.686219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791363 Gm45527 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109618 MGI:5791363 unclassified gene predicted gene 45527
7 gene 102.695910 102.700707 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030391 Olfr557 NCBI_Gene:258358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073967 MGI:3030391 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 557
7 gene 102.702215 102.712064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030392 Olfr558 NCBI_Gene:259097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070423 MGI:3030392 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 558
7 pseudogene 102.711379 102.711479 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791524 Gm45688 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110376 MGI:5791524 pseudogene predicted gene 45688
7 gene 102.712151 102.719070 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109302 Olfr33 NCBI_Gene:18332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066273 MGI:109302 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 33
7 gene 102.723207 102.727491 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030393 Olfr559 NCBI_Gene:259116,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066272 MGI:3030393 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 559
7 gene 102.734582 102.734714 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453987 Gm24210 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088888 MGI:5453987 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24210
7 gene 102.738511 102.759471 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2157548 Olfr78 NCBI_Gene:170639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043366 MGI:2157548 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 78
7 gene 102.751818 102.759366 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030394 Olfr560 NCBI_Gene:259117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110008 MGI:3030394 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 560
7 gene 102.771221 102.776857 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030395 Olfr561 NCBI_Gene:259096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073966 MGI:3030395 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 561
7 pseudogene 102.781478 102.782428 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030396 Olfr562-ps1 NCBI_Gene:259090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110122 MGI:3030396 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 562, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 102.791250 102.792340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030397 Olfr563-ps1 NCBI_Gene:259157,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110074 MGI:3030397 pseudogene olfactory receptor 563, pseudogene 1
7 gene 102.803480 102.804430 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030398 Olfr564 NCBI_Gene:258356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048469 MGI:3030398 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 564
7 gene 102.813310 102.901710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030404 Olfr570 NCBI_Gene:259114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073964 MGI:3030404 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 570
7 pseudogene 102.817552 102.818495 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030399 Olfr565-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109596 MGI:3030399 pseudogene olfactory receptor 565, pseudogene 1
7 gene 102.855337 102.858765 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030400 Olfr566 NCBI_Gene:258168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060888 MGI:3030400 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 566
7 pseudogene 102.861160 102.861292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791525 Gm45689 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110152 MGI:5791525 pseudogene predicted gene 45689
7 pseudogene 102.863922 102.864778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030401 Olfr567-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258140,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109878 MGI:3030401 pseudogene olfactory receptor 567, pseudogene 1
7 gene 102.877122 102.878063 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030402 Olfr568 NCBI_Gene:259095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073965 MGI:3030402 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 568
7 gene 102.883709 102.895672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030403 Olfr569 NCBI_Gene:259092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062142 MGI:3030403 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 569
7 gene 102.905090 102.917536 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030405 Olfr571 NCBI_Gene:259089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043310 MGI:3030405 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 571
7 gene 102.924409 102.928608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030406 Olfr572 NCBI_Gene:259093,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073963 MGI:3030406 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 572
7 pseudogene 102.941643 102.942575 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030407 Olfr573-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052785 MGI:3030407 pseudogene olfactory receptor 573, pseudogene 1
7 gene 102.948467 102.949507 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030408 Olfr574 NCBI_Gene:258357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045824 MGI:3030408 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 574
7 gene 102.952270 102.958775 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030409 Olfr575 NCBI_Gene:259118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066269 MGI:3030409 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 575
7 gene 102.962660 102.975160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030410 Olfr576 NCBI_Gene:258248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073962 MGI:3030410 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 576
7 gene 102.971180 102.975943 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030411 Olfr577 NCBI_Gene:259113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043354 MGI:3030411 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 577
7 gene 102.981608 102.989324 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030412 Olfr578 NCBI_Gene:259119,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045792 MGI:3030412 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 578
7 pseudogene 102.998926 102.999750 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3031361 Olfr1527-ps1 NCBI_Gene:259158 MGI:3031361 pseudogene olfactory receptor 1527, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 103.004610 103.005197 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030413 Olfr579-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258141 MGI:3030413 pseudogene olfactory receptor 579, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 103.013136 103.014490 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030414 Olfr580-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110143 MGI:3030414 pseudogene olfactory receptor 580, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 103.029093 103.029648 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030415 Olfr581-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404406,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109845 MGI:3030415 pseudogene olfactory receptor 581, pseudogene 1
7 gene 103.038024 103.044040 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030416 Olfr582 NCBI_Gene:259055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073961 MGI:3030416 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 582
7 gene 103.051300 103.052259 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030417 Olfr583 NCBI_Gene:258752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073960 MGI:3030417 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 583
7 gene 103.081885 103.088315 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030418 Olfr584 NCBI_Gene:259056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073959 MGI:3030418 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 584
7 gene 103.097720 103.098749 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030419 Olfr585 NCBI_Gene:259091,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078080 MGI:3030419 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 585
7 gene 103.118403 103.125638 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030420 Olfr586 NCBI_Gene:259115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066268 MGI:3030420 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 586
7 pseudogene 103.134376 103.135323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030421 Olfr587-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080891 MGI:3030421 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 587, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 103.135743 103.136043 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705492 Gm15120 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082714 MGI:3705492 pseudogene predicted gene 15120
7 pseudogene 103.140879 103.147864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030422 Olfr588-ps1 NCBI_Gene:259094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084262 MGI:3030422 pseudogene olfactory receptor 588, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 103.147993 103.148666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705687 Gm15116 NCBI_Gene:100417214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083254 MGI:3705687 pseudogene predicted gene 15116
7 gene 103.154792 103.156356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030423 Olfr589 NCBI_Gene:259054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051362 MGI:3030423 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 589
7 pseudogene 103.165853 103.166750 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030424 Olfr590-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084356 MGI:3030424 pseudogene olfactory receptor 590, pseudogene 1
7 gene 103.167074 103.178340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030425 Olfr591 NCBI_Gene:258139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057461 MGI:3030425 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 591
7 gene 103.184803 103.192965 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030426 Olfr592 NCBI_Gene:404317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073956 MGI:3030426 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 592
7 gene 103.211862 103.212845 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030427 Olfr593 NCBI_Gene:258378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073955 MGI:3030427 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 593
7 gene 103.216996 103.222313 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030428 Olfr594 NCBI_Gene:258246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073954 MGI:3030428 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 594
7 pseudogene 103.235632 103.236585 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030429 Olfr595-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083383 MGI:3030429 pseudogene olfactory receptor 595, pseudogene 1
7 gene 103.249737 103.252505 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3051372 Usp17ld NCBI_Gene:384701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057321 MGI:3051372 protein coding gene ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like D
7 gene 103.260883 103.261003 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454948 Gm25171 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095000 MGI:5454948 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25171
7 gene 103.267115 103.267235 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453327 Gm23550 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094572 MGI:5453327 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23550
7 gene 103.271550 103.271870 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453750 Gm23973 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065254 MGI:5453750 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23973
7 pseudogene 103.297005 103.300421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825651 Gm46014 NCBI_Gene:108167486 MGI:5825651 pseudogene predicted gene, 46014
7 gene 103.305648 103.312782 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030430 Olfr596 NCBI_Gene:100041187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073953 MGI:3030430 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 596
7 gene 103.316315 103.322799 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030431 Olfr597 NCBI_Gene:258135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073952 MGI:3030431 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 597
7 gene 103.323568 103.329888 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030432 Olfr598 NCBI_Gene:257975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073951 MGI:3030432 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 598
7 gene 103.335917 103.339564 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030433 Olfr599 NCBI_Gene:258726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073950 MGI:3030433 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 599
7 gene 103.343482 103.349669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030434 Olfr600 NCBI_Gene:259048,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045540 MGI:3030434 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 600
7 gene 103.357094 103.362655 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030435 Olfr601 NCBI_Gene:258311,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109951 MGI:3030435 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 601
7 pseudogene 103.367520 103.372443 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030436 Olfr602-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082739 MGI:3030436 pseudogene olfactory receptor 602, pseudogene 1
7 gene 103.383062 103.386177 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030437 Olfr603 NCBI_Gene:259073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059874 MGI:3030437 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 603
7 gene 103.415072 103.419880 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107698 Usp17lc NCBI_Gene:13532,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058976 MGI:107698 protein coding gene ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like C
7 gene 103.415806 103.415926 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455551 Gm25774 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080367 MGI:5455551 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25774
7 gene 103.440407 103.445439 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030439 Olfr605 NCBI_Gene:258156,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109659 MGI:3030439 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 605
7 gene 103.449046 103.453531 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030440 Olfr606 NCBI_Gene:259098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073949 MGI:3030440 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 606
7 gene 103.455526 103.464151 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030441 Olfr607 NCBI_Gene:546989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081945 MGI:3030441 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 607
7 gene 103.469877 103.471358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030442 Olfr608 NCBI_Gene:258751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073948 MGI:3030442 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 608
7 gene 103.490025 103.498062 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030443 Olfr609 NCBI_Gene:259086,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046396 MGI:3030443 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 609
7 gene 103.505375 103.512122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030444 Olfr610 NCBI_Gene:259085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045584 MGI:3030444 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 610
7 gene 103.516465 103.520846 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030445 Olfr611 NCBI_Gene:258722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096584 MGI:3030445 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 611
7 gene 103.537222 103.542717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030446 Olfr612 NCBI_Gene:545985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094119 MGI:3030446 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 612
7 gene 103.548074 103.555506 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030447 Olfr613 NCBI_Gene:259104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078624 MGI:3030447 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 613
7 gene 103.556079 103.563798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030449 Olfr615 NCBI_Gene:259084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073947 MGI:3030449 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 615
7 gene 103.563747 103.569143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030450 Olfr616 NCBI_Gene:259103,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047544 MGI:3030450 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 616
7 gene 103.573061 103.586795 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030451 Olfr617 NCBI_Gene:258838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073946 MGI:3030451 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 617
7 gene 103.581267 103.581376 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456283 Gm26506 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096906 MGI:5456283 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26506
7 gene 103.590103 103.600448 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030452 Olfr618 NCBI_Gene:259049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073945 MGI:3030452 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 618
7 gene 103.600575 103.604859 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030453 Olfr619 NCBI_Gene:259080,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073944 MGI:3030453 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 619
7 gene 103.604895 103.612534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030454 Olfr620 NCBI_Gene:258808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045132 MGI:3030454 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 620
7 pseudogene 103.629021 103.629958 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030455 Olfr621-ps1 NCBI_Gene:667639,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081315 MGI:3030455 pseudogene olfactory receptor 621, pseudogene 1
7 gene 103.638451 103.642702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030456 Olfr622 NCBI_Gene:259087,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050085 MGI:3030456 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 622
7 gene 103.657697 103.663698 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030457 Olfr623 NCBI_Gene:259126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099687 MGI:3030457 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 623
7 gene 103.665461 103.671191 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030458 Olfr624 NCBI_Gene:258189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045780 MGI:3030458 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 624
7 pseudogene 103.682720 103.683685 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030459 Olfr625-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073943 MGI:3030459 pseudogene olfactory receptor 625, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 103.691572 103.692117 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030460 Olfr626-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081038 MGI:3030460 pseudogene olfactory receptor 626, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 103.699576 103.700754 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030094 Olfr260-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082077 MGI:3030094 pseudogene olfactory receptor 260, pseudogene 1
7 gene 103.714671 103.721166 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030077 Olfr243 NCBI_Gene:436002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094822 MGI:3030077 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 243
7 gene 103.730374 103.733324 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030462 Olfr628 NCBI_Gene:259159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096516 MGI:3030462 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 628
7 gene 103.739775 103.744943 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030463 Olfr629 NCBI_Gene:258818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047545 MGI:3030463 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 629
7 gene 103.753480 103.757350 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030464 Olfr630 NCBI_Gene:259102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050281 MGI:3030464 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 630
7 gene 103.765805 103.771594 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341789 Olfr69 NCBI_Gene:18370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058662 MGI:1341789 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 69
7 gene 103.774358 103.779698 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341790 Olfr68 NCBI_Gene:18369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061626 MGI:1341790 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 68
7 gene 103.784594 103.791830 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341911 Olfr67 NCBI_Gene:18368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047535 MGI:1341911 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 67
7 gene 103.812524 103.813996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5474850 Hbb-bt NCBI_Gene:101488143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073940 MGI:5474850 protein coding gene hemoglobin, beta adult t chain
7 gene 103.826523 103.828096 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5474852 Hbb-bs NCBI_Gene:100503605,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052305 MGI:5474852 protein coding gene hemoglobin, beta adult s chain
7 pseudogene 103.829590 103.829956 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642219 Gm15115 NCBI_Gene:108167487,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083967 MGI:3642219 pseudogene predicted gene 15115
7 pseudogene 103.832628 103.833732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96026 Hbb-bh3 NCBI_Gene:15134,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083216 MGI:96026 pseudogene hemoglobin beta, pseudogene bh3
7 gene 103.838801 103.840734 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96025 Hbb-bh2 NCBI_Gene:436003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078621 MGI:96025 protein coding gene hemoglobin beta, bh2
7 gene 103.841637 103.843164 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96024 Hbb-bh1 NCBI_Gene:15132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052217 MGI:96024 protein coding gene hemoglobin Z, beta-like embryonic chain
7 pseudogene 103.850020 103.850148 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96023 Hbb-bh0 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085700 MGI:96023 pseudogene hemoglobin, beta, pseudogene bh0
7 gene 103.851749 103.853216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96027 Hbb-y NCBI_Gene:15135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052187 MGI:96027 protein coding gene hemoglobin Y, beta-like embryonic chain
7 gene 103.879443 103.886252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341906 Olfr66 NCBI_Gene:18367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058200 MGI:1341906 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 66
7 pseudogene 103.882573 103.883104 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3709029 Dnajc19-ps NCBI_Gene:100503724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083854 MGI:3709029 pseudogene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C19, pseudogene
7 gene 103.889485 103.894485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341900 Olfr64 NCBI_Gene:18366,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063615 MGI:1341900 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 64
7 gene 103.903487 103.908650 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341910 Olfr65 NCBI_Gene:18365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110259 MGI:1341910 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 65
7 gene 103.915062 103.930666 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030465 Olfr631 NCBI_Gene:258961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042219 MGI:3030465 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 631
7 gene 103.934347 103.940579 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030466 Olfr632 NCBI_Gene:259123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073938 MGI:3030466 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 632
7 pseudogene 103.939754 103.939913 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791491 Gm45655 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109837 MGI:5791491 pseudogene predicted gene 45655
7 gene 103.944437 103.948963 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030467 Olfr633 NCBI_Gene:258351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073937 MGI:3030467 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 633
7 pseudogene 103.956412 103.957366 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030468 Olfr634-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080751 MGI:3030468 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 634, pseudogene 1
7 gene 103.971152 103.987540 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030469 Olfr635 NCBI_Gene:259122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094520 MGI:3030469 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 635
7 pseudogene 103.973358 103.977107 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645929 Gm4886 NCBI_Gene:233614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082281 MGI:3645929 pseudogene predicted gene 4886
7 pseudogene 103.989102 103.990042 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030470 Olfr636-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055621 MGI:3030470 pseudogene olfactory receptor 636, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 103.995979 103.996643 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030471 Olfr637-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084236 MGI:3030471 pseudogene olfactory receptor 637, pseudogene 1
7 gene 103.998746 104.004357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030472 Olfr638 NCBI_Gene:259124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094063 MGI:3030472 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 638
7 gene 103.998800 104.137405 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030477 Olfr643 NCBI_Gene:259081,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109824 MGI:3030477 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 643
7 gene 104.006231 104.017303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030473 Olfr639 NCBI_Gene:259088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066263 MGI:3030473 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 639
7 gene 104.018686 104.025573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030474 Olfr640 NCBI_Gene:258819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066262 MGI:3030474 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 640
7 gene 104.035445 104.042072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030475 Olfr641 NCBI_Gene:259075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073932 MGI:3030475 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 641
7 gene 104.046529 104.052666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030476 Olfr642 NCBI_Gene:258326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049797 MGI:3030476 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 642
7 gene 104.053600 104.061445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924125 4930516K23Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090219 MGI:1924125 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930516K23 gene
7 gene 104.066289 104.071869 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030478 Olfr644 NCBI_Gene:259125,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110012 MGI:3030478 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 644
7 gene 104.081789 104.085465 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030479 Olfr645 NCBI_Gene:258247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051340 MGI:3030479 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 645
7 gene 104.097316 104.109766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030480 Olfr646 NCBI_Gene:259058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073931 MGI:3030480 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 646
7 gene 104.127912 104.129826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918230 Ubqln5 NCBI_Gene:70980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055643 MGI:1918230 protein coding gene ubiquilin 5
7 gene 104.140621 104.143321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045291 Ubqln3 NCBI_Gene:244178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051618 MGI:3045291 protein coding gene ubiquilin 3
7 gene 104.148259 104.150556 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685336 Ubqlnl NCBI_Gene:244179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051437 MGI:2685336 protein coding gene ubiquilin-like
7 gene 104.153013 104.164831 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443346 Olfm5 NCBI_Gene:244180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044265 MGI:2443346 protein coding gene olfactomedin 5
7 pseudogene 104.167378 104.168342 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030481 Olfr647-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083513 MGI:3030481 pseudogene olfactory receptor 647, pseudogene 1
7 gene 104.177598 104.183392 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030482 Olfr648 NCBI_Gene:258746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042909 MGI:3030482 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 648
7 gene 104.188992 104.195985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030483 Olfr649 NCBI_Gene:259057,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044899 MGI:3030483 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 649
7 pseudogene 104.203437 104.207865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030484 Olfr650-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081859 MGI:3030484 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 650, pseudogene 1
7 gene 104.218782 104.235152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2137352 Trim6 NCBI_Gene:94088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072244 MGI:2137352 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 6
7 pseudogene 104.221592 104.222977 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648748 Gm8667 NCBI_Gene:667497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109712 MGI:3648748 pseudogene predicted gene 8667
7 gene 104.244444 104.262239 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2137359 Trim34a NCBI_Gene:94094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056144 MGI:2137359 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 34A
7 gene 104.261465 104.262174 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6096073 Gm47248 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000111737 MGI:6096073 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 47248
7 gene 104.263386 104.288415 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646853 Trim5 NCBI_Gene:667823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060441 MGI:3646853 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 5
7 gene 104.264683 104.264790 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454623 Gm24846 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088658 MGI:5454623 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24846
7 gene 104.265221 104.265899 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4821182 Trim12b NA NA protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 12B
7 gene 104.299893 104.315850 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923931 Trim12a NCBI_Gene:76681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066258 MGI:1923931 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 12A
7 gene 104.310509 104.311058 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925028 A430102O06Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A430102O06 gene
7 gene 104.315019 104.324838 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705170 Gm15133 NCBI_Gene:622070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087175 MGI:3705170 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15133
7 pseudogene 104.319071 104.320177 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5009952 Gm17788 NCBI_Gene:100048312 MGI:5009952 pseudogene predicted gene, 17788
7 gene 104.329471 104.336909 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4821264 Trim34b NCBI_Gene:434218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090215 MGI:4821264 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 34B
7 gene 104.338754 104.353362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4821183 Trim12c NCBI_Gene:319236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057143 MGI:4821183 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 12C
7 gene 104.340090 104.340189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531377 Gm27995 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098399 MGI:5531377 snRNA gene predicted gene, 27995
7 gene 104.351817 104.355748 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595589 Gm36430 NCBI_Gene:102640341 MGI:5595589 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36430
7 gene 104.355382 104.369884 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4821256 Trim30b NCBI_Gene:244183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052749 MGI:4821256 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 30B
7 gene 104.355396 104.369881 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621410 Gm38525 NCBI_Gene:102640171 MGI:5621410 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38525
7 gene 104.356157 104.362694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825634 Gm45997 NCBI_Gene:108167453 MGI:5825634 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45997
7 gene 104.379117 104.400852 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4821257 Trim30c NCBI_Gene:434219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078616 MGI:4821257 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 30C
7 pseudogene 104.405404 104.406525 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791307 Gm45471 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110114 MGI:5791307 pseudogene predicted gene 45471
7 gene 104.409025 104.465193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98178 Trim30a NCBI_Gene:20128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030921 MGI:98178 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 30A
7 gene 104.423274 104.423380 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455182 Gm25405 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064907 MGI:5455182 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25405
7 gene 104.470014 104.507849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3035181 Trim30d NCBI_Gene:209387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057596 MGI:3035181 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 30D
7 pseudogene 104.499058 104.502149 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643716 Gm16464 NCBI_Gene:672495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082154 MGI:3643716 pseudogene predicted gene 16464
7 pseudogene 104.528611 104.529095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643499 Gm6574 NCBI_Gene:625305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083248 MGI:3643499 pseudogene predicted gene 6574
7 pseudogene 104.532959 104.535361 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4821258 Trim30e-ps1 NCBI_Gene:625321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073929 MGI:4821258 pseudogene tripartite motif-containing 30E, pseudogene 1
7 gene 104.550133 104.554422 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030485 Olfr651 NCBI_Gene:258809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073928 MGI:3030485 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 651
7 gene 104.560901 104.568634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030486 Olfr652 NCBI_Gene:259050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073927 MGI:3030486 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 652
7 gene 104.577314 104.584117 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030487 Olfr653 NCBI_Gene:57250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073926 MGI:3030487 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 653
7 gene 104.587025 104.590718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030488 Olfr654 NCBI_Gene:258377,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073925 MGI:3030488 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 654
7 gene 104.595301 104.601779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030489 Olfr655 NCBI_Gene:258817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051182 MGI:3030489 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 655
7 gene 104.613955 104.621603 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030490 Olfr656 NCBI_Gene:259078,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073924 MGI:3030490 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 656
7 gene 104.624794 104.637481 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030491 Olfr657 NCBI_Gene:258309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073923 MGI:3030491 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 657
7 pseudogene 104.634113 104.634618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5588865 Gm29706 NCBI_Gene:101055662 MGI:5588865 pseudogene predicted gene, 29706
7 pseudogene 104.634636 104.635219 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010596 Gm18411 NCBI_Gene:100417128 MGI:5010596 pseudogene predicted gene, 18411
7 gene 104.642877 104.647305 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030492 Olfr658 NCBI_Gene:259051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070421 MGI:3030492 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 658
7 pseudogene 104.647249 104.653208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3582591 Usp17le-ps NCBI_Gene:667882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082084 MGI:3582591 pseudogene ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like E, pseudogene
7 gene 104.666753 104.674948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030493 Olfr659 NCBI_Gene:259052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073922 MGI:3030493 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 659
7 pseudogene 104.678718 104.679092 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030494 Olfr660-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081694 MGI:3030494 pseudogene olfactory receptor 660, pseudogene 1
7 gene 104.686501 104.691354 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030495 Olfr661 NCBI_Gene:258743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073920 MGI:3030495 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 661
7 pseudogene 104.692298 104.693432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644209 Gm6593 NCBI_Gene:625495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109821 MGI:3644209 pseudogene predicted gene 6593
7 pseudogene 104.700212 104.700652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030496 Olfr662-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404413,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109832 MGI:3030496 pseudogene olfactory receptor 662, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 104.703569 104.704603 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030497 Olfr663 NCBI_Gene:257914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109806 MGI:3030497 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 663
7 pseudogene 104.733385 104.734362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030498 Olfr664 NCBI_Gene:667918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051885 MGI:3030498 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 664
7 gene 104.767961 104.777470 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107697 Usp17le NCBI_Gene:625530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043073 MGI:107697 protein coding gene ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like E
7 pseudogene 104.821146 104.822276 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645730 Gm4887 NCBI_Gene:233637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086229 MGI:3645730 pseudogene predicted gene 4887
7 gene 104.840257 104.842603 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3051498 Usp17lb NCBI_Gene:381944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062369 MGI:3051498 protein coding gene ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like B
7 gene 104.857009 104.862667 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107699 Usp17la NCBI_Gene:13531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054568 MGI:107699 protein coding gene ubiquitin specific peptidase 17-like A
7 gene 104.867993 104.871766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791392 Gm45556 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109641 MGI:5791392 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45556
7 gene 104.878031 104.882906 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030499 Olfr665 NCBI_Gene:258810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073917 MGI:3030499 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 665
7 gene 104.891822 104.895952 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030500 Olfr666 NCBI_Gene:259100,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063582 MGI:3030500 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 666
7 gene 104.908754 104.913339 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791108 Gm45272 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109734 MGI:5791108 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45272
7 pseudogene 104.911013 104.911377 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791111 Gm45275 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110330 MGI:5791111 pseudogene predicted gene 45275
7 gene 104.914742 104.921482 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030501 Olfr667 NCBI_Gene:259062,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056782 MGI:3030501 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 667
7 gene 104.922291 104.928057 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030502 Olfr668 NCBI_Gene:259061,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057770 MGI:3030502 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 668
7 gene 104.934240 104.940477 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030503 Olfr669 NCBI_Gene:259045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073916 MGI:3030503 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 669
7 pseudogene 104.942970 104.943250 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791109 Gm45273 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110284 MGI:5791109 pseudogene predicted gene 45273
7 pseudogene 104.949176 104.950435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643907 Gm5900 NCBI_Gene:545987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094685 MGI:3643907 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5900
7 gene 104.957114 104.962620 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030504 Olfr670 NCBI_Gene:384703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044705 MGI:3030504 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 670
7 gene 104.972476 104.979126 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030505 Olfr671 NCBI_Gene:257910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094531 MGI:3030505 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 671
7 gene 104.995760 105.002029 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030506 Olfr672 NCBI_Gene:258755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051172 MGI:3030506 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 672
7 pseudogene 105.004219 105.005169 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030507 Olfr673-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110041 MGI:3030507 pseudogene olfactory receptor 673, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 105.006313 105.007258 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030508 Olfr674-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258172,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109671 MGI:3030508 pseudogene olfactory receptor 674, pseudogene 1
7 gene 105.021370 105.028460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030509 Olfr675 NCBI_Gene:258147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096773 MGI:3030509 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 675
7 gene 105.031567 105.037750 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030510 Olfr676 NCBI_Gene:259099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073915 MGI:3030510 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 676
7 gene 105.051372 105.059006 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030511 Olfr677 NCBI_Gene:258355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073914 MGI:3030511 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 677
7 pseudogene 105.060231 105.060874 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646463 Gm8913 NCBI_Gene:667987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109676 MGI:3646463 pseudogene predicted gene 8913
7 gene 105.064475 105.071639 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030512 Olfr678 NCBI_Gene:258753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073913 MGI:3030512 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 678
7 pseudogene 105.076918 105.078183 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010174 Gm17989 NCBI_Gene:100416234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109972 MGI:5010174 pseudogene predicted gene, 17989
7 gene 105.078430 105.080080 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791393 Gm45557 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110293 MGI:5791393 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45557
7 gene 105.081205 105.090642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030513 Olfr679 NCBI_Gene:259046,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096029 MGI:3030513 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 679
7 pseudogene 105.090702 105.092817 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030514 Olfr680-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041885 MGI:3030514 pseudogene olfactory receptor 680, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 105.106030 105.107821 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010175 Gm17990 NCBI_Gene:100416235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110117 MGI:5010175 pseudogene predicted gene, 17990
7 gene 105.108305 105.110199 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791394 Gm45558 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109742 MGI:5791394 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45558
7 gene 105.116836 105.125523 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030515 Olfr681 NCBI_Gene:404318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095248 MGI:3030515 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 681
7 pseudogene 105.126366 105.128435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030516 Olfr682-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059768 MGI:3030516 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 682, pseudogene 1
7 gene 105.140839 105.147012 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030517 Olfr683 NCBI_Gene:259047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044120 MGI:3030517 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 683
7 pseudogene 105.145412 105.145547 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791210 Gm45374 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109918 MGI:5791210 pseudogene predicted gene 45374
7 gene 105.154692 105.163653 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030518 Olfr684 NCBI_Gene:244187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047225 MGI:3030518 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 684
7 gene 105.178416 105.186012 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030519 Olfr685 NCBI_Gene:258160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047794 MGI:3030519 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 685
7 gene 105.201858 105.207485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030520 Olfr686 NCBI_Gene:259072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048425 MGI:3030520 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 686
7 gene 105.227717 105.276545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030521 Olfr687 NCBI_Gene:668035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073908 MGI:3030521 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 687
7 gene 105.288095 105.289060 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030522 Olfr688 NCBI_Gene:259161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073909 MGI:3030522 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 688
7 gene 105.311165 105.319662 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030523 Olfr689 NCBI_Gene:258745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073907 MGI:3030523 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 689
7 pseudogene 105.326661 105.327214 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791167 Gm45331 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110265 MGI:5791167 pseudogene predicted gene 45331
7 gene 105.328225 105.334104 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030524 Olfr690 NCBI_Gene:56860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050266 MGI:3030524 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 690
7 gene 105.335509 105.342270 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030525 Olfr691 NCBI_Gene:259063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043948 MGI:3030525 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 691
7 gene 105.368230 105.369355 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030526 Olfr692 NCBI_Gene:258352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073906 MGI:3030526 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 692
7 gene 105.371211 105.400054 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921599 Fam160a2 NCBI_Gene:74349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044465 MGI:1921599 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 160, member A2
7 gene 105.375038 105.378377 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643909 Gm5901 NCBI_Gene:100503879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078611 MGI:3643909 protein coding gene predicted gene 5901
7 gene 105.397450 105.409101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2664099 Cnga4 NCBI_Gene:233649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030897 MGI:2664099 protein coding gene cyclic nucleotide gated channel alpha 4
7 gene 105.400314 105.401892 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5805000 Gm45885 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110366 MGI:5805000 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45885
7 pseudogene 105.412702 105.415443 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643689 Gm4972 NCBI_Gene:244189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109609 MGI:3643689 pseudogene predicted gene 4972
7 gene 105.425559 105.470898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99479 Cckbr NCBI_Gene:12426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030898 MGI:99479 protein coding gene cholecystokinin B receptor
7 gene 105.480083 105.482300 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923422 Cavin3 NCBI_Gene:109042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037060 MGI:1923422 protein coding gene caveolae associated 3
7 gene 105.481927 105.483242 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791503 Gm45667 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109735 MGI:5791503 unclassified gene predicted gene 45667
7 gene 105.482644 105.522672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5596006 Gm36847 NCBI_Gene:102640889 MGI:5596006 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36847
7 gene 105.544901 105.554275 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621948 Gm39063 NCBI_Gene:105243022 MGI:5621948 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39063
7 gene 105.554360 105.558389 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98325 Smpd1 NCBI_Gene:20597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037049 MGI:98325 protein coding gene sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1, acid lysosomal
7 gene 105.558465 105.581924 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107765 Apbb1 NCBI_Gene:11785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037032 MGI:107765 protein coding gene amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 1
7 gene 105.591611 105.600137 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105112 Hpx NCBI_Gene:15458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030895 MGI:105112 protein coding gene hemopexin
7 gene 105.604463 105.633571 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1860040 Trim3 NCBI_Gene:55992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036989 MGI:1860040 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 3
7 gene 105.622817 105.624704 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791468 Gm45632 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110077 MGI:5791468 unclassified gene predicted gene 45632
7 gene 105.634201 105.640416 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924182 Arfip2 NCBI_Gene:76932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030881 MGI:1924182 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor interacting protein 2
7 gene 105.640056 105.656992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1315196 Timm10b NCBI_Gene:14356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089847 MGI:1315196 protein coding gene translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 10B
7 gene 105.640552 105.684439 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804914 Gm45799 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110234 MGI:5804914 protein coding gene predicted gene 45799
7 gene 105.642338 105.642476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452281 Gm22504 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064897 MGI:5452281 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22504
7 gene 105.650813 105.721800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924755 Dnhd1 NCBI_Gene:77505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030882 MGI:1924755 protein coding gene dynein heavy chain domain 1
7 pseudogene 105.690040 105.690577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704298 Mrps36-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100042811,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081911 MGI:3704298 pseudogene mitochondrial ribosomal protein S36, pseudogene 2
7 gene 105.731730 105.737385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914251 Rrp8 NCBI_Gene:101867,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030888 MGI:1914251 protein coding gene ribosomal RNA processing 8, methyltransferase, homolog (yeast)
7 gene 105.736590 105.742925 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1195267 Ilk NCBI_Gene:16202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030890 MGI:1195267 protein coding gene integrin linked kinase
7 gene 105.739393 105.744379 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346320 Taf10 NCBI_Gene:24075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043866 MGI:1346320 protein coding gene TATA-box binding protein associated factor 10
7 gene 105.744811 105.752282 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1336194 Tpp1 NCBI_Gene:12751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030894 MGI:1336194 protein coding gene tripeptidyl peptidase I
7 gene 105.752989 105.788322 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685011 Dchs1 NCBI_Gene:233651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036862 MGI:2685011 protein coding gene dachsous cadherin related 1
7 pseudogene 105.762321 105.863650 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783089 Gm15645 NCBI_Gene:626055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086414 MGI:3783089 pseudogene predicted gene 15645
7 gene 105.803206 105.811099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351608 Mrpl17 NCBI_Gene:27397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030879 MGI:1351608 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L17
7 pseudogene 105.823257 105.856011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924950 9130208D14Rik NCBI_Gene:77700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086513 MGI:1924950 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 9130208D14 gene
7 gene 105.823264 105.823806 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5805027 Gm45912 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109685 MGI:5805027 unclassified gene predicted gene 45912
7 gene 105.885296 105.886866 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791520 Gm45684 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110141 MGI:5791520 unclassified gene predicted gene 45684
7 gene 105.895118 105.953967 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782245 Gm4070 NCBI_Gene:100042856,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078606 MGI:3782245 protein coding gene predicted gene 4070
7 gene 105.901568 106.093337 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313110 Gm20663 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093378 MGI:5313110 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20663
7 pseudogene 105.924344 105.928691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011037 Gm18852 NCBI_Gene:100417829,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099241 MGI:5011037 pseudogene predicted gene, 18852
7 pseudogene 106.038167 106.039204 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5521071 Gm27228 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099276 MGI:5521071 pseudogene predicted gene 27228
7 pseudogene 106.075731 106.084046 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3703149 Gm8979 NCBI_Gene:668108,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095649 MGI:3703149 pseudogene predicted gene 8979
7 pseudogene 106.091210 106.092475 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5520992 Gm27149 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098426 MGI:5520992 pseudogene predicted gene 27149
7 pseudogene 106.123174 106.124730 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644465 Gm8982 NCBI_Gene:668117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098987 MGI:3644465 pseudogene predicted gene 8982
7 gene 106.156535 106.215340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921808 Gvin1 NCBI_Gene:74558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045868 MGI:1921808 protein coding gene GTPase, very large interferon inducible 1
7 pseudogene 106.185743 106.190099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011038 Gm18853 NCBI_Gene:100417831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098934 MGI:5011038 pseudogene predicted gene, 18853
7 pseudogene 106.286445 106.287482 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5520993 Gm27150 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098945 MGI:5520993 pseudogene predicted gene 27150
7 pseudogene 106.322396 106.330688 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704114 Gm8989 NCBI_Gene:668128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095457 MGI:3704114 pseudogene predicted gene 8989
7 pseudogene 106.417848 106.441073 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647753 Gm4759 NCBI_Gene:209380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053541 MGI:3647753 pseudogene predicted gene 4759
7 gene 106.426712 106.426847 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452149 Gm22372 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077777 MGI:5452149 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22372
7 pseudogene 106.503886 106.529200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644223 Gm8995 NCBI_Gene:668139,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063286 MGI:3644223 pseudogene predicted gene 8995
7 gene 106.561045 106.567925 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621950 Gm39065 NCBI_Gene:105243024 MGI:5621950 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39065
7 pseudogene 106.595549 106.644646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3584360 Gm1966 NCBI_Gene:434223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073902 MGI:3584360 pseudogene predicted gene 1966
7 gene 106.675005 106.680584 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030527 Olfr693 NCBI_Gene:258445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051680 MGI:3030527 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 693
7 gene 106.684980 106.691814 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030528 Olfr694 NCBI_Gene:258444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064223 MGI:3030528 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 694
7 pseudogene 106.685003 106.685198 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753433 Gm44857 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109011 MGI:5753433 pseudogene predicted gene 44857
7 gene 106.711031 106.716396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030529 Olfr695 NCBI_Gene:258591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108948 MGI:3030529 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 695
7 pseudogene 106.728852 106.729819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030530 Olfr696-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109365 MGI:3030530 pseudogene olfactory receptor 696, pseudogene 1
7 gene 106.740834 106.742443 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030531 Olfr697 NCBI_Gene:258592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051591 MGI:3030531 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 697
7 gene 106.749889 106.755397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030532 Olfr698 NCBI_Gene:258595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059087 MGI:3030532 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 698
7 gene 106.787963 106.793198 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030533 Olfr699 NCBI_Gene:258180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096714 MGI:3030533 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 699
7 gene 106.805395 106.808834 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030534 Olfr700 NCBI_Gene:258593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094493 MGI:3030534 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 700
7 gene 106.809931 106.814102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914885 4930458B22Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109861 MGI:1914885 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930458B22 gene
7 gene 106.814129 106.821472 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030535 Olfr701 NCBI_Gene:66786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036744 MGI:3030535 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 701
7 gene 106.823489 106.833893 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030536 Olfr702 NCBI_Gene:258590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056863 MGI:3030536 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 702
7 gene 106.843360 106.846207 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030537 Olfr703 NCBI_Gene:258589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073901 MGI:3030537 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 703
7 gene 106.863185 106.870921 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030538 Olfr704 NCBI_Gene:257902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073900 MGI:3030538 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 704
7 gene 106.871870 106.876891 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030539 Olfr705 NCBI_Gene:259034,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109058 MGI:3030539 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 705
7 gene 106.882589 106.888162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030540 Olfr706 NCBI_Gene:258350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109354 MGI:3030540 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 706
7 gene 106.890446 106.901241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030541 Olfr707 NCBI_Gene:194433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069390 MGI:3030541 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 707
7 gene 106.908001 106.916265 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3031366 Olfr1532-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073899 MGI:3031366 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 1532, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 106.922874 106.932219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030543 Olfr709-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062553 MGI:3030543 pseudogene olfactory receptor 709, pseudogene 1
7 gene 106.943911 106.948312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030544 Olfr710 NCBI_Gene:258594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045581 MGI:3030544 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 710
7 pseudogene 106.952228 106.952672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753158 Gm44582 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108933 MGI:5753158 pseudogene predicted gene 44582
7 gene 106.953251 106.963937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104713 Olfr6 NCBI_Gene:233670,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036647 MGI:104713 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 6
7 gene 106.969694 106.975453 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030545 Olfr711 NCBI_Gene:259037,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045013 MGI:3030545 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 711
7 pseudogene 106.988316 106.989666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030546 Olfr712-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109246 MGI:3030546 pseudogene olfactory receptor 712, pseudogene 1
7 gene 106.995399 107.006072 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97432 Olfr2 NCBI_Gene:18317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070417 MGI:97432 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 2
7 gene 107.031174 107.040994 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030547 Olfr713 NCBI_Gene:259036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073898 MGI:3030547 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 713
7 pseudogene 107.068674 107.069891 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010176 Gm17991 NCBI_Gene:100416236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108862 MGI:5010176 pseudogene predicted gene, 17991
7 gene 107.070981 107.077802 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030548 Olfr714 NCBI_Gene:259035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049674 MGI:3030548 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 714
7 pseudogene 107.075261 107.075639 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753599 Gm45023 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109391 MGI:5753599 pseudogene predicted gene 45023
7 gene 107.093220 107.099808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109148 Olfr17 NCBI_Gene:18314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073897 MGI:109148 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 17
7 gene 107.103748 107.110369 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647188 Olfr715b NCBI_Gene:384732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062987 MGI:3647188 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 715B
7 gene 107.113388 107.127822 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804983 Gm45868 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110209 MGI:5804983 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45868
7 gene 107.125267 107.131083 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030549 Olfr715 NCBI_Gene:258776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060503 MGI:3030549 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 715
7 gene 107.127432 107.198103 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924108 Nlrp14 NCBI_Gene:76858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016626 MGI:1924108 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 14
7 gene 107.138327 107.150581 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030550 Olfr716 NCBI_Gene:258597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073896 MGI:3030550 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 716
7 pseudogene 107.198730 107.200254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781939 Gm3765 NCBI_Gene:100042278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086261 MGI:3781939 pseudogene predicted gene 3765
7 gene 107.204548 107.205865 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918906 4930513L20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930513L20 gene
7 gene 107.209445 107.210916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923822 Rbmxl2 NCBI_Gene:76572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073894 MGI:1923822 protein coding gene RNA binding motif protein, X-linked-like 2
7 gene 107.243022 107.300396 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645719 Platr28 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057215 MGI:3645719 lncRNA gene pluripotency associated transcript 28
7 gene 107.319654 107.319763 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454709 Gm24932 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076951 MGI:5454709 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24932
7 pseudogene 107.365770 107.367042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011218 Gm19033 NCBI_Gene:100418145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109078 MGI:5011218 pseudogene predicted gene, 19033
7 gene 107.370705 107.548656 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926373 Syt9 NCBI_Gene:60510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062542 MGI:1926373 protein coding gene synaptotagmin IX
7 gene 107.517532 107.519549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925052 A930026C06Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930026C06 gene
7 gene 107.567433 107.591365 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2679264 Olfml1 NCBI_Gene:244198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051041 MGI:2679264 protein coding gene olfactomedin-like 1
7 gene 107.592950 107.593506 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753349 Gm44773 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109374 MGI:5753349 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44773
7 gene 107.595051 107.748583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_894649 Ppfibp2 NCBI_Gene:19024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036528 MGI:894649 protein coding gene PTPRF interacting protein, binding protein 2 (liprin beta 2)
7 gene 107.623971 107.625161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923929 5330417H12Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049740 MGI:1923929 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5330417H12 gene
7 gene 107.719731 107.724403 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918337 4933409K08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933409K08 gene
7 gene 107.748446 107.758199 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444415 Cyb5r2 NCBI_Gene:320635,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048065 MGI:2444415 protein coding gene cytochrome b5 reductase 2
7 gene 107.780914 107.786446 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753616 Gm45040 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109402 MGI:5753616 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45040
7 gene 107.781544 107.801208 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045251 Ovch2 NCBI_Gene:244199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048236 MGI:3045251 protein coding gene ovochymase 2
7 gene 107.812263 107.816336 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030301 Olfr467 NCBI_Gene:257919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066242 MGI:3030301 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 467
7 pseudogene 107.816220 107.817084 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030302 Olfr468-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109192 MGI:3030302 pseudogene olfactory receptor 468, pseudogene 1
7 gene 107.820566 107.825541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030303 Olfr469 NCBI_Gene:258418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095910 MGI:3030303 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 469
7 pseudogene 107.840511 107.840861 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643924 Gm5002 NCBI_Gene:257773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108863 MGI:3643924 pseudogene predicted gene 5002
7 gene 107.842905 107.847490 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030304 Olfr470 NCBI_Gene:258417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109542 MGI:3030304 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 470
7 gene 107.847464 107.862555 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030305 Olfr471 NCBI_Gene:626674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109788 MGI:3030305 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 471
7 pseudogene 107.862965 107.863982 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642344 Gm10156 NCBI_Gene:626661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066245 MGI:3642344 pseudogene predicted gene 10156
7 gene 107.897902 107.907762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030306 Olfr472 NCBI_Gene:258770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073893 MGI:3030306 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 472
7 gene 107.930446 107.935661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030307 Olfr473 NCBI_Gene:258771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095212 MGI:3030307 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 473
7 pseudogene 107.951336 107.952356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779859 Gm9449 NCBI_Gene:669301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108892 MGI:3779859 pseudogene predicted gene 9449
7 gene 107.954643 107.955575 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030308 Olfr474 NCBI_Gene:258488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094197 MGI:3030308 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 474
7 gene 107.964803 107.969514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030310 Olfr476 NCBI_Gene:258926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095301 MGI:3030310 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 476
7 gene 107.986693 107.992723 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030311 Olfr477 NCBI_Gene:258928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096151 MGI:3030311 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 477
7 pseudogene 108.018982 108.019704 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643910 Gm6702 NCBI_Gene:606539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108844 MGI:3643910 pseudogene predicted gene 6702
7 gene 108.029965 108.033989 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030312 Olfr478 NCBI_Gene:258729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094426 MGI:3030312 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 478
7 gene 108.050693 108.056783 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030313 Olfr479 NCBI_Gene:257891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043855 MGI:3030313 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 479
7 gene 108.064878 108.067346 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030314 Olfr480 NCBI_Gene:56861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063120 MGI:3030314 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 480
7 gene 108.079855 108.085824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030315 Olfr481 NCBI_Gene:258927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054236 MGI:3030315 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 481
7 pseudogene 108.081864 108.082143 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791211 Gm45375 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109670 MGI:5791211 pseudogene predicted gene 45375
7 gene 108.092999 108.097586 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030316 Olfr482 NCBI_Gene:258728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059031 MGI:3030316 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 482
7 pseudogene 108.093206 108.094573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782376 Gm4199 NCBI_Gene:100043059 MGI:3782376 pseudogene predicted gene 4199
7 pseudogene 108.094129 108.094485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753446 Gm44870 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109484 MGI:5753446 pseudogene predicted gene 44870
7 gene 108.100849 108.105944 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030317 Olfr483 NCBI_Gene:258730,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078118 MGI:3030317 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 483
7 gene 108.120470 108.120527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455201 Gm25424 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088237 MGI:5455201 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25424
7 gene 108.120691 108.127449 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030318 Olfr484 NCBI_Gene:258492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110171 MGI:3030318 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 484
7 gene 108.158918 108.159871 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030319 Olfr485 NCBI_Gene:258041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108995 MGI:3030319 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 485
7 gene 108.171798 108.172742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030320 Olfr486 NCBI_Gene:258489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096068 MGI:3030320 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 486
7 gene 108.184604 108.185725 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621951 Gm39066 NCBI_Gene:105243025 MGI:5621951 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39066
7 pseudogene 108.203140 108.203789 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011129 Gm18944 NCBI_Gene:100418009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108916 MGI:5011129 pseudogene predicted gene, 18944
7 gene 108.208868 108.214636 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030321 Olfr487 NCBI_Gene:258042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095929 MGI:3030321 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 487
7 gene 108.251617 108.258347 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030322 Olfr488 NCBI_Gene:258727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096465 MGI:3030322 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 488
7 pseudogene 108.269529 108.270353 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647052 Gm6007 NCBI_Gene:546990,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109174 MGI:3647052 pseudogene predicted gene 6007
7 pseudogene 108.276746 108.277712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030323 Olfr489-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109639 MGI:3030323 pseudogene olfactory receptor 489, pseudogene 1
7 gene 108.285893 108.288934 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030324 Olfr490 NCBI_Gene:258491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109884 MGI:3030324 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 490
7 pseudogene 108.307894 108.308300 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753170 Gm44594 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109004 MGI:5753170 pseudogene predicted gene 44594
7 gene 108.313451 108.318827 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030325 Olfr491 NCBI_Gene:258731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094612 MGI:3030325 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 491
7 gene 108.322730 108.323674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030326 Olfr492 NCBI_Gene:258490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109497 MGI:3030326 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 492
7 gene 108.346035 108.346979 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030327 Olfr493 NCBI_Gene:258307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093980 MGI:3030327 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 493
7 gene 108.365335 108.368436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030328 Olfr494 NCBI_Gene:258732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109631 MGI:3030328 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 494
7 pseudogene 108.387636 108.387849 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791228 Gm45392 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109934 MGI:5791228 pseudogene predicted gene 45392
7 gene 108.393167 108.397513 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030329 Olfr495 NCBI_Gene:258361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110253 MGI:3030329 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 495
7 pseudogene 108.417104 108.418031 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030330 Olfr496-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109426 MGI:3030330 pseudogene olfactory receptor 496, pseudogene 1
7 gene 108.420421 108.424911 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030331 Olfr497 NCBI_Gene:258733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095239 MGI:3030331 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 497
7 pseudogene 108.458981 108.459335 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753187 Gm44611 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109081 MGI:5753187 pseudogene predicted gene 44611
7 gene 108.465326 108.467585 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030332 Olfr498 NCBI_Gene:258304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096679 MGI:3030332 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 498
7 pseudogene 108.475744 108.477407 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030333 Olfr499-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404396,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109213 MGI:3030333 pseudogene olfactory receptor 499, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 108.485906 108.486863 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030334 Olfr500-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108939 MGI:3030334 pseudogene olfactory receptor 500, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 108.508058 108.509003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030335 Olfr501-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258054,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110204 MGI:3030335 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 501, pseudogene 1
7 gene 108.520825 108.525065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030336 Olfr502 NCBI_Gene:258734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058014 MGI:3030336 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 502
7 pseudogene 108.527397 108.529074 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645491 Gm5053 NCBI_Gene:269980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109250 MGI:3645491 pseudogene predicted gene 5053
7 gene 108.544527 108.545498 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030337 Olfr503 NCBI_Gene:259143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060759 MGI:3030337 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 503
7 gene 108.564836 108.565793 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030338 Olfr504 NCBI_Gene:258163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060105 MGI:3030338 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 504
7 pseudogene 108.566250 108.566827 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010595 Gm18410 NCBI_Gene:100417127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109306 MGI:5010595 pseudogene predicted gene, 18410
7 pseudogene 108.566845 108.567375 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753441 Gm44865 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108837 MGI:5753441 pseudogene predicted gene 44865
7 pseudogene 108.574061 108.575415 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030339 Olfr505-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108998 MGI:3030339 pseudogene olfactory receptor 505, pseudogene 1
7 pseudogene 108.579031 108.581485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011312 Gm19127 NCBI_Gene:100418299,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109471 MGI:5011312 pseudogene predicted gene, 19127
7 gene 108.610787 108.615340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030340 Olfr506 NCBI_Gene:258215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058244 MGI:3030340 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 506
7 gene 108.621814 108.622764 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030341 Olfr507 NCBI_Gene:258738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061000 MGI:3030341 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 507
7 gene 108.629994 108.631628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030342 Olfr508 NCBI_Gene:258769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063764 MGI:3030342 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 508
7 gene 108.644336 108.651906 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030343 Olfr509 NCBI_Gene:258369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049280 MGI:3030343 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 509
7 gene 108.666418 108.670259 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030344 Olfr510 NCBI_Gene:258308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096209 MGI:3030344 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 510
7 pseudogene 108.696111 108.696519 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030345 Olfr511-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404397,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109070 MGI:3030345 pseudogene olfactory receptor 511, pseudogene 1
7 gene 108.713320 108.714375 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030346 Olfr512 NCBI_Gene:258719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056946 MGI:3030346 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 512
7 gene 108.750973 108.756800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030347 Olfr513 NCBI_Gene:258718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051200 MGI:3030347 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 513
7 pseudogene 108.795003 108.795164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753808 Gm45232 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109207 MGI:5753808 pseudogene predicted gene 45232
7 gene 108.825065 108.825997 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030348 Olfr514 NCBI_Gene:258721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066241 MGI:3030348 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 514
7 pseudogene 108.843235 108.843575 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030349 Olfr515-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109406 MGI:3030349 pseudogene olfactory receptor 515, pseudogene 1
7 gene 108.844788 108.850529 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030350 Olfr516 NCBI_Gene:258720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062434 MGI:3030350 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 516
7 pseudogene 108.865420 108.866495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010177 Gm17992 NCBI_Gene:100416237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109553 MGI:5010177 pseudogene predicted gene, 17992
7 gene 108.867208 108.872379 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030351 Olfr517 NCBI_Gene:258136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066240 MGI:3030351 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 517
7 gene 108.880188 108.885006 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030352 Olfr518 NCBI_Gene:258303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046431 MGI:3030352 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 518
7 gene 108.893461 108.894420 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030353 Olfr519 NCBI_Gene:277935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066239 MGI:3030353 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 519
7 gene 108.921852 108.930178 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444084 Nlrp10 NCBI_Gene:244202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049709 MGI:2444084 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 10
7 gene 108.934415 108.942951 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913335 Eif3f NCBI_Gene:66085,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031029 MGI:1913335 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit F
7 gene 108.950338 109.034460 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2651573 Tub NCBI_Gene:22141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031028 MGI:2651573 protein coding gene tubby bipartite transcription factor
7 gene 108.950657 108.961535 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041253 BC049265 NA NA unclassified gene cDNA sequence BC049265
7 gene 108.950754 108.961535 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477093 Gm26599 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097220 MGI:5477093 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26599
7 gene 108.954159 108.955256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621952 Gm39067 NCBI_Gene:105243026 MGI:5621952 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39067
7 gene 108.969683 108.992084 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591468 Gm32309 NCBI_Gene:102634811 MGI:5591468 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32309
7 gene 109.034268 109.083374 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443887 Ric3 NCBI_Gene:320360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048330 MGI:2443887 protein coding gene RIC3 acetylcholine receptor chaperone
7 gene 109.076136 109.076242 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455227 Gm25450 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094199 MGI:5455227 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25450
7 gene 109.138565 109.175341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102812 Lmo1 NCBI_Gene:109594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036111 MGI:102812 protein coding gene LIM domain only 1
7 gene 109.142634 109.152563 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753357 Gm44781 NCBI_Gene:108167455,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109107 MGI:5753357 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44781
7 gene 109.208301 109.224200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753600 Gm45024 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109001 MGI:5753600 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45024
7 gene 109.252932 109.256986 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591722 Gm32563 NCBI_Gene:102635152 MGI:5591722 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32563
7 gene 109.279213 109.439081 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2152419 Stk33 NCBI_Gene:117229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031027 MGI:2152419 protein coding gene serine/threonine kinase 33
7 pseudogene 109.387358 109.388885 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648833 Gm9105 NCBI_Gene:668320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081370 MGI:3648833 pseudogene predicted gene 9105
7 gene 109.438618 109.444901 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921543 1700095J03Rik NCBI_Gene:74293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085407 MGI:1921543 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700095J03 gene
7 gene 109.449001 109.516762 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2152406 Trim66 NCBI_Gene:330627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031026 MGI:2152406 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 66
7 gene 109.494097 109.495113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918500 4933428C20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933428C20 gene
7 gene 109.519147 109.522369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1347076 Rpl27a NCBI_Gene:26451,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046364 MGI:1347076 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L27A
7 gene 109.520120 109.520251 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819498 Snora3 NCBI_Gene:100302499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065016 MGI:3819498 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 3
7 gene 109.521249 109.521368 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096133 Gm47284 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105232 MGI:6096133 miRNA gene predicted gene, 47284
7 gene 109.521280 109.521409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454665 Gm24888 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077575 MGI:5454665 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24888
7 gene 109.523911 109.703621 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108517 St5 NCBI_Gene:76954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031024 MGI:108517 protein coding gene suppression of tumorigenicity 5
7 gene 109.699525 109.703608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753440 Gm44864 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109499 MGI:5753440 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44864
7 gene 109.703670 109.712189 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041226 Akip1 NCBI_Gene:57373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031023 MGI:3041226 protein coding gene A kinase (PRKA) interacting protein 1
7 gene 109.712181 109.723933 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928824 BC051019 NCBI_Gene:57355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031022 MGI:1928824 protein coding gene cDNA sequence BC051019
7 gene 109.727465 109.731732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928820 Ascl3 NCBI_Gene:56787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035951 MGI:1928820 protein coding gene achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 3
7 gene 109.735834 109.752875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915254 Tmem9b NCBI_Gene:56786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031021 MGI:1915254 protein coding gene TMEM9 domain family, member B
7 pseudogene 109.752320 109.755278 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921136 4930431P19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109147 MGI:1921136 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 4930431P19 gene
7 gene 109.758055 109.782025 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925843 Nrip3 NCBI_Gene:78593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034825 MGI:1925843 protein coding gene nuclear receptor interacting protein 3
7 gene 109.774612 109.774718 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452599 Gm22822 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094713 MGI:5452599 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22822
7 gene 109.798676 109.865679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928765 Scube2 NCBI_Gene:56788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007279 MGI:1928765 protein coding gene signal peptide, CUB domain, EGF-like 2
7 gene 109.844779 109.847243 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104521 Phxr5 NA NA unclassified gene per-hexamer repeat gene 5
7 gene 109.893780 109.960470 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1201681 Dennd5a NCBI_Gene:19347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035901 MGI:1201681 protein coding gene DENN/MADD domain containing 5A
7 gene 109.972187 109.986929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1289225 Tmem41b NCBI_Gene:233724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047554 MGI:1289225 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 41B
7 gene 109.988078 109.988131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454619 Gm24842 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089306 MGI:5454619 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24842
7 gene 109.998376 110.151202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917031 1600010M07Rik NCBI_Gene:69781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101585 MGI:1917031 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1600010M07 gene
7 gene 110.003578 110.003718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452877 Gm23100 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065389 MGI:5452877 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23100
7 gene 110.018248 110.056609 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2152414 Ipo7 NCBI_Gene:233726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066232 MGI:2152414 protein coding gene importin 7
7 gene 110.023210 110.023342 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455413 Gm25636 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064600 MGI:5455413 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25636
7 gene 110.046364 110.046547 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819494 Snora23 NCBI_Gene:100379145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064451 MGI:3819494 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 23
7 gene 110.057987 110.061325 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3034216 AA474408 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073867 MGI:3034216 unclassified gene expressed sequence AA474408
7 gene 110.061217 110.095396 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277969 Zfp143 NCBI_Gene:20841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061079 MGI:1277969 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 143
7 gene 110.118865 110.120017 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107300 D7Wsu130e NA NA unclassified gene DNA segment%2c Chr 7%2c Wayne State University 130%2c expressed
7 gene 110.119990 110.121740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804934 Gm45819 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109904 MGI:5804934 unclassified gene predicted gene 45819
7 gene 110.121982 110.143299 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103075 Wee1 NCBI_Gene:22390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031016 MGI:103075 protein coding gene WEE 1 homolog 1 (S. pombe)
7 gene 110.221703 110.283506 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298390 Swap70 NCBI_Gene:20947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031015 MGI:1298390 protein coding gene SWA-70 protein
7 gene 110.277782 110.281527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791351 Gm45515 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109799 MGI:5791351 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45515
7 gene 110.285502 110.289142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592020 Gm32861 NCBI_Gene:102635559 MGI:5592020 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32861
7 pseudogene 110.301990 110.307965 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648395 Gm9132 NCBI_Gene:100862242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110102 MGI:3648395 pseudogene predicted gene 9132
7 gene 110.308011 110.614953 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921831 Sbf2 NCBI_Gene:319934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038371 MGI:1921831 protein coding gene SET binding factor 2
7 pseudogene 110.425037 110.425602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647641 Gm9064 NCBI_Gene:668246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091117 MGI:3647641 pseudogene predicted gene 9064
7 pseudogene 110.517385 110.527208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3809877 Gm10087 NCBI_Gene:102633269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060777 MGI:3809877 pseudogene predicted gene 10087
7 pseudogene 110.522066 110.522663 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4938046 Gm17219 NCBI_Gene:100417540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090855 MGI:4938046 pseudogene predicted gene 17219
7 gene 110.598953 110.602925 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825664 Gm46027 NCBI_Gene:108167513 MGI:5825664 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46027
7 gene 110.626281 110.639358 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579569 Gm28863 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099803 MGI:5579569 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28863
7 gene 110.627661 110.629820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108058 Adm NCBI_Gene:11535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030790 MGI:108058 protein coding gene adrenomedullin
7 gene 110.690163 110.699734 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434478 Gm21123 NCBI_Gene:100861673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109700 MGI:5434478 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 21123
7 pseudogene 110.712041 110.713492 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011092 Gm18907 NCBI_Gene:100417932,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109749 MGI:5011092 pseudogene predicted gene, 18907
7 gene 110.739661 110.743500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621953 Gm39068 NCBI_Gene:105243027 MGI:5621953 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39068
7 gene 110.765767 110.769588 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588258 B430319F04Rik NCBI_Gene:619306,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110062 MGI:3588258 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B430319F04 gene
7 gene 110.767930 110.812409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096344 Ampd3 NCBI_Gene:11717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005686 MGI:1096344 protein coding gene adenosine monophosphate deaminase 3
7 gene 110.779268 110.782800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621954 Gm39069 NCBI_Gene:105243028 MGI:5621954 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39069
7 gene 110.799469 110.844457 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914400 Rnf141 NCBI_Gene:67150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030788 MGI:1914400 protein coding gene ring finger protein 141
7 gene 110.802481 110.802587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096129 Gm47282 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106468 MGI:6096129 miRNA gene predicted gene, 47282
7 gene 110.850607 110.863239 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2136348 Lyve1 NCBI_Gene:114332,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030787 MGI:2136348 protein coding gene lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1
7 gene 110.868257 110.982909 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338023 Mrvi1 NCBI_Gene:17540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005611 MGI:1338023 protein coding gene MRV integration site 1
7 gene 110.904985 110.905851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3840146 Gm16336 NCBI_Gene:100504184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087160 MGI:3840146 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16336
7 gene 111.028951 111.056377 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109345 Ctr9 NCBI_Gene:22083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005609 MGI:109345 protein coding gene CTR9 homolog, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component
7 gene 111.067750 111.083030 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109207 Eif4g2 NCBI_Gene:13690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005610 MGI:109207 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4, gamma 2
7 gene 111.076060 111.076227 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453039 Gm23262 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088948 MGI:5453039 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23262
7 gene 111.083064 111.122684 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922729 1700012D14Rik NCBI_Gene:75479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110424 MGI:1922729 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700012D14 gene
7 gene 111.090106 111.092816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791214 Gm45378 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110326 MGI:5791214 unclassified gene predicted gene 45378
7 gene 111.210366 111.220995 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592257 Gm33098 NCBI_Gene:102635869 MGI:5592257 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33098
7 gene 111.282910 111.285680 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592304 Gm33145 NCBI_Gene:102635934 MGI:5592304 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33145
7 gene 111.366298 111.395608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918577 5430402P08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109808 MGI:1918577 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5430402P08 gene
7 pseudogene 111.386694 111.387332 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644750 Gm5338 NCBI_Gene:384658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109867 MGI:3644750 pseudogene predicted gene 5338
7 gene 111.471656 111.780067 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446239 Galnt18 NCBI_Gene:233733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038296 MGI:2446239 protein coding gene polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 18
7 gene 111.792920 111.793011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455564 Gm25787 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077902 MGI:5455564 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25787
7 pseudogene 111.857926 111.858555 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791424 Gm45588 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110065 MGI:5791424 pseudogene predicted gene 45588
7 gene 111.947181 111.947330 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453122 Gm23345 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065751 MGI:5453122 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23345
7 gene 112.009776 112.012475 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592363 Gm33204 NCBI_Gene:102636009 MGI:5592363 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33204
7 gene 112.021951 112.023495 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782134 Gm3960 NCBI_Gene:100042678 MGI:3782134 unclassified gene predicted gene 3960
7 gene 112.023483 112.111661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922246 Usp47 NCBI_Gene:74996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059263 MGI:1922246 protein coding gene ubiquitin specific peptidase 47
7 gene 112.116017 112.159121 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354952 Dkk3 NCBI_Gene:50781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030772 MGI:1354952 protein coding gene dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 3
7 gene 112.186831 112.187850 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621956 Gm39071 NCBI_Gene:105243030 MGI:5621956 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39071
7 gene 112.199555 112.203992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621955 Gm39070 NCBI_Gene:105243029 MGI:5621955 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39070
7 gene 112.216936 112.217834 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592406 Gm33247 NCBI_Gene:102636075 MGI:5592406 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33247
7 gene 112.225836 112.413106 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444947 Mical2 NCBI_Gene:320878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038244 MGI:2444947 protein coding gene microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing 2
7 gene 112.368308 112.413104 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918127 Micalcl NCBI_Gene:100504195 MGI:1918127 protein coding gene MICAL C-terminal like
7 gene 112.427505 112.591692 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1931144 Parva NCBI_Gene:57342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030770 MGI:1931144 protein coding gene parvin, alpha
7 gene 112.459572 112.465909 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825635 Gm45998 NCBI_Gene:108167456 MGI:5825635 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45998
7 gene 112.526633 112.536312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445046 Parvaos NCBI_Gene:102636183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085049 MGI:2445046 antisense lncRNA gene parvin, alpha, opposite strand
7 gene 112.596533 112.680081 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916875 2310014F06Rik NCBI_Gene:69625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085945 MGI:1916875 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310014F06 gene
7 gene 112.618096 112.618225 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453931 Gm24154 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093002 MGI:5453931 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24154
7 pseudogene 112.652782 112.653397 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791309 Gm45473 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109611 MGI:5791309 pseudogene predicted gene 45473
7 gene 112.668458 112.672262 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5623336 Gm40451 NCBI_Gene:105244929 MGI:5623336 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40451
7 gene 112.679318 112.906807 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101876 Tead1 NCBI_Gene:21676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055320 MGI:101876 protein coding gene TEA domain family member 1
7 gene 112.713951 112.714079 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690854 Gm44462 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106046 MGI:5690854 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44462
7 gene 112.953962 112.957458 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925998 Rassf10 NCBI_Gene:78748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098132 MGI:1925998 protein coding gene Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family (N-terminal) member 10
7 pseudogene 112.972051 112.972896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644531 Gm5599 NCBI_Gene:434227,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110109 MGI:3644531 pseudogene predicted gene 5599
7 gene 112.983359 113.010892 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592745 Gm33586 NCBI_Gene:102636550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110207 MGI:5592745 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33586
7 gene 112.994293 113.004975 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592686 Gm33527 NCBI_Gene:102636470 MGI:5592686 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33527
7 gene 113.048895 113.050767 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5623337 Gm40452 NCBI_Gene:105244930 MGI:5623337 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40452
7 gene 113.100168 113.142023 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922489 4930543E12Rik NCBI_Gene:75239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110009 MGI:1922489 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930543E12 gene
7 gene 113.119698 113.119808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453439 Gm23662 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088671 MGI:5453439 rRNA gene predicted gene, 23662
7 gene 113.151601 113.157621 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592818 Gm33659 NCBI_Gene:102636654 MGI:5592818 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33659
7 gene 113.178470 113.314126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096381 Arntl NCBI_Gene:11865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055116 MGI:1096381 protein coding gene aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like
7 gene 113.243592 113.262903 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592880 Gm33721 NCBI_Gene:102636729 MGI:5592880 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33721
7 gene 113.292944 113.295337 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791191 Gm45355 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109959 MGI:5791191 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45355
7 gene 113.315626 113.371112 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916065 Btbd10 NCBI_Gene:68815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038187 MGI:1916065 protein coding gene BTB (POZ) domain containing 10
7 pseudogene 113.324258 113.324659 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801929 Gm15994 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082183 MGI:3801929 pseudogene predicted gene 15994
7 gene 113.385576 113.388672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97799 Pth NCBI_Gene:19226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059077 MGI:97799 protein coding gene parathyroid hormone
7 pseudogene 113.420374 113.421094 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791450 Gm45614 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110262 MGI:5791450 pseudogene predicted gene 45614
7 pseudogene 113.448340 113.448920 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010965 Gm18780 NCBI_Gene:100417718,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109779 MGI:5010965 pseudogene predicted gene, 18780
7 gene 113.513834 113.571511 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914670 Far1 NCBI_Gene:67420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030759 MGI:1914670 protein coding gene fatty acyl CoA reductase 1
7 gene 113.530489 113.564987 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916545 Far1os NCBI_Gene:69295,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084984 MGI:1916545 antisense lncRNA gene fatty acyl CoA reductase 1, opposite strand
7 pseudogene 113.592773 113.593815 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592987 Gm33828 NCBI_Gene:102636878 MGI:5592987 pseudogene predicted gene, 33828
7 pseudogene 113.592862 113.593021 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791448 Gm45612 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109968 MGI:5791448 pseudogene predicted gene 45612
7 gene 113.666915 113.667016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453477 Gm23700 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089467 MGI:5453477 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23700
7 gene 113.669626 113.684665 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621957 Gm39072 NCBI_Gene:105243031 MGI:5621957 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39072
7 gene 113.700890 113.711001 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645703 Gm5600 NCBI_Gene:108167501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073862 MGI:3645703 lncRNA gene predicted gene 5600
7 gene 113.729654 113.752166 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580213 Gm29507 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101755 MGI:5580213 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29507
7 gene 113.765998 114.043375 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385287 Spon1 NCBI_Gene:233744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038156 MGI:2385287 protein coding gene spondin 1, (f-spondin) extracellular matrix protein
7 gene 114.046782 114.117781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914172 Rras2 NCBI_Gene:66922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055723 MGI:1914172 protein coding gene related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene 2
7 gene 114.086898 114.088357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791451 Gm45615 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110248 MGI:5791451 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45615
7 pseudogene 114.208634 114.209088 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791290 Gm45454 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110407 MGI:5791290 pseudogene predicted gene 45454
7 gene 114.215559 114.254711 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917599 Copb1 NCBI_Gene:70349,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030754 MGI:1917599 protein coding gene coatomer protein complex, subunit beta 1
7 gene 114.264550 114.276118 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347005 Psma1 NCBI_Gene:26440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030751 MGI:1347005 protein coding gene proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type 1
7 gene 114.315479 114.415161 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918295 4933406I18Rik NCBI_Gene:71045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087475 MGI:1918295 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933406I18 gene
7 gene 114.364336 114.365215 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925198 A930016I07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930016I07 gene
7 gene 114.411891 114.539251 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333863 Pde3b NCBI_Gene:18576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030671 MGI:1333863 protein coding gene phosphodiesterase 3B, cGMP-inhibited
7 gene 114.464051 114.465888 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593333 Gm34174 NA NA lncRNA gene predicted gene%2c 34174
7 gene 114.549682 114.565621 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2449771 Cyp2r1 NCBI_Gene:244209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030670 MGI:2449771 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily r, polypeptide 1
7 gene 114.625903 114.636460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2151253 Calca NCBI_Gene:12310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030669 MGI:2151253 protein coding gene calcitonin/calcitonin-related polypeptide, alpha
7 pseudogene 114.698505 114.699648 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010784 Gm18599 NCBI_Gene:100417415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108349 MGI:5010784 pseudogene predicted gene, 18599
7 pseudogene 114.705216 114.706235 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782947 Gm15500 NCBI_Gene:100043295,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086583 MGI:3782947 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 15500
7 gene 114.716555 114.723365 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2151254 Calcb NCBI_Gene:116903,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030666 MGI:2151254 protein coding gene calcitonin-related polypeptide, beta
7 gene 114.743681 114.850383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917942 Insc NCBI_Gene:233752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048782 MGI:1917942 protein coding gene INSC spindle orientation adaptor protein
7 gene 114.832383 114.832514 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454759 Gm24982 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077644 MGI:5454759 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24982
7 gene 114.851344 114.854571 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753593 Gm45017 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108683 MGI:5753593 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45017
7 pseudogene 114.926848 114.927781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648347 Rps4l-ps NCBI_Gene:627967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046411 MGI:3648347 pseudogene ribosomal protein S4-like, pseudogene
7 gene 114.936545 114.936862 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452446 Gm22669 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089348 MGI:5452446 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22669
7 gene 114.942122 114.948497 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753596 Gm45020 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108419 MGI:5753596 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45020
7 gene 114.948650 114.983967 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142163 A730082K24Rik NCBI_Gene:101786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108379 MGI:2142163 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A730082K24 gene
7 gene 115.014774 115.066824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593384 Gm34225 NCBI_Gene:102637410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108722 MGI:5593384 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34225
7 gene 115.132426 115.171203 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593441 Gm34282 NCBI_Gene:102637487 MGI:5593441 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34282
7 pseudogene 115.171991 115.172690 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644393 Rpl19-ps10 NCBI_Gene:668472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108401 MGI:3644393 pseudogene ribosomal protein L19, pseudogene 10
7 gene 115.172273 115.172352 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531066 Gm27684 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099211 MGI:5531066 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27684
7 gene 115.392184 115.398303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825636 Gm45999 NCBI_Gene:108167457 MGI:5825636 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45999
7 gene 115.470872 116.041138 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98368 Sox6 NCBI_Gene:20679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051910 MGI:98368 protein coding gene SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6
7 gene 115.995274 116.014145 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753601 Gm45025 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108489 MGI:5753601 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45025
7 gene 116.031747 116.032550 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915719 Sox6os NCBI_Gene:68469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030664 MGI:1915719 antisense lncRNA gene SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 6, opposite strand
7 gene 116.039397 116.105210 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929274 1110004F10Rik NCBI_Gene:56372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030663 MGI:1929274 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1110004F10 gene
7 gene 116.081759 116.093159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916600 1700003G18Rik NCBI_Gene:69350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087621 MGI:1916600 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700003G18 gene
7 pseudogene 116.082863 116.084633 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782538 Gm4353 NCBI_Gene:100043313,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091900 MGI:3782538 pseudogene predicted gene 4353
7 gene 116.123485 116.308383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445094 Plekha7 NCBI_Gene:233765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045659 MGI:2445094 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A member 7
7 gene 116.281505 116.291478 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753443 Gm44867 NCBI_Gene:108167458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108650 MGI:5753443 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44867
7 gene 116.331505 116.334195 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915302 Rps13 NCBI_Gene:68052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090862 MGI:1915302 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S13
7 gene 116.333171 116.333257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3851608 Snord14a NCBI_Gene:100302592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064741 MGI:3851608 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 14A
7 gene 116.334236 116.348181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641651 Gm10589 NCBI_Gene:102637815 MGI:3641651 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10589
7 gene 116.334255 116.338633 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753353 Gm44777 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108738 MGI:5753353 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44777
7 gene 116.337265 116.443599 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1203729 Pik3c2a NCBI_Gene:18704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030660 MGI:1203729 protein coding gene phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 2 alpha
7 gene 116.396551 116.399717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753609 Gm45033 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108500 MGI:5753609 unclassified gene predicted gene 45033
7 gene 116.409847 116.410803 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924901 C430039J01Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108359 MGI:1924901 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C430039J01 gene
7 gene 116.434781 116.436926 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5623338 Gm40453 NCBI_Gene:105244931 MGI:5623338 protein coding gene predicted gene, 40453
7 gene 116.443575 116.444324 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142184 AV356131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108461 MGI:2142184 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AV356131
7 pseudogene 116.491942 116.492407 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591835 Gm32676 NCBI_Gene:102635299 MGI:5591835 pseudogene predicted gene, 32676
7 pseudogene 116.492117 116.492404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753607 Gm45031 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108566 MGI:5753607 pseudogene predicted gene 45031
7 gene 116.504353 116.540588 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1858179 Nucb2 NCBI_Gene:53322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030659 MGI:1858179 protein coding gene nucleobindin 2
7 gene 116.543656 116.545755 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753727 Gm45151 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108736 MGI:5753727 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45151
7 gene 116.546865 116.549364 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442534 4732496C06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108456 MGI:2442534 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4732496C06 gene
7 pseudogene 116.598054 116.598504 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647588 Gm9197 NCBI_Gene:668485 MGI:3647588 pseudogene predicted gene 9197
7 gene 116.625122 116.625242 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4422020 n-R5s157 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084492 MGI:4422020 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 157
7 gene 116.657881 116.665163 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825655 Gm46018 NCBI_Gene:108167502 MGI:5825655 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46018
7 gene 116.691379 116.691485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455200 Gm25423 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088234 MGI:5455200 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25423
7 gene 116.717679 116.726131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621959 Gm39074 NCBI_Gene:105243037 MGI:5621959 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39074
7 gene 116.726279 116.732315 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825585 Gm45948 NCBI_Gene:108167337 MGI:5825585 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45948
7 pseudogene 116.803624 116.804499 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647051 Gm6008 NCBI_Gene:546993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108740 MGI:3647051 pseudogene predicted gene 6008
7 pseudogene 116.824432 116.825853 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782551 Gm4366 NCBI_Gene:100043330,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107383 MGI:3782551 pseudogene predicted gene 4366
7 gene 116.952589 116.952695 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455831 Gm26054 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064971 MGI:5455831 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26054
7 gene 117.228618 117.323667 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621960 Gm39075 NCBI_Gene:105243038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108303 MGI:5621960 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39075
7 gene 117.380979 117.673580 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2451073 Xylt1 NCBI_Gene:233781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030657 MGI:2451073 protein coding gene xylosyltransferase 1
7 gene 117.381862 117.383762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753729 Gm45153 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108693 MGI:5753729 unclassified gene predicted gene 45153
7 gene 117.719378 117.759196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593921 Gm34762 NCBI_Gene:102638124 MGI:5593921 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34762
7 gene 117.776794 117.776898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453840 Gm24063 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088116 MGI:5453840 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24063
7 gene 117.849939 117.851343 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593981 Gm34822 NCBI_Gene:102638205 MGI:5593981 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34822
7 gene 118.050560 118.059838 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594037 Gm34878 NCBI_Gene:102638277 MGI:5594037 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34878
7 gene 118.104372 118.116188 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2389091 Rps15a NCBI_Gene:267019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008683 MGI:2389091 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S15A
7 gene 118.118890 118.129662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858943 Arl6ip1 NCBI_Gene:54208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030654 MGI:1858943 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor-like 6 interacting protein 1
7 gene 118.131308 118.243670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919742 Smg1 NCBI_Gene:233789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030655 MGI:1919742 protein coding gene SMG1 homolog, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinase (C. elegans)
7 gene 118.153480 118.153610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455460 Gm25683 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065874 MGI:5455460 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25683
7 gene 118.180961 118.182367 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5623339 Gm40454 NCBI_Gene:105244932 MGI:5623339 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40454
7 gene 118.229401 118.231357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753660 Gm45084 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109045 MGI:5753660 unclassified gene predicted gene 45084
7 gene 118.243865 118.245551 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914995 4930583K01Rik NCBI_Gene:67745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055159 MGI:1914995 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930583K01 gene
7 gene 118.259483 118.280424 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594158 Gm34999 NCBI_Gene:102638428 MGI:5594158 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34999
7 gene 118.273292 118.275363 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753731 Gm45155 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108980 MGI:5753731 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45155
7 gene 118.279861 118.279965 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453006 Gm23229 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087922 MGI:5453006 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23229
7 gene 118.323100 118.328648 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594242 Gm35083 NCBI_Gene:102638546 MGI:5594242 protein coding gene predicted gene, 35083
7 gene 118.329228 118.332597 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594468 Gm35309 NCBI_Gene:102638841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108856 MGI:5594468 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35309
7 gene 118.358170 118.370075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591925 Gm32766 NCBI_Gene:102635420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118412 MGI:5591925 protein coding gene predicted gene, 32766
7 gene 118.380713 118.448913 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104966 Syt17 NCBI_Gene:110058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058420 MGI:104966 protein coding gene synaptotagmin XVII
7 gene 118.480495 118.483348 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753228 Gm44652 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109167 MGI:5753228 unclassified gene predicted gene 44652
7 gene 118.485111 118.491975 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442416 Itpripl2 NCBI_Gene:319622,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095115 MGI:2442416 protein coding gene inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor interacting protein-like 2
7 gene 118.509659 118.533356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107207 Coq7 NCBI_Gene:12850,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030652 MGI:107207 protein coding gene demethyl-Q 7
7 gene 118.535841 118.584790 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443317 Tmc7 NCBI_Gene:209760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042246 MGI:2443317 protein coding gene transmembrane channel-like gene family 7
7 gene 118.591849 118.596838 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686541 B230311B06Rik NCBI_Gene:381914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109284 MGI:2686541 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B230311B06 gene
7 gene 118.597296 118.675086 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921674 Tmc5 NCBI_Gene:74424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030650 MGI:1921674 protein coding gene transmembrane channel-like gene family 5
7 gene 118.688545 118.688773 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753812 Gm45236 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109357 MGI:5753812 unclassified gene predicted gene 45236
7 gene 118.688545 118.705778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891827 Gde1 NCBI_Gene:56209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033917 MGI:1891827 protein coding gene glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase 1
7 gene 118.712515 118.737024 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141942 Ccp110 NCBI_Gene:101565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033904 MGI:2141942 protein coding gene centriolar coiled coil protein 110
7 gene 118.740197 118.842966 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918767 Vps35l NCBI_Gene:71517,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030982 MGI:1918767 protein coding gene VPS35 endosomal protein sorting factor like
7 gene 118.740449 118.741181 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916677 1700016B15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108979 MGI:1916677 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700016B15 gene
7 gene 118.768017 118.768593 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753125 Gm44549 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109303 MGI:5753125 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44549
7 gene 118.785143 118.787200 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753126 Gm44550 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109379 MGI:5753126 unclassified gene predicted gene 44550
7 gene 118.832565 118.832678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455924 Gm26147 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077667 MGI:5455924 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26147
7 gene 118.842217 118.856254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913606 Knop1 NCBI_Gene:66356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030980 MGI:1913606 protein coding gene lysine rich nucleolar protein 1
7 gene 118.855752 118.972652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3612188 Iqck NCBI_Gene:434232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073856 MGI:3612188 protein coding gene IQ motif containing K
7 gene 118.967668 118.969686 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753339 Gm44763 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109517 MGI:5753339 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44763
7 gene 118.972040 118.995211 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927596 Gprc5b NCBI_Gene:64297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008734 MGI:1927596 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member B
7 gene 118.985040 118.988595 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621961 Gm39076 NCBI_Gene:105243040 MGI:5621961 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39076
7 gene 119.140747 119.184603 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685341 Gpr139 NCBI_Gene:209776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066197 MGI:2685341 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 139
7 pseudogene 119.301252 119.301707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782258 Gm4083 NCBI_Gene:100042871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108921 MGI:3782258 pseudogene predicted gene 4083
7 gene 119.306123 119.306248 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453098 Gm23321 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077653 MGI:5453098 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23321
7 gene 119.442537 119.459285 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914383 Gp2 NCBI_Gene:67133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030954 MGI:1914383 protein coding gene glycoprotein 2 (zymogen granule membrane)
7 gene 119.462708 119.479282 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102674 Umod NCBI_Gene:22242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030963 MGI:102674 protein coding gene uromodulin
7 gene 119.462821 119.472478 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753164 Gm44588 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109254 MGI:5753164 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44588
7 gene 119.486586 119.528621 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919080 Pdilt NCBI_Gene:71830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030968 MGI:1919080 protein coding gene protein disulfide isomerase-like, testis expressed
7 gene 119.498677 119.501279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610746 Gm37518 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103258 MGI:5610746 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37518
7 gene 119.512000 119.514302 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504082 Gm26967 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098014 MGI:5504082 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26967
7 gene 119.519463 119.545551 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444086 Acsm5 NCBI_Gene:272428,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030972 MGI:2444086 protein coding gene acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 5
7 gene 119.554340 119.600694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385289 Acsm2 NCBI_Gene:233799,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030945 MGI:2385289 protein coding gene acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 2
7 gene 119.600840 119.604834 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621963 Gm39078 NCBI_Gene:105243042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109478 MGI:5621963 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39078
7 gene 119.607026 119.662515 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2152200 Acsm1 NCBI_Gene:117147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033533 MGI:2152200 protein coding gene acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 1
7 gene 119.607681 119.643469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012135 Gm19950 NCBI_Gene:100503901,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109093 MGI:5012135 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19950
7 gene 119.610690 119.620435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621964 Gm39079 NCBI_Gene:105243043 MGI:5621964 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39079
7 gene 119.626519 119.631058 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804907 Gm45792 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108884 MGI:5804907 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45792
7 gene 119.690026 119.714566 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681844 Acsm4 NCBI_Gene:233801,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047026 MGI:2681844 protein coding gene acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 4
7 gene 119.715093 119.723614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444479 Thumpd1 NCBI_Gene:233802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030942 MGI:2444479 protein coding gene THUMP domain containing 1
7 gene 119.720811 119.735760 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753442 Gm44866 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109233 MGI:5753442 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44866
7 gene 119.730804 119.739429 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621965 Gm39080 NCBI_Gene:105243044 MGI:5621965 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39080
7 pseudogene 119.739894 119.742244 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647492 Ppp1ccb NCBI_Gene:434233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100153 MGI:3647492 pseudogene protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit gamma B
7 pseudogene 119.742803 119.745410 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012148 Gm19963 NCBI_Gene:100503918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109404 MGI:5012148 pseudogene predicted gene, 19963
7 pseudogene 119.752677 119.752833 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753542 Gm44966 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108915 MGI:5753542 pseudogene predicted gene 44966
7 gene 119.760883 119.787513 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99538 Acsm3 NCBI_Gene:20216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030935 MGI:99538 protein coding gene acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 3
7 gene 119.768679 119.794058 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918401 Eri2 NCBI_Gene:71151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030929 MGI:1918401 protein coding gene exoribonuclease 2
7 gene 119.794006 119.882700 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919402 Rexo5 NCBI_Gene:434234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030924 MGI:1919402 protein coding gene RNA exonuclease 5
7 gene 119.852796 119.896298 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2679003 Dcun1d3 NCBI_Gene:233805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048787 MGI:2679003 protein coding gene DCN1, defective in cullin neddylation 1, domain containing 3 (S. cerevisiae)
7 gene 119.895796 119.956963 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921169 Lyrm1 NCBI_Gene:73919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030922 MGI:1921169 protein coding gene LYR motif containing 1
7 gene 119.896693 119.898372 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922137 4930456J16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930456J16 gene
7 gene 119.922671 120.095676 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2683040 Dnah3 NCBI_Gene:381917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052273 MGI:2683040 protein coding gene dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 3
7 gene 119.966343 119.994747 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5623340 Gm40455 NCBI_Gene:105244933 MGI:5623340 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40455
7 gene 119.969821 119.969921 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454994 Gm25217 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088172 MGI:5454994 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25217
7 pseudogene 120.064477 120.065026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010171 Gm17986 NCBI_Gene:100416230 MGI:5010171 pseudogene predicted gene, 17986
7 gene 120.101611 120.103205 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923088 4930560O18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109445 MGI:1923088 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930560O18 gene
7 gene 120.102353 120.120992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925752 Tmem159 NCBI_Gene:233806,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030917 MGI:1925752 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 159
7 gene 120.126772 120.145414 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99214 Zp2 NCBI_Gene:22787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030911 MGI:99214 protein coding gene zona pellucida glycoprotein 2
7 gene 120.156115 120.166001 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922323 4930505K13Rik NCBI_Gene:75073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109414 MGI:1922323 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930505K13 gene
7 gene 120.173858 120.185586 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919324 Anks4b NCBI_Gene:72074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030909 MGI:1919324 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 4B
7 gene 120.186380 120.202111 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102675 Crym NCBI_Gene:12971,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030905 MGI:102675 protein coding gene crystallin, mu
7 gene 120.203888 120.325354 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2388708 Abca14 NCBI_Gene:67928,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062017 MGI:2388708 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 14
7 gene 120.328486 120.407687 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2388709 Abca15 NCBI_Gene:320631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054746 MGI:2388709 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 15
7 gene 120.409647 120.544892 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2388711 Abca16 NCBI_Gene:233810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051900 MGI:2388711 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 16
7 pseudogene 120.504656 120.513772 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647914 Gm9165 NCBI_Gene:668429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109326 MGI:3647914 pseudogene predicted gene 9165
7 pseudogene 120.553156 120.556999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644715 Gm16475 NCBI_Gene:546994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109578 MGI:3644715 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 16475
7 gene 120.579359 120.582592 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825656 Gm46019 NCBI_Gene:108167503 MGI:5825656 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46019
7 gene 120.582601 120.589816 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825657 Gm46020 NCBI_Gene:108167504 MGI:5825657 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46020
7 pseudogene 120.587962 120.588422 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782281 Gm4105 NCBI_Gene:100042914 MGI:3782281 pseudogene predicted gene 4105
7 gene 120.590765 120.629769 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592075 Gm32916 NCBI_Gene:102635628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109113 MGI:5592075 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32916
7 pseudogene 120.597625 120.598475 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925802 E130201H02Rik NCBI_Gene:78552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044141 MGI:1925802 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA E130201H02 gene
7 pseudogene 120.624239 120.624574 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779699 Gm7226 NCBI_Gene:102640172 MGI:3779699 pseudogene predicted gene 7226
7 pseudogene 120.624249 120.624413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753689 Gm45113 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108911 MGI:5753689 pseudogene predicted gene 45113
7 gene 120.629762 120.634886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753688 Gm45112 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109304 MGI:5753688 unclassified gene predicted gene 45112
7 gene 120.635176 120.659524 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914253 Uqcrc2 NCBI_Gene:67003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030884 MGI:1914253 protein coding gene ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase core protein 2
7 gene 120.658731 120.677562 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915233 Pdzd9 NCBI_Gene:67983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030887 MGI:1915233 protein coding gene PDZ domain containing 9
7 gene 120.670296 120.675902 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923170 4930588G17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108935 MGI:1923170 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930588G17 gene
7 gene 120.673436 120.677570 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918818 9030407P20Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097343 MGI:1918818 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9030407P20 gene
7 gene 120.677618 120.734854 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446240 Mosmo NCBI_Gene:233812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046096 MGI:2446240 protein coding gene modulator of smoothened
7 gene 120.735694 120.805742 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041229 Vwa3a NCBI_Gene:233813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030889 MGI:3041229 protein coding gene von Willebrand factor A domain containing 3A
7 gene 120.736459 120.739961 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753237 Gm44661 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108830 MGI:5753237 unclassified gene predicted gene 44661
7 gene 120.812365 120.831899 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645276 Gm5737 NCBI_Gene:436008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109392 MGI:3645276 protein coding gene predicted gene 5737
7 gene 120.835479 120.835560 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413945 n-TLtag1 NCBI_Gene:102467559 MGI:4413945 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA leucine 1 (anticodon TAG)
7 gene 120.841127 120.842637 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595608 Gm36449 NCBI_Gene:102640377 MGI:5595608 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36449
7 gene 120.842829 120.907450 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1195261 Eef2k NCBI_Gene:13631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035064 MGI:1195261 protein coding gene eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase
7 gene 120.865509 120.880298 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783215 Gm15774 NCBI_Gene:105243045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085118 MGI:3783215 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15774
7 gene 120.890705 120.891013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753623 Gm45047 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109337 MGI:5753623 unclassified gene predicted gene 45047
7 gene 120.917517 120.917598 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413922 n-TLaag4 NCBI_Gene:102467415 MGI:4413922 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA leucine 4 (anticodon AAG)
7 gene 120.917738 120.947432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349452 Polr3e NCBI_Gene:26939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030880 MGI:1349452 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide E
7 gene 120.957036 120.982312 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100885 Cdr2 NCBI_Gene:12585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030878 MGI:1100885 protein coding gene cerebellar degeneration-related 2
7 gene 120.982441 121.014787 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921716 Mfsd13b NCBI_Gene:74466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030877 MGI:1921716 protein coding gene major facilitator superfamily domain containing 13B
7 pseudogene 121.014929 121.015677 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648545 Gm9234 NCBI_Gene:668548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058050 MGI:3648545 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 9234
7 gene 121.024360 121.024462 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455701 Gm25924 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088935 MGI:5455701 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25924
7 gene 121.032791 121.078329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914862 Mettl9 NCBI_Gene:59052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030876 MGI:1914862 protein coding gene methyltransferase like 9
7 gene 121.033252 121.035096 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642311 Gm9905 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053358 MGI:3642311 protein coding gene predicted gene 9905
7 pseudogene 121.037107 121.040269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644168 Gm9179 NCBI_Gene:102640624 MGI:3644168 pseudogene predicted gene 9179
7 gene 121.039138 121.043552 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753713 Gm45137 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109206 MGI:5753713 unclassified gene predicted gene 45137
7 gene 121.040344 121.040480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531373 Gm27991 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099280 MGI:5531373 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 27991
7 gene 121.052345 121.056321 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753477 Gm44901 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108954 MGI:5753477 unclassified gene predicted gene 44901
7 gene 121.062852 121.063959 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917383 2210406H18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109036 MGI:1917383 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2210406H18 gene
7 gene 121.064067 121.074802 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891393 Igsf6 NCBI_Gene:80719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035004 MGI:1891393 protein coding gene immunoglobulin superfamily, member 6
7 gene 121.081650 121.163097 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2149209 Otoa NCBI_Gene:246190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034990 MGI:2149209 protein coding gene otoancorin
7 pseudogene 121.223253 121.223994 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645305 Gm9240 NCBI_Gene:668556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108502 MGI:3645305 pseudogene predicted gene 9240
7 gene 121.257359 121.295852 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753655 Gm45079 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108627 MGI:5753655 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45079
7 gene 121.258764 121.259395 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922207 4930486N12Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108697 MGI:1922207 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930486N12 gene
7 gene 121.312974 121.393101 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595895 Gm36736 NCBI_Gene:102640740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108351 MGI:5595895 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36736
7 gene 121.391610 121.501770 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333802 Hs3st2 NCBI_Gene:195646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046321 MGI:1333802 protein coding gene heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 2
7 gene 121.468844 121.609334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918562 4933432K03Rik NCBI_Gene:75793,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108811 MGI:1918562 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933432K03 gene
7 gene 121.479952 121.540236 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621966 Gm39081 NCBI_Gene:105243046 MGI:5621966 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39081
7 gene 121.589903 121.591591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916657 1700025J12Rik NCBI_Gene:69407,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108409 MGI:1916657 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700025J12 gene
7 gene 121.642021 121.707861 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923429 Usp31 NCBI_Gene:76179,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063317 MGI:1923429 protein coding gene ubiquitin specific peptidase 31
7 gene 121.707075 121.708013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923863 1700069B07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053081 MGI:1923863 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700069B07 gene
7 gene 121.734421 121.768482 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104695 Scnn1g NCBI_Gene:20278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000216 MGI:104695 protein coding gene sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 gamma
7 gene 121.768449 121.777845 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596007 Gm36848 NCBI_Gene:102640890 MGI:5596007 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36848
7 gene 121.837452 121.839065 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753316 Gm44740 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108410 MGI:5753316 unclassified gene predicted gene 44740
7 gene 121.865038 121.918728 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104696 Scnn1b NCBI_Gene:20277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030873 MGI:104696 protein coding gene sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated 1 beta
7 gene 121.879363 121.981711 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685013 Cog7 NCBI_Gene:233824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034951 MGI:2685013 protein coding gene component of oligomeric golgi complex 7
7 gene 121.981761 121.989116 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753563 Gm44987 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108511 MGI:5753563 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44987
7 gene 121.986722 122.021222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921355 Gga2 NCBI_Gene:74105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030872 MGI:1921355 protein coding gene golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 2
7 gene 122.034162 122.067263 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914667 Ears2 NCBI_Gene:67417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030871 MGI:1914667 protein coding gene glutamyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial
7 gene 122.067175 122.082199 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107301 Ubfd1 NCBI_Gene:28018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030870 MGI:107301 protein coding gene ubiquitin family domain containing 1
7 gene 122.085403 122.101886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917566 Ndufab1 NCBI_Gene:70316,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030869 MGI:1917566 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit AB1
7 gene 122.096083 122.098911 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753562 Gm44986 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108573 MGI:5753562 unclassified gene predicted gene 44986
7 gene 122.107262 122.132985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3040695 Palb2 NCBI_Gene:233826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044702 MGI:3040695 protein coding gene partner and localizer of BRCA2
7 pseudogene 122.129740 122.132711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3840124 Gm16326 NCBI_Gene:102631495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089631 MGI:3840124 pseudogene predicted gene 16326
7 gene 122.133041 122.149044 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891689 Dctn5 NCBI_Gene:59288,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030868 MGI:1891689 protein coding gene dynactin 5
7 gene 122.139008 122.159401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705099 Gm15489 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086942 MGI:3705099 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15489
7 gene 122.159435 122.169884 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97621 Plk1 NCBI_Gene:18817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030867 MGI:97621 protein coding gene polo like kinase 1
7 gene 122.167029 122.168044 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753561 Gm44985 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108688 MGI:5753561 unclassified gene predicted gene 44985
7 gene 122.169893 122.186231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349436 Ern2 NCBI_Gene:26918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030866 MGI:1349436 protein coding gene endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to nucleus signalling 2
7 gene 122.208621 122.222824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917511 Chp2 NCBI_Gene:70261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030865 MGI:1917511 protein coding gene calcineurin-like EF hand protein 2
7 gene 122.235265 122.244231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589062 Gm29903 NCBI_Gene:102631606 MGI:5589062 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29903
7 pseudogene 122.249302 122.250025 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589136 Gm29977 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108708 MGI:5589136 pseudogene predicted gene, 29977
7 gene 122.265094 122.265200 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453391 Gm23614 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064532 MGI:5453391 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23614
7 gene 122.267465 122.273871 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589218 Gm30059 NCBI_Gene:102631818 MGI:5589218 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30059
7 gene 122.288751 122.634402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97596 Prkcb NCBI_Gene:18751,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052889 MGI:97596 protein coding gene protein kinase C, beta
7 gene 122.313064 122.318502 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753767 Gm45191 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108752 MGI:5753767 unclassified gene predicted gene 45191
7 gene 122.362000 122.363785 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753240 Gm44664 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108522 MGI:5753240 unclassified gene predicted gene 44664
7 gene 122.402455 122.405604 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753239 Gm44663 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108317 MGI:5753239 unclassified gene predicted gene 44663
7 pseudogene 122.441999 122.443423 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3650926 Gm14388 NCBI_Gene:668486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084230 MGI:3650926 pseudogene predicted gene 14388
7 gene 122.446858 122.447126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456191 Gm26414 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088299 MGI:5456191 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 26414
7 gene 122.463438 122.466160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753321 Gm44745 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108455 MGI:5753321 unclassified gene predicted gene 44745
7 pseudogene 122.484180 122.484420 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3650925 Gm14389 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087520 MGI:3650925 pseudogene predicted gene 14389
7 gene 122.590935 122.592283 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753322 Gm44746 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108341 MGI:5753322 unclassified gene predicted gene 44746
7 gene 122.670492 122.769393 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859165 Cacng3 NCBI_Gene:54376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066189 MGI:1859165 protein coding gene calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 3
7 gene 122.700291 122.701918 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753325 Gm44749 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108718 MGI:5753325 unclassified gene predicted gene 44749
7 pseudogene 122.837963 122.838289 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588918 Gm29759 NCBI_Gene:101055996,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108529 MGI:5588918 pseudogene predicted gene, 29759
7 gene 122.924515 122.935787 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621967 Gm39082 NCBI_Gene:105243048 MGI:5621967 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39082
7 gene 122.935836 122.940358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621968 Gm39083 NCBI_Gene:105243049 MGI:5621968 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39083
7 gene 122.965686 123.002572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_894835 Rbbp6 NCBI_Gene:19647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030779 MGI:894835 protein coding gene retinoblastoma binding protein 6, ubiquitin ligase
7 gene 122.969058 122.970459 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921201 4930413G21Rik NCBI_Gene:73951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108452 MGI:1921201 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930413G21 gene
7 gene 122.995348 122.995931 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012459 Gm20274 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108551 MGI:5012459 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20274
7 pseudogene 123.010073 123.010622 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644964 Gm6905 NCBI_Gene:628696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108396 MGI:3644964 pseudogene predicted gene 6905
7 gene 123.031101 123.195296 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385292 Tnrc6a NCBI_Gene:233833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052707 MGI:2385292 protein coding gene trinucleotide repeat containing 6a
7 gene 123.031374 123.169678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804961 Gm45846 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110230 MGI:5804961 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45846
7 gene 123.031415 123.068305 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804962 Gm45847 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109814 MGI:5804962 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45847
7 gene 123.075587 123.100717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621969 Gm39084 NCBI_Gene:105243050 MGI:5621969 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39084
7 gene 123.214754 123.274390 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919316 Slc5a11 NCBI_Gene:233836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030769 MGI:1919316 protein coding gene solute carrier family 5 (sodium/glucose cotransporter), member 11
7 gene 123.279149 123.370034 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917747 Arhgap17 NCBI_Gene:70497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030766 MGI:1917747 protein coding gene Rho GTPase activating protein 17
7 gene 123.369784 123.430358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1353593 Lcmt1 NCBI_Gene:30949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030763 MGI:1353593 protein coding gene leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 1
7 gene 123.382669 123.382771 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453336 Gm23559 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088449 MGI:5453336 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23559
7 gene 123.462291 123.468004 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1195271 Aqp8 NCBI_Gene:11833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030762 MGI:1195271 protein coding gene aquaporin 8
7 gene 123.475384 123.503134 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444060 Zkscan2 NCBI_Gene:210162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030757 MGI:2444060 protein coding gene zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 2
7 gene 123.592022 123.639762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589494 Gm30335 NCBI_Gene:102632195 MGI:5589494 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30335
7 gene 123.942104 123.942209 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453565 Gm23788 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084484 MGI:5453565 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23788
7 gene 123.958955 123.968767 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504089 Gm26974 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098160 MGI:5504089 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26974
7 gene 123.971046 123.983454 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504155 Gm27040 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098129 MGI:5504155 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 27040
7 gene 123.982869 124.398989 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333792 Hs3st4 NCBI_Gene:628779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078591 MGI:1333792 protein coding gene heparan sulfate (glucosamine) 3-O-sulfotransferase 4
7 gene 124.146281 124.146409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455536 Gm25759 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077176 MGI:5455536 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25759
7 gene 124.186718 124.290270 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3708108 Gm15338 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085899 MGI:3708108 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15338
7 gene 124.186727 124.187126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925453 4930551E15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930551E15 gene
7 gene 124.344552 124.348722 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642912 Gm16496 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 16496
7 gene 124.476541 124.494301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705108 Gm15339 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085892 MGI:3705108 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15339
7 gene 124.492906 124.493048 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452945 Gm23168 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087781 MGI:5452945 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23168
7 gene 124.625670 124.708935 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920326 3100003L05Rik NCBI_Gene:73076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086254 MGI:1920326 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 3100003L05 gene
7 pseudogene 124.699384 124.700075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011193 Gm19008 NCBI_Gene:100418115 MGI:5011193 pseudogene predicted gene, 19008
7 gene 124.907609 124.914418 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753668 Gm45092 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108623 MGI:5753668 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45092
7 gene 124.915815 124.916203 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915977 1110032L06Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1110032L06 gene
7 gene 125.067029 125.069491 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753669 Gm45093 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108407 MGI:5753669 unclassified gene predicted gene 45093
7 pseudogene 125.075348 125.076497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95754 Glud-ps NCBI_Gene:104277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108799 MGI:95754 pseudogene glutamate dehydrogenase, pseudogene
7 gene 125.210421 125.216918 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589660 Gm30501 NCBI_Gene:102632426 MGI:5589660 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30501
7 pseudogene 125.219449 125.219886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439426 Gm21957 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073844 MGI:5439426 pseudogene predicted gene, 21957
7 gene 125.284025 125.349788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918458 4933440M02Rik NCBI_Gene:71208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045928 MGI:1918458 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933440M02 gene
7 gene 125.316661 125.323685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825637 Gm46000 NCBI_Gene:108167459 MGI:5825637 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46000
7 gene 125.318359 125.319518 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922457 4930533L02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104236 MGI:1922457 unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930533L02 gene
7 gene 125.333122 125.333681 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621970 Gm39085 NCBI_Gene:105243052 MGI:5621970 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39085
7 gene 125.368861 125.371013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923111 4930571K23Rik NCBI_Gene:75861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090457 MGI:1923111 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930571K23 gene
7 gene 125.397981 125.405814 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589719 Gm30560 NCBI_Gene:102632502 MGI:5589719 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30560
7 gene 125.416994 125.428886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589876 Gm30717 NCBI_Gene:102632721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108814 MGI:5589876 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30717
7 gene 125.444445 125.463651 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924285 Kdm8 NCBI_Gene:77035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030752 MGI:1924285 protein coding gene lysine (K)-specific demethylase 8
7 gene 125.467640 125.491596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914961 Nsmce1 NCBI_Gene:67711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030750 MGI:1914961 protein coding gene NSE1 homolog, SMC5-SMC6 complex component
7 gene 125.491555 125.493058 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918140 4921524M04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4921524M04 gene
7 pseudogene 125.547269 125.548602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643455 Gm4973 NCBI_Gene:244214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108615 MGI:3643455 pseudogene predicted gene 4973
7 gene 125.551773 125.552063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2151102 A430106F20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A430106F20 gene
7 gene 125.552120 125.579474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105367 Il4ra NCBI_Gene:16190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030748 MGI:105367 protein coding gene interleukin 4 receptor, alpha
7 gene 125.570776 125.572117 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753452 Gm44876 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108524 MGI:5753452 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44876
7 gene 125.603251 125.633570 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890475 Il21r NCBI_Gene:60504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030745 MGI:1890475 protein coding gene interleukin 21 receptor
7 gene 125.640954 125.707780 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107887 Gtf3c1 NCBI_Gene:233863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032777 MGI:107887 protein coding gene general transcription factor III C 1
7 gene 125.707857 125.874797 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442760 D430042O09Rik NCBI_Gene:233865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032743 MGI:2442760 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA D430042O09 gene
7 gene 125.710837 125.713309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925204 A930012M21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930012M21 gene
7 gene 125.878412 126.082774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685483 Gsg1l NCBI_Gene:269994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046182 MGI:2685483 protein coding gene GSG1-like
7 gene 126.062906 126.064447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753450 Gm44874 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108376 MGI:5753450 unclassified gene predicted gene 44874
7 gene 126.091952 126.094714 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589966 Gm30807 NCBI_Gene:102632839 MGI:5589966 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30807
7 gene 126.101715 126.200519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2429950 Xpo6 NCBI_Gene:74204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000131 MGI:2429950 protein coding gene exportin 6
7 pseudogene 126.164033 126.168403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937964 Gm17137 NCBI_Gene:100417489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090559 MGI:4937964 pseudogene predicted gene 17137
7 pseudogene 126.176124 126.176534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937963 Gm17136 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057945 MGI:4937963 pseudogene predicted gene 17136
7 pseudogene 126.214885 126.215556 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011323 Gm19138 NCBI_Gene:100418320 MGI:5011323 pseudogene predicted gene, 19138
7 gene 126.224247 126.248238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923978 1700123J17Rik NCBI_Gene:76728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108676 MGI:1923978 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700123J17 gene
7 pseudogene 126.242380 126.242627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753279 Gm44703 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108309 MGI:5753279 pseudogene predicted gene 44703
7 gene 126.248402 126.295016 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2135937 Sbk1 NCBI_Gene:104175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042978 MGI:2135937 protein coding gene SH3-binding kinase 1
7 pseudogene 126.299394 126.299943 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642914 Gm10155 NCBI_Gene:100043495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066180 MGI:3642914 pseudogene predicted gene 10155
7 gene 126.337036 126.356055 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590087 Gm30928 NCBI_Gene:102632993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108417 MGI:5590087 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30928
7 gene 126.363824 126.369588 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1342293 Lat NCBI_Gene:16797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030742 MGI:1342293 protein coding gene linker for activation of T cells
7 gene 126.367971 126.368045 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531148 Mir7058 miRBase:MI0022907,NCBI_Gene:102466797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099017 MGI:5531148 miRNA gene microRNA 7058
7 gene 126.370060 126.377934 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920908 Spns1 NCBI_Gene:73658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030741 MGI:1920908 protein coding gene spinster homolog 1
7 gene 126.382853 126.397255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1329015 Nfatc2ip NCBI_Gene:18020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030722 MGI:1329015 protein coding gene nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin dependent 2 interacting protein
7 gene 126.395858 126.397745 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753717 Gm45141 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108420 MGI:5753717 unclassified gene predicted gene 45141
7 gene 126.408448 126.415143 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88319 Cd19 NCBI_Gene:12478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030724 MGI:88319 protein coding gene CD19 antigen
7 gene 126.428425 126.449245 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917564 Rabep2 NCBI_Gene:70314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030727 MGI:1917564 protein coding gene rabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 2
7 gene 126.445858 126.463108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105058 Atp2a1 NCBI_Gene:11937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030730 MGI:105058 protein coding gene ATPase, Ca++ transporting, cardiac muscle, fast twitch 1
7 gene 126.466993 126.475424 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1201407 Sh2b1 NCBI_Gene:20399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030733 MGI:1201407 protein coding gene SH2B adaptor protein 1
7 gene 126.475195 126.476252 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924851 C530001K22Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA C530001K22 gene
7 gene 126.484340 126.486514 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825638 Gm46001 NCBI_Gene:108167460 MGI:5825638 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46001
7 gene 126.487354 126.490731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923686 Tufm NCBI_Gene:233870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073838 MGI:1923686 protein coding gene Tu translation elongation factor, mitochondrial
7 gene 126.491708 126.503644 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446242 Atxn2l NCBI_Gene:233871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032637 MGI:2446242 protein coding gene ataxin 2-like
7 gene 126.502347 126.532013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921926 4930456A14Rik NCBI_Gene:105243053 MGI:1921926 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930456A14 gene
7 gene 126.546455 126.566411 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926966 Eif3c NCBI_Gene:56347,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030738 MGI:1926966 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit C
7 gene 126.563874 126.563980 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454373 Gm24596 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084453 MGI:5454373 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24596
7 gene 126.565920 126.566859 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642131 G730046D07Rik NA NA protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA G730046D07 gene
7 gene 126.567044 126.567149 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455356 Gm25579 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065341 MGI:5455356 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25579
7 gene 126.571207 126.585817 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107537 Cln3 NCBI_Gene:12752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030720 MGI:107537 protein coding gene ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal 3, juvenile (Batten, Spielmeyer-Vogt disease)
7 gene 126.579474 126.579532 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530916 Mir7059 miRBase:MI0022908,NCBI_Gene:102465641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098540 MGI:5530916 miRNA gene microRNA 7059
7 gene 126.584912 126.589112 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2176230 Apobr NCBI_Gene:171504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042759 MGI:2176230 protein coding gene apolipoprotein B receptor
7 gene 126.589009 126.595021 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384409 Il27 NCBI_Gene:246779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044701 MGI:2384409 protein coding gene interleukin 27
7 gene 126.615585 126.618481 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621971 Gm39086 NCBI_Gene:105243054 MGI:5621971 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39086
7 gene 126.621769 126.635179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621972 Gm39087 NCBI_Gene:105243055 MGI:5621972 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39087
7 gene 126.623246 126.630861 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891834 Nupr1 NCBI_Gene:56312,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030717 MGI:1891834 protein coding gene nuclear protein transcription regulator 1
7 gene 126.648543 126.649594 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3698051 2510046G10Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066175 MGI:3698051 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2510046G10 gene
7 gene 126.649298 126.672925 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922815 Sgf29 NCBI_Gene:75565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030714 MGI:1922815 protein coding gene SAGA complex associated factor 29
7 gene 126.667958 126.669153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442005 D930031A20Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA D930031A20 gene
7 gene 126.672865 126.690426 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102896 Sult1a1 NCBI_Gene:20887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030711 MGI:102896 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 1A, phenol-preferring, member 1
7 pseudogene 126.687459 126.690034 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782976 Gm6939 NCBI_Gene:629029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082922 MGI:3782976 pseudogene predicted gene 6939
7 gene 126.688927 126.695784 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915220 Slx1b NCBI_Gene:75764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059772 MGI:1915220 protein coding gene SLX1 structure-specific endonuclease subunit homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
7 gene 126.695401 126.699798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913412 Bola2 NCBI_Gene:66162,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047721 MGI:1913412 protein coding gene bolA-like 2 (E. coli)
7 gene 126.699773 126.707787 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1345961 Coro1a NCBI_Gene:12721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030707 MGI:1345961 protein coding gene coronin, actin binding protein 1A
7 pseudogene 126.723936 126.724409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109488 Snrp1c-ps1 NCBI_Gene:20631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108357 MGI:109488 pseudogene U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 1C, pseudogene 1
7 gene 126.740629 126.742181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921243 4930448A20Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108382 MGI:1921243 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930448A20 gene
7 pseudogene 126.742682 126.742910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753400 Gm44824 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108554 MGI:5753400 pseudogene predicted gene 44824
7 pseudogene 126.749555 126.749916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753431 Gm44855 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108649 MGI:5753431 pseudogene predicted gene 44855
7 gene 126.759601 126.765819 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346859 Mapk3 NCBI_Gene:26417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063065 MGI:1346859 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase 3
7 gene 126.766334 126.775649 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915866 Gdpd3 NCBI_Gene:68616,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030703 MGI:1915866 protein coding gene glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 3
7 gene 126.768082 126.776818 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704300 Gm9967 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055323 MGI:3704300 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9967
7 gene 126.776955 126.780514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913340 Ypel3 NCBI_Gene:66090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042675 MGI:1913340 protein coding gene yippee like 3
7 gene 126.781483 126.785560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102539 Tbx6 NCBI_Gene:21389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030699 MGI:102539 protein coding gene T-box 6
7 gene 126.785866 126.792496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891763 Ppp4c NCBI_Gene:56420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030697 MGI:1891763 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 4, catalytic subunit
7 gene 126.795234 126.809510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87994 Aldoa NCBI_Gene:11674,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114515 MGI:87994 protein coding gene aldolase A, fructose-bisphosphate
7 gene 126.797668 126.830219 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916202 Fam57b NCBI_Gene:68952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058966 MGI:1916202 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 57, member B
7 gene 126.799766 126.799881 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028037 2900046D03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900046D03 gene
7 pseudogene 126.806257 126.806560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753432 Gm44856 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108423 MGI:5753432 pseudogene predicted gene 44856
7 gene 126.830468 126.831639 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925368 4930451I11Rik NCBI_Gene:78118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045989 MGI:1925368 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930451I11 gene
7 gene 126.837212 126.846388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753430 Gm44854 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108583 MGI:5753430 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44854
7 gene 126.846986 126.852705 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109446 Doc2a NCBI_Gene:13446,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052301 MGI:109446 protein coding gene double C2, alpha
7 gene 126.850960 126.862377 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141881 Ino80e NCBI_Gene:233875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030689 MGI:2141881 protein coding gene INO80 complex subunit E
7 gene 126.861972 126.865377 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142364 Hirip3 NCBI_Gene:233876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042606 MGI:2142364 protein coding gene HIRA interacting protein 3
7 gene 126.865676 126.886296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915919 Taok2 NCBI_Gene:381921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059981 MGI:1915919 protein coding gene TAO kinase 2
7 gene 126.886171 126.928683 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915992 Tmem219 NCBI_Gene:68742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060538 MGI:1915992 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 219
7 gene 126.891622 126.897236 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313097 Gm20650 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093768 MGI:5313097 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20650
7 gene 126.915720 126.915826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453222 Gm23445 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064734 MGI:5453222 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23445
7 gene 126.928844 126.947897 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923739 Kctd13 NCBI_Gene:233877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030685 MGI:1923739 protein coding gene potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 13
7 gene 126.938886 126.940637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753311 Gm44735 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108543 MGI:5753311 unclassified gene predicted gene 44735
7 gene 126.942144 126.952873 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439453 Gm21984 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095334 MGI:5439453 lncRNA gene predicted gene 21984
7 gene 126.945567 126.950322 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685014 Asphd1 NCBI_Gene:233879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046378 MGI:2685014 protein coding gene aspartate beta-hydroxylase domain containing 1
7 gene 126.950436 126.970610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385295 Sez6l2 NCBI_Gene:233878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030683 MGI:2385295 protein coding gene seizure related 6 homolog like 2
7 gene 126.971722 126.976167 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443610 Cdiptos NCBI_Gene:381922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097075 MGI:2443610 protein coding gene CDIP transferase, opposite strand
7 gene 126.975914 126.980501 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105491 Cdipt NCBI_Gene:52858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030682 MGI:105491 protein coding gene CDP-diacylglycerol–inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase (phosphatidylinositol synthase)
7 gene 126.986860 127.014621 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925638 Mvp NCBI_Gene:78388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030681 MGI:1925638 protein coding gene major vault protein
7 gene 127.001480 127.016484 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141883 Pagr1b ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092534 MGI:5141883 protein coding gene PAXIP1 associated glutamate rich protein 1B
7 gene 127.015033 127.017352 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914528 Pagr1a NCBI_Gene:67278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030680 MGI:1914528 protein coding gene PAXIP1 associated glutamate rich protein 1A
7 gene 127.015051 127.021097 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5662879 Gm42742 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107068 MGI:5662879 protein coding gene predicted gene 42742
7 gene 127.017531 127.021211 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916267 Prrt2 NCBI_Gene:69017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045114 MGI:1916267 protein coding gene proline-rich transmembrane protein 2
7 gene 127.021450 127.027037 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338823 Maz NCBI_Gene:17188,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030678 MGI:1338823 protein coding gene MYC-associated zinc finger protein (purine-binding transcription factor)
7 gene 127.027729 127.042471 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109233 Kif22 NCBI_Gene:110033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030677 MGI:109233 protein coding gene kinesin family member 22
7 gene 127.031468 127.035291 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590908 Gm31749 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108617 MGI:5590908 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31749
7 gene 127.046112 127.046357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455110 Gm25333 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088660 MGI:5455110 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25333
7 gene 127.047163 127.047252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5690735 Gm44343 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106521 MGI:5690735 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44343
7 gene 127.050156 127.087328 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916286 Zg16 NCBI_Gene:69036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049350 MGI:1916286 protein coding gene zymogen granule protein 16
7 gene 127.068456 127.071039 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753515 Gm44939 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108327 MGI:5753515 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44939
7 gene 127.079481 127.079587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452524 Gm22747 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064429 MGI:5452524 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22747
7 gene 127.090765 127.094049 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141979 AI467606 NCBI_Gene:101602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045165 MGI:2141979 protein coding gene expressed sequence AI467606
7 gene 127.107114 127.122226 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914625 Qprt NCBI_Gene:67375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030674 MGI:1914625 protein coding gene quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase
7 gene 127.123633 127.144614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98384 Spn NCBI_Gene:20737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051457 MGI:98384 protein coding gene sialophorin
7 pseudogene 127.155069 127.156006 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010746 Gm18561 NCBI_Gene:100417362,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108362 MGI:5010746 pseudogene predicted gene, 18561
7 gene 127.171959 127.173205 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753516 Gm44940 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108717 MGI:5753516 unclassified gene predicted gene 44940
7 gene 127.191027 127.191241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455512 Gm25735 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092905 MGI:5455512 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25735
7 gene 127.191660 127.196077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917483 Cd2bp2 NCBI_Gene:70233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042502 MGI:1917483 protein coding gene CD2 cytoplasmic tail binding protein 2
7 gene 127.197459 127.208468 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915699 Tbc1d10b NCBI_Gene:68449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042492 MGI:1915699 protein coding gene TBC1 domain family, member 10b
7 gene 127.208848 127.214298 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97273 Mylpf NCBI_Gene:17907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030672 MGI:97273 protein coding gene myosin light chain, phosphorylatable, fast skeletal muscle
7 gene 127.214442 127.233130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858916 Sept1 NCBI_Gene:54204,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000486 MGI:1858916 protein coding gene septin 1
7 gene 127.232418 127.233130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3809207 Gm4532 NCBI_Gene:100043580 MGI:3809207 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4532
7 gene 127.233061 127.238179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2384725 Zfp553 NCBI_Gene:233887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045598 MGI:2384725 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 553
7 gene 127.244274 127.254807 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442050 Zfp771 NCBI_Gene:244216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054716 MGI:2442050 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 771
7 gene 127.256959 127.260709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913672 Dctpp1 NCBI_Gene:66422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042462 MGI:1913672 protein coding gene dCTP pyrophosphatase 1
7 gene 127.271879 127.274059 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108388 Sephs2 NCBI_Gene:20768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049091 MGI:108388 protein coding gene selenophosphate synthetase 2
7 gene 127.273264 127.275315 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753305 Gm44729 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108806 MGI:5753305 unclassified gene predicted gene 44729
7 pseudogene 127.286000 127.286467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937145 Gm17511 NCBI_Gene:100502641,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090460 MGI:4937145 pseudogene predicted gene, 17511
7 gene 127.287729 127.291896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591056 Gm31897 NCBI_Gene:102634273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108760 MGI:5591056 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31897
7 gene 127.296230 127.335138 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96606 Itgal NCBI_Gene:16408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030830 MGI:96606 protein coding gene integrin alpha L
7 gene 127.342795 127.345589 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384582 Zfp768 NCBI_Gene:233890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047371 MGI:2384582 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 768
7 gene 127.372537 127.376050 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443581 Zfp747 NCBI_Gene:269997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054381 MGI:2443581 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 747
7 gene 127.379762 127.406830 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443580 Zfp764 NCBI_Gene:233893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045757 MGI:2443580 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 764
7 gene 127.382260 127.387166 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926171 9130019O22Rik NCBI_Gene:78921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030823 MGI:1926171 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9130019O22 gene
7 gene 127.389673 127.393662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141981 E430018J23Rik NCBI_Gene:101604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078580 MGI:2141981 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA E430018J23 gene
7 pseudogene 127.397885 127.399023 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926284 Smt3h2-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100043590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000074184 MGI:1926284 pseudogene SMT3 suppressor of mif two 3 homolog 2, pseudogene 2 (S. cerevisiae)
7 pseudogene 127.410754 127.410997 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592239 Gm33080 NCBI_Gene:102635839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108663 MGI:5592239 pseudogene predicted gene, 33080
7 gene 127.418963 127.423641 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916484 Zfp688 NCBI_Gene:69234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045251 MGI:1916484 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 688
7 gene 127.434422 127.439392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753760 Gm45184 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108483 MGI:5753760 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45184
7 gene 127.442136 127.449158 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918381 Zfp689 NCBI_Gene:71131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048921 MGI:1918381 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 689
7 gene 127.448636 127.461238 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3590645 B130055M24Rik NCBI_Gene:654803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086502 MGI:3590645 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B130055M24 gene
7 gene 127.455469 127.456870 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753686 Gm45110 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108465 MGI:5753686 unclassified gene predicted gene 45110
7 gene 127.459611 127.476767 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2384565 Prr14 NCBI_Gene:233895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030822 MGI:2384565 protein coding gene proline rich 14
7 gene 127.477495 127.491806 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104648 Fbrs NCBI_Gene:14123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042423 MGI:104648 protein coding gene fibrosin
7 gene 127.489251 127.489387 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530897 Mir7060 miRBase:MI0022909,NCBI_Gene:102465642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098267 MGI:5530897 miRNA gene microRNA 7060
7 gene 127.490842 127.490932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096121 Gm47278 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105918 MGI:6096121 miRNA gene predicted gene, 47278
7 gene 127.510438 127.512869 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916610 1700008J07Rik NCBI_Gene:629159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101225 MGI:1916610 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700008J07 gene
7 gene 127.511983 127.561219 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444036 Srcap NCBI_Gene:100043597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053877 MGI:2444036 protein coding gene Snf2-related CREBBP activator protein
7 gene 127.519584 127.567054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5662852 Gm42715 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107023 MGI:5662852 protein coding gene predicted gene 42715
7 gene 127.527874 127.528003 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819499 Snora30 NCBI_Gene:100217442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065259 MGI:3819499 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 30
7 gene 127.559142 127.573116 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578904 Gm28198 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101845 MGI:5578904 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28198
7 gene 127.561223 127.566940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5613213 Tmem265 NCBI_Gene:105180375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106715 MGI:5613213 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 265
7 gene 127.573340 127.583307 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916211 Phkg2 NCBI_Gene:68961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030815 MGI:1916211 protein coding gene phosphorylase kinase, gamma 2 (testis)
7 gene 127.576018 127.579244 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825665 Gm46028 NCBI_Gene:108167514 MGI:5825665 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46028
7 gene 127.582383 127.588607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685012 Ccdc189 NCBI_Gene:233899,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057176 MGI:2685012 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 189
7 gene 127.588698 127.604799 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142048 Rnf40 NCBI_Gene:233900,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030816 MGI:2142048 protein coding gene ring finger protein 40
7 gene 127.590416 127.595900 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753335 Gm44759 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108677 MGI:5753335 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44759
7 gene 127.603900 127.604445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915482 1700120K04Rik NCBI_Gene:68232,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099579 MGI:1915482 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700120K04 gene
7 gene 127.607031 127.615797 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444524 Zfp629 NCBI_Gene:320683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045639 MGI:2444524 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 629
7 gene 127.647905 127.651409 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621974 Gm39089 NCBI_Gene:105243057 MGI:5621974 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39089
7 gene 127.657062 127.658234 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753336 Gm44760 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108766 MGI:5753336 unclassified gene predicted gene 44760
7 gene 127.661454 127.708944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1332237 Bcl7c NCBI_Gene:12055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030814 MGI:1332237 protein coding gene B cell CLL/lymphoma 7C
7 gene 127.690928 127.701645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621975 Gm39090 NCBI_Gene:105243058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108801 MGI:5621975 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39090
7 gene 127.708487 127.708562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3691607 Mir762 miRBase:MI0004215,NCBI_Gene:791073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076454 MGI:3691607 miRNA gene microRNA 762
7 gene 127.712702 127.718192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105115 Ctf1 NCBI_Gene:13019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042340 MGI:105115 protein coding gene cardiotrophin 1
7 gene 127.718106 127.732166 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684607 Ctf2 NCBI_Gene:244218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060034 MGI:2684607 protein coding gene cardiotrophin 2
7 gene 127.743957 127.769483 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3039600 Fbxl19 NCBI_Gene:233902,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030811 MGI:3039600 protein coding gene F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 19
7 gene 127.769815 127.775150 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3039586 Orai3 NCBI_Gene:269999,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043964 MGI:3039586 protein coding gene ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 3
7 gene 127.776104 127.800122 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446244 Setd1a NCBI_Gene:233904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042308 MGI:2446244 protein coding gene SET domain containing 1A
7 gene 127.785608 127.803802 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6121614 Gm49388 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108815 MGI:6121614 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49388
7 gene 127.800094 127.802762 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704302 9430064I24Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108402 MGI:3704302 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430064I24 gene
7 gene 127.800601 127.803803 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141879 Hsd3b7 NCBI_Gene:101502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042289 MGI:2141879 protein coding gene hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 7
7 gene 127.803900 127.824549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930705 Stx1b NCBI_Gene:56216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030806 MGI:1930705 protein coding gene syntaxin 1B
7 gene 127.812154 127.813507 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753780 Gm45204 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108808 MGI:5753780 unclassified gene predicted gene 45204
7 gene 127.824294 127.850988 positive MGI_C57BL6J_893577 Stx4a NCBI_Gene:20909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030805 MGI:893577 protein coding gene syntaxin 4A (placental)
7 gene 127.863038 127.876828 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442943 Zfp668 NCBI_Gene:244219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049728 MGI:2442943 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 668
7 gene 127.876221 127.885996 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3665412 Zfp646 NCBI_Gene:233905,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049739 MGI:3665412 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 646
7 gene 127.885444 127.892961 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2652890 Prss53 NCBI_Gene:330657,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044139 MGI:2652890 protein coding gene protease, serine 53
7 gene 127.886227 127.895454 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439443 Gm21974 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030804 MGI:5439443 protein coding gene predicted gene 21974
7 gene 127.893063 127.895617 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106442 Vkorc1 NCBI_Gene:27973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096145 MGI:106442 protein coding gene vitamin K epoxide reductase complex, subunit 1
7 gene 127.897568 127.898276 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924252 2200002A13Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108479 MGI:1924252 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2200002A13 gene
7 gene 127.904073 127.910221 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1276121 Bckdk NCBI_Gene:12041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030802 MGI:1276121 protein coding gene branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase
7 gene 127.912516 127.925837 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915023 Kat8 NCBI_Gene:67773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030801 MGI:1915023 protein coding gene K(lysine) acetyltransferase 8
7 gene 127.925716 127.930149 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923810 Prss8 NCBI_Gene:76560,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030800 MGI:1923810 protein coding gene protease, serine 8 (prostasin)
7 gene 127.932638 127.946725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924863 Prss36 NCBI_Gene:77613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070371 MGI:1924863 protein coding gene protease, serine 36
7 gene 127.966788 127.985701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1353633 Fus NCBI_Gene:233908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030795 MGI:1353633 protein coding gene fused in sarcoma
7 gene 127.982570 127.984881 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477184 Gm26690 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097751 MGI:5477184 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26690
7 gene 127.984405 127.984881 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442200 B230325K18Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA B230325K18 gene
7 gene 127.989708 127.993867 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1931465 Pycard NCBI_Gene:66824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030793 MGI:1931465 protein coding gene PYD and CARD domain containing
7 gene 127.993269 127.996598 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753781 Gm45205 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108353 MGI:5753781 unclassified gene predicted gene 45205
7 gene 128.001899 128.005190 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782982 Gm15533 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087530 MGI:3782982 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15533
7 gene 128.003424 128.011393 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3612190 Trim72 NCBI_Gene:434246,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042828 MGI:3612190 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 72
7 pseudogene 128.012883 128.013241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011551 Gm19366 NCBI_Gene:100502780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108437 MGI:5011551 pseudogene predicted gene, 19366
7 pseudogene 128.015655 128.017273 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648290 Gm5738 NCBI_Gene:436010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108696 MGI:3648290 pseudogene predicted gene 5738
7 pseudogene 128.041251 128.042390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648098 Gm9299 NCBI_Gene:668675,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108381 MGI:3648098 pseudogene predicted gene 9299
7 gene 128.061705 128.061860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452586 Gm22809 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064677 MGI:5452586 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22809
7 gene 128.062640 128.118491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96607 Itgam NCBI_Gene:16409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030786 MGI:96607 protein coding gene integrin alpha M
7 gene 128.062683 128.128160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6121583 Gm49368 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108596 MGI:6121583 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49368
7 pseudogene 128.126381 128.127210 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5804815 Gm45700 NCBI_Gene:108167515,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108578 MGI:5804815 pseudogene predicted gene 45700
7 gene 128.129530 128.150657 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96609 Itgax NCBI_Gene:16411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030789 MGI:96609 protein coding gene integrin alpha X
7 pseudogene 128.153809 128.159267 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010016 Gm17831 NCBI_Gene:100415813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108729 MGI:5010016 pseudogene predicted gene, 17831
7 gene 128.154376 128.223816 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3578624 Itgad NCBI_Gene:381924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070369 MGI:3578624 protein coding gene integrin, alpha D
7 gene 128.181767 128.184096 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621976 Gm39091 NCBI_Gene:105243059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108531 MGI:5621976 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39091
7 gene 128.192050 128.203328 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918223 4931431B13Rik NCBI_Gene:70973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108354 MGI:1918223 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4931431B13 gene
7 gene 128.205435 128.206387 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104649 Cox6a2 NCBI_Gene:12862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030785 MGI:104649 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6A2
7 gene 128.215616 128.220788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753426 Gm44850 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108604 MGI:5753426 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44850
7 gene 128.234451 128.238031 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442738 9130023H24Rik NCBI_Gene:100043133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062944 MGI:2442738 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9130023H24 gene
7 gene 128.237342 128.245100 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2384586 Armc5 NCBI_Gene:233912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042178 MGI:2384586 protein coding gene armadillo repeat containing 5
7 gene 128.246799 128.255699 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102784 Tgfb1i1 NCBI_Gene:21804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030782 MGI:102784 protein coding gene transforming growth factor beta 1 induced transcript 1
7 gene 128.265657 128.272433 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2181411 Slc5a2 NCBI_Gene:246787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030781 MGI:2181411 protein coding gene solute carrier family 5 (sodium/glucose cotransporter), member 2
7 gene 128.271379 128.298170 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384572 BC017158 NCBI_Gene:233913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030780 MGI:2384572 protein coding gene cDNA sequence BC017158
7 gene 128.288369 128.288435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834322 Mir3103 miRBase:MI0014100,NCBI_Gene:100526559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093215 MGI:4834322 miRNA gene microRNA 3103
7 pseudogene 128.314784 128.341064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644024 Gm6916 NCBI_Gene:628781,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108608 MGI:3644024 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6916
7 pseudogene 128.329808 128.330001 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753226 Gm44650 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108636 MGI:5753226 pseudogene predicted gene 44650
7 gene 128.344309 128.347852 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591866 Gm32707 NCBI_Gene:102635344 MGI:5591866 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32707
7 gene 128.358793 128.367010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621977 Gm39092 NCBI_Gene:105243060 MGI:5621977 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39092
7 gene 128.373621 128.419201 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915115 Rgs10 NCBI_Gene:67865,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030844 MGI:1915115 protein coding gene regulator of G-protein signalling 10
7 gene 128.408968 128.412341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782950 Gm15503 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084964 MGI:3782950 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15503
7 gene 128.429940 128.437818 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591924 Gm32765 NCBI_Gene:102635419 MGI:5591924 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32765
7 gene 128.439772 128.461717 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107913 Tial1 NCBI_Gene:21843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030846 MGI:107913 protein coding gene Tia1 cytotoxic granule-associated RNA binding protein-like 1
7 gene 128.461794 128.475575 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591975 Gm32816 NCBI_Gene:102635493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108668 MGI:5591975 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32816
7 gene 128.478014 128.478138 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454142 Gm24365 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093125 MGI:5454142 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24365
7 gene 128.487945 128.500187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5623342 Gm40457 NCBI_Gene:105244935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108626 MGI:5623342 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 40457
7 gene 128.522563 128.523148 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918169 4921520J07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4921520J07 gene
7 gene 128.523583 128.546981 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352493 Bag3 NCBI_Gene:29810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030847 MGI:1352493 protein coding gene BCL2-associated athanogene 3
7 gene 128.538932 128.539543 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917710 2610306O10Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108614 MGI:1917710 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2610306O10 gene
7 gene 128.590926 128.593343 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753697 Gm45121 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108795 MGI:5753697 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45121
7 pseudogene 128.595773 128.596298 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644893 Gm7258 NCBI_Gene:639030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096557 MGI:3644893 pseudogene predicted gene 7258
7 gene 128.610778 128.696437 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141867 Inpp5f NCBI_Gene:101490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042105 MGI:2141867 protein coding gene inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase F
7 pseudogene 128.688535 128.688818 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663717 Gm43580 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107062 MGI:5663717 pseudogene predicted gene 43580
7 pseudogene 128.692689 128.693199 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801992 Gm16044 NCBI_Gene:100417490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081339 MGI:3801992 pseudogene predicted gene 16044
7 gene 128.696441 128.740495 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920977 Mcmbp NCBI_Gene:210711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048170 MGI:1920977 protein coding gene minichromosome maintenance complex binding protein
7 gene 128.721049 128.722044 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753249 Gm44673 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108388 MGI:5753249 unclassified gene predicted gene 44673
7 gene 128.728394 128.729522 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753250 Gm44674 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108648 MGI:5753250 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44674
7 gene 128.734202 128.734303 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453560 Gm23783 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088566 MGI:5453560 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23783
7 gene 128.744179 128.745276 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753248 Gm44672 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108720 MGI:5753248 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44672
7 gene 128.744863 128.784836 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2450915 Sec23ip NCBI_Gene:207352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055319 MGI:2450915 protein coding gene Sec23 interacting protein
7 gene 128.774846 128.774963 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4422021 n-R5s158 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077283 MGI:4422021 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 158
7 gene 128.795194 128.928013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592043 Gm32884 NCBI_Gene:102635592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108600 MGI:5592043 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32884
7 gene 128.826347 128.826467 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455555 Gm25778 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080363 MGI:5455555 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25778
7 gene 128.843064 128.845369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621978 Gm39093 NCBI_Gene:105243062 MGI:5621978 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39093
7 pseudogene 128.997336 128.998021 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643845 Gm4768 NCBI_Gene:210714,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108540 MGI:3643845 pseudogene predicted gene 4768
7 pseudogene 129.054274 129.055098 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782436 Gm4259 NCBI_Gene:100043144,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108785 MGI:3782436 pseudogene predicted gene 4259
7 gene 129.257020 129.391412 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685936 Plpp4 NCBI_Gene:381925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070366 MGI:2685936 protein coding gene phospholipid phosphatase 4
7 gene 129.398102 129.403300 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592186 Gm33027 NCBI_Gene:102635775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108713 MGI:5592186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33027
7 gene 129.591713 129.635738 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920230 Wdr11 NCBI_Gene:207425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042055 MGI:1920230 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 11
7 gene 129.644125 129.658085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592281 Gm33122 NCBI_Gene:102635904 MGI:5592281 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33122
7 gene 129.658097 129.731647 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621979 Gm39094 NCBI_Gene:105243063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108580 MGI:5621979 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39094
7 gene 129.667405 129.693964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592407 Gm33248 NCBI_Gene:102636076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108481 MGI:5592407 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33248
7 gene 129.763933 129.764651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592557 Gm33398 NCBI_Gene:102636290 MGI:5592557 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33398
7 gene 129.764778 129.793027 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592482 Gm33323 NCBI_Gene:102636184 MGI:5592482 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33323
7 gene 129.810847 129.823801 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621980 Gm39095 NCBI_Gene:105243064 MGI:5621980 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39095
7 gene 129.833046 129.853779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753354 Gm44778 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108576 MGI:5753354 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44778
7 gene 129.917717 129.924725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921540 1700102J08Rik NCBI_Gene:74290 MGI:1921540 unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700102J08 gene
7 gene 129.962165 129.978669 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782442 Gm4265 NCBI_Gene:100043150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108504 MGI:3782442 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4265
7 gene 130.035094 130.035203 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453624 Gm23847 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065763 MGI:5453624 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23847
7 gene 130.086543 130.094907 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621981 Gm39096 NCBI_Gene:105243065 MGI:5621981 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39096
7 gene 130.162451 133.123350 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95523 Fgfr2 NCBI_Gene:14183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030849 MGI:95523 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
7 gene 130.273263 130.315535 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592714 Gm33555 NCBI_Gene:102636510 MGI:5592714 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33555
7 gene 130.309652 130.315943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592766 Gm33607 NCBI_Gene:102636585 MGI:5592766 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33607
7 gene 130.326071 130.340759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592820 Gm33661 NCBI_Gene:102636656 MGI:5592820 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33661
7 gene 130.334877 130.337404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621982 Gm39097 NCBI_Gene:105243066 MGI:5621982 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39097
7 pseudogene 130.343522 130.354404 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644470 Gm5903 NCBI_Gene:546005,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082988 MGI:3644470 pseudogene predicted gene 5903
7 gene 130.374768 130.382948 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592930 Gm33771 NCBI_Gene:102636799 MGI:5592930 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33771
7 gene 130.391493 130.521274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333870 Ate1 NCBI_Gene:11907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030850 MGI:1333870 protein coding gene arginyltransferase 1
7 gene 130.398329 130.398630 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920695 1700048C15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700048C15 gene
7 gene 130.456012 130.457673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804834 Gm45719 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108940 MGI:5804834 unclassified gene predicted gene 45719
7 pseudogene 130.519656 130.529707 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782452 Gm4275 NCBI_Gene:102636907,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099422 MGI:3782452 pseudogene predicted gene 4275
7 gene 130.520845 130.521272 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753223 Gm44647 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109016 MGI:5753223 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44647
7 gene 130.527251 130.527326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531266 Gm27884 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099232 MGI:5531266 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27884
7 gene 130.532523 130.573118 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915122 Nsmce4a NCBI_Gene:67872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040331 MGI:1915122 protein coding gene NSE4 homolog A, SMC5-SMC6 complex component
7 gene 130.553009 130.767705 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928899 Tacc2 NCBI_Gene:57752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030852 MGI:1928899 protein coding gene transforming, acidic coiled-coil containing protein 2
7 gene 130.601946 130.619491 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593524 Gm34365 NCBI_Gene:102637598 MGI:5593524 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34365
7 gene 130.644562 130.645932 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621983 Gm39098 NCBI_Gene:105243067 MGI:5621983 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39098
7 gene 130.653128 130.654392 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922358 4930513N20Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109225 MGI:1922358 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930513N20 gene
7 gene 130.702501 130.728516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593442 Gm34283 NCBI_Gene:102637489 MGI:5593442 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34283
7 pseudogene 130.766953 130.774126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779553 Gm6108 NCBI_Gene:108167461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109104 MGI:3779553 pseudogene predicted gene 6108
7 gene 130.770638 130.772652 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2149837 Etos1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050189 MGI:2149837 lncRNA gene ectopic ossification 1
7 gene 130.774069 130.825899 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3045247 Btbd16 NCBI_Gene:330660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040298 MGI:3045247 protein coding gene BTB (POZ) domain containing 16
7 gene 130.860556 130.913312 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442213 Plekha1 NCBI_Gene:101476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040268 MGI:2442213 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology domain containing, family A (phosphoinositide binding specific) member 1
7 gene 130.861285 130.866330 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645136 Gm5602 NCBI_Gene:434249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086108 MGI:3645136 lncRNA gene predicted gene 5602
7 gene 130.908268 130.908335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5562779 Mir7061 miRBase:MI0022910,NCBI_Gene:102466219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104914 MGI:5562779 miRNA gene microRNA 7061
7 gene 130.936111 130.985660 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929076 Htra1 NCBI_Gene:56213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006205 MGI:1929076 protein coding gene HtrA serine peptidase 1
7 gene 131.032046 131.121628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106210 Dmbt1 NCBI_Gene:12945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047517 MGI:106210 protein coding gene deleted in malignant brain tumors 1
7 gene 131.137713 131.146314 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914681 4933402N03Rik NCBI_Gene:233918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013668 MGI:1914681 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4933402N03 gene
7 gene 131.146439 131.150580 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916745 1700029B22Rik NCBI_Gene:69495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100759 MGI:1916745 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700029B22 gene
7 gene 131.174402 131.306451 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918645 Cdcp3 NCBI_Gene:71395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006204 MGI:1918645 protein coding gene CUB domain containing protein 3
7 pseudogene 131.262664 131.266129 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010892 Gm18707 NCBI_Gene:100417600 MGI:5010892 pseudogene predicted gene, 18707
7 gene 131.283587 131.306452 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142288 BB114814 NCBI_Gene:100043173 MGI:2142288 protein coding gene expressed sequence BB114814
7 gene 131.308554 131.322292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1202881 Cuzd1 NCBI_Gene:16433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040205 MGI:1202881 protein coding gene CUB and zona pellucida-like domains 1
7 gene 131.325930 131.331434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916568 Fam24b NCBI_Gene:69318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030858 MGI:1916568 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 24 member B
7 gene 131.333864 131.336927 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915473 Fam24a NCBI_Gene:68223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030859 MGI:1915473 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 24, member A
7 gene 131.338220 131.338590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444523 9330174C13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9330174C13 gene
7 gene 131.338220 131.362845 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915527 2310057M21Rik NCBI_Gene:68277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040177 MGI:1915527 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 2310057M21 gene
7 gene 131.371113 131.394482 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685945 Pstk NCBI_Gene:214580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063179 MGI:2685945 protein coding gene phosphoseryl-tRNA kinase
7 gene 131.385513 131.385946 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753199 Gm44623 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108883 MGI:5753199 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44623
7 gene 131.388649 131.410521 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914393 Ikzf5 NCBI_Gene:67143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040167 MGI:1914393 protein coding gene IKAROS family zinc finger 5
7 gene 131.396258 131.398535 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753200 Gm44624 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109570 MGI:5753200 unclassified gene predicted gene 44624
7 gene 131.401236 131.402796 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753201 Gm44625 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108910 MGI:5753201 unclassified gene predicted gene 44625
7 gene 131.410601 131.448944 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914135 Acadsb NCBI_Gene:66885,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030861 MGI:1914135 protein coding gene acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, short/branched chain
7 gene 131.440471 131.440941 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753558 Gm44982 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109399 MGI:5753558 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44982
7 pseudogene 131.456893 131.457516 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010785 Gm18600 NCBI_Gene:100417417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108964 MGI:5010785 pseudogene predicted gene, 18600
7 gene 131.461728 131.472218 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621984 Gm39099 NCBI_Gene:105243068 MGI:5621984 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39099
7 pseudogene 131.472474 131.472867 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753560 Gm44984 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108989 MGI:5753560 pseudogene predicted gene 44984
7 pseudogene 131.493507 131.493903 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753681 Gm45105 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109087 MGI:5753681 pseudogene predicted gene 45105
7 gene 131.541137 131.546027 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107160 Hmx3 NCBI_Gene:15373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040148 MGI:107160 protein coding gene H6 homeobox 3
7 gene 131.548773 131.558867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107159 Hmx2 NCBI_Gene:15372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050100 MGI:107159 protein coding gene H6 homeobox 2
7 gene 131.560222 131.571895 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1343463 Bub3 NCBI_Gene:12237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066979 MGI:1343463 protein coding gene BUB3 mitotic checkpoint protein
7 pseudogene 131.614146 131.615006 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646779 Gm16477 NCBI_Gene:677073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062758 MGI:3646779 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 16477
7 pseudogene 131.674242 131.674915 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782768 Gm4585 NCBI_Gene:100043679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109066 MGI:3782768 pseudogene predicted gene 4585
7 gene 131.755110 131.757819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045273 9030223M17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9030223M17 gene
7 gene 131.785134 131.786579 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753123 Gm44547 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108839 MGI:5753123 unclassified gene predicted gene 44547
7 gene 131.824013 131.883856 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753122 Gm44546 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109014 MGI:5753122 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44546
7 gene 131.824771 131.827922 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593804 Gm34645 NCBI_Gene:102637964 MGI:5593804 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34645
7 pseudogene 131.932391 131.932654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592305 Gm33146 NCBI_Gene:102635936 MGI:5592305 pseudogene predicted gene, 33146
7 pseudogene 131.932463 131.932654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753124 Gm44548 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109340 MGI:5753124 pseudogene predicted gene 44548
7 gene 131.936619 131.963737 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593884 Gm34725 NCBI_Gene:102638076 MGI:5593884 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34725
7 gene 131.937874 131.938127 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922899 1700016L15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700016L15 gene
7 gene 131.966138 131.994405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441758 Gpr26 NCBI_Gene:233919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040125 MGI:2441758 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 26
7 gene 131.988293 131.994409 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3039631 BC058420 NA NA unclassified gene cDNA sequence BC058420
7 gene 132.032687 132.154763 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926006 Cpxm2 NCBI_Gene:55987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030862 MGI:1926006 protein coding gene carboxypeptidase X 2 (M14 family)
7 gene 132.058641 132.058760 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4422022 n-R5s159 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084630 MGI:4422022 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 159
7 gene 132.154171 132.155301 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783119 Gm15677 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086814 MGI:3783119 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15677
7 gene 132.235779 132.323534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924840 Chst15 NCBI_Gene:77590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030930 MGI:1924840 protein coding gene carbohydrate sulfotransferase 15
7 gene 132.311856 132.314078 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753467 Gm44891 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109555 MGI:5753467 unclassified gene predicted gene 44891
7 gene 132.314912 132.316306 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011648 Gm19463 NCBI_Gene:100502937 MGI:5011648 unclassified gene predicted gene, 19463
7 gene 132.315664 132.318291 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641800 Gm10584 NCBI_Gene:100043682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109270 MGI:3641800 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10584
7 gene 132.321595 132.322082 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753468 Gm44892 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109550 MGI:5753468 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44892
7 gene 132.360361 132.386584 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594067 Gm34908 NCBI_Gene:102638315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109137 MGI:5594067 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34908
7 gene 132.405990 132.417412 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621986 Gm39101 NCBI_Gene:105243071 MGI:5621986 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39101
7 gene 132.420030 132.423713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621987 Gm39102 NA NA lncRNA gene predicted gene%2c 39102
7 gene 132.420030 132.423713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753469 Gm44893 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108870 MGI:5753469 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44893
7 gene 132.460249 132.466661 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594306 Gm35147 NCBI_Gene:102638626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108849 MGI:5594306 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35147
7 gene 132.465925 132.466807 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825639 Gm46002 NCBI_Gene:108167462 MGI:5825639 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46002
7 pseudogene 132.483535 132.484388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782770 Gm4587 NCBI_Gene:100043683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108858 MGI:3782770 pseudogene predicted gene 4587
7 gene 132.538240 132.541874 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594408 Gm35249 NCBI_Gene:102638764 MGI:5594408 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35249
7 gene 132.557475 132.576398 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97394 Oat NCBI_Gene:18242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030934 MGI:97394 protein coding gene ornithine aminotransferase
7 gene 132.594878 132.599637 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104806 Nkx1-2 NCBI_Gene:20231,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048528 MGI:104806 protein coding gene NK1 homeobox 2
7 gene 132.597387 132.599637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4439688 Gm16764 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087657 MGI:4439688 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 16764
7 pseudogene 132.607618 132.607925 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825658 Gm46021 NCBI_Gene:108167505 MGI:5825658 pseudogene predicted gene, 46021
7 gene 132.610614 132.706420 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923679 Lhpp NCBI_Gene:76429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030946 MGI:1923679 protein coding gene phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase
7 gene 132.657378 132.659884 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783030 Gm15582 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087348 MGI:3783030 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15582
7 gene 132.712082 132.813886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925188 Fam53b NCBI_Gene:77938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030956 MGI:1925188 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 53, member B
7 gene 132.827233 132.852725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919346 Eef1akmt2 NCBI_Gene:72096,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030960 MGI:1919346 protein coding gene EEF1A lysine methyltransferase 2
7 gene 132.837698 132.840223 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791337 Gm45501 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110159 MGI:5791337 unclassified gene predicted gene 45501
7 gene 132.859225 132.885114 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926116 Abraxas2 NCBI_Gene:109359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030965 MGI:1926116 protein coding gene BRISC complex subunit
7 gene 132.874614 132.931197 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923933 1500002F19Rik NCBI_Gene:76683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097595 MGI:1923933 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1500002F19 gene
7 gene 132.896878 132.900134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825640 Gm46003 NCBI_Gene:108167463 MGI:5825640 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46003
7 gene 132.911089 132.919732 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791338 Gm45502 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109842 MGI:5791338 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45502
7 gene 132.931142 132.986391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106441 Zranb1 NCBI_Gene:360216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030967 MGI:106441 protein coding gene zinc finger, RAN-binding domain containing 1
7 gene 132.979582 132.983552 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783160 Gm15718 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085663 MGI:3783160 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15718
7 gene 132.987011 133.124354 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1201686 Ctbp2 NCBI_Gene:13017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030970 MGI:1201686 protein coding gene C-terminal binding protein 2
7 gene 133.001443 133.005561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921630 4932437C15Rik NCBI_Gene:102639040 MGI:1921630 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4932437C15 gene
7 gene 133.093831 133.095627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3026942 D930021H04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D930021H04 gene
7 gene 133.116534 133.120271 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443202 B930086L07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110282 MGI:2443202 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B930086L07 gene
7 gene 133.123549 133.124611 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594523 Gm35364 NCBI_Gene:102638918 MGI:5594523 protein coding gene predicted gene, 35364
7 gene 133.128251 133.142457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922220 4930483O08Rik NCBI_Gene:74970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109816 MGI:1922220 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930483O08 gene
7 gene 133.215954 133.221529 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594726 Gm35567 NCBI_Gene:102639206 MGI:5594726 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35567
7 gene 133.319985 133.333201 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791508 Gm45672 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109619 MGI:5791508 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45672
7 pseudogene 133.408787 133.409482 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645188 Gm9330 NCBI_Gene:668747 MGI:3645188 pseudogene predicted gene 9330
7 gene 133.587024 133.602158 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921058 Tex36 NCBI_Gene:73808,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030976 MGI:1921058 protein coding gene testis expressed 36
7 gene 133.602255 133.616257 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594784 Gm35625 NCBI_Gene:102639277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110026 MGI:5594784 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35625
7 gene 133.608226 133.616265 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791507 Gm45671 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109917 MGI:5791507 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45671
7 gene 133.626349 133.627725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579453 Gm28747 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101546 MGI:5579453 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28747
7 gene 133.637532 133.673017 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919831 Edrf1 NCBI_Gene:214764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039990 MGI:1919831 protein coding gene erythroid differentiation regulatory factor 1
7 gene 133.674270 133.680061 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2664387 Mmp21 NCBI_Gene:214766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030981 MGI:2664387 protein coding gene matrix metallopeptidase 21
7 gene 133.686142 133.710522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98917 Uros NCBI_Gene:22276,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030979 MGI:98917 protein coding gene uroporphyrinogen III synthase
7 gene 133.709333 133.721145 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913415 Bccip NCBI_Gene:66165,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030983 MGI:1913415 protein coding gene BRCA2 and CDKN1A interacting protein
7 gene 133.720935 133.782785 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2141813 Dhx32 NCBI_Gene:101437,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030986 MGI:2141813 protein coding gene DEAH (Asp-Glu-Ala-His) box polypeptide 32
7 pseudogene 133.738427 133.740187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705631 Gm15483 NCBI_Gene:100043695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081431 MGI:3705631 pseudogene predicted gene 15483
7 gene 133.747624 133.753038 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791506 Gm45670 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109635 MGI:5791506 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45670
7 gene 133.776855 133.881536 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914180 Fank1 NCBI_Gene:66930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053111 MGI:1914180 protein coding gene fibronectin type 3 and ankyrin repeat domains 1
7 gene 133.883199 134.232146 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105378 Adam12 NCBI_Gene:11489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054555 MGI:105378 protein coding gene a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 12 (meltrin alpha)
7 gene 133.939619 133.939741 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453408 Gm23631 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093032 MGI:5453408 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23631
7 gene 133.976078 133.977348 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923232 5033415L01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5033415L01 gene
7 gene 134.015318 134.017519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028071 6030403N03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6030403N03 gene
7 gene 134.020400 134.039439 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621988 Gm39103 NCBI_Gene:105243074 MGI:5621988 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39103
7 gene 134.095790 134.100278 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011699 Gm19514 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108478 MGI:5011699 unclassified gene predicted gene, 19514
7 gene 134.184895 134.194886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921993 5830403F22Rik NCBI_Gene:74743 MGI:1921993 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5830403F22 gene
7 gene 134.227474 134.230705 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444285 A130023I24Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050066 MGI:2444285 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A130023I24 gene
7 gene 134.261316 134.261882 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919483 1700023G08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700023G08 gene
7 gene 134.265779 134.520134 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196431 D7Ertd443e NCBI_Gene:71007,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000030994 MGI:1196431 protein coding gene DNA segment, Chr 7, ERATO Doi 443, expressed
7 gene 134.410266 134.414649 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595129 Gm35970 NCBI_Gene:102639727 MGI:5595129 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35970
7 gene 134.498191 134.501160 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782776 Gm4593 NA NA lncRNA gene predicted gene 4593
7 pseudogene 134.660335 134.661657 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643231 Gm9333 NCBI_Gene:668750,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108702 MGI:3643231 pseudogene predicted gene 9333
7 gene 134.670605 135.173647 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2429765 Dock1 NCBI_Gene:330662,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058325 MGI:2429765 protein coding gene dedicator of cytokinesis 1
7 gene 134.881908 134.938430 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3605068 Insyn2a NCBI_Gene:627214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073805 MGI:3605068 protein coding gene inhibitory synaptic factor 2A
7 gene 134.900670 134.904289 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791368 Gm45532 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110167 MGI:5791368 unclassified gene predicted gene 45532
7 gene 134.909915 134.911908 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791433 Gm45597 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109608 MGI:5791433 unclassified gene predicted gene 45597
7 gene 135.131514 135.131646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454358 Gm24581 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077150 MGI:5454358 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24581
7 gene 135.191764 135.196002 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921564 1700120G07Rik NCBI_Gene:74314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100717 MGI:1921564 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700120G07 gene
7 gene 135.258703 135.272942 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642232 Nps NCBI_Gene:100043254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073804 MGI:3642232 protein coding gene neuropeptide S
7 gene 135.274658 135.277146 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791175 Gm45339 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109891 MGI:5791175 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45339
7 gene 135.395649 135.398261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595221 Gm36062 NCBI_Gene:102639844 MGI:5595221 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36062
7 gene 135.396335 135.399544 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926057 4930544L04Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073803 MGI:1926057 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930544L04 gene
7 gene 135.410308 135.413622 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028075 Foxi2 NCBI_Gene:270004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048377 MGI:3028075 protein coding gene forkhead box I2
7 gene 135.424132 135.429914 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621990 Gm39105 NCBI_Gene:105243076 MGI:5621990 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39105
7 gene 135.485832 135.492305 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595515 Gm36356 NCBI_Gene:102640242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109598 MGI:5595515 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36356
7 gene 135.511456 135.528654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142022 Clrn3 NCBI_Gene:212070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050866 MGI:2142022 protein coding gene clarin 3
7 gene 135.537481 135.686294 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97813 Ptpre NCBI_Gene:19267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041836 MGI:97813 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, E
7 gene 135.566162 135.566282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3837207 Mir1962 miRBase:MI0009959,NCBI_Gene:100316818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088141 MGI:3837207 miRNA gene microRNA 1962
7 gene 135.566857 135.568126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925001 9230118N17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9230118N17 gene
7 gene 135.635931 135.652314 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915015 5830432E09Rik NCBI_Gene:67765,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097471 MGI:1915015 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5830432E09 gene
7 gene 135.689784 135.716409 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106035 Mki67 NCBI_Gene:17345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031004 MGI:106035 protein coding gene antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67
7 gene 135.709194 135.709867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791076 Gm45240 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109910 MGI:5791076 unclassified gene predicted gene 45240
7 gene 135.742676 135.833187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595590 Gm36431 NCBI_Gene:102640342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109831 MGI:5595590 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36431
7 gene 135.850708 135.854448 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791077 Gm45241 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110078 MGI:5791077 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45241
7 gene 135.853682 135.855976 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442260 6330420H09Rik NCBI_Gene:319551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109898 MGI:2442260 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6330420H09 gene
7 gene 135.892815 135.894469 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791276 Gm45440 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110004 MGI:5791276 unclassified gene predicted gene 45440
7 pseudogene 135.907456 135.907814 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791275 Gm45439 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110113 MGI:5791275 pseudogene predicted gene 45439
7 pseudogene 135.952785 135.953984 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645378 Gm9341 NCBI_Gene:668764,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098031 MGI:3645378 pseudogene predicted gene 9341
7 gene 136.153158 136.160317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595834 Gm36675 NCBI_Gene:102640661 MGI:5595834 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36675
7 gene 136.167086 136.181614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595896 Gm36737 NCBI_Gene:102640741,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110396 MGI:5595896 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36737
7 gene 136.268324 136.318513 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924633 C030029H02Rik NCBI_Gene:77383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110027 MGI:1924633 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C030029H02 gene
7 gene 136.288656 136.292327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791262 Gm45426 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109792 MGI:5791262 unclassified gene predicted gene 45426
7 gene 136.320140 136.324100 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642230 Gm10579 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10579
7 gene 136.332216 136.349415 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439416 C230079O03Rik NCBI_Gene:330664,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109633 MGI:5439416 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C230079O03 gene
7 gene 136.353191 136.356722 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5596008 Gm36849 NCBI_Gene:102640891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109981 MGI:5596008 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36849
7 gene 136.373631 136.390415 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589031 Gm29872 NCBI_Gene:102631569 MGI:5589031 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29872
7 gene 136.496225 136.503554 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589090 Gm29931 NCBI_Gene:102631644 MGI:5589090 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29931
7 gene 136.509026 136.509333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454221 Gm24444 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087869 MGI:5454221 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24444
7 pseudogene 136.657209 136.658270 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644469 Gm5904 NCBI_Gene:546009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109894 MGI:3644469 pseudogene predicted gene 5904
7 gene 136.667955 136.710604 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644248 Gm6249 NCBI_Gene:621677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110101 MGI:3644248 lncRNA gene predicted gene 6249
7 gene 136.677091 136.680444 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589137 Gm29978 NCBI_Gene:102631708 MGI:5589137 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29978
7 pseudogene 136.810771 136.812646 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648409 Gm9347 NCBI_Gene:668771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110126 MGI:3648409 pseudogene predicted gene 9347
7 gene 136.894468 137.130266 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96977 Mgmt NCBI_Gene:17314,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054612 MGI:96977 protein coding gene O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase
7 gene 136.920941 136.923492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791116 Gm45280 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109721 MGI:5791116 unclassified gene predicted gene 45280
7 gene 137.090546 137.096416 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621993 Gm39108 NCBI_Gene:105243080 MGI:5621993 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39108
7 gene 137.123804 137.125707 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914801 4933409L14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933409L14 gene
7 gene 137.132561 137.137204 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621994 Gm39109 NCBI_Gene:105243081 MGI:5621994 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39109
7 gene 137.145814 137.149465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589220 Gm30061 NCBI_Gene:102631820 MGI:5589220 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30061
7 pseudogene 137.167820 137.168099 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791335 Gm45499 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110174 MGI:5791335 pseudogene predicted gene 45499
7 gene 137.193671 137.322777 negative MGI_C57BL6J_894289 Ebf3 NCBI_Gene:13593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010476 MGI:894289 protein coding gene early B cell factor 3
7 gene 137.198488 137.201722 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791114 Gm45278 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109847 MGI:5791114 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45278
7 gene 137.234683 137.242609 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642555 Gm10578 NCBI_Gene:100038555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109722 MGI:3642555 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10578
7 pseudogene 137.335741 137.336429 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791350 Gm45514 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109677 MGI:5791350 pseudogene predicted gene 45514
7 pseudogene 137.370836 137.373260 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010026 Gm17841 NCBI_Gene:100415960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109843 MGI:5010026 pseudogene predicted gene, 17841
7 gene 137.375569 137.411921 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924502 9430038I01Rik NCBI_Gene:77252,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000040139 MGI:1924502 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9430038I01 gene
7 gene 137.436201 137.468594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1353653 Glrx3 NCBI_Gene:30926,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031068 MGI:1353653 protein coding gene glutaredoxin 3
7 gene 137.469262 137.472179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621995 Gm39110 NCBI_Gene:105243082 MGI:5621995 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39110
7 gene 137.557112 137.564588 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791233 Gm45397 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109973 MGI:5791233 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45397
7 gene 137.630516 137.654033 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923188 4930570E01Rik NCBI_Gene:108167464 MGI:1923188 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930570E01 gene
7 gene 137.649089 137.650335 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791519 Gm45683 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110145 MGI:5791519 unclassified gene predicted gene 45683
7 gene 137.734266 137.737959 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791518 Gm45682 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110090 MGI:5791518 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45682
7 pseudogene 138.061956 138.062603 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646505 Gm5650 NCBI_Gene:435235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109834 MGI:3646505 pseudogene predicted gene 5650
7 gene 138.097508 138.123578 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589554 Gm30395 NCBI_Gene:102632270 MGI:5589554 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30395
7 gene 138.101433 138.101539 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455575 Gm25798 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064575 MGI:5455575 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25798
7 gene 138.208972 138.397730 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917821 Tcerg1l NCBI_Gene:70571,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091002 MGI:1917821 protein coding gene transcription elongation regulator 1-like
7 gene 138.413614 138.421765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791522 Gm45686 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110354 MGI:5791522 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45686
7 gene 138.486659 138.608418 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589910 Gm30751 NCBI_Gene:102632763 MGI:5589910 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30751
7 gene 138.554230 138.567709 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922437 4930543N07Rik NCBI_Gene:75187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110037 MGI:1922437 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930543N07 gene
7 gene 138.561885 138.562295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924206 2900001A22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900001A22 gene
7 gene 138.700903 138.703297 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589967 Gm30808 NCBI_Gene:102632840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109802 MGI:5589967 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30808
7 gene 138.733527 138.828897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590033 Gm30874 NCBI_Gene:102632923 MGI:5590033 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30874
7 pseudogene 138.820745 138.821024 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791342 Gm45506 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110241 MGI:5791342 pseudogene predicted gene 45506
7 gene 138.835818 138.846273 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916796 Mapk1ip1 NCBI_Gene:69546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041775 MGI:1916796 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 interacting protein 1
7 gene 138.846079 138.883057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289252 Ppp2r2d NCBI_Gene:52432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041769 MGI:1289252 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, delta
7 gene 138.885545 138.885981 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142370 6030427F01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6030427F01 gene
7 gene 138.890836 138.909519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109326 Bnip3 NCBI_Gene:12176,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078566 MGI:109326 protein coding gene BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 3
7 gene 138.890964 138.894675 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791343 Gm45507 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109881 MGI:5791343 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45507
7 pseudogene 138.899250 138.900239 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010443 Gm18258 NCBI_Gene:100416796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110237 MGI:5010443 pseudogene predicted gene, 18258
7 pseudogene 138.914369 138.915512 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643920 Gm9358 NCBI_Gene:668784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098199 MGI:3643920 pseudogene predicted gene 9358
7 pseudogene 138.929724 138.930216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791504 Gm45668 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110319 MGI:5791504 pseudogene predicted gene 45668
7 gene 138.940730 139.083977 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921254 Jakmip3 NCBI_Gene:74004,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056856 MGI:1921254 protein coding gene janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 3
7 gene 139.019160 139.020999 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791449 Gm45613 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109855 MGI:5791449 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45613
7 gene 139.085981 139.102704 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349764 Dpysl4 NCBI_Gene:26757,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025478 MGI:1349764 protein coding gene dihydropyrimidinase-like 4
7 gene 139.103638 139.213307 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385336 Stk32c NCBI_Gene:57740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015981 MGI:2385336 protein coding gene serine/threonine kinase 32C
7 gene 139.199196 139.199296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531357 Gm27975 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098629 MGI:5531357 snRNA gene predicted gene, 27975
7 gene 139.212275 139.213191 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791164 Gm45328 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110303 MGI:5791164 unclassified gene predicted gene 45328
7 gene 139.212864 139.242979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923862 Lrrc27 NCBI_Gene:76612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015980 MGI:1923862 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 27
7 gene 139.232970 139.235003 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591474 Gm32315 NCBI_Gene:102634820 MGI:5591474 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32315
7 gene 139.248482 139.269903 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2142008 Pwwp2b NCBI_Gene:101631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060260 MGI:2142008 protein coding gene PWWP domain containing 2B
7 gene 139.271266 139.297077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591645 Gm32486 NCBI_Gene:102635051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110115 MGI:5591645 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32486
7 gene 139.358080 139.360900 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591730 Gm32571 NCBI_Gene:102635163 MGI:5591730 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32571
7 gene 139.386469 139.388983 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825641 Gm46004 NCBI_Gene:108167465 MGI:5825641 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46004
7 gene 139.389109 139.579652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2686961 Inpp5a NCBI_Gene:212111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025477 MGI:2686961 protein coding gene inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase A
7 pseudogene 139.543100 139.551497 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592856 Gm33697 NCBI_Gene:102636697 MGI:5592856 pseudogene predicted gene, 33697
7 gene 139.579376 139.582797 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352738 Nkx6-2 NCBI_Gene:14912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041309 MGI:1352738 protein coding gene NK6 homeobox 2
7 gene 139.582975 139.604901 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592190 Gm33031 NCBI_Gene:102635780 MGI:5592190 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33031
7 gene 139.600914 139.685326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444387 Cfap46 NCBI_Gene:212124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049571 MGI:2444387 protein coding gene cilia and flagella associated protein 46
7 gene 139.605890 139.635046 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621996 Gm39111 NCBI_Gene:105243084 MGI:5621996 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39111
7 pseudogene 139.659544 139.660179 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782643 Gm4459 NCBI_Gene:100043472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083626 MGI:3782643 pseudogene predicted gene 4459
7 gene 139.684054 139.686742 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591839 Gm32680 NCBI_Gene:102635307 MGI:5591839 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32680
7 pseudogene 139.719357 139.719950 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649022 Rpl21-ps13 NCBI_Gene:434253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056777 MGI:3649022 pseudogene ribosomal protein L21-ps13
7 pseudogene 139.774671 139.775224 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646626 Gm7380 NCBI_Gene:664869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109905 MGI:3646626 pseudogene predicted gene 7380
7 gene 139.779018 139.779126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530824 Mir6401 miRBase:MI0021937,NCBI_Gene:102465215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098619 MGI:5530824 miRNA gene microRNA 6401
7 gene 139.834090 139.878088 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277167 Adgra1 NCBI_Gene:52389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025475 MGI:1277167 protein coding gene adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1
7 pseudogene 139.887440 139.888381 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646627 Gm4974 NCBI_Gene:244229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109710 MGI:3646627 pseudogene predicted gene 4974
7 gene 139.894696 139.941540 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923734 Kndc1 NCBI_Gene:76484,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066129 MGI:1923734 protein coding gene kinase non-catalytic C-lobe domain (KIND) containing 1
7 gene 139.943789 139.945112 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1276125 Utf1 NCBI_Gene:22286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047751 MGI:1276125 protein coding gene undifferentiated embryonic cell transcription factor 1
7 gene 139.949998 139.978980 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802153 Gm16201 NCBI_Gene:102635948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086742 MGI:3802153 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16201
7 gene 139.957005 139.958039 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780212 Gm2044 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085354 MGI:3780212 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2044
7 gene 139.957566 139.957622 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562780 Mir7686 miRBase:MI0025037,NCBI_Gene:102465788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105165 MGI:5562780 miRNA gene microRNA 7686
7 gene 139.957689 139.957760 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2676877 Mir202 miRBase:MI0000245,NCBI_Gene:387198,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065502 MGI:2676877 miRNA gene microRNA 202
7 gene 139.972303 139.978755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685939 Spef1l NCBI_Gene:381933,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073795 MGI:2685939 protein coding gene sperm flagellar 1 like
7 gene 139.978932 139.993121 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107825 Adam8 NCBI_Gene:11501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025473 MGI:107825 protein coding gene a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 8
7 gene 139.986809 139.986874 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530721 Mir7062 miRBase:MI0022911,NCBI_Gene:102465643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099092 MGI:5530721 miRNA gene microRNA 7062
7 gene 139.995955 140.036674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921487 Tubgcp2 NCBI_Gene:74237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025474 MGI:1921487 protein coding gene tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 2
7 gene 140.036391 140.040606 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917002 Zfp511 NCBI_Gene:69752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025470 MGI:1917002 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 511
7 gene 140.046156 140.049969 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106587 Msx3 NCBI_Gene:17703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025469 MGI:106587 protein coding gene msh homeobox 3
7 gene 140.069880 140.082569 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915816 Caly NCBI_Gene:68566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025468 MGI:1915816 protein coding gene calcyon neuron-specific vesicular protein
7 gene 140.093395 140.097203 positive MGI_C57BL6J_893573 Prap1 NCBI_Gene:22264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025467 MGI:893573 protein coding gene proline-rich acidic protein 1
7 gene 140.096770 140.105396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916314 Fuom NCBI_Gene:69064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025466 MGI:1916314 protein coding gene fucose mutarotase
7 gene 140.105710 140.116476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2136460 Echs1 NCBI_Gene:93747,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025465 MGI:2136460 protein coding gene enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase, short chain, 1, mitochondrial
7 gene 140.115794 140.137224 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916983 Paox NCBI_Gene:212503,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025464 MGI:1916983 protein coding gene polyamine oxidase (exo-N4-amino)
7 gene 140.137564 140.150786 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685015 Mtg1 NCBI_Gene:212508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039018 MGI:2685015 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosome-associated GTPase 1
7 gene 140.150628 140.154877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3582583 Sprn NCBI_Gene:212518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045733 MGI:3582583 protein coding gene shadow of prion protein
7 gene 140.159999 140.164764 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030356 Olfr522 NCBI_Gene:258954,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051180 MGI:3030356 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 522
7 gene 140.173217 140.178758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030357 Olfr523 NCBI_Gene:258511,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051051 MGI:3030357 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 523
7 gene 140.197218 140.231145 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443796 Cd163l1 NCBI_Gene:244233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025461 MGI:2443796 protein coding gene CD163 molecule-like 1
7 gene 140.198499 140.205964 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030358 Olfr524 NCBI_Gene:258055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050366 MGI:3030358 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 524
7 gene 140.247279 140.300736 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443685 5830411N06Rik NCBI_Gene:244234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054672 MGI:2443685 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 5830411N06 gene
7 pseudogene 140.315729 140.316113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646082 Gm6314 NCBI_Gene:622335 MGI:3646082 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6314
7 pseudogene 140.315813 140.316055 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791292 Gm45456 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109875 MGI:5791292 pseudogene predicted gene 45456
7 gene 140.320858 140.327625 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030359 Olfr525 NCBI_Gene:258958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061489 MGI:3030359 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 525
7 gene 140.334017 140.338551 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030361 Olfr527 NCBI_Gene:257939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062782 MGI:3030361 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 527
7 pseudogene 140.341477 140.342204 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030362 Olfr528-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110059 MGI:3030362 pseudogene olfactory receptor 528, pseudogene 1
7 gene 140.343815 140.361671 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333881 Olfr60 NCBI_Gene:18361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060112 MGI:1333881 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 60
7 pseudogene 140.368510 140.370102 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030363 Olfr529-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110257 MGI:3030363 pseudogene olfactory receptor 529, pseudogene 1
7 gene 140.371872 140.376331 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030364 Olfr530 NCBI_Gene:258512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060974 MGI:3030364 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 530
7 pseudogene 140.385765 140.392301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647257 Gm6376 NCBI_Gene:622973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109690 MGI:3647257 pseudogene predicted gene 6376
7 gene 140.399045 140.402918 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030365 Olfr531 NCBI_Gene:258955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062712 MGI:3030365 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 531
7 gene 140.415710 140.421639 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030366 Olfr532 NCBI_Gene:259028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063823 MGI:3030366 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 532
7 gene 140.463370 140.468128 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030367 Olfr533 NCBI_Gene:258056,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056883 MGI:3030367 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 533
7 pseudogene 140.478743 140.479629 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030368 Olfr534-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110169 MGI:3030368 pseudogene olfactory receptor 534, pseudogene 1
7 gene 140.484216 140.497104 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030369 Olfr535 NCBI_Gene:258956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063230 MGI:3030369 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 535
7 gene 140.500849 140.507396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030370 Olfr536 NCBI_Gene:258513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052508 MGI:3030370 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 536
7 pseudogene 140.529534 140.541080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030371 Olfr537-ps1 NCBI_Gene:258200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110092 MGI:3030371 polymorphic pseudogene olfactory receptor 537, pseudogene 1
7 gene 140.567886 140.575793 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030372 Olfr538 NCBI_Gene:258201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095901 MGI:3030372 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 538
7 gene 140.601269 140.617678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333824 Olfr46 NCBI_Gene:18345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093942 MGI:1333824 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 46
7 gene 140.628970 140.638798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333885 Olfr61 NCBI_Gene:18362,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096069 MGI:1333885 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 61
7 gene 140.646452 140.653085 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333749 Olfr53 NCBI_Gene:258962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094819 MGI:1333749 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 53
7 gene 140.657010 140.676567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621997 Gm39112 NCBI_Gene:105243086 MGI:5621997 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39112
7 gene 140.659930 140.678580 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030373 Olfr539 NCBI_Gene:258963,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059136 MGI:3030373 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 539
7 pseudogene 140.669126 140.669814 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030374 Olfr540-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109892 MGI:3030374 pseudogene olfactory receptor 540, pseudogene 1
7 gene 140.681951 140.696845 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333826 Olfr45 NCBI_Gene:18344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066122 MGI:1333826 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 45
7 gene 140.697267 140.705606 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030375 Olfr541 NCBI_Gene:258964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057997 MGI:3030375 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 541
7 pseudogene 140.717473 140.722212 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030376 Olfr542-ps1 NCBI_Gene:257845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110199 MGI:3030376 pseudogene olfactory receptor 542, pseudogene 1
7 gene 140.763739 140.774987 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88607 Cyp2e1 NCBI_Gene:13106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025479 MGI:88607 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily e, polypeptide 1
7 gene 140.777229 140.787854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921325 Syce1 NCBI_Gene:74075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025480 MGI:1921325 protein coding gene synaptonemal complex central element protein 1
7 pseudogene 140.784515 140.785054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588958 Gm29799 NCBI_Gene:101056211,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107816 MGI:5588958 pseudogene predicted gene, 29799
7 gene 140.792056 140.792453 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925720 1700112H04Rik NA NA lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700112H04 gene
7 gene 140.807449 140.822203 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3039601 Zfp941 NCBI_Gene:407812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060314 MGI:3039601 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 941
7 gene 140.818087 140.856331 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804900 Gm45785 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110136 MGI:5804900 protein coding gene predicted gene 45785
7 gene 140.835018 140.837968 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916142 Urah NCBI_Gene:76974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025481 MGI:1916142 protein coding gene urate (5-hydroxyiso-) hydrolase
7 gene 140.837221 140.845689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925770 C330022C24Rik NCBI_Gene:78520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099590 MGI:1925770 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C330022C24 gene
7 gene 140.845547 140.846769 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2655401 Scgb1c1 NCBI_Gene:338417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038801 MGI:2655401 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 1C, member 1
7 gene 140.847805 140.851018 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916537 Odf3 NCBI_Gene:69287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025482 MGI:1916537 protein coding gene outer dense fiber of sperm tails 3
7 gene 140.853384 140.857577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913128 Bet1l NCBI_Gene:54399,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025484 MGI:1913128 protein coding gene Bet1 golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein like
7 gene 140.856957 140.864372 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141866 Ric8a NCBI_Gene:101489,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025485 MGI:2141866 protein coding gene RIC8 guanine nucleotide exchange factor A
7 gene 140.863663 140.882309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927665 Sirt3 NCBI_Gene:64384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025486 MGI:1927665 protein coding gene sirtuin 3
7 gene 140.881968 140.898643 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345192 Psmd13 NCBI_Gene:23997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025487 MGI:1345192 protein coding gene proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 13
7 pseudogene 140.890764 140.892244 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782990 Gm15542 NCBI_Gene:100043546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083396 MGI:3782990 pseudogene predicted gene 15542
7 gene 140.898942 140.900446 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105958 Cox8b NCBI_Gene:12869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025488 MGI:105958 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 8B
7 gene 140.906014 140.907983 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2669313 BC024386 NCBI_Gene:212965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109628 MGI:2669313 lncRNA gene cDNA sequence BC023486
7 gene 140.920902 140.929192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141990 Nlrp6 NCBI_Gene:101613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038745 MGI:2141990 protein coding gene NLR family, pyrin domain containing 6
7 gene 140.941391 140.947664 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444047 Pgghg NCBI_Gene:212974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062031 MGI:2444047 protein coding gene protein glucosylgalactosylhydroxylysine glucosidase
7 gene 140.948958 140.950291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1934923 Ifitm5 NCBI_Gene:73835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025489 MGI:1934923 protein coding gene interferon induced transmembrane protein 5
7 gene 140.949222 140.955937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5804832 Gm45717 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110104 MGI:5804832 protein coding gene predicted gene 45717
7 gene 140.954837 140.955987 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933382 Ifitm2 NCBI_Gene:80876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060591 MGI:1933382 protein coding gene interferon induced transmembrane protein 2
7 gene 140.967221 140.969828 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915963 Ifitm1 NCBI_Gene:68713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025491 MGI:1915963 protein coding gene interferon induced transmembrane protein 1
7 pseudogene 140.992147 140.993513 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643009 Gm7514 NCBI_Gene:665143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110355 MGI:3643009 pseudogene predicted gene 7514
7 gene 140.994791 141.004898 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592663 Gm33504 NCBI_Gene:102636441 MGI:5592663 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33504
7 gene 141.009586 141.010770 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913391 Ifitm3 NCBI_Gene:66141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025492 MGI:1913391 protein coding gene interferon induced transmembrane protein 3
7 gene 141.015699 141.017924 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686976 Ifitm6 NCBI_Gene:213002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059108 MGI:2686976 protein coding gene interferon induced transmembrane protein 6
7 gene 141.029131 141.029620 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937021 Gm17387 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091441 MGI:4937021 protein coding gene predicted gene, 17387
7 pseudogene 141.051589 141.053022 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5791135 Gm45299 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109703 MGI:5791135 pseudogene predicted gene 45299
7 gene 141.058452 141.060964 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621999 Gm39114 NCBI_Gene:105243088 MGI:5621999 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39114
7 gene 141.061104 141.072400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2652891 B4galnt4 NCBI_Gene:330671,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055629 MGI:2652891 protein coding gene beta-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyl transferase 4
7 gene 141.078218 141.090511 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891830 Pkp3 NCBI_Gene:56460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054065 MGI:1891830 protein coding gene plakophilin 3
7 gene 141.091175 141.100605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1344402 Sigirr NCBI_Gene:24058,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025494 MGI:1344402 protein coding gene single immunoglobulin and toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain
7 gene 141.101212 141.117806 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918595 Ano9 NCBI_Gene:71345,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054662 MGI:1918595 protein coding gene anoctamin 9
7 gene 141.105929 141.106037 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454739 Gm24962 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088542 MGI:5454739 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24962
7 gene 141.122382 141.157606 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351664 Ptdss2 NCBI_Gene:27388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025495 MGI:1351664 protein coding gene phosphatidylserine synthase 2
7 gene 141.122863 141.126228 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592719 Gm33560 NCBI_Gene:102636518 MGI:5592719 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33560
7 gene 141.160326 141.172857 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1195456 Rnh1 NCBI_Gene:107702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038650 MGI:1195456 protein coding gene ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1
7 gene 141.172935 141.174080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924609 9430063H18Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430063H18 gene
7 pseudogene 141.177819 141.178513 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647422 Gm5905 NCBI_Gene:546015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110275 MGI:3647422 pseudogene predicted gene 5905
7 gene 141.181216 141.181311 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451796 Gm22019 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077547 MGI:5451796 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22019
7 gene 141.189105 141.194005 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96224 Hras NCBI_Gene:15461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025499 MGI:96224 protein coding gene Harvey rat sarcoma virus oncogene
7 gene 141.194112 141.210055 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917802 Lrrc56 NCBI_Gene:70552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038637 MGI:1917802 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 56
7 gene 141.209990 141.214527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919250 Lmntd2 NCBI_Gene:72000,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025500 MGI:1919250 protein coding gene lamin tail domain containing 2
7 gene 141.215630 141.218658 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914235 Rassf7 NCBI_Gene:66985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038618 MGI:1914235 protein coding gene Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family (N-terminal) member 7
7 gene 141.221384 141.221493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2676886 Mir210 miRBase:MI0000695,NCBI_Gene:387206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065551 MGI:2676886 miRNA gene microRNA 210
7 gene 141.228264 141.262751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2141847 Phrf1 NCBI_Gene:101471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038611 MGI:2141847 protein coding gene PHD and ring finger domains 1
7 gene 141.262706 141.266499 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859212 Irf7 NCBI_Gene:54123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025498 MGI:1859212 protein coding gene interferon regulatory factor 7
7 gene 141.269080 141.276792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919290 Cdhr5 NCBI_Gene:72040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025497 MGI:1919290 protein coding gene cadherin-related family member 5
7 gene 141.278329 141.279171 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99466 Sct NCBI_Gene:20287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038580 MGI:99466 protein coding gene secretin
7 gene 141.291974 141.296464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_94926 Drd4 NCBI_Gene:13491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025496 MGI:94926 protein coding gene dopamine receptor D4
7 gene 141.297176 141.338871 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858496 Deaf1 NCBI_Gene:54006,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058886 MGI:1858496 protein coding gene DEAF1, transcription factor
7 gene 141.327739 141.337156 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918698 Tmem80 NCBI_Gene:71448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025505 MGI:1918698 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 80
7 gene 141.338880 141.363020 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2138828 Eps8l2 NCBI_Gene:98845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025504 MGI:2138828 protein coding gene EPS8-like 2
7 gene 141.359141 141.365110 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444929 B230206H07Rik NCBI_Gene:320871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086844 MGI:2444929 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B230206H07 gene
7 gene 141.386495 141.386624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455502 Gm25725 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077716 MGI:5455502 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25725
7 gene 141.392160 141.402976 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1274789 Taldo1 NCBI_Gene:21351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025503 MGI:1274789 protein coding gene transaldolase 1
7 pseudogene 141.406515 141.407326 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782719 Gm4535 NCBI_Gene:100043585,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091083 MGI:3782719 pseudogene predicted gene 4535
7 gene 141.407794 141.414136 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2387178 Gatd1 NCBI_Gene:213350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051007 MGI:2387178 protein coding gene glutamine amidotransferase like class 1 domain containing 1
7 gene 141.426446 141.429540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929898 Cend1 NCBI_Gene:57754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060240 MGI:1929898 protein coding gene cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation 1
7 gene 141.429744 141.437892 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915517 Slc25a22 NCBI_Gene:68267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019082 MGI:1915517 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, glutamate), member 22
7 gene 141.438113 141.445744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1889507 Pidd1 NCBI_Gene:57913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025507 MGI:1889507 protein coding gene p53 induced death domain protein 1
7 gene 141.447370 141.451585 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914436 Rplp2 NCBI_Gene:67186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025508 MGI:1914436 protein coding gene ribosomal protein, large P2
7 gene 141.448803 141.448939 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3819508 Snora52 NCBI_Gene:100217419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064666 MGI:3819508 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 52
7 gene 141.455188 141.460743 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914103 Pnpla2 NCBI_Gene:66853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025509 MGI:1914103 protein coding gene patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 2
7 gene 141.460870 141.466613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446129 Cracr2b NCBI_Gene:213573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048200 MGI:2446129 protein coding gene calcium release activated channel regulator 2B
7 gene 141.461481 141.467783 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3708765 Gm10575 NCBI_Gene:100126795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073787 MGI:3708765 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10575
7 gene 141.467362 141.471481 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096360 Cd151 NCBI_Gene:12476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025510 MGI:1096360 protein coding gene CD151 antigen
7 gene 141.471860 141.475153 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913741 Polr2l NCBI_Gene:66491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038489 MGI:1913741 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide L
7 gene 141.475236 141.493427 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928097 Tspan4 NCBI_Gene:64540,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025511 MGI:1928097 protein coding gene tetraspanin 4
7 gene 141.493136 141.539891 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915288 Chid1 NCBI_Gene:68038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025512 MGI:1915288 protein coding gene chitinase domain containing 1
7 gene 141.516403 141.518603 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791252 Gm45416 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110400 MGI:5791252 unclassified gene predicted gene 45416
7 gene 141.562173 141.633011 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101920 Ap2a2 NCBI_Gene:11772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002957 MGI:101920 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 2 subunit
7 gene 141.610066 141.613747 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4439906 Gm16982 NCBI_Gene:100036523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097170 MGI:4439906 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 16982
7 gene 141.620701 141.620791 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531036 Mir7063 miRBase:MI0022912,NCBI_Gene:102466798,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098759 MGI:5531036 miRNA gene microRNA 7063
7 gene 141.633456 141.655319 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2663233 Muc6 NCBI_Gene:353328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048191 MGI:2663233 protein coding gene mucin 6, gastric
7 gene 141.690340 141.754694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1339364 Muc2 NCBI_Gene:17831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025515 MGI:1339364 protein coding gene mucin 2
7 gene 141.788958 141.819231 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104697 Muc5ac NCBI_Gene:17833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037974 MGI:104697 protein coding gene mucin 5, subtypes A and C, tracheobronchial/gastric
7 gene 141.839012 141.873089 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921430 Muc5b NCBI_Gene:74180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066108 MGI:1921430 protein coding gene mucin 5, subtype B, tracheobronchial
7 gene 141.874813 141.918507 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891808 Tollip NCBI_Gene:54473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025139 MGI:1891808 protein coding gene toll interacting protein
7 gene 141.924303 141.943498 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591698 Gm32539 NCBI_Gene:102635119 MGI:5591698 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32539
7 gene 141.943704 141.949712 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5141966 Gm20501 NCBI_Gene:102635300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092536 MGI:5141966 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20501
7 gene 141.949751 142.004247 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923020 Brsk2 NCBI_Gene:75770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053046 MGI:1923020 protein coding gene BR serine/threonine kinase 2
7 gene 141.992179 141.992241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4834323 Mir3104 miRBase:MI0014101,NCBI_Gene:100526509,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092652 MGI:4834323 miRNA gene microRNA 3104
7 gene 142.008535 142.061073 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919891 Mob2 NCBI_Gene:101513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025147 MGI:1919891 protein coding gene MOB kinase activator 2
7 gene 142.051165 142.053075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791466 Gm45630 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109638 MGI:5791466 unclassified gene predicted gene 45630
7 gene 142.078331 142.078437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455193 Gm25416 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077409 MGI:5455193 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25416
7 gene 142.079487 142.095858 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106626 Dusp8 NCBI_Gene:18218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037887 MGI:106626 protein coding gene dual specificity phosphatase 8
7 gene 142.095758 142.137923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591945 Gm32786 NCBI_Gene:102635453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109958 MGI:5591945 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32786
7 pseudogene 142.111656 142.112413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791253 Gm45417 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109592 MGI:5791253 pseudogene predicted gene 45417
7 gene 142.118318 142.125213 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791454 Gm45618 NCBI_Gene:108167466,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109859 MGI:5791454 protein coding gene predicted gene 45618
7 gene 142.134431 142.137086 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622000 Gm39115 NCBI_Gene:105243089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110091 MGI:5622000 protein coding gene predicted gene, 39115
7 gene 142.143341 142.144607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5791173 Gm45337 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110061 MGI:5791173 protein coding gene predicted gene 45337
7 gene 142.153864 142.153957 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455147 Gm25370 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088784 MGI:5455147 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25370
7 gene 142.154802 142.158190 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5588894 Gm29735 NCBI_Gene:101055862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109655 MGI:5588894 protein coding gene predicted gene, 29735
7 gene 142.163028 142.167022 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782737 Gm4553 NCBI_Gene:100043617,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090471 MGI:3782737 protein coding gene predicted gene 4553
7 gene 142.174532 142.176005 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918873 Krtap5-2 NCBI_Gene:71623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054759 MGI:1918873 protein coding gene keratin associated protein 5-2
7 gene 142.189427 142.190389 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642359 Gm10153 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066101 MGI:3642359 protein coding gene predicted gene 10153
7 gene 142.201364 142.203015 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924465 Krtap5-3 NCBI_Gene:77215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046248 MGI:1924465 protein coding gene keratin associated protein 5-3
7 gene 142.211526 142.213081 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647476 Gm7579 NCBI_Gene:105243090,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073786 MGI:3647476 protein coding gene predicted gene 7579
7 pseudogene 142.223521 142.224766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011279 Gm19094 NCBI_Gene:100418241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109581 MGI:5011279 pseudogene predicted gene, 19094
7 gene 142.228795 142.229971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2149673 Krtap5-5 NCBI_Gene:114666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073785 MGI:2149673 protein coding gene keratin associated protein 5-5
7 gene 142.239755 142.241113 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5623345 Gm40460 NCBI_Gene:105244938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110324 MGI:5623345 protein coding gene predicted gene, 40460
7 gene 142.247901 142.255284 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825659 Gm46022 NCBI_Gene:108167506 MGI:5825659 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46022
7 pseudogene 142.250822 142.251538 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6096914 Gm47762 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110254 MGI:6096914 pseudogene predicted gene, 47762
7 gene 142.257647 142.258354 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780598 Gm2431 NCBI_Gene:105243101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090455 MGI:3780598 protein coding gene predicted gene 2431
7 gene 142.273764 142.274363 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782743 Gm4559 NCBI_Gene:100043627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056885 MGI:3782743 protein coding gene predicted gene 4559
7 pseudogene 142.279857 142.280939 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704303 Gm10013 NCBI_Gene:100043629,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089731 MGI:3704303 pseudogene predicted gene 10013
7 gene 142.283210 142.290418 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5805004 Gm45889 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109936 MGI:5805004 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45889
7 gene 142.283214 142.289754 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642866 B130016D09Rik NCBI_Gene:436015,NCBI_Gene:108167358 MGI:3642866 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B130016D09 cDNA
7 gene 142.287848 142.290418 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642536 E330027M22Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA gene%2c E330027M22Rik
7 gene 142.296334 142.297118 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354732 Krtap5-1 NCBI_Gene:50774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066100 MGI:1354732 protein coding gene keratin associated protein 5-1
7 gene 142.303502 142.304594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1354758 Krtap5-4 NCBI_Gene:50775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045236 MGI:1354758 protein coding gene keratin associated protein 5-4
7 pseudogene 142.305810 142.306552 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649024 Gm5054 NCBI_Gene:270015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083812 MGI:3649024 pseudogene predicted gene 5054
7 gene 142.325835 142.373779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444776 Ifitm10 NCBI_Gene:320802,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045777 MGI:2444776 protein coding gene interferon induced transmembrane protein 10
7 gene 142.371096 142.382667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6121585 Gm49369 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110040 MGI:6121585 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49369
7 gene 142.375911 142.388038 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88562 Ctsd NCBI_Gene:13033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007891 MGI:88562 protein coding gene cathepsin D
7 gene 142.424795 142.424902 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455920 Gm26143 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077668 MGI:5455920 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26143
7 gene 142.434461 142.440399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859867 Syt8 NCBI_Gene:55925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031098 MGI:1859867 protein coding gene synaptotagmin VIII
7 gene 142.440490 142.444410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105070 Tnni2 NCBI_Gene:21953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031097 MGI:105070 protein coding gene troponin I, skeletal, fast 2
7 gene 142.458218 142.460724 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5608889 D430042D18Rik NA NA unclassified gene Riken cDNA D430042D18 gene
7 gene 142.460809 142.494868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96832 Lsp1 NCBI_Gene:16985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018819 MGI:96832 protein coding gene lymphocyte specific 1
7 gene 142.491074 142.506771 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642289 Prr33 NCBI_Gene:677289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043795 MGI:3642289 protein coding gene proline rich 33
7 gene 142.498771 142.516213 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109550 Tnnt3 NCBI_Gene:21957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061723 MGI:109550 protein coding gene troponin T3, skeletal, fast
7 gene 142.532686 142.540747 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1196612 Mrpl23 NCBI_Gene:19935,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037772 MGI:1196612 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L23
7 gene 142.544609 142.558598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1306816 Nctc1 NCBI_Gene:330677,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087090 MGI:1306816 lncRNA gene non-coding transcript 1
7 gene 142.575529 142.578146 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95891 H19 NCBI_Gene:14955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000031 MGI:95891 lncRNA gene H19, imprinted maternally expressed transcript
7 gene 142.576853 142.576923 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530865 Gm27483 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099143 MGI:5530865 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27483
7 gene 142.577064 142.577147 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3629709 Mir675 miRBase:MI0004123,NCBI_Gene:735280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076275 MGI:3629709 miRNA gene microRNA 675
7 gene 142.577849 142.577918 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531168 Gm27786 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098816 MGI:5531168 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27786
7 gene 142.591659 142.620811 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592307 Gm33148 NCBI_Gene:102635939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110125 MGI:5592307 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33148
7 gene 142.603335 142.603616 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930302 Ihit1 NA NA unclassified gene Igf2-H-19 interval transcript 1
7 gene 142.650766 142.666816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96434 Igf2 NCBI_Gene:16002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048583 MGI:96434 protein coding gene insulin-like growth factor 2
7 gene 142.650769 142.669942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6121625 Gm49394 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115302 MGI:6121625 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49394
7 gene 142.654924 142.654996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3619420 Mir483 miRBase:MI0003484,NCBI_Gene:723874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070140 MGI:3619420 miRNA gene microRNA 483
7 gene 142.659693 142.670356 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1195257 Igf2os NCBI_Gene:111975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086266 MGI:1195257 antisense lncRNA gene insulin-like growth factor 2, opposite strand
7 gene 142.668178 142.669709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825642 Gm46005 NCBI_Gene:108167467 MGI:5825642 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46005
7 gene 142.678656 142.743381 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96573 Ins2 NCBI_Gene:16334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000215 MGI:96573 protein coding gene insulin II
7 gene 142.713797 142.743246 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622001 Gm39116 NCBI_Gene:105243092 MGI:5622001 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39116
7 pseudogene 142.757180 142.757883 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646633 Gm7290 NCBI_Gene:640264,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078192 MGI:3646633 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7290
7 gene 142.815252 142.852266 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648397 Gm6471 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073781 MGI:3648397 lncRNA gene predicted gene 6471
7 gene 142.837271 142.857582 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622002 Gm39117 NCBI_Gene:105243094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108952 MGI:5622002 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39117
7 gene 142.892752 142.931128 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98735 Th NCBI_Gene:21823,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000214 MGI:98735 protein coding gene tyrosine hydroxylase
7 gene 142.966822 143.008033 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96920 Ascl2 NCBI_Gene:17173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009248 MGI:96920 protein coding gene achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 2
7 gene 142.988969 143.008033 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705185 Tspan32os ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052281 MGI:3705185 antisense lncRNA gene tetraspanin 32, opposite strand
7 gene 143.004899 143.019644 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1350360 Tspan32 NCBI_Gene:27027,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000244 MGI:1350360 protein coding gene tetraspanin 32
7 gene 143.021784 143.053686 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142382 R74862 NCBI_Gene:97423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059277 MGI:2142382 lncRNA gene expressed sequence R74862
7 gene 143.052739 143.067934 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096398 Cd81 NCBI_Gene:12520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037706 MGI:1096398 protein coding gene CD81 antigen
7 gene 143.068092 143.071093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861712 Tssc4 NCBI_Gene:56844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045752 MGI:1861712 protein coding gene tumor-suppressing subchromosomal transferable fragment 4
7 gene 143.069153 143.094642 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861718 Trpm5 NCBI_Gene:56843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009246 MGI:1861718 protein coding gene transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 5
7 gene 143.106362 143.427050 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108083 Kcnq1 NCBI_Gene:16535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009545 MGI:108083 protein coding gene potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member 1
7 gene 143.124569 143.124803 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611549 Gm38321 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102980 MGI:5611549 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38321
7 gene 143.127792 143.127850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610463 Gm37235 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102333 MGI:5610463 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37235
7 gene 143.135031 143.140608 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579527 Gm28821 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101062 MGI:5579527 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28821
7 gene 143.203458 143.296549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926855 Kcnq1ot1 NCBI_Gene:63830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101609 MGI:1926855 lncRNA gene KCNQ1 overlapping transcript 1
7 gene 143.219585 143.220223 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930303 Naip3l1 NA NA unclassified gene NLR family%2c apoptosis inhibitory protein 3-like 1
7 gene 143.251367 143.251826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530777 Gm27395 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098857 MGI:5530777 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27395
7 gene 143.273053 143.273247 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530771 Gm27389 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098859 MGI:5530771 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27389
7 gene 143.273566 143.273684 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531185 Gm27803 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099151 MGI:5531185 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27803
7 gene 143.293932 143.294155 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530921 Gm27539 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099240 MGI:5530921 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27539
7 gene 143.297698 143.301617 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610592 Gm37364 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104012 MGI:5610592 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37364
7 gene 143.322772 143.364625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918403 4933417O13Rik NCBI_Gene:71153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101360 MGI:1918403 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933417O13 gene
7 gene 143.344437 143.345838 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611323 Gm38095 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103791 MGI:5611323 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38095
7 gene 143.350421 143.353912 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611293 Gm38065 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104485 MGI:5611293 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38065
7 gene 143.447605 143.447665 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531283 Gm27901 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099103 MGI:5531283 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27901
7 gene 143.458339 143.461073 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104564 Cdkn1c NCBI_Gene:12577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037664 MGI:104564 protein coding gene cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C (P57)
7 gene 143.459749 143.460640 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753308 Gm44732 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108934 MGI:5753308 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44732
7 gene 143.462529 143.462845 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930299 AF313042 NA NA unclassified gene cDNA sequence AF313042
7 gene 143.463335 143.466781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592822 Gm33663 NCBI_Gene:102636658 MGI:5592822 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33663
7 gene 143.473726 143.499334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336884 Slc22a18 NCBI_Gene:18400,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000154 MGI:1336884 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 18
7 gene 143.501545 143.503150 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1202307 Phlda2 NCBI_Gene:22113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010760 MGI:1202307 protein coding gene pleckstrin homology like domain, family A, member 2
7 gene 143.513579 143.549196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1316687 Nap1l4 NCBI_Gene:17955,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059119 MGI:1316687 protein coding gene nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 4
7 gene 143.531394 143.531520 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453074 Gm23297 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065118 MGI:5453074 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23297
7 gene 143.557230 143.600090 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351477 Cars NCBI_Gene:27267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010755 MGI:1351477 protein coding gene cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase
7 gene 143.570671 143.570759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531014 Mir7064 miRBase:MI0022913,NCBI_Gene:102465644,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098593 MGI:5531014 miRNA gene microRNA 7064
7 pseudogene 143.596205 143.597046 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783028 Gm15580 NCBI_Gene:102638628,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082561 MGI:3783028 pseudogene predicted gene 15580
7 gene 143.600091 143.601299 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783027 Gm15579 NCBI_Gene:105243095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086828 MGI:3783027 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15579
7 gene 143.607659 143.628722 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2651928 Tnfrsf26 NCBI_Gene:244237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045362 MGI:2651928 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 26
7 gene 143.628024 143.670614 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041205 E230032D23Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109251 MGI:3041205 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E230032D23 gene
7 gene 143.634806 143.649664 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930270 Tnfrsf22 NCBI_Gene:79202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010751 MGI:1930270 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 22
7 gene 143.665807 143.686435 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930269 Tnfrsf23 NCBI_Gene:79201,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037613 MGI:1930269 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 23
7 gene 143.688762 143.756985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930265 Osbpl5 NCBI_Gene:79196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037606 MGI:1930265 protein coding gene oxysterol binding protein-like 5
7 gene 143.763710 143.766993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3033145 Mrgprg NCBI_Gene:381974,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050276 MGI:3033145 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member G
7 gene 143.773346 143.775113 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753574 Gm44998 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109421 MGI:5753574 unclassified gene predicted gene 44998
7 gene 143.778363 143.784500 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441884 Mrgpre NCBI_Gene:244238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048965 MGI:2441884 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member E
7 gene 143.780090 143.780155 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451841 Gm22064 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076944 MGI:5451841 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22064
7 gene 143.795584 143.822861 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926164 Nadsyn1 NCBI_Gene:78914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031090 MGI:1926164 protein coding gene NAD synthetase 1
7 gene 143.823145 143.848410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298378 Dhcr7 NCBI_Gene:13360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058454 MGI:1298378 protein coding gene 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase
7 gene 143.866838 143.900066 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685344 Acte1 NCBI_Gene:102636989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031085 MGI:2685344 protein coding gene actin, epsilon 1
7 gene 143.933115 143.933208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531396 Mir6404 miRBase:MI0021940,NCBI_Gene:102465217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099321 MGI:5531396 miRNA gene microRNA 6404
7 gene 143.949273 143.956363 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593604 Gm34445 NCBI_Gene:102637703 MGI:5593604 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34445
7 gene 143.978053 144.424494 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2671987 Shank2 NCBI_Gene:210274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037541 MGI:2671987 protein coding gene SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2
7 gene 144.009254 144.009338 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4834324 Mir3105 miRBase:MI0014102,NCBI_Gene:100526562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093221 MGI:4834324 miRNA gene microRNA 3105
7 gene 144.019070 144.026560 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825643 Gm46006 NCBI_Gene:108167468 MGI:5825643 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46006
7 gene 144.109593 144.111085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753575 Gm44999 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109500 MGI:5753575 unclassified gene predicted gene 44999
7 gene 144.368048 144.406933 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649263 Gm14372 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085745 MGI:3649263 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14372
7 gene 144.415144 144.419277 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593780 Gm34621 NCBI_Gene:102637932 MGI:5593780 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34621
7 gene 144.426132 144.431330 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593720 Gm34561 NCBI_Gene:102637856 MGI:5593720 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34561
7 gene 144.435724 144.471009 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99695 Cttn NCBI_Gene:13043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031078 MGI:99695 protein coding gene cortactin
7 gene 144.469533 144.469993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3651797 Gm14376 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085228 MGI:3651797 lncRNA gene predicted gene 14376
7 gene 144.476755 144.553729 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924750 Ppfia1 NCBI_Gene:233977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037519 MGI:1924750 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, f polypeptide (PTPRF), interacting protein (liprin), alpha 1
7 pseudogene 144.552798 144.554487 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594785 Gm35626 NCBI_Gene:102639278 MGI:5594785 pseudogene predicted gene, 35626
7 gene 144.567355 144.581512 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642460 Faddos ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073778 MGI:3642460 antisense lncRNA gene Fas (TNFRSF6)-associated via death domain, opposite strand
7 gene 144.577318 144.582463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109324 Fadd NCBI_Gene:14082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031077 MGI:109324 protein coding gene Fas (TNFRSF6)-associated via death domain
7 gene 144.588549 144.752045 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2142149 Ano1 NCBI_Gene:101772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031075 MGI:2142149 protein coding gene anoctamin 1, calcium activated chloride channel
7 gene 144.741614 144.770512 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444533 D930030F02Rik NCBI_Gene:320688 MGI:2444533 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D930030F02 gene
7 gene 144.742113 144.750008 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753506 Gm44930 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108851 MGI:5753506 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44930
7 gene 144.763139 144.764482 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641809 Gm10152 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103394 MGI:3641809 unclassified gene predicted gene 10152
7 gene 144.764763 144.770571 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753505 Gm44929 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109009 MGI:5753505 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44929
7 gene 144.787041 144.791808 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594123 Gm34964 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109442 MGI:5594123 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34964
7 pseudogene 144.791957 144.792453 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780119 Gm9711 NCBI_Gene:677315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108874 MGI:3780119 pseudogene predicted gene 9711
7 gene 144.837957 144.844447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95517 Fgf3 NCBI_Gene:14174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031074 MGI:95517 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor 3
7 gene 144.847367 144.865243 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95518 Fgf4 NCBI_Gene:14175,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050917 MGI:95518 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor 4
7 gene 144.894121 144.897461 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477287 Gm26793 NCBI_Gene:102638461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096999 MGI:5477287 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26793
7 gene 144.896531 144.900953 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096383 Fgf15 NCBI_Gene:14170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031073 MGI:1096383 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor 15
7 gene 144.899313 144.910569 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5622004 Gm39119 NCBI_Gene:105243098,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108977 MGI:5622004 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39119
7 gene 144.914470 144.914637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104905 Bc1 NCBI_Gene:100568459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115783 MGI:104905 lncRNA gene brain cytoplasmic RNA 1
7 gene 144.915095 144.931701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919534 LTO1 NCBI_Gene:72284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031072 MGI:1919534 protein coding gene ABCE maturation factor
7 gene 144.929931 144.939937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88313 Ccnd1 NCBI_Gene:12443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070348 MGI:88313 protein coding gene cyclin D1
7 gene 145.069041 145.070017 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5825660 Gm46023 NCBI_Gene:108167507 MGI:5825660 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46023
7 gene 145.162996 145.166957 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753757 Gm45181 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108967 MGI:5753757 lncRNA gene predicted gene 45181
7 gene 145.181633 145.284011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385297 Tpcn2 NCBI_Gene:233979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048677 MGI:2385297 protein coding gene two pore segment channel 2
7 gene 145.205818 145.208119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916283 Smim38 NCBI_Gene:100040049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109305 MGI:1916283 protein coding gene small integral membrane protein 38
7 gene 145.220880 145.222525 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922098 4833446E11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833446E11 gene
7 gene 145.300828 145.309557 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2384823 Mrgprf NCBI_Gene:211577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000031070 MGI:2384823 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member F
7 gene 145.314835 145.324086 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3033142 Mrgprd NCBI_Gene:211578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051207 MGI:3033142 protein coding gene MAS-related GPR, member D
chr type start stop strand ID Name Dbxref gene_id mgi_type description
15 pseudogene 28.54021 28.54047 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118763 Gm49279 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115156 MGI:6118763 pseudogene predicted gene, 49279
15 pseudogene 28.71867 28.72010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648172 Gm8484 NCBI_Gene:667153,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115795 MGI:3648172 pseudogene predicted gene 8484
15 gene 28.85500 28.85777 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118764 Gm49280 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115459 MGI:6118764 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49280
15 gene 28.85889 28.87466 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590846 Gm31687 NCBI_Gene:102633997 MGI:5590846 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31687
15 gene 29.37247 29.37553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624166 Gm41281 NCBI_Gene:105245901 MGI:5624166 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41281
15 gene 29.71333 29.71340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4950403 Mir3964 miRBase:MI0016970,NCBI_Gene:100628607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092639 MGI:4950403 miRNA gene microRNA 3964
15 gene 29.88834 29.88847 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452810 Gm23033 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088621 MGI:5452810 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23033
15 pseudogene 29.94828 29.94837 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118766 Gm49281 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115544 MGI:6118766 pseudogene predicted gene, 49281
15 gene 30.00406 30.00413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454331 Gm24554 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089279 MGI:5454331 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24554
15 gene 30.00419 30.00426 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453104 Gm23327 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088045 MGI:5453104 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23327
15 pseudogene 30.01228 30.01320 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647582 Gm5212 NCBI_Gene:382975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115080 MGI:3647582 pseudogene predicted gene 5212
15 gene 30.05238 30.05256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455940 Gm26163 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065726 MGI:5455940 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26163
15 gene 30.17259 31.02934 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1195966 Ctnnd2 NCBI_Gene:18163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022240 MGI:1195966 protein coding gene catenin (cadherin associated protein), delta 2
15 gene 30.17319 30.18682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591112 Gm31953 NCBI_Gene:102634351 MGI:5591112 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31953
15 gene 30.42884 30.43023 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118769 Gm49283 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115073 MGI:6118769 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49283
15 gene 30.51693 30.53411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624169 Gm41284 NCBI_Gene:105245904 MGI:5624169 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41284
15 gene 30.59029 30.59041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453733 Gm23956 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087836 MGI:5453733 rRNA gene predicted gene, 23956
15 gene 30.59709 30.62662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923191 4930570B17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115337 MGI:1923191 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930570B17 gene
15 gene 30.60151 30.60158 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454264 Gm24487 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094704 MGI:5454264 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24487
15 gene 30.67314 30.67547 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591000 Gm31841 NCBI_Gene:102634200 MGI:5591000 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31841
15 gene 30.72168 30.73272 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624168 Gm41283 NCBI_Gene:105245903 MGI:5624168 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41283
15 gene 30.96130 30.96288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925818 9630009A06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115012 MGI:1925818 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9630009A06 gene
15 gene 31.03913 31.04333 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921034 4930430F21Rik NCBI_Gene:73784,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115474 MGI:1921034 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930430F21 gene
15 gene 31.09222 31.11727 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591170 Gm32011 NCBI_Gene:102634426 MGI:5591170 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32011
15 gene 31.13101 31.13585 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591229 Gm32070 NCBI_Gene:102634504 MGI:5591229 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32070
15 gene 31.19421 31.19434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456193 Gm26416 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077468 MGI:5456193 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26416
15 gene 31.22431 31.27434 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918190 Dap NCBI_Gene:223453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039168 MGI:1918190 protein coding gene death-associated protein
15 gene 31.25492 31.26346 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624170 Gm41285 NCBI_Gene:105245905 MGI:5624170 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41285
15 pseudogene 31.27645 31.27805 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648078 Fam136b-ps NCBI_Gene:625796,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055416 MGI:3648078 pseudogene family with sequence similarity 136, member B, pseudogene
15 gene 31.28209 31.28314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118789 Gm49296 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115418 MGI:6118789 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49296
15 gene 31.29148 31.36810 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917904 Ankrd33b NCBI_Gene:67434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022237 MGI:1917904 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 33B
15 gene 31.36836 31.37030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118795 Gm49300 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115406 MGI:6118795 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49300
15 gene 31.40106 31.40871 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624171 Gm41286 NCBI_Gene:105245906 MGI:5624171 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41286
15 gene 31.44121 31.45374 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2182357 Ropn1l NCBI_Gene:252967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022236 MGI:2182357 protein coding gene ropporin 1-like
15 pseudogene 31.44566 31.44683 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646180 Gm6361 NCBI_Gene:622810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068964 MGI:3646180 pseudogene predicted gene 6361
15 gene 31.45374 31.45490 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118659 Gm49208 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115710 MGI:6118659 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49208
15 gene 31.45589 31.53105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442773 March6 NCBI_Gene:223455,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039100 MGI:2442773 protein coding gene membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 6
15 pseudogene 31.46228 31.46263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118668 Gm49214 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115357 MGI:6118668 pseudogene predicted gene, 49214
15 gene 31.48176 31.48693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118670 Gm49216 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115383 MGI:6118670 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49216
15 pseudogene 31.52092 31.52127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118669 Gm49215 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115224 MGI:6118669 pseudogene predicted gene, 49215
15 gene 31.53110 31.54587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624172 Gm41287 NCBI_Gene:105245907 MGI:5624172 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41287
15 gene 31.56537 31.59012 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916824 Cmbl NCBI_Gene:69574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022235 MGI:1916824 protein coding gene carboxymethylenebutenolidase-like (Pseudomonas)
15 gene 31.59080 31.60180 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107185 Cct5 NCBI_Gene:12465,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022234 MGI:107185 protein coding gene chaperonin containing Tcp1, subunit 5 (epsilon)
15 gene 31.60185 31.62123 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915323 Atpsckmt NCBI_Gene:68073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039065 MGI:1915323 protein coding gene ATP synthase C subunit lysine N-methyltransferase
15 gene 31.62197 31.62403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118771 Gm49284 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114995 MGI:6118771 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49284
15 gene 31.63572 31.64046 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591542 Gm32383 NCBI_Gene:102634910 MGI:5591542 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32383
15 pseudogene 31.65477 31.65557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826159 Gm46522 NCBI_Gene:108168247,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115188 MGI:5826159 pseudogene predicted gene, 46522
15 pseudogene 31.73090 31.73364 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010188 Gm18003 NCBI_Gene:100416250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115589 MGI:5010188 pseudogene predicted gene, 18003
15 gene 32.04995 32.05135 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118773 Gm49285 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115561 MGI:6118773 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49285
15 gene 32.15636 32.24047 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591658 Gm32499 NCBI_Gene:102635070 MGI:5591658 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32499
15 gene 32.17729 32.17829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681253 Tas2r119 NCBI_Gene:57254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045267 MGI:2681253 protein coding gene taste receptor, type 2, member 119
15 gene 32.22639 32.22704 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922353 4930518I17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107924 MGI:1922353 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930518I17 gene
15 gene 32.24056 32.24466 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914085 Snhg18 NCBI_Gene:100616095,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096956 MGI:1914085 lncRNA gene small nucleolar RNA host gene 18
15 gene 32.24184 32.24193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5297223 Snord123 NCBI_Gene:66835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089317 MGI:5297223 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 123
15 gene 32.24474 32.69634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107556 Sema5a NCBI_Gene:20356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022231 MGI:107556 protein coding gene sema domain, seven thrombospondin repeats (type 1 and type 1-like), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 5A
15 gene 32.40997 32.43444 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591721 Gm32562 NCBI_Gene:102635151 MGI:5591721 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32562
15 gene 32.61974 32.62351 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922230 4930465K09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115063 MGI:1922230 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930465K09 gene
15 gene 32.75469 32.77315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624174 Gm41289 NCBI_Gene:105245909,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115749 MGI:5624174 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41289
15 gene 32.77865 32.79601 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591777 Gm32618 NCBI_Gene:102635226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115317 MGI:5591777 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32618
15 gene 32.78507 32.78719 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781242 Gm3065 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 3065
15 gene 32.92072 33.03493 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349165 Sdc2 NCBI_Gene:15529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022261 MGI:1349165 protein coding gene syndecan 2
15 gene 33.04602 33.07352 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591923 Gm32764 NCBI_Gene:102635418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115140 MGI:5591923 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32764
15 gene 33.08313 33.59455 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1889205 Cpq NCBI_Gene:54381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039007 MGI:1889205 protein coding gene carboxypeptidase Q
15 pseudogene 33.40398 33.40598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920736 1700084J12Rik NCBI_Gene:73486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058101 MGI:1920736 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 1700084J12 gene
15 gene 33.55705 33.55824 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924551 9430031J08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430031J08 gene
15 gene 33.58961 33.58974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454253 Gm24476 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088062 MGI:5454253 rRNA gene predicted gene, 24476
15 gene 33.59388 33.65344 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923130 4930592A05Rik NCBI_Gene:75880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115779 MGI:1923130 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930592A05 gene
15 gene 33.59759 33.59958 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917765 5730407I07Rik NA NA protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 5730407I07 gene
15 gene 33.68388 33.68788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442458 Tspyl5 NCBI_Gene:239364,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038984 MGI:2442458 protein coding gene testis-specific protein, Y-encoded-like 5
15 pseudogene 33.75747 33.75779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118478 Gm49088 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115362 MGI:6118478 pseudogene predicted gene, 49088
15 gene 33.83145 33.83435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118479 Gm49089 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115318 MGI:6118479 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49089
15 gene 33.92957 33.93042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921335 4933414I06Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933414I06 gene
15 pseudogene 34.01265 34.01309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780050 Gm9643 NCBI_Gene:675463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115605 MGI:3780050 pseudogene predicted gene 9643
15 gene 34.02199 34.03783 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624175 Gm41290 NCBI_Gene:105245910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115428 MGI:5624175 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41290
15 pseudogene 34.05312 34.05327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118482 Gm49091 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115440 MGI:6118482 pseudogene predicted gene, 49091
15 gene 34.08174 34.08303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624176 Gm41291 NCBI_Gene:105245911 MGI:5624176 protein coding gene predicted gene, 41291
15 gene 34.08269 34.14562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914404 Mtdh NCBI_Gene:67154,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022255 MGI:1914404 protein coding gene metadherin
15 gene 34.12694 34.13069 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443961 9930017N22Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115276 MGI:2443961 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9930017N22 gene
15 gene 34.13925 34.13938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454277 Gm24500 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089072 MGI:5454277 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24500
15 gene 34.15256 34.16689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621479 Gm38594 NCBI_Gene:102642065 MGI:5621479 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38594
15 gene 34.23803 34.28430 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890494 Laptm4b NCBI_Gene:114128,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022257 MGI:1890494 protein coding gene lysosomal-associated protein transmembrane 4B
15 pseudogene 34.26738 34.27011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011134 Gm18949 NCBI_Gene:100418014,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115808 MGI:5011134 pseudogene predicted gene, 18949
15 gene 34.28882 34.28887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455586 Gm25809 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084738 MGI:5455586 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25809
15 gene 34.30665 34.43627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109613 Matn2 NCBI_Gene:17181,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022324 MGI:109613 protein coding gene matrilin 2
15 gene 34.34905 34.35787 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924608 9430069I07Rik NCBI_Gene:77358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094447 MGI:1924608 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9430069I07 gene
15 gene 34.44051 34.44364 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98037 Rpl30 NCBI_Gene:19946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058600 MGI:98037 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L30
15 gene 34.44079 34.44092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454300 Gm24523 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065899 MGI:5454300 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24523
15 gene 34.44298 34.44481 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925101 D730044K07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115685 MGI:1925101 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D730044K07 gene
15 gene 34.45331 34.47389 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447772 Erich5 NCBI_Gene:239368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044726 MGI:2447772 protein coding gene glutamate rich 5
15 gene 34.48171 34.48383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118627 Gm49188 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115300 MGI:6118627 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49188
15 gene 34.48402 34.49526 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1095401 Rida NCBI_Gene:15473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022323 MGI:1095401 protein coding gene reactive intermediate imine deaminase A homolog
15 gene 34.49530 34.53065 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914974 Pop1 NCBI_Gene:67724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022325 MGI:1914974 protein coding gene processing of precursor 1, ribonuclease P/MRP family, (S. cerevisiae)
15 pseudogene 34.53156 34.53170 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118639 Gm49195 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115005 MGI:6118639 pseudogene predicted gene, 49195
15 gene 34.53171 34.53182 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451985 Gm22208 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084607 MGI:5451985 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22208
15 gene 34.57280 34.67944 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924488 Nipal2 NCBI_Gene:223473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038879 MGI:1924488 protein coding gene NIPA-like domain containing 2
15 gene 34.66527 34.66605 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918784 9030408N04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9030408N04 gene
15 gene 34.67507 34.67920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918887 4930413F20Rik NCBI_Gene:71637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115526 MGI:1918887 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930413F20 gene
15 gene 34.74497 34.83844 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592129 Gm32970 NCBI_Gene:102635699 MGI:5592129 protein coding gene predicted gene, 32970
15 gene 34.82318 34.82643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118246 Gm48932 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115360 MGI:6118246 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48932
15 gene 34.83736 34.84341 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1197011 Kcns2 NCBI_Gene:16539,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050963 MGI:1197011 protein coding gene K+ voltage-gated channel, subfamily S, 2
15 gene 34.87550 35.17892 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928487 Stk3 NCBI_Gene:56274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022329 MGI:1928487 protein coding gene serine/threonine kinase 3
15 gene 35.20011 35.27367 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592656 Gm33497 NCBI_Gene:102636432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115345 MGI:5592656 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33497
15 gene 35.29608 35.30331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930813 Osr2 NCBI_Gene:107587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022330 MGI:1930813 protein coding gene odd-skipped related 2
15 gene 35.30700 35.32854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3758910 BC048602 NCBI_Gene:100126269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115453 MGI:3758910 lncRNA gene cDNA sequence BC048602
15 gene 35.32899 35.34037 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592743 Gm33584 NCBI_Gene:102636548 MGI:5592743 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33584
15 gene 35.36845 35.37315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918154 4921515G04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4921515G04 gene
15 gene 35.36845 35.37315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118292 Gm48960 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115829 MGI:6118292 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48960
15 gene 35.37114 35.93123 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916380 Vps13b NCBI_Gene:666173,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037646 MGI:1916380 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 13B
15 gene 35.48740 35.48754 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454548 Gm24771 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089133 MGI:5454548 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24771
15 gene 35.56824 35.56988 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118302 Gm48966 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115314 MGI:6118302 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48966
15 gene 35.58931 35.59164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644983 Gm7968 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115144 MGI:3644983 unclassified gene predicted gene 7968
15 gene 35.66083 35.66092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4358945 Mir599 miRBase:MI0012529,NCBI_Gene:100316736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076333 MGI:4358945 miRNA gene microRNA 599
15 gene 35.66097 35.66105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3718565 Mir875 miRBase:MI0005551,NCBI_Gene:100124469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077890 MGI:3718565 miRNA gene microRNA 875
15 pseudogene 35.73360 35.73462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011179 Gm18994 NCBI_Gene:100418089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115040 MGI:5011179 pseudogene predicted gene, 18994
15 gene 35.78715 35.79028 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921804 9130002K18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115837 MGI:1921804 unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9130002K18 gene
15 gene 35.85539 35.85779 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118300 Gm48965 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115340 MGI:6118300 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48965
15 gene 35.86051 35.86337 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118294 Gm48961 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115793 MGI:6118294 unclassified gene predicted gene, 48961
15 gene 35.86433 35.88687 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624177 Gm41292 NCBI_Gene:105245912 MGI:5624177 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41292
15 gene 35.92589 35.93825 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104614 Cox6c NCBI_Gene:12864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014313 MGI:104614 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6C
15 gene 35.96051 36.14064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3613651 Rgs22 NCBI_Gene:626596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037627 MGI:3613651 protein coding gene regulator of G-protein signalling 22
15 gene 36.02890 36.02915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455149 Gm25372 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088786 MGI:5455149 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25372
15 pseudogene 36.11994 36.12093 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011074 Gm18889 NCBI_Gene:100417896,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092230 MGI:5011074 pseudogene predicted gene, 18889
15 gene 36.15006 36.16994 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926053 Fbxo43 NCBI_Gene:78803,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048230 MGI:1926053 protein coding gene F-box protein 43
15 gene 36.16489 36.16545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920780 1700074I03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700074I03 gene
15 gene 36.16980 36.16995 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452756 Gm22979 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064543 MGI:5452756 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22979
15 gene 36.17401 36.17701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102725 Polr2k NCBI_Gene:17749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045996 MGI:102725 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide K
15 gene 36.17548 36.23562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349387 Spag1 NCBI_Gene:26942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037617 MGI:1349387 protein coding gene sperm associated antigen 1
15 gene 36.20526 36.20532 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453531 Gm23754 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088201 MGI:5453531 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23754
15 gene 36.20570 36.21108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624178 Gm41293 NCBI_Gene:105245913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115811 MGI:5624178 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41293
15 gene 36.23993 36.28315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1353623 Rnf19a NCBI_Gene:30945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022280 MGI:1353623 protein coding gene ring finger protein 19A
15 gene 36.24005 36.24016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530879 Mir8097 miRBase:MI0026025,NCBI_Gene:102465888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098457 MGI:5530879 miRNA gene microRNA 8097
15 gene 36.25051 36.25276 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918635 5430434G16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430434G16 gene
15 pseudogene 36.29962 36.30047 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779911 Gm9501 NCBI_Gene:670773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115162 MGI:3779911 pseudogene predicted gene 9501
15 pseudogene 36.30810 36.30897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643413 Rpl7a-ps3 NCBI_Gene:268795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068579 MGI:3643413 pseudogene ribosomal protein L7A, pseudogene 3
15 gene 36.31740 36.31899 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624179 Gm41294 NCBI_Gene:105245914 MGI:5624179 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41294
15 gene 36.32197 36.34093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621485 Gm38600 NCBI_Gene:102642210 MGI:5621485 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38600
15 gene 36.32455 36.33015 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592985 Gm33826 NCBI_Gene:102636876 MGI:5592985 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33826
15 gene 36.34122 36.36853 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593095 Gm33936 NCBI_Gene:102637024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115715 MGI:5593095 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33936
15 gene 36.37395 36.37713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593309 Gm34150 NCBI_Gene:102637304,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115278 MGI:5593309 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34150
15 gene 36.37534 36.39017 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593252 Gm34093 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114981 MGI:5593252 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34093
15 gene 36.43332 36.43669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118681 Gm49224 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115395 MGI:6118681 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49224
15 gene 36.45325 36.45658 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593475 Gm34316 NCBI_Gene:102637530 MGI:5593475 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34316
15 gene 36.47767 36.49682 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916089 Ankrd46 NCBI_Gene:68839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048307 MGI:1916089 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 46
15 gene 36.49998 36.50343 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118714 Gm49246 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115084 MGI:6118714 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49246
15 gene 36.50406 36.56013 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913946 Snx31 NCBI_Gene:66696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013611 MGI:1913946 protein coding gene sorting nexin 31
15 gene 36.58354 36.58367 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690702 Gm44310 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105494 MGI:5690702 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44310
15 gene 36.59566 36.60967 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349722 Pabpc1 NCBI_Gene:18458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022283 MGI:1349722 protein coding gene poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 1
15 gene 36.62916 36.62999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118737 Gm49262 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115037 MGI:6118737 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49262
15 pseudogene 36.62952 36.62991 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646833 Gm6704 NCBI_Gene:626746,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115537 MGI:3646833 pseudogene predicted gene 6704
15 gene 36.63277 36.69576 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826152 Gm46515 NCBI_Gene:108168240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115127 MGI:5826152 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46515
15 gene 36.69010 36.69495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642705 Gm10385 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115834 MGI:3642705 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10385
15 gene 36.70406 36.70953 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624181 Gm41296 NCBI_Gene:105245916 MGI:5624181 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41296
15 gene 36.71788 36.72846 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624182 Gm41297 NCBI_Gene:105245917 MGI:5624182 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41297
15 gene 36.72365 36.72524 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118739 Gm49263 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115103 MGI:6118739 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49263
15 gene 36.72622 36.73079 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4437721 A830021M18Rik NCBI_Gene:223483 MGI:4437721 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A830021M18 gene
15 gene 36.77026 36.80298 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109484 Ywhaz NCBI_Gene:22631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022285 MGI:109484 protein coding gene tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, zeta polypeptide
15 gene 36.79575 36.80223 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624183 Gm41298 NCBI_Gene:105245918 MGI:5624183 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41298
15 gene 36.79870 36.79877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455080 Gm25303 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093021 MGI:5455080 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25303
15 gene 36.81086 36.84409 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593631 Gm34472 NCBI_Gene:102637738 MGI:5593631 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34472
15 gene 36.84282 36.84434 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118767 Gm49282 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115750 MGI:6118767 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49282
15 gene 36.86772 36.86933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624184 Gm41299 NCBI_Gene:105245919 MGI:5624184 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41299
15 gene 36.87050 36.88004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641812 Gm10384 NCBI_Gene:100038735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072618 MGI:3641812 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10384
15 gene 36.90661 36.93178 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624185 Gm41300 NCBI_Gene:105245920,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115430 MGI:5624185 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41300
15 gene 36.91065 36.91562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593688 Gm34529 NCBI_Gene:102637813 MGI:5593688 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34529
15 gene 36.93611 36.96421 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593749 Gm34590 NCBI_Gene:102637894,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115333 MGI:5593749 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34590
15 gene 36.99703 37.00777 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915286 Zfp706 NCBI_Gene:68036,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062397 MGI:1915286 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 706
15 gene 37.00751 37.04410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477260 Gm26766 NCBI_Gene:108168238,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097259 MGI:5477260 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26766
15 gene 37.04424 37.04643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593883 Gm34724 NCBI_Gene:102638074 MGI:5593883 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34724
15 gene 37.12403 37.16821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624187 Gm41302 NCBI_Gene:105245922 MGI:5624187 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41302
15 gene 37.13322 37.13552 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624186 Gm41301 NCBI_Gene:105245921 MGI:5624186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41301
15 gene 37.13595 37.16814 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593979 Gm34820 NCBI_Gene:102638203 MGI:5593979 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34820
15 pseudogene 37.17106 37.17240 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779919 Gm9509 NCBI_Gene:670911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115848 MGI:3779919 pseudogene predicted gene 9509
15 pseudogene 37.18021 37.18270 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648743 Gm8664 NCBI_Gene:667492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115621 MGI:3648743 pseudogene predicted gene 8664
15 gene 37.19537 37.19866 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624188 Gm41303 NCBI_Gene:105245923 MGI:5624188 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41303
15 gene 37.23179 37.23331 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802137 Gm16136 NCBI_Gene:105245924,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089804 MGI:3802137 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16136
15 gene 37.23282 37.36357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2182543 Grhl2 NCBI_Gene:252973,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022286 MGI:2182543 protein coding gene grainyhead like transcription factor 2
15 gene 37.24240 37.24316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802136 Gm16137 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089949 MGI:3802136 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16137
15 pseudogene 37.33199 37.33281 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801879 Gm16138 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089811 MGI:3801879 pseudogene predicted gene 16138
15 gene 37.36617 37.79257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196326 Ncald NCBI_Gene:52589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051359 MGI:1196326 protein coding gene neurocalcin delta
15 gene 37.36720 37.36850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578927 Gm28221 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101671 MGI:5578927 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28221
15 gene 37.37132 37.37145 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453431 Gm23654 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080408 MGI:5453431 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23654
15 pseudogene 37.42113 37.42324 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648751 Gm8668 NCBI_Gene:667498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084316 MGI:3648751 pseudogene predicted gene 8668
15 gene 37.42113 37.43341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802081 Gm15941 NCBI_Gene:100503538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086992 MGI:3802081 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15941
15 gene 37.42555 37.44084 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922142 4930447A16Rik NCBI_Gene:74892,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022288 MGI:1922142 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930447A16 gene
15 gene 37.43248 37.73434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6121631 Gm49397 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115157 MGI:6121631 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49397
15 pseudogene 37.49276 37.49323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781446 Gm3267 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084382 MGI:3781446 pseudogene predicted gene 3267
15 gene 37.51481 37.52981 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624190 Gm41305 NCBI_Gene:105245927 MGI:5624190 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41305
15 gene 37.55903 37.56183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118815 Gm49311 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115095 MGI:6118815 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49311
15 gene 37.60341 37.60353 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454610 Gm24833 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080425 MGI:5454610 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24833
15 gene 37.64170 37.65093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624189 Gm41304 NCBI_Gene:105245926 MGI:5624189 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41304
15 gene 37.69961 37.72085 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802083 Gm15942 NCBI_Gene:105245925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086125 MGI:3802083 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15942
15 gene 37.76283 37.76540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3802082 Gm15940 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086313 MGI:3802082 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15940
15 pseudogene 37.86793 37.86852 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646817 Rps19-ps5 NCBI_Gene:667534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097679 MGI:3646817 pseudogene ribosomal protein S19, pseudogene 5
15 gene 37.89299 37.90806 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594178 Gm35019 NCBI_Gene:102638459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115326 MGI:5594178 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35019
15 gene 37.92395 37.96132 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2155865 Rrm2b NCBI_Gene:382985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022292 MGI:2155865 protein coding gene ribonucleotide reductase M2 B (TP53 inducible)
15 pseudogene 37.94325 37.94382 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781540 Gm3362 NCBI_Gene:108168233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085442 MGI:3781540 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 3362
15 gene 37.96047 37.96622 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118472 Gm49085 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115249 MGI:6118472 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49085
15 gene 37.96733 38.07885 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918040 Ubr5 NCBI_Gene:70790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037487 MGI:1918040 protein coding gene ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 5
15 gene 38.05828 38.05842 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452130 Gm22353 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065852 MGI:5452130 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22353
15 gene 38.07910 38.07956 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118817 Gm49312 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115771 MGI:6118817 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49312
15 gene 38.14370 38.14756 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594240 Gm35081 NCBI_Gene:102638544 MGI:5594240 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35081
15 gene 38.18401 38.20222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594326 Gm35167 NCBI_Gene:102638654,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115680 MGI:5594326 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35167
15 gene 38.21920 38.22673 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97424 Odf1 NCBI_Gene:18285,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061923 MGI:97424 protein coding gene outer dense fiber of sperm tails 1
15 pseudogene 38.23790 38.23882 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779473 Gm5213 NCBI_Gene:382986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115525 MGI:3779473 pseudogene predicted gene 5213
15 gene 38.23857 38.23868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453875 Gm24098 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096567 MGI:5453875 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24098
15 gene 38.23970 38.25531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118819 Gm49313 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115307 MGI:6118819 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49313
15 pseudogene 38.24329 38.24425 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643204 Gm8705 NCBI_Gene:667563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115057 MGI:3643204 pseudogene predicted gene 8705
15 gene 38.27540 38.27644 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118821 Gm49314 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115437 MGI:6118821 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49314
15 gene 38.29146 38.30071 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1101353 Klf10 NCBI_Gene:21847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037465 MGI:1101353 protein coding gene Kruppel-like factor 10
15 gene 38.29810 38.34314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594407 Gm35248 NCBI_Gene:102638762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115456 MGI:5594407 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35248
15 gene 38.35734 38.36608 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624191 Gm41306 NCBI_Gene:105245928 MGI:5624191 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41306
15 gene 38.38498 38.38630 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477357 Gm26863 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097645 MGI:5477357 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26863
15 gene 38.38556 38.40472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624192 Gm41307 NCBI_Gene:105245929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115405 MGI:5624192 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41307
15 gene 38.43623 38.45551 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642701 G930009F23Rik NCBI_Gene:100038726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115009 MGI:3642701 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA G930009F23 gene
15 gene 38.47323 38.47827 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624193 Gm41308 NCBI_Gene:105245930 MGI:5624193 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41308
15 gene 38.48743 38.51929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859169 Azin1 NCBI_Gene:54375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037458 MGI:1859169 protein coding gene antizyme inhibitor 1
15 gene 38.49047 38.49055 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531147 Mir6951 miRBase:MI0022798,NCBI_Gene:102465574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099110 MGI:5531147 miRNA gene microRNA 6951
15 gene 38.51879 38.52005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118462 Gm49077 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115546 MGI:6118462 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49077
15 gene 38.54934 38.59493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916929 2310043O21Rik NCBI_Gene:69679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102106 MGI:1916929 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310043O21 gene
15 gene 38.56852 38.60234 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624194 Gm41309 NCBI_Gene:105245931 MGI:5624194 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41309
15 pseudogene 38.57398 38.57809 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5588856 Gm29697 NCBI_Gene:100862352,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115587 MGI:5588856 pseudogene predicted gene, 29697
15 pseudogene 38.57472 38.57482 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118481 Gm49090 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114975 MGI:6118481 pseudogene predicted gene, 49090
15 pseudogene 38.57526 38.57679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108065 Siah1-ps2 NCBI_Gene:100416386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115491 MGI:108065 pseudogene siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 1, pseudogene 2
15 gene 38.64094 38.65984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922655 1100001I12Rik NCBI_Gene:75405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115547 MGI:1922655 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1100001I12 gene
15 gene 38.66190 38.69245 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913585 Atp6v1c1 NCBI_Gene:66335,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022295 MGI:1913585 protein coding gene ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit C1
15 gene 38.71348 38.72852 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5825561 Gm45924 NCBI_Gene:105463124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115620 MGI:5825561 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 45924
15 gene 38.93307 38.93862 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118490 Gm49097 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114994 MGI:6118490 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49097
15 gene 38.93314 38.95292 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928704 Baalc NCBI_Gene:118452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022296 MGI:1928704 protein coding gene brain and acute leukemia, cytoplasmic
15 gene 38.97823 38.97937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592282 Gm33123 NCBI_Gene:102635905 MGI:5592282 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33123
15 pseudogene 38.99014 38.99256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648965 Gm4740 NCBI_Gene:170769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115070 MGI:3648965 pseudogene predicted gene 4740
15 gene 39.00328 39.00619 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477198 Gm26704 NCBI_Gene:105245938,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097875 MGI:5477198 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26704
15 gene 39.00567 39.03819 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108474 Fzd6 NCBI_Gene:14368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022297 MGI:108474 protein coding gene frizzled class receptor 6
15 gene 39.03183 39.04528 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624195 Gm41310 NCBI_Gene:105245937 MGI:5624195 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41310
15 gene 39.04043 39.04128 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6215309 Gm49786 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115508 MGI:6215309 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49786
15 gene 39.04058 39.04071 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454566 Gm24789 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077470 MGI:5454566 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24789
15 gene 39.04187 39.06678 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645774 Gm7194 NCBI_Gene:636952 MGI:3645774 lncRNA gene predicted gene 7194
15 pseudogene 39.06141 39.06180 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118502 Gm49105 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115841 MGI:6118502 pseudogene predicted gene, 49105
15 gene 39.07685 39.08712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915838 Cthrc1 NCBI_Gene:68588,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054196 MGI:1915838 protein coding gene collagen triple helix repeat containing 1
15 gene 39.09123 39.11278 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917156 Slc25a32 NCBI_Gene:69906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022299 MGI:1917156 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25, member 32
15 gene 39.11286 39.14686 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684929 Dcaf13 NCBI_Gene:223499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022300 MGI:2684929 protein coding gene DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 13
15 gene 39.14638 39.14649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4421884 n-R5s39 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084562 MGI:4421884 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 39
15 pseudogene 39.18048 39.18164 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779931 Gm9522 NCBI_Gene:671215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098021 MGI:3779931 pseudogene predicted gene 9522
15 gene 39.19826 39.68438 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2152972 Rims2 NCBI_Gene:116838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037386 MGI:2152972 protein coding gene regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2
15 gene 39.30847 39.30858 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455158 Gm25381 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095297 MGI:5455158 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25381
15 pseudogene 39.40362 39.40739 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826147 Gm46510 NCBI_Gene:108168232 MGI:5826147 pseudogene predicted gene, 46510
15 gene 39.64225 39.64536 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443453 4932442A14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4932442A14 gene
15 gene 39.74593 39.76094 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923016 Dcstamp NCBI_Gene:75766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022303 MGI:1923016 protein coding gene dendrocyte expressed seven transmembrane protein
15 gene 39.76848 39.85747 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928679 Dpys NCBI_Gene:64705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022304 MGI:1928679 protein coding gene dihydropyrimidinase
15 gene 39.79704 39.81238 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826548 Gm16291 NCBI_Gene:100503072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087695 MGI:3826548 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16291
15 gene 39.87059 39.94399 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443132 Lrp12 NCBI_Gene:239393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022305 MGI:2443132 protein coding gene low density lipoprotein-related protein 12
15 gene 39.96265 39.96751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146144 AU022793 NCBI_Gene:105976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115230 MGI:2146144 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AU022793
15 pseudogene 39.99120 39.99166 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118724 Gm49253 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115152 MGI:6118724 pseudogene predicted gene, 49253
15 gene 40.01280 40.01478 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118725 Gm49254 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115739 MGI:6118725 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49254
15 pseudogene 40.04298 40.04313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118727 Gm49255 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115712 MGI:6118727 pseudogene predicted gene, 49255
15 gene 40.04519 40.12898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592410 Gm33251 NCBI_Gene:102636079,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115142 MGI:5592410 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33251
15 gene 40.13437 40.15001 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3045378 9330182O14Rik NCBI_Gene:328531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094112 MGI:3045378 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9330182O14 gene
15 gene 40.16258 40.16808 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592460 Gm33301 NCBI_Gene:102636151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115367 MGI:5592460 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33301
15 gene 40.18603 40.18610 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455735 Gm25958 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092855 MGI:5455735 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25958
15 gene 40.34326 40.39331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624196 Gm41311 NCBI_Gene:105245939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115820 MGI:5624196 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41311
15 gene 40.51132 40.52728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645121 Gm16294 NCBI_Gene:432945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056332 MGI:3645121 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16294
15 gene 40.52921 40.65416 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592590 Gm33431 NCBI_Gene:102636333 MGI:5592590 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33431
15 pseudogene 40.53718 40.53872 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643745 Gm7382 NCBI_Gene:664872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115069 MGI:3643745 pseudogene predicted gene 7382
15 gene 40.65488 41.10459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1334444 Zfpm2 NCBI_Gene:22762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022306 MGI:1334444 protein coding gene zinc finger protein, multitype 2
15 pseudogene 40.67031 40.67104 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010470 Gm18285 NCBI_Gene:100416829 MGI:5010470 pseudogene predicted gene, 18285
15 pseudogene 40.68209 40.68282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648726 Gm6045 NCBI_Gene:595141 MGI:3648726 pseudogene predicted gene 6045
15 gene 40.73536 40.74193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592512 Gm33353 NCBI_Gene:102636224 MGI:5592512 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33353
15 gene 40.90756 40.90899 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155223 Gm49525 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116397 MGI:6155223 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49525
15 gene 40.95976 40.96370 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155225 Gm49526 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115975 MGI:6155225 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49526
15 gene 40.99796 40.99920 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155221 Gm49524 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115898 MGI:6155221 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49524
15 gene 41.16841 41.17383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826139 Gm46502 NCBI_Gene:108168223 MGI:5826139 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46502
15 pseudogene 41.17328 41.17387 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922612 4930555K19Rik NCBI_Gene:100418302,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048559 MGI:1922612 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 4930555K19 gene
15 pseudogene 41.24274 41.24316 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155230 Gm49529 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116178 MGI:6155230 pseudogene predicted gene, 49529
15 gene 41.25689 41.30026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592716 Gm33557 NCBI_Gene:102636512 MGI:5592716 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33557
15 gene 41.30530 41.31744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624197 Gm41312 NCBI_Gene:105245940 MGI:5624197 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41312
15 gene 41.36473 41.36476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918496 4933437I04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933437I04 gene
15 gene 41.44743 41.86105 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2179326 Oxr1 NCBI_Gene:170719,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022307 MGI:2179326 protein coding gene oxidation resistance 1
15 gene 41.47391 41.47629 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011945 Gm19760 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene%2c 19760
15 gene 41.75806 41.78891 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477348 Gm26854 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097232 MGI:5477348 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26854
15 gene 41.83098 41.83135 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920434 3110047M12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3110047M12 gene
15 gene 41.86408 41.86972 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444891 Abra NCBI_Gene:223513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042895 MGI:2444891 protein coding gene actin-binding Rho activating protein
15 pseudogene 41.92207 41.92315 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645122 Gm5469 NCBI_Gene:432946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116083 MGI:3645122 pseudogene predicted gene 5469
15 gene 41.94900 41.94910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454528 Gm24751 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088469 MGI:5454528 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24751
15 pseudogene 42.03130 42.03274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645123 Gm5470 NCBI_Gene:432947,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116215 MGI:3645123 pseudogene predicted gene 5470
15 gene 42.04142 42.06755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155083 Gm49439 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115986 MGI:6155083 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49439
15 gene 42.05522 42.05614 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155081 Gm49438 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116199 MGI:6155081 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49438
15 pseudogene 42.16155 42.16188 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155085 Gm49440 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116008 MGI:6155085 pseudogene predicted gene, 49440
15 gene 42.19678 42.20130 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155086 Gm49441 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115988 MGI:6155086 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49441
15 pseudogene 42.25606 42.25678 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010716 Gm18531 NCBI_Gene:100417320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115985 MGI:5010716 pseudogene predicted gene, 18531
15 gene 42.31126 42.32035 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155105 Gm49452 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116245 MGI:6155105 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49452
15 pseudogene 42.32860 42.32942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010277 Gm18092 NCBI_Gene:100416387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116323 MGI:5010277 pseudogene predicted gene, 18092
15 pseudogene 42.39975 42.40043 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155107 Gm49453 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115894 MGI:6155107 pseudogene predicted gene, 49453
15 gene 42.42467 42.67698 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108448 Angpt1 NCBI_Gene:11600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022309 MGI:108448 protein coding gene angiopoietin 1
15 gene 42.63105 42.66607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624198 Gm41313 NCBI_Gene:105245941 MGI:5624198 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41313
15 gene 42.67624 42.70462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937107 Gm17473 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097805 MGI:4937107 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17473
15 gene 42.70475 42.78936 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624199 Gm41314 NCBI_Gene:105245942 MGI:5624199 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41314
15 gene 42.87445 42.98328 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826142 Gm46505 NCBI_Gene:108168227 MGI:5826142 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46505
15 gene 42.94235 42.95093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624200 Gm41315 NCBI_Gene:105245943 MGI:5624200 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41315
15 gene 43.02079 43.17160 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922667 Rspo2 NCBI_Gene:239405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051920 MGI:1922667 protein coding gene R-spondin 2
15 pseudogene 43.21695 43.21818 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780066 Gm9658 NCBI_Gene:675960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098002 MGI:3780066 pseudogene predicted gene 9658
15 gene 43.22463 43.22492 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451814 Gm22037 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087905 MGI:5451814 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22037
15 gene 43.25004 43.28274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99257 Eif3e NCBI_Gene:16341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022336 MGI:99257 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit E
15 gene 43.36440 43.37750 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592902 Gm33743 NCBI_Gene:102636761 MGI:5592902 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33743
15 gene 43.36892 43.37767 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118753 Gm49271 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115635 MGI:6118753 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49271
15 gene 43.43094 43.47704 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642805 Gm10373 NCBI_Gene:100038728,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072592 MGI:3642805 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10373
15 gene 43.47723 43.52778 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913986 Emc2 NCBI_Gene:66736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022337 MGI:1913986 protein coding gene ER membrane protein complex subunit 2
15 gene 43.50215 43.50306 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624201 Gm41316 NCBI_Gene:105245944 MGI:5624201 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41316
15 gene 43.53150 43.53321 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920168 2900019E01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900019E01 gene
15 gene 43.69954 43.70103 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918468 4933428L01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933428L01 gene
15 gene 43.73353 43.73474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924690 9430087N24Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430087N24 gene
15 pseudogene 43.80834 43.81121 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780309 Gm2140 NCBI_Gene:102633469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115407 MGI:3780309 pseudogene predicted gene 2140
15 gene 43.86465 43.87061 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443417 Tmem74 NCBI_Gene:239408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054409 MGI:2443417 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 74
15 gene 44.19592 44.23591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98824 Trhr NCBI_Gene:22045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038760 MGI:98824 protein coding gene thyrotropin releasing hormone receptor
15 gene 44.26584 44.26732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592952 Gm33793 NCBI_Gene:102636833 MGI:5592952 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33793
15 pseudogene 44.28198 44.28377 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645341 Gm7459 NCBI_Gene:665041,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115730 MGI:3645341 pseudogene predicted gene 7459
15 pseudogene 44.32311 44.32411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011420 Gm19235 NCBI_Gene:100418477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115694 MGI:5011420 pseudogene predicted gene, 19235
15 gene 44.34565 44.34578 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454680 Gm24903 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088756 MGI:5454680 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24903
15 gene 44.36409 44.36422 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454870 Gm25093 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077181 MGI:5454870 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25093
15 gene 44.37316 44.42831 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914679 Nudcd1 NCBI_Gene:67429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038736 MGI:1914679 protein coding gene NudC domain containing 1
15 gene 44.42804 44.43826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919286 Eny2 NCBI_Gene:223527,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022338 MGI:1919286 protein coding gene ENY2 transcription and export complex 2 subunit
15 gene 44.43259 44.43270 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452169 Gm22392 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094551 MGI:5452169 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22392
15 gene 44.45737 44.60138 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2183153 Pkhd1l1 NCBI_Gene:192190,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038725 MGI:2183153 protein coding gene polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1-like 1
15 gene 44.61917 44.64154 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859920 Ebag9 NCBI_Gene:55960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022339 MGI:1859920 protein coding gene estrogen receptor-binding fragment-associated gene 9
15 gene 44.67186 44.78807 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442392 Sybu NCBI_Gene:319613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022340 MGI:2442392 protein coding gene syntabulin (syntaxin-interacting)
15 gene 44.71645 44.71825 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920277 2900046L07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900046L07 gene
15 gene 44.74847 44.75208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593067 Gm33908 NCBI_Gene:102636990 MGI:5593067 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33908
15 pseudogene 44.75228 44.88474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685151 A930017M01Rik NCBI_Gene:239410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060530 MGI:2685151 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA A930017M01 gene
15 gene 44.78776 44.80583 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916909 2310069G16Rik NCBI_Gene:69659 MGI:1916909 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310069G16 gene
15 gene 44.81894 44.83739 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593011 Gm33852 NCBI_Gene:102636910 MGI:5593011 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33852
15 gene 44.94054 44.94064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454545 Gm24768 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089137 MGI:5454545 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24768
15 gene 44.94810 44.94825 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453120 Gm23343 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089589 MGI:5453120 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23343
15 pseudogene 44.95934 44.96036 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010338 Gm18153 NCBI_Gene:100416534,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115265 MGI:5010338 pseudogene predicted gene, 18153
15 pseudogene 44.97162 44.97217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648310 Gm5471 NCBI_Gene:432950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058463 MGI:3648310 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5471
15 gene 45.09609 45.11649 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914748 Kcnv1 NCBI_Gene:67498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022342 MGI:1914748 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily V, member 1
15 pseudogene 45.96252 45.96347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780373 Gm2203 NCBI_Gene:100039389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115549 MGI:3780373 pseudogene predicted gene 2203
15 pseudogene 45.97805 45.98007 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648309 Gm5472 NCBI_Gene:432951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096157 MGI:3648309 pseudogene predicted gene 5472
15 gene 46.15170 46.15180 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455840 Gm26063 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065312 MGI:5455840 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26063
15 pseudogene 46.17835 46.17876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118459 Gm49075 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115197 MGI:6118459 pseudogene predicted gene, 49075
15 gene 46.22690 46.32479 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624202 Gm41317 NCBI_Gene:105245945 MGI:5624202 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41317
15 gene 46.32456 46.37391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922807 1700022A22Rik NCBI_Gene:71120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099751 MGI:1922807 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700022A22 gene
15 gene 46.43481 46.43487 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453339 Gm23562 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092643 MGI:5453339 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23562
15 gene 46.43587 46.49618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921976 4930523O13Rik NCBI_Gene:74726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115177 MGI:1921976 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930523O13 gene
15 pseudogene 46.43853 46.43896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118465 Gm49079 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115350 MGI:6118465 pseudogene predicted gene, 49079
15 gene 46.62331 46.63986 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922531 4930548G14Rik NCBI_Gene:75281,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051198 MGI:1922531 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930548G14 gene
15 pseudogene 46.93893 46.93989 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621426 Gm38541 NCBI_Gene:102641202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115495 MGI:5621426 pseudogene predicted gene, 38541
15 gene 46.94439 46.94445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453442 Gm23665 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088679 MGI:5453442 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23665
15 pseudogene 47.42191 47.42262 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646398 Gm7508 NCBI_Gene:665130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115534 MGI:3646398 pseudogene predicted gene 7508
15 pseudogene 47.52034 47.52264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780437 Gm2267 NCBI_Gene:100039493,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115707 MGI:3780437 pseudogene predicted gene 2267
15 gene 47.58064 48.79221 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2386403 Csmd3 NCBI_Gene:239420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022311 MGI:2386403 protein coding gene CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3
15 pseudogene 47.69971 47.70383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826587 Gm16300 NCBI_Gene:100416251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089828 MGI:3826587 pseudogene predicted gene 16300
15 gene 47.80067 47.80081 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453307 Gm23530 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077752 MGI:5453307 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23530
15 pseudogene 48.16347 48.16479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010927 Gm18742 NCBI_Gene:100417653 MGI:5010927 pseudogene predicted gene, 18742
15 gene 48.55131 48.55144 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454784 Gm25007 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065742 MGI:5454784 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25007
15 gene 48.79267 48.79688 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593495 Gm34336 NCBI_Gene:102637558 MGI:5593495 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34336
15 pseudogene 48.88833 48.89002 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643004 Gm7517 NCBI_Gene:665146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115700 MGI:3643004 pseudogene predicted gene 7517
15 pseudogene 48.90008 48.90031 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118623 Gm49185 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115462 MGI:6118623 pseudogene predicted gene, 49185
15 gene 48.90665 48.90674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452962 Gm23185 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089314 MGI:5452962 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23185
15 pseudogene 49.13061 49.13116 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780503 Gm2333 NCBI_Gene:100039600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114976 MGI:3780503 pseudogene predicted gene 2333
15 gene 49.19434 49.20331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624203 Gm41318 NCBI_Gene:105245946,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115775 MGI:5624203 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41318
15 gene 49.53820 49.53830 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453625 Gm23848 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065760 MGI:5453625 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23848
15 pseudogene 49.91338 49.91402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118624 Gm49186 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115446 MGI:6118624 pseudogene predicted gene, 49186
15 gene 50.28690 50.33501 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118643 Gm49198 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115478 MGI:6118643 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49198
15 gene 50.65475 50.89075 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1927616 Trps1 NCBI_Gene:83925,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038679 MGI:1927616 protein coding gene transcriptional repressor GATA binding 1
15 gene 50.74046 50.74237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925526 5330433J24Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5330433J24 gene
15 gene 50.88902 50.88911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3811422 Mir1907 miRBase:MI0008325,NCBI_Gene:100316685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084458 MGI:3811422 miRNA gene microRNA 1907
15 gene 50.89173 50.89226 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145931 AA960008 NA NA unclassified gene expressed sequence AA960008
15 gene 50.89764 50.94631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118219 Gm48913 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115339 MGI:6118219 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48913
15 gene 51.08168 51.09033 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593605 Gm34446 NCBI_Gene:102637704 MGI:5593605 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34446
15 gene 51.23164 51.39561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011488 Gm19303 NCBI_Gene:100502643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115654 MGI:5011488 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19303
15 pseudogene 51.54835 51.54897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780529 Gm2361 NCBI_Gene:100039662,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115513 MGI:3780529 pseudogene predicted gene 2361
15 gene 51.57791 51.59181 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593662 Gm34503 NCBI_Gene:102637777 MGI:5593662 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34503
15 gene 51.60157 51.65265 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593721 Gm34562 NCBI_Gene:102637857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115563 MGI:5593721 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34562
15 gene 51.76787 51.77504 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624205 Gm41320 NCBI_Gene:105245948 MGI:5624205 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41320
15 gene 51.78656 51.86552 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915385 Eif3h NCBI_Gene:68135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022312 MGI:1915385 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit H
15 gene 51.87743 51.88462 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925831 Utp23 NCBI_Gene:78581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022313 MGI:1925831 protein coding gene UTP23 small subunit processome component
15 gene 51.88037 51.91846 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593837 Gm34678 NCBI_Gene:102638007,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115284 MGI:5593837 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34678
15 gene 51.89709 51.89977 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118234 Gm48923 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115616 MGI:6118234 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48923
15 gene 51.96224 51.99354 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108016 Rad21 NCBI_Gene:19357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022314 MGI:108016 protein coding gene RAD21 cohesin complex component
15 pseudogene 52.01328 52.01346 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118240 Gm48926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115068 MGI:6118240 pseudogene predicted gene, 48926
15 pseudogene 52.03337 52.03607 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011421 Gm19236 NCBI_Gene:100418478,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115238 MGI:5011421 pseudogene predicted gene, 19236
15 gene 52.04011 52.04572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2181621 Aard NCBI_Gene:239435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068522 MGI:2181621 protein coding gene alanine and arginine rich domain containing protein
15 pseudogene 52.08927 52.09002 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780555 Gm2387 NCBI_Gene:100039720,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115457 MGI:3780555 pseudogene predicted gene 2387
15 pseudogene 52.25912 52.25969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645066 Gm7543 NCBI_Gene:100417613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115738 MGI:3645066 pseudogene predicted gene 7543
15 gene 52.29555 52.33580 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442682 Slc30a8 NCBI_Gene:239436,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022315 MGI:2442682 protein coding gene solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 8
15 gene 52.43918 52.44397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624206 Gm41321 NCBI_Gene:105245949 MGI:5624206 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41321
15 gene 52.44497 52.44976 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624207 Gm41322 NCBI_Gene:105245950,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115241 MGI:5624207 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41322
15 pseudogene 52.47757 52.47824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642192 Gm10020 NCBI_Gene:100039748,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057262 MGI:3642192 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10020
15 gene 52.49688 52.49699 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453322 Gm23545 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088830 MGI:5453322 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23545
15 gene 52.49966 52.49979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453044 Gm23267 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094481 MGI:5453044 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23267
15 gene 52.71241 52.73056 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917040 Med30 NCBI_Gene:69790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038622 MGI:1917040 protein coding gene mediator complex subunit 30
15 gene 52.72771 52.93356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624208 Gm41323 NCBI_Gene:105245951 MGI:5624208 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41323
15 gene 52.75143 52.78627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593953 Gm34794 NCBI_Gene:102638166,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115137 MGI:5593953 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34794
15 gene 53.06404 53.34618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_894663 Ext1 NCBI_Gene:14042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061731 MGI:894663 protein coding gene exostoses (multiple) 1
15 gene 53.32843 53.33185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011736 Gm19551 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene%2c 19551
15 gene 53.38392 53.38398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531308 Gm27926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087805 MGI:5531308 snRNA gene predicted gene, 27926
15 gene 53.39911 53.90254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444518 Samd12 NCBI_Gene:320679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058656 MGI:2444518 protein coding gene sterile alpha motif domain containing 12
15 gene 53.61307 53.61320 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452977 Gm23200 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077567 MGI:5452977 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23200
15 gene 53.61420 53.61428 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4950386 Mir28c miRBase:MI0016966,NCBI_Gene:100628567,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104794 MGI:4950386 miRNA gene microRNA 28c
15 gene 53.62165 53.62327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922777 1700015H07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115761 MGI:1922777 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700015H07 gene
15 gene 53.88491 53.88660 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647008 Gm7489 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072584 MGI:3647008 protein coding gene predicted gene 7489
15 pseudogene 54.03451 54.03598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504048 Gm26933 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097938 MGI:5504048 pseudogene predicted gene, 26933
15 gene 54.25062 54.27848 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109587 Tnfrsf11b NCBI_Gene:18383,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063727 MGI:109587 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 11b (osteoprotegerin)
15 pseudogene 54.30448 54.30517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649155 Gm7566 NCBI_Gene:665280,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115327 MGI:3649155 pseudogene predicted gene 7566
15 pseudogene 54.31173 54.31238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644834 Gm5215 NCBI_Gene:383032,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050978 MGI:3644834 pseudogene predicted gene 5215
15 gene 54.41077 54.46636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3606482 Colec10 NCBI_Gene:239447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038591 MGI:3606482 protein coding gene collectin sub-family member 10
15 pseudogene 54.45864 54.45930 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010337 Gm18152 NCBI_Gene:100416533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115211 MGI:5010337 pseudogene predicted gene, 18152
15 pseudogene 54.48751 54.53406 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012255 Gm20070 NCBI_Gene:100504115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115477 MGI:5012255 pseudogene predicted gene, 20070
15 gene 54.57119 54.60285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146021 Mal2 NCBI_Gene:105853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024479 MGI:2146021 protein coding gene mal, T cell differentiation protein 2
15 gene 54.74570 54.75404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109185 Ccn3 NCBI_Gene:18133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037362 MGI:109185 protein coding gene cellular communication network factor 3
15 pseudogene 54.76433 54.76553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646748 Gm7577 NCBI_Gene:665302,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098237 MGI:3646748 pseudogene predicted gene 7577
15 gene 54.83890 54.95289 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1321390 Enpp2 NCBI_Gene:18606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022425 MGI:1321390 protein coding gene ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2
15 gene 54.95197 54.97071 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477178 Gm26684 NCBI_Gene:102638507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097286 MGI:5477178 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26684
15 gene 54.98133 54.98689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922188 4930478E11Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115245 MGI:1922188 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930478E11 gene
15 gene 54.98217 54.98689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780658 Gm2491 NCBI_Gene:100039911 MGI:3780658 unclassified gene predicted gene 2491
15 pseudogene 54.98658 54.98710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118409 Gm49036 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114990 MGI:6118409 pseudogene predicted gene, 49036
15 gene 55.01513 55.07219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443028 Taf2 NCBI_Gene:319944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037343 MGI:2443028 protein coding gene TATA-box binding protein associated factor 2
15 gene 55.07609 55.09119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919357 Dscc1 NCBI_Gene:72107,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022422 MGI:1919357 protein coding gene DNA replication and sister chromatid cohesion 1
15 gene 55.08448 55.09802 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624210 Gm41325 NCBI_Gene:105245953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115657 MGI:5624210 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41325
15 gene 55.09992 55.11368 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642228 Gm9920 NCBI_Gene:100503794,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053749 MGI:3642228 lncRNA gene predicted gene 9920
15 gene 55.11232 55.25927 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146322 Deptor NCBI_Gene:97998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022419 MGI:2146322 protein coding gene DEP domain containing MTOR-interacting protein
15 gene 55.26254 55.26260 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5456073 Gm26296 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095792 MGI:5456073 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26296
15 gene 55.27810 55.28212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594471 Gm35312 NCBI_Gene:102638844 MGI:5594471 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35312
15 gene 55.30769 55.52080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341272 Col14a1 NCBI_Gene:12818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022371 MGI:1341272 protein coding gene collagen, type XIV, alpha 1
15 gene 55.43612 55.43902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920584 1700040F17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101568 MGI:1920584 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700040F17 gene
15 pseudogene 55.47477 55.47557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010972 Gm18787 NCBI_Gene:100417726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115759 MGI:5010972 pseudogene predicted gene, 18787
15 gene 55.47553 55.47938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118730 Gm49257 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115414 MGI:6118730 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49257
15 gene 55.49842 55.51615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594629 Gm35470 NCBI_Gene:102639068 MGI:5594629 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35470
15 gene 55.50484 55.50750 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442278 A430088I17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A430088I17 gene
15 gene 55.53409 55.55775 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2137218 Mrpl13 NCBI_Gene:68537,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022370 MGI:2137218 protein coding gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein L13
15 gene 55.55741 55.62642 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146005 Mtbp NCBI_Gene:105837,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022369 MGI:2146005 protein coding gene Mdm2, transformed 3T3 cell double minute p53 binding protein
15 gene 55.63639 55.90730 negative MGI_C57BL6J_101781 Sntb1 NCBI_Gene:20649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060429 MGI:101781 protein coding gene syntrophin, basic 1
15 gene 55.63639 55.63719 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916036 1110059G02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1110059G02 gene
15 gene 55.68861 55.69022 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918670 5530400N10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5530400N10 gene
15 gene 55.83610 55.84017 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3715730 9530067D14Rik NA NA unclassified gene Riken cDNA 9530067D14 gene
15 gene 55.92340 55.97005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826153 Gm46516 NCBI_Gene:108168241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115200 MGI:5826153 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46516
15 gene 55.93070 55.93241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642773 Gm10370 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115150 MGI:3642773 protein coding gene predicted gene 10370
15 pseudogene 55.97360 55.97461 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647265 Gm7595 NCBI_Gene:665348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115651 MGI:3647265 pseudogene predicted gene 7595
15 pseudogene 55.97616 55.97646 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118662 Gm49210 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115187 MGI:6118662 pseudogene predicted gene, 49210
15 gene 56.00404 56.00572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118663 Gm49211 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115361 MGI:6118663 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49211
15 gene 56.04655 56.04983 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118665 Gm49212 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115678 MGI:6118665 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49212
15 pseudogene 56.17188 56.17242 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96017 Hba-ps3 NCBI_Gene:15124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114969 MGI:96017 pseudogene hemoglobin alpha, pseudogene 3
15 gene 56.41016 56.43588 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624211 Gm41326 NCBI_Gene:105245954 MGI:5624211 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41326
15 pseudogene 56.41501 56.41523 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118667 Gm49213 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115064 MGI:6118667 pseudogene predicted gene, 49213
15 gene 56.66563 56.69455 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107821 Has2 NCBI_Gene:15117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022367 MGI:107821 protein coding gene hyaluronan synthase 2
15 gene 56.68994 56.77840 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643465 Has2os NCBI_Gene:594843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086541 MGI:3643465 lncRNA gene hyaluronan synthase 2, opposite strand
15 gene 56.75836 56.77636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624212 Gm41327 NCBI_Gene:105245955 MGI:5624212 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41327
15 gene 56.76540 56.76863 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621401 Gm38516 NCBI_Gene:102639208 MGI:5621401 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38516
15 pseudogene 56.78260 56.78343 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645950 Gm5673 NCBI_Gene:435442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115493 MGI:3645950 pseudogene predicted gene 5673
15 gene 56.88041 57.00662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780750 Gm2582 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115172 MGI:3780750 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2582
15 gene 57.23901 57.23911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455955 Gm26178 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094730 MGI:5455955 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26178
15 gene 57.24377 57.47763 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446114 Slc22a22 NCBI_Gene:210463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022366 MGI:2446114 protein coding gene solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 22
15 pseudogene 57.34775 57.34809 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118690 Gm49229 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115226 MGI:6118690 pseudogene predicted gene, 49229
15 pseudogene 57.42998 57.43071 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010279 Gm18094 NCBI_Gene:100416390,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115117 MGI:5010279 pseudogene predicted gene, 18094
15 pseudogene 57.48795 57.48887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118699 Gm49235 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115629 MGI:6118699 pseudogene predicted gene, 49235
15 gene 57.51610 57.51826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594786 Gm35627 NCBI_Gene:102639279 MGI:5594786 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35627
15 gene 57.52259 57.54650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624213 Gm41328 NCBI_Gene:105245956 MGI:5624213 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41328
15 gene 57.57875 57.66011 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594841 Gm35682 NCBI_Gene:102639348 MGI:5594841 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35682
15 gene 57.57893 57.59283 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594930 Gm35771 NCBI_Gene:102639464 MGI:5594930 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35771
15 gene 57.69467 57.83983 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2683087 Zhx2 NCBI_Gene:387609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071757 MGI:2683087 protein coding gene zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2
15 gene 57.70811 57.70893 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801853 Gm16006 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090002 MGI:3801853 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16006
15 gene 57.73656 57.73867 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442806 9330154K18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047807 MGI:2442806 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330154K18 gene
15 gene 57.86950 57.89245 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915069 Derl1 NCBI_Gene:67819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022365 MGI:1915069 protein coding gene Der1-like domain family, member 1
15 gene 57.91168 57.97007 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684931 Tbc1d31 NCBI_Gene:210544,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022364 MGI:2684931 protein coding gene TBC1 domain family, member 31
15 gene 57.97598 57.97606 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413993 n-TMcat16 NCBI_Gene:102467579 MGI:4413993 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA methionine 16 (anticodon CAT)
15 gene 57.98456 58.01101 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447773 Fam83a NCBI_Gene:239463,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051225 MGI:2447773 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 83, member A
15 gene 58.01378 58.01566 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826149 Gm46512 NCBI_Gene:108168236 MGI:5826149 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46512
15 gene 58.02226 58.03433 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923008 9130401M01Rik NCBI_Gene:75758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101892 MGI:1923008 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 9130401M01 gene
15 gene 58.02824 58.07643 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580100 Gm29394 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022362 MGI:5580100 protein coding gene predicted gene 29394
15 gene 58.04152 58.04165 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452076 Gm22299 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064597 MGI:5452076 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22299
15 gene 58.04700 58.07654 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109271 Zhx1 NCBI_Gene:22770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022361 MGI:109271 protein coding gene zinc fingers and homeoboxes 1
15 gene 58.09404 58.13514 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917722 Atad2 NCBI_Gene:70472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022360 MGI:1917722 protein coding gene ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2
15 pseudogene 58.12107 58.12216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648702 Gm7552 NCBI_Gene:102639798 MGI:3648702 pseudogene predicted gene 7552
15 gene 58.14133 58.15866 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924023 Wdyhv1 NCBI_Gene:76773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022359 MGI:1924023 protein coding gene WDYHV motif containing 1
15 gene 58.14321 58.14327 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453252 Gm23475 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089504 MGI:5453252 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23475
15 gene 58.14662 58.14674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452265 Gm22488 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080461 MGI:5452265 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22488
15 gene 58.15588 58.15661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918583 5430408I23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430408I23 gene
15 gene 58.16613 58.17173 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595271 Gm36112 NCBI_Gene:102639911 MGI:5595271 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36112
15 gene 58.17588 58.21493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914981 Fbxo32 NCBI_Gene:67731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022358 MGI:1914981 protein coding gene F-box protein 32
15 gene 58.21448 58.32405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802102 Gm15943 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086801 MGI:3802102 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15943
15 gene 58.24592 58.25336 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595352 Gm36193 NCBI_Gene:102640018 MGI:5595352 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36193
15 gene 58.31457 58.32417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045310 Klhl38 NCBI_Gene:268807,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022357 MGI:3045310 protein coding gene kelch-like 38
15 gene 58.34136 58.38938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917037 Anxa13 NCBI_Gene:69787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055114 MGI:1917037 protein coding gene annexin A13
15 gene 58.40582 58.41133 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780844 Gm2675 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115576 MGI:3780844 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2675
15 gene 58.40591 58.45780 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277178 Fam91a1 NCBI_Gene:210998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037119 MGI:1277178 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 91, member A1
15 gene 58.51005 58.66509 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645398 Fer1l6 NCBI_Gene:631797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037106 MGI:3645398 protein coding gene fer-1-like 6 (C. elegans)
15 gene 58.56561 58.56591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453566 Gm23789 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084485 MGI:5453566 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23789
15 gene 58.58900 58.59710 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595610 Gm36451 NCBI_Gene:102640380 MGI:5595610 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36451
15 gene 58.75989 58.76383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624214 Gm41329 NCBI_Gene:105245958 MGI:5624214 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41329
15 gene 58.78046 58.78195 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313159 Gm20712 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093677 MGI:5313159 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20712
15 gene 58.78227 58.82366 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922118 Tmem65 NCBI_Gene:74868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062373 MGI:1922118 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 65
15 gene 58.81932 58.81948 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453818 Gm24041 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065049 MGI:5453818 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24041
15 gene 58.84659 58.84732 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644823 Ube2d4 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061490 MGI:3644823 protein coding gene ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 4
15 gene 58.87265 58.87713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915510 Trmt12 NCBI_Gene:68260,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037085 MGI:1915510 protein coding gene tRNA methyltranferase 12
15 gene 58.88262 58.88659 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595668 Gm36509 NCBI_Gene:102640452 MGI:5595668 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36509
15 gene 58.88923 58.90706 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923091 Rnf139 NCBI_Gene:75841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037075 MGI:1923091 protein coding gene ring finger protein 139
15 gene 58.88930 58.93736 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6121562 Gm49356 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115463 MGI:6121562 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49356
15 gene 58.89015 58.93376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916944 Tatdn1 NCBI_Gene:69694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050891 MGI:1916944 protein coding gene TatD DNase domain containing 1
15 gene 58.92967 58.93203 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595718 Gm36559 NCBI_Gene:102640518 MGI:5595718 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36559
15 gene 58.93376 58.93949 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913468 Ndufb9 NCBI_Gene:66218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022354 MGI:1913468 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B9
15 gene 58.94123 59.08216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384818 Mtss1 NCBI_Gene:211401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022353 MGI:2384818 protein coding gene MTSS I-BAR domain containing 1
15 gene 58.98414 58.98891 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922448 4930544F09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115062 MGI:1922448 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930544F09 gene
15 gene 58.98890 58.99666 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624215 Gm41330 NCBI_Gene:105245959 MGI:5624215 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41330
15 pseudogene 59.21090 59.21179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647181 Gm5045 NCBI_Gene:268809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000025922 MGI:3647181 pseudogene predicted gene 5045
15 pseudogene 59.23846 59.23904 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645861 Gm7691 NCBI_Gene:665565,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115604 MGI:3645861 pseudogene predicted gene 7691
15 gene 59.24574 59.29195 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595776 Gm36617 NCBI_Gene:102640589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115118 MGI:5595776 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36617
15 pseudogene 59.30695 59.31201 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922170 Zfp572 NCBI_Gene:100416830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098528 MGI:1922170 pseudogene zinc finger protein 572
15 gene 59.31508 59.33119 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109296 Sqle NCBI_Gene:20775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022351 MGI:109296 protein coding gene squalene epoxidase
15 gene 59.33200 59.37420 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146110 Washc5 NCBI_Gene:223593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022350 MGI:2146110 protein coding gene WASH complex subunit 5
15 gene 59.37420 59.60168 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915751 Nsmce2 NCBI_Gene:68501,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059586 MGI:1915751 protein coding gene NSE2/MMS21 homolog, SMC5-SMC6 complex SUMO ligase
15 gene 59.48688 59.48863 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918010 6330417A16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 6330417A16 gene
15 gene 59.61819 59.62398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595836 Gm36677 NCBI_Gene:102640663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115896 MGI:5595836 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36677
15 gene 59.64835 59.65710 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443397 Trib1 NCBI_Gene:211770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032501 MGI:2443397 protein coding gene tribbles pseudokinase 1
15 pseudogene 59.67162 59.67211 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012335 Gm20150 NCBI_Gene:100504286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115010 MGI:5012335 pseudogene predicted gene, 20150
15 gene 59.78842 59.79496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011695 Gm19510 NCBI_Gene:100503021,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115426 MGI:5011695 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19510
15 gene 59.82342 59.83161 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595978 Gm36819 NCBI_Gene:102640851 MGI:5595978 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36819
15 pseudogene 59.92961 59.93029 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644557 Gm7708 NCBI_Gene:665602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115734 MGI:3644557 pseudogene predicted gene 7708
15 pseudogene 59.97772 59.97817 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647452 Gm7083 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093849 MGI:3647452 pseudogene predicted gene 7083
15 pseudogene 59.99389 59.99491 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644622 Gm7713 NCBI_Gene:665613,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071750 MGI:3644622 pseudogene predicted gene 7713
15 gene 60.01487 60.01662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918338 4933412E24Rik NCBI_Gene:71088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071749 MGI:1918338 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4933412E24 gene
15 gene 60.08479 60.08489 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455652 Gm25875 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077511 MGI:5455652 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25875
15 gene 60.12054 60.18741 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780851 Gm2682 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115681 MGI:3780851 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2682
15 gene 60.14147 60.18742 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624216 Gm41331 NCBI_Gene:105245960 MGI:5624216 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41331
15 pseudogene 60.29579 60.29700 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826144 Gm46507 NCBI_Gene:108168229,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115838 MGI:5826144 pseudogene predicted gene, 46507
15 pseudogene 60.39212 60.39317 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647065 Gm4774 NCBI_Gene:211832,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115251 MGI:3647065 pseudogene predicted gene 4774
15 pseudogene 60.39729 60.39874 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010077 Gm17892 NCBI_Gene:100416047,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115159 MGI:5010077 pseudogene predicted gene, 17892
15 pseudogene 60.46805 60.46966 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644256 Gm6392 NCBI_Gene:623094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115503 MGI:3644256 pseudogene predicted gene 6392
15 gene 60.67034 60.67208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118269 Gm48946 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115504 MGI:6118269 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48946
15 gene 60.70399 60.70412 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453612 Gm23835 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077627 MGI:5453612 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23835
15 pseudogene 60.74286 60.74654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648861 Gm7086 NCBI_Gene:632412,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000112930 MGI:3648861 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7086
15 pseudogene 60.76023 60.76074 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118271 Gm48947 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114984 MGI:6118271 pseudogene predicted gene, 48947
15 gene 60.81899 60.85378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3026924 Lratd2 NCBI_Gene:399603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072568 MGI:3026924 protein coding gene LRAT domain containing 1
15 gene 60.82227 60.83179 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444091 9930014A18Rik NCBI_Gene:320469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097493 MGI:2444091 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9930014A18 gene
15 gene 60.89686 60.92301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2152878 A1bg NCBI_Gene:117586,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022347 MGI:2152878 protein coding gene alpha-1-B glycoprotein
15 gene 60.91297 60.96734 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922102 4930402D18Rik NCBI_Gene:74852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115231 MGI:1922102 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930402D18 gene
15 pseudogene 60.93835 60.93864 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118278 Gm48951 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115809 MGI:6118278 pseudogene predicted gene, 48951
15 gene 61.15784 61.16696 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621448 Gm38563 NCBI_Gene:102641552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116498 MGI:5621448 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38563
15 gene 61.18415 61.24106 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155179 Gm49497 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116000 MGI:6155179 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49497
15 gene 61.28844 61.39382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589063 Gm29904 NCBI_Gene:102631607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116299 MGI:5589063 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29904
15 gene 61.35787 61.35800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454473 Gm24696 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065812 MGI:5454473 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24696
15 gene 61.53468 61.54418 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155181 Gm49498 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116109 MGI:6155181 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49498
15 gene 61.53468 61.77445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3041198 D030024E09Rik NCBI_Gene:432956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116031 MGI:3041198 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D030024E09 gene
15 pseudogene 61.82623 61.82684 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010339 Gm18154 NCBI_Gene:100416535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116017 MGI:5010339 pseudogene predicted gene, 18154
15 pseudogene 61.96287 61.96348 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010973 Gm18788 NCBI_Gene:100417727 MGI:5010973 pseudogene predicted gene, 18788
15 gene 61.97924 61.98330 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611175 Gm37947 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103610 MGI:5611175 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37947
15 gene 61.98534 61.99037 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97250 Myc NCBI_Gene:17869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022346 MGI:97250 protein coding gene myelocytomatosis oncogene
15 gene 62.03799 62.37810 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97824 Pvt1 NCBI_Gene:19296,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097039 MGI:97824 lncRNA gene Pvt1 oncogene
15 gene 62.03803 62.03820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531295 Gm27913 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098998 MGI:5531295 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27913
15 gene 62.08024 62.08044 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531164 Gm27782 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098308 MGI:5531164 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27782
15 gene 62.10719 62.10727 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531100 Gm27718 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099295 MGI:5531100 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27718
15 gene 62.17542 62.17555 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531339 Gm27957 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098595 MGI:5531339 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27957
15 pseudogene 62.21754 62.21945 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914802 H2afy3 NCBI_Gene:67552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101167 MGI:1914802 pseudogene H2A histone family, member Y3
15 gene 62.25971 62.26022 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920300 2900056L01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900056L01 gene
15 gene 62.56797 62.78279 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624218 Gm41333 NCBI_Gene:105245962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115862 MGI:5624218 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41333
15 gene 62.65293 62.65300 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454587 Gm24810 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093058 MGI:5454587 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24810
15 gene 62.79320 62.79333 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452298 Gm22521 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088897 MGI:5452298 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22521
15 gene 62.95422 62.95787 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589272 Gm30113 NCBI_Gene:102631894 MGI:5589272 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30113
15 pseudogene 62.98063 62.98206 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1335078 Tsg101-ps NCBI_Gene:22089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106988 MGI:1335078 pseudogene tumor susceptibility gene 101, pseudogene
15 gene 63.06701 63.14545 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589318 Gm30159 NCBI_Gene:102631960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115164 MGI:5589318 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30159
15 gene 63.06750 63.07076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624219 Gm41334 NCBI_Gene:105245963 MGI:5624219 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41334
15 pseudogene 63.14623 63.14672 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118372 Gm49013 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115011 MGI:6118372 pseudogene predicted gene, 49013
15 gene 63.17684 63.71829 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624220 Gm41335 NCBI_Gene:105245964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115520 MGI:5624220 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41335
15 gene 63.25590 63.27878 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118373 Gm49014 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115369 MGI:6118373 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49014
15 gene 63.41440 63.47961 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5434096 Gm20740 NCBI_Gene:432958 MGI:5434096 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20740
15 gene 63.48121 63.48128 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455479 Gm25702 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095939 MGI:5455479 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25702
15 pseudogene 63.49096 63.49257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648683 Gm4942 NCBI_Gene:239502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115377 MGI:3648683 pseudogene predicted gene 4942
15 pseudogene 63.63159 63.63254 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648307 Gm5473 NCBI_Gene:432959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095812 MGI:3648307 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5473
15 gene 63.71782 63.73768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921244 4930449C09Rik NCBI_Gene:73994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115676 MGI:1921244 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930449C09 gene
15 gene 63.74067 63.74537 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624221 Gm41336 NCBI_Gene:105245965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115711 MGI:5624221 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41336
15 gene 63.75166 63.75543 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118382 Gm49019 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115464 MGI:6118382 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49019
15 pseudogene 63.76015 63.76058 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826136 Gm46499 NCBI_Gene:108168216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115682 MGI:5826136 pseudogene predicted gene, 46499
15 gene 63.77597 63.80876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933176 Gsdmc NCBI_Gene:83492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079025 MGI:1933176 protein coding gene gasdermin C
15 pseudogene 63.81719 63.82139 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925712 1700065I16Rik NCBI_Gene:78462,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099435 MGI:1925712 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 1700065I16 gene
15 gene 63.82433 63.84519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146102 Gsdmc2 NCBI_Gene:331063,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056293 MGI:2146102 protein coding gene gasdermin C2
15 pseudogene 63.84731 63.85516 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921486 Gsdmcl1 NCBI_Gene:74236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062543 MGI:1921486 pseudogene gasdermin C-like 1
15 gene 63.85771 63.87858 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3580656 Gsdmc3 NCBI_Gene:270328,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055827 MGI:3580656 protein coding gene gasdermin C3
15 pseudogene 63.88071 63.89051 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925409 Gsdmcl2 NCBI_Gene:665769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093867 MGI:1925409 pseudogene gasdermin C-like 2
15 gene 63.88994 63.91231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921798 Gsdmc4 NCBI_Gene:74548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055748 MGI:1921798 protein coding gene gasdermin C4
15 pseudogene 63.91445 63.92567 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921710 Gsdmcl-ps NCBI_Gene:74460,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100127 MGI:1921710 pseudogene gasdermin C-like, pseudogene
15 gene 63.92909 64.06048 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923520 Fam49b NCBI_Gene:223601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022378 MGI:1923520 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 49, member B
15 gene 64.02595 64.02605 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455405 Gm25628 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065936 MGI:5455405 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25628
15 gene 64.02726 64.03095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445134 A230048O21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A230048O21 gene
15 gene 64.08684 64.38292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1342335 Asap1 NCBI_Gene:13196,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022377 MGI:1342335 protein coding gene ArfGAP with SH3 domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain1
15 gene 64.09745 64.10162 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313164 Gm20717 NCBI_Gene:102632272,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093695 MGI:5313164 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20717
15 gene 64.28645 64.28875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918853 9130004J05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9130004J05 gene
15 gene 64.31450 64.31608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921467 1700010G06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115752 MGI:1921467 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700010G06 gene
15 gene 64.32803 64.32902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779138 Gm10926 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115646 MGI:3779138 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene 10926
15 gene 64.38317 64.43688 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589722 Gm30563 NCBI_Gene:102632507,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115169 MGI:5589722 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30563
15 gene 64.50305 64.50355 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826146 Gm46509 NCBI_Gene:108168231 MGI:5826146 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46509
15 gene 64.53400 64.57282 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589791 Gm30632 NCBI_Gene:102632601 MGI:5589791 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30632
15 gene 64.62741 64.63351 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589850 Gm30691 NCBI_Gene:102632683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115328 MGI:5589850 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30691
15 gene 64.69708 64.92230 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341110 Adcy8 NCBI_Gene:11514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022376 MGI:1341110 protein coding gene adenylate cyclase 8
15 gene 64.79824 64.81353 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589911 Gm30752 NCBI_Gene:102632764 MGI:5589911 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30752
15 gene 64.81769 64.93800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5433962 Gm21798 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094296 MGI:5433962 protein coding gene predicted gene, 21798
15 gene 64.97954 65.01490 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5439430 Gm21961 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079024 MGI:5439430 protein coding gene predicted gene, 21961
15 pseudogene 65.01514 65.01693 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649048 Gm5046 NCBI_Gene:268812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072541 MGI:3649048 pseudogene predicted gene 5046
15 pseudogene 65.04157 65.04207 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118709 Gm49241 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115677 MGI:6118709 pseudogene predicted gene, 49241
15 pseudogene 65.19455 65.19578 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646287 Gm7814 NCBI_Gene:665836,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115672 MGI:3646287 pseudogene predicted gene 7814
15 pseudogene 65.20023 65.20056 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118710 Gm49242 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115066 MGI:6118710 pseudogene predicted gene, 49242
15 pseudogene 65.68783 65.68815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118711 Gm49243 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115402 MGI:6118711 pseudogene predicted gene, 49243
15 gene 65.69455 65.69474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453684 Gm23907 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077783 MGI:5453684 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23907
15 gene 65.77874 65.78696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624224 Gm41339 NCBI_Gene:105245968 MGI:5624224 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41339
15 gene 65.78702 65.87382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923990 Efr3a NCBI_Gene:76740,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015002 MGI:1923990 protein coding gene EFR3 homolog A
15 gene 65.78725 65.79316 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624223 Gm41338 NCBI_Gene:105245967 MGI:5624223 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41338
15 gene 65.85787 65.85836 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5141870 Gm20405 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092495 MGI:5141870 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20405
15 gene 65.87605 65.91241 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1313269 Oc90 NCBI_Gene:18256,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015001 MGI:1313269 protein coding gene otoconin 90
15 gene 65.92244 65.97680 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3615329 Hhla1 NCBI_Gene:654498,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072511 MGI:3615329 protein coding gene HERV-H LTR-associating 1
15 pseudogene 65.92824 65.92899 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781169 Gm2991 NCBI_Gene:100040835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092454 MGI:3781169 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 2991
15 gene 65.98639 66.28664 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1336181 Kcnq3 NCBI_Gene:110862,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056258 MGI:1336181 protein coding gene potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member 3
15 gene 66.07455 66.09181 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5520996 Gm27153 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099013 MGI:5520996 lncRNA gene predicted gene 27153
15 gene 66.28201 66.31108 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521085 Gm27242 NCBI_Gene:102632843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099054 MGI:5521085 lncRNA gene predicted gene 27242
15 gene 66.33437 66.34071 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590088 Gm30929 NCBI_Gene:102632995,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115784 MGI:5590088 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30929
15 gene 66.35423 66.35752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624225 Gm41340 NCBI_Gene:105245969 MGI:5624225 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41340
15 pseudogene 66.35752 66.35848 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011262 Gm19077 NCBI_Gene:100418214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115351 MGI:5011262 pseudogene predicted gene, 19077
15 gene 66.37986 66.50091 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859553 Lrrc6 NCBI_Gene:54562,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022375 MGI:1859553 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 6 (testis)
15 gene 66.50091 66.50772 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590165 Gm31006 NCBI_Gene:102633096 MGI:5590165 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31006
15 gene 66.52621 66.56124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146049 Tmem71 NCBI_Gene:213068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036944 MGI:2146049 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 71
15 gene 66.57752 66.64798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444412 Phf20l1 NCBI_Gene:239510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072501 MGI:2444412 protein coding gene PHD finger protein 20-like 1
15 gene 66.67075 66.85072 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98733 Tg NCBI_Gene:21819,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053469 MGI:98733 protein coding gene thyroglobulin
15 gene 66.73906 66.74433 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937967 Gm17140 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090464 MGI:4937967 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17140
15 gene 66.78082 66.83183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104295 Sla NCBI_Gene:20491,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022372 MGI:104295 protein coding gene src-like adaptor
15 gene 66.87688 66.89133 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826151 Gm46514 NCBI_Gene:108168239 MGI:5826151 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46514
15 gene 66.89132 66.92320 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1197008 Ccn4 NCBI_Gene:22402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005124 MGI:1197008 protein coding gene cellular communication network factor 4
15 gene 66.92932 66.96964 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341799 Ndrg1 NCBI_Gene:17988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005125 MGI:1341799 protein coding gene N-myc downstream regulated gene 1
15 gene 66.92961 66.93111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937862 Gm17035 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091479 MGI:4937862 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17035
15 gene 66.96932 67.01304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781073 Gm2895 NCBI_Gene:105245970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091412 MGI:3781073 lncRNA gene predicted gene 2895
15 gene 67.02039 67.03326 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590445 Gm31286 NCBI_Gene:102633468 MGI:5590445 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31286
15 gene 67.04006 67.04311 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590501 Gm31342 NCBI_Gene:102633543,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116289 MGI:5590501 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31342
15 gene 67.10287 67.17691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98304 St3gal1 NCBI_Gene:20442,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000013846 MGI:98304 protein coding gene ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1
15 gene 67.16970 67.17188 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590559 Gm31400 NCBI_Gene:102633616 MGI:5590559 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31400
15 gene 67.22677 67.37709 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916584 1700012I11Rik NCBI_Gene:69334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102069 MGI:1916584 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700012I11 gene
15 pseudogene 67.87383 67.87407 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155033 Gm49408 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115875 MGI:6155033 pseudogene predicted gene, 49408
15 pseudogene 67.94255 67.94280 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155034 Gm49409 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116519 MGI:6155034 pseudogene predicted gene, 49409
15 gene 68.08371 68.25927 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2681865 Zfat NCBI_Gene:380993,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022335 MGI:2681865 protein coding gene zinc finger and AT hook domain containing
15 pseudogene 68.30978 68.31033 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704454 Gm10240 NCBI_Gene:100503563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068397 MGI:3704454 pseudogene predicted gene 10240
15 gene 68.32138 68.32633 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610548 Gm37320 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104324 MGI:5610548 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37320
15 gene 68.33472 68.33743 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477115 Gm26621 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096967 MGI:5477115 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26621
15 gene 68.33741 68.33751 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2676908 Mir30b miRBase:MI0000145,NCBI_Gene:387226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065476 MGI:2676908 miRNA gene microRNA 30b
15 gene 68.33830 68.34122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610524 Gm37296 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104116 MGI:5610524 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37296
15 gene 68.34098 68.36318 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5318559 Gm20732 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093387 MGI:5318559 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20732
15 gene 68.34121 68.34129 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2676910 Mir30d miRBase:MI0000549,NCBI_Gene:387228,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065437 MGI:2676910 miRNA gene microRNA 30d
15 pseudogene 68.61141 68.61171 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155043 Gm49414 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116367 MGI:6155043 pseudogene predicted gene, 49414
15 gene 68.67142 68.67152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455764 Gm25987 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096689 MGI:5455764 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25987
15 pseudogene 68.71491 68.71577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646834 Gm7859 NCBI_Gene:665945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116089 MGI:3646834 pseudogene predicted gene 7859
15 gene 68.75550 68.76081 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155044 Gm49415 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116294 MGI:6155044 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49415
15 pseudogene 68.76249 68.76425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011115 Gm18930 NCBI_Gene:100417978,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115928 MGI:5011115 pseudogene predicted gene, 18930
15 pseudogene 68.79232 68.88358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645829 Gm7125 NCBI_Gene:633752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069996 MGI:3645829 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7125
15 gene 68.87832 68.88358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624226 Gm41341 NCBI_Gene:105245971 MGI:5624226 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41341
15 gene 68.92841 69.10121 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1313312 Khdrbs3 NCBI_Gene:13992,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022332 MGI:1313312 protein coding gene KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 3
15 gene 68.95953 68.99444 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155056 Gm49422 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116092 MGI:6155056 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49422
15 gene 69.02209 69.02402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590709 Gm31550 NCBI_Gene:102633818 MGI:5590709 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31550
15 gene 69.23393 69.23500 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923116 4930573C08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115935 MGI:1923116 unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930573C08 gene
15 gene 69.27053 69.27472 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922326 4930504C09Rik NCBI_Gene:75076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116167 MGI:1922326 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930504C09 gene
15 gene 69.39662 69.39669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4413980 n-TMcat3 NCBI_Gene:108168269 MGI:4413980 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA methionine 3 (anticodon CAT)
15 gene 69.45101 69.45115 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454009 Gm24232 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077502 MGI:5454009 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24232
15 gene 69.68558 69.68571 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453764 Gm23987 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080689 MGI:5453764 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23987
15 gene 69.92423 70.07820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011967 Gm19782 NCBI_Gene:100503580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116483 MGI:5011967 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19782
15 pseudogene 70.06267 70.06476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645017 Gm5216 NCBI_Gene:383050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116398 MGI:3645017 pseudogene predicted gene 5216
15 pseudogene 70.50485 70.50544 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010467 Gm18282 NCBI_Gene:100416825 MGI:5010467 pseudogene predicted gene, 18282
15 pseudogene 70.75805 70.75868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010340 Gm18155 NCBI_Gene:100416536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116449 MGI:5010340 pseudogene predicted gene, 18155
15 pseudogene 70.96162 70.96246 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155069 Gm49430 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116168 MGI:6155069 pseudogene predicted gene, 49430
15 pseudogene 71.09962 71.10020 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011384 Gm19199 NCBI_Gene:100418418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116191 MGI:5011384 pseudogene predicted gene, 19199
15 pseudogene 71.30973 71.31151 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645016 Gm5217 NCBI_Gene:383051,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116355 MGI:3645016 pseudogene predicted gene 5217
15 gene 71.43161 71.72843 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917613 Fam135b NCBI_Gene:70363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036800 MGI:1917613 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 135, member B
15 gene 71.79419 71.79429 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6096183 Gm47309 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104552 MGI:6096183 miRNA gene predicted gene, 47309
15 gene 71.79419 71.79436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452296 Gm22519 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088895 MGI:5452296 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22519
15 pseudogene 71.79457 71.79575 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781177 Gm2999 NCBI_Gene:100418015,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115868 MGI:3781177 pseudogene predicted gene 2999
15 gene 71.79579 72.15098 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916950 Col22a1 NCBI_Gene:69700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079022 MGI:1916950 protein coding gene collagen, type XXII, alpha 1
15 gene 71.81011 71.81378 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826592 Gm16308 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090237 MGI:3826592 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16308
15 gene 72.16135 72.28731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155113 Gm49457 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116068 MGI:6155113 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49457
15 gene 72.25535 72.25546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452994 Gm23217 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095129 MGI:5452994 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23217
15 gene 72.49096 72.49102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454167 Gm24390 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095149 MGI:5454167 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24390
15 gene 72.50109 72.54787 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3521816 Kcnk9 NCBI_Gene:223604,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036760 MGI:3521816 protein coding gene potassium channel, subfamily K, member 9
15 gene 72.50699 72.50926 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028039 A930009L07Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930009L07 gene
15 gene 72.58828 72.60605 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155117 Gm49460 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116088 MGI:6155117 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49460
15 gene 72.58962 73.06124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923760 Trappc9 NCBI_Gene:76510,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047921 MGI:1923760 protein coding gene trafficking protein particle complex 9
15 gene 72.72132 72.72139 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531402 Gm28020 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088364 MGI:5531402 snRNA gene predicted gene, 28020
15 pseudogene 72.72540 72.72586 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155116 Gm49459 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116314 MGI:6155116 pseudogene predicted gene, 49459
15 gene 72.78572 72.78709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922678 3100002H20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3100002H20 gene
15 gene 72.80560 72.81032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2663476 Peg13 NCBI_Gene:353342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106847 MGI:2663476 lncRNA gene paternally expressed 13
15 gene 72.84597 72.84883 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624228 Gm41343 NCBI_Gene:105245974 MGI:5624228 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41343
15 pseudogene 72.91331 72.91379 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781329 Gm3150 NCBI_Gene:100041120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096173 MGI:3781329 pseudogene predicted gene 3150
15 gene 72.96988 72.97580 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590824 Gm31665 NCBI_Gene:102633968 MGI:5590824 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31665
15 gene 73.09039 73.09755 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2135796 Chrac1 NCBI_Gene:93696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068391 MGI:2135796 protein coding gene chromatin accessibility complex 1
15 gene 73.09584 73.18495 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446632 Ago2 NCBI_Gene:239528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036698 MGI:2446632 protein coding gene argonaute RISC catalytic subunit 2
15 gene 73.10888 73.11362 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590884 Gm31725 NCBI_Gene:102634044 MGI:5590884 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31725
15 gene 73.20510 73.42328 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95481 Ptk2 NCBI_Gene:14083,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022607 MGI:95481 protein coding gene PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2
15 gene 73.22700 73.22810 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924417 8030476L19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 8030476L19 gene
15 gene 73.24955 73.26412 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920741 1700085D07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115693 MGI:1920741 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700085D07 gene
15 gene 73.25481 73.25488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2676836 Mir151 miRBase:MI0000173,NCBI_Gene:387169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065612 MGI:2676836 miRNA gene microRNA 151
15 gene 73.31836 73.32512 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624229 Gm41344 NCBI_Gene:105245975 MGI:5624229 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41344
15 gene 73.34980 73.34992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454564 Gm24787 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088005 MGI:5454564 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24787
15 gene 73.40076 73.40317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3027000 C130079B09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130079B09 gene
15 pseudogene 73.40749 73.40824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645647 Gm7908 NCBI_Gene:666053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115602 MGI:3645647 pseudogene predicted gene 7908
15 gene 73.42331 73.42411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118447 Gm49066 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115810 MGI:6118447 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49066
15 pseudogene 73.42836 73.42896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642619 Gm10362 NCBI_Gene:100040929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116174 MGI:3642619 pseudogene predicted gene 10362
15 pseudogene 73.49704 73.49730 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011996 Gm19811 NCBI_Gene:102634312,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115885 MGI:5011996 pseudogene predicted gene, 19811
15 gene 73.51256 73.57224 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146009 Dennd3 NCBI_Gene:105841,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036661 MGI:2146009 protein coding gene DENN/MADD domain containing 3
15 gene 73.57742 73.64576 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146236 Slc45a4 NCBI_Gene:106068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079020 MGI:2146236 protein coding gene solute carrier family 45, member 4
15 gene 73.64585 73.65235 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922741 1700010B13Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099958 MGI:1922741 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700010B13 gene
15 gene 73.68850 73.70750 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441803 Gpr20 NCBI_Gene:239530,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045281 MGI:2441803 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 20
15 gene 73.72315 73.75877 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1277098 Ptp4a3 NCBI_Gene:19245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059895 MGI:1277098 protein coding gene protein tyrosine phosphatase 4a3
15 gene 73.72916 73.72929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451883 Gm22106 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084493 MGI:5451883 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22106
15 gene 73.76007 73.83970 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685474 Mroh5 NCBI_Gene:268816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072487 MGI:2685474 protein coding gene maestro heat-like repeat family member 5
15 pseudogene 73.80944 73.80993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781422 Ndufb4c NCBI_Gene:100041273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083380 MGI:3781422 pseudogene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B4C
15 gene 73.83005 73.83991 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647277 Gm6569 NCBI_Gene:102634429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086361 MGI:3647277 protein coding gene predicted gene 6569
15 gene 73.99003 73.99405 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591514 Gm32355 NCBI_Gene:102634877 MGI:5591514 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32355
15 gene 73.99407 74.00091 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591564 Gm32405 NCBI_Gene:102634945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116256 MGI:5591564 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32405
15 pseudogene 74.08001 74.08155 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646370 Gm7935 NCBI_Gene:666113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075609 MGI:3646370 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7935
15 pseudogene 74.09315 74.09447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705374 Gm15387 NCBI_Gene:100041307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082585 MGI:3705374 pseudogene predicted gene 15387
15 gene 74.19521 74.20445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592077 Gm32918 NCBI_Gene:102635630 MGI:5592077 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32918
15 gene 74.23459 74.39921 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012044 Gm19859 NCBI_Gene:105245978 MGI:5012044 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19859
15 gene 74.26889 74.27004 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641992 7120482A17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 7120482A17 gene
15 gene 74.28064 74.28540 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624230 Gm41345 NCBI_Gene:105245976 MGI:5624230 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41345
15 gene 74.28557 74.29381 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591998 Gm32839 NCBI_Gene:102635528 MGI:5591998 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32839
15 gene 74.41111 74.48114 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591327 Gm32168 NCBI_Gene:102634630 MGI:5591327 protein coding gene predicted gene, 32168
15 gene 74.51619 74.58947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933736 Adgrb1 NCBI_Gene:107831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034730 MGI:1933736 protein coding gene adhesion G protein-coupled receptor B1
15 gene 74.56382 74.56391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455894 Gm26117 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093340 MGI:5455894 miRNA gene predicted gene, 26117
15 gene 74.60603 74.63688 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916689 Mroh4 NCBI_Gene:69439,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022603 MGI:1916689 protein coding gene maestro heat-like repeat family member 4
15 gene 74.66908 74.67257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88067 Arc NCBI_Gene:11838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022602 MGI:88067 protein coding gene activity regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein
15 gene 74.67279 74.71217 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592153 Gm32994 NCBI_Gene:102635731 MGI:5592153 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32994
15 gene 74.70230 74.70954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106214 Jrk NCBI_Gene:16469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046380 MGI:106214 protein coding gene jerky
15 gene 74.70916 74.71037 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914019 4933427E11Rik NCBI_Gene:66769,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044276 MGI:1914019 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933427E11 gene
15 gene 74.71484 74.71707 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919623 Psca NCBI_Gene:72373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022598 MGI:1919623 protein coding gene prostate stem cell antigen
15 pseudogene 74.71879 74.71894 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5579682 Gm28976 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101983 MGI:5579682 pseudogene predicted gene 28976
15 gene 74.72120 74.72464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925301 Them6 NCBI_Gene:223626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056665 MGI:1925301 protein coding gene thioesterase superfamily member 6
15 gene 74.72432 74.72803 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1930923 Slurp1 NCBI_Gene:57277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022596 MGI:1930923 protein coding gene secreted Ly6/Plaur domain containing 1
15 gene 74.73225 74.73480 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915561 Lypd2 NCBI_Gene:68311,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022595 MGI:1915561 protein coding gene Ly6/Plaur domain containing 2
15 gene 74.73488 74.73725 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592283 Gm33124 NCBI_Gene:102635906 MGI:5592283 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33124
15 gene 74.74276 74.74669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916712 Slurp2 NCBI_Gene:69462,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075605 MGI:1916712 protein coding gene secreted Ly6/Plaur domain containing 2
15 gene 74.74785 74.75305 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1345180 Lynx1 NCBI_Gene:23936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022594 MGI:1345180 protein coding gene Ly6/neurotoxin 1
15 gene 74.76206 74.76362 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96881 Ly6d NCBI_Gene:17068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034634 MGI:96881 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus D
15 gene 74.77091 74.77886 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925975 Ly6g6g NCBI_Gene:78725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101026 MGI:1925975 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus G6G
15 gene 74.78406 74.80064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4938016 Gm17189 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091709 MGI:4938016 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17189
15 gene 74.78537 74.78883 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592333 Gm33174 NCBI_Gene:102635975 MGI:5592333 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33174
15 gene 74.79687 74.79999 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923736 Ly6k NCBI_Gene:76486,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044678 MGI:1923736 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus K
15 gene 74.81343 74.81897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644767 Gml NCBI_Gene:625599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068349 MGI:3644767 protein coding gene glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored molecule like
15 gene 74.81907 74.84578 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341831 Gml2 NCBI_Gene:15202,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068600 MGI:1341831 protein coding gene glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchored molecule like 2
15 gene 74.83413 74.84164 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88583 Cyp11b1 NCBI_Gene:110115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075604 MGI:88583 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily b, polypeptide 1
15 gene 74.85101 74.85632 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88584 Cyp11b2 NCBI_Gene:13072,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022589 MGI:88584 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily b, polypeptide 2
15 gene 74.85555 74.87340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624232 Gm41347 NCBI_Gene:105245979 MGI:5624232 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41347
15 gene 74.87699 74.89702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914288 Ly6m NCBI_Gene:67038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063522 MGI:1914288 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus M
15 pseudogene 74.92364 74.92593 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648858 Gm6610 NCBI_Gene:625653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100880 MGI:3648858 pseudogene predicted gene 6610
15 gene 74.92635 74.93632 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622441 Gm39556 NCBI_Gene:105243761,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116380 MGI:5622441 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39556
15 pseudogene 74.95333 74.95348 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579832 Gm29126 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099600 MGI:5579832 pseudogene predicted gene 29126
15 gene 74.95505 74.95991 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106651 Ly6e NCBI_Gene:17069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022587 MGI:106651 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus E
15 gene 74.96693 75.04492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578774 Gm28068 NCBI_Gene:102636152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100287 MGI:5578774 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28068
15 gene 74.97953 74.98350 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888480 Ly6i NCBI_Gene:57248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022586 MGI:1888480 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus I
15 pseudogene 74.98633 74.98848 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648432 Gm8000 NCBI_Gene:666240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101132 MGI:3648432 pseudogene predicted gene 8000
15 gene 74.98875 74.98933 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610270 Gm37042 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103457 MGI:5610270 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37042
15 gene 74.99200 74.99445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624233 Gm41348 NCBI_Gene:105245980 MGI:5624233 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41348
15 gene 74.99488 74.99803 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107527 Ly6a NCBI_Gene:110454,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075602 MGI:107527 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus A
15 pseudogene 75.02529 75.02551 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5578775 Gm28069 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101082 MGI:5578775 pseudogene predicted gene 28069
15 gene 75.04402 75.04885 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96882 Ly6c1 NCBI_Gene:17067,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079018 MGI:96882 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus C1
15 pseudogene 75.06226 75.07502 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779540 Gm5960 NCBI_Gene:546642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099775 MGI:3779540 pseudogene predicted gene 5960
15 gene 75.07621 75.07909 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579208 Gm28502 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099452 MGI:5579208 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28502
15 gene 75.10816 75.11204 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3712069 Ly6c2 NCBI_Gene:100041546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022584 MGI:3712069 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus C2
15 pseudogene 75.13129 75.13519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612406 Ly6a2 NCBI_Gene:546643,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102051 MGI:3612406 pseudogene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus A2
15 gene 75.15524 75.15913 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109440 Ly6g NCBI_Gene:546644,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022582 MGI:109440 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus G
15 pseudogene 75.19389 75.19767 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578823 Gm28117 NCBI_Gene:108168217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101140 MGI:5578823 pseudogene predicted gene 28117
15 gene 75.21634 75.22266 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385015 Ly6g2 NCBI_Gene:223631,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047728 MGI:2385015 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus G2
15 pseudogene 75.23529 75.23877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641620 Gm10238 NCBI_Gene:100041092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068348 MGI:3641620 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 10238
15 pseudogene 75.24515 75.24736 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578821 Gm28115 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100462 MGI:5578821 pseudogene predicted gene 28115
15 gene 75.26837 75.27224 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109441 Ly6f NCBI_Gene:17071,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022583 MGI:109441 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus F
15 pseudogene 75.29395 75.29710 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578822 Gm28116 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099467 MGI:5578822 pseudogene predicted gene 28116
15 pseudogene 75.31118 75.31496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781630 Gm3454 NCBI_Gene:100041652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101289 MGI:3781630 pseudogene predicted gene 3454
15 pseudogene 75.32650 75.32673 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578819 Gm28113 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099414 MGI:5578819 pseudogene predicted gene 28113
15 pseudogene 75.32824 75.33035 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580223 Gm29517 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101075 MGI:5580223 pseudogene predicted gene 29517
15 pseudogene 75.34862 75.39292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578820 Gm28114 NCBI_Gene:102637559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100375 MGI:5578820 pseudogene predicted gene 28114
15 pseudogene 75.37246 75.37727 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781321 Gm3142 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102028 MGI:3781321 pseudogene predicted gene 3142
15 pseudogene 75.42761 75.43183 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3612405 9030619P08Rik NCBI_Gene:105892,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053168 MGI:3612405 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 9030619P08 gene
15 gene 75.44935 75.45494 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5313101 Ly6l NCBI_Gene:102637705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093626 MGI:5313101 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus L
15 gene 75.45775 75.48009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593690 Gm34531 NCBI_Gene:102637817,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116365 MGI:5593690 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34531
15 gene 75.49862 75.50435 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593752 Gm34593 NCBI_Gene:102637897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116222 MGI:5593752 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34593
15 gene 75.51715 75.51966 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593805 Gm34646 NCBI_Gene:102637965,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116155 MGI:5593805 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34646
15 gene 75.55127 75.56726 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346030 Ly6h NCBI_Gene:23934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022577 MGI:1346030 protein coding gene lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus H
15 gene 75.59663 75.59948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915703 Gpihbp1 NCBI_Gene:68453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022579 MGI:1915703 protein coding gene GPI-anchored HDL-binding protein 1
15 gene 75.61614 75.62983 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99186 Zfp41 NCBI_Gene:22701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047003 MGI:99186 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 41
15 gene 75.63196 75.63591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826156 Gm46519 NCBI_Gene:108168244,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115969 MGI:5826156 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46519
15 gene 75.63463 75.64402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621391 Gm38506 NCBI_Gene:102638167 MGI:5621391 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38506
15 pseudogene 75.64213 75.65364 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919915 2810039B14Rik NCBI_Gene:72665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099034 MGI:1919915 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 2810039B14 gene
15 gene 75.65193 75.65556 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826155 Gm46518 NCBI_Gene:108168243 MGI:5826155 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46518
15 gene 75.65703 75.67882 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920210 Top1mt NCBI_Gene:72960,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000934 MGI:1920210 protein coding gene DNA topoisomerase 1, mitochondrial
15 gene 75.66141 75.66353 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3801876 Gm15945 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085523 MGI:3801876 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15945
15 gene 75.70428 75.71549 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098783 Rhpn1 NCBI_Gene:14787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022580 MGI:1098783 protein coding gene rhophilin, Rho GTPase binding protein 1
15 gene 75.74549 75.74823 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2673307 Mafa NCBI_Gene:378435,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047591 MGI:2673307 protein coding gene v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein A (avian)
15 gene 75.75443 75.84206 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2663721 Zc3h3 NCBI_Gene:223642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075600 MGI:2663721 protein coding gene zinc finger CCCH type containing 3
15 gene 75.75986 75.75999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453524 Gm23747 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077416 MGI:5453524 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23747
15 gene 75.84350 75.84517 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594010 Gm34851 NCBI_Gene:102638242 MGI:5594010 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34851
15 gene 75.84597 75.84758 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826160 Gm46523 NCBI_Gene:108168248 MGI:5826160 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46523
15 pseudogene 75.85462 75.85625 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779978 Gm9568 NCBI_Gene:672572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098203 MGI:3779978 pseudogene predicted gene 9568
15 gene 75.86214 75.86741 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916396 Gsdmd NCBI_Gene:69146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022575 MGI:1916396 protein coding gene gasdermin D
15 gene 75.88246 75.89069 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011755 Mroh6 NCBI_Gene:223645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098678 MGI:5011755 protein coding gene maestro heat-like repeat family member 6
15 gene 75.89096 75.89448 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442664 Naprt NCBI_Gene:223646,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022574 MGI:2442664 protein coding gene nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase
15 gene 75.89420 75.90958 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913906 Eef1d NCBI_Gene:66656,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055762 MGI:1913906 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 delta (guanine nucleotide exchange protein)
15 gene 75.90973 75.91454 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145902 Tigd5 NCBI_Gene:105734,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103906 MGI:2145902 protein coding gene tigger transposable element derived 5
15 gene 75.91646 75.92156 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913444 Pycrl NCBI_Gene:66194,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022571 MGI:1913444 protein coding gene pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase-like
15 gene 75.92467 75.92983 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98857 Tsta3 NCBI_Gene:22122,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022570 MGI:98857 protein coding gene tissue specific transplantation antigen P35B
15 gene 75.94095 75.94940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926084 Zfp623 NCBI_Gene:78834,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050846 MGI:1926084 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 623
15 pseudogene 75.96695 75.96856 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349404 Eif2s3x-ps1 NCBI_Gene:26906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116120 MGI:1349404 pseudogene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2, subunit 3, pseudogene 1
15 gene 75.96912 75.97587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916270 Zfp707 NCBI_Gene:69020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034429 MGI:1916270 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 707
15 gene 75.97987 75.98246 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925902 Ccdc166 NCBI_Gene:223648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098176 MGI:1925902 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 166
15 gene 75.99373 75.99915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2652894 Mapk15 NCBI_Gene:332110,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063704 MGI:2652894 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase 15
15 gene 76.00109 76.01434 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2145900 Fam83h NCBI_Gene:105732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046761 MGI:2145900 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 83, member H
15 gene 76.00986 76.04698 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3588184 Iqank1 NCBI_Gene:432964,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102018 MGI:3588184 protein coding gene IQ motif and ankyrin repeat containing 1
15 gene 76.03646 76.03662 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452804 Gm23027 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089396 MGI:5452804 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23027
15 gene 76.04716 76.06978 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2145950 Scrib NCBI_Gene:105782,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022568 MGI:2145950 protein coding gene scribbled planar cell polarity
15 gene 76.06483 76.06489 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531330 Mir6952 miRBase:MI0022799,NCBI_Gene:102466772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098451 MGI:5531330 miRNA gene microRNA 6952
15 gene 76.07018 76.08095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915209 Puf60 NCBI_Gene:67959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000002524 MGI:1915209 protein coding gene poly-U binding splicing factor 60
15 gene 76.08376 76.08765 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6118279 Gm48952 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115332 MGI:6118279 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 48952
15 gene 76.08552 76.09163 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385017 Nrbp2 NCBI_Gene:223649,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075590 MGI:2385017 protein coding gene nuclear receptor binding protein 2
15 gene 76.09149 76.09767 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624234 Gm41349 NCBI_Gene:105245981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116288 MGI:5624234 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41349
15 gene 76.10148 76.12019 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2386306 Eppk1 NCBI_Gene:223650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115388 MGI:2386306 protein coding gene epiplakin 1
15 gene 76.11026 76.11413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826169 Gm46532 NCBI_Gene:108168258 MGI:5826169 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46532
15 gene 76.11952 76.12660 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442591 BC024139 NCBI_Gene:271278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044361 MGI:2442591 protein coding gene cDNA sequence BC024139
15 gene 76.12911 76.13077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594246 Gm35087 NCBI_Gene:102638551 MGI:5594246 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35087
15 pseudogene 76.15034 76.15070 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012130 Gm19945 NCBI_Gene:102638700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116475 MGI:5012130 pseudogene predicted gene, 19945
15 gene 76.17097 76.23257 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277961 Plec NCBI_Gene:18810,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022565 MGI:1277961 protein coding gene plectin
15 gene 76.21410 76.21421 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455497 Gm25720 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088128 MGI:5455497 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25720
15 gene 76.21561 76.21567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3836981 Mir1942 miRBase:MI0009931,NCBI_Gene:100316774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087899 MGI:3836981 miRNA gene microRNA 1942
15 gene 76.23117 76.24344 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3712326 Parp10 NCBI_Gene:671535,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063268 MGI:3712326 protein coding gene poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 10
15 gene 76.24674 76.24991 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913418 Grina NCBI_Gene:66168,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022564 MGI:1913418 protein coding gene glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-aspartate-associated protein 1 (glutamate binding)
15 gene 76.24819 76.24826 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531120 Mir6953 miRBase:MI0022800,NCBI_Gene:102465575,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098625 MGI:5531120 miRNA gene microRNA 6953
15 gene 76.26646 76.26984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642813 Mirt2 NCBI_Gene:100038659,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092920,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115946 MGI:3642813 lncRNA gene myocardial infraction associated transcript 2
15 gene 76.26653 76.29258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921531 Spatc1 NCBI_Gene:74281,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049653 MGI:1921531 protein coding gene spermatogenesis and centriole associated 1
15 gene 76.29088 76.29097 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834252 Mir3079 miRBase:MI0014042,NCBI_Gene:100526548,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093169 MGI:4834252 miRNA gene microRNA 3079
15 gene 76.29387 76.29690 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3709877 Smpd5 NCBI_Gene:100503915,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071724 MGI:3709877 protein coding gene sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 5
15 gene 76.29427 76.29513 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922053 4930551A22Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930551A22 gene
15 gene 76.29660 76.33110 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922725 Oplah NCBI_Gene:75475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022562 MGI:1922725 protein coding gene 5-oxoprolinase (ATP-hydrolysing)
15 gene 76.32740 76.33068 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923576 Exosc4 NCBI_Gene:109075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034259 MGI:1923576 protein coding gene exosome component 4
15 gene 76.33123 76.33491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1202392 Gpaa1 NCBI_Gene:14731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022561 MGI:1202392 protein coding gene GPI anchor attachment protein 1
15 pseudogene 76.33758 76.33840 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3809093 Rps6-ps1 NCBI_Gene:626259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063875 MGI:3809093 pseudogene ribosomal protein S6, pseudogene 1
15 gene 76.34352 76.34626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913695 Cyc1 NCBI_Gene:66445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022551 MGI:1913695 protein coding gene cytochrome c-1
15 gene 76.34704 76.35111 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913331 Sharpin NCBI_Gene:106025,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022552 MGI:1913331 protein coding gene SHANK-associated RH domain interacting protein
15 gene 76.35129 76.35438 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916127 Maf1 NCBI_Gene:68877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022553 MGI:1916127 protein coding gene MAF1 homolog, negative regulator of RNA polymerase III
15 gene 76.35443 76.36520 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594498 Gm35339 NCBI_Gene:102638882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109179 MGI:5594498 protein coding gene predicted gene, 35339
15 gene 76.36886 76.37185 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930628 Hgh1 NCBI_Gene:59053,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022554 MGI:1930628 protein coding gene HGH1 homolog
15 gene 76.37192 76.37519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920792 Tssk5 NCBI_Gene:73542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060794 MGI:1920792 protein coding gene testis-specific serine kinase 5
15 gene 76.38026 76.45304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442558 Mroh1 NCBI_Gene:223658,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022558 MGI:2442558 protein coding gene maestro heat-like repeat family member 1
15 gene 76.43321 76.43327 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531152 Mir6954 miRBase:MI0022801,NCBI_Gene:102465576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099260 MGI:5531152 miRNA gene microRNA 6954
15 gene 76.45299 76.47728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1334460 Bop1 NCBI_Gene:12181,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022557 MGI:1334460 protein coding gene block of proliferation 1
15 gene 76.45709 76.45947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102934 Scx NCBI_Gene:20289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034161 MGI:102934 protein coding gene scleraxis
15 gene 76.47737 76.50191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96238 Hsf1 NCBI_Gene:15499,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022556 MGI:96238 protein coding gene heat shock factor 1
15 gene 76.50202 76.51202 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333825 Dgat1 NCBI_Gene:13350,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022555 MGI:1333825 protein coding gene diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1
15 gene 76.51620 76.52250 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2176606 Scrt1 NCBI_Gene:170729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048385 MGI:2176606 protein coding gene scratch family zinc finger 1
15 gene 76.52262 76.52916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826170 Gm46533 NCBI_Gene:108168260 MGI:5826170 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46533
15 pseudogene 76.52677 76.52702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155258 Gm49550 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116234 MGI:6155258 pseudogene predicted gene, 49550
15 gene 76.53321 76.53537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647471 Tmem249 NCBI_Gene:666504,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116376 MGI:3647471 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 249
15 gene 76.53572 76.53875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1354705 Fbxl6 NCBI_Gene:30840,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022559 MGI:1354705 protein coding gene F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 6
15 gene 76.53883 76.54788 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289288 Slc52a2 NCBI_Gene:52710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022560 MGI:1289288 protein coding gene solute carrier protein 52, member 2
15 gene 76.55743 76.55986 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594898 Gm35739 NCBI_Gene:102639419 MGI:5594898 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35739
15 gene 76.57618 76.57689 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642738 Gm10869 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 10869
15 gene 76.57636 76.59582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2679274 Adck5 NCBI_Gene:268822,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022550 MGI:2679274 protein coding gene aarF domain containing kinase 5
15 gene 76.57783 76.58086 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155041 Gm49413 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116238 MGI:6155041 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49413
15 gene 76.59012 76.59173 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917889 5730521K06Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116145 MGI:1917889 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5730521K06 gene
15 gene 76.59580 76.60759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2679722 Cpsf1 NCBI_Gene:94230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034022 MGI:2679722 protein coding gene cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 1
15 gene 76.61238 76.61738 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919277 Slc39a4 NCBI_Gene:72027,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063354 MGI:1919277 protein coding gene solute carrier family 39 (zinc transporter), member 4
15 gene 76.62209 76.62609 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914164 Vps28 NCBI_Gene:66914,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115987 MGI:1914164 protein coding gene vacuolar protein sorting 28
15 gene 76.62600 76.63996 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919999 Tonsl NCBI_Gene:72749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059323 MGI:1919999 protein coding gene tonsoku-like, DNA repair protein
15 gene 76.64339 76.66021 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859320 Cyhr1 NCBI_Gene:54151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053929 MGI:1859320 protein coding gene cysteine and histidine rich 1
15 gene 76.65984 76.66820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109187 Kifc2 NCBI_Gene:16581,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000004187 MGI:109187 protein coding gene kinesin family member C2
15 gene 76.66783 76.67154 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347465 Foxh1 NCBI_Gene:14106,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033837 MGI:1347465 protein coding gene forkhead box H1
15 gene 76.67162 76.69492 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920312 Ppp1r16a NCBI_Gene:73062,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033819 MGI:1920312 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 16A
15 gene 76.69572 76.69969 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95802 Gpt NCBI_Gene:76282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022546 MGI:95802 protein coding gene glutamic pyruvic transaminase, soluble
15 gene 76.70146 76.70424 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916822 Mfsd3 NCBI_Gene:69572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019080 MGI:1916822 protein coding gene major facilitator superfamily domain containing 3
15 gene 76.70355 76.71064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1931028 Recql4 NCBI_Gene:79456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033762 MGI:1931028 protein coding gene RecQ protein-like 4
15 gene 76.71062 76.71770 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2445060 Lrrc14 NCBI_Gene:223664,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033728 MGI:2445060 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 14
15 gene 76.71528 76.72217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3605040 Lrrc24 NCBI_Gene:378937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033707 MGI:3605040 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat containing 24
15 gene 76.72146 76.72384 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925941 C030006K11Rik NCBI_Gene:223665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116138 MGI:1925941 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA C030006K11 gene
15 gene 76.72398 76.81817 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107858 Arhgap39 NCBI_Gene:223666,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033697 MGI:107858 protein coding gene Rho GTPase activating protein 39
15 pseudogene 76.79770 76.79805 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4936905 Gm17271 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090429 MGI:4936905 pseudogene predicted gene, 17271
15 gene 76.81826 76.82094 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624235 Gm41350 NCBI_Gene:105245982 MGI:5624235 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41350
15 gene 76.85161 76.87144 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918841 Zfp251 NCBI_Gene:71591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022526 MGI:1918841 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 251
15 gene 76.87922 76.89239 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99208 Zfp7 NCBI_Gene:223669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033669 MGI:99208 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 7
15 gene 76.87932 76.90128 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155227 Gm49527 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116024 MGI:6155227 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49527
15 gene 76.89991 76.90130 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913648 Commd5 NCBI_Gene:66398,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055041 MGI:1913648 protein coding gene COMM domain containing 5
15 gene 76.90407 76.90632 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1350927 Rpl8 NCBI_Gene:26961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003970 MGI:1350927 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L8
15 gene 76.91037 76.92546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3052806 Zfp647 NCBI_Gene:239546,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054967 MGI:3052806 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 647
15 pseudogene 76.93371 76.93506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010468 Gm18283 NCBI_Gene:100416826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115920 MGI:5010468 pseudogene predicted gene, 18283
15 pseudogene 76.93499 76.94207 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826168 Gm46531 NCBI_Gene:108168257 MGI:5826168 pseudogene predicted gene, 46531
15 gene 76.94214 76.94835 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826171 Gm46534 NCBI_Gene:108168261 MGI:5826171 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46534
15 gene 76.94827 76.95098 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2152337 1110038F14Rik NCBI_Gene:117171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063236 MGI:2152337 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1110038F14 gene
15 gene 76.98643 76.99705 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595092 Gm35933 NCBI_Gene:102639678,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116339 MGI:5595092 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35933
15 gene 77.01409 77.01590 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155243 Gm49540 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116272 MGI:6155243 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49540
15 gene 77.01549 77.05067 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96922 Mb NCBI_Gene:17189,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018893 MGI:96922 protein coding gene myoglobin
15 gene 77.04473 77.05711 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919189 Apol6 NCBI_Gene:71939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033576 MGI:1919189 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 6
15 gene 77.06779 77.06790 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454530 Gm24753 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095245 MGI:5454530 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24753
15 gene 77.07899 77.30709 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933973 Rbfox2 NCBI_Gene:93686,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033565 MGI:1933973 protein coding gene RNA binding protein, fox-1 homolog (C. elegans) 2
15 gene 77.08440 77.09631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921553 1700109K24Rik NCBI_Gene:74303,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097267 MGI:1921553 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700109K24 gene
15 gene 77.08753 77.08773 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924385 3010033E01Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3010033E01 gene
15 gene 77.11373 77.11580 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921863 4833412C15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116298 MGI:1921863 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833412C15 gene
15 gene 77.17579 77.17826 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155037 Gm49411 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116185 MGI:6155037 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49411
15 gene 77.24241 77.24255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453833 Gm24056 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089242 MGI:5453833 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24056
15 gene 77.31361 77.32445 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624237 Gm41352 NCBI_Gene:105245984 MGI:5624237 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41352
15 gene 77.36590 77.36670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155077 Gm49436 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116413 MGI:6155077 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49436
15 gene 77.36949 77.37692 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781960 Gm3787 NCBI_Gene:102639762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116284 MGI:3781960 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3787
15 gene 77.37121 77.37388 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624239 Gm41354 NCBI_Gene:105245986 MGI:5624239 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41354
15 gene 77.37786 77.37935 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624238 Gm41353 NCBI_Gene:105245985 MGI:5624238 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41353
15 gene 77.38822 77.39911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923011 Apol7a NCBI_Gene:75761,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010601 MGI:1923011 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 7a
15 gene 77.39170 77.39238 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313135 Gm20688 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093458 MGI:5313135 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20688
15 gene 77.40379 77.41114 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3606001 Apol9a NCBI_Gene:223672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057346 MGI:3606001 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 9a
15 gene 77.41855 77.42360 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595353 Gm36194 NCBI_Gene:102640019 MGI:5595353 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36194
15 gene 77.42221 77.44749 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3583950 Apol7b NCBI_Gene:278679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068252 MGI:3583950 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 7b
15 gene 77.42798 77.46197 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925474 4930571N24Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086467 MGI:1925474 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930571N24 gene
15 pseudogene 77.44304 77.44442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645107 Gm6506 NCBI_Gene:102639912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082233 MGI:3645107 pseudogene predicted gene 6506
15 pseudogene 77.44467 77.44522 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646501 Gm8208 NCBI_Gene:666639 MGI:3646501 pseudogene predicted gene 8208
15 pseudogene 77.46820 77.46846 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155259 Gm49551 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116292 MGI:6155259 pseudogene predicted gene, 49551
15 gene 77.47695 77.49107 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3036238 Apol10a NCBI_Gene:245282,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050982 MGI:3036238 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 10A
15 gene 77.50813 77.51805 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3649094 Apol11a NCBI_Gene:626615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091650 MGI:3649094 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 11a
15 gene 77.52485 77.53333 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920912 Apol7c NCBI_Gene:108956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044309 MGI:1920912 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 7c
15 gene 77.55824 77.56189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923659 1700025B11Rik NCBI_Gene:76409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101113 MGI:1923659 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700025B11 gene
15 gene 77.58382 77.59854 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3043522 Apol10b NCBI_Gene:328561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050014 MGI:3043522 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 10B
15 gene 77.59925 77.60286 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595404 Gm36245 NCBI_Gene:102640092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116079 MGI:5595404 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36245
15 pseudogene 77.61897 77.62740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779789 Gm8221 NCBI_Gene:666661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095704 MGI:3779789 pseudogene predicted gene 8221
15 gene 77.63395 77.64329 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3036248 Apol11b NCBI_Gene:328563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091694 MGI:3036248 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 11b
15 pseudogene 77.65600 77.65984 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646982 Apol10c-ps NCBI_Gene:545115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116383 MGI:3646982 pseudogene apolipoprotein L 10C, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 77.66849 77.66874 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155032 Gm49407 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116356 MGI:6155032 pseudogene predicted gene, 49407
15 gene 77.69571 77.71929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704456 Apol7e NCBI_Gene:666348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071716 MGI:3704456 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 7e
15 pseudogene 77.70112 77.70167 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646977 Gm8233 NCBI_Gene:666679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115926 MGI:3646977 pseudogene predicted gene 8233
15 pseudogene 77.70200 77.70304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011096 Gm18911 NCBI_Gene:100417939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116438 MGI:5011096 pseudogene predicted gene, 18911
15 gene 77.71764 77.72301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595488 Gm36329 NCBI_Gene:102640206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116162 MGI:5595488 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36329
15 gene 77.72904 77.73638 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919148 Apol9b NCBI_Gene:71898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068246 MGI:1919148 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 9b
15 gene 77.74076 77.74389 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155035 Gm49410 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115979 MGI:6155035 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49410
15 gene 77.74780 77.75705 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444921 Apol8 NCBI_Gene:239552,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056656 MGI:2444921 protein coding gene apolipoprotein L 8
15 gene 77.76059 77.84217 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107717 Myh9 NCBI_Gene:17886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022443 MGI:107717 protein coding gene myosin, heavy polypeptide 9, non-muscle
15 gene 77.83509 77.83685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3026995 9530001J02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9530001J02 gene
15 gene 77.84066 77.84076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451884 Gm22107 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084497 MGI:5451884 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22107
15 gene 77.91505 77.92901 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929468 Txn2 NCBI_Gene:56551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005354 MGI:1929468 protein coding gene thioredoxin 2
15 gene 77.94052 77.95677 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106315 Foxred2 NCBI_Gene:239554,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016552 MGI:106315 protein coding gene FAD-dependent oxidoreductase domain containing 2
15 gene 77.95900 77.97109 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1933181 Eif3d NCBI_Gene:55944,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016554 MGI:1933181 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit D
15 gene 77.96167 77.96713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937272 Gm17638 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097057 MGI:4937272 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17638
15 gene 77.99175 78.12003 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1316660 Cacng2 NCBI_Gene:12300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019146 MGI:1316660 protein coding gene calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 2
15 gene 78.01230 78.05441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826157 Gm46520 NCBI_Gene:108168245 MGI:5826157 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46520
15 gene 78.11971 78.14856 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444190 A730060N03Rik NCBI_Gene:102640344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092375 MGI:2444190 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A730060N03 gene
15 gene 78.15946 78.17411 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914292 Ift27 NCBI_Gene:67042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016637 MGI:1914292 protein coding gene intraflagellar transport 27
15 gene 78.17446 78.17485 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6215148 Gm49694 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116697 MGI:6215148 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49694
15 gene 78.19111 78.20640 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97821 Pvalb NCBI_Gene:19293,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005716 MGI:97821 protein coding gene parvalbumin
15 gene 78.24416 78.26258 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109186 Ncf4 NCBI_Gene:17972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071715 MGI:109186 protein coding gene neutrophil cytosolic factor 4
15 gene 78.28251 78.30572 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1339760 Csf2rb2 NCBI_Gene:12984,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071714 MGI:1339760 protein coding gene colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, beta 2, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage)
15 gene 78.28479 78.28485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530982 Mir7676-1 miRBase:MI0025017,NCBI_Gene:102465776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098996 MGI:5530982 miRNA gene microRNA 7676-1
15 gene 78.32575 78.35385 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1339759 Csf2rb NCBI_Gene:12983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071713 MGI:1339759 protein coding gene colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, beta, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage)
15 gene 78.34860 78.34866 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531172 Mir7676-2 miRBase:MI0025018,NCBI_Gene:102466845,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099059 MGI:5531172 miRNA gene microRNA 7676-2
15 gene 78.36925 78.36936 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456106 Gm26329 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000070235 MGI:5456106 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 26329
15 gene 78.37840 78.39591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920626 Tex33 NCBI_Gene:73376,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062154 MGI:1920626 protein coding gene testis expressed 33
15 gene 78.39600 78.39718 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155153 Gm49481 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116445 MGI:6155153 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49481
15 gene 78.39956 78.40591 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98852 Tst NCBI_Gene:22117,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044986 MGI:98852 protein coding gene thiosulfate sulfurtransferase, mitochondrial
15 gene 78.40642 78.41402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2179733 Mpst NCBI_Gene:246221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071711 MGI:2179733 protein coding gene mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase
15 gene 78.41689 78.42623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624240 Gm41355 NCBI_Gene:105245987 MGI:5624240 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41355
15 gene 78.42034 78.42463 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595803 Gm36644 NCBI_Gene:102640626,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115854 MGI:5595803 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36644
15 gene 78.42856 78.43930 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920094 Kctd17 NCBI_Gene:72844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033287 MGI:1920094 protein coding gene potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 17
15 gene 78.43967 78.46918 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919003 Tmprss6 NCBI_Gene:71753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016942 MGI:1919003 protein coding gene transmembrane serine protease 6
15 gene 78.47926 78.51162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96550 Il2rb NCBI_Gene:16185,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068227 MGI:96550 protein coding gene interleukin 2 receptor, beta chain
15 gene 78.52335 78.53214 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919959 C1qtnf6 NCBI_Gene:72709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022440 MGI:1919959 protein coding gene C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 6
15 gene 78.53111 78.53280 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155166 Gm49490 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116307 MGI:6155166 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49490
15 gene 78.53701 78.54937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98329 Sstr3 NCBI_Gene:20607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044933 MGI:98329 protein coding gene somatostatin receptor 3
15 pseudogene 78.55419 78.55493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648054 Gm6723 NCBI_Gene:626952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068226 MGI:3648054 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6723
15 gene 78.55917 78.57278 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97846 Rac2 NCBI_Gene:19354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033220 MGI:97846 protein coding gene Rac family small GTPase 2
15 gene 78.57441 78.58167 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595897 Gm36738 NCBI_Gene:102640742,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116097 MGI:5595897 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36738
15 gene 78.59705 78.62202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441702 Cyth4 NCBI_Gene:72318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018008 MGI:2441702 protein coding gene cytohesin 4
15 gene 78.63861 78.64548 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596036 Gm36877 NCBI_Gene:102640930 MGI:5596036 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36877
15 gene 78.66733 78.71887 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3608416 Elfn2 NCBI_Gene:207393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043460 MGI:3608416 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III, extracellular 2
15 gene 78.67078 78.67612 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925873 1700041B01Rik NCBI_Gene:78623,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116260 MGI:1925873 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700041B01 gene
15 gene 78.75588 78.77352 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1095404 Mfng NCBI_Gene:17305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018169 MGI:1095404 protein coding gene MFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
15 gene 78.77512 78.80308 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146012 Card10 NCBI_Gene:105844,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033170 MGI:2146012 protein coding gene caspase recruitment domain family, member 10
15 pseudogene 78.82081 78.82153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648501 Gm7318 NCBI_Gene:641104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116499 MGI:3648501 pseudogene predicted gene 7318
15 gene 78.84262 78.85090 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929763 Cdc42ep1 NCBI_Gene:104445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049521 MGI:1929763 protein coding gene CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 1
15 gene 78.85086 78.85553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_895068 Lgals2 NCBI_Gene:107753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043501 MGI:895068 protein coding gene lectin, galactose-binding, soluble 2
15 gene 78.86296 78.86905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477128 Gm26634 NCBI_Gene:102631961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097085 MGI:5477128 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26634
15 gene 78.87716 78.89459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146207 Gga1 NCBI_Gene:106039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033128 MGI:2146207 protein coding gene golgi associated, gamma adaptin ear containing, ARF binding protein 1
15 gene 78.89184 78.89191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531151 Mir6955 miRBase:MI0022802,NCBI_Gene:102466210,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099267 MGI:5531151 miRNA gene microRNA 6955
15 gene 78.89821 78.89971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642835 Gm10866 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10866
15 gene 78.89967 78.91903 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155200 Gm49510 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116069 MGI:6155200 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49510
15 gene 78.89977 78.91205 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104603 Sh3bp1 NCBI_Gene:20401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022436 MGI:104603 protein coding gene SH3-domain binding protein 1
15 gene 78.91197 78.91366 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917246 1700027A07Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084864 MGI:1917246 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700027A07 gene
15 gene 78.91392 78.91952 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919282 Pdxp NCBI_Gene:57028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116165 MGI:1919282 protein coding gene pyridoxal (pyridoxine, vitamin B6) phosphatase
15 gene 78.91962 78.92814 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589527 Gm30368 NCBI_Gene:102632234 MGI:5589527 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30368
15 gene 78.92673 78.93046 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96777 Lgals1 NCBI_Gene:16852,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068220 MGI:96777 protein coding gene lectin, galactose binding, soluble 1
15 gene 78.93493 78.94364 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146285 Nol12 NCBI_Gene:97961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033099 MGI:2146285 protein coding gene nucleolar protein 12
15 gene 78.94772 79.00587 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349410 Triobp NCBI_Gene:110253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033088 MGI:1349410 protein coding gene TRIO and F-actin binding protein
15 gene 78.99496 79.01104 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641626 Gm10865 NCBI_Gene:100038602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116505 MGI:3641626 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10865
15 gene 79.00222 79.00228 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531262 Mir6956 miRBase:MI0022803,NCBI_Gene:102465577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099180 MGI:5531262 miRNA gene microRNA 6956
15 gene 79.01533 79.02607 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5009838 Gm17753 NCBI_Gene:654469,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115867 MGI:5009838 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17753
15 gene 79.02646 79.02861 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155250 Gm49544 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116262 MGI:6155250 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49544
15 gene 79.02821 79.03050 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95893 H1f0 NCBI_Gene:14958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096210 MGI:95893 protein coding gene H1.0 linker histone
15 gene 79.03087 79.04253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349389 Gcat NCBI_Gene:26912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006378,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116378 MGI:1349389 protein coding gene glycine C-acetyltransferase (2-amino-3-ketobutyrate-coenzyme A ligase)
15 gene 79.04188 79.04356 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1329003 Galr3 NCBI_Gene:14429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000114755 MGI:1329003 protein coding gene galanin receptor 3
15 gene 79.04557 79.05226 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782098 Gm3924 NCBI_Gene:100042603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116287 MGI:3782098 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3924
15 gene 79.05309 79.06293 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444209 Ankrd54 NCBI_Gene:223690,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033055 MGI:2444209 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 54
15 gene 79.06466 79.06595 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155136 Gm49471 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115887 MGI:6155136 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49471
15 gene 79.07472 79.07513 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925296 4930563H03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930563H03 gene
15 gene 79.07518 79.09440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2386251 Eif3l NCBI_Gene:223691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033047 MGI:2386251 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit L
15 gene 79.09482 79.09506 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454849 Gm25072 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092974 MGI:5454849 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25072
15 gene 79.10870 79.13690 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105870 Micall1 NCBI_Gene:27008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033039 MGI:105870 protein coding gene microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing -like 1
15 gene 79.12935 79.14125 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920774 1700088E04Rik NCBI_Gene:27660,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033029 MGI:1920774 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700088E04 gene
15 gene 79.14101 79.15177 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349393 Polr2f NCBI_Gene:69833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033020 MGI:1349393 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide F
15 gene 79.15491 79.16524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98358 Sox10 NCBI_Gene:20665,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033006 MGI:98358 protein coding gene SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 10
15 gene 79.16604 79.22752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641623 Gm10863 NCBI_Gene:100041655,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075555 MGI:3641623 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10863
15 gene 79.19351 79.19726 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641624 Gm10864 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10864
15 gene 79.22525 79.22902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589686 Gm30527 NCBI_Gene:102632460 MGI:5589686 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30527
15 gene 79.22820 79.22937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922240 4930500E03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930500E03 gene
15 gene 79.22916 79.24948 positive MGI_C57BL6J_894645 Pick1 NCBI_Gene:18693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068206 MGI:894645 protein coding gene protein interacting with C kinase 1
15 gene 79.22939 79.25667 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155161 Gm49486 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116121 MGI:6155161 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49486
15 gene 79.25101 79.25476 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929519 Slc16a8 NCBI_Gene:57274,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032988 MGI:1929519 protein coding gene solute carrier family 16 (monocarboxylic acid transporters), member 8
15 pseudogene 79.25261 79.25669 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4938036 Lgals1-ps2 NCBI_Gene:102632642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091135 MGI:4938036 pseudogene lectin, galactose binding, soluble 1, pseudogene 2
15 gene 79.25820 79.28554 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2652819 Baiap2l2 NCBI_Gene:207495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018126 MGI:2652819 protein coding gene BAI1-associated protein 2-like 2
15 gene 79.28623 79.32839 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859152 Pla2g6 NCBI_Gene:53357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042632 MGI:1859152 protein coding gene phospholipase A2, group VI
15 gene 79.31051 79.31139 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624243 Gm41358 NCBI_Gene:105245991 MGI:5624243 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41358
15 gene 79.31420 79.31666 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5141885 Gm20420 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092494 MGI:5141885 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20420
15 gene 79.32763 79.32871 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917527 2310026G15Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2310026G15 gene
15 gene 79.34662 79.35908 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96910 Maff NCBI_Gene:17133,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042622 MGI:96910 protein coding gene v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein F (avian)
15 gene 79.36068 79.40357 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445179 Tmem184b NCBI_Gene:223693,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009035 MGI:2445179 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 184b
15 gene 79.37523 79.37530 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3836982 Mir1943 miRBase:MI0009932,NCBI_Gene:100316695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088901 MGI:3836982 miRNA gene microRNA 1943
15 gene 79.41785 79.45558 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351660 Csnk1e NCBI_Gene:27373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022433 MGI:1351660 protein coding gene casein kinase 1, epsilon
15 gene 79.42722 79.43163 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3802029 Gm16059 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085802 MGI:3802029 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16059
15 gene 79.45976 79.46615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624244 Gm41359 NCBI_Gene:105245992 MGI:5624244 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41359
15 gene 79.47238 79.47247 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690694 Gm44302 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106626 MGI:5690694 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44302
15 gene 79.48023 79.51188 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104743 Kcnj4 NCBI_Gene:16520,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044216 MGI:104743 protein coding gene potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 4
15 gene 79.48023 79.48267 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6214998 Gm49593 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116081 MGI:6214998 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49593
15 gene 79.51032 79.51252 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155260 Gm49552 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116243 MGI:6155260 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49552
15 gene 79.51641 79.52774 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145953 Kdelr3 NCBI_Gene:105785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000010830 MGI:2145953 protein coding gene KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 3
15 gene 79.52770 79.54674 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914290 Ddx17 NCBI_Gene:67040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055065 MGI:1914290 protein coding gene DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 17
15 gene 79.56150 79.60516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105393 Dmc1 NCBI_Gene:13404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022429 MGI:105393 protein coding gene DNA meiotic recombinase 1
15 gene 79.59467 79.59479 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531285 Gm27903 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093223 MGI:5531285 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27903
15 gene 79.60958 79.65896 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922979 Fam227a NCBI_Gene:75729,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042564 MGI:1922979 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 227, member A
15 gene 79.65916 79.66766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920989 Cby1 NCBI_Gene:73739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022428 MGI:1920989 protein coding gene chibby family member 1, beta catenin antagonist
15 gene 79.66577 79.66699 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590036 Gm30877 NCBI_Gene:102632926 MGI:5590036 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30877
15 gene 79.67086 79.67340 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2450248 Tomm22 NCBI_Gene:223696,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022427 MGI:2450248 protein coding gene translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 22
15 gene 79.67425 79.68792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921408 Josd1 NCBI_Gene:74158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022426 MGI:1921408 protein coding gene Josephin domain containing 1
15 pseudogene 79.68110 79.68132 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155215 Gm49520 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116239 MGI:6155215 pseudogene predicted gene, 49520
15 gene 79.68914 79.69239 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477378 Gm26884 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097128 MGI:5477378 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26884
15 gene 79.69084 79.72148 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109443 Gtpbp1 NCBI_Gene:14904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042535 MGI:109443 protein coding gene GTP binding protein 1
15 gene 79.69250 79.69263 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421885 n-R5s40 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064409 MGI:4421885 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 40
15 gene 79.72407 79.74254 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443011 Sun2 NCBI_Gene:223697,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042524 MGI:2443011 protein coding gene Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 2
15 gene 79.73957 79.74180 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414995 Gm16575 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089796 MGI:4414995 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16575
15 gene 79.74270 79.75739 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4414996 Gm16576 NCBI_Gene:100504191,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087543 MGI:4414996 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16576
15 gene 79.76145 79.77785 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859217 Dnal4 NCBI_Gene:54152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022420 MGI:1859217 protein coding gene dynein, axonemal, light chain 4
15 gene 79.77455 79.79425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590136 Gm30977 NCBI_Gene:102633060 MGI:5590136 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30977
15 gene 79.78635 79.80477 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920590 Nptxr NCBI_Gene:73340,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022421 MGI:1920590 protein coding gene neuronal pentraxin receptor
15 gene 79.78635 79.83433 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3845555 Npcd NCBI_Gene:504193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089837 MGI:3845555 protein coding gene neuronal pentraxin chromo domain
15 gene 79.82390 79.83469 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3512628 Cbx6 NCBI_Gene:494448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089715 MGI:3512628 protein coding gene chromobox 6
15 gene 79.84316 79.84676 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641730 Gm10856 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115971 MGI:3641730 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10856
15 gene 79.87387 79.87722 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155039 Gm49412 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116283 MGI:6155039 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49412
15 gene 79.88953 79.89314 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926118 D730005E14Rik NCBI_Gene:109361 MGI:1926118 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D730005E14 gene
15 gene 79.89166 79.91822 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933111 Apobec3 NCBI_Gene:80287,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009585 MGI:1933111 protein coding gene apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 3
15 gene 79.91580 79.97115 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1196439 Cbx7 NCBI_Gene:52609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053411 MGI:1196439 protein coding gene chromobox 7
15 gene 79.99586 80.02478 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97528 Pdgfb NCBI_Gene:18591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000489 MGI:97528 protein coding gene platelet derived growth factor, B polypeptide
15 gene 79.99897 79.99903 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530759 Mir7213 miRBase:MI0023708,NCBI_Gene:102465699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099222 MGI:5530759 miRNA gene microRNA 7213
15 gene 80.01230 80.04499 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624246 Gm41361 NCBI_Gene:105245994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116125 MGI:5624246 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41361
15 gene 80.04826 80.05009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3045283 F830031D20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA F830031D20 gene
15 gene 80.05322 80.05975 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624247 Gm41362 NCBI_Gene:105245995 MGI:5624247 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41362
15 gene 80.07778 80.09187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1351605 Rpl3 NCBI_Gene:27367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060036 MGI:1351605 protein coding gene ribosomal protein L3
15 gene 80.07850 80.07859 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819557 Snord83b NCBI_Gene:100302601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077734 MGI:3819557 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 83B
15 gene 80.08025 80.08034 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451854 Gm22077 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088219 MGI:5451854 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22077
15 gene 80.08285 80.08295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819534 Snord43 NCBI_Gene:100302600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105167 MGI:3819534 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, C/D box 43
15 gene 80.08845 80.08855 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453981 Gm24204 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064884 MGI:5453981 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24204
15 gene 80.09073 80.09334 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590293 Gm31134 NCBI_Gene:102633270 MGI:5590293 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31134
15 gene 80.09133 80.11950 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1328323 Syngr1 NCBI_Gene:20972,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022415 MGI:1328323 protein coding gene synaptogyrin 1
15 gene 80.12940 80.13471 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590412 Gm31253 NCBI_Gene:102633422 MGI:5590412 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31253
15 gene 80.13313 80.16171 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913763 Tab1 NCBI_Gene:66513,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022414 MGI:1913763 protein coding gene TGF-beta activated kinase 1/MAP3K7 binding protein 1
15 gene 80.17365 80.21552 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104532 Mgat3 NCBI_Gene:17309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042428 MGI:104532 protein coding gene mannoside acetylglucosaminyltransferase 3
15 gene 80.22632 80.23138 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826158 Gm46521 NCBI_Gene:108168246 MGI:5826158 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46521
15 gene 80.22795 80.22841 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925476 4930588D02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115962 MGI:1925476 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930588D02 gene
15 pseudogene 80.22907 80.22995 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644819 Gm8375 NCBI_Gene:666948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116127 MGI:3644819 pseudogene predicted gene 8375
15 gene 80.23393 80.25337 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146020 Mief1 NCBI_Gene:239555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022412 MGI:2146020 protein coding gene mitochondrial elongation factor 1
15 gene 80.25518 80.25754 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88096 Atf4 NCBI_Gene:11911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042406 MGI:88096 protein coding gene activating transcription factor 4
15 gene 80.26061 80.26431 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913788 Rps19bp1 NCBI_Gene:66538,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051518 MGI:1913788 protein coding gene ribosomal protein S19 binding protein 1
15 gene 80.28724 80.39829 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2178051 Cacna1i NCBI_Gene:239556,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022416 MGI:2178051 protein coding gene calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 1I subunit
15 gene 80.28787 80.29252 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590478 Gm31319 NCBI_Gene:102633509 MGI:5590478 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31319
15 gene 80.39839 80.40423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624248 Gm41363 NCBI_Gene:105245996 MGI:5624248 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41363
15 gene 80.43157 80.43860 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590528 Gm31369 NCBI_Gene:102633578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115888 MGI:5590528 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31369
15 gene 80.45172 80.56516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686088 Enthd1 NCBI_Gene:383075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050439 MGI:2686088 protein coding gene ENTH domain containing 1
15 gene 80.45804 80.45817 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452997 Gm23220 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088740 MGI:5452997 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23220
15 pseudogene 80.47589 80.47794 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011326 Gm19141 NCBI_Gene:100418323,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116345 MGI:5011326 pseudogene predicted gene, 19141
15 gene 80.57259 80.65285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1333842 Grap2 NCBI_Gene:17444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042351 MGI:1333842 protein coding gene GRB2-related adaptor protein 2
15 gene 80.61595 80.61798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779136 5830419E12Rik NA NA protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 5830419E12 gene
15 gene 80.64046 80.64241 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155262 Gm49553 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116433 MGI:6155262 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49553
15 gene 80.64607 80.64614 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531277 Mir6957 miRBase:MI0022804,NCBI_Gene:102466773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098631 MGI:5531277 miRNA gene microRNA 6957
15 gene 80.67185 80.70042 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146227 Fam83f NCBI_Gene:213956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022408 MGI:2146227 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 83, member F
15 gene 80.69102 80.69761 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3605804 A430088P11Rik NCBI_Gene:106059,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116220 MGI:3605804 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A430088P11 gene
15 gene 80.71131 80.94109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443730 Tnrc6b NCBI_Gene:213988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047888 MGI:2443730 protein coding gene trinucleotide repeat containing 6b
15 gene 80.71227 80.71369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155203 Gm49512 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116480 MGI:6155203 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49512
15 gene 80.83158 80.83321 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3026993 D230044B12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D230044B12 gene
15 gene 80.89029 80.89315 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444208 B130063F10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA B130063F10 gene
15 gene 80.94004 80.94012 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4950433 Mir5113 miRBase:MI0018022,NCBI_Gene:100628612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092868 MGI:4950433 miRNA gene microRNA 5113
15 gene 80.94849 80.97095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103202 Adsl NCBI_Gene:11564,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022407 MGI:103202 protein coding gene adenylosuccinate lyase
15 pseudogene 80.95248 80.95301 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648604 Gm6612 NCBI_Gene:625672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058357 MGI:3648604 pseudogene predicted gene 6612
15 gene 80.97777 81.01229 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916329 Sgsm3 NCBI_Gene:105835,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042303 MGI:1916329 protein coding gene small G protein signaling modulator 3
15 gene 81.00541 81.00641 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590621 Gm31462 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115976 MGI:5590621 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31462
15 gene 81.01228 81.19076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2384495 Mrtfa NCBI_Gene:223701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042292 MGI:2384495 protein coding gene myocardin related transcription factor A
15 gene 81.03964 81.03979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454908 Gm25131 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064587 MGI:5454908 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25131
15 gene 81.11503 81.11584 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155218 Gm49522 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116321 MGI:6155218 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49522
15 gene 81.19077 81.19276 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914888 4930483J18Rik NCBI_Gene:67638,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047938 MGI:1914888 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930483J18 gene
15 pseudogene 81.20873 81.20916 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155239 Gm49537 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116122 MGI:6155239 pseudogene predicted gene, 49537
15 gene 81.21713 81.22970 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590767 Gm31608 NCBI_Gene:102633891 MGI:5590767 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31608
15 gene 81.22971 81.23057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590909 Gm31750 NCBI_Gene:102634081 MGI:5590909 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31750
15 gene 81.23550 81.23896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2180756 Mchr1 NCBI_Gene:207911,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050164 MGI:2180756 protein coding gene melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1
15 gene 81.24265 81.31287 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925352 8430426J06Rik NCBI_Gene:78102,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115970 MGI:1925352 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 8430426J06 gene
15 gene 81.31891 81.36081 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1342248 Slc25a17 NCBI_Gene:20524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022404 MGI:1342248 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, peroxisomal membrane protein), member 17
15 gene 81.36367 81.40008 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917606 St13 NCBI_Gene:70356,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022403 MGI:1917606 protein coding gene suppression of tumorigenicity 13
15 gene 81.40013 81.45748 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2445217 Xpnpep3 NCBI_Gene:321003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022401 MGI:2445217 protein coding gene X-prolyl aminopeptidase 3, mitochondrial
15 gene 81.40693 81.40830 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914012 Dnajb7 NCBI_Gene:57755,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047108 MGI:1914012 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B7
15 gene 81.41064 81.42283 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937852 Gm17025 NCBI_Gene:102634155,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091492 MGI:4937852 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17025
15 gene 81.46630 81.47637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891829 Rbx1 NCBI_Gene:56438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022400 MGI:1891829 protein coding gene ring-box 1
15 pseudogene 81.48597 81.48638 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155031 Gm49406 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115917 MGI:6155031 pseudogene predicted gene, 49406
15 pseudogene 81.49908 81.49965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646583 Gm5218 NCBI_Gene:108168218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091198 MGI:3646583 pseudogene predicted gene 5218
15 gene 81.58417 81.58503 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915885 1110025M09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103520 MGI:1915885 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1110025M09 gene
15 gene 81.58535 81.65208 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1276116 Ep300 NCBI_Gene:328572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055024 MGI:1276116 protein coding gene E1A binding protein p300
15 gene 81.58613 81.58619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453657 Gm23880 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080527 MGI:5453657 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23880
15 gene 81.59209 81.59220 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451844 Gm22067 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084739 MGI:5451844 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22067
15 pseudogene 81.65618 81.65640 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155091 Gm49444 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116516 MGI:6155091 pseudogene predicted gene, 49444
15 gene 81.66389 81.68832 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443584 L3mbtl2 NCBI_Gene:214669,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022394 MGI:2443584 protein coding gene L3MBTL2 polycomb repressive complex 1 subunit
15 pseudogene 81.67393 81.67490 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010469 Gm18284 NCBI_Gene:100416827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092325 MGI:5010469 pseudogene predicted gene, 18284
15 gene 81.67830 81.69738 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3036284 Chadl NCBI_Gene:214685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063765 MGI:3036284 protein coding gene chondroadherin-like
15 gene 81.70425 81.74553 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103071 Rangap1 NCBI_Gene:19387,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022391 MGI:103071 protein coding gene RAN GTPase activating protein 1
15 gene 81.73860 81.73904 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920087 2810487C13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2810487C13 gene
15 gene 81.74485 81.79627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1328310 Zc3h7b NCBI_Gene:20286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022390 MGI:1328310 protein coding gene zinc finger CCCH type containing 7B
15 gene 81.80079 81.80261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937231 Gm17597 NCBI_Gene:100504312,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097613 MGI:4937231 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17597
15 gene 81.80242 81.82686 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98663 Tef NCBI_Gene:21685,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022389 MGI:98663 protein coding gene thyrotroph embryonic factor
15 pseudogene 81.84330 81.84376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645809 Gm8444 NCBI_Gene:667073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069439 MGI:3645809 pseudogene predicted gene 8444
15 gene 81.84827 81.85880 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888525 Tob2 NCBI_Gene:57259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048546 MGI:1888525 protein coding gene transducer of ERBB2, 2
15 gene 81.85774 81.85831 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155145 Gm49476 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116075 MGI:6155145 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49476
15 gene 81.86452 81.87191 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2156864 Phf5a NCBI_Gene:68479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061360 MGI:2156864 protein coding gene PHD finger protein 5A
15 gene 81.87231 81.91514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_87880 Aco2 NCBI_Gene:11429,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022477 MGI:87880 protein coding gene aconitase 2, mitochondrial
15 gene 81.88823 81.92624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926179 Polr3h NCBI_Gene:78929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022476 MGI:1926179 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide H
15 gene 81.93206 81.93672 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591326 Gm32167 NCBI_Gene:102634629 MGI:5591326 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32167
15 gene 81.93676 81.95094 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146027 Csdc2 NCBI_Gene:105859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042109 MGI:2146027 protein coding gene cold shock domain containing C2, RNA binding
15 gene 81.95111 81.96093 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1353418 Pmm1 NCBI_Gene:29858,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022474 MGI:1353418 protein coding gene phosphomannomutase 1
15 pseudogene 81.96699 81.96855 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011286 Cyp2d67-ps NCBI_Gene:100418253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116157 MGI:5011286 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 67, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 81.97235 81.97290 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644633 Gm5805 NCBI_Gene:102634709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061848 MGI:3644633 pseudogene predicted gene 5805
15 gene 81.98054 81.98156 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913596 1700029P11Rik NCBI_Gene:66346,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061633 MGI:1913596 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700029P11 gene
15 gene 81.98783 82.04009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95606 Xrcc6 NCBI_Gene:14375,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022471 MGI:95606 protein coding gene X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 6
15 gene 81.99252 82.03386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106313 Desi1 NCBI_Gene:28075,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022472 MGI:106313 protein coding gene desumoylating isopeptidase 1
15 gene 82.04053 82.04760 negative MGI_C57BL6J_893586 Snu13 NCBI_Gene:20826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063480 MGI:893586 protein coding gene SNU13 homolog, small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U4/U6.U5)
15 pseudogene 82.05365 82.05401 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155163 Gm49487 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116044 MGI:6155163 pseudogene predicted gene, 49487
15 pseudogene 82.05563 82.05583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155164 Gm49488 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116304 MGI:6155164 pseudogene predicted gene, 49488
15 pseudogene 82.05664 82.05699 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155165 Gm49489 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116406 MGI:6155165 pseudogene predicted gene, 49489
15 gene 82.05915 82.06654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685593 4930407I10Rik NCBI_Gene:328573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075524 MGI:2685593 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930407I10 gene
15 gene 82.07000 82.12682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3028590 Mei1 NCBI_Gene:74369,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068117 MGI:3028590 protein coding gene meiotic double-stranded break formation protein 1
15 gene 82.12790 82.14220 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923707 Ccdc134 NCBI_Gene:76457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068114 MGI:1923707 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 134
15 gene 82.14718 82.20538 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107585 Srebf2 NCBI_Gene:20788,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022463 MGI:107585 protein coding gene sterol regulatory element binding factor 2
15 gene 82.18552 82.18762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155188 Gm49502 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116226 MGI:6155188 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49502
15 gene 82.19812 82.19819 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619343 Mir33 miRBase:MI0000707,NCBI_Gene:723897,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065465 MGI:3619343 miRNA gene microRNA 33
15 gene 82.20617 82.21282 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146080 Shisa8 NCBI_Gene:435145,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096883 MGI:2146080 protein coding gene shisa family member 8
15 gene 82.22174 82.22438 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919299 Tnfrsf13c NCBI_Gene:72049,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068105 MGI:1919299 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 13c
15 gene 82.22933 82.23353 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155190 Gm49503 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116009 MGI:6155190 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49503
15 gene 82.23376 82.24477 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913820 Cenpm NCBI_Gene:66570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068101 MGI:1913820 protein coding gene centromere protein M
15 gene 82.25240 82.26075 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923755 1500009C09Rik NCBI_Gene:76505,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068099 MGI:1923755 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1500009C09 gene
15 gene 82.26590 82.29457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345148 Sept3 NCBI_Gene:108168219,NCBI_Gene:24050,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022456 MGI:1345148 protein coding gene septin 3
15 gene 82.29892 82.31465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921966 Wbp2nl NCBI_Gene:74716,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022455 MGI:1921966 protein coding gene WBP2 N-terminal like
15 gene 82.32953 82.33893 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1261422 Naga NCBI_Gene:17939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022453 MGI:1261422 protein coding gene N-acetyl galactosaminidase, alpha
15 gene 82.33894 82.34574 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443609 Pheta2 NCBI_Gene:338368,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049687 MGI:2443609 protein coding gene PH domain containing endocytic trafficking adaptor 2
15 gene 82.33896 82.34909 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916279 Smdt1 NCBI_Gene:69029,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022452 MGI:1916279 protein coding gene single-pass membrane protein with aspartate rich tail 1
15 gene 82.34265 82.34277 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421886 n-R5s41 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064959 MGI:4421886 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 41
15 gene 82.35014 82.35432 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914380 Ndufa6 NCBI_Gene:67130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022450 MGI:1914380 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A6
15 gene 82.37053 82.38026 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1929474 Cyp2d22 NCBI_Gene:56448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061740 MGI:1929474 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 22
15 gene 82.38915 82.39402 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88603 Cyp2d11 NCBI_Gene:545123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068085 MGI:88603 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 11
15 gene 82.39392 82.39398 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531255 Mir7684 miRBase:MI0025033,NCBI_Gene:102465786,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098677 MGI:5531255 miRNA gene microRNA 7684
15 gene 82.40285 82.40722 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88602 Cyp2d10 NCBI_Gene:13101,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094806 MGI:88602 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 10
15 gene 82.40709 82.40715 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530713 Gm27331 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098722 MGI:5530713 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27331
15 gene 82.40846 82.40854 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455767 Gm25990 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076395 MGI:5455767 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25990
15 pseudogene 82.42140 82.42345 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011452 Gm19267 NCBI_Gene:100502589,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116419 MGI:5011452 pseudogene predicted gene, 19267
15 gene 82.43344 82.45685 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88606 Cyp2d9 NCBI_Gene:13105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068086 MGI:88606 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 9
15 pseudogene 82.43353 82.43865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826138 Gm46501 NCBI_Gene:108168220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116325 MGI:5826138 pseudogene predicted gene, 46501
15 pseudogene 82.44348 82.44465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155055 Gm49421 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116472 MGI:6155055 pseudogene predicted gene, 49421
15 pseudogene 82.44948 82.44974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155052 Gm49419 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115948 MGI:6155052 pseudogene predicted gene, 49419
15 gene 82.45242 82.45248 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531004 Gm27622 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099086 MGI:5531004 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27622
15 pseudogene 82.46262 82.46511 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3721929 Cyp2d32-ps NCBI_Gene:100125410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116265 MGI:3721929 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 32, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.50460 82.51137 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531207 Gm27825 NCBI_Gene:108168221,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115931,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098745 MGI:5531207 pseudogene predicted gene, 27825
15 pseudogene 82.51629 82.51928 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645587 Tdg-ps NCBI_Gene:545124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047347 MGI:3645587 pseudogene thymine DNA glycosylase, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.51991 82.52023 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826162 Gm46525 NCBI_Gene:108168250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116490 MGI:5826162 pseudogene predicted gene, 46525
15 pseudogene 82.53826 82.53861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826161 Gm46524 NCBI_Gene:108168249,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116104 MGI:5826161 pseudogene predicted gene, 46524
15 pseudogene 82.54402 82.54868 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531405 Gm28023 NCBI_Gene:108168222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098901 MGI:5531405 pseudogene predicted gene, 28023
15 gene 82.55504 82.56040 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88604 Cyp2d12 NCBI_Gene:380997,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096852 MGI:88604 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 12
15 gene 82.55512 82.55518 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531306 Gm27924 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099022 MGI:5531306 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27924
15 pseudogene 82.56220 82.56554 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3721930 Cyp2d33-ps NCBI_Gene:100125411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116368 MGI:3721930 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 33, pseudogene
15 gene 82.56344 82.56531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155067 Gm49429 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116319 MGI:6155067 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49429
15 pseudogene 82.60892 82.61292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011295 Cyp2d34-ps NCBI_Gene:100418269,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115914 MGI:5011295 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 34, pseudogene
15 gene 82.61289 82.61295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531124 Gm27742 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098636 MGI:5531124 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27742
15 gene 82.61596 82.62096 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385022 Cyp2d34 NCBI_Gene:223706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094559 MGI:2385022 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 34
15 gene 82.62109 82.66090 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155070 Gm49431 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116130 MGI:6155070 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49431
15 pseudogene 82.63675 82.64204 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88605 Cyp2d13 NCBI_Gene:68444 MGI:88605 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 13
15 gene 82.64195 82.64200 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530845 Gm27463 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098867 MGI:5530845 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27463
15 pseudogene 82.64992 82.65472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5295679 Cyp2d35-ps NCBI_Gene:100125596,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115908 MGI:5295679 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, member 35, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.67128 82.68326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3721931 Cyp2d36-ps NCBI_Gene:380998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116341 MGI:3721931 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 36, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.68875 82.69315 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3721937 Cyp2d37-ps NCBI_Gene:627860,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075517 MGI:3721937 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 37, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.69357 82.70735 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3780075 Cyp2d38-ps NCBI_Gene:676200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116354 MGI:3780075 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, member 38, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.71600 82.71942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5295680 Cyp2d39-ps NCBI_Gene:100125597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116117 MGI:5295680 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 39, pseudogene
15 pseudogene 82.74181 82.74212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155074 Gm49433 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116071 MGI:6155074 pseudogene predicted gene, 49433
15 gene 82.75983 82.76418 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919004 Cyp2d40 NCBI_Gene:71754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000068083 MGI:1919004 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 40
15 pseudogene 82.77786 82.78212 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645691 Cyp2d41-ps NCBI_Gene:271300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058613 MGI:3645691 pseudogene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, member 41, pseudogene
15 gene 82.78208 82.78214 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531000 Gm27618 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098695 MGI:5531000 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27618
15 gene 82.79010 82.79445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923529 Cyp2d26 NCBI_Gene:76279,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022445 MGI:1923529 protein coding gene cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 26
15 pseudogene 82.80097 82.80396 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155076 Gm49435 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116280 MGI:6155076 pseudogene predicted gene, 49435
15 gene 82.80844 82.98819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108399 Tcf20 NCBI_Gene:21411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041852 MGI:108399 protein coding gene transcription factor 20
15 gene 82.89048 82.89846 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100876 Tbrg3 NCBI_Gene:21378 MGI:1100876 lncRNA gene transforming growth factor beta regulated gene 3
15 gene 82.89908 82.90582 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012509 Gm20324 NCBI_Gene:100504637,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100199 MGI:5012509 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20324
15 gene 82.95922 82.95930 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834253 Mir3080 miRBase:MI0014043,NCBI_Gene:100526477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092751 MGI:4834253 miRNA gene microRNA 3080
15 gene 82.98090 82.98913 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146194 AW121686 NCBI_Gene:106026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097301 MGI:2146194 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AW121686
15 gene 82.98273 82.98783 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579725 Gm29019 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100552 MGI:5579725 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29019
15 gene 82.99297 83.03340 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921289 Nfam1 NCBI_Gene:74039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058099 MGI:1921289 protein coding gene Nfat activating molecule with ITAM motif 1
15 gene 83.03344 83.03859 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591779 Gm32620 NCBI_Gene:102635229 MGI:5591779 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32620
15 gene 83.07568 83.08219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624251 Gm41366 NCBI_Gene:105245999 MGI:5624251 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41366
15 gene 83.08951 83.11668 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890404 Serhl NCBI_Gene:68607,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058586 MGI:1890404 protein coding gene serine hydrolase-like
15 gene 83.10207 83.10593 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4938033 Gm17206 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090964 MGI:4938033 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17206
15 gene 83.11343 83.12283 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922028 Rrp7a NCBI_Gene:74778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018040 MGI:1922028 protein coding gene ribosomal RNA processing 7 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
15 gene 83.12598 83.14938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921076 Poldip3 NCBI_Gene:73826,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041815 MGI:1921076 protein coding gene polymerase (DNA-directed), delta interacting protein 3
15 gene 83.14964 83.14979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1336893 Rnu12 NCBI_Gene:104307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065176 MGI:1336893 snRNA gene RNA U12, small nuclear
15 gene 83.15349 83.17259 negative MGI_C57BL6J_94893 Cyb5r3 NCBI_Gene:109754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018042 MGI:94893 protein coding gene cytochrome b5 reductase 3
15 gene 83.17235 83.17481 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155122 Gm49463 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116508 MGI:6155122 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49463
15 gene 83.17320 83.17645 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443906 7530414M10Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116338 MGI:2443906 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 7530414M10 gene
15 gene 83.22672 83.25177 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3512453 A4galt NCBI_Gene:239559,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047878 MGI:3512453 protein coding gene alpha 1,4-galactosyltransferase
15 gene 83.25563 83.25776 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624252 Gm41367 NCBI_Gene:105246000 MGI:5624252 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41367
15 gene 83.25782 83.25832 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592045 Gm32886 NCBI_Gene:102635595,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116416 MGI:5592045 protein coding gene predicted gene, 32886
15 gene 83.25866 83.25952 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443608 C130064B19Rik NCBI_Gene:102635529 MGI:2443608 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C130064B19 gene
15 gene 83.27095 83.29679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591947 Gm32788 NCBI_Gene:102635455 MGI:5591947 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32788
15 gene 83.29974 83.35035 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913501 Arfgap3 NCBI_Gene:66251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054277 MGI:1913501 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3
15 gene 83.35385 83.36730 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916541 1700001L05Rik NCBI_Gene:69291,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075511 MGI:1916541 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700001L05 gene
15 gene 83.37561 83.46461 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1345153 Pacsin2 NCBI_Gene:23970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016664 MGI:1345153 protein coding gene protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2
15 gene 83.38677 83.39249 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624253 Gm41368 NCBI_Gene:105246001 MGI:5624253 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41368
15 gene 83.39413 83.39456 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920760 1700082O11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700082O11 gene
15 gene 83.39778 83.39890 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924906 C430045I18Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C430045I18 gene
15 pseudogene 83.40506 83.40616 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648626 Gm5417 NCBI_Gene:414359,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049414 MGI:3648626 pseudogene predicted gene 5417
15 gene 83.48377 83.51892 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443047 Ttll1 NCBI_Gene:319953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022442 MGI:2443047 protein coding gene tubulin tyrosine ligase-like 1
15 gene 83.51694 83.51701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454352 Gm24575 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093243 MGI:5454352 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24575
15 gene 83.52679 83.54463 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1206591 Bik NCBI_Gene:12124,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016758 MGI:1206591 protein coding gene BCL2-interacting killer
15 pseudogene 83.53767 83.54029 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826132 Gm46495 NCBI_Gene:108168212,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116217 MGI:5826132 pseudogene predicted gene, 46495
15 gene 83.54680 83.56379 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2388651 Mcat NCBI_Gene:223722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048755 MGI:2388651 protein coding gene malonyl CoA:ACP acyltransferase (mitochondrial)
15 gene 83.56357 83.57420 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88222 Tspo NCBI_Gene:12257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041736 MGI:88222 protein coding gene translocator protein
15 gene 83.57509 83.59516 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3039573 Ttll12 NCBI_Gene:223723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016757 MGI:3039573 protein coding gene tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 12
15 gene 83.60258 83.72505 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1890616 Scube1 NCBI_Gene:64706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016763 MGI:1890616 protein coding gene signal peptide, CUB domain, EGF-like 1
15 gene 83.75186 83.75702 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592483 Gm33324 NCBI_Gene:102636187 MGI:5592483 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33324
15 gene 83.77947 83.85849 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106316 Mpped1 NCBI_Gene:223726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041708 MGI:106316 protein coding gene metallophosphoesterase domain containing 1
15 gene 83.84730 83.85624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624255 Gm41370 NCBI_Gene:105246003 MGI:5624255 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41370
15 gene 83.85917 83.86763 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624257 Gm41372 NCBI_Gene:105246005 MGI:5624257 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41372
15 gene 83.86671 84.07502 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924877 Efcab6 NCBI_Gene:77627,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022441 MGI:1924877 protein coding gene EF-hand calcium binding domain 6
15 pseudogene 84.03034 84.03074 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3783213 Rpl31-ps22 NCBI_Gene:667167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081925 MGI:3783213 pseudogene ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 22
15 gene 84.05521 84.05659 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918509 4933433M23Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933433M23 gene
15 gene 84.07610 84.10575 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1888971 Sult4a1 NCBI_Gene:29859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018865 MGI:1888971 protein coding gene sulfotransferase family 4A, member 1
15 gene 84.10583 84.11004 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826163 Gm46526 NCBI_Gene:108168251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116072 MGI:5826163 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46526
15 gene 84.11236 84.12337 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923022 Pnpla5 NCBI_Gene:75772,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000018868 MGI:1923022 protein coding gene patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 5
15 gene 84.12728 84.13626 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592591 Gm33432 NCBI_Gene:102636334,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115925 MGI:5592591 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33432
15 gene 84.16486 84.16583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592689 Gm33530 NCBI_Gene:102636473 MGI:5592689 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33530
15 gene 84.16778 84.18952 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2151796 Pnpla3 NCBI_Gene:116939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041653 MGI:2151796 protein coding gene patatin-like phospholipase domain containing 3
15 gene 84.16827 84.16838 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530813 Mir6392 miRBase:MI0021926,NCBI_Gene:102466642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098882 MGI:5530813 miRNA gene microRNA 6392
15 gene 84.18191 84.19588 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155205 Gm49513 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116227 MGI:6155205 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49513
15 pseudogene 84.18257 84.18326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012554 Gm20369 NCBI_Gene:102636551,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116041 MGI:5012554 pseudogene predicted gene, 20369
15 gene 84.19223 84.21727 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915903 Samm50 NCBI_Gene:68653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022437 MGI:1915903 protein coding gene SAMM50 sorting and assembly machinery component
15 gene 84.23204 84.31569 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2153063 Parvb NCBI_Gene:170736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022438 MGI:2153063 protein coding gene parvin, beta
15 gene 84.23750 84.24018 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592882 Gm33723 NCBI_Gene:102636731 MGI:5592882 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33723
15 gene 84.32321 84.32335 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452667 Gm22890 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089267 MGI:5452667 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22890
15 gene 84.32392 84.34298 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2158329 Parvg NCBI_Gene:64099,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022439 MGI:2158329 protein coding gene parvin, gamma
15 pseudogene 84.34606 84.34678 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645822 Gm5214 NCBI_Gene:382988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116442 MGI:3645822 pseudogene predicted gene 5214
15 gene 84.37920 84.48284 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919551 Shisal1 NCBI_Gene:72301,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062760 MGI:1919551 protein coding gene shisa like 1
15 gene 84.43018 84.44175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826164 Gm46527 NCBI_Gene:108168252 MGI:5826164 protein coding gene predicted gene, 46527
15 gene 84.44475 84.46357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592989 Gm33830 NCBI_Gene:102636880 MGI:5592989 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33830
15 gene 84.50932 84.51060 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593125 Gm33966 NCBI_Gene:102637061 MGI:5593125 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33966
15 gene 84.53886 84.55056 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593186 Gm34027 NCBI_Gene:102637143 MGI:5593186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34027
15 gene 84.55340 84.55782 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2675858 Rtl6 NCBI_Gene:223732,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055745 MGI:2675858 protein coding gene retrotransposon Gag like 6
15 gene 84.56289 84.57752 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593254 Gm34095 NCBI_Gene:102637226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116409 MGI:5593254 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34095
15 gene 84.57952 84.58144 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921711 4933416A02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933416A02 gene
15 gene 84.61742 84.62744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593360 Gm34201 NCBI_Gene:102637373 MGI:5593360 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34201
15 gene 84.66317 84.70641 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924714 Prr5 NCBI_Gene:109270,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036106 MGI:1924714 protein coding gene proline rich 5 (renal)
15 gene 84.70870 84.71382 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624259 Gm41374 NCBI_Gene:105246007 MGI:5624259 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41374
15 gene 84.71463 84.72027 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5295663 Gm20556 NCBI_Gene:328576,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116396 MGI:5295663 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 20556
15 gene 84.72003 84.77286 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920417 Arhgap8 NCBI_Gene:73167,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078954 MGI:1920417 protein coding gene Rho GTPase activating protein 8
15 gene 84.78538 84.85613 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443812 Phf21b NCBI_Gene:271305,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016624 MGI:2443812 protein coding gene PHD finger protein 21B
15 pseudogene 84.86630 84.86752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782393 Gm4217 NCBI_Gene:100043084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097954 MGI:3782393 pseudogene predicted gene 4217
15 gene 84.89057 84.89669 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826165 Gm46528 NCBI_Gene:108168253 MGI:5826165 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46528
15 gene 84.90599 84.91373 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925271 4930513L16Rik NCBI_Gene:78021,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116491 MGI:1925271 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930513L16 gene
15 gene 84.91044 84.92268 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580372 Gm29666 NCBI_Gene:108168254,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100967 MGI:5580372 protein coding gene predicted gene 29666
15 gene 84.92341 84.94296 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1351502 Nup50 NCBI_Gene:18141,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016619 MGI:1351502 protein coding gene nucleoporin 50
15 gene 84.94394 84.98855 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444899 5031439G07Rik NCBI_Gene:223739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036046 MGI:2444899 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 5031439G07 gene
15 gene 84.95153 84.95162 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4834217 Mir1249 miRBase:MI0004132,NCBI_Gene:100526461,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080441 MGI:4834217 miRNA gene microRNA 1249
15 gene 84.98803 85.00620 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5622443 Gm39558 NCBI_Gene:105243769 MGI:5622443 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 39558
15 pseudogene 85.00814 85.00900 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646094 Gm6847 NCBI_Gene:628135,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116343 MGI:3646094 pseudogene predicted gene 6847
15 pseudogene 85.01580 85.01642 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155220 Gm49523 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116464 MGI:6155220 pseudogene predicted gene, 49523
15 gene 85.01714 85.02256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98914 Upk3a NCBI_Gene:22270,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022435 MGI:98914 protein coding gene uroplakin 3A
15 gene 85.02895 85.11694 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920475 Fam118a NCBI_Gene:73225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022434 MGI:1920475 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 118, member A
15 gene 85.06469 85.13196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2154049 Smc1b NCBI_Gene:140557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022432 MGI:2154049 protein coding gene structural maintenance of chromosomes 1B
15 pseudogene 85.11682 85.11734 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779135 Gm10923 NCBI_Gene:100502582,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078289 MGI:3779135 pseudogene predicted gene 10923
15 gene 85.13206 85.14457 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914997 Ribc2 NCBI_Gene:67747,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022431 MGI:1914997 protein coding gene RIB43A domain with coiled-coils 2
15 gene 85.14925 85.15613 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011462 Gm19277 NCBI_Gene:100502602,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115924 MGI:5011462 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19277
15 gene 85.20594 85.28654 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95487 Fbln1 NCBI_Gene:14114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006369 MGI:95487 protein coding gene fibulin 1
15 gene 85.31158 85.31418 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593496 Gm34337 NCBI_Gene:102637560 MGI:5593496 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34337
15 gene 85.33625 85.46384 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859293 Atxn10 NCBI_Gene:54138,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016541 MGI:1859293 protein coding gene ataxin 10
15 gene 85.35106 85.35125 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453294 Gm23517 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064764 MGI:5453294 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23517
15 gene 85.41799 85.41894 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925071 A930031G03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A930031G03 gene
15 gene 85.49274 85.50323 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3036279 7530416G11Rik NCBI_Gene:328577,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096607 MGI:3036279 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 7530416G11 gene
15 pseudogene 85.51081 85.51126 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647768 Gm4825 NCBI_Gene:223745,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063548 MGI:3647768 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 4825
15 gene 85.53544 85.58247 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98962 Wnt7b NCBI_Gene:22422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022382 MGI:98962 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 7B
15 gene 85.56577 85.58024 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593553 Gm34394 NCBI_Gene:102637632 MGI:5593553 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34394
15 gene 85.58025 85.59371 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146143 AU022754 NCBI_Gene:105975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097209 MGI:2146143 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AU022754
15 gene 85.62499 85.66781 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442642 D130051D11Rik NA NA lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D130051D11 gene
15 gene 85.64608 85.66768 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155241 Gm49539 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116004 MGI:6155241 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49539
15 gene 85.65362 85.70752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5568843 Lncppara NCBI_Gene:102800312,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116305 MGI:5568843 lncRNA gene long noncoding RNA near Ppara
15 gene 85.67674 85.68084 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4437731 A130088B03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A130088B03 gene
15 gene 85.70660 85.70670 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3619050 Mirlet7c-2 miRBase:MI0000560,NCBI_Gene:723966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065608 MGI:3619050 miRNA gene microRNA let7c-2
15 gene 85.70732 85.70740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676794 Mirlet7b miRBase:MI0000558,NCBI_Gene:387245,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065564 MGI:2676794 miRNA gene microRNA let7b
15 gene 85.70884 85.71335 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593781 Gm34622 NCBI_Gene:102637933 MGI:5593781 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34622
15 gene 85.72385 85.73054 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826166 Gm46529 NCBI_Gene:108168255 MGI:5826166 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46529
15 gene 85.73463 85.80685 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104740 Ppara NCBI_Gene:19013,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022383 MGI:104740 protein coding gene peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha
15 gene 85.80697 85.81170 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919605 Cdpf1 NCBI_Gene:72355,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064284 MGI:1919605 protein coding gene cysteine rich, DPF motif domain containing 1
15 gene 85.81467 85.82173 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338786 Pkdrej NCBI_Gene:18766,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052496 MGI:1338786 protein coding gene polycystin (PKD) family receptor for egg jelly
15 gene 85.83230 85.85882 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146198 Ttc38 NCBI_Gene:239570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035944 MGI:2146198 protein coding gene tetratricopeptide repeat domain 38
15 gene 85.85969 85.87657 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352755 Gtse1 NCBI_Gene:29870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022385 MGI:1352755 protein coding gene G two S phase expressed protein 1
15 gene 85.87765 85.87909 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155255 Gm49548 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116435 MGI:6155255 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49548
15 gene 85.87931 85.89739 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919276 Trmu NCBI_Gene:72026,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022386 MGI:1919276 protein coding gene tRNA 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate methyltransferase
15 gene 85.88611 85.88724 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921018 4833417J16Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833417J16 gene
15 gene 85.89876 86.03422 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100883 Celsr1 NCBI_Gene:12614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000016028 MGI:1100883 protein coding gene cadherin, EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1
15 gene 86.03425 86.04024 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593923 Gm34764 NCBI_Gene:102638127 MGI:5593923 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34764
15 gene 86.05357 86.05862 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624260 Gm41375 NCBI_Gene:105246009 MGI:5624260 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41375
15 gene 86.05769 86.13764 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676308 Gramd4 NCBI_Gene:223752,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035900 MGI:2676308 protein coding gene GRAM domain containing 4
15 gene 86.08536 86.09025 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783166 Gm15722 NCBI_Gene:105246008,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089680 MGI:3783166 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15722
15 gene 86.13910 86.18634 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2386052 Cerk NCBI_Gene:223753,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035891 MGI:2386052 protein coding gene ceramide kinase
15 gene 86.14958 86.14985 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453788 Gm24011 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088357 MGI:5453788 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24011
15 gene 86.18572 86.18722 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826526 Gm15569 NCBI_Gene:102638208,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086424 MGI:3826526 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15569
15 gene 86.21255 86.21266 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452595 Gm22818 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088071 MGI:5452595 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22818
15 gene 86.21378 86.21437 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919396 2810001A02Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2810001A02 gene
15 gene 86.21430 86.49850 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289265 Tbc1d22a NCBI_Gene:223754,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051864 MGI:1289265 protein coding gene TBC1 domain family, member 22a
15 gene 86.45335 86.47510 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925191 A930001M01Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115918 MGI:1925191 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930001M01 gene
15 gene 86.60493 86.60563 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594124 Gm34965 NCBI_Gene:102638386 MGI:5594124 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34965
15 gene 86.69241 86.70517 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594277 Gm35118 NCBI_Gene:102638589 MGI:5594277 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35118
15 gene 86.70316 86.76614 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922410 4930543I03Rik NCBI_Gene:75160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116171 MGI:1922410 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930543I03 gene
15 gene 86.70429 86.71155 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155124 Gm49464 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116040 MGI:6155124 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49464
15 pseudogene 86.72649 86.72676 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155126 Gm49465 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116303 MGI:6155126 pseudogene predicted gene, 49465
15 gene 86.90201 86.90446 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594443 Gm35284 NCBI_Gene:102638807 MGI:5594443 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35284
15 gene 86.92364 86.92408 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155127 Gm49466 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115957 MGI:6155127 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49466
15 pseudogene 86.93911 86.93950 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155129 Gm49467 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115866 MGI:6155129 pseudogene predicted gene, 49467
15 gene 86.99052 86.99131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155130 Gm49468 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116296 MGI:6155130 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49468
15 gene 87.06899 87.06909 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453193 Gm23416 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093261 MGI:5453193 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23416
15 gene 87.09753 87.10018 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155132 Gm49469 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116353 MGI:6155132 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49469
15 gene 87.13909 87.17993 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155134 Gm49470 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116229 MGI:6155134 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49470
15 gene 87.16911 87.16922 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421887 n-R5s42 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064631 MGI:4421887 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 42
15 gene 87.24355 87.25402 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925211 A930027H12Rik NCBI_Gene:77961,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115930 MGI:1925211 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930027H12 gene
15 gene 87.45402 87.46967 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594581 Gm35422 NCBI_Gene:102638997 MGI:5594581 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35422
15 gene 87.52991 87.54394 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594630 Gm35471 NCBI_Gene:102639069 MGI:5594630 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35471
15 gene 87.54430 87.75936 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146182 Tafa5 NCBI_Gene:106014,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054863 MGI:2146182 protein coding gene TAFA chemokine like family member 5
15 gene 87.79585 87.79594 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530806 Mir6393 miRBase:MI0021927,NCBI_Gene:102465209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098938 MGI:5530806 miRNA gene microRNA 6393
15 gene 87.80390 87.94504 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594758 Gm35599 NCBI_Gene:102639243 MGI:5594758 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35599
15 gene 87.81450 87.82894 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594870 Gm35711 NCBI_Gene:102639384 MGI:5594870 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35711
15 gene 87.83009 87.83524 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594811 Gm35652 NCBI_Gene:102639311 MGI:5594811 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35652
15 gene 87.83523 87.83773 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621511 Gm38626 NCBI_Gene:102642702 MGI:5621511 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38626
15 gene 87.96742 87.98852 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155138 Gm49472 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116061 MGI:6155138 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49472
15 gene 88.07113 88.07491 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594931 Gm35772 NCBI_Gene:102639465,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116350 MGI:5594931 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35772
15 gene 88.21521 88.21800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624261 Gm41376 NCBI_Gene:105246010 MGI:5624261 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41376
15 gene 88.22267 88.31718 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925415 4930445N06Rik NCBI_Gene:105246011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115880 MGI:1925415 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930445N06 gene
15 gene 88.31487 88.37265 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439409 B230214G05Rik NCBI_Gene:328579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116331 MGI:5439409 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B230214G05 gene
15 gene 88.42123 88.51442 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594990 Gm35831 NCBI_Gene:102639540 MGI:5594990 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35831
15 gene 88.60030 88.60167 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917323 Zdhhc25 NCBI_Gene:70073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054117 MGI:1917323 protein coding gene zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 25
15 gene 88.64153 88.64160 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4413981 n-TMcat4 NCBI_Gene:102467355 MGI:4413981 tRNA gene nuclear encoded tRNA methionine 4 (anticodon CAT)
15 gene 88.65646 88.66262 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595156 Gm35997 NCBI_Gene:102639763 MGI:5595156 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35997
15 gene 88.68703 88.73423 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924161 Brd1 NCBI_Gene:223770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022387 MGI:1924161 protein coding gene bromodomain containing 1
15 gene 88.73431 88.74088 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624262 Gm41377 NCBI_Gene:105246012 MGI:5624262 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41377
15 gene 88.75166 88.78452 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2682302 Zbed4 NCBI_Gene:223773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034333 MGI:2682302 protein coding gene zinc finger, BED type containing 4
15 gene 88.80524 88.81932 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385025 Alg12 NCBI_Gene:223774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035845 MGI:2385025 protein coding gene asparagine-linked glycosylation 12 (alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase)
15 gene 88.81965 88.82668 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923987 Creld2 NCBI_Gene:76737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023272 MGI:1923987 protein coding gene cysteine-rich with EGF-like domains 2
15 gene 88.83530 88.83541 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452921 Gm23144 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093831 MGI:5452921 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23144
15 gene 88.85444 88.86251 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592208 Gm33049 NCBI_Gene:102635802 MGI:5592208 protein coding gene predicted gene, 33049
15 gene 88.86219 88.86573 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1355297 Pim3 NCBI_Gene:223775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035828 MGI:1355297 protein coding gene proviral integration site 3
15 gene 88.88546 88.90404 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621528 Gm38643 NCBI_Gene:102642900 MGI:5621528 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38643
15 gene 88.88978 88.95564 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922902 Ttll8 NCBI_Gene:239591,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022388 MGI:1922902 protein coding gene tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family, member 8
15 gene 88.88978 88.89153 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5313068 Gm20621 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093394 MGI:5313068 lncRNA gene predicted gene 20621
15 gene 88.95588 88.98269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2157910 Mlc1 NCBI_Gene:170790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035805 MGI:2157910 protein coding gene megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1 homolog (human)
15 pseudogene 88.97977 88.98055 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646137 Gm8702 NCBI_Gene:667558,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115916 MGI:3646137 pseudogene predicted gene 8702
15 gene 88.98289 89.05515 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891384 Mov10l1 NCBI_Gene:83456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015365 MGI:1891384 protein coding gene Mov10 like RISC complex RNA helicase 1
15 gene 89.01922 89.01938 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453514 Gm23737 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064481 MGI:5453514 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23737
15 gene 89.05973 89.07357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1890615 Panx2 NCBI_Gene:406218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058441 MGI:1890615 protein coding gene pannexin 2
15 gene 89.07120 89.07585 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916370 1810021B22Rik NCBI_Gene:69120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087331 MGI:1916370 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1810021B22 gene
15 gene 89.07512 89.08708 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915226 Trabd NCBI_Gene:67976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015363 MGI:1915226 protein coding gene TraB domain containing
15 gene 89.07919 89.08056 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918762 9030419F21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9030419F21 gene
15 gene 89.08908 89.10034 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919007 Selenoo NCBI_Gene:223776,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035757 MGI:1919007 protein coding gene selenoprotein O
15 gene 89.09836 89.12321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146071 Tubgcp6 NCBI_Gene:328580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051786 MGI:2146071 protein coding gene tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 6
15 gene 89.12330 89.12870 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2158340 Hdac10 NCBI_Gene:170787,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062906 MGI:2158340 protein coding gene histone deacetylase 10
15 gene 89.12873 89.13314 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826167 Gm46530 NCBI_Gene:108168256 MGI:5826167 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46530
15 gene 89.13058 89.14160 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1353438 Mapk12 NCBI_Gene:29857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022610 MGI:1353438 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase 12
15 gene 89.14248 89.14963 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1338024 Mapk11 NCBI_Gene:19094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053137 MGI:1338024 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase 11
15 gene 89.15555 89.18102 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2154239 Plxnb2 NCBI_Gene:140570,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036606 MGI:2154239 protein coding gene plexin B2
15 gene 89.16285 89.16291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562743 Mir7118 miRBase:MI0022969,NCBI_Gene:102465672,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106328 MGI:5562743 miRNA gene microRNA 7118
15 gene 89.18221 89.19650 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916690 Dennd6b NCBI_Gene:69440,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000015377 MGI:1916690 protein coding gene DENN/MADD domain containing 6B
15 gene 89.18546 89.18554 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530963 Mir6958 miRBase:MI0022805,NCBI_Gene:102465578,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098663 MGI:5530963 miRNA gene microRNA 6958
15 gene 89.19615 89.19843 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3697819 5730424H11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5730424H11 gene
15 gene 89.21152 89.28701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918724 Ppp6r2 NCBI_Gene:71474,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036561 MGI:1918724 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 6, regulatory subunit 2
15 gene 89.21156 89.21501 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477292 Gm26798 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097578 MGI:5477292 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26798
15 gene 89.28824 89.31531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925230 Sbf1 NCBI_Gene:77980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036529 MGI:1925230 protein coding gene SET binding factor 1
15 gene 89.30566 89.30573 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531189 Mir6959 miRBase:MI0022806,NCBI_Gene:102465981,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098442 MGI:5531189 miRNA gene microRNA 6959
15 gene 89.32272 89.32473 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2675256 Adm2 NCBI_Gene:223780,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054136 MGI:2675256 protein coding gene adrenomedullin 2
15 gene 89.33440 89.33701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891725 Miox NCBI_Gene:56727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022613 MGI:1891725 protein coding gene myo-inositol oxygenase
15 gene 89.35100 89.35566 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146015 Lmf2 NCBI_Gene:105847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022614 MGI:2146015 protein coding gene lipase maturation factor 2
15 gene 89.35572 89.37285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1289164 Ncaph2 NCBI_Gene:52683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008690 MGI:1289164 protein coding gene non-SMC condensin II complex, subunit H2
15 gene 89.37164 89.37385 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3818630 Sco2 NCBI_Gene:100126824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091780 MGI:3818630 protein coding gene SCO2 cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein
15 gene 89.37193 89.37704 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920212 Tymp NCBI_Gene:72962,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022615 MGI:1920212 protein coding gene thymidine phosphorylase
15 gene 89.37363 89.37572 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921890 4930423K06Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930423K06 gene
15 gene 89.37745 89.37968 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917363 Odf3b NCBI_Gene:70113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047394 MGI:1917363 protein coding gene outer dense fiber of sperm tails 3B
15 gene 89.38492 89.38887 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648212 Klhdc7b NCBI_Gene:546648,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091680 MGI:3648212 protein coding gene kelch domain containing 7B
15 gene 89.39017 89.41050 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922709 Syce3 NCBI_Gene:75459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078938 MGI:1922709 protein coding gene synaptonemal complex central element protein 3
15 gene 89.41640 89.42586 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098297 Cpt1b NCBI_Gene:12895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078937 MGI:1098297 protein coding gene carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1b, muscle
15 gene 89.41640 89.42993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3846135 Gm44502 NCBI_Gene:100134861,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116461 MGI:3846135 lncRNA gene predicted readthrough transcript (NMD candidate), 44502
15 gene 89.42635 89.42993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1328313 Chkb NCBI_Gene:12651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022617 MGI:1328313 protein coding gene choline kinase beta
15 gene 89.42959 89.44688 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2441921 C730034F03Rik NCBI_Gene:105246016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000079242 MGI:2441921 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C730034F03 gene
15 gene 89.45391 89.46447 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926555 Mapk8ip2 NCBI_Gene:60597,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022619 MGI:1926555 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 2
15 gene 89.47248 89.47742 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88077 Arsa NCBI_Gene:11883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022620 MGI:88077 protein coding gene arylsulfatase A
15 gene 89.47624 89.48485 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3697701 C230037L18Rik NCBI_Gene:100532730,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084915 MGI:3697701 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C230037L18 gene
15 gene 89.49772 89.49947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624266 Gm41381 NCBI_Gene:105246017,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118456 MGI:5624266 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41381
15 gene 89.49962 89.56026 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930016 Shank3 NCBI_Gene:58234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022623 MGI:1930016 protein coding gene SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 3
15 gene 89.50994 89.52380 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3783055 Gm15609 NCBI_Gene:105246018,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086602 MGI:3783055 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15609
15 gene 89.56300 89.56641 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5608993 A230095H09Rik NA NA unclassified gene Riken cDNA A230095H09 gene
15 gene 89.56717 89.56821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595380 Gm36221 NCBI_Gene:102640064 MGI:5595380 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36221
15 gene 89.56756 89.57885 positive MGI_C57BL6J_87884 Acr NCBI_Gene:11434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022622 MGI:87884 protein coding gene acrosin prepropeptide
15 gene 89.58253 89.59193 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915958 Rabl2 NCBI_Gene:68708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022621 MGI:1915958 protein coding gene RAB, member RAS oncogene family-like 2
15 pseudogene 89.73596 89.73652 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010661 Gm18476 NCBI_Gene:100417239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116149 MGI:5010661 pseudogene predicted gene, 18476
15 gene 89.76749 89.76889 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011563 Gm19378 NCBI_Gene:102640133 MGI:5011563 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19378
15 gene 89.77371 89.84198 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859546 Syt10 NCBI_Gene:54526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063260 MGI:1859546 protein coding gene synaptotagmin X
15 gene 89.88895 89.88905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454420 Gm24643 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096784 MGI:5454420 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24643
15 gene 90.04502 90.07530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595489 Gm36330 NCBI_Gene:102640207,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116231 MGI:5595489 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36330
15 gene 90.05441 90.05451 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454192 Gm24415 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095422 MGI:5454192 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24415
15 gene 90.22431 90.23347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146159 Alg10b NCBI_Gene:380959,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075470 MGI:2146159 protein coding gene asparagine-linked glycosylation 10B (alpha-1,2-glucosyltransferase)
15 gene 90.22436 90.22441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531118 Mir7648 miRBase:MI0024986,NCBI_Gene:102466838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099319 MGI:5531118 miRNA gene microRNA 7648
15 gene 90.34592 90.34683 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918327 4933423N12Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4933423N12 gene
15 gene 90.35371 90.36844 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595639 Gm36480 NCBI_Gene:102640415,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116204 MGI:5595639 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36480
15 gene 90.40387 90.40445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642029 Gm10839 NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene 10839
15 pseudogene 90.45170 90.45255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010557 Gm18372 NCBI_Gene:100417029 MGI:5010557 pseudogene predicted gene, 18372
15 gene 90.48748 90.68080 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914121 Cpne8 NCBI_Gene:66871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052560 MGI:1914121 protein coding gene copine VIII
15 pseudogene 90.56122 90.56192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645488 Gm6746 NCBI_Gene:627342,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078847 MGI:3645488 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 6746
15 pseudogene 90.70237 90.70256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155245 Gm49541 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116404 MGI:6155245 pseudogene predicted gene, 49541
15 pseudogene 90.72364 90.72400 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782033 Gm3861 NCBI_Gene:100042471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116136 MGI:3782033 pseudogene predicted gene 3861
15 pseudogene 90.76425 90.76474 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647726 Rpl31-ps8 NCBI_Gene:667682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067870 MGI:3647726 pseudogene ribosomal protein L31, pseudogene 8
15 pseudogene 90.88251 90.88392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1861432 Tcea1-ps1 NCBI_Gene:56645,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067869 MGI:1861432 pseudogene transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1, pseudogene 1
15 pseudogene 90.89140 90.89902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104964 Spn-ps NCBI_Gene:20738,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116210 MGI:104964 pseudogene sialophorin, pseudogene
15 gene 90.89976 90.92278 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595777 Gm36618 NCBI_Gene:102640590,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116428 MGI:5595777 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36618
15 gene 90.93327 91.05021 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109188 Kif21a NCBI_Gene:16564,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022629 MGI:109188 protein coding gene kinesin family member 21A
15 pseudogene 90.95800 90.95867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155252 Gm49545 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116113 MGI:6155252 pseudogene predicted gene, 49545
15 gene 91.05072 91.05105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595869 Gm36710 NCBI_Gene:102640706 MGI:5595869 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36710
15 pseudogene 91.07416 91.07538 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010999 Gm18814 NCBI_Gene:100417770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115952 MGI:5010999 pseudogene predicted gene, 18814
15 pseudogene 91.12873 91.12992 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647878 Gm7167 NCBI_Gene:635871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116424 MGI:3647878 pseudogene predicted gene 7167
15 gene 91.14567 91.19250 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349467 Abcd2 NCBI_Gene:26874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055782 MGI:1349467 protein coding gene ATP-binding cassette, sub-family D (ALD), member 2
15 gene 91.19915 91.26113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3613655 CN725425 NCBI_Gene:545126,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078932 MGI:3613655 protein coding gene cDNA sequence CN725425
15 gene 91.26769 91.57326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146030 Slc2a13 NCBI_Gene:239606,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036298 MGI:2146030 protein coding gene solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 13
15 gene 91.31528 91.31699 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442029 E330019L11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA E330019L11 gene
15 pseudogene 91.53092 91.53237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3707454 Gm15383 NCBI_Gene:100416388,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084240 MGI:3707454 pseudogene predicted gene 15383
15 pseudogene 91.55676 91.55792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3707455 Gm15381 NCBI_Gene:100417384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081771 MGI:3707455 pseudogene predicted gene 15381
15 gene 91.55967 91.55978 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454424 Gm24647 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087737 MGI:5454424 rRNA gene predicted gene, 24647
15 gene 91.59758 91.60468 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918493 4933438A12Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086160 MGI:1918493 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933438A12 gene
15 gene 91.61715 91.61744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455166 Gm25389 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087965 MGI:5455166 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25389
15 gene 91.67281 91.81612 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913975 Lrrk2 NCBI_Gene:66725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036273 MGI:1913975 protein coding gene leucine-rich repeat kinase 2
15 pseudogene 91.82269 91.82322 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705661 Gm15382 NCBI_Gene:100416730,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083083 MGI:3705661 pseudogene predicted gene 15382
15 gene 91.83827 91.86144 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1859618 Smgc NCBI_Gene:223809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047295 MGI:1859618 protein coding gene submandibular gland protein C
15 gene 91.83833 91.93456 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2676278 Muc19 NCBI_Gene:239611,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044021 MGI:2676278 protein coding gene mucin 19
15 pseudogene 91.96070 91.96352 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011164 Gm18979 NCBI_Gene:100418065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116212 MGI:5011164 pseudogene predicted gene, 18979
15 pseudogene 92.02636 92.02761 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782061 Gm3888 NCBI_Gene:100042529,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116093 MGI:3782061 pseudogene predicted gene 3888
15 gene 92.05116 92.34197 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105980 Cntn1 NCBI_Gene:12805,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055022 MGI:105980 protein coding gene contactin 1
15 gene 92.17046 92.20108 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596060 Gm36901 NCBI_Gene:102640961 MGI:5596060 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36901
15 gene 92.17318 92.17737 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444972 C230079E05Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C230079E05 gene
15 gene 92.34377 92.37810 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477254 Gm26760 NCBI_Gene:105246020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097068 MGI:5477254 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26760
15 gene 92.35047 92.35116 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920267 2900072G19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2900072G19 gene
15 gene 92.39681 92.77182 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3056996 Pdzrn4 NCBI_Gene:239618,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036218 MGI:3056996 protein coding gene PDZ domain containing RING finger 4
15 gene 92.52048 92.52396 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146248 AW742948 NA NA unclassified gene expressed sequence AW742948
15 gene 92.70289 92.70596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914990 4930588J15Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115858 MGI:1914990 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930588J15 gene
15 gene 92.93389 92.95017 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155050 Gm49418 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116309 MGI:6155050 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49418
15 pseudogene 92.96882 92.97030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011000 Gm18815 NCBI_Gene:100417771,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116242 MGI:5011000 pseudogene predicted gene, 18815
15 gene 93.00149 93.07751 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589244 Gm30085 NCBI_Gene:102631859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109770 MGI:5589244 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30085
15 pseudogene 93.08923 93.08992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010870 Gm18685 NCBI_Gene:100417553,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115921 MGI:5010870 pseudogene predicted gene, 18685
15 gene 93.13491 93.13759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155053 Gm49420 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116124 MGI:6155053 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49420
15 gene 93.16523 93.20487 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621420 Gm38535 NCBI_Gene:102641118 MGI:5621420 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38535
15 pseudogene 93.19658 93.19780 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782519 Gm4335 NCBI_Gene:100043283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097989 MGI:3782519 pseudogene predicted gene 4335
15 gene 93.23436 93.23470 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454224 Gm24447 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065911 MGI:5454224 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24447
15 gene 93.23973 93.27534 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684933 Gxylt1 NCBI_Gene:223827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036197 MGI:2684933 protein coding gene glucoside xylosyltransferase 1
15 gene 93.28383 93.33693 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914307 Yaf2 NCBI_Gene:67057,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022634 MGI:1914307 protein coding gene YY1 associated factor 2
15 gene 93.28790 93.29170 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444217 D030074K08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D030074K08 gene
15 gene 93.34468 93.34479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456148 Gm26371 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088454 MGI:5456148 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26371
15 gene 93.38610 93.39833 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914447 Zcrb1 NCBI_Gene:67197,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022635 MGI:1914447 protein coding gene zinc finger CCHC-type and RNA binding motif 1
15 gene 93.39729 93.49191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917029 Pphln1 NCBI_Gene:223828,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036167 MGI:1917029 protein coding gene periphilin 1
15 pseudogene 93.41266 93.41356 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589340 Gm30181 NCBI_Gene:102631998 MGI:5589340 pseudogene predicted gene, 30181
15 gene 93.49911 93.59627 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916034 Prickle1 NCBI_Gene:106042,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036158 MGI:1916034 protein coding gene prickle planar cell polarity protein 1
15 gene 93.61171 93.63009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624270 Gm41385 NCBI_Gene:105246023 MGI:5624270 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41385
15 gene 93.66017 93.69865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624272 Gm41387 NCBI_Gene:105246025 MGI:5624272 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41387
15 pseudogene 93.67860 93.68003 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1334259 Zfp42-ps1 NCBI_Gene:22703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115993 MGI:1334259 pseudogene zinc finger protein 48, pseudogene 1
15 gene 93.69742 93.71277 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624271 Gm41386 NCBI_Gene:105246024,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116190 MGI:5624271 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41386
15 gene 93.70612 93.74185 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589498 Gm30339 NCBI_Gene:102632199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116237 MGI:5589498 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30339
15 gene 93.82504 93.84674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155092 Gm49445 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116493 MGI:6155092 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49445
15 gene 93.90486 93.92711 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924498 9430014N10Rik NCBI_Gene:77248,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116360 MGI:1924498 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9430014N10 gene
15 gene 93.95672 93.96471 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589723 Gm30564 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115965 MGI:5589723 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30564
15 gene 93.96307 93.96562 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589768 Gm30609 NCBI_Gene:102632571 MGI:5589768 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30609
15 gene 94.08127 94.10808 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589824 Gm30665 NCBI_Gene:102632643 MGI:5589824 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30665
15 gene 94.13224 94.13827 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624273 Gm41388 NCBI_Gene:105246026 MGI:5624273 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41388
15 gene 94.24720 94.25561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685657 D630010B17Rik NCBI_Gene:328594 MGI:2685657 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D630010B17 gene
15 gene 94.26831 94.46542 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2660628 Adamts20 NCBI_Gene:223838,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022449 MGI:2660628 protein coding gene a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 20
15 gene 94.52264 94.54356 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1926145 Pus7l NCBI_Gene:78895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033356 MGI:1926145 protein coding gene pseudouridylate synthase 7-like
15 gene 94.54361 94.58182 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2182474 Irak4 NCBI_Gene:266632,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059883 MGI:2182474 protein coding gene interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4
15 gene 94.57795 94.58989 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100520 Twf1 NCBI_Gene:19230,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022451 MGI:1100520 protein coding gene twinfilin actin binding protein 1
15 gene 94.59552 94.59949 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589913 Gm30754 NCBI_Gene:102632766 MGI:5589913 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30754
15 gene 94.62919 95.09610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444580 Tmem117 NCBI_Gene:320709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063296 MGI:2444580 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 117
15 gene 94.68125 94.68139 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455323 Gm25546 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095169 MGI:5455323 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25546
15 gene 94.88918 94.89137 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590166 Gm31007 NCBI_Gene:102633097 MGI:5590166 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31007
15 gene 94.98701 94.98714 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452906 Gm23129 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077447 MGI:5452906 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23129
15 gene 95.01605 95.04301 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590112 Gm30953 NCBI_Gene:102633029 MGI:5590112 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30953
15 gene 95.06598 95.07733 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589969 Gm30810 NCBI_Gene:102632845 MGI:5589969 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30810
15 gene 95.07523 95.52876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858510 Nell2 NCBI_Gene:54003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022454 MGI:1858510 protein coding gene NEL-like 2
15 gene 95.09754 95.16239 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920877 1700129L04Rik NCBI_Gene:100043315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100603 MGI:1920877 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700129L04 gene
15 gene 95.17670 95.20377 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590234 Gm31075 NCBI_Gene:102633185 MGI:5590234 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31075
15 gene 95.46540 95.46845 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590529 Gm31370 NCBI_Gene:102633579 MGI:5590529 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31370
15 gene 95.59551 95.59937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590710 Gm31551 NCBI_Gene:102633819 MGI:5590710 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31551
15 gene 95.60656 95.60667 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454445 Gm24668 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089560 MGI:5454445 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24668
15 gene 95.62356 95.65596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107445 Dbx2 NCBI_Gene:223843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045608 MGI:107445 protein coding gene developing brain homeobox 2
15 gene 95.65457 95.66924 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590849 Gm31690 NCBI_Gene:102634000 MGI:5590849 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31690
15 pseudogene 95.71506 95.71664 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647571 Gm8843 NCBI_Gene:667849,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116058 MGI:3647571 pseudogene predicted gene 8843
15 gene 95.73641 95.75373 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118599 Gm49169 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115569 MGI:6118599 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49169
15 gene 95.74725 95.75159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644546 Gm6961 NCBI_Gene:629300,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115699 MGI:3644546 lncRNA gene predicted gene 6961
15 pseudogene 95.77572 95.77645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647326 Gm8849 NCBI_Gene:667864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043329 MGI:3647326 pseudogene predicted gene 8849
15 gene 95.78786 95.80598 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642574 A130051J06Rik NCBI_Gene:791370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097643 MGI:3642574 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A130051J0 gene
15 gene 95.79084 95.97547 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145890 Ano6 NCBI_Gene:105722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064210 MGI:2145890 protein coding gene anoctamin 6
15 gene 95.80203 95.80440 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118606 Gm49173 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115522 MGI:6118606 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49173
15 gene 95.82446 95.83007 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4937180 Gm17546 NCBI_Gene:102634389,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078648 MGI:4937180 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 17546
15 gene 95.87972 95.87982 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454847 Gm25070 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092978 MGI:5454847 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25070
15 gene 95.89766 95.90763 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624274 Gm41389 NCBI_Gene:105246027 MGI:5624274 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41389
15 gene 95.95104 95.95237 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920436 3110045A19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3110045A19 gene
15 gene 95.97274 95.99413 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6118604 Gm49172 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115049 MGI:6118604 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49172
15 gene 96.05160 96.07955 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028082 D030018L15Rik NCBI_Gene:402773,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078925 MGI:3028082 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA D030018L15 gene
15 pseudogene 96.07296 96.07610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624275 Gm41390 NCBI_Gene:105246028 MGI:5624275 pseudogene predicted gene, 41390
15 gene 96.13482 96.28450 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917290 2610037D02Rik NCBI_Gene:70040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097536 MGI:1917290 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2610037D02 gene
15 gene 96.13482 96.28740 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621354 Gm38469 NCBI_Gene:102634841 MGI:5621354 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38469
15 pseudogene 96.18280 96.20347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782556 Gm4371 NCBI_Gene:100043335 MGI:3782556 pseudogene predicted gene 4371
15 gene 96.23187 96.25468 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923018 4833422M21Rik NCBI_Gene:75768,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097619 MGI:1923018 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4833422M21 gene
15 pseudogene 96.24732 96.24792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644827 Gm8866 NCBI_Gene:667894 MGI:3644827 pseudogene predicted gene 8866
15 gene 96.26856 96.27527 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442603 E330033B04Rik NCBI_Gene:319722 MGI:2442603 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA E330033B04 gene
15 gene 96.28752 96.40546 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924294 Arid2 NCBI_Gene:77044,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033237 MGI:1924294 protein coding gene AT rich interactive domain 2 (ARID, RFX-like)
15 gene 96.40486 96.40495 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455174 Gm25397 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093529 MGI:5455174 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25397
15 gene 96.41170 96.46085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919443 Scaf11 NCBI_Gene:72193,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033228 MGI:1919443 protein coding gene SR-related CTD-associated factor 11
15 gene 96.46119 96.46362 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624293 Gm41408 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene%2c 41408
15 gene 96.49447 96.49889 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624277 Gm41392 NCBI_Gene:105246030,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116160,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116253 MGI:5624277 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41392
15 gene 96.50730 96.51839 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591565 Gm32406 NCBI_Gene:102634946 MGI:5591565 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32406
15 gene 96.57142 96.64291 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2145895 Slc38a1 NCBI_Gene:105727,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023169 MGI:2145895 protein coding gene solute carrier family 38, member 1
15 gene 96.57997 96.58176 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591616 Gm32457 NCBI_Gene:102635015 MGI:5591616 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32457
15 pseudogene 96.64884 96.64941 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826140 Gm46503 NCBI_Gene:108168224 MGI:5826140 pseudogene predicted gene, 46503
15 gene 96.67179 96.67190 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451822 Gm22045 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064928 MGI:5451822 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22045
15 gene 96.68739 96.69973 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915010 Slc38a2 NCBI_Gene:67760,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022462 MGI:1915010 protein coding gene solute carrier family 38, member 2
15 gene 96.70017 96.70064 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611372 Gm38144 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102385 MGI:5611372 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38144
15 pseudogene 96.76677 96.76708 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646062 Gm8888 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095638 MGI:3646062 pseudogene predicted gene 8888
15 gene 96.81871 96.83342 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591723 Gm32564 NCBI_Gene:102635155 MGI:5591723 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32564
15 gene 96.83855 96.84395 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591836 Gm32677 NCBI_Gene:102635302 MGI:5591836 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32677
15 pseudogene 96.92272 96.92344 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645006 Rpl10a-ps3 NCBI_Gene:546651,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116202 MGI:3645006 pseudogene ribosomal protein L10A, pseudogene 3
15 gene 96.99482 97.05596 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916604 Slc38a4 NCBI_Gene:69354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022464 MGI:1916604 protein coding gene solute carrier family 38, member 4
15 gene 97.03924 97.10690 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591999 Gm32840 NCBI_Gene:102635530 MGI:5591999 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32840
15 gene 97.06719 97.06932 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591948 Gm32789 NCBI_Gene:102635456 MGI:5591948 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32789
15 gene 97.10252 97.10751 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591892 Gm32733 NCBI_Gene:102635376 MGI:5591892 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32733
15 gene 97.15703 97.16728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592044 Gm32885 NCBI_Gene:102635594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116295 MGI:5592044 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32885
15 gene 97.16209 97.17390 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592308 Gm33149 NCBI_Gene:102635940 MGI:5592308 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33149
15 gene 97.18301 97.19133 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592412 Gm33253 NCBI_Gene:102636081 MGI:5592412 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33253
15 gene 97.18742 97.20377 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592364 Gm33205 NCBI_Gene:102636012 MGI:5592364 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33205
15 gene 97.24407 97.24729 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2145995 Amigo2 NCBI_Gene:105827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048218 MGI:2145995 protein coding gene adhesion molecule with Ig like domain 2
15 gene 97.24708 97.38569 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2446270 Pced1b NCBI_Gene:239647,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044250 MGI:2446270 protein coding gene PC-esterase domain containing 1B
15 pseudogene 97.30235 97.30297 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782568 Gm4383 NCBI_Gene:100043354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116291 MGI:3782568 pseudogene predicted gene 4383
15 gene 97.33817 97.35745 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592484 Gm33325 NCBI_Gene:102636188 MGI:5592484 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33325
15 gene 97.39395 97.40696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624278 Gm41393 NCBI_Gene:105246031 MGI:5624278 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41393
15 gene 97.42389 97.42561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923326 5830453K13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5830453K13 gene
15 pseudogene 97.55779 97.55829 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155195 Gm49506 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116131 MGI:6155195 pseudogene predicted gene, 49506
15 gene 97.61121 97.61815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624279 Gm41394 NCBI_Gene:105246032 MGI:5624279 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41394
15 gene 97.67510 97.70583 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1277218 Rpap3 NCBI_Gene:71919,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022466 MGI:1277218 protein coding gene RNA polymerase II associated protein 3
15 gene 97.71102 97.73140 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97746 Endou NCBI_Gene:19011,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022468 MGI:97746 protein coding gene endonuclease, polyU-specific
15 gene 97.73916 97.74589 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592690 Gm33531 NCBI_Gene:102636474 MGI:5592690 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33531
15 gene 97.74477 97.76838 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441741 Rapgef3 NCBI_Gene:223864,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022469 MGI:2441741 protein coding gene Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3
15 gene 97.74986 97.75115 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642479 Gm10835 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 10835
15 gene 97.76041 97.76696 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826580 Rapgef3os1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086601 MGI:3826580 antisense lncRNA gene Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3, opposite strand 1
15 gene 97.76655 97.76884 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826581 Rapgef3os2 NCBI_Gene:102636367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087397 MGI:3826581 antisense lncRNA gene Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 3, opposite strand 2
15 gene 97.76996 97.77577 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826172 Gm46535 NCBI_Gene:108168262 MGI:5826172 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46535
15 gene 97.77852 97.79269 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914989 Slc48a1 NCBI_Gene:67739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081534 MGI:1914989 protein coding gene solute carrier family 48 (heme transporter), member 1
15 gene 97.79266 97.84450 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891835 Hdac7 NCBI_Gene:56233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022475 MGI:1891835 protein coding gene histone deacetylase 7
15 gene 97.83124 97.84239 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592795 Gm33636 NCBI_Gene:102636625 MGI:5592795 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33636
15 gene 97.84747 97.87285 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592849 Gm33690 NCBI_Gene:102636689 MGI:5592849 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33690
15 gene 97.85443 97.91063 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103076 Vdr NCBI_Gene:22337,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022479 MGI:103076 protein coding gene vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor
15 gene 97.93528 97.93560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5451979 Gm22202 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089233 MGI:5451979 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22202
15 gene 97.96420 97.97029 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1196384 Tmem106c NCBI_Gene:380967,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052369 MGI:1196384 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 106C
15 gene 97.97560 98.00472 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88452 Col2a1 NCBI_Gene:12824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022483 MGI:88452 protein coding gene collagen, type II, alpha 1
15 gene 97.99615 97.99767 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826173 Gm46536 NCBI_Gene:108168263 MGI:5826173 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46536
15 gene 98.02922 98.03685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624280 Gm41395 NCBI_Gene:105246033 MGI:5624280 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41395
15 gene 98.03874 98.09397 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2445054 Senp1 NCBI_Gene:223870,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033075 MGI:2445054 protein coding gene SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 1
15 gene 98.06975 98.06988 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455445 Gm25668 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088325 MGI:5455445 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25668
15 gene 98.09259 98.13245 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97548 Pfkm NCBI_Gene:18642,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033065 MGI:97548 protein coding gene phosphofructokinase, muscle
15 gene 98.09310 98.09577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477007 Gm26513 NCBI_Gene:108168225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097150 MGI:5477007 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26513
15 gene 98.13464 98.16563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925791 Asb8 NCBI_Gene:78541,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048175 MGI:1925791 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 8
15 gene 98.16716 98.17013 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146066 Ccdc184 NCBI_Gene:239650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000029875 MGI:2146066 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 184
15 gene 98.18048 98.19536 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593068 Gm33909 NCBI_Gene:102636991 MGI:5593068 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33909
15 gene 98.18601 98.19554 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030122 Olfr288 NCBI_Gene:545140,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075427 MGI:3030122 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 288
15 gene 98.18602 98.22098 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5753155 Gm44579 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108748 MGI:5753155 protein coding gene predicted gene 44579
15 gene 98.20697 98.22106 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030121 Olfr287 NCBI_Gene:634104,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090129 MGI:3030121 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 287
15 gene 98.22431 98.23445 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030120 Olfr286 NCBI_Gene:629524,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059460 MGI:3030120 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 286
15 gene 98.25598 98.25731 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917319 H1f7 NCBI_Gene:70069,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048077 MGI:1917319 protein coding gene H1.7 linker histone
15 gene 98.26559 98.28621 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593126 Gm33967 NCBI_Gene:102637062 MGI:5593126 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33967
15 gene 98.28558 98.29651 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442788 Zfp641 NCBI_Gene:239652,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022987 MGI:2442788 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 641
15 gene 98.30920 98.31735 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030119 Olfr285 NCBI_Gene:257943,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062037 MGI:3030119 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 285
15 gene 98.34002 98.34099 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030118 Olfr284 NCBI_Gene:258278,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051793 MGI:3030118 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 284
15 gene 98.37770 98.38095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3030117 Olfr283 NCBI_Gene:259038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056184 MGI:3030117 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 283
15 pseudogene 98.38401 98.38427 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155090 Gm49443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116514 MGI:6155090 pseudogene predicted gene, 49443
15 pseudogene 98.39842 98.41627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920552 1700031M16Rik NCBI_Gene:73302,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099353 MGI:1920552 pseudogene RIKEN cDNA 1700031M16 gene
15 pseudogene 98.41995 98.42116 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434377 Gm21022 NCBI_Gene:100534306 MGI:5434377 pseudogene predicted gene, 21022
15 gene 98.43122 98.43864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030116 Olfr282 NCBI_Gene:258449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063780 MGI:3030116 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 282
15 pseudogene 98.45036 98.45085 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779644 Gm6979 NCBI_Gene:629549,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115964 MGI:3779644 pseudogene predicted gene 6979
15 gene 98.45259 98.46040 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030115 Olfr281 NCBI_Gene:258277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032987 MGI:3030115 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 281
15 pseudogene 98.47142 98.47189 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030074 Olfr240-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404356 MGI:3030074 pseudogene olfactory receptor 240, pseudogene 1
15 pseudogene 98.47519 98.47548 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030114 Olfr280-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404373 MGI:3030114 pseudogene olfactory receptor 280, pseudogene 1
15 gene 98.48040 98.48293 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96742 Lalba NCBI_Gene:16770,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022991 MGI:96742 protein coding gene lactalbumin, alpha
15 gene 98.49240 98.50264 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030113 Olfr279 NCBI_Gene:258502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054036 MGI:3030113 protein coding gene olfactory receptor 279
15 pseudogene 98.49920 98.49964 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3030112 Olfr278-ps1 NCBI_Gene:404371,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108805 MGI:3030112 pseudogene olfactory receptor 278, pseudogene 1
15 gene 98.51766 98.53477 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916862 Kansl2 NCBI_Gene:69612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022992 MGI:1916862 protein coding gene KAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 2
15 gene 98.51972 98.51985 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819502 Snora34 NCBI_Gene:100217417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065336 MGI:3819502 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 34
15 gene 98.51976 98.51988 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5562744 Mir1291 miRBase:MI0026023,NCBI_Gene:102466255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106463 MGI:5562744 miRNA gene microRNA 1291
15 gene 98.52635 98.52648 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3819497 Snora2b NCBI_Gene:100217416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065939 MGI:3819497 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 2B
15 gene 98.53400 98.53475 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916485 2610028H08Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2610028H08 gene
15 gene 98.53869 98.57092 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1328363 Ccnt1 NCBI_Gene:12455,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000011960 MGI:1328363 protein coding gene cyclin T1
15 gene 98.56732 98.57086 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704457 9330020H09Rik NCBI_Gene:100048895,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091050 MGI:3704457 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330020H09 gene
15 gene 98.57100 98.58959 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921113 4930415O20Rik NCBI_Gene:73863,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022993 MGI:1921113 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 4930415O20 gene
15 gene 98.58997 98.61014 negative MGI_C57BL6J_87917 Adcy6 NCBI_Gene:11512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022994 MGI:87917 protein coding gene adenylate cyclase 6
15 gene 98.58999 98.59109 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5580037 Gm29331 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100220 MGI:5580037 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29331
15 gene 98.62843 98.64454 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103307 Cacnb3 NCBI_Gene:12297,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003352 MGI:103307 protein coding gene calcium channel, voltage-dependent, beta 3 subunit
15 gene 98.64513 98.66293 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921601 Ddx23 NCBI_Gene:74351,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003360 MGI:1921601 protein coding gene DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 23
15 gene 98.66342 98.67746 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444878 Rnd1 NCBI_Gene:223881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054855 MGI:2444878 protein coding gene Rho family GTPase 1
15 gene 98.69045 98.69640 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593311 Gm34152 NCBI_Gene:102637307,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116482 MGI:5593311 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34152
15 gene 98.70821 98.72334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146001 Ccdc65 NCBI_Gene:105833,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003354 MGI:2146001 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 65
15 gene 98.72437 98.72820 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913370 Fkbp11 NCBI_Gene:66120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003355 MGI:1913370 protein coding gene FK506 binding protein 11
15 gene 98.73663 98.76321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99432 Arf3 NCBI_Gene:11842,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051853 MGI:99432 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor 3
15 gene 98.76014 98.76205 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923311 5830427D03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5830427D03 gene
15 gene 98.77071 98.77821 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108061 Wnt10b NCBI_Gene:22410,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022996 MGI:108061 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 10B
15 gene 98.78986 98.79384 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98953 Wnt1 NCBI_Gene:22408,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022997 MGI:98953 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 1
15 gene 98.80378 98.80949 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108101 Ddn NCBI_Gene:13199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059213 MGI:108101 protein coding gene dendrin
15 gene 98.80702 98.81608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704458 B130046B21Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097414 MGI:3704458 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B130046B21 gene
15 gene 98.81280 98.83152 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108411 Prkag1 NCBI_Gene:19082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067713 MGI:108411 protein coding gene protein kinase, AMP-activated, gamma 1 non-catalytic subunit
15 gene 98.83167 98.87124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2682319 Kmt2d NCBI_Gene:381022,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048154 MGI:2682319 protein coding gene lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2D
15 gene 98.87233 98.87261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155079 Gm49437 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115980 MGI:6155079 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49437
15 gene 98.87264 98.87408 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917774 5730414N17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116506 MGI:1917774 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5730414N17 gene
15 gene 98.87776 98.89454 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916409 Rhebl1 NCBI_Gene:69159,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023755 MGI:1916409 protein coding gene Ras homolog enriched in brain like 1
15 gene 98.88162 98.89857 negative MGI_C57BL6J_94891 Dhh NCBI_Gene:13363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023000 MGI:94891 protein coding gene desert hedgehog
15 gene 98.89335 98.89517 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155088 Gm49442 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116033 MGI:6155088 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49442
15 gene 98.90391 98.91825 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1289247 Lmbr1l NCBI_Gene:74775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022999 MGI:1289247 protein coding gene limb region 1 like
15 gene 98.91797 98.94253 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624281 Gm41396 NCBI_Gene:105246035,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116223 MGI:5624281 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41396
15 gene 98.93143 98.93457 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107804 Tuba1b NCBI_Gene:22143,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023004 MGI:107804 protein coding gene tubulin, alpha 1B
15 gene 98.93214 98.95355 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155101 Gm49450 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116358 MGI:6155101 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49450
15 gene 98.94255 98.94366 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155099 Gm49449 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116494 MGI:6155099 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49449
15 gene 98.94984 98.95370 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98869 Tuba1a NCBI_Gene:22142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000072235 MGI:98869 protein coding gene tubulin, alpha 1A
15 gene 98.95407 98.97940 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444254 B430209F14Rik NCBI_Gene:105246034 MGI:2444254 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA B430209F14 gene
15 gene 98.98335 98.99645 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923201 4930578M01Rik NCBI_Gene:75951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097587 MGI:1923201 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930578M01 gene
15 pseudogene 99.00604 99.00638 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648534 Gm8973 NCBI_Gene:668092,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064081 MGI:3648534 pseudogene predicted gene 8973
15 gene 99.01537 99.02441 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624283 Gm41398 NCBI_Gene:105246037 MGI:5624283 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41398
15 gene 99.02989 99.03811 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1095409 Tuba1c NCBI_Gene:22146,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043091 MGI:1095409 protein coding gene tubulin, alpha 1C
15 gene 99.04124 99.05116 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624284 Gm41399 NCBI_Gene:105246038 MGI:5624284 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41399
15 gene 99.05357 99.05898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97774 Prph NCBI_Gene:19132,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023484 MGI:97774 protein coding gene peripherin
15 gene 99.06814 99.07467 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593443 Gm34284 NCBI_Gene:102637490,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116371 MGI:5593443 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34284
15 gene 99.07457 99.08341 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925983 Troap NCBI_Gene:78733,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032783 MGI:1925983 protein coding gene trophinin associated protein
15 gene 99.08080 99.08087 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531002 Mir6960 miRBase:MI0022807,NCBI_Gene:102465579,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098698 MGI:5531002 miRNA gene microRNA 6960
15 gene 99.08409 99.09069 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3579909 C1ql4 NCBI_Gene:239659,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001076 MGI:3579909 protein coding gene complement component 1, q subcomponent-like 4
15 gene 99.09317 99.10474 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920028 Dnajc22 NCBI_Gene:72778,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038009 MGI:1920028 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C22
15 gene 99.12592 99.21322 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919822 Spats2 NCBI_Gene:72572,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051934 MGI:1919822 protein coding gene spermatogenesis associated, serine-rich 2
15 gene 99.13307 99.13317 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454960 Gm25183 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088377 MGI:5454960 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25183
15 pseudogene 99.13562 99.13617 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826174 Gm46537 NCBI_Gene:108168264 MGI:5826174 pseudogene predicted gene, 46537
15 gene 99.17485 99.17494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454834 Gm25057 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087991 MGI:5454834 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 25057
15 gene 99.21332 99.22533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826175 Gm46538 NCBI_Gene:108168265 MGI:5826175 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46538
15 gene 99.22436 99.24283 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341723 Kcnh3 NCBI_Gene:16512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037579 MGI:1341723 protein coding gene potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 3
15 gene 99.24282 99.25196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1858420 Mcrs1 NCBI_Gene:51812,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037570 MGI:1858420 protein coding gene microspherule protein 1
15 gene 99.24951 99.28442 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593497 Gm34338 NCBI_Gene:102637561 MGI:5593497 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34338
15 gene 99.24951 99.26204 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920850 1700120C14Rik NCBI_Gene:73600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100599 MGI:1920850 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700120C14 gene
15 gene 99.25201 99.25288 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593606 Gm34447 NCBI_Gene:102637706 MGI:5593606 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34447
15 pseudogene 99.25453 99.25483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155115 Gm49458 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116241 MGI:6155115 pseudogene predicted gene, 49458
15 gene 99.25488 99.25501 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455776 Gm25999 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093139 MGI:5455776 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25999
15 gene 99.27102 99.29589 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647604 Fam186b NCBI_Gene:545136,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078907 MGI:3647604 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 186, member B
15 gene 99.29509 99.31702 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925583 Prpf40b NCBI_Gene:54614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023007 MGI:1925583 protein coding gene pre-mRNA processing factor 40B
15 gene 99.31721 99.37050 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109569 Fmnl3 NCBI_Gene:22379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023008 MGI:109569 protein coding gene formin-like 3
15 pseudogene 99.34882 99.34954 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155149 Gm49478 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115877 MGI:6155149 pseudogene predicted gene, 49478
15 gene 99.36803 99.36813 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452728 Gm22951 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095635 MGI:5452728 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22951
15 gene 99.39288 99.41005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99682 Tmbim6 NCBI_Gene:110213,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023010 MGI:99682 protein coding gene transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6
15 pseudogene 99.41347 99.41369 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155157 Gm49483 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116039 MGI:6155157 pseudogene predicted gene, 49483
15 gene 99.42203 99.45778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3609653 Nckap5l NCBI_Gene:380969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023009 MGI:3609653 protein coding gene NCK-associated protein 5-like
15 gene 99.42770 99.43531 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918162 Nckap5los NCBI_Gene:102637966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089968 MGI:1918162 antisense lncRNA gene NCK-associated protein 5-like, opposite strand
15 gene 99.45793 99.46533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155158 Gm49484 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116249 MGI:6155158 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49484
15 gene 99.47008 99.47473 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922534 Bcdin3d NCBI_Gene:75284,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037525 MGI:1922534 protein coding gene BCDIN3 domain containing
15 pseudogene 99.49182 99.49222 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155160 Gm49485 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115863 MGI:6155160 pseudogene predicted gene, 49485
15 gene 99.49701 99.53488 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919643 Faim2 NCBI_Gene:72393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023011 MGI:1919643 protein coding gene Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 2
15 pseudogene 99.55554 99.55620 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648628 Gm5808 NCBI_Gene:545137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096448 MGI:3648628 pseudogene predicted gene 5808
15 gene 99.57672 99.60153 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593924 Gm34765 NCBI_Gene:102638128 MGI:5593924 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34765
15 gene 99.57905 99.58455 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1096865 Aqp2 NCBI_Gene:11827,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023013 MGI:1096865 protein coding gene aquaporin 2
15 gene 99.59078 99.59483 positive MGI_C57BL6J_106215 Aqp5 NCBI_Gene:11830,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044217 MGI:106215 protein coding gene aquaporin 5
15 gene 99.60069 99.60548 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1341204 Aqp6 NCBI_Gene:11831,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043144 MGI:1341204 protein coding gene aquaporin 6
15 gene 99.62050 99.65166 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349423 Racgap1 NCBI_Gene:26934,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023015 MGI:1349423 protein coding gene Rac GTPase-activating protein 1
15 gene 99.66436 99.66956 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594039 Gm34880 NCBI_Gene:102638279 MGI:5594039 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34880
15 gene 99.66969 99.70113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1194915 Asic1 NCBI_Gene:11419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023017 MGI:1194915 protein coding gene acid-sensing (proton-gated) ion channel 1
15 gene 99.70213 99.71399 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1933623 Smarcd1 NCBI_Gene:83797,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023018 MGI:1933623 protein coding gene SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 1
15 gene 99.70218 99.70549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4936983 Gm17349 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091604 MGI:4936983 protein coding gene predicted gene, 17349
15 gene 99.70257 99.70398 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594098 Gm34939 NCBI_Gene:102638354,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116250 MGI:5594098 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34939
15 pseudogene 99.70651 99.70685 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4936875 Gm17241 NCBI_Gene:100462741,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115938 MGI:4936875 pseudogene predicted gene, 17241
15 gene 99.71553 99.72447 negative MGI_C57BL6J_4414957 Gm16537 NCBI_Gene:102638434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089671 MGI:4414957 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16537
15 gene 99.71752 99.72501 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95679 Gpd1 NCBI_Gene:14555,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023019 MGI:95679 protein coding gene glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 (soluble)
15 gene 99.72562 99.72953 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913629 Cox14 NCBI_Gene:66379,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023020 MGI:1913629 protein coding gene cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 14
15 gene 99.73488 99.77289 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919199 Cers5 NCBI_Gene:71949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023021 MGI:1919199 protein coding gene ceramide synthase 5
15 gene 99.76599 99.78233 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937885 Gm17058 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090406 MGI:4937885 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17058
15 gene 99.77847 99.87546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920992 Lima1 NCBI_Gene:65970,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023022 MGI:1920992 protein coding gene LIM domain and actin binding 1
15 gene 99.80302 99.80313 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455674 Gm25897 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065643 MGI:5455674 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25897
15 pseudogene 99.81021 99.81064 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782652 Gm4468 NCBI_Gene:108168266,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092014 MGI:3782652 pseudogene predicted gene 4468
15 gene 99.81792 99.83602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937884 Gm17057 NCBI_Gene:102638508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090500 MGI:4937884 lncRNA gene predicted gene 17057
15 gene 99.87554 99.87759 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155173 Gm49494 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116518 MGI:6155173 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49494
15 pseudogene 99.88020 99.88122 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010280 Gm18095 NCBI_Gene:100416391,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115856 MGI:5010280 pseudogene predicted gene, 18095
15 pseudogene 99.88363 99.88444 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011075 Gm18890 NCBI_Gene:100417898,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116478 MGI:5011075 pseudogene predicted gene, 18890
15 pseudogene 99.89820 99.89857 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641869 Uqcrh-ps1 NCBI_Gene:100042918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037438 MGI:3641869 pseudogene ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase hinge protein, pseudogene 1
15 gene 99.90296 99.90428 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155175 Gm49495 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116141 MGI:6155175 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49495
15 gene 99.91437 99.92030 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925727 1700121M21Rik NCBI_Gene:105246040 MGI:1925727 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700121M21 gene
15 pseudogene 99.91539 99.91781 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5295671 Gm20564 NCBI_Gene:100046692,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116255 MGI:5295671 pseudogene predicted gene, 20564
15 gene 99.91835 99.96706 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685766 Fam186a NCBI_Gene:72277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045350 MGI:2685766 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 186, member A
15 gene 99.93171 99.95304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434081 Gm21917 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096111 MGI:5434081 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 21917
15 gene 99.93731 99.93744 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452910 Gm23133 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077443 MGI:5452910 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23133
15 gene 99.97007 100.01636 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443114 Larp4 NCBI_Gene:207214,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023025 MGI:2443114 protein coding gene La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member 4
15 gene 99.97216 99.97329 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917531 2310068J16Rik NCBI_Gene:70281,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100084 MGI:1917531 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310068J16 gene
15 gene 100.03864 100.21947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145977 Dip2b NCBI_Gene:239667,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023026 MGI:2145977 protein coding gene disco interacting protein 2 homolog B
15 gene 100.08989 100.09176 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155141 Gm49474 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116021 MGI:6155141 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49474
15 gene 100.09345 100.09623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3026934 9430088F21Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430088F21 gene
15 gene 100.10523 100.10816 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922234 4930478M13Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116311 MGI:1922234 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930478M13 gene
15 gene 100.18990 100.19531 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155143 Gm49475 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116366 MGI:6155143 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49475
15 gene 100.22782 100.26125 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298366 Atf1 NCBI_Gene:11908,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023027 MGI:1298366 protein coding gene activating transcription factor 1
15 gene 100.28084 100.29307 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922252 Tmprss12 NCBI_Gene:75002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045631 MGI:1922252 protein coding gene transmembrane (C-terminal) protease, serine 12
15 pseudogene 100.29464 100.29763 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592825 Gm33666 NCBI_Gene:102636661,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116182 MGI:5592825 pseudogene predicted gene, 33666
15 gene 100.30414 100.32867 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916523 Mettl7a1 NCBI_Gene:70152,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054619 MGI:1916523 protein coding gene methyltransferase like 7A1
15 gene 100.33480 100.34839 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3710670 Mettl7a3 NCBI_Gene:668178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058057 MGI:3710670 protein coding gene methyltransferase like 7A3
15 gene 100.34577 100.34637 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922649 0610039G09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 0610039G09 gene
15 gene 100.35315 100.38444 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3845761 Methig1 NCBI_Gene:554292,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093789 MGI:3845761 protein coding gene methyltransferase hypoxia inducible domain containing 1
15 gene 100.35320 100.36184 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3026615 Mettl7a2 NCBI_Gene:393082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056487 MGI:3026615 protein coding gene methyltransferase like 7A2
15 gene 100.36454 100.38396 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685767 Higd1c NCBI_Gene:380975,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093550 MGI:2685767 protein coding gene HIG1 domain family, member 1C
15 gene 100.38790 100.42507 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1345279 Slc11a2 NCBI_Gene:18174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023030 MGI:1345279 protein coding gene solute carrier family 11 (proton-coupled divalent metal ion transporters), member 2
15 gene 100.42215 100.42815 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646320 Gm5475 NCBI_Gene:432982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087444 MGI:3646320 protein coding gene predicted gene 5475
15 gene 100.43924 100.46873 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925532 5330439K02Rik NCBI_Gene:108168267,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097827 MGI:1925532 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5330439K02 gene
15 gene 100.44968 100.44979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421888 n-R5s43 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084688 MGI:4421888 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 43
15 gene 100.46901 100.47925 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915864 Letmd1 NCBI_Gene:68614,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037353 MGI:1915864 protein coding gene LETM1 domain containing 1
15 gene 100.47957 100.49549 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2386852 Csrnp2 NCBI_Gene:207785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044636 MGI:2386852 protein coding gene cysteine-serine-rich nuclear protein 2
15 gene 100.49720 100.55201 negative MGI_C57BL6J_98509 Tfcp2 NCBI_Gene:21422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009733 MGI:98509 protein coding gene transcription factor CP2
15 gene 100.57532 100.60031 negative MGI_C57BL6J_102935 Pou6f1 NCBI_Gene:19009,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009739 MGI:102935 protein coding gene POU domain, class 6, transcription factor 1
15 gene 100.59542 100.59729 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5521052 Gm27209 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098620 MGI:5521052 lncRNA gene predicted gene 27209
15 gene 100.60020 100.60277 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155169 Gm49492 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116180 MGI:6155169 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49492
15 gene 100.61317 100.61384 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915772 1110013H19Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116164 MGI:1915772 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1110013H19 gene
15 gene 100.61414 100.61511 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925695 C330013E15Rik NCBI_Gene:78445,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097093 MGI:1925695 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C330013E15 gene
15 gene 100.61535 100.62076 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1344344 Dazap2 NCBI_Gene:23994,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000346 MGI:1344344 protein coding gene DAZ associated protein 2
15 gene 100.62134 100.63694 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2448476 Smagp NCBI_Gene:207818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053559 MGI:2448476 protein coding gene small cell adhesion glycoprotein
15 gene 100.64108 100.66957 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3611448 Bin2 NCBI_Gene:668218,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098112 MGI:3611448 protein coding gene bridging integrator 2
15 gene 100.64916 100.64923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530749 Mir6961 miRBase:MI0022808,NCBI_Gene:102465580,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098527 MGI:5530749 miRNA gene microRNA 6961
15 gene 100.67442 100.68792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95314 Cela1 NCBI_Gene:109901,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023031 MGI:95314 protein coding gene chymotrypsin-like elastase family, member 1
15 gene 100.68991 100.72938 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891640 Galnt6 NCBI_Gene:207839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037280 MGI:1891640 protein coding gene polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6
15 gene 100.69577 100.70490 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916281 Galnt6os ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090062 MGI:1916281 antisense lncRNA gene polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 6, opposite strand
15 gene 100.73048 100.73274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588279 I730030J21Rik NCBI_Gene:619313,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116504 MGI:3588279 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA I730030J21 gene
15 gene 100.76175 100.82397 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928745 Slc4a8 NCBI_Gene:59033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023032 MGI:1928745 protein coding gene solute carrier family 4 (anion exchanger), member 8
15 gene 100.80746 100.81561 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624286 Gm41401 NCBI_Gene:105246041 MGI:5624286 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41401
15 gene 100.82568 100.83279 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594728 Gm35569 NCBI_Gene:102639209,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115912 MGI:5594728 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35569
15 gene 100.86979 101.04594 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103169 Scn8a NCBI_Gene:20273,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023033 MGI:103169 protein coding gene sodium channel, voltage-gated, type VIII, alpha
15 gene 101.04634 101.04740 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6097044 Tmdd1 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000113558 MGI:6097044 protein coding gene transmembrane and death domain 1
15 gene 101.05019 101.07858 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646919 Fignl2 NCBI_Gene:668225,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095440 MGI:3646919 protein coding gene fidgetin-like 2
15 gene 101.10301 101.10607 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624287 Gm41402 NCBI_Gene:105246042 MGI:5624287 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41402
15 gene 101.11575 101.12041 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443398 Ankrd33 NCBI_Gene:208258,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047034 MGI:2443398 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat domain 33
15 gene 101.12852 101.14534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1338946 Acvrl1 NCBI_Gene:11482,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000530 MGI:1338946 protein coding gene activin A receptor, type II-like 1
15 gene 101.12992 101.13159 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3801966 Gm16031 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087690 MGI:3801966 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16031
15 gene 101.17407 101.21368 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1338944 Acvr1b NCBI_Gene:11479,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000532 MGI:1338944 protein coding gene activin A receptor, type 1B
15 gene 101.19387 101.19393 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5562745 Mir6962 miRBase:MI0022809,NCBI_Gene:102466774,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106563 MGI:5562745 miRNA gene microRNA 6962
15 gene 101.22119 101.22519 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443491 A330009N23Rik NCBI_Gene:380977,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097915 MGI:2443491 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330009N23 gene
15 gene 101.22125 101.22216 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146136 AU021063 NCBI_Gene:105968,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115944 MGI:2146136 lncRNA gene expressed sequence AU021063
15 gene 101.22419 101.23276 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1860303 Grasp NCBI_Gene:56149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000531 MGI:1860303 protein coding gene GRP1 (general receptor for phosphoinositides 1)-associated scaffold protein
15 gene 101.25421 101.27479 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1352454 Nr4a1 NCBI_Gene:15370,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023034 MGI:1352454 protein coding gene nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1
15 gene 101.28427 101.29095 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915368 Atg101 NCBI_Gene:68118,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037204 MGI:1915368 protein coding gene autophagy related 101
15 gene 101.29321 101.29743 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924967 Smim41 NCBI_Gene:77717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075408 MGI:1924967 protein coding gene small integral membrane protein 41
15 gene 101.29743 101.29861 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624288 Gm41403 NCBI_Gene:105246043 MGI:5624288 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41403
15 gene 101.31610 101.31854 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155183 Gm49499 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116395 MGI:6155183 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49499
15 gene 101.32289 101.40586 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595012 Gm35853 NCBI_Gene:102639573,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116114 MGI:5595012 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35853
15 gene 101.34744 101.37016 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921377 Krt80 NCBI_Gene:74127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037185 MGI:1921377 protein coding gene keratin 80
15 gene 101.36935 101.36943 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3836979 Mir1941 miRBase:MI0009930,NCBI_Gene:100316694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088459 MGI:3836979 miRNA gene microRNA 1941
15 gene 101.38230 101.41231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685517 Gm671 NCBI_Gene:102639385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116116 MGI:2685517 lncRNA gene predicted gene 671
15 pseudogene 101.40405 101.40443 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155185 Gm49500 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116030 MGI:6155185 pseudogene predicted gene, 49500
15 gene 101.41104 101.43031 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96704 Krt7 NCBI_Gene:110310,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023039 MGI:96704 protein coding gene keratin 7
15 gene 101.43104 101.43880 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3665486 Krt87 NCBI_Gene:406219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047641 MGI:3665486 protein coding gene keratin 87
15 gene 101.43124 101.95345 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1859268 Krt85 NA NA protein coding gene keratin 85
15 gene 101.44774 101.45392 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913572 Krt88 NCBI_Gene:66322,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063971 MGI:1913572 protein coding gene keratin 88
15 gene 101.45906 101.46376 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1928858 Krt81 NCBI_Gene:64818,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067615 MGI:1928858 protein coding gene keratin 81
15 gene 101.47348 101.47999 positive MGI_C57BL6J_109362 Krt86 NCBI_Gene:16679,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067614 MGI:109362 protein coding gene keratin 86
15 gene 101.48030 101.48331 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155186 Gm49501 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116011 MGI:6155186 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49501
15 gene 101.48513 101.49151 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3690448 Krt83 NCBI_Gene:100126226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067613 MGI:3690448 protein coding gene keratin 83
15 pseudogene 101.50371 101.50390 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155058 Gm49423 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116107 MGI:6155058 pseudogene predicted gene, 49423
15 pseudogene 101.50382 101.50631 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646630 Gm6042 NCBI_Gene:574415 MGI:3646630 pseudogene predicted gene 6042
15 pseudogene 101.50609 101.50625 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155059 Gm49424 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116188 MGI:6155059 pseudogene predicted gene, 49424
15 gene 101.51592 101.51726 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155060 Gm49425 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116336 MGI:6155060 protein coding gene predicted gene, 49425
15 gene 101.51616 101.53296 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96700 Krt84 NCBI_Gene:16680,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044294 MGI:96700 protein coding gene keratin 84
15 gene 101.54121 101.55067 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2149248 Krt82 NCBI_Gene:114566,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049548 MGI:2149248 protein coding gene keratin 82
15 gene 101.55236 101.56295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045312 Krt90 NCBI_Gene:239673,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048699 MGI:3045312 protein coding gene keratin 90
15 gene 101.55720 101.55733 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690785 Gm44393 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105581 MGI:5690785 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44393
15 gene 101.56334 101.57390 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923500 Krt75 NCBI_Gene:109052,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022986 MGI:1923500 protein coding gene keratin 75
15 gene 101.57018 101.57031 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690852 Gm44460 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106412 MGI:5690852 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44460
15 pseudogene 101.58732 101.58857 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646316 Gm5476 NCBI_Gene:432985,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115983 MGI:3646316 pseudogene predicted gene 5476
15 pseudogene 101.60872 101.61048 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646317 Gm5477 NCBI_Gene:432986,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116129 MGI:3646317 pseudogene predicted gene 5477
15 pseudogene 101.61530 101.61541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155062 Gm49426 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115860 MGI:6155062 pseudogene predicted gene, 49426
15 gene 101.62403 101.62819 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646939 Gm5414 NCBI_Gene:406223,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064232 MGI:3646939 protein coding gene predicted gene 5414
15 pseudogene 101.63859 101.64000 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010036 Gm17851 NCBI_Gene:100415980,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115903 MGI:5010036 pseudogene predicted gene, 17851
15 gene 101.64302 101.64738 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646318 Gm5478 NCBI_Gene:432987,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095241 MGI:3646318 protein coding gene predicted pseudogene 5478
15 gene 101.64514 101.64526 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690871 Gm44479 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105988 MGI:5690871 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44479
15 gene 101.67602 101.68029 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1333768 Krt6b NCBI_Gene:16688,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023041 MGI:1333768 protein coding gene keratin 6B
15 gene 101.67803 101.67816 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690775 Gm44383 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105899 MGI:5690775 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44383
15 gene 101.68991 101.69431 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1100845 Krt6a NCBI_Gene:16687,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058354 MGI:1100845 protein coding gene keratin 6A
15 gene 101.69031 101.69194 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155065 Gm49428 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116132 MGI:6155065 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49428
15 gene 101.69221 101.69234 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690734 Gm44342 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000106088 MGI:5690734 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44342
15 gene 101.70707 101.71290 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96702 Krt5 NCBI_Gene:110308,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061527 MGI:96702 protein coding gene keratin 5
15 gene 101.71027 101.71040 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690715 Gm44323 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105682 MGI:5690715 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44323
15 gene 101.73395 101.74311 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1861586 Krt71 NCBI_Gene:56735,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051879 MGI:1861586 protein coding gene keratin 71
15 pseudogene 101.75426 101.76350 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3629975 Krt74 NCBI_Gene:406222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067596 MGI:3629975 pseudogene keratin 74
15 gene 101.77617 101.78646 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2146034 Krt72 NCBI_Gene:105866,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056605 MGI:2146034 protein coding gene keratin 72
15 gene 101.79331 101.80235 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3607712 Krt73 NCBI_Gene:223915,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063661 MGI:3607712 protein coding gene keratin 73
15 gene 101.81069 101.81817 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96699 Krt2 NCBI_Gene:16681,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064201 MGI:96699 protein coding gene keratin 2
15 gene 101.82625 101.82766 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595131 Gm35972 NCBI_Gene:102639729 MGI:5595131 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35972
15 gene 101.84543 101.85079 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96698 Krt1 NCBI_Gene:16678,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046834 MGI:96698 protein coding gene keratin 1
15 gene 101.85873 101.86971 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588209 Krt77 NCBI_Gene:406220,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000067594 MGI:3588209 protein coding gene keratin 77
15 gene 101.88435 101.89292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924305 Krt76 NCBI_Gene:77055,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075402 MGI:1924305 protein coding gene keratin 76
15 gene 101.88840 101.88851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690748 Gm44356 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105236 MGI:5690748 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44356
15 pseudogene 101.90692 101.91015 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155075 Gm49434 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116194 MGI:6155075 pseudogene predicted gene, 49434
15 gene 101.91854 101.92473 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96701 Krt4 NCBI_Gene:16682,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059668 MGI:96701 protein coding gene keratin 4
15 gene 101.92933 101.94032 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385030 Krt79 NCBI_Gene:223917,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061397 MGI:2385030 protein coding gene keratin 79
15 gene 101.94600 101.99662 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917529 Krt78 NCBI_Gene:332131,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050463 MGI:1917529 protein coding gene keratin 78
15 gene 101.99670 102.00448 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96705 Krt8 NCBI_Gene:16691,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049382 MGI:96705 protein coding gene keratin 8
15 gene 102.00421 102.00944 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595185 Gm36026 NCBI_Gene:102639799,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116010 MGI:5595185 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36026
15 gene 102.01059 102.01725 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624289 Gm41404 NCBI_Gene:105246044 MGI:5624289 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41404
15 gene 102.02818 102.03203 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96692 Krt18 NCBI_Gene:16668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023043 MGI:96692 protein coding gene keratin 18
15 gene 102.04532 102.04726 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624290 Gm41405 NCBI_Gene:105246045 MGI:5624290 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41405
15 gene 102.07377 102.09717 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95304 Eif4b NCBI_Gene:75705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058655 MGI:95304 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B
15 gene 102.07445 102.07597 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3780101 Gm9693 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene 9693
15 gene 102.07742 102.08022 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924511 A030007N12Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA A030007N12 gene
15 gene 102.10037 102.11640 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2387586 Tns2 NCBI_Gene:209039,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037003 MGI:2387586 protein coding gene tensin 2
15 gene 102.11653 102.13624 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2446175 Spryd3 NCBI_Gene:223918,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036966 MGI:2446175 protein coding gene SPRY domain containing 3
15 gene 102.14419 102.14951 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96441 Igfbp6 NCBI_Gene:16012,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023046 MGI:96441 protein coding gene insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6
15 gene 102.15041 102.16347 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1332226 Soat2 NCBI_Gene:223920,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023045 MGI:1332226 protein coding gene sterol O-acyltransferase 2
15 gene 102.17700 102.20505 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2180098 Csad NCBI_Gene:246277,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023044 MGI:2180098 protein coding gene cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase
15 gene 102.20325 102.21561 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915994 Zfp740 NCBI_Gene:68744,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046897 MGI:1915994 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 740
15 gene 102.21599 102.23341 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96616 Itgb7 NCBI_Gene:16421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001281 MGI:96616 protein coding gene integrin beta 7
15 gene 102.23494 102.25752 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97858 Rarg NCBI_Gene:19411,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001288 MGI:97858 protein coding gene retinoic acid receptor, gamma
15 gene 102.27052 102.27413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646315 Gm9918 NCBI_Gene:432988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097050 MGI:3646315 protein coding gene predicted gene 9918
15 gene 102.27945 102.28175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2145901 Mfsd5 NCBI_Gene:106073,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045665 MGI:2145901 protein coding gene major facilitator superfamily domain containing 5
15 gene 102.29544 102.29615 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155150 Gm49479 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116091 MGI:6155150 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49479
15 gene 102.29625 102.32436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2146156 Espl1 NCBI_Gene:105988,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058290 MGI:2146156 protein coding gene extra spindle pole bodies 1, separase
15 pseudogene 102.30862 102.30876 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155152 Gm49480 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116183 MGI:6155152 pseudogene predicted gene, 49480
15 gene 102.32612 102.33187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1928753 Pfdn5 NCBI_Gene:56612,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001289 MGI:1928753 protein coding gene prefoldin 5
15 gene 102.33171 102.33814 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929864 Myg1 NCBI_Gene:60315,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001285 MGI:1929864 protein coding gene melanocyte proliferating gene 1
15 gene 102.33825 102.35077 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443767 Aaas NCBI_Gene:223921,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036678 MGI:2443767 protein coding gene achalasia, adrenocortical insufficiency, alacrimia
15 gene 102.35082 102.35514 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595405 Gm36246 NCBI_Gene:102640093,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116402 MGI:5595405 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36246
15 gene 102.35661 102.36718 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2153568 Sp7 NCBI_Gene:170574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060284 MGI:2153568 protein coding gene Sp7 transcription factor 7
15 gene 102.37388 102.37398 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453367 Gm23590 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088286 MGI:5453367 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23590
15 gene 102.40614 102.43640 positive MGI_C57BL6J_98372 Sp1 NCBI_Gene:20683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001280 MGI:98372 protein coding gene trans-acting transcription factor 1
15 gene 102.44501 102.45464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105062 Amhr2 NCBI_Gene:110542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023047 MGI:105062 protein coding gene anti-Mullerian hormone type 2 receptor
15 gene 102.45553 102.48372 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477012 Gm26518 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097234 MGI:5477012 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26518
15 gene 102.45656 102.45666 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453905 Gm24128 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089168 MGI:5453905 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24128
15 gene 102.45903 102.46281 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913401 Prr13 NCBI_Gene:66151,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023048 MGI:1913401 protein coding gene proline rich 13
15 gene 102.46944 102.47039 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595490 Gm36331 NCBI_Gene:102640208 MGI:5595490 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36331
15 gene 102.47022 102.50006 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108202 Pcbp2 NCBI_Gene:18521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056851 MGI:108202 protein coding gene poly(rC) binding protein 2
15 gene 102.48591 102.48609 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530788 Gm27406 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099112 MGI:5530788 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27406
15 gene 102.49765 102.51706 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346881 Map3k12 NCBI_Gene:26404,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023050 MGI:1346881 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 12
15 gene 102.50372 102.50389 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704459 Gm10337 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071586 MGI:3704459 protein coding gene predicted gene 10337
15 gene 102.51617 102.51720 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826141 Gm46504 NCBI_Gene:108168226 MGI:5826141 protein coding gene predicted gene, 46504
15 gene 102.51819 102.52368 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103027 Tarbp2 NCBI_Gene:21357,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023051 MGI:103027 protein coding gene TARBP2, RISC loading complex RNA binding subunit
15 gene 102.52384 102.52494 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1891708 Npff NCBI_Gene:54615,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023052 MGI:1891708 protein coding gene neuropeptide FF-amide peptide precursor
15 gene 102.52384 102.62507 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5547783 Gm28047 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052414 MGI:5547783 protein coding gene predicted gene, 28047
15 gene 102.52595 102.62546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443472 Atf7 NCBI_Gene:223922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099083 MGI:2443472 protein coding gene activating transcription factor 7
15 gene 102.60301 102.60801 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923292 5830427D02Rik NCBI_Gene:105246046 MGI:1923292 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 5830427D02 gene
15 gene 102.62778 102.62789 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454918 Gm25141 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065111 MGI:5454918 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25141
15 pseudogene 102.63498 102.63534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705781 Rpl39-ps NCBI_Gene:100503815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036305 MGI:3705781 pseudogene ribosomal protein L39, pseudogene
15 gene 102.65648 102.66047 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782728 Gm4544 NCBI_Gene:100043600,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116056 MGI:3782728 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4544
15 gene 102.66286 102.67235 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915192 Atp5g2 NCBI_Gene:67942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062683 MGI:1915192 protein coding gene ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit C2 (subunit 9)
15 gene 102.67179 102.67187 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3629926 Mir688 miRBase:MI0004653,NCBI_Gene:751542,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076009 MGI:3629926 miRNA gene microRNA 688
15 gene 102.70678 102.72218 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914738 Calcoco1 NCBI_Gene:67488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023055 MGI:1914738 protein coding gene calcium binding and coiled coil domain 1
15 gene 102.73050 102.73613 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595669 Gm36510 NCBI_Gene:102640453 MGI:5595669 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36510
15 gene 102.74416 102.81955 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595719 Gm36560 NCBI_Gene:102640519,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116500 MGI:5595719 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36560
15 gene 102.74644 102.74691 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621321 Cistr NCBI_Gene:102216269 MGI:5621321 lncRNA gene chondrogenesis associated transcript
15 pseudogene 102.79512 102.79537 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6155140 Gm49473 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116263 MGI:6155140 pseudogene predicted gene, 49473
15 gene 102.85298 102.85493 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641619 Gm10831 NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene 10831
15 gene 102.92110 102.92881 positive MGI_C57BL6J_99560 Hoxc13 NCBI_Gene:15422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001655 MGI:99560 protein coding gene homeobox C13
15 gene 102.93480 102.93647 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595979 Gm36820 NCBI_Gene:102640852 MGI:5595979 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36820
15 gene 102.93676 102.93861 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96194 Hoxc12 NCBI_Gene:15421,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050328 MGI:96194 protein coding gene homeobox C12
15 gene 102.94406 102.94795 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3826586 Hotair NCBI_Gene:100503872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086903 MGI:3826586 lncRNA gene HOX transcript antisense RNA (non-protein coding)
15 gene 102.94536 102.94543 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530719 Gm27337 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099099 MGI:5530719 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27337
15 gene 102.94750 102.94759 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530825 Gm27443 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098572 MGI:5530825 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27443
15 gene 102.94943 102.94961 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531393 Gm28011 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099328 MGI:5531393 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 28011
15 gene 102.94978 102.94993 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530917 Gm27535 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098541 MGI:5530917 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27535
15 gene 102.95443 102.95771 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96193 Hoxc11 NCBI_Gene:109663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001656 MGI:96193 protein coding gene homeobox C11
15 gene 102.96680 102.97190 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96192 Hoxc10 NCBI_Gene:209448,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022484 MGI:96192 protein coding gene homeobox C10
15 gene 102.96744 103.01743 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96196 Hoxc5 NCBI_Gene:15424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022485 MGI:96196 protein coding gene homeobox C5
15 gene 102.97335 102.97343 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3618739 Mir196a-2 miRBase:MI0000553,NCBI_Gene:723958,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065488 MGI:3618739 miRNA gene microRNA 196a-2
15 gene 102.97626 102.97745 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782377 Gm4200 NA NA protein coding gene predicted gene 4200
15 gene 102.97644 102.98510 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96199 Hoxc9 NCBI_Gene:15427,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036139 MGI:96199 protein coding gene homeobox C9
15 gene 102.98048 102.98124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5596037 Gm36878 NCBI_Gene:102640931 MGI:5596037 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36878
15 gene 102.98669 102.99031 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589011 Gm29852 NCBI_Gene:102631540 MGI:5589011 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29852
15 gene 102.99054 102.99425 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96198 Hoxc8 NCBI_Gene:15426,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001657 MGI:96198 protein coding gene homeobox C8
15 gene 102.99733 102.99814 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589064 Gm29905 NCBI_Gene:102631608 MGI:5589064 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29905
15 gene 102.99823 103.01188 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96197 Hoxc6 NCBI_Gene:15425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001661 MGI:96197 protein coding gene homeobox C6
15 gene 103.01491 103.01500 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3629927 Mir615 miRBase:MI0005004,NCBI_Gene:751557,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000076010 MGI:3629927 miRNA gene microRNA 615
15 gene 103.01810 103.03686 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96195 Hoxc4 NCBI_Gene:15423,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000075394 MGI:96195 protein coding gene homeobox C4
15 gene 103.02681 103.06378 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589687 Gm30528 NCBI_Gene:102632461 MGI:5589687 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30528
15 gene 103.05828 103.05931 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924346 5730585A16Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102297 MGI:1924346 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 5730585A16 gene
15 gene 103.09519 103.10485 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5579582 Gm28876 NCBI_Gene:102632344,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101356 MGI:5579582 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28876
15 gene 103.10224 103.10507 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641625 Gm10830 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099758 MGI:3641625 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10830
15 gene 103.10228 103.10460 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5578971 Gm28265 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000101588 MGI:5578971 lncRNA gene predicted gene 28265
15 gene 103.12307 103.14683 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3715731 D930007P13Rik NCBI_Gene:432989,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097003 MGI:3715731 lncRNA gene Riken cDNA D930007P13 gene
15 gene 103.13588 103.14067 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155147 Gm49477 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116066 MGI:6155147 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49477
15 gene 103.15329 103.16925 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918976 Smug1 NCBI_Gene:71726,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036061 MGI:1918976 protein coding gene single-strand selective monofunctional uracil DNA glycosylase
15 gene 103.19154 103.23990 negative MGI_C57BL6J_109372 Cbx5 NCBI_Gene:12419,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000009575 MGI:109372 protein coding gene chromobox 5
15 gene 103.23196 103.23405 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444161 A630065K11Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A630065K11 gene
15 gene 103.24040 103.24670 positive MGI_C57BL6J_104820 Hnrnpa1 NCBI_Gene:15382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046434 MGI:104820 protein coding gene heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1
15 gene 103.24821 103.25840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97308 Nfe2 NCBI_Gene:18022,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058794 MGI:97308 protein coding gene nuclear factor, erythroid derived 2
15 gene 103.27271 103.29987 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929063 Copz1 NCBI_Gene:56447,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060992 MGI:1929063 protein coding gene coatomer protein complex, subunit zeta 1
15 gene 103.28512 103.28522 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3618734 Mir148b miRBase:MI0000617,NCBI_Gene:724064,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065560 MGI:3618734 miRNA gene microRNA 148b
15 gene 103.28570 103.29049 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624291 Gm41406 NCBI_Gene:105246047 MGI:5624291 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41406
15 gene 103.30106 103.30908 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6155155 Gm49482 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000116308 MGI:6155155 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49482
15 gene 103.30823 103.31124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1934129 Gpr84 NCBI_Gene:80910,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063234 MGI:1934129 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 84
15 gene 103.31390 103.34009 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1352495 Zfp385a NCBI_Gene:29813,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000552 MGI:1352495 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 385A
15 gene 103.34429 103.36679 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96604 Itga5 NCBI_Gene:16402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000000555 MGI:96604 protein coding gene integrin alpha 5 (fibronectin receptor alpha)
15 gene 103.35045 103.35053 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531106 Mir6963 miRBase:MI0022810,NCBI_Gene:102466775,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098419 MGI:5531106 miRNA gene microRNA 6963
15 gene 103.37807 103.37841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610550 Gm37322 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104327 MGI:5610550 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37322
15 gene 103.40241 103.43047 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921424 Gtsf1 NCBI_Gene:74174,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022487 MGI:1921424 protein coding gene gametocyte specific factor 1
15 gene 103.43895 103.45008 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2652828 Gtsf2 NCBI_Gene:223927,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053508 MGI:2652828 protein coding gene gametocyte specific factor 2
15 pseudogene 103.44538 103.44670 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779834 Gm9106 NCBI_Gene:668321 MGI:3779834 pseudogene predicted gene 9106
15 gene 103.45378 103.50286 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926063 Nckap1l NCBI_Gene:105855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022488 MGI:1926063 protein coding gene NCK associated protein 1 like
15 gene 103.50303 103.53006 positive MGI_C57BL6J_97523 Pde1b NCBI_Gene:18574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022489 MGI:97523 protein coding gene phosphodiesterase 1B, Ca2+-calmodulin dependent
15 gene 103.53028 103.53800 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1889595 Ppp1r1a NCBI_Gene:58200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022490 MGI:1889595 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 1A
15 gene 103.56276 103.56508 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95759 Glycam1 NCBI_Gene:14663,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000022491 MGI:95759 protein coding gene glycosylation dependent cell adhesion molecule 1
15 pseudogene 103.58645 103.58840 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648830 Gm9108 NCBI_Gene:668327,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000115819 MGI:3648830 pseudogene predicted gene 9108
15 gene 103.60953 103.63141 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826176 Gm46539 NCBI_Gene:108168268 MGI:5826176 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46539
chr type start stop strand ID Name Dbxref gene_id mgi_type description
18 pseudogene 30.41962 30.42010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646071 Gm7926 NCBI_Gene:666094,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117345 MGI:3646071 pseudogene predicted gene 7926
18 pseudogene 30.42823 30.42986 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643450 Gm7930 NCBI_Gene:666100,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117419 MGI:3643450 pseudogene predicted gene 7930
18 pseudogene 30.45896 30.45960 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646368 Rpl29-ps5 NCBI_Gene:666111,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091785 MGI:3646368 pseudogene ribosomal protein L29, pseudogene 5
18 gene 30.47641 30.47652 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452647 Gm22870 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088126 MGI:5452647 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22870
18 pseudogene 30.49490 30.49543 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646364 Gm7936 NCBI_Gene:666114,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055771 MGI:3646364 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 7936
18 gene 30.53138 30.54320 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593731 Gm34572 NCBI_Gene:102637870 MGI:5593731 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34572
18 pseudogene 30.60848 30.60902 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624665 Gm41780 NCBI_Gene:105246495,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117526 MGI:5624665 pseudogene predicted gene, 41780
18 pseudogene 30.61359 30.61502 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5434307 Gm20952 NCBI_Gene:100417975 MGI:5434307 pseudogene predicted gene, 20952
18 gene 30.97349 31.31729 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108054 Rit2 NCBI_Gene:19762,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057455 MGI:108054 protein coding gene Ras-like without CAAX 2
18 pseudogene 30.97952 30.98072 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010836 Gm18651 NCBI_Gene:100417501 MGI:5010836 pseudogene predicted gene, 18651
18 pseudogene 31.34918 31.35038 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646600 Gm7941 NCBI_Gene:666130,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117502 MGI:3646600 pseudogene predicted gene 7941
18 gene 31.38999 31.39010 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453060 Gm23283 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095685 MGI:5453060 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23283
18 gene 31.39761 31.40337 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624566 Gm41681 NCBI_Gene:105246387 MGI:5624566 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41681
18 pseudogene 31.42225 31.42293 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011071 Gm18886 NCBI_Gene:100417893 MGI:5011071 pseudogene predicted gene, 18886
18 gene 31.43781 31.44741 negative MGI_C57BL6J_101759 Syt4 NCBI_Gene:20983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024261 MGI:101759 protein coding gene synaptotagmin IV
18 gene 31.44032 31.44910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477152 Gm26658 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096934 MGI:5477152 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26658
18 gene 31.46624 31.46637 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455173 Gm25396 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077169 MGI:5455173 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25396
18 pseudogene 31.51970 31.52076 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643812 Gm5241 NCBI_Gene:383420,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117576 MGI:3643812 pseudogene predicted gene 5241
18 gene 31.55611 31.60991 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914703 Slc25a46 NCBI_Gene:67453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024259 MGI:1914703 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25, member 46
18 gene 31.55611 31.57119 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621491 Gm38606 NCBI_Gene:102642358 MGI:5621491 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38606
18 gene 31.60951 31.61075 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3603750 B930094E09Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092124 MGI:3603750 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA B930094E09 gene
18 gene 31.63361 31.63414 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920376 3110038A09Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 3110038A09 gene
18 gene 31.63435 31.72307 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919782 Sap130 NCBI_Gene:269003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024260 MGI:1919782 protein coding gene Sin3A associated protein
18 pseudogene 31.73871 31.73904 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6275378 Gm50060 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117533 MGI:6275378 pseudogene predicted gene, 50060
18 gene 31.75947 31.78408 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442711 Ammecr1l NCBI_Gene:225339,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000041915 MGI:2442711 protein coding gene AMME chromosomal region gene 1-like
18 gene 31.78123 31.78905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477027 Gm26533 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097748 MGI:5477027 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26533
18 gene 31.78911 31.79671 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916491 Polr2d NCBI_Gene:69241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024258 MGI:1916491 protein coding gene polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide D
18 gene 31.80406 31.90899 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921570 Wdr33 NCBI_Gene:74320,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024400 MGI:1921570 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 33
18 gene 31.81986 31.82041 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643253 Gm6665 NCBI_Gene:626327,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091561 MGI:3643253 protein coding gene predicted gene 6665
18 gene 31.85908 31.86176 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477317 Gm26823 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096926 MGI:5477317 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26823
18 gene 31.90854 31.90898 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925646 2810028B13Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2810028B13 gene
18 gene 31.90909 31.91190 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914408 Sft2d3 NCBI_Gene:67158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044982 MGI:1914408 protein coding gene SFT2 domain containing 3
18 gene 31.91082 31.91192 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3697821 1810036N14Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1810036N14 gene
18 gene 31.92228 31.95862 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385067 Lims2 NCBI_Gene:225341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024395 MGI:2385067 protein coding gene LIM and senescent cell antigen like domains 2
18 gene 31.93756 31.93911 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826256 Gm46619 NCBI_Gene:108168375 MGI:5826256 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46619
18 gene 31.94300 31.94990 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3584514 Gpr17 NCBI_Gene:574402,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052229 MGI:3584514 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 17
18 gene 31.95923 32.03696 negative MGI_C57BL6J_107709 Myo7b NCBI_Gene:17922,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024388 MGI:107709 protein coding gene myosin VIIB
18 gene 32.01888 32.02661 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3840129 Gm16344 NCBI_Gene:102638097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084824 MGI:3840129 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16344
18 pseudogene 32.03109 32.03125 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3840130 Gm16345 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085300 MGI:3840130 pseudogene predicted gene 16345
18 pseudogene 32.05611 32.05749 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594169 Gm35010 NCBI_Gene:102638445 MGI:5594169 pseudogene predicted gene, 35010
18 gene 32.06773 32.10433 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920723 Iws1 NCBI_Gene:73473,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024384 MGI:1920723 protein coding gene IWS1, SUPT6 interacting protein
18 pseudogene 32.11204 32.11231 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6275232 Gm49966 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117481 MGI:6275232 pseudogene predicted gene, 49966
18 gene 32.11246 32.12041 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918541 4933435E02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117650 MGI:1918541 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933435E02 gene
18 gene 32.12313 32.13957 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97771 Proc NCBI_Gene:19123,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024386 MGI:97771 protein coding gene protein C
18 pseudogene 32.14073 32.14185 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647555 Gm5969 NCBI_Gene:546710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117606 MGI:3647555 pseudogene predicted gene 5969
18 gene 32.15243 32.16043 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477211 Gm26717 NCBI_Gene:102642443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097363 MGI:5477211 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26717
18 gene 32.15441 32.16276 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593965 Gm34806 NCBI_Gene:102638180 MGI:5593965 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34806
18 gene 32.16309 32.23675 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1346873 Map3k2 NCBI_Gene:26405,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024383 MGI:1346873 protein coding gene mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 2
18 gene 32.24030 32.27015 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95414 Ercc3 NCBI_Gene:13872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024382 MGI:95414 protein coding gene excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 3
18 gene 32.29335 32.29366 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452102 Gm22325 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089529 MGI:5452102 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22325
18 gene 32.35905 32.37828 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3028074 A830052D11Rik NCBI_Gene:402767,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097413 MGI:3028074 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A830052D11 gene
18 gene 32.37720 32.43574 positive MGI_C57BL6J_108092 Bin1 NCBI_Gene:30948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024381 MGI:108092 protein coding gene bridging integrator 1
18 gene 32.45808 32.47259 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5594219 Gm35060 NCBI_Gene:102638514,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109238 MGI:5594219 protein coding gene predicted gene, 35060
18 gene 32.46258 32.51854 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5753153 Gm44577 NCBI_Gene:108168386,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000109232 MGI:5753153 lncRNA gene predicted gene 44577
18 pseudogene 32.49948 32.50043 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5012321 Gm20136 NCBI_Gene:100504259,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000108896 MGI:5012321 pseudogene predicted gene, 20136
18 gene 32.52613 32.56013 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098566 Gypc NCBI_Gene:71683,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090523 MGI:1098566 protein coding gene glycophorin C
18 gene 32.58536 32.59170 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594639 Gm35480 NCBI_Gene:102639080 MGI:5594639 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35480
18 gene 32.62192 32.62206 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455603 Gm25826 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087715 MGI:5455603 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 25826
18 gene 32.66364 32.83729 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923045 4930455D15Rik NCBI_Gene:75795,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097553 MGI:1923045 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930455D15 gene
18 gene 32.81538 32.81980 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1855696 Tslp NCBI_Gene:53603,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024379 MGI:1855696 protein coding gene thymic stromal lymphopoietin
18 gene 32.82069 32.82080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456155 Gm26378 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095233 MGI:5456155 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26378
18 gene 32.83722 32.86759 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917819 Wdr36 NCBI_Gene:225348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038299 MGI:1917819 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 36
18 gene 32.88057 32.88067 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530994 Mir6361 miRBase:MI0021889,NCBI_Gene:102465186,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098252 MGI:5530994 miRNA gene microRNA 6361
18 gene 32.91583 32.93923 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916843 2310026I22Rik NCBI_Gene:69593,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097710 MGI:1916843 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2310026I22 gene
18 gene 32.93493 33.19577 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88258 Camk4 NCBI_Gene:12326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038128 MGI:88258 protein coding gene calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV
18 gene 32.99468 33.00230 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443561 9630041I06Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9630041I06 gene
18 gene 33.00466 33.00477 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452591 Gm22814 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088077 MGI:5452591 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22814
18 gene 33.19914 33.21386 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2156764 Stard4 NCBI_Gene:170459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024378 MGI:2156764 protein coding gene StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 4
18 gene 33.24048 33.26259 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624568 Gm41683 NCBI_Gene:105246391 MGI:5624568 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41683
18 gene 33.25964 33.30432 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826277 Gm46640 NCBI_Gene:108168400 MGI:5826277 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46640
18 pseudogene 33.38403 33.38495 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646950 Gm5503 NCBI_Gene:433170,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117730 MGI:3646950 pseudogene predicted gene 5503
18 gene 33.43702 33.46403 negative MGI_C57BL6J_99444 Nrep NCBI_Gene:27528,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042834 MGI:99444 protein coding gene neuronal regeneration related protein
18 gene 33.46416 33.47471 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3641986 Gm10549 NCBI_Gene:433171,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118292 MGI:3641986 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10549
18 gene 33.49331 33.51987 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624569 Gm41684 NCBI_Gene:105246392 MGI:5624569 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41684
18 pseudogene 33.57647 33.57713 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303296 Gm50392 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117689 MGI:6303296 pseudogene predicted gene, 50392
18 gene 33.79489 33.79599 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916999 Epb41l4aos NCBI_Gene:69749,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087590 MGI:1916999 lincRNA gene erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 4a, opposite strand
18 gene 33.79516 33.79530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453416 Gm23639 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092819 MGI:5453416 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23639
18 gene 33.79633 34.00768 negative MGI_C57BL6J_103007 Epb41l4a NCBI_Gene:13824,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024376 MGI:103007 protein coding gene erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 4a
18 gene 34.02422 34.02428 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452565 Gm22788 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088501 MGI:5452565 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22788
18 gene 34.04559 34.05303 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303089 Gm50265 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117961 MGI:6303089 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50265
18 pseudogene 34.04680 34.04730 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645585 Gm6052 NCBI_Gene:606517,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118246 MGI:3645585 pseudogene predicted gene 6052
18 gene 34.09345 34.09357 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454209 Gm24432 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077263 MGI:5454209 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24432
18 gene 34.10284 34.12506 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594877 Gm35718 NCBI_Gene:102639392 MGI:5594877 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 35718
18 pseudogene 34.12525 34.12572 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645313 Gm5238 NCBI_Gene:383339,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118054 MGI:3645313 pseudogene predicted gene 5238
18 gene 34.16675 34.17754 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624572 Gm41687 NCBI_Gene:105246395 MGI:5624572 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41687
18 gene 34.17754 34.18339 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624571 Gm41686 NCBI_Gene:105246394 MGI:5624571 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41686
18 gene 34.18888 34.18894 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453188 Gm23411 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096804 MGI:5453188 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23411
18 pseudogene 34.20777 34.22177 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3641893 Gm10548 NCBI_Gene:633395,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073607 MGI:3641893 pseudogene predicted gene 10548
18 gene 34.22062 34.32255 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88039 Apc NCBI_Gene:11789,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005871 MGI:88039 protein coding gene APC, WNT signaling pathway regulator
18 gene 34.33085 34.33660 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913634 Srp19 NCBI_Gene:66384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014504 MGI:1913634 protein coding gene signal recognition particle 19
18 gene 34.34488 34.37407 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1270152 Reep5 NCBI_Gene:13476,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000005873 MGI:1270152 protein coding gene receptor accessory protein 5
18 gene 34.40849 34.44412 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1858231 Pkd2l2 NCBI_Gene:53871,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014503 MGI:1858231 protein coding gene polycystic kidney disease 2-like 2
18 pseudogene 34.42178 34.42255 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010127 Gm17942 NCBI_Gene:100416148 MGI:5010127 pseudogene predicted gene, 17942
18 gene 34.44057 34.52305 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2447834 Fam13b NCBI_Gene:225358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036501 MGI:2447834 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 13, member B
18 gene 34.50974 34.50985 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421759 n-R5s24 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084467 MGI:4421759 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 24
18 gene 34.54231 34.54827 positive MGI_C57BL6J_107924 Wnt8a NCBI_Gene:20890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000012282 MGI:107924 protein coding gene wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 8A
18 gene 34.56263 34.57915 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922783 Nme5 NCBI_Gene:75533,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035984 MGI:1922783 protein coding gene NME/NM23 family member 5
18 gene 34.57958 34.59972 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3045347 Brd8dc NCBI_Gene:271508,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000049357 MGI:3045347 protein coding gene BRD8 domain containing
18 gene 34.59862 34.62486 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925906 Brd8 NCBI_Gene:78656,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003778 MGI:1925906 protein coding gene bromodomain containing 8
18 gene 34.61138 34.61292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624573 Gm41688 NCBI_Gene:105246396 MGI:5624573 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41688
18 gene 34.62461 34.63328 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1201682 Kif20a NCBI_Gene:19348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000003779 MGI:1201682 protein coding gene kinesin family member 20A
18 gene 34.62835 34.65175 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098815 Cdc23 NCBI_Gene:52563,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024370 MGI:1098815 protein coding gene CDC23 cell division cycle 23
18 gene 34.64740 34.64752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4421760 n-R5s25 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000064857 MGI:4421760 rRNA gene nuclear encoded rRNA 5S 25
18 gene 34.68990 34.72039 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1201403 Gfra3 NCBI_Gene:14587,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024366 MGI:1201403 protein coding gene glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor family receptor alpha 3
18 gene 34.73299 34.75213 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88350 Cdc25c NCBI_Gene:12532,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044201 MGI:88350 protein coding gene cell division cycle 25C
18 gene 34.73636 34.73801 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781727 Gm3550 NCBI_Gene:100041859,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000078240 MGI:3781727 protein coding gene predicted gene 3550
18 gene 34.75181 34.75869 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922951 2010110K18Rik NCBI_Gene:100503082,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097755 MGI:1922951 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2010110K18 gene
18 gene 34.75883 34.77376 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913556 Fam53c NCBI_Gene:66306,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034300 MGI:1913556 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 53, member C
18 gene 34.75894 34.76189 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781738 Gm3561 NCBI_Gene:100041879 MGI:3781738 protein coding gene predicted gene 3561
18 gene 34.77701 34.83937 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1923356 Kdm3b NCBI_Gene:277250,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038773 MGI:1923356 protein coding gene KDM3B lysine (K)-specific demethylase 3B
18 gene 34.79689 34.80348 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477032 Gm26538 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097507 MGI:5477032 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26538
18 gene 34.84059 34.84746 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2385070 Reep2 NCBI_Gene:225362,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038555 MGI:2385070 protein coding gene receptor accessory protein 2
18 gene 34.84912 34.85099 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624574 Gm41689 NCBI_Gene:105246397 MGI:5624574 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41689
18 gene 34.85982 34.86498 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95295 Egr1 NCBI_Gene:13653,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038418 MGI:95295 protein coding gene early growth response 1
18 gene 34.90279 34.93201 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2385071 Etf1 NCBI_Gene:225363,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024360 MGI:2385071 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation termination factor 1
18 gene 34.93741 34.95436 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96245 Hspa9 NCBI_Gene:15526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024359 MGI:96245 protein coding gene heat shock protein 9
18 gene 34.94123 34.94130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5451977 Gm22200 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089239 MGI:5451977 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22200
18 gene 34.94264 34.94271 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455886 Gm26109 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065904 MGI:5455886 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26109
18 gene 34.94957 34.95122 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441966 D330004O07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D330004O07 gene
18 pseudogene 34.96966 34.97084 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3648052 Gm6724 NCBI_Gene:100503331,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118145 MGI:3648052 pseudogene predicted gene 6724
18 gene 34.98267 35.10945 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595196 Gm36037 NCBI_Gene:102639815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118380 MGI:5595196 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36037
18 gene 34.99363 34.99557 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624575 Gm41690 NCBI_Gene:105246398 MGI:5624575 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41690
18 gene 35.05775 35.08794 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781764 Gm3587 NCBI_Gene:100041951,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117727 MGI:3781764 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3587
18 gene 35.11730 35.11877 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826254 Gm46617 NCBI_Gene:108168373 MGI:5826254 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46617
18 gene 35.11886 35.25478 positive MGI_C57BL6J_88274 Ctnna1 NCBI_Gene:12385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037815 MGI:88274 protein coding gene catenin (cadherin associated protein), alpha 1
18 gene 35.20900 35.21502 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2389174 Lrrtm2 NCBI_Gene:107065,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071862 MGI:2389174 protein coding gene leucine rich repeat transmembrane neuronal 2
18 gene 35.26403 35.27246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302900 Gm50146 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117876 MGI:6302900 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50146
18 gene 35.26640 35.49978 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1932040 Sil1 NCBI_Gene:81500,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024357 MGI:1932040 protein coding gene endoplasmic reticulum chaperone SIL1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
18 gene 35.48910 35.49309 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302898 Gm50145 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117731 MGI:6302898 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50145
18 pseudogene 35.49545 35.49603 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302897 Gm50144 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118184 MGI:6302897 pseudogene predicted gene, 50144
18 gene 35.49866 35.49929 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302905 Gm50149 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118386 MGI:6302905 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50149
18 gene 35.50271 35.51753 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624576 Gm41691 NCBI_Gene:105246399 MGI:5624576 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41691
18 pseudogene 35.53654 35.53701 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648788 Gm5239 NCBI_Gene:383341,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062742 MGI:3648788 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 5239
18 gene 35.54086 35.54269 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624577 Gm41692 NCBI_Gene:105246400 MGI:5624577 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41692
18 gene 35.55337 35.58771 positive MGI_C57BL6J_4937091 Snhg4 NCBI_Gene:100503380,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117694,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117869 MGI:4937091 lncRNA gene small nucleolar RNA host gene 4
18 gene 35.55449 35.55464 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3837022 Mir1949 miRBase:MI0009940,NCBI_Gene:100316700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088059 MGI:3837022 miRNA gene microRNA 1949
18 gene 35.55703 35.55723 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646921 Snora74a NCBI_Gene:436583,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065649 MGI:3646921 snoRNA gene small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 74A
18 gene 35.55713 35.55724 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6121545 Gm49347 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104863 MGI:6121545 miRNA gene predicted gene, 49347
18 gene 35.56214 35.59383 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298379 Matr3 NCBI_Gene:17184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037236 MGI:1298379 protein coding gene matrin 3
18 gene 35.57491 35.57707 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610217 Gm36989 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102496 MGI:5610217 unclassified gene predicted gene, 36989
18 gene 35.58452 35.59857 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302925 Gm50163 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118030 MGI:6302925 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50163
18 gene 35.59861 35.61719 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915119 Paip2 NCBI_Gene:67869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037058 MGI:1915119 protein coding gene polyadenylate-binding protein-interacting protein 2
18 gene 35.61460 35.62774 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1341903 Slc23a1 NCBI_Gene:20522,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024354 MGI:1341903 protein coding gene solute carrier family 23 (nucleobase transporters), member 1
18 gene 35.64726 35.65000 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917066 Mzb1 NCBI_Gene:69816,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024353 MGI:1917066 protein coding gene marginal zone B and B1 cell-specific protein 1
18 gene 35.64727 35.66216 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303177 Gm50318 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117874 MGI:6303177 protein coding gene predicted gene, 50318
18 gene 35.65035 35.65524 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2686460 Prob1 NCBI_Gene:381148,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073600 MGI:2686460 protein coding gene proline rich basic protein 1
18 gene 35.65669 35.66219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918492 Spata24 NCBI_Gene:71242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024352 MGI:1918492 protein coding gene spermatogenesis associated 24
18 gene 35.67110 35.70842 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923844 Dnajc18 NCBI_Gene:76594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024350 MGI:1923844 protein coding gene DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C18
18 gene 35.70323 35.73087 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920699 1700066B19Rik NCBI_Gene:73449,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073598 MGI:1920699 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700066B19 gene
18 gene 35.71309 35.72272 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1915795 Ecscr NCBI_Gene:68545,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073599 MGI:1915795 protein coding gene endothelial cell surface expressed chemotaxis and apoptosis regulator
18 gene 35.73368 35.74055 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919762 Tmem173 NCBI_Gene:72512,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024349 MGI:1919762 protein coding gene transmembrane protein 173
18 pseudogene 35.76984 35.77070 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3704483 Gm16490 NCBI_Gene:102638785,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091842 MGI:3704483 pseudogene predicted gene 16490
18 gene 35.77156 35.80949 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1930715 Ube2d2a NCBI_Gene:56550,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000091896 MGI:1930715 protein coding gene ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 2A
18 gene 35.79984 35.85844 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303264 Gm50371 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117841 MGI:6303264 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50371
18 gene 35.82936 35.86169 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914643 Cxxc5 NCBI_Gene:67393,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046668 MGI:1914643 protein coding gene CXXC finger 5
18 gene 35.83039 35.83109 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5580123 Gm29417 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100320 MGI:5580123 lncRNA gene predicted gene 29417
18 gene 35.86225 35.87731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303309 Gm50399 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117840 MGI:6303309 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50399
18 gene 35.87184 35.87731 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624578 Gm41693 NCBI_Gene:105246401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118080 MGI:5624578 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41693
18 gene 35.88877 35.89086 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595474 Gm36315 NCBI_Gene:102640187,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118358 MGI:5595474 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36315
18 gene 35.91313 35.91677 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924871 C330008A17Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118347 MGI:1924871 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C330008A17 gene
18 gene 35.92078 35.92176 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5595575 Gm36416 NCBI_Gene:102640319 MGI:5595575 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36416
18 gene 35.92330 35.92958 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303319 Gm50405 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118122 MGI:6303319 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50405
18 gene 35.95282 35.95291 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453659 Gm23882 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080529 MGI:5453659 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23882
18 gene 35.95729 35.96358 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5595620 Gm36461 NCBI_Gene:102640392 MGI:5595620 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 36461
18 gene 35.96451 36.01472 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921252 Psd2 NCBI_Gene:74002,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024347 MGI:1921252 protein coding gene pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 2
18 gene 36.01676 36.19905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1098246 Nrg2 NCBI_Gene:100042150,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060275 MGI:1098246 protein coding gene neuregulin 2
18 gene 36.07023 36.08420 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624579 Gm41694 NCBI_Gene:105246402 MGI:5624579 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41694
18 gene 36.10565 36.10998 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922216 4930471G03Rik NCBI_Gene:74966,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117852 MGI:1922216 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930471G03 gene
18 gene 36.24016 36.24320 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624580 Gm41695 NCBI_Gene:105246403 MGI:5624580 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41695
18 gene 36.28055 36.29254 positive MGI_C57BL6J_103079 Pura NCBI_Gene:19290,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043991 MGI:103079 protein coding gene purine rich element binding protein A
18 gene 36.28994 36.29172 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917983 6330411E07Rik NA NA unclassified non-coding RNA gene RIKEN cDNA 6330411E07 gene
18 gene 36.29868 36.30152 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924271 Igip NCBI_Gene:109169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110185 MGI:1924271 protein coding gene IgA inducing protein
18 gene 36.31937 36.33214 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624581 Gm41696 NCBI_Gene:105246404 MGI:5624581 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41696
18 gene 36.32091 36.32149 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922273 4930477J04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930477J04 gene
18 gene 36.34252 36.40310 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913310 Cystm1 NCBI_Gene:66060,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046727 MGI:1913310 protein coding gene cysteine-rich transmembrane module containing 1
18 gene 36.40368 36.45452 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914449 Pfdn1 NCBI_Gene:67199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024346 MGI:1914449 protein coding gene prefoldin 1
18 gene 36.50493 36.51581 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96070 Hbegf NCBI_Gene:15200,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024486 MGI:96070 protein coding gene heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor
18 gene 36.51595 36.51915 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624583 Gm41698 NCBI_Gene:105246406 MGI:5624583 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41698
18 gene 36.52188 36.52494 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302978 Gm50199 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118214 MGI:6302978 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50199
18 gene 36.52806 36.55627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443384 Slc4a9 NCBI_Gene:240215,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024485 MGI:2443384 protein coding gene solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, member 9
18 gene 36.55999 36.65891 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921733 Ankhd1 NCBI_Gene:108857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024483 MGI:1921733 protein coding gene ankyrin repeat and KH domain containing 1
18 pseudogene 36.60989 36.61093 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644649 Gm6542 NCBI_Gene:624979,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085172 MGI:3644649 pseudogene predicted gene 6542
18 gene 36.64786 36.66592 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3845902 Maskbp3 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117942 MGI:3845902 protein coding gene multiple ankyrin repeats single KH domain binding protein 3
18 gene 36.66406 36.66632 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1270847 Eif4ebp3 NCBI_Gene:108112,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000090264 MGI:1270847 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 3
18 gene 36.66668 36.67081 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1344414 Sra1 NCBI_Gene:24068,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006050 MGI:1344414 protein coding gene steroid receptor RNA activator 1
18 gene 36.67115 36.67937 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108404 Apbb3 NCBI_Gene:225372,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117679 MGI:108404 protein coding gene amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein-binding, family B, member 3
18 gene 36.67197 36.67247 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923286 5830431N17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5830431N17 gene
18 gene 36.67921 36.68386 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915093 Slc35a4 NCBI_Gene:67843,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033272 MGI:1915093 protein coding gene solute carrier family 35, member A4
18 gene 36.68492 36.69609 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3687212 E230025N22Rik NCBI_Gene:240216,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044719 MGI:3687212 protein coding gene Riken cDNA E230025N22 gene
18 gene 36.70902 36.71896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624584 Gm41699 NCBI_Gene:105246407 MGI:5624584 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41699
18 gene 36.72506 36.72682 negative MGI_C57BL6J_88318 Cd14 NCBI_Gene:12475,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051439 MGI:88318 protein coding gene CD14 antigen
18 gene 36.73502 36.74240 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919233 Tmco6 NCBI_Gene:71983,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000006850 MGI:1919233 protein coding gene transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 6
18 gene 36.74233 36.74459 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1343103 Ndufa2 NCBI_Gene:17991,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000014294 MGI:1343103 protein coding gene NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A2
18 gene 36.74466 36.75764 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1345142 Ik NCBI_Gene:24010,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024474 MGI:1345142 protein coding gene IK cytokine
18 gene 36.75974 36.76381 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915186 Wdr55 NCBI_Gene:67936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042660 MGI:1915186 protein coding gene WD repeat domain 55
18 gene 36.76367 36.76621 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2447763 Dnd1 NCBI_Gene:213236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044595 MGI:2447763 protein coding gene DND microRNA-mediated repression inhibitor 1
18 gene 36.76653 36.78321 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108087 Hars NCBI_Gene:15115,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001380 MGI:108087 protein coding gene histidyl-tRNA synthetase
18 gene 36.78301 36.79256 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918041 Hars2 NCBI_Gene:70791,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019143 MGI:1918041 protein coding gene histidyl-tRNA synthetase 2
18 gene 36.79388 36.79967 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1913742 Zmat2 NCBI_Gene:66492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001383 MGI:1913742 protein coding gene zinc finger, matrin type 2
18 gene 36.80176 36.80211 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2673990 Vaultrc5 NCBI_Gene:378472,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000065145 MGI:2673990 lncRNA gene vault RNA component 5
18 gene 36.81089 36.81100 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453201 Gm23424 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095604 MGI:5453201 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23424
18 pseudogene 36.92030 36.92221 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647509 Gm6756 NCBI_Gene:627427,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063514 MGI:3647509 pseudogene predicted gene 6756
18 gene 36.93018 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2150982 Pcdha1 NCBI_Gene:116731,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103442 MGI:2150982 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 1
18 gene 36.93395 36.93515 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610979 Gm37751 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103386 MGI:5610979 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37751
18 gene 36.93921 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681880 Pcdha2 NCBI_Gene:353234,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104148 MGI:2681880 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 2
18 gene 36.94611 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447313 Pcdha3 NCBI_Gene:192163,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102312 MGI:2447313 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 3
18 gene 36.95265 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298406 Pcdha4 NCBI_Gene:12936,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104252 MGI:1298406 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 4
18 gene 36.95265 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610241 Gm37013 NCBI_Gene:100384868,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102836 MGI:5610241 protein coding gene predicted gene, 37013
18 gene 36.95265 36.95304 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611453 Gm38225 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102634 MGI:5611453 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38225
18 gene 36.95274 37.84020 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5649001 Gm42416 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103458 MGI:5649001 protein coding gene predicted gene, 42416
18 gene 36.96044 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298371 Pcdha5 NCBI_Gene:12941,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103092 MGI:1298371 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 5
18 gene 36.96759 36.96815 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610981 Gm37753 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103384 MGI:5610981 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37753
18 gene 36.96763 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298367 Pcdha6 NCBI_Gene:12937,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103707 MGI:1298367 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 6
18 gene 36.96763 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621551 Gm38666 NCBI_Gene:103611158 MGI:5621551 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38666
18 gene 36.97380 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298369 Pcdha7 NCBI_Gene:12939,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104318 MGI:1298369 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 7
18 gene 36.97380 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621552 Gm38667 NCBI_Gene:103611159 MGI:5621552 protein coding gene predicted gene, 38667
18 gene 36.97594 37.83330 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5610616 Gm37388 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103125 MGI:5610616 protein coding gene predicted gene, 37388
18 pseudogene 36.97949 36.99027 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5596017 Gm36858 NCBI_Gene:102640904,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104240 MGI:5596017 pseudogene predicted gene, 36858
18 gene 36.99237 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2681879 Pcdha8 NCBI_Gene:353235,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103800 MGI:2681879 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 8
18 gene 36.99788 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2447322 Pcdha9 NCBI_Gene:192161,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103770 MGI:2447322 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 9
18 gene 37.00520 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298372 Pcdha11 NCBI_Gene:12942,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102206,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000007440 MGI:1298372 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 11
18 gene 37.00532 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298408 Pcdha10 NCBI_Gene:12943 MGI:1298408 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 10
18 gene 37.00887 37.02068 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704485 Gm10545 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073594 MGI:3704485 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10545
18 pseudogene 37.01385 37.01463 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010335 Gm18150 NCBI_Gene:100416531,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103601 MGI:5010335 pseudogene predicted gene, 18150
18 gene 37.02015 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1298370 Pcdha12 NCBI_Gene:192164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103310 MGI:1298370 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha 12
18 pseudogene 37.07999 37.08246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011220 Gm19035 NCBI_Gene:100418149,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102232 MGI:5011220 pseudogene predicted gene, 19035
18 gene 37.09001 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891442 Pcdhac1 NCBI_Gene:353236,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103255 MGI:1891442 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha subfamily C, 1
18 gene 37.12110 37.12411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444290 C130024J02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C130024J02 gene
18 gene 37.14350 37.18766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891443 Pcdhac2 NCBI_Gene:353237,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102697 MGI:1891443 protein coding gene protocadherin alpha subfamily C, 2
18 gene 37.15985 37.17852 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642892 Gm10544 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097430 MGI:3642892 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10544
18 gene 37.17213 37.17256 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611325 Gm38097 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103456 MGI:5611325 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38097
18 gene 37.26494 37.26752 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136730 Pcdhb1 NCBI_Gene:93872,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051663 MGI:2136730 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 1
18 gene 37.29481 37.29762 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136735 Pcdhb2 NCBI_Gene:93873,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051599 MGI:2136735 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 2
18 gene 37.30080 37.30459 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136737 Pcdhb3 NCBI_Gene:93874,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045498 MGI:2136737 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 3
18 pseudogene 37.30553 37.30679 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010714 Gm18529 NCBI_Gene:100417318,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104264 MGI:5010714 pseudogene predicted gene, 18529
18 gene 37.30745 37.31117 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136738 Pcdhb4 NCBI_Gene:93875,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045689 MGI:2136738 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 4
18 gene 37.32038 37.32391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136739 Pcdhb5 NCBI_Gene:93876,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000063687 MGI:2136739 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 5
18 gene 37.33392 37.33767 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136740 Pcdhb6 NCBI_Gene:93877,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051678 MGI:2136740 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 6
18 gene 37.34170 37.34521 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136741 Pcdhb7 NCBI_Gene:93878,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045062 MGI:2136741 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 7
18 gene 37.35512 37.35860 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136742 Pcdhb8 NCBI_Gene:93879,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045876 MGI:2136742 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 8
18 gene 37.40085 37.40391 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136744 Pcdhb9 NCBI_Gene:93880,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051242 MGI:2136744 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 9
18 gene 37.41166 37.41451 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136745 Pcdhb10 NCBI_Gene:93881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000045657 MGI:2136745 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 10
18 gene 37.42142 37.42584 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136746 Pcdhb11 NCBI_Gene:93882,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051486 MGI:2136746 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 11
18 pseudogene 37.43325 37.43534 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012347 Gm20162 NCBI_Gene:100504306,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103483 MGI:5012347 pseudogene predicted gene, 20162
18 gene 37.43341 37.43755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610674 Gm37446 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103985 MGI:5610674 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37446
18 gene 37.43562 37.43865 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136747 Pcdhb12 NCBI_Gene:93883,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043458 MGI:2136747 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 12
18 gene 37.44250 37.44621 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136748 Pcdhb13 NCBI_Gene:93884,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047307 MGI:2136748 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 13
18 gene 37.44766 37.45635 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136749 Pcdhb14 NCBI_Gene:93885,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044043 MGI:2136749 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 14
18 gene 37.47354 37.47634 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136750 Pcdhb15 NCBI_Gene:93886,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047033 MGI:2136750 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 15
18 gene 37.47777 37.48304 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136752 Pcdhb16 NCBI_Gene:93887,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000047910 MGI:2136752 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 16
18 gene 37.48479 37.48945 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136754 Pcdhb17 NCBI_Gene:93888,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046387 MGI:2136754 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 17
18 gene 37.48947 37.49450 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136756 Pcdhb18 NCBI_Gene:93889,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048347 MGI:2136756 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 18
18 gene 37.49699 37.50413 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136757 Pcdhb19 NCBI_Gene:93890,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043313 MGI:2136757 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 19
18 gene 37.50426 37.50782 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136758 Pcdhb20 NCBI_Gene:93891,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046191 MGI:2136758 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 20
18 gene 37.51362 37.51832 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136759 Pcdhb21 NCBI_Gene:93892,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044022 MGI:2136759 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 21
18 gene 37.51787 37.52448 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2136760 Pcdhb22 NCBI_Gene:93893,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073591 MGI:2136760 protein coding gene protocadherin beta 22
18 gene 37.61891 37.61977 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925431 4930517L18Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104225 MGI:1925431 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930517L18 gene
18 gene 37.63738 37.63875 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2137907 Slc25a2 NCBI_Gene:83885,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000050304 MGI:2137907 protein coding gene solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, ornithine transporter) member 2
18 gene 37.64049 37.64420 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1346348 Taf7 NCBI_Gene:24074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051316 MGI:1346348 protein coding gene TATA-box binding protein associated factor 7
18 pseudogene 37.65238 37.65417 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647216 Gm8242 NCBI_Gene:101055737,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102827 MGI:3647216 pseudogene predicted gene 8242
18 gene 37.65545 37.66174 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444186 3222401L13Rik NCBI_Gene:105246409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073590 MGI:2444186 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 3222401L13 gene
18 gene 37.66179 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935212 Pcdhga1 NCBI_Gene:93709,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103144 MGI:1935212 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 1
18 gene 37.66195 37.66263 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610346 Gm37118 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103956 MGI:5610346 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37118
18 gene 37.66895 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935214 Pcdhga2 NCBI_Gene:93710,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103332 MGI:1935214 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 2
18 gene 37.67431 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935215 Pcdhga3 NCBI_Gene:93711,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104346 MGI:1935215 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 3
18 gene 37.68023 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935169 Pcdhgb1 NCBI_Gene:93699,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103037 MGI:1935169 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 1
18 gene 37.68521 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935216 Pcdhga4 NCBI_Gene:93712,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103677 MGI:1935216 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 4
18 gene 37.68983 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935170 Pcdhgb2 NCBI_Gene:93700,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102748 MGI:1935170 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 2
18 gene 37.69438 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935217 Pcdhga5 NCBI_Gene:93713,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103567 MGI:1935217 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 5
18 gene 37.70598 37.70607 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454178 Gm24401 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088493 MGI:5454178 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24401
18 gene 37.70704 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935218 Pcdhga6 NCBI_Gene:93714,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103793 MGI:1935218 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 6
18 gene 37.71428 37.72612 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610393 Gm37165 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104512 MGI:5610393 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 37165
18 gene 37.71476 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935219 Pcdhga7 NCBI_Gene:93715,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103472 MGI:1935219 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 7
18 gene 37.72037 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935173 Pcdhgb4 NCBI_Gene:93701,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103585 MGI:1935173 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 4
18 gene 37.72571 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935221 Pcdhga8 NCBI_Gene:93716,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103897 MGI:1935221 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 8
18 gene 37.73101 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935196 Pcdhgb5 NCBI_Gene:93702,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103749 MGI:1935196 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 5
18 gene 37.73694 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935226 Pcdhga9 NCBI_Gene:93717,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102440 MGI:1935226 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 9
18 gene 37.74209 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935197 Pcdhgb6 NCBI_Gene:93703,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103088 MGI:1935197 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 6
18 gene 37.74656 37.76824 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5477166 Gm26672 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097330 MGI:5477166 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26672
18 gene 37.74699 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935227 Pcdhga10 NCBI_Gene:93722,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102222 MGI:1935227 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 10
18 gene 37.75160 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935199 Pcdhgb7 NCBI_Gene:93704,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104063 MGI:1935199 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 7
18 gene 37.75573 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935228 Pcdhga11 NCBI_Gene:93723,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102742 MGI:1935228 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 11
18 pseudogene 37.76180 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935200 Pcdhgb8 NCBI_Gene:93705,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103081 MGI:1935200 polymorphic pseudogene protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 8
18 gene 37.76558 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935229 Pcdhga12 NCBI_Gene:93724,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102428 MGI:1935229 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 12
18 gene 37.80572 37.80792 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3697820 BC037039 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103309 MGI:3697820 lncRNA gene cDNA sequence BC037039
18 gene 37.80636 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935201 Pcdhgc3 NCBI_Gene:93706,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102918 MGI:1935201 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily C, 3
18 gene 37.81508 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935203 Pcdhgc4 NCBI_Gene:93707,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000023036 MGI:1935203 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily C, 4
18 gene 37.81951 37.84187 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935205 Pcdhgc5 NCBI_Gene:93708,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102543 MGI:1935205 protein coding gene protocadherin gamma subfamily C, 5
18 gene 37.82388 37.84038 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611410 Gm38182 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102828 MGI:5611410 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38182
18 gene 37.82711 37.83020 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589153 Gm29994 NCBI_Gene:102631725,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000102713 MGI:5589153 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 29994
18 gene 37.84360 37.93563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1194490 Diaph1 NCBI_Gene:13367,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024456 MGI:1194490 protein coding gene diaphanous related formin 1
18 gene 37.85460 37.85466 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530906 Mir6979 miRBase:MI0022827,NCBI_Gene:102465592,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098706 MGI:5530906 miRNA gene microRNA 6979
18 pseudogene 37.91982 37.92014 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302863 Gm50122 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117686 MGI:6302863 pseudogene predicted gene, 50122
18 gene 37.93584 37.95502 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1343091 Hdac3 NCBI_Gene:15183,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024454 MGI:1343091 protein coding gene histone deacetylase 3
18 gene 37.95508 37.95918 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918044 Rell2 NCBI_Gene:225392,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000044024 MGI:1918044 protein coding gene RELT-like 2
18 gene 37.95743 37.96981 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441771 Fchsd1 NCBI_Gene:319262,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038524 MGI:2441771 protein coding gene FCH and double SH3 domains 1
18 gene 37.97262 37.99953 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147274 Arap3 NCBI_Gene:106952,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024451 MGI:2147274 protein coding gene ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3
18 gene 37.97450 37.97462 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530991 Mir6981 miRBase:MI0022829,NCBI_Gene:102466779,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098608 MGI:5530991 miRNA gene microRNA 6981
18 gene 37.99089 37.99095 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5531351 Mir6980 miRBase:MI0022828,NCBI_Gene:102466913,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098297 MGI:5531351 miRNA gene microRNA 6980
18 gene 38.02353 38.10440 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589252 Gm30093 NCBI_Gene:102631869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118056 MGI:5589252 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30093
18 gene 38.04979 38.06148 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624586 Gm41701 NCBI_Gene:105246410 MGI:5624586 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41701
18 gene 38.10576 38.14502 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589347 Gm30188 NCBI_Gene:102632007 MGI:5589347 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30188
18 gene 38.14624 38.14800 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5589301 Gm30142 NCBI_Gene:102631937 MGI:5589301 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30142
18 gene 38.16266 38.16804 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589418 Gm30259 NCBI_Gene:102632094 MGI:5589418 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30259
18 gene 38.16848 38.17342 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5621451 Gm38566 NCBI_Gene:102641610 MGI:5621451 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38566
18 gene 38.18591 38.21205 negative MGI_C57BL6J_104692 Pcdh1 NCBI_Gene:75599,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051375 MGI:104692 protein coding gene protocadherin 1
18 gene 38.20977 38.22916 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917131 2010320O07Rik NCBI_Gene:69881,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089983 MGI:1917131 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2010320O07 gene
18 gene 38.23841 38.25057 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920766 1700086O06Rik NCBI_Gene:73516,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097080 MGI:1920766 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700086O06 gene
18 pseudogene 38.24416 38.24624 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642637 Gm10268 NCBI_Gene:108168384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000066475 MGI:3642637 pseudogene predicted gene 10268
18 gene 38.25025 38.26546 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914089 Dele1 NCBI_Gene:66839,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024442 MGI:1914089 protein coding gene DAP3 binding cell death enhancer 1
18 gene 38.26709 38.28440 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1855700 Pcdh12 NCBI_Gene:53601,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024440 MGI:1855700 protein coding gene protocadherin 12
18 gene 38.27746 38.31785 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929668 Rnf14 NCBI_Gene:56736,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000060450 MGI:1929668 protein coding gene ring finger protein 14
18 gene 38.29794 38.29804 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452982 Gm23205 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089296 MGI:5452982 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23205
18 gene 38.29907 38.29947 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1920767 1700074L02Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700074L02 gene
18 gene 38.32753 38.33900 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1347054 Gnpda1 NCBI_Gene:26384,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052102 MGI:1347054 protein coding gene glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 1
18 gene 38.33823 38.33971 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624587 Gm41702 NCBI_Gene:105246412 MGI:5624587 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41702
18 gene 38.35658 38.35667 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454467 Gm24690 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088384 MGI:5454467 rRNA gene predicted gene, 24690
18 pseudogene 38.35944 38.36054 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3646890 Gm4949 NCBI_Gene:240219,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118140 MGI:3646890 pseudogene predicted gene 4949
18 gene 38.36136 38.36799 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624588 Gm41703 NCBI_Gene:105246413 MGI:5624588 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41703
18 gene 38.41040 38.46530 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1929601 Ndfip1 NCBI_Gene:65113,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024425 MGI:1929601 protein coding gene Nedd4 family interacting protein 1
18 pseudogene 38.41291 38.41328 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303222 Gm50344 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117986 MGI:6303222 pseudogene predicted gene, 50344
18 pseudogene 38.48106 38.48130 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303230 Gm50349 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118112 MGI:6303230 pseudogene predicted gene, 50349
18 gene 38.48210 38.48878 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624589 Gm41704 NCBI_Gene:105246414 MGI:5624589 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41704
18 pseudogene 38.58285 38.58346 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011285 Gm19100 NCBI_Gene:100418251,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118296 MGI:5011285 pseudogene predicted gene, 19100
18 gene 38.58625 38.60142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1345144 Spry4 NCBI_Gene:24066,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024427 MGI:1345144 protein coding gene sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 4
18 gene 38.59416 38.59423 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530751 Gm27369 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099111 MGI:5530751 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27369
18 gene 38.59437 38.59448 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5531186 Gm27804 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099157 MGI:5531186 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27804
18 gene 38.60153 38.78905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3588234 9630014M24Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118257 MGI:3588234 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9630014M24 gene
18 gene 38.61765 39.37629 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918552 Arhgap26 NCBI_Gene:71302,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036452 MGI:1918552 protein coding gene Rho GTPase activating protein 26
18 pseudogene 38.71436 38.71465 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011959 Gm19774 NCBI_Gene:102632739,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099488 MGI:5011959 pseudogene predicted gene, 19774
18 pseudogene 38.71753 38.71813 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705562 Gm15335 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000083766 MGI:3705562 pseudogene predicted gene 15335
18 gene 38.76959 38.78134 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826279 Gm46642 NCBI_Gene:108168402 MGI:5826279 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46642
18 pseudogene 38.77146 38.77237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643802 Gm8302 NCBI_Gene:666809,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000081773 MGI:3643802 pseudogene predicted gene 8302
18 gene 38.78716 38.78905 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5621332 Gm38447 NCBI_Gene:102632661 MGI:5621332 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 38447
18 gene 38.83867 38.92948 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95515 Fgf1 NCBI_Gene:14164,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000036585 MGI:95515 protein coding gene fibroblast growth factor 1
18 gene 38.89246 38.98162 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646292 Gm5820 NCBI_Gene:545253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117994 MGI:3646292 protein coding gene predicted gene 5820
18 gene 38.99363 38.99419 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705284 Gm15334 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086991 MGI:3705284 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15334
18 gene 38.99691 39.01246 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624590 Gm41705 NCBI_Gene:105246415 MGI:5624590 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41705
18 gene 39.23422 39.23644 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5589731 Gm30572 NCBI_Gene:102632517 MGI:5589731 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30572
18 gene 39.24625 39.30269 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705096 Gm15336 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086312 MGI:3705096 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15336
18 pseudogene 39.34160 39.34196 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705523 Gm15333 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000082287 MGI:3705523 pseudogene predicted gene 15333
18 gene 39.35782 39.38943 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3705103 Gm15337 NCBI_Gene:100503620,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085289 MGI:3705103 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15337
18 gene 39.41054 39.51942 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95824 Nr3c1 NCBI_Gene:14815,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024431 MGI:95824 protein coding gene nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1
18 gene 39.53937 39.55610 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590068 Gm30909 NCBI_Gene:102632967 MGI:5590068 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30909
18 gene 39.63310 39.73496 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303305 Gm50397 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117922 MGI:6303305 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50397
18 gene 39.63631 39.65622 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590120 Gm30961 NCBI_Gene:102633040,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118117 MGI:5590120 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 30961
18 gene 39.66088 39.66328 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303307 Gm50398 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117983 MGI:6303307 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50398
18 gene 39.77350 39.77608 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1349723 Pabpc2 NCBI_Gene:18459,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051732 MGI:1349723 protein coding gene poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 2
18 gene 39.80483 39.87103 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624592 Gm41707 NCBI_Gene:105246417 MGI:5624592 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41707
18 gene 39.90618 39.92943 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624593 Gm41708 NCBI_Gene:105246418,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118015 MGI:5624593 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41708
18 gene 40.07155 40.10973 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303301 Gm50395 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118042 MGI:6303301 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50395
18 gene 40.18158 40.18403 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303303 Gm50396 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117838 MGI:6303303 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50396
18 gene 40.20390 40.21943 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914430 Yipf5 NCBI_Gene:67180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024487 MGI:1914430 protein coding gene Yip1 domain family, member 5
18 gene 40.24277 40.25850 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590246 Gm31087 NCBI_Gene:102633199,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117674 MGI:5590246 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31087
18 gene 40.25622 40.53163 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914659 Kctd16 NCBI_Gene:383348,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051401,NCBI_Gene:73001 MGI:1914659 protein coding gene potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 16
18 gene 40.34617 40.35175 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303316 Gm50403 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117943 MGI:6303316 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50403
18 gene 40.43681 40.43974 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590178 Gm31019 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118315 MGI:5590178 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31019
18 gene 40.53979 40.54303 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924774 C030017B01Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118202 MGI:1924774 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C030017B01 gene
18 gene 40.72150 40.77810 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590364 Gm31205 NCBI_Gene:102633361,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117847 MGI:5590364 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31205
18 pseudogene 40.72625 40.72674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3644135 Rps19-ps13 NCBI_Gene:225416,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095150 MGI:3644135 pseudogene ribosomal protein S19, pseudogene 13
18 gene 40.78007 40.81178 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624595 Gm41710 NCBI_Gene:105246420 MGI:5624595 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41710
18 gene 40.80116 40.80147 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452292 Gm22515 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088898 MGI:5452292 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22515
18 pseudogene 40.89468 40.89603 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303322 Gm50407 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118091 MGI:6303322 pseudogene predicted gene, 50407
18 gene 40.96328 40.96355 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452260 Gm22483 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088611 MGI:5452260 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22483
18 gene 41.34228 41.34237 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5690868 Gm44476 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105169 MGI:5690868 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44476
18 pseudogene 41.47771 41.47788 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303323 Gm50408 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118299 MGI:6303323 pseudogene predicted gene, 50408
18 pseudogene 41.58205 41.58609 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303324 Gm50409 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117677 MGI:6303324 pseudogene predicted gene, 50409
18 pseudogene 41.63979 41.64082 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010715 Gm18530 NCBI_Gene:100417319,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117708 MGI:5010715 pseudogene predicted gene, 18530
18 gene 41.74723 41.87483 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303325 Gm50410 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117745 MGI:6303325 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50410
18 gene 41.87560 41.95124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924869 Prelid2 NCBI_Gene:77619,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056671 MGI:1924869 protein coding gene PRELI domain containing 2
18 pseudogene 41.89299 41.89541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010556 Gm18371 NCBI_Gene:100417028,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118266 MGI:5010556 pseudogene predicted gene, 18371
18 gene 41.98532 41.99905 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2685697 Grxcr2 NCBI_Gene:332309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073574 MGI:2685697 protein coding gene glutaredoxin, cysteine rich 2
18 gene 42.05174 42.15896 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444628 Sh3rf2 NCBI_Gene:269016,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057719 MGI:2444628 protein coding gene SH3 domain containing ring finger 2
18 pseudogene 42.17337 42.17374 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647214 Cstdc7 NCBI_Gene:435561,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034339 MGI:3647214 pseudogene cystatin domain containing 7
18 gene 42.17867 42.19671 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916651 Plac8l1 NCBI_Gene:69401,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059455 MGI:1916651 protein coding gene PLAC8-like 1
18 pseudogene 42.18617 42.18777 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010271 Gm18086 NCBI_Gene:100416381,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117660 MGI:5010271 pseudogene predicted gene, 18086
18 pseudogene 42.20066 42.20159 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646951 Gm5504 NCBI_Gene:433177,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117753 MGI:3646951 pseudogene predicted gene 5504
18 gene 42.20230 42.26219 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913808 Lars NCBI_Gene:107045,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024493 MGI:1913808 protein coding gene leucyl-tRNA synthetase
18 pseudogene 42.25238 42.25287 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645935 Rps19-ps4 NCBI_Gene:625929,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096699 MGI:3645935 pseudogene ribosomal protein S19, pseudogene 4
18 gene 42.27438 42.27520 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782187 Gm4013 NCBI_Gene:100042757,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117662 MGI:3782187 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4013
18 gene 42.27535 42.34154 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147194 Rbm27 NCBI_Gene:225432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024491 MGI:2147194 protein coding gene RNA binding motif protein 27
18 gene 42.30189 42.30195 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452474 Gm22697 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092935 MGI:5452474 miRNA gene predicted gene, 22697
18 gene 42.39454 42.39725 positive MGI_C57BL6J_102523 Pou4f3 NCBI_Gene:18998,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024497 MGI:102523 protein coding gene POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 3
18 gene 42.39840 42.43382 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590597 Gm31438 NCBI_Gene:102633668 MGI:5590597 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31438
18 pseudogene 42.44098 42.44154 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647855 Gm16415 NCBI_Gene:100042767,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056849 MGI:3647855 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 16415
18 gene 42.44929 42.45658 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590660 Gm31501 NCBI_Gene:102633749 MGI:5590660 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31501
18 pseudogene 42.48708 42.48836 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781807 Gm3631 NCBI_Gene:100042027,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118058 MGI:3781807 pseudogene predicted gene 3631
18 gene 42.51107 42.57579 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1926421 Tcerg1 NCBI_Gene:56070,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024498 MGI:1926421 protein coding gene transcription elongation regulator 1 (CA150)
18 gene 42.57421 42.57436 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530839 Gm27457 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099024 MGI:5530839 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 27457
18 gene 42.57788 42.57965 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2441887 Gpr151 NCBI_Gene:240239,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042816 MGI:2441887 protein coding gene G protein-coupled receptor 151
18 gene 42.58734 42.62090 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303004 Gm50214 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117719 MGI:6303004 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50214
18 pseudogene 42.61131 42.61166 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303003 Gm50213 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117882 MGI:6303003 pseudogene predicted gene, 50213
18 gene 42.61562 42.62274 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925786 C030004G16Rik NCBI_Gene:78536,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117926 MGI:1925786 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C030004G16 gene
18 gene 42.63743 43.05947 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920180 Ppp2r2b NCBI_Gene:72930,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024500 MGI:1920180 protein coding gene protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, beta
18 gene 42.66566 42.67502 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624598 Gm41713 NCBI_Gene:105246423 MGI:5624598 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41713
18 gene 42.93547 42.93889 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918259 4933407I08Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084959 MGI:1918259 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933407I08 gene
18 gene 42.93855 43.17127 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923118 4930588A03Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117792 MGI:1923118 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930588A03 gene
18 gene 43.05942 43.06759 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624597 Gm41712 NCBI_Gene:105246422 MGI:5624597 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41712
18 gene 43.07030 43.07041 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452041 Gm22264 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094137 MGI:5452041 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22264
18 gene 43.15474 43.16199 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826259 Gm46622 NCBI_Gene:108168378 MGI:5826259 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46622
18 pseudogene 43.17109 43.17439 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643329 Gm8181 NCBI_Gene:666594,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048188 MGI:3643329 pseudogene predicted gene 8181
18 gene 43.20758 43.31868 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442403 Stk32a NCBI_Gene:269019,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000039954 MGI:2442403 protein coding gene serine/threonine kinase 32A
18 gene 43.24661 43.25055 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5590806 Gm31647 NCBI_Gene:102633948 MGI:5590806 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31647
18 gene 43.32098 43.43829 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1349762 Dpysl3 NCBI_Gene:22240,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024501 MGI:1349762 protein coding gene dihydropyrimidinase-like 3
18 gene 43.32100 43.32235 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924595 9430041P20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 9430041P20 gene
18 gene 43.35999 43.36085 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925775 C330024E10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA C330024E10 gene
18 gene 43.44378 43.46546 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624599 Gm41714 NCBI_Gene:105246424 MGI:5624599 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41714
18 pseudogene 43.47176 43.47553 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781826 Gm3650 NCBI_Gene:100042074,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097891 MGI:3781826 pseudogene predicted gene 3650
18 gene 43.47542 43.47784 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3704486 Eif3j2 NCBI_Gene:100042807,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000043424 MGI:3704486 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit J2
18 gene 43.47770 43.47778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5530707 Gm27325 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093208 MGI:5530707 miRNA gene predicted gene, 27325
18 gene 43.52620 43.68778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923467 Jakmip2 NCBI_Gene:76217,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024502 MGI:1923467 protein coding gene janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 2
18 gene 43.72807 43.73756 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106202 Spink1 NCBI_Gene:20730,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024503 MGI:106202 protein coding gene serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 1
18 gene 43.76115 43.76146 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453671 Gm23894 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088732 MGI:5453671 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 23894
18 gene 43.76428 43.76740 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2153470 Scgb3a2 NCBI_Gene:117158,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038791 MGI:2153470 protein coding gene secretoglobin, family 3A, member 2
18 gene 43.77720 43.79288 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2684940 Gm94 NCBI_Gene:225443,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071858 MGI:2684940 protein coding gene predicted gene 94
18 gene 43.84010 43.87065 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624600 Gm41715 NCBI_Gene:105246425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117902 MGI:5624600 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41715
18 gene 43.87134 43.87411 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302990 Gm50206 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118043 MGI:6302990 unclassified gene predicted gene, 50206
18 gene 43.88274 43.93453 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302992 Gm50207 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118006 MGI:6302992 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50207
18 gene 43.95954 44.02250 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919682 Spink5 NCBI_Gene:72432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055561 MGI:1919682 protein coding gene serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 5
18 gene 44.02787 44.03242 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646952 Spink14 NCBI_Gene:433178,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000051050 MGI:3646952 protein coding gene serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 14
18 pseudogene 44.06160 44.06220 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648802 Gm8390 NCBI_Gene:666969,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118199 MGI:3648802 pseudogene predicted gene 8390
18 gene 44.07139 44.08361 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648654 Spink6 NCBI_Gene:433180,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000055095 MGI:3648654 protein coding gene serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 6
18 gene 44.10441 44.10854 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925492 Spink12 NCBI_Gene:78242,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000061144 MGI:1925492 protein coding gene serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 12
18 gene 44.11626 44.11957 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611025 Gm37797 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000110628 MGI:5611025 protein coding gene predicted gene, 37797
18 gene 44.15640 44.15989 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642556 Gm10267 NCBI_Gene:100042855,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069385 MGI:3642556 protein coding gene predicted gene 10267
18 gene 44.16636 44.17671 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924674 Spinkl NCBI_Gene:77424,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053729 MGI:1924674 protein coding gene serine protease inhibitor, Kazal type-like
18 gene 44.19004 44.19618 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3588289 Spink11 NCBI_Gene:433181,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073573 MGI:3588289 protein coding gene serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 11
18 gene 44.20126 44.20602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642604 Gm10542 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073572 MGI:3642604 protein coding gene predicted gene 10542
18 gene 44.26916 44.27533 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624601 Gm41716 NCBI_Gene:105246426 MGI:5624601 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41716
18 gene 44.27013 44.27770 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1098590 Npy6r NCBI_Gene:18169,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000038071 MGI:1098590 protein coding gene neuropeptide Y receptor Y6
18 gene 44.31566 44.32832 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624602 Gm41717 NCBI_Gene:105246427,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117919 MGI:5624602 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41717
18 gene 44.33406 44.35574 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1889800 Myot NCBI_Gene:58916,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024471 MGI:1889800 protein coding gene myotilin
18 gene 44.38050 44.42497 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917890 Dcp2 NCBI_Gene:70640,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024472 MGI:1917890 protein coding gene decapping mRNA 2
18 gene 44.42506 44.81218 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96930 Mcc NCBI_Gene:328949,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071856 MGI:96930 protein coding gene mutated in colorectal cancers
18 gene 44.66166 44.67627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2442887 A930012L18Rik NCBI_Gene:626275,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097610 MGI:2442887 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A930012L18 gene
18 pseudogene 44.82113 44.82131 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303087 Gm50263 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117832 MGI:6303087 pseudogene predicted gene, 50263
18 gene 44.82177 44.82506 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5663562 Gm43425 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000107325 MGI:5663562 lincRNA gene predicted gene 43425
18 gene 44.82177 44.88972 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2448561 Ythdc2 NCBI_Gene:240255,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034653 MGI:2448561 protein coding gene YTH domain containing 2
18 gene 44.88307 44.88443 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921837 4833422B07Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4833422B07 gene
18 gene 45.04481 45.14114 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5590865 Gm31706 NCBI_Gene:102634020,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118013 MGI:5590865 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31706
18 pseudogene 45.06396 45.06420 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302864 Gm50123 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118188 MGI:6302864 pseudogene predicted gene, 50123
18 pseudogene 45.06966 45.07137 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643477 Gm6663 NCBI_Gene:626309,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117929 MGI:3643477 pseudogene predicted gene 6663
18 pseudogene 45.08933 45.09031 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504043 Gm26928 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098244 MGI:5504043 pseudogene predicted gene, 26928
18 pseudogene 45.14650 45.14713 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643691 Gm4839 NCBI_Gene:225457,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118034 MGI:3643691 pseudogene predicted gene 4839
18 pseudogene 45.19882 45.19910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302865 Gm50124 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118143 MGI:6302865 pseudogene predicted gene, 50124
18 gene 45.26886 45.68602 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2153182 Kcnn2 NCBI_Gene:140492,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000054477 MGI:2153182 protein coding gene potassium intermediate/small conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily N, member 2
18 pseudogene 45.28530 45.28612 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3642696 Gm10540 NCBI_Gene:102634097,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073569 MGI:3642696 pseudogene predicted gene 10540
18 pseudogene 45.41859 45.41915 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010837 Gm18652 NCBI_Gene:100417502,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117844 MGI:5010837 pseudogene predicted gene, 18652
18 gene 45.43026 45.56013 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591066 Gm31907 NCBI_Gene:102634286,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118074 MGI:5591066 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 31907
18 gene 45.55806 45.55929 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591298 Gm32139 NCBI_Gene:102634598 MGI:5591298 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32139
18 gene 45.65536 45.67695 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5826260 Gm46623 NCBI_Gene:108168379 MGI:5826260 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46623
18 gene 45.68349 46.04526 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147325 A330093E20Rik NCBI_Gene:107003,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098284 MGI:2147325 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA A330093E20 gene
18 pseudogene 45.71458 45.71507 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302866 Gm50125 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118037 MGI:6302866 pseudogene predicted gene, 50125
18 gene 45.71847 45.73544 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624603 Gm41718 NCBI_Gene:105246428 MGI:5624603 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41718
18 gene 45.94101 45.94113 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5456039 Gm26262 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088649 MGI:5456039 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 26262
18 gene 46.11266 46.11326 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5611565 Gm38337 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104009 MGI:5611565 unclassified gene predicted gene, 38337
18 gene 46.16530 46.21261 negative MGI_C57BL6J_106264 Trim36 NCBI_Gene:28105,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033949 MGI:106264 protein coding gene tripartite motif-containing 36
18 gene 46.19902 46.19973 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916641 1700018A14Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103616 MGI:1916641 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 1700018A14 gene
18 gene 46.23534 46.28109 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917514 Pggt1b NCBI_Gene:225467,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024477 MGI:1917514 protein coding gene protein geranylgeranyltransferase type I, beta subunit
18 gene 46.28215 46.31195 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918800 Ccdc112 NCBI_Gene:240261,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000071855 MGI:1918800 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 112
18 gene 46.33990 46.34043 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1921198 4930415P13Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117742 MGI:1921198 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 4930415P13 gene
18 gene 46.35145 46.49105 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5591447 Gm32288 NCBI_Gene:102634787 MGI:5591447 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32288
18 pseudogene 46.35516 46.35697 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3647072 Gm4840 NCBI_Gene:225468,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118282 MGI:3647072 pseudogene predicted gene 4840
18 gene 46.35787 46.42713 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782283 Gm4107 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118002 MGI:3782283 lincRNA gene predicted gene 4107
18 gene 46.35889 46.38057 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591498 Gm32339 NCBI_Gene:102634855 MGI:5591498 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32339
18 gene 46.36736 46.36749 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454394 Gm24617 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095541 MGI:5454394 miRNA gene predicted gene, 24617
18 pseudogene 46.46493 46.46582 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1919326 Mospd4 NCBI_Gene:72076,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046487 MGI:1919326 pseudogene motile sperm domain containing 4
18 gene 46.47393 46.47402 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453853 Gm24076 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088804 MGI:5453853 snRNA gene predicted gene, 24076
18 pseudogene 46.49371 46.49797 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781896 Gm3720 NCBI_Gene:102634956,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118116 MGI:3781896 pseudogene predicted gene 3720
18 gene 46.50175 46.52597 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444737 Fem1c NCBI_Gene:240263,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033319 MGI:2444737 protein coding gene fem 1 homolog c
18 gene 46.55729 46.57453 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3040056 Ticam2 NCBI_Gene:225471,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000056130 MGI:3040056 protein coding gene toll-like receptor adaptor molecule 2
18 gene 46.56023 46.59754 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1913926 Tmed7 NCBI_Gene:66676,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033184 MGI:1913926 protein coding gene transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 7
18 pseudogene 46.57583 46.57635 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010791 Gm18606 NCBI_Gene:100417425 MGI:5010791 pseudogene predicted gene, 18606
18 gene 46.59767 46.61646 positive MGI_C57BL6J_95298 Eif1a NCBI_Gene:13664,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000057561 MGI:95298 protein coding gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A
18 gene 46.61458 46.61834 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624604 Gm41719 NCBI_Gene:105246429 MGI:5624604 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41719
18 gene 46.63068 46.64297 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781909 Gm3734 NCBI_Gene:100042226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117780 MGI:3781909 lncRNA gene predicted gene 3734
18 gene 46.71319 46.72858 negative MGI_C57BL6J_105925 Cdo1 NCBI_Gene:12583,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000033022 MGI:105925 protein coding gene cysteine dioxygenase 1, cytosolic
18 gene 46.73014 46.74184 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914776 Atg12 NCBI_Gene:67526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032905 MGI:1914776 protein coding gene autophagy related 12
18 gene 46.74188 46.79083 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1337062 Ap3s1 NCBI_Gene:11777,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024480 MGI:1337062 protein coding gene adaptor-related protein complex 3, sigma 1 subunit
18 gene 46.75856 46.76198 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2444246 A430019L02Rik ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117429 MGI:2444246 unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA A430019L02 gene
18 gene 46.76521 46.77011 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6275241 Gm49971 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117599 MGI:6275241 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49971
18 gene 46.77132 46.77307 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6275243 Gm49972 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117372 MGI:6275243 unclassified gene predicted gene, 49972
18 gene 46.84872 46.90725 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1921824 Lvrn NCBI_Gene:74574,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024481 MGI:1921824 protein coding gene laeverin
18 gene 46.90080 46.90091 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453387 Gm23610 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000094292 MGI:5453387 snRNA gene predicted gene, 23610
18 pseudogene 46.90856 46.90893 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6275245 Gm49973 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117630 MGI:6275245 pseudogene predicted gene, 49973
18 gene 46.92181 46.93423 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685795 Arl14epl NCBI_Gene:381142,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073568 MGI:2685795 protein coding gene ADP-ribosylation factor-like 14 effector protein-like
18 pseudogene 46.94176 46.94230 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3781919 Gm3744 NCBI_Gene:100042241,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117411 MGI:3781919 pseudogene predicted gene 3744
18 gene 46.95256 46.95868 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6275246 Gm49974 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117588 MGI:6275246 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49974
18 gene 46.95878 47.23428 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916706 Commd10 NCBI_Gene:69456,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000042705 MGI:1916706 protein coding gene COMM domain containing 10
18 gene 46.98534 46.98548 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452568 Gm22791 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087857 MGI:5452568 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 22791
18 gene 47.11214 47.11267 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1935159 Hspe1-rs1 NCBI_Gene:628438,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117621 MGI:1935159 protein coding gene heat shock protein 1 (chaperonin 10), related sequence 1
18 pseudogene 47.11655 47.11737 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647676 Gm8468 NCBI_Gene:667120,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117377 MGI:3647676 pseudogene predicted gene 8468
18 gene 47.15419 47.15619 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6275248 Gm49975 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117350 MGI:6275248 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 49975
18 gene 47.15437 47.15442 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5454813 Gm25036 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000093158 MGI:5454813 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25036
18 gene 47.23560 47.36921 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1203727 Sema6a NCBI_Gene:20358,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000019647 MGI:1203727 protein coding gene sema domain, transmembrane domain (TM), and cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 6A
18 pseudogene 47.41443 47.41538 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644521 Gm6883 NCBI_Gene:628477,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117515 MGI:3644521 pseudogene predicted gene 6883
18 gene 47.43378 47.43778 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6275419 Gm50086 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117474 MGI:6275419 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50086
18 gene 47.45267 47.47633 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924918 9130209A04Rik NCBI_Gene:77668,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117602 MGI:1924918 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9130209A04 gene
18 gene 47.47750 47.49441 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303020 Gm50223 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118180 MGI:6303020 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50223
18 gene 47.53773 47.71864 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3779458 Gm5095 NCBI_Gene:328953,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118259 MGI:3779458 lncRNA gene predicted gene 5095
18 gene 47.60466 47.63573 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5591819 Gm32660 NCBI_Gene:102635279 MGI:5591819 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32660
18 pseudogene 47.72972 47.73111 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648556 Gm5236 NCBI_Gene:383325,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117765 MGI:3648556 pseudogene predicted gene 5236
18 gene 47.73311 47.74494 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624605 Gm41720 NCBI_Gene:105246430,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118139 MGI:5624605 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41720
18 gene 47.76109 47.78953 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3782322 Gm4146 NCBI_Gene:100042982,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118113 MGI:3782322 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4146
18 pseudogene 47.80956 47.81009 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303022 Gm50224 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118110 MGI:6303022 pseudogene predicted gene, 50224
18 gene 47.92284 48.10798 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3041240 G630055G22Rik NCBI_Gene:414127,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118267 MGI:3041240 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA G630055G22 gene
18 gene 48.04534 48.04841 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648653 Eno1b NCBI_Gene:433182,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000059040 MGI:3648653 protein coding gene enolase 1B, retrotransposed
18 pseudogene 48.06832 48.07005 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3779477 Gm5237 NCBI_Gene:383326,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118097 MGI:3779477 pseudogene predicted gene 5237
18 gene 48.24055 48.30623 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624606 Gm41721 NCBI_Gene:105246431 MGI:5624606 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41721
18 pseudogene 48.62669 48.62791 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647737 Gm5839 NCBI_Gene:545470,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097965 MGI:3647737 pseudogene predicted gene 5839
18 gene 48.66372 48.67048 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303031 Gm50229 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117885 MGI:6303031 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50229
18 pseudogene 49.06342 49.06480 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011178 Gm18993 NCBI_Gene:100418088,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118290 MGI:5011178 pseudogene predicted gene, 18993
18 gene 49.24778 49.33684 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592029 Gm32870 NCBI_Gene:102635576 MGI:5592029 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32870
18 pseudogene 49.32825 49.32851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303035 Gm50231 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117724 MGI:6303035 pseudogene predicted gene, 50231
18 pseudogene 49.50640 49.50725 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011022 Gm18837 NCBI_Gene:100417802 MGI:5011022 pseudogene predicted gene, 18837
18 gene 49.52329 49.52444 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914571 1700044K03Rik NCBI_Gene:67321,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100297 MGI:1914571 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700044K03 gene
18 gene 49.54782 49.55949 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592117 Gm32958 NCBI_Gene:102635683 MGI:5592117 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 32958
18 gene 49.58170 49.58185 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455217 Gm25440 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088904 MGI:5455217 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25440
18 gene 49.69615 49.75567 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1916107 Dtwd2 NCBI_Gene:68857,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024505 MGI:1916107 protein coding gene DTW domain containing 2
18 gene 49.75579 49.76158 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3826591 Gm16283 NCBI_Gene:102635853,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087020 MGI:3826591 lncRNA gene predicted gene 16283
18 gene 49.80333 49.81796 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1923859 1700065O20Rik NCBI_Gene:76609,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000100134 MGI:1923859 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700065O20 gene
18 gene 49.83259 49.96547 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2443926 Dmxl1 NCBI_Gene:240283,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000037416 MGI:2443926 protein coding gene Dmx-like 1
18 gene 49.97943 50.10717 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2147191 Tnfaip8 NCBI_Gene:106869,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000062210 MGI:2147191 protein coding gene tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 8
18 gene 50.01350 50.02626 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592494 Gm33335 NCBI_Gene:102636200 MGI:5592494 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33335
18 gene 50.04161 50.05384 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1925945 C030005K06Rik NCBI_Gene:102635912,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086600 MGI:1925945 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA C030005K06 gene
18 gene 50.12820 50.19627 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105089 Hsd17b4 NCBI_Gene:15488,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024507 MGI:105089 protein coding gene hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 4
18 pseudogene 50.13473 50.13560 positive MGI_C57BL6J_105972 Cd63-ps NCBI_Gene:626721,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085939 MGI:105972 pseudogene CD63 antigen, pseudogene
18 gene 50.17088 50.18192 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592535 Gm33376 NCBI_Gene:102636260 MGI:5592535 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33376
18 pseudogene 50.20888 50.20914 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303373 Gm50439 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117714 MGI:6303373 pseudogene predicted gene, 50439
18 pseudogene 50.21990 50.22083 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3645224 Gm8529 NCBI_Gene:667233,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098058 MGI:3645224 pseudogene predicted gene 8529
18 gene 50.22092 50.22646 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5826250 Gm46613 NCBI_Gene:108168368 MGI:5826250 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 46613
18 gene 50.27837 50.28302 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684939 Fam170a NCBI_Gene:225497,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000035420 MGI:2684939 protein coding gene family with sequence similarity 170, member A
18 gene 50.56388 50.60142 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1914615 Pudp NCBI_Gene:67365,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048875 MGI:1914615 protein coding gene pseudouridine 5-phosphatase
18 pseudogene 51.00306 51.00379 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3781987 Gm3815 NCBI_Gene:100042385,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118088 MGI:3781987 pseudogene predicted gene 3815
18 gene 51.11773 51.42004 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918623 Prr16 NCBI_Gene:71373,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073565 MGI:1918623 protein coding gene proline rich 16
18 gene 51.13144 51.13334 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5012124 Gm19939 NA NA unclassified gene predicted gene%2c 19939
18 gene 51.25417 51.25427 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455516 Gm25739 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000095482 MGI:5455516 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25739
18 gene 51.55578 51.56641 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624607 Gm41722 NCBI_Gene:105246432 MGI:5624607 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41722
18 gene 51.60754 51.60767 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455562 Gm25785 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000077317 MGI:5455562 snRNA gene predicted gene, 25785
18 pseudogene 51.86518 51.86592 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3649015 Gm4950 NCBI_Gene:240289,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069379 MGI:3649015 pseudogene predicted pseudogene 4950
18 gene 51.91324 51.92755 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303383 Gm50446 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118334 MGI:6303383 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50446
18 gene 51.93610 51.95410 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624608 Gm41723 NCBI_Gene:105246433 MGI:5624608 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41723
18 pseudogene 52.06179 52.06222 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303385 Gm50447 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118351 MGI:6303385 pseudogene predicted gene, 50447
18 pseudogene 52.09946 52.10005 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303386 Gm50448 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118046 MGI:6303386 pseudogene predicted gene, 50448
18 gene 52.15450 52.15461 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452036 Gm22259 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096863 MGI:5452036 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22259
18 gene 52.33154 52.33300 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914884 Ftmt NCBI_Gene:67634,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024510 MGI:1914884 protein coding gene ferritin mitochondrial
18 gene 52.46567 52.49193 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914472 Srfbp1 NCBI_Gene:67222,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024528 MGI:1914472 protein coding gene serum response factor binding protein 1
18 pseudogene 52.47285 52.47374 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504141 Gm27026 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098000 MGI:5504141 pseudogene predicted gene, 27026
18 gene 52.51606 52.52987 negative MGI_C57BL6J_96817 Lox NCBI_Gene:16948,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024529 MGI:96817 protein coding gene lysyl oxidase
18 gene 52.52866 52.57733 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624609 Gm41724 NCBI_Gene:105246434,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118365 MGI:5624609 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41724
18 pseudogene 52.53361 52.53431 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010336 Gm18151 NCBI_Gene:100416532 MGI:5010336 pseudogene predicted gene, 18151
18 gene 52.61590 52.63983 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914008 Zfp474 NCBI_Gene:66758,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000046886 MGI:1914008 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 474
18 gene 52.64621 52.66373 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1925664 1700034E13Rik NCBI_Gene:78414,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024532 MGI:1925664 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA 1700034E13 gene
18 gene 52.69368 52.69559 positive MGI_C57BL6J_891990 Gykl1 NCBI_Gene:14625,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053624 MGI:891990 protein coding gene glycerol kinase-like 1
18 gene 52.69893 52.71927 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624610 Gm41725 NCBI_Gene:105246435 MGI:5624610 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41725
18 gene 52.76771 52.91593 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915097 Sncaip NCBI_Gene:67847,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024534 MGI:1915097 protein coding gene synuclein, alpha interacting protein (synphilin)
18 gene 52.82531 52.82628 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6324721 Gm50457 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118407 MGI:6324721 protein coding gene predicted gene, 50457
18 pseudogene 52.95245 52.95323 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647293 Gm8572 NCBI_Gene:667317,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118195 MGI:3647293 pseudogene predicted gene 8572
18 gene 53.17629 53.22087 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1915054 Snx2 NCBI_Gene:67804,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000034484 MGI:1915054 protein coding gene sorting nexin 2
18 pseudogene 53.22097 53.23946 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3037717 Gm1859 NCBI_Gene:271521,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118240 MGI:3037717 pseudogene predicted gene 1859
18 gene 53.24393 53.39092 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916476 Snx24 NCBI_Gene:69226,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024535 MGI:1916476 protein coding gene sorting nexing 24
18 pseudogene 53.30574 53.30712 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011072 Gm18887 NCBI_Gene:100417894 MGI:5011072 pseudogene predicted gene, 18887
18 gene 53.40633 53.41812 negative MGI_C57BL6J_97751 Ppic NCBI_Gene:19038,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024538 MGI:97751 protein coding gene peptidylprolyl isomerase C
18 gene 53.45151 53.46380 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624611 Gm41726 NCBI_Gene:105246436 MGI:5624611 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41726
18 gene 53.46358 53.57591 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2684938 Prdm6 NCBI_Gene:225518,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069378 MGI:2684938 protein coding gene PR domain containing 6
18 gene 53.63911 53.70542 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011651 Gm19466 NCBI_Gene:100502945,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118362 MGI:5011651 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19466
18 gene 53.68172 53.74560 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2147298 Cep120 NCBI_Gene:225523,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000048799 MGI:2147298 protein coding gene centrosomal protein 120
18 gene 53.85350 53.85910 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624613 Gm41728 NCBI_Gene:105246438 MGI:5624613 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41728
18 gene 53.86208 53.95568 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1917675 Csnk1g3 NCBI_Gene:70425,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000073563 MGI:1917675 protein coding gene casein kinase 1, gamma 3
18 gene 53.86636 53.86741 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3026929 D230007G03Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D230007G03 gene
18 pseudogene 53.98430 53.98553 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3648656 Gm5507 NCBI_Gene:433184,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069376 MGI:3648656 pseudogene predicted gene 5507
18 pseudogene 54.03070 54.03131 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3643421 Gm8594 NCBI_Gene:667360,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117769 MGI:3643421 pseudogene predicted gene 8594
18 gene 54.20981 54.22044 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624614 Gm41729 NCBI_Gene:105246439 MGI:5624614 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41729
18 gene 54.27727 54.28124 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624615 Gm41730 NCBI_Gene:105246440 MGI:5624615 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41730
18 gene 54.33725 54.33935 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5592834 Gm33675 NCBI_Gene:102636672 MGI:5592834 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33675
18 gene 54.42229 54.45329 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1924683 Redrum NCBI_Gene:77433,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096982 MGI:1924683 lncRNA gene Redrum, erythroid developmental long intergenic non-protein coding transcript
18 pseudogene 54.42386 54.42397 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5295674 Gm20567 NCBI_Gene:100047092 MGI:5295674 pseudogene predicted gene, 20567
18 gene 54.47677 54.48296 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303248 Gm50361 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117881 MGI:6303248 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50361
18 gene 54.48273 54.49658 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1918532 4933434P08Rik NCBI_Gene:105246441,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118103 MGI:1918532 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4933434P08 gene
18 gene 54.61174 54.63987 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5439411 9330117O12Rik NCBI_Gene:328957,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118154 MGI:5439411 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 9330117O12 gene
18 pseudogene 54.76613 54.76674 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646289 Gm5821 NCBI_Gene:545257,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118307 MGI:3646289 pseudogene predicted gene 5821
18 gene 54.76838 54.84025 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5592891 Gm33732 NCBI_Gene:102636743,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118120 MGI:5592891 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 33732
18 pseudogene 54.83805 54.83851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303255 Gm50365 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117825 MGI:6303255 pseudogene predicted gene, 50365
18 pseudogene 54.86810 54.86853 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303256 Gm50366 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118063 MGI:6303256 pseudogene predicted gene, 50366
18 gene 54.88804 54.99260 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2442338 Zfp608 NCBI_Gene:269023,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000052713 MGI:2442338 protein coding gene zinc finger protein 608
18 gene 54.95593 54.95630 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3528156 AW490107 NA NA unclassified gene cDNA sequence AW490107
18 gene 54.98143 54.98769 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477236 Gm26742 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097707 MGI:5477236 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26742
18 gene 54.99025 55.14375 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782397 Gm4221 NCBI_Gene:100043089,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000096948 MGI:3782397 lncRNA gene predicted gene 4221
18 gene 55.02258 55.03759 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624616 Gm41731 NCBI_Gene:105246442 MGI:5624616 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41731
18 gene 55.08166 55.08325 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1918584 5430416G10Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5430416G10 gene
18 gene 55.08557 55.08566 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453960 Gm24183 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000084521 MGI:5453960 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 24183
18 gene 55.12684 55.13174 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593170 Gm34011 NCBI_Gene:102637118 MGI:5593170 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34011
18 gene 55.14357 55.14379 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593232 Gm34073 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104521 MGI:5593232 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 34073
18 gene 55.17984 55.17992 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5452374 Gm22597 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088227 MGI:5452374 snRNA gene predicted gene, 22597
18 gene 55.33951 55.33994 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5611056 Gm37828 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000104455 MGI:5611056 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37828
18 gene 55.41944 55.46103 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593392 Gm34233 NCBI_Gene:102637423 MGI:5593392 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34233
18 gene 55.51612 55.51711 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5610565 Gm37337 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000103555 MGI:5610565 unclassified gene predicted gene, 37337
18 gene 55.59209 55.64608 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593454 Gm34295 NCBI_Gene:102637503 MGI:5593454 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34295
18 gene 55.62264 55.62292 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5454291 Gm24514 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092702 MGI:5454291 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 24514
18 gene 55.69291 55.70153 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624618 Gm41733 NCBI_Gene:105246444 MGI:5624618 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41733
18 gene 55.72676 55.73383 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624619 Gm41734 NCBI_Gene:105246445 MGI:5624619 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41734
18 pseudogene 55.74525 55.74623 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5504074 Gm26959 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098119 MGI:5504074 pseudogene predicted gene, 26959
18 gene 55.76320 55.76820 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5593504 Gm34345 NCBI_Gene:102637569 MGI:5593504 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34345
18 pseudogene 55.83779 55.83897 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3644907 Gm8614 NCBI_Gene:667409,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098007 MGI:3644907 pseudogene predicted gene 8614
18 pseudogene 55.84157 55.84318 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3643094 Gm6942 NCBI_Gene:629043,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118348 MGI:3643094 pseudogene predicted gene 6942
18 gene 55.93815 55.96188 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3782406 Gm4230 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118141 MGI:3782406 lincRNA gene predicted gene 4230
18 gene 55.96685 55.96694 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5453112 Gm23335 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000080671 MGI:5453112 miRNA gene predicted gene, 23335
18 pseudogene 55.97227 55.97349 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3645932 Gm6944 NCBI_Gene:629057,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000098141 MGI:3645932 pseudogene predicted gene 6944
18 gene 55.98722 55.98753 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5452261 Gm22484 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088617 MGI:5452261 unclassified non-coding RNA gene predicted gene, 22484
18 gene 56.03143 56.03309 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624621 Gm41736 NCBI_Gene:105246447 MGI:5624621 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41736
18 gene 56.19300 56.19313 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5453332 Gm23555 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088440 MGI:5453332 snoRNA gene predicted gene, 23555
18 gene 56.22183 56.22202 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5455253 Gm25476 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000092866 MGI:5455253 miRNA gene predicted gene, 25476
18 pseudogene 56.28485 56.28531 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303286 Gm50385 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118137 MGI:6303286 pseudogene predicted gene, 50385
18 pseudogene 56.37899 56.37951 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010712 Gm18527 NCBI_Gene:100417316 MGI:5010712 pseudogene predicted gene, 18527
18 gene 56.38748 56.50379 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914815 Gramd3 NCBI_Gene:107022,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000001700 MGI:1914815 protein coding gene GRAM domain containing 3
18 pseudogene 56.39014 56.39080 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3646127 Gm8629 NCBI_Gene:667432,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117688 MGI:3646127 pseudogene predicted gene 8629
18 gene 56.40347 56.41832 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922304 4930511P09Rik NCBI_Gene:102637792 MGI:1922304 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930511P09 gene
18 gene 56.50969 56.57295 negative MGI_C57BL6J_108186 Aldh7a1 NCBI_Gene:110695,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000053644 MGI:108186 protein coding gene aldehyde dehydrogenase family 7, member A1
18 pseudogene 56.51824 56.51938 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3647457 Gm8642 NCBI_Gene:667458,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118186 MGI:3647457 pseudogene predicted gene 8642
18 gene 56.53814 56.53820 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5530753 Mir1258 miRBase:MI0025040,NCBI_Gene:102465790,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000099196 MGI:5530753 miRNA gene microRNA 1258
18 gene 56.56244 56.58771 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1891839 Phax NCBI_Gene:56698,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000008301 MGI:1891839 protein coding gene phosphorylated adaptor for RNA export
18 gene 56.58762 56.59478 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1914593 Tex43 NCBI_Gene:67343,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032900 MGI:1914593 protein coding gene testis expressed 43
18 pseudogene 56.60066 56.60093 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303119 Gm50283 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117812 MGI:6303119 pseudogene predicted gene, 50283
18 gene 56.62065 56.62110 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6303127 Gm50288 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118153 MGI:6303127 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50288
18 pseudogene 56.66778 56.66822 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6303129 Gm50289 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118275 MGI:6303129 pseudogene predicted gene, 50289
18 gene 56.68835 56.68910 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5624623 Gm41738 NCBI_Gene:105246449 MGI:5624623 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41738
18 gene 56.70781 56.75342 positive MGI_C57BL6J_96795 Lmnb1 NCBI_Gene:16906,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024590 MGI:96795 protein coding gene lamin B1
18 gene 56.76172 56.92565 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2443667 March3 NCBI_Gene:320253,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000032656 MGI:2443667 protein coding gene membrane-associated ring finger (C3HC4) 3
18 gene 56.76972 56.80766 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3705179 Gm15345 NCBI_Gene:105246452,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000087597 MGI:3705179 lncRNA gene predicted gene 15345
18 pseudogene 56.91536 56.91609 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010272 Gm18087 NCBI_Gene:100416382,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117917 MGI:5010272 pseudogene predicted gene, 18087
18 gene 56.92570 56.96706 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5593791 Gm34632 NCBI_Gene:102637946 MGI:5593791 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34632
18 gene 56.93626 56.94052 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642440 Gm10536 NCBI_Gene:100038410 MGI:3642440 lncRNA gene predicted gene 10536
18 gene 56.95583 56.97541 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924672 C330018D20Rik NCBI_Gene:77422,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024592 MGI:1924672 protein coding gene RIKEN cDNA C330018D20 gene
18 pseudogene 57.11673 57.11728 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010924 Gm18739 NCBI_Gene:100417650,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118050 MGI:5010924 pseudogene predicted gene, 18739
18 pseudogene 57.11957 57.11993 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011671 Gm19486 NCBI_Gene:102238526,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118177 MGI:5011671 pseudogene predicted gene, 19486
18 gene 57.13309 57.29747 positive MGI_C57BL6J_2685177 Megf10 NCBI_Gene:70417,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024593 MGI:2685177 protein coding gene multiple EGF-like-domains 10
18 pseudogene 57.14899 57.14979 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5010507 Gm18322 NCBI_Gene:100416920 MGI:5010507 pseudogene predicted gene, 18322
18 pseudogene 57.31487 57.31514 negative MGI_C57BL6J_6302980 Gm50200 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118230 MGI:6302980 pseudogene predicted gene, 50200
18 gene 57.31640 57.31667 positive MGI_C57BL6J_6302981 Gm50201 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118343 MGI:6302981 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 50201
18 pseudogene 57.33431 57.33819 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011114 Gm18929 NCBI_Gene:100417976,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117802 MGI:5011114 pseudogene predicted gene, 18929
18 gene 57.35421 57.35563 negative MGI_C57BL6J_3708644 Gm10266 NCBI_Gene:672445 MGI:3708644 unclassified gene predicted gene 10266
18 gene 57.35473 57.39296 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1916106 Prrc1 NCBI_Gene:73137,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024594 MGI:1916106 protein coding gene proline-rich coiled-coil 1
18 gene 57.37345 57.55240 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1922334 4930511M06Rik NCBI_Gene:75084,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000086607 MGI:1922334 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 4930511M06 gene
18 gene 57.40527 57.41615 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5011685 Gm19500 NCBI_Gene:100503007,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000117864 MGI:5011685 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19500
18 gene 57.41975 57.42976 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594141 Gm34982 NCBI_Gene:102638405 MGI:5594141 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 34982
18 gene 57.46766 57.47813 positive MGI_C57BL6J_3642816 Ctxn3 NCBI_Gene:629147,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000069372 MGI:3642816 protein coding gene cortexin 3
18 gene 57.50442 57.53375 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1920651 1700066O22Rik NCBI_Gene:74916,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000085800 MGI:1920651 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 1700066O22 gene
18 gene 57.53378 57.73107 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1922694 Ccdc192 NCBI_Gene:75444,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000058925 MGI:1922694 protein coding gene coiled-coil domain containing 192
18 pseudogene 57.58801 57.58881 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5010925 Gm18740 NCBI_Gene:100417651 MGI:5010925 pseudogene predicted gene, 18740
18 gene 57.63208 57.63858 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1917407 2210409D07Rik NCBI_Gene:70157,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118322 MGI:1917407 lncRNA gene RIKEN cDNA 2210409D07 gene
18 gene 57.66945 57.66956 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455815 Gm26038 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000088776 MGI:5455815 snRNA gene predicted gene, 26038
18 gene 57.68181 57.68191 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5690883 Gm44491 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000105951 MGI:5690883 miRNA gene predicted gene, 44491
18 gene 57.68865 57.79236 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5011704 Gm19519 NCBI_Gene:100503033,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000118391 MGI:5011704 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 19519
18 gene 57.80301 57.82851 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5594910 Gm35751 NCBI_Gene:102639437 MGI:5594910 protein coding gene predicted gene, 35751
18 gene 57.87851 57.94682 positive MGI_C57BL6J_101924 Slc12a2 NCBI_Gene:20496,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024597 MGI:101924 protein coding gene solute carrier family 12, member 2
18 gene 57.94991 57.95210 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919622 2210411G17Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2210411G17 gene
18 gene 57.95424 57.95529 positive MGI_C57BL6J_1919629 2210409O19Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 2210409O19 gene
18 gene 58.00862 58.21056 negative MGI_C57BL6J_95490 Fbn2 NCBI_Gene:14119,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000024598 MGI:95490 protein coding gene fibrillin 2
18 gene 58.09107 58.09249 negative MGI_C57BL6J_1924362 5930427J20Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA 5930427J20 gene
18 gene 58.20414 58.20779 negative MGI_C57BL6J_2444937 D330023I04Rik NA NA unclassified gene RIKEN cDNA D330023I04 gene
18 gene 58.21025 58.22291 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5477001 Gm26507 NCBI_Gene:105246453,ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000097618 MGI:5477001 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 26507
18 gene 58.21030 58.21545 positive MGI_C57BL6J_5624626 Gm41741 NCBI_Gene:105246454 MGI:5624626 lncRNA gene predicted gene, 41741
18 gene 58.23147 58.23157 negative MGI_C57BL6J_5455437 Gm25660 ENSEMBL:ENSMUSG00000089095 MGI:5455437 rRNA gene predicted gene, 25660

R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
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 [9] dplyr_0.8.5       optparse_1.6.6    rhdf5_2.28.1      mclust_5.4.6     
[13] tidyr_1.0.2       data.table_1.14.0 knitr_1.33        kableExtra_1.1.0 
[17] workflowr_1.6.2  

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 [9] pillar_1.6.1      RSQLite_2.2.7     backports_1.2.1   lattice_0.20-38  
[13] glue_1.4.2        digest_0.6.27     promises_1.1.0    rvest_0.3.5      
[17] colorspace_2.0-2  htmltools_0.5.1.1 httpuv_1.5.2      plyr_1.8.6       
[21] pkgconfig_2.0.3   purrr_0.3.4       scales_1.1.1      webshot_0.5.2    
[25] whisker_0.4       getopt_1.20.3     later_1.0.0       git2r_0.26.1     
[29] ellipsis_0.3.2    cachem_1.0.5      withr_2.4.2       mnormt_1.5-7     
[33] magrittr_2.0.1    crayon_1.4.1      memoise_2.0.0     evaluate_0.14    
[37] fs_1.4.1          fansi_0.5.0       nlme_3.1-142      xml2_1.3.1       
[41] tools_3.6.2       hms_0.5.3         lifecycle_1.0.0   stringr_1.4.0    
[45] Rhdf5lib_1.6.3    munsell_0.5.0     compiler_3.6.2    rlang_0.4.11     
[49] grid_3.6.2        rstudioapi_0.13   rmarkdown_2.1     gtable_0.3.0     
[53] DBI_1.1.1         R6_2.5.0          fastmap_1.1.0     bit_4.0.4        
[57] utf8_1.2.1        rprojroot_1.3-2   readr_1.3.1       stringi_1.7.2    
[61] parallel_3.6.2    Rcpp_1.0.7        vctrs_0.3.8       tidyselect_1.0.0 
[65] xfun_0.24