| Partition (unsigned int partitionId) |
| Partition (const T_EdgeSet< T > &edgeSet) |
| Partition (unsigned int partitionId, const T_EdgeSet< T > &edgeSet) |
unsigned int | getPartitionId () const |
| Get the Partition ID. More...
void | setPartitionId (unsigned int partitionId) |
| Set the Partition ID. More...
| Graph (const T_EdgeSet< T > &edgeSet) |
virtual const T_EdgeSet< T > & | getEdgeSet () const |
| Function that return the Edge set of the Graph Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual void | setEdgeSet (T_EdgeSet< T > &edgeSet) |
| Function set the Edge Set of the Graph Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual void | addEdge (const Edge< T > *edge) |
| Function add an Edge to the Graph Edge Set Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual void | removeEdge (unsigned long long edgeId) |
| Function remove an Edge from the Graph Edge Set Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual const std::set< const Node< T > * > | getNodeSet () const |
| Function that return the Node Set of the Graph Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual const std::optional< const Edge< T > * > | getEdge (unsigned long long edgeId) const |
| Function that return an Edge with specific ID if Exist in the Graph Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual const AdjacencyMatrix< T > | getAdjMatrix () const |
| This function generate a list of adjacency matrix with every element of the matrix contain the node where is directed the link and the Edge corrispondent to the link Note: No Thread Safe.
virtual unsigned long long | setFind (std::unordered_map< unsigned long long, Subset > *, const unsigned long long elem) const |
| This function finds the subset of given a nodeId Subset is stored in a map where keys are the hash-id of the node & values is the subset. More...
virtual void | setUnion (std::unordered_map< unsigned long long, Subset > *, const unsigned long long set1, const unsigned long long elem2) const |
| This function modifies the original subset array such that it the union of two sets a and b. More...
virtual std::vector< Node< T > > | eulerianPath () const |
| This function finds the eulerian path of a directed graph using hierholzers algorithm. More...
virtual const DijkstraResult | dijkstra (const Node< T > &source, const Node< T > &target) const |
| Function runs the dijkstra algorithm for some source node and target node in the graph and returns the shortest distance of target from the source. Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual const BellmanFordResult | bellmanford (const Node< T > &source, const Node< T > &target) const |
| Function runs the bellman-ford algorithm for some source node and target node in the graph and returns the shortest distance of target from the source. It can also detect if a negative cycle exists in the graph. Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual const FWResult | floydWarshall () const |
| Function runs the floyd-warshall algorithm and returns the shortest distance of all pair of nodes. It can also detect if a negative cycle exists in the graph. Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual const MstResult | prim () const |
| Function runs the prim algorithm and returns the minimum spanning tree if the graph is undirected. Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual const MstResult | boruvka () const |
| Function runs the boruvka algorithm and returns the minimum spanning tree & cost if the graph is undirected. Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual const MstResult | kruskal () const |
| Function runs the kruskal algorithm and returns the minimum spanning tree if the graph is undirected. Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual const std::vector< Node< T > > | breadth_first_search (const Node< T > &start) const |
| Function performs the breadth first search algorithm over the graph Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual const std::vector< Node< T > > | depth_first_search (const Node< T > &start) const |
| Function performs the depth first search algorithm over the graph Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual bool | isCyclicDirectedGraphDFS () const |
| This function uses DFS to check for cycle in the graph. Pay Attention, this function work only with directed Graph Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual bool | isCyclicDirectedGraphBFS () const |
| This function uses BFS to check for cycle in the graph. Pay Attention, this function work only with directed Graph Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual bool | containsCycle (const T_EdgeSet< T > *) const |
| This function checks if the given set of edges forms a cycle or not using union-find method. More...
virtual bool | containsCycle (const T_EdgeSet< T > *edgeSet, std::unordered_map< unsigned long long, Subset > *) const |
| This function checks if the given Subset forms a cycle or not using union-find method. More...
virtual bool | isDirectedGraph () const |
| This function checks if a graph is directed Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual bool | isUndirectedGraph () const |
| This function checks if a graph is undirected Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual bool | isConnectedGraph () const |
| This function checks if the graph is connected or not Applicable for Undirected Graph, for Directed Graph use the isStronglyConnectedGraph() function. More...
virtual bool | isStronglyConnectedGraph () const |
| This function checks if the graph is strongly connected or not Applicable for Directed Graph, for Undirected Graph use the isConnectedGraph() function. More...
virtual std::vector< std::vector< Node< T > > > | kosaraju () const |
| This function performs performs the kosaraju algorthm on the graph to find the strongly connected components. More...
virtual const std::vector< Node< T > > | graph_slicing (const Node< T > &start) const |
| This function performs Graph Slicing based on connectivity. More...
virtual const DialResult | dial (const Node< T > &source, int maxWeight) const |
| This function write the graph in an output file Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual double | fordFulkersonMaxFlow (const Node< T > &source, const Node< T > &target) const |
| Function runs the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for some source node and target node in the graph and returns the maximum flow of the graph. More...
virtual int | writeToFile (InputOutputFormat format=InputOutputFormat::STANDARD_CSV, const std::string &workingDir=".", const std::string &OFileName="graph", bool compress=false, bool writeNodeFeat=false, bool writeEdgeWeight=false) const |
| This function write the graph in an output file Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual int | readFromFile (InputOutputFormat format=InputOutputFormat::STANDARD_CSV, const std::string &workingDir=".", const std::string &OFileName="graph", bool compress=false, bool readNodeFeat=false, bool readEdgeWeight=false) |
| This function read the graph from an input file Note: No Thread Safe. More...
virtual PartitionMap< T > | partitionGraph (PARTITIONING::PartitionAlgorithm algorithm, unsigned int numberOfPartitions, double param1=0.0, double param2=0.0, double param3=0.0, unsigned int numberOfthreads=std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) const |
| This function partition a graph in a set of partitions Note: No Thread Safe. More...