• 1 Correlation
    • 1.1 Plot
    • 1.2 Table

Last updated: 2022-06-15

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: ampel-leipzig-meld/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.7.0). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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The command set.seed(20210604) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

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The results in this page were generated with repository version 19d9fed. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    _targets/
    Ignored:    container/
    Ignored:    logs/

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  METHODS
    Untracked:  TODO
    Untracked:  scripts/R.sh
    Untracked:  scripts/env.sh

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/corrplot.Rmd) and HTML (docs/corrplot.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
html d3e9462 Sebastian Gibb 2022-06-06 chore: rebuild site
html b20484a Sebastian Gibb 2022-06-06 chore: rebuild site
html 983ec69 Sebastian Gibb 2022-03-17 chore: rebuild site
Rmd d38da01 Sebastian Gibb 2022-03-17 feat: list correlations in table
html 373e7d8 Sebastian Gibb 2021-10-20 chore: rebuild site
html df8964f Sebastian Gibb 2021-10-15 chore: rebuild site
html c66640c Sebastian Gibb 2021-09-14 feat: first nnet tests
html afa48d9 Sebastian Gibb 2021-08-07 chore: rebuild site
Rmd 4478f6a Sebastian Gibb 2021-08-02 Revert "fix: working directory for targets"
Rmd cac14f6 Sebastian Gibb 2021-08-02 fix: working directory for targets
Rmd 3957af7 Sebastian Gibb 2021-08-02 refactor: move common yaml headers into _site.yml
html 3aab3e1 Sebastian Gibb 2021-08-01 chore: rebuild site
html 3810a79 Sebastian Gibb 2021-07-15 chore: rebuild site
html 2869556 Sebastian Gibb 2021-07-02 chore: rebuild site
html d9c37ec Sebastian Gibb 2021-07-02 chore: rebuild site
html 81fcc75 Sebastian Gibb 2021-06-11 chore: rebuild site
html 783c49f Sebastian Gibb 2021-06-11 chore: rebuild site
html aac7ea8 Sebastian Gibb 2021-06-11 chore: rebuild site
Rmd ba5de74 Sebastian Gibb 2021-06-11 fix: suppress package startup messages
html 6541fae Sebastian Gibb 2021-06-11 fix: add targets for missing/corrplot
Rmd 5d77d52 Sebastian Gibb 2021-06-11 fix: use imputed data for correlation
Rmd 3e38f5a Sebastian Gibb 2021-06-11 feat: add correlation plot


1 Correlation

1.1 Plot

labv <- grep("_[SECQ]$", colnames(imp_data), value = TRUE)
cr <- cor(imp_data[labv], use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
    tl.pos = "lt", tl.col = "black", tl.cex = 0.75,
    number.cex = 0.25, number.font = 1L,
    order = "AOE"

Version Author Date
3810a79 Sebastian Gibb 2021-07-15
6541fae Sebastian Gibb 2021-06-11

1.2 Table

ut <- upper.tri(cr)
nms <- paste(
    sep = ":"
tbl <- data.frame(Values = nms, Correlation = cr[ut])
tbl <- tbl[order(-abs(tbl$Correlation)),]
knitr::kable(tbl, header = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, digits = 3L)
Values Correlation
CYSC_S:CRE_S 0.813
NA_S:CL_S 0.772
CA_S:ALB_S 0.734
CHE_S:ALB_S 0.730
PALB_S:CHE_S 0.670
CHE_S:CA_S 0.650
INR_C:BILI_S 0.613
PALB_S:ALB_S 0.592
PROT_S:ALB_S 0.565
PROT_S:CA_S 0.540
GGT_S:AP_S 0.534
PALB_S:CA_S 0.514
PROT_S:BILI_S -0.504
PTH_S:CRE_S 0.479
PROT_S:INR_C -0.475
PTH_S:CYSC_S 0.458
INR_C:ALB_S -0.445
PROT_S:CHE_S 0.442
INR_C:CHE_S -0.439
CRP_S:ALB_S -0.434
NA_S:CHE_S 0.427
INR_C:CHOLG_S -0.422
PALB_S:B_PLT_E 0.411
CHOLG_S:CA_S 0.408
CYSC_S:CHE_S -0.404
P_S:CRE_S 0.389
CYSC_S:ALB_S -0.384
NA_S:ALB_S 0.383
BILI_S:ALB_S -0.375
PROT_S:CRP_S -0.374
CRP_S:CA_S -0.373
CRP_S:CHE_S -0.364
CYSC_S:CRP_S 0.362
BILI_S:B_WBC_E 0.359
CHE_S:BILI_S -0.356
PROT_S:CYSC_S -0.349
INR_C:CA_S -0.337
NA_S:CA_S 0.332
CRP_S:B_WBC_E 0.331
P_S:CYSC_S 0.330
INR_C:ASAT_S 0.329
PALB_S:INR_C -0.329
CHE_S:B_PLT_E 0.312
CRP_S:BILI_S 0.308
CA_S:BILI_S -0.306
PALB_S:CRP_S -0.295
B_WBC_E:ASAT_S 0.293
PTH_S:PROT_S -0.292
PROT_S:B_WBC_E -0.286
CYSC_S:B_WBC_E 0.282
B_PLT_E:ALB_S 0.280
CA_S:B_PLT_E 0.278
INR_C:CYSC_S 0.278
VDT_OH_S:CA_S 0.276
VDT_OH_S:CHE_S 0.272
B_PLT_E:B_MPV_E -0.271
CRP_S:CHOLG_S -0.270
P_S:B_WBC_E 0.269
INR_C:B_WBC_E 0.262
NA_S:B_WBC_E -0.261
CL_S:B_WBC_E -0.259
VDT_OH_S:ALB_S 0.255
INR_C:CRP_S 0.252
B_WBC_E:B_PLT_E 0.251
CRE_S:B_WBC_E 0.246
CRP_S:CRE_S 0.246
PROT_S:CRE_S -0.245
PROT_S:ASAT_S -0.245
ASAT_S:ALB_S -0.245
CYSC_S:CA_S -0.243
INR_C:B_PLT_E -0.242
CRE_S:ALB_S -0.241
CRE_S:CHE_S -0.239
P_S:B_PLT_E 0.238
PALB_S:BILI_S -0.237
PALB_S:NA_S 0.231
PTH_S:CA_S -0.218
AP_S:ALB_S -0.215
NA_S:INR_C -0.214
GGT_S:B_PLT_E 0.213
VDT_OH_S:INR_C -0.210
B_WBC_E:ALB_S -0.210
PROT_S:B_PLT_E 0.208
VDT_OH_S:CRP_S -0.208
VDT_OH_S:CYSC_S -0.206
CL_S:CHE_S 0.205
NA_S:BILI_S -0.205
NA_S:CHOLG_S 0.205
CL_S:B_MPV_E 0.202
CRP_S:AP_S 0.199
CRE_S:CA_S -0.195
NA_S:CYSC_S -0.189
VDT_OH_S:BILI_S -0.189
CRE_S:CHOLG_S -0.186
NA_S:CRE_S -0.182
IL6_S:CRP_S 0.179
PTH_S:BILI_S 0.179
BILI_S:B_PLT_E -0.176
VDT_OH_S:PTH_S -0.176
NA_S:CRP_S -0.175
CRP_S:ALAT_S 0.175
P_S:CL_S -0.173
NA_S:B_MPV_E 0.171
INR_C:IL6_S 0.169
P_S:NA_S -0.167
CHE_S:AP_S -0.165
PTH_S:CHOLG_S -0.164
VDT_OH_S:NA_S 0.164
PTH_S:B_WBC_E 0.161
PALB_S:CYSC_S -0.159
CYSC_S:AP_S 0.158
CRP_S:ASAT_S 0.157
PROT_S:IL6_S -0.156
VDT_OH_S:B_WBC_E -0.154
IL6_S:BILI_S 0.149
PTH_S:ALB_S -0.145
CL_S:ALB_S 0.140
BILI_S:AP_S 0.132
CA_S:B_WBC_E -0.132
CHE_S:ASAT_S -0.130
PROT_S:NA_S 0.129
IL6_S:ALB_S -0.128
B_PLT_E:AP_S 0.128
IL6_S:CHOLG_S -0.127
PTH_S:CHE_S -0.126
PROT_S:ALAT_S -0.126
CL_S:BILI_S -0.125
IL6_S:CYSC_S 0.125
PALB_S:ASAT_S -0.122
PALB_S:GGT_S 0.121
GGT_S:CRP_S 0.121
CA_S:AP_S -0.120
CA_S:ASAT_S -0.117
PTH_S:P_S 0.116
CRE_S:BILI_S 0.115
CL_S:B_PLT_E -0.112
ASAT_S:AP_S 0.111
CRP_S:CL_S -0.110
NA_S:AP_S -0.109
PALB_S:P_S 0.109
PTH_S:INR_C 0.108
PTH_S:CRP_S 0.105
CHOLG_S:AP_S 0.105
CL_S:CA_S 0.101
CHE_S:B_WBC_E -0.101
INR_C:CRE_S 0.099
IL6_S:CRE_S 0.099
VDT_OH_S:CRE_S -0.094
VDT_OH_S:AP_S -0.094
INR_C:GGT_S -0.093
CRE_S:CL_S -0.092
IL6_S:CHE_S -0.091
CHOLG_S:B_WBC_E -0.090
PROT_S:AP_S -0.088
PALB_S:B_MPV_E -0.084
CYSC_S:CL_S -0.083
PALB_S:IL6_S -0.082
IL6_S:B_PLT_E -0.081
VDT_OH_S:CL_S 0.080
P_S:ASAT_S 0.079
INR_C:CL_S -0.078
PTH_S:ASAT_S 0.078
VDT_OH_S:ASAT_S -0.075
CRE_S:ASAT_S 0.075
ALB_S:ALAT_S -0.074
VDT_OH_S:B_MPV_E 0.072
PALB_S:CL_S 0.072
P_S:AP_S 0.072
CYSC_S:B_PLT_E -0.071
P_S:INR_C -0.070
PROT_S:GGT_S 0.068
IL6_S:B_MPV_E 0.067
B_PLT_E:ASAT_S -0.067
PALB_S:AP_S -0.067
IL6_S:ASAT_S 0.065
P_S:CRP_S 0.063
GGT_S:B_WBC_E 0.061
CL_S:AP_S -0.060
PROT_S:CL_S -0.060
IL6_S:CL_S 0.059
IL6_S:CA_S -0.058
B_MPV_E:ASAT_S 0.057
VDT_OH_S:IL6_S -0.047
PROT_S:B_MPV_E -0.047
CHOLG_S:B_MPV_E -0.046
VDT_OH_S:GGT_S -0.046
INR_C:ALAT_S 0.044
NA_S:ASAT_S -0.044
CL_S:ASAT_S -0.044
B_WBC_E:ALAT_S 0.043
PTH_S:B_MPV_E -0.043
B_WBC_E:AP_S 0.043
B_PLT_E:ALAT_S 0.042
INR_C:AP_S 0.039
GGT_S:ASAT_S 0.039
CRP_S:B_PLT_E -0.038
CA_S:ALAT_S -0.038
CA_S:B_MPV_E 0.038
IL6_S:GGT_S -0.038
BILI_S:B_MPV_E 0.038
CRE_S:B_PLT_E -0.036
CRE_S:ALAT_S 0.035
CYSC_S:B_MPV_E 0.034
GGT_S:CRE_S -0.034
GGT_S:ALAT_S 0.033
NA_S:IL6_S 0.032
P_S:CHOLG_S 0.031
GGT_S:CHE_S 0.030
VDT_OH_S:P_S -0.030
P_S:ALAT_S 0.029
IL6_S:ALAT_S 0.028
B_MPV_E:ALAT_S 0.028
PALB_S:B_WBC_E 0.027
PTH_S:NA_S -0.027
CHE_S:B_MPV_E 0.026
PTH_S:PALB_S 0.026
B_WBC_E:B_MPV_E -0.026
P_S:CA_S 0.026
CL_S:CHOLG_S 0.025
IL6_S:AP_S -0.025
GGT_S:CL_S -0.024
P_S:B_MPV_E -0.024
PTH_S:B_PLT_E -0.023
B_MPV_E:ALB_S -0.022
PTH_S:CL_S -0.021
PALB_S:CRE_S -0.021
AP_S:ALAT_S 0.019
NA_S:B_PLT_E 0.019
P_S:CHE_S -0.018
VDT_OH_S:B_PLT_E -0.018
VDT_OH_S:ALAT_S -0.017
CRE_S:B_MPV_E 0.016
NA_S:GGT_S -0.016
P_S:GGT_S 0.015
PTH_S:ALAT_S 0.013
GGT_S:BILI_S -0.012
CL_S:ALAT_S 0.012
NA_S:ALAT_S 0.012
CRP_S:B_MPV_E 0.012
P_S:IL6_S -0.011
IL6_S:B_WBC_E 0.010
CRE_S:AP_S -0.010
PROT_S:P_S 0.008
PTH_S:GGT_S 0.007
GGT_S:ALB_S -0.007
PTH_S:AP_S 0.006
P_S:ALB_S -0.006
B_MPV_E:AP_S 0.005
GGT_S:CA_S 0.005
GGT_S:CYSC_S 0.004
PTH_S:IL6_S -0.004
CYSC_S:ALAT_S -0.004
GGT_S:B_MPV_E -0.003
INR_C:B_MPV_E 0.003
CHE_S:ALAT_S 0.002
P_S:BILI_S 0.001

R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /gnu/store/ras6dprsw3wm3swk23jjp8ww5dwxj333-openblas-0.3.18/lib/libopenblasp-r0.3.18.so

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 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] targets_0.12.1 corrplot_0.92 

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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