Last updated: 2020-03-23

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: EvaluateSingleCellClustering/

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    Ignored:    data/simulated_data/

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  data/%
    Untracked:  data/allen_mouse_brain/
    Untracked:  data/intermediate_data/
    Untracked:  data/pbmc/
    Untracked:  data/pbmc_5k_v3.rds
    Untracked:  data/pbmc_5k_v3_label_transfered_from_10k.rds
    Untracked:  data/sc_mixology/
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Rmd efeef5e Ming Tang 2020-03-23 Publish the initial files for myproject

5k pbmc dataset

The 5k pbmc scRNAseq dataset was downloaded from 10x website and made into a Seruat object. The labels of 5k data were transferred using Seurat from 10k data following

We next run our snakemake pipeline and visualize the results in our R package for the 5k PBMC dataset retrieved from 10x genomics website. We tested combinations of 8 different k.param(8,10,15,20,30,50,80,100), 5 different resolutions (0.5,0.6,0.8,1,1.2) and 5 different number of PCs (10,15,20,30,35) resulting 200 different parameter sets.

To follow the analysis, you can download the data at


# read in the seurat object
# the label transferring was done following
pbmc<- readRDS("data/pbmc_5k_v3_label_transfered_from_10k.rds")

subsample_idents<- readRDS("data/pbmc/gather_subsample.rds")

fullsample_idents<- readRDS("data/pbmc/gather_full_sample.rds")

explore full dataset

## how many PCs to include
ElbowPlot(pbmc, ndims = 40)

# a tibble with a list column
# A tibble: 200 x 4
   pc    resolution k_param original_ident_full
   <chr> <chr>      <chr>   <list>             
 1 10    0.5        8       <fct [4,595]>      
 2 15    0.5        8       <fct [4,595]>      
 3 20    0.5        8       <fct [4,595]>      
 4 30    0.5        8       <fct [4,595]>      
 5 35    0.5        8       <fct [4,595]>      
 6 10    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>      
 7 15    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>      
 8 20    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>      
 9 30    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>      
10 35    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>      
# … with 190 more rows
## how many clusters for each different comibination of parameter set?
fullsample_idents %>%
  mutate(cluster_num = purrr::map_dbl(original_ident_full, ~length(unique(.x))))
# A tibble: 200 x 5
   pc    resolution k_param original_ident_full cluster_num
   <chr> <chr>      <chr>   <list>                    <dbl>
 1 10    0.5        8       <fct [4,595]>                13
 2 15    0.5        8       <fct [4,595]>                15
 3 20    0.5        8       <fct [4,595]>                16
 4 30    0.5        8       <fct [4,595]>                14
 5 35    0.5        8       <fct [4,595]>                14
 6 10    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>                17
 7 15    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>                17
 8 20    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>                16
 9 30    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>                15
10 35    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>                14
# … with 190 more rows
# what's the relationship of clusters between k_param 8, 20 and 30 with same pc=20 and resolution = 0.6

fullsample_idents %>% mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
  filter(pc == 20, resolution == 0.6, k_param == 8) 
# A tibble: 1 x 5
  pc    resolution k_param original_ident_full    id
  <chr> <chr>      <chr>   <list>              <int>
1 20    0.6        8       <fct [4,595]>           8
fullsample_idents %>% mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
  filter(pc == 20, resolution == 0.6, k_param == 20) 
# A tibble: 1 x 5
  pc    resolution k_param original_ident_full    id
  <chr> <chr>      <chr>   <list>              <int>
1 20    0.6        20      <fct [4,595]>          83
fullsample_idents %>% mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
  filter(pc == 20, resolution == 0.6, k_param == 100)
# A tibble: 1 x 5
  pc    resolution k_param original_ident_full    id
  <chr> <chr>      <chr>   <list>              <int>
1 20    0.6        100     <fct [4,595]>         183
## x-axis is k_param = 20, and y-axis is k_param = 8
                           show_row_dend = F, show_column_dend = F,
                           cluster_row = F, cluster_column =F)

## x-axis is k_param = 100, and y-axis is k_param = 8
                           show_row_dend = F, show_column_dend = F,
                           cluster_row = F, cluster_column =F)

The k.param in the k-nearest neighbor algorithm after which a SNN graph is constructed. This parameter determines the resolution of the clustering where a bigger k yields a more interconnected graph and bigger clusters. We see if we increase the k param to 100, we get fewer number of total number of clusters.

Let’s check how the clusters are splitting when we increase the k.param.

Note for 5k pbmc dataset, I used SCTransform() in the Snakemake workflow. It generates more clusters than the previous NormalizeData(), ScaleData(), and FindVariableFeatures() workflow.

k8_ident<- fullsample_idents %>%
  filter(pc == 20, resolution == 0.6, k_param == 8)  %>%
  pull(original_ident_full) %>%

pbmc<- AddMetaData(pbmc, metadata = k8_ident, = "res0.6_k8")

k20_ident<- fullsample_idents %>%
  filter(pc == 20, resolution == 0.6, k_param == 20)  %>%
  pull(original_ident_full) %>%
pbmc<- AddMetaData(pbmc, metadata = k20_ident, = "res0.6_k20")

k100_ident<- fullsample_idents %>%
  filter(pc == 20, resolution == 0.6, k_param == 100)  %>%
  pull(original_ident_full) %>%

pbmc<- AddMetaData(pbmc, metadata = k100_ident, = "res0.6_k100")

p1<- DimPlot(pbmc, reduction = "umap", label = TRUE, = "res0.6_k8", repel = TRUE) + ggtitle("k_param 8")

p2<- DimPlot(pbmc, reduction = "umap", label = TRUE, = "res0.6_k20", repel = TRUE) + ggtitle("k_param 20")

p3<- DimPlot(pbmc, reduction = "umap", label = TRUE, = "res0.6_k100", repel = TRUE) + ggtitle("k_param 100")

p4<- DimPlot(pbmc, reduction = "umap", = "", repel = TRUE, label = TRUE) 

p1 + p2 + p3 + p4

# k = 8
PairWiseJaccardSetsHeatmap(set_names($res0.6_k8, nm=colnames(pbmc)),
                           set_names($, nm=colnames(pbmc)),
                           show_row_dend = F, show_column_dend = F,
                           cluster_row = F, cluster_column =F)

## we can check agains the transferred labels. k =20
PairWiseJaccardSetsHeatmap(set_names($res0.6_k20, nm=colnames(pbmc)),
                           set_names($, nm=colnames(pbmc)),
                           show_row_dend = F, show_column_dend = F,
                           cluster_row = F, cluster_column =F)

PairWiseJaccardSetsHeatmap(set_names($res0.6_k100, nm=colnames(pbmc)),
                           set_names($, nm=colnames(pbmc)),
                           show_row_dend = F, show_column_dend = F,
                           cluster_row = F, cluster_column =F)

Note that, the transferred cell type from 10k pbmc data to our 5k data may not necessary be the true labels. Nevetherless, when the k_param is big (100), many cell types are merged together.

Some other visualizations

## change idents to cluster id when k is 8

silhouette_scores<- CalculateSilhouette(pbmc, dims = 1:20)

sil_p1<- SilhouetteRainCloudPlot(silhouette_scores) + ggtitle("k_param 8")

## check silhouette score when k is 20
silhouette_scores<- CalculateSilhouette(pbmc, dims = 1:20)
sil_p2<- SilhouetteRainCloudPlot(silhouette_scores) + ggtitle("k_param 20")

sil_p1 / sil_p2

cluster 6 (when k_param is 8) split into cluster7,12 when k_param is 20 from the jaccard heatmap above.

The silhouette width for cluster7,12 is lower than cluster 6 suggesting that k_param=8 is a better option.

explore the subsampled data

Jaccard Raincloud plot for different resolutions

subsample_idents_list<- subsample_idents %>% 
  group_by(pc, resolution, k_param) %>% 

subsample_idents_list %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
  filter(pc == 20, resolution == 0.6, k_param == 8)
# A tibble: 1 x 5
  pc    resolution k_param data                  id
  <chr> <chr>      <chr>   <list>             <int>
1 20    0.6        8       <tibble [100 × 3]>     8
subsample_idents_list %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
  filter(pc == 20, resolution == 0.6, k_param == 20)
# A tibble: 1 x 5
  pc    resolution k_param data                  id
  <chr> <chr>      <chr>   <list>             <int>
1 20    0.6        20      <tibble [100 × 3]>    83
## subsample for 100 times(rounds)
# A tibble: 100 x 3
   original_ident recluster_ident round
   <list>         <list>          <chr>
 1 <fct [3,676]>  <fct [3,676]>   0    
 2 <fct [3,676]>  <fct [3,676]>   1    
 3 <fct [3,676]>  <fct [3,676]>   2    
 4 <fct [3,676]>  <fct [3,676]>   3    
 5 <fct [3,676]>  <fct [3,676]>   4    
 6 <fct [3,676]>  <fct [3,676]>   5    
 7 <fct [3,676]>  <fct [3,676]>   6    
 8 <fct [3,676]>  <fct [3,676]>   7    
 9 <fct [3,676]>  <fct [3,676]>   8    
10 <fct [3,676]>  <fct [3,676]>   9    
# … with 90 more rows
p1<- JaccardRainCloudPlot(subsample_idents_list$data[[8]]$original_ident,
                          subsample_idents_list$data[[8]]$recluster_ident) + 
        geom_hline(yintercept = c(0.6, 0.75), linetype = 2) +
        xlab("cluster id w/ k=8 res=0.6 pc=20") 

p2<- JaccardRainCloudPlot(subsample_idents_list$data[[83]]$original_ident,
                          subsample_idents_list$data[[83]]$recluster_ident) + 
        geom_hline(yintercept = c(0.6, 0.75), linetype = 2) +
        xlab("cluster id w/ k=20 res=0.6 pc=20")

p1 / p2        

From the Jaccard raincloud plot, cluster7 and cluster12 have very low jaccard index. This is consistent with the Silhouette widths.

Assign stable clusters

As a rule of thumb, clusters with a mean/median stability score less than 0.6 should be considered unstable. scores between 0.6 and 0.75 indicate that the cluster is measuring a pattern in the data. clusters with stability score greater than 0.85 are highly stable (Zumel and Mount 2014). This task can be achieved using AssignStableCluster function in our R package. We observed for some datasets, the jaccard index follows a bimodal distribution, so the mean or median may not be representative. As an alternative, we also calculate the percentage of subsampling with a jaccard greater than a cutoff (e.g. 0.85), which can be used to check stability assessments.

## return a list
## ?AssignStableCluster
                    jaccard_cutoff = 0.8,
                    method = "jaccard_percent", 
                    percent_cutoff = 0.8)
# A tibble: 100 x 17
     `0`   `1`   `2`   `3`   `4`   `5`   `6`   `7`   `8`   `9`  `10`  `11`
   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 0.955 0.959 0.826 0.913 0.995 0.660 0.871 0.929 0.825 0.667 0.776 0.8  
 2 0.952 0.993 0.928 0.938 0.990 0.678 0.561 0.95  0.427 0.774 0.966 0.819
 3 0.945 0.971 0.854 0.947 0.985 0.683 0.917 0.959 0.736 0.574 0.851 0.122
 4 0.959 0.992 0.916 0.937 0.995 0.699 0.497 0.956 0.395 0.8   0.966 0.772
 5 0.975 0.990 0.953 0.978 0.981 0.660 0.540 0.963 0.455 0.883 0.980 0.970
 6 0.931 0.958 0.943 0.949 0.995 0.661 0.910 0.954 0.777 0.517 0.731 0.890
 7 0.963 0.978 0.938 0.973 0.991 0.645 0.484 0.964 0.394 0.862 0.885 0.756
 8 0.979 0.988 0.950 0.963 0.990 0.687 0.504 0.967 0.397 0.931 0.962 0.919
 9 0.966 0.989 0.931 0.959 0.986 0.675 0.556 0.967 0.437 0.902 0.967 0.972
10 0.931 0.989 0.935 0.975 0.990 0.683 1     0.951 0.810 0.486 1     0.933
# … with 90 more rows, and 5 more variables: `12` <dbl>, `13` <dbl>,
#   `14` <dbl>, `15` <dbl>, `16` <dbl>

    0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11 
   12    13    14    15    16 

[1] 8

   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14 
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.43 1.00 0.24 0.36 0.78 0.84 0.08 0.33 0.40 
  15   16 
1.00 0.31 
# ?AssignStableCluster
## for all sets of parameters
stable_clusters<- subsample_idents_list %>%
  mutate(stable_cluster = map(data, ~ AssignStableCluster(.x$original_ident,
                                                          jaccard_cutoff = 0.8,
                                                          method = "jaccard_percent", 
                                                          percent_cutoff = 0.8)))

plot scatter plot for different parameters sets

with y axis representing the number of stable clusters and total number of clusters.

ParameterSetScatterPlot(stable_clusters = stable_clusters,
                        fullsample_idents = fullsample_idents,
                        x_var = "k_param",
                        y_var = "number",
                        facet_rows = "resolution",
                        facet_cols = "pc")

plot percentage cells in stable cluster

The ParameterSetScatterPlot function will calculate the percentage of cells in stable clusters and plot a scatter/line plot.

ParameterSetScatterPlot(stable_clusters = stable_clusters,
                        fullsample_idents = fullsample_idents,
                        x_var = "k_param",
                        y_var = "percentage",
                        facet_rows = "resolution",
                        facet_cols = "pc") +
  ggtitle("percentage of cells in stable clusters")

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
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 [7] tidyr_1.0.0            tibble_2.1.3           ggplot2_3.1.0         
[10] tidyverse_1.2.1        scclusteval_0.0.0.9000 Seurat_3.0.2          

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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 [52] gbRd_0.4-11          lmtest_0.9-36        xfun_0.4            
 [55] globals_0.12.4       rvest_0.3.2          lifecycle_0.1.0     
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