Dataset hosted by:
This website contains all the necessary for reproducibility of this Ph.D. It is built joining three frameworks:
- workflowr, the main infrastructure that organizes
every analysis step as Github versions. But instead of showing all commits, it just keeps the
important ones.
- targets, a
Make-like pipeline toolkit for Statistics and data science
in R. It supersedes drake package. This allows to keep
track of every step of the data science workflow and helps understand what needs to be rebuilt
and what has not changed since the last iteration. Every complete analysis shall be registered
by one entry in the previous package (workflowr)
- thesisdown, inspired by the package
bookdown helps write the thesis in rmarkdown that is
easily compiled in PDF, Doc, EPUB, and allows to change the theme/format for several
Use the big button above to navigate through the older commits.
Use the top menu for further information and the thesis itself.
Last Targets Run network: