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New idea or substance with impressive function you found

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    This is the start of the #new-consideration channel. New idea or substance with impressive function you found
  1. anybody knows about aloevera? (the active components, if/what hormones it mimics, effects on cells etc) I am thankfull for any information since i just started looking into it
  2. The most investigated active compounds are aloe-emodin, aloin, aloesin, emodin, and acemannan.
  3. its generally used as antioxidant and for increase collagen production, but not known if its just the vitamin c in it, it token topically, its toxic orally
  4. yeah i want to try it fir stimulating hairfolicle growth. A friend used it and was suprised that it worked. (his genetic background afrikan european mix). No oral intake "just" rubbing the plant on my head. The only studys i was able to find focused on speeded up skin regeneration after burns. I hope i find studys on the long time effect (truly juvenating vs faster regeneration but it ages faster as well)
  5. Purpose: Prostaglandins play a pivotal role in modulating hair growth cycle. Prostaglandin F2α and prostaglandin E have stimulating and prostaglandin D has inhibitory effects on hair follicle. Cetirizine inhibits release of prostaglandin D2 and stimulates the release of prostaglandin E2.
  6. thanks
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dihydrotestosterone + https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_follicle dht inhibitor "zinc" topically in hair is the first line recommended for male pattern hair loss if it was exactly your problem, and don't use any other dht inhibitor it cause irreversible depression and sexual problems, btw zinc do the opposite now just increase your experimenting speed, there many potential therapy
    Dihydrotestosterone (DHT, 5α-dihydrotestosterone, 5α-DHT, androstanolone or stanolone) is an endogenous androgen sex steroid and hormone. The enzyme 5α-reductase catalyzes the formation of DHT from testosterone in certain tissues including the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, epididymides, skin, hair follicles, liver, and brain. This enzyme med...
    The hair follicle is an organ found in mammalian skin. It resides in the dermal layer of the skin and is made up of 20 different cell types, each with distinct functions. The hair follicle regulates hair growth via a complex interaction between hormones, neuropeptides, and immune cells. This complex interaction induces the hair follicle to produ...
    Hair follicle
  8. Purpose: Prostaglandins play a pivotal role in modulating hair growth cycle. Prostaglandin F2α and prostaglandin E have stimulating and prostaglandin D has inhibitory effects on hair follicle. Cetirizine inhibits release of prostaglandin D2 and stimulates the release of prostaglandin E2.

    Do you have an idea how to make the cream?
  9. Like what is it soluble in
  10. Should be fat soluble like other anti histamine, use warm oil, 3ml max, this better then water due it will stay in head skin make sure solution is clear, don't stock it.
  11. There possibility you might need to overdose in it, solubility can be bottle neck here, using pre-made solution (adding zinc to it for double patency) will be superior
  12. also always add niacin vit B3. It increases the m3tabolism and therefore the activity of the cells. Great for whatever you trie. (oral intake with your meal is enough)
  13. There possibility you might need to overdose in it, solubility can be bottle neck here, using pre-made solution (adding zinc to it for double patency) will be superior

    Did u mean zinc pyrithione
  14. Any
  15. Any

    do u have source for cetirizine
  16. BOT

    GG , you just advanced to level 1!
  17. do u have source for cetirizine

    alldaychemist.com A lot of ppl in reddit say they buy from it when the meds are prescription, they act like being scam is off the topic But I dont guarantee
  18. alldaychemist.com A lot of ppl in reddit say they buy from it when the meds are prescription, they act like being scam is off the topic But I dont guarantee

    can't order from there sadly they don't ship here
  19. lots of these online pharmacy companies don't ship to croatia. IDK the reason
  20. use similar web to see alternative