Last updated: 2022-07-22

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Rmd 7de5878 Joelle Mbatchou 2022-07-22 add loic’s practical exercises

This practical runs on the SISG2022 server.

This practical aims at

  1. Familiarizing you with GCTA-COJO (or COJO in short)

  2. Exploring different factors influencing COJO outcomes

The practical is run in R but uses the R function system() to run PLINK and GCTA from the terminal. If you have PLINK and GCTA installed on your own computer then you could also run it locally if your prefer. In that case you’d need to update a few links provided below.

The COJO algorithm is not designed for fine-mapping per se. However, many of the challenges illustrated and discussed in this practical are relevant for any method using external linkage disequilibrium (LD) reference.

Part I: the data

We provide an R code that simulates a 1 Mb long chromosome with M=2000 SNPs organized within 20 LD blocks. Each block contains 100 SNPs, among which 5 causal variants. SNPs within a block are numbered between 1 and 100, such that the squared correlation \(r^2_{i_{k}j_{k}}\) of allele counts at SNP \(i_k\) and \(j_k\) within LD block \(k\) is

\[ r^2_{i_{k}j_{k}} = \rho_k^{2|i_k-j_k|} \]

LD blocks are characterized by the parameters \(\rho^2_k\), which varies from 0.1 (when \(k=1\); low LD locus) to 0.9 (when \(k=20\); high LD locus).

The code below generates the LD correlation structure between SNPs in each block.

Run the following commands

nblocks <- 20
rhos    <- sqrt(seq(0.1,0.9,len=nblocks))
m       <- 100 # number of SNPs per LD block
mcBlock <- 5   # number of causals LD per block
M       <- m * nblocks 
R       <- matrix(0,nrow=M,ncol=M)
icausal <- c()
for(k in 1:nblocks){
  l <- ((k-1)*m + 1):(k*m);
  R[l,l]  <- outer(1:m,1:m,FUN=function(i,j) rhos[k]^abs(i-j))
  icausal <- c(icausal,sample(l,mcBlock))

The figure code and figure below shows the LD correlation matrix for SNPs the 20-th LD block (\(\rho^2_{20}=0.9\))

l=((k-1)*m + 1):(k*m)
print("Extract of LD structure for 20-th LD block")
print( R[l,l][1:5,1:5] )

Run the following commands

chr     <- 10 # Chromosome number
pos     <- 1234557 + sort(sample(0:1e6,M)) # Random Position for SNPs
a1a2    <-"rbind",lapply(1:M,function(j) sample(c("A","C","G","T"),2))) # alleles
snps    <- paste0("SNP",1:M) # SNP ID
ldblock <- rep(1:nblocks,each=m) # LD block ID
names(ldblock) <- snps

The R code below generates and shows the LD score of each SNP on the chromosome (x-axis: genomic position in Mb; y-axis: LD score)

Cols <- sample(colors(),nblocks)
ldscores <- diag(crossprod(R))
     axes=FALSE,xlab="Genomic Position (Mb)",
     ylab="LD scores")
legend("topleft",legend=paste0("Block #",1:nblocks),
cat(paste0("mean LD score = ",round(mean(ldscores),3),
           " - SD LD score = ",round(sd(ldscores),3)))

Run the following commands. This is a function to generate genotypes corresponding to the specified LD structure. For simplicity, we simulate all SNPs with an allele frequency equal to 0.5.

simGeno <- function(R,n){
  z1 <-"cbind",lapply(1:nblocks,function(i){
    l <- ((i-1)*m + 1):(i*m)
    mvrnorm(n=n,mu=rep(0,m),Sigma = R[l,l])
  z2 <-"cbind",lapply(1:nblocks,function(i){
    l <- ((i-1)*m + 1):(i*m)
    mvrnorm(n=n,mu=rep(0,m),Sigma = R[l,l])
  x <- (z1>0) + (z2>0)

Run the following commands to genarate genotypes and phenotypes of GWAS participants. GWAS sample size is Ngwas=100000

Ngwas <- 5e4

## Simulate genotypes
Xgwas <- simGeno(n = Ngwas,R)

## Simulate phenotype
mc    <- length(icausal) # total number of causal variants
q2    <- 0.01 #variance explained by all SNPs on the chromosome
b     <- rnorm(n=mc,mean=0,sd=sqrt(q2/mc))
g     <- sqrt(2)*c((Xgwas[,icausal]-1)%*%b)
e     <- rnorm(n=Ngwas,mean=0,sd=sqrt(1-q2))
Ygwas <- g + e

## Running GWAS
var_x <- apply(Xgwas,2,var)
beta  <- cov(Xgwas,Ygwas) / var_x # estimated regression coefficients
se    <- sqrt( (var(Ygwas) - beta*beta*var_x)/((Ngwas-2)*var_x) ) # standard errors
pval  <- 2 * pt(q=abs(beta/se),df=Ngwas-2,lower.tail = F) # T-distribution

## GWAS data - COJO format
gwas  <-,A1=a1a2[,1],A2=a1a2[,2],

# folder where to store the data
# default is ".", i.e. current directory
# this can be changed
datPath <- "." 

causals <- snps[icausal]
write(causals,paste0(datPath,"/causals.snplist")) ## list of causal SNPs

Run the following commands to simulate a LD reference (i.e., set of genotypes in PLINK format) from the same population.

## Set path for PLINK
plink   <- "/data/SISG2022M15/exe/plink"

## Simulate and write LD ref
simLDref <- function(Nldref){
  Xldref <- simGeno(n = Nldref,R)
  refGeno <- t(sapply(1:M,function(j) {
  ped <-"cbind",lapply(1:M,function(j){
  ## fam file
  iid    <- paste0("IID",1:Nldref)
  fid    <- iid
  pid    <- rep(0,Nldref)
  mid    <- rep(0,Nldref)
  sex    <- sample(1:2,Nldref,replace=TRUE)
  pheno  <- rep(-9,Nldref)
  fam    <-,iid,pid,mid,sex,pheno)
  ## ped/geno
  mapData <-,snps,0,pos)
  pedData <-,ped)
  system(paste0(plink," --file ldRef --make-bed --out ldRef"))
simLDref(Nldref = 5000)

Part II: running COJO

If you have run all the commands above then the following files must be available in your current directory. To check type the following command in the terminal.

ls -lt
ls -lt ldRef.*

You can now run COJO. Either from the terminal

${GCTA} --bfile ldRef --cojo-file --chr 10 --cojo-slct --cojo-p 2.5e-5 --out test1

or from R (calling terminal using the system() command)

gcta <- "/data/SISG2022M15/exe/gcta64_v1.94"
system(paste0(gcta," --bfile ldRef ",
              "--cojo-file --chr 10 ",
              "--cojo-slct --cojo-p 2.5e-5 --out test1"))

Question 1. How many SNPs are detected? How many of those are causal SNPs? (Note that you can obtain causal SNPs in your currrent R session as causals = snps[icausal], or in the file named causals.snplist).

Question 2. Regenerate LD reference data with a lower sample size Nldref=2000, 1000 and 500 and rerun 1). What do you observe? Are all LD blocks affected the same?

Question 3. Set the variance explained by SNPs on the chromosome to 3% (q2=0.03) and re-run 1) and 2). What can you conclude regarding the number of SNPs detected and the proportion of non-causal SNPs detected?

Part III: fixing COJO?

There is no simple way to fix the inflation of false positive observed when the LD reference is too small. As a rule of thumb, Yang et al. (GCTA website) recommend using sample sizes of at least 4000. Nevertheless, we observe that using a more stringent threshold for detecting collinearity might help.

Question 4. Set the variance explained by SNPs on the chromosome to 3% (q2=0.03) and the size of the LD reference to 1000. Re-run COJO adding the following flag --cojo-collinear 0.1. Quantify the improvement in the number of false positives.

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS  10.16

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] workflowr_1.7.0

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[17] cli_3.1.1        rstudioapi_0.13  yaml_2.2.1       xfun_0.31       
[21] fastmap_1.1.0    httr_1.4.3       stringr_1.4.0    knitr_1.39      
[25] sass_0.4.0       fs_1.5.2         vctrs_0.3.8      rprojroot_2.0.3 
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