Processing math: 100%

Last updated: 2020-04-16

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
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    Ignored:    packrat/lib-R/
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Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   workflowr_commands.R

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/diagnostics.Rmd) and HTML (docs/diagnostics.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd aa2b0e9 Mathis Loïc Messager 2020-04-16 Add main result page to navbar
html 28d8bfd Mathis Loïc Messager 2020-04-16 Build site.
Rmd cb44e37 Mathis Loïc Messager 2020-04-16 Add main result page to navbar
Rmd c0a7f71 GitHub 2020-04-16 TRy troubleshooting
html 2c6be1e Mathis Loïc Messager 2020-04-16 small change
html 606f3f1 Mathis Loïc Messager 2020-04-16 Build site.
Rmd 50ad234 Mathis Loïc Messager 2020-04-16 Add tab to website, adjust figure sizes
html 8199160 Mathis Loïc Messager 2020-04-16 Build site.
Rmd 20af343 Mathis Loïc Messager 2020-04-16 Update license and add diagnostics

Warning: package 'drake' was built under R version 3.6.3
Warning: package 'reprex' was built under R version 3.6.3
Warning: package 'data.table' was built under R version 3.6.3
Warning: package 'future' was built under R version 3.6.3
Warning: package 'future.apply' was built under R version 3.6.3
Warning: package 'future.callr' was built under R version 3.6.3
Warning: package 'furrr' was built under R version 3.6.3
Warning: package 'kableExtra' was built under R version 3.6.3

Reference data

We use streamflow data from a subset of streamgauging stations from the Global Runoff Data Center. These stations were closely inspected for streamflow time series quality and positional accuracy prior to being snapped/joined to the HydroSHEDS global river network. Only gauges with at least 10 years of streamflow data were included in the analysis, excluding any year with more than 20 days of missing data. A gauge was considered intermittent if it stopped flowing at least one day over the course of its record.

Predictor variables

The following variables, either directly included or derived from the HydroATLAS are used as candidates in training the random forest classification model.

varname Keyscale Keystat ID Category Attribute Source.Data Citation Spatial.representation Temporal.or.statistical.aggregation.or.other.association
Global Aridity Index catchment Average c av C07 Climate Global Aridity Index Global Aridity Index Zomer et al. 2008 catchment Average
Global Aridity Index watershed Average u av C07 Climate Global Aridity Index Global Aridity Index Zomer et al. 2008 watershed Average
Clay Fraction in Soil catchment Average c av S01 Soils & Geology Clay Fraction in Soil SoilGrids1km Hengl et al. 2014 catchment Average
Clay Fraction in Soil watershed Average u av S01 Soils & Geology Clay Fraction in Soil SoilGrids1km Hengl et al. 2014 watershed Average
Climate Zones catchment Spatial majority (dominant value) c mj C01 Climate Climate Zones GEnS Metzger et al. 2013 catchment Spatial majority (dominant value)
Climate Moisture Index catchment Minimum or Annual minimum c mn C08 Climate Climate Moisture Index WorldClim & Global-PET Hijmans et al. 2005 catchment Minimum or Annual minimum
Climate Moisture Index watershed Annual average u yr C08 Climate Climate Moisture Index WorldClim & Global-PET Hijmans et al. 2005 watershed Annual average
Natural Discharge pour point Minimum or Annual minimum p mn H01 Hydrology Natural Discharge WaterGAP v2.2 Döll et al. 2003 pour point Minimum or Annual minimum
Natural Discharge pour point Maximum or Annual maximum p mx H01 Hydrology Natural Discharge WaterGAP v2.2 Döll et al. 2003 pour point Maximum or Annual maximum
Natural Discharge pour point Annual average p yr H01 Hydrology Natural Discharge WaterGAP v2.2 Döll et al. 2003 pour point Annual average
Discharge watershed Annual min/max NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Discharge watershed Annual min/average NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Degree of Regulation pour point Value p va H07 Hydrology Degree of Regulation HydroSHEDS & GRanD Lehner et al. 2011 pour point Value
Elevation catchment average - watershed average NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Forest Cover Extent catchment Spatial extent (%) c se L07 Landcover Forest Cover Extent GLC2000 Bartholomé & Belward 2005 catchment Spatial extent (%)
Forest Cover Extent watershed Spatial extent (%) u se L07 Landcover Forest Cover Extent GLC2000 Bartholomé & Belward 2005 watershed Spatial extent (%)
Glacier Extent catchment Spatial extent (%) c se L11 Landcover Glacier Extent GLIMS GLIMS & NSIDC 2012 catchment Spatial extent (%)
Glacier Extent watershed Spatial extent (%) u se L11 Landcover Glacier Extent GLIMS GLIMS & NSIDC 2012 watershed Spatial extent (%)
Land Cover Classes catchment Spatial majority (dominant value) c mj L01 Landcover Land Cover Classes GLC2000 Bartholomé & Belward 2005 catchment Spatial majority (dominant value)
Groundwater Table Depth catchment Average c av H10 Hydrology Groundwater Table Depth Global Groundwater Map Fan et al. 2013 catchment Average
Inundation Extent catchment Minimum or Annual minimum c mn H03 Hydrology Inundation Extent GIEMS-D15 Fluet-Chouinard et al. 2015 catchment Minimum or Annual minimum
Inundation Extent watershed Minimum or Annual minimum u mn H03 Hydrology Inundation Extent GIEMS-D15 Fluet-Chouinard et al. 2015 watershed Minimum or Annual minimum
Inundation Extent watershed Maximum or Annual maximum u mx H03 Hydrology Inundation Extent GIEMS-D15 Fluet-Chouinard et al. 2015 watershed Maximum or Annual maximum
Irrigated Area Extent (Equipped) catchment Spatial extent (%) c se L10 Landcover Irrigated Area Extent (Equipped) HID v1.0 Siebert et al. 2015 catchment Spatial extent (%)
Irrigated Area Extent (Equipped) watershed Spatial extent (%) u se L10 Landcover Irrigated Area Extent (Equipped) HID v1.0 Siebert et al. 2015 watershed Spatial extent (%)
Karst Area Extent catchment Spatial extent (%) c se S07 Soils & Geology Karst Area Extent Rock Outcrops v3.0 Williams & Ford 2006 catchment Spatial extent (%)
Karst Area Extent watershed Spatial extent (%) u se S07 Soils & Geology Karst Area Extent Rock Outcrops v3.0 Williams & Ford 2006 watershed Spatial extent (%)
Lithological Classes catchment Spatial majority (dominant value) c mj S06 Soils & Geology Lithological Classes GLiM Hartmann & Moosdorf 2012 catchment Spatial majority (dominant value)
Limnicity (Percent Lake Area) catchment Spatial extent (%) c se H04 Hydrology Limnicity (Percent Lake Area) HydroLAKES Messager et al. 2016 catchment Spatial extent (%)
Limnicity (Percent Lake Area) watershed Spatial extent (%) u se H04 Hydrology Limnicity (Percent Lake Area) HydroLAKES Messager et al. 2016 watershed Spatial extent (%)
Potential Evapotranspiration watershed Annual average u yr C05 Climate Potential Evapotranspiration Global-PET Zomer et al. 2008 watershed Annual average
Potential Natural Vegetation Classes catchment Spatial majority (dominant value) c mj L03 Landcover Potential Natural Vegetation Classes EarthStat Ramankutty & Foley 1999 catchment Spatial majority (dominant value)
Precipitation catchment Minimum or Annual minimum c mn C04 Climate Precipitation WorldClim v1.4 Hijmans et al. 2005 catchment Minimum or Annual minimum
Precipitation catchment Annual min/max NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Precipitation watershed Annual average u yr C04 Climate Precipitation WorldClim v1.4 Hijmans et al. 2005 watershed Annual average
Permafrost Extent catchment Spatial extent (%) c se L12 Landcover Permafrost Extent PZI Gruber 2012 catchment Spatial extent (%)
Permafrost Extent watershed Spatial extent (%) u se L12 Landcover Permafrost Extent PZI Gruber 2012 watershed Spatial extent (%)
Land Surface Runoff catchment Annual average c yr H02 Hydrology Land Surface Runoff WaterGAP v2.2 Döll et al. 2003 catchment Annual average
Silt Fraction in Soil catchment Average c av S02 Soils & Geology Silt Fraction in Soil SoilGrids1km Hengl et al. 2014 catchment Average
Silt Fraction in Soil watershed Average u av S02 Soils & Geology Silt Fraction in Soil SoilGrids1km Hengl et al. 2014 watershed Average
Sand Fraction in Soil catchment Average c av S03 Soils & Geology Sand Fraction in Soil SoilGrids1km Hengl et al. 2014 catchment Average
Sand Fraction in Soil watershed Average u av S03 Soils & Geology Sand Fraction in Soil SoilGrids1km Hengl et al. 2014 watershed Average
Snow Cover Extent catchment Maximum or Annual maximum c mx C09 Climate Snow Cover Extent MODIS/Aqua Hall & Riggs 2016 catchment Maximum or Annual maximum
Snow Cover Extent catchment Annual average c yr C09 Climate Snow Cover Extent MODIS/Aqua Hall & Riggs 2016 catchment Annual average
Snow Cover Extent watershed Annual average u yr C09 Climate Snow Cover Extent MODIS/Aqua Hall & Riggs 2016 watershed Annual average
Organic Carbon Content in Soil catchment Average c av S04 Soils & Geology Organic Carbon Content in Soil SoilGrids1km Hengl et al. 2014 catchment Average
Organic Carbon Content in Soil watershed Average u av S04 Soils & Geology Organic Carbon Content in Soil SoilGrids1km Hengl et al. 2014 watershed Average
Soil Water Content catchment Minimum or Annual minimum c mn S05 Soils & Geology Soil Water Content Global Soil-Water Balance Trabucco & Zomer 2010 catchment Minimum or Annual minimum
Soil Water Content catchment Annual average c yr S05 Soils & Geology Soil Water Content Global Soil-Water Balance Trabucco & Zomer 2010 catchment Annual average
Soil Water Content watershed Annual average u yr S05 Soils & Geology Soil Water Content Global Soil-Water Balance Trabucco & Zomer 2010 watershed Annual average
Air Temperature catchment Minimum or Annual minimum c mn C03 Climate Air Temperature WorldClim v1.4 Hijmans et al. 2005 catchment Minimum or Annual minimum
Air Temperature catchment Maximum or Annual maximum c mx C03 Climate Air Temperature WorldClim v1.4 Hijmans et al. 2005 catchment Maximum or Annual maximum
Air Temperature catchment Annual average c yr C03 Climate Air Temperature WorldClim v1.4 Hijmans et al. 2005 catchment Annual average
Air Temperature watershed Annual average u yr C03 Climate Air Temperature WorldClim v1.4 Hijmans et al. 2005 watershed Annual average
Wetland Extent catchment Class group 1 c g1 L06 Landcover Wetland Extent GLWD Lehner & Döll 2004 catchment Class group 1
Wetland Extent catchment Class group 2 c g2 L06 Landcover Wetland Extent GLWD Lehner & Döll 2004 catchment Class group 2
Wetland Extent watershed Class group 1 u g1 L06 Landcover Wetland Extent GLWD Lehner & Döll 2004 watershed Class group 1
Wetland Extent watershed Class group 2 u g2 L06 Landcover Wetland Extent GLWD Lehner & Döll 2004 watershed Class group 2

Model training strategy

Explanation adapated from mlr3 manual

Resampling strategies are usually used to assess the performance of a learning algorithm. By subsetting the reference data (that we intend to predict) into independent training and testing sets, resampling allows us to assess how our algorithm may perform on a previously untested datasets.

Hyperparameters are second-order parameters of machine learning models that, while often not explicitly optimized during the model estimation process, can have important impacts on the outcome and predictive performance of a model. Typically, hyperparameters are fixed before training a model. However, because the output of a model can be sensitive to the specification of hyperparameters, it is often recommended to make an informed decision about which hyperparameter settings may yield better model performance. In many cases, hyperparameter settings may be chosen a priori, but it can be advantageous to try different settings before fitting your model on the training data. This process is often called ‘tuning’ your model.

In order to obtain unbiased performance estimates, all parts of the model building (preprocessing and model selection steps) should be included in the resampling, i.e., repeated for every pair of training/test data. Because not only final training but hyperparameter tuning requires resampling to avoid overfitting and to give accurate performance estimates, then our analysis relied on a nested resampling strategy.

Nested resampling illustration

Nested resampling illustration

The graphic above illustrates nested resampling for parameter tuning with 3-fold cross-validation in the outer and 4-fold cross-validation in the inner loop.

In the outer resampling loop, we have three pairs of training/test sets. On each of these outer training sets parameter tuning is done, thereby executing the inner resampling loop. This way, we get one set of selected hyperparameters for each outer training set. Then the learner is fitted on each outer training set using the corresponding selected hyperparameters. Subsequently, we can evaluate the performance of the learner on the outer test sets.

In our case, the inner resampling strategy consisted of tuning three random forest hyperparameters: the fraction of the dataset sampled without replacement to grow each tree in the forest, the number of predictor variables to randomly draw at each decision split in the trees, and the minimum size of end nodes. With this initial development of the model and in the absence of additional computational power, the inner resampling was performed by cross-validation with 2 folds. For each fold, hyperparameter tuning was conducted by randomly drawing twenty sets of values for all three tuned hyperparameters, training a random forest model with each set of values on the training data for that fold, and testing the performance of the model on the testing data for that fold (here 50% of the dataset). The highest performing hyperparameter values are then passed on to the outer resampling fold. Our performance measure in determing the best set of hyperparameter values was the weighted balanced accuracy, suited for imbalanced datasets. It is defined analogously to the definition in sklearn.

First, the sample weights w are normalized per class: \hat{w}_i = \frac{w_i}{\sum_j 1(y_j = y_i) w_i}. }{  w_hat[i] = w[i] / sum((t == t[i]) * w[i]). }

The balanced accuracy is calculated as: \deqn{  \frac{1}{\sum_i \hat{w}_i} \sum_i 1(r_i = t_i) \hat{w}_i. }{  1 / sum(w_hat) * sum((r == t) * w_hat). } }

Outer resampling was performed with repeated cross-validation using five folds and two repeatitions.

The random forest algorithm is known to produce biased estimates in binary classification tasks if the two classes are unequally represented in the training data. In the case of this study, the classes were unequally represented with almost three times as many perennial as there were intermittent rivers. The minority class (here intermittent rivers) was therefore oversampled with replacement for training purposes.

All RF instances were trained with 500 tree, using the Gini index as splitting rule, and grown as probability trees following Malley et al.’s 2012 approach with the mlr3 and ranger package.

Model performance

Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_path).

Variable importance


Bivariate partial dependence plots


# Map of gauges To be added later

#Tuning time analysis To be added later

R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] tidyselect_1.0.0    kableExtra_1.1.0    furrr_0.1.0        
 [4] future.callr_0.5.0  future.apply_1.4.0  future_1.16.0      
 [7] data.table_1.12.8   mlr3verse_0.1.1     mlr3viz_0.1.1      
[10] mlr3tuning_0.1.2    mlr3pipelines_0.1.2 mlr3learners_0.1.6 
[13] mlr3filters_0.1.1   mlr3db_0.1.5        mlr3_0.1.7         
[16] ggpubr_0.2.5        magrittr_1.5        xlsx_0.6.2         
[19] edarf_1.1.1         ranger_0.12.1       paradox_0.1.0      
[22] bigstatsr_1.1.4     rprojroot_1.3-2     sf_0.8-1           
[25] gridExtra_2.3       ggplot2_3.2.1       plyr_1.8.5         
[28] stringr_1.4.0       profvis_0.3.6       tictoc_1.0         
[31] reprex_0.3.0        drake_7.12.0       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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[17] bigparallelr_0.2.3 compiler_3.6.2     httr_1.4.1         backports_1.1.5   
[21] assertthat_0.2.1   Matrix_1.2-18      lazyeval_0.2.2     cli_2.0.1         
[25] later_1.0.0        htmltools_0.4.0    prettyunits_1.1.1  tools_3.6.2       
[29] igraph_1.2.5       gtable_0.3.0       glue_1.3.1         dplyr_0.8.4       
[33] Rcpp_1.0.3         vctrs_0.2.3        iterators_1.0.12   xfun_0.12         
[37] globals_0.12.5     ps_1.3.2           xlsxjars_0.6.1     mlr3measures_0.1.1
[41] rvest_0.3.5        lifecycle_0.1.0    scales_1.1.0       lgr_0.3.3         
[45] hms_0.5.3          promises_1.1.0     flock_0.7          parallel_3.6.2    
[49] yaml_2.2.1         stringi_1.4.6      highr_0.8          foreach_1.4.8     
[53] e1071_1.7-3        checkmate_2.0.0    bigassertr_0.1.2   filelock_1.0.2    
[57] mmpf_0.0.5         storr_1.2.1        rlang_0.4.4        pkgconfig_2.0.3   
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[73] whisker_0.4        withr_2.1.2        units_0.6-5        tibble_2.1.3      
[77] crayon_1.3.4       uuid_0.1-4         KernSmooth_2.23-16 rmarkdown_2.1     
[81] progress_1.2.2     grid_3.6.2         callr_3.4.3        git2r_0.26.1      
[85] mlr3misc_0.1.8     digest_0.6.25      classInt_0.4-2     webshot_0.5.2     
[89] httpuv_1.5.2       munsell_0.5.0      viridisLite_0.3.0