Trait serde::ser::SerializeMap [] [src]

pub trait SerializeMap {
    type Ok;
    type Error: Error;
    fn serialize_key<T: ?Sized + Serialize>(
        &mut self,
        key: &T
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn serialize_value<T: ?Sized + Serialize>(
        &mut self,
        value: &T
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn end(self) -> Result<Self::Ok, Self::Error>; fn serialize_entry<K: ?Sized + Serialize, V: ?Sized + Serialize>(
        &mut self,
        key: &K,
        value: &V
    ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { ... } }

Returned from Serializer::serialize_map.

This example is not tested
let mut map = serializer.serialize_map(Some(self.len()))?;
for (k, v) in self {
    map.serialize_entry(k, v)?;

Associated Types

Must match the Ok type of our Serializer.

Must match the Error type of our Serializer.

Required Methods

Serialize a map key.

Serialize a map value.

Finish serializing a map.

Provided Methods

Serialize a map entry consisting of a key and a value.

Some Serialize types are not able to hold a key and value in memory at the same time so SerializeMap implementations are required to support serialize_key and serialize_value individually. The serialize_entry method allows serializers to optimize for the case where key and value are both available. Serialize implementations are encouraged to use serialize_entry if possible.

The default implementation delegates to serialize_key and serialize_value. This is appropriate for serializers that do not care about performance or are not able to optimize serialize_entry any better than this.
