Last updated: 2021-06-30

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  • On this page, we will prepare the data for the differential gene expression analysis. This involves:
  1. Importing in the gene counts and sample metadata.
  2. Obtaining gene annotations for the genes detected in this experiment.
  3. Creating a DGEList object to store the gene counts, sample metadata, and gene annotations in a single object.
  4. Dimension reduction to check how similar samples are, as well as whether there are any mislabeled samples.
  5. Export out DGEList for use in the differential gene expression analysis.

Data Description

  • The dataset we will be using in this analysis comes from a recent study published in Cell.

  • The data has been uploaded onto the public repository GEO with the GSE171110 accession number, and I’ve copied the description of the data the authors gave there below:

The identification of COVID-19 patients with high-risk of severe disease is a challenge in routine care. We performed blood RNA-seq gene expression analyses in severe hospitalized patients compared to healthy donors. Supervised and unsupervised analyses revealed a high abundance of CD177, a specific neutrophil activation marker, contributing to the clustering of severe patients. Gene abundance correlated with high serum levels of CD177 in severe patients. These results highlight neutrophil activation as a hallmark of severe disease and CD177 assessment as a reliable prognostic marker for routine care.
  • The data was pre-processed by the authors of the Cell paper, by aligning .fastq files to the human hg18 transcriptome using Salmon. We will not be covering the pre-processing in this workshop due to time constraints, although I would highly encourage those interested to bookmark the Salmon documentation which goes through the commands needed to run Salmon on .fastq files yourself.

Import Data

  • The first step is to import the gene counts and sample metadata data into R.

Gene count matrix

  • The raw gene counts after RNA-seq data pre-processing were downloaded from GEO GSE171110 under the “Supplementary Files”. The GSE171110_Data_RNAseq_raw_counts_geo.txt.gz supplementary file was downloaded and uncompressed into the data directory, and the resulting tab-delimited text file (containing gene counts) is imported below.
counts <- readr::read_tsv(here("data", 
                          skip = 2, 
                          col_names = TRUE) %>% %>%
  • By previewing the counts object below, we can see that each row is a gene and each column is a sample. The counts object is a type of object in R called a data.frame which you can basically think of as being like a spreadsheet but in R.
# Preview first 5 rows and columns
          507-V    1189-V   1406-V   1918-V   1951-V
A1BG  133.14360 110.14223 94.68670 89.60004 85.81497
A1CF    9.00000   8.00000  1.00000 10.00020  3.00000
A2M    65.00001  31.72058 36.63567 19.22508 27.99998
A2ML1  29.28124  26.30470 20.57935 13.00000  5.00000
A2MP1 262.00034  83.00004 98.99997 55.99998 41.00000
  • The nrow and ncol functions can be used to check how many rows and columns are in a data.frame object:
[1] 30185
[1] 54


  1. How many genes are in this dataset?
  2. How many Healthy and Covid-19 samples are in this dataset?

Sample Metadata Table

  • We import the sample metadata from the table stored in the CSV file at data/sample_table.csv and store it in an object called samples:
samples <- readr::read_csv(here("data", "sample_table.csv")) %>%

── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  patient_code = col_character(),
  age = col_double(),
  sex = col_character(),
  group = col_character(),
  geo_accession = col_character()
  • As we can see in the preview below, each row in the samples data.frame is a sample, and the columns represent different characteristics/information about the samples, including age, sex, and group (Healthy or Covid-19).
samples %>%
  kable %>%
patient_code age sex group geo_accession
507-V 53 M Healthy GSM5218990
1189-V 57 F Healthy GSM5218991
1406-V 61 M Healthy GSM5218992
1918-V 56 M Healthy GSM5218993
1951-V 57 F Healthy GSM5218994
1995-V 55 F Healthy GSM5218995
2064-V 55 M Healthy GSM5218996
3054-V 60 M Healthy GSM5218997
3136-V 51 F Healthy GSM5218998
3538-V 60 M Healthy GSM5218999
002-0001 51 M Covid19 GSM5219000
002-0002 60 M Covid19 GSM5219001
002-0003 53 F Covid19 GSM5219002
002-0004 57 F Covid19 GSM5219003
002-0011 58 F Covid19 GSM5219004
002-0006 55 M Covid19 GSM5219005
002-0031 53 M Covid19 GSM5219006
001-0021 52 M Covid19 GSM5219007
001-0033 60 M Covid19 GSM5219008
001-0024 61 M Covid19 GSM5219009
001-0040 58 M Covid19 GSM5219010
001-0032 59 M Covid19 GSM5219011
001-0029 61 M Covid19 GSM5219012
002-0035 51 M Covid19 GSM5219013
002-0037 55 M Covid19 GSM5219014
001-0036 59 F Covid19 GSM5219015
002-0040 55 F Covid19 GSM5219016
002-0041 57 F Covid19 GSM5219017
002-0046 60 M Covid19 GSM5219018
002-0053 55 M Covid19 GSM5219019
001-0068 56 M Covid19 GSM5219020
002-0057 51 M Covid19 GSM5219021
002-0058 57 M Covid19 GSM5219022
002-0060 53 M Covid19 GSM5219023
001-0094 60 M Covid19 GSM5219024
002-0062 55 M Covid19 GSM5219025
002-0061 57 M Covid19 GSM5219026
002-0068 53 M Covid19 GSM5219027
002-0067 55 M Covid19 GSM5219028
002-0066 51 M Covid19 GSM5219029
002-0064 52 M Covid19 GSM5219030
002-0070 58 M Covid19 GSM5219031
002-0072 57 M Covid19 GSM5219032
001-0129 56 M Covid19 GSM5219033
002-0078 55 M Covid19 GSM5219034
002-0080 55 M Covid19 GSM5219035
002-0079 59 M Covid19 GSM5219036
002-0083 54 M Covid19 GSM5219037
002-0084 59 M Covid19 GSM5219038
001-0142 53 M Covid19 GSM5219039
002-0088 61 M Covid19 GSM5219040
002-0101 58 M Covid19 GSM5219041
002-0104 58 M Covid19 GSM5219042
051-0001 54 M Covid19 GSM5219043

Readable sample names

  • You may have noticed when previewing the gene counts matrix stored in counts using head(counts) earlier that the sample names are not very descriptive (eg. 507-V, 1189-V etc.). These correspond to the patient_code column in the sample metadata table above.

  • Below, we will replace these patient_code names in the gene counts with readable sample names so that the rest of the analysis is easier to interpret, especially when visualising the data.

  • First, we create a new column in the samples metadata table, called sample, that will contain readable sample names (the group they are in followed by a number):

samples <- samples %>%
  dplyr::mutate(sample = paste0(group, "_", c(1:10, 1:44))) 

rownames(samples) <- samples$sample

# Preview the samples table with the added column:
samples %>%
  kable %>%
patient_code age sex group geo_accession sample
Healthy_1 507-V 53 M Healthy GSM5218990 Healthy_1
Healthy_2 1189-V 57 F Healthy GSM5218991 Healthy_2
Healthy_3 1406-V 61 M Healthy GSM5218992 Healthy_3
Healthy_4 1918-V 56 M Healthy GSM5218993 Healthy_4
Healthy_5 1951-V 57 F Healthy GSM5218994 Healthy_5
Healthy_6 1995-V 55 F Healthy GSM5218995 Healthy_6
Healthy_7 2064-V 55 M Healthy GSM5218996 Healthy_7
Healthy_8 3054-V 60 M Healthy GSM5218997 Healthy_8
Healthy_9 3136-V 51 F Healthy GSM5218998 Healthy_9
Healthy_10 3538-V 60 M Healthy GSM5218999 Healthy_10
Covid19_1 002-0001 51 M Covid19 GSM5219000 Covid19_1
Covid19_2 002-0002 60 M Covid19 GSM5219001 Covid19_2
Covid19_3 002-0003 53 F Covid19 GSM5219002 Covid19_3
Covid19_4 002-0004 57 F Covid19 GSM5219003 Covid19_4
Covid19_5 002-0011 58 F Covid19 GSM5219004 Covid19_5
Covid19_6 002-0006 55 M Covid19 GSM5219005 Covid19_6
Covid19_7 002-0031 53 M Covid19 GSM5219006 Covid19_7
Covid19_8 001-0021 52 M Covid19 GSM5219007 Covid19_8
Covid19_9 001-0033 60 M Covid19 GSM5219008 Covid19_9
Covid19_10 001-0024 61 M Covid19 GSM5219009 Covid19_10
Covid19_11 001-0040 58 M Covid19 GSM5219010 Covid19_11
Covid19_12 001-0032 59 M Covid19 GSM5219011 Covid19_12
Covid19_13 001-0029 61 M Covid19 GSM5219012 Covid19_13
Covid19_14 002-0035 51 M Covid19 GSM5219013 Covid19_14
Covid19_15 002-0037 55 M Covid19 GSM5219014 Covid19_15
Covid19_16 001-0036 59 F Covid19 GSM5219015 Covid19_16
Covid19_17 002-0040 55 F Covid19 GSM5219016 Covid19_17
Covid19_18 002-0041 57 F Covid19 GSM5219017 Covid19_18
Covid19_19 002-0046 60 M Covid19 GSM5219018 Covid19_19
Covid19_20 002-0053 55 M Covid19 GSM5219019 Covid19_20
Covid19_21 001-0068 56 M Covid19 GSM5219020 Covid19_21
Covid19_22 002-0057 51 M Covid19 GSM5219021 Covid19_22
Covid19_23 002-0058 57 M Covid19 GSM5219022 Covid19_23
Covid19_24 002-0060 53 M Covid19 GSM5219023 Covid19_24
Covid19_25 001-0094 60 M Covid19 GSM5219024 Covid19_25
Covid19_26 002-0062 55 M Covid19 GSM5219025 Covid19_26
Covid19_27 002-0061 57 M Covid19 GSM5219026 Covid19_27
Covid19_28 002-0068 53 M Covid19 GSM5219027 Covid19_28
Covid19_29 002-0067 55 M Covid19 GSM5219028 Covid19_29
Covid19_30 002-0066 51 M Covid19 GSM5219029 Covid19_30
Covid19_31 002-0064 52 M Covid19 GSM5219030 Covid19_31
Covid19_32 002-0070 58 M Covid19 GSM5219031 Covid19_32
Covid19_33 002-0072 57 M Covid19 GSM5219032 Covid19_33
Covid19_34 001-0129 56 M Covid19 GSM5219033 Covid19_34
Covid19_35 002-0078 55 M Covid19 GSM5219034 Covid19_35
Covid19_36 002-0080 55 M Covid19 GSM5219035 Covid19_36
Covid19_37 002-0079 59 M Covid19 GSM5219036 Covid19_37
Covid19_38 002-0083 54 M Covid19 GSM5219037 Covid19_38
Covid19_39 002-0084 59 M Covid19 GSM5219038 Covid19_39
Covid19_40 001-0142 53 M Covid19 GSM5219039 Covid19_40
Covid19_41 002-0088 61 M Covid19 GSM5219040 Covid19_41
Covid19_42 002-0101 58 M Covid19 GSM5219041 Covid19_42
Covid19_43 002-0104 58 M Covid19 GSM5219042 Covid19_43
Covid19_44 051-0001 54 M Covid19 GSM5219043 Covid19_44
  • We will then set the column names in counts (corresponding to sample names) to the new readable sample names:
# Reorder the columns in `counts` so they are in the same order as the rows in the samples table
counts <- counts[, samples$patient_code] 

# Set the colnames to the readable sample names
colnames(counts) <- samples$sample 

        Healthy_1 Healthy_2 Healthy_3 Healthy_4 Healthy_5 Healthy_6 Healthy_7
A1BG    133.14360 110.14223  94.68670  89.60004  85.81497  59.03335  77.18392
A1CF      9.00000   8.00000   1.00000  10.00020   3.00000   6.00000   4.00000
A2M      65.00001  31.72058  36.63567  19.22508  27.99998  40.60307  34.00003
A2ML1    29.28124  26.30470  20.57935  13.00000   5.00000  39.47160   8.13204
A2MP1   262.00034  83.00004  98.99997  55.99998  41.00000 124.99995  49.00002
A3GALT2  12.00000   1.00000   5.00000   7.00000   0.00000   1.00000   5.00000
        Healthy_8 Healthy_9 Healthy_10 Covid19_1 Covid19_2 Covid19_3 Covid19_4
A1BG     64.63351 118.31709   79.67834  83.26880 137.55230  68.16603  78.88510
A1CF      5.00000   6.00000    0.00000  16.00040   5.00324  12.00600   6.00000
A2M      31.56285  24.00001   28.00001  26.99995  38.00004  46.00000  21.99862
A2ML1    20.04058  31.02818   51.08296  57.80256  30.37114  33.68818  22.34460
A2MP1    56.99999  97.00004   45.00000   3.00000  56.00000  20.00000  22.00000
A3GALT2   0.00000   4.00000    0.00000   9.00000   5.00000  29.00000   0.00000
        Covid19_5 Covid19_6 Covid19_7 Covid19_8 Covid19_9 Covid19_10 Covid19_11
A1BG    114.23320  64.64760  53.95959 83.450900  74.57600   64.24903   92.80190
A1CF     11.00000   8.00000   6.00013  2.999998   6.00000    4.00000    5.00007
A2M      45.00001  67.00005  29.99999 25.999970  41.99999   39.00004   37.39638
A2ML1    45.79115  21.32390  31.66436 37.455300  42.54337   28.32695   29.74667
A2MP1    18.00004  22.99996  26.99999 44.000048  40.99998   25.00004  105.99995
A3GALT2  11.00000   1.00000   2.00000  2.000000   3.00000    5.00000    3.00000
        Covid19_12 Covid19_13 Covid19_14 Covid19_15 Covid19_16 Covid19_17
A1BG     59.465400   73.44665   47.97373   57.19031   64.57860   89.05430
A1CF      3.000027    6.00187    6.00000    1.00107   10.00000    2.00727
A2M      45.000016   30.00002   51.99996  129.00001   46.00005   84.00001
A2ML1    16.849970   20.70310   30.61882   25.00652   29.80826   69.83409
A2MP1    88.999980   56.00000   35.99997   12.00000   54.99995   14.00000
A3GALT2   0.000000    5.00000    5.00000    1.00000    7.00000    9.00000
        Covid19_18 Covid19_19 Covid19_20 Covid19_21 Covid19_22 Covid19_23
A1BG      48.00094  79.154480   71.01173   50.83940   85.36085   93.90937
A1CF      11.00000   8.003561   10.00780    3.00000    1.00000    5.00607
A2M       60.49292  29.999997   48.00000   38.99996   27.00002   53.00000
A2ML1     31.87888  33.128400   29.33900   21.56825   31.68098   13.08699
A2MP1     38.00002  40.999970   18.00001    7.00000    6.00000   33.00003
A3GALT2    2.00000   1.000000    6.00000   10.00000    4.00000    6.00000
        Covid19_24 Covid19_25 Covid19_26 Covid19_27 Covid19_28 Covid19_29
A1BG      73.99996   88.82890   75.26563   71.68710  124.19999   79.64403
A1CF       5.00323    1.00124    5.00000    7.00000    6.00007    5.00369
A2M       28.00001   99.99995   60.99995   47.99997   47.99996   73.00000
A2ML1     67.26220   18.74255   44.07126   73.17947   16.01840   56.59880
A2MP1     77.99996   33.00003   15.99998   12.99996   19.99999   14.00000
A3GALT2   16.00000    0.00000    7.00000    9.00000    3.00000   17.00000
        Covid19_30 Covid19_31 Covid19_32 Covid19_33 Covid19_34 Covid19_35
A1BG      60.10780   64.65766   61.99567   71.27866   63.87714   54.11832
A1CF       6.00000    7.00000   15.00040    3.00501    2.00048    6.00473
A2M       17.25811   20.00000   32.99999   27.99999   28.99995   16.99998
A2ML1     84.14297   29.39331   37.07064   19.60490   36.41428   33.22690
A2MP1     26.00000   15.00000   11.00001   41.00004   12.00000    8.00000
A3GALT2   71.00000    7.00000   17.00000   18.00000   11.00000   49.00000
        Covid19_36 Covid19_37 Covid19_38 Covid19_39 Covid19_40 Covid19_41
A1BG      61.43464   90.23180  116.96380  104.56376  134.22198   51.22791
A1CF      13.00020    2.00002   13.00490    9.00014   16.00240    6.00000
A2M       29.00002   57.00001   35.99996   57.00004   25.00001   62.99998
A2ML1     54.13332   65.73852   75.60080   51.43706   66.83647   30.94580
A2MP1     12.00000   29.99997   96.00001   29.99998   66.99996   20.99998
A3GALT2   14.00000   13.00000   40.00000   44.00000   44.00000   30.00000
        Covid19_42 Covid19_43 Covid19_44
A1BG     71.184132   79.81150   78.14628
A1CF      8.002895    5.00104    8.00000
A2M      21.000028   12.00000   19.99997
A2ML1    33.123070   38.82977   49.44860
A2MP1     6.000000   14.99997   21.99996
A3GALT2   5.000000   21.00000    6.00000

Gene annotations

  • Gene annotations are useful for later interpreting the results of the differential gene expression analysis. They give information about genes, including genomic location (e.g. start and end coordinates), descriptions, type of gene (e.g. whether it’s a non-coding or protein-coding gene) etc.

  • Below, we retrieve gene annotation metadata from the Ensembl database (this step can take a while to run if running AnnotationHub for the first time, so I have saved out the genes object as an R object).

# Below is not run in this RMarkdown document:

# Load annotation hub
ah <- AnnotationHub()

# Search for the correct Ensembl gene annotation
ah %>%
  subset(grepl("sapiens", species)) %>%
  subset(rdataclass == "EnsDb")

ensDb <- ah[["AH78783"]]

# Get gene annotations
genes <- genes(ensDb) %>%

# genes %>% saveRDS(here("data", "R", "genes.rds"))
# I load in a saved version below since the above code can take a while to run 
# if AnnotationHub objects are not already pre-downloaded. 
genes <- readRDS(here("data", "R", "genes.rds"))
  • The genes data.frame is prepared so that the row.names (corresponding to Ensembl gene IDs) are in the same order as for the gene count matrix stored in counts.
genes <- data.frame(gene = rownames(counts)) %>%
  left_join(genes %>%, 
            by = c("gene"="symbol")) %>%
  dplyr::distinct(gene, .keep_all=TRUE) 

rownames(genes) <- genes$gene
  • From previewing the gene annotations below, we can see that each row is a gene and each column contains information about the gene.
genes %>%
  head(50) %>%
  kable %>%
  kable_styling %>%
  scroll_box(height = "600px")
gene seqnames start end width strand gene_id gene_name gene_biotype seq_coord_system description gene_id_version entrezid
A1BG A1BG 19 58345178 58353492 8315





alpha-1-B glycoprotein [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:5]









ENSG00000148584 A1CF protein_coding chromosome APOBEC1 complementation factor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:24086] ENSG00000148584.15 29974
A2M A2M 12 9067664 9116229 48566
ENSG00000175899 A2M protein_coding chromosome alpha-2-macroglobulin [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7] ENSG00000175899.14 2
A2ML1 A2ML1 12 8822621 8887001 64381
ENSG00000166535 A2ML1 protein_coding chromosome alpha-2-macroglobulin like 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23336] ENSG00000166535.20 144568
A2MP1 A2MP1 12 9228533 9275817 47285
ENSG00000256069 A2MP1 transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene chromosome alpha-2-macroglobulin pseudogene 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:8] ENSG00000256069.7 NA
A3GALT2 A3GALT2 1 33306766 33321098 14333
ENSG00000184389 A3GALT2 protein_coding chromosome alpha 1,3-galactosyltransferase 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:30005] ENSG00000184389.9 127550
A4GALT A4GALT 22 42692121 42721298 29178
ENSG00000128274 A4GALT protein_coding chromosome alpha 1,4-galactosyltransferase (P blood group) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18149] ENSG00000128274.17 53947
A4GNT A4GNT 3 138123713 138132390 8678
ENSG00000118017 A4GNT protein_coding chromosome alpha-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17968] ENSG00000118017.4 51146
AAAS AAAS 12 53307456 53324864 17409
ENSG00000094914 AAAS protein_coding chromosome aladin WD repeat nucleoporin [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:13666] ENSG00000094914.14 8086
AACS AACS 12 125065434 125143333 77900
ENSG00000081760 AACS protein_coding chromosome acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:21298] ENSG00000081760.17 65985
AACSP1 AACSP1 5 178764861 178818435 53575
ENSG00000250420 AACSP1 transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene chromosome acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase pseudogene 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18226] ENSG00000250420.8 NA
AADAC AADAC 3 151814073 151828488 14416
ENSG00000114771 AADAC protein_coding chromosome arylacetamide deacetylase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17] ENSG00000114771.14 13
AADACL2 AADACL2 3 151733916 151761339 27424
ENSG00000197953 AADACL2 protein_coding chromosome arylacetamide deacetylase like 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:24427] ENSG00000197953.6 344752
AADACL3 AADACL3 1 12716110 12728760 12651
ENSG00000188984 AADACL3 protein_coding chromosome arylacetamide deacetylase like 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:32037] ENSG00000188984.12 126767
AADACL4 AADACL4 1 12644547 12667086 22540
ENSG00000204518 AADACL4 protein_coding chromosome arylacetamide deacetylase like 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:32038] ENSG00000204518.2 343066
AADACP1 AADACP1 3 151770428 151784894 14467
ENSG00000240602 AADACP1 transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene chromosome arylacetamide deacetylase pseudogene 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:50305] ENSG00000240602.7 NA
AADAT AADAT 4 170060222 170091699 31478
ENSG00000109576 AADAT protein_coding chromosome aminoadipate aminotransferase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17929] ENSG00000109576.14 51166
AAGAB AAGAB 15 67200667 67255195 54529
ENSG00000103591 AAGAB protein_coding chromosome alpha and gamma adaptin binding protein [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:25662] ENSG00000103591.13 79719
AAK1 AAK1 2 69457997 69674349 216353
ENSG00000115977 AAK1 protein_coding chromosome AP2 associated kinase 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19679] ENSG00000115977.19 22848
AAMDC AAMDC 11 77821109 77918432 97324
ENSG00000087884 AAMDC protein_coding chromosome adipogenesis associated Mth938 domain containing [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:30205] ENSG00000087884.14 28971
AAMP AAMP 2 218264123 218270257 6135
ENSG00000127837 AAMP protein_coding chromosome angio associated migratory cell protein [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:18] ENSG00000127837.9 14
AANAT AANAT 17 76453351 76470117 16767
ENSG00000129673 AANAT protein_coding chromosome aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19] ENSG00000129673.9 15
AAR2 AAR2 20 36236459 36270918 34460
ENSG00000131043 AAR2 protein_coding chromosome AAR2 splicing factor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:15886] ENSG00000131043.12 25980
AARD AARD 8 116938207 116944487 6281
ENSG00000205002 AARD protein_coding chromosome alanine and arginine rich domain containing protein [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:33842] ENSG00000205002.4 441376
AARS1 AARS1 16 70252295 70289543 37249
ENSG00000090861 AARS1 protein_coding chromosome alanyl-tRNA synthetase 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:20] ENSG00000090861.15 16
AARS2 AARS2 6 44298731 44313347 14617
ENSG00000124608 AARS2 protein_coding chromosome alanyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:21022] ENSG00000124608.5 57505
AARSD1 AARSD1 17 42950526 42964498 13973
ENSG00000266967 AARSD1 protein_coding chromosome alanyl-tRNA synthetase domain containing 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:28417] ENSG00000266967.7 80755
AASDH AASDH 4 56338287 56387508 49222
ENSG00000157426 AASDH protein_coding chromosome aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23993] ENSG00000157426.14 132949
AASDHPPT AASDHPPT 11 106075501 106098699 23199
ENSG00000149313 AASDHPPT protein_coding chromosome aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase-phosphopantetheinyl transferase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:14235] ENSG00000149313.11 60496
AASS AASS 7 122073549 122144255 70707
ENSG00000008311 AASS protein_coding chromosome aminoadipate-semialdehyde synthase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17366] ENSG00000008311.15 10157
AATF AATF 17 36948954 37056871 107918
ENSG00000275700 AATF protein_coding chromosome apoptosis antagonizing transcription factor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19235] ENSG00000275700.5 26574
AATK AATK 17 81110487 81166221 55735
ENSG00000181409 AATK protein_coding chromosome apoptosis associated tyrosine kinase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:21] ENSG00000181409.14 9625
ABAT ABAT 16 8674596 8784575 109980
ENSG00000183044 ABAT protein_coding chromosome 4-aminobutyrate aminotransferase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23] ENSG00000183044.12 18
ABCA1 ABCA1 9 104781006 104928155 147150
ENSG00000165029 ABCA1 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:29] ENSG00000165029.16 19
ABCA10 ABCA10 17 69147214 69244846 97633
ENSG00000154263 ABCA10 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 10 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:30] ENSG00000154263.17 10349
ABCA11P ABCA11P 4 425435 474129 48695
ENSG00000251595 ABCA11P transcribed_processed_pseudogene chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 11, pseudogene [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:31] ENSG00000251595.7 NA
ABCA12 ABCA12 2 214931542 215138626 207085
ENSG00000144452 ABCA12 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 12 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:14637] ENSG00000144452.15 26154
ABCA13 ABCA13 7 48171458 48647497 476040
ENSG00000179869 ABCA13 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 13 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:14638] ENSG00000179869.15 154664
ABCA17P ABCA17P 16 2339150 2426699 87550
ENSG00000238098 ABCA17P transcribed_unitary_pseudogene chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 17, pseudogene [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:32972] ENSG00000238098.9 NA
ABCA2 ABCA2 9 137007234 137028922 21689
ENSG00000107331 ABCA2 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:32] ENSG00000107331.17 20
ABCA3 ABCA3 16 2275881 2340746 64866
ENSG00000167972 ABCA3 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:33] ENSG00000167972.14 21
ABCA4 ABCA4 1 93992834 94121148 128315
ENSG00000198691 ABCA4 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:34] ENSG00000198691.13 24
ABCA5 ABCA5 17 69244311 69327244 82934
ENSG00000154265 ABCA5 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 5 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:35] ENSG00000154265.16 23461
ABCA6 ABCA6 17 69078702 69141895 63194
ENSG00000154262 ABCA6 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 6 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:36] ENSG00000154262.13 23460
ABCA7 ABCA7 19 1039997 1065572 25576
ENSG00000064687 ABCA7 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 7 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:37] ENSG00000064687.13 10347
ABCA8 ABCA8 17 68867289 68955392 88104
ENSG00000141338 ABCA8 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 8 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:38] ENSG00000141338.14 10351
ABCA9 ABCA9 17 68974488 69060949 86462
ENSG00000154258 ABCA9 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 9 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:39] ENSG00000154258.17 10350
ABCB1 ABCB1 7 87503017 87713323 210307
ENSG00000085563 ABCB1 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:40] ENSG00000085563.15 5243
ABCB10 ABCB10 1 229516582 229558707 42126
ENSG00000135776 ABCB10 protein_coding chromosome ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 10 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:41] ENSG00000135776.5 23456
ABCB10P3 ABCB10P3 15 28402868 28405033 2166
ENSG00000261524 ABCB10P3 processed_pseudogene chromosome ABCB10 pseudogene 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:31129] ENSG00000261524.1 NA
  • The columns of information about the genes include:

    • seqnames: Chromosome the gene is located on
    • start: Start coordinate
    • end: End coordinate
    • width: Length of gene (bp)
    • strand Strand the gene is located on
    • gene_id: Ensembl gene identifier
    • gene_name: Gene symbol
    • gene_biotype: Type of gene
    • seq_coord_system: Whether the gene is located on a chromosome or scaffold
    • description: Short description of the gene / what it encodes
    • gene_id_version: Version of the gene model in Ensembl
    • entrezid: Entrez gene identifier
  • This information can help to put the differential gene expression analysis results in context later. For example, in some analyses, people may wish to focus on looking at particular gene_biotypes (e.g. protein-coding genes).

  • By using the table function, we can count the number of genes belonging to each gene_biotype in this particular dataset.

  • genes$gene_biotype %>%
                             IG_C_gene                    IG_C_pseudogene 
                                    14                                  9 
                             IG_D_gene                          IG_J_gene 
                                     8                                 18 
                       IG_J_pseudogene                          IG_V_gene 
                                     3                                153 
                       IG_V_pseudogene                             lncRNA 
                                   165                                149 
                              LRG_gene                              miRNA 
                                   143                                  1 
                polymorphic_pseudogene               processed_pseudogene 
                                    35                               7259 
                        protein_coding                         pseudogene 
                                 18761                                 21 
                                   TEC                          TR_C_gene 
                                    17                                  6 
                             TR_J_gene                    TR_J_pseudogene 
                                    79                                  4 
                             TR_V_gene                    TR_V_pseudogene 
                                   111                                 30 
      transcribed_processed_pseudogene     transcribed_unitary_pseudogene 
                                   433                                 83 
    transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene    translated_processed_pseudogene 
                                   729                                  1 
     translated_unprocessed_pseudogene                 unitary_pseudogene 
                                     1                                 50 


    1. What percentage of genes in this dataset are protein_coding?

    Create DGEList object

    • We will store the gene counts, sample information, and gene information in a DGEList (Digital Gene Expression) object called dge, which simplifies plotting and interacting with this information. It will also be used for the differential gene expression analysis later on.

    • The DGEList object is prepared as follows. Here, we remove all genes that have 0 counts across all samples, and apply Trimmed Mean of M-values (TMM) normalisation to normalise counts according to library size differences between samples.

    dge <- DGEList(counts = counts, 
                   genes = genes,
                   samples = samples,
                   remove.zeros = TRUE) %>%  
    Removing 883 rows with all zero counts
    # Preview the DGEList object
    An object of class "DGEList"
          Healthy_1 Healthy_2 Healthy_3 Healthy_4 Healthy_5 Healthy_6 Healthy_7
    A1BG  133.14360 110.14223  94.68670  89.60004  85.81497  59.03335  77.18392
    A1CF    9.00000   8.00000   1.00000  10.00020   3.00000   6.00000   4.00000
    A2M    65.00001  31.72058  36.63567  19.22508  27.99998  40.60307  34.00003
    A2ML1  29.28124  26.30470  20.57935  13.00000   5.00000  39.47160   8.13204
    A2MP1 262.00034  83.00004  98.99997  55.99998  41.00000 124.99995  49.00002
          Healthy_8 Healthy_9 Healthy_10 Covid19_1 Covid19_2 Covid19_3 Covid19_4
    A1BG   64.63351 118.31709   79.67834  83.26880 137.55230  68.16603  78.88510
    A1CF    5.00000   6.00000    0.00000  16.00040   5.00324  12.00600   6.00000
    A2M    31.56285  24.00001   28.00001  26.99995  38.00004  46.00000  21.99862
    A2ML1  20.04058  31.02818   51.08296  57.80256  30.37114  33.68818  22.34460
    A2MP1  56.99999  97.00004   45.00000   3.00000  56.00000  20.00000  22.00000
          Covid19_5 Covid19_6 Covid19_7 Covid19_8 Covid19_9 Covid19_10 Covid19_11
    A1BG  114.23320  64.64760  53.95959 83.450900  74.57600   64.24903   92.80190
    A1CF   11.00000   8.00000   6.00013  2.999998   6.00000    4.00000    5.00007
    A2M    45.00001  67.00005  29.99999 25.999970  41.99999   39.00004   37.39638
    A2ML1  45.79115  21.32390  31.66436 37.455300  42.54337   28.32695   29.74667
    A2MP1  18.00004  22.99996  26.99999 44.000048  40.99998   25.00004  105.99995
          Covid19_12 Covid19_13 Covid19_14 Covid19_15 Covid19_16 Covid19_17
    A1BG   59.465400   73.44665   47.97373   57.19031   64.57860   89.05430
    A1CF    3.000027    6.00187    6.00000    1.00107   10.00000    2.00727
    A2M    45.000016   30.00002   51.99996  129.00001   46.00005   84.00001
    A2ML1  16.849970   20.70310   30.61882   25.00652   29.80826   69.83409
    A2MP1  88.999980   56.00000   35.99997   12.00000   54.99995   14.00000
          Covid19_18 Covid19_19 Covid19_20 Covid19_21 Covid19_22 Covid19_23
    A1BG    48.00094  79.154480   71.01173   50.83940   85.36085   93.90937
    A1CF    11.00000   8.003561   10.00780    3.00000    1.00000    5.00607
    A2M     60.49292  29.999997   48.00000   38.99996   27.00002   53.00000
    A2ML1   31.87888  33.128400   29.33900   21.56825   31.68098   13.08699
    A2MP1   38.00002  40.999970   18.00001    7.00000    6.00000   33.00003
          Covid19_24 Covid19_25 Covid19_26 Covid19_27 Covid19_28 Covid19_29
    A1BG    73.99996   88.82890   75.26563   71.68710  124.19999   79.64403
    A1CF     5.00323    1.00124    5.00000    7.00000    6.00007    5.00369
    A2M     28.00001   99.99995   60.99995   47.99997   47.99996   73.00000
    A2ML1   67.26220   18.74255   44.07126   73.17947   16.01840   56.59880
    A2MP1   77.99996   33.00003   15.99998   12.99996   19.99999   14.00000
          Covid19_30 Covid19_31 Covid19_32 Covid19_33 Covid19_34 Covid19_35
    A1BG    60.10780   64.65766   61.99567   71.27866   63.87714   54.11832
    A1CF     6.00000    7.00000   15.00040    3.00501    2.00048    6.00473
    A2M     17.25811   20.00000   32.99999   27.99999   28.99995   16.99998
    A2ML1   84.14297   29.39331   37.07064   19.60490   36.41428   33.22690
    A2MP1   26.00000   15.00000   11.00001   41.00004   12.00000    8.00000
          Covid19_36 Covid19_37 Covid19_38 Covid19_39 Covid19_40 Covid19_41
    A1BG    61.43464   90.23180  116.96380  104.56376  134.22198   51.22791
    A1CF    13.00020    2.00002   13.00490    9.00014   16.00240    6.00000
    A2M     29.00002   57.00001   35.99996   57.00004   25.00001   62.99998
    A2ML1   54.13332   65.73852   75.60080   51.43706   66.83647   30.94580
    A2MP1   12.00000   29.99997   96.00001   29.99998   66.99996   20.99998
          Covid19_42 Covid19_43 Covid19_44
    A1BG   71.184132   79.81150   78.14628
    A1CF    8.002895    5.00104    8.00000
    A2M    21.000028   12.00000   19.99997
    A2ML1  33.123070   38.82977   49.44860
    A2MP1   6.000000   14.99997   21.99996
    29297 more rows ...
                group lib.size norm.factors patient_code age sex geo_accession
    Healthy_1 Healthy 40594184     1.139493        507-V  53   M    GSM5218990
    Healthy_2 Healthy 36139025     1.127571       1189-V  57   F    GSM5218991
    Healthy_3 Healthy 29466261     1.180684       1406-V  61   M    GSM5218992
    Healthy_4 Healthy 33691447     1.080104       1918-V  56   M    GSM5218993
    Healthy_5 Healthy 33097717     1.012251       1951-V  57   F    GSM5218994
    Healthy_1 Healthy_1
    Healthy_2 Healthy_2
    Healthy_3 Healthy_3
    Healthy_4 Healthy_4
    Healthy_5 Healthy_5
    49 more rows ...
           gene seqnames    start      end width strand         gene_id gene_name
    A1BG   A1BG       19 58345178 58353492  8315      - ENSG00000121410      A1BG
    A1CF   A1CF       10 50799409 50885675 86267      - ENSG00000148584      A1CF
    A2M     A2M       12  9067664  9116229 48566      - ENSG00000175899       A2M
    A2ML1 A2ML1       12  8822621  8887001 64381      + ENSG00000166535     A2ML1
    A2MP1 A2MP1       12  9228533  9275817 47285      - ENSG00000256069     A2MP1
                                gene_biotype seq_coord_system
    A1BG                      protein_coding       chromosome
    A1CF                      protein_coding       chromosome
    A2M                       protein_coding       chromosome
    A2ML1                     protein_coding       chromosome
    A2MP1 transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene       chromosome
    A1BG              alpha-1-B glycoprotein [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:5]
    A1CF  APOBEC1 complementation factor [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:24086]
    A2M                alpha-2-macroglobulin [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7]
    A2ML1   alpha-2-macroglobulin like 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:23336]
    A2MP1 alpha-2-macroglobulin pseudogene 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:8]
             gene_id_version entrezid
    A1BG  ENSG00000121410.12        1
    A1CF  ENSG00000148584.15    29974
    A2M   ENSG00000175899.14        2
    A2ML1 ENSG00000166535.20   144568
    A2MP1  ENSG00000256069.7       NA
    29297 more rows ...
    • The counts, genes or samples can be accessed from the dge object using the $ operator. This is exactly the same information as that stored in the original counts, samples and genes objects, but putting them together in the dge object makes it easier to do certain plots/analysis later.
    # Preview first 5 rows and columns of the counts stored in `dge`:
    dge$counts[1:5, 1:5]
          Healthy_1 Healthy_2 Healthy_3 Healthy_4 Healthy_5
    A1BG  133.14360 110.14223  94.68670  89.60004  85.81497
    A1CF    9.00000   8.00000   1.00000  10.00020   3.00000
    A2M    65.00001  31.72058  36.63567  19.22508  27.99998
    A2ML1  29.28124  26.30470  20.57935  13.00000   5.00000
    A2MP1 262.00034  83.00004  98.99997  55.99998  41.00000
    # Preview first 5 rows and columns of the samples stored in `dge`:
    dge$samples[1:5, 1:5]
                group lib.size norm.factors patient_code age
    Healthy_1 Healthy 40594184     1.139493        507-V  53
    Healthy_2 Healthy 36139025     1.127571       1189-V  57
    Healthy_3 Healthy 29466261     1.180684       1406-V  61
    Healthy_4 Healthy 33691447     1.080104       1918-V  56
    Healthy_5 Healthy 33097717     1.012251       1951-V  57
    # Preview first 5 rows and columns of the genes stored in `dge`:
    dge$genes[1:5, 1:5]
           gene seqnames    start      end width
    A1BG   A1BG       19 58345178 58353492  8315
    A1CF   A1CF       10 50799409 50885675 86267
    A2M     A2M       12  9067664  9116229 48566
    A2ML1 A2ML1       12  8822621  8887001 64381
    A2MP1 A2MP1       12  9228533  9275817 47285

    Quality Checks

    • In this section we will do some basic quality checks to see if any samples are outliers or potentially mislabeled.

    Library Sizes of samples

    • Overall, the library sizes of samples are shown. Sometimes if there is an outlier sample with an abnormally large or small library size, it is worth keeping an eye on in case it is a failed sample (e.g. library prep went wrong). We can see that certain samples have a larger library size below, but overall they are quite comparable.
    dge$samples %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = sample, y = lib.size, fill = group)) +
      geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
      labs(y = "Library size (total number of mapped and quantified reads)",
           x = "Sample", fill = "Group") +

    Dimension Reduction

    Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS)

    • Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) is a dimension reduction technique that summarises expression of the top 500 most variable genes expressed in each sample down to 2 dimensions, known as Dimension 1 and Dimension 2. Dimension 1 represents the largest amount of variance that can be explained in the data. Plotting these principal components can help us visualise which samples show overall similar gene expression to each other – similar samples will be situated closer to each other on the plot.

    • Because our information is stored in a DGEList type of object, we can make use of the glMDSPlot function from the Glimma package to make an interactive MDS plot. The MDS plot produced using the function below can be viewed by navigating to the glimma-plots directory and clicking on the MDS-Plot.html file, or by clicking here.

              labels = dge$samples$sample,
              groups = dge$samples$group)

    Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

    • Principal component analysis (PCA) is similar to MDS, but it uses all genes (29302 genes for this particular dataset) to summarise down into a few principal components. Plotting these in the same way as for an MDS plot can also give us information about which samples are similar to each other. In most cases, the MDS and PCA plots will look very similar.

    • Below, the PCA plot created using the ggbiplot function shows that overall, samples belonging to the same group tend to have similar gene expression patterns, and there is quite a large difference between Healthy and Covid-19 samples. There do not appear to be any obvious outlier samples, although there is quite a bit of variation in gene expression amongst Covid-19 samples.

    • We will not remove any samples in this particular dataset as there is no indication so far that any of the samples are obvious outliers.

    # Perform PCA analysis:
    pca_analysis <- prcomp(t(cpm(dge, log=TRUE)))
    Importance of components:
                               PC1      PC2     PC3     PC4      PC5      PC6
    Standard deviation     54.2313 33.64178 30.5264 24.6467 22.04485 21.31052
    Proportion of Variance  0.2213  0.08514  0.0701  0.0457  0.03656  0.03416
    Cumulative Proportion   0.2213  0.30639  0.3765  0.4222  0.45875  0.49292
                               PC7      PC8      PC9     PC10     PC11     PC12
    Standard deviation     18.1218 16.98897 16.60252 15.78163 15.01215 14.43417
    Proportion of Variance  0.0247  0.02171  0.02074  0.01874  0.01695  0.01567
    Cumulative Proportion   0.5176  0.53933  0.56007  0.57881  0.59576  0.61143
                               PC13     PC14     PC15     PC16     PC17     PC18
    Standard deviation     14.21691 13.67726 13.32318 13.17782 12.95002 12.75765
    Proportion of Variance  0.01521  0.01407  0.01335  0.01306  0.01262  0.01224
    Cumulative Proportion   0.62664  0.64071  0.65407  0.66713  0.67975  0.69199
                               PC19    PC20     PC21     PC22     PC23    PC24
    Standard deviation     12.58172 12.3644 12.16441 12.14183 12.05517 11.9261
    Proportion of Variance  0.01191  0.0115  0.01113  0.01109  0.01093  0.0107
    Cumulative Proportion   0.70390  0.7154  0.72653  0.73762  0.74855  0.7592
                               PC25     PC26     PC27     PC28     PC29     PC30
    Standard deviation     11.65802 11.62907 11.57784 11.35174 11.28734 11.22792
    Proportion of Variance  0.01022  0.01017  0.01008  0.00969  0.00958  0.00948
    Cumulative Proportion   0.76948  0.77965  0.78974  0.79943  0.80901  0.81850
                               PC31    PC32     PC33     PC34     PC35    PC36
    Standard deviation     11.13608 11.0569 10.95973 10.88569 10.71282 10.6322
    Proportion of Variance  0.00933  0.0092  0.00904  0.00891  0.00863  0.0085
    Cumulative Proportion   0.82783  0.8370  0.84606  0.85498  0.86361  0.8721
                               PC37     PC38     PC39     PC40     PC41     PC42
    Standard deviation     10.58408 10.54698 10.51209 10.33571 10.27164 10.20218
    Proportion of Variance  0.00843  0.00837  0.00831  0.00804  0.00794  0.00783
    Cumulative Proportion   0.88054  0.88891  0.89722  0.90526  0.91320  0.92103
                               PC43     PC44    PC45    PC46   PC47   PC48   PC49
    Standard deviation     10.15098 10.08666 10.0534 9.90851 9.8527 9.7849 9.6467
    Proportion of Variance  0.00775  0.00765  0.0076 0.00739 0.0073 0.0072 0.0070
    Cumulative Proportion   0.92878  0.93643  0.9440 0.95142 0.9587 0.9659 0.9729
                              PC50    PC51    PC52   PC53      PC54
    Standard deviation     9.59333 9.52176 9.45986 9.3645 8.843e-14
    Proportion of Variance 0.00692 0.00682 0.00673 0.0066 0.000e+00
    Cumulative Proportion  0.97985 0.98667 0.99340 1.0000 1.000e+00
    # Create the plot:
    pca_plot <- ggbiplot::ggbiplot(pca_analysis, 
                       groups = dge$samples$group, 
                       ellipse = TRUE,
                       var.axes = FALSE)

    • We also have other sample metadata including age and sex of the samples in the dge$samples table. These variables can also be plotted on the PCA plot by changing what is specified in the groups argument below, so that we can see whether samples are grouping by age or sex. Doing this is useful as it can tell us whether these variables are confounding variables that have the potential to obscure real biological effects.

    • Below, we can see that the ages of patients from which samples were derived ranges from 51 to 61. It does appear that some of the older patients’ samples are closer to the top of the plot.

                       groups = dge$samples$age, 
                       ellipse = FALSE,
                       var.axes = FALSE)

    • Below, we can see that sex of the samples does not seem to really influence where the points lie on the plot, suggesting that sex does not have a noticeable effect on gene expression of the samples here.
                       groups = dge$samples$sex, 
                       ellipse = FALSE,
                       var.axes = FALSE)


    1. Should we treat male and female samples differently in the analysis, based on the information in the MDS/PCA plots?
    2. Should we do anything about the older patients’ samples, based on the information in the MDS/PCA plots?

    Next Step - Differential gene expression analysis

    • Overall the data quality looks good and there do not appear to be outlier samples or mislabeled samples.

    • We will export the DGEList object created in this document for the next step of the analysis, differential gene expression analysis. The dge object is exported into the data/R directory.

    r.dir <- here("data", "R")
    dge %>% saveRDS(file.path(r.dir, "dge.rds"))

    R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
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