Welcome to the KfW Protected Areas Database. Here you can find all routines for datasources that were used to create the KfW PA database. This project was created as a reproducible research project using the workflowr package. For more information please visit workflowr website. In order to reproduce the analysis in this script and work with our routines, you can either just follow the tutorials below or you can check out codes from our Github repository.

This website is structured to show you the routines for each data-sources one by one with reproducible data-sets. Data routines range from processing raw data with geospatial techniques up to using API services that query existing data-sources such as the DOPA Explorer from EU/JRC. All processing is done with R. To get more information please visit our Github repository and leave a comment or issue. You can also contribute to this repository (details see below).

The KfW Protected Areas Database is a work in progress project and part of the MAPME initiative to promote the use of open geodata and open-source GIS tecnologies in international development cooperation. We invite others to leave constructive feedback on our work while we are in the doing and get in touch with us on our initiative.
