Last updated: 2020-10-22

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: scATACseq-topics/

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    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  analysis/clusters_pca_structure_Cusanovich2018.Rmd

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/plots_Lareau2019_bonemarrow.Rmd
    Modified:   code/plots.R
    Modified:   scripts/

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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/clusters_Lareau2019_bonemarrow_k13.Rmd) and HTML (docs/clusters_Lareau2019_bonemarrow_k13.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd f9a1ac4 kevinlkx 2020-10-22 add more descriptions about the study design
html 2d1a85b kevinlkx 2020-10-21 Build site.
Rmd 9058074 kevinlkx 2020-10-21 add interpretations for clusters
html fa7f769 kevinlkx 2020-10-21 Build site.
Rmd 4b016ee kevinlkx 2020-10-21 wflow_publish(“analysis/clusters_Lareau2019_bonemarrow_k13.Rmd”)
html 697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21 Build site.
Rmd cad6c07 kevinlkx 2020-10-21 clustering cells based on topic proportions from K = 13 topics

Here we explore the structure in the Lareau et al (2019) human bone marrow scATAC-seq data inferred from the multinomial topic model with \(k = 13\).

Load packages and some functions used in this analysis.


The study used dsciATAC-seq to profile bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMCs) from two human donors before (untreated controls) and after stimulation.

Resting condition

The reference map of 60,495 resting cells (untreated controls) revealed the major lineages of hematopoietic differentiation de novo.

Load the data in resting condition

data.dir <- "/project2/mstephens/kevinluo/scATACseq-topics/data/Lareau_2019/bone_marrow/processed_data/"
load(file.path(data.dir, "Lareau_2019_bonemarrow_resting.RData"))
cat(sprintf("%d x %d counts matrix.\n",nrow(counts),ncol(counts)))
samples$Cluster <- as.factor(samples$Cluster)
# 60495 x 146860 counts matrix.

Plot PCs of the topic proportions

We first use PCA to explore the structure inferred from the multinomial topic model with \(k = 13\):

out.dir <- "/project2/mstephens/kevinluo/scATACseq-topics/output/Lareau_2019/Lareau_2019_bonemarrow_resting"
fit <- readRDS(file.path(out.dir, "/fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow_resting-scd-ex-k=13.rds"))$fit

Plot PCs of the topic proportions.

p.pca1.1 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 1:2,fill = "none")
p.pca1.2 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 3:4,fill = "none")
p.pca1.3 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 5:6,fill = "none")
p.pca1.4 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 7:8,fill = "none")
p.pca1.5 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 9:10,fill = "none")
p.pca1.6 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 11:12,fill = "none")


Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Some of the structure is more evident from “hexbin” plots showing the density of the points.

breaks <- c(0,1,5,10,100,Inf)
p.pca2.1 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 1:2, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")
p.pca2.2 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 3:4, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")
p.pca2.3 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 5:6, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")
p.pca2.4 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 7:8, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")
p.pca2.5 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 9:10, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")
p.pca2.6 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 11:12, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")


Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Layer the cell labels onto the PC plots

The authors projected the untreated BMMCs onto hematopoietic development trajectories using a reference-guided approach. They predicted cell labels given the bulk sorted hematopoietic ATAC-seq profiles, and then identified 15 distinct clusters from the 60,495 resting cells, which recapitulated the major constitutive cell types in the human hematopoietic system.

Here, we layer the predicted cell labels onto the PC plots.

p.pca3.1 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,1:2,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")
p.pca3.2 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,3:4,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")
p.pca3.3 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,5:6,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")
p.pca3.4 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,7:8,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")
p.pca3.5 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,9:10,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")
p.pca3.6 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,11:12,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Visualize by structure plot grouped by cell labels.

colors_topics <- c("#a6cee3","#1f78b4","#b2df8a","#33a02c","#fb9a99","#e31a1c",
rows <- sample(nrow(fit$L),4000)
samples$Cluster <- as.factor(samples$Cluster)

p.structure.1 <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit),loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows, "Cluster"],n = Inf,gap = 20,
                     perplexity = 50,topics = 1:13,colors = colors_topics,
                     num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 17 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (56)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 6 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (22)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 6 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (24)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 22 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (71)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 10 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (34)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 21 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (69)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 32 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (101)


Version Author Date
fa7f769 kevinlkx 2020-10-21
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

k-means clustering on topic proportions

Define clusters using k-means, and then create structure plot based on the clusters from k-means.

Define clusters using k-means with \(k = 10\):


clusters.10 <- factor(kmeans(poisson2multinom(fit)$L,centers = 10)$cluster)
print(sort(table(clusters.10),decreasing = TRUE))
# clusters.10
#    10     1     3     6     4     5     7     2     8     9 
# 10753 10175  7857  6055  5803  5090  4839  3593  3339  2991

Structure plot based on k-means clusters

colors_topics <- c("#a6cee3","#1f78b4","#b2df8a","#33a02c","#fb9a99","#e31a1c",
rows <- sample(nrow(fit$L),4000)

p.structure.2 <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit),loadings = rows),
                     grouping = clusters.10[rows],n = Inf,gap = 20,
                     perplexity = 50,topics = 1:13,colors = colors_topics,
                     num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Define clusters using k-means with \(k = 12\):


clusters.12 <- factor(kmeans(poisson2multinom(fit)$L,centers = 12)$cluster)
print(sort(table(clusters.12),decreasing = TRUE))
# clusters.12
#     3     1    12     5     8    10     4     7     2     6    11     9 
# 12075 10014  6866  5978  5395  5045  3829  3667  3173  2147  1412   894

Structure plot based on k-means clusters

colors_topics <- c("#a6cee3","#1f78b4","#b2df8a","#33a02c","#fb9a99","#e31a1c",
rows <- sample(nrow(fit$L),4000)

p.structure.3 <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit),loadings = rows),
                     grouping = clusters.12[rows],n = Inf,gap = 20,
                     perplexity = 50,topics = 1:13,colors = colors_topics,
                     num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 44 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (136)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 18 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (60)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 25 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (79)

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Refine clusters

We then further refine the clusters based on k-means result with \(k = 12\): merge clusters 4 and 6; (maybe also merge clusters 7 and 8).

clusters.merged <- clusters.12
clusters.merged[clusters.12 %in% c(4,6)] <- 4
# clusters.merged[clusters.12 %in% c(7,8)] <- 7
clusters.merged <- factor(clusters.merged, labels = paste0("c", c(1:length(unique(clusters.merged)))))
print(sort(table(clusters.merged),decreasing = TRUE))

samples$cluster_kmeans <- clusters.merged
# clusters.merged
#    c3    c1   c11    c5    c4    c7    c9    c6    c2   c10    c8 
# 12075 10014  6866  5978  5976  5395  5045  3667  3173  1412   894
colors_topics <- c("#a6cee3","#1f78b4","#b2df8a","#33a02c","#fb9a99","#e31a1c",
rows <- sample(nrow(fit$L),4000)
p.structure.refined <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit),loadings = rows),
                     grouping = clusters.merged[rows],n = Inf,gap = 20,
                     perplexity = 50,topics = 1:13,colors = colors_topics,
                     num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 18 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (59)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 26 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (84)

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

The clusters defined by k-means on topic proportions reasonably identify the clusters shown in the PCA hexbin plots (below).

p.pca.4.1 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,1:2,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")
p.pca.4.2 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,3:4,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")
p.pca.4.3 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,5:6,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")
p.pca.4.4 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,7:8,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")
p.pca.4.5 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,9:10,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")
p.pca.4.6 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,11:12,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

We then label the cells in each cluster with the known cell labels.

Cell labels:

samples$Cluster <- as.factor(samples$Cluster)
cat(length(levels(samples$Cluster)), "cell labels. \n")
# 15 cell labels. 
#         B       CD4       CD8       CLP Collision Ery-early  Ery-late      HSPC 
#      1001     20378      6647       411       271      2176      1174      2536 
#  HSPC-ery    Mono-1    Mono-2        NK       pDC      preB      proB 
#       479      3913      6012      5741      1218      6658      1880

Plot the distribution of cell labels by clusters.

Stacked barplot for the counts of cell labels by clusters:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You have loaded plyr after dplyr - this is likely to cause problems.
# If you need functions from both plyr and dplyr, please load plyr first, then dplyr:
# library(plyr); library(dplyr)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Attaching package: 'plyr'
# The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#     arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
#     summarize

freq_cluster_tissue <- count(samples, vars=c("cluster_kmeans","Cluster")) 
n_colors <- length(levels(samples$Cluster))
colors_labels <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))(n_colors)

# stacked barplot for the counts of cell labels by clusters
p.barplot.1 <- ggplot(freq_cluster_tissue, aes(fill=Cluster, y=freq, x=cluster_kmeans)) + 
  geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") +
  theme_classic() + xlab("Cluster") + ylab("Number of cells") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = colors_labels) +
  guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=2)) +
  legend.title = element_text(size = 10),
  legend.text = element_text(size = 8)

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Percent stacked barplot for the counts of cell labels by clusters:

freq_cluster_tissue <- count(samples, vars=c("cluster_kmeans","Cluster")) 
n_colors <- length(levels(samples$Cluster))
colors_labels <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))(n_colors)

p.barplot.2 <- ggplot(freq_cluster_tissue, aes(fill=Cluster, y=freq, x=cluster_kmeans)) + 
  geom_bar(position="fill", stat="identity") +
  theme_classic() + xlab("Cluster") + ylab("Proportion of cells") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = colors_labels) +
  guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=2)) +
  legend.title = element_text(size = 10),
  legend.text = element_text(size = 8)

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

We can see a few clusters are dominated by one major cell type: * cells in cluster c3 are primarily CD4 cells; * cells in cluster c4 are primarily NK cells; * cells in cluster c5 are primarily CD8 cells; * the majority of cells in cluster c6 and c7 are CD4 cells; * the majority of cells in cluster c8 are CD4 cells (and B cells); * the majority of cells in cluster c10 are pDC cells (and HSPC cells); * the majority of cells in cluster c11 are preB cells.

Some clusters are combinations of related cell types: * cells in cluster c1 are a combination of Mono-1 and Mono-2 cells; * cells in cluster c2 are a combination of Ery-early and Ery-late cells;

Cluster c9 is more heterogeneous with HSPC, HSPC-ery, proB, and CLP cells.

freq_cluster_cells <- with(samples,table(Cluster,cluster_kmeans))
#            cluster_kmeans
# Cluster        c1    c2    c3    c4    c5    c6    c7    c8    c9   c10   c11
#   B             0     0     0     9     0     8     0   773     3     0   208
#   CD4           0     2 11836    14   469  3192  4862     0     1     0     2
#   CD8           0     0   234   363  5289   240   520     1     0     0     0
#   CLP           0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0   410     1     0
#   Collision     2     1     4    54    18   181     7     2     2     0     0
#   Ery-early     0  2002     0     0     0     2     1     1   170     0     0
#   Ery-late      0  1157     0     0     0    16     0     1     0     0     0
#   HSPC        169     2     0     2     3     2     1     0  2202   155     0
#   HSPC-ery      1     7     0     0     0     5     0     1   465     0     0
#   Mono-1     3851     0     0     0     0     0     1     1     5    55     0
#   Mono-2     5990     0     0     3     0     8     0     0    11     0     0
#   NK            1     2     0  5531   196     8     1     0     2     0     0
#   pDC           0     0     1     0     0     0     0     0    18  1199     0
#   preB          0     0     0     0     3     5     2   110    19     0  6519
#   proB          0     0     0     0     0     0     0     4  1737     2   137

Stimulated condition

To characterize the response of each immune cell cluster to stimulation conditions, the authors explored the differences between the untreated control cells and ex vivo cultured and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated BMMCs.

The authors used a k-nearest neighbor map to connect stimulated cells to control cells.

Load the data in stimulated condition

data.dir <- "/project2/mstephens/kevinluo/scATACseq-topics/data/Lareau_2019/bone_marrow/processed_data/"
load(file.path(data.dir, "Lareau_2019_bonemarrow_stimulated.RData"))
cat(sprintf("%d x %d counts matrix.\n",nrow(counts),ncol(counts)))
samples$Cluster <- as.factor(samples$Cluster)
# 75968 x 146860 counts matrix.

Plot PCs of the topic proportions

We first use PCA to explore the structure inferred from the multinomial topic model with \(k = 13\):

out.dir <- "/project2/mstephens/kevinluo/scATACseq-topics/output/Lareau_2019/Lareau_2019_bonemarrow_stimulated"
fit <- readRDS(file.path(out.dir, "/fit-Lareau2019_bonemarrow_stimulated-scd-ex-k=13.rds"))$fit

Plot PCs of the topic proportions.

p.pca1.1 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 1:2,fill = "none")
p.pca1.2 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 3:4,fill = "none")
p.pca1.3 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 5:6,fill = "none")
p.pca1.4 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 7:8,fill = "none")
p.pca1.5 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 9:10,fill = "none")
p.pca1.6 <- pca_plot(poisson2multinom(fit),pcs = 11:12,fill = "none")


Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Some of the structure is more evident from “hexbin” plots showing the density of the points.

breaks <- c(0,1,5,10,100,Inf)
p.pca2.1 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 1:2, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")
p.pca2.2 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 3:4, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")
p.pca2.3 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 5:6, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")
p.pca2.4 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 7:8, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")
p.pca2.5 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 9:10, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")
p.pca2.6 <- pca_hexbin_plot(poisson2multinom(fit), pcs = 11:12, breaks = breaks) + guides(fill = "none")


Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Layer the cell labels onto the PC plots

We layer the predicted cell labels onto the PC plots.

p.pca3.1 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,1:2,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")
p.pca3.2 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,3:4,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")
p.pca3.3 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,5:6,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")
p.pca3.4 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,7:8,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")
p.pca3.5 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,9:10,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")
p.pca3.6 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,11:12,samples$Cluster,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "Cell labels")

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Visualize by structure plot grouped by cell labels

colors_topics <- c("#a6cee3","#1f78b4","#b2df8a","#33a02c","#fb9a99","#e31a1c",
rows <- sample(nrow(fit$L),4000)
samples$Cluster <- as.factor(samples$Cluster)

p.structure.1 <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit),loadings = rows),
                     grouping = samples[rows, "Cluster"],n = Inf,gap = 20,
                     perplexity = 50,topics = 1:13,colors = colors_topics,
                     num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 2 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (12)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 46 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (143)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 16 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (54)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 33 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (103)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 15 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (50)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 19 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (63)


Version Author Date
fa7f769 kevinlkx 2020-10-21
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

k-means clustering on topic proportions

Define clusters using k-means, and then create structure plot based on the clusters from k-means.

Define clusters using k-means with \(k = 10\):


clusters.10 <- factor(kmeans(poisson2multinom(fit)$L,centers = 10)$cluster)
print(sort(table(clusters.10),decreasing = TRUE))
# clusters.10
#     3     8     2    10     4     7     5     6     1     9 
# 15209 11641  8174  8161  7711  6990  5376  4713  4556  3437

Structure plot based on k-means clusters

colors_topics <- c("#a6cee3","#1f78b4","#b2df8a","#33a02c","#fb9a99","#e31a1c",
rows <- sample(nrow(fit$L),4000)

p.structure.2 <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit),loadings = rows),
                     grouping = clusters.10[rows],n = Inf,gap = 20,
                     perplexity = 50,topics = 1:13,colors = colors_topics,
                     num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Define clusters using k-means with \(k = 12\):


clusters.12 <- factor(kmeans(poisson2multinom(fit)$L,centers = 12)$cluster)
print(sort(table(clusters.12),decreasing = TRUE))
# clusters.12
#     3     8     2    10     4     5    12     1    11     6     7     9 
# 15412  8326  8133  8036  7826  6055  5953  4474  4044  3584  2577  1548

Structure plot based on k-means clusters

colors_topics <- c("#a6cee3","#1f78b4","#b2df8a","#33a02c","#fb9a99","#e31a1c",
rows <- sample(nrow(fit$L),4000)

p.structure.3 <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit),loadings = rows),
                     grouping = clusters.12[rows],n = Inf,gap = 20,
                     perplexity = 50,topics = 1:13,colors = colors_topics,
                     num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 47 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (145)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 25 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (79)

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Refine clusters

We then further refine the clusters based on k-means result with \(k = 12\): merge clusters 5 and 8.

clusters.merged <- clusters.12
clusters.merged[clusters.12 %in% c(5,8)] <- 5
clusters.merged <- factor(clusters.merged, labels = paste0("c", c(1:length(unique(clusters.merged)))))
print(sort(table(clusters.merged),decreasing = TRUE))

samples$cluster_kmeans <- clusters.merged
# clusters.merged
#    c3    c5    c2    c9    c4   c11    c1   c10    c6    c7    c8 
# 15412 14381  8133  8036  7826  5953  4474  4044  3584  2577  1548
colors_topics <- c("#a6cee3","#1f78b4","#b2df8a","#33a02c","#fb9a99","#e31a1c",
rows <- sample(nrow(fit$L),4000)
p.structure.refined <- structure_plot(select(poisson2multinom(fit),loadings = rows),
                     grouping = clusters.merged[rows],n = Inf,gap = 20,
                     perplexity = 50,topics = 1:13,colors = colors_topics,
                     num_threads = 4,verbose = FALSE)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 42 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (130)
# Perplexity automatically changed to 26 because original setting of 50 was too large for the number of samples (82)

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

The clusters defined by k-means on topic proportions reasonably identify the clusters shown in the PCA hexbin plots (below).

p.pca.4.1 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,1:2,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")
p.pca.4.2 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,3:4,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")
p.pca.4.3 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,5:6,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")
p.pca.4.4 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,7:8,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")
p.pca.4.5 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,9:10,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")
p.pca.4.6 <- labeled_pca_plot(fit,11:12,samples$cluster_kmeans,font_size = 7,
                       legend_label = "cluster_kmeans")

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

We then label the cells in each cluster with the known cell labels.

Cell labels:

samples$Cluster <- as.factor(samples$Cluster)
cat(length(levels(samples$Cluster)), "cell labels. \n")
# 15 cell labels. 
#         B       CD4       CD8       CLP Collision Ery-early  Ery-late      HSPC 
#      3731     18042      9304       216      3235      2453      1095      3033 
#  HSPC-ery    Mono-1    Mono-2        NK       pDC      preB      proB 
#      1774     10020      6687      8386       936      5954      1102

Plot the distribution of cell labels by clusters.

Stacked barplot for the counts of cell labels by clusters:


freq_cluster_tissue <- count(samples, vars=c("cluster_kmeans","Cluster")) 
n_colors <- length(levels(samples$Cluster))
colors_labels <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))(n_colors)

# stacked barplot for the counts of cell labels by clusters
p.barplot.1 <- ggplot(freq_cluster_tissue, aes(fill=Cluster, y=freq, x=cluster_kmeans)) + 
  geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") +
  theme_classic() + xlab("Cluster") + ylab("Number of cells") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = colors_labels) +
  guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=2)) +
  legend.title = element_text(size = 10),
  legend.text = element_text(size = 8)

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

Percent stacked barplot for the counts of cell labels by clusters:

freq_cluster_tissue <- count(samples, vars=c("cluster_kmeans","Cluster")) 
n_colors <- length(levels(samples$Cluster))
colors_labels <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))(n_colors)

p.barplot.2 <- ggplot(freq_cluster_tissue, aes(fill=Cluster, y=freq, x=cluster_kmeans)) + 
  geom_bar(position="fill", stat="identity") +
  theme_classic() + xlab("Cluster") + ylab("Proportion of cells") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = colors_labels) +
  guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=2)) +
  legend.title = element_text(size = 10),
  legend.text = element_text(size = 8)

Version Author Date
697d54e kevinlkx 2020-10-21

We can see a few clusters are dominated by one major cell type: * cells in cluster c1 are primarily CD8 cells; * cells in cluster c2 are primarily NK cells; * cells in cluster c5 are primarily CD4 cells.

Some clusters are combinations of related cell types: * cells in cluster c3 are a combination of Mono-1 and Mono-2 cells; * cells in cluster c4 are a combination of CD4 and CD8 cells; * cells in cluster c9 are a combination of B and preB cells; * cells in cluster c10 are a combination of Ery-early, Ery-late and HSPC-ery cells;

Clusters c6, c7, c8, c11 are more heterogeneous with multiple cell types.

freq_cluster_cells <- with(samples,table(Cluster,cluster_kmeans))
#            cluster_kmeans
# Cluster        c1    c2    c3    c4    c5    c6    c7    c8    c9   c10   c11
#   B             5     4    33     3    28  1033   216   238  2060     3   108
#   CD4           4     0     0  4046 13495   494     1     0     0     0     2
#   CD8        4086   127     1  3739   742   608     1     0     0     0     0
#   CLP           0     0     0     0     0     0     0   195     0     0    21
#   Collision    16    55     0    36   111  1182  1757    35    11    29     3
#   Ery-early     1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0  2452     0
#   Ery-late      0     0     0     0     0    31    34     0     0  1030     0
#   HSPC          0     1     5     0     0     7     0    11     0     0  3009
#   HSPC-ery      0     1    53     0     3    81    26     1     0   529  1080
#   Mono-1        0     0  9287     0     0     1     6     0     0     0   726
#   Mono-2        1     1  6032     0     2    57   529     1     0     0    64
#   NK          361  7944     0     2     0    77     1     0     0     1     0
#   pDC           0     0     0     0     0     8     4     0     0     0   924
#   preB          0     0     0     0     0     5     0    32  5917     0     0
#   proB          0     0     1     0     0     0     2  1035    48     0    16

# R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
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# Matrix products: default
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