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Last updated: 2018-11-06

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In Progress

Investigations 8 and 9 implement parallel backfitting updates.

Investigation 10. SQUAREM does poorly on FLASH backfits. DAAREM (a more recent algorithm by one of the authors of SQUAREM) does better, but offers smaller performance gains than parallelization.

Investigation 11. The order in which factor/loading pairs are updated (during backfitting) makes some difference, but not much.

Investigation 12. To fit a FLASH model with an arbitrary error covariance matrix, I follow up on a suggestion by Matthew Stephens.

Investigations 14 and 16-17 illustrate three approaches to factorizing the GTEx donation matrix. The first is more naive, and is primarily intended as an illustration of how to do nonnegative matrix factorization using FLASH. The second and third are more sophisticated approaches that model the entries as count or binary data.

Note 3 and Investigation 18 explore stochastic approaches to fitting FLASH objects to very large datasets.

Investigation 19. I test out FLASH on a large single-cell RNA dataset.

Note 4. I have been experiencing some performance issues when using FLASH to fit large datasets. Here I outline several ways to modify the core FLASH algorithms in view of reducing the memory footprint and improving overall performance.

Still Relevant

Notes 1 and 2 and Investigation 4 describe a way to compute the FLASH objective directly (rather than using the indirect method implemented in flashr).

Investigations 5a-b and 13 attempt to determine the best default initialization function.


The bug causing the problem described in Investigations 1-3 was fixed in version 0.1-13 of package ebnm.

Investigations 6 and 7 deal with warmstarts, which were implemented in version 0.5-14 of flashr.

The changes tested in Investigation 15 were implemented in version 0.6-2 of flashr.

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr 1.0.1