• Objective
  • [User input] Cassavabase download
  • Read-in trial data
  • [User input] Select trials
  • Wide –> long
  • [User input] Traits and TraitAbbreviations
  • QC trait values
  • Long –> wide
  • [User input] Assign genos to phenos
  • Harvest Index
  • PerArea calculations
  • [User input] Season-wide mean disease
  • [User input] Correct a few location names
  • [User input] Choose locations
  • Output file
  • [User input] Detect experimental designs
  • Output file
  • Next step

Last updated: 2019-11-21

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: IITA_2019GS/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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The command set.seed(20191121) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

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Nice! There were no cached chunks for this analysis, so you can be confident that you successfully produced the results during this run.

Great job! Using relative paths to the files within your workflowr project makes it easier to run your code on other machines.

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility. The version displayed above was the version of the Git repository at the time these results were generated.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .DS_Store
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    data/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    output/.DS_Store

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  data/GBSdataMasterList_31818.csv
    Untracked:  data/IITA_CleanedTrialData_72519.rds
    Untracked:  data/IITA_ExptDesignsDetected_72619.rds
    Untracked:  data/IITA_GBStoPhenoMaster_33018.csv
    Untracked:  data/NRCRI_GBStoPhenoMaster_40318.csv
    Untracked:  data/iita_blupsForCrossVal_72619.rds
    Untracked:  data/iita_blupsForCrossVal_outliersRemoved_73019.rds
    Untracked:  output/CrossVal_72719/
    Untracked:  output/CrossVal_73019/
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_BRNHT1_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_BRNHT1_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_DM_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_DM_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_DM_white_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_DM_white_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_DM_yellow_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_DM_yellow_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_HI_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_HI_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_IITA_OutliersRemovedFALSE_73119.csv
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_IITA_OutliersRemovedTRUE_73119.csv
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_MCMDS_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_MCMDS_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_PLTHT_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_PLTHT_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_RTSZ_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_RTSZ_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_TCHART_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_TCHART_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logFYLD_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logFYLD_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logFYLD_lowCMD_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logFYLD_nohav5_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logFYLD_propHAVpt5_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logFYLD_propHAVpt75_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logRTNO_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logRTNO_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logRTNO_lowCMD_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logRTNO_nohav5_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logRTNO_propHAVpt5_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logRTNO_propHAVpt75_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logTOPYLD_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logTOPYLD_OutliersEqualTRUE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logTOPYLD_lowCMD_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logTOPYLD_nohav5_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logTOPYLD_propHAVpt5_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/GEBV_logTOPYLD_propHAVpt75_OutliersEqualFALSE_IITA_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/PCscores_IITA_SamplesForGP_73119.rds
    Untracked:  output/sketch_of_crossVal_scheme.png
    Untracked:  workflowr_log.R

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the R Markdown and HTML files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view them.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd bfffb51 wolfemd 2019-11-21 Publish the first set of analyses and files for IITA 2019 GS,


Follow outlined GenomicPredictionChecklist and previous pipeline to process cassavabase data for ultimate genomic prediction.

This will cover IITA data, all years, all trials, downloaded from DB.

  • Purpose:
    • Become familiar with the available data.
    • Check it to ensure all variables are within expected ranges.
    • Make prelminary choices about the data to use for GS.
    • Generate hypotheses about the sources of variation in the data.
  • Inputs: “Raw” field trial data
  • Expected outputs:
    • “Cleaned” field trial data
    • Hypotheses about sources of variation in the data

[User input] Cassavabase download

Using the Cassavabase search wizard:

  1. Make list of trials ALL_IITA_TRIALS_72219 and validate
  2. Manage–>Download–>Download phenotypes
    • CSV format
    • Trial list: ALL_IITA_TRIALS_72219
  3. Manage–>Download–>Meta data

Copy to data/DatabaseDownload_72419/

Read-in trial data

IITA’s entire DB download is pretty big. I used a remote machine cbsurobbins.biohpc.cornell.edu to do this processing quickly.

Note: GitHub filesize limit is 50 Mb, so this dataset cannot be shared there.

library(tidyverse); library(magrittr)
dbdata<-tibble(files=list.files(path = path)) %>%
                                     na.strings = c("#VALUE!",NA,".",""," ","-","\""),
                                     stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
dbdata %<>% 
    filter(Type=="phenotype") %>% 
    select(-Type) %>% 
    unnest() %>% 
    left_join(dbdata %>% 
                  filter(Type=="metadata") %>% 
                  select(-Type) %>% 
                  unnest() %>% 
                         programDbId=breedingProgramDbId) %>% 
dbdata %<>% 
    group_by(programName,locationName,studyYear,studyName,studyDesign,studyDescription,observationLevel) %>% 
    filter(observationLevel=="plot") %>% 
    nest(.key = TrialData)

521 observations 2272 trials total

[User input] Select trials

WARNING: User input required! I create my own variable TrialType manually, using grepl and ifelse() expressions. By setting non-identifiable trials missing for TrialType, I can easily exclude them.

dbdata %<>% 
  mutate(TrialType=ifelse(grepl("CE|clonal|13NEXTgenC1",studyName,ignore.case = T),"CET",NA),
         TrialType=ifelse(grepl("EC",studyName,ignore.case = T),"ExpCET",TrialType),
         TrialType=ifelse(grepl("PYT",studyName,ignore.case = T),"PYT",TrialType),
         TrialType=ifelse(grepl("AYT",studyName,ignore.case = T),"AYT",TrialType),
         TrialType=ifelse(grepl("UYT",studyName,ignore.case = T),"UYT",TrialType),
         TrialType=ifelse(grepl("geneticgain|gg|genetic gain",studyName,ignore.case = T),"GeneticGain",TrialType),
         TrialType=ifelse(grepl("Cassava",studyName,ignore.case = T) & grepl("/",studyName),"GeneticGain",TrialType),
         TrialType=ifelse((grepl("clonal evaluation trial",!grepl("genetic gain",studyDescription,ignore.case = T), 
                                 ignore.case = T)),"CET",TrialType),
         TrialType=ifelse(grepl("preliminary yield trial",studyDescription,ignore.case = T),"PYT",TrialType),
         TrialType=ifelse(grepl("Crossingblock|GS.C4.CB|cross",studyName) & is.na(TrialType),"CrossingBlock",TrialType),
         TrialType=ifelse(grepl("NCRP",studyName) & is.na(TrialType),"NCRP",TrialType),
         TrialType=ifelse(grepl("conservation",studyName) & is.na(TrialType),"Conservation",TrialType)) %>%
  arrange(programName,studyYear,locationName) #%>% count(TrialType)

Exclude non-identifiable trials

dbdata %<>% 
dbdata %>% 
    group_by(programName) %>% 

1948 trials from IITA.

Wide –> long

Did this step on cbsurobbins, took lots of RAM

dbdata_long<-dbdata %>% 
    unnest() %>% 
    mutate(NOHAV=as.numeric(`plant.stands.harvested.counting.CO_334.0000010`)) %>% 
    select(-`plant.stands.harvested.counting.CO_334.0000010`) %>% 

46.13M rows!

[User input] Traits and TraitAbbreviations

WARNING: User input required! Select the traits to be kept / analyzed, since the database download was indescriminant. In addition, manually give them abbreviations for convenience sake.

dbdata_long %<>% 
    select(Trait) %>% 
    distinct %>% 
    separate(Trait,c("TraitName","TraitCode"),".CO",remove = F,extra = 'merge') %>% 
    select(Trait,TraitName) %>% 
    distinct %>% 
                        Trait,ignore.case = T)) %>% 
    filter(!grepl("Cassava.brown.streak.disease.leaf.severity.CO_334.0000036",Trait,ignore.case = T)) %>% 
    filter(!grepl("Cassava.brown.streak.disease.root.severity.CO_334.0000090",Trait,ignore.case = T)) %>% 
    filter(!grepl("marketable.root",Trait,ignore.case = T)) %>% 
    filter(!grepl("dry.matter.visual.rating.1.3",Trait,ignore.case = T)) %>% 
                         "RTSZ","TCHART")) %>% 
    inner_join(dbdata_long,.) %>% 

Now only ~3.63M rows.

QC trait values

For each trait:

  • Is the range of values correct / possible?
  • If NOHAV == 0 or NA (i.e. no plants harvested)
    • All harvest traits -> NA, including DM, HI and CBSDRS
  • HI -> NA if RTWT/SHTWT are 0 or NA

Deliberatiely leave out HI (calculate it manually after further QC)

dbdata_long %<>% 
dbdata_long %<>%
         Value=ifelse(TraitType=="Disease" & DiseaseScoreType=="Severity",
                      ifelse(Value<1 | Value>5,NA,Value),Value),
         Value=ifelse(TraitType=="Disease" & DiseaseScoreType=="Incidence",
                      ifelse(Value<=0 | Value>1,NA,Value),Value),
                      ifelse(Value>100 | Value<=0,NA,Value),Value),
                      ifelse(Value>1 | Value<=0,NA,Value),Value),
                      ifelse(Value==0 | NOHAV==0 | is.na(NOHAV),NA,Value),Value),
         Value=ifelse((Trait=="RTNO") & (!Value %in% 1:4000),NA,Value))

Long –> wide

Did this step on cbsurobbins, took lots of RAM

dbdata<-dbdata_long %>%
    select(-FullTraitName,-TraitName,-TraitType,-DiseaseScoreType) %>%
    spread(Trait,Value) %>% 
    mutate(DM=ifelse(is.na(DM) & !is.na(DMsg),DMsg,DM)) %>% # Fill in any missing DM scores with spec. grav-based scores
rm(dbdata_long); gc()

279595 obs left.

[User input] Assign genos to phenos

WARNING: User input required! At present, though cassavabase has the functionality to assign genotypes to phenotypes, the meta-information is in place; a breeding-program end task, perhaps. Instead, I rely on flat files, which I created over the years.

63K germplasmNames

library(tidyverse); library(magrittr)
gbs2phenoMaster<-dbdata %>% 
  select(germplasmName) %>% 
  distinct %>% 
                     stringsAsFactors = F)) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(FullSampleName)) %>% 
  select(germplasmName,FullSampleName) %>% 
  bind_rows(dbdata %>% 
              select(germplasmName) %>% 
              distinct %>% 
                                 stringsAsFactors = F)) %>% 
              filter(!is.na(FullSampleName)) %>% 
              select(germplasmName,FullSampleName)) %>% 
  bind_rows(dbdata %>% 
              select(germplasmName) %>% 
              distinct %>% 
                                 stringsAsFactors = F) %>% 
                          select(DNASample,FullSampleName) %>% 
                          rename(germplasmName=DNASample)) %>% 
              filter(!is.na(FullSampleName)) %>% 
              select(germplasmName,FullSampleName)) %>% 
  bind_rows(dbdata %>% 
              select(germplasmName) %>% 
              distinct %>% 
              mutate(germplasmSynonyms=ifelse(grepl("^UG",germplasmName,ignore.case = T),
                                              gsub("UG","Ug",germplasmName),germplasmName)) %>% 
                                 stringsAsFactors = F) %>% 
                          select(DNASample,FullSampleName) %>% 
                          rename(germplasmSynonyms=DNASample)) %>% 
              filter(!is.na(FullSampleName)) %>% 
              select(germplasmName,FullSampleName)) %>%  
  bind_rows(dbdata %>% 
              select(germplasmName) %>% 
              distinct %>% 
                                                    ignore.case = T),
                                              gsub("TZ","",germplasmName),germplasmName)) %>% 
                                 stringsAsFactors = F) %>% 
                          select(DNASample,FullSampleName) %>% 
                          rename(germplasmSynonyms=DNASample)) %>% 
              filter(!is.na(FullSampleName)) %>%
              select(germplasmName,FullSampleName)) %>% 
  distinct %>% 
                     stringsAsFactors = F) %>% 
              select(FullSampleName,OrigKeyFile,Institute) %>% 

nrow(gbs2phenoMaster) #7866
gbs2phenoMaster %>% count(OriginOfSample)

# first, filter to just program-DNAorigin matches
germNamesWithGenos<-dbdata %>% 
    select(programName,germplasmName) %>% 
    distinct %>% 
    left_join(gbs2phenoMaster) %>% 
nrow(germNamesWithGenos) # 7866
# program-germNames with locally sourced GBS samples
germNamesWithGenos_HasLocalSourcedGBS<-germNamesWithGenos %>% #count(OriginOfSample)
    filter(programName==OriginOfSample) %>% 
    select(programName,germplasmName) %>% 
    semi_join(germNamesWithGenos,.) %>% 
    group_by(programName,germplasmName) %>% # select one DNA per germplasmName per program
    slice(1) %>% ungroup() 
nrow(germNamesWithGenos_HasLocalSourcedGBS) # 6816
# the rest (program-germNames) with GBS but coming from a different breeding program
germNamesWithGenos_NoLocalSourcedGBS<-germNamesWithGenos %>% 
    filter(programName==OriginOfSample) %>% 
    select(programName,germplasmName) %>% 
    anti_join(germNamesWithGenos,.) %>% 
    group_by(programName,germplasmName) %>% # select one DNA per germplasmName per program
    slice(1) %>% ungroup() 
nrow(germNamesWithGenos_NoLocalSourcedGBS) # 163
nrow(gbsForPhenos) # 6979
dbdata %<>% 

Harvest Index

Compute harvest index after QC of RTWT and SHTWT above.

dbdata %<>% 

PerArea calculations

For calculating fresh root yield:

  1. PlotSpacing=Area in m2 per plant. plotWidth and plotLength metadata would hypothetically provide this info, but is missing for vast majority of trials. Therefore, use info from Fola.
  2. maxNOHAV. Instead of ExpectedNOHAV. Need to know the max number of plants in the area harvested. For some trials, only the inner (or “net”) plot is harvested, therefore the PlantsPerPlot meta-variable will not suffice. Besides, the PlantsPerPlot information is missing for the vast majority of trials. Instead, use observed max(NOHAV) for each trial. We use this plus the PlotSpacing to calc. the area over which the RTWT was measured. During analysis, variation in the actual number of plants harvested will be accounted for.
dbdata %<>% 
                              ifelse(TrialType %in% c("CET","GeneticGain","ExpCET"),1,0.8))))
dbdata %<>% 
    group_by(programName,locationName,studyYear,studyName,studyDesign,studyDescription) %>% 
    summarize(MaxNOHAV=max(NOHAV, na.rm=T)) %>% 
    mutate(MaxNOHAV=ifelse(MaxNOHAV=="-Inf",NA,MaxNOHAV)) %>% 
dbdata %<>% 

[User input] Season-wide mean disease

WARNING: User input required! Only minor here. Depends on which disease traits are to be analyzed and which months-after-planting are recorded.

Compute season-wide mean (or if you wanted, AUDPC) after QC of trait values above.

dbdata %<>% 
  mutate(MCMDS=rowMeans(.[,c("CMD1S","CMD3S","CMD6S","CMD9S")], na.rm = T)) %>% 

[User input] Correct a few location names

WARNING: User input required! A few trials have variants on the most common / consensus locationName, so I have to fix them.

table(dbdata$locationName) # Showed some problem locationNames
dbdata %<>% 

[User input] Choose locations

WARNING: User input required! If I had preselected locations before downloading, this wouldn’t have been necessary.

dbdata %<>% 
  filter(locationName %in% c("Abuja","Ibadan","Ikenne","Ilorin","Jos","Kano",
                             "Malam Madori","Mokwa","Ubiaja","Umudike","Warri","Zaria"))
  # count(TrialType,studyYear) %>% spread(studyYear,n) 

238,673 x 65 obs remaining

Output file


[User input] Detect experimental designs

Whatever design is reported to cassavabase cannot be universally trusted.
Examples: - Some trials appear to be complete blocked designs and the blockNumber is used instead of replicate, which is what most use. - Some complete block designs have nested, incomplete sub-blocks, others simply copy the “replicate” variable into the “blockNumber variable” - Some trials have only incomplete blocks but the incomplete block info might be in the replicate and/or the blockNumber column

One reason it might be important to get this right is that the variance among complete blocks might not be the same among incomplete blocks. If we treat a mixture of complete and incomplete blocks as part of the same random-effect (replicated-within-trial), we assume they have the same variance.

Also error variances might be heterogeneous among different trial-types (blocking scheme available) and/or plot sizes (maxNOHAV).

dbdata<-readRDS("data/IITA_CleanedTrialData_72519.rds") %>% 
  # custom selecting columns (not ideal)
           BRNHT1,PLTHT,TCHART,RTSZ) %>% #%$% summary(TCHART) 
  # extra QC of TCHART
  mutate(TCHART=ifelse(TCHART %in% 1:8,TCHART,NA)) %>% 
  # custom create covariables for a custom trait requested by IYR
         TCHARTcovar=TCHART) %>% 
  # custom variable selection for dplyr::gather() 
  gather(Trait,Value,DM:RTSZ) %>% 
         Value=ifelse(Trait %in% c("RTNO","FYLD","TOPYLD") & is.na(PropHAV),NA,Value)) %>% 
  # remove missing values
  filter(!is.na(Value)) %>% 
  mutate(Value=ifelse(Trait %in% c("RTNO","FYLD","TOPYLD"),log(Value),Value),
         Trait=ifelse(Trait %in% c("RTNO","FYLD","TOPYLD"),paste0("log",Trait),Trait)) %>% 
  # create explicitly nested experimental design variables 
  # intended for use in downstream analyses
         blockInRep=paste0(repInTrial,"_",blockNumber)) %>%
  group_by(programName,locationName,studyYear,trialType,TrialType,studyName,Trait) %>% 
  nest(.key = TrialData) 

WARNING: User input required! In the code-chunk above, I do a’lot of customization. Columns are selected, an extra trait QC is added, and covariates for a custom-trait are created. Not ideal.

Code below is “standardized” but ad hoc.

# Define complete blocks
dbdata %>% 
         # median number of obs per clone
                                ~count(.,germplasmName) %$% round(median(n),1)), 
         # median number of obs per replicate
                              ~count(.,replicate) %$% round(median(n),1)), 
         # Define complete block effects based on the "replicate" variable
         CompleteBlocks=ifelse(Nrep>1 & medObsPerClone==Nrep & Nobs!=Nrep,
         CompleteBlocks=ifelse(Nrep>1 & medObsPerClone!=Nrep & 
                                 medObsPerClone>1 & Nobs!=Nrep,
                               TRUE,CompleteBlocks)) -> x 

# Additional trials with imperfect complete blocks
x %>% 
  # Some complete blocks may only be represented by the "blockNumber" column
                                   ~select(.,blockInRep,germplasmName) %>% 
                                     # median number of blockInRep per clone
                                     distinct %>% 
                                     count(germplasmName) %$% 
         # If CompleteBlocks==FALSE (complete blocks not detected based on replicate)
         # and if more than half the clones are represented in more than one block based on the blockInRep variable
         # Copy the blockInRep values into the repInTrial column
         # Recompute Nrep
         # and declare CompleteBlocks==TRUE
         TrialData=ifelse(medBlocksPerClone>1 & CompleteBlocks==FALSE,
         CompleteBlocks=ifelse(medBlocksPerClone>1 & CompleteBlocks==FALSE,
                               TRUE,CompleteBlocks)) -> y

# Define incomplete blocks
y %>% 
                                       ~count(.,blockInRep) %$% round(median(n),1))) -> z
z %<>% # Define complete blocked trials with nested sub-blocks
    mutate(IncompleteBlocks=ifelse(CompleteBlocks==TRUE & Nobs!=Nblock & Nblock>1 & medObsPerBlockInRep>1 & NrepEqualNblock==FALSE,TRUE,FALSE))
z %<>% # Define clearly unreplicated (CompleteBlocks==FALSE & Nrep==1) trials with nested sub-blocks
    mutate(IncompleteBlocks=ifelse(CompleteBlocks==FALSE & Nobs!=Nblock & Nblock>1 & medObsPerBlockInRep>1 & Nrep==1,TRUE,IncompleteBlocks))
z %<>% # Define additional trials with incomplete blocks (blockInRep) where CompleteBlocks==FALSE but Nrep>1 and Nrep==Block
        mutate(IncompleteBlocks=ifelse(CompleteBlocks==FALSE & IncompleteBlocks==FALSE & 
                                           Nobs!=Nblock & Nblock>1 &  Nobs!=Nrep & 
                                           medObsPerBlockInRep>1 & Nrep>1 & NrepEqualNblock==TRUE,TRUE,IncompleteBlocks))
z %<>% # Last few cases (2 trials actually) where Nrep>1 and Nblock>1 and Nrep!=Nblock but CompleteBlocks==FALSE
        mutate(IncompleteBlocks=ifelse(CompleteBlocks==FALSE & IncompleteBlocks==FALSE &
                                           Nobs!=Nblock & Nobs!=Nrep & 
                                           medObsPerBlockInRep>1 & Nrep>1,TRUE,IncompleteBlocks))
z %>% 
    count(programName,CompleteBlocks,IncompleteBlocks) %>% spread(IncompleteBlocks,n)

Output file


Next step

Stage I: Get BLUPs

R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] workflowr_1.5.0.9000 Rcpp_1.0.3           rprojroot_1.3-2     
 [4] digest_0.6.22        later_1.0.0          R6_2.4.1            
 [7] backports_1.1.5      git2r_0.26.1         magrittr_1.5        
[10] evaluate_0.14        stringi_1.4.3        rlang_0.4.1         
[13] fs_1.3.1             promises_1.1.0       whisker_0.4         
[16] rmarkdown_1.17       tools_3.6.1          stringr_1.4.0       
[19] glue_1.3.1           httpuv_1.5.2         xfun_0.11           
[22] yaml_2.2.0           compiler_3.6.1       htmltools_0.4.0     
[25] knitr_1.26