• Overview
  • Methods
    • Determine which data is needed
    • Searching for sources
    • Data collection and identification
    • Modeling the sets
    • Assembling the sets
    • Analyze the sets
  • Svalbard
    • Kongsfjorden
    • Isfjorden
  • Barents sea
  • Greenland
    • Young Sound
    • Nuup Kangerlua

Last updated: 2023-08-24

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: WP1/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
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    Ignored:    data/analyses/clean_all_clean.RData
    Ignored:    data/analyses/ice_4km_proc.RData
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    Ignored:    data/sst_trom.RData
    Ignored:    metadata/globalfishingwatch_API_key.RData
    Ignored:    metadata/is_gfw_database.RData
    Ignored:    metadata/pangaea_parameters.tab
    Ignored:    metadata/pg_EU_ref_meta.csv
    Ignored:    mhw-definition_1_orig.xcf
    Ignored:    poster/SSC_2021_landscape_files/paged-0.15/
    Ignored:    presentations/.Rhistory
    Ignored:    presentations/2023_Ilico.html
    Ignored:    presentations/2023_results_day.html
    Ignored:    presentations/2023_seminar.html
    Ignored:    presentations/2023_summary.html
    Ignored:    presentations/ASSW_2023.html
    Ignored:    presentations/ASSW_side_2023.html
    Ignored:    shiny/dataAccess/coastline_hi_sub.csv
    Ignored:    shiny/kongCTD/.httr-oauth
    Ignored:    shiny/kongCTD/data/data_base.Rds
    Ignored:    shiny/test_data/

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   .gitignore

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/species_data.Rmd) and HTML (docs/species_data.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
html bd4819b Robert 2023-08-23 Build site.
html 4ddbb12 robwschlegel 2023-07-24 Build site.
html e8997de Robert 2023-05-30 Build site.
html 2ea419c Robert 2023-05-30 Build site.
html 1422923 Eccalin 2023-05-22 Species summary update
Rmd 33161ad Eccalin 2023-05-17 Species summary
html 33161ad Eccalin 2023-05-17 Species summary
Rmd 49a94f6 Eccalin 2023-05-17 Species summary
html 49a94f6 Eccalin 2023-05-17 Species summary
Rmd b336e80 Eccalin 2023-05-17 New species figures
Rmd ad00660 Eccalin 2023-05-17 Summary of species data
html ad00660 Eccalin 2023-05-17 Summary of species data
Rmd 29107e6 Eccalin 2023-05-16 data species
html 29107e6 Eccalin 2023-05-16 data species
html d73422a Eccalin 2023-05-16 Poster
html 73cd309 Eccalin 2023-05-12 Build site.
Rmd cfa3aca Eccalin 2023-05-12 web site test
html cfa3aca Eccalin 2023-05-12 web site test
Rmd 4ce558b Eccalin 2023-05-12 Web site
html 4ce558b Eccalin 2023-05-12 Web site


This document outlines the process of collecting, amalgamating, and analyzing species presence data from the FACE-IT Arctic Fjords study sites.


Determine which data is needed

To meet the requirements of the FACE-IT project, the data must meet certain criteria. The data must be from one of the seven study sites of the project, in Svalbard, Greenland or Norway. Data must include species biomass (presence data will also be collected). The data must concern marine species such as birds, fish, mammals, zooplankton or phytoplankton.

Searching for sources

To ensure data quality, it is essential to have reliable sources. For this, research and academic sites were used, in particular those of MOSJ, GEM, NPI.

Data collection and identification

Once the sources are found, it is important to collect the datasets that can be used for the project. Sometimes it is necessary to log in to certain websites to access the data. In order to use this data to its highest potential, it is important to determine what useful and necessary information in each dataset should be preserved. Careful consideration must be given to each set to ensure the quality of the information.

Modeling the sets

The data collected will be added to the ones already present on the FACE-IT project, they will have to follow the same format and respect the order by filling the following columns:

  • the date of access to the data,

  • the URL where to find the set,

  • the citation,

  • the type of data,

  • the site (kong, nuup, svalbard, is, disko, …),

  • the category (bio, cryo, social, …),

  • the driver (category details.) ),

  • the variable,

  • the longitude of each data,

  • the latitude of each data,

  • the date of collection of the data,

  • the depth of water of each data,

  • the value

Variable naming

All the variables follow a precise naming system. This allows to save their main information. For each variable we find:

Species type code

For an easier use, the different species studied have been divided in several categories each distinguished by a three letters code: Birds, Poisons |FIS|, Marine mammal |MAM|, Zooplankton |ZOO| and Phytoplankton |PHY|.

For the birds, subcategories have been added. The goal of the project being the study of marine species and the data collected concerning different types of birds. A distinction was made between marine birds |SBI|, land birds (non marine) |NBI| and species not yet sorted |BIR|.

Assembling the sets

Once the data are formatted, they are combined by geographic area, saved and added to the website.

Analyze the sets

Once the sets are complete, an analysis of the data recovered can be made. This allows us to see the information collected and to highlight certain patterns.


figure 1 - a) Svalbard data count by year, b) Svalbard species biomass over year


figure 2 - a) Kongsfjorden data count by year, b) Kongsfjorden species biomass over year


figure 3 - a) Isfjorden data count by year, b) Isfjorden species biomass over year

Barents sea


Young Sound

Nuup Kangerlua

R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/libblas.so.3.9.0 
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/liblapack.so.3.9.0

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time zone: Europe/Paris
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attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] workflowr_1.7.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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