<<<<<<< HEAD Last updated: 2021-10-06 ======= Last updated: 2021-10-04 >>>>>>> 2ce9f6292c2c653b02c017348f3ff1199f6db2d3

Checks: 2 0

Knit directory: WP1/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.2). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

Great! Since the R Markdown file has been committed to the Git repository, you know the exact version of the code that produced these results.

>>>>>>> 2ce9f6292c2c653b02c017348f3ff1199f6db2d3

Great! You are using Git for version control. Tracking code development and connecting the code version to the results is critical for reproducibility.

<<<<<<< HEAD The results in this page were generated with repository version 4539893. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files. ======= The results in this page were generated with repository version b66e5b7. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files. >>>>>>> 2ce9f6292c2c653b02c017348f3ff1199f6db2d3

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    metadata/pangaea_parameters.tab

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  code/key_drivers.R
    Untracked:  figures/map_storfjorden.png

Unstaged changes:
<<<<<<< HEAD
    Modified:   code/data_collection.R
    Modified:   code/data_product.R
    Modified:   code/functions.R
    Modified:   code/study_sites.R
>>>>>>> 2ce9f6292c2c653b02c017348f3ff1199f6db2d3
    Modified:   code/workflowr.R

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/index.Rmd) and HTML (docs/index.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
html <<<<<<< HEAD ======= ca5002a robwschlegel 2021-10-04 Build site.
html >>>>>>> 2ce9f6292c2c653b02c017348f3ff1199f6db2d3 3e117d4 Robert 2021-09-30 Build site.
html ad77318 Robert 2021-09-30 Build site.
html 3ad492f Robert 2021-09-28 Build site.
html 9615efe Robert 2021-09-28 Build site.
html e2b642e Robert 2021-09-28 Build site.
html 0f93d06 Robert 2021-09-28 Build site.
html 6f949b1 Robert 2021-09-28 Build site.
html 5786d9e Robert 2021-09-28 Build site.
html 72675ee Robert 2021-09-28 Build site.
html dc676c1 Robert 2021-09-23 Build site.
html d42750a Robert 2021-09-21 Re-run
html 2f621ee Robert 2021-09-21 Build site.
html 36454cc Robert 2021-08-17 Build site.
html 3d5b2ba Robert 2021-05-20 Build site.
html 05db53f robwschlegel 2021-04-23 Build site.
html 90f6ec9 robwschlegel 2021-04-13 Build site.
Rmd a1dcb70 robwschlegel 2021-04-13 More updates to landing page
Rmd c09a11d robwschlegel 2021-04-13 Update to landing page
Rmd 18c0f2e robwschlegel 2021-04-13 Update to meta-databse
html 18c0f2e robwschlegel 2021-04-13 Update to meta-databse
html 7e3f348 robwschlegel 2021-04-13 Build site.
html 0b7ee0f robwschlegel 2021-04-13 Build site.
html 7582d79 robwschlegel 2021-03-26 Build site.
html b1c8cca robwschlegel 2021-03-26 Build site.
Rmd 0a20683 robwschlegel 2021-03-11 Updates mostly to Isfjorden section
html f8fbec0 robwschlegel 2021-03-08 Build site.
Rmd d4b695c robwschlegel 2021-03-08 Re-built site.
Rmd dc5dbf5 robwschlegel 2021-03-04 Formatted all of the tables
html dc5dbf5 robwschlegel 2021-03-04 Formatted all of the tables
Rmd 4a20757 robwschlegel 2021-03-04 Added FACE-IT logo to top of each page
html 4a20757 robwschlegel 2021-03-04 Added FACE-IT logo to top of each page
html 75d8f9b robwschlegel 2021-03-02 Build site.
html 1765abd robwschlegel 2021-03-02 Build site.
html 86624e0 robwschlegel 2021-03-02 Build site.
html 8b80769 robwschlegel 2021-03-02 Build site.
html fbef3e0 robwschlegel 2021-03-01 Build site.
html e8aab70 robwschlegel 2021-03-01 Build site.
Rmd f8ad72b robwschlegel 2021-03-01 Re-built site.
html 6c2110f robwschlegel 2021-03-01 Build site.
html 3a30630 robwschlegel 2021-03-01 Build site.
html 3fd74f7 robwschlegel 2021-03-01 Build site.
html 6b2f047 robwschlegel 2021-02-24 Build site.
html 9f9385e robwschlegel 2021-02-19 Build site.
html 6208900 robwschlegel 2021-02-19 Build site.
html 51741d5 robwschlegel 2021-02-19 Build site.
html 849da96 robwschlegel 2021-02-19 Build site.
html ee3511e robwschlegel 2021-02-18 Build site.
html 04d996a robwschlegel 2021-02-18 Build site.
html c3a8a72 robwschlegel 2021-02-18 Build site.
html 3992686 robwschlegel 2021-02-18 Build site.
Rmd f9244d5 Robert 2021-02-17 Re-built site.
Rmd 8ea4d2c robwschlegel 2021-02-16 Bare-bones info for new GitHub pages
Rmd 0e705cf robwschlegel 2021-02-16 Start workflowr project.

Welcome to the GitHub pages site for work package one (WP1) of FACE-IT. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement # 869154. The primary purpose of this site is to provide a convenient user interface for the summaries of the drivers of change in the European Arctic as well as the meta-database for the data needed by the various work packages (WPs) in the FACE-IT project. As analyses are completed to understand the drivers of change at the FACE-IT study sites they will be added to this site.

The primary objective of WP1 is to identify and analyse the major drivers of changing coastal marine biodiversity in the Arctic. It also aims at managing and disseminating the data and analyses both within and outside the consortium. The key drivers identified in WP1 will form the operative base for all WPs. Both external, mostly abiotic, drivers (acting at large-scale and emphasized by the Paris Agreement; e.g. temperature, underwater light, salinity, ocean pH, sea level, invasive species) and internal drivers (acting at the scale of a study site; cryosphere changes such as sea ice and glacier retreat, ecological processes, local management) are considered. Whenever possible, historical and projected changes are assessed. Importantly, some of the variables which are considered are drivers as well as responses to other drivers (e.g. biodiversity). Also considered are indirect drivers (tourism, fishing and hunting) of biodiversity changes and their interaction with direct drivers.

Please use the tabs at the top of the site to navigate. To see a summary of the key drivers click the “Key drivers” tab. Clicking on the “Meta-database” tab will go to the page that contains the meta-database for the key drivers of change at the FACE-IT study sites. A more in depth review of these drivers may be found by clicking the “Review of drivers” tab. The “Analyses” tabs contains discrete analyses performed on data in the Arctic that may be of interest to FACE-IT members and the broader public (currently inactive). To see the raw code used for the workflow/pipeline of these analyses please follow the link in the top right of this page to the source code repository. Once there the raw workflow code may be found in the code/ folder in various scripts, and the markdown files for the analyses may be found in the analysis folder. The functions etc. utilised throughout the code base may be found in the code/functions.R script. The code used to create the figures and tables may be found in the code/visualising.R script. Please note that not all of the objects used in these scripts are saved in the GitHub repo as many of them are far too large. For these larger files one will need to request access to the FACE-IT pCloud folder. Or one may search the meta-database tables for links to where the original data may be downloaded.

A short summary of the FACE-IT project:

Glacier fronts and sea ice systems are hotspots of biodiversity. Their retreat will pose threats to Arctic coastal ecosystem function and eventually local livelihoods. The Arctic is a harbinger of the consequences of multiple global and regional environmental change on ecosystems and livelihoods: The overarching objective of FACE-IT is to enable adaptive co-management of social-ecological fjord systems in the Arctic in the face of rapid cryosphere and biodiversity changes.

Learn more at the official website.