3 Getting started with dispRity

3.1 What sort of data does dispRity work with?

Any matrix object in R. Disparity can be estimated from pretty much any matrix as long as rows represent the elements and columns the dimensions. These matrices can be observations, pairwise differences between elements, ordinations, etc…

3.2 Ordinated matrices

Classically, when a high number of variables is used, disparity is calculated from ordinated matrices. These can be any type of ordinations (PCO, PCA, PCoA, MDS, etc.) as long as elements are the rows (taxa, countries, field experiments) and the dimensions are the columns.

3.2.1 Ordination matrices from geomorph

You can also easily use data from geomorph using the geomorph.ordination function. This function simply takes Procrustes aligned data and performs an ordination:

##                PC1        PC2           PC3          PC4          PC5
## [1,] -0.0369931363 0.05118247 -0.0016971082 -0.003128809 -0.010936371
## [2,] -0.0007493738 0.05942082  0.0001371715 -0.002768680 -0.008117383
## [3,]  0.0056004654 0.07419599 -0.0052612103 -0.005034566 -0.002746592
## [4,] -0.0134808572 0.06463959 -0.0458436015 -0.007887369  0.009816827
## [5,] -0.0334696244 0.06863518  0.0136292041  0.007359409  0.022347225

Options for the ordination (from ?prcomp) can be directly passed to this function to perform customised ordinations. Additionally you can give the function a geomorph.data.frame object. If the latter contains sorting information (i.e. factors), they can be directly used to make a customised dispRity object customised dispRity object!

##  ---- dispRity object ---- 
## 4 customised subsets for 40 elements:
##     species.Jord, species.Teyah, site.Allo, site.Symp.

More about these dispRity objects below!

3.2.2 Ordination matrices from Claddis

This functionality is not available on the CRAN version of the package (1.3) due to CRAN compatibility issues see to CRAN or not to CRAN? for more information and on how to install the GitHub (more complete) version of the package (1.3).

dispRity package can easily take data from Claddis using the Claddis.ordination function. For this, simply input a matrix in the Claddis format to the function and it will automatically calculate and ordinate the distances among taxa:

##                      [,1]          [,2]       [,3]
## Ancilla      0.000000e+00  4.154578e-01  0.2534942
## Turrancilla -5.106645e-01 -1.304614e-16 -0.2534942
## Ancillista   5.106645e-01 -1.630768e-17 -0.2534942
## Amalda       1.603581e-16 -4.154578e-01  0.2534942

Note that several options are available, namely which type of distance should be computed. See more info in the function manual (?Claddis.ordination). Alternatively, it is of course also possible to manual calculate the ordination matrix using the functions Claddis::MorphDistMatrix and stats::cmdscale.

3.2.3 Other kinds of ordination matrices

If you are not using the packages mentioned above (Claddis and geomorph) you can easily make your own ordination matrices by using the following functions from the stats package. Here is how to do it for the following types of matrices:

  • Multivariate matrices (principal components analysis; PCA)
##            Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape
## Alabama      13.2     236       58 21.2
## Alaska       10.0     263       48 44.5
## Arizona       8.1     294       80 31.0
## Arkansas      8.8     190       50 19.5
## California    9.0     276       91 40.6
## Colorado      7.9     204       78 38.7
##                  PC1        PC2        PC3        PC4
## Alabama     64.80216 -11.448007 -2.4949328 -2.4079009
## Alaska      92.82745 -17.982943 20.1265749  4.0940470
## Arizona    124.06822   8.830403 -1.6874484  4.3536852
## Arkansas    18.34004 -16.703911  0.2101894  0.5209936
## California 107.42295  22.520070  6.7458730  2.8118259
## Colorado    34.97599  13.719584 12.2793628  1.7214637

This results in a ordinated matrix with US states as elements and four dimensions (PC 1 to 4). For an alternative method, see the ?princomp function.

  • Distance matrices (classical multidimensional scaling; MDS)
##  'dist' num [1:210] 3313 2963 3175 3339 2762 ...
##  - attr(*, "Size")= num 21
##  - attr(*, "Labels")= chr [1:21] "Athens" "Barcelona" "Brussels" "Calais" ...
##                 [,1]      [,2]       [,3]       [,4]       [,5]
## Athens    2290.27468 1798.8029   53.79314 -103.82696 -156.95511
## Barcelona -825.38279  546.8115 -113.85842   84.58583  291.44076
## Brussels    59.18334 -367.0814  177.55291   38.79751  -95.62045
## Calais     -82.84597 -429.9147  300.19274  106.35369 -180.44614
## Cherbourg -352.49943 -290.9084  457.35294  111.44915 -417.49668
## Cologne    293.68963 -405.3119  360.09323 -636.20238  159.39266

This results in a ordinated matrix with European cities as elements and five dimensions.

Of course any other method for creating the ordination matrix is totally valid, you can also not use any ordination at all! The only requirements for the dispRity functions is that the input is a matrix with elements as rows and dimensions as columns.

3.3 Performing a simple dispRity analysis

Two dispRity functions allow users to run an analysis pipeline simply by inputting an ordination matrix. These functions allow users to either calculate the disparity through time (dispRity.through.time) or the disparity of user-defined groups (dispRity.per.group).


Note that disparity.through.time and disparity.per.group are wrapper functions (i.e. they incorporate lots of other functions) that allow users to run a basic disparity-through-time, or disparity among groups, analysis without too much effort. As such they use a lot of default options. These are described in the help files for the functions that are used to make the wrapper functions, and not described in the help files for disparity.through.time and disparity.per.group. These defaults are good enough for data exploration, but for a proper analysis you should consider the best parameters for your question and data. For example, which metric should you use? How many bootstraps do you require? What model of evolution is most appropriate if you are time slicing? Should you rarefy the data? See chrono.subsets, custom.subsets, boot.matrix and dispRity.metric for more details of the defaults used in each of these functions. Note that any of these default arguments can be changed within the disparity.through.time or disparity.per.group functions.

3.3.1 Example data

To illustrate these functions, we will use data from Beck and Lee (2014). This dataset contains an ordinated matrix of 50 discrete characters from mammals (BeckLee_mat50), another matrix of the same 50 mammals and the estimated discrete data characters of their descendants (thus 50 + 49 rows, BeckLee_mat99), a dataframe containing the ages of each taxon in the dataset (BeckLee_ages) and finally a phylogenetic tree with the relationships among the 50 mammals (BeckLee_tree).

##                    [,1]          [,2]        [,3]       [,4]      [,5]
## Cimolestes   -0.5319679  0.1117759259  0.09865194 -0.1933148 0.2035833
## Maelestes    -0.4087147  0.0139690317  0.26268300  0.2297096 0.1310953
## Batodon      -0.6923194  0.3308625215 -0.10175223 -0.1899656 0.1003108
## Bulaklestes  -0.6802291 -0.0134872777  0.11018009 -0.4103588 0.4326298
## Daulestes    -0.7386111  0.0009001369  0.12006449 -0.4978191 0.4741342
## Uchkudukodon -0.5105254 -0.2420633915  0.44170317 -0.1172972 0.3602273
##                   [,1]       [,2]       [,3]        [,4]        [,5]
## Cimolestes -0.60824375 -0.0323683 0.08458885 -0.43384481 -0.30536875
## Maelestes  -0.57302058 -0.2840361 0.01308847 -0.12588477  0.06123611
## n48        -0.05529018  0.4799330 0.04118477  0.04944912 -0.35588301
## n49        -0.13067785  0.4478168 0.11956268  0.13800340 -0.32227852
##             FAD  LAD
## Adapis     37.2 36.8
## Asioryctes 83.6 72.1
## Leptictis  33.9 33.3
## Miacis     49.0 46.7
## Mimotona   61.6 59.2
## Notharctus 50.2 47.0

Of course you can use your own data as detailed in the previous chapter.

3.3.2 Disparity through time

The dispRity.through.time function calculates disparity through time, a common analysis in palaeontology. This function (and the following one) uses an analysis pipeline with a lot of default parameters to make the analysis as simple as possible. Of course all the defaults can be changed if required, more on this later.

For a disparity through time analysis, you will need:

  • An ordinated matrix (we covered that above)
  • A phylogenetic tree: this must be a phylo object (from the ape package) and needs a root.time element. To give your tree a root time (i.e. an age for the root), you can simply do\ my_tree$root.time <- my_age.
  • The required number of time subsets (here time = 3)
  • Your favourite disparity metric (here the sum of variances)

Using the Beck and Lee (2014) data described above:

This generates a dispRity object (see here for technical details). When displayed, these dispRity objects provide us with information on the operations done to the matrix:

##  ---- dispRity object ---- 
## 3 discrete time subsets for 50 elements with 48 dimensions:
##     133.51104 - 89.00736, 89.00736 - 44.50368, 44.50368 - 0.
## Data was bootstrapped 100 times (method:"full").
## Disparity was calculated as: metric.

We asked for three subsets (evenly spread across the age of the tree), the data was bootstrapped 100 times (default) and the metric used was the sum of variances.

We can now summarise or plot the disparity_data object, or perform statistical tests on it (e.g. a simple lm):

##                subsets  n   obs bs.median  2.5%   25%   75% 97.5%
## 1 133.51104 - 89.00736  5 1.575     1.322 0.717 1.121 1.454 1.575
## 2  89.00736 - 44.50368 29 1.922     1.868 1.785 1.837 1.885 1.905
## 3         44.50368 - 0 16 1.990     1.861 1.731 1.829 1.889 1.940

## Call:
## test(formula = data ~ subsets, data = data)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -0.65151 -0.03125  0.01225  0.04470  0.30516 
## Coefficients:
##                            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                 1.27017    0.01342   94.67   <2e-16 ***
## subsets44.50368 - 0         0.58522    0.01898   30.84   <2e-16 ***
## subsets89.00736 - 44.50368  0.58839    0.01898   31.01   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.1342 on 297 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.8111, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8098 
## F-statistic: 637.6 on 2 and 297 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Please refer to the specific tutorials for (much!) more information on the nuts and bolts of the package. You can also directly explore the specific function help files within R and navigate to related functions.

3.3.3 Disparity among groups

The dispRity.per.group function is used if you are interested in looking at disparity among groups rather than through time. For example, you could ask if there is a difference in disparity between two groups?

To perform such an analysis, you will need:

  • An matrix with rows as elements and columns as dimensions (always!)
  • A list of group members: this list should be a list of numeric vectors or names corresponding to the row names in the matrix. For example list("a" = c(1,2), "b" = c(3,4)) will create a group a containing elements 1 and 2 from the matrix and a group b containing elements 3 and 4. Note that elements can be present in multiple groups at once.
  • Your favourite disparity metric (here the sum of variances)

Using the Beck and Lee (2014) data described above:

We can display the disparity of both groups by simply looking at the output variable (disparity_data) and then summarising the disparity_data object and plotting it, and/or by performing a statistical test to compare disparity across the groups (here a Wilcoxon test).

##  ---- dispRity object ---- 
## 2 customised subsets for 50 elements with 48 dimensions:
##     crown, stem.
## Data was bootstrapped 100 times (method:"full").
## Disparity was calculated as: metric.
##   subsets  n   obs bs.median  2.5%   25%   75% 97.5%
## 1   crown 30 1.995     1.932 1.876 1.912 1.945 1.966
## 2    stem 20 1.715     1.639 1.537 1.610 1.665 1.692

## $`crown : stem`
## $`crown : stem`[[1]]
##  Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data:  dots[[1L]][[1L]] and dots[[2L]][[1L]]
## W = 10000, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0


Beck, Robin M, and Michael S Lee. 2014. “Ancient Dates or Accelerated Rates? Morphological Clocks and the Antiquity of Placental Mammals.” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (20141278): 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2014.1278.