6 Scientific outcomes

This research has already yielded two R packages concerning the MP algorithms from UCR26. The first package is called tsmp, and a paper has also been published in the R Journal27 (Journal Impact Factorâ„¢, 2020 of 3.984). The second package is called matrixprofiler and enhances the first one, using low-level language to improve computational speed. The author has also joined the Matrix Profile Foundation as co-founder together with contributors from Python and Go languages28,29. The benchmarks of the R implementation are available online68.

Additionally to the above publication and the publication of the ongoing literature survey it is planned to be published two articles about this thesis subject. The first regarding the application of the FLOSS algorithm on real-time ECG showing its potential on using it on low-power devices. The second regarding the use of combined shapelets for relevant ECG patterns identification.