Last updated: 2020-09-07

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: Cant_eMLR/

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The results in this page were generated with repository version fe673db. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    data/GLODAPv1_1/
    Ignored:    data/GLODAPv2_2016b_MappedClimatologies/
    Ignored:    data/GLODAPv2_2020/
    Ignored:    data/Gruber_2019/
    Ignored:    data/WOCE/
    Ignored:    data/World_Ocean_Atlas_2013_Clement/
    Ignored:    data/World_Ocean_Atlas_2018/
    Ignored:    data/eMLR/
    Ignored:    data/mapping/
    Ignored:    data/pCO2_atmosphere/
    Ignored:    dump/

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/eMLR_data_preparation.Rmd) and HTML (docs/eMLR_data_preparation.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
html da445a6 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-04 Build site.
Rmd 6a302ca jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-04 rebuild after new data cleaning and mapping Cant to surface
html fa11a74 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-02 Build site.
Rmd da4907d jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-02 all flagged variables
html 429aab3 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-01 Build site.
Rmd b7a8f92 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-01 fitted MLR models with oxygen based PO4*
html f4216dd jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-01 Build site.
Rmd 8f3ce45 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-01 rebuild without PO4 star selection, oxygen only
html 13a76d5 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-28 Build site.
html 27404de jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-27 Build site.
html b610bf7 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-27 Build site.
Rmd 96ab537 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-27 revised
html b6d0e6a jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-27 Build site.
html f40e48b jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-26 Build site.
html ec20f40 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-24 Build site.
Rmd a804955 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-24 split mapping into 2 rmds, po4star selection in parameters, use po4star nitrate
html 0772e79 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-21 Build site.
Rmd e04b03d jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-21 Individual cruise plots with all relevant parameters and histograms in eMLR
html 5ffe187 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-20 Build site.
html 1064ef8 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-19 Build site.
Rmd 94f9375 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-19 split emlr into data preparation, assumption testing, and model fitting
html 828f44e jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-19 Build site.
Rmd 77b2dc1 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-19 split emlr into data preparation, assumption testing, and model fitting


1 Required data

Required are:

  • GLODAPv2.2020
    • cleaned data file
    • horizontal grid of sampling coordinates
  • Cant from GLODAPv2_2016b_MappedClimatologies
  • annual mean atmospheric pCO2

GLODAP_obs_grid <-

# Cant_clim <-
#   read_csv(here::here("data/GLODAPv1_1/_summarized_files",
#                       "Cant_94.csv"))

Cant_clim <-

co2_atm <-
Cant_clim <- Cant_clim %>%
  rename(cant = Cant)

2 C*

C* serves as a conservative tracer of anthropogenic CO2 uptake. It is derived from measured DIC by removing the impact of

  • organic matter formation and respiration
  • calcification and calcium carbonate dissolution

Contributions of those processes are estimated from phosphate and alkalinity concentrations.

2.1 Stoichiometric ratios

rCP <- 117
rNP <- 16

The stoichiometric nutrient ratios for the production and mineralization of organic matter were set to:

  • C/P: 117
  • N/P: 16

2.2 Calculation

C* is calculated as:

print("Cstar = tco2  + rCP_phosphate  + talk_05  + rNP_phosphate_05")
[1] "Cstar = tco2  + rCP_phosphate  + talk_05  + rNP_phosphate_05"
  mutate(rCP_phosphate = -rCP * phosphate,
         talk_05 = -0.5 * talk,
         rNP_phosphate_05 = -0.5 * rNP * phosphate,
         Cstar = tco2  + rCP_phosphate  + talk_05  + rNP_phosphate_05)

rm(rCP, rNP)

3 PO4* calculation

The predictor PO4* was be calculated according to Clement and Gruber (2018), ie based on oxygen. Please note that an errornous equations for PO4* calculation is given in the supplement of Gruber et al (2019), based on nitrate.

  mutate(phosphate_star = phosphate + (oxygen / 170)  - 1.95)

4 Reference year adjustment

The reference year adjustment relies on an apriori estimate of Cant at a given location and depth, which is used as a scaling factor for the concurrent change in atmospheric CO2. The underlying assumption is a transient steady state for the oceanic Cant uptake. Here, Cant from the GLODAP mapped Climatology was used.

Note that eq. 6 in Clement and Gruber (2018) misses pCO2 pre-industrial in the denominator. Here we use the equation published in Gruber et al. (2019).

4.1 Merge data sets

4.1.1 GLODAP + Cant

Cant_clim_obs <- left_join(GLODAP_obs_grid, Cant_clim) %>% 

Cant_clim_obs <- Cant_clim_obs %>%
  group_by(lon, lat) %>% 
  mutate(n = n()) %>% 

Cant_clim_obs %>%
  filter(n <= 1) %>%
  ggplot(aes(lon,lat)) +
  geom_point(data = GLODAP_obs_grid, aes(lon, lat)) +
  geom_point(col = "red")

rm(Cant_clim, GLODAP_obs_grid)

GLODAP_Cant_obs <- full_join(GLODAP, Cant_clim_obs)

rm(GLODAP, Cant_clim_obs)

GLODAP_Cant_obs <- GLODAP_Cant_obs %>%
  group_by(lon, lat) %>% 
  mutate(n = mean(n, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 

The mapped Cant product was merged with GLODAP observation by:

  • using an identical 1x1° horizontal grid
  • linear interpolation of Cant from standard to sampling depth
# GLODAP_Cant_obs <- full_join(GLODAP_Cant_obs, Cant_clim_obs_nr)

GLODAP_Cant_obs <- GLODAP_Cant_obs %>%
  filter(n > 1) %>% 
  group_by(lat, lon) %>%
  arrange(depth) %>%
  mutate(cant_int = approxfun(depth, cant, rule = 2)(depth)) %>%

# GLODAP_Cant_obs_set <- GLODAP_Cant_obs %>%
#   filter(n_cant == 1) %>% 
#   group_by(lat, lon) %>%
#   arrange(depth) %>%
#   mutate(cant_int = mean(cant, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#   ungroup()

# ggplot() +
#   geom_path(
#     data = GLODAP_Cant_obs %>%
#       filter(lat == 48.5, lon == 165.5,! %>%
#       arrange(depth),
#     aes(cant, depth, col = "mapped")
#   ) +
#   geom_point(
#     data = GLODAP_Cant_obs %>%
#       filter(lat == 48.5, lon == 165.5,! %>%
#       arrange(depth),
#     aes(cant, depth, col = "mapped")
#   ) +
#   geom_point(
#     data = GLODAP_Cant_obs %>%
#       filter(lat == 48.5, lon == 165.5, date == ymd("2018-06-27")),
#     aes(cant_int, depth, col = "interpolated")
#   ) +
#   scale_y_reverse() +
#   scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2", name = "") +
#   labs(title = "Cant interpolation to sampling depth - example profile")

# remove cant data at grid cells without observations

GLODAP <- GLODAP_Cant_obs %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(cant = cant_int) %>%


4.1.2 GLODAP + atm. pCO2

GLODAP observations were merged with mean annual atmospheric pCO2 levels by year.

GLODAP <- left_join(GLODAP, co2_atm)

4.2 Calculate adjustment

  group_by(era) %>% 
  mutate(tref = median(year)) %>% 

tref <- GLODAP %>% 
  group_by(era) %>% 
  summarise(year = median(year)) %>% 

co2_atm_tref <- right_join(co2_atm, tref) %>% 
  select(-year) %>% 
  rename(pCO2_tref = pCO2)

GLODAP <- full_join(GLODAP, co2_atm_tref)

rm(co2_atm, co2_atm_tref, tref)

  mutate(Cstar_tref_delta = 
           ((pCO2 - pCO2_tref) / (pCO2_tref - 280)) * cant,
         Cstar_tref = Cstar - Cstar_tref_delta)

4.3 Control plots

4.3.1 Histogram

  ggplot(aes(Cstar_tref_delta)) +

4.3.2 Time series

  sample_n(1e4) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(year, Cstar_tref_delta, col = cant)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_viridis_c() +
  labs(title = "random subsample 1e4")

5 Selected section plots

A selected section is plotted to demonstrate the magnitude of various parameters and corrections relevant to C*.

GLODAP_cruise <- GLODAP %>% 
  filter(cruise %in% parameters$cruises_meridional)
GLODAP_cruise %>%
  arrange(date) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(lon, lat)) +
  geom_raster(data = landmask %>% filter(region == "land"),
              aes(lon, lat), fill = "grey80") +
  geom_path() +
  geom_point() +
  coord_quickmap(expand = 0) +
  #scale_color_viridis_c(trans = "date") +
  labs(title = paste("Cruise year:", mean(GLODAP_cruise$year))) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

lat_section <- 
GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(lat, depth)) +
  scale_y_reverse() +
  scale_color_viridis_c() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

lat_section +
  geom_point(aes(col = tco2))

lat_section +
  geom_point(aes(col = rCP_phosphate))

lat_section +
  geom_point(aes(col = talk_05))

lat_section +
  geom_point(aes(col = rNP_phosphate_05))

lat_section +
  geom_point(aes(col = Cstar))

lat_section +
  geom_point(aes(col = -Cstar_tref_delta))

rm(lat_section, GLODAP_cruise)

6 Isoneutral slabs

The following boundaries for isoneutral slabs were defined:

  • Atlantic: -, 26, 26.5, 26.75, 27, 27.25, 27.5, 27.75, 27.85, 27.95, 28.05, 28.1, 28.15, 28.2,
  • Indo-Pacific: -, 26, 26.5, 26.75, 27, 27.25, 27.5, 27.75, 27.85, 27.95, 28.05, 28.1,

Continuous neutral densities (gamma) values from GLODAP are grouped into isoneutral slabs.

  filter(basin == "Atlantic") %>% 
  mutate(gamma_slab = cut(gamma, parameters$slabs_Atl))

GLODAP_Ind_Pac <- GLODAP %>% 
  filter(basin == "Indo-Pacific") %>% 
  mutate(gamma_slab = cut(gamma, parameters$slabs_Ind_Pac))

GLODAP <- bind_rows(GLODAP_Atl, GLODAP_Ind_Pac)

rm(GLODAP_Atl, GLODAP_Ind_Pac)
GLODAP_cruise <- GLODAP %>% 
  filter(cruise %in% parameters$cruises_meridional)

lat_section <- 
GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(lat, depth)) +
  scale_y_reverse() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

lat_section +
  geom_point(aes(col = gamma_slab)) +

rm(lat_section, GLODAP_cruise)
GLODAP_cruise <- GLODAP %>% 
  filter(cruise %in% parameters$cruises_meridional)

# calculate pressure from depth

GLODAP_cruise <- GLODAP_cruise %>% 
  mutate(CTDPRS = gsw_p_from_z(-depth,

GLODAP_cruise <- GLODAP_cruise %>% 
  mutate(THETA = swTheta(salinity = sal,
                         temperature = tem,
                         pressure = CTDPRS,
                         referencePressure = 0,
                         longitude = lon-180,
                         latitude = lat))

GLODAP_cruise <- GLODAP_cruise %>% 
  rename(LATITUDE = lat,
         LONGITUDE = lon,
         SALNTY = sal,
         gamma_provided = gamma)


GLODAP_cruise <- calculate_gamma(GLODAP_cruise)

GLODAP_cruise <- GLODAP_cruise %>% 
  mutate(gamma_delta = gamma_provided - GAMMA)

lat_section <- 
GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(LATITUDE, CTDPRS)) +
  scale_y_reverse() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

lat_section +
  geom_point(aes(col = gamma_delta)) +

GLODAP_cruise %>% 

rm(lat_section, GLODAP_cruise, cruises_meridional)

7 Observations coverage

  mutate(era = factor(era, c("JGOFS_WOCE", "GO_SHIP", "new_era"))) %>%
  mutate(gamma_slab = factor(gamma_slab), 
         gamma_slab = factor(gamma_slab, levels = rev(levels(gamma_slab))))

  filter(basin == "Atlantic") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(lat, gamma_slab)) +
  geom_bin2d(binwidth = 5) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "magma", direction = -1, trans = "log10",
                       name = "log10(n)") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-100,100,20)) +

  filter(basin == "Indo-Pacific") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(lat, gamma_slab)) +
  geom_bin2d(binwidth = 5) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "magma", direction = -1, trans = "log10",
                       name = "log10(n)") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-100,100,20)) +

8 Individual cruise sections

Zonal and meridional section plots are produce for each cruise individually and can be downloaded here.

cruises <- GLODAP %>% 
  group_by(cruise) %>% 
  summarise(date_mean = mean(date, na.rm = TRUE),
            n = n()) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 

GLODAP <- full_join(GLODAP, cruises)

n <- 0
for (i_cruise in unique(cruises$cruise)) {

#i_cruise <- unique(cruises$cruise)[1]
n <- n+1
GLODAP_cruise <- GLODAP %>%
  filter(cruise == i_cruise) %>% 

cruises_cruise <- cruises %>%
  filter(cruise == i_cruise)
map <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(lon, lat)) +
  geom_raster(data = landmask %>% filter(region == "land"),
              aes(lon, lat), fill = "grey80") +
  geom_point(aes(col=date)) +
  coord_quickmap(expand = FALSE) +
  scale_color_viridis_c(trans = "date") +
  labs(title = paste("Mean date:", cruises_cruise$date_mean,
                     "| cruise:", cruises_cruise$cruise,
                     "| n(samples):", cruises_cruise$n))

lon_section <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(lon, depth)) +
  scale_y_reverse() +

lon_tco2 <- lon_section+

lon_talk <- lon_section+

lon_phosphate <- lon_section+

lon_oxygen <- lon_section+

lon_aou <- lon_section+

lon_phosphate_star <- lon_section+

lon_nitrate <- lon_section+

lon_Cstar <- lon_section+

lat_section <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(lat, depth)) +
  scale_y_reverse() +

lat_tco2 <- lat_section+

lat_talk <- lat_section+

lat_phosphate <- lat_section+

lat_oxygen <- lat_section+

lat_aou <- lat_section+

lat_phosphate_star <- lat_section+

lat_nitrate <- lat_section+

lat_Cstar <- lat_section+

hist_tco2 <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(tco2)) +

hist_talk <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(talk)) +

hist_phosphate <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(phosphate)) +

hist_oxygen <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(oxygen)) +

hist_aou <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(aou)) +

hist_phosphate_star <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(phosphate_star)) +

hist_nitrate <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(nitrate)) +

hist_Cstar <- GLODAP_cruise %>%
  ggplot(aes(Cstar)) +

(map /
    ((hist_tco2 / hist_talk / hist_phosphate / hist_Cstar) |
       (hist_oxygen / hist_phosphate_star / hist_nitrate / hist_aou)
    )) |
  ((lat_tco2 / lat_talk / lat_phosphate / lat_oxygen / lat_aou / lat_phosphate_star / lat_nitrate / lat_Cstar) |
     (lon_tco2 / lon_talk / lon_phosphate / lon_oxygen /  lon_aou /lon_phosphate_star / lon_nitrate / lon_Cstar))    

                        sep = "_")),
                  width = 20, height = 12)

   lon_section, lat_section,
   lat_tco2, lat_talk, lat_phosphate, lon_tco2, lon_talk, lon_phosphate,
   GLODAP_cruise, cruises_cruise)


9 Write file

GLODAP %>% write_csv(here::here("data/GLODAPv2_2020/_summarized_data_files",

10 Open tasks

11 Open questions

R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_Germany.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_Germany.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_Germany.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                    
[5] LC_TIME=English_Germany.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] patchwork_1.0.1 lubridate_1.7.9 forcats_0.5.0   stringr_1.4.0  
 [5] dplyr_1.0.0     purrr_0.3.4     readr_1.3.1     tidyr_1.1.0    
 [9] tibble_3.0.3    ggplot2_3.3.2   tidyverse_1.3.0 workflowr_1.6.2

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] tidyselect_1.1.0  xfun_0.16         haven_2.3.1       colorspace_1.4-1 
 [5] vctrs_0.3.2       generics_0.0.2    viridisLite_0.3.0 htmltools_0.5.0  
 [9] yaml_2.2.1        blob_1.2.1        rlang_0.4.7       later_1.1.0.1    
[13] pillar_1.4.6      withr_2.2.0       glue_1.4.1        DBI_1.1.0        
[17] dbplyr_1.4.4      modelr_0.1.8      readxl_1.3.1      lifecycle_0.2.0  
[21] munsell_0.5.0     gtable_0.3.0      cellranger_1.1.0  rvest_0.3.6      
[25] evaluate_0.14     labeling_0.3      knitr_1.29        httpuv_1.5.4     
[29] fansi_0.4.1       broom_0.7.0       Rcpp_1.0.5        promises_1.1.1   
[33] backports_1.1.8   scales_1.1.1      jsonlite_1.7.0    farver_2.0.3     
[37] fs_1.4.2          hms_0.5.3         digest_0.6.25     stringi_1.4.6    
[41] rprojroot_1.3-2   grid_4.0.2        here_0.1          cli_2.0.2        
[45] tools_4.0.2       magrittr_1.5      crayon_1.3.4      whisker_0.4      
[49] pkgconfig_2.0.3   ellipsis_0.3.1    xml2_1.3.2        reprex_0.3.0     
[53] assertthat_0.2.1  rmarkdown_2.3     httr_1.4.2        rstudioapi_0.11  
[57] R6_2.4.1          git2r_0.27.1      compiler_4.0.2