Last updated: 2020-11-20

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: Cant_eMLR/

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.6.2). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab lists the development history.

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The command set.seed(20200707) was run prior to running the code in the R Markdown file. Setting a seed ensures that any results that rely on randomness, e.g. subsampling or permutations, are reproducible.

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The results in this page were generated with repository version 21f6e29. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    data/
    Ignored:    dump/

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/eMLR_model_fitting.Rmd) and HTML (docs/eMLR_model_fitting.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
html e563eef jens-daniel-mueller 2020-11-20 Build site.
html 064d52f jens-daniel-mueller 2020-11-20 Build site.
Rmd 7ffabe6 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-11-20 use setup child Rmd file
html eb5dc10 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-11-18 Build site.
Rmd d6968a0 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-11-18 rebuild model runs
html fc70a34 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-11-10 Build site.
html b170b79 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-11-03 Build site.
html 411a35b jens-daniel-mueller 2020-10-02 Build site.
html 0d38979 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-10-01 Build site.
html 4578cfa jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-19 Build site.
html d59f716 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-18 Build site.
html f5a20ac jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-17 Build site.
html cf64460 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-17 Build site.
html d43d9e2 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-16 Build site.
html 1f3319a jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-16 Build site.
html 0aa596d jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-16 Build site.
Rmd fb6a3c3 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-16 created surface water climatology
html da91d98 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-10 Build site.
html a34a239 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-10 Build site.
html c3ffdfd jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-08 Build site.
Rmd 04ee730 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-08 rebuild after revision
html a50f053 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-07 Build site.
Rmd fe673db jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-07 fitted model by era and saved era coeffcients
html da445a6 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-04 Build site.
html 84dec46 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-02 Build site.
Rmd 7f54d38 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-02 hide model runs in html output
html fa11a74 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-02 Build site.
Rmd da4907d jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-02 all flagged variables
html 429aab3 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-01 Build site.
Rmd b7a8f92 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-01 fitted MLR models with oxygen based PO4*
html f4216dd jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-01 Build site.
Rmd 8f3ce45 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-09-01 rebuild without PO4 star selection, oxygen only
html 13a76d5 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-28 Build site.
Rmd 2e6a4ca jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-28 XXX
html 27404de jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-27 Build site.
html b610bf7 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-27 Build site.
Rmd 96ab537 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-27 revised
html b6d0e6a jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-27 Build site.
html f40e48b jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-26 Build site.
html ec20f40 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-24 Build site.
Rmd a804955 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-24 split mapping into 2 rmds, po4star selection in parameters, use po4star nitrate
html 5ffe187 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-20 Build site.
html 1064ef8 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-19 Build site.
Rmd 94f9375 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-19 split emlr into data preparation, assumption testing, and model fitting
html 8484d53 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-19 Build site.
Rmd eec0022 jens-daniel-mueller 2020-08-19 split emlr into data preparation, assumption testing, and model fitting

1 Libraries

Loading libraries specific to the the analysis performed in this section.


2 Required data

Required are:

  • cleaned and prepared GLODAPv2_2020 file

3 Model fitting

Individual linear regression models were fitted for C* as a function of each predictor combination. Fitting was performed separately within each basin, era, and slab. The root mean squared error (RMSE) was calculated for each fitted model.

for (i_basin in unique(GLODAP$basin)) {
  for (i_era in unique(GLODAP$era)) {
    # i_basin <- unique(GLODAP$basin)[1]
    # i_era   <- unique(GLODAP$era)[1]
    print(i_era  )
    GLODAP_basin_era <- GLODAP %>%
      filter(basin == i_basin, era == i_era)

    for (i_gamma_slab in unique(GLODAP_basin_era$gamma_slab)) {

      # i_gamma_slab <- unique(GLODAP_basin_era$gamma_slab)[1]
      GLODAP_basin_era_slab <- GLODAP_basin_era %>% 
        filter(gamma_slab == i_gamma_slab)
      lm_full <- lm(Cstar ~ 
                sal  + 
                tem  + 
                aou  + 
                oxygen  + 
                silicate  + 
                phosphate  + 
              data = GLODAP_basin_era_slab)
      lm_all <- ols_step_all_possible(lm_full)
      lm_all <- as_tibble(lm_all$result)
      lm_all <- lm_all %>% 
        mutate(basin = i_basin,
               era = i_era,
               gamma_slab = i_gamma_slab)
      if (exists("lm_all_stats")) {
        lm_all_stats <- bind_rows(lm_all_stats, lm_all)
      if (!exists("lm_all_stats")) {
        lm_all_stats <- lm_all
      rm(lm_full, lm_all)

lm_all_stats %>%

rm(i_gamma_slab, i_era, i_basin,
   GLODAP_basin_era, GLODAP_basin_era_slab,

RMSE was plotted against the number of predictors (limited to 2 - 5).

lm_all_stats <- read_csv(here::here("data/eMLR",

lm_all_stats <- lm_all_stats %>% 
  filter(n >= parameters$predictors_min,
         n <= parameters$predictors_max)

lm_all_stats %>% 
  ggplot(aes(n, rmse, col = basin)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 10) + 
  geom_point(shape = 21) +
  facet_grid(gamma_slab~era) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")

3.1 RMSE alternatives

AIC is an alternative criterion to RMSE to judge model quality, but not (yet) taken into account.

lm_all_stats %>% 
  ggplot(aes(rmse, aic, col = gamma_slab)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_viridis_d() +

3.2 Predictor selection

Within each basin and slab, the 10 linear regression models with lowest summed RMSE across all eras were selected.

lm_all_stats <- lm_all_stats %>%
  select(basin, era, gamma_slab, predictors, rmse)

lm_all_stats_wide <- lm_all_stats %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = era,
              values_from = rmse,
              names_prefix = "rmse_")

lm_all_stats_wide <- lm_all_stats_wide %>%
    rmse_sum_JGOFS_GO = rmse_JGOFS_WOCE + rmse_GO_SHIP,
    rmse_sum_GO_new = rmse_GO_SHIP + rmse_new_era

lm_all_stats <- lm_all_stats_wide %>%
    c(rmse_sum_JGOFS_GO, rmse_sum_GO_new),
    names_to = "eras",
    values_to = "rmse_sum",
    names_prefix = "rmse_sum_"

lm_best <- lm_all_stats %>%
  group_by(basin, gamma_slab, eras) %>%
  slice_min(order_by = rmse_sum,
            with_ties = FALSE,
            n = parameters$MLR_number) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  arrange(basin, gamma_slab, eras, predictors)

kable(lm_best) %>%
  add_header_above() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "400px")
basin gamma_slab predictors rmse_GO_SHIP rmse_JGOFS_WOCE rmse_new_era eras rmse_sum
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 6.443592 6.690887 2.723262 GO_new 9.166854
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.443592 6.690887 2.723262 GO_new 9.166854
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 6.443592 6.690887 2.723262 GO_new 9.166854
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 6.570724 6.262613 2.593086 GO_new 9.163810
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 6.570724 6.262613 2.593086 GO_new 9.163810
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 6.570724 6.262613 2.593086 GO_new 9.163810
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 6.507397 6.607697 2.685329 GO_new 9.192726
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 6.517881 6.584181 2.678819 GO_new 9.196700
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.520974 6.563492 2.679213 GO_new 9.200188
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 6.520974 6.563492 2.679213 GO_new 9.200188
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 6.443592 6.690887 2.723262 JGOFS_GO 13.134479
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.443592 6.690887 2.723262 JGOFS_GO 13.134479
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 6.570724 6.262613 2.593086 JGOFS_GO 12.833337
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 6.570724 6.262613 2.593086 JGOFS_GO 12.833337
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 6.570724 6.262613 2.593086 JGOFS_GO 12.833337
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 6.507397 6.607697 2.685329 JGOFS_GO 13.115094
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 6.517881 6.584181 2.678819 JGOFS_GO 13.102062
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 6.520974 6.563492 2.679213 JGOFS_GO 13.084466
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.520974 6.563492 2.679213 JGOFS_GO 13.084466
Atlantic (-Inf,26] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 6.520974 6.563492 2.679213 JGOFS_GO 13.084466
Atlantic (26,26.5] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.119954 4.879713 2.725092 GO_new 7.845046
Atlantic (26,26.5] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.119954 4.879713 2.725092 GO_new 7.845046
Atlantic (26,26.5] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.119954 4.879713 2.725092 GO_new 7.845046
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.125667 4.884808 2.805619 GO_new 7.931286
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 5.125667 4.884808 2.805619 GO_new 7.931286
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.125667 4.884808 2.805619 GO_new 7.931286
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 5.114177 4.843389 2.799017 GO_new 7.913194
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.114177 4.843389 2.799017 GO_new 7.913194
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.125667 4.884808 2.805619 GO_new 7.931286
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 5.114177 4.843389 2.799017 GO_new 7.913194
Atlantic (26,26.5] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.119954 4.879713 2.725092 JGOFS_GO 9.999667
Atlantic (26,26.5] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.119954 4.879713 2.725092 JGOFS_GO 9.999667
Atlantic (26,26.5] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.119954 4.879713 2.725092 JGOFS_GO 9.999667
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.125667 4.884808 2.805619 JGOFS_GO 10.010475
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 5.125667 4.884808 2.805619 JGOFS_GO 10.010475
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.125667 4.884808 2.805619 JGOFS_GO 10.010475
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 5.114177 4.843389 2.799017 JGOFS_GO 9.957565
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.114177 4.843389 2.799017 JGOFS_GO 9.957565
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.125667 4.884808 2.805619 JGOFS_GO 10.010475
Atlantic (26,26.5] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 5.114177 4.843389 2.799017 JGOFS_GO 9.957565
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.236994 3.838780 3.119611 GO_new 7.356605
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 4.236994 3.838780 3.119611 GO_new 7.356605
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.236994 3.838780 3.119611 GO_new 7.356605
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.190807 3.959117 3.167058 GO_new 7.357865
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.190769 3.955370 3.163997 GO_new 7.354767
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.190769 3.955370 3.163997 GO_new 7.354767
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.190769 3.955370 3.163997 GO_new 7.354767
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.224299 3.865710 3.114482 GO_new 7.338782
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.224299 3.865710 3.114482 GO_new 7.338782
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.224299 3.865710 3.114482 GO_new 7.338782
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.236994 3.838780 3.119611 JGOFS_GO 8.075774
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 4.236994 3.838780 3.119611 JGOFS_GO 8.075774
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.236994 3.838780 3.119611 JGOFS_GO 8.075774
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.190807 3.959117 3.167058 JGOFS_GO 8.149924
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.190769 3.955370 3.163997 JGOFS_GO 8.146139
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.190769 3.955370 3.163997 JGOFS_GO 8.146139
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.190769 3.955370 3.163997 JGOFS_GO 8.146139
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.224299 3.865710 3.114482 JGOFS_GO 8.090010
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.224299 3.865710 3.114482 JGOFS_GO 8.090010
Atlantic (26.5,26.75] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.224299 3.865710 3.114482 JGOFS_GO 8.090010
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.356890 4.437273 3.681709 GO_new 8.038600
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.331698 4.414428 3.685812 GO_new 8.017510
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.334399 4.414898 3.685259 GO_new 8.019658
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.334399 4.414898 3.685259 GO_new 8.019658
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.334399 4.414898 3.685259 GO_new 8.019658
Atlantic (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.367859 4.472974 3.699599 GO_new 8.067458
Atlantic (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.367859 4.472974 3.699599 GO_new 8.067458
Atlantic (26.75,27] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.367859 4.472974 3.699599 GO_new 8.067458
Atlantic (26.75,27] tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.368996 4.473575 3.703951 GO_new 8.072947
Atlantic (26.75,27] tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.370117 4.474040 3.703325 GO_new 8.073442
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.360002 4.429072 3.792996 JGOFS_GO 8.789075
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 4.360002 4.429072 3.792996 JGOFS_GO 8.789075
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.360002 4.429072 3.792996 JGOFS_GO 8.789075
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem aou phosphate_star 4.364832 4.429663 3.798562 JGOFS_GO 8.794495
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.356890 4.437273 3.681709 JGOFS_GO 8.794164
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.331698 4.414428 3.685812 JGOFS_GO 8.746126
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem oxygen phosphate_star 4.367237 4.430224 3.797318 JGOFS_GO 8.797460
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.334399 4.414898 3.685259 JGOFS_GO 8.749298
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.334399 4.414898 3.685259 JGOFS_GO 8.749298
Atlantic (26.75,27] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.334399 4.414898 3.685259 JGOFS_GO 8.749298
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.968892 5.285521 4.739592 GO_new 9.708484
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.968892 5.285521 4.739592 GO_new 9.708484
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.788056 5.136310 4.763216 GO_new 9.551272
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.707344 5.107561 4.790733 GO_new 9.498077
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.721445 5.108732 4.785806 GO_new 9.507251
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.721445 5.108732 4.785806 GO_new 9.507251
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.721445 5.108732 4.785806 GO_new 9.507251
Atlantic (27,27.25] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.707474 5.158136 4.873179 GO_new 9.580653
Atlantic (27,27.25] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.707474 5.158136 4.873179 GO_new 9.580653
Atlantic (27,27.25] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.707474 5.158136 4.873179 GO_new 9.580653
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.707344 5.107561 4.790733 JGOFS_GO 9.814905
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.721445 5.108732 4.785806 JGOFS_GO 9.830177
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.721445 5.108732 4.785806 JGOFS_GO 9.830177
Atlantic (27,27.25] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.721445 5.108732 4.785806 JGOFS_GO 9.830177
Atlantic (27,27.25] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.707474 5.158136 4.873179 JGOFS_GO 9.865609
Atlantic (27,27.25] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.707474 5.158136 4.873179 JGOFS_GO 9.865609
Atlantic (27,27.25] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.707474 5.158136 4.873179 JGOFS_GO 9.865609
Atlantic (27,27.25] tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.742552 5.158848 5.006370 JGOFS_GO 9.901400
Atlantic (27,27.25] tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.755685 5.159542 4.997198 JGOFS_GO 9.915227
Atlantic (27,27.25] tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.755685 5.159542 4.997198 JGOFS_GO 9.915227
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.272246 4.532203 3.863654 GO_new 8.135900
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.272246 4.532203 3.863654 GO_new 8.135900
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.272246 4.532203 3.863654 GO_new 8.135900
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.208929 4.510777 3.905331 GO_new 8.114260
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.190035 4.509306 3.940069 GO_new 8.130105
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.190035 4.509306 3.940069 GO_new 8.130105
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.190035 4.509306 3.940069 GO_new 8.130105
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.278962 4.558877 3.847627 GO_new 8.126589
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.278962 4.558877 3.847627 GO_new 8.126589
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.278962 4.558877 3.847627 GO_new 8.126589
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.187124 4.509827 3.985409 JGOFS_GO 8.696952
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 4.187124 4.509827 3.985409 JGOFS_GO 8.696952
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.187124 4.509827 3.985409 JGOFS_GO 8.696952
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.186174 4.512357 3.960480 JGOFS_GO 8.698531
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem oxygen phosphate 4.190387 4.511502 4.064790 JGOFS_GO 8.701889
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 4.190387 4.511502 4.064790 JGOFS_GO 8.701889
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem oxygen phosphate_star 4.190387 4.511502 4.064790 JGOFS_GO 8.701889
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.190035 4.509306 3.940069 JGOFS_GO 8.699342
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.190035 4.509306 3.940069 JGOFS_GO 8.699342
Atlantic (27.25,27.5] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.190035 4.509306 3.940069 JGOFS_GO 8.699342
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.356329 4.416547 4.458187 GO_new 8.814516
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.356329 4.416547 4.458187 GO_new 8.814516
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.345371 4.417100 4.446332 GO_new 8.791704
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.365838 4.438431 4.413150 GO_new 8.778989
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.346890 4.424845 4.431690 GO_new 8.778580
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.346890 4.424845 4.431690 GO_new 8.778580
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.346890 4.424845 4.431690 GO_new 8.778580
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.387136 4.441152 4.408584 GO_new 8.795720
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.387136 4.441152 4.408584 GO_new 8.795720
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.387136 4.441152 4.408584 GO_new 8.795720
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.356329 4.416547 4.458187 JGOFS_GO 8.772877
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.356329 4.416547 4.458187 JGOFS_GO 8.772877
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.356329 4.416547 4.458187 JGOFS_GO 8.772877
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.345371 4.417100 4.446332 JGOFS_GO 8.762471
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.365838 4.438431 4.413150 JGOFS_GO 8.804269
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.346890 4.424845 4.431690 JGOFS_GO 8.771735
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.346890 4.424845 4.431690 JGOFS_GO 8.771735
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.346890 4.424845 4.431690 JGOFS_GO 8.771735
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.387136 4.441152 4.408584 JGOFS_GO 8.828288
Atlantic (27.5,27.75] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.387136 4.441152 4.408584 JGOFS_GO 8.828288
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.698470 4.595052 6.733110 GO_new 11.431580
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.698470 4.595052 6.733110 GO_new 11.431580
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.698470 4.595052 6.733110 GO_new 11.431580
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.698226 4.594896 6.764984 GO_new 11.463209
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.706344 4.598592 6.724646 GO_new 11.430989
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.699260 4.595098 6.764729 GO_new 11.463989
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.699260 4.595098 6.764729 GO_new 11.463989
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.724860 4.630976 6.653574 GO_new 11.378434
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.724860 4.630976 6.653574 GO_new 11.378434
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.724860 4.630976 6.653574 GO_new 11.378434
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.698470 4.595052 6.733110 JGOFS_GO 9.293523
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.698470 4.595052 6.733110 JGOFS_GO 9.293523
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.698470 4.595052 6.733110 JGOFS_GO 9.293523
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal oxygen silicate phosphate 4.703764 4.595129 6.786839 JGOFS_GO 9.298893
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.703764 4.595129 6.786839 JGOFS_GO 9.298893
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.703764 4.595129 6.786839 JGOFS_GO 9.298893
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.698226 4.594896 6.764984 JGOFS_GO 9.293121
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.699260 4.595098 6.764729 JGOFS_GO 9.294357
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.699260 4.595098 6.764729 JGOFS_GO 9.294357
Atlantic (27.75,27.85] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.699260 4.595098 6.764729 JGOFS_GO 9.294357
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.891497 3.942064 4.896287 GO_new 9.787783
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.891497 3.942064 4.896287 GO_new 9.787783
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.891497 3.942064 4.896287 GO_new 9.787783
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal aou silicate phosphate_star 4.922570 3.992602 4.990023 GO_new 9.912593
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.893816 3.949801 4.931832 GO_new 9.825648
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.890751 3.943447 4.909190 GO_new 9.799941
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.892756 3.949398 4.933393 GO_new 9.826149
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.892756 3.949398 4.933393 GO_new 9.826149
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem silicate phosphate 4.987923 3.952715 4.941563 GO_new 9.929486
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.892756 3.949398 4.933393 GO_new 9.826149
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.891497 3.942064 4.896287 JGOFS_GO 8.833560
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.891497 3.942064 4.896287 JGOFS_GO 8.833560
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.891497 3.942064 4.896287 JGOFS_GO 8.833560
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal aou silicate phosphate_star 4.922570 3.992602 4.990023 JGOFS_GO 8.915172
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.893816 3.949801 4.931832 JGOFS_GO 8.843617
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.890751 3.943447 4.909190 JGOFS_GO 8.834199
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.892756 3.949398 4.933393 JGOFS_GO 8.842154
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.892756 3.949398 4.933393 JGOFS_GO 8.842154
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem silicate phosphate 4.987923 3.952715 4.941563 JGOFS_GO 8.940638
Atlantic (27.85,27.95] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.892756 3.949398 4.933393 JGOFS_GO 8.842154
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 5.739076 3.718335 5.080115 GO_new 10.819190
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.739076 3.718335 5.080115 GO_new 10.819190
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 5.739076 3.718335 5.080115 GO_new 10.819190
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal aou silicate phosphate_star 5.739109 3.718339 5.088156 GO_new 10.827265
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.849683 4.062895 4.910700 GO_new 10.760383
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.849683 4.062895 4.910700 GO_new 10.760383
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.849683 4.062895 4.910700 GO_new 10.760383
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 5.737730 3.718002 5.088058 GO_new 10.825788
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.757884 3.735580 5.153075 GO_new 10.910958
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 5.757884 3.735580 5.153075 GO_new 10.910958
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 5.739076 3.718335 5.080115 JGOFS_GO 9.457411
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.739076 3.718335 5.080115 JGOFS_GO 9.457411
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 5.739076 3.718335 5.080115 JGOFS_GO 9.457411
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal aou silicate phosphate_star 5.739109 3.718339 5.088156 JGOFS_GO 9.457448
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.802526 3.820603 5.205036 JGOFS_GO 9.623129
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 5.770819 3.744744 5.174879 JGOFS_GO 9.515563
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 5.737730 3.718002 5.088058 JGOFS_GO 9.455732
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 5.757884 3.735580 5.153075 JGOFS_GO 9.493463
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.757884 3.735580 5.153075 JGOFS_GO 9.493463
Atlantic (27.95,28.05] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 5.757884 3.735580 5.153075 JGOFS_GO 9.493463
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.932727 3.594746 4.579861 GO_new 10.512589
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.932727 3.594746 4.579861 GO_new 10.512589
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.932727 3.594746 4.579861 GO_new 10.512589
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou oxygen phosphate 6.026656 3.736781 4.580902 GO_new 10.607558
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 6.026656 3.736781 4.580902 GO_new 10.607558
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 6.026656 3.736781 4.580902 GO_new 10.607558
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 5.936735 3.680960 4.520107 GO_new 10.456843
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.936735 3.680960 4.520107 GO_new 10.456843
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 6.026656 3.736781 4.580902 GO_new 10.607558
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 5.936735 3.680960 4.520107 GO_new 10.456843
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.932727 3.594746 4.579861 JGOFS_GO 9.527473
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.932727 3.594746 4.579861 JGOFS_GO 9.527473
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.932727 3.594746 4.579861 JGOFS_GO 9.527473
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 6.083547 3.641505 5.079364 JGOFS_GO 9.725052
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou oxygen phosphate 6.026656 3.736781 4.580902 JGOFS_GO 9.763437
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 6.026656 3.736781 4.580902 JGOFS_GO 9.763437
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 6.026656 3.736781 4.580902 JGOFS_GO 9.763437
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 5.936735 3.680960 4.520107 JGOFS_GO 9.617695
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.936735 3.680960 4.520107 JGOFS_GO 9.617695
Atlantic (28.05,28.1] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 5.936735 3.680960 4.520107 JGOFS_GO 9.617695
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 6.663145 3.416164 4.691997 GO_new 11.355142
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 6.663145 3.416164 4.691997 GO_new 11.355142
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 6.663145 3.416164 4.691997 GO_new 11.355142
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem aou phosphate_star 6.670569 3.433060 4.737733 GO_new 11.408302
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 6.662297 3.389809 4.737720 GO_new 11.400017
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.667020 3.386968 4.747359 GO_new 11.414378
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 6.667020 3.386968 4.747359 GO_new 11.414378
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 6.711929 3.433177 4.688406 GO_new 11.400335
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.711929 3.433177 4.688406 GO_new 11.400335
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 6.711929 3.433177 4.688406 GO_new 11.400335
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 6.663145 3.416164 4.691997 JGOFS_GO 10.079309
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 6.663145 3.416164 4.691997 JGOFS_GO 10.079309
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 6.663145 3.416164 4.691997 JGOFS_GO 10.079309
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 6.662297 3.389809 4.737720 JGOFS_GO 10.052106
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem oxygen phosphate 6.672915 3.428923 4.748511 JGOFS_GO 10.101838
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 6.672915 3.428923 4.748511 JGOFS_GO 10.101838
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 6.667020 3.386968 4.747359 JGOFS_GO 10.053988
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.667020 3.386968 4.747359 JGOFS_GO 10.053988
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem phosphate phosphate_star 6.672915 3.428923 4.748511 JGOFS_GO 10.101838
Atlantic (28.1,28.15] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 6.667020 3.386968 4.747359 JGOFS_GO 10.053988
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.511607 3.499674 2.921850 GO_new 6.433457
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.511607 3.499674 2.921850 GO_new 6.433457
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.511607 3.499674 2.921850 GO_new 6.433457
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 3.510457 3.477244 2.910935 GO_new 6.421391
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 3.510457 3.477244 2.910935 GO_new 6.421391
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem aou phosphate 3.535043 3.479617 2.910953 GO_new 6.445995
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 3.510457 3.477244 2.910935 GO_new 6.421391
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 3.512351 3.478118 2.904862 GO_new 6.417213
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.546627 3.491210 2.912668 GO_new 6.459295
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.546627 3.491210 2.912668 GO_new 6.459295
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal aou oxygen phosphate 3.516783 3.506703 2.979097 JGOFS_GO 7.023487
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal aou oxygen phosphate_star 3.516783 3.506703 2.979097 JGOFS_GO 7.023487
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.511607 3.499674 2.921850 JGOFS_GO 7.011281
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.511607 3.499674 2.921850 JGOFS_GO 7.011281
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.511607 3.499674 2.921850 JGOFS_GO 7.011281
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 3.510457 3.477244 2.910935 JGOFS_GO 6.987701
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 3.510457 3.477244 2.910935 JGOFS_GO 6.987701
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem aou phosphate 3.535043 3.479617 2.910953 JGOFS_GO 7.014660
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 3.510457 3.477244 2.910935 JGOFS_GO 6.987701
Atlantic (28.15,28.2] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 3.512351 3.478118 2.904862 JGOFS_GO 6.990469
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.020446 2.883699 2.879999 GO_new 5.900445
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.020446 2.883699 2.879999 GO_new 5.900445
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou silicate phosphate 3.020834 3.087835 2.899498 GO_new 5.920332
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.020446 2.883699 2.879999 GO_new 5.900445
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.039987 3.202278 2.880994 GO_new 5.920981
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.039987 3.202278 2.880994 GO_new 5.920981
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 3.020688 2.947850 2.899236 GO_new 5.919924
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 3.036917 3.014764 2.880381 GO_new 5.917298
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.036917 3.014764 2.880381 GO_new 5.917298
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.036917 3.014764 2.880381 GO_new 5.917298
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou oxygen phosphate 3.025275 2.895356 2.914614 JGOFS_GO 5.920631
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 3.025275 2.895356 2.914614 JGOFS_GO 5.920631
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou oxygen phosphate_star 3.025275 2.895356 2.914614 JGOFS_GO 5.920631
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.020446 2.883699 2.879999 JGOFS_GO 5.904145
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.020446 2.883699 2.879999 JGOFS_GO 5.904145
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou phosphate phosphate_star 3.025275 2.895356 2.914614 JGOFS_GO 5.920631
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.020446 2.883699 2.879999 JGOFS_GO 5.904145
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 3.022525 2.893443 2.911463 JGOFS_GO 5.915967
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 3.022525 2.893443 2.911463 JGOFS_GO 5.915967
Atlantic (28.2, Inf] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 3.022525 2.893443 2.911463 JGOFS_GO 5.915967
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 6.380738 11.399859 5.447504 GO_new 11.828242
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.380738 11.399859 5.447504 GO_new 11.828242
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 6.380738 11.399859 5.447504 GO_new 11.828242
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 6.769375 11.746900 5.869605 GO_new 12.638980
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 6.497882 11.432500 5.681893 GO_new 12.179775
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 6.552718 11.456988 5.771181 GO_new 12.323900
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 6.554278 11.456084 5.793282 GO_new 12.347560
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.554278 11.456084 5.793282 GO_new 12.347560
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 6.554278 11.456084 5.793282 GO_new 12.347560
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem silicate phosphate_star 6.555444 11.459463 5.929318 GO_new 12.484762
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 6.380738 11.399859 5.447504 JGOFS_GO 17.780597
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.380738 11.399859 5.447504 JGOFS_GO 17.780597
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 6.380738 11.399859 5.447504 JGOFS_GO 17.780597
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 6.769375 11.746900 5.869605 JGOFS_GO 18.516275
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 6.497882 11.432500 5.681893 JGOFS_GO 17.930382
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 6.552718 11.456988 5.771181 JGOFS_GO 18.009706
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 6.554278 11.456084 5.793282 JGOFS_GO 18.010363
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 6.554278 11.456084 5.793282 JGOFS_GO 18.010363
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 6.554278 11.456084 5.793282 JGOFS_GO 18.010363
Indo-Pacific (-Inf,26] sal tem silicate phosphate_star 6.555444 11.459463 5.929318 JGOFS_GO 18.014908
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.747290 7.453793 3.954811 GO_new 8.702101
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.747290 7.453793 3.954811 GO_new 8.702101
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.747290 7.453793 3.954811 GO_new 8.702101
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.966446 7.630642 4.313716 GO_new 9.280162
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.966446 7.630642 4.313716 GO_new 9.280162
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.761068 7.519139 4.052412 GO_new 8.813480
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.797335 7.563192 4.114310 GO_new 8.911645
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.790904 7.554875 4.101108 GO_new 8.892012
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.790904 7.554875 4.101108 GO_new 8.892012
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.790904 7.554875 4.101108 GO_new 8.892012
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.747290 7.453793 3.954811 JGOFS_GO 12.201083
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.747290 7.453793 3.954811 JGOFS_GO 12.201083
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.747290 7.453793 3.954811 JGOFS_GO 12.201083
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.966446 7.630642 4.313716 JGOFS_GO 12.597088
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.966446 7.630642 4.313716 JGOFS_GO 12.597088
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.761068 7.519139 4.052412 JGOFS_GO 12.280207
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.797335 7.563192 4.114310 JGOFS_GO 12.360527
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.790904 7.554875 4.101108 JGOFS_GO 12.345779
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.790904 7.554875 4.101108 JGOFS_GO 12.345779
Indo-Pacific (26,26.5] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.790904 7.554875 4.101108 JGOFS_GO 12.345779
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou oxygen phosphate 5.368081 5.673179 4.666251 GO_new 10.034332
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 5.368081 5.673179 4.666251 GO_new 10.034332
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.368081 5.673179 4.666251 GO_new 10.034332
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 5.367518 5.600090 4.591217 GO_new 9.958735
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.367518 5.600090 4.591217 GO_new 9.958735
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.368081 5.673179 4.666251 GO_new 10.034332
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 5.367518 5.600090 4.591217 GO_new 9.958735
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.367244 5.673134 4.651174 GO_new 10.018418
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.367244 5.673134 4.651174 GO_new 10.018418
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.367244 5.673134 4.651174 GO_new 10.018418
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou oxygen phosphate 5.368081 5.673179 4.666251 JGOFS_GO 11.041260
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 5.368081 5.673179 4.666251 JGOFS_GO 11.041260
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.368081 5.673179 4.666251 JGOFS_GO 11.041260
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 5.367518 5.600090 4.591217 JGOFS_GO 10.967607
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 5.367518 5.600090 4.591217 JGOFS_GO 10.967607
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.368081 5.673179 4.666251 JGOFS_GO 11.041260
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 5.367518 5.600090 4.591217 JGOFS_GO 10.967607
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.367244 5.673134 4.651174 JGOFS_GO 11.040379
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.367244 5.673134 4.651174 JGOFS_GO 11.040379
Indo-Pacific (26.5,26.75] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.367244 5.673134 4.651174 JGOFS_GO 11.040379
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.013108 6.316583 4.317585 GO_new 9.330693
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.013108 6.316583 4.317585 GO_new 9.330693
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.013108 6.316583 4.317585 GO_new 9.330693
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.019334 6.316626 4.326293 GO_new 9.345627
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 5.019334 6.316626 4.326293 GO_new 9.345627
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.019334 6.316626 4.326293 GO_new 9.345627
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.988531 6.295907 4.310810 GO_new 9.299341
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.988531 6.295907 4.310810 GO_new 9.299341
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.019334 6.316626 4.326293 GO_new 9.345627
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.988531 6.295907 4.310810 GO_new 9.299341
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.013108 6.316583 4.317585 JGOFS_GO 11.329691
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.013108 6.316583 4.317585 JGOFS_GO 11.329691
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.013108 6.316583 4.317585 JGOFS_GO 11.329691
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen phosphate 5.019334 6.316626 4.326293 JGOFS_GO 11.335960
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 5.019334 6.316626 4.326293 JGOFS_GO 11.335960
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 5.019334 6.316626 4.326293 JGOFS_GO 11.335960
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.988531 6.295907 4.310810 JGOFS_GO 11.284438
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.988531 6.295907 4.310810 JGOFS_GO 11.284438
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 5.019334 6.316626 4.326293 JGOFS_GO 11.335960
Indo-Pacific (26.75,27] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.988531 6.295907 4.310810 JGOFS_GO 11.284438
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.779328 6.121345 4.159764 GO_new 8.939092
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.779328 6.121345 4.159764 GO_new 8.939092
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.779328 6.121345 4.159764 GO_new 8.939092
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.755452 5.989123 4.170923 GO_new 8.926375
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 4.755452 5.989123 4.170923 GO_new 8.926375
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.755452 5.989123 4.170923 GO_new 8.926375
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.786927 6.155580 4.175477 GO_new 8.962404
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.700012 5.922267 4.084458 GO_new 8.784470
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.700012 5.922267 4.084458 GO_new 8.784470
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.700012 5.922267 4.084458 GO_new 8.784470
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.779328 6.121345 4.159764 JGOFS_GO 10.900673
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.779328 6.121345 4.159764 JGOFS_GO 10.900673
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.779328 6.121345 4.159764 JGOFS_GO 10.900673
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.755452 5.989123 4.170923 JGOFS_GO 10.744575
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 4.755452 5.989123 4.170923 JGOFS_GO 10.744575
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.755452 5.989123 4.170923 JGOFS_GO 10.744575
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.700012 5.922267 4.084458 JGOFS_GO 10.622279
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.700012 5.922267 4.084458 JGOFS_GO 10.622279
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.885953 6.053924 4.314703 JGOFS_GO 10.939877
Indo-Pacific (27,27.25] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.700012 5.922267 4.084458 JGOFS_GO 10.622279
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.232137 5.146212 3.271593 GO_new 7.503731
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.232137 5.146212 3.271593 GO_new 7.503731
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal aou silicate phosphate 4.293307 5.648618 3.305317 GO_new 7.598624
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.232137 5.146212 3.271593 GO_new 7.503731
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 4.260601 5.403105 3.275469 GO_new 7.536069
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 4.316632 5.629242 3.285669 GO_new 7.602301
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 4.297270 5.585947 3.281967 GO_new 7.579237
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.297270 5.585947 3.281967 GO_new 7.579237
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.297270 5.585947 3.281967 GO_new 7.579237
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.107583 4.762747 3.575791 GO_new 7.683374
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.315549 4.798485 3.635787 JGOFS_GO 9.114034
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 4.315549 4.798485 3.635787 JGOFS_GO 9.114034
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.315549 4.798485 3.635787 JGOFS_GO 9.114034
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.353361 4.812083 3.754739 JGOFS_GO 9.165444
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] tem aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 4.353361 4.812083 3.754739 JGOFS_GO 9.165444
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 4.353361 4.812083 3.754739 JGOFS_GO 9.165444
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.107583 4.762747 3.575791 JGOFS_GO 8.870330
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.107583 4.762747 3.575791 JGOFS_GO 8.870330
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.353361 4.812083 3.754739 JGOFS_GO 9.165444
Indo-Pacific (27.25,27.5] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.107583 4.762747 3.575791 JGOFS_GO 8.870330
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.808884 4.667912 2.976966 GO_new 6.785851
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.808884 4.667912 2.976966 GO_new 6.785851
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal aou silicate phosphate 3.983730 5.550076 3.118188 GO_new 7.101918
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.808884 4.667912 2.976966 GO_new 6.785851
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 3.806962 4.850677 2.975468 GO_new 6.782430
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 3.818621 4.989376 2.974864 GO_new 6.793484
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 3.814788 4.982888 2.974898 GO_new 6.789686
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.814788 4.982888 2.974898 GO_new 6.789686
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.814788 4.982888 2.974898 GO_new 6.789686
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.020120 4.433049 3.303266 GO_new 7.323386
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.808884 4.667912 2.976966 JGOFS_GO 8.476796
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.808884 4.667912 2.976966 JGOFS_GO 8.476796
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.808884 4.667912 2.976966 JGOFS_GO 8.476796
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 4.023106 4.451390 3.365543 JGOFS_GO 8.474497
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 4.023106 4.451390 3.365543 JGOFS_GO 8.474497
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 4.023106 4.451390 3.365543 JGOFS_GO 8.474497
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 4.091653 4.451411 3.430967 JGOFS_GO 8.543063
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 4.020120 4.433049 3.303266 JGOFS_GO 8.453169
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 4.020120 4.433049 3.303266 JGOFS_GO 8.453169
Indo-Pacific (27.5,27.75] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 4.020120 4.433049 3.303266 JGOFS_GO 8.453169
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 3.357174 4.124754 2.877623 GO_new 6.234797
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 3.332746 4.148067 2.865182 GO_new 6.197928
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 3.334365 4.149044 2.866945 GO_new 6.201309
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.334365 4.149044 2.866945 GO_new 6.201309
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.334365 4.149044 2.866945 GO_new 6.201309
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.311769 4.099069 2.908156 GO_new 6.219925
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.311769 4.099069 2.908156 GO_new 6.219925
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.311769 4.099069 2.908156 GO_new 6.219925
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou silicate phosphate_star 3.337914 4.162423 2.918528 GO_new 6.256442
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.339171 4.162857 2.919204 GO_new 6.258375
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 3.369300 4.092796 3.005146 JGOFS_GO 7.462096
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 3.369300 4.092796 3.005146 JGOFS_GO 7.462096
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 3.369300 4.092796 3.005146 JGOFS_GO 7.462096
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou oxygen phosphate 3.369953 4.099248 3.006981 JGOFS_GO 7.469201
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 3.369953 4.099248 3.006981 JGOFS_GO 7.469201
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 3.369953 4.099248 3.006981 JGOFS_GO 7.469201
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.311769 4.099069 2.908156 JGOFS_GO 7.410839
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.311769 4.099069 2.908156 JGOFS_GO 7.410839
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 3.369953 4.099248 3.006981 JGOFS_GO 7.469201
Indo-Pacific (27.75,27.85] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.311769 4.099069 2.908156 JGOFS_GO 7.410839
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.020889 4.293944 2.884052 GO_new 5.904941
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 3.016925 4.310181 2.866636 GO_new 5.883561
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] sal tem aou silicate phosphate_star 3.025496 4.328959 2.858284 GO_new 5.883780
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate 3.024571 4.329763 2.859122 GO_new 5.883694
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] sal tem oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.024571 4.329763 2.859122 GO_new 5.883694
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] sal tem silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.024571 4.329763 2.859122 GO_new 5.883694
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.016136 4.294718 2.884432 GO_new 5.900568
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.016136 4.294718 2.884432 GO_new 5.900568
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] tem aou silicate phosphate 3.016928 4.310250 2.886803 GO_new 5.903731
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.016136 4.294718 2.884432 GO_new 5.900568
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.021015 4.294752 2.900851 JGOFS_GO 7.315766
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] aou oxygen silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.021015 4.294752 2.900851 JGOFS_GO 7.315766
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.021015 4.294752 2.900851 JGOFS_GO 7.315766
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.021015 4.294752 2.900851 JGOFS_GO 7.315766
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.020889 4.293944 2.884052 JGOFS_GO 7.314833
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.020889 4.293944 2.884052 JGOFS_GO 7.314833
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.020889 4.293944 2.884052 JGOFS_GO 7.314833
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.016136 4.294718 2.884432 JGOFS_GO 7.310854
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.016136 4.294718 2.884432 JGOFS_GO 7.310854
Indo-Pacific (27.85,27.95] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.016136 4.294718 2.884432 JGOFS_GO 7.310854
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 2.861233 4.254068 3.058494 GO_new 5.919727
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 2.861233 4.254068 3.058494 GO_new 5.919727
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 2.861233 4.254068 3.058494 GO_new 5.919727
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 2.875848 4.247759 3.085267 GO_new 5.961115
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 2.875848 4.247759 3.085267 GO_new 5.961115
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 2.875848 4.247759 3.085267 GO_new 5.961115
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou silicate phosphate 2.887814 4.290081 3.046597 GO_new 5.934411
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 2.871401 4.285610 3.088750 GO_new 5.960152
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 2.871401 4.285610 3.088750 GO_new 5.960152
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 2.871401 4.285610 3.088750 GO_new 5.960152
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen phosphate 2.882679 4.256469 3.085267 JGOFS_GO 7.139148
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 2.882679 4.256469 3.085267 JGOFS_GO 7.139148
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen phosphate_star 2.882679 4.256469 3.085267 JGOFS_GO 7.139148
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 2.861233 4.254068 3.058494 JGOFS_GO 7.115302
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 2.861233 4.254068 3.058494 JGOFS_GO 7.115302
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal aou phosphate phosphate_star 2.882679 4.256469 3.085267 JGOFS_GO 7.139148
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 2.861233 4.254068 3.058494 JGOFS_GO 7.115302
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 2.875848 4.247759 3.085267 JGOFS_GO 7.123607
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 2.875848 4.247759 3.085267 JGOFS_GO 7.123607
Indo-Pacific (27.95,28.05] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 2.875848 4.247759 3.085267 JGOFS_GO 7.123607
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou oxygen phosphate 2.847249 4.054862 2.818548 GO_new 5.665798
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 2.847249 4.054862 2.818548 GO_new 5.665798
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou oxygen phosphate_star 2.847249 4.054862 2.818548 GO_new 5.665798
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 2.829857 4.047495 2.816686 GO_new 5.646543
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 2.829857 4.047495 2.816686 GO_new 5.646543
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou phosphate phosphate_star 2.847249 4.054862 2.818548 GO_new 5.665798
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 2.829857 4.047495 2.816686 GO_new 5.646543
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 2.845283 4.048764 2.809159 GO_new 5.654442
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 2.845283 4.048764 2.809159 GO_new 5.654442
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 2.845283 4.048764 2.809159 GO_new 5.654442
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou oxygen phosphate 2.847249 4.054862 2.818548 JGOFS_GO 6.902112
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou oxygen phosphate phosphate_star 2.847249 4.054862 2.818548 JGOFS_GO 6.902112
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou oxygen phosphate_star 2.847249 4.054862 2.818548 JGOFS_GO 6.902112
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 2.829857 4.047495 2.816686 JGOFS_GO 6.877352
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 2.829857 4.047495 2.816686 JGOFS_GO 6.877352
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou phosphate phosphate_star 2.847249 4.054862 2.818548 JGOFS_GO 6.902112
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 2.829857 4.047495 2.816686 JGOFS_GO 6.877352
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate 2.845283 4.048764 2.809159 JGOFS_GO 6.894046
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou oxygen phosphate_star 2.845283 4.048764 2.809159 JGOFS_GO 6.894046
Indo-Pacific (28.05,28.1] sal tem aou phosphate phosphate_star 2.845283 4.048764 2.809159 JGOFS_GO 6.894046
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.119973 3.813384 2.697142 GO_new 5.817115
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] aou oxygen silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.119973 3.813384 2.697142 GO_new 5.817115
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.119973 3.813384 2.697142 GO_new 5.817115
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.119973 3.813384 2.697142 GO_new 5.817115
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.118818 3.793969 2.608795 GO_new 5.727613
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.118818 3.793969 2.608795 GO_new 5.727613
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.118818 3.793969 2.608795 GO_new 5.727613
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.067165 3.766878 2.650775 GO_new 5.717940
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.067165 3.766878 2.650775 GO_new 5.717940
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.067165 3.766878 2.650775 GO_new 5.717940
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.119973 3.813384 2.697142 JGOFS_GO 6.933356
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] aou oxygen silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.119973 3.813384 2.697142 JGOFS_GO 6.933356
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.119973 3.813384 2.697142 JGOFS_GO 6.933356
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.119973 3.813384 2.697142 JGOFS_GO 6.933356
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.118818 3.793969 2.608795 JGOFS_GO 6.912787
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] sal aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.118818 3.793969 2.608795 JGOFS_GO 6.912787
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] sal aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.118818 3.793969 2.608795 JGOFS_GO 6.912787
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate 3.067165 3.766878 2.650775 JGOFS_GO 6.834044
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] tem aou oxygen silicate phosphate_star 3.067165 3.766878 2.650775 JGOFS_GO 6.834044
Indo-Pacific (28.1, Inf] tem aou silicate phosphate phosphate_star 3.067165 3.766878 2.650775 JGOFS_GO 6.834044

3.3 Correlations RMSE between eras

3.3.1 All models

lm_all_stats %>%
  ggplot(aes(rmse_GO_SHIP, rmse_sum - rmse_GO_SHIP, col = gamma_slab)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_viridis_d() +
  facet_grid(eras ~ basin)

rm(lm_all_stats, lm_all_stats_wide)

3.3.2 10 best models

lm_best %>%
  ggplot(aes(rmse_GO_SHIP, rmse_sum - rmse_GO_SHIP, col = gamma_slab)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_viridis_d() +
  facet_grid(eras ~ basin)

lm_1 <- GLODAP %>% 
  filter(basin == "Atlantic",
         gamma_slab == "(-Inf,26]",
         era == "new_era") %>% 
  lm(Cstar ~ sal + tem + aou + oxygen + phosphate_star, data = .)

lm_2 <- GLODAP %>% 
  filter(basin == "Atlantic",
         gamma_slab == "(-Inf,26]",
         era == "new_era") %>% 
  lm(Cstar ~ sal + tem + aou + oxygen + phosphate, data = .)



3.4 Fitting best models

After selecting 10 linear regression models with lowest summed RMSE across all eras, models are fitted again and model coefficients are saved to file.

lm_best <- lm_best %>% 
  mutate(lm_coeff = str_replace_all(predictors, " ", " + "),
         lm_coeff = paste("Cstar ~", lm_coeff))

eras_era <-
    eras = c("JGOFS_GO", "GO_new", "JGOFS_GO", "GO_new"),
    era = c("JGOFS_WOCE", "GO_SHIP", "GO_SHIP", "new_era")

lm_best <- full_join(lm_best, eras_era)

lm_best <- lm_best %>% 
  select(basin, gamma_slab, era, eras, predictors, lm_coeff, rmse_sum)

for (i_basin in unique(GLODAP$basin)) {
  for (i_era in unique(GLODAP$era)) {
    # i_basin <- unique(GLODAP$basin)[1]
    # i_era   <- unique(GLODAP$era)[1]
    GLODAP_basin_era <- GLODAP %>%
      filter(basin == i_basin, era == i_era)
    lm_best_basin_era <- lm_best %>%
      filter(basin == i_basin, era == i_era)
    for (i_gamma_slab in unique(GLODAP_basin_era$gamma_slab)) {
      # i_gamma_slab <- unique(GLODAP_basin_era$gamma_slab)[1]
      GLODAP_basin_era_slab <- GLODAP_basin_era %>%
        filter(gamma_slab == i_gamma_slab)
      lm_best_basin_era_slab <- lm_best_basin_era %>%
        filter(gamma_slab == i_gamma_slab)
      for (i_eras in unique(lm_best_basin_era_slab$eras)) {
        # i_eras <- unique(lm_best_basin_era_slab$eras)[1]
        lm_best_basin_era_slab_eras <- lm_best_basin_era_slab %>%
          filter(eras == i_eras)
        for (i_predictors in unique(lm_best_basin_era_slab_eras$predictors)) {
          # i_predictors <- unique(lm_best_basin_era_slab_eras$predictors)[1]
          lm_best_single <- lm_best_basin_era_slab_eras %>%
            filter(predictors == i_predictors) %>%
            select(lm_coeff) %>%
          i_rmse_sum <- lm_best_basin_era_slab_eras %>%
            filter(predictors == i_predictors) %>%
            select(rmse_sum) %>%
          lm_best_single_formula <- as.formula(lm_best_single)
          lm_fit_single <- lm(lm_best_single_formula,
                             data = GLODAP_basin_era_slab)

          # p_model <- ggnostic(
          #   lm_fit_single,
          #   columnsY = c("Cstar", ".fitted", ".resid"),
          #   title = paste("eras:", i_eras,
          #                 "| era:", i_era,
          #                 "| basin:", i_basin,
          #                 "| gamma slab:", i_gamma_slab,
          #                 "| predictors:", i_predictors)
          # )
          # ggsave(
          #   plot = p_model,
          #   here::here(
          #     "output/figure/eMLR/model_validation",
          #     paste(i_eras,
          #           i_era,
          #           i_basin,
          #           i_gamma_slab,
          #           i_predictors,
          #           "eMLR_Cstar_residuals.png",
          #           sep = "_")
          #   ),
          #   width = 14,
          #   height = 8
          # )
          # rm(p_model)
          coefficients <- tidy(lm_fit_single)
          coefficients <- coefficients %>%
              basin = i_basin,
              era = i_era,
              eras = i_eras,
              gamma_slab = i_gamma_slab,
              model = lm_best_single,
              rmse = i_rmse_sum
          if (exists("lm_all")) {
            lm_all <- bind_rows(lm_all, coefficients)
          if (!exists("lm_all")) {
            lm_all <- coefficients

rm(lm_fit_single, coefficients, i_rmse_sum,
   GLODAP_basin_era, GLODAP_basin_era_slab,
   lm_best, lm_best_basin_era, lm_best_basin_era_slab, lm_best_basin_era_slab_eras,
   lm_best_single, lm_best_single_formula,
   i_basin, i_era, i_gamma_slab, i_predictors)

lm_all <- lm_all %>% 
  select(basin, gamma_slab, era, eras, model, term, estimate)

lm_all <- lm_all %>% 
  mutate(estimate = if_else(, 0, estimate))

lm_all %>%

# Prepare model coefficients for mapping of Cstar

lm_all_wide_Cstar <- lm_all %>% 
  pivot_wider(values_from = estimate,
              names_from = term,
              names_prefix = "coeff_",
              values_fill = 0)

lm_all_wide_Cstar %>%


# Prepare model coefficients differences for mapping of Cant

lm_all_wide <- lm_all %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = era, values_from = estimate,
              names_prefix = "coeff_")

lm_all_wide <- lm_all_wide %>% 
  mutate(JGOFS_GO = coeff_GO_SHIP - coeff_JGOFS_WOCE,
         GO_new = coeff_new_era - coeff_GO_SHIP) %>% 

lm_all_long <- lm_all_wide %>% 
  pivot_longer(JGOFS_GO:GO_new, names_to = "eras_fit", values_to = "delta_coeff")

lm_all_long <- lm_all_long %>% 
  filter(eras == eras_fit) %>% 

lm_all_wide <- lm_all_long %>% 
  pivot_wider(values_from = delta_coeff,
              names_from = term,
              names_prefix = "delta_coeff_",
              values_fill = 0)

lm_all_wide %>%

rm(lm_all_long, lm_all_wide)

R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_Germany.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_Germany.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_Germany.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                    
[5] LC_TIME=English_Germany.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] corrr_0.4.2      broom_0.7.0      kableExtra_1.1.0 knitr_1.30      
 [5] olsrr_0.5.3.9000 GGally_2.0.0     lubridate_1.7.9  metR_0.7.0      
 [9] scico_1.2.0      patchwork_1.0.1  collapse_1.3.2   forcats_0.5.0   
[13] stringr_1.4.0    dplyr_1.0.0      purrr_0.3.4      readr_1.3.1     
[17] tidyr_1.1.0      tibble_3.0.3     ggplot2_3.3.2    tidyverse_1.3.0 
[21] workflowr_1.6.2 

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] fs_1.4.2           webshot_0.5.2      RColorBrewer_1.1-2 httr_1.4.2        
 [5] rprojroot_1.3-2    tools_4.0.2        backports_1.1.8    R6_2.4.1          
 [9] nortest_1.0-4      DBI_1.1.0          colorspace_1.4-1   withr_2.2.0       
[13] gridExtra_2.3      tidyselect_1.1.0   curl_4.3           compiler_4.0.2    
[17] git2r_0.27.1       cli_2.0.2          rvest_0.3.6        xml2_1.3.2        
[21] sandwich_2.5-1     labeling_0.3       scales_1.1.1       checkmate_2.0.0   
[25] goftest_1.2-2      digest_0.6.25      foreign_0.8-80     rmarkdown_2.3     
[29] rio_0.5.16         pkgconfig_2.0.3    htmltools_0.5.0    highr_0.8         
[33] dbplyr_1.4.4       rlang_0.4.7        readxl_1.3.1       rstudioapi_0.11   
[37] farver_2.0.3       generics_0.0.2     zoo_1.8-8          jsonlite_1.7.0    
[41] zip_2.0.4          car_3.0-8          magrittr_1.5       Formula_1.2-3     
[45] Matrix_1.2-18      Rcpp_1.0.5         munsell_0.5.0      fansi_0.4.1       
[49] abind_1.4-5        lifecycle_0.2.0    stringi_1.4.6      whisker_0.4       
[53] yaml_2.2.1         carData_3.0-4      plyr_1.8.6         grid_4.0.2        
[57] blob_1.2.1         parallel_4.0.2     promises_1.1.1     crayon_1.3.4      
[61] lattice_0.20-41    haven_2.3.1        hms_0.5.3          pillar_1.4.6      
[65] reprex_0.3.0       glue_1.4.1         evaluate_0.14      data.table_1.13.0 
[69] modelr_0.1.8       vctrs_0.3.2        httpuv_1.5.4       cellranger_1.1.0  
[73] gtable_0.3.0       reshape_0.8.8      assertthat_0.2.1   xfun_0.16         
[77] openxlsx_4.1.5     xtable_1.8-4       lfe_2.8-5.1        later_1.1.0.1     
[81] viridisLite_0.3.0  ellipsis_0.3.1     here_0.1