Last updated: 2022-01-28

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: bgc_argo_r_argodata/

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    analysis/figure/
    Ignored:    output/

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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/extreme_pH.Rmd) and HTML (docs/extreme_pH.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 5024768 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-28 code review: basinmask and regression
html 5635ef2 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-27 Build site.
Rmd 23dc282 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-27 failed attempt at updating basinmask and regression
html c44ff0f pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25 Build site.
Rmd 3851824 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25 added basin-mean profiles
html 962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25 Build site.
Rmd 825a50a pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25 added seasonal and biome profiles
html 3ae43e4 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-24 Build site.
Rmd 3f8e824 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-24 updated 24/01
html 6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21 Build site.
Rmd e72d7ca pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21 updated linear regression to monthly
html 587755e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21 Build site.
Rmd 7a9209b pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21 updated threshold calculation 2
html c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21 Build site.
Rmd 58b3b3b pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21 updated threshold calculation
html ed3fef2 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07 Build site.
Rmd 3d2f8fc jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07 code review
html 486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07 Build site.
Rmd e9ad067 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07 code review
html 343689f pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-06 Build site.
Rmd f53cc2d pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-06 updated profile page
html b8a6482 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-03 Build site.
Rmd 054f8a6 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-03 added Argo profiles


Compare depth profiles of normal pH and of extreme pH, as identified in the surface OceanSODA pH data product

HNL_colors <- c("H" = "#b2182b",
                "N" = "#636363",
                "L" = "#2166ac")

Load data

path_argo <- '/nfs/kryo/work/updata/bgc_argo_r_argodata'
path_argo_preprocessed <- paste0(path_argo, "/preprocessed_bgc_data")
path_emlr_utilities <- "/nfs/kryo/work/jenmueller/emlr_cant/utilities/files/"
# RECCAP2-ocean region mask
region_masks_all_2x2 <- read_rds(file = paste0(path_argo_preprocessed,

region_masks_all_2x2 <- region_masks_all_2x2 %>%
  rename(biome = value) %>% 
  mutate(coast = as.character(coast))

# WOA 18 basin mask

basinmask <-
          sep = ""),
    col_types = cols("MLR_basins" = col_character())

basinmask <- basinmask %>%
  filter(MLR_basins == unique(basinmask$MLR_basins)[1]) %>% 
  select(-c(MLR_basins, basin))

# OceanSODA
OceanSODA <- read_rds(file = paste0(path_argo_preprocessed, "/OceanSODA.rds"))

OceanSODA <- OceanSODA %>%
  mutate(month = month(date))

# load in the full argo data
full_argo <- read_rds(file = paste0(path_argo_preprocessed, "/bgc_merge_pH_qc_1.rds"))

# change the date format for compatibility with OceanSODA pH data
full_argo <- full_argo %>%
  mutate(year = year(date),
         month = month(date)) %>%
  mutate(date = ymd(format(date, "%Y-%m-15")))



region_masks_all_2x2 <- region_masks_all_2x2 %>%
  filter(region == 'southern',
         biome != 0) %>% 

Remove coastal data

basemap(limits = -32) +
    data = region_masks_all_2x2,
    aes(x = lon,
        y = lat,
        fill = coast),
    col = 'transparent'
  ) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2")

Version Author Date
3ae43e4 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-24
587755e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07
region_masks_all_2x2 <- region_masks_all_2x2 %>% 
  filter(coast == "0")

Grid reduction

basemap(limits = -32) +
    data = region_masks_all_2x2,
    aes(x = lon,
        y = lat,
        fill = biome),
    col = 'transparent'
  ) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2")

region_masks_all_2x2 <- region_masks_all_2x2 %>%
  count(lon, lat, biome) %>%
  group_by(lon, lat) %>%
  slice_max(n, with_ties = FALSE) %>%
basemap(limits = -32) +
    data = region_masks_all_2x2,
    aes(x = lon,
        y = lat,
        fill = biome),
    col = 'transparent'
  ) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2")


basinmask <- basinmask %>%
  filter(lat < -30)

Grid reduction

basemap(limits = -32) +
    data = basinmask,
    aes(x = lon,
        y = lat,
        fill = basin_AIP),
    col = 'transparent'
  ) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2")

basinmask_2x2 <- basinmask %>%
    lat = cut(lat, seq(-90, 90, 2), seq(-89, 89, 2)), 
    lat = as.numeric(as.character(lat)),
    lon = cut(lon, seq(20, 380, 2), seq(21, 379, 2)), 
    lon = as.numeric(as.character(lon))
   ) # regrid into 2x2º grid

# assign basins from each pixel to to each 2 Lon x Lat pixel, based on the majority of basins in each 2x2 grid  

basinmask_2x2 <- basinmask_2x2 %>%
  count(lon, lat, basin_AIP) %>%
  group_by(lon, lat) %>%
  slice_max(n, with_ties = FALSE) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 

basemap(limits = -32) +
    data = basinmask_2x2 %>% filter(lat < -30),
    aes(x = lon,
        y = lat,
        fill = basin_AIP),
    col = 'transparent'
  ) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Dark2")


Grid reduction

# Note: While reducing lon x lat grid,
# we keep the original number of observations

OceanSODA_2x2 <- OceanSODA %>% 
    lat = cut(lat, seq(-90, 90, 2), seq(-89, 89, 2)), 
    lat = as.numeric(as.character(lat)),
    lon = cut(lon, seq(20, 380, 2), seq(21, 379, 2)), 
    lon = as.numeric(as.character(lon))) # regrid into 2x2º grid 

Apply region masks

# keep only Southern Ocean data
OceanSODA_2x2_SO <- inner_join(OceanSODA_2x2, region_masks_all_2x2)

# add in basin separations
OceanSODA_2x2_SO <- inner_join(OceanSODA_2x2_SO, basinmask_2x2)
# expected number of rows from -30 to -70º latitude, 360º longitude, for 12 months, 8 years:
# 40 lat x 360 lon x 12 months x 8 years = 1 382 400 rows 

OceanSODA_2x2_SO <- OceanSODA_2x2_SO %>% 

OceanSODA pH anomalies

Grid level

Climatological thresholds

Fit lm models

# fit a linear regression of OceanSODA pH against time (temporal trend)
# in each lat/lon/month grid

OceanSODA_2x2_SO <- OceanSODA_2x2_SO %>% 
  mutate(year = year(date))

OceanSODA_regression <- OceanSODA_2x2_SO %>% 
  # filter(basin_AIP == "Indian",
  #        biome == "2",
  #        lon < 40) %>%
  nest(data = -c(lon, lat, month)) %>%
  mutate(fit = map(.x = data,
                   .f = ~ lm(ph_total ~ year, data = .x)),
         tidied = map(.x = fit, .f = tidy),
         glanced = map(.x = fit, .f = glance),
         augmented = map(.x = fit, .f = augment))

OceanSODA_regression_tidied <- OceanSODA_regression %>%
  select(-c(data, fit, augmented, glanced)) %>%

OceanSODA_regression_tidied <- OceanSODA_regression_tidied %>% 
  select(lat:estimate) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = term,
              values_from = estimate) %>% 
  rename(intercept = `(Intercept)`,
         slope = year)

OceanSODA_regression_augmented <- OceanSODA_regression %>%
  select(-c(data, fit, tidied, glanced)) %>%

OceanSODA_regression_glanced <- OceanSODA_regression %>%
  select(-c(data, fit, tidied, augmented)) %>%

Slope maps

basemap(limits = -32) +
  geom_spatial_tile(data = OceanSODA_regression_tidied,
                    aes(x = lon,
                        y = lat,
                        fill = slope),
                    col = 'transparent') +
  scale_fill_scico(palette = "vik", midpoint = 0) +
  facet_wrap( ~ month, ncol = 2)


OceanSODA_regression_augmented_stats <- OceanSODA_regression_augmented %>% 
  group_by(lat, lon, month) %>% 
  summarise(residual_sd = sd(.resid)) %>% 

compare <- full_join(OceanSODA_regression_augmented_stats,

compare %>% 
  ggplot(aes(residual_sd -sigma)) +

OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid <-
full_join(OceanSODA_regression_augmented %>% 
            select(lat:year, .resid),
          OceanSODA_regression_glanced %>% 
            select(lat:month, sigma))

# # calculate H and L pH thresholds for climatological monthly pH
# OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid <- OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>% 
#   mutate(ph_L = .fitted - 2*(.sigma),
#          ph_H = .fitted + 2*(.sigma))
# calculate climatological average OceanSODA pH
# and the 95th percentile of the monthly OceanSODA pH
# OceanSODA_2x2_SO_clim_grid <- OceanSODA_2x2_SO %>%
#   group_by(lon, lat, month) %>%
#   summarise(
#     ph_N = mean(ph_total, na.rm = TRUE),
#     ph_H = quantile(ph_total, 0.95, na.rm = TRUE),
#     ph_L = quantile(ph_total, 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)
#   ) %>%
#   ungroup()
# OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid <- inner_join(OceanSODA_2x2_SO, OceanSODA_2x2_SO_clim_grid)

Anomaly identification

Calculate OceanSODA pH anomalies: L for abnormally low, H for abnormally high, N for normal pH

# when the in-situ OceanSODA pH is lower than the 5th percentile (predicted - 2*, assign 'L' for low extreme
# when the in-situ OceanSODA pH exceeds the 95th percentile (predicted + 2*, assign 'H' for high extreme
# when the in-situ OceanSODA pH is within 95% of the range, then assign 'N' for normal pH

OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid <- OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>%
    ph_extreme = case_when(
      .resid < -sigma*2 ~ 'L',
      .resid > sigma*2 ~ 'H',
      TRUE ~ 'N'

# table(

OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid <- OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>%
  mutate(ph_extreme = fct_relevel(ph_extreme, "H", "N", "L"))

OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid <- 

# pivot_wider two columns (slope and intercept), values_from = estimate, names_from = terms, = 'unique' 
# gives a slope and intercept column 
# rename date...26 = slope and date...2 = date
# OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid <- OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>% 
#   pivot_wider(names_from = term,
#               values_from = estimate, 
#               names_repair = 'unique') %>% 
#   rename(date = date...2, 
#          regression_slope = date...24,
#          regression_intercept = `(Intercept)`)

# fill in NAs in the slope and intercept columns (values from above for regression_slope and values from below for regression_intercept) (creates duplicate rows) and remove duplicate rows 
# OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid <- OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>%
#   group_by(lon, lat, date, year, month) %>%
#   fill(regression_slope, .direction = 'up') %>%
#   fill(regression_intercept, .direction = 'down') %>%
#   distinct()
OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>%
  group_split(lon, lat, month) %>%
  head(6) %>%
  map(~ ggplot(data = .x) +
        geom_point(aes(x = year,
                       y = ph_total,
                       col = ph_extreme)) +
        geom_abline(data = .x, aes(slope = slope,
                    intercept = intercept)) +
        geom_abline(data = .x, aes(slope = slope,
                    intercept = intercept + 2*sigma),
                    linetype = 2) +
        geom_abline(data = .x, aes(slope = slope,
                    intercept = intercept - 2*sigma),
                    linetype = 2) +
        labs(title = paste(fititle = paste(
          "lon:", unique(.x$lon),
          "| lat:", unique(.x$lat),
          "| month:", unique(.x$month)
          ))) +
        scale_color_manual(values = HNL_colors))

Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07


Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07


Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07


Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07


Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07


Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07

Anomaly maps

Location of OceanSODA pH extremes

OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>% 
  group_split(year) %>% 
  head(1) %>%
    ~ basemap(limits = -32, data = .x)+
      geom_spatial_tile(data = .x,
                        aes(x = lon,
                            y = lat,
                            fill = ph_extreme),
                        linejoin = 'mitre',
                        col = 'transparent',
                        detail = 60
                        ) +
      scale_fill_manual(values = HNL_colors) +
      facet_wrap(~month, ncol = 2)+
      labs(title = paste("Year:", unique(.x$year)),
           fill = 'pH')

Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
3ae43e4 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-24
6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
587755e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07

Anomaly time series

# calculate a regional mean pH for each biome, basin, and ph extreme (H/L/N) and plot a timeseries 

OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid <- left_join(

OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid <- left_join(

OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>% 
  group_by(year, biome, basin_AIP, ph_extreme) %>% 
  summarise(ph_regional = mean(ph_total, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = ph_regional, col = ph_extreme))+
  geom_point(size = 0.3)+
  scale_color_manual(values = HNL_colors) +
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom')

Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
587755e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07

Anomaly histogram

OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>%
  ggplot(aes(ph_total, col = ph_extreme)) +
  geom_density() +
  scale_color_manual(values = HNL_colors) +
  facet_grid(basin_AIP ~ biome) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(8, 8.2)) +
  labs(x = 'value',
       y = 'density',
       col = 'pH anomaly') +
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom')

Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
587755e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07

Threshold histogram

OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>%
  mutate(ph_extreme = as.double(ph_extreme)) %>%
               names_to = "level",
               values_to = "value",
               names_prefix = "ph_") %>%
  distinct() %>% 
  ggplot(aes(value, col = level)) +
  geom_density() +
  scale_color_manual(values = HNL_colors, name = "threshold") +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(8, 8.2)) +
  lims(y = c(0, 230))+
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom')

Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
3ae43e4 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-24
6b22341 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
587755e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
ed3fef2 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07


Grid reduction

# Note: While reducing lon x lat grid,
# we keep the original number of observations

full_argo_2x2 <- full_argo %>%
    lat = cut(lat, seq(-90, 90, 2), seq(-89, 89, 2)),
    lat = as.numeric(as.character(lat)),
    lon = cut(lon, seq(20, 380, 2), seq(21, 379, 2)),
    lon = as.numeric(as.character(lon)))  # re-grid to 2x2

Apply region masks

# keep only Southern Ocean argo data
full_argo_2x2_SO <- inner_join(full_argo_2x2, region_masks_all_2x2)

# add in basin separations
full_argo_2x2_SO <- inner_join(full_argo_2x2_SO, basinmask_2x2)

# # remove duplicate rows (keep only distinct rows)
# full_argo_2x2_SO <- full_argo_2x2_SO %>%
#   distinct()

Join OceanSODA

# rename OceanSODA columns
OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme <- OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme_grid %>%
  rename(OceanSODA_ph = ph_total)

# combine the argo profile data to the surface extreme data
profile_extreme <- inner_join(full_argo_2x2_SO, OceanSODA_2x2_SO_extreme)

Plot profiles

Argo profiles plotted according to the surface OceanSODA pH

L profiles correspond to a surface acidification event (low pH), as recorded in OceanSODA

H profiles correspond to an event of high surface pH, as recorded in OceanSODA

N profiles correspond to normal surface OceanSODA pH


profile_extreme %>%
  group_split(biome, basin_AIP, year) %>% 
  head(1) %>%
    ~ ggplot(
      data = .x,
        x = ph_in_situ_total_adjusted,
        y = depth,
        group = ph_extreme,
        col = ph_extreme
    ) +
      geom_point(pch = 19, size = 0.3) +
      scale_y_reverse() +
      scale_color_manual(values = HNL_colors) +
      facet_wrap(~ month, ncol = 6) +
        x = 'Argo pH (total scale)',
        y = 'depth (m)',
        title = paste(
          "| biome:",
        col = 'OceanSODA pH \nanomaly'

Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25
587755e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
c96ad5e pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-21
486c9c8 jens-daniel-mueller 2022-01-07

Plot monthly profiles

# calculate mean profiles in each basin and biome, for each month between 2014 and 2021 
# cut depth levels at 10, 20, .... etc m
# add seasons 
# Dec, Jan, Feb <- summer 
# Mar, Apr, May <- autumn 
# Jun, Jul, Aug <- winter 
# Sep, Oct, Nov <- spring 

profile_extreme_monthly <- profile_extreme %>%
    depth = Hmisc::cut2(
      cuts = c(10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 300, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500),
      m = 5,
      levels.mean = TRUE
    depth = as.numeric(as.character(depth))
  ) %>%
    season = case_when(
      between(month, 3, 5) ~ 'autumn',
      between(month, 6, 8) ~ 'winter',
      between(month, 9, 11) ~ 'spring',
      month == 12 | 1 | 2 ~ 'summer'
    .after = date
  ) %>%
  group_by(season, biome, basin_AIP, ph_extreme, depth) %>%
    ph_mean = mean(ph_in_situ_total_adjusted, na.rm = TRUE),
    temp_mean = mean(temp_adjusted, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) %>%


By season

profile_extreme_monthly %>%
  arrange(depth) %>% 
  group_split(season) %>%
  # head(1) %>%
    ~ ggplot(data = .x,
               x = ph_mean,
               y = depth,
               group = ph_extreme,
               col = ph_extreme
             )) +
      geom_path() +
      scale_color_manual(values = HNL_colors) +
      labs(title = paste("season:", unique(.x$season)),
           col = 'OceanSODA\npH\nanomaly') +
      scale_y_reverse() +
      facet_grid(basin_AIP ~ biome)

Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25


Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25


Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25


Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25

Averaged over biomes

profile_extreme_biome <- profile_extreme_monthly %>% 
  group_by(season, biome, ph_extreme, depth) %>% 
  summarise(ph_biome = mean(ph_mean, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 

profile_extreme_biome %>%
    x = ph_biome,
    y = depth,
    group = ph_extreme,
    col = ph_extreme
  )) +
  geom_path() +
  scale_color_manual(values = HNL_colors) +
  labs(col = 'OceanSODA\npH\nanomaly') +
  scale_y_continuous(trans = trans_reverser("sqrt"),
                     breaks = c(10, 100, 250, 500, seq(1000, 5000, 500))) +
  facet_grid(season ~ biome)

Version Author Date
962cdb9 pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25

Averaged over ocean basins

profile_extreme_basin <- profile_extreme_monthly %>% 
  group_by(season, basin_AIP, ph_extreme, depth) %>% 
  summarise(ph_basin = mean(ph_mean, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 

profile_extreme_basin %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = ph_basin, 
             y = depth, 
             group = ph_extreme, 
             col = ph_extreme))+
  scale_color_manual(values = HNL_colors)+
  labs(col = 'OceanSODA\npH\nanomaly')+
  scale_y_continuous(trans = trans_reverser("sqrt"),
                     breaks = c(10, 100, 250, 500, seq(1000, 5000, 500))) +

Version Author Date
c44ff0f pasqualina-vonlanthendinenna 2022-01-25

R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: openSUSE Leap 15.3

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/local/R-4.1.2/lib64/R/lib/
LAPACK: /usr/local/R-4.1.2/lib64/R/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] ggforce_0.3.3     metR_0.11.0       scico_1.3.0       ggOceanMaps_1.2.6
 [5] ggspatial_1.1.5   broom_0.7.11      lubridate_1.8.0   forcats_0.5.1    
 [9] stringr_1.4.0     dplyr_1.0.7       purrr_0.3.4       readr_2.1.1      
[13] tidyr_1.1.4       tibble_3.1.6      ggplot2_3.3.5     tidyverse_1.3.1  
[17] workflowr_1.7.0  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] colorspace_2.0-2      ellipsis_0.3.2        class_7.3-20         
  [4] rgdal_1.5-28          rprojroot_2.0.2       htmlTable_2.4.0      
  [7] base64enc_0.1-3       fs_1.5.2              rstudioapi_0.13      
 [10] proxy_0.4-26          farver_2.1.0          bit64_4.0.5          
 [13] fansi_1.0.2           xml2_1.3.3            codetools_0.2-18     
 [16] splines_4.1.2         knitr_1.37            polyclip_1.10-0      
 [19] Formula_1.2-4         jsonlite_1.7.3        cluster_2.1.2        
 [22] dbplyr_2.1.1          png_0.1-7             rgeos_0.5-9          
 [25] ggOceanMapsData_1.0.1 compiler_4.1.2        httr_1.4.2           
 [28] backports_1.4.1       assertthat_0.2.1      Matrix_1.4-0         
 [31] fastmap_1.1.0         cli_3.1.1             later_1.3.0          
 [34] tweenr_1.0.2          htmltools_0.5.2       tools_4.1.2          
 [37] gtable_0.3.0          glue_1.6.0            Rcpp_1.0.8           
 [40] cellranger_1.1.0      jquerylib_0.1.4       raster_3.5-11        
 [43] vctrs_0.3.8           xfun_0.29             ps_1.6.0             
 [46] rvest_1.0.2           lifecycle_1.0.1       terra_1.5-12         
 [49] getPass_0.2-2         MASS_7.3-55           scales_1.1.1         
 [52] vroom_1.5.7           hms_1.1.1             promises_1.2.0.1     
 [55] parallel_4.1.2        RColorBrewer_1.1-2    yaml_2.2.1           
 [58] gridExtra_2.3         sass_0.4.0            rpart_4.1-15         
 [61] latticeExtra_0.6-29   stringi_1.7.6         highr_0.9            
 [64] e1071_1.7-9           checkmate_2.0.0       rlang_0.4.12         
 [67] pkgconfig_2.0.3       evaluate_0.14         lattice_0.20-45      
 [70] sf_1.0-5              htmlwidgets_1.5.4     labeling_0.4.2       
 [73] bit_4.0.4             processx_3.5.2        tidyselect_1.1.1     
 [76] magrittr_2.0.1        R6_2.5.1              generics_0.1.1       
 [79] Hmisc_4.6-0           DBI_1.1.2             foreign_0.8-82       
 [82] pillar_1.6.4          haven_2.4.3           whisker_0.4          
 [85] withr_2.4.3           units_0.7-2           nnet_7.3-17          
 [88] survival_3.2-13       sp_1.4-6              modelr_0.1.8         
 [91] crayon_1.4.2          KernSmooth_2.23-20    utf8_1.2.2           
 [94] tzdb_0.2.0            rmarkdown_2.11        jpeg_0.1-9           
 [97] grid_4.1.2            readxl_1.3.1          data.table_1.14.2    
[100] callr_3.7.0           git2r_0.29.0          reprex_2.0.1         
[103] digest_0.6.29         classInt_0.4-3        httpuv_1.6.5         
[106] munsell_0.5.0         bslib_0.3.1