Processing math: 100%
  • Load R libraries
  • Load the data
  • Make a table of summary statistics and sample sizes
  • Fit a model to the data
    • Run the Bayesian hurdle model
    • Graphically verify the fit of the model using a posterior predictive check
    • Inspect the parameter estimates
  • Use the model to generate posterior estimates of group means
    • Generate posterior predictions of the group means
    • Plot the posterior predictions of the group means
  • Calculate pairwise differences between genotypes
  • Make wing length figure
    • Associated statistics for Figure 2
  • Analysis of offspring sex ratio
    • Posterior model probabilities
    • Model results
    • Estimated offspring sex ratio by genotype
    • Estimated offspring sex ratio by genotype and isoline
    • Hypothesis testing
    • Figure showing sex ratios
    • Figure showing sex ratios - split by isoline

Last updated: 2019-11-05

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: cost_of_SR_Dpseudo/

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Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   figures/figure_3.pdf
    Modified:   figures/figure_4.pdf

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File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 4791cd5 lukeholman 2019-11-05 after review
html 4791cd5 lukeholman 2019-11-05 after review
html a0fac3a lukeholman 2019-08-14 Build site.
Rmd dd8c525 lukeholman 2019-08-14 tweak table 1
html cc9b832 lukeholman 2019-08-14 Build site.
Rmd 20ca271 lukeholman 2019-08-14 working nicely
html 2f42981 lukeholman 2019-08-14 Build site.
Rmd e5f7926 lukeholman 2019-08-14 working nicely
html e5f7926 lukeholman 2019-08-14 working nicely
html 24d4c9c lukeholman 2019-07-02 Build site.
Rmd 0479dbb lukeholman 2019-07-02 re-run model
html 13a5603 lukeholman 2019-07-02 Build site.
Rmd 2ef4d13 lukeholman 2019-07-02 re-run model
html 52ea758 lukeholman 2019-06-28 Build site.
Rmd 44d4565 lukeholman 2019-06-28 First complete commit
html e2cfeac lukeholman 2019-06-28 Build site.
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Load R libraries


font_add_google(name = "Lato", family = "Lato", regular.wt = 400, bold.wt = 700)
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

SE <- function(x) sd(x) / sqrt(length(x))

get_fixed_effects_with_p_values <- function(brms_model){
  fixed_effects <- data.frame(summary(brms_model)$fixed) %>%
  fixed_effects$p <- (100 -$pd) / 100
  fixed_effects %>% select(Parameter, everything()) %>%
    rename(`l-95% CI` = l.95..CI, `u-95% CI` = u.95..CI) %>%
    mutate(` ` = ifelse(p < 0.05, "\\*", " "))

Load the data

fitness_data <- read_csv("data/SR_fitness_data.csv") %>% 
  filter(! %>%
  rename(body_size = `Body size`,
         female_age = `F age`) %>%
  mutate(genotype = factor(genotype, levels = c("STST", "SRST", "SRSR")))

sex_ratio_data <- read.csv("data/SR_sex_ratio_data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
sex_ratio_data$n <- with(sex_ratio_data, male + female)

Make a table of summary statistics and sample sizes

Here, we calculate the mean offspring produced by females from each of the three genotypes (STST, SRST, and SRSR), either within each isoline or across all the isolines. We also calculate the % females that failed to produce any offspring, and provide sample size information.

means_by_isoline <- fitness_data %>%
  group_by(genotype, Isoline) %>%
    Number_of_females_measured = n(),
    Mean_offspring_per_female = mean(offspring),
    SE = SE(offspring),
    n_females_producing_offspring = sum(offspring != 0),
    Percent_females_producing_offspring = 100 * n_females_producing_offspring / n()) 

means <- fitness_data %>%
  mutate(Isoline = "Across all isolines") %>%
  group_by(genotype, Isoline) %>%
    Number_of_females_measured = n(),
    Mean_offspring_per_female = mean(offspring),
    SE = SE(offspring),
    n_females_producing_offspring = sum(offspring != 0),
    Percent_females_producing_offspring = 100 * n_females_producing_offspring / n()) 

sample_size_table <- bind_rows(means_by_isoline, means) %>%
  rename_all(function(x) gsub("_", " ", x)) %>%
  rename_all(function(x) gsub("Percent", "%", x)) %>%
  rename(Genotype = genotype) 

for_export <- sample_size_table
names(for_export) <- c("Genotype", "Isoline", "n females",
                       "Mean productivity", "SE", "n productive", "% productive")

for_export %>% write_rds("output/sample_size_table.rds")

sample_size_table %>%
  kable(digits = 2) %>% kable_styling()
Genotype Isoline Number of females measured Mean offspring per female SE n females producing offspring % females producing offspring
STST Lew 13 37 57.81 6.46 35 94.59
STST Lew 17 40 56.85 5.04 39 97.50
STST Slo B3 40 76.67 5.59 39 97.50
STST Slo B7 35 71.14 4.71 34 97.14
SRST Lew 13 39 72.82 8.70 32 82.05
SRST Lew 17 37 56.24 8.11 32 86.49
SRST Slo B3 31 49.10 5.20 26 83.87
SRST Slo B7 39 55.26 7.07 36 92.31
SRSR Lew 13 36 28.58 5.92 25 69.44
SRSR Lew 17 37 32.19 3.91 34 91.89
SRSR Slo B3 31 17.19 4.56 22 70.97
SRSR Slo B7 38 25.50 4.76 28 73.68
STST Across all isolines 152 65.59 2.81 147 96.71
SRST Across all isolines 146 58.89 3.83 126 86.30
SRSR Across all isolines 142 26.21 2.45 109 76.76

Fit a model to the data

Run the Bayesian hurdle model

The model assumes that the response variable, offspring number, is the result of a ‘hurdle’ process. Essentially this means that the model consists of two sub-models: one controlling the probability that offspring number is non-zero, and one controlling the number of offspring produced provided that more than zero are produced (we assume that offspring number follows a negative binomial distribution, because this improved model fit relative to the simpler hurdle-Poisson model).

We assume that the parameters controlling both the hurdle and the distribution of non-zero values are affected by four fixed effects (the female’s genotype: STST, SRST, or SRSR), her isoline, the female’s age, and the interaction between genotype and isoline. We also fit two random effects: isoline, and experimental block. All fixed effects were assumed to have a prior distribution following a normal distribution with mean 0 and SD = 5.

  # The hurdle and the mean have the same set of predictors
  model_formula <- bf(
    offspring ~ genotype * Isoline + female_age + (1 | Block), 
    hu        ~ genotype * Isoline + female_age + (1 | Block)  
  model_formula2 <- bf(
    offspring ~ genotype + Isoline + female_age + (1 | Block), 
    hu        ~ genotype + Isoline + female_age + (1 | Block)  
  model_formula3 <- bf(
    offspring ~ genotype + female_age + (1 | Block), 
    hu        ~ genotype + female_age + (1 | Block)  
  # This model added in response to a reviewer request. 
  # I don't think this model is much use here, since body size is a mediator variable;
  # see the diagram at the top of this page:
  # Moreover, many females have no body size measurement, so the sample size is smaller
  body_size_model <- bf(
    offspring ~ genotype + female_age + body_size + (1 | Block), 
    hu        ~ genotype + female_age + body_size + (1 | Block)  
  # Find R^2 for a brms model, and its 95% CIs, and present neatly
  neat_R2 <- function(model){
    R2 <- bayes_R2(model) %>% round(2)
    paste(R2[1,1], " (95% CIs = ", R2[1,3], "-", R2[1,4], ")", sep = "")
  # We set conservative, "regularising" priors - see McElreath's "Statistical Rethinking" textbook
  model_prior <- c(set_prior("normal(0, 3)", class = "b"),
                   set_prior("normal(0, 3)", class = "b", dpar = "hu"))
  full_model <- brm(model_formula,
                    family = "hurdle_negbinomial",
                    chains = 4, cores = 1, iter = 40000, inits = 0, seed = 12345,
                    control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9999, max_treedepth = 15),
                    save_all_pars = TRUE, 
                    prior = model_prior, 
                    data = fitness_data)
  no_interaction <- brm(model_formula2,
                        family = "hurdle_negbinomial",
                        chains = 4, cores = 1, iter = 40000, inits = 0, seed = 12345,
                        control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9999, max_treedepth = 15),
                        save_all_pars = TRUE, 
                        prior = model_prior, 
                        data = fitness_data)
  genotype_only_model <- brm(model_formula3,
                             family = "hurdle_negbinomial",
                             chains = 4, cores = 1, iter = 40000, inits = 0, seed = 12345,
                             control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9999, max_treedepth = 15),
                             save_all_pars = TRUE, 
                             prior = model_prior, 
                             data = fitness_data)
  # Added after peer review:
  body_size_model <- brm(body_size_model,
                             family = "hurdle_negbinomial",
                             chains = 4, cores = 1, iter = 40000, inits = 0, seed = 12345,
                             control = list(adapt_delta = 0.9999, max_treedepth = 15),
                             save_all_pars = TRUE, 
                             prior = model_prior, 
                             data = fitness_data)
  saveRDS(post_prob(full_model, no_interaction, genotype_only_model), 
          file = "output/model_comparison.rds")
  saveRDS(full_model, file = "output/full_model.rds")
  saveRDS(genotype_only_model, file = "output/genotype_only_model.rds")
  saveRDS(body_size_model, file = "output/body_size_model.rds")
  saveRDS(neat_R2(full_model), file = "output/R2_of_full_model.rds")
  saveRDS(neat_R2(genotype_only_model), file = "output/R2_of_genotype_only_model.rds")
  saveRDS(neat_R2(body_size_model), file = "output/R2_of_body_size_model.rds")
} else{
  full_model <- readRDS("output/full_model.rds")
  genotype_only_model <- readRDS("output/genotype_only_model.rds")
  model_probabilities <- readRDS("output/model_comparison.rds")
  body_size_model <- readRDS("output/body_size_model.rds")

Graphically verify the fit of the model using a posterior predictive check

The idea behind posterior predictive checking is that if our model is a good fit, then we should be able to use it to generate a dataset which looks a lot like the dataset we actually observed. Here, we see 11 draws from the ‘posterior predictive distribution’ (pale blue), which indeed look quite similar to the distribution of the real data (dark blue), suggesting that our model is a good enough approximation of the true data-generating process for reliable inference.

pp_check(genotype_only_model, type = "hist", nsamples = 11, binwidth = 5)

Version Author Date
4791cd5 lukeholman 2019-11-05
ffdc5d4 lukeholman 2019-06-28

Inspect the parameter estimates

make_model_table <- function(model){ # helper function for the 3 tables here
  random <-$random[[1]]) %>%
    rownames_to_column("Parameter") %>%
    mutate(p = NA,
           Parameter = c("sd(Block - Intercept)", "sd(Block - Hurdle intercept)"),
           ` ` = "")
  rbind(get_fixed_effects_with_p_values(model), random) %>%
    mutate(Parameter = gsub("hu_", "Hurdle - ", Parameter),
           Estimate =  format(round(Estimate, 3), nsmall = 3),
           Est.Error =  format(round(Est.Error, 3), nsmall = 3),
           ` ` = ifelse(p < 0.05, "*", ""),
           ` ` = replace(` `,` `), ""),
           p = format(round(p, 4), nsmall = 4),
           Rhat = format(round(Rhat, 3), nsmall = 3),
           `l-95% CI` = format(round(`l-95% CI`, 3), nsmall = 3),
           `u-95% CI` = format(round(`u-95% CI`, 3), nsmall = 3),
           Bulk_ESS = round(Bulk_ESS, 0),
           Tail_ESS = round(Tail_ESS, 0)

This model contains the fixed factor genotype, and the random effect block.

The response variable (number of progeny) was treated as a hurdle process, i.e. the model estimates the parameters for the probability of producing at least some progeny (the ‘Hurdle’ parameters), and the number of progeny produced assuming that at least some are (other parameters).

no_isoline_model_table <- make_model_table(genotype_only_model)
saveRDS(no_isoline_model_table, "output/no_isoline_model_table.rds")
no_isoline_model_table %>% 
  kable() %>% kable_styling()
Parameter Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS p
Intercept 4.244 0.236 3.782 4.705 1.000 76247 51126 0.0000
Hurdle - Intercept -2.304 0.940 -4.180 -0.486 1.000 79331 56507 0.0067
genotypeSRST 0.030 0.089 -0.143 0.206 1.000 74772 62501 0.3693
genotypeSRSR -0.669 0.094 -0.851 -0.482 1.000 77722 61179 0.0000
female_age -0.010 0.053 -0.113 0.095 1.000 105585 57494 0.4280
Hurdle - genotypeSRST 1.488 0.505 0.542 2.533 1.000 57326 49312 0.0007
Hurdle - genotypeSRSR 2.093 0.489 1.191 3.113 1.000 55547 49201 0.0000
Hurdle - female_age -0.240 0.210 -0.651 0.170 1.000 101961 57083 0.1257
sd(Block - Intercept) 0.137 0.125 0.006 0.453 1.000 17685 32248 NA
sd(Block - Hurdle intercept) 0.328 0.344 0.011 1.176 1.000 25228 33771 NA

This model contains the fixed factor genotype, the fixed factor isoline, and their interaction, as well as the random effect block.

The response variable (number of progeny) was treated as a hurdle process, i.e. the model estimates the parameters for the probability of producing at least some progeny (the ‘Hurdle’ parameters), and the number of progeny produced assuming that at least some are (other parameters).

full_model_table <- make_model_table(genotype_only_model)
saveRDS(full_model_table, "output/full_model_table.rds")
full_model_table %>% 
  kable() %>% kable_styling()
Parameter Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS p
Intercept 4.244 0.236 3.782 4.705 1.000 76247 51126 0.0000
Hurdle - Intercept -2.304 0.940 -4.180 -0.486 1.000 79331 56507 0.0067
genotypeSRST 0.030 0.089 -0.143 0.206 1.000 74772 62501 0.3693
genotypeSRSR -0.669 0.094 -0.851 -0.482 1.000 77722 61179 0.0000
female_age -0.010 0.053 -0.113 0.095 1.000 105585 57494 0.4280
Hurdle - genotypeSRST 1.488 0.505 0.542 2.533 1.000 57326 49312 0.0007
Hurdle - genotypeSRSR 2.093 0.489 1.191 3.113 1.000 55547 49201 0.0000
Hurdle - female_age -0.240 0.210 -0.651 0.170 1.000 101961 57083 0.1257
sd(Block - Intercept) 0.137 0.125 0.006 0.453 1.000 17685 32248 NA
sd(Block - Hurdle intercept) 0.328 0.344 0.011 1.176 1.000 25228 33771 NA

This is the same as the top model (i.e. the Genotype-only model), except that it also includes body size a predictor in both components of the hurdle model. Note also that this analysis is restricted to females for which a body size measurement was available, reducing the sample size from 440 to 338 females.

bodysize_model_table <- make_model_table(body_size_model)
saveRDS(bodysize_model_table, "output/bodysize_model_table.rds")
bodysize_model_table %>% 
  kable() %>% kable_styling()
Parameter Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS p
Intercept 2.501 0.841 0.860 4.172 1.000 78603 61911 0.0014
Hurdle - Intercept -0.813 2.746 -6.253 4.498 1.000 97985 61318 0.3853
genotypeSRST 0.046 0.118 -0.184 0.280 1.000 54937 56365 0.3480
genotypeSRSR -0.623 0.113 -0.842 -0.400 1.000 62405 59369 0.0000
female_age -0.004 0.065 -0.131 0.123 1.000 89886 60265 0.4763
body_size 1.072 0.539 0.005 2.124 1.000 72909 61737 0.0246
Hurdle - genotypeSRST 1.577 0.579 0.503 2.767 1.000 51814 50939 0.0018
Hurdle - genotypeSRSR 2.338 0.534 1.350 3.458 1.000 52524 47783 0.0000
Hurdle - female_age -0.378 0.228 -0.827 0.065 1.000 91787 58967 0.0478
Hurdle - body_size -0.594 1.708 -3.916 2.789 1.000 88482 60276 0.3627
sd(Block - Intercept) 0.153 0.133 0.008 0.477 1.000 18485 26949 NA
sd(Block - Hurdle intercept) 0.319 0.306 0.011 1.108 1.000 28166 39262 NA

Use the model to generate posterior estimates of group means

Generate posterior predictions of the group means

Here, we estimate the mean for three measures of female fitness using the model, for each genotype (across all isolines) and for each genotype-isoline combination. The model adjusts for variation due to experimental block and female age.

make_figure_data <- function(by_isoline = FALSE){
    new <- fitness_data %>% 
      select(genotype, Isoline, body_size, female_age) %>%
      mutate(body_size  = mean(body_size, na.rm = TRUE),
             female_age = mean(female_age)) %>% 
    model <- full_model
    col_names <- paste(new$genotype, new$Isoline, sep = "~")
  } else {
    new <- fitness_data %>% 
      select(genotype, body_size, female_age) %>%
      mutate(body_size  = mean(body_size, na.rm = TRUE),
             female_age = mean(female_age)) %>% 
    model <- genotype_only_model
    col_names <- new$genotype
  # Summarise the posterior (dots and CIs in Figure 1 or S1)
  predicted_mean <- data.frame(new, fitted(model, newdata = new, re_formula = NA)) %>% 
    mutate(facet = "A. Mean offspring production")
  predicted_mean_when_fertile <- data.frame(new, fitted(model, newdata = new, dpar = "mu", re_formula = NA)) %>%
    mutate(facet = "B. Mean offspring production\n(excluding infertile females)")
  predicted_prop_fertile <- data.frame(new, fitted(model, newdata = new, dpar = "hu", re_formula = NA)) %>% 
    mutate(facet = "C. % fertile females",
           Estimate = 100 * (1 - Estimate), # Convert to percentage of fertile females, instead of *proportion* that are *in*fertile
           Q2.5 = (1 - Q2.5) * 100, 
           Q97.5 = (1 - Q97.5) * 100)
  summary_df <- bind_rows(predicted_mean,
                          predicted_prop_fertile) %>%
    mutate(genotype = factor(genotype, levels = c("STST", "SRST", "SRSR")))
  if(!by_isoline) summary_df <- summary_df %>% mutate(Isoline = "All isolines")
  # Posterior for facet A (overal progeny)
  posterior_means <- fitted(model, newdata = new, re_formula = NA, summary = FALSE) %>%
  names(posterior_means) <- col_names
  posterior_facetA <- gather(posterior_means) %>% 
    mutate(facet = "A. Mean offspring production")
  # Posterior for facet B (excluding infertile females)
  posterior_means <- fitted(model, newdata = new, dpar = "mu", re_formula = NA, summary = FALSE) %>%
  names(posterior_means) <- col_names
  posterior_facetB <- gather(posterior_means) %>% 
    mutate(facet = "B. Mean offspring production\n(excluding infertile females)")
  # Posterior for facet C (% infertile females)
  posterior_means <- fitted(model, newdata = new, dpar = "hu", re_formula = NA, summary = FALSE) %>%
  names(posterior_means) <- col_names
  posterior_facetC <- gather(posterior_means) %>% 
    mutate(facet = "C. % fertile females")
  posterior_df <- bind_rows(
    posterior_facetA, posterior_facetB, posterior_facetC
    posterior_df <- posterior_df %>%
      mutate(split = strsplit(key, split = "~"), 
             genotype = map_chr(split, ~ .x[1]),
             Isoline = map_chr(split, ~ .x[2])) %>% select(-key)
  } else {
    posterior_df <- posterior_df %>%
      rename(genotype = key)
  posterior_df <- posterior_df %>% mutate(genotype = factor(genotype, levels = c("STST", "SRST", "SRSR")))
  list(summary_df, posterior_df)

figure1_data <- make_figure_data()
figureS1_data <- make_figure_data(by_isoline = TRUE)

Plot the posterior predictions of the group means

beeswarm_points <- bind_rows(
  fitness_data %>% mutate(facet = "A. Mean offspring production"),
  fitness_data %>% filter(offspring != 0) %>% mutate(facet = "B. Mean offspring production\n(excluding infertile females)")) %>% 
  mutate(Fertility = ifelse(offspring == 0, "Sterile", "Fertile"),
         genotype  = factor(genotype, levels = c("STST", "SRST", "SRSR"))) %>%
    rename(Estimate = offspring) 
pal <- c("#6ca0dc", "#e34132")

figure_1 <- figure1_data[[1]] %>%
  ggplot(aes(genotype, Estimate)) + 
  geom_quasirandom(data = beeswarm_points, aes(colour = Fertility),
                size = .7, alpha = 0.6) + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = Q2.5, ymax = Q97.5), colour = "grey20", size = .8, width = 0) + 
  geom_point(size = 3.1, pch = 21, colour = "black", fill = "grey20") + 
  scale_colour_manual(values = pal) + 
  facet_wrap(~facet, scale = "free_y") + 
  labs(y = "Posterior estimate \u00B1 95% CIs", x = "Genotype") + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
        text = element_text(family = "Lato", size = 12),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(), 
        strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0))

figure_S1 <- figureS1_data[[1]] %>%
  ggplot(aes(genotype, Estimate, fill = Isoline)) + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = Q2.5, ymax = Q97.5), size = .7, width = 0, colour = "grey40", position = position_dodge(0.7)) + 
  geom_point(size = 3.1, pch = 21, colour = "black", position = position_dodge(0.7)) + 
  facet_wrap(~facet, scale = "free_y") + 
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Pastel1") +
  labs(y = "Posterior estimate \u00B1 95% CIs", x = "Genotype") + 
  theme_bw() + 
  theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
        text = element_text(family = "Lato", size = 12),
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(), 
        strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0))

figure_1 %>% ggsave(filename = "figures/figure_1.pdf", width = 9, height = 4)
figure_S1 %>% ggsave(filename = "figures/figure_S1.pdf", width = 9, height = 4)

Version Author Date
4791cd5 lukeholman 2019-11-05
2f42981 lukeholman 2019-08-14
e5f7926 lukeholman 2019-08-14

Figure 1: The black points and error bars show the posterior estimates of the genotype means for A) offspring production, B) offspring production among the set of females that produced at least one offspring, and C) the percentage of females that produced offspring. The estimates are all derived from a single hurdle model which adjusts for variation due to female age and experimental block, and each estimate is the average across the four isolines (see Figure S1 for estimates split by isoline). The points show the raw values of offspring production for individual females, and are coloured purple for females that produced no offspring. The error bars show the 95% credible intervals on each estimate.


Version Author Date
4791cd5 lukeholman 2019-11-05

Figure S1: The same information as in Figure 1, except split by isoline.

Calculate pairwise differences between genotypes

Table 1: Pairwise comparisons of genotypes for the three measures of female fitness shown in Figure 1: mean offspring production, mean offspring production among females that produced at least one offspring, and the % females that produced at least one offspring. The ‘Difference in means’ column shows the posterior estimate of the difference between the genotype means, in the original units (i.e. offspring number, or percentage points). A negative difference indicates that the genotype with more copies of SR has lower female fitness, the parentheses show the error and 95% quantiles of the posterior difference in means. The ‘Relative difference’ column expresses each difference in relative terms; e.g. the first row shows that the mean number of offspring produced by SR/ST females was 92% as much as the number produced by ST/ST females, with 95% confidence limits of 70-110%. Finally, p is the posterior probability that the true difference in means is zero or of the opposite sign to the estimate shown here (similar to a conventional p-value).

compare_means <- function(mean1, mean2, posterior){
  posterior <- posterior %>%
    filter(genotype %in% c(mean1, mean2)) %>% 
    select(genotype, value) %>% mutate(draw = rep(1:(n() / 2), 2)) %>%
    spread(genotype, value)
  abs_difference <- as_tibble(posterior_summary(as.mcmc(posterior[, mean2] - posterior[, mean1])))
  rel_diff <- as_tibble(posterior_summary(as.mcmc(posterior[, mean2] / posterior[, mean1])))
  p_value <- as.numeric(100 - p_direction(posterior[, mean2] - posterior[, mean1])) / 100
    Comparison = paste(mean1, mean2, sep = " \u2192 "),
    `Fitness trait` = NA,
    `95% CIs abs` = paste(" (", format(round(abs_difference$Q2.5, 1), nsmall = 1), " to ", format(round(abs_difference$Q97.5, 1), nsmall = 1), ")", sep = ""),
    `Difference in means` = paste(format(round(abs_difference$Estimate, 2), nsmall = 2), `95% CIs abs`, sep = ""),
    Error1 = abs_difference$Est.Error,
    `95% CIs rel` = paste(" (", format(round(rel_diff$Q2.5, 1), nsmall = 1), " to ", format(round(rel_diff$Q97.5, 1), nsmall = 1), ")", sep = ""),
    `Relative difference` = paste(format(round(rel_diff$Estimate, 2), nsmall = 2), `95% CIs rel`, sep = ""),
    Error2 = rel_diff$Est.Error,
    p = p_value
  ) %>% select( -`95% CIs abs`, -`95% CIs rel`)

table_of_contrasts <- bind_rows(
  compare_means("STST", "SRST", figure1_data[[2]] %>% filter(facet == "A. Mean offspring production")),
  compare_means("STST", "SRSR", figure1_data[[2]] %>% filter(facet == "A. Mean offspring production")),
  compare_means("SRST", "SRSR", figure1_data[[2]] %>% filter(facet == "A. Mean offspring production")),
  compare_means("STST", "SRST", figure1_data[[2]] %>% filter(facet == "B. Mean offspring production\n(excluding infertile females)")),
  compare_means("STST", "SRSR", figure1_data[[2]] %>% filter(facet == "B. Mean offspring production\n(excluding infertile females)")),
  compare_means("SRST", "SRSR", figure1_data[[2]] %>% filter(facet == "B. Mean offspring production\n(excluding infertile females)")),
  compare_means("STST", "SRST", figure1_data[[2]] %>% filter(facet == "C. % fertile females")),
  compare_means("STST", "SRSR", figure1_data[[2]] %>% filter(facet == "C. % fertile females")),
  compare_means("SRST", "SRSR", figure1_data[[2]] %>% filter(facet == "C. % fertile females"))
) %>% mutate(`Fitness trait` = rep(c("Mean offspring production",
                                     "Mean offspring production (excluding infertile females)",
                                     "% fertile females"), each = 3)) %>%
  mutate(Error1 = format(round(Error1, 2), nsmall = 2),
         Error2 = format(round(Error2, 2), nsmall = 2),
         ` ` = ifelse(p < 0.05, "*", " "),
         p = format(round(p, 4), nsmall = 4))

table_of_contrasts %>%
  kable() %>% kable_styling()
Comparison Fitness trait Difference in means Error1 Relative difference Error2 p
STST → SRST Mean offspring production -5.53 (-18.0 to 6.5) 6.23 0.92 (0.7 to 1.1) 0.09 0.1842
STST → SRSR Mean offspring production -38.37 (-50.5 to -27.6) 5.91 0.41 (0.3 to 0.5) 0.05 0.0000
SRST → SRSR Mean offspring production -32.84 (-44.6 to -22.6) 5.67 0.45 (0.4 to 0.6) 0.05 0.0000
STST → SRST Mean offspring production (excluding infertile females) 2.04 (-9.9 to 14.2) 6.12 1.03 (0.9 to 1.2) 0.09 0.3693
STST → SRSR Mean offspring production (excluding infertile females) -32.88 (-44.5 to -22.3) 5.70 0.51 (0.4 to 0.6) 0.05 0.0000
SRST → SRSR Mean offspring production (excluding infertile females) -34.93 (-47.0 to -24.6) 5.81 0.50 (0.4 to 0.6) 0.05 0.0000
STST → SRST % fertile females 0.11 (0.0 to 0.2) 0.04 4.42 (1.6 to 10.6) 2.45 0.0007
STST → SRSR % fertile females 0.20 (0.1 to 0.3) 0.05 7.17 (2.8 to 16.9) 3.87 0.0000
SRST → SRSR % fertile females 0.09 (0.0 to 0.2) 0.05 1.69 (1.0 to 2.8) 0.46 0.0278

Make wing length figure

p1 <- fitness_data %>% 
  filter(! %>%
  ggplot(aes(genotype, body_size, colour = genotype)) + 
  geom_quasirandom(alpha = 0.5) + 
  stat_summary( = "mean_cl_boot", colour = "grey20") +
  theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("Genotype") +
  theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "none",
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(), 
        strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0))

p2 <- fitness_data %>% 
  filter(! %>%
  ggplot(aes(body_size, fill = genotype)) + 
    geom_density(alpha = 0.3) + 
    theme_bw() + 
    coord_flip() + xlab(NULL) + ylab("Density") +
    theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
          legend.position = "none",
          axis.text.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(), 
          panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(), 
          strip.text = element_text(hjust = 0))

grid.arrange(p1, p2,
             widths = c(0.7, 0.32),
             ncol = 2, left = "Wing vein length (mm)"

Version Author Date
4791cd5 lukeholman 2019-11-05

Figure 2: Distribution of wing lengths for each genotype, showing the individual values (left) or the frequency distribution (right).

Associated statistics for Figure 2

Mody size means

body_size_model_data <- fitness_data %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(body_size_scaled = as.numeric(scale(body_size)))

body_size_model_data %>%
  group_by(genotype) %>%
  summarise(`Mean wing vein length (mm)` = mean(body_size),
            SE = sd(body_size) / sqrt(n())) %>%
  kable(digits=3) %>% kable_styling()
genotype Mean wing vein length (mm) SE
STST 1.532 0.009
SRST 1.628 0.005
SRSR 1.571 0.008

Linear mixed model

Note that body size data is missing for one body size - isoline combination, so we did not fit the interaction term (preventing rank deficiency). The model shows that body size differs significantly among genotypes and isolines.

body_size_model <- lmer(body_size_scaled ~ genotype + Isoline + (1 | Block), 
                      data = body_size_model_data)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: body_size_scaled ~ genotype + Isoline + (1 | Block)
   Data: body_size_model_data

REML criterion at convergence: 799.9

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.8321 -0.5805  0.1347  0.6665  3.6208 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Block    (Intercept) 0.0000   0.0000  
 Residual             0.6028   0.7764  
Number of obs: 338, groups:  Block, 6

Fixed effects:
               Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    -0.03817    0.09786 332.00000  -0.390   0.6967    
genotypeSRST    1.10351    0.10863 332.00000  10.158  < 2e-16 ***
genotypeSRSR    0.45672    0.10970 332.00000   4.163  4.0e-05 ***
IsolineLew 17  -1.10869    0.10595 332.00000 -10.464  < 2e-16 ***
IsolineSlo B3  -0.52049    0.12968 332.00000  -4.014  7.4e-05 ***
IsolineSlo B7  -0.27158    0.12367 332.00000  -2.196   0.0288 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) gnSRST gnSRSR IslL17 IslSB3
genotypSRST -0.573                            
genotypSRSR -0.574  0.556                     
IsolineLw17 -0.550  0.021  0.025              
IsolineSlB3 -0.272 -0.219 -0.226  0.396       
IsolineSlB7 -0.554  0.126  0.138  0.426  0.307
Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method
         Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value    Pr(>F)    
genotype 64.133  32.067     2   332  53.194 < 2.2e-16 ***
Isoline  69.825  23.275     3   332  38.610 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Sample sizes for the body size data

sample_sizes <- body_size_model_data %>%
  group_by(genotype, Isoline) %>%
  summarise(n = n())

overall <- sample_sizes %>%
  group_by(genotype) %>%
  summarise(n =sum(n)) %>%
  mutate(Isoline = "Across all isolines") %>%
  select(!! names(sample_sizes))

sample_sizes %>%
  bind_rows(overall) %>%
  kable(digits=3) %>% kable_styling()
genotype Isoline n
STST Lew 13 37
STST Lew 17 39
STST Slo B7 34
SRST Lew 13 36
SRST Lew 17 34
SRST Slo B3 29
SRST Slo B7 16
SRSR Lew 13 36
SRSR Lew 17 33
SRSR Slo B3 30
SRSR Slo B7 14
STST Across all isolines 110
SRST Across all isolines 115
SRSR Across all isolines 113

Analysis of offspring sex ratio

  sex_ratio_genotype <- brm(
    female | trials(n) ~ genotype,
    data = sex_ratio_data,
    save_all_pars = TRUE,
    family = "binomial",
    chains = 4, iter = 40000, cores = 1)
  sex_ratio_isoline <- brm(
    female | trials(n) ~ genotype + isoline,
    data = sex_ratio_data,
    save_all_pars = TRUE,
    family = "binomial",
    chains = 4, iter = 40000, cores = 1)
  sex_ratio_interaction <- brm(
    female | trials(n) ~ genotype * isoline,
    data = sex_ratio_data,
    save_all_pars = TRUE,
    family = "binomial",
    chains = 4, iter = 40000, cores = 1)
  # Save model tables
  sex_ratio_genotype_model <- get_fixed_effects_with_p_values(sex_ratio_genotype)
  sex_ratio_isoline_model <- get_fixed_effects_with_p_values(sex_ratio_isoline)
  sex_ratio_interaction_model <- get_fixed_effects_with_p_values(sex_ratio_interaction)
  # Calculate posterior model probabilities
  SR_model_comparison <- post_prob(sex_ratio_genotype, 
  # Predict sex ratio across all isolines, or within each isoline
  new <- sex_ratio_data %>% 
    select(isoline, genotype) %>% mutate(n = 100)
  preds_all_isolines <- as_tibble(, new[1:3,], summary = FALSE)))
  preds_by_isoline <- as_tibble(, new, summary = FALSE)))
  names(preds_all_isolines) <- new$genotype[1:3]
  names(preds_by_isoline) <- paste(new$genotype, new$isoline, sep = "_")
  saveRDS(sex_ratio_genotype_model, file = "output/sex_ratio_genotype_model.rds")
  saveRDS(sex_ratio_isoline_model, file = "output/sex_ratio_isoline_model.rds")
  saveRDS(sex_ratio_interaction_model, file = "output/sex_ratio_interaction_model.rds")
  saveRDS(SR_model_comparison, file = "output/SR_model_comparison.rds")
  saveRDS(preds_all_isolines, file = "output/preds_all_isolines.rds")
  saveRDS(preds_by_isoline, file = "output/preds_by_isoline.rds")
} else {
  sex_ratio_genotype_model <- readRDS("output/sex_ratio_genotype_model.rds")
  sex_ratio_isoline_model <- readRDS("output/sex_ratio_isoline_model.rds")
  sex_ratio_interaction_model <- readRDS("output/sex_ratio_interaction_model.rds")
  SR_model_comparison <- readRDS("output/SR_model_comparison.rds")
  preds_all_isolines <- readRDS("output/preds_all_isolines.rds")
  preds_by_isoline <- readRDS("output/preds_by_isoline.rds")
  sex_ratio_genotype_model <- readRDS("output/sex_ratio_genotype_model.rds")

Posterior model probabilities

The top model (with >99% probability) contains genotype and isoline (just the main effects). The model with an interaction, and the model lacking the isoline effect, had much lower probability. This indicated that SR/ST genotype affected the offspring sex ratio, and so did isoline, but there was little/no evidence for an interaction.

round(sort(SR_model_comparison, decreasing=T), 3) %>% 
  kable() %>% kable_styling()
sex_ratio_isoline 0.998
sex_ratio_interaction 0.001
sex_ratio_genotype 0.000

Model results

sex_ratio_isoline_model %>% kable(digits = 3) %>% kable_styling()
Parameter Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS p
Intercept 0.489 0.040 0.412 0.567 1 56319 51708 0.000 *
genotypeSRST -0.079 0.040 -0.157 -0.001 1 60060 60779 0.024 *
genotypeSTST -0.343 0.039 -0.419 -0.266 1 58177 59750 0.000 *
isolineLew17 -0.127 0.038 -0.201 -0.053 1 66307 61416 0.000 *
isolineSloB3 0.091 0.039 0.014 0.167 1 66116 62194 0.011 *
isolineSloB7 0.029 0.038 -0.044 0.103 1 65743 63237 0.218
sex_ratio_interaction_model %>% 
  kable(digits = 3) %>% kable_styling()
Parameter Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS p
Intercept 0.449 0.061 0.329 0.568 1 33421 43738 0.000 *
genotypeSRST 0.001 0.072 -0.140 0.141 1 35127 46899 0.497
genotypeSTST -0.333 0.075 -0.480 -0.188 1 34863 46478 0.000 *
isolineLew17 -0.066 0.085 -0.231 0.100 1 37387 46530 0.219
isolineSloB3 0.159 0.109 -0.054 0.374 1 37794 46381 0.072
isolineSloB7 0.077 0.090 -0.097 0.256 1 36637 47785 0.196
genotypeSRST:isolineLew17 -0.137 0.103 -0.339 0.063 1 39994 49801 0.091
genotypeSTST:isolineLew17 -0.007 0.104 -0.211 0.198 1 39186 51138 0.473
genotypeSRST:isolineSloB3 -0.165 0.127 -0.413 0.085 1 39986 48663 0.097
genotypeSTST:isolineSloB3 -0.015 0.123 -0.257 0.227 1 37808 48852 0.453
genotypeSRST:isolineSloB7 -0.064 0.107 -0.276 0.145 1 38611 50063 0.276
genotypeSTST:isolineSloB7 -0.038 0.108 -0.250 0.171 1 37795 46401 0.362
sex_ratio_genotype_model %>% 
  kable(digits = 3) %>% kable_styling()
Parameter Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS p
Intercept 0.469 0.033 0.405 0.535 1 33010 35369 0.000 *
genotypeSRST -0.067 0.040 -0.146 0.010 1 38579 44774 0.046 *
genotypeSTST -0.317 0.039 -0.393 -0.240 1 37679 42883 0.000 *

Estimated offspring sex ratio by genotype

preds_all_isolines %>%
  map(~ posterior_summary(.x)) %>%"rbind", .) %>% as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(Genotype = names(preds_all_isolines)) %>%
  select(Genotype, everything()) %>% 
  kable(digits = 3) %>% kable_styling()
Genotype Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
SRSR 61.523 0.789 59.979 63.074
SRST 59.925 0.523 58.902 60.948
STST 53.813 0.500 52.825 54.789

Estimated offspring sex ratio by genotype and isoline

preds_by_isoline %>%
  map(~ posterior_summary(.x)) %>%"rbind", .) %>% as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(Genotype = sex_ratio_data$genotype,
         Isoline = sex_ratio_data$isoline) %>%
  select(Genotype, Isoline, everything()) %>% 
  kable(digits = 3) %>% kable_styling()
Genotype Isoline Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5
SRSR Lew 13 61.025 1.448 58.153 63.824
SRST Lew 13 61.044 0.901 59.270 62.817
STST Lew 13 52.881 1.074 50.774 54.982
SRSR Slo B7 62.839 1.550 59.786 65.850
SRST Slo B7 61.346 1.052 59.269 63.404
STST Slo B7 53.856 0.997 51.896 55.803
SRSR Lew 17 59.448 1.423 56.653 62.235
SRST Lew 17 56.126 1.088 53.988 58.248
STST Lew 17 51.066 1.052 49.002 53.131
SRSR Slo B3 64.726 2.072 60.584 68.705
SRST Slo B3 60.912 1.251 58.461 63.345
STST Slo B3 56.470 0.896 54.708 58.228

Hypothesis testing

Here, we calculate the posterior difference in the mean sex ratio between each of the 3 genotypes:

get_p <- function(x) (100 - as.numeric(p_direction(x)))/100

  Comparison = c("SR/SR - ST/ST", "SR/ST - ST/ST", "SR/SR - SR/ST"),
  rbind(posterior_summary(preds_all_isolines$SRSR - preds_all_isolines$STST),
        posterior_summary(preds_all_isolines$SRST - preds_all_isolines$STST),
        posterior_summary(preds_all_isolines$SRSR - preds_all_isolines$SRST))
) %>% mutate(
  p = c(get_p(preds_all_isolines$SRSR - preds_all_isolines$STST),
        get_p(preds_all_isolines$SRST - preds_all_isolines$STST),
        get_p(preds_all_isolines$SRSR - preds_all_isolines$SRST))
) %>%
  kable(digits = 3) %>% kable_styling()
Comparison Estimate Est.Error Q2.5 Q97.5 p
SR/SR - ST/ST 7.711 0.933 5.874 9.538 0.000
SR/ST - ST/ST 6.112 0.726 4.698 7.539 0.000
SR/SR - SR/ST 1.598 0.946 -0.251 3.462 0.046

Figure showing sex ratios

SR_figure <- gather(preds_all_isolines) %>%
  ggplot(aes(key, value, fill = key)) + 
  geom_eye() + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 50, linetype = 2) + 
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(49, 65)) + 
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") + 
  ylab("% daughters among adult offspring\n(posterior estimate)") + 
  xlab("Maternal genotype") 


Version Author Date
4791cd5 lukeholman 2019-11-05

Figure showing sex ratios - split by isoline

SR_figure2 <- gather(preds_by_isoline) %>%
  mutate(split = strsplit(key, split = "_"),
         Genotype = map_chr(split, ~.x[1]),
         isoline = paste(map_chr(split, ~.x[2]), "isoline")) %>%
  select(value, Genotype, isoline) %>%
  ggplot(aes(Genotype, value, fill = Genotype)) + 
  geom_eye() + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 50, linetype = 2) + 
  facet_wrap(~isoline) + 
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(48, 71.3)) + 
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") + 
  ylab("% daughters among adult offspring\n(posterior estimate)") + 
  xlab("Maternal genotype")


Version Author Date
4791cd5 lukeholman 2019-11-05

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
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[16] stringr_1.4.0      dplyr_0.8.3        purrr_0.3.2       
[19] readr_1.1.1        tidyr_0.8.2        tibble_2.1.3      
[22] ggplot2_3.1.0      tidyverse_1.2.1   

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 [83] stringi_1.4.3             highr_0.8                
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 [97] latticeExtra_0.6-28       promises_1.0.1           
 [99] vipor_0.4.5               colourpicker_1.0         
[101] MASS_7.3-50               gtools_3.8.1             
[103] assertthat_0.2.1          rprojroot_1.3-2          
[105] withr_2.1.2               shinystan_2.5.0          
[107] parallel_3.5.1            hms_0.4.2                
[109] rpart_4.1-13              grid_3.5.1               
[111] coda_0.19-2               minqa_1.2.4              
[113] rmarkdown_1.13            git2r_0.23.0             
[115] numDeriv_2016.8-1         shiny_1.3.2              
[117] lubridate_1.7.4           base64enc_0.1-3          
[119] dygraphs_1.1.1.6