[][src]Crate vswhom_sys


Pure FFI to Jon Blow's VS discovery script.

The rest of this crate's documentation is copied borderline verbatim from the original C++ source code.


The purpose of this file is to find the folders that contain libraries you may need to link against, on Windows, if you are linking with any compiled C or C++ code. This will be necessary for many non-C++ programming language environments that want to provide compatibility.

We find the place where the Visual Studio libraries live (for example, libvcruntime.lib), where the linker and compiler executables live (for example, link.exe), and where the Windows SDK libraries reside (kernel32.lib, libucrt.lib).

We all wish you didn't have to worry about so many weird dependencies, but we don't really have a choice about this, sadly.

I don't claim that this is the absolute best way to solve this problem, and so far we punt on things (if you have multiple versions of Visual Studio installed, we return the first one, rather than the newest). But it will solve the basic problem for you as simply as I know how to do it, and because there isn't too much code here, it's easy to modify and expand.

Here is the API you need to know about:

Call vswhom_find_visual_studio_and_windows_sdk(), look at the resulting paths, then call vswhom_free_resources() on the result.



