Last updated: 2021-12-20

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: Amphibolis_Posidonia_Comparison/

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The results in this page were generated with repository version 280fc5d. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    analysis/OTT.nb.html
    Ignored:    analysis/plotGenes.nb.html
    Ignored:    analysis/plotRgenes.nb.html

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  data/Chloroplast_assemblies/
    Untracked:  output/lost_in_amphi_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/lost_in_posi_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/lost_in_zmar_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/lost_in_zmuel_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/missing_amphi_vs_all_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/missing_aquatics_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/missing_arabidopsis_vs_all_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/missing_posi_vs_all_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/missing_seagrasses_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/missing_zmar_vs_all_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/missing_zmuel_vs_all_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/only_in_posi_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/only_in_zmar_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/only_in_zmuel_GO.txt.png
    Untracked:  output/only_seagrasses_GO.txt.png

Unstaged changes:
    Modified:   analysis/Orthofinder.Rmd
    Modified:   data/Lost_GO_terms_in_five_species.PlantSpecific.xlsx
    Modified:   data/Lost_GO_terms_in_five_species.xlsx
    Modified:   data/shared_lost_genes.xlsx

Note that any generated files, e.g. HTML, png, CSS, etc., are not included in this status report because it is ok for generated content to have uncommitted changes.

These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/GOenrichment.Rmd) and HTML (docs/GOenrichment.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 280fc5d Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 fix tables again
html 5356e2c Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 Build site.
Rmd 9f4be6f Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 fix tables
html 7816b8c Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 Build site.
Rmd 73bffa4 Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 add tables
html c1288a4 Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 Build site.
Rmd 2691cad Philipp Bayer 2021-12-20 add tables
html 292db59 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-18 Build site.
Rmd 35aa72f Philipp Bayer 2021-10-18 wflow_publish(c(“analysis/GOenrichment.Rmd”, “analysis/plotGenes.Rmd”,
Rmd 7e370e9 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07 Updated GOenrichment
Rmd 95586f9 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07 Add missing data
html 95586f9 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07 Add missing data
html c0db4a5 Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07 Build site.
Rmd 08b28ea Philipp Bayer 2021-10-07 wflow_publish(files = c("analysis/*"))

Lost in seagrasses

The GO enrichment does not work well on my laptop so I’m setting this to eval=FALSE and run it on a remote server. The script which writes the input files is a Python script in the scripts/ folder: This script parses Orthofinder output to pull out genome-specific groups and genes.

# give properly formatted background in format: GO:0005838  GSBRNA2T00088508001;GSBRNA2T00088313001;GSBRNA2T00035842001 
#annAT <- readMappings('BACKGROUND.txt.gz', sep="\t", IDsep=";")
#save(annAT, file='annAtObject.RData')

allgenes <- unique(unlist(annAT))

compare <- function(genelistfile, outname, allgenes, annAT) {
  # give file with your genes of interest, one gene_id per line
  mygenes <-scan(genelistfile ,what="")
  geneList <- factor(as.integer(allgenes %in% mygenes))
  names(geneList) <- allgenes
  GOdata <-new ("topGOdata", ontology = 'BP', allGenes = geneList, nodeSize = 5, annot=annFUN.GO2genes, GO2genes=annAT)
  # using ClassicCount:
  #test.stat <-new ("classicCount", testStatistic = GOFisherTest, name = "Fisher Test")
  #resultsFisherC <-getSigGroups (GOdata, test.stat)
  # using weight01:
  weight01.fisher <- runTest(GOdata, statistic = "fisher")
  # using ClassicCount:
  # allRes <- GenTable(GOdata, classicFisher= resultsFisherC, topNodes = 30)
  # using weight01:
  allRes <- GenTable(GOdata, classicFisher=weight01.fisher,topNodes=30)#,topNodes=100)
  names(allRes)[length(allRes)] <- "p.value"
  p_values <- score(weight01.fisher)
  adjusted_p <- p.adjust(p_values)
  adjusted_p[adjusted_p < 0.05] %>% enframe() %>% write_csv('data/' + outname)


lost in seagrasses, each one uniquely vs all terrestrials

compare('lost_in_amphi_vs_all.txt', 'missing_amphi_vs_all_GO.txt', allgenes, annAT)
compare('lost_in_posi_vs_all.txt', 'missing_posi_vs_all_GO.txt', allgenes, annAT)
compare('lost_in_zmar_vs_all.txt', 'missing_zmar_vs_all_GO.txt', allgenes, annAT)
compare('lost_in_zmuel_vs_all.txt', 'missing_zmuel_vs_all_GO.txt', allgenes, annAT)

lost in seagrasses vs all terrestrials

Here we compare GO terms for seagrasses and aquatics (seagrasses+duckweeds) vs all terrestrials

compare('lost_in_seagrasses.txt', 'missing_seagrasses_GO.txt', allgenes, annAT)
compare('lost_in_aquatics.txt', 'missing_aquatics_GO.txt', allgenes, annAT)
compare('only_in_seagrasses.txt', 'only_seagrasses_GO.txt', allgenes, annAT)

Seagrass only comparisons

Now we compare seagrasses within each other.

For the seagrass-only comparisons, I’m using a Seagrass-only background as that makes more biological sense to me.s

# give properly formatted background in format: GO:0005838  GSBRNA2T00088508001;GSBRNA2T00088313001;GSBRNA2T00035842001 
#sannAT <- readMappings('SEAGRASSBACKGROUND.txt', sep="\t", IDsep=";")
#save(sannAT, file='sannAtObject.RData')

sallgenes <- unique(unlist(sannAT))

compare('lost_in_amphi.txt', 'lost_in_amphi_vs_seagrasses_GO.txt', sallgenes, sannAT)
compare('lost_in_posi.txt', 'lost_in_posi_vs_seagrasses_GO.txt', sallgenes, sannAT)
compare('lost_in_zmar.txt', 'lost_in_zmar_vs_seagrasses_GO.txt', sallgenes, sannAT)
compare('lost_in_zmuel.txt', 'lost_in_zmuel_vs_seagrasses_GO.txt', sallgenes, sannAT)

Present in seagrasses

The opposite - which GO-terms are present only in one of the four species?

compare('only_in_amphi.txt', 'only_in_amphi_vs_seagrasses_GO.txt', sallgenes, sannAT)
compare('only_in_posi.txt', 'only_in_posi_vs_seagrasses_GO.txt', sallgenes, sannAT)
compare('only_in_zmar.txt', 'only_in_zmar_vs_seagrasses_GO.txt', sallgenes, sannAT)
compare('only_in_zmuel.txt', 'only_in_zmuel_vs_seagrasses_GO.txt', sallgenes, sannAT)

Alright now we have all these different GO terms in all these files - we can send them to revigo for visualiation and some deduplication!


This code is based on

results_list <- list()

for (f in list.files('./data/', pattern='GO.txt')){
  filename <- paste('./data/', f, sep='')
  go_and_pvalues <- readChar(filename,$size)
  go_and_pvalues <- gsub(',', ' ', go_and_pvalues)
    url = "",
    body = list(
      cutoff = "0.7",
      valueType = "pvalue",
     # speciesTaxon = "4577", # zea mays
     #speciesTaxon = '39947', # japonica
     speciesTaxon = '3702', # arabidopsis
      measure = "SIMREL",
      goList = go_and_pvalues
    # application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    encode = "form"
  ) -> res
  dat <- httr::content(res, encoding = "UTF-8")
  jobid <- jsonlite::fromJSON(dat,bigint_as_char=TRUE)$jobid
  # Check job status
  running <- "1"
  while (running != "0" ) {
        url = "",
        query = list( jobid = jobid )
      ) -> res2
      dat2 <- httr::content(res2, encoding = "UTF-8")
      running <- jsonlite::fromJSON(dat2)$running
  # Fetch results
    url = "",
    query = list(
      jobid = jobid, 
      namespace = "1",
      type = "CSVTable"
  ) -> res3
  dat3 <- httr::content(res3, encoding = "UTF-8")
  dat3 <- stri_replace_all_fixed(dat3, "\r", "")
  # Now we have a csv table in a string!

  # read_csv does not like the ', ', it wants ','
  dat <- read_csv(gsub(', ', ',', dat3), show_col_types = FALSE) 
  # do we even have results?
  if(nrow(dat) == 0){next}
  results_list[[f]] <- dat

OK we have a list with all results in a big list. Now we can plot!

Making Supplementary Tables for the REVIGO results

Let’s also pull these terms out as tables

for( i in names(results_list)) {
  print(knitr::kable(results_list[[i]] %>% filter(Eliminated == FALSE), label=i))

[1] “lost_in_amphi_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0002474 antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class I 1.0871030 -1.6727552853443 1.10673644156203 2.3856063 -2.689686 1.0000000 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0006278 RNA-dependent DNA biosynthetic process 0.2605453 5.3731654075156 -3.65320261881819 1.7708520 -154.570365 0.8150443 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0010726 positive regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 0.0179686 -2.73341869520016 -5.67697148475644 0.6989700 -19.887919 0.8675983 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0015709 thiosulfate transport 0.0134765 3.86431349160967 5.81608552490606 0.6020600 -7.854354 0.9228281 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0080181 lateral root branching 0.0134765 -6.11424440914567 1.47955752054123 0.6020600 -17.324362 0.9541347 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0032197 transposition,RNA-mediated 0.0044922 -3.3434872276169 0.951057826630962 0.3010300 -153.541147 0.9813284 0.0208561 null FALSE
GO:0071395 cellular response to jasmonic acid stimulus 0.4222632 -1.06550288007675 5.59973354258922 1.9777236 -23.603685 0.8904716 0.0291553 null FALSE
GO:0006012 galactose metabolic process 0.1212884 7.73135918189174 1.41776268135646 1.4471580 -1.606369 0.8947722 0.0910746 null FALSE
GO:0016101 diterpenoid metabolic process 0.2740218 6.7869138122863 2.48159294013057 1.7923917 -3.540981 0.8589484 0.0973387 null FALSE
GO:1904580 regulation of intracellular mRNA localization 0.0044922 -6.00775763867606 -2.50329841309084 0.3010300 -3.743490 0.9250105 0.1175562 null FALSE
GO:0045962 positive regulation of development,heterochronic 0.0733720 -0.464706287082207 -7.17967148744172 1.2304489 -9.318720 0.9096345 0.1222856 null FALSE
GO:0006032 chitin catabolic process 0.1078119 3.8467792298481 -0.194553688426596 1.3979400 -6.683057 0.9064345 0.1338994 null FALSE
GO:0070562 regulation of vitamin D receptor signaling pathway 0.1497720 -3.05023033416658 -3.26718947383339 1.5314789 -6.913688 0.8866193 0.1448064 null FALSE
GO:0002229 defense response to oomycetes 0.3234356 -3.14372128960566 5.72725969052877 1.8633229 -3.722154 0.9556362 0.1680904 null FALSE
GO:0009648 photoperiodism 0.3414042 -3.18412903724093 4.86370595551385 1.8864907 -3.590301 0.9495265 0.1689057 null FALSE
GO:0010337 regulation of salicylic acid metabolic process 0.0943354 -4.34359995686906 -4.32766980625972 1.3424227 -10.566727 0.9132621 0.2045798 null FALSE
GO:0090059 protoxylem development 0.0134765 -5.74242428475509 3.1443121908419 0.6020600 -3.236933 0.9816131 0.2096160 null FALSE
GO:0006508 proteolysis 5.0132519 6.07354749323483 -4.66768184187335 3.0480532 -79.607924 0.8973448 0.2178377 null FALSE
GO:0090110 COPII-coated vesicle cargo loading 0.0539059 3.32102210334316 3.30159037005581 1.1139434 -3.236933 0.8847802 0.2267775 null FALSE
GO:0003094 glomerular filtration 0.0943354 -6.57364327139877 0.573337363674392 1.3424227 -3.506441 0.9676868 0.2354660 null FALSE
GO:0006275 regulation of DNA replication 0.2515610 -3.73854626709682 -4.74614307109263 1.7558749 -3.730017 0.9069957 0.2462666 null FALSE
GO:0009554 megasporogenesis 0.0539059 -6.12716895427584 2.01917198389907 1.1139434 -1.321762 0.9365606 0.2579909 null FALSE
GO:0010951 negative regulation of endopeptidase activity 0.2066394 -4.31081807326593 -5.07659598328982 1.6720979 -3.564044 0.9005586 0.2621373 null FALSE
GO:0000350 generation of catalytic spliceosome for second transesterification step 0.0134765 3.4117621894521 -4.12569225964477 0.6020600 -4.812729 0.8336208 0.2873025 null FALSE
GO:0000495 box H/ACA RNA 3’-end processing 0.0044922 3.85653535900181 -6.05648548654774 0.3010300 -1.315281 0.8874169 0.3189026 null FALSE
GO:0080021 response to benzoic acid 0.0044922 -0.417711316449927 6.45612606688088 0.3010300 -6.390517 0.9425977 0.3221125 null FALSE
GO:0042178 xenobiotic catabolic process 0.0179686 0.0534348410228498 4.77297481089168 0.6989700 -3.362176 0.8807235 0.3435777 null FALSE
GO:2000636 positive regulation of primary miRNA processing 0.0134765 -3.10864828054068 -6.02176704363563 0.6020600 -1.315281 0.8825285 0.3606938 null FALSE
GO:0072344 rescue of stalled ribosome 0.0314451 5.78401888828655 -3.41744782734788 0.9030900 -1.315281 0.8437476 0.3612349 null FALSE
GO:0072756 cellular response to paraquat 0.0044922 -0.175048903462602 5.90047197919317 0.3010300 -2.168010 0.9249762 0.3674946 null FALSE
GO:0072488 ammonium transmembrane transport 0.0269530 4.25708245473002 5.349536103918 0.8450980 -6.112218 0.9101838 0.3749833 null FALSE
GO:0010942 positive regulation of cell death 0.1527335 -2.25090614527053 -5.81276064305381 1.5440680 -14.685584 0.8783753 0.3819289 null FALSE
GO:0010555 response to mannitol 0.0673824 -1.04111594454982 6.10553822571712 1.2041200 -3.407172 0.9327828 0.3904216 null FALSE
GO:2000630 positive regulation of miRNA metabolic process 0.0134765 -2.85364682526271 -6.13991876474009 0.6020600 -1.315281 0.8825285 0.3973892 null FALSE
GO:0009629 response to gravity 0.4626926 -2.83143458048149 4.75510681756742 2.0170333 -3.039850 0.9485452 0.3974675 null FALSE
GO:0090501 RNA phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 0.8804636 4.53965073396178 -5.25784248136028 2.2944662 -99.312749 0.8499513 0.3997076 null FALSE
GO:1901333 positive regulation of lateral root development 0.0179686 -1.30820132836595 -6.91383708017902 0.6989700 -2.689686 0.8738294 0.4072265 null FALSE
GO:0044245 polysaccharide digestion 11.9626252 -6.43095987338225 0.950906659898322 3.4255342 -13.713775 0.9582622 0.4113275 null FALSE
GO:1990481 mRNA pseudouridine synthesis 0.0224608 4.23182887999538 -5.91700047373755 0.7781513 -3.677092 0.8790236 0.4142760 null FALSE
GO:0070126 mitochondrial translational termination 0.0179686 4.51540323686568 -2.49318994790563 0.6989700 -1.315281 0.8076625 0.4155310 null FALSE
GO:0034626 fatty acid elongation,polyunsaturated fatty acid 0.0179686 7.02503055512766 0.187179207172723 0.6989700 -3.464066 0.7987183 0.4495755 null FALSE
GO:0009089 lysine biosynthetic process via diaminopimelate 0.0673824 6.72419713068119 -1.01288515275205 1.2041200 -2.699278 0.8263017 0.4703089 null FALSE
GO:0033259 plastid DNA replication 0.0089843 4.64582128000801 -2.98963290485687 0.4771213 -7.854354 0.8190097 0.4730520 null FALSE
GO:0006182 cGMP biosynthetic process 0.0224608 5.77257852220828 -2.3332846172543 0.7781513 -8.073348 0.8202206 0.4778367 null FALSE
GO:0015695 organic cation transport 0.0718746 4.46404197359711 5.45922566256438 1.2304489 -5.943629 0.9274628 0.4798653 null FALSE
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 1.6171780 4.8084994225939 -4.9626120765926 2.5575072 -16.906247 0.8489085 0.4820982 null FALSE
GO:0071422 succinate transmembrane transport 0.0179686 3.85095124975333 5.54326080370877 0.6989700 -5.214207 0.8974115 0.4841726 null FALSE
GO:2000032 regulation of secondary shoot formation 0.0718746 -0.663301823676238 -7.30247239139029 1.2304489 -1.698816 0.9053898 0.4855638 null FALSE
GO:0006334 nucleosome assembly 0.1841786 1.39681096040126 -0.332514538941092 1.6232493 -4.587444 0.9074488 0.4888051 null FALSE
GO:0001561 fatty acid alpha-oxidation 0.0089843 6.43409744996185 1.76407682701602 0.4771213 -1.315281 0.8394512 0.4943296 null FALSE
GO:0080153 negative regulation of reductive pentose-phosphate cycle 0.0134765 -4.99521234195402 -4.82905607287601 0.6020600 -3.464066 0.9139349 0.4953921 null FALSE
GO:0071465 cellular response to desiccation 0.0763667 -1.80628040798059 5.48925481072173 1.2552725 -6.390517 0.8897283 0.5346686 null FALSE
GO:0009451 RNA modification 1.4105386 4.52500487496484 -4.99411253909888 2.4983106 -13.803692 0.8446371 0.5481052 null FALSE
GO:1902609 (R)-2-hydroxy-alpha-linolenic acid biosynthetic process 0.0089843 6.99127706930658 0.417908817257102 0.4771213 -1.315281 0.8193718 0.5551354 null FALSE
GO:0051258 protein polymerization 0.1347648 1.32466220047871 -0.0474226703097551 1.4913617 -1.810823 0.9128928 0.5760110 null FALSE
GO:0035445 borate transmembrane transport 0.0269530 4.09528891149748 5.67286976885456 0.8450980 -2.035237 0.8991229 0.5766489 null FALSE
GO:0048657 anther wall tapetum cell differentiation 0.0134765 -6.20339835205588 1.69841049471865 0.6020600 -2.917278 0.9311978 0.5928954 null FALSE
GO:1903335 regulation of vacuolar transport 0.0089843 -5.767032212432 -2.69594284284997 0.4771213 -2.864523 0.9226310 0.5958785 null FALSE
GO:0006264 mitochondrial DNA replication 0.0404295 6.81583865793783 -2.41998761363005 1.0000000 -4.812729 0.8650425 0.6158060 null FALSE
GO:0043693 monoterpene biosynthetic process 0.0179686 6.53636643960969 0.331318931798817 0.6989700 -1.315281 0.8484448 0.6402458 null FALSE
GO:0048385 regulation of retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway 0.1668089 -3.32907803263549 -3.22874347947368 1.5797836 -6.913688 0.8858973 0.6457510 null FALSE
GO:0046622 positive regulation of organ growth 0.0269530 -1.42755125002448 -6.77080807279372 0.8450980 -1.315281 0.8711268 0.6477545 null FALSE
GO:0009737 response to abscisic acid 2.3538925 -1.34379139715684 5.69967580719972 2.7201593 -3.781098 0.9118466 0.6696275 null FALSE

[1] “lost_in_posi_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0009451 RNA modification 1.4105386 5.31764163679118 0.754369929835893 2.4983106 -42.299053 0.8657301 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0010064 embryonic shoot morphogenesis 0.0044922 4.75782749576447 -4.41252577526445 0.3010300 -6.780537 0.9500264 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0052472 modulation by host of symbiont transcription 0.0044922 -4.22061703882167 -4.63560993928174 0.3010300 -5.743965 0.8690038 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:1902184 negative regulation of shoot apical meristem development 0.0044922 -2.32984254507627 5.89394481240723 0.3010300 -8.322884 0.8604211 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:1904158 axonemal central apparatus assembly 0.2632906 0.121071388495154 -5.73566801121628 1.7708520 -6.383832 0.9134237 0.0326324 null FALSE
GO:0033485 cyanidin 3-O-glucoside biosynthetic process 0.0847272 5.91789699424873 4.41851892962031 1.2787536 -9.116936 0.7863560 0.0895787 null FALSE
GO:0050434 positive regulation of viral transcription 0.0089843 -6.87685777162585 1.81976243902398 0.4771213 -5.148961 0.8855099 0.1002280 null FALSE
GO:0031098 stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 0.3252325 -4.84112938116147 0.667287616655492 1.8633229 -4.952222 0.8477464 0.1287540 null FALSE
GO:0048660 regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation 0.1549796 -2.79822774562279 2.9971857694997 1.5440680 -3.111010 0.9071052 0.1795904 null FALSE
GO:0070848 response to growth factor 0.9496038 -5.92365328976368 -2.13154827518143 2.3263359 -3.109409 0.9399029 0.1812971 null FALSE
GO:0030244 cellulose biosynthetic process 0.2515610 5.77138786186286 2.89996738530004 1.7558749 -2.313130 0.8397400 0.2639733 null FALSE
GO:0010727 negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 0.0044922 -2.56139339446724 6.97689626748956 0.3010300 -1.940740 0.8764862 0.2761077 null FALSE
GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis 3.8587665 5.36607741685641 -3.85124493222939 2.9344985 -1.681340 0.9593916 0.2816487 null FALSE
GO:0043406 positive regulation of MAP kinase activity 0.0202147 -5.52957578302348 3.79534427002732 0.6989700 -4.619586 0.8409126 0.2978380 null FALSE
GO:0042407 cristae formation 0.0089843 -0.641104854169208 -5.92757479982605 0.4771213 -5.459308 0.9463818 0.3096290 null FALSE
GO:0034307 regulation of ascospore formation 0.0044922 -2.39693547213784 1.24626064669199 0.3010300 -2.411002 0.8502347 0.3222164 null FALSE
GO:0071602 phytosphingosine biosynthetic process 0.4459718 4.51511075809321 3.68558794303401 2.0000000 -10.064067 0.7340214 0.3281840 null FALSE
GO:0018008 N-terminal peptidyl-glycine N-myristoylation 0.0089843 5.99733168654235 2.1984585452325 0.4771213 -6.780537 0.8485922 0.3409569 null FALSE
GO:0048658 anther wall tapetum development 0.0853511 4.04550166327679 -3.75614946324859 1.3010300 -2.860563 0.9326866 0.3741144 null FALSE
GO:2000117 negative regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 0.0044922 -3.31373453339264 6.70701765165591 0.3010300 -4.611786 0.8684102 0.3754329 null FALSE
GO:0010030 positive regulation of seed germination 0.0898432 -5.16167910633517 2.62692100877361 1.3222193 -1.592823 0.8298786 0.3789123 null FALSE
GO:0031333 negative regulation of protein-containing complex assembly 0.0853511 -3.34536788509139 5.77707846936816 1.3010300 -3.096418 0.8607925 0.3803810 null FALSE
GO:0002238 response to molecule of fungal origin 0.0853511 -4.83990604684176 -3.18718300733962 1.3010300 -2.175661 0.8956274 0.3822097 null FALSE
GO:0019471 4-hydroxyproline metabolic process 0.1326792 3.250602293693 5.92343327337831 1.4771213 -4.570910 0.8587831 0.3936324 null FALSE
GO:0050728 negative regulation of inflammatory response 0.0346538 -4.28914609408947 5.57520859271842 0.9030900 -2.411002 0.8494763 0.3948101 null FALSE
GO:0009833 plant-type primary cell wall biogenesis 0.1257805 0.765881725392229 -5.82287478195994 1.4623980 -4.679683 0.9269866 0.4045949 null FALSE
GO:0002237 response to molecule of bacterial origin 0.2111316 -5.18366492052965 -3.08366988861966 1.6812412 -1.494860 0.8899101 0.4142112 null FALSE
GO:0033542 fatty acid beta-oxidation,unsaturated,even number 0.0044922 3.03880922856698 6.84365842713046 0.3010300 -4.842284 0.8756371 0.4233632 null FALSE
GO:0051782 negative regulation of cell division 0.0404295 -3.06203123704096 6.18779444728796 1.0000000 -1.358334 0.8663148 0.4365510 null FALSE
GO:0018401 peptidyl-proline hydroxylation to 4-hydroxy-L-proline 0.0628903 6.55105860554663 0.394026751157163 1.1760913 -4.570910 0.8971229 0.4457143 null FALSE
GO:0042351 ‘de novo’ GDP-L-fucose biosynthetic process 0.0179686 4.42170935154682 4.12895538747748 0.6989700 -4.842284 0.7998257 0.4814266 null FALSE
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 1.6171780 4.29952782768581 0.514446976870726 2.5575072 -40.107639 0.8796109 0.5091922 null FALSE
GO:0006488 dolichol-linked oligosaccharide biosynthetic process 0.0449216 5.11974482317044 3.51341504881562 1.0413927 -1.695773 0.7826602 0.5112697 null FALSE
GO:0060776 simple leaf morphogenesis 0.0224608 4.8119200629116 -4.11150530009145 0.7781513 -2.475052 0.9436756 0.5336678 null FALSE
GO:0042353 fucose biosynthetic process 0.0089843 4.31877960867466 5.72490271400488 0.4771213 -1.940740 0.8434152 0.5389857 null FALSE
GO:0042450 arginine biosynthetic process via ornithine 0.0134765 4.16042030363498 5.15598445282195 0.6020600 -2.239011 0.8230194 0.5451423 null FALSE
GO:1904837 beta-catenin-TCF complex assembly 0.5076142 0.37930873028883 -5.48514235495796 2.0569049 -4.842284 0.9099486 0.5451883 null FALSE
GO:0051131 chaperone-mediated protein complex assembly 0.0494138 0.348981281977853 -5.11939973743461 1.0791812 -2.989676 0.9206363 0.5532566 null FALSE
GO:0046740 transport of virus in host,cell to cell 0.0089843 -4.49052907391137 -4.59126258927844 0.4771213 -4.842284 0.9030650 0.5611286 null FALSE
GO:1902290 positive regulation of defense response to oomycetes 0.0449216 -6.1365377770559 3.07829497521755 1.0413927 -2.284022 0.8475028 0.5951678 null FALSE
GO:0071507 pheromone response MAPK cascade 0.5744351 -4.58841043257489 0.92504261819792 2.1072100 -2.411002 0.7010977 0.6404046 null FALSE

[1] “lost_in_zmar_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0009083 branched-chain amino acid catabolic process 0.1167962 6.97441178171182 -4.42425274788263 1.4313638 -23.825644 0.8187945 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0009846 pollen germination 0.2605453 0.502788762001706 6.07706428430317 1.7708520 -7.057244 0.9413712 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0010199 organ boundary specification between lateral organs and the meristem 0.0404295 -2.07902731137292 6.26848685021275 1.0000000 -2.173048 0.9566396 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0044829 positive regulation by host of viral genome replication 0.0044922 -5.17257360796191 3.92429380679023 0.3010300 -5.002696 1.0000000 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:1900153 positive regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process,deadenylation-dependent decay 0.0748694 -4.35823598850514 -3.09207245880456 1.2304489 -6.908359 0.8022199 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:1902418 (+)-abscisic acid D-glucopyranosyl ester transmembrane transport 0.0089843 4.32824478464559 4.90902023859324 0.4771213 -16.818712 0.9211253 0.0207144 null FALSE
GO:0043617 cellular response to sucrose starvation 0.0179686 6.53209967139054 -0.749188412670094 0.6989700 -11.063985 0.9087316 0.0216481 null FALSE
GO:0034333 adherens junction assembly 0.0269530 1.00023177620376 1.49312128415212 0.8450980 -2.627603 0.8978029 0.0222344 null FALSE
GO:0007059 chromosome segregation 0.5480437 -6.18973019486735 3.0781078566807 2.0899051 -5.880062 0.9655979 0.0278349 null FALSE
GO:0007018 microtubule-based movement 0.2919905 -7.03020142540405 1.88833778746419 1.8195439 -4.860293 0.9446473 0.0301445 null FALSE
GO:0097502 mannosylation 0.1796864 -4.53083514599784 5.15014155269349 1.6127839 -2.726690 0.9605456 0.0642401 null FALSE
GO:0046685 response to arsenic-containing substance 0.0718746 7.1418752895972 1.34062380906103 1.2304489 -6.914746 0.9571229 0.1186977 null FALSE
GO:0080037 negative regulation of cytokinin-activated signaling pathway 0.0224608 -4.77011150217182 -5.39981886872922 0.7781513 -6.440151 0.8737143 0.1404410 null FALSE
GO:0043966 histone H3 acetylation 0.0853511 3.24346163494396 -7.11882213179068 1.3010300 -5.141144 0.8492390 0.1548915 null FALSE
GO:0006075 (1->3)-beta-D-glucan biosynthetic process 0.0539059 2.28562662165025 -7.6668501048337 1.1139434 -3.716869 0.9005991 0.1568095 null FALSE
GO:0106004 tRNA (guanine-N7)-methylation 0.0134765 3.3459894686346 -5.45842423081646 0.6020600 -5.114010 0.8486656 0.2043834 null FALSE
GO:0015700 arsenite transport 0.0224608 5.23868629846254 4.30301082847087 0.7781513 -13.260514 0.9314680 0.2103830 null FALSE
GO:0040029 regulation of gene expression,epigenetic 0.4941377 -2.43926539974948 -1.006544186373 2.0453230 -5.265680 0.7601406 0.2756117 null FALSE
GO:0061326 renal tubule development 0.0628903 -0.272829382628777 6.35533699119978 1.1760913 -2.627603 0.9171585 0.2806508 null FALSE
GO:1902198 3-methylbut-2-enoyl-CoA(4-) metabolic process 0.0202147 5.23022677511918 -4.85672847380366 0.6989700 -8.703391 0.7880841 0.3105322 null FALSE
GO:1903902 positive regulation of viral life cycle 0.0089843 -1.63254413386174 -6.99211614526464 0.4771213 -2.883008 0.8794685 0.3214516 null FALSE
GO:0006368 transcription elongation from RNA polymerase II promoter 0.0763667 3.80796801949895 -5.66340767548355 1.2552725 -2.824435 0.8306791 0.3425941 null FALSE
GO:0043524 negative regulation of neuron apoptotic process 0.0044922 -6.49688300981293 -3.47148617944613 0.3010300 -2.053021 0.9028342 0.3528003 null FALSE
GO:0006293 nucleotide-excision repair,preincision complex stabilization 0.0119791 1.46742754893324 -4.08288971081098 0.4771213 -3.979599 0.7106876 0.3556051 null FALSE
GO:0009556 microsporogenesis 0.1123040 -1.0359764136452 5.34507571185137 1.4149733 -6.737358 0.8486051 0.3691219 null FALSE
GO:0042048 olfactory behavior 12.9958223 6.7828190027733 0.563965854888703 3.4614985 -2.627603 0.9387128 0.3826800 null FALSE
GO:0033234 negative regulation of protein sumoylation 0.0044922 -5.62037046439815 -2.58709196714511 0.3010300 -1.637393 0.8725010 0.3941790 null FALSE
GO:1900150 regulation of defense response to fungus 0.1841786 -3.66665714842563 -6.73404830617374 1.6232493 -2.374111 0.9067682 0.4425117 null FALSE
GO:1900400 regulation of iron ion import into cell by regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter 0.2241268 -4.98072962320673 -3.78540924609605 1.6989700 -6.440151 0.8669133 0.4546553 null FALSE
GO:0000454 snoRNA guided rRNA pseudouridine synthesis 0.0089843 2.58536616714415 -3.10866154526653 0.4771213 -3.979599 0.8019349 0.4609134 null FALSE
GO:0051729 germline cell cycle switching,mitotic to meiotic cell cycle 0.0044922 -3.34261347862943 -3.36023434771087 0.3010300 -5.002696 0.8151355 0.4685567 null FALSE
GO:0006396 RNA processing 4.2765374 4.06163027100689 -4.86075653190853 2.9790929 -2.281902 0.7985447 0.4772279 null FALSE
GO:1901684 arsenate ion transmembrane transport 0.0224608 4.91786732520086 4.63890793668193 0.7781513 -13.048999 0.9039704 0.5053225 null FALSE
GO:0045948 positive regulation of translational initiation 0.0134765 -4.08022420469404 -2.80304497140739 0.6020600 -1.889705 0.8559779 0.5078317 null FALSE
GO:0009226 nucleotide-sugar biosynthetic process 0.1886708 4.68085876199137 -5.27053555047513 1.6334685 -1.665611 0.7959752 0.5295428 null FALSE
GO:0006337 nucleosome disassembly 0.0044922 -0.160900200657534 1.36621635143908 0.3010300 -2.257923 0.8716732 0.5351491 null FALSE
GO:0080092 regulation of pollen tube growth 0.1662100 -2.5633765322707 -5.2558600443131 1.5797836 -1.916242 0.8989017 0.5428390 null FALSE
GO:1900000 regulation of anthocyanin catabolic process 0.0044922 -6.08221365640884 -0.651762663323106 0.3010300 -5.114010 0.8940841 0.5482978 null FALSE
GO:1904211 membrane protein proteolysis involved in retrograde protein transport,ER to cytosol 0.9478460 5.51114097192051 -0.746263057636623 2.3263359 -8.703391 0.6907598 0.5495590 null FALSE
GO:0010104 regulation of ethylene-activated signaling pathway 0.1257805 -3.96770697874728 -6.29882238972497 1.4623980 -4.578960 0.9003057 0.5524117 null FALSE
GO:0098660 inorganic ion transmembrane transport 1.9810431 4.8336734180305 4.3820622098223 2.6454223 -2.721593 0.8754988 0.5543701 null FALSE
GO:0048599 oocyte development 0.0044922 -0.740912499355271 5.80145397650287 0.3010300 -2.568839 0.8462735 0.5577273 null FALSE
GO:0035194 post-transcriptional gene silencing by RNA 0.3144513 -5.06995305438708 -3.19395833204035 1.8512583 -2.797707 0.8444017 0.5954572 null FALSE
GO:0042631 cellular response to water deprivation 0.1707021 6.39384740974622 -0.166756206348475 1.5910646 -1.383875 0.8870843 0.6083709 null FALSE
GO:0055047 generative cell mitosis 0.0134765 -0.554577120578704 3.44627607319742 0.6020600 -2.265927 0.8158557 0.6102124 null FALSE
GO:0032508 DNA duplex unwinding 0.2919905 -0.516929378908356 1.60956789823626 1.8195439 -3.700286 0.8604762 0.6507685 null FALSE
GO:0070911 global genome nucleotide-excision repair 0.0119791 4.89972327014075 -2.91323585249144 0.4771213 -2.554750 0.8101733 0.6716500 null FALSE
GO:0006294 nucleotide-excision repair,preincision complex assembly 0.0134765 3.49621419162347 -1.81408904678293 0.6020600 -1.668643 0.7308664 0.6760592 null FALSE

[1] “lost_in_zmuel_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0001841 neural tube formation 0.0134765 -2.31043922197954 -5.00493164136687 0.6020600 -2.894824 0.9694855 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0006597 spermine biosynthetic process 0.0269530 4.07266317288435 5.80649868724578 0.8450980 -7.719845 0.7979714 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0071461 cellular response to redox state 0.0089843 -6.05564572151133 -3.07487987009115 0.4771213 -1.547943 1.0000000 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0090071 negative regulation of ribosome biogenesis 0.0089843 5.59587677794696 -3.80623419220437 0.4771213 -1.345457 1.0000000 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0089709 L-histidine transmembrane transport 0.0089843 -5.25374540555047 2.85582335384688 0.4771213 -3.309566 0.6163984 0.0189823 null FALSE
GO:0031037 myosin II filament disassembly 0.2021473 1.52092243528701 -5.14794864041715 1.6627578 -4.228771 0.9311904 0.0230801 null FALSE
GO:0097502 mannosylation 0.1796864 6.37535782133721 0.453204092187409 1.6127839 -5.271569 0.9067343 0.0577619 null FALSE
GO:0006490 oligosaccharide-lipid intermediate biosynthetic process 0.0628903 3.65383169780638 4.32348801998217 1.1760913 -7.691661 0.8502187 0.2211080 null FALSE
GO:0042372 phylloquinone biosynthetic process 0.0449216 2.41050560897544 6.51521620808685 1.0413927 -1.854951 0.8765778 0.2285982 null FALSE
GO:0015697 quaternary ammonium group transport 0.0269530 -4.36841328050796 4.87330225299373 0.8450980 -2.047144 0.7817432 0.3173486 null FALSE
GO:0010197 polar nucleus fusion 0.1302727 -0.14760063728534 -5.06100287463002 1.4771213 -1.891385 0.9024962 0.3677093 null FALSE
GO:0015847 putrescine transport 0.0123534 -4.41290695022827 3.34905937709936 0.4771213 -1.345457 0.7355369 0.4049477 null FALSE
GO:0072488 ammonium transmembrane transport 0.0269530 -5.15551335694161 3.8487556314516 0.8450980 -2.416930 0.7067819 0.4348824 null FALSE
GO:0033577 protein glycosylation in endoplasmic reticulum 0.0044922 4.93092171221543 3.01254031123447 0.3010300 -2.894824 0.7895839 0.5737773 null FALSE

[1] “missing_amphi_vs_all_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0010082 regulation of root meristem growth 0.1527335 1.57387087324927 -5.00418210145651 1.5440680 -62.316817 0.8146377 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0048512 circadian behavior 0.0224608 2.72789838312871 -2.73417002986318 0.7781513 -6.692248 0.9967821 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0051762 sesquiterpene biosynthetic process 0.1123040 5.94356870482482 2.84737834969435 1.4149733 -155.412480 0.8463748 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:1902025 nitrate import 0.0808589 6.2558642204689 -2.16587012257941 1.2787536 -20.184886 0.9234934 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0080171 lytic vacuole organization 0.0179686 -1.6499044876369 7.27719218722993 0.6989700 -4.451511 0.9370750 0.0215931 null FALSE
GO:0009626 plant-type hypersensitive response 0.3279278 -5.92472181851773 1.24168055840463 1.8692317 -89.199181 0.8410891 0.0266051 null FALSE
GO:0009780 photosynthetic NADP+ reduction 0.0044922 -0.114359100830267 0.894309052567777 0.3010300 -7.317334 0.9495474 0.0658471 null FALSE
GO:0051554 flavonol metabolic process 0.0853511 -3.71510310311494 7.45360617715815 1.3010300 -25.072818 0.9372024 0.0732686 null FALSE
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 1.6171780 3.28164570434955 5.51496580988095 2.5575072 -151.260631 0.8693669 0.1056641 null FALSE
GO:0080184 response to phenylpropanoid 0.0044922 -5.31920265340267 5.06468865625711 0.3010300 -8.019366 0.9227587 0.1196905 null FALSE
GO:0015979 photosynthesis 1.1230403 -3.30298067208792 7.83393446488542 2.3996737 -3.877351 0.9361109 0.1284458 null FALSE
GO:0002230 positive regulation of defense response to virus by host 0.0224608 -0.346670498031968 -6.61751373843277 0.7781513 -16.511798 0.8834373 0.1301418 null FALSE
GO:0010951 negative regulation of endopeptidase activity 0.2066394 -2.91895706642537 -4.98097288040115 1.6720979 -49.045011 0.8490284 0.1529435 null FALSE
GO:0080155 regulation of double fertilization forming a zygote and endosperm 0.2335924 -0.441914871100429 -4.48419275347003 1.7242759 -5.581798 0.9086829 0.1582520 null FALSE
GO:0009786 regulation of asymmetric cell division 0.0718746 -3.49331295100735 -3.48425299454494 1.2304489 -1.856958 0.9150600 0.1632380 null FALSE
GO:0032886 regulation of microtubule-based process 0.1347648 -3.05892138387047 -3.79369936168348 1.4913617 -4.732038 0.9112813 0.1712600 null FALSE
GO:0010942 positive regulation of cell death 0.1527335 -2.8394997372618 -5.7605458375691 1.5440680 -12.967396 0.8738844 0.1729524 null FALSE
GO:0031146 SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.3773415 1.97494590263525 6.13043905541857 1.9294189 -73.404016 0.8907318 0.1763754 null FALSE
GO:0018316 peptide cross-linking via L-cystine 0.0044922 1.30015892887282 7.75544521138998 0.3010300 -1.778525 0.9325242 0.1861765 null FALSE
GO:0043457 regulation of cellular respiration 0.0044922 -5.48711144704988 -4.51557417894327 0.3010300 -2.586543 0.9212950 0.1969718 null FALSE
GO:0006359 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase III 0.0044922 -5.23404480083145 -4.79153819090083 0.3010300 -4.435722 0.9187440 0.2065919 null FALSE
GO:0018364 peptidyl-glutamine methylation 0.0224608 1.70705631289761 7.46946932159289 0.7781513 -5.201144 0.9247028 0.2076085 null FALSE
GO:0090143 nucleoid organization 0.0179686 -2.18706921982166 7.07738026997019 0.6989700 -3.317884 0.9423272 0.2119540 null FALSE
GO:0080164 regulation of nitric oxide metabolic process 0.0089843 -5.53617106376712 -4.2528260410757 0.4771213 -2.851155 0.9213570 0.2158309 null FALSE
GO:2000232 regulation of rRNA processing 0.0134765 -4.7266225711649 -4.89446668397223 0.6020600 -2.371507 0.9141265 0.2216287 null FALSE
GO:0009819 drought recovery 0.0494138 -5.96210012701563 3.21009913421556 1.0791812 -33.921860 0.8901025 0.2221654 null FALSE
GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0359373 -5.95614867253926 4.46641050306924 0.9542425 -1.585466 0.9224121 0.2284321 null FALSE
GO:0019218 regulation of steroid metabolic process 0.0269530 -4.76781586999612 -4.40457642692486 0.8450980 -3.561907 0.9107783 0.2286552 null FALSE
GO:0032350 regulation of hormone metabolic process 0.1257805 -1.15228604764721 -3.19161528310413 1.4623980 -16.977277 0.8593137 0.2320730 null FALSE
GO:0010310 regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 0.0539059 -4.1273609859603 -4.4271921249205 1.1139434 -24.429451 0.9084541 0.2326787 null FALSE
GO:0036371 protein localization to T-tubule 0.0314451 6.29704759187168 -1.16896082095644 0.9030900 -13.799813 0.9197518 0.2340388 null FALSE
GO:0071466 cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0224608 -4.67389116109732 3.30146478833028 0.7781513 -20.553402 0.8923160 0.2373516 null FALSE
GO:0033387 putrescine biosynthetic process from ornithine 0.0123534 3.85903862003257 3.85278116042682 0.4771213 -8.213157 0.8713230 0.2419183 null FALSE
GO:0009969 xyloglucan biosynthetic process 0.0808589 0.738095644843957 5.32078473575653 1.2787536 -25.974199 0.8386727 0.2530424 null FALSE
GO:0009962 regulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process 0.1257805 -3.83512132695239 -4.44335654162391 1.4623980 -13.359591 0.9056118 0.2560442 null FALSE
GO:0072756 cellular response to paraquat 0.0044922 -4.76328405052655 4.10713225358291 0.3010300 -5.896024 0.8970816 0.2629602 null FALSE
GO:1902075 cellular response to salt 0.0044922 -4.51203999011673 3.83018804882251 0.3010300 -7.118648 0.9024747 0.2629602 null FALSE
GO:0035998 7,8-dihydroneopterin 3’-triphosphate biosynthetic process 0.0044922 4.13561538969207 4.26474128691829 0.3010300 -7.547472 0.8742499 0.2663207 null FALSE
GO:0010233 phloem transport 0.0943354 5.10829440833841 -3.23391082160154 1.3424227 -15.280791 0.8876925 0.2779671 null FALSE
GO:0045168 cell-cell signaling involved in cell fate commitment 0.1662100 2.59876967733159 -4.59797536639168 1.5797836 -40.098376 0.8830619 0.2805344 null FALSE
GO:0044550 secondary metabolite biosynthetic process 0.6244104 4.24437227448644 2.07131321538452 2.1461280 -109.732139 0.9025627 0.2815131 null FALSE
GO:0009268 response to pH 0.0359373 -3.64739980147307 1.41224933087983 0.9542425 -4.047383 0.9420042 0.2827029 null FALSE
GO:0007263 nitric oxide mediated signal transduction 0.0089843 -3.82054566484025 -0.587894385341654 0.4771213 -3.561389 0.8407722 0.2860549 null FALSE
GO:0009611 response to wounding 1.0062441 -6.40973670605942 1.6321531249974 2.3521825 -2.692392 0.9204062 0.2870502 null FALSE
GO:0010375 stomatal complex patterning 0.0494138 4.14730044683396 -5.40714461047752 1.0791812 -16.637979 0.9329263 0.2884235 null FALSE
GO:0000495 box H/ACA RNA 3’-end processing 0.0044922 4.32961326201817 6.01599632714984 0.3010300 -10.241991 0.9046619 0.3020801 null FALSE
GO:0097366 response to bronchodilator 2.0370454 -5.92813958571739 2.91097756351156 2.6570559 -29.267556 0.8928191 0.3085869 null FALSE
GO:0033259 plastid DNA replication 0.0089843 1.87497969369584 4.93055393377659 0.4771213 -7.843935 0.8511383 0.3176572 null FALSE
GO:0009631 cold acclimation 0.2560532 -6.90312429244459 1.64990329808069 1.7634280 -4.906945 0.9237845 0.3235798 null FALSE
GO:0043153 entrainment of circadian clock by photoperiod 0.0224608 -5.80568271822024 -0.737984164818782 0.7781513 -9.756528 0.8554710 0.3241684 null FALSE
GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination 3.7105251 2.25296832310551 6.4167038750637 2.9175055 -31.401111 0.8923024 0.3270943 null FALSE
GO:0010970 transport along microtubule 0.0044922 5.50618976883955 -1.20256224789418 0.3010300 -10.948753 0.9059482 0.3293628 null FALSE
GO:1904962 plastid to vacuole vesicle-mediated transport 0.0044922 6.53031823391271 -0.979552102984845 0.3010300 -8.533431 0.9256220 0.3293628 null FALSE
GO:0072344 rescue of stalled ribosome 0.0314451 3.10328718167607 4.69941642204466 0.9030900 -4.047250 0.8755780 0.3317231 null FALSE
GO:0010555 response to mannitol 0.0673824 -5.7877218516003 3.96336468968157 1.2041200 -7.292125 0.9065467 0.3342636 null FALSE
GO:0009609 response to symbiotic bacterium 0.0089843 -7.1939964282043 -0.423894578892547 0.4771213 -10.155539 0.9193677 0.3473421 null FALSE
GO:0015853 adenine transport 0.0179686 6.78023395299454 -1.68096691036139 0.6989700 -3.130204 0.9440687 0.3534636 null FALSE
GO:0001172 transcription,RNA-templated 0.0359373 3.66305305551005 4.45948327269841 0.9542425 -6.630651 0.8629532 0.3541850 null FALSE
GO:0048544 recognition of pollen 0.5570280 2.6224880097481 -4.06837448103733 2.0969100 -6.623676 0.8750689 0.3590221 null FALSE
GO:0042430 indole-containing compound metabolic process 0.3369121 3.68061610500673 5.77989692786423 1.8808136 -11.640271 0.8888277 0.3665151 null FALSE
GO:0006778 porphyrin-containing compound metabolic process 0.3458964 3.59182956844634 6.05783586059103 1.8920946 -5.415218 0.8906283 0.3675002 null FALSE
GO:0045056 transcytosis 0.0044922 5.1827836178107 -3.41682131933071 0.3010300 -4.682696 0.8948569 0.3677463 null FALSE
GO:2000630 positive regulation of miRNA metabolic process 0.0134765 -3.85954424711352 -5.51452069548837 0.6020600 -6.661836 0.8899836 0.3747924 null FALSE
GO:0090559 regulation of membrane permeability 0.0089843 0.691805848897458 -1.47272742703886 0.4771213 -2.849913 0.9024839 0.3779708 null FALSE
GO:0000966 RNA 5’-end processing 0.0808589 3.90014884301967 5.81330932135053 1.2787536 -35.554319 0.8901889 0.3797277 null FALSE
GO:0006334 nucleosome assembly 0.1841786 -1.43177847397067 6.63470306742971 1.6232493 -22.223748 0.9063329 0.3804956 null FALSE
GO:0048211 Golgi vesicle docking 0.0089843 6.52293794175539 -1.16071846467503 0.4771213 -4.682696 0.9215993 0.3809345 null FALSE
GO:0009871 jasmonic acid and ethylene-dependent systemic resistance,ethylene mediated signaling pathway 0.0089843 -5.10518147215021 0.406442434609162 0.4771213 -27.782072 0.7887465 0.3823772 null FALSE
GO:0007267 cell-cell signaling 0.3414042 -6.69182277027222 -2.4507405978285 1.8864907 -5.337881 0.9432407 0.3827963 null FALSE
GO:0031120 snRNA pseudouridine synthesis 0.0134765 3.43632320399604 6.38402256807553 0.6020600 -3.083481 0.8958199 0.3882252 null FALSE
GO:0009608 response to symbiont 0.0539059 -7.03222381437853 0.129617116851903 1.1139434 -4.565462 0.9137146 0.3943270 null FALSE
GO:0010618 aerenchyma formation 0.0089843 3.49105065759863 -6.07406874356997 0.4771213 -17.526209 0.9449728 0.3960626 null FALSE
GO:1904541 fungal-type cell wall disassembly involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 0.0044922 -1.17512564243593 5.27115910359165 0.3010300 -7.425102 0.9096390 0.3968848 null FALSE
GO:2000636 positive regulation of primary miRNA processing 0.0134765 -3.77709733685996 -5.58787107971546 0.6020600 -4.418909 0.8885481 0.3973892 null FALSE
GO:0010438 cellular response to sulfur starvation 0.0314451 -5.50807525855567 0.919302921630928 0.9030900 -7.761069 0.8715320 0.3994265 null FALSE
GO:0015851 nucleobase transport 0.1212884 6.54951637060877 -1.75204313032454 1.4471580 -5.208378 0.9398440 0.4022496 null FALSE
GO:0006403 RNA localization 0.4222632 6.09188824772782 -1.57947115072582 1.9777236 -4.389670 0.9368869 0.4054138 null FALSE
GO:0080027 response to herbivore 0.0808589 -6.87939407778957 0.200601178699232 1.2787536 -29.746406 0.9111889 0.4067789 null FALSE
GO:0034394 protein localization to cell surface 0.0134765 6.64030684317457 -1.07487727734439 0.6020600 -2.573966 0.9237485 0.4074874 null FALSE
GO:0002238 response to molecule of fungal origin 0.0853511 -6.19181134018456 2.05204287389853 1.3010300 -8.989515 0.8812072 0.4084989 null FALSE
GO:0006952 defense response 7.2503481 -5.81992238981806 1.69345365224628 3.2081725 -56.366823 0.9032811 0.4100881 null FALSE
GO:0071732 cellular response to nitric oxide 0.0179686 -5.30089032981967 3.75738614307031 0.6989700 -24.560403 0.8715674 0.4112191 null FALSE
GO:0090615 mitochondrial mRNA processing 0.0539059 3.91404211094904 5.95667689263225 1.1139434 -34.637510 0.8870104 0.4120236 null FALSE
GO:0006124 ferredoxin metabolic process 2.3735457 2.13937973954868 6.57545246293375 2.7234557 -1.836460 0.9015294 0.4126013 null FALSE
GO:0006260 DNA replication 0.6423790 2.59963772314812 3.9356230202903 2.1583625 -8.131429 0.8780833 0.4139708 null FALSE
GO:0043100 pyrimidine nucleobase salvage 0.0179686 4.24782594657639 4.38922550547911 0.6989700 -2.341970 0.8758662 0.4142189 null FALSE
GO:0016045 detection of bacterium 0.0134765 -7.17995528930679 -0.270631416823127 0.6020600 -6.767682 0.9172987 0.4143200 null FALSE
GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 0.5794888 -4.11754240035901 -1.08275528800649 2.1139434 -1.416541 0.7926556 0.4151148 null FALSE
GO:1904526 regulation of microtubule binding 0.0044922 -6.89546529060914 -3.65195842965994 0.3010300 -36.680089 0.9235025 0.4216804 null FALSE
GO:1905255 regulation of RNA binding transcription factor activity 0.0044922 -6.85263478373137 -3.75755778792235 0.3010300 -5.323769 0.9235025 0.4216804 null FALSE
GO:0035864 response to potassium ion 0.0269530 -6.02236528376844 4.14460803916405 0.8450980 -4.534107 0.9113408 0.4217509 null FALSE
GO:0080021 response to benzoic acid 0.0044922 -5.40789782256225 4.91679776223151 0.3010300 -5.896024 0.9183643 0.4230449 null FALSE
GO:1902348 cellular response to strigolactone 0.0044922 -5.04842693590601 4.18490751724772 0.3010300 -2.194635 0.8861429 0.4230449 null FALSE
GO:0009625 response to insect 0.1482413 -6.84059556464118 0.39560854195794 1.5314789 -57.851440 0.9071220 0.4269324 null FALSE
GO:0010221 negative regulation of vernalization response 0.0044922 -0.493306773967273 -6.57131091098942 0.3010300 -7.774115 0.8795791 0.4281669 null FALSE
GO:1901021 positive regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.0065885 -3.96997581608625 -5.88395103849927 0.3010300 -13.799813 0.8550853 0.4318958 null FALSE
GO:0032527 protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum 0.0359373 6.38117537141641 -1.4301547451023 0.9542425 -7.057949 0.9118738 0.4324736 null FALSE
GO:0006432 phenylalanyl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.0134765 3.75149304769202 4.67510893905949 0.6020600 -1.736491 0.8563147 0.4324757 null FALSE
GO:1900706 positive regulation of siderophore biosynthetic process 0.1379093 -3.23181682949676 -5.17654471776997 1.4913617 -9.429721 0.8650472 0.4414794 null FALSE
GO:0000304 response to singlet oxygen 0.0583981 -5.84849845600414 3.46210741239882 1.1461280 -31.541887 0.8941146 0.4434063 null FALSE
GO:0035725 sodium ion transmembrane transport 0.0673824 6.00966602427736 -2.24695458975567 1.2041200 -9.283878 0.9116537 0.4453910 null FALSE
GO:0045007 depurination 0.1069134 -1.33018237520579 3.46983478769428 1.3802112 -3.935188 0.8068557 0.4469741 null FALSE
GO:0001101 response to acid chemical 1.7923723 -6.020712204884 2.97209001177954 2.6020600 -7.032843 0.8941018 0.4485887 null FALSE
GO:0009311 oligosaccharide metabolic process 0.4267553 -0.184985431113329 8.18030796458816 1.9822712 -9.223514 0.9428999 0.4499218 null FALSE
GO:0002011 morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet 0.0134765 3.35478678141099 -6.1127712969887 0.6020600 -2.355975 0.9469313 0.4499787 null FALSE
GO:0034626 fatty acid elongation,polyunsaturated fatty acid 0.0179686 5.62728709296074 2.99447958520544 0.6989700 -12.617325 0.8562360 0.4523009 null FALSE
GO:0015843 methylammonium transport 0.0134765 6.50477460528403 -2.13566524711886 0.6020600 -8.488784 0.9367108 0.4574417 null FALSE
GO:2000083 negative regulation of L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -3.29285576590939 -5.49519543095016 0.3010300 -12.868980 0.8886893 0.4617814 null FALSE
GO:0048240 sperm capacitation 0.0044922 3.5842926203503 -4.67070017866925 0.3010300 -6.220075 0.8990019 0.4680595 null FALSE
GO:0009972 cytidine deamination 0.0404295 4.06857788405557 4.98244821722756 1.0000000 -14.887132 0.8485017 0.4682354 null FALSE
GO:0045962 positive regulation of development,heterochronic 0.0733720 -1.8078451749087 -3.04055289623334 1.2304489 -26.146973 0.9050035 0.4708316 null FALSE
GO:0051245 negative regulation of cellular defense response 0.0044922 -0.396168120365922 -6.50341567476516 0.3010300 -11.104116 0.8786469 0.4718007 null FALSE
GO:0052544 defense response by callose deposition in cell wall 0.0718746 -1.81181658146363 2.3512099410121 1.2304489 -22.469007 0.7919110 0.4735237 null FALSE
GO:0006314 intron homing 0.0224608 3.12413689494466 6.07895681609935 0.7781513 -1.438530 0.8997380 0.4738444 null FALSE
GO:0009644 response to high light intensity 0.2785140 -7.32173647243447 1.91483884869625 1.7993405 -8.889919 0.9306229 0.4743964 null FALSE
GO:0006885 regulation of pH 0.2515610 -0.227645393771658 -2.50885789114566 1.7558749 -15.718231 0.8759538 0.4774270 null FALSE
GO:0050821 protein stabilization 0.1437492 -0.0290696381149157 -2.29270042702356 1.5185139 -3.583269 0.8835571 0.4825149 null FALSE
GO:0006672 ceramide metabolic process 0.1212884 5.2935681963482 4.61740591498444 1.4471580 -5.977702 0.8580154 0.4834454 null FALSE
GO:0034090 maintenance of meiotic sister chromatid cohesion 0.0179686 -1.30663100138138 5.46919238253425 0.6989700 -11.006435 0.9020542 0.4861281 null FALSE
GO:0051607 defense response to virus 0.2246081 -6.48227539812299 0.727477908654755 1.7075702 -2.417605 0.8968545 0.4865194 null FALSE
GO:2000023 regulation of lateral root development 0.1257805 -1.9023784625803 -3.29703713874356 1.4623980 -2.770101 0.8880428 0.4901117 null FALSE
GO:0033292 T-tubule organization 0.0716381 1.23731661366563 0.509054948301204 1.2041200 -13.799813 0.8768482 0.4928611 null FALSE
GO:0051090 regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity 0.0539059 -4.29664041926877 -4.85434585363956 1.1139434 -3.268476 0.8894667 0.4981222 null FALSE
GO:0036159 inner dynein arm assembly 0.0179686 -1.17808314382088 6.23451283250406 0.6989700 -4.478424 0.9071048 0.4982292 null FALSE
GO:0010150 leaf senescence 0.5076142 3.80643899527177 -5.31857030096143 2.0569049 -22.322993 0.9137213 0.5023722 null FALSE
GO:0032870 cellular response to hormone stimulus 4.2316158 -5.51422153160636 2.63093277266527 2.9745117 -25.204027 0.8260952 0.5032008 null FALSE
GO:0010324 membrane invagination 0.0044922 -2.06096654523781 7.34427736824787 0.3010300 -5.425451 0.9437924 0.5057439 null FALSE
GO:0009451 RNA modification 1.4105386 3.1192977473502 5.74532236129945 2.4983106 -129.609917 0.8636467 0.5091922 null FALSE
GO:0044245 polysaccharide digestion 11.9626252 4.33089701948988 -5.10165303300287 3.4255342 -8.477229 0.9150699 0.5111975 null FALSE
GO:0036309 protein localization to M-band 0.2713265 6.15995068537294 -1.36905263226265 1.7853298 -13.799813 0.9057202 0.5168809 null FALSE
GO:0009089 lysine biosynthetic process via diaminopimelate 0.0673824 4.21065159462414 3.19218365064481 1.2041200 -5.170693 0.8679299 0.5195745 null FALSE
GO:0070667 negative regulation of mast cell proliferation 0.1886708 -1.89494287172635 -4.9902314897882 1.6334685 -5.323769 0.8816263 0.5215364 null FALSE
GO:0010258 NADH dehydrogenase complex (plastoquinone) assembly 0.0359373 -1.46577497244429 6.98377080464068 0.9542425 -7.397841 0.9251752 0.5225012 null FALSE
GO:0007095 mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint signaling 0.0269530 -3.666647401009 -0.921710380794678 0.8450980 -3.532261 0.7809686 0.5255739 null FALSE
GO:0009093 cysteine catabolic process 0.0134765 4.92648094357032 3.08728546412622 0.6020600 -7.249705 0.8844616 0.5312752 null FALSE
GO:2000280 regulation of root development 0.3593729 -2.04089967597253 -3.68555270509737 1.9084850 -57.962462 0.8936830 0.5325899 null FALSE
GO:0051070 galactomannan biosynthetic process 0.0044922 1.92186233874534 3.29638743257381 0.3010300 -5.647766 0.9124074 0.5326031 null FALSE
GO:0010275 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex assembly 0.0494138 -1.57967822821236 6.92252388952078 1.0791812 -16.151049 0.9236632 0.5344635 null FALSE
GO:0009961 response to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid 0.0179686 -5.54311916685725 4.43555050915223 0.6989700 -8.733801 0.9064142 0.5385267 null FALSE
GO:0071422 succinate transmembrane transport 0.0179686 6.35536837211201 -2.31567160057778 0.6989700 -9.471159 0.9126433 0.5392725 null FALSE
GO:0001561 fatty acid alpha-oxidation 0.0089843 6.11777838367872 2.99930827219173 0.4771213 -2.661712 0.8657356 0.5404419 null FALSE
GO:0048462 carpel formation 0.0179686 3.56678198247652 -5.21969173993984 0.6989700 -20.294388 0.9062722 0.5433997 null FALSE
GO:0009617 response to bacterium 2.1113158 -6.42330422944953 0.942841335502142 2.6730209 -16.475633 0.8837821 0.5453319 null FALSE
GO:1901684 arsenate ion transmembrane transport 0.0224608 6.07973579391676 -2.47323645651463 0.7781513 -1.535372 0.9151066 0.5470253 null FALSE
GO:2000013 regulation of arginine biosynthetic process via ornithine 0.0044922 -5.02632751977386 -5.09499911298055 0.3010300 -2.586543 0.9127823 0.5494059 null FALSE
GO:0071731 response to nitric oxide 0.0269530 -5.70424409873755 4.25774758646371 0.8450980 -1.633238 0.9044707 0.5514906 null FALSE
GO:0000914 phragmoplast assembly 0.0179686 -1.81663895186878 6.45602170273703 0.6989700 -2.811388 0.9215273 0.5551364 null FALSE
GO:0035874 cellular response to copper ion starvation 0.0089843 -5.52983897402297 0.701970463077253 0.4771213 -1.331841 0.8812321 0.5580156 null FALSE
GO:0044403 biological process involved in symbiotic interaction 0.4312475 -7.5921261132557 -1.13838980379912 1.9867717 -12.489256 0.9544023 0.5582824 null FALSE
GO:1990169 stress response to copper ion 0.0224608 -6.07504196930694 3.59816516265846 0.7781513 -3.561907 0.9064163 0.5582896 null FALSE
GO:0002239 response to oomycetes 0.4177710 -6.69285176961005 0.640868609649434 1.9731279 -14.752078 0.8992269 0.5594759 null FALSE
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 5.0671578 2.41821441058104 6.09282048619451 3.0526939 -19.955290 0.8790911 0.5616227 null FALSE
GO:0061723 glycophagy 0.0112304 0.696888366038099 4.09577299090729 0.4771213 -9.144910 0.9003162 0.5621264 null FALSE
GO:0000375 RNA splicing,via transesterification reactions 1.1140560 3.38903867542441 5.59042072359197 2.3961993 -5.862753 0.8660784 0.5628313 null FALSE
GO:0048509 regulation of meristem development 0.2964826 -1.99636987683753 -3.57952388139091 1.8260748 -24.496572 0.8951924 0.5634440 null FALSE
GO:1902265 abscisic acid homeostasis 0.0089843 0.83764682624624 -1.64366524696628 0.4771213 -5.647414 0.9007760 0.5661740 null FALSE
GO:0010469 regulation of signaling receptor activity 0.3059115 -1.89772826120212 -5.77303765634257 1.8260748 -19.981450 0.8293042 0.5703573 null FALSE
GO:0016099 monoterpenoid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 6.23638261406166 2.68574921139811 0.3010300 -37.842515 0.8749184 0.5751028 null FALSE
GO:0010114 response to red light 0.2785140 -7.30404408793029 2.02180540244781 1.7993405 -4.245214 0.9306229 0.5759002 null FALSE
GO:0051258 protein polymerization 0.1347648 -1.56075429569914 6.80173353246935 1.4913617 -5.247348 0.9184843 0.5760110 null FALSE
GO:0080003 thalianol metabolic process 0.0089843 6.09670347282851 3.8576801726125 0.4771213 -18.906081 0.8726602 0.5772455 null FALSE
GO:0046330 positive regulation of JNK cascade 0.0179686 -1.61723234299582 -6.37193039426903 0.6989700 -7.242124 0.8477208 0.5779213 null FALSE
GO:0097167 circadian regulation of translation 0.0044922 1.23961969743353 -4.94239374008277 0.3010300 -2.194635 0.8691245 0.5780757 null FALSE
GO:0007584 response to nutrient 0.0583981 -6.22656913527542 2.18424182545382 1.1461280 -4.526773 0.8948132 0.5817840 null FALSE
GO:1902290 positive regulation of defense response to oomycetes 0.0449216 -1.46298136431148 -6.41156383065152 1.0413927 -6.031032 0.8577687 0.5823779 null FALSE
GO:0061370 testosterone biosynthetic process 0.0867445 4.82827534536087 3.90478477859966 1.3010300 -11.851829 0.8192482 0.5838530 null FALSE
GO:1901599 (-)-pinoresinol biosynthetic process 0.0089843 4.36049913731192 3.76030212107152 0.4771213 -1.703570 0.8599142 0.5842097 null FALSE
GO:0071229 cellular response to acid chemical 0.2740218 -5.09105165868432 2.88830096085879 1.7923917 -7.395724 0.8669923 0.5845806 null FALSE
GO:0015886 heme transport 0.0718746 6.31322134524813 -2.01823684472742 1.2304489 -2.007792 0.9289409 0.5868171 null FALSE
GO:0080037 negative regulation of cytokinin-activated signaling pathway 0.0224608 -1.09310374393251 -6.0656389000366 0.7781513 -7.201643 0.8501800 0.5870088 null FALSE
GO:0006812 cation transport 2.2505728 6.11092793560469 -1.99627539769875 2.7007037 -11.834559 0.9162810 0.5885695 null FALSE
GO:0061760 antifungal innate immune response 0.0044922 -6.9159447825445 -0.179756341946732 0.3010300 -14.684490 0.9157478 0.5885794 null FALSE
GO:0033007 negative regulation of mast cell activation involved in immune response 0.0898432 -1.80141773142966 -5.78546740708715 1.3222193 -5.323769 0.8340324 0.5888528 null FALSE
GO:0003341 cilium movement 0.0059895 2.74920070953338 -0.892401101621134 0.3010300 -10.740017 0.9554976 0.5897750 null FALSE
GO:0048587 regulation of short-day photoperiodism,flowering 0.0494138 -0.488127501447787 -6.23736362073188 1.0791812 -4.157373 0.8805683 0.5918906 null FALSE
GO:0007165 signal transduction 8.3913571 -4.1034045678184 -1.23190059064843 3.2716093 -124.739426 0.7370332 0.5942163 null FALSE
GO:0009664 plant-type cell wall organization 0.6693320 -1.60621120518478 6.41478956997256 2.1760913 -9.877092 0.9183848 0.5956427 null FALSE
GO:0060294 cilium movement involved in cell motility 0.0059895 5.16440894937027 -1.51605971115238 0.4771213 -8.400755 0.9160881 0.5985002 null FALSE
GO:0006164 purine nucleotide biosynthetic process 0.5390593 4.04820043874665 4.49544630993696 2.0827854 -9.283372 0.8166479 0.6003424 null FALSE
GO:0098869 cellular oxidant detoxification 0.7591752 -5.32974055646298 2.71026574238479 2.2304489 -3.378602 0.8585189 0.6019382 null FALSE
GO:0009684 indoleacetic acid biosynthetic process 0.0494138 3.10021879602534 2.82011914209975 1.0791812 -7.549382 0.7387055 0.6020967 null FALSE
GO:0080181 lateral root branching 0.0134765 3.71695150430292 -5.58872810284751 0.6020600 -7.129021 0.9239176 0.6026219 null FALSE
GO:0071465 cellular response to desiccation 0.0763667 -5.56201702464655 2.00720731297091 1.2552725 -4.454452 0.8246449 0.6040405 null FALSE
GO:0009877 nodulation 0.0988275 3.49863065755762 -5.95191199227334 1.3617278 -19.544215 0.9358429 0.6076887 null FALSE
GO:0010423 negative regulation of brassinosteroid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -1.10144931234666 -3.94616217364851 0.3010300 -2.632486 0.8542806 0.6098624 null FALSE
GO:0071236 cellular response to antibiotic 0.8690604 -5.26566462549818 2.64830618522293 2.2878017 -12.890584 0.8587557 0.6122276 null FALSE
GO:0030639 polyketide biosynthetic process 0.0179686 4.71483916288047 1.8743713576189 0.6989700 -6.693629 0.9163210 0.6137667 null FALSE
GO:0000350 generation of catalytic spliceosome for second transesterification step 0.0134765 1.02896077542818 5.63999858040852 0.6020600 -1.856958 0.8543752 0.6146354 null FALSE
GO:0010930 negative regulation of auxin mediated signaling pathway 0.0134765 -1.0015074903543 -6.18291370915267 0.6020600 -2.569735 0.8546739 0.6147577 null FALSE
GO:0080126 ovary septum development 0.0044922 3.77281828353953 -5.03604253284465 0.3010300 -15.121344 0.9267345 0.6149303 null FALSE
GO:0006264 mitochondrial DNA replication 0.0404295 2.56489706149435 3.33244903225496 1.0000000 -2.425188 0.8979845 0.6158060 null FALSE
GO:0015709 thiosulfate transport 0.0134765 6.22783798365046 -2.57276526680017 0.6020600 -17.014164 0.9349286 0.6161640 null FALSE
GO:0010376 stomatal complex formation 0.0224608 3.6067394367531 -5.58185288903341 0.7781513 -6.623515 0.9162003 0.6165396 null FALSE
GO:0071211 protein targeting to vacuole involved in autophagy 0.0089843 5.9162399785439 -0.54575568045671 0.4771213 -8.533431 0.8689251 0.6223831 null FALSE
GO:0009099 valine biosynthetic process 0.0404295 4.32733926536482 3.10910840058874 1.0000000 -2.075832 0.8721197 0.6234625 null FALSE
GO:0071446 cellular response to salicylic acid stimulus 0.2605453 -5.29559372533519 3.20814931746083 1.7708520 -19.892445 0.8536174 0.6241860 null FALSE
GO:0045926 negative regulation of growth 0.1751943 -1.20979751443961 -4.83351567450864 1.6020600 -49.287844 0.8851154 0.6297772 null FALSE
GO:0048584 positive regulation of response to stimulus 1.1320246 -1.82655740141672 -5.65851526884526 2.4031205 -3.398922 0.8315580 0.6332632 null FALSE
GO:0000028 ribosomal small subunit assembly 0.1527335 -1.40454363799705 6.73769795960236 1.5440680 -1.314658 0.9110900 0.6348736 null FALSE
GO:0090057 root radial pattern formation 0.0314451 3.98407571718446 -5.43614006249208 0.9030900 -7.618934 0.9266296 0.6353165 null FALSE
GO:0080110 sporopollenin biosynthetic process 0.0359373 2.37202483368415 2.27518636768785 0.9542425 -4.321347 0.7717040 0.6360522 null FALSE
GO:0015700 arsenite transport 0.0224608 6.27686209859026 -2.48024117082628 0.7781513 -7.398065 0.9329468 0.6364426 null FALSE
GO:0005995 melibiose catabolic process 0.0157226 0.397324112532531 7.65751113769403 0.6020600 -2.194635 0.9211093 0.6387332 null FALSE
GO:0042773 ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 0.2830062 -0.0869829508805779 1.31435201810959 1.8061800 -6.661836 0.9341820 0.6395535 null FALSE
GO:0035024 negative regulation of Rho protein signal transduction 0.0044922 -0.855157126063627 -6.40047357416876 0.3010300 -2.943564 0.8613183 0.6447047 null FALSE
GO:0030994 primary cell septum disassembly 0.0817573 -2.01111001668778 6.75010834439389 1.2787536 -5.157608 0.9276838 0.6452209 null FALSE
GO:1905034 regulation of antifungal innate immune response 0.0089843 -0.137554548405214 -6.7517538252118 0.4771213 -3.767121 0.8883255 0.6459136 null FALSE
GO:0071452 cellular response to singlet oxygen 0.0359373 -5.42511775991366 3.14986514416403 0.9542425 -9.208437 0.8623964 0.6459430 null FALSE
GO:0010500 transmitting tissue development 0.0179686 3.68622551447552 -4.9932711417208 0.6989700 -8.013000 0.9225241 0.6473838 null FALSE
GO:0010337 regulation of salicylic acid metabolic process 0.0943354 -3.80367510899612 -4.79165993054483 1.3424227 -10.612594 0.8971729 0.6479341 null FALSE
GO:0006203 dGTP catabolic process 0.0134765 4.29811128594646 4.88410555099655 0.6020600 -1.438530 0.8543665 0.6484478 null FALSE
GO:0045490 pectin catabolic process 0.4447240 1.19489507821084 6.64125931234505 2.0000000 -3.160321 0.9098279 0.6495072 null FALSE
GO:0035246 peptidyl-arginine N-methylation 0.0539059 1.80623734937513 7.3298731664289 1.1139434 -3.309595 0.9192475 0.6502278 null FALSE
GO:0015708 silicic acid import across plasma membrane 0.0331729 6.1531801799777 -2.39317512651388 0.9030900 -1.703570 0.9104713 0.6528448 null FALSE
GO:0042742 defense response to bacterium 1.6216702 -6.30405027804355 1.0559673796928 2.5587086 -8.042952 0.8733747 0.6545694 null FALSE
GO:0012502 induction of programmed cell death 0.0044922 -3.18777876645016 -6.52572726624674 0.3010300 -8.366183 0.8981821 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:1902042 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 0.0044922 -1.15960473599761 -6.43273701128778 0.3010300 -3.702997 0.8570216 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:0016127 sterol catabolic process 0.0089843 5.41519874032245 4.26640844022998 0.4771213 -3.230535 0.8669013 0.6550754 null FALSE
GO:0034434 sterol esterification 0.0089843 6.0006514603166 4.03757729447741 0.4771213 -3.230535 0.8773626 0.6550754 null FALSE
GO:0046622 positive regulation of organ growth 0.0269530 -2.23811153579675 -4.48370371206169 0.8450980 -6.195458 0.8717650 0.6613690 null FALSE
GO:0030150 protein import into mitochondrial matrix 0.1257805 4.84082841821774 -0.456821268238236 1.4623980 -1.657532 0.8584109 0.6622637 null FALSE
GO:0000226 microtubule cytoskeleton organization 0.7232379 -1.20149233555314 6.03882680477923 2.2095150 -2.393661 0.9041823 0.6711268 null FALSE
GO:0045338 farnesyl diphosphate metabolic process 0.0898432 6.84067410038484 2.75551393859001 1.3222193 -20.990397 0.8699702 0.6735153 null FALSE
GO:0046949 fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthetic process 0.0044922 4.4548515808267 4.31354269449332 0.3010300 -1.706168 0.8532950 0.6744170 null FALSE
GO:0070562 regulation of vitamin D receptor signaling pathway 0.1497720 -1.24474028160969 -6.04614961299736 1.5314789 -5.304743 0.8499436 0.6776065 null FALSE
GO:0080143 regulation of amino acid export 0.0314451 -4.56250510423148 -3.66396009251208 0.9030900 -13.226843 0.8818763 0.6811918 null FALSE
GO:0071368 cellular response to cytokinin stimulus 0.3593729 -5.20946486648927 2.91294473370369 1.9084850 -8.168346 0.8598163 0.6812564 null FALSE
GO:0048385 regulation of retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway 0.1668089 -1.32713837038976 -5.98023351420311 1.5797836 -5.016143 0.8528541 0.6835973 null FALSE
GO:0050829 defense response to Gram-negative bacterium 0.0988275 -6.5739571645273 0.50309526009577 1.3617278 -2.811388 0.8987720 0.6840535 null FALSE
GO:0051315 attachment of mitotic spindle microtubules to kinetochore 0.0179686 4.31586624617261 -0.28298956218939 0.6989700 -1.830805 0.8685047 0.6841486 null FALSE
GO:0009852 auxin catabolic process 0.0089843 1.20089427719783 -0.391658102717127 0.4771213 -7.282761 0.8347516 0.6856031 null FALSE
GO:1900449 regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway 0.1735903 -1.2707809078186 -5.92181454560292 1.5682017 -3.702997 0.8524428 0.6858401 null FALSE
GO:2000028 regulation of photoperiodism,flowering 0.3324199 -0.931073564355959 -5.80196808323297 1.8750613 -1.891045 0.8637784 0.6877818 null FALSE
GO:0006722 triterpenoid metabolic process 0.0898432 7.13682654373838 2.2818090730336 1.3222193 -3.946282 0.8793921 0.6931108 null FALSE
GO:0006813 potassium ion transport 0.4222632 6.08568925667239 -2.1086303648313 1.9777236 -8.845589 0.9242419 0.6936154 null FALSE
GO:0019371 cyclooxygenase pathway 0.0044922 5.73225964366003 2.9667675491943 0.3010300 -2.661712 0.8661318 0.6936856 null FALSE
GO:0071395 cellular response to jasmonic acid stimulus 0.4222632 -5.38188359279808 3.00337573780682 1.9777236 -25.690645 0.8447806 0.6939872 null FALSE
GO:0001680 tRNA 3’-terminal CCA addition 0.0224608 4.14810183631456 5.92880625785556 0.7781513 -7.087420 0.8948854 0.6940175 null FALSE
GO:0048767 root hair elongation 0.3099591 3.62174390162289 -5.37669002475848 1.8450980 -7.087678 0.8687271 0.6947824 null FALSE
GO:0071281 cellular response to iron ion 0.0089843 -5.14188942510687 3.80381804743598 0.4771213 -4.876646 0.8837993 0.6952859 null FALSE

[1] “missing_aquatics_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0009819 drought recovery 0.0494138 -6.3723868961843 -3.57671315692725 1.0791812 -34.412318 0.8639859 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0010082 regulation of root meristem growth 0.1527335 1.57523609750152 0.631794198050091 1.5440680 -104.101084 0.7320100 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0051762 sesquiterpene biosynthetic process 0.1123040 5.26668279508338 3.85462355335466 1.4149733 -140.122519 0.8645610 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0006335 DNA replication-dependent chromatin assembly 0.0179686 -6.15221090509168 4.21336721423217 0.6989700 -3.563722 0.9488253 0.0215931 null FALSE
GO:0036371 protein localization to T-tubule 0.0314451 -3.27565542097753 5.53039942879886 0.9030900 -20.442318 0.9326830 0.0224064 null FALSE
GO:0051554 flavonol metabolic process 0.0853511 -2.79344123440471 3.26553766139583 1.3010300 -36.919497 0.9565730 0.0732686 null FALSE
GO:0000966 RNA 5’-end processing 0.0808589 6.56043114090435 1.45323631234751 1.2787536 -54.651110 0.9320965 0.0829109 null FALSE
GO:0009311 oligosaccharide metabolic process 0.4267553 -4.7815118519144 3.66536253668606 1.9822712 -4.513778 0.9631681 0.0941713 null FALSE
GO:0097503 sialylation 0.0134765 7.37244821681309 -0.831689060000038 0.6020600 -2.841938 0.9705268 0.1067597 null FALSE
GO:0031146 SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.3773415 6.75812859528918 0.101350043975459 1.9294189 -49.521214 0.9251523 0.1347712 null FALSE
GO:0006885 regulation of pH 0.2515610 4.71683692921115 -2.51154149034752 1.7558749 -21.919135 0.8488315 0.1360520 null FALSE
GO:0009962 regulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process 0.1257805 4.22381717255953 -5.14936815091991 1.4623980 -25.385631 0.8919468 0.1471751 null FALSE
GO:0010469 regulation of signaling receptor activity 0.3059115 1.18569983560436 -5.47680051523876 1.8260748 -34.419769 0.8068734 0.1578322 null FALSE
GO:0009617 response to bacterium 2.1113158 -6.35664826434296 -1.22928709427861 2.6730209 -28.320920 0.8416671 0.1641436 null FALSE
GO:0010942 positive regulation of cell death 0.1527335 0.190752753646908 -6.0437191812972 1.5440680 -10.877695 0.8489993 0.1784806 null FALSE
GO:0060294 cilium movement involved in cell motility 0.0059895 -4.17737449716536 5.6341517288116 0.4771213 -16.454330 0.9246009 0.1997941 null FALSE
GO:0080184 response to phenylpropanoid 0.0044922 -5.53643838799357 -5.74555140621465 0.3010300 -12.881606 0.8966471 0.2014785 null FALSE
GO:0010310 regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 0.0539059 1.02647253367766 -3.94241493302564 1.1139434 -5.241183 0.8943056 0.2101184 null FALSE
GO:2000083 negative regulation of L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 3.00268488599884 -6.81595111575557 0.3010300 -19.161283 0.8895867 0.2131819 null FALSE
GO:0071466 cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0224608 -5.28939063834954 -4.80960122200679 0.7781513 -9.352212 0.8664891 0.2217277 null FALSE
GO:0097167 circadian regulation of translation 0.0044922 0.811941860179947 0.105022358696347 0.3010300 -5.541363 0.8421098 0.2266615 null FALSE
GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0359373 -5.98433034605596 -5.10905649554015 0.9542425 -9.193698 0.8985267 0.2284321 null FALSE
GO:1902025 nitrate import 0.0808589 -2.62013241895646 6.23401565045759 1.2787536 -16.147194 0.9578419 0.2340388 null FALSE
GO:0009611 response to wounding 1.0062441 -6.75746649550849 -2.24893302587259 2.3521825 -7.598088 0.8882125 0.2425631 null FALSE
GO:0009865 pollen tube adhesion 0.0134765 0.0798005169730449 2.8492459560591 0.6020600 -5.970647 0.8594145 0.2428352 null FALSE
GO:0019756 cyanogenic glycoside biosynthetic process 0.1069562 6.26064369867262 2.02221261756769 1.4313638 -34.342172 0.8892980 0.2582345 null FALSE
GO:0033292 T-tubule organization 0.0716381 0.104178078852977 5.25393239109466 1.2041200 -20.442318 0.8637325 0.2722071 null FALSE
GO:0010233 phloem transport 0.0943354 -1.33626352273233 4.89994923919086 1.3424227 -4.279925 0.8416486 0.2779671 null FALSE
GO:0006898 receptor-mediated endocytosis 0.1976551 -2.93550951100992 6.23608569211604 1.6532125 -2.571880 0.9422735 0.2825621 null FALSE
GO:0001101 response to acid chemical 1.7923723 -6.04292603130197 -3.62204088612097 2.6020600 -8.247666 0.8598671 0.3051929 null FALSE
GO:0010305 leaf vascular tissue pattern formation 0.1347648 0.848817844169126 4.93927392592633 1.4913617 -2.850372 0.8854660 0.3105240 null FALSE
GO:0010114 response to red light 0.2785140 -4.97664355595559 -0.456896362705918 1.7993405 -10.626773 0.9133953 0.3255957 null FALSE
GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination 3.7105251 6.74764646655224 0.498554545824939 2.9175055 -25.711249 0.9233067 0.3270943 null FALSE
GO:0048312 intracellular distribution of mitochondria 0.0044922 -4.06755073537192 5.09379806707566 0.3010300 -2.509467 0.9258702 0.3293628 null FALSE
GO:0032504 multicellular organism reproduction 0.8040969 0.188273457743174 3.76378482188368 2.2552725 -3.443456 0.8974981 0.3415835 null FALSE
GO:1903553 positive regulation of extracellular exosome assembly 0.0044922 -1.04858715653163 -7.55334175851899 0.3010300 -2.509467 0.8744927 0.3498300 null FALSE
GO:0031542 positive regulation of anthocyanin biosynthetic process 0.0179686 -0.528973666170086 -6.96983458650384 0.6989700 -3.567657 0.8767168 0.3513679 null FALSE
GO:0035600 tRNA methylthiolation 0.0089843 6.68430008443985 1.01164625211634 0.4771213 -3.409318 0.9360372 0.3671116 null FALSE
GO:0010275 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex assembly 0.0494138 -6.34092999059099 4.17066887053067 1.0791812 -1.784576 0.9450963 0.3768295 null FALSE
GO:0009867 jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway 0.3998023 -2.89310393765789 -3.84466976336451 1.9542425 -28.343365 0.7074973 0.3795777 null FALSE
GO:0045314 regulation of compound eye photoreceptor development 0.0044922 4.87943755300422 -4.54881566261978 0.3010300 -2.388180 0.8774899 0.3911017 null FALSE
GO:0090559 regulation of membrane permeability 0.0089843 6.10719895819844 -2.30680467428073 0.4771213 -5.932708 0.8819490 0.3950913 null FALSE
GO:0010618 aerenchyma formation 0.0089843 2.29448201257775 5.49571446684323 0.4771213 -20.647083 0.9230621 0.3960626 null FALSE
GO:0006355 regulation of transcription,DNA-templated 10.5880239 1.81405221537266 -4.48109987253077 3.3725438 -2.480747 0.8328582 0.3986838 null FALSE
GO:0007267 cell-cell signaling 0.3414042 -3.6200077205312 -7.3166671985038 1.8864907 -4.559472 0.9226436 0.4013598 null FALSE
GO:0007584 response to nutrient 0.0583981 -6.5701625180835 -2.74565766522267 1.1461280 -5.303508 0.8636664 0.4049784 null FALSE
GO:0007369 gastrulation 0.0134765 1.06243345833135 5.32817734499298 0.6020600 -2.330386 0.8906580 0.4064931 null FALSE
GO:0034394 protein localization to cell surface 0.0134765 -3.40316368748849 5.75675754794607 0.6020600 -8.422620 0.9393170 0.4074874 null FALSE
GO:0016045 detection of bacterium 0.0134765 -7.07440207580513 0.0731946796430655 0.6020600 -7.398400 0.8830454 0.4090250 null FALSE
GO:0006952 defense response 7.2503481 -5.8834110033833 -2.2420404961381 3.2081725 -112.187033 0.8624958 0.4100881 null FALSE
GO:0010221 negative regulation of vernalization response 0.0044922 1.87707937236051 -7.39319710409865 0.3010300 -13.569914 0.8696346 0.4116470 null FALSE
GO:0090615 mitochondrial mRNA processing 0.0539059 6.6850680215135 1.37777389664781 1.1139434 -34.286111 0.9298481 0.4120236 null FALSE
GO:0009871 jasmonic acid and ethylene-dependent systemic resistance,ethylene mediated signaling pathway 0.0089843 -4.19056962787932 -2.83516459348254 0.4771213 -11.901183 0.7436290 0.4175401 null FALSE
GO:0001666 response to hypoxia 1.1499933 -6.24162914090118 -2.09794408627631 2.4099331 -2.354401 0.8821888 0.4246154 null FALSE
GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 0.5794888 -2.16152402180048 -3.59538036638781 2.1139434 -9.350409 0.7520413 0.4253892 null FALSE
GO:0044364 disruption of cells of other organism 0.0269530 -7.51034403797187 1.20440407148897 0.8450980 -2.509467 0.9414822 0.4301109 null FALSE
GO:1904526 regulation of microtubule binding 0.0044922 3.38642262987192 -0.703993019504944 0.3010300 -9.815879 0.9064320 0.4321507 null FALSE
GO:1905255 regulation of RNA binding transcription factor activity 0.0044922 3.6411870369917 -0.822859421624895 0.3010300 -9.134702 0.9064320 0.4321507 null FALSE
GO:0003283 atrial septum development 1.6401201 1.26790892582749 4.43648481874295 3.2564772 -6.840108 0.8381908 0.4359177 null FALSE
GO:1901021 positive regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.0065885 -0.334619041671933 -6.05516932027047 0.3010300 -20.442318 0.8311122 0.4428862 null FALSE
GO:0000304 response to singlet oxygen 0.0583981 -6.38131740716114 -3.83241932315931 1.1461280 -17.925687 0.8654510 0.4434063 null FALSE
GO:0009684 indoleacetic acid biosynthetic process 0.0494138 5.22284082880754 -0.132300868666832 1.0791812 -11.837791 0.7597786 0.4446232 null FALSE
GO:0097185 cellular response to azide 0.0561520 -5.52032637727647 -4.44350263716181 1.1139434 -14.134822 0.8494849 0.4472027 null FALSE
GO:0002011 morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet 0.0134765 1.76235578423754 5.71975948929168 0.6020600 -7.657648 0.9052186 0.4499787 null FALSE
GO:0007492 endoderm development 0.0134765 1.95782206743256 5.69812882270693 0.6020600 -2.509467 0.9235035 0.4499787 null FALSE
GO:0009745 sucrose mediated signaling 0.0089843 -3.67020299820663 -4.48773661653233 0.4771213 -3.552022 0.7787014 0.4555919 null FALSE
GO:0071218 cellular response to misfolded protein 0.1033197 -5.34072499653609 -3.18388266558435 1.3802112 -4.517344 0.8249461 0.4588220 null FALSE
GO:0046482 para-aminobenzoic acid metabolic process 0.0179686 5.76055736144006 2.08177723448389 0.6989700 -1.352411 0.9166516 0.4635037 null FALSE
GO:0019722 calcium-mediated signaling 0.3279278 -2.3041709807338 -3.67324157519713 1.8692317 -2.188992 0.7569337 0.4636835 null FALSE
GO:0071236 cellular response to antibiotic 0.8690604 -5.42435683047829 -3.60096250043035 2.2878017 -17.414451 0.8232939 0.4715434 null FALSE
GO:0036092 phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate biosynthetic process 0.0359373 5.3503096640789 3.70142394500925 0.9542425 -1.513457 0.8897354 0.4735951 null FALSE
GO:0080027 response to herbivore 0.0808589 -6.85795561773379 -0.34468497299557 1.2787536 -13.062940 0.8800541 0.4757830 null FALSE
GO:1902290 positive regulation of defense response to oomycetes 0.0449216 0.462643754463505 -6.97691440336934 1.0413927 -14.872143 0.8393162 0.4818706 null FALSE
GO:0050821 protein stabilization 0.1437492 5.06688789444162 -2.49100834504779 1.5185139 -3.614097 0.8589013 0.4825149 null FALSE
GO:0002213 defense response to insect 0.0943354 -6.49718373380868 -0.681236581584559 1.3424227 -8.013172 0.8663284 0.4825590 null FALSE
GO:0045168 cell-cell signaling involved in cell fate commitment 0.1662100 0.603402145697148 2.88398279640562 1.5797836 -20.327221 0.8348133 0.4928611 null FALSE
GO:0036309 protein localization to M-band 0.2713265 -3.12889705083525 5.6501401994963 1.7853298 -20.442318 0.9245556 0.4950361 null FALSE
GO:0036159 inner dynein arm assembly 0.0179686 -5.81103600047936 4.61033367773619 0.6989700 -10.806071 0.9273301 0.4957761 null FALSE
GO:0032527 protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum 0.0359373 -3.15655807645018 5.83892466113639 0.9542425 -2.917539 0.9335864 0.4998121 null FALSE
GO:0010150 leaf senescence 0.5076142 1.1064369885545 4.39568567625733 2.0569049 -1.519786 0.8693018 0.5023722 null FALSE
GO:0009625 response to insect 0.1482413 -6.89820313886138 -0.611840760231855 1.5314789 -27.178894 0.8743942 0.5035878 null FALSE
GO:0061157 mRNA destabilization 0.2156237 2.10704278049526 -4.9920378624246 1.6901961 -4.106738 0.7720469 0.5065480 null FALSE
GO:0097237 cellular response to toxic substance 0.8355420 -5.30967843153301 -3.55700508196256 2.2718416 -6.813398 0.8210195 0.5080142 null FALSE
GO:0052544 defense response by callose deposition in cell wall 0.0718746 -4.77834715576123 0.964930525584747 1.2304489 -18.498763 0.7757015 0.5168809 null FALSE
GO:0051607 defense response to virus 0.2246081 -6.41738646688853 -0.942862904214826 1.7075702 -5.648221 0.8570249 0.5246042 null FALSE
GO:0035024 negative regulation of Rho protein signal transduction 0.0044922 1.68964374815201 -7.16161308022256 0.3010300 -8.593483 0.8518081 0.5272151 null FALSE
GO:0009960 endosperm development 0.1437492 1.46387472479885 4.73213944593284 1.5185139 -2.180950 0.8682090 0.5317308 null FALSE
GO:2000280 regulation of root development 0.3593729 3.44430487085758 -4.19856454323634 1.9084850 -81.374590 0.8551680 0.5325899 null FALSE
GO:0009627 systemic acquired resistance 0.2919905 -6.55914783474268 -1.11880906544708 1.8195439 -2.073394 0.8539495 0.5388023 null FALSE
GO:0071368 cellular response to cytokinin stimulus 0.3593729 -5.25468447096008 -3.9055698419316 1.9084850 -16.910416 0.8196629 0.5432496 null FALSE
GO:0009626 plant-type hypersensitive response 0.3279278 -5.7596997468796 -1.61167788101626 1.8692317 -23.662726 0.7915493 0.5453319 null FALSE
GO:2000027 regulation of animal organ morphogenesis 0.2030457 3.8245800628845 -4.31150395434863 1.6627578 -2.298305 0.8593385 0.5454109 null FALSE
GO:0060465 pharynx development 1.4053739 1.19310532597233 4.5952885900384 2.4927604 -2.509467 0.8577111 0.5514316 null FALSE
GO:0002239 response to oomycetes 0.4177710 -6.75819569789121 -0.909244647318975 1.9731279 -3.344113 0.8633692 0.5594759 null FALSE
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 5.0671578 6.11169996738932 1.3264913446634 3.0526939 -25.501966 0.9086131 0.5616227 null FALSE
GO:0048509 regulation of meristem development 0.2964826 3.59927168199087 -4.23522732151566 1.8260748 -47.797196 0.8572095 0.5634440 null FALSE
GO:1902265 abscisic acid homeostasis 0.0089843 5.95174967518637 -2.12095909334239 0.4771213 -7.025493 0.8783736 0.5661740 null FALSE
GO:0010930 negative regulation of auxin mediated signaling pathway 0.0134765 1.73371834439542 -6.84642766754893 0.6020600 -8.423030 0.8440504 0.5666125 null FALSE
GO:0009751 response to salicylic acid 0.7232379 -5.94961474298262 -4.10199143439235 2.2095150 -2.619993 0.8445306 0.5669335 null FALSE
GO:0009826 unidimensional cell growth 1.0736265 1.5983482748382 5.43871616462989 2.3802112 -4.543084 0.8720855 0.5680023 null FALSE
GO:0007498 mesoderm development 0.3503886 1.8706232500969 5.30412824861475 1.8976271 -3.610872 0.9031958 0.5707614 null FALSE
GO:0080003 thalianol metabolic process 0.0089843 5.53951414352383 3.44436746770621 0.4771213 -30.502960 0.8895440 0.5772455 null FALSE
GO:0071766 Actinobacterium-type cell wall biogenesis 1.0826108 -6.26720929433386 3.95539774577059 2.3838154 -10.192160 0.9170797 0.5779561 null FALSE
GO:0010438 cellular response to sulfur starvation 0.0314451 -5.1980864634128 -1.80596522052372 0.9030900 -3.856586 0.8397183 0.5817840 null FALSE
GO:0002230 positive regulation of defense response to virus by host 0.0224608 0.753306418116248 -7.60615557090326 0.7781513 -2.703275 0.8701234 0.5823779 null FALSE
GO:0071229 cellular response to acid chemical 0.2740218 -5.47816961107031 -4.01854132745134 1.7923917 -12.010943 0.8370700 0.5845806 null FALSE
GO:1905663 positive regulation of telomerase RNA reverse transcriptase activity 0.0485153 1.60462488214256 -3.58418995801109 1.0413927 -2.276294 0.8610837 0.5862896 null FALSE
GO:0006812 cation transport 2.2505728 -2.7750543924563 5.99556028164529 2.7007037 -8.598854 0.9510252 0.5885695 null FALSE
GO:0007165 signal transduction 8.3913571 -1.92774230456162 -3.64359245269155 3.2716093 -81.288547 0.6838945 0.5893442 null FALSE
GO:0003341 cilium movement 0.0059895 -5.6176888718804 5.40946760876149 0.3010300 -16.666473 0.9525226 0.5985002 null FALSE
GO:0045747 positive regulation of Notch signaling pathway 0.0392043 0.485349833311705 -6.7210054817548 0.9542425 -2.388180 0.8235029 0.6109914 null FALSE
GO:0007398 ectoderm development 0.3503886 1.94907877830052 5.19508915393796 1.8976271 -2.388180 0.9031958 0.6126734 null FALSE
GO:0046345 abscisic acid catabolic process 0.0269530 5.11748930840514 3.20807127719142 0.8450980 -55.983799 0.8550376 0.6194937 null FALSE
GO:0007422 peripheral nervous system development 3.6745878 1.05476017726606 4.59803633753664 2.9132839 -3.610872 0.8349779 0.6229170 null FALSE
GO:0006636 unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process 0.1033197 5.38503176331955 3.35337236633833 1.3802112 -2.644815 0.8721937 0.6297662 null FALSE
GO:0045926 negative regulation of growth 0.1751943 3.08763582368947 -5.94545745767821 1.6020600 -15.727160 0.8662875 0.6297772 null FALSE
GO:1904355 positive regulation of telomere capping 0.0044922 -0.644258173324651 -7.16354988666412 0.3010300 -1.727692 0.8616551 0.6315629 null FALSE
GO:1905614 negative regulation of developmental vegetative growth 0.0134765 3.89632768566995 -5.61909203838836 0.6020600 -3.116242 0.8602793 0.6315937 null FALSE
GO:0031640 killing of cells of other organism 1.3072189 -7.49944507216494 0.958580111519025 2.4653829 -2.509567 0.8954840 0.6338299 null FALSE
GO:0072498 embryonic skeletal joint development 1.8732312 1.09211289905498 4.76156028476425 2.6211763 -2.509467 0.8475362 0.6342863 null FALSE
GO:0048821 erythrocyte development 0.0179686 1.61443146846909 2.16127586813494 0.6989700 -2.384487 0.7311547 0.6349558 null FALSE
GO:0042177 negative regulation of protein catabolic process 0.0134765 3.3146017410789 -6.53234164853694 0.6020600 -2.367953 0.8835697 0.6510962 null FALSE
GO:0031347 regulation of defense response 1.2308522 1.35845440515598 -5.87042695014003 2.4393327 -2.037689 0.8328025 0.6512180 null FALSE
GO:0009828 plant-type cell wall loosening 0.0314451 -6.51846910196147 3.79448000456468 0.9030900 -1.774122 0.9357965 0.6517822 null FALSE
GO:0015708 silicic acid import across plasma membrane 0.0331729 -2.51008722866135 6.36130349278321 0.9030900 -3.788987 0.9433715 0.6528448 null FALSE
GO:0051513 regulation of monopolar cell growth 0.0224608 3.6224377238524 -4.8119371827704 0.7781513 -2.998690 0.8523124 0.6532683 null FALSE
GO:0042742 defense response to bacterium 1.6216702 -6.28342625991066 -1.3900069181661 2.5587086 -15.100075 0.8261203 0.6545694 null FALSE
GO:1902042 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 0.0044922 1.49292107730239 -7.10110503997719 0.3010300 -7.135037 0.8446855 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:0070301 cellular response to hydrogen peroxide 0.0449216 -5.72523873256975 -3.58547373641574 1.0413927 -7.747259 0.8274215 0.6554547 null FALSE
GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development 1.5677643 3.03833553012998 -4.25368678967266 2.5440680 -35.555401 0.7996712 0.6593517 null FALSE
GO:0035204 negative regulation of lamellocyte differentiation 0.0359373 3.09386691445437 -5.44086116486623 0.9542425 -2.388180 0.8083724 0.6596159 null FALSE
GO:0009914 hormone transport 0.4447240 1.58570448155532 -0.705489929394413 2.0000000 -8.520136 0.8055263 0.6604623 null FALSE
GO:1900745 positive regulation of p38MAPK cascade 0.0179686 0.343144044131166 -6.98517986423933 0.6989700 -1.752952 0.8279057 0.6611691 null FALSE
GO:0043086 negative regulation of catalytic activity 1.1410089 2.45058446808892 -2.82338390367657 2.4065402 -1.980503 0.8650703 0.6653174 null FALSE
GO:0009866 induced systemic resistance,ethylene mediated signaling pathway 0.0179686 -2.87049263452594 -4.07849043863229 0.6989700 -5.551154 0.6576328 0.6707259 null FALSE
GO:0045338 farnesyl diphosphate metabolic process 0.0898432 5.22038330922835 4.05727695341796 1.3222193 -40.331178 0.8804222 0.6735153 null FALSE
GO:0009852 auxin catabolic process 0.0089843 5.76655906699693 -1.53678570323977 0.4771213 -11.473243 0.8365254 0.6856031 null FALSE
GO:1900449 regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway 0.1735903 1.10421870483562 -6.36971764237398 1.5682017 -7.135037 0.8356625 0.6858401 null FALSE
GO:0048265 response to pain 11.9626252 -3.75451777234007 -0.383728473519626 3.4255342 -2.509467 0.7337153 0.6889007 null FALSE
GO:0010030 positive regulation of seed germination 0.0898432 2.46428492319379 -4.92617315374876 1.3222193 -6.951280 0.8070507 0.6895163 null FALSE
GO:0032870 cellular response to hormone stimulus 4.2316158 -5.47156259630583 -3.27508198721261 2.9745117 -7.407748 0.7786998 0.6896194 null FALSE

[1] “missing_arabidopsis_vs_all_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0009819 drought recovery 0.0494138 -6.73520180014317 -0.299513837406468 1.0791812 -31.057832 0.9203897 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0009877 nodulation 0.0988275 3.25868954254743 6.10486544555577 1.3617278 -11.377572 0.8388537 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0010233 phloem transport 0.0943354 5.23907434064942 2.54307966812148 1.3424227 -10.718896 0.7607701 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0031146 SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.3773415 -0.736911222893041 -4.41568390127953 1.9294189 -23.559069 0.9133378 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0045926 negative regulation of growth 0.1751943 -3.18120810016662 5.59783502308761 1.6020600 -75.159828 0.8952082 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0031589 cell-substrate adhesion 0.0044922 -4.8818410229502 -6.11654668058753 0.3010300 -2.835492 0.9749859 0.0213516 null FALSE
GO:0000226 microtubule cytoskeleton organization 0.7232379 5.44013211073178 -2.92436790363277 2.2095150 -21.958043 0.8685834 0.0316757 null FALSE
GO:0045730 respiratory burst 0.0224608 -5.4363871094901 -5.65400577894965 0.7781513 -1.825271 0.9773775 0.0600739 null FALSE
GO:1904526 regulation of microtubule binding 0.0044922 -0.853974071061106 0.0597311974660317 0.3010300 -61.579741 0.9393830 0.1037129 null FALSE
GO:0009311 oligosaccharide metabolic process 0.4267553 -3.9247242848914 -5.9493126729236 1.9822712 -7.895729 0.9511658 0.1045125 null FALSE
GO:0097503 sialylation 0.0134765 -2.27715285935103 -4.33367894919923 0.6020600 -3.416393 0.9571898 0.1181081 null FALSE
GO:0031542 positive regulation of anthocyanin biosynthetic process 0.0179686 -6.05597060807545 4.71401664318393 0.6989700 -3.627182 0.9093678 0.1293947 null FALSE
GO:0000966 RNA 5’-end processing 0.0808589 2.23669608722183 -5.70595563873488 1.2787536 -16.663352 0.9066769 0.1347712 null FALSE
GO:2000023 regulation of lateral root development 0.1257805 -1.69158273289898 5.94023402987568 1.4623980 -6.604582 0.8705414 0.1487254 null FALSE
GO:0009617 response to bacterium 2.1113158 -5.95324631699686 -1.96141261885351 2.6730209 -23.613172 0.9003626 0.1641436 null FALSE
GO:0033387 putrescine biosynthetic process from ornithine 0.0123534 0.339690410171614 -6.49434518117053 0.4771213 -13.401532 0.8963321 0.1969581 null FALSE
GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 0.5794888 -4.36924823194143 2.02849990260642 2.1139434 -5.354689 0.8273169 0.2090014 null FALSE
GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0359373 -7.30466020783152 0.104821790042726 0.9542425 -11.386409 0.9412302 0.2284321 null FALSE
GO:0009962 regulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process 0.1257805 -3.17649817441696 6.54010139644069 1.4623980 -2.600440 0.9181712 0.2324944 null FALSE
GO:0080051 cutin transport 0.0134765 6.87465469110329 1.00037394431516 0.6020600 -1.773667 0.9591081 0.2347702 null FALSE
GO:0007492 endoderm development 0.0134765 2.49693193367278 6.57392841613605 0.6020600 -2.758626 0.8830023 0.2359966 null FALSE
GO:1901949 5alpha,9alpha,10beta-labda-8(20),13-dien-15-yl diphosphate biosynthetic process 0.1848275 0.00335884780997925 -6.66350824456364 1.6232493 -14.605293 0.8566769 0.2545451 null FALSE
GO:0009992 cellular water homeostasis 0.0089843 2.60146967520861 -1.12187740064115 0.4771213 -2.289354 0.8684246 0.2566157 null FALSE
GO:1902025 nitrate import 0.0808589 6.83798549918326 0.190872167856055 1.2787536 -5.828260 0.9498478 0.2646327 null FALSE
GO:0010305 leaf vascular tissue pattern formation 0.1347648 4.26763609693494 5.02395957694805 1.4913617 -7.541784 0.8290603 0.2761625 null FALSE
GO:0006898 receptor-mediated endocytosis 0.1976551 6.34901591632499 0.721929168966978 1.6532125 -6.047190 0.9291035 0.2825621 null FALSE
GO:0006952 defense response 7.2503481 -5.69228162775997 -0.771220951085929 3.2081725 -96.210331 0.9192426 0.2904696 null FALSE
GO:0098657 import into cell 0.1392570 6.6937028659393 0.651242958220632 1.5051500 -3.726525 0.9537816 0.2911576 null FALSE
GO:0044550 secondary metabolite biosynthetic process 0.6244104 -2.33070356872885 -6.98108322622106 2.1461280 -6.590408 0.9236327 0.2938489 null FALSE
GO:0009733 response to auxin 1.8597547 -6.30742703132314 -0.0506516374791776 2.6180481 -4.547141 0.9087672 0.3061641 null FALSE
GO:0048312 intracellular distribution of mitochondria 0.0044922 5.45367864512575 -1.12336789659259 0.3010300 -2.755929 0.8956797 0.3162058 null FALSE
GO:0010114 response to red light 0.2785140 -7.1372687982476 -1.20872691133684 1.7993405 -2.973863 0.9442679 0.3255957 null FALSE
GO:0032504 multicellular organism reproduction 0.8040969 4.82006783822374 4.2298343581342 2.2552725 -5.880605 0.8375175 0.3270246 null FALSE
GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination 3.7105251 -0.210363665556428 -4.84764657220209 2.9175055 -8.233559 0.9012866 0.3270943 null FALSE
GO:0007339 binding of sperm to zona pellucida 0.0089843 1.35055500543804 0.992229916953427 0.4771213 -2.995739 0.9668297 0.3317891 null FALSE
GO:1902042 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 0.0044922 -4.26623773188538 6.09671746411802 0.3010300 -7.626170 0.8872515 0.3379466 null FALSE
GO:0015939 pantothenate metabolic process 0.0179686 1.64163128523409 -6.56132275137541 0.6989700 -6.369773 0.9170995 0.3411185 null FALSE
GO:0071447 cellular response to hydroperoxide 0.1529288 -5.71759066964368 -0.00680389829562064 1.5440680 -7.626170 0.8854373 0.3536993 null FALSE
GO:0071766 Actinobacterium-type cell wall biogenesis 1.0826108 4.94052709748391 -3.29237706402159 2.3838154 -10.738963 0.8774736 0.3567066 null FALSE
GO:0036498 IRE1-mediated unfolded protein response 0.0134765 -5.30358675293545 1.06767631326513 0.6020600 -1.997416 0.8469345 0.3576515 null FALSE
GO:0035600 tRNA methylthiolation 0.0089843 1.80308598352518 -5.31480243691548 0.4771213 -3.993292 0.9076597 0.3671116 null FALSE
GO:0002182 cytoplasmic translational elongation 0.0224608 0.190827162942527 -5.99639015923231 0.7781513 -1.428299 0.8993510 0.3680407 null FALSE
GO:1903224 regulation of endodermal cell differentiation 0.0044922 -1.43032273548259 6.70870092099723 0.3010300 -4.810111 0.9089880 0.3865517 null FALSE
GO:0010359 regulation of anion channel activity 0.0494138 -2.49036555791333 3.15777408298223 1.0791812 -9.197787 0.8883993 0.3874463 null FALSE
GO:0045184 establishment of protein localization 3.7823997 6.36541303617652 0.188224825051507 2.9258276 -4.787121 0.9339116 0.3880049 null FALSE
GO:0006335 DNA replication-dependent chromatin assembly 0.0179686 4.8287731202199 -3.00577426082243 0.6989700 -4.150067 0.9062387 0.3882255 null FALSE
GO:0061820 telomeric D-loop disassembly 0.0044922 3.21119354795028 -4.0815217982391 0.3010300 -1.596827 0.8737349 0.3892522 null FALSE
GO:0002011 morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet 0.0134765 2.85422518334499 6.31431747777568 0.6020600 -2.995739 0.8538112 0.3953158 null FALSE
GO:0007369 gastrulation 0.0134765 3.98969263043159 5.57713498313739 0.6020600 -5.952804 0.8197372 0.3953158 null FALSE
GO:0010737 protein kinase A signaling 0.2467993 -4.59154077306012 2.04750324541419 1.7403627 -2.293020 0.8386179 0.4069935 null FALSE
GO:0016045 detection of bacterium 0.0134765 -6.02745697050355 -3.00604703892303 0.6020600 -12.125293 0.9186815 0.4090250 null FALSE
GO:0007178 transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway 0.2650375 -4.26789632596511 1.81418705725301 1.7781513 -3.010935 0.8316591 0.4096115 null FALSE
GO:0090615 mitochondrial mRNA processing 0.0539059 2.42555080794693 -5.82667651654239 1.1139434 -8.152980 0.8952376 0.4120236 null FALSE
GO:0048439 flower morphogenesis 0.0269530 3.53205378858097 4.71538951426077 0.8450980 -4.558133 0.8138287 0.4134163 null FALSE
GO:0035864 response to potassium ion 0.0269530 -7.3138918408594 0.43751472606112 0.8450980 -3.561205 0.9403236 0.4217509 null FALSE
GO:0009745 sucrose mediated signaling 0.0089843 -5.83525681382827 1.43254989622049 0.4771213 -4.100581 0.8526711 0.4278823 null FALSE
GO:0006486 protein glycosylation 0.7322223 -0.486018824823945 -5.81899346849693 2.2148438 -2.967523 0.8738888 0.4293059 null FALSE
GO:0044364 disruption of cells of other organism 0.0269530 -5.96931267118691 -4.05583023892602 0.8450980 -2.755929 0.9672614 0.4301109 null FALSE
GO:0046777 protein autophosphorylation 0.7636674 0.0930465821650909 -4.95372107354279 2.2329961 -7.305555 0.9033473 0.4315157 null FALSE
GO:0046482 para-aminobenzoic acid metabolic process 0.0179686 1.4224526792971 -6.52614011715898 0.6989700 -1.986689 0.9087871 0.4395354 null FALSE
GO:0061157 mRNA destabilization 0.2156237 -3.838968756779 4.63314513601181 1.6901961 -4.943818 0.8525187 0.4427212 null FALSE
GO:0045056 transcytosis 0.0044922 5.53980130671705 2.44729776108028 0.3010300 -1.617946 0.8433839 0.4534531 null FALSE
GO:0071921 cohesin loading 0.0044922 5.43230354968301 -1.35205684237437 0.3010300 -1.496974 0.8890119 0.4563019 null FALSE
GO:0009608 response to symbiont 0.0539059 -6.00212818859042 -2.65790818516848 1.1139434 -7.017275 0.9265259 0.4588364 null FALSE
GO:0098530 positive regulation of strand invasion 0.0152733 -5.69615778887885 4.64351588639654 0.6020600 -1.596827 0.9046446 0.4704375 null FALSE
GO:0010150 leaf senescence 0.5076142 3.87382125799594 4.9005616985243 2.0569049 -4.016755 0.8004546 0.4731624 null FALSE
GO:0032526 response to retinoic acid 0.4215893 -6.54754925392882 0.144698843579772 1.9731279 -1.471984 0.9156223 0.4739620 null FALSE
GO:0015969 guanosine tetraphosphate metabolic process 0.0179686 1.03424994261224 -6.11865512871399 0.6989700 -2.627528 0.8980691 0.4786646 null FALSE
GO:0019878 lysine biosynthetic process via aminoadipic acid 0.0179686 -0.758516163383181 -6.70384195626195 0.6989700 -4.260093 0.9068749 0.4806061 null FALSE
GO:0031065 positive regulation of histone deacetylation 0.0359373 -5.34009801355943 4.62840014583884 0.9542425 -1.496974 0.8995954 0.4820669 null FALSE
GO:0060465 pharynx development 1.4053739 3.65333456483882 5.03932274177071 2.4927604 -2.755929 0.7850590 0.4836985 null FALSE
GO:0072699 protein localization to cortical microtubule cytoskeleton 0.0134765 6.18577635944318 -0.126734788182671 0.6020600 -4.555906 0.9316471 0.4974365 null FALSE
GO:1900449 regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway 0.1735903 -4.21071733670846 5.42879988520036 1.5682017 -7.626170 0.8748601 0.5089636 null FALSE
GO:0048211 Golgi vesicle docking 0.0089843 5.98477635319456 0.337710887947776 0.4771213 -1.617946 0.9310126 0.5090434 null FALSE
GO:0006627 protein processing involved in protein targeting to mitochondrion 0.0179686 3.98128232810513 -2.34117598297586 0.6989700 -1.720248 0.8325597 0.5141106 null FALSE
GO:0090558 plant epidermis development 1.1679619 2.74052530506529 6.07528580465219 2.4166405 -2.738830 0.8353260 0.5184871 null FALSE
GO:0009251 glucan catabolic process 0.2470689 -3.08790656530141 -5.48032904924735 1.7481880 -2.365504 0.9305552 0.5219667 null FALSE
GO:2000280 regulation of root development 0.3593729 -1.96032041927825 5.16941649207734 1.9084850 -5.252086 0.8889514 0.5241877 null FALSE
GO:0042761 very long-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process 0.0988275 -0.780562454419334 -7.13728160880023 1.3617278 -2.053810 0.8892492 0.5277113 null FALSE
GO:0051967 negative regulation of synaptic transmission,glutamatergic 0.0044922 -4.26219688304927 6.25116792696201 0.3010300 -4.712564 0.8955352 0.5278281 null FALSE
GO:0035024 negative regulation of Rho protein signal transduction 0.0044922 -4.43988137679546 6.08829758515459 0.3010300 -3.841743 0.8837901 0.5316060 null FALSE
GO:0009626 plant-type hypersensitive response 0.3279278 -5.29283877002498 -1.27932580926743 1.8692317 -20.800214 0.8545525 0.5453319 null FALSE
GO:0009826 unidimensional cell growth 1.0736265 3.09486238721809 5.83586049588078 2.3802112 -3.368105 0.7929174 0.5464143 null FALSE
GO:0043588 skin development 1.7580260 3.42501173263489 5.08079023831395 3.2564772 -2.755929 0.7338234 0.5560406 null FALSE
GO:0044403 biological process involved in symbiotic interaction 0.4312475 -6.06433743496957 -3.88379814162983 1.9867717 -9.395802 0.9598398 0.5582824 null FALSE
GO:0009742 brassinosteroid mediated signaling pathway 0.3638651 -5.08449181387461 1.60704701683384 1.9138139 -6.885721 0.8072039 0.5587782 null FALSE
GO:0010083 regulation of vegetative meristem growth 0.0329425 0.820336844860263 5.56695983141155 0.9030900 -25.517715 0.7518998 0.5625290 null FALSE
GO:0048509 regulation of meristem development 0.2964826 -1.91172025147156 5.37268010283074 1.8260748 -5.238104 0.8905056 0.5634440 null FALSE
GO:0052544 defense response by callose deposition in cell wall 0.0718746 1.81728730678999 -0.61370908682615 1.2304489 -6.905833 0.8005612 0.5779561 null FALSE
GO:0008610 lipid biosynthetic process 2.7716634 -1.89187052331612 -6.69817585861151 2.7909885 -1.447198 0.9035673 0.5789751 null FALSE
GO:0009218 pyrimidine ribonucleotide metabolic process 0.1257805 0.919054077377444 -5.92684961797623 1.4623980 -1.426628 0.8845295 0.5850997 null FALSE
GO:0014013 regulation of gliogenesis 0.0044922 0.901985534113264 5.36051639337516 0.3010300 -2.217819 0.7400230 0.5911068 null FALSE
GO:0007275 multicellular organism development 10.3544315 3.49759318533192 5.25319340419541 3.3628593 -4.193035 0.7594223 0.5926294 null FALSE
GO:1904851 positive regulation of establishment of protein localization to telomere 0.0404295 -5.0163387573282 4.38850467281893 1.0000000 -1.379635 0.8802193 0.5976487 null FALSE
GO:0001701 in utero embryonic development 1.7833880 3.7584496595589 5.25735764454742 2.6211763 -4.688566 0.7761709 0.6033090 null FALSE
GO:0009734 auxin-activated signaling pathway 0.9972598 -4.90401310488682 1.79058467032072 2.3483049 -5.072313 0.7982169 0.6060261 null FALSE
GO:0003341 cilium movement 0.0059895 6.52440890326487 -4.07368049925157 0.3010300 -17.515455 0.9470345 0.6208058 null FALSE
GO:0060294 cilium movement involved in cell motility 0.0059895 6.72426511417472 -1.14618867961976 0.4771213 -19.092525 0.9036820 0.6208058 null FALSE
GO:0010470 regulation of gastrulation 0.1539688 -1.76289983414408 5.75676841199434 1.5440680 -4.810111 0.8666181 0.6218939 null FALSE
GO:0101030 tRNA-guanine transglycosylation 0.0333169 1.54245294367053 -5.2198110636074 0.9030900 -2.835031 0.9002309 0.6260287 null FALSE
GO:0006336 DNA replication-independent chromatin assembly 0.0404295 4.81657892782626 -2.87477062565359 1.0000000 -3.787082 0.9015843 0.6310454 null FALSE
GO:0031640 killing of cells of other organism 1.3072189 -6.19493272360761 -3.83728560211903 2.4653829 -2.756107 0.9313587 0.6338299 null FALSE
GO:0007165 signal transduction 8.3913571 -4.41104988946846 2.23906612330691 3.2716093 -119.239761 0.7796595 0.6344952 null FALSE
GO:0048821 erythrocyte development 0.0179686 2.22152646321132 4.30233250456855 0.6989700 -2.676151 0.7088042 0.6384362 null FALSE
GO:0051513 regulation of monopolar cell growth 0.0224608 -1.92523755909152 6.10195779055095 0.7781513 -3.381197 0.8826127 0.6393644 null FALSE
GO:0007349 cellularization 0.0404295 3.65784244493381 5.61755962529707 1.0000000 -1.998218 0.8090526 0.6411372 null FALSE
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 5.0671578 0.000161538558564082 -5.23481091894549 3.0526939 -44.190986 0.8862054 0.6414721 null FALSE
GO:1900745 positive regulation of p38MAPK cascade 0.0179686 -4.9948358036893 5.31645477965658 0.6989700 -1.997416 0.8630862 0.6447047 null FALSE
GO:0044806 G-quadruplex DNA unwinding 0.1482413 4.66031802183987 -2.79193337304845 1.5314789 -1.596827 0.9058033 0.6448448 null FALSE
GO:0060325 face morphogenesis 0.5812857 3.13891786856089 5.94594592795398 2.1139434 -1.496974 0.8176179 0.6464135 null FALSE
GO:0009828 plant-type cell wall loosening 0.0314451 5.03741528723213 -3.71532560073745 0.9030900 -2.793297 0.9115500 0.6517822 null FALSE
GO:0015708 silicic acid import across plasma membrane 0.0331729 6.97618237940951 0.324365846811212 0.9030900 -4.085583 0.9369619 0.6528448 null FALSE
GO:0042742 defense response to bacterium 1.6216702 -5.78380165533684 -1.81587403042227 2.5587086 -5.879025 0.8908942 0.6545694 null FALSE
GO:0060548 negative regulation of cell death 0.1662100 -3.62078046303753 5.01984544443063 1.5797836 -1.766217 0.8984414 0.6583366 null FALSE
GO:0090708 specification of plant organ axis polarity 0.0404295 4.04922077347208 5.2257188019017 1.0000000 -5.847839 0.8086101 0.6587402 null FALSE
GO:0097306 cellular response to alcohol 1.1275325 -5.94523149955123 0.137586085666841 2.4014005 -2.674237 0.8715329 0.6692924 null FALSE
GO:0036159 inner dynein arm assembly 0.0179686 5.58906355870449 -3.07209795376791 0.6989700 -13.046176 0.8773282 0.6711268 null FALSE
GO:0009867 jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway 0.3998023 -5.14422794109234 1.68945528755759 1.9542425 -2.146426 0.8057820 0.6755918 null FALSE
GO:0009690 cytokinin metabolic process 0.1751943 -0.337286042593598 -2.21878965708728 1.6020600 -8.510983 0.8317378 0.6792812 null FALSE
GO:0030240 skeletal muscle thin filament assembly 0.0592965 3.49623669883265 2.79246599424586 1.1461280 -6.369436 0.7314163 0.6944233 null FALSE

[1] “missing_posi_vs_all_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0009819 drought recovery 0.0494138 -0.828198076778107 -6.41676817201854 1.0791812 -39.762484 0.9095380 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0010375 stomatal complex patterning 0.0494138 -3.19838189240803 6.14029032119316 1.0791812 -33.754478 0.9266859 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0040011 locomotion 0.1841786 -4.91503269057047 -6.78913623951103 1.6232493 -2.110800 1.0000000 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0045926 negative regulation of growth 0.1751943 -5.9544763317336 1.82442476352685 1.6020600 -56.870827 0.8529387 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 1.6171780 5.24428965894673 -1.29542040760057 2.5575072 -202.077576 0.8940943 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0003341 cilium movement 0.0059895 -5.32322823439561 -5.88912106098667 0.3010300 -11.828706 0.9577144 0.0240391 null FALSE
GO:0007023 post-chaperonin tubulin folding pathway 0.0179686 -5.9541618757312 -5.97729434539952 0.6989700 -2.977004 0.9808062 0.0261106 null FALSE
GO:0036371 protein localization to T-tubule 0.0314451 2.8548128234759 5.99198103385138 0.9030900 -15.023967 0.9196698 0.0273094 null FALSE
GO:0051211 anisotropic cell growth 0.0359373 3.13620473626661 -7.10569875966247 0.9542425 -1.813416 0.9767397 0.0276119 null FALSE
GO:0034724 DNA replication-independent chromatin organization 0.0494138 4.53788866430661 3.4229914571541 1.0791812 -12.343109 0.9279718 0.0283611 null FALSE
GO:0009780 photosynthetic NADP+ reduction 0.0044922 -5.10530645305247 -6.51382929295297 0.3010300 -8.261077 0.9526537 0.0782721 null FALSE
GO:0051554 flavonol metabolic process 0.0853511 4.03013441618182 -6.05461400367857 1.3010300 -27.259447 0.9328267 0.0907318 null FALSE
GO:1904526 regulation of microtubule binding 0.0044922 0.277638606792574 -0.825257086240716 0.3010300 -40.641336 0.9089796 0.1037129 null FALSE
GO:0051762 sesquiterpene biosynthetic process 0.1123040 5.06600856122262 -4.06046386857709 1.4149733 -100.297555 0.8771729 0.1056641 null FALSE
GO:0010881 regulation of cardiac muscle contraction by regulation of the release of sequestered calcium ion 0.0089843 -2.40831625122287 -2.38187191610016 0.4771213 -28.972157 0.7498298 0.1236690 null FALSE
GO:0050434 positive regulation of viral transcription 0.0089843 -7.02205677239706 -3.1147283019699 0.4771213 -11.444585 0.8866056 0.1236690 null FALSE
GO:0015979 photosynthesis 1.1230403 3.92811210806438 -6.52781936774272 2.3996737 -1.786708 0.9443915 0.1284458 null FALSE
GO:0009625 response to insect 0.1482413 0.776821538361252 -6.78393392140453 1.5314789 -15.643489 0.9236552 0.1332801 null FALSE
GO:0009962 regulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process 0.1257805 -3.74094911320233 0.565033892592914 1.4623980 -14.549538 0.8912145 0.1487254 null FALSE
GO:2000280 regulation of root development 0.3593729 -4.84026520482353 -1.37642997043552 1.9084850 -53.716023 0.8653202 0.1617632 null FALSE
GO:0080155 regulation of double fertilization forming a zygote and endosperm 0.2335924 -5.20262155527868 -2.8065406423899 1.7242759 -7.626381 0.8896629 0.1657447 null FALSE
GO:0007346 regulation of mitotic cell cycle 0.3818337 -4.36245950382443 -1.01355519690647 1.9344985 -10.155337 0.8834858 0.1730192 null FALSE
GO:0035902 response to immobilization stress 0.0089843 1.73853538161879 -5.69638311315067 0.4771213 -10.850181 0.9516355 0.1749598 null FALSE
GO:0031146 SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.3773415 6.81395723144948 -0.69567799835247 1.9294189 -62.059796 0.9103382 0.1763754 null FALSE
GO:0043457 regulation of cellular respiration 0.0044922 -6.13051032524918 -3.77174226524315 0.3010300 -3.301968 0.9080881 0.1788328 null FALSE
GO:0036290 protein trans-autophosphorylation 0.0044922 7.13667157646868 0.2730563280352 0.3010300 -1.365237 0.9345889 0.1861765 null FALSE
GO:0080164 regulation of nitric oxide metabolic process 0.0089843 -2.85517309147309 1.6854235300513 0.4771213 -3.416873 0.9085331 0.1865822 null FALSE
GO:0080184 response to phenylpropanoid 0.0044922 -2.2953693350641 -7.04283252667454 0.3010300 -8.913764 0.9354852 0.2014785 null FALSE
GO:0006359 regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase III 0.0044922 -6.25425198258439 -3.44638873712508 0.3010300 -5.285495 0.9059802 0.2131819 null FALSE
GO:0019218 regulation of steroid metabolic process 0.0269530 -3.52013034956866 1.51814092488103 0.8450980 -4.076369 0.8954141 0.2210355 null FALSE
GO:2000762 regulation of phenylpropanoid metabolic process 0.1212884 -4.33718989487892 -0.124619188997735 1.4471580 -9.682429 0.8873431 0.2228407 null FALSE
GO:0010310 regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 0.0539059 -4.13315247542504 0.842706831235924 1.1139434 -5.432629 0.8906538 0.2239731 null FALSE
GO:0090143 nucleoid organization 0.0179686 5.66160003210041 3.60484340946779 0.6989700 -4.046449 0.9409583 0.2251592 null FALSE
GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0359373 -1.88528310624671 -6.98236688428016 0.9542425 -2.970613 0.9367607 0.2284321 null FALSE
GO:0030587 sorocarp development 0.0404295 -4.04778524847892 6.42392627283253 1.0000000 -2.979628 0.9450099 0.2421996 null FALSE
GO:0048462 carpel formation 0.0179686 -2.48784439587522 6.43665351218677 0.6989700 -22.697279 0.8994079 0.2504087 null FALSE
GO:0030198 extracellular matrix organization 0.0988275 4.95167891751868 3.66674379049179 1.3617278 -6.950692 0.9287994 0.2515722 null FALSE
GO:0009969 xyloglucan biosynthetic process 0.0808589 5.15402108697957 1.2564993572874 1.2787536 -24.960744 0.8455730 0.2530424 null FALSE
GO:0010233 phloem transport 0.0943354 0.258217692551418 6.21185823433386 1.3424227 -23.811719 0.8845906 0.2564512 null FALSE
GO:1902025 nitrate import 0.0808589 1.94286416219559 6.57689120762276 1.2787536 -22.839119 0.9261728 0.2646327 null FALSE
GO:0042176 regulation of protein catabolic process 0.4267553 -4.29743127330168 0.183458214391129 1.9822712 -12.811444 0.8661027 0.2713463 null FALSE
GO:0012502 induction of programmed cell death 0.0044922 -7.12227898921862 -2.57881252056497 0.3010300 -9.431784 0.8779370 0.2746607 null FALSE
GO:0009268 response to pH 0.0359373 -3.16684869243387 -6.61698470578917 0.9542425 -4.887249 0.9506672 0.2827029 null FALSE
GO:0045168 cell-cell signaling involved in cell fate commitment 0.1662100 -3.32490078846678 5.54591976131779 1.5797836 -22.581085 0.8800424 0.2860549 null FALSE
GO:0033206 meiotic cytokinesis 0.0404295 -1.03922221826231 7.23877993440425 1.0000000 -12.323855 0.9455294 0.2861295 null FALSE
GO:0071236 cellular response to antibiotic 0.8690604 -1.19970819456132 -5.85810901109196 2.2878017 -15.558175 0.8808219 0.2873162 null FALSE
GO:0019756 cyanogenic glycoside biosynthetic process 0.1069562 6.1172026122688 -1.86826381309062 1.4313638 -25.518707 0.8630848 0.2895405 null FALSE
GO:0042908 xenobiotic transport 0.3369121 2.10992020507353 6.05414562788897 1.8808136 -5.906055 0.9404357 0.2944657 null FALSE
GO:0050826 response to freezing 0.1167962 0.664919660725285 -5.19200657181003 1.4313638 -7.571291 0.9359131 0.3058984 null FALSE
GO:0043153 entrainment of circadian clock by photoperiod 0.0224608 -1.14188319659052 -3.99282941433007 0.7781513 -11.106471 0.8578360 0.3069126 null FALSE
GO:0018008 N-terminal peptidyl-glycine N-myristoylation 0.0089843 6.77588708130352 -1.30705544704271 0.4771213 -6.862429 0.9092171 0.3108274 null FALSE
GO:0033387 putrescine biosynthetic process from ornithine 0.0123534 6.00919155621222 -2.48545790978601 0.4771213 -9.050561 0.9016999 0.3196216 null FALSE
GO:0090559 regulation of membrane permeability 0.0089843 -4.68560572324178 -4.71468930834726 0.4771213 -3.415678 0.8962437 0.3244429 null FALSE
GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination 3.7105251 6.46384234353309 -0.291564199392361 2.9175055 -19.832729 0.9044925 0.3270943 null FALSE
GO:0071347 cellular response to interleukin-1 0.0044922 -2.18520597138999 -6.15513868309466 0.3010300 -9.101635 0.9131985 0.3281054 null FALSE
GO:0010221 negative regulation of vernalization response 0.0044922 -7.14136731151118 1.68763952610234 0.3010300 -8.832352 0.8584035 0.3379466 null FALSE
GO:2000083 negative regulation of L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -6.09753590079935 2.16971579008454 0.3010300 -14.028558 0.8612217 0.3379466 null FALSE
GO:0016045 detection of bacterium 0.0134765 1.36200994570303 -6.97400356244588 0.6020600 -3.008507 0.9346272 0.3385947 null FALSE
GO:0048211 Golgi vesicle docking 0.0089843 3.03754288910281 6.05226247942087 0.4771213 -5.955050 0.9225179 0.3424968 null FALSE
GO:0010344 seed oilbody biogenesis 0.0404295 -0.519811383791661 5.16351204840421 1.0000000 -16.161163 0.8581097 0.3457972 null FALSE
GO:0010275 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex assembly 0.0494138 5.21162236092769 3.15232896496848 1.0791812 -18.708367 0.9193149 0.3465167 null FALSE
GO:0070846 Hsp90 deacetylation 0.1033197 6.80461864356664 0.44822515600396 1.3802112 -3.744559 0.9252017 0.3466347 null FALSE
GO:2000098 negative regulation of smooth muscle cell-matrix adhesion 0.0089843 -6.6067074936673 2.52615089361334 0.4771213 -2.526602 0.8710965 0.3529006 null FALSE
GO:0015853 adenine transport 0.0179686 2.40699109789327 6.77713473329435 0.6989700 -4.452453 0.9429150 0.3534636 null FALSE
GO:0001172 transcription,RNA-templated 0.0359373 5.36376896090653 -1.84532471820139 0.9542425 -5.524972 0.8883773 0.3541850 null FALSE
GO:0002011 morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet 0.0134765 -3.73993180101815 6.56482323163278 0.6020600 -3.289730 0.9405610 0.3568861 null FALSE
GO:0048544 recognition of pollen 0.5570280 -2.01929117526729 5.22208134479092 2.0969100 -5.518977 0.8810407 0.3616901 null FALSE
GO:0090480 purine nucleotide-sugar transmembrane transport 0.0269530 2.11639138004486 6.7746931759793 0.8450980 -1.440548 0.9239980 0.3628069 null FALSE
GO:0006778 porphyrin-containing compound metabolic process 0.3458964 5.30375410555378 -0.965321151515854 1.8920946 -6.174433 0.9112531 0.3675002 null FALSE
GO:0071466 cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0224608 -1.87519636942723 -5.96219981889936 0.7781513 -6.082287 0.9096813 0.3682726 null FALSE
GO:1902457 negative regulation of stomatal opening 0.0179686 -6.60780312218519 2.14447005807538 0.6989700 -16.296225 0.8658271 0.3692394 null FALSE
GO:0019915 lipid storage 0.1302727 2.74365499212738 6.41222422965363 1.4771213 -1.587403 0.9393397 0.3729983 null FALSE
GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis 3.8587665 -3.41635217066221 6.52399504296625 2.9344985 -11.417696 0.9264078 0.3743725 null FALSE
GO:0070848 response to growth factor 0.9496038 -1.06261200664236 -6.58475971520263 2.3263359 -3.742023 0.9101486 0.3776394 null FALSE
GO:0000966 RNA 5’-end processing 0.0808589 4.64884378523774 -1.1932808400369 1.2787536 -40.450386 0.9104844 0.3797277 null FALSE
GO:0045056 transcytosis 0.0044922 0.184082561087358 6.40531320573089 0.3010300 -5.955050 0.8947429 0.3809345 null FALSE
GO:0080027 response to herbivore 0.0808589 0.956049950492535 -6.83367857588173 1.2787536 -2.945089 0.9270232 0.3830913 null FALSE
GO:0002238 response to molecule of fungal origin 0.0853511 -0.411924335757702 -6.76579614329841 1.3010300 -6.476875 0.9023050 0.3846165 null FALSE
GO:0002213 defense response to insect 0.0943354 0.872582760865922 -6.20113098621824 1.3424227 -7.205055 0.9173149 0.3874721 null FALSE
GO:0045007 depurination 0.1069134 2.34017159827213 -3.35593394197023 1.3802112 -5.052084 0.8374342 0.3894002 null FALSE
GO:0080156 mitochondrial mRNA modification 0.1347648 5.70672834580865 -0.714206107288784 1.4913617 -30.657427 0.8984874 0.3977989 null FALSE
GO:0015851 nucleobase transport 0.1212884 2.33687254618969 6.53974482589302 1.4471580 -6.123632 0.9383012 0.4022496 null FALSE
GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 0.5794888 -2.97737955070101 -2.96789618206486 2.1139434 -3.979747 0.7925644 0.4023812 null FALSE
GO:0034434 sterol esterification 0.0089843 4.19647153231861 -3.30807347561018 0.4771213 -4.442857 0.9112561 0.4053371 null FALSE
GO:0042273 ribosomal large subunit biogenesis 0.4267553 5.14885619838131 3.37068756934013 1.9822712 -12.711372 0.9158063 0.4059178 null FALSE
GO:0034394 protein localization to cell surface 0.0134765 3.06053071892497 6.21287935802024 0.6020600 -3.600617 0.9237543 0.4074874 null FALSE
GO:1902325 negative regulation of chlorophyll biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -5.98963304880252 2.282775399413 0.3010300 -3.756088 0.8663889 0.4086043 null FALSE
GO:0048240 sperm capacitation 0.0044922 -1.96228539436139 6.26559372072266 0.3010300 -6.984336 0.8960849 0.4096889 null FALSE
GO:0009914 hormone transport 0.4447240 -0.549214174220962 2.70176778585294 2.0000000 -20.141593 0.8112191 0.4103707 null FALSE
GO:0009992 cellular water homeostasis 0.0089843 1.77970112983707 1.85521767097798 0.4771213 -1.795237 0.8427811 0.4103707 null FALSE
GO:1902184 negative regulation of shoot apical meristem development 0.0044922 -6.61695589831534 2.37184128334566 0.3010300 -3.583883 0.8646357 0.4125001 null FALSE
GO:0006970 response to osmotic stress 2.3449081 0.0689642382029608 -5.48009444856066 2.7185017 -2.680020 0.9189246 0.4182879 null FALSE
GO:0035864 response to potassium ion 0.0269530 -1.34490516561606 -7.18846102184972 0.8450980 -5.334631 0.9311235 0.4217509 null FALSE
GO:0034614 cellular response to reactive oxygen species 0.1482413 -0.848474399571505 -5.77724018734394 1.5314789 -14.569446 0.8723508 0.4299938 null FALSE
GO:0010469 regulation of signaling receptor activity 0.3059115 -5.84730512557782 -0.187017009096381 1.8260748 -34.558948 0.8191877 0.4321507 null FALSE
GO:1905255 regulation of RNA binding transcription factor activity 0.0044922 0.35458954738628 -0.474621928081848 0.3010300 -6.024302 0.9124346 0.4321507 null FALSE
GO:0097167 circadian regulation of translation 0.0044922 -3.68356393859749 3.48731083991862 0.3010300 -2.803332 0.8558297 0.4338639 null FALSE
GO:2000117 negative regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 0.0044922 -5.49358262617031 1.79314648611929 0.3010300 -9.726094 0.8426812 0.4338639 null FALSE
GO:0070667 negative regulation of mast cell proliferation 0.1886708 -6.00531392076874 1.3473867534237 1.6334685 -6.024302 0.8418425 0.4380368 null FALSE
GO:0006470 protein dephosphorylation 0.8624949 6.56940178052192 -0.435909870227967 2.2855573 -5.193447 0.9073305 0.4380416 null FALSE
GO:0035725 sodium ion transmembrane transport 0.0673824 1.73428814409649 6.43693459152219 1.2041200 -14.994073 0.9106587 0.4453910 null FALSE
GO:0018107 peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 0.0628903 6.8756386105299 -0.128729740084312 1.1760913 -1.722416 0.9202151 0.4457143 null FALSE
GO:0046949 fatty-acyl-CoA biosynthetic process 0.0044922 5.66028273741811 -2.27828864293606 0.3010300 -2.400073 0.8794172 0.4484771 null FALSE
GO:0009311 oligosaccharide metabolic process 0.4267553 4.85417938552193 -5.81170042760575 1.9822712 -10.336692 0.9493902 0.4499218 null FALSE
GO:0050935 iridophore differentiation 0.0224608 -3.99672512192651 6.24243273707432 0.7781513 -2.977004 0.9244586 0.4542384 null FALSE
GO:0060776 simple leaf morphogenesis 0.0224608 -2.83705124121946 6.48853504997869 0.7781513 -15.554054 0.9134994 0.4581927 null FALSE
GO:0000025 maltose catabolic process 0.0089843 4.85738269526431 -5.42646089784771 0.4771213 -4.860108 0.9350785 0.4597570 null FALSE
GO:0051782 negative regulation of cell division 0.0404295 -6.43071423585499 1.81156678710058 1.0000000 -4.382314 0.8559921 0.4611342 null FALSE
GO:0031098 stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade 0.3252325 -2.60552027263613 -3.21554772072357 1.8633229 -17.979816 0.7855473 0.4634292 null FALSE
GO:0006952 defense response 7.2503481 0.0314499944297088 -5.79567466494177 3.2081725 -56.039009 0.9151060 0.4644931 null FALSE
GO:0071368 cellular response to cytokinin stimulus 0.3593729 -1.29506278476673 -6.0805953674813 1.9084850 -9.739302 0.8807703 0.4666976 null FALSE
GO:0070134 positive regulation of mitochondrial translational initiation 0.0134765 -6.36694446939025 -1.69411053056558 0.6020600 -3.636248 0.8555298 0.4670366 null FALSE
GO:1904541 fungal-type cell wall disassembly involved in conjugation with cellular fusion 0.0044922 3.09813714562868 3.2453895741932 0.3010300 -5.079019 0.8990940 0.4680595 null FALSE
GO:0061614 pri-miRNA transcription by RNA polymerase II 0.0044922 5.61933055702265 -1.71448693286286 0.3010300 -2.077188 0.8992878 0.4728445 null FALSE
GO:0042773 ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 0.2830062 3.36814041994416 -6.80238306847148 1.8061800 -7.751660 0.9373885 0.4728635 null FALSE
GO:0010258 NADH dehydrogenase complex (plastoquinone) assembly 0.0359373 5.32898079361248 3.21313138973468 0.9542425 -1.546163 0.9209507 0.4782752 null FALSE
GO:0018063 cytochrome c-heme linkage 0.0374347 5.38257192304476 1.90185175175846 0.9542425 -3.227392 0.8786739 0.4795346 null FALSE
GO:0009626 plant-type hypersensitive response 0.3279278 -0.0645993511794241 -5.73453912013335 1.8692317 -16.522254 0.8504587 0.4809374 null FALSE
GO:0006005 L-fucose biosynthetic process 0.0044922 5.61012883971407 -4.26009973222212 0.3010300 -5.700801 0.9254947 0.4814675 null FALSE
GO:0006203 dGTP catabolic process 0.0134765 5.31997601887193 -2.33826895348715 0.6020600 -1.983263 0.8834027 0.4816793 null FALSE
GO:0051607 defense response to virus 0.2246081 0.673145862390203 -6.14935930984826 1.7075702 -4.801239 0.9116839 0.4865194 null FALSE
GO:0031333 negative regulation of protein-containing complex assembly 0.0853511 -6.23830133228561 1.47298529863809 1.3010300 -5.068979 0.8436196 0.4869655 null FALSE
GO:0042351 ‘de novo’ GDP-L-fucose biosynthetic process 0.0179686 5.50141599509654 -2.44641456314623 0.6989700 -3.583883 0.8784326 0.4886794 null FALSE
GO:0033292 T-tubule organization 0.0716381 0.0550546048029063 4.51030154761443 1.2041200 -15.023967 0.8709968 0.4928611 null FALSE
GO:0036309 protein localization to M-band 0.2713265 2.60441460938127 5.98345556737136 1.7853298 -15.023967 0.9058106 0.4950361 null FALSE
GO:0043627 response to estrogen 1.1430508 -1.10539716971315 -6.47891019469376 2.4065402 -1.596382 0.9062300 0.4956526 null FALSE
GO:0034080 CENP-A containing chromatin assembly 0.0134765 4.7757344146028 3.05646362791689 0.6020600 -5.066592 0.9156426 0.4961586 null FALSE
GO:0035967 cellular response to topologically incorrect protein 0.2964826 -0.824404283095017 -5.88342201447445 1.8260748 -3.743924 0.8732979 0.4967938 null FALSE
GO:0070121 Kupffer’s vesicle development 1.4053739 -3.56022365907919 6.44173706427459 2.4927604 -2.089786 0.9328491 0.4968539 null FALSE
GO:0032527 protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum 0.0359373 2.5980053407453 6.1551358511172 0.9542425 -8.961732 0.9129281 0.4998121 null FALSE
GO:0006611 protein export from nucleus 0.0404295 2.64517599534805 6.24022194966324 1.0000000 -2.080898 0.9122716 0.5041019 null FALSE
GO:0050821 protein stabilization 0.1437492 -1.46354849842862 -0.119865281434403 1.5185139 -3.421658 0.8764261 0.5055010 null FALSE
GO:0002938 tRNA guanine ribose methylation 0.0044922 5.52048024504256 -0.520317804490838 0.3010300 -5.700801 0.9171224 0.5055471 null FALSE
GO:0010324 membrane invagination 0.0044922 5.53013710026037 3.93768478570372 0.3010300 -6.184266 0.9426523 0.5057439 null FALSE
GO:0009088 threonine biosynthetic process 0.0449216 6.15043310134266 -2.94895155783015 1.0413927 -8.292342 0.9012374 0.5069649 null FALSE
GO:0097237 cellular response to toxic substance 0.8355420 -1.15622781992691 -5.94110056753255 2.2718416 -3.138372 0.8812308 0.5080142 null FALSE
GO:0071289 cellular response to nickel ion 0.0044922 -2.11942709345298 -6.38920569681273 0.3010300 -1.958210 0.9111009 0.5089993 null FALSE
GO:0009451 RNA modification 1.4105386 5.80265007821483 -1.00194761068033 2.4983106 -190.721643 0.8850567 0.5091922 null FALSE
GO:0006045 N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process 0.0359373 6.29945475700507 -3.46278498426841 0.9542425 -3.301968 0.9270242 0.5116103 null FALSE
GO:0052544 defense response by callose deposition in cell wall 0.0718746 2.17524068743573 2.03566769782724 1.2304489 -5.613441 0.7928344 0.5168809 null FALSE
GO:1900426 positive regulation of defense response to bacterium 0.1167962 -6.80242004897943 -0.963791854411006 1.4313638 -13.256654 0.8340098 0.5185815 null FALSE
GO:0006509 membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis 0.4761691 7.03949033072229 0.556692931857445 2.0293838 -10.923143 0.9415952 0.5203722 null FALSE
GO:0060291 long-term synaptic potentiation 0.0044922 -6.12412622205951 -1.19460813833149 0.3010300 -9.880986 0.8280914 0.5247898 null FALSE
GO:0010618 aerenchyma formation 0.0089843 -3.55713795471695 6.7234406978262 0.4771213 -14.702027 0.9416374 0.5264717 null FALSE
GO:0042407 cristae formation 0.0089843 5.20657261599912 3.93448480006851 0.4771213 -7.288255 0.9348110 0.5269143 null FALSE
GO:0032418 lysosome localization 0.0089843 3.22658156886419 6.10770015274335 0.4771213 -3.744559 0.9254065 0.5279778 null FALSE
GO:0006885 regulation of pH 0.2515610 -1.77731606471181 -0.123745741535084 1.7558749 -19.750916 0.8670491 0.5303141 null FALSE
GO:0051070 galactomannan biosynthetic process 0.0044922 6.06769751371368 -3.98729255494191 0.3010300 -6.568896 0.9266011 0.5326031 null FALSE
GO:0033007 negative regulation of mast cell activation involved in immune response 0.0898432 -6.46366948296887 0.367757191744545 1.3222193 -6.024302 0.7946529 0.5331877 null FALSE
GO:0010064 embryonic shoot morphogenesis 0.0044922 -2.86157215047274 6.66086654005612 0.3010300 -6.862429 0.9249109 0.5336678 null FALSE
GO:0010365 positive regulation of ethylene biosynthetic process 0.0089843 -6.67994890366185 -1.94212878628687 0.4771213 -2.346859 0.8647769 0.5384409 null FALSE
GO:0009617 response to bacterium 2.1113158 0.332163768633324 -6.45394100527058 2.6730209 -10.289218 0.9042746 0.5453319 null FALSE
GO:1901684 arsenate ion transmembrane transport 0.0224608 1.7092895056019 6.7023603826824 0.7781513 -3.269484 0.9198247 0.5470253 null FALSE
GO:1904837 beta-catenin-TCF complex assembly 0.5076142 4.98117294800146 3.17208238328036 2.0569049 -8.582182 0.9058896 0.5532566 null FALSE
GO:0001667 ameboidal-type cell migration 0.0044922 1.82413163504652 5.50994713293166 0.3010300 -9.728819 0.9255120 0.5585812 null FALSE
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 5.0671578 6.38690980538996 -0.710366847708059 3.0526939 -23.861870 0.8907838 0.5616227 null FALSE
GO:0009867 jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway 0.3998023 -2.71646270994647 -3.6998959367276 1.9542425 -14.238823 0.7625066 0.5617056 null FALSE
GO:0000375 RNA splicing,via transesterification reactions 1.1140560 5.13825654444223 -1.18652907184509 2.3961993 -6.872762 0.8903925 0.5628313 null FALSE
GO:0048509 regulation of meristem development 0.2964826 -4.86200690802058 -1.51583072922973 1.8260748 -21.686326 0.8672061 0.5634440 null FALSE
GO:0071320 cellular response to cAMP 0.1613662 -1.45048292638054 -6.26154623801212 1.5563025 -11.821209 0.8705757 0.5656929 null FALSE
GO:1902265 abscisic acid homeostasis 0.0089843 -0.130863223278318 0.415121050913698 0.4771213 -7.364876 0.8933171 0.5661740 null FALSE
GO:0007066 female meiosis sister chromatid cohesion 0.0044922 1.52886836611711 3.69457815298434 0.3010300 -5.070379 0.8820383 0.5767286 null FALSE
GO:0080003 thalianol metabolic process 0.0089843 4.13069585579259 -3.2157793215402 0.4771213 -21.022129 0.9022956 0.5772455 null FALSE
GO:0046330 positive regulation of JNK cascade 0.0179686 -7.02992725973133 -0.84788438145451 0.6989700 -9.722158 0.8270692 0.5831457 null FALSE
GO:0009852 auxin catabolic process 0.0089843 0.935400305028061 -0.865117453002758 0.4771213 -8.055166 0.8469552 0.5840401 null FALSE
GO:0071229 cellular response to acid chemical 0.2740218 -1.41073809802512 -6.00592626465057 1.7923917 -8.441768 0.8885371 0.5845806 null FALSE
GO:0048439 flower morphogenesis 0.0269530 -2.50050109561456 6.52664430784879 0.8450980 -2.532840 0.9047518 0.5912012 null FALSE
GO:1900033 negative regulation of trichome patterning 0.0269530 -6.18354817672814 0.616874974134445 0.8450980 -9.916671 0.7941076 0.5919133 null FALSE
GO:0045815 epigenetic maintenance of chromatin in transcription-competent conformation 0.0044922 -0.519587706006688 1.5570576925745 0.3010300 -2.677396 0.8242731 0.5941185 null FALSE
GO:0042308 negative regulation of protein import into nucleus 0.0044922 -6.53232735169622 2.72908114736903 0.3010300 -2.526602 0.8405781 0.5958785 null FALSE
GO:0009664 plant-type cell wall organization 0.6693320 4.74612853107068 3.43697162987276 2.1760913 -5.970664 0.9072256 0.5966817 null FALSE
GO:0080163 regulation of protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity 0.0853511 -3.86890652619169 0.117064091439498 1.3010300 -3.131269 0.8597717 0.6025765 null FALSE
GO:0010842 retina layer formation 0.0988275 -3.01097038895856 6.37561946273251 1.3617278 -2.222439 0.9051649 0.6076887 null FALSE
GO:0048658 anther wall tapetum development 0.0853511 -2.33962830695249 6.39483630880768 1.3010300 -12.553830 0.8997085 0.6091195 null FALSE
GO:0010423 negative regulation of brassinosteroid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -4.95696656891996 1.64795195382717 0.3010300 -3.083357 0.8296222 0.6098624 null FALSE
GO:1901526 positive regulation of mitophagy 0.0044922 -6.83613979497001 -2.1240724232086 0.3010300 -3.744559 0.8655825 0.6099952 null FALSE
GO:0009734 auxin-activated signaling pathway 0.9972598 -2.8183980570114 -3.44764631371026 2.3483049 -1.757187 0.7550982 0.6116609 null FALSE
GO:0098703 calcium ion import across plasma membrane 0.0170702 1.08952665568811 4.39113711798066 0.6020600 -9.880986 0.8063703 0.6124892 null FALSE
GO:0010150 leaf senescence 0.5076142 -2.75025956181809 6.31867003235796 2.0569049 -8.133262 0.9012909 0.6130285 null FALSE
GO:0000390 spliceosomal complex disassembly 0.0134765 4.76271522287474 1.30143285289689 0.6020600 -6.520794 0.8685268 0.6146354 null FALSE
GO:0080126 ovary septum development 0.0044922 -2.23912257436108 6.62087520987704 0.3010300 -16.865539 0.9150752 0.6149303 null FALSE
GO:0010930 negative regulation of auxin mediated signaling pathway 0.0134765 -6.79032535229895 1.0405015781557 0.6020600 -3.593907 0.8283117 0.6168852 null FALSE
GO:0019348 dolichol metabolic process 0.0269530 4.58751012451654 -4.65383963213072 0.8450980 -2.857557 0.8925309 0.6194937 null FALSE
GO:0046345 abscisic acid catabolic process 0.0269530 4.64833415575871 -4.48699609857955 0.8450980 -35.511723 0.8722247 0.6194937 null FALSE
GO:0000226 microtubule cytoskeleton organization 0.7232379 4.33680532828395 3.06836029895767 2.2095150 -11.150007 0.9067467 0.6208058 null FALSE
GO:1901599 (-)-pinoresinol biosynthetic process 0.0089843 5.17378398550022 -2.97817007465075 0.4771213 -2.089786 0.8871899 0.6243888 null FALSE
GO:0009631 cold acclimation 0.2560532 0.481821271092445 -5.26833759874371 1.7634280 -2.700705 0.9319428 0.6252015 null FALSE
GO:0010082 regulation of root meristem growth 0.1527335 -3.83802059593313 3.91634411346122 1.5440680 -54.195293 0.7841844 0.6297772 null FALSE
GO:1900865 chloroplast RNA modification 0.1212884 5.78161821187632 -0.740903731841751 1.4471580 -3.916060 0.9024080 0.6305983 null FALSE
GO:1905614 negative regulation of developmental vegetative growth 0.0134765 -6.37841441957142 1.97739696891109 0.6020600 -18.376548 0.8508444 0.6315937 null FALSE
GO:0045861 negative regulation of proteolysis 0.2111316 -5.59413728981005 1.09396004945206 1.6812412 -4.202439 0.8202516 0.6323680 null FALSE
GO:0001188 RNA polymerase I preinitiation complex assembly 0.0179686 5.03663346412665 0.644283689062218 0.6989700 -1.484557 0.8414282 0.6325950 null FALSE
GO:0050728 negative regulation of inflammatory response 0.0346538 -6.79670029437712 1.25194931457145 0.9030900 -11.106471 0.8389393 0.6338016 null FALSE
GO:0071731 response to nitric oxide 0.0269530 -1.48918296155401 -7.03525314810756 0.8450980 -3.335147 0.9209260 0.6341328 null FALSE
GO:0007165 signal transduction 8.3913571 -3.12596323204849 -2.6430178561949 3.2716093 -63.045228 0.7369905 0.6344952 null FALSE
GO:0080037 negative regulation of cytokinin-activated signaling pathway 0.0224608 -6.68982541340208 0.947823903888844 0.7781513 -9.070433 0.8231612 0.6358455 null FALSE
GO:0015700 arsenite transport 0.0224608 1.60650419656128 6.67680495910969 0.7781513 -4.650523 0.9369611 0.6364426 null FALSE
GO:0061734 parkin-mediated stimulation of mitophagy in response to mitochondrial depolarization 5.4400072 -0.480263184549622 -5.53599531217201 3.0835026 -3.744559 0.8665656 0.6378968 null FALSE
GO:0033542 fatty acid beta-oxidation,unsaturated,even number 0.0044922 4.73025215743264 -4.424283572411 0.3010300 -8.187130 0.9078885 0.6436924 null FALSE
GO:0035024 negative regulation of Rho protein signal transduction 0.0044922 -6.9915517090758 1.24246246725117 0.3010300 -3.940235 0.8354476 0.6447047 null FALSE
GO:1905034 regulation of antifungal innate immune response 0.0089843 -7.82154747335306 -0.250582361852178 0.4771213 -5.043818 0.8798357 0.6459136 null FALSE
GO:0010500 transmitting tissue development 0.0179686 -2.23949303522228 6.53302320459834 0.6989700 -10.077522 0.9102808 0.6473838 null FALSE
GO:0034307 regulation of ascospore formation 0.0044922 -5.48492595930272 -3.03598280230319 0.3010300 -4.046449 0.8788871 0.6492064 null FALSE
GO:0032260 response to jasmonic acid stimulus involved in jasmonic acid and ethylene-dependent systemic resistance 0.0134765 -0.186695243427756 -6.48482051835226 0.6020600 -13.981089 0.8951824 0.6492412 null FALSE
GO:0010227 floral organ abscission 0.1123040 -2.36091205265461 6.31492220532761 1.4149733 -6.507642 0.9004983 0.6505166 null FALSE
GO:0010942 positive regulation of cell death 0.1527335 -6.4405395176044 -1.62306459415207 1.5440680 -6.291367 0.8501657 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:1902042 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 0.0044922 -7.00923710351619 0.913997392878982 0.3010300 -4.331802 0.8321359 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:0009972 cytidine deamination 0.0404295 5.20118036489975 -2.34369566572385 1.0000000 -16.574468 0.8744144 0.6586003 null FALSE
GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development 1.5677643 -4.79524275338634 -1.00696729979003 2.5440680 -11.646700 0.8223296 0.6593517 null FALSE
GO:2000038 regulation of stomatal complex development 0.0539059 -4.80631176750127 -2.22276310647582 1.1139434 -6.601214 0.8608544 0.6593634 null FALSE
GO:0030150 protein import into mitochondrial matrix 0.1257805 3.29518584816006 4.81774863107393 1.4623980 -9.888893 0.8541338 0.6622637 null FALSE
GO:1900459 positive regulation of brassinosteroid mediated signaling pathway 0.0404295 -6.83847837445081 -0.795522814824578 1.0000000 -5.248078 0.8255615 0.6624068 null FALSE
GO:0000028 ribosomal small subunit assembly 0.1527335 4.88921662026199 3.1856952966734 1.5440680 -4.099637 0.9036803 0.6628457 null FALSE
GO:0009961 response to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid 0.0179686 -1.60542846833042 -6.93101336811012 0.6989700 -1.744255 0.9202127 0.6635002 null FALSE
GO:0043086 negative regulation of catalytic activity 1.1410089 -2.98172728568855 -0.40751724479405 2.4065402 -5.846133 0.8717257 0.6653174 null FALSE
GO:0006813 potassium ion transport 0.4222632 1.85217095396345 6.31009185902108 1.9777236 -10.222966 0.9223747 0.6681870 null FALSE
GO:0015886 heme transport 0.0718746 1.97887249911189 6.45234150843392 1.2304489 -2.509303 0.9259611 0.6715812 null FALSE
GO:0045338 farnesyl diphosphate metabolic process 0.0898432 4.39260369732623 -4.328109928531 1.3222193 -24.428219 0.8981716 0.6735153 null FALSE
GO:2000033 regulation of seed dormancy process 0.0718746 -4.99366897621033 -2.30371733723638 1.2304489 -2.985810 0.8504579 0.6760121 null FALSE
GO:0010642 negative regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor signaling pathway 0.0686659 -6.49610331638686 0.816110604502168 1.2041200 -2.526602 0.8107486 0.6816798 null FALSE
GO:1900449 regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway 0.1735903 -6.59831053697572 -0.244206962963317 1.5682017 -4.331802 0.8425925 0.6858401 null FALSE
GO:0042073 intraciliary transport 0.0242577 3.23500620494037 4.61590276054472 0.7781513 -5.067553 0.8512920 0.6863235 null FALSE
GO:0010727 negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 0.0044922 -6.04993436733582 2.37429992222028 0.3010300 -3.745360 0.8654100 0.6872518 null FALSE
GO:0030994 primary cell septum disassembly 0.0817573 4.16408974871306 3.18190809930351 1.2787536 -6.121054 0.9274023 0.6894654 null FALSE
GO:0010030 positive regulation of seed germination 0.0898432 -5.85721747042772 -1.84793584621474 1.3222193 -9.733717 0.8215098 0.6895163 null FALSE
GO:0006812 cation transport 2.2505728 2.01123198087587 6.27075897160608 2.7007037 -7.647909 0.9162393 0.6936154 null FALSE
GO:0048767 root hair elongation 0.3099591 -2.76651098485812 6.09924029146004 1.8450980 -13.755379 0.8611765 0.6947824 null FALSE
GO:2000095 regulation of Wnt signaling pathway,planar cell polarity pathway 0.2030457 -6.11064860589494 -0.405007381177321 1.6627578 -1.707227 0.8137973 0.6948060 null FALSE
GO:2001040 positive regulation of cellular response to drug 0.2554321 -6.4153386741569 -0.778513875038645 1.7558749 -3.743868 0.8220447 0.6964743 null FALSE
GO:0010120 camalexin biosynthetic process 0.0494138 5.90677214626909 -1.84949258861923 1.0791812 -4.492216 0.8788899 0.6980352 null FALSE

[1] “missing_seagrasses_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0010082 regulation of root meristem growth 0.1527335 0.111183809824825 2.7667618931291 1.5440680 -85.813720 0.7545471 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0051762 sesquiterpene biosynthetic process 0.1123040 2.66906258552785 -6.06010465967698 1.4149733 -123.263200 0.8689906 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:1902025 nitrate import 0.0808589 5.44297996845699 2.2285927832585 1.2787536 -31.159863 0.9346240 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0032197 transposition,RNA-mediated 0.0044922 -4.12856175253226 7.75839199587771 0.3010300 -1.308417 0.9809233 0.0198115 null FALSE
GO:0006335 DNA replication-dependent chromatin assembly 0.0179686 -2.07880748765897 7.69487967782181 0.6989700 -2.182306 0.9442327 0.0215931 null FALSE
GO:0009626 plant-type hypersensitive response 0.3279278 -5.40400431781216 2.84466908889163 1.8692317 -29.280582 0.7982384 0.0266051 null FALSE
GO:0051554 flavonol metabolic process 0.0853511 5.79352896481342 -0.604931047754815 1.3010300 -32.847642 0.9553768 0.0732686 null FALSE
GO:0031146 SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.3773415 4.69186400709638 -2.22764725401825 1.9294189 -71.808392 0.9124035 0.0932346 null FALSE
GO:0009311 oligosaccharide metabolic process 0.4267553 6.80339093660157 -0.53113502009018 1.9822712 -5.851302 0.9628224 0.1045125 null FALSE
GO:0097503 sialylation 0.0134765 6.0980360024462 -2.25484031285442 0.6020600 -1.496617 0.9619123 0.1181081 null FALSE
GO:0080184 response to phenylpropanoid 0.0044922 -7.78550963178701 -0.617260088722344 0.3010300 -11.208254 0.8996056 0.1196905 null FALSE
GO:0006885 regulation of pH 0.2515610 0.319246607195391 -1.96010194569513 1.7558749 -19.446794 0.8631261 0.1360520 null FALSE
GO:0009962 regulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process 0.1257805 -1.03870368615213 -4.23346818610855 1.4623980 -35.352336 0.9043729 0.1471751 null FALSE
GO:0009820 alkaloid metabolic process 0.0224608 6.24593148624752 -1.30325026479214 0.7781513 -9.047597 0.9648735 0.1530936 null FALSE
GO:0010469 regulation of signaling receptor activity 0.3059115 -3.22229265691084 -5.07694348659185 1.8260748 -45.181379 0.8265039 0.1578322 null FALSE
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 1.6171780 4.57983629206453 -3.87407797547631 2.5575072 -54.837630 0.9062679 0.1763754 null FALSE
GO:0010942 positive regulation of cell death 0.1527335 -4.76182846412871 -4.44315124426988 1.5440680 -18.391164 0.8698226 0.1784806 null FALSE
GO:0010310 regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 0.0539059 -1.52172547510767 -4.13811933408706 1.1139434 -3.310012 0.9066640 0.2101184 null FALSE
GO:0060294 cilium movement involved in cell motility 0.0059895 4.51085491394437 2.45164337483214 0.4771213 -13.305352 0.9156667 0.2109973 null FALSE
GO:2000083 negative regulation of L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -2.27068625292027 -6.3226277533515 0.3010300 -16.999532 0.8934076 0.2131819 null FALSE
GO:0018342 protein prenylation 0.0494138 5.65914535784854 -2.44066465446815 1.0791812 -3.422514 0.9357659 0.2200164 null FALSE
GO:0009819 drought recovery 0.0494138 -7.2242764726487 1.64204492196182 1.0791812 -28.692016 0.8663769 0.2221654 null FALSE
GO:0097167 circadian regulation of translation 0.0044922 0.231496589165105 1.58971405334565 0.3010300 -4.377239 0.8423061 0.2266615 null FALSE
GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0359373 -7.86878143104033 0.750286184617033 0.9542425 -6.200545 0.9022146 0.2284321 null FALSE
GO:0036371 protein localization to T-tubule 0.0314451 5.47346324753461 3.19984222544842 0.9030900 -18.160410 0.9199490 0.2340388 null FALSE
GO:0071466 cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0224608 -6.84913445701007 0.010957979617015 0.7781513 -8.870023 0.8697970 0.2373516 null FALSE
GO:0009865 pollen tube adhesion 0.0134765 -0.209117949080101 4.34095028206212 0.6020600 -6.744444 0.8559881 0.2428352 null FALSE
GO:0010025 wax biosynthetic process 0.0988275 1.9965944355713 -6.5026967762323 1.3617278 -3.394830 0.9470983 0.2514105 null FALSE
GO:0010233 phloem transport 0.0943354 3.31981377068545 4.00074822517729 1.3424227 -5.714913 0.8357407 0.2779671 null FALSE
GO:0045168 cell-cell signaling involved in cell fate commitment 0.1662100 -0.532347228915515 4.60951532651376 1.5797836 -23.213581 0.8323801 0.2805344 null FALSE
GO:0009611 response to wounding 1.0062441 -6.24802092832619 2.94521309626862 2.3521825 -4.682342 0.8957601 0.2870502 null FALSE
GO:0010375 stomatal complex patterning 0.0494138 2.17325382898601 6.00455419126758 1.0791812 -20.044409 0.8927858 0.2884235 null FALSE
GO:0019756 cyanogenic glycoside biosynthetic process 0.1069562 4.06380127562285 -4.3760386436066 1.4313638 -30.624232 0.8870206 0.2895405 null FALSE
GO:0008053 mitochondrial fusion 0.0778641 -1.82045179359895 7.74365658842588 1.2552725 -1.911618 0.9414539 0.2993263 null FALSE
GO:0001101 response to acid chemical 1.7923723 -6.82803179071156 1.56123556195274 2.6020600 -7.876771 0.8652911 0.3051929 null FALSE
GO:0033387 putrescine biosynthetic process from ornithine 0.0123534 3.78098330162263 -4.62215375476281 0.4771213 -11.194175 0.9072157 0.3196216 null FALSE
GO:0031930 mitochondria-nucleus signaling pathway 0.0539059 -4.59908316177386 -1.09786011921404 1.1139434 -4.333619 0.8075250 0.3228612 null FALSE
GO:0010114 response to red light 0.2785140 -7.28131754744732 3.53586917977888 1.7993405 -5.748793 0.9158559 0.3255957 null FALSE
GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination 3.7105251 5.30475207149298 -2.80549011648221 2.9175055 -24.814192 0.9086591 0.3270943 null FALSE
GO:0032504 multicellular organism reproduction 0.8040969 2.09121462766854 4.97574525911815 2.2552725 -1.631797 0.8926102 0.3415835 null FALSE
GO:0048211 Golgi vesicle docking 0.0089843 5.39920114308245 3.42539957503917 0.4771213 -10.411023 0.9281242 0.3424968 null FALSE
GO:1903553 positive regulation of extracellular exosome assembly 0.0044922 -6.05786316713257 -4.632673112201 0.3010300 -1.911602 0.9019680 0.3498300 null FALSE
GO:0031542 positive regulation of anthocyanin biosynthetic process 0.0179686 -5.20941008070552 -4.81463756087837 0.6989700 -1.676296 0.8948536 0.3513679 null FALSE
GO:0016045 detection of bacterium 0.0134765 -5.53287368184308 4.96914176430639 0.6020600 -6.852833 0.8894975 0.3569672 null FALSE
GO:0044364 disruption of cells of other organism 0.0269530 -5.16928713859527 6.23984210393733 0.8450980 -1.911602 0.9481181 0.3726472 null FALSE
GO:0060305 regulation of cell diameter 0.0044922 1.48314487059638 0.560585570647533 0.3010300 -3.355775 0.8571371 0.3779708 null FALSE
GO:0009867 jasmonic acid mediated signaling pathway 0.3998023 -5.1293209736081 -0.496273571674476 1.9542425 -25.814933 0.7247355 0.3795777 null FALSE
GO:0000966 RNA 5’-end processing 0.0808589 4.74002810470899 -4.23444132035852 1.2787536 -49.527264 0.9222748 0.3797277 null FALSE
GO:0045056 transcytosis 0.0044922 3.55234606614694 4.17976083029991 0.3010300 -10.411023 0.8766246 0.3809345 null FALSE
GO:0010555 response to mannitol 0.0673824 -7.37827838380246 0.529876716091946 1.2041200 -3.074696 0.8785807 0.3887576 null FALSE
GO:0090559 regulation of membrane permeability 0.0089843 1.60937603584921 -1.21384445369792 0.4771213 -4.867058 0.8937880 0.3950913 null FALSE
GO:0010618 aerenchyma formation 0.0089843 1.69555874468014 6.9804662443327 0.4771213 -18.139990 0.9176805 0.3960626 null FALSE
GO:0080156 mitochondrial mRNA modification 0.1347648 4.99615665295853 -3.54934021526623 1.4913617 -40.112965 0.9038002 0.3977989 null FALSE
GO:0010438 cellular response to sulfur starvation 0.0314451 -4.99487236577926 2.49290696589775 0.9030900 -2.224533 0.8478891 0.3994265 null FALSE
GO:0007267 cell-cell signaling 0.3414042 -7.08807416175237 -2.78778831852121 1.8864907 -9.465565 0.9203509 0.4013598 null FALSE
GO:0080027 response to herbivore 0.0808589 -5.64672823166232 4.46725783769767 1.2787536 -8.477227 0.8880317 0.4067789 null FALSE
GO:0034394 protein localization to cell surface 0.0134765 5.62712303894214 3.29894358316998 0.6020600 -6.337011 0.9270314 0.4074874 null FALSE
GO:0006952 defense response 7.2503481 -5.98684595603123 2.4694558905719 3.2081725 -92.003340 0.8719910 0.4100881 null FALSE
GO:0010221 negative regulation of vernalization response 0.0044922 -3.25840147054671 -6.5301819037858 0.3010300 -13.253502 0.8819520 0.4116470 null FALSE
GO:0009609 response to symbiotic bacterium 0.0089843 -5.45318783419146 5.12046874428477 0.4771213 -4.928401 0.8990011 0.4143200 null FALSE
GO:0009871 jasmonic acid and ethylene-dependent systemic resistance,ethylene mediated signaling pathway 0.0089843 -5.18613043632847 1.11261351395878 0.4771213 -9.345083 0.7613423 0.4175401 null FALSE
GO:0035864 response to potassium ion 0.0269530 -7.839441627431 0.391884953014789 0.8450980 -7.406889 0.8977954 0.4217509 null FALSE
GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 0.5794888 -4.30868458340418 -0.841189493010074 2.1139434 -9.718756 0.7705725 0.4253892 null FALSE
GO:0009625 response to insect 0.1482413 -5.75479493693829 4.25454672512915 1.5314789 -18.198404 0.8827903 0.4269324 null FALSE
GO:1905034 regulation of antifungal innate immune response 0.0089843 -4.50533153692146 -6.2059545619523 0.4771213 -13.646261 0.8893037 0.4305344 null FALSE
GO:1904526 regulation of microtubule binding 0.0044922 -0.0269760863775666 -7.00938333979799 0.3010300 -7.008658 0.9140743 0.4321507 null FALSE
GO:1905255 regulation of RNA binding transcription factor activity 0.0044922 -0.16098133315073 -7.10314835488611 0.3010300 -7.822215 0.9140743 0.4321507 null FALSE
GO:2000117 negative regulation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 0.0044922 -1.81376972942032 -6.12895905545191 0.3010300 -13.861990 0.8713185 0.4321507 null FALSE
GO:0003283 atrial septum development 1.6401201 1.34400666837115 5.55860188206159 3.2564772 -4.737842 0.8398372 0.4359177 null FALSE
GO:1901021 positive regulation of calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity 0.0065885 -5.04009283132777 -5.08070181025684 0.3010300 -18.160410 0.8497678 0.4428862 null FALSE
GO:0000304 response to singlet oxygen 0.0583981 -7.24787607969647 1.34267643842359 1.1461280 -14.098692 0.8696953 0.4434063 null FALSE
GO:0097185 cellular response to azide 0.0561520 -6.90125474110264 0.44022011409868 1.1139434 -12.341169 0.8528112 0.4472027 null FALSE
GO:0002011 morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet 0.0134765 1.26589939243542 7.00003952705678 0.6020600 -9.046140 0.9128097 0.4499787 null FALSE
GO:0007492 endoderm development 0.0134765 0.940379547041006 7.06230180349092 0.6020600 -1.911602 0.9223529 0.4499787 null FALSE
GO:0002213 defense response to insect 0.0943354 -5.49832995527527 4.03420141948302 1.3424227 -4.652790 0.8765845 0.4532505 null FALSE
GO:0071218 cellular response to misfolded protein 0.1033197 -6.01405297776291 1.22792174696083 1.3802112 -2.846974 0.8331602 0.4588220 null FALSE
GO:0019722 calcium-mediated signaling 0.3279278 -4.27970243215673 -0.702165634250877 1.8692317 -2.599013 0.7748853 0.4636835 null FALSE
GO:0006654 phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process 0.0269530 2.76182625204923 -6.01370252171912 0.8450980 -10.365896 0.8965692 0.4645185 null FALSE
GO:0046394 carboxylic acid biosynthetic process 2.1742060 2.99380207231341 -5.20185159980573 2.6857417 -2.668466 0.8867768 0.4686518 null FALSE
GO:0071236 cellular response to antibiotic 0.8690604 -6.33343665912791 1.11839143088103 2.2878017 -19.250722 0.8278819 0.4715434 null FALSE
GO:0002084 protein depalmitoylation 0.0134765 5.05945420115825 -2.21833723716029 0.6020600 -5.504809 0.9248904 0.4823511 null FALSE
GO:0050821 protein stabilization 0.1437492 0.577166436711259 -1.78143444580501 1.5185139 -1.499445 0.8732697 0.4825149 null FALSE
GO:0051607 defense response to virus 0.2246081 -5.61986614953666 3.79892766062216 1.7075702 -3.609544 0.8680501 0.4865194 null FALSE
GO:0033292 T-tubule organization 0.0716381 0.155649568299661 6.50855952174405 1.2041200 -18.160410 0.8520286 0.4928611 null FALSE
GO:0036309 protein localization to M-band 0.2713265 5.30176850818104 3.00397739198702 1.7853298 -18.160410 0.9097144 0.4950361 null FALSE
GO:0036159 inner dynein arm assembly 0.0179686 -2.21865571762561 7.45446064071217 0.6989700 -8.286640 0.9245271 0.4957761 null FALSE
GO:0032527 protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum 0.0359373 5.50404042894256 3.00852459126901 0.9542425 -15.058593 0.9201985 0.4998121 null FALSE
GO:0006649 phospholipid transfer to membrane 0.0044922 4.6085383556988 3.91432364333218 0.3010300 -3.066668 0.9117770 0.5057439 null FALSE
GO:0097237 cellular response to toxic substance 0.8355420 -6.27218167916919 1.03275829503484 2.2718416 -2.921033 0.8284769 0.5080142 null FALSE
GO:0009451 RNA modification 1.4105386 4.79055479120816 -3.4493490093767 2.4983106 -31.353508 0.8982904 0.5091922 null FALSE
GO:0052544 defense response by callose deposition in cell wall 0.0718746 -2.44270869747844 2.72630012151416 1.2304489 -12.781323 0.7778892 0.5168809 null FALSE
GO:0042177 negative regulation of protein catabolic process 0.0134765 -1.97474664796636 -6.30455694418522 0.6020600 -6.581183 0.8919636 0.5178942 null FALSE
GO:0060776 simple leaf morphogenesis 0.0224608 1.79539279097035 6.1616361396968 0.7781513 -6.747710 0.8771229 0.5240669 null FALSE
GO:0009733 response to auxin 1.8597547 -6.78852035074179 1.2113549858907 2.6180481 -4.959063 0.8462783 0.5265885 null FALSE
GO:0035024 negative regulation of Rho protein signal transduction 0.0044922 -3.40027747793525 -6.19800556915676 0.3010300 -9.928858 0.8655127 0.5272151 null FALSE
GO:0035600 tRNA methylthiolation 0.0089843 5.14731943343169 -3.70885145518597 0.4771213 -2.034953 0.9230223 0.5275488 null FALSE
GO:0009914 hormone transport 0.4447240 2.08166178172722 0.0805587168738593 2.0000000 -16.231674 0.8095167 0.5303141 null FALSE
GO:0009960 endosperm development 0.1437492 1.21848775298947 6.061745978994 1.5185139 -5.605621 0.8662183 0.5317308 null FALSE
GO:2000280 regulation of root development 0.3593729 -2.16915329824715 -3.3983577367376 1.9084850 -76.487902 0.8856727 0.5325899 null FALSE
GO:0071368 cellular response to cytokinin stimulus 0.3593729 -6.38502040664333 0.759979111989587 1.9084850 -13.837441 0.8232207 0.5432496 null FALSE
GO:0009617 response to bacterium 2.1113158 -5.81781852613711 3.50047736957181 2.6730209 -21.588290 0.8525457 0.5453319 null FALSE
GO:1901684 arsenate ion transmembrane transport 0.0224608 5.46288530688735 2.01916378426293 0.7781513 -10.319721 0.9233873 0.5470253 null FALSE
GO:1902290 positive regulation of defense response to oomycetes 0.0449216 -4.71563664806205 -5.28077502615243 1.0413927 -10.069439 0.8615933 0.5510349 null FALSE
GO:0060465 pharynx development 1.4053739 1.23786470711203 5.72806471323932 2.4927604 -1.911602 0.8561079 0.5514316 null FALSE
GO:0048312 intracellular distribution of mitochondria 0.0044922 4.50144892037198 3.55377156243945 0.3010300 -1.911602 0.9084221 0.5580199 null FALSE
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 5.0671578 5.00977395833693 -3.06957104808849 3.0526939 -45.943129 0.8941858 0.5616227 null FALSE
GO:0071447 cellular response to hydroperoxide 0.1529288 -6.20238116755193 1.34719906470536 1.5440680 -5.949636 0.8203493 0.5631622 null FALSE
GO:0048509 regulation of meristem development 0.2964826 -2.01909518595265 -3.32067167852402 1.8260748 -33.358186 0.8872923 0.5634440 null FALSE
GO:1902265 abscisic acid homeostasis 0.0089843 1.61068544216157 -1.01075857678531 0.4771213 -4.605998 0.8896166 0.5661740 null FALSE
GO:0010930 negative regulation of auxin mediated signaling pathway 0.0134765 -3.39292499012791 -5.90457409726418 0.6020600 -6.338787 0.8582675 0.5666125 null FALSE
GO:0009826 unidimensional cell growth 1.0736265 1.3231816229193 6.67654142400579 2.3802112 -4.149882 0.8638742 0.5680023 null FALSE
GO:0007498 mesoderm development 0.3503886 1.03359998155537 6.7533578773194 1.8976271 -1.651274 0.9022502 0.5707614 null FALSE
GO:0072498 embryonic skeletal joint development 1.8732312 1.3976474641056 5.68241796753417 2.6211763 -1.911602 0.8522091 0.5710239 null FALSE
GO:0009644 response to high light intensity 0.2785140 -7.36148493377265 3.42837449422644 1.7993405 -2.721079 0.9158559 0.5759002 null FALSE
GO:0009961 response to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid 0.0179686 -7.53381550410242 0.0518546751479098 0.6989700 -9.695553 0.8846771 0.5766178 null FALSE
GO:0080003 thalianol metabolic process 0.0089843 3.3154216278461 -5.84250101203462 0.4771213 -26.491320 0.8906941 0.5772455 null FALSE
GO:0048512 circadian behavior 0.0224608 6.69857384554607 0.250848416353312 0.7781513 -1.869036 0.9951277 0.5780757 null FALSE
GO:0098660 inorganic ion transmembrane transport 1.9810431 5.3268055209064 2.4730642702148 2.6454223 -11.268271 0.8988203 0.5817700 null FALSE
GO:0007584 response to nutrient 0.0583981 -6.56733093676936 2.42497738571109 1.1461280 -1.943252 0.8709867 0.5817840 null FALSE
GO:0009852 auxin catabolic process 0.0089843 2.09366185787396 -1.5328902802214 0.4771213 -10.033313 0.8440032 0.5840401 null FALSE
GO:0071229 cellular response to acid chemical 0.2740218 -6.61480296663586 0.773944151769752 1.7923917 -21.633441 0.8389718 0.5845806 null FALSE
GO:0010376 stomatal complex formation 0.0224608 1.52765009831058 6.29924281267393 0.7781513 -6.020245 0.8675775 0.5847861 null FALSE
GO:1905663 positive regulation of telomerase RNA reverse transcriptase activity 0.0485153 -1.34857620430401 -5.44163199907709 1.0413927 -1.471697 0.8770473 0.5862896 null FALSE
GO:0009745 sucrose mediated signaling 0.0089843 -5.98523376022104 -0.606053495638217 0.4771213 -2.254390 0.7900171 0.5951780 null FALSE
GO:0009664 plant-type cell wall organization 0.6693320 -1.8837888401575 7.40272638669654 2.1760913 -8.936784 0.9262356 0.5956427 null FALSE
GO:0003341 cilium movement 0.0059895 -3.2925561816181 7.81139443178302 0.3010300 -14.626165 0.9526986 0.5985002 null FALSE
GO:0080141 regulation of jasmonic acid biosynthetic process 0.0269530 -1.33909305452227 -4.85199547668217 0.8450980 -5.405514 0.9057182 0.6034067 null FALSE
GO:0035725 sodium ion transmembrane transport 0.0673824 5.68880427023917 2.37966000834204 1.2041200 -3.931946 0.9197284 0.6086318 null FALSE
GO:0009734 auxin-activated signaling pathway 0.9972598 -4.93508921589008 -0.56113061417954 2.3483049 -16.624630 0.7168559 0.6116609 null FALSE
GO:0010150 leaf senescence 0.5076142 1.65546109763556 5.86240546808663 2.0569049 -3.522762 0.8602333 0.6130285 null FALSE
GO:0046345 abscisic acid catabolic process 0.0269530 2.96260366794837 -5.37653219969527 0.8450980 -46.799108 0.8550913 0.6194937 null FALSE
GO:1901599 (-)-pinoresinol biosynthetic process 0.0089843 3.68613559037858 -4.93833698115244 0.4771213 -3.071305 0.8966972 0.6243888 null FALSE
GO:0045926 negative regulation of growth 0.1751943 -2.53376477435149 -5.39382036776906 1.6020600 -13.458879 0.8791890 0.6297772 null FALSE
GO:1900865 chloroplast RNA modification 0.1212884 4.93786437416325 -3.62163465556103 1.4471580 -1.937036 0.9101989 0.6305983 null FALSE
GO:1905614 negative regulation of developmental vegetative growth 0.0134765 -2.4564751946217 -5.84862958042064 0.6020600 -1.756960 0.8834762 0.6315937 null FALSE
GO:0048438 floral whorl development 0.8085890 1.53183512187056 5.76655651887693 2.2576786 -2.152846 0.8543795 0.6324877 null FALSE
GO:0031640 killing of cells of other organism 1.3072189 -5.27286195952391 6.06915866442696 2.4653829 -1.911602 0.9026632 0.6338299 null FALSE
GO:0007422 peripheral nervous system development 3.6745878 1.32787511685743 5.81771103590405 2.9132839 -1.651274 0.8337928 0.6342863 null FALSE
GO:0007165 signal transduction 8.3913571 -4.31643040396434 -0.916127636913014 3.2716093 -87.009031 0.7076707 0.6344952 null FALSE
GO:0048821 erythrocyte development 0.0179686 0.828866330552813 3.54137889021978 0.6989700 -1.679676 0.7400395 0.6349558 null FALSE
GO:0015700 arsenite transport 0.0224608 5.63070433465104 2.05679020385391 0.7781513 -12.058546 0.9404722 0.6364426 null FALSE
GO:0048658 anther wall tapetum development 0.0853511 1.7571946317785 5.72677319940928 1.3010300 -1.852856 0.8749979 0.6449005 null FALSE
GO:0010208 pollen wall assembly 0.2021473 0.485940997012976 6.02130491907277 1.6627578 -2.259532 0.7957302 0.6467488 null FALSE
GO:0015708 silicic acid import across plasma membrane 0.0331729 5.64208836036156 2.18471897855383 0.9030900 -3.071305 0.9191437 0.6528448 null FALSE
GO:0048235 pollen sperm cell differentiation 0.1572256 0.925506630987793 5.68123478217873 1.5563025 -1.640496 0.8451238 0.6530142 null FALSE
GO:0051513 regulation of monopolar cell growth 0.0224608 -2.94735517692159 -3.74692527613606 0.7781513 -2.081591 0.8907853 0.6532683 null FALSE
GO:0042742 defense response to bacterium 1.6216702 -5.73091177096451 3.34929335714126 2.5587086 -9.971460 0.8382382 0.6545694 null FALSE
GO:0012502 induction of programmed cell death 0.0044922 -5.93759609823555 -4.87232181908598 0.3010300 -7.493662 0.8941082 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:1902042 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 0.0044922 -3.78318764288402 -5.96307016823233 0.3010300 -5.949636 0.8567293 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development 1.5677643 -2.36197565872973 -3.56054428139018 2.5440680 -25.760968 0.8333533 0.6593517 null FALSE
GO:0043086 negative regulation of catalytic activity 1.1410089 -0.873222094017457 -5.10865547909454 2.4065402 -2.990442 0.8755621 0.6653174 null FALSE
GO:0009737 response to abscisic acid 2.3538925 -6.70350897899573 1.28426151484217 2.7201593 -4.235759 0.8304505 0.6656796 null FALSE
GO:0009740 gibberellic acid mediated signaling pathway 0.3503886 -5.20216650587565 -0.521246291776241 1.8976271 -4.867794 0.7296730 0.6682909 null FALSE
GO:0009742 brassinosteroid mediated signaling pathway 0.3638651 -5.26869771535053 -0.564880728490474 1.9138139 -3.724605 0.7228966 0.6705553 null FALSE
GO:0009866 induced systemic resistance,ethylene mediated signaling pathway 0.0179686 -5.19839623339342 -0.269754346688175 0.6989700 -3.234087 0.6902924 0.6707259 null FALSE
GO:0017148 negative regulation of translation 0.3503886 -2.50179417625136 -4.96166874720712 1.8976271 -4.095920 0.8557567 0.6727984 null FALSE
GO:0045338 farnesyl diphosphate metabolic process 0.0898432 2.57731800649867 -6.50598397490842 1.3222193 -43.241889 0.8844653 0.6735153 null FALSE
GO:0061025 membrane fusion 0.3324199 -1.58387348387523 7.67557710668011 1.8750613 -3.333018 0.9348984 0.6738613 null FALSE
GO:0009684 indoleacetic acid biosynthetic process 0.0494138 2.53011270338798 -3.33221563593376 1.0791812 -8.410423 0.7768718 0.6856031 null FALSE
GO:1900449 regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway 0.1735903 -3.79219331906137 -5.00122540676798 1.5682017 -5.949636 0.8558237 0.6858401 null FALSE
GO:0048265 response to pain 11.9626252 -3.20202044794061 3.26354182435924 3.4255342 -1.911602 0.7401901 0.6889007 null FALSE
GO:0010030 positive regulation of seed germination 0.0898432 -4.28867063196146 -4.15921522217761 1.3222193 -15.745440 0.8431154 0.6895163 null FALSE
GO:0071805 potassium ion transmembrane transport 0.2560532 5.47554425784124 2.40954383639216 1.7634280 -2.235091 0.9120567 0.6907954 null FALSE

[1] “missing_zmar_vs_all_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0010082 regulation of root meristem growth 0.1527335 1.80689129145056 2.86254527917745 1.5440680 -65.058597 0.7962497 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0048512 circadian behavior 0.0224608 2.67573405306037 1.94673067145108 0.7781513 -8.585635 0.9936051 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0051762 sesquiterpene biosynthetic process 0.1123040 5.30626566573885 -4.1476333675656 1.4149733 -178.473129 0.8478180 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:1902025 nitrate import 0.0808589 2.34395492023961 6.09179940588793 1.2787536 -25.565208 0.9412517 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0072089 stem cell proliferation 0.0044922 7.35137927606199 -0.745214745726002 0.3010300 -2.235250 0.9793616 0.0198115 null FALSE
GO:0003341 cilium movement 0.0059895 6.69334582797524 -0.109442864662968 0.3010300 -12.938618 0.9561658 0.0201566 null FALSE
GO:0090136 epithelial cell-cell adhesion 0.0134765 7.42567380690704 -0.186945857393862 0.6020600 -15.423612 0.9727170 0.0211975 null FALSE
GO:0045218 zonula adherens maintenance 0.0494138 4.93921955455172 -0.508950150276303 1.0791812 -15.423612 0.9564499 0.0231095 null FALSE
GO:0045199 maintenance of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity 0.0853511 7.3479166294629 -1.20723605867285 1.3010300 -3.134638 0.9750764 0.0240209 null FALSE
GO:0008356 asymmetric cell division 0.0988275 -3.83072814408624 -7.98205810837997 1.3617278 -1.634371 0.9748152 0.0242778 null FALSE
GO:0009626 plant-type hypersensitive response 0.3279278 -5.9064442663725 -1.37553201404688 1.8692317 -90.965700 0.8166673 0.0266051 null FALSE
GO:0097502 mannosylation 0.1796864 7.41177830734131 0.463232380578166 1.6127839 -10.991734 0.9627293 0.0640480 null FALSE
GO:0009780 photosynthetic NADP+ reduction 0.0044922 -2.91739549187713 -8.29874089764811 0.3010300 -9.224979 0.9471469 0.0658471 null FALSE
GO:0006739 NADP metabolic process 0.1707021 -4.24163949949189 -7.80259821150385 1.5910646 -1.889197 0.9628679 0.0661605 null FALSE
GO:0051554 flavonol metabolic process 0.0853511 7.0274482170937 -2.15970099850301 1.3010300 -29.467082 0.9308590 0.0732686 null FALSE
GO:0000023 maltose metabolic process 0.0179686 6.40937217882113 -2.32828831197385 0.6989700 -9.397924 0.9268904 0.0748216 null FALSE
GO:0031146 SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.3773415 1.15403680677842 -7.31970742446221 1.9294189 -58.398957 0.8769966 0.0932346 null FALSE
GO:1904526 regulation of microtubule binding 0.0044922 -6.92819248172427 3.91115920173013 0.3010300 -44.692162 0.9297507 0.1028503 null FALSE
GO:1900000 regulation of anthocyanin catabolic process 0.0044922 -5.74531181529803 4.73621042844737 0.3010300 -58.235448 0.9270884 0.1174435 null FALSE
GO:0080184 response to phenylpropanoid 0.0044922 -6.33339810951456 -4.8971035942353 0.3010300 -12.023888 0.9132274 0.1196905 null FALSE
GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process 4.9368851 6.66875178761584 -3.39520326522534 3.0413927 -5.178395 0.9357432 0.1343063 null FALSE
GO:0000966 RNA 5’-end processing 0.0808589 0.689748412755423 -5.13634133094112 1.2787536 -43.193677 0.8845923 0.1347712 null FALSE
GO:0010942 positive regulation of cell death 0.1527335 -3.45373308462746 4.0169749807792 1.5440680 -9.756210 0.8819069 0.1493786 null FALSE
GO:0042550 photosystem I stabilization 0.0134765 -5.31288754389297 4.58793772249932 0.6020600 -1.664732 0.9251158 0.1577237 null FALSE
GO:0010119 regulation of stomatal movement 0.4492161 -3.20257907985493 3.67492281132464 2.0043214 -3.608488 0.9102617 0.1842481 null FALSE
GO:0035902 response to immobilization stress 0.0089843 -4.52056142280257 -5.82787424831081 0.4771213 -11.892224 0.9345050 0.1969794 null FALSE
GO:0009962 regulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process 0.1257805 -4.40768294275886 4.54447903672591 1.4623980 -26.956820 0.9162721 0.1973047 null FALSE
GO:2000083 negative regulation of L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -4.14871633005637 5.67497806046224 0.3010300 -15.208309 0.9081422 0.2131819 null FALSE
GO:0018874 benzoate metabolic process 0.0089843 3.12676482951254 -5.75373397094637 0.4771213 -24.132287 0.8722929 0.2133626 null FALSE
GO:0010731 protein glutathionylation 0.0359373 -0.0960997297979137 -7.89906972709037 0.9542425 -7.897618 0.9169940 0.2148306 null FALSE
GO:0009819 drought recovery 0.0494138 -5.72590543315416 -3.82770140081327 1.0791812 -49.271654 0.8781749 0.2221654 null FALSE
GO:0010881 regulation of cardiac muscle contraction by regulation of the release of sequestered calcium ion 0.0089843 -2.80095948576312 0.770138110241628 0.4771213 -31.134784 0.7464492 0.2228889 null FALSE
GO:0048211 Golgi vesicle docking 0.0089843 3.19741883924667 5.59740816589023 0.4771213 -7.280960 0.9311962 0.2267775 null FALSE
GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0359373 -6.90669523683696 -3.66546129942554 0.9542425 -4.474451 0.9133429 0.2284321 null FALSE
GO:0015768 maltose transport 0.0134765 1.79069248867588 6.35417070974886 0.6020600 -8.225758 0.9603697 0.2325128 null FALSE
GO:0046900 tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate metabolic process 0.0314451 0.115008245306488 -5.66990427769856 0.9030900 -23.148594 0.8932936 0.2369653 null FALSE
GO:0032194 ubiquinone biosynthetic process via 3,4-dihydroxy-5-polyprenylbenzoate 0.0044922 4.6851202729144 -5.5454397144153 0.3010300 -6.158100 0.8842323 0.2451575 null FALSE
GO:0019756 cyanogenic glycoside biosynthetic process 0.1069562 2.02828630528112 -4.80530998615725 1.4313638 -27.544023 0.8500621 0.2582345 null FALSE
GO:0032508 DNA duplex unwinding 0.2919905 4.57115688722189 -0.36228723821474 1.8195439 -8.740588 0.9483469 0.2718370 null FALSE
GO:0010221 negative regulation of vernalization response 0.0044922 -2.11332420343839 6.38667425223231 0.3010300 -9.913795 0.8950821 0.2761077 null FALSE
GO:0007613 memory 0.0943354 4.86472636779 3.18731380438745 1.3424227 -13.659670 0.8962772 0.2779671 null FALSE
GO:0045168 cell-cell signaling involved in cell fate commitment 0.1662100 3.89073133072686 1.66314212783526 1.5797836 -25.077146 0.8672699 0.2860549 null FALSE
GO:0009611 response to wounding 1.0062441 -4.89390152990828 -1.94187943360863 2.3521825 -13.994126 0.9070272 0.2870502 null FALSE
GO:0010375 stomatal complex patterning 0.0494138 5.56352592183562 2.84709536375943 1.0791812 -9.239498 0.9146556 0.2884235 null FALSE
GO:0009646 response to absence of light 0.2021473 -5.19574821448915 -5.34326425027777 1.6627578 -9.882841 0.9251993 0.3180436 null FALSE
GO:0071236 cellular response to antibiotic 0.8690604 -5.37063875112205 -2.81923197615584 2.2878017 -28.340526 0.8425737 0.3202583 null FALSE
GO:0090559 regulation of membrane permeability 0.0089843 0.510184520633064 1.32763619357682 0.4771213 -3.990589 0.9031348 0.3244429 null FALSE
GO:0034394 protein localization to cell surface 0.0134765 3.04962947917092 5.50698711019421 0.6020600 -4.662473 0.9314074 0.3265777 null FALSE
GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination 3.7105251 0.513112423816722 -7.03277689646926 2.9175055 -37.811969 0.8805105 0.3270943 null FALSE
GO:1902075 cellular response to salt 0.0044922 -4.9223348368139 -4.1528975980716 0.3010300 -8.793402 0.8911291 0.3281054 null FALSE
GO:0018106 peptidyl-histidine phosphorylation 0.0763667 0.530169622862807 -7.49492015986476 1.2552725 -11.443885 0.8974999 0.3366283 null FALSE
GO:1905255 regulation of RNA binding transcription factor activity 0.0044922 -6.8658237872334 4.02537064467628 0.3010300 -6.738528 0.9297507 0.3410427 null FALSE
GO:0051729 germline cell cycle switching,mitotic to meiotic cell cycle 0.0044922 -3.57161919655343 5.61503403856525 0.3010300 -1.944420 0.8775938 0.3498300 null FALSE
GO:0000720 pyrimidine dimer repair by nucleotide-excision repair 0.0044922 -1.84393950457164 -4.10507531767984 0.3010300 -18.648794 0.8228111 0.3500169 null FALSE
GO:0009649 entrainment of circadian clock 0.0808589 -5.60664638400951 0.929858844771567 1.2787536 -8.786995 0.8513633 0.3565069 null FALSE
GO:0006368 transcription elongation from RNA polymerase II promoter 0.0763667 1.5014018865064 -5.32399023023788 1.2552725 -7.027962 0.8525233 0.3611562 null FALSE
GO:0071475 cellular hyperosmotic salinity response 0.0089843 -4.72560924798728 -3.36360775726503 0.4771213 -25.518451 0.8640520 0.3661508 null FALSE
GO:0071466 cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0224608 -4.99118644122304 -3.65370793516238 0.7781513 -24.704446 0.8798301 0.3682726 null FALSE
GO:0007267 cell-cell signaling 0.3414042 -6.77545195216542 2.68100195096297 1.8864907 -11.712089 0.9377389 0.3721964 null FALSE
GO:0044364 disruption of cells of other organism 0.0269530 -7.80479675686757 1.23882200643665 0.8450980 -1.420387 0.9565990 0.3726472 null FALSE
GO:1901527 abscisic acid-activated signaling pathway involved in stomatal movement 0.0314451 -4.5287478809688 -0.822551928385612 0.9030900 -27.719958 0.7900026 0.3779456 null FALSE
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 1.6171780 1.08463515216632 -5.4894627803963 2.5575072 -20.943718 0.8607349 0.3797277 null FALSE
GO:0045056 transcytosis 0.0044922 3.88684358278053 4.2435742084647 0.3010300 -7.280960 0.8907465 0.3809345 null FALSE
GO:0009871 jasmonic acid and ethylene-dependent systemic resistance,ethylene mediated signaling pathway 0.0089843 -5.56045511719441 -0.611593485932316 0.4771213 -33.260491 0.7833883 0.3823772 null FALSE
GO:0009690 cytokinin metabolic process 0.1751943 0.594401200877769 -2.00444608519837 1.6020600 -29.269152 0.7745278 0.3859662 null FALSE
GO:0001680 tRNA 3’-terminal CCA addition 0.0224608 0.704205597727393 -4.68422071711708 0.7781513 -9.315195 0.8895505 0.3887837 null FALSE
GO:0009608 response to symbiont 0.0539059 -7.22303423301132 -0.0222584468048541 1.1139434 -4.377533 0.9032337 0.3943270 null FALSE
GO:0010618 aerenchyma formation 0.0089843 6.11131101151897 1.8360626303769 0.4771213 -20.516176 0.9369195 0.3960626 null FALSE
GO:0002215 defense response to nematode 0.0179686 -6.82867618187619 -0.25562227826424 0.6989700 -3.631838 0.9005053 0.4008543 null FALSE
GO:0009311 oligosaccharide metabolic process 0.4267553 6.37283206915278 -2.67371684260076 1.9822712 -5.250044 0.9328493 0.4018629 null FALSE
GO:0019450 L-cysteine catabolic process to pyruvate 0.0044922 3.7123518347393 -6.42842949118248 0.3010300 -7.764462 0.8563798 0.4022447 null FALSE
GO:0080027 response to herbivore 0.0808589 -7.23316487047408 -0.229287095478196 1.2787536 -35.422927 0.9004287 0.4067789 null FALSE
GO:0002238 response to molecule of fungal origin 0.0853511 -6.82145428961881 -1.74833397671759 1.3010300 -5.145763 0.8665145 0.4084989 null FALSE
GO:0010730 negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -4.03236313701265 5.74422346912088 0.3010300 -5.234106 0.9081762 0.4086043 null FALSE
GO:0048599 oocyte development 0.0044922 5.07010225820837 1.93360280759276 0.3010300 -1.946502 0.8959250 0.4096889 null FALSE
GO:0006952 defense response 7.2503481 -5.52113792326869 -2.00343193270851 3.2081725 -112.399149 0.8870782 0.4100881 null FALSE
GO:0097366 response to bronchodilator 2.0370454 -6.26143703680716 -2.89037137539404 2.6570559 -15.805890 0.8804006 0.4110011 null FALSE
GO:0071732 cellular response to nitric oxide 0.0179686 -5.53638286973325 -3.76558181372047 0.6989700 -10.024297 0.8539062 0.4112191 null FALSE
GO:0090615 mitochondrial mRNA processing 0.0539059 0.648922325186602 -4.92583054601053 1.1139434 -27.921063 0.8849979 0.4120236 null FALSE
GO:0006260 DNA replication 0.6423790 1.58954325907219 -7.19891548273525 2.1583625 -1.831471 0.8803870 0.4120353 null FALSE
GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 0.5794888 -4.16704280297697 0.545683986170483 2.1139434 -7.866601 0.7907883 0.4151148 null FALSE
GO:0032775 DNA methylation on adenine 0.0808589 0.371240121130548 -6.06766216033281 1.2787536 -1.562079 0.8755006 0.4216009 null FALSE
GO:0035864 response to potassium ion 0.0269530 -6.26895197885147 -4.31052479268043 0.8450980 -6.154876 0.9042461 0.4217509 null FALSE
GO:0052544 defense response by callose deposition in cell wall 0.0718746 -2.39183774131677 -0.757377581628035 1.2304489 -45.430189 0.7980696 0.4249084 null FALSE
GO:0009625 response to insect 0.1482413 -7.15884768255756 -0.437900899221028 1.5314789 -46.560252 0.8959159 0.4269324 null FALSE
GO:0010412 mannan metabolic process 0.0134765 -1.31287540541878 -7.66271605564881 0.6020600 -6.629378 0.9091739 0.4309542 null FALSE
GO:0010469 regulation of signaling receptor activity 0.3059115 -2.29657500125711 5.06964333468977 1.8260748 -29.831756 0.8449026 0.4321507 null FALSE
GO:0000454 snoRNA guided rRNA pseudouridine synthesis 0.0089843 1.16929937080331 -4.15226540807289 0.4771213 -1.851063 0.8742588 0.4346934 null FALSE
GO:0071218 cellular response to misfolded protein 0.1033197 -5.07595774898302 -2.73674385738211 1.3802112 -1.530161 0.8450162 0.4371512 null FALSE
GO:2000122 negative regulation of stomatal complex development 0.0269530 -3.00823710480026 5.40682194265844 0.8450980 -3.053135 0.8781078 0.4392129 null FALSE
GO:0036376 sodium ion export across plasma membrane 0.0554033 2.09037768508005 5.97260921047696 1.1139434 -10.962936 0.9194143 0.4394271 null FALSE
GO:0002237 response to molecule of bacterial origin 0.2111316 -6.66175101186459 -1.77322140694056 1.6812412 -8.204322 0.8523708 0.4396406 null FALSE
GO:0036371 protein localization to T-tubule 0.0314451 2.97997706876201 5.65351241155784 0.9030900 -16.269247 0.9254959 0.4440885 null FALSE
GO:0032527 protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum 0.0359373 2.62666910729542 5.61753017548162 0.9542425 -10.973980 0.9237650 0.4479977 null FALSE
GO:0001101 response to acid chemical 1.7923723 -6.29681212291217 -2.97263165568175 2.6020600 -2.228327 0.8818272 0.4485887 null FALSE
GO:0007492 endoderm development 0.0134765 6.21706247029672 2.17310674148325 0.6020600 -1.420387 0.9410100 0.4499787 null FALSE
GO:0008298 intracellular mRNA localization 0.0404295 2.83142222221313 5.47560140088109 1.0000000 -3.700549 0.9268890 0.4515035 null FALSE
GO:0002213 defense response to insect 0.0943354 -6.62303478908406 -0.674315898608757 1.3424227 -1.414236 0.8886396 0.4532505 null FALSE
GO:0002230 positive regulation of defense response to virus by host 0.0224608 -1.37642541299063 6.22899462767864 0.7781513 -23.040381 0.8969273 0.4583337 null FALSE
GO:0019752 carboxylic acid metabolic process 4.3214591 4.05576650949309 -6.19317228591064 2.9836263 -7.747054 0.8493378 0.4613525 null FALSE
GO:0006654 phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process 0.0269530 4.8990427700334 -4.36013625527097 0.8450980 -1.388060 0.8614261 0.4645185 null FALSE
GO:0002239 response to oomycetes 0.4177710 -7.0055931574685 -0.700441335320504 1.9731279 -58.651888 0.8871683 0.4664338 null FALSE
GO:0050821 protein stabilization 0.1437492 -0.281720638060233 2.17464247259919 1.5185139 -1.545126 0.8842338 0.4689739 null FALSE
GO:0006898 receptor-mediated endocytosis 0.1976551 2.92094345834296 5.9550794250599 1.6532125 -4.215610 0.9291139 0.4736740 null FALSE
GO:0016074 sno(s)RNA metabolic process 0.0853511 0.861547133647133 -4.99468422069804 1.3010300 -1.846556 0.8824005 0.4749514 null FALSE
GO:0044403 biological process involved in symbiotic interaction 0.4312475 -7.81879679108237 1.04019852707212 1.9867717 -8.969484 0.9468454 0.4754856 null FALSE
GO:0009727 detection of ethylene stimulus 0.0134765 -7.10843812250635 -3.27170390732824 0.6020600 -17.881501 0.8982612 0.4765194 null FALSE
GO:0010891 negative regulation of sequestering of triglyceride 0.0044922 -3.26680930592644 6.48100152023335 0.3010300 -7.518312 0.8977293 0.4769945 null FALSE
GO:0051607 defense response to virus 0.2246081 -6.53549687264157 -0.926164950010096 1.7075702 -1.773648 0.8812170 0.4865194 null FALSE
GO:0006885 regulation of pH 0.2515610 -0.46192803658366 2.38710680427547 1.7558749 -21.758538 0.8743013 0.4902551 null FALSE
GO:0070365 hepatocyte differentiation 0.0494138 5.07535453130104 2.20848832623165 1.0791812 -6.381409 0.8531320 0.4914523 null FALSE
GO:0033292 T-tubule organization 0.0716381 5.09374955934797 1.23231748531363 1.2041200 -16.269247 0.8862545 0.4928611 null FALSE
GO:0010150 leaf senescence 0.5076142 5.39912332348501 2.56655412151307 2.0569049 -22.361394 0.8905230 0.5023722 null FALSE
GO:0097237 cellular response to toxic substance 0.8355420 -5.45962053584381 -2.79124053222771 2.2718416 -15.715204 0.8430985 0.5080142 null FALSE
GO:0048312 intracellular distribution of mitochondria 0.0044922 3.08129546176359 4.58604047441988 0.3010300 -1.420387 0.9210913 0.5090434 null FALSE
GO:0009451 RNA modification 1.4105386 0.914646088812118 -5.8770869486808 2.4983106 -15.068086 0.8538397 0.5091922 null FALSE
GO:1901726 negative regulation of histone deacetylase activity 0.0494138 -3.8897508798458 5.22510104339709 1.0791812 -8.437473 0.8797078 0.5094696 null FALSE
GO:0009992 cellular water homeostasis 0.0089843 1.41829778859088 0.834401391094091 0.4771213 -2.939957 0.8641337 0.5104375 null FALSE
GO:0006183 GTP biosynthetic process 0.0359373 2.62442878671062 -5.19344873237183 0.9542425 -3.957863 0.8250314 0.5116103 null FALSE
GO:0006097 glyoxylate cycle 0.0314451 4.39431648633547 -5.88595025119278 0.9030900 -7.795499 0.8717126 0.5129277 null FALSE
GO:0036309 protein localization to M-band 0.2713265 2.77677576581751 5.62468619724047 1.7853298 -16.269247 0.9153105 0.5168809 null FALSE
GO:0048316 seed development 2.6099456 5.11158804602843 2.51208806194387 2.7649230 -7.268778 0.8720233 0.5172320 null FALSE
GO:0043966 histone H3 acetylation 0.0853511 -0.109603900913311 -7.60482068690492 1.3010300 -5.253700 0.9065026 0.5222382 null FALSE
GO:0060291 long-term synaptic potentiation 0.0044922 -1.09047178837975 3.31773237543231 0.3010300 -10.857594 0.8508110 0.5247898 null FALSE
GO:0006432 phenylalanyl-tRNA aminoacylation 0.0134765 2.10400575195856 -5.72471942643029 0.6020600 -4.788760 0.8353541 0.5291698 null FALSE
GO:1905034 regulation of antifungal innate immune response 0.0089843 -1.23019222746827 6.43550518002295 0.4771213 -6.383180 0.9012601 0.5294786 null FALSE
GO:2000280 regulation of root development 0.3593729 -2.0624438283288 3.88005422503334 1.9084850 -50.621305 0.8988447 0.5325899 null FALSE
GO:0009961 response to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid 0.0179686 -6.58399119685939 -3.95945864388797 0.6989700 -2.849513 0.8875445 0.5385267 null FALSE
GO:1901684 arsenate ion transmembrane transport 0.0224608 2.1925275557028 6.20311141217071 0.7781513 -5.722287 0.9276661 0.5470253 null FALSE
GO:0080110 sporopollenin biosynthetic process 0.0359373 3.49249801272584 -1.06959312057485 0.9542425 -8.596184 0.7724830 0.5476284 null FALSE
GO:0071398 cellular response to fatty acid 0.4402318 -5.59184855640647 -3.00607548484294 1.9956352 -23.248938 0.8270138 0.5536354 null FALSE
GO:0032504 multicellular organism reproduction 0.8040969 5.17894821453627 3.22410411220851 2.2552725 -1.308625 0.9115321 0.5539836 null FALSE
GO:1990169 stress response to copper ion 0.0224608 -5.90248284273682 -3.95638007093254 0.7781513 -4.599134 0.8972724 0.5582896 null FALSE
GO:0009617 response to bacterium 2.1113158 -6.7228029435383 -1.0437253109709 2.6730209 -10.985497 0.8701063 0.5594759 null FALSE
GO:0006696 ergosterol biosynthetic process 0.0479164 3.61131104998777 -4.7888396501432 1.0413927 -3.317833 0.8171388 0.5602955 null FALSE
GO:0010114 response to red light 0.2785140 -5.14530386624401 -5.18236141356709 1.7993405 -3.646740 0.9233495 0.5606314 null FALSE
GO:0035518 histone H2A monoubiquitination 0.0089843 -0.514772591489697 -8.01694336874233 0.4771213 -1.668789 0.9187566 0.5609440 null FALSE
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 5.0671578 1.04723713121658 -6.79756203503662 3.0526939 -40.763992 0.8598127 0.5616227 null FALSE
GO:0044255 cellular lipid metabolic process 3.4050582 5.81733420471271 -4.26154318763551 2.8802418 -2.977720 0.8700978 0.5623316 null FALSE
GO:0010898 positive regulation of triglyceride catabolic process 0.1161545 -3.93834205898932 4.19992324037313 1.4149733 -7.518312 0.8827537 0.5626579 null FALSE
GO:0048509 regulation of meristem development 0.2964826 -1.91357001811512 3.90538265617641 1.8260748 -18.319363 0.9002900 0.5634440 null FALSE
GO:1902265 abscisic acid homeostasis 0.0089843 0.514054520919523 1.51294187439694 0.4771213 -2.721576 0.8990399 0.5661740 null FALSE
GO:0010930 negative regulation of auxin mediated signaling pathway 0.0134765 -2.35779953417451 5.90600760537353 0.6020600 -4.664218 0.8708589 0.5666125 null FALSE
GO:0060359 response to ammonium ion 0.0449216 -6.40151419589635 -3.97835120319338 1.0413927 -4.895017 0.8902623 0.5687396 null FALSE
GO:0016099 monoterpenoid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 5.51155185060202 -4.05985388247517 0.3010300 -44.057848 0.8811846 0.5751028 null FALSE
GO:0080003 thalianol metabolic process 0.0089843 3.85847902193482 -4.05180927932181 0.4771213 -23.185147 0.8704191 0.5772455 null FALSE
GO:0050829 defense response to Gram-negative bacterium 0.0988275 -6.7191056378609 -0.763928318008448 1.3617278 -5.789530 0.8837626 0.5774326 null FALSE
GO:0097167 circadian regulation of translation 0.0044922 1.32907756178742 3.09959151041191 0.3010300 -3.424748 0.8692616 0.5780757 null FALSE
GO:0015886 heme transport 0.0718746 2.18178394030769 5.95017310180591 1.2304489 -3.017938 0.9412379 0.5790223 null FALSE
GO:0106004 tRNA (guanine-N7)-methylation 0.0134765 0.4263728707328 -6.01824204135769 0.6020600 -4.538367 0.8841118 0.5801978 null FALSE
GO:0071669 plant-type cell wall organization or biogenesis 1.1769462 -3.10522591282445 -7.71536182747634 2.4199557 -22.659946 0.9522018 0.5820901 null FALSE
GO:1902290 positive regulation of defense response to oomycetes 0.0449216 -1.87635096872414 5.6206561146764 1.0413927 -11.533178 0.8706707 0.5823779 null FALSE
GO:0071731 response to nitric oxide 0.0269530 -6.39555391546842 -4.11772441525313 0.8450980 -3.642485 0.8881428 0.5832186 null FALSE
GO:0042631 cellular response to water deprivation 0.1707021 -5.59325446368873 -2.3333527615602 1.5910646 -21.407502 0.7942538 0.5832916 null FALSE
GO:0070914 UV-damage excision repair 0.0089843 -2.16399539876486 -4.20623105411978 0.4771213 -2.353867 0.8122948 0.5832916 null FALSE
GO:0060465 pharynx development 1.4053739 5.20293779439011 2.63330040194707 2.4927604 -1.420387 0.8839155 0.5838147 null FALSE
GO:0071266 ‘de novo’ L-methionine biosynthetic process 0.0044922 4.00474843833937 -5.90333526557583 0.3010300 -7.513695 0.8586559 0.5860863 null FALSE
GO:0007165 signal transduction 8.3913571 -4.22208995620584 0.569767674554985 3.2716093 -140.613488 0.7343275 0.5893442 null FALSE
GO:0071446 cellular response to salicylic acid stimulus 0.2605453 -5.59875700159035 -3.15418841503188 1.7708520 -16.698116 0.8351211 0.5943078 null FALSE
GO:0009773 photosynthetic electron transport in photosystem I 0.0763667 -2.77933805075321 -8.31305501582298 1.2552725 -3.872559 0.9374888 0.5949536 null FALSE
GO:0098660 inorganic ion transmembrane transport 1.9810431 2.42508164413856 5.89452666501351 2.6454223 -8.590303 0.9031928 0.5981993 null FALSE
GO:0060294 cilium movement involved in cell motility 0.0059895 3.7331147928146 5.1085572338285 0.4771213 -10.751648 0.9234940 0.5985002 null FALSE
GO:0007263 nitric oxide mediated signal transduction 0.0089843 -3.83220099037666 0.411999444391473 0.4771213 -6.950778 0.8393932 0.6046800 null FALSE
GO:0072498 embryonic skeletal joint development 1.8732312 5.23520358475864 2.53880505553954 2.6211763 -1.420387 0.8806162 0.6058216 null FALSE
GO:1901255 nucleotide-excision repair involved in interstrand cross-link repair 0.0044922 -1.82904278710566 -4.03813158303431 0.3010300 -1.694668 0.8228111 0.6058423 null FALSE
GO:0060213 positive regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA poly(A) tail shortening 0.0044922 -4.89876150608237 4.28936551219417 0.3010300 -6.381409 0.9026574 0.6079678 null FALSE
GO:0070301 cellular response to hydrogen peroxide 0.0449216 -5.13533698272725 -3.15831270670428 1.0413927 -22.946515 0.8373058 0.6082701 null FALSE
GO:0043617 cellular response to sucrose starvation 0.0179686 -5.25691949928679 -1.18136190266175 0.6989700 -11.048683 0.8618931 0.6083709 null FALSE
GO:0052324 plant-type cell wall cellulose biosynthetic process 0.0583981 3.54693427038131 -2.99141835488026 1.1461280 -2.751928 0.8509965 0.6106041 null FALSE
GO:0016045 detection of bacterium 0.0134765 -7.48049650778299 0.138013714467763 0.6020600 -12.507868 0.8998251 0.6121094 null FALSE
GO:0098703 calcium ion import across plasma membrane 0.0170702 1.58795248377888 4.64077793060022 0.6020600 -10.857594 0.8154986 0.6124892 null FALSE
GO:0060776 simple leaf morphogenesis 0.0224608 5.62089262728837 2.42432828983869 0.7781513 -2.621028 0.9059724 0.6130285 null FALSE
GO:0034721 histone H3-K4 demethylation,trimethyl-H3-K4-specific 0.0404295 -0.340710058892022 -7.72369586157675 1.0000000 -2.012384 0.9123704 0.6176463 null FALSE
GO:0019348 dolichol metabolic process 0.0269530 5.02456936197249 -4.91176540774501 0.8450980 -3.425914 0.8458432 0.6194937 null FALSE
GO:0046345 abscisic acid catabolic process 0.0269530 4.6265916022023 -4.92969339586932 0.8450980 -40.398158 0.8071561 0.6194937 null FALSE
GO:0000226 microtubule cytoskeleton organization 0.7232379 5.26270481420531 -0.265327085659258 2.2095150 -7.960852 0.9320214 0.6208058 null FALSE
GO:0006165 nucleoside diphosphate phosphorylation 0.3593729 2.44214429986405 -5.29754483075556 1.9084850 -2.837631 0.8271526 0.6231203 null FALSE
GO:0010016 shoot system morphogenesis 0.7097615 5.40429548975242 2.38493019358642 2.2013971 -9.300459 0.8799230 0.6244288 null FALSE
GO:0005977 glycogen metabolic process 0.0853511 -1.06758690260182 -7.71065206339416 1.3010300 -2.640777 0.9050998 0.6280829 null FALSE
GO:0045926 negative regulation of growth 0.1751943 -3.07810205041759 5.54675659390552 1.6020600 -30.727605 0.8954048 0.6297772 null FALSE
GO:2001294 malonyl-CoA catabolic process 0.0089843 2.53255850431034 -5.55185077227741 0.4771213 -5.384890 0.8254937 0.6317562 null FALSE
GO:0046477 glycosylceramide catabolic process 0.0179686 3.09473898839212 -4.9866841682572 0.6989700 -2.369658 0.8418743 0.6330611 null FALSE
GO:1903507 negative regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription 1.0556579 -3.35389321695726 4.86178055239648 2.3729120 -1.958349 0.8720632 0.6336059 null FALSE
GO:0031640 killing of cells of other organism 1.3072189 -7.83393457776616 0.93848546543795 2.4653829 -1.420387 0.9121394 0.6338299 null FALSE
GO:0000025 maltose catabolic process 0.0089843 5.81821460687359 -2.88614430161617 0.4771213 -6.061973 0.9066224 0.6340028 null FALSE
GO:0009877 nodulation 0.0988275 5.96904169611231 1.93353720225107 1.3617278 -4.476728 0.9257847 0.6360522 null FALSE
GO:0015700 arsenite transport 0.0224608 2.08096057871498 6.17531674850322 0.7781513 -7.248628 0.9472324 0.6364426 null FALSE
GO:1901599 (-)-pinoresinol biosynthetic process 0.0089843 3.07004547675236 -4.45144297282151 0.4771213 -2.479543 0.8431700 0.6369392 null FALSE
GO:0006293 nucleotide-excision repair,preincision complex stabilization 0.0119791 -2.00810451728165 -2.32668956503957 0.4771213 -6.189060 0.7378240 0.6370511 null FALSE
GO:0009852 auxin catabolic process 0.0089843 1.13885767267551 0.0329011697650411 0.4771213 -8.841270 0.8324548 0.6412626 null FALSE
GO:0071229 cellular response to acid chemical 0.2740218 -5.39212756912003 -3.14572532372016 1.7923917 -15.446531 0.8519168 0.6436302 null FALSE
GO:0048265 response to pain 11.9626252 -3.46672066731139 -1.449468603227 3.4255342 -1.420387 0.7760406 0.6480493 null FALSE
GO:0031347 regulation of defense response 1.2308522 -1.94436040212405 5.09018147654046 2.4393327 -5.011113 0.8670982 0.6512180 null FALSE
GO:0030639 polyketide biosynthetic process 0.0179686 4.79673938559789 -2.63305139001278 0.6989700 -9.213466 0.9204388 0.6523745 null FALSE
GO:0051513 regulation of monopolar cell growth 0.0224608 -2.09687170094858 3.60840266845059 0.7781513 -1.337060 0.9022145 0.6532683 null FALSE
GO:0012502 induction of programmed cell death 0.0044922 -4.67333682108193 3.77679277467516 0.3010300 -6.158100 0.9045731 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:1902042 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 0.0044922 -2.51197081726338 5.94016091663205 0.3010300 -4.973551 0.8702445 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:0000304 response to singlet oxygen 0.0583981 -5.9968511145955 -3.52370133078587 1.1461280 -12.794415 0.8795620 0.6554547 null FALSE
GO:0009083 branched-chain amino acid catabolic process 0.1167962 3.41250050879902 -6.41910457703451 1.4313638 -20.784983 0.8460379 0.6580541 null FALSE
GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development 1.5677643 -2.355451577408 3.78295040294291 2.5440680 -16.454846 0.8585602 0.6593517 null FALSE
GO:0046482 para-aminobenzoic acid metabolic process 0.0179686 2.54131722439773 -6.02017414408719 0.6989700 -17.318271 0.8564305 0.6615462 null FALSE
GO:0032870 cellular response to hormone stimulus 4.2316158 -5.62330244272511 -2.69581788647692 2.9745117 -11.812818 0.8057412 0.6623081 null FALSE
GO:0010104 regulation of ethylene-activated signaling pathway 0.1257805 -1.71996361912027 5.43535709309755 1.4623980 -9.485067 0.8650525 0.6681187 null FALSE
GO:0036159 inner dynein arm assembly 0.0179686 5.46254518702004 -0.344734804091709 0.6989700 -6.262662 0.9384078 0.6711268 null FALSE
GO:0070911 global genome nucleotide-excision repair 0.0119791 -1.95876517646734 -4.0594390304246 0.4771213 -1.368073 0.8126285 0.6716500 null FALSE
GO:0045338 farnesyl diphosphate metabolic process 0.0898432 5.58395265755231 -4.45484757040888 1.3222193 -27.993512 0.8584719 0.6735153 null FALSE
GO:0009801 cinnamic acid ester metabolic process 0.0089843 1.86611186055742 -3.35667948944349 0.4771213 -12.547408 0.8928747 0.6748672 null FALSE
GO:0033387 putrescine biosynthetic process from ornithine 0.0123534 2.93564097271805 -5.77355386681764 0.4771213 -9.901953 0.8537844 0.6792812 null FALSE
GO:0080024 indolebutyric acid metabolic process 0.0224608 1.47871979096525 -3.1704443292243 0.7781513 -11.831338 0.7692882 0.6811036 null FALSE
GO:0071368 cellular response to cytokinin stimulus 0.3593729 -5.65687848498418 -2.89151611670793 1.9084850 -11.332566 0.8432083 0.6812564 null FALSE
GO:0008277 regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 0.1735903 -1.77584816043243 5.27837115003344 1.5910646 -1.694668 0.8652961 0.6858401 null FALSE
GO:1900449 regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway 0.1735903 -1.8301671653427 5.31963649944989 1.5682017 -4.973551 0.8652961 0.6858401 null FALSE
GO:0010439 regulation of glucosinolate biosynthetic process 0.0449216 -4.74464012356009 4.81543967592309 1.0413927 -11.890992 0.9114000 0.6868343 null FALSE
GO:0010310 regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 0.0539059 -4.53756052493991 4.86947532320786 1.1139434 -1.816874 0.9154016 0.6872518 null FALSE
GO:0010030 positive regulation of seed germination 0.0898432 -2.59823770847974 3.68727092011464 1.3222193 -13.607739 0.8615093 0.6895163 null FALSE
GO:0003283 atrial septum development 1.6401201 5.12916513595193 2.42946142670956 3.2564772 -3.074783 0.8594190 0.6897469 null FALSE
GO:0071805 potassium ion transmembrane transport 0.2560532 2.29244156627946 5.9157801093261 1.7634280 -1.841910 0.9141416 0.6907954 null FALSE
GO:0005983 starch catabolic process 0.0763667 1.53650257336637 -7.68654358397557 1.2552725 -5.349583 0.8846263 0.6912926 null FALSE
GO:1902198 3-methylbut-2-enoyl-CoA(4-) metabolic process 0.0202147 2.42603909829355 -5.54220158887793 0.6989700 -3.911273 0.8352944 0.6947265 null FALSE
GO:0048767 root hair elongation 0.3099591 5.33297776369989 2.20674568297463 1.8450980 -2.636992 0.8459609 0.6947824 null FALSE

[1] “missing_zmuel_vs_all_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0010082 regulation of root meristem growth 0.1527335 -3.14001010049016 4.47153110010964 1.5440680 -68.162621 0.8004613 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0019079 viral genome replication 0.0269530 -2.38971079708921 -1.23240816291381 0.8450980 -5.731469 1.0000000 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0048512 circadian behavior 0.0224608 -3.50954487379846 1.39168270597523 0.7781513 -8.853277 0.9936608 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0051762 sesquiterpene biosynthetic process 0.1123040 -3.19917825544604 -5.81073737107788 1.4149733 -181.717133 0.8593891 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:1902025 nitrate import 0.0808589 -5.71504280750945 -2.01910773985389 1.2787536 -26.329774 0.9275676 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0034090 maintenance of meiotic sister chromatid cohesion 0.0179686 -6.21937406737183 1.1531986306036 0.6989700 -13.377534 0.9341446 0.0215931 null FALSE
GO:0009626 plant-type hypersensitive response 0.3279278 5.99902178300344 -0.23219038679763 1.8692317 -93.136155 0.8166683 0.0266051 null FALSE
GO:0006739 NADP metabolic process 0.1707021 -5.19376346397748 -4.8888643748736 1.5910646 -1.769930 0.9669582 0.0637985 null FALSE
GO:0051554 flavonol metabolic process 0.0853511 5.94348698408874 -5.52328741144512 1.3010300 -30.086084 0.9408664 0.0732686 null FALSE
GO:0000023 maltose metabolic process 0.0179686 5.24028368873215 -5.82357594331315 0.6989700 -9.773194 0.9305868 0.0748216 null FALSE
GO:0009854 oxidative photosynthetic carbon pathway 0.0404295 6.64932745232548 -5.27312279511346 1.0000000 -4.677642 0.9498394 0.0757533 null FALSE
GO:0031146 SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process 0.3773415 2.34853457689585 -5.64362258326438 1.9294189 -70.924487 0.8907957 0.0932346 null FALSE
GO:0080184 response to phenylpropanoid 0.0044922 6.90854508914814 3.87609201681836 0.3010300 -12.298286 0.9106411 0.1196905 null FALSE
GO:0090615 mitochondrial mRNA processing 0.0539059 0.989901606219425 -4.66492947980959 1.1139434 -43.900684 0.9023025 0.1306016 null FALSE
GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process 4.9368851 3.82533141823139 -6.84826840941513 3.0413927 -4.332034 0.9424280 0.1343063 null FALSE
GO:0009962 regulation of flavonoid biosynthetic process 0.1257805 1.29976101634319 7.215919318133 1.4623980 -22.227242 0.9130691 0.1471751 null FALSE
GO:0009820 alkaloid metabolic process 0.0224608 1.85737652809451 -7.62338572316759 0.7781513 -3.710300 0.9509119 0.1530936 null FALSE
GO:0010469 regulation of signaling receptor activity 0.3059115 0.572947593192209 6.30671838379671 1.8260748 -31.275882 0.8358372 0.1578322 null FALSE
GO:0010119 regulation of stomatal movement 0.4492161 0.681893479513136 4.78866603585334 2.0043214 -3.570823 0.9070496 0.1956799 null FALSE
GO:0035902 response to immobilization stress 0.0089843 5.39250570311516 -2.57128226074225 0.4771213 -12.183306 0.9323405 0.1969794 null FALSE
GO:0018874 benzoate metabolic process 0.0089843 -0.727926238002363 -4.02401785329903 0.4771213 -24.723612 0.8916921 0.2082263 null FALSE
GO:0060294 cilium movement involved in cell motility 0.0059895 -5.68683396333486 -2.83629054692667 0.4771213 -20.759764 0.9121569 0.2109973 null FALSE
GO:2000083 negative regulation of L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -1.43220310719337 6.44000198732308 0.3010300 -15.536707 0.9019624 0.2131819 null FALSE
GO:0010731 protein glutathionylation 0.0359373 2.56362654184219 -6.76852003799998 0.9542425 -8.376087 0.9256076 0.2148306 null FALSE
GO:0009819 drought recovery 0.0494138 7.05098339144346 1.36984117776455 1.0791812 -20.745503 0.8736617 0.2221654 null FALSE
GO:0034721 histone H3-K4 demethylation,trimethyl-H3-K4-specific 0.0404295 2.77104281428694 -6.57187953559459 1.0000000 -2.288318 0.9231806 0.2238850 null FALSE
GO:0048211 Golgi vesicle docking 0.0089843 -5.08950882539813 -1.38515598832765 0.4771213 -7.655842 0.9262178 0.2267775 null FALSE
GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0359373 7.5163628316818 2.50674390856636 0.9542425 -4.287566 0.9101026 0.2284321 null FALSE
GO:0046900 tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamate metabolic process 0.0314451 0.555079726819208 -5.84400960432533 0.9030900 -23.721833 0.9127431 0.2308025 null FALSE
GO:0015768 maltose transport 0.0134765 -5.27520012218615 -2.60192749661799 0.6020600 -8.593896 0.9507231 0.2325128 null FALSE
GO:0006597 spermine biosynthetic process 0.0269530 -0.231156482878192 -6.56470385602595 0.8450980 -33.656807 0.8923135 0.2345224 null FALSE
GO:2000142 regulation of DNA-templated transcription,initiation 0.0898432 1.40331511408293 6.85284508234286 1.3222193 -3.491777 0.9098022 0.2598207 null FALSE
GO:0009865 pollen tube adhesion 0.0134765 -3.90633565776806 3.37402816815516 0.6020600 -2.838595 0.8848024 0.2682041 null FALSE
GO:1900706 positive regulation of siderophore biosynthetic process 0.1379093 1.46422182786978 6.36927991311359 1.4913617 -12.168786 0.8813707 0.2682144 null FALSE
GO:0007613 memory 0.0943354 -4.74698126370215 4.93494068839281 1.3424227 -7.987966 0.9006075 0.2779671 null FALSE
GO:0045168 cell-cell signaling involved in cell fate commitment 0.1662100 -3.72063836314773 3.37063330991502 1.5797836 -45.831663 0.8733870 0.2805344 null FALSE
GO:0044550 secondary metabolite biosynthetic process 0.6244104 -3.86612453822205 -5.41483140996736 2.1461280 -31.883123 0.9153338 0.2815131 null FALSE
GO:0010881 regulation of cardiac muscle contraction by regulation of the release of sequestered calcium ion 0.0089843 2.35827825762557 2.4306784133309 0.4771213 -31.738087 0.7413410 0.2860549 null FALSE
GO:0009611 response to wounding 1.0062441 5.37374024453142 -0.310017102780675 2.3521825 -17.276112 0.9038883 0.2870502 null FALSE
GO:0010305 leaf vascular tissue pattern formation 0.1347648 -5.0219578378896 4.40075922601766 1.4913617 -10.168418 0.9125047 0.3105240 null FALSE
GO:0071236 cellular response to antibiotic 0.8690604 6.19149981206299 1.6600220463326 2.2878017 -32.390998 0.8385759 0.3202583 null FALSE
GO:0010114 response to red light 0.2785140 7.89495488572858 -0.0765391472452434 1.7993405 -10.030785 0.9134787 0.3255957 null FALSE
GO:0034394 protein localization to cell surface 0.0134765 -4.75836589461038 -1.74103226195784 0.6020600 -4.966521 0.9268630 0.3265777 null FALSE
GO:0016567 protein ubiquitination 3.7105251 2.07393022609002 -6.15940512969271 2.9175055 -54.100002 0.8919161 0.3270943 null FALSE
GO:0071347 cellular response to interleukin-1 0.0044922 6.179890034352 3.24689344661192 0.3010300 -8.739769 0.8822764 0.3281054 null FALSE
GO:1902075 cellular response to salt 0.0044922 6.07016839639292 3.40314595160646 0.3010300 -9.029474 0.8883589 0.3281054 null FALSE
GO:0018106 peptidyl-histidine phosphorylation 0.0763667 1.18479201338016 -6.85157939300368 1.2552725 -11.606010 0.9078545 0.3366283 null FALSE
GO:0009745 sucrose mediated signaling 0.0089843 4.88174131088788 3.34510305037095 0.4771213 -1.408307 0.8033981 0.3442773 null FALSE
GO:0000720 pyrimidine dimer repair by nucleotide-excision repair 0.0044922 3.28281043078906 -2.00390627180504 0.3010300 -19.147167 0.8344001 0.3500169 null FALSE
GO:0009088 threonine biosynthetic process 0.0449216 -1.03015349963336 -5.83831481878603 1.0413927 -9.669230 0.8676126 0.3530967 null FALSE
GO:0009649 entrainment of circadian clock 0.0808589 3.69824333989716 1.75720036041079 1.2787536 -9.376970 0.8409690 0.3565069 null FALSE
GO:0015840 urea transport 0.0224608 -5.53975136452864 -2.44853897460282 0.7781513 -2.786399 0.9473443 0.3585451 null FALSE
GO:0071475 cellular hyperosmotic salinity response 0.0089843 5.77715262750248 1.20115114118055 0.4771213 -26.267986 0.8578631 0.3661508 null FALSE
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 1.6171780 0.999793100412355 -5.30322642689573 2.5575072 -39.740579 0.8786989 0.3665118 null FALSE
GO:0006778 porphyrin-containing compound metabolic process 0.3458964 0.680771363209985 -5.55263288293541 1.8920946 -7.149977 0.8968346 0.3675002 null FALSE
GO:0071466 cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus 0.0224608 5.94260611575499 2.68523559813374 0.7781513 -26.952461 0.8767743 0.3682726 null FALSE
GO:0044364 disruption of cells of other organism 0.0269530 7.09855269350372 -3.37777983318349 0.8450980 -1.511515 0.9567279 0.3726472 null FALSE
GO:0009143 nucleoside triphosphate catabolic process 0.0269530 -0.207263324361986 -5.15241593133106 0.8450980 -11.547948 0.8584364 0.3764378 null FALSE
GO:0045056 transcytosis 0.0044922 -4.89810509172725 0.398650860511571 0.3010300 -7.655842 0.8880990 0.3809345 null FALSE
GO:0009871 jasmonic acid and ethylene-dependent systemic resistance,ethylene mediated signaling pathway 0.0089843 4.93466793552343 1.82344803315128 0.4771213 -34.033423 0.7780342 0.3823772 null FALSE
GO:0007166 cell surface receptor signaling pathway 0.5794888 3.58282994331275 3.2214226101799 2.1139434 -13.075849 0.7828278 0.3892452 null FALSE
GO:0031508 pericentric heterochromatin assembly 0.0044922 -1.98907973937807 5.09192421468939 0.3010300 -5.799869 0.8606742 0.3892522 null FALSE
GO:0071219 cellular response to molecule of bacterial origin 0.0494138 6.39005169715418 0.207105880153755 1.0791812 -7.355856 0.8408387 0.3917536 null FALSE
GO:0006314 intron homing 0.0224608 1.57797311160541 -4.79809807296569 0.7781513 -2.696105 0.9045879 0.3922694 null FALSE
GO:0009608 response to symbiont 0.0539059 6.97956678017892 -1.72133744960516 1.1139434 -4.556275 0.8975579 0.3943270 null FALSE
GO:0006885 regulation of pH 0.2515610 -0.449939148646394 2.0667663377328 1.7558749 -15.787702 0.8723212 0.3950913 null FALSE
GO:0090559 regulation of membrane permeability 0.0089843 -0.864450204865539 0.639123038545701 0.4771213 -5.895177 0.9015602 0.3950913 null FALSE
GO:0010618 aerenchyma formation 0.0089843 -5.73277741021151 3.46121618165629 0.4771213 -20.935965 0.9360794 0.3960626 null FALSE
GO:0070667 negative regulation of mast cell proliferation 0.1886708 -0.616999602561968 5.65194808373646 1.6334685 -6.937809 0.8833570 0.3989108 null FALSE
GO:0010438 cellular response to sulfur starvation 0.0314451 5.15227661460679 0.272564173394946 0.9030900 -11.472929 0.8498319 0.3994265 null FALSE
GO:0002215 defense response to nematode 0.0179686 6.42571476888475 -1.79334570263515 0.6989700 -3.584755 0.8964457 0.4008543 null FALSE
GO:0009311 oligosaccharide metabolic process 0.4267553 4.93332129080365 -5.93224075990185 1.9822712 -3.206762 0.9355419 0.4018629 null FALSE
GO:0080027 response to herbivore 0.0808589 6.99022637145491 -1.54086604565886 1.2787536 -36.907775 0.8945834 0.4067789 null FALSE
GO:0002238 response to molecule of fungal origin 0.0853511 6.77977192632594 0.26678720258363 1.3010300 -5.783769 0.8625929 0.4084989 null FALSE
GO:0010730 negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -1.27787817785056 6.45159909691027 0.3010300 -5.445886 0.8992081 0.4086043 null FALSE
GO:0006952 defense response 7.2503481 5.82694520040002 0.173779264487369 3.2081725 -77.842261 0.8832043 0.4100881 null FALSE
GO:0097366 response to bronchodilator 2.0370454 6.81535782336616 1.5576132263289 2.6570559 -19.329640 0.8760806 0.4110011 null FALSE
GO:0010221 negative regulation of vernalization response 0.0044922 -1.21705563730826 6.93263666317103 0.3010300 -10.216725 0.8855898 0.4116470 null FALSE
GO:0000966 RNA 5’-end processing 0.0808589 0.940367631109117 -4.86386114223474 1.2787536 -42.278057 0.9022833 0.4120236 null FALSE
GO:0007267 cell-cell signaling 0.3414042 5.26700583636871 5.92302622485698 1.8864907 -12.693990 0.9374458 0.4151148 null FALSE
GO:0035864 response to potassium ion 0.0269530 7.28197100210295 2.71973686192133 0.8450980 -6.384732 0.9023575 0.4217509 null FALSE
GO:0052544 defense response by callose deposition in cell wall 0.0718746 2.06314878014877 0.072431768793126 1.2304489 -56.608053 0.7869065 0.4249084 null FALSE
GO:1902616 acyl carnitine transmembrane transport 0.2648333 -5.41812535291211 -2.13191681597381 1.7708520 -4.435575 0.9118470 0.4263133 null FALSE
GO:0009625 response to insect 0.1482413 6.91666048113254 -1.33908726749511 1.5314789 -48.167708 0.8897974 0.4269324 null FALSE
GO:0009052 pentose-phosphate shunt,non-oxidative branch 0.0359373 -1.52210763609708 -7.3272443626016 0.9542425 -4.247369 0.9140941 0.4273002 null FALSE
GO:0043603 cellular amide metabolic process 3.8452900 1.7862495290099 -5.34055413518591 2.9329808 -1.610456 0.8995416 0.4300273 null FALSE
GO:0010412 mannan metabolic process 0.0134765 4.34594488829512 -5.58686103532362 0.6020600 -6.890912 0.9162539 0.4309542 null FALSE
GO:1904526 regulation of microtubule binding 0.0044922 4.81867201263777 7.06370984945264 0.3010300 -5.193765 0.9212428 0.4321507 null FALSE
GO:1905255 regulation of RNA binding transcription factor activity 0.0044922 4.71215506052848 7.13601346761271 0.3010300 -6.937809 0.9249234 0.4321507 null FALSE
GO:0048658 anther wall tapetum development 0.0853511 -5.10490503080009 3.43615568358556 1.3010300 -6.492437 0.9003442 0.4362705 null FALSE
GO:0071218 cellular response to misfolded protein 0.1033197 5.73524373870449 1.40924907334138 1.3802112 -1.767598 0.8422972 0.4371512 null FALSE
GO:0010942 positive regulation of cell death 0.1527335 1.96567881527884 6.34347157729983 1.5440680 -10.466450 0.8803558 0.4414794 null FALSE
GO:0036371 protein localization to T-tubule 0.0314451 -4.89270090459492 -1.60941152547272 0.9030900 -16.616139 0.9229566 0.4440885 null FALSE
GO:0051258 protein polymerization 0.1347648 -6.55700083218443 0.742557194712463 1.4913617 -1.407216 0.9405531 0.4473070 null FALSE
GO:0032527 protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum 0.0359373 -5.08783748279616 -1.86544000450867 0.9542425 -11.527071 0.9153755 0.4479977 null FALSE
GO:0001101 response to acid chemical 1.7923723 6.88591329805895 1.63752352304761 2.6020600 -5.560432 0.8775527 0.4485887 null FALSE
GO:0007492 endoderm development 0.0134765 -5.59468306612694 4.2177185683379 0.6020600 -1.511509 0.9443035 0.4499787 null FALSE
GO:0032232 negative regulation of actin filament bundle assembly 0.0314451 -0.769349130373502 6.04406029548038 0.9030900 -5.942017 0.8856321 0.4530513 null FALSE
GO:0002213 defense response to insect 0.0943354 6.28852394104936 -1.31013367633977 1.3424227 -1.890326 0.8840647 0.4532505 null FALSE
GO:0000914 phragmoplast assembly 0.0179686 -6.59622126152803 0.944688244277387 0.6989700 -3.761422 0.9483564 0.4564333 null FALSE
GO:0002230 positive regulation of defense response to virus by host 0.0224608 -0.245234050566361 7.51667669726596 0.7781513 -23.982792 0.8926696 0.4583337 null FALSE
GO:0008202 steroid metabolic process 0.4582004 -1.93488655079493 -5.23325158822241 2.0128372 -15.171247 0.8861342 0.4697108 null FALSE
GO:0009314 response to radiation 3.1400207 7.32023988082316 0.353721717119712 2.8450980 -2.104823 0.8981983 0.4702593 null FALSE
GO:0006898 receptor-mediated endocytosis 0.1976551 -5.09649711163541 -2.17508268904522 1.6532125 -4.752375 0.9219814 0.4736740 null FALSE
GO:0010898 positive regulation of triglyceride catabolic process 0.1161545 1.58370694348763 6.45975858049821 1.4149733 -7.797760 0.8831707 0.4740009 null FALSE
GO:0071398 cellular response to fatty acid 0.4402318 6.20286108357925 1.90998512885831 1.9956352 -23.828574 0.8246805 0.4760094 null FALSE
GO:0009727 detection of ethylene stimulus 0.0134765 7.08604553913871 3.29881178865507 0.6020600 -18.408248 0.8957870 0.4765194 null FALSE
GO:0010891 negative regulation of sequestering of triglyceride 0.0044922 -2.06317621633596 6.48254401367761 0.3010300 -7.797760 0.8870658 0.4769945 null FALSE
GO:0019450 L-cysteine catabolic process to pyruvate 0.0044922 -0.401406838938424 -3.77677940112507 0.3010300 -7.982055 0.8792809 0.4780209 null FALSE
GO:0071732 cellular response to nitric oxide 0.0179686 6.39146635576289 2.67200025676999 0.6989700 -13.088987 0.8549169 0.4811921 null FALSE
GO:0019323 pentose catabolic process 0.0224608 0.743057690582198 -3.53928300047638 0.7781513 -2.936443 0.8996926 0.4826138 null FALSE
GO:0048587 regulation of short-day photoperiodism,flowering 0.0494138 -0.0576886662159285 7.33191095911749 1.0791812 -2.668406 0.8927762 0.4852974 null FALSE
GO:0051607 defense response to virus 0.2246081 6.30808038641994 -1.03461382703164 1.7075702 -2.216937 0.8763176 0.4865194 null FALSE
GO:0070914 UV-damage excision repair 0.0089843 3.68569488081037 -1.77895713261538 0.4771213 -2.695172 0.8167975 0.4911276 null FALSE
GO:0033292 T-tubule organization 0.0716381 -5.48082117996964 2.51395010370831 1.2041200 -16.616139 0.8893992 0.4928611 null FALSE
GO:0016024 CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process 0.0808589 -2.41444928557232 -6.23183092356525 1.2787536 -2.501440 0.8653858 0.5012011 null FALSE
GO:0070462 plus-end specific microtubule depolymerization 0.0224608 -6.51750497089401 0.314196707760301 0.7781513 -11.321631 0.9351941 0.5018801 null FALSE
GO:0097237 cellular response to toxic substance 0.8355420 6.09077825953709 1.69397953573186 2.2718416 -16.933808 0.8372070 0.5080142 null FALSE
GO:0048312 intracellular distribution of mitochondria 0.0044922 -5.55423237742768 -0.65368470623996 0.3010300 -1.511515 0.9114772 0.5090434 null FALSE
GO:0009451 RNA modification 1.4105386 1.19187900818397 -5.62877181957066 2.4983106 -24.705821 0.8733816 0.5091922 null FALSE
GO:1901726 negative regulation of histone deacetylase activity 0.0494138 -0.306375380634578 6.07504167608919 1.0791812 -8.720248 0.8669664 0.5094696 null FALSE
GO:0009992 cellular water homeostasis 0.0089843 -1.97356102168262 0.792240107198423 0.4771213 -1.388395 0.8598607 0.5104375 null FALSE
GO:0018107 peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation 0.0628903 1.07969732479516 -6.91824031910513 1.1760913 -5.188056 0.9090496 0.5112764 null FALSE
GO:0051090 regulation of DNA-binding transcription factor activity 0.0539059 1.99064438603892 7.03559524977744 1.1139434 -1.439312 0.8947475 0.5127988 null FALSE
GO:0036309 protein localization to M-band 0.2713265 -5.11889515967296 -1.63515508299001 1.7853298 -16.616139 0.9088293 0.5168809 null FALSE
GO:0001841 neural tube formation 0.0134765 -5.39499132063263 3.93888533338098 0.6020600 -6.892856 0.8946559 0.5181634 null FALSE
GO:0006509 membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis 0.4761691 2.05638054985199 -6.72723662664161 2.0293838 -12.551149 0.9309484 0.5203722 null FALSE
GO:0060776 simple leaf morphogenesis 0.0224608 -5.2306143158395 3.61912556982344 0.7781513 -2.956538 0.9063481 0.5240669 null FALSE
GO:0060291 long-term synaptic potentiation 0.0044922 0.0399933671186771 3.50436142638617 0.3010300 -11.130410 0.8496862 0.5247898 null FALSE
GO:0032212 positive regulation of telomere maintenance via telomerase 0.0044922 2.36298729048393 7.05949368122295 0.3010300 -1.707599 0.8989334 0.5293887 null FALSE
GO:0019752 carboxylic acid metabolic process 4.3214591 -0.866651132819862 -4.36933164647271 2.9836263 -8.261766 0.8686713 0.5297900 null FALSE
GO:0009914 hormone transport 0.4447240 -2.15776867550594 0.644061639284718 2.0000000 -12.890690 0.8141414 0.5303141 null FALSE
GO:0005977 glycogen metabolic process 0.0853511 4.10545480002097 -5.87719652943841 1.3010300 -2.633283 0.9123031 0.5313878 null FALSE
GO:2000280 regulation of root development 0.3593729 1.4521144418703 5.19197878514547 1.9084850 -50.486827 0.8979095 0.5325899 null FALSE
GO:0033007 negative regulation of mast cell activation involved in immune response 0.0898432 -0.00995274740349879 6.38460507000456 1.3222193 -6.937809 0.8386662 0.5331877 null FALSE
GO:0038018 Wnt receptor catabolic process 0.0044922 -0.46225662346836 4.38375948115376 0.3010300 -4.390571 0.8062319 0.5331877 null FALSE
GO:0009638 phototropism 0.1123040 7.12515480666228 -0.691313884615911 1.4149733 -4.027267 0.8923521 0.5346332 null FALSE
GO:0035518 histone H2A monoubiquitination 0.0089843 2.93767635530241 -6.83237959174479 0.4771213 -1.807329 0.9287301 0.5364766 null FALSE
GO:0009617 response to bacterium 2.1113158 6.6202755394836 -0.655323603019893 2.6730209 -17.072972 0.8624122 0.5453319 null FALSE
GO:1901684 arsenate ion transmembrane transport 0.0224608 -5.90044240693394 -1.88001104971749 0.7781513 -13.199874 0.9160531 0.5470253 null FALSE
GO:0010016 shoot system morphogenesis 0.7097615 -5.15221465444581 3.78851886770003 2.2013971 -9.930844 0.8823966 0.5474395 null FALSE
GO:0009961 response to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid 0.0179686 7.05147758031483 3.02237991153248 0.6989700 -3.168515 0.8893669 0.5514906 null FALSE
GO:0071731 response to nitric oxide 0.0269530 7.12409818651227 2.84002107082373 0.8450980 -3.940569 0.8903598 0.5514906 null FALSE
GO:0044403 biological process involved in symbiotic interaction 0.4312475 7.13594702328671 -3.20991857066073 1.9867717 -9.564115 0.9469536 0.5582824 null FALSE
GO:0002239 response to oomycetes 0.4177710 6.79242705596681 -1.04497738610039 1.9731279 -15.875443 0.8805188 0.5594759 null FALSE
GO:0006696 ergosterol biosynthetic process 0.0479164 -1.4927544758104 -5.24255303244995 1.0413927 -3.585889 0.8411812 0.5602955 null FALSE
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 5.0671578 1.2618536405523 -6.2981166664239 3.0526939 -60.750918 0.8722791 0.5616227 null FALSE
GO:0048509 regulation of meristem development 0.2964826 1.6312326236267 5.29997547637945 1.8260748 -27.802412 0.8993770 0.5634440 null FALSE
GO:1902265 abscisic acid homeostasis 0.0089843 -0.943895171222605 0.767780982161107 0.4771213 -3.059058 0.8975045 0.5661740 null FALSE
GO:0099402 plant organ development 4.5236063 -4.99929937384197 3.94632708484448 3.0034605 -7.443147 0.8751553 0.5741508 null FALSE
GO:0016099 monoterpenoid biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -3.43962054498304 -5.75013285310921 0.3010300 -44.932002 0.8910278 0.5751028 null FALSE
GO:0009644 response to high light intensity 0.2785140 7.91292760717505 0.0202318918148168 1.7993405 -4.900573 0.9134787 0.5759002 null FALSE
GO:0080003 thalianol metabolic process 0.0089843 -2.49870398082405 -5.29773093684947 0.4771213 -23.789992 0.8836863 0.5772455 null FALSE
GO:0097167 circadian regulation of translation 0.0044922 -2.97850442466086 5.14419064970445 0.3010300 -3.599961 0.8699947 0.5780757 null FALSE
GO:0098660 inorganic ion transmembrane transport 1.9810431 -5.51123614654023 -1.83725318121798 2.6454223 -10.737609 0.8891466 0.5817700 null FALSE
GO:0007584 response to nutrient 0.0583981 6.83160840223629 0.695991552347004 1.1461280 -1.321440 0.8768802 0.5817840 null FALSE
GO:0032508 DNA duplex unwinding 0.2919905 -6.31982640928202 0.850337250254752 1.8195439 -2.916109 0.9387474 0.5830189 null FALSE
GO:0071229 cellular response to acid chemical 0.2740218 6.32505102875218 1.9947192646231 1.7923917 -18.646332 0.8483261 0.5845806 null FALSE
GO:0007165 signal transduction 8.3913571 3.51336243163985 3.1297813891942 3.2716093 -130.964462 0.7241077 0.5893442 null FALSE
GO:0071446 cellular response to salicylic acid stimulus 0.2605453 6.20585177331281 2.11637660112044 1.7708520 -20.847283 0.8325862 0.5943078 null FALSE
GO:0009664 plant-type cell wall organization 0.6693320 -6.04876485338084 0.718799190675519 2.1760913 -11.167694 0.9312716 0.5956427 null FALSE
GO:0009877 nodulation 0.0988275 -5.6060588144256 3.59382740314025 1.3617278 -4.911798 0.9248941 0.5966461 null FALSE
GO:0036376 sodium ion export across plasma membrane 0.0554033 -5.76034923304888 -1.76931338462711 1.1139434 -11.218898 0.9064655 0.5981993 null FALSE
GO:0003341 cilium movement 0.0059895 -5.59950098584421 -4.28959277304031 0.3010300 -13.254910 0.9521397 0.5985002 null FALSE
GO:0046938 phytochelatin biosynthetic process 0.0134765 -0.610853943544822 -6.38896188051108 0.6020600 -5.445886 0.8924920 0.6011438 null FALSE
GO:0042177 negative regulation of protein catabolic process 0.0134765 -1.43334457814101 6.25650893148941 0.6020600 -2.832164 0.8985487 0.6021055 null FALSE
GO:0007263 nitric oxide mediated signal transduction 0.0089843 3.84059226583413 3.58907792926857 0.4771213 -6.441332 0.8335000 0.6046800 null FALSE
GO:0006165 nucleoside diphosphate phosphorylation 0.3593729 -0.344272523185028 -5.47276606825899 1.9084850 -3.191198 0.8484215 0.6053333 null FALSE
GO:1901255 nucleotide-excision repair involved in interstrand cross-link repair 0.0044922 3.25420147419142 -1.95413991019936 0.3010300 -1.955409 0.8344001 0.6058423 null FALSE
GO:0044262 cellular carbohydrate metabolic process 2.1068236 4.51362009865021 -5.96529437415345 2.6720979 -2.920548 0.9089215 0.6073647 null FALSE
GO:0070301 cellular response to hydrogen peroxide 0.0449216 5.8422891605753 1.64722133533402 1.0413927 -24.083938 0.8375083 0.6082701 null FALSE
GO:0016045 detection of bacterium 0.0134765 7.1212463430226 -1.98280864442286 0.6020600 -13.150286 0.8940235 0.6121094 null FALSE
GO:0098703 calcium ion import across plasma membrane 0.0170702 -3.43096884036599 -0.642953315195546 0.6020600 -11.130410 0.8068935 0.6124892 null FALSE
GO:0010376 stomatal complex formation 0.0224608 -5.39245180723222 3.74590143164416 0.7781513 -1.310240 0.9002650 0.6165396 null FALSE
GO:0046345 abscisic acid catabolic process 0.0269530 -1.92081251416311 -4.79445344966852 0.8450980 -40.691415 0.8282908 0.6194937 null FALSE
GO:0080024 indolebutyric acid metabolic process 0.0224608 -0.144502102552849 -2.74711486468642 0.7781513 -12.490669 0.7838030 0.6227725 null FALSE
GO:0010150 leaf senescence 0.5076142 -4.99786495079181 3.79659607478817 2.0569049 -3.287542 0.8924637 0.6244288 null FALSE
GO:1903553 positive regulation of extracellular exosome assembly 0.0044922 3.03384066785417 6.96920589085536 0.3010300 -1.511515 0.9045147 0.6254462 null FALSE
GO:0045926 negative regulation of growth 0.1751943 -0.950197856464302 5.6722009313277 1.6020600 -7.549587 0.8853934 0.6297772 null FALSE
GO:0033473 indoleacetic acid conjugate metabolic process 0.0044922 -0.283677643414624 -2.94929445819359 0.3010300 -6.508933 0.8005614 0.6304322 null FALSE
GO:1903507 negative regulation of nucleic acid-templated transcription 1.0556579 -0.116058250639565 5.69646711960811 2.3729120 -5.889535 0.8582344 0.6336059 null FALSE
GO:0031640 killing of cells of other organism 1.3072189 7.17135666139803 -3.12712905638447 2.4653829 -1.511515 0.9135847 0.6338299 null FALSE
GO:0000025 maltose catabolic process 0.0089843 4.62862272192714 -5.5084525279263 0.4771213 -6.402236 0.9145029 0.6340028 null FALSE
GO:0060465 pharynx development 1.4053739 -5.08916489824228 4.11807838116437 2.4927604 -1.511515 0.8875713 0.6351702 null FALSE
GO:0015700 arsenite transport 0.0224608 -5.91548376545276 -2.04550379084486 0.7781513 -15.521384 0.9357928 0.6364426 null FALSE
GO:0031347 regulation of defense response 1.2308522 0.363749239306276 6.06897593135024 2.4393327 -12.817341 0.8607194 0.6384662 null FALSE
GO:0003283 atrial septum development 1.6401201 -4.96925929643577 4.08078304241428 3.2564772 -3.375052 0.8687517 0.6408854 null FALSE
GO:0042631 cellular response to water deprivation 0.1707021 5.98819544882573 0.977361088029413 1.5910646 -8.324906 0.7858586 0.6436302 null FALSE
GO:0010106 cellular response to iron ion starvation 0.0359373 3.82150935429393 0.865804815436922 0.9542425 -2.715632 0.7544693 0.6452536 null FALSE
GO:1905034 regulation of antifungal innate immune response 0.0089843 -0.498216810254046 7.65405612131188 0.4771213 -6.763737 0.8950847 0.6459136 null FALSE
GO:0010105 negative regulation of ethylene-activated signaling pathway 0.0898432 -0.456359225028234 6.2888053782358 1.3222193 -15.525570 0.8390935 0.6505621 null FALSE
GO:1902290 positive regulation of defense response to oomycetes 0.0449216 0.657296785816245 7.05477289817112 1.0413927 -12.360237 0.8686328 0.6512180 null FALSE
GO:0044255 cellular lipid metabolic process 3.4050582 -2.85860492805447 -5.95470619955239 2.8802418 -3.248190 0.8748410 0.6525364 null FALSE
GO:0072498 embryonic skeletal joint development 1.8732312 -5.0887277284664 4.01657478354037 2.6211763 -1.511515 0.8845939 0.6529264 null FALSE
GO:0051513 regulation of monopolar cell growth 0.0224608 2.69650647675226 6.41802510240082 0.7781513 -1.473899 0.8994634 0.6532683 null FALSE
GO:0042742 defense response to bacterium 1.6216702 6.316401436975 -0.62755514354493 2.5587086 -14.961942 0.8483041 0.6545694 null FALSE
GO:0012502 induction of programmed cell death 0.0044922 2.99911413017345 7.19037016874442 0.3010300 -5.115042 0.9034924 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:1902042 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors 0.0044922 -0.642827900001118 6.7026147430444 0.3010300 -5.153496 0.8607304 0.6549617 null FALSE
GO:0009852 auxin catabolic process 0.0089843 -0.561137570692578 -0.295630396297205 0.4771213 -9.060693 0.8366526 0.6550946 null FALSE
GO:0000304 response to singlet oxygen 0.0583981 6.97245177414905 1.84720973685903 1.1461280 -13.389297 0.8782887 0.6554547 null FALSE
GO:2000026 regulation of multicellular organismal development 1.5677643 1.15107116292101 5.06926344495991 2.5440680 -13.816111 0.8549052 0.6593517 null FALSE
GO:0046482 para-aminobenzoic acid metabolic process 0.0179686 -0.209401819959143 -4.61950550864075 0.6989700 -17.998248 0.8763834 0.6615462 null FALSE
GO:1901599 (-)-pinoresinol biosynthetic process 0.0089843 -1.13743632591425 -4.82504441724422 0.4771213 -2.589659 0.8653362 0.6615462 null FALSE
GO:0030150 protein import into mitochondrial matrix 0.1257805 -5.50846525542476 -0.888766668600337 1.4623980 -7.293749 0.8749276 0.6622637 null FALSE
GO:0032870 cellular response to hormone stimulus 4.2316158 6.18783495332526 1.46347233377747 2.9745117 -14.968531 0.8018501 0.6623081 null FALSE
GO:0010930 negative regulation of auxin mediated signaling pathway 0.0134765 -0.73452956954826 6.53091657141941 0.6020600 -4.968536 0.8606039 0.6682671 null FALSE
GO:0006654 phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process 0.0269530 -2.54867959846544 -6.20695829914329 0.8450980 -1.576801 0.8746047 0.6687375 null FALSE
GO:0045338 farnesyl diphosphate metabolic process 0.0898432 -2.81450595811813 -6.1739308670992 1.3222193 -28.998426 0.8694725 0.6735153 null FALSE
GO:0009801 cinnamic acid ester metabolic process 0.0089843 -1.84648705973755 -4.10477860986303 0.4771213 -13.089991 0.9040753 0.6748672 null FALSE
GO:1903711 spermidine transmembrane transport 0.2061403 -5.55346910659661 -1.99567500277708 1.6627578 -6.503290 0.8993891 0.6759740 null FALSE
GO:0071368 cellular response to cytokinin stimulus 0.3593729 6.03452324232249 1.9859488628555 1.9084850 -11.780061 0.8400378 0.6812564 null FALSE
GO:0050829 defense response to Gram-negative bacterium 0.0988275 6.39778238014535 -1.27042828702017 1.3617278 -5.405397 0.8783485 0.6840535 null FALSE
GO:1900449 regulation of glutamate receptor signaling pathway 0.1735903 0.283065071650957 6.51475502430194 1.5682017 -5.153496 0.8598522 0.6858401 null FALSE
GO:0010310 regulation of hydrogen peroxide metabolic process 0.0539059 1.55873532863189 7.3427058641624 1.1139434 -1.409169 0.9122973 0.6872518 null FALSE
GO:0030435 sporulation resulting in formation of a cellular spore 0.1134757 -5.52813301989736 3.46762730924461 1.3802112 -3.232252 0.8961892 0.6894313 null FALSE
GO:0010030 positive regulation of seed germination 0.0898432 2.24274743191681 6.06708187260214 1.3222193 -13.622275 0.8600820 0.6895163 null FALSE
GO:0005983 starch catabolic process 0.0763667 3.74135488194417 -5.52256680775893 1.2552725 -5.865772 0.8948552 0.6912926 null FALSE
GO:0071266 ‘de novo’ L-methionine biosynthetic process 0.0044922 -1.33110167072378 -5.83109623708845 0.3010300 -7.778089 0.8782424 0.6914940 null FALSE
GO:0071281 cellular response to iron ion 0.0089843 6.34818128593247 2.87340191519986 0.4771213 -11.562767 0.8728597 0.6952859 null FALSE

[1] “only_in_posi_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0005983 starch catabolic process 0.0763667 -3.8526345 -5.3582501 1.255273 -2.055820 0.9140657 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0030174 regulation of DNA-dependent DNA replication initiation 0.0179686 0.3882463 5.5503857 0.698970 -1.307768 0.9472392 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0046686 response to cadmium ion 0.3054670 4.8793689 -3.8917909 1.838849 -1.754551 0.8683807 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0034721 histone H3-K4 demethylation,trimethyl-H3-K4-specific 0.0404295 -5.4565131 -0.5614363 1.000000 -1.884385 0.9145322 0.1526367 null FALSE
GO:0071333 cellular response to glucose stimulus 0.0718746 5.2522276 -1.1200076 1.230449 -1.582738 0.7989313 0.2725221 null FALSE

[1] “only_in_zmar_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0010157 response to chlorate 0.0044922 4.11166156527779 4.31918249320817 0.3010300 -5.513515 0.9765257 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0015770 sucrose transport 0.0988275 -2.2016782566231 -7.3140881330079 1.3617278 -1.318982 0.9441763 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0048281 inflorescence morphogenesis 0.0134765 -6.16165229809352 2.02520398971639 0.6020600 -4.588824 0.9216674 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0051603 proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process 2.6458829 5.07106319578381 -3.54151281450573 2.7708520 -23.445501 0.7934847 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0032197 transposition,RNA-mediated 0.0044922 6.44811274770786 2.48134468870806 0.3010300 -2.708915 0.9734785 0.0243997 null FALSE
GO:0090156 cellular sphingolipid homeostasis 0.0134765 -0.722090796116994 -0.197392942316222 0.6020600 -4.494330 0.9214548 0.0265366 null FALSE
GO:0046785 microtubule polymerization 0.0673824 -5.47507793681507 -3.53801938106731 1.2041200 -13.774183 0.8741245 0.0304424 null FALSE
GO:1901332 negative regulation of lateral root development 0.0314451 -3.09341400879405 5.28725875393739 0.9030900 -2.847257 0.9454833 0.0999311 null FALSE
GO:0010286 heat acclimation 0.2650375 1.54013586306071 5.56095248673332 1.7781513 -2.016484 0.9263497 0.1180921 null FALSE
GO:0080156 mitochondrial mRNA modification 0.1347648 2.95633453104996 -6.54953070307069 1.4913617 -7.414447 0.8668707 0.1671223 null FALSE
GO:0006537 glutamate biosynthetic process 0.0179686 5.02132895305333 -0.876854500575888 0.6989700 -1.818101 0.9002232 0.1746337 null FALSE
GO:0048194 Golgi vesicle budding 0.0179686 -4.1551378651847 -5.15187863411674 0.6989700 -1.775108 0.8332491 0.2966091 null FALSE
GO:1990019 protein storage vacuole organization 0.0314451 -5.65831156623758 -4.30351870776521 0.9030900 -8.591400 0.8788757 0.3074104 null FALSE
GO:0006278 RNA-dependent DNA biosynthetic process 0.2605453 3.92046919449429 -4.67258015296427 1.7708520 -2.761258 0.8356628 0.3399747 null FALSE
GO:0090709 regulation of timing of plant organ formation 0.0089843 -2.6409687488847 5.77124226143112 0.4771213 -1.857388 0.9468768 0.3711372 null FALSE
GO:0032989 cellular component morphogenesis 0.2156237 -5.80773660082054 -1.10976745792843 1.6901961 -4.508650 0.7980114 0.4158062 null FALSE
GO:0090305 nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 1.6171780 3.60972078930628 -5.740638654047 2.5575072 -1.818070 0.8442740 0.4238293 null FALSE
GO:0006624 vacuolar protein processing 0.0359373 6.00737403466569 -2.96221362886087 0.9542425 -9.895786 0.8501799 0.4917335 null FALSE
GO:0010090 trichome morphogenesis 0.2830062 -6.48656191500357 1.51849345824057 1.8061800 -4.097280 0.8796241 0.5409970 null FALSE
GO:0045332 phospholipid translocation 0.0583981 -3.3672464490205 -4.0414370913363 1.1461280 -1.546385 0.7802830 0.5429416 null FALSE
GO:0009408 response to heat 1.1230403 1.8703090670183 5.31097081133157 2.3996737 -1.548177 0.9252721 0.6700248 null FALSE

[1] “only_in_zmuel_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0010222 stem vascular tissue pattern formation 0.0269530 -0.563447772275809 5.87098322901602 0.8450980 -5.047945 0.8692095 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0040007 growth 1.7025291 -4.28255529182375 4.46801463291539 2.5797836 -4.373448 1.0000000 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0043007 maintenance of rDNA 0.0134765 -4.76609452875595 -5.2590524758383 0.6020600 -3.318770 0.8595533 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0090284 positive regulation of protein glycosylation in Golgi 0.3503886 5.51055427570417 -1.54135332501225 1.8976271 -5.506616 0.7602859 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0046459 short-chain fatty acid metabolic process 0.0134765 -6.49451546385567 2.12994311564573 0.6020600 -1.740640 0.9820174 0.0647135 null FALSE
GO:2001240 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand 0.0044922 3.30717541372873 -5.10018653078686 0.3010300 -2.928272 0.8010540 0.1398481 null FALSE
GO:1900049 regulation of histone exchange 0.0089843 5.95071721549437 2.09056136675837 0.4771213 -4.140205 0.8866402 0.1463228 null FALSE
GO:2000114 regulation of establishment of cell polarity 0.0224608 3.08846899700244 1.32151758281914 0.7781513 -3.856587 0.8804434 0.1558620 null FALSE
GO:0008347 glial cell migration 0.0044922 0.975236256060151 6.12331428559806 0.3010300 -4.650340 0.8597621 0.2230397 null FALSE
GO:0080119 ER body organization 0.0269530 -5.46086267537247 -3.23649443397829 0.8450980 -2.146026 0.8761290 0.2757630 null FALSE
GO:0007030 Golgi organization 0.1931629 -5.00462316000622 -4.08997762867601 1.6434527 -1.799156 0.8646678 0.3265117 null FALSE
GO:0034260 negative regulation of GTPase activity 0.5039777 2.68944513059168 -2.70275476369955 2.0530784 -1.793183 0.7678298 0.3612841 null FALSE
GO:0006336 DNA replication-independent chromatin assembly 0.0404295 -4.15398523924773 -5.40249987004598 1.0000000 -1.395115 0.8581688 0.4336933 null FALSE
GO:0090303 positive regulation of wound healing 1.1320246 4.71859689002595 -3.5126865402301 2.4031205 -4.387055 0.7462134 0.5237917 null FALSE
GO:0046328 regulation of JNK cascade 0.0185302 4.28236042363007 -5.2755297531507 0.6989700 -2.672143 0.8018145 0.6029437 null FALSE

[1] “only_seagrasses_GO.txt”

TermID Name Frequency PlotX PlotY LogSize Value Uniqueness Dispensability Representative Eliminated
GO:0010022 meristem determinacy 0.1167962 -4.7088142153657 -4.43837287951032 1.4313638 -2.675579 0.8822107 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0050982 detection of mechanical stimulus 0.0134765 -5.23562600824086 3.73139105976554 0.6020600 -5.431629 0.9623703 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0051603 proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process 2.6458829 4.88178831296245 -4.96986050147995 2.7708520 -11.456833 0.8231088 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:1900049 regulation of histone exchange 0.0089843 -0.913847053924933 6.45560329410688 0.4771213 -5.042366 0.9156042 0.0000000 null FALSE
GO:0032197 transposition,RNA-mediated 0.0044922 -7.41545399228281 0.391459820191346 0.3010300 -9.168511 0.9797437 0.0243997 null FALSE
GO:0033298 contractile vacuole organization 0.0898432 0.220600422535116 -6.27027019677072 1.3222193 -5.583611 0.8741731 0.0312650 null FALSE
GO:0033275 actin-myosin filament sliding 0.1033197 -5.84579393161654 0.766292498469521 1.3802112 -6.682353 0.8518190 0.0316809 null FALSE
GO:1902466 positive regulation of histone H3-K27 trimethylation 0.0089843 2.17862534505974 4.8190197442204 0.4771213 -4.579819 0.8596224 0.1175562 null FALSE
GO:0051591 response to cAMP 0.3255457 -4.26144972096448 5.34545066226927 1.8633229 -4.509703 0.9729961 0.1286131 null FALSE
GO:0097193 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway 0.2467993 -1.2782738767649 3.91723686189139 1.7403627 -3.003236 0.8667449 0.1604888 null FALSE
GO:1904872 regulation of telomerase RNA localization to Cajal body 0.3049731 4.35341507254303 4.89779940851176 1.6434527 -1.978326 0.9173185 0.1642114 null FALSE
GO:0043086 negative regulation of catalytic activity 1.1410089 4.7528803462001 3.80572841859977 2.4065402 -1.351735 0.9001337 0.1652546 null FALSE
GO:0006278 RNA-dependent DNA biosynthetic process 0.2605453 5.86306143628694 -2.625422376621 1.7708520 -9.577934 0.8559526 0.2387877 null FALSE
GO:0006971 hypotonic response 0.0134765 -5.7772287213171 3.17554481445418 0.6020600 -2.372108 0.9720130 0.2465384 null FALSE
GO:0031154 culmination involved in sorocarp development 0.0404295 -3.64176967562245 -5.8122808688147 1.0000000 -1.309504 0.9274572 0.2565030 null FALSE
GO:0016131 brassinosteroid metabolic process 0.1482413 5.86713485895276 0.365724847799378 1.5314789 -4.909247 0.8279495 0.2739357 null FALSE
GO:0032060 bleb assembly 0.2650375 0.141076995539704 -6.91868075463543 0.6989700 -5.583611 0.7438491 0.2823551 null FALSE
GO:0032989 cellular component morphogenesis 0.2156237 -2.18050522667794 -4.9576134894933 1.6901961 -3.724531 0.7843404 0.3028309 null FALSE
GO:0048578 positive regulation of long-day photoperiodism,flowering 0.0359373 1.75338670884981 5.61149373411496 0.9542425 -3.385409 0.8703649 0.3077731 null FALSE
GO:0097242 amyloid-beta clearance 0.9159091 -5.8533829146441 -2.60011083882321 2.3117539 -1.718349 0.9372783 0.3266559 null FALSE
GO:2001240 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand 0.0044922 0.642850478578048 3.54248622024944 0.3010300 -1.641177 0.9048595 0.3625130 null FALSE
GO:0010992 ubiquitin recycling 0.0044922 7.22537426761855 2.79199406315397 0.3010300 -1.718349 0.9144109 0.3658745 null FALSE
GO:0051707 response to other organism 6.1812138 -4.55567047852117 4.20407797134144 3.1389339 -2.284036 0.9584055 0.3914002 null FALSE
GO:0090501 RNA phosphodiester bond hydrolysis 0.8804636 5.38373337057937 -2.89930511474118 2.2944662 -6.648430 0.8623412 0.3997076 null FALSE
GO:0080156 mitochondrial mRNA modification 0.1347648 4.89641299052905 -3.24847896308863 1.4913617 -3.221374 0.8625111 0.4346267 null FALSE
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 5.0671578 4.46640892784424 -4.90581510322455 3.0526939 -3.226314 0.8657436 0.4388141 null FALSE
GO:0090701 specification of plant organ identity 0.0583981 -4.20156127137747 -3.74454321382841 1.1461280 -2.713400 0.8814304 0.4606874 null FALSE
GO:0051127 positive regulation of actin nucleation 0.0224608 0.723202333683879 6.11924404070086 0.7781513 -1.905381 0.8789310 0.4727066 null FALSE
GO:0043007 maintenance of rDNA 0.0134765 2.68526952861377 -3.81287472034624 0.6020600 -6.455202 0.7931148 0.4859577 null FALSE
GO:0016926 protein desumoylation 0.0359373 4.08235794922677 -6.17276199748594 0.9542425 -1.543029 0.8979943 0.4917335 null FALSE
GO:0009048 dosage compensation by inactivation of X chromosome 0.4941377 1.1230954561853 0.263392475035361 2.0453230 -2.792735 0.7614649 0.5100284 null FALSE
GO:0010815 bradykinin catabolic process 0.0359373 5.66611615511259 -4.36635273299491 0.9542425 -1.718349 0.8737350 0.5423309 null FALSE
GO:0071048 nuclear retention of unspliced pre-mRNA at the site of transcription 0.0224608 3.91467626701701 -1.10218344706374 0.7781513 -1.532452 0.7576435 0.5428672 null FALSE
GO:0010090 trichome morphogenesis 0.2830062 -3.81405915360717 -4.9080697583129 1.8061800 -2.336224 0.8509741 0.5489694 null FALSE
GO:0051555 flavonol biosynthetic process 0.0808589 7.79847379852878 0.320574842810472 1.2787536 -2.102840 0.9341821 0.6044851 null FALSE
GO:0001932 regulation of protein phosphorylation 0.4716769 2.55372208793227 3.3667082870331 2.0253059 -3.934885 0.8569219 0.6309617 null FALSE
GO:0010222 stem vascular tissue pattern formation 0.0269530 -4.66982571960877 -3.44086690579694 0.8450980 -1.487551 0.9003958 0.6358398 null FALSE
GO:0048576 positive regulation of short-day photoperiodism,flowering 0.0044922 1.82756434403651 6.23379841045324 0.3010300 -1.364131 0.8820965 0.6596159 null FALSE
GO:0010492 maintenance of shoot apical meristem identity 0.0898432 -4.53333411374642 -4.59735128077621 1.3222193 -1.433920 0.8838636 0.6967210 null FALSE

Venn diagram GO overlaps

Let’s also check which GO terms overlap between the 4 seagrasses!

Let’s have a look at all of these plots. Manually zooming in leads to ggrepel reloading labels, so on the small scale a lot of these plots don’t have labels.

for(i in names(plot_list)) {
  file_name = paste('output/',  i, '.png', sep='')
  cowplot::save_plot(file_name, plot_list[[i]], base_height=8)

How many shared lost GO-terms are there? Hopefully, all four species will have lost the most GO-terms.

a <- list(`P. australis` = results_list$missing_posi_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `A. antarctica` = results_list$missing_amphi_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `Z. marina` = results_list$missing_zmar_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `Z. muelleri` = results_list$missing_zmuel_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `A. thaliana` = results_list$missing_arabidopsis_vs_all_GO.txt$Name)

a_go_ids <- list(`P. australis` = results_list$missing_posi_vs_all_GO.txt$TermID,
          `A. antarctica` = results_list$missing_amphi_vs_all_GO.txt$TermID,
          `Z. marina` = results_list$missing_zmar_vs_all_GO.txt$TermID,
          `Z. muelleri` = results_list$missing_zmuel_vs_all_GO.txt$TermID,
          `A. thaliana` = results_list$missing_arabidopsis_vs_all_GO.txt$TermID)
     quantities = TRUE,
     fill = rev(wes_palette("Zissou1", 15, type = 'continuous')),
    alpha = 0.5,
     labels = list(font = 4))

upset(fromList(a),'freq', )

a_no_ara <- list(`P. australis` = results_list$missing_posi_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `A. antarctica` = results_list$missing_amphi_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `Z. marina` = results_list$missing_zmar_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `Z. muelleri` = results_list$missing_zmuel_vs_all_GO.txt$Name)

What are the shared GO-terms in seagrasses, WITHOUT the Ara loss??

setdiff(Reduce(intersect, a_no_ara), Reduce(intersect, a)) %>% enframe() %>% writexl::write_xlsx('./data/shared_lost_genes.xlsx')

What if we remove Posidonia?

b <- list(`A. antarctica` = results_list$missing_amphi_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `Z. marina` = results_list$missing_zmar_vs_all_GO.txt$Name,
          `Z. muelleri` = results_list$missing_zmuel_vs_all_GO.txt$Name)
intersections <- Reduce(intersect, b)
intersections[grepl('ethylene', intersections)]
[1] "jasmonic acid and ethylene-dependent systemic resistance,ethylene mediated signaling pathway"
[2] "regulation of ethylene-activated signaling pathway"                                          

OK we need a big list of all GO-terms here - which GO-term is lost in which species. That will be a supplementary table.

all_species <- c("P. australis","A. antarctica","Z. marina","Z. muelleri", 'A. thaliana')  
all_go_terms <- Reduce(union, a)
all_go_ids <- Reduce(union, a_go_ids)
results_d <- data.frame('GOID' = character(),
                        'GO' = character(),
                        'P. australis' = character(),
                        'A. antarctica' = character(),
                        'Z. marina' = character(),
                        'Z. muelleri' = character(),
                        'A. thaliana' = character())

for (index in seq_along(all_go_terms)){
  go <- all_go_terms[index]
  go_id <- all_go_ids[index]
  specs <- c()
  for (species in names(a)) {
    if ( length(a[[species]][grep(paste('^', go, '$', sep=''), a[[species]])]) > 0 ) {
      specs <- c(specs, species)
  results_d[index,] <- c(go_id, go, gsub('FALSE', 'Present', gsub('TRUE', 'Lost', all_species %in% specs)))
writexl::write_xlsx(results_d, 'data/Lost_GO_terms_in_five_species.xlsx')

after filtering for plant-specific GO-terms

We will use the GO-terms that are plant-specific as identified by the GOMAP paper. See or

go_plant <- read_tsv('')
Rows: 45031 Columns: 5
-- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
Delimiter: "\t"
chr (1): GOterm
dbl (4): NCBITaxon:10090, NCBITaxon:33090, NCBITaxon:3702, NCBITaxon:40674

i Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
i Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# taxon 33090 is Viridiplantae
plantSpecificGO <- go_plant %>% dplyr::filter(`NCBITaxon:33090`==1) %>% pull(GOterm)
plantSpecificGO <- c(plantSpecificGO,c("GO:0005575","GO:0008150","GO:0003674"))
results_d %>% filter(GOID %in% plantSpecificGO) %>% writexl::write_xlsx('data/Lost_GO_terms_in_five_species.PlantSpecific.xlsx')

Now let’s redo the Venn diagram with those filtered GO-terms

filters <- lapply(a_go_ids, function(ch) ch %in% plantSpecificGO)

newa <- list()
for (species in names(filters)) {
  before <- a[[species]]
  after <- before[filters[[species]]]
  newa[[species]] <- after
     quantities = TRUE,
     fill = rev(wes_palette("Zissou1", 15, type = 'continuous')),
    alpha = 0.5,
     labels = list(font = 4))

Not much difference?

R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19042)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_Australia.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_Australia.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_Australia.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                      
[5] LC_TIME=English_Australia.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[8] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] rrvgo_1.4.4          UpSetR_1.4.0         eulerr_6.1.1        
 [4] ggrepel_0.9.1        stringi_1.7.5        httr_1.4.2          
 [7] wesanderson_0.3.6    rvest_1.0.2          forcats_0.5.1       
[10] stringr_1.4.0        dplyr_1.0.7          purrr_0.3.4         
[13] readr_2.0.2          tidyr_1.1.4          tibble_3.1.5        
[16] ggplot2_3.3.5        tidyverse_1.3.1      topGO_2.44.0        
[19] SparseM_1.81         GO.db_3.13.0         AnnotationDbi_1.54.1
[22] IRanges_2.26.0       S4Vectors_0.30.2     Biobase_2.52.0      
[25] graph_1.70.0         BiocGenerics_0.38.0  workflowr_1.6.2     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] colorspace_2.0-2       ellipsis_0.3.2         rprojroot_2.0.2       
  [4] XVector_0.32.0         fs_1.5.0               rstudioapi_0.13       
  [7] farver_2.1.0           bit64_4.0.5            fansi_0.5.0           
 [10] lubridate_1.8.0        xml2_1.3.2             cachem_1.0.6          
 [13] GOSemSim_2.18.1        knitr_1.36             polyclip_1.10-0       
 [16] jsonlite_1.7.2         broom_0.7.9            gridBase_0.4-7        
 [19] dbplyr_2.1.1           png_0.1-7              pheatmap_1.0.12       
 [22] shiny_1.7.1            compiler_4.1.0         backports_1.2.1       
 [25] assertthat_0.2.1       fastmap_1.1.0          cli_3.0.1             
 [28] later_1.3.0            htmltools_0.5.2        tools_4.1.0           
 [31] igraph_1.2.7           NLP_0.2-1              gtable_0.3.0          
 [34] glue_1.4.2             GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.6 Rcpp_1.0.7            
 [37] slam_0.1-48            cellranger_1.1.0       jquerylib_0.1.4       
 [40] vctrs_0.3.8            Biostrings_2.60.2      writexl_1.4.0         
 [43] polylabelr_0.2.0       xfun_0.27              mime_0.12             
 [46] lifecycle_1.0.1        zlibbioc_1.38.0        scales_1.1.1          
 [49] treemap_2.4-3          vroom_1.5.5            hms_1.1.1             
 [52] promises_1.2.0.1       RColorBrewer_1.1-2     yaml_2.2.1            
 [55] curl_4.3.2             memoise_2.0.0          gridExtra_2.3         
 [58] sass_0.4.0             RSQLite_2.2.8          highr_0.9             
 [61] GenomeInfoDb_1.28.4    rlang_0.4.12           pkgconfig_2.0.3       
 [64] matrixStats_0.61.0     bitops_1.0-7           evaluate_0.14         
 [67] lattice_0.20-44        labeling_0.4.2         cowplot_1.1.1         
 [70] bit_4.0.4              tidyselect_1.1.1       plyr_1.8.6            
 [73] magrittr_2.0.1         R6_2.5.1               generics_0.1.1        
 [76] DBI_1.1.1              pillar_1.6.4           haven_2.4.3           
 [79] whisker_0.4            withr_2.4.2            KEGGREST_1.32.0       
 [82] RCurl_1.98-1.5         modelr_0.1.8           crayon_1.4.1          
 [85] wordcloud_2.6          utf8_1.2.2             tzdb_0.1.2            
 [88] rmarkdown_2.11         grid_4.1.0             readxl_1.3.1          
 [91] data.table_1.14.2      blob_1.2.2             git2r_0.28.0          
 [94] reprex_2.0.1           digest_0.6.28          xtable_1.8-4          
 [97] tm_0.7-8               httpuv_1.6.3           munsell_0.5.0         
[100] bslib_0.3.1