• Observed vs. Predicted
    • Means
    • Variances
      • Values for Weighted Corr
    • Usefulness
    • –> Save
  • Compute prediction accuracies
    • –> Save

Last updated: 2021-02-01

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: PredictOutbredCrossVar/

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The results in this page were generated with repository version 883b1d4. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

Note that you need to be careful to ensure that all relevant files for the analysis have been committed to Git prior to generating the results (you can use wflow_publish or wflow_git_commit). workflowr only checks the R Markdown file, but you know if there are other scripts or data files that it depends on. Below is the status of the Git repository when the results were generated:

Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .DS_Store
    Ignored:    .Rhistory
    Ignored:    .Rproj.user/
    Ignored:    analysis/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    code/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    data/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    output/.DS_Store
    Ignored:    output/crossRealizations/.DS_Store

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  .gitignore
    Untracked:  Icon
    Untracked:  PredictOutbredCrossVar.Rproj
    Untracked:  manuscript/
    Untracked:  output/crossPredictions/
    Untracked:  output/gblups_DirectionalDom_parentwise_crossVal_folds.rds
    Untracked:  output/gblups_geneticgroups.rds
    Untracked:  output/gblups_parentwise_crossVal_folds.rds

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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/predictionAccuracy.Rmd) and HTML (docs/predictionAccuracy.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 883b1d4 wolfemd 2021-02-01 Update the syntax highlighting and code-block formatting throughout for
Rmd 6a10c30 wolfemd 2021-01-04 Submission and GitHub ready version.
html 6a10c30 wolfemd 2021-01-04 Submission and GitHub ready version.

Observed vs. Predicted

Format predicted and observed values so prediction accuracy can be computed.


library(tidyverse); library(magrittr); library(predCrossVar)
#predmeans %>% count(Model,predOf)
#predmeans_dd %>% count(predOf)
predmeans %<>% 
  bind_rows(predmeans_dd %>% 
              mutate(Model=ifelse(predOf=="MeanBV","DirDomBV","DirDomAD"))) %>% 
  #rename(VarComp=predOf) %>% 
#predmeans %>% count(Model,VarComp)
obsMeans<-readRDS(here::here("output/crossRealizations","realizedCrossMeans.rds")) %>% 
  rename(predOf=obsOf) %>% 
#obsMeans %>% count(Model,predOf)

obsVSpredMeans<-bind_rows(left_join(predmeans,obsMeans) %>% mutate(ValidationData="GBLUPs"),
                          left_join(predmeans,obsMeanBLUPs) %>% mutate(ValidationData="iidBLUPs"))
# obsVSpredMeans %>% count(Model,ValidationData,VarComp) %>% spread(ValidationData,n)


# Variances
predvars<-readRDS(here::here("output/crossPredictions","predictedCrossVars_tidy_withSelIndices.rds")) %>% 
  bind_rows(readRDS(here::here("output/crossPredictions","predictedCrossVars_DirectionalDom_tidy_withSelIndices.rds"))) %>% 
  select(-Nsegsnps,-totcomputetime) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols=c(VPM,PMV),names_to = "VarMethod",values_to = "predVar") %>% 
  group_by(Repeat,Fold,Model,sireID,damID,Trait1,Trait2,VarMethod) %>%  
  # sum over VarComps (ModelA = VarA, ModelAD = VarA+VarD)
  summarize(predVar=sum(predVar),.groups="drop") %>%  
  mutate(predOf=ifelse(Model %in% c("A","DirDomBV"),"VarBV",
                       ifelse(Model %in% c("AD","DirDomAD"),"VarTGV",NA))) 
predvars %>% 
# A tibble: 4 x 3
  Model    predOf     n
  <chr>    <chr>  <int>
1 A        VarBV  99648
2 AD       VarTGV 99648
3 DirDomAD VarTGV 99648
4 DirDomBV VarBV  99648
obsVars<-readRDS(here::here("output/crossRealizations","realizedCrossVars.rds")) %>% 
  rename(predOf=obsOf) %>% 
obsVars %>% count(Model,predOf)
# A tibble: 4 x 3
  Model    predOf     n
  <chr>    <chr>  <int>
1 A        VarBV  40374
2 AD       VarTGV 40374
3 DirDomAD VarTGV 40374
4 DirDomBV VarBV  40374

obsVSpredVars<-bind_rows(left_join(predvars,obsVars) %>% mutate(ValidationData="GBLUPs"),
                         left_join(predvars,obsVarBLUPs) %>% mutate(ValidationData="iidBLUPs"))
obsVSpredVars %>% count(Model,ValidationData,predOf)
# A tibble: 8 x 4
  Model    ValidationData predOf     n
  <chr>    <chr>          <chr>  <int>
1 A        GBLUPs         VarBV  99648
2 A        iidBLUPs       VarBV  99648
3 AD       GBLUPs         VarTGV 99648
4 AD       iidBLUPs       VarTGV 99648
5 DirDomAD GBLUPs         VarTGV 99648
6 DirDomAD iidBLUPs       VarTGV 99648
7 DirDomBV GBLUPs         VarBV  99648
8 DirDomBV iidBLUPs       VarBV  99648

Values for Weighted Corr

For ValidationData==“GBLUPs”, weight by the observed “FamSize”.

# add Family Sizes, for weighted correlations
obsVSpredVars %<>% 
  left_join(readRDS(file=here::here("output/crossRealizations","realizedCrossMetrics.rds")) %>% 
              distinct(Repeat,Fold,sireID,damID,FamSize) %>% ungroup())
obsVSpredVars %>% head
# A tibble: 6 x 13
  Repeat Fold  Model sireID damID Trait1 Trait2 VarMethod  predVar predOf
  <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr> <chr>  <chr>  <chr>        <dbl> <chr> 
1 Repea… Fold1 A     IITA-… IITA… biofo… biofo… PMV       55.4     VarBV 
2 Repea… Fold1 A     IITA-… IITA… biofo… biofo… VPM        5.86    VarBV 
3 Repea… Fold1 A     IITA-… IITA… DM     DM     PMV        4.35    VarBV 
4 Repea… Fold1 A     IITA-… IITA… DM     DM     VPM        0.355   VarBV 
5 Repea… Fold1 A     IITA-… IITA… DM     logFY… PMV       -0.0762  VarBV 
6 Repea… Fold1 A     IITA-… IITA… DM     logFY… VPM       -0.00459 VarBV 
# … with 3 more variables: obsVar <dbl>, ValidationData <chr>, FamSize <dbl>

For ValidationData==“iidBLUPs”, weight by the number of observed non-missing BLUPs per family per trait.

parentfolds<-readRDS(file = here::here("data","parentwise_crossVal_folds.rds")) %>% 
  rename(Repeat=id,Fold=id2) %>% 
ped<-readRDS(here::here("data","ped_awc.rds")) %>%
parentfolds %<>% 
  mutate(CrossesToPredict=map(testparents,~filter(ped,sireID %in% . | damID %in% .))) %>% 
blups<-readRDS(here::here("data","blups_forawcdata.rds")) %>% 
  select(Trait,blups) %>% 
  unnest(blups) %>% 
  select(Trait,germplasmName,BLUP) %>% 
  spread(Trait,BLUP) %>%  
  select(germplasmName,all_of(c("DM","logFYLD","MCMDS","TCHART"))) # precaution to ensure consistent column order
crossblups<-parentfolds %>% 
  unnest(CrossesToPredict) %>% 
  distinct(sireID,damID,FamilyMembers) %>% 
  unnest(FamilyMembers) %>% 
  rename(germplasmName=FullSampleName) %>% 
  left_join(blups) %>% 
  select(sireID,damID,germplasmName,all_of(indices$Trait)) %>% 
  nest(famblups=c(germplasmName,all_of(indices$Trait))) %>% 
  mutate(stdSI=map(famblups,~as.data.frame(.) %>% 
                       column_to_rownames(var = "germplasmName") %>% 
         biofortSI=map(famblups,~as.data.frame(.) %>% 
                       column_to_rownames(var = "germplasmName") %>% 
nObs<-bind_rows(crossblups %>% 
                  select(-famblups) %>% 
                         biofortSI=map_dbl(biofortSI,~length(which(!is.na(.))))) %>% 
                  pivot_longer(cols = c(stdSI,biofortSI), names_to = "Trait1", values_to = "Nobs",values_drop_na = TRUE) %>% 
                crossblups %>% 
                  select(sireID,damID,famblups) %>% 
                    NobsMat<-psych::pairwiseCount(famblups %>% select(-germplasmName),diagonal=TRUE)
                    NobsMat[lower.tri(NobsMat, diag = F)]<-NA
                    NobsMat %<>% 
                      as.data.frame %>% 
                      rownames_to_column(var = "Trait1") %>% 
                      pivot_longer(cols = -Trait1, names_to = "Trait2", values_to = "Nobs",values_drop_na = TRUE)
                    return(NobsMat) })) %>% 
# add N obs, for weighted correlations
obsVSpredVars %<>%
  left_join(nObs) %>%


# Usefulness
## Join the predicted means and variances
## Only for Sel Indices
#predvars %>% count(Model,predOf)
#predmeans %>%  count(Model,predOf)
predUsefulness<-left_join(predvars %>% # Variances
                            filter(Trait1 %in% c("stdSI","biofortSI"),
                                   Trait1==Trait2) %>% 
                            rename(Trait=Trait1) %>% 
                            select(-Trait2) %>% 
                          predmeans %>% # Means
                            filter(Trait %in% c("stdSI","biofortSI")) %>% 
                            mutate(predOf=gsub("Mean","",predOf))) %>% 
  mutate(predSD=sqrt(predVar)) %>% 
## Add the realized selection intensities
## Create a variable "Stage" for which there are several applying to "Usefulness" for TGV
predBVs<-predUsefulness %>% 
  filter(predOf=="BV") %>% 
  left_join(realizedcrossmetrics %>% 
              select(Repeat,Fold,Model,sireID,damID,FamSize,realIntensityParent) %>% 
              rename(realIntensity=realIntensityParent) %>% 
predTGVs<-predUsefulness %>% 
  filter(predOf=="TGV") %>% 
  left_join(realizedcrossmetrics %>% 
              select(Repeat,Fold,Model,sireID,damID,FamSize,contains("realIntensity"),-realIntensityParent) %>% 
              pivot_longer(cols = contains("realIntensity"),
                           names_to = "Stage", 
                           values_to = "realIntensity", 
                           names_prefix = "realIntensity") %>% 
                          predTGVs) %>% 
  # include a "stage" (=="ConstIntensity") 
  # where intensity for predicted UC is set to 2.67
  bind_rows(predUsefulness %>% 
              left_join(realizedcrossmetrics %>% 
                          distinct(Repeat,Fold,sireID,damID,FamSize)) %>% 

## Compute predicted UCs
predUsefulness %<>% 
predUsefulness %>% count(Model,predOf,Stage)
# A tibble: 14 x 4
   Model    predOf Stage              n
   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>          <int>
 1 A        BV     ConstIntensity 16608
 2 A        BV     Parent         16608
 3 AD       TGV    AYT            16608
 4 AD       TGV    CET            16608
 5 AD       TGV    ConstIntensity 16608
 6 AD       TGV    PYT            16608
 7 AD       TGV    UYT            16608
 8 DirDomAD TGV    AYT            16608
 9 DirDomAD TGV    CET            16608
10 DirDomAD TGV    ConstIntensity 16608
11 DirDomAD TGV    PYT            16608
12 DirDomAD TGV    UYT            16608
13 DirDomBV BV     ConstIntensity 16608
14 DirDomBV BV     Parent         16608
predUsefulness %>% filter(!is.na(predUC)) %>% count(Model,predOf,Stage)
# A tibble: 14 x 4
   Model    predOf Stage              n
   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>          <int>
 1 A        BV     ConstIntensity 16608
 2 A        BV     Parent          1732
 3 AD       TGV    AYT             3728
 4 AD       TGV    CET            14892
 5 AD       TGV    ConstIntensity 16608
 6 AD       TGV    PYT            10328
 7 AD       TGV    UYT             1412
 8 DirDomAD TGV    AYT             3728
 9 DirDomAD TGV    CET            14892
10 DirDomAD TGV    ConstIntensity 16608
11 DirDomAD TGV    PYT            10328
12 DirDomAD TGV    UYT             1412
13 DirDomBV BV     ConstIntensity 16608
14 DirDomBV BV     Parent          1732
## Format observed UCs
obsUCgca<-realizedcrossmetrics %>% 
  select(Repeat,Fold,Model,sireID,damID,contains("realizedUCparent")) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = contains("realizedUCparent"),
               names_to = "Trait", 
               values_to = "obsUC", 
               names_prefix = "realizedUCparent_",
               values_drop_na = T) %>% 
#obsUCgca %>% count(VarComp,Stage,Model,Trait)
obsUCtgv<-realizedcrossmetrics %>% 
  select(Repeat,Fold,Model,sireID,damID,contains("realizedUCat")) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = contains("realizedUCat"),
               names_to = "Trait", 
               values_to = "obsUC", 
               names_prefix = "realizedUCat",
               values_drop_na = T) %>% 
  separate(Trait,c("Stage","Trait"),"_") %>% 
#obsUCtgv %>% count(VarComp,Stage,Model)
obsUsefulness %<>% 
  bind_rows(realizedcrossmetrics %>% 
              select(Repeat,Fold,Model,sireID,damID,contains("meanTop1pctGEBV")) %>% 
              pivot_longer(cols = contains("meanTop1pctGEBV"),
                           names_to = "Trait", 
                           values_to = "obsUC",
                           names_prefix = "meanTop1pctGEBV_",
                           values_drop_na = T) %>% 
                     Stage="ConstIntensity")) %>% 
  bind_rows(realizedcrossmetrics %>% 
              select(Repeat,Fold,Model,sireID,damID,contains("meanTop1pctGETGV")) %>% 
              pivot_longer(cols = contains("meanTop1pctGETGV"),
                           names_to = "Trait", 
                           values_to = "obsUC",
                           names_prefix = "meanTop1pctGETGV_",
                           values_drop_na = T) %>% 
obsUsefulness %<>% 
# obsUsefulness
# predUsefulness %>% count(Model,predOf,Stage)
# obsUsefulness %>% count(Model,predOf,Stage)
# obsUsefulness %>% filter(!is.na(obsUC))
# predUsefulness %>% filter(!is.na(predUC)) %>% count(Model,predOf,Stage)
#predUsefulness %>% filter(is.na(FamSize)) %>% count(Model,predOf,VarMethod,Stage)
obsVSpredUC<-left_join(predUsefulness,obsUsefulness) %>% ungroup()
obsVSpredUC %<>% drop_na(.) %>% ungroup()
obsVSpredUC %>% str
tibble [130,616 × 15] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ Repeat       : chr [1:130616] "Repeat1" "Repeat1" "Repeat1" "Repeat1" ...
 $ Fold         : chr [1:130616] "Fold1" "Fold1" "Fold1" "Fold1" ...
 $ Model        : chr [1:130616] "A" "A" "A" "A" ...
 $ sireID       : chr [1:130616] "IITA-TMS-IBA030075" "IITA-TMS-IBA030075" "IITA-TMS-IBA030075" "IITA-TMS-IBA030075" ...
 $ damID        : chr [1:130616] "IITA-TMS-IBA940006" "IITA-TMS-IBA940006" "IITA-TMS-IBA940006" "IITA-TMS-IBA940006" ...
 $ Trait        : chr [1:130616] "biofortSI" "biofortSI" "stdSI" "stdSI" ...
 $ VarMethod    : chr [1:130616] "PMV" "VPM" "PMV" "VPM" ...
 $ predOf       : chr [1:130616] "BV" "BV" "BV" "BV" ...
 $ predMean     : num [1:130616] 4.49 4.49 9.21 9.21 -1.03 ...
 $ predSD       : num [1:130616] 7.26 2.29 8.82 3.03 7.34 ...
 $ FamSize      : num [1:130616] 38 38 38 38 7 7 7 7 28 28 ...
 $ realIntensity: num [1:130616] 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 1.58 ...
 $ Stage        : chr [1:130616] "Parent" "Parent" "Parent" "Parent" ...
 $ predUC       : num [1:130616] 21.33 9.81 29.65 16.23 10.57 ...
 $ obsUC        : num [1:130616] -0.886 -0.886 7.152 7.152 0.163 ...
#obsVSpredUC %>% count(Model,predOf,Stage)

–> Save


Compute prediction accuracies

library(tidyverse); library(magrittr);

# Means
obsVSpredMeans %<>%
  drop_na(.) %>% 
  nest(predVSobs=c(sireID,damID,predMean,obsMean)) %>% 
  mutate(Accuracy=map_dbl(predVSobs,~cor(.$predMean,.$obsMean,use = 'complete.obs'))) %>% 

# Variances
obsVSpredVars %<>% 
  drop_na(.) %>% 
  select(-FamSize,-Nobs) %>% 
  nest(predVSobs=c(sireID,damID,predVar,obsVar,CorrWeight)) %>% 
  mutate(AccuracyWtCor=map_dbl(predVSobs,~psych::cor.wt(.[,3:4],w = .$CorrWeight) %$% r[1,2]),
         AccuracyCor=map_dbl(predVSobs,~cor(.$predVar,.$obsVar,use = 'complete.obs'))) %>% 

# Usefulness
obsVSpredUC %<>% 
  select(-predMean,-predSD,-realIntensity) %>% 
  nest(predVSobs=c(sireID,damID,predUC,obsUC,FamSize)) %>% 
  mutate(AccuracyWtCor=map_dbl(predVSobs,~psych::cor.wt(.[,3:4],w = .$FamSize) %$% r[1,2]),
         AccuracyCor=map_dbl(predVSobs,~cor(.$predUC,.$obsUC,use = 'complete.obs'))) %>% 
obsVSpredUC %>% count(Model,predOf,Stage)
# A tibble: 14 x 4
   Model    predOf Stage              n
   <chr>    <chr>  <chr>          <int>
 1 A        BV     ConstIntensity   100
 2 A        BV     Parent           100
 3 AD       TGV    AYT              100
 4 AD       TGV    CET              100
 5 AD       TGV    ConstIntensity   100
 6 AD       TGV    PYT              100
 7 AD       TGV    UYT              100
 8 DirDomAD TGV    AYT              100
 9 DirDomAD TGV    CET              100
10 DirDomAD TGV    ConstIntensity   100
11 DirDomAD TGV    PYT              100
12 DirDomAD TGV    UYT              100
13 DirDomBV BV     ConstIntensity   100
14 DirDomBV BV     Parent           100

–> Save


R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRblas.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] predCrossVar_0.1.0 magrittr_2.0.1     forcats_0.5.1      stringr_1.4.0     
 [5] dplyr_1.0.3        purrr_0.3.4        readr_1.4.0        tidyr_1.1.2       
 [9] tibble_3.0.6       ggplot2_3.3.3      tidyverse_1.3.0   

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.6        lattice_0.20-41   lubridate_1.7.9.2 here_1.0.1       
 [5] ps_1.5.0          assertthat_0.2.1  rprojroot_2.0.2   digest_0.6.27    
 [9] psych_2.0.12      utf8_1.1.4        R6_2.5.0          cellranger_1.1.0 
[13] backports_1.2.1   reprex_1.0.0      evaluate_0.14     httr_1.4.2       
[17] pillar_1.4.7      rlang_0.4.10      readxl_1.3.1      rstudioapi_0.13  
[21] whisker_0.4       rmarkdown_2.6     munsell_0.5.0     broom_0.7.4      
[25] compiler_4.0.2    httpuv_1.5.5      modelr_0.1.8      xfun_0.20        
[29] pkgconfig_2.0.3   mnormt_2.0.2      tmvnsim_1.0-2     htmltools_0.5.1.1
[33] tidyselect_1.1.0  workflowr_1.6.2   fansi_0.4.2       crayon_1.3.4     
[37] dbplyr_2.0.0      withr_2.4.1       later_1.1.0.1     grid_4.0.2       
[41] nlme_3.1-151      jsonlite_1.7.2    gtable_0.3.0      lifecycle_0.2.0  
[45] DBI_1.1.1         git2r_0.28.0      scales_1.1.1      cli_2.3.0        
[49] stringi_1.5.3     fs_1.5.0          promises_1.1.1    xml2_1.3.2       
[53] ellipsis_0.3.1    generics_0.1.0    vctrs_0.3.6       tools_4.0.2      
[57] glue_1.4.2        hms_1.0.0         parallel_4.0.2    yaml_2.2.1       
[61] colorspace_2.0-0  rvest_0.3.6       knitr_1.31        haven_2.3.1